Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-08-02 Thread Eric Seaberg

I DL'd some of the 'trial' product as ALAC and some of it wouldn't play
in SC until I 're-converted' it to ALAC again.  Something strange in
their file headers, me thinks.

Tagging is also why I decided to do ALAC instead of FLAC.  Fixing
everything in iTunes is how I prefer to handle it.  Of course, I am on
a Mac and know that PC users have a lot of other options for this.  ;-)

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
A.E.S., S.M.P.T.E., S.P.A.R.S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-08-01 Thread Nonreality

Eric Seaberg;324687 Wrote:
Hey Eric, while you're there, could you tell Peter to tell BW to learn
to tag? The first one had at least Album and artist tags, the rest had
no tags.  Then they went from .jpg to pdf for artwork which is great if
you are going to make a cd but useless for enbedding.  The seem to have
only partially embraced the digital world thinking everyone is going to
burn a cd from the files and not use them like we do.  The sound quality
has been good especially for the engineers that let go of the sound war
thinking.  Have fun, I'm very jealous. :)




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-07-31 Thread pkfox

Hi Eric, I'm giving the three month trial a go - if it's up to scratch
it could save me a lot of money on CD's - what is your connection with
Pete Gabriel ?


When the going gets weird - the weird turn pro. Hunter S Thompson

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-07-31 Thread bigfool1956

Hi Eric,

I got the full tour of Gabriel's studio a few years back. It's by no
means a home studio. There are a number of different recording areas,
each with it's own unique sound and space. The studio manager is also
hifi friendly, and they have paid a lot of attention to various things,
such as the way the earthing is arranged - it all runs into the lake!!!

All in all, an excellent studio, well run, with a really chilled out
vibe in a beautiful area of England.


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-07-31 Thread Eric Seaberg

Peter had finished a 'loft', of sorts, off of his home... I should've
specified it wasn't the main studio.  The plans have been made
available and, actually, the whole 25'x25' building was being given
away loaded with gear and instruments as part of a promotion at last
October's AES convention in NYC.  I'll see if I can find info about it
a post a link.  It was quite awesome.  Peter did show up in NYC for a
couple of days to promote it.  Of course it had a new SSL AWS900 in

 back on topic

I, too, have downloaded the free EP files.  Haven't had a chance to
listen yet.  Looks like a great concept.  I wish more producers would
make stuff available like this.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
A.E.S., S.M.P.T.E., S.P.A.R.S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-07-31 Thread bigfool1956

If I remember rightly, the 'shed' is in the grounds of the studio. Hope
you enjoy your trip Eric.


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-07-31 Thread Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
A.E.S., S.M.P.T.E., S.P.A.R.S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC recordings available here

2008-07-30 Thread Eric Seaberg

The link has been changed.  I'm actually going to the UK early September
to confirm testing of our new remote audio console (the one in my pic to
the left).  Peter Gabriel owns the company (Solid State Logic) and I'm
planning on spending some time with him at dinner one evening while I'm
there.  His home studio is pretty amazing as I've seen pictures of it

Sorry... I just had to do a look at what I get to do to ya!!


Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-07 Thread iPhone

david_a_woodward;316973 Wrote: 
 Hi there, I hope someone can help, I’ve read a fair few posts, but as is
 often the way can’t find the info I am looking for. 
 I am new to ripping, I have a collection of about 500 CDs and I am on
 the brink of lashing out some hard earned cash on SB3/Duet/Transporter
 (3 rooms) and TranquilPC T2-WHS-A3i (unless anyone recommends a better
 alternative), so should not have space constraints? 
 I have always been a keen audiophile with a Michell GyroDec,
 CD2/82/250/SBL Naim system, this is where I plan to add the
 Transporter, (can I share the Duet remote with the Transporter, SB3 and
 Duet systems?) 
 I am looking for the best quality I can achieve, but I do not want to
 spend too long discovering (and learning) the best suite of ‘amazing’
 software programs that appear to be available to use, nor labouring
 over very slow rip/tagging.
 I do want to view cover art on the duet controller and would like to
 easily move some/all(?) of the ripped CDs to a, yet to purchased, ipod.
 So what is my dilemma? I gather, but may have got the wrong end of the
 stick, the two obvious choices are to use iTunes, seems to be viewed as
 the easiest and simplest workflow in ripping, tagging, cover art etc in
 ALAC loseless format, or go down the, what appears to be, much more
 daunting sounding, EAC/FLAC/various other tools for cover art
 extraction etc route. 
 I am not too concerned about being locked into Apple’s proprietary
 approach provided it works well with SB technology, and makes my life
 easier to transfer my CD library. 
 I am keen to know the pro’s and cons of each approach, so I can make a
 better informed decision. Thank you all in advance for you valued

The simple thing to do is use dBpowerAmp to Rip and tag your files in
FLAC format. FLAC converts to almost anything else you might ever need
and allows you to stay far away from iTunes.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread david_a_woodward

Wow, thanks for all the help, very active forum!! thought a question
about iTunes v open standards might provoke some debate! I have
downloaded dbpoweramp and am very impressed, seen enough to decide this
is the way to go, and rip to FLAC and also MP3 for iPod. Just need to
figure out how I get the MP3's into iTunes, I assume this is straight

Anyone got any views as to the suitability of the TranquilPC
T2-WHS-A3i? Any better alternative at a similar price point?

Thanks again for all your input.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread darrenyeats

Phil Leigh;317064 Wrote: 
 There are some discs with flawed copy protection schemas that need many
 many sector re-reads to get the data off acurately...
 For example, I have The Beatles Let it Be Naked that takes 2 hours to
 rip with EAC and the disc is in physically mint condition!
Well I did say IME. :)

Perhaps I'm spoiled with cdparanoia on Linux...the following sums up my


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread m1abrams

david_a_woodward;317191 Wrote: 
 Wow, thanks for all the help, very active forum!! thought a question
 about iTunes v open standards might provoke some debate! 

Ah now see you posted in the Audiophile forums.  If you wanted some
debate you should ask if a $10,000 power cord for your refrigerator
will improve the sound of your Transporter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread Phil Leigh

darrenyeats;317288 Wrote: 
 Well I did say IME. :)
 Perhaps I'm spoiled with cdparanoia on Linux...the following sums up my

That made me laugh - thanks Darren!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread Mark Lanctot

sc53;317065 Wrote: 
 But if it takes 20 mins per disc (Apple Lossless takes about 5 mins per
 disk) or requires tons of initial setup etc. I'd use iTunes and not
 worry about that one track out of thousands that may contain an audible

There are two separate processes here - ripping and encoding.  Apple
Lossless doesn't rip, iTunes does.  iTunes then encodes the resulting
rip into Apple Lossless or MP3.  Programs other than iTunes (dBpowerAMP
for example) can also encode into ALAC.

The speed of ripping doesn't influence the speed of encoding.  In terms
of encoding speed, there aren't huge advantages in any one format.  For
example, when FLAC was slower than ALAC it was changed and now is at
least as fast.

Personally, I don't really care how long ripping takes as long as it's
as correct as possible.  You can leave your computer and go do other
things.  Often those protected CDs take ~24 hours to rip...

 ps Phil Leigh--I have Let It Be Naked too and had no problems ripping it
 with iTunes!

These protected CDs usually contain purposeful errors every 2-5
seconds.  This shows that iTunes will happily rip such errors and not
tell you.  A secure ripper will have a problem with this because it
will detect the errors and attempt to correct them, that's the point of
this protection mechanism - to frustrate the user and discourage

These errors are not necessarily audible, but they are there.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread esbrewer

I'm not sure I follow the reasoning here.  

If iTunes and other less secure rippers popular with the general public
do not get hung up on such purposeful errors - where is the deterrent
value in their inclusion?  Or are the record companies trying to deter
the admittedly small percentage of people in the marketplace who are
concerned about their rips not being bit-perfect?  Shouldn't their
efforts be focused on deterring the common user?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread Mark Lanctot

esbrewer;317310 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure I follow the reasoning here.  
 If iTunes and other less secure rippers popular with the general public
 do not get hung up on such purposeful errors - where is the deterrent
 value in their inclusion?

Well, record companies aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, are
they?  :-)  It was a hairbrained scheme that was in use from 2003 to
about 2005.

The idea was that these errors (probably only a few bits) would be
inaudible in a regular CD player but that a ripper would stumble on
them.  Rippers who don't do any error correction won't stumble on them
because they just play straight through like a regular CD player does,
errors and all.

 Or are the record companies trying to deter the admittedly small
 percentage of people in the marketplace who are concerned about their
 rips not being bit-perfect?  Shouldn't their efforts be focused on
 deterring the common user?

They've abandoned such schemes now, but it culminated in the infamous
Sony rootkit debacle.  That's as far as they went and they definitely
crossed the line.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread m1abrams

esbrewer;317310 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure I follow the reasoning here.  
 If iTunes and other less secure rippers popular with the general public
 do not get hung up on such purposeful errors - where is the deterrent
 value in their inclusion?  Or are the record companies trying to deter
 the admittedly small percentage of people in the marketplace who are
 concerned about their rips not being bit-perfect?  Shouldn't their
 efforts be focused on deterring the common user?

Well I not sure about insecure rippers handling those CDs well.  I have
a CD that has this attempt at DRM in place and I did rip it with iTunes
and it ripped very quickly however when I played it back it was  full
of pops and clicks.  Ran it through EAC and it took almost a day to
rip, but was clean when it finished.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread Mark Lanctot

m1abrams;317316 Wrote: 
 Well I not sure about insecure rippers handling those CDs well.  I have
 a CD that has this attempt at DRM in place and I did rip it with iTunes
 and it ripped very quickly however when I played it back it was  full of
 pops and clicks.  Ran it through EAC and it took almost a day to rip,
 but was clean when it finished.

There were multiple schemes from different companies and they got
better at what they were trying to do as time went on.

Googling finds this list:

SafeDisc, SafeDisc v2, SecuROM, DiscGuard, CD-Cops, LaserLock, Cactus
Data Shield, Lock Blocks, ProtectCD, PSX/Lybcrypt, CD-Check, Dummy
Files, Oversize  Illegal TOC

There once was a software tool out there that could identify what type
of protection was on a disc.  Couldn't do anything about it though.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-04 Thread moley6knipe

m1abrams;317316 Wrote: 
 Well I not sure about insecure rippers handling those CDs well.  I have
 a CD that has this attempt at DRM in place and I did rip it with iTunes
 and it ripped very quickly however when I played it back it was  full of
 pops and clicks.  Ran it through EAC and it took almost a day to rip,
 but was clean when it finished.

Different drives always used to make a difference.  I bought loads of
CDs from before I realised they had copy protection - the
best thing to rip them with back then (that I found) was CDex, set to
full paranoia, autorun off and an old NEC drive.  Normal speed rips,
and only 2-3 clicks in the last track.

Now I'm another dBpoweramp convert, I've found that secure mode doesn't
work so well with these - whereas Burst mode rips them fine with no
audible artifacts.

I used to take the rips are rips view and used iTunes. But dBpoweramp
is easier, and the fact that you can verify it's 100% bit-perfect is a
nice bonus.

Before I was ripping to ALAC in iTunes, deleting the files from iTunes,
tagging them with mp3tag (embedding artwork at the same time), adding
them back to iTunes, using iTunes to convert them to AAC for my iPod
(dual library). Argh!  Now dBpoweramp lets me do all of that securely
in one go with one mouse-click with artwork and whatever file/folder
structure I like, and ALAC and mp3 at the same time and did I mention
the artwork? Then all I do is drag the folder into iTunes.  Done.

Seriously, dBpoweramp is really, -really- good - and Spoon (the man
behind it) is on his forums all the time, he listens and actions
requests/problems etc, and best of all you can download it and try it
for free for about 2 weeks!

I'm not affiliated to Illustrate at all, btw, but it's amazing how much
time I've saved using dBpoweramp.


2 x SqueezeBox 3 | 1 x SqueezeCenter 7 | 1 x Win XP Pro SP2 | 1 x Happy
listener :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread radish

My opinion: 

1) If you're not 100% tied to iTunes, use FLAC. 
2) If you're serious about sound quality, don't use iTunes for

I use dbpoweramp to rip to FLAC for the main library, then the flac2mp3
script to create a low bitrate mp3 copy of everything which is seen by
iTunes for loading onto portables.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread alekz

Here's a similar discussion:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

radish;316977 Wrote: 
 2) If you're serious about sound quality, don't use iTunes for

That's an interesting comment. 

Surely if any other ripping tool were being used it would be using the
same drive and unless the CD were damaged, there would be very little
error concealment going on, only error correction, which by definition
fixes up any read errors. Why would iTunes be worse? It's always worked
well for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread ErikM

I use Dbpoweramp to rip to ALAC, I use iTunes to manage the music.
Dbpoweramp will allow you to rip to either Flac or ALAC. DBpoweramp is
a much better ripper than iTunes it has both secure, ultra secure and
accuraterip checking, iTunes has none of these important ripping tools.
As far as sound quality flac=ALAC  I've tried ripping to both and though
a good system ( Plinius, Proac, Meridian, PS Audio etc)  I could here no
difference. Hope this helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

dbpoweramp is probably the best bet for ripping right now.

I have not seen a program that does better for metadata than dbpoweramp
including getting coverart.  And for secure ripping it does a great job.
For your needs I would recommend the reference version.

I wish I had dbpoweramp when I started ripping music many years ago!

As for FLAC versus ALAC.  For sound quality it does not matter one bit.
For playback support is where it matters.  What will you play the songs
back the most on?  Squeezebox or iTunes?  If Squeezebox use FLAC, if
iTunes use ALAC.

Since FLAC and ALAC are lossless you can convert between the two
whenever you want and not lose any quality.  If you have dbpoweramp it
is as simple as selecting the folder where you music resides and say
convert, it even handles your metadata and coverart.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

Forgot to add you can use the Squeezebox controller to control ANY
Squeezebox device including the transporter.  This even includes the
original Slimp3.  Heck you can use it to control Softsqueeze.

The controller actually does not control the players them self directly
it tells the server to control the players.  The same is true for the IR
remotes for the players.  The player has the IR receiver but it just
sends the IR info back to the server and then the server tells the
player what to do.  This is how you can remap the IR codes on the
server itself.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

CardinalFang;316984 Wrote: 
 That's an interesting comment. 
 Surely if any other ripping tool were being used it would be using the
 same drive and unless the CD were damaged, there would be very little
 error concealment going on, only error correction, which by definition
 fixes up any read errors. Why would iTunes be worse? It's always worked
 well for me.

The issue is handling read errors.  It is actually very difficult to
detect a read error for audio CDs.  Some drives handle errors better
than others, however non of them are consistent in how they handle the
errors.  You can get read errors from a brand new CD.  What programs
like EAC and dbpoweramp do is read the data over and over until they
get the same result back a certain number of times.  Which is why they
are slower.  They also do things like fluch the drives cache to avoid
rereading the cache data.  Drive offset is another thing to take into
account too, each drive has a different offset value.  dbpoweramp
determines this by comparing your drives read of certain key discs to
other drives results it keeps on a server.  It also uses this data on
the server to determine if your reads for a certain disc corresponds to
other peoples reads of the same disc to help identify if you get a good

He says it better:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

CardinalFang;316994 Wrote: 
 But it's only an issue if error correction isn't sufficient. Most CDs
 require error correction, which iTunes handles, very few require
 concealment or multiple reads to get the data.
 If error correction is working, then there should be no difference
 between rippers, it's only when CDs are so badly damaged that error
 concealment is required, and that's when re-reads and interpolation
 etc. come in and iTunes may be insufficient. For the vast majority of
 CDs, I don't think that's the case.

No see that is what you are missing Redbook audio really does not have
any way to handle error corrections.  When audio CDs came out
technology did not exist that could handle and correct errors fast
enough for streamed audio.  So the thought was if a read error occurs
who cares too late to fix it keep on trucking.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread Phil Leigh

m1abrams;317006 Wrote: 
 No see that is what you are missing Redbook audio really does not have
 any way to handle error corrections.  When audio CDs came out
 technology did not exist that could handle and correct errors fast
 enough for streamed audio.  So the thought was if a read error occurs
 who cares too late to fix it keep on trucking.
 Because of this the data on an audio CD does not contain any parity
 bits or the like, so the C2 error handling is at best a bandaid on the

Indeed - they stopped putting those error displays on CD players
pretty quickly!

Redbook is different to everything that came later.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread radish

I see errors that need dbpoweramps's special touch frequently, even on
brand new CDs. If I were using iTunes (or any other non-secure ripper)
I wouldn't even know there was an issue until/unless I actually heard

My wife ripped a bunch of CDs with iTunes before we met and I'm now
going back through re-doing them with dbp, it's amazing how many tracks
she had with pops/cracks which she thought was normal - and that's just
the easily audible problems. I'm sure there are many more subtle faults
which a good system would reveal. If you're spending $ on gear you
may as well spend $20 to make sure the data's right in the first place.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread Eric Seaberg

m1abrams;317006 Wrote: 
 No see that is what you are missing Redbook audio really does not have
 any way to handle error corrections.  When audio CDs came out
 technology did not exist that could handle and correct errors fast
 enough for streamed audio.  So the thought was if a read error occurs
 who cares too late to fix it keep on trucking.
 Because of this the data on an audio CD does not contain any parity
 bits or the like, so the C2 error handling is at best a bandaid on the

That's not entirely true - the error correction happens in the CD
PLAYER during real-time playback.  If there is a frame or two that are
corrupt (@ 75-frames per second) then the player interpolates its BEST
GUESS of what should fill the 'hole' based on what was happening before
or after the error.

Ripping doesn't have error correction for audio, but I think you
already said that.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread Phil Leigh

Eric Seaberg;317024 Wrote: 
 That's not entirely true - the error correction happens in the CD PLAYER
 during real-time playback.  If there is a frame or two that are corrupt
 (@ 75-frames per second) then the player interpolates its BEST GUESS of
 what should fill the 'hole' based on what was happening before or after
 the error.
 Ripping doesn't have error correction for audio, but I think you
 already said that.

Good point Eric. Interpolation works reasonably well for audio. Not so
good for CD-Roms though...hence yellowbook etc

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

m1abrams;317006 Wrote: 
 No see that is what you are missing Redbook audio really does not have
 any way to handle error corrections.

Nope, RedBook does indeed contain error correction.

This is from a HP CDROM technical paper, but there are plenty of other

Because the CD-ROM disk has a very high bit density, it has an
inherent error rate of [10.sup.-5] to [10.sup.-6] errors per bit. The
red book standard, which has become International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) standard 908, specifies the CD audio media format and
provides a parity and error correction scheme that reduces the error
rate to 10-11 to [10.sup.-12] errors per bit. All CD manufacturers
provide this level of error protection.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

CardinalFang;317030 Wrote: 
 Nope, RedBook does indeed contain error correction - and iTunes has an
 option to use it.
 This is from a HP CDROM technical paper, but there are plenty of other
 Because the CD-ROM disk has a very high bit density, it has an
 inherent error rate of [10.sup.-5] to [10.sup.-6] errors per bit. The
 red book standard, which has become International Electrotechnical
 Commission (IEC) standard 908, specifies the CD audio media format and
 provides a parity and error correction scheme that reduces the error
 rate to 10-11 to [10.sup.-12] errors per bit. All CD manufacturers
 provide this level of error protection.
 My point is that errors can be corrected by any ripper if they're not
 too bad, it's only when they are bad enough to need concealment that
 the rippers that can go back and re-read or interpolate have an
 advantage. I just believe that most CD aren't that badly damaged. They
 all have errors, but most are corrected.

Bottom line is this, would you want to spend the time to rip 500 CDs
and possibly have errors in the data but really have no way to know
until you listen to each and every track.  Or use a proper program and
rip 500 CDs and know that you have no errors in the data.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread DCtoDaylight

CardinalFang;317030 Wrote: 
 Nope, RedBook does indeed contain error correction 

True, Redbook does contain a certain level of error correction.  But if
you read through the specs further, this level was deemed
un-satisfactory for data CD's, where it's impossible to cover up errors
by interpolation or other techniques.  As a result, data CD's have a
secondary level of error checking/correction, not found on music

Like others here have posted, I have many examples of CD's which have
no visible damage, yet have tracks which are difficult to get a bit
perfect rip.  That's why I always use EAC to rip, both to FLAC for
Squeeze, and to iTunes.

YMMV, Dave


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread darrenyeats

Whatever the failings of red book good rippers have it nailed. In short,
rubbish CD drives can get bit-perfect rips with cdparanoia or similar

The drive offset has nothing to do with SQ at all. It might affect
micro-seconds in terms of when a track starts, I don't stress about it

IME the only time you don't get perfect rips (and then only sometimes)
is with scratched discs. This is IME true no matter what the computer
or drive including DVD drives. A good clean disc = perfect rip
according to the many checks I've made (using cksum on Unix to compare
bit-level content - the drive offset must be right for such tests of

EAC and the like might be useful if you've got somewhat scratched

I don't have much experience of the iTunes ripper, I'm just letting you
know what happens with a decent ripper.


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

darrenyeats;317047 Wrote: 
 EAC and the like might be useful if you've got somewhat scratched

This is what I do not get, why would you use any other ripper then? 
Chances are everyone will come across a CD that needs the error
handling that EAC, cdparanoia and dbpoweramp provide.  So why not just
pick one and use it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread Phil Leigh

darrenyeats;317047 Wrote: 
 Whatever the failings of red book good rippers have it nailed. In short,
 rubbish CD drives can get bit-perfect rips with cdparanoia or similar
 The drive offset has nothing to do with SQ at all. It might affect
 micro-seconds in terms of when a track starts, I don't stress about it
 IME the only time you don't get perfect rips (and then only sometimes)
 is with scratched discs. This is IME true no matter what the computer
 or drive including DVD drives. A good clean disc = perfect rip
 according to the many checks I've made (using cksum on Unix to compare
 bit-level content - the drive offset must be right for such tests of
 EAC and the like might be useful if you've got somewhat scratched
 I don't have much experience of the iTunes ripper, I'm just letting you
 know what happens with a decent ripper.

There are some discs with flawed copy protection schemas that need many
many sector re-reads to get the data off acurately...

For example, I have The Beatles Let it Be Naked that takes 2 hours to
rip with EAC and the disc is in physically mint condition!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread sc53

I'm a keen audiophile too and have owned lots of good equipment over
the years. I started ripping some of my CDs to iTunes about 6 yrs ago
when I got my first iPod. I've always used Apple Lossless even on my
iPods--I don't try to get my whole music collection on the thing, just
what I fancy at the time, which can and does change.  I've got about
200 GB of music on my iMac now (actually on a Lacie external drive),
all ripped to Apple Lossless, and only once did I have a track that
popped like a scratched LP when I played it back. In fact, I actually
forgot and thought I was listening to an old LP till I did a double
take and realized I was in my car listening to my iPod through my fancy
car stereo! I reripped that disk and the pop went away. I guess if I was
starting from scratch today I'd try dbpoweramp as recommended, to see if
it's really as easy as using iTunes on my iMac, my iPods, and my
Squeezeboxes. If it really is as painless and easy to use as iTunes
then I'd go with it. But if it takes 20 mins per disc (Apple Lossless
takes about 5 mins per disk) or requires tons of initial setup etc. I'd
use iTunes and not worry about that one track out of thousands that may
contain an audible error. Once you find that track, just rerip the
disk. All of my music comes from my own CDs anyway so it's no big deal
to go browse my shelves (yes I still do that too) and rerip it. I also
find the tagging and cover art works perfectly with iTunes. I purchased
the Mac program Cover Sutra to find any missing artwork in my iTunes
library and that has filled in the 3% of albums (compilations and the
like) that iTunes couldn't obtain.

ps Phil Leigh--I have Let It Be Naked too and had no problems ripping
it with iTunes!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

m1abrams;317040 Wrote: 
 Bottom line is this, would you want to spend the time to rip 500 CDs and
 possibly have errors in the data but really have no way to know until
 you listen to each and every track.  Or use a proper program and rip
 500 CDs and know that you have no errors in the data.
 Also I have found that many CDs have errors, even brand new CDs.

They all have errors, but it's whether they can be corrected or not is
the issue. iTunes works for me, the only time I ever found an problem,
I cleaned the disk and re-ripped it and all was fine.

I'm a Mac user and I do run Parallels, so I could use these other
rippers, but to be honest I haven't found the need, because when I did
trial them they were painfully slow and gave no discernible

The only reason I posted was because it was said that if you care about
audio, you shouldn't use iTunes, which is misleading. It only matters if
you have disks that error correction can't fix and then a more
industrial strength solution is needed. I haven't needed it.

I will admit that EAC and the ilk do appeal to the geeky audiophile
part of me, but the busy pragmatic side makes me use iTunes because it
is a far more pleasant experience. I'd rather be listening than


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread radish

It doesn't matter how good your stereo is - garbage in garbage out.

I find it astonishing that in the same forum as people talk about
things like SPDIF jitter and 24-bit digitial volume scaling as being
detrimental to sound quality that there's anyone who's unwilling to use
a good ripper. 

Do you really think that all read errors are as obvious as a pop? A few
bits off here and there may well not be obvious until you compare to the
original CD (and who does that?) but it will make orders of magnitude
more difference to the SQ than a dithering volume control. It's like
spending $5k on a cartridge but not wiping dust off the record.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

CardinalFang;317072 Wrote: 
 I'm a Mac user and I do run Parallels, so I could use these other
 rippers, but to be honest I haven't found the need, because when I did
 trial them they were painfully slow and gave no discernible
 The only reason I posted was because it was said that if you care about
 audio, you shouldn't use iTunes, which is misleading. It only matters if
 you have disks that error correction can't fix and then a more
 industrial strength solution is needed. I haven't needed it.
 I will admit that EAC and the ilk do appeal to the geeky audiophile
 part of me, but the busy pragmatic side makes me use iTunes because it
 is a far more pleasant experience. I'd rather be listening than

Ah that is the rub, you are on iTunes.  iTunes is great if you do
EVERYTHING in iTunes, however if you do not drink the koolaid iTunes
is a bear to play with.  Even though I have and love my iPod, and have
a Macbook Pro that I also am found of.  iTunes is the worst program I
have ever used.  It is extremely selfish and thinks that it and only it
should ever touch your music.  Just the simple task of using an outside
ripper to rip your music with iTunes is a pain.  Why, because iTunes
has no feature to monitor a music folder for new or changed music.  It
has been awhile since I used iTunes but I seem to remember having many
issues with the itunes db just going belly up because I made a minor
change to my music without its permission.

And your comment that it only matters IF you have disks that need it. 
Well how do you know if you do or not.  Does iTunes tell you hey this
disk ripped with pops and cracks?  No it does not.  So unless you
audition each and every disk after you rip it you will not know.  If
you use a proper ripper like EAC, dbpoweramp, or cdparanoia they will
not only do a better job ripping the disk but also give you a nice

However you must be extremely lucky to own nothing but perfect disks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

radish;317085 Wrote: 
 I find it astonishing that in the same forum as people talk about things
 like SPDIF jitter and 24-bit digitial volume scaling as being
 detrimental to sound quality that there's anyone who's unwilling to use
 a good ripper.

I do use a good ripper - iTunes. I haven't read anything that says it
doesn't rip CDs well. So far it's all hearsay and conjecture, no actual
data to back it up.

I don't spend $5K on cartridges and don't fuss about room treatments,
but equally I don't want to listen to music through a cheap box.

However, I have realised during this conversation that I'm probably not
an audiophile in the terms that others may view the subject. I'm prefer
to enjoy my music, not analyse it and fuss about the nth degree of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread krochat

CardinalFang;317087 Wrote: 
 From my standpoint I do use a good ripper - iTunes. I haven't read
 anything that says it doesn't rip CDs well. So far it's all hearsay and
 conjecture, no actual data to back it up.

I've been checking cds out of the library and ripping them with both
iTunes and EAC (one for iPod, one for SB3, and yes, I realize I could
convert the flac to mp3, but I find this easier). Obviously, library
cds are not in the best shape. I'm using a Plextor PX-716 drive.

I'm using iTunes with the use error correction when reading
Audio CDs option selected. iTunes has NEVER complained about ANY of
the library CDs I have fed it.

However, when ripping the same CDs with EAC, about 25% of the CDs have
hard read errors that I have to work around by ripping specific tracks
without full error correction. Another 25% of the CDs have errors that
cause EAC to reread up to 20 times before getting correct data.

I've noticed the same pattern with a few of the new CDs I have
purchased. None have had hard read errors, but many have required EAC
to reread.

Since there were known uncorrectable errors on the CDs that iTunes
didn't report and couldn't correct, I would say that iTunes wasn't a
good choice for reliable lossless ripping.



Acourate - Inguz DSP - SB3 - GW Labs DSP (96kHz upsampler) - Apogee
Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2x TacT S2150 - Vandersteen 3a Signature +
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

Oh and back to the OP.  Since you have 500 CDs and you want to simplify
the ripping process and make it faster.  dbpoweramp supports batch
ripping using many different types of auto-loaders.  While the
auto-loaders are not exactly cheap it would make fairly quick and
painless work of 500 CDs.  I am anal about my metatags however with
dbpoweramps tagging system I would actually trust it with batch ripping
and getting the tags right.

Forgot to mention if you do not want to buy an autoloader, you can set
up a machine with multiple cdroms and use those.  Rip 2,3,4 or more at
a time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread andynormancx

m1abrams;317098 Wrote: 
 I am anal about my metatags however with dbpoweramps tagging system I
 would actually trust it with batch ripping and getting the tags right.
I wouldn't and I'm not even remotely anal about tags. While dbPowerAmp
is absolutely brilliant and its multiple tagging sources are far more
reliable than anything else I have used, they do still need some manual
cleaning up on some discs.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

andynormancx;317104 Wrote: 
 I wouldn't and I'm not even remotely anal about tags. While dbPowerAmp
 is absolutely brilliant and its multiple tagging sources are far more
 reliable than anything else I have used, they do still need some manual
 cleaning up on some discs.

well i have not used the batch ripper yet.  however i think it will
give you a report to allow you to tweak the files afterwards.  also
have you used the llatest ver. with the use of 4 datasources. it really
does well.  oh another ttrick dbpoweramp does is it can detect hdcds and
encode the flac to 24bit to support the 20bit hdcd data.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread andynormancx

m1abrams;317112 Wrote: 
 well i have not used the batch ripper yet.  however i think it will give
 you a report to allow you to tweak the files afterwards.  also have you
 used the llatest ver. with the use of 4 datasources. it really does
I haven't used the batch ripper either yet. Yes I am using the latest
version with the 4 data sources, but I still have to fix up some discs
(though I rarely have to type any titles/artists in myself, just
overriding for some tracks which meta data source is used).


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread radish

andynormancx;317094 Wrote: 
 Or even better, use the multi encoder functionality to do it all in one

Very true, and a cool feature. If anyone cares, the reason I don't do
it this way is that I sometimes find myself editing tags post-rip
(correct a spelling error, normalize a genre, whatever) and I like to
be able to do that just in the flac file and rerun the script to sync
up the mp3s. That way I know 100% that everything is consistent.

One thing I'd also like to throw out there in case it's useful - I use
a thing called iTLU ( to sync the iTunes library
to my mp3 directory. If anyone knows of a better tool for the job
please let us know :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread m1abrams

andynormancx;317094 Wrote: 
 Or even better, use the multi encoder functionality to do it all in one
 go. I have dbPowerAmp set up so that it rips flacs into one folder, hi
 bit rate MP3s into another folder and low bit rate MP3s for my phone
 into a third folder.
 All completely automatic once it is setup.

Or use dbpoweramp AFTER you have ripped to your entire collection to
FLAC and have it convert to mp3 or whatever format for you.  Not that
either one of the above options is bad or wrong.  I actually used to
use a perl script I wrote that was very similar to flac2mp3 for just
that purpose.  However I discovered a better option.  Jriver Media
Center, a pretty nice media player that supports transcoding to the
ipod or other player on the fly.  No more trying to keep 2 formats in
sync :).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-06-30 Thread muski

TwistedWave;313839 Wrote: 
 The native FLAC metadata are not transcoded, however. I understand this
 is something most of you would be interested in, and I plan to make
 this work for a future version.

Thomas --

This sure would be great if you can get this working.  Can I add one
enhancement?  I keep a cover.jpg file in each album directory -- any
chance you could pick this up, too?  (I am guessing that many people
store album art for FLACs this way).

PM me if you'd like me to test anything.



Transporter via XLR-Bryston BP26DA-Bryston 4B SST-Wilson Watt Puppy
Transporter via XLR-Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp-Balanced

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-06-20 Thread flax


I installed twistedflac and was amazed about this tricky piece of
But importing the twistedflac-drive in iTunes they were completely
untagged, only the filename is shown.
The FLACs were all tagged by MediaMonkey.
What has gone wrong?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-06-20 Thread kphinney

Not sure what went wrong.  I have all of my tags but no artwork.  I can
live with that.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-06-20 Thread kphinney

Thank you for the input and for joining this forum.  I'm glad to
assist in any way possible.  I will post one of my files to a web-share
site so you can download it and send you the link.  (The file length of
all of my FLACs are to large to email.)  Perhaps you could open a
thread on your TwistedFLAC forum and post a link to it here?  I think
it'd be of more benefit to a larger Twisted audience than it would here
and I'm all for getting the word out on this great piece of software.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-17 Thread Rodney_Gold

I was using the car analogy to illustrate a point that numbers do not
always prove that there is no difference , but as you say , if there is
a difference then your preferences are inviolate.
In audio , there is no universal truth, nothing is ever a straight wire
with gain and thus whatever is on the media is always distorted or
modified in some way before it reaches the listener. There would be no
diversity in Audio equipment if that were the case , and even if you
are talking digital , where the notion (wrongly) is that the signal is
1's and 0's (its an analog sine wave) , there is diversity in equipment
delivering said signal.

So no one can possibly be the arbiter of whats right and whats wrong
and the point of view that phoo-phoos and patronises those that prefer
something else cannot be supported.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-17 Thread Phil Leigh

Rodney_Gold;312741 Wrote: 
 I was using the car analogy to illustrate a point that numbers do not
 always prove that there is no difference , but as you say , if there is
 a difference then your preferences are inviolate.
 In audio , there is no universal truth, nothing is ever a straight wire
 with gain and thus whatever is on the media is always distorted or
 modified in some way before it reaches the listener. There would be no
 diversity in Audio equipment if that were the case , and even if you
 are talking digital , where the notion (wrongly) is that the signal is
 1's and 0's (its an analog sine wave) , there is diversity in equipment
 delivering said signal.
 So no one can possibly be the arbiter of whats right and whats wrong
 and the point of view that phoo-phoos and patronises those that prefer
 something else cannot be supported.

Rodney - I agree with pretty much everything here except that point
about digital. From a given starting point (ie a digital file) - even
though the bits are transmitted using an analogue representation of 1's
and zeroes over spdif - it is possible to absolutely PROVE that the
right bits arrived at the other end or not. Just record the recovered
digital pattern and compare with the original. The problems with
digital generally occur at the transitions from/to analogue audio.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-17 Thread Robin Bowes
Rodney_Gold wrote:
 ... and even if you are talking digital , where the notion (wrongly)
 is that the signal is 1's and 0's (its an analog sine wave) ...


Assuming you are talking about SPDIF here, the digital information is 
actually transmitted using Biphase mark code. [1]



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-17 Thread Rodney_Gold

Well it has to be something thats happening to the digital signal, tho
at what stage and what affects the signal is beyond me. I'm a natural
sceptic and not prone to snake oil stuff , butI have directly AB
compared various sources etc into my system , which is actually easy to
do , considering my speakers have 2 digital inputs and my Z-sys also has
seamless switching between digital inputs and have heard differences ,
whether its the DAC in my speakers doing this or not, I have no idea ,
but considering its the same dac used , the only conclusion I can
gather is that its somethingto do with the digital signal itself. Nowto
take this one step further , the addition of a meridian 518 in
Bypassmode, where it merely de - jitters (so they say) the signal ,
makes a difference and anyone with one can confirm this - the signal is
still the same info , yet it has changed somehow (Im not talking any
upsampling of wordlength or adding any dither here)
My z-sys that can convert a 16 bit sample to a 24 bit one also sounds
audibly different when you do so , yet the info that comesout in terms
of 1's and 0's still has to be the same , the extra bits must be
Initially , 44/16 sound was touted as perfect sound forever , and as we
all know , that was not true.
PPl plainly do hear differences and one cannot ascribe these to merely
a placebo effect as many are wont to do.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-17 Thread Rodney_Gold

Well, I got my info from

and to quote the passage

S/PDIF signals

The signal on the digital output of a CD-player looks like almost
perfect sine-wave, with an amplitude of 500 mVtt and a frequency of
almost 3 MHz.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-17 Thread Phil Leigh

Rodney_Gold;312787 Wrote: 
 Well it has to be something thats happening to the digital signal, tho
 at what stage and what affects the signal is beyond me. I'm a natural
 sceptic and not prone to snake oil stuff , butI have directly AB
 compared various sources etc into my system , which is actually easy to
 do , considering my speakers have 2 digital inputs and my Z-sys also has
 seamless switching between digital inputs and have heard differences ,
 whether its the DAC in my speakers doing this or not, I have no idea ,
 but considering its the same dac used , the only conclusion I can
 gather is that its something to do with the digital signal itself. Now
 to take this one step further , the addition of a meridian 518 in
 Bypass mode, where it merely de - jitters (so they say) the signal ,
 makes a difference and anyone with one can confirm this - the signal is
 still the same info , yet it has changed somehow (Im not talking any
 upsampling of wordlength or adding any dither here)
 My z-sys that can convert a 16 bit sample to a 24 bit one also sounds
 audibly different when you do so , yet the info that comes out in terms
 of 1's and 0's still has to be the same , the extra bits must be
 Initially , 44/16 sound was touted as perfect sound forever , and as we
 all know , that was not true.
 Ppl plainly do hear differences and one cannot ascribe these to merely
 a placebo effect as many are wont to do.


Robin beat me to it in pointing out that the SPDIF signal is indeed a
variable mark/space squar(ish) wave. A static sine wave can only convey
frequency and amplitude!.

I'm sure you are hearing differences as you pass the digital signal
through various pieces of gear...but it's mostly not because the bits
are changing.

The output from an SB/TP is 24-bit anyway, regardless of the source.
This is about timing/jitter/clock recovery at the point at which the
digital signal is converted to analogue. As the clock is made
easier/harder to recover (and there are many factors at play here) and
jitter goes up/down there will be real differences in the analogue
output (ie the sound). No question in my mind about that. Also the
impact of various forms of electrical noise on the analogue circuits of
the DAC will have an effect.

So no IMHO it's not the digital signal per se that is the problem's how we turn it into something we can hear.

Transports can affect the sound even though logic would seem to say
they can't. I believe this is because of two factors:

1) different transports have different quality outputs (not digital
quality - I mean the square wave is cleaner/noisier) that make it
harder/easier for a DAC to process
2) transports can inject noise onto the digital signal path that gets
into the analogue parts of the DAC

As far as I can tell, the SB kit is pretty good in both respects to
start with, although there is some debate about this. Certainly it
seems possible to make the SPDIF squarer by tweaking the circuit
slightly, as documented elsewhere. What difference it makes, I don't

Everybody's MMV - this is just my personal view


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Rodney_Gold

Kjg, I just tried your suggestion and can clearly hear a difference ,
especially in the bass. didn't think it would affect things in the
digital domain , but it doesBass inst as thin..Switched
back to the old system to see if I was perhaps imagining it , but no ,
def an increase in low or mid bass.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread bigfool1956

Rodney_Gold;312494 Wrote: 
 Kjg, I just tried your suggestion and can clearly hear a difference ,
 especially in the bass. didn't think it would affect things in the
 digital domain , but it doesBass inst as thin..Switched
 back to the old system to see if I was perhaps imagining it , but no ,
 def an increase in low or mid bass.

You can hear a difference via the digital out, now that is surprising.

I can certainly hear a difference via the analogue outs of my TP, with
a firm preference for flac native decoding. Haven't tried digital, as I
prefer the TP's internal DAC to my external one.

I'm still trying to work out what is going on. Obviously via the
analogue outs there could be other mechanisms at work. AFAIK people
have checked the accuracy of the native decoder, and so the only thing
I can think of is that it affects the SPDIF out somehow, perhaps
changing the amount of jitter. Of course I could be completely wrong


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Rodney_Gold

As far as I can make out , Im now doing the decoding on ther server
rather than the TP, dunno why it makes a difference , perhaps cos im
not doing DSP in the TP?
Who is sometimes unpredictable, I have compared 2
or more transports side by side to find differences between em...anyway
it's a free and reversible tweak that seems to work for ME.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/TACT 2.0/SCM 50a's
TP/Meridian DSP5000's
The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread omega

Johan73  Rodney_Gold

There's another thing you can try:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread funkstar

oh no, not again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Phil Leigh

funkstar;312545 Wrote: 
 oh no, not again.

oh yes :o)
btw Omega, what did your friends at the lab conclude?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread darrenyeats

Yeah native decoding means more processing on-board...but it means less
network traffic too. So if you're looking for rationalisations that
works both ways.

Until it's confirmed with a bit of blind testing *I'm* not going to
lose a jot of sleep over it though. Oh yes...the B word again. :)


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread bigfool1956

omega;312528 Wrote: 
 Johan73  Rodney_Gold
 There's another thing you can try:

Native vs server decoding - yes

Display off vs display on - yes, but such a minute difference that even
someone as anal as me doesn't worry.

First song better than the rest - not in my system with a Transporter.


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Phil Leigh

bigfool1956;312566 Wrote: 
 Native vs server decoding - yes
 Display off vs display on - yes, but such a minute difference that even
 someone as anal as me doesn't worry.
 First song better than the rest - not in my system with a Transporter.

David - are you saying that you can clearly hear (and prefer) native
FLAC streaming and conversion over server-side conversion and streaming
as WAV?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Nonreality

Rodney_Gold;312511 Wrote: 
 As far as I can make out , Im now doing the decoding on ther server
 rather than the TP, dunno why it makes a difference , perhaps cos im
 not doing DSP in the TP?
 Who is sometimes unpredictable, I have compared 2
 or more transports side by side to find differences between em...anyway
 it's a free and reversible tweak that seems to work for ME in MY
 I don't subscribe to the fact that meaurements or numbers are the be
 all and end all of the determinants of whether something is better than
 another , for exampole the fact one car has the same power and torque
 and 1/4 mile or track times as another does not make it equal when
 driving them.If your comparing how fast they get in the quarter mile when 
then they are equal.  If you are trying to get a handling feel or noise
level from the quarter mile times, then no. A lot of people will pass on
accurate sound when given the choice the choice of crisper highs and
louder lows.  The days of dolby nr on cassettes proved that to me. 
Tapes were encoded with it but nobody ever hit the button.  It would
lower the highs and lows back to the original levels and people didn't
like that after hearing them louder. They didn't realize or care that
they were listening to music with the mids way low and not accurate. I
guess my point is that there is no right or wrong, just listen to what
feels right to you. If you do start saying something is wrong then
measurements, numbers and abx'ing will come into play.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread bigfool1956

Phil Leigh;312572 Wrote: 
 David - are you saying that you can clearly hear (and prefer) native
 FLAC streaming and conversion over server-side conversion and streaming
 as WAV?

Hi Phil,

Yes, indeed I am, and my son agrees with me. 

Actually I was a bit surprised, because not only was I dubious there
would be a difference, but also I thought that if there were a
difference, then the nod would go to transcoding on the server (i.e.
less for the TP to do).


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Phil Leigh

bigfool1956;312584 Wrote: 
 Hi Phil,
 Yes, indeed I am, and my son agrees with me. 
 Actually I was a bit surprised, because not only was I dubious there
 would be a difference, but also I thought that if there were a
 difference, then the nod would go to transcoding on the server (i.e.
 less for the TP to do).

Fascinating. I'll try it again. Last time I did this I noticed no
difference - but I'm using the spdif o/p of an SB3...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Themis

In my opinion, the differences between the SB and the Cambridge Audio
transport simply come from the (poor) SB isolation. The CDT drive is
very well isolated, while the SB is not : it needs explicit isolation.

I experienced similar differences in the past and i was obliged to
change the power supply and use a Belkin PureAV isolator.

BTW, before isolating it, i also experienced (strange) differences
between FLAC/WAV and even differences between various FLAC compression


SB3 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Phil Leigh

Themis;312594 Wrote: 
 In my opinion, the differences between the SB and the Cambridge Audio
 transport simply come from the (poor) SB isolation. The CDT drive is
 very well isolated, while the SB is not : it needs explicit isolation.
 I experienced similar differences in the past and i was obliged to
 change the power supply and use a Belkin PureAV isolator.
 BTW, before isolating it, i also experienced (strange) differences
 between FLAC/WAV and even differences between various FLAC compression

Hmmm...possible. My system is very well isolated so maybe I won't see
the differences that David refers to - but I'm pretty sure David is
using some suitable mains conditioning...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Phil Leigh

I wonder if Sean ever put the scope across the spdif whilst trying
different streaming/transcoding combos... :o)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread bigfool1956

Phil Leigh;312599 Wrote: 
 Hmmm...possible. My system is very well isolated so maybe I won't see
 the differences that David refers to - but I'm pretty sure David is
 using some suitable mains conditioning...

I think the answer lies in my post(s) on the 'photos of your
transporter setup' thread.



David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Phil Leigh

bigfool1956;312623 Wrote: 
 I think the answer lies in my post(s) on the 'photos of your transporter
 setup' thread.
ys - as I suspected :o)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread bigfool1956

And I still want to upgrade the Orbe / SME. Someone should put me in a
padded room for my own good :)


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-16 Thread Timothy Stockman

Nonreality;312578 Wrote: 
 A lot of people will pass on accurate sound when given the choice the
 choice of crisper highs and louder lows.  The days of dolby nr on
 cassettes proved that to me.  Tapes were encoded with it but nobody
 ever hit the button.  It would lower the highs and lows back to the
 original levels and people didn't like that after hearing them louder.
 They didn't realize or care that they were listening to music with the
 mids way low and not accurate.
This is why Dolby was often jokingly referred to as Dullby.  :)

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread Phil Leigh

johan73;312121 Wrote: 
 I've recently bought a Squeezebox Duet and have started ripping my cd
 collection. I use dBpoweramp Reference and rip to flac. For most cd’s I
 achieve an “AccurateRip”, so I suppose my rips are close to bit-perfect.
 I use an external DAC (Mission DAC5) between the SB and my amp.
 However, I still find that the sound from the SB is flatter, more dull,
 less crisp and has less punch than the cd original.
 I have compared audio quality from the SB with that from my cd
 transport (Cambridge CDT One) by in turn connecting the cd transport
 and the SB to the same external DAC using the same digital cable.
 I bought the SB in the belief that the digital output would be equally
 good – if not better due to less jitter – than that from a cd player,
 so I’m a bit disappointed. Can anyone see obvious flaws in my

make sure you have digital outout set to fixed, you are not using
replaygain and the analog outputs is set to 63 (ie off). Make sure
bit rate limiting is set to none.

Stream FLAC as FLAC(ie use the native encoder)

Are you using SPDIF or toslink?

In my experience, an SB3 digital output will equal or outperform any CD
player I've owned/used/borrowed (this includes some very expensive

Remember, this is all about clock-recovery /jitter (there is no other
factor that can affect quality - the bits are correct) and how well
your DAC handles them.

The output jitter of the SB is very low. 

I'm starting to wonder if some people prefer higher jitter... ?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread johan73

 Are you using SPDIF or toslink?
I use SPDIF (my DAC doesn't have toslink).

 make sure you have digital outout set to fixed, you are not using
 replaygain and the analog outputs is set to 63 (ie off). Make sure
 bit rate limiting is set to none.
 Stream FLAC as FLAC(ie use the native encoder)

I have changed digital output to fixed
Volume Adjustment/Replay Gain was set to No Volume Adjustment to
begin with
I have now set analog outputs (I guess you mean what is called Preamp
Volume Control in SqueeceCenter) to 63 (why would this matter when I
only use digital out?)
Bit rate limiting was already set to No limits
In Advanced  File Types: File format Flac, Stream format FLAC was set
to Native

I think changing the digital output to fixed have improved sound,
though I'm not entirely sure yet. (BTW, would a fixed output be equal
to adjustable output where volume is set to max?)


Audio set-up:
Squeezebox Duet
TaraLabs Prism D1 Digital
Mission DAC5
Audio Note AN-C
Holfi Integra
Oehlbach XXL-6
Infinity Kappa 6.2i

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread Nonreality

You could use replay gain as long as you don't mistake volume for
quality. Adjust accordingly when comparing.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread cliveb

Phil Leigh;312135 Wrote: 
 Remember, this is all about clock-recovery /jitter (there is no other
 factor that can affect quality - the bits are correct)
I beg to differ. There are THREE things I can think of which could
affect the quality when feeding a digital signal to an external DAC:

1. The bits. We know that these are routinely 100% correct.
2. Timing jitter. Obviously a possible factor, but: (i) most modern
DACs have pretty good reclocking; and (ii) studies have demonstrated
that on music signals the effects of jitter are inaudible at levels
vastly higher than the jitter from pretty much all modern digital
3. Noise emanating from the digital source (either airborne as EMI or
down the SPDIF cable) getting into the analogue circuitry of the DAC.

My money is strongly on #3 as the most likely reason that digital
sources might sound different when feeding the same DAC. We know for
example that the Squeezebox has pretty low jitter, but its stock wall
wart PSU sprays all sorts of nasty RFI around.


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread johan73

 3. Noise emanating from the digital source (either airborne as EMI or
 down the SPDIF cable) getting into the analogue circuitry of the DAC.
Can electromagnetic interference (EMI) distort the signal from PC to SB
Receiver? If yes, could this problem be avoided by using cabled
connection to the SB instead of wireless?

 My money is strongly on #3 as the most likely reason that digital
 sources might sound different when feeding the same DAC. We know for
 example that the Squeezebox has pretty low jitter, but its stock wall
 wart PSU sprays all sorts of nasty RFI around.
Do you recommend substituting the SB's original power supply? With


Audio set-up:
Squeezebox Duet
TaraLabs Prism D1 Digital
Mission DAC5
Audio Note AN-C
Holfi Integra
Oehlbach XXL-6
Infinity Kappa 6.2i

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread iPhone

johan73;312121 Wrote: 
 I bought the SB in the belief that the digital output would be equally
 good – if not better due to less jitter – than that from a cd player,
 so I’m a bit disappointed. Can anyone see obvious flaws in my

Digital is digital. If the source bits are the same, as they should be
between a Red Book CD and a FLAC File, there should be no audible
difference. This is assuming there is no huge error source or
outrageous jitter offset that neither of these two units should have.
So it could simply come down to setup. How close is all the equipment
to the SB3s wall wart?

The reason I ask is that I seemed to notice a difference in audio when
making a similar comparison. After switching from S/PDIF cable to
Toslink to see if it was possibly a cable issue (which after thinking
about it didn’t make sense because both units were using the same
cable), I found that by isolating the SB3 from the DAC by optical cable
that the two units could not be singled out anymore. I have never
figured out what was the cause whether it was EMI, RFI, the tilt of the
earth, but something was being carried from the SB3 on or over the coax
that mudded the waters for the DAC. Mind you I don’t think it had
anything to do with the digital side but that it got carried to the
analog section of the DAC by the coax cable. Something that was not
being carried from the CDT, so my thoughts keep coming back to the wall
wart power supply.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread cliveb

johan73;312206 Wrote: 
 Can electromagnetic interference (EMI) distort the signal from PC to SB
 Receiver? If yes, could this problem be avoided by using cabled
 connection to the SB instead of wireless?
I'm guessing here, but it's plausible that EMI from the network might
affect the SBR's analogue circuitry. However, there's no reason to
believe a wireless setup would generate more EMI of the type that might
affect an SBR than a wired one. Remember than ethernet cables are
typically unshielded, so I'd expect them to generate a fair amount of
EMI, and it's anyone's guess at what level and over what RF spectrum.

johan73;312206 Wrote: 
 Do you recommend substituting the SB's original power supply? With what?
Not necessarily. It all depends on whether the EMI that it generates
actually affects the particular analogue gear you have. Some people
swear that changing to a linear PSU makes a marked improvement, while
others say it made no difference. I've speculated before that perhaps
it's all down to how vulnerable the other gear is to EMI that is the
root cause of this distinction. So if you were to go out and buy a
better PSU (ie. one that generates less EMI), it might make little or
no difference.


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread Ken
You can try disabling the native FLAC streaming and let the server decode the 
file and stream WAV. If this changes things you'll fall into the I hear a 
difference where one shouldn't exist camp. There are a bunch of folks that 
belong to this :).

1. SqueezeCenter Settings - Advanced - File Types - FLAC/FLAC = disabled, 
FLAC/WAV = flac
2. Flip to another song and start playing. If you're using Windows, you should 
see a process labeled flac.exe in the Task Manager indicating the server decode 
is operating.

- Ken (hearing differences where they shouldn't exist)

johan73 wrote:
 I have changed digital output to fixed
 Volume Adjustment/Replay Gain was set to No Volume Adjustment to
 begin with
 I have now set analog outputs (I guess you mean what is called Preamp
 Volume Control in SqueeceCenter) to 63 (why would this matter when I
 only use digital out?)
 Bit rate limiting was already set to No limits
 In Advanced  File Types: File format Flac, Stream format FLAC was set
 to Native
 I think changing the digital output to fixed have improved sound,
 though I'm not entirely sure yet. (BTW, would a fixed output be equal
 to adjustable output where volume is set to max?)

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread Phil Leigh

johan73;312206 Wrote: 
 Can electromagnetic interference (EMI) distort the signal from PC to SB
 Receiver? If yes, could this problem be avoided by using cabled
 connection to the SB instead of wireless?
 Do you recommend substituting the SB's original power supply? With

NO! - it's nothing to do with WI-FI...

You might try a linear supply instead. But I can't guarantee this will
fix your problem.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac vs. CD

2008-06-15 Thread darrenyeats

Suggestion #1. Try listening blind.

Suggestion #2. Avoid the endless debate (and it is endless) over S/PDIF
and DACs by using the on-board DAC of the SB3 (it's not that
bad...really!) or the TP.

Suggestion #3. Buy a cheap linear regulated PS if it makes you feel
better. In the UK they're available here



SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-06-05 Thread captain cripes

I tried this, and it works great with one issue that maybe someone can
help me with.  When I create an iTunes library with the TwistedFlac
files, the songs load in just fine but they are not organized by artist
or album. The flacs are all suitably tagged, and the wav shadow files
include the artist/album/track/song/etc information when I use the get
info function in iTunes.  So I am puzzled.FWIW, I want to do this
not to play the files in iTunes but merely to use iTunes as a tool to
print an album/artist library without converting all my flacs to ALACs.
Indeed there are other ways to print a library, but I really like the
iTunes library print function.  Any hints?

captain cripes

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-31 Thread kphinney

Purely by accident I found that songs on the virtual disk and synced on
iTunes can be played on my iPod.  I wasn't expecting this to occur.

iTunes copies the music as a WAV to the iPod,
Or iPods have the ability to play FLAC.

Either way, now I can have my FLACs and listen to them to!


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-24 Thread kphinney

He he he... I'm really pleased now.  Yup, I love my SlimDevices and the
awesome quality they produce.  But sometimes I'm bound to my laptop and

Using the same setup as described in my first post, but now pointing
TwistedFLAC to the shared folder containing my FLACs on my primary Mac,
I can listed to all of my FLACs on my laptop (as WAVs in iTunes).  All
without taking any real drive space from my laptops tiny hard drive.

I also discovered that if you create a folder in iTunes by dragging the
TwistedFLAC virtual image to the side bar you can reconnect to it
WITHOUT adding the files a second time.  Be aware - you need to change
iTunes setting to Not Copy and Not Keep Organized.
Now when you dismount the virtual folder you can remount it later and
all of your FLAC (now WAVs) will be retained in the iTunes folder.

Pretty damn cool.  

Sorry - from what I've tried you cannot use iTunes to modify the files.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-24 Thread kphinney

Okay - I guess an easier way would have been to keep TwistedFLAC mounted
(on the server PowerMac) and then just use iTunes (laptop) to discover
and share the files. Works both ways.

I'm getting beyond the point of my original post.  The purpose was to
point our that you can have FLACs for use with the SB and play on
iTunes them without converting them.  Sorry for the digression.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-23 Thread kphinney

yooper;304351 Wrote: 
 Thanks a lot for the topic and explanation of getting everything to
 I too use flac, and would be interested to try this.  I do have a
 question.. once iTunes picks up the flac files can you use iTunes to
 add album art to the flac files?  
 My current flac library (also around 500 GB) does have all the album
 art, but most of it is Amazon quality (240 x 240) and it would be nice
 to add iTunes hi-rez album art.
 My other question, would Slim recognize this work around if I decided
 to let iTunes manage the music within Slim?
 Thanks again,
All very good questions Mark.  I'll check it out later this evening but
I have to think the adding artwork via iTunes will Not work.  Since the
programs create a virtual disk I have a feeling it's a one-way path. 
At best, your new artwork will stay only as long as the virtual disk
remains open.  Closing it (or the programs) and reopening will mirror
your FLACs again, without and modifications.
All of my artwork is retained from FLAC - iTunes.

I don't trust the setup enough to let iTunes manage it yet, even if it
is possible due to the same reason mentioned above.
Give me a run down if you give it a chance.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-22 Thread yooper


Thanks a lot for the topic and explanation of getting everything to

I too use flac, and would be interested to try this.  I do have a
question.. once iTunes picks up the flac files can you use iTunes to
add album art to the flac files?  

My current flac library (also around 500 GB) does have all the album
art, but most of it is Amazon quality (240 x 240) and it would be nice
to add iTunes hi-rez album art.

My other question, would Slim recognize this work around if I decided
to let iTunes manage the music within Slim?

Thanks again,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread kphinney

GuyDebord;303762 Wrote: 

1)  I don't want to convert my files.  FLAC is what I use and will
continue to use, even if I have to eschew iTunes like I have for years.

2)  Max will convert all of your FLACs in one go - no question there,
but it DOES NOT retain all tag information.  The last time I tried Max I
found myself retyping and hunting cover art for many, many, hours.  

I guess my original post may have been misconstrued.  I do not want to
convert from FLAC.  All I wanted was to see my FLACs in iTunes and not
use any additional drive space.

bBesides, there are dozens of post here on converting between file
formats and enough FLAC to ALAC to WAV, etc threads to choke the life
out of even the most insomniac reader.  If you want to talk FLAC
conversion, please re-open another post.  This was new news for the


Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's

Zhaolu D2.5 with headphone amp mod.
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread kphinney

Nikhil;303643 Wrote: 
 well .. I just tried TwistedFLAC on my G4 PPC mini  and all I get is
 a spinning beach-ball ... had to restart twice :(  . I know the MacFUSE
 part is fine, because NTFS-3G works perfectly. I will wait until
 someone gets this running on the platform. Firefly will suffice until

What OS version are you on?  I had it running on my old G3 iBook, on
v10.4.2.  I did make sure to install the 10.4 version of MacFUSE.


Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's

Zhaolu D2.5 with headphone amp mod.
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread GuyDebord

kphinney;303996 Wrote: 
 2)  Max will convert all of your FLACs in one go - no question there,
 but it DOES NOT retain all tag information.  The last time I tried Max I
 found myself retyping and hunting cover art for many, many, hours.  

If youre tags were correctly done you wouldnt have any problems, I
guess that keeping FLAC also helps avoid some organization... Good luck
with your virtual drive.


Verity Audio Tamino X2 wired with v/d Hul Inspiration, REL Strata5.
AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE: Clearaudio
Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon  Lyra Helikon SL, ASR Basis Exclusive
phono preamp, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. DIGITAL:
SlimDevices Transporter, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2.  POWER:
Isotek MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30
MKII (ASR), v/d Hul Mainstream (Pathos)  v/d Hul Mainserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-21 Thread kphinney

GuyDebord;304021 Wrote: 
 If youre tags were correctly done you wouldnt have any problems, I guess
 that keeping FLAC also helps avoid some organization... Good luck with
 your virtual drive.

Thanks.  I'm not adverse to keeping things organized, but I prefer to
do without it if I can.  I do wish I had the time to fix all of my
tags, but we're talking about 500GB of music with encoding dates
ranging from 2003 to last week, encoding platforms include Windows,
Mac, RedHat ( Fedora), and GNU LAMP.  

I'm constantly amazed that the tags still provide my player and
SlimServer with a semblance of working goodness.

I need a miracle every day.


SB3 (x2) and Transporter
Rotel RCD-1070
CIAudio DVA-2 w/ VAC-1 PS
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-20 Thread pichonCalavera

Nikhil Wrote: 
 1) mp3fs: Works similarly to the way your method does i.e. creates a
 virtual filesystem based on MacFUSE. But instead of WAVs, the files are
 converted to mp3s at a bit rate that you decide. It is useful if you
 want to sync parts of your flac collection with a portable audio
 player. The mac patch for mp3fs can be found here . The original mp3fs page is , and of course MacFUSE is a google
 project . As a side note, MacFUSE
 also serves as the base for NTFS-3G which lets you finally Read  Write
 windows partitions on a mac

Yep, mp3fs is great, I have it installed on my Debian Server, and it
works wonders for when I want to convert to mp3 quickly.


*rip* (eac)  *convert* (flac)  *tag* (musicbrainz/mp3tag) 
*normalize* (replaygain/foobar2000)  *albumart* (www)  *transport*
(winscp)  *store* (debian)  *rescan* (squeezecenter)  *play*
(squeezebox)  *mix* (musicip)  *listen* (sennheiser)  *scrooble*
(  *enjoy* (me :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC on a Mac with iTunes - CAN DO!

2008-05-20 Thread GuyDebord

kphinney;303541 Wrote: 
 It's been a while since I lasted posted or even had time to read this,
 my favorite Community Forum.  But I found something that may be of
 interest to the Mac users out there.  If you're like me you've been
 waiting for Apple to include FLAC capabilites in iTunes ( QuickTime). 
 Apple has eschewed FLAC for it's propriatory ALAC and 10.4 didn't add
 FLAC, nor did 10.5.
 I just discovered TwistedFLAC.  TwistedFLAC and it's subordinate helper
 program, MacFUSE, allow FLAC files to be read as WAV files.
 When you install MacFUSE, MacFUSE implements a mechanism that makes it
 possible to implement a fully functional file system in a user-space
 program on Mac OS X (10.4 and above).  yadda yadda... it allows you to
 create a virtual disk.  When I say you in this instance I mean
 Twisted uses this virtual disk as a virtual repository for alias files
 - your FLACs now as WAVs - without taking any real disk space.
 I just started working with setting this up and I wanted to offer up
 the idea as well as get your Mac insight.  Here's what I did:
 1) install both programs
 2) point TwistedFLAC to my FLAC folder (the highest level folder, not
 each subfolder).
 3) Pointed iTunes to the virtual disk image Twised made on my desktop
 and turned off Keep iTune Music folder organized and Copy files to
 iTunes Music folder when adding to library.
 4) Dragged the disk image to iTunes.  
 20 minutes later iTunes had added all of my FLACs to itself without
 taking any more disk space.
 AND it plays all of my music as if they are WAV files.  Have You Cake
 and Eat it to!
 The only problem I am having, and I'm sure it is because of step 3
 somehow, is that I have duplicates of nearly every song in iTunes.  But
 again, it didn't actually copy anything so no hard drive space was
 I like it.  It was easy, free, and I didn't have to convert or
 duplicate any files.  Now, why couldn't Apple have done that for us?
 (By the way, I posted this here because I'm sure 99% of the audiophile
 crowd is using FLAC or ALAC.  If I should move and repost elsewhere,
 please let me know.  Thanks.)

But why got thru all of this if you can easily convert flacs to alacs
and viceversa? I assume that if you are using mac server you will never
need flacs, not even if you want to take them to go...
Is there some esoteric belief behind this post?


Verity Audio Tamino X2 wired with v/d Hul Inspiration, REL Strata5.
AMPS: Pathos Classic One MKIII's in mono config. ANALOGUE: Clearaudio
Ambient CMB, Satisfy Carbon  Lyra Helikon SL, ASR Basis Exclusive
phono preamp, link: AcousticZen Silver Reference2 XLR’s. DIGITAL:
SlimDevices Transporter, link: WireWorld SilverEclipse 5.2.  POWER:
Isotek MiniSub GII, Isotek Elite cables (MiniSub, Rel), Siltech SPX30
MKII (ASR), v/d Hul Mainstream (Pathos)  v/d Hul Mainserver

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