[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2007-01-13 Thread inguz

Update: the Inguz room correction  EQ system is now running on Linux

Mac OSX support should be quite straightforward. But I don't have a Mac
to play on yet...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2006-11-27 Thread Robert57

I also would like to chime in with a request for Mac support for Inguz
room correction. Once ported to Linux, I hope it wouldn't be be too
difficult to bring it to Mac OSX. Are there any other DRC developments
that could work on Mac OSX? Thanks!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2006-10-19 Thread atkinsonrr

Is there any digital room correction scheme that will work on MAC? 
Failing that, will the digital room correction written to work on
Windows work using Virtual PC on the Mac?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-28 Thread yc_

I have a Behringer 2496 but feel that it would be very nice to have
parametric digital EQ at the PC end as well.

However, if you have multiple squeezeboxes in different rooms requiring
different sorts of correction, you run into problems with a PC based

Room correction by equalisation is for the lower frequencies. Under
200Hz, maybe under 300Hz. For higher frequencies, room correction is by
placing absorbent materials to ensure a more or less consistent reverb
time (eg: RT60).

The Behringer ECM8000 (US$49) is accurate enough for 'home users' at
20-200Hz as well. I have the radioshack SPL meter and both report
similar results.

Useful software:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2006-08-25 Thread HoZ

OK, I have finally, after much trial and error, gotten Brutefir to work
with slimserver.  So far I can only filter a flac stream.  I just
cannot get mp3 to work with this proccess.  But since 99.6% of my music
collection is stored as flac, that's OK with me.  
Here's what I did:
First off, I already had the hard part done.  As I mentioned in a
previous post, I have been using Hugh's wonderful Windows based
software for some time.  Having already followed his excellent
directions, I already had my room measurements and generated filters. 

Next I installed Brutefir and put a copy of the binary into
Using the current wiki as a starting point, I began to research the
documentation at the Brutefir site (highly recomended) and to borrow
parts of existing configuration files that I found while searching. 
After a lot of trial and error, editing, and slimserver restarts, I
have a working (probably not optimized) config file
(.brutefir_normal1_filter2), as follows:


float_bits: 32; # internal floating point precision
sampling_rate: 44100;   # sampling rate in Hz of audio interfaces
filter_length: 8192,8;   # length of filters
overflow_warnings: true;# echo warnings to stderr if overflow
show_progress: false;# echo filtering progress to stderr
max_dither_table_size: 0;   # maximum size in bytes of precalculated
allow_poll_mode: false; # allow use of input poll mode
modules_path: .;  # extra path where to find BruteFIR
monitor_rate: false;# monitor sample rate
powersave: true;   # pause filtering when input is zero
lock_memory: true;  # try to lock memory if realtime prio is
convolver_config: /home/jsl/filters/.brutefir_convolver; # location
of convolver config file

coeff drc_l {
filename: /home/jsl/filters/normal1_leftfilter2.pcm;
format: FLOAT_LE; # file format
attenuation: 0.0;   # attenuation in dB
blocks: -1; # how long in blocks
skip: 0;# how many bytes to skip
shared_mem: false;  # allocate in shared memory
coeff drc_r {
filename: /home/jsl/filters/normal1_rightfilter2.pcm;
format: FLOAT_LE; # file format
attenuation: 0.0;   # attenuation in dB
blocks: -1; # how long in blocks
skip: 0;# how many bytes to skip
shared_mem: false;  # allocate in shared memory


input  l_in,r_in {
device: file {path: /dev/stdin;};  # module and parameters to get
sample: S16_LE;   # sample format
channels: 2/0,1;# number of open channels / which to use
delay: 0,0; # delay in samples for each channel
maxdelay: -1;   # max delay for variable delays
mute: false,false;  # mute active on startup for each channel


output l_out,r_out {
device: file {path: /dev/stdout;};  # module and parameters to put
sample: S16_LE;   # sample format
channels: 2/0,1;# number of open channels / which to use
delay: 0,0; # delay in samples for each channel
maxdelay: -1;   # max delay for variable delays
mute: false,false;  # mute active on startup for each channel
dither: false;  # apply dither


filter l_filter {
from_inputs: l_in/2.0;
to_outputs: l_out/0.0;
process: 0;# process index to run in (-1 means auto)
coeff: drc_l;
delay: 0;   # predelay, in blocks
crossfade: false;   # crossfade when coefficient is changed
filter r_filter {
from_inputs: r_in/2.0;
to_outputs: r_out/0.0;
process: 0;# process index to run in (-1 means auto)
coeff: drc_r;
delay: 0;   # predelay, in blocks
crossfade: false;   # crossfade when coefficient is changed

I then stored the config file in /usr/local/slimserver.  
As you can see from the settings, my filters are named
normal1_rightfilter2.pcm and normal1_leftfilter2.pcm.  They are 32bit
float format.  Hence the FLOAT_LE setting.  The filters are applied
to the corresponding channel and then sent to stdout, where slimserver
takes over.  

I then added the following to the slimserver convert.conf file:

flc wav * *
[flac] -dcs --force-raw-format --endian=little --sign=signed
--skip=$START$ --until=$END$ -- $FILE$ | brutefir -quiet -nodefault

After restarting slimserver, make the required changes in Home-Server
Settings-File Types and give it a try.

So far, so good.  But, as always, YMMV.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2006-08-22 Thread HoZ

I am very interested in your progress on this front.  I have been
testing Hugh's (Inguz's) room correction plugin/processor for some time
now in WinXP.  The results have been substantial and very satisfying. 
Hugh has really done a marvelous job.  
However, I currently dual boot between XP and linux, and now find
myself using linux more often than not.  In fact, one of the main
reasons that I still use Windows, is for DRC using Hugh's software
I have spent a fair amount of time today doing some research and
following the guidelines on the Brutefir wiki you've started.  So far I
have not been succesfull in getting a filtered stream to play through my
SB2.  But, I intend to keep experimenting and following your progress. 
Hopefully, one day soon, we (along with other interested linux
users)will be able to enjoy the benefits of room correction.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital room correction on Linux

2006-08-22 Thread Mattias Holmlund

On 8/23/06, HoZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am very interested in your progress on this front.

My progress has been fairly non-existent. I got as far as I documented
in the wiki, then I stopped because I had to buy measuring equipment.
I now have the measuring equipment, but I haven't had any time to
start playing with it.

I have spent a fair amount of time today doing some research and
following the guidelines on the Brutefir wiki you've started.  So far I
have not been succesfull in getting a filtered stream to play through my

Have you tried to see if you can get brutefir working at all? You can
try to play a file directly with

mpg321 test.mp3 -s | aplay -f cd -

and then try to apply the filter with

mpg321 test.mp3 -s | brutefir .brutefir_simple | aplay -f cd -

But, I intend to keep experimenting and following your progress.

I definitely intend to follow this project through. I just don't know when...


Mattias Holmlund
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread stevo

I was hoping that someone would tell us how they went. 

I have all the software set up and running. I got an Alesis io2 audio
interface off ebay (the Tascam was out of stock). I am just waiting on
a microphone. I am not 100% sure how to do the measurements (exactly
what am I measuring?) but I guess I will find out. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

GreenMan Wrote: 
 I haven't had a chance to try this out yet. Has anyone done anything
 with the Inguz tools?

I've been using Inguz's plugin since an early alpha version a few
months ago.  Due to lack of time and lots of travelling, I haven't
upgraded yet to the more recent versions, but the one I'm using makes a
very significant improvement in sound.  I'll be upgrading to the latest
in a few days.  

In my experience the hardest part of DRC is getting a good measurement.
An additional difficulty I have is the fact that my listening room is
pretty small, and I move around it quite a lot, so nodes are a problem.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread stevo

opaqueice Wrote: 
 ... makes a very significant improvement in sound.
That's good to hear!

 In my experience the hardest part of DRC is getting a good measurement.
Any tips? I should be trying this in the next few days and any
suggestions would be appreciated.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

 Any tips? I should be trying this in the next few days and any
 suggestions would be appreciated.

Hugh (Inguz) had some nice step-by-step instructions posted somewhere
to get you started.  Basically, you record the sweep played through a
speaker on one channel using the mic, and you record the analogue out
of your SB or DAC on the other channel.  Then you do the same for the
other speaker.  

I think the key is to play long sweeps (I've been using 60 seconds, but
might try longer) as loud as possible, and to do it at a time when there
is as little background noise as possible (very early mornings here). 
To determine the loudest volume your speakers can tolerate is a bit
tricky.  You can use a voltmeter to measure the amount of power being
dissipated in them, or search the web and you'll find various methods.

Also, make sure you place the mic at ear-level in your typical
listening position, and aim it towards the speaker you're recording.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread GreenMan

opaqueice Wrote: 
 Hugh (Inguz) had some nice step-by-step instructions posted somewhere to
 get you started.  Basically, you record the sweep played through a
 speaker on one channel using the mic, and you record the analogue out
 of your SB or DAC on the other channel.  Then you do the same for the
 other speaker.  
 I think the key is to play long sweeps (I've been using 60 seconds, but
 might try longer) as loud as possible, and to do it at a time when there
 is as little background noise as possible (very early mornings here). 
 To determine the loudest volume your speakers can tolerate is a bit
 tricky.  You can use a voltmeter to measure the amount of power being
 dissipated in them, or search the web and you'll find various methods.
 Also, make sure you place the mic at ear-level in your typical
 listening position, and aim it towards the speaker you're recording.

Why would you try to play as loud as possible? Wouldn't that
artificially generate echo that wouldn't otherwise be there at ordinary
listening volume? Wouldn't that skew the results for equalization at
listening volume? (Alas, I'm no longer a teenager. Max volume is not
ordinary listening anymore :-) )


My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - pair of Thiel CS2 - my ears -
my brain

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

GreenMan Wrote: 
 Why would you try to play as loud as possible? Wouldn't that
 artificially generate echo that wouldn't otherwise be there at ordinary
 listening volume? Wouldn't that skew the results for equalization at
 listening volume? (Alas, I'm no longer a teenager. Max volume is not
 ordinary listening anymore :-) )

You want it loud to improve signal/noise, which is the major issue
here.  A loud sound won't artificially generate anything - the room
response should be very close to linear in the volume, and in any case
if there are significant non-linearities you can forget about RC - it
won't work.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread opaqueice

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 what about room compression? - surely you want to use a typical
 listening volume rather than getting the air in the room into an air
 brick state? (I realise it would have to be VERY loud to do that but
 even so...)

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by room compression, but I'm
guessing you mean non-linear response of the air to compression versus
rarefaction.  If so I think that's an extremely small effect, and if
you want with some thought I can give a numerical estimate on how small
(I think it should be controlled by the ratio of the distance the
speaker cone moves to the size of the room, raised at least to the
third power - so very small).  On the other hand if you have an even
slightly noisy room you get significant and noticeable pollution of the
recording from that.

Anyway, all I know for sure is that louder sweeps give better results
in my own experience with RC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-16 Thread Phil Leigh

opaqueice Wrote: 
 I'm not exactly sure what you mean by room compression, but I'm guessing
 you mean non-linear response of the air to compression versus
 rarefaction.  If so I think that's an extremely small effect, and if
 you want with some thought I can give a numerical estimate on how small
 (I think it should be controlled by the ratio of the distance the
 speaker cone moves to the size of the room, raised at least to the
 third power - so very small).  On the other hand if you have an even
 slightly noisy room you get significant and noticeable pollution of the
 recording from that.
 Anyway, all I know for sure is that louder sweeps give better results
 in my own experience with RC.

Yep that's exactly what I meant... and it's not a small effect in
practice at high volumes as any musician will vouch. If you wind up a
Marshall amp in a small room you get a congested sound that is not
present in a larger room...

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-08 Thread inguz

JohnnyLightOn Wrote: 
 Can I use this plug-in as a balance control, even if I don't do the room
 analyzing yet?  My integrated amp has no balance control.
No, it doesn't include balance controls.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-08 Thread JohnnyLightOn

OK, thanks inguz.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-07 Thread GreenMan



My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - Thiel CS2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-04 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
 You can pretty much take your pick from this list (any of them that are
 stereo and have a mic preamp):
 I certainly haven't used all of them but to give you a starting point I
 should say that I've been happy with the TASCAM us-122, and am generally
 quite satisfied with M-Audio equipment.

Here's something I never thought I'd ask, but given that many of us who
go down this new road of unspent money are going to get an inexpensive
TASCAM or similar, does it make much of a difference what quality
microphone cable I use for my freakin' high fidelity digital room
correction misadventure? ;-)

I notice 2 on the website you supplied that cost about the same, and
one that costs double.



My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - Thiel CS2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-04 Thread cbemoore

I've got a bettery-powered Radio Shack sound level meter with an RCA
line level output:


Can I use this with the plugin by plugging the line out directly into
my sound card??


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-04 Thread azinck3

GreenMan Wrote: 
 Here's something I never thought I'd ask, but given that many of us who
 go down this new road of unspent money are going to get an inexpensive
 TASCAM or similar, does it make much of a difference what quality
 microphone cable I use for my freakin' high fidelity digital room
 correction misadventure? ;-)
 I notice 2 on the website you supplied that cost about the same, and
 one that costs double.

Without venturing into a cable war, I can assure you that you don't
need to buy Monster brand XLR cables for this task.  Any reasonably
well-built cable will be fine.

But...with respect to my recommendations on that site: per Hugh's
comment a few posts back I looked to see if some of the cheaper units
support a 44.1khz sample rate and many of them DON'T (including the
Tascam us-122).  

However, it appears this unit does, so maybe this is the best bet
amongst the cheap units:

I've never used it so I don't want to highly recommend it, but it has
Mackie-designed preamps (Mackie's a decent name in mid-level pro-audio)
and supports the required sample rate.  I haven't spent a ton of time
researching this so there could be other, even better choices out there
that I'm missing so I'd spend a little time looking before jumping in.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-04 Thread azinck3

GreenMan Wrote: 
 I believe it does. I'm looking at the product manual and it says:
 Setting the Sample Rate and Bit Depth
 The US-122 supports sample rates of
 44.1kHz and 48kHz. In the Audio
 Control Panel, select the pull-down
 menu for Sample Rate and select either
 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.
 Link to manual is here: 
 Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Ah, good eye. You are correct.  I should have looked at the manual but
just glanced quickly at the Sweetwater specs, which are apparently


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

inguz Wrote: 
 Multiple squeezeoxes each get their own settings (because presumably
 they're in different rooms or driving different systems).
 Tonite I'm setting this up on a friend's reference system, and ...
 hmmm, something's very wrong (muddy, no top end at all, everything is
 off).  So there's something amiss, and I'm not sure with what until I
 get a chance to diagnose some more.  Oh well, such is life.  [LATER:
 it's not the software, it's the measurements.  Oooo-kay.  There's still
 a bit too much black art in measuring properly.]

Inguz, a quick question: for your method to work, does the audio
interface have to sample at the uppermost capability of the dac you are
using? I think the Benchmark DAC1 has a playback capability of 52kHz. Or
do you not pipe through the outboard DAC (if existing) for the sweep?
I'm looking at the USB Audio Interfaces you mention in your setup
documentation, but most of those only record at 48kHz on the high side.


My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - Thiel CS2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread inguz

You need to be able to record at 44.1kHz (same as CD).  The sweeps are
44.1kHz FLAC.  Be sure to measure with equipment which really does
record at 44.1.  Some of the cheap equipment will only record at 48kHz,
and you won't get a good measurement that way.

(For now, 44.1 is the only sample-rate which my processor supports.  If
you have music recorded with any other rate -- e.g. 48kHz -- then it'll
be passed through unchanged).

If you don't have an external DAC: play the sweep as normal, and lift
off the reference channel at the SB's analog output.  If you do run an
external DAC: play the sweep as normal, and lift off the reference
channel at the DAC's analog output.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread azinck3

This looks like great work.  And the documentation is even pretty good,
to boot!

But I haven't installed it yet (I don't have a reference mic) and in
reading through the docs I had a question.  The docs state The
inguzDSP system turns everything (even low-btrate MP3s) into 24-bit
FLAC to send to the Squeezebox, which can take quite a lot of
networking..  I have a SB1--can I assume that that FLAC data will
actually end up being streamed as a WAV to my SB1?  I understand how
all the conversions and transcoding happen in a normal slimserver
setup, but with the InguzDSP in there I'm a little foggy as to how it's
all supposed to work...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread inguz

Sorry, I don't think the current version will work with SB1.  Added to
the bug list.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread azinck3

inguz Wrote: 
 Sorry, I don't think the current version will work with SB1.  Added to
 the bug list.

Thanks for the quick response.  SB1 support would be greatly
appreciated.  But if you don't add it then I suppose Slim will probably
sell another SB3...;)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

... from, say, using a powered mic and Room Eq Wizard?

I know you seem to have developed a SB-specific solution. What are the
advantages over other methods at this point, in your view?


My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - Thiel CS2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread azinck3

GreenMan Wrote: 
 ... from, say, using a powered mic and Room Eq Wizard?
 I know you seem to have developed a SB-specific solution. What are the
 advantages over other methods at this point, in your view?

I know this was for Hugh, but I couldn't help piping up ;).  The idea
is the same as the Room EQ wizard.  But once you get the FIR filter
using the Room EQ wizard you have to do something with it to actually
get the correction.  This must be done via specialized hardware (like a
TacT or the Behringer unit or a more generic parametric eq) or (in the
case of systems that source their audio from a computer) software. 
Hardware has the advantage of being able to affect any audio source. 
But software has the advantage of being cheap.  

In software you have two options:  you could run the processing on all
of your audio files so that the actual data is changed to reflect the
correct correction for your room.  But that's lousy if you want to do
anything with those files except play them on that exact system, in
that exact room.  The other option is to use a convolver to process the
room correction in real-time based on the FIR filter.  This is great as
it allows you to set up different filters for different rooms and use
the same files.  Not to mention it doesn't ruin your perfect,
lossless files.  Inguz's plugin sets up a convolver for windows which
works with Slimserver--something that was missing to this point.  There
are existing solutions for Linux.  What's not clear to me is if a filter
that's generated with the Room EQ wizard could be plugged into InguzDSP
or if you have to use the tools Hugh provides...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread Skunk

GreenMan Wrote: 
 We've passed the $300 threshold for this free solution already.

I bet you could get it all closer to $200 on the 'low side', and it
WILL be free in the next room (should you have more than one room).

The expensive part for me will be the Server upgrade... Is it XP only
or will win2k work?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread azinck3

GreenMan Wrote: 
 I wonder though. Starting from scratch, I'll need an audio interface,
 which look like they run about $250 on the low side. An adequate
 Berhinger mic looks to be about another $60 - $80. We've passed the
 $300 threshold for this free solution already. Granted, the Behringer
 deq2496 doesn't include a mic, but throw one on and you've got the same
 expense threshold, roughly speaking.
 I'm not knocking this software solution. Quite the contrary, I think
 I'll try it. But there is some comparable associated expense that
 places it in the same expense domain as buying a seperate piece of
 hardware with embedded (and optionally, outboard) equalization

Yeah, I hear what you're saying.  There are plenty of perfectly fine
interfaces for $200, but even so, I know what you mean.  For me, I
have an interface already and can probably find a place to borrow the
mic.  The advantage is that you only need the equipment for a one-time
setup.  So even if you can't borrow it and are forced to buy you could
ebay the stuff immediately and take a nominal loss.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread inguz

azinck3 Wrote: 
 What's not clear to me is if a filter that's generated with the Room EQ
 wizard could be plugged into InguzDSP or if you have to use the tools
 Hugh provides...
Any stereo WAV file in the impulse folder (C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Application Data\InguzEQ\Impulses\) can be selected
from the plugin room-correction menu.  Make sure the WAV files are
less than 65536 samples long, for performance reasons.

So I just tried 'Pink Fairies'
through the lens of 'Small Church Stellingwoude'
(http://www.xs4all.nl/~fokkie/IR.htm#Schellingwoude) (after trimming
the impulse a bit).  Mmmm. Interest-ing.

Skunk Wrote: 
 Is it XP only or will win2k work?
Yes, win2k will work (anything on the .NET 2.0 supported list should be


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

azinck3 Wrote: 
 Yeah, I hear what you're saying.  There are plenty of perfectly fine
 interfaces for $200, but even so, I know what you mean.  For me, I
 have an interface already and can probably find a place to borrow the
 mic.  The advantage is that you only need the equipment for a one-time
 setup.  So even if you can't borrow it and are forced to buy you could
 ebay the stuff immediately and take a nominal loss.

Would you kindly name a few of those interfaces here?

I also failed to include the cost of 30ft of mic cable that I need to
get my mic to reach my computer in the next room, which adds about
another $30 onto the price tag


My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - Thiel CS2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread GreenMan

Here's a question: I only have one SB to be concerned with, but for
those who have multiple SBs around the house, isn't getting the mic to
the audio interface near a computer something of a problem? Many
(including myself) don't own a laptop, so that won't help.

I wonder, are there any inexpensive audio interfaces that can use the
SB's ethernet bridge? That would solve the problem of finding lng
mic cords to get the mic talking to the interface.


My computer - SB2- Krell KAV-300i - Thiel CS2

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-03 Thread azinck3

GreenMan Wrote: 
 Would you kindly name a few of those interfaces here?
 I also failed to include the cost of 30ft of mic cable that I need to
 get my mic to reach my computer in the next room, which adds about
 another $30 onto the price tag

You can pretty much take your pick from this list:(any of them with a
mic preamp anyways)

I certainly haven't used all of them but to give you a starting point I
should say that I've been happy with the TASCAM us-122, and am generally
quite satisfied with M-Audio equipment.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-01 Thread vdorta

Inguz, the future of audio is here thanks to you.


DIY computer (EAC/FLAC) -- wireless SB2 (Bolder digital  analog mods,
Sonicap Platinum bypass caps, Bolder Deluxe Power Supply) -- Stello
M200 monos -- ACI Sapphire XLs on dedicated Sound Anchors and REL
Storm III | JMT PPA headamp with custom bass boost -- AKG K601,
Etymotics ER-4S

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-08-01 Thread Sleestack

vdorta Wrote: 
 Inguz, the future of audio is here thanks to you. I don't know if it's
 possible or not, but I hope you can add a fourth type of equalizer with
 several filters in the 20Hz-100Hz bass range.

Hmmm.. its been around for quite some time.  He, however, seems to be
making some headway into making it available to the masses.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-31 Thread Mike Anderson

Sleestack Wrote: 
  Keep in mind TACT gear makes correction for time, level and freq.
 responses, in addition to allowing you to design fletcher munson curve
 for volume dependent corrections.  I'm not sure if the Behringer covers
 all of those factors. 

I'm sure it doesn't, but then it only costs a couple hundred bucks.
Works for me.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-31 Thread inguz

Announcing: the inguz room correction system for SqueezeBox:


This quietly moves from a short Beta test period (thanks to my
generous helpers!) to a likely much longer Evaluation (which should
be fairly usable out of the gate; over time I'll drop a series of
time-limited versions, fixing any bugs along the way). So, at least in
theory, 'everything's in place / it's on'

Hugh aka inguz


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-30 Thread Grumpy_Git


any movement here people?

This is possibly my favourite topic in audio at the moment, DRC on my
Squeeze box.

cheers all



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-30 Thread Sleestack

What would you like to know? As you can see in my sig, I'm quite an avid
TACT user.  Keep in mind TACT gear makes correction for time, level and
freq. responses, in addition to allowing you to design fletcher munson
curve for volume dependent corrections.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-30 Thread Mike Anderson

khewa Wrote: 
 actually it is not all digital. It would be all digital if you
 eliminated the Benchmark DAC1 and put in a Digital amp, like the Nuamp
 or Flying Mole

I mean the signal processing that does the room correction is all done
in the digital domain.  Nothing analog is generated until after the EQ
is done and the signal is sent to the DAC1.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-30 Thread Sleestack

Mike Anderson Wrote: 
 I mean the signal processing that does the room correction is all done
 in the digital domain.  Nothing analog is generated until after the EQ
 is done and the signal is sent out of the DAC1.

Do the amps from Nuforce an Flying Mole even accept digital inputs? 
Don't they accept analog input like most digital amps.
The new TACT amps accept digital inputs only.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-09 Thread opaqueice

mauidan Wrote: 
 So, if you have already have a PC, SB and an amp all you need is a RCS.
 RCS 2.0 sell on audiogon for less than $1K or you can buy
 a factory refurbished unit for $1490.

Thanks for the detailed and useful info on their products.  It's
something I've been considering, and I played with one of their
2-channel models briefly and was impressed with the difference it made,
as well as build quality etc.  But I do think, as people move to
computer-based audio, computer based DRC is the way things are going to


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-09 Thread dlite

In case you guys are unaware, several guys use the program here;
http://www.hometheatershack.com/roomeq/ for room correction in
combination with the Behringer.

I have yet to try it myself, as the last thing I want is another box in
the signal path. But all you really need is a mic or SPL meter and cable
to connected to your PC and you can at least measure your room for peaks
and troughs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-08 Thread opaqueice

mauidan Wrote: 
 Do you have any first hand experience with the TacT RCS or TCS?

I've played with a 2-channel TacT amp (so RCS I guess), but not the
TCS.  Why do you ask?  Do you have any experience with computer-based


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-06 Thread opaqueice

Just a gentle bump for this thread.  I see that the plugin from Inguz
audio is, sadly, still not available for download.  

Inguz, will that happen any time soon?  I'll reiterate my offer to be a
beta-tester and/or guinea pig.  I'm impatient to try a room correction
system, and if I have to wait too much longer I may just snap and buy
one of those Behringer thingies...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-12 Thread mgraves

...and a significant disadvantage as wellthe processed files would
likely be unsuitable as a source for transcoding to MP3 in support of a
portable device.

I'd probably end up keeping unprocessed files, processed files, and
MP3s in your library.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-12 Thread opaqueice

mgraves Wrote: 
 ...and a significant disadvantage as wellthe processed files would
 likely be unsuitable as a source for transcoding to MP3 in support of a
 portable device.
 I'd probably end up keeping unprocessed files, processed files, and
 MP3s in your library.

You could do that, but actually I didn't mean that the processing would
happen first and produce a processed version of your library, but
instead that the computer would simply do the processing more or less
as you listened (that's what I meant by faster than real time).  So
that way you could dynamically adjust the filter if you had a reason
to, not to mention many other possibilities.  

For example, you might want to filter multiple channels of audio while
watching a movie in surround sound, and that would be very easy to add
to a computer-based implementation like this, and very hard to add to a
harware one like TacT.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-11 Thread opaqueice

It seems to me there is one advantage of computer equalization which
hasn't been discussed here, namely that the processing is not done in
real time on an isynchronous audio signal, but instead in faster than
real time on the audio file on the computer.  

One advantage of that is that it eliminates the jitter which would be
induced by a digital box in the audio chain.  Probably more
importantly, it gives you much more flexibility in the type of filters
and effects which could be applied.  

I wonder whether in the future such devices will perform functions such
as dynamically adjusting levels and equalization filters depending on
your current position in the room...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-09 Thread Phil Leigh

ScottMayo Wrote: 
 Nobody gets a room flat from 100-18k using foam. Foam does next to
 nothing for bass. People who can get to +/-5db using real room
 treatments *and* EQ are doing quite well. Untreated rooms often swing
 20db or more, even with EQ. 
 Oh dear, I do apologise...I meant 200-18kHz
 ...and I can get within +/-1.5dB from 18Hz-20KHz with NO foam and no
 uglybass traps... The day when all my (expensive) studio sound
 treatments went to the landfill was a very happy one!

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-09 Thread mgraves

From cusory examination the plug-in did not seem to offer sufficicent
precision (# of band of eq) or types of eq. 

In contrast the DEQ9624 provides 31 band graphic eq, also parametric
eq, and shelving type filters. All have independent Left  right
processing. It also offers dynamics processing (compression, expansion,
gating, limiting) but these are not generally useful to me. 

We toyed with the spatial expansion feature but found it pretty

As to the freq response I mentioned. All things are relative. By using
the adjustments on the back of the monitors, which being actively
powered have several controls, we were able to achieve something like
+/- 4db at the listening position. Is that perfect? No. But it's pretty
good compared to other situations that we've encountered. My point was
that it was flat enough that we didn't feel the purchase of the
borrowed eq was warranted.

Fred (owner of said eq) recently built a lovely pair of speakers from a
kit. He bought the eq to get a quantitative idea of their performance in
his listening room, and improve it if possible. His eq curves apply a
very different correction than that created for my room  gear.

My home office is a 400 sq ft space with vaulted ceiling, thin carpet
on the floor, lotsa drywall surfaces and two sets of french style patio
doors. Overly reflective I'd guess. My next project will be to install
some traps  absorbtive panels. Opening the french doors completely
changes the room as one entire side is approx 60% removed. Projection
of music into the yard is very nice. Low end reproduction is much
improvedat the cost of all the outside nose.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-09 Thread mgraves

Another consideration, I'm partial to having physical knobs to twiddle
in real-time. Comes from a music recording background and working at TV
stations for years.

Perhaps the plug-in is more capable than I thought initially.
Nonetheless, I was able to satisfy myself that the Behringer monitoring
hardware was a decent purchase.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-09 Thread azinck3

mgraves Wrote: 
 Nonetheless, I was able to satisfy myself that the Behringer monitoring
 hardware was a decent purchase.

Agreed.  I spec'd their B2031's for a small classroom installation and
was really impressed by their performance.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread Mike Anderson

radish Wrote: 
 Because inexpensive != free? Even if the Behringer costs $100, what if I
 want to use DRC on every squeezebox in my apartment? That's plenty of
 cash. Free is better :)

True enough.  But at the very least, you're going to have to buy a

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread Ben Diss

Mike Anderson Wrote: 
 True enough.  But at the very least, you're going to have to buy a

...and a mic pre/phantom power source, then feed that into something
like a USB port that can drive a RTA program on your PC.

Ben Diss

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread radish

Mike Anderson Wrote: 
 True enough.  But at the very least, you're going to have to buy a
Which I would also need if I used the Behringer. 

And I already have a mixer which takes XLR mics and does phantom power
so no problem there. The point is, replacing the $300 Behringer with a
free piece of software will save $300 from whatever the total cost of
the solution is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread ron thigpen

radish wrote:

The point is, replacing the $300 Behringer with a free piece of
software will save $300 from whatever the total cost of the solution

And allow us to continue to make use of the SB's internal DAC.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread mgraves

Free is only better than $300 if they are equivalent solutions. They

Two weeks ago my brother-in-law brought in his DEQ9624 and reference
mic to test my SB setup. I have SB3 feeding a small Soundcraft mixer
with Behringer 2031A self-powered monitors and a pair of the matching
powered subwoofers.

We spent an afternoon listening, testing, moving things around the room
and adjusting the settings in the monitors. In the end we confirmed that
the admitedly inexpensive Behriner monitors are relatively flat from
100hz to 18khz, with a little peak 18-20khz. Sufficiently flat that
purchase of a DEQ myself seems unwarranted. The various adjustments on
the monitors provided more than adequate control to flatten everything
our. Then adjust to taste a little bit.

The reference mic doesn't respond well below 100hz so the DEQ really
can't be used to tune a subwoofer setup.

All in all I was very pleased with the measured performance of the
Behringer stuff. Not bad for an investment of $1000.

As for the DEQ, it certainly looks like a nice box. It's not even a bad
value. It would benefit from having an integrated PC interface, even a
web based set of controls. 

Perhaps someone will create a similar device on a PCI card...or even
USB 2.0 interface? That'd be very nice. It seems clear that the same
sort of DSP that one finds in the DEQ9624 could easily be deployed in
other solutions, perhaps with better UI or wider range of functions.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread mgraves

Free is only better than $300 if they are equivalent solutions. They

Two weeks ago my brother-in-law brought in his DEQ9624 and reference
mic to test my SB setup. I have SB3 feeding a small Soundcraft mixer
with Behringer 2031A self-powered monitors and a pair of the matching
powered subwoofers.

We spent an afternoon listening, testing, moving things around the room
and adjusting the settings in the monitors. In the end we confirmed that
the admitedly inexpensive Behriner monitors are relatively flat from
100hz to 18khz, with a little peak 18-20khz. Sufficiently flat that
purchase of a DEQ myself seems unwarranted. The various adjustments on
the monitors provided more than adequate control to flatten everything
our. Then adjust to taste a little bit.

The reference mic doesn't respond well below 100hz so the DEQ really
can't be used to tune a subwoofer setup.

All in all I was very pleased with the measured performance of the
Behringer stuff. Not bad for an investment of $1000.

As for the DEQ, it certainly looks like a nice box. It's not even a bad
value. It would benefit from having an integrated PC interface, even a
web based set of controls. 

Perhaps someone will create a similar device on a PCI card...or even
USB 2.0 interface? That'd be very nice. It seems clear that the same
sort of DSP that one finds in the DEQ9624 could easily be deployed in
other solutions, perhaps with better UI or wider range of functions.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread dwc

mgraves Wrote: 
 ...It would benefit from having an integrated PC interface, even a web
 based set of controls.

I think you can drive it via midi control.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread radish

mgraves Wrote: 
 Free is only better than $300 if they are equivalent solutions. They
In what way? You didn't explain that at all.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread ScottMayo

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 Are you saying that you think your room is substantially flat from
 100-18Khz? - must be fun living with all those funny shaped bits of
 foam on the floor, ceiling and walls...

Nobody gets a room flat from 100-18k using foam. Foam does next to
nothing for bass. People who can get to +/-5db using real room
treatments *and* EQ are doing quite well. Untreated rooms often swing
20db or more, even with EQ. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread Phil Leigh

To get close to the TACT approach, independant treatment of l/r channels
is a must. Also, l-r delay is required.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread inguz

opaqueice Wrote: 
 It seems that we SB users have a far more attractive option available -
 to run a room correction system on the computer, *asynchronously*, and
 then stream the corrected file to the SB.  In other words, calibrate by
 measuring the room response with a test signal and microphone, and use
 that and the desired frequency response curve to generate a filter. 
 Then have a SB plugin which convolves the source file with the filter
 (in faster than real time) and streams it to the SB.

I think you nailed it.

There are lots of reasons I like SqueezeBox.  Of course the hardware,
which has a really excellent engineering  attention to detail, while
still being built to an affordable price-point.  But the system
architecture overall is so nice, and this separation of a medium-power
network-connected audio device from the server has a huge amount of
flexibility.   Then there's been some really smart business thinking
from SlimDevices about extending this (the SqueezeNetwork, the Pandora
hook-up, etc -- with all their rough edges -- are really great

Eventually, high-power DSP (powerful enough to process long filters)
will be everywhere.  I totally expect to see mid-market home stereo
amorphous-line-array systems with dozens of loudspeakers per system,
each containing wicked powerful processors, coordinating with each
other to recreate the sound experience (and doing a better job of it
than two channels usually does today).  But for now, in a two-channel
SB system, the PC is [a] basically free, and [b] easily fast enough to
run lots of fancy DSP algorithms.  (Powerful enough to run room
correction on several squeezeboxes simultaneously).

Talking of price-points, I've always been a cheapskate audiophile, and
SB lets me play that game.  My main system for a long time was a
Linn/Basik/K9, to a homebrew triode pre with dumpster-salvaged Naim
phono boards, to a salvaged-and-rebuilt Quad 405, to some quite nice
hand-me-down Monitor Audio speakers.  That all set me back a few
hundred quid, back in the day.  Now, a SB-based system can give better
price/performance below $1000 than anything else on the market.  (OK,
$1500 or $2000 if you include the computer).  And, whatever quality
your analog stages, there's a whole lot of value-add in the digital
domain too.

opaqueice Wrote: 
 Apparently this is already being worked on here:
 Can hpyle or anyone else comment on the progress of it?  is it already
 available for download somewhere?

Progress: slow but promising.  Not yet downloadable.  Of course I'll
announce here when there's a generally usable version.

dwc Wrote: 
 Looks really cool, but it's a bit crude at 9-channels.
 [for comparison the DEQ is 31-channels, independent L+R control]

The 9-band plugin only stops there because the UI is the INPUT.Bar
control (same as the SB volume control, but with a center-zero) for
each band.  It would be possible to build a vertical-slider-control
thingy, but that's beyond my leet perl skillz right now.

But the aim of this EQ is just to tailor for personal taste *after*
correction filtering has run the early-reflection compensation, the
room booms  peaks, and so on.  Like the old Quad tilt tone control,
a gentle touch goes a long way.  For most situations (e.g. adjusting
for a particular album's balance) I think bass/mid/treb is enough.  And
although I don't have a shippable quietness control yet, early
experiments in that area look likely to solve 90% of my tone-control

- Hugh yclept inguz


inguz's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1139
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread azinck3

inguz Wrote: 
 I think you nailed it.
 There are lots of reasons I like SqueezeBox.  Of course the hardware,
 which has a really excellent engineering  attention to detail, while
 still being built to an affordable price-point.  But the system
 architecture overall is so nice, and this separation of a medium-power
 network-connected audio device from the server has a huge amount of
 flexibility.   Then there's been some really smart business thinking
 from SlimDevices about extending this (the SqueezeNetwork, the Pandora
 hook-up, etc -- with all their rough edges -- are really great
 Eventually, high-power DSP (powerful enough to process long filters)
 will be everywhere.  I totally expect to see mid-market home stereo
 amorphous-line-array systems with dozens of loudspeakers per system,
 each containing wicked powerful processors, coordinating with each
 other to recreate the sound experience (and doing a better job of it
 than two channels usually does today).  But for now, in a two-channel
 SB system, the PC is [a] basically free, and [b] easily fast enough to
 run lots of fancy DSP algorithms.  (Powerful enough to run room
 correction on several squeezeboxes simultaneously).
 Talking of price-points, I've always been a cheapskate audiophile, and
 SB lets me play that game.  My main system for a long time was a
 Linn/Basik/K9, to a homebrew triode pre with dumpster-salvaged Naim
 phono boards, to a salvaged-and-rebuilt Quad 405, to some quite nice
 hand-me-down Monitor Audio speakers.  That all set me back a few
 hundred quid, back in the day.  Now, a SB-based system can give better
 price/performance below $1000 than anything else on the market.  (OK,
 $1500 or $2000 if you include the computer).  And, whatever quality
 your analog stages, there's a whole lot of value-add in the digital
 domain too.
 Progress: slow but promising.  Not yet downloadable.  Of course I'll
 announce here when there's a generally usable version.
 The 9-band plugin only stops there because the UI is the INPUT.Bar
 control (same as the SB volume control, but with a center-zero) for
 each band.  It would be possible to build a vertical-slider-control
 thingy, but that's beyond my leet perl skillz right now.
 But the aim of this EQ is just to tailor for personal taste *after*
 correction filtering has run the early-reflection compensation, the
 room booms  peaks, and so on.  Like the old Quad tilt tone control,
 a gentle touch goes a long way.  For most situations (e.g. adjusting
 for a particular album's balance) I think bass/mid/treb is enough.  And
 although I don't have a shippable quietness control yet, early
 experiments in that area look likely to solve 90% of my tone-control
 - Hugh yclept inguz

The possibilities are exciting.  Thanks for all of your work in this
area, Hugh.


azinck3's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3967
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread opaqueice

azinck3 Wrote: 
 The possibilities are exciting.  Thanks for all of your work in this
 area, Hugh.

Yeah, I second that.  For a while now I've been considering spending
some money on a room-correction device, but I think this has the
potential to be a superior solution.  I'd be happy to pay for the
software (although I'd be even happier if it was free!) and/or
volunteer as a guinea pig/tester.


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread ron thigpen

opaqueice wrote:
azinck3 Wrote: 

The possibilities are exciting.  Thanks for all of your work in this
area, Hugh.

Agreed.  I'm very interested in trying this.

I might even have tried out the DEQ, but I like using the analog outs on 
my SB2s.  Using the DEQ would mean either using it's internal DAC or 
pairing it with another external DAC.  I doubt the DEQ's DAC is as good 
as the SB2's, and an external DAC might be nice, but it's not in the 
budget right now.

The approach of using the SlimServer computer to do the processing makes 
more sense to me.  The computing power is already paid for, and by doing 
the processing upstream of the SB, I can continue to use it's DAC.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread Mike Anderson

inguz Wrote: 
 Eventually, high-power DSP (powerful enough to process long filters)
 will be everywhere. 

The Behringer DEQ2496 is pretty inexpensive.  And it can do all the
processing in the digital domain, in 1/3rd octave gradations.  Why do I
even need to involve my computer at this point?

Anybody who's looking for an inexpensive, convenient solution should
really check this out first.  I stick my Behringer between the digital
outs of the Squeezebox and the digital inputs of a Benchmark DAC1. 
It's all digital, and it sounds awesome.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

Mike Anderson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1705
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread radish

Mike Anderson Wrote: 
 The Behringer DEQ2496 is pretty inexpensive.  And it can do all the
 processing in the digital domain, in 1/3rd octave gradations.  Why do I
 even need to involve my computer at this point?
Because inexpensive != free? Even if the Behringer costs $100, what if
I want to use DRC on every squeezebox in my apartment? That's plenty of
cash. Free is better :)


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-06 Thread dwc

Looks really cool, but it's a bit crude at 9-channels.
[for comparison the DEQ is 31-channels, independent L+R control]

It would be great to see this idea developed, but it looks like some
serious coding and a serious load on the CPU to run in stream.



dwc's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1892
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-06 Thread azinck3

dwc Wrote: 
 Looks really cool, but it's a bit crude at 9-channels.
 [for comparison the DEQ is 31-channels, independent L+R control]
 It would be great to see this idea developed, but it looks like some
 serious coding and a serious load on the CPU to run in stream.

Perhaps, but the brutefir documentation claims to be *very* efficient:

I'll confess that I don't know what really constitutes a tap...but
I'm being wooed by the large numbers!


azinck3's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3967
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-06 Thread opaqueice

dwc Wrote: 
 Looks really cool, but it's a bit crude at 9-channels.
 [for comparison the DEQ is 31-channels, independent L+R control]
 It would be great to see this idea developed, but it looks like some
 serious coding and a serious load on the CPU to run in stream.

About the load on the CPU, please correct me if I'm wrong, but it
doesn't seem like much to me.  16 bit audio is 1.4 megabits/second of
data.  Applying one of these filters means taking the Fourier
transform, multiplying by the filter, and then taking the inverse
transform.  Even using standard FT (rather than FFT) the number of
operations should scale as the number of bits, so we're talking about
millions of operations per second, which is peanuts for today's GHz
CPU's, no?


opaqueice's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4234
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-06 Thread Mike Anderson

I've had very good results using the Behringer DEQ2496. Unfortunately,
on the topic of room correction the manual leaves a lot to be desired. 

Here's my little primer:


Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

Mike Anderson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1705
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24519

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