Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-12-01 Thread Larry Sacks
So I'm supposed to go to some guys blog otherwise I can't complain?  I
thought that's why I voted in real elections, not put some topics up on a

You think your responsibilities begin and end with your casting a vote? 

Do these 'responsibilities' involve something about how it's time to be 
patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get 
America out of the rut?  

Well then just say Baa.

Just who is saying baaa?

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-12-01 Thread Steve Rigby

On Dec 1, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Larry Sacks wrote:

Well then just say Baa.

Just who is saying baaa?

  The Simpson's TV show was running their episode yesterday  
spoofing and poking fun at Apple Corp., Apple users, Steve Mobs and  
all things Apple and Macintosh.  Pretty damn funny stuff and good  
parts of it were spot on.


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-12-01 Thread Jeff Wright
 I see you did not read my entire response. How convenient.

Convenient?  Like...WAL-MART?

And don't forget their low, low prices!

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-12-01 Thread mike

A good if not anecdotal article about the world of mobile web.  The results
in this test aren't surprising with iPhone's browsing at the top and IE for
WM at the bottom.  Anyone who has used WM with IE knows it's akin to having
your eyes scratched out by a wombat.  The more interesting bits are the
phones in between iPhone and WM, this might be of use to those about to pick
a new phone.


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-30 Thread mike
So you have a crystal ball and it tells you they will judge the other way.
The difference is in our position, not our process in reaching a
conclusion.  Perhaps out of pessimism you've chosen the side of big business
as the winner.  I'm not saying EFF will win the case, I'm advocating who I
think should win with what facts we know now.

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually that's you.  The iTunes database file isn't part of the
 least that's the argument put forth.  The difference is you are on the
 of the guys in suits with the big stick beating us all up.  Big surprise
 guys with the clubs are Apple and you agree with them.

 The argument you cite is the one that EFF says they are going to make to
 the judge. Maybe you think you have a crystal ball that tells you how the
 judge will rule, but until there is a definitive ruling in the real world
 the topic is out of bounds. Most people do not skirt the law, especially
 in areas that are known to be litigation prone.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-29 Thread Tom Piwowar
How do you know what other people know, or don't know?  How do you know what
you know and how do you know it is correct?  Do you think you've somehow
managed to discover that one thing that everyone else has missed that
refutes the entire theory of comparative advantage?

In lalaland instead of discussing issues head on we ask bizarre 
metaphysical questions about what the meaning of is is. Yes it is true, I 
have no way to know that you really exist. You could be one big 
nightmarish hallucination.

I don't accept your view because it does not lead to anything useful and 
I don't think your asking the question is anything more that a cheap 
debating tactic, which wastes all our time. It is as simple as that.

We know what we know about consumer behavior through many years of 
behavioral research and continuing observation. From this we have learned 
that sheepherding is easy.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-29 Thread Tom Piwowar
Walmart and corporations like that don't want you to have freedom of 
choice. They simply want to lie, and steal from you. Does the DMCA 
require proper labeling of electronic entertainment media?


Debased products are rarely marked as such. The notices on movies on TV 
and airlines are there only because the filmmakers insisted on it. iTunes 
usually lists two versions, marked clean and explicit. 

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-29 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

That is very similar to radio version and explicit.

A radio version is one that passes the FCC test for language.

Remember George Carlin's seven words?

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you cannot 
pick your friends nose.


At 10:11 AM 11/29/2008, you wrote:


Debased products are rarely marked as such. The notices on movies on TV
and airlines are there only because the filmmakers insisted on it. iTunes
usually lists two versions, marked clean and explicit.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-29 Thread Jeff Wright
 I don't accept your view because it does not lead to anything useful
 and I don't think your asking the question is anything more that a cheap
 debating tactic, which wastes all our time. It is as simple as that.

Asking questions is now a cheap debating tactic?  Is your worldview so
tenuous that it crumbles when exposed to the merest of inquiries?

You don't accept it because it doesn't accept your ridiculous claims of
psychic knowledge of other people's knowledge, intents and actions, when, in
fact, you are simply pulling things out from your ass to support your own

It doesn't get any cheaper than that.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Ralph
We still have two local dairy queens, and a smatering of other stores...

Why do Dairy Queens seem to thrive only in small southern towns?  Evey
time I have reason to drive through the Carolinas, I look forward to
spotting the first exit with a Dairy Queen, so I can get a Blizzard
along with filling my gas tank :-)

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread mike
We have em all over Arizona too.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Ralph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We still have two local dairy queens, and a smatering of other stores...

 Why do Dairy Queens seem to thrive only in small southern towns?  Evey
 time I have reason to drive through the Carolinas, I look forward to
 spotting the first exit with a Dairy Queen, so I can get a Blizzard
 along with filling my gas tank :-)

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Make sure you support your local CarbonONset programs!

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Matthew Taylor


The issue here is freedom of two business corporations (or a  
corporation and individual in the rare case of the unincorporated  
artist significant enough to warrant space on the shelves) to  
contract.  No one would dream of telling a store they must sell a  
particular pattern or wallpaper, or a particular book or movie.   
Neither would it be acceptable for the government to tell an artist  
that they must make wallpaper, books, or movies to a specific artistic  
standard.  A store is free to sell (subject to health and safety  
rules, etc.) what in their opinion will allow them to maximize  
profits, or to choose to not maximize profits where such would  
conflict with a more important (to the store) goal (which see Chick  
Fil'A which will not open on Sundays).  An artist is free to produce  
and sell, in one or multiple versions, a work of art for whatever  
motivates them.  It could be profit, it could be a desire to spread a  
message, it could be pure ego.

In the case of Wal-mart, two parties strike a deal for what one will  
sell via the other.  If either is not satisfied, they are free to seek  
other partners.

Regarding Newspapers and such, sure, Wal-mart can tell the Washington  
post to produce a stress free fish wrap.  The Post is free to stay no  
and decline to sell via Wal-mart.  They are not free to demand that  
Wal-mart carry their fish wrap as is.

For the record, I do not support the notion of corporate personhood.   
I think a corporate entity should have no rights other than, and all  
rights that adhere to, the individuals comprising the corporate  
entity.  I don't think you and I together should either loose or gain  
rights should we act in concert.


On Nov 26, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their
store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a
marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an
edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to
sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.

I think you mix up freedom for people vs freedom for corporations. I
think one of the biggest mistakes of the radical right is the belief  

corporations should have the same rights as individuals. It leads to
individual rights getting trampled because the powers of  
corporations are

so much greater.

Allowing Walmart to censor video content is one example. If Walmart is
allowed to do that, what is to stop them from telling newspapers what
stories they are allowed to cover and what their editorials should be?
E.g. We don't want news about the /war/poor economy/greedy  

to upset our customers.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Matthew Taylor
As long as they are authorized by the artists they are legit.  Many  
artists release more than one version of a recorded work, be it music,  
video, whatever.  Any deception if it exists is on the part of the  


On Nov 26, 2008, at 3:40 PM, Richard P. wrote:

Are the edited versions indicated as such or are they passed off as
the real and original recording? If the edited versions are being
passed off as original, then that is deception.

Richard P.

Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their  
store to
provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a marketing  
that for them works.  No one is forced to make an edit and Walmart  
is not
forced, nor should any store be forced, to sell what they do not  
wish to


Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM  

near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered  

the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the
good/interesting/controversial parts out of the movies and music  
they sell.

Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Jeff Wright
 Ahh, so dismissive of Palin's people. If you don't know what it's like
 to live in a community where a Wal-Mart forces the closing of many of
 the local businesses, then stick with something you might know
 something about.

Either those local stores were providing value to their customers or they 
weren't.  If they were, then they should still be in business.  It's not magic.

As a rule in my job, I stay away from the large multi-national companies for 
vendors, unless there is no real option.  I buy small and local for my services 
and consulting.  To these businesses,  I'm a real person, not just a number in 
a massive database.  The owners of the small consulting business I use know me 
personally and take an interest in my operations.

I shop at a small grocery store in my area, Sniders and eschew Giant and 
Safeway as much as possible.  Sniders is family owned and well run.  They have 
local high school kids that bag and help you out to the car.  The store is 
small and they don't carry everything I need, but I like shopping there, as 
they provide value to me.  If their prices were substantially higher than the 
larger stores (they're usually significantly lower) and the store not as well 
run, I wouldn't bother with them. 

I generally don't like shopping at Wal-Mart as I find their stores to be shabby 
and dirty and not particularly well stocked; lots of holes on the shelves.  
They're good for kid's clothing, but not much else.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Jeff Wright
 Walmart did not drive anyone anywhere.
 What has happened is that in many small communities the merchants
 have been so used to doing what they please they were not ready to
 compete against Walmart.

Giant Food and their local union, UFCW 400, colluded few years back to have
the Monkey County, MD county council pass a law outlawing some of their
competition.  They obviously greased enough palms to make sure that no store
with greater than 100,000 square feet is able to open and sell groceries in
the county. 

Oddly, Wal-Mart, a notoriously non-union store, was the only chain at the
time to be affected.  But, we get to pay more for our groceries, as a
result, just the same.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
Giant Food and their local union, UFCW 400, colluded few years back to have
the Monkey County, MD county council pass a law outlawing some of their
competition.  They obviously greased enough palms to make sure that no store
with greater than 100,000 square feet is able to open and sell groceries in
the county.

Many communities view a store greater than 100,000 square feet with the 
same enthusiasm as they would view a toxic waste dump. (And some 
communities think a toxic waste dump would be just fine.)

What a huge greedy corporation can do is give you close to zero options 
as they undermine the local and national economy. They pay a sub-living 
wage and require their poor workers to work additional unpaid hours off 
the books. They don't provide realistic health insurance so local 
hospitals are flooded with the very sick uninsured. This also stresses 
community health services and burdens local governments. That raises your 
taxes. Meanwhile they don't pay taxes because they were granted tax 
concessions based on their false claims of good jobs and prosperity 
(after the concessions end they close the store and move to another 
town). They buy almost everything from China, causing US manufacturers to 
close and putting US workers out of work. They sell shoddy goods that 
wear out way too quickly, making them a poor buy even at their low 
price. They poison our children with toxic chemicals in toys and in food. 

There's more. I'm just tired of typing.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
What's this nonsense about servitude and morality?

Some people find corporate greed and abuse to be a desirable quality.

I just read that managers at some Swiss banks are giving back bonuses 
they received in previous years because it is now clear they were 
undeserved. What a concept!

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
Either those local stores were providing value to their customers or they 
weren't.  If they were, then they should still be in business.  It's not 

The problem us that buyers don't have full knowledge of what they are 
buying and what the true value of that product is. They don't know that 
it will wear out very quickly. They don't know that it contains toxic 
chemicals that will poison them. They don't know that it contains 
protein subsituites that have no nutrutional value and may even be 
toxic. They don't know that the merchant pays no local taxes. They don't 
know that the merchant shifts many of its costs to the local community. 
They don't know about the US jobs that have been lost due to the actions 
of that merchant. They don't know that it drives up the balance of 
payments and makes the dollar weak. They don't know about the energy 
burned and the pollution caused by shipping the goods from very far away. 
Etc, etc.

They don't know that what they are buying at that store is really very, 
very expensive.

As a rule in my job, I stay away from the large multi-national companies 
for vendors, unless there is no real option.

I commend the rest of what you wrote.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
There is no DRM on the library, try again, Tom.

You are just making up stuff to keep an argument going? Wasting 
everyone's time?

As a way of protecting the link between iPods, iPhones and the iTunes 
music store databases stored on those devices, Apple began employing a 
hashing algorithm late last year which masked transactions between a 
device's database and the music store. It meant iPods could only conduct 
transactions through iTunes using Apple's software. All fine, as iTunes 
is available free for Mac and PC - but there's no version for Linux.

The iTunesDB file is the database index that iPod operating systems use 
to keep track of what playable media is on the device. Unless an 
application can write new data to this file, it can't sync music (or 
other content) to iPods, and this is what the hash prevented.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
I don't think you and I together should either loose or gain  
rights should we act in concert.

You have blinders on.

My corporation challenges you (individual) to a total cage fighting 
match. I, as a corporation, will have my staff with me.

That's the problem. It is a highly asymmetric situation being regulated 
as if the situation were symmetric.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Jeff Wright
 The problem us that buyers don't have full knowledge of what they are
 buying and what the true value of that product is. They don't know that
 it will wear out very quickly. 

How do you know what other people know, or don't know?  How do you know what
you know and how do you know it is correct?  Do you think you've somehow
managed to discover that one thing that everyone else has missed that
refutes the entire theory of comparative advantage?

Either your Magic 8-Ball is extra magic or you simply think that everyone
else is quite stupid.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread b_s-wilk

 When Apple sells something at the iTunes store, they tell you up front
 that it has DRM. Walmart doesn't label their music or movies to tell
 you that there are significant parts missing from the products. You don't
 know until the package is open and not returnable.

Does Apple really tell you that or do you have to dig to find out that info?
I ask this seriously having never bought anything from iTunes.  Does it
present a box that says briefly states that music you are buying is crippled
(in so many words) or is buried in an ULA?

Apple sells its iTunes music in a protected format, unless you buy the 
DRM-free iTunes Plus versions. Terms of Service/Sale links explaining 
this in detail can be found at the bottom of the iTunes store pages. If 
you don't read that or articles about iTunes, that's your problem. At 
least the information is there.

OTOH, Walmart doesn't label the discs they sell in the store as being 
different from those sold a legit stores like FYE or Sam Goody. I like 
the local independent stores when they can survive.

Walmart is the kind of store that moved into my town, which had enough 
healthy stores that had been serving the community for some time, and 
sold their goods below cost for well over a year. Few business can 
compete with stores that can afford to lose money for several years 
until the competition goes out of business, but that's Walmart's 
business plan. Then Walmart sells inferior, improperly labeled goods at 
higher prices, since there's few left to compete, plus they get tax 
breaks, and their employees get state medical aid and food stamps 
because their wages are too low to live on. Honest businesses can't 
compete with that, so we're stuck with two Walmarts and not much else. 
Now we have to drive to Delaware to shop to avoid Walmart. It's a very 
bad company.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
Hey, had you been paying attention to Tom all along, you would know
this is not just some guy's blog.  Barack reads this!  I was
thoroughly chastised for having doubted!

Back in the old days I do know that the Computer Guys were playing on 
White House radios. I once made a negative on-air comment about and the station was promptly called to be informed that it 
had already been fixed.

Obama will have some interesting things to say tonight when he is 
interviewed by Barbara Walters. He doesn't want to give up his 
crackberry. He is looking for ways to lessen a President's isolation from 
the real world. Alas, I don't think this List would help with that -- too 
many of our members are living in lalaland. Baa.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
So I'm supposed to go to some guys blog otherwise I can't complain?  I
thought that's why I voted in real elections, not put some topics up on a

You think your responsibilities begin and end with your casting a vote? 
Well then just say Baa.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
Just because Apple asserts this is the case doesn't make it the case.

All that I have read on the matter confirms this and I have read with 
particular interest because of this List. The DMCA prohibits speech about 
circumvention. That is why we don't allow that here. It is just about the 
only thing we don't allow here.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread Tom Piwowar
Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free.  The
near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some of
the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

Jealousy may be causing them to try sticking it to Apple.

I wonder if Apple will figure a way out of this trap.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread mike
Do you have any urls about the matter?

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just because Apple asserts this is the case doesn't make it the case.

 All that I have read on the matter confirms this and I have read with
 particular interest because of this List. The DMCA prohibits speech about
 circumvention. That is why we don't allow that here. It is just about the
 only thing we don't allow here.

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Make sure you support your local CarbonONset programs!

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-28 Thread mike
Must just be your walmart, the few times I've looked at cds...never bought
any, I've seen the versions the artists were selling there were radio
versions.  This is also marked clearly on their website, not burried in a
EULA at the bottom of a page.


On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 6:12 PM, b_s-wilk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OTOH, Walmart doesn't label the discs they sell in the store as being
 different from those sold a legit stores like FYE or Sam Goody. I like the
 local independent stores when they can survive.

 Walmart is the kind of store that moved into my town, which had enough
 healthy stores that had been serving the community for some time, and sold
 their goods below cost for well over a year. Few business can compete with
 stores that can afford to lose money for several years until the competition
 goes out of business, but that's Walmart's business plan. Then Walmart sells
 inferior, improperly labeled goods at higher prices, since there's few left
 to compete, plus they get tax breaks, and their employees get state medical
 aid and food stamps because their wages are too low to live on. Honest
 businesses can't compete with that, so we're stuck with two Walmarts and not
 much else. Now we have to drive to Delaware to shop to avoid Walmart. It's a
 very bad company.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-27 Thread Jordan

Matthew S. Taylor wrote:
Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their 
store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a 
marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an 
edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to 
sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.



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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-27 Thread Jeff Wright
 When Apple sells something at the iTunes store, they tell you up front
 that it has DRM. Walmart doesn't label their music or movies to tell
 you that there are significant parts missing from the products. You don't
 know until the package is open and not returnable.

Does Apple really tell you that or do you have to dig to find out that info?
I ask this seriously having never bought anything from iTunes.  Does it
present a box that says briefly states that music you are buying is crippled
(in so many words) or is buried in an ULA?

 You can't have consensual transactions leading to any kind of freedom
 when the vendor is hiding important information from the buyers. That's
 called fraud. Buyers need to know that the products are as advertised
 or labeled.

Agreed for the most part.  But yet, you know this and still manage avoid
Wal-Mart's products.  You are still able to buy elsewhere.

 What's this nonsense about servitude and morality?

Morality or ethics has no role to play in the above?  Greater knowledge
_always_ leads to greater freedom?  I don't disagree with the spirit of your
statement, but the utility is a different matter.  There can be so much
knowledge available to sort through that it's rendered it moot.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-27 Thread Jeff Wright
 Apple does not have a history of doing such things unless under duress.

That Apple won't allow anyone to legally virtualize OS X on *any* system is
just another massive coincidence.

Mind you, Apple is free do anything they want with their products or set up
any business model they want, as far as I'm concerned.  I think they're not
all that smart for making such a decision, but it's not my place to set
policy on its behalf.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-27 Thread Jordan
Ahh, so dismissive of Palin's people. If you don't know what it's like 
to live in a community where a Wal-Mart forces the closing of many of 
the local businesses, then stick with something you might know something 

Jeff Wright wrote:

Actually you are not. In many communities WalMart is the only option.
WalMart drove everybody else out of business.

I would argue that these communities already had one foot on the commerce
banana peel if this is all it took.


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-27 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Walmart did not drive anyone anywhere.

What has happened is that in many small communities the merchants 
have been so used to doing what they please they were not ready to 
compete against Walmart.

I happen to live in one of those communities of what you 
speak.  (14K, next closest town, 25 miles 50K, Montgomery is 90 miles north)

When I moved here, Walmart had just added their grocery store.  We 
had Walmart, Winn-Dixie, Super Sav and Grocery Outlet.  (The last two 
local stores.)  Winn Dixie was gone within two years.  Victim of 
their own problems.  (Their prices were substantially higher.)  There 
had been another grocery store in town but it lasted only a brief 
time.  (Again a chain that ended up shrinking not expanding and then 
selling out)

The other two locally owned grocery stores are still going strong.

We still have two local dairy queens, and a smatering of other 
stores.  We have one men's clothing store in town and he moans all 
the time about Walmart.  Problem is I cannot afford to shop at his 
store, a pair of slacks cost $50 and up.  (way out of my price range)

The starting wage at most places around here is minimum wage.  When 
merchants price their merchandise outside the capacity of the 
consumer to buy it, they shut their doors.  Am I happy with the 
grocery store at my local Walmart?  NO!  I will not buy meats there, 
and it does not sell some lines I prefer.  So I go to the other 
grocery stores in town and buy my stuff.

But here is another factor in the mix.  All I have to do is drive 20 
miles to the south and I have even more choices for grocery shopping, 
and since I am down there at least once a week, plus the chain 
department stores are there, I can shop even more.  That is what has 
killed local merchants.  Too many choices and a lot of competition.

One of the biggest mistakes many local merchants made was to compete 
directly against Walmart.  Stupid.  Find a niche and fill 
it.  Walmart does not do a lot of things well, or great, so beat them 
at their own game.

By the way I know all about competition.  I am a very small fish in a 
very large market down here.  I have to compete against every other 
church and we are not the flavor of the month.  We could simple close 
our doors, change our style to be like everyone else, or do what we 
do best and stick around.  (Guess which model we chose)


At 06:40 PM 11/26/2008, you wrote:
Did you know that airlines regularly edit movies that get shown on 

Yes some people do object to such editing. I think this is an example of
something that is right on the edge of wrong or right. Airlines are not
in the business of selling movies to passengers (at least not yet). You
don't book a flight based on the movie. The movie is an incidental
diversion provided as an accommodation.

You are free to shop wherever you want.

Actually you are not. In many communities WalMart is the only option.
WalMart drove everybody else out of business.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-27 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall
I would suggest changing the word force, to give them little 
option.  No one can force me to do anything.  I do it of my own free 
will.  Now do they have an effect on the local economy and the local 
merchants, I think that is a valid and provable fact.  (there have 
been studies that have shown it.)

In many cases they leave some local merchants who make it only 
because they have a captive audience little choice but to shut their 
doors, or loose their shirts.  In other cases, they take out the last 
brick that was holding up a shoddily run enterprise.  It is not universal.

In the example I showed earlier of my local situation, they helped 
take out the last brick of a Grocery Company (Winn-Dixie) that had a 
lot of problems.  The grocery business is a low mark-up high volume industry.

(By the way Walmart is not the only offender here, Super Targets and 
Super K-Marts are found in a number of locations and have the same 
effect, however Walmart has the lions share of those super stores.)


At 05:11 PM 11/27/2008, you wrote:
Ahh, so dismissive of Palin's people. If you don't know what it's 
like to live in a community where a Wal-Mart forces the closing of 
many of the local businesses, then stick with something you might 
know something about.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
Apple's attempt to quash an effort to help the latest iPods and iPhones
work with non-Apple software such as the Linux operating system is out of
line, the Electronic Frontier Foundation said Tuesday.

1) Apple is asserting that the DMCA prohibits these programmers from even 
speaking about circumventing DRM. Note that this has been the policy on 
this list for a long time. Also, note that I think this stinks, but it is 
the law. Maybe this will change as so many demagogic grafters have been 
voted out of office. Have you put down your marker against the DMCA at If not, don't complain.

2) What Apple is doing really stinks. They are applying DRM to the entire 
song database, not to just individual songs whose owners require DRM. 
This is is far worse than just dissing Linux. Such DRM will prevent 
3rd-party software from accessing the media files on the iPod. 

One big problem I have with this is that a DRMed iPod is no longer a good 
backup for the music you have on your hard drive. Several times I have 
helped recover music collections off of iPods. This will preven that. 
(Curiously, I see that iPod drives seem to fail less often than desktop 
disk drives.)

It also has Apple applying DRM to any non-DRM content I put on such an 
iPod. I see this is a killer feature. I would not buy an iPod with such 
draconian DRM.

While I do think that Apple should resist DRM more vigorously, their 
problem is a roadblock set up by the RIAA and MPAA and probably the NAB 
too. They won't let their content onto iPods unless Apple applies 
draconian DRM. So Apple can't move their media players to higher forms of 
content unless it applies the DRM they demand.

If the sheeple continue to buy iPods, even after they have such DRM, then 
the RIAA and MPAA win. If DRMPod sales drop and competing player sales 
increase or sales of the first DRMPod models are poor then there will be 
counter pressure for Apple to do the right thing.

I think there is a better chance of getting Apple to change course than 
there would be for most companies. A lot depends on what the sheeple do. 
I do not have a lot of faith in the sheeple.

We can all help by getting the word out about the DRMPod.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
So I'm supposed to go to some guys blog otherwise I can't complain?  I
thought that's why I voted in real elections, not put some topics up on a

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Have you put down your marker against the DMCA at If not, don't complain.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
Just because Apple asserts this is the case doesn't make it the case.  It
seems pretty straightforward and the problem lies with the cost of defense
concerning this wiki site.  How even if they are 100% in the right, fight a
company with as much money and lawyers as Apple?  The truth isn't even
allowed to come out in this case, it's simply run over by a truck with an
Apple logo.  Perhaps at some point the whole truth will come out about his

Apple chooses to DRM non copyrighted content, it's not forced to by

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) Apple is asserting that the DMCA prohibits these programmers from even
 speaking about circumventing DRM. Note that this has been the policy on
 this list for a long time. Also, note that I think this stinks, but it is
 the law. Maybe this will change as so many demagogic grafters have been
 voted out of office. Have you put down your marker against the DMCA at If not, don't complain.

It also has Apple applying DRM to any non-DRM content I put on such an
   iPod. I see this is a killer feature. I would not buy an iPod with such
   draconian DRM.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread John Emmerling
Hey, had you been paying attention to Tom all along, you would know
this is not just some guy's blog.  Barack reads this!  I was
thoroughly chastised for having doubted!

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:19 AM, mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So I'm supposed to go to some guys blog otherwise I can't complain?  I
 thought that's why I voted in real elections, not put some topics up on a

 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Have you put down your marker against the DMCA at If not, don't complain.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Steve Rigby

On Nov 26, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

I think there is a better chance of getting Apple to change course  
there would be for most companies. A lot depends on what the sheeple  

I do not have a lot of faith in the sheeple.

  Part of the problem with the public, the sheeple if you will, is  
that we generally do not know or understand the difference.  We, the  
public, mostly think that completely DRMed content is just the way it  
is and has to be.  We, the public, have no desire to fight against  
what is perceived to be the defacto standard.  We, the public, are  
getting quite used to being pushed around.


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free.  The
near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some of
the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Steve Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 26, 2008, at 10:25 AM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

  I think there is a better chance of getting Apple to change course than
 there would be for most companies. A lot depends on what the sheeple do.
 I do not have a lot of faith in the sheeple.

  Part of the problem with the public, the sheeple if you will, is that we
 generally do not know or understand the difference.  We, the public, mostly
 think that completely DRMed content is just the way it is and has to be.
  We, the public, have no desire to fight against what is perceived to be the
 defacto standard.  We, the public, are getting quite used to being pushed


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread b_s-wilk
 Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free. 

 near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some of
 the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the 
good/interesting/controversial parts out of the movies and music they sell.

Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like Walmart.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Matthew S. Taylor
Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their  
store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a  
marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an  
edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to  
sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.


On Nov 26, 2008, at 2:31 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

 Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM  
free.  The
 near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered  
some of

 the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the good/interesting/ 
controversial parts out of the movies and music they sell.

Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like  

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
Actually Walmart doesn't edit anything.  They sell the music the artists
edit themselves.  Blame the artistsand you can blame them for the DMCA
as well.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:31 PM, b_s-wilk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free.
  near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some of
  the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

 Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the
 good/interesting/controversial parts out of the movies and music they sell.

 Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like Walmart.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their  
store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a  
marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an  
edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to  
sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.

I think you mix up freedom for people vs freedom for corporations. I 
think one of the biggest mistakes of the radical right is the belief that 
corporations should have the same rights as individuals. It leads to 
individual rights getting trampled because the powers of corporations are 
so much greater.

Allowing Walmart to censor video content is one example. If Walmart is 
allowed to do that, what is to stop them from telling newspapers what 
stories they are allowed to cover and what their editorials should be? 
E.g. We don't want news about the /war/poor economy/greedy corporations/ 
to upset our customers.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Richard P.
Are the edited versions indicated as such or are they passed off as
the real and original recording? If the edited versions are being
passed off as original, then that is deception.

Richard P.

 Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their store to
 provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a marketing decision
 that for them works.  No one is forced to make an edit and Walmart is not
 forced, nor should any store be forced, to sell what they do not wish to

  Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free.
  near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some
  the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

 Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the
 good/interesting/controversial parts out of the movies and music they sell.

 Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

How often do you fly?

Did you know that airlines regularly edit movies that get shown on airplanes?

One of the reasons is that their customer base is really wide.

Some stuff is just not appropriate for certain people.

If that is what their customer base wants let them sell it.  Does 
that mean I have to buy from them?

I prefer to buy from Amazon not Walmart.

You are free to shop wherever you want.  Walmart appeals to a 
different customer base.


At 02:25 PM 11/26/2008, you wrote:

I think you mix up freedom for people vs freedom for corporations. I
think one of the biggest mistakes of the radical right is the belief that
corporations should have the same rights as individuals. It leads to
individual rights getting trampled because the powers of corporations are
so much greater.

Allowing Walmart to censor video content is one example. If Walmart is
allowed to do that, what is to stop them from telling newspapers what
stories they are allowed to cover and what their editorials should be?
E.g. We don't want news about the /war/poor economy/greedy corporations/
to upset our customers.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
Do you have any urls about the matter?

Yet, efforts to exercise those rights increasingly are being threatened 
by section 1201 of the DMCA, which created the new crime of 
circumvention. Section 1201 (a)(1), for example, prohibits unauthorized 
access to a work by circumventing an effective technological protection 
measure used by a copyright owner to control access to a copyrighted 
work. Because the law does not limit its application to circumvention for 
the purpose of infringing a copyright, all types of traditionally 
accepted activities may be at risk. Any action of circumvention without 
the consent of the copyright owner is made criminal.

These examples of the content community successfully threatening and 
hauling into court individuals seeking to exercise traditional free 
speech rights demonstrate how the DMCA is flawed, and has tipped the 
copyright balance in a damaging way against traditional fair-use rights.

-- Rep. Rick Boucher Ninth Congressional District, VA.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
I think the radical left has it mixed up.  50 Cent could have said [EMAIL 
to walmart and not edited his album.  Period.

Not sure why I threw in the radical left, but then I'm not sure why you
brought up the radical right.  I'm starting to think with the sense you are
making lately, that you are actually Keith Olbermann in Tom Piwowar's body.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their
 store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a
 marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an
 edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to
 sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.

 I think you mix up freedom for people vs freedom for corporations. I
 think one of the biggest mistakes of the radical right is the belief that
 corporations should have the same rights as individuals. It leads to
 individual rights getting trampled because the powers of corporations are
 so much greater.

 Allowing Walmart to censor video content is one example. If Walmart is
 allowed to do that, what is to stop them from telling newspapers what
 stories they are allowed to cover and what their editorials should be?
 E.g. We don't want news about the /war/poor economy/greedy corporations/
 to upset our customers.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM free.
 The near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered some
 of the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

What I don't understand is why anyone would buy Apple's crippled music in
the first place.  I never did.  I would buy CDs, most often used, and rip
them instead of using iTunes.

I've found Amazon's music store more than adequate for my needs and I can do
any damned thing I want with the music.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 I think you mix up freedom for people vs freedom for corporations. I
 think one of the biggest mistakes of the radical right is the belief
 that corporations should have the same rights as individuals. It leads to
 individual rights getting trampled because the powers of corporations
 are so much greater.
 Allowing Walmart to censor video content is one example. If Walmart is
 allowed to do that, what is to stop them from telling newspapers what
 stories they are allowed to cover and what their editorials should be?
 E.g. We don't want news about the /war/poor economy/greedy
 corporations/ to upset our customers.

Tom seems to be confused on the notion of consenting adults freely engaging
in commerce with one another.

As Matthew already explained, quite clearly I thought, Wal-Mart is free to
make any demand it wants regarding the products and services it sells.
Providers of said products and services are free to agree or tell Wal-Mart
to take stick it in a sunless repository.

Customers are free to consume Wal-Mart's offerings or take a pass and buy

Everybody wins.  Wal-Mart is free to conduct business however they see fit
and consumers are free to shop wherever they please, including Wal-Mart
competitors.  However, this sort of arrangement generally annoys the nanny
types among us, who believe that they are the Poppins reincarnated and know
better than everyone else.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Miles
	I'll admit, I've found Amazon to be great and is now my default for  
buying just about everything online. I've found beating the prices on  
Amazon difficult, unless I waste my time (which is money) to do so.

Jeff M

On Nov 26, 2008, at 9:46 AM, mike wrote:

Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM  
free.  The
near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered  
some of

the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
The problem is, the wiki site wasn't circumventing DRM.  Apple sent a lawyer
swat team over holding briefcases of lies so they could strong arm a site to
do their bidding.  I'm not arguing the right or wrong of the DMCA, but the
fact that this doesn't even fall under the DMCA.  The wiki site simply
doesn't have the money to spend all the time in court it would take to prove
that...providing they didn't get a judge that still thought rotary phones
were cool.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you have any urls about the matter?

 Yet, efforts to exercise those rights increasingly are being threatened
 by section 1201 of the DMCA, which created the new crime of
 circumvention. Section 1201 (a)(1), for example, prohibits unauthorized
 access to a work by circumventing an effective technological protection
 measure used by a copyright owner to control access to a copyrighted
 work. Because the law does not limit its application to circumvention for
 the purpose of infringing a copyright, all types of traditionally
 accepted activities may be at risk. Any action of circumvention without
 the consent of the copyright owner is made criminal.

 These examples of the content community successfully threatening and
 hauling into court individuals seeking to exercise traditional free
 speech rights demonstrate how the DMCA is flawed, and has tipped the
 copyright balance in a damaging way against traditional fair-use rights.

 -- Rep. Rick Boucher Ninth Congressional District, VA.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Miles
	The way I've heard and read about this bit of history is the night  
club owners started buy screwing the artists out of pay. This  
continued with the record labels screwing the artists out of  
royalties, then the artists screwing the labels back, who passed the  
love on to the vendors, who of course passed all this wonderful stuff  
on to the consumer.

Jeff M

On Nov 26, 2008, at 11:48 AM, mike wrote:

Actually Walmart doesn't edit anything.  They sell the music the  
edit themselves.  Blame the artistsand you can blame them for  
the DMCA

as well.


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:31 PM, b_s-wilk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Walmart and Amazon both have significant libraries that are DRM  

near monopoly Apple has(d) on digital tunes seems to have angered  
some of

the record companies and they have struck better deals elsewhere.

Walmart is DRM free? Sure. They also edit all the
good/interesting/controversial parts out of the movies and music  
they sell.

Evil store. Better to get rid of DMCA than to rely on vendors like  

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 Maybe this will change as so many demagogic grafters have been
 voted out of office. 

Do you mean the bill signed into law by the last Democratic administration,
which the current one seems to be intent on stuffing his administration full
of its leftovers?  Have faith, brother, have faith.

 One big problem I have with this is that a DRMed iPod is no longer a
 good backup for the music you have on your hard drive. Several times I
 helped recover music collections off of iPods. This will preven that.
 (Curiously, I see that iPod drives seem to fail less often than desktop
 disk drives.)

Don't depend on your iPod as your backup.  I know I don't.

 2) What Apple is doing really stinks. They are applying DRM to the
 entire song database, not to just individual songs whose owners require
 This is is far worse than just dissing Linux. Such DRM will prevent
 3rd-party software from accessing the media files on the iPod.

For once, you and I are in complete agreement.

 While I do think that Apple should resist DRM more vigorously, their
 problem is a roadblock set up by the RIAA and MPAA and probably the NAB
 too. They won't let their content onto iPods unless Apple applies
 draconian DRM. So Apple can't move their media players to higher forms
 of content unless it applies the DRM they demand.

Apple: **wink-wink**  We're doing this because the bad people _make_ us do
this, not because it forces iPod owners to use our business model, which is
a locked-down vertical stove-pipe just by sheer coincidence.  **wink-wink**

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread b_s-wilk

Not strictly true.  They require artists who wish to sell via their
store to provide edited versions.  Nothing evil about it, just a
marketing decision that for them works.  No one is forced to make an
edit and Walmart is not forced, nor should any store be forced, to
sell what they do not wish to sell.  Freedom is a two way street.

Knowledge--not censorship--leads to freedom.

For a long time Walmart and other vendors sold edited music and videos 
unlabeled. Buyers didn't know that they were getting damaged goods. 
Walmart forced artists to edit their material to allow them to sell at 
Walmart. These goods need to be labeled for what they are. Sometimes 
Walmart still forgets to do that. Walmart is too big a market for many 
artists to ignore, so they accept the blackmail which forces them to 
provide inferior goods, or go out of business.

Walmart and corporations like that don't want you to have freedom of 
choice. They simply want to lie, and steal from you. Does the DMCA 
require proper labeling of electronic entertainment media?

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Steve Rigby

On Nov 26, 2008, at 2:48 PM, mike wrote:

Actually Walmart doesn't edit anything.  They sell the music the  
edit themselves.  Blame the artistsand you can blame them for  
the DMCA

as well.

  I have to essentially disagree with that last sentence.  Most  
musical artists are pretty much an unknown lot who just scrape by.   
Only a relative few hold any real sway over the industry and rake in  
mucho dinero, but all artists who are under contact are pretty much  
at the will and whim of the record company to whom they are  
contracted. In other words, they don't call the shots, although many  
who do make it to the top wind up liking the money and the perks and  
will go along with the game plan quite willingly.  A few do fight the  
power and might succeed in that to lo one degree or another.


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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
The problem is, the wiki site wasn't circumventing DRM.

It was discussing it. Under DMCA merely doing that is a crime.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
As Matthew already explained, quite clearly I thought, Wal-Mart is free to
make any demand it wants regarding the products and services it sells.
Providers of said products and services are free to agree or tell Wal-Mart
to take stick it in a sunless repository.

There you go. Thank you for proving my point. 

Providers are in no position to resist WalMart. A great example of this 
is what WalMart did to RubberMaid. WalMart kept making demands until 
RubberMaid collapsed and was liquidated. (What you see in stores today 
labeled RubberMaid is just the name, sold off as one of the company's 

Customers are free to consume Wal-Mart's offerings or take a pass and buy

After all the stores in the community were put out of business by 
WalMart? Sure.

You live in lalaland.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
What I don't understand is why anyone would buy Apple's crippled music in
the first place.  I never did.  I would buy CDs, most often used, and rip
them instead of using iTunes.

Yep. I have Apple Store gift cards that sit unused because the terms are 
so unappealing. If I want music I buy a DRM-free disc.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
Not sure why I threw in the radical left, but then I'm not sure why you
brought up the radical right.  I'm starting to think with the sense you are
making lately, that you are actually Keith Olbermann in Tom Piwowar's body.

Can't respond with logic so just make a personal attack.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
I respond in kind with you Mr. Piwowar, you are the king of personal attacks
on this list.  I bow to the master.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not sure why I threw in the radical left, but then I'm not sure why you
 brought up the radical right.  I'm starting to think with the sense you
 making lately, that you are actually Keith Olbermann in Tom Piwowar's

 Can't respond with logic so just make a personal attack.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
No, it wasn't. This is what I was talking about, you simply buy what Apple's
lawyers are selling.  The site said they were going after the itunes library
file, not anything to do with the DRM.  Does your mac fan boi baaa sound
anything like the WFB baaa?  I would suspect so, both tools for the man!


On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem is, the wiki site wasn't circumventing DRM.

 It was discussing it. Under DMCA merely doing that is a crime.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Miles

I would have considered that a compliment, not an attack.

Jeff M

On Nov 26, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Not sure why I threw in the radical left, but then I'm not sure why  
brought up the radical right.  I'm starting to think with the sense  
you are
making lately, that you are actually Keith Olbermann in Tom  
Piwowar's body.

Can't respond with logic so just make a personal attack.

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Don't be humble... you're not that great.

Golda Meir

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Chris Dunford
 It was discussing it. Under DMCA merely doing that is a crime.

I don't think so. They weren't trying to crack the DRM, just the library
database. In other words, they weren't trying to get at the tunes, just the
-list- of tunes. I admit to not having read the DMCA in its entirety, but
I'd be pretty surprised if this was covered.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
No, it wasn't. This is what I was talking about, you simply buy what Apple's
lawyers are selling...

The List's policy in this regard has been around for years. Find my write 
up at If anything Apple is following me. Baa baa.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
What are you talking about?  You just keep buying...I've seen enough sheep
to known when I see one, Tom...baabaa.   Keep backing up that DMCA, keep
spreading your FUD.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, it wasn't. This is what I was talking about, you simply buy what
 lawyers are selling...

 The List's policy in this regard has been around for years. Find my write
 up at If anything Apple is following me. Baa baa.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 There you go. Thank you for proving my point.

Your point was...that you don't have one other than tin-foil hattery?

 You live in lalaland.

What aisle is that on at Target?  I think I saw it for sale on Amazon once,
but they didn't have free shipping, so I passed.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 Knowledge--not censorship--leads to freedom.

Knowledge leads to more knowledge.  It might lead to servitude if the wrong
parties gain access to the wrong knowledge.  Knowledge without a moral or
ethical code to guide it is just data.

Self-important and self-appointed meddlers keeping their noses out of other
people's consensual transactions leads to greater freedom, among other

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 After all the stores in the community were put out of business by
 WalMart? Sure.

You should notify the Department of Buggy Whips and Candle Makers about such

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
Did you know that airlines regularly edit movies that get shown on airplanes?

Yes some people do object to such editing. I think this is an example of 
something that is right on the edge of wrong or right. Airlines are not 
in the business of selling movies to passengers (at least not yet). You 
don't book a flight based on the movie. The movie is an incidental 
diversion provided as an accommodation. 

You are free to shop wherever you want.

Actually you are not. In many communities WalMart is the only option. 
WalMart drove everybody else out of business.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Tom Piwowar
I don't think so. They weren't trying to crack the DRM, just the library
database. In other words, they weren't trying to get at the tunes, just the
-list- of tunes. I admit to not having read the DMCA in its entirety, but
I'd be pretty surprised if this was covered.

Then be surprised.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread Jeff Wright
 Actually you are not. In many communities WalMart is the only option.
 WalMart drove everybody else out of business.

I would argue that these communities already had one foot on the commerce
banana peel if this is all it took.

Ted Stevens can tell you about this series of tubes that is driving a good
portion of commerce today.

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread b_s-wilk

Knowledge leads to more knowledge.  It might lead to servitude if the wrong
parties gain access to the wrong knowledge.  Knowledge without a moral or
ethical code to guide it is just data.

Self-important and self-appointed meddlers keeping their noses out of other
people's consensual transactions leads to greater freedom, among other

When Apple sells something at the iTunes store, they tell you up front 
that it has DRM. Walmart doesn't label their music or movies to tell you 
that there are significant parts missing from the products. You don't 
know until the package is open and not returnable.

You can't have consensual transactions leading to any kind of freedom 
when the vendor is hiding important information from the buyers. That's 
called fraud. Buyers need to know that the products are as advertised or 

What's this nonsense about servitude and morality?

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Re: [CGUYS] EFF chastises Apple

2008-11-26 Thread mike
There is no DRM on the library, try again, Tom.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Tom Piwowar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think so. They weren't trying to crack the DRM, just the library
 database. In other words, they weren't trying to get at the tunes, just
 -list- of tunes. I admit to not having read the DMCA in its entirety, but
 I'd be pretty surprised if this was covered.

 Then be surprised.

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