Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-06-11 Thread timequest

Addendum: (to be fair)…

One thing I did not add to my last post and something that is obviously
pertinent when discussing the Transporter, is the matter of sample
rates.  I only compared the TP with the Cullen-modded DAC using 44.1/16
(Redbook) sample rates.  I did not listen to anything higher via the TP.
I am not a big fan of up-sampling DACs (which the Cullen DAC is) and I
can only imagine that higher sample rates (i.e.: 92/24, 196/24) would
sound superior fed native via the TP as compared to up-sampling. 
Additionally, for me, the Cullen DAC and the TP fall short of true
high-end playback.  For that reason I am moving on.  I am however,
committed to staying the course with digital and music servers, as I
believe continued improvements in digital hardware and the advancements
in, and availability of, high sample rates will effectively bridge the
gap between digital and analog playback.  I also believe that
Logitech/SB will continue to be an innovator.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-06-10 Thread timequest

The A/B comparison was done precisely – everything was matched, gain
matched, same cables, etc….come on, we’re talking about a bunch of
audiophiles here.  Everyone wanted the transporter to sound better
(including me).  I was actually auditioning the transporter.  All five
of us (not one of use with less than twenty years of experience) heard
an immediate difference when switching between the two aforementioned
devices.  Now, I tell you, I really hate to use the same old rhetoric
here, but quite frankly, it was like lifting a veil.  There is really no
better way to explain the difference.  I can’t say the sound stage was
bigger, I can’t say that the central image was better; I won’t even say
that the bass was more defined.  The resolution was just better.  There
was a difference in clarity and it was definitely not shrill, bright, or
forward.  The sound to all five of us was better.  The Cullen Stage IV
DAC is no slouch – what’s so hard to believe about this?  SB hasn’t
cornered the market on DACs…..I will be leaving my Cullen-modded DAC for
the new PS Audio PWD, as it is improves upon the Cullen DAC even more so
than the Cullen DAC improved over the TP.  You can call this
subjective…which, of course it is, but truly, I know what I heard.  I
was actually hoping that I would like the TP more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-28 Thread timequest

I sent an inquiry to S.N., whose response is not surprising, but does
support the validity of why re-clocking is necessary in reducing jitter.
From what I interpret from the information I have read recently, the
claims made by the DAC manufacturers are not, shall I say…accurate. 
Evidently, even the low rated jitter of some DACs (say 0.0003%) is still
(very) audible; this is what I just read, but it’s hard to believe that
such low measurements could be (very) audible.  We do however see quite
a few reviewers who say re-clocking makes an audible difference in their

The question for me is one of cost vs return (isn’t it always).  I can
get a new PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC for $2,000 (with a trade in), or a
Pace-Car with all the added options for about the same price.  I will
certainly wait to hear the PWD before making any decisions.  I would
love to hear a demonstration on jitter, so I would know whether, or not,
(I) can even hear any differences.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-28 Thread timequest

duke43j;427428 Wrote: 
 Jitter in the digital world is like noise in the analog world; it's
 everwhere. Every component, including cables, contributes to jitter. You
 can't avoid it. Of course, if you don't reduce jitter from wherever it
 comes from (including cables), you will have problems. My point is that
 if one uses a DAC with an ASRC, jitter from all external sources
 (including cables) should be largely eliminated. So, cables shouldn't be
 an issue unless they are so bad that the input device can't read the
 data at all, in which case you will have dropouts. 
 So to address the original question -- Do I need a reclocker if my DAC
 uses an ASRC?, and a subsequent question -- Do I need expensive cables?
 My opinion on both is No, because external jitter should not be an
 issue when using a well designed DAC having an asynchronous rate
 I stand by my statement that there is a lot of bad information out
 there regarding this area.

I believe you are correct, however I don't think this is bad

This article does make sense, but for me the question remains; just how
audible is audible?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-28 Thread timequest

NewBuyer;427564 Wrote: 
 These are all the reasons why I feel the SqueezeBox Classic and
 Transporter (analog outs) are the ideal right now.  Interface jitter
 issues are -completely- eliminated, the server software is outstanding,
 and these products simply sound fantastic.

Well that's interesting.  I was under the impression, from most of what
I have read, that the digital out sounded better than the analog outs
(all SM devices), especially when fed through an external (i.e.: better)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-28 Thread timequest

seanadams;427570 Wrote: 
 I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better DAC than Transporter's.
 And even if you did, it would have to support word clock mode to even
 compete on the same playing field (s/pdif is a huge disadvantage). As
 for SB3, duet et al, it's analog outputs are not going to blow away a
 high-end DAC, but yes they would make a fine pairing.

I love the Transporter, don't get me wrong.  Truth is, immediate A/B
comparisons on the dealer’s best system reveled that the Cullen Stage IV
PS Audio DL-III clearly sounded better than the TP (DAC connected to TP
– A/B with/without) - there's no other way to say it, everyone there
heard the difference.  I want to get the newest PSA DAC, the PWD, which
has true I2S inputs (in the way of HDMI connectors).  I really want to
see if I can mod the Duet receiver with an I2S output.  Is that doable?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-27 Thread timequest

duke43j;426889 Wrote: 
 I've been doing some reading on this in my search for an external DAC
 for my own system. I believe that older DAC designs were very
 susceptible to jitter, and reclockers had a useful function in reducing
 the jitter before it reached the DAC. The more modern DAC designs that
 contain asynchronous rate converters are much more tolerant of jitter.
 That being the case, I believe a reclocker won't give you much of an
 improvement when used with a modern DAC. (I expect a loud chorus of
 replies with that remark.) Also, the older DACs were based on a
 resistive ladder approach which had linearity problems. The newer
 designs are based on a delta-sigma scheme and are much more linear. I
 would suggest you try a modern DAC such as the Benchmark or Cambridge
 Audio and see how it sounds. I think you will be quite pleased with the
 performance without an external reclocker. You could always add a
 reclocker later, but I don't think you'll find it necessary.

I tend to agree, however I continue to read about SB users utilizing
the Pace-Car re-clocker in conjunction with very high quality modern
external DACs.  Why would this be necessary unless the external DAC
isn’t effective at reducing the jitter it is being fed?  Obviously
marketing comes into play…but who’s marketing – the re-clocker’s, or the
DAC manufacturer’s?  I realize too, that there is some real science at
“play” here.  According to the designer, my external DAC is measured at
less than 1ps jitter (0.005% @ 10 kHz; 0.0038 @14 kHz; 0.002% @20 kHz);
but what do these low numbers really mean?  Does this mean that the DAC
is reducing the jitter from the transport down to these very low specs? 
If so, I can’t see the need for a re-clocking device (unless 0.005%
jitter is audible).  However, there appears to be some science (and
marketing) behind the concept that a re-clocker can significantly
improve jitter in devices like the SB3/Duet – even when these devices
are used in conjunction with external DACs.  Can someone help me
understand this…maybe sort through the science/marketing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-27 Thread timequest

darrenyeats;427085 Wrote: 
 If we take the Benchmark as an example they publish specs showing that
 output distortion doesn't change as input jitter is increased. The
 take-home point is that the measurements (whatever you think of them)
 don't change when the input jitter changes.
 Either they are printing drivel or you don't need a re-clocker. There
 doesn't appear to be a middle ground. I don't have a Benchmark and I've
 no plans to buy one so I've no point to prove. I'm just saying. :)

This is what I want to believe, that the jitter issue is resolved by
using a good DAC with low jitter measurements.  If this was simply the
case however, then why would the minimum length of the digital cable
necessarily be a factor; if the DAC would “correct” any jitter issues,
why even worry about what’s upstream from the DAC?  Discussions
regarding the importance of minimizing jitter in the digital cable
(i.e.: lengths of 1.5 meters or more), or by re-clocking the signal
before the DAC, leads me to believe there is more to the issue of
reducing jitter than simply incorporating a “low-jitter” DAC.  I would
like to have a better understanding…


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Slim Server Bit Perfect?

2009-05-26 Thread timequest

Nonreality;426855 Wrote: 
 Ah a true Audiophile

Ridiculous isn’t it!?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why Reclock If Using Low Jitter DAC

2009-05-26 Thread timequest

There are a couple of threads here, and many elsewhere, regarding
re-clocking - specifically, the Empirical Audio Pace-Car.  My question
has to do with an external DAC and the role it plays with reducing
jitter.  If you have a good DAC with very low jitter measurements,
doesn’t it already do some correcting/or eliminating of jitter fed to it
by the transport (i.e.: SB Duet receiver)?  I assume a re-clocker is
installed before the DAC?  Is the theory (reality…whatever) that
re-clocking the signal greatly reduces the jitter, even more than a good
DAC?  I see by the articles that I’ve read that the “Pace-Car” was being
utilized in conjunction with an external DAC, fed by SB……??


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optimal player settings and setup

2009-05-25 Thread timequest

Phil Leigh;426272 Wrote: 
 Under Settings - Player - Audio do you have a Preamp Volume Control? -
 if so,  set it to 63.

63?  Setting the player's Preamp Volume Control to 63 will mute the
analog outputs?  I'll try it, but why 63?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optimal player settings and setup

2009-05-24 Thread timequest

Using Duet with external DAC -flac files only; software is 7.33



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Slim Server Bit Perfect?

2009-05-23 Thread timequest

snarlydwarf;425782 Wrote: 
 Yes, it is, assuming you don't turn on things that would interfere with
 that (ie, crossfading, replay gain and even volume: all by nature
 interfere with the digital bitstream).
 Assuming that (which is why there is an option to lock the digital
 volume to 100%), then, yes, the digital outputs will match the encoded
 bitstream.  This is true to the point that if you pass it a file with
 DTS encoding to a DTS-capable decoder, it will light the light to say it
 is DTS and decode it properly.
 That is plain not possible if the bits changed.

How do I access and set these optimal settings?  I want to lock the
digital setting to 100% and turn off anything that would
interfere...Please provide me with directions.

Thank you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Slim Server Bit Perfect?

2009-05-23 Thread timequest

Phil Leigh;425957 Wrote: 
 Settings - player - audio on the Web UI.
 Be warned - you won't hear any difference (unless you use the volume at
 low settings).

Thanks.  Regardless, I want to be sure that I have bit perfect quality.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Slim Server Bit Perfect?

2009-05-23 Thread timequest

Phil Leigh;425957 Wrote: 
 Settings - player - audio on the Web UI.
 Be warned - you won't hear any difference (unless you use the volume at
 low settings).

I don't like being dense anymore than I'm sure you appreciate my
denseness...but, when I go to settings/player via the web IU, I don’t
see any options – except for the (Reset Player Preferences), which when
accessed only brings up a screen that says, “Are You Sure You Want To
Reset Factory Defaults?).  Is this what I need to access?  I don’t want
to “press” anything if I don’t know what it’s for!!!  Folks like me need
a little more specifics in their directions!!  I do appreciate your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Slim Server Bit Perfect?

2009-05-23 Thread timequest

Okay.  That's strange...the first time I accessed my player setting none
of the aforementioned setting options appeared (computer screen was
minimized (it still should have come up??) - anyway, it came up on my
second attempt.

Here is what I now have.  Is this correct?  
Turn off audio: Always On
Crossfade: None
Smart Crossfade: Disabled
Crossfade Duration 0
Volume Control: 100% Fixed
Volume Adjustment: Non

Thank you


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optimal player settings and setup

2009-05-23 Thread timequest

Rather than go off topic and hijack someone else’s thread, I am starting
this one based on the today’s thread titled, “Is Slim Server Bit
Perfect?”  I was not aware of the “optimal” settings that were discussed
in that tread.  Are there any other recommended settings that the
Audiophile Community here is using or recommends?  Based on the
aforementioned thread, I have reset my player to turn off crossfading
features and set the digital volume to 100%.  Any other recommendations
will be appreciated.

Thanks -


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-22 Thread timequest

Robin Bowes;425667 Wrote: 
 timequest wrote:
  Robin Bowes;425498 Wrote: 
  timequest wrote:
  I would be willing to spend a grand
  (hopefully less, but not much more).
  What say you in the know?
  Get a Transporter.
  If you have a Transporter for a grand or less I'll take it – today. 
 Here ya go:
 Slightly more than a grand, but not much more.

I reside in the USA, so I am referring to US dollars not Lira.  The
Transporter advertised via the link you provided for me (by the way,
thank you) is for L1,077.00 or $1,511.00 ( more than slightly more than
a grand)- good price though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-22 Thread timequest

Robin Bowes;425742 Wrote: 
 Goodsounds wrote:
  Yeah, why can't you pesky Brits keep your darn Lira to yourselves!!
 Heh, I did think about passing comment, but decided against it! ;)

Ahh…you’re quite clever and I missed the play...took the proverbial

Cheers to the BBC, British ale, pretty ladies with cool accents, the
Harbeth sound and Benny Hill


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-21 Thread timequest

Well...I'm relieved then!  It's true; you can't always believe what you
read.  I tried to find the thread that I was reading over at (don't know
if I can say the name...Agon), but I can't find it.  I had come across
it when researching re-clocking devices, and it read, most Wi-Fi is
limited to 16/44.1 anyway...

I knew you guys would clear this up for me.

Okay then, what about utilizing a re-clocking device with the Duet.  
My objective is to get as close to true high end sound as possible with
the Duet.  I'm using a good DAC now, and the sound is very good, just
not quite there.  If I can make it even better, then that's what I want
to do - within a reasonable budget.  By this, I mean something that is
clearly heard.  If the internal mods, or the addition of a good
re-clocker make such slight improvements that you have to really strain
to hear them...forget it.  If an internal mod, and/or a good re-clocker
can make a definite improvement, I would be willing to spend a grand
(hopefully less, but not much more).

What say you in the know?

Thank you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-21 Thread timequest

Robin Bowes;425498 Wrote: 
 timequest wrote:
  I would be willing to spend a grand
  (hopefully less, but not much more).
  What say you in the know?
 Get a Transporter.

If you have a Transporter for a grand or less I'll take it – today.  
Actually, I happen to like the controller that comes with the Duet,
because my eyes are getting so bad, I don’t think I could see the screen
on the Transporter!  An even bigger issue for me is the fact that the
Transporter DAC doesn't sound as good as the external DAC I am using
with my Duet (yes, I did side-by-side A/B comparisons).  Since I have
the DAC, and I like the features of the Duet, it makes sense that I
would look for methods to extend the performance of the Duet (for less
than what a Transporter costs).  I do agree that if the cost to upgrade
the Duet surpasses a certain point, it would be prudent to go with a
Transporter, to which I can use my DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-21 Thread timequest

bhaagensen;425497 Wrote: 
 Is it this one?
 In that case the statement is most wifi *devices* are lim.. i.e.
 something else. I didn't count so for all I know that may or may not be

Well...what's the verdict then?  I got some pretty strong feedback here
that claims that in no way is WiFi limited to 16/44.1

Could some WiFi routers in fact be limited to 16/44.1 as the
aforementioned post/thread states?  If so, how do I determine whether or
not I have one of those routers??


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-21 Thread timequest

egd;425560 Wrote: 
 It's 4:16am here so perhaps my brain is a little foggy, but hooking an
 external DAC up to your Receiver will bypass the Duet's DAC, so where's
 the problem...what you're hearing is the external DAC?

Where in the world are you…literally?  And, what are you doing up man;
according to USA Today, less than 5 hours of Z-time over time will put
an end to you!?

Anyway, I didn’t make it too clear.  What I mean is, I like the sound
from my external DAC better than I do the sound from a stock Transporter
and since I already have said external DAC and the Duet, why not tweak
the Duet for better performance rather than buy a Transformer.  That is
to say, as long as the cost of upgrading the Duet doesn’t make
purchasing a Transformer the prudent alternative.  The poster whom I was
responding to seemed to indicate my solution lie in purchasing a
Transformer rather than investing up to, or close to $1,000 (the last
time I looked, a Transporter was around $2,000).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Oh My, Is All WiFi Limited to 16/44.1

2009-05-21 Thread timequest

Phil Leigh;425571 Wrote: 
 That Poster (Steve N) is talking about most wi-fi based audio playback
 devices (like Airport Express, Roku soundbridge etc) as being limited...
 not to wi-fi itself as a networking method. 
 The modern SB family is not part of this limited set of devices. SB3
 can do 24/48 over wi-fi/cable - the TP can do 24/96. You need a G/N
 wi-fi net for this.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.  Now it makes much better sense.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply DAC for my SB3 - recommendations?

2009-05-16 Thread timequest

Really, don't worry about the power supply as it won't make a truly
noticeable improvement in what you can actually hear.  By all means do
however, add a DAC.  Either save up for one in the future, or look on
Audiogon for a used DAC.  There are some decent DACs on the market that
retail for around $400 (DAC Magic is one that comes to mind - I've not
heard it though).  A brand new PS Audio DL-III has been reduced in price
to $699, so a used one should be had for a good 40 percent less.  Also,
get a good 75 ohm cable for the digital out (Sereovox XV2 is a giant
killer and can be had at a reasonable price used - try

Good luck


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] You can say, I told you so...

2009-05-15 Thread timequest

I'm an audiophile - good or bad, I can't help it.  I do things on
impulse - sometimes...okay, a lot of times, against my better judgment,
all in the pursuit of music fidelity.  This explains why I added a
Channel Islands VDC-9.0 Ps...expensive IEC AC cable, umbilical...the
works.  Here's where the, I told you so comes in - I think the
aftermarket PS is causing some issues.  I will try to determine this by
making some comparisons to the OMC PS this weekend, but for now, I am
interested in some opinions of those who have tried, or are utilizing
aftermarket linear power supplies (it would be great to hear from anyone
using the CI product).  First, should the Duet receiver be warm at all
(slightly warm on the bottom of the unit). Second, with a linear PS,
does anyone hear - how do I describe this - white noise...err, the
noise that some amplifiers make when no music is playing, but the volume
is turned up - a kind of airy hiss (not a ground loop issue)?  I
didn't notice this at first, but on quite music passages I can hear this
noise.  Third, this will be hard to explain - when I crank the volume, I
can actually feel low frequency air movement (as you would during loud
playback of music with low frequency passages) at the beginning of a
song, prior to the music even being played.

Now, I haven't put the stock OMC PS back in to see if any of these
things occur, but I'm thinking these issues are being caused by the
aftermarket PS.

Does any of this sound familiar?  Has anyone had the same or similar
experiences?  I don't care if anyone wants to say, I told you so - it
wouldn't have helped anyway...I have a condition, I'm an audiophile.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] You can say, I told you so...

2009-05-15 Thread timequest

Okay, I had the opportunity to reinstall the OMC PS and do a comparison.
First, let me say that the Channel Island VDC-9.0 is NOT causing any
issues.  I wouldn't want potential buyers of the CI product to be
discouraged.  The same noise – what we used to call “tape hiss” was
still just as apparent, as was the low level frequency “air movement”
issue.  So what’s the problem with ME?  The thing is, I was really doing
some serious evaluating of the new installation of the CI power supply –
scrutinizing…looking for any “perceived” differences.  That’ when I
noticed the aforementioned issues.  I didn’t remember hearing those
things before with the OMC PS, so I did what any obsessive personality
would do…I jumped to conclusions. 

That said (let me reiterate, the CI unit works just fine with the
Duet), how does the addition of the aftermarket PS make the Duet sound? 
Can’t tell.  Without actually doing an immediate A/B comparison, my ears
just aren’t that golden.  Some people claim that they can hear an
immediate improvement.  For certain, the addition of the CI unit did not
hinder the sound in any way…it may have helped (I just can’t say for
certain).  However, the new CI unit certainly looks impressive – I’m
utilizing a nice Tara Labs PC and super-duper power umbilical….cool
stuff, no doubt.  And…there is always the placebo factor- by golly, I
“think” I actually do hear an improvement in the bass region.  In
reality, that’s about as much as any audiophile can realistically expect
from most tweaks

Sorry for the “false alarm!”


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2009-05-07 Thread timequest

duke43j;421389 Wrote: 
 I don't have a transporter, but I can bring the wine and snacks if you
 can show me the difference between the SB3 analog out vs. an external
 I've been thinking about springing for an external DAC for quite a
 while, but I am not sure if there will be $1K worth of improvement. I've
 read all these great reviews of the Benchmark, so I was leaning toward
 it. But the technology has improved since it first came out, and I would
 think there must be equivalent (or better) DACs on the market at a lower
 My system is -- SB3 or Rega Apollo CDP = VTL 2.5 pre = Classe CA-2100
 amp = Thiel CS2.4s. 
 I like the sound of the Rega CDP, but I like the convenience of the
 SB3. I would love to have both.

Duke – I’ve heard, but not listened extensively to the DAC1.  I have
done extensive auditioning of the transporter vs PS Audio DL-III. 
Clearly – and I mean clearly audible, appreciable and noticeably better
(more transparent, more controlled –especially in the bass, more airy,
and with more defined soundstage) – the stock DL-III outperformed the
transporter.  You can now pick up a brand new DL-III from PS Audio for
$699.  I also did extensive A/B comparisons between the stock DL-III and
my Cullen Stage IV upgraded DL-III.  The Cullen DAC outperformed the
stock unit in a way that was also noticeable and apparent (but not as
noticeable as was the difference between the stock DL-III and the
transporter).  In terms of this hobby’s typical diminishing returns, I
believe that the additional $700 for the Stage IV upgrade is justifiable
by the slight gains in fidelity.  That said however, before you spring
for the Cullen upgrade, I would suggest that you try to audition the
stock unit with a Cullen unit.  

Hope this helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Getting the Best out of New SB3

2009-05-05 Thread timequest

Phil Leigh;420809 Wrote: 
 The duet needs 9v but the SB needs 5v. Anyway, there is no point in
 using an aftermarket supply like the CI one when inside the SB is a
 switching supply... 
 Spend the money on your favourite DAC instead.

So it is flawed reasoning to say that the stock unit may cause noise
contaminants due to it being a switching supply – when in fact, the SB
utilized an internal switching supply anyway?  

How about this then…from a technical perspective, is there any validity
to the argument that a “better” power source (i.e.: less distortion)
will potentially produce less distortion (i.e.: noise contaminants) in a
device such as the SB/Duet utilizing internal switching supplies?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Getting the Best out of New SB3

2009-05-05 Thread timequest

Phil Leigh;420850 Wrote: 
 No, not really. There is no law of the universe that requires switching
 PSU's to be a bad thing. Several high-end manufacturers use them...
 More importantly, both myself and iPhone have conducted tests using
 AudioDiffMaker on a wide variety of power supplies (including dry cells)
 and found no discernible difference. To REALLY make a difference, one
 would have to dissect the circuit which is what the SB+ does. I'm
 prepared to believe that this will improve the analogue output a little
 (but I haven't heard one). However, I do not believe it will make much
 difference to the digital output.

This is why I love this forum.  Thank you, Phil Leigh.  The fact that
you have tested this theory is quite valid to me.  

You know, it's the audiophile in me that wants it to be a great
tweak (this can be a sick hobby).  We've all spend more than a few
hundred dollars on tweaking cables, damping devices, power cords, etc. 
At $279 the CI PS is so attainable it makes it hard to resist - even
though I realize it is likely to make zero difference.  Is this like


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Getting the Best out of New SB3

2009-05-04 Thread timequest

USAudio;398082 Wrote: 
 Too bad the CIAudio VDC-SB is so pricey at $259 USD:

Interesting#8230; I can't help but tweak, and  this is a relatively
inexpensive tweak in the audiophile game.  Will this device mate well
with a SB Duet - is it the same as an SB3?

[Addendum]Actually, I just went to their website and I see that it
is the VDC 9.0 that is recommended with the Duet.  Why is this?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Higher quality APC power cord for Duet?

2009-03-17 Thread timequest

Has anyone tried switching out the stock AC power adapter cord that come
with the Duet player/receiver, with a higher quality APC cord/adapter?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Higher quality APC power cord for Duet?

2009-03-17 Thread timequest

I started my original thread before I came across information on the
power supply upgrade via Wellborne Labs:  Anyone try this yet?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Higher quality APC power cord for Duet?

2009-03-17 Thread timequest

Man, I got to tell you, this site is fantastic.  I can't believe how
quickly my questions get answered.  This is exactly the information I
was looking for.  Thank you iPhone.


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