RE: Document Icons

2004-08-18 Thread Hugo Ahlenius
Perhaps jumping into this a little too late, but here is my set:
32x32 gifs, with transp (I think)

They are a little less windows-centric than some of the other sets.

Hugo Ahlenius

Hugo AhleniusE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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| -Original Message-
| From: Michael T. Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 17:22
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Document Icons
| Go get WinRar from rarlabs.
| It's a compression format... like zip.
| Mike
|  Thanks, got it, but what's a rar?Lesse,tar=tape
| archive, jar=java
|  archive, rar= ?what will open it?I've got a Mac.
|  Thanks!
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Re: keeping form data during server-side validation

2004-08-18 Thread Roberto Perez
At 06:36 AM 8/17/04, Barney Boisvert wrote:
The simplest approach is to use a CFPARAM for every form field at the
top of your form, and then use the VALUE attribute of the INPUT tag to
load the value.

Hi all,

I still can't get the desired results, so I'm posting some code so that 
someone can tell me what I'm missing. Basically I could have a form.cfm 
and an action.cfm page, or I could process both form and actions on the 
same page. I'm using the first option (2 separate pages), following one of 
the examples posted before:

- - - - Form page (registrationForm.cfm) - - - - - -

cfparam name=form.UserFirstName default=
cfparam name=form.UserLastName default=

form action="" method=POST 
name=registration_form id=registration_form
input name=UserFirstName type=text value=#form.UserFirstName# 
size=15 maxlength=25
input type=text name=UserLastName value=#form.UserLastName# 
size=15 maxlength=35
input type=text name=UserID maxlength=20 size=15
input type=submit name=register value=Submit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - Action page (registrationAction.cfm) - - - -

cfif NOT isDefined(form.register)
cfset back2registration=registrationForm.cfm?warning=  
URLEncodedFormat(Invalid information entered. Please complete this 
registration form)
cflocation url="">

cfif IsDefined(FORM.register)
cfquery name=checkUser datasource=dicUsers_dsn
SELECT user_tb.UserID FROM user_tb WHERE user_tb.UserID='#FORM.UserID#'

cfif checkUser.RecordCount GTE 1
cfset back2registration =registrationForm.cfm?message=  
URLEncodedFormat(Username already exists. Please choose a different one)
cflocation url=''
(create the username here before someone else takes it. Code not 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As it is now, when the visitor is sent back because the username already 
exists, the First Name and Last Name fields in the form are not 
self-populated with the previously entered information, and the visitor has 
to re-enter all of it (the real form has much more information to be 

So, what am I missing here?

Thanks in advance,

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Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Steven Brownlee
This is my last stab at this problem. No other message boards have been able to help me.

First, the code...


cffunction access=remote name=getNewPlaylist output=no returntype=query
cfargument name=clientID type=string required=yes

cfquery ... name=IMPlaylist
... removed for space saving...

cfif IMPlaylist.recordCount gt 0
	cfoutput query=IMPlaylist
		cfquery datasource=clp_dyn_signs dbtype=odbc username=... password=...
 .. Removed for space saving
	cfreturn IMPlaylist



Dim MyService As getPlaylist.getPlaylistService = New getPlaylist.getPlaylistService
Dim MyResult As getPlaylist.QueryBean

MyResult = MyService.getNewPlaylist(xmlParser.ClientID)
Catch ex As Exception
Me.txtHistory.Text += Error calling playListExists function (  ex.Message  ) + vbCrLf
Log.AppendLog(Error calling playListExists function (  ex.Message  ))
End Try

Now the getPlaylist.cfc works fine from the Flash Remoting application that was built for this client, but when trying to get the query into VB.NET, the following error is returned

org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is: 
	coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][]; nested exception is: 
	coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is: 
	coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][])

It does return a query (or QueryBean as XML sees it) and everything is types correctly in the .NET code.I also put in a test function that just returned some dummy text to see if I was able to properly invoke functions of a CFC web method and it worked fine.Just seems to be choking on sending back a query.

I know this is a convoluted question, so if anyone has had experience using CFC methods in .NET, I'd appreciate any help.

Steven Brownlee
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RE: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Craig Dudley
.NET just doesn't understand the return type, it probably could if you
wrote some sort of QueryBean handler but I'd try returning a more simple
data type, maybe you could encode the query into an xml packet and
return that? Or try and array?

-Original Message-
From: Steven Brownlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2004 10:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

This is my last stab at this problem. No other message boards have been
able to help me.

First, the code...


cffunction access=remote name=getNewPlaylist output=no
cfargument name=clientID type=string required=yes

cfquery ... name=IMPlaylist
... removed for space saving...

cfif IMPlaylist.recordCount gt 0
cfoutput query=IMPlaylist
cfquery datasource=clp_dyn_signs dbtype=odbc username=...
 .. Removed for space saving
cfreturn IMPlaylist



Dim MyService As getPlaylist.getPlaylistService = New
Dim MyResult As getPlaylist.QueryBean

MyResult = MyService.getNewPlaylist(xmlParser.ClientID)
Catch ex As Exception
Me.txtHistory.Text += Error calling playListExists function ( 
ex.Message  ) + vbCrLf
Log.AppendLog(Error calling playListExists function (  ex.Message
End Try

Now the getPlaylist.cfc works fine from the Flash Remoting application
that was built for this client, but when trying to get the query into
VB.NET, the following error is returned

org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is: 
[coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value
returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][]; nested
exception is: 
coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [org.apache.axis.AxisFault :
; nested exception is: 
[coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value
returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][])

It does return a query (or QueryBean as XML sees it) and everything is
types correctly in the .NET code.I also put in a test function that
just returned some dummy text to see if I was able to properly invoke
functions of a CFC web method and it worked fine.Just seems to be
choking on sending back a query.

I know this is a convoluted question, so if anyone has had experience
using CFC methods in .NET, I'd appreciate any help.

Steven Brownlee
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Re: Updating to CFMX 6.1

2004-08-18 Thread Greg Stewart
A little late maybe, but if you are running CFMX 6, then you could
always try using a car file (CF admin under: Archives and Deployment)
to backup and then re-store your settings once you have upgraded to


On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 06:51:19 -0700, vicky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It has been a long time since I ran the CFMX 6.1 update, and the last time I did it.. it was not very fun.Does anyone have any recommendations for the easiest/best way to do this?
 It was recommended that I remove CFMX and reinstall 6.1 from scratch.I backed up the entire directory and reinserted the neoquery.xml files, etc., but I think I still had to redo a bunch of my settings.Maybe I went about retaining my settings the wrong way.
 I'm looking at Macromedia's migration page, and I don't see anything really straight forward.Am I overlooking something?
 Thanks in advance.

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Re: Unix datasource for MS Access

2004-08-18 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 17 Aug 2004 17:57 pm, Burns, John D wrote:
 They want to be able to download the database, take it to a conference
 offline, manipulate the data some and then re-upload the database and
 have CF use the data.I know there are other worries then with people

You could use MySQL, and then the windows people access it through ODBC (in 
Access), then when they get back, just copy the db files back.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 17 Aug 2004 15:31 pm, Matt Liotta wrote:
 Compare this with an event gateway, which is still undefined, 

Speak for yourself.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
 Matt, don't you realize that the event gateway IS external Java
 invocation of CFCs?I remember you complaining about not being able
 to to this without really digging really deep and that it really
 wasn't recommened due to its fragile and tricky nature. Isn't nice
 that MM has provided a public, documented and fully supported API for
 interacting with CFMX via extenal Java code?
I don't believe the event gateway and Java invocation of CFCs is the same
thing. There should be an easy way to call CFCs from Java and my
understanding is that Blackstone will have it. The event gateway it seems
will be at a higher level constraining you to a framework Macromedia

 Sure, the event gateway is not the most wiz-bang feature in store, but
 decoupling CFMX from the HTTP protocol (not the browser) and making
 that lower level interaction simple and accessible is a very important
If you have Java invocation of CFCs then you don't have to be tied to the
HTTP protocol anyway. Again, the event gateway is not required for all the
use cases people keep mentioning.

 Think about this... don't like the way CFMX handles webservices?
 Thinks its buggy and a pain to use?Just don't want to use Axis
 because you have a better idea? Write your own event gateway for
 webservices and that utilizes some other SOAP engine.Want to
 implement SOAP via SMTP which CF doesn't really do?Write your own
Again, with Java invocation of CFCs you could do just that. What about the
event gateway makes it better?

 Come on Matt.Java's great, but why bother with it if you don't have
 to... especially if you can do it easier in CF?
Again, if the built-in event gateways don't do what you want you still need
to use Java to build them, so that isn't really an argument.

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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 03:53 PM 8/17/2004, Joe Rinehart wrote:
I think you left off my favorite:


I start every program with:


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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
 Blackstone will ship with a number of out-of-the-box gateways that
 connect to a number of protocols - meaning ColdFusion developers don't
 need to write them. That in itself is a win.
Agreed, but Macromedia could have supplied protocol handlers without
building an event gateway. Instead, they went and built a framework that
constrains what an event gateway is and can do. That could be a really good
thing or it could be a really bad thing. Time will tell, but so far
frameworks have always been done better in the community.

 Blackstone also provides an easy-to-use basic framework for such
 gateways to run inside, wired into the CF Admin. Ease of management is
 another win.

What is managed exactly? If it is anything like the web service management
you find now then no thanks.

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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Tony Weeg
is the underlying factor here some problem with how BD wont be able to
piggyback the event gateway or use it or steal it?

must be something like this, or else i dont think matt's panties would
be in a bunch like this...they only tend to get into this sorta snag
when something like this is happening...

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 08:24:06 -0400, Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Blackstone will ship with a number of out-of-the-box gateways that
  connect to a number of protocols - meaning ColdFusion developers don't
  need to write them. That in itself is a win.
 Agreed, but Macromedia could have supplied protocol handlers without
 building an event gateway. Instead, they went and built a framework that
 constrains what an event gateway is and can do. That could be a really good
 thing or it could be a really bad thing. Time will tell, but so far
 frameworks have always been done better in the community.
  Blackstone also provides an easy-to-use basic framework for such
  gateways to run inside, wired into the CF Admin. Ease of management is
  another win.
 What is managed exactly? If it is anything like the web service management
 you find now then no thanks.

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
I don't know what to do with you Tony. You keep posting comments with no
basis in facts that don't make much sense anyway. I'd really like to avoid
addressing them or falling prey to my desire to respond negatively. Is that
what you want? Is there some point to your comments?

For the rest of you reading this, I have no financial interest in the
success or failure of BlueDragon. Although, I would like to see them
succeed. I don't know whether New Atlanta will implement the event gateway.
I don't know whether they can. I certainly think they should implement it if
for no other reason then to be compatible with ColdFusion. We all want that

Personally, if I were to guess which functionality would be hard to
implement in BlueDragon I wouldn't guess something like the event gateway. I
would guess something that produces Flash on the fly.


 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Tony Weeg
 Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:46 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article
 is the underlying factor here some problem with how BD wont be able to
 piggyback the event gateway or use it or steal it?
 must be something like this, or else i dont think matt's panties would
 be in a bunch like this...they only tend to get into this sorta snag
 when something like this is happening...
 On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 08:24:06 -0400, Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Blackstone will ship with a number of out-of-the-box gateways that
   connect to a number of protocols - meaning ColdFusion developers don't
   need to write them. That in itself is a win.
  Agreed, but Macromedia could have supplied protocol handlers without
  building an event gateway. Instead, they went and built a framework that
  constrains what an event gateway is and can do. That could be a really
  thing or it could be a really bad thing. Time will tell, but so far
  frameworks have always been done better in the community.
   Blackstone also provides an easy-to-use basic framework for such
   gateways to run inside, wired into the CF Admin. Ease of management is
   another win.
  What is managed exactly? If it is anything like the web service
  you find now then no thanks.

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Re: wwokey hole was Re: cf tree menu

2004-08-18 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Monday 16 Aug 2004 16:38 pm, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
  Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
 I love that your office is in a place called Wookey Hole. :)

I've still not managed to come up with some sort of of Star Wars joke about 
it... :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
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Re: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Sung Woo
Hi Ryan,

Here are my results:


This is as of 9AM today.Seems like the values are good right now (all unde 15 minutes).Thanks for the script -- I'll run it again later at night and post the results.

- Sung

I think you have a situation where the sessions are staying active long
after the user logs off.Run that loop and let me know what you get
back.Your problem will probably be obvious then. 

Ryan Duckworth 
Macromedia ColdFusion Certified Professional
Uhlig Communications 
10983 Granada Lane 
Overland Park, KS 66211
(913) 754-4272
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Re: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Sung Woo
Ray, is there any way I could streamline the locks?This is in the application.cfm page, so it's being hit quite often, and I'd like it to be as efficient as possible.Thanks!

- Sung

Not that it helps much, but that is some pretty awful code. The locks
are too much and the code generating cfid seems quite wack.
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Re: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Adam Haskell
I've always contended that sending anything over a webservice other
than simple values is going to get you in trouble. Even in CF - CF
communications I think sending anything other than text is asking for
trouble. I recomend using one of the many functions on to
convert the complex objects to xml.

Antother option would be to generate a WDDX packet and return that but
you'll need something like
 to deal with WDDX in .Net I think.

Adam H

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:20:00 +0100, Craig Dudley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ..NET just doesn't understand the return type, it probably could if you
 wrote some sort of QueryBean handler but I'd try returning a more simple
 data type, maybe you could encode the query into an xml packet and
 return that? Or try and array?
 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Brownlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 18 August 2004 10:07
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET
 This is my last stab at this problem. No other message boards have been
 able to help me.
 First, the code...
 cffunction access=remote name=getNewPlaylist output=no
 cfargument name=clientID type=string required=yes
 cfquery ... name=IMPlaylist
  removed for space saving...
 cfif IMPlaylist.recordCount gt 0
 cfoutput query=IMPlaylist
 cfquery datasource=clp_dyn_signs dbtype=odbc username=...
 .. Removed for space saving
 cfreturn IMPlaylist
 Dim MyService As getPlaylist.getPlaylistService = New
 Dim MyResult As getPlaylist.QueryBean
MyResult = MyService.getNewPlaylist(xmlParser.ClientID)
 Catch ex As Exception
Me.txtHistory.Text += Error calling playListExists function ( 
 ex.Message  ) + vbCrLf
Log.AppendLog(Error calling playListExists function (  ex.Message
 End Try
 Now the getPlaylist.cfc works fine from the Flash Remoting application
 that was built for this client, but when trying to get the query into
 VB.NET, the following error is returned
 org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is:
 [coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value
 returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][]; nested
 exception is:
 coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [org.apache.axis.AxisFault :
 ; nested exception is:
 [coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value
 returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][])
 It does return a query (or QueryBean as XML sees it) and everything is
 types correctly in the .NET code.I also put in a test function that
 just returned some dummy text to see if I was able to properly invoke
 functions of a CFC web method and it worked fine.Just seems to be
 choking on sending back a query.
 I know this is a convoluted question, so if anyone has had experience
 using CFC methods in .NET, I'd appreciate any help.
 Steven Brownlee

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Micha Schopman
Personally, the moment BlueDragon came out I thought.. those guys actually give us what the community always wanted. BlueDragon just filled up that spot which has always been on the request list of many developers.

And also personally, I don't think I will ever use Flash forms, or auto-generated forms by ColdFusion, you always have to do a lot of work to let it fit into the application. The chances that I use the event gateway are way much higher, but as someone already said, it depends on the model and since we haven't seen any model or code it is hard to discuss about it or to form an opinion about it.
Personally, for me the selling points in Blackstone are the reporting features, the cfdocument tag, and the compiled deployment of files. If you are a basic ColdFusion user, flashy forms are nice, but for me, as I use and code in _javascript_ extensivily, Flash forms are unsufficient and cause to much overhead in the bigger picture.
I now this is a feature Macromedia has to push, because of the rich internet model strategy combined with Flex etc., but I am kinda resistant to those nich things which seem to cost me more time than they promise. Customer A; I don't like the blue spot Customer B; I miss this and this functionality .. .. I guess I ended up starting FlashMX, developing the missing parts, and still it doesn't react or isn't as fast as ordinary markup with _javascript_. :)

Micha Schopman 
Software Engineer 
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort 
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388 
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 Think about this... don't like the way CFMX handles
 Thinks its buggy and a pain to use?Just don't want to
 use Axis
 because you have a better idea? Write your own event
 gateway for
 webservices and that utilizes some other SOAP engine.
 Want to
 implement SOAP via SMTP which CF doesn't really do?
 Write your own

 Again, with Java invocation of CFCs you could do just
 that. What about the
 event gateway makes it better?

Like all things CF, it's more accessible to people who aren't Java

After all, a structure is just a Java object. So what makes CF
structures any better than using the underlying Java object (which is
also available to us)?

As to the cf-admin -- I haven't needed webservices for anything I've
worked on yet, but as a rule, I prefer things to not be in the
CF-Admin... If I could get DSN-less connections with CFMX, I'd be all
over it.

Frameworks designed better in the community: yes and no. Although I
haven't used cflogin yet, I'm not about to rewrite the application

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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Re: blackstone, what would be sweet

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 Hrm...for some reason I just connected scripts to SQL
 injection and
 HTML to insertion of, well, tags (including script).

 I was probably misunderstanding the context...but I think
 understood what I meant :).


Yea, I figured it out about half-way through composing my last reply.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Tony Weeg
you know what man, i dont want, wait a minute, 
YOU CANT DO ANYTHING WITH ME, you dont have that option, friend, sorry. 
now, mike d, he could throw him off the list, sure...

im not here to get into a pissing match with you matt, i just tend to
be the voice of
the soft spoken crowd. the crowd that is sick of your sentiments, sick
of your cynicism and just generally sick of your pessimistic

matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message, you are way
off the scales on the iq chart im sure, butyour delivery sucks. 
if your personality was half of what your intelligence was, man, im
sure you could be president.i hope this doesnt offend you, its not
intended to do so, this list isnt the forum for this, and i dont have
the time for it, but please, dont take offense, learn a lesson in
people skills, it will GET YOU VERY FAR!!


On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 15:10:32 +0200, Micha Schopman
 Personally, the moment BlueDragon came out I thought.. those guys actually give us what the community always wanted. BlueDragon just filled up that spot which has always been on the request list of many developers.
 And also personally, I don't think I will ever use Flash forms, or auto-generated forms by ColdFusion, you always have to do a lot of work to let it fit into the application. The chances that I use the event gateway are way much higher, but as someone already said, it depends on the model and since we haven't seen any model or code it is hard to discuss about it or to form an opinion about it.
 Personally, for me the selling points in Blackstone are the reporting features, the cfdocument tag, and the compiled deployment of files. If you are a basic ColdFusion user, flashy forms are nice, but for me, as I use and code in _javascript_ extensivily, Flash forms are unsufficient and cause to much overhead in the bigger picture.
 I now this is a feature Macromedia has to push, because of the rich internet model strategy combined with Flex etc., but I am kinda resistant to those nich things which seem to cost me more time than they promise. Customer A; I don't like the blue spot Customer B; I miss this and this functionality .. .. I guess I ended up starting FlashMX, developing the missing parts, and still it doesn't react or isn't as fast as ordinary markup with _javascript_. :)
 Micha Schopman
 Software Engineer
 Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort
 Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
 KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Tangorre, Michael
 matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message, 
 you are way off the scales on the iq chart im sure, 
 butyour delivery sucks. 
 if your personality was half of what your intelligence was, 
 man, im sure you could be president.i hope this doesnt 
 offend you, its not intended to do so, this list isnt the 
 forum for this, and i dont have the time for it, but please, 
 dont take offense, learn a lesson in people skills, it will 

And with that... Tony single handedly silenced the list.LOL
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RE: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Dave Watts
 This is my last stab at this problem. No other message boards have 
 been able to help me.

 cffunction access=remote name=getNewPlaylist output=no
 returntype=query ...

You won't be able to consume CF query objects from .NET, I don't think.
There's no SOAP-specific or XML Schema-specific definition of a query
object. You can use something else instead, though.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Tim Blair

 What happens is that at the end of the day (I run an intranet where
 are about 200 peak users), around midnight, it still shows 80 or so
 online!What do you think could be causing this?

Does the code you run to report on the user sessions run the code you
posted first?By this I mean does it run through and clear any old
sessions out before reporting how many are still there?

What the code you posted does (badly) is record a timestamp of when a
new session is started, for each user session (although the CFID is by
no means guaranteed to be unique), and then deleting any over 15
minutes.So every session will remain there for 15 minutes (or until
the first page call that runs the skimmer code after the 15 minute limit
has expired) and then be deleted.If the user is still using the
system, they will simply be added back in the next time they access a
page, with a new 15 minute count.

Therefore, at the end of the day, if there are no page calls made
between 5:30 and midnight, all sessions will still be held in memory,
because the skimmer hasn't been run.I would say that's why you're
still leeing lots of users on line at midnight.

I'd like to ask what you're actually attempting to do with this code.
If it's to see how many people are using the system within the last 15
minutes and how long they've been using the application for, then this
code certainly doesn't do that, or at most does a very bad job of it.
What you'll need to do is add *two* timestamps to each user -- one for
when they first accessed the system, and one when they last requested a
page.Your 15 minute check should then use the difference between
these values to determine whether the user has been inactive for 15

As for Ray's comment of but that is some pretty awful code I
completely agree.I've attempted to go through it somewhat below
code-block by code-block -- not changing any of the existing
functionality, but just cleaning it up -- with explanations of what I've
done and why.

 cflock timeout=15 scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE
cfif NOT isDefined(Application.UsersInfo)
cfset Application.UsersInfo = StructNew()

Since CFMX (I'm assuming you're using MX?), you don't have to worry
about locking shared scopes for reading only, so there's no need to lock
everything as you have done.Put another cfif around so you only lock
when absolutely necessary.Keeping the original cfif in there just
makes sure that should two requests happen fairly closely, that only one
initialises the new structure.

cfif NOT isDefined(Application.UsersInfo)
 cflock timeout=15 scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE
cfif NOT isDefined(Application.UsersInfo)
cfset Application.UsersInfo = StructNew()

 cflock name=#CreateUUID()# timeout=15 type=EXCLUSIVE
 cfset user_cfid = Evaluate(CFID)
 cfset user_time = Now()

This is a totally pointless lock.You're not writing to (or even
reading from) any shared scope.Additionally, you're using a randomly
generated lock ID so even if you were writing to a shared scope there's
nothing to stop two requests happening simultaneously, because they are
guaranteed to have different lock IDs!

Secondly, I'm not sure why you're using an evaluate() call where you
are, it doesn't do anything except add another function call.The
user's CFID is available anywhere and won't change so there's no need to
reference that as anything different.The user_time variable is only
actually used once, so why not just replace it with the now() call?In
effect, you don't need this section at all.

 cflock scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=15
cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application.UsersInfo, user_cfid)
cfset temp = StructInsert(Application.UsersInfo, user_cfid,

Again, as in the first section, there's no need to lock for a read, so
add another cfif statement around the outside of this section.
Replace the user_cfid with CFID and the user_time with now() as
described above.Finally, you don't have to assign the result of the
structinsert() call -- it just means another variable clogging up memory
during the page request:

cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application.UsersInfo, CFID)
 cflock scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=15
cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application.UsersInfo, CFID)
cfset StructInsert(Application.UsersInfo, CFID, now())

 cflock scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=15
cfloop collection=#Application.UsersInfo# item=itmUser
 Evaluate(DateDiff(n, StructFind(Application.UsersInfo, itmUser),
Now())) GT 15

cfset StructDelete(Application.UsersInfo, itmUser)

Now this is the sort of block where everyone's opinions will diverge
somewhat.Some will say lock outside the loop, other will say only lock
when deleting.Only locking when deleting will make the code cleaner,
but *may* leave you open to race conditions where two instances of the
script are running at the same time and try to read and delete from the

SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
This is giving me fits.In a membership listing, each member could have
many transactions (one to many relationship). I want to retrieve each member
ID, and their corresponding most recent (MAX) transactionID.The memberID
joins the two tables.

I've tried several ways without success. The statement below below returns
ALL the transaction records for any given individual member, not just the
most recent transactionID.What am I doing wrong?

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M
WHERE M.memberID =
	(SELECT MAX(T.transactionID) AS transactionID, T.paidThru,
	FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T 
	WHERE T.memberID = M.memberID) AND 
...more filters ...

GROUP BY M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate,

ORDER BY M.lastName
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Datasource info from CF5

2004-08-18 Thread Hays, Duncan
Still using CF5 here and in the CF admin page that lists our native
datasources I would also like to see the host string or server variable so
that we can know at a glance what db the DSN is connecting to. Does anyone
know the name of the query that is generating this list? Or some other way
to get this info?


Duncan Hays
Peace Corps
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 09:56 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
 matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message, 
 you are way off the scales on the iq chart im sure, 
 butyour delivery sucks. 
 if your personality was half of what your intelligence was, 
 man, im sure you could be president.i hope this doesnt 
 offend you, its not intended to do so, this list isnt the 
 forum for this, and i dont have the time for it, but please, 
 dont take offense, learn a lesson in people skills, it will 

And with that... Tony single handedly silenced the list.LOL


If the gateway doesn't support FuseBox 4.5 circuits and the FLiP process (not to mention .qry and .dsp files), then MACR should go with Mach-II listeners.

Mach-II is really the best choice to build the forthcoming remote Java -- CFC invocation event-based gateway, by far.

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Re: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 10:00 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
This is giving me fits.In a membership listing, each member could have
many transactions (one to many relationship). I want to retrieve each member
ID, and their corresponding most recent (MAX) transactionID.The memberID
joins the two tables.

I've tried several ways without success. The statement below below returns
ALL the transaction records for any given individual member, not just the
most recent transactionID.What am I doing wrong?

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M
WHERE M.memberID =

Looks like you're trying to join a MemberID on a TransactionID?

(SELECT MAX(T.transactionID) AS transactionID, T.paidThru,
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T 
WHERE T.memberID = M.memberID) AND 

...more filters ...

GROUP BY M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate,
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Charlie Griefer
I'm more silenced at the notion of Tony representing the soft spoken:)

(but while there is a short silence, I'm going to throw in a soft spoken 
request that this thread move to community?)

Alexander Sherwood wrote:

At 09:56 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message, 
you are way off the scales on the iq chart im sure, 
butyour delivery sucks. 
if your personality was half of what your intelligence was, 
man, im sure you could be president.i hope this doesnt 
offend you, its not intended to do so, this list isnt the 
forum for this, and i dont have the time for it, but please, 
dont take offense, learn a lesson in people skills, it will 


And with that... Tony single handedly silenced the list.LOL


If the gateway doesn't support FuseBox 4.5 circuits and the FLiP process (not to mention .qry and .dsp files), then MACR should go with Mach-II listeners.

Mach-II is really the best choice to build the forthcoming remote Java -- CFC invocation event-based gateway, by far.


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Re: One More Stupid Query Question

2004-08-18 Thread Damien McKenna
On Aug 17, 2004, at 11:42 PM, Les Mizzell wrote:
 SELECT * FROM news_pr
 Where Headline like '%#var1#%'
 or BodyText like '%#var2#%'
 or tagline like '%#var3#%'
 and pr_status='Active'
 and Year(pr_date) = #FORM.pubDATE#
 order by pr_date desc

Make sure you are cleaning those variables before you run the query, 
you don't want someone sticking in ';drop table users; in there.
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
Nothing endures but change. - Heraclitus
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Re: wwokey hole was Re: cf tree menu

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 On Monday 16 Aug 2004 16:38 pm, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
  Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
 I love that your office is in a place called Wookey
 Hole. :)

 I've still not managed to come up with some sort of of
 Star Wars joke about
 it... :-)

Oh come on, they had a Wookey (it's not spelled right, oh well) in the
cock-pit of the Millenium Falcon... didn't that qualify then as a
wookey hole? They need protection. Good thing the Falcon had shields.

Yes, they're attrocious, but they _are_ Star Wars jokes. :)

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
MemberID from the members table corresponds to the memberID in the
transaction table.So I must be writing the join wrong?


From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:02 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Query problem

At 10:00 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
This is giving me fits.In a membership listing, each member could have
many transactions (one to many relationship). I want to retrieve each
ID, and their corresponding most recent (MAX) transactionID.The memberID
joins the two tables.

I've tried several ways without success. The statement below below returns
ALL the transaction records for any given individual member, not just the
most recent transactionID.What am I doing wrong?

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M
WHERE M.memberID =

Looks like you're trying to join a MemberID on a TransactionID?

(SELECT MAX(T.transactionID) AS transactionID, T.paidThru,
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T 
WHERE T.memberID = M.memberID) AND 

...more filters ...

GROUP BY M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate,
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Re: One More Stupid Query Question

2004-08-18 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Les Mizzell wrote:
 SELECT * FROM news_pr
 Where Headline like '%#var1#%'
 or BodyText like '%#var2#%'
 or tagline like '%#var3#%'
 and pr_status='Active'
 and Year(pr_date) = #FORM.pubDATE#
 order by pr_date desc
 However, if I enter 1998 in the form, it's still returning results 
 from other years...
 So, what's wrong with this?

What happens if var2 is empty?

Also, please use cfqueryparam.

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Re: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Sung Woo
Hi Tim,

Thanks so much for the breakdown.I got the code from and didn't think to really analyze it.I'll make the changes you suggested and let you know if I run into anything.Thanks again!

- Sung


 What happens is that at the end of the day (I run an intranet where
 are about 200 peak users), around midnight, it still shows 80 or so
 online!What do you think could be causing this?

Does the code you run to report on the user sessions run the code you
posted first?By this I mean does it run through and clear any old
sessions out before reporting how many are still there?

What the code you posted does (badly) is record a timestamp of when a
new session is started, for each user session (although the CFID is by
no means guaranteed to be unique), and then deleting any over 15
minutes.So every session will remain there for 15 minutes (or until
the first page call that runs the skimmer code after the 15 minute limit
has expired) and then be deleted.If the user is still using the
system, they will simply be added back in the next time they access a
page, with a new 15 minute count.

Therefore, at the end of the day, if there are no page calls made
between 5:30 and midnight, all sessions will still be held in memory,
because the skimmer hasn't been run.I would say that's why you're
still leeing lots of users on line at midnight.

I'd like to ask what you're actually attempting to do with this code.
If it's to see how many people are using the system within the last 15
minutes and how long they've been using the application for, then this
code certainly doesn't do that, or at most does a very bad job of it.
What you'll need to do is add *two* timestamps to each user -- one for
when they first accessed the system, and one when they last requested a
page.Your 15 minute check should then use the difference between
these values to determine whether the user has been inactive for 15

As for Ray's comment of but that is some pretty awful code I
completely agree.I've attempted to go through it somewhat below
code-block by code-block -- not changing any of the existing
functionality, but just cleaning it up -- with explanations of what I've
done and why.

 cflock timeout=15 scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE
cfif NOT isDefined(Application.UsersInfo)
cfset Application.UsersInfo = StructNew()

Since CFMX (I'm assuming you're using MX?), you don't have to worry
about locking shared scopes for reading only, so there's no need to lock
everything as you have done.Put another cfif around so you only lock
when absolutely necessary.Keeping the original cfif in there just
makes sure that should two requests happen fairly closely, that only one
initialises the new structure.

cfif NOT isDefined(Application.UsersInfo)
 cflock timeout=15 scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE
cfif NOT isDefined(Application.UsersInfo)
cfset Application.UsersInfo = StructNew()

 cflock name=#CreateUUID()# timeout=15 type=EXCLUSIVE
 cfset user_cfid = Evaluate(CFID)
 cfset user_time = Now()

This is a totally pointless lock.You're not writing to (or even
reading from) any shared scope.Additionally, you're using a randomly
generated lock ID so even if you were writing to a shared scope there's
nothing to stop two requests happening simultaneously, because they are
guaranteed to have different lock IDs!

Secondly, I'm not sure why you're using an evaluate() call where you
are, it doesn't do anything except add another function call.The
user's CFID is available anywhere and won't change so there's no need to
reference that as anything different.The user_time variable is only
actually used once, so why not just replace it with the now() call?In
effect, you don't need this section at all.

 cflock scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=15
cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application.UsersInfo, user_cfid)
cfset temp = StructInsert(Application.UsersInfo, user_cfid,

Again, as in the first section, there's no need to lock for a read, so
add another cfif statement around the outside of this section.
Replace the user_cfid with CFID and the user_time with now() as
described above.Finally, you don't have to assign the result of the
structinsert() call -- it just means another variable clogging up memory
during the page request:

cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application.UsersInfo, CFID)
 cflock scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=15
cfif NOT StructKeyExists(Application.UsersInfo, CFID)
cfset StructInsert(Application.UsersInfo, CFID, now())

 cflock scope=APPLICATION type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=15
cfloop collection=#Application.UsersInfo# item=itmUser
 Evaluate(DateDiff(n, StructFind(Application.UsersInfo, itmUser),
Now())) GT 15

cfset StructDelete(Application.UsersInfo, itmUser)

Now this is the sort of block where everyone's opinions will diverge
somewhat.Some will say lock outside the loop, other will say only lock

Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Howie Hamlin
I'm trying to do a CFQuery from within a cfscript and it's not working.I'm using the latest CFMX 6.1 and I'm basing my code off of this article:

However, when I call my function I the following error:

Variable CFQUERY is undefined.

Any ideas?


Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. -
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RE: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Tangorre, Michael
Post the code.

 Any ideas?
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 If the gateway doesn't support FuseBox 4.5 circuits and
 the FLiP process (not to mention .qry and .dsp files),
 then MACR should go with Mach-II listeners.

 Mach-II is really the best choice to build the forthcoming
 remote Java -- CFC invocation event-based gateway, by

Ummm... no...

Macromedia should do nothing to support any framework whether it's FB,
Mach-II, the onTap framework or anything else. They should build
ColdFusion to support (gasp!) ColdFusion and let us figure out how to
translate that into something we can use in our independent

The best choice to build the forthcoming remote Java -- CFC
invocation event-based gateway by far is Java and CFC's.

I'm pretty sure Macromedia sees it this way as well.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Greg Stewart
Could you post your code? 

In the meantime, here is how I went about it:

I based it on the same example but opted for placing the query in a
CFC and invoking it using CreateObject();

Hope this helps a little

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:20:36 -0400, Howie Hamlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to do a CFQuery from within a cfscript and it's not working.I'm using the latest CFMX 6.1 and I'm basing my code off of this article:
 However, when I call my function I the following error:
 Variable CFQUERY is undefined.
 Any ideas?
 Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
 On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. -
 inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Award-winning, Intelligent Mail Server
 PrismAV - Virus scanning for ColdFusion applications
  Find out how iMS Stacks up to the competition:

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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Howie Hamlin
Here is the code (it's supposed to log to a table):


function CSLog(CustomerID,Category,SubCategory,I0,I1,I2,I3,I4,Description){
SQLString = Insert into Log (Category,SubCategory,I0,I1,I2,I3,I4,Description,When) Values 
catch(Any excpt)
WriteOutput(Exception: #excpt.Message#);


And, here is my test template:

cfinclude template=log.cfm
cfset dummy=CSLog(1,1,1,'I0','I1','I2','I3','I4','Description')



- Original Message - 
From: Tangorre, Michael 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: Query from within a cfscript

Post the code.

 Any ideas?
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RE: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Tim Blair
One thing:

 What you'll need to do is add *two* timestamps to each user -- one for
 when they first accessed the system, and one when they last requested
 page.Your 15 minute check should then use the difference between
 these values to determine whether the user has been inactive for 15

My apologies -- this will give you their total session time.To work
out if they've been inactive for more than 15 minutes you'll have to do
a time check comparing the last active timestamp and the current time
using now().


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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Howie Hamlin
Yes, this helps somewhat but I'd really like to get the whole thing wrapped up in one function call.All the code is supposed to do is write information to a logging table so it should really be simple.


- Original Message - 
From: Greg Stewart 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Query from within a cfscript

Could you post your code? 

In the meantime, here is how I went about it:

I based it on the same example but opted for placing the query in a
CFC and invoking it using CreateObject();

Hope this helps a little
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 18 Aug 2004 14:34 pm, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
 CF-Admin... If I could get DSN-less connections with CFMX, I'd be all
 over it.

Umm, you can, with the service factory java objects...

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Brian Kotek
What are you talking about? If you're being serious, this doesn't make
any sense at all. If you're joking, it's not funny.

- Original Message -
From: Alexander Sherwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:00:05 -0400
Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

At 09:56 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
 matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message, 
 you are way off the scales on the iq chart im sure, 
 butyour delivery sucks. 
 if your personality was half of what your intelligence was, 
 man, im sure you could be president.i hope this doesnt 
 offend you, its not intended to do so, this list isnt the 
 forum for this, and i dont have the time for it, but please, 
 dont take offense, learn a lesson in people skills, it will 

And with that... Tony single handedly silenced the list.LOL


If the gateway doesn't support FuseBox 4.5 circuits and the FLiP
process (not to mention .qry and .dsp files), then MACR should go with
Mach-II listeners.

Mach-II is really the best choice to build the forthcoming remote Java
-- CFC invocation event-based gateway, by far.

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RE: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Adrian Lynch
Have you got a function of your own called CFQuery()?


-Original Message-
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2004 15:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Query from within a cfscript

Here is the code (it's supposed to log to a table):


function CSLog(CustomerID,Category,SubCategory,I0,I1,I2,I3,I4,Description){
SQLString = Insert into Log
(Category,SubCategory,I0,I1,I2,I3,I4,Description,When) Values

catch(Any excpt)
WriteOutput(Exception: #excpt.Message#);


And, here is my test template:

cfinclude template=log.cfm
cfset dummy=CSLog(1,1,1,'I0','I1','I2','I3','I4','Description')



- Original Message -
From: Tangorre, Michael
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: Query from within a cfscript

Post the code.

 Any ideas?
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
 Like all things CF, it's more accessible to people who aren't Java
Writing an event gateway requires knowledge of Java therefore yours is not a
valid argument.

 After all, a structure is just a Java object. So what makes CF
 structures any better than using the underlying Java object (which is
 also available to us)?
You are using the underlying Java object.

 Frameworks designed better in the community: yes and no. Although I
 haven't used cflogin yet, I'm not about to rewrite the application
I bet more people are using their own authentication schemes than cflogin.

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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Howie Hamlin
No, I'm basing my code from this article:

The sample code in the article seems to call a CFQuery from within a CFSCRIPT block:

SQLString = Select * From LoginInfo where 
UserID='BobZ' and Password = 'Ads10';
DATASOURCE = CompanyInfo;
checkUser=CFQUERY(SQLString: SQLString,
if (checkUser.recordCount neq 0) {
 CFOUTPUT(Welcome Back,   checkUser.UserID);
} else {
 CFOUTPUT(Your UserName is Wrong.. try again!);
/CFSCRIPTThanks,Howie- Original Message - 
From: Adrian Lynch 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: Query from within a cfscript

Have you got a function of your own called CFQuery()?

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CF DB connections are timing out

2004-08-18 Thread Phill B
Some thing is causing CF to redline on DB connections. What would be
the best way to track the problem down?
Phillip B.
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RE: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Adrian Lynch
I didn't read the article, but it seems the dude has a cfquery function.
Sorry I deleted your original email but what error are you getting?


-Original Message-
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2004 15:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Query from within a cfscript

No, I'm basing my code from this article:

The sample code in the article seems to call a CFQuery from within a

SQLString = Select * From LoginInfo where
UserID='BobZ' and Password = 'Ads10';
DATASOURCE = CompanyInfo;
checkUser=CFQUERY(SQLString: SQLString,
if (checkUser.recordCount neq 0) {
 CFOUTPUT(Welcome Back,   checkUser.UserID);
} else {
 CFOUTPUT(Your UserName is Wrong.. try again!);
/CFSCRIPTThanks,Howie- Original Message -
From: Adrian Lynch
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: Query from within a cfscript

Have you got a function of your own called CFQuery()?

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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Doug White
I particularly like the feature in Blackstone of being able to incorporate PGP
encryption for better security of personal information collected on e-commerce
applications, but the document and reporting functionality is awesome as well.
Event management is probably a feature set that I would rarely use, but I guess
it does not hurt anything that it is available if wanted or needed.

As for BD, I think the perception is that MM is mainly targeting the high end
user, while the low end and middle is where most of us operate.For this area
BD fills a vacant spot.. It does have most of the functionality we use from day
to day, but it is not the end-all

Of course, we all realize that not all web sites are requiring rich media, flash
glitz, etc, and, in fact are much simpler in concept and layout.Of course, CSS
is being more widely used, and that alone helps a lot with load times, and site
appearance without having to copy and pase duplicate code all over the place.
CSS makes it easier to completely change the appearance of a site making it very
useful in development of multiople sites whose layout may be similar but still
have an individually desinged look and feel.

Many of the higher priority items which are so often overlooked is the ease of
use, user friendly navigation throughout the site.When every site you visit
have a different concept of navigation, use of popups, popunders, etc, seems to
turn a lot of visitors off and shortens both their visit time but their visit

I personally have much admiraton for the develoeprs who do the sites for music
and artistic sites, because just like with their live performances flashy and
glitzy is what it is all about.On the other hand, many web sites, just by
their nature can be actually harmed by the addition of complicated flash, and
weird navigation schemes, and even more admiration must be given tothe developer
who can tell the difference and use it in theor approach to marketing their

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- Original Message - 
From: Micha Schopman
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:10 AM
Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

Personally, the moment BlueDragon came out I thought.. those guys actually
give us what the community always wanted. BlueDragon just filled up that spot
which has always been on the request list of many developers.
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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 10:14 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
MemberID from the members table corresponds to the memberID in the
transaction table.So I must be writing the join wrong?

Seems that way. Post the whole query, just as you have it the code.

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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Greg Stewart
True but you still need to cerate a function called cfquery, here is
the code from the article:

cffunction name=CFQUERY access=public returntype=query
cfargument name=SQLString type=string required=yes
cfargument name=Datasource type=string required=yes
cfargument name=dbType type=string default=		
cfquery name=RecordSet datasource=#arguments.Datasource# 
 cfreturn RecordSet

You'll need to have that somewhere in your template or application.cfm


On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:43:01 -0400, Howie Hamlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, I'm basing my code from this article:
 The sample code in the article seems to call a CFQuery from within a CFSCRIPT block:
SQLString = Select * From LoginInfo where
UserID='BobZ' and Password = 'Ads10';
DATASOURCE = CompanyInfo;
checkUser=CFQUERY(SQLString: SQLString,
if (checkUser.recordCount neq 0) {
CFOUTPUT(Welcome Back,   checkUser.UserID);
} else {
CFOUTPUT(Your UserName is Wrong.. try again!);
 /CFSCRIPTThanks,Howie- Original Message -
From: Adrian Lynch
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: Query from within a cfscript
Have you got a function of your own called CFQuery()?

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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Howie Hamlin
I'm getting:

Variable CFQUERY is undefined. 


- Original Message - 
From: Adrian Lynch 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:54 AM
Subject: RE: Query from within a cfscript

I didn't read the article, but it seems the dude has a cfquery function.
Sorry I deleted your original email but what error are you getting?

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Re: Query from within a cfscript

2004-08-18 Thread Howie Hamlin
Well, paint me stupid.


- Original Message - 
From: Greg Stewart 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Query from within a cfscript

True but you still need to cerate a function called cfquery, here is
the code from the article:

cffunction name=CFQUERY access=public returntype=query
 cfargument name=SQLString type=string required=yes
 cfargument name=Datasource type=string required=yes
 cfargument name=dbType type=string default= 
 cfquery name=RecordSet datasource=#arguments.Datasource# 
cfreturn RecordSet

You'll need to have that somewhere in your template or application.cfm

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Gavin Brook
I've been following this thread and I wanted to share my thoughts...

I've been developing for many years now and I'm a firm believer in using the
right technology for the right job. Arguing about whether to use a
Macromedia supplied tag or to write something in Java is a personal choice.
If the Macromedia supplied tags will do the job and do it well, then that
maybe that's the best route. If more advanced functionality is needed then
then maybe Java, or other appropriate technology. Choosing the right
technology depends on a number of factors, including available resources,
money, time, skills,etc.

Macromedia, New Atlanta, etc are in business to make money. The best way to
do that is to sell products to as many people as possible. To do that these
products have to appeal to as many people as possible. I agree with Doug.
Macromedia, by building in higher level, easier to use features, they appeal
to more high-end users. It should also be bore in mind that one of the key
features of Blackstone is that there will be something for everyone. From
the advanced developer who's been using ColdFusion or Java for years, down
to the beginner who's just started writing applications. 

Personally I'm looking forward to trying Blackstone out. There's so many
things I'd like to try, and from the very brief details around I can think
of several uses for the features that have been mentioned. As to whether
they will fit in with my applications, that will be seen when the full
documentation or product is ready for testing.


-Original Message-
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2004 15:49
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

I particularly like the feature in Blackstone of being able to incorporate
encryption for better security of personal information collected on
applications, but the document and reporting functionality is awesome as
Event management is probably a feature set that I would rarely use, but I
it does not hurt anything that it is available if wanted or needed.

As for BD, I think the perception is that MM is mainly targeting the high
user, while the low end and middle is where most of us operate.For this
BD fills a vacant spot.. It does have most of the functionality we use from
to day, but it is not the end-all

Of course, we all realize that not all web sites are requiring rich media,
glitz, etc, and, in fact are much simpler in concept and layout.Of course,
is being more widely used, and that alone helps a lot with load times, and
appearance without having to copy and pase duplicate code all over the
CSS makes it easier to completely change the appearance of a site making it
useful in development of multiople sites whose layout may be similar but
have an individually desinged look and feel.

Many of the higher priority items which are so often overlooked is the ease
use, user friendly navigation throughout the site.When every site you
have a different concept of navigation, use of popups, popunders, etc, seems
turn a lot of visitors off and shortens both their visit time but their

I personally have much admiraton for the develoeprs who do the sites for
and artistic sites, because just like with their live performances flashy
glitzy is what it is all about.On the other hand, many web sites, just by
their nature can be actually harmed by the addition of complicated flash,
weird navigation schemes, and even more admiration must be given tothe
who can tell the difference and use it in theor approach to marketing their

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- Original Message - 
From: Micha Schopman
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:10 AM
Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

Personally, the moment BlueDragon came out I thought.. those guys
give us what the community always wanted. BlueDragon just filled up that
which has always been on the request list of many developers. 
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RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Vince Bonfanti
Hi Tony,

First, Matt Liotta does not represent nor speak for New Atlanta. If you have
a problem with New Atlanta or BlueDragon, you should contact me; if you have
a problem with Matt you should take it up with him and leave New Atlanta and
BlueDragon out of it.

Second, based on the information that's available publicly so far, there's
nothing to technically prevent us from implementing an event gateway in
BlueDragon, if we choose to do so. Indeed, we've already got a working
prototype of a CFMESSAGE tag that gives you access to JMS (on Java) and
Message Queuing (on .NET) that will likely be delivered in BlueDragon 6.2
later this year, well before the Blackstone release. (The CFMESSAGE tag is
something we were working on before we ever heard of the Blackstone event

Regarding the other new Blackstone features, we already have a working
prototype of the CFDOCUMENT tag--we're just waiting for the final
documentation to be published by Macromedia--and have a strategy in place to
support the new reporting features. From what we've seen so far,
implementing most of the Blackstone features in BlueDragon will be fairly
trivial (nothing at all on the scale of implementing CFCs or Web Services,
for example).

Now that we also have the BlueDragon infrastructure in place (on both Java
and .NET), adding new features can be done fairly rapidly.


Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

P.S. Thanks for your feedback on the installer issues you had with the
BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview release. Based on your comments, we've
fixed the issues with overwriting the .cfm extension mappings in IIS;
these fixes will be in the BD.NET public beta to be released in a few weeks.

P.P.S. I believe it was Picasso who said, All artists borrow, great artists

	From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:46 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article
	is the underlying factor here some problem with how BD wont be able
	piggyback the event gateway or use it or steal it?
	must be something like this, or else i dont think matt's panties
	be in a bunch like this...they only tend to get into this sorta snag
	when something like this is happening...
	On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 08:24:06 -0400, Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
	  Blackstone will ship with a number of out-of-the-box gateways
	  connect to a number of protocols - meaning ColdFusion developers
	  need to write them. That in itself is a win.
	 Agreed, but Macromedia could have supplied protocol handlers
	 building an event gateway. Instead, they went and built a
framework that
	 constrains what an event gateway is and can do. That could be a
really good
	 thing or it could be a really bad thing. Time will tell, but so
	 frameworks have always been done better in the community.
	  Blackstone also provides an easy-to-use basic framework for such
	  gateways to run inside, wired into the CF Admin. Ease of
management is
	  another win.
	 What is managed exactly? If it is anything like the web service
	 you find now then no thanks.
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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
OK, you asked for it :o)-- the select statement was my latest try at
retrieving just the highest numbered transaction ID and corresponding data
for each member.FYI - the filtering statements are only invoked after
someone does a new search from a form.The inital results, which is what I
am after, uses the cfcase value = all fields.The default URL.sortorder
is M.lastname and URL.sortDir is ASC.

Thanks for helping me with this.


cfquery name=qmemberList datasource=#REQUEST.dsnSQL#
username=#REQUEST.dsnUID# password=#REQUEST.dsnPWD#

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID 
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M 
WHERE M.memberID =
 (SELECT TOP 1 T.transactionID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate, T.memberID 
 FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T) AND 

!--- If the user provided a filter string,---
cfswitch _expression_=#SESSION.memberList.fieldSelect#
 cfcase value=All Fields
(M.firstName cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif 

 OR M.lastName cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=

 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=

 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=

 cfcase value=First Name
AND M.firstname cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif
 cfcase value=Last Name
AND M.lastname cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif
 cfcase value=Email address
AND cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif

 cfcase value=company
 AND cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif
 cfcase value=city
 AND cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif
 cfcase value=zip
 AND cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif


!--- Filter on Criteria C (member status) if provided (querySwitch
cfif SESSION.memberList.FilterC NEQ All
 AND '#SESSION.memberList.FilterC#' = M.memberLevelID


RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 11:05 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

This is good news, Vince.

Thank's for the update and keeping the greater CF community in mind.

Keep up the good work.

Alex Sherwood

Now that we also have the BlueDragon infrastructure in place (on both Java
and .NET), adding new features can be done fairly rapidly.


Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

P.S. Thanks for your feedback on the installer issues you had with the
BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview release. Based on your comments, we've
fixed the issues with overwriting the .cfm extension mappings in IIS;
these fixes will be in the BD.NET public beta to be released in a few weeks.

P.P.S. I believe it was Picasso who said, All artists borrow, great artists
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 10:36 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
What are you talking about? If you're being serious, this doesn't make
any sense at all. If you're joking, it's not funny.

I'm serious. I just ported the Mach-II framework to a nice, compact 12K executable for my Commodore-64. Now I can connect my 64 (and my old Commodore PET, soon) to my Pentium box via the gateway.

Decoupling CFMX from the jaws of HTTP has opended new doors for legacy integration. And FB4 makes this possible.


- Original Message -
From: Alexander Sherwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:00:05 -0400
Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

At 09:56 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
 matt, i respect your intelligence, i respect your message, 
 you are way off the scales on the iq chart im sure, 
 butyour delivery sucks. 
 if your personality was half of what your intelligence was, 
 man, im sure you could be president.i hope this doesnt 
 offend you, its not intended to do so, this list isnt the 
 forum for this, and i dont have the time for it, but please, 
 dont take offense, learn a lesson in people skills, it will 

And with that... Tony single handedly silenced the list.LOL


If the gateway doesn't support FuseBox 4.5 circuits and the FLiP
process (not to mention .qry and .dsp files), then MACR should go with
Mach-II listeners.

Mach-II is really the best choice to build the forthcoming remote Java
-- CFC invocation event-based gateway, by far.


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Re: Memory Issues

2004-08-18 Thread Peter Farrell
Christian, What's your max memory heap size?Is it over 1.8 GB?

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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 11:08 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
OK, you asked for it :o)-- the select statement was my latest try at
retrieving just the highest numbered transaction ID and corresponding data
for each member.FYI - the filtering statements are only invoked after
someone does a new search from a form.The inital results, which is what I
am after, uses the cfcase value = all fields.The default URL.sortorder
is M.lastname and URL.sortDir is ASC.

Thanks for helping me with this.

Can you post the actual, parsed SQL that is being executed against your DB?

This will be a little easier to troubleshoot with all of the variables and such filled in...


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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Benjamin S. Rogers
  Like all things CF, it's more accessible to people who aren't Java
 Writing an event gateway requires knowledge of Java therefore yours is not

 a valid argument.

Declaring that it's not a valid argument does not make it so. As many people
have already stated, there will be several built in gateways. ColdFusion
developers will be able to start using these from day one with no knowledge
of Java.

I've only had the past week or two to think of ways to utilize gateways. The
gateways that have already been announced sound like they will suffice for
the uses I've been able to come up with.

However, I'm sure that, as new possibilities occur to me, I may find I need
other gateways. At which point, I'm sure I'll be able to download or
purchase gateways from third parties. If all else fails, I can hire a Java
programmer to write the gateway and then program to it from within

None of these options require any knowledge of Java on my part. Granted, the
third option, hiring a Java programmer, doesn't offer ColdFusion developers
much more than what is capable today.

Nevertheless, the gateway architecture will provide a de facto standard for
integrating gateways with ColdFusion. I think that alone is a good thing
because it gives developers, writers and teachers something to focus on and
simplifies the language for discussing gateways and their use from within

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RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Adrian Lynch
Hey Vince, I don't suppose you have a list or a link to a bunch of BD
hosting companies?

I would have emailed you personally but I figured it would be cool for
everyone else to see your answer! :OD

Ade never spoken to Vince before in my life Lynch

-Original Message-
From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2004 16:15
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE:
Software Development Times Article)

At 11:05 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

This is good news, Vince.

Thank's for the update and keeping the greater CF community in mind.

Keep up the good work.

Alex Sherwood

Now that we also have the BlueDragon infrastructure in place (on both
and .NET), adding new features can be done fairly rapidly.


Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

P.S. Thanks for your feedback on the installer issues you had with the
BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview release. Based on your comments, we've
fixed the issues with overwriting the .cfm extension mappings in IIS;
these fixes will be in the BD.NET public beta to be released in a few

P.P.S. I believe it was Picasso who said, All artists borrow, great
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Re: Memory Issues

2004-08-18 Thread Peter Farrell
Check this out:

Are you running JRUN with Updater 3?
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RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Vince Bonfanti
Hi Adrian,

Glad you asked! Here's a list of BlueDragon-certified hosting providers:

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

	From: Adrian Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:43 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE:
Software Development Times Article)
	Hey Vince, I don't suppose you have a list or a link to a bunch of
	hosting companies?
	I would have emailed you personally but I figured it would be cool
	everyone else to see your answer! :OD
	Ade never spoken to Vince before in my life Lynch
	-Original Message-
	From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
	Sent: 18 August 2004 16:15
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE:
	Software Development Times Article)
	At 11:05 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
	This is good news, Vince.
	Thank's for the update and keeping the greater CF community in mind.
	Keep up the good work.
	Alex Sherwood
	Now that we also have the BlueDragon infrastructure in place (on
	and .NET), adding new features can be done fairly rapidly.
	Vince Bonfanti
	New Atlanta Communications, LLC
	P.S. Thanks for your feedback on the installer issues you had with
	BlueDragon.NET Technology Preview release. Based on your comments,
	fixed the issues with overwriting the .cfm extension mappings in
	these fixes will be in the BD.NET public beta to be released in a
	P.P.S. I believe it was Picasso who said, All artists borrow,
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Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Ray Champagne
Has anyone ever used/seen/have/etc a script that can read and parse IIS log 
files?I want to write a custom stats package for my company, but figured 
why reinvent the wheel - this script would be out there somewhere.I am 
pretty flexible, I just am lazy and don't want to write the code to 
parse.I will take the parsed files and convert to a DB table when I am 
done, I guess.

I tried the dev exchange and cflib, but found nothing that suits what i need.




Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc.

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 11:44 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:\

Quick question, Vince.

On the BD product page, a graphic neare the bottom asks How can I leverage Fusebox with BlueDragon?

Is this a teaser for some FB-specific tags in BD, or more geared towards showing how FB works within the standard CFML tag/function set?



Hi Adrian,

Glad you asked! Here's a list of BlueDragon-certified hosting providers:

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC
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Re: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Dick Applebaum
I have open-sourced a CFC that includesfunctions that convert a cf
query or cf array to/from a thinArray ( a special-format, delimited
list ).The thinArray can then be transmitted to/from a web service as
a single string within an XML (WDDX) packet.It has the additional
advantage of reducing bandwidth (XML tag overhead from about 256% to

You would need to write the equivalent functions on the net side in
whatever language you choose.But that should not be too difficult as
you could just re-implement thelogic in the CFC -- it is almost

Rob Rohan has implemented _javascript_ thinArray processing in his
Neuromancer package at:

The thinArray CFC (cfBAM.cfc) is part of the package.The
documentation is in comments at the start of the CFC.


On Aug 18, 2004, at 6:09 AM, Adam Haskell wrote:

 I've always contended that sending anything over a webservice other
than simple values is going to get you in trouble. Even in CF - CF
communications I think sending anything other than text is asking for
trouble. I recomend using one of the many functions on to
convert the complex objects to xml.

Antother option would be to generate a WDDX packet and return that but
you'll need something like 
to deal with WDDX in .Net I think.

Adam H

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:20:00 +0100, Craig Dudley
 ..NET just doesn't understand the return type, it probably could if
 wrote some sort of QueryBean handler but I'd try returning a more
 data type, maybe you could encode the query into an xml packet and
 return that? Or try and array?

 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Brownlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 18 August 2004 10:07
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

 This is my last stab at this problem. No other message boards have
 able to help me.

 First, the code...

 cffunction access=remote name=getNewPlaylist output=no
 cfargument name=clientID type=string required=yes

 cfquery ... name=IMPlaylist
  removed for space saving...

 cfif IMPlaylist.recordCount gt 0
 cfoutput query=IMPlaylist
 cfquery datasource=clp_dyn_signs dbtype=odbc username=...
   .. Removed for space saving
 cfreturn IMPlaylist


 Dim MyService As getPlaylist.getPlaylistService = New
 Dim MyResult As getPlaylist.QueryBean

   MyResult = MyService.getNewPlaylist(xmlParser.ClientID)
 Catch ex As Exception
   Me.txtHistory.Text += Error calling playListExists function ( 
 ex.Message  ) + vbCrLf
   Log.AppendLog(Error calling playListExists function ( 
 End Try

 Now the getPlaylist.cfc works fine from the Flash Remoting
 that was built for this client, but when trying to get the query
 VB.NET, the following error is returned
 org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is:
 [coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value
 returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][];
 exception is:
 [org.apache.axis.AxisFault :
 ; nested exception is:
 [coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$InvalidReturnTypeException : The value
 returned from function getNewPlaylist() is not of type query.][])

 It does return a query (or QueryBean as XML sees it) and everything
 types correctly in the .NET code.  I also put in a test function
 just returned some dummy text to see if I was able to properly
 functions of a CFC web method and it worked fine.  Just seems to be
 choking on sending back a query.

 I know this is a convoluted question, so if anyone has had
 using CFC methods in .NET, I'd appreciate any help.

 Steven Brownlee

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Re: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 11:57 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

Dick - I gotta ask: is Nueromancer a DD name?

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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
OK, a couple of things:
1) Below is the complete code for the query page.

2) Go to
There are two results screenshots:
Shot 1 = the results from this query
Shot 2 = a detail zoom for one of the members (this is included for
clarification), in this case, I'm getting duplicates, I only want to show
the most resent transactionID (eg, transaction date), not paid thru date.
The most recent transaction ID is the one with the paid thru as 7/31/2004,
not 12/31/2004.So, on Shot 1, the query results should show the paid
through for this individual as 7/31/2004, not 12/31/2004 as what is occuring



cfprocessingdirective pageencoding=utf-8
!--- If user is returning from adding, editing or deleting subscribers,
remove the cached query ---
cfif URL.kc EQ 1
 cfobjectcache action="">

cfset VARIABLES.todaysDate = #CreateODBCDate(Now())#
cfparam name=URL.process default=
cfparam name=SESSION.memberList.fieldSelect type=string default=All
cfparam name=SESSION.memberList.searchModifier type=string
cfparam name=SESSION.memberList.ffText type=string default=
cfparam name=SESSION.memberList.DateFrom type=string default=
cfparam name=SESSION.memberList.DateThru type=string default=
cfparam name=SESSION.memberList.filterC default=All!--- Member Status
cfparam name=URL.sortOrder type=string default=M.lastName
cfparam name=URL.sortDir type=string default=ASC

!--- If the user is submitting the search form, ---
!--- we'll make their submission be the criteria for rest of session ---
cfif IsDefined(FORM.fieldnames)!---ffText---
cfset SESSION.memberList.ffText = FORM.ffText
cfset SESSION.memberList.fieldSelect = FORM.fieldSelect
cfset SESSION.memberList.searchModifier = FORM.searchModifier
 cfset SESSION.memberList.DateFrom= FORM.DateFrom
 cfset SESSION.memberList.DateThru = FORM.DateThru
cfset SESSION.memberList.filterC = FORM.filterC
 cfset SESSION.memberList.sortOrder= URL.sortOrder
 cfset SESSION.memberList.sortDir= URL.sortDir

cfquery name=qmemberList datasource=#REQUEST.dsnSQL#
username=#REQUEST.dsnUID# password=#REQUEST.dsnPWD#

SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID 
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M 
WHERE M.memberID =
 (SELECT TOP 1 T.transactionID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate, T.memberID 
 FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T) AND 

!--- If the user provided a filter string,---
cfswitch _expression_=#SESSION.memberList.fieldSelect#
 cfcase value=All Fields
(M.firstName cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif 

 OR M.lastName cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=

 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=

 OR cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS containingLIKE
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=

 cfcase value=First Name
AND M.firstname cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning
withLIKE '#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%'
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS equal to=
'#SESSION.memberList.ffText#' /cfif
 cfcase value=Last Name
AND M.lastname cfif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS
containingLIKE '%#SESSION.memberList.ffText#%' 
cfelseif #SESSION.memberList.searchModifier# IS beginning

Re: keeping form data during server-side validation

2004-08-18 Thread Patricia Lee
I see a cflocation in your code for the action page.

When you cflocate back to the form page you lose your form variables. 
This is why they don't display for you.The cfparam, in this case, will
stop any errors, but it won't magically keep your values.

The easiest (but not only) way to do what you want is to have only one
page, with the form posting to itself.Pseudo-Code and additional
explanation follows.

*** pseudo code ***

cfparam name=errorMessage default=
cfif not structisempty(form)

... process action elements here ...

cfif user name already exists
 cfset message = Message


cfif len(trim(message)) GT 0
Display Message Here, Above the form
.. display form here...

*** END pseudo code ***

Then you could either follow previous advice and cfparam all your
formfields, or you could embed some conditional logic in your formfields

cfparam name=form.UserFirstName default=
input name=UserFirstName type=text
size=15 maxlength=25


input name=UserFirstName type=text
size=15 maxlength=25
cfif isdefined(form.userfirstname)

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
 Declaring that it's not a valid argument does not make it so. As many
 have already stated, there will be several built in gateways. ColdFusion
 developers will be able to start using these from day one with no
 of Java.
You are missing the context of the thread though. The original statement was
as follows.

 Think about this... don't like the way CFMX handles webservices? 
 Thinks its buggy and a pain to use?Just don't want to use Axis 
 because you have a better idea? Write your own event gateway for 
 webservices and that utilizes some other SOAP engine.Want to 
 implement SOAP via SMTP which CF doesn't really do?Write your own 

As you can see, the poster suggested that a new gateway could be written, so
yes it does indeed require knowledge of Java. Since this particular use can
is not made easier by CF and requires knowledge of Java then the argument
that CF makes it easier is not valid.

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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 12:05 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
OK, a couple of things:
1) Below is the complete code for the query page.

SorryI meant the actual SQL code that gets passed to the DB. CF will display the actual, parsed SQL code in the debugging output.

Could you post this?


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Re: keeping form data during server-side validation

2004-08-18 Thread Barney Boisvert
If you're CFLOCATIONing back to the form page, then you'll lose the
submitted values.To repopulate the form, you'll either have to
submit the form to itself, include the form in the action page (with
CFINCLUDE), or set the form data to some persistant scope (session or
client), and then read it out of the session scope into the form after

I'd recommend the middle option (including the form), becuase it
allows you to separate processing from the form itself, but doen't
make you deal with the extra persistant storage.


On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:59:38 -0400, Roberto Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 06:36 AM 8/17/04, Barney Boisvert wrote:
 The simplest approach is to use a CFPARAM for every form field at the
 top of your form, and then use the VALUE attribute of the INPUT tag to
 load the value.
 Hi all,
 I still can't get the desired results, so I'm posting some code so that
 someone can tell me what I'm missing. Basically I could have a form.cfm
 and an action.cfm page, or I could process both form and actions on the
 same page. I'm using the first option (2 separate pages), following one of
 the examples posted before:
 - - - - Form page (registrationForm.cfm) - - - - - -
 cfparam name=form.UserFirstName default=
 cfparam name=form.UserLastName default=
 form action="" method=POST
 name=registration_form id=registration_form
 input name=UserFirstName type=text value=#form.UserFirstName#
 size=15 maxlength=25
 input type=text name=UserLastName value=#form.UserLastName#
 size=15 maxlength=35
 input type=text name=UserID maxlength=20 size=15
 input type=submit name=register value=Submit
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 - - - - Action page (registrationAction.cfm) - - - -
 cfif NOT isDefined(form.register)
 cfset back2registration=registrationForm.cfm?warning= 
 URLEncodedFormat(Invalid information entered. Please complete this
 registration form)
 cflocation url="">
 cfif IsDefined(FORM.register)
cfquery name=checkUser datasource=dicUsers_dsn
SELECT user_tb.UserID FROM user_tb WHERE user_tb.UserID='#FORM.UserID#'
cfif checkUser.RecordCount GTE 1
cfset back2registration =registrationForm.cfm?message= 
 URLEncodedFormat(Username already exists. Please choose a different one)
cflocation url=''
(create the username here before someone else takes it. Code not
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 As it is now, when the visitor is sent back because the username already
 exists, the First Name and Last Name fields in the form are not
 self-populated with the previously entered information, and the visitor has
 to re-enter all of it (the real form has much more information to be
 So, what am I missing here?
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 On Wednesday 18 Aug 2004 14:34 pm, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
 CF-Admin... If I could get DSN-less connections with
 CFMX, I'd be all
 over it.

 Umm, you can, with the service factory java objects...

And use that for cfquery how? ... I know that I can connect to
datasources without using a DSN by hacking the Java, and I know that I
can create new DSN's on the fly using the serviceFactory -- neither of
those are what I want. I want to be able to connect to a database on
the fly to use cfquery against it without needing a dsn. Hell, the
2nd url in my sig is an article about accessing datasources through
the serviceFactory.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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Re: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Aug 18, 2004, at 8:05 AM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:

Second, based on the information that's available publicly so far, 
nothing to technically prevent us from implementing an event gateway 
BlueDragon, if we choose to do so. Indeed, we've already got a working
prototype of a CFMESSAGE tag that gives you access to JMS (on Java) 
Message Queuing (on .NET) that will likely be delivered in BlueDragon 
later this year, well before the Blackstone release. (The CFMESSAGE 
 tag is
something we were working on before we ever heard of the Blackstone 


I am interested in the fact that you are providing access to JMS with a 
CF tag as opposed to an event gateway.

When I first investigated the subject, based on Sean Corfields posts  
blog it occurred to me that a slick way to provide this access would be 
a cfmessage tag -- even used that name.Sean almost (but not 
totally) convinced me that a gateway was a better approach.

Intuitively, I think that a cfmessage tage would be easier for a 
developer to use/understand -- but if a JMS event gateway is procvided 
with Blackstone, that is probably a wash.

I am interested in hearing:

1) will the cfmessage tag implement all features of JMS senders
receivers (syncrhonous and asynchronous).
2) will cfmessage allow manipulation of messages without consuming them 
-- say, as an an admin function to change priorities, etc, or just 
examine messages in the system (a great debugging aid, too)
3) your thoughts on the tradeoffs of a cfmessage tag vs an event gateway


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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
Will this work ?

Error Executing Database Query.
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Incorrect syntax near the
keyword 'WHERE'.

The error occurred in
line 198
Called from C:\Inetpub\REIAColumbus\admin\members\main.cfm: line 29
Called from
line 198
Called from C:\Inetpub\REIAColumbus\admin\members\main.cfm: line 29

196 :AND T.transactionDate =
197 :/cfif
198 : /cfif
199 : 
200 : GROUP BY M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate,

SQL SELECT M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberID, M.memberLevelID FROM reiacolumbus_Members_List M
WHERE M.memberID = (SELECT TOP 1 T.transactionID, T.paidThru,
T.transactionDate, T.memberID FROM reiacolumbus_Members_TransactionLog T)
AND WHERE (M.firstName LIKE '%%' OR M.lastName LIKE '%%' OR LIKE
'%%' OR LIKE '%%' OR LIKE '%%' OR LIKE '%%' ) GROUP
BY M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, T.paidThru, T.transactionDate, T.memberID


From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Query problem

At 12:05 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
OK, a couple of things:
1) Below is the complete code for the query page.

SorryI meant the actual SQL code that gets passed to the DB. CF will
display the actual, parsed SQL code in the debugging output.

Could you post this?


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Re: Consuming CFC web methods in VB.NET

2004-08-18 Thread Dick Applebaum
It's Rob's creation -- so it prolly is.

When I first encountered it. i saw it as necromancer --a whole 'nother 
game :)


On Aug 18, 2004, at 9:00 AM, Alexander Sherwood wrote:

 At 11:57 AM 8/18/2004, you wrote:

Dick - I gotta ask: is Nueromancer a DD name?


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Re: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Damien McKenna
On Aug 18, 2004, at 11:05 AM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:
 Now that we also have the BlueDragon infrastructure in place (on 
 both Java
 and .NET), adding new features can be done fairly rapidly.

Let the good times roll!
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
Nothing endures but change. - Heraclitus
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RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Vince Bonfanti
Hi Dick,

Regarding your first two questions, details of the CFMESSAGE tag will be
announced when we release the BD 6.2 public beta (this is a fancy way of
saying, I don't know yet).

Regarding ...tradeoffs of a cfmessage tag vs an event gateway..., three

1. We started work on the CFMESSAGE tag before ever hearing of the event
gateway, so it's not as if we made a decision to do one instead of the

2. We really don't know all that much about the event gateway, since
Macromedia have released little if any technical details publicly; so it's a
bit difficult for me to comment on just yet.

3. Implementing a CFMESSAGE tag doesn't preclude implementing an event
gateway (and vice-versa). If after seeing details of the event gateway we
think it's something useful that people will want, then we'll implement it
in BD; if not, then we won't. That's mainly going to depend on whether you
(CFML developers in general, and BlueDragon customers in particular) tell us
the event gateway is something you need or want. While the general
descriptions we've heard of the event gateway sound pretty cool, it's not
clear to me that it's something most CFML developers will be able to make
use of effectively (certainly, my personal opinion is there are other more
compelling features in Blackstone). Our attitude right now is neutral--we'll
wait and see after it's delivered and respond appropriately.


	From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:34 PM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE:
Software Development Times Article)
	On Aug 18, 2004, at 8:05 AM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:
	Second, based on the information that's available publicly so
	nothing to technically prevent us from implementing an event
	BlueDragon, if we choose to do so. Indeed, we've already got a
	prototype of a CFMESSAGE tag that gives you access to JMS (on
	Message Queuing (on .NET) that will likely be delivered in
	later this year, well before the Blackstone release. (The
	 tag is
	something we were working on before we ever heard of the
	I am interested in the fact that you are providing access to JMS
with a 
	CF tag as opposed to an event gateway.
	When I first investigated the subject, based on Sean Corfields posts
	blog it occurred to me that a slick way to provide this access would
	a cfmessage tag -- even used that name.Sean almost (but not 
	totally) convinced me that a gateway was a better approach.
	Intuitively, I think that a cfmessage tage would be easier for a 
	developer to use/understand -- but if a JMS event gateway is
	with Blackstone, that is probably a wash.
	I am interested in hearing:
	1) will the cfmessage tag implement all features of JMS senders
	receivers (syncrhonous and asynchronous).
	2) will cfmessage allow manipulation of messages without consuming
	-- say, as an an admin function to change priorities, etc, or just 
	examine messages in the system (a great debugging aid, too)
	3) your thoughts on the tradeoffs of a cfmessage tag vs an event
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Re: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Marc Lowe
I left a lot of your query out but you should be able to look at this and see the biggest differences.

SELECT m.memberID, m.firstname, m.lastname,
 MAX(t.transactionID) as maxID
FROM members m
 INNER JOIN trans t ON t.memberID = m.memberID
GROUP BY m.memberID, m.firstname, m.lastname

Hope that helps,
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Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 18 Aug 2004 17:28 pm, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
 And use that for cfquery how? ... I know that I can connect to

Well, either write your own cf_query, or a cfquery object/UDF to behave like 
cfquery did back when CF support DSN-less nativly (4.5 ?)... all you are 
doing with hacking the java is what CF would have to do behind the scenes 

 2nd url in my sig is an article about accessing datasources through

I ignore urls in sigs, or ones longer than 4 lines.
Yes, I know about mine - 'company policy' :-(

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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SQL date/time issues...

2004-08-18 Thread Greg Morphis
This is irritating me.. it seems like it should work but isnt.

I have a query.. the base query 

SELECT TO_CHAR(t.startdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS starttime,
TO_CHAR(t.finishdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS finishtime, taskid, 
startdate, finishdate


07:00:00	18:00:00	309D2	8/6/2004 7:00:00 AM	8/10/2004 6:00:00 PM
09:00:00	14:00:00	30A98	8/1/2004 9:00:00 AM	8/5/2004 2:00:00 PM
09:00:00	12:30:00	30AB7	8/2/2004 9:00:00 AM	8/5/2004 12:30:00 PM
10:00:00	18:00:00	30BEB	8/9/2004 10:00:00 AM	8/10/2004 6:00:00 PM
07:00:00	08:00:00	6E61F	8/21/2004 7:00:00 AM	8/22/2004 8:00:00 AM

I shrunk the taskid field down to hopefully make it more legible..

What I'm trying to do is pass a date a time return rows that fall
within that date/time.. it HAS to check the date and time seperately..

So tacking on the date part... no problem

SELECT TO_CHAR(t.startdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS starttime,
TO_CHAR(t.finishdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS finishtime, LPAD(taskid,5), 
startdate, finishdate
TO_DATE('08/21/2004','mm/dd/') = TRUNC(t.startdate)
AND TO_DATE('08/21/2004','mm/dd/') = TRUNC(t.finishdate)

this returns 1 row as it should..
07:00:00	08:00:00	6E61F	8/21/2004 7:00:00 AM	8/22/2004 8:00:00 AM

but now I have to check a time to make sure it doesnt fall within that range..

to me it seems 
AND TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('07:00:00','hh:mi:ss'),'hh24:mi:ss') = t.starttime
AND TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('07:30:00','hh:mi:ss'),'hh24:mi:ss') = t.finishtime
should work.. 
this returns
07:00:00 and 07:30:00 and it should compare to starttime and
finishtime.. but it's not working.

Can someone offer assistance?

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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Tangorre, Michael
All the time you spent searching different solutions you could have
fixed the table strcuture and rewrote the code 5x over. Suck it up Gel
:-) Take the high road.

Michael T. Tangorre
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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Tangorre, Michael
Sorry about that. Wrong list!!!
That was suppose to go to cf-community. :-)

Michael T. Tangorre

 All the time you spent searching different solutions you 
 could have fixed the table strcuture and rewrote the code 5x 
 over. Suck it up Gel
 :-) Take the high road.
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RE: SUSPECT: RE: slow Java call - Determining physical length of string - Pt 2

2004-08-18 Thread Dirk Sieber
We're starting to run into that as well...some of the numbers seem to be
quite off - just when we thought we had a solution.Anyone have any
other ideas on how we can accomplish this?This doesn't have to be
cross-platform - any way to call a native Windows function to get the
correct size?


	-Original Message-
	From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:37 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: SUSPECT: RE: slow Java call - Determining physical
length of string - Pt 2
	I had a play with this myself, and found that the pixel width
	by the funtion is a LONG way out of the actual length of the
	rendered in a browser.
	font_obj =
	font_metrics_obj =
	Pixel_Width = font_metrics_obj.stringWidth('the pixel width is
	img src="" width=cfoutput#Pixel_Width#/cfoutput
	alt= border=0
	div align=left style=font-family:Arial;font-size:8pt;the
	width is miles out?/div
	You'll need a test gif of course.
	Still, I'm not sure why, maybe java just renders fonts entirely
	differently to browsers. I tried several fonts and many font
sizes, none
	of them are even close, or did I miss something?
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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
??? puzzled


From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Query problem

All the time you spent searching different solutions you could have
fixed the table strcuture and rewrote the code 5x over. Suck it up Gel
:-) Take the high road.

Michael T. Tangorre 
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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
I'll give this a try and let you know.Thanks for your response.


From: Marc Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Query problem

I left a lot of your query out but you should be able to look at this and
see the biggest differences.

SELECT m.memberID, m.firstname, m.lastname,
 MAX(t.transactionID) as maxID
FROM members m
INNER JOIN trans t ON t.memberID = m.memberID
GROUP BY m.memberID, m.firstname, m.lastname

Hope that helps,
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RE: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
 3) your thoughts on the tradeoffs of a cfmessage tag vs an event gateway
One major tradeoff is the ability for CFML to be invoked based on a message.
With a cfmessage tag you still need the CFM or CFC making use of it to
execute. An event gateway or something of similar design would invoke CFML
based on some 3rd party input.

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Re: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc.

2004-08-18 Thread Daniel Ganter
We've customers running Fusebox3, Fusebox4 and Mach-ii applications on BlueDragon (including the technology preview .NET version of BlueDragon).

This area will highlight the benefits of using BlueDragon with the various Fusebox versions.

Apologies for the confusion.


Daniel Ganter
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

 On the BD product page, a graphic neare the bottom asks How can I 
 leverage Fusebox with BlueDragon?
 Is this a teaser for some FB-specific tags in BD, or more geared 
 towards showing how FB works within the standard CFML tag/function 
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Blackstone summary

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
The recent Blackstone thread on CF-Talk did what long threads often do on
mailing lists; it went off in various tangents making it hard to understand
what was being argued and what each person's respective position was. In
light of that, I figured I would summarize my position to avoid being

Blackstone has many new features that are going to impact the CFML community
in a variety of ways. Some of these features have been disclosed and I
suspect still others have not been. Some features will provide new
capabilities and others will change how we work. New capabilities are always
interesting, but features that change how we work can both be liberating and
scary at the same time. Sometimes changing how we work might even be a bad
idea. I think it is important, healthy, and interesting to debate the merits
of Blackstone's new features as well as their implementation even though at
this point many of us aren't aware of the implementation.

With that in mind, I think the new cfdocument tag and rich forms
functionality is of huge value to the CFML community. The fact that the
cfdocument tag will allow you to create a PDF file using HTML as input is
quite valuable. While we have long had the ability to produce PDF documents
using a variety of technologies both commercial and open source, it appears
cfdocument will provide not only a more accessible route, but will also
avoid the 3rd party technology analysis and integration required currently.

Rich forms I believe are even more important since forms are used in almost
every web application. Again, we can do rich forms today using _javascript_,
DHTML, Flash, Java, or a combination of the various technologies. However,
the amount of worked required to successfully implement rich forms that work
across browsers is pretty high. W3C has answered with XForms, but browser
support doesn't exist and the knowledge level required is quite a bit higher
than HTML forms. Macromedia has done us a huge service with their
implementation of rich forms. Not only have they kept the knowledge level
low by providing tags that work very similar to HTML forms, but they have
also embraced XForms at the same time. This allows us to easily create rich
forms that work with today's browsers via Flash as well as support future
browsers that implement XForms. Further, it should be relatively easy to
conditionally serve different forms based on the user agent ensuring the
forms to be accessible as well.

This brings me to the event gateway, which is supposed to liberate CFML from
HTTP. Sure there are tons of reasons why you would want to have a CFML-based
web application integrate with protocols other than HTTP. I have integrated
CFML-based web applications in the past with a variety of protocols without
the support of an event gateway. Certainly it would have been easier and
more elegant with an event gateway, but I am not so sure the event gateway
is the missing piece. To me, it seems the missing piece is the ability to
invoke CFML from other sources than an HTTP request. While the event gateway
will provide that, it seems it will also provide more than that.

Do we really need a whole bunch of infrastructure to allow invocation of
CFML from other sources? I don't think we do. The reason I feel that way is
because I think it is far too easy for the community and 3rd party companies
to provide various protocol adapters. With a simple Java API for the
invocation of CFML it would be quite easy for someone with Java experience
to write these adapters. Whether Macromedia or someone else supplies event
gateways or protocol adapters is of little importance to the average CFML
person. In either case, someone with Java expertise must create them and
your average CFML developer will just make use of them.

The real difference is constraints placed on the implementation by the event
gateway. We have already heard that the event gateway will invoke CFC
methods. What if we don't want CFC methods to be invoked? Will we have to
write CFCs that then in turn call CFMs? What if the event gateway framework
makes assumptions that aren't true for all protocols thus making it hard or
impossible to implement some other protocol Macromedia didn't think about?
All of these problems go away if there is a simply Java API for the
invocation of CFML. Heck, Macromedia can even supply a bunch of protocol
adapters if they want; they just don't need to create a framework and force
it on others. Not only that, but if Macromedia didn't spend time on building
stuff the community is perfectly capable of doing they might have time to
work on other things the community can't deliver.

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RE: Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Jim Davis
You'd probably be better off looking for a CF-able Java or COM object.

MS has a nice COM-based tool here:

Jim Davis
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RE: Memory Issues

2004-08-18 Thread Christian Watt
No, right now I have it set at 750mb.Although I have had it just over
a gig, but it does not matter how high I set it, eventually it still
surpasses that limit and locks up.


	-Original Message-
	From: Peter Farrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:19 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: Memory Issues
	Christian, What's your max memory heap size?Is it over 1.8 GB?

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 Like all things CF, it's more accessible to people who
 aren't Java experts.

 Writing an event gateway requires knowledge of Java
 therefore yours is not a valid argument.

Excuse me? MM is providing a handful of pre-built gateways to begin
with, much less having a consistent interface provided by MM which
allows others who are Java knowledgeable to create, package and
distribute additional gateways. At which point, yes, it is a very
valid argument. The end result will be that developers who are not
Java knowledgeable will be able to do things which would otherwise
require extensive knowledge of Java.

 After all, a structure is just a Java object.
 So what makes CF structures any better than
 using the underlying Java object (which is
 also available to us)?

 You are using the underlying Java object.

cfset mystruct.mykey = 0

I use the CF -- CF uses the Java object. This is not the same thing as
me using the underlying Java object.

 Frameworks designed better in the community:
 yes and no. Although I
 haven't used cflogin yet, I'm not about to rewrite the

 I bet more people are using their own authentication
 schemes than cflogin.

Probably. But very few (if any) are using their own application
schemes instead of cfapplication.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework
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Re: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article)

2004-08-18 Thread Dick Applebaum
Good answers!

Looking forward to the public beta!


On Aug 18, 2004, at 9:50 AM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:

 Hi Dick,

Regarding your first two questions, details of the CFMESSAGE tag will 
announced when we release the BD 6.2 public beta (this is a fancy way 
saying, I don't know yet).

Regarding ...tradeoffs of a cfmessage tag vs an event gateway..., 

  1. We started work on the CFMESSAGE tag before ever hearing of the 
gateway, so it's not as if we made a decision to do one instead of the

  2. We really don't know all that much about the event gateway, since
Macromedia have released little if any technical details publicly; so 
 it's a
bit difficult for me to comment on just yet.

  3. Implementing a CFMESSAGE tag doesn't preclude implementing an 
gateway (and vice-versa). If after seeing details of the event 
 gateway we
think it's something useful that people will want, then we'll 
 implement it
in BD; if not, then we won't. That's mainly going to depend on 
 whether you
(CFML developers in general, and BlueDragon customers in particular) 
 tell us
the event gateway is something you need or want. While the general
descriptions we've heard of the event gateway sound pretty cool, it's 
clear to me that it's something most CFML developers will be able to 
use of effectively (certainly, my personal opinion is there are other 
compelling features in Blackstone). Our attitude right now is 
wait and see after it's delivered and respond appropriately.


From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Event Gateway on BlueDragon, etc. ( was:BLACKSTONE:
Software Development Times Article)

On Aug 18, 2004, at 8:05 AM, Vince Bonfanti wrote:

  Second, based on the information that's available publicly so
  nothing to technically prevent us from implementing an event
  BlueDragon, if we choose to do so. Indeed, we've already got a
  prototype of a CFMESSAGE tag that gives you access to JMS (on
  Message Queuing (on .NET) that will likely be delivered in
  later this year, well before the Blackstone release. (The
 tag is
  something we were working on before we ever heard of the


I am interested in the fact that you are providing access to JMS
with a
CF tag as opposed to an event gateway.

When I first investigated the subject, based on Sean Corfields posts

blog it occurred to me that a slick way to provide this access would
a cfmessage tag -- even used that name.  Sean almost (but not
totally) convinced me that a gateway was a better approach.

Intuitively, I think that a cfmessage tage would be easier for a
developer to use/understand -- but if a JMS event gateway is
with Blackstone, that is probably a wash.

I am interested in hearing:

1) will the cfmessage tag implement all features of JMS senders  
receivers (syncrhonous and asynchronous).
2) will cfmessage allow manipulation of messages without consuming
-- say, as an an admin function to change priorities, etc, or just
examine messages in the system (a great debugging aid, too)
3) your thoughts on the tradeoffs of a cfmessage tag vs an event



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DSN-less Queries was Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 On Wednesday 18 Aug 2004 17:28 pm, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
 And use that for cfquery how? ... I know that I can
 connect to

 Well, either write your own cf_query, or a cfquery
 object/UDF to behave like
 cfquery did back when CF support DSN-less nativly (4.5
 ?)... all you are
 doing with hacking the java is what CF would have to do
 behind the scenes anyway.

Except that I have yet to find a way to instantiate a cfquery object
using a Java Resultset that works consistently and efficiently (or at
all really), without _manually_ converting it row by row and column by
column. Which is completely unreasonable as a tool for development...
unless the plan is to cache the results of _every_ query which just
opens up a whole other huge can o' worms. Believe me, I've thought
about it. There's no good way to do it without some very special, very
magic, very proprietary info I don't have.

 2nd url in my sig is an article about accessing
 datasources through

 I ignore urls in sigs, or ones longer than 4 lines.
 Yes, I know about mine - 'company policy' :-(

Hrmph... mine doesn't seem all that bad to me... 3 urls, 2 slogans, my
phone nubmer and my name  company name... 7 lines yes... but 2 of
those are blank for the sake of making it easier to read.

s. isaac dealey954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework
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RE: SQL Query problem

2004-08-18 Thread Mark Leder
Still didn't work, returning multiple transactions for any given individual.
I clipped this from the results (there should only be one individual and the
paid thru should be 7/31/2004, which is the newest (highest) transactionID

memberlevelID | email | firstname | lastname | paidthru
M | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Andy Granger | 07/31/2004 
M | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Andy Granger | 12/31/2004 

Here's how I posted it:

SELECT M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, MAX(T.transactionID) as maxID,
FROM #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_List M 
INNER JOIN #REQUEST.prefix#_Members_TransactionLog T ON t.memberID =


GROUP BY M.memberID, M.firstName, M.middleName, M.lastName,,,,, M.memberLevelID, T.paidThru 

Thanks for hanging in there with me on this one...


From: Mark Leder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Query problem

I'll give this a try and let you know.Thanks for your response.


From: Marc Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Query problem

I left a lot of your query out but you should be able to look at this and
see the biggest differences.

SELECT m.memberID, m.firstname, m.lastname,
 MAX(t.transactionID) as maxID
FROM members m
INNER JOIN trans t ON t.memberID = m.memberID
GROUP BY m.memberID, m.firstname, m.lastname

Hope that helps,
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Matt Liotta
 Excuse me? MM is providing a handful of pre-built gateways to begin
 with, much less having a consistent interface provided by MM which
 allows others who are Java knowledgeable to create, package and
 distribute additional gateways. At which point, yes, it is a very
 valid argument. The end result will be that developers who are not
 Java knowledgeable will be able to do things which would otherwise
 require extensive knowledge of Java.
My response was in relation to writing an event gateway; not using an
existing one. CF does not make it easier or harder to write an event gateway
since you can only write an event gateway in CF. Further, writing an event
gateway requires knowledge of Java. Thus, you argument is not valid. If you
are going to argue against me then you have to stay in the context of the
thread of positions don't make sense.

 cfset mystruct.mykey = 0
 I use the CF -- CF uses the Java object. This is not the same thing as
 me using the underlying Java object.
What about cfset mystruct.put(foo, bar)?

 Probably. But very few (if any) are using their own application
 schemes instead of cfapplication.
What does that have to do with cflogin or frameworks?

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Alexander Sherwood
At 01:35 PM 8/18/2004, you wrote:
 Probably. But very few (if any) are using their own application
 schemes instead of cfapplication.
What does that have to do with cflogin or frameworks?


It has to do with Mach-II blowing all other frameworks away. That is, except Java Server Faces and Struts.

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Re: SQL date/time issues...

2004-08-18 Thread Greg Morphis
Anyone have any idea how to go about doing this?

This is irritating me.. it seems like it should work but isnt.

I have a query.. the base query 

SELECT TO_CHAR(t.startdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS starttime,
TO_CHAR(t.finishdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS finishtime, taskid, 
startdate, finishdate


07:00:00	18:00:00	309D2	8/6/2004 7:00:00 AM	8/10/2004 6:00:00 PM
09:00:00	14:00:00	30A98	8/1/2004 9:00:00 AM	8/5/2004 2:00:00 PM
09:00:00	12:30:00	30AB7	8/2/2004 9:00:00 AM	8/5/2004 12:30:00 PM
10:00:00	18:00:00	30BEB	8/9/2004 10:00:00 AM	8/10/2004 6:00:00 PM
07:00:00	08:00:00	6E61F	8/21/2004 7:00:00 AM	8/22/2004 8:00:00 AM

I shrunk the taskid field down to hopefully make it more legible..

What I'm trying to do is pass a date a time return rows that fall
within that date/time.. it HAS to check the date and time seperately..

So tacking on the date part... no problem

SELECT TO_CHAR(t.startdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS starttime,
TO_CHAR(t.finishdate,'hh24:mi:ss') AS finishtime, LPAD(taskid,5), 
startdate, finishdate
TO_DATE('08/21/2004','mm/dd/') = TRUNC(t.startdate)
AND TO_DATE('08/21/2004','mm/dd/') = TRUNC(t.finishdate)

this returns 1 row as it should..
07:00:00	08:00:00	6E61F	8/21/2004 7:00:00 AM	8/22/2004 8:00:00 AM

but now I have to check a time to make sure it doesnt fall within that range..

to me it seems 
AND TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('07:00:00','hh:mi:ss'),'hh24:mi:ss') = t.starttime
AND TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('07:30:00','hh:mi:ss'),'hh24:mi:ss') = t.finishtime
should work.. 
this returns
07:00:00 and 07:30:00 and it should compare to starttime and
finishtime.. but it's not working.

Can someone offer assistance?

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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-18 Thread Calvin Ward
Hmm, that's an interesting point on flash generation... Did New Atlanta just get left behind big time in the compatability dept?

-Original Message-
From:Matt Liotta
Date:8/18/04 8:59 am
Subj:RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

I don't know what to do with you Tony. You keep posting comments with no
basis in facts that don't make much sense anyway. I'd really like to avoid
addressing them or falling prey to my desire to respond negatively. Is that
what you want? Is there some point to your comments?

For the rest of you reading this, I have no financial interest in the
success or failure of BlueDragon. Although, I would like to see them
succeed. I don't know whether New Atlanta will implement the event gateway.
I don't know whether they can. I certainly think they should implement it if
for no other reason then to be compatible with ColdFusion. We all want that

Personally, if I were to guess which functionality would be hard to
implement in BlueDragon I wouldn't guess something like the event gateway. I
would guess something that produces Flash on the fly.


 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Tony Weeg
 Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 8:46 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article
 is the underlying factor here some problem with how BD wont be able to
 piggyback the event gateway or use it or steal it?
 must be something like this, or else i dont think matt's panties would
 be in a bunch like this...they only tend to get into this sorta snag
 when something like this is happening...
 On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 08:24:06 -0400, Matt Liotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Blackstone will ship with a number of out-of-the-box gateways that
   connect to a number of protocols - meaning ColdFusion developers don't
   need to write them. That in itself is a win.
  Agreed, but Macromedia could have supplied protocol handlers without
  building an event gateway. Instead, they went and built a framework that
  constrains what an event gateway is and can do. That could be a really
  thing or it could be a really bad thing. Time will tell, but so far
  frameworks have always been done better in the community.
   Blackstone also provides an easy-to-use basic framework for such
   gateways to run inside, wired into the CF Admin. Ease of management is
   another win.
  What is managed exactly? If it is anything like the web service
  you find now then no thanks.

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Re: Log file reader

2004-08-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
Has anyone ever used/seen/have/etc a script that can read and parse IIS log files?

Not exactly this, but there is a tag perfect for parsing, see CF_REExtract here:

REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
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