Re: [css-d] Getting absolutely positioned divs with bottom: auto to end together

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Leibson

From: Gunlaug Sørtun
To: Michael Leibson
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 5:56:02 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Getting absolutely positioned divs with bottom: auto to 
end together

I have used a copy of this page to exemplify one approach to solving your 
problems . . 
. . .  The easiest way to achieve this is to leave #main un-positioned 
(static), so
it can affect the height of main div (#top) directly. Then the sidebar
(left) can be absolute positioned relative to bottom of main div (#top)
for perfect alignment.

Georg, I'm picking my jaw up from the floor, after it dropped in utter 
amazement at your solution!  ; - )
You guys aren't 'mere web developers' -- you're mathematicians!

I'm blown away.  I'll get back to you after I've had a chance to re-gather my 
mind, and have tried to 
follow the principles involved in your solution.


- Michael

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Re: [css-d] Getting absolutely positioned divs with bottom: auto to end together

2009-05-11 Thread Michael Leibson
Thanks for your generous feedback, Philippe!  Some follow-up questions, below. 
. . 

 To get all containers to
 ‘conclude’ at the same point, at the bottom of the page, I’ve given their
 bottom-most elements the margin-bottom measurements required to do that.  
 However, I’m getting unexpected results that
 I don’t understand:

Specifying a line-height will
normalise things a little. . . 
While the #main div has line-height on all ps, you're right -- there was no 
line-height in the #left div.  I just tried adding the same
line-height, there, but it made no difference.  IE gives a 2px bottom space to 
every li,
while FF doesn't -- but, since the problem also occurs in other
browsers, it's probably not because of that.

Google 'faux columns', or try one of the following techniques:
I read Dan Cederholm's article 
(, but I'm not 100%
sure I get it:  in my situation, I already have a repeating background
image on my body element, but
it must tile horizontally, not vertically, because the top third of my
viewport has a white body background, and the rest has a dark slate
background.  Am I misunderstanding how the fauxcolumns would work?
I see that, since its invention, many bugs have rendered this technique
almost impossible

While I think I get the concept (and it's very neat!), the technical side of 
this one is way beyond my current level.  

Personally, I'd go with a 'ragged end-of-page' by design :-)
Do you mean to just let the divs end wherever they may, and forget about the 
aesthetic consequences -- or to come up with a design in which such a 
consequence will be in keeping with an important design motif?

Thanks again, Philippe!

All the best,

 2) In Firefox, zooming all
 elements gives the #left div greater or lesser height than its neighbouring
 div, depending on the degree of zoom.

zoom or page zoom ?  With page zoom, there is little difference. With
text-zoom, the columns will on grow based on the text content. The
margins in your left column will not change the same way, as they are
specified in pixels.

 Are these differences the
 result of my own errors, or normal browser behaviour?
 If the result of browser
 behaviour, I’d rather just find a way to ensure that all divs conclude at the
 same point (and leave the minor differences alone), rather than write
 re-calibrated measurements for each browser.  Is there a way to do this?

Google 'faux columns', or try one of the following techniques:

Personally, I'd go with a 'ragged end-of-page' by design :-)

- the little images in your #left column contain a colour profile. This
causes a (severe) colour mismatch in browsers that support colour
management for images (Safari, Firefox 3.5b). The embedded colour
profile is the one coming from Photoshop when saving for web.
I use pngcrush to strip it out.

Philippe Wittenbergh

The total height of those 2 columns will also depend on the
line-height, and how browsers interpret the 'normal' keyword - you
don't specify any line-height as far as I a can tell.
Specifying a
line-height will normalise things a little, but you might still be at
the mercy of differences in rounding of values to the nearest pixel
between browsers.

I've got line-height: 135% on all the p text in the #main div, but none on 
the elements in the #left div.  I just tried adding the same line-height, 
there, but it made no difference to the ragged-end-of-page problem.  In order 
to see what may be happening, I gave all the #left elements borders, and saw 
that IE gives a 2px bottom space to every li, while FF doesn't.  However, since 
the problem also occurs in other browsers, I don't want to begin applying hacks 
unless I know what I'm doing.  

From: Philippe Wittenbergh
Cc: Michael Leibson
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 10:49:57 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Getting absolutely positioned divs with bottom: auto to 
end together

On May 11, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Michael Leibson wrote:

 While building two more
 pages for that site --,
 and (the much smaller page of the two), I’ve 
 begun to implement some of your recommendations.
 One of these was to allow
 containers’ heights to be deterimined by their contents, rather than by a
 given, fixed amount.   I’ve now tried to
 do that, by giving my absolutely positioned divs positions for left, top, and
 right, but leaving their bottoms as “auto”.
 To get all

[css-d] Getting absolutely positioned divs with bottom: auto to end together

2009-05-10 Thread Michael Leibson

Several weeks ago, I
sought and received some help from this list re. my 
While building two more
pages for that site --,
and (the much smaller page of the two), I’ve 
begun to implement some of your recommendations.  
One of these was to allow
containers’ heights to be deterimined by their contents, rather than by a
given, fixed amount.   I’ve now tried to
do that, by giving my absolutely positioned divs positions for left, top, and
right, but leaving their bottoms as “auto”.
To get all containers to
‘conclude’ at the same point, at the bottom of the page, I’ve given their
bottom-most elements the margin-bottom measurements required to do that.  
However, I’m getting unexpected results that
I don’t understand:  
1) Firefox, Safari, Opera
and IE each interprets the measurements between successive link-containing ul’s
(within the page’s #left div) differently, which means that that div only
concludes at the same point as its neighbouring div in Firefox (within which I
designed the page), and no other browser.  Instead of all divs ending at the 
same place at the bottom of the page,
I get a ragged end-of-page.

2) In Firefox, zooming all
elements gives the #left div greater or lesser height than its neighbouring
div, depending on the degree of zoom.
Are these differences the
result of my own errors, or normal browser behaviour?
If the result of browser
behaviour, I’d rather just find a way to ensure that all divs conclude at the
same point (and leave the minor differences alone), rather than write
re-calibrated measurements for each browser.  Is there a way to do this?
Thanks, in advance, for
any light you can shed on this.

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[css-d] list layout and indentation on different browsers

2009-05-08 Thread Michael Leibson

I've read that, as each browser has its own defaults for list layout and 
indentation, the remedy is to specify amounts for both padding and margins, so 
as to address all browser methods.   Sure enough, if I specify {margin: 0;  
padding 0;}  for both a list and its list items, I find a close-enough 
similarity in how Firefox, Opera, Safari and even IE6 display them.  Everything 
changes as soon as I add a list-style-image, though: where IE and Opera abut 
the image right beside the li content,  Firefox and Safari separate the two by 
10 pixels.  Is this normal browser behaviour?  Is there anything one can do to 
offset it, besides specifying a compromise distance?

Here's a simplification of the CSS and HTML involved:
margin: 26px 75px 0px 75px;  
   padding: 0;

list-style-image: url(image.gif);
margin: 0;
padding: 0;


Thanks, in advance, for your help.
- Michael

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Re: [css-d] list layout and indentation on different browsers

2009-05-08 Thread Michael Leibson
Everything changes as soon as I add a list-style-image, though: where
IE and Opera abut the image right beside the li content,  Firefox and
Safari separate the two by 10 pixels.  Is this normal browser
behaviour?  Is there anything one can do to offset it, besides
specifying a compromise distance?

Best to start with something that is known work.
Please see
If that is not what you're after, please provide the page itself.

Thanks, David -- that's exactly it!  As a matter of fact, I had finally 
stumbled on the cause of the problem (that its impossible to control 
list-style-image placement, because each browser does it differently) in Eric 
Meyers' CSS book, and the solution (the same solution that you've presented), 
in Andy Budd's CSS Mastery, just a few minutes prior to receiving your kind 
reply.  Oh, the esoterica of CSS!

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[css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

2009-04-10 Thread Michael Leibson

I used Firefox to view my website on a friend's zillion-pixel-wide new Mac, 
yesterday, and I was astonished to find that all elements on all pages had a 
significantly increased width, so that the design was effectively spread, 
horizontally, to fit the (maximized) window.  This would have pleased me, were 
my design fluid -- but it isn't:  it's fixed!  

The site is .  The home page's main div (a sandy
grey colour) should be 790px wide, and the slate-blue navigation div,
immediately to its left, should be 244px wide (including border).

Anyone have any idea what might be going on? I've always thought that Firefox 
uniformly reproduces css-based designs, regardless of operating platform. . . 

Thanks, in advance, for any clues you'd care to share!


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Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

2009-04-10 Thread Michael Leibson
Seems to me to be behaving as the stylesheet intends.
Thanks, Peter!
- Michael

From: Peter Hammarling
To: Michael Leibson
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:07:05 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

I used Firefox to view my website on a friend's zillion-pixel-wide new Mac, 
yesterday, and I was astonished to find that all elements on all pages had a 
significantly increased width, so that the design was effectively spread, 
horizontally, to fit the (maximized) window.  This would have pleased me, were 
my design fluid -- but it isn't:  it's fixed!  

The site is .  The home page's main div (a sandy
grey colour) should be 790px wide, and the slate-blue navigation div,
immediately to its left, should be 244px wide (including border).
On my Mac 23 display your pages will move to centre as you widen or narrow the 
window (in Mozilla), but the main content div and the navigation div stay at 
fixed width.

The brown b/g box will widen with the change of window width but only up to 
about 1425 pixels, after which you start to see white at the right of it.

Seems to me to be behaving as the stylesheet intends.

HTH, Peter H

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Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

2009-04-10 Thread Michael Leibson
Hi, David;

It is in part due to the width of 1426px set on #background and the
issue you have is not limited to FF-- it happens in all browsers.
Structuring a layout with absolute positioning seldom works. 

Care to amplify (no pun intended) that?  All I can so far determine is that my 
friend has some kind of automatic zoom setting on her computer or browser, that 
equally magnified all elements by approximately 25%.  Without that 'zoom', the 
only other place where I've encountered problems has been on IE -- FF seems to 
display properly on all systems.

Try your
page at minimum font-size 24px in FF.
Wow, really?!  I thought my current font size --  the page is more typical of my site -- was 
already pretty huge!

Validate the markup.
Thanks!  I also received details on that from Georg, and I'll look into fixing 
it as soon as I have some free time.

All the best,

From: David Laakso
To: Michael Leibson
Cc: Eric Meyer's CSS List
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:33:04 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

Michael Leibson wrote:
 I used Firefox to view my website on a friend's zillion-pixel-wide new Mac, 
 yesterday, and I was astonished to find that all elements on all pages had a 
 significantly increased width, so that the design was effectively spread, 
 horizontally, to fit the (maximized) window.  This would have pleased me, 
 were my design fluid -- but it isn't:  it's fixed!  
 The site is .  The home page's main div (a sandy
 grey colour) should be 790px wide, and the slate-blue navigation div,
 immediately to its left, should be 244px wide (including border).
 Anyone have any idea what might be going on? I've always thought that Firefox 
 uniformly reproduces css-based designs, regardless of operating platform. . . 
 Thanks, in advance, for any clues you'd care to share!

It is in part due to the width of 1426px set on #background and the issue you 
have is not limited to FF-- it happens in all browsers. Structuring a layout 
with absolute positioning seldom works. Try your page at minimum font-size 24px 
in FF.
Validate the markup.

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Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

2009-04-10 Thread Michael Leibson
Far from being a waste of time, I think your answer zoomed in (excuse the pun) 
on the key thing, Theophan, so thank-you!   I hadn't even thought of a 'zoom' 
feature on my friend's machine.

However, I've subsequently had my friend check her Firefox 3.0.8 zoom, and she 

I reset to 0 and the website fills my entire screen.  If I zoom out it 
gradually decreases until I guess you get to the page size you intended.
So it seems it is automatically set to maximum magnification.

No amount of googling Firefox Zoom default brought any description of any way 
of automatically setting FF to always zoom, so I'm wondered if it could be her 
computer -- a Mac OS X 10.5.6 with Leopard.  However, although I found info on 
a zoom feature for that computer, it didn't mention any feature that would 
automatically zoom everything, all the time.  

Any idea what could be doing this?

Many thanks!


From: Theophan Dort
To: Michael Leibson
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:59:52 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

I'm not an expert, just a volunteer webmaster for a couple of churches, so this 
is probably a waste of your time, but just in case:  Firefox's default zoom now 
essentially magnifies the entire page, just as you seem to be describing.  Is 
it possible that somehow when you viewed that page his browser was set to a 
zoom setting other than default, or that his default for some reason is larger 
than normal?  Was it only your site?  Did it change if you hit Command-Zero?


On Apr 10, 2009, at 7:43 AM, Michael Leibson wrote:

 I used Firefox to view my website on a friend's zillion-pixel-wide new Mac, 
 yesterday, and I was astonished to find that all elements on all pages had a 
 significantly increased width, so that the design was effectively spread, 
 horizontally, to fit the (maximized) window.  This would have pleased me, 
 were my design fluid -- but it isn't:  it's fixed!
 The site is .  The home page's main div (a sandy
 grey colour) should be 790px wide, and the slate-blue navigation div,
 immediately to its left, should be 244px wide (including border).
 Anyone have any idea what might be going on? I've always thought that Firefox 
 uniformly reproduces css-based designs, regardless of operating platform. . .
 Thanks, in advance, for any clues you'd care to share!
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Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

2009-04-10 Thread Michael Leibson
Hi, Georg, and thanks for this detailed reply!

 your page is full of markup errors...
Thanks for bringing these to my attention -- I'll look into all of them when 
some time becomes available.  
Related questions:   why, if using an li without an ordered or unordered list 
is not allowed, does it work on my site?   What are the negative consequences 
of using it that way?

background is positioned 50% from the left side - regardless of window size.
Yes -- I used the 'negative margins' technique to (sort of) center the whole 
thing ('sort of', because I didn't want it symmetrically centered). But while I 
understand how my background's width causes the horizontal scrollbar, how does 
the left: 50%; affect either the scrollbar or my friend's 'zooming' of all 

what Fx version did you test in and what settings were at play?
FF 3.0.8, on a Mac OSX 10.5.6.  I'm pretty sure the whole thing was 'zoomed', 
but my friend says that she has to negatively zoom in order to obtain my page's 
intended size!  All I can imagine is that my friend has some kind of 'automatic 
zoom' set up -- either on her computer, or in FF -- but, so far, I haven't been 
able to discover such a feature, in any of the online literature.  I'm baffled!

Individual elements hold their declared width, but the page as such needs 
1650px wide windows to get rid of the horizontal scrollbar
Yes, I'm assuming that's because of the wide #background div I've used.  As I 
wrote to Phillipe, I added that div because I felt the design looked pretty 
weak without it, when viewed on wider screens/windows.  Aside from using a 
fluid design, is there any way I could have it both ways?

The declared dimensions on paragraphs and parent-less list-items are creating 
This sounds serious, but:
. . . For some reason, I keep getting a not found error message when trying 
to go to that URL.  

...and extra horizontal width all browsers have to cope with. Why not let 
those elements auto-adjust to their containers?
Ah -- as in the following? :
FWIW: it looks like you're attempting to recreate print design on the web, and 
that rarely ever works well.
I know.  The problem, though, was that I needed to get the site up immediately 
-- it's the second site I've ever done, and I'm very slow at this kind of 
thing.  With all its flaws, my only previous experience was  with a print-style 
design.I keep telling myself that I'll try to learn these things for my 
next site, but, given that I'm still in the dark with a lot of what I've 
already learned, even that may turn out to be too ambitious.  

Thanks for your help, Georg!
All the best,

From: Gunlaug Sørtun
To: Michael Leibson
Cc: Eric Meyer's CSS List
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:01:10 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

Michael Leibson wrote:

 I used Firefox to view my website on a friend's zillion-pixel-wide new Mac, 
 yesterday, and I was astonished to find that all elements on
  all pages had a significantly increased width, so that the design was 
 effectively spread, horizontally, to fit the (maximized) window.

Don't know how wide the screen on a zillion-pixel-wide new Mac is, but
my trusty old win machine provides me with a 3800 px wide screen for
browsers if/when I need it.
I need nearly half of that screen-area for your page, in any browser,
just to get rid of the horizontal scrollbar. That's before adding
page-zoom to the equation.

 This would have pleased me, were my design fluid -- but it isn't: it's fixed!

1: your page is full of markup errors...
...and some of those are serious.

2: background is positioned 50% from the left side - regardless of
window size.

3: what Fx version did you test in and what settings were at play? .

Individual elements hold their declared width, but the page as such
needs 1650px wide windows to get rid of the horizontal scrollbar.

The declared dimensions on paragraphs and parent-less list-items are
creating problems...

...and extra horizontal width all browsers have to cope with.
Why not let those elements auto-adjust to their containers?

FWIW: it looks like you're attempting to recreate print design on the
web, and that rarely ever works well.


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Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

2009-04-10 Thread Michael Leibson

Thanks, Phillipe!

Here is how it looks like, when I force the window to the width of the
monitor -windoze users call that full screen or something:
I zoomed the text, note how the selected part overflows the sand background 
(and is then unreadable).

Wow, pretty gruesome!  However, I intentionally made the font size super-big, 
in the hope that everyone who can read will be able to do so without 
text-zooming.  Should I worry?

At my normal window width, no text zoom. Note the heavy horizontal scrollbar.
Yes -- apart from the horizontal scrollbar, it looks as I intended it.  
Re. the scrollbar:  I'd originally designed for 1024 x 768, but found the 
design looked quite weak without the #background div, when viewed in anything 
wider (I'm assuming it's that very wide div that's doing it).  I don't suppose 
there's any way to have my cake and eat it too, is there (short of creating a 
fluid design, which is way beyond my current skill-level and available time)?

Safari 3.2 and 4b displays exactly the same.
On a another Mac with a 24inch monitor, it behaves all the same.
On Ubuntu Linux, same thing.
Thanks!  That's very good to know.

I like the colours, btw.

One more question, if I may:  I see that, on your computer, my 'contact' link 
(top right of page) actually displays as an email 'envelope' symbol.  Is that 
your computer/browser's default display for any href=mailto. . .  code -- or 
is my html incorrect?  (On my FF 3.0.4, on Windows XP, I simply see what I'd 
intended -- contact, with no symbol.)

From: Philippe Wittenbergh
Cc: Michael Leibson
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:19:08 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Firefox bug on on new Macs?

On Apr 10, 2009, at 8:43 PM, Michael Leibson wrote:

 I used Firefox to view my website on a friend's zillion-pixel-wide new Mac, 
 yesterday, and I was astonished to find that all elements on all pages had a 
 significantly increased width, so that the design was effectively spread, 
 horizontally, to fit the (maximized) window.  This would have pleased me, 
 were my design fluid -- but it isn't:  it's fixed!
 The site is .  The home page's main div (a sandy
 grey colour) should be 790px wide, and the slate-blue navigation div,
 immediately to its left, should be 244px wide (including border).

Dunno. Here is how it looks like, when I force the window to the width of the 
monitor -windoze users call that full screen or something:
I zoomed the text, note how the selected part overflows the sand background 
(and is then unreadable).
At my normal window width, no text zoom. Note the heavy horizontal scrollbar.

Safari 3.2 and 4b displays exactly the same.
On a another Mac with a 24inch monitor, it behaves all the same.

On Ubuntu Linux, same thing.

I like the colours, btw.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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[css-d] border of relatively positioned container div ignores contained absolutely positioned div

2008-09-12 Thread Michael Leibson

It's amazing how much CSS one can forget in a few months!   I'm sure there's a 
very simple answer to this -- but I've forgotten it!  

My containing div has a border.  It also contains three other divs:  two that 
are within the normal flow, and one (class=rightside) that is absolutely 
positioned.  Rather than figuring the absolutely-positioned div in its own 
border calculations, the containing div's border ignores it.  

1) Why?

2) The proper way around this CSS fact-of-life?

Here's where you can see the problem, and the css behind it:

Many thanks, in advance.

- Michael

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[css-d] IE7 bug changing border color?

2007-12-23 Thread Michael Leibson

I just had my first look at what IE7 does to my website, via a 
screencapture.  The first thing I noticed is that the border to my homepage 
'container' div is rendered as black, rather than as 30% black (#AAA9A9).  Is 
this the result of an IE7 bug, and -- if so -- any recommendations on how to 
work around it?  

You can find the page at:  
but, of course, it will only appear black in IE7.

The relevant CSS is as follows:

 position: absolute;
 left: 50%; 
 top: 50%;
 width: 780px;
 height: 430px;
 margin-top: -215px; 
 margin-left: -390px; 
 padding: 0;
border: 1px solid #AAA9A9; 
 overflow: hidden;
 background: white;

. . . which works fine in IE6, FF2, Opera9 and Safari3.

Thanks for any tips you'd care to share.
- Michael

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Re: [css-d] IE7 bug changing border color?

2007-12-23 Thread Michael Leibson

- Original Message 
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 3:22:06 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] IE7 bug changing border color?


Michael Leibson wrote:


I just had my first look at what IE7 does to my website, via a 
screencapture.  The first thing I noticed is that the border to my homepage 
'container' div is rendered as black, rather than as 30% black (#AAA9A9).  Is 
this the result of an IE7 bug, and -- if so -- any recommendations on how to 
work around it?  

You can find the page at:  
but, of course, it will only appear black in IE7.

I don't know about the rest, but I see no difference between Fx and
IE7 rendering. What about sending a link to picture describing what you

Sorry, Rafael, I should have thought of that.  Here it is:

If you saw no difference between FF and IE7 rendering, I wonder if all is in 
fact okay, with the problem simply being somewhere in the transfer from screen 
to screen capture via

Thanks for your help, Rafael.
- Michael

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Re: [css-d] tables, table captions in I.E.6

2007-10-13 Thread Michael Leibson

From: Philippe Wittenbergh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] tables, table captions in I.E.6

On Oct 11, 2007, at 12:50 AM, Michael Leibson wrote:
 First problem:
 The margin  for the table caption displays properly in FF2, but not at all in 
 Second problem:
 Although the caption margins are only set for 'top' and 'bottom',  
 IE6 gives it the same L and R margins as the table (while FF2 does  

. . . result: it is kind of a mess out there...
One approach I've taken in a similar situation as yours:
* don't apply margins to the table, but wrap it in a div and apply  
the margins to the div.
* for margins on the caption: set them to 0, and wrap the text of the  
caption in a span, style the span with display:block + margins as  
needed. That still fails in WebKit/Safari.

... or don't use caption, but headings (like h5 or h6, depending on  
your document structure).

Philippe Wittenbergh

Thanks for answering this, Philippe!  I'll try your solutions.
- Michael


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Re: [css-d] refining text-align: justify

2007-10-03 Thread Michael Leibson
Ernie Finlay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You could simply add to or reduce (minor)the font size to suit.:)

Thanks, Ernie.  
In the end, I decided to increase my paragraph's width enough to pop the 
offending widow back onto the 
end of the previous line.  
- Michael

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[css-d] re. refining tex-align: justify

2007-10-02 Thread Michael Leibson
Jukka K. Korpela wrote: 

. . . it is easy to insert a no-break space,. . .  as the entity reference 
 e.g. likenbsp;this? 

Similar things can be done in CSS . . . you can write
span class=nobrlike this?/span
 .nobr { white-space: nowrap; }

Jukka K. Korpela (Yucca) 

Thanks to both you, Jukka, and Philippe, for addressing this problem.

Jukka, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but neither nbsp; nor creating
a span class with {white-space: nowrap;} has so far worked for me.  

If you could possibly take a quick look at my css and mark-up, at:,%20with%20various%20problems.htm

 -- I'd be most grateful!

Oh yes:  does nbsp; work in HTML 4.01 Transitional?


- Michael

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[css-d] re. refining tex-align: justify

2007-10-02 Thread Michael Leibson
Jukka K. Korpela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Checking on IE 7, the second case, with nbsp;, works well: the last line is 
and strategy, as desired. I wonder where it does not work. 

Aha -- the problem lay in my own misunderstanding!  I'd mistakenly thought that 
by using nbsp; I could get strategy to 
actually remain on the prior line.  Now I see that, of course, it did eliminate 
that widow, by adding the 2nd to last word -- and -- 
to the last line.

The problem with the CSS way is that you have
  whitespace: nowrap;
instead of the correct
  white-space: nowrap;

Thank-you, Jukka -- even though I'd checked and rechecked my CSS, that had 
escaped me!  Now I know!

Thanks, again, for all your help!
- Michael

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[css-d] refining text-align: justify

2007-10-01 Thread Michael Leibson

Is there any way to refine the use of {text-align: justify;} so that one can, 
example, prevent the last word of the last line from appearing on its own line 
- like

Thanks, in advance, for any tips.

- Michael

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Re: [css-d] image replacement techniques and CSS

2007-08-08 Thread Michael Leibson

- Original Message 
From: David Laakso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: css discuss
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2007 11:03:10 AM
Subject: Re: [css-d] image replacement techniques and CSS

Michael Leibson wrote:
 I've a question about image replacement techniques and CSS.  For details, 
 please see: 

Image replacement is more a means of putting heading content in your 
file as text. . . .

Hi, David.  Thanks for replying. 
Yes, I'm aware of its use, and am having no trouble using it.  The question I 
is strictly about how to add padding to the h# that contains the text 
without, in the process,
also adding padding around the image.  As far as I can tell, those two effects 
are inseparable,
so I imagine there must be another way to do it -- eg, somehow using more than 
just the h# and the 

I'm surprised that yours has been the only response on this topic.  From the 
many well-written (and
well-presented) web-sites on the subject, I'd gotten the impression that image 
is fairly commonly used, and expected that it would be well-known among the 
of really good web designers using this list.  

I'll put this particular problem on the back burner, for now.

All the best,

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[css-d] image replacement techniques and CSS

2007-08-07 Thread Michael Leibson

I've a question about image replacement techniques and CSS.  For details, 
please see: 


- Michael

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Re: [css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

2007-08-05 Thread Michael Leibson

- Original Message 
From: fantasai [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2007 8:02:12 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

 Michael Leibson wrote:
  What is the most efficient way to display a non-inline image
  (eg, a logo) that will stand on its own (ie, with no superimposed text, 

 Is the logo standing in for something, or is it just decorative?

Hi, fantasai;

The logo consists of an image + text of company name and company description.  
I will
try to find some workable image replacement technique to ensure that that info
is displayed in cases where the viewer has images turned off. 

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Re: [css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

2007-08-05 Thread Michael Leibson
P.S. (please see below)

- Original Message 
From: fantasai [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2007 8:02:12 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

 Michael Leibson wrote:
  What is the most efficient way to display a non-inline image
  (eg, a logo) that will stand on its own (ie, with no superimposed text, 

 Is the logo standing in for something, or is it just decorative?

P.S. Sorry, I forgot to say that the logo's 'image + text' are all
contained in the one image -- that is, the text is part of the image.
- Michael

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[css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

2007-08-05 Thread Michael Leibson
- Original Message 
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2007 9:16:50 AM
Subject: [css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

Michael asked:

What is the most efficient way to display a non-inline image
(eg, a logo) that will stand on its own (ie, with no superimposed text, etc)?

fantasai responded:

If the image has text in it that should be there for the document to
make sense, then I would use an img tag with alt text. For example,

   h1img src=logo alt=The FooBar Company/h1

   pWelcome to the FooBar Company website, blah blah/p

and David L. responded, as well:

If  the logo is purely decorative (no image text) then my guess is one 
would use a background image.

If the logo has image text then I guess you might call it from the 
source document (html); and, call the style for it from an external css 
file (rather than using inline styles). For example:
#header img {...}
And, then also provide some means for users,  with or without assistive 
devises (screen readers), to read the image text. 

Thanks, fantasai and David.  While researching this, I looked up some sites on 
Image Replacement Technique (including Thierry's beautiful site, David), and 
figured that the Gilder/Levin Image Replacement Technique would be the easiest 
with enough essentials, for me to use.  From what I can understand, that
technique requires a particular approach to displaying the image:

CSS:#logo {width: [same as image]; height: [same as image]; position: 
relative; }
  #logo span  {background: url(logo.jpg) no-repeat; position: 
absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%;}

Markup:  h1 id=logo   
span/span [logo text]

Would this come close enough to your suggestions?


- Michael

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[css-d] Padding when using Gilder/Levin IRT

2007-08-05 Thread Michael Leibson
 Does anyone have experience with this?

In the Gilder/Levin Image Replacement Technique, an h (= text for viewers
with 'images off', etc)  contains a span (that holds the image that replaces 
the text):

CSS:#logo {width: [same as image]; height: [same as image]; position: 
relative; }
#logo span  {background: url(logo.jpg) no-repeat; position: 
absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%;}

Markup:  h1 id=logo   
span/span [logo text]

If I want a border around the image, I must add it to the h1, so that it does 
not impinge on 
the text.  However, if I want even more space between the text and the left/top 
border, I need
to add some padding to the h1, as well.  Doing this, however, axiomatically 
adds space
between the border and the image!   

Is there a solution?

- Michael

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[css-d] best way to display a non-inline image

2007-08-04 Thread Michael Leibson
Here's a very basic question (I hope!):  

What is the most efficient way to display a non-inline image
(eg, a logo) that will stand on its own (ie, with no superimposed text, etc)?

As a 'background-image' within a div?

With an inline style, with 'display' set to 'block'?  
(Eg, img src=image.jpg style=display:block; width: 100px; margin: 0;)
If as an inline style, is there a way to define this back in the style sheet - 
perhaps with an ID?

Some other way?   

I can't find anything that addresses this in Meyer's 'CSS-Definitive Guide'.


- Michael

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Re: [css-d] simple margins question

2007-08-01 Thread Michael Leibson

Subject: Re: [css-d] simple margins question

I am new to this listserve so please forgive me if I am off base.

On the contrary, I appreciate your help!

I have added a 3px yellow border to your containing div, and it appears to be 
positioned at 0 (top) of the body.
I missing something?

I received quite a few helpful responses to my question, many of which 
recommended the same thing -- ie,  adding
either padding or a border to the containing div.   I see that it works equally 
well in FF2 and IE6. 
Thanks, Jamy.

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Re: [css-d] collapsing vertical margins

2007-07-30 Thread Michael Leibson
- Original Message 
From: Gunlaug Sørtun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 7:09:14 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] collapsing vertical margins

(definitely! I can create a bigger and more complex mess _with_ CSS, 
than anyone could do before CSS... :-) )
The humour helps! ; - )

 I've also found (sigh) that IE6 suddenly ignores paragraph
 margin-right when that paragraph is absolutely positioned (it
 respects all other margins, however).  What is THAT all about??

One of IE6' many weak spots, and a good reason not to use A:P as a 
fix. A:P is useful for other purposes.

In your case I would reduce the styles/source code to something like...


Thank-you for taking the time to do this, Georg -- I really appreciate it!

I've studied your code, and have saved it for future reference. Your comments 
show that you've used a 
number of specific hacks/workarounds (eg, the body's text-align: center for IE, 
overflow: hidden used to [i think] subdue the 'hasLayout' in IE, etc).  I'd 
like to find 
explanations of both the hacks and the problems they undo, so that I can 
understand the 
principles, rather than simply imitate the code.  However, I'm new at all of 
this, and don't understand
many of the references and terminology I encounter along the way (eg,, 
which Alan so kindly provided).
I've been studying Eric Meyer's CSS-Definitive Guide for three months now, but 
he doesn't even 
mention the hasLayout problem. (One would think that a detailed explanation of 
absolute positioning - 
which he furnishes - should include the rather important disclaimer that 
nothing else will work when using it in IE!
Some tried-and-true hacks/workaround to employ so that one can actually use the 
absolute positioning he
details would also seem fitting.)

Any suggestions as to where a beginner like me can find understandable 
explanations for the hacks and 
workarounds used for IE and the problems they address?

Thanks again!
- Michael

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[css-d] effects of hasLayout (on one very discouraged student of CSS)

2007-07-30 Thread Michael Leibson
- Original Message 
From: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Alan Gresley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 3:21:08 PM
Subject: collapsing vertical margins

Michael Leibson wrote:

 . . . IE6 suddenly ignores paragraph margin-right when that paragraph is
 absolutely positioned (it respects all other margins,
 however).  What is THAT all about??

Alan Gresley responded:
 . . . Since you have a width set for your container, it has hasLayout (for IE 
which causes the adjoining margins not to collapse. . . 
. . . Remember hasLayout only effects IE and when an elements gains hasLayout 
all types of undesired
effects are seen, please see

Reread this several times over a few weeks and all will eventually sink in.

Hi again, Alan (and anyone else interested in this topic);

I've been trying to understand the satzansatz article, as well as other 
articles to which it refers.
One of these is the article by Markus Mielke, of MS,  HasLayout Overview, 

Among other things, that article seems to say that once a CSS property triggers 
IE's hasLayout, the affected
block element is given a new 'block formatting context', which I take to mean 
that -- in terms of some parameters,
like dimensions --  it no longer refers to those of its parent, but to those of 
some previous ancestor (eg, 
body, rather than containing div).  If so, this might be the explanation why 
the margins of my absolutely positioned p
didn't operate in relation to its containing div, but instead extended past 
that parent.  

Am I on the right track??

If I am, then it would seem to me that the most direct workaround/hack would be 
to somehow hide the
p's {position: absolute;} and the WIDTH, and every other CSS-provoked hasLayout 
trigger from IE, 
but not from all other browsers -- yet still somehow convey those directives to 
IE in a 'less offensive' manner.

Am I still headed in the right direction?

If so, could you (or anyone else interested in this topic) direct me to a site 
that not only gives such a hack,
but also explains it?

Thanks, in advance, for any insights you'd care to share!

- Michael

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[css-d] collapsing vertical margins

2007-07-29 Thread Michael Leibson
Michael Leibson wrote:

 . . . IE6 suddenly ignores paragraph margin-right when that paragraph is
 absolutely positioned (it respects all other margins,
 however).  What is THAT all about??

Alan Gresley responded:
 . . . Since you have a width set for your container, it has hasLayout (for IE 
which causes the adjoining margins not to collapse. Please see

. . . 
When you position a box absolutely, this itself give the box hasLayout and 
this causes IE6 and IE7
to not respect the right margin on your absolutely positioned paragraph. 
Please see

. . . Remember hasLayout only effects IE and when an elements gains hasLayout 
all types of undesired
effects are seen, please see

Reread this several times over a few weeks and all will eventually sink in.
Kind Regards, Alan

Thanks for taking this time, once again, Alan -- I appreciate it!

I can see -- and understand -- what's happening in the two URLs you've 
furnished, but 
the terminology and references in the onhavinglayout.html article will 
take a few weeks to sink in ;-)

In the meantime -- since I'm trying to get my web pages online -- can you (or 
anyone else)
recommend a reliable workaround for what must surely be a very common problem 
-- ie, 
how to get IE6 to properly respect margins when using absolute positioning?   
surprised that I wasn't able to find anything relating to this particular 
problem anywhere via Google
(lots on using 'clear' with floats, but nothing on restoring proper margins, 
when using absolute positioning in IE).

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[css-d] simple margins question

2007-07-28 Thread Michael Leibson

I'm trying to position the content area of a p below the top outer edge of its 
containing div, by giving the p a large margin.  The div is horizontally 
centered within the body, is flush with the top of the page, and has no margins 
or padding.  To my surprise, the resulting p ends up lowering the div's own 
position -- lowering it on the page --  as though the body had a margin (which 
it doesn't).   The only logical explanation I can deduce is that -- as the p 
has margins but the div doesn't -- this may be a case of 'collapsing margins', 
where the greater of the two adjacent margins is used.  But this seems so 
counter-intuitive, I can't believe it's the actual cause.   

What's happening here? 

If this is a case of collapsing margins, what does one do to use a p's margins 
to lower its content area?

Here are the styles, and markup:

body {margin: 0; }
div {width: 700px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; height: 500px; 
background-color: green; margin-top: 0; padding: 0;}
p {border-style: solid; border-color: red; margin: 10%;}

pthis is a paragraph/p

Any tips would be gratefully welcomed!

- Michael

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[css-d] collapsing vertical margins

2007-07-28 Thread Michael Leibson

(With all the workarounds necessary for noncompliant browsers, are you really 
any further ahead than you were 
before CSS?)

I've found that giving a box element absolute positioning stops its vertical 
margins from collapsing.*  Any good reasons why one shouldn't use absolute 
positioning everywhere that collapsing margins is a threat?

I've also found (sigh) that IE6 suddenly ignores paragraph margin-right when 
that paragraph is absolutely positioned (it respects all other margins, 
however).  What is THAT all about??

Here are my styles for both effects:

body {margin: 0; }
div {position: relative; width: 780px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; 
height: 500px; background-color: green; 
margin-top: 0; padding: 0;}
p {position: absolute; margin: 50px; }

The markup:
divpthe collapsing margins are prevented by giving this p absolute 
position;  CSS2.1 states that absolutely
positioned boxes don't have collapsing margins. However, it appears that 
absolute positioning also makes 
IE disregard margin-right!/p/div

Thanks, in advance, for any help you care to share.
- Michael

* I found some very interesting web articles on Block Formatting contexts, and 
IE's hasLayout -- which seemed to
  give an in-depth view of the mechanisms involved -- but I'm a complete 
beginner to webdesign and CSS, and so 
  found it too difficult to fully grasp.

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Re: [css-d] simple margins question

2007-07-28 Thread Michael Leibson
Message: 18
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 13:30:03 -0700
From: Alan Gresley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] simple margins question

Content-Type: TEXT/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII

Michael Leibson wrote:
 . . . If this is a case of collapsing margins, what does one do to use a p's 
 margins to lower its content

Hi Michael

logic is correct, it's a case of collapsing margins [1]. Have you
checked in IE though, you will see a difference, it will show how you
first imagined, with the margin inside the container, but only because
your container has haslayout with width: 700px. Please refer to [2]
concerning the IE behavior (check also in Firefox). The way around
collapsing margins is to give the container padding or a border (same
color as background) and this will bring IE and the good browsers sort
of into line.



Kind Regards, Alan

Thanks for this detailed reply, Alan -- I appreciate it.  I had noticed that IE 
looked okay, but I am getting used to expecting completely unpredictable 
differences between browsers (argh!).I had also stumbled on the CSS2.1 
specifications on collapsing margins.  I know the minds behind CSS 2.1
had many things in mind when they designed this, but . . .  I had come 
across other articles on 'hasLayout' in IE, but I have to confess that, as I am 
a complete beginner at all this, it was way beyond me.  So too, unfortunately, 
was this particular URL -- for some reason, ALL the examples displayed with the 
same amount of padding, etc, and so I couldn't trace the effects the author 

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[css-d] vertically centering a div

2007-07-26 Thread Michael Leibson

Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:09:31 +1000
From: Seona Bellamy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] Background image not centring correctly in

Just out of curiosity, is there a nice easy way of vertically centring a
div? I seem to recall seeing this discussion once before and the conclusion
being that there isn't, but someone may have come up with a way since then.
(Well, I can dream...) :)

Hi, Seona;

I came upon these useful URLs in a previous css-d list:

For horizontal centering:

For vertical (as well as horizontal) centering:

and for vertically centering elements of unknown height:

Hope that's of some help.

- Michael

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Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'

2007-07-21 Thread Michael Leibson

Message: 19
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:59:44 -0400
From: Phillip Allard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

(re-posted to CSS-D)

You might wanna try a:active{outline:none;}, I know this works for FF. The
reason I use a:active, is to comply with TAB browsing, where you do need
some kind of indicator for the currently selected link.

Thanks, Phillip -- now that I understand the TAB browsing function, and have 
learned Jukka's technique 
for suppressing the default focus outline in IE6, I now fully understand your 
suggestion to use a:active 
in IE.  

- Michael

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Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'

2007-07-21 Thread Michael Leibson
From: Jukka K. Korpela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Fri, 20 Jul 2007, Michael Leibson wrote:

 Forgive my ignorance, but just how would a keyboard navigate hyperlink 
 text, given that there are no menus, etc, to which to apply keyboard 

I hope that answering this won't be considered as too off-topic. There's 
at least a specific CSS technicality in my answer. . . 

Many thanks, Jukka!  Thanks to your and many others' helpful feedback, 
I have come to understand this issue much better, and have figured out
how to use :focus, :active and your 'Boolian-type' mark-up to replace 
the default focus 'outline' in both FF and IE6 with a style of my own choosing.

This - your newest post - takes us even further, to a deeper perspective.  

What a great list!

- Michael

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[css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover' borders?

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Leibson

I've discovered that both IE6 and FF seem to put a default border (dotted) 
around any hypertext link while it is being clicked.  I've tried various steps 
to suppress this -- eg, adding the styles   a {border: none;},  a 
{border-style: none;}  a:hover {border: none;}, etc -- but nothing seems to 

Here's my (very basic) style code, which the W3C CSS Validation Service okays:

body {margin:0; padding:0; color:black;font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode, 
Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} a 
{text-decoration: none; border: none}a:link {color: #79BEEA;} a:visited {color: 
a:hover {color: #C4BF66;} a:active {color: #C4BF66;}

I should add that a {text-decoration: none} does eliminate the browsers' 
default underline.

Any tips?

Thanks, in advance!

- Michael

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Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover' borders?

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Leibson
- Original Message 
From: Jon Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 1:05:19 PM
Subject: RE: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover' borders?

 I've discovered that both IE6 and FF seem to put a default border
 around any hypertext link while it is being clicked.  I've tried
 steps to suppress this -- eg, adding the styles   a {border: none;},
 {border-style: none;}  a:hover {border: none;}, etc -- but nothing
 to work.

I believe it's outline


Selector {

Or possibly


 - Jon

Thanks, Jon --  there's no way I would have discovered that on my own (despite 
having Meyer's CSS-Definitive Guide on hand)!

Your suggestion works in Firefox, but not in IE6.  I've tried many variants -- 
a {outline-style: none;} through to a:hover {outline-width: 0;}, but IE6 
ignores them all! Is there no way to suppress this in IE?

Thanks again.

- Michael

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Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover' borders?

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Leibson
From: Phillip Allard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 2:54:57 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover' borders?

You might wanna try a:active{outline:none;}, I know this works for FF. The 
reason I use a:active, is to comply with TAB browsing, where you do need some 
kind of indicator for the currently selected link.

Hope this helps,

Philip A.

Thanks, Phillip -- I appreciate the help!

Unfortunately, I find that while it works in FF, it -- like everything else, so 
far -- doesn't work in IE6.

By the way:  do you mean that it's preferable to use a:active rather than 

- Michael

On 7/20/07, Michael Leibson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've discovered that both IE6 and FF seem to put a default border (dotted) 
around any hypertext link while it is being clicked.  I've tried various steps 
to suppress this -- eg, adding the styles   a {border: none;},  a 
{border-style: none;}  a:hover {border: none;}, etc -- but nothing seems to 

Here's my (very basic) style code, which the W3C CSS Validation Service okays:

body {margin:0; padding:0; color:black;font-family: Lucida Sans Unicode, 
Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} a 
{text-decoration: none; border: none}a:link {color: #79BEEA;} a:visited {color: 

a:hover {color: #C4BF66;} a:active {color: #C4BF66;}

I should add that a {text-decoration: none} does eliminate the browsers' 
default underline.

Any tips?

Thanks, in advance!

- Michael

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Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Leibson
Message: 23
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 20:00:28 +0200
From: Jens Brueckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'
To: CSS Discussion Group
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Michael,

there is a CSS method described by Stu Nicholls at
and a javascript method by David Dorward:

Before removing these borders I recommend reading David's article.
These borders do not exist just for fun but for accessibility.



Thanks, jens!  I encountered both sites earlier today -- I understood one of 
them, but not the javascript one.
I have assigned a different colour for the a:hover  a:active states -- would 
that not show up if accessed by keyboard
rather than mouse?
- Michael

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Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'

2007-07-20 Thread Michael Leibson
Message: 25
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 21:43:20 +0300 (EEST)
From: Jukka K. Korpela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] how to suppress default hypertext link 'hover'
To: CSS Discussion Group
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Fri, 20 Jul 2007, Jens Brueckmann wrote:

 there is a CSS method described by Stu Nicholls at
 and a javascript method by David Dorward:

Moreover, there's the nonstandard hidefocus attribute recognized by IE. 
It's a Boolean type of attribute:
a href=... hidefocus

 Before removing these borders I recommend reading David's article.
 These borders do not exist just for fun but for accessibility.

Indeed, so it might be better to ask how to make them more noticeable. You 
could set outline properties e.g. so that the outline is thicker. But this 
won't affect IE.

Jukka Yucca Korpela,

WONDERFUL --- it works in IE
Forgive my ignorance, but just how would a keyboard navigate hyperlink text,
given that there are no menus, etc, to which to apply keyboard shortcuts?
As well, as I asked jens, wouldn't a colour-change on a:hover and/or a:active 
be just as effective?

Thanks for showing me how to suppress the :active outline in IE!

- Michael

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[css-d] background-color of an absolutely positioned block element

2007-07-05 Thread Michael Leibson
Thanks to Philippe Wittenbergh's help, I now realize that - with the exception 
of the root element - the background-color of any block element will normally 
apply only to its content-area, and that area, of course, is defined by either 
its actual content, or a specified width. 

However, in Eric Meyer's Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, 2nd 
edition, Eric seems to indicate that in the case of absolutely positioned block 
elements, the width is in many cases determined by the offsets used ---   eg, 
{position: absolute; top: 25%; right: 25%; bottom: 0; left: 0;} defines the 
block's dimensions relative to its containing block.  The accompanying 
illustrations seem to imply that a background-color has been applied to that 
IMPLIED width -- and not solely to the area behind the content that is entered 
into the block element.  Here's an example:

First, the style:

#masthead h1 {position: absolute; top: 1 em; left: 1 em; right: 25%; bottom: 
10px; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: silver;}

Then an accompanying illustration, in which he has entered text into his 
masthead. The masthead's background-color, however, extends far to the right of 
the space occupied by the text, and below it, as well -- in effect filling up 
the width that was only implied by the offsets used to absolutely position the 
block element.  

When I try to duplicate this, however, I end up with a block element that, 
while positioned right: 25%, is completely limited to its text content -- there 
seems to be no acknowledgement of the width implied by the offsets.

Can anyone point out what I'm not seeing, here?

Thanks, in advance!

- Michael

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[css-d] html background-color acting against body background-color

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Leibson

I'm new to CSS, and have been doing small experiments as a means to 
understanding how it works.  
I wanted to discover what kinds of attributes are applicable to the html 
element, and wrote the following primitive style:

style type=text/css
html {background-color: green;}
body {height: 100%; background-color: blue;}

To my surprise, the body's specified background-color didn't display -- the 
page was the html's green. (I've tried finding the answer in Eric's book, but I 
find it very hard to isolate and locate one specific subject there.)  Does this 
issue have to do with the body inheriting its parent's color -- even though the 
body's color was also specified via the style?

I then added some text (directly) to the body, and was surprised again -- this 
time to find that the body's background-color WAS applied -- but in a narrow 
band that had the same height as the text, and stretched across the page.  Can 
anyone explain what's happening here, in terms of CSS principles?

Last, while I'm on the subject of html attributes:   

I've come across a few styles that apply the height, margin, and padding 
attributes to html.  However, none of my own experiments have been able to show 
that these have any effect.  I don't know whether this REALLY means that they 
have no effect, or that I'm simply not building a proper-enough situation 
through which to test it.   

Any comments would be very gratefully appreciated!

- Michael

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[css-d] html background-color acting against body background-color -- P.S.

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Leibson

I subsequently found that:

style type=text/css
html {background-color: green;}
body {height: 100%; background-color: blue;}

DID display the body background-color in IE6 -- for the entire viewport (minus 
a default body margin) -- but not in Firefox 2.0.  Is the attribute height 
only valid in IE6 Quirks mode, or is there some other reason for this 

I also found that when I used this style:

style type=text/css

html {background-color: green;}

body {background-color: blue;}


body text/body

-- that is, with no height: 100% given to the body -- that both browsers 
displayed the body background-color only as a narrow band behind the text.

Thanks, again, for any tips/comments you'd care to share.

- Michael

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[css-d] Replying to individual posts within a digest

2007-07-01 Thread Michael Leibson
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:03:32 -1000
Subject: Re: [css-d] How to reply to one message within a daily
. . . you CAN reply to individual posts within a digest . . . 

Thanks, David -- I appreciate the very helpful info!
- Michael

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[css-d] centering elements via margin: auto

2007-07-01 Thread Michael Leibson

Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 14:32:26 -0700
From: Alan Gresley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [css-d] centering elements via margin: auto

. . . If the body had no text alignment (the default is text-align: left) then 
you don't have to restate text-align: left on any element unless an ancestor 
has text-align: center already. The CSS is less complicated if you only center 
what needs to be centered.

. . . Apart from text-align: center centering text, it also centers images. The 
real poison is that for IE, text-align: center will center all descendant 
elements as well, so be careful. The text-alignment that you would achieve with 
the CSS as above could be stated.

#container {margin 0 auto;}

Kind Regards, Alan

Many thanks, Alan.
- Michael

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Re: [css-d] centering elements via margin: auto

2007-06-30 Thread Michael Leibson
Thank-you, Josue, and also David, for your helpful replies.  

I've come across this code before, but not - yet - in Eric's book (it's a 
pretty dense study, for someone starting from scratch!).  I gather that 
{margin 0  refers to positioning, and (maybe) means the margin should be at 
maximum left.  But I don't understand how 0 and auto work together.  I've 
also read that body {text-align: center;} requires explicit text-align 
statements in all children where one doesn't want text to be aligned to centre.

I've experienced a few frustrations with Eric's book: for one, the Index is 
pretty sparse -- for example, I can't find any reference to 'centering a block 
element vertically'.  As well, there are almost no references to how to solve 
particular problems (eg, vertically centering a block element) -- I had to find 
those in other texts (eg, Web Design In A Nutshell).

That's why I greatly appreciate these replies!

All the best,


Hey, Michael, create a container for your layout (a div that will house 
everything else). Use this code, assuming that div is called container

body {text-align: center;}
#container {margin 0 auto; text-align: left;}

This is covered in the book. Maybe in the chapter on positioning. Hope this 

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[css-d] How to reply to one message within a daily digest?

2007-06-30 Thread Michael Leibson

I have lots of experience with forums, but not much with email list digests.  
Would someone kindly explain how one goes about replying to a message contained 
within a daily digest?

Many thanks!
- Michael

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[css-d] centering elements via margin: auto

2007-06-28 Thread Michael Leibson

I'm new to web-design and CSS, and am studying Eric's
. . . Definitive Guide, 2nd ed..  I have some
questions regarding the proper way to horizontally
center a block element:

On p.162, Eric writes: If both margins are set to
auto. . . then they are set to equal lengths, thus
centering the element within its parent. . .   

He later writes: Setting both margins to equal
lengths is the correct way to center elements.

He then cautions: In practice, only browsers released
after Feb. of 1999 correctly handle auto margin
centering, and not all of them get it completely

In an embedded style sheet, I entered:

body {margin: 0;}
div {width: 780px; margin-left: auto; margin-right:
auto; height: 100px; background-color: green;}

The resulting div was centered in Firefox 2, but was
aligned left in IE 6.  I therefore deduce that even
IE6  won't accept auto margin centering -- am I

If so, then here's my situation and question:  

I want my div to be of fixed width (750px), and always
horizontally centered within the viewer's browser
canvas.  However, I have no way of knowing the
viewer's  display resolution, and therefore no way of
knowing the   WIDTH of his browser window.   In such a
case (which must be extremely common), how should I
set my div's margins as equal lengths, if I those
'lengths' will always shift according to viewer
resolution and window size?  Do I go with a maximum
possible width (eg, 1600px) to accomodate the widest
possible display resolution, or is there a better way?

Thanks, in advance, for your feedback.

- Michael

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[css-d] centering element via margin: auto -- p.s.

2007-06-28 Thread Michael Leibson
(Sorry to do this via a p.s., but as I haven't yet
received the list digest, I've no way to 'reply' to my
own previous email!)

Re. previous post:  I later realized that in order to
center a div using margin:auto in IE6, I needed to get
IE6 into Standards mode via entering a Doctype!

(Silly me -- I didn't stop to think that working
offline doesn't change the browser's need for the

Sorry to trouble you!
- Michael

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