Re: [Cooker] gdm problem -- gdmlogin

2000-04-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

Daouda LO wrote:

 Eugenio Diaz a écrit :

  The program gdmlogin, from the last gdm release
  segfaults, rendering gdm useless. Solved it by
  upgrading to the gdm from helix. You guys should
  really consider just using the Helix packages for
  Mandrake, since I have noticed KDE has more priority
  here, and gnome does not get updates as often.

 that's wrong ! We are currently doing that ! But we have to test those helix
 package deeper as they come from CVS and have bugs  .

 Coming up

  Eugenio Diaz, BSEE/BSCE, Inc.
  1001 N. Lake Destiny Rd., Suite 125
  Linux Engineer  Maitland, FL 32751
  Tel.: (407)475-1130
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax:  (407)475-1128
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.

 | Daouda LOemail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 | MandrakeSoft SA|
 | working on KDE-Gnome interoperability. |

yes but I think what he is trying to say like I am trying to say, let the helix
team do the testing, and let us use the product. It is a very slick install, and
the update procosess makes life easier. we are trying to say we want to be able
to double click on the helix update util and have it update our gnome


[Cooker] PPP conection....

2000-04-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

I have posted previously about the ppp conection problem I beleave, a
long long time ago before 7.0 was released .. the problem presisted in
7.0 and sitll prosists in cooker, the problem being is that on boot up
it displays starting ppp conection, and then says failed after it is
diled and connected, it is connected and the conection works, so it is
cosmetic, but i would like to see the bootup with out seeing the big red
failed? any chance we can fix this problem??

also I'm not sure about now, but as of a week ago after installing
cooker, i installed ppp from the drakconf during the install, first
there was no option to make it start on boot, wich needs to be there in
the install scripts, secound the conection would not work till i went it
linuxconf and edited the configuration, in linuxconf the name of the
conection was in where it says pap login, and there was no password set
even though in /etc/ppp/pap-secrects it was set corectly, after setting
the pap username and password, it changed the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 so that the configuration name
was set to the login name instead of what the confiuartion name was, but
it now connects and functions normaly, what's going on here?


Re: [Cooker] Helix

2000-04-11 Thread Lord And Master;)

Daouda LO wrote:

 ArMiSiS AiEoLn a écrit :

  Ive grabed it and was hopeing to see it in mandrake SOON! It ROCKS!!! and i
  havent had ANY BUGS

 We've packaging most of the packages from helix : Stuffs are in cooker .
 Some packages (gnome-core 1.1.5) are not very stable to be included in the distro!

  On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, you wrote:
   I am probably telling you all something that is very old news !
   Please bear with me, I live in the UK where we still pay for Internet access
   and I only have a 56K modem !!!
   Any way, has any one else grabbed the latest output from the Helix people. It's
   GOOD !
  LINUX - Why?
  Cause I dont do windows

 | Daouda LOemail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 | MandrakeSoft SA|
 | working on KDE-Gnome interoperability. |

Unmm the gnome-core 1.1.5 is not but the later versions are much more stable, and fyi
the gnome-core is the whole reason for using the new helix rpms!!

imho! though. but it is manly what has been changed except for a few minor bug fix
updates in the other stuff. We WANT the bleeding edge!


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Gnome

2000-04-11 Thread Lord And Master;)

Steve Fox wrote:

 Daouda LO wrote:
  Andreas Simon a écrit :
   are there any chances to have gnome-core and gnome-applets
   of the (BTW very very stable) 1.1 branch included in Cooker?
   The Helix packages do not support the new menu system of
  Yes , should be done soon! We must see if there are stable .
  Ok , i'll take a look ASAP!

 I've been runnin gnome-1.1.x since 1.1.1 (which was buggy) but ever
 since 1.1.[5|6] its been solid as a rock. I'd say go ahead an distribute
 them! Helix already has Mandrake RPMs available as a starting point
 (yes, real ones now, not just the RedHat ones copied over).


 Steve Fox

fyi the gdm from the latest helix code stuff solves the problem with the X
server disalowing it to access the server.

and the new helix stuff is AWSOME! I think i would perfer that cooker just
put the helix rpms into it/help them with theres so we have the update
utility at our hands to help us out instead of hacking the rpms to our
tastes and then haveing to redo it over and over again every time there is
an update..

leave gnome to them!  idea people?


[Cooker] cooker install as of Sat apr 05 7:45 am

2000-04-08 Thread Lord And Master;)

I reinstalled this morning and much to my dismay i am having a dissiing
amount of problems.

problem one. no sound!! , sndconfig is now defunct? and missing from the
cooker distrib. lorthar/kudzu dose NOT detect my AWE 64 .. sndconfig
detected the card perfect and installed the modules correctly.

problem two, /usr/bin/esd* needs to be chmod a+x in order for a lot of
the gnome sounds and enlightement sounds to function correctly as a
normal user.  this is not a new problem , but a persistant one , as soon
as I log in I must imidetly chmod a+x /usr/bin/esd*

problem three during the install after deslecting a lot of the "groups"
(expert install/server) no matter how many i desslect it still clamins
that the install will take 2047 megs and complains that it will attempt
to contiue but not all the packages will be able to installed due to
disk space limitations.. once in the package selction , everything goes

problem four , I must reiderate that we need to replace qt 2.0.1 with qt
2.1 , as licq is the only program we use that requires qt 2. (besides
kde 2 (wich needs 2.1 as well) and there is just no reson to contuie to
use the 2.01 since it causes some serious and minor bugs to apear in
licq !

problem five apon bootup , i have no X, gdm attempts to start, and then
imiedtly shuts down over and over again, after getting the machine into
runlevel 3, i started X manuly and descovered that X is deniing gdm
access to the display 0.0 invalid magic cookie... cookies! hehe. but non
the less it has rendered gdm unsusalbe, and I am unable to get to
function no matter how much i play with the X/gdm/xdm configuration
problems, asl i noticed that on starting gnome-session manualy I get the
following error msg's,tcp/

Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: Permission denied
Xlib:  extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib:  extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".
getting servant data 0x81f24c0 from window 0x81c0a18
GNOME Help-DEBUG: CORBA user exception:

Note the Xlib erros. i get something to that affect i do beleave also
when starting gdm only it is to do with the securitiy or something like

problem five on boot up i recieved and error msg about the httpd server
starting with ssl, no such file or directory or something to that
affect, I installed the ssl mods (acroding to the instalation anyway. so
there is a prolly a configuration problem when doing the

problem six using linuxconf now , when you exit and ask it to display
changes it has to do , it crashes and brings up the gnome crash dialog
box, (simply aplying changes dose not crash it)

the installation was as I stated before done under expert, (hd.img)
server instalation, packages were installed using package selection
screen, with auto deps unchecked (so it would display the information
about what it was installing.. btw I love that new option!!)  securtity
level normal(medium?) was chosen, using X 4 server that comes with the
distrib, no modifiactions except for custom XFree86config-4 file, though
it was haveing problems before this was used. X was set to start at
boot, though it is now running in level 3 , to get around the gdm
problem.. I will attempt to install kdm now and get back to you on
wherether or not that functions. (no kde programs are currently
installed except for kdesu (for the mandrake dekstop options.. hey guys
why don't we use gsu for the gnome desktop instead?? )


[Cooker] umm.. we have a problem .. licq 81 in cooker...

2000-04-06 Thread Lord And Master;)

you have included licq version 81 in cooker but the version of qt you
have in cooker is 2.01 this is the wrong version, 81 (non cvs) requires
build qt2.1 beta 3 or later.  cvs version of licq requires 2.1 beta 4.
can we PLEASE kill 2.01 rpms from cooker as they are not used by any
program (not to mention there is 2.02) and replace them with qt 2.1 or
just add them in addtion, the 2.1 rpms in contrib would work well as
they are installed in a sepreate dir..


[Cooker] licq 81

2000-04-06 Thread Lord And Master;)

and btw uninstaling the qt201 rpms that are in cooker and install the qt
2.1 beta 3 rpms in contrib solve the black background

problem solved


[Cooker] qt 2.1 rpms

2000-04-06 Thread Lord And Master;)

the contrib rpms work well except they need to add the lib dir to the so that they are found in the lib path:)


Re: [Cooker] umm.. we have a problem .. licq 81 in cooker...

2000-04-06 Thread Lord And Master;)

geoffrey lee wrote:


 licq does not have a problem. :-) i'll explainw hy.

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 11:43 AM
  To: Linux-cooker
  Subject: [Cooker] umm.. we have a problem .. licq 81 in cooker...
  you have included licq version 81 in cooker but the version of qt you
  have in cooker is 2.01 this is the wrong version, 81 (non cvs) requires
  build qt2.1 beta 3 or later.  cvs version of licq requires 2.1 beta 4.

 no it doesn't. i got 0.81 to build on qt 2.0.1. i didn't even have to add
 any "it won't compile on qt 2.0.x" hacks. however if you use 2.0.1, wordwrap
 will be broken.

  can we PLEASE kill 2.01 rpms from cooker as they are not used by any
  program (not to mention there is 2.02) and replace them with qt 2.1 or
  just add them in addtion, the 2.1 rpms in contrib would work well as
  they are installed in a sepreate dir..

 well for now you can snag the src rpm and install qt2.1 and recompile ...of
 cousre the directory of qt 2.1 will ha0ve to be right. just specify it in


didn't have to recompile just removed the 2.01 and installed the 2.1 and the
backgrounds came back and the close problem goes away..

acoridn to the licq list yes it dose for it to work corectly.


Re: [Cooker] umm.. we have a problem .. licq 81 in cooker...

2000-04-06 Thread Lord And Master;)

geoffrey lee wrote:

  didn't have to recompile just removed the 2.01 and installed the
  2.1 and the
  backgrounds came back and the close problem goes away..

  acoridn to the licq list yes it dose for it to work corectly.

 yeh i know, that's why i said that if you use qt 2.0.x is going to cause
 some problems ,b ut mainly it will be fine if you arent too concerned with
 the little problems coming up here and there. i don't have a p4roblem with
 licq 0.81 and qt 2.0.x ..

 i'm not really sure how licq was compiled in cooker since i didnt' compile
 it, lenny did. but when i used 2.0.x to compile, everything worked fine
 except for word wrap. that's only available in 2.1.

 i can't support your motion to move 2.1 to main right now since my licq is
 working fine ..

 at least 2.1.x is available in contrib...


Ok I have a question.. why are we still using 2.01 ? what is that needs it?
i'm confused on to it's purpose since the 2.1 is needed by both licq and kde


Re: [Cooker] gnome stuff..

2000-04-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

Steve Fox wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" wrote:
  hey i have a couple questions for the list..
  I am trying to compile gnome-core-1.1.7 and it is missing the capplet
  library, i am unable to find it anywhere in the gnome libs or gtk
  anything that i have serached comes up negitive. any ideas?
  gdk-pixbuf-devel in cooker is missing a few files .. take a look at the
  difs from the one that is with the gnome-helix distrib

 The capplet library comes from the control-center package...make sure
 you have control-center-devel installed.

 1.1.7...that's old! ;0) ( was released today)


 Steve Fox

COOL.. found it now:) looking in the wrong places lol. I now have an rpm of
that version.. btw when are we getting the rest of the gnome-helix stuff
into cooker?

oh and the licq 81 packages are messed up.. the qt plugin is fine except for
the fact that it now kills the proram compleetly when closing instead of
just shuting it down into the dock icon (licqwharf) the gtk plugin is
missing the pixmaps dir (it is installed from the licq-data, but is still
not accesable from the plugin nor is any of the icons put into the dir for
the gtk-gui. note all works well with the manualy compiled and the rpms from
the licq site so something is messed up with the mandrake specific version.


[Cooker] gnome stuff..

2000-04-04 Thread Lord And Master;)

hey i have a couple questions for the list..

I am trying to compile gnome-core-1.1.7 and it is missing the capplet
library, i am unable to find it anywhere in the gnome libs or gtk
anything that i have serached comes up negitive. any ideas?

gdk-pixbuf-devel in cooker is missing a few files .. take a look at the
difs from the one that is with the gnome-helix distrib


Re: [Cooker] cooker and licq

2000-03-24 Thread Lord And Master;)

"Sergio P. Korlowsky" wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" wrote:

  I have noticed that cooker is still using licq version 75.3a version
  80.0 is out and has many many new features, and they have aslo fixed the
  spec file so it compiles correctly now (with out munkieing with the
  configure scripts.) we need qt 2.1 and 80 in cooker, it is very stable
  and has multi person chat as well as a lot of other features.

 I noticed licq latest releases uses qt-2.02

 I can find 2.1x but were is qt-2.02?

 Thnaks for the info...
 I am still using licq that came with mdk-7.02


.80 dose not use 2.0.2 anymore at all and now requires 2.1 it states right on
the licq webpage.


Re: [Cooker] cooker and licq

2000-03-24 Thread Lord And Master;)

geoffrey lee wrote:

 Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
  "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   what problems maybe I can help?
  the /usr/lib/ stuff, configure of licq search (via nm) the
  symbols of qt2 but /usr/lib/ come from qt1.4 by default on
  mandrake (this should be a AUTOMAKE fix).

 but i  never had any's working great for me...

  MandrakeSoft Inc
  In Travel --Chmouel


 cat EOF


 snail talk (geoff), master linux system administrator ;-)


the problem is that the checks for qt look for and not so it will fail if there in the same dir, you have to have
the qt in a seperate dir with a ln to the qt2 libs etc. for the
configure and automake scripts in licq to work.


Re: [Cooker] cooker and licq

2000-03-24 Thread Lord And Master;)

geoffrey lee wrote:


  the problem is that the checks for qt look for and not so it will fail if there in the same dir, you have to have
  the qt in a seperate dir with a ln to the qt2 libs etc. for the
  configure and automake scripts in licq to work.

 i have got licq 0.80 to build on my system with no problems. i just needed
 to make one patch (for configure.)

 i got it to build with qt 2.0.x, no problems.

 i have proof of this, because i'm using it on my systm right now. anyone
 looking for the 0.80 binary package? ;-)



I am using it here as well, I had not checked the bug with configure yet in
that version as I'm now using the qt2.1 libs


Re: [Cooker] cooker and licq

2000-03-23 Thread Lord And Master;)

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I have noticed that cooker is still using licq version 75.3a version
  80.0 is out and has many many new features, and they have aslo fixed the
  spec file so it compiles correctly now (with out munkieing with the
  configure scripts.) we need qt 2.1 and 80 in cooker, it is very stable
  and has multi person chat as well as a lot of other features.

 it will be the last version we still have some problems which need to
 be fixed.

 MandrakeSoft Inc
 In Travel --Chmouel

what problems maybe I can help?


Re: [Cooker] FYI: Licq -- segmentation fault occurring

2000-03-19 Thread Lord And Master;)

David Carvalho wrote:

 Gary DeMontigny wrote:
  CPT KIDD wrote:
   Licq -- segmentation fault occurring  on all my linux machines.
   I can execute and log-in and all contacts in the icq menu will show but
   apperantly something's up with the icq server.  I think it's checking to see
   what o/s one is using and then if it's "Linux" it will crash (i.e. seg fault
   and close).
  I am having the same problem here.  It loads the contact list and shuts down.  
Very odd.

 Same thing here. Both in mdk air as on an slackware box with Licq
 compiled from the source. VERY extrange. It's seeming to be a
 server-side issue.

I am on the licq list and it was solved late last night you will have to use prolly 
today or
tomrrows snapshot of the cvs tree.. it is something that mirribleis did on there end 
to mess
with us i'm sure, witht he fix though all is back to normal. fyi the version included 
air is very outdated and decrepit compared to the latest cvs versions wich have 
chat etc.


[Cooker] Licq latest versions

2000-03-19 Thread Lord And Master;)

"Lord And Master;)" wrote:

 David Carvalho wrote:

  Gary DeMontigny wrote:
   CPT KIDD wrote:
Licq -- segmentation fault occurring  on all my linux machines.
I can execute and log-in and all contacts in the icq menu will show but
apperantly something's up with the icq server.  I think it's checking to see
what o/s one is using and then if it's "Linux" it will crash (i.e. seg fault
and close).
   I am having the same problem here.  It loads the contact list and shuts down.  
Very odd.
  Same thing here. Both in mdk air as on an slackware box with Licq
  compiled from the source. VERY extrange. It's seeming to be a
  server-side issue.

 I am on the licq list and it was solved late last night you will have to use prolly 
today or
 tomrrows snapshot of the cvs tree.. it is something that mirribleis did on there end 
to mess
 with us i'm sure, witht he fix though all is back to normal. fyi the version 
included with
 air is very outdated and decrepit compared to the latest cvs versions wich have 
 chat etc.


ok one more post on this...

If someone will accept me to post the new licq rpms as well as the qt2.1 rpms that are 
for the lastest cvs versions..

if you wish I will once again upload the srpms for the cvs version of licq, and 
(what would you like the version numbering to be for the cvs of licq?? should it be 
and date? or the coming release version as in hacklicq-0.77-1mdk?


[Cooker] [Fwd: [Licq-devel] licq login problem fix]

2000-03-19 Thread Lord And Master;)

ok here is the quick fix that was posted on the licq dev list late last
night this should get you up and running till they fix the source

in src/daemon/icqd-udp.cpp

comment out lines 1326 and 1327
it will make refference to server down

you must have the latest cvs for these lines to corespond.

you want to comment out the two lines that I have marked with the ---

and recompile then all will work :)

or you can look for this
---gLog.Info("%sServer down.\n", L_UDPxSTR);
---   icqRelogon(true);


Licq-devel mailing list

Re: [Cooker] Licq latest versions

2000-03-19 Thread Lord And Master;)

David Carvalho wrote:


 omething that mirribleis did on there end to mess
   with us i'm sure, witht he fix though all is back to normal. fyi the version 
included with
   air is very outdated and decrepit compared to the latest cvs versions wich have 
   chat etc.
  ok one more post on this...
  If someone will accept me to post the new licq rpms as well as the qt2.1 rpms that 
are needed
  for the lastest cvs versions..

  if you wish I will once again upload the srpms for the cvs version of licq, and 
  (what would you like the version numbering to be for the cvs of licq?? should it 
be hacklicq?
  and date? or the coming release version as in hacklicq-0.77-1mdk?

 IMHO , Licq is the nicest way to communicate trough the ICQ protocol.
 It's far away the best clone.
 At least 90% of Mandrake customers suffer from this Qt 2.02 (or 2.1, for
 the cvs) + Licq Qt plugin issue. If someone starts this project u
 described above , I'm pretty sure it will increase the popularity of mdk
 hacklicq+date would be nice , thus it's constantly in development and
 many important features and bugfixes (like this AOL trick on Licq
 clients) , even *unstable*, are only avaiable in the cvs snapshots.
 And sorry for the terrible english  :)

just let Me know if the srpms will be accepted this time and what the offical 
versioning should be
and i will be happy to post and matain the hacklicq , I would be able to do prolly a 
nightly build
or something to that affect if needed.


Re: [Cooker] XFree86 4.0

2000-03-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

WH Bouterse wrote:

 Hangs on reboot at 'Starting X Font Server' with

 :(su) session opened for user xfs by (uid=0)
 :SocketINETCreateListener: Unable to get service for -1
 :_FontTransMakeALLCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for tcp
 :FontCachInitialize:hi=1048576, lo=786433 bal=70

 HOWEVER, I am able to remotely login and run Xsessions !!!

 Causes of the problem and solutions would be appreciated.
 I have read some of the earlier posts but am not exactly clear
 on what steps to take next? See below for steps taken to this point.

I should have posted this earlier.. there is a problem with the xfs in

the -1 dose not work, you have to remove the -1 and replace it with either
nothing or 7100 (the default port) but that still dose not solve the final
problem wich is this, it will start the xfs then but it will not contiue on
with the bootup and will just stick there. i tried for over and hour to get
to work but finaly gave up and used xfs -port 7100  on the command line..
although i do not think XFree86 is using the font server , because of the
XF86Config file generated by xf86config program. any ideas people?


Re: [Cooker] XFree86 4.0

2000-03-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

Jürgen Zimmermann wrote:

  HOWEVER, I am able to remotely login and run Xsessions !!!


  Causes of the problem and solutions would be appreciated.

 Cause: xfs does not run in "-daemon"-mode, i.e. it does not
 start in the background.

 "My solution" for now: do not start with "/etc/rc/init.d/xfs" but on
 command-line with:
 xfs -port -1 

 Works for me...

 So long

on my system using that still dose not work cause the -1 still reports
the prevoious errors :(

Re: [Cooker] gnome helix (E+panel=done wrong)

2000-03-12 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Lord And Master;) wrote:
  Thanks for the workaround! hopefully we can get a more perminent fix though!...
  especialy since if the enlightenment theme plays a sound file while the gnome
  pannel is also playing a sound file.. sounds realy strange.. also i finaly

 Sounds like it's doing what it should, it's mixing the two sounds right?

  tracked something down.. the bug with the licq swallowed app having to be
  swallowed twice before it takes effect... it is a bug with enlightenment not
  gnome.. while using sawmill it functioned normaly the first time. and worked
  quite well.. hmm maybe enlightenment needs to work on there gnome support.

 Let me snag a cvs snap maybe.. :/

Already grabed the latest CVS of enlightenmnet.. no go , still the same bug with the
swallowed apps (it's not realy limited to licq swalloed app) that is just the only
one i use personly.. also the other bug with the panel is still there.. (this is as
of cvs date sun 12 enlgihtenment 16.4 snap) also I tried loading the panel from
eterm after it was booted and it would load after complaing that it was already
running (it was not acording to ps -aux. but once booted all the gnome panel applets
would promptly crash, though the pannel would stay running but attempting to run any
applet will still crash imieditly untill I shut down the whole thing and restart
(tried just switching from enlightenment to sawmill after the crash and it still
would crash that applets event hough i was no longer running enlightenment.. this is
a bug with the latest gnome panel and not with enlightemnet as it worked perfictly
with the gnome that came preinstalled with Mandrake 7.0.. so I am not sure about how
to go about debuging this one. any ideas? anything I can do to help? I would realy
like to see this working!

btw any news on the real mandrake specific helix-gnome rpms and not the redhat
copies? thankx.


Re: [Cooker] gnome helix

2000-03-12 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, Lord And Master;) wrote:

  I hope that the new helix mandrake rpms that are comming will support
  enlightenment... sawmill is cool but I like My enlightenment!!
  other than that doing a carefull upgrade of most of the rpms that came
  with 7.0 worked good

 Why would they stop... Sawmill is just the default..


running the helix-gnome from there site with Mandrake 7.0 and
enlightemnet.. DOSE not work. they don't cooperate.
the panel will not load if enlightenment is loaded. it worked till I shut
down the desktop and reloaded it, after that the panel refused to come back

- DarkWlf

Re: [Cooker] gnome helix

2000-03-12 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Lord And Master;) wrote:
  running the helix-gnome from there site with Mandrake 7.0 and
  enlightemnet.. DOSE not work. they don't cooperate.
  the panel will not load if enlightenment is loaded. it worked till I shut
  down the desktop and reloaded it, after that the panel refused to come back
  - DarkWlf

 Ahh IC now, it doesn't like that much does it. As a work around, make sure
 to disable the auto session save if it's on, open the 'Session Properties'
 and change the Oder for panel to like 9, basicly it works aslong as panel
 starts before E but everytime you save the session it will put it back at
 40 and fail to start again.


Thanks for the workaround! hopefully we can get a more perminent fix though!...
especialy since if the enlightenment theme plays a sound file while the gnome
pannel is also playing a sound file.. sounds realy strange.. also i finaly
tracked something down.. the bug with the licq swallowed app having to be
swallowed twice before it takes effect... it is a bug with enlightenment not
gnome.. while using sawmill it functioned normaly the first time. and worked
quite well.. hmm maybe enlightenment needs to work on there gnome support.


[Cooker] gnome helix

2000-03-11 Thread Lord And Master;)

I hope that the new helix mandrake rpms that are comming will support
enlightenment... sawmill is cool but I like My enlightenment!!

other than that doing a carefull upgrade of most of the rpms that came
with 7.0 worked good


Re: [Cooker] mozilla

2000-02-25 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pablo Saratxaga wrote:


 On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 02:22:34PM +0100, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

   mozilla-5.0-0.13.1mdk for M13 release 1, and mozilla-5.0-0.13.2mdk,...
  make that mozilla-5.0-0.m13.1mdk for M13 release 1, and 

 Why not 0.M13 ? M13 is more meaningful than m13 (at least for me)

  How about CVS versions?

 Should we release CVS versions ?
 I think milestones are out often enough that we don't need to put out CVS
 versions. (and people that really want them knows how to get the CVS sources,
 how to make a tarball out of them, and type rpm -b ...)

  Any suggestions on how to name them? mozilla-5.0-0.cvs2225?

 Ki ça vos våye bén,
 Pablo Saratxaga   PGP Key available, key ID: 0x8F0E4975

Well as of current the CVS version of last night is a hell of a lot more stable
the M13 is, M13 was about as stable as running windows;) but as of feb 25th the
CVS release is stable enough to use day to day, so untill m14 comes out I would
sugest that we go with a cvs copy possibly would make it possible to just
install and start using in replacement for netscape.


Re: [Cooker] [NEWS]Lothar 0.6 available

2000-02-10 Thread Lord And Master;)

Alexandre Dussart wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


  It now detects the sound card but when i run either the gtk or the
  text mode soundconfig i get "error in modprobe call" and nothing happens.

 What's say dmesg? are you sure you've correctly setup parameters(I/O,

I have tried to set it with the same settings that I have working fine with sndconfig 
and are working
right now for the sound card. the sound card dose work IF I use sndconfig instead of 
soundconfig, not a
big deal for me realy but i would like to see lothar working correctly:)

when I use soundconfig the only msg I get in dmesg is about no lp devices. there is no 
inilization of the
sound card.

  also shouldn't this be detected by kudzu on bootup? It was stated earlier in on of 
the list msgs that
  sound should work on bootup wich means that it should be detected there correct? 
or am I wrong?

 Not sure if it's the case for soundcard...because kudzu need to
 initalize it with isapnptools.

isppnptools correctly detecs and inlizes the sound cards irq's and dma channels 
acroding the to the stats.
looking in the information i didn't see any information for a sound blaster in the 
configureation files
for kudzu.

  I have attached the report.tar.gz genereated by the in the 
/usr/doc/detect dir.

If there is any other files and or information you might need from my system let me 
know i want to see
this wokring correctly, and see lothar detecting as much hardware as possible!


Re: [Cooker] kernel 2.3.41 big Major mem leak

2000-02-10 Thread Lord And Master;)

James Helferty wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" wrote:
  I have tried 2.3.41 and have descovered a nasty leak! after sometimes
  only an hour It is using 95 % of my main ram (128 megs) and 50% of the
  swap file. closeing programs/X dose not alievete the problem..
  any ideas?

 I had a similar problem; X would suddenly balloon up, memory-wise.
 After a little investigation, it turned out that the cause was with a
 GTK theme that didn't release memory from X.  The solution was to
 upgrade to the latest versions of glib, GTK, and gtk-themes.

 If this doesn't solve your problem, try moving to 2.3.42, which is now


I tried removeing the gtk pixmap theme but that did no good, the same
system works fine with 2.2.14 but i will try both sugestions


Re: [Cooker] [NEWS]Lothar 0.6 available

2000-02-10 Thread Lord And Master;)

Alexandre Dussart wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Alexandre Dussart wrote:
   "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have tried to set it with the same settings that I have working fine with 
sndconfig and are working
right now for the sound card. the sound card dose work IF I use sndconfig 
instead of soundconfig, not a
big deal for me realy but i would like to see lothar working correctly:)
when I use soundconfig the only msg I get in dmesg is about no lp devices. 
there is no inilization of the
sound card.
   Humcould you try a 'modprobe isapnp'? and send me /proc/isapnp?
  well that might explain it! no such module isapnp?
  h did I do something wrong here?

 Seems that you have recompiled kernel, and isapnp module doesn't
 exist. This isapnp module(shipped with ALSA and inclued in kernel
 package) is needed to initialize ISA device...



see secound msg i posted about it the kernel is inilziing it


Re: [Cooker] [NEWS]Lothar 0.6 available

2000-02-09 Thread Lord And Master;)

Alexandre Dussart wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  excerp from /usr/share/detect/isa.lst
  CTL0043 sound   sb  Creative Labs   SB16unknown
  CTL0044 sound   sb  Creative Labs   AWE64 Gold  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE
  CTL0045 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
  CTL0046 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
  CTL0047 unknown unknown Creative Labs   SB16unknown
  CTL7002 unknown unknown Creative Labs   Programmable Game Port  unknown
  CTL7005 unknown unknown Creative Labs   Programmable Game Port  unknown
  CTL0022 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
  and here is the id's from runing pnpdump | grep "Logical device id"
  # Logical device id CTL0045
  # Logical device id CTL7002
  # Logical device id CTL0022
  so what is the problem?
  I run "soundconfig" from the prompt click ok and it just sits there.
  I', not sure what is going on but i know that it dosn't detect it cause when i 
boot up i definitly do
  not have soudn till i run "sndconfig"

 Try to modify the following lines like this:

  CTL0045 sound sb Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE
  CTL0022 sound sb Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE

 And try again...



also I noticed one other thing.. when running soundconfig where the dma and irq stuff 
is, it shows it by
default as dma 0, dam2 0 etc. shouldn't this be set to more sane values by default?


Re: [Cooker] [NEWS]Lothar 0.6 available

2000-02-09 Thread Lord And Master;)

Alexandre Dussart wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  excerp from /usr/share/detect/isa.lst
  CTL0043 sound   sb  Creative Labs   SB16unknown
  CTL0044 sound   sb  Creative Labs   AWE64 Gold  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE
  CTL0045 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
  CTL0046 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
  CTL0047 unknown unknown Creative Labs   SB16unknown
  CTL7002 unknown unknown Creative Labs   Programmable Game Port  unknown
  CTL7005 unknown unknown Creative Labs   Programmable Game Port  unknown
  CTL0022 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
  and here is the id's from runing pnpdump | grep "Logical device id"
  # Logical device id CTL0045
  # Logical device id CTL7002
  # Logical device id CTL0022
  so what is the problem?
  I run "soundconfig" from the prompt click ok and it just sits there.
  I', not sure what is going on but i know that it dosn't detect it cause when i 
boot up i definitly do
  not have soudn till i run "sndconfig"

 Try to modify the following lines like this:

  CTL0045 sound sb Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE
  CTL0022 sound sb Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE

 And try again...



It now detects the sound card but when i run either the gtk or the text mode 
soundconfig i get "error in
modprobe call" and nothing happens.

also shouldn't this be detected by kudzu on bootup? It was stated earlier in on of the 
list msgs that
sound should work on bootup wich means that it should be detected there correct? or am 
I wrong?

I have attached the report.tar.gz genereated by the in the /usr/doc/detect 



Re: [Cooker] [NEWS]Lothar 0.6 available

2000-02-07 Thread Lord And Master;)

Alexandre Dussart wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Downloaded and installed all the files listed plus the updated isapnp-tools file 
from cooker and
  ran lothar from the gnome desktop. and yes I think gnome support would be a realy 
good thing! I
  don't like KDE and use gnome exclusivly;)
  Still no luck on the sound card though my AWE 64 is not detected in lothar, when i 
click on the
  soundcard tab, it shows nothing and there is no "run configuration tool" like 
there is in the
  ethernet card spot wich btw was correctly detected (AMD PCI 32)


 Thanks for your suggestion, I need to know what's the logical device
 id of you ISA device, to do this. Make the following:

 [root@luke detect]# detect
 detect 0.9.33

 Call report function...wait please...

 Normaly you should see warning about unidentified isa device...send me
 all output...

 It would be great, if you can read /usr/doc/detect-0.9.33/ISA-Structure and modify 
isa.lst file...



this the output i get
02/07/10 8:41:35 [darkangel:/home/darkwlf] 1 su
[root@darkangel darkwlf]# detect
detect 0.9.33

Call report function...wait please...
[root@darkangel darkwlf]#
notta zip zilch
excerp from /usr/share/detect/isa.lst
CTL0043 sound   sb  Creative Labs   SB16unknown
CTL0044 sound   sb  Creative Labs   AWE64 Gold  HAS_DMA16|HAS_AWE
CTL0045 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
CTL0046 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
CTL0047 unknown unknown Creative Labs   SB16unknown
CTL7002 unknown unknown Creative Labs   Programmable Game Port  unknown
CTL7005 unknown unknown Creative Labs   Programmable Game Port  unknown
CTL0022 unknown unknown Creative Labs   AWE64 16-bit Audio  unknown
and here is the id's from runing pnpdump | grep "Logical device id"
# Logical device id CTL0045
# Logical device id CTL7002
# Logical device id CTL0022

so what is the problem?

I run "soundconfig" from the prompt click ok and it just sits there.

I', not sure what is going on but i know that it dosn't detect it cause when i boot up 
i definitly do
not have soudn till i run "sndconfig"


Re: [Cooker] [NEWS]Lothar 0.6 available

2000-02-04 Thread Lord And Master;)

Alexandre Dussart wrote:


 Lothar has been improved, but needs many tests...Here's the method to
 test Lothar(for Mandrake):

 1)How to get Lothar?
 Grab all Mandrake RPMS, here:

 2)Install Lothar:

 log as root then:

 [root@luke rpms]# rpm -ivh detect-0.9.33-1mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@luke rpms]# rpm -ivh lothar-0.6-1mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@luke rpms]# rpm -ivh lothar-soundconfig-pre0.7-1mdk.i586.rpm
 [root@luke rpms]# rpm -ivh lothar-etherconfig-1mdk.i586.rpm

 3)Launch Lothar:

 Use Lothar KDE or GNOME entry to launch it. You should see kdesu
 asking you root password, enter it then press ok.

 4)Test Lothar:

 Click on all buttons, move the window from the left to rigth :), open ten
 Lothar window's, check if hardware has been correctly detected

 5)Report bugs:

 Describe the problem encountered, hardware used, kernel version...and
 all you think it can help us to solve this bug

 You've possibility to post on lothar-devel mailing list(subscribe to
 it, if you're on cooker list), don't hesitate to send us your
 suggestions, what do you want to see in Lothar, interface should be improved GNOME 



hmm I will have to try the new version but as of 7.0 lothar is unable to find my sound 
card it
seems (awe 64) sndconfig corectly detetcs it and sound works fine though on the system.


Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 7

2000-01-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

John Wheeler wrote:

 you cock sucking pricks were warned. and by the way open the fucking file
 and see if there are any virus' for linux. by the way this also works in
 windows and on mac's as well. i told you not to send me another fucking
 message. so you goddamn son of a bitching cock sucking faggots can see if
 you like your gift.

umm yeah ok I'm going to be scared of a 164 byte text file with your msg on
it on now the text file is going to whipe my system oh now  *shaking*


Re: [Cooker] contrib rpms?

2000-01-13 Thread Lord And Master;)

Lenny Cartier wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" wrote:
  I am compiling rpms for QT 2.0.2 , and Licq devel version 75. How do I
  go about getting them in the contrib ?
  I used modfied spec files from 2.0.1 source rpm and licq-070-1 source
  rpms from the oxygen SRPMS dir so they should work well and be
  compatible hopefully. we shall see as soon as the compile of qt is
 I think you would better work with the maintainer of licq, John Buswell,
 since licq is in the main distro.



 Lenny Cartier / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

licq 0.70-1 and qt 2.0.1 are in the main distirb.. A:) old version of licq.
B) it even that version requires 2.0.2 of qt

[Cooker] contrib

2000-01-13 Thread Lord And Master;)

after much hooplaw and hassle and fighting I got the rpms of qt2.0.2 and
licqdevel 75 compiled and working correctly, how do I go about putting
them in contrib?


[Cooker] contrib rpms?

2000-01-12 Thread Lord And Master;)

I am compiling rpms for QT 2.0.2 , and Licq devel version 75. How do I
go about getting them in the contrib ?

I used modfied spec files from 2.0.1 source rpm and licq-070-1 source
rpms from the oxygen SRPMS dir so they should work well and be
compatible hopefully. we shall see as soon as the compile of qt is


Re: [Cooker] rpm building

2000-01-12 Thread Lord And Master;)

David Walluck wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" wrote:
  I have a question, on my system not sure about others.. but with gcc I
  get internel compile erros alot of the time wich are fine normaly cause
  I just type make again and it contiues on compiling at the point where
  it crashed. but..when building an rpm it dose not contiue but starts
  compleetly over from scratch wich is a big problem when compiling large
  sources like qt wich takes 30 mins on my k6-2 380.. and I do not see the
  internal error crashes being fixed any time soon. any ideas?

 380? that sounds like an odd speed. If you overclock you're bound to get
 these kind of errors.


 David Walluck

it's not overclocked it's an amd 380 MRZ K6-2 its the actual speed.


Re: [Cooker] lothar-soundconfig-0.6.6-1mdk

2000-01-11 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 you should have sound the very first boot :/

 On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, James Jennison wrote:
  Also, I thought that the new soundconfig had support for the SB
  Live! card?  MIne is not detecting it at all :(

I have a SB AWE 64 and I had to result to using sndconfig to install
it.. it is not detected via boot, and running lothar dose not detect it
either. It shows "Sound Card" in the tree, I click on it and unlike
under the network device there is no "configure device  button" but
lothar-sound is installed. any ideas?

Re: [Cooker] SMB mount's.

2000-01-11 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pablo Saratxaga wrote:


 On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 06:52:44AM +, Vox wrote:

   I would realy like to see this fixed, and how about built in
   network-neborhood to mount drives to system if wanted maybe in the
I don't think it comes with Mdk7 (I'm mostly lurking waiting for the
  "we are going gold" :) or any other distro yet, but there's
  LinNeighborehood ( ) which is quite
  good...I use it all the time at home and work (actually have it so
  Enlightenment loads it on start every time :)

 We ship with 'gnomba' which has the same goal to easily access SMB shared
 drives and printers.
 It is still an ongoing developpement, so your feedback is welcome if you
 want to test it.

 Ki ça vos våye bén,
 Pablo Saratxaga   PGP Key available, key ID: 0x8F0E4975

I am well aware of this but.. My problem is with the automounting at bootup
I would much rather have it there and not have to worrie about it at all.

it mounts the drives muiltiple times if done at boot time

[Cooker] SMB mount's.

2000-01-10 Thread Lord And Master;)

I do not know if My last msg got through as I never saw  a copy of it
here.. but here goes again..

I'm trying to figure out how to fix the mounting of smb drives at boot..
when they are mounted at boot they act very strangly, I have the lines
in My /etc/fstab. And when the system boots the system says "mounting
smb filesystems" most times that works but.. I have 2 or more mount
points for each smb mount point. and sometimes one mount point will
fail, and sometimes it will work fine. but most times it is the first
with one of hte moint points not being mounting and I have to unmount
and remount the drives..

also... I have ntoiced that when installing a large file with rpm off of
one of the smb mount points it somehow barfs that particular mount
point. after installing the rpm (only using regular rpm, dose not happen
when using kpackage, rpmdrake, gnorpm etc.) all files on the mount point
"dissapere" very anoying..

I would realy like to see this fixed, and how about built in
network-neborhood to mount drives to system if wanted maybe in the
installer , I know it's prolly to late for that in this relase. just a


[Cooker] instaling as of now..

2000-01-10 Thread Lord And Master;)

My other system wich has a serial mouse not a PS/2 mouse still dose not
have mouse support during the install as of update this morning. we are
going to fix this before release right?? maybe some sort of mouse
selection before the boot of the X install? if it is not possible to do
a auto detect of serial mouse. it is attached to a standard com1 on a
SIS 598/530 chipset mb with a k6-2 350. plz it is quite hard to do
install without mouse and I am not going to subject my wife to the
installer without a mouse.


[Cooker] oh hell...

2000-01-10 Thread Lord And Master;)

ok after 5 hours of attempting to install today I finaly got back up and
running I was getting random crashes in the install. and it would
happily kill it'sself and shutdown and tell me it is safe to reboot.
this happened many times over the corse of the install attemps, never in
the same place thouhg..

question I jsut did a test on the mirror and all of a sudden there are
418 megs of files that are different sizes but the same name , how come
this keeps happining??


[Cooker] hd.img network.img

2000-01-09 Thread Lord And Master;)

after updating last night, and attempting to install this morning (sun
jan 9th)... I get this error msg from both hd and network installs.

error loading ram disk..

in console f2 I beleave I see this

cp ftp://blawblawblaw/Mandrake/base/mdkinst_stage2.gz to a fd

error no such device..

error loading ram disk..

can we plese fix this? I think this has been posted many times..
also the hdlist is awfully small all of a sudden only 4.5 megs.


[Cooker] samba strangeness

2000-01-09 Thread Lord And Master;)

I am having a very strange problem with samba..

I have in fstab
//LADYANGELWLF/C /mnt/ladyangelwlfc smbfs
user,guest,rw,uid=0,gid=501,fmask=770,dmask=770 1 2
//LADYANGELWLF/D /mnt/ladyangelwlfd smbfs
user,guest,rw,uid=0,gid=501,fmask=770,dmask=770 1 2
//LADYANGELWLF/E /mnt/ladyangelwlfe smbfs
user,guest,rw,uid=0,gid=501,fmask=770,dmask=770 1 2

so that it mounts some partions from my wife's windows system

and after bootup I get multiple mounts for each drive, sometimes all of
them sometimes just one.. sometimes they failt to mount all together..

any ideas?

[Cooker] qt-2.01 -- qt-2.02

2000-01-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

is there any reason why we can not switch from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 in the
main beta? (not contrib) there are only minir differences between the 2
but 2.0.2 is needed by the latest licq. I know this has been asked
before. There should not be any ramifications byt changing from 2.0.1 to
2.0.2 as far I know licq is currently the only program shiping with
cooker/oxygen that uses QT 2.0.. KDE2 ueses 2.1 wich is a whole nother


Re: [Cooker] qt-2.01 -- qt-2.02

2000-01-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  is there any reason why we can not switch from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 in the
  main beta? (not contrib) there are only minir differences between the 2
  but 2.0.2 is needed by the latest licq. I know this has been asked
  before. There should not be any ramifications byt changing from 2.0.1 to
  2.0.2 as far I know licq is currently the only program shiping with
  cooker/oxygen that uses QT 2.0.. KDE2 ueses 2.1 wich is a whole nother

 too late unfortunately, feature freeze is completely freezer.



Re: [Cooker] qt-2.01 -- qt-2.02

2000-01-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

David Walluck wrote:

 Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
  "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   is there any reason why we can not switch from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 in the
   main beta? (not contrib) there are only minir differences between the 2
   but 2.0.2 is needed by the latest licq. I know this has been asked
   before. There should not be any ramifications byt changing from 2.0.1 to
   2.0.2 as far I know licq is currently the only program shiping with
   cooker/oxygen that uses QT 2.0.. KDE2 ueses 2.1 wich is a whole nother
  too late unfortunately, feature freeze is completely freezer.

 Consider it a bug fix. Ship with these broken or outdated qt RPMS, and
 have a lot of unhappy licq users at least. If the feature freeze
 excludes fixing bugs, then at least remove licq from the distribution at
 this time, as it does nto work with this version of qt.


 David Walluck

*nods* I agreee totaly, move it out of there and into contrib, and remove qt
2.01 and put qt2.02 in contrib if it is not possible to update the main distrib

[Cooker] tcsh

2000-01-01 Thread Lord And Master;)

tcsh is not y2 complient, it is showing the date as 01/01/10 (100) can
we find a fix for this?

Re: [Cooker] Httpd problems

1999-12-29 Thread Lord And Master;)

William Charles McMillan wrote:

 I did a fresh install and did custom install and did not install the
 midgard crap and now the server works great... the other times I did the
 install i faild to notice that it was automatically installed and had to
 remove it when doing the selection of packages...

 Thanks for the help.  BTW I lovc the new GUI for the setup looks great.
 Keep up the Good work..

 Maybe one of these days if i ever finish the C/C++ programming Course im
 taking ... i could assist you... but that is very unlikely its a
 correspondence course ... and not easy to complete

 thanks again

 William Charles McMillan

 to err is Human

httpd problems are caused when both midgard and the other database are
installed at the same time, it causes apache to segfault, it has to be one
or the other.


[Cooker] gnome-core-55

1999-12-26 Thread Lord And Master;)

any possiblitys of updating to gnome-core-55? there is aparently a mem
leak in gnome-pannel in prev release that is fixed with 55. just a


[Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] NAME: kernel-linus VER: 2.2.13 REL: 2mdk

1999-12-21 Thread Lord And Master;)

ChangeLog Automate wrote:

 Name: kernel-linusDistribution: Linux-Mandrake
 Version : 2.2.13Vendor: MandrakeSoft
 Release : 2mdk  Build Date: Tue Dec 21 10:47:18 1999
 Install date: (not installed)   Build Host:
 Group   : System Environment/Kernel Source RPM: (none)
 Size: 12226778
 Packager: Chmouel Boudjnah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Summary : The Linux kernel without patch (the real core of the Linux operating 
 Description :
 The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of your
 Linux Mandrake operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions
 of the operating system:  memory allocation, process allocation, device
 input and output, etc.

 This version of kernel is a version without any patch just the kernel
 like linus out of the press.

 Last Changelog:

 * Tue Dec 21 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  * Change the spec to build with egcs.

 See for lists of mirrors

silly question what is this kernel for??

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] NAME: kernel-linus VER: 2.2.13 REL: 2mdk

1999-12-21 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Lord And Master;) wrote:

  ChangeLog Automate wrote:
   This version of kernel is a version without any patch just the kernel
   like linus out of the press.

  silly question what is this kernel for??

 Still need an answer? :)


yes sorry I'm braindead this morning with patch? what porpose dose it serve
ok So I'm picking at it! lol

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] NAME: kernel-linus VER: 2.2.13 REL: 2mdk

1999-12-21 Thread Lord And Master;)

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  silly question what is this kernel for??

 it's for user who want the kernel ''as is'', not with the standard
 kernel with 60 patches and multiple drivers.


ok cool thanks :)


Re: [Cooker] httpd won't start

1999-12-20 Thread Lord And Master;)

William wrote:

  also discovered a bug last night when I installed .. fresh update..
  supermount locks hard now if there is not a disk in floppy drive

 AH,  a disk in the floppy.  I didn't try that.  My hard drive also
 locked up with supermount, but only with KDE.

the whole system locks , it happens when any program trys to "access the
floppy" wich kde doese at startup, and so dose a couple of other

but as long as I keep a disk i floppy and cdrom in cdrom drive I have no
probs lol


Re: [Cooker] httpd won't start

1999-12-20 Thread Lord And Master;)

William wrote:

 Starting httpd: Ouch! ap_mm_create(1048576, "/etc/httpd/logs/mm") failed
 Error: MM: mm:core: failed to open semaphore file (Operation not
 permitted): OS: Operation not permitted

 I decided to try creating the mm file myself and discovered that I am
 not able to remove ANY files or directories from /var. I can create, but
 not modify or remove anything. The permissions are all correct.


httpd won't start here either I have posted previous msg's about it but
have gotten no responce

also discovered a bug last night when I installed .. fresh update..
supermount locks hard now if there is not a disk in floppy drive


[Cooker] apache

1999-12-19 Thread Lord And Master;)

httpd is still sig 11'ing after updating and reinstalling last night..
any ideas guys?


[Cooker] ummm problems?

1999-12-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

I have a problem the system is now locking on and off and requires a
hard reboot wich I suspect might be a problem with the new kernel? (it
did not start this till the 2.2.14 was interduced. wich is not realy the
problem after the reboot everytime it locks something else seems to stop
working I am now having to manualy start gnome it just boots me into a
xterm when I log into my acount via kdm

also apache seg faults contiulusly till I shut it down, other glitchs
are poping up left and right.


[Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] NAME: msec VER: 0.7 REL: 4mdk

1999-12-13 Thread Lord And Master;)

ChangeLog Automate wrote:

 Name: msecDistribution: Mandrake
 Version : 0.7   Vendor: MandrakeSoft
 Release : 4mdk  Build Date: Mon Dec 13 09:28:29 1999
 Install date: (not installed)   Build Host:
 Group   : System Environment/Base   Source RPM: (none)
 Size: 25655
 Packager: Yoann Vandoorselaere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Summary : Security Level  Program for the Linux Mandrake distribution
 Description :
 The Mandrake-Security package is designed to provide generic
 secure level to the Mandrake-Linux users...
 It will permit you to choose between level 1 to 5  custom
 for a less - more secured distribution.
 This packages includes several program that will be run periodically
 in order to test the security of your system and alert you if needed.

 Last Changelog:

 * Mon Dec 13 1999 Yoann Vandoorselaere [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  - : fix a typo

 See for lists of mirrors

Has anyone fixed the missing missing ?

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] NAME: msec VER: 0.7 REL: 4mdk

1999-12-13 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 just edit your /etc/crontab, it should say not


yeah that is what I ment it dose not exist on the system there is no
file in the /etc/security/msec/ for that check

[Cooker] still fighting with security

1999-12-12 Thread Lord And Master;)

I finaly reinstalled this time I chose "windows "tm" " for security so
that I could just enable security features from the ground  up. problem
is now the system boots with root loged in on console 1 and I can not
figure out how to change it


Re: [Cooker] (cooker) Still a few errors

1999-12-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Quel Qun wrote:

  I had the same problems (added to the new Mesa compatibility...)

 now is a really really good time for mesa complaints, below is a list of
 all i know that need relinked (at the very least)

 I also need feedback on software, glx-tnt, and glide functionality.
 The glx-mga module cranks 450-500fps out of gears with the "agpgart"

I get about 300 fps using the dma hack but I can not use the glx-mga driver that
came with cooker, it simply dose not work. I had to download mesa 3.2 , cvs glx
and compile and install myself. I can NOT get agpgart or newagp to work with my
mga/chipset (ALI :( although they say it will work it simply locks the computer
HARD (not even SysRq works).
Is there agpgart in cooker? if so I did not see it lol

Unfortinitly haveing a K6-2 (acording to the glx list) I can not run anything
like quake3 and access the system. DMA through the pci causes severe CPU spiking
to the point access to the modem seeses to function.

So untill someone get's aga working corectly I am screwed. lol;)


Re: [Cooker] (cooker) Still a few errors

1999-12-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 Which Mesa version..
 Setup your XF86Config to try and load it and send me the output.

Ok I will do that and send the output one sec.. one thing is I noticed it said it was
a module for 3.3.3 not 3.3.5. I am using a older cooker though so that could be my

  and compile and install myself. I can NOT get agpgart or newagp to work with my

 gart(old), agpgart(new), The one i uploaded the other day is build with
 the agpgart code, the prior were build for gart

ok you got me there;)

  mga/chipset (ALI :( although they say it will work it simply locks the computer

 My k6 has Via :/ not to much help but i'll be testing it sometime soon
 (now that there is rage glx)

  HARD (not even SysRq works).

 I saw parts of that one the glx list, what bios settings and all that
 stuff, maybe somebody else out there can finger it out.

yes I have been very active on that list as well trying to get it figured out but
noone seems to be able to figure it out.

  Is there agpgart in cooker? if so I did not see it lol

 Nope, the kernel patch is all that needs done by the enduser. I guess we
 could get Jeff to audit it and Chmouel to include it if he ok's it.

  Unfortinitly haveing a K6-2 (acording to the glx list) I can not run anything
  like quake3 and access the system. DMA through the pci causes severe CPU spiking
  to the point access to the modem seeses to function.

 I'll go you one better, throw in an isa sb64 and the only thing thats
 gonna happen is the video DMA request untill it's done.

I have one of those in my system interesting lol

  So untill someone get's aga working corectly I am screwed. lol;)

 You do know not to use the mem hack with the agpgart right (that one got

Yes agpgart uses "DMA=AGP" while mem hack is "DMA=memaddress"

as soon as I update the system I will try again.. oh. btw is there agpgart part for
the new 2.2.14 kernel??


[Cooker] New enlightenment update

1999-12-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

after installing the new enlightemnet that recently became avail on the
cooker mirrors I have noticed a dramtic increase in memory usage. from
around 30-50 megs to up to 100 megs now. Any ideas?
(I am speaking of X's mem usage.)

Re: [Cooker] New enlightenment update

1999-12-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Lord And Master;) wrote:

  after installing the new enlightemnet that recently became avail on the
  cooker mirrors I have noticed a dramtic increase in memory usage. from
  around 30-50 megs to up to 100 megs now. Any ideas?
  (I am speaking of X's mem usage.)

 Doubt it's enlightenment, top shows 109M just running X, 110M w/


That is the only thing that I have updated so far though. So I do not see
what else it could be. I updated it restarted Enlightenment , and X shot
right up to 99 megs. I shut down the server and restarted and it calmed down
a bit but not much.

its at 60 megs now so maybe it was just a system glitch. I'l keep an eye on

[Cooker] Re: [glx-dev] Thanks and 32-bit Z-buffer

1999-12-05 Thread Lord And Master;)

Leigh Thomas Dyer wrote:

 I'm using gcc 2.95.2 on Mandrake 6.1. The kernel is 2.2.13 (official
 tree, not the pre-release tree included in Mandrake). It works fine with
 this, but when I try 2.3.29 (so I can use the Highpoint ATA66
 controller on my BP6) it fails with about six or seven screens full of


 On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Lord And Master;) wrote:

  Leigh Thomas Dyer wrote:
   I have to thank you all for the great job you've done on this code. I put
   together a dual Celeron 466 with a G400 yesterday, and within hald an
   hour I had the driver complied, GART set up (using the old gart module),
   and I was timedemoing Quake 3 at 35 fps (640x480, 16-bit, all the pretty
   options on). This stuff is amazing! Now I can't wait for multitexturing
   and an SMP build of Quake 3!
   Also, is anyone working on 32-bit Z-buffers? Even 24-bit would be fine,
   it's just that I'm doing some work that really suffers on a 16-bit z-buffer.
   glx-dev mailing list  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have a question what distrib / compiler version/ kernel version did you use
  to compile the old gart? I can not get it to compile at all

*nods* that is what I am getting with the 2.2.13 kernel that comes with cooker.
(have yet to try the new 2.2.14) ok so it is a bug with Mandrake's patches to the
kernel.. wounder what is the problem.

[Cooker] -

1999-12-02 Thread Lord And Master;)

Is it possible to get an archive of the cooker changelog list?


[Cooker] text mode installs

1999-11-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Has anyone fixed the text mode install's yet? It looks like I am not the
only one haveing problems with them.


Re: [Cooker] Re: text mode installs

1999-11-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Has anyone fixed the text mode install's yet? It looks like I am not the
  only one haveing problems with them.

 alas, not a priority :-/and chmouel,axalon sick :-(

 anyway, you can try the new DrakX text mode by booting with ``linux text''
 it's quite crude yet.

 (for the more daring, try ``linux stdio'' :)

lol I love to be daring , just about finshied updating everything and going
to try and do the install again. hopefully everyting goes well;) -crossing

Re: [Cooker] Cannot Install Cooker

1999-11-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  the graphical install works fine except for the fact that the package
  selction dose not quite work right and it installs packages even if I
  unmark them

 i'll see...

  also noticed a bunch of errors in the console after finding
  packages is down about group not found in compsLIST or something like

 yep, no problemo :)

not to mention I noticed that if you select expert mode it installs the
hack kernel and dose not give you the option not to install.


Re: [Cooker] Cannot Install Cooker

1999-11-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  not to mention I noticed that if you select expert mode it installs the
  hack kernel and dose not give you the option not to install.

 in fact that's not so simple. The problem is if you ask to install kernelcfg. It
 requires kernel and both hackkernel and kernel-2.2.13 provides it. And the nasty
 code takes the first :(

Ok that makes sence.

 i must do something about it, but i don't know what yet :(
 (the same problem exists with postfixsendmail too)

I have noticed that as well ended up just configuring postfix and leaving sendmail
out this time around.

there is also a conflict with the conf.modules and ppp when you have both 2.2.13
and the 2.3.21 kernels install.

OH almost forgot the latest installs for the grahpical install complain about the
aha152x module being compiled for the wrong kernel.

Re: [Cooker] Cannot Install Cooker

1999-11-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  OH almost forgot the latest installs for the grahpical install complain about the
  aha152x module being compiled for the wrong kernel.

 arg! again :(

 could you give the 2 different versions?

 thankcu, Pixel.

BOOT10 and BOOT 5 I think I am not positve so don't quote me on it!

I'l have to reboot and try the setup and see for sure.

I ended up just compiling the 2.3x kernel (not for the faint of heart!) with scsi

but I think boot5 is the the kernel on the boot disk

Re: [Cooker] Cannot Install Cooker

1999-11-14 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  BOOT10 and BOOT 5 I think I am not positve so don't quote me on it!

 don't bother, u're not the first. Think i must have a look for sure.

ok ;)

Quick question/sugestion

question what are the differences in securtiy ie what do they change?

sugestion put descriptions in the install so the user knows what the
different options do

[Cooker] compssList

1999-01-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Ok first question compssList is the only file that I need to update

Secound question what do the numbers mean?

Re: [Cooker] compssList

1999-01-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Ok first question compssList is the only file that I need to update

 if you want your rpm to be visible, put it in compss

  Secound question what do the numbers mean?

 some kind of mark between 0 and 99

 used to select X Megabytes
 eg: for 250Mb in normal, it selects the higher marked packages plus their
 dependencies until 250Mb is reached.

So I do not have to put the package in compssList only compss?

Re: [Cooker] compssList

1999-01-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   so If I were to remove something from compssList it would no longer be
  Thats my understanding, yes

 that's mine too :)

yahooo no more postgress no more tetex!
thanks for all the help I hope I did it right I just finished making the new
depslist and edied the compss and compssList

btw the comandline in the README file for the makedeps program dose not work

as far as I can tell its gendepslist Mandrake/base/depslist Mandrake/RPMS/*
that generates the files correctly


Re: [Cooker] compssList

1999-01-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Pixel wrote:

 "Lord And Master;)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  btw the comandline in the README file for the makedeps program dose not work
  as far as I can tell its gendepslist Mandrake/base/depslist Mandrake/RPMS/*
  that generates the files correctly

 gendepslist has changed a bit (to be able to use hdlist for speed)

 where did you find yours?

in the misc dir of my mirror of the ftp site
might not be updated lemme go check

is the files that the old one creates still compat or do I need to update it?

Re: [Cooker] compssList

1999-01-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Lord And Master;) wrote:

  Pixel wrote:
   Axalon Bloodstone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 so If I were to remove something from compssList it would no longer be

Thats my understanding, yes
   that's mine too :)
  yahooo no more postgress no more tetex!

 If you've unselected them the only reason they would get installed is if
 something else required them

 You get postgres if you install midgard-php-pgsql or mod_php3
 You get tetex if you install jadetex or klyx

  thanks for all the help I hope I did it right I just finished making the new
  depslist and edied the compss and compssList
  btw the comandline in the README file for the makedeps program dose not work
  as far as I can tell its gendepslist Mandrake/base/depslist Mandrake/RPMS/*
  that generates the files correctly

I have gone back and checked after I got to the bottom of the list and made sure
they were unselected. but maybe it dosn't show up that it is selected if it is a
dependecy select? not sure on how that works?

Re: [Cooker] DrakX and rpm database error

1999-01-16 Thread Lord And Master;)

No it is not a computer specific problem after I updated to the nov 17
copy of the mdkinst_stage2.gz I have the same problem. Thank god I kept a
backup of the nov 14 copy as it dose not have the problem. 

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Tapio Riikonen wrote:

 Trying to install cooker with DrakX after selecting the packages and the
 size I get
 creation of rpm database failed: at /usr/bin/perl-install/  line
 Is this error message a universal one or is it specific to my computer?