RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help Reading Name on Marriage

2019-11-01 Thread Richard Francis Pimentel
It looks like it is a word meaning as above I would have to look at more of the 
record to understand what it means exactly.



Richard Francis Pimentel

Lee, NH


Researching, Riberia Grande, Riberinha, Achada Grande,  Bretanha, and Ponta 
Delgada,  Sao Miguel, Acores




From:  On Behalf Of JML
Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 5:54 AM
To: Azores Genealogy 
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help Reading Name on Marriage


Hi All,


I don't understand the word before the groom's name:


 filho ___ Amaro Machado 

any ideas?


Thanks so much.



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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help Reading Name on Marriage

2019-11-01 Thread Cheri Mello
Hi Jessica,

It's probably "de" for "of." I didn't open it.

Can you please post the URL from the website. You are *sure* your image is
going to work on a PC, Mac, Linux, Android platforms, Apple platforms,
mobile platforms, people whose eyes are in their 30s, 50s, 80s, etc, on the
old IE, the newer Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc? If you are not sure
that your image can reach 100% of those things (and hence 100% of the
reading audience), then post the URL as we can all adjust our browsers to
read the Internet. And it will save you a lot of time. Just copy and paste
the URL and tell us where to look :)
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 9:41 AM JML  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I don't understand the word before the groom's name:
>  filho ___ Amaro
> Machado Barcellos
> any ideas?
> Thanks so much.
> Jessica
> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records

2019-09-20 Thread Margaret Vicente
No problem.  As an fyi, I am related to the couples in your search and have 
them in my tree.  Also, Manuel de Melo Afonso and Bernarda Augusta are listed 
in the Genealogies of Rodrigo Rodrigues, Capitulo 366 Unico, N.o 5 and Capitulo 

I can send you what I have, pm me if you’re interested.

From: R Downey
Sent: September 20, 2019 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records

Thank you Margaret!  Would never have figured out the margins!

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 1:51 AM Margaret Vicente  
Child:  Maria
Baptized: Nov 10 1901
Birth date: Nov 7 1901 at 9 o’clock
Parents and grandparents you got it.
# 1  Got married canonically with Jose Bernardo Sousa, 24 years old, 
natural of the Council of Nordeste, of this island of S. Miguel, son of Manuel 
Bernado de Sousa and of Maria Raposo de Mendonca, in New Bedford Massachusetts 
of North America on the 5th of September of 1926.  Marriage record # 158 of 
1967 Chamber of Foreign Affairs.  Bulletin # 394 – xx # 193.  On 30th of May of 
# 2  The married endorsed under # 1 was dissolved by the obit of husband on 
the 28th of January 1973.   Bulletin # 14 pack # 61P On the 22nd of February of 
# 3   Passed away in the parish of Achada, Council of Nordeste on the 4th 
of January of 1978.  Bulletin # 3 OM.  On January 9th of 1978.
This is what I get, hope it helps.
From: R Downey
Sent: September 20, 2019 11:58 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records
If I could have help I would appreciate it.  Just when I feel I am getting 
better the records get harder to read as they get older.  This one though is 
written clear and I think I can make out most of it, but am not confident in 
the names and what the relation is to the child (get confused with the priest 
and his parents being mentioned) so any help would be appreciated.  This is my 
husbands great grandparents and the names are similar so I don't trust myself.  
I have another to post separate.  Thanks for any and all help.
This first record I believe says:
Child:  Maria Carreiro 
Born: 11/1/1900
Parents:  Joao Carreiro de Medeiros and Maria Julia de Mello farmers
Maternal Grandparents:  Augustinho Carreiro de Medeiros and Theresa de Jesus
Paternal Grandparents:  Manuel de Mello Affonso and Bernarda Agusta de Mello
Godparents:  Jose Mello Cardosa and Maria Ricarda de Mello
The margin references Bernardo Sousa and Bernarda Correia, but besides the 
dates I cannot make out anything else.  So any input on that would be 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records

2019-09-20 Thread R Downey
Thank you Margaret!  Would never have figured out the margins!

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 1:51 AM Margaret Vicente 

> Child:  Maria
> Baptized: Nov 10 1901
> Birth date: Nov 7 1901 at 9 o’clock
> Parents and grandparents you got it.
> Margin
> # 1  Got married canonically with Jose Bernardo Sousa, 24 years old,
> natural of the Council of Nordeste, of this island of S. Miguel, son of
> Manuel Bernado de Sousa and of Maria Raposo de Mendonca, in New Bedford
> Massachusetts of North America on the 5th of September of 1926.  Marriage
> record # 158 of 1967 Chamber of Foreign Affairs.  Bulletin # 394 – xx #
> 193.  On 30th of May of 1967
> # 2  The married endorsed under # 1 was dissolved by the obit of
> husband on the 28th of January 1973.   Bulletin # 14 pack # 61P On the 22
> nd of February of 1974.
> # 3   Passed away in the parish of Achada, Council of Nordeste on the 4
> th of January of 1978.  Bulletin # 3 OM.  On January 9th of 1978.
> This is what I get, hope it helps.
> Margaret
> *From: *R Downey 
> *Sent: *September 20, 2019 11:58 AM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records
> If I could have help I would appreciate it.  Just when I feel I am getting
> better the records get harder to read as they get older.  This one though
> is written clear and I think I can make out most of it, but am not
> confident in the names and what the relation is to the child (get confused
> with the priest and his parents being mentioned) so any help would be
> appreciated.  This is my husbands great grandparents and the names are
> similar so I don't trust myself.  I have another to post separate.  Thanks
> for any and all help.
> This first record I believe says:
> Child:  Maria Carreiro
> Born: 11/1/1900
> Parents:  Joao Carreiro de Medeiros and Maria Julia de Mello farmers
> Maternal Grandparents:  Augustinho Carreiro de Medeiros and Theresa de
> Jesus
> Paternal Grandparents:  Manuel de Mello Affonso and Bernarda Agusta de
> Mello
> Godparents:  Jose Mello Cardosa and Maria Ricarda de Mello
> The margin references Bernardo Sousa and Bernarda Correia, but besides the
> dates I cannot make out anything else.  So any input on that would be
> appreicated!
> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records

2019-09-20 Thread Margaret Vicente
Child:  Maria
Baptized: Nov 10 1901
Birth date: Nov 7 1901 at 9 o’clock
Parents and grandparents you got it.
# 1  Got married canonically with Jose Bernardo Sousa, 24 years old, 
natural of the Council of Nordeste, of this island of S. Miguel, son of Manuel 
Bernado de Sousa and of Maria Raposo de Mendonca, in New Bedford Massachusetts 
of North America on the 5th of September of 1926.  Marriage record # 158 of 
1967 Chamber of Foreign Affairs.  Bulletin # 394 – xx # 193.  On 30th of May of 
# 2  The married endorsed under # 1 was dissolved by the obit of husband on 
the 28th of January 1973.   Bulletin # 14 pack # 61P On the 22nd of February of 
# 3 Passed away in the parish of Achada, Council of Nordeste on the 
4th of January of 1978.  Bulletin # 3 OM.  On January 9th of 1978.

This is what I get, hope it helps.


From: R Downey
Sent: September 20, 2019 11:58 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism records

If I could have help I would appreciate it.  Just when I feel I am getting 
better the records get harder to read as they get older.  This one though is 
written clear and I think I can make out most of it, but am not confident in 
the names and what the relation is to the child (get confused with the priest 
and his parents being mentioned) so any help would be appreciated.  This is my 
husbands great grandparents and the names are similar so I don't trust myself.  
I have another to post separate.  Thanks for any and all help.

This first record I believe says:

Child:  Maria Carreiro 

Born: 11/1/1900

Parents:  Joao Carreiro de Medeiros and Maria Julia de Mello farmers

Maternal Grandparents:  Augustinho Carreiro de Medeiros and Theresa de Jesus

Paternal Grandparents:  Manuel de Mello Affonso and Bernarda Agusta de Mello

Godparents:  Jose Mello Cardosa and Maria Ricarda de Mello

The margin references Bernardo Sousa and Bernarda Correia, but besides the 
dates I cannot make out anything else.  So any input on that would be 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

2019-09-12 Thread R Downey
Just wanted to double check the 2nd time period phrase.  Meaning Marriage 
1st and then birth of kids being 2nd?  Parents are only listed on first 
marriage and not listed at birth or baptisms?  Only first marriage.  
Something I didn't know until last time.  But, just wanting to make sure 
that I know understand 2nd time period.  Thanks!  

On Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 2:40:20 AM UTC+9, Cheri Mello wrote:
> Florinda, daughter of Lourenço José de Sousa, native of Nossa Senhora da 
> Estrela of Ribeira Grande (so that's where you find his baptism), and Luiza 
> Francisca, native of this parish, Nossa Senhora do Rosario, place of 
> Achadinha, born on 16 Nov 1000 700 90 and 8 (spelled oyto instead of oito). 
> So Sam got 1798 right.  Then some church stuff. Then godfather: Mathias 
> Jose Jacinto, son of the family of Alfares  a...ndo Jose, widower, from 
> Nossa Senhora da Conceicao of the village of Ribeira Grande.
> You are in the 2nd time period. Grandparents are not given. You have to 
> find Lourenco and Luiza's marriage. Since they are from 2 different 
> freguesias, you look in the bride's first. So check Achadinha for the 
> marriage and then check Ribeira Grande - N.S. da Estrela church.
> Good luck,
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 9:39 AM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy <
> > wrote:
>> I see the 6th of November seventeen hundred and ninety something.  I 
>> think it’s eight but; not sure about that.  Baptized on the 21 say of the 
>> same month and year.  I see the same as you for the dad and the mom is 
>> Luisa Francisca.  Natural of this parish of Nossa Senhora de Rosario.  
>> Godfather was Matteus Jose Jacinto who was a son of the family of Ensign 
>> (can’t read the first name) Jose, widow.  The names at the bottom are the 
>> witnesses.  Hopefully, someone else can fill in the missing pieces.
>> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
>> *From: *R Downey 
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:05 AM
>> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
>> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria 
>> Florinda
>> Can someone help me read this Baptism of Maria Florinda.
>> What I think it says:  November 1799  I can't figure the date?
>> Father:  Lourenco Jose de Sousa
>> Mother:  Luisa (Luiza) _ - I cannot make out last name (Luisa Rosa - 
>> in a prior record)
>> Nordeste Sao Miguel
>> I am trying to find the parents of both Mother and Father if listed or 
>> more if possible.  Thanks so much for any help.  I am trying to get better 
>> at reading these.
>> Names I think I see and more, but can't tell who the grand parents are 
>> and who the priests and families of priest are?  It seems to go into quite 
>> a bit of detail of the Reverendo?
>> Padre:  Virginio son of 
>> Manoel de Sousa Pimentel
>> Godfather?:
>> Mathios Jose Jacindo
>> Son of
>> Someone I cannot figure out?
>> and then
>> Clarencio Jose Joachimo Soares Dutra
>> Antonio de Medeiros
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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>> email to .
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>> .
>>  Virus-free. 
>> <>
>> -- 
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>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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>> email to .
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

You received this 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

2019-09-12 Thread R Downey
Thanks all!  I think I found the marriage cert late yesterday so will try
to see if I can sort and might post!  Really appreciate the tips and help!
I get faster at it.  Took me a day to decipher in the past what only takes
1 hour now!  LOL!  I am hoping to get accurate and faster!  Really
appreciate your help!

On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 3:14 AM Margaret Vicente 

> There’s another detail, the margin note should be taken into account as
> her name seems to have a change or addition.
> Margin Note:  Maria nome q.e lh poz Sua Ex.a qdo. a Confirmou (
> Maria, name given/inputed by His Reverend Excellency (Bishop) when he
> Confirmed her)
> Margaret Vicente
> *From: *Cheri Mello 
> *Sent: *September 11, 2019 1:40 PM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria
> Florinda
> Florinda, daughter of Lourenço José de Sousa, native of Nossa Senhora da
> Estrela of Ribeira Grande (so that's where you find his baptism), and Luiza
> Francisca, native of this parish, Nossa Senhora do Rosario, place of
> Achadinha, born on 16 Nov 1000 700 90 and 8 (spelled oyto instead of oito).
> So Sam got 1798 right.  Then some church stuff. Then godfather: Mathias
> Jose Jacinto, son of the family of Alfares  a...ndo Jose, widower, from
> Nossa Senhora da Conceicao of the village of Ribeira Grande.
> You are in the 2nd time period. Grandparents are not given. You have to
> find Lourenco and Luiza's marriage. Since they are from 2 different
> freguesias, you look in the bride's first. So check Achadinha for the
> marriage and then check Ribeira Grande - N.S. da Estrela church.
> Good luck,
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 9:39 AM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy <
>> wrote:
> I see the 6th of November seventeen hundred and ninety something.  I
> think it’s eight but; not sure about that.  Baptized on the 21 say of the
> same month and year.  I see the same as you for the dad and the mom is
> Luisa Francisca.  Natural of this parish of Nossa Senhora de Rosario.
> Godfather was Matteus Jose Jacinto who was a son of the family of Ensign
> (can’t read the first name) Jose, widow.  The names at the bottom are the
> witnesses.  Hopefully, someone else can fill in the missing pieces.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> *From: *R Downey 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:05 AM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria
> Florinda
> Can someone help me read this Baptism of Maria Florinda.
> What I think it says:  November 1799  I can't figure the date?
> Father:  Lourenco Jose de Sousa
> Mother:  Luisa (Luiza) _ - I cannot make out last name (Luisa Rosa -
> in a prior record)
> Nordeste Sao Miguel
> I am trying to find the parents of both Mother and Father if listed or
> more if possible.  Thanks so much for any help.  I am trying to get better
> at reading these.
> Names I think I see and more, but can't tell who the grand parents are and
> who the priests and families of priest are?  It seems to go into quite a
> bit of detail of the Reverendo?
> Padre:  Virginio son of
> Manoel de Sousa Pimentel
> Godfather?:
> Mathios Jose Jacindo
> Son of
> Someone I cannot figure out?
> and then
> Clarencio Jose Joachimo Soares Dutra
> Antonio de Medeiros
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> <>
> .
> <>
> Virus-free. www.avas

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

2019-09-11 Thread Margaret Vicente
There’s another detail, the margin note should be taken into account as her 
name seems to have a change or addition.

Margin Note:  Maria nome q.e lh poz Sua Ex.a qdo. a Confirmou ( Maria, 
name given/inputed by His Reverend Excellency (Bishop) when he Confirmed her)

Margaret Vicente

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: September 11, 2019 1:40 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

Florinda, daughter of Lourenço José de Sousa, native of Nossa Senhora da 
Estrela of Ribeira Grande (so that's where you find his baptism), and Luiza 
Francisca, native of this parish, Nossa Senhora do Rosario, place of Achadinha, 
born on 16 Nov 1000 700 90 and 8 (spelled oyto instead of oito). So Sam got 
1798 right.  Then some church stuff. Then godfather: Mathias Jose Jacinto, son 
of the family of Alfares  a...ndo Jose, widower, from Nossa Senhora da 
Conceicao of the village of Ribeira Grande.

You are in the 2nd time period. Grandparents are not given. You have to find 
Lourenco and Luiza's marriage. Since they are from 2 different freguesias, you 
look in the bride's first. So check Achadinha for the marriage and then check 
Ribeira Grande - N.S. da Estrela church.
Good luck,
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 9:39 AM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
I see the 6th of November seventeen hundred and ninety something.  I think it’s 
eight but; not sure about that.  Baptized on the 21 say of the same month and 
year.  I see the same as you for the dad and the mom is Luisa Francisca.  
Natural of this parish of Nossa Senhora de Rosario.  Godfather was Matteus Jose 
Jacinto who was a son of the family of Ensign (can’t read the first name) Jose, 
widow.  The names at the bottom are the witnesses.  Hopefully, someone else can 
fill in the missing pieces.
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: R Downey
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:05 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda
Can someone help me read this Baptism of Maria Florinda.
What I think it says:  November 1799  I can't figure the date?
Father:  Lourenco Jose de Sousa
Mother:  Luisa (Luiza) _ - I cannot make out last name (Luisa Rosa - in a 
prior record)
Nordeste Sao Miguel
I am trying to find the parents of both Mother and Father if listed or more if 
possible.  Thanks so much for any help.  I am trying to get better at reading 
Names I think I see and more, but can't tell who the grand parents are and who 
the priests and families of priest are?  It seems to go into quite a bit of 
detail of the Reverendo?
Padre:  Virginio son of 
Manoel de Sousa Pimentel
Mathios Jose Jacindo
Son of
Someone I cannot figure out?
and then
Clarencio Jose Joachimo Soares Dutra
Antonio de Medeiros
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

2019-09-11 Thread Cheri Mello
Florinda, daughter of Lourenço José de Sousa, native of Nossa Senhora da
Estrela of Ribeira Grande (so that's where you find his baptism), and Luiza
Francisca, native of this parish, Nossa Senhora do Rosario, place of
Achadinha, born on 16 Nov 1000 700 90 and 8 (spelled oyto instead of oito).
So Sam got 1798 right.  Then some church stuff. Then godfather: Mathias
Jose Jacinto, son of the family of Alfares  a...ndo Jose, widower, from
Nossa Senhora da Conceicao of the village of Ribeira Grande.

You are in the 2nd time period. Grandparents are not given. You have to
find Lourenco and Luiza's marriage. Since they are from 2 different
freguesias, you look in the bride's first. So check Achadinha for the
marriage and then check Ribeira Grande - N.S. da Estrela church.
Good luck,
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 9:39 AM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy <> wrote:

> I see the 6th of November seventeen hundred and ninety something.  I
> think it’s eight but; not sure about that.  Baptized on the 21 say of the
> same month and year.  I see the same as you for the dad and the mom is
> Luisa Francisca.  Natural of this parish of Nossa Senhora de Rosario.
> Godfather was Matteus Jose Jacinto who was a son of the family of Ensign
> (can’t read the first name) Jose, widow.  The names at the bottom are the
> witnesses.  Hopefully, someone else can fill in the missing pieces.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> *From: *R Downey 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:05 AM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria
> Florinda
> Can someone help me read this Baptism of Maria Florinda.
> What I think it says:  November 1799  I can't figure the date?
> Father:  Lourenco Jose de Sousa
> Mother:  Luisa (Luiza) _ - I cannot make out last name (Luisa Rosa -
> in a prior record)
> Nordeste Sao Miguel
> I am trying to find the parents of both Mother and Father if listed or
> more if possible.  Thanks so much for any help.  I am trying to get better
> at reading these.
> Names I think I see and more, but can't tell who the grand parents are and
> who the priests and families of priest are?  It seems to go into quite a
> bit of detail of the Reverendo?
> Padre:  Virginio son of
> Manoel de Sousa Pimentel
> Godfather?:
> Mathios Jose Jacindo
> Son of
> Someone I cannot figure out?
> and then
> Clarencio Jose Joachimo Soares Dutra
> Antonio de Medeiros
> --
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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> To view this discussion on the web visit
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>  Virus-free.
> <#m_4096505117503928738_m_8380732482359871967_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

2019-09-11 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
I see the 6th of November seventeen hundred and ninety something.  I think it’s 
eight but; not sure about that.  Baptized on the 21 say of the same month and 
year.  I see the same as you for the dad and the mom is Luisa Francisca.  
Natural of this parish of Nossa Senhora de Rosario.  Godfather was Matteus Jose 
Jacinto who was a son of the family of Ensign (can’t read the first name) Jose, 
widow.  The names at the bottom are the witnesses.  Hopefully, someone else can 
fill in the missing pieces.

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: R Downey
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 10:05 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading Baptism record for Maria Florinda

Can someone help me read this Baptism of Maria Florinda.

What I think it says:  November 1799  I can't figure the date?

Father:  Lourenco Jose de Sousa

Mother:  Luisa (Luiza) _ - I cannot make out last name (Luisa Rosa - in a 
prior record)

Nordeste Sao Miguel

I am trying to find the parents of both Mother and Father if listed or more if 
possible.  Thanks so much for any help.  I am trying to get better at reading 

Names I think I see and more, but can't tell who the grand parents are and who 
the priests and families of priest are?  It seems to go into quite a bit of 
detail of the Reverendo?

Padre:  Virginio son of 
Manoel de Sousa Pimentel

Mathios Jose Jacindo

Son of
Someone I cannot figure out?

and then

Clarencio Jose Joachimo Soares Dutra

Antonio de Medeiros

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin note of SantaBarbaraMarriage record for Manuel Martins Coelho and Joana de Sao Joao

2019-08-22 Thread Margaret Vicente
I think I had already done this one, 

This is one is faded and hard to read but this is what I get:
em 24 de Sep.bro de 1775 passei deste termo hua a Fran.c Miz e Ma de S. 

certificate issued of this record to Francisco Martins and Maria de S. Jose in 
Sep 24 1775

Sent: August 22, 2019 11:49 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin note of 
SantaBarbaraMarriage record for Manuel Martins Coelho and Joana de Sao Joao

I’m so sorry. I wrote the bottom of the page and I meant top of the page. I can 
not read what is after their names. Thanks Cheri for responding and sorry I 
mistakenly put the bottom of the page. Please look at it again. Sincerely, 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:46 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin note of Santa 
BarbaraMarriage record for Manuel Martins Coelho and Joana de Sao Joao

Pedro Machado and Isabel Jose?

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:33 AM  wrote:
Here’s another margin note I’m having problems reading.
It is that the bottom of the page. Thanks again. Doreen Caetano
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin note of Santa BarbaraMarriage record for Manuel Martins Coelho and Joana de Sao Joao

2019-08-22 Thread doreencaetano
I’m so sorry. I wrote the bottom of the page and I meant top of the page. I can 
not read what is after their names. Thanks Cheri for responding and sorry I 
mistakenly put the bottom of the page. Please look at it again. Sincerely, 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:46 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin note of Santa 
BarbaraMarriage record for Manuel Martins Coelho and Joana de Sao Joao

Pedro Machado and Isabel Jose?

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:33 AM  wrote:
Here’s another margin note I’m having problems reading.
It is that the bottom of the page. Thanks again. Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin note of Santa Barbara Marriage record for Manuel Martins Coelho and Joana de Sao Joao

2019-08-20 Thread Cheri Mello
Pedro Machado and Isabel Jose?
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:33 AM  wrote:

> Here’s another margin note I’m having problems reading.
> It is that the bottom of the page. Thanks again. Doreen Caetano
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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> .

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriagerecordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-31 Thread doreencaetano
That’s so funny I do things like that too. Then hen helping cousin do their 
research I’m usually able to give it to someone. This was not part of my 
lineage but my Cousin’s Mel’s tree. He does not do research but his MtDNA test 
came back with a very rare line. In the research group there are only 200 world 
wide so they were so excited to see a new person but I had not completed the 
research on this line so …thus all the work I doing now so I can give them the 
tree that goes with the DNA profile. Thanks again, Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bill Seidler
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 7:54 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares 
marriagerecordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

Thank you Doreen but this isn't part of any research I am doing.  This was just 
the first inaccuracy I have ever found in the Terceira Marriage Index and I 
became briefly obsessed with researching it thoroughly to make sure I was 
right.  That being said, the marriage index is an invaluable tool that I use 
extensively.  I am grateful for those who created it.

As your sixth-eighth cousin at least 4 different ways through our common 
Ribeirinha ancestry, I am glad you could benefit from my malady.


On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 7:35:48 PM UTC-7, Bill Seidler wrote:
I think Gracia's godparents are Alferes Sebastião Nunes, son of Simão 
Gonçalves, deceased; and Agueda de Luz, daughter of Capitão Francisco Lucas

For Manuel's godparents, I'm having a tough time.  Trying to follow the crooked 
lines it looks like Simão Gonçalves, deceased; and that doesn't make sense.  It 
is probably one of his sons just like it was for his sister Gracia.  The 
godmother looks like Maria Manuel, daughter of Manuel Nunes.

CURA is a title for a priest.

On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 6:40:16 PM UTC-7, doreencaetano wrote:
Wow. Thanks. I have spent the day reviewing these and putting them into my 
database. I Have some additional information for you as well but would like to 
start with my questions on what you sent me. 
I’m having trouble reading Gracia and Manuel’s Godparents’ names. Can you look 
at those and get back to me with what you think they are?
I was wondering what the word “Cura” in front of the Joao’s godfather’s name 
(Cura Roque Martins)?
Now Bartolomeu Gil and Maria Nunes had two more children:
1. Antonio Martins was their son. He married Isabel do Rosario and they had 7 
children. Both had been married before. Antonio Martins had married a woman 
named Maria Nunes 4/6/1711,
 Isabel do Rosario was married to Tome Borges2/1716,
 . It appears to me that Isabel married Tome after Antonio died but still need 
to locate his death record to confirm this information. It appear that Isabel 
was Antonio second wife and Maria Nunes is the mother of his children but since 
I have not located the marriage record of Antonio and Isabel I can not say that 
for a fact either. f you want their information let me know.
a. Maria Borges born 5/3/1725 in Altares. I had the link but when I was copying 
it I deleted instead of copied so I will have to find it again but record 
indicates that he is the child of Isabel and Thome.
b. Joao Goncalves Borges born 10/31/1726 and died 11/16/1799. Married Luzia da 
Conceicao in 1754 in Altares,
I have 4 children for them: Antonio Goncalves Borges, Rosa Maria, Joao 
Goncalves Borges and Isabel de Jesus but records indicate that Joao is the son 
of Isabel husband Thome.
c. Francisco Borges born 3/17/1730 in Altares and is also a son of Isabel and 
d. Manuel Coelho Borges born 6/3/1734 in Altares. Married a lady names Isabel 
according to child’s information Manuel is also a child of Isabel and Thome.
e. Antonio Borges born 4/28/1740 in Altares,
 Antonio is a child of Isabel and Thome.
f. Joao Martins Gil died before 1757 and was married in 1738 in Altares to 
Maria do Espirito Santo
 I have two children for them: Francisca Ignacia and Andre Martins. Joao is the 
child of Antonio and Maria
g. Thome Martins Gil married Sebastiana Rosa do Sacramento in Altares 1744
 is the child of Antonio and Maria.  I have two children for Thome and 
Sebastiana: Antonio Mart

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage recordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-31 Thread Bill Seidler
>>   is the child of Antonio and Maria.  I have two children for Thome and 
>>   Sebastiana: Antonio Martins Gil and Rosa Joaquina.
>>1. Maria Nunes, who married Manuel Martins on 6/29/1698, 
>> Hope this helps you as much as your information help me. Thanks Doreen
>> Sent from Mail <> for 
>> Windows 10
>> *From: *Bill Seidler
>> *Sent: *Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:33 PM
>> *To: *Azores Genealogy
>> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage 
>> recordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670
>> I believe this is the same person's obit right side bottom right 
>> <>.
>> It has Bartolomeu spelled out; last name Gil
>> Here is the marriage of the Maria in the above baptism: right side 
>> <>
>> This is the has Bartolomeu spelled out; last name Gil
>> left center 
>> <>
>> Manuel; it has father as Bermeu Gil
>> bottom left 
>> <>
>>  José;  
>> It has Gil
>> 2nd on left 
>> <>
>> Gracia; named spelled out as Bertolomeu Gil
>> 2nd on left 
>> <>Isabel;
>> it has name as Bermeu Gil
>> 3rd on right 
>> <>
>> Antoniol; It has name as  Gil
>> On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 6:57:34 PM UTC-7, Bill Seidler wrote:
>> Hello Doreen,
>> I realize that the index says the groom is Bartolomeu Gonçalves, but it 
>> sure looks like Gil to me instead of Glz.  I've also never seen Bartolomeu 
>> abbreviated like that but I don't know what else it could be.  I think this 
>> is the baptism of their first child and the name still seems to be Gil and 
>> has what might be a different abbreviation for Bartolomeu (I'm accustomed 
>> to "B.meu".) Maria, top right. 
>> <>
>> Bill Seidler
>> On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 5:51:03 PM UTC-7, Mara wrote:
>> Like Cheri says, ‘too much vino’ 😉
>> Groom’s parents: Joao Goncalves, deceased and of his wife Maria Manuel 
>> with Maria Nunes, daughter of Manuel Martins Berberea and of his wife 
>> Maria Nunes.
>> Margaret
>> *From: *
>> *Sent: *July 30, 2019 2:21 PM
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record 
>> ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670
>> I need help reading this marriage record. If I follow the normal pattern 
>> it seems like the priest was not writing in a straight line. I thin it says 
>> the grooms parents are Joao Goncalves and Maria Marques. The bride’s 
>> parents would be Manuel Martins Berbereia and Maria Nunes. The problem is I 
>> can not find the groom’s parents’ marriage. So this is making me question 
>> whether I have handled the mismatched lines correctly. I’m think 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage recordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-31 Thread Bill Seidler
I think Gracia's godparents are Alferes Sebastião Nunes, son of Simão 
Gonçalves, deceased; and Agueda de Luz, daughter of Capitão Francisco Lucas

For Manuel's godparents, I'm having a tough time.  Trying to follow the 
crooked lines it looks like Simão Gonçalves, deceased; and that doesn't 
make sense.  It is probably one of his sons just like it was for his sister 
Gracia.  The godmother looks like Maria Manuel, daughter of Manuel Nunes.

CURA is a title for a priest.

On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 6:40:16 PM UTC-7, doreencaetano wrote:
> Wow. Thanks. I have spent the day reviewing these and putting them into my 
> database. I Have some additional information for you as well but would like 
> to start with my questions on what you sent me. 
> I’m having trouble reading Gracia and Manuel’s Godparents’ names. Can you 
> look at those and get back to me with what you think they are?
> I was wondering what the word “Cura” in front of the Joao’s godfather’s 
> name (Cura Roque Martins)?
> Now Bartolomeu Gil and Maria Nunes had two more children:
>1. Antonio Martins was their son. He married Isabel do Rosario and 
>they had 7 children. Both had been married before. Antonio Martins had 
>married a woman named Maria Nunes 4/6/1711, 
>Isabel do Rosario was married to Tome Borges2/1716, 
>. It appears to me that Isabel married Tome after Antonio died but still 
>need to locate his death record to confirm this information. It appear 
> that 
>Isabel was Antonio second wife and Maria Nunes is the mother of his 
>children but since I have not located the marriage record of Antonio and 
>Isabel I can not say that for a fact either. f you want their information 
>let me know.
>   1. Maria Borges born 5/3/1725 in Altares. I had the link but when I 
>   was copying it I deleted instead of copied so I will have to find it 
> again 
>   but record indicates that he is the child of Isabel and Thome.
>   2. Joao Goncalves Borges born 10/31/1726 and died 11/16/1799. 
>   Married Luzia da Conceicao in 1754 in Altares, 
> I have 4 children for them: Antonio Goncalves Borges, Rosa Maria, Joao 
> Goncalves Borges and Isabel de Jesus but records indicate that Joao is the 
> son of Isabel husband Thome.
>1. Francisco Borges born 3/17/1730 in Altares and is also a son of 
>   Isabel and Thome.
>   2. Manuel Coelho Borges born 6/3/1734 in Altares. Married a lady 
>   names Isabel according to child’s information Manuel is also a child of 
>   Isabel and Thome.
>   3. Antonio Borges born 4/28/1740 in Altares, 
>   Antonio is a child of Isabel and Thome.
>   4. Joao Martins Gil died before 1757 and was married in 1738 in 
>   Altares to Maria do Espirito Santo 
>   I have two children for them: Francisca Ignacia and Andre Martins. Joao 
> is 
>   the child of Antonio and Maria
>   5. Thome Martins Gil married Sebastiana Rosa do Sacramento in 
>   Altares 1744 
>   is the child of Antonio and Maria.  I have two children for Thome and 
>   Sebastiana: Antonio Martins Gil and Rosa Joaquina.
>1. Maria Nunes, who married Manuel Martins on 6/29/1698, 
> Hope this helps you as much as your information help me. Thanks Doreen
> Sent from Mail <> for 
> Windows 10
> *From: *Bill Seidler 
> *Sent: *Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:33 PM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage 
> recordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670
> I believe this is the same person's obit right side bottom righ

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage recordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-31 Thread doreencaetano
Wow. Thanks. I have spent the day reviewing these and putting them into my 
database. I Have some additional information for you as well but would like to 
start with my questions on what you sent me. 
I’m having trouble reading Gracia and Manuel’s Godparents’ names. Can you look 
at those and get back to me with what you think they are?
I was wondering what the word “Cura” in front of the Joao’s godfather’s name 
(Cura Roque Martins)?

Now Bartolomeu Gil and Maria Nunes had two more children:
1. Antonio Martins was their son. He married Isabel do Rosario and they had 7 
children. Both had been married before. Antonio Martins had married a woman 
named Maria Nunes 4/6/1711,
 Isabel do Rosario was married to Tome Borges2/1716,
 . It appears to me that Isabel married Tome after Antonio died but still need 
to locate his death record to confirm this information. It appear that Isabel 
was Antonio second wife and Maria Nunes is the mother of his children but since 
I have not located the marriage record of Antonio and Isabel I can not say that 
for a fact either. f you want their information let me know.
a. Maria Borges born 5/3/1725 in Altares. I had the link but when I was copying 
it I deleted instead of copied so I will have to find it again but record 
indicates that he is the child of Isabel and Thome.
b. Joao Goncalves Borges born 10/31/1726 and died 11/16/1799. Married Luzia da 
Conceicao in 1754 in Altares,
I have 4 children for them: Antonio Goncalves Borges, Rosa Maria, Joao 
Goncalves Borges and Isabel de Jesus but records indicate that Joao is the son 
of Isabel husband Thome.
c. Francisco Borges born 3/17/1730 in Altares and is also a son of Isabel and 
d. Manuel Coelho Borges born 6/3/1734 in Altares. Married a lady names Isabel 
according to child’s information Manuel is also a child of Isabel and Thome.
e. Antonio Borges born 4/28/1740 in Altares,
 Antonio is a child of Isabel and Thome.
f. Joao Martins Gil died before 1757 and was married in 1738 in Altares to 
Maria do Espirito Santo
 I have two children for them: Francisca Ignacia and Andre Martins. Joao is the 
child of Antonio and Maria
g. Thome Martins Gil married Sebastiana Rosa do Sacramento in Altares 1744
 is the child of Antonio and Maria.  I have two children for Thome and 
Sebastiana: Antonio Martins Gil and Rosa Joaquina.

2. Maria Nunes, who married Manuel Martins on 6/29/1698,
Hope this helps you as much as your information help me. Thanks Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bill Seidler
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:33 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage 
recordofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

I believe this is the same person's obit right side bottom right.  It has 
Bartolomeu spelled out; last name Gil

Here is the marriage of the Maria in the above baptism: right side  This is the 
has Bartolomeu spelled out; last name Gil

left center  Manuel; it has father as Bermeu Gil

bottom left José;  It has Gil

2nd on left Gracia; named spelled out as Bertolomeu Gil

2nd on left Isabel; it has name as Bermeu Gil

3rd on right Antoniol; It has name as  Gil

On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 6:57:34 PM UTC-7, Bill Seidler wrote:
Hello Doreen,

I realize that the index says the groom is Bartolomeu Gonçalves, but it sure 
looks like Gil to me instead of Glz.  I've also never seen Bartolomeu 
abbreviated like that but I don't know what else it could be.  I think this is 
the baptism of their first child and the name still seems to be Gil and has 
what might be a different abbreviation for Bartolomeu (I'm accustomed to 
"B.meu".) Maria, top right.

Bill Seidler

On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 5:51:03 PM UTC-7, Mara wrote:
Like Cheri says, ‘too much vino’ 😉
Groom’s parents: Joao Goncalves, deceased and of his wife Maria Manuel 
with Maria Nunes, daughter of Manuel Martins Berberea and of his wife Maria 
Sent: July 30, 2019 2:21 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help readin

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism of Josepha born 1704 in Altares

2019-07-31 Thread Cheri Mello
I don't think it says the godfather is Jose Goncalves, I think it's
Jose/Joseph Something else, You have the rest right.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 5:57 PM  wrote:

> This record has information that does not fit into my other information.
> The record is on the bottom left side of the page.
> I believe it says that her Godparents are Joseph Goncalves, widow of Maria
> Marques and the Godmother is his daughter Ana Marques. Now the problem is
> Joseph was deceased at the wedding of his son Bartolomeu Gil when he
> married Maria Nunes in 1670. So I’m thinking I read the record wrong….maybe
> it is ???Joseph Goncalves’ son Joseph  but then why did they say it that
> way
> Could someone with better Poprtugues language skills check to see what it
> says about the Godparents of Josefa? Thanks, Doreen
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> .

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"Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-30 Thread Bill Seidler

I believe this is the same person's obit right side bottom right 
It has Bartolomeu spelled out; last name Gil

Here is the marriage of the Maria in the above baptism: right side 

This is the has Bartolomeu spelled out; last name Gil

left center 

Manuel; it has father as Bermeu Gil

bottom left 

It has Gil

2nd on left 

Gracia; named spelled out as Bertolomeu Gil

2nd on left 
it has name as Bermeu Gil

3rd on right 

Antoniol; It has name as  Gil

On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 6:57:34 PM UTC-7, Bill Seidler wrote:
> Hello Doreen,
> I realize that the index says the groom is Bartolomeu Gonçalves, but it 
> sure looks like Gil to me instead of Glz.  I've also never seen Bartolomeu 
> abbreviated like that but I don't know what else it could be.  I think this 
> is the baptism of their first child and the name still seems to be Gil and 
> has what might be a different abbreviation for Bartolomeu (I'm accustomed 
> to "B.meu".) Maria, top right. 
> Bill Seidler
> On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 5:51:03 PM UTC-7, Mara wrote:
>> Like Cheri says, ‘too much vino’ 😉
>> Groom’s parents: Joao Goncalves, deceased and of his wife Maria Manuel 
>> with Maria Nunes, daughter of Manuel Martins Berberea and of his wife 
>> Maria Nunes.
>> Margaret
>> *From: *
>> *Sent: *July 30, 2019 2:21 PM
>> *To: *
>> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record 
>> ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670
>> I need help reading this marriage record. If I follow the normal pattern 
>> it seems like the priest was not writing in a straight line. I thin it says 
>> the grooms parents are Joao Goncalves and Maria Marques. The bride’s 
>> parents would be Manuel Martins Berbereia and Maria Nunes. The problem is I 
>> can not find the groom’s parents’ marriage. So this is making me question 
>> whether I have handled the mismatched lines correctly. I’m think that my 
>> limitations in the Portuguese language may have made me make a mistake. It 
>> is no the bottom of the right side of the page. Thank you again, Doreen 
>> Caetano
>> Sent from Mail  for 
>> Windows 10
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Azores Genealogy" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-30 Thread Bill Seidler
Hello Doreen,

I realize that the index says the groom is Bartolomeu Gonçalves, but it 
sure looks like Gil to me instead of Glz.  I've also never seen Bartolomeu 
abbreviated like that but I don't know what else it could be.  I think this 
is the baptism of their first child and the name still seems to be Gil and 
has what might be a different abbreviation for Bartolomeu (I'm accustomed 
to "B.meu".) Maria, top right. 

Bill Seidler

On Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 5:51:03 PM UTC-7, Mara wrote:
> Like Cheri says, ‘too much vino’ 😉
> Groom’s parents: Joao Goncalves, deceased and of his wife Maria Manuel 
> with Maria Nunes, daughter of Manuel Martins Berberea and of his wife 
> Maria Nunes.
> Margaret
> *From: * 
> *Sent: *July 30, 2019 2:21 PM
> *To: * 
> *Subject: *[AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record 
> ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670
> I need help reading this marriage record. If I follow the normal pattern 
> it seems like the priest was not writing in a straight line. I thin it says 
> the grooms parents are Joao Goncalves and Maria Marques. The bride’s 
> parents would be Manuel Martins Berbereia and Maria Nunes. The problem is I 
> can not find the groom’s parents’ marriage. So this is making me question 
> whether I have handled the mismatched lines correctly. I’m think that my 
> limitations in the Portuguese language may have made me make a mistake. It 
> is no the bottom of the right side of the page. Thank you again, Doreen 
> Caetano
> Sent from Mail  for 
> Windows 10
> -- 
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

2019-07-30 Thread Margaret Vicente
Like Cheri says, ‘too much vino’ 😉
Groom’s parents: Joao Goncalves, deceased and of his wife Maria Manuel 
with Maria Nunes, daughter of Manuel Martins Berberea and of his wife Maria 

Sent: July 30, 2019 2:21 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares marriage record 
ofBartolomeu Goncalves and Maria Nunes from 1670

I need help reading this marriage record. If I follow the normal pattern it 
seems like the priest was not writing in a straight line. I thin it says the 
grooms parents are Joao Goncalves and Maria Marques. The bride’s parents would 
be Manuel Martins Berbereia and Maria Nunes. The problem is I can not find the 
groom’s parents’ marriage. So this is making me question whether I have handled 
the mismatched lines correctly. I’m think that my limitations in the Portuguese 
language may have made me make a mistake. It is no the bottom of the right side 
of the page. Thank you again, Doreen Caetano

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Groom's parents in older Altaresmarriage record

2019-07-28 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you. I saw the same and I have that couple in my database and they are in 
this time period. I was just think it might have been saying that the father 
had the same name as the son and of course, I do not have the Portuguese 
language skills for determining f that was what it was saying. All of these old 
marriages and baptism were part of my cousin Mel’s maternal tree. This line is 
not related to me but is in the same village so in some case it did come back 
to my lines. Now I have a more complete tree for FTDNA. Apparently Mel’s 
maternal line according to his MtDNA test is very rare and I wanted to give 
them more lineage to work with in their research. It would not have been 
possible with out this group’s help. So on behalf of Mel Ormonde and myself I 
want to thank everyone. Sincerely, Doreen Caetano

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Bill Seidler
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2019 4:02 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Groom's parents in older 
Altaresmarriage record

Hi Doreen,

These records you've offered lately are very difficult so I am just as unsure 
about this as I was the last record you posted.  Hopefully someone else will 
chime in, but I will offer my input.

I do see the groom's name Matias Glz, son of followed by what looks like "Po? 
Dias? (Possibly Pedro Dias?) defunto, and his wife Barbara? (first line looks 
like Mar-, but I think it is Bar-) Glz, marrying Maria Nunes, daughter of Amaro 
Cardoso and Maria Nunes,  I also see the names Cunha and Coelho but I don't 
think they represent the family; probably either witnesses or clergy.

Bill Seidler

On Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 3:01:28 PM UTC-7, Jesse Mendonca wrote:
My goodness, Doreen.  This is worse than Cherie’s scribble scrabble!  The words 
Cunha Coelho jump out at me, later on I see Coelho again.   And I think he 
wrote at least 5 words in English.  Did they put  parent names in in the 1600s?

On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 10:13 AM  wrote:
The groom is Matias Goncalves but I can not make out his parent’s names. The 
record is on the lower right side of the page.
I’m wondering if it is saying that his father has the same name. I can not read 
the mother’s name except Mar….
Thank you for your help in this record. Have a great day. Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Groom's parents in older Altares marriage record

2019-07-28 Thread Bill Seidler
Hi Doreen,

These records you've offered lately are very difficult so I am just as 
unsure about this as I was the last record you posted.  Hopefully someone 
else will chime in, but I will offer my input.

I do see the groom's name Matias Glz, son of followed by what looks like 
"Po? Dias? (Possibly Pedro Dias?) defunto, and his wife Barbara? (first 
line looks like Mar-, but I think it is Bar-) Glz, marrying Maria Nunes, 
daughter of Amaro Cardoso and Maria Nunes,  I also see the names Cunha and 
Coelho but I don't think they represent the family; probably either 
witnesses or clergy.

Bill Seidler

On Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 3:01:28 PM UTC-7, Jesse Mendonca wrote:

> My goodness, Doreen.  This is worse than Cherie’s scribble scrabble!  The 
> words Cunha Coelho jump out at me, later on I see Coelho again.   And I 
> think he wrote at least 5 words in English.  Did they put  parent names in 
> in the 1600s?
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 10:13 AM > 
> wrote:
>> The groom is Matias Goncalves but I can not make out his parent’s names. 
>> The record is on the lower right side of the page.
>> I’m wondering if it is saying that his father has the same name. I can 
>> not read the mother’s name except Mar….
>> Thank you for your help in this record. Have a great day. Doreen Caetano
>> Sent from Mail  for 
>> Windows 10
>> -- 
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>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Groom's parents in older Altares marriage record

2019-07-28 Thread JesseAndDeborah Mendonca
My goodness, Doreen.  This is worse than Cherie’s scribble scrabble!  The
words Cunha Coelho jump out at me, later on I see Coelho again.   And I
think he wrote at least 5 words in English.  Did they put  parent names in
in the 1600s?

On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 10:13 AM  wrote:

> The groom is Matias Goncalves but I can not make out his parent’s names.
> The record is on the lower right side of the page.
> I’m wondering if it is saying that his father has the same name. I can not
> read the mother’s name except Mar….
> Thank you for your help in this record. Have a great day. Doreen Caetano
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> --
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading a Altares Marriage record 1697

2019-07-27 Thread Cheri Mello
Doreen said:
<< Was this just a sample of how the records are suppose to look?>>
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 1:46 PM  wrote:

> The record on the right side of the page has N. instead of names. Was this
> just a sample of how the records are suppose to look? Or is something else
> happening here? The handwriting is clear and easy to read. I just do not
> have the Portuguese language skills to understand what is going on. Thanks
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of MateusLuisPereira and Maria Soares

2019-07-27 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Margaret Vicente
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 7:28 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
MateusLuisPereira and Maria Soares

Cheri’s marriage date of Dec 1st 1701 is correct.

Can read the following
Groom, Mateus Pereira son of Antonio xx? and Maria Pereira, parishioners of N. 
Senhora da Piedade … Ilha do Pico …
Bride, Maria Soares, daughter of Gaspar Fernandes and Isabel Soares

Sorry, cannot discern groom’s father surname.


From: Cheri Mello
Sent: July 25, 2019 8:43 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of Mateus 
LuisPereira and Maria Soares

1st Dec 1701. I can't read in this light. The date was hard enough for me to 
see. Hopefully someone else can read it or you can use the Terceira marriage 

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:43 AM  wrote:
I need help reading the marriage record of Mateus and Maria. It is at the 
bottom of the right side of the page.
I see 12/4/1701 in Altares. Groom Mateus (Luis) Pereira, son of Antonio? and 
Maria Pereira of Piedade? Marries Maria (Joaquina) Soares, daughter of Gaspar 
Fernandes Coelho and (Isabel Soares) () denotes information I have extracted 
from other records. Please make sure I’m reading this correctly. The style of 
writing is a little harder to read and then the faded ink is not helping as 
well as the missing part of the page at the bottom. I can not read the groom 
parents information.
Thank you, Doreen
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of Mateus LuisPereira and Maria Soares

2019-07-25 Thread Margaret Vicente
Cheri’s marriage date of Dec 1st 1701 is correct.

Can read the following
Groom, Mateus Pereira son of Antonio xx? and Maria Pereira, parishioners of N. 
Senhora da Piedade … Ilha do Pico …
Bride, Maria Soares, daughter of Gaspar Fernandes and Isabel Soares

Sorry, cannot discern groom’s father surname.


From: Cheri Mello
Sent: July 25, 2019 8:43 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of Mateus 
LuisPereira and Maria Soares

1st Dec 1701. I can't read in this light. The date was hard enough for me to 
see. Hopefully someone else can read it or you can use the Terceira marriage 

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:43 AM  wrote:
I need help reading the marriage record of Mateus and Maria. It is at the 
bottom of the right side of the page.
I see 12/4/1701 in Altares. Groom Mateus (Luis) Pereira, son of Antonio? and 
Maria Pereira of Piedade? Marries Maria (Joaquina) Soares, daughter of Gaspar 
Fernandes Coelho and (Isabel Soares) () denotes information I have extracted 
from other records. Please make sure I’m reading this correctly. The style of 
writing is a little harder to read and then the faded ink is not helping as 
well as the missing part of the page at the bottom. I can not read the groom 
parents information.
Thank you, Doreen
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of Mateus Luis Pereira and Maria Soares

2019-07-25 Thread Cheri Mello
1st Dec 1701. I can't read in this light. The date was hard enough for me
to see. Hopefully someone else can read it or you can use the Terceira
marriage index.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:43 AM  wrote:

> I need help reading the marriage record of Mateus and Maria. It is at the
> bottom of the right side of the page.
> I see 12/4/1701 in Altares. Groom Mateus (Luis) Pereira, son of Antonio?
> and Maria Pereira of Piedade? Marries Maria (Joaquina) Soares, daughter of
> Gaspar Fernandes Coelho and (Isabel Soares) () denotes information I have
> extracted from other records. Please make sure I’m reading this correctly.
> The style of writing is a little harder to read and then the faded ink is
> not helping as well as the missing part of the page at the bottom. I can
> not read the groom parents information.
> Thank you, Doreen
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the godparents' names of my 5th Great Aunt

2019-07-13 Thread Cheri Mello
Doreen, I pretty much see what you see. Good job! Cheri
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 8:28 AM  wrote:

> Good Morning everyone,
> I’ve located the baptism of my 5th great aunt and I can not read the
> godparents names.
> It starts on the bottom of the left side and continues to the topic of the
> right side.
> I see
> Juliana, daughter of Captain Manuel Mendes and his wife Gracia dos Anjos
> Evangelha, native of Sao Roque of Altares, born May 3rd?, 1706, Baptism
> by Joseph de Melo,
> For Godparents Beneficiado Diogo Pereira de Melo??fa???Ignacia e Maria
> do Espirito Santo, daughter of Alferes Salvador Lourenco and his wife
> Isabel da Conceicao .
> Thanks for your help,
> Doreen Caetano
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> --
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the godparents' names of my 5th Great Aunt

2019-07-13 Thread Gonçalo Marques
Hi Doreen,

I can't read it all but I don't think those are names.
This is what I think I read
"... Diogo Pereira de Melo à actual m nesta igreja e Maria do Espírito

I hope it helps

On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 4:28 PM  wrote:

> Good Morning everyone,
> I’ve located the baptism of my 5th great aunt and I can not read the
> godparents names.
> It starts on the bottom of the left side and continues to the topic of the
> right side.
> I see
> Juliana, daughter of Captain Manuel Mendes and his wife Gracia dos Anjos
> Evangelha, native of Sao Roque of Altares, born May 3rd?, 1706, Baptism
> by Joseph de Melo,
> For Godparents Beneficiado Diogo Pereira de Melo??fa???Ignacia e Maria
> do Espirito Santo, daughter of Alferes Salvador Lourenco and his wife
> Isabel da Conceicao .
> Thanks for your help,
> Doreen Caetano
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-27 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Thanks for this JR.  Doug, if you’re reading this, care to comment?

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: JR
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 9:39 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

Many years ago Doug Holmes commented on this subject. I can't quite recall to 
which islands he  was referring, but he essentially said that one island was 
predominately Coelho, while another was predominantly Raposo. The point being 
that it is possible for certain names to predominate on certain islands or at 
least within certain villages or concelhos. For example Medeiros and Furtado is 
quite widespread and common throughout most of Sao Miguel. Yes within certain 
villages, it hardly appears. Azores is so small that it is not surprising 
certain names are more common or dominant than others.

Costa, Pacheco and Rodrigues  are very common but not as easy to associate with 
a single village, because they are so widespread.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 6:19:57 PM UTC-4, Ângela Loura wrote:
Sonia, exactly!

De qualquer modo, e ao contrário de uma crença enraizada, os apelidos baseados 
em nomes de plantas e de animais não são necessariamente de descendentes dos 
judeus convertidos à força ao catolicismo, ou seja, cristãos-novos.
- QUEIROZ, Francisco, MOSCATEL, Cristina, DESCUBRA AS SUAS ORIGENS - Manual de 
Genealogia e História da Família, 2016, p. 182.

Sonia Pacheco  escreveu no dia quarta, 26/06/2019 à(s) 
There is no historical evidence that this is true:  "most animal, etc. names 
came about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a Jew" 
and in fact there is much more evidence that this was not the case. 

I can provide multiple citations disproving this fact if folks are interested, 
however, the vast majority are in Portuguese, hence why I haven't provided them 
here since I know most people on this list don't read fluent Portuguese.


Sónia Pacheco
Librarian Archivist, Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives
Library Liaison, Portuguese, History, Foreign Languages
Claire T. Carney Library, UMass Dartmouth
Tel. 508-999.8695

From: 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 11:06 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record 
Marcos;  Thank you so much for this extended reply.  Yes, I did know that 
Coelho meant rabbit but; no, I did not known that most animal, etc. names came 
about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a Jew.  That 
is very interesting to me.  
Like many of us whose ancestors are from the Azores, I have ancestors who 
immigrated to Brazil.  I have had a couple of dna matches from there. Although, 
we have not yet been able to pin down the immigrating ancestor.  One line does 
however; show Menezes in it.  Perhaps, we too are cousins. 😊  
Again, thank you for this information.
>From sunny, hot and humid Mazatlán, Mexico
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: Marcos Saturno
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
Hey Sam, 
I don’t think Coelho is as such a common surname such as Smith or Jones.
I can only tell from my own experience, but I grew up in pretty much a 
Portuguese ‘colony’ in Rio de Janeiro and never came across many then (most of 
my classmates had a Portuguese parent and sometimes both.)
Though not every Brazilian is from Portuguese origin, I think my Brazilian 
experience could help put things into perspective as most people in my 
generation has a Portuguese surname (or family name) and we also use the ‘2 
surname’ Portuguese tradition: mother’s family name followed by the father’s 
family name. This way, a person’s heritage is sometimes more obvious.
Saying that, I’m not sure how common it is in the Azores.
I only have ever met one Coelho in Brazil (a high school friend) and one in 
Portugal (she was from Setúbal) 
I’m sure you are aware Coelho means ‘rabbit’ and is one of the many ‘animal or 
tree name’ surnames attributed to Jews forced to convert to Catholicism to 
avoid expulsion from Portugal like Lobo (wolf), Carneiro (Lamb), Pinto (chick) 
or Carvalho (oak), Pereira (pear tree) and Oliveira (olive tree). I’d say that 
Carvalho and especially Oliveira is far more common than Coelho for example.
I guess the most common Portuguese surnames are Silva and Santos (including 
varieties such as da Silva and dos Santos).
Found in every corner of continental Portugal, the islands,  Brazil and ALL of 
the former colonies, including Goa and Damão now in India.
I recently met a colleague from Madeira at work who told me that he thought my 
own surname ‘de Menezes’, is more common in the islands rather than in 
continental Portugal, I still don’t know where my ancestors from that side came 
from (or my mother’s side for that matter though I have a good match in São 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread JR
Many years ago Doug Holmes commented on this subject. I can't quite recall 
to which islands he  was referring, but he essentially said that one island 
was predominately Coelho, while another was predominantly Raposo. The point 
being that it is possible for certain names to predominate on certain 
islands or at least within certain villages or concelhos. For example 
Medeiros and Furtado is quite widespread and common throughout most of Sao 
Miguel. Yes within certain villages, it hardly appears. Azores is so small 
that it is not surprising certain names are more common or dominant than 

Costa, Pacheco and Rodrigues  are very common but not as easy to associate 
with a single village, because they are so widespread.

On Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 6:19:57 PM UTC-4, Ângela Loura wrote:
> Sonia, exactly!
> *De qualquer modo, e ao contrário de uma crença enraizada, os apelidos 
> baseados em nomes de plantas e de animais não são necessariamente de 
> descendentes dos judeus convertidos à força ao catolicismo, ou seja, 
> cristãos-novos.*
> Manual de Genealogia e História da Família*, 2016, p. 182.
> Sonia Pacheco > escreveu no dia quarta, 
> 26/06/2019 à(s) 17:16:
>> There is no historical evidence that this is true:  "most animal, etc. 
>> names came about because of the new Christians having to hide being in 
>> truth a Jew" and in fact there is much more evidence that this was not 
>> the case. 
>> I can provide multiple citations disproving this fact if folks are 
>> interested, however, the vast majority are in Portuguese, hence why I 
>> haven't provided them here since I know most people on this list don't read 
>> fluent Portuguese.
>> Sonia 
>> Sónia Pacheco
>> Librarian Archivist, Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives
>> Library Liaison, Portuguese, History, Foreign Languages
>> Claire T. Carney Library, UMass Dartmouth
>> Tel. 508-999.8695
>> --
>> *From:* 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy > >
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2019 11:06 AM
>> *To:* 
>> *Subject:* RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record 
>> Marcos;  Thank you so much for this extended reply.  Yes, I did know that 
>> Coelho meant rabbit but; no, I did not known that most animal, etc. names 
>> came about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a 
>> Jew.  That is very interesting to me.  
>> Like many of us whose ancestors are from the Azores, I have ancestors who 
>> immigrated to Brazil.  I have had a couple of dna matches from there. 
>> Although, we have not yet been able to pin down the immigrating ancestor.  
>> One line does however; show Menezes in it.  Perhaps, we too are cousins. 
>> 😊  
>> Again, thank you for this information.
>> From sunny, hot and humid Mazatlán, Mexico
>> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
>> *From: *Marcos Saturno 
>> *Sent: *Wednesday, June 26, 2019 5:56 AM
>> *To: * 
>> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
>> Hey Sam, 
>> I don’t think Coelho is as such a common surname such as Smith or Jones.
>> I can only tell from my own experience, but I grew up in pretty much a 
>> Portuguese ‘colony’ in Rio de Janeiro and never came across many then (most 
>> of my classmates had a Portuguese parent and sometimes both.)
>> Though not every Brazilian is from Portuguese origin, I think my 
>> Brazilian experience could help put things into perspective as most people 
>> in my generation has a Portuguese surname (or family name) and we also use 
>> the ‘2 surname’ Portuguese tradition: mother’s family name followed by the 
>> father’s family name. This way, a person’s heritage is sometimes more 
>> obvious.
>> Saying that, I’m not sure how common it is in the Azores.
>> I only have ever met one Coelho in Brazil (a high school friend) and one 
>> in Portugal (she was from Setúbal) 
>> I’m sure you are aware Coelho means ‘rabbit’ and is one of the many 
>> ‘animal or tree name’ surnames attributed to Jews forced to convert to 
>> Catholicism to avoid expulsion from Portugal like Lobo (wolf), Carneiro 
>> (Lamb), Pinto (chick) 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread Ângela Loura
Sonia, exactly!

*De qualquer modo, e ao contrário de uma crença enraizada, os apelidos
baseados em nomes de plantas e de animais não são necessariamente de
descendentes dos judeus convertidos à força ao catolicismo, ou seja,
Manual de Genealogia e História da Família*, 2016, p. 182.

Sonia Pacheco  escreveu no dia quarta, 26/06/2019 à(s)

> There is no historical evidence that this is true:  "most animal, etc.
> names came about because of the new Christians having to hide being in
> truth a Jew" and in fact there is much more evidence that this was not
> the case.
> I can provide multiple citations disproving this fact if folks are
> interested, however, the vast majority are in Portuguese, hence why I
> haven't provided them here since I know most people on this list don't read
> fluent Portuguese.
> Sonia
> Sónia Pacheco
> Librarian Archivist, Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives
> Library Liaison, Portuguese, History, Foreign Languages
> Claire T. Carney Library, UMass Dartmouth
> Tel. 508-999.8695
> --
> *From:* 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 26, 2019 11:06 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
> Marcos;  Thank you so much for this extended reply.  Yes, I did know that
> Coelho meant rabbit but; no, I did not known that most animal, etc. names
> came about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a
> Jew.  That is very interesting to me.
> Like many of us whose ancestors are from the Azores, I have ancestors who
> immigrated to Brazil.  I have had a couple of dna matches from there.
> Although, we have not yet been able to pin down the immigrating ancestor.
> One line does however; show Menezes in it.  Perhaps, we too are cousins.
> 😊
> Again, thank you for this information.
> From sunny, hot and humid Mazatlán, Mexico
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> *From: *Marcos Saturno 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, June 26, 2019 5:56 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
> Hey Sam,
> I don’t think Coelho is as such a common surname such as Smith or Jones.
> I can only tell from my own experience, but I grew up in pretty much a
> Portuguese ‘colony’ in Rio de Janeiro and never came across many then (most
> of my classmates had a Portuguese parent and sometimes both.)
> Though not every Brazilian is from Portuguese origin, I think my Brazilian
> experience could help put things into perspective as most people in my
> generation has a Portuguese surname (or family name) and we also use the ‘2
> surname’ Portuguese tradition: mother’s family name followed by the
> father’s family name. This way, a person’s heritage is sometimes more
> obvious.
> Saying that, I’m not sure how common it is in the Azores.
> I only have ever met one Coelho in Brazil (a high school friend) and one
> in Portugal (she was from Setúbal)
> I’m sure you are aware Coelho means ‘rabbit’ and is one of the many
> ‘animal or tree name’ surnames attributed to Jews forced to convert to
> Catholicism to avoid expulsion from Portugal like Lobo (wolf), Carneiro
> (Lamb), Pinto (chick) or Carvalho (oak), Pereira (pear tree) and Oliveira
> (olive tree). I’d say that Carvalho and especially Oliveira is far more
> common than Coelho for example.
> I guess the most common Portuguese surnames are Silva and Santos
> (including varieties such as da Silva and dos Santos).
> Found in every corner of continental Portugal, the islands,  Brazil and
> ALL of the former colonies, including Goa and Damão now in India.
> I recently met a colleague from Madeira at work who told me that he
> thought my own surname ‘de Menezes’, is more common in the islands rather
> than in continental Portugal, I still don’t know where my ancestors from
> that side came from (or my mother’s side for that matter though I have a
> good match in São Jorge.)
> However, I read an article a few years ago, that stated that not all
> Portuguese ‘animal or tree name’ surnames could definitely trace back to
> new Christian ancestors.
> In any case, a new Christian surname would place your ancestors in
> Portugal for a few centuries I think.
> Greetings from grey London, we are expecting a heatwave though, so we’ll
> soon enjoying ‘barbecue weather’ as the English say!
> Regards, Marcos
> Se

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread Sonia Pacheco
There is no historical evidence that this is true:  "most animal, etc. names 
came about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a Jew" 
and in fact there is much more evidence that this was not the case.

I can provide multiple citations disproving this fact if folks are interested, 
however, the vast majority are in Portuguese, hence why I haven't provided them 
here since I know most people on this list don't read fluent Portuguese.


Sónia Pacheco

Librarian Archivist, Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives

Library Liaison, Portuguese, History, Foreign Languages

Claire T. Carney Library, UMass Dartmouth

Tel. 508-999.8695

From: 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 11:06 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record


Marcos;  Thank you so much for this extended reply.  Yes, I did know that 
Coelho meant rabbit but; no, I did not known that most animal, etc. names came 
about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a Jew.  That 
is very interesting to me.

Like many of us whose ancestors are from the Azores, I have ancestors who 
immigrated to Brazil.  I have had a couple of dna matches from there. Although, 
we have not yet been able to pin down the immigrating ancestor.  One line does 
however; show Menezes in it.  Perhaps, we too are cousins. 😊

Again, thank you for this information.

>From sunny, hot and humid Mazatlán, Mexico

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Marcos Saturno<>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

Hey Sam,

I don’t think Coelho is as such a common surname such as Smith or Jones.

I can only tell from my own experience, but I grew up in pretty much a 
Portuguese ‘colony’ in Rio de Janeiro and never came across many then (most of 
my classmates had a Portuguese parent and sometimes both.)

Though not every Brazilian is from Portuguese origin, I think my Brazilian 
experience could help put things into perspective as most people in my 
generation has a Portuguese surname (or family name) and we also use the ‘2 
surname’ Portuguese tradition: mother’s family name followed by the father’s 
family name. This way, a person’s heritage is sometimes more obvious.

Saying that, I’m not sure how common it is in the Azores.

I only have ever met one Coelho in Brazil (a high school friend) and one in 
Portugal (she was from Setúbal)

I’m sure you are aware Coelho means ‘rabbit’ and is one of the many ‘animal or 
tree name’ surnames attributed to Jews forced to convert to Catholicism to 
avoid expulsion from Portugal like Lobo (wolf), Carneiro (Lamb), Pinto (chick) 
or Carvalho (oak), Pereira (pear tree) and Oliveira (olive tree). I’d say that 
Carvalho and especially Oliveira is far more common than Coelho for example.

I guess the most common Portuguese surnames are Silva and Santos (including 
varieties such as da Silva and dos Santos).

Found in every corner of continental Portugal, the islands,  Brazil and ALL of 
the former colonies, including Goa and Damão now in India.

I recently met a colleague from Madeira at work who told me that he thought my 
own surname ‘de Menezes’, is more common in the islands rather than in 
continental Portugal, I still don’t know where my ancestors from that side came 
from (or my mother’s side for that matter though I have a good match in São 

However, I read an article a few years ago, that stated that not all Portuguese 
‘animal or tree name’ surnames could definitely trace back to new Christian 

In any case, a new Christian surname would place your ancestors in Portugal for 
a few centuries I think.

Greetings from grey London, we are expecting a heatwave though, so we’ll soon 
enjoying ‘barbecue weather’ as the English say!

Regards, Marcos

Sent from my iPhone

On 25 Jun 2019, at 23:02, 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy>> wrote:

Thanks Cheri.  When I was in Lisbon, many years ago. I notice a lot of store 
fronts with The name Coelho, my surname, on them.  I figured it was like “Jones 
or Smith” in the U.S.

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Cheri Mello<>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:09 AM
To: Azores Genealogy<>
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva & 
Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy>> wrote:

Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the 

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Thank you Angela, I’m starting to get a better picture of it now.

Appreciate your input,

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Ângela Loura
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

Hi Sam,

Last names derived from animals, places, nicknames or food are pretty common 
all over Portugal, and Coelho is defintelly one of them. But as Cheri said, not 
at the level of Silva, for example.

'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy  escreveu no 
dia terça, 25/06/2019 à(s) 23:03:
Thanks Cheri.  When I was in Lisbon, many years ago. I notice a lot of store 
fronts with The name Coelho, my surname, on them.  I figured it was like “Jones 
or Smith” in the U.S.    
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:09 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva & 
Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri
On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the 
Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: Ângela Loura
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important info 
is faded at the bottom...
 escreveu no dia segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage record 
for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira Marriage index.
It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional 
information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Marcos;  Thank you so much for this extended reply.  Yes, I did know that 
Coelho meant rabbit but; no, I did not known that most animal, etc. names came 
about because of the new Christians having to hide being in truth a Jew.  That 
is very interesting to me.  

Like many of us whose ancestors are from the Azores, I have ancestors who 
immigrated to Brazil.  I have had a couple of dna matches from there. Although, 
we have not yet been able to pin down the immigrating ancestor.  One line does 
however; show Menezes in it.  Perhaps, we too are cousins. 😊  

Again, thank you for this information.

>From sunny, hot and humid Mazatlán, Mexico

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Marcos Saturno
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

Hey Sam, 
I don’t think Coelho is as such a common surname such as Smith or Jones.
I can only tell from my own experience, but I grew up in pretty much a 
Portuguese ‘colony’ in Rio de Janeiro and never came across many then (most of 
my classmates had a Portuguese parent and sometimes both.)
Though not every Brazilian is from Portuguese origin, I think my Brazilian 
experience could help put things into perspective as most people in my 
generation has a Portuguese surname (or family name) and we also use the ‘2 
surname’ Portuguese tradition: mother’s family name followed by the father’s 
family name. This way, a person’s heritage is sometimes more obvious.
Saying that, I’m not sure how common it is in the Azores.
I only have ever met one Coelho in Brazil (a high school friend) and one in 
Portugal (she was from Setúbal) 
I’m sure you are aware Coelho means ‘rabbit’ and is one of the many ‘animal or 
tree name’ surnames attributed to Jews forced to convert to Catholicism to 
avoid expulsion from Portugal like Lobo (wolf), Carneiro (Lamb), Pinto (chick) 
or Carvalho (oak), Pereira (pear tree) and Oliveira (olive tree). I’d say that 
Carvalho and especially Oliveira is far more common than Coelho for example.
I guess the most common Portuguese surnames are Silva and Santos (including 
varieties such as da Silva and dos Santos).
Found in every corner of continental Portugal, the islands,  Brazil and ALL of 
the former colonies, including Goa and Damão now in India.
I recently met a colleague from Madeira at work who told me that he thought my 
own surname ‘de Menezes’, is more common in the islands rather than in 
continental Portugal, I still don’t know where my ancestors from that side came 
from (or my mother’s side for that matter though I have a good match in São 
However, I read an article a few years ago, that stated that not all Portuguese 
‘animal or tree name’ surnames could definitely trace back to new Christian 
In any case, a new Christian surname would place your ancestors in Portugal for 
a few centuries I think.
Greetings from grey London, we are expecting a heatwave though, so we’ll soon 
enjoying ‘barbecue weather’ as the English say!
Regards, Marcos 

Sent from my iPhone

On 25 Jun 2019, at 23:02, 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Thanks Cheri.  When I was in Lisbon, many years ago. I notice a lot of store 
fronts with The name Coelho, my surname, on them.  I figured it was like “Jones 
or Smith” in the U.S.    
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:09 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva & 
Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri
On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the 
Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: Ângela Loura
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important info 
is faded at the bottom...
 escreveu no dia segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage record 
for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira Marriage index.
It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional 
information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread lrazoresgenealogist
I want to inform all friends of this group that I will be launching my  
work "Families of the Furnas Valley (1671-2017)" on next July 19th in  
There are also presentations of these books in the cities of Ponta  
Delgada (July 25), Lisbon (in September) and Fall River, Mass., USA on  
November 3, 2019.

There will also be a presentation in Toronto, but still undated.
The price of the eight books will be 130.00 euros, without shipping charge.
Thank you!
Luís Miguel Rodrigues Martins

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Azores 
Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-26 Thread Marcos Saturno
Hey Sam,
I don’t think Coelho is as such a common surname such as Smith or Jones.
I can only tell from my own experience, but I grew up in pretty much a 
Portuguese ‘colony’ in Rio de Janeiro and never came across many then (most of 
my classmates had a Portuguese parent and sometimes both.)
Though not every Brazilian is from Portuguese origin, I think my Brazilian 
experience could help put things into perspective as most people in my 
generation has a Portuguese surname (or family name) and we also use the ‘2 
surname’ Portuguese tradition: mother’s family name followed by the father’s 
family name. This way, a person’s heritage is sometimes more obvious.
Saying that, I’m not sure how common it is in the Azores.
I only have ever met one Coelho in Brazil (a high school friend) and one in 
Portugal (she was from Setúbal)
I’m sure you are aware Coelho means ‘rabbit’ and is one of the many ‘animal or 
tree name’ surnames attributed to Jews forced to convert to Catholicism to 
avoid expulsion from Portugal like Lobo (wolf), Carneiro (Lamb), Pinto (chick) 
or Carvalho (oak), Pereira (pear tree) and Oliveira (olive tree). I’d say that 
Carvalho and especially Oliveira is far more common than Coelho for example.
I guess the most common Portuguese surnames are Silva and Santos (including 
varieties such as da Silva and dos Santos).
Found in every corner of continental Portugal, the islands,  Brazil and ALL of 
the former colonies, including Goa and Damão now in India.
I recently met a colleague from Madeira at work who told me that he thought my 
own surname ‘de Menezes’, is more common in the islands rather than in 
continental Portugal, I still don’t know where my ancestors from that side came 
from (or my mother’s side for that matter though I have a good match in São 
However, I read an article a few years ago, that stated that not all Portuguese 
‘animal or tree name’ surnames could definitely trace back to new Christian 
In any case, a new Christian surname would place your ancestors in Portugal for 
a few centuries I think.
Greetings from grey London, we are expecting a heatwave though, so we’ll soon 
enjoying ‘barbecue weather’ as the English say!
Regards, Marcos

Sent from my iPhone

On 25 Jun 2019, at 23:02, 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy>> wrote:

Thanks Cheri.  When I was in Lisbon, many years ago. I notice a lot of store 
fronts with The name Coelho, my surname, on them.  I figured it was like “Jones 
or Smith” in the U.S.

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Cheri Mello<>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:09 AM
To: Azores Genealogy<>
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva & 
Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy>> wrote:
Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the 
Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Ângela Loura<>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important info 
is faded at the bottom...>> escreveu no dia 
segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage record 
for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira Marriage index.
It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional 
information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-25 Thread Ângela Loura
Hi Sam,

Last names derived from animals, places, nicknames or food are pretty
common all over Portugal, and Coelho is defintelly one of them. But as
Cheri said, not at the level of Silva, for example.

'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy  escreveu
no dia terça, 25/06/2019 à(s) 23:03:

> Thanks Cheri.  When I was in Lisbon, many years ago. I notice a lot of
> store fronts with The name Coelho, my surname, on them.  I figured it was
> like “Jones or Smith” in the U.S.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> *From: *Cheri Mello 
> *Sent: *Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:09 AM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
> I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva &
> Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy <
>> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the
> Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> *From: *Ângela Loura 
> *Sent: *Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
> That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important
> info is faded at the bottom...
>  escreveu no dia segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
> I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage
> record for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira
> Marriage index.
> It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional
> information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> Visit this group at
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> <>
> .
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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> .
> [image:
> <>
> Virus-free.
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-25 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Thanks Cheri.  When I was in Lisbon, many years ago. I notice a lot of store 
fronts with The name Coelho, my surname, on them.  I figured it was like “Jones 
or Smith” in the U.S.

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:09 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva & 
Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the 
Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
From: Ângela Loura
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important info 
is faded at the bottom...
 escreveu no dia segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage record 
for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira Marriage index.
It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional 
information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-25 Thread Cheri Mello
I've seen it and know people who have it. It's not the most common Silva &
Silveira. It's not rare either. So in the middle? Cheri

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, 6:42 PM 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy <> wrote:

> Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the
> Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
> *From: *Ângela Loura 
> *Sent: *Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record
> That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important
> info is faded at the bottom...
>  escreveu no dia segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
> I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage
> record for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira
> Marriage index.
> It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional
> information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

2019-06-24 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Out of curiosity, can anyone comment on how common a name Coelho is in the 
Azores.  My Coelho line comes from Santa Maria.

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Ângela Loura
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares record

That's a tough one... I tried highlighting it, but i think the important info 
is faded at the bottom...

 escreveu no dia segunda, 24/06/2019 à(s) 18:03:
I can not read this record at all. I only know that it is the marriage record 
for Manuel Coelho and Maria Vieira. This comes from the Terceira Marriage index.
It is the bottom record on the right side of the page. Any additional 
information would be appreciated. Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading record, Sao Pedro, Vila do Porto,Santa Maria

2019-06-13 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Angela;  Thank you for this clarification.  I take it I got the rest of it 
right and there is nothing else of importance in the document?

Thanks again,

Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

From: Ângela Loura
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading record, Sao Pedro, Vila do 
Porto,Santa Maria

Bernardina Joaquina de Jesus. Her mother is Anna Bernardina.

'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy  escreveu no 
dia quinta, 13/06/2019 à(s) 01:43:
Record on the left side.
Hello all;  Would really appreciate some help here.  Is it Albino Jose de 
Moura, widower of Margarida Ignacia who is marrying Bernadina de Jesus, 
daughter of Manoel Francisco d’Almedia?  Is there anything else important in 
this record.  Other relatives mentioned?  Anything? 
Thank you for your help.
Sam (Mazatlán, MX)

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading record, Sao Pedro, Vila do Porto, Santa Maria

2019-06-12 Thread Ângela Loura
Bernardina Joaquina de Jesus. Her mother is Anna Bernardina.

'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy  escreveu
no dia quinta, 13/06/2019 à(s) 01:43:

> Record on the left side.
> Hello all;  Would really appreciate some help here.  Is it Albino Jose de
> Moura, widower of Margarida Ignacia who is marrying Bernadina de Jesus,
> daughter of Manoel Francisco d’Almedia?  Is there anything else important
> in this record.  Other relatives mentioned?  Anything?
> Thank you for your help.
> Sam (Mazatlán, MX)
>  Virus-free.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism of twin girls in Altares

2019-01-17 Thread Cheri Mello
The first baby - her godmother is the sister of the godfather. No relations
to either infant is stated.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 5:05 PM  wrote:

> I need help reading this record. I think I have most all of it except  the
> godparents. I’m interesting in understanding what it says about the twins’
> godparents. I believe they are relatives of the parents. It is the record
> on the top left.
> Thank you,
> Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading record

2018-12-20 Thread Philippe GARNIER
Hi Doreen,

24 nov. 1709 : Manuel Machado son of Manuel Machado and Antonia Simões,
wikth Izabel Gonçalves daughter of Matheus Fernandes and Maria Rebelo died.


Philippe Garnier
Paris - France

Le ven. 21 déc. 2018 à 00:21,  a écrit :

> Wow I need help with the marriage record of Manuel Machado and Isabel
> Goncalves. Way too hard for me. It is on the bottom right hand side on the
> page.
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares for 3children

2018-11-08 Thread doreencaetano
Thanks. The second set of godparents are the maternal grandparents which are 
relatives of mine. I had been tracing this family and their children for a 
while. I just felt they would connect because I saw a lot of the same people 
listed as witness and godparents etc. Thanks it was a big help.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: JR
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 6:05 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares for 

It says, Marianna and Florencia, gemeos, filhos de Manoel Soares e sua mulher 
Maria de Santa Anna, naturais de Sao Roque, nasceu treze de mez de Fevreiro, 
1813, bap- Feb 18, Pad- Sebastiao Machado e sua mulher Maria de Sao Joze, 
naturais desta mesma parochial de Altares; Below is note that says Florencia's 
godfather is Antonio Coelho Machado e sua mulher Joanna de Sao Joao desta mesma 

It is possible the second name may be Florencio, that is a male; but I don't 
think it is likely. 


On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 7:08:30 PM UTC-4, Sandrea Medeiros wrote:
Hi Doreen, the 3rd word looks like it says gemeo, which means twins.I have 
attached a brighter copy to see if anyone can read it. 

thank you,

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 2:36 PM  wrote:
It seems to me 3 children of Manuel Soares and Maria de Santa Anna are being 
baptized all on the same day. I can make out they are from the parish of Sao 
Roque in Altares but my ability to read Portuguese is very limited. Could 
someone please help me? I see the first child listed is Marianna, then I can 
not read the next two names. The second name maybe the child Horencio or 
Horenica that died May 11, 1813 in Altares. Does it say how old the children 
are? I know that Marianna was born in January 1813 and died August 20, 1813. It 
says the month February and year 1813 but what day is it? The godparents are 
Sebastiao Machado and Maria de Sao Jose. It is the first record on the left:
Here is the death record for Marianna:
Here’s is the death record for Horencia(o):
Here’s the death record for the mother, Maria do Santa Anna from February 15, 
In case anyone is tracking this couple, they have another child named Maria do 
Coracao de Jesus, who marries Joao Coelho de Ornelas on July 2, 1829 in 
I know that at this time her father is also deceased but I do not have his 
death date.
I would appreciate any help with the baptism record: name of the second and 
third child, date of baptism, dates of birth. If any one has this couple in 
their records I would appreciate any additional information. Thank you, Doreen 
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares for 3children

2018-10-31 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you,. This all fits in now.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: JR
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 6:05 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares for 

It says, Marianna and Florencia, gemeos, filhos de Manoel Soares e sua mulher 
Maria de Santa Anna, naturais de Sao Roque, nasceu treze de mez de Fevreiro, 
1813, bap- Feb 18, Pad- Sebastiao Machado e sua mulher Maria de Sao Joze, 
naturais desta mesma parochial de Altares; Below is note that says Florencia's 
godfather is Antonio Coelho Machado e sua mulher Joanna de Sao Joao desta mesma 

It is possible the second name may be Florencio, that is a male; but I don't 
think it is likely. 


On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 7:08:30 PM UTC-4, Sandrea Medeiros wrote:
Hi Doreen, the 3rd word looks like it says gemeo, which means twins.I have 
attached a brighter copy to see if anyone can read it. 

thank you,

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 2:36 PM  wrote:
It seems to me 3 children of Manuel Soares and Maria de Santa Anna are being 
baptized all on the same day. I can make out they are from the parish of Sao 
Roque in Altares but my ability to read Portuguese is very limited. Could 
someone please help me? I see the first child listed is Marianna, then I can 
not read the next two names. The second name maybe the child Horencio or 
Horenica that died May 11, 1813 in Altares. Does it say how old the children 
are? I know that Marianna was born in January 1813 and died August 20, 1813. It 
says the month February and year 1813 but what day is it? The godparents are 
Sebastiao Machado and Maria de Sao Jose. It is the first record on the left:
Here is the death record for Marianna:
Here’s is the death record for Horencia(o):
Here’s the death record for the mother, Maria do Santa Anna from February 15, 
In case anyone is tracking this couple, they have another child named Maria do 
Coracao de Jesus, who marries Joao Coelho de Ornelas on July 2, 1829 in 
I know that at this time her father is also deceased but I do not have his 
death date.
I would appreciate any help with the baptism record: name of the second and 
third child, date of baptism, dates of birth. If any one has this couple in 
their records I would appreciate any additional information. Thank you, Doreen 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares for 3 children

2018-10-29 Thread JR
It says, Marianna and Florencia, gemeos, filhos de Manoel Soares e sua 
mulher Maria de Santa Anna, naturais de Sao Roque, nasceu treze de mez de 
Fevreiro, 1813, bap- Feb 18, Pad- Sebastiao Machado e sua mulher Maria de 
Sao Joze, naturais desta mesma parochial de Altares; Below is note that 
says Florencia's godfather is Antonio Coelho Machado e sua mulher Joanna de 
Sao Joao desta mesma freguesia.

It is possible the second name may be Florencio, that is a male; but I 
don't think it is likely. 


On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 7:08:30 PM UTC-4, Sandrea Medeiros wrote:
> Hi Doreen, the 3rd word looks like it says gemeo, which means twins.I have 
> attached a brighter copy to see if anyone can read it. 
> thank you,
> Sandrea
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 2:36 PM > wrote:
>> It seems to me 3 children of Manuel Soares and Maria de Santa Anna are 
>> being baptized all on the same day. I can make out they are from the parish 
>> of Sao Roque in Altares but my ability to read Portuguese is very limited. 
>> Could someone please help me? I see the first child listed is Marianna, 
>> then I can not read the next two names. The second name maybe the child 
>> Horencio or Horenica that died May 11, 1813 in Altares. Does it say how old 
>> the children are? I know that Marianna was born in January 1813 and died 
>> August 20, 1813. It says the month February and year 1813 but what day is 
>> it? The godparents are Sebastiao Machado and Maria de Sao Jose. It is the 
>> first record on the left:
>> Here is the death record for Marianna:
>> Here’s is the death record for Horencia(o):
>> Here’s the death record for the mother, Maria do Santa Anna from February 
>> 15, 1813:
>> In case anyone is tracking this couple, they have another child named 
>> Maria do Coracao de Jesus, who marries Joao Coelho de Ornelas on July 2, 
>> 1829 in Altares. 
>> I know that at this time her father is also deceased but I do not have 
>> his death date.
>> I would appreciate any help with the baptism record: name of the second 
>> and third child, date of baptism, dates of birth. If any one has this 
>> couple in their records I would appreciate any additional information. 
>> Thank you, Doreen Caetano
>> Sent from Mail  for 
>> Windows 10
>> -- 
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>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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>> email to .
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares for 3 children

2018-10-29 Thread Rosemarie Capodicci
They are twins named (gemeos) Mariana and Horencio.

Researching Sao Jorge, Terceira, Graciosa, Faial and Pico, Azores,
Isola delle Femmine, Sant' Elia, Sicily

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 11:36 AM  wrote:

> It seems to me 3 children of Manuel Soares and Maria de Santa Anna are
> being baptized all on the same day. I can make out they are from the parish
> of Sao Roque in Altares but my ability to read Portuguese is very limited.
> Could someone please help me? I see the first child listed is Marianna,
> then I can not read the next two names. The second name maybe the child
> Horencio or Horenica that died May 11, 1813 in Altares. Does it say how old
> the children are? I know that Marianna was born in January 1813 and died
> August 20, 1813. It says the month February and year 1813 but what day is
> it? The godparents are Sebastiao Machado and Maria de Sao Jose. It is the
> first record on the left:
> Here is the death record for Marianna:
> Here’s is the death record for Horencia(o):
> Here’s the death record for the mother, Maria do Santa Anna from February
> 15, 1813:
> In case anyone is tracking this couple, they have another child named
> Maria do Coracao de Jesus, who marries Joao Coelho de Ornelas on July 2,
> 1829 in Altares.
> I know that at this time her father is also deceased but I do not have his
> death date.
> I would appreciate any help with the baptism record: name of the second
> and third child, date of baptism, dates of birth. If any one has this
> couple in their records I would appreciate any additional information.
> Thank you, Doreen Caetano
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Bride's father's name

2018-10-11 Thread doreencaetano
Thanks. I had looked under that name in the index for his marriage to Joaquina 
de Jesus and could not find it. That’s what made me think I was reading it 
incorrectly but maybe it is in that missing marriage records gap in Altares. 
Have a great day. Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 10:17 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Bride's father's name

I think it's an abbreviation for Vieira. V.ra. I had to look around for some 
other Vs to compare. They aren't all formed the same which doesn't help.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 9:31 AM  wrote:
Good morning. I need help reading the bride’s father’s name. The record is for 
Manuel  Coelho Berbereia and Rosa Joaquina. I can see that her mother’s name is 
Joaquina de Jesus and the father’s name is Joao ? Cardoso. One of the witness 
also has the same name but I can not read it either. The witness signed at the 
bottom of the page too but again I do not recognize that name. The records is 
on the left side of the page.
Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Bride's father's name

2018-10-11 Thread Cheri Mello
I think it's an abbreviation for Vieira. V.ra. I had to look around for
some other Vs to compare. They aren't all formed the same which doesn't
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 9:31 AM  wrote:

> Good morning. I need help reading the bride’s father’s name. The record is
> for Manuel  Coelho Berbereia and Rosa Joaquina. I can see that her mother’s
> name is Joaquina de Jesus and the father’s name is Joao ? Cardoso. One of
> the witness also has the same name but I can not read it either. The
> witness signed at the bottom of the page too but again I do not recognize
> that name. The records is on the left side of the page.
> Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading marriage of Jose Coelho Berbereia and Maria do Espirito Santo of Altares

2018-09-06 Thread Hughes Roselyn
Hi Doreen,

It says:  "elle viuvo do Maria Francisca"  - He (meaning the groom) is the
widower of Maria Francisca who died in this village.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:49 AM,  wrote:

> There is only one thing I do not understand about this record….There is a
> female name, Maria Francisca, written prior to the names of the groom’s
> parents. It is the part about no impediments? What this someone coming
> forward and Objecting to the marriage?
> AH-ALTARES-C-1870-1879/TER-AH-ALTARES-C-1870-1879_item1/P73.html
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading marriage of Jose Coelho Berbereiaand Maria do Espirito Santo of Altares

2018-09-06 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you. I did not have this additional wife for my great uncle. 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'cakemom102' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading marriage of Jose Coelho 
Berbereiaand Maria do Espirito Santo of Altares

I belief it says that he is the widower of Maria Francisca. The g from the word 
above drops down making it look like an l in the word viuvo.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

 Original message 
Date: 9/6/18 11:49 AM (GMT-06:00) 
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading marriage of Jose Coelho Berbereia and 
Maria do Espirito Santo of Altares 

There is only one thing I do not understand about this record….There is a 
female name, Maria Francisca, written prior to the names of the groom’s 
parents. It is the part about no impediments? What this someone coming forward 
and Objecting to the marriage?
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] help reading marriage of Jose Coelho Berbereia and Maria do Espirito Santo of Altares

2018-09-06 Thread 'cakemom102' via Azores Genealogy
I belief it says that he is the widower of Maria Francisca. The g from the word 
above drops down making it look like an l in the word viuvo.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
 Original message From: Date: 9/6/18  
11:49 AM  (GMT-06:00) To: Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] 
help reading marriage of Jose Coelho Berbereia and Maria do Espirito Santo of 
There is only one thing I do not understand about this record….There is a 
female name, Maria Francisca, written prior to the names of the groom’s 
parents. It is the part about no impediments? What this someone coming forward 
and Objecting to the 
  Sent from Mail for Windows 10 

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RE: RE: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading AltaresMarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-04 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you so much in helping me work through this twist in the records

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading 
AltaresMarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

Ponta do Pico. I don't know Pico Island.

Philippe Garnier Paris - France 

Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 19:05:00 GMT+2, 

Wow. I was way off. Thank you. I’m learning a lot.
Here’s her death record. It mentions a place in Pico but I do not recognize the 
Thanks Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares 
MarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
No indication where Pico he is from. But Ursula is died in N.S. da Conceição of 
Angra. perhaps her obit said where she is from.
Beatriz is widow of João Coelho (de Ornelas) died in Altares. This mariage is 
in Santa Sé (1718, March 25, img 265).
Philippe Garnier Paris - France
Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 17:40:47 GMT+2, 
Ok Philippe. I found his second marriage to Beatriz do Rosario. This one is 
very hard to read. I think in says Joao Soares, Island of Pico, widower of 
Ursula da Silveira, (I think is says that she was from Pico but does it say 
where?) then it says something about Angra? 
marrying Beatriz do Rosario, daughter of Joao Coelho ? and ? (are they also 
from Pico?)
Guessing at this point. Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage 
ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
Hi Doreen,
Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.
Philippe Garnier Paris - France
Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 
Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.
It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.
Thanks again, Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
Hello Doreen,
I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.
Bill Seidler
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"Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: RE: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares MarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Ponta do Pico. I don't know Pico Island.
Philippe Garnier Paris - France  

Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 19:05:00 GMT+2, 
 #yiv0698329712 #yiv0698329712 -- _filtered #yiv0698329712 
{font-family:Helvetica;panose-1:2 11 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 4;} _filtered #yiv0698329712 
{panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv0698329712 
{font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv0698329712 
#yiv0698329712 p.yiv0698329712MsoNormal, #yiv0698329712 
li.yiv0698329712MsoNormal, #yiv0698329712 div.yiv0698329712MsoNormal 
 a:link, #yiv0698329712 span.yiv0698329712MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0698329712 a:visited, #yiv0698329712 
p.yiv0698329712msonormal, #yiv0698329712 li.yiv0698329712msonormal, 
#yiv0698329712 div.yiv0698329712msonormal 
 p.yiv0698329712msonormal3, #yiv0698329712 li.yiv0698329712msonormal3, 
#yiv0698329712 div.yiv0698329712msonormal3 
 .yiv0698329712MsoChpDefault {} _filtered #yiv0698329712 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 
1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv0698329712 div.yiv0698329712WordSection1 {}#yiv0698329712 
Wow. I was way off. Thank you. I’m learning a lot.

Here’s her death record. It mentions a place in Pico but I do not recognize the 

Thanks Doreen


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares 
MarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria


No indication where Pico he is from. But Ursula is died in N.S. da Conceição of 
Angra. perhaps her obit said where she is from.

Beatriz is widow of João Coelho (de Ornelas) died in Altares. This mariage is 
in Santa Sé (1718, March 25, img 265).





Philippe Garnier Paris - France


Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 17:40:47 GMT+2, 



Ok Philippe. I found his second marriage to Beatriz do Rosario. This one is 
very hard to read. I think in says Joao Soares, Island of Pico, widower of 
Ursula da Silveira, (I think is says that she was from Pico but does it say 
where?) then it says something about Angra? 

marrying Beatriz do Rosario, daughter of Joao Coelho ? and ? (are they also 
from Pico?)

Guessing at this point. Doreen


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage 
ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria


Hi Doreen,


Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.




Philippe Garnier Paris - France


Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 



Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.

It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.

Thanks again, Doreen


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria


Hello Doreen,


I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the w

RE: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares MarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread doreencaetano
Wow. I was way off. Thank you. I’m learning a lot.
Here’s her death record. It mentions a place in Pico but I do not recognize the 
Thanks Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares 
MarriageofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

No indication where Pico he is from. But Ursula is died in N.S. da Conceição of 
Angra. perhaps her obit said where she is from.
Beatriz is widow of João Coelho (de Ornelas) died in Altares. This mariage is 
in Santa Sé (1718, March 25, img 265).


Philippe Garnier Paris - France

Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 17:40:47 GMT+2, 

Ok Philippe. I found his second marriage to Beatriz do Rosario. This one is 
very hard to read. I think in says Joao Soares, Island of Pico, widower of 
Ursula da Silveira, (I think is says that she was from Pico but does it say 
where?) then it says something about Angra? 
marrying Beatriz do Rosario, daughter of Joao Coelho ? and ? (are they also 
from Pico?)
Guessing at this point. Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage 
ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
Hi Doreen,
Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.
Philippe Garnier Paris - France
Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 
Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.
It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.
Thanks again, Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
Hello Doreen,
I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.
Bill Seidler
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"Azores Genealogy" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
No indication where Pico he is from. But Ursula is died in N.S. da Conceição of 
Angra. perhaps her obit said where she is from.Beatriz is widow of João Coelho 
(de Ornelas) died in Altares. This mariage is in Santa Sé (1718, March 25, img 

Philippe Garnier Paris - France
Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 17:40:47 GMT+2, 
 #yiv4973437782 #yiv4973437782 -- _filtered #yiv4973437782 
{font-family:Helvetica;panose-1:2 11 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 4;} _filtered #yiv4973437782 
{panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv4973437782 
{font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv4973437782 
#yiv4973437782 p.yiv4973437782MsoNormal, #yiv4973437782 
li.yiv4973437782MsoNormal, #yiv4973437782 div.yiv4973437782MsoNormal 
 a:link, #yiv4973437782 span.yiv4973437782MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4973437782 a:visited, #yiv4973437782 
p.yiv4973437782msonormal, #yiv4973437782 li.yiv4973437782msonormal, 
#yiv4973437782 div.yiv4973437782msonormal 
 .yiv4973437782MsoChpDefault {} _filtered #yiv4973437782 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 
1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv4973437782 div.yiv4973437782WordSection1 {}#yiv4973437782 
Ok Philippe. I found his second marriage to Beatriz do Rosario. This one is 
very hard to read. I think in says Joao Soares, Island of Pico, widower of 
Ursula da Silveira, (I think is says that she was from Pico but does it say 
where?) then it says something about Angra? 

marrying Beatriz do Rosario, daughter of Joao Coelho ? and ? (are they also 
from Pico?)

Guessing at this point. Doreen


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage 
ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria


Hi Doreen,


Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.




Philippe Garnier Paris - France


Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 



Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.

It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.

Thanks again, Doreen


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria


Hello Doreen,


I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.


Bill Seidler

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"Azores Genealogy" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread doreencaetano
Ok Philippe. I found his second marriage to Beatriz do Rosario. This one is 
very hard to read. I think in says Joao Soares, Island of Pico, widower of 
Ursula da Silveira, (I think is says that she was from Pico but does it say 
where?) then it says something about Angra? 
marrying Beatriz do Rosario, daughter of Joao Coelho ? and ? (are they also 
from Pico?)
Guessing at this point. Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage 
ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

Hi Doreen,

Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.


Philippe Garnier Paris - France

Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 

Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.
It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.
Thanks again, Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
Hello Doreen,
I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.
Bill Seidler
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"Azores Genealogy" group.
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RE: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you so much. That was a huge help. Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage 
ofJoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

Hi Doreen,

Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.


Philippe Garnier Paris - France

Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 

Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.
It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.
Thanks again, Doreen
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria
Hello Doreen,
I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.
Bill Seidler
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Azores Genealogy" group.
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Visit this group at
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Azores Genealogy" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Hi Doreen,
Yes his name is Soares. His marriage with Ana Maria is in Fonte Bastardo (1773, 
february 25); 2nd book, fl. 20v. It is his 3rd marriage. The 2nd is in Altares 
(1747, October 21) , 1713-1763 book, img 123. He is widow of Ursula da Silveira 
and native from Ilha do Pico.
Philippe Garnier Paris - France
Em segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2018 15:33:10 GMT+2, 
 #yiv1312755846 #yiv1312755846 -- _filtered #yiv1312755846 {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 
4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv1312755846 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 
4 3 2 4;}#yiv1312755846 #yiv1312755846 p.yiv1312755846MsoNormal, #yiv1312755846 
li.yiv1312755846MsoNormal, #yiv1312755846 div.yiv1312755846MsoNormal 
 a:link, #yiv1312755846 span.yiv1312755846MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1312755846 a:visited, #yiv1312755846 
.yiv1312755846MsoChpDefault {} _filtered #yiv1312755846 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 
1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv1312755846 div.yiv1312755846WordSection1 {}#yiv1312755846 
Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.

 It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.

Thanks again, Doreen


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria


Hello Doreen,


I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.


Bill Seidler

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-03 Thread doreencaetano
Yes. Thank you. It was my faul.t I was looking at two records at the same time. 
I posted a correction but Rosemarie responded without reading it.  I was 
reading the word widow as a last name Vieira for the bride and then thought it 
was her father. Once I looked at it again I realized it was widow. In a reply 
to the original post I posted the link to Rosa Marie first marriage. I need 
help reading that record.
 It says Sebastiao Soares de Melo, son of Joao Soares de Melo and Ana Maria, 
married Rosa Maria, daughter of Manuel Goncalves Fialho and Benedicta do 
Espirito Santo. I question if I have the correct groom’s father’s name. Could 
it be Sousa? Also does it say what village they are from because I can not find 
then in the marriage index for Altares? This is why I question my reading of 
the groom’s father’s name.
Thanks again, Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2018 2:55 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of 
JoaoMachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

Hello Doreen,

I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right record.  
However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and Maria Isabel 
rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is the top left 
record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed as the widow of 
Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.

Bill Seidler
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of Joao MachadoToledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-02 Thread bsei2816
Hello Doreen,

I think Rosmarie is right about the bride's parents in the lower right 
record.  However, that is the marriage of Manuel Francisco da Silva and 
Maria Isabel rather than the couple in your subject line.  Your couple is 
the top left record and the bride's parents are not listed; she is listed 
as the widow of Sebastiao Soares buried in this same parish of Sao Roque.

Bill Seidler

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage of Joao Machado Toledo and Rosa Maria

2018-09-02 Thread Rosemarie Capodicci
I think is Thomaz (Tomas) either Goncalo or Goncalves (it looks like the
Priest raised his pen and then wrote 'ves'?) and Rosa Joaquina.

Researching Sao Jorge, Terceira, Graciosa, Faial and Pico, Azores,
Isola delle Femmine, Sant' Elia, Sicily

On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 12:40 PM  wrote:

> I need help getting the names of the bride’s parents. It is the record on
> the bottom of the right side of the page
> Thanks, Doreen Caetano
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares Marriage

2018-08-21 Thread Hughes Roselyn
Hi Doreen:

I see the following Date 10bro = Dec so:   24 Dec 1742

Sebastiam da Costa and Maria de Sao Joseph for her parents.  Not sure is
they are deceased.  Maybe someone else can tell.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 10:28 AM,  wrote:

> This is a hard one. I’m having lots of problems reading the marriage
> record at the bottom of the left side of the page. I believe it says Manuel
> Esteves Franco, son of Belchior Esteves and Maria Franco, deceased, is
> marrying Isabel de Jesus daughter of ?? and ?. I think it says that
> the brides parents are deceased? I can not make out the date on the record.
> AH-ALTARES-C-1713-1763/TER-AH-ALTARES-C-1713-1763_item1/P105.html
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares 1788 marriage ofFrancisco Cardoso and Francisca Rosa

2018-08-21 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares 1788 marriage ofFrancisco 
Cardoso and Francisca Rosa

1788, January 20, Francisco Cardoso son of José Simões and Maria Madalena from 
Alteres, with Francisca Rosa daughter of Francisco Lourenço Mendes and Antonia 
Maria from Altares too.

Philippe Garnier 
Paris - France
Em segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2018 17:28:01 GMT+2, 

I can not read this read. It is too light and I have not learned how to make 
adjustments to help me read it. Can someone help me? Top of the left side. 
Thanks. Doreen
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares 1788 marriage of Francisco Cardoso and Francisca Rosa

2018-08-20 Thread 'Philippe GARNIER' via Azores Genealogy
1788, January 20, Francisco Cardoso son of José Simões and Maria Madalena from 
Alteres, with Francisca Rosa daughter of Francisco Lourenço Mendes and Antonia 
Maria from Altares too.
Philippe Garnier Paris - FranceEm segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2018 
17:28:01 GMT+2,  escreveu:  
I can not read this read. It is too light and I have not learned how to make 
adjustments to help me read it. Can someone help me? Top of the left side. 
Thanks. Doreen


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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from1825

2018-08-05 Thread doreencaetano
Thanks. I thought it was the 28th. I was thinking there was something after 
what looks like Dias but I do not have the language skills to know it is 
additional parts of the family name. Thanks again.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Shirley Allegre
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2018 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record 

This is what it looks like to me:
8 Aug 1825
Francisco Gonsalves Velho
(Jose Gonsalves Velho X Maria de Jesus)
Beatrice do Espirito Santo
(Francisco Martins Dias?? X Rosa da Trindade)
Shirley in CA
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2018 6:44 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from 1825

I’m having a lot of problems reading this record. The groom is Francisco 
Goncalves Velho and I think his parents are Jose Goncalves Velho and Maria de 
Jesus. The bride is Beatriz do Espirito Santo and I think her father is 
Francisco Martins and I can not make out her mother’s name. I have a problem in 
my database and I’m trying to resolve it so as much info I can get from this 
record would greatly be appreciated.
The record is on the right side.
Thank you

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from 1825

2018-08-05 Thread Shirley Allegre
This is what it looks like to me:

8 Aug 1825

Francisco Gonsalves Velho
(Jose Gonsalves Velho X Maria de Jesus)
Beatrice do Espirito Santo
(Francisco Martins Dias?? X Rosa da Trindade)

Shirley in CA

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2018 6:44 PM
  Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from 

  I’m having a lot of problems reading this record. The groom is Francisco 
Goncalves Velho and I think his parents are Jose Goncalves Velho and Maria de 
Jesus. The bride is Beatriz do Espirito Santo and I think her father is 
Francisco Martins and I can not make out her mother’s name. I have a problem in 
my database and I’m trying to resolve it so as much info I can get from this 
record would greatly be appreciated.

  The record is on the right side.

  Thank you


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from1825

2018-08-04 Thread George Pacheco
as you saw it Francisco Martins Dias written in the old spelling of Diaz
today Francisco Martins Dias

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 10:02 PM  wrote:

> Thanks. Was there anything else added to the father of the bride like
> Francisco Martins Dias? Or something?
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *George Pacheco 
> *Sent: *Saturday, August 4, 2018 7:00 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage
> record from1825
> Rosa da Trindade
> On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 9:44 PM  wrote:
> I’m having a lot of problems reading this record. The groom is Francisco
> Goncalves Velho and I think his parents are Jose Goncalves Velho and Maria
> de Jesus. The bride is Beatriz do Espirito Santo and I think her father is
> Francisco Martins and I can not make out her mother’s name. I have a
> problem in my database and I’m trying to resolve it so as much info I can
> get from this record would greatly be appreciated.
> The record is on the right side.
> Thank you
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> Windows 10
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from1825

2018-08-04 Thread doreencaetano
Thanks. Was there anything else added to the father of the bride like Francisco 
Martins Dias? Or something?

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: George Pacheco
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2018 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record 

Rosa da Trindade

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 9:44 PM  wrote:
I’m having a lot of problems reading this record. The groom is Francisco 
Goncalves Velho and I think his parents are Jose Goncalves Velho and Maria de 
Jesus. The bride is Beatriz do Espirito Santo and I think her father is 
Francisco Martins and I can not make out her mother’s name. I have a problem in 
my database and I’m trying to resolve it so as much info I can get from this 
record would greatly be appreciated.
The record is on the right side.
Thank you
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading this Altares Marriage record from 1825

2018-08-04 Thread George Pacheco
Rosa da Trindade

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 9:44 PM  wrote:

> I’m having a lot of problems reading this record. The groom is Francisco
> Goncalves Velho and I think his parents are Jose Goncalves Velho and Maria
> de Jesus. The bride is Beatriz do Espirito Santo and I think her father is
> Francisco Martins and I can not make out her mother’s name. I have a
> problem in my database and I’m trying to resolve it so as much info I can
> get from this record would greatly be appreciated.
> The record is on the right side.
> Thank you
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin; Pedro Miguel, Faial

2018-07-27 Thread 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy
Cheri;  Thanks a lot for translating this for me.  I think you’re right about 
qualifying for the Civil Registry job!  LOL!

Appreciate your help,

Sam (Camas, WA)

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 6:37 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin; Pedro Miguel, Faial

1) Married with Joao de Something Gomes of 24 years, native of the freguesia of 
Pedro Miguel, council of Horta, son of Jose Francisco Gomes and of Teresa de 
Jesus da Rosa (not sure of her) of the Conservatory of the Civil Registry of 
the council of Horta on the day 8 of October of 1000 900 20 and 5. Record # 77 
of 8 Oct 1925. On the 14 March 1000 900 60 and 6 (I think that's 66). 

2) The marriage referenced in the notation something..was dissolved by the 
death of the partner Joao R. Terra Gomes (so there's your "Something" name from 
the 1st note), died in the freguesia of Pedro Miguel council of Horta on the 
day 5 of October 1000 900 60 and 2. Record # 216 of 6 Oct 1962. There's 
something more that I can't make sense of.

Someone else can chime in and clarify further.

I think the test to be hired in the Civil Registry was to see how tiny and 
squishy one could write!

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 6:03 PM, 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy 
Bottom right page.  I can read lots of the words but; can’t make sense of it.  
I believe there are two separate notes and that the bottom one is talking about 
her death?  Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance;
Sam (Camas, WA)

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading margin; Pedro Miguel, Faial

2018-07-26 Thread Cheri Mello
1) Married with Joao de Something Gomes of 24 years, native of the
freguesia of Pedro Miguel, council of Horta, son of Jose Francisco Gomes
and of Teresa de Jesus da Rosa (not sure of her) of the Conservatory of the
Civil Registry of the council of Horta on the day 8 of October of 1000 900
20 and 5. Record # 77 of 8 Oct 1925. On the 14 March 1000 900 60 and 6 (I
think that's 66).

2) The marriage referenced in the notation something..was dissolved by the
death of the partner Joao R. Terra Gomes (so there's your "Something" name
from the 1st note), died in the freguesia of Pedro Miguel council of Horta
on the day 5 of October 1000 900 60 and 2. Record # 216 of 6 Oct 1962.
There's something more that I can't make sense of.

Someone else can chime in and clarify further.

I think the test to be hired in the Civil Registry was to see how tiny and
squishy one could write!

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 6:03 PM, 'Sam (Camas, WA)' via Azores Genealogy <> wrote:

> HT-PEDROMIGUEL-B-1900-1911/FAL-HT-PEDROMIGUEL-B-1900-1911_item1/P121.html
> Bottom right page.  I can read lots of the words but; can’t make sense of
> it.  I believe there are two separate notes and that the bottom one is
> talking about her death?  Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance;
> Sam (Camas, WA)
>  Virus-free.
> <#m_-6720641426668382563_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage of Jose Coelho de Ornelas and Isabel Joaquina

2018-07-21 Thread Cheri Mello
Bill S,

Yes, with practice, everyone can get the hang of "reading" the records :)

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 1:25 PM,  wrote:

> Tough record, but I came to same conclusions as Cheri including the date
> and further confirmed the names of the parents in the Terceira Marriage
> Index.  I must be getting better at this.
> Bill Seidler
>> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage of Jose Coelhode Ornelas and Isabel Joaquina

2018-07-21 Thread doreencaetano
She was the one I had the questions on so thank you.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2018 1:18 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage of Jose Coelhode 
Ornelas and Isabel Joaquina

It's a little light or faded.
18 May 1795 (I used the record below to get the year...someone else may read 18 
May differently)

Groom: Jose Coelho de Ornellas, son of Antonio Coelho de Ornellas and Josefa 
Bride: Isabel Joaquina, daughter of Francisco (I think) Coelho Gomes and Rosa 
Jacinta, natives of this freguesia. 

I don't know if they mean everybody is from this freguesia or just the bride 
and her parents.  Cheri

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 12:40 PM,  wrote:
Wow I can not believe my luck. I had been search the index and could not find 
this couple. I decided to look at the marriage record of godparents of their 
child . Was just trying to get my bearing in the records and my first click was 
the page for the couple I was actually looking for…lucky me. I need help 
reading it. Please give me as much info as possible. It the first one on the 
left side.
SO excited I can hardly wait for you guys to get back to me. Doreen
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage of Jose Coelho de Ornelas and Isabel Joaquina

2018-07-21 Thread bsei2816
Tough record, but I came to same conclusions as Cheri including the date 
and further confirmed the names of the parents in the Terceira Marriage 
Index.  I must be getting better at this.

Bill Seidler


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage of Jose Coelho de Ornelas and Isabel Joaquina

2018-07-21 Thread Cheri Mello
It's a little light or faded.
18 May 1795 (I used the record below to get the year...someone else may
read 18 May differently)

Groom: Jose Coelho de Ornellas, son of Antonio Coelho de Ornellas and
Josefa Maria
Bride: Isabel Joaquina, daughter of Francisco (I think) Coelho Gomes and
Rosa Jacinta, natives of this freguesia.

I don't know if they mean everybody is from this freguesia or just the
bride and her parents.  Cheri

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 12:40 PM,  wrote:

> Wow I can not believe my luck. I had been search the index and could not
> find this couple. I decided to look at the marriage record of godparents of
> their child . Was just trying to get my bearing in the records and my first
> click was the page for the couple I was actually looking for…lucky me. I
> need help reading it. Please give me as much info as possible. It the first
> one on the left side. http://culturacores.azores.
> ALTARES-C-1787-1831_item1/P24.html
> SO excited I can hardly wait for you guys to get back to me. Doreen
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> Windows 10
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from Altaresfor Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

2017-07-16 Thread doreencaetano
As you are aware I’m having problem locating the parents’ (Antonio Coelho de 
Ornelas and Beatriz do Rosario) marriage. Do you think this could be it? Right 
hand side of the page
It for Antonio Coelho and Beatriz dos Santos. I went back to the child’s 
marriage and I do not see “de Ornelas”.  
Hey the link are coming through now. 😊 If this is not it I guess I will start 
search from 10 years before her wedding and work backward.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Margaret Vicente
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from 
Altaresfor Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

Antonio Coelho de Ornellas ( Ornelas) and Beatriz do Rosario.

Please note Antonio is short form and smudged, it should be verified against 
bride's birth record,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:11 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
 I am having trouble reading the bride's parent's names. I have A Coelho 
deceased and Beatriz ? da Rosa. This record is on the left side of the page
 Also I do not know why when I copy and paste the link into the email that it 
is not noting it as a link to a web site. I've tried putting spaces before and 
after...I've tried placing a return to next line/enter afterwards...nothing 
seems to work.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record forManuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757

2017-07-16 Thread Margaret Vicente
LOL, yes it's Agualva current form and if ties connecting there perhaps is the 
right place to look next.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 11:36 AM,  
>  wrote:
> Could it be Agualva? That village is close by and some lines of this family 
> do tie into that village.
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Margaret Vicente
> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 8:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record 
> forManuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757
> Doreen, 
> I'm reading Agua Alva for the bride.  It doesn't say where Francisco Xavier 
> is from and that both bride and groom are clients of S. Roque.
> Perhaps someone else may be able to help to verify it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:24 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
> I have Manuel Machado Fagundes widow of Maria da Trindade marrying Isabel 
> Ignacia widow of Francisco Xavier. I I found the first marriage record of 
> Manuel and Maria and hos parents are Andre Machado Fagundes and Beatriz Cota. 
> I can not read where Francisco Xavier was from and Have not been able to find 
> the marriage record of Francisco and Isabel. I need to locate that record so 
> I can find out her parents' names. Does anybody know anything about the 
> bride, her parents or her first husband? The marriage record for Manuel and 
> Isabel is on the left side of the page. Thanks for your assistance.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> Visit this group at
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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> -- 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record forManuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757

2017-07-16 Thread Margaret Vicente
Doreen, I'm not exactly certain pls hold off until another can have a look.  In 
any case Agualva is located in Council of Praia da Vitoria.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 11:32 AM,  
>  wrote:
> Thanks. Where is Agua Alva?
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Margaret Vicente
> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 8:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record 
> forManuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757
> Doreen, 
> I'm reading Agua Alva for the bride.  It doesn't say where Francisco Xavier 
> is from and that both bride and groom are clients of S. Roque.
> Perhaps someone else may be able to help to verify it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:24 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
> I have Manuel Machado Fagundes widow of Maria da Trindade marrying Isabel 
> Ignacia widow of Francisco Xavier. I I found the first marriage record of 
> Manuel and Maria and hos parents are Andre Machado Fagundes and Beatriz Cota. 
> I can not read where Francisco Xavier was from and Have not been able to find 
> the marriage record of Francisco and Isabel. I need to locate that record so 
> I can find out her parents' names. Does anybody know anything about the 
> bride, her parents or her first husband? The marriage record for Manuel and 
> Isabel is on the left side of the page. Thanks for your assistance.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> Visit this group at
> -- 
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> Visit this group at
> -- 
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from Altaresfor Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

2017-07-16 Thread Margaret Vicente
The record reads both were baptized in S Roque, Altares.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 11:34 AM,  
>  wrote:

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record forManuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757

2017-07-16 Thread doreencaetano
Could it be Agualva? That village is close by and some lines of this family do 
tie into that village.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Margaret Vicente
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record forManuel 
Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757


I'm reading Agua Alva for the bride.  It doesn't say where Francisco Xavier is 
from and that both bride and groom are clients of S. Roque.

Perhaps someone else may be able to help to verify it.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:24 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
I have Manuel Machado Fagundes widow of Maria da Trindade marrying Isabel 
Ignacia widow of Francisco Xavier. I I found the first marriage record of 
Manuel and Maria and hos parents are Andre Machado Fagundes and Beatriz Cota. I 
can not read where Francisco Xavier was from and Have not been able to find the 
marriage record of Francisco and Isabel. I need to locate that record so I can 
find out her parents' names. Does anybody know anything about the bride, her 
parents or her first husband? The marriage record for Manuel and Isabel is on 
the left side of the page. Thanks for your assistance.
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from Altaresfor Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

2017-07-16 Thread doreencaetano
Thank you. I will also search for her birth. She was born in Altares, right? 
Have problems locating the parents marriage record. I think to find this so I 
can narrow the window of her birth date and location.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Margaret Vicente
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from 
Altaresfor Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

Antonio Coelho de Ornellas ( Ornelas) and Beatriz do Rosario.

Please note Antonio is short form and smudged, it should be verified against 
bride's birth record,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:11 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
 I am having trouble reading the bride's parent's names. I have A Coelho 
deceased and Beatriz ? da Rosa. This record is on the left side of the page
 Also I do not know why when I copy and paste the link into the email that it 
is not noting it as a link to a web site. I've tried putting spaces before and 
after...I've tried placing a return to next line/enter afterwards...nothing 
seems to work.

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record forManuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757

2017-07-16 Thread doreencaetano
Thanks. Where is Agua Alva?

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Margaret Vicente
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record forManuel 
Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757


I'm reading Agua Alva for the bride.  It doesn't say where Francisco Xavier is 
from and that both bride and groom are clients of S. Roque.

Perhaps someone else may be able to help to verify it.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:24 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
I have Manuel Machado Fagundes widow of Maria da Trindade marrying Isabel 
Ignacia widow of Francisco Xavier. I I found the first marriage record of 
Manuel and Maria and hos parents are Andre Machado Fagundes and Beatriz Cota. I 
can not read where Francisco Xavier was from and Have not been able to find the 
marriage record of Francisco and Isabel. I need to locate that record so I can 
find out her parents' names. Does anybody know anything about the bride, her 
parents or her first husband? The marriage record for Manuel and Isabel is on 
the left side of the page. Thanks for your assistance.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading Altares marriage record for Manuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia 7/10/1757

2017-07-16 Thread Margaret Vicente

I'm reading Agua Alva for the bride.  It doesn't say where Francisco Xavier is 
from and that both bride and groom are clients of S. Roque.

Perhaps someone else may be able to help to verify it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:24 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
> I have Manuel Machado Fagundes widow of Maria da Trindade marrying Isabel 
> Ignacia widow of Francisco Xavier. I I found the first marriage record of 
> Manuel and Maria and hos parents are Andre Machado Fagundes and Beatriz Cota. 
> I can not read where Francisco Xavier was from and Have not been able to find 
> the marriage record of Francisco and Isabel. I need to locate that record so 
> I can find out her parents' names. Does anybody know anything about the 
> bride, her parents or her first husband? The marriage record for Manuel and 
> Isabel is on the left side of the page. Thanks for your assistance.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from Altares for Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

2017-07-16 Thread Margaret Vicente
Antonio Coelho de Ornellas ( Ornelas) and Beatriz do Rosario.

Please note Antonio is short form and smudged, it should be verified against 
bride's birth record,

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:11 AM, doreencaetano  wrote:
>  I am having trouble reading the bride's parent's names. I have A Coelho 
> deceased and Beatriz ? da Rosa. This record is on the left side of the page
>  Also I do not know why when I copy and paste the link into the email that it 
> is not noting it as a link to a web site. I've tried putting spaces before 
> and after...I've tried placing a return to next line/enter 
> afterwards...nothing seems to work.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> Visit this group at

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help Reading Altares marriage of Manuel Vas da Costa and Antonia de Avila

2017-06-10 Thread Cheri Mello
Yeah, Luzia, not Eulalia. I needed to enlarge it more.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 12:35 PM,  wrote:

> Cheri go the groom's mother.  I think the bride's parents are Salvador
> Correa and Luzia Coelha
> Bill Seidler
> On Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 12:24:17 PM UTC-7, Cheri Mello wrote:
>> Mother of the groom: Margarida Rodrigues, both his parents deceased.
>> Mother of the bride: Eulalia Coeha.  I can't get dad with half of it in
>> the binding.
>> Cheri Mello
>> Listowner, Azores-Gen
>> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
>> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help Reading Altares marriage of Manuel Vas da Costa and Antonia de Avila

2017-06-10 Thread bsei2816
Cheri go the groom's mother.  I think the bride's parents are Salvador 
Correa and Luzia Coelha

Bill Seidler

On Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 12:24:17 PM UTC-7, Cheri Mello wrote:

> Mother of the groom: Margarida Rodrigues, both his parents deceased.
> Mother of the bride: Eulalia Coeha.  I can't get dad with half of it in 
> the binding.
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help Reading Altares marriage of Manuel Vas da Costa and Antonia de Avila

2017-06-10 Thread Cheri Mello
Mother of the groom: Margarida Rodrigues, both his parents deceased.

Mother of the bride: Eulalia Coeha.  I can't get dad with half of it in the

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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"Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

2017-06-05 Thread Hughes Roselyn
Hi Doreen,

Thomasia Rosa is my second great grand aunt.  I don't know if you need any
help, but I would be happy to assist you.  Feel free to email me directly.


On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 10:53 AM,  wrote:

> This is huge. I finally have parents for Thomasia Rosa, wife of Jose
> Cardoso Jaques based on the first record that indicates that the maternal
> aunt and uncle are the godparents. Thanks. Doreen
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Cheri Mello 
> *Sent: *Monday, June 5, 2017 10:46 AM
> *To: *Azores Genealogy 
> *Subject: *Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from
> Altares 1856
> I've never seen Terceira abbreviated before. That was funny.
> Gods: Andre Coelho Machado and his sister Maria Rosa, uncle/aunt paternal
> of Jose Coelho Machado Cotta
> The Portuguese Word List has tio/tia on it:
> Cheri
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 10:26 AM,  wrote:
> Left side, middle of he page.
> Here’s another one with that same type of information.
> AH-ALTARES-B-1842-1852/TER-AH-ALTARES-B-1842-1852_item1/P198.html
> Location. Left side, middle of the page
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Richard Francis Pimentel 
> *Sent: *Monday, June 5, 2017 10:03 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from
> Altares 1856
> *Which record on the page are you referring to?*
> *Rick*
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *doreencaetano
> *Sent:* Monday, June 5, 2017 12:39 PM
> *To:* Azores Genealogy
> *Subject:* [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares
> 1856
> There is something extra being said on this records in regards to the
> godparents Andre Coelho Machado and Maria Rosa. It has something to do with
> Jose Coelho Cotta Machado and Francisca Rosa.
> AH-ALTARES-B-1852-1860/TER-AH-ALTARES-B-1852-1860_item1/P53.html
> Can someone help me read this record. I have been several like this that
> has something extra about godparents. I believe it is either a relationship
> to the to the child or the relationship of the godparent. Thanks
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> Visit this group at
> --
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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> --
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> --
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> --
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

2017-06-05 Thread doreencaetano
This is huge. I finally have parents for Thomasia Rosa, wife of Jose Cardoso 
Jaques based on the first record that indicates that the maternal aunt and 
uncle are the godparents. Thanks. Doreen

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Cheri Mello
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 10:46 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

I've never seen Terceira abbreviated before. That was funny.
Gods: Andre Coelho Machado and his sister Maria Rosa, uncle/aunt paternal of 
Jose Coelho Machado Cotta
The Portuguese Word List has tio/tia on it:

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, 
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 10:26 AM,  wrote:
Left side, middle of he page. 
Here’s another one with that same type of information.
Location. Left side, middle of the page
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Richard Francis Pimentel
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856
Which record on the page are you referring to?
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 12:39 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856
There is something extra being said on this records in regards to the 
godparents Andre Coelho Machado and Maria Rosa. It has something to do with 
Jose Coelho Cotta Machado and Francisca Rosa.
Can someone help me read this record. I have been several like this that has 
something extra about godparents. I believe it is either a relationship to the 
to the child or the relationship of the godparent. Thanks
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

2017-06-05 Thread Cheri Mello
I've never seen Terceira abbreviated before. That was funny.

Gods: Andre Coelho Machado and his sister Maria Rosa, uncle/aunt paternal
of Jose Coelho Machado Cotta

The Portuguese Word List has tio/tia on it:


Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 10:26 AM,  wrote:

> Left side, middle of he page.
> Here’s another one with that same type of information.
> AH-ALTARES-B-1842-1852/TER-AH-ALTARES-B-1842-1852_item1/P198.html
> Location. Left side, middle of the page
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Richard Francis Pimentel 
> *Sent: *Monday, June 5, 2017 10:03 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from
> Altares 1856
> *Which record on the page are you referring to?*
> *Rick*
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *doreencaetano
> *Sent:* Monday, June 5, 2017 12:39 PM
> *To:* Azores Genealogy
> *Subject:* [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares
> 1856
> There is something extra being said on this records in regards to the
> godparents Andre Coelho Machado and Maria Rosa. It has something to do with
> Jose Coelho Cotta Machado and Francisca Rosa.
> AH-ALTARES-B-1852-1860/TER-AH-ALTARES-B-1852-1860_item1/P53.html
> Can someone help me read this record. I have been several like this that
> has something extra about godparents. I believe it is either a relationship
> to the to the child or the relationship of the godparent. Thanks
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> Visit this group at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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> email to
> Visit this group at
> --
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

2017-06-05 Thread doreencaetano
Left side, middle of he page. 
Here’s another one with that same type of information.
Location. Left side, middle of the page

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Richard Francis Pimentel
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

Which record on the page are you referring to?


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 12:39 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

There is something extra being said on this records in regards to the 
godparents Andre Coelho Machado and Maria Rosa. It has something to do with 
Jose Coelho Cotta Machado and Francisca Rosa.
Can someone help me read this record. I have been several like this that has 
something extra about godparents. I believe it is either a relationship to the 
to the child or the relationship of the godparent. Thanks
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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856

2017-06-05 Thread Richard Francis Pimentel
Which record on the page are you referring to?




From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 12:39 PM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading baptism record from Altares 1856


There is something extra being said on this records in regards to the 
godparents Andre Coelho Machado and Maria Rosa. It has something to do with 
Jose Coelho Cotta Machado and Francisca Rosa.

Can someone help me read this record. I have been several like this that has 
something extra about godparents. I believe it is either a relationship to the 
to the child or the relationship of the godparent. Thanks

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading-Could Francisca be Francisco?

2017-05-25 Thread Richard Francis Pimentel
I would say it is Francisco based on how the writer wrote the letter “a” as in 
Maria on the record below.  While it looks like he wrote over the letter there 
is no evidence of a tail on the last letter in either the name Francisco or 


There is something wrong with the link you attached try this one.




From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 11:45 AM
To: Azores Genealogy
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading-Could Francisca be Francisco?


I need this record to be a Francisco not a Francisca. Is there any other place 
in the record other that filho or filha that indicates the sex of the baby?
 It's on the top of right side of the page.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading a CCA marriage from Altares

2017-05-11 Thread Cheri Mello
I see the viuvo after Manuel Machado Fagundes now.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 12:14 PM, Margaret Vicente <> wrote:

> Hi, here's what I can extract:
> Em os des dias do mes de Julho do ano de mil sete centos sincoenta e sete
> ...Manuel Machado Fagundes viuvo de Maria da Trindade, natural
> desta freguesia com Isabel Ignacia viuva
> de Francisco Xavier
> Marriage date: July 10 1757
> Groom: Manuel Machado Fagundes, widower of Maria da Trindade
> Bride: Isabel Ignacia, widow of Francisco Xavier
> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 2:04 PM, Cheri Mello  wrote:
>> Hi Doreen,
>> Yes, your post made it to the whole list. I am answering to the whole
>> list.
>> This priest crammed the lines together. It's so hard to read.
>> Date: 2 (could be 10) July 1757
>> I think it says the groom is son of Manuel Machado Fagundes and the next
>> line says V___no and Maria da Trindade, natural of this freguesia. After
>> Francisco Xavier, it says native of __ of this council, so at least you
>> know you are in the council of Angra.
>> Hope someone can get more of it.  Cheri
>> Cheri Mello
>> Listowner, Azores-Gen
>> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
>> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
>> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:42 AM, doreencaetano 
>> wrote:
>>> ALTARES-C-1713-1763/TER-AH-ALTARES-C-1713-1763_item1/P163.html
>>>  Good morning everyone. I’m trying to help a relative do her family
>>> tree. I have come across a record that is hard to read.
>>> The record I’m interested in is at the bottom of the left side of pg 163
>>> for the CCA records for Altares 1713-1763. It should be the The marriage
>>> record for Manuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia. Any help would be
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thank you. Doreen Caetano
>>> PS I have some leads on this couple. For instance I believe Manuel was
>>> born in Doze ? It appears to me that they were married on July 2, 1757. I
>>> see the names Maria da Trindade for mother of the groom but can not make
>>> out his father. I see father of the bride as Francisco Xavier and mother as
>>> maybe Isabel dos Anjos. Its so hard to read. It is definitely above my
>>> skills. Once again any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>>> .
>>> --
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>>> Groups "Azores Genealogy" group.
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>>> an email to
>>> Visit this group at
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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>> email to
>> Visit this group at
> --
> Margaret M Vicente
> --
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading a CCA marriage from Altares

2017-05-11 Thread Margaret Vicente
Hi, here's what I can extract:

Em os des dias do mes de Julho do ano de mil sete centos sincoenta e sete
...Manuel Machado Fagundes viuvo de Maria da Trindade, natural
desta freguesia com Isabel Ignacia viuva
de Francisco Xavier

Marriage date: July 10 1757
Groom: Manuel Machado Fagundes, widower of Maria da Trindade
Bride: Isabel Ignacia, widow of Francisco Xavier

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 2:04 PM, Cheri Mello  wrote:

> Hi Doreen,
> Yes, your post made it to the whole list. I am answering to the whole list.
> This priest crammed the lines together. It's so hard to read.
> Date: 2 (could be 10) July 1757
> I think it says the groom is son of Manuel Machado Fagundes and the next
> line says V___no and Maria da Trindade, natural of this freguesia. After
> Francisco Xavier, it says native of __ of this council, so at least you
> know you are in the council of Angra.
> Hope someone can get more of it.  Cheri
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:42 AM, doreencaetano 
> wrote:
>> ALTARES-C-1713-1763/TER-AH-ALTARES-C-1713-1763_item1/P163.html
>>  Good morning everyone. I’m trying to help a relative do her family tree.
>> I have come across a record that is hard to read.
>> The record I’m interested in is at the bottom of the left side of pg 163
>> for the CCA records for Altares 1713-1763. It should be the The marriage
>> record for Manuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia. Any help would be
>> appreciated.
>> Thank you. Doreen Caetano
>> PS I have some leads on this couple. For instance I believe Manuel was
>> born in Doze ? It appears to me that they were married on July 2, 1757. I
>> see the names Maria da Trindade for mother of the groom but can not make
>> out his father. I see father of the bride as Francisco Xavier and mother as
>> maybe Isabel dos Anjos. Its so hard to read. It is definitely above my
>> skills. Once again any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>> .
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Azores Genealogy" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to
>> Visit this group at
> --
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> "Azores Genealogy" group.
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Margaret M Vicente

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading a CCA marriage from Altares

2017-05-11 Thread Cheri Mello
Hi Doreen,

Yes, your post made it to the whole list. I am answering to the whole list.

This priest crammed the lines together. It's so hard to read.

Date: 2 (could be 10) July 1757

I think it says the groom is son of Manuel Machado Fagundes and the next
line says V___no and Maria da Trindade, natural of this freguesia. After
Francisco Xavier, it says native of __ of this council, so at least you
know you are in the council of Angra.

Hope someone can get more of it.  Cheri

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:42 AM, doreencaetano 

> AH-ALTARES-C-1713-1763/TER-AH-ALTARES-C-1713-1763_item1/P163.html
>  Good morning everyone. I’m trying to help a relative do her family tree.
> I have come across a record that is hard to read.
> The record I’m interested in is at the bottom of the left side of pg 163
> for the CCA records for Altares 1713-1763. It should be the The marriage
> record for Manuel Machado Fagundes and Isabel Ignacia. Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Thank you. Doreen Caetano
> PS I have some leads on this couple. For instance I believe Manuel was
> born in Doze ? It appears to me that they were married on July 2, 1757. I
> see the names Maria da Trindade for mother of the groom but can not make
> out his father. I see father of the bride as Francisco Xavier and mother as
> maybe Isabel dos Anjos. Its so hard to read. It is definitely above my
> skills. Once again any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> .
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> Visit this group at

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