Re: [computer-go] Re: Should 9x9 komi be 8.0 ?]

2008-02-28 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Hideki Kato wrote:

delta_komi = 10^(K * (number_of_empty_points / 400 - 1)),
where K is 1 if winnig and is 2 if loosing.  Also, if expected
winning rate is around 50%, Komi is unmodified.

I don't think the formula you posted is correct.

In the opening it gives delta_komi = 0.8 and in the endgame it gives
delta_komi = 0.1.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Should 9x9 komi be 8.0 ?]

2008-02-28 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Hideki Kato wrote:

Gian-Carlo Pascutto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hideki Kato wrote:

delta_komi = 10^(K * (number_of_empty_points / 400 - 1)),
where K is 1 if winnig and is 2 if loosing.  Also, if expected
winning rate is around 50%, Komi is unmodified.

I don't think the formula you posted is correct.

It's just an experimental formla with no theoritical basis.  I don't 
think we can discuss its correctness.

Even if it's a heuristic the outcome should be sensible. For what you 
posted it doesn't seem to be at all. So I think that what you posted is 
not what is in the program. That is what I mean by correct.

In the opening it gives delta_komi = 0.8 and in the endgame it gives
delta_komi = 0.1.

I'm sorry but I don't understand what do you want to say.  Too 

Yes. I don't understand how it can do anything if it adds _at most_ 0.8 
points difference.

Should it have been 10* instead of 10^ or something?

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] More UCT / Monte-Carlo questions (Effect of rave)

2008-02-06 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
 I also implemented RAVE in Mango. There was a few points of improvements
 (around 60 Elo points with gnugo as reference), but as much as in the
 paper of Gelly and Silver :( (around 250 Elo points if I remember well)

 It might be that the effect of RAVE depends a lot on the simulation
 strategy. Indeed, sometimes my RAVE was playing very good moves but also
 very bad ones.

I don't think the simulation strategy is the key.

I suspect the improvement is largest when you don't do progressive widening.

Nevertheless it would be quite interesting to see the implementation
details of ggmc's RAVE. RAVE performance is quite dependent on exact
implementation and parameters.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] More UCT / Monte-Carlo questions (Effect of rave)

2008-02-06 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Hideki Kato wrote:

4) Before back-propagating the value of each playout, I setup a color 
table for all intersections of the board for speed-up, in fact 
(initialized with EMPTY). That is, fill the board (table[move] = 
color) by tracing the moves and the colors returned by the playout 
forward (from leaf node to end of the game). Then, by tracing the 
path from root to the leaf node, clear the table[move] (table[move] = 
EMPTY), in order to avoid duplicate counting with UCB1.

I don't understand this. What and how would you be double counting?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] More UCT / Monte-Carlo questions

2008-02-05 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Olivier Teytaud wrote:

Basically, the formula in MoGo combines the success ratio and the
RAVE-success ratio, with more focus on the success ratio when the
number of simulations is large.

You have no bias which favors exploration at all?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Selecting tree child objects, was Hydra theory (was Hybrid theory)

2008-02-02 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Harri Salakoski wrote:
Hi such question that do you typically traverse all child objects or is 
there faster way to select explored node child object.
I have concluded that it is not at least easy as multiple nodes uct 
values change each simulation so trying to keep biggest uct value in 
first in list is maybe too expensive best practical way is go trough all 
child moves.

I made a similar reasoning as you some time ago and concluded the same. 
With progressive widening there are very few moves to consider anyway. 
And as you add more knowledge to playouts, the speed of the UCT part 
gets unimportant.

But there is a good trick: the 1 + epison rule described on Lukas Lew's 

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] CGOS Deflation or Self-Play delusion?

2008-02-02 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

I'm not sure what to think about the following:

Leela 0.3.0 vs Leela 0.3.7, 455 game match
177 vs 278 = +78 ELO points for Leela 0.3.7

CGOS rating

Leela_0.3.0_1CPU  2335
Leela_0.3.7_2CPU  2333

Hmm..but also

Zen-0.9  2386
Zen-1.0  2385

or more:

Uct-20080117-t  2302

With greenpeep also similar things happened.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Hybrid theory

2008-02-01 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Michael Williams wrote:

So do I.  I just stated a simpler version here because I previously 
suggested a more integrated approach and got zero replies.  I'll state 
it again:

Start with a UCT+MC engine.  When a tree node reaches X number of 
playouts (1000?, 1?), do a tactical analysis.  When that analysis 
exists for a given node, let it in some way bias the move selection at 
that node.

I think it's a good idea :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go rating math information

2008-01-31 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

I don't know how David figures 1000 ELO,  but I would expect the
difference to be much larger than that for 19x19 go. I don't believe
they are yet very close to 1 Dan.

You're right. They're closer to 2 Dan.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go knowledge and UCT

2008-01-31 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

David Fotland wrote:

So, can the strong 19x19 programs please tell us your playout rates?  I
expect the higher the rank, the fewer playouts per second.  I'm not
interested in 9x9 data, since I think much less go knowledge is needed to
play 9x9.  With your playout rate, please include the machine, number of
CPUs, and how you measured it (from an empty board, or averaged over a whole
game, or ...).

On an 1.7Ghz Pentium M, Leela 0.3.7 does 1350 playouts per second in the 
openings position.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go rating math information

2008-01-31 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Andy wrote:

CrazyStone hasn't played since the initial spike to 1k in December.  The 
movement of the chart afterwards is rating drift. 

Ok. For me this is actually GOOD news :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

If a nakade fixed version of mogo (that is truly scalable) was in the
study,  how much higher would it be in your estimation?

You do realize that you are asking how much perfect life and death 
knowledge is worth?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

I must not understand the problem. My program has no trouble with
nakade unless you are talking about some special case position.My
program immediately places the stone on the magic square to protect it's
2 eyes.   

Can your program identify sekis? Nice examples in attachement.

I can't believe mogo doesn't do this, it would be very weak
if it didn't.

That's just an assumption shaped by a non-objective human bias.


Description: x-go-sgf

Description: x-go-sgf
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

So I think this is nakade.

Yes. Leela 0.2.x would get it wrong [1].

[1] Not eternally, but it would still take unreasonably long.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

Yes,  the tree generates pass moves and with 2 passes the game is scored
without play-outs.  

How do you detect dead groups after 2 passes? Static analysis? All is 

I can't believe mogo doesn't do this, it would be very weak
if it didn't.

That's just an assumption shaped by a non-objective human bias.

So are you saying that if mogo had this position:

| # # # # # #
| O O O O O #
| + + + + O # 
  a b c d e

That mogo would not know to move to nakade point c1 with either color?

I was referring to your it would be very weak, not to what MoGo does 
or does not do. I don't know exactly what MoGo does. I do know you can 
not know the above and not be very weak. You can also not know about 
ladders and not be very weak. Many people seem to think this is 
completely unfathomable, and I was surprised you made the same mistake.
I think it has something to do with both things being the first things a 
human player learns. Because he thinks it's basic, he concludes anybody 
not knowing it is weak. But strength just doesn't work that way.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

I am concerned that the current study is, as Jacques has so ably
described, a study of a restricted game where nakade and certain
other moves are considered to be illegal; this restricted game
approaches the game of Go, but the programs have certain blind
spots which humans can and do take advantage of. These aren't
computer-specific blind spots; humans train on life-and-death
problems in order to gain an advantage over other humans also.

This is good news and nothing to worry about.You are basically 
saying mogo has a bug, and if this bug is fixed then we can expect

even better scalability. So any success here can be viewed as a
lower bound on it's actual rating.

If a nakade fixed version of mogo (that is truly scalable) was in the
 study,  how much higher would it be in your estimation?

I wanted to come back here because in the heat of the discussion it's 
easy to forget what you are actually discussing about.

I think you wanted to make the point that it's possible to fix MoGo that 
it considers all moves in the UCT tree, and this scales to perfect play.

This in turns means that the scaling results are to be considered a 
lower bound.

One thing I want to point out to that is that fixing MoGo in the sense 
described could mean that its curve is a lot lower.

The question is if the curve would have a different steepness. For sure 
it cannot actually flatten out at the same point!

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is MC-UCT really scalable against humans?

2008-01-27 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

David Fotland wrote:

This is an odd idea.  When computers started beating people in chess, humans
did not abandon the game and change to some other similar game.  Why do you
think go players would stop playing go when computers get strong?

At some point human players playing computers started demanding that the 
computers did not use endgame databases or opening books, on the premise 
that these were an unfair advantage for the computers. Demands from the 
computer teams for a lobotomy in the memory lobe of the humans were not 
met, because that was considered a silly demand.

I believe the last few matches were with pawn odds.

I thought that in shogi, the reaction to strong computers was: you're 
not allowed to play them anymore, otherwhise someone might disgrace the 
human race.

Humans *really* dislike losing.

But so do game programmers :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Some thoughts about Monte Carlo

2008-01-18 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 So I wouldn't be surprised at all if at some point you'll see a
 marriage of the best ideas of traditional Go programs and Monte-
 Carlo / UCT. In fact, this is most likely already happening as these
 Monte-Carlo programs use algorithms / ideas from the traditional
 programs for tactics, pattern-matching and possibly others.. And I go
 out on a limb to predict that at some point heavy playouts will use
 information like territory, eye-space and group-strength to guide
 their playouts just like the traditional programs do. And that
 using fixed 3x3 patterns will be a passing fad.

You don't even have to go out on a limb ;-)

One detriment to this is still that increasing the strength of playouts
does not make them necessarily better.

This might cause a schism in the kind of information that is needed
between classical approaches and Monte Carlo. So I do not think both
approaches will totally converge.

 This comes to my first point. Optimizing early in a project is like
 listening to the devil. It eats up a lot of time, the visible
 progress is gratifying but in the grand scheme of things it's not all
 that important to do early. I implemented it using pseudo-liberties
 because... uh, well, because that's what everyone seemed to be doing
 to get high numbers of playouts per second. But I already start to
 doubt using pseudo-liberties are all that useful. Is anybody still
 using pure-random playouts for anything? As soon as you start to do
 anything more, pseudo-liberties are pretty useless.

I agree here, and I made the same mistake.

 But the speed of the random playout becoms less and less important
 with heavy playouts.

This I don't understand at all. The improvement curve for being
faster isn't different with heavy than with light playouts.

 Next I was thinking about another subject that got some attention on
 this list, the mercy rule. It seems to save about 10% in the number
 of moves per game (on 19x19) and result in about 20% gain in
 performance. This discrepancy is most likely due to the fact that the
 administration, whether using pseudo-liberties or real, is much
 slower towards the end of the game because you have more moves that
 merge chains. And those 10% moves it saves are of course always at
 the end. So is it relevant? I don't know whether heavy playouts will
 be slower towards the end of the game or not. Possibly yes, as more
 moves made will have a small number of liberties that will need
 tactical analysis. I'd say that generally reducing the move-count is
 a good thing whichever method one uses. Possibly at a later stage
 more sophisticated methods can be developed to abort a game early.

Possibly the mercy rule is a premature optimization just like psuedo-
liberties :-)

 Next I allowed suicide only for White.

You allowed single-stone suicide too, I guess? This is obviously bad
since it will happen constinously near the end of an MC playout.
It will be like one side is forced to pass 50% of the time and the
other side not.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-18 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

John Fan wrote:

If we are talking about real suicide, I do not see any point to allow 
the real suicide in the play out. What would be the gain if we allow the 
real suicide in the play out. 

The answer to this question has been given at least 3 times:


It can take time to disallow a certain kind of move.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Some thoughts about Monte Carlo

2008-01-18 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Mark Boon wrote:

On 18-jan-08, at 12:01, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

But the speed of the random playout becoms less and less
important with heavy playouts.

This I don't understand at all. The improvement curve for being 
faster isn't different with heavy than with light playouts.

I see I didn't word this very clearly. I mean the speed of updating
the administration during playout, like liberties or pseudo-liberties
becomes less important.

I agree.

No, I did not allow single-stone suicide for either side as I see no
 reason to allow it and it would lead to lots of potential problems
(like many board repetitions). Just allowing multiple-suicide for
White is enough to push up Black's winning percentage that much.

Thanks for the info. I guess I need to retest to see if the tradeoff I 
made still makes sense.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-16 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
 Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

   Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

 I hadn't even considered suicide.(It would be a major change for me,
 as neither my Gui nor my board system allow such moves.)

 The question is Why do you do it?

 a. Just in case you wanted the entire program to support suicide go


 b. Because that has some advantage as a random playout.

 If it was b, can anyone explain why suicide is a better evaluation for
 a normal (non suicide) game.

None of the above!

There are no advantages to allowing suicide, it is simply expensive for me
in terms of speed to forbid it in playouts. If this is not the case for
your board structure then you will probably want to forbid suicide.

Leela does not allow suicide in the GUI and the engine itself will also
never suicide in games.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-16 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

terry mcintyre wrote:

That key play might even have been discouraged by some pattern.

MoGo probably does not allow self-ataris. If you do not allow self-atari 
you cannot see such a shape is dead.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 No wonder it plays so well at 9x9, because the max length of playout is
 81, it can 'see' what the board look like when the game ends.

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.

On a 2.2Ghz Athlon64, I get about 10 000 playouts/second, at an
average of 100 moves per game this is 1 million updates/second.

There are many programs that are much faster. On the same hardware
libego would be about 6 million updates/second.

19 x 19 is a bit slower, because strings are bigger on average.

 This also explains that when I read the games MoGo against GNUGo, toward
 end of the game, GNUGo would play PASS, but MoGo would continue to play at
 some very uncommon positions that a normal player would never consider.

Pass behaviour has little to do with the playouts themselves.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 Playing randomly like that shouldn't work, but when you play Mogo et al,
 you see that intelligent behaviour emerges.

 Although interesting, I would hardly call that 'intelligence' :-)

Ah, the traditional flamewar topic: the definition of intelligence
shifts whenever a computer achieves what was formerly considered

 And I suspect how far it can achieve on 19x19 board (compare to human
 players of course).

Perfect play, no need to suspect anything. The real question is how far
humans are away from that :-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Harri Salakoski wrote:

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.
Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout 
quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?

Is that studied subject for almost random playouts.

Another thing, do you include random moves for playouts, after some 
number of playouts or when there is K number empty points or using 
some other way.

I play until there are only moves that put stones into a real eye, and 
then pass 2 times. I described my exact playout policy a few posts ago.

Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

Light playouts (i.e. just random moves) were about as long, if I 
remember correctly the average playout length was 104 moves or so.

It's good practise to measure this regularly over say 1 million games. 
Sometimes you will find that the average shifts at a moment you didn't 
expect it = Oops, introduced a bug :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Rémi Coulom wrote:

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

I do not track liberties, so the speed penalty for doing it that way is 
too much.

I wrote my program to track psuedoliberties because this is very fast 
and I thought I could take a lot of shortcuts and early exits when I had 
to know the real amount of liberties.

Unfortunately the interesting cases seem to be the ones that don't allow 
for the shortcuts.

I am now convinced designing the program with psuedoliberties was a mistake.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto


Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is more 
likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling rule.

- Dave Hillis


Particularly near the end of the game there are zillions of bad single 
stone suicides, but not often multi-stone suicides.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Christoph Birk wrote:

On Jan 15, 2008, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is 
more likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling 

- Dave Hillis

I don't understand why anyone would allow suicide in playouts. No commonly
used (in particular CGOS) ruleset allows it.

Passing is not allowed in chess. Yet nullmove is quite popular.

There is no reason to follow the rules during playouts. If playing 10 
moves at once made my program stronger, I would do just that.

...and yes, I did try that.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] handicap for mogo against pro ?

2008-01-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

But with the type of scoring that MC does (where we optimize for winning
percentage over score) it's more difficult to construct go problems.
You have to construct them so that you LOSE the game if you don't play

the right move, but if you do play it you win the game.

Life  death problems of large groups are a good start.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] handicap for mogo against pro ?

2008-01-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Hideki Kato wrote:

No.  Remember UCT is a sequential algorithm.  Parallelizing UCT make 
playouts ineffective.  Increasing the number of threads and/or 
communicating delay decreases the effectiveness of the playouts.  With 
my experiments on a symmetrical threads implementation on a four core 
SMP system, winning rate against GNU Go decreases from 50.4+-1.1% 
to 46.7+-1.1%, which corresponds to -25 ELO, where 1.1% are the 
standard deviations [1].

This just shows that this SMP implementation has no *effective* speedup, 
but probably a effective slowdown. And so a loss of ELO is expected.

I clearly stated what I meant by effective:
How much faster you find the correct move. Not interesting is: how many 
positions you search per second or how many playouts you do per second.

The fact that parallel UCT is not the same as serial UCT does not change 
anything at all with the above definition. Either it finds good moves 
faster, and hence is stronger, or it does not.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] handicap for mogo against pro ?

2008-01-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Hideki Kato wrote:

What is correct move?  It has sense only for some artificial 
problems or very limited positions, and so, it cannot evaluate total 
performance of a program.

This is true, but we are interested in search performance. So, it makes 
sense to evaluate on those positions where the search makes the 
difference, no?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] handicap for mogo against pro ?

2008-01-12 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Don Dailey wrote:

It's not very clear to me how strong Mogo is at 19x19.   I have no idea.

Can't we estimate from KGS games?

You'd need to know exactly how fast the hardware is, of course.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] handicap for mogo against pro ?

2008-01-12 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Olivier Teytaud wrote:

Also, there are probably other people interested in combining
UCT and mpi; I don't know if some people have a more precise idea
of the level of the MPI+UCT combination than us. Someone ?

MPI is just a parallel programming model/library, right?

So the only thing to know is the effective[1] speedup of the MPI 
version, and how well UCT scales with increasing timecontrols/speed.

I believe Don has data on the latter and you should have data on the former.

[1] How much faster you find the correct move. Not interesting is: how 
many positions you search per second or how many playouts you do per second.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] handicap for mogo against pro ?

2008-01-12 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Michael Williams wrote:

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

Olivier Teytaud wrote:

Also, there are probably other people interested in combining
UCT and mpi; I don't know if some people have a more precise idea
of the level of the MPI+UCT combination than us. Someone ?

MPI is just a parallel programming model/library, right?

So the only thing to know is the effective[1] speedup of the MPI 
version, and how well UCT scales with increasing timecontrols/speed.

I believe Don has data on the latter and you should have data on the 

[1] How much faster you find the correct move. Not interesting is: how 
many positions you search per second or how many playouts you do per 

Not exactly, because the algorithm is probably not going to be exactly 
the same -- that would require too much communication between nodes.

So what? That is not relevant, as long as the algorithm is still 
UCT-like even when parallelized, so that Don's scaling research holds.

How they parallelize is completely irrelevant as long as they measure 
effective speedup, i.e. time to find the best move. There is absolutely 
no requirement for the parallel algorithm to give the same results. Only 
the (average) speed of the end result matters.

If you know how much faster you are, and you know how much stronger you 
get by being faster, you have the answer. Both data is available.

Also good is: score versus a set opponent, or even better, set of opponents.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] How to design the stronger playout policy?

2008-01-05 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Yamato wrote:

I guess the current top programs have much better playout policy than
the classical MoGo-style one.

The original policy of MoGo was,

(1) If the last move is an Atari, plays one saving move randomly.
(2) If there are interesting moves in the 8 positions around the
last move, plays one randomly.
(3) If there are the moves capturing stones, plays one randomly.
(4) Plays one random move on the board.

I (and maybe many others) use it with some improvements, however it
will be not enough to catch up the top programs.

What improvements did you try? The obvious one I know are prioritizing 
saving and capturing moves by the size of the string.

Zen appears quite strong on CGOS. Leela using the above system was 
certainly weaker.

Then I have tested a lot of change of probability distributions, but
it was very hard to improve the strength.

Any comments?

I had the same problem, i.e. it seems almost impossible to improve the 
MoGo system by having a different pattern set for interesting moves, 
or even by varying the probability of interesting moves by pattern score.

I tried 2 things:

a) I exctracted about 5000 positions with a known winner (determined by 
UCT) from CGOS games, and measured the Mean Square Error of the result 
fof my playouts against the known result (also described in one of the 
MoGo papers). Then I applied a genetic algorithm to optimize the playout 

This worked, in the sense that the MSE measured over the 5000 positions 
dropped. However, it did not produce a stronger program! I found that 
somewhat shocking.

It makes me doubt the value of the MSE measure.

2) I made a simple genetic algorithm that makes a random pool of a few 
hundred playout policites, picks 2 random parents and crossovers/mutates 
to 2 children, plays a 10 game match between the 2 children with 
simulations = 100, and then keeps the winner.

This did not produce anything interesting either. My best guess is that 
the match results are simply too random.

So I did not found any way to automatically optimize the patterns.

I finally improved my playouts by using Remi's ELO system to learn a set 
of interesting patterns, and just randomly fiddling with the 
probabilities (compressing/expanding) until something improved my 
program in self-play with about +25%. Not a very satisfying method or an 
exceptional result. There could be some other magic combination that is 
even better, or maybe not.

I now got some improvement by merging the (1) (2) (3) in the MoGo 
system and using probabilities on that. It makes sense because the 
playouts wont try hopeless saving moves, for example.

What is so frustrating is that the playouts are essentially black magic. 
  I know of no way to automatically determine what is good and not 
besides playing about 500 games between 2 strategies. The results are 
very often completely counterintuitive. There is no systematic way to 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] How to design the stronger playout policy?

2008-01-05 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Yamato wrote:

I finally improved my playouts by using Remi's ELO system to learn a set 
of interesting patterns, and just randomly fiddling with the 
probabilities (compressing/expanding) until something improved my 
program in self-play with about +25%. Not a very satisfying method or an 
exceptional result. There could be some other magic combination that is 
even better, or maybe not.

I also have implemented Remi's Minorization-Maximization algorithm.
But I could not find how to use the result of it to improve the strength.

Would you explain the details of the playout policy?

(1) Captures of groups that could not save themselves last move.
(2) Save groups in atari due to last move by capturing or extending.
(3) Patterns next to last move.
(4) Global moves.

I quantize the MM pattern scores to 0..255 by multipying them with a 
large constant and clipping. This causes the very good patterns to 
have close scores. I then use a threshold so I do not play the very bad 
patterns at all. The remaining moves are played with the probabilities 
indicated by the quantized values.

I also throw away very bad moves in phase (4) unless there are no 
alternatives. This gives a small but measurable improvement.

But now I believe all the above is actually flawed. With this system I 
will play bad saving moves even if there are great pattern moves. It 
might be that your ladder detection avoids these problems somewhat.

Considering the probabilities of all moves as Crazy Stone does avoids 
this problem.

I am now trying to get a similar effect without incrementally updating 
all urgencies.

Do you use only 3x3 patterns?


I have not tried bigger ones. For size = 4 the tables would become 2 x 
16M. Might be worth a try.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] CGOS 19 is stuck

2008-01-04 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Chris Fant wrote:

CGOS 19 is has been stuck for a while now.

At the bottom of the page, it says Many Faces is in a game, but does
not show it as currently playing at the top of the page.  Perhaps the
problem is related to a bot leaving near the time a round is

I guess Oliver isn't running the watchdog script that Don created?

Any progress on CGOS 19x19?

It appears to have been stuck for 2 weeks now?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] low-hanging fruit - yose

2008-01-04 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Rémi Coulom wrote:

In Crazy Stone (maybe that is the case of MoGo, too), nakade is such a 
big problem because the program avoids playing self-atari in playouts. 
Crazy Stone will play the self-ataris anyway, but with a low 
probability, so they are played at the end of the playout only. In case 
there is a semeai around the nakade, this behaviour generates awful 
evaluation errors.

Don't you miscount all sekis as well? At the end of the game the 
self-atari is the last move left, you play it, and you lose.

The self-atari/seki/nakade isssue is for me one of the biggest pains
with playouts.

If you do not allow self-atari, sekis are OK, but you do not understand 
life  death in many simple situations.

If you allow self-atari, you misjudge sekis.

Misjudiging sekis seems to be preferable in terms of playing strength. I 
think one is alternately miscounting the seki for both sides in the 
playouts, so the effect is not so bad.

The biggest problem is with scoring games. Humans have problems if you 
cannot understand simple LD situations or claim their stones in seki 
are dead.

The solutions I could come up with so far are:

a) Don't allow self-ataris until the game is passed out and you are 
lost. This can handle seki and nakade. The problem is that you are still 
miscounting, even though it shouldn't change the winner. Unfortunately, 
it seems to make the program weaker.

b) Do not play self-ataris for big groups. Maybe big should be 
determined experimentally. I would guess at 4. I think I remember Remi 
saying that Aya does this and it caused a loss at UEC Cup? Haven't tried 
it myself.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has struggled with the same 
problem. Particularly if you solved it :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Please have your bot resign, for your own good

2008-01-04 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

steve uurtamo wrote:

It was my understanding that the netlag to the Philippines was about
380 ms; accounting for an additiaonal 15% packet loss and we end up
at about 440 ms.

i think that it works out to roughly double that because of the protocol, right?

Yes, the server sends out the move and starts your clock immediately.
You need 1 ping time to see the move and start calculating. After you
move, there's an additional ping time to get the move to CGOS.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] How does MC do with ladders?

2007-12-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Jason House wrote:

 MoGo uses TD to predict win rates.  

Really? Where did you get that information?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] How does MC do with ladders?

2007-12-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Jason House wrote:

 The paper introduces RAVE and
 near the end talks about using heuristics for initial parameter
 estimation.  The heuristic they used was based TD.

Ah, you're talking about RLGO. RLGO was trained with TD, but MoGo itself
doesn't use TD (directly).

There are posts from Sylvain and David here that the latest MoGo's use a
simpler and faster heuristic which works just as well.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] New engine? From a Chess programmer perspective.

2007-12-04 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
 Mogo is around 2500 on CGOS:

This implies you believe the ratings didn't shift over time.

The MoGo team has worked for 5 months and gained...-200 ELO.

Same phenomenon.

 In Amsterdam, ajahuang (kgs 6d) played a few games against MoGo on 9x9,
 and won them all. This can be seen in his history on KGS.

That's a good data point which would drop the estimate a few ranks.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] FPGA to Hardware

2007-11-25 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Joshua Shriver wrote:
 FPGA boards are expensive

How many gates do you need?

It's not because the eval boards you find everywhere are expensive that
FPGA's are. Low-cost ones go from 10 to 70 USD depending on the gate
count. A bargain compared to an ASIC solution as long as the quantities
are below tens or hundreds of thousands.

What does your VHDL do and what frequency would it synthesize at on a
common FPGA?

Or was this all a hypothetical question?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] KGS: Sending game comments

2007-11-13 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Petr Baudis wrote:
   is there any way to send game comments through kgsGtp on your own
 (without the opponent triggering you)?

I think some possibility to send messages would be great. I could swear
I saw MogoBot do this, but I couldn't find anything in the KGSGtp

The message I would want to print out most is This bot will resign by
itself if it's lost. If it does not resign in a losing position, the
status of some groups is not clear, and should be played out, or there
are still some winning chances. It will pass when it thinks it has won.

What I've seen several times is that the game gets passed out in the
middlegame with a large fight almost resolved (in disfavor of the bot,
except that it doesn't understand that sometimes). My bot will only pass
out when this wins in the count, so this usually ends up in scoring
dispute and an annoyed human. I guess people are aking to interpret
pass as resign when they are winning, but the program's intention is
directly the opposite in this case.

   Also, it could be interesting if the experimental bots could print the
 winning probability for each move they play in free games.

Most bots are unranked and hence most games are free, so I'm not sure
this is a good idea. Knowning the winning percentage gives you an
advantage and can also be very annoying.

Being able to broadcast a message to all spectators minus the opponent
would be better. This is whispering on the chess servers. No idea if
KGS has something similar.

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