Re: AppleEvents: Send port for process has no send right, port=( port:37207/0x9157 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5) (findOrCreate()/AEMachUtils.cp #526)

2015-11-23 Thread has

John MacMullin wrote:

> Anyone have an idea of what is causing this message in the log file?
> AppleEvents: Send port for process has no send right, port=( 
port:37207/0x9157 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5) 
(findOrCreate()/AEMachUtils.cp #526)

Nope, although you're obviously not the only one. Given what an 
ill-documented pig the Apple event stack is (and this error is way down 
where it bridges to Mach messages, where even more dragons lie 
you might want to go straight for a TSI 
<> and see if that does 
any good. No guarantees - I think there's very few folk at Apple these 
days who give a crap about this stuff, and even fewer who know what 
they're doing - but if they do give a useful response it will save no 
end of time and frustration.

> I am using scripting bridge for several Apple program interfaces.

Essential troubleshooting steps for any Apple event-based IPC problem:

1. If your apps are sandboxed, disable it and see if that makes any 

2. If you're using Scripting Bridge or JavaScript for Automation, 
rewrite the relevant code in AppleScript, which is the de facto 
standard, and try that:

* If it works in AppleScript then the problem is that SB/JXA are crappy 
broken junk which don't speak Apple events correctly/competently, in 
which case stick to using AppleScript. (It may be a rotten language, but 
it's the only _supported_ option that does Apple event IPC right.) FWIW, 
the AppleScript-ObjC bridge takes most (though not all) of the pain out 
of bridging between the two: Shane Stanley's the go-to guy for ASOC 
questions, and there's a brief how-to here: 

* If it doesn't work in AppleScript, then the problem is down in the OS, 
at which point all you can do is dig the web to see if anyone else has 
gotten a solution, or put in a TSI and hope it won't just be a waste of 
a perfectly good ticket.

3. If you've got some cases that are working and some that aren't, you 
could try running with `AEDebug` options enabled 
> and see if you can spot discrepancies in the logged messages that 
might give clues. At the least, it'll give you more data to include in 
your ticket in case they can't replicate it themselves.



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Re: Scripting Bridge Question

2015-10-26 Thread has

Dave wrote:

> I’m using the Scripting Bridge to Target MS Outlook. I’m trying to 
figure out how to do the following AppleScript using the Scripting 
Bridge. Please see Full Script below, I’ve got most of the code, but I 
can’t seem to figure out the right Objective-C code for these two 

Scripting Bridge doesn't work properly; never has, never will. According 
to the Apple developer that wrote it, it wasn't designed to work with 
Carbon apps (which is funny cos it doesn't work right with Cocoa ones 
either). Maybe your AS code will translate; maybe it won't. Maybe it'll 
work, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, you'll have zero clue why. For 
anything non-trivial, you're best sticking to AppleScript: it's the 
ONLY[1] solution that actually works right.

Since you're using ObjC/Cocoa and already have a working AppleScript 
implementation, the neatest solution is to use the AppleScript-ObjC 
bridge to call your AppleScript code directly. Just wrap your AS code as 
handlers in script objects that inherit from NSObject, and you can call 
them pretty much as you would native ObjC methods. Quick how-to here:




[1] Specifically, it's the only *currently supported* solution that 
works right. I no longer support appscript, am not going to waste 
anyone's time promoting AppleEventBridge (which I only did in a failed 
attempt to prevent the Automation team screwing up JavaScript too), and 
I'm not interested in finishing/supporting SwiftAE unless Apple can be 
persuaded to adopt it for OS X. If anyone here still cares about Mac 
Automation, please feel free to contact me off-list with any 
advice/criticism/encouragement/support.  (docs:

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Re: Scripting Bridge Question

2015-10-26 Thread has

Dave wrote:

> Ok, I hear what you are saying but I’ve almost got it working as it 
is and what I’m doing is not that difficult and I should be able to do 
it in the Scripting Bridge

Only if SB lets you do it. There's lots of stuff that works perfectly in 
AS that you *cannot do* in SB because SB is crippled and broken *by 
design*. (I've long since stopped counting. Any AE bridge that pukes its 
guts out at mere sight of InDesign simply isn't fit for use.)

Unfortunately, I have no experience scripting Outlook so cannot tell you 
offhand how - or even if - you can do it in SB. One thing I can say is 
that your AS code looks a bit odd and non-idiomatic itself (though that 
is often the case with Office apps as their Apple event interfaces are 
weird and cranky as hell):

set myObjectID to the id of (object of myWindow)
set myContent to the plain text content of message id myObjectID

In a standard Apple Event Object Model, an `id` value is a unique 
identifier for a single object; thus, a by-id specifier, which is what 
`message id ...` is roughly analogous to a managed pointer. So I 
wouldn't normally expect to be able to take the id of a window object 
and use it as the id of a message object; but then, like I say, Office 
apps' AE interfaces aren't exactly standard.

Oh, and realize SB is spectacularly bad at coping with the more 
"eccentric" scriptable apps, so it may not be possible to do the same 
thing in SB. If so, you won't be the first person who's had to fall back 
to AS for some things, or just abandon SB completely.



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o Swift generics, y no can I haz u dispatch correctly?

2015-09-27 Thread has

Hi all,

So, as part of my ongoing quest to discover all the exciting ways in 
which Swift can perplex and frustrate me†, I'm trying to solve the last 
major blocker on my SwiftAE project 
(, which is how to use Swift's static 
typing to determine how NSAppleEventDescriptors are unpacked.

The ideal solution would be to define each application command as a 
generic method like this:

func someCommand(ARGS) -> T {

   let resultDesc = self.appData.sendAppleEvent(ARGS)

// unpack() should introspect T and use that information to coerce
// resultDesc to the corresponding AE type before unpacking it:

let result = self.appData.unpack(resultDesc, returnType: T.self)

return result as! T

and define a non-generic `AppData.unpack()` method that uses 
introspection to pull the `returnType` argument to bits.

Alas, Swift 2's type introspection sucks absolutely monkey nuts, so 
AFAIK it currently isn't possible to pull apart parameterized types such 
as Array to see how they're constructed. (Except, perhaps, by 
getting and parsing its string representation (euwww) and I'm not quite 
that desperate yet.) So, as a workaround, I've been trying to overload 
my `unpack` methods so that the generics system pulls apart the Swift 
type for me.

For atomic types (Bool, Int, String, NSURL, etc) this approach works 
fine: I can just use a big ol' conditional/switch to test if 
T.self==Bool.self, T.self==Int.self, etc. and use that to coerce and 
unpack AEDescs which are similarly atomic (typeBoolean, typeInteger, 
etc). The problem is how to do the same for Array<> and Dictionary<> 
types, since to unpack the corresponding typeAEList and typeAERecord 
AEDescs we also need to know the type(s) of the Array/Dictionary 
elements. For example, if the user writes:

let result = appObj.someCommand as Array

then T will be Array, so the resultDesc should be coerced to 
typeAEList and each of its items should be coerced to typeUnicodeText 
before unpacking it as the specified Swift types.

After a few attempts, I finally found the following overloaded `unpack` 
methods †† seemed to distinguish between atomic and non-atomic Swift types:

class AppData {

// unpack sequence type (e.g. Array)
func unpackT.Generator.Element>(desc: Any, returnType: T.Type) -> T {

print("unpack sequence of \(U.self)")
return desc as! T

// unpack atomic type (e.g. String)
func unpack(desc: Any, returnType: T.Type) -> T {
print("unpack atomic value \(T.self)")
return desc as! T

This works exactly as intended when `AppData.unpack()` is called directly:

let d = AppData()

d.unpack([1,2], returnType: [Int].self) // correctly calls 

The problem is, it all falls apart again when `AppData.unpack()` is 
called from another generic method:

class Commands {
func get(v:Any) -> T {
return d.unpack(v, returnType: T.self) as T

Commands().get([3,4]) as [Int] // incorrectly calls `unpack()`

Dunno why, but this time the Swift compiler picks the less specific 
`unpack` implementation instead of the one that's got SequenceType 
stamped all over its signature. (Bet Dylan never had this problem...)

Mind, it still wouldn't be the end of the world if Swift only let us 
express constraints such as this:

// unpack atomic type (e.g. String)
func unpack(...) -> T {

but alas, once again we hit the point where Swift's type system stops 
pretending to be a formal set algebra and proves to be just another 
bunch of ad-hoc compiler kludges in the grand old tradition  of C.

Adding another `returnType` parameter and plastering the calling code 
with ludicrous amounts of type info makes absolutely no difference either:

class Commands {
func get(v:Any, returnType: T.Type) -> T {
return d.unpack(v, returnType: T.self) as T

let result: [Int] = Commands().get([3,4], returnType: [Int].self) 
as [Int] // still incorrectly calls `unpack()`

Whatever it was that made `unpack(desc, returnType:)` work the first 
time around appears to be a one-trick pony.

So I'm kinda jiggered again by the complexities and vagaries of 
SwiftLang... (and this is even before I start thinking about how the 
smoking hell I'll ever handle sum types, as it's not uncommon for 
application commands to return more than one possible type of value).

So please please please, anyone got any ideas, answers, magic, etc? 
(Swift engineers particularly - after all, this is a great opportunity 
to kick its tyres and figure how to make it more robust and less ornery.)

Many thanks,


† This damn project is taking me far too long to complete, and it's got 
me cursing Swift as much 

[postscript] Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-14 Thread has

Quick follow-up for anyone interested...

On Sep 8, 2015, at 5:45 PM, has < 
<>> wrote:
I will need to spend some more time building it out and testing it, 
but (touch-wood) it looks like the problem might be cracked at last. 

So, my first attempt to replace all my base classes with protocol 
extensions failed fairly quickly: trying to move instance vars and 
non-convenience inits into protocol extensions is a recipe for madness.

However, my second attempt, where I retain the main base classes and 
move only the 'factory' vars/methods to protocol extensions did 
eventually yield successful (if slightly convoluted and confusing) results:

Next up, trying to wrangle the inconsistencies and aggravations of 
Swift's object/non-object and type systems into something that actually 
works right. Wish my teeth luck - with the amount of enamel left, they 
will need it. :p

Thanks again,



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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-08 Thread has

On 07/09/2015 02:11, Jonathan Hull wrote:

I am wondering if the compiler feature which might allow this (and several 
other things) would be to allow implementors of a protocol to adhere to it with 
a more restrictive type (either a subclass or an implementer/inheritor of a 
returned protocol).

For example:

protocol Thing {
var noise:String {get}

protocol MyProtocol {
func returnAThing()->Thing

class SquishyThing:Thing {
var noise:String {return “Squish”}
var squishiness:Int = 3

class PoppingThing:Thing {
var noise:String {return “Pop”}
var poppability:Float = 4.2

class SquishyVendor:MyProtocol {
func returnAThing()-> SquishyThing {return SquishyThing()}

class PoppingVendor:MyProtocol {
func returnAThing()-> PoppingThing {return PoppingThing()}

This would allow you to say things like:

mySquishyVendor.returnAThing.squishiness = 6
myPoppingVendor.returnAThing.poppability = 2.8

(Think you meant `mySquishyVendor.returnAThing().squishiness`, etc.)

instead of:

(mySquishyVendor.returnAThing as! SquishyThing).squishiness = 6
(myPoppingVendor.returnAThing as! PoppingThing).poppability = 2.8

Is there an obvious problem caused by this which I am missing?  I can think of 
3 or 4 places where it would shrink my code quite a bit.

Looking at it in terms of set theory, your returnAThing()->SquishyThing 
only returns a subset of all possible Things, so in that respect it does 
contradict the protocol's promise to return a value in the set of all 
Things. OTOH, if you're asking what interface is available, it doesn't 
seem entirely unreasonable to gather all the available type information 
and use whatever is most precise in a given situation. It may just be 
that the type system syntax as used in your protocol needs to be more 
expressive, allowing you to to say 'all results ⊆ all Things'. I'm not a 
type theorist though. You might be better off asking over on the Lambda 
the Ultimate forums ( or some place like 


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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-08 Thread has

On 06/09/2015 21:50, Charles Srstka wrote:
On Sep 6, 2015, at 3:19 PM, Quincey Morris 
<>> wrote:

(But merely defining a protocol for each of your subclasses is not an 
improvement here.)

It does, however, seem to avoid the crash:

class ObjectBase {
required init() {}

protocol MyProtocol {
func foo()
func bar()
func baz()

class MyObject: ObjectBase, MyProtocol {
func foo() { print("foo") }
func bar() { print("bar") }
func baz() { print("baz") }
required init() {}

let obj = MyObject()

compiles and runs without errors.

Unfortunately, that doesn't help here since MyObject's methods need to 
return instances of the parameterized type. That's the bit that's 
causing the crashes.

e.g. This test case compiles successfully, but crashes at runtime on 
instantiating YourObject:

class MyObject {
required init() {}
func foo() -> T { return self.dynamicType.init() as! T }

class YourObject: MyObject {
required init() {}

let obj = YourObject()

(It's not a realistic example as I need to return types other than Self, 
but if it had worked I might've used it as a starting point for figuring 
out a solution.)

This expresses my requirements, but won't compile because the compiler 
doesn't know what initializers T implements without more information:

class MyObject {
required init() {}
func foo() -> T { T() }

class YourObject: MyObject {
required init() {}

let obj = YourObject()

But after adding a protocol to supply this information, SourceKit and 
swiftc crash upon reading the code:

protocol Object {

class MyObject {
required init() {}
func foo() -> T { T() }

class YourObject: MyObject, Object {
required init() {}

let obj = YourObject()

As suggested, I'm going to write these up as a radar ticket.




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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-08 Thread has

On 06/09/2015 21:19, Quincey Morris wrote:

I'm getting that sinking Radar feeling too. But since I'm relatively 
new to Swift, I'm just holding out a vain hope that there's some sort 
of solution that's embarrassingly obvious to everyone else but me.

I’ve been thinking about the implications of this for a couple of days 
now. Of course, you should file a Radar if you see some compiler 
behavior that looks like it ought to work. But I think there’s a 
higher order problem that’s worth noting.

In my experience (which is to say, after a couple of months spent 
converting a fair-sized app from Obj-C to Swift), converting an Obj-C 
implementation to directly an “equivalent” Swift implementation is a 
lousy experience with poor results.

Yeah, don't worry about that; it's not my first port project.:) It's 
already been heavily redesigned in order to simplify the implementation, 
and there's lots of reworking to tie it into Swift's static typing. 
Ironically, it's trying to Swiftify it that's causing all the pain. I'd 
already be done if I'd just stuck to using a single glue class as a dumb 
'implements all operations, whether appropriate or not' wrapper around 
the real mechanics (as the prototype does), rather than have the type 
system intelligently enforce the rules on which operations can be 
performed on what (which requires more complex class and protocol 
structures, and circular type references).

Anyway, I think this pretty much wraps it up: Swift's type system is not 
(yet?) as great as it ought to be (but that's maybe not surprising as 
the language is still not properly baked) and just isn't going to 
cooperate at this point. So I guess it's Plan B for now: forget about 
generics-based reusability, and just duplicate (ugh) all the base 
methods within the code-generated glues and put the correct signatures 
on those. What matters most is that the UX works; code purity will just 
have to wait.

Many thanks to all,


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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-08 Thread has

On 08/09/2015 16:38, Charles Srstka wrote:
On Sep 8, 2015, at 4:18 AM, has < 
<>> wrote:

But after adding a protocol to supply this information, SourceKit and 
swiftc crash upon reading the code:[...]

That’s true; however, adding a second “YourObjectProt" protocol, 
making YourObject conform to it, adding all of YourObject’s methods 
into the protocol, and using YourObjectProt as the parameter instead 
of YourObject, will solve the issue.

(Bear in mind the goal is for the glue to declare the correct return 
types on the library class's methods. Your previous example passed a 
protocol to the generic BaseObject class, but your foo/bar/baz functions 
never used it as they don't return anything.)

Ok, so trying this:

class ObjectBase {
required init() {}
func foo() -> T.FooType { return T.FooType.init() }

protocol MyProtocol {
typealias FooType
func foo() -> FooType

class MyObject: ObjectBase, MyProtocol {
typealias FooType = MyObject
required init() {}

let obj = MyObject()

I get a compiler error on the foo function's return type: 'FooType' is 
not a member type of 'T'.  Probably just wishful thinking, that one, so 
let's not dwell on it.

Next, trying to move the base functions into a protocol extension (which 
use typealiases instead of generics):

protocol Init {

protocol BaseProtocol {
typealias FooType: Init
func foo() -> FooType

extension BaseProtocol {
func foo() -> FooType { return FooType() }

class MyObject: BaseProtocol {
typealias FooType = MyObject
required init() {}

let obj = MyObject()

Code looks promising, but the compiler complains "Type 'MyObject' does 
not conform to protocol 'BaseProtocol'." Nuts. Any ideas? Have I just 
missed something obvious?

Swift wants you to use protocols rather than objects anyway, so 
perhaps the way to go is to put all the logic in the protocols and 
protocol extensions, and make MyObject, YourObject, etc, just 
bare-bones objects (or structs) that just belong to the protocol and 
don’t do anything else.

Yeah, the goal is for each app-specific glue to subclass the concrete 
library classes (which provide the query-building and AE dispatch 
services using raw four-char codes, and already work nicely in 
themselves), then use protocol extensions to add the app-specific 
vars/funcs into those. So I don't have a problem with mixing-in the base 
functionality as well; just wish swiftc felt the same way as well. :p




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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-08 Thread has

On 08/09/2015 23:06, Charles Srstka wrote:
On Sep 8, 2015, at 4:43 PM, has < 
<>> wrote:

Yeah, the goal is for each app-specific glue to subclass the concrete 
library classes (which provide the query-building and AE dispatch 
services using raw four-char codes, and already work nicely in 
themselves), then use protocol extensions to add the app-specific 
vars/funcs into those. So I don't have a problem with mixing-in the 
base functionality as well; just wish swiftc felt the same way as 
well. :p

Perhaps you don’t need to provide concrete library classes at all, but 
simply ask your app-specific glue to implement your protocols instead 
of subclassing anything?

Quite possibly, if I can get all the standard functionality to fit 
nicely into protocol extensions, I don't have a problem with the library 
just providing the general building blocks and the glue code generator 
creating the actual classes. Oh, and I've just figured why Swift was 
complaining that the MyObject 'glue' class didn't implement BaseProtocol 
- it's because its error messages are kinda crappy, and what it actually 
meant was that MyObject needs to implement the Init protocol too (since 
the typealias in the BaseProtocol uses Init as a constraint).

Et voila, code that compiles and runs, seemingly without cratering, 
since typealiases in protocols appear to be rather less intolerant of 
circular referencing than generic classes:

// library

protocol Init {

protocol BaseProtocol {
typealias ObjectType: Init
typealias ElementsType: Init
func newObject() -> ObjectType
func newElements() -> ElementsType

extension BaseProtocol {
func newObject() -> ObjectType { return ObjectType() }
func newElements() -> ElementsType { return ElementsType() }

// glue

class MyObject: BaseProtocol, Init {
typealias ObjectType = MyObject
typealias ElementsType = MyElements
required init() {}

class MyElements: MyObject {

// test

let obj = MyObject()

print(obj.newObject()) // MyObject
print(obj.newElements()) // MyElements

I will need to spend some more time building it out and testing it, but 
(touch-wood) it looks like the problem might be cracked at last. Wahey!

Many, many thanks (you've no idea how nuts this has been driving me), 
and fingers crossed I'll have a nice shiny new Apple event bridge to 
sell y'all shortly. :)



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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-06 Thread has

On 05/09/2015 07:07, Charles Srstka wrote:
On Sep 4, 2015, at 7:59 PM, Quincey Morris 
<>> wrote:

On Sep 4, 2015, at 16:31 , has < 
<>> wrote:

At risk of derail...

Do you mean “derail” or “detail”? I feel like I’m drowning in details.

Yeah, this is why I kept the original posts light on specifics. 
Obviously adding these details didn't help clarify at all - but see 
Charles' final paragraph below.

What I mean is, in:


the instances represented by ‘TextEdit()’, 'TextEdit().documents[1]’, 
'TextEdit().documents[1].text’ are just setting the context for what 
the instance represented by 'TextEdit().documents[1].text.words’ is 
being asked to retrieve.

Basically. Each of those intermediates describes a valid query in 
itself; you just keep chaining var/method calls until you build up the 
query you actually want. Internally, it's just adding to a linked list 
of AE records (in pseudocode):

[every word [text [document 1 [application "TextEdit"

The final 'get' command packs that query into a 'getdata' Apple event 
and sends it off to the app to evaluate. Kinda like sending XPath 
queries over XML-RPC.

The way I’m reading it, he or she is wrapping an application’s 
scripting dictionary, creating a Swift object to wrap each construct 
that would represent a noun, so to speak, in AppleScript. However, 
these entities are expensive to obtain, involving IPC, so s/he’s 
loading them lazily.

Nope (he). Apple event IPC isn't a proxy object-based system like DO; 
it's not OOP at all. (Dictionaries are a lie.) The AE bridge only models 
queries, not 'classes'. So I only need to define a few classes, one to 
represent each type of query: root node, one-to-one relationship, 
one-to-many relationship, insertion point.

What this means is that the objects are all going to have some number 
of properties that, when the user accesses them, will necessitate 
creating a new wrapper object.

Yes. And because some properties (vars) represent one-to-one 
relationships, others represent one-to-many, they need to instantiate 
different query classes: ObjectSpecifier/ElementsSpecifier. Which is why 
I can't just use Self - e.g. the ObjectSpecifier representing the 'text' 
property needs to return an ElementsSpecifier to represent the 'words' 

I’m not the most knowledgeable about AppleScript, but what it sounds 
like from s/he’s saying is that the relationships between the 
AppleScript objects fall into three main categories, and for each type 
of object, there will be only one specific class to which each of the 
three relationships can point, so the object should be representable 
by a Swift generic with three parameterized types. However, if an 
object points to more of the same type of object, this results in 
something like Foo, and this causes either the compiler or the 
runtime to crash since it’s apparently not built to handle a generic 
being passed an object of its own type (honestly, this sounds like 
something warranting a Radar). S/he is asking if anyone knows of any 
way around this.

Yes! Exactly this. And yeah, I'm getting that sinking Radar feeling too. 
But since I'm relatively new to Swift, I'm just holding out a vain hope 
that there's some sort of solution that's embarrassingly obvious to 
everyone else but me.



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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-04 Thread has

On 03/09/2015 19:57, Quincey Morris wrote:
On Sep 3, 2015, at 11:16 , has < 
<>> wrote:

* Using an instance as a factory for its own class is contrary to 
general usage, so is a smell at best. It’s a job for a class func.

No, it's fine. It's for an Apple event query builder. Any odd smells 
are probably the Apple event architecture's doing.

Huh? Why is it fine to create an additional unnecessary object? And 
what has this got to do with Apple events?

At risk of derail...

Apple event queries (object specifiers) are constructed as linked lists. 
I'm just putting a high-level user-friendly wrapper around that. Either 
the wrapper vends a new object each time the list is appended to, or it 
creates a single wrapper object that appends the list internally. The 
first approach is simpler and safer to use since there's no mutable 
state, and the cost of instantiating a few additional objects is trivial 
compared to the time it takes to send an AE and receive a reply, so I'm 
not worried about that. It's a tested, proven design - if you really 
want to understand it in detail then I suggest installing the original 
Python version ( and working through 
the tutorial.

My concern here is how to implement a Swift version, which means 
leveraging the Swift type system as much as practical and fighting it as 
little as I can. The Swift prototype 
( currently uses a very 
simple class hierarchy consisting of a per-application code-generated 
Specifier class that inherits from a standard library-supplied base class:

AbstractBase // defines standard functionality
Specifier // adds app-specific properties, elements, commands, 
and standard selectors

Since there's only one concrete Specifier class, methods (and vars) that 
return new Specifier instances, standard methods inherited from 
AbstractBase can just declare their return type as 'Self', and the 
compiler will figure out the correct return type automatically.

The downside of the above approach is that not all specifier types 
(insertion, object, elements, etc.) support the same features, so some 
of the exposed's methods won't always work. It'd be better to represent 
each type of specifier as a different subclass that exposes only those 
methods that are valid on it, making invalid calls impossible:

AbstractBase // defines standard functionality
AbstractSpecifier // adds app-specific commands
ObjectSpecifier // adds app-specific properties and elements
ElementsSpecifier // adds standard selectors

The catch is that I can no longer declare all methods' return types as 
'Self', because they now return several (albeit related) types. 
ObjectSpecifiers need to vend InsertionSpecifiers, ObjectSpecifiers and 
ElementsSpecifiers. ElementsSpecifiers need to vend ObjectSpecifiers and 
ElementsSpecifiers. And each scriptable application needs its own 
code-generated versions of these classes too. The code generator can 
insert the correct type for app-defined vars, but the standard inherited 
methods can only (afaik) specify the correct return type if they're 
defined as a generic class, allowing the exact types to be supplied as 

class AbstractBase<InsertionType,ObjectType,ElementsType> {


thus allowing each application glue to parameterize that class with its 
own exact types, e.g.:


Which takes us back to the problem described in my previous email, where 
the Swift compiler and runtime don't seem to like this circular 
referencing of related type names very much. Worst comes to the worst, 
I'll just have to throw _everything_ into the code generator, but that 
offends even my slobbish nature, so if there's a way to keep the 
standard functionality in a generic base class without Swift puking on it.

Chained var/method calls let you build and send AE queries using a 
non-atrocious syntax, e.g.:

   let result: [String] = try TextEdit().documents[1].text.words.get()

Again: huh? Where’s the factory method in this?

You're looking at them (this is why I prefer not to use GoF jargon 
myself). The `documents` var returns a new elements specifier, `[1]` 
returns a new object specifier, `text` returns a new object specifier, 
`words` returns a new elements specifier. Very easy to use, just a pain 
to explain how to implement. :p




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Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-03 Thread has

Hi all,

Stuck and looking for ideas here. I need to define a base class whose 
methods vends instances of its subclasses (thus enabling chained method 
calls; your basic query builder). Trivial to do in untyped languages 
like Python (where 'type safety' is a matter of mopping up _after_ the 
runtime craters):


class ObjectBase:

def makeNewObject(self):
return self.__class__()

class MyObject(ObjectBase):

def foo(self):

print(MyObject().makeNewObject()) # result is new MyObject instance

MyObject().makeNewObject().foo() # prints "foo"

It's even somewhat doable in ObjC, as `instancetype` declares the return 
type to the type system without having to state an exact type:

@implementation ObjectBase

-(instancetype)makeNewObject {
return [[self.class alloc] init];


Although that only works when returning instances of the _same_ class; 
there's no way to express that it'll return a different type that only 
the subclass knows about, e.g.:

@implementation ObjectBase

typealias Other = OtherSubclass

-(instancetype.Other)makeNewObject { // wishful thinking
return [[self.class alloc] init];


Swift though? Can't even get that far. Giant headaches all round. 
Creating new instances in itself is not a problem as we can just use 
`self.dynamicType` to get the subclass object and instantiate that:

class ObjectBase {

required init() { }

func makeNewObject() -> ObjectBase {
return self.dynamicType.init()

class MyObject: ObjectBase {

required init() { }

func foo() {

print(MyObject().makeNewObject()) // result is new MyObject instance (Yay!)

MyObject().makeNewObject().foo() // error: value of type 'ObjectBase' 
has no member 'foo' (Boo!)

The problem is the base class's method's lousy type signature requires 
clients to force-cast the result to the actual type before they can 
refer to the returned subclass's own members:

(MyObject().makeNewObject() as! MyObject).foo() // this works 
(prints "foo"), but is ugly as sin

Of course, this would make a joke of usability, so isn't even a 
consideration. A kludy solution would be to override all of the base 
class's methods in the subclass, allowing the correct type signatures to 
be declared on its interface:

class MyObject: ObjectBase {

required init() { }

func makeNewObject() -> MyObject {
return super.makeNewObject() as! MyObject

func foo() {

But as this means replicating almost the entire base class each time, 
you have to wonder what the value of subclassing over just copying and 
pasting the original class each time really is. Besides, this is what 
we've got generics for, so we can do nice things like tailor a reusable 
class's method signatures to each specific use cases.

And which is fine… until the type parameter happens to be part of the 
same inheritance tree, whereupon we tie ourselves and the compiler in 
recursive knots.

First attempt, a simple generic class without any constraints:

class ObjectBase {

required init() { }

func makeNewObject() -> T {
    return T() // error: 'T' cannot be constructed because it has 
no accessible initializers


class MyObject: ObjectBase {

required init() { }

func foo() {

Um, pretty sure it does have an initializer, but okay, let's try using 
dynamicType again:

func makeNewObject() -> T {
return T.dynamicType.init()

Now it compiles successfully… and immediately crashes on execution. 
Okay, so take that method out for now and reduce the code to the minimum 
crash case:

class ObjectBase {
required init() { }

class MyObject: ObjectBase {
required init() { }

MyObject() // crash: EXC_BAD_ACCESS on type metadata accessor for MyObject

Huh. Any completely unrelated type for T, no problem. Anything self 
related, and swiftc and SourceKit DIAF at every turn, usually in a C++ 
stack-blowing infinite recursion of their own doing. And if it's not the 
parser or compiler, it's the runtime. So before I stagger off to write a 
code generator (ick) that mashes absolutely everything into single 
self-contained bespoke generated class every single time, can anyone see 
a way out of this recursive underbaked betaware hole I might've missed?




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Re: Swift generics, circular type declarations, and segfaults, oh my!

2015-09-03 Thread has

On 03/09/2015 17:05, Fritz Anderson wrote:

On 3 Sep 2015, at 8:55 AM, has <> wrote:

Stuck and looking for ideas here. I need to define a base class whose methods 
vends instances of its subclasses (thus enabling chained method calls; your 
basic query builder).

I’m assuming Swift 1.2. The following works in an OS X 10.10 playground:

Swift 2 beta.

class Factory: Printable {
 required init() {}

 class func makeNew() -> Self {
 return self()

Urgh. Usually when I try to use Self anywhere, the compiler just whines 
at me cos I'm thick and it's unhelpful. But yeah, Self does [annoyingly] 
work here, thanks:

func makeNewObject() -> Self {
return self.dynamicType.init()

Must've missed it during my experiments. (Ironic when I must've tried 
everything else under the sun.) Durr. I shall console myself with the 
thought I'm not the only one: SourceKit is falling over in a heap of 
infinite recursion [sic] whenever it tries to parse this code. (Will 
have to file a bug on that later.)

* Using an instance as a factory for its own class is contrary to general 
usage, so is a smell at best. It’s a job for a class func.

No, it's fine. It's for an Apple event query builder. Any odd smells are 
probably the Apple event architecture's doing.

Chained var/method calls let you build and send AE queries using a 
non-atrocious syntax, e.g.:

let result: [String] = try TextEdit().documents[1].text.words.get()

I already prototyped the Swift API using code generation on top of an 
existing ObjC API <> and now 
I'm trying to simplify and reimplement the whole thing in pure Swift.

In particular, I want to avoid duplicating base classes' general-purpose 
methods in application-specific glues and introduce a little bit of 
compile-time rigour, since different types of queries support different 
sets of operations (e.g. the compiler shouldn't allow you to ask for a 
range of elements on a property specifier, because that's not a valid AE 
query form).

So I guess this brings me to my next question: what if I want the base 
class methods to instantiate more than one subclass? For example, a 
MyObject instance needs to be able to vend instances of both MyObjects 
and MyElements, while a MyElements instance needs to be able to do the 
same, e.g. much simplified pseudocode:

// standard base class

class ObjectBase<ObjectType, ElementsType> {

func makeObject() -> ObjectType
func makeElements() -> ElementsType

// custom glue subclasses

class MyObject: ObjectBase<MyObject, MyElements> {
// adds glue-specific methods

class MyElements: MyObject {
// adds additional features only appropriate to elements, e.g. 


Needless to say, my only real success here appears to be setting new 
records for no. of Swift/SourceKit parse/compile/run crashes per hour. 
And that's before I even put constraints on the generic parameters 
(since the factory methods refuse to see the subclasses' inits without 
them). Ugh. I'm sure set algebra was never this painful in high school...

Many thanks,


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Re: [PSA] native AppleScripting support for Swift

2015-07-15 Thread has

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the kind words. I know AEB's off to a hopeful start: I've 
been using appscript professionally for high-end automation for 
years[1], and hundreds (thousands?) of other appscript users have beaten 
the tar out of it over the years too, so the design has already proven 
itself. OTOH, there's a *lot* of roughness in the packaging and 
presentation - my Swift/ObjC/Xcode-fu sucks so it could really do with a 
more experienced hand on that side. And it's based on objc-appscript 
which was always the least polished and tested of the old appscript 
bridges, so a wide-spectrum shakedown from experienced application 
automators is also much needed to check I've not missed any 
compatibility issues. (Plus the documentation needs a damn good edit, 
natch; but I'm not going to worry about that until the first two issues 
are covered as it's in flux till then anyway.)

Basically, I can do the AE-related engineering okay cos I know that 
narrow problem space better'n anyone, but for everything else it needs 
other folks to step up and assist. Partly cos those are areas I'm short 
on skills and time to do it and get it right all on my own; partly cos 
my failing to get others invested and involved in project development, 
or work effectively with them to evangelize and support it, was the 
reason it all cratered last time around. A system's only ever as good as 
its weakest point, which in AEB's case is the rubbishy non-redundant 
wetware it's currently running on, so the eventual goal would be to 
persuade Apple to take it over for inclusion in 10.12 [2], although 
that's require a heck of lot more folks to throw their weight behind it. 
So baby steps and bug reports first, and all help and advice is greatly 

Best regards,



[1] And still do:

[2] A not entirely unrealistic goal as Mac::Glue already made it into 
10.4, and appscript (alongside RubyOSA and SB) was being considered for 
inclusion in 10.5, and might have made it in too had dumbass here not 
been asleep on the job. :/

On 15/07/2015 12:53, Alex Zavatone wrote:

Thanks, Has. This looks great.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 13, 2015, at 10:25 AM,  wrote:

Hi all,

In light of OS X 10.11 addressing some longstanding deficiencies in 
NSAppleEventDescriptor, I've been dusting off a fork of my old objc-appscript 
project, now renamed AppleEventBridge, modernizing and extending it both to 
take advantage of improvements to ObjC in the last few years and to add native 
support for Apple's new Swift language:


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Re: [PSA] native AppleScripting support for Swift

2015-07-15 Thread has
Quick postscript: I've now posted AppleEventBridge's Swift documentation 
online for easier perusal:

It's still a bit rough, natch, but it should give a good idea of what it 
does and how it works without having to pull the project first.



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[PSA] native AppleScripting support for Swift

2015-07-13 Thread has

Hi all,

In light of OS X 10.11 addressing some longstanding deficiencies in 
NSAppleEventDescriptor, I've been dusting off a fork of my old 
objc-appscript project, now renamed AppleEventBridge, modernizing and 
extending it both to take advantage of improvements to ObjC in the last 
few years and to add native support for Apple's new Swift language:

Unlike Apple's flawed Scripting Bridge and JavaScript for Automation, 
AEB aims to provide application scripting capabilities and compatibility 
that equal (if not better) AppleScript's own, along with superior 
documentation and developer tool support.

Here's a simple example, comparing AEB's new Swift and ObjC bindings 
against de facto standard AppleScript:

  tell application TextEdit to get text of document 1

  let result = try TextEdit().documents[1].text.get() as! String

  id result = [[TEDApplication application].documents[1].text getItem];

A simple Apple event translation tool, SwiftAETranslate, is included in 
the project, making it easy to convert AppleScript commands to their 
Swift equivalents. It's a great learning tool if you've always found 
AppleScript code perplexing, and well worth pulling the project just to 
try it out yourself:

git clone

Swift support requires Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7 beta 3 or later, and works 
on 10.10+.

While this release is not intended for production use (builds are rather 
messy and there's still rough edges and bugs), it is sufficiently mature 
to allow interested Swift and ObjC users to explore and experiment with 
it, and to offer advice, suggestions, and other feedback with a view to 
getting the whole thing to a production-quality 1.0 release before the 
end of the year.

Enjoy, and I look forward to hearing what you think.



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Re: [Swift] best way to support 'keyword' args, symbolic values, show values as literals?

2015-06-16 Thread has

On 15/06/2015 18:39, Quincey Morris wrote:
On Jun 15, 2015, at 10:17 , has wrote:

the goal is to enable a user to print an object specifier and be able 
to copy-and-paste that straight into another script -  i.e. 
`-description` should always return a string that represents valid 
Swift code

I dunno about #1 or #2, but for #3 look into the “Custom…” family of 
protocols, especially ‘CustomStringConvertible’, which is the one that 
defines ‘description’ and ‘debugDescription’ as having more-or-less 
their Obj-C meanings. IIRC, CustomStringConvertible is also the one 
that allows your custom type to participate in string interpolation: 
“\(variableOfYourType)”, which would connect you with what I assume 
you mean by “printing.

The standard protocols are all documented in the Swift Standard 
Library document for Swift 2. It’s worth browsing the list to see if 
there’s other stuff that might be helpful. Any of the “…Convertible” 
protocols might open up possibilities for streamlining your invocation 

Will give it a crack, thanks. (Just discovered the amazing answer to #1, 
so am off to play with that first.;)


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Re: NSAppleEventDescriptor docs [was: Re: [Swift] best way to support 'keyword' args,...]

2015-06-16 Thread has

Dave wrote:

 Thanks to Apple actioning Radar tickets 19169736, 19169791, and 18944184, there are now modern, fully 
supported NSAppleEventDescriptor APIs arriving in 10.11 that will allow 
third-party code to do all this stuff without having to go through 
ancient legacy or deprecated Carbon APIs any more.

 I’m was about to add AppleScript Handling to my App and I’ll need to 
do a lot of NSAppleEventDescriptor fishing, is there any advance 
documentation relating to this? I’m an Apple Developer and under NDA.

First things first, be aware that Apple event IPC makes *infinitely more 
sense* once you realize it ISN'T OOP, but remote procedure calls with 
simple first-class relational query values as arguments. Your app's 
scripting interface presents an idealized view onto its user data as a 
relational object graph, against which those queries are then evaluated. 
[1] Go read Dr William Cook's HOPL paper for excellent background on why 
and how it was designed that way [2]:

The usual way to add AE handling to a Cocoa app is to use the Cocoa 
Scripting framework. It has flaws, but unless you've a specific reason 
not to use it then it's probably the least painful option currently 
available. (If I ever get a spare year with nothing better to do I might 
write a replacement, but already I've enough mad projects on the go to 
keep me busy for the foreseeable.)

Matt Neuburg's written some useful stuff on CS in the past, and there's 
docs on Apple's own site as well, including the Scripting Interface 
Guidelines which you should track down and read.

While I don't use CS myself, I understand that the way Cocoa Scripting 
handles events and queries is kind of poor: each incoming AE is 
dispatched to a corresponding 'Command' class, one for each kind of 
event; and it's all a single-dispatch, nominal-typing, traditionalist OO 
flavored mindset, where queries tend to get unpacked into arrays of 
objects representing individual model objects which then frequently a 
pig to wrangle efficiently and correctly, e.g. try running this and see 
how many off-by-N errors you can identify:

tell application TextEdit
make new document with properties {text:one two three four 
five six sovon eight nine ton}

set (every word where it contains e) of document 1 to ?
end tell

Whereas Apple events really need a multimethod-style approach to 
dispatching that uses structural-typing-like pattern matching to route 
incoming events to as many different 'handler' classes as you need to 
represent all the different verb(noun,noun,noun,...) combinations your 
app supports, and lets you decide exactly how you want to resolve 
queries and perform operations yourself. e.g. `move document 1 to end of 
documents` is a totally different operation to `move word 1 to end of 
paragraph 1`, so why would you want it dispatching both requests to the 
same NSScriptMoveCommand class? (And let's not even get into the sheer 
awfulness of its default Text Suite implementation.)

Like I say, AEs are not OOP, and probably 80% of programmers' pain and 
hate comes from wrongly trying to treat them as such (the other 20% 
being due to a formal spec that's so hand-wavy and open-ended it's very 
hard to figure out how you _should_ do it). OTOH, unless you're willing 
(and crazy enough) to design and build your own AE handling framework 
from scratch, I recommend you just slum it with CS. Oh, and stick to 
AppleScript for _all_ your testing as that is the benchmark and the only 
currently supported AE bridge that actually works right[3].

As to wrangling NSAppleEventDescriptor directly (assuming you're either 
not using CS, or that CS is unable to pack and unpack them automatically 
for you), the docs on haven't been updated yet, but 
the new methods all look to be based on my submitted patches which are 
taken from here, so just read the comments on those if they're not 
already self-explanatory:


The only difference I've noticed thus far is the -send... event has a 
slightly different signature and a bug in the timeout argument, which 
I'll radar later [4].

If you're going to start packing and unpacking complex more complex 
descriptors (e.g. lists, records) yourself, you may find it useful to 
pinch code from my AEMCodecs class too.

If you want to talk about stuff off-list then you're welcome to email me 
directly. Matt Neuburg and Shane Stanley are also well worth tracking 
down and picking their brains for guru treats, and both periodically 
appear on this list too.



[1] Pin this on your wall as a reminder every day: grasping this 
unfamiliar but simple truth turns even

[Swift] best way to support 'keyword' args, symbolic values, show values as literals?

2015-06-15 Thread has

Hi folks,

Some of the old uns here might remember that many years ago I wrote a 
nice little library named appscript which allowed you to control 
AppleScriptable applications from Python/Ruby/ObjC (and, unlike the 
alternatives, actually didn't suck), allowing you to write code like 
this (Python):

app('TextEdit').documents['Read Me'].paragraphs[1].get()

and this (ObjC):

TEApplication *textedit = [TEApplication applicationWithName: 
TEReference *ref = [[textedit.documents byName: 
@ReadMe].paragraphs at: 1];

NSString *result = [[ref get] send];

instead of this (AppleScript):

tell application TextEdit
get paragraph 1 of document ReadMe
end tell

Thanks to Apple actioning Radar tickets 19169736, 19169791, and 18944184, there are now modern, fully 
supported NSAppleEventDescriptor APIs arriving in 10.11 that will allow 
third-party code to do all this stuff without having to go through 
ancient legacy or deprecated Carbon APIs any more.

So I'm starting to work on an Apple event bridge for Swift 2.0, built on 
top of a cleaned-up fork[1] of my old Appscript.framework. So far it's 
able to construct basic object specifiers, e.g.:

TEApplication(name: TextEdit).documents[1].name

and symbolic values (AEDescs of typeType and typeEnumerated, aka 'class' 
and 'constant' names in AS):

Complex specifiers and commands are not yet up and running (once they 
are, I'll push the code) and this being my first substantial foray into 
Swift, I could do with advice and suggestions on how best to present the 
API. Here's 3 questions to start:


1. AppleScript, Apple events, etc. use optional keyword-based 
parameters, not ordered parameters as in ObjC and Swift. For ObjC I just 
used chained method calls to build up and send complex events, e.g:

   tell application TextEdit to make new document ¬
  with properties {text:Hello World\n}

translates to objc-appscript as:

textedit make] new_: [TEConstant document]]
 withProperties: @{TEConstant.text: @Hello World}] send]

which works fine but is pretty ugly compared to the Python equivalent:

textedit.make(new=k.document, with_properties={k.text: Hello 
World}, timeout=30)

Translating the ObjC API directly to Swift would result in code like this:
  [TEConstant.text: Hello World]).send(timeout: 30)

which isn't particularly intuitive or readable, so I'm looking for other 
ways to do it, preferably that allow the entire Apple event to be built 
and sent in a single method call.

If I understand Swift, there are a couple possible approaches that would 
let me get much closer to the Python/Ruby syntax: optional arguments and 
dicts. Since optional args are only omittable from the end of the args 
list, that'd mean a syntax something like this:

textedit.make(new: TESymbol.document, at: nil, withData: nil,
   withProperties: [TESymbol.text: Hello World],
  eventAttributes: [keyTimeoutAttr: 30])

which isn't the most beautiful (and starts to look unpleasant when 
constructing application commands that have really long verbose argument 
lists), but is possibly the most Swiftian way to do it. Another option 
would be to do what I did in Ruby, which was for each command to take 0, 
1, or 2 of the following arguments: a direct parameter, and a dictionary 
containing all keyword parameters and/or event attributes:

textedit.make(args: [ TESymbol.document,
TESymbol.withProperties: [TESymbol.text: Hello World],
TESymbol.timeout: 30])


textedit.make(args: [
new: TESymbol.document,
withProperties: [TESymbol.text: Hello World],
timeout: 30])

depending on whether one prefers parameter names to be given as symbols 
or strings.

If anyone has any thoughts or other ideas, I'd very much like to hear them.


2. Does anyone have any particular thoughts on how best to present 
symbolic values? In Python I just had an dynamic object (`k`) that 
pretended to be an infinite namespace so one could write `k.document`, 
`k.text`, etc. and the application would figure out what AEDesc code 
('docu', 'ctxt') that actually represented when packing it into the AE. 
For now I'm emulating the objc-appscript approach, which is to have a 
statically generated class (e.g. `TESymbol`) with a whole bunch of class 
methods on it that return the corresponding instances (e.g. 

Right now I'm defining these on the generated Swift class as static 
vars, but I dunno if there'd be a better way of presenting these, e.g. 
as lazy vars on the module itself (`TEDocument`, `TEText`, etc). (Bear 
in mind that these symbols are defined all over the place - some in the 

Re: Optionals? A better option!

2015-05-15 Thread has

Jens Alfke wrote:

 Which is to say that, if you really want to engage in productive 
debate or provide alternatives, you should spend some time learning the 
theory behind languages and also looking at non-C-like languages, 
especially functional ones.

This. C doesn't even have a typesystem: just a handful of compiler 
directives for allocating memory on the stack. If your only experience 
is in C and its descendents, you're simply not qualified to discuss type 
system design. Go learn a language like Haskell or ML that has a real 
type system; it'll open your eyes. Type systems are for expressing your 
exact requirements in terms of set theory, not checking homework of the 
terminally sloppy and lazy.

 Optionals come out of a long line of thinking in functional 
programming languages. The broader idea is that if a value can have 
multiple mutually exclusive states (in this case “has a value” vs “has 
no value”) then those states should be tagged and should require 
explicit action to select between. That’s basically what Swift enums are 
(and the same concept is found in a lot of other languages like Haskell, 
Erlang, Scala, Rust…)

Indeed. The common term in FP is sum types. (Also known as variant 
types or tagged unions, though I dislike that last term as it 
emphasizes implementation rather than purpose - another easy engineer 
trap.) Here's a quick read:

Basically, just think of `FooType?` as a syntactic shorthand for writing 
`FooType | NoneType`, i.e. the sum of FooType and NoneType. [1]

Similarly, `foo = foo_or_none as FooType!` is just shorthand for 
concisely expressing a common use-case where your code can't reasonably 
continue unless the value given is an instance of FooType:

case foo_or_none of
SomeType (foo) - [process the foo value as normal]
NoneType - [throw a standard exception]

Frankly, if you want to grouse about something, grouse about Swift's 
love of syntactic special forms, which makes the language look even more 
semantically complex and disjointed than it actually is. Having cut my 
coder's teeth on AppleScript, I know this special hell only too well 

 There’s a school of thought that null pointers are harmful; optionals 
are a reaction to that. I just looked up the source — Tony Hoare gave a 
presentation where he formally apologized for inventing null pointers in 
1965 as part of ALGOL W: [...] It’s a great quote, but I don’t think 
that was the first appearance of null. LISP dates back to the late ‘50s 
and has always had nil references (right?)

Lisp has a `nil` object. That's not the same thing as a nil pointer. The 
first is an actual Thing; the second is a promise to give you a thing 
that instead drops you down a hole when you actually ask for it.



[1] Pseudocode, obviously. I *really* wish Swift designers had copied 
FP's elegant type declaration and pattern matching syntax, instead of 
godawful C++ hideousness. It's so much cleaner it isn't funny.


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Re: Running AppleScripts from an App using NSAppleScript

2015-04-28 Thread has

Dave wrote:

 I have a number of AppleScripts I’d want to run from my App. Each 
Script has a couple of parameters [...]

Example code here:

The downside (one of them anyway) is that you have to do all of the 
Cocoa-AE packing and unpacking yourself. If you're passing complex 
data, I suggest pinching and adapting the AEMCodecs class from here:

If the scripts are part of your .app bundle, another option is to use 
the AppleScript-ObjC bridge, which allows you to call AS handlers 
directly from ObjC:

It's not perfect - there's no way to declare non-id signatures (you have 
to wrap and unwrap C primitives yourself) and some of the AE type 
bridging is problematic (NSDate/typeLongDateTime isn't automatically 
bridged, and the typeObjectSpecifier mapping is defective), but for most 
tasks it's the least painful option.



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Re: NSAppleScript Problem

2015-03-31 Thread has

Dave wrote:

 I’m running the following Script from a Cocoa App using NSAppleScript:

For reference, some quick how-tos on calling AppleScript from ObjC/Python:

* using NSAppleScript class:

* using AppleScriptObjC framework:



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Re: prevent UIAgent with floating NSPanel stealing focus?

2015-03-16 Thread has

On 16/03/2015 22:02, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Mar 16, 2015, at 4:50 PM, has wrote:

Quick question as I'm guessing the answer is no, but I've a UIAgent that 
floats an NSPanel above other apps and I'm wondering if there's any way to avoid 1. 
having to click not once but twice to put the cursor in a text field when the panel isn't 
already active, and 2. prevent the next app - in this case Adobe Illustrator - losing all 
focus which causes all of its own panels to vanish?

For issue 2, include NSNonactivatingPanelMask in the panel's style mask or, in 
IB, enable Non Activating in the Attributes inspector for the panel.

Issue 2 fixed. Woot!

That may also fix issue 1, but I'm not sure.

It doesn't, but it's definitely a start. Just having AI stay in focus 
throughout makes the click-and-click-again window hopping a lot less 

You may also want to experiment with setting the panel's becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded 
property, although that's more for panels which don't have many text fields.

Another possible fix for issue 1 is to use a custom subclass of NSTextField 
which overrides -acceptsFirstMouse:, calls through to super (just in case it 
does something important), and then returns YES regardless of what the super 
implementation returned.

Thanks, I'll give it a poke later and see what happens.


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prevent UIAgent with floating NSPanel stealing focus?

2015-03-16 Thread has

Hi all,

Quick question as I'm guessing the answer is no, but I've a UIAgent 
that floats an NSPanel above other apps and I'm wondering if there's any 
way to avoid 1. having to click not once but twice to put the cursor in 
a text field when the panel isn't already active, and 2. prevent the 
next app - in this case Adobe Illustrator - losing all focus which 
causes all of its own panels to vanish? [1]

(I realize I could probably implement my NSPanel as a ObjC++ plugin 
which runs within the Illustrator process, but I'd rather not inject my 
own code into AI if possible as it's crashy enough without my shoddy C* 
code destabilizing it further.)



[1] Screen recording if it helps illustrate the problem: (22MB)


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Re: building an AppleScript editor app

2014-12-07 Thread has

sqwarqDev wrote:

 As the title suggests, I'm building an AppleScript editor 
(Objective-C, not Swift). I've got reasonably far replicating the 
abilities of the in-built Script editor and have even added a few bells 
and whistles. However, I'm stuck, conceptually, on one particular hump.

IMO you're almost certainly wasting your time. The aged AppleScript 
market is moribund, and the nascent JavaScript for Automation market is 
stymied by JXA being a total sack of crap.

OSA is built upon the Carbon Component Manager, which was deprecated in 
10.8. The Carbon OSA (OpenScripting) framework has been a legacy API 
since 10.6, and some functions also require deprecated types such as 
FSRef in addition to Component/ComponentInstance. OSAKit framework is 
supposed to be a Cocoa alternative, but is an undocumented sack of crap, 
and you still have to drop down to the Carbon OSA APIs for the sorts of 
non-trivial operations an OSA editor requires.

 When a script in my editor returns a record that contains the 
four-letter codes defined in the target application's dictionary, what 
is the best way to translate the code back into human readable form for 
display in the results window?

You don't. You use the OSA to do it for you. OSAExecute and friends 
return an OSAID for a newly created ScriptValue object containing the 
raw result. You pass that ID to something like OSADisplay if you want 
that result as a display string, or to OSACoerceToDesc if you want it as 
an AEDesc. It's quite tedious, but it works. Or you use OSAScript, which 
has a very stupid method that returns both a display string and an 
AEDesc at the same time.

 I haven't yet got round to building my XML parser for my Dictionary 
viewer (that's next up), so I don't know if there are some methods that 
might help me in NSXML (a brief look over the class didn't suggest 
anything useful), but I'm imagining that I'm going to have to do 
something like this:

 i. load the applications dictionary into my code
 -- (I'm assuming I do this with an NSTask calling sdef...any other 

OSACopyScriptingDefinitionFromURL() is busted: documentation says both 
file: and eppc: URLs are accepted, but file: URLs return garbage 
(specifically, an SDEF for AEM's degenerate XML-RPC/SOAP support). 
OSACopyScriptingDefinition() requires an FSRef, which in turn requires 
use of deprecated functions like CFURLGetFSRef(). Honestly, calling out 
to `sdef` is probably the least horrid option.

 ii. parse the AEDescriptor result  for the four-letter codes
 -- (currently, my thinking here is to turn the whole result into an 
NSString and use an NSScanner)

Wut? Or are you still talking about displaying the script's return 
value? If so, stop shoveling and see above.

As to dictionary viewers in general: OSAKit contains the dictionary 
viewer classes used by SE, though needless to say it doesn't work right, 
particularly when displaying inheritance and containment graphs which it 
almost invariably mucks up. I wrote some thoroughly horrible code for 
ASDictionary that does a much better job, although I don't think I ever 
finished the SDEF parser as the AS team keep mucking with the format and 
SDEF's always had bugs. Public domain code can be found in the old 
appscript svn repo. Either way, you deal with crap, insanity, or both. 
And you'll be pretty much on your own all the way: after a few thousand 
hours down the toilet I no longer provide any public appscript support 
(so if you want specifics you'll have to pay consultant rates), and good 
luck trying to get help out of any of the current AppleScript engineers 
(not that they understand half this stuff right anyway).

As to general advice: I suggest you find yourself the original Inside 
Macintosh sections on Apple Event Manager and Scripting Components and 
read those to get some idea of how OSA works. (Be aware that even these 
are horribly light on specifics.) Also William Cook's HOPL paper on the 
early history of AppleScript is useful background. The JavaScriptOSA 
component I wrote after WWDC14 so the JXA devs could use it as reference 
(they didn't) is available at Again, unsupported, 
unfinished, and not 100% right (the more obscure, advanced behaviors I 
was semi-guessing due to lack of public Apple documentation), but it may 
provide some insight into how OSA is designed to operate. (I did 
actually start writing an OSAKit replacement as well, but a brief bout 
of sanity cured me in time.)

Bear in mind too that OSA and the AS component are twenty year-old tech, 
and hopelessly obsolete by modern standards. There's no support for 
incremental parsing, for example, which you need to support stuff like 
dynamic code coloring and auto-complete which modern scripters expect. 
There's no hooks for debuggers or profilers, which users also expect, 
and you will probably go insane trying to hack your own workaround. The 
only person

Re: building an AppleScript editor app

2014-12-07 Thread has

sqwarqDev wrote:

 it's a hobby.

The Aristocrats!

 Wasting my time on this is no worse than watching re-runs of Kung 
Fu and sure beats suffering on the sofa watching Leeds United getting 
hammered again... :(

(Bradford City FTW)

  Or you use OSAScript, which has a very stupid method that returns 
both a display string and an AEDesc at the same time.

 Huh? Which method are you talking about? I can't see anything in 
OSAScript that returns much anything than various ints, none of which 
seem obviously useful for getting human readable text out of.

-[OSAScript executeAndReturnDisplayValue:error:]

 As to dictionary viewers in general: OSAKit contains the dictionary 
viewer classes used by SE, though needless to say it doesn't work right,

 I was thinking I'd just build my own besoke XML viewer. Aside from 
the fact I won't be able to load any old dictionary files that aren't 
sdefs (I'm happy to forsake them)

`sdef` and OSACopyScriptingDefinition...() automatically translate older 
formats to XML SDEF. This isn't to say they translate 100% correctly, 
but it's probably good enough for documentation purposes.

 that seems the easiest part of the job.

You wish. Getting inheritance and containment graphs right in particular 
is a pig, since dictionaries are not validated and frequently contain 
errors and omissions. You may wish to install a copy of Python appscript 
alongside ASDictionary, and play about with its built-in help() method, 
which manages fairly decent graphs generated from AETE data. That alone 
was several hundred hours' work.

The only info that's reasonably accurate is keyword names and codes, and 
what they represent (command, property, etc), since that's what 
AppleScript relies on to compile scripts, and even that can be glitchy 
at times, particularly in the big Carbon-based productivity apps. Plus 
there's stupid stuff like SDEF not being able to distinguish `text` 
strings from `text` application objects, and then there's the 
documentation element and XInclude messes, and I don't know how SDEF 
even deals with dynamically loaded dictionaries for scriptable plugins.

 Bear in mind too that OSA and the AS component are twenty year-old 
tech, and hopelessly obsolete by modern standards. There's no support 
for incremental parsing, for example, which you need to support stuff 
like dynamic code coloring and auto-complete which modern scripters 
expect. There's no hooks for debuggers or profilers,

 This is what first got me interested in writing a decent editor to 
start with...

As I say, you'd be easier writing your own interpreter, then writing an 
editor around that. (Although the AppleScript language is such a pig to 
interpret correctly, I wouldn't recommend attempting that as a first 

 well, that and I refuse to pay $199 for the only alternative.

Meh, a couple hundred bucks is nothing for a product that works for a 
living. (Adobe'll happily gouge you ten times that, and let's not even 
mention the hole that the likes of AutoDesk like to make.)

Heck, you could pay for SD in a few hours just by calling yourself 
automation consultant and hitting up the local graphic design outfits 
for some freelance scripting work.

Or, if you're really cheap, go give Satimage's Smile editor a go. The 
standard version is free, and you can have hours of brain-melting fun 
just by exploring its own insanely deep use of OSA.

 I'll keep plugging away till TV re-runs get the better of me or Leeds 
go on a winning streak. Thanks for the tips, has. Amongst the 
discouragement, there was some useful leads. :)

Just words from the wise. I know how many hours I've sunk into this crap 
myself, for great pain and little reward. Honestly, take up Flamenco or 
Taekwondo or something like that. Or get yourself a copy of Seymour 
Papert's Mindstorms and figure out how to make a modern Logo environment 
that properly rocks. Building languages is way more fun [1], and Lispy 
interpreters are ridiculously easy to make, yet will seriously expand 
your mind as you realize how deep and powerful they are.



[1] It's what I do myself now.

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What Apple event functionality is still missing from Cocoa?

2014-11-11 Thread has

Hi folks,

Currently when working with NSAppleEventDescriptor it is necessary to 
drop down to legacy or deprecated Carbon APIs in order to perform 
certain tasks such as packing and unpacking date descriptors and sending 
Apple events. Given Apple's regular Carbon API pogroms, it's an 
uncomfortable foundation for building professional software products.

I'm putting together a Radar feature request requesting that 
NSAppleEventDescriptor be enhanced to provide this missing 
functionality, and writing the patch myself in the hope that a. this 
expedites the process, and b. it gets done right.

Here's what I've got so far, implemented as a category on 
NSAppleEventDescriptor so it's easy to test:

@interface NSAppleEventDescriptor (AEDescExtensions)

// Given a value, create and return an autoreleased NSAppleEventDescriptor
// that contains that value, with an appropriate type (typeLongDateTime,
// typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint, or typeFileURL, respectively).

+ (instancetype)descriptorWithDate:(NSDate *)date;
+ (instancetype)descriptorWithDouble:(double)number;
+ (instancetype)descriptorWithFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL;

// Given a target process identifier, create and return an autoreleased
// NSAppleEventDescriptor suitable for use in +appleEventWith... constructor

+ (instancetype)currentProcessDescriptor;
+ (instancetype)descriptorWithProcessID:(pid_t)pid;
+ (instancetype)descriptorWithApplicationURL:(NSURL *)url;

// AERecords can have an abitrary descriptorType. This allows you to 
check if

// the descriptor is truly an AERecord.

- (BOOL)isRecordDescriptor;

// Return the contents of a descriptor, after coercing the descriptor's 
// to typeLongDateTime, typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint, or typeFileURL 

@property (readonly) NSDate *dateValue;
@property (readonly) double doubleValue;
@property (readonly) NSURL *fileURLValue;

// Send an Apple event to a target process. On success, returns the 
reply event
// containing the result value or error returned by the target process. 
If an
// Apple Event Manager error occurs, returns nil and if `error` is not 
nil an

// NSError containing the Carbon error code.

- (instancetype)sendAppleEventWithMode:(AESendMode)sendMode
 error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;


These are the methods that wrap essential legacy/deprecated Carbon APIs:


The rest are simply for completeness: not essential, just convenient to 

The two source files that I'll submit as a code patch are here (you can 
ignore the larger project):

If anyone can think of any other Apple event Carbon APIs that should be 
added to this wrapper, please let me know. Ditto if you can see anything 
stupid or wrong in my implementation. I'm also open to advice on how to 
best present and document this code to make it as quick and painless for 
Apple to implement (I figure the less effort it is for them, the 
likelier they are to include it in [ideally] 10.11).



p.s. Anyone know if rdar://problem/4976113 has been fixed? If it has, 
I can eliminate the AESendThreadSafe workaround for sending events on 
background threads.


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Re: [PSA] JavaScript for Automation

2014-09-04 Thread has

On 02/09/2014 00:34, SevenBits wrote:

At this late stage I think the only solution is for users to demand 
Apple reschedule JXA's initial release for 10.11, giving them time to 
[re]do it right. 
Although I have this, and was quickly turned away because its 
complexity, to be honest I really have little need for a solution like 

The principles of Apple event-based application scripting really aren't 
complex: it's basically RPC plus simple first-class queries. Most of the 
confusion arises because none of the documentation ever tells you this, 
so OO-trained users wrongly assume it's object-oriented and get 
completely confused and frustrated when it behaves in non-OO ways. 
(Indeed, the JXA docs actively lie: the Apple Event Object Model is 
connected via relations, like Core Data, not composed of objects and 
object arrays a-la DOM.)

(I think the Cocoa Scripting docs mention relationships briefly, but 
only folks implementing scriptable apps read those, and I think the 
point is largely lost amongst all the other crud.)

Most other usability problems are due to individual applications not 
including adequate documentation and sample code, though it's hard to 
blame third-party developers when Apple's own apps are some of the worst 
offenders so hardly provide a good example to follow.

There are so many issues in Cocoa and OS X that need Apple’s attention 
right now (like a newly installed app breaking file associations) I 
don’t think that it will be a priority anytime soon. 

The Automation team already has its own manager, developers, and budget, 
so aren't affected by OS X's other problems.

That’s not to say that I don’t think that Apple should delay it; I’m 
just saying that I have doubts that it will happen. 
I don't think it'll happen either, but that's because it'd be admitting 
they made a mistake, which Apple almost never does. But the more users 
push back, the more chance someone further up the management structure 
will start paying attention, and perhaps eventually the appropriate 
butts will be kicked and told to do better.



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[PSA] JavaScript for Automation

2014-09-01 Thread has
[I'm cross-posting this from the AppleScript Users mailing list - it's 
not a Cocoa question, but quite a few developers are extremely 
interested in alternatives to AppleScript for application automation so 
I believe it has relevance. I don't wish to risk the Cocoa Dev list 
mom's wrath with a longer discussion thread though, so please post any 
replies to ASU, not here 
on CD.]


While there's still a couple months till Yosemite ships, it already 
looks as if JavaScript for Automation is going to be one more priceless 
opportunity down the drain. I've been testing it since DP2 and, like 
Leopard's Scripting Bridge, it's a half-baked, half-broken mess whose 
authors do not understand how AppleScript and application scripting 
actually work in the real world, never eat their own dog food, and 
ignore any criticism they don't understand or don't wish to hear.

As part of my feedback to the AS team, I hacked together first a 
prototype JavaScript-AppleEvent Bridge and then a full JavaScript OSA 
component that they could use as reference, although I've no idea if 
they even bothered to look at it (I just got crickets). I've now 
uploaded a zip file containing the JavaScriptOSA component, the JAB Demo 
tool for translating application commands from AppleScript to JavaScript 
syntax, and the original Xcode project files to the old appscript 
project page so everyone else can have a look as well:

Error reporting and documentation are incomplete, and there's bugs and 
other issues not yet resolved, but the AE and OSA support almost all 
works so folks already trying out JXA on Yosemite will find it useful 
for comparison. Folks on Mavericks can also try it if they wish as it's 
10.9-compatible too. I'll try to finish it later if I've time, but as 
Apple have deprecated the whole OSA foundation it'll never be suitable 
for production use; therefore it's JXA or bust.

At this late stage I think the only solution is for users to demand 
Apple reschedule JXA's initial release for 10.11, giving them time to 
[re]do it right. Bear in mind that once 10.10 ships, JXA's design 
defects will be effectively welded in for good. So it's up to all of you 
to decide if you're willing to accept something that's crippled, broken, 
and thoroughly inferior to AppleScript, and to make yourselves heard by 
those in charge if not.




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Re: Class OC_PythonObject: no such selector: _cfTypeID

2010-06-04 Thread has
Jonathan Mitchell wrote:

 On occasion I see my PyObjC scripts generating the following:
 Class OC_PythonObject: no such selector: _cfTypeID
 My app executes user supplied scripts and the error appears to be generated 
 under a number of circumstances
 including inadvertently calling an object function with the wrong number of 
 How should this error be interpreted?
 Is it indicative solely of argument mismatch?

Hi Jonathan,

The PythonMac-SIG mailing list is the probably the best place to ask 
Python-/PyObjC-specific questions:

 RubyCocoa is much more informative when inadvertently calling a function with 
 the wrong argument count :
 wrong number of arguments (0 for 2)

RubyCocoa maps ObjC method names to the same Ruby method name when there are 0 
or 1 args given, e.g. -foo and -foo: both map to #foo. 

PyObjC, OTOH, maps -foo to foo and -foo: to foo_, so they are indeed different 
method names in Python. 

Thus, the PyObjC 'no such selector' message is technically correct, if not 
overly helpful, since -foo and -foo: are different names in ObjC too.

I guess that's the nature of these bridges: it's not enough to understand how 
the local language (Python/Ruby) works, you need a good understanding how the 
target platform (ObjC runtime) and the bridge between the two environments 
(PyObjC/RubyCocoa) operate too. Although you could always submit a feature 
request asking for more 'intelligent' error reporting from the bridge in 
response to known common user errors such as forgetting the trailing underscore 
in PyObjC, e.g.: no such selector: _cfTypeID (did you mean _cfTypeID_?).


Learn AppleScript, 3rd edition, Sanderson  Rosenthal:

Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:


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Re: Simulating app termination

2010-06-01 Thread has
lorenzo7620 wrote:

 My question at this point is not about the dialog not displaying, not yet  
 anyway, but how to tell my app to quit without actually restarting or  
 shutting down the computer. Years ago under Classic, I would write an  
 Applescript to do this, but it seems that you don't get even basic  
 Applescript support for free anymore, so I have to add it.

If your application runs off a Cocoa event loop, it ought to respond to a 
standard 'quit' event; all GUI processes should. If not, maybe there's 
something not quite right in your design?


Learn AppleScript, 3rd edition, Sanderson  Rosenthal:

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Re: ScriptingBridge Commands

2010-05-05 Thread has
John Nairn wrote:

 I have been using ScriptingBridge to script my AppleScriptable Cocoa  
 app using Python and Ruby. Today I noticed that commands defined on  
 the main application do not work with error message that the  
 application has no such attribute. I checked the header file created  
 by the ScriptingBridge and see that all commands are defined in a  
 generic GEDitCOM_IIItem that is subclass of SBObject:
 Is this a bug in the ScriptingBridge framework?

Probably. SB's API is heavily obfuscated and makes all sorts of accidental or 
deliberate assumptions about how scriptable applications operate that don't 
actually match up with reality. (e.g. Google scripting bridge+appscript if 
you want to see me tearing it various holes.) At any rate, I ran into similar 

from ScriptingBridge import *
iTunes = 
iTunes.activate() # works ok
iTunes.pause() # works ok
iTunes.playOnce_(False) # AttributeError: 'ITunesApplication' object 
has no attribute 'playOnce_'

Eventually, I figured out the magic invocation via sleuthing and guesswork:

iTunes.play_once_(None, False)

I didn't bother trying to find out if -[iTunesApplication playOnce:] works in 
ObjC, which is what the sdp-generated header claims it should be. But it 
wouldn't surprise me if it broke there - sdp's output isn't always correct 

For comparison, here's how you do it in py-appscript:

from appscript import *
itunes = app('iTunes')

Much nicer, more capable native API, and far less prone to compatibility 
problems than SB. (I build heavy-duty workflows with it in my day job.) The 
only downside is that it's not present in OS X by default, but it's trivial to 
install via setuptools as long as you've got gcc on your system and it's 
MIT-licensed so redistribution isn't a problem.


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Re: ScriptingBridge Commands

2010-05-05 Thread has
On May 5, 2010, at 7:45 PM, John Nairn wrote:

 My main reason to use SB is that is is there be default. I find that a 
 surprising (maybe) percentage of my users will balk at anything that requires 
 installation of something (even if free).

Yep, it's always nice when frequently used dependencies are included in the 
stock OS install (koffgcc, I'm looking at you), particularly in those 
environments (e.g. corporate) where the politics of third-party installs can be 
difficult to negotiate. That said, if folks are regularly using Python or Ruby 
in place of AppleScript, appscript's well worth a look simply because it's so 
much nicer to use than SB. Application scripting's painful enough without the 
extra headaches that SB brings, plus you get features like interactive help and 
ASTranslate to make the transition from AS that much easier.

Alternatively, if the majority of your users are using Python/Ruby/ObjC, then 
you might want to consider forgoing Apple events altogether and providing a 
straight ObjC API, either via NSBundle-based plugins or via Distributed 
Objects. Not that these approaches don't have issues of their own, but at least 
they will provide users with a familiar OO API rather than the weird RPC+query 
idioms of Apple events (with or without SB's clumsy faux-OO semantics on top).

 I think I know the reason the application commands do not work. It might even 
 be solvable, but in my app all commands at application level work at document 
 level too so that is a work around (because scripting without a document open 
 is not very useful)
 I think the reason is that the base application object in the scripting 
 definition is NSApplication and all my application commands are defined in a 
 category of NSApplication, but not in the object itself. I am guessing the SB 
 cannot handle that.

SB does appear to generate the appropriate methods - albeit using a syntax that 
is neither consistent nor intuitive - but sdp is naming the methods differently 
when generating the corresponding header file (i.e. -commandName:nil 
argument:value vs. -commandNameArgument:value). Doesn't really surprise me - 
it's hardly the first time I've found SB and/or sdp to make a muck of things. 
Most of OS X's AppleScript-related technologies have been half-baked in concept 
and/or implementation, and their QA is completely lousy, so while it's 
frustrating this is nothing unusual by AppleScript standards.

 A potential solution might be to subclass NSApplication in my app and then 
 define that class in the AppleScript suite. 

I'm very skeptical. It's not your application design that's at fault here; it's 
SB/sdp's doing, so trying to bend your app to suit SB will probably just 
backfire. As I say, SB makes all sorts of blind assumptions, so chances are 
that if you give your app an 'application' class by any other name it'll still 
work in AS (which is very forgiving) but will break even worse in SB. And don't 
forget that Cocoa Scripting can be very prickly too, so if the CS side is 
currently behaving itself then last thing you want to do is jinx that as well.

If you know a significant proportion of your users will be using SB then I 
recommend you supply supplementary documentation that shows them how to write 
these commands correctly, also noting that sdp-generated headers define these 
method names incorrectly so that ObjC users will know to amend them accordingly.



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Re: Scripting Bridge for GUI scripting?

2010-04-29 Thread has
Louis-Philippe wrote:

 I am looking around and I can't find docs about GUI scripting from the
 Scripting Bridge...  it seems like NSAppleScript would do it, but I would
 like it better if I could do it with objective-c logic.  Anybody has worked
 around something like that?

Given that GUI scripting is inherently nasty and fragile, and prone to breaking 
whenever target applications are updated, I'd personally keep that code as 
compiled AppleScripts (.scpt files) stored within the .app bundle for ease of 

Alternatively, if you really want to use [Obj]C, you could cut out 
AppleScript/System Events entirely and just talk directly to Mac OS X's 
Accessibility APIs (which is what System Events does).

Or, you could always try poking the developer of the target application to 
provide some sort of externally accessible API (Apple events/Distributed 
Objects/SOAP/sockets/shared framework/whatever) and avoid all that nastiness 
entirely. That would be the best solution, of course.


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Re: AppleScriptability Meets NSOperation

2010-03-29 Thread has
Jerry Krinock wrote:

 I do some lengthy, multi-step tasks in an app like this:
 * Wrap each of their dozen or so steps in an NSOperation.
 * Set dependencies so that they execute in sequence.
 * Add them to a suspended NSOperationQueue.
 * Un-suspend the queue.
 If an error occurs, all operations in the queue are cancelled and all ends 
 But many of the operations involve updating progress in the user interface, 
 or accessing the document's managed object context, so they actually call 
 back to performSelectorOnMainThread:, via a handy little wrapper in my 
 NSOperation subclass.  The user interface unblocks between operations, and 
 I'm happy with the way this works.
 But when I invoke a task like this from AppleScript, of course, it returns 
 immediately after loading the queue. That's no good, especially if an error 
 occurs -- the script has already moved on.

The Apple Event Manager supports suspend and resume, but I have no idea if 
you'll be able to take advantage of this feature in your application; I suspect 
it'll largely depend on how your scripting support is implemented (Cocoa 

Another option might be to use a similar approach to that used by iTunes and 
other applications where a task may run for an indeterminate length of time: 
implement a command to start the operation (c.f. iTune's play command), then 
provide a status property that the script can periodically poll to see if the 
task is complete. This also avoids the need for the user to mess around with 
'timeout' blocks and won't freeze your GUI while the script is waiting for a 
response. (I think the SIG recommends this approach in these situations.)

A third option would be to go the notification route, where you require client 
scripts to be run as stay-open applets; when the task completes, your 
application sends a command to the applet to let it know. Less common, though I 
have heard of it being used by scriptable backup software (I forget the name).


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Re: Messaging Cocoa apps through Terminal

2010-03-03 Thread has
Ulai Beekam wrote:

 How can I send messages to my Cocoa app through the terminal? Say something 
 like --sendAdvancedMessageThatIsNotInTheUI 

I think the simplest way would be to write yourself a simple command line tool 
that uses Distributed Objects. I do this to control one of my own Cocoa-based 
apps from the command line. See:

DO is no panacea, mind; e.g. see:

but if you understand and can work within its limitations, it's a very quick 
and easy way to get 'low-level' access to the known innards of Cocoa apps.


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Re: Extract keys, values from 'usrf' Record Type NSAppleEventDescriptor?

2010-02-21 Thread has
Jerry Krinock wrote:

 I create an NSAppleScript to read the current window name and URL from Safari 
 and return it as a record [1]. When I execute it, I get a nice-looking 
 NSAppleEventDescriptor with the following -description (line breaks added for 
 NSAppleEventDescriptor: {
] }
 As you can see, the desired keys and values are all in there.  How can I get 
 them out?  (Spent an hour reading documentation to no avail.)

ObjC-appscript has an AEMCodecs class that includes code for packing and 
unpacking AppleScript-style records, if you don't mind embedding the Appscript 
framework or extracting the classes you want by hand. (I've received a patch 
from another appscript user to break out AEMCodecs and some other bits for this 
sort of use, but I've been too busy recently to apply it.)

 tell application Safari
set aName to name of front document
set aUrl to URL of front document
 end tell
 set aRecord to {aNam:aName, aUrl:aUrl}

Unless the script needs to be user supplied, you could skip the NSAppleScript 
bit altogether. e.g. Running the above script through ASTranslate (from the 
appscript website) gives me the following raw code, which'd clean up nicely:

#import SFGlue/SFGlue.h
SFApplication *safari = [SFApplication applicationWithName: @Safari];
SFReference *ref = [[[safari documents] at: 1] name];
id result = [ref getItem];

#import SFGlue/SFGlue.h
SFApplication *safari = [SFApplication applicationWithName: @Safari];
SFReference *ref = [[[safari documents] at: 1] URL];
id result = [ref getItem];

Or there's Apple's own bridge - not as good, but I'm guessing it would work for 


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Re: How to access iTunes using cocoa

2010-01-26 Thread has
Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Jan 26, 2010, at 9:41 AM, Paul Sanders wrote:
 I use Cocoa's NSAppleScript class. This seems to work fine on Tiger, Leopard 
 and Snow Leopard.
 Yup, it just has the limitation that you have to run the script 
 synchronously, which sucks since many iTunes commands can take a long time. 
 There's no workaround to this that I've been able to find, since 
 NSAppleScript is not thread-safe.

AppleScript and NSAppleScript are thread-safe in 10.6.

As for slowness, iTunes may not be a speed demon when it has many tens of 
thousands of tracks to wade through, but in a lot of cases the performance 
problems are primarily due to inefficient design in your own code. The Apple 
Event Object Model was optimized for System 7, where IPC was extremely 
expensive, so generally works best if you can use a few complex commands rather 
than lots of simple commands.

e.g. This is dog slow because it sends 3*N+1 Apple events (where N is the 
number of tracks), each of which takes time for iTunes to process:

set the_result to {}
tell application iTunes
repeat with track_ref in every track of library playlist 1
set end of the_result to {name, album, artist} of track_ref
end repeat
end tell

whereas this returns the same data (albeit in a different arrangement) using 
just 3 Apple events, so is blazing fast by comparison:

tell application iTunes
set the_result to {name, album, artist} of every track of playlist 1
end tell

Apple event IPC is based on RPC + first-class queries, not OOP as most folks 
assume (a rough analogy would be XPath queries over XML-RPC). If you try to 
apply OO idioms to it when moving large numbers of values between processes, 
performance will suck even by IPC standards.

Similarly, if you want to filter for specific tracks, you'll get much better 
performance if you can formulate a more complex query for iTunes to resolve 
rather than pull out all of the data and search it yourself:

tell application iTunes
make new user playlist with properties {name:Post}
duplicate (every track of library playlist 1 whose album = Post and 
artist = Björk) to playlist Post
end tell

If you're curious, running that through ASTranslate formats each Apple event in 
objc-appscript syntax (which is handy as a starting point for developing your 
own ObjC code, and avoiding off-topic moderation:):

#import ITGlue/ITGlue.h
ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithName: @iTunes];
ITMakeCommand *cmd = [[[itunes make] new_: [ITConstant userPlaylist]] 
   withProperties: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: 
  @Post forKey: [ITConstant name]]];
id result = [cmd send];

#import ITGlue/ITGlue.h
ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithName: @iTunes];
ITReference *ref = itunes libraryPlaylists] at: 1] tracks] byTest: 
 [[[ITIts album] equals: @Post] AND: 
  [[ITIts artist] equals: @Björk]]];
ITDuplicateCommand *cmd = [[ref duplicate] to: 
  [[itunes playlists] byName: @Post]];
id result = [cmd send];


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Re: How to access iTunes using cocoa

2010-01-26 Thread has
Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Jan 26, 2010, at 11:13 AM, has wrote:
 The Apple Event Object Model was optimized for System 7, where IPC  
 was extremely expensive
 I know; I was on the AppleEvents engineering team at the time :)
 IPC is still extremely expensive, by the way, although not quite as  
 much so. The actual OS-level process switch is faster, but there is  
 still a lot of work involved in marshalling and unmarshalling data.

I think a big hit comes from the time it takes to evaluate Apple event object 
specifiers. The cost-benefit tradeoff of having a complex, query-driven IPC 
system is much poorer on OS X, both in terms of performance and ease of 
implementation (one of the reason so many apps have lousy AE interfaces is 
because they're so damn hard to implement). The main bottleneck on OS 7-9 was 
the OS-level messaging system; in OS X, it's evaluating those complicated 
messages in the target application process. Apple missed an opportunity in not 
designing Cocoa Scripting to be simple, fast, robust and dumb. (But perhaps 
that's an opportunity for some third-party developers with good knowledge of 
server-side Apple events to step in...?)

 so generally works best if you can use a few complex commands rather  
 than lots of simple commands.
 Agreed. The problem is that iTunes doesn't implement the complex  
 commands well. A lot of them either fail, or are implemented using  
 linear search instead of querying the database.
 For example, you can't get properties of multiple items:
   album of every track of every playlist whose artist is The Beatles
 fails with error Handler only handles single objects. Instead you  
 have to remove the album of part, get back a list of object  
 specifiers, and loop over them getting the album names. Which of  
 course involves lots of IPC calls.

Or you could factor it so that you get a list of playlist references, then 
iterate over that. Mind you, all tracks should be in your main library 
playlist, so you really only should need to query that, which iTunes can 
manage. (Another iTunes wrinkle to watch for: if a playlist contains no 
matching tracks, iTunes will return an error rather than an empty list; so be 
prepared to deal with that.)

 There are other cases of 'whose' queries that take extremely long to  
 run, depending on the size of your library, because they do a linear  
 search. Try this:
   id of every track whose played count is 1234
 On my 2.4GHz MacBook Pro this takes 15 seconds to run, with iTunes  
 consuming 100% CPU. (I do have 10,000 tracks in my library.) By  
 comparison, creating a smart playlist in iTunes with the same criteria  
 is instantaneous.

Apple have put little apparent effort into maintaining and updating iTunes' AE 
support over the years. (And iTunes is probably one of Apple's most heavily 
scripted apps.) So it wouldn't surprise me if the GUI is taking full advantage 
of the underlying database's capabilities while the AE interface isn't. But 
that's a rant for the AppleScript list. For your particular example, I would 
try grabbing all track ids and all played counts, then iterating over them 
yourself. I've not tried it here, but it might go a bit faster.

But aside from grumbling about Cocoa Scripting, we're getting OT for cocoa-dev. 
If anyone wants to discuss this stuff further, we should take it to the 
AppleScript-users list:


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Re: How to access iTunes using cocoa

2010-01-26 Thread has
Michael Ash wrote:

 I think a big hit comes from the time it takes to evaluate Apple event
 object specifiers. [...]
 Complex AE object queries have the same benefit that SQL queries do: they
 let the data source perform an efficient search. [...]
 Would this actually matter in reality, though?
 A quick experiment (on my 2006 Mac Pro) indicates that CFMessagePort
 has a round-trip latency of roughly 100us, and with 1MB messages can
 transfer about 500MB/sec.
 On a more emperical level, some apps use Distributed Objects as an
 AppleScript alternative, and the first thing you notice when going
 from an AppleScript-based technique to a DO-based technique is that DO
 is way, way faster.

DO uses pointers, not queries, so that wouldn't surprise me, given that the AE 
bottleneck nowadays is query evaluation, not message passing. And there are 
other ways to achieve query-driven efficiencies in that sort of environment - 
e.g. F-Script's array-oriented programming model comes to mind.

Mind you, DO comes with its own set of problems, most of which step from its 
pretense that remote objects can be treated like local objects, so I'd be very 
leery of promoting it as the solution to AE's shortcomings:

It may be the answer lies somewhere in-between: an explicit network messaging 
API with the ability to perform [read-only?] queries, but which mostly uses 
safe pointer and one-message-one-object semantics for simplicity, speed and 
safety. Some sort of session/transaction management would be nice too (to avoid 
multiple clients manipulating objects at the same time). And no more 
four-char-codes, of course.


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Re: Bundle and window server interaction

2010-01-18 Thread has
Dave Keck wrote:

 That seems like a silly requirement for UI interaction...
 It seems you can get around it by making your app bundled and setting
 the LSUIElement key in your Info.plist, though.

Or use TransformProcessType to elevate your Unix style executable to GUI status:

OSStatus err = 0;
ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0, kCurrentProcess}; 
err = TransformProcessType( psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);

(This is what rb-appscript calls the first time a standard GUI-less ruby 
process tries to display a Standard Additions dialog.)


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Re: Bundle and window server interaction

2010-01-18 Thread has

On Jan 18, 2010, at 10:04 PM, wrote:

 Or use TransformProcessType to elevate your Unix style executable to GUI 
 status: [...]

 Looking at rb-appscript [...] the process is transformed only when error 
 -1713 occurs.

Correct, errAENoUserInteraction = -1713.

 Ideally I would like to examine my AppleScript for the presence of syso/dlog 
 et al and transform it accordingly.
 Searching has revealed that a custom send proc might be suitable.
 Ignorance prevents me from proceeding further. 
 The goal is:
 if my script aeDesc contains eventid:{dlog, aleR, chcl, chlt, chra, chur, 
 disA, nwfl, ppcb, stdf, stfl)
   transform_process_to_foreground_application procee
 end if

As you say, install a custom send proc into the AppleScript component. 
Personally, I would have it send the event and sniff for errAENoUserInteraction 
in the reply event, as third-party osaxen may run into the same problem and you 
can't reasonably check for every possible event code beforehand. If an 
errAENoUserInteraction is found, elevate the process then resend the event. 
(Since it's already been responded to, I think it'll be safe to reuse the 
original AppleEvent descriptor as-is without having to futz with obtaining a 
new return ID.)

You can't install custom send procs via NSAppleScript. Can't recall offhand if 
OSAKit allows it, otherwise you'll need to get down and dirty with the crusty 
old Carbon OSA API. Which isn't all that hard, though OT for this list.

Alternatively, you could just be a pedant and insist anyone running AppleScript 
targets dialog commands at System Events. This avoids the need to elevate your 
GUI-less process in the first place, which also has side-effects such as 
creating a menubar and Dock icon; that's what ASers do when using dialog 
commands from osascript.

 We can switch this to applescript-implementors if required.

I would suggest taking further emails there - quieter and better suited to the 


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Re: Using AppleEvents to copy and past text from any application

2010-01-05 Thread has
Jesse Grosjean wrote:

 I'm developing a small open source app called QuickCursor. [...]

Services no good? 

Only alternative I can think of would be to send Cmd-C/Cmd-V keystrokes, and 
hope that the user has the right text selected at the time.


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Re: Using AppleEvents to copy and past text from any application

2010-01-05 Thread has

On 5 Jan 2010, at 21:41, Jesse Grosjean wrote:

 Last, how would I go about sending Cmd-C/Cmd-V keystrokes directoy to
 another application?

Haven't done it myself, but I would guess CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent() and 
friends would be simplest.



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Re: Scripting Bridge running method passing an array

2009-10-30 Thread has

On 30 Oct 2009, at 21:38, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 2:35 PM, has wrote:
No, the OP's code is passing a *single* reference that identifies  
*all* of

the speaker objects that match the specified condition.

No.  Here is the OP's code:

NSArray *setTheSpeaker;
 setTheSpeaker = [[NSArray alloc]
initWithObjects:connectToThisSpeaker, nil];
[Airfoil connectTo:setTheSpeaker password:nil];

The OP's ObjC code was wrong. His AS code was correct. His  
understanding of how the AS code worked may have been incorrect;  
that's not uncommon - many AppleScript users don't properly grok it  

You are confusing that with the AppleScript he tried to emulate.  I
accurately described what the code he posted did, and that it did not
line up with what he was trying to do.

I think there's some confusion over the confusion. :) You stated: the  
command wants an NSArray containing references to speaker objects,  
which is wrong. The command wants a *single reference* that identifies  
one or more speaker objects.

i.e. Even if the OP's ObjC code had passed an NSArray of SBObjects, it  
would still be wrong. To emulate his AS code, he'd need to use an  
NSElementArray (which isn't really an array at all, but only pretends  
[badly] to be one) to as the argument to -connectTo:.

Like I say, Apple event IPC makes absolutely no sense if you try to  
think about it in OOP terms. AppleScript syntax looks a bit OO-like,  
which lulls unwary OO programmers into all sorts of misconceptions.   
But this particular bit of mechanics actually draws on ideas from the  
world of relational databases, so you'll have more luck viewing it  
through SQL-coloured glasses than Cocoa-coloured ones.

Hope that clarifies (inasmuch as anything AppleScript-related ever can  

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Re: NSAppleScript error

2009-09-06 Thread has

Marco Cassinerio wrote:

I tried a lot of AS and the error is related to the AS request.
For example, this to get the current playing track in iTunes:

tell application iTunes
set curr_path to get location of current track
return POSIX path of curr_path
end tell

The error:

NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = iTunes;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = Can\U2019t get location of
current track.;
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = iTunes got an error: Can\U2019t get
location of current track.;
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -1728;

That suggests the iTunes player is currently stopped, in which case a  
'current track' reference usually isn't available. If you need to, you  
can find out iTunes' current state by querying the application's  
'player state' property. Or you can trap the -1728 error raised if  
that's easier using a 'try' block.

FWIW, it's always a good idea to double-check AppleScript-related  
problems in the [Apple]Script Editor before posting for help. If the  
issue is NSAppleScript itself, post here or to the applescript- 
implementors list for help. If it's a general AppleScript query, you  
will have most luck posting it to applescript-users as that's where  
most of the AppleScripting experts reside.



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Re: Scripting Bridge and multiple attachments

2009-09-01 Thread has

On 1 Sep 2009, at 11:29, wrote:

Israel Chauca Fuentes wrote:

I'm using scripting bridge to send emails with and I have
managed to do so, but I still have a little problem.

When adding attachments, the first one is placed at the beginning of
the message, while the rest of them are placed at the end of the
message, which is certainly odd. I would like to place all attachments
at the end of the message, which is how I use to place them by hand,
but I don't know how.

Works in AppleScript:

property linefeed : character id 10

set the_paths to {/path/to/image1.jpg, /path/to/image2.jpg}

tell application Mail
   set msg to make outgoing message ¬
 with properties {subject:test, content:test test,  
   make new paragraph at end of content of msg with data linefeed   

   repeat with path_ref in the_paths
  make new attachment at end of paragraphs of content of msg ¬
with properties {file name:path_ref}
   end repeat
end tell

With objc-appscript, it'd be something like this (untested code and  
without error handling added; I just ran the above AppleScript through  
ASTranslate and tidied the result a bit):

#import MLGlue/MLGlue.h
MLApplication *mail = [MLApplication applicationWithName: @Mail];

MLMakeCommand *cmd = [[[mail make]
  new_: [MLConstant outgoingMessage]]
withProperties: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
  @test text, [MLConstant  

  ASTrue, [MLConstant visible],
  @test subject, [MLConstant  

MLReference *msg = [cmd send];

[mail make] new_: [MLConstant paragraph]]
  at: [[msg content] end]]
withData: @\n] send];

for (path in paths) {
cmd = mail make] new_: [MLConstant attachment]]
   at: msg content] paragraphs] at: -1]  

   withProperties: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: path
 forKey: [MLConstant  

[cmd send];

Scripting Bridge imposes all sorts of restrictions on how object  
specifiers and events can be constructed via glues, so I suspect the  
only way you could do it there is by messing around with raw AE codes.  
(My opinions on SB are pretty well recorded though, so I'm not going  
to go into that.)



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Re: AppleScript Record and NSDictionary

2009-07-22 Thread has

Steve Cronin wrote:

From my Cooca app I want to call an AppleScript with several
parameters one of which is an AppleScript record.

I've got everything about calling and return values working smoothly.

What I can't seem to get is how to create that parameter record.

ObjC-appscript's AEMCodecs class provides two-way mappings between  
NSDictionaries and other common Foundation classes and their  
NSAppleEventDescriptor equivalents. There's also an example project in  
the svn repository showing how it can be used in conjunction with  
NSAppleScript. When specifying record keys in your NSDictionary, use  
AEMType instances to signify AppleScript-defined property names, and  
NSStrings for user-defined identifiers.


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Re: sending email form Cocoa app using Mail

2009-04-15 Thread has

Reza Farhad wrote:

I want to update my app from using  NSMailDelivery to using scripting
Bridge with Mail to take care of all my emailing from my Cocoa app. I
just have this question, what happens if the user is not using Mail
and has only setup an alternative  email client such as entourage.

Using Mail (or any other email client) is a lousy solution for exactly  
the reason you describe. If you want to send emails from your  
application, there are various open-source email frameworks that'll  
let you do that directly; off the top of my head:

Or, you might consider switching to some other mechanism, e.g. HTTP[S]  


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Re: Best Strategy to Control iTunes

2009-04-03 Thread has

On Apr 1, 2009, at 8:15 PM, Ammar Ibrahim wrote:

I'm afraid I'm new and don't quite understand, do you recommend I  
use appscript?

I'm biased, of course, but yeah, it's probably the best choice. It's  
more powerful and reliable than Scripting Bridge, can be used in  
background threads so won't block your GUI on lengthy operations, and  
avoids the extra complexity of using a sub-process if you need to pass  
non-trivial data.

If so, what's the difference between the following methods:

1- NSAppleScript

Runs AppleScript code within your process.


- Nothing speaks Apple events better than AppleScript.


- It can only be used on your main thread, so will block your GUI on  
lengthy operations.

- While AppleScript itself is very fast at sending events, if you have  
to invoke it repeatedly then you will pay a performance penalty due to  
the overheads of calling into it.

- If you have to pass complex data between ObjC and AppleScript,  
you'll probably spend as much time packing and unpacking that than if  
you just called AESendMessage directly with it, unless you use  
something like appscript's AEMCodecs class to do that for you.


- Generally recommended only for situations where you need to run user- 
supplied scripts.

2- Cocoa Scripting Bridge

Sends Apple events directly from Objective-C.


- Included in Mac OS X 10.5 and later, which is convenient.


- Less capable than AppleScript due to the way its API is designed.

- More prone to application compatibility problems for the same reason.

- Obfuscated API doesn't follow good Cocoa design practices (e.g.  
SBElementArray claims to be descended from NSArray, but does not  
behave as one).


- SB tries to disguise Apple events - which are basically RPC plus  
first-class queries - to make them look like object-oriented Cocoa.  
This makes it look more familiar - and therefore more attractive - to  
existing ObjC/Cocoa developers.

However, there is significant impedance mismatch between the two  
systems, so this resemblance is only skin-deep. While SB tries to hide  
these differences from the user beneath a thick abstraction layer,  
they tend to leak out whenever a target application does not behave  
exactly according to SB's in-built assumptions.

Thus commands that work perfectly in AppleScript may fail when  
translated to SB, and as SB's internal magic is not publicly  
documented, it is considerably harder to troubleshoot the problem and  
develop workarounds.

3- AppScript

Sends Apple events directly from Objective-C. (Python and Ruby  
versions are also available, and a MacRuby version is under  


- Mature design has been heavily field-tested and refined over the  
last five years, so application compatibility is very nearly on par  
with AppleScript and functionality is equal or better (e.g. thread  

- Open-source MIT licensed.


- Third-party solution, so you will have to build and include it in  
your application bundle yourself.

- Does not hand-hold you or try to make Apple event IPC appear any  
less difficult or confusing than it actually is. (Whether this is  
really a con, or just refreshing honestly, is a decision left to the  

- Not quite as polished as the Python and Ruby versions, so you may  
encounter the odd implementation bug, e.g. I've had a report of  
problems in 64-bit processes.

- Single developer - that'd be me - currently up to the neck in work,  
so development and support of unpaid projects such as appscript isn't  
as active as I'd like (although I wouldn't say it was any worse than  
SB support).


- Deliberately mimics AppleScript's own behaviours as much as possible  
in order to avoid application compatibility problems (i.e. quirk-for- 
quirk compatibility), so feels quite unlike normal Cocoa APIs. Still  
occasionally runs into compatibility problems, but the design is  
sufficiently open and flexible that workarounds are usually  

- Some knowledge of AppleScript is recommended. (Actually, I would  
strongly recommend some knowledge of AppleScript regardless of what  
platform you use - you will need it in order to understand existing  
example scripts, get help from applescript-users, etc.)

- Make sure you get the ASDictionary and ASTranslate dev tools too.

4- Command line invocation of osascript

Runs AppleScript code within a subprocess.


- This avoids the threading problems of calling AppleScript in-process.


- It's a traditional command line tool, so you are very limited in  
what you can pass in and out - i.e. UTF8-encoded data.


Other options to be aware of:

- OSAKit -- more capable, though undocumented, alternative to  

- Carbon OSA -- more capable than OSAKit, but gnarly Classic-style C  

- AEBuild* functions -- lower level API that constructs Apple events  
via printf-style format strings

- Carbon

Re: Best Strategy to Control iTunes

2009-04-01 Thread has

Michael Ash wrote:

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Luca C.  

2009/3/31 Ammar Ibrahim

If I want to add a track to iTunes, I need to make sure iTunes is

Are you sure it is that important? Actually, if you run an AS  
script wich,
say, opens with the Finder some mp3 files whilst iTunes has dialog  
opened, the command will be automatically enqueued. Â In other  
words, your

tracks will be added after the user closes the dialog window.
 Run the script in a separate thread so it won't block your  

interface in any case.

No, don't do this. AppleScript is not safe to use outside the main
thread. If you must run AppleScript asynchronously, either spawn a
subprocess to run it or, better yet, don't use AS at all but send
Apple Events in some other way, such as with ScriptingBridge.

Scripting Bridge apparently isn't thread-safe either:

ObjC-appscript is almost entirely thread-safe. You'll need to watch  
when using methods that rely on the Carbon Process Manager (some  
initializers, -isRunning) as the PM APIs don't appear to be thread- 
safe itself, but the main query builder and event dispatch methods  
should work fine on any thread (e.g. I use Python appscript in a  
background thread without problems).

For example:

tell application iTunes
set newPlaylist to make new playlist with properties {name:Rock- 
n-Roll, shuffle:true}
duplicate (every track of library playlist 1 whose artist is  
Chuck Berry) to newPlaylist

end tell

#import ITGlue/ITGlue.h

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int err = 0;

// create a new application object
ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithBundleID:];

// create a new playlist
ITMakeCommand *cmd = [[[itunes make] new_: [ITConstant playlist]]
   withProperties: [NSDictionary  
ASTrue, [ITConstant  
[ITConstant name],

ITReference *newPlaylist = [cmd send];

// duplicate all tracks that match the given criteria to the new  

ITReference *ref = itunes libraryPlaylists] at: 1] tracks]
byTest: [[ITIts  
artist] equals: @Chuck Berry]];

NSError *error;
NSArray *tracks = [[[ref duplicate] to: newPlaylist]  
sendWithError: error];

if (!tracks) {
// check for errors
NSLog(@%@, [error localizedDescription]);
err = [error code];
} else
// display result
NSLog(@%@, tracks);

[pool drain];
return err;

The ASDictionary application on the appscript site has options for  
exporting application dictionaries in both human-readable HTML format  
and as ObjC glue files.

Not surprisingly, the ObjC code's a bit more verbose, but  
straightforward enough to construct once you understand the general  
principles behind Apple event-based IPC. Appscript respects the  
original Apple event semantics and doesn't obfuscate them under piles  
of fake Cocoa-isms, so if you already know how to do it in AppleScript  
then it's pretty much a straight translation: there's even a free  
tool, ASTranslate, that will help you with that.

Apple event IPC is kinda weird and very different to Cocoa/OOP (a  
rough analogy would be to using XPath queries over XML-RPC) but is  
usually serviceable once you get your head around it. Apple docs do a  
lousy job of explaining how it all works, but there's an introduction  
to the basic concepts in the appscript manual and links on the  
appscript site to further information.

Oh, and as for checking if an application is responsive - I'd suggest  
just sending an event and seeing if it times out (timeouts may be  
reported as either error -609 or -1712, depending on what sort of mood  
AESendMessage is in at the time). The launch event (ascr/noop) is  
basically a no-op that will return error -1708 if 'successfully'  
handled; handy if you don't want to send a 'work' event.


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Re: Best Strategy to Control iTunes

2009-04-01 Thread has

On Apr 1, 2009, at 3:57 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

On 4/1/09 12:25 PM, has said:

ObjC-appscript is almost entirely thread-safe. You'll need to watch
when using methods that rely on the Carbon Process Manager (some
initializers, -isRunning) as the PM APIs don't appear to be thread-
safe itself

Looking through Processes.h, it would appear that all public Process
Manager APIs claim to be thread safe since 10.3.

Huh. Thanks for the heads-up. Very annoying though that Apple put this  
information in the HTML documentation for some APIs (e.g. Apple Event  
Manager), yet omit it from others (e.g. Process Manager). Clearly I  
lack the instinctive Apple developer-fu to always check headers as well.

I guess there can always be bugs...

True; but are they Apple's, mine, or the user's...? :)

(I had a report a while back from a user who couldn't get the - 
isRunning method to work correctly from a background thread, but  
haven't investigated in depth due to lack of time. I figured that  
since Apple docs usually state when something is thread-safe, the PM  
APIs weren't. Oh well, back to the ol' drawing board now)


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Re: Send events to AppleScript

2009-03-21 Thread has

On Mar 21, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Тимофей Даньшин wrote:

Well, I'm writing a translation memory application, which is a  
program that grabs sentence by sentence from a given text (that  
needs translating), asks the user to translate that sentence and  
stores the translation and the original in a database. If the user  
comes across the same sentence again in the future, he or she will  
not need to translate it again.
I thought i would take the TextEdit app as the text editing part of  
my project, but as I wrote the database management and the search  
parts, it turned out that TextEdit is not capable of correctly  
interpreting word files or RTF's (ie it ignores footnotes, headers/ 
footers and a lot of other stuff). That is why I am trying to find  
out how i can communicate with Word or Pages.
As far as what I would want from an AppleScript (if I were to use  
AppleScript) is to be able to receive notifications from Word when,  
for example, the user has hit a certain key combination, to know  
where the insertion point (or selection) is in Word and to receive  
notifications when it moves, to be notified when a user is trying to  
edit something and prevent him/her from doing so if that part of the  
text should not be edited.
Receiving those notifications, that script would just redirect them  
to my application and receive responses to them and redirect them to  

It is rare to find applications that provide notifications, and almost  
unheard of for them to provide notifications of minor events such as  
text edits. You certainly won't get the sort of notifications you  
describe from TextEdit, Word or Pages. ISTR a third-party tool that  
allows you to attach AppleScripts to the GUI objects of another  
application, but that sort of thing is inherently hackish, prone to  
breakage, and liable not to go down too well with increasingly  
security conscious software and users. I suspect your best bet would  
be to poll the application, bearing in mind that might create its own  
issues (e.g. performance/responsiveness).


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Re: Send events to AppleScript

2009-03-20 Thread has

Re: Send events to AppleScript

Is it at all possible to have an application send actions to a
particular AppleScript script,

Yes. See NSAppleScript/OSAKit/Carbon OSA APIs. There's a sample  
project in the objc-appscript repository, CallAppleScriptHandler, that  
provides a simple demonstration of calling script handlers from ObjC,  
using appscript's AEM APIs to simplify the process of converting Cocoa  
objects to/from NSAppleEventDescriptors.

or set that script as a delegate of that application

Depends exactly what you mean by 'delegation'. The OSA API provides a  
whole bunch of arcane selectors and callbacks for two-way intra- 
process integration between application and scripts, but whether it's  
appropriate/how to use it will depend on exactly what you're trying to  

or to have an AppleScript as a means of communication
between two applications (one of which is mine, and the other isn't)?

Yes, although if you don't need the IPC code to be user-configurable,  
you'll likely find it simpler to use an ObjC-Apple event bridge:  
either Scripting Bridge, which is included in 10.5+, or objc- 
appscript, which you'll need to build yourself, but is more capable,  
compatible and portable, and doesn't obfuscate everything to heck.


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Re: Send events to AppleScript

2009-03-20 Thread has

On Mar 21, 2009, at 1:06 AM, Тимофей Даньшин wrote:

On Mar 21, 2009, at 3:34 AM, has wrote:

Is it at all possible to have an application send actions to a
particular AppleScript script,

Yes. See NSAppleScript/OSAKit/Carbon OSA APIs. There's a sample  
project in the objc-appscript repository, CallAppleScriptHandler,  
that provides a simple demonstration of calling script handlers  
from ObjC, using appscript's AEM APIs to simplify the process of  
converting Cocoa objects to/from NSAppleEventDescriptors.

Sorry for misleading you, i rather meant receive events from third  
party applications.

If you want to run an AppleScript as a standalone application and send  
it events from other applications, save your script in Script Editor  
as a 'stay open' application. As for sending events from Cocoa(?) apps  
to this applet; there's a couple ways you could arrange that, but  
you'd need to provide more details on what the setup needs to do if  
you want specific advice.

Or do you mean that you want to write a Cocoa application that  
forwards some/all incoming events to an embedded AppleScript? In that  
case you want either NSAppleEventManager, or possibly Cocoa Scripting,  
to handle incoming events, and NSAppleScript or OSAKit to host the  
script, and write some glue code to go inbetween.

or set that script as a delegate of that application

Depends exactly what you mean by 'delegation'. The OSA API provides  
a whole bunch of arcane selectors and callbacks for two-way intra- 
process integration between application and scripts, but whether  
it's appropriate/how to use it will depend on exactly what you're  
trying to achieve.

By delegation I mean the form of delegation that is present in  
Objective-C, when one can register one's object with another object  
as it's delegate and receive messages from in on certain occasions,  
such as textViewDidChangeSelection:

That's pretty much what the OSA API was designed to do [1] - allow a C/ 
C++/ObjC application to load a script and invoke its handlers (what  
AppleScripters call 'attachability'). See Folder actions, Mail rule  
scripts, etc. Satimage Smile, for example, provides a great  
demonstration of just how far you can go with this sort of thing.



[1] With the caveat that the OSA API is somewhat over-complicated,  
under-documented, lame in parts, and only really practical for  
AppleScript despite being theoretically language agnostic.

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Re: Get the list of Places in Finder?

2009-03-18 Thread has

Oleg Krupnov wrote:

I wonder if there is a programmatic way in Cocoa to get the list of
Places from the left panel of Finder? (by default populated with
Documents, Desktop, Home, Application, but can be customized with drag
and drop). Thanks!

There's no public API, unfortunately. You could try scraping Finder's  
preferences file (this info must be stored somewhere, most likely as  
serialised AliasHandles), or manipulating its GUI via the  
Accessibility APIs/GUI Scripting. Both would be hacks, however, and  
prone to breakage, so YMMV.


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Re: Termination Running Applications ...

2009-03-18 Thread has

Mic Pringle wrote:

Is it possible to terminate other running applications (not my own)

from within my application ?

OSStatus QuitApplicationProcessWithPID(pid_t pid) {
AppleEvent evt, res;
AEDesc errDesc;
OSStatus err;

// build and send a 'quit' event
err = AEBuildAppleEvent(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,
pid, sizeof(pid),
evt, NULL, );
if (err) return err;
err = AESendMessage(evt, res, kAEWaitReply, kAEDefaultTimeout);
// note: process may quit without replying
if (err == connectionInvalid) return noErr;
if (err) return err;
// check if reply event contains an error number, e.g.  

err = AEGetParamDesc(res, keyErrorNumber, typeSInt32, errDesc);
if (err == noErr) {
AEGetDescData(errDesc, err, sizeof(err));
} else if (err == errAEDescNotFound)
err = noErr;
return err;


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Re: Calling Script Objects in Applescript

2009-03-14 Thread has

Karen van Eck wrote:

We have a lot of code in libraries in Applescript. Now starting to
look at using Cocoa to move forward, as we are really using
Applescript to pretty much its limit.

But it is not a short term solution to rewrite all our Applescript
libraries in Objective-C. We need to be able to use Objective-C
programs to load and execute our Applescripts.

I've managed to get a program to execute an Applescript and to execute
a handler in an Applescript.

But most of our libraries are saved as Script Objects. Please could
someone point me in the right direction for executing a subroutine
inside a script object in an Applescript.

Neither NSAppleScript nor OSAKit wrappers expose the APIs you need for  
this, therefore, you will need to use the Carbon OSA APIs directly.  
Use OSALoadFile to load the script, OSAGetProperty to copy the script  
object into a new slot, and OSAExecuteEvent to invoke its handlers.

You can save yourself a bunch of work if you use objc-appscript's  
AEMCodecs class to convert your Cocoa objects (NSStrings, NSArrays,  
etc.) to/from NSAppleEventDescriptors, which in turn are easily  
converted to Carbon AEDescs. There's an example project,  
CallAppleScriptHandler, in the objc-appscript repository that shows  
how to do most of this.

BTW, best place for these sorts of questions is applescript- 

More focused, less crowded.


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Re: preparing HTML email content for like safari does

2009-03-07 Thread has

Ferhat Ayaz wrote:

I like it how safari prepares email contents with cmd-i. I would like
to know how to do this programatically in cocoa. Is this possible?
I want to send local html files with all linked images as html email.

Safari uses an undocumented Apple event API (mail/mlpg) in Mail. I  
guess you could sniff some event traffic using AEDebug and try to  
reverse engineer the data format used, then construct your own copycat  
events. Given that it's a private API though you've no guarantee that  
the format won't change in future releases.

Creating a plain text message with attachments via the public Apple  
event ('AppleScript') API is pretty straightforward - e.g. there's an  
example Xcode project in the objc-appscript repository that does this.  
You can even apply rudimentary styles, one run at a time, if you're  
patient enough. (Unfortunately, there's no standard for passing styled  
text/RTF/HTML/etc. directly between processes; a longstanding  

I'm not sure if you can create an HTML email or not via Mail's public  
scripting interface - best thing would be to ask on the AppleScript  
users mailing list as that's where you'll find most experienced Mail  


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Re: Odd crash

2009-03-04 Thread has

Reza Farhad wrote:


I switched on Guard Malloc from the Run Menu in Xcode

It appears that I am getting the crash for a call that is trying to
load an AppleScript.

NSDictionary*errors = [ NSDictionary dictionary ];
NSAppleScript   *script = [[ NSAppleScript alloc ]
initWithContentsOfURL:url error:errors ];

One point, which may or may not be related: as with **NSError  
arguments, you do not need to allocate an NSDictionary instance  
yourself. If there is an error to report, initWithContentsOfURL:error:  
will create it for you.


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Re: sdp generating empty header

2009-02-20 Thread has

Mark Munz wrote:

I'm not getting any useful results when I try to generate Scripting
Bridge headers.
The sdef file seems to be valid enough to allow me to actually script
the application via AppleScript w/o issue.

Anyone else run into this type of problem? Or how to get some
indication as to the source of the problem that sdp is having with the
sdef file?

Can't really comment on your own particular problem without seeing the  
sdef/sdp commands you're running, though as a general point sdef, sdp  
and Scripting Bridge are all prone to various compatibility problems  
(some caused by bugs, some due to their design) with applications that  
work fine from AppleScript. I've previously found sdp to produce buggy  
headers for Word and Excel headers, and fail completely on InDesign,  
and it's pretty much guaranteed to produce flawed headers for any  
application whose dictionary isn't 100% perfectly formed. By  
comparison, AppleScript is very forgiving of dictionary imperfections,  
and that and the lack of formal validation tools from Apple mean that  
minor flaws are not common in application dictionaries as they don't  
show up when tested against AppleScript.

You might also want to take a look at objc-appscript (see my sig).  
Unlike SB, appscript's behaviour is much closer to that of native  
Apple events and AppleScript and tries to be quirk-for-quirk  
compatible as much as possible. While it's still not completely  
immune to compatibility issues with some particularly funky  
applications, problems are pretty rare these days and there are  
generally compatibility options and other ways of working around them  
when they do occur. You also get feature parity with AppleScript plus  
extra benefits such as being able to send events on background  
threads, better tool support and documentation (ASTranslate is  
particularly useful when you're starting out), and an API that doesn't  
obfuscate everything it does.


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Re: Programatically Uncheck Change Picture In Desktop Settings?

2009-02-14 Thread has

Chunk 1978 wrote:

when running my apple script i get this error:

System Events got an error: Access for assistive devices is disabled.

so if i goto system prefs and check Enable access for assistive
devices, then running the script i get this error:

System Events got an error: Can't get application process System  

Did you remember to activate System Preferences first?

activate application System Preferences
tell application System Events
tell application process System Preferences
end tell
end tell

However, before going down the GUI Scripting route, which is brittle  
and prone to failure, check out the Desktop Suite in System Events.  
The APIs a bit schlonky, but it may do what you want. Example using  

#import SEGlue/SEGlue.h
SEApplication *systemEvents = [SEApplication applicationWithName:  
@System Events];

SEReference *ref = [[systemEvents currentDesktop] pictureRotation];
id result = [ref setItem: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0]];


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Re: iTunes Scripting Bridge examples?

2009-01-05 Thread has

On 1 Jan 2009, at 04:57, Scott Anguish wrote:

heh, no. This is a personal project I'm messing with. Nothing work  

Have fun. FWIW, a few tips to get you started:

- Despite the superficial appearance of AppleScript/appscript/SB/ 
etc.'s APIs, Apple event IPC does not operate according to object- 
oriented rules (a very common misconception) - it's actually RPC 
+queries, roughly analogous to using XPath over XML-RPC. There are  
some aspects of the Apple Event Object Model that are derived from OO  
(e.g. its tree-shaped structure), which is why even folks who think  
it's OO manage to be somewhat functional in it; sooner or later though  
the procedural and relational behaviours will drive you nuts if you  
don't appreciate what's actually going on. Oddly, Apple's own  
documentation never seems to explain this to users, which is probably  
one of the reasons that so many programmers - especially those with a  
strong OO background - end up hating AppleScript and Apple event IPC  
so much.

- Following on from the above point, the reason that iTunes' selection  
property holds a reference (query object), not a list, is that it  
allows you to construct requests like this:

tell application iTunes
get name of selection
end tell
-- {It's Oh So Quiet, Enjoy, Isobel, Possibly Maybe, I Miss  

and this:

tell application iTunes
duplicate selection to playlist user choice
end tell
-- {file track id 56362 of user playlist id 56283 of source id 43 of  
application iTunes,
file track id 56363 of user playlist id 56283 of source id 43 of  
application iTunes, ...}

Note that neither of these examples will translate to SB (short of  
doing everything with raw AE codes), though they work fine in appscript:

ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithName: @iTunes];

id names = [[[itunes selection] name] getList]; // will be nil if no  
items selected (i.e. Can't get ref error)

NSLog(@%@, names);

id newTracks = itunes selection] duplicate] to: [[itunes  
playlists] byName: @user choice]] send];

NSLog(@%@, newTracks);

- The ability of a single command to operate on multiple objects gets  
pretty important when dealing with large playlists - the main  
bottleneck being the time it takes iTunes to resolve each query (the  
inter-process messaging isn't free either). Example:


from time import time
from appscript import *

playlist = app('iTunes').playlists['stress test']

print playlist.count(each=k.track) # 40960 tracks

t = time()
names = []
for track in playlist.tracks():
print time() - t # 39.9 sec

t = time()
names =
print time() - t # 1.3 sec

- Most applications' Apple event APIs are appallingly under- 
documented, so most of the time you have to figure out what they can  
and can't do via educated guesswork, scraping through third-party  
scripts for tips and asking for advice on applescript-users. If you're  
not already familiar with AppleScript then I'd recommend getting a  
basic grasp on the beast - Matt Neuburg's 'AppleScript: The Definitive  
Guide' provides the best programmer-friendly guide to the language  
that I know of, and isn't shy of discussing the platform's many faults  
as well as its benefits. The current edition (2nd) doesn't cover the  
changes in 10.5, but I believe Matt has an errata section on his  
website. Oh, and there's also a couple of very enlightening papers by  
Dr William Cook discussing AppleScript's original philosophy and  
design that should help to make sense of a lot of the weirdness - you  
can find them via the appscript site's links page.


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Re: iTunes Scripting Bridge examples?

2008-12-30 Thread has

Scott Anguish wrote:

Does anyone have any examples of using the Scripting Bridge with
iTunes?  Specifically how you get the currently selected tracks
returned as an array of iTunesTrack items.

FYI, appscript's ASTranslate tool is pretty good at converting  
application commands from AppleScript to ObjC syntax, e.g.:

tell application iTunes
end tell


#import ITGlue/ITGlue.h
ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithName: @iTunes];
ITReference *ref = [itunes selection];
id result = [ref getItem];

which you can then clean up or rewrite into whatever form you need.  
Won't help you with SB specifically, of course, but I think my views  
on SB are sufficently recorded by now.

If you need any specific help with iTunes' scripting interface, best  
ask on applescript-users or go have a rake through 
 for existing examples.


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Re: Scripting Bridge and System Events

2008-12-27 Thread has

Kevin Wojniak wrote:

I am trying to write a method to set the Desktop picture using
Scripting Bridge and System Events.
The working AppleScript is:

set picture of desktop 1 to POSIX file /Some/file.jpg

FWIW, running your AppleScript through appscript's ASTranslate tool  
produces the following code:

#import SEGlue/SEGlue.h
SEApplication *systemEvents = [SEApplication applicationWithName:  
@System Events];

SEReference *ref = [[[systemEvents desktops] at: 1] picture];
id result = [ref setItem: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: @/Some/file.jpg]];

Dunno about Scripting Bridge - I have a fairly low opinion of it and  
avoid it myself.


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Re: Announce the time every 30 minutes

2008-12-12 Thread has

Mr. Gecko wrote:

I'm trying to find out how to announce the time every 30 minutes,

You could run 'say `date`' as a cron job.


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Re: Writing a more usable AppleEvent logger

2008-11-17 Thread has

Ken Tozier wrote:

I've been working with AppleEvents and discovering their internals by
setting the following in the terminal

export AEDebugSends=1; export AEDebugReceives=1

What I'd like to be able to do is observe apple events exactly like
this tool but format them into an NSDictionary so they can be used to
easily build complex events. Since the above tool observes events, it
must be possible, but how would I capture these events in my own tool?
Is this something that needs to be a kernel extension? Or is there a
higher level way to do it?

Have you looked at AE Monitor?

Not aware of public APIs for sniffing AE traffic myself (if any exist,  
they aren't advertised), but at worst you could always capture and  
parse AEDebug output yourself. It's pretty straightforward, and most  
of it could probably be massaged to pass to the Apple Event Manager's  
AEBuild* functions and reconstitute that way.

There's also ASTranslate, which allows you to run AppleScript commands  
and get the equivalent Python/Ruby/ObjC appscript code (basically the  
same trick as Script Editor's 'Event Log' pane uses):

Mike Ash's AEVTBuilder might also be of some interest to you, being an  
ObjC version of the AEBuild* functions.



p.s. None of this is specific to Cocoa, so might be a good idea to  
move future discussion to applescript-implementors.

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Re: Calling a script with parameters failing with error -1708

2008-11-15 Thread has

Ken Tozier wrote:

I've been trying off and on for a couple of days to run a script that
requires parameters. [...]

My code is running as a Quark XTension so I may be setting up the
targetAddress incorrectly.

If you're constructing Apple events to pass to - 
executeAppleEvent:error:, the address isn't important and a null  
descriptor will do.

Could someone take a look at the
following snippet and point out where I'm messing up?

The event class and id for invoking a script handler whose name is a  
user-defined identifier should be kASAppleScriptSuite and  
kASSubroutineEvent. (e.g. There's an example project,  
CallAppleScriptHandler, in the objc-appscript repositorythat shows how  
to do this.) Though as you're using OSAKit and your subroutine takes  
positional parameters, you could just use -[OSAScript  
executeHandlerWithName:arguments:error:] instead.


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Re: ObjC data structure for C++/ObjC++ objects?

2008-11-07 Thread has

Jonathan Bailey wrote:

I am trying to find a way to create a dynamically-growable objective C
data structure within objective C++ code, such as a
NSMutableDictionary, that can store values that are pointers to an
objective C++ or straight-up C++ object.

NSMutableDictionary seems to only accept pointers to objective C
objects, however, and not to arbitrary objects. This seems like a
simple thing to do but I am a bit stumped. Does anyone know of a way
to do this?

You could wrap your C++ pointers in NSValues and store those.


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Re: Use PPPOE to load net

2008-11-05 Thread has

Adam Penny wrote:

Actually, I just tried the link I mentioned and it didn't work.

I'm guessing that script uses Internet, which was dropped  
in 10.5.

There's an example of how to do exactly what you want on this page

That'll only work on 10.5 and later. If the OP also needs to support  
10.4 or earlier, they'd need to implement both and then check the OS  
version to decide which one to run.


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Re: External Program Control from within Cocoa App

2008-11-03 Thread has

Ronald Ramdhan wrote:

I am working on a project where I would like to control external
programs from within my Cocoa Application. For example, the ability to
control a program like PowerPoint from within my code.

Is there anyway to do this programmatically without the use of Apple
Script? I have already looked at NSWorkspace and noticed the commands
to launch files, but what I need is the ability to control the
launched program(e.g. Start a Slideshow).

Using objc-appscript (runs on 10.3.9+; most reliable solution after  
AppleScript itself; see my sig for link; yada-yada-yada):

#import MPGlue/MPGlue.h

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

MPApplication *powerpoint = [MPApplication applicationWithName:  
@Microsoft PowerPoint];

[[powerpoint activate] send];

MPReference * slideShowSettings = [[powerpoint  
activePresentation] slideShowSettings];

[[slideShowSettings showType] setItem: [MPConstant  
[[slideShowSettings advanceMode] setItem: [MPConstant  

powerpoint activePresentation] slideShowSettings]  
runSlideShow] send];

[pool drain];
return 0;

(Error handling omitted for simplicity. See documentation and examples  
in the objc-appscript repository for more.)

The glue code was generated via ASDictionary 0.11.0 (it's easier than  
using objc-appscript's osaglue tool which requires extra  
installation): just select the application(s) you want glues for,  
check the 'objc-appscript glue' option, edit the class name prefixes  
for each application in the table view if you want (I'll do nicer  
default prefixes in the next release), and hit 'Export'. ASDictionary  
can also export application dictionaries in objc-appscript format,  
which is much easier to read than Script Editor's dictionary viewer  
(which only supports AppleScript syntax) or the raw ObjC headers  
(which only contain the information that objc-appscript actually needs).

Also, I will confess that I've never scripted Powerpoint before, so  
just did a web search to find an existing AppleScript example for  
running slide shows at 

tell application Microsoft PowerPoint
set mySSS to slide show settings of active presentation
set show type of mySSS to slide show type speaker
set advance mode of mySSS to slide show advance use slide timings
set sShow to run slide show mySSS
end tell

I then ran this script in ASTranslate to convert each Powerpoint  
command to ObjC syntax, then refactored that raw output into the form  
you see above.

The only other thing was that I noticed Powerpoint wouldn't start the  
show unless I inserted an 'activate' command to bring it frontmost  
first. This extra requirement wasn't obvious (unless it's in the  
Powerpoint scripting manual, which I think you can get from the MS  
website), but after using AppleScript a few years you get used to  
doing this sort of guesswork.

Depending on your exact requirements you may need to change it a bit,  
but at least it's a starting point.

For getting help with automating specific applications you're best  
asking over on AppleScript-users as that's where most of the experts  
are (you'll generally get AppleScript-based solutions, of course, and  
will need to convert to ObjC yourself), or maybe the Mac Office  
newsgroups if it's Office in particular.

Oh, and while I get the impression that you probably don't like  
AppleScript very much (fair enough), if you do need to do much  
automation work then as a practical matter you're going to have to  
learn it a bit anyway. It's what the vast majority of documentation  
and examples are written in, and what most experienced application  
scripters use, and you'll have a hard time understanding them without  
it. Personally I'd recommend getting a copy of Matt Neuburg's  
'AppleScript: The Definitive Guide', 2nd ed. [1] which provides a  
programmer-friendly introduction to AppleScript, and isn't shy about  
discussing the language's many flaws as well as its features.



[1] Covers up to 10.4; hopefully Matt'll do an update for 10.6 as text  
handling changed a bit in 10.5, but still full of good and useful  

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Re: Passing Variables to AppleScript

2008-10-19 Thread has

Pierce Freeman wrote:

I am attempting to create a little application that will take an  
name from the user, and then close it for them.  I am attempting do  
this by
getting the string in Cocoa, then passing this to AppleScript... But  
I don't

know if Cocoa can pass variables to AppleScript.

There are ways of passing values to AppleScript, and there are ways of  
sending Apple events directly from ObjC.
Those are probably overkill for sending a basic 'quit' event though,  
which is a simple cut-n-paste solution. Here's what I use:

#include Carbon/Carbon.h

OSStatus QuitApplicationProcessWithPID(pid_t pid) {
   AppleEvent evt, res;
   AEDesc errDesc;
   OSStatus err;

   // build and send a 'quit' event
   err = AEBuildAppleEvent(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,
   pid, sizeof(pid),
   evt, NULL, );
   if (err) return err;
   err = AESendMessage(evt, res, kAEWaitReply, kAEDefaultTimeout);
   // note: process may quit without replying
   if (err == connectionInvalid) return noErr;
   if (err) return err;
   // check if reply event contains an error number, e.g.  

   err = AEGetParamDesc(res, keyErrorNumber, typeSInt32, errDesc);
   if (err == noErr) {
   AEGetDescData(errDesc, err, sizeof(err));
   } else if (err == errAEDescNotFound)
   err = noErr;
   return err;

Use -[NSWorkspace launchedApplications] to look up the application's  
process id based on its name.


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Re: Faceless background app that uses NSAppleScript

2008-10-16 Thread has

Scott Ribe wrote:

I need to write an app whose purpose is to drive other apps, using
NSAppleScript. No UI is needed. But I'm unclear on what kind of  
needs to be set up in order for NSAppleScript to work. I suspect it  
needs at

least NSRunLoop event processing; I wonder if it might also need an
NSApplication around.

Installing Apple event handlers that receive incoming events from  
other processes requires an event loop, of course, but I'm not aware  
of any limitations in NSAppleScript or the AppleScript component that  
force you to create one for outgoing events.

You certainly don't need an event loop to use AESend() or  
AESendMessage() unless you want to receive replies asynchronously.  
I've written scads of event loop-less Python/Ruby/ObjC code that uses  
both of these APIs synchronously. I've also written the occasional  
Python shell script to run AppleScripts via the Carbon OSA or Cocoa  
NSAppleScript APIs without problems.

FWIW, I think the AppleScript component may require a Window Manager  
connection, but you're unlikely to be running it in an environment  
without WM access anyway (as scriptable desktop applications  
invariably require WM access as well).

Past use of NSAppleScript has revealed that it's somewhat quirky  

event handling, in that what looks like a blocking synchronous call
(executeAndReturnError), seems to allow the event loop to keep  

while it's waiting for a response.

I don't think so - AppleScript is normally used on the main thread on  
account of it being a PITA to use anywhere else, and anything running  
on your main thread will block your event loop until it returns.  
(There is an ancient and convoluted mechanism in AESend() from pre-OS  
X days that allows it to yield to other routines while waiting on a  
response, but let's not go there.)

You could also try asking on the applescript-users or applescript- 
implementors mailing lists; someone like Chris Nebel (AppleScript  
engineer) could tell you for sure what AS's limitations are.


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Re: Play Playlist in iTunes

2008-10-04 Thread has

On 4 Oct 2008, at 03:54, Mr. Gecko wrote:

I am not using AppleScript to do this, I am using AppleEvents, as  
you can see in code below.

Aware of that. You'll often find that folks use the name AppleScript  
as a catch-all term for anything relating to Apple event IPC. It's  
easy to lapse into the habit; apologies if it caused any confusion.

Anyway, regardless of whether you use AppleScript or C to build and  
send events, the underlying RPC+query semantics are the same as  
they're defined by the Apple Event Manager and by the event handling  
code in scriptable applications. The AppleScript language sticks a  
thin layer of syntactic sugar [1] over the existing Apple Event  
Manager API in order to make it easier to use, but the way it behaves  
is virtually [2] identical.

This is way faster than using AppleScript.

It's the extra overhead of calling into the AS component that slows  
things down, particularly if you're compiling from source each time.  
There shouldn't actually be much speed difference between AppleScript  
and other APIs where building and sending events is concerned; it's  
the one area where AppleScript's performance is about as good as it  
can be. AS, appscript and SB all seem to be about equal here; the  
Carbon C API might be a little faster as it's closest to the metal,  
but I doubt the difference is significant by the time you've packed  
your Cocoa values into AEDescs and back.

BTW, regardless of what API you use, you can also speed up or slow  
things down massively depending on the number of Apple events you use  
to perform a given task. This can be particularly noticeable with  
iTunes, since playlists can often run into thousands of tracks. Apple  
event IPC traditionally optimises for fewer, more complex events over  
many simple ones, so each event you send is relatively expensive but,  
depending on the application, you can often perform multiple  
operations in a single event. For example:

#import Foundation/Foundation.h
#import ITGlue/ITGlue.h

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

	ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithBundleID:];

// This sends 3 Apple events:

NSDate *time1 = [NSDate date];

	ITReference *tracksRef = [[[itunes playlists] byName: @stress test]  

NSArray *names = [[tracksRef name] getList];
NSArray *albums = [[tracksRef album] getList];
NSArray *artists = [[tracksRef artist] getList];

printf(time 1 = %.3f sec\n, -[time1 timeIntervalSinceNow]);

	// This sends N * 3 + 1 Apple events (where N is the number of tracks  
in the playlist):

NSDate *time2 = [NSDate date];

	NSArray *tracksList = itunes playlists] byName: @stress test]  
tracks] getList];

NSEnumerator *iterator = [tracksList objectEnumerator];
ITReference *track;
while (track = [iterator nextObject]) {
NSString *name = [[track name] getItem];
NSString *artist = [[track artist] getItem];
NSString *album = [[track album] getItem];

printf(time 2 = %.3f sec\n, -[time2 timeIntervalSinceNow]);

[pool drain];
return 0;

gives the following times for a 4000-track playlist:

time 1 = 0.137 sec
time 2 = 5.779 sec

and for a 40,000-track playlist:

time 1 = 2.116 sec
time 2 = 82.634 sec

I'm not sure which approach EyeTunes uses, but it's something to bear  
in mind if performance is an issue for you.

I would prefer using AppleEvents because it is the right way to  
communicate with different things in the os, using cocoa.

It's all Apple events under the hood. Some APIs just make them easier  
to work with than others.



[1]  Plus a few magical behaviours such as 'implicit gets' which do  
unfortunately muddy comprehension a bit. But I won't claim that  
AppleScript is a perfect pedagogical tool, just a convenient one.

[2] See [1].
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Re: Play Playlist in iTunes

2008-10-03 Thread has

Michael Ash wrote:

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Mr. Gecko  wrote:

I know but I can't find out the AppleEvent for Play Playlist.
Is there some sort of a program that will parse the AppleScript and  
make an

cocoa AppleEvent code.

If you just want the raw four-char-codes from an application's  
dictionary so you can construct NSAppleEventDescriptors yourself, you  
can obtain them in various ways: ASDictionary (on the appscript site)  
can export raw application dictionaries as fairly readable UTF8 files;  
Late Night Software's Script Debugger provides a very nice GUI that  
can extract and display just about anything you can think of; OS X's  
Script Editor or sdef tool can dump out application dictionaries in  
raw XML format.

Not quite, but you can get pretty close. Go to the section titled An
Example on this page:

It shows how to make Script Editor dump the Apple Events it's sending,
and then how to translate this into code.

FWIW, the approach that ASTranslate uses is to install a custom  
AESendProc into an AppleScript component and have the user run an  
AppleScript. Any events sent by the script are intercepted by the  
custom callback, which pulls the event apart and formats its  
constituent parts as Python/Ruby/ObjC-style code; no manual  
translation required. Pretty easy to do if you're interested in  
providing a similar converter for AEVTBuilder; you could probably hack  
one from its existing ObjC translator if you know any Python.


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Re: Play Playlist in iTunes

2008-10-03 Thread has

On 3 Oct 2008, at 17:09, Mr. Gecko wrote:

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Mr. Gecko  wrote:

I know but I can't find out the AppleEvent for Play Playlist.
Is there some sort of a program that will parse the AppleScript  
and make an

cocoa AppleEvent code.

If you just want the raw four-char-codes from an application's  
dictionary so you can construct NSAppleEventDescriptors yourself,  
you can obtain them in various ways: [...]

I already looked at that but it doesn't have an actual code for Play  
I found this though class name=playlist code=cPly  
description=a list of songs/streams inherits=item  
plural=playlists which if you look at the output of AEDebugSends  
than you can see that that is called when running the play playlist  

I think you're a bit confused about how iTunes' Apple event API works.  
This is understandable, given how hopelessly inadequate 99% of  
scriptable applications' documentation is, along with the rather  
unusual, counter-intuitive way that Apple event IPC works in the first  

Suffice it to say: nothing in AppleScript makes sense except in the  
light of RPC plus queries[1][2].

IOW, you can either approach it on its own terms and accept it for  
what it is, which will weird you out till you get your head around it;  
or else you can try to approach it in conventional OO terms, in which  
case it will frequently confuse and frustrate you whenever it behaves  
in a non-OO fashion (which is quite often).

Regarding the playing of iTunes playlists, here's a quick attempt to  

iTunes has no 'play playlist' command as you suggest. There is,  
however, a 'play' command (Apple event), and various kinds of playable  
objects: sources, several kinds of playlists (audio CD playlists,  
library playlists, user playlists, etc), and several kinds of tracks  
(file tracks, URL tracks, etc).

To use the 'play' command, you construct a query (reference in  
AppleScript jargon) identifying the object you want played, then pass  
that query as the 'play' command's direct parameter. e.g.:

play (source 1)
play (source Library)

play (playlist My Top Rated)
play (first playlist whose name is My Top Rated)
play (user playlist My Top Rated)
play (user playlist My Top Rated of source 1)

play (track 1 of user playlist My Top Rated)
play (file track id 56315 of user playlist id 520 of source id 41)

As you can see, queries can be pretty flexible in how they identify  
objects. But whatever query you use, it's up to iTunes' 'play' event  
handler to evaluate that query in order to locate the object or  
objects to act upon, and do its funky thing.

Oh, and BTW: one thing you will almost never find provided by  
applications' scripting documentation (be it built-in dictionaries and/ 
or supplementary files) is any formal indication of which commands can  
operate on which objects, so expect to use some intelligent guesswork  
and trial-and-error testing to figure this out for yourself. (Yes,  
this sucks; AppleScripters have been kvetching about it for the last  
decade, without notable effect. It's just something you'll have to  
deal with; the AppleScript-users list is good for advice, and there's  
a whole stack of existing iTunes scripts at  
to learn from.)


If you want to try to wrap your head around the AppleScript way,  
chapter 2 in the appscript manual tries to provide a quick summary of  
the concepts involved. There's also an excellent paper by William Cook  
(one of the original AppleScript designers), which describes both the  
language and the Apple event-based IPC system created around it, and  
provides significant insights into the original motives and decisions  
behind its design. It dates back to the early days of AppleScript so  
doesn't discuss the more recent related Cocoa-based APIs, but the  
underlying principles are unchanged:

Matt Neuburg's AppleScript: The Definitive Guide also provides a  
good, critical, programmer-friendly guide to AppleScript and  
application scripting principles; obviously a big chunk of the book is  
about AppleScript itself which might not be of so much interest to  
you, but I've heard at least one other non-AppleScript user say that  
they've found it helpful, albeit after a slow start (presumably the  
basic AppleScript language chapters).



[1] (With apologies to Theodosius Dobzhansky.)

[2] FWIW, it is an odd and unfamiliar way to do IPC, and there are a  
lot of real-life design and implementation shortcomings that make it  
much more difficult than it ought to be, but at a basic level it is a  
logical and self-consistent - and even somewhat elegant (if unusual) -  
system. The nearest analogy I can think of is using XPath queries over  
XML-RPC, if that helps.

Control AppleScriptable applications

Re: Python, Mac OS X 10.5.5 and CoreGraphics

2008-10-03 Thread has

Ronny Reichmann wrote:

to make it short: Does anyone accidentally know why CoreGraphics  
work any more on conjunction with Python? The directory that  
contains the
CoreGraphics bindings is still there, but not in the PYTHONPATH  
Setting it by hand and trying to import CoreGraphics leads to a  
Fatal Python

error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)

Seems to work here (10.5.5). Are you using Apple's own Python  
installation, or a third-party one? (Apple's own CoreGraphics bindings  
are only intended to work with Apple's own Python installation.)  
That's the only thing I can think of offhand. If that's not it, you  
could also try asking for help over on the PythonMac-SIG mailing list:


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Re: Play Playlist in iTunes

2008-10-02 Thread has

Mr. Gecko wrote:

Ok I now read everything in the programming guide for Scripting Bridge
and it is really cool, Now I can't seem to find out how to play a
playlist from a name id or anything.

If you know how to write an application command in AppleScript, e.g.:

tell application iTunes to play playlist Top 25 Most Played

you can use the appscript project's very handy ASTranslate tool [1] to  
convert it to equivalent objc-appscript syntax:

// To create glue:  osaglue  -o ITGlue  -p IT  iTunes

ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithName: @iTunes];

ITReference *ref = [[itunes playlists] byName: @Top 25 Most Played];

id result = [[ref play] send];

which you can clean up as needed for use in your own code.

ASTranslate doesn't do Scripting Bridge syntax, but that's because SB  
is mince (and inadequately documented mince at that). Obviously I'd  
recommend using appscript over SB as appscript's better technology in  
pretty much every way that counts (more powerful, more mature,  
significantly better application compatibility, also supports Panther  
and Tiger, equal or better performance, better documentation, better  
tool support, doesn't manage to obfuscate and confuse Apple event IPC  
even worse than AppleScript does). SB's only noticeable advantage is  
that it's installed as standard in OS X (10.5+) whereas you'll need to  
build and bundle appscript yourself in any products you release (a  
fairly trivial task, and appscript's license is very liberal). But you  
pays your money, etc.



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Re: Play Playlist in iTunes

2008-10-02 Thread has

Michael Ash wrote:

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Mr. Gecko [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I think I would just use this AppleScript call
[[[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:[NSString  

application \iTunes\ to play playlist \[EMAIL PROTECTED], [self 
with:@\\\ source:[sender title executeAndReturnError:nil];
Works fast enough for me and it would work with  because I use my  

function to make it \.

You'll also want to replace \ with \\ (make sure you do this *before*
you replace  with \) and *possibly* some others as well, I'm not
completely familiar with exactly what AppleScript allows in strings.
You may also have problems with non-ASCII characters, as AppleScript
is notoriously Unicode-unsavvy.

AppleScript 2.0 in Leopard is fully Unicode; older versions could  
handle Unicode strings, but the source code itself used your system's  
primary encoding (e.g. MacRoman, MacJapanese; a classic Mac OS  

That said, code generation is fundamentally evil (unless you're in  
Lisp, where it's completely normal). If you need to parameterise an  
AppleScript, define an AppleScript handler that'll receive your values  
as parameters, then pack your ObjC values into NSAppleEventDescriptors  
and pack those into an event descriptor that calls your handler via - 
[NSAppleScript executeAppleEvent:error:]. You can probably find some  
examples online if you rummage around, e.g. there's one in appscript's  
subversion repository that uses objc-appscript's AEMCodecs class to do  
ObjC-AEDesc conversions (it's rather more powerful than OS X's  
anaemic NSAppleEventDescriptor class).

Last time I had to do something like this (although it was
considerably more complex), I built a library to make it easy to build
raw Apple Events to mimic AppleScript without the mess that comes with
actually using AppleScript itself. If you want to check it out, you
can find more information about it here:

Neat. FWIW, objc-appscript lets you build and send events using  
straight ObjC method calls in both human-readable and raw four-char- 
code forms, e.g.:

- using human-readable syntax:  

// tell application TextEdit to word 1 of document 1

// To generate glue: osaglue -o TEGlue -p TE TextEdit
#import TEGlue/TEGlue.h

	TEApplication *textedit = [TEApplication applicationWithName:  

TEReference *ref = textedit documents] at: 1] words] at: 1];
NSError *error;
id result = [ref getItemWithError: error];

- using raw four-char codes

// tell application TextEdit to «class cwor» 1 of «class docu» 1

#import Appscript/Appscript.h

	AEMApplication *textedit = [[AEMApplication alloc] initWithName:  
	AEMQuery *ref = AEMApp elements: 'docu'] at: 1] elements: 'cwor']  
at: 1];

AEMEvent *evt = [textedit eventWithEventClass: 'core' eventID: 'getd'];
[evt setParameter: ref forKeyword: ''];
NSError *error;
id result = [evt sendWithError: error];
[textedit release];

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Re: Finding the iTunes Music Library

2008-10-01 Thread has

Mr. Gecko wrote:

Hello I am needing to know how to find the iTunes Music Library. I
know people could have it in places other than ~/Music/iTunes/ because
I moved mine to /Volumes/Music/  by holding down option at iTunes  

How would I determine where it is located. I looked in and it contained alis:1:iTunes Library Location
as a NSData, but I can't figure out how to get the data from the
NSDictionary and it could also be alis:2 so on so how would I get  

'alis' is the OSType for a Carbon Alias type, so I'm guessing that's  
probably what's in your your NSData. See the Carbon Alias Manager  
documentation for more info.

Of course, poking around in an application's (presumably) private  
preferences file probably isn't the best way to find out where its  
library lives, but I don't see anything in its scripting interface  
that can provide this information directly (although you could maybe  
kludge it), so you might not have much choice. Any particular reason  
you're wanting this stuff?


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Re: sending email with attachement from cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread has

Alexander Cohen wrote:

Is there a way to use a url request to open mail with all its fields
completed but most importantly, contain an image attachement?

Nope. If you want to send an email in the background, you'll need to  
look into a third-party framework option:

If you're talking specifically about creating an outgoing message in, you'll need to control it via its Apple events  
('AppleScript') interface. It's somewhat buggy (chronically so), but  
can usually be coaxed into doing roughly what you want. I've got an  
sample project (SendEmail) in appscript's svn repository that shows  
how to do this using ObjC and appscript:

svn checkout 

I believe there's a sample project somewhere on Apple's site that  
shows how to do the same sort of thing using Leopard's Scripting  
Bridge (but I'll not link to that here as I don't have a very high  
opinion of Scripting Bridge:).


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Re: appleScriptWithContentsfFile wipes out Quark's Applescript dictionary

2008-09-22 Thread has


I wrote a Quark XTension that displays scripts in a floating palette  
and have found that the following wies out most of Quark's  
AppleScript dictionary

NSAppleScript  *script = [[NSAppleScript  
appleScriptWithContentsfFile: inPath] retain];

I think you need to define wipes out a bit more precisely.

You might also want to try asking on the applescript-implementors  
list; I think you'll have a better chance of finding help there.


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2008-09-12 Thread has

Georg Seifert wrote:

 [NSView dataWithEPSInsideRect:] does not seem to help, unless I
build a dummy view, draw in it and then use this method.

I believe that's the general idea. An NSBezierPath instance by itself  
doesn't really do anything unless/until you draw it into a suitable  
graphics context. Read the Cocoa Drawing Guide; in particular, the  
'Creating Graphics Contexts' chapter.

but this seems to be quite complicated.

I'm no graphics guru (so try not to laugh), but here's a simple example:

/// CustomView.h ///

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

@interface CustomView : NSView {

- (NSEPSImageRep *)epsImageRep;


/// CustomView.m ///

#import CustomView.h

@implementation CustomView

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
	// do all your drawing here... e.g. to draw a black rectangle in  
middle of view:

[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: NSMakeRect(10, 10, 20, 20)] fill];

- (NSEPSImageRep *)epsImageRep {
NSData* theData = [self dataWithEPSInsideRect: [self bounds]];
return [NSEPSImageRep imageRepWithData: theData];


/// main.m ///

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

// create a custom view of the desired size
	CustomView *view = [[CustomView alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0,  
0, 40, 40)];

// extract an EPS image rep from it
NSEPSImageRep *epsRep = [view epsImageRep];

// do some stuff with the EPS image rep here... e.g. to write to file:
	[[epsRep EPSRepresentation] writeToFile: @/Users/foobar/test.eps  
atomically: NO];

[view release];
[pool release];
return 0;


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2008-09-10 Thread has

Georg Seifert wrote:

is there a way to create EPS data from code? I need it to put in in
pastboard. Does anyone can point my to some docs as I cant find any.

What I want to do, is to copy a NSBezierPath to Illustrator and back.

Depending on what you're doing, another option might be to draw your  
path directly in Illustrator using its Apple event (AppleScript)  


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Re: Trouble with Scripting Bridge

2008-09-02 Thread has

Tommy Nordgren wrote:

On 31 aug 2008, at 03.12, Peter Stirling wrote:

I've been trying to do some python scripting of iTunes using pyobjc  
and ScriptingBridge, and I've been having some problems (I reduced  
everything to objective-c on its own in order work out if it was  
caused by pyobjc).

However it doesn't seem to work, the code provided in the zip  
archive (when executed on my machine), produces a list of all the  
gapless tracks in my mp3 collection, but every line ALSO claims  
that the track is 'not gapless'.

From test.m :
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate  

this should probably be : . predicateWithFormat:@gapless==YES];

According to the NSPredicate Programming Guide, '=' and '==' are  
synonyms so either should work in principle. That said, NSPredicates  
don't actually function as NSPredicates in Scripting Bridge but are,  
by some mysterious invisible magic, mapped to Apple event filter  
clauses for the target application to handle. Given that there isn't a  
1:1 correlation between NSPredicate and AE filter clause  
functionality, this mapping is already somewhat lossy... and it's  
always possible that it's buggy as well.

At any rate, filtering for gapped/gapless tracks seems to work fine in  
AppleScript and appscript (or as well as most things work in iTunes  
scripting), so at least it isn't an iTunes bug, e.g.:


from pprint import pprint
from appscript import *

tracksref = app('iTunes').library_playlists[1].tracks

ref = tracksref[its.gapless == True]
if ref.exists():
pprint(zip(ref.album(),, ref.gapless()))
print 'No gapless tracks found.'

ref = tracksref[its.gapless == False]
if ref.exists():
pprint(zip(ref.album(),, ref.gapless()))
print 'No gapped tracks found.'

(Bear in mind that the above may take a few seconds for extremely  
large playlists; depending on how you want to pick/organise/play your  
random tracks there may be more efficient ways of approaching the task.)


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Re: AppleScript on a Context Menu

2008-09-02 Thread has

David Orriss Jr wrote:

OK, it's not Cocoa, per se... but I thought someone here might know.

I want to create an AppleScript that is on the Context (Ctrl+Click/  
Right Click) menu. I've seen ways to do it with Automator - but that  
puts the script in the automator menu. I want it top-level. Anyone  
have an example on how to do this that doesn't involve Automator and  
will still create an AppleScript plugin?

This the sort of thing you're looking for?


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Re: Objective-C and AppleScript

2008-09-01 Thread has

John Love wrote:

I am trying to convert as much as I can of my former Studio code  
over to Obj-C and thanks to this Mailing List I have been successful  
so far .. but here's a stumper or two:

Here are 2 AppleScript statements that work in Studio:

-- #1 works in Obj-C, so my question is = isn't there a more  
*direct* Obj-C call to do the same thing,
-- rather than call NSAppleScript's executeAndReturnError method? It  
just seems that a one or two

-- system calls should effect the same result?

1) tell application System Events to return (name of every  
application process contains Microsoft Excel) -- see  
ExcelAppActive below

If you use objc-appscript (I won't suggest the sdef/sdp/Scripting  
Bridge toolchain as an alternative as I know it has problems with  
Excel), you can check if Excel is running by calling the MEApplication  
object's -isRunning method:

// To create glue:  osaglue  -o MEGlue  -p ME  Microsoft\ Excel

	MEApplication *microsoftExcel = [MEApplication  

if ([microsoftExcel isRunning]) {
// do stuff here...

-- If I hard-code the actual name of the file  
stringByAppendingString:@some title (see theWorkbookActive method  

-- everything works dandy.
-- But ... this name is actually a instance parameter, NSString*  
itsFileName, defined in my .h file, and dynamically set in my .m file.
-- So, I type stringByAppendingString:itsFileName -- but then my app  

Code generation is fundamentally evil; if you need to pass values to a  
script, pack them into an NSAppleEventDescriptor and pass them to a  
handler in a compiled script via -[NSAppleScript  

That said, appscript should suffice for general Apple event IPC, so  
the only time you should need to mess about with NSAppleScript is if  
you need to execute user-supplied scripts (appscript is pretty handy  
for that too, btw).

2) tell application Microsoft Excel to return (name of every  
window contains some title)

I would suggest doing:

	tell application Microsoft Excel to return (exists window some  

as it's a bit clearer in meaning. The objc-appscript equivalent would  

MEReference *ref = [[microsoftExcel windows] byName: @some title];
id result = [[ref exists] send];
BOOL windowExists = [result boolValue];

The ASTranslate tool on the appscript website is very handy if you  
need help translating application commands from AppleScript to ObjC  
syntax; there's also ASDictionary for exporting application  
dictionaries in appscript format.


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re: NSAppleScript shies away from porcupines

2008-08-27 Thread has

Jason Coco wrote:

I did a test with this... it seems that the code to resolve the  
alias in AppleScript doesn't like

non-latin encoded pathnames.

I think you're right - from dim and distant memory I seem to recall  
that AppleScript's 'value as alias' coercion often doesn't work with  
non-ASCII paths, and you have to use an alias specifier, i.e. 'alias  
value' instead.

(The other common cause of errors is trying to create aliases for non- 
existent paths, of course, but I'll assume the OP already checked for  

Anyway, unless the OP is needing to run user-supplied scripts, I'd  
suggest ignoring NSAppleScript and just use a Cocoa-Apple event bridge  

For example, here's the objc-appscript version after using ASTranslate  
to get an approximate ObjC translation of the original AppleScript's  
Finder commands, then tweaking and tidying to suit:

// To create glue:  osaglue  -o FIGlue  -p FI  Finder

#import FIGlue/FIGlue.h

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

int err = 0;

NSURL *file = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: @/path/to/file];

		FIApplication *finder = [FIApplication applicationWithBundleID:];

FIReference *ref = [[[finder items] byIndex: file] 

NSError *error;
id result = [[ref open] sendWithError: error];

if (result)
[[finder activate] send];
else {
err = [error code];
NSLog(@%@, [error localizedDescription]);

[pool drain];
return err;


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Re: NSAppleScript shies away from porcupines

2008-08-26 Thread has

Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

When I try in Script Editor:

set macpath to POSIX file /Volumes/เม่น/Users as Unicode  

and do Compile, then this gets transformed into:

set macpath to file  ‘ßÀÏ:Volumes:‡¡Ëπ:Users as Unicode  

Sounds like you're on 10.4 or earlier. AppleScript only supports  
Unicode source code in 10.5+; previously it used the host system's  
primary encoding, which is why your non-MacRoman(?) characters are  
getting mangled. If you must use AppleScript for some reason, either  
write your unicode string literals using raw «data utxt...» format,  
or pass in unicode strings as parameters to an Apple event constructed  
via NSAppleEventDescriptor.

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Re: Opening an external file in a external application

2008-08-16 Thread has

John Love wrote:

Really though, what's best/practical/possible all depends on what
you're trying to do, so if you want more advice then you'll need to
provide more information.

Very short info list is as follows (stuff I need to do from within my
Cocoa app):

1) be able to save the Excel spreadsheet

Opening and saving Excel workbooks can be done with Apple events, e.g.  
using objc-appscript [1]:

// To create glue:  osaglue  -o MEGlue  -p ME  Microsoft Excel

MEApplication *microsoftExcel = [MEApplication applicationWithName:  
@Microsoft Excel];

// open file specified by HFS path

MEOpenWorkbookCommand *cmd = [[microsoftExcel openWorkbook]
workbookFileName: @Mac 

id result = [cmd send]; // result is a by-name reference to the new  
workbook, or nil if an error occurred

// save in new file

MEReference *ref = [[microsoftExcel workbooks] byName:  

MESaveWorkbookAsCommand *cmd = [[ref saveWorkbookAs]
filename: @Mac HD:Users:foo:Workbook2.xlsx];

id result = [cmd send]; // result is nil if an error occurred

Two potential problems to be aware of:

1. Excel stupidly uses HFS path strings in its 'open workbook' and  
'save workbook as' commands. This means you'll have big problems if  
you have another volume with the same name as the one you're opening  
from/saving to, as HFS paths can't distinguish between identically  
named volumes. (Better designed applications use alias and file URL  
types to identify filesystem objects and locations.)

You might be able to work around this issue by using the standard  
'open' and 'save' commands, although you lose the additional features  
provided by 'open workbook' and 'save workbook as'. Or you may  
consider using HFS paths to be an acceptable risk and just put up with  

2. References returned by Excel only identify workbook objects by- 
index or by-name references. That makes it tricky to ensure you've a  
stable handle on the workbook for the length of time it's open. (By- 
index specifiers are sensitive to element order; by-name specifiers  
can't distinguish between two elements with the same name. Only by-id  
specifiers are guaranteed to be unique and stable over a target  
process's lifetime, but most apps don't use those.) I did wonder if  
using a by-test specifier would work; something like:

tell app Excel
tell first workbook whose full name = HFS_path_to_file
-- do stuff here

but it doesn't work, so you'll either need to iterate over elements  
and compare their paths yourself or else just use the existing by-name  
references and trust that nobody opens another file with the same name  
while your program is doing its thing.

2) be able to stop any calculation in progress

Dunno myself; you'll need to ask someone with more Excel scripting  

3) be able to detect if the user closed the spreadsheet behind the
back of my Cocoa app, upon which my Cocoa app would raise a NSAlert.

Assuming you've figured out a way to uniquely identify your workbook  
element, you could poll Excel at regular intervals to see if it still  



[1] Be aware that Office apps are a rather eccentric bunch even by  
AppleScripting standards, but appscript's application compatibility is  
very nearly as good as AppleScript's these days (and sometimes even  
better) so I don't think it'll have any problems.

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Re: Should I retain a variable returned from this accessor?

2008-08-13 Thread has

Peter N Lewis wrote:

I'm no Cocoa expert, but I think you're wrong on this, you've missed
out a crucial line:

At 3:12 PM -0400 11/8/08, Sean DeNigris wrote:

// Get uid to return
NSString* todoUid = [newTodo uid];

// Clean up
[newTodo release];
newTodo = nil;

return todoUid;

[newTodo release] is not [newTodo autorelease].  So it may
immediately call dealloc and dealloc the uid returned by by [newTodo

I don't think so.

The problem here is that you're thinking about Scripting Bridge in  
conventional Cocoa/proxy object terms. This is understandable given  
that this is the illusion that the SB API is intended to create.  
*However*, the thing to realise about Apple event IPC is that it's  
*RPC plus queries* (a very un-Cocoa-like beast), and what SB does is  
plaster over this mechanism with a load of obfuscations in a well- 
meaning (but misguided) attempt to make it look and feel like regular  
Cocoa (which it isn't, and never will be).

For example, the whole:

iCalTodo* newTodo = [[[iCal classForScriptingClass:@todo]  
alloc] init];

[[myCalendar todos] addObject:newTodo];
[newTodo release];

rigmarole is just a bunch of pseudo Cocoa-isms on top of a standard  
'make' Apple event, which in AppleScript would appear as:

tell application iCal to make new todo at end of todos

and in objc-appscript - which, unlike SB, is bluntly honest about  
what's going on beneath - as:

ICCommand *cmd = [[[iCal make]
  new: [ICConstant todo]];
   at: [[ICApp todos] end]];
id result = [cmd send];

(I'll spare you the equivalent C though as we'd be here all day.)

Basically, all that SB is doing in that first line is creating a  
temporary SB object representing an application object that doesn't  
actually exist yet. This SB object contains one or more values that  
will be used as parameters to a 'make' event that will be sent later.  
(The one parameter that's always required is 'new'; others may be  
optional or required depending on the application implementation, type  
of object being created, etc.)

As soon as you pass this object to -addObject:, a 'make' event  
containing those parameters is sent off to the target application to  
handle. Once that's done, your original temporary object no longer has  
any real part to play; unlike Distributed Objects, there is no  
permanent two-way connection where a local object acts as the official  
proxy for a remote object as long as both objects remain live.

The fact that you can subsequently refer to this temporary object to  
set and get properties belonging to iCal's newly created todo object  
is kinda incidental. All that's happening here is that SB is stuffing  
the object specifier (i.e. query) returned by the 'make' command into  
your SB object, and subsequently accessing that object's properties is  
sending fresh 'get'/'set' events to the application with that object  
specifier as their direct parameter.

However, even this aspect of SB's behaviour is misleading; for  
example, some applications may not return a result for the 'make'  
event (in which case you'll be talking to air), and many that do will  
return a by-index or by-name reference that is not guaranteed to  
identify the same application object the next time you want to talk to  
it. Also bear in mind that setting properties after -addObject: is  
called is not the same as setting them as part of the 'make' event;  
for example, read-only properties can often have values assigned at  
the time the object is created, but can't be set afterwards.

As for memory management of the NSString returned by [newTodo uid],  
remember that it's the product of a 'get' event sent to the target  
application, and not something that belongs to or held in an ivar of  
the SB object that returned it. All SB does is add the NSString to the  
current autorelease pool before returning it, so once that pool is  
dealloced the NSString will be disposed of as well unless you -retain  
it beforehand.

Anyway, hope that's of some use, though personally if I were the OP  
I'd see about using Leopard's new Calendar Store framework instead,  
thereby avoiding the need to muck about with Apple event IPC at all.  
Users will also appreciate it, since it means that other applications  
won't be magically launching while they're running yours.



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Re: Accessing memory of another application?

2008-08-13 Thread has

Josh wrote:

I'm trying to get started w/viewing/editing/interacting with the  
memory of
another running application but I'm not where to get started.  You  
think of this as being a simple game trainer - which basically  
allows you

to view and edit values in memory.

Use a formal IPC mechanism to communicate between two processes.  
There's an overview of available options at:


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Re: Opening an external file in a external application

2008-08-12 Thread has

John Love wrote:

I still need to figure out if it is possible for Excel to  
communicate back to my app via some sort of NSNotification.

Very much doubt it, though you always can try Tildesoft's Notification  
Watcher just to be sure. Depending on the sort of operation it is that  
you're wanting to monitor (i.e. if it's something that doesn't block  
the main event loop), you may be able to poll Excel via its Apple  
event interface; clumsy, but better than nothing. For more specific  
advice and suggestions, write up a complete description of what you  
need to do, and try asking on the AppleScript-users list as well as  
that's where most Excel scripters can be found.

I don't have much hope of that .. so what I probably need to focus  
on is how to display the Excel spreadsheet in my document window.
I suspect what you really want is Windows, where Office is a major  
embeddable application framework in itself. ;)
Failing that, there are third-party Excel parsers around for various  
language if all you want to do is display the spreadsheet post- 
processing, and don't forget stuff like OpenOffice which contain full- 
blown spreadsheet engines and Excel file importers/exporters. Really  
though, what's best/practical/possible all depends on what you're  
trying to do, so if you want more advice then you'll need to provide  
more information.


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Re: Cocoa / AppleScript Folder Action

2008-08-04 Thread has

John Joyce wrote:

I know I can do awkward things with AppleScript and Folder Action
but is there a strictly Cocoa/Objective-C way to do something like
Folder Action scripts short of a  daemon?

Try kqueue or FSEvents.


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Re: How to get music list?

2008-08-04 Thread has

Eric Lee wrote:

I have a problem getting the iTunes list, and then making the
tableview display the iTunes list.

Using objc-appscript [1], here's how to list the name, artist and  
album of every track in the current playlist:

#import ITGlue/ITGlue.h

// To create glue files: osaglue  -o ITGlue  -p IT  iTunes

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

	ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithBundleID:];

ITReference *tracks = [[itunes currentPlaylist] tracks];

/* Note: if player is stopped then current playlist isn't available.
 * You could either test for this in advance (as shown here) or check
 * for nil results after sending the 'get' events. Additional NSError
 * info is also optionally available.
if ([[[tracks exists] send] boolValue]) {

 * Note: Apple event IPC is query-based, allowing you to get a
 * property from all elements at once. This is far quicker than
 * iterating over elements yourself if there are lots of them.
NSArray *names = [[tracks name] getList];
NSArray *artists = [[tracks artist] getList];
NSArray *albums = [[tracks album] getList];

int i;
for (i = 0; i  [names count]; i++)
			printf(%-60s  %-60s  %-60s\n, [[names objectAtIndex: i]  

[[artists objectAtIndex: i] UTF8String],

[[albums objectAtIndex: i] UTF8String]);

} else
printf(Current playlist is not available.\n);

[pool drain];
return 0;



[1] Which is a bit like Scripting Bridge, but without the application  
compatibility problems and with 10.3.9 and 10.4.x support, better  
documentation and developer tools.

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Re: NSDistributedNotifications and scripting languages

2008-08-04 Thread has

Jens Alfke wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about sending notifications
to Cocoa applications using either Ruby, or PHP? I want to send
notifications using a cocoa application to another cocoa application
and / or send notifications from a web based application.

Notifications are a general broadcast mechanism, used to announce that  
something of interest has happened when you don't know or care who's  
listening. If you're looking for point-to-point or two-way  
communication, there are other, more suitable, IPC mechanisms for that.

AppleEvents are the standard way to do this. Cocoa's scriptability
APIs make it pretty easy to implement AppleEvent/AppleScript support.
From Ruby you can use the bridge to invoke AppleScript, and from any
language you can launch an AppleScript as a separate task or use the
'osascript' tool to send raw AppleEvents.

If the OP is writing both client and server applications for their own  
use and both are using Cocoa, I'd suggest looking at Distributed  
Objects first. Apple events can be a bear to do well - the main reason  
for using them is if you need to talk to third-party applications, or  
allow third-parties to talk to yours.

Also, I'd strongly recommend Ruby or Python over PHP since the first  
two have excellent and very mature Apple event and Cocoa bindings  
while PHP doesn't have either.


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Re: Learning Cocoa with RubyCocoa

2008-06-07 Thread has

Allison Newman wrote:

I can't for the life of me imagine why you would think that.  I  
mean, I'm not theorising here, I have actually done it.  My very  
first Cocoa app was a RubyCocoa app, and my second, a true, full- 
featured app, is just about done.  And you know what, I never did  
regret my decision to not really learn Objective C.

FWIW, all my Cocoa apps are in PyObjC and that's how I started out  
too: I already knew Python and a bit of C, so picked up just enough  
ObjC to be able to read Hillegass and the Apple documentation and  
examples, and got stuck in. Slightly more hassle to use Cocoa from  
Python than ObjC since there is a degree of impedance mismatch between  
the two, plus you have to mentally translate Cocoa API docs to Python  
syntax. OTOH, Python's a quicker and easier language to work in than C  
(which Cocoa ameliorates but does not escape), plus you get scads of  
Python libraries to draw on as well. So I think it about balances out  
in the end.

As for Ruby and RubyCocoa, the Prags have just released a PDF beta of  
Brian Marick's new RubyCocoa book:

I've not checked it out myself yet, but maybe some of the Cocoa/Ruby  
folks here will be interested in taking a look, whether for their own  
education or to provide corrections and suggestions for improvement.

And don't forget MacRuby either, an extremely promising project by  
Laurent Sansonetti (the Apple engineer behind Leopard's Ruby support)  
which aims to make Ruby a full peer to ObjC for Cocoa development. The  
0.2 release has just been announced:


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Re: What's the NSMailDelivery replacement for Leopard and Beyond?

2008-06-04 Thread has

Buddy Kurz wrote:

For me it is a hot topic because after researching this subject two
years ago and reading said archives I started relying on
NSMailDelivery and now the powers that be have decided that it should
no longer be available. (wondering why?)
So I have to rewrite functional code and use a third party framework
or the scripting bridge which by the way isn't backwards compatible
with Tiger.

What's wrong with third-party frameworks? There's some excellent work  
out there and, assuming a compatible license, they're trivial to  
include in your application bundle for distribution. As for having to  
rewrite functional code; well, NSMailDelivery is only deprecated, not  
removed, at this point, so in principle you can continue using it for  
now (although it's probably good idea to look for an alternative  
sooner rather than later).

BTW, I wouldn't recommend using SB unless you specifically intend to  
interact with a particular mail client (or clients, bearing in mind  
that not every Mac user uses the same email client), given that it's  
hardly a transparent process: at the very least, users will notice  
when your app launches their mail client. I'll also mention that SB is  
lame and Mail's scripting interface buggy, so depending on what you  
need to do there may be some grinding of teeth involved at the very  
least. Best to ask on AppleScript-users mailing list if you need help  
there. Lastly, if backwards-compatibility is an issue for controlling  
scriptable applications, then your choices are either to invoke  
AppleScripts via NSAppleScript or use objc-appscript (another third- 
party framework that is, shockingly, better than the Apple alternative).


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Re: invoking quicklook via code

2008-06-04 Thread has

Nick Zitzmann wrote:

Thanks for the replies guys. What I would like to do, may be a lot
simpler than what i may have explained. I just want my app to launch
the quicktime movie, in what looks like exactly like the finder
quicklook window - in fact if its possible to even somehow do it
with an applescript or something - i.e. just tell finder to launch
it! Is that possible?

I'm pretty sure that can't be done with AppleScript unless
accessibility is turned on.

GUI Scripting is crude and brittle and really a last resort when all  
else fails. Unfortunately, there's nothing in Finder's scripting API  
for invoking quicklook (its 'open' command just opens files in the  
default editor, equivalent to double-clicking them), so it may be the  
OP's only hope if they _really_ must have it. Though FWIW, GUI  
Scripting is just a wrapper around OS X's existing accessibility APIs,  
so going through AppleScript isn't really necessary at all.

It may be easier to just use QTMovieView.

Yeah, I think this would be the simplest and most reliable solution.  
(And by all means file feature requests on Finder for 10.6; its  
scripting interface is lagging its graphical one a bit these days.)


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