RE: Could I put commands in a variable

2004-02-19 Thread Dan Muey

 For instance:
 sub launch_viewer {
   my $for_path = shift;
   $message_viewer = create_main_viewer_window();
   add_header_list($message_viewer, $for_path);
   print get_viewer_option('Files|References'), \n;
 sub create_main_viewer_window {
   our $message_viewer = MainWindow-new(
   -title = get_viewer_option('source file'));
   return $message_viewer;
 sub add_main_menu {
   my $message_viewer = shift;
   our $menu_bar = $message_viewer-Menu(-type = 'menubar');
   $message_viewer-configure(-menu = $menu_bar);

Nice Joseph, 

If I'm looking at this right this is a GUI for viewing files?

What module(s) are you using before this code? Tk; ? Or??

Or is this simply an example and  Not to be tried at home? :)


 You notice something about the  launch_viewer method?  It 
 does nothing technical at all, yet guides the entire process, 
 and does so in plain language. Programming languages have 
 eveolved to well support plain-language styles, and they help 
 to minimize errors by minimize the distractions of detail.  
 The details of each action specified can be fleshed out in 
 the individual mthod definitions, without cluttering the main 
 description of the process.
 It is a whole new world in programming.

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RE: Extracting data from html structure.

2004-02-18 Thread Dan Muey
 And I want to extract from it the chekbox values and their 
 respective channel names (contained in the link beside the 
 checkbox). I have checked a lot of modules on cpan but I 
 haven't found one that does it just the way I want it to yet. 
 Actually I havent found any that I can get to work at all.
 Any tips?

If I were to do it by hand I'd do something like this:

Assuming it always looks like this: (that's a pretty big assumption which is why 
modules are good, but anyway...)
input type=checkbox name=kanal_id[] value=9  a 

my %value_channel = $html =~ /type\=\checkbox\ name=kanal_id[] value=(\d+) \ \a 

Then the keys would be the checkbox value and the value would be the url!

Isn't Perl sexxy? :)



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RE: capture a website and process its data

2004-02-18 Thread Dan Muey
 Hi All,
 I am a beginner at perl and would need some valued advice in 
 the following task. 

Then you'll love LWP::UserAgnet and LWP:Simple

 1. I need to access a website like say, a pathway called y.asp

Not sure why you need to work with Win32::Ole exactly but...


use strict; 
use warnings; 
# they  will help you do better code and debug faster.

use LWP::Simple; # see for more info
my $guts = get('');

 2. Store 
 the navigable components found in the 
 imagemap component. There are some links here, which lead to 

This is a little more tricky since parsing html is not the funnest thign to do.

Look at search for HTML::Parser or somethgi like that.
Or if you can reasonably gaurantee the way the data will look you can use regexes to 
grab it from $guts;

my @links = $guts =~ /href=\(.*)\/mg; 

 display of a further search result for certain genes. I need 
 to extract and store the weblinks (to external websites) from 
 this gene search into a set of txt files. 

You can use open() (See perldoc -f open) to write to a file. 
But if it's a simpelk text file of reasonable size you might want to use File::Slurp;

use File::Slurp;
write_file('/home/linksfrommypage.txt', join \n, @links);

 For this, I have written the following code ... and then cant 
 go further. pls help.
 use Win32::OLE;
 $browser = Win32::OLE-new('InternetExplorer.Application', 
 'Quit'); $website ='';  
 $webpage ='pathfiles/prolinePathway.asp';  
 $browser-Navigate($URL, 1,'_BLANK');   
 #part 1
 use LWP::Simple;
 #part 2

 $content =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # lowercase everything
 $content =~ s/\/'/g; # double quotes to single
 $content =~ s/\n//g; # get rid of the linefeeds
 $content =~ s/\s+//g; # compress spaces/tabs
 $content =~ /startpathwayimage(.*)endpathwayimage/;
 print $1;
 # store this output into a file 

So there is only one match at the url?

Take a look at open() (perldoc -f open)

 How to go further?? 
 Thanks a ton in advance.

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RE: RE: capture a website and process its data

2004-02-18 Thread Dan Muey

 thanks a lot for your inputs.
 I used 
 Win32::OLE module
 as it opens up a new instance of internet explorer with my 
 preferred webpage. 
 now, i dont need to store all the html. i just need to store 
 the html from 
 $guts =~ /startpathwayimage(.*)endpathwayimage/;
 and then further process this into a file. so now i changed 
 my code to:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use LWP::Simple; # see for more info
 my $guts = get('');
 $guts =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
 $guts =~ s/\/'/g;
 $guts =~ s/\n//g;
 $guts =~ s/\s+//g;
 my @links = $guts =~ /startpathwayimage(.*)endpathwayimage/;

You could 
my $links_are_hiding_in_here = join '', @links;

my @just_the_links_maam = $links_are_hiding_in_here =~ m/href=\'(.*)\'/ig; # or 
whatever regex you need to do this

open(STORE, output.txt) || die Opening output.txt: $!; 
print STORE join (\n, @just_the_links_maam).\n; 
close (STORE);

# now you should have one url per line in your file

 open(STORE, output.txt) || die Opening output.txt: $!; 
 print STORE @links; close (STORE);

Or parse the file after its written which doesn't make much sense because nowyou have 
to reopen it, read it
Parse it and do what you want with it then if the file is to be used by another script 
you have to have the same file parsing code in another place.

Write the file with the parsed out put and you life will be much easier :)

 This output.txt has all the desired links that i need to 
 store. I need to parse this output.txt to yield me all links 
 sequence like this: http://link1.html http://link2.html http://link3.html

 there are around 15 links in javapop-ups!

 awaiting your tips!

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RE: [OT] Apache internal server redirects

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey
 I have an internal server that I need to pass external 
 visitors to from a web page.  The internal server isn't set 
 up to go through the firewall so I am looking for a way to 
 make web server (which does play nice) to access the other 
 server via http and let a user access the files and programs on it.
 I've been looking through the FAQs and googling it, but have 
 not found a way to do it yet.

Well how about this:
Then could grab content from the local files/scripts.


 Any thoughts?

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Import oddity

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey

Weird thing here:

I get a variable from a module via @EXPORT_OK
like so:

use Foo::Monkey '$howdy'; # import the variable $howdy
print $howdy;

Works perfect.

Now if I add strict-import; to my module's import function like so:

package Foo::Monkey;;
[ standard goodies cut]
use base qw(Exporter);

sub import { strict-import; }

our $howdy = 'Howdy';

our @EXPORT_OK = qw($howdy);

[rest of goodies cut]

Then the script gives me Global symbol $howdy requires explicit 
package name... since I'm not using 'my' (because the module should be 
Exporting it)

I really really want to keep strict-import but need to be able to use 
@EXPORT_OK and friends like normal.

Any ideas why /what is happening and what I can do to have my cake and 
eat it to? (IE Have my strict and Export it too)



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RE: Import oddity

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey
 On Feb 17, 2004, at 7:56 AM, Dan Muey wrote:
  Weird thing here:
  I get a variable from a module via @EXPORT_OK
  like so:
  use Foo::Monkey '$howdy'; # import the variable $howdy
  print $howdy;
  Works perfect.
  Now if I add strict-import; to my module's import function like so:
 I think add is the wrong word here.  You replaced the inherited 
 import() method.
  package Foo::Monkey;;
  [ standard goodies cut]
  use base qw(Exporter);
  sub import { strict-import; }
 sub import {
   my $class = shift;
 I believe that will fix it.  Not 100% sure though.  Never 
 tried it.  ;)

I just tried it and no go. Any other thoughts anyone?

Simply put sub import { strict-import; } breaks Exporter's @EXPORT_OK functionality.

 Hope that helps.

It does help, we're getting there! Thanks :)


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RE: Import oddity

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey

 Dan Muey wrote:
 sub import {
 my $class = shift;
  I believe that will fix it.  Not 100% sure though.  Never
  tried it.  ;)
  I just tried it and no go. Any other thoughts anyone?
 The problem here is that Exporter::import() looks at the 
 calling package, which in this case is Foo::Monkey *itself*, 
 not the user of Foo::Monkey.

Makes sense, but it works without strict-import; in the package's sub import { }
Does that make sense? I'm stuck!

 Try this (a more general solution):
sub import {
my ($class) = @_;
$class-export_to_level(2, @_);
 Or this (simpler):
sub import {
goto Exporter::import;

I tried both and no go. All is well (IE the thigns specified 
are Exported to the script) if I do not have strict-import; (Which makes 
the script act as if they had 'use strict;' in the script)

I think we're getting there but I am missing somethgin that is probably simple and 

Thanks a bunch



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RE: Import oddity

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  I tried both and no go. All is well (IE the thigns specified
  are Exported to the script) if I do not have 
 strict-import; (Which makes 
  the script act as if they had 'use strict;' in the script)
 Did you use strict or require strict anywhere?

package Foo::Monkey;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);

sub import {
strict-import; # makes script using package act as if it had done 'use 
strict;' itself

# @EXPORT_OK symbols are Exported ok if strict-import; is not here, even if 
# I coment out use strict above and do not have use strict 
# in the script using the package (which I never did all along

Any thoughts?


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RE: Import oddity

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey
  Dan Muey wrote:
  Any thoughts?
 Erm, it looks okay.  Maybe if you showed a complete example 
 and the error or warnings (or misbehavior) somebody would see 
 the problem.
 Here's what I was using.
  package Foo;
  use base qw(Exporter);
  use strict;
  our @EXPORT_OK = qw($var);
  our $var = 'Foo!';
  sub import {
  my ($class) = @_;
  $class-export_to_level(2, @_);
  $INC{''} = __FILE__;
  use Foo qw($var);
  print $var;
 The first code you posted didn't work because (as James 
 pointed out) you were never calling Exporter::import.
 If you called strict-import but never loaded, 
 the import() would quietly fail to turn on strictures.
 But delegating to Exporter with export_to_level() or by using 
 the magic
 goto() should work...

I'll play around a bit and perhaps post more code. 

Thanks for the input very very helpful!



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RE: Import oddity [SOLVED!]

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey

 Dan Muey wrote:
  Any thoughts?
 Erm, it looks okay.  Maybe if you showed a complete example 
 and the error or warnings (or misbehavior) somebody would see 
 the problem.
 Here's what I was using.
  package Foo;
  use base qw(Exporter);
  use strict;
  our @EXPORT_OK = qw($var);
  our $var = 'Foo!';
  sub import {
  my ($class) = @_;
This line (my version not Steve's) was keeping me from doing export_to_level() 
I was doing my $class = shift; but I needed to keep $class in @_ like Steve did above

Now it works!!!

  $class-export_to_level(2, @_);
  $INC{''} = __FILE__;
  use Foo qw($var);
  print $var;
 The first code you posted didn't work because (as James 
 pointed out) you were never calling Exporter::import.
 If you called strict-import but never loaded, 
 the import() would quietly fail to turn on strictures.
 But delegating to Exporter with export_to_level() or by using 
 the magic
 goto() should work...

I wonder which one would be fastest export_to_level() or goto() ??

Thanks Steve and everyone for all the help! You guys, this list, and Perl 
all rock!


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RE: Why does this keep happening?

2004-02-17 Thread Dan Muey

 I'm running perl under windows XP and I keep geting this error:
 syntax error at (Directory and filename) Line 6, near  )
 syntax error at (directory and filename) line 9 near }
 The source code is below, but this happens with loops in 
 general. Any ideas?

NO semi colon here for one, plus $a and $b are special sometimes so I'd avoid those.

Try this:


use warnings;
use strict;
# always a good idea and very helpful to keep you sane!

my $cnt = 1000;

until ($cnt == 0) {
print print Counting down to 0 from $cnt;
print Blast off!;

 until ($a==0)
 print Counting down to 0 from $a;
 else (print Blast off!)

This else needs an if to match I believe, perhaps not but it would make lots more 


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Getting croak or carp into variable ?

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey
Hello List,

I am using a module that does use Carp; and you 
can specify whther you want croak or carp on an error
Which is cool. But there is no way to specify anythign 
else besides those two.

So the way it is you just do:

my $res = funktion('foobarmonkey',err_doer = 'carp');

And it will do 
carp('what  the heck is foobarmonkey');

What I'd like to do is get any errors into a variable:

my $err = '';
my $res = funktion('foobarmonkey',err_doer = 'puterrorinvar');

if($err) {
print Error: $err\n;
print Logging error...'
if(logerror($err) { print Ok\n; } else { print Failed!\n; }
print Emailing Admin...;  
if(emailadmin($err)) { print Ok\n; } else { print Failed!\n; }
# and now that we did that we can go ahead and carp, craok die, whatever   

Except I can't simply specify a new function for errors because it checks for what you 
enter to see if its in a hash and if not defaults to one or the other. (I could modify 
the module but then it won't work for all)

SO I guess the question is, is there a way to get carp or croak into a variable?
Something like this perhaps: ?

my $err = '';
putcarpinvar_on(\$err);  # this is an example to illustrate what I'm shooting for it 
is not real
my $res = funktion('foobarmonkey',err_doer = 'puterrorinvar');
putcarpinvar_off(\$err); # this is an example to illustrate what I'm shooting for it 
is not real
if($err) { ...

Any ideas?



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RE: Getting croak or carp into variable ?

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey
 On Feb 10, 2004, at 9:56 AM, Dan Muey wrote:
  Hello List,
  I am using a module that does use Carp; and you
  can specify whther you want croak or carp on an error
  Which is cool. But there is no way to specify anythign
  else besides those two.
  So the way it is you just do:
  my $res = funktion('foobarmonkey',err_doer = 'carp');
  And it will do
  carp('what  the heck is foobarmonkey');
  What I'd like to do is get any errors into a variable:
  my $err = '';
  my $res = funktion('foobarmonkey',err_doer = 'puterrorinvar');
  if($err) {
  print Error: $err\n;
  print Logging error...'
  if(logerror($err) { print Ok\n; } else { print Failed!\n; }
  print Emailing Admin...;  
  if(emailadmin($err)) { print Ok\n; } else { print 
 Failed!\n; }
  # and now that we did that we can go ahead and carp, craok die, 
  Except I can't simply specify a new function for errors because it
  checks for what you enter to see if its in a hash and if 
 not defaults 
  to one or the other. (I could modify the module but then it 
 won't work 
  for all)
  SO I guess the question is, is there a way to get carp or 
 croak into a
  Something like this perhaps: ?
 Maybe.  Check out this one liner:
 perl -MCarp -e '$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $err = shift; }; carp 
 Error!\n; print We caught $err;'
 Strangely though, this did not work for me, though I expected it to:
 perl -MCarp -e '$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $err = shift; }; croak 
 Error!\n; print We caught $err;'

Oh yeah %SIG I've nvere really messed with it before.
I'll check it out a bit more, thanks James!



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RE: Program close

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey


   When I run a very simple Perl program, it 
 closes immediately after it has 
   done. So that I can't even see the output. How 
 can I solve this?

Don't use windows! :)
Or try executeing it from a dos prompt directly.

   Thanks in advance!



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RE: Getting croak or carp into variable ?

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey
 perl -MCarp -e '$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $err = shift; }; 
 carp Error!\n; print We caught $err;'

This works great!

And changing $SIG{__WARN__} to '' will return default behaviour correct?
(Same thign with __DIE__ ??)

 Strangely though, this did not work for me, though I expected it to:
 perl -MCarp -e '$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $err = shift; }; croak 
 Error!\n; print We caught $err;'

Anyone have any idea how to get $SIG{__DIE__} to act like the $SIG{__WARN__} ?
I'm sure it has something to do with die doing an exit() or soemthing.


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RE: Getting croak or carp into variable ?

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey

 I am using a module that does use Carp; and you
 can specify whther you want croak or carp on an error
 Which is cool. But there is no way to specify anythign
 else besides those two.
 What I'd like to do is get any errors into a variable:
 You want Carp::shortmess().
   perldoc Carp

That would require modifying the module which I want to avoid.
Inside a function of another package it calls either carp or croak.
I'd like to get that error into a variable I can use and not die 
or warn from croak or carp.

my $err = '';
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $err = shift; }
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {$err = shift; }

my $res = function_that_carps_or_croaks_that_i_cant_modify();
if($err) { handle_error_my_way_instead_of_simply_carping_or_croaking($err); }

$SIG{__WARN__} = ''; # or is undef or delete better??
$SIG{__DIE__} = ''; # or is undef or delete better??

That works like a charm but it does not work with $SIG{__DIE__} for some reason.
It still just croaks as usual. Any ideas?

 Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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RE: Getting croak or carp into variable ?

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  $SIG{__WARN__} = ''; # or is undef or delete better?? 
 $SIG{__DIE__} = 
  ''; # or is undef or delete better??
  That works like a charm but it does not work with $SIG{__DIE__} for 
  some reason. It still just croaks as usual. Any ideas?
 there are at least a couple of ways of doing that:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use subs qw(Carp::die);
 use vars qw($e);
 sub Carp::die{ $e = Carp::die: @_ }
 use Carp;
 croak croaking;
 print after croak \$e is: $e;
 after croak $e is: Carp::die: croaking at line 10
 another way to accomplish the same thing:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 our $e;
 *CORE::GLOBAL::die = sub{
 $e = CORE:GLOBAL::die = @_;
 use Carp;
 use vars qw($e);
 croak croaking;
 print after croak \$e is: $e;
 after croak $e is: CORE:GLOBAL::die = croaking at line 10
 i don't have time to check out the source of but if 
 you do, i would 
 suggest you go take a look as there might be a better 
 solution to it. out 
 of the 2 methods i described, the second one is more natural, imo.

Cool, I was wondering about if that was possible, overriding the function.
I'll try that out a bit and see how iut can fit into my scheme.

Thanks david!


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RE: Getting croak or carp into variable ?

2004-02-10 Thread Dan Muey
 there are at least a couple of ways of doing that:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use subs qw(Carp::die);
 use vars qw($e);
 sub Carp::die{ $e = Carp::die: @_ }
 use Carp;
 croak croaking;
 print after croak \$e is: $e;
 after croak $e is: Carp::die: croaking at line 10
 another way to accomplish the same thing:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 our $e;
 *CORE::GLOBAL::die = sub{
 $e = CORE:GLOBAL::die = @_;
 use Carp;
 use vars qw($e);
 croak croaking;
 print after croak \$e is: $e;
 after croak $e is: CORE:GLOBAL::die = croaking at line 10
 i don't have time to check out the source of but if
 you do, i would 
 suggest you go take a look as there might be a better 
 solution to it. out 
 of the 2 methods i described, the second one is more natural, imo.

Thanks that helped out abunch I believe it has me up and running!
I use the Carp::die so I won't effect any real die()s just the croak()s

Thanks again!


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RE: How to use the arguments to use() in the package being used

2004-02-05 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  The subject says it all believe it or not :)
  What I'm trying to figure out is how to pass an argument (pragma I 
  believe is the proper term) to use() and do sonethign in 
 the package 
  based on it.
  I've looked at source but can't seem to track it down.
 But did you perldoc?  Munging source may sometimes be useful, 

Shamefully, no :( 
I usually do but this time I was just backwards!

 but more often than not it throws you headlong into 
 implementation details of someone ele's code without shedding 
 much light on how to use it.  By entering: perldoc -f use at 
 the cmmand-line, you should get direct instruction on proper 
 usage.  I just checked, and the returned text proceeds 
 immediately into a detailed explanation of the parameters and 
 their use.

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How to use the arguments to use() in the package being used

2004-02-04 Thread Dan Muey
The subject says it all believe it or not :)

What I'm trying to figure out is how to pass an argument 
(pragma I believe is the proper term) to use() and do 
sonethign in the package based on it.

I've looked at source but can't seem to track it down. 
(Similar idea as to CGIs -oldstyle_urls -newstyel_urls)

What I'd like to do is something like this:

# for old time's sake we'll just use our favorite module
use Foo::Monkey qw(:Foo :Bar -doamazingthings);

#then in Foo::Monkey:
package Foo::Monkey;

[mandatory module goodies snipped]

if(?) { # IE if -doamazingthings was specified in the use statement
# do some amazing things here

[mandatory module goodies snipped]

How do I do that?? Are those arguments stored in a special array somewhere??


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RE: How to use the arguments to use() in the package being used

2004-02-04 Thread Dan Muey
 On Feb 4, Dan Muey said:
 # for old time's sake we'll just use our favorite module
 use Foo::Monkey qw(:Foo :Bar -doamazingthings);
 Well, depending on what you want to do with the arguments, 
 you might want to use the Exporter module to handle exporting 
 functions, variables, etc.
   perldoc perlmod (look for Perl Modules)
   perldoc Exporter

I do use Exporter actually should've mentioned that sorry, I'll check out your 
perldocs to.

 When you say
   use Module qw( args go here );
 this is translated into
   BEGIN {
 require Module;
 Module-import(qw( args go here ));
 Thus, you need an 'import' method in Module::.
   package Module;
   sub import {
 my $class = shift;
 print You gave me (@_)\n;

Perfect! Exactly what I needed.

 It's up to you to do something with @_.

Thanks Jeff

 Jeff japhy Pinyan

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RE: Module for Country/Country Codes Lists

2004-02-04 Thread Dan Muey

 We enumberated our needs here:

 So, is there a good module for doing that on CPAN that is also actively maintained 
 and updated?

If not I'll include it my upcoming module perhaps (no not Foo::monkey ;p)

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RE: Different results Command Line/CGI

2004-02-03 Thread Dan Muey

 I have this script stolen and modified from somewhere 

Stealling is bad! :)

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use File::Find;
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 my $u=shift;
 my $sizes = 0;
 # replace this with your absolute path
 my $path = /home/$u/;
 find (sub {$sizes += -s ;}, $path);
 print  $sizes\n;
 I am logged onto my machine as user owen and am root. From 
 the command line I execute
 perl  /var/www/cgi-bin/ff1.cgi owen with the result
 Content-type: text/html
 (warnings snipped)
 with rcook as the user in /home the result is 988865
 Now when I do 'links http://localhost/cgi-bin/ff1.cgi?owen'
 the result is 350200607 (vs 504137000 ???) and 
 for user rcook the result is 0 (vs 988865)

Permissions Permissions Permissions: 

The user the webserver is runnign at obvioulsy doesn't have 
permissions to see all the files that the user you where 
logged in as did. And it is not allowed to see the rcook directory at 
all aparently.



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RE: script problem

2004-02-03 Thread Dan Muey
 Hi everyone,


 I am created this script to send e-mails (see below). 
 I get this error when I try to run it:

use strict;
use warnings;

 Number found where operator expected at 
 C:\scriptz\test\NEWSCR~1.CGI line 15, ne ar The IP address 
 for the interface that caused the event, or 0
   (Might be a runaway multi-line  string starting on
 line 7)
 (Do you need to predeclare The?)
 String found where operator expected at 
 C:\scriptz\test\NEWSCR~1.CGI line 16, ne ar The NNM 
 management station ID: $ARGV[9] 
   (Might be a runaway multi-line  string starting on
 line 15)
 (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
 syntax error at C:\scriptz\test\NEWSCR~1.CGI line 15,
 near The IP address for t
 he interface that caused the event, or 0
 BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at 
 C:\scriptz\test\NEWSCR~1.CGI  line 20.
 This is the script. I think it has something to do
 with the 's but I am not sure where I am going wrong.
  Any help would be great.

Most likely, yes you need to escape quotes that are within quotes.
Becomes \
You could also use qq() or a HERE doc:

my $var = TEXT;
Blah bla  blah


 #Send E-mail for Critical Alerts
 #Here we define our parameters
 $from = Openview Server;
 $body = Interface Down:  The ID of application
 sending the event is $ARGV[0]
 The hostname of the node that caused the event is:
 The HP OpenView object identifier of the node that
 caused the event is: $ARGV[2]
 The HP OpenView object identifier of the node that
 caused the event is: $ARGV[3]
 The database name is: $ARGV[4]
 A time stamp for when the event occurred is: $ARGV[5]
 The HP OpenView object identifier of the interface
 that caused the event is: $ARGV[6]
 The name or label for the interface that caused the
 event is: $ARGV[7]
 The IP address for the interface that caused the
 event, or 0 if unavailable is: $ARGV[8]
 The NNM management station ID: $ARGV[9] ;
 $subject = Major Failure segment $ARGV[0] is down;
 #Here we use the module pass more specific parameters
 use Net::SMTP;
 $smtp = Net::SMTP-new('');
 $smtp-datasend(Importance: High\n);
 $smtp-datasend(From: $from\n);
 $smtp-datasend(To: $to\n);
 $smtp-datasend(Subject: $subject\n);
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RE: Zip using Perl

2004-01-29 Thread Dan Muey
 On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 15:37:12 -0500
  I would like to zip a file using perl script. I used following 
  system (zip zip name file name);
  However this command fails when the filename is more than 8 

Why not try Archive::Zip instead of shelling out.
It works well for me and no worrying about paths and command 
format, etc etc via the shell.

My main use is for unzipping a file and parsing it and creating 
sql inserts from it and then doing the sql.

If I remember right the error code thign took me  abit of getting 
used to but it's pretty straight forward once you look into it. 
There's lots of example also which is really nice.



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RE: Use and Require

2004-01-29 Thread Dan Muey
  Mallik wrote:
   What is the difference between Use and Require.
perldoc -f use
perldoc -f require
  Why do you ask?
 Wow such a civilized answer. Some would say...
 S R Q I R E

Who is Senior Qire? 

 This is such a nice list.  
 Time to revisit:

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RE: New Perl User needs help with POST in perl

2004-01-29 Thread Dan Muey
 I have written my HTML code to where it uses POST to collect 
 information. Where do I start to write a script that collects 
 the data from the web site, places the input into a dbm file, 

use CGI 'param';
my $email = param('email');
dbm file??
perldoc -f open

 then places a 1 next to it like an array? Some of the data in 

A one next to what again?

 the file will have zeros, while the ones that are inputted in 
 the site will have a 1.
 Here is the end of the HTML code that uses POST:

Perhaps if you explain what you are trying to do with the 
email address we can help better.



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RE: can i do it with perl ?

2004-01-28 Thread Dan Muey
   I there, 


  I need to write a web database application using
 perl, and i need a way that when the users logs into
 the system  i download all the information regarding
 to the user to its local computer and make all the
 transaction locally.  After that, when the user logs
 out of the system all the information and transaction
 that were made by that user are then updated to the
 database server.   Can i do it with perl ?, which
 modules ?,  thanks.

Yes you can.
Look at cpan for DBI (for database stuff) CGI (for handling form input)



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RE: Help with options

2004-01-28 Thread Dan Muey
 I have a script that command options are taken and would like 
 to know how print out the options when the options are 
 missing from the command line. Or how to do a -h to print out 
 the options.

There are module sto help you process switches and what not.
For really simple stuff I do:

if($ARGV[0] eq '-h') { print Here is how to use this script; }
elsif(!defined $ARGV[1]) { print You must specify the Foo for Monkey, try -h for 
help...; }

Something like that anyway.



 Thomas Browner
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RE: Automated script to connect to a web site and change the Password

2004-01-28 Thread Dan Muey
 Dear Friends,
 I need to write a Perl CGI script that connects to
 a website (like Yahoo) and change the Password for
 my user. I don't want to do it manually. It should
 be handled by the script.

I've done similar thigns using LWP::UserAgent to log in and 
submit forms with certain data. 
That's where I'd look first.



 Please suggest any idea/code available.
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Best Encyption module for this task/goal

2004-01-27 Thread Dan Muey
Howdy list, 

I made a script that use Crypt::OpenPGP to 
encrypt/decrypt some data.

I was thinking about testing out some other Encryption 
modules to see if any worked faster/ were more portable.
Since I'm not an encyption master I thoguht I'd ask for 
input from any experienced in the matter.

What I need is to accomplish this:

use Crypt::OpenPGP;
my $pgp = Crypt::OpenPGP-new;

my $ciphertext = $pgp-encrypt(
Data = $string,
Passphrase = $pass,
Armour = 1

my $plaintext = $pgp-decrypt(
   Data   = $ciphertext,
   Passphrase = $pass

I am looking to accomplish the above:
- running as quickly as possible
- as portably as possible

I'd like to get a few ideas so I can install any needed modules 
and benchmark them but there are so many to choose from!

Any thoughts anyone?



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RE: Best Encyption module for this task/goal

2004-01-27 Thread Dan Muey
 Howdy list, 
 I made a script that use Crypt::OpenPGP to 
 encrypt/decrypt some data.
 I was thinking about testing out some other Encryption 
 modules to see if any worked faster/ were more portable.
 Since I'm not an encyption master I thoguht I'd ask for 
 input from any experienced in the matter.
 What I need is to accomplish this:
 use Crypt::OpenPGP;
 my $pgp = Crypt::OpenPGP-new;
 my $ciphertext = $pgp-encrypt(
 Data = $string,
 Passphrase = $pass,
 Armour = 1
 my $plaintext = $pgp-decrypt(
Data   = $ciphertext,
Passphrase = $pass
 I am looking to accomplish the above:
   - running as quickly as possible

Benchmarking the above (as CGI not mod_perl)(including use and new)... 
1000 times gives me:
Crypt::OpenPGP: 83 wallclock secs (73.21 usr +  6.12 sys = 79.34 CPU)
100 times gives me:
Crypt::OpenPGP:  9 wallclock secs ( 7.52 usr +  0.70 sys =  8.22 CPU)
10 times gives me:
Crypt::OpenPGP:  1 wallclock secs ( 0.97 usr +  0.09 sys =  1.06 CPU)

   - as portably as possible

I should have added that Crypt::OpenPGP is a 
pure perl implimentation of OpenPGP. So as long as 
you install it its pretty much as portable as you can get.

 I'd like to get a few ideas so I can install any needed modules 
 and benchmark them but there are so many to choose from!
 Any thoughts anyone?

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RE: search an replace

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 This scripts sucks in a 109mb file and i'm trying to do a 
 search and replace on unxtime to the format from strftime.  
 Which is working... 
 But I run this system call and it took allnight to run :(   
 So I killed it... Any other suggestions to reach my goal.

Yes it looks like you are slurping this 109MB file then for each line 
you -pie the file again for each match so if it has 1000 lines with 
2 matches you're processing the file 200 times instead of once.

Probably many more lines than that but it's easy to calculate.

I was working on a solution for you but Steve's looks way cooler 
than my version so I'll let you use his. :)


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RE: Upload files and directories (MORE INFO)

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey

 I am transferring the data from a Redhat 9 machine to an IIS 

There's your first mistake, moving *from* Redhat *to* IIS :)

 server run by my ISP.  I just tried running rsync and it was 

Assuming it was using ssh, does the winblows server have ssh servce on it?

 not responsive (left it on overnight in fact to give it time 

Where their any errors at all or just a blank stare?
There could be a zillion things, authentication, connection, 
the fact that windows sucks, etc, etc... If  there were any errors use them.

 to try).  :(

What was the Perl question again? You might want to post to an 
rsync list, they'll probably be able to help better. 


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RE: Calling SUPER::constructor in the constructor

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 Is it possible to call the constructor that a function 
 inherits from its parent?  I tried calling SUPER:: and 
 SUPER- in a constructor and got errors.  Am i correct in 
 assuming that if I rewrite the constructor that a copy of the 
 parent object won't be available?

Perhaps some example of your code. Also I can do DBI-connect(..) or DBI::connect and 
it works.
Why not look at that and see how DBI does it?

Sorry it's not more helpful, but without more details



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RE: Upload files and directories

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
Oohhh this is how its related to perl, sorry the new subject line threw me.

 I am in dire need of a script that will upload everything 
 from one server to another one that I can cron.  Right now I 
 have to do it by hand and with more and more updates being 
 done to the site, I need a way to do it seamlessly.  One that 
 checks dates against each other would be cool too.  i.e.: if 
 the web server date is the same as the design server, no 
 uploading that file.

I'd use Net::FTP; even IIS can have ftp enabled, and its pretty standard 
so even winblows has a hard time screwing it up.

 Does anyone have one or know where I can find one?  Even 
 multiple ones that I have to piece-meal or get the logic from 
 and rewrite myself would be good to.
 I have googled and am starting to go through the first page 
 of results but I was hoping someone here might already have 
 one or might have come across one somewhere.
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RE: On import v. Just Do It.

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 On Jan 20, 2004, at 9:19 AM, Dan Muey wrote:
  Oops left out a sentence
 sorry for the delay.
  p0: yes, one can use an import() from a package
  to make something like the scam of 'require in line'
  Why is it a scam if that's what I want to do for myself?
 I presume we are talking about
package Foo::Monkey;
sub import {
for my $pragma (qw(strict warnings)) {
require $;
 which does have the technical nit that it did not
 end with
 so is not really ready to be rolled up as a perl module.


 rather than starting with a code template of
   use strict;
   use warnings;
 So the idea of learning about how to do an 'import' is
 a worthwhile crusade in itself. I'm just not convinced
 that it really has the voodoo one would want since it
 of course is doing the obligatory two step of first
 requiring the pragma and then invoking it's import method...
 cf the distinctions between 'require' and 'use'.
 So my notion of 'scam' derives from the politer approach
 to the comedy of someone coming up with a Way to solve a 
 problem that seems fundamentally structurally more complex 
 than the problem that it is trying to solve.
  for the twin pragma of 'use strict' and 'use warnings'
  { oye! }
  p1: But there is this minor technical overhead that
  comes with the process -
 1.a: one needs to use h2xs to make sure that the
 module will conform with the current best practices
 and be appropriately installable in the CPAN way
  my module or strict and warnings?
  One would assume the the developer has a responsibility
  to make their code solid and as compatible and 
 compliant as possible
 oh quite right. So why would one want to add in a
 module that had merely the importing of the two lines
 that are pragma?
 which is the target of my rant. I of course would not
 feel morally upright if I had constructed a perl module
 that did not contain
   a. the version of perl that was my minimum to bid
   use 5.006001;
   b. the canonical brace of caution:
   use strict;
   use warnings;
   c. the version value:
   our $VERSION = '1.3';
You forgot c.1:
sub VERSION { return $VERSION; }
of course sub VERSION could lead to anarchy :)

and as you mentioned above:
d. 1; at the end

The target of my rant of your rant is that this is only one 
little part of Foo::Monkey (actual module names have been changed 
to protect the innocent), rarely does anyone need ot post the 
entire code when trying to figure out a single simple solution to one issue.
And if that becomes necessary then the thread will request that eventually.

 The reason that I of course appeal to the h2xs approach is
 that it will include the base suite of files
   b. Makefile.PL
   d. t/1.t
 So that I can have a basic framework for making sure that
 I can get the core steps done
   perl *.PL
   make test
   make install
 So now the problem has evolved from merely two lines of
 pragma, to a minimum of four files that I need to keep
 under source code control.

Except that you are assumming the module sole purpose is to do use strict and warnings 
for you.
And the OP wasn't asking abou the proper way to build a module.

 1.b: one has to maintain that module just to make the
 two lines of pragma readily available to all of one's
 perl code.
  If that's the point of the module and users know that,
  isn't the maintainer supposed to, well er 
 maintain it properly?
  Also wouldn't the script author have to do the 
 same thing
  except in all his scripts instead of one place?
 Oh yes... and that of course is where we are now up to
 the four files in the SCCS du jure, and 
 1.c: the count of lines of the perl module vice the
 simple inclusion of the two lines makes the process
 a bit Wonky if you know what I mean.
  Not really, if we are talking strictly line 
 counts then do this:
  in 50 scripts:
  use Foo::Monkey; = 50 lines
  ok 100 if you count:
  sub import { 
 for('strict',warnings') { if(gotmodule($_) {
  $_-import; } } }
  # gotmodule is a 
 function in side Foo::Monkey that basically does 
  eval(use $_[0

Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
There are always comments like you can slurp the file as 
long as it's not too big or becareful not to slurp a 
really big file or you'll be in trouble.

So what I'd like to survey is what would be what the safest 
max size of a file that one should ever slurp and why? 
(IE if you have 128 MB of RAM and try to slurp a 768MB file that'd cause 
(IE if the max file size on your system is 2GB you may have isseus slurping a 
4 GB file.)



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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 On Jan 22, 2004, at 12:18 PM, Dan Muey wrote:
  There are always comments like you can slurp the file as 
 long as it's 
  not too big or becareful not to slurp a really big file 
 or you'll be 
  in trouble.
  So what I'd like to survey is what would be what the safest 
 max size 
  of a file that one should ever slurp and why?
  (IE if you have 128 MB of RAM and try to slurp a 768MB 
 file that'd
  cause issues)
  (IE if the max file size on your system is 2GB you may 
 have isseus 
  slurping a 4 GB file.)

I also found this article form the author of File::Slurp ,Uri Guttman

Very informative indeed.

 This question is pretty hardware dependent.  On my Dual G5 2 
 Ghz with 2 

M Dual G5, ohhohohho
I just got a 17 G4 PowerBook which lets me develop Perl stuff 
wherever I go and run it in apache right then and there.

 GB RAM, I don't have to worry too much about what I slurp.  
 That won't 
 be the case for a lot of machines though.  I can even imagine 
 situations where it wouldn't be wise to slurp big files, even if the 
 machine could handle it.
 If I had to come up with a solid guideline to tell people, it would 
 probably be don't worry too much about slurping a file that's 
 a fourth 
 of your RAM or less.  I must stress that is a guideline 
 though, not a 
 safe rule.
 Generally, my decision process goes like this.
 Do I only need one line at a time?  If yes, don't slurp.
 Could I read a group of lines at a time?  (Generally with something 
 like paragraph mode.)  If yes, go that way.
 Is what I'm doing a lot easier if I slurp the file?  If no, DON'T DO 
 IT!  There's no point.
 If yes, I finally examine if there is a good reason I shouldn't slurp 
 the file?  (Execution hardware not up to it.  Multiple copies of the 
 process will be run in parallel.  Whatever.)
 By this point, if I haven't talked myself out of it, I slurp the file.
 How much you know can be a big factor too.  If you're going 
 to run the 
 script on your machine, once every night as a cron job or as 
 a one shot 
 data munge, you know a lot and should feel pretty safe.  If you're 
 going to upload the script to the CPAN and encourage people to run it 
 everywhere all the time, even on their toaster, try to keep the 
 memory/processor footprint as reasonable as possible, which may rule 
 out slurping.
 I think the important thing to stress is that it's a choice.  
 It often 
 makes things easier, so don't be ashamed to make that choice, when it 
 does and won't hurt anything.  However, be aware that it 
 COULD be a bad 
 choice.  Think it through.

Good info James. Thanks


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RE: Newbie

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 Well, I'm a newbie. Just got started in Perl and was stunned 
 by its power.
 The thing is i'm running the scripts in WinXP. Can you tell 
 how to use CGI scripts in XP, because if ai try to set a CGI 
 script as ACTION in a forme it just gets read and doesn't execute.

I'm assuming you are talking about an html form and not a Tk or 
some other type of form correct?

Usually to serve a script the same way as you would on a web server 
your computer needs to know how to handle the request.
This involves running a web server locally, like apache.

I run apache on my G4 PowerBook and can have an html form, say 
at :http://localhost/form.html and have it submitted to 

What is even better is to have the script generate the form and handle the form. 
Another tip for you since you say you are a newbie and you are tryin gto handle html 
Don't use formmail from matt's script archive, it is super insecure and a spam machine.



 I've heard about the bat wrapping, but i really wanted to use 
 the scripts as they are.

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RE: Covert Date to week number

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 Is their a way in PERL to covert a date to a week number

Sure , why not? You'd need to know the date format to start of course.
I don't mess with dates personally a lot so I'd say have 
a look on for a module to do that.

Also perldoc may be able to help you. 

Sorry to be so vague, just wanted to givve you a place to start looking.



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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 13:18, Dan Muey wrote:
  There are always comments like you can slurp the file as
  long as it's not too big or becareful not to slurp a 
  really big file or you'll be in trouble.
 I'd like to add that some of it depends on swap space.  I've 
 slurped well past physical memory and most of it went to 
 swap.  Although the script was significantly lower it still 
 ran.  However, if you get to a certain point your machine -- 
 no matter what OS you are running -- will crash and burn.  Of 
 course, this is *if* you can get to that level. 
 Users of *BSD systems with limit installed know that if your 
 process eats too much memory IT will die and not the system.

Good info Dan, I'm surprised more folks aren't adding their .02 
since it seems (to me anyway) like people are just as religious 
about slurping as they are strict and warnings.



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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 16:16, Dan Muey wrote:
   On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 13:18, Dan Muey wrote:
There are always comments like you can slurp the file 
 as long as 
it's not too big or becareful not to slurp a really 
 big file or 
you'll be in trouble.
   I'd like to add that some of it depends on swap space.  I've
   slurped well past physical memory and most of it went to 
   swap.  Although the script was significantly lower it still 
   ran.  However, if you get to a certain point your machine -- 
   no matter what OS you are running -- will crash and burn.  Of 
   course, this is *if* you can get to that level. 
   Users of *BSD systems with limit installed know that if your 
   process eats too much memory IT will die and not the system.
  Good info Dan, I'm surprised more folks aren't adding their .02
  since it seems (to me anyway) like people are just as religious 
  about slurping as they are strict and warnings.
 I think a lot of it is a problem of how exactly to answer.  
 There will always be situations where slurping is a great 
 idea and situations where slurping is a horrible idea.  I 
 wish it were possible to give a better example like, Use 
 formula _ to calculate whether or not you can slurp 
 safely.  But there are just too many variables that change 
 from computer to computer and program to program then to say anything
 besides: If you slurp watch the resources your program is 
 using and kill it off before it DOSes your computer.

Yeah it's tough because it is so vague, that's what I was hoping to clarify.
It's easy to say use strict because 

But I see a lot of don't slurp that and I was hoping for more 
clear reasons/situatuions to or not to slurp so people positn code can have a better 
idea why a perosn said:
do(n't) slurp your file here

Basically we need to expalin why more:

- Don't slurp this because it's STDIN and it may be huge, so huge in fact it could 
overload your system.
- If this is an html file you'd probably be safe slurping it up to ease it's 

Oh well we'll see...

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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
  But I see a lot of don't slurp that and I was hoping for more
  clear reasons/situatuions to or not to slurp so people 
 positn code can have a better idea why a perosn said:
  do(n't) slurp your file here
  Basically we need to expalin why more:
  - Don't slurp this because it's STDIN and it may be huge, 
 so huge in 
  fact it could overload your system.
  - If this is an html file you'd probably be safe slurping 
 it up to ease it's processing.
 I think it's like using a no warnings or no strict pragma 
 to do some dangerous things because you know what you're 
 doing.  It's there for people when they get advanced enough 
 to need it, but it's not a good idea to encourage its use on 
 a beginners list.

Good comparison, I never see advice to use no warnigns and no strict though :)


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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey

  Good comparison, I never see advice to use no warnigns and 
 no strict 
  though :)
 I've actually seen it a few times in code, but it's usually surrounded
 # Warnings / Strict turned off here because you know what 
 you're doing, right?

Tee hee hee :)


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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 Here's another argument against slurping:  When you slurp a 
 file all at once, even if your program isn't using up much of 
 the CPU, on many machines it will slow down performance 
 considerably if you slurp a large file (large, of course, is 
 still sometimes relative).  If that is the only thing you are 
 running at the time, it may not make much of a difference, 
 but it is usually not a good idea to assume that.

Good argument that's the kind of thign I was looking for. :)

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RE: Survey : Max size allowable for slurping files

2004-01-22 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Anderson wrote:
  Very true.  But you also need to look at what you're doing. 
  A spider 
  that indexes or coallates pages across several sites might need to 
  slurp up a large number of pages -- which even at a few kilobytes a 
  piece would be costly on system resources.
 Ironically this is the one time I could see slurping as not 
 working too. 
   Has anyone hit the limit for open file descriptors?  I know 
 it is OS 
 dependent and pretty damn high, but on a nice enough system with nice 
 enough app I suspect you could hit it.  At that point you 
 would have to 
 slurp or close a filehandle...
 Dan always comes up with the good discussion topics ;-)...

I try! 

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RE: format localtime()

2004-01-21 Thread Dan Muey
 I have the following script that sucks in a file and converts 
 unix timestamp to human readable.. 
 The Goal is to do a search and replace of unix time to the 
 format i need. But I'm just trying to get it to print in the 
 format i need first...
 I cant get localtime to print in mm-dd- hh:mm:ss , I 
 keep getting it like so Sun Dec 28 03:35:19 2003

That's what it returns in scalra context.
You can call it in array context and get the specifc values you want.
You may have to modify them a bit ( add 1900 to the year for instance)

Take a look at perldoc -f localtime to seee which parts of the array are which values 
you want in which format.



 use strict;
 #my $timestring = localtime();
 open (FILE, ip.txt) || die (Open Failed: $!\n);
 my @lines = FILE; # file into array
 foreach (@lines) {
 next if /^S/;
 next if /^-/;
 my @line = split(/\t/, $_);
 my @time = split(/\n/, $line[0]);
 foreach (@time) {
 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($_);
 # need to print like mm-dd- hh:mm:ss
 my $timestring = localtime($_);
 # but prints like Sun Dec 28 03:35:19 2003
 print $timestring\n;
 close FILE;
 more ip.txt:
 Start   header   header
 -   -   -   
 1072611319  rrr     
 1072611319  rrr       
 1072611319  rrr       
 1072611319  rrr      
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RE: Terminating script if file does not exist

2004-01-20 Thread Dan Muey
 Perlwannabe wrote:
  Basically the script runs and looks for a file in a certain 
  If the file is there, the script continues to run and process the 
  file, but if the file is not there the script should just exit.
  Any ideas on how to do this?
 open FILE, '', 'certain/directory/file' or exit $!;

Actually die is probably better than exit as exit can have bad 
consequenses in certain circumstances (think mod_perl)

open FILE, '', 'certain/directory/file' or die $!;


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RE: How to send results to more than one recipient

2004-01-20 Thread Dan Muey
 Thanks for the response but that doesn't seem to work either. 
  Maybe it would be easier just to create a distribution list 
 on the email server and just put that address in my script.

It doesn't work, looping over an array does not work?

for(@emaillist) {
# pipe $_ to qmail inject like you do now here

You might also want to try a module that doesn't rely on 
an external program's argument syntax but does an SMTP session directly.
(don't get em wrong qmail rocks but you should avoid avoid external program when ever 
possible to make your code more portable, reliabel;, etc etc)
Try Mail::Sender it is very sexxy. You can use a commas separated list of address in 
one variable as your To field.



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RE: Terminating script if file does not exist

2004-01-20 Thread Dan Muey

 Basically the script runs and looks for a file in a certain 
 directory.  If the file is there, the script continues to run 
 and process the file, but if the file is not there the script 
 should just exit.
 Any ideas on how to do this?

Beside die() you may also want to check it.

if(-e $file) { # alos there are other tests tou can do on a file to see if it's 
readable,executable, etc...
# open  || die $!; #...
# process it , etc...
} else { 
print Sorry, $file does not exist, please enter an existing 
file or you shall be pummeled for along long time.\n; 


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RE: Use strict inside module to apply to entire script?

2004-01-20 Thread Dan Muey
 On Saturday, January 17, 2004, at 06:21 PM, Dan Muey wrote:
  I was curious if it's possible to have a module like so:
  package Foo:Monkey;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
 You can call strict-import like this:
  package Foo::Monkey;
  sub import {
  for my $pragma (qw(strict warnings)) {
  require $;

Nice! I'm not familiar with import() but perldoc explains a bit.
I guess I'm still not clear *how* it does it's magic but it does do it!




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RE: On import v. Just Do It.

2004-01-20 Thread Dan Muey
 p0: yes, one can use an import() from a package
 to make something like the scam of 'require in line'

Why is it a scam if that's what I want to do for myself?

 for the twin pragma of 'use strict' and 'use warnings'
 { oye! }
 p1: But there is this minor technical overhead that
 comes with the process -
   1.a: one needs to use h2xs to make sure that the
   module will conform with the current best practices
   and be appropriately installable in the CPAN way
my module or strict and warnings?
One would assume the the developer has a responsibility 
to make their code 

   1.b: one has to maintain that module just to make the
   two lines of pragma readily available to all of one's
   perl code.

If that's the point of the module and users know that, 
isn't the maintainer supposed to, well er maintain it properly?

Also wouldn't the script author have to do the same thing 
except in all his scripts instead of one place?

   1.c: the count of lines of the perl module vice the
   simple inclusion of the two lines makes the process
   a bit Wonky if you know what I mean.

Not really, if we are talkking strictly line counts then do this:

in 50 scripts:
use Foo::Monkey; = 50 lines 
ok 100 if you count: 
sub import { for('strict',warnings') { 
if(gotmodule($_) { $_-import; } } }
# gotmodule is a function in side Foo::Monkey 
that basically does eval(use $_[0]) 
# and returns true if it was able to be 
loaded, it works too I tested it
# also it avoids killing the script if it 
can't be loaded since it only does $_-import
# if the module could be use()ed
you get strict and warnings plus thae many other nifty 
things about Foo::Monkey 

use strict;use warnings = 100 lines.

So depending on how you look at it, there are less or the same 
amount of *lines* but many more advantages as far as I can tell.

 p2: clearly the fact has been established that it can be 
 done, but it also notes the 'and you want this pain why?' problem

I don't understand the pain you speak of, could you define more clearly 
why I don't want to do the import() to make it automatic so this module's 
users have to consciously turn off strict and warnings instead of 
consciously turn it on like we tell people to do over an over an over...

I mean as long as I make it clear, and I would definitely blab about it as an 
advantage, that by doing 
use Foo::Monkey;
# enables strict and warnings for your script for better scripting practice!! 
# If you don't like that use no warnigns and no strict.. But why would you do 



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Re: On import v. Just Do It.

2004-01-20 Thread Dan Muey
Oops left out a sentence

 p0: yes, one can use an import() from a package
 to make something like the scam of 'require in line'

Why is it a scam if that's what I want to do for myself?

 for the twin pragma of 'use strict' and 'use warnings'
 { oye! }
 p1: But there is this minor technical overhead that
 comes with the process -
   1.a: one needs to use h2xs to make sure that the
   module will conform with the current best practices
   and be appropriately installable in the CPAN way
my module or strict and warnings?
One would assume the the developer has a responsibility 
to make their code solid and as compatible and compliant as possible

   1.b: one has to maintain that module just to make the
   two lines of pragma readily available to all of one's
   perl code.

If that's the point of the module and users know that, 
isn't the maintainer supposed to, well er maintain it properly?

Also wouldn't the script author have to do the same thing 
except in all his scripts instead of one place?

   1.c: the count of lines of the perl module vice the
   simple inclusion of the two lines makes the process
   a bit Wonky if you know what I mean.

Not really, if we are talking strictly line counts then do this:

in 50 scripts:
use Foo::Monkey; = 50 lines 
ok 100 if you count: 
sub import { for('strict',warnings') { 
if(gotmodule($_) { $_-import; } } }
# gotmodule is a function in side Foo::Monkey 
that basically does eval(use $_[0]) 
# and returns true if it was able to be 
loaded, it works too I tested it
# also it avoids killing the script if it 
can't be loaded since it only does $_-import
# if the module could be use()ed
you get strict and warnings plus the many other nifty 
things about Foo::Monkey 

use strict;use warnings = 100 lines.

So depending on how you look at it, there are less or the same 
amount of *lines* but many more advantages as far as I can tell.

 p2: clearly the fact has been established that it can be
 done, but it also notes the 'and you want this pain why?' problem

I don't understand the pain you speak of, could you define more clearly 
why I don't want to do the import() to make it automatic so this module's 
users have to consciously turn off strict and warnings instead of 
consciously turn it on like we tell people to do over an over an over...

I mean as long as I make it clear, and I would definitely blab about it as an 
advantage, that by doing 
use Foo::Monkey;
# enables strict and warnings for your script for better scripting practice!! 
# If you don't like that use no warnings and no strict.. But why would you do 




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RE: Why isn't perl used more in business and industry

2004-01-17 Thread Dan Muey
 Most of the scripts I see end in an extension like .jsp, 
 .asp, .dll, or something which says that they aren't perl.  
 Is there a reason more businesses and online companies don't use perl?

- People like to spend money for stuff for no goods reason.
- Are those on servers you work with? Those specific ones may use those for whatever 
- Some people I know paid to go to school for years to learn crap like asp so if they 
don't use it they look kind of silly.
- *nix systems come with perl installed and use perl for lots of stuff, 
- Mis informed people
- Perl is run as .cgi a lot of times so you may not notice it's Perl like you would 
the other kinds.
- People look at something shiny and think it must be good. IE(PHP people use CSS to 
make the utput of their scripts look very sharp, so people assume it must be good, but 
PHP has so many issues (Don't even get me started or I'll never shut up ;p) I can't 
stand to use it and when forced to (customer wants PHPBB or something) it ALWAYS a 
chore to make it work right.
PHP people say IT runs fast well use mod_perl and Perl will be faster than PHP and 
still be way more flexable and usefull.) Same principle applies to most other kinds as 

Perl is all I use backend and frontend, and I mange a dozens 
of servers, networks, and services for variose 
isp's and internet service companies Around the united states.

Perl can do about anythign you want, 
(I haven't found one practical job I needed to do I couldn't do with Perl)

So the short answer is: 

There is no good reason, if they knew what was good for them and 
what could boost reliablity, productivity, etcc whiel decreasing costs, time, and 



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RE: Why isn't perl used more in business and industry

2004-01-17 Thread Dan Muey
 Which has made me wonder more then once if in a security 
 through obscurity approach sites pass perl scripts off as ASP, etc.

Maybe, I don't see why I'd want to make people think I'm using insecure 
stuff when I'm really using the best, but maybe.

 For instance, Ebay's servers are run by IBM (hence the big 
 blue IBM logo on their sites).  But all the forms like 
 through to files ending in .dll.  That doesn't make much 
 sense to me, I would think IBM would run AIX / *nix servers for Ebay.

Yeah, Ebay's stuff is really screwy I think. 

  - *nix systems come with perl installed and use perl for lots of 
 Perhaps I should have better said, why isn't it used more on the web?
  - Perl is run as .cgi a lot of times so you may not notice 
 it's Perl 
  like you would the other kinds.
 Yes, but ASP and JSP end scripts in .asp and .jsp 
 respectively, which makes me wonder why I don't see less JSP 
 and ASP tags.

To combat this I try to use .pl or .plx as of late.
I also suggested before on this list that Perl developers focus on using CSS in their 
web site output to make their pages *look* nicer.
(See my whole PHP rant earlier in the thread)
IE - Basically that if a PHP/ASP/JSP/Whatever page *looks* nicer most people don't 
that PHP/ASP/JSP/Whatever have nothing to do with the way it looks, it's the 
that it outputs that determines the nice looks, So they never realize Perl is more 
flexible and powerful.

For instance I was talking to a gentleman who was showing me his new web server ($$$ 
for Winders and IIS) with his new sexxy web app he was looking forward to using, and 
he was proud because He had connections that saved him 10% so he only paid $3000 for 
it. I was shocked so I looked at his site with him and got a list of it's awesome 

That night I did the same thing in Perl and used the html/css from his site for the 
looks and I showed him the next day and he about died because mine did everything his 
did, looked the same and it was free. The only differenece was now he had a sort of 
torn and bleeding feeling in his bottom 


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RE: Why isn't perl used more in business and industry

2004-01-17 Thread Dan Muey
 In a job interview last year, I was talking to a company who 
 was in the 
 process of moving their big server application to Java from 
 its current 
 Perl base.  They told me they felt like Perl was not ready for 
 professional server environments, but they had had a lot of success 
 with Java.  I'm just passing on what the guy said, but I think it's 
 representative of a common mindset.
 Perl's a subtle and powerful language.  I love that about it, but I 
 think it is pretty easy to do things in less than ideal ways 
 because it 
 gives you so much freedom.  That's a strength and a weakness, 
 I think.  
 A little bit of knowledge can be dangerous.
 Think about it.  How many times do we have to tell people on 
 this list 
 to use strict and warnings, get a module for that, don't slurp big 
 files, etc.  If even a percentage of that is happening in enterprise 
 applications because the coders don't know better, perhaps we can see 
 where some of the thinking comes from.
 Why is it that all the Java guys I talk to know about JSP, but when I 
 mention mod_perl to people they say Mod what?  Maybe Perl's public 
 face isn't as strong as some of the alternatives.  Maybe Perl lacks a 
 marketing department, being open source, and that hurts it a little.  
 Don't laugh, I'm serious.

Good point, similar to my better looking argument but better looking market wise.
That's what we need to do, use shinier words, Perl Secure Enterprise Edition - 
Leveraging the Power of Experience with Reliabilty ,  that would be the latest Perl 
that always has 'use strict' and 'use warnings' running no matter what 
the script has in it:
IE #/usr/bin/perl 
print hi; 

Maybe a warning gets spit out if the file they are slurping is 
over a certain size, also.
And You'd need to use shiny words for describeing it's features:
Exponentially expand the ease and practicality of development, deployment,
and use with many powerful modules that help you get the job done faster, and more 
Complies with industry standards and functionality.

You'd have to have a cli (running on our Perl S.E.E of course) for each platform that:
- lists/upgrades/installs modules
- upgrades to latest Perl S.E.E. with one click/command

Have the binary be called perlSEE instead of perl or something.

Looks like we have a busy weekend ahead!

 Of course, that's all just guess work on my part.  I'm no expert.
 On the flip side, I believe uses a mostly Perl 
 system, just 
 to name a familiar name.  There has to be others, I would think.

Maybe a website listing should be made/found??

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RE: Why isn't perl used more in business and industry

2004-01-17 Thread Dan Muey

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2004-01-15 Thread Dan Muey
 Hello i wanna know what Perl module can I use and what 


 commands to do the folowing: 1-Check to see if the file is a 

1) use Imager, GD, Image::Magick, search for image,jpg, jpeg

 valid jpg file 2-Check the file size

2) perldoc -f stat

 Thanks in advance



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RE: redirect with

2004-01-14 Thread Dan Muey

 like this:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use CGI;
 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 my $q = new CGI;
 print $q-header
 # do this - do that, using $q
 print $q-redirect(/thanks.html);
 - Jan

redirect() does a header like header(), the first header 
that gets sent is the header, the rest is content, even if 
The contetn looks just like a header.

If you run that in a browser you'll probably see Location: /thanks.html 
in your screen. Since that is content for the header() you did above it. 
Make sense? I also remember hearing it's a better idea to use absolute 
url's in your Location header.


 jdavis wrote:
  I have been able to use redirects with as long
 as the redirect is the only thing in the script.
 use CGI qw(:standard);
 print redirect('');
 but what i need to do is print a bunch of html , have perl do a few 
 jobs on my system, and then do a redirect when its done.
 is this possible?
 Common sense is what tells you that the world is flat.
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RE: decoding a base64 file?

2004-01-14 Thread Dan Muey

 Hello folks,
 If I encode a file with MIME::Base64 with the following 
 script, The 
 question is; how do I decode the file?  I use the following 
 script, to 
 decode back to the original source but that did not work.
 Thank you...


while (read(FILE_R, $buf, 60*57 )) {
$encoded = MIME::Base64::decode($buf);
print FILE_W $encoded ;


Try decodeing the entire encoded data instead of a line at a time.


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RE: redirect with

2004-01-14 Thread Dan Muey
 redirect() does a header like header(), the first header 
 that gets sent 
 is the header, the rest is content, even if The contetn 
 looks just like 
 a header.
 Thanks for the correction, I have not found the time to read 
 CGI Programming with Perl thoroughly and did not realize 
 redirect *does* a header.

No problem.

 I also remember hearing it's a better idea to use absolute url's in 
 your Location header.
 Regarding this, I am proud of keeping all of my relative 
 links intact. It's sort of a challenge. At least I use 
 absolute relative links instead of entirely relative ones. ;-)

Whatever you want, but it's more likely to cause a browser to choke, 
which would kind of defeat the purpose that's all. And that's not just 
true with Perl it's the http protocol and a browser's use of it.

 There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, 
 and those who don't

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RE: perl loan scripts/software

2004-01-14 Thread Dan Muey
 Hi there,
   I need to find out if there is a perl software,
 script for loans managament.  Is for a client that 
 give loans to their customers and want to have control
 over the payments, the interest receive, etc.
   Does anyone knows about any  perl software for like
 that ?

Do you mean a calculator type script or a whole loan 
document generator, tracker, customer db manager?

 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the Signing Bonus Sweepstakes nus
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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  Howdy list.
  I'm trying to one lineify this:
  my $guts = $firstchoice || '';
  if(!$guts  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty) {
  $guts = $secondchoice;
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic || '';
  Would be perfect except I only want to let it use $seconchoice if 
  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty has a true value. This 
 does not 
  work like I want but illustrates the goal if you read it 
 our loud. my 
  $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic if 
  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty || '';
  Is that possible to do with one line?
 I don't know Dan, it looks like you already said it clearly 
 in the first cnstruct above.  I would not discard that 

It is clear but doesn't do what I'm getting at.
The seconde one *reads* like it but does not function how it *reads*.
I want to assign it a value.
If that value is missing I want to assign a second value, and 
here's the tricky part, if a particular variable says it is ok to.
Othyerwise it should be empty.

 clarity without good reason.  Isn't it more important to say 
 what you mean than to tuck it all up tightly?

Except I need to do this to about ten variabels all in a row. 
Which gives me 10 lines with Bob's way and 40 with my very 
first example. Boo for that! :)


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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey

 Dan Muey wrote:
  BTW - I'm not really using these variable names, only using 
 them here 
  ot help clarify my goal.
 Why not?  They looked very good to me, at least in the 
 context of the question at hand.  One of the best aspects of 

In context yes, but the really really long was a bit much!

 Perl, IMHO, is that it allows you to just say what you mean.  
 I think people take far too little advantage of this boon.

It definitely does help, especially after you look at the code 
again a while later and you're trying to remember what you were doing, or
Someone else is tryign to decifer it later.

Thanks for bringing that point out.

  Bob's woprks perfect
 I agree.  It is quite elegant, with no loss of clarity.

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RE: printf sprintf

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey
 What is the difference. The only I see is that printf can 

One difference is printf prints it's output and sprintf returns it';s value.

printf ...
my $formatted_goodies = sprintf ...

 take a filehandle? But what use would that be. 

To format the contents of it. For instance, you might have a user enter a dollar 
amount from the command line.
If you could printf STDIN the you could make sure 123.4567890 came out as $123.46

Just one quick idea..


  Paul Kraus

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RE: printf sprintf

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey

   What is the difference. The only I see is that printf can
  One difference is printf prints it's output and sprintf 
 returns it';s
  printf ...
  my $formatted_goodies = sprintf ...
   take a filehandle? But what use would that be.
  To format the contents of it. For instance, you might have a user
 enter a dollar amount from the command line.
  If you could printf STDIN the you could make sure 
 123.4567890 came out
 as $123.46
  Just one quick idea..
Paul Kraus
 Though you could try it, I did not, I don't think you can 
 printf STDIN since it is an inbound IO pipe as opposed to 
 outbound.  This is a good demonstation of the all important 
 comma operator.  Notice the difference in the docs:
 printf FORMAT, LIST
 In the first there is NO comma following the filehandle, this 
 means it is interpreted in a different manner than the rest 

Oh right! I should have read that first before posting. Ooopss.

Sorry everyone!

 of the argument list, or probably to be more precise isn't an 
 argument at all... I am sure one of the gurus will chime in 
 with the actual technical name of what this spot is actually 
 called in this context since I either don't know or it 
 escapes me currently.

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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey
 On Jan 8, 2004, at 7:45 AM, Dan Muey wrote:
  Except I need to do this to about ten variabels all in a row. Which 
  gives me 10 lines with Bob's way and 40 with my very first example. 
  Boo for that! :)
 Have you thought about a simplification process?
 One of the tricks I do is say
   my ($var1,$var2,$var3,$var4) = ('' , '' , '', '');
 This way I have declared them and initialized them,
 so that they will not bounce with that 'use of undefined
 var at line X error.
 This way when you get down to
   my $guts = ($use_second_choice)? $var2:$var1;
 you don't need to worry about the additional bit of
 making sure that it is
   my $guts = ($use_second_choice)? $var2: $var1 || '';

Wouldn't the || '' apply to $guts and not the use of uninitialized $var1,$var2,etc... 

 Just a thought to think...

The vars to be assigned ($var1, $var2,etc...) come from a 
database query so they are handled already earlier. So how 
they are declared are irrelevant to the issue. (Yes they must be 
initialized for a warnings safe environment and they are, just 
assume that they are so the issue is not clouded by where they come from.)

The other thing  the tricky part is:
I only want to assign it $var2 if($use_second_choice  !$var1)
I think the way you're doing it will asign it $value2 if $use_second_choice 
regardless of if $var1 has a value or not.

So :
No matter what if $var1 has a value then assign $guts that value.
If $var 1 is empty and $use_second_value then assign it $var2
Other wise it shoufl be empty.

Bill's method work perfectly, namely:
$var1,$var2 and $ues_2 are declared and set earlier via a 
DB query. So don't worry about where they are coming from.

my $value = $var1 || ($use_2  $var2) || '';

So $value gets set to $var1 no matter what if($var1).
If it's not then it goes to the next step and is asking :Ok $var1 has no 
value do you want to use $var2 ? if Yes give it $var2 if not say sorry 
I can't help you and on the the next || which says ok you shall receive 
from the variable gods '' nothing!

OR in longer terms:

my $guts = ''; # so that at least it has something assigned even if it's nothgin. :)
if($var1) { $guts = $var1; }
elsif($use_var2_if_var1_is_empty) { $guts = $var2; }

See what I'm trying to get at?

Bob's example does this quite perfectly, thanks again Bob!\



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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey
 I think I better see the context at this point.
 note, as I presume you did

The issue is resolved, but for the die hards here goes...
I'm wanted to figure out my method of attack before I did the whole 
thing but here is an example that will illustrate the basic idea hopefully:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use DBI;

my $dbh-connect(...) or die ;

my ($def_foo,$def_bar,$def_joe,$def_mama) = $dbh-selectrow_array(SELECT 
Foo,Bar,Joe,Mama FROM Default_Settings);

for(@{$dbh-selectall_arrayref(SELECT Foo,Bar,Joe,Mama,Use_Def FROM Whatsits WHERE 
Blah=1234)}) {
my ($foo,$bar,$joe,$mama,$use_def) = @{$_};
my $foo_use = $foo || ($use_def  $def_foo) || '';
my $bar_use = $bar || ($use_def  $def_bar) || '';
my $joe_use = $joe || ($use_def  $def_joe) || '';
my $mama_use = $mama || ($use_def  $def_mama) || '';
print $foo_use - $bar_use $joe_use $mam_use\n; # or do whatever with it


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RE: Drawing an Arc at an angle.

2004-01-08 Thread Dan Muey
 On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 09:44:31 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zentara)
 On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 10:53:20 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Muey)
 Thanks! Even more to add to my look into list!
 Yeah upon futher thought, you probably could use the Tk::Canvas and 
 actually plot your curve point-by-point from the equation of an 
 ellipse, rather than using the Oval function. Then export the 
 Run the widget demo, there are 2 examples for plot, one of them 
 exports ps.
 I'm not trying to hijack your thread, but the idea of 

No sweat! I can use all the ideas I can get. I think this is a pretty good one you 

 rotated ellipse sort of appeals to me. So here is a simple 
 postscript file to make a rotated ellipse. Just save as a .ps 
 file and look at it with ghostview. Now all you have to do, 
 is play with it to see how to align it up, to your needs, 
 then in your perl script, use a here doc to write it out to a 
 file. Then use Image Magick or Imager to convert it to .jpg 
 or whatever. 
 I got this from this page: se.html
 %%Pages: 1
 %%BoundingBox: 60 420 490 
 % canonical ellipse routine
 % credit: Holger Gehringer
 /inch { 72 mul } def
 /ellipse {
 /endangle exch def
 /startangle exch def
 /yrad exch def
 /xrad exch def
 /y exch def
 /x exch def
 /savematrix matrix currentmatrix def
 x y translate
 xrad yrad scale
 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc
 savematrix setmatrix
 } def
 %%Page: One 1
 1 0 0 setrgbcolor
 4 inch 8 inch translate
 30 rotate 
 0 0 2.8 inch 1.4 inch 0 360 ellipse
 16 setlinewidth
 When life conspires against you, and no longer floats your 
 boat, Don't waste your time with crying, just get on your 
 back and float.
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RE: Drawing an Arc at an angle.

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 11:03:14 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Muey)
  Dan Muey wrote:
   I've made a funtion to calculate the Fresnal zone for wireless
   What I'd like to do is generate an image based on that.
  Something like
   the example at:
   However the two connected points are rarely going to be 
 at the same
   level so I'd need to draw the elipse At an angle instead of 
   GD's elipse or arc function will probably do what I want
  but it seems
   all I can specify are the center point and width and height.
   Is there a way to also specify the x/y of each point on the
  left and
   right side of the elipse?
   Make sense?
  Yes, but you're out of luck I'm afraid Dan. The best I can
  suggest is that you use the 'filledPolygon' method and do the 
  maths yourself. (Sorry, that's 'math' over there isn't it.)
 Have you thought about trying to do this on a Tk canvas?
 The oval item lets you specify the diagonal corners of the
 oval's bounding box.
 Tk::canvas can export itself as postscript, so you
 could do your drawing, export it as ps, then convert it to
 whatever format you want.

Interesting I'm really workign on a dynamic system though, 
enter data into form and image is generated.
I wonder if those steps would be a bit rough that way.. I don't 
know, I'll look into it for sure.
Actually I guess I could do Tk::canvas save it to a temp .ps file and open 
the tmep file with GD or Imager or somethgin and conevrt it on the fly I 
guess it's not too impossible after all, I'll add this to my list of trick 
to try.



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RE: Using File::Find to generate playlists

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 Ok, please don't laugh.  This is my very first shot at Perl and if I 
 learn something, I'll be putting it to use for more important tasks.
 Thanks in advance for any comments.
 # A dorkey little perl script using File::Find.  The idea is 
 to recurse # subdirectories and write an .ASX file (sequenced 
 playlist of file 
 # names) to each subdirectory for the files located there.
 # Aside from the slight This doesn't work as expected 
 problem ... # the following I haven't yet figured out: # # 1. 
 The 'outfile.asx' needs to take its name from the current directory
 #name and not be arbitrarily set to some predefined name 
 #(outfile.asx in this case). Maybe munge the fully qualified path 
 #somehow, or go back to READDIR? g
 # 2. How does one set the top directory for File::Find to the 
 #in which the script is run?
 use strict;
 use warnings;
Excellent!! Bravo! :)
If I can I'll look at your questions in a bit.

 use File::Find;
 find ( {
wanted = \wanted,
preprocess = \preprocess,
 }, @ARGV);
 sub wanted {
if (-f _) { # check for avi, mpg, mpeg, divx, etc.?
   open( OUTFILE, $File::Find::dir/outfile.asx )
  or die( Cannot open $File::Find::dir/ .outfile.asx: $! );
   print( OUTFILE Entry\n );
   print( OUTFILERef href = \$File::Find::name\\n );
   print( OUTFILE Entry \n\n );
   close( OUTFILE ) 
  or die( Cannot close $File::Find::dir/ . 
 outfile.asx: $! );
 sub preprocess {
print Processing directory $File::Find::dir ...\n;
open( OUTFILE, $File::Find::dir/outfile.asx )
   or die( Cannot open $File::Find::dir/ . outfile.asx: $! );
print( OUTFILE Asx Version = \3.0\\n );
print( OUTFILE Title/Title\n );
print( OUTFILE Abstract/Abstract\n );
print( OUTFILE Copyright/Copyright\n );
print( OUTFILE Author/Author\n\n );
close( OUTFILE ) 
  or die( Cannot close $File::Find::dir/ . 
 outfile.asx: $! );
sort { uc $a cmp lc $b } @_;
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RE: Drawing an Arc at an angle.

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey

 On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 08:55:56 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Muey)
  Have you thought about trying to do this on a Tk canvas?
  The oval item lets you specify the diagonal corners of the oval's 
  bounding box. Tk::canvas can export itself as postscript, so you
  could do your drawing, export it as ps, then convert it to
  whatever format you want.
 Interesting I'm really workign on a dynamic system though, 
 enter data into form and image is generated.
 I wonder if those steps would be a bit rough that way.. I don't 
 know, I'll look into it for sure.
 Actually I guess I could do Tk::canvas save it to a temp .ps 
 file and open 
 the tmep file with GD or Imager or somethgin and conevrt it 
 on the fly I 
 guess it's not too impossible after all, I'll add this to my 
 list of trick 
 to try.
 Oops, I just tried it. The plain Tk::Canvas dosn't support 
 rotation yet.
 And the Oval bounding box only does x-y alignment.
 The Tk::Zinc canvas does do rotation, but outputting postscript
 is still on the planned to do list. ;-(
 Zinc can make just about anything you want, with clipping, zooming,
 and rotations. But without the ps output, you would have to capture
 it manually. 
 Just for fun, I tried tuxpaint, and it does make ellipses which can be
 rotated with the mouse, but I don't think it has a programming
 Maybe something in script-fu with Gimp?  There is an enormous number
 of scripts for script-fu.
 I did a search for rotate ellipse GD and 
 there seems
 to be alot of C code to do it with the real GD c libs. Maybe you could
 get one to compile and call it from your perl script, passing your
 parameters to it?
 Or maybe you could do it programmatically by learning to write
 postscript directly from perl?
 Zinc makes it real easy to do it, and as a matter of fact, someone
 on the Zinc maillist today, just asked the developer to get going
 on the postscript output. I've even made a lobe shape 
 with Zinc, and it's bezier curves.
 Good luckall my ideas are done. :-)

Thanks! Even more to add to my look into list!


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RE: stop

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 I've requested 50 times to be taken off your mailing list, 
 but you still send me this unwanted mail.

You've sent 50 emails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get no spam from this list ever, maybe it's coming 
from someone who harvested your email address from a web site or something?

 I will now report all mail sent to me by you as SPAM

What are the headers and ip addresses, I doubt it's coming from the 
real beginners list or else I'd have gotton spam also since I've 
subscribed for a while now.

 Stop sending me spam.

I never have and the list hasn't either. It's got to be a harvesting 
bot, virus, etc... Maybe your IncrediMail or Kazaa or somethgin has spyware in it?




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RE: putting $1 into a var

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey

 Thanks to everyone who helped me with this one, I had a 
 deadline to meet that is now met. 
 It was a missing ~ and me failing to use s on the end of my pattern
 may be of use to other users but for some reason my Linux 
 server needs s///s; to match over newlines and my OSX set up 
 doesn't, that didn't help ;)

OSX! Yummy! It probably has something to do with the Unix/Mac/Winders 
newline character issue.  They all use different characters for that 
so it can cause issues.


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RE: PERL debuggers

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 Are there any free PERL debuggers?

Have you tried use strict and use warnigns in your scripts?
Also perl -c is helpfule and then the perl debugger itself:
perl -d

I'm sure their's thrid party stuff but I never use any, 
the above does plenty for my needs.



 I once came across pvdb (a vi-aware front-end for the PERL 
 debugger developed by Tom Christainsen), but I never got it to work.

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RE: stop

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
Please tell me this thread will stay in the archives! It's hilarious!

I feel kinda bad for Mr. Kapp though, but if you're rude for no good 
reason what can you expect.

 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 14:31
 Subject: stop

 I've requested 50 times to be taken off your mailing list, but you still send me 
 this unwanted mail.
 I will now report all mail sent to me by you as SPAM
 Stop sending me spam.

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One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
Howdy list.
I'm trying to one lineify this:

my $guts = $firstchoice || ''; 
if(!$guts  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty) { 
$guts = $secondchoice;

my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic || ''; 
Would be perfect except I only want to let it use $seconchoice if 
$use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty has a true value.
This does not work like I want but illustrates the goal if you read it our loud.
my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic if $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty || '';

Is that possible to do with one line?



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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 On Jan 7, 2004, at 2:20 PM, Dan Muey wrote:
  Is that possible to do with one line?
 technically no, because you needed
 my ($firstchoice, $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty);
 my $secondchoice = 's2';

Sorry, I figured we could assume they were 
declared earlier so as not to muck up the screen and it 
wouldn't really change the question or answer.

 then you can do
 my $guts = ($use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty)? $secondchoice : 
 $firstchoice || '';


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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
  Howdy list.
  I'm trying to one lineify this:
  my $guts = $firstchoice || '';
  if(!$guts  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty) { 
  $guts = $secondchoice;
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic || ''; 
  Would be perfect except I only want to let it use $seconchoice if
 $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty has a true value.
  This does not work like I want but illustrates the goal if 
 you read it
 our loud.
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic if
 $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty || '';
  Is that possible to do with one line?
 Seems like the ternary operator should set you up... perldoc 
 perlop look for Conditional Operator...
 my $guts = (($firstchoice ne '') ? $firstchoice : 
 (($firstchoice eq '') ? $secondchoice : ''));

Thanks! I'll try each of these suggestions and maybe Benchmark them for grins.

 Though there may be a better way using some combination of 
 ||= or am I misunderstanding you completely?

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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  Howdy list.
  I'm trying to one lineify this:
  my $guts = $firstchoice || '';
  if(!$guts  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty) {$guts =
  $secondchoice; }
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic || '';
  Would be perfect except I only want to let it use $seconchoice if 
  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty has a true value. This 
 does not 
  work like I want but illustrates the goal if you read it our loud.
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic if
  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty || '';
  Is that possible to do with one line?
   $first || ($use_second  $second) || '';

Short and sweet! Thanks Bob!

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RE: One line variable declaration with multiple conditions

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
  Howdy list.
  I'm trying to one lineify this:
  my $guts = $firstchoice || '';
  if(!$guts  $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty) { 
  $guts = $secondchoice;
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic || ''; 
  Would be perfect except I only want to let it use $seconchoice if
 $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty has a true value.
  This does not work like I want but illustrates the goal if 
 you read it
 our loud.
  my $guts = $firstchoice || $secondchoic if
 $use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty || '';
  Is that possible to do with one line?
 Seems like the ternary operator should set you up... perldoc 
 perlop look for Conditional Operator...
 my $guts = (($firstchoice ne '') ? $firstchoice : 
 (($firstchoice eq '') ? $secondchoice : ''));

Except I only want to assign $secondchoice to it if  
$use_second_choice_if_first_is_empty is true.

BTW - I'm not really using these variable names, only using them here ot help clarify 
my goal.
Bob's woprks perfect and I havn';t tied Driex's as I have to leave right now. 
I'm going to benchmark them and see if there is any performance gain in either, though 
I doubt it.

 Though there may be a better way using some combination of 
 ||= or am I misunderstanding you completely?

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RE: coping txt files over a peer to peer.

2004-01-07 Thread Dan Muey
 Hello folks,

Funny I was just thinking about Sockets today.
I don't use them nitty gritty like this but I would assume you need to do multiple 
send/receive/accept in a little session via your own prtocol.

Something like:

Client hello
Server howdy
Client NAME fred.txt
Server NAMEIS fred.xt Thanks - SENDFILE
Client FILE 
Server Thanks Writing file...FILEOK
Client bye I am done
Server bye hava good one

I'm interested in seeing how to do this, sorry it probably wasn't much help.

 How do I send the file name used by the client so that the 
 server uses the same file name 
 When it is writing it own file. 
 thank you.
 here's the client: 
 use IO::Socket;
 my $server = IO::Socket::INET-ne­w(
PeerAddr = 'localhost',
PeerPort = 5050,
Proto= 'tcp'
 ) or die Can't create client socket: $!;
 open FILE, original_file_name;
 while (FILE) {
   print $server $_;
 close FILE;
 Here's the server:
 use IO::Socket;
 my $server = IO::Socket::INET-ne­w(
Listen = 5,
LocalAddr = 'localhost',
LocalPort = 5050,
Proto = 'tcp'
 ) or die Can't create server socket: $!;
 my $client = $server-accept;
 open FILE, copy_file_name or die Can't open: $!;
  while ($client) {
print FILE $_;
 close FILE;
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RE: taking my vbscript to perl

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey
 Hello, now I am a newbie to perl  would like to
 migrate my existing knowledge...
 Would anypone give me a crash course here... how would
 my following short vbscript correspond in perl.

Bravo for dumping vbscript! 
You'll find Perl much easier, platform independent, and just generally more cool!

So are you copying a directory(s) basically?

Instead of translating line by line (which would be confusing and a lot of unnecessary 
work and code)
Determine what you need to do and do it fresh.

I'd recommend looking at for one of the File:: modules.
( is your friend and so is perldoc: perldoc -h)

For instance take your vbscript version and compare to this: 
(doesn't seem to copy directory structures but a liitle more involved will)

use File::Copy;
copy('/home/file1','/home/file2') or die Copy failed: $!;



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RE: Drawing an Arc at an angle.

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  I've made a funtion to calculate the Fresnal zone for wireless 
  What I'd like to do is generate an image based on that. 
 Something like 
  the example at:
  However the two connected points are rarely going to be at the same 
  level so I'd need to draw the elipse At an angle instead of 
  GD's elipse or arc function will probably do what I want 
 but it seems 
  all I can specify are the center point and width and height.
  Is there a way to also specify the x/y of each point on the 
 left and 
  right side of the elipse?
  Make sense?
 Yes, but you're out of luck I'm afraid Dan. The best I can 
 suggest is that you use the 'filledPolygon' method and do the 
 maths yourself. (Sorry, that's 'math' over there isn't it.)

Where is your over there in relation to my over hear (St. Louis , MO USA)?

I'm doing all the math(s) :), I'm only seeing a way to draw the elipse 
or arc with a horizontal and vertical orientation only. 

I'll test some things out a bit more and show the group what's happening and have some 


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RE: (I wish there was a) cpan user's guide

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey
 I keep feeling I should learn more before I post here (lest I 
 look like a lazy 
 idiot who can't RTFM), but I'm getting too old to wait!
 Anyway, first post:
 Surely there's a module (or many) with a method to parse 
 URL's down to TLD. I 
 just can't find nice lists of them. I need to see if some 
 files came from the 
 same host. Here's what I'm doing now (just to show I'm 
 writing _some_ code):
 my $link = $result-{URL};
 my $slink = substr($link, 10, 7);
 if($slink eq $temp){ stuff...
 No. Look away. It's hideous.

I have a module I'm putting on cpan soon that has a  grabdomain function.
Part of the trouble is the country part, to illustrate: and are both the main domain. so my function takes 
into account those and lets you add and remove which far right \w+ would be 
two or three sections.
Then each section has to be properly formatted also. RFC can get sticky!

Keep your eye out on cpan for the SimpleMood module. It will have 
lots of handy things to simplyify development.
 (But it usually works).
 OK, obviously I haven't gotten regexes down (or gotten to 
 their chapter at 
 all). My question is: how can I find (not just this but any) methods 
 available on cpan? Must I muck through google every time I want to 
 q=learn+some+new+damn+perlbtnG=Google+Search? It's such a 
 wasteland of 
 usenet postings from 1995!
perldoc -h



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RE: ActiveState ActivePerl 5.8 - system call

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey


 We have a perl/cgi script (ActivePerl 5.8) which calls
 a executable (C code) using the system command. 
 @args = (C:\\perlcode\\, arg1, arg2); 
 system(@args); $exit_value  = $?  8; $signal_num  = $?  
 127; $dumped_core = $?  128; print $exit_value, 
 $signal_num, $dumped_core\n; . is the C prog or it calls the c prog?
How does set the values you're looking for?

 The above code works fine from the command prompt and 
 exit_value, signal_num and dumped_core are all 0. The same 
 perl /cgi script when called from a web page (IIS server) 
 returns exit_value to be 128 (what does it mean)? i.e. C 

Ask bill gates :) Just kidding (sort of).
Hard to say without knowing what/where/how/who/when these values are being set.
Also IIS is, with all due respect and apologies for being OT, crap. 

I'd refer to IIS manual and see what 128 means to it.
Or does 128 come from your c prog, if so what does 128 mean to it?
Or does 128 come from, if so what does it mean to it?

 code fails. What could be wrong. Is there any IIS setting 
 required, I did add the .pl extension to IIS.
 Please help

We need to see your code and know what the c prog 
is all about to help you with why the current script is acting a certain way.



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RE: ActiveState ActivePerl 5.8 - system call

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey

 I am no fan of Bill Gates either :) but the client
 needs to use his crap. The simplified version of code

Ok, some thigns I'd do is:

1) use strict; and use warnings; if winders has them.
2) Make you variabels my() variables; (IE my $arg1 ... Instead of $arg1 ...)
3) changeg system() line to :
system(C:\\perlcode\\validate.exe $arg $arg2) or die System call failed $!;

 @args = (C:\\perlcode\\validate.exe,$arg1,$arg2);
 $exit_value  = $?  8;
 $signal_num  = $?  127;
 $dumped_core = $?  128;
Just curious, what is happening here with the  and the .
I see there's a 128 there, perhaps that's where it is coming from?

 print $exit_value, $signal_num, $dumped_core\n;
 validate.exe is the C executable, that validates the 
 credentials against a database on some other machine. When 
 called from IIS, system call never makes it to the 
 validate.exe. $exit_value is 128 (instead of 0).

Since it's comign from a webserver do you have an 
apropriate contetn type header before any output?
What do your logs say about it?

 On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 12:56:50 -0600, Dan Muey wrote:
   We have a perl/cgi script (ActivePerl 5.8) which
   a executable (C code) using the system command.
   @args = (C:\\perlcode\\, arg1,
   system(@args); $exit_value  = $?  8; $signal_num
   127; $dumped_core = $?  128; print $exit_value,
   $signal_num, $dumped_core\n; . is the C prog or it calls the c prog?
  How does set the values you're looking for?
   The above code works fine from the command prompt
   exit_value, signal_num and dumped_core are all 0.
   perl /cgi script when called from a web page (IIS
   returns exit_value to be 128 (what does it
  i.e. C
  Ask bill gates :) Just kidding (sort of).
  Hard to say without knowing what/where/how/who/when
  these values are being set.
  Also IIS is, with all due respect and apologies for
  being OT, crap.
  I'd refer to IIS manual and see what 128 means to it.
  Or does 128 come from your c prog, if so what does 128
  mean to it?
  Or does 128 come from, if so what does it
  mean to it?
   code fails. What could be wrong. Is there any IIS
   required, I did add the .pl extension to IIS.
   Please help
  We need to see your code and know what the c
  is all about to help you with why the current script
  acting a certain way.
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RE: case and functions

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey

What's up dog? :)

 I read in Learning Perl that there are no such constructs 
 like a case statement.  Is there 

Yes, there is.
Do you mean: 
if(this) { do this }
elsif(that) { do that }
else { do the other }

 something similar or did I misread this?  Also what about 
 functions and 
 function calls, do these exits or does the subroutines replace these?

Functions and subroutines are *basically* the same thing. 
Perldoc perlsub I believe addresses this.



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RE: ActiveState ActivePerl 5.8 - system call

2004-01-06 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
  Also IIS is, with all due respect and apologies for being OT, crap.
 Not the case, Dan.  While I would never expose IIS to the 
 public Internet, it is an excellent tool for debugging CGI 
 scripts.  It puts a minimum of extraneous configuration grief 
 into the process, and usually passes error messages back 
 through in its web content: qq/ The specfied application did 
 not return the required eader.  What it returned instead was: 
  [your debug info here] / Clearly not something to display to 
 the public, but it can be very useful in working out program logic.
 I think the OP's problem has more to do with the problems 
 inherent in shelling out than in the server platform.

I agree, that was why I said it was OT (IE not related to his issue), 
just letting off a little steam about MS :) I just got a PowerBook so 
I'm all excited about finally being MS free 100%


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RE: mass-replacing large block of text

2004-01-02 Thread Dan Muey
 I don't understand why you include $split in the new file. 
 The text I want to get replace 
 is from and including that line to the end of the file.

Because you said you want to replace the stuff after $split.
And in your modified version it seemed like you were writing 
the data you split on in the variable $newhtml which now it seems 
was simply an html comment.


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Drawing an Arc at an angle.

2004-01-02 Thread Dan Muey
Hello List,

I've made a funtion to calculate the Fresnal zone for wireless connections.

What I'd like to do is generate an image based on that. Something like the example at:

However the two connected points are rarely going to be at the same level so I'd need 
to draw the elipse 
At an angle instead of horizontally.

GD's elipse or arc function will probably do what I want but it seems all I can 
specify are the center point and width and height.

Is there a way to also specify the x/y of each point on the left and right side of the 
Make sense?



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RE: $_

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey
 The lines will always be defined but I need to process that 
 previous line.  I am still kinda in the closet on what you mean.

He means the variable $last he used. I've tried to do an exqample that may help clear 
it up for you:

my $prev;
for(qw(a b c d e f g)) {
print Previous item was $prev\n if defined $prev;
print Current item is $_\n;
$prev = $_;



 On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 09:42, James Edward Gray II wrote:
 On Dec 30, 2003, at 10:36 AM, Eric Walker wrote:
  I am going through a file and when I enter a certain 
 routine, I am
  entering a while loop with the IN construct.  Is 
 there a way to back
  the counter up or back up one line before I go into the 
 while loop?
  Instead of seeing b when I enter the while loop, adjust 
 some option and
  see the a.
 How about adding:
 my $last;
 while (IN) {
   # use $last here, but watch for undef on the first 
 iteration, for 
   do_something( $last ) if defined $last;
   $last = $_;
 Hope that helps.
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RE: $_

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey
 Once I get into the while loop the previous line I had is lost.  As this 
 while is underneath another while that I am using in another routine.

It doesn't make any sense to read.
Please don't top post.


I was using an array and for() in my example so you could see the principle in action.
Using your file handle with while() will work the same way. (Just don't do an array 
with while, that could make for a long running program!)
No matter how many loops within loops you have you need to save the current 
item in a variable inside the current block and use 
the variable inside you loop, like we did in the examples given.


  The lines will always be defined but I need to process that
  previous line.  I am still kinda in the closet on what you mean.
 He means the variable $last he used. I've tried to do an 
 exqample that may help clear it up for you:
 my $prev;
 for(qw(a b c d e f g)) {
   print Previous item was $prev\n if defined $prev;
   print Current item is $_\n;
   $prev = $_;
  On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 09:42, James Edward Gray II wrote:
  On Dec 30, 2003, at 10:36 AM, Eric Walker wrote:
   I am going through a file and when I enter a certain 
  routine, I am
   entering a while loop with the IN construct.  Is 
  there a way to back
   the counter up or back up one line before I go into the 
  while loop?
   Instead of seeing b when I enter the while loop, adjust 
  some option and
   see the a.
  How about adding:
  my $last;
  while (IN) {
  # use $last here, but watch for undef on the first 
  iteration, for 
  do_something( $last ) if defined $last;
  $last = $_;
  Hope that helps.
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RE: $_

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey
 ok with that can I still continue through the loop and 
 process the next line?
You can use $_ :
for(qw(1 2 3)) {
print Processing files - iteration number $_\n;
my @files = qw(foo.txt bar.html);
for(@files) {
open(FH,$_) or die Can not open $_ : $!;
my $prev;
while(FH) { 
print Previous item was $prev\n if defined $prev;
print Current item is $_\n;
$prev = $_;

What happens when you do something like that?

 will I not loose the second line now?
 On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 09:49, Dan Muey wrote:
  The lines will always be defined but I need to process that 
  previous line.  I am still kinda in the closet on what you mean.
 He means the variable $last he used. I've tried to do an 
 exqample that may help clear it up for you:
 my $prev;
 for(qw(a b c d e f g)) {
   print Previous item was $prev\n if defined $prev;
   print Current item is $_\n;
   $prev = $_;
  On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 09:42, James Edward Gray II wrote:
  On Dec 30, 2003, at 10:36 AM, Eric Walker wrote:
   I am going through a file and when I enter a certain 
  routine, I am
   entering a while loop with the IN construct.  Is 
  there a way to back
   the counter up or back up one line before I go into the 
  while loop?
   Instead of seeing b when I enter the while loop, adjust 
  some option and
   see the a.
  How about adding:
  my $last;
  while (IN) {
  # use $last here, but watch for undef on the first 
  iteration, for 
  do_something( $last ) if defined $last;
  $last = $_;
  Hope that helps.
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RE: mass-replacing large block of text

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey
 I have ~97 HTML documents that I need to strip the footer 
 (about 15 lines) from and 
 replace with a different block of text. The footer is 
 formatted differently in some of the 
 HTML files, but they all start with the line:
 table border=0 width=100% height=5%
 How can I replace everything after that particular line with 
 a custom block of text? Thanks.

Here's one way, you say the files are html so slurping shouldn't hurt:

[untested - for principle demo only]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Slurp;

my $newhtml = '/table/body/html';
my $split = 'table border=0 width=100% height=5%';
my @files = qw(index.html contact.html); # populate this by hand or automatially if 
you want

my $count = 0;
for(@files) {
print Starting $_ ...;
my $html = read_file($_);

my ($firstpart) = split $split, $html; # may need to tweak around with this

write_file($_, $firstpart$split$newhtml);
print Done!\n;

print \nFinished : $count files processed.\n;

 Andrew Gaffney
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My stupidity! (WAS RE: Mail::Sender weirdness)

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey
   The thing is I get Sending...Done everytime but never a
  dleivery and
   no hinf tof it in the logs. On one server I needed to use smtp 
   authentication but that set $@ and said connection

This part of it was completely stupid on my part:

I was doing if($@) { ...

I added if($@ || $Mail::Sender::Error) { ...

And guess what? It gave me the error message. Duh, what a moron!

So now it said Connection not established for 
the local sending to remote, which I would think would 
be the easiest one, especially since:

Local to local is ok.
Remote to local is ok.
I'm not doing any remote to remote.

But authentication made my mail servers start sending it but I'm still not sure why my 
mail server would insist on authentication in one case but not the other.

Oh well, whaddayado!


 couldn't be made.
   Any ideas what I'm missing would be awesome!
  By default Mail::Sender does not raise exceptions. It returns 
  negative error codes.
 Right on! I'll take a look at your cpan page again and redo
 my problem handling angle.
 As usual you rock!

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RE: My stupidity! (WAS RE: Mail::Sender weirdness)

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey

 They are doing the Right Thing and not being an open relay. 
 Basically the server says *one* of the persons involved has to be 

In both cases one is always a local user. But only in one case is authentication 

 known to it.  If the email is for a local user it knows that person. 
 If it isn't, you have to authenticate as someone it knows.  Otherwise 
 Joe Spammer can come and ask the server to please deliver these 10k 
 messages to random people.

Right, but my question is why do I need to authenticate local 
to remote and not remote to local not why do I have to authenticate at all.
I'm well aware of the spam relay fun! :)

I could spam all the local users as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
all day long without any knowledge of there settings.
So I guess, why not authenticate both ways? Just a pondering, no big 
deal since they'd have to get a scirpt on the server and that'd 
make them trackable pretty quick.

 Daniel T. Staal

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RE: mass-replacing large block of text

2003-12-30 Thread Dan Muey
 Dan Muey wrote:
 I have ~97 HTML documents that I need to strip the footer
 (about 15 lines) from and 
 replace with a different block of text. The footer is 
 formatted differently in some of the 
 HTML files, but they all start with the line:
 table border=0 width=100% height=5%
 How can I replace everything after that particular line with
 a custom block of text? Thanks.
  Here's one way, you say the files are html so slurping 
 shouldn't hurt:
  [untested - for principle demo only]
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use File::Slurp;
  my $newhtml = '/table/body/html';
  my $split = 'table border=0 width=100% height=5%';
  my @files = qw(index.html contact.html); # populate this by hand or 
  automatially if you want
  my $count = 0;
  for(@files) {
  print Starting $_ ...;
  my $html = read_file($_);
  my ($firstpart) = split $split, $html; # may need to 
 tweak around 
  with this
  write_file($_, $firstpart$split$newhtml);
  print Done!\n;
  print \nFinished : $count files processed.\n;
 This slightly modified version of your script seems to work just fine:


 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use File::Slurp;
 my $newhtml = '! Old footer snipped here\n/body/html';

The only problem I see here you have enter the same data 
twice leaving room for mistakes you have to fix.

So by leaving it out of $newhtml and using  
print $firstpart$split$newhtml\n; # or add some newlines for readability
You gaurantee the same data with no mistakes.


 my $split = 'table border=0 width=100% height=5%';
 my @files = qw(uc.html); # populate this by hand or 
 automatially if you want
 for(@files) {
  print Starting $_ ...;
  my $html = read_file($_);
  my ($firstpart) = split $split, $html; # may need to 
 tweak around with this
 #   write_file($_, $firstpart$split$newhtml);
  print $firstpart$newhtml\n;
  print Done!\n;
 Andrew Gaffney

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