Histio raffle

2003-03-24 Thread Ravhall
Joye, put me down for $60 and split the tickets between the two paintings.
Thank you for these reminders on the L--sometimes I forget and I know this 
raffle won't be running too much longer!

Vicky Hall in Utah

By the way, could the raffle in Long Beach use one of those Sam's club Berner 
plush costumes, sized for children age 2-4?  Let me know and I will pack it 
with me!

pet therapy

2003-03-24 Thread Ravhall
Kenny, good for you for wanting to do pet therapy with your future Berner!
How to start:
First, when you contact breeders tell them what you plan to do with the dog.  
They can better select for temperament by choosing a puppy who is very 
Second, when you get the pup make sure you offer lots of opportunities for 
socialization.  The more unusual things you can gradually expose the pup to, 
the more likely they are to be comfortable in a variety of situations.
Third, sign up for obedience classes.  Your dog needs a basic understanding 
of obedience commands to pass the therapy test, and you will want your fairly 
large grown up dog to be manageable.  Don't forget to include some tricks 
when you train, like shake hands or something just for fun.
Good luck with that future puppy! 
Vicky Hall in Utah

Fwd: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 03/23/2003 10:22:36 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< 1 --- Do you live in
  b) suburbs
 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
The hall outside my room or the floor next to the bed.  He has never even 
tried to get up on furniture or the bed; not at home or in hotels/motels
 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
He doesn't play with toys anymore.  He does really enjoy raw meaty bones 
 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
His regal air and presence when out in public.  It causes everyone to notice 
 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
  6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
 has won)
 a) conformation
Once in a while in a regional Veterans class
 e) therapy work
Both for the elderly and for children.  He is TDI certified and works both 
for Hospice of Northeastern Illinois and Community Consolidated School Dist. 
15 .
 f) tracking
Has been entered into a few tests but needs to be certified again.
  h) digging to China
Only in the heat of summer, under the faucet spigot where it is damp and cool!
 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
Chewing up a patio stepping stone kit, complete with concrete powder and 
concrete dye, which he managed to spread all over the living room floor.  
That was shortly after he came to live with us almost 7 years ago.  Now he is 
a really good boy!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec./ BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page: http://www.geocities.com/workingyorkie/ty.html
Gypsy's page:http://hometown.aol.com/annes4/Gypsy.html
--- End Message ---

Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Karen Alexander
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X-Mailer: IncrediMail 2001 (1850928)
From: "Karen Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-FVER: 3.0
X-CNT: ;
X-Priority: 3
To: "Berner L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fun Survey
Reply-To: "Karen Alexander--

Re: Return of the fun survey

2003-03-24 Thread Andrea Stefanac
Hi all,

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner

** B- suburbs but landed on Planet Berner quite awhile

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

**Berner boy Chance has several places- on our bed, in
the hallway, or on the cool tile by the front door. 
Mutt Dakota sleeps on his bed near our bed.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

** Chance loves his big stuffed ball. Preferably with
a squeaker but still loves them even without it. 
Dakota is beyond the toy playing stage (9 yrs old),
but used to love stuffed toys in a bone shape with a

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
the blank)
**Chance's upbeat, happy-go-lucky attitude.  This boy
rarely has depressed days.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

**B- has his CD; C- has his NDD; D-loves agility but
we do limited amounts due to his bad knees; G- working
on CDX work although we'll never compete at that level
b/c his knees don't let him get over the required jump

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
** Chance's newest bad thing is to climb into the
front seats of the car and scavenge around for any/all
possible food- never mind if it is in wrappers, etc. 
He is earning his way back into the car crate all the
time or being left at home if the crate is being used
by the new Berner boy, Barkley. 

Andrea Stefanac
& Chance CD NDD CGC TT
Richmond, VA

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Premium lists available for tracking test

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4
Premium lists are now available for the Wisconsin club hosted BMDCA Tracking 
Test and Tracking Dog Excellent Test on May 18 in Eagle Wisconsin.  All 
Bernese without a tracking title will be given preferential entry positions, 
followed by Bernese with a title, and then breeds other than Bernese.  Please 
contact me if you want a premium.  Closing date for the tests is May 7.  
Entry fees are $45 for theTD and $80 for the TDX.  There are 6 TD tracks and 
2 TDX tracks planned.

If you have already contacted me about a premium, it is in the mail to you 
now and should arrive shortly.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec./  BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page: http://www.geocities.com/workingyorkie/ty.html
Gypsy's page:http://hometown.aol.com/annes4/Gypsy.html

Re: Pet Therapy

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/23/2003 8:46:03 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Please feel free to forward your opinions and experiences! >>

Flash works as a Therapy Dog for both Northeastern Illinois Hospice, visiting 
clients either in nursing homes or at their own residences, and for our local 
school district.  His favorite "job" is participating in our "Read to the 
Dog" program.  He has 6 children at two different schools.  He visits each 
school once a week and each child reads at least one book to him.  At one 
school, the children are in second grade, in the other school they are fifth 
graders.  The kids love the special privilege and Flash enjoys just lying by 
their feet while they talk to him!  In past years, he has visited in 
preschool classes with children who needed the physical challenge of brushing 
and petting him; or classrooms where the children had communication problems 
and had to ask permission to pet him or ask questions about him.  Flash 
definitely prefers visiting with the children over visiting the seniors, but 
he is much too polite to refuse to visit with anyone who indicates they want 
to "pet the biggest dog they've ever seen!"

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page: http://www.geocities.com/workingyorkie/ty.html
Gypsy's page:http://hometown.aol.com/annes4/Gypsy.html

BNN at the National?

2003-03-24 Thread Andrea Stefanac
Hi all,

Anyone know if the Berner News Network will be at the
National this year to keep all of us stuck at home
informed?  I sure hope so!  :o)

Andrea Stefanac
& Chance CD NDD CGC TT
Richmond, VA

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Laying down to eat

2003-03-24 Thread _Adam Conn
I've been meaning to ask this for months. Bison, since
day one, has always eaten his meals laying down. Every
now and then, he'll start from the standing position,
but will always finish flat on the floor. He shows no
sign of changing this behavior.

Any one else have a "roman eater"?


>> Bacchus used to just give up and lay down to eat.
>Many dogs--wild and domestic--lie down to eat. I've
not yet seen wild canines, or dogs left to their own
devices, put something on a raised platform to eat it
(although there is of course some dog somewhere that
does this . . . but it sure isn't the norm for wild
and domestic canines).

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Re: Military Dog Memorial

2003-03-24 Thread Jill
Not quite "Berner related", but a touching dog story in response to a
previous post.
Seemed timely and I thought some on the list might like it.  Warning -
please don't
let this start any political commentary on world events.  Thanks.

When reading the post about the War Dog Memorial, I remembered a statue I
loved on the Gettysburg Battlefields of a dog and went searching for it on
the web.  I found it, but also found some other interesting sites.
Evidently there are already a number of War Dog memorials.  At this site
I found two war dog memorials. "The first was unveiled on President's Day
2000 at March Field Air Museum - March Air Force Base, Riverside California
and the second at Sacrifice Field in front of the National Infantry Museum,
Fort Benning, Georgia on October 8th, 2000."
and there's also a
"War Dog Memorial on the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medicine campus,
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.  An exact replica of a monument in Guam. It is a
tribute to the unique bond between dogs and humans. 25 Marine war dogs gave
their lives liberating Guam. The monument is in their memory, given by the
2nd and 3rd Marine War Dog Platoons, many men of whom owe their lives to the
bravery and sacrifice of these gallant animals."

Lastly, I did find the one on the Gettysburg Battlefield, described as
"Sallie had been given to the regiment as a puppy during the early days of
the war. Growing up with the men of the regiment, she became a comrade in
arms, sharing the marches, the hardships, the extremes of the climate, and
the dangers of battle. During battles, Sallie was known to take her position
at the end of the line of battle, barking as loud as she could at the enemy.
Of a friendly nature, Sallie was said to hate only three things: "Rebels,
Democrats, and Women."

At Gettysburg, the little dog was with the men of the 11th PA throughout the
battle of July 1st. During the course of the retreat through the town, she
became separated from the unit. Not knowing where they had gone, she
remembered where they had been and worked her way back across the field to
this ridge and her fallen comrades. There, amidst the wounded, the dying,
and the dead, Sallie laid down and maintained a silent vigil over her
friends for the remainder of the battle. After the Confederate retreat, a
member of the 12th Massachusetts found her still lying among the dead, weak
from lack of food, but alive. She was returned to her unit. Recovering
quickly, Sallie resumed her place in the regiment serving faithfully through
the balance of the war. On February 6, 1865, within two months of the war's
end, she was going into battle with her regiment at Hatcher's Run, Virginia.
During the course of the fight, she was shot through the head and killed.
Such was the feeling of the men of the regiment towards their mascot, that
they buried her on the field despite the heavy enemy fire. Years later, when
designs for the regimental monument at Gettysburg were discussed, it was
felt only appropriate that their little pet, their friend, and their comrade
be memorialized with the regiment."

Jill Kramer and Benny
Baltimore, MD  (formerly of G-burg)

Re: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread Gail Miller
I currently live with 4 Berners, Florian - 17 months, Halli - 5 years,
Assi - 9 years and Ritzy - almost 14 years.

1 --- Do you live
In the city limits, but on 11.5 private acres

 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Florian, Halli and Assi sleep on the bed.  Ritzy sleeps by choice, in the
kitchen, unless it storms and she then joins us on the bed. (I'm single)

> > > 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Florain and Halli adore those rubber squeak toys that make weird sounds when
they squeeze them.  Unfortuantely, they de-squeak them in a couple of days
and I have to buy new ones.

> > 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

Their unfettered devotion for me.

> > > 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Bumped up from a sedan to a SUV years ago.

> > > 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
When time permits, I show conformation.  Florian has visited the nursing
home where my Mom lives, since he was 8 weeks old.

> > > 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Years ago, before leaving town for a dog show, Ritzy ate a bunch of horse
food at my barn.  She began 'passing it all' the night before the show.  She
also passed a Wendy's wrapper and a dime, both of which she ate, I assume
out of the car.  During the show, she pooped three times in the ring, still
trying to rid herself of all the horse food.  It looked like I've fed her a
pecan roll. (This is the dog who will be 14 next month!)

Halli ate the tassel off of a Cole Hahn shoe once and she caught a rat on
Christmas day and brought it into the house, but only after she ate its

Halli and Assi have frequently brought turtles in the house, via the doggie
door.  'Someone' tried to bring a dead armadillo in the doggie door, but it
wouldn't fit.

Gail Miller
Cynosure Bernese Mountain Dogs in Arkansas (USA)

Re: fun survey

2003-03-24 Thread Teri Andrews
1 --- Do you live in

c) country

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
 1/2 the night at the foot of the bed and 1/2 the night on the

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Our 3 cats - the chase goes on until they run through the kitty
door leading into the basement.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
   His devotion to me and he beautiful big head

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yes - an SUV

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)

f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is
At 6 months he dug his way to China in the family room
through the new berber carpet.  He pulled up a loop and kept pulling it with
his teeth - major repair bill.  At 3 he ate 3 bags of chocolate covered
pretzels that he stole from my work bag. He ate the plastic, 18 pretzels and
the ties that held the bags closed.  5 days later, bags and ties were found
in the yard.

Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Martha Hoverson

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
I say it's the city, but Don says it's not *in* the city, so it doesn't 
count.  So I guess it's "b."
2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
In the crate, except when someone forgets to close the door, and then on the 

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

An odd ducky toy with an accordion-type middle, a ball at one end, and a 
quack-quack-quacking duck head at the other.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
that everything and everyone is her friend.
5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
No, but we already had a Volvo V70 station wagon.
6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China
Molly is, sadly, an obedience school dropout.  (Maybe when she has recovered 
from elbow surgery we will try again.)  So the answer would be digging to 
China, as well as world class tree eating.
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Destroy numerous remote controls through vigourous chewing; spare parts are 
spat out upon the sofa.

Martha Hoverson and Molly
Portland, Maine

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  

Re: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread A Allen
> 1 --- Do you live in
> a) city
> b) suburbs
> c) country
> d) on Planet Berner

B - soon to move to C, as two dog bylaw infringes on my decision for
pup #3 (which is btw on Planet Berner)
> 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
one sleeps beside the bed, the other prefers to sleep downstairs on
her couch in the dog room (where it is cooler) but she climbs into the bed
in the AM for good-morning cuddles

> 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

anything plush with a squeaky or tug-of-war ropes
> 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

Fortune - impersonation of Elvis Presley
Faith - ability to learn new behaviours fast!
> 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
> Yes
> No  not yet, our Subaru station wagon with back seat down can still
hold a third dog no problem.  If a fourth comes.then I reserve the right
to change my answer.
> 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
> has won)
> a) conformation -soon to go in the ALtered class at the national
> b) obedience trials -UCD title, working on UCD-X
> c) drafting trials -not yet, nothing up here in Yukon
> d) agility -yes, will compete in first tril this August
> e) therapy work -yes, Fortune has favorite friends to visit
> f) tracking -soon!
> g) training classes -of course, from eight weeks on all dogs should go
to school!
> h) digging to China -not by my choice, but on the odd occasion...
> 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

eating the drywall in the hallway, stealing sausages off the table
> Thanks for the survey!
Leslie Joanisse
Fortune and Faith
Whitehorse, Yukon Canada

Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Kelly

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
In the suburbs as well as on Planet Berner (can we have two answers to this

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
On our bed of course!!!

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Squeaky fabric jack toy and kong with peanut butter inside.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is
Her ability to know exactly when I open the freezer door, even when sound

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
Passed all obedience classes and holds a CGC. Also counter surfs extremely

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
Absolutely nothing!! Seriously she has never done anything naughty since we
have had her. She has always been the perfect "child", never getting in the
trash, never digging up the yard, never removing my bushes and never
stealing dirty clothes.

Kelly Weir

pet therapy

2003-03-24 Thread kdeyo
I've been doing official pet therapy at the state mental hospital where I
work for about three years.  I helped develop the pet therapy program and
am involved in the testing of the dogs who participate.  We go onto the
units with the dogs, take books and magazines, answer questions, and let
the dogs "visit."  Fini, who is 9.5 years young, is the main attraction,
and on holidays wears her different headbands sporting hearts, or 4-leaf
clovers, bunny ears, etc.  The patients love it!  She is occasionally
accompanied by one of her kids or grandkids.  We use the Canine Good
Citizen test to test potential dogs into the program. Fini has her ATTA
certification (American Temperament Testing Association).  When we are not
on the units, my dogs lie on a blanket next to my desk and do the pet
therapy thing for all the staff who come to visit them there!  Its
wonderful to watch an angry, paranoid patient melt into cooing and smiles
when the dogs arrive.  I was even presented with an "Extra Mile Award" in
2001 from our Program Director in Boise for "improving patient care by
instituting a visiting pet program."  Not a raise, but sure made me feel
good! :-)
~ Kathy M. Deyo & the Hapi Mtn kids in Orofino, Idaho

shows in Berkeley

2003-03-24 Thread Sabina Carinci
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bloat opinion

2003-03-24 Thread Sweattees
Patt here, I agree with Pat and others, most dogs will not bloat, (isn't the stat less 
than 2.5 % of Berners bloat?) BUT IF there is a tendency to bloat in an individual 
dog, then that stat becomes 100% and then I choose to go with the odds of the Purdue 
bloat study.  There are so many factors regarding bloat, known and unknown.  My Decker 
dog has bloated 5 times, 3 individual emergency episodes, and a cluster of bloats in a 
row, even after gastropexy.  His bloats have been determined to be triggered by 
anesthetic (no more knocking off every lump and bump for him!). Decker's best friend 
FCR died of bloat after a normal day, nothing different in his life that day except 
death.  Another friends dog (GSD) bloated after playing with the garden hose, shooting 
the stream down her throat (torsion and the whole deal).  Another friends FCR bloated 
on an empty stomach.  I choose to play the "Perdue" odds, hoping for the best.  No 
bloats in 3 years now.  Dog dishes are on the floor, the bloat king gets fed small 
meals every 4 hours (yes we feed in in the middle of the night), and we feed a food 
that fits the parameters of the latest Perdue Bloat Survey stats...Decker will be 9 in 
September!  I am glad he made it past 4, the age of his first bloat.  Hugs to all
Patt Wiegand
pet gifts for pet lovers

Return of The Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Petnans
1 --- Do you live in
b) suburbs
(but the suburbs of New Jersey, which are as crowded as a small city!)

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Tasha starts out on my son's bed, then moves to the rug in his room, then migrates to 
the landing between the first and second floors.
Morgan lays in the hallway between our bedrooms, then migrates downstairs.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

Tasha loves her hedgehog.  Morgan destroyed all of Tasha's toys within two weeks of 
joining our household.  He loves any squeaky toy that he can perform surgery on - a 
sqeakectomy.  I then sew the toy up again for him to repeat the procedure.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
Tasha her beautiful head and her incredible drive to do anything for food.
Morgan his beautiful dark eyes and his need to be always vigilant about what is 
happening in 'his' neighborhood.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yes, actually a leased Blazer for Tasha.  When Morgan came along, we got a Honda 
Odyssey for both of them.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
e) therapy work - Tasha
g) training classes - Tasha and Morgan
   Morgan hopefully will start agility soon. 

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

When Tasha was a puppy she stole some birthday cake off the table from underneath a 
cake dome!!

Morgan just has major attitude, but has never done anything really awful.  The worst 
thing he did was mistake one of my collectible bears for a dog toy, but I was in the 
room to correct him at the time!

Debby Lyon
Allendale, NJ

return of the fun survery

2003-03-24 Thread Lisa Elliott
1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner

in the country

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

Sofa or tile, depending on the time of year.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

We have a tie here (1) Any stuffed animal from which she has removed all
stuffing and (2) a toy that looks like a gum ball machine but is
designed for dogs and has a large lever to dispense treats so that they
can use their paw to "treat themselves".  This toy is obviously
regulated or I'd have one huge Berner!

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

physically - the non stop metronome of a tail
personality - the ability to make me laugh at things I never have
before. (i.e. while digging out the newest set gopher tunnels in the
yard I actually laughed and took a picture of the landscaping going on. 
She dug a hole deep enough to hide her head, shoulders and half of her
torso - rear end and wagging tail high in the air. Does anyone else's
dog do the swan dive into gopher or squirrel holes?  Rearing up on the
hind legs followed by frenzied digging and quickly ripping and spitting
away the turf in large mouthfuls.)

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

Nope.  For the horses - must have a truck to pull the trailer.  But the
large back seat is for the dog.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

Option H (see #4 above).  She is an excellent working dog without the
titles!  She helps with all chores around the property, goes to (horse)
shows, and has her FMX (friend maker excellent).  I've met so many
wonderful people who approached me because "what a beautiful dog", and
because of this list.

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Really, just one?!?  Not sure if it is the naughtiest, but the most
recent event was Sunday and went something like this - dog out of "dog
area", went straight to the donkey and chased like there was no
tomorrow.  Our many obedience classes completely useless as she fixated
on Eeyore (what else would you name a donkey?!)  Resorted to bringing
out the treat jar and shaking it.  She didn't stop but the Eeyore came
over to get a treat and when he stopped running the Berner with
selective hearing lost interest! Arg...

Bakersfield, CA

Re: Trees and Berners

2003-03-24 Thread Rachel Kraus

I don't have any advice for you (could use some
myself), but I wanted to let you know that you are
definitely not the only one with this problem!  Just
today I was cleaning out the portion of the back yard
where all our tress are.  Amongst all the branches
from the winter I found a small fallen tree that was
the victim of Ringo's digging.  I dragged it out into
the yard and as soon as I dropped it, Ringo tried to
pick it up and drag it around as if to say "thanks for
getting MY tree out of there so I can really play with
it!"  What a dog!

-Rachel Kraus

> They pulled that poor willow out of the ground and
> started eating the 
> branches before he stopped them.  They didn't get to
> eat the branches, but 
> they sure did shock the poor tree.  

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Bernese and Daffodill!

2003-03-24 Thread jean cheesman
Hi All,

Midst of these troubled times, from last week have attempted to upload jpg
to surpass my Berners with the Snowdrops Pic!  Server let me in tonight

Berners with Daffodils!

Big story behind of Barney non-posing!

Hmmm! Would he pose??

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

re: Trees and Berners

2003-03-24 Thread Lisa Elliott
Hi Karyn,

  Fencing is probably the most secure.  Just make sure that the fencing
is not weak enough that the dogs can climb it and bend the fence which
can then be crawled over.  Also make sure that the fencing is far enough
out from the tree that if they weaken a place on the fence it won't fall
in and knock down the tree.
  We have neighbors who are new to "country living" and kept planting
trees in their pasture without any fencing around them.  We wondered how
many times they'd replant before putting fence up to protect the trees
from the horses - third time was the charm!

Good luck!

Lisa & Tempi (who prefers eatting bulbs more than trees)
Bakersfield, CA

Happy Birthday "J" Litter

2003-03-24 Thread Robin Disler
Hi Everyone - 

I just had to share my excitement  today my big beautiful boy
Juniper is 3 years old!  So to all the Hayfield's Grand "J" litter

UPS came a little early for Juniper but they forgot the part of the
package that contains the off lead healing so I'm hoping they come

We are off to have ice cream cake. 

Hug your berner babies...

Robin & Birthday Boy Juniper

PS - On the "do you keep in touch thread" We do keep in touch with
Juniper's dad & mom.  I have learned so much from both of them, I
couldn't imagine raising Juniper without their input.

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Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread Jenn Waldron
> 1 --- Do you live in
> c) country, Gill, Massachusetts
> 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
In his crate as close to my side of the bed as possible. (Plans to convert
sleeping arrangements to in bed next to me as soon as he is potty trained)
> 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
My two youngest boys(human) and their cute pink toes.
> 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is
His ability to be soo easily trained. He learns it almost immediately
and retains it just as well
> 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
>  No, We already owned a Jeep Grande Cherokee
> 6 --- Your dog participates in
Puppy Kindergartenand has won all the hearts of his classmates moms and

> 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
Charlie is only three months old so not much time for naughtiness, but since
the snow is melting, he sure likes to dig up mommys pretty bushes and any
other thing that my be peeking up from the ground
> The last survey was informative, fun and many of the responses were
> hilarious and very moving. Thanks, and have fun!
> Catherine Young
> Madison WI
> Shadow, Mickey & Jenny

Re: Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Scott & Betsy
This is great.
Betsy, Pete, Amanda and Remy.

 1 --- Do you live in
   b) suburbs, Hopkinton MA
 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night? matt next to the bed
 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy? lamb's wool animal

 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
 the blank) The way she can fold up like Gumby.
 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
 titles your dog
 has won)

Training for the world cup poop eating tournament.
Protecting the property from the evil squirrel.
 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
 is. There are too many to mention, leaving my husbands shoes
out in the dog pen before a big snow storm or counter surfing and
stealing my husbands breakfast and there is always the poop eating
thing.  I guess my favorite is if the other dogs are getting too much
attention, she methodically takes every shoe in the house and puts it
in the pen.

Fwd: RE: for you dog lovers

2003-03-24 Thread Sarah Kelly
> There have been a lot of postings
> (unfortunately) about the Rainbow Bridge.  I
> intuitively knew what they
> meant, but I had never read the story.  I'm a little
> teary eyed.  Here it is for anyone else who was
wondering. Thanks, it is of some comfort.

> > 
> > This was given to me when Lexie died.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > The Rainbow Bridge
> > Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow
> Bridge.
> > 
> > When an animal dies that has been especially close
> to someone here, that
> > pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and
> hills for all of our
> > special friends so they can run and play together.
> There is plenty of food
> > and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm
> and comfortable. All the
> > animals who had been ill and old are restored to
> health and vigor; those
> > who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong
> again, just as we
> > remember them in our dreams of days and times gone
> by.
> > 
> > The animals are happy and content, except for one
> small thing: they all
> > miss someone very special to them who had to be
> left behind.
> > 
> > They all run and play together, but the day comes
> when one suddenly stops
> > and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are
> intent; the eager body
> > quivers. Suddenly she begins to break away from
> the group, flying over the
> > green grass, her legs carrying her faster and
> faster. YOU have been
> > spotted, and when you and your special friend
> finally meet, you cling
> > together in joyous reunion, never to be parted
> again. The happy kisses
> > rain upon your face; your hands again caress the
> beloved head, and you
> > look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
> so long gone from your
> > life but never absent from your heart.
> > 
> > And then you cross Rainbow Bridge together... 
> > 


RE: Pet Therapy

2003-03-24 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Posted in plain text for Eve:

This is answer to your question about pet therapy work. I do work at two
different hospitals with my dog Casper. He is certified through TDI
(therapy dogs international) and the Delta Society. It is a wonderful
and rewarding service that we do and I can't tell you how much it has
meant to both of us. Casper is a natural, loves people, is very calm and
handles any situation without fail. We have met some wonderful people
and friends at both hospitals and I highly recommend this volunteering
for you and your dog. 
I suggest you call your local hospitals to see if they have a program
and get involved.
Good luck and I hope that you find that special Berner very soon. I have
found in going to the hospital with Casper that people are in awe of
this big beautiful gentle dog. The hospital staff is especially
impressed with him and they really welcome us everytime we go.
You might also look into the book called Nose to Nose by Barry Scheiber
which tells the story of his Bernese, Moritz, and their trips to the
hospital to visit. It will give you more insight into pet therapy.

Meeting notice

2003-03-24 Thread luvalot
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re:raised diners

2003-03-24 Thread egm1
>I have read quite a bit on the raised diners, also. My >understanding was the
study was based on dogs with an >inclination to bloating [family history, etc]
or had already >bloated. So perhaps the conclusions were somewhat
>skewed.who knows for sure.

No, this is incorrect and we *do* know for sure that results were not skewed
in this manner. Dogs were enrolled on this study based on being in breeds which
were known to experience bloat (Great Danes and Newfs, for exampple). Hundreds
of dogs from each breed were studied and then tracked--they were NOT selected
based on prior problems or family problems. 

> Bacchus used to just give up and lay down to eat.
Many dogs--wild and domestic--lie down to eat. I've not yet seen wild canines,
or dogs left to their own devices, put something on a raised platform to eat
it (although there is of course some dog somewhere that does this . . . but
it sure isn't the norm for wild and domestic canines).

Eileen Morgan

Re: Trees and Berners

2003-03-24 Thread Goffstein & Lindman
Hi Karen,
Until your trees are well-established (in three years)  I would keep them
fenced.  My thirteen year old Berner still undermines our planting efforts
in the dog yard with occasional help from our six year old Berner.
After three years remove the fence from one tree a month.  Our oldest
Berner generally accommodated this practice unless it was a place that she
really wanted a deep dirt burrow.
Best of luck,
Barb Lindman and the Berner farm girls of Iowa - Kari 13 years 4 months and
Anja six years 8 months.

Advice to women

2003-03-24 Thread Maureen Barry
Words to live by ...

Montreal, Quebec

Advice to Women

If you want someone who will bring you the paper
without first tearing it apart to remove the sports
Buy a dog.

If you want someone willing to make a fool of himself
simply over the joy of seeing you
Buy a dog.

If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in
front of him and never say its not quite as good as
his mother made it
Buy a dog.

If you want someone always willing to go out, at any
hour, for as long and wherever you want
Buy a dog.

If you want someone to scare away burglars, without a
lethal weapon which terrifies you and endangers the
lives of your family and all the neighbors
Buy a dog.

If you want someone who will never touch the remote,
doesn't give a damn about football, and can sit next
to you as you watch romantic movies
Buy a dog.

If you want someone who is content to get up on your
bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off
if he snores
Buy a dog.

If you want someone who never criticizes what you do,
doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly, fat or thin,
young or old, with tits or without, who acts as if
every word you say is especially worthy of listening
to, and loves you unconditionally
Buy a dog.

On the other hand, if you want someone who will never
come when you call, ignores you totally when you come
home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over
you, runs around all night, only comes home to eat and
sleep, and acts as if your entire existence is solely
to ensure his happiness then, my friend, buy a cat.

( Any resemblance to a man is purely coincidental. )

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Trees and Berners

2003-03-24 Thread Karyn Waugh
I thought I'd just share this story with anyone else who may be doing some 
yard work this Spring.

For the past 3 years we have had one heck of a time keeping trees alive in 
our yard.  One maple keeps trying to grow, and the dogs just keep eating it. 
Now, all this time I thought it was the two Great Pryenese doing it.

So...this weekend, I got brave and planted 5 trees.  4 saplings and one 12 
foot Willow.  OKAY, trees planted in the back yard and wow the Great 
Pryenese aren't touching it.  We leave it alone for several hours and it's 
still standing!  Then the two berners want to go out and play.  My husband 
lets them out, and not 1 minute later he storms in, covered in dirt and 
says, in a matter of a second, our berners had ran straight to the willow.  
They pulled that poor willow out of the ground and started eating the 
branches before he stopped them.  They didn't get to eat the branches, but 
they sure did shock the poor tree.  This has been a battle for us for about 
3 years.  Keeping trees up in our back yard that is.  Now that we know who 
the real tree eating dogs are, how do we remedy the problem?

Our temporary remedy?  We fenced in our tree.  How ironic that we have to 
fence in a tree to keep the dogs off it.  Now let's see how long that lasts. 
 By the way I'm super leary of using any type of sprays to keep the dogs 
off.  When our dogs have hot spots and the vet gives us stuff to put on it, 
claiming the dogs hate the taste of it.  Our dogs seem to marvel at the odd 
flavor and lick it all off and then proceed to make the hotspots worse.  If 
there is an all nature, won't hurt you dog remedy for tree eating, I would 
love to hear about it.

Hope you all are having a great day!

Karyn Waugh

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testing out AOL 8.0 and survey

2003-03-24 Thread JSTELMAK
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide-Caution

2003-03-24 Thread Bernersrit
Another caution, not everything should be brought back up.  Timing is 
important.  I just came through one of those terrible weekends with a dog 
that ingested a ripped portion of a towel Friday evening, (discovered the 
evidence Saturday morning) was at the vets by Saturday afternoon and in ER 
surgery Sunday.  Most expensive towel I've ever owned.  It had twisted into a 
rope and gone into the small bowel where it lodged.

No one wanted to take the chance on bringing up a stringy towel after it had 
been down the hatch for more than three hours, the normal amount of time for 
things to pass through the stomach.

My vet thought barium would help if we had to go the next step so that X-rays 
would show whether anything was moving through the bowel.  The barium stayed 
in the stomach and complicated things a bit because it eliminated endoscopy 
as a possible way to retrieve what we thought was still in the stomach, as it 
would ruin the equipment, and besides it obscured the object.  It also was a 
hazard during surgery because it is quite toxic if it leaks into the abdomen.

My girl is recovering from surgery at the ER this morning and, hopefully, 
will be home tomorrow.

Carol Lingley
Ijamsville, MD

Re: Hydrogen Peroxide-Caution

2003-03-24 Thread jane heggen
Hi Rose, you are quite right.  As soon as I sent that I worried about my
choice of words.

Please everyone, heed this caution and administer peroxide as Rose has

jane heggen & the boys of iowa

- Original Message -
From: "Rose Tierney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jane heggen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:07 AM
Subject: Hydrogen Peroxide-Caution

> Hi Jane,
> A large 20cc syringe does nicely and one should NEVER squirt down the
> throat, rather dispense the liquid into the cheek pocket and hold the jaws
> shut, dog will swallow and it may be necessary to stroke the throat.
> Hydrogen peroxide can burn the lining of the throat so it is preferable to
> buffer it with milk in equal parts.
> Rose T.

Re: Bloat

2003-03-24 Thread Ruth Reynolds

In my statement below, four cups of food is four cups of total volume
including water.  This includes raw, cooked, commercial diet or whatever.

My kibble to water ratio regardless whether I use an extruded or baked
kibble is 2:1

If the food is extruded, I allow it to swell before feeding.  If baked, I'll
feed it crunchy with water poured over it.  My dogs really like that!

I do not feed more than 4 cups prepared food (including water) at any meal
and prefer to feed less if possible.  If more is required to keep a dog in
good condition, I'll increase the number of meals fed daily.

- Original Message -
From: "Rose Tierney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RR)  "When I feed extruded kibble, I do soak it a few minutes before
feeding.   I never feed more than four cups of food to a Berner at one

RT) Is this four cups soaked or presoaked. My bitches have two cups of
presoaked kibble twice a day, I never feed more than two and half in any one
meal. Perhaps with the baked Flint River the volume is not so important??

Re: Bloat

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/24/2003 9:09:34 AM Central Standard Time, 

<<   I never feed more than four cups of food to a Berner at one time." >>

While discussing bloat and factors that might contribute to the bloat risk, 
keep in mind that not all cases are directly connected to food in the 
stomach!  Just this summer, a young female drank quite a bit of water as she 
was warm from an unaccustomed amount of exercise during the day; she was in a 
new location and very shortly, she demonstrated bloat symptoms.  Fortunately, 
temporary veterinary care and support were immediately available and kept her 
alive until she was transported several miles to a surgical site where her 
torsion and volvulus were reduced and a gastropexy performed.  It had been 
many hours since food had been ingested so don't get a false sense of 
security because your dog has an empty tummy - other factors can contribute 
to this deadly condition.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page: http://www.geocities.com/workingyorkie/ty.html
Gypsy's page:http://hometown.aol.com/annes4/Gypsy.html

Perianal gland tumors in berners

2003-03-24 Thread Christine Kabler
Hi, Kristin--The dog who has the perianal gland tumor (Nefi) is a
kuvasz, a live stock guardian breed (big white dog that is used to
protect sheep from predators, such as wolves).  The reported incidence
of perianal gland tumors in berners is very low--almost nil. Pat Long
related that there has been only one report out of 1322 berners in a
recent health survey that told of benign tumors in the BMD breed, so for
berner owners this disease is not a concern.  However, many people who
own berners own a second breed--and with this disease--an ounce of
prevention is truly worth a pound of cure.

In further research, I discovered that a low tail carriage and broad
tail base are thought to be contributing factors to the development of
perianal gland tumors.  The top of Nefi's tail--which has a broad tail
base--sort of clamps down her upper rump; it's a very pretty tail set
but, apparently, not the healthiest for natural stimulation and the
cleansing of anal glands..In addition, her tail is very
bushy--again, very pretty, but such might reduce air circulation around
the tail, even though her coat is not an oily coat.

The kuvasz also seems to be a rather sedentary breed, even in a large
large area, in contrast to some other breeds.  They want to be where
their "sheep" are (me) and are content to lie around, watching their
sheep, whether inside or out. Nefi will occasionally become quite
animated  and active if she perceives any danger (anything out of the
norm--car coming up driveway, wildlife passing by, new dishwasher), but
generally is not an active girl. Perhaps this sedentary nature also
makes them more prone to perianal gland disease although I do not know
what the incidence of these tumors is in the live stocking guardian
breeds.  She is also from conformation--not working--lines so a kuvasz
from working lines might have a tail set that is less "showy."

An interesting article on the disease is located at www.zzcat.com/Tumor

Christy Kabler

Hydrogen Peroxide-Caution

2003-03-24 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Jane,
A large 20cc syringe does nicely and one should NEVER squirt down the dog's
throat, rather dispense the liquid into the cheek pocket and hold the jaws
shut, dog will swallow and it may be necessary to stroke the throat.
Hydrogen peroxide can burn the lining of the throat so it is preferable to
buffer it with milk in equal parts.

Rose T.


2003-03-24 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Kim,
Salt is not a good thing to give to induce vomitting because if the dog
doesn't respond, and they don't always, you have just loaded him on sodium.
Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with equal parts milk usually does the trick.

If a dog is gagging and trying to upchuck they do not need any inducement,
more likely something is stuck and damage could be done to the throat so a
vet visit is in order if the dog will not eat something and settle in a few

Rose T.

RE: Bloat

2003-03-24 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Ruth,

"When I feed
extruded kibble, I do soak it a few minutes before feeding.   I never feed
more than four cups of food to a Berner at one time."

Is this four cups soaked or presoaked. My bitches have two cups of
presoaked kibble twice a day, I never feed more than two and half in any
one meal. Perhaps with the baked Flint River the volume is not so

Rose T.

RE: Bloat

2003-03-24 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Carol,
I feed my dogs after they have been outside to toilet and then the majority
are rested for a minimum of one hour after feeding usually two, I have two
dogs who are first generation bloat dogs who are rested for an extended
time period. If I anticipate going out to a show or some other high
potential stress environment then I feed half rations. I always put warm
water to soak my kibble for ten minutes prior to feeding. I always keep in
mind that I want a calm environment for feeding and dogs are as relaxed as
they can be, given I have twelve Berners breakfast can be a challenge!

A key to good management is low volume, you may have to increase the
protein/fat of the adult dog kibble to maintain condition but this is
preferable to increasing the volume beyond half a cup over the normal daily

Rose T.

RE: normal 2 year old behavior?

2003-03-24 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Rachael,
If you are unsure about Ringo's lack of energy lately and your observation
that he appears a little fuller in the abdomen I would take him to your
vet's for an examination. Sometimes a heavy worm burden can make a dog
lethargic and appear potty in the abdomen so take a fecal sample with you
for analysis. He may well appear more lively going to the vet's but be sure
to keep a journal of your observations and relay to the vet that he is
unusually more lethargic, he may want to run a full blood panel and this is
not a bad idea when feeding a natural diet just to check that you're doing
things in the right way for his specific needs. This would also be a good
time to do his OFA xrays and assess his status in hips and elbows.

High bone content in a diet can make for a harder stool and constipation
and you may need to up his veggie fibre content to help with mobility:-)

Rose T.

RE: nice question--how to make your dog throw up!

2003-03-24 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Danielle,
Sounds like he was trying to throw up so doesn't need to have vomitting
induced. This is only done when the dog is not gagging and you know he just
ate a sock or some other prize! I would have your vet check his throat in
case he has a seed or piece of stick stuck, alternatively feed him
something like stodgy rice and see if he can swallow the obstruction down
into his stomach. If he is still gagging and not desiring to eat off to the
vet's you go:-)


re:raised diners

2003-03-24 Thread bernese
I have read quite a bit on the raised diners, also. My understanding was the
study was based on dogs with an inclination to bloating [family history,
etc] or had already bloated. So perhaps the conclusions were somewhat
skewed.who knows for sure.

We feed on raised diners.so far so good. Plus I notice less stress on
joints. Our dogs practically had to do the splits to get down low enough to
eat out of a regular bowl. Bacchus used to just give up and lay down to eat.

I guess it is a decision [like BARFing] that we each have to come to based
on our own research.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Re: BERNER-L digest 4336

2003-03-24 Thread JohnsH2O

May I please unsubscribe?

Thanks, my server has gone down twice & we can no longer receive anything non work 
related.  Thank you.  will rejoin when I have new address.
Charissa K. Johns

Fw: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread Susan Berlin

- Original Message -
From: "Susan Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Return of The Fun Survery!!

> Thanks for this, Catherine!
> > 1 --- Do you live in
> > a) city
> > b) suburbs
> > c) country
> > d) on Planet Berner
> in the country, on Planet Berner, Canada
> >
> > 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
> On my (our) bed, of course -- along with the two cats. Riley, my other
> (non-berner) dog sleeps on a mat on the floor. I keep encouraging him to
> join us, but one of the cats is quite vehement that he not do so.
> > 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
> Neither of my two berners has been much interested in toys. Her favourite
> 'toy' is my other dog, Riley, who outweighs her but loses all the
> matches.
> 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
> Her energy and smarts. Must be some tri-colour border collie snuck in
> somewhere.
> >
> > 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
> > Yes
> >
> only it's not new anymore. I live back of beyond, and the two dogs and I
> travel back and forth to the real world in a 1989 Mazda  pickup with an
> extended cab. They ride in the back seat, of course -- except when I get
> of the car for a few minutes and Djinn moves into the driver's seat and
> honks the horn. People are always amused at the big dog driving the
> >
> > 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
> > has won)
> > a) conformation
> > b) obedience trials
> > c) drafting trials
> > d) agility
> > e) therapy work
> > f) tracking
> > g) training classes
> > h) digging to China
> Therapy -- for me, that is. I'll be starting her in agility in the Fall, I
> hope; her vet describes her as  'very athletic' which means she moves fast
> and bounces a lot, and she LOVES training work.
> >
> > 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
> There I was knitting a lace vest in alpaca yarn. Ever knit lace? If you
> a stitch, you can't just rip out a row -- you have to go back stitch by
> stitch till you get to a row where the stitch pattern works out. Djinn --
> then about 4 months old -- came up behind my chair VERY quietly, grabbed
> knitting, and headed out the (open) door aiming at the woods behind the
> house. Fortunately, she dropped it just up the hill and I turned my
> attention to rescuing it, instead of having a heart-to-heart with her.
> However, if I weren't limited to ONE event, I could go on and onDjinn
> now a bit over two years old, and I've noticed recently that she's become
> lot more co-operative, but I wouldn't recognize her as my dog if she ever
> stopped having a mind of her own!
> Susan
> Salt Spring Island, BC
> With Djinn and Riley and the two cats

Re: BERNER-L digest 4336

2003-03-24 Thread OberonsAL

In a message dated 3/24/03 1:13:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Return of The Fun Survey!! >>

I am participating in the survey in memory of my forever love boy, Oberon  
(January 1993-January 2003). This is putting a very much needed smile on my 

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner

City AND country- While Ob was very happy with the activity of the city, 
every Friday evening we would pile into the car to go to the country for the 
weekend, 10 acres in the Catskill Mountains in the middle of nowhere. 
Definitely planet Berner!

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

He chose my bathroom as a wee pup. I think he liked the cool marble floor.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

H, this is a tough one, but I've got to say, more recently it was his 
kitties. Whenever he made an emergency biscuit run with my husband to Petco, 
he would come home with a new "meowing" kitty which HE selected from the 
shelf. He had about 10 of them. They were the only toy which he carried 
around on the streets of NYC. The most adorable sight to see. 

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

His big beautiful head-- Those "human" eyes with which he would ask his 
questions and ears which became like "airplane wings" whenever he got an 
answer. He was so darn smart that he even listened into my telephone 

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

First car-Isuzu Trooper- WAY too small!
Second car- Chevy Tahoe- Just right (of course the second row of seats were 
always folded down).

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

 A) Conformation, but never finished his championship cause he HATED the 
"reach-a-round", particularly when it came from a MALE judge.

H) Digging to China- He was my gardening buddy, and would dig on command 
wherever I asked him to dig. Now I wonder if this has anything to do with the 
fact that his dad's name was "Digger".

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

At around 1 year old he chewed a six inch hole in my husband's family 
heirloom Oriental carpet. Well, duh Our fault totally! Nonetheless, I 
thought both Ob and I were going to become wallets!

Ann Lee Fuller
NYC and Catskill Mountains

Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread BMDresQ
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2003-03-24 Thread Sarah Kelly

Thank you so much for asking!

Sarah and Zoe

Hi all,

I had so much fun recording the answers to my first
Fun Survey that I'm
doing another one. You can either copy the survey into
a new email and
record your answers or just send the answers. I'll be
recording data 
3 weeks and then I'll post my results.

Have fun!

1 --- Do you live in
a) city; Minneapolis, MN

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night? Bedroom rug

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy? lamb's wool
(synthetic)squeeky bone.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
the blank)She has an angel marking on her chest (2
brown wings, white halo and gown)

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

No, had an SUV already.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
g) training classes
h) digging to China

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
is. 3 monthes old, house broken except more than
occasionally she will let me know she does not like
being crated ;-p

Re: A special gift for our fundraiser....

2003-03-24 Thread gwebara
Ahhhthe $50 is in the mail - Susan

When it comes please place all the tickets in the Mother and Daughter
print please :)


On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 07:41:44 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> I have received a generous donation for our AKC CHF Fundraiser from 
> an 
> anonymous donor in memory of her Berner, "Aimee," who is at the 
> Rainbow 
> Bridge.   This Berner lover has donated ten Quill pens that have an 
> itty 
> bitty berner on the end.The next ten people who donate $50 or 
> more will 
> receive one of these terrific Berner pens as a "Thank You" for their 
> special donation.   Here is the website for our fundraiser:
> http://www.overthefence.com/raffle/histio/ 
> Please visit the site, and then make a donation of $50 or more 
> because you 
> will be helping us fight malignant histiocytosis, a terrible cancer 
> that 
> claims way too many of our beloved Berners at way too young an age.  
>  We 
> have less than two weeks left in this fundraiser and we need to 
> raise about 
> $4,000 to reach our goal.  We will not be able to achieve it if we 
> don't 
> have the support of many Berner people on this list.   We need 
> donations of 
> all amounts - even donations of $1 will get us to our goal.  Please 
> help!!
> Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
> Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

A special gift for our fundraiser....

2003-03-24 Thread wbneff+
I have received a generous donation for our AKC CHF Fundraiser from an 
anonymous donor in memory of her Berner, "Aimee," who is at the Rainbow 
Bridge.   This Berner lover has donated ten Quill pens that have an itty 
bitty berner on the end.The next ten people who donate $50 or more will 
receive one of these terrific Berner pens as a "Thank You" for their 
special donation.   Here is the website for our fundraiser:

Please visit the site, and then make a donation of $50 or more because you 
will be helping us fight malignant histiocytosis, a terrible cancer that 
claims way too many of our beloved Berners at way too young an age.   We 
have less than two weeks left in this fundraiser and we need to raise about 
$4,000 to reach our goal.  We will not be able to achieve it if we don't 
have the support of many Berner people on this list.   We need donations of 
all amounts - even donations of $1 will get us to our goal.  Please help!!

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: how to make your dog throw up

2003-03-24 Thread Mandy McLean
Pardon my ignorance but why would you want to prevent your dog from eating
peppers and tomatoes (I know about the onions)?

Lionheart's Clyde v Pioneer
Barc's Caledonian Princess

Re: Fun Survey

2003-03-24 Thread Radha Iyengar

1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner
***(B) but soon approaching (D) as we look for a new
place to house my growing addiction to berners

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
***This is a bit like where does an elephant sit? 
Anywhere he wants--right?  Well Smokey sleeps on the
floor, on a couch, sometimes nestled between us on the
queen sized bed (we need to get a king--that will be
part of the move!)

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Smokey loves, I mean loves, this stuffed squeaky
lamb thing.  He doesn't chew it (which he does with
all other toys) just hugs it and holds it.  If he
doesn't have it when he sleeps he is restless and
won't settle down until he gets it!  There is also an
old, chewed up football (american) which we used to
play with Smokey and now has a large hole where the
front should be when Smokey tried to strip my
boyfriends of the ball one afternoon.  Smokey still
chases it, and will only play with it if he sees it

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is 
his ability to give backtalk.  Yes, I am sure
there are others here who have a rambunction pup who
while he will obey commands has a mouthful when doing
it.  Also when not getting food, treats, or when not
being attended to.  Smokey has a large range of sounds
and I SWEAR he thinks he is speaking the same language
as me.  Sometimes he even waits for me to respond and
then interrupts with more!!!

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
In process...

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
(g) training classes
actually we are just starting obedience training in
may.  That should be fun (any advise or suggestions
from folks is welcome)

***(i) My own category--table surfing.  Now I don't
know what your dogs are like but when I say this I
mean my boy will get up on tables counters, etc. to
eat things and when I say get up, I mean all 4 feet,
and 117lbs of berner boy on top of whatever he is
after.  I believe that he learned this from the cat,
but with his long legs he sure can jump high! 

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
eaten my cellphone, and coffee table, and rug,
he went on a rampage but has been could recently (I
knock on wood to get some spliters from the chewed up
Still, he's a good boy (he smiles at me wondering what
dog I am writing about!)

Radha and Smokey
Princeton, NJ

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Re: Back to basics

2003-03-24 Thread Emma Goodall
A wonderful article, and one will stay with me as we choose our next pup in 
a few years. We wanted a Berner temperament - not what we got, though we 
are getting there with a lot of hard work - many months down the line. 
Having fallen in love with the breed we would maybe like to breed in the 
future, but have talked about the fact that it is show qualities which seem 
to count, and we as outsiders (at the moment) are  more interested in 
temperament and health. I know that you cannot show a dog who has a 
completely unsuitable temperament (just like our Tatty), however it appears 
from the uninitiated that looks are prioritized over temperament. When we 
got Tatty we were turned off by joint ownership - a concept totally alien 
to me, so would not buy from this source. I could not understand having to 
do something with a dog that was mine because the breeder wanted it when 
perhaps it would not be suitable for me. This may work for some people, but 
my attitude was if the breeder wants that then they are not the breeders 
for us. Perhaps we would have got an easier Berner out of it, who knows. 
Tatty is incredibly strong and healthy having survived her crisis at 3 
months. A more delicate puppy would not have survived. I can see why people 
buy from pet stores and not breeders (though I would not) as here the pet 
store guarantees health for 1 year, the breeder will take the puppy back 
only in the first 7 days if your vet says they are not healthy. The pet 
store also supplies the pedigree certs. We were saddened to see a 3 month 
old skinny berner in our local pet store he was so beautiful I am sure he 
will be sold but he did not look too healthy (very red eyes, skinny, poor 
posture). I did note what region he came from and there are no registered 
breeders in that area!
We will be selecting a possible brood bitch in a few years though careful 
research, visiting breeders, checking out health histories and interacting 
to view temperaments. Plus we will also look at each countries rules for 
breeding to see if one country facilitates breeding of lower quality dogs 
than others (so we can avoid that country). I find it interesting that some 
country allow dogs to have full registration and be bred even if hips and 
elbows are not good. I am sure some breeders will not want to sell to us 
(contacts etc). I only hope we can find what we are looking for, because 
after all this selecting we may choose not to breed once the puppy reaches 
maturity should this not be right for the dog or for us at that point. I 
wonder if we will find a breeder willing to sell a top quality pup to 
someone who may not breed and may or may not show except for confirmation, 
but will ensure a good and loving home either way. If not we will have to 
change our minds and just look for a companion puppy!
Emma and Tatty (hey mum, I'm not bad at all now stop keep telling people I 
was) in France