[css-d] eCommerce site IE6 Bug Busting

2009-05-05 Thread WEZ!
Heya All, got to that 'bash-head-against-wall' stage in the web 
development where I try to solve IE6 rendering issues. Working in 
XHTML strict. Site is here:

Standard page html is here:
layout css doc
and style css

There are about 6 issues that I'm trying to resolve left to work on 
and any help would be so greatly appreciated.

1) The footer bar at the base of the page has its left cap acting 
like full height. (#rndftbar) providing a height to this or the .tm 
(middle section) causes the footer bar layout to fail.

2) Base of rounded blocks and header bar aren't being rendered 
correctly. The index's page central gold block should have a black 
outline to the very base courtesy of the image that is replicated 
along there. The block has a set height but somewhere the image is 
being pushed down and then cropped off with overflow:hidden. Removing 
the overflow brings it to normal appearance but can cause issues with 
font size alterations.

The very top bar has the same problem with enlarge font size pushing 
the background image down and cropped bt overflow:hidden which can't 
be removed here. Compliant browsers keep the image at the base and 
let the content overflow it. Testing haslayout cure had no effect.

3) The left footer image on the cart page (click View Basket) is 
indented. This is exactly the same code from the standard page. Here 
is the page code:
compared to the index page. I can't seem to find any reason for this move.

4) Problems with site elasticity. I'm running the width expression as 
given by guru Georg. Upon shrinking fully the left column loses its 
negative margin and lays over the central column. The initial 
shrinking at large size causes a break in the central block which 
means the shrink isn't fluid. The scaling pixels sizes are correct 
however as far as I can tell.

5) IEpng integration causes the layout to break. I've had this issue 
before with a far more transparent intensive site.

6) No hover on elements but whatever hover script hasn't been 
implemented fully yet.

Any assistance would be greatly greatly appreciated. The code isn't 
easily accessible due to the cart system I'm running on this site so 
ask for any code that I haven't provided above. Regards

Wesley Lamont

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[css-d] IE6 Bug Busters and Site Check needed

2009-03-02 Thread WEZ!
Heya All

After much time IE bug busting I seem to have worted out all the bugs 
in IE7 and have a few remaining IE 6 bugs that seem quite immune to 
my work.


in IE6 there is always missing corners from the rounded boxes. The 
footer left and right boxes have been clipped despite haslayout and 
relative fixes. There is extended margins in the footer as well below 
the copyright info but this will probably go when the footer is 
rendered correctly.

Anyone have a recommended course of action for these problems. The 
usual solutions seem to be missing the mark.

An odd side note someone here may be able to answer. In older 
generation Gecko browsers (Firefox 1, Mozilla 1) the Main Content 
Block and Footer block Collapse if they don't have a border??? I have 
added a white border which is invisible in this layout but an odd 
solution. Its behaving like a layout bug where one attribute will 
alter something seemingly unrelated

Last assistance would be if someone in IE browsers could check the 
fluid nature of the site and the roll-overs in the menus.

Thanks for any assistance. Regards

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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[css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
Heya All,

I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem 
to find a solution for (as per usual).

I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated 
right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column 
and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with 
haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated 
as though it is floated and then dropped.

I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no 
avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have 
tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I 
take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this 
to work in IE6.

Anyway website is here:

Thanks for that help

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
haslayout is really annoying but quite an easy one to resolve, usual
methods are to use relative positioning or the zoom property to force
and element to have layout in ie.

ahh but this is the issue where haslayout has been triggered with a 
width. I actually need haslayout not to be triggered in this case. 
Yes triggering haslayout is quite easy. Removing that without 
breaking layout is much more difficult.

This is the negative version of haslayout where its presense causes 
IE to render blocks incorrectly.

In response to Lourens. I'm pretty sure I've tried that in my 
seemingly endless tests but I'll give it a run through again. I'm not 
sure if the entire content cannot have any haslayout triggers which 
would be impossible due to any images  having layout innately.

Wesley Lamont

position: relative or absolute;
height: 1%;



Stefan B

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM, WEZ! c...@raez.net wrote:
  Heya All,

  I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
  to find a solution for (as per usual).

  I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
  right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
  and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
  haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
  as though it is floated and then dropped.

  I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
  avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
  tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
  take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
  to work in IE6.

  Anyway website is here:

  Thanks for that help

  Wesley Lamont
  css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
  List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
  List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
   Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
All assistance is appreciated Stefan.

and don't think I gave display:inline-block a go so who knows it could work.
I think that is one of the things that bugs me (no pun intended) is 
the randomness of the cause and solutions.

Ohh well back to it

Wesley Lamont

If the problem is ie rendering block level elements could you not
trigger haslayout then, declare the element as an in-line element?
I feel I might not be understand this problem very well but I thought
I might throw this out to you anyhow, as it might help solve the


Stefan B

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:45 AM, WEZ! c...@raez.net wrote:
  haslayout is really annoying but quite an easy one to resolve, usual
  methods are to use relative positioning or the zoom property to force
  and element to have layout in ie.

  ahh but this is the issue where haslayout has been triggered with a width. I
  actually need haslayout not to be triggered in this case. Yes triggering
  haslayout is quite easy. Removing that without breaking layout is much more

  This is the negative version of haslayout where its presense causes IE to
  render blocks incorrectly.

  In response to Lourens. I'm pretty sure I've tried that in my seemingly
  endless tests but I'll give it a run through again. I'm not sure if the
  entire content cannot have any haslayout triggers which would be impossible
  due to any images  having layout innately.

  Wesley Lamont

  position: relative or absolute;
  height: 1%;



  Stefan B

  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:27 AM, WEZ! c...@raez.net wrote:

   Heya All,

   I seem to have run up against a IE6 haslayout bug which I can't seem
to find a solution for (as per usual).
I have a two column layout. The right one is fixed width and floated
right. The left one has negative margins to match the right column
   and is variable width. Now good-ol IE6 decides that something with
   haslayout (width:100% or any other method) next to a float is treated
   as though it is floated and then dropped.

   I've been running through all manner of potential solutions to no
   avail. It seems this is an unsolvable problem with the layout I have
   tried to implement. I thought I would ask the crowd here before I
   take any drastic actions. I assume its actually possible to get this
   to work in IE6.

   Anyway website is here:

   Thanks for that help

   Wesley Lamont
   css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
   List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
   List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html

Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

Re: [css-d] IE6 haslayout solution needed

2009-02-10 Thread WEZ!
Wow you guys rock. I've worked off Georg's example but I think David 
had the same idea. Is there a place on teh web you would recommend 
looking to find solutions to css layouts in IE? I've read through the 
'on having layout' numerous times but ever situation always seem 
different enough never to know a solid solution. Not to mention the 
variety of varied bugs.

I feel every time I start a new layout I invariable get to the point 
where I ask  for some IE help. Sigh.

Thanks again people the help is awesome.

Wesley Lamont

I think you want IE to behave like for this reworked example of your page...


Reverse engineering works best in such cases - make standard compliant
browsers simulate IE6/7 behavior, as described here...


In practice for your page, you simply replace existing styles for
#leftcontentcolumn with the following...

#leftcontentcolumn {
overflow: hidden;
background : #aaa url(images/valid-xhtml10.png) no-repeat scroll top;

* html #leftcontentcolumn {
overflow: visible;
height: 1%

...and IE6 and the others will line up those columns just fine, and in
identical-looking ways.

I assume its actually possible to get this to work in IE6.

The expression used (on #layout) is for quirks mode only, and makes IE6
in standard mode freeze, or rather go into an endless loop, at end-points.

Either force IE6 into quirks mode like I have done in the example page,
or choose one of the mode independent expressions described here...



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[css-d] test - if someone could respond if this gets through

2009-02-04 Thread WEZ!
just testing.

All my emails stopped from the list 10 Jan so I'm assuming that's 
spam assassin being changed but I've reverted back and still nothing.

Either I'm not receiving the emails, lost my subscription or something else.

If anyone could just reply if this does come through that way I'll 
know if I'm not getting the list to my mailbox or not even getting to 
the list in the first place.


Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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[css-d] WebSite IE Debugging Help

2009-02-04 Thread WEZ!
Heya All, well it seems my emails are getting through though I 
haven't had a normal list email for quite some time. Odd but I'll 
have to solve that bug once I get this sorted out.


I've been developing my Business Site at the moment and got it to the 
state I want in compliant browsers without too much trouble. Now I'm 
back into the glorious stage of IE win testing and after a couple of 
days of testing, searching, researching etc I'm going to ask some of 
the gurus on here.

I'm focusing on IE7 at the moment as IE 6 is a complete disaster. 
Porblems left are:
1) Header Right Image should be aligned to the end of the bar (floated right)
2) Newcolumn should be centred on its column
3) Footer Right same as above
- top three all seem like the same float margin bug but can't seem to 
get it resolved
4)Inspire block in middle should be centred
5) Content Blocks have whacked out borders (this will be IE italic 
bug I haven't tackled yet)

6)Footer Left Block has smaller line height than standards browser
7) Google CSE bar at top left has larger line height - set to 1px 
height the bar loads as 1 px then something triggers it to enlarge 
but another 5 or so
8) Login Text input not centered
- the last three seem to be line height problems.

You'll have to excuse the site is far from refined (and the various 
zoom hopes) at the moment. If anyone can recommend solutions or where 
I can read further to find solutions that would be fantastic.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] test - if someone could respond if this gets through

2009-02-04 Thread WEZ!
Thanks everyone. It does indeed seem my emails are getting through 
fine and responses to me are getting through as well.

I'm still not getting the regular posts however which is very odd. 
Anything I post is not showing up either. Going to have to take a 
look into my spam settings I think.

Thanks to all those replies.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
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Re: [css-d] WebSite IE Debugging Help

2009-02-04 Thread WEZ!
Heya David and Co,


My last reply didn't get to the list due to wrong email address but 
thsi one will. I've managed to solve the major issues with Davids 
help from earlier. Summaries are as follows:

Added Font:100.01%
-  Didnt' solve anything but its a standard problem reducer so its staying.

Changed Margins on right blocks:
Adding the 6pixel inner margin solved the centre and footer right 
hand block centering. I had reduced the inner margin in case of ie 
not positioning it correctly and then float dropping. How ironic. 
Seems fine now in IE7 and standards browsers.

I also altered the header block with the same logic. It appears that 
floated right blocks in IE7 are positioned by their left margin than 
their right margin which goes against the w3 standards from my 
recollection. Added an arbitrary 30 px seem to solve that problem.

David's solution of absolute positioning and fixed width worked and 
full width browser but the site is designed to scale down to a 640px 
browser. Though it did make me wonder how successful a layout would 
be with a negative margin content and two absolute positioned columns 
on either side. (logically it seems fine - as there would be no need 
for floats etc - but I'm sure practically there is something lacking 
- most likely vertical positioning down the page)

The Entire Content block had damaged margins due to Italic text when 
removed not only solved the odd margin fluctuation but also the 
layout of the inspire box.

So it looks mainly correct now. Few line height bugs remain but its passable.

Prevent all versions of IE from going totally goofy with font scaling:
body { font-size: 100%;}

ahh forgot to put that back in from previous work. Though I recall 
font-size:100.01% was suppose to help Safari or Opera in certain 
cases as well. I didn't actually recall that being an IE helper but 
since I got sizing issues I'll have to see if it helps here.

What more could anyone ask :-) ?

I'm focusing on IE7 at the moment as IE 6 is a complete disaster.

is that for IE5? surely IE6/7 would ignore the commented css?

Rules enclosed between /*...*/ means to delete same.

I missed your code alterations so all I was seeing was the comments 
and wondering how that was going to alter the output :)

How is it showing up hard to read. What OS/Browser/Resolution are 
you using? I coding on mac which has standard antialiasing which 
always makes fonts look good. Renders I have seen from PC look fine 
as well but there could be something I'm not using

Whatever does it for you and yours is fine with me. As for myself, I 
have difficulty with tiny-type set bold italic uppercase. Such is 

no that is perfectly valid point. The website isn't for me its for 
everyone who interacts with it. I've removed all the Italics as that 
was what was damaging the entire centre content. Without antialiasing 
the italics would be messed up.

The font should be a standard 12point arial which should be fine 
though I have noticed there is very little tracking between the 
letters on the standard arial which doens't help readability.

as for the small-caps that is there purely not to make a box of text 
quite so boring. I may have to tackle that another way.

5) Content Blocks have whacked out borders (this will be IE 
italic bug I haven't tackled yet)

Holding on your solution...

ya Italics bug. IE alters the width of a container element containing 
full width italic text rather than let the italic's increased width 
flow out of the container. It was amusing see it stuff around the 
borders as it seemed to maintain the normal border underneath (let me 
guess, an IE7 patch over the IE6 bug) and then had a separate border 
ontop which moved with the text italics.

Yeah not been validated yet. I run through that later in the 
cleaning step. It can solve problems if I've missed something type 
wise. Once its working correctly I can most likely halve the css if 
not more.

That could be a nice touch :-) .

hehe now now, no mocking :). In the initial design stages the css is 
usually a horrible mess.

Though I'm guessing it will be complaining about zoom's use. 
Validating using css3 (to avoid complaints about text shadow)
23 errors, 20 zoom errors, one behaviour error and two * html errors.
hmm I'm actually surprised. all the errors I would have expected and no more.

awesome work :) Thanks for your help. I'll work through what I can 
and post back up depending on outcomes.

Trust me. I can't speak for others but personally, I can hardly wait.. ;-)

hahah such cheek :)

Thanks for you help once again David

Welsey Lamont

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Re: [css-d] Conceptual Guidance - content outside viewport

2008-11-03 Thread WEZ!
Thanks for your reply and assistance as per usual Georg. Much appreciated.

I've been tinkered with the idea over the last couple days. Trying 
different ideas but still no luck.

You have some interesting avenues of attack on your site but the 
issue with the right hand background not making scroll bars with a 
div still exists. I haven't tried it with your code but the inner div 
you added to the left if applied to the right hand side will probably 
produce a scoll bar. Your code is still based on a static scaled 
content based on the the em (good implementation btw) so I still 
can't master the scaleable content on the the window size.

Some conclusions I have come up with. if anyone can confirm or deny:

A div outside the right side of the viewport will always create a scroll bar.
A div moved through any means (margins(+/-), left/right, content 
overflowing etc will always create a scroll bar.
Content moved to the Left won't create scroll bars

So i'm not seeing any way to actually implement the concept I was 
after on a variable width content. If anyone can suggest any other 
avenue I'm all ears (well eyes really)

Wesley Lamont

   At the moment all I need is a direction of attack. I'm sure it is
  possible to produce the effect I'm after i just don't know the
  technique and can't find it so far.

This method may be a place to start...

- Only content-container creates horizontal scroll-bars.
- Content-container can scale - I've used em-width.
- Visual background positions adjusts horizontally relative to
content-container on both sides.
- Can easily handle multiple backgrounds inside/outside viewport.

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[css-d] Conceptual Guidance - content outside viewport

2008-11-01 Thread WEZ!
Heya All,

I've been trying to find a solution to a concept I want to implement 
in a template I'm working on.

I want to have a variable width, centered content block which has a 
background image that is wider than the content and doesn't create 
scroll bars when the viewport is reduced to the width of the content 
or less. The methods I've tried so far have either failed to achieve 
the outcome of have resulting in scroll bars making the extra imagery 

Initially I would be aiming to get an image in the background but I 
can see numerous uses for actual content in the area the viewport 
ignores (content img with a background image behind for effects or 
dynamic effects not critical for content). There is no overflow code 
that allows the content to be rendered outside its block and not to 
instigate scroll bar creation. I've tried negative margin blocks 
which create a scroll bar.

If I haven't made the concept clear enough (most likely) here is a 
fixed width site with a basic version of what I'm after... 
http://www.sc2armory.com. That site uses a fixed background image on 
a fixed width site but I need the background imagery split into two 
chunks so the content can vary width dynamically.

At the moment all I need is a direction of attack. I'm sure it is 
possible to produce the effect I'm after i just don't know the 
technique and can't find it so far.

Wesley Lamont

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Site Check please (IE6 ideally)

2008-06-30 Thread WEZ!
Heya all,

Just done some footer work on this page and want to know if the page 
is rendering without flaws in most peoples browsers.

I've ran it through all the modern browsers on my work Mac and if 
anyone ideally could put it through its paces on IE6 that would be 
very very appreciated. I need to know if the page scales correctly 
with decreasing window widths and font size changes.

It's also using a new IEpngfix which was causing a minor rendering 
issue in IE6 earlier which I'm thinking may have gone. The right 
border should be even from the top of the page to the bottom.

Thanks for any help. Kind Regards

Wesley Lamont

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Width miscalculation Safari/Opera vs Gecko

2007-11-08 Thread WEZ!
Heya All,

I'm having issues with calculating Widths in a Fluid environment.

Safari and Operan Both render the central blocks and images their 
correct width. The Gecko renderers struggle with determining width 
and seem to fall back to the content determining width.

I've played around with the floats in the layout which has three 
columns with a extra float div to get the content to appear first. If 
I remove or vary the floated elements I can reverse the situation 
with Gecko engines rendering the widths correctly and Safari and 
Opera then falling back to the content widths rather than specified 

Here is the URL if anyone could take a look for me that would be great:

the css is here:

Thanks for any guidance. Regards

Wesley Lamont

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE background property expanding blocks width

2007-10-19 Thread WEZ!
Heya All,

Got a good ol IE bug again which is doing my head in

Adding a background to a div which has margins, borders, or padding 
has a habit of expanding the block by the width of the margins, 
borders or padding.

I can't add the background wanted to any div with any dimensions 
which I need to do to get the background to be contained within the 
intended division.

The page with the backgrounds in an parent div with all the borders 
padding and margins can be found here:

When I add the background to the correct div I get this:

This problem seems to be unrelated to a 'haslayout' issue as well 
which stumps me further.

Does anyone know an explanation or better yet a solution to this bug? 
Doesn't seem to be listed in any of the usual places that I could 
find as its not a standard 'expanding box' issue

Thanks in advance

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Menu DropDown (S.F.) functionality in IE

2007-09-25 Thread WEZ!
Heya All,

Still haven't been able to crack the Drop Down functionality in 
Suckerfish Style drop downs. IE (win) is causing the dropdowns to 
fail on hover when above other positioned elements.


I've been through all the previous recommended attempts to no avail.
This is a known issue in IE but should be solvable.
 From the Microsoft website: Input from controlling devices does not 
penetrate overlapping elements even if the elements are no visible. 
Which is the issue here. There are no elements overlapping the menu 
but something in IE rendering stream is or thinks it is.

Anyway if anyone can offer any solution it would be much appreciated.

Wesley Lamont

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Menu DropDown (S.F.) functionality in IE [SOLVED]

2007-09-25 Thread WEZ!
Thanks to both Alan and Georg,

The background was indeed the solution to the IE bug. It actually has 
a semblance of logic as well though I was stuck trying to resolve the 
issue with IE z-indexing fun.

Thank you very much as that was the last serious bug the layout 
required for functionality. (well in the IE 6 land - IE 5 is 
something I'll tackly later)


Wesley Lamont

I'll do a site check in a day or so.
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Re: [css-d] Menu functionality and IE6 bug

2007-09-18 Thread WEZ!
Whoa impressive work Alan.

Hi Wesley

You are pandering to IE and especially IE6. This type of menu is 
best done first to work correct in Firefox or Opera, then a check in 
IE7, then lastly IE6. I have copied your code and made a few changes.

I'm a CSS programmer. I start with compliant browsers and work back 
towards IE. IE 6 is the present one on the list to repair for. All 
standards browsers have been rendering the menu correctly so far.


Does the menu now function in IE6? I can not check if it does. If it 
does, then it should function in most browsers.

Fails badly in IE6
menues are broken all over the place. they run horiztonally not 
vertically, they move when attempting to move onto the sub menu.

  At this point I want you to disregard the differences between the 
browsers since they are due to me altering the code and CSS. When I 
do so it exposes, the conflicting rules. When I had the menu 
functioning in Firefox, I then noticed that the main menu was 
vertical in IE7. This was caused by the img drop shadows. The fix 
was to removes the floats (yes at one point I made this change for 
the images) with this rule.

.drop { height:0.5em;  float:left;margin-bottom:-1000px;margin-right:-1000px;}

Please note that every z-index has been removed from the CSS. This 
indeed would explain some of IE6 behavior.

The numerous Z-indexes were excessive at this incarnation but are 
designed to find the problem in the IE6 menu.

  I have removed many of the position:relative;

This would be causing the layout mayhem at the moment.

  The navigation element which you had is now effectively a container 
for everything below the header. I have now absolutely positioned 
the menu with it's own containers to be above the background (below 
the header) and since the menu now appears last in the source, it is 
layered higher then the content menu. I would not recommend using 
ems as widths or in the margins. Hope it helps.

Em are essential to making the website scale with font alterations. 
The entire website is solidly based on EM sizes 'everything' can 
handle being scaled up to large sizes and down to handheld sizes. I 
can calculate all the em's accurately as px sizes so far so good on 
that functionality.

BTW, Please note that I have sent Opera crazy, the dropshadows I 
see. This I will attempt to fix with this menu demo.


The menu system presently implemented is a version of Suckerfish and 
is now solid in almost all browsers that are CSS capable.

Your menu scales find. You get a drop in the smallest scale in 
Safari. Your background doesn't scale when enlarged so you may want 
to make the background image tileable for that reason.

Fails completely in IE5 (man). admittedly so does son of suckerfish 
at the moment with my two menus. Dual functionality seems to not 
allow IE5 mac to function. I assume you aren't trying to support this 
which is fine.

no drop down functionality in IE6 either. Mouseover effects are 
working however.
Layout is different as well. The background block seems to be in a 
different position (lower) than in CSS compliant browsers.

Float drop in Mopzilla in Menu 5 in normal font size. Same with 
Seamonkey (though same root browser)

Other than that works nicely. I like the background image you used 
though may need some overall contrast adjustment to make sure the 
text is always readable.

Kind Regards, Alan

In your article about your menu some of the blocks about the menu 
system break too wide for your layout.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Menu functionality and IE6 bug

2007-09-17 Thread WEZ!

This last bug is killing me. I've been bashing away at it over the 
weekend to no avail.

The Main menu drop down functionality is flawed in IE6(win) and 
possibly other IE's as well. The visual appearance is solved via 
giving the ancestors blocks a position and z-index as I explained in 
a previous post. However the functionality of the drop down menu's 
stops functioning when the cursor is above the content block whilst 
still remaining in the menu. This still appears to be a Z-index issue 
despite the menu visually functioning correctly. The menu items only 
appear to create style changes upon the text only and not the entire 

 From the Microsoft website: Input from controlling devides does not 
penetrate overlapping elements even if the elements are no visible. 
Which is the issue here. There are no elements overlapping the menu 
but something in IE rendering stream is or thinks it is.

The website can be found here:

I've added all the work I've done on this problem below any any help 
is GREATLY appreciated.


Wesley Lamont

There is two elements to this problem both related. The first is the 
main menu sitting ontop of the top bar. The bar is absolutely 
positioned z-indexed at -600. The menu ancestry is relative 
positioned at z-index 500 code-ordered after the bar in both html and 
css code. The li of the main menu only function on the text of the 
'a' element within the block not on the entire 'li' as standards 
This I have proven by removing the bar and functionality is fine for 
top level of the menu. Here are the tests I've tried so far:
- Drop the bar below the menu in html code and apply top:0
- set bar at absolute - z-index
- set barmid (central section of bar) @ absolute -, top:0
- Move bar to top again, change absolute to relative, add top to menu 
section to overlap once again
- Make menu absolute
- make menu absolute and position above bar again.
- removed positioning on bar completely

Even with the menu and bar with absolute positioning both or relative 
position and extreme opposite z-indexes I still can't achieve 
functionality correctly.

The second problem is the failure of the dropdown to sustain sfhover 
class change when the cursor moves above the content area. Movement 
above this area drop the menu completely rendering all lower menu 
items unreachable. Despite visually appearing above everything the 
functionality still claims the menu to be behind something. attempts 
so far (well ones I can remember)
- dropped parent z-index in case both were inheriting the same value.
- Added menu * {pos:relative, z-index: 500]
- added borders to see if any of the menu blocks was rendering 
visually under the content

After even more tests while writing this:
It seems the text of the drop down menus still appears functional 
above everything similar to the main menu. elsewhere on the block 
fails to keep the sfhover class change. Interestingly the entire 
block still triggers the sub menus to appear even if it then fails 
above the content block.

The border test in 28 also show how the borders appear to function 
above the content block as well.
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Re: [css-d] Menu functionality and IE6 bug

2007-09-17 Thread WEZ!
 You're CSS works correctly even in IE 7.

Yeah I was told this by another colleague though i have no way to run 
through the functionality myself as I have no IE7 in my mac-based 

  What I would recommend you
is to temporary use the JS version on all browsers (i.e. commenting out
the li:hover in the CSS and the conditional comments in the HTML).

Very good call. I've done that earlier but not more recently. Pretty 
convinced its an IE problem only but this is a good way to get that 

 Your problems seem to be mainly two:
a) You have an extra margin on your IE 6 version

do tell? that I haven't noticed here. Check against any standards 
browsers as this may also be something with IE 7 comparison that may 
not be as intended.

b) IE 6 ignores the mouse-over once you move out of the link (as if the
LI didn't count at all). I've had this problem before, but I can't
recall how did I sort it out, I'll let you know if I recall how.

Indeed and its doing my head in.

Thanks for the help

Wesley Lamont

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Re: [css-d] Menu functionality and IE6 bug

2007-09-17 Thread WEZ!
setting the a to display: block; should clear that up.

Thanks for the suggestion Brian. The 'a' links are already all set to 
block as it is a standard procedure for drop down menus or getting 
hover to function on the entire block.

But that being said it does give the effect of that problem so I 
think that has opened up another avenue of investigation.

It would have been too logical to think IE would fail on the 'a' 
links not being blocks but we are dealing with IE here :)

Well I'm off to block up the menu some more and see if that gets anywhere.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Z-index solutions but still more Menu problems

2007-09-13 Thread WEZ!
Z-index solution (well to some degree)

After having IE(win) flatly refuse to follow the declared Z-index 
values I went in search of the root of the problem. Position:relative 
seem to be the culprit however removing this value damaged the layout 
and thus was no solution. After some research it seems there is a 
known issue with IE (surprise surprise). What IE attempts to do is 
calculate Z-index for each positioned element and apply that index to 
all siblings regardless of stated Z-indexes on the siblings.

So one relatively positioned block with z-index:100 will overlap 
another relatively positioned block with z-index:200 if this element 
is wrapped in a relatively positioned element without declared 
z-index. Without a declared Z-index on the wrapper the absolutely 
positioned sibling gains a z-index of 1 since the parent would have 

The solution is to follow a given siblings ancestry back to where the 
two blocks interact and provide stated Z-indexes that will then 
translate correctly though the hierarchy.

Z-index continuing problem
After I went through my code and applied the Z-index to all parent 
blocks I had the layout (the drop down menu was the issue here) 
rendering correctly in IE after all. (much rejoicing)
This was all well and good until I tried to use the visible menu and 
noticed it would stop being functional when the cursor went over the 
area in the content that it once appeared under due to the Z-index 
problem. So despite appearing solved the functionality isn't.
I'll be having a go at solving this tomorrow but any ideas are welcome.

Other Menu problems:
The website now requires two drop down menu's rendered differently. 
The javascript on this site for menu functionality in IE (SF) seems 
to only want to provide functionality for one menu. If I duplicate 
the code and direct one at 'menu' and one and 'contentmenu' only the 
last one gains the hover effects as would be expected. I can't seem 
to get both menu's to function in IE together.

IE as well as Mozilla 1.7.1(mac) renders the contentmenu dropdowns 
horizontally as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated as usual. Regards

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Still stuck, need any help.

2007-09-11 Thread WEZ!
Heya all again,

I managed to get three fluid blocks to align horizontally with even 
gaps by wrapping an external div around each to remove the effects of 
the added borders on the blocks sizes which was causing the problems 

The second group I still can't achieve the same. This is with a 
central block of a fixed width (9.5em inc borders). The two blocks on 
either side I'm trying to  center in their respective halves.

With a 50% width and a negative inner margin of 4.75 I can get a 
containing block to appear where I want (green) and center the middle 
fixed width one. The actual content for that container doesn't then 
contain the remaining area (50% width minus the 4.75em) but takes up 
the entire width again thus not being centered. No use of margins or 
left displacements seemed to give the desired outcome.

The test site is available here:

I'm sure there is a way to achieve this outcome but with a variety of 
layout trials I still cant' crack it.

Any help or directions to other sources of ideas I would greatly appreciate.


Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] tiling png ie6

2007-09-10 Thread WEZ!
As far as I'm aware there are no limitation to tiling (repeating) a 
png image in any browser.

What you are most likely finding is if you want a Transluscent png 
you can't tile them in IE(win) less than 7.0.

The reason behind this is that IE(win) can't render the transparency 
in a Png file at all. The only work around is to use an IE filter 
which has the limitation of inability to be tiled. This may be what 
you are reading on various websites.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Centering and Aligning 3 blocks in fluid environment

2007-09-08 Thread WEZ!
Heya All again,

I'm stumpted on something that I feel is very simple but can't crack 
it myself. I'm trying to align 3 blocks horizontally in a fluid 
environment and center the group of three in the main content. I've 
tried margin methods, floating methods, other positioning methods but 
nothing seems to get the desired result.

There are two sets on the site. The top one has three fluid blocks 
requiring centering and dividing evenly while scaled. The second set 
down the bottom requires the same outcome but has a fixed em width 
block in the middle just to make life harder.

The site can be found here:

Thanks for any advice.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Drop-Down functionality

2007-09-04 Thread WEZ!
I have worked on a three-tier drop down menu system designed with 
pure css for functionality and javascript to achieve functionality in 
The website can be found here: 

So far the CSS side appears to function flawlessly (aside from other 
layout issues). The problem are now with the javascript code and IE.

On a purely validation issue the javascript code grabs 'li' through 
child nodes on a 'id' and assigns them a class which has mouseover, 
mouseout commands attached. This code however only gathers the direct 
children and not nested children below this. This amounts to having 
to use a second run through the javascript and multiple id's which of 
course fails validation. Does anyone who knows javascript better than 
myself tell me what needs changing in this code to get all children 
gaining the class not just the direct child nodes. Here is the code:

if (document.alldocument.getElementById) {navRoot = 
for (i=0; inavRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
if (node.nodeName==LI) {node.onmouseover=function() 
{this.className+= over;} node.onmouseout=function() 
{this.className=this.className.replace( over  );

Any better recommendations on achieving the outcome of drop down 
functionality in IE feel free to let me know.

I'm having issues now I have gone to three tiered version of this 
menu which I'm hoping an alteration of the above code will assist so 
one problem at a time.
An older menu system with 2 tiers is here: 
http://www.newearthpermaculture.com.au/bm/BusMentorMenu15.htm which 
functions better in IE on Mac and PC

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IE7 information -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7
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[css-d] Layout Almost Complete - advice and testing

2007-08-22 Thread WEZ!
Heya All again, Just a couple of bugs still in this layout of anyone 
can help with . The site is here:
The layout is fluid entirely em based with min/max size limitations 
aiming for support in IE5 and up.

IE 5 (mac) has a couple of bugs here:
The Right block expands the container by its width again. This is a 
known IE5mac bug althought the solutions are already implemented to 
no effect (display:inline and using negative margins). Any other 
IE5(os9) the right block image isn't limited to the block dimensions 
or the image set dimensions in teh CSS code and thus jumps to the 
height of the entire browser window.

Netscape 7 (os9) completely deletes the two blocks on either side of the title

Safari 2 (osX) the title image seems to have a max width when 
enlarged in which case the image suddenly springs back to a small 
size when the window is very large (2000px + width or max font size)

I have only been able to test on IE6 on windows so could anyone give 
it a run through IEwin 5.0, 5.5 and 7 on a windows etc and let me 
know if the min/max are working as they should and the font scaling 
is working correctly. Compare to any compliant browser if you need to 
know how it is intended to look.

Thanks for any help

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Web Coding Advice Needed

2007-08-21 Thread WEZ!
After trying to develop a fluid CSS only layout entirely em based 
with min and max-width's I'm unsurprisingly stumped. I'm trying to 
get a Layout functioning from IE5 and up on all browsers/platforms. 
If anyone could give me any advice on these problems I would be very 
much appreciated. This has taken me a couple of weeks of work, bug 
hunting, redeveloping and now I really need some expert advice to 
move forward.

The website is available here:
The css document here:

The aim is very simple and yet seems unatainable in one browser or 
another each time I try something new. Majorly suffering CCS (Crasy 
Coder Syndrome).

Javascript code: (entire problem with validation at the moment)
I have doubled up on the javascript code due to the present code not 
looping through the entire Menu and applying mouse-over classes to 
all 'li'. This has forced me to add another javascript loop and add 
multiple uses id's which I want to avoid.
Can anyone tell me how to force the loop to edit all 'li' not just 
the direct child decendants. Here is the line of code that needs 
for (i=0; inavRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {node = navRoot.childNodes[i];
The other issue with this code is the validation. The use of the 
un-escaped  stops validation. W3 recommends placing the script 
inside !CDATA[]] but this seems to stop IE5mac (and possibly 
others) from utilising the script.
I can stick the code in a conditional comment but that seemed to stop 
IE5mac as well.(though now in hind sight I'm not sure why)

Button Centering:
The button for the login form isn't centered in IE5mac (a known bug). 
The solution is to wrap the text in a span which does indeed centre 
the text and then removes all functionality of the button. Anyone 
know of any other solution for this IE5mac bug?

Text-input area:
Since all elements in this layout at 'em' based the input elements 
struggle from each browser seemingly choosing a different font size 
for the input and thus varying the input area width and height. I 
can't find anyway to force a browsers input text dimensions etc.

Image tinted:
I've seen this in many of my layouts previously and I'm wondering if 
anyone can shed some light on it. In the Gecko rendering engine I get 
the left most image from the menu bar being tinted lighter and no 
other images get this effect. Cant' for the life of me know why this 
happens or solutions. The image is a png with transparency though its 
the same as the right end of the menu bar which doesn't have this 

Menu layout:
The aim so far is to get the menu to appear ontop of the bar which is 
proving more difficult that I expected. At the moment the layout only 
works in Safari, and Firefox on the mac. The menu appears under the 
bar and is pulled up through top:-2.5em at the moment. I've tried 
margin-top:-2.5em as well but nothing seems to work everywhere. I had 
a different system initially which was working in all but IE(win) but 
though all the testing I've regressed :(

Win Testing:
I work solely on the Mac so I run each layout through the 10 
different browsers I have on hand. I have access to one IE6(win box 
and nothing else. So far IE Win is still well off being useable but 
if anyone has any recommendations for the code to make it IE friendly 
let me know.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Web Coding Advice needed update

2007-08-21 Thread WEZ!
Heya all again, Still waiting on my other post to get through as I'm 
new to the list and awaiting moderation.

Had an update to the website to fix a couple of the IE display bugs.
The website is available here:

I thought I had the layout solved but I just found an IE render 
problem. The layout is a fluid container, size limited with min/max 
attributes, all based in Em's to handle large and small screen 
devices. There is a fall back limit of 800px width for IE5mac and for 
IE(win) when javascript is not allowing the :expersions to function.

On windows this layout works as expected but upon altering the font 
sizes in the browser the various elements do not scale with the font 
size. The layout itself does which makes me believe the problem comes 
from the font-size declarations in pixel sizes.

Using the experessions to control the size of the block I can't add a 
fontsize to the Layout block or to the body element as the 
expressions read that as a fixed literal value.

Anyone know of another way to get IE to adjust Blocks based on EM 
sizes based on the font the user decides on.

Thanks for any help in advace.

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Firefox IE Scaling Issue Goes Deeper than Fonts

2007-08-21 Thread WEZ!
You are probably finding there are default margins around elements in 
your document you aren't aware of.

body often gains margins as do other block level elements.

Two tests you can do:
Kill all margins, paddings and borders
* {margin:0; padding:0; border:0;}
OR add a tiny border to everything and see where your problem lies. 
You will probably find Container is set away from the left egde due 
to the margin on the body tag
* {border: 1px solid red;}

See if that gets it solved.

Ohh on the other note (though I think you already know it) the screen 
800 px wide has 20 pixels used for the vertical scroll bar so 780 is 
the size you will be aiming for.


If you set your screen resolution to 800x600 and
run a test on the CSS and code below, you'll
quickly discover Firefox and IE have scaling issues
aside from font size.

The image GIF (245x216) looks remarkably larger in IE6
than it does in Firefox

Can anyone explain this, or does anyone have a fix for

I accidentally stumbled upon this issue while trying to
record the screen. Even with the width set to 770px IE
produces a horizontal scroll bar. What gives?

Here's the CSS and the code, below:

#container {
width: 770px;
border: 3px solid red;
margin: 0 auto;

div id=container
img src=woman.gif /


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