Inserts and updates strategy

2000-08-10 Thread John Allred

I have a form that needs to insert and then update values in two tables. I have the 
insert part, but I'm not sure how to handle the updates.

During the insert, the user enters info about a URL link in the LINKS table. There is 
a drop down list which allows the user to select multiple counties. Selected values 
will be entered in successive records in a COUNTIES table, linked to the first table 
on the URL field.

For the update, I call the form again and populate the fields with the values 
previously entered in both tables. The question is, if the user wants to make 
different selections in the drop down list, how to I make the needed changes to the 
COUNTIES table? In the first pass (insert), the values "1" "3" and "5" get entered. 
During the update, I want to remove "1" and "3", and add "2" and "4", so that I end up 
with only 2,4 and 5 in table.

I'm thinking it might be best, during an update to COUNTIES, to delete all records 
related to this URL first, then insert the newly selected values. Does this seem like 
the right approach? Or would I be better off simply storing this list in a single 
field in the LINKS table and dropping the COUNTIES table altogether, since it only 
contains the FK and an ID field? 

Part of the consideration is that I want to show the ID values as preselected in the 
drop down list during the update. I should mention that the drop down contains a total 
of 82 values (populated using another query), and there might be, say, 3 values 

Thanks so much...
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RE: Append a single character at the end of a form input value???

2000-08-10 Thread John Allred

Philip Arnold  
  Subject: RE: Append a single character at 
the end of a 
 form input value???   
10:25 AM   
respond to 

> >
> > someone can correct the positioning of the # and # etc...but you see
> > I'm getting at?
> Yeah, get rid of them all - in this case as it's not in a string, you
> need #s inside the CFSet

About an hour ago, I just happened to read Michael Dinowitz's, "ColdFusion
with Style" ( ), where he
recommended the following on this topic:

 After recounting several places where a variable,
 function, or expression will by automatically evaluated,
 he says, "You should never use pounds (#) in these places.
 Pounds are only needed within a CFOUTPUT block, CFQUERY
 block, or inside any CFTAG (other than CFSET or CFIF/CFELSEIF)."

Great article, Michael!


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Database problems

2000-08-11 Thread John Allred

I have a strange problem with inserts in an Access table. I can't seem
to wrap either a CFINSERT or an SQL insert within a CFTRANSACTION.
Either method, without a CFTRANSACTION, will successfully insert a
record in my table. But as soon as I try to use CFTRANSACTION, so I can
get the ID of the record just inserted and CFLOCATION to the entry form,
all I do is increment the database ID, but don't insert any data.

Can anyone hazard a guess what's causing this? I've read everything I
can get my hands on, and I can't seem to figure it out.

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Insert produces blank record

2000-08-11 Thread John Allred

Using an Access table, I have a template with an INSERT and a MAX(ID), plus
a CFLOCATION routine within a
CFTRANSACTION. I've tried it with both SQL INSERT and CFINSERT and, either
way, the autonumber field is
incremented, but no data is inserted in the record.

If I use either insert method on its own, without a CFTRANSACTION, the
record is inserted correctly. I wonder if someone
could steer me to possible sources for this problem. With other databases,
this method works fine using essentially the same
code, so I'm wondering if there might be a setting in the database, itself,
in the ODBC settings, or possibly in my
APPLICATION.CFM (code below, if it helps).

This has had me stymied for days. I would sure appreciate any direction you
can give.






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RE: Database problems

2000-08-11 Thread John Allred

   Subject: RE: Database problems
11:45 AM   
respond to 

Can we see some code?  You may be nesting your tags incorrectly.



I think the code's fine, but here is the action template, anyway.


insert into LINKS

 select max(record) as newrecord
 from links

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Re: Need your help desperately

2000-08-11 Thread John Allred


I don't see a single specific question. All of them are of a general
nature. I consider myself honest and would have no problem either asking or
answering questions of this type.

I don't know the whole context of this message, so I may have missed
something, but based on the words alone, I hope someone will fill him in on
what to expect, as long as they don't give him any of the questions asked.


Karl Simanonok 
08/11/2000 12:11 Subject: Re: Need your help 
Please respond to  

Hey, check this out!  This guy is now Spamming people and trying to make
himself not look like such a blatant cheater any more.  He must read

dilip jumani wrote:

> Hi.
> I hope you are fine and enjoying best of your health.
> I request you to please share your experience of Cold
> Fusion exam. How is the exam? What kind of questions
> are being asked? Are there only radio buttons or check
> boxes, in the answers? Is it too tough? Please share
> your views. It will be very much helpful to me.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dilip
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.


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File name with query string in JS function

2000-08-11 Thread John Allred

This is a variation on the recent thread where we discussed using link
references like page.cfm?foo=bar#spot.

In a framed environment, I have four JS functions that use rollovers to
populate another frame using syntax like:

function loadfn()
  parent.empl_list.location = "alpha_fn.cfm";

I've put the functionality of all four templates I call like this into one
template. The new syntax should look like:

function loadfn()
  parent.empl_list.location = "employee_list.cfm?sort=firstname";

The error description follows:

 Error in expression:

 url.sort = "thumbnail"

 Invalid conditional expression. Perhaps you are using = instead of EQ
or IS
 to compare values.

 The error occurred while processing an element with a general
identifier of
 (CFIF), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:29).

The correct template gets called, but when the first line,
which reads, "" is reached, the error occurs.

Any suggestions on how to code the javascript to pass the URL.SORT variable
properly? I've tried several variations, with no luck. I've tried escaping
both the question mark and equal sign, with the same results.


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Re: Database problems

2000-08-13 Thread John Allred


You and Dan removed a huge weight that had made lots of stuff difficult.
Moving the CFLOCATION outside the CFTRANSACTION did the trick.

Thanks so much,

"Chapman, Katrina" wrote:
> Try This.
>   (insert query)
>   (get last entered record)
> There was an error.
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Re: Adobe sues Macromedia????

2000-08-15 Thread John Allred

 Subject: Re: Adobe sues Macromedia
11:58 AM   
respond to 

> > They are suing over "tearable tabs" where you can click on a tab
> > and drag it off the dialog it is on etc. Or you can drag it to

> CFSTUDIO too!!

All Corel products have had this for years. Given the ubiquitous nature of
tearoff tabs, I can't imagine how the yoyos at Adobe could hope to win such
a suit.

This looks to me like a ploy to slow down a progressive company by a
not-so-progressive company. Two thumbs down.



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RE: Second Request for help!

2000-08-23 Thread John Allred


Too bad the beta testers didn't win out with this one. The inability to
view multiple files is my only serious complaint with Studio. When the need
to see two files simultaneously arises, I just fire up my old copy of
Arachnophilia ( free download from ), and I can
view as many files at once as I want to, although more than four files
starts to make each one more difficult to view, as the available window
space for the application is divided among the open files.

I'm sure other editors we've discussed in recent months will open multiple
files, too, but this may be a quick solution to your problem.


Andrew"  To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 
com> cc:   
 Subject: RE: Second Request for help! 
11:55 PM   
respond to 

Yes that is a pain, however there are other ways to do this. When the
feature split document was introduced we beta testers asked for the ability
to split the pain and allow for 2 documents to be loaded. I am not sure if
this request was ever made available to us, but it would be a nice thing to
have added.


Andrew Scott
ANZ eCommerce Centre
* Ph 9273 0693

-Original Message-
From: Neil H. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 August 2000 14:37
Subject: Re: Second Request for help!

Because CF Studio lacks the ability to resize the pane and make it a window
within a window.  Therefore you are unable to compare two files side by


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Re: Newbie Cold Fusion Studio Question

2000-08-23 Thread John Allred


You will not be able to view these files as CF-served pages, until you
install the Cold Fusion Server that came with your copy of Studio. If you
have a licensing problem, you can download a copy of Cold Fusion Express
for free from the Allaire site and install it, instead. This might be a
better approach if you want to set up your site on internal DNS, since
people elsewhere in your organization could view and execute the files,
also. The version packaged with Studio, although more powerful, can only be
viewed by a single user.


Kim Woodbridge 
 Subject: Newbie Cold Fusion Studio 
08/23/2000 01:43   
Please respond to  


I am trying to set up Cold Fusion Studio in order to view and alter
.cfm files created by our main IS department.  I have set up the
Developmental Mappings properly and have created a very simple file from
an example in the Studio documentation.

Call Department

Call Department

I'd like to talk to someone in #Department# in #city# who earns at
least #Salary#.

When I view this in my browser it shows #Department# etc. rather than
filling in the variables.  Does anyone know what I may have not
configured properly or what I am missing here.

I am not running Cold Fusion Server but am using the Microsoft Personal
Server for Windows 95.

Thanks in advance.

Kim A. Woodbridge
Web Developer
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

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RE: Has the Apocalypse cometh? (Was RE: CF vs. ASP)

2000-08-30 Thread John Allred


Your rant produced a thought I hadn't had before. I wonder how competitive
ASP would be vs. CF if it were not free, but instead offered at roughly the
same price point?

I just finished up a post to a thread on an HWG list that someone started
by asking about free or low cost web/database solutions. There is a large
community out there that is really into "free" and/or open source software.
They sneer at companies that offer what they term "proprietary" solutions.
All other things being equal, I can't imagine that nearly as many people
would bother to learn and use ASP, if they had to pay for it.

I'm kind of surprised that Allaire hasn't pushed their own free options
more aggressively. It would be a serious coup, if they started offering
Studio for free. I have no idea what their sales figures look like, but it
would seem they make most of their money off of their enterprise class
offerings and support subscriptions. Studio for free would certainly kick
ASP's butt.


Microsoft is giving away ASP like they gave away
Internet Explorer. IE, ASP+ .NET
all of this is a part of Microsofts agenda to
push them as a premiere devleoper of Applicaton
servers provider tools and Applications Services
through Microsoft. I truly believe giving away ASP
does not hurt competition but if they make ASP+
a better tool and still give it away for
free they are STLL practicing monopolistic
tactics and I still truly believe even tho
this is seemingly counterproductive at first
that microsoft should be broken into at the
very least Applications Company and Operating System

I just think it is highly un-fair of MS to be
doing something like this.

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Re: Inserting (or updating) more than one record at a time

2000-09-05 Thread John Allred


I don't have a specific response to your question, only a suggestion. If
your form fields correspond to columns in a table, you might find
everything much easier to deal with if you modify the structure of your
database. You have, essentially, these types of information:
FRIHOURS1,SATHOURS1. To get different ClientIDs, you change the "1" to a
different number and add new columns to the table.

What you might consider is breaking this up into at least two tables, one
for the ClientID, and the second one for the tasks and hours associated
with that ID. All of the fields in the second table can have the ending
number dropped, then be combined into a single table with only 9 columns.
The ClientID field would be the link back to your Client table. Doing this
will shrink the size and complexity of your database, make it easier to add
new ClientIDs, if needed, and make inserts, updates, and deletes, not to
mention select queries, a snap to write.


Gina Shillitani
09/05/2000 08:10  Subject: Inserting (or updating) 
more than one record  
AMat a time
Please respond to  

I have more than one set of fields to insert or update in a table. See
for the fields and sample data... can someone tell me the best way to
or update multiple rows?

Form Fields:








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Re: Problem with URLDecode

2000-09-07 Thread John Allred


Try escaping the # symbol. It sounds like you have the entity reference
stored in a text field in a database (not sure from your description of the
problem). If so, write it as &##8482.


Terry Stewart  
 Subject: Problem with URLDecode   
10:48 AM   
respond to 


   Can anyone help me with this problem?  I am trying to get a
character ™ to translate back into its correct text.  When I display
it to screen before the CF Code that uses it in a query all works fine
(except that in order to display it at this point put's it in the wrong
place), however if I do the query before displaying it it won't work.  I
have put the URLDecode around it and it still stays encoded.  It actually
starts out as the characters, but being passed through Form Fields it gets
translated to the encoded version (it is being passed around in the
variable Criteria_#ThisRow#).  Any ideas would very much be appreciated.

Terry Stewart


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ISP Recs

2000-09-08 Thread John Allred

I know this pops up all the time, but I wonder if I couldn't get some recommendations 
on a good Cold Fusion ISP. The time has come for me to move on, and I'd like to hear 
from any of you who feel positive enough about your ISP to recommend them. Please 
respond off list, thanks.

Relatively inexpensive
Full CF support and expertise
Courteous in handling problems
Little or no server down time
Two pluses would be  a) a host that caters to fusebox sites without charging for 
custom tag installation (or which allows user to install his/her own), and b) little 
or no charge for ODBC dsn setup, or facility to allow user to do it.

--John Allred
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Re: Extranet's

2000-09-17 Thread John Allred


I'm not certain how you're using the term, "extranet." If you mean
access by a limited number of people outside your firewall (not the
whole world), then it's basically similar to your intranet with some
extra security considerations.

How much access you give the extranet users should probably depend on
their relationship to your organization. What do you want them to know?
What do you want them to be able to do?

I'd recommend putting your extranet users in the same table with your
employees. An extra column could differentiate between the two. Since
they're coming in from outside, you might also want to provide logins
for them.

--John Allred

Rif Kiamil wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am current designing our 2nd Intranet and we know it about a years time
> where are going to have Extranet users. I just want to know. Would u develop
> a total separate system for Extranet users or give then access to only parts
> of the Intranet?
> Any ideas about Security and database design e.g. We have a User Table and
> Employees table. Users are employees that have access to the intranet. Where
> would u put the extranet users in the users table and employees table or
> create there an extranet user table.
> Rif
> Rif Kiamil
> Head of Network Admin / Project Coordinator of Intranet & Web Based
> Applications
> JJ Fast Food Distribution LTD
> Tele 020 8885 9218 / Fax 020 8885 9213
> --
> Archives:
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi

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Re: [CF-Talk] OT: Subject lines

2000-09-21 Thread John Allred

I'm afraid I missed any early complaints or discussions that caused Michael
to feel we needed [CF-Talk] in the subject line at all. I use a Notes
Client at work, so I have no sorting capabilities there at all and p--s
poor filtering. I use Netscape at home, and my filters work fine on the To:
and CC: lines. For me the [CF-Talk] is just unnecessary clutter, whether
it's at the beginning or the end of the line. I would mention that it
messes up sorting messages unless it's used absolutely consistently.
Sometimes at the front and sometimes at the end causes a sort on Subject to
fail. I don't bother with threading at all, since it tends to work poorly
in my clients.

If the issue is up for a vote, I vote an emphatic no.

just my .02c


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Re: [CF-Talk] OT: Subject lines

2000-09-21 Thread John Allred


I beg to differ, just slightly. Except for sorting by To: and CC:, I don't
see anything you mention that Netscape Mail can't do. Maybe if I'd been
able to sort on those two fields before now, I might see some advantage to
it. Other than that, I have folders and filters for everything, and I can
sort and search every other field in a message. I wouldn't mention it
except that you seem to indicate NS has limited functionality. Using it, I
can filter all my lists, and zip through 500 messages or more in a very
short while.

I'm in full agreement on Notes client. The same batch of mail in Notes
takes nearly 10 times as long (that's no exageration). The folks who
designed it obviously never received more than 25 messages in a day or
created more than three mail folders.


tom muck>cc:  
  Subject: Re: [CF-Talk] OT: Subject 
09/21/2000 09:05   
Please respond to  

Consider switching to Outlook express.  It lets you create folders and sort
from, to, cc, subject or body.  Plus, it allows you to find things within
folders by from, to, cc, subject or body, so if you want to search for
for instance, it will find all messages that contain CFMAIL in the body or
subject.  Quite handy, not to mention the organization of having separate
folders for each mailing list.  I tried Netscape briefly, and couldn't see
advantage.  Lotus notes has horrible email formatting.


- Original Message -
From: "John Allred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CF-Talk] OT: Subject lines

> I'm afraid I missed any early complaints or discussions that caused
> to feel we needed [CF-Talk] in the subject line at all. I use a Notes
> Client at work, so I have no sorting capabilities there at all and p--s
> poor filtering. I use Netscape at home, and my filters work fine on the
> and CC: lines. For me the [CF-Talk] is just unnecessary clutter, whether
> it's at the beginning or the end of the line. I would mention that it
> messes up sorting messages unless it's used absolutely consistently.
> Sometimes at the front and sometimes at the end causes a sort on Subject
> fail. I don't bother with threading at all, since it tends to work poorly
> in my clients.
> If the issue is up for a vote, I vote an emphatic no.
> just my .02c
> Regards,
> --John

> Archives:
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Problem with Studio

2002-12-26 Thread John Allred
This is probably a shot in the dark, but maybe someone can steer me in
the right direction.

My Studio 4.01 has been humming happily for a long time. But, sometime
in the last few days I've lost access to the database viewer on
localhost. When I try to view my tables, I get the message, "The
connection to the server cannot be established." I can't find anything
in the help docs. Everything in IIS appears to be working. Plus, the CF
server displays my site through the browser just fine.

Don't know if I'm giving all the relevant information, but I sure could
use an educated guess on where to look for the problem.

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Re: Problem with Studio

2002-12-27 Thread John Allred

I installed DW 4 Ultra Dev sometime back, but it didn't hurt anything. I
have uninstalled it, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled CF Server and
CF Studio a couple of times. I did some diagnostics and discovered some
registry errors related, I think, to MDAC, which I fixed with Norton
Systemworks. I reinstalled MDAC from the CF folder. I seem to recall an
MDAC patch from Microsoft, but after searching their site, I can't
figure out what it might have been.

All of my applications work fine, including queries. But still, every
time I touch Localhost in Studio's Database tab, I get the error, "The
connection to the server cannot be established." And whenever I click
refresh on the rds://localhost server in the Remote Servers tab, I get
the error, "The system cannot find the file specified."

Much of my searching in CF help leads me into server security issues. It
might be worth noting that I can't follow some of the recommendations,
because I don't have "Advanced Security" available to me within CF

Still hoping,

Michael Greenberg wrote:
> John,
> Did you happen to install DWMX ? I had this happen when I upgraded to DWMX,
> my CF Studio 5 was completely hosed. I just uninstalled and reinstalled and
> everything has worked swell since.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> - Original Message -
> From: "John Allred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 9:44 PM
> Subject: Problem with Studio
> > This is probably a shot in the dark, but maybe someone can steer me in
> > the right direction.
> >
> > My Studio 4.01 has been humming happily for a long time. But, sometime
> > in the last few days I've lost access to the database viewer on
> > localhost. When I try to view my tables, I get the message, "The
> > connection to the server cannot be established." I can't find anything
> > in the help docs. Everything in IIS appears to be working. Plus, the CF
> > server displays my site through the browser just fine.
> >
> > Don't know if I'm giving all the relevant information, but I sure could
> > use an educated guess on where to look for the problem.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
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CFServer Problem

2003-01-05 Thread John Allred
Me again.

I've been working for several days to repair whatever problem has
mangled my ColdFusion installation. I've uninstalled everything related
to CF that I can find, cleaned up the registry, uninstalled IIS,
reinstalled Windows, reinstalled IIS, reinstalled ColdFusion, and I
continue to have the same problem.

In addition I've spent considerable time on both Microsoft's and
Macromedia's web sites and in the books.

So I throw myself on the mercy of you guys. There has to be an expert
who's faced a similar problem and who can point me in the right

I'm running:
Win2K Pro (plenty of RAM and disk space - no current registry errors)
IIS 5.0 - The server displays its default files and help system, so I
know it's running okay.
I had MDAC 2.7, but I think my most recent reinstallation of CF may have
reinstalled MDAC 2.0 (but reinstalling 2.7 doesn't change the situation)
CF 4.01

This is the error message I get in Windows Events:

The SiteMinder Authentication Service service failed to start due to the
following error: 
The system cannot find the file specified.  

Authorization Service is not running either. It displays:

The SiteMinder Authorization Service service failed to start due to the
following error: 
The system cannot find the file specified.  

For both, Windows displays Event ID: 7000

My choices are to call Microsoft ($$), call Macromedia ($$), or take my
computer to a local repair shop ($$).

Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Re: CFServer Problem

2003-01-06 Thread John Allred
Good thought, Uwe, but I've run 4.01 under Win2K for a year and a half
without a hiccup. But, thanks anyway. My suspicions run toward the IIS
Metabase or some Windows .dll that got corrupted. Whatever files the two
Siteminder apps depend on have been corrupted, or something is
preventing them from being installed.


> John, I might be wrong,
> but as far as I know 4, Win2k is unsupported
> by CF 4.01
> I think you must run at least 4.5.x
> Uwe
> Hello John,
> Monday, January 6, 2003, 6:15:30 AM, you wrote:
> JA> Me again.
> JA> I've been working for several days to repair whatever problem has
> JA> mangled my ColdFusion installation. I've uninstalled everything related
> JA> to CF that I can find, cleaned up the registry, uninstalled IIS,
> JA> reinstalled Windows, reinstalled IIS, reinstalled ColdFusion, and I
> JA> continue to have the same problem.
> JA> In addition I've spent considerable time on both Microsoft's and
> JA> Macromedia's web sites and in the books.
> JA> So I throw myself on the mercy of you guys. There has to be an expert
> JA> who's faced a similar problem and who can point me in the right
> JA> direction.
> JA> I'm running:
> JA> Win2K Pro (plenty of RAM and disk space - no current registry errors)
> JA> IIS 5.0 - The server displays its default files and help system, so I
> JA> know it's running okay.
> JA> I had MDAC 2.7, but I think my most recent reinstallation of CF may have
> JA> reinstalled MDAC 2.0 (but reinstalling 2.7 doesn't change the situation)
> JA> CF 4.01
> JA> This is the error message I get in Windows Events:
> JA> The SiteMinder Authentication Service service failed to start due to the
> JA> following error:
> JA> The system cannot find the file specified.
> JA> Authorization Service is not running either. It displays:
> JA> The SiteMinder Authorization Service service failed to start due to the
> JA> following error:
> JA> The system cannot find the file specified.
> JA> For both, Windows displays Event ID: 7000
> JA> My choices are to call Microsoft ($$), call Macromedia ($$), or take my
> JA> computer to a local repair shop ($$).
> JA> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> JA> John
> JA>
This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
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Re: CFServer Problem

2003-01-08 Thread John Allred
I can't turn them on, since they are off. I don't know if Siteminder
Services are the cause, or whether the problem is simply coincidental,
but when I attempt to access my datasources through the database tab
within Studio, I am unable to do so (hence, unable to view tables or
construct queries), and I receive the following message:

"An error occurred accessing ColdFusion Server: The authentication

> Hi John,
> do you really need Siteminder-services ?
> If not can you switch them off ?
> What happens then ?
> Uwe
> Hello John,
> Monday, January 6, 2003, 7:12:56 PM, you wrote:
> JA> Good thought, Uwe, but I've run 4.01 under Win2K for a year and a half
> JA> without a hiccup. But, thanks anyway. My suspicions run toward the IIS
> JA> Metabase or some Windows .dll that got corrupted. Whatever files the two
> JA> Siteminder apps depend on have been corrupted, or something is
> JA> preventing them from being installed.
> JA> -John
> >>
> >> John, I might be wrong,
> >> but as far as I know 4, Win2k is unsupported
> >> by CF 4.01
> >> I think you must run at least 4.5.x
> >> Uwe
> >>
> >> Hello John,
> >>
> >> Monday, January 6, 2003, 6:15:30 AM, you wrote:
> >>
> >> JA> Me again.
> >>
> >> JA> I've been working for several days to repair whatever problem has
> >> JA> mangled my ColdFusion installation. I've uninstalled everything related
> >> JA> to CF that I can find, cleaned up the registry, uninstalled IIS,
> >> JA> reinstalled Windows, reinstalled IIS, reinstalled ColdFusion, and I
> >> JA> continue to have the same problem.
> >>
> >> JA> In addition I've spent considerable time on both Microsoft's and
> >> JA> Macromedia's web sites and in the books.
> >>
> >> JA> So I throw myself on the mercy of you guys. There has to be an expert
> >> JA> who's faced a similar problem and who can point me in the right
> >> JA> direction.
> >>
> >> JA> I'm running:
> >> JA> Win2K Pro (plenty of RAM and disk space - no current registry errors)
> >> JA> IIS 5.0 - The server displays its default files and help system, so I
> >> JA> know it's running okay.
> >> JA> I had MDAC 2.7, but I think my most recent reinstallation of CF may have
> >> JA> reinstalled MDAC 2.0 (but reinstalling 2.7 doesn't change the situation)
> >> JA> CF 4.01
> >>
> >> JA> This is the error message I get in Windows Events:
> >>
> >> JA> The SiteMinder Authentication Service service failed to start due to the
> >> JA> following error:
> >> JA> The system cannot find the file specified.
> >>
> >> JA> Authorization Service is not running either. It displays:
> >>
> >> JA> The SiteMinder Authorization Service service failed to start due to the
> >> JA> following error:
> >> JA> The system cannot find the file specified.
> >>
> >> JA> For both, Windows displays Event ID: 7000
> >>
> >> JA> My choices are to call Microsoft ($$), call Macromedia ($$), or take my
> >> JA> computer to a local repair shop ($$).
> >>
> >> JA> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> >> JA> John
> >> JA>
> >>
> JA>
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Check for variable

2000-05-13 Thread John Allred

I have several templates that require an ID variable to be passed to
them. When the templates load, they run a query "WHERE (COUNTY_NO =
'#ID#')" -- ID is a CGI variable.

I'm trying to account for users that will try to load these templates
without the ID, but I can't make either IsDefined or ParameterExists
work for me. If the user attempts to load without the proper ID, I'd
like to redirect them to another page where I let them select the county
and type of information they want. 

I've tried every permutation I can find, but I can't get it to work. I'd
simply like to:
1) Load the page and check for cgi variable
2) If variable exists, process the page
3) If not, redirect user to another page?

Any suggestions?

Also, I understand I'm not doing this very efficiently. Rather than
having different templates for particular types of information, I should
be using the same template and creating the HTML using some sort of
"method". However, I haven't yet come across an explanation of how to do
this (e.g., the way Allaire presents everything with an ID
&Method="..."). Could anyone direct me to a resource for a description?

--John Allred
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Advice on approach

2000-05-15 Thread John Allred

I accept submissions for links to be listed on one of my sites.
Originally, this was merely by E-mail. Then I set up a form, so I could
get as many fields filled in as possible and save some research time.
The form generated an E-mail to me and the sender.

Now, I'd like to have submitters enter the info directly in my database.
Should I let them enter it in my main tables, or should I create
separate tables and, once I approve the submissions, copy them to the
main tables?

If I do it the first way, I'd need to set up a flag to allow display,
once I've approved the submission. Any thoughts on the best way to do

--John Allred

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Slightly OT: Lighten things up a little

2000-05-14 Thread John Allred

Michael Imhoff wrote:
I ended up getting a 97
> BMW z3...sometimes I think that staring at the monitor too long impairs my
> judgment :-D

Michael, I don't know about the judgement part, but a nice, top down
ride in the country in my Miata sure clears my head after a long day at
the screen. BTW, staring eye-level at the lug nuts on truck wheels at
red lights tends to make one a more defensive driver!

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Next N records

2000-05-20 Thread John Allred

Sorry to bring this back up. I thought I had saved a post on this topic,
but it's no where to be found. Also checked CFWACK and Danesh. Trying to
get to the CF Talk archives returns a file not found. So

I'd like to do the "Next 30 records", "Previous 30 records" thing, but
loops are just beyond me right now.

Could someone explain how to set and then reset the needed variables for
each successive page of my query results? 

Thanks so much,
John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Next N records

2000-05-20 Thread John Allred

Thanks, Kevin.

As usual, all I have to do is ask the question, and I find it in the


Kevin Merker wrote:
> Go to Forta's CFWACK, chapter 21 page #498. Browsing "Next n" Records, this is what 
>you are looking for.
> Just copy & paste code changing to your db column names and data source.
> KM
> John Allred wrote:
> > Sorry to bring this back up. I thought I had saved a post on this topic,
> > but it's no where to be found. Also checked CFWACK and Danesh. Trying to
> > get to the CF Talk archives returns a file not found. So
> >
> > I'd like to do the "Next 30 records", "Previous 30 records" thing, but
> > loops are just beyond me right now.
> >
> > Could someone explain how to set and then reset the needed variables for
> > each successive page of my query results?
> >
> > Thanks so much,
> > --
> > John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
> > Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
> >
> > --
> > Archives:
> > To Unsubscribe visit 
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>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Re: Next N records

2000-05-21 Thread John Allred


Thanks. I particularly like that it approaches the Prev/Next functions
without resorting to forms.


Denny dd wrote:
> Hi!
> I think this site will be helpgul to you
> Denny
> John Allred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Kevin.
> As usual, all I have to do is ask the question, and I find it in the
> book.
> --John
> Kevin Merker wrote:
> >
> > Go to Forta's CFWACK, chapter 21 page #498. Browsing "Next n" Records, this
> is what you are looking for.
> > Just copy & paste code changing to your db column names and data source.
> >
> > KM
> >
> > John Allred wrote:
> >
> > > Sorry to bring this back up. I thought I had saved a post on this topic,
> > > but it's no where to be found. Also checked CFWACK and Danesh. Trying to
> > > get to the CF Talk archives returns a file not found. So
> > >
> > > I'd like to do the "Next 30 records", "Previous 30 records" thing, but
> > > loops are just beyond me right now.
> > >
> > > Could someone explain how to set and then reset the needed variables for
> > > each successive page of my query results?
> > >
> > > Thanks so much,
> > > --
> > > John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
> > > Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
> > >
> > >
> --
> > > Archives:
> > > To Unsubscribe visit
> or
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the
> body.
> >
> >
> --
> > Archives:
> > To Unsubscribe visit
> or
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the
> body.
> --
> John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
> Mississippi Counties
> --
> Archives:
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> ________
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Restricted access

2000-05-21 Thread John Allred

I know everyone has seen this message. I know you can use a mapped
subdirectory, but I get the access problem when my internet connection
dies. After that, no address works, and it requires me to reboot.
Starting and stopping the Cold Fusion engine doesn't seem to help me
regain the ability to display my files.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks


"Access is Restricted to this Cold Fusion Service.
... The Cold Fusion server is currently configured to accept requests
exclusively from IP address (Your request was made from The Cold Fusion engine must be stopped and restarted to
reset the permitted IP address. "

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Restricted access

2000-05-21 Thread John Allred


The problem is that, when my dialer hangs up, I can no longer display my
CF pages in my browser without rebooting. It doesn't matter what I try.
Sorry, I should have been more explicit.


Jim Taylor wrote:
> You called   the wrong ip address
> -Original Message-
> From: John Allred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 3:01 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Restricted access
> I know everyone has seen this message. I know you can use a mapped
> subdirectory, but I get the access problem when my internet connection
> dies. After that, no address works, and it requires me to reboot.
> Starting and stopping the Cold Fusion engine doesn't seem to help me
> regain the ability to display my files.
> Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks
> --John
> "Access is Restricted to this Cold Fusion Service.
> ... The Cold Fusion server is currently configured to accept requests
> exclusively from IP address (Your request was made from
> The Cold Fusion engine must be stopped and restarted to
> reset the permitted IP address. "
> --
> John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
> Mississippi Counties
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit
> or
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
> the body.
> --
> Archives:
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Re: Best Editor

2000-05-22 Thread John Allred

When you want some really powerful scripting that CF Studio won't give
you (like trying to do search and replace on carriage returns and tabs),
try Arachnophilia. If it had the project management features of Studio,
that's all I'd use.

--John Allred

> Which is the best editor out there that you fellow cf'ers like?
> Adobe Go Live
> Dreamweaver
> Homesite
> Frontpage
> Liquid Web
> Cold Fusion Studio
> Any Suggestions?
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit 
> or send a 
>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Left Join syntax for MS Access

2000-05-22 Thread John Allred


You'd be surprised what some experimentation with the Access query
builder will net you. But here are a couple of snippets that might shed
some light on it for you.

SELECT Person.persid, Person.FN, Person.LN, Pers_works.*
FROM Person LEFT JOIN Pers_works ON Person.PersID = Pers_works.PersID
WHERE person.persid = #ID#

or, adding in a right join:

 FROM (Person LEFT JOIN Pers_works ON Person.PersID = Pers_works.PersID) 
 RIGHT JOIN PersCounty ON Person.PersID = PersCounty.PersID
 WHERE ( ((PersCounty.CntyID)='#ID#'))

The parentheses help you see what's getting joined to what.

--John Allred

Eron Cohen wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am wondering if anyone knows the correct syntax for doing a LEFT JOIN in
> the WHERE statement of an MS Access Database query.
> I was told that it should be something like:
> contact_table.contact_ID =* sales_information.sales_contact_ID
> but this throws a syntax error:
> Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '0=0 and (show='ABC')
> and (email_address_is_primary=1 and Contact_Phone_number_is_primary=1) and
> company_master_table.visible=1 AND contact_table.contact_ID =*
> sales_information.sales_contact_ID
> Any ideas appreciated!
> Eron
> --
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Best Editor

2000-05-22 Thread John Allred

Dave Watts wrote:
> > When you want some really powerful scripting that CF Studio won't
> > give you (like trying to do search and replace on carriage returns
> > and tabs), try Arachnophilia. If it had the project management features
> > of Studio, that's all I'd use.
> You can actually do searches using carriage returns and other nonprintable
> characters. One way to do this is from the Extended Search and Replace
> window. 

Cool! Thanks, Dave. In Word, you search for ^p and ^t, in Arachnophilia,
it's \p and \t. Hitting the Enter key in Studio was umm, too easy? Now I
don't have to exit out of Studio when I'm cleaning up old files.

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Re: Nested Forms

2000-05-22 Thread John Allred

Steve Reich wrote:
> > Purely out of curiosity...
> > Why would you want/need to nest forms?
> > No offense intended, simply trying to understand your line of thought.
> None taken. I want my users to be able to update their personal information.
> What I would like to do is have it broken into sections like home
> information, business information, and other information. If they are making
> a change to just their home phone, let's say, then I don't want them to have
> to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the submit button. I wanted to
> have 3 forms on the page. However, when they are filling it out the first
> time, I don't want them to have to submit 3 times... instead their would be
> a 'Save All' submit button at the bottom.
> I was pretty sure I couldn't nest my forms, but I've never tried so I just
> thought I'd ask... now I'm thinking URL variable and JavaScript...


If I understand what you trying to achieve, you can use the OPTGROUP
element within your SELECT element to group the choices, so that only
Home, Business, and Other would appear on the form. Click on one, and
all the other choices under it would pop out. Does this sound like a

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Nested Forms

2000-05-22 Thread John Allred

Steve Reich wrote:
> > If I understand what you trying to achieve, you can use the OPTGROUP
> > element within your SELECT element to group the choices, so that only
> > Home, Business, and Other would appear on the form. Click on one, and
> > all the other choices under it would pop out. Does this sound like a
> > solution?
> Yes, sounds interesting... do you have an example of this?

Dave will know what I'm talking about when I say that I've gotten myself
in trouble here. You can find information on this at

I've been playing with it (haven't tried it before now), and I can't get
the results that they show as a "possible" rendering. But, you might be
able to work it out.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Nested Forms

2000-05-22 Thread John Allred

I didn't test enough. The OPTGROUP technique didn't work under NS 4.7 or
IE 4. It does work under Mozilla (NS 6), but not the way they show it on
the page I gave below.

John Allred wrote:
> Steve Reich wrote:
> >
> > > If I understand what you trying to achieve, you can use the OPTGROUP
> > > element within your SELECT element to group the choices, so that only
> > > Home, Business, and Other would appear on the form. Click on one, and
> > > all the other choices under it would pop out. Does this sound like a
> > > solution?
> >
> > Yes, sounds interesting... do you have an example of this?
> >
> Dave will know what I'm talking about when I say that I've gotten myself
> in trouble here. You can find information on this at
> I've been playing with it (haven't tried it before now), and I can't get
> the results that they show as a "possible" rendering. But, you might be
> able to work it out.
> --
> John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
> Mississippi Counties

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Self join?

2000-05-26 Thread John Allred

Hi all,

I have a CFFORM where the field values are populated with variables I
set at the top of the page. variable1="" if a new record, or
variable1="#field1#" from a query if an update.

For one of the fields in the form, I have to query another one-column
table for values. I got it working, sort of, but I have two problems.
First, some of the values in the second table are multiple words, like
"Civil Rights Leader", but when the first table is updated, I only get
the first word... anything after the first space is not passed. Any

Second, for maintenance purposes, I would rather not maintain two tables
for this information. Would you recommend using a self join on this
field, so that I can get a drop down list of all the available values
and enter an new value while I'm updating the main record? I suppose
another alternative is to create a linking table in which I would store
only keys. Given the number of tables I have already and the complexity
of the application, I'd rather not, but I would follow the advice of the
more experienced among you.

What I'm looking for here is what I always called (prior to using CF and
SQL) a lookup on previously entered values.

John Allred
John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

PING to check URL

2000-05-30 Thread John Allred

I can't find any documentation on using the PING command to check for a
valid URL. The alternative is to force my users to do it, when all I
want is to check its validity before allowing them to enter it on my

Any thoughts?

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Automatically transferring data from one table to another

2000-05-30 Thread John Allred

Eron Cohen wrote:
> Earl,
> Rather than have two tables, why not have a checkbox field in the database
> table labled "Approved".
> When you go to output your jokes, just make sure you have something like
> WHERE Approved=1, that way people viewing the site will only see your
> approved jokes.  This is easier to do and more efficient than having two
> seperate tables.

I'm kind of curious about this too. I've set up a link submission form
using one table with the "Approve" column, but I'm also allowing
modifications to existing records. If I cause the "Approve" flag to be
reset when someone changes a link, I take it out of service. I can't
allow them to modify my live table, so I'd kind of like to use this
method that Earl is asking about.

John Allred
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Re: PING to check URL

2000-05-30 Thread John Allred

Thanks, Dave.

Maybe I'm narrowing the choices by my question. I'm not hung up on PING.
I would merely like to be able to check for a URL behind the scenes in
my script, without forcing my visitor to do it for me (enter it, test
it, and either click the back button or close the new window, depending
on how I set it up). If the address, entered in a browser, would return
a 404 I'd like to be able to send back a prompt, so the user can take
appropriate action.


Dave Watts wrote:
> Ping doesn't have anything to do with URLs. You use Ping to see if you can
> connect to a specific IP address or DNS name. Ping uses ICMP as its
> protocol, and doesn't tell you whether there's a web server running, or
> anything else except that there is something at that address.
> If you want to check a URL, you can use CFHTTP to test it, and in CF 4.5.x,
> you can access the CFHTTP.StatusCode variable which will tell you whether
> you could retrieve the requested resource. One caveat - if you do this with
> a URL which points to a CF script, such as
> "", the CFHTTP.StatusCode will be 200,
> which means that the server could respond successfully, even if there is no
> file "myfile.cfm". CF returns a "fake" 404 HTML page, instead of returning a
> 404 status code.
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CFINSERT on multiple tables

2000-05-31 Thread John Allred

This question applies equally to inserts and updates, but describes
inserts for simplicity.

All references to CFINSERT I've found in CFWACK and Danesh describe the
inclusion of only one tablename. For forms that query relational tables,
would you have to provide for two separate inserts within a
CFTRANSACTION? I'm pretty sure this will work, but I'm wondering if I
can utilize one of my Access queries as the "tablename" value and do the
insert in one action.

Also for the child table, where I might be inserting multiple rows, do I
need to do the inserts within a loop? Please be patient if this seems
elementary. I'm still somewhat of a newbie.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated...
John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: CFINSERT on multiple tables

2000-05-31 Thread John Allred


Thanks for the info. Any sources you can refer me to where I can dig
into this in greater detail?

Dave Watts wrote:
> Whether you use CFINSERT or a regular SQL INSERT statement within CFQUERY,
> you can only update one table at a time. If you need to update multiple
> tables, you'll need multiple inserts. Whether or not they need to be within
> a CFTRANSACTION really depends on the specific circumstances. If they both
> absolutely have to either succeed or fail together, then they belong within
> a transaction.
> Yes, if you want to perform multiple inserts within a child table, you'll
> probably end up looping over an insert into that table. There are
> alternatives, but they require a decent amount of SQL within a stored
> procedure.
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Re: Unable to understand error--help

2000-05-31 Thread John Allred


You might also check to be sure you haven't left out a quote. I had this
error on a form earlier today, and it turned out I had left out a
closing quote for the METHOD.

--John Allred

"Howell, Katie" wrote:
> do you have method="post" or method="get" in your cfform tag?
> -Original Message-
> From: aslam bajaria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 11:33 AM
> Subject: Unable to understand error--help
> I have a form. I have an action page.
> When I fill out the form (which is simple form), I am
> getting an error as follows:
> HTTP Error 405
> 405 Method Not Allowed
> The method specified in the Request Line is not
> allowed for the resource identified by the request.
> Please ensure that you have the proper MIME type set
> up for the resource you are requesting.
> Please contact the server's administrator if this
> problem persists.
> Can someone help me and tell me where am I going
> wrong?
> Appreciate
> A.B.
> __
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Multiple tables redux

2000-05-31 Thread John Allred

Hi all,

I hope I'm not being a pill, but I can't get my arms around an approach.
I'm sure many of you do this all the time, so it shouldn't be too hard
to get me started.

I have a form that allows users to fill in values that will populate
both a parent and a child table. Could someone outline the high level
steps to accomplish this? My books are becoming dog-eared, and I'm not
getting anywhere.

Your advice will be most helpful.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Replacing line breaks and paragraph breaks with HTML equivelents

2000-06-03 Thread John Allred

Dennis Powers wrote:
> Dave,
> BTW: Although I have never taken your course, you have taught me much
> through this medium and for that I thank you.

Me too. Hey! You got a course? Where can I find out more?
John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Re: Cflocation inside of a cftransaction

2000-06-04 Thread John Allred

Dave Watts wrote:
> > In one of my pages I have a few insert queries that I run
> > inside of a cftransaction. Depending on the results I did
> > have a cflocation tag to redirect them to a outcome page.
> > They would get redirected fine, but the insert queries
> > would not run properly, as in they wouldn't write to the
> > table. Is this because the cflocation has the ability to
> > break a cftransaction block
> Yes, when CFLOCATION is processed, nothing else in that page following the
> CFLOCATION is processed.


I've been struggling with the same problem. I want to perform an update
or an insert, then redirect the user to another page. Can you outline a
strategy for accomplishing this? Should I just remove the
? Although this seems like it would work, I wouldn't be
able to get the result I want. That is, I don't want to move the user
forward UNLESS the insert or update has been successful.

One other thing. With this setup, I increment my autonumber field for
inserts, but there is no record created in the table.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Re: CF Training?

2000-06-06 Thread John Allred

I love this thread. And I appreciate the advice and encouragement from
the ones of you farther down the road. Could someone comment on how to
interpret the jobs listings we find online? I personally am ready to
find a great company to work for, but the listings I find tend to put up
some awfully steep requirements, including all sorts of other experience
besides CF. Like many, I've dabbled with Perl, CGI, ASP and half a dozen
authoring programs. But it's intimidating to think a company is wanting
strong skills in all of these.

More comments, please!

John Allred

"Gregory Gooden (Annex)" wrote:
> Sharon,
> Truer words were never spoken!.. As a company that has recently been very
> agressive in hiring CF folke, I can tell you that a URL is worth a thousand
> words. High school dropout? No problem. If you've got the "stuff", then
> companies like ours overlook that kinda stuff.. :)
> Gregory
> ---
>, Inc. -
> ---
> - If you EcoBuild it, they will come. -
> - -
> ---
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Sharon DiOrio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2000 6:38 PM
> > Subject: Re: CF Training?
> >
> >
> > My recommendation to anyone wanting to get more into CF is to find a
> > company that specializes in it.  It's the only way you'll get
> > to see what
> > CF is really capable of.  Most corporations don't use 1/10th of the CF
> > power available to them.  I believe that in order to get
> > really good with
> > the software, you'll need to be challenged by people wanting
> > more than you
> > can deliver, and surrounded by people who can show you how
> > it's done.  I
> > won't say that you can't get good learning by yourself, but
> > it takes a lot
> > more effort on your part.
> >
> > Check out the Allaire Partners on the allaire website.  I'm
> > sure there is
> > one near you.  When you interview, tell them exactly what
> > you're looking
> > for: an opportunity to become a CF guru.  Most of them will
> > be thrilled to
> > talk to you.  And these days, having URLs means a lot more
> > than a degree.
> >
> > If actually changing jobs isn't an option now, then join your
> > nearest CFUG.
> >  Network your hiney off and find a couple of "coding
> > partners" who would be
> > willing to share ideas, code, and provide a CF sounding board.
> >
> > Sharon
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit 
> or send a 
>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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2000-06-06 Thread John Allred

Are there any CF users interested in starting a CFUG in the Jackson, MS
area? Birmingham and Atlanta are LONG drives for a mid-week meeting.

John Allred
John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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No data in new record

2000-06-19 Thread John Allred


I've been wrestling with an add/update template. Using CFINSERT, I can
get the autonumber field to increment, but the record is not added. I'm
using Access 97, and the table in question is a child in a 1-M
relationship. I don't have referential integrity applied, but I'm
wondering if the relationship between the tables might affect my ability
to insert new records. The join type is to include all parent records
and only those in the child that are equal.

Doing the same thing with another pair of tables works fine. But the
relationship for those is reversed.

Any thoughts?

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

No data in new record

2000-06-20 Thread John Allred


I've been wrestling with an add/update template. Using CFINSERT, I can
get the autonumber field to increment, but the record is not added. I'm
using Access 97, and the table in question is a child in a 1-M
relationship. I don't have referential integrity applied, but I'm
wondering if the relationship between the tables might affect my ability
to insert new records. The join type is to include all parent records
and only those in the child that are equal.

Doing the same thing with another pair of tables works fine. But the
relationship for those is reversed.

Any thoughts?

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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OT: Test

2000-06-25 Thread John Allred

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Re: Great list WAS: Unsubscribe

2000-06-30 Thread John Allred

It makes you feel so welcome to have a greeter like Papa Dave at the door.
Kind of like what Wal-Mart wishes it could do.


 Subject: Re: Great list WAS: Unsubscribe  
12:19 PM   
respond to 

I'm a CF newbie and non-programmer who has been helped out of several CF
jams on this list. I consider it a valuable resource not to be misused
or taken lightly.

Doug Jordon

"Gary McNeel, Jr." wrote:
> I could not agree with you more, John. I am on several lists and this is
> FAR the best.
> -Gary McNeel, Jr.
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 8:46 AM
> > Subject: Great list WAS: Unsubscribe
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Don Cuniff
> >
> >>cc:
> >
> >   Subject: RE:
> > Unsubscribe
> > 06/29/2000
> >
> > 03:25 PM
> >
> > Please respond
> >
> > to cf-talk
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Is this the 1st time this list has ever been unified on a topic.
> > Don't you
> > love it when someone brings out the best is us.
> >
> > don
> >
> > = Response
> >
> > This is not surprising at all to me, Don. I've been monitoring an ASP
> > for the past couple of weeks and the difference is remarkable. On
> > the other
> > list, they tend to be abrupt, if not rude, very often, more interested
> > displaying what they know than with helping the less experienced among
> > them. This list, on the other hand, tends to be very considerate,
> > and helpful. In addition, the newbie questions on this list tend to be
> > better thought out in the first place. And even when they're not, I
> > recall anyone going out of his or her way to make the newbie feel
> >
> > I consider this list to be a great resource.
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Allred
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > 
> > Archives:
> > To Unsubscribe visit
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
> the body.

> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit or
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Re: OT: Uncommon fonts

2000-07-01 Thread John Allred


This question might be better directed to a general HTML list like those
offered by the HTML Writers Guild at, however...

You're not giving all the information needed here, but let me take a
shot at it. HTML and CSS don't know or care about fonts. They will
simply transmit a request to display a font, but for the request to be
honored by the browser, the font(s) must exist on the user's system. If
you specify Frutiger in a web page, only a few of your visitors are
likely to see the font.

Now, if you want to acquire the font and make graphics from it to use
for your navigation, you'll need to own it. Since many software
applications ship with a generous supply of fonts, you might already
have it, although it might be named differently. 

Adobe has the font for sale at

Personally, if I were going to create graphics from a font and I already
had Swiss or Futura, I wouldn't bother buying Frutiger. For web work,
there's not enough difference to justify spending any money on it.

As a last resort, you could take your best shot at it in your code by
specifying multiple fonts. A browser will use the first font in a list
that's installed on the system. For instance, in HTML, use  or, in CSS, use

SelectorName {
   font-family : frutiger, futura, swiss, sans-serif;   

John Allred

cftalk wrote:
> Hi, someone produced on an Apple MAC fonts called Frutiger (?) or Futur.
> HTML/CSS doesn't provide these fonts! What can I do to get a similar font in
> HTML ?
> Building graphics for the navigation-menu ?
> Thank you for any ideas !
> SD Solutions
> Uwe Degenhardt
> Fon: 08122/903791
> Fax: 08122/903792
> Web:
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit 
> or send a 
>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Counties
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Re: Slightly OT: Dumb HTML question

2000-07-14 Thread John Allred

You might get the result you want using CSS. Take a look at and see if the table on the left is close. If so, you
can open the style sheet and see how it's done. I've used it with modest
success. The point is, the site works almost as well in NS as it does in

John Allred

aimee abbott   
 Subject: Re: Slightly OT: Dumb HTML 
11:05 PM   
respond to 

At 04:09 PM 7/13/2000 -0700, Gregory Harris wrote:
>Hello everyone, I was trying to build a table cell  with it's own
>border (apart from the rest of the table) in Netscape 4.  I tried BORDER=1> and that didn't work, I tried a style sheet and that didn't work

>either, does anyone know how to do this?  Thanks!

  As far as I know, you can't assign a border for
individual 's.


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CF Express

2000-07-18 Thread John Allred

Can anyone give me a URL where I can download CF Express? I found it on
Allaire's site previously using search, but that's currently disabled.

John Allred

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Checking for file on server

2000-07-23 Thread John Allred


I need to check for the existence of an image file and either display
the file, if it exists, or display a default file.

I have worked up the following code, which produces no errors, but it
will not display the default file when the file I'm checking for doesn't
exist. Can anyone see the error?

In either case, the code, "pics/#FILENAME#.jpg," gets executed. If I
swap the two parts of the CFIF, then "pics/no_pic.jpg" gets executed in
either case. So I know my test always evaluates to false. I tried
changing the fileExists parameter to "pics/#FILENAME#.jpg", but I get
the same result.

This template is in the root, and the picture files are in [root]/pics/

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Re: Checking for file on server

2000-07-23 Thread John Allred


Thanks. That did the trick (he says as he slinks off, thinking, "Why
didn't I think of that?")


Duane Boudreau wrote:
> Try:
> instead of
> Duane Boudreau
> CFExperts.Com
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2000-07-24 Thread John Allred

Anyone familiar with NQL? I've received several contacts from the company,
but I haven't had time to figure out what Network Query Language is
supposed to help me do.


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Re: (admin) List 'suggestions'

2000-07-28 Thread John Allred

Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> 4. Add a subject header to your posts so people have a fast clue about
> what's going on. Such headers include:
> (SQL)
> (http)
> (security)
> etc. Adding a header will help everyone with their posts.

Michael, if you want headers like these used consistently, why don't you
consider placing all of them in the footer attached to each message? 

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Re: CFLOCKs.... is this really necessary?

2000-07-28 Thread John Allred

Zachary Bedell wrote:
> *shudders*  Don't get me started on Allaire's documentation.
> We're considering starting our own internal errata list for our
> developers

Maybe you could publish this for the rest of us, if you do it.
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Re: Testing number of characters in CFform textarea

2000-07-30 Thread John Allred


Not to jump in front of Jeff, but you might check out the javascript
called, "Limit Textarea" at

According to the description, "This script controls a maximum textarea
input amount and updates a small counter with how many characters are
left with each keystroke. Dynamic fix now allows you to use this script
in multiple textboxes on a page."


Jeff Beer wrote:
> I have a great javascript function that handles this on the client side (not
> my own code).  It has an optional counter that displays the number of
> characters remaining (counts down as the user enters text).  Once your limit
> is reached, the user is unable to enter more text.
> I don't have it here at home.  If anyone wants it, send me some mail
> off-list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'll send it tomorrow.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: Pty. Ltd.
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 11:56 PM
> Subject: Testing number of characters in CFform textarea
> I am wanting to limit the number of characters being entered into a multi
> lined text area cfform
> does cf allow for in the design of the form to limit the input of characters
> to a pre determined number preventing the data input of any further
> characters (keeping in mind this is a multi lined form so the user is able
> to easily read their input)
> or does the form need to be submitted by the user and at the time of
> submission cf test to the number of characters prior to updating the
> datafield in the database
> or do I have to set the max characters in the memo field of the database to
> the max number of characters accepted and when those characters are exceeded
> the database prevents the update and an appropriate error message is
> displayed
> I look forward to your comments / suggestions in this regard and thank you
> in advance
> Kind Regards
> Claude Raiola (Director)
> Pty. Ltd.
> Website:
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit
> or
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
> the body.
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit 
> or send a 
>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi

Accessibility Resources:
HWG's AWARE site -
W3C's WAI site -
Campaign for a Non-Browser-Specific WWW -
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Re: CF, PHP vs. JSP?

2000-09-26 Thread John Allred


If the client has a thoroughly thought out plan, and JSP fits well with
that plan, then he/she probably does know what they want. Otherwise, it's
probably the equivalent of a beauty contest. In that case, their decision
would be based on less quantifiable or definable issues. If they are only
"leaning," then it might be good to give them the alternatives with dollar
estimates. It's going to cost the client more money or less money,
depending on which route they take. Someone else might be able to do a JSP
site for less than you could do it using CF. Or maybe you can save them a
lot of money and provide other benefits they hadn't considered before.

Unless the client is as technically savvy as you, side by side comparisons
are of little use, IMO. They're still going to decide the issue on the same
criteria they would have used otherwise. If you can discover those
criteria, you can help them decide what is most beneficial to them.


Steven Katz
com> cc:   
 Subject: CF, PHP vs. JSP? 
11:10 AM   
respond to 


I'm developing a site that will eventually involve some dynamic
components. I intended to use CF or PHP, but the client is
leaning towards JSP. In what scenario would this be a better
option? Any famous lists of pros and cons out there?



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Displaying CF code

2000-10-09 Thread John Allred

I have some CF templates on an intranet for which I'd like to display the
code in the user's browser. I find myself without my printed manuals, and I
can't seem to find what I'm looking for in the online help.

Can someone recommend a method I can use to include and transform the code
from a CF template in another template and have it display but not execute?
I fear I'm not making this very clear. What I want to do is have my main
template, that is including a file based on a CFSWITCH on a variable,
either include a file and execute it or pull that same file in and display
the code only by replacing the left brackets with < .


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Re: # sign in my string!

2000-10-10 Thread John Allred


Try  Replace(form.salaryreq, #, ## , ALL) to escape the pound sign.


Scott Becker   
> cc: 
   Subject: # sign in my string!   
08:26 AM   
Please respond 
to cf-talk 

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;


Heres another stumper...

If there is a # sign in form.salaryreq, this blows up... How would I get
around this?
I've tried various combinations of quotes... I know why this blows up, but
dont know how to get around this? argh! :)

Scott Becker
Web Developer : ConnectWise, Inc.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

# sign in my string!


Heres another stumper...

If there is a # sign in form.salaryreq, this blows =
up... How would I get around this?
I've tried various combinations of quotes... I know =
why this blows up, but I dont know how to get around this? argh! =

Scott Becker
Web Developer : ConnectWise, Inc.


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Re: Making Check Box Selection Mandetory

2000-10-10 Thread John Allred


Brian and David have suggested client-side approaches, but you can also
make a checkbox field required, using server side validation. Just set it
up with a hidden field in the format, your_checkbox_field_required, the
same as your other required fields. Be sure not to preselect any of the
checkboxes, or you'll defeat the validation.




Pty. Ltd."  To: CF-Talk 
  Subject: Making Check Box 
Selection Mandetory  

10/10/2000 09:27 AM

Please respond to cf-talk  



Using forms placing "required" and "message" inside the input tag allows
to ensure that the user enters input in order for the form to be submitted

is it possible to have the same functionality over check box input when
there are several check boxes to select from for the one input variable
without any initially being checked and that unless the user checks one of
the them the form will not be submitted

I look forward to your comments

Kind Regards

Claude Raiola (Director) Pty. Ltd.


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RE: AOL mayheim

2000-10-11 Thread John Allred

Thanks for this insight, Simon. According to this logic, Cold Fusion would
not be singled out by AOL. It would not be friendly to any server
technology that presents dynamic pages based on database content, including
ASP, PHP, and Domino.

Can you or anyone else shed some light on just how far behind AOL's caching
is? For instance, if I have info on a site that changes daily, how long
will AOL users go between snapshots? This would help me explain to AOL
users what they're not seeing.


Simon Horwith >cc:   
 Subject: RE: AOL mayheim  
01:51 PM   
respond to 

I haven't been following this entire thread, but you've got to remember
for all intents and purposes, AOL is a cached intranet.  AOL (or anyone
else) cannot cache pages that are dynamically changing based on database
content... or at the very least, they cannot keep very current copies of
dynamic sites on their network.From AOL's standpoint, the statement
they are not "ColdFusion" friendly makes sense.


-Original Message-
From: Warrick, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 2:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: AOL mayheim

Hey Brian,

For those of us (such as myself) who apparently need new glasses, could you
help us out with a link to that info you're talking about?


Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386 Fax: (801) 730-7289
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL:
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL:
ICQ: 346566

> -Original Message-
> From: Brian bouldernet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 6:58 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: AOL mayheim
> You cannot email AOL using Cold Fusion Application Server... The default
> serverid, You must change it.. Also it transforms all likes like
> Hotmail to
> single quote instead of doublequotes
> - Original Message -
> From: Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:15 AM
> Subject: Re: CGI Referrer variable stream and AOL crap.
> > >Read up on all the crappy changes like blocked Cold Fusion Application
> > >server, and all that...
> >
> > I couldn't find anything here about blocked cold fusion... And I
> > tried searching for 'cold fusion', 'cold', and 'fusion' and still
> > found nothing... If AOL is blocking cfm pages somehow please tell
> > me about it.
> >
> > RPS
> >
> >
> > Archives:
> > To Unsubscribe visit
> send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
> the body.
> >
> --
> Archives:
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_talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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Selects in CFGRID

2000-10-20 Thread John Allred

I have four books open in front of me, and I've been
searching for an answer all morning. Is there a way to
insert values in a CFGRID field by selecting values from a
column from another query? What I'm looking for is the same
functionality as you'd get from an HTML SELECT field where
you populate it with a query.


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Re: Selects in CFGRID

2000-10-20 Thread John Allred

Aw, c'mon. Someone's bound to have some thoughts on this.

John Allred wrote:
> I have four books open in front of me, and I've been
> searching for an answer all morning. Is there a way to
> insert values in a CFGRID field by selecting values from a
> column from another query? What I'm looking for is the same
> functionality as you'd get from an HTML SELECT field where
> you populate it with a query.
> Thanks,
> --John
> Archives:
> Unsubscribe: or send a message 
>with 'unsubscribe' in the body to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
  "Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought
after directly. 
It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service"

-- Henry Ford

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Re: Selects in CFGRID

2000-10-20 Thread John Allred


Yeah. Just like you would do with SELECT or CFSELECT, as in:


I can't find anything to indicate something like this is
possible. I guess maybe the question is whether you can nest
a SELECT field within a CFGRID.


Simon Horwith wrote:
> let me get this straight:  you want to know how to create a CFGRID with one
> query, and populate some of it's cell values with results from another
> query?  I'm just trying to make sure I understand the question, before I
> answer.
> ~Simon

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Re: Selects in CFGRID

2000-10-20 Thread John Allred

Thanks, guys.

I kind of think someone missed the boat on this applet.
Wouldn't it seem reasonable that, if you want to use a grid
to insert/update/delete records, you might want to have it
operate much like a FORM or CFFORM, using SELECT fields? Oh,

Also, I may be missing it, but I can't find any way to apply
edits to the fields or to format the data, like with
numberformat or dateformat. Without all this functionality,
seems like you have a merely pretty table that encourages
the insertion of really sloppy data.

Just my .02, and thanks again.

Dave Watts wrote:
> > > Yeah. Just like you would do with SELECT or CFSELECT, as in:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  > > value=#abbrev#>#trim(dept)#
> > >
> > > I can't find anything to indicate something like this is
> > > possible. I guess maybe the question is whether you can nest
> > > a SELECT field within a CFGRID.
> >
> > Oh, you want to actually nest a select within a cfgrid?  No, I do not
> > believe you can do this.  Possibly in a CFGRID that you are manually
> > creating, rather than creating from a query.
> The Java applet used by CFGRID doesn't support this. I'd guess that there
> are third-party Java applets available that do, however. You could use one
> of those instead, but you'd have to populate the data with your own CFML
> code.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444

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Multi-table inserts & updates

2000-10-25 Thread John Allred

I need some advice on how to set up a form that will either insert or
update data to multiple tables in the same database. I have a parent and
two child tables in an Access database, and there is a one-to-many
relationship established between the parent and each of the children. I'd
like to keep this so I can cascade deletes, but if need be, I can work
around it.

At present, the  on my entry template includes only one  field
for one of the child tables. Using the following code in my action
template, I can use one form to insert a record in both tables.

select max(vid) as bid
from vendor

insert into bullets(bid, nbrOrder, bullet)
values ('', '#nbrOrder#', '#bullet#')

Ideally, I'd like to be able to enter any number of child records at the
same time I create the parent record, using the same form. I'm thinking it
might be possible to switch to  and include a  for the
child tables.

Has anyone done something like this? And could you offer advice on this or
another approach. So far as I can find, CFWACK only has two paragraphs on
entering data in multiple tables (p. 271 in the 2nd ed.).

Thanks for any help.
--John Allred

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Re: Multi-table inserts & updates

2000-10-25 Thread John Allred

I forgot to mention, I'm developing this app on CF Express, so some of the
more advanced tags might not be available.


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Re: Multi-table inserts & updates

2000-10-26 Thread John Allred


Thanks for the interest, but I suspect the solution you're heading towards
would revolve around populating records in one table with multi-selects
from  another table. What I'm needing (or wanting) to do is enter multiple
records in the child table where the input is text that the user types in.
In case I'm wrong, the answer to your question is that the "nbrOrder" and
"bullet" fields in the child table are simply text fields -- bullet is for
the text to be entered, and nbrOrder is for the order the user wishes to
establish for the resulting UL elements on the display template.


ShadovitzTo: CF-Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
   Subject: Re: Multi-table inserts & 
01:04 AM   
respond to 


I see that bullets is one of the child tables, and that its bid field
provides the relationship to the parent table.  Where do nbrOrder and
bullet come from?  Which field comes from the child table's  field
on the entry template?

I ask in order to see if my method would work for you.  I have an entry
template with a form containing several text input elements for parent
table values, and a multiple-select element whose options each represent
an entry in a child table.  Upon submit I put the option values into a
hidden element as a list.  On the form's action page I insert a record
into the parent table and then I loop over the list, doing an insert into
the child table for each list item.

It ain't easy to explain, but your answers to my questions at the top may
make it more clear to us.


On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:59:04 -0500 John Allred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I need some advice on how to set up a form that will either insert or
> update data to multiple tables in the same database. I have a parent
> and
> two child tables in an Access database, and there is a one-to-many
> relationship established between the parent and each of the
> children. I'd
> like to keep this so I can cascade deletes, but if need be, I can
> work
> around it.
> At present, the  on my entry template includes only one
>  field
> for one of the child tables. Using the following code in my action
> template, I can use one form to insert a record in both tables.
>   dataSource="annc"
>  tableName="vendor"
>  formfields="vendor, imageName"
>  >
> select max(vid) as bid
> from vendor
> insert into bullets(bid, nbrOrder, bullet)
> values ('', '#nbrOrder#', '#bullet#')
> Ideally, I'd like to be able to enter any number of child records at
> the
> same time I create the parent record, using the same form. I'm
> thinking it
> might be possible to switch to  and include a  for
> the
> child tables.
> Has anyone done something like this? And could you offer advice on
> this or
> another approach. So far as I can find, CFWACK only has two
> paragraphs on
> entering data in multiple tables (p. 271 in the 2nd ed.).
> Thanks for any help.
> --John Allred

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Re: Multi-table inserts & updates

2000-10-27 Thread John Allred


Thanks. I hadn't thought of your Option 2. I'm still thinking of a couple
of other ways. The main thing with most obvious approaches is that the
parent record has to be created first, then the children in subsequent

I guess what I was originally hoping for was something like entering parent
and child info, saving the parent record and storing the child elements in
an array or structure on one pass, then moving them to the child table in a
second pass or upon Save & Exit. Seems like this would insulate the user
from the trips back and forth to the database to build up the parent and
child records and behave more like non-web applications.

Thanks for the suggestion.

ShadovitzTo: CF-Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
   Subject: Re: Multi-table inserts & 
09:41 AM   
respond to 

In your situation you're wondering
if you need to put N text input elements on the form to allow the user to
specify N records in the child table.  I got around this by using a
multiple-select element, where each option is akin to one of your text
fields.  This works for me because the options are chosen from a
pre-defined set of possible values.  It won't work for you since text
could be anything.

Two options that I see:
1. Put N text input elements on the page and hope that N is a good guess.
2. Use two input pages, not one.  On the first, gather the parent table
info, and let the user specify how many child records he wants to make.
Submit that page to a 2nd page which creates exactly that number of text
input elements.

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Re: Multi-table inserts & updates

2000-10-29 Thread John Allred


This sounds like what I'm after. But can you explain in a
little more detail how you're handling the creation of the
PK and FKs? Are you relying on the relationship between the
tables set in the database? I'm close here. Maybe you can
get me all the way home in one step.


David Shadovitz wrote:
> John,
> I agree with your concerns.
> In my Option 2, I pass the parent table info (not yet inserted into the
> db) to the 2nd page.  I gather all of the child table info into a list
> for each field.  Then I do all the inserts within a CFTRANSACTION:
> index)>
> Let me know what you discover.
> -David
> On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 13:16:44 -0500 John Allred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > David,
> >
> > Thanks. I hadn't thought of your Option 2. I'm still thinking of a
> > couple
> > of other ways. The main thing with most obvious approaches is that
> > the
> > parent record has to be created first, then the children in
> > subsequent
> > steps.
> >
> > I guess what I was originally hoping for was something like entering
> > parent
> > and child info, saving the parent record and storing the child
> > elements in
> > an array or structure on one pass, then moving them to the child
> > table in a
> > second pass or upon Save & Exit. Seems like this would insulate the
> > user
> > from the trips back and forth to the database to build up the parent
> > and
> > child records and behave more like non-web applications.
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestion.
> > --John
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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after directly. 
It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service"

-- Henry Ford

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Re: Potential problems with "FREE" Server

2000-11-07 Thread John Allred


According to the docs that ship with CF Express, you get 16 Cold Fusion
tags. They list 47 that are not available. Also, don't attempt to use
custom tags (hence, Fusebox). So you lose most of the power of CF end up
being able to create pretty basic templates only.



"Josh R">  cc:

Subject: Potential problems with 
"FREE" Server 
11/06/2000 04:47   


Please respond 

to cf-talk 



I need some ammo here.

I'm trying to convince our hoster to get something besides the "free" cf
server. (Switching hosters is not an option, unfortunately, so I have to
fight with them.)

What potential problems can we expect if we run a site on the free server
opposed to the Pro server?

I already know about the cfmail. (They want me to use FormMail.)

What other problems should I bring up for reasons to upgrade the server?

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Re: Remote DB Alteration

2000-11-08 Thread John Allred

"Guy J.
McDowell"  To: CF-Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 Subject: Remote DB Alteration   
10:14 AM   
Please respond 
to cf-talk 

Also, anyone know what the 20 or so CFML tags supported by CFExpress


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Form and CFGRID on same page

2000-11-09 Thread John Allred

Sorry for cross-posting. I should have sent this message only to CF-Talk.

I want to include a CFGRID on the same page with a FORM. When the parent
record is created, I would hide the grid, since it's designed for child
records. However on updates to the form, I'd like to show the grid,
allowing users to enter items that would be displayed on another page as a
bulleted list. The page would query the parent table and populate the form
on updates.

The problem I anticipate is that by updating either the form OR the grid, I
will destroy any changes made in the other. Has anyone tried to do
something like this where they pass both sets of variables to a template
that has the form update and cfgridupdate in a cftransaction? Given what I
know, this seems pretty far-fetched, but I know I'm not the first to ever
want to do this.


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Efficient pages

2000-05-07 Thread John Allred

I've spent considerable time in the books, and I have several pretty
good apps built. However, I have no clue whether I'm doing things as
efficiently as I could, both from a coding standpoint and how my code
executes on the server.

Can anyone direct me to any resources that would give me a high level
view of how to construct CF applications?


John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Efficient pages

2000-05-07 Thread John Allred

Thanks, guys. I have the Application book and Mastering CF. I guess I
should have been more specific and asked for web resources. Both these
books have me buried in details. I need to get my head up for a little
higher view.


Russ Michaels wrote:
> I think you want to be getting your hands on Ben Fortas books.
>   Satachi Internet Development
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Efficient pages

2000-05-08 Thread John Allred

Cool, Pete! Thanks.


Pete Freitag wrote:
> We have some resources here, That
> list will be growing very shortly (I promise!).
> Read allaire's white papers...
> I recommend getting a subscription to the Cold Fusion Developers Journal
> ( They often have very insightful
> articles.
> Also CFDEV.COM will be putting out a free application soon, it should help
> you speed up your code.
> ___
> Pete Freitag
> Cold Fusion Developer Resources
> -Original Message-
> From: John Allred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2000 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Efficient pages
> Thanks, guys. I have the Application book and Mastering CF. I guess I
> should have been more specific and asked for web resources. Both these
> books have me buried in details. I need to get my head up for a little
> higher view.
> --John
> --
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: OT: Button action

2000-05-08 Thread John Allred


If you substitute an image, be sure to give it a tabindex. Most people
don't, and even though form fields generally don't need the tabindex, an
image does or the user can't tab to the submit button.


Michael Kear wrote:
> No, for some reason, the image reset button was left out of the html spec.
> But you can get round it by making it just an ordinary image link calling
> the same page again.
> This has puzzled me since I went round that same loop with the HTML
> Writers Guild only a few weeks ago.
> Cheers,
> Mike Kear
> AFP Web Development
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Parker, Kevin wrote:
> > Apologies for being a bit OT but its for a CF form.
> >
> > Is it possible to do an image based reset button - I can't find any
> > reference to this in my HTML stuff, only image based submit buttons.
> >
> >
> > +
> > Kevin Parker
> > Service and Communication
> > WorkCover Corporation
> >
> >
> >
> > ph:  +61 8 82332548
> > fax: +61 8 82332000
> > mob: 0418 800 287
> >
> > ++
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> >
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Efficient Pages

2000-05-08 Thread John Allred


Thanks a bunch. This looks like what I was needing.

--John Allred

> Hello,
> Someone posted a question about efficient CF Coding.  You should go to 
>  This organization is dedicated to effecient cf coding and design 
> This may be higher level view you may be seeking.
> John
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Re: What's in a name

2000-05-11 Thread John Allred


Why not let them enter their names like they want to and use UCASE or
LCASE when comparing the search parameter with the field from the query?
Add LIKE, and you're set.
Try something like:

 lcase(LINK) LIKE '%#lcase(SearchEntry)#%'

in the WHERE clause of your query. This will return partial matches
entered in any combination of upper/lower case.

--John Allred

"Parker, Kevin" wrote:
> I've set up a system where people can lodge their abstracts electronically
> for an international congress being held here next year.
> I've now added a facility to that so that web site users can search those
> abstracts. One of the search fields is a lookup on author surname which I
> derive from the database itself. The problem is that everyone out there who
> has submitted an abstract has their own idea about how they should type
> their surname in and in a list they all look rather untidy. I've tried to
> standardise the look of them by adding this bit of code to the lookup.
> #UCase(Mid(Name,1,1))##LCase(Mid(Name,2,Len(Name)-1))#
> Works OK but trouble is that MacDonald becomes Macdonald, von Trapp becomes
> Von trapp and O'Brien becomes O'brien.
> Any tips on how I can improve this please.
> +
> Kevin Parker
> Service and Communication
> WorkCover Corporation
> ph:  +61 8 82332548
> fax: +61 8 82332000
> mob: 0418 800 287
> ++
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: cfselect validation

2000-05-11 Thread John Allred


Try adding:

--John Allred

Shannon Carr wrote:
> I am having trouble using cfselect to validate a select box.  I would like
> to display "Please Choose Organization" without a value. If form is
> submitted with Organization not selected then display error.
>  Can this be done with cfselect or should I use java script validation?
> Thanks,
> Shannon
> Organization:
>message="Error!  You must choose an Orgaqnization."
>   query="GetOganizationName"
>   value="OrganizationID"
>   display="OrganizationName"
>   required="Yes">Please Choose
> Organization
> --
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Check for variable

2000-05-13 Thread John Allred


Thanks. Also, I read in Forta's book that any code after 
would be ignored, but he didn't say whether that was true if it was
included as part of a conditional statement.


stas wrote:
> An easy solution would be to use  to initialize variables to a default 
>value if they don't exist.
> You could use something like this:
> then do a check:
> I think it's a little cleaner than using IsDefined and then checking if the var is 
> Original message from: John Allred
> >I have several templates that require an ID variable to be passed to
> >them. When the templates load, they run a query "WHERE (COUNTY_NO =
> >'#ID#')" -- ID is a CGI variable.
> --
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Joining Two Text Fields?

2000-05-14 Thread John Allred


I do this with one of my sites (combining fields to construct a URL),
and it works fine.

I think, possibly, including the "?ID=" in the field may be the culprit.
Try removing these characters from the field, then construct the URL as

It's been a while since I struggled with getting it to work on my site,
but as I recall, I had problems with ".cfm" being in the field that
corresponds to your "#NewDeals.CouponURL#". When I removed the ".cfm"
from the field and placed it outside the pounds, like:
, everything
worked. If you have other file types, this might require some
conditional logic to accomplish. At the time, I didn't try
URLEncodedValue on the field. This might work, too.


Marco Gil wrote:
> I'm using IE and it's two values.  Each value is coming from the same
> database in different tables.  For example:
>  = First Value
> ?ID=23523626 = 2nd Value
> For whatever reason, when I output these two values together, it comes out
> perfect except when putting them in the HREF parameter.  For whatever
> reason, it puts a "/" in between the two values like this:
> That's clearly not what I want.. i'll try out your method in a few mins :)
> Marco
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rob Sherman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 10:00 PM
> Subject: RE: Joining Two Text Fields?
> > >  
> >
> >
> > is it only 1 record?  Or do all your entries put a "/" character there
> > between the two values?
> >
> > If it's just 1 record, then make sure you strip off the "/" from being
> > entered into the database.  If all your records seem to make a "/" in the
> > browser you can try stripping off the last character:
> >
> > 
> >
> > to see if something like that would help.  Also, I'm curious to know which
> > browser you are using.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Rob Sherman
> > Developer / Allaire Certified Instructor
> > CFDude, Inc.
> > --
> > ICQ:_3266081
> > AIM:__RobSSherm
> > Yahoo!:RobSherman_CFDev
> > Office:__(310) 543-1622
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> > VMail/Fax:__(310) 754-6016 ext. 5630
> >
> >
> > --
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> --
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Advice on approach

2000-05-15 Thread John Allred

Thanks, Nick.

This makes sense, as it's probably simpler than trying to maintain two
sets of tables. However, there may be a downside: I have five templates,
plus a search form that look at these links. Four of them list all of
the links in various ways. For each, I would have to add the display
flag. Given that the number of links is likely to climb to nearly 10,000
at some point, do you think there would be a performance penalty?

Thanks so much for the opinion.


Nick Slay wrote:
> Hi John,
> Personally, I'd have a StatusFlag on my Link Table.   Let people submit
> links directly to the Links table and set the StatusFlag to 0,
> (Pending).  Create yourself a password protected admin script that let's
> you update the StatusFlag, then once the Links have been approved, set the
> StatusFlag to 1 (Ok).   The page on your site that lists the links then
> only needs to query the records that have a StatusFlag = 1.
> Nick
> At 06:42 15/05/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >I accept submissions for links to be listed on one of my sites.
> >Originally, this was merely by E-mail. Then I set up a form, so I could
> >get as many fields filled in as possible and save some research time.
> >The form generated an E-mail to me and the sender.
> >
> >Now, I'd like to have submitters enter the info directly in my database.
> >Should I let them enter it in my main tables, or should I create
> >separate tables and, once I approve the submissions, copy them to the
> >main tables?
> >
> >If I do it the first way, I'd need to set up a flag to allow display,
> >once I've approved the submission. Any thoughts on the best way to do
> >this?
> >
> >TIA,
> >--John Allred
> >
> >
> >--
> >John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
> >Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
> >
> >--
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
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Re: Setting Focus to Field

2000-05-15 Thread John Allred

"Reilly, Jim" wrote:

If I already have an onload in a page, how would I add this one too? I'm
doing some preloading, and I'd like to also set the focus to a form

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Searching with one form field

2000-05-15 Thread John Allred

I have a field, (Person), in a form which will search according to the
following criteria:

lcase(FN) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%' OR
lcase(LN) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%' OR
lcase(Real_Name) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%'

I don't have the first and last names combined anywhere in my database,
and unless I have users enter names in separate first and last name
entry fields (which I'd rather not do), they WILL put both names in the
search field. This, of course, won't work.

I've RTFM, but I can't figure how to either split out the words in the
entry field, or combine two of my database fields within the WHERE
clause of my query. 

Has anyone done something like this? Any help appreciated.

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Re: Searching with one form field

2000-05-15 Thread John Allred


Thanks a bunch. I figured there was a technique like this, but I just
couldn't find it. As it turned out, I figured another route to the same
thing. Who is it who's famed for saying, "On the other hand, you could
try..."? Dave?

I simply added:

lcase(FN + ' ' + LN) LIKE '%#lcase(SearchText)#%'

to the WHERE clause of my query. 

Thanks for the help. I'll hang on to this one for future reference.


Nick Slay wrote:
> Hi John,
> You can split out the words from the entry field using lists, for example:
> Nick
> At 14:02 15/05/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >I have a field, (Person), in a form which will search according to the
> >following criteria:
> >
> >WHERE   
> > lcase(FN) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%' OR
> > lcase(LN) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%' OR
> > lcase(Real_Name) LIKE '%#lcase(Person)#%'
> > 
> >
> >I don't have the first and last names combined anywhere in my database,
> >and unless I have users enter names in separate first and last name
> >entry fields (which I'd rather not do), they WILL put both names in the
> >search field. This, of course, won't work.
> >
> >I've RTFM, but I can't figure how to either split out the words in the
> >entry field, or combine two of my database fields within the WHERE
> >clause of my query.
> >
> >Has anyone done something like this? Any help appreciated.
> >
> >--John
> >--
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John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
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Re: "You have nice cookies .. mind if I have a look?"

2000-05-16 Thread John Allred

In the page submitted by Todd:
"The NY Times said it has rewritten its cookies code with stronger

Certainly no one on this list would steal anyone's cookies , but I
didn't hear anyone mention the possibility of encrypting one's own
cookies to protect their contents. This is possible, isn't it?

--John Allred

Todd Ashworth wrote:
> Might want to be extra carefull what you store in your cookies from now on,
> ladies and gents.  Or .. if you are the naughty kind of CF developer, I
> suppose you could take advantage of this ...
> .Todd
> --
> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit 
> or send a 
>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: "You have nice cookies .. mind if I have a look?"

2000-05-16 Thread John Allred

Howie Hamlin wrote:
> Yes, but the safest thing to do is to keep the client "profile" on the
> server and only transmit the cookie.  As an added measure of security you
> can encrypt the cookie with the IP address as the key...

It just seems like the web is constantly adapting itself to new
information and new challenges. I agree with someone earlier (and with,
Doh! Microsoft) that no sensitive information should be stored in
cookies. However, encrypting whatever you do store and announcing that
fact (assuming this became a trend among developers), would sure take
the wind out of the sails of the muddled media, which seems to thrive on
manufactured crises in the web world. It's sort of akin to the privacy
statement many sites have where they promise not to share personal info
or e-mail addresses with anyone else.

To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Index of array

2001-09-09 Thread John Allred

Is there a way to compare the content of a variable with the members of
an array to get the index position of the corresponding array element?

Maybe there's a better way to do this, but this seems like the right
direction. What I have is a query with two columns, one alpha and one
numeric (created as an autonumber). 

For instance, my query would return something like:

33  "A Better Way Carpet Cleaning"
12  "Dynamic Accountants"

Notice that the ID numbers are not in ascending order and have gaps
between them.

The array would have these two elements in alpha order by NAME. Is there
a way to compare my current URL.ID of 33 to this array, return 0, to
which I could add 1 to get the value, 12, from the next element in the

I'm wearing out CFWACK and Mastering, as well as the online help. 

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Re: Index of array

2001-09-10 Thread John Allred


Thanks. The idea was to create Next Record and Previous Record buttons
on my page. Perhaps it would be simpler to find the next alphabetical
element, but I just couldn't see it. 

I was thinking was that, if my current record's index was 5, I could get
the next record by simply adding 1 and the previous record by
subtracting 1, since the array positions would be numbered sequentially.

Maybe there's a common way of doing this that I haven't come across yet.


Jeffry Houser wrote:
> At 03:53 PM 09/09/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >Is there a way to compare the content of a variable with the members of
> >an array to get the index position of the corresponding array element?
> >Maybe there's a better way to do this, but this seems like the right
> >direction. What I have is a query with two columns, one alpha and one
> >numeric (created as an autonumber).
> >
> >For instance, my query would return something like:
> >
> >33  "A Better Way Carpet Cleaning"
> >12  "Dynamic Accountants"
> >
> >Notice that the ID numbers are not in ascending order and have gaps
> >between them.
> >
> >The array would have these two elements in alpha order by NAME. Is there
> >a way to compare my current URL.ID of 33 to this array, return 0, to
> >which I could add 1 to get the value, 12, from the next element in the
> >array?
>   I'm not quite sure what you want to do.  Either it's very complex and I'm
> completely or it is very simple and you just got blind-sided looking for
> the obvious.
>   A query returns an array of structures, but why can you not loop over the
> query using either CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT?
>   And it should give you the output you desire no matter what order the IDs
> are returned in.
>   I may note that the index of the array in a query object has nothing to
> do any numerical fields returned by the query, they are sequential.  So, I
> suppose if you really wanted to (I don't see a point) you could do
> something like this:
>   myquery[temp].ID, myquery[temp].name
>   ( I doubt the code above would work without some massaging, I'm writing
> from memory )
>   ???
> --
> Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> AIM: Reboog711  | ICQ: 5246969 | Fax / Phone: 860-223-7946
> --
> I'm looking for a room-mate in the Hartford CT area, starting in September
> --
> | My Book: Instant ColdFusion 5.0
> --
> My Band: Far Cry Fly, Alternative Folk Rock
> |
> --
> My company: DotComIt, LLC
> database driven web data using ColdFusion
> --
Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more 
resources for the community.

Re: Listcontains question

2001-09-20 Thread John Allred


Try adding the delimiter:
listcontains(newlist,  "#pageid#", ",")

"van Wyk, Carlo" wrote:
> Hi
> I have the following piece of code that checks to see if a user can see a
> specific pageid or not. Unfortunately it is not doing the job as I have a
> list that looks something like this:
> 4,14,3,2,8,44
> If the user is allowed to see page 4, then he would be able to see all pages
> that contains a 4, so it does not work correctly.
> #application.securityerror#
> Regards
> Carlo
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CF or Spectra vs. Broadvision

2001-12-09 Thread John Allred

I have a new job in the Operations division of a large corporation.
Prior to my arrival, my group developed thousands of static pages for
store managers and district managers using Dreamweaver. We are the
conduit for directions coming out of the corporate office, and the
corporation decided within the last year to personalize the content,
based on job description. The idea was to simplify very complex pages
(suffering extreme information overload) into channels, where people see
what they need to see, without the clutter. District Managers should be
able to view the pages their store managers and the stores' department
managers see. In Operations, we should be able to create content and
specify who sees it and for how long.

The IT department was asked to come up with a solution over a year ago.
They waited till almost the last minute, and they're now telling us that
they've selected Broadvision. They also tell us that they can't
implement our designs (which we think are very effective, BTW). I know
nothing of Broadvision, so I don't know whether the problem lies with
Broadvision or their limited understanding of its capabilities.

Having said all that, I know that with a small group of CF programmers,
it would be possible to do this project right, with all of the features
we're being told can't be done by the IT folks.

Could any of you with Broadvision knowledge or experience offer some
insights on this situation? This is an intranet that handles above a
million hits a day. Is Broadvision the tool? Or is there good info out
there that I could use to influence management on my side of the fence?
Is Spectra a viable alternative to Broadvision? Sorry. I don't know
which specific Broadvision product they're using.

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Re: Is the Fusebox book available in stores or only at the fusionauth ority web site?

2000-12-06 Thread John Allred


I couldn't find it on Amazon. Once you know it's there, be sure to let us
know. I'd like to provide a couple of links to it.



mdinowit@houseof  To: CF-Talk 

Dinowitz)   Subject: Re: Is the Fusebox book 
available in stores   
or only at the fusionauth ority web site?  

12/04/2000 05:57   


Please respond 

to cf-talk 



I know its at B&N and should be at Amazon as well. Judith is speaking to a
major distributor about it now and hopefully it'll get out in other places
as well.

> Folks,
> The subject line says it all. I ask because I don't see it listed either
>'s website or at Softpro's.
> Thanks,
>   -- Tim Dempsey
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


Re: Big companies using CF

2000-12-07 Thread John Allred

Not a big company, but a big site:

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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