[cfaussie] Re: CF Meetup at a more Aussie-friendly time: 11pm US EDT (1pm Friday, Sydney time)

2008-05-02 Thread barry.b

 So it's a bummer to hear that some sites may block it. It's admittedly
 something of a social networking site, but clearly it's used for business by
 many. If I learn of more such issues, I may have to reconsider things (maybe
 create a page on my own site to receive the coldfusionmeetup.com redirect,
 which then offers the basic info that never changes for each meeting, and a
 link to the meeting event page for those who can link to it. I also always
 blog the meeting title and could point people to that category of my blog on
 that static page.)

Personally, I'm outta here forever in about an hours time and is one
of the reasons I'm not staying ... I mean, it's 2008 not 1998. If you
cherish something, set it free.

I'd hazard a guess that people (eg those on this list) who take their
own professional development seriously would gravitate towards a more
open working environment. Or conversely, those working in a somewhat
restrictive environment might never have heard of coldfusionmeetup.com

 ... or cfaussie
 ... or webDU
 ... or WebOnThePiste
 ... or MXNA
 ... or ...

... or perhaps even
test driven development, ColdFusion (or Adobe) beta programs, last
years CFCamp, AIR camp this month, CFInterface, Robin Hilliard,

 ... you get the idea...

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[cfaussie] Re: ECLIPSE / Flex Builder HTML Plug-in

2008-05-01 Thread barry.b

yeah, I've tried using Aptana but don't think much of it (crashes on
me too)

how about http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/ ?

although to be honest, I'm currently using DreamWeaver, mainly for
layout and CSS. It's not bad, I'm surviving it 

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[cfaussie] Re: CF Meetup at a more Aussie-friendly time: 11pm US EDT (1pm Friday, Sydney time)

2008-05-01 Thread barry.b

 Will the presentation be recorded?

Don't answer that Charlie! ... at least not before Robin gives the
presentation. Have to encourage *some* people to make the effort ...

[hint of an answer: http://www.carehart.org/ugtv]
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[cfaussie] Re: CF Meetup at a more Aussie-friendly time: 11pm US EDT (1pm Friday, Sydney time)

2008-05-01 Thread barry.b

charlie, when it gets a bit closer, could you post the full URL to the
Connect room here? (please?)

I've just discovered the Network Nazi's here have blocked

and all forms of webmail
and groups such as YahooGroups (but not GoogleGroups - go figure)
and IM/chat
and probably Flickr/Facebook/Twitter
and ... you get the idea...

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[cfaussie] Re: is there a more efficent way of finding keys in FORM scope?

2008-05-01 Thread barry.b

yeah, you're right - that was one of the choices.

(FYI - there is a caveat there: there's a bunch of reserved suffixes
that won't show up in FORM.fieldnames ... _date and _time are a

I was going to look at form.fieldnames as a list to search but I
really need ListFind() to either return an array of matches or use a
starting find attribute for the next one ...

Hmmm... maybe a regex find within form.fieldnames, return a bunch of
em?  you've got me thinking now... it's just _gotta_ be faster than
looping over the FORM scope, surely.

thanx Andrew..

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[cfaussie] Re: is there a more efficent way of finding keys in FORM scope?

2008-05-01 Thread barry.b

 (FYI - there is a caveat there: there's a bunch of reserved suffixes
 that won't show up in FORM.fieldnames ... _date and _time are a

found it: it doesn't apply to my case here but it's perhaps worth


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[cfaussie] cfsavecontent and custom tags

2008-04-30 Thread barry.b

I coulda sworn I've gotten away with this in the past: (it's been a
while since I've needed to use custom tags)

I've got a complex taglib custom tag made up of a few of FORM controls
that work together. The only reason I'm wanting to pre-process the
custom tags is that various values and flags are calculated from the
processing and used further down the page.

cfif qPerson.recordcount GT 0
cfset showMorePersons = true /
cfsavecontent variable=strCustomerPersonFormControls
cfloop query=qPerson
cfset counterPerson = counterPerson + 1 /

-- blah de blah --


but it's not rendering as HTML, it's just imbeding the custom tag CF
code in the source.

it must be code blindness and I've done something wrong with the
custom tag, because mixing another (simpler) custom tag in with
straight HTML works just fine:

div id=personControls_#counterPerson# class=personDiv
style=DISPLAY: block
div id=person_ class=custTypePerson #counterPerson#:/div
controls:select  name=selPersTit_#counterPerson#
id=selPersTit_#counterPerson# data=#qryTitles#
selectedValue=#qPerson.CUSTOMERTITLE# defaultLabel=== Select ==
class=custTitle /
INPUT name=txtPersFirNam_#counterPerson#  type=text
value=#qPerson.FIRSTNAME#  class=custFName  /
INPUT name=txtPersLasNam_#counterPerson#  type=text
value=#qPerson.SURNAME#  class=custLName  /
INPUT name=hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson# type=hidden
value=#qPerson.PK_CUSTOMERID#  /
input name=chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#
id=hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson# type=checkbox value=true
class=persChkDel /
label for=chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#
/div!-- %% generated %% --

cfif qPerson.recordcount GT 0
cfset showMorePersons = true /
cfsavecontent variable=strCustomerPersonFormControls
cfloop query=qPerson
div id=personControls_#counterPerson# class=personDiv
style=DISPLAY: block
div id=person_ class=custTypePerson 

controls:select  name=selPersTit_#counterPerson#
 id=selPersTit_#counterPerson# data=#qryTitles#
defaultLabel=== Select == class=custTitle

INPUT name=txtPersFirNam_#counterPerson#  type=text
value=#qPerson.FIRSTNAME#  class=custFName  /
INPUT name=txtPersLasNam_#counterPerson#  type=text
value=#qPerson.SURNAME#  class=custLName  /
INPUT name=hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson# type=hidden
value=#qPerson.PK_CUSTOMERID#  /
input name=chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#
id=hdnPersPBA_#counterPerson# type=checkbox value=true
class=persChkDel /
label for=chkPersDelete_#counterPerson#
/div!-- %% generated %% --

can anyone suggest what obvious thing have I missed here?


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[cfaussie] Re: cfsavecontent and custom tags

2008-04-30 Thread barry.b


yeah, that's what happens trying to get some standards going and
making up naming conventions on the run.

thanx G.


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[cfaussie] wierd caching problem

2008-04-28 Thread barry.b

this has got me beat.

I'm throwing files against a shared dev server, getting the occasional
oops and trying to correct it. These are just simple test harnesses,
hardly anything in them.

what's happening is that I'm still getting the error message even
after I fix the oops. something is still hanging on to the old code
and throwing the error BUT the error stack trace is showing the
correct (new/repaired) code.

While trusted cache is turned off, I'm having to go into the CF admin
and manually clear the template cache now just to see the changes.
It's like trusted cache is still on, even though it's turned off.


Variable QRYGETCUSALL is undefined.
The error occurred in X:\xxx_xxx\_scratch\idr\cloneforms.cfm: line 12
10 :
11 :
12 : cfdump var=#qryGetCusAllx# label=qryGetCusAll /

that error message is old because I renamed the query but forgot to
change the name in the dump the first time around. The stack trace is
from the second run of the code that should not throw an error [1].

any suggestions what might be causing this, and suggest a fix?

WHERE   fk_DisputeID = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_integer
value=118972 /
ORDER BYDateCreated

cfdump var=#qryGetCusAllx# label=qryGetCusAll /

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[cfaussie] Re: wierd caching problem

2008-04-28 Thread barry.b

thanx for the replies, guys. At least it helps lift some fog...

so far 

it happens on both CF8 and CF7 (I'm using 7)
it happens occasionally
it happens for no specific reason.

oh goodie. needle in a hay stack time.

I'm surviving by clearing the template cache for now (but heaven help
anyone else working on the same box).

It can't be an IIS caching issue, can it? While it throws the old
error message, the new code is what's displayed - which implies that
CF is controlling this all...

I really dislike working on shared dev boxes ... it's just asking for

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[cfaussie] Re: wierd caching problem

2008-04-28 Thread barry.b

On Apr 29, 12:29 pm, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are uploading using FTP, check that the timestamps are being

thanx Joel but it's local/network

 I think that's your needle right there.

you may be close. I'm starting to think Dreamewaver 8 may be the
culprit. I've got it set up as a site with local versions updating the
testing (shared Dev) server on save (although I'm not hitting F12 to
run it, rather refreshing the browser pointing to the dev server and
I'm not explicitly using RDS).

the annoying thing is I can see the corrected code in the stack trace
- along with the error message which doesn't belong.

and if DreamWeaver is the cause, then the question now is how it
affects CF if the fix is to clear my template cache.

I'll check the timestamps as well as go back to CFEclipse once I
finish with the layout - see if either are part of the problem.

thanx again

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[cfaussie] Re: To maintain DB connections or not ... that is the question

2008-04-27 Thread barry.b

this can involve a lot of factors ...

... first of all, when you say access is that for read-only data or
are you writing back to these (up to) 20 db's too?

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[cfaussie] Re: adding a label/instructional text to a flashform (CF7)

2008-04-23 Thread barry.b

Chris, that idea got shot down in flames when I suggested it an hour
ago. it's an admin section, nobody really cares and it's just about to
go live.

to do so means that the people picker pop-up that puts the name
there for a new record needs to be reworked and then the call to it in
4 other places needs to be rewritten and the whole lot to be tested
again. I didn't write this thing, I just gotta finish it.

I was just trying to be somewhat nice to the users, given the lack of
intuititivity of the rest of the app (IMHO everyone should own a copy
of Don't Make Me Think! http://safari.oreilly.com/0321344758)

so I take it I should just give up now and stick post-it's saying this
on the users machine?

meh, no biggee.. thanx anyhoo.

On Apr 23, 4:46 pm, Chris Velevitch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It looks like UserID and UserName are one in the same.

 Have 2 fields: FirstName and Surname and format it yourself. That way
 you'll get what you what and reduce the likelihood of errors.

 Then you don't need the instructions and the users don't have to think
 about what they're doing.

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:11 PM, barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   CF7, using FlashForms

   CFFORM  FORMAT=flash ...
   REQUIRED=yes MESSAGE=name must be in the format 'Surname,
   CFINPUT TYPE=text NAME=UserName VALUE=#FullName#
   REQUIRED=yes message=Please ensire the format is 'Surname,
   STYLE=background-color:##FF;  /

   I wanted to add a simple message to the right of the UserName textbox:

   font size=-2 style=color:red* Please ensure the format is
   'Surname, FirstName'/font

   obviously straight HTML is ignored...



 Chris Velevitch
 Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
 m: 0415 469 095www.flashdev.org.au

 Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
 April meeting: Setting Fire To Your Community
 Date: Mon 28th April 6pm for 6:30 start
 Details and RSVP onhttp://apugs2008april.eventbrite.com/- Hide quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: adding a label/instructional text to a flashform (CF7)

2008-04-23 Thread barry.b

OK ... that's the styles covered ... but to add instructional text to
the right of the flashform  textbox? the label of the textbox is
already being used.

to be honest, I'll settle for a tooltip when it gets focus instead.
Anything. I'm rapidly losing being fussy

but surely free text can be added onto the flashform? is there no such
thing as

cflabel* Please ensure the format is 'Surname, FirstName'/cflabel

... I'm not asking for _too_ much, am I?

On Apr 23, 5:09 pm, Blair McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, to put multiple things on one line:
 cfformgroup type=horizontal


 On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Blair McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Remember you can pass in styles, so:
  cfinput type=text name=xyz disabled=true style=borderStyle:none;


  On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:55 PM, barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Chris, that idea got shot down in flames when I suggested it an hour
   ago. it's an admin section, nobody really cares and it's just about to
   go live.

   to do so means that the people picker pop-up that puts the name
   there for a new record needs to be reworked and then the call to it in
   4 other places needs to be rewritten and the whole lot to be tested
   again. I didn't write this thing, I just gotta finish it.

   I was just trying to be somewhat nice to the users, given the lack of
   intuititivity of the rest of the app (IMHO everyone should own a copy
   of Don't Make Me Think!http://safari.oreilly.com/0321344758)

   so I take it I should just give up now and stick post-it's saying this
   on the users machine?

   meh, no biggee.. thanx anyhoo.

   On Apr 23, 4:46 pm, Chris Velevitch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It looks like UserID and UserName are one in the same.

Have 2 fields: FirstName and Surname and format it yourself. That way
you'll get what you what and reduce the likelihood of errors.

Then you don't need the instructions and the users don't have to think
about what they're doing.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:11 PM, barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  CF7, using FlashForms

  CFFORM  FORMAT=flash ...
  REQUIRED=yes MESSAGE=name must be in the format 'Surname,
  CFINPUT TYPE=text NAME=UserName VALUE=#FullName#
  REQUIRED=yes message=Please ensire the format is 'Surname,
  STYLE=background-color:##FF;  /

  I wanted to add a simple message to the right of the UserName

  font size=-2 style=color:red* Please ensure the format is
  'Surname, FirstName'/font

  obviously straight HTML is ignored...



Chris Velevitch
Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
m: 0415 469 095www.flashdev.org.au

Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
April meeting: Setting Fire To Your Community
Date: Mon 28th April 6pm for 6:30 start
Details and RSVP onhttp://apugs2008april.eventbrite.com/-Hide quoted
   text -

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[cfaussie] Re: adding a label/instructional text to a flashform (CF7)

2008-04-23 Thread barry.b

many thanx Chris - that's getting me closer.

the strange thing is that I'm already using type=horizontal and as
soon as I add the CFFORMITEM / ... both text boxes and the label/
text go vertical. remove the label/text and the two text boxes are
horizontal again.

REQUIRED=yes MESSAGE=name must be in the format 'Surname,
CFINPUT TYPE=text NAME=UserName VALUE=#FullName#
REQUIRED=yes message=Please ensire the format is 'Surname,
STYLE=background-color:##FF;  /
cfformitem TYPE=html
* Please ensure  the format is 'Surname, FirstName'

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[cfaussie] Re: adding a label/instructional text to a flashform (CF7)

2008-04-23 Thread barry.b


that was close enough for a solution - it was the width, although not
width running off the form. the cfformitem/ needed a width specified
otherwise it thought it was miles long, wrapping the controls.

same code as before, just adding width=400 fixed it.

REQUIRED=yes MESSAGE=name must be in the format 'Surname,

CFINPUT TYPE=text NAME=UserName VALUE=#FullName#
REQUIRED=yes message=Please ensire the format is 'Surname,
STYLE=background-color:##FF;  /

cfformitem width=400 type=html
* Please ensure  the format is 'Surname, FirstName'

@Scott - it's a cockroach app: I just want it to go away and take it's
pain with it ... now live and kicking as of 22 min ago... NEXT!

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[cfaussie] the great Aussie brain drain (was: Who is working for whom in Sydney, and are they looking for new people?)

2008-04-23 Thread barry.b

well it seems that, in the same fashion as Brisbane talent acts as a
feeder into Sydney to fill positions (and Melbourne - g'day Ben.Y),
Australia feeds into the U.S

a little bird has told me [1] that Barnes isn't the only one to get a
promotion and lured state-side. A long-time Adobe/MACR/Allaire -er
will be soon making themselves at home in SanFran to help along
another Adobe (and former MACR) server product I hold dear.

Scott - sounds like you'll soon have another ex-pat drinking and
sparing partner [2]. Keep this up and there'll be no one left in the

[1] the little bird lives in the public domain and is easy to find.
Don't give me grief, OK?

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[cfaussie] Re: adding a label/instructional text to a flashform (CF7)

2008-04-23 Thread barry.b

[gee I wrote that badly and not as polite as I try to be]

it should have said:


 Thanks for the prod in the right direction - that was close enough for a 
 solution. you were right - it was the width, although not width running off 
 the form.

I try not to be rude if I can help it...

On Apr 24, 9:23 am, barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 that was close enough for a solution - it was the width, although not
 width running off the form. the cfformitem/ needed a width specified
 otherwise it thought it was miles long, wrapping the controls.

 same code as before, just adding width=400 fixed it.

         REQUIRED=yes MESSAGE=name must be in the format 'Surname,
         READONLY=true LABEL=User No.: WIDTH=70 MAXLENGTH=8

 CFINPUT TYPE=text NAME=UserName VALUE=#FullName#
         REQUIRED=yes message=Please ensire the format is 'Surname,
         READONLY=false LABEL=Name: WIDTH=200 MAXLENGTH=80
         STYLE=background-color:##FF;  /

 cfformitem width=400 type=html
         * Please ensure  the format is 'Surname, FirstName'

 @Scott - it's a cockroach app: I just want it to go away and take it's
 pain with it ... now live and kicking as of 22 min ago... NEXT!
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[cfaussie] Re: Who is working for whom in Sydney, and are they looking for new people?

2008-04-22 Thread barry.b

[at the risk of suggesting this thread might be better off on the
cfjobs list instead of here ...]


keep applying and  market your resume like a product.

yeah, that's good advice. New Improved candidate with extra VOOM! 30%
less fat than last time. I must admit mine is pretty dull and
boring ... funny thing is though, Scott, it was using your resume as a
(talk about Pulp Fiction - just trying to cash in on the mesmorising
capabilities it seemed to hold over employers ...)

then again, only once in the last 5 jobs has been off a resume instead
of word of mouth ... and two directly because of attending CFUG's ...

sadly, it's still a case of who you know... and a good number of jobs
out there never get advertised... (which is the trigger for this
thread I guess)

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[cfaussie] Re: My Yearly WebDU Rant

2008-04-22 Thread barry.b

Dale I'm not being flippant, bare with me

 I went to MAX 2006 and got a lot out of it.

based on that experiance, and what's listed on the agenda, what do you
want to get out of it? What would you consider a decent return on your

keeping in mind the networking potential, which in some quarters is
worth a bit (but for others less so).


as an employer, aren't you required to spend x% on professional
development** of your employees (inc yourself)?

** can't remember exactly. 1%? 2%?

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[cfaussie] Re: Who is working for whom in Sydney, and are they looking for new people?

2008-04-21 Thread barry.b

I'm in Brisbane so the jobs I know of will be no use to you...

 I'd post on CFJobs, but the activity is so slow there,
 responses from there is unlikely...

I'm not so sure about that. I wonder how many cfaussie ppl are NOT on
cfjobs as well? if ppl are long term employees then perhaps not,
although all it takes is the boss to ask them to throw a job up and
they sign up.

I know that cfjobs is just for announcing positions vacant - I wonder
if cfjobs would have more value to be the discussion about jobs going,
working conditions, remuneration, recruiters and recruting, training
and upskilling, qualifications and certification, etc (some of these
topics have appeared here by default - I wonder if they might be best
served on a revamped cfjobs list instead of this list?)

talked to any recruiters about short-term contracts? sometimes you can
get offered a permanant position because of this (see how well you
work, get used to the place, etc).

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[cfaussie] Re: Salaries inb CF jobs (was: Re: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?)

2008-04-16 Thread barry.b

 Whilst there may not be the positions available in Canberra at the moment,
 there very soon will be.  You should see a big demand for CF developers here
 in the next 6-12 months.

and this is why you've put the hard yards in getting the CFUG going in
the ACT? (congrats, BTW)

to create a support infrastructure and professional development hub
for the expected numbers?

smart move. this is the guild model I harp on about**
 - a center for professional development
 - quality control (in this case: discourse into best practices)
 - support for a career path from juniors to seniors.
 - some infulence of supply and demand of workers
 - some influence on remuneration

** based on the professional guilds of Medieval Europe: stonemasons,
blacksmiths, bowyers, thatchers, etc.

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[cfaussie] Re: frustrated CF newbie

2008-04-14 Thread barry.b

you may already know this but just in case:

I'm thinking it might be worthwhile turning on the debugging on the
server to specifically looking for

Database Activity
Select this check box to show the database activity for the SQL Query
events and Stored Procedure events in the debugging output. 

to see if there's lots of little queries being called one after
another or duplication of queries that could be refactored.

and while you're there:

Report Execution Times
Highlight templates taking longer than the following (ms) XXX

to show (in the debugging output in red) the pages that take too long.
this may help pin-point where to look for problems.

this is under Debugging  Logging  - Debugging Settings  in the
ColdFusion administrator

hope this helps. Let us know how you're coming alone with tracking it

good luck

On Apr 14, 5:52 pm, M@ Bourke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It's been a long time since I've dabbed with fusebox 3, but see if it has a
 production/development setting in the configurations like the fusebox 4+ etc
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[cfaussie] SQL datetime functions question (SQLServer)

2008-04-14 Thread barry.b

for a report I'm needing to query on records before midnight of today
(ie tonight)

(SQLServer dateTime field, values stored as date time down to seconds)

I can cheat and have this CF code in my WHERE clause

dateadd(d, 1, LSParseDateTime(LSDateFormat(now(),dd/mm/)))

but to be honest it's a hack (converting now() to a string which gives
me 00.00.00 time and then converting back to a dateTime object then
add a day to get to midnight tonight).

can anyone suggest an SQL way of doing the same, perhaps using
variations on getDate()? I can think of something nasty and convoluted
with lots of datePart() and DateAdd() SQL functions to calculate and
add/subtract hours/minutes/seconds from now but nothing clean

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[cfaussie] Re: SQL datetime functions question (SQLServer)

2008-04-14 Thread barry.b

cool. that's what I'm after: something not too ugly and convoluted.

many thanx, Steve.


On Apr 15, 11:23 am, Steve Onnis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about

 dateAdd(d, 1, CONVERT(DATETIME, YEAR(getDate()) + '-' + Month(getDate()) +
 '-' + Day(getDate(

 Because you are creating the date manually it automatically goes to midnight


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of barry.b
 Sent: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 8:56 AM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] SQL datetime functions question (SQLServer)

 for a report I'm needing to query on records before midnight of today (ie

 (SQLServer dateTime field, values stored as date time down to seconds)

 I can cheat and have this CF code in my WHERE clause

 dateadd(d, 1, LSParseDateTime(LSDateFormat(now(),dd/mm/)))

 but to be honest it's a hack (converting now() to a string which gives me
 00.00.00 time and then converting back to a dateTime object then add a day
 to get to midnight tonight).

 can anyone suggest an SQL way of doing the same, perhaps using variations on
 getDate()? I can think of something nasty and convoluted with lots of
 datePart() and DateAdd() SQL functions to calculate and add/subtract
 hours/minutes/seconds from now but nothing clean

 b- Hide quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: Just in case anyone's feeling bored...

2008-04-14 Thread barry.b

'ullo, 'ullo, 'ullo wot's goin' on 'ere then? care to explain further?

 This was exactly the problem. User was entering 000A into a numeric
 field, which should have caused a validation error to appear.

so what did you do to get around it?

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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-13 Thread barry.b

 Barry:Would you say it's been happening for what? 5+ years now?

I'd really like to respond to this chapter-and-verse at the moment but
I'm really pushed for time...

but I will say that (IMHO) Kay Smoljak is right on the money: The
issue isn't a religious war. it's not good Vs evil or red team  Vs
blue - unless you're a shareholder of Adobe or Microsoft (hey Scott -
shares in the company are part of your package, yes?)

for everyone else, a particular technology is an enabler. That's all.

Sure people have their preference - and I came kicking and screaming
into CF late 2002 (CF6.0/Redsky/CF6.1), grudgingly used it then like
it and stayed for the ride. Meanwhile I'd been using ASP (classic) and
had been part of the ASP.NET public beta up to it's release where I
deamed ASP.NET 1.0 a pile of rubbish and turned my back on it (it was
the infinite post-backs as one reason that killed it for me although I
really like some things in C# - it has what Java should)

but it's noteworthy to see that when I was a CF-noob, old hands like
Gary Menzel were active in the community - now Vaughn and the guys are
migrating (have migrated?) to Java and are nowhere to be seen in the
CF world. People move on, situations change.

ColdFusion - he's just this guy, y'know?

don't get me wrong, for mine, CF is the best darn bang-for-buck I can
get. But if you asked a question of which web-based technology is
best then you'll not get one single answer: as Sean Corfield often
says it depends!. there's still a ton of dynamic web apps written in
VBScript (ASP classic - depricated in 2003). Ford Vs Holden, anyone?

and, leaning heavily on the capabilities of the little Flash Player,
Adobe are starting to get together an interesting technology stack
suitable for the digital media world (although the mess of LiveCycle
with DS and ES, et al, needs to be sorted - too confusing for
managers). It makes the ownership of CF by Adobe that (seems to start
to) have good flow-on effects.

so when it comes to job choices, platform can a modifier. ie: you take
a dev job with a CF flavour.

1) enabler: the technology becomes the vehicle for people to do things
better/faster, etc.
2) enabler: the technology is a joy to use so it gives job
statisfaction doing things.
3) enabler: the technology has the platform longevity to keep you
doing this for as long as you need it to.

and I have no doubt that coding CF could give me both for many years
to come. I support the technology to do my bit in it thriving into the
future. I have no shares in Adobe so the long-term outcome for me is
purely future employment.

which is why I try and get people interested in CFUG's, etc - being
active in ensuring the platform has logevity and providing job
security by platform security, instead of being a passenger blown
along with the winds... (as well as keeping skills up (1) which leads
to better results (2))


 if you were hunting for a job, would you follow the technology stack
and hang the industry it's used in? Keep in mind the further you
progress through the ranks, the less important specific technology
becomes as you need to manage outcomes and what the technology has to
do as business needs change/grow (as Gary Menzel realised - and
planned for - a couple of years ago).

or would you follow the path of the industry you know well and that
you can apply your skills and domain knowledge into and then use the
technology to enable outcomes?

Idealy you'd seek one that would do both ... but as I'm finding,
they're hard to come by.

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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-13 Thread barry.b

 I don't agree that it hasn't changed much, it has changed
 a great deal.

easy integration to Java code and .NET DLL's and MSExchange

everyone knows this sure, but sometimes it gets forgotten that it's
coming from/via just one vendor, not a bunch of ad-hoc libraries with
iffy dependancies to worry about (or diff versions for that
matter)**. One licence for the lot.

year before last: I had an ASP.NET/C# app I wanted to migrate from
using .NET 1.1 to 2.0 but I couldn't - it wasn't cost effective to
change it and fix the breakages. ColdFusion has the best backwards
compatability - per version - of a product I've ever used. Including

On Apr 14, 12:32 pm, Kay Smoljak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dammit, I wasn't going to get involved in this thread past my blog
 post about it 
 but now I have to speak up!

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Joel Cass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Plus I really am starting to like the flexibility and features of other
   languages, eg. OO features of .net and java,

 CF has OO. CF is more OO than Java according to Sean Corfield's
 article in that latest FAQ-U (Vol II, Issue III, pg 7) because it has
 the onMissingMethod handler like SmallTalk and Ruby.

  the plethora of functionality in PHP (thanks to it being open source).

 CF has built in PDF, FTP, image handling, ExtJS grids/trees/etc,
 encryption, etc etc. What does PHP have that CF doesn't (apart from a
 whole stack of inconsistent and redundant functions)?

 Don't get me wrong, I like PHP and use it a lot, but CF is truly state
 of the art. I don't agree that it hasn't changed much, it has changed
 a great deal.

 Kay Smoljak
 coldfusion: kay.smoljak.com
 personal: goatlady.wordpress.com | heapsbad.com
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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-13 Thread barry.b

Can I just second Gary's call to get out there in
the community - it's YOUR technology, YOUR career. 

well, it took 100+ posts to come around to this being the best way to
shut up the doom-sayers (inc recruters may have assumptions we all
disagree with) 

but we got there in the end.

here endith the lesson.

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[cfaussie] Re: recruters say CF on the way out? ... FFS! not FUD from them too?

2008-04-09 Thread barry.b

OK Gary - I'll bite: how?

everyone else shoosh (at least for a sec - please?) - I want to hear a
fresh perspective, considering a bunch of us has thrashed this point
many times...

On Apr 9, 2:53 pm, Gary Barber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Problem with all these suggestions are they are preaching to the
 choir.   Coldfusion needs to be seen to be a viable product OUTSIDE of
 the Coldfusion community.


 Gary Barber
 Freelance User Interaction Designer/ Information Architect

 Web: radharc.com.au
 blog: manwithnoblog.com

 Michael Dinowitz wrote:
  totally self serving suggestion
  You know, having a full set of Fusion Authority Quarterly Update on
  your shelf for people to see might have a positive effect. :)
  /totally self serving suggestion

  We've been thinking about trying to set up a fulfillment center in
  Australia to ship the books out to people locally rather than send
  them from the US. Alternatively, we could give the CFUGs a discount
  for a mass order for their members. One thing we've always said is
  that books on a shelf and/or in a store can do more for a language
  than many arguments.- Hide quoted text -

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[cfaussie] cfqueryparam 101 - lesson 2: setting NULL values

2008-04-08 Thread barry.b

lesson 2: setting NULL values

consider this INSERT statement within a CFC (just one field out of
many). the db is SQLServer and the field a datetime**:

   WHEN cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR
value=#FORM.IT_Request_Date#  ''
   CONVERT(datetime,cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR

this says:

if the value is NOT '' (empty string) then convert the string to a
datetime and insert else insert NULL

regarding inserting/updating with NULL:

there is an attribute within CFQUERYPARAM called null that, when is
true, inserts a NULL into that field (regardless of the value in the
value attribute)

How do you automatically know when your data needs this NULL for the
insert? check the length of the data for length = 0.


what's all this mess? ...

the YesNoFormat() (which is optional) will convert any 1/0 to true/
false (or Yes/No)

len(FORM.IT_Request_Date) will return 0 if it's an empty string. But
for us, 0 means true - give us a NULL instead. That's what the
NOT() does -reverses the 0 to 1 and therefore length=0 to TRUE

more info from someone else to confirm this:

lesson 3: converting string dates to real database dates.

Dates coming from forms are strings - not true datetime objects (at
least not like the datetime objects expected by databases like

Most of the time ColdFusion can happily convert it but sometimes an
ommision either throws an error, inserts an impossible date or simply
confuses AU format (dd/mm/) with US (mm/dd/).


instead of converting strings with SQL to the 103 locale (Australia),
let some ColdFusion functions and CFQUERYPARAM help you

from this

CONVERT(datetime,cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR

to this:

 null=#YesNoFormat(not(len(FORM.IT_Request_Date)))# /

many people have had problems with cf_sql_timestamp (SQLServer-
datetime-length:8) but the trick is to use LSParseDateTime() which
will make a reasonable attempt to turn anything that looks like a date
string into a proper date object. No mention of time means a default
to midnight (00.00.000) after LSParseDateTime() is used.

in this case cf_sql_timestamp works quite happily with SQLServer-
datetime-length:8 - provided that it recieves a datetime object (eg
via LSParseDateTime() ), not a string representing one. No need for
createODBCdate or splitting a dd/mm/ on the / and reassembling.

the added bonus is that the LS locale-specific series of functions
will use the CF server settings to know that 01/02/2008 means the
first of Feb 2008 (dd/mm/) and not 2nd of Jan (mm/dd/ - US



these tips - and many more - are available _free_ from your local
ColdFusion user group. Open to all, no charge and catering
provided.There's probably a CFUG near you.

The Qld CF user group has a meeting tonight. Why not come along?
more info here: http://qld.cfug.org.au/


** ignore FORM scope within a CFC - that's worth mentioning another

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[cfaussie] Re: CF 8 Update 1

2008-04-08 Thread barry.b

the size is the dead give-away.

if it's about 96Mb then it's just the updater.

if it's 300+ Mb then it's the full deal.

On Apr 9, 10:39 am, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unless you hacked a Mac OSX install as per the notes. Which I know this is
 not the case.

 Andrew Scott
 Senior Coldfusion Developer
 Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
 Phone: +613  9015 8628
 Mobile: 0404 998 273

 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Mark Mandel
 Sent: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 10:13 AM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CF 8 Update 1


 There is an 'updater' and a full install.

 if you download the updater from the 'Updates' page, it will only
 update your CF install.


 On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Mariano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have a Dev server which has multiple CF 8/ CF 7 instance's, and I'm
   in need to update the CF 8 instance's.
   I have downloaded the CF8 update 1 from adobe but it looks like it
   will do a ful linstall of CF8 instead of updating the current isntall,
   can anyone confirm on whether update 1 does a fresh install or
   update's existing files ? as I'm not eager to break the current CF 8


 W:www.compoundtheory.com- Hide quoted text -

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[cfaussie] REMIND: tomorrow night (TUES) - CFUG Brisbane - Real-time Data Management with LiveCycle Data Services

2008-04-07 Thread barry.b

Hi all


please RSVP here

official blurb (pretty much same as below):

the QLD CFUG team

 hi all

 one of the big differences between web apps and client/server apps is
  the fact that, by the time the data hits the browser... it's stale.

  this is a nightmare if you have multiple users potentially editing the
  same record. There *are* strategies to cope, but Adobe has gone one
  better - real time data management.

  LiveCycle DataServices has the ability to see when someone is
  editing a record and broadcast messages to everyone else viewing it
  that it's being edited - and then push the updated values to them all
  when saved.

  it's a specialised need, sure, but it could become a critical piece as
  the complexity of web apps grows.

  of course this LiveCycle DataServices feature is no good to a bunch of
  ColdFusion people unless there was integration points into the CF

  which is where Nick Kwiatkowski from the Michigan Flex User's Group
  comes in (he's a CF'er too - don't be decieved).

 Nick is willing to wake up at 4:00am in the U.S to do a
  Breezo live for us to cover this topic. It'll be based loosely on his
  Oct 11th 2007 presentation  Introduction to LiveCycle Data Services
  Part 2 he gave to his user group (look for the slides to give you
  some idea of what he's on about:
  http://theflexgroup.org/presentations.cfm- it's the part 2 ones)
  but being a live presso where you can ask questions this will be a
  whole lot better and it will be a bit different is some areas to make
  it more relivant to us.

  next tuesday, usual spot. 6:00 for a 6:30 start.

  RSVP here:


 the QLD CFUG team.
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[cfaussie] Re: Using cftransaction over multiple methods ...

2008-03-24 Thread barry.b

IMHO the most important feature about transactions is failure and
automatic rollback.

I'm not sure threading and throwing a fail flag for the other thread
to pick up would be practical. it's not the splitting of the threads,
but the join to know what happened on the other side. In any case
the start, commit/rollback for each would need to be on it's own
thread (back to the single connection per cftransaction)

but it's still an interesting thought... next time I've got some spare
minutes to throw some code around...

On Mar 20, 4:24 pm, Zac Spitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 could you use cfthread to create seperate transactions in the same request?

 On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Owen West



  I wasn't trying to be too harsh - I've been using CF for a number of years,
  and have discovered this about cftransaction before. I just figured (without
  looking) that now that we have access to a J2EE environment maybe Adobe were
  really nice to us CF developers and had this functionality built in.

  Having built a .NET app previously that did use distributed transactions, I
  know what a total pain it can be - kinda like threading, you can get
  yourself tied up into a really intricate knot!

  Maybe something for the CF9 wish list...

  As you said, most database systems allow you to create a linked server and
  just do it that way - doing so allows the data source to promote the
  transaction to a distributed transaction itself, so that will get around the
  whole issue.


  Owen West  MCP MCAD MCSD
  Computer Programmer
  Applications Development Team
  Information Technology  Telecommunications
  Hunter New England Health
  Ph: (02) 4921 4194
  Fax: (02) 4921 4191

   barry.b [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20/03/2008 4:47 pm 

   You can do this using java, so with CF being a J2EE app you should be able
  to use this kind of distributed trx functionality - if you cannot, it would
  be something of a glaring omission by Adobe.

  not necessarily.

  you can't do nested transactions in CF but you can in Java (and
  ADO.Net ... FWIW)

  CFTransaction is connection-based. It just works on one connection to
  the database at a time, holding the connection open to complete the

  this is why you can't break the transaction up with the start being in
  one cfinclude and the end in another (or different methods for that

  what you CAN do (distributed transactions), is use SQL and link
  databases commands (or whatever - I forget) to query one database
  that then reaches into another... that works just fine.

  don't be too hard on CF in this, OK? I also think that nested
  transactions is a sorry ommision but I've seen the other side of the
  coin from the CF development team and it's a lot of hard work with
  lots of cavaets. I thought that, since CF *is* java and java has
  nested transactions, then it should be easy. I was wrong.

  It's probably safer to NOT say that CF *is* Java but CF is built on
  top of Java - there's enough subtle limitations to make the
  distinction and this is one of them.

  if you really need nested transactions or distributed transactions
  (across multiple data sources) then perhaps shell out to some java
  code that *can* do it? Perhaps a later version will have it? I'm very
  happy to be proven wrong on this.

 Zac Spitzer -http://zacster.blogspot.com(My Blog)
 +61 405 847 168- Hide quoted text -

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[cfaussie] Re: CF8 - Getting more than 1.4 GB in the heap?

2007-11-29 Thread barry.b

further on this (beta) idea...


On Nov 28, 8:11 am, Charlie Arehart \(lists account\)
 If we did and had, we couldn't talk about it. :-) Beta experiences are under
 NDA.  Sorry. But the beta is fairly open (and you just have to agree to its
 stipulations like this). Check out more on that blog entry.

 If you were hoping to hear from folks without installing it, well, I suppose
 you don't HAVE to install it once you're on the beta. They certainly prefer
 that, and may even expect it (haven't read the agreement that closely), but
 I'm sure others have joined the beta just to be able to watch the forums and
 be involved in any such discussions.


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

 Of Chris Wiltshire
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:38 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: CF8 - Getting more than 1.4 GB in the heap?

 This is great news! - We've been looking forward to this, nice to see things
 are moving along... :)

 Has anyone in here tried the Beta yet? - If so, have you noticed any speed


 Chris Wiltshire.

 On Nov 26, 4:02 am, Charlie Arehart \(lists account\)
  Sure, but just to be clear, since you've been referring to Windows in
  this thread, you won't be able to run CF on 64 bit Windows, if that
  may be what you're thinking. It's not supported, though it's coming in

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