Re: Dreamweaver security vulnerability

2004-04-06 Thread Massimo Foti
 Hey there, I am just getting home looking over my emails and I saw this
 in one of my security bulletins, thought some of you might want to know 
 (doesn't look like a big deal)
It doesn't affect DW's ColdFusion server model at all.

Massimo Foti

Co-Author of Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic:
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Re: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum
I have been googling and playing with XUL for several hours and I am 
impressed with what it (you) can do.

XUL has been out there for a while --- guess I just missed it.

Here's a start (a little dated):

XUL is a framework for creatinga UI and writing application programs.

These programs can be launched and run from a local hard disk or from a 
web server (or both)

XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL runs

XUL provides a consistent UI and program execution

The above 2 points are similar to Flash advantages

A XUL program can read and write (with user permission) to the local 
file system.

A XUL program can (by itself) consume web services.

There are XULextensions that can directly interface a local SQL 
database (currently Postgres and MySQL)

There are XUL extensions that can execute local programs and scripts in 
C++, Python, Ruby and Perl, with PHP coming -- these are 
programs/scripts running on the local machine

So, I guess it is possible, today, to write a desktop application to 
meet the objectives of the originator of this thread:

You can easily write an XUL app that:

 1) Runs on the desktop

 2) Allows people to enter their email addresses (a simple form)

 3) Saves it (the data from each form submission) to a [local] text 
or XML file

 4) Uploads the file to web server and parsed into the database

In the near future, you should have the option of parsing the data with 
a local php program and storing the data in a local database -- this 
would allow data validation, check for duplicates, etc.

Actually, you can do this now using a combination of _javascript_ and XUL 
extensions.But, it will be easier with PHP.

What would really be nice if you could use CFMX as the local scripting 
language and db interface... yeah, that would really be nice...



  From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 2:58 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: SOT: desktop application

  I have a question about what the best practice would be for 
creating a
  desktop application.  I do websites for some different bands, and 
  all have an e-mail sign-up on their website.  Most of them also have
  some kind of a paper sign-up at concerts for people to sign up for 
  email list.  I was considering building an app that would run on a
  desktop to allow people at concerts to enter their email address and
  write it to a text or xml file that could then be uploaded to the
  webserver and parsed into the database.

  My question is what would be the best method to do this?  I was
  of doing the front end in Flash but I'm not sure how to write to a
  from there.  In theory, this app would need to work on a mac and a 
  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  John Burns

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Re: DWMX generated CF Login/Logout code

2004-04-06 Thread J M
Hi Dave,
Sorry about the wait. Here is the code generated by DWMX. I am starting to get a little down on CF. I can't decide if the bugs on 6.1 are worse for me than the ones in 6.0...

cfif IsDefined(URL.MM_logout) AND URL.MM_logout EQ 1
cflock scope=Session type=Exclusive timeout=30 throwontimeout=no
 cfset Session.MM_Username=
 cfset Session.MM_UserAuthorization=
cfset MM_logoutRedirectPage=main.cfm
cfif MM_logoutRedirectPage EQ 
 cfset MM_logoutRedirectPage=CGI.SCRIPT_NAME
cfset MM_logoutQuery=ListDeleteAt(CGI.QUERY_STRING,ListContainsNoCase(CGI.QUERY_STRING,MM_logout=,),)
cfif MM_logoutQuery NEQ 
 cfif Find(?,MM_logoutRedirectPage) EQ 0
cfset MM_logoutRedirectPage=MM_logoutRedirectPage  ?  MM_logoutQuery
cfset MM_logoutRedirectPage=MM_logoutRedirectPageMM_logoutQuery
cflocation url="" addtoken=no

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Re: MS SQL [ when to use the money datatype ]

2004-04-06 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Dan Farmer wrote:
 This may seem obvious but I have some fields that do represent money or 
 Should I use ( int, varchar or money ) what advantages does 'money' have 
 over 'int' ?

You should use numeric or decimal. Both are exact numeric types 
which allows you to specify the precision. The main reason not to 
use money is that it is not completely standardized, i.e. there 
is no money type in the JDBC spec. Also, depending on your 
requirements, using numeric and a separate column to store the 
currency is more flexible when working with multiple currencies.


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Re: MS SQL [ when to use the money datatype ]

2004-04-06 Thread Nick de Voil
 You should use numeric or decimal. Both are exact numeric types
 which allows you to specify the precision. The main reason not to
 use money is that it is not completely standardized, i.e. there
 is no money type in the JDBC spec. Also, depending on your
 requirements, using numeric and a separate column to store the
 currency is more flexible when working with multiple currencies.

Dan didn't say it was an issue for him, but it may also be worth pointing
out that not all currencies have two decimal places. In one multicurrency
(banking) system in the past I stored all money amounts as integers (number
of pennies) and scaled as appropriate. Painful though.

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Re: Script vs Tags (was Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest)

2004-04-06 Thread Howard Fore
If you can do everything you need in cfscript, it's much more readable 
IMHO. However the functionality gap between cfscript and cf tags 
negates this to some degreee. In my experience switching back and forth 
between tags and cfscript has yielded some very awkward code. I've 
almost completely stopped using cfscript altogether, simply because of 
the time I lose trying to maintain a logical block of code in one 
paradigm or the other. As always your mileage may vary, products may 
settle during shipping, and objects may be closer than they appear.


On Apr 5, 2004, at 8:40 PM, Philip Arnold wrote:

 There is the one advantage to CFSCRIPT over tags


 If you can read Script easier than reading tag based code, then use
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Re: MS SQL [ when to use the money datatype ]

2004-04-06 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Nick de Voil wrote:
 You should use numeric or decimal. Both are exact numeric types
 which allows you to specify the precision. The main reason not to
 use money is that it is not completely standardized, i.e. there
 is no money type in the JDBC spec. Also, depending on your
 requirements, using numeric and a separate column to store the
 currency is more flexible when working with multiple currencies.
 Dan didn't say it was an issue for him, but it may also be worth pointing
 out that not all currencies have two decimal places. In one multicurrency
 (banking) system in the past I stored all money amounts as integers (number
 of pennies) and scaled as appropriate. Painful though.

To be able to express the US deficit in Indonesian currency, and 
the value of an Indonesian rupiah in dollars, you will end up 
with something like NUMERIC(24,6). But then you can be reasonable 
certain that it will store everything you will ever need, and 
start worrying about the right places to round during 
calculations (which by itself was a 5 page document during the 
euro conversion).


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RE: Script vs Tags (was Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest)

2004-04-06 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
 If you can do everything you need in cfscript, it's much more readable
 IMHO. However the functionality gap between cfscript and cf tags
 negates this to some degreee. In my experience switching back and forth
 between tags and cfscript has yielded some very awkward code. I've
 almost completely stopped using cfscript altogether, simply because of
 the time I lose trying to maintain a logical block of code in one
 paradigm or the other. As always your mileage may vary, products may
 settle during shipping, and objects may be closer than they appear.

I've seen this as well; however in my foray into UDF's I have found that
there is a to build custom functions to mimic CF code by handing the
switch off to the UDF and then calling it from within a script block.

True, it might be considered reinventing the wheel but it also allows a
continuity of coding and takes advantage of the CFScript improvements.That
would be the theory, at least.I have not had a chance to put this to the


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Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
I have an app with a front end (the main site that users see) and a
backend (an admin app for updating articles, calendar events, etc).On
the front end, I want to use cached queries to make the performance
better.However, if I use cached queries and an admin user goes into
the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,
he won't see the new update automatically, right?How could I (in my
admin code) flush the cache for that particular query or set of

>From what I've gathered from previous posts on the list about caching
queries in CF, the cache depends on the exact sql syntax and the
application name...I think.Is that correct?Any tips on how to
optimize my queries for fast caching while also being able to update the
live site immediately with new info inserted through CF on the backend
would be extremely helpful!Thanks!

John Burns
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Re: Script vs Tags (was Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest)

2004-04-06 Thread Pete Ruckelshaus - CFList
I agree completely on the readability issue.In my application.cfm 
file, I try to use cfscript blocks as much as possible, mainly to keep 
code both compact and readable.I do the same thing on pages where I 
need to set more than one or two variables.cfscript blocks are also 
easier to find when color-coded by CF Studio.

Just my $.02, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, and never trust a 
bald barber.


Howard Fore wrote:
 If you can do everything you need in cfscript, it's much more readable
 IMHO. However the functionality gap between cfscript and cf tags
 negates this to some degreee. In my experience switching back and forth
 between tags and cfscript has yielded some very awkward code. I've
 almost completely stopped using cfscript altogether, simply because of
 the time I lose trying to maintain a logical block of code in one
 paradigm or the other. As always your mileage may vary, products may
 settle during shipping, and objects may be closer than they appear.
 On Apr 5, 2004, at 8:40 PM, Philip Arnold wrote:
 There is the one advantage to CFSCRIPT over tags


 If you can read Script easier than reading tag based code, then use

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UTC/TimeZone/Daylight Savings Time problem

2004-04-06 Thread Lofback, Chris
We are in the Eastern US Timezone (GMT-5).After the DST adjustment this weekend, some CF5 code that relies on UTC adjustments began failing, showing a one hour difference.We checked our servers (Win2K, Apache 1.3) and the time, date, time zone and DST checkboxes were all correct.We dumped the CF servers UTC settings using GetTimeZoneInfo(), however, and found that the offset was 4 hours instead of 5.We assume it should be 5, like the GMT adjustment.We checked another server that runs Win2K and IIS5 and found the same issue.Any idea what could cause this?Is this perhaps a known bug in CF5?If so, we didn't find anything on MM's site.

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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Qasim Rasheed
You can use cfobjectcache action = "" to clear all cached queries


-Original Message-
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cached Queries

I have an app with a front end (the main site that users see) and a
backend (an admin app for updating articles, calendar events, etc).On
the front end, I want to use cached queries to make the performance
better.However, if I use cached queries and an admin user goes into
the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,
he won't see the new update automatically, right?How could I (in my
admin code) flush the cache for that particular query or set of

>From what I've gathered from previous posts on the list about caching
queries in CF, the cache depends on the exact sql syntax and the
application name...I think.Is that correct?Any tips on how to
optimize my queries for fast caching while also being able to update the
live site immediately with new info inserted through CF on the backend
would be extremely helpful!Thanks!

John Burns 
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Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Nathan C. Smith

I have a page that takes a long time to process, I would like to update the
user, or at least hide the form that appears on the page, while the pages
are processing.

I think I need to use cfflush, but if anybody has any pointers on how to
accomplish this I would be very appreciative.

I'd the form to be submitted, then a page would come up that says processing
- don't touch that browserand then the results and a new form come up
on the page.If it could be more descriptive - like say 6 of 42 processed
that would be neat too.(processing occurs inside a loop)

I could really use a clue.



Nathan SmithMcKee, Voorhees  Sease, P.L.C.515.288.3667
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
Is there any way to clear just individual queries?Would the best
method for doing that be to execute the same query and give it a new
cachedwithin value of #CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0)# to kill the cache from
the backend and then when the frontend query is called again, it will
reset the cache?I'm just curious how CF differentiates cached queries.
If the front end has one application name and the backend has another,
does it handle the cached queries separate even though they're the exact
same query?


-Original Message-
From: Qasim Rasheed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:58 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cached Queries

You can use cfobjectcache action = "" to clear all cached queries


-Original Message-
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 9:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cached Queries

I have an app with a front end (the main site that users see) and a
backend (an admin app for updating articles, calendar events, etc).On
the front end, I want to use cached queries to make the performance
better.However, if I use cached queries and an admin user goes into
the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,
he won't see the new update automatically, right?How could I (in my
admin code) flush the cache for that particular query or set of

>From what I've gathered from previous posts on the list about caching
queries in CF, the cache depends on the exact sql syntax and the
application name...I think.Is that correct?Any tips on how to
optimize my queries for fast caching while also being able to update the
live site immediately with new info inserted through CF on the backend
would be extremely helpful!Thanks!

John Burns 
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
You can use cfobjectcache action = "" to clear all cached queries

I'm not sure that's what he's after. If you use the above, you blow away the 
entire cache, instead of just the query or queries that you want to refresh. 
You could store the query results in the Application scope (or some shared 
scope) and then refresh the key in the scope when necessary with the new 
results. Something like:

cfif I want to update my query
cfset structDelete(Application, myQuery, No) /

cfif NOT structKeyExists(Application, myQuery)
cfquery name=Application.myQuery datasource...

If you're using the Session scope for a personalized query, then just change 
Application to Session in the above code.

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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Carabetta
Is there any way to clear just individual queries?Would the best
method for doing that be to execute the same query and give it a new
cachedwithin value of #CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0)# to kill the cache from
the backend and then when the frontend query is called again, it will
reset the cache?I'm just curious how CF differentiates cached queries.
If the front end has one application name and the backend has another,
does it handle the cached queries separate even though they're the exact
same query?

While setting a createTimeSpan value of 0 will indeed work, the results 
won't take effect until the *next* page request, I think. In the above 
scenario, you'd be relying on somebody hitting that page again before 
showing the proper results (even if you just hit Refresh in your browser, 
you still have to load the page twice to achieve the desired result).

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RE: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Raymond Camden
 I think I need to use cfflush, but if anybody has any 
 pointers on how to accomplish this I would be very appreciative.

It is actually pretty simple. Just use cfflush. There is one thing to
worry about. In IE, the browser helps by not displaying content until it
gets enough content. Let's all pause for a minute to thank MS and it's
infinite wisdom. Anyway, sometimes you have to push IE to force it to
display something. So, I would use code like this:

Please stand by while we do the foo.
cfoutput#repeatString( ,250)#/cfoutput

The repeatString function just outputs a big block of white space that the
browser will display as _one_ space. Normally folks have HTML and other bits
already output so this hack isn't needed. 

Also, note that you can't use tags like cfcontent, cfcookie, cfheader, etc,
after using cfflush.
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Re: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum

I did exactly this on a site with news articles.You want to used 
cached after with on the Articles query the date-time stored as an 
application variable, e..g., Articles,CachedAfterDateTime,

When an admin updates an article reset the Articles,CachedAfterDateTime 
variable to now() -- forces the next query to re-cache.
Simple, but works well!



On Apr 6, 2004, at 6:52 AM, Burns, John D wrote:

 I have an app with a front end (the main site that users see) and a
backend (an admin app for updating articles, calendar events, 
 etc).  On
the front end, I want to use cached queries to make the performance
better.  However, if I use cached queries and an admin user goes into
the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,
he won't see the new update automatically, right?  How could I (in my
admin code) flush the cache for that particular query or set of

From what I've gathered from previous posts on the list about caching
queries in CF, the cache depends on the exact sql syntax and the
application name...I think.  Is that correct?  Any tips on how to
optimize my queries for fast caching while also being able to update 
live site immediately with new info inserted through CF on the backend
would be extremely helpful!  Thanks!

John Burns

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RE: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
You can use CFFLUSH, but that just writes the data to the page.You
can't really erase what you wrote to the page without using some form
of _javascript_ and hiding and showing divs.I've done this before with a
divPlease wait because this may take a minute/div

Then, at the bottom of your code that does all the outputting, put a
_javascript_ line to hide that div and it will appear that it's not there.

I also tried doing a status bar once, where I had an image and using
_javascript_, I updated the width of the image and the text displayed next
to it, but I updated it every 1 percent and that wrote a separate line
of _javascript_ to the page, so I was unnecessarily writing 100 lines of
_javascript_.Every 25% might be more feasible and still give you decent


-Original Message-
From: Nathan C. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:12 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Show status during long request


I have a page that takes a long time to process, I would like to update
the user, or at least hide the form that appears on the page, while the
pages are processing.

I think I need to use cfflush, but if anybody has any pointers on how to
accomplish this I would be very appreciative.

I'd the form to be submitted, then a page would come up that says
- don't touch that browserand then the results and a new form come
up on the page.If it could be more descriptive - like say 6 of 42
processed that would be neat too.(processing occurs inside a loop)

I could really use a clue.



Nathan SmithMcKee, Voorhees  Sease, P.L.C.515.288.3667
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RE: Script vs Tags (was Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest)

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 Just a note on this: the bug is basically that you never see 
 value of 1-9 - only 0, 10 or more than 10. (and I think it's 
 actually an OS problem on Windows, not a CF issue - can any 
 Linux/Unix user confirm the bug on their platform?)

According to the MM guy who explained this problem to me, the underlying
reason for this is that CF simply isn't capable of accurately dealing with
time increments smaller than 10 milliseconds. Of course, this was a while
ago - back in the CF 3 and 4 days - so things may have changed since then.

I've observed the same behavior on Solaris with CF 4 and 5, if I recall

 This is exactly the reason that you do may operations in a 
 loop when testing this stuff - you need to get things out of 
 that initial 10ms gray area. Basically any timings higher 
 than 10 ms are trustworthy since it's not the individual 
 operations being timed but the interval between the reports.

The problem with this approach is that it only tells you what will happen if
a single request repeats the operation within a loop. There have been
several cases I've observed in which this isn't reflected at all when the
test involves multiple requests repeating the operation in parallel.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Calvin Ward
It's also important to note that cfflush doesn't like to be within an opening and closing custom tag.

- Calvin
- Original Message - 
From: Raymond Camden 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:19 AM
Subject: RE: Show status during long request

 I think I need to use cfflush, but if anybody has any 
 pointers on how to accomplish this I would be very appreciative.

It is actually pretty simple. Just use cfflush. There is one thing to
worry about. In IE, the browser helps by not displaying content until it
gets enough content. Let's all pause for a minute to thank MS and it's
infinite wisdom. Anyway, sometimes you have to push IE to force it to
display something. So, I would use code like this:

Please stand by while we do the foo.
cfoutput#repeatString( ,250)#/cfoutput

The repeatString function just outputs a big block of white space that the
browser will display as _one_ space. Normally folks have HTML and other bits
already output so this hack isn't needed. 

Also, note that you can't use tags like cfcontent, cfcookie, cfheader, etc,
after using cfflush.
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RE: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Nathan C. Smith

OK, that worked really well to get a please stand by style message while

Is there a clean way to clear that message before displaying the results?

Thanks for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Show status during long request

 I think I need to use cfflush, but if anybody has any 
 pointers on how to accomplish this I would be very appreciative.

It is actually pretty simple. Just use cfflush. There is one thing to
worry about. In IE, the browser helps by not displaying content until it
gets enough content. Let's all pause for a minute to thank MS and it's
infinite wisdom. Anyway, sometimes you have to push IE to force it to
display something. So, I would use code like this:

Please stand by while we do the foo.
cfoutput#repeatString( ,250)#/cfoutput

The repeatString function just outputs a big block of white space that the
browser will display as _one_ space. Normally folks have HTML and other bits
already output so this hack isn't needed. 

Also, note that you can't use tags like cfcontent, cfcookie, cfheader, etc,
after using cfflush. 
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
Well, my thought was as follows:

People visit the front end and set the query into cache.
More people visit the front end and see cached query.
Admin user goes into backend and inserts a new record.
At the bottom of the code where I insert the new record, I do the select
query and set createTimeSpan value to 0.
Admin user goes to the front end and loads the page.

At the last step, will that not re-call the query and then cache it with
the correct timespan?

Will all of this work if my front end and back end are in 2 different
application names? (Application.cfm in each with a cfapplication
name=frontend for the front end and cfapplication name=backend
for the back end)Is there any way to clear caches outside in a
different application than you're currently in?


-Original Message-
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cached Queries

Is there any way to clear just individual queries?Would the best 
method for doing that be to execute the same query and give it a new 
cachedwithin value of #CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0)# to kill the cache from 
the backend and then when the frontend query is called again, it will 
reset the cache?I'm just curious how CF differentiates cached
If the front end has one application name and the backend has another, 
does it handle the cached queries separate even though they're the 
exact same query?

While setting a createTimeSpan value of 0 will indeed work, the results
won't take effect until the *next* page request, I think. In the above
scenario, you'd be relying on somebody hitting that page again before
showing the proper results (even if you just hit Refresh in your
browser, you still have to load the page twice to achieve the desired

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RE: CF 6.1 simultaneous requests - optimum guesstimate?

2004-04-06 Thread Earl, George
Barney said:
 ... We opted to leave it high, as the app 
 running on there does a fair amount of non-local stuff (DB 
 access, web service calls, etc), where there is significant 
 potential for requests to be waiting on external resources, 
 not processor time.

Andre said:
 ... Our app does a lot of 
 sitting around waiting for long db requests so I always 
 theorized that processes in this state werent using many 

So what are you both using for your timeout setting to allow for the long db

We increased our timeout to 210 seconds(!) to accommodate a set of reports
that each use 5 queries against Oracle. According to the CF debugger output
the 5 queries usually take about 180 seconds total and CF processing takes
only about 65ms. 

We have simultaneous requests set to 20. 

We are using CF5 Enterprise on Windows 2000 Advanced Server, a quad
processor (700MHz each) server, 4GB RAM. 

We almost never go over 20% CPU usage or .5GB of RAM usage . . . But I think
we have I/O issues as our WWW Publishing service keeps stopping on Monday
mornings (our busiest day) after we spike from our normal 40 concurrent
users to 140 - 270 concurrent users . . . I'm pretty sure the true number of
concurrent users isn't anywhere near 270 and that this is a symptom of an
underlying problem . . . the server gets between 3500 - 7700 requests an
hour on Monday mornings . . .

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RE: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Raymond Camden
There are tricks - see John D Burn's suggestions.
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Re: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 14:52 pm, Burns, John D wrote:
 the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,
 he won't see the new update automatically, right?How could I (in my

If you use cfqueryparam, you don't need to worry about caching your querys 
Oh, and it's more secure.
Oh, and quicker.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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RE: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Douglas.Knudsen
put the message in a DIV with an ID.Then just add an onLoad event to your body tag to remove the DIV from the DOM.


-Original Message-
From: Nathan C. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Show status during long request


OK, that worked really well to get a please stand by style message while

Is there a clean way to clear that message before displaying the results?

Thanks for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Show status during long request

 I think I need to use cfflush, but if anybody has any 
 pointers on how to accomplish this I would be very appreciative.

It is actually pretty simple. Just use cfflush. There is one thing to
worry about. In IE, the browser helps by not displaying content until it
gets enough content. Let's all pause for a minute to thank MS and it's
infinite wisdom. Anyway, sometimes you have to push IE to force it to
display something. So, I would use code like this:

Please stand by while we do the foo.
cfoutput#repeatString( ,250)#/cfoutput

The repeatString function just outputs a big block of white space that the
browser will display as _one_ space. Normally folks have HTML and other bits
already output so this hack isn't needed. 

Also, note that you can't use tags like cfcontent, cfcookie, cfheader, etc,
after using cfflush. 
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 While setting a createTimeSpan value of 0 will indeed work, 
 the results won't take effect until the *next* page request, 
 I think. In the above scenario, you'd be relying on somebody 
 hitting that page again before showing the proper results 
 (even if you just hit Refresh in your browser, you still have 
 to load the page twice to achieve the desired result).

No, I'm pretty sure that once you run the query with CACHEDWITHIN set to a
timespan of zero, that'll remove the previous cached query from the cache.
Someone will need to rerun the query against the database to recache it,

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 If you use cfqueryparam, you don't need to worry about 
 caching your querys yourself. Oh, and it's more secure.
 Oh, and quicker.

While I just love the CFQUERYPARAM tag to death, it's not a substitute for
in-memory recordset caching. It doesn't cache recordsets in memory, and
therefore isn't quicker when that recordset can be reused. Unfortunately,
you can't use CFQUERYPARAM in conjunction with CACHEDWITHIN/CACHEDAFTER, but
you can cache recordsets in Session/Application/Server scopes instead.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
cfqueryparam makes it so your query is cached automatically?These
are static queries written directly in CF with no CF variables being
passed in. For instance:

cfquery name=getArticles datasource=#dsn#
 select *
 from Articles

Or at the most, for a specific article with an ID passed through the URL

cfquery name=getArticle datasource=#dsn#
 select *
 from Articles
 where articleID = #articleID#

I can see using cfqueryparam in the second instance, but I don't see how
it helps in the first and I don't see how using it caches my queries or
improves performance.I looked at the CFDOCS and don't see any info
about it auto-caching when using cfqueryparam.Any insight would be


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Cached Queries

On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 14:52 pm, Burns, John D wrote:
 the backend and adds a new article, then goes and views the front end,

 he won't see the new update automatically, right?How could I (in my

If you use cfqueryparam, you don't need to worry about caching your
querys yourself.
Oh, and it's more secure.
Oh, and quicker.

Tom Chiverton
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Janine Jakim
On a phone number field I want to make sure that users haven't added ()-.
I figure the easiest way is to strip it off before entering it into the
How would I set that?
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 Is there any way to clear just individual queries?Would the 
 best method for doing that be to execute the same query and 
 give it a new cachedwithin value of #CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0)# 
 to kill the cache from the backend and then when the frontend 
 query is called again, it will reset the cache?

Yes, that works perfectly fine. In fact, if you want to avoid having the
frontend user wait for the database, you can flush the query as you
described above, then rerun it with the appropriate cache time again in your
backend page.

 I'm just curious how CF differentiates cached queries. If the 
 front end has one application name and the backend has another, 
 does it handle the cached queries separate even though they're 
 the exact same query?

CF compares the exact SQL statement sent to the database, and compares all
of the attribute values for CFQUERY except for CACHEDWITHIN/CACHEDAFTER. If
anything is different, CF will run the query against the database rather
than use the previously cached recordset.

In some versions of CF, the exact SQL statement even includes whitespace,
such as tabs, within the CFQUERY block.

CF doesn't use the application name, just the attributes described above.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: Next N with

2004-04-06 Thread Deanna Schneider
Well, since no one responded that they'd already made this into a UDF, and
since I advocate for the sharing of code, here's the code for a
google-like next-n interface, all wrapped up in a nice little UDF. You
need a few parameters for it, but otherwise, it's pretty well encapsulated.

It's designed so that you can pass in a href parameter that either does or
does not include the ? and some variables. (I'm using it along with a search
cfc that can handle a couple of different kinds of searches, so I needed to
add the searchterm and the type of search.)

It will show the page numbers of the results, showing 10 pages beyond the
current page (just like Google), along with previous and next buttons, if

I don't do a lot of cfscript, so it could maybe could be cleaned up. But, it
seems to be working:

function googleNextN(href,recordcount) {
// Set inital variables
var next = false;
var content = ;
var maxpages = ;

// Set the number of records to display on each page.
var >
// Determine the number of pages
var NumPages=Ceiling(RecordCount / OnEachPage);

// Set the pagenum to whatever is passed in, otherwise, set it to 1
if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 4) pageNum = arguments[4];
else pageNum=1;

// This is the maximum number of pages to start with. This will give you 9
pages beyond the current page.
maxpages = 9 + pagenum;

// if the number of pages that the recordcount would return is greater than
the max allowed, limit the pages
if (NumPages GT maxpages) numpages = maxpages;

// Set the default startrow to 1 if a value was not passed.
if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 3) startRow = arguments[3];
else StartRow=1;

//Check to see if the href contains a ? already. If not, add it
if (findnocase(href, ?) is 0) href = ""  ?;
else href = ""  ;

// Determine whether or not to show the previous or next links.

// Set the value of endrow to the maxrows + startrow - 1
 EndRow=StartRow + OnEachPage - 1;

// If the end row is greater than the recordcount, determine how many
records are left.
if (EndRow GTE RecordCount) EndRow=RecordCount;

// Otherwise, set Next to true and determine the next set of records.
else {
 if (EndRow + OnEachPage GT RecordCount) NextNum=RecordCount - EndRow;
else NextNum= OnEachPage;

NextStart=EndRow + 1;

// If StartRow is 1, set Previous to false.
if (StartRow IS 1) Previous=false;
else {
 PreviousStart=StartRow - OnEachPage;

// if Previous is true, display the previous link
if (Previous){
 content = 'a href=""  href  'StartRow='  PreviousStart  'PageNum=' 
DecrementValue(PageNum) ' Previous/a ';

// Loop through the links
for (i = 1; i lte numpages;i = i + 1){
 if (i IS pagenum) content = content i   ;
 else {
pagenumstart = (((i - 1) * onEachPage) + 1);
content = content  'a href=""  href  'StartRow=' PageNumStart 
'PageNum=' i '' i '/a ';
}//end of else
 }// End of loop

// If next is true, display the next link
if (Next) {
content = content  ' a href=""  href  'StartRow=' NextStart 
'PageNum='  IncrementValue(PageNum)  'Next /a';

return content;

}// end of fuction

EXAMPLE (this works with no query, just to show you how it should work).

 cfparam name=recordcount default=200
cfparam name=PageNum default=1
cfparam name=startrow default=1
cfparam name=searchterm default=water
cfparam name=type default=Google

#googleNextN(cgi.script_name, recordcount, startrow, pagenum)#
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Re: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Ray Champagne
Replace(my_string, '-','','ALL')

At 10:37 AM 4/6/2004, you wrote:
On a phone number field I want to make sure that users haven't added ()-.
I figure the easiest way is to strip it off before entering it into the
How would I set that?

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Re: Javascript Remoting (js web service accessing stuff)

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Thursday 01 Apr 2004 17:33 pm, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 This Thin Array contains very little non-data overhead and can be sent
 to the client, quickly with minimal bandwidth usage (and very few
 processing cycles to serialize/de-serialize at either end) .

Do you have any idea how much quicker than WDDX it is ?
ATM I have a data-driven tree control, that makes a call via pengoWorks hidden 
iframe method to ask the server for date to populate branches when they are 
opened. However, it can be quite slow.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Carabetta

No, I'm pretty sure that once you run the query with CACHEDWITHIN set to a
timespan of zero, that'll remove the previous cached query from the cache.
Someone will need to rerun the query against the database to recache it,

That was my point (however unclear it may have been!), if I'm reading your 
post correctly. When you change the cachedwithin value to 0, the query does 
not refresh itself on that specific call (because you've just changed the 
value and the query is still cached). It doesn't get run and re-cached until 
the *next* page request (which is usually when that query is called again, 
unless you run a cfhttp request to programatically call that page again or 
something similar).

Or did I misunderstand?

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RE: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
you would do some fancy regex, and im sure someone will chime in

however, ray forgot the ()'s to remove

you could kludge it like this...



-Original Message-
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Strip ()-

Replace(my_string, '-','','ALL')

At 10:37 AM 4/6/2004, you wrote:
On a phone number field I want to make sure that users haven't added ()-.
I figure the easiest way is to strip it off before entering it into the 
How would I set that?

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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 cfqueryparam makes it so your query is cached 

No, it doesn't.

 I can see using cfqueryparam in the second instance, but I 
 don't see how it helps in the first and I don't see how using 
 it caches my queries or improves performance.I looked at 
 the CFDOCS and don't see any info about it auto-caching when 
 using cfqueryparam.Any insight would be appreciated.

When you use CFQUERYPARAM, the database will generally cache query execution
plans, which can speed up future database queries using the same plan. It
doesn't have anything to do with caching recordsets in memory on your CF
server, though, and in fact you can't use CFQUERYPARAM with

For this reason, you might consider caching recordsets within persistent
memory variable scopes (Session/Application/Server) instead.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 15:49 pm, Tony Weeg wrote:
 you could kludge it like this...

rereplace would look much nicer:

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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RE: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
as I said :) someone will certainly come up with a fancier way...i just suck
@ regex! 

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Strip ()-

On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 15:49 pm, Tony Weeg wrote:
 you could kludge it like this...

rereplace would look much nicer:

Tom Chiverton
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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RE: Script vs Tags (was Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest)

2004-04-06 Thread Andre Turrettini
agreed. I'm praying that a major improvment in the next cf will be that all
(or as many as possible) tags and functions are available within cfscript.

-Original Message-
From: Howard Fore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 6:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Script vs Tags (was Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest)

If you can do everything you need in cfscript, it's much more readable 
IMHO. However the functionality gap between cfscript and cf tags 
negates this to some degreee. In my experience switching back and forth 
between tags and cfscript has yielded some very awkward code. I've 
almost completely stopped using cfscript altogether, simply because of 
the time I lose trying to maintain a logical block of code in one 
paradigm or the other. As always your mileage may vary, products may 
settle during shipping, and objects may be closer than they appear.


On Apr 5, 2004, at 8:40 PM, Philip Arnold wrote:

 There is the one advantage to CFSCRIPT over tags


 If you can read Script easier than reading tag based code, then use
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Re: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Charlie Griefer
instead of looking specifically for those 3 characters, you could just say
you want a numeric value (you likely don't want any %!#%! or alphas).


phone = rereplace(phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'all');

should work.

- Original Message - 
From: Janine Jakim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 7:37 AM
Subject: Strip ()-

 On a phone number field I want to make sure that users haven't added ()-.
 I figure the easiest way is to strip it off before entering it into the
 How would I set that?

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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
  No, I'm pretty sure that once you run the query with 
  CACHEDWITHIN set to a timespan of zero, that'll remove 
  the previous cached query from the cache. Someone will 
  need to rerun the query against the database to recache 
  it, though.
 That was my point (however unclear it may have been!), if I'm 
 reading your post correctly. When you change the cachedwithin 
 value to 0, the query does not refresh itself on that 
 specific call (because you've just changed the value and the 
 query is still cached). It doesn't get run and re-cached 
 until the *next* page request (which is usually when that 
 query is called again, unless you run a cfhttp request to 
 programatically call that page again or something similar).
 Or did I misunderstand?

I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you. Changing the CACHEDWITHIN value to
zero causes the previous recordset to be overwritten with a new one fetched
from the database, which is itself immediately discarded since it has a
cache time of zero. The net result is that the query is no longer cached.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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Re: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 16:00 pm, Dave Watts wrote:
 When you use CFQUERYPARAM, the database will generally cache query
 execution plans, which can speed up future database queries using the same

I'll typical get consistant ~3ms query times using cfqueryparam, compaired to 
much longer without.

Of course, caching into a persistant scope will get you a 0ms query time, but 
then you have to manage the cache (I really must write a generic memoiser 
CFC) yourself. And if you're worried about gaining 3ms/query I think you have 
too many queries on the page :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

2004-04-06 Thread Andre Turrettini
Can we switch it to monday?I dont think I'll have much time till the


-Original Message-
From: Kazmierczak, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 8:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

Contest is still open until Friday April 9th, at 12:00pm EST.You can
solve it any way you would like.Just understand you are looking for
the shortest path, not just any path.



From: Rizal Firmansyah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 10:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest

just curious... is this contest still open?

And are we allowed to play this in god's mode?
You know...
solve it by looking at the whole maze, instead of thinking like the
inside (which can only go U,D,L,R).
And then backtrack the solution to give the right direction (U,D,L,R)?


At 10:33 PM 4/5/2004, you wrote:
If anyone submitted their code to the CF coding contest we had a while
back ago in January would like to submit their code to me, I am in the
process of putting all of our code together so we can at least see how
each of us did it.Feel free to send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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Re: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 15:59 pm, Charlie Griefer wrote:
 phone = rereplace(phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'all');

Technicaly you should allow leading '+' for international numbers :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
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RE: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Andre Turrettini
potent stuff isnt it?Kinda makes you rethink application design and chucks
out the window the need to learn flash to make a ria.

-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 4:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: desktop application

I have been googling and playing with XUL for several hours and I am 
impressed with what it (you) can do.

XUL has been out there for a while --- guess I just missed it.

Here's a start (a little dated):

XUL is a framework for creatinga UI and writing application programs.

These programs can be launched and run from a local hard disk or from a 
web server (or both)

XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL runs

XUL provides a consistent UI and program execution

The above 2 points are similar to Flash advantages

A XUL program can read and write (with user permission) to the local 
file system.

A XUL program can (by itself) consume web services.

There are XULextensions that can directly interface a local SQL 
database (currently Postgres and MySQL)

There are XUL extensions that can execute local programs and scripts in 
C++, Python, Ruby and Perl, with PHP coming -- these are 
programs/scripts running on the local machine

So, I guess it is possible, today, to write a desktop application to 
meet the objectives of the originator of this thread:

You can easily write an XUL app that:

 1) Runs on the desktop

 2) Allows people to enter their email addresses (a simple form)

 3) Saves it (the data from each form submission) to a [local] text 
or XML file

 4) Uploads the file to web server and parsed into the database

In the near future, you should have the option of parsing the data with 
a local php program and storing the data in a local database -- this 
would allow data validation, check for duplicates, etc.

Actually, you can do this now using a combination of _javascript_ and XUL 
extensions.But, it will be easier with PHP.

What would really be nice if you could use CFMX as the local scripting 
language and db interface... yeah, that would really be nice...



From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 2:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: desktop application

I have a question about what the best practice would be for 
creating a
desktop application.I do websites for some different bands, and 
all have an e-mail sign-up on their website.Most of them also have
some kind of a paper sign-up at concerts for people to sign up for 
email list.I was considering building an app that would run on a
desktop to allow people at concerts to enter their email address and
write it to a text or xml file that could then be uploaded to the
webserver and parsed into the database.

My question is what would be the best method to do this?I was
of doing the front end in Flash but I'm not sure how to write to a
from there.In theory, this app would need to work on a mac and a 
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

John Burns

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Re: Javascript Remoting (js web service accessing stuff)

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum

It is very much quicker!

When I originally got the idea for the thin array it was for an 
application that had up to 5 selects related.

Rather than load them dynamically, as the user chooses, I preloaded the 
entire set of data with the initial page load,

The time to download the thin array and populate the supporting 
_javascript_ array was a small percentage of the time (unnoticeable) of 
the page load.

Then, when a user made a selection, it was a simple matter to 
repopulate the next related select box (I used dropdowns,, btw, just to 
save screen real estate.

I didn't do any timing, but consider this:

1) the thin array is much skinnier than the WDDX packet (13% overhead 
vs 200+% overhead)

2) the thin array can can populate the necessary js arrays with a 
single split command -- WDDX creates an array, then creates and 
populates each array element with a separate js statement.

To me it was the difference between the approach being usable or not -- 
wddx was not!

Try it, the thin array is just a concept that can be used anywhere you 
are exchanging data.I just designed it in a way that I could a single 
js split to create and populate the js arrays,



On Apr 6, 2004, at 7:46 AM, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

 On Thursday 01 Apr 2004 17:33 pm, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 This Thin Array contains very little non-data overhead and can be 
 to the client, quickly with minimal bandwidth usage (and very few
 processing cycles to serialize/de-serialize at either end) .

Do you have any idea how much quicker than WDDX it is ?
ATM I have a data-driven tree control, that makes a call via 
 pengoWorks hidden
iframe method to ask the server for date to populate branches when 
 they are
opened. However, it can be quite slow.

Tom Chiverton
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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Re: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Charlie Griefer
d'oH!true :)

ok...i'm only 3 minutes into Ben's 10 minute book g...and I can kind of
visualize the allow + as first char only...but it's eluding me.

btw, for anybody else who has been wrestling with learning regex (it's been
on my 'list' for years), I recently found this site (was posted thru one of
the blogs at fullasagoog)
really good site IMO.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: Strip ()-

 On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 15:59 pm, Charlie Griefer wrote:
  phone = rereplace(phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'all');

 Technicaly you should allow leading '+' for international numbers :-)

 Tom Chiverton
 Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

 Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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RE: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
You could just use a regex that replaced anything that wasn't a number.
The only tricky thing with this is when you get into international.If
it's local, you could just strip out all non-numeric characters and see
if the string length is 10 and if not, show an error to the user.Then
on output from the DB, you could use the first 3 numbers in () or
however you want to display it and put dashes in appropriately.It all
depends on what kind of numbers you want to allow.


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Strip ()-

you would do some fancy regex, and im sure someone will chime in

however, ray forgot the ()'s to remove

you could kludge it like this...



-Original Message-
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Strip ()-

Replace(my_string, '-','','ALL')

At 10:37 AM 4/6/2004, you wrote:
On a phone number field I want to make sure that users haven't added
I figure the easiest way is to strip it off before entering it into the

How would I set that?

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RE: Strip ()-

2004-04-06 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
ReplaceList(form.PhoneNum, (,),-, ,,)


 -Original Message-
 From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:38 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Strip ()-
 On a phone number field I want to make sure that users haven't added ()-.
 I figure the easiest way is to strip it off before entering it into the
 How would I set that?

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CFMAIL/Eudora/HTML mail

2004-04-06 Thread Bryan Stevenson
Hey All,

I'm sending some HTML formatted mail in CF MX 6.1 via CFMAIL and some folks
with Eudora for a mail client are finding that text of the e-mail displaying
overtop the graphics anda few other layout oddities.

I've heard the Eudora has issues with making links in to proper links (not
just plain text) unless there are  wrapped around them.but nothing
about this kind of layout flakiness.Anybody else bump into this? any



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

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CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Robert Orlini
I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't see. 

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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Re: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum
Yes, Andre -- and thanks to your prior response to this thread for 
suggesting XUL

On Apr 5, 2004, at 10:07 AM, Andre Turrettini wrote:

 Check out xul.  You can write an application in and write a delimited
  to the harddrive each time someone enters their email.  Its kind fo
 an xml
  _javascript_ approach to writing web apps.  Similar to the approach
 used by
  longhorn and breeze.  Its got a pretty sick grid bult in.  I dont
 think its
  much harder than using the hta and fso in ie and when the computer 
  eventually connected, just upload it to your cf or php
 server.  requires
  mozilla but that should be ok on a mac.

I don't yet understand all I know about it, but I like what I see.

It gives you much more control of the DOM than DHMTL ever did, and it 
works predictably.Coding XUL is different, but not much more 
difficult than HTML --- though a better tutorial would help.

Tags are XML so they are more verbose than HTML, but that should be 
offset by fewer, more powerful tags.

One thing I really like is that the developer has complete control of 
the entire page real estate.We are not limited to a fixed portion of 
the page for a Java Applet or Flash Movie (Though we can contain these 
and html too, if desired).

I guess that we as developers have another option for developing 
platform-independent RIAs and RIDs (Rich Interface Desktop 


On Apr 6, 2004, at 8:06 AM, Andre Turrettini wrote:

 potent stuff isnt it?  Kinda makes you rethink application design and 
out the window the need to learn flash to make a ria.

-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 4:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: desktop application

I have been googling and playing with XUL for several hours and I am
impressed with what it (you) can do.

XUL has been out there for a while --- guess I just missed it.

Here's a start (a little dated):

XUL is a framework for creating  a UI and writing application 

These programs can be launched and run from a local hard disk or from 
web server (or both)

XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL runs

XUL provides a consistent UI and program execution

The above 2 points are similar to Flash advantages

A XUL program can read and write (with user permission) to the local
file system.

A XUL program can (by itself) consume web services.

There are XUL  extensions that can directly interface a local SQL
database (currently Postgres and MySQL)

There are XUL extensions that can execute local programs and scripts 
C++, Python, Ruby and Perl, with PHP coming -- these are
programs/scripts running on the local machine

So, I guess it is possible, today, to write a desktop application to
meet the objectives of the originator of this thread:

You can easily write an XUL app that:

    1) Runs on the desktop

    2) Allows people to enter their email addresses (a simple form)

    3) Saves it (the data from each form submission) to a [local] text
or XML file

    4) Uploads the file to web server and parsed into the database

In the near future, you should have the option of parsing the data 
a local php program and storing the data in a local database -- this
would allow data validation, check for duplicates, etc.

Actually, you can do this now using a combination of _javascript_ and 
extensions.  But, it will be easier with PHP.

What would really be nice if you could use CFMX as the local scripting
language and db interface... yeah, that would really be nice...



From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 2:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: desktop application
I have a question about what the best practice would be for
creating a
desktop application.  I do websites for some different bands, and
all have an e-mail sign-up on their website.  Most of them also 
some kind of a paper sign-up at concerts for people to sign up 
email list.  I was considering building an app that would run on 
desktop to allow people at concerts to enter their email address 
write it to a text or xml file that could then be uploaded to the
webserver and parsed into the database.
My question is what would be the best method to do this?  I was
of doing the front end in Flash but I'm not sure how to write to 
from there.  In theory, this app would need to work on a mac and 
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
John Burns

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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
ur missing a 

 input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Hagan, Ryan Mr (Contractor ACI)
You're missing a right angel bracket after the double quotes.It should
CFIF trim(side_1_comments) NEQ value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif 

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

 input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Robert Orlini
Thank you Tony. I said.

Robert O.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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RE: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
  XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL 

 potent stuff isnt it?Kinda makes you rethink application 
 design and chucks out the window the need to learn flash to 
 make a ria.

Except for the fact that very few people use Mozilla. I use it, and like it,
but if I wanted to provide an application that everyone could use without
having to download and install a browser, I'd choose Flash.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Robert Orlini

When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
shite. :) 

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100 cfelse
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

forgot 's

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input


When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a
syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100 cfelse
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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Re: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Howard Fore
I'm not sure how far it's gotten, but there is the XRE: XUL Runtime 
Environment, so you can have standalone apps without bundling (or 
requiring) Mozilla.


On Apr 6, 2004, at 11:40 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

 Except for the fact that very few people use Mozilla. I use it, and 
 like it,
 but if I wanted to provide an application that everyone could use 
 having to download and install a browser, I'd choose Flash.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 When I try this I get this error:

 Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must 
 be a syntactically valid variable name 

When you use IsDefined, you specify a literal string as its argument to test
whether a variable by that name exists:

!--- testing for variable foo ---
cfif IsDefined(foo) ... /cfif

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Burns, John D
You don't have a closing tag on your first CFIF


-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info
in the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100
CFIF trim(side_1_comments) NEQ 

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I
can't see. 

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Tipton, Joshua
cfif isdefined(var_name)


From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input


When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a
syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.

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Re: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum
There y'go Dave, being logical  practical!

We do need to remember who lost the browser wars :)

There is a tradeoff, however.

Flash can do somethings (the smackdown at Fig Leaf comes to mind) that 
would be difficult with XUL.

But for the kinds of things I normally do, Flash is a little heavy, 
constraining and difficult to develop. (the latter somewhat mitigated 
by Flex)

So I, and my clients have the options:

1) Use your (non-Mozilla) browser of choice for the app and sacrifice 
performance and UI

2) Use Mozilla for this app and have a better overall user experience 
(maybe at less development cost).

I can just as easily include a Mozilla Dload bug in my app as I can a 
Flash plugin Bug -- so distro/install of Mozilla is not a problem.

I also have some local capabilities in XUL that are not available in 

It is possible, just possible, that the additional 
capabilities/performanceof the XUL implementation of the app would 
make the browser choice incidental (to run that app).

I also like the fact that I can develop and host XUL apps with CFMX, 
and at no additional software costs.XUL is free!

I like having the option!



On Apr 6, 2004, at 8:40 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

   XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL

 potent stuff isnt it?  Kinda makes you rethink application
 design and chucks out the window the need to learn flash to
 make a ria.

Except for the fact that very few people use Mozilla. I use it, and 
 like it,
but if I wanted to provide an application that everyone could use 
having to download and install a browser, I'd choose Flash.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444

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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
 I'll typical get consistant ~3ms query times using 
 cfqueryparam, compaired to much longer without.
 Of course, caching into a persistant scope will get 
 you a 0ms query time, but then you have to manage the 
 cache (I really must write a generic memoiser CFC) 
 yourself. And if you're worried about gaining 3ms/query
 I think you have too many queries on the page :-)

Unfortunately, even with consistent use of CFQUERYPARAM, many of us will
have longer query times than 3 milliseconds. An aggressive caching strategy
is often the best way to significantly increase runtime performance. In
those cases, you do have to manage the cache, but that's a small price to
pay for significantly better performance.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

2004-04-06 Thread Kazmierczak, Kevin
How about we switch it to Sunday at midnight, and I will do the final
judging on Monday.No more extensions ;)By the way, I just got a new
submission.We are up to three.



From: Andre Turrettini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:04 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

Can we switch it to monday?I dont think I'll have much time till the


-Original Message-
From: Kazmierczak, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 8:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

Contest is still open until Friday April 9th, at 12:00pm EST.You can
solve it any way you would like.Just understand you are looking for
the shortest path, not just any path.



From: Rizal Firmansyah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 10:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Coding Contest

just curious... is this contest still open?

And are we allowed to play this in god's mode?
You know...
solve it by looking at the whole maze, instead of thinking like the
inside (which can only go U,D,L,R).
And then backtrack the solution to give the right direction (U,D,L,R)?


At 10:33 PM 4/5/2004, you wrote:
If anyone submitted their code to the CF coding contest we had a while
back ago in January would like to submit their code to me, I am in the
process of putting all of our code together so we can at least see how
each of us did it.Feel free to send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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RE: ColdFusion Coding Contest

2004-04-06 Thread Tangorre, Michael
WOW, this contest is on fire!:-)

We are up to three.

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Re: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 17:09 pm, Dave Watts wrote:
 Unfortunately, even with consistent use of CFQUERYPARAM, many of us will
 have longer query times than 3 milliseconds. 

Really ?!?
This is on a very loaded desktop dev box, to a remote Oracle, that isn't on 
the best hardware either...

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
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Re: desktop application

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum
At the risk of being on both sides of an issue, it this case XUL vs 
Flash, here's an interesting quote:

The open source revolution has done nothing to change the fact that 
the best-designed, most-intuitive user interfaces are found in 
closed-source commercial software.

This comes form a commentary posted at:

While the post date is suspicious, the article raises several 
interesting points re freeware vs pay'n'play

It's worth the read!



On Apr 6, 2004, at 8:40 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

   XUL is platform independent -- anywhere Mozilla runs, XUL

 potent stuff isnt it?  Kinda makes you rethink application
 design and chucks out the window the need to learn flash to
 make a ria.

Except for the fact that very few people use Mozilla. I use it, and 
 like it,
but if I wanted to provide an application that everyone could use 
having to download and install a browser, I'd choose Flash.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444

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Re: Javascript Remoting (js web service accessing stuff)

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 16:10 pm, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 It is very much quicker!


In the chatdemo, what tells it to link the messages ThinArray _javascript_ 
object, to the query returned byrobject.getMessages (that I can see calls a 
web service) ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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CF 6.0 update to 6.1 problem

2004-04-06 Thread Tilley . Chris
I have a production server that we updated from CF 6.0 Enterprise to
CF6.1.I've successfully updated the server but now my datasources are
having problems with hanging up.I am using JDBC connections and have
fixed the JVM/Class Path setting for the path.I can verify the
datasources and then verify ok.I have a page that is only updating the
database and it never returns.I've applied the hot fixes that are on
Macromedia's web site and still no luck.

Has anyone else had similar problems?Any help would be greatly

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Re: CF 6.0 update to 6.1 problem

2004-04-06 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 18:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a production server that we updated from CF 6.0 Enterprise to
 CF6.1.I've successfully updated the server but now my datasources are

Have you deleted them, restarted CF, and then re-added them ?

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
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public networks.***
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RE: Show status during long request

2004-04-06 Thread Michael Wilson

This is what I use:


style type=text/css
#LoadingMessage {
 position: absolute;
 visibility: visible;
 height: 100%;
 width: 100%;
 top: 0px;
 left: 0px;
 background-color: #FF;

script language=_javascript_ type=text/_javascript_
function showMessage () {
if (document.layers) {
 document.LoadingMessage.display = 'none';
 document.Content.visibility = 'visible';
else if (document.all) { = 'none'; = 'visible';
else if (document.getElementById) {
 document.getElementById('LoadingMessage').style.display = 'none';
 document.getElementById('Content').style.visibility = 'visible';


body >

div id=LoadingMessage
Loading message



Best regards, 
Michael Wilson 

From: Nathan C. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:12 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Show status during long request


I have a page that takes a long time to process, I would like to update the
user, or at least hide the form that appears on the page, while the pages
are processing.
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Re: Javascript Remoting (js web service accessing stuff)

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum
Rob can answer this much better than I, but he is N/A.

So here goes

Keep in mind the chat is multi-threaded: where the messages are 
retrieved and refreshed in a background thread;while the user may be 
typing in a foreground thread.

// sets up a thin arrayobject named message
var messages = new ThinArray();

 // creates a DefaultHandler that specifies the messages object as 
the target of the (to be issued) ws request
 dh = new DefaultHandler(messages);

 // invokes the ws passing lastid and chatroom, naming the dh handler 
as the recipient

It is more straight forwardwith single-thread synchronous processing

the DefaultHandler function is defined in gateway.js

the ThinArray is defined in collections.js



On Apr 6, 2004, at 10:09 AM, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

 On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 16:10 pm, Dick Applebaum wrote:
 It is very much quicker!


In the chatdemo, what tells it to link the messages ThinArray 
object, to the query returned byrobject.getMessages (that I can see 
 calls a
web service) ?

Tom Chiverton
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
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Re: CF 6.0 update to 6.1 problem

2004-04-06 Thread Tilley . Chris

I can try to delete the datasources but wouldn't if the datasources were
the problem then the select that I do for login be affected also?I can
successfully login to the application without errors.It appears that
the server hangs only when an insert/update/delete statement is
processed.Any other ideas?

||Thomas Chiverton|
||04/06/2004 01:25 PM|
||Please respond to|
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Mark W. Breneman
I spend way too much time building forms, so I devised a better more
flexible way to work with inputs. (IMHO) :-)

This is function will look for a form value named Yellow, then a query
value named Yellow if it does not find either, it will be blank.This UDF
lends its self very well for adding required fields and add / edit admin

cfset variables.var= Yellow

input name=cfoutput#variables.var#/cfoutput type=text
value=cfoutput#smartvarText(variables.var)#/cfoutput size=35

All of the outputs are and the cfset out side of the input tag to keep Dream
weaver (users) happy.


function smartvarText(var1) {

if (IsDefined(form.#var1#))

{ return #form[var1]#;


else if(IsDefined(queryname '.' var1))

{ return Evaluate(queryname '.' var1);


return ;



cfparam name=queryname default=NULL type=string

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Tipton, Joshua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

cfif isdefined(var_name)


From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input


When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a
syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.


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RE: Cached Queries

2004-04-06 Thread Dave Watts
  Unfortunately, even with consistent use of CFQUERYPARAM, many 
  of us will have longer query times than 3 milliseconds.
 Really ?!?
 This is on a very loaded desktop dev box, to a remote Oracle, 
 that isn't on the best hardware either...

How many users are you serving from your desktop?

There are many reasons why queries may run slowly or quickly, of course.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
mark, im a bit interested however, im not following what ur saying...

can ya explain a bit more..?

-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

I spend way too much time building forms, so I devised a better more
flexible way to work with inputs. (IMHO) :-)

This is function will look for a form value named Yellow, then a query
value named Yellow if it does not find either, it will be blank.This UDF
lends its self very well for adding required fields and add / edit admin

cfset variables.var= Yellow

input name=cfoutput#variables.var#/cfoutput type=text
value=cfoutput#smartvarText(variables.var)#/cfoutput size=35

All of the outputs are and the cfset out side of the input tag to keep Dream
weaver (users) happy.


function smartvarText(var1) {

if (IsDefined(form.#var1#))

{ return #form[var1]#;


else if(IsDefined(queryname '.' var1))

{ return Evaluate(queryname '.' var1);


return ;



cfparam name=queryname default=NULL type=string

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Tipton, Joshua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

cfif isdefined(var_name)


From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input


When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a
syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100 cfelse
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFIF within input

I want to display text in a input box's value field if there is any info in
the database. The code I'm trying is:

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

But I get an error. It seems simple, but I must be missing something I can't

Any suggestion please? Thanks.

Robert O.


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maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
hey there.

is there a parameter of a textarea that enables what maxlength does for
input type elements?



tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.
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RE: maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Douglas.Knudsen

You can use _javascript_ though


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 2:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: maxlength for textarea

hey there.

is there a parameter of a textarea that enables what maxlength does for
input type elements?



tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.
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RE: maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Tangorre, Michael
No dice Tony...

This is a function I use to put a counter above each text area on some of
our internal apps..

function txtCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) {
	if (field.getValue().length  maxlimit)
		field.setValue(field.getValue().substring(0, maxlimit));
		cntfield.setValue(maxlimit - field.getValue().length);


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 2:46 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: maxlength for textarea
 hey there.
 is there a parameter of a textarea that enables what 
 maxlength does for input type elements?
 tony weeg
 senior web applications architect
 navtrak, inc.

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RE: maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
why thank you michael.

what do you do? put an onKeyUp or something like that?


-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 2:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: maxlength for textarea

No dice Tony...

This is a function I use to put a counter above each text area on some of
our internal apps..

function txtCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) {
	if (field.getValue().length  maxlimit)
		field.setValue(field.getValue().substring(0, maxlimit));
		cntfield.setValue(maxlimit - field.getValue().length); }


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 2:46 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: maxlength for textarea
 hey there.
 is there a parameter of a textarea that enables what maxlength does 
 for input type elements?
 tony weeg
 senior web applications architect
 navtrak, inc.

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Re: maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Scott Weikert
At 12:46 PM 4/6/2004, you wrote:
hey there.

is there a parameter of a textarea that enables what maxlength does for
input type elements?

When I need to do something like that, I just use a little JS function... 
stick it in onKeyUp on the field in question. I don't have the code handy, 
but essentially it says, if the length of the field is greater than 
(whatever value you set), set the field to the leftmost (value) characters. 
If people keep trying to type the last character they type keeps vanishing.
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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Mark W. Breneman
Ok, sureThe code I posted was one part of my system that I use for
building admin pages or order forms. I originally build this to speed up
building admin pages but found that I could use it for any form.

Forgive if I over simplify this. 

Let me start on defining the problem this solves.I build lots of admin
type pages and one thing that most admin pages do is to read data from a
database and allow you to edit the data. Then you also have the admin pages
that you use to add a new record to the database.Some times these add or
edit pages need to have required fields.So I all of my admin pages submit
the form data to themselves and do some processing to make sure that the
required fields are filled and if all required fields are filled it inserts
the data into the database.If the required fields are not filled in then
the page does not insert the data, and loads the form with a required
message next to the missing fields.

So what my UDF does is it looks for the value of the input, first in a form
var, then in a query var.If neither the form OR query contain a value for
the input box then it is just blank.Also, since the form submits to its
self then it will pull the value from the form and not the query after you
submit the page.

Does that help explain what this does?


function smartvarText(var1) {

if (IsDefined(form.#var1#))

{ return #form[var1]#;


else if(IsDefined(queryname '.' var1))

{ return Evaluate(queryname '.' var1);


return ;



cfparam name=queryname default=getrecord type=string

cfoutputa href="" var/a a
href="" var/a/cfoutputbr

cfif isdefined(url.q)


cfset getrecord = querynew('firstname')

cfset queryaddrow(getrecord)

cfset querysetcell(getrecord,'firstname','Bob',1)



cfif isdefined(url.f)


cfset form.firstname = 'Ed'



t method=post

First Name:

cfset variables.var= firstname 

input name=cfoutput#variables.var#/cfoutput type=text
value=cfoutput#smartvarText(variables.var)#/cfoutput size=35

input name=save type=submit value=Save


Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

mark, im a bit interested however, im not following what ur saying...

can ya explain a bit more..?

-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

I spend way too much time building forms, so I devised a better more
flexible way to work with inputs. (IMHO) :-)

This is function will look for a form value named Yellow, then a query
value named Yellow if it does not find either, it will be blank.This UDF
lends its self very well for adding required fields and add / edit admin

cfset variables.var= Yellow

input name=cfoutput#variables.var#/cfoutput type=text
value=cfoutput#smartvarText(variables.var)#/cfoutput size=35

All of the outputs are and the cfset out side of the input tag to keep Dream
weaver (users) happy.


function smartvarText(var1) {

if (IsDefined(form.#var1#))

{ return #form[var1]#;


else if(IsDefined(queryname '.' var1))

{ return Evaluate(queryname '.' var1);


return ;



cfparam name=queryname default=NULL type=string

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Tipton, Joshua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

cfif isdefined(var_name)


From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input


When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a
syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments
value=#trim(side_1_comments)# maxlength=100 cfelse
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100

just to double check, and its more read-able :)


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

ur missing a 

input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments maxlength=100 CFIF
trim(side_1_comments) NEQ  value=#trim(side_1_comments)#/cfif

try that.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Kenneth Wilson
If people keep trying to type the last character they type keeps

Just beware the wrath of that data entry person who types without
looking and didn't realize the length limit had been hit long before
they stopped typing:)

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Re: maxlength for textarea

2004-04-06 Thread Bryan Stevenson
If people keep trying to type the last character they type keeps

Just beware the wrath of that data entry person who types without
looking and didn't realize the length limit had been hit long before
they stopped typing:)

hehe...that's why my little function also shows the number of characters remaining just below the textarea ;-)

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP  Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder  Director
- Original Message - 
From: Kenneth Wilson 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:22 PM
Subject: RE: maxlength for textarea

If people keep trying to type the last character they type keeps

Just beware the wrath of that data entry person who types without
looking and didn't realize the length limit had been hit long before
they stopped typing:)

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RE: CFIF within input

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
makes sense.


just wondering...i toil in the CRUD (CreateReadUpdateDelete)admin building
realm more than id like to admit and im always looking for ways to make what
I do more dynamic.I can only cut/paste so many things before an individual
app and its form elements need some specifics...and the more dynamic I can
make it the better...

but anyway...


-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

Ok, sureThe code I posted was one part of my system that I use for
building admin pages or order forms. I originally build this to speed up
building admin pages but found that I could use it for any form.

Forgive if I over simplify this. 

Let me start on defining the problem this solves.I build lots of admin
type pages and one thing that most admin pages do is to read data from a
database and allow you to edit the data. Then you also have the admin pages
that you use to add a new record to the database.Some times these add or
edit pages need to have required fields.So I all of my admin pages submit
the form data to themselves and do some processing to make sure that the
required fields are filled and if all required fields are filled it inserts
the data into the database.If the required fields are not filled in then
the page does not insert the data, and loads the form with a required
message next to the missing fields.

So what my UDF does is it looks for the value of the input, first in a form
var, then in a query var.If neither the form OR query contain a value for
the input box then it is just blank.Also, since the form submits to its
self then it will pull the value from the form and not the query after you
submit the page.

Does that help explain what this does?


function smartvarText(var1) {

if (IsDefined(form.#var1#))

{ return #form[var1]#;


else if(IsDefined(queryname '.' var1))

{ return Evaluate(queryname '.' var1);


return ;



cfparam name=queryname default=getrecord type=string

cfoutputa href="" var/a a
href="" var/a/cfoutputbr

cfif isdefined(url.q)


cfset getrecord = querynew('firstname')

cfset queryaddrow(getrecord)

cfset querysetcell(getrecord,'firstname','Bob',1)



cfif isdefined(url.f)


cfset form.firstname = 'Ed'



t method=post

First Name:

cfset variables.var= firstname 

input name=cfoutput#variables.var#/cfoutput type=text
value=cfoutput#smartvarText(variables.var)#/cfoutput size=35

input name=save type=submit value=Save


Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

mark, im a bit interested however, im not following what ur saying...

can ya explain a bit more..?

-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 1:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

I spend way too much time building forms, so I devised a better more
flexible way to work with inputs. (IMHO) :-)

This is function will look for a form value named Yellow, then a query
value named Yellow if it does not find either, it will be blank.This UDF
lends its self very well for adding required fields and add / edit admin

cfset variables.var= Yellow

input name=cfoutput#variables.var#/cfoutput type=text
value=cfoutput#smartvarText(variables.var)#/cfoutput size=35

All of the outputs are and the cfset out side of the input tag to keep Dream
weaver (users) happy.


function smartvarText(var1) {

if (IsDefined(form.#var1#))

{ return #form[var1]#;


else if(IsDefined(queryname '.' var1))

{ return Evaluate(queryname '.' var1);


return ;



cfparam name=queryname default=NULL type=string

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media

-Original Message-
From: Tipton, Joshua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

cfif isdefined(var_name)


From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input


When I try this I get this error:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined which is now text must be a
syntactically valid variable name 


-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFIF within input

but at the same time...i would...

cfif isDefined(side_1_comments) and len(side_1_comments)
input type=text size=95 name=side_1_comments

SOT: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread brobborb
hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS SQL Server 2000

Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a table of 1 million rows?
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Page to Server Fax

2004-04-06 Thread Eric Hoffman
Does anyone have quick overview or insight, tag etc that would allow me to
send a page to a fax printer on the network...if I did some kind of
cfexecute on the server and point it to that fax...using some windows

Thanks for any guidance!


Eric J. Hoffman
Managing Partner
Datastream Connexion, LLC

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Re: SOT: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread Dick Applebaum
Hard to tell -- depends on the db structure. density, indexes defined 
and the query itself.

There are discussions of performance in any good SQL-Server book.

need more info


On Apr 6, 2004, at 12:38 PM, brobborb wrote:

 hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS SQL 
 Server 2000

Querying from a table of 500,000 rows  or querying from a table of 1 
 million rows?

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RE: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread Barney Boisvert
If you're WHERE clause uses an index, it should be log(2) times slower for
the actual row selection, but parsing the query, doing JOINs, packaging the
data, etc will all be the same, so the actual time difference will be less
than that.


 -Original Message-
 From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:38 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SOT: SQL Query
 hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS 
 SQL Server 2000
 Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a 
 table of 1 million rows?

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Geotrust Quick payments

2004-04-06 Thread Robert Everland III
Has anyone done a tag for Geotrust quick payments?
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RE: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread Barney Boisvert
Let me rephrase If you're WHERE clause uses an index to be If your WHERE
clause uses a single indexed field.


 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:53 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: SQL Query
 If you're WHERE clause uses an index, it should be log(2) 
 times slower for
 the actual row selection, but parsing the query, doing JOINs, 
 packaging the
 data, etc will all be the same, so the actual time difference 
 will be less
 than that.
  -Original Message-
  From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:38 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: SOT: SQL Query
  hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS 
  SQL Server 2000
  Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a 
  table of 1 million rows?

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RE: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread Paul Kenney
Depends on a lot of things...

1.	how many fields make up your search criteria?
2.	What is the datatype of those fields?
3.	Are those fields indexed, and if so are they being used?
4.	What indexes are being used by your query?
5.	What kinds of indexes are being used?
6.	Are those indexes optimized?
7.	What is the distribution of values within that index?
8.	Are you running the query with an implicit or explicit transaction?
9.	How many users are concurrently trying to access those rows (row lock
10.	What isolation level is your transaction using?
11.	I'm sure there is more...

When in doubt, just fill the table with more data and see for yourself.

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:38 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SOT: SQL Query

 hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS
 SQL Server 2000

 Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a
 table of 1 million rows?

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RE: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread Tony Weeg
if correctly indexed, none.

I have a table that is 1.57 millions rows, we index on an integer field, and
I can return to a cf page, a recordset with 100+ rows in milliseconds

its all about the indexing. 


-Original Message-
From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: SQL Query

hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS SQL Server

Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a table of 1 million
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CF Quit Working

2004-04-06 Thread Claremont, Timothy
CF 4.5 on XP Pro (IIS), test machine

Came back from vacation and CF pages no longer get served.

HTM pages serve correctly.

Can't open administrator, naturally.

I get the The Page Cannot Be Displayed error message.

Removal and reinstallation of CF changes nothing.

Any suggestions?
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Re: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread brobborb
Yes, indexing helps a wholebunch!But how does one practice indexing correctly?Which fields should be indexed?Right now, all the identity fields are indexed.Was wondering if there is aything else that should be index
- Original Message - 
From: Tony Weeg 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: SQL Query

if correctly indexed, none.

I have a table that is 1.57 millions rows, we index on an integer field, and
I can return to a cf page, a recordset with 100+ rows in milliseconds

its all about the indexing. 


-Original Message-
From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: SQL Query

hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS SQL Server

Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a table of 1 million
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Re: SQL Query

2004-04-06 Thread brobborb
How do you optimize an index?I tried dumping the old one and creating a new one.Something like that.

I will have to read more on the isolation levels.They are a bit confusing to me!
- Original Message - 
From: Paul Kenney 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: SQL Query

Depends on a lot of things...

1. how many fields make up your search criteria?
2. What is the datatype of those fields?
3. Are those fields indexed, and if so are they being used?
4. What indexes are being used by your query?
5. What kinds of indexes are being used?
6. Are those indexes optimized?
7. What is the distribution of values within that index?
8. Are you running the query with an implicit or explicit transaction?
9. How many users are concurrently trying to access those rows (row lock
10. What isolation level is your transaction using?
11. I'm sure there is more...

When in doubt, just fill the table with more data and see for yourself.

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 12:38 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SOT: SQL Query

 hey guys, what do u think the performance difference is in MS
 SQL Server 2000

 Querying from a table of 500,000 rowsor querying from a
 table of 1 million rows?

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