[CTRL] business/investments & drug / prison business

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Catherine is former Assistant Secretary of Housing-Federal Housing

Dave Hartley

 -Original Message-
From:   Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, January 31, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: Drugs, The War on Drugs, & The Investment Model

Recent posting have described the importance of the drug business to
traditional formation of capital. This model that uses genocide to fuel
venture capital has become intimately connected to the stock market.
Developing a model that bests it will require transparency that illuminates
the relationships. One of the important lessons I learned dealing with HUD
enforcement was the giant sucking sound that prisons stocks traded on a per
bed basis and Section 8 property management companies traded on a per unit
and mortgage banking companies traded on mortgages originated were making to
fuel the conversion of HUD into a financial fraud and enforcement center.

Nothing fuels government policy more that large capital gains on
management's stock options which translate into large donors. Yesterday,
NYTimes coverage of GW Bush  said the largest donors were

1. Retired individuals
2. Law Firms
3. Real Estate

Fits with the HUD story perfectly. The Bush's  have gotten  to where they
have gotten by helping their friends get out at the market top in the 80's
and 90's both.



Letters to the Editor
New York Times

Tim Egan's Article on Prisons, March 7, 1999
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Thank you for Tim Egan’s article on prisons. It was an excellent summary of
the growth in the US prison population over the last two decades. A welcome
follow up might be an exploration on how the money works on prisons.
The federal government has promoted mandatory sentences and taken other
steps that will increase the overall prison population to approximately 3
million Americans as recently legislated policies finish working their way
through the sentencing system. This means that approximately 10-15 million
Americans will be under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system from
arrest, to indictment, to trial, to prison, to probation and parole.
The enactment of legislation ensuring the growth of prisons and prison
populations has been a bipartisan effort. Republicans and Democrats alike
appear to have found one area where we can build consensus for substantial
growth in government budgets, staffing levels and media attention. Indeed,
during this period, the number of federal agencies with police powers has
grown to over 50, approximately 10% of the American enforcement bureaucracy.
This is further encouraged by federal laws permitting confiscation of assets
such as homes, cars, bank accounts, cash, businesses and personal property
that can be used to fund federal, state and local enforcement budgets.
One way to look at the financial issues involved is to view them from the
vantage point of the portfolio strategists of the large mutual funds. We
have approximately 250-280 million people in America. The question from a
portfolio strategist standpoint is what productive value will each one be
creating in companies and communities and how does that translate into flow
of funds that then translate into equity values and bond risk.
The prison companies are marketing one vision of America with their prison
and prisoner growth rates, while the consumer companies are marketing
another. The two are not compatible. CCA’s assumptions regarding the growth
in arrests and incarceration can not be true if Fannie Mae’s, Freddie Mac’s
and Sallie Mae’s assumptions about homeownership and college education rates
are. We, the people, cannot refinance our mortgages or buy homes or raise
our children and send them to college if we are in jail. Meantime, the
municipal debt market is also facing conflicting positions. If prison bonds
are a good investment, then some general obligation bonds may in trouble.
We, the taxpayers, can not support the debt: we are no longer taxpayers. We
have become prisoners. Whatever we are generating in prison labor, it is
certainly not enough to pay for the $154,000 per prisoner per year costs
indicated for the full system by the General Accounting Office.
It would be very illuminating to get the rating agencies and the ten largest
mutual funds together in one room for an investor roundtable to discuss
pricing levels on the investment of our savings that is internal to their
portfolios and ratings. We would compare equity valuations and growth rates
·   companies who make money from the American people losing productivity
·   companies who make money from helping the American people grow more
knowledgeable and productive. We are investing in two different visions that
can not both come true.
We could then calculat

[CTRL] KLA, Balkans, heroin

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Dan Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 4:09 PM
Subject: Re:

Original Message -
> Dan: I'm very interested in anything you have on China. 5 chapters of my
> book deal with Chinese involvement in the last presidential campaign, and
> sale of military secrets to Beijing. 4 chapters deal with the "Balkan
> (the China-India-Eastern Europe drug-trafficking conduit). I know that
> siege of Kosovo was much less humanitarian than portrayed by the
> media. It was also much more than mere officious intermeddling. It was a
> means by which to accomplish the defenestration of Milosevic, and,
> to establish the KLA (the Balkan Route's Cosa Nostra) as the ruling
> in there.

There is, of course a whole other KLA conduit, also intimately tied to US
military intelligence, and the Chinese.  Most of this is from Covert Action
Quarterly:Summer 1997:"Turkey:Trapped in a Web of Covert Killers":Ertugrul

Just west of the Golden Crescent of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran is the
enormous U.S. military strength in Turkey. On January 21, 1997, a judge in
Frankfurt, presiding over the sentencing of three convicted heroin
smugglers, concluded that, on the basis of the evidence before him, there
were close ties between the Turkish government and Europe’s major organized
heroin traffickers.
Judge Rolf Schwalbe concluded that two Kurdish clans known to be heavily
involved in heroin trafficking had "excellent relations with the Turkish
government" and "personal contacts with a woman minister in the
The Turkish publicity hit the fan on November 3, 1996, when a Mercedes Benz
crashed in the Susurluk neighborhood of Ankara. The driver was Huseyin
Kocadag, former Istanbul deputy police chief and CIA organizer of special
counterinsurgency teams aimed at the PKK. The popular rebellion of Turkey’s
15 million Kurds, led by the Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, the Kurdish Workers
Party, has drawn the CIA into yet another dirty war.
The death of the glamorous Gonca Us, the hood-connected beauty queen, in the
Susurluk crash only served to advertise it further. Seriously injured was
the Kurdish turncoat Sedat Bucak, Village Guard chieftain and True Path
Party (DYP) parliamentarian. But it was the presence of Abdullah Catli in
the Mercedes that made the heroin connection. Catli was a founder of the
Grey Wolves, the street fighting arm of the fascist National Action Party
(MHP). Since 1978 he has been wanted for mass murder and international drug
smuggling. What was this famous international terrorist doing riding in a
car with the most powerful police officials in Turkey?
And why was Catli holding a license to carry arms and a Green Passport
reserved for senior Ministry officials, both signed by Interior Minister
Mehmet Agar? Agar was the most powerful security official in Turkey, head of
the 120,000-strong police and counterinsurgency force financed and trained
by the CIA.
When Abdullah Catli entered Miami in 1982 under a previous Green Passport,
he was accompanied by none other than Stefano delle Chiaie, one of Klaus
Barbie’s key CIA Cocaine Coup engineers, a Gehlen operative. The great
heroin and cocaine smuggler Abdullah Catli had been taking orders from the
most powerful security official in Turkey, as had Catli’s senior Gray Wolf
henchmen, also issued documents signed by Agar.
Deputy Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, the DYP "woman minister" Judge Schwalbe
referred to, was forced to accept Agar’s resignation. But she insisted that
"those who have fired bullets as well as those who have been shot in the
name of the state are honest."
Judge Schwalbe’s investigation, however, confirmed the opposite. The
CIA-founded and financed Turkish security apparatus had used Turkey’s
fascist hoods in a no-holds-barred street fight for control of the vast
Golden Crescent heroin trade, a financial key, as Richard Helms and his
experienced dope-dealing team well understood, to military power in Turkey.
The Gray Wolves, founded in the late 70’s with the help of that team, the
Shah’s team, were a covert part of Turkey’s security apparatus. Immediately
on their founding they joined the CIA’s Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations and
World Anti-Communist League, targeting not only the nascent PKK, but liberal
journalists and politicians throughout Turkey. When this coalition overthrew
Suleyman Demirel’s conservative parliamentary government in 1980, the CIA’s
Ankara Station Chief Paul Henze cabled HQ in Washington, "Our boys have done
Dan Russell

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matt

[CTRL] Reliance Insurance Company

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Linda Minor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 11:32 PM

Subject: Re:  Bronfman/Seagrams

Excerpt from previous post:

John Coleman:

>>Another successful Rank company in the United States is the Reliance
Insurance Group. As an integral part of the Strategic Bombing Survey,
Reliance established the initial structural base for brainwashing,
opinion-making, polling, survey and the systems analysis used by the
Tavistock Institute in the United States. The Reliance Insurance Company,
based in Philadelphia, set up the corporate structure which enabled the
Strategic Bombing Survey to be turned against the people of the United
States who, although unaware of it, have been subjected to savage
psychological warfare for the past 45 years.

A key operative in this assault on the United States was David [sic--should
be Kenneth] Bialkin of
the Committee of 300 law firm, Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher. Bialkin ran the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for many years. The ADL is a British
intelligence operation founded in the U.S. by MI6 and run by Saul Steinberg
and Eric Trist of Tavistock. Saul Steinberg is the U.S. representative and
business partner of the Jacob de Rothschild family of London. Reliance
Corporation is home for Carl Lindner who succeeded Eli Black when he "fell"
from a 44th floor window of a New York skyscraper.

Reliance Company interfaces with the powerful United Fruit Company of Boston
and New Orleans run by Max Fisher who, before be was sheepdipped, was a
well-known Detroit underworld figure. United Fruit Company has long been a
conveyer of heroin and cocaine into the U.S. under the expertise of Mishulam
Riklis of Rapid American Corporation who masterminds shipments from Canada
to the U.S. Remember, all this is under the aegis of a single company,
gridding and interfacing with a myriad of smaller companies and operations
to give the Committee of 300 full control of a multiplicity of operations,
each one carefully interlocked in the grid.

Reliance Group is a spinoff of the parent company whose function it is to
brainwash the American people through a network of pollsters and opinion
makers and relies on Opera- tions Research for direct links with the
Tavistock Institute. Another associate company is Leasco, which is closely
interfaced with AT&T, Disclosure Incorporated, Western Union International,
Imbucon Ltd and Yankelovich, Skelly and White.

The obvious interface between Bronfman and Lindner is their relationship
with Michael Milken--the junk bond king.

Reliance Insurance is also interesting because, as Peter Dale Scott (Deep
Politics and the Death of JFK, p. 285) has documented, in 1963 the company's
Dallas office was in a building owned by the Great Southwest Corporation,
which also owned a motel in Arlington, Texas, which, after Kennedy's
assassination "[quoting Lee Harvey Oswald's brother, Robert]: 'seemed to be
serving now as a kind of regional headquarters'  for the Secret Service.  If
so, the Secret Service was dealing with its regular landlord; for the Dallas
Secret Service office was housed in the building of the Reliance Life and
Accident Insurance Company, of which the brothers Bedford and Angus Wynne
were directors."  Robert Oswald was familiar with the motel because his
mother and sister-in-law, Marina, were held there for a number of days after
Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest and murder.

Keep in mind that the then-bankrupt Great Southwest Corp. was purchased by
Penn Central, which is now owned by Carl Lindner's American Financial Corp.

According to information in SEC filings of Reliance Insurance Companies,
controlled by Saul Steinberg, in February 1980 Reliance owned 9.7% of the
shares of Republic Financial Services, Inc., 11.9% of United Fire and
Casualty, 10% of Provident National Corporation, as well as 24.9% of the
Imperial Corporation of America and 7.2% of the Gibraltar Financial Corp. of
California.  In 1978 Reliance had owned 12% of Imperial Corporation, 8.6% of
Provident (a Marvin Warner company) and invested 25% in Lomas and Nettleton.

In 1979 Saul Steinberg's Reliance Insurance acquired 1,829,400 shares of
Penn Central common stock for $39 million and received greenmail from Penn
Central in 1980 for a pretax gain of $8.8 million.  Steinberg was on the
boards of a number of corporations in 1980, including Imperial Corporation
of America, and Rothschild Investment Trust.  In 1978 he was sued by the SEC
and entered into a Consent Decree concerning the selling of stock in Pulte
Home Corporation which he owned individually.  Saul Steinberg was another of
Milken's best customers.  In addition, Steinberg attempted at one point a
takeover of the Chemical Bank of New York and considered a buyout of Robert
Maxwell's British companies.  I can't rememb

[CTRL] China, Burma, Heroin - quick explanation

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Dan Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:58 PM
Subject: Re:  helliwell

>Dan: I'm very interested in anything you have on China. 5 chapters of my
> book deal with Chinese involvement in the last presidential campaign, and
> sale of military secrets to Beijing. 4 chapters deal with the "Balkan
> (the China-India-Eastern Europe drug-trafficking conduit). I know that
> siege of Kosovo was much less humanitarian than portrayed by the
> media. It was also much more than mere officious intermeddling. It was a
> means by which to accomplish the defenestration of Milosevic, and,
> to establish the KLA (the Balkan Route's Cosa Nostra) as the ruling
> in there.Thanks in advance,Richmond Odom

Well, as usual Richmond, you make me feel like I should go hit the books
again immediately.  But perhaps I can contribute some relevant pointing:
Since the American-led global Prohibition of opium sap popularized heroin,
artificially making it valuable enough to trade for arms, many KKY leaders
were enabled to co-opt the local ethnic or political movement. The Burma
Army settled into the role of central wholesaler, issuing franchises to all
the major players in control of opium-growing territory, using its KKY
militia as trucking convoys for its franchisees. Thus did all sides in the
civil war settle into a relatively peaceful marriage of convenience, a
marriage that had the militarized heroin trade as its glue.
That is, when China’s Deng Xiaoping turned Burma into a trading partner, the
Communist Party of Burma made peace with the Burma Army and went into
business with it, as did the Kuomintang, Khun Sa’s Shans and most, but not
all, of the other guerrilla groups. Notably absent were the Karens, who did
not choose to enroll as SLORC slaves.
James "Bo" Gritz, as most Americans know, is a famous Vietnam War commando.
He went on to command U.S. Special Forces in the Panama Canal Zone. After
his 1979 retirement he functioned as a deep penetration expert for the DIA’s
Intelligence Support Activity. In 1986 Col. Harvey of the National Security
Council asked Gritz’ ISA team to check out reports received by Vice
President Bush, that Khun Sa had possession of some missing U.S. servicemen.
Upon reaching the jungle redoubt of this commander of 40,000 guerrilla
troops, Gritz was absolutely astonished by what the warlord offered. This is
what Gritz, under oath, told the Senate Select Committee on POW Affairs,
"We established good rapport and determined that the reports of his having
American POWs were false. I used both video and a CIA provided portable
polygraph to produce proof that Khun Sa had no knowledge of U.S. POWs He
promised to either secure any Americans found or give me 2,500 of his best
troops to recover them. I was told to return in March for the results. I
asked Khun Sa about trafficking in Heroin. He told me to take an offer back
to President Reagan. Khun Sa was willing to eliminate all the Golden
Triangle opiates and disclose the U.S. government officials who were his
best customers for more than 20 years! In return Khun Sa wanted a trade
agreement which would allow free world exploitation of the Shan State
natural resources. VP Bush was leading the war on drugs and it sounded like
an offer we couldn’t refuse."
" Harvey telephoned with congratulations on successfully resolving the
POW report, Khun Sa’s sweep of western Laos and offer to help in any rescue
operation. When I inquired about the drug offer, Harvey said there was no
interest. Such a negative response was surprising, but staff assistants in
DC tend to develop tunnel-vision and see no importance outside of their own
narrow focus. I returned to Burma and found reason why there was "no
" ‘After you left with my Reagan message in December, I thought maybe I’
d see B-52 bombers overhead. Instead both the Thai and Burmese came to me
and said they had to make it look like they were doing something or they
could lose millions of U.S. drug suppression dollars. I told them to do
anything they wanted as long as it included a road from Mae Hong Son Air
Port.’ Ten-ton trucks had replaced the horses and mules as the drug tonnage
quickly indicated. A news article showing the U.S. Ambassador presenting the
Thais with a $1.8 million check for all their hard work cooled political
"Khun Sa said he understood the problem. He sadly reported that after an
exhaustive search his agents had turned up no evidence of U.S. prisoners
alive in Western Laos, but he was willing to reveal some of the U.S.
officials he had dealt with since winning the Burma-Laos Opium War in 1967!
My ears pricked up when [Assistant Secretary of Defense] Richard Armitage
was named as the person who handled the money with 

[CTRL] Swarming the Bush Family: The Swarm Begins

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 11:58 PM
To: CIA Drugs list
Subject: Swarming the Bush Family: The Swarm Begins

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In November, I was at a private dinner in Washington. The person speaking
was someone respected for his knowledge by corporate leadership who seems to
converse pretty regularly with the defense and intelligence community. He
seemed to be suprisingly current on my internet expressed opinions. While
speaking, he stared at me intently despite an audience of about 30 and said
"George Bush will not be the nominee, it has been decided. McCain will be
the Republican nominee". He later said, "well, I hope your satisfied" as if
my various writings and speaking was part of the group of people that had
made it clear by aggresively pushing drug issues that Shrub could never go
the distance.

Ever since I have been watching to see when the switch will begin, or
whether he was pushing disinformation or simply had it wrong. My intution
said that he knew what he was talking about, and that somehow the Bushes had
overreached one too many times. When I saw the CNN poll that suddenly showed
McCain ahead by 10 points in New Hampshire the day after Iowa, then the
Manchester Union Leader editorial today (the way to swarm this guy is
absolutely to tag him as a rich kid empty suit who thinks he is too good to
earn itwhat better than the truth) I thought...well maybe this is how it

And when I saw this, I thought, if this is true, then I was wrong. I figured
first Shrub fails to win the nomination, then they start messing with the
Bush money networks. Wow, imagine doing both at the same time.

Move this up to high probability. A Bush family swarm is starting. This is
going to be wild.
Get on your flak jackets, 'cause there is going to be flying green hippo
meat splattering right and left as the Midianites duke it out. Wait till you
see the movie "The Skull" coming next month. If Yale was publically traded,
I would buy some long puts.

If you have been holding back dirt or critical knowledge on the Bush family,
circulate it now!

-Original Message-
From: Sherman Skolnick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 7:04 PM

ARRESTED IN CHICAGO by Sherman H. Skolnick
  The reputed cocaine bank money laundry wizard for former President
George Herbert Walker Bush and two of his sons has been arrested in
Chicago. The matter is tied as well reportedly to corrupt top IRS
Officials, Chicago Region Office fingered by our
Giorgio Pelossi, a prominent Swiss accountant, was arrested January 20,
2000, at O'Hare International Airport, after officials of the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS,found he was wanted on an
international arrest warrant issued in Milan, Italy, about a year
previous. Pelossi, 61, was somehow actually traveling under his own
name. His name showed up on a passenger manifest in a routine check
provided to officials of the INS.[Savvy sources, however, dispute that
it was so "routine" but was rather a follow up of matters outlined in
our TV  documentary, 11/29/99.]
In his appearance before a Federal Magistrate in Chicago, Pelossi agreed
not to oppose being sent back to Italy by extradition. Pelossi signed
papers in Chicago's Federal District Court waiving his right to a
hearing in
Pelossi is reportedly the cocaine bank money laundry expert for the
former president and two of his sons, Texas Governor George W. Bush and
Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Some claim that the matter also reportedly
implicates the other son, Neil Bush, who escaped federal prison through
a reputedly corrupt arrangement upon the downfall of Denver-based
Silverado Savings & Loan Association, an apparent CIA proprietary
operation of which Neil Bush was an official. Some contend Silverado, at
the hands of Neil Bush, was likewise a money laundry for illicit funds
including reportedly narcotics trafficking.   For a year or more now,
journalists and commentators in Spain have been writing and talking
about the Elder Bush and two of his sons, George W. and Jeb, being
reportedly implicated in billions of dollars of dope money laundered
through banks in Spain, Italy, Mexico, and the United States. The
cocaine banking cartel, for which Pelossi reportedly was the kingpin and
brains, was centered in Milan and Barcelona. According to stories, some
date-lined Rome, in December, 1995, by Reuters, United Press
International, and other news and law enforcement personnel, Italian
authorities contended they had proof leading them to assert that the
Archbishop of Barcelona was implicated wit

[CTRL] FW: [CIA-DRUGS] Ted Gunderson Report/Foreign Soldier Activity in US

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austi Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 2:27 PM
To: CIA Drugs list
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Ted Gunderson Report/Foreign Soldier Activity in US

From: "Catherine Austi Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Note: The attached is a report that Ted Gunderson handed out a speech he
gave in California several weeks ago. I believe it is connected to the
attempted seizure of $4.7BB on HUD loan sales. Our offices were sized in
March of 1998, when they tried to falsify evidence. We dealt with continual
physical harrassment throughout 1998 and attempts to control documentation
in a manner that would allow for fascification sufficient to create a
probable cause case for seizure.

Again, the question is...why did they need $4.7BB of funding on a
non-accountable basis? What was a $4.7BB enforcement slush fund for?

Memorandum Prepared by Ted L. Gunderson
F.B.I. Special Agent in Charge (Retired)

Handwritten Cover Letter

For the benefit of all federal agents, informants, and provocateurs:

In April 1998 I was invited to attend a meeting between the FBI and Texas
Militia.  When the FBI herd I would be there they told the Militia if I
attended they "would walk."  Instead, I wrote them the following letter.

Mark my word, you are as expendable as everyone else.  You will be used and

Good Luck and God Bless

 Ted L. Gunderson (signature)

Letter by Ted L. Gunderson

March 31, 1998
Dear FBI colleagues,

It is unfortunate that your FBI leaders have prohibited me from attending
your meeting with the militia in Texas this weekend. I had no intention of
causing a confrontation but merely wanted to alert you to the fact that in
recent years the FBI has been used as a political pawn to further the goals
of certain international globalists and to document to you that these
actions are not in the best interest of the FBI or our country.

Let me explain.  When I arrived in 1979 I has no knowledge concerning an
organization known as the Illuminati.  I have since learned that on May 1,
1776 (a Communist holiday) Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor who
defected from Christianity, announced 25 Illuminati goals.  He prepared
these goals on instructions from Mayer Rothschild, an English money broker.
The goals were designed to destroy all existing governments and religions
and to take control of the world's wealth.  To accomplish this Weishaupt's
plan required his Illuminati to do the following:

1. Use monetary and sexual bribery to obtain control of people already
occupying positions in high places in the various levels of All governments
and other fields of human endeavor.

2. Illuminati faculty of colleges and universities were to recommend
students who possessed exceptional mental abilities and belonging to
well-bred families for special training in Internationalism.  The training
was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected.  They were to
be educated into accepting the idea that only a one-world government can put
an end to recurring wars and tribulations.

3. Influential people trapped into coming under the control of the
Illuminati and specially trained students were to be used as agenteurs and
placed behind the scenes of All governments as experts and specialists so
they could advise top executives to adopt policies which would in the
long-run serve the secret plans of the "one-worlders" to bring about the
ultimate destruction of the governments and religions they were appointed to

4. The Illuminati were to obtain control of the press.  News and information
were to be slanted so the masses would come to believe a one-world
government to be the only solution to our many and varied problems.  Once
discovered by the Bavarian government, the Illuminati went underground and
operated in secrecy.  It has been active ever since.

Today, the Illuminati is comprised of many of our world leaders including
former President George Bush and Bill Clinton.  In the furtherance of its
cause, it has infiltrated virtually every level of society including the
FBI.   U.S. intelligence agencies, (particularly the CIA) are being used as
pawns by the world leaders, the United Nations, and the world bankers.  Thus
far the Illuminati has accomplished 85% of its goals.  For documentation and
details concerning these goals, I urge you to purchase and read Pawns in the
Game by William Guy Carr.  It is available through my office at cost-$13.00
including S&H.

I am aware of the FBI conference with local and state law enforcement
agencies throughout the U.S. in 1997.  During these conferences the FBI
advised that at the present time the militia, patriots, and fundamentalist
right-wing Christians are the real t

[CTRL] Fw: Frontline: FBI/ATF Raid ELF Spokespersons Home (OR, USA)

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 10:49 PM
Subject: Frontline: FBI/ATF Raid ELF Spokespersons Home (OR, USA)

>   Frontline Information Service   -   Update 2/02/00
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Earth Liberation Front Spokesperson's Home Raided By
>FBI/ATF Agents;Subpoena Issued For Federal Grand Jury
>February 2, 2000
>PORTLAND, OR - Earth Liberation Front (E.L.F.) spokesperson, Craig
>Rosebraugh, had his home raided today by FBI and ATF agents.  For
>nearly six hours agents searched and seized a virtual truckload of
>property presumably related to Mr. Rosebraugh's work publicizing the
>actions of the underground E.L.F.
>Mr. Rosebraugh was also issued a subpoena to testify before a federal
>grand jury in Portland on February 29, 2000 which is investigating
>recent actions by the E.L.F.  This is Rosebraugh's fifth subpoena he
>has received to testify before a grand jury in three years.
>At 8:00am some 15 federal law enforcement personnel from the ATF and
>FBI entered Rosebraugh's home with guns drawn and a search warrant
>allowing the search of his home and vehicle.  Simultaneously, FBI and
>ATF agents also raided the offices of Liberation Collective in
>Portland, where Rosebraugh previously worked.
>"As it is obvious the law enforcement has no idea who is succeeding
>with economic sabotage in this country, it seems only fitting that they
>are going to target and harass the public spokesperson", Rosebraugh
>commented today.
>Recent E.L.F. actions have included the destruction of Boise Cascade's
>regional headquarters in Monmouth, Oregon, the burning of a genetic
>research program at Michigan State University, and a burning of a new
>home in Bloomington, IN.
>For more information contact:
>Craig Rosebraugh
>E.L.F. spokesperson (503)284-5432
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Genesis Hypothesis

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Genesis Hypothesis
By Douglas B. Scarborough
Eakin Press, Austin, TX

The Genesis Hypothesis is a non-fiction book which reveals hidden secrets in
the Biblical book of Genesis. It shows the proposed ancient location of the
Garden of Eden around 9,500 BC. It explains where and why the Biblical Flood
of Noah occurred and how Noah knew he must build an Ark to survive. It shows
how God may have shown him the flood schedule seven days in advance through
lunar positions. It reveals that specific Ark grounding dates stated in the
bible are actually intervals exactly equal to low tide cycles caused by
lunar motions. And it exposes that the Ark dimensions are a code pointing to
three cities in Southern Iraq founded by a survivor of the Ark's voyage.

The Genesis Hypothesis shows clearly that there was a hidden code in the
genealogy dates of Genesis. A code which creates a cyclical mathematical
curve based on the Biblical Ancient's age-at-death to age-at-fatherhood
ratios. This cycle has a period of approximately 1,300 years. It is very
strong evidence of a biochemical cause for long life spans such as
Methuselah. "Or" it is a precise, mathematical coding of Biblical data made
intentionally by the Bible's authors-and is an important message from
ancient times. The cycle information is the discovery of The Genesis Curve -
a subject of passionate biochemical and theological debate. The major
Ancient Biblical personalities, from Adam through Joseph, all have age data
that fall on the rhythmical pattern of this newly revealed curve.

The biochemical cause of the Genesis Curve is traced to oxidative chemicals
created by short wavelength ultraviolet light on rain clouds, snow and
glacier ice. Chemicals which found their way into drinking water in isolated
glacier fed river valleys. Some highland valleys of this system still exist.
These are the locations where people with relatively long life span are
still living. Here, there may be people who are still receiving trace amount
of life-span-lengthening chemicals and they may have received much more in
past history. The Genesis Hypothesis reveals that the Spring of Lourdes
contains these chemicals and their source probably comes from the Pyrenees
Mountains-high above Lourdes in Southwestern France.

The old mystery of God's promise of no more world floods evidenced by the
rainbows in the sky is resolved. The disclosure premise is that in ancient
times, by God or by nature or both, incoming light through unique high
altitude clouds was polarized. It caused Pre Flood rainbows to be invisible.
This is why rainbows at one point in history were recognized as "new"
phenomena. The Genesis Hypothesis shows how anyone with a pair of polaroid
sunglasses can easily demonstrate the effect of invisible rainbows. The
Genesis Hypothesis projects a 1,328 year ancient cycle of increasing and
decreasing ultraviolet light-forward in time from Biblical Adam to the
present day. It is the Genesis Curve Cycle. In 2,000 AD we are on a cycle
portion of increasing ultraviolet light. We have several hundred years of
life left to the cycle maximum. A cycle we may never survive. The proposal
is made that we have amplified a hazardous natural trend of increasing
ultraviolet light by releasing ozone depleting chemicals into the
environment at exactly the wrong point in history.

The book gives modern day scientific evidence in support of the historical
evidence for extremely long human life spans. It discusses chemical
experiments which implicate excess iron in shortening longevity, causing
heart attacks, and Alzheimer disease. Hydrogen peroxide is proposed as being
the ultimate cause of cell division. Properly manipulated, to inexpensively
promote plant growth, hydrogen peroxide might thus solve the problem of
world hunger. It's byproduct Superoxide is present in the chemical pathways
of most anti-cancer drug treatments.

Preliminary hydrogen peroxide experiments in rats are reported to almost
double life span. It is explained how hydrogen peroxide can be created in
nature by ultraviolet light on ice. This plus certain minerals in drinking
water may be a breakthrough to extreme life extension. It appears to work by
slowing development or maturation in youth. Examples of monkeys and small
ape development ages vs. life span are given. As a general rule, maximum
life span is longer when development of youth is delayed.

On the more mystical side-the book gives a decoding of several of
Nostradamuses quatrains from his book, The Prophecies. It explains how
Nostradamuses occult quatrains were about the Philosophers Stone and the
elixir of immortality. It details exactly where Nostradamuses pinpointed the
discovery of the philosopher's stone in Biblical verses. And now his occult
verses relate to the coffin of Joseph of Eg

[CTRL] Commission Urges Consolidation

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Commission Urges Consolidation
Of Law Enforcement Agencies
7:24 a.m. ET (1224 GMT) February 2, 2000 By Jim Abrams
WASHINGTON - The global dimensions of crime require that the attorney
general and the FBI extend their authority over other law enforcement
agencies such as the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, according to a
congressional report.

The Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement recommended
Tuesday that the law enforcement functions of the Treasury Department's ATF
be shifted to the FBI and that the Drug Enforcement Administration become a
separate division of the FBI.

Congress, which created the commission in 1996 in the wake of law
enforcement controversies such as the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff in Idaho and
the 1993 Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, has failed to act on similar
recommendations in the past.

The departments of Treasury and Justice, in a joint statement, said the
report was "thoughtful and deliberative," but noted that the idea of merging
the ATF and DEA into the FBI was not new and had previously been rejected.

"We believe such a merger would be unnecessary and would be detrimental to
our law enforcement efforts."

But the chairman of the five-member group, former FBI Director William H.
Webster, said better coordination is crucial if the country is to meet the
growing threats of global crime, terrorism and cyber-crime.

"I have serious concerns about the readiness of the federal government to
protect Americans and the national security" without structural changes, he

The report said the attorney general should be responsible for overseeing
all major federal law enforcement policies and practices.

The commission also criticized the recent tendency to "federalize" crimes.
It said 40 percent of federal crimes have been put on the books since 1970
and now total more than 3,000. "This situation threatens to overwhelm
federal law enforcement capacities, just as dramatic and serious new law
enforcement challenges grow in intensity."

Webster acknowledged that others in the past, going back to President Lyndon
Johnson, have attempted to restructure the ATF or consolidate law
enforcement efforts, with limited success.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said his panel
"will study the report and review its recommendations." A hearing on the
findings was scheduled for Thursday.

Webster said that while such events as Ruby Ridge and Waco had become
"metaphors" for some of the recent problems in law enforcement, they were
only part of a larger picture that included some real successes such as law
enforcement coordination after the 1995 bombing of the federal building in
Oklahoma City.

The FBI was deeply involved in both the 1992 Ruby Ridge and 1993 Waco
incidents. At Ruby Ridge, the wife and son of white separatist Randy Weaver
and a deputy U.S. marshall died. At Waco, which began with a botched ATF
raid on the Branch Davidians religious sect's complex, the FBI was in charge
for most of the standoff that ended in the complex's destruction by fire,
with more than 80 people dead.

The commission also recommended that law enforcement and intelligence
communities better coordinate their activities, that global crime be made a
national law enforcement priority and that Congress require that law
enforcement agencies establish new standards for professionalism and

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Comics Awareness speaks 2

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Part 2 of 2.


This was 85 years ago!. Who would have the right to clamp down on all
that information at that time and keep it from anthropologists and
historians and scientists?

  Admiral Byrd's Journey to Middle Earth was Also Covered Up This
Awareness indicates the United St-tes g--ernment would feel they
have the right, just as they also clamped down on the expedition to
the North Pole in which Admiral Byrd went into that center of the
earth, the opening at the North Pole, wherein the curvature of the
earth brought him around to an inner lip of the opening.
  When Admiral Byrd tried to tell others about his findings on return
to civilization, he was only able to get one brief statement out and
from then on was censored and the information was covered up.

  What is the Status of this Underground City Today?

  Is this vast underground city being used by the governm--t today?

  This Awareness indicates it appears it is part of the underground
network, but is being used by the Zeta Reticuli and the Orion Greys;
that the gov--nment does have some connections with some of the
underground caverns, and this has much to do with their relationship
with the extraterrestrials.
 This Awareness indicates that the --vernment does still have some
control over this particular area, but It does not see governme--
troops or forces in the area.

   Gov--nment has Monitoring Devices to Prevent Intruders

  It is seen that the opening is in such a place that they consider
it inaccessible, but if entities were to be seen attempting to
enter, the gover--ent would be alerted through certain monitoring
devices and would appear on the scene to remove those intruders.

  The entity mentions that the openings at the time appear to be
about level with the river, which would indicate it wasn't entirely
underground at that time, and the river has since worn itself down
a mile or so. Is that valid?

  This Awareness indicates that it appears the opening at the time
was high above the river; that the river is even further down at
present time.

 Why No Animals or Females Were Present?

  He says all these mummies they examined so far proved to be male; no
children or females being there, Also no sign of any animals. Why was

  Animals did not wander into the cave on the side of the cliff.
Animals were not brought into the area. The natives were fed grain
and other nutrients.
  This Awareness indicates that he described it as a kind of military
or male barracks. This Awareness sees that this was likened unto a
place where men assembled for purposes of carrying on duties.
  It appears to have been a kind of work place or gathering place
from which duties were launched. This Awareness indicates that it
did not appear to be a setting that would appeal to women and that
women would have been, by their agenda, too burdensome to care for
in such a setting.
  This Awareness indicates that this does not mean that there had
never been women in the caverns, or in that particular area, but that
all trace of such women had been removed before the latter days of
use, and that no remnants were found when the entity entered. No
remnants or evidence of women's presence was found at the time of
this entity's entrance and discovery of the particular caverns he

What Was the Idol Resembling Buddha?

  This idol or image of the g-d they found sitting cross-legged with
a lotus-flower or lily in each hand; the cast of the face was
Oriental and it was resembling the Buddha. This obviously was
thousands of years before the Buddha.

  This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that this
was an ancient symbol that was used in Lemuria and also in Tibet.
This Awareness indicates that the Tibetan language of Sanskrit is
closely tied with Lemurian language, because there is a connection
between these two great ancient civilizations.

   Were the Hieroglyphics Ever Deciphered?

  He stated that on all the urns, and walls over doorways and
tablets of stone which were found by the image, are mysterious
hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet
to discover. Did anyone ever discover the key to deciphering those

  This Awareness indicates that it does not appear that these
hieroglyphics were really deciphered, although there were some
efforts by entities who came close with a few of the symbols, but
the attempts were mostly focused on trying to read them through
the concept of Egyptian hieroglyphics. It appears they could have
been better deciphered from ancient Tibetan writings and pictographs;
that these would have been better suited to helping decipher the
  This Awareness suggests the term "pictographs" may

[CTRL] Cosmic Awareness speaks 1

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Whoa, what a read.

Subject: Further News About The Grand Canyon Temple.Feb. 1, 2000.

  In the past I have posted information about the discovery of a temple
in the Grand Canyon.  I also posting items from  a lady called Mysty
Moon who went into this temple a few years ago.  Now there is some
information from an intelligence called The COSMIC AWARENESS that I
will post at this time.  The information it puts out is channeled
material.  Some people hate channeled material.  Some people don't
like for me to make the statement, "This is channeled material so be
careful."  Other people hate the writing of the COSMIC AWARENESS
because it repeats the statement, COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness
indicates."  If one or all of these things upset you then please
don't read this material.



  That is the story that appeared in the Phoenix Gazette, April 5,
1909. Would Awareness comment on that and whether basically the
information is true?

  This Awareness indicates the information is correct. This Awareness
has previously discussed underground caverns that run throughout
the earth. This Awareness indicates that this civilization was a
remnant of that which has been termed Lemurian civilization: The
Lemurian civilization being essentially in the Pacific as its own
origin, and it had some spreading in the direction of the present
area referred to as the Oriental world.
  There is also an opening in these underground caverns in Egypt;
that Atlantis contained an opening into these underground caverns
and that they do connect into Tibet and that which is called
Shamballah. This Awareness indicates that many of these underground
caverns or what may be termed "underground highways" have been blocked
although many areas are open.
  This Awareness indicates that some of these also go down into South
  This Awareness indicates that the entities, the American Indians,
particularly the Hopi, are descendants of entities who once lived in
these underground caverns. This Awareness indicates it has been
theorized that the American Indians have an origin in the China or
Asian continent. This Awareness suggests that the theory is that they
came across the area of Alaska.
  This Awareness wishes to suggest, however, that some of these
entities came through tunnels that went beneath the Pacific to
Lemuria, of which the Hawaiian islands are a part, and on to the
North American continent. This Awareness indicates that these
underground caverns were once part of a great world civilization
that included high technology from extraterrestrial civilizations.

   How the Great Flood Was Created

  The Titans, the Atlans, the Lemurians and many others of the time
did travel underground through these subterranean fields or caverns
and also had space travel. Much of this was destroyed after the
conflicts that occurred in what may be termed a kind of space war or
extraterrestrial war, when the firmament was likewise destroyed and
that great flood was created. The flood was created from the melting
of the polar caps through the use of certain extraterrestrial
  Earth Changes Split Huge Cavern In Two This Awareness indicates
that the Grand Canyon was a schism that occurred from the result of
enormous earth shifts and broke apart a cavern that went through
this area. If one could examine the opposite side of the canyon,
downstream, one could find the continuance of this cavern, except
that the canyon has been sealed from the shifts of the rocks and the
movement of the plates so that it is not directly opposite the wall
of the canyon. This Awareness indicates that it does carry on from the
shearing-off action of the Grand Canyon, where the walls were the
result of a shift and break in the rock that formed the two sides of
the Grand Canyon.
  This Awareness indicates that it appears the government found the
area to be of great significance, too significant to let people know
about it, seeing that there were many potentials for great treasure
and great knowledge and information in keeping the area secret from
the masses, and thus the report in the newspaper was one of the few
reports ever made public.

Teros and Deros Now Inhabit the City

  This Awareness indicates that the whole incident was quieted so
that it was soon forgotten. This Awareness indicates that much was
learned from government exploration of the area. This Awareness
reminds you also that much of Richard Shaver's life was devoted to
his research into underground caverns and people who continue up
to the time of his writings to live in these underground caverns.

The Deros are Demented Zeta Reticuli

  This Awareness has indicated als

[CTRL] Brief History (http://www.public-action.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/cover/c_page02

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew
Title: Brief History


Brief HistoryBetween the days of February 28, 1993 and April 
19th, 1993, approximately 80 men, women, and children living peacefully in their 
home near Waco, Texas, were killed by the combined efforts of the US Defense 
Department and other government paramilitary units: the US Treasury Department's 
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), and the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation (FBI). The incident also claimed the lives of four ATF agents. 
The civilians lived in a religious community called the Mt. Carmel Center. 
They were called Branch Davidians. 
The incident began with a military-style raid on February 28, complete with 
helicopter gunships firing down upon the women's and children's quarters. Then 
followed a long siege. On April 19, the US government sent tanks to GAS 
the building where the people lived. The government said they decided to gas the 
Davidians because they were concerned about the sanitary conditions in the 
house, because they were afraid one of the Davidians, David Koresh, was spanking 
babies, and because the FBI agents were getting tired. 
 The tanks tore big holes in 
the walls, drove into the house, and knocked down whole sections of the 
building. The government said they were only making holes in the building so 
they could get the gas in, and let the people out. But no Davidians came out. To 
some, it seemed the tanks were demolishing the Branch Davidians' home while the 
people were still inside. 
A fire broke out as the tanks were driving about. The fire became an inferno, 
lasted 40 minutes and burned the house to the ground. As they watched the 
inferno on TV, many wondered why they could not see Davidians escaping the 
burning building. Seventy-five people are said to have perished in the flames. 
Much public concern was focused on the circumstances surrounding the deaths 
of the 33 women, children, and babies whose remains were found in a concrete 
room which served as a pantry and food storage area off the kitchen in the Mt. 
Carmel Center. 
Circumstantial and physical evidence suggested to some Americans that the 
Branch Davidians were deliberately killed by the US government. A video was made 
which contained TV footage that showed what seemed to be a flame throwing tank 
backing out of the smashed building, flames coming out of its muzzle. Other 
footage showed uniformed US military personnel at the scene, and tanks fitted 
with plowblades pushing debris into the flaming rubble. The video was circulated 
nation-wide and caused people to become outraged. 
The US government repeated that the tanks made holes in the building so that 
the Branch Davidians could come out, but that the Davidians refused to do so, 
and then committed suicide by setting themselves on fire. 
Others said that the TV footage of the flame throwing tank was misleading. 
They said the fire started when the tanks accidentally tipped over some 
lanterns, and was fed by hay and household fuels that happened to be in the 
building. A public outcry for full Congressional hearings ensued. 
Two years to the day after the April 19 fire, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma 
City, where many federal offices were housed, was bombed. The US news services 
immediately inferred the building was bombed by those who objected to the Waco 
Holocaust. Waco Holocaust protesters said that the bombing of the Murrah 
building was most likely the work of the US government, seeking an excuse to 
extinguish Constitutional liberties, as evidenced by events in Waco. 
Finally, more than two years after the April 19, 1993 inferno in Waco, 
Congress held lengthy hearings. The hearings were held with the stated purpose 
of finding the truth, wherever it lay. It was promised that the hearings would 
put the Waco controversy to rest. 
Any serious investigation looks at physical evidence. And it examines that 
evidence directly. When serious investigators must rely on interpretations, they 
do not seek out interested parties to give those interpretations. 
However, Congress ignored most of the available physical evidence. When they 
did look at evidence, Congress was highly selective. When interpretations were 
sought, most came from interested parties. And finally, when penetrating 
questions were asked, government employees were permitted to avoid answering. 
The Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum will now make available to the public 
some of evidence that was suppressed by Congress. 
Next: Why the Waco Holocaust Matters 
Home: Museum Entrance 

Alert! Yet another attempt to cover up the  Waco Holocaust. Read about 
the new hoax documentary, Waco: The Rules of 
Engagement in the Museum's Burial Gallery. 

Published by Public Action, Inc, a news and news analysis service. All 
commercial rights are reserved. A full statement of terms and conditions for 
copying and redistribution is available in the Museum Library. "Waco 
Holocaust Electronic Museum," "SkyWriter," and the sky writing 
logo a

[CTRL] My beliefs

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Peace and blessing to All,

I have been asked by a number of folks about my position on the Seven points
of David Koresh's teachings. While my personal belief system it not at issue
here, there is a need to state my position in this study.

I am a student of the Seven Seals. I believe in all of the prophets I make
no difference between them. I think that David was the Word of God and that
he brought a great truth to mankind The United States government,lead by
Bill Clinton, killed him for that message. I do not have a great deal of
knowledge of the Bible or any book of God for that matter. My reason for
wanting to study "his" message is to see if what my heart sees can be
confirmed in the material world.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] *sex* and [CIA-DRUGS] copvcia down ?

2000-02-02 Thread Mick Poirier

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 If you need more web company names do a UK bigfoot
http://uk.bigfoot.com/SEARCH   on brec network

I got over 250 of them...

Check out some of the entries on the database and how it works:


   246.) Network Services Administrato, BREC_first_name

   247.) Network Services Group, BREC_first_name

   248.) Network Services Group, BREC_first_name

   249.) Network Support, BREC_first_name
SAIC = Strategic Applications International Corporation
 3.) saichek, BREC_first_name
"silver bullets"

   1.) SILVER-NIGHT, BREC_first_name

   28.) SILVERBLUE, BREC_first_name

   29.) SILVERBOLT, BREC_first_name
fifth column electronic ops

   7.) EOPNET, BREC_first_name

   8.) EOPO1ADM, BREC_first_name
banking and telcommunications systems
1.) Banking, BREC_first_name
ghwb rico type, habitual drug trafficking
   1.) GHWB, BREC_first_name

   8.) HEROINE, BREC_first_name

   9.) HEROINE, BREC_first_name

   10.) HEROINE, BREC_first_name

   11.) HEROINE, BREC_first_name

   1.) smack1, BREC_first_name

   8.) SNOWBACK, BREC_first_name


   3.) COKE, BREC_first_name

   4.) COKE, BREC_first_name

   3.) LSD, BREC_first_name

   4.) LSD, BREC_first_name
36.) HASHIMOT, BREC_first_name
38.) HASHIMOTO, BREC_first_name

   1.) ECSTACY, BREC_first_name

   2.) ECSTACY, BREC_first_name
1.) EXTACY, BREC_first_name
1.) BLUEANGEL, BREC_first_name

You forgot the smut sex-pic market.
1.) IMAGES, BREC_first_name

   1.) RV, BREC_first_name

   2.) RV, BREC_first_name

   3.) RV, BREC_first_name

   4.) RV, BREC_first_name

   5.) RV, BREC_first_name

   6.) RV, BREC_first_name

   1.) Photo America, BREC_first_name

   2.) PHOTO-LITHO-GRAPHICS, BREC_first_name

   3.) PHOTO\, BREC_first_name

   4.) PHOTO48, BREC_first_name

   5.) PHOTO7232, BREC_first_name

   6.) PHOTOBUG, BREC_first_name

   26.) Photolab, BREC_first_name

   27.) PHOTOLOVER, BREC_first_name

   33.) PHOTOMANIA, BREC_first_name

   34.) PHOTOMETRICS, BREC_first_name


   47.) PHOTOSYNREQUEST, BREC_first_name

   4.) SEX1017581, BREC_first_name

   7.) SEX4HIGHER, BREC_first_name

   12.) SEXAHOLIC4, BREC_first_name

MailCity. Secure Email Anywhere, Anytime!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups

[CTRL] Proposed legislation in Mississippi would....

2000-02-02 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: January 31, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Proposed law in Mississippi would
(ahem) get a grip on public priapism

 WASHINGTON, DC -- There's a new contender for the year's
dumbest proposed law: A bill in Mississippi that would make it a
crime -- punishable by a year in jail -- for a man who is, ahem,
sexually aroused (but fully clothed) to appear in public.

 "Talk about hitting below the belt!" said George Getz,
Libertarian Party press secretary. "Are phallic felonies really so
frequent in Mississippi that the state needs a Private Parts Police
to patrol men's underwear?"

 The bill in question -- SB 2013, introduced by Republican
State Senator Tom King -- is currently being considered by the
Mississippi Senate Judiciary Committee.

 It would redefine public indecency to include the showing of
"covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state." Violators
could face up to a year in prison and a $2,000 fine.

 But wait a second, say Libertarians: Is public tumescence
really a problem that is, ahem, popping up all over in Mississippi?

 Not even the bill's sponsor thinks so. State Senator King
says the bill is intended to regulate the behavior of patrons at
strip clubs.

 "Unfortunately, King followed the First Rule of Politics:
When in doubt, legislate," said Getz. "That's why America has so many
of these kind of absurd laws."

 In fact, the proposed Mississippi law joins a long list of
laughable legislation, he noted:

 * In Lexington, Kentucky, it's illegal to carry an ice cream
   cone in your pocket.

 * In St. Louis, Missouri, it's illegal to sit on a street
   curb and drink beer from a bucket.

 * In Arkansas, it's illegal for the Arkansas River to rise
   higher than the Main Street Bridge in Little Rock.

 * In Pocatello, Idaho, "the carrying of concealed weapons is
   forbidden, unless same are exhibited in public view."

 * In Utah, it's against the law to fish from horseback.

 * In Wilbur, Washington, it's illegal to ride an ugly horse.

 * In Jonesboro, Georgia, it's illegal to say, "Oh boy!"

 * In Devon, Connecticut, it's illegal to walk backwards after

 * In Harthahorne, Oklahoma, it's illegal to put a hypnotized
   person in a display window.

 * In Frankfort, Kentucky, it's illegal to shoot off a
   policeman's tie.

 * In Zion, Illinois, it's illegal to give cigars to cats or

 * And in Bexley, Ohio, it's illegal to put a slot machine in
   an outhouse.

 What SB 2013 and those other laws reveal, said Getz, is that
politicians have too much time on their hands and too much power at
their disposal.

 "Unless someone is putting Viagra in the water supply in
Mississippi, a bill that regulates what goes on in your underwear
sounds like a silly solution in search of a non-problem," he said.
"Of course, if this legislation applied to Bill Clinton's White
House -- where presidential priapism is a perpetual problem -- it
might be a little more understandable."

 On the other hand, there is one good thing Libertarians can
say about SB 2013, said Getz: At least it's just limited to

 "Thank goodness this crime hasn't been federalized yet," he
said. "If that happened, we'd all have to worry about the Federal
Erections Commission."

Version: 2.6.2


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2000-02-02 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

nessie wrote:
> 'Shrooms in the desert!?! No way. Too dry. Need rain and cow pies. Trust
> me.

On the surface that argument sounds good, and I'll admit that there is certainly a
possibility that this line of research by Terence McKenna, et al., is flawed and
psilocybe mushrooms are not "manna from Heaven". But consider the Children of Israel
supposedly wandered for 40 years, whose to say they stayed in the desert the entire
trip? In fact, unless I'm mistaken, the word used to describe where they wandered was
in the 'wilderness', not in the 'desert', per se. Simply because they started off in
a desert region of Egypt and 40-years later settled in the arid land of Canaan,
doesn't necessarily mean they stayed in a desert region totally devoid of rain and
dew throughout their wanderings. They had cattle with them, they had plenty of cow
pies. I mean how long would it take to travel from Egypt to Canaan? Several months, a
year, two years, several more years? To me, 40 years sounds like quite a long time to
travel that distance. More importantly, they only had manna for a certain part of
their trip, and by the time they settled in the arid land of Canaan, there was no
more manna to be had, which is consistent with the theory that they traveled from
Egypt to a less arid region where psilocybe mushrooms were able to grow on their cow
pies in the morning dew, and over the decades wandered out of the region, settling in
Canaan, where the shrooms could no longer grow, thus no more manna for the Children
of Israel.

Once again, from the original page I posted:

The Bible never tells us exactly what manna was and where it came from, but
there are many Old Testament passages which describe its physical qualities
and conditions associated with its appearance. The Bible's first reference
to manna is in the Book of Exodus as the children of Israel are fleeing
from Egypt and following Moses into the wilderness. After six weeks of
wandering, they began complaining to Moses that they are tired and hungry.
What happens next is truly extraordinary:

Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will vain bread from heaven for
you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that
I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no (16:4). And when
the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there
lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground (16: 14).
And when the children of Israel saw if, they said one to another It is
manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the
bread which the Lord hath given you to eat.

When I read this passage, I was struck by the fact that manna easily fits
the description of psilocybe mushrooms. For one thing magic mushrooms are
small and round, and since they sprout so rapidly they would seem to appear
overnight, as if out of the sky. Also, anyone harvesting them would
immediately notice that they turn blue where torn and had no roots, giving
more reason to believe that the mushrooms were of celestial origin. Note
that manna does not just fall from heaven, but instead it is described as
coming with the frost and dew, during the wet seasons. These are the
precise weather conditions for mushrooms to thrive. And finally, manna is
described as a bread.

Although translations have obscured the intent of this passage, it seems to
be a description of how to find and identify manna and distinguish it from
other non- psychoactive (or possibly lethal) mushrooms. Look for the small
round things which are like bread, come with the rain, and seem to have
heavenly (bluish) coloring. Psilocybe mushrooms also sprout in tiny pin
heads which branch out in all directions and bear a resemblance to hear

It is also interesting to note that Moses tells the children of Israel that
manna comes directly from Heaven to test them on whether or not they will
walk in God's law. Here is evidence that manna was endowed with unusual
spiritual powers, like those of magic mushrooms. However, manna does not
automatically confer spiritual power. Instead, it serves as a test. Magic
mushrooms would provide visionary experiences that would certainly test all
who ingested them. Moses also said that the manna is literally the "bread
of the lord" which is remarkably similar to the literal Aztec name for
psilocybe mushrooms, "flesh of the gods."

But how and why did the manna suddenly appear? Again referring to the
Bible, it is clear that the children of Israel had journeyed to a land
where there was dew in the morning. As a large, nomadic tribe, the
Israelites brought a lot of cattle and sheep together in the area. That
meant a great deal of manure. The change of climate from the arid lands of
Egypt to the dewy climate of the wilderness created ideal conditions for
the propagation and spread of psilocybe mushrooms in livestock dung.

In Exodus 12: 19-20, we find more references to m

[CTRL] Utah Supreme Court Says Cops Can't Use Checkpoints to Check for Everything

2000-02-02 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Court Says Cops Can't Use Checkpoints to Check for Everything

 February 2,



Sweeping, dragnet-style traffic
checkpoints violate constitutional
protections against unreasonable search
and seizure, as well as a motorist's right to
privacy, the Utah Supreme Court ruled
The court left intact the checkpoint law,
but said police can only inspect for
specific violations directly related to road
safety, such as drunken driving.
Increasingly in recent years police have
used traffic checkpoints to inspect for a
broad swath of violations, including
insurance certificates, seat belts and child
restraints and vehicle equipment
"Such unbridled discretion for officers is
inherently unreasonable under the Fourth
Amendment [of the United States
Constitution] and Article I, Section 14 [of
the Utah Constitution]," Associate Chief
Justice Christine Durham wrote for the 3-2
"When many legal violations are
searched for, the purpose of the
checkpoint becomes less a highway safety
measure and more a pretext to stop all
vehicles to search for any and all
violations of the law."
The ruling does not apply to emergency
roadblocks such as those set up to catch
fleeing felons. Nor would it apply when
there is specific cause for suspicion, such
as illegal immigration near the state's
Police agencies were guarded in their
comments Tuesday while their attorneys
review the opinion. But several agencies
indicated the decision could threaten
public safety.
"A lot of good has been done with our
checkpoints," said Capt. Neil Porter of the
Utah Highway Patrol. "We've taken a lot
of drugs off the highway, picked up a lot
of stolen cars, and we've taken a lot of
people off the road that quite frankly you
just don't want coming down the highway
at you."
The decision effectively reverses the
conviction of Henry Thomas DeBooy, a
Colorado man who was charged with
possessing a small amount of
hallucinogenic mushrooms after his BMW
convertible was searched at a checkpoint
near Lake Powell in 1997. The court threw
out all evidence gathered against DeBooy
at the checkpoint, ruling it was set up for
too broad a list of purposes, violating his
protections against unreasonable search
and seizure.
Durham was joined by retiring justices
Michael D. Zimmerman and I. Daniel
Stewart. Chief Justice Richard C. Howe
and Justice Leonard Russon are expected
to release a dissenting opinion later this
DeBooy's attorney was jubilant. "This is
exactly what I was hoping for," said
Rosalie Reilly of Monticello. "It means you
don't lose your Fourth Amendment
protection just by getting in your car."
Officers became suspicious when they
noticed DeBooy slow down and pull
toward the side of the road as he
approached the checkpoint in southern
Utah. The officers testified that DeBooy
then raised his hand and threw something
"very light" from the convertible. When
they inspected, all they found was a
crinkled tissue. DeBooy said the wind
swept it from his hand, according to his
The officers then asked if they could
"take a quick look in the vehicle." They
found the mushrooms in a backpack in the
The high court rejected Reilly's motion
to declare the checkpoint law
unconstitutional. The justices said,
however, that judges must strictly follow
the guidelines set within the law before
approving police applications to set up a
The law requires that checkpoints:
"Minimize the length of time the motorist
will be delayed; minimize the intrusion of
the inspection or inquiry; minimize the
fears and anxiety the motorist will
experience; and minimize the degree of
discretion to be exercised by the
individual enforcement officers operating
the checkpoint."

© Copyright 2000, The Salt Lake Tribune All material found on
Utah OnLine is copyrighted The Salt Lake Tribune and associated
news services. No material may be reproduced or reused without
explicit permission from The Salt Lake Tribune.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For m

[CTRL] The Secret History of America

2000-02-02 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Secret History of America: The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth

 This May Be The Most Important Document You Ever Read In Your Life!

 Do you believe in a GRAND CONSPIRACY ? Do you believe Oswald acted alone ? Do
you believe that government is corrupt ? If so, then to what DEGREE ? That may depend
on how willing you are to open your eyes and mind to SEE. Why is it that the more
things change, the more they stay the same ? Why doesn't society ever seem to grow up
? Most people grow up thinking that the world is very big and we believe the world
exists the way it does today because this is the direction humanity has taken and

The information that I will discuss in the introduction to this catalog is meant
to present to you the idea that history is not being created by chance, but rather by
design.  The road that we are taking as a nation in America and as a human race on
the planet Earth is being paved for us in advance and sold to us for a profit.

 Many people talk about conspiracies such as WATERGATE, IRAN-CONTRA, THE S & L
GREY ALIENS, but very few people know the real facts enough to explain them because
they are not researched themselves.  As information comes down the pipeline it
becomes distorted and confused because most of the people passing along the
information do not know the entire story, they have not researched much information
themselves, and  they tend to be biased as well.  (They tend to have an angle in the
information they put out, usually because they have an ulterior motive. )  I can only
state from research of seven years, WHAT I BELIEVE to be the TRUTH based on mostly

 For AT LEAST five- to ten thousand years, mankind has been aware of MORE
scientific and spiritual facts than we are currently aware of today as a great
society and nation.  The libraries of Alexandria, which held the collection of the
world's greatest knowledge, existed in Egypt thousands of years ago.  The Essenes
were just one secret sect of Gnostics (Knowledge Holders) that existed around two
thousand years ago.  Since the earliest times of Pagan groups and Nature religions,
the SUN has been considered a SYMBOL for LIFE.  The Ancients believed that when the
SUN gave off it's energy, it was giving IT'S life for US.  They believed that the SUN
of GOD, the LIGHT of the WORLD is ALL SALVATION because He has RISEN.  He is
therefore our ETERNAL SAVIOR.  There has always been a struggle between LIGHT and
DARK forces in the world.  When the SUN goes down and it becomes DARK, we cannot
SEE.  We naturally fear what we do not know and since we cannot SEE in the DARK, we
do not know what's there and we fear.  When the SUN would SET (Satan), it would get
DARK.  But when the SUN was on the HORIZON (Horus, translates to Jesus), it would be
called THE SAVIOR.  This formed the basis for early Christianity.

 The Essenes, as well as other secret societies around the times were
PRIESTHOODS, so the early CHURCH was an established KNOWLEDGE CENTER with IDEAS
ENCODED SYMBOLICALLY into religious text.  After time, symbols lose their meaning
except to those whom are INITIATED.  Essentially, they held knowledge of ARCHETYPAL
ENERGIES that bond or link Spirit to matter.  These energies are expressed in
mathematics and Greek Gematria called SACRED GEOMETRY.  The word OCCULT means
HIDDEN.  They took the knowledge, hid it, and made it appear to be EVIL, so that they
would know it, we wouldn't, and they could then control us a lot easier.  This
allowed an early guild of bricklayers, or MASONS, to be established, making it
possible to build great pyramids, etc.  Now, if everybody knew how to build a
pyramid, then not only would the Pharaoh's tomb be no greater than Joe neighbor's
cottage, but the Masons would also lose a lot of money building great castles and
churches throughout Europe.  This was the basis for early CAPITALISM, but we will
discuss this later.

 SACRED MUSHROOM ingesting and CANNABIS-smoking shamans are tribe spirit leaders
in a sense and they practice inducing a state of consciousness in warrior tribesmen
to temporarily replace their consciousness with animal consciousness to perform
certain tasks or learn spiritual lessons or principles.  There were special groups of
assassin cults that were trained in earlier times using substances like hashish and
they were called "Hashishans" or "Assassins".  Although these two practices are not
identical, they are similar and related.  While the first example may be considered
early natural mind control in the sense of learning to control your own mind, the
second example could be considered manipulative mind control in the sense that the
participants were train

Re: [CTRL] important scottish x-file

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi Andrew,
I have for the last three years been studying X. It is closely related to
the Clinton Murders in Waco. Would you like to know how?

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Hennessey <>
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 7:53 PM
Subject: [CTRL] important scottish x-file

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
> RUSSELL : important scottish x-file. by Andrew Hennessey
>I have been researching the ancient secrets of the edinburgh area
>[scotlands capital] for some time now - for something has been covered up
>and kept secret here - and in fact I have a briefing on it etc [also as a
>commercial CD]
>but thats not the point of this post.
>I have met a chap called Russell who has had some totally incredible life
>Generally a badly behaved chap in his early years - and prone to being on
>the wrong side of the law - a Big ball of light came down for Russell one
>night and took him away.
>It turns out to be an old friend - who takes him through a vortex and
>across the other side of the galaxy - where he looks down on the spiral
>arms of the milky way.
>The friend shows russell inhabited planets here and there - but there
>wasn't much happening - then takes him to a planet near the rim of the
>spiral arm - yes there was something going on there - its a blue glowing
>light in a dark and dense region - and he could see as he got closer,
>america - yep - something going on there - and then he could see a glowing
>cord coming from him stretching down to what looked like scotland - and zap
>- he was back in his body.
>He says that at that point he completely forgot who he was - he asked
>strangers he met who were actually his friends - who am I this time ?? - no
>I'm not kidding - who am I - he asked ?
>When he finally got it together after a couple of weeks, a profound change
>had come over Russell - who - aware of a greater eternity than most of us
>could imagine sought comfort in the Bible.
>Over the next few years - the lights would come back to him - as ball
>lightning he could hold - or expanding into glowing ufos the size of his
>house - or wandering stars that zapped back and forth at his behest.
>He would be taken away by these lights - and they would teach him things
>about the bible.
>They say that they are the Angels and that they have shown him the 'Host' -
>fleets of darting lightships - some huge.
>His friends of course, laughed - thinking him mad - so he took them outside
>on starlit nights and summoned the ships to him - calling down wandering
>stars to teach a mocking group of hells Angels as they zapped past them
>back and forwards at all heights and sizes - and some people who knew him
>that laughed - have had these lights in their gardens or outside their
>bedroom windows.
>One family of four - hid behind a couch.
>No-one that knows Russell now finds his claims of the returning angels of
>the host laughable - Russell believes that the host and the angels are
>currently in the process of turning the world around - bringing down the
>proud and base.
>Russell also knows and quotes the Bible with real authority - relating the
>signs and wonders and vapours of the end days - and the many lights
>documented in the old testament - to his own experiences.
>He has gone to the churches to seek wise counsel - but they just laugh and
>turn him away.
>Russell sees himself as a 'Watchman' who has a duty to remind people that
>there is still time to get real and change our ways - for these angels - he
>has seen in their thousands - as bright flying ships or stars - and they
>are here to assist in the transition of the human race - as it judges
>itself and is judged.
>On Russells wedding day two years ago - there was thunder and lightning and
>heavy rain - and as he went to church - he said Lord - this is not a day to
>get married - its so black - two of his light being/ships appeared and
>seemed to zip across the clouds and horizon and back - and it was as if
>someone had placed a pane of glass in front of the dark clouds, .. they
>were held back static above was a blue sky - the sun shining and the
>rain began evaporating from the churchyard.
>The strange weather front remained for the duration of the wedding - and
>when he shook the ministers hand in a parting handshake after the ceremony
>- the storm recommenced.
>Russell points out that his home town kirkcaldy - means kirk of the Culdeas
>meaning church of the workers of God.
>I point out again the connection with edinburgh and its seven hills and
>bloodlines, grails, arks, spears of destiny etc etc  and the tolkein
>connection where the returning king who will claim the throne from the
>stewards or stewarts belongs to the dunedain - 'dunedain' also being
>edinburghs celtic name
>[there are many others]
>The people who have met russell and have been changed by these truths also
>see these lights 

[CTRL] Language Conspiracy

2000-02-02 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


 Probably one of the greatest, but least suspected (and least taken seriously)
conspiracy is the Language Conspiracy. This is the conspiracy to keep different
people of different cultures in all parts of the world from communicating with each
other easily and efficiently. It is enough just to get someone to listen, but if he
or she speaks a different language, then, unless you know that language, good luck.

Language can seem like a large and vast abyss of knowledge that only the well
studied and educated can understand and transmute. At least, it has seemed like this
to me for a number of years and I look at things as generally very easy to learn. (If
someone else can comprehend it, than so can I). At least it is good to have that
attitude. It makes learning alot easier.

If most people knew the origins of the words they were using then they would know
the true meaning of those words as well. Some words would then appear to have no real
meaning at all and some would take on greater meaning than they previously had.

All life can be viewed however you choose. But, to some people there are little
suddleties that raise the eyebrow. That make one suspicious that maybe there is more
to things that we take for granted than we first observe or suspect. Several books
have been written that delve into the meaning of certain words and make me personally
very suspicious that there is more to words and language than we have been led to
know. Not only have we not learned this material in life, but it has been
deliberately kept from people since the dark ages. Remember, not everyone could even
read 600-700 years ago.

One of the best books and the one that introduced me to the language concept is
John Allegro's "Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" first published in 1970. This book
proves absolutely, that the words we use in English had different meanings altogether
in other languages. So does this mean that the original meanings of words that were
translated from such books as the "Bible" really meant something else entirely? YOU
BET!  That means that what we perceive about what was said in the "Bible" and other
ancient works is really 'wrong' and a false belief, isn't it?

Strange as it may seem, nobody talks about this. I wonder why? Maybe, it is
because it is very important to know about and nobody wants you to know. Paranoid
sounding, isn't it? Read on and form your own opinion.

Some of the most important things pointed out in the following books and
documentation are the fact that the "Axe" represented "God" to the ancient People.
That "Mushrooms" were a major contribution to religion and that the Rod of Mercury
(or the Cadaceus or Medical Symbol) was of utmost importance. Also, the fact that
there were many Gods and all of them were human priests living on the high mountains
of several Islands scattered throughout the world. (This is the essence of the
Trilogy "Priesthood of the Ill's".

Warning !! Will Rogers!! Danger!! Danger!! This could very well be the most
devastating and important section of all learning and study. Be advised, once you
know the meaning of words, you cannot be ignorant of the true meaning of words, and
therefore original concepts of the ancient people. Once you understand the way they
thought about things, this may radically alter your entire belief system. (I don't
know exactly why, but it seems to work out that way)

Special thanks to Jordan Maxwell, probably the greatest researcher and dedicated
Freedom & Truth activist the world has ever known. Special thanks to you, Jordan, for
your tireless effort. (Incidently, Jordon turned me on to some of the books mentioned
here. Namely "Priesthood of the Ill's" which comprises 3, get that, 3 books (just a
jab here) titled, "The Axe was God", "The Rod Was Mercury" and "Thirty-Thousand Gods
before Jehovah", all authored by the same person.) I think these books were
originally published in the 1930's or 40's. The premise of these books, which must be
taken into consideration when reading this section, is that there was a worldwide
"PRIESTHOOD" that existed before the dawn of Christianity and it was these
"Thirty-thousand" or so HIGH Priests which ruled the world from the hilltops among
scattered Islands and mainlands. They possessed maps which allowed them to send
pirate crews of Lower Priests through the seas to the different lands to convince the
people of the "Reality" of the various Gods which ruled the people. Very Much like
"Zardoz". These Gods and lower priests alone knew the different languages and taught
each of them to the different peoples. No one area of people were allowed to know the
language of the other tribes or groups of people. The Gate which one could not pass
was where one would be severely punished if trespassed. This kept the people from
sharing information and figuring out what

Re: [CTRL] Gen. Partin Goes Down in Flames

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

One day your work will be honored by the TRUE followers of David Koresh, as
they are now hated by his assassins.


-Original Message-
From: Carol A. Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: Gen. Partin Goes Down in Flames

>Apologies, friends.  An odd technical problem cropped up when I tried to
>submit this a day or so ago.  I am making a second attempt.  Forgive me if
>you received this already.
>Gen. Partin Goes Down in Flames
>by Carol A. Valentine
>Copyright, January 2000
>Published by Public Action, Inc.
>I had a recent exchange with a correspondent who read "Waco Suits for Waco
>Suckers" in the Burial Gallery of the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum.
>You can find a copy at
>(See especially sections 4c and 4d, "The Fireball and the Hole" and
>"General Partin Goes Down in Flames.")
>This correspondent liked the article well enough, but did not like my
>treatment of General Partin.  He said:
>>Interesting reading, Carol.
>>I think you're too harsh on Partin, however. *Something* made the hole
>>in the roof of the concrete room. It's probable that he hasn't seen the
>>autopsies, and so is only making a reasonable assumption that an explosion
>>on the roof of the room would subject the interior to a spray of concrete
>>rock shrapnel, killing anyone inside who might be alive. In any event, it
>>makes little sense to have him lie about Waco if he's telling the truth
>>about OKC.
>Consider the points I make in response:
>Of course we know SOMETHING caused the hole in the roof of the concrete
>room. But there is a reason Partin was asked.  Partin gives those reasons
>in his affidavit.  He spends several paragraphs describing his extensive
>background in air weapons.  "Because of my weapons background, I was asked
>Gordon D. Novel, and encouraged by The Honorable Ramsey Clark, to do a bomb
>damage analysis of the reinforced concrete church records vault ..." says
>Partin.  Partin was asked as an expert.
>Partin was not asked for a "reasonable assumption." He was asked for expert
>opinion.  In his affidavit, Partin gave his *expert* opinion about the hole
>in the roof of the concrete room and the fireball.  As an *expert,* he said
>the fireball appeared over the roof and was part of the phenomenon that
>caused the hole.
>As an *expert* we might expect Partin to base his opinion on the evidence.
>But the evidence contradicts Partin.  The fireball did not appear over the
>roof of the concrete room.  Therefore the fireball was not part of the
>phenomenon that
>caused the hole in the roof as Partin inferred.
>Partin got the location of the fireball wrong, despite easy availability of
>photographic evidence and layouts of the Mt.Carmel Center.
>Partin also said the fireball was caused by a breaching charge. So Partin
>also got the cause of the fireball wrong.
>Are we supposed to believe Partin wrote and signed an affidavit on the
>fireball and the hole in the roof without looking at the photographic
>evidence and layout diagrams, and Partin pontificated about the deaths of
>the mothers
>and children without looking at the autopsies?
>What WAS Partin basing his analysis on, if not the evidence?  Ian Goddard e
>mails?  Or does the same military intelligence unit write the scripts for
>Partin and Goddard?
>Twice during the last several years I have confronted Partin at public
>meetings and interrupted him as he was spooning out Waco disinformation ...
>disinformation about the concrete room and the bodies of the women and
>The first confrontation occurred before dozens of people at the 1997
>Surveillance Expo (organized by Jim Ross of Ross Engineering in N.
>Virginia).When I spoke up, Partin just tried to shut me up.  On one
>occasion Partin addressed the critical issues I raised with these words:
>"Details, details, details."
>If details are beyond an explosives expert, I'd hate to be around when one
>of his bombs go off.  They'd probably go off an hour early, in his back
>I had a second confrontation with Partin at a meeting of the Sarah
>McClendon Study Group in Washington DC.  The results were pretty much the
>same.  He just ignored my questions and went on with his script.  On
>neither occasions did
>Partin seem to be even remotely embarrassed.
>After both events I approached Partin and spoke to him amicably.  Because
>we have known each other slightly over a number of years and because we
>both live in the N. Virginia area, I invited Partin to my office to have a
>look at ALL
>the relevant evidence on my very own computer. Despite my repeated
>invitations and his knowledge of my phone number, Partin never called me to
>take me up on the offer.
>That is, he did not call me until the evening of January 5, 2000.  Someone
>had faxed him a copy of 

[CTRL] Human Computer Interface Parser

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

A request from another list

How about this for a mystery of life...

I'm installing Win 2k server right, and one of the boot disks says 'Loading
Human Interface Parser'.

what the f**k? not Human Computer Interface Parser, which would be, i guess,
keyboard or mouse driver. No, a human interface parser. To my knowledge a
interface occurs somewhere around my consciousness where i interface with
reality, what the fuck is w2k gonna do to me?

is it gonna read my mind and interpret my instructions before i've made

Anyone know what a human interface parser actually is?

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FBI Rarely Has Arrested Violators of Brady Law

2000-02-02 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


FBI Rarely Has Arrested Violators of Brady Law

   September 7,


WASHINGTON -- Every day, a
computer at the sprawling FBI crime
information center in rural West
Virginia kicks out the names of 100 or
more convicted felons and others who,
though barred by law from owning a
gun, tried to buy one anyway by lying
on their firearms applications.
In most instances, the federal
government knows where to find these
gun law violators, and has in its
possession evidence that could lead to
convictions. But this is one gun law the
government rarely enforces.
Of the 23,000-plus cases referred by
the FBI to the federal Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for
potential prosecution since the
beginning of the year, only 65 people
have been arrested, according to the
The Clinton administration says it
doesn't have the staff to make many
arrests and is focusing on more serious
crimes, and that assertion has triggered
a storm of criticism from Republicans
and pro-gun groups.
"It takes a lot of nerve to bang your
fist and demand tougher juvenile gun
laws while doing nothing to enforce the
ones that already exist," said U.S. Rep.
Bill McCollum, R-Fla., a former federal
prosecutor who has held hearings on
the issue.
The issue is likely to surface later this
month when Congress goes back to
work on a proposal to require
background checks for all firearms
purchases at gun shows. While
federally licensed gun dealers are
required to perform such checks, people
who make sales from private collections
are under no such obligation.
While shootings at Columbine High
School in Colorado on April 20 and at a
Jewish day-care center in California on
Aug. 10 have added impetus to the gun
control movement, pro-gun groups
point to the small number of
prosecutions for violations of the Brady
Act, the 1993 law that required the
background checks, as evidence that the
White House isn't serious about going
after gun violence.
The stakes in this debate are huge,
because gun control advocates sense the
spate of recent shootings has made the
country and Congress more willing to
consider new controls on gun
ownership. But the administration's
poor record on enforcing the
background-check law gives gun
supporters ammunition to fight new
The Clinton administration says it
prosecutes only a handful of these
crimes because the offenders very often
are not dangerous, and the highest
priority is to go after illegal weapons
traffickers who use straw purchasers
with clean records to buy their guns.
But failing to make these arrests can
have horrible consequences. The most
notorious example is that of Benjamin
Nathaniel Smith, who killed two people
and wounded nine in July in a racially
motivated rampage through Chicago
and Indiana before taking his own life.
As he planned his murders, Smith first
tried to buy a weapon from a gun store,
but was turned down after an instant
check disclosed that his ex-girlfriend
had obtained a protective order against
him. But no attempt was made to arrest
Smith, and he later procured weapons
from a private dealer selling guns from
his home.
But federal law enforcement officials
say many Brady law violations involve
people who are not dangerous, such as
illegal immigrants or people who have
been convicted of crimes like writing
bad checks.

   © Copyright 1999, The Salt Lake Tribune All material found on
   Utah OnLine is copyrighted The Salt Lake Tribune and associated
   news services. No material may be reproduced or reused without
   explicit permission from The Salt Lake Tribune.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects

[CTRL] Religion-Online

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I didn't see the book of Enoch though


Full texts by recognized religious scholars More than 700 articles and
chapters which you can read, download, and print.  Topics include Old and
New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History of Religion, Comparative
Religions, Sociology of Religion, Religion and Communication, Pastoral
Care and Counselling, Homiletics, Liturgy and Worship, Missions and
Religious Education.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mysteries Megasite

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Acupuncture | Ancient Egypt | Ancient Manuscripts | Ancient Temples | Andes
| Angels | Antarctica | Anti Gravity | Apparitions | Area 51 | Ark of the
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Aurora Spy Plane | Ball Lighting | Bermuda Triangle | Bernadette Soubirous |
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Valley of the Kings | Viruses | Volcanos | Vortices | Waterfalls | Whirling
Dervishes | Yeti | Ying And Yang | Zombies

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FLASH!! MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I think people should remember that the air-lines was a major target of FC.
Why is no one considering that they are still at work? Or do you believe the
government line about FC?

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 1:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] FLASH!! MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
> MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix
> Reportedly Experiences Possible Stabilizer Problem
> PHOENIX, Updated 2:15 p.m. EST February 2, 2000 -- An
> American Airlines MD-80 made an emergency landing in
> Wednesday morning after experiencing a possible
>stabilizer problem.
> The pilot reported the problem about 20 minutes after
>taking off for
> Dallas. The plane immediately turned around and landed
>safely at Sky
> Harbor airport in Phoenix.
> There were no injuries. The passengers boarded another
>plane to Dallas.
> The American jet is part of the same series of
>McDonnell-Douglas planes
> as the Alaska Airlines plane that went down off the
>coast of California
> Monday.
> The Alaska Airlines MD-83 also apparently had problems
>with its
> horizontal stabilizer, which controls the pitch of the
>aircraft's nose.
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.ciadrugs.com/">FBI, CIA and other government
agents document d…


DISCOVER, for instance:

*   The specifics of the extensive corruption in the Central Intelligence
Agency, and the harm inflicted upon millions of innocent people in the United
States and overseas. Massive court-admissible evidence provides support for
this and other statements included in the book, Defrauding America (3rd
edition), and the various documents and other evidence to which reference is

*   The broad extent of the coverups, disinformation, and obstruction of
justice by virtually every government check and balance, and most of the broad
cast and print media. This relationship must be recognized to understand the
complex, bizarre, and arrogant nature of misconduct by government personnel.

*   The criminal and subversive activities implicating government officials,
knowledge of which is kept from the American people.

*   The true heroes in America (no, not the ball players or OJ!), and how
they suffered for exercising courage and responsibilities so tragically
absent in the general population.

*   America's "political" prisoners, including agents and operatives of the
FBI, DEA, INS, and CIA, and concerned citizens, who are victims of
retaliation and who suffer great financial and personal harm, for daring to
expose CIA and other government corruption.

*   The grave harm inflicted upon innocent people, a part of the escalating
corruption inflicted upon innocent Americans.

*   How to start to understand  the complex web of intrigue known only to a
selected few insiders.

*   The knowledge needed to protect yourself and to minimize the personal,
physical and financial harm that are being inflicted upon Americans
throughout the United States.

*   The truth about the drugging of America and the arrogant and corrupt
"war-on-drugs" by corrupt government officials, from government agents who
either discovered the drug trafficking, or were part of it .

*   The felony coverups by one of the most corrupt of all federal agencies,
the U.S. Department of Justice, and its various divisions.

*   The documented criminal of federal judges, and even the Justices of the
U.S. Supreme Court, in coverups, obstruction of justice, retaliation against
government agents and citizens who seek to report the corruption they

*   The significance of these conditions upon the United States, its governmen
t institutions, the American people, and you.

*   These conditions are proven by facts given by dozens of insiders, and the
hard evidence many of them have provided. They are not wild unsupported
statements as so often appears on the Internet or in far-out alternative
publications. Hundreds of years of cumulative insider experience is provided
by the dozens of government agents and former drug traffickers who have
courageously provided the unprecedented accumulation of evidence for books
showing the undermining of a nation by corrupt government personnel in the
three branches of government.

*   Order form.


Please note that the intent of this and related sites, and the books forming
their basis, is to inform the small percentage of people who care enough
about their country, their government, the welfare of others, and then to
motivate the even smaller percentage of people who have the courage and sense
of outrage to help bring an end to the criminal and subversive activities that
 are, like a Trojan Horse, destroying the fabric of America.


The author of Defrauding America first discovered the CIA drug trafficking
while he was an airline captain flying out of Japan and out of Lebanon in the
early 1950s. During pilot-to-pilot discussions, these pilots nonchalantly
revealed to the author the drugs they were hauling for CIA-related
operations. This drug-smuggling practice was later revealed when the author
became friends with, and a confidant to, many former CIA and other deep-cover
operatives. These included:

*   Pilots and deep-cover agents who actually flew the drugs into the United
States, often flying military weapons outbound and drugs inbound.

*   Deep-cover agents who headed covert CIA proprietary airlines or fronts,
and who divulged many aspects of the operation in which they were involved,
including the drugs that we

[CTRL] Defrauding America

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.defraudingamerica.com/">Introduction and
description of widespread gove…

Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA, and Other Covert Agencies

Third Edition

*   This and the related websites, and the books referred to, provides
valuable information to the readers. Their purpose is to inform the readers
of the complex, arrogant, corrupt nature of events implicating people in
control of key government offices and the tragedies inflicted upon tens of
thousands of men, women, children and families in the United States.

*   In Defrauding America, and as never before, an unprecedented coalition of
government and other insiders reveal, and provide evidence, of high-level
government corruption inflicting great harm upon the United States, its
people in general, and upon tens of thousands of individual men and women and
their families. These sources include several dozen present and former
government agents, deep-cover operatives, former drug traffickers, and the
daughter of a former Mafia member and CIA asset. They reveal tragedy-related
corruption implicating people in key positions of the federal government,
including federal judges. The book provides a sophisticated understanding of
behind-the-scene intrigue in the three branches of government, superior to
any college course on the subject--if such a course existed.

*   Hundreds of years of combined deep-cover activities by the contributing
insiders to Defrauding America.

*   The people contributing to Defrauding America include veterans from the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), Office
of Strategic Services (OSS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Secret
Service (USSS), U.S. Customs Service (USCS), Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), and others. Also contributing to the books are former
drug traffickers, some of whom were house guests of foreign drug lords.

*   Included among these agents and deep cover operatives are former heads of
secret CIA airlines and CIA financial operations who have contributed highly
sensitive information to the author.

*   Gives a much broader picture of government corruption and cover-ups in a
way that is easy to understand.

*   Shows how you can reduce the threats to yourself, your business, and your

*   Order form for obtaining any or all of the books.


*   Benefits available to the readers of Defrauding America.

*   Book index.

*   General description of corruption in government described in Defrauding

*   Partial list of deep-cover operatives, FBI, and other agents, who
contributed to the book.

*   Harm inflicted upon men and women and their families from arrogant and
corrupt activities of people in control of key government offices, with
specific examples.

*   Rodney Stich's background and qualifications for writing this book.

*   Key areas of criminal activities detailed by insiders in Defrauding

*   Sampling of book reviews.

*   Sample of comments sent to Rodney Stich by readers of the book.

*   List of federal judges and justices implicated in criminally blocking
exposure of high-level government corruption and retaliating against those
who expose these matters.

*   Other books written by Rodney Stich

*   Index to a few of many relevant letters.

*   Index to several relevant legal lawsuits reporting high-level government

*   Reference to America's political prisoners.

*   "College education" on government corruption as "taught" by government
agents and deep-cover operatives.

*   Order form for obtaining any or all of the books.

*   A partial list containing letters and filings related to the U.S. Supreme
Court showing a history of Supreme Court coverups, obstruction of justice,
and other corrupt activities.

*   Partial list of the 3000+ radio and television programs on which the
author appeared since 1978.

*   How courageous and responsible people can help expose and reduce the
corruption by people holding key government positions that continue to
inflict great harm upon men, women and children in the United States.

*   The indifferent and uncaring attitude of many Americans that make these
government crimes and human tragedies possible.

*   Brief comments about related matters receiving recent media attention.

*   Information wanted from insiders about government corruption.

*   List of search engines.

*   Other informative Internet sites

*   Selected personal web sites

questions and issues that could be discus

[CTRL] Unfriendly Skies

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.unfriendlyskies.com/">Unfriendly Skies home

History of Air Tragedies and Corruption
Third Edition



No other book like this has been written. Government insiders reveal and
document criminal activities responsible for a series of fatal airline
crashes. It is written by a veteran in aviation. Rodney Stich was an FAA
inspector who was asked to take over the air safety responsibilities in the
most senior program at the world's largest airline, that at that time was
experiencing more fatal airline crashes than all the other airlines combined.
That was United Airlines.
Among the various reasons for writing Unfriendly Skies were making
responsible people aware of the arrogance behind some of America's worst air
disasters and to motivate as many people as possible to show outrage and
force changes in government and at such airlines as United Airlines.
Unfriendly Skies is an insider's detailed and documented history of fatal
airline crashes arising from documented air safety misconduct and criminal
activities, primarily at United Airlines, as discovered by the author and
other FAA air carrier operations inspectors. These corrupt acts caused and
made possible a series of brutal air disasters, the effects of which are
still felt today.
The book's contents were described by one reader as follows:
"You point in the devastation, the anguish, grief, sorrows and distresses
into the pictures you cause the reader to feel these, too. In my estimation
you're the author of the century in the United States."

Order form

*   Key issues raised and documented in the third edition of Unfriendly Skies.

*   What this book can do for you.

*   Table of contents in Unfriendly Skies book.

*   First chapter of the book, Unfriendly Skies.

*   Flyer relating to the book, Unfriendly Skies.

*   Biography of the author of Unfriendly Skies

*   Partial list of people, government agencies, and airlines involved in
aviation corruption as described in Unfriendly Skies and in sequestered
government documents.

*   Partial list of airline crashes and deaths directly associated with a
documented pattern of air safety and criminal violations at United Airlines.

*   Financial compensation from United Airlines and the federal government
for those who lost loved ones in crashes at United Airlines during the past
40 years--regardless of the statute of limitations, because of material fraud
withheld from the next-of-kin.

*   Criminal involvement of United Airlines in several major fatal crashes.

*   Book reviews from sophisticated reviewers on the book, Unfriendly Skies.

*   Reader comments sent to author and air safety activist Rodney Stich by
readers of his books.

*   What you can do to help reduce the number of airline crashes caused by
the politics of air safety.

*   Index of airline crash pictures showing the consequences of documented
misconduct and corruption at United Airlines, the FAA and the NTSB, as
described in the third edition of Unfriendly Skies.

*   Portions of an FAA closing brief filed in a sequestered and unprecedented
FAA hearing that documented patterns of FAA and United Airlines misconduct
responsible for a series of fatal airline crashes.

*   Index to legal briefs filed that sought to expose and halt high-level
government corruption directly and indirectly related to a series of fatal
airline crashes.

*   Index to relevant letters seeking to expose and correct air safety and
criminal violations, some of which played key roles in specific airline

*   Partial list of the 3000 radio and television appearances by air safety
activist Rodney Stich since 1978 in the United States, Canada, Mexico and

*   Public indifference that results in exposure to great harm and deaths.

*   "College education" on government corruption.

*   Order form.

*   Other web sites of possible interest.

*   On the light side, pictures of scenic interest taken from a small

*   Brief comments on matters receiving recent media attention.

*   Information wanted on corruption in aviation field from insiders.

Selection of search engines.
Useful Web Sites on personal matters
Order form

RADIO AND TELEVISION HOSTS AND PRODUCERS: Sample list of thought-provoking
questions is available for various subjects or crashes. An updated list of
thought-provoking questions and issues that could be discussed during Stich's
appearance can be obt

[CTRL] The Astor family

2000-02-02 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Fascinating report from Fritz Springmeier's website.  Excerpts from one of
the 13 Illuminati Families:


The Astor family also
used Owen Lattimore as their proxy for opium trade, who in turn used Laura
Spelman who was funded by the Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR).

The lPR was the group that supervised the Illuminati’s decision to allow
Red China to share in the Opium trade. The puppet strings behind big world
events may not be seen by the public, but if we trace the origins of several
big events we see the Astors helping pull strings. The IPR helped lay the
groundwork for the Pearl Harbor attack. The Astors also were behind the
appeasement policy
in Europe which allowed Hitler to become a threat. The Astors were also
involved in the temperence movement against alcoholic drink which was begun
by the Women’s Christian Temperence Union. The temperence movement was an
elite created movement just like today we have big issues like Aparteid
which are made up by them to keep us busy. Joseph Kennedy and Onassis, two
other top 13 Illuminati families got rich off of  the temperence movement by
bootlegging. So many people have exposed the temperence movement (See Occult
Theocracy for just one expose of Freemasonry’s involvement) that it is not
pertinent to cover it here.

Today’s equivalent of the temperence movement is the drug war.
The Fabian Society was also connected to the
Illuminati. For instance, Illuminati prince Prof. George Edward Gordon
Catlin, Pilgrim Soc. member was a member of the Fabian Society’s executive
committee. The Fabian logo is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing!!
Fabians like H.G. Wells who wrote so eloquently on the New World Order with
such books as The New World Order, A Modern Utopia, The Open Conspiracy
Blue Prints For A World Revolution was a wolf in sheep clothing. H.G.
Well’s made the New World Order something that sounded advantageous to
everyone, a Utopia of sorts. That is not what it will be. During the
1930’s, the Fabian Socialists created the Political and Economic Planning
group (PEP). Mason Viscount Waldorf Astoria was a leader of PEP. A
confidential program that the PEP created and implemented through the
British government was later described in a book Principles of Economic
Planning in 1935. The book doesn’t explain why its cover has a ostentious
Masonic square and compass displayed on its cover. George Berhard Shaw, who
was a communist and Fabian Socialist was the best friend of Lady Nancy
Astor, who became the first woman Member or Parliment. These two spend vast
amounts of time together, much more than Nancy did with her husband Waldorf
who she didn’t care to be around. Waldorf was the Mason that was mentioned
earlier who helped lead PEP. After Nancy Astor was elected (or selected by
the elite) to be the first lady MP, one of the Russell ladys soon
afterwards also became an MP.

Besides socialism, Nancy Astor was a big supporter of Christian
Science. Christian Science was a front for witchcraft from Its very
beginning. For more information on what Christian Science is about I
suggest people study Be Wise As Serpents, chapter 2.6 ‘The Healing Light”.
Nancy Astor wrote The Natural History of the Vampire and a book on the
early Mason/Communist Bakunin. She used Grenfell family papers. The
Grenfell family were close friends to the Cliveden Astors. David Astor,
(The Honorable) attended Bilderberger meetings in 1957 and 1966. Alpha
Lodge is the lodge in England that is traditionally for royalty. There are
other elite lodges too, where the those of the elite, can protect
themselves from rubbing shoulders with those of less social stature. These
are the type of masonic lodges that the Astors Join.

In summary, an examination of the Astor family reveals their close
connections with the full spectrum of Illuminati activities ranging from
Freemasonry, the
Illuminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, Fabian
Socialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically
(that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan.

The following families (besides others) or individuals from these families
are mentioned in Dope Inc. as involved in some aspect of the drug trade: the
Bundys, DuPonts, Freemans, Kennedy’s, Li’s, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and
Russells. It is no coincidence that nine of the Top 13 families would get
there names in a book which revealed the big names behind the world’s
illegal narcotics trade. It should be mentioned that some other prominent
Illuminati families also play key roles in the drug trade such as the
Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and
Oppenheimers. Where have we seen such names before? There are names in Dope
Inc. that people would do well to know the danger of such as Louis Mortimer
Bloomfield, Robert Vesco, Francois Genoud of Switzerland, Ivan Slavkov o

[CTRL] Drugging America

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.druggingamerica.com/">Drugging America, web
site and book to correct …

A Trojan Horse

Rodney Stich

Several dozen present and former government agents and operatives, and former
drug traffickers, provide the author, Rodney Stich--also a former federal
investigator--with thousands of hours of secret insider information,
thousands of documents, and other data, revealing the government's arrogant
and sham war-on-drugs. People in key positions in all three branches of the
federal government are implicated in the hoax inflicted upon the American
Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly

*   Description of contents in Drugging America--A Trojan Horse.

*   Table of contents from Drugging America--A Trojan Horse.

*   Value of Drugging America book to its readers.

*   Partial list of deep-cover agents and operatives, former drug traffickers,
 and other insiders, who provided highly sensitive insider information for
Drugging America.

*   Rodney Stich's background qualifications.

*   Intent of this site and the books.

*   America's political prisoners. Federal agents, deep-cover operatives, and
concerned American citizens, who have been sent to prison on fabricated
charges to prevent them from reporting to the American people the corruption
within the CIA, DEA, Justice Department, and other federal offices. These are
political prisoners, and many of them are the true American heroes who fought
to bring to justice high-level criminal activities, and who were fraudulently
charged and sent to prison.

*   What you can do to help bring relief to many men and women who are falsely
 imprisoned, or imprisoned far beyond the length of time justified by the

*   Sample of men, women, and families that were fraudulently charged by
Department of Justice employees, to silence their knowledge of high-level
government corruption.

*   Partial listing of judges involved in obstructing justice, as detailed
and documented in Drugging America, Defrauding America and Unfriendly Skies.

*   Sample of book reviews on Stich's books.

*   College education on corrupt government personnel and secret activities,
as revealed by dozens of government insiders.

*   Sample of comments by readers of Stich's books.

*   Other books by Rodney Stich.

*   Links to other sites, including groups seeking to correct the draconian pr
ison sentences, forfeiture statutes, and conspiracy statutes, that threatens
every man and women in the United States, and to bring about the release of
thousands of men and women who were guilty of none of the charged offenses,
or guilty of offenses justifying a small punishment rather than a literal
death sentence.

*   Search engines for your convenience.

*   Web sites for personal matters.

*   Selection of magazine and newspaper advertisements for Drugging America--A
 Trojan Horse.

*   Order form to obtain Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly

*   Insider information wanted on corrupt government personnel and corrupt
government operations.

*   Whistleblower pages of insiders revealing high-level government misconduct

*   Further information on the author and the government corruption that he
and his group of several dozen insiders discovered can be obtained by putting
"Rodney Stich" in certain search engines.

*   People sharing the blame for the escalating corruption in government and
the related human tragedies.

*   Help that any responsible adult can provide to fight the corruption that
is inflicting such great harm upon the United States and its people.

*   Brief comments on related matters that have received recent media attentio

questions and issues that could be discussed during Stich's appearance, based
upon the data in Drugging America, A Trojan Horse.
TELEVISION AND MOVIE PRODUCERS: Consider a television series based upon the
hundreds of episodes arising from the experiences of the author's dozens of
deep-cover sources and upon the author's unusual background and experiences.
Also, numerous movies with various themes could be based upon the books'


*   Years of drug smuggling into the United States by personnel in key positio
ns within the Central Intelligence Agency, and later joined by the U.S.
military and other covert government operatives. Because of their positions
of trust, and their actions undermining the national security, these offenses
are extremely seriou

[CTRL] Stich and . . .

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Stich and . . .
 an interview 12/99

by R. A. Kris Millegan

Rodney Stich has been at the forefront of an ever increasing vocal outpouring
of information and revelations about US Federal Government abuses of power.
His books have documented corruption, narcotics/arms trafficking and much
more. Rodney is a trained Federal investigator with a strong background in
Aviation. Rodney was a Naval aviator in WW II and spent many years as a
commercial pilot. He served as an air operations inspector for the FAA
uncovering and exposing a "culture of air safety and criminal violations that
caused and made possible a series of fatal airline crashes."

Rodney  then researched and wrote the book, "Unfriendly Skies." What Rodney
had to say was so threatening that another book was soon released under the
same title with much hoopla. Rodney undaunted went to the airwaves and
appeared on talk-radio all across the country. One day someone asked him if
he was worried—because of the things he was saying about government
corruption. Rodney told them, no he was financially all-right and he had the
time to spend and he wasn’t going to quit. Soon after those remarks, Mr.
Stich was declared still married to an ex-wife, whom he had already divorced
in several states and his real estate holdings were taken over by the courts
and Rodney was taken on a wild ride courtesy of the US government. He lost a
fortune, $10 million dollars in holdings—$6 million free and clear. And get
this, after taking the corrupt officials to court and thereby forcing them to
respond to his well-documented briefs in court.—Rodney was sent to federal
jail for petitioning the US government.—No jury trial, slam-bam, put him on
the travel bus, keep moving him around. But he meets other people in his
prison journeys that confirm and tell him more. Of course the mainstream
media doesn’t say a word. In Rodney’s second Book Defrauding America he tells
this amazing story in frank detail. He also tells the story of corruption, of
our elected and appointed officials use their governmental offices for many
nefarious schemes. He shows the collusion of high government and military
personnel in the arms and narcotic smuggling, assassination and use of the
Department of Justice personnel to block, corrupt and obstruct justice.

Rodney’s Third Book Drugging of America is over 500 pages of  massive detail
of the methods, the people involved in the "Government’s Fraudulent
War-On-Drugs." He presents inside views from over three dozen current and
former government employees.  The story they tell is shocking! Money, drugs,
arms, the mafia, the CIA, FBI, DEA they are all there but not in same quite
the way our government would have us believe.  All US citizens should utter a
prayer of thanks for Rodney Stich and his fine work. If there were a few more
like Rodney, we all might not be in such a fix today.


Drugging America;
Defrauding America;
Unfriendly Skies, by Rodney Stich

Check 'em out . . . Buy & Read the books the mainstream won't publish . . .

* * * * *

RS—Good morning

KM—Good morning, Rodney, How are you

RS—Not too bad

KM—Well, good, good, I tell ya know life is interesting, Rodney, you know one
thing I was thinking about here was—because mostly this is for people that
have been looking into this situation for awhile— I want to ask you about is
mostly things that people are confused about. There are lots of different
stories out there—so there is confusion and so the thing I am thinking about
here is if I can ask some questions that would help us understand what is
going on because that’s— because understanding what’s going on—once you
understand something it always helps you think about it  much better.

RS—Ah ah

KM— I  wanted to talk ask some about was about Mr. Russbaucher— I don’t know
if I am saying that  name right there.

RS—That’s pretty close

KM—Because of the confusion like I say, and me being just - let’s say an
internet and book investigator, reading—and what not—not doing interviews
and such. That is how many people are. We are just gathering information. We
aren’t reporters and when we  look at it from that standpoint and the
information that we have, there is a  lot of differing information about
Russbaucher including the story that there are one, two even three different
Russbaucher’s ?

RS—I have to keep my feet on the ground and I am not a fiction writer or a
wild imaginator. I don’t have a wild imagination. Let me put it that way.When
I have talked to Russbaucher for over a thousand hours and longer I know that
I am talking to Gunther Russbaucher. I don’t believe in space aliens and
things like that nor do I believe in those stories.

KM—OK, How did you meet Russbaucher?

RS—Well, Now we are getting into a more complex subject. Let me also mention
to the

Re: [CTRL] THE COOLIE: His Rights and Wrongs - Jonestown . . .

2000-02-02 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I've wondered before whether there was any connection to the rumored
intelligence activity going on in Jonestown, Guiana, where Jim Jones took
his cult and the fact that the land had been a Dutch colonial territory.


The country used to be known as British Guyana, but the Dutch came first,
and it shows in the remains of colonial infrastructure and in proper names
like Stabroek, Vreed en Hoop and New Amsterdam. The English legacy is also
absurdly visible in the bauxite town of Everton and the nondescript
settlement on the lower Demerara called Hyde Park. Although Guyana is
geographically a part of South America, its history is Caribbean. To the
standard story of conquest, West African slave trade, sugar cane, mutinies,
emerging colour hierarchies and wars between European powers - including the
Napoleonic one which led to a major reshuffling of cards - one may add the
absurdity of Indian indentureship from the 1840s until well after the turn
of the twentieth century. As the slaves were freed, most of them left the
plantations, and new labour was acutely needed. The most obvious source was
the imperial subcontinent teeming with cheap human life, a few million of
whom were coaxed into tempting deals with glib agents coming upstream from
Calcutta and promising affluence in faraway lands called Fiji, Natal,
Mauritius, Trinidad and Guyana.

 Illiterates signed contracts and boarded ships where thousands of them were
to perish, only to discover, shortly after arrival in the new land, that the
contract was a fraud. A perceptive historian has labelled the indentureship
system a new form of slavery. The descendants of the indentured labourers in
the New World, collectively known as East Indians, fight for their human
dignity and cultural identity in hostile, massively Afro-Caribbean
environments. The loss of language has nearly been complete, and the erosion
of custom is only feebly counteracted by Brahminical calls for purity. In
Guyana as compared to Trinidad, Indian concerns are less oriented towards
keeping up an appearance. Numbering roughly half the population of the
country, Indo-Guyanese are mainly rurals, peasants, marginal. A man in a New
Amsterdam bar - an Afro, mind you, Indo-Guyanese rarely frequent urban
bars - told me that through his childhood memories of Indians he saw them as
emaciated wretches, with ugly teeth and soiled clothes, speaking strange
rural dialects interspersed with snippets of Hindi, and blank staring faces
which had appeared regularly in his nightmares. He had, like so many black
Guyanese, been taught to respect the white man, to despise the Amerindian
and to treat the East Indian with caution. The East Indian, he told me, is a
slimy bastard, never to be trusted, with disgusting manners and pagan


Alcoa mines bauxite ore, aluminum's raw material, from its operations in Sao
Paulo, Brazil, and western Australia. From four tons of bauxite, companies
can refine about two tons of alumina, a powdery oxide.Alumina is used to
purify water and to make refractory bricks, ceramics, adhesives, catalysts
and fire-retardant fillers for plastics and fabrics. Alcoa sells 59% of its
10.6 million metric tons of alumina production to third parties.

"That's where the shipping comes in," the spokeswoman said. Alcoa has its
own shipping subsidiary, Alcoa Steamship Co. The remainder of the alumina is
reduced by smelting, an electrolytic process, into primary aluminum. Alcoa
refines and puts the alumina into its smelters in Brazil and Australia.

Two tons of alumina become one ton of primary aluminum, which can become
60,000 soft drink cans.

Alcoa, the world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina, shipped 2.8
million metric tons of aluminum products last year, up from 2.5 million
metric tons in 1995.

A spokeswoman for Reynolds said the firm will maintain the requirements for
its operations around the world. That means mining bauxite.

Reynolds gets its bauxite from Australia, Brazil, Guinea, Guyana and Jamaica
and sends it by ocean ships to its alumina factory in Corpus Christi, Texas.
There, Reynolds refines the bauxite into alumina.

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:14 PM
Subject: [CTRL] THE COOLIE: His Rights and Wrongs - Jonestown . . .

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>CHINESE & INDIAN COOLIES New York 1871, Routledge. Purple cloth, author's
>edition,371 pages, very good, 7 appendices, bookplate, statistics with
>frontispiece illustrating 'coolies' at work. R A R E This early work
>addresses the plight of the Chinese & Indian coolies imported to do manual
>labor in British Guiana. It

[CTRL] Phamacia = Monsanto - the name change scam revealed

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

The Guardian (London)Wednesday February 2, 2000

A lawyer writes. about Monsanto's name change.

Dan Bennett

What's in a name? The news that Monsanto is soon to be known as Pharmacia
is part of an old Monsanto strategy, intended to allow a fresh start.
Other sales divisions of the corporation will now be known as Searle and
Upjohn, with the name Monsanto retained solely for an independent
agricultural subsidiary.

In 1997, I was in the process of issuing legal proceedings against
Monsanto plc (the UK arm of the US-based multinational) for 165 neighbours
of a rubber chemical factory. We had settled claims for about 120
neighbours who suffered chemical poisoning following a leak of hydrogen
sulphide gas. Monsanto refused to settle any further claims and so
litigation was inevitable.

My final check for the address for service of the writ revealed the
alarming fact that Monsanto plc was in liquidation and had changed its
name to Globalstrike plc. The liquidator told me that it was a company
reorganisation. I threatened to intervene and disrupt the liquidation
unless we were told who would meet the claims.

The next day, I was informed that Monsanto Chemicals UK Ltd would be
responsible. A company search revealed that this company was a "shelf"
company called Flextrex Ltd, created on December 20, 1996. A "shelf"
company is created by company agents so it can be sold on to anyone in the
future who wants a company. It saves them the time of creating one

The shelf company was bought by Monsanto International Holdings Inc, of St
Louis, US, in March 1997. The company changed its name to Monsanto
Chemicals UK Ltd on March 14, 1997. By September, its name had changed to
Solutia UK Ltd.

The share transfer documentation on company records states that Monsanto
Int. Holdings Inc paid for the shares with "assets transferred to the
company pursuant to the Business Transfer Agreement between (1) Monsanto
plc [another shelf company], (2) Globalstrike plc [the old Monsanto plc
which had changed its name], and (3) Monsanto Chemicals UK Ltd
[subsequently Solutia]".

Company records revealed that Solutia did not own anything except for
responsibility for this legal action and any other legal actions brought
against the non-life science divisions of the "old" Monsanto. The "new"
Monsanto owned only the life science/GM business.

And so our case progressed against Solutia, with the company eventually
agreeing to settle all but four of the 165 claims. A further claim we
brought for a later leak at the same chemical factory is brought against
Flexsys, which now owns all the rubber chemical factories in the UK that
Monsanto used to run. It was also a shelf company and is also ultimately
owned by Monsanto. This claim against Flexsys should come to trial this
summer for 306 people.

Dan Bennett is a lawyer with the London solicitors Leigh Day and Co, who
act for individuals against corporations. www.leighday.co.uk

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: Food Safety Files 6: 87th Day of Hunger Strike: Robert Cohen on GE, Biotech &rBGH + Monsanto = Pharmacia .. Corporate Death to Pharma-c.i.a. + WhyWill Coke fire 6,000 employees? + The GMO Swindling... "mega-deception,mega-hype and mega-corruption" + O

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 4:45 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Food Safety Files 6: 87th Day of Hunger Strike: Robert Cohen on
GE, Biotech &rBGH + Monsanto = Pharmacia .. Corporate Death to
Pharma-c.i.a. + WhyWill Coke fire 6,000 employees? + The GMO
Swindling... "mega-deception,mega-hype and mega-corruption" + On Ja

Hello everyone

In my continuing Food Safety Files Series, this one really emerges as the
most revealing compilation about the Monsanto Hydra's multifarious schemes
to reap profits at the expense of everyone's health and of an horrendous
chemical and biological pollution of the Earth's environment. And the
people and NGOs featured in this email are the Davids fighting at the front
line to defeat this corporate Goliath.

And with everyone's help, they will succeed!

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000
Subject: 87th Day of Hunger Strike: Robert Cohen on GE, Biotech & rBGH

Today is the 87th day of my hunger strike.

This summer, will the corn "be as high as an elephant's eye?" Human genes
have been inserted into pig's cells and fish genes into tomatoes.  Will
corn stalks resemble elephant tusks, or is biotechnology just an ivory

Biotechnology and genetic engineering are here to save the world from
hunger, or so Monsanto and FDA continue to tell us. That promise is a
cleverly marketed lie.  The new seeds produced by Monsanto actually contain
the seeds for the farmer's destruction.

Many thousands of dairy farms will cease to exist in 2000 because there is
an enormous surplus of milk. Surplus milk means lower prices.  Lower prices
spell disaster for dairy producers.

Last year, dairymen were getting over $17 for every hundred pounds of milk
they produced.  Did they really need more milk?  Use of Monsanto's
genetically engineered bovine growth hormone increases a cow's milk by up
to 25%.

The most recent price farmers received for 100 pounds of milk was under
$10, and that spells bankruptcy.

Last summer, American corn prices averaged $1.94 a bushel. It costs a
farmer over $3 a bushel to produce that corn. Forty percent of America's
crop was grown with Monsanto's genetically engineered seeds.  Did America
need more corn? Are the world's hungry people benefitting from the surplus?
Last year, corn farmers drew 40 percent or more of their income from
government subsidies or emergency aid.  Two billion bushels of corn are
currently being held in warehouses, stocked as surplus.

Emerging world markets will seriously threaten farmers, as inventory
increases and prices drop.  Asia has been America's number one foreign
export market, but, the Chinese will export 5 million metric tons of corn
this year, and their freight costs will allow them to do it cheaper and
quicker than American producers can. Europe has shown the United States
that they want no part of our  genetically engineered milk, cheese, meat,
corn, or soybeans.

Don't we get it yet?  How many farmers will sell their stock this year and
close their barn doors, long after it is too late for them to discover the
effects of Monsanto's new world?

Robert Cohen http://www.hungerstrike.com

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Monsanto = Pharmacia .. Corporate Death to Pharma-c.i.a.
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000

Pharmacia, that is: Pharma-C.I.A. is the new name for the well known
purveyors of death previously known as Monsanto. Let us all keep the
momentum against Monsanto in place, and not fall for the simple expediency
of their name change - Pharma-cia = Monsanto. Pharmacia (= Monsanto) has
brought us FrankenFoods, rBGH, Aspartame (the excitotoxic poison in "diet"
Coke and the majority of other "diet" supermarket products) and last but
not least: Bt genetically modified corn, spliced with gene to include a
pesticide in the altered crop (yum.) & the recently failed: Terminator
seeds & Water supply of the world as a corporate monopoly income source

This company has simply one of the worst records on the planet for
poisoning people and environment; for performing Fraudulent "science"
testing; for using political pull to cover-up LIES and FRAUD, to coverup
DEATH and DEBILITY directly caused by ASPARTAME (this coverup is carefully
coordinated with FDA, as most of the others mentioned).


Environmental Research Foundation
P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD 21403
Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Back issues are available from http://www.rachel.org

Monsanto and it's public image

Damaging the environment

In the 1980s, Monsanto Corporation got a bad name for polluting every
square foot of the planet with noxious PCBs, dioxin, a

[CTRL] FrankenFood/ biotech: Summary of Montreal protocol

2000-02-02 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

   Planet Ark Home page

   USA: February 1, 2000

   WASHINGTON - Key provisions of the U.N.-sponsored Biosafety Protocol
   approved by representatives of more than 130 countries in Montreal:

   - Preamble recognises risks and benefits associated with biotechnology
   and the need to protect biological diversity.

   - Preamble emphasises protocol "shall not be interpreted" as changing
   the rights and obligations of countries under other international
   pacts, such as the World Trade Organisation.

   - Preamble also recognises trade and environmental agreements should
   be mutually supportive and the protocol is not subordinate to other
   international pacts.

   - The protocol establishes a Biosafety Clearing House for countries to
   share information about genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
   Countries must inform the Clearing House within 15 days of the
   approval of any crop varieties which could be used in food, animal
   feed and processing.

   - Exporters are required to obtain an importing country's approval,
   through a procedure known as advance informed agreement (AIA), for
   initial shipments of genetically modified organisms intended for
   release into the environment. Examples include seeds and trees.

   - GMOs intended for food, feed and processing - in other words,
   commodities - are exempted from the AIA requirement. However, they
   must be labeled "may contain" GMOs and countries can decide whether to
   import those commodities based on a scientific risk assessment.

   - Negotiations on more detailed labeling requirements will proceed,
   with the requirement they be completed no later than two years after
   the protocol takes effect.

   - Countries do have not to have complete "scientific certainty" to
   block imports of a GMO they fear could be harmful to biological
   diversity and, by extension, human health.

   - Countries also may consider "socioeconomic factors," such as the
   impact on local farmers, consistent with their other international
   obligations when making import decisions.

   - Exceptions to the AIA requirement are granted for GMOs intended for
   "contained use," such as in research, and for GMOs in transit through
   a country.

   - GMOs used as pharmaceuticals for humans are exempted from the
   protocol if they are addressed by other relevant international
   agreements or organisations.

   - Members of the pact will cooperate to help developing countries
   build human resources and institutions to make informed decisions
   about GMOs.

   - New negotiations will be launched to address the issue of liability
   for any damage resulting from the cross-border movements of GMOs. The
   goal is to finish in four years.

   - Countries have an obligation to inform affected parties and take
   other appropriate action if they discover an unintentional movement of
   GMOs across borders.

   - If illegal shipments occur, the affected party can request the
   shipper to retrieve or destroy the GMO at its own expense.

   - The protocol will go into effect after ratification by the 50th
   country or regional economic integration organisation that is a party
   to the 1992 U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity. It will be
   subject to review at least every five years.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] copvcia down ?

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "JP Viken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SAIC = Strategic Applications International Corporation and they own Network
Solutions and the "standards organization for secure banking over the
internet", and they also own Telcordia which evolved from Belcore (their new
moto for Telecordia is  "we started it, we'll finish it!" and they use the
saic trademark at bottom of ad).  Belcore is a new internet technology
agency (Board members of SAIC?  Bobby Ray Inmate is a key board member along
with maybe caspar "the ghost" weinbuggeryou). If you want the names of the
rest of the spook board members maybe try a search like this: "newsgroups" +
"saic" on deja.com    During the gulf war, saic ran a "remote viewing"
covert op in saudi arabia to identify and explore targets "before & after"
they were bombed and attacked.   Network Solutions is the main addressing
entity for the whole web (internet).  I can't tell you more without
violating the law since it is illegal to identify us undercover intel agents
unless you are sure they are committing habitual criminal rico acts, or
committing single premeditated criminal acts on their own, or breaking
federal laws regarding their scope of operations, and I do not have
immediately clear and convincing evidence of this (intel ops to spy on "the
people" with no probable cause and now warrants inside the us is a "no-no"
for many agencies according to the law--note the cia has no authorization
for any ops here, but does it anyhow, as you know).   SAIC allegedly has a
special ops team which can send some of the best "silver bullets" up your
modem and into your system you could ever imagine.  These folks are the
elite's elite when it comes to fifth column electronic ops.  Within two or
three years they will have the clear means to take down and take control of
the whole world's banking and telcommunications systems in "one fell swoop".
Mike, if you have been receiving saic "silver bullets" up your modem, this
means only one or two things:   either you have somehow discovered something
much bigger than you realize or you have walked into the middle of something
very big that you are not yet aware of or do not fully understand.  You may
not fully understand what it is you uncovered that "they" are so desperately
afraid of.  Sometimes we can't see the forrest through the trees.

There are considerable rumors circulating in the intel community that if
baby b comes up from his now underdog status to win, thereby continuing the
manufacturing of consent, then the cointelpro-novo folks at the fb* will be
mounting massive, far reaching intercept and harassment ops to shut off any
info regarding ghwb rico type, habitual drug trafficking and the shady
family histories.  If this comes to pass most of us on the list and many
others will have to batten down the hatches and weather the storm which will
ensue, cause they will be a breathin down our necks and beatin on our

Mike, here's the best and quickest solution to the war on drugs and the war
on terrorism  (both exceedingly expensive in financial and human terms):

Solution #1 for immediately ending the war on drugs:  Attention:  all covert
ops who have been involved in any manner in trafficking in drugs into the
usa, whether controlled deliveries or other (now, you know who you
are--you've been feeling very guilty about what you've done now that you're
getting older--you know you'd secretly like to do the right thing and come
clean for spreading death and destruction by bringing drugs in!):  You just
can't be fooled by your overloards which are treasonous traitors anymore who
claim the false cloak of "protecting national security" when all they are
doing is using you and their other underlings to oppress and kill the public
to extend the power of the elites their serve which you now know have no
souls. You just can't be fooled by these treasonous traitors anymore who
claim the false cloak of "protecting national security" when all they are
doing is using you and their other underlings to oppress and kill the public
to extend the power of the elites their serve which you now know have no
souls.   Arrest yourself immediately and surrender to the nearest us
magistrate judge.  You can cut a deal for complete immunity if you move
quickly.  And remember, you will feel clean inside like you've not felt for
many years!

Solution #2 for immediately ending the war on terrorism:  Attention:  all
covert ops who have been involved in any manner in "agent provocateur" acts
of terrorism and destruction inside the usa, whether you placed an explosive
device, set the timers, made illegal entries, snipered innocent women and
children or did the planning of terrorist acts (now, you know who you
are--you've been feeling very guilty about what you've done now that your
getting older--you know you'd secretly like to do the right thing and come
clean for spreading death and destruction by blowing up buildings, making
illegal crash entries for unlawful d

[CTRL] N.H. Legislative Alert!!!!

2000-02-02 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


URGENT:  Help Stop Tax Support for Religious Schools!

The New Hampshire General Assembly wants to use your public tax dollars to
aid religious schools.  A constitutional amendment (CACR 34) will have a
hearing before the House Education committee on February 8, 2000.  If this
bill passes in the house and senate, the question of changing the
constitution in favor of providing government funding for religious schools
will be on the ballot in the November 2000 election.

This amendment would gut the New Hampshire Constitution of its most
effective church-state provision and authorize the whole - scale subsidy of
religious education.  Expenses for tuition, religious classes, religious
textbooks, and religious activities, including school time spent in worship
or other religious ceremonies, could be included in the tax support.  In
addition, this amendment would result in substantially less money for New
Hampshire's public schools, thereby harming the quality of public education.

The New Hampshire State Constitution currently reads in Article 83,
"[p]rovided, nevertheless, that no money raised by taxation shall ever be
granted or applied for the use of the schools of institutions of any
religious sect or denomination."


Tell your elected officials to OPPOSE THE ALLOWANCE OF TAX SUPPORT for
private and religious schools found in bills CACR 34.  Public money should
be invested in for public schools only.  Please contact Governor Ryan, your
state Senator, and your state Representative in the House.  Use the

GovernorSenate  House
Gov. Jeanne Shaheen The Hon. ___The Hon. ___
Office of the Governor  Senate  House of Representatives
State House, Rm 208-214 State House State House
Concord, NH 03301-4990  Concord, NH 03301   Concord, NH  03301
Phone 603-271-2121

New Hampshire state website: http://www.state.nh.us/gencourt/iegencourt.html
(includes further contact information)

Time is of the essence, please contact your elected officials today.  Thank

Ann Mulligan
States Legislative Coordinator
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
518 C Street, NE
Washington, DC  20002
202-466-3234 x 232 - phone
202-466-2587 - fax

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mystery Aircraft - Aurora?

2000-02-02 Thread Steve Wingate

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 -Cui Bono?-


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] important scottish x-file

2000-02-02 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 RUSSELL : important scottish x-file. by Andrew Hennessey

I have been researching the ancient secrets of the edinburgh area
[scotlands capital] for some time now - for something has been covered up
and kept secret here - and in fact I have a briefing on it etc [also as a
commercial CD]
but thats not the point of this post.

I have met a chap called Russell who has had some totally incredible life
Generally a badly behaved chap in his early years - and prone to being on
the wrong side of the law - a Big ball of light came down for Russell one
night and took him away.
It turns out to be an old friend - who takes him through a vortex and
across the other side of the galaxy - where he looks down on the spiral
arms of the milky way.
The friend shows russell inhabited planets here and there - but there
wasn't much happening - then takes him to a planet near the rim of the
spiral arm - yes there was something going on there - its a blue glowing
light in a dark and dense region - and he could see as he got closer,
america - yep - something going on there - and then he could see a glowing
cord coming from him stretching down to what looked like scotland - and zap
- he was back in his body.
He says that at that point he completely forgot who he was - he asked
strangers he met who were actually his friends - who am I this time ?? - no
I'm not kidding - who am I - he asked ?

When he finally got it together after a couple of weeks, a profound change
had come over Russell - who - aware of a greater eternity than most of us
could imagine sought comfort in the Bible.
Over the next few years - the lights would come back to him - as ball
lightning he could hold - or expanding into glowing ufos the size of his
house - or wandering stars that zapped back and forth at his behest.
He would be taken away by these lights - and they would teach him things
about the bible.
They say that they are the Angels and that they have shown him the 'Host' -
fleets of darting lightships - some huge.
His friends of course, laughed - thinking him mad - so he took them outside
on starlit nights and summoned the ships to him - calling down wandering
stars to teach a mocking group of hells Angels as they zapped past them
back and forwards at all heights and sizes - and some people who knew him
that laughed - have had these lights in their gardens or outside their
bedroom windows.
One family of four - hid behind a couch.
No-one that knows Russell now finds his claims of the returning angels of
the host laughable - Russell believes that the host and the angels are
currently in the process of turning the world around - bringing down the
proud and base.

Russell also knows and quotes the Bible with real authority - relating the
signs and wonders and vapours of the end days - and the many lights
documented in the old testament - to his own experiences.
He has gone to the churches to seek wise counsel - but they just laugh and
turn him away.

Russell sees himself as a 'Watchman' who has a duty to remind people that
there is still time to get real and change our ways - for these angels - he
has seen in their thousands - as bright flying ships or stars - and they
are here to assist in the transition of the human race - as it judges
itself and is judged.

On Russells wedding day two years ago - there was thunder and lightning and
heavy rain - and as he went to church - he said Lord - this is not a day to
get married - its so black - two of his light being/ships appeared and
seemed to zip across the clouds and horizon and back - and it was as if
someone had placed a pane of glass in front of the dark clouds, .. they
were held back static above was a blue sky - the sun shining and the
rain began evaporating from the churchyard.
The strange weather front remained for the duration of the wedding - and
when he shook the ministers hand in a parting handshake after the ceremony
- the storm recommenced.

Russell points out that his home town kirkcaldy - means kirk of the Culdeas
meaning church of the workers of God.

I point out again the connection with edinburgh and its seven hills and
bloodlines, grails, arks, spears of destiny etc etc  and the tolkein
connection where the returning king who will claim the throne from the
stewards or stewarts belongs to the dunedain - 'dunedain' also being
edinburghs celtic name
[there are many others]

The people who have met russell and have been changed by these truths also
see these lights and beings - so it is not a phenomena that is confined to
and as the stars come out over the firth of forth [the sea between kirkcaldy
and edinburgh] - its ancient translation the 'way of ways' - many of these
stars that erratically wander are no longer satellites seen by tired eyes -
Russell and his friends can call to them and they will come.

and you know ... before I met Russell - I have seen this too.

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

Re: [CTRL] Free Yahoo Stock?

2000-02-02 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Page refuses to load, so I guess not.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gloria doesn't get it: the tug-of-war for land

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

l">Gloria doesn't get it: the tug-of-war for land

Gloria doesn't get it:
the tug-of-war for land

By Henry Lamb
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Gloria Flora resigned her job as supervisor of the largest national forest in
the lower 48, because what she calls an "anti-government" sentiment had
reached a "fevered pitch." Something had to give. "Rather than waiting for a
bomb, or for someone to get hurt, I decided to step down."
That fever pitch of "anti-government" sentiment is what others call defending
their freedom from a government they believe has overstepped its
constitutional authority.

The immediate issue that led to Flora's resignation stems from a small
stretch of South Canyon Road in Elko County, Nevada, which was washed away by
floods. The county wanted to rebuild the road; Gloria's Forest Service said

The South Canyon Road situation is but one of thousands of similar cases
confronting property owners and land users all across the country. An
examination of the attitudes and issues reveals why America is in a
winner-take-all tug-of-war for the land and its resources.

Gloria spoke to about 100 supporters on Jan. 26 in Kalispell, Montana, at a
gathering sponsored by the Montana Human Rights Network and Public Employees
for Environmental Responsibility. Across town, more than 600 people attended
a rally sponsored by Montanans for Multiple Use. These people brought shovels
to send to Elko in a show of support for the county's determination to
rebuild South Canyon Road.

"The road isn't even the issue," Gloria told a reporter. "The issue here is a
serious anger toward the federal government in general."

Gloria doesn't have a clue about why the people are angry. "While a bit of
protest is a good thing in any democracy," she said, "you can have too much
of a good thing. I'm coming (to Kalispell) to talk about civility in our
public discussion."

The absence of civility in public discussions is a major reason for the
frustration Americans have with federal agencies. In America, discussions
about public policy are supposed to be open and honest. If they are heated,
so much the better. All opinions should be welcome. Differing opinions about
public policy are supposed to be resolved, finally, by elected officials, in
a public vote.

To Gloria, civility in public discussion means that the public should listen
to her agency's presentation, make suggestions -- if invited to do so --
about how to implement the object of the presentation, and be thankful for
the opportunity to speak. Dissent from the object of an agency's presentation
is considered to be anti-government, by Gloria and many of her colleagues.

It's not Gloria's fault; it's her training. Since the President's Council on
Sustainable Development (PCSD) was created by executive order in 1993 (to
conform to the recommendations of Agenda 21, a policy document adopted by the
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992), the
agencies of the federal government have been trained to substitute the
"consensus" process for the old-fashioned hearing process in public

Public policy-making is not within the constitutional purview of the
president, nor any of the federal agencies. Executive branch functions are
limited to the implementation of the public policies enacted by Congress.

The PCSD, however, in compliance with the recommendations contained in Agenda
21, said, "We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better
decisions; more rapid change; and more sensible use of human, natural, and
financial resources in achieving our goals." Neither Congress, nor the
Constitution has authorized any change in the "decision process," but
Gloria's agency, at the direction of her White House boss, has changed the
decision-making process. The new process is designed to limit -- or prevent
-- public discussion of views that dissent from the government's objectives.

The president announced recently that he had instructed the Department of
Agriculture to promulgate rules to close the roads on nearly 40 million acres
of federal lands. This is a new public policy, which Congress has not
authorized. Gloria doesn't understand why Americans are angered by this

Because the law requires public comment and input when the rules for
implementing legislation are changed, The Department of Agriculture's Forest
Service conducted what they called public hearings on the proposed road
closure rule change.

The president made his "roadless" announcement in October. Within 30 days,
the department announced that each of eight federal regions would hold a
series of public meetings. More than 100 such meetings were held between

[CTRL] GOP News & Views - February 2, 2000

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Countdown

Today is February 2, 2000.  There are only 353 days remaining in the Clinton

Money Can’t Buy Ya Love

There’s just no way for the George W. Bush campaign to spin the New Hampshire
primary results in a positive light.  Bottom line:  He got hisself a
whuppin’.  After a not-so-impressive “win” in Iowa, the
$60-million-dollar-man got his clock cleaned by Sen. John McCain in the
nation’s first primary, 47-31 percent.

But it was even worse than that.  Add in the number of voters who also
rejected Dubya by voting for Steve Forbes, Alan Keyes or Gary Bauer, and well
over 2/3 of the vote went against the anointed “establishment” candidate.
Granted, some of McCain’s support came from non-Republican independent
voters.  But that, in itself, says something - that McCain can attract the
cross-over voters needed to win in November against Al Gore.

And make no mistake.  Al Gore WILL be the Democrat nominee.  He wants it BAD.
 He’s willing to say anything, do anything and be anything to win.  Heck, he
even stole a line from Ronald Reagan in his victory speech last night,
telling supporters, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”  Yes, Al Gore is ready,
willing and able to rip his opponent’s lungs out to win the presidency - as
he’s proven with Bill Bradley.

Contrast that do-or-die spirit with the Bush track record in these GOP
primaries, and the whole rationale for the Bush anointment - that he’s the
one Republican who can win - vanishes.  If the election were held today, Gore
would have Dubya for lunch.  He just seems to want it more - and is willing
to fight, scratch, claw and kick for it.

On the other hand, Bush’s concession speech last night reminded us of that
lame GOP response to Bill Clinton’s State of the Union speech last week.
Wouldn’t surprise us if the same people wrote it (anybody know where Sig
Rogich is?).

And even though McCain isn’t perceived as a rock-solid conservative, Bush is
perceived as being part of the GOP congressional establishment that has caved
in and lost to Bill Clinton and Al Gore time after time over the past five
years - embarrassing and demoralizing the Republican base.  They just may
take their frustration and revenge out on Dubya, even if it means backing
someone not philosophically “pure”, such as John McCain.

And others - the crowd who were only backing Bush because they thought he was
the best candidate who could win - are having their confidence in that belief
stripped to the bone.  A significant number may begin deserting the S.S.
Dubya - the political Titanic II - and hop aboard the McCain Train.

Here’s the interesting development we’re waiting to see next.  Bauer is
and should get out immediately.  What part of “no” doesn’t he understand?
Question is, will he dutifully follow suit and endorse Bush, like the other
drop-outs from the “establishment” - Quayle, Alexander, Kasich, Dole and

Steve Forbes is on life-support.  We love the guy, but reality is reality.
He hasn’t been able to throw a “hail Mary” and needs an absolute political
miracle to remain viable.  Not likely.  So who does he get behind?

Alan Keyes has actually exceeded everyone’s expectations and will likely stay
in the race.  We think that’s actually for the good.  He’ll keep Bush and
McCain honest in the subsequent debates and make sure neither strays too far
from the Constitution.  But if and when he ultimately does exit the race, who
does he throw his support to?

If the three of them - or really, any two of them - line up behind McCain, it
will completely take the wind out of George W’s sails as he tries to attack
McCain as not being Republican enough.

Here’s what has the GOP establishment in total panic mode right now:  Al Gore
is a much more formidable candidate than anyone expected ... and George W is
much less.  Strap yourselves in, boys and girls.  It’s gonna be a bumpy ride
to November!


“"When Bill Clinton and Al Gore try to claim credit for this (economic)
expansion, it's like the rooster taking credit for the dawn - and about as
believable as Al Gore's claim he invented the Internet."

- RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson, 2/1/00

Post SOTU Reaction

“Urg.  Regarding Rogich and the Republican response -- it sucked. Could
it have sounded any more like a Democrat OR a Democrat in drag -- which seems
to be where the Republicans are headed? Could Susan Collins have been any
more of a lifeless tree stump - making Al Gore look good by comparison?  My
dad is a big contributor to Republican causes, but he told me he has stopped
giving because he says they all 

[CTRL] The Slave Trade No One Cares About

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

The Slave Trade No One Cares About

By Chuck Baldwin

February 2, 2000

Blacks are being sold into slavery in record numbers and no one seems to
even notice. Jesse Jackson doesn’t notice. The NAACP doesn’t notice. The
Clinton administration doesn’t notice. The American media don’t notice
either. Yes, black husbands and fathers are being murdered by the hundreds
of thousands and their wives and children sold into slavery, and no one
seems to notice, or care.

Let a professional football team fire a black coach due to a losing season
and Jesse Jackson is "Johnny on the spot" to call the owners racists and
bigots. Let a Confederate flag fly atop a state capitol and the NAACP will
rally over 40,000 people in a massive demonstration. Let hundreds of
thousands of black people be slaughtered and sold into slavery, however,
and these self-proclaimed spokesmen for the downtrodden sit strangely
silent. Where is their outrage?

The tragedy I am talking about is taking place in the Sudan. The militant
Muslim government in Khartoun is sponsoring a war against Sudanese
Christians in Southern Sudan that rivals any genocide in history. Among a
population of just over 6 million inhabitants, more than 600,000 people
have been killed and some 5 million people are without homes

According to the Daily Mail & Guardian from Johannesburg, South Africa,
"The slave raiders prefer women and boys. In order the catch them, they
kill the men and burn down their villages. When the women and children run
into the bush, they are chased and captured. They are made to carry the
‘spoils’ of the raid, usually sacks of grain, to the north. They are then
sold to wealthy Arab families.

"Arab families with large farms and plantations in the Arab areas
immediately to the north of Southern Sudan may buy between 50 and 100
slaves. Families buy women to be used as ‘concubines’ who perform farm and
household tasks in addition to providing sexual services. If the women are
young enough, they are genitally mutilated as soon as they reach puberty,
so as to make them acceptable to their Arab masters."

Where is the outrage of the American press? Where is the holy indignation
of the combined civil rights leadership in this country? Where is Bill
Clinton’s call for military intervention due to a "moral imperative" for
swift and decisive action? Where is the National Council of Churches? They
are nowhere to be found.

There are several reasons for this apathy. One, the victims are Christians.
As we have seen in our own country, there is a double standard when it
comes to concern for victims. If the victims happen to be Christians, there
is little interest from among the liberal establishment.

Two, the murderers are black Muslims. To the liberal mind, disparaging
comments made by a white baseball player against homosexuals is worse than
murder committed by black Muslims, even if the victims are also black

Three, there is no left-wing political agenda that can be advanced by
calling attention to these atrocities. There is no wealthy business that
money can be extorted from, no state or local government that can be
bullied into submission by Mr. Jackson and his co-conspirators in the
mainstream press. There are only tens of thousands of helpless, innocent
people that are being murdered, raped, tortured and sold into slavery.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Why should I expect that people who
don’t care that millions of innocent, unborn babies are being slaughtered
in their own country should care that hundreds of thousands of innocent
people are being slaughtered in another country?

When you go to bed tonight, say a prayer for the suffering souls in the
Sudan. Say a prayer for our nation, too. The same apathy that allows these
poor people to perish is also killing the conscience of America.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil a

[CTRL] Green Mountain Boys are back

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

ut_gunsP.shtml">Boston Globe Online: Print it!

Vt. Bill targets people without guns
Legislator dreams of citizens' militia

By Ellen Barry, Globe Staff, 2/1/2000

aking 200-year-old constitutional provisions for the creation of a
''well-regulated militia'' to their most extreme conclusion, a Vermont
lawmaker has proposed a crackdown on Vermonters who do not own guns.

Harkening back to the days of town square militia musters and citizens'
armies, House bill 760 would require residents over 18 who do not own guns to
register with the secretary of state's office and pay a $500 penalty.

Hot on its heels was House bill 763, also introduced Friday, which would make
military training a prerequisite for a high school diploma in the state.

The man behind both bills is state Representative Fred Maslack, a two-term
Republican legislator and quarry worker from East Poultney. Maslack, a
longtime proponent of gun-owners' rights, does not expect a mass uprising or
to see his bills voted into law.

But he does fantasize about greeting gun-control activists and liberal
politicians at a grand muster of a citizen's militia under the command of
Vermont's Democratic governor, Howard Dean.

Whether or not state lawmakers want to admit it, Maslack said, the right to
carry arms comes with the obligation to serve in a militia.

''What this is supposed to do is illustrate what I consider to be the only
constitutionally correct view of this issue,'' Maslack said. ''It certainly
isn't politically correct, I can tell you that.''

Alongside Vermont's progressive approaches to land management, gay marriage,
and school funding is a strong lobby for gun-owners' rights that some say is
a natural outgrowth of its rural heritage. Vermont has some of the country's
least restrictive gun laws and has one of the highest rates of membership in
the National Rifle Association. The state also allows all adults to carry a
concealed gun without a permit.

Still, lawmakers on both sides of the gun-rights debate were looking at
Maslack's legislation with amusement yesterday.

''I can't believe it's going to be taken seriously,'' said Representative Ann
Seibert (D-Norwich). ''There's a lot of common sense in Vermont. You get
heated issues, but common sense prevails.''

The two militia-related bills are not Maslack's first effort to bolster the
rights of Vermont gun owners. He joined two other state representatives two
weeks ago in suing three high-ranking public officials on grounds of fraud
and conspiracy in protest of Vermont's enforcement of the Brady Law, which
requires background checks on gun purchasers.

Bills 760 and 763, which he sponsored independently, aimed chiefly to make a
point about gun ownership.

''Everyone gets focused on the right, and they forget about the
obligations,'' Maslack said. ''It's saying, if you have a military
obligation, then you have to deal with it.''

Vermont has a proud militia tradition dating back to 1770, when Ethan Allen
formed an unauthorized citizens' militia to fend off tax collectors from New
York State. Article 9 of the Green Mountain State's 1793 constitution
requires financial contributions from Vermonters ''scrupulous of bearing
arms'' in a citizen's army.

But historians said that the need for militias waned after the American
Revolution and that by the 1830s and 1840s, most of them were poorly
organized and undersupplied.

''The record overall is that if we had depended on the militias, we would all
be drinking tea and eating scones at 4 o'clock,'' said Saul Cornell, a
historian at Ohio State University who is editing a book on militias and the
Second Amendment.

Michael Bellesile, an Emory University historian who has focused on Vermont's
movement, suggested that the fine prescribed by Article 9 may have been
designed to ''coerce people'' into coming out for militia musters - a goal
achieved in other states by supplying participants with alcohol, money, or
free guns.

But in one way, he said, Maslack's proposal falls squarely into state

''Vermonters take enormous pride in being just a little different. They love
to be curmudgeons and iconoclasts,'' said Bellesile, a native of Quebec.
''This guy fits perfectly.''

No state has ever required its citizens to own guns, but Maslack's plan had a
precedent in the city of Kennesaw, Ga., in the early 1980s.

City officials there said the requirement was largely symbolic, but also
boasted that crime rates fell dramatically in the years that followed its

This story ran on page B01 of the Boston Globe on 2/1/2000.
© Copyright 2000 Globe Newspaper Company.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Sec


2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

** 02 February 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
  General George Washington, New York Legislature, 17751



Message from the President

Defending America:

READINESS -- Striving for Excellence in COO…2

The McCain Mutiny:
Attack on Hack! 3
Hack on Target! 4

Focus Issue:
Army gets Sensitivity Training on Gays  5
Brigadier quits over Gays in Military   6

Medal of Honor: 7
Lieutenant Colonel HOWARD, JAMES H. (Air Mission)
Germany, 1944

G.I Humor:  8
A Neighborly Confrontation…
A word from the SFTT President:

Thanks for the many positive responses concerning the merger of SFTT and
VOTG.  I am currently looking at all the volunteer notes to sort out how we
will organize for the future. Please keep writing… there is much opportunity
to get involved. Please note the official SFTT Motto at the head of the
newsletter. I hope it connects us back to our true military/revolutionary

Hold on to your wallets until we are ready to receive contributions.  The
SFTT site guru, "Woody" Groton is currently assessing how we can accept
contributions electronically in addition to the standard manual means.
Remember, all contributions will be tax deductible - we want to be able to
give you a receipt!

The McCain Mutiny: Hack has once more struck a nerve with many of you with
his article on presidential candidate McCain. You would be surprised to know
that support for Hack's position won 80:20 over the opposition.  Please keep
in mind that SFTT cannot openly take a political position, but exists to
educate the public, our lawmakers, and the media military affairs.  Since we
are limited to 8 articles under current conditions, we will give you a couple
of reader responses to ponder. Remember, America is a great country because
we can disagree with one another.  Unfortunately, in our current political
climate, political correctness seems to limit the opportunity to get problems
out and resolved in the open. The result can be a quiet, lingering hatred for
each other that could become explosive...just remember Columbine. Let's not
go there.

Please limit mail in my direction this week, and don't feel offended if you
don't get a response.  I'll be away from my CP for eight days to visit my
WWII veteran father who just got out of the hospital.  Any of the specialty
editors will try to help you out, if you have any questions or comments.

President, SFTT

! Beware that our letter is still limited in scope so we can reach all
limited users of the Internet.  If you cannot get the letter by E-mail, look
it on the Web-Page at:

By DAVID H. HACKWORTH, 01 February 2000

On every U.S. military post, base and ship -- active duty and reserve --
America's defenders are short critical gear from toilet paper to spare parts
to training ammo, and many live in GI ghettos.

Too often, our warriors' lives are put at risk because they don't have the
stuff to make sure that the aircraft stays in the sky or that the soldier is
trained to a razor's edge to survive the ultimate Super Bowl game of combat.

The word from the brass is to "Suck it up." They claim -- falsely -- that
President Clinton has cut military funds despite the almost $300 billion
annual defense budget, about what the rest of the world combined spends on

But for those on top, it's pig-out time. The old saw that "Rank has its
privileges" is still rampant in our all-volunteer force. And few people have
the guts to sound off about different perks for high-ranking jerks because
they don't want a ration of harassment followed by job termination.

It was different in the Draftee Days, when nonvolunteers were just about
issued whistles at the Reception Center. And how they loved to blow 'em. They
trilled for the slightest trespasses,  and Congress received red-hot
"investigate this" letters from mamas and papas.

Now our all-volunteers feel they have little reco


2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 2000-02-02-C

Brigadier quits over Gays in Military

Ed.:  No, it wasn't one of ours! Here is the reaction of our cousins across
the Atlantic.  Looks like the Brits still have leaders with moral character
who stand tall for their beliefs… By the way, another British Flight
Commander just submitted his resignation following his Brigadier's example…A
report by BBC News, 27 Jan 00.

By Andrew Gilligan

Critics say homosexuals are bad for military morale. A British Army brigadier
has quit over the government's decision to allow gays into the forces.

Brigadier Pat Lawless, 44, said he could not reconcile his "strongly held
moral and military convictions as a soldier and a citizen with the
government's decision to lift the ban".

He said he had handed in his notice earlier this month but added: "There is a
lengthy process involved in nominating my replacement and I have agreed to
serving on until mid-2001, subject to the needs of the service."

Brigadier Lawless told The Sun newspaper: "The decision - a very private
matter - was reached only after extensive reflection. I shall be very sad to

"I am extremely proud of the Army and its achievements, and feel privileged
to have served with officers and soldiers of such integrity and calibre."

Brigadier Lawless, who is married with two children, was commissioned into
the Army Air Corps in 1976. He was recently made deputy commander of the
Wiltshire-based Joint Helicopter Command, which combines servicemen from the
Army, Navy and RAF.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "It is very unfortunate when
individuals decide to leave. However it is very much a personal matter for
Brigadier Lawless, and we obviously respect that.

"As far as the policy change is concerned, it is something we were required
to put through once the European Court (of Human Rights) ruled against our
previous stance.

"Service chiefs have made it clear that they are committed to making the new
policy work, and that operational effectiveness will be maintained."

The MoD spokesman said Brig Lawless' resignation would not affect the
operational effectiveness of his unit.

'Let the forces decide 'Shadow Defence Secretary Iain Duncan Smith leapt on
the officer's resignation as proof that many senior officers were
disenchanted by the decision to allow gays to serve in the forces.

He said: "We have already called on the government to review their decision
to overturn the ban on homosexuals serving in the armed forces at the
earliest opportunity and to let the armed forces decide if the policy was

"The government rejected this. However, when next in government, the
conservatives remain committed to letting the armed forces review the policy
and assess whether or not it works.

"We will act on their recommendations. The government should match that
pledge now or risk undermining the operational effectiveness of our armed

The MoD was forced into a U-turn after the European Court of Human Rights
ruled, in September, that the ban on gays was unlawful.

The court ruled that servicemen and women had a right to privacy which was
being compromised by investigations by the military authorities into their

Ed.:  Air combat over Europe oftentimes involved hundreds of aircraft.
Mustangs and Thunderbolts fighting it out with Messerschmitts and
Focke-Wulfs. The bombers had to get through! Rent the movie, the Memphis
Belle to capture a bit of the feel! Then read the citation again.

HOWARD, JAMES H. (Air Mission)

Rank and organization: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Air Corps. Place and
date: Over Oschersleben, Germany, 11 January 1944. Entered service at: St.
Louis, Mo. Birth: Canton, China. G.O. No.: 45, 5 June 1944.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call
of duty in action with the enemy near Oschersleben, Germany, on 11 January
1944. On that day Col. Howard was the leader of a group of P51 aircraft
providing support for a heavy bomber formation on a long-range mission deep
in enemy territory.

As Col. Howard's group met the bombers in the target area the bomber force
was attacked by numerous enemy fighters. Col. Howard, with his group, and at
once engaged the enemy and himself destroyed a German ME. 110. As a result of
this attack Col. Howard lost contact with his group, and at once returned to
the level of the bomber formation. He then saw th


2000-02-02 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 2000-02-02-B
The McCain Mutiny - Attack on Hack!
Ed.: of Medals and POW status…

I have to say I am quite shocked at the tone of Hack's column this time
around. It seems to me that McCain is rather unfairly criticized by Hack
concerning his medals. Whether they are for heroism or for service (for which
a vast majority of officers receive their medals) the medals were not bogus
or unearned.

It seems to me on the face of the article that the accusation is that McCain
told more than name, rank and serial number to avoid death by his captors,
and that his survivor status somehow indicates some type of collaboration,
collusion, or at least malfeasance on McCains part.

This is not a Jeremy Boorda wearing an award that was never earned. It is not
a case of a service member wearing a tab for a qualification not earned. It
is a case of an officer who did his duty the best that he could, survived 5
and a half years as a POW, and returned. If he was given boilerplate awards,
so what?

Any soldier, sailor, airman or marine who has any time in service knows that
officers are given awards for doing what they are supposed to do (and often
times, for NOT doing the job they are supposed to do).

 In my opinion, inasmuch as I was not there and feel wholly unqualified to
judge someone who has endured what McCain and thousands of others did, if a
POW survives without committing treasonous acts, or without violating the
code of the warrior (surrendering when other means to fight or escape are
extant, etc), then they can rightly be called heroes. No, they didn't earn
the medals by killing the enemy, or by running a gauntlet of fire to save
wounded comrades or other typically heroic acts. They did, however, endure
and serve as an object lesson to other Americans and military personnel that
when captured you still do the right thing. You give motivation to our
military personnel to fight onward when your motivation might be lacking due
to the current situation.

And isn't that what heroes are all about? Ribbons are given out for attitude
and morale. What was it Napoleon said? Something about a piece of colored
ribbon making his soldiers march another mile? In a time when war heroes are
in short supply, this nation has always found some way of making people into

In time of war we also make heroes, sometimes when they are not really heroes
at all but their actions serve to be politically expedient, i.e. propaganda,
etc. If this were Al Gore trying to make himself a war hero then the account
would be more than well deserved.

Brian H.


The McCain Mutiny - Reader Response -- Hack on Target!!
Ed.:  There is much more than the POW story…
* *
By a Capt (name withheld), USN (retired)

I was one of John McCain's flight instructors in the Navy's Advanced Training
Command at Corpus Christi Texas, circa 1960.  I have passed this story to
many of my friends and I share it with you, willingly.

LTjg McCain was positively one of the weakest students to pass our way, and
received consistently poor marks, and a number of Dangerous Down grades,
assigned by more than one instructor.  He had no real ability and was clearly
out of his element in an airplane, and way over his head, even as a junior
naval officer.

His fathers and grandfathers influence kept him in the training pipeline,
even though he was better fit for an alternate profession.

In his book, "Faith of my Fathers," he briefly mentions an incident wherein
he escaped from an aircraft whose engine had failed.  Well, there is much
more to that story than he had had the courage to reveal.

What really happened is known only to John, but by my witness he flew an AD
Skyraider into Corpus Christi Bay while practicing landings that would
prepare him to land on an aircraft carrier.  I was only a few seconds behind
him in the traffic pattern, being an airborne "chase" instructor, while two
of my squadron mate instructors were coaching students from the end of the
runway via  radio.

We always flew with our canopy open in the landing pattern as a safety
precaution, but McCain had his closed, in that it was cool (40degrees) and
light rain showers around the field.  It was also a Saturday morning, and I
suspect he was recovering from too much whoopee on Friday night.

Despite repeated radio transmissions from the instructors, McCain flew the
machine into the water, where it sank immediately in 35 ft of water.


[CTRL] 600 helicopters

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

From: "Roslyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Dee & All,
I heard tonight from a good friend who lives in Lakehurst, NJ, where the
Naval Air Station resides.  She told me that the air station looks like a
war zone.  "They" are bringing in 600 helicpoters, 600 tanks all to train
the "National Guard"  Sounds very ominous to me.  Especially after reading
the visions on the Great Dreams page you sent in this AM.  What could be
going on??  Roz

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Gates Vaccination

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Monday January 31, 4:46 pm Eastern Time
> Company Press Release
> SOURCE: American Life League
> ALL: Bill Gates Tetanus Program and Forced
> Sterilization
> WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- The Bill
> Gates Foundation appealed today for more
> donations for a vaccine program designed to
> protect children in developing countries from various diseases,
> including tetanus. But the Gates tetanus program bears striking
> resemblance to another tetanus program that sterilized thousands of
> women and caused abortions in many others in the Philippines.
> As reported by the BBC in conjunction with the Philippine Department
> of Health and the Philippine Medical Association, women in
> child-bearing years were given a vaccine that was combined with a
> chemical known as Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), an
anti-pregnancy agent.
> This earlier program involved only women. The current Gates tetanus
> vaccine program also is administered only to women in child-bearing
> years.
> American Life League president Judie Brown sent a certified letter to
> Bill and Melinda Gates today, asking them to publicly denounce the
> tetanus deceptions of the past that ``created such a devastating
> controversy in the Philippines.''
> ``We're not blaming the Gateses for the forced sterilizations in the
> Philippines, but their program has disturbing similarities to the last

> one-and it's administered by the same deceptive agency, the World
> Health Organization,'' said Brown.
> ALL is also asking the Gateses to affirm their total opposition to
> abortion and their guarantee that no funding will be provided to
> childhood vaccines that are manufactured using cells of intentionally
> aborted children at any stage of development.
> Judie Brown is president of American Life League, the nation's largest

> pro-life educational organization with more than 300,000 supporters.
> ALL, P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555, 540-659-4171, or visit
> http://www.all.org.
> SOURCE: American Life League

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Lady Godiva of Waco

2000-02-02 Thread ali andrew

"In The Name of The SHEkinah"
On Monday the 
10th of January 2000 a woman, with long flowing blond hair took off all of her 
clothes at Mt.Carmel center. Declaring that she was going to find the mystery 
source of the Holy Water at Mt.Carmel, she took a sledge hammer to a Pagan alter 
built by Charles Pace, and laid it to waste. Amen. The Police came out in force 
and took her away. She is now in Austin State 
Just another 
crazy. Right?  WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
This story has 
the character of the "moment to moment" unfolding of message of 
Koresh. Listen to the tail of our "Lady Godiva of 
On Monday 
evening there was to be a Bible study at my house. Two of the students of 
David's message, that have been studying with here for the last couple of years, 
wanted to talk about the Governments suppression of David's message and what we 
might do to get this message out to the world.
The two men, 
Peter Wagstaff and Ron Goins are serious students. Peter is from England but has 
made Waco his home in search of the mystery of David Koresh. Over the past four 
years he has had continual contact with Livingstone Fagan through the mail. 
Livingstone is the appointed spokesman for David's message. Peter would like 
Livingstone's  message to be heard but those that are in charge of 
Mt.Carmel have for the past three years that I have been here refused to allow 
any distribution of his writings at the site of the "Waco Holocaust" 
where Livingstone lost his Mother, Wife and Children!!! He is now serving 40 
years for a crime that he did not commit. He was sent out by David after the 
24th day of the siege. Clive Doyle who was in there "supposedly" from 
start to finish spent only a few months and is now actively suppressing the 
words of Livingstone. I wonder what that means?
 Ron Goins 
is a long time personal friends of mine from Philadelphia. 
Throughout the ten years that I have known Ron his greatest goal in 
life has been to walk in the light of the Lord through the example set by Jesus 
The Christ. Our "Lady Godiva of Waco" is Ron's girl 
friend. Before Monday her name was Tina.
Before she 
destroyed the pagan idol of Charles Pace I had met her only a few times. It was 
decided that she was too new to the message to come to the house that evening so 
Ron and Peter took her to Mt.Carmel so that she might spend some time with the 
From the moment 
I met Tina she showed herself to be well versed in scriptures with and 
unshakable belief in the Word of God as it is written. She is a zealot, not a 
nut as Charles Pace has been saying on the local T.V. news stations over the 
past two days.
Since Charles 
Pace's pagan alter was the object of her religious epiphany we need to look a 
little closer at him to see if it was an evil or a divine spirit that possessed 
Tina that evening.
Charles Pace has 
a non Biblical message that is the creation of his own mind. About fifteen years 
ago Pace had some kind of nerves brake down that lead him to believe that God 
was teaching him "New Light". The concept of "New Light" 
I.e. the Spirit of Prophesy, is a fundamental belief among the Davidians. If a 
person feels that they have New Light they take it before the community and are 
there judged by the spirit.  So outrageous was his ramblings that Lois 
Rodin the Prophetess at that time demanded that he not speak of these wild ideas 
any more. But Pace seeing himself as the reincarnation of Joshua continued to 
spew forth what had been deem by the community to be evil. In total disrespect 
for the words of the Prophetess he would not be silenced, so he was 
"forced" to leave Mt.Carmel. As he was being thrown out Lois had some 
final advice for him. She told him in the Light of the Lord that spoke through 
her that he was to leave the community and not come back, but most importantly 
he was not to teach his self-serving ideas to any other human being. He did not 
listen as evidenced by his return to Mt.Carmel and his preaching of  
anti-Koresh ideas over the ashes of the Martyrs. It is interesting to note that 
Clive Doyle while pointing out Pace's violations of the words of the Prophetess 
continues to allow him to preach at Mt.Carmel his doctrine of hatred. So both 
are going against the teaching of Lois and David, one through continuing his 
ramblings and Clive through his lip service that serves no one but himself and 
his shameless submission to the current "Government Project" at 
Mt.Carmel. It is because of the cooperative efforts of these two men that the 
words of Livingstone, I.e. The message of David Koresh, is being suppressed at 
the site of the "Waco Holocaust".
These men under 
the direction of the government are suppressing the truth about the murders too. 
Study the site below for an idea of their crimes in this area. 

Now back to Tina 
who was soon to become our "Lady Godiva of 
Remember we have 
five focal poi

[CTRL] Non-Lethal Weapons Reseach Project.

2000-02-02 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Steve, I just got user unknown from SNET and IUFO, everything OK there?

Non-Lethal Weapons Reseach Project.
University of Bradford. U.K.

Investigate, within the concept of Benign Intervention, the deployment of
Non Lethal Weapons  in UN  Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement Missions.

5. 'Exotic' Weapons Systems

Two recent papers have examined various aspects of what may be termed as the
'exotic' end of NLWs. (21)   Victorian, a long-term researcher in such
topics, describes in some detail American and Russian research in the fields
of electronic, microwave and mind control technology and claims that because
the West's scientific community refused to take the topic seriously, it gave
the Soviets at least 30 years head start in the field of psychotronic
weaponry. Victorian also describes work being done in the UK at Queen
Elizabeth College, London on microwave weaponry, and suggests that women who
were involved in the 'Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp' were at some
stages affected by similar weapons. Several other consciousness-altering
devices are described. Thomas quotes an article written by a Russian Army
Major I. Chernishev who describes work being done in Russia on 'psychotronic
war' and 'psy' weapons. These included methods for disrupting the psyche of
an individual including: ESP research, clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis
and psychokinesis. A recent Channel Four TV programme (22) interviewed
participants and researchers in the US Intelligence Community funded
programme working in this area - particularly using a technique known as
'remote viewing'.

4. Selected Technolgy Developments

4.1  Acoustic - PRIMEX Physics International Company (7) is developing a
vehicle mounted Acoustic Blaster which can be used for (a) area denial, and
(b) against selected groups in crowds, intruders, mobs and rioters in a
hostile situation. It can be operated by one person. A prototype blaster
consisting of an array of four combustion detonation driven devices are
capable of being fired simultaneously or independently. An acoustic pressure
of up to 165dB at 50ft has been achieved. An ouput pressure waveform
"appears to contain very desirable risetime and pulsewidth characteristics
that are essential for optimal acoustic-physiological coupling to targets
for antipersonnel applications". The US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is
developing and testing a variety of acoustic sources for possible
application in scenarios such as crowd control and area denial. "These
sources include devices which generate energy by repetitive combustion or
detonation of a fuel-oxidizer mixtureThe acoustic signals produced by
these devices are typically repetitive impulse waveforms similar to
generated by explosives and are characterised by an initial short-risetime,
high positive sound pressure level that falls roughly exponentially to a
lower-level negative-pressure undershoot". (8)  The ARL is also working on a
Sequential Arc Discharge Acoustic Generator (SADAG) which produces
high-intensity impulsive sound waves by  purely electrical means. An
excellent paper by William Arkin (9) summarises the stage of development of
various acoustic technologies (accessible to the public domain) and points
out the lack of information as to the bioeffects of these weapons.

4.2   Riot Control and Law Enforcement Chemical Agents

4.2.1 CS Gas - Following Home Office approval for the use of CS spray
(10), concerns are still being voiced over the use of the spray by UK police
forces. (11)  Particular worry has been expressed at the 5% CS concentration
as authorized by the Police Scientific Development Branch (PDSB) and
endorsed by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). Earlier work
done at the Chemical Defence Establishment in the 1970s had shown that a
solution containing as little as 0.005% produced immediate and effective
results. It appears that guidelines laid down for the correct use of the 5%
spray have been regularly breached by police officers, and as a result
'sensitive relations between police and local communities have been
jeopardised not only by indiscriminate use of CS, but also the treat of use
against juveniles and the elderly'. The New York City Police Department came
under criticism last year for unilaterally introducing a more powerful
pepper (OC) spray. The new spray was also contained in a larger dispenser
can with a longer range, and was mixed with citrus fibres giving it a foamy
quality to help it stick to its target, thus causing a stronger reaction.

4.2.2 In the U.S. the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was ratified by
the Senate under a series of conditions, one of which (Condition 26)allowed
U.S. use of riot control agents (RCAs) in a number of circumstances
including use against co

[CTRL] Free Yahoo Stock?

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Just passing this on. Who knows?

Hi Peter,
I have sent this message on to a few friends and contacts to review.

Yahoo is beginning a new Site Called 21Yahoo which is based in China. If I
remember correctly, Yahoo gave out stock in the original company .
Apparently you can get your 10 free Shares of Stock by registering in the
appropriate manner at the site.

Then, you can get 10 more Shares, for each person who signs up under you.

If this interests you then:
1. Click here: http://www.21yahoo.com
2. Select you language. e.g Click on "English" in the upper right corner.
3. Then click on "Free Stock" halfway down the page.
4. When asked, who referred you, click on "Friends".
5.Then enter my Name:-  Nick Freeman
and my email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
6. Apparently you will then get your first 10 free share by clicking on the
bar below the entry form.
7. Note that the form is made out for US residents so you have to fill in a
US state. This may make other foriegn applications void. I do not know, but
it is worth trying as it only takes a few minutes to register anyway.

This might interest you to register or you might want to refer it to USA
friends to register into it. You can replace your name on this form to send
on the email.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Henge, K Arthur, Roswell 2K.

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

* "Stonehenge 1500BC" Visit our new virtual cyclorama exhibit that will
take you back to a summer solstice when Stonehenge was in its heyday.

* "The Case of the Cottingley Fairies" In 1908 two girls claimed they seen
fairies and even photographed them.  How did they pull off this hoax and
even fool someone a prominent as Sherlock Holmes author Arthur Conan
Doyle? (http://www.unmuseum.org/fairies.htm)

*King Arthur on the Web - The British Library, in conjunction with the
Arthurian Heitage Trust, has put the library's oldest and rarest
manuscripts on the legend of King Arthur on the web. The site,
http://www.kingarthur.co.uk, will display at least eight frail parchments
that were previously only accessible to scholars with the "high
clearance." The legends of King Arthur are thought to be based on a Celtic
king that lived during the fifth century.

Find out if King Arthur's castle, Camelot, really existed!

*Returning to the Mothership - Roswell2K will commence on June 17th 2000
as thousands of pods (really VW beetles) arrive at Roswell, New Mexico to
greet their "mothership." Is this a gathering of people interested in
aliens? Or a flock of VW owners celebrating their strange vehicles? Here's
their website, you can figure it out: http://www.roswell2k.org.

On the Tube
UFO: Then and Now - Look up toward the skies for an examination of our
encounters with the unknown. This four-part world premiere mini-series
runs from January 31st to February 3rd on the History Channel. On January
31st, The Innocent Years; on February 1st Cause of Alarm; on February 2nd,
Nightmare; and on February 3rd Aliens and Contact. Shows air:
Monday-Thursday, January 31-February 3 at 9 pm ET/10 pm PT. Repeats:
Sunday, February 6 from 3 pm-7 pm ET/12 pm-4 pm PT

*NOVA - NOVA itself will have several interesting shows this month: The
Mystery of the First Americans airs on February 15, 2000 at 9 pm ET and
Lost Tribes of Israel will be broadcast on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 9
pm ET. Ever since their defeat and banishment by the Assyrians in 722 BC.,
the Lost Tribes fate has inspired countless claims to Jewish ancestry by
groups scattered on every continent. But now, surprisingly, new advances
in genetics are dispelling myth and fantasy, and raising a curtain on the
forgotten reality of the dispersal that happened so many centuries ago.

*The Iceman's World - A frozen male mummy found in 1991 in the Alps has
revolutionized knowledge about Middle Europe some 5,000 years ago. Find
what scientists learned when they examined this most unusual of patients.
On the Discovery Channel Feburary 27th, 8PM ET/PT.

*Africa's Dinosaur Giants - Check out National Geographics Explorer as
this episode looks at the recent discoveries of giant dinosaur fossils in
Africa. On CNBC February 11th at 8PM ET/PT.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #4

2000-02-02 Thread Ric Carter

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SkeptiNews 000202d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No transgenic groundhogs were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Spelvin Collection: http://web.utk.edu/~blyons/spelvin.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# New lead for fireball riddle. (BBC) Scientists think they can explain one
  of the great mysteries of the natural world: ball lightning. These bright,
  hovering spheres of light seen during thunderstorms have been reported as
  far back as the Middle Ages. They can be as small as tennis balls or as
  big as beach balls. nothing more than burning particles of silicon:

@ Links: C&P Engineering, UCNZ: http://www.cape.canterbury.ac.nz/
@ Ball Lightning: http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/tesla/ballgtn.html

: Is burnt silicon too simple an explanation? Are mystic/divine/alien forces
required? How many UFOs/ghosts/manifestations are just burnt silicon? Where?

@ UFO Folklore Ctr: http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/newsd/mich/implants.html
@ Unnatural Museum - UFO Hoaxes: http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/ufohoax.htm
@ Rockefeller UFO Report: http://www.parascope.com/nb/rockyufo.htm
@ How To Watch a UFO: http://www.4w.com/mueller/astro/ufo.html
@ UFOWorld: http://web2.airmail.net/yogi/ufoworld.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ NUCLEAR BLAST MAPPER. See just how exciting a nuclear blast can be!!!
  Choose the size of the bomb you want to use, and then enter the address/
  location you want to bomb. A map shows the levels of radioactivity that
  would encircle the location, with vivid descriptions of the carnage that
  would ensue. http://pbs.org/wgbh/pages/amex/bomb/sfeature/mapablast.html

# Is This Aurora? Reports of a high-performance piloted replacement for the
  SR-71 date back more than a decade. http://fas.org/irp/mystery/aurora.htm
# Government Cover-Up - X-Files Fan Killed For Knowing Too Much:

: What places would you like to nuke? Would you monitor the blast/effects?
Is it dangerous to know too much about nukes, monitors, strategy, tactics?
Do you know too much? Should you be terminated, just as a precaution? When?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# WALK BY 'SUPERMAN' CREATES FALSE HOPES. Paralyzed people fooled by a
  Super Bowl ad showing Christopher Reeve walking want to find out how
  he was cured:  http://CNN.com/2000/HEALTH/02/01/super.man.ap/

# TESTING THE FAITH - Surgery sets off Vatican power battle - Leading
  conservative papal contender undergoes quadruple bypass - pray more:

: How strong are your faith, imagination, hopes, fear? Are y'r mental fields
transformative? Is power within your grasp? What power? What grasp? Where??

@ We can't all be special enough to pray to 
  the mongoose. Also worship at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Religion/
@ Happy stinkin'  GroundHogsDay. 
@ (IN)FINITE GAMES: http://alamut.com/subj/artiface/games/infiniteGames.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Diet may influence groundhog. DENVER (AP) Why are Punxsutawney Phil & his
  kin predicting the length of winter instead of hibernating on Groundhog
  Day? A researcher suggests it may be their diet. "If they are feeding
  naturally out in the wild, in general they wouldn't be coming above
  ground." http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563803903-5d9
$ Eat It: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250986314

: Are all prophets manipulated? Should all prophets be eaten? Can radioac-
tive transgenic groundhog be bred to predict the onset of nuclear winter??

# Scientists Develop Most Efficient Mouse Cloning Strategy To Date, Create
  Transgenic Clone http://sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/02/000201074406.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Museum shows off virtual world. NEW YORK (AP) When the new Hayden Planet-
  arium opens to the public Feb. 19, it will not only show kids the heavens
  but take them there, too. The American Museum of Natural History showed
  off Tuesday what it says is "the most powerful virtual reality simulator
  in the world," with a show that seems to transport visitors to the edge
  of the known universe. "You can listen to the sun and hear it rumble."
  Beam to http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563797002-6b3

# Life Imitates Art After Police Arrest Actors. LONDON (Reuters) -- British
  police have agreed to pay damages to 11 Kurds whose lifelike rehearsal of
  a Harold Pinter play about state oppression ended when police marksmen
  stormed in with guns: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000202/08/odd-kurds

: Are

[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Mississippi Law

2000-02-02 Thread Alamaine

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--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 2 Feb Jan 2000 03:04:55 -0800
Subject:Release: Mississippi Law
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Libertarian Party announcements list)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: January 31, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Proposed law in Mississippi would
(ahem) get a grip on public priapism

WASHINGTON, DC -- There's a new contender for the year's
dumbest proposed law: A bill in Mississippi that would make it a
crime -- punishable by a year in jail -- for a man who is, ahem,
sexually aroused (but fully clothed) to appear in public.

"Talk about hitting below the belt!" said George Getz,
Libertarian Party press secretary. "Are phallic felonies really so
frequent in Mississippi that the state needs a Private Parts Police
to patrol men's underwear?"

The bill in question -- SB 2013, introduced by Republican
State Senator Tom King -- is currently being considered by the
Mississippi Senate Judiciary Committee.

It would redefine public indecency to include the showing of
"covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state." Violators
could face up to a year in prison and a $2,000 fine.

But wait a second, say Libertarians: Is public tumescence
really a problem that is, ahem, popping up all over in Mississippi?

Not even the bill's sponsor thinks so. State Senator King
says the bill is intended to regulate the behavior of patrons at
strip clubs.

"Unfortunately, King followed the First Rule of Politics:
When in doubt, legislate," said Getz. "That's why America has so many
of these kind of absurd laws."

In fact, the proposed Mississippi law joins a long list of
laughable legislation, he noted:

* In Lexington, Kentucky, it's illegal to carry an ice cream
  cone in your pocket.

* In St. Louis, Missouri, it's illegal to sit on a street
  curb and drink beer from a bucket.

* In Arkansas, it's illegal for the Arkansas River to rise
  higher than the Main Street Bridge in Little Rock.

* In Pocatello, Idaho, "the carrying of concealed weapons is
  forbidden, unless same are exhibited in public view."

* In Utah, it's against the law to fish from horseback.

* In Wilbur, Washington, it's illegal to ride an ugly horse.

* In Jonesboro, Georgia, it's illegal to say, "Oh boy!"

* In Devon, Connecticut, it's illegal to walk backwards after

* In Harthahorne, Oklahoma, it's illegal to put a hypnotized
  person in a display window.

* In Frankfort, Kentucky, it's illegal to shoot off a
  policeman's tie.

* In Zion, Illinois, it's illegal to give cigars to cats or

* And in Bexley, Ohio, it's illegal to put a slot machine in
  an outhouse.

What SB 2013 and those other laws reveal, said Getz, is that
politicians have too much time on their hands and too much power at
their disposal.

"Unless someone is putting Viagra in the water supply in
Mississippi, a bill that regulates what goes on in your underwear
sounds like a silly solution in search of a non-problem," he said.
"Of course, if this legislation applied to Bill Clinton's White
House -- where presidential priapism is a perpetual problem -- it
might be a little more understandable."

On the other hand, there is one good thing Libertarians can
say about SB 2013, said Getz: At least it's just limited to

"Thank goodness this crime hasn't been federalized yet," he
said. "If that happened, we'd all have to worry about the Federal
Erections Commission."

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Party  http://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100  voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037fax: 202-333-0072

For subscription changes, send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with
just the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Or use the WWW form at: http://www.lp.org/lp-announce-form.html

--- End of fo

[CTRL] Herding Oil

2000-02-02 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-



John Laughland on the struggle to control oil

WHEN we hear the news that Russian forces have penetrated the capital of
Chechnya, Grozny, we should not dismiss it as a quarrel in a faraway country of
which we know nothing. The war in the Caucasus is one in which the West is
heavily implicated and into which we could even get sucked militarily.
It is easy enough to understand what is going on in the Caucasus. Just go and
see the latest James Bond movie, The World Is Not Enough. In it, the sultry
villain-heroine, Elektra - the powerful oil heiress played by the beautiful
Sophie Marceau - is determined to build an oil pipeline from the capital of
Azerbaijan, Baku, across Georgia and Turkey and out to the Mediterranean Sea.

This part of the film is completely true. Western oil companies and the major
Western governments, have made massive financial and political investments to
secure a reliable source of oil. They want to reduce reliance on oil from the
Gulf and on any pipeline through Russia. At present, the main oil pipeline
flows through Chechnya, which is why the Russians are determined to control the

For the past decade, the US has been working hard to bring the three Caucasus
republics, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia into its orbit. It has been largely
successful because it has sustained in power brutal old dictators from the
Soviet era - former party bosses like Eduard Shevardnadze in Georgia and Heidar
Aliev in Azerbaijan. The oil companies, meanwhile, have spent countless
millions exploring for oil and gas in the Caspian Sea and preparing to
construct the "safe" pipeline through Turkey. The West's key role in the
Caucasus was symbolised when Bill Clinton attended the signing ceremony last
November, at which the pipeline contract was sealed. Russia, which wants the
oil to flow through its territory instead, sees the deal as a way of cutting
its regional influence.

The role of Turkey - a key American ally and Nato member - also became apparent
at the weekend when the Turkish president visited Georgia, just days after the
Azeri president had visited Turkey. On both occasions, the subject for
discussion was how to proceed with building the pipeline through Turkey. On
Saturday, President Demirel of Turkey said that it was essential to create a
"stability pact" for the Caucasus region along the lines of the one the West
has just created for the Balkans following the war against Yugoslavia.

He did not draw the comparison with the Balkan stability pact lightly. This is
the term given to the supranational agreement for governing the entire Balkans
which was signed by the European Union, the United States and most of the
Balkan countries themselves, once Nato troops were safely installed in Kosovo,
Macedonia and Albania. What Mr Demirel is saying, therefore, is that there
might need to be military intervention if the West's oil supplies are to be
safeguarded. Since the Turks, the Azeris and the Georgians - and probably the
Americans as well - are convinced that the purpose of the Russian campaign in
Chechnya is to increase control over the whole Caucasus region, so that the
Turkish pipeline is never built, this implies a potential confrontation between
Nato and Russia in one of the most unstable regions in the world.
It is not the first time that the possibility of a Russian-Nato confrontation
in the Caucasus has been evoked. In May last year, Nato announced that it was
considering Georgia for membership and the US Defence Secretary, William Cohen,
visited Eduard Shevardnadze's dictatorship and called it "a model democracy".
In June, the Azeri defence minister called for Nato to intervene in the war
between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Azerbaijan has asked to be admitted as a member of Nato. Indeed, Moscow has
accused the US of supporting the Chechen rebels precisely to scupper the
Russian plans to secure their pipeline, while Turkey is also believed to be
helping the anti-Russian militants.

The problem is that if the Turks did get involved in guaranteeing the security
of Georgia or Azerbaijan, then any Russian attack would be an attack on Nato as
a whole. The key provision in the Washington Treaty, which is Nato's
constitution, is that an attack on one Nato member will be considered an attack
on all. TO MAKE matters worse, acting Russian President Vladimir Putin has said
that Russia is abandoning its doctrine of not using nuclear weapons first and
may well deploy nuclear weapons in the event of a conventional attack. In other
words, if Nato were foolish enough to attack Russia in the way it attacked
Yugoslavia, there would be a nuclear war. And such an attack is not
unimaginable if Nato got sucked into defending Georgia or Azerbaijan, an
incursion into a Russian sphere of influence which Russia might well deem

[CTRL] Piggy-Back, Euro-Style

2000-02-02 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


As ever, embeeded links in text at site ... A<>E<>R

Airstrip One
by Emmanuel Goldstein
February 2 , 2000

Coming Home to Roost
Why did François Mitterrand die with a black neck?
He’d been carrying Kohl for a decade.

You may have missed it, but there is a political earthquake going on. An
absolutely breathtaking scandal in Germany has been unfolding in the last
couple of months, where the former German chancellor (prime minister) Helmut
Kohl has been passing enormous illegal donations to his political party, the
Christian Democrats (CDU). The case is still unfolding, and the fact that Herr
Kohl has refused to name the donors has exacerbated the situation, with his
party (which has disowned him) threatening to be fined out of existence. The
idea that there is some dark secret behind it is further encouraged by the
suicide of a bureaucrat, Wolfgang Hüllen, in charge of fund raising within the
CDU. In shades of Vince Foster his family are claiming discrepancies in the
official version of events and demanding an independent autopsy. But what is
most revealing is the cross border nature of the corruption, and the feeling
that the surface has hardly been scratched.

The truly bizarre part of this episode is that it now seems clear that the
German Christian Democrats were funded, somehow, by the French Socialists.
These funds kept the organisation alive, and in power. You have to understand
European politics to see the truly bizarre nature of this. Outside the
alarmingly large fringe, the CDU and the French Socialists are the far ends of
the Continental European political spectrum. (Britain is different, in the last
two decades it has had a Conservative Party that is American in outlook and a
Labour Party that is to the left of the Italian Communist Party). The CDU is
the right part of European Christian Democracy that makes it centre-right. The
free market Liberal parties at least outside Austria, Scandinavia and the Low
Countries are little more than coalition ballast; and the French Gaullists do
not slot as easily into the left-right split as the CDU. The French Socialists
by contrast always kept the left wing torch burning. François Mitterrand’s
attempt at socialism in one country was an inspiration to a demoralised non-
Soviet left in the early 1980s. By any standards these two parties should have
been mortal enemies.

Many Eurosceptics have been jubilant at this. They feel vindicated that Herr
Kohl is not the great man that they were told he was, and they feel vindicated
in their belief that the consensual European style of leadership is as corrupt
as they instinctively felt it was. But they are wrong; this is bad news indeed
as the scandal has changed the politics of the EU dramatically for the worse.
The problem is the central part played by Gerhard Schroeder, the present German
chancellor, in any future construction of Europe. Schroeder was felt to be
making a bad hand of his first year in office. His party, the Social Democrats
(SPD), disliked him for going too far to the right, while the electorate kept
on voting for his Christian Democratic opponents. The combination of a restive
party and a string of election losses meant that he had to shore up his
electoral position. This in turn meant that he had to make popular decisions to
regain some voter approval, this included trying to strong arm Britain into
accepting German tax rates over its savings; blocking foreign take-overs; and
subsidising failing firms. Winning domestic popularity was playing havoc in
Europe as the European Union found itself having to deal with everything from
demands for German as an official EU language to refusal to let in British
agricultural products (it wasn’t just the French). Now Herr
Schroeder can concentrate on being a good European, and as long as no credible
opposition exists, he need not trouble himself with his electorate. Another
roadblock towards a European state has been removed.

I am going to quickly deal with a conspiracy theory that will come up almost
automatically. The idea is that Schroeder would be awkward as long as he was
under threat, the French Socialists had information that could relieve the
pressure, and so they used that to help Schroeder. This is unlikely. Although
the focus is on Germany, the source is still the late President, M Miiterand.
This scandal is so large that it cannot be turned off like a tap. The French
Socialist Party was the creature of Mitterrand (it welded together four left
leaning factions to support his repeated challenges on the Gaullist order).
Like Kohl in the CDU, no one could breath in the Socialists without
Mitterrand’s permission. Most of the people now in the Socialist Party therefor
were close to Mitterrand, and it is unlikely that a few Socialist scalps will
not be taken. N

[CTRL] A McCain in Hand is Worth '?' Bushies ?

2000-02-02 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From http://www.antiwar.com/justin/pf/p-j020200.html

As ever, embedded links in text at site ... A<>E<>R

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
February 2, 2000

It wasn't even close. While the Bushian spinmeisters would have us believe that
New Hampshire is but a bump on an otherwise smooth road inevitably leading to
the coronation of Bush II, McCain's New Hampshire triumph is a major upset:
with considerably less money than Dubya's $60 million and without the backing
of the state party's 4,000-plus volunteers, McCain stood up against the
Republican mandarins – and won. The aura of invincibility that once enveloped
Bush is now gone, replaced by a growing sense of panic on the part of the
Republican Establishment that they may have another Dan Quayle on their hands.

Regardless of whether or not Dubya ultimately wins the GOP presidential
nomination, the Bush debacle in New Hampshire signals the break-up of the old
Reagan coalition – and presages the demise of the Republican Party. As I
pointed out in a column on "the coming implosion of the Bush campaign," (I hate
to say I told you so, but I told you so) the struggle for the soul of the
Republican Party is now an internecine battle between the GOP left and the
ultra-left, between a moderate Rockefeller Republican and a "progressive"
Republican of the Teddy Roosevelt school. Since there are no real ideological
differences between Bush and McCain, the contest is reduced to one of
personalities and "character" – dueling "narratives" in which McCain is
inevitably the winner. As the dissolute scion of America's WASPiest family,
Dubya admits that he didn't do much worth doing until after the age of forty;
next to the war hero McCain – whose manic pomposity makes him seem almost
statesmanlike – Boy Dubya's adolescent smirk is hardly presidential. Far worse,
however, is Dubya's complete lack of spontaneity and his inability to
articulate and defend his positions. Here is a candidate so woodenly
unconvincing and over- (or under-) rehearsed that he makes Al Gore seem natural
and unaffected.

As a candidate, McCain is more than a match for the princely paper tiger: he is
active, while his opponent is strangely passive. McCain is brimming over with
the moral fervor of youth but looks the part of a gray-haired statesman and
sage, while Dubya displays the caution of a fragile old man and the wide-eyed
ignorance of a mere child. But the Bush campaign is afflicted by far worse than
a candidate with a dubious past and a doubtful future: working against them is
the obsolescence of the cold war ideology that once energized the conservative
rank and file, and the dissolution and alienation of what used to be their
base. If the Bush people think they have built a "firewall" in South Carolina
through which McCain cannot pass, they have fallen under the spell of their own
spinning; against the social and historical forces that are buffeting the GOP,
there is no defense. Against the moral certainty of the demagogic McCain, it is
the hollowness of their cause as well as their candidate that doomed the
Bushies to humiliating defeat in New Hampshire – and perhaps many more defeats
down the road.

The booming arrogance of McCain is almost too much to be believed: as a style
of politics, his sanctimony and swagger is perfectly suited to the vulgarity of
our age: this is a man who threw a "victory party" a full twenty-four hours
before the first votes were even cast, and grandly began to speak as if he had
already won, boldly declaring that ``I don't know anybody who loses four or
five primaries and emerges as the front-runner, I don't care if he has a
billion dollars.'' That kind of blustery self-confidence may be obnoxious – but
who will contradict him? Not the Bushies, who acted as if they had been
defeated long before the first returns were in from Dixville Notch. . . .

Hours before the polls opened, Dubya left over a hundred supporters and others
"standing in the slush," as the Manchester Union-Leader put it, after canceling
an appearance in Exeter, in the politically important Seacoast area. The
cancellation was due to the quaking fear of the Bush campaign that some kind of
political protest was about to occur: but no such event ever materialized. As
the Union-Leader disdainfully reported: "The downtown area was indeed alive
with political activity before Bush arrived, but no major protest was evident."
A few hippie environmentalists stood languidly across the street from the spot
where the Smirk was slated to materialize, and Jim Taylor, a Democrat fringe
candidate, trolled through the crowd, making a stump speech without a stump.
Passing motorists stopped to gawk and banter, and a small squad of Gore-istas
chanted mindlessly on the sidelines. No big deal, nothing to be afraid of –
unless you're th

[CTRL] Al Gore's Nuns Are on the Run

2000-02-02 Thread archibaldbard

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Al Gore's Nuns Are on the Run
UPIFebruary 2, 2000

WASHINGTON – A federal judge yesterday issued warrants
for two Buddhist nuns who have apparently fled the country, Justice
Department officials said Tuesday.
The nuns were supposed to testify in the campaign finance abuse
trial of a Democratic fund-raiser, Los Angeles immigration consultant
Maria Hsia. The nuns have apparently fled to Indonesia.
The trial has a tangential connection to Vice President Al Gore.
Gore is not charged in the investigation, but he did unwittingly attend
a fund-raiser organized by the Taiwan-born Hsia at a Buddhist temple
near Los Angeles in 1996.
Hsia is accused of funneling about $55,000 from a Buddhist
organization through nuns and monks at the temple into the Clinton-Gore
campaign. Conduit-funding violates the Federal Election Campaign Act.
She is also accused of "causing" the Clinton-Gore campaign to
make false reports to the Federal Elections Commission, since the
campaign was told that the $55,000 came from the monks and nuns, not the
larger organization.
Gore is taking a pounding from former Sen. Bill Bradley, D-N.J.,
his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, over the 1996
campaign finance controversy.
– Copyright 2000 by United Press International. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] [8] Treason's Peace

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
Treason's Peace
Howard Watson Armbruster©1947
A Crossroads Press Book
Beechurst Press
New York
438 pps.  -- First/Only Edition -- Out-of Print
Republicans—Open The Door

ON OCTOBER 20, 1942, The New York Times published a sensational story about a
"sealed" gift to the Library of Congress of some nine thousand letters
comprising the files of the late Edward T. Clark, private secretary to
President Calvin Coolidge. The story attracted interest because it stated
that these files had been advertised to be sold at public auction on Oct. 28
at the Parke-Bernet Galleries in New York  City, but instead were suddenly
withdrawn from sale and presented to the nation by one Charles Kohen,
proprietor of the Hobby Shop of Washington, D. C., who had secured the files
from Clark's widow.

The Times article stated that the correspondence covered ten years, from 1923
to 1933, which period included part of the time Clark spent with President
Coolidge at the White House. It was also stated that the catalog listing of
the letters classed some of them as sensational.

What the Times article did not reveal, however, was that Edward Terry Clark,
or Ted Clark as he was known in Washington until his sudden death in 1935,
was not only personal secretary to President Coolidge until March 4, 1929,
but that immediately after that date he became Washington representative of
Drug, Inc. Clark, with the title of vice-president, was in charge of
"government relations" from then until 1933 — when Drug, Inc. was
unscrambled, and Sterling returned to its earlier status as the Farben
partner in the-patent medicine industry. Drug, Inc., it will be recalled, was
the tie-up of Sterling and the Louis K. Liggett group in 1928 which later
took in Bristol Myers, Vick, Life Savers and other large national advertisers.

Ted Clark was, in plain English, a Washington lobbyist, main-tained at
the national capital in the interest of Farben's original postwar tie-ups in
the drug industry, which tie-ups ten years later were admitted by all
concerned (except Farben) to have been illegal from the day on which they
were first entered into. After Clark -left the President of the United States
his boss was William E. Weiss, senior vice-president and general manager of
Drug, Inc., who, some twelve years later, was to be prosecuted and fined
under a federal criminal statute, and forced out of Sterling be-cause of what
the United States Treasury termed his "undesirable" relations with I.G.
Farben in the latter's "plotting of the downfall of the United States."

The Times story also neglected to mention that in August, 1932, when Herbert
Hoover was running for reelection as President against Franklin D. Roosevelt,
his White House secretary, the late Thomas G. Joslin, went off on a vacation
and Mr. Hoover "borrowed" Ted Clark from Farben's Drug, Inc. Thus Mr. Clark
became the official secretary to the President of the United States, while
Drug, Inc., agent of Farben, continued to pay his salary as though no
interruption had occurred in his services as its Washington representative.
(And perhaps none bad.)

At the time, this incident created something of a stir. It was too much for
the New York World-Telegram's usually sweet-tempered Raymond Clapper, who
described the temporary secretary to Mr. Hoover, as a "lobbyist whose salary
was paid by Drug' Inc." Editorially the World-Telegram commented that, "the
President must be very insensitive  Much more than the vagary of Hooverian
taste is involved."

The day after the Times first published the story of the sudden decision to
get these Clark files under lock and key, the New York Herald Tribune still
further whetted the curiosity of those who knew of Clark's activities by
quoting Mr. Kohen as having said that the files included correspondence with
Col. William J. Donovan, who was Assistant Attorney General during the
Coolidge Administration; Charles D. Hilles, member and former chairman of the
Republican National Committee; and others. Also that there were letters
pertaining to South and Central American countries, and that it would be a
terrible thing if German agents got hold of them.

The description of these files printed in the Parke-Bernet catalog is
intriguing in its implications. Whoever wrote it would seem to have examined
the files carefully and to have had a deft sense of the value of spicy
historical documents:

They provide an insight into the political workings of official Washington
and much important information of a private nature on various public and
political matters .
The correspondents are persons of note, including members of Congress,
governors of states, government officials, busi-ness men, financiers,
personal friends, politicians, and others in various walks of life. The
letters pertain to matters of government, public works, political matters,
etc. Some of the letters may be classed as sensation

Re: [CTRL] IUFO: Weather Anomaly At Alaska Airlines Crash Site?

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Well my brother in law worked for Vandenberg, and when Hoyt Vandenberg
died, he went from Joint Chief of Staff to set up Vandenberg AFB and
there she sent the first missiles of importance around the worldthe
first, from South to NorthI happened to see each.so from there
to the BMEWS and Missile Sites over world, Scotlad, Thailand, etc.

Have a record of all their journies; but when tried to go into Germany,
no way for Russians put up stopso they commuted around the world.

Now when I was very young at a garden party and sat with this old man
(well seemed old then) the last commodore of the US Navy - rank no
longer exists, between captain and admiral.this man and others were
laughing about what was said on TV  about Arthur Godfrey in his air
force suit = he was National Guard - this moron told the American people
that in 20 years we would have weather control (chnged not to
modification) whether we liked it or not.everybody was laughing but
the program was not classified until 1965.

So they brought monsoons on 6 months early in Viet Nam; they melt down
polar caps to warm up Russia..the mess around with jet streams and
the two underground rivers, one hot, and one cold that flow I guess from
the poles even to the Garden of Eden at one time.supplied water
throughout, was pure cold water.

Don't know much about this stuff; except let us say I notice
things.when you find your roses in bloom, snow on the ground,
thunder and lightning, and winds and clouds in the skies coming from
different directions, and even the birds take shelter and hidewell
let us say I had a driving curiositybut when it went up to 105
degrees.Howard Metzenbaums office, John Maynard was going to check
out this stuff.suddenly he callssorry I cannot help
youno reason whyhis father and I were friends, but he acted as
though even Metzenbaum did not know what was going on.

Why.because in 1965 the Weather Mod Program was classified, and the
War Deprtment decided to use weather as a weaponand they sure as
hell have murdered enough of our own people in so doing and destroyed
many farmersfarmers in Kentucky, from drough, 6 committed suicide.

So ARCO   the Great Atlantic Richfield Oil Company bought land up in
Cleveland area..then Mayor of Cleveland was George Voinvich, who is
now Senator and that guy wanted on the Armed Forces Committee.

Anyway Voinvich when Mayor in Cleveland sold ARCO oil the peoples land
for $300,000 when it was worth 3 million dollars.big chunk there,
kick backs maybeof course newspapers downplayed this, but Voinvich
went on to be Govenor and then Senator..ask him about this
program.ask him how they want to take our water and divert to
Mexico, and change courses of river and in so doing flood the midwest
until people beg for help.

How water from hurricians now diverted up the coast or to
Brownsvilleand the USAF invovement.

And those contrails.explain the toxic wste they dump in skies.

I hope you get an expert to speak on this story and a Colonel Beardon in
Huntsville Alabama, Red Stone Arsenal.he is a man who knows what
they doonly he is a nuclear engineer and speaks with authority and
knowledge from whawt I hve heard.

So Israel is in the program, Red China and most of all
Russia.they can burn out a section of land from the
skies.the put up blocking systems, and the Russians have this
Woodpecker system.remember when the Astronauts were awakened one day
to the Woody Woodpecker song?   The Russians were in this ship
too..but always remember those who sow the clouds reap the
whirlwinds.look at North and South Pole and the nuclear
plants..and toxic waste where do they stash it now, anybody gotten
careless lately.

So.   I hate this program..we sleep with the enemy who would destroy
us.people in this country were not prepared for such extremes.in
Viet Nam and China they were.but boy once that Chinese program
backed up to Bangadalesh and the Red Chinese were so mad they were not
going to send up their pandas.big trade off?   We got cheated.

But what I love more than anything...book called The Weather
Changers.then Senator Udall saying something about someday America
would be singing how dry I am.they were in Kentucky, and 6 farmers
committed suicide for they did not get the raid which was diverted

These bastards told our farmers to get into another business, for Soviet
Agent Code Name Bor Henry Kissinger, wants to corner market on food.

Always Henry in background; but worse yet, the UN in their resolution
says the poor Third World Countries should not have to pay to destroy
our weather, which affects the climate...we pay for our own

Anyone for Monsanto genetically engineered slop?   Well this is America
and better wake up and get that bunch out of our Oval 


2000-02-02 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>As for myself, I'll stick

>with Occam's Razor and the shroom theory

'Shrooms in the desert!?! No way. Too dry. Need rain and cow pies. Trust

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton's Chinese Fascist Friends

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CharlesSmith)
 Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000
 Subj: WND 2/2 Editorial - Comrade General Kui
 Visits U.S.A. As A Civilian


 Comrade General Kui Visits U.S.A.
 As A Civilian

 The Clinton administration is engaged in a cover-up.  Chinese
 military officers are being allowed into the United States
 disguised as civilians.  One such civilian who toured America
 was the Chinese military operations director at the 1989
 Tiananmen Square massacre.

 In April 1993, only months after Bill Clinton and Al Gore took
 office, Chinese Army officers were invited to visit America.
 According to Federal Aviation Administration documents, the
 Chinese Generals were given personal tours of U.S. military
 bases, civilian air traffic control centers and American defense
 contractor sites.

 At one point, an anonymous Federal Aviation Administration
 official marked "Deputy Chief of General Staff, PLA" next to a
 "Mr. Kui Fulin", and "Lt. General, PLAF" next to "Mr. Li
 Yongtai" on the "China Air Traffic Control Survey Delegation"
 list.  The unknown FAA officer hand marked seven of the fifteen
 visiting Chinese civilians as "Military."

 People's Liberation Army Air Force General Li Yongtai and
 Army General Kui Fulin attended U.S. aviation functions listed
 as civilians; a Mr. Li Yongtai and Mr. Kui Fulin, Commissioners
 in the Air Traffic Control Commission of China.

 According to publicly available information, Army General Kui
 Fulin was the Chinese military operations director at the 1989
 Tiananmen Square massacre.  General Kui planned the open killing
 of thousands of unarmed civilians using tanks and infantry.

 In 1993, General Kui was taken on a personal tour of Andrews Air
 Force Base, the FAA air traffic center in Leesburg, Virginia,
 and the Boeing plant in Seattle, Washington.  General Kui even
 had dinner with Boeing CEO Frank Shrontz.

 After Seattle, the two Generals visited California.  Curiously,
 General Kui and General Li, did not stay with the rest of the
 civil air traffic delegation on a flight directly to Los
 Angeles.  Instead, on April 15, 1993, General Kui, General Li
 and the other top members of the Chinese delegation were flown
 to Long Beach.

 "12:45 AM Depart Seattle:  5 members of delegation proceed to
 Butler Aviation for flight on MD 90 to Long Beach (Messrs. Wang,
 Jiang, Kui, Li Yongtai and Li Keli) rest of delegation proceeds
 to United Airlines flight 865 to Los Angeles International
 Airport (McDonnell Douglas representative will assist with
 boarding)," states the official FAA itinerary.

 Last time I checked Webster's dictionary, "Messer" and "Mr." are
 "citizen" titles given to civilians.  Yet, the only data of
 General Kui's "military" status are the handwritten notes on the
 official Clinton administration documents.

 Still, the two Chinese Army Generals did have time to return
 from Long Beach to Los Angeles for dinner with U.S. Defense
 contractor McDonnell Douglas.

 "6:00 PM  Dinner for entire delegation hosted by Mr. Robert
 Hood, President of Douglas Aircraft company," states the FAA

 Did Boeing's Shrontz or president Hood from Douglas actually
 know they were having dinner with Chinese Generals?  Were
 Shrontz and Hood aware that they shared fine wine, food and
 conversation with a ruthless killer?

 Both Boeing and McDonnel Douglas, have since merged into one
 giant aerospace company.  Boeing/Douglas also sold military
 manufacturing equipment directly to the Chinese Air Force under
 the false guise of a civil air transport program.  The Chinese
 facility that purchased the equipment makes jet-fighters and

 Were Shrontz and Hood aware that they were sharing military
 technology with ruthless killers?

 The 1993 visit by General Kui Fulin, disguised as a civilian, is
 but one of several such documented visits to the United States
 by Chinese Army officers.  For example, the official "CAAC/FAA"
 1997 air traffic delegation list includes a "Mr. Li Zhongli" -
 also known as Senior Colonel Li Zhongli of the Chinese Air

 Other military officers on the 1997 list include "Mr. Shi
 Yuanzhi" of the Chinese Air Force and "Mr. Wang Changzheng" of
 the Chinese Navy.  Another example is the July 1998 "Air Traffic
 Control Delegation" which included "Mr. Xu (shoe) Xinde", Deputy
 Chief of Staff, Chinese Army Air Force, and "Mr. Fu (foo)
 Youyun", Director of the Aeronautical Control Department for the
 Chinese Army Air Force.

 According to the FAA documents, more "Mr." type representatives
 from China are scheduled to visit this year despite the
 so-called ban on military-to-military contacts.  Are frequent
 meetings like these really a ban?

 The FAA documents are the not the only evidence that the Clinton
 administration is lying to Congress and the A

Re: [CTRL] Need For Independent Study of Solar Activity

2000-02-02 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

> The Need For Independent Study, Solar Activity...02/02/00
> by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)
> This is an unconfirmed report. It has recently been brought to my
> attention that NASA may be withholding accurate sunspot and solar
> activity measurements. A source who claims to be close to the case,
> states "there is a move to suppress information regarding our Sun
> under the auspices of national security".
> My first question to them was "why now"?

 Al Gore needs to Save the Earth -- because the
 Dirty Capitalists caused a Global Warming crisis.

 Required:  NASA's cover-up of Solar Maximum --
 the real cause of the Global Warming 'crisis'.

> Is something BIG about to happen?

 Yes -- Solar Maximum.
Solar Maximum.

> Or will the sun's escalation of activity
> be more gradual over the next few years?

 Yes -- Solar Maximum will
soon be History...

 But then watch out for the
 Global Cooling crisis and
 the de-population Ice Age.

 Send Al Gore to Antarctica ?
 Siberia ?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No more genetically modified corn, Frito-Lay tells farmers

2000-02-02 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

No more genetically modified corn, Frito-Lay tells farmers

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Associated Press


PLANO, Texas (February 1, 2000 7:25 a.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - One of America's top snack-food makers is
asking suppliers not to use genetically altered corn, pleasing
environmentalists but angering farmers.

Frito-Lay Inc. said the company was acting in response to consumers'
worries. Spokeswoman Lynn Markley noted the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration has ruled that biotech foods are safe to eat, "but we're a
consumer products company.

"There is some consumer concern out there. We felt at this time it's
appropriate to ask our growers not to sell us genetically altered corn."

The American Farm Bureau Federation, which says biotechnology can
produce larger and more nutritious crops, accused Frito-Lay of caving in to
anti-biotech activists.

Frito-Lay executives "are responding to small splinter groups out of fear
they're going to be boycotted," said Joseph Fields, a spokesman for the
farm group. "We feel the companies are overreacting."

Greenpeace and the Union of Concerned Scientists applauded the
decision disclosed last week by Plano-based Frito-Lay, the leading U.S.
maker of salty snacks. Greenpeace had lobbied Frito-Lay's parent
company, PepsiCo., to stop using biotech crops in its products.

"Frito-Lay is about two-thirds of PepsiCo's sales," said Charles Margulis of
Greenpeace. "They realize the handwriting is on the wall and that people
don't want to eat" genetically modified food.

Last weekend in Montreal, United Nations talks produced complex rules
governing trade in genetically engineered products, including language
letting a country ban imports of a genetically modified product if officials
feel there is a lack of scientific evidence proving its safety.

Markley the agreement would have no impact on the new policy.

The edict is contained in contracts Frito-Lay is sending to hundreds of its
farmers. Last year, the company bought 1.2 billion pounds of corn, a tiny
fraction of the U.S. crop, for products such as Doritos, Fritos and Tostitos

Scientists create biotech crops by splicing the genes of plants and
inserting genetic material from other organisms to make the original
bigger, hardier or tastier.

Farm groups argue genetically altered crops use less pesticide. Critics say
weeds and pests would eventually adapt, requiring stronger and more
environmentally dangerous weapons to kill them.

According to the U.S. Agriculture Department, more than half the soybeans
and cotton and about one-third of the corn grown in the United States last
year used gene-spliced seeds. Potatoes and tomatoes are also grown the
same way.

Frito-Lay's action follows last summer's announcement by Gerber and
Heinz that they would stop using genetically modified ingredients in baby
food even though they believe the ingredients are safe.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FLASH!! MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix

2000-02-02 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

 MD-80 Makes Emergency Landing In Phoenix

 Reportedly Experiences Possible Stabilizer Problem

 PHOENIX, Updated 2:15 p.m. EST February 2, 2000 -- An
 American Airlines MD-80 made an emergency landing in
 Wednesday morning after experiencing a possible
stabilizer problem.

 The pilot reported the problem about 20 minutes after
taking off for
 Dallas. The plane immediately turned around and landed
safely at Sky
 Harbor airport in Phoenix.

 There were no injuries. The passengers boarded another
plane to Dallas.

 The American jet is part of the same series of
McDonnell-Douglas planes
 as the Alaska Airlines plane that went down off the
coast of California

 The Alaska Airlines MD-83 also apparently had problems
with its
 horizontal stabilizer, which controls the pitch of the
aircraft's nose.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for sale overseas(copy of pleading)

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For the record -

I have slept in Win Richardson's home in Lone Oak, Texas. I have stood on
the lake shore where private E-Systems planes used to drop bales of cocaine.
I visited a small sail boat on the lake that was set up as an ELINT
Intelligence eavesdropping post on Win's house. I have met his wife and
daughter - the same daughter whose boyfriend was suicided.

Another brave former E-Systems employee (an accountant) named Michelle
Cooper, had once shared a lot of information with Win and me. She produced
documents showing how E-System funded Top Secret weapons and communications
research with drug money which they called "Black Rock" money.

Win Richardson is a solid, solid man. I have delivered documents for him to
investigator from the U.S. Senate.

It is no coincidence that E-Systems (now Raytheon) has always had a retired
or current DCI on it's Board. Years ago it was Adm. William Raborn. Today
it's (guess who?) John Deutch.

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
From:   Herbert Jamieson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, February 02, 2000 1:05 AM
To: cia
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for
sale overseas(copy of pleading)

From: "Herbert Jamieson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message -
From: Winfred Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: [patriotawareness] Re: Proof gov is kidnapping andsellingchildren

> Attached is the brief filed in %th Circuit. Its long but will give a lot
> insight.
> Case No. 99-10682
> United States of America, ex rel, WINFRED E. RICHARDSON
> Plaintiff - Appellant
> v.
> Defendant - Appellee
> Brief In Support Of Appeal
> Plaintiff/Appellant Winfred E. Richardson files this appeal. because the
> lower court erred in its decision.
> The Court should grant Plaintiffs' because:
> 1) The ruling denies appellant the right to a trial by jury as guaranteed
> by the Constitution.
> · In Apodaca v. Oregon, Justice White observed: "Our inquiry must focus
> upon the function served by the jury in contemporary society. As we said
> Duncan, the purpose of trial by jury is to prevent oppression by the
> Government by providing a 'safeguard against the corrupt or overzealous
> prosecutor and against the compliant, biased, or eccentric judge.' In
> Williams; 'This is the fundamental of jury trial which brings it within
> mandate of Due Process' was added.
> a. One thing that is obviously clear is how far individuals in the
> government has gone, including breaking the law and trampling on the
> Constitution, in order to cover up wrong doing committed at and by
> b. A case in point is the DoJ's involvement in setting up 30 year IG/DCIS
> SSA Chris Hallien and it's attempt to falsely imprison him in order to
> cover up The DoJ, DoD and E-Systems RICO activities.
> c. E-Systems legal staff attempted to do the same to me by filing
> false charges against me with FBI National Security Agent Danny James.(A
> tape of the conversation with Agent James and the head of the Dallas
> of the FBI has been entered in the records).
> d. E-Systems delivered what looked like a 'wanted poster' (in the records)
> to the Hunt County Sheriffs Department at which time the Sheriff informed
> deputies that I was possibly a terrorist and they should use extreme
> caution when approaching me. An obvious attempt to have me legally
> murdered. When I asked the sheriff why he did it he informed me E-Systems
> wanted him to as they thought we were taking pictures of them changing the
> tail numbers on aircraft (Tpe entered of this conversation). In the State
> of Texas v. Michael Ferris the attorney for the Northeastern Drug
> Interdiction Task Force admitted knowing about the drug (cocaine)
> by or through E-Systems (transcript entered in records).
> · William's v Florida
> Mr. Justice White delivered the opinion of the Court.***
> In Duncan v. Louisiana we held that the fourteenth Amendment guarantees a
> right to a trial by jury in all criminal cases which--were they to be
> in a federal court would come within the Sixth Amendments guarantee.
> Although this was a criminal case Justice Whites statements shows it is
> applicable to civil cases as well and maybe more so.
> Justice White went on to state; Indeed, pending and after  he adoption of
> the Constitution, fears were expressed that Article III's provision failed
> to preserve the common law right to be tried by a "jury of the vicinage."
> That concern, as well as the right to jury in civil as well as criminal
> cases, furnished part of the impetus for introducing Amendments to the
> Constitution which ultimately resulted in the jury provisions of the Sixth
> and Seventh Amendments..Finally, contemporary legislative and
> Constitutional prov

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush & Witches.....

2000-02-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

 From Austin-American Herald 2-1-00:

 A Republican-leaning independent, Kiernan is trying to decide
 between McCain and Bradley. And Bush? She grilled him about
 something that means a lot to her when he came by the gym last

 "I feel that . . . he would pass a law that the military could not
 practice Wicca,and I'm not willing to give up my rights of religious
 freedom," said Kiernan, who lived in Austin until 1993 while her
 husband, Michael, was stationed at nearby Fort Hood. " I like
 Bush. He's a very nice man. The time I spoke with him he told me
 he was not informed for making that statement. He still has
 until November to redeem himself."

 With Kiernan, at least, Bush is still paying for a statement he
 made last year that Wicca -- whose practitioners call themselves
 witches and believe in the dual deity of god and goddess -- is not a
 religion and should not be practiced on military bases.

>From Austin-American Herald 2-1-00:

A Republican-leaning independent, Kiernan is trying to decide
between McCain and Bradley. And Bush? She grilled him about
something that means a lot to her when he came by the gym last

"I feel that . . . he would pass a law that the military could not
practice Wicca,and I'm not willing to give up my rights of religious
freedom," said Kiernan, who lived in Austin until 1993 while her
husband, Michael, was stationed at nearby Fort Hood. " I like
Bush. He's a very nice man. The time I spoke with him he told me
he was not informed for making that statement. He still has
until November to redeem himself."

With Kiernan, at least, Bush is still paying for a statement he
made last year that Wicca -- whose practitioners call themselves
witches and believe in the dual deity of god and goddess -- is not a
religion and should not be practiced on military bases.

[CTRL] ECTV: The Need For Independent Study of Solar Activity

2000-02-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

 The Need For Independent Study, Solar Activity...02/02/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 This is an unconfirmed report. It has recently been brought to my
 attention that NASA may be withholding accurate sunspot and solar
 activity measurements. A source who claims to be close to the case,
 states "there is a move to suppress information regarding our Sun under
 the auspices of national security".

 My first question to them was "why now"? The answer was quick and brief
 "because people no long accept cute names like El Nino and La Nina". My
 reaction was as you might have guessed, Oh my gosh. Could they be
 referring to what I have been saying for the last several months (trying
 to be humble, but with excitement...I would like to think so). Is
 something BIG about to happen? Or will the sun's escalation of activity
 be more gradual over the next few years?

 I know NASA has often been distrusted. In my opinion due to their own
 unbelievable ineffective public relations, and perhaps also due to
 walking the fine line between disclosure vs national security. Whatever
 the case, I believe the need for an independent study is without
 question. I also believe it is within our reach. As I understand it,
 measurements of solar flares, magnetic flux, x-ray flares, solar winds
 etc., in part can be measured from right here on earth. This makes it
 very different than putting a man on the moon, or proving the "face on
 mars".It is within our reach!

 This is a call to all scientist and amateur alike; to come forward and
 provide as much independent and accurate (as possible) information for
 the "people" to discern. If you wish to remain anonymous, I will
 maintain your anonymity. Otherwise, I encourage you to announce your
 findings with pride and contribution to our world. I know as a fact,
 having interviewed many scientist in their respective fields, what you
 go through in being shunned, ridiculed and even cast out by your peers.
 It is without reservation I see you as heros standing up for Your Truth.

 Please send your findings and information to this email address. I
 humbly await your contribution to these very fast, and perhaps
 prophesied, changing times.

 Blessings To All,
 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV


The Need For Independent Study, Solar Activity...02/02/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

This is an unconfirmed report. It has recently been brought to my
attention that NASA may be withholding accurate sunspot and solar
activity measurements. A source who claims to be close to the case,
states "there is a move to suppress information regarding our Sun under
the auspices of national security".

My first question to them was "why now"? The answer was quick and brief
"because people no long accept cute names like El Nino and La Nina". My
reaction was as you might have guessed, Oh my gosh. Could they be
referring to what I have been saying for the last several months (trying
to be humble, but with excitement...I would like to think so). Is
something BIG about to happen? Or will the sun's escalation of activity
be more gradual over the next few years?

I know NASA has often been distrusted. In my opinion due to their own
unbelievable ineffective public relations, and perhaps also due to
walking the fine line between disclosure vs national security. Whatever
the case, I believe the need for an independent study is without
question. I also believe it is within our reach. As I understand it,
measurements of solar flares, magnetic flux, x-ray flares, solar winds
etc., in part can be measured from right here on earth. This makes it
very different than putting a man on the moon, or proving the "face on
mars".It is within our reach!

This is a call to all scientist and amateur alike; to come forward and
provide as much independent and accurate (as possible) information for
the "people" to discern. If you wish to remain anonymous, I will
maintain your anonymity. Otherwise, I encourage you to announce your
findings with pride and contribution to our world. I know as a fact,
having interviewed many scientist in their respective fields, what you
go through in being shunned, ridiculed and even cast out by your peers.
It is without reservation I see you as heros standing up for Your Truth.

Please send your findings and information to this email address. I
humbly await your contribution to these very fast, and perhaps
prophesied, changing times.

Blessings To All,
Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

[CTRL] IUFO: Weather Anomaly At Alaska Airlines Crash Site?

2000-02-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Original research From Steve Wingate, 1/31/00.  A possible weather anomaly
near Alaska Air crash site, with possible trace to Vandenberg AFB. Comments?
 Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 From: "Steve Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 21:58:06 -0800
 Subject: IUFO: Weather Anomaly At Alaska Airlines Crash Site?

 -> IUFO Mailing List

 This is a GOES-10 satellite image animation I made from images around the
time of the crash, at 00:30 UT when the accident
 occurred. You may notice a weather anomaly coming from the west, south of
Vandenberg AFB. The crash occurred just east
 of the three islands, west of Point Mugu.


 Note the triangle formation that seems to form at the time of the accident
just North of the larger island. I doubled the display
 time of the image at 00:00 UT because *the image immediately preceeding the
crash, at 00:15 UT was missing, the only image
 in the series that was missing*. I guess that was just a coincidence...

 Was this a weather modification experiment based at Vandenberg AFB?

 I have seen other weather anomalies in the past off this point and did not
realize Vandenberg AFB is just north of this location.
 Are these weather anomalies natural, artificially-produced, or a combination
of both?

 Regards, Steve

 Alaska Airlines jet crashes off California coast; 88 aboard

  Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
  Copyright © 2000 APonline


 OXNARD, Calif. (February 1, 2000 12:03 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) -
An Alaska Airlines jet with 88 people
 aboard plummeted into the Pacific Ocean on Monday after its pilot reported
mechanical problems and was diverted to Los
 Angeles for an emergency landing. Several bodies were recovered from the
chilly water, but there was no sign of survivors
 hours after the crash.

 Flight 261, heading from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to San Francisco and later
to Seattle, went down at 4:36 p.m. PST, the
 airline said.

 A large field of debris rolled in big swells about eight miles offshore as
aircraft and small boats converged on the site just before
 sunset. Hours later, the high-power lights of commercial squid boats
illuminated the darkness as a cutter and small boats
 continued the search.

 Several bodies were found, Coast Guard Lt. Chuck Diorio said, but he could
not give a specific number.

 "Every resource is out there to find people," said Coast Guard Capt. George
Wright. "We're actively searching for survivors. ...
 In 58-degree water temperature, people can survive. We're not going to quit
until we're positive there's absolutely no chance."

 Alaska Airlines spokesman Jack Evans said the plane was carrying 83
passengers and five crew members.

 The plane was an MD-83, part of the MD-80 series aircraft built by McDonnell
Douglas, now part of Boeing, said John Thom,
 a spokesman for Boeing's Douglas aircraft unit. The plane that crashed had
been delivered to Alaska Airlines in 1992, Thom

 The airline said the pilot reported having problems with the "stabilizer
trim" and asked to be diverted shortly before the plane
 crashed. "Radar indicates it fell from 17,000 feet and then was lost from
radar," San Francisco airport spokesman Ron Wilson
 told KRON-TV.

 On the MD-80 series airplanes, the horizontal stabilizer looks like a small
wing mounted on top of the tail. The stabilizer, which
 includes panels that pitch the nose up and down, is brought into balance, or
"trimmed," from the cockpit.

 If a plane lost its horizontal stabilizer, it would have no means to keep
the nose pointed at the proper angle up or down, and the
 plane would begin an uncontrollable dive.

 A source with close knowledge of the investigation, speaking on condition of
anonymity, said the flight was normal and stable
 until the crew reported control problems. Radar showed the plane plunging
toward the ocean shortly afterward.

 Evans said the plane had no previous stabilizer problems, and FAA spokesman
John Clabes said it had never been in an

 Evans also said the plane was serviced on Sunday, went through a low- level
maintenance check on Jan. 11 and had a more
 thorough routine check last January. It was unclear what Sunday's service

 Alaska Airlines, which has a distinctive image of an Eskimo painted on the
tails of its planes, has an excellent safety record. It
 serves more than 40 cities in Alaska, Canada, Mexico and five Western

 The National Transportation Safety Board was assembling a team of
investigators in Washington, D.C., and planned to send
 them to the crash site, spokesman Pat Cariseo said. Gov. Gray Davis said he
had ordered the California National Guard to
 offer whatever help is needed.

 The weather was clear at the crash site, where the water is between 300 and
750 feet deep, said Coast Guard Cmdr. Jim

 On Sunday, a Kenya Airways flight crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly
after take off

[CTRL] Sheriff's officials routinely use inmates as "dummies" for training exercises

2000-02-02 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


   3 suits allege rights violations

   Detainees accuse Knox SORT

   February 2, 2000

   By John North,
   News-Sentinel staff writer

   Three men held last year in
   the Knox County Detention
   Facility allege a team of
   black-masked officers
   working for the Sheriff's
   Department targeted them
   for beatings and abuse.

   Jeffrey S. Laymon, Colin R.
   Wells and Abram D. Carter
   also allege sheriff's officials
   routinely use inmates as
   "dummies" for training
   exercises by the team, called
   the Special Operations
   Response Team.

   "This kind of activity should
   not be permitted in our
   country," said lawyer Bruce
   Poston, who along with
   lawyer James A.H. Bell filed
   three civil rights lawsuits
   Tuesday in U.S. District
   Court in Knoxville.

   "The law has turned lawless,
   and we want it stopped."

   Sheriff's Department Chief
   Deputy Dwight Van de Vate
   predicted the lawsuits,
   which he termed "frivolous
   and without merit,"
   ultimately would be

   "(They) contain a variety of
   misrepresentations and
   outright inaccuracies," Van
   de Vate said.

   The men each seek up to
   $500,000 in compensatory
   damages and up to $2
   million in punitive damages.

   Named as defendants are
   Sheriff Tim Hutchison, Mike
   Ruble, who is Hutchison's
   administrative chief and
   department lawyer, former
   Detention Facility
   Commander Rodney Bivens
   and about 35 unnamed and
   unknown deputies.

   On the afternoon of Feb. 2,
   1999, Laymon, Wells and
   Carter were being held in a
   cell pod at the Detention
   Facility, a minimum- and
   medium-security facility on
   Maloneyville Road in
   Northeast Knox County.

   The men were pre-trial

   Laymon, Wells and Carter
   allege they and other
   inmates were acting
   peacefully in the pod's
   commons area when jail
   authorities abruptly ordered
   everyone to go to their cells.

   Minutes later, a team of
   about 30 masked officers
   stormed in.

   As officers swarmed into
   their cells, Laymon and
   Wells allege they could hear
   men telling them they were
   being targeted for filing a
   lawsuit against the

   About a week before, Poston
   had filed a class-action civil
   lawsuit in U.S. District Court
   seeking to seal confidential
   inmate information held by
   sheriff's authorities.

   The lawsuit since has been

   Laymon contends SORT
   team members used
   excessive force, hitting him
   in the groin and slamming
   his head against a wall.

   Laymon said he did not
   resist officers.

   Wells alleges he was
   hog-tied and beaten in his
   kidneys so badly he was
   unable to use the bathroom
   for several days.

   Carter, who alleges he was
   targeted because of his large
   size and passive nature, was
   hog-tied and suffered
   injuries to his arm, neck and

   When lawyer Poston's
   allegations surfaced in
   September, sheriff's officials
   said they used the specially
   assembled SORT team to

Re: [CTRL] [illusions] Re: [EWAR] Radar weirdness over Pine Ridge-Dialogue

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Amistad in a Global Maritime Context

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://amistad.mysticseaport.org/discovery/themes/connscholar.92/smith.g
lobal.context.html">Gaddis Smith, The Connecticut Scholar
Smith, Gaddis. "The Amistad in a Global Maritime Context." The Connecticut Sch
olar: Occasional Papers of the Connecticut Humanities Council (1992) no. 10:

The Amistad in a Global Maritime Context

Gaddis Smith

The famous case of the Amistad illustrates the ambiguous relationship of the
sea to the history of human freedom. For the Africans of the Amistad, the sea
was first an avenue of bondage over which they were carried in the notorious
illegal slave trade across the Atlantic to Cuba. And then, on the coastal
voyage whose nature and consequences we have been studying, the sea provided
a risky opening toward freedom. The importance of that case in the history of
the United States, and especially in the history of the African-American
people, is now fully established and properly commemorated.

The purpose of this essay is to suggest that the Amistad can also be seen in
a global context wherein the sea connects the rapidly rising demand for
agricultural products which characterized the mid-nineteenth century, the
grim persistence of slavery and other forms of bondage in the face of an
awakened concern for human rights in Britain, America, and elsewhere, and
clashing interpretations of national and international law. The Amistad
incident also illuminates two other large issues: the contradictory impact of
the sea on the lives of individual Africans in American waters in the decades
before the Civil War; and the efforts of slave-owning interests to protect
their institution from sea-borne threats while being forced to rely on the
sea for the trade which sustained their prosperity.

In the first years of the nineteenth century, all maritime nations made the
transportation of slaves from Africa illegal under domestic and treaty law.
But only the British committed substantial naval and political resources to
stamping out the illegal trade. The United States gave little more than
lip-service to that goal and, until the Civil War, actually obstructed the
suppression of the slave trade by refusing to allow the British to board and
search American ships. Slavers, whether American or not, routinely used the
American flag as a cover for their crimes. That sorry episode in our national
history has been amply documented.(1)

Although the international slave trade was illegal, no laws prevented the
carriage of slaves from one place to another within countries where slavery
itself remained legal. The intended voyage of the Amistad was such a coastal
carriage–with the ultimate legal issue resting, as we know, on whether the
Africans being carried were legally slaves. In the United States there was,
as in Cuba, an active internal slave trade. Surplus slaves from the eastern
seaboard were sold and transported to the booming cotton frontier along the
Gulf coast. Since the railroad network in the South was rudimentary even on
the eve of the Civil War, much of this transportation was by sea.

The long coastal voyage out of Chesapeake Bay, around the shoals and storms
of Cape Hatteras, into and across the Gulf Stream, and through the narrow
passage south of Florida, was extremely difficult. The same currents and
winds that carried the Amistad north and east all the way to Long Island
pushed and battered many a vessel on the voyage south. Frequently vessels
were driven by stress of weather into the Bahamas, British territory; and on
several occasions the vessels carried slaves. When those slaves escaped, the
United States government, on behalf of the owners of legal property, demanded
that the British provide compensation.

In 1833 the British Parliament emancipated all slaves in the British Empire.
That made a difference in how slaves arriving in the Bahamas by stress of
weather or revolt–-as in the case of the Amistad -–would be treated. The most
famous case was that of the brig Creole, which sailed from Hampton Roads,
Virginia, for New Orleans in October, 1841, with one hundred and thirty-five
slaves on board. The passage was difficult, and after eleven days the vessel
put into Abaco, in the Bahamas. There a number of the slaves staged a
successful mutiny. The white owner of some of the slaves was killed and
members of the crew were wounded. The mutineers then ordered the Creole to
Nassau, the major port and capital of the Bahamas. The British authorities
freed the slaves on the grounds that no slavery existed in the Bahamas.(2)

John C. Calhoun led the American slaveowners' outcry against the British,
arguing that vital interests of the United States were at stake. Northern
abolitionists, in contrast, applauded the British action and pointed to the
somewhat analogous case of the Amistad. The Creole case, as Howard Jo

[CTRL] THE COOLIE: His Rights and Wrongs - Jonestown . . .

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

CHINESE & INDIAN COOLIES New York 1871, Routledge. Purple cloth, author's
edition,371 pages, very good, 7 appendices, bookplate, statistics with
frontispiece illustrating 'coolies' at work. R A R E This early work
addresses the plight of the Chinese & Indian coolies imported to do manual
labor in British Guiana. It covers in great detail, the organization of the
'estates,' Georgetown, Demerara, Windsor forest, government, govenors &
governing class. Management, staff expenses, immigration organization, coolie
strikes, points of law, the Chinese settlement. Cattle farm, coolie
petitions, penal settlement, coilonial employer & the Indian
organization.Indentures, register, re-indentures, imprisonment,
women-marriage,coolie's remedies against his employer, wages, aids, remedies
on the coolie's behalf, medical inspector, doctors, hospitals. The moral and
material welfare. A valuable primary source book for the abuse of Chinese
women on plantations. They were indentured for 5 years, but not bound to
work. Their task was to keep her fellow-country-men on the premises. They
were sexually abused by employers, owners & other overseers. - USD 250.00
is offered by:
Rare Oriental Books Co. ABAA - ILAB, P.O. Box 1599, Aptos, CA 95001-1599,
USA. Tel: [831] 689 0203 ~ Fax: [831] 689 0204
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: Arizona Woman Shoots Rapist]

2000-02-02 Thread Bard

federal government defined:
...a welfare/subsidy protection racket.

"The combination is here to stay.
Individualism has gone, never to return."
-- John Davison Rockefeller I,
born 1839-July-18, died 1937-May-23

Wealthfare (welthfår) n. the process whereby large corporations and
already wealthy individuals become even wealthier through government tax
reductions, subsidies, tax loopholes, federal discounts, and direct
government grants.

Subject: Arizona Woman Shoots Rapist
   Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 19:00:16 -0700
   From:"Gary S. Marbut/TOS/MSSA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   K E E P   A N D   B E A R   A R M S   A L E R T


Copyright © 2000 by Keep And Bear Arms.org

Republication of anything contained in this
message is permitted if following line is added:
"Reprinted from the Keep And Bear Arms Alert
available at http://www.keepandbeararms.org"

Angel Shamaya, Webmaster, Email News Editor

Feedback is welcomed and encouraged:
Subscribe or unsubscribed on our site.

February 2, 2000

Special Edition

Arizona Woman Raped, Beaten, Shot in Face is Vindicated
Violent Perpetrator Pushing Daisies

by Angel Shamaya

Something very sad happened last night in Arizona.  And, though we
hate to hear about things like this, this story does have a nicer
ending than it would have had one lone woman been unarmed.

I'll start by telling you the victim is going to be okay.  Because
of the nature of the crime, information is not yet being released.
And personally, I don't want to know her name except to send her
prayers and possibly take up a collection to buy her a gun and some

Here is what happened, which you can validate below if you so choose:

He entered her home, armed, and went after her.  He beat her.  He
raped her.  He violated her womanhood and her humanity.  As if this
wasn't enough, then he shot her in the arm.  Then he shot her in the
face.  Then he shot her in the torso.  He left her for dead, an
outcome which one would expect after what she'd been through.
Fortunately, she will live.

This animal then stole her car and went to a residence in Apache
Junction where he attempted to assault another woman.  THIS woman
had a gun.

One less criminal in the world.

Yes, the homeowner legally shot and killed and rid the world of a
man who does horrible things to innocent women.

To the nice lady who pulled the trigger, THANK YOU.

A friend of mine heard it on 910AM and tipped me off to follow up.

I spoke to the Newsman on duty at the station who refused to fax the
Associated Press story to me because it would "violate AP copyright
rules".  He DID freely give me the details.  I further verified the
story with the Apache Junction Police Department and am awaiting a
call from Senior Commander Scott.  The detective who answered the
phone said the woman is listed in stable condition and expected to
recover.  She said their phones have been ringing off the hook.

My guess is that the barrage of calls are people wanting to hear
the truth, that a bad guy got caught---something newspapers and
radio stations seem to forget to report these days.

Please write letters to the Arizona papers listed at the end of this
message and FAX them after sending an email.

If you have any further details about this, Please get them to me and
CALL ME to let me know you've sent the message.  I want to get the
Good Side out to every Pro-gun organization I can TODAY.  We need
to FLOOD the Arizona papers with letters and phone calls (locals,
anyway) and faxes.

As some people getting this message live near the area, please slide
by the Apache Junction Police Station on Idaho road and pick up the
press tape.  Tell them you are a news reporter for KeepAndBearArms.org
and have them call me if they give you any grief.  A full report would
help write the letters.

All the sudden I am now understanding why I was a News Director of
two radio stations and went through all that training only to walk
away from the industry in disgust.  Now I get to use what I learned
to help spread the true news, regardless of the lies brought forth
by a media preying on the rights, minds, and fears of law abiding

That criminal sure didn't seem to notice the 20,000 gun laws on the
books.  Enough is enough.  Let's hear some GOOD NEWS about the legal
use of guns for a change.

I only hope the good people of Apache Junction wake up and urge their
citizens to push the Arizona State Representatives and Senators to
SUPPORT HB 2582 so all the UN-Constitutional laws cities such as
Tempe and Tucson now exhibit regarding the right of law abiding
citizens carrying weapons will disappear.

If you don't yet know abou

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

2000-02-02 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000202c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No alien civilizations were obliterated to produce this bulletin. Yet...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Image Surfer: http://isurf.interpix.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# GEORGIA UFO INVESTIGATION. LA GRANGE - They were 75 to 80 yards from the
  UFO that hovered about 12 feet above their property! This was a close-
  encounter and may tie in with what folks in South Mississippi and the
  airplane crew in Missouri saw the same night. Unless the shuttle was
  fixing to land in a Troup County pasture and has silent boosters we
  can safely rule the shuttle out! http://www.caus.org/mu020200.htm

: Has your shuttle been mistaken for a UFO lately? Are some witnesses really
easy to deceive? Do you take your shuttle all over the world, trying to fool
people into thinking they're seeing a UFO? Do you dress like a Reptoid too?

# UFO Detector: http://www.parascope.com/nb/detector.htm
# Israeli Man Abducted, Sprinkled With "Fairy Dust" During
  UFO Flap: http://www.parascope.com/articles/1196/fairy.htm
# Hooded Robed Beings - Continued: http://www.caus.org/pc020200.htm
# Man Vanishes During Brazilian UFO Flap: www.parascope.com/nb/brazufo.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Syrian Newspaper Calls Holocaust a 'Myth' DAMASCUS, Syria (Reuters) -
  An official Syrian newspaper described the Holocaust as a myth, accusing
  Israel of exaggerating the extent of the Nazi slaughter of Jews to gain
  Western support and contain its opponents. "Why does Israel insist on
  bringing up this alleged Holocaust policy?" - state newspaper Tishreen:

# Complex update on Holocaust-denial wars - Holocaust On Trial:

: What's your favorite historical revision? Have you revised history lately?
Is your revision relevant? Is history relevant? Have you altered the course
of events? Would you rather revise the past/present/future? What's y'r plot?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Other Stars, Other Worlds, Other Life. An expert has concluded after a
  lifetime's work on the formation of the solar system: "When the remote
  chances of developing a habitable planet are added to the chances of dev-
  eloping both high intelligence and a technically advanced civilization,
  the odds of finding 'little green men' elsewhere in the universe decline
  to zero." The bleak suggestion that we are freaks of chance and probably
  all the intelligence there is in this immense universe is intuitively
  unsatisfactory. What a pickle: http://www.caus.org/pn020200.htm

# Peru Defends Ancient Desert Lines From Flood Threat. LIMA (Reuters) --
  Laborers toiled to defend Peru's ancient Nasca lines by digging ditches
  and unblocking drains to prevent mudslides that could damage the massive
  and mysterious drawings that form one of the nation's top tourist sites.
  Saving alien artifacts: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000202/08/odd-nasca

: Are we all alone in the universe? Did we have to make the pyramids, Nazca
lines, Euro megaliths, all by ourselves? Are we smart enough for that? How
did we manage without alien assistance? Are we just lucky? For how long??

# Also - R.I.P. "Lady of the Lines" - Nazca scholar dies:
@ Links - Nazca - The Lines: http://www.crystalinks.com/nasca.html
@ The Lost City of Nasca: http://www.bbc.co.uk/horizon/nasca.shtml
@ Exploring the Nazca lines: http://www.peru-explorer.com/nasca.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Row over new 'morning-after' pill. (BBC) A new version of the "morning-
  after" pill is launched in the UK amid claims it will promote promiscuity.

# 'Morning After' Drugs May Save People From HIV. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters)
  They may never know for sure since it is impossible to prove that someone
  has escaped infection, but a team of California researchers think they
  have helped prevent HIV infection using a "morning-after" dose of drugs.
  Dose me: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000202/05/science-aids-prevention

: Do you need pills to be promiscuous? Are you promiscuous with men, women,
kids, aliens, animals, robots, me? Are you infections? Are your partners?
Are the voices in your head? Who would you most like to infect? With what?

@ The HIV myth. Is the government telling us the truth? Or do they even
  know what the truth is? http://www.sfbayguardian.com/nessie/9.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Crash-O-Rama Redux:

# Pilot's desperate struggle revealed. (BBC) 

[CTRL] List Newbies: You MUST visit this Site!!

2000-02-02 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Conspirators become part of the apparatus through deliberate induction,
as into Skull & Bones or the Bilderberg group. Candidates for induction
exhibit acumen for
interpersonal manipulation, flexibility of conviction, obedience, the
capacity to studiously sustain elaborate façades and schemes of
susceptibility to bribery and blackmail, lust for and attraction to
power, and a predisposition to refrain from forming a conscious,
integrated and consistent model of
reality. The conspirators work to shape society so that this basic
personality profile is the norm rather than the exception, and they have
already made great strides to
that end. Often, and more crucially the greater his age, a candidate is
in a position of influence or privileged access in one of the
conspirator categories.

federal government defined:
...a welfare/subsidy protection racket.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Cyber Safe or Gov't Surveillance?

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34027,00.html">
Cyber Safe or Gov't Surveillance?

Cyber Safe or Gov't Surveillance?
by Declan McCullagh
10:40 a.m. 1.Feb.2000 PST
WASHINGTON -- A government plan to monitor networks for intrusions goes too
far and will lead to increased surveillance and privacy violations, a civil
liberties group told a Senate panel on Tuesday.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center said a memo it obtained last week
shows that the Clinton administration's FIDNET proposal for "information
systems protection" will result in unwarranted spying on Americans.

More Infostructure in Wired News
Read more Politics -- from Wired News
See also: G-Man: 'Don't Just Fear Feds'

Documents the group received through a Freedom of Information Act request
indicate the administration is considering broad access to credit card and
phone records of private citizens and monitoring of government workers'
computers, EPIC director Marc Rotenberg told the Senate judiciary
subcommittee on technology and terrorism.

"The FIDNET proposal, as currently conceived, must simply be withdrawn. It is
impermissible in the United States to give a federal agency such extensive
surveillance authority," Rotenberg told the panel chaired by Jon Kyl, an
Arizona Republican.

The privacy problems of FIDNET and similar government efforts are
exaggerated, said Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office director John

"FIDNET is intended to protect information on critical, civilian government
computer systems, including that provided by private citizens. It will not
monitor or be wired into private sector computers," Tritak said. "All aspects
of the FIDNET will be fully consistent with all laws protecting the civil
liberties and privacy rights of Americans."

Tritak showed up to discuss the so-called "National Plan for Information
Systems Protection, Version 1.0," which the government released in January.
It calls for additional government spending to thwart a "highly organized,
systematic cyberattack by hostile powers or terrorist organizations."

The 199-page plan includes a chapter titled "protecting privacy and civil
liberties." The chapter calls for an annual "public-private colloquium" and
review of privacy practices by "appropriate authorities."

But it does not say the CIAO will reveal even summaries of its activities --
the sort of regular review required of federal prosecutors who ask for
wiretaps of phone lines. "Nowhere does the Plan answer such questions as what
formal reporting requirements will be established, what independent review
will be conducted, and what mechanisms for public accountability and
government oversight will be put in place," EPIC's Rotenberg said.

Also testifying was Frank Cilluffo, deputy director of the organized crime
project at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. CSIS has close
ties to the military, and last month appointed former deputy secretary of defe
nse John Hamre as its president and CEO.

Cilluffo sided with CIAO: "Throughout history, the first obligation of the
state has been to protect its citizens. Today is no exception."

"Overall, I think the [CIAO] plan does an excellent job identifying gaps and
shortfalls within the federal government, and charting an initial course of
action to address them. My major concern is that it does not do enough,"
Ciluffo said.

FIDNET, the part of the overall CIAO plan aimed at detecting intrusions into
federal computers, came under fire last summer. Civil liberties groups and som
e legislators warned it could be too intrusive and could monitor the
private-sector Internet.

The Justice Department didn't help matters by replying last September in a
letter that said FIDNET would not -- at least, as currently "envisioned."

During the hearing Tuesday, CIAO's Tritak echoed what other law enforcement
representatives have said: "One person with a computer, a modem, and a
telephone line anywhere in the world can potentially break into sensitive
government files, shut down an airport's air traffic control system, or
disrupt 911 services for an entire community."

A top FBI official said the same thing in January, warning that electric power
 is vulnerable to miscreant hackers. But a person close to the North American
Electric Reliability Council -- a trade association of electric power
generating companies -- told Wired News that he wasn't aware of any power
control computers hooked up to telephone lines or the Internet.
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Related Wired Links:

Fidnet Eases Up on Net Plan

Plan B for Cyber Space

Surveillance Network Draws Fire

[CTRL] OEN 2/2/00

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin

Do It for the Children

Sometimes It Takes a Child to Raze a Village

The night of the living dead.

By Ralph Peters, a former U.S. Army officer and the author of "Fighting for
the Future: Will America Triumph?" (Stackpole, 1999).

Last week a minor terrorist raid in Thailand made headlines. Twelve-year-old
twins, armed, dangerous and photogenic, with Che Guevara haircuts and cigars,
guided adult tribesman who were convinced the boys had supernatural powers.
The cause of the oppressed Karen people of Burma got a passing mention, but
the cute kids with guns were the story's hook. Journalists wrote it as a
freak event and missed the global story.

The child warrior has always been with us. Enshrined in our own culture, from
David through Joan of Arc, the underage killer with a cause is presently out
of fashion in the West. Elsewhere, he is back with a vengeance. The kid with
the Kalashnikov swells the ranks of combatants, forcing hard choices on
peacekeeping troops unsure of how to confront these small, yet deadly,
adversaries. The world has utterly failed to address this problem.

The truth, perceived by Burma's warlords around the world, is that children
make splendid killers. Few children have the skill or strength of
professional soldiers. But what kids lack in finesse, they make up in
savagery. With no sense of mortality--theirs or a victim's--they pull the
trigger quickly. War is a game, more habit-forming than any played on a
computer screen. Rewards and punishments are quick, vivid and empowering. A
child will charge while grown men cower. Some break to bits, but many love
their work.

Good hearts refuse to be convinced of child barbarity. Educated Americans see
children as reflections of their own idealized offspring, regarding the
remorseless little butchers who massacre their fellow high-school students as
inexplicable aberrations. Our wealth and peace and laws restrain most violent
impulses in our young. But where there is no peace or rule of law, where
poverty is too kind a word for daily life, violence is tangibly rewarding and
psychologically redemptive. The man or boy with the gun takes what he wants,
when he wants. Killing is a greater thrill than drugs.

The 1990s were a boom decade for child warriors. In Liberia and Sierra Leone,
in Colombia, Somalia and Afghanistan, insurgent or ruling forces employed
child warriors. Sometimes they make up special shock battalions, while at
other times they are integrated in adult units, or used as tools of terror. A
cause or faith, crudely understood, may help inspire the child to kill.
Elsewhere, children are kidnapped, beaten or raped until they cooperate.

Even when conflicts ends, child warriors do not disappear. A 20-year-old who
has fought for a decade will not rush to trade his rifle for a
schoolbook--even if a schoolbook is available. Like many adult warriors,
child killers have no marketable peacetime skills--even if there is a local
market. The end of the conflict means the end of the good times. Peace is not
a bargain for the warrior of any age, and many turn to crime.

We fool ourselves that everyone wants peace and that all killers can be
reformed. Redemption is crucial to Western cultural traditions, and we cannot
imagine that all these children cannot be saved. Yet some child warriors will
never become law-abiding adults. They have been broken in ways that cannot be
mended. The best approach is to prevent, with fierce rigor, the use of child
soldiers in the first place.

Unfortunately, the solutions proposed to date range from the impractical to
the silly. Among the most ludicrous is an international initiative to outlaw
child warriors, a rule that would only be honored in law-abiding countries
where child warriors do not exist. The treaty would ban 17-year-old recruits
from the U.S. armed forces, but have no power to take the grenade from the
hand of the 11-year-old in a broken state.

We do need international conventions, but they must have teeth and should
focus on authentic problems. Those who exploit children during conflicts must
be treated as international criminals, not courted for convenience as
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently did with the rebel leaders in
Sierra Leone. Warlords who arm children must live under real threat of
apprehension and punishment.

While idealists dream, our soldiers fight. Increasingly, peacekeeping
missions face child warriors. How do you convince well-educated, well-fed,
well-protected, well-meaning activists with no firsthand experience of
violence that some of these children with guns will have to be killed in

The challenge is especially great for the U.S. military. Our soldiers are not
trained to fire on children. It is a cultural and institutional taboo. When a
soldier makes the correct decision--sh

[CTRL] Fwd: Differences between Alaska Air and TWA Flt 800

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

It's only been a few days, and already immediate differences
in the investigation of Alaska Air are evident:

1)  The pilot had time to radio a Mayday at least twice to LAX
no less, and had 11 minutes to try to control the aircraft.
TWA Flt 800 and Egypt Air Flt 990 contact immediately lost as
aircrafts blasted out of the sky

2)  The pinger located same day.  I'll bet the flight recorders
won't be altered in this case (usually takes a few weeks in
"suspicious" disasters)

3)  No pilot suicide (or State Dept shill Arab terrorist rant)

4)  Part of aircraft responsible for mechanical failure will
actually be brought to the surface for viewing by the public
(as opposed to explosive evidence, gaping holes, red residue,
autopsy fragments locked into FBI/CIA black hole)  BTW, where is
the tail section of Egypt Air Flt 990

5)  No CIA cartoon needed

Phil Anderson
Univ of AZ

[CTRL] Downloadable Conspiracy Files

2000-02-02 Thread Bard

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There are 186 files for a total of 7,803,548 bytes.

If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and
compressed into one file, please download either conspiracy.tar.gz
(2882553 bytes) or
conspiracy.zip (3003801 bytes) instead of all the files separately.

federal government defined:
...a welfare/subsidy protection racket.

In 1953, corporate taxes represented 33% of total government revenues.
Today the corporate share has dropped to 10%. If corporations paid at
the rate that
 they did in the 1950s two-thirds of the budget deficit would be
wiped out immediately.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: WND 2/2 Editorial - Comrade General Kui Visits U.S.A. As A Civilian

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan


The Clinton administration is engaged in a cover-up.  Chinese
military officers are being allowed into the United States
disguised as civilians.  One such civilian who toured America
was the Chinese military operations director at the 1989
Tiananmen Square massacre.

In April 1993, only months after Bill Clinton and Al Gore took
office, Chinese Army officers were invited to visit America.
According to Federal Aviation Administration documents, the
Chinese Generals were given personal tours of U.S. military
bases, civilian air traffic control centers and American defense
contractor sites.

At one point, an anonymous Federal Aviation Administration
official marked "Deputy Chief of General Staff, PLA" next to a
"Mr. Kui Fulin", and "Lt. General, PLAF" next to "Mr. Li
Yongtai" on the "China Air Traffic Control Survey Delegation"
list.  The unknown FAA officer hand marked seven of the fifteen
visiting Chinese civilians as "Military."

People's Liberation Army Air Force General Li Yongtai and
Army General Kui Fulin attended U.S. aviation functions listed
as civilians; a Mr. Li Yongtai and Mr. Kui Fulin, Commissioners
in the Air Traffic Control Commission of China.

According to publicly available information, Army General Kui
Fulin was the Chinese military operations director at the 1989
Tiananmen Square massacre.  General Kui planned the open killing
of thousands of unarmed civilians using tanks and infantry.

In 1993, General Kui was taken on a personal tour of Andrews Air
Force Base, the FAA air traffic center in Leesburg, Virginia,
and the Boeing plant in Seattle, Washington.  General Kui even
had dinner with Boeing CEO Frank Shrontz.

After Seattle, the two Generals visited California.  Curiously,
General Kui and General Li, did not stay with the rest of the
civil air traffic delegation on a flight directly to Los
Angeles.  Instead, on April 15, 1993, General Kui, General Li
and the other top members of the Chinese delegation were flown
to Long Beach.

"12:45 AM Depart Seattle:  5 members of delegation proceed to
Butler Aviation for flight on MD 90 to Long Beach (Messrs. Wang,
Jiang, Kui, Li Yongtai and Li Keli) rest of delegation proceeds
to United Airlines flight 865 to Los Angeles International
Airport (McDonnell Douglas representative will assist with
boarding)," states the official FAA itinerary.

Last time I checked Webster's dictionary, "Messer" and "Mr." are
"citizen" titles given to civilians.  Yet, the only data of
General Kui's "military" status are the handwritten notes on the
official Clinton administration documents.

Still, the two Chinese Army Generals did have time to return
from Long Beach to Los Angeles for dinner with U.S. Defense
contractor McDonnell Douglas.

"6:00 PM  Dinner for entire delegation hosted by Mr. Robert
Hood, President of Douglas Aircraft company," states the FAA

Did Boeing's Shrontz or president Hood from Douglas actually
know they were having dinner with Chinese Generals?  Were
Shrontz and Hood aware that they shared fine wine, food and
conversation with a ruthless killer?

Both Boeing and McDonnel Douglas, have since merged into one
giant aerospace company.  Boeing/Douglas also sold military
manufacturing equipment directly to the Chinese Air Force under
the false guise of a civil air transport program.  The Chinese
facility that purchased the equipment makes jet-fighters and

Were Shrontz and Hood aware that they were sharing military
technology with ruthless killers?

The 1993 visit by General Kui Fulin, disguised as a civilian, is
but one of several such documented visits to the United States
by Chinese Army officers.  For example, the official "CAAC/FAA"
1997 air traffic delegation list includes a "Mr. Li Zhongli" -
also known as Senior Colonel Li Zhongli of the Chinese Air

Other military officers on the 1997 list include "Mr. Shi
Yuanzhi" of the Chinese Air Force and "Mr. Wang Changzheng" of
the Chinese Navy.  Another example is the July 1998 "Air Traffic
Control Delegation" which included "Mr. Xu (shoe) Xinde", Deputy
Chief of Staff, Chinese Army Air Force, and "Mr. Fu (foo)
Youyun", Director of the Aeronautical Control Department for the
Chinese Army Air Force.

According to the FAA documents, more "Mr." type representatives
from China are scheduled to visit this year despite the
so-called ban on military-to-military contacts.  Are frequent
meetings like these really a ban?

The FAA documents are the not the only evidence that the Clinton
administration is lying to Congress and the American people
about the true nature of Chinese military contacts.  The U.S.
Commerce Department frequently referred to Chinese General Huai
Guomo in their public documents as "Minister."

In 1994, Commerce official Barry Carter wrote public letters to
"Minister" Huai Guomo at the Chinese Commission on Science,
Technology and Industry for National Defense, or COSTIND.

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Could it be on topic?

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 2/2/00 6:32:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Something keeps bothering me. I have been thinking about population control
>and the grab for land that is part and parcel of the drug business as I
>it. Between watching what HUD is doing in the cities and who is buying
>estate with laundered money, and what is happening to the small farmers
>who is buying up their land, I kept thinking about the fact that there
>is no
>way that these guys are going to leave the Indian reservations untouched.
>So then Virginia sends out a report about who was on the Alaskan airline
>flight ( see below) and Steve sends out these graphs (take a look, worth
>looking at), I go look at them and say
>I can see why we thought this was off topic, but I am not sure it is. The
>great American leveraged buy-out of selling us and our children drugs and
>then using the profits to buy our land cheap is continuing.
>Got to see the game. Drugs is about the leveraged buy out by which we get
>bought out cheap with our own money and flesh.
>Now what were HUD and the FBI doing at that Indian reservation the other

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Something keeps bothering me. I have been thinking about population control
and the grab for land that is part and parcel of the drug business as I know
it. Between watching what HUD is doing in the cities and who is buying real
estate with laundered money, and what is happening to the small farmers and
who is buying up their land, I kept thinking about the fact that there is no
way that these guys are going to leave the Indian reservations untouched.

So then Virginia sends out a report about who was on the Alaskan airline
flight ( see below) and Steve sends out these graphs (take a look, worth
looking at), I go look at them and say

I can see why we thought this was off topic, but I am not sure it is. The
great American leveraged buy-out of selling us and our children drugs and
then using the profits to buy our land cheap is continuing.

Got to see the game. Drugs is about the leveraged buy out by which we get
bought out cheap with our own money and flesh.

Now what were HUD and the FBI doing at that Indian reservation the other


> Kent reports that an Alaskan Native leader and a former lawmaker's son
> were on the plane. Also on board-Morris Thompson, his wife, Thelma, and
> their daughter. Thompson had just retired as president of Doyon; an
> Interior regional Native corporation and the LARGEST PRIVATE LANDOWNER

-Original Message-
Sent:   Tuesday, February 01, 2000 4:58 PM
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: Globalism's Agenda for the U.S.


Subj:   Globalism's Agenda for the U.S.
Date:   2/1/00

The maps at the site below really show the agenda for our country.  The red
zones are "human exclusion zones" and there is already some signage posted
warning that some areas of (what used to be public) forest are completely
closed to human access.  Note that we, the taxpayers (the public), still pay
for these forest areas, but are not permitted any access to them.  The
"highly limited" areas mean access for emergency (like fires) or if the
President determines a need.  I guess that depends on how you define "need."
Perhaps a Presidential "dacha" or two?

Goals 2000 is one aspect of the implementation of this.  Remember, we must
all work, but keep in sight the fact that we are all (whether educators,
parents, miners, foresters, ranchers, NRA members, etc.) fighting the same
fight.  The bottom line is the sovereignty of our country.

>Subject: Globalism's Agenda for the U.S.
>Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:29:09 -0800
>Bio Diversity/Biosphere.
>You will want to check out this web site.  The first map is the grouping
>of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.  Page on down and the second
>map is California and Nevada.  After, the map of the entire U.S.  See what
>the Biodiversity Treaty (signed by Pres. Clinton, but NEVER RATIFIED BY
>CONGRESS, and implemented by Executive Order) is doing to our country.
>It may take a few minutes to load, but what a LOAD!

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[CTRL] World government meeting in September

2000-02-02 Thread lloyd

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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Mark A. Smith 
Subject:  World government meeting in September
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2000 10:04 AM


Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] VATICAN LAW SUIT - circulate widely

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

"David Guyatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tom Easton contacted me recently to ask if my own 
research on plundered WW11 gold dovetailed in any way with his lawsuit of the 
stolen Ustasha treasury bullion.  It seems that the Ustasha gold moved 
through Austria on its way to wherever (?) - a fact I was not previously aware 
This is interesting, as Gunther Russbacher's story 
spoke of gold that had left Austria just prior to war's end, thence to Spain, 
onward to Argentine and finally to the Philippines a few years later.  
Fifty years later in the 1990's, the same gold was apparently shipped back from 
the P.I's to Austria - via a certain well known facilitator - with the help of 
Russbacher and his merry band of men.  It thereafter ended its life back in 
the Austrian central bank (or even possibly the Bundesbank?) allegedly to 
support the Eurodollar -- but more likely to form part of the gold reserves that 
now back the Euro.
One member of Gunther's "team" told me that the 
amount of gold involved was "nearly" 400 metric tonnes.  This is a very 
interesting figure.  In the international black market quantities of 
AU (gold) often are often used as an identifier to a given transaction. A wise 
seller will, if unsuccessful the first time around (as often is the case) 
will re-offer the bullion in smaller volumes - or in tranches - to 
camouflage the fact that it is the same transaction on offer.  For 
example, a large block of gold originating from Thailand continues to re-appear 
periodically in the black market and is immediately identified by its quantity - 
marginally above 5,000 metric tonnes.
But back to the Russbacher deal.  
Argentina's dictator, Juan Domingo 
Peron, was elected president in 1946, (re-elected in 1951 and again in 1954) and fled to exile to Spain in 1955 
following a military coup d'etat.  In Spain 
Peron retained control over 400 metric tonnes of gold that was placed under 
the "tutorship" of the Spanish government.  "Tutorship" presumably meant 
that the Spanish central bank was able to lease the gold to its benefit, but not 
assume overall ownership.
Significantly, this 400 tonnes was put on sale in 
1973, the same year Peron won re-election as President of Argentina, 
allegedly as a result of the vital support of OPUS DEI -- and the 
year of the OPEC oil price shocks.  Travelling in the plane back to 
Argentina with Peron was non other than Licio Gelli.  Gelli was, of course, 
a fascist and was Venerable Master of the now infamous P2 Masonic lodge that was 
riddled with powerful right wing Catholics.  Gelli's boss was Umberto Ortolani, a member of the inner council of the 
Knights of Malta - who sometimes hawk WW11 gold on the black market.  One 
of Ortolani's protégés was Giuseppe Valori, secretary to the then newly formed 
Institute for International Relations (IIR), an appendage of the Pinay 
Circle.  Interestingly, Valori was a dedicated Peron supporter.  

Of considerable interest was that the code-name of 
the proposed Peron gold sale.  This was "BOR 1345."  This raises the 
question that the code-name might be an identifier for 
BORMANN?  Despite almost five decades of disinformation to the 
contrary, we know that Martin Bormann escaped Berlin to live to an old 
age in Argentina, where as legal heir, he assumed control of all Hitler's 
personal assets and those of the Third Reich.  In the view of some 
respected writers these amounted to an incredible fortune.
No one knows for sure if the proposed 1973 Peron 
gold sale was actually consummated or not and the intermediary, a senior 
official at the Italian Ministry of Finance - allegedly operating in a private 
capacity - did not reveal the outcome of the affair.  

  - Original Message - 
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Brian Downing Quig 
  To: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:20 
  circulate widely
  From: Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tom Easton 
  ORIGINAL Jonathan H. Levy CSB# 
  158032 FILED Law Office of Thomas Dewey Easton JAN 21 2000 1335 Pebble Beach Drive Crescent City, CA 
  Telephone: 707-464-4513 
  Facsimile: 707-465-5389 
  Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Class 
  themselves and all other persons similarly situated; ORGANIZATION OF UKRAINIAN ANTIFASCIST RESISTANCE FIGHTERS; and 

[CTRL] Fwd: EU-Gate: Buck Stops at German 'CIA'?

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Government sources in Germany confirmed that, starting in the 1970s,
its state intelligence agency funneled money to its political parties -- to
be used
in support of 'pro-German' political factions in Spain and Portugal."

German Agency May Be Source of Cash

.c The Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) - A possible source for the secret funds stashed away by the
scandal-ridden Christian Democratic party emerged Tuesday: the German
intelligence agency.

Government and security sources on Tuesday confirmed a report in the
Sueddeutsche Zeitung that the country's intelligence agency funneled money to
Germany's main political parties starting in the 1970s so that they would
spend it supporting developing democracies in Spain and Portugal.

According to the newspaper, between $15 million and $20 million was paid in
cash from the Bundesnachrichtendienst, Germany's intelligence agency known as
the BND, to the parties between 1974 and 1982 during the government of former
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a Social Democrat.

The donations came at a time of political turmoil on the Iberian peninsula,
with dictatorships ending in both Spain and Portugal in the mid-1970s.

Because the payments were made in cash, there were no controls on how the
money was actually used. The newspaper speculated that could mean some of the
money wound up in the secret campaign war chests that are the subject of the
Christian Democrats' current scandal.

Manfred Schueler, who was Schmidt's chief of staff, told the Sueddeutsche
that he could not be sure the money didn't end up in the parties' coffers.

The Christian Democrats' scandal erupted in December after former Chancellor
Helmut Kohl admitted receiving $1 million from donors he has refused to name.
Party officials have since disclosed that $6 million from undetermined
sources have been discovered so far in party accounts.

In addition, more than $10 million have also turned up in secret accounts
held by the Hesse state party branch.

The money from the BND reportedly was split roughly according to each party's
representation in parliament at the time. The Social Democrats and Christian
Democrats each got $6 million each, while the smaller Free Democrat party got
a lesser unspecified share, the newspaper reported.

The Sueddeutsche said that the Christian Democrats deposited their BND money
in Luxembourg and Switzerland, suggesting that the money eventually was
transferred into party accounts used to finance campaigns.

So far, only the Hesse branch has admitted setting up foreign accounts for
the undeclared campaign funds. But former longtime party tax adviser Horst
Weyrauch told ZDF television on Tuesday that some of the national party's
secret accounts were also kept in Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

The chairman of the Christian Democrats received weak support on Tuesday
after he admitted that a second meeting was listed in his appointment
calendar with a German-Canadian businessman who gave secret donations to the
party. Wolfgang Schaeuble had previously stated that he met only once with
Karlheinz Schreiber.

Schaeuble has said he will stand for re-election to the party's top post at
an April convention, and has so far only received support from low-ranking

The conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in an editorial Tuesday,
wrote harshly of the doubts raised about Schaeuble's credibility after the
newly disclosed appointment with Schreiber.

``The time is beginning to run out for the interim chairmanship of
Schaeuble,'' the newspaper said.

[CTRL] Fwd: Super-FBI -- a Federal Gestapo?

2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Wider FBI Crime Fighting Role Urged

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The global dimensions of crime require that the attorney
general and the FBI extend their authority over other law enforcement
agencies such as the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, according to a
congressional report.

The Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement recommended
Tuesday that the law enforcement functions of the Treasury Department's ATF
be shifted to the FBI and that the Drug Enforcement Administration become a
separate division of the FBI.

Congress, which created the commission in 1996 in the wake of law enforcement
controversies such as the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff in Idaho and the 1993
Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, has failed to act on similar
recommendations in the past.

The departments of Treasury and Justice, in a joint statement, said the
report was ``thoughtful and deliberative,'' but noted that the idea of
merging the ATF and DEA into the FBI was not new and had previously been

``We believe such a merger would be unnecessary and would be detrimental to
our law enforcement efforts.''

But the chairman of the five-member group, former FBI Director William H.
Webster, said better coordination is crucial if the country is to meet the
growing threats of global crime, terrorism and cyber-crime.

``I have serious concerns about the readiness of the federal government to
protect Americans and the national security'' without structural changes, he

The report said the attorney general should be responsible for overseeing all
major federal law enforcement policies and practices.

The commission also criticized the recent tendency to ``federalize'' crimes.
It said 40 percent of federal crimes have been put on the books since 1970
and now total more than 3,000. ``This situation threatens to overwhelm
federal law enforcement capacities, just as dramatic and serious new law
enforcement challenges grow in intensity.''

Webster acknowledged that others in the past, going back to President Lyndon
Johnson, have attempted to restructure the ATF or consolidate law enforcement
efforts, with limited success.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said his panel
``will study the report and review its recommendations.'' A hearing on the
findings was scheduled for Thursday.

Webster said that while such events as Ruby Ridge and Waco had become
``metaphors'' for some of the recent problems in law enforcement, they were
only part of a larger picture that included some real successes such as law
enforcement coordination after the 1995 bombing of the federal building in
Oklahoma City.

The FBI was deeply involved in both the 1992 Ruby Ridge and 1993 Waco
incidents. At Ruby Ridge, the wife and son of white separatist Randy Weaver
and a deputy U.S. marshall died. At Waco, which began with a botched ATF raid
on the Branch Davidians religious sect's complex, the FBI was in charge for
most of the standoff that ended in the complex's destruction by fire, with
more than 80 people dead.

The commission also recommended that law enforcement and intelligence
communities better coordinate their activities, that global crime be made a
national law enforcement priority and that Congress require that law
enforcement agencies establish new standards for professionalism and


2000-02-02 Thread Kris Millegan

From: nexusmagazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Wouldn't it be great if we could find a document like THE
>OPAL FILE and it would be all there  you could take
>every word to the bank?  Would it be great not to have to
>worry about the author's motives?  Not to have to worry if
>the author is some twisted Joseph Goebels or Ted Shackley
>with an agenda beyond our imaginings would indeed be great.

I agree - it would be great.  I was given a copy of the document which
came to be known as the Opal File in 1989/1990.  I was given it for
overnight perusal only, and being the cheeky person I was at the time, I
made a copy using the fax machine.  I then typed the copy I had onto my
trusty Macintosh and uploaded it to several discussion groups.  I named
it the Opal File, because to me, it was an Australian equivalent of the
Gemstone File, and what could be a more Aussie gemstone than the opal.
Hence the name.  The person who gave it to me claimed to have helped
compile it.  I have since corresponded with another person, now living in
the UK, who also contributed to the compilation.

Interestingly however I have seen no less than three other versions, all
differing slightly on the later dates (ie the dates going into the

I suspect some versions were damage control by British Intelligence, as
it was through one of their ex-people that I came to see the document.

Which paragraphs were genuine, and which are bullshit could take forever
to solve.  The details are now almost irrelvant as the big picture stays
the same.

Rich powerful families going back centuries have set up business empires
with many fronts in order to deflect suspicion; provide cover and further
expand by involving and corrupting others.  These empires specifically
control banking and currency issuance; pharmaceutical and chemical; media
and very importantly, the aerospace companies (THEY are the ones to keep
the closest eye on!!!).

Drugs, whether illegal or legal are part of their business.  Obviously
they can make more direct profit if the drugs are illegal.  Prohibition
also plays into social population management to further maximise profits.

Yes, many of our Aussie politicians are in their looking the other way
while collecting money in their swiss bank accounts.  If they don't do
it, THEY will find another who will, and will most likely 'deal' with the
recalcitrant who refused.

On a national level we also find puppet bosses on the nipple who suddenly
got too big and confident, two who fit this perfectly were the Shah of
Iran, and President Marcos.

I tried to confirm several bank account details without success.
Basically I have concluded that you do not get to become a 'big boy' on
the field unless you have 'the nod' from the other players.  Mind you,
getting the nod doesn't imply conscious complicity.  I suspect Bill Gates
got the nod - to set up an infrastructure tailor made to be covertly used
by the NSA and others for computerised intelligence gathering - but to
this day, I doubt he knows he was 'used'.

Sigh - I am raving again gotta go


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259

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On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

2000-02-02 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000202b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No robotics researchers were harmed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Execution Photos: http://www.crimemagazine.com/davis1.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Punxsutawney Phil Sees Shadow for 100th Time. PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (Reuters)
  The weather-prognosticating groundhog known around the world as Punxsu-
  tawney Phil saw his own shadow on Wednesday, meaning that winter will last
  another six weeks. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000202/08/odd-groundhog

@ HOW TO READ A PSYCHIC. Psychics draw you in with basic, general
  statements that probably apply to anybody. If you want to trip
  one up, ask for specifics, like what kind of car you drive.

: Have you devoured any psychic groundhogs lately? Do you like them baked,
broiled, deep-fried? Do you trust psychics? Is your brain deep-fried? D'ya
forecast weather using groundhogs, psychic powers, deep insight, raw luck?

@ CONEY ISLAND USA. "Step right up, step right up! See the dog-faced boy!
  The human pincushion!" And the bearded lady: http://www.coneyislandusa.com
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Website Allows Public to Explore Antarctica Through a Robot's Senses.
  PITTSBURGH /PRNewswire/ -- Big Signal (www.bigsignal.net), an interactive
  Web site and interface for remote experience that features the daily
  activities of Nomad, a robot that has been searching for meteorites in
  Antarctica since Jan. 17, is now available to the public. Be there now:

: Do you want to play with & control robots? Do you want to be a robot? When
you become a robot, where will you go? Will you have fun? Will we miss you?

# Thinking is robot's play. (Wired) Japanese researchers have built
  a robotic gibbon that learns how to swing from branch to branch.
# Robot surgeon - Metal beats muscle in operations:

# Also: Robo-pup attacks toy market:
# Robot fish to resurrect fossils:
# Best brain boosts artificial life:

: Are robots better than you at precise movements, precise thought, glorious
visualization? Do robots have better sex? Have you made friends with robots
recently? Should you? Is it in your best interest? Do robots laugh at you?

# FireFighter 'Bot: http://jpost.com/Editions/2000/01/27/News/News.1831.html
# AntiMine Robot: http://news.excite.com/photo/img/r/chiba/2126/tok80d
# Homework Robot? http://www.oregonlive.com/news/00/01/st013107.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pregnant mom loses septuplets - Bacterial infection prompts doctor
  to perform multiple abortions - God changes mind about blessed litter:

# More amputations-on-demand? Hospital refuses to rule out more limb surgery

# Urge: Naked World - Why is AIDS killing so many priests?

: How do your religious & sexual activities relate? Does your belief system
prescribe/proscribe specific sexual behaviours? Do you have sex with/for/at
your deities? Are your beliefs fucked? Are you? Do you make others suffer?

# DC DJ canned for talking about woman's lobster sex. Mating with molluscs:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Clinton Eases Up on Crypto. (Wired) A new executive order is in effect to
  relax "unnecessary regulatory burdens" on the high-performance computer
  industry. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34032,00.html

# Cyber-safe or surveillance? Plan to monitor networks for intrusions
  'goes too far' http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34027,00.html

: Is your cybernetic conspiracy set to take over the world? Are you aided by
Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Reptilioids, BillGates? What changes will occur?
Will you rule with a velvet glove, an iron fist, both? Will we be happy??

# MICROSOFT GETS PERSONAL WITH WINDOWS ME. Microsoft announced that the new
  consumer version of their Windows operating system will be called the MS
  Windows Millennium Edition, or Windows Me. Targeted at egotistical yuppie
  scum: http://www.CNN.com/2000/TECH/computing/02/01/windows.me/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[CTRL] Does Murder and Sex Sell?

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

Well look at this newspaper and even a poll about Columbine.did the
press have anything to do with this?

Well yes, and no..started with a lot of movies where for example in
Heathers, this kid pulls a gun in the cafeteria and shoots but has
blanks as I recall, and then murders other kids and plans to blow up the
school..wore black trench coat too if I am correct.

Remember the sweet sensitive movies Carrierkids murdering kids and
other such movies .. now does this garbage affect our children?

Wlel, yes and no.

Look at Littleton; in my opinionI believe that entire community was
Stepford Wives personifiedall want to get into show biz.even at
the funeral a girl with a painted white face, got into the act with sick
dance, and the Superintendent and Principal with their courses in death;
but I wonder, how about the school nurses, they dispensing drugs to

One kid kept getting into the camer; and during the shooting another
hiding in a closet did not call 911, he called CNNits show time.

Mothers smiling for the TV, dressed fit to kill; other less affluent,
seemed sincerely distraught..kids gave the President the
Mojo..Gore wearing his black trench coat and Clinton's words "we see
through the glass but darkly".straight out of a funeral sermonso
much for their "new covenant" which evidently, they made with death
knocking at the door.

Go to advent of Clinton in Arkansas selling polluted bloodeven in
the bible it is said destruction by polluted blood.wormwood poisons
the waterswell we have our wormwood in Russia did we not.

Get kids on the hypnotic drugs and let them watch garbage on TV - kids
murdering kids.programmed killers are the result.even the common
aspirin over a period of time, causes abolition of will power as well as
blood dyscrasias - I have records on this dating back to 1930 in
research material I conducted in 1964.

The news media know what they are doing;   oh God Forbid, like Insurance
Salesmen, they sell death and destruction and violent sex and rape and
our President participates in the show does he nowa rapist (not
proven yet), a sodomist, a cocaine snorter, and look at his body bag and
Waco and Ruby Ridge.well if the President does it so can we.

Look at these little boys being tried now for murder, while Clinton,
Albright, Kissinger, Reno, FBI, BATF murderers remain at large.

Does the news media encourage these actions; well they sure as hell put
on a good show at that Littleton Funeral, did they not?The murderers
were as much victims, as the victims.for we do not know for sure do
we, whether they committed suicide, or as Clinton said of the Davidians
"they murdered themselves"..and the propane gaswonder where they
got such an idea.   Couldn't be TV could it, for everything videon on
the internet amounts to a film and a picture engraved in the mind..

These kids are being programmed to kill and our government without a
doubt made children the targets.for the iniquities of the fathers
shall be visited upon the children.who is doing all this?  That
is easy..look in the Oval Office at the cheap soap opera and play
war games by Clinton, only thing while he plays the games, real people
are dying.

Read about Chechnya and see the little boy whose legs were amputated as
the great Russian Leader wanted to send a visible message to allin
the open to commit atrocities, murder in the open sight of
others.does that ring a bell, for the Pope and the Presidents of the
USA had to die in the open sight of others for the shock = psychological
shock?This little boy's legs could have been saved, but gangrene set
in because he was denied medical treatment and held hostage.was same
age as the little boy murdered by FBI/KGB in Ruby Ridge, and he ran to
his dog which they shot.for shock appeal and to draw him
out.then the mother murdered holding the baby.wonder how they
missed the baby.

Do these pictures leave lasting impressions.  I should say so, because
crimes of this type do not go unavenged.violence begets
violenceand when the kids read garbage, see garbge, and then our
government gives them hypnotic drugs and there is a controller directing
the show...what do you think we should do, sit by and let them
murder all our children>


Video Shocks Graveyard Murder Trial
Man Charged With Shooting Ex-Wife at Daughter's Funeral
Jan. 20, 2000

 FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -- The videotape showed a man pumping
bullets into his ex-wife's body, just a few steps from their daughter's
grave, as a television reporter screamed "Film it! Film it!"

The shocking tape was played for jurors Wednesday at the first-degree
murder trial of Emilio Nunez, 40.
Defense attorney Reemberto Diaz said Nunez was prompted to kill his
ex-wife, Maritza Martin, after growing enraged during 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

2000-02-02 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000202a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No confidential medical data was compromised to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# RIP Gil Kane: http://www.space.com/spaceimagined/gil_kane_000201.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Live Forever - Uploading The Human Brain...Closer Than You Think. By
  2030, we'll have the means to scan the human brain and re-create its
  design electronically. http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/live.htm

  number of cortical or thalamic excitatory inputs is significantly reduced
  in neurons deep in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 3 pyramidal cells
  in schizophrenics. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/16865.rhtml

: Have you done anything for/to your brain lately? Have you altered it by
purpose or accident? Have you tracked your inputs and outputs? Do neurons
excite you? Do you excite neurons? Can your neurons reincarnate? Where to?

@ Alchemical Texts: http://www.levity.com/alchemy/texts.html
@ Ancient Egypt Math: http://eyelid.ukonline.co.uk/ancient/numbers.htm
@ Egyptian Medicine: http://www.teleport.com/~spindel/Egypt/EgyptPAge.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Flight 261: From 17,000' To Upside Down In Water & No Pilot Communication?
  WHY, if this plane was so far below standard cruising altitude, wasn't
  there an effort to bring the plane down to a relatively soft water impact?
  And WHY didn't pilots communicate via radio their intentions to make such
  a fully-warranted attempt? http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/261_2.htm

# Pilots' last transmission released - Alaska Airlines 261 confident
  of making emergency landing: http://msnbc.com/news/364560.asp

# Hopes for Alaska Air survivors dim, see
# Also: Experts say no common crash thread, see
# Also: Short bios of Flight 261 passengers, see
# Also: Crash probe focuses on stabilizer, see
# And: Crash tough on Alaska Air employees, see

# Victims' families to visit Alaska Airlines crash site - Search for
  survivors moves into third day - Deep waters complicate search -
  Trouble reported with key controls - Plane flown by veteran pilots:

# Alaska Airlines Latest Info: http://www.alaskaair.com/E_latest.htm
@ United States Coast Guard Home Page: http://www.uscg.mil/
@ National Transportation Safety Board: http://www.ntsb.gov/
@ Federal Aviation Administration: http://www.faa.gov/
@ Boeing MD-80 Specs: http://www.boeing.com/commercial/md-80/product.html
# U.S. assists in recovery operations for Alaskan Air Flight 261:

: Are there too many airliners flying around? Should more be bombed, shot
down, lasered? Will this weed-out extraneous humans? Is it an alien plot?

  charged in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie,
  Scotland, pleaded innocent at a pretrial hearing in the Scottish High
  Court. http://CNN.com/2000/WORLD/europe/02/02/lockerbietrial.ap/

# Kenya Air relatives wait for news - corpses piled on the floor:
# Mexican crash victim family waits - airline changes flight number:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'John Doe Has Ringworm?' Better think twice before you log on to find out
  about that itch you're having. (Wired) A new report from the California
  Foundation says people who feel queasy about spilling the details of their
  health problems online have good reason.The report, which examines the
  privacy policies and practices of 21 popular health sites -- including
   DrKoop.com,  Drugstore.com,
  and  WebMD.com -- says visitors to the sites are
  not anonymous. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34038,00.html

: Do you mind giving up all privacy? Is that the cost of doing business? Is
it worth it? Is privacy highly overrated? Has your conspiracy worked hard to
convince folks to willingly surrender privacy? Are you reaping vast rewards?

# Also - Pseudonymity Now:

Re: [CTRL] rpf_2 digest

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

Well with regard of The Browning of America; a sudden thought flashed in
my minds-eyeand suddenly I saw the light.

America, is Noah's Ark as they prepare the world for genocide..a few
specimins from every variety, and maybe this is why we have zoos

For We Are Noah's Ark.We will be the remnants while the rest of the
world is torn asunder by wars, plagues, AIDS, big bombs dropping from
China, while the big guys take refuge in the Caves of Ice that maybe
this is answer to Xanaduthe unfinished poem of Coleridge - where he
was awakened from a visionary dream

The UNwhy they based in New York?  Well those people can take refuge
in the caves in advance; is it true Queen Elizabeth and her Clan bought
land the West.

Well, what the hell do I care about these "leaders".send them off to
war to fight it out on the battlefield..we stay home and watch the
show on TVlike when they bombed the people of Iraz, the people of
the Balkans, and the burning of Waco - just a preview folks of what will
happen to the world, target practice.everybody got in   some
training that day but the fire department and the burn units were ready
in casebut instead they covered up their evil deeds, bulldozing
remains into the ground while the boots walked upon the graves and
tricycles still remained as a monument to once happy children playing in
the sun.

So we should keep track of these people.   For I do not think the public
at large will be permitted on the great ARKnot enough room.but
legend has it the Unicorn escaped this net, and still runs at large

So they build cities of refuge in the caves..they prepare for war,
and think they will let the people die by one way or
another.radiation poisoning is always nice.

Well got news for that bunch; they still have to remember we are the six
billion, and they are the mere 300 with a few dimwitted "leaders",
preparing to leave the crew on the great Titanic.I say, build
another ship.and let them have this one.   They speak peace, but
they envision the war of wars.the master plan for murder keyed to
stars and testaments.

To the victors belong the spoils.so watch for any more movements to
these great places build in rock upon which they build their houses
while they plan to flood the rest of America - leaving a chosen few to
then replenish the earth.destroy with earthquakes, burn out with
satellites and laser beams.and toss in HAARP.

We have all paid for our mass funeralsand look who is leading the
death march?Beat the drums, roll the drumsZionism is alive
and well.  See Waco, see your future America.


eGroups Daily Digest: rpf_2 has 1 new messages.
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-- message 005 --

From: "Jim Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 13:37:25 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

- Original Message -
From: James Floyd
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 4:33 AM

Nobody loves me. Nobody even likes me. Go up there
to the courthouse, to the police, to the sheriff, to the
commissioners, the mayor, the judges and ask them. Go
to the newspaper, the TV station, and they'll tell you.

They'll turn their heads to the side and spit and then spit-
out a string of obscenities that would make a gangster
rapper blush.

Well, I'm tired of it, folks! After these cases are over,
I'm gonna packup my White-Lily-flour-sack shirts and
my overalls, gathered together the unwashed, uneducated,
the smellest White trash I can find and storm the Mexican

When we get to Mexico City, we gonna tell every official
we meet that our ultimate goal is, "THE INEVITABLE

Of course, they'll welcome us with open hearts and arms.
They will, immediately, open free health clinics, free child
care centers, they'll spend public funds to teach us Spanish,
school our kids in whatever language we demand, they
gonna let us work with phony papers or no papers at all,
they'll print all public messages in English, feed and house
our White butts without charge, exempt us from paying any
taxes, the police will refuse to arrest us out of fear of counter
charges of racial profiling, and the press will come down hard
on any politician or hate group which disapproves of us or our

What did you say? It won't work? You say, it ain't that way
in Mexico? What? You think they would chain us to a commo

Re: [CTRL] "Bush will be next President"

2000-02-02 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/30/2000 11:49:29 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Much as your #1 butt-buddy Clintoon does, Prudy? As the commander-in-thief
 admitted in Ireland about a year and a half ago, his job is basically to
 sign what his advisors put in front of him to sign, no more, no less. >>

Sorry, Clinton is acceptable only when one has the restricted choice we keep
ending up with in our election process.   One can only hope that if the
individual purports to be a Democrat, there will be an occasional veto that
will save some small part of the plantet from the corporate raiders.  With
the Republicans, it's rubber stamping the "kill the enviornment" policies all
the way.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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2000-02-02 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/30/2000 11:26:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Sounds like something described in Immanuel Velikovsky's "Worlds in
 Collision", but much more 'hard to swallow', IMO. So are you saying that
 you believe manna is some "heavenly corn, tasting like honey," that "fell
 on the earth after the contact of the earth with a celestial body"? Let me
 guess, this 'celestial body' was not Venus as Velikovsky assumes; rather it
 was something much more like a giant, intergalactic Honey Corn Pop that
 shred and rained down bit's and pieces of breakfast cereal from the heavens
 to earth each morning while it slowly passed? As for myself, I'll stick
 with Occam's Razor and the shroom theory. As the page I posted noted: Even
 if psilocybe mushrooms are not manna the similarities have indicated
 mushrooms as a possible candidate, and they certainly fit the bill for a
 "spiritual food". >>

You've got it, but I was getting ready to leave town for a couple of days,
and I couldn't even try to look up his references.  He was a master
researcher, and I'm sure this stuff came from something interesting.  Just
got back, and still have not taken time to try to find anything.  I just
still insist that primitive people understand mushrooms too well to mistake
down for up.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] DeltaForce gassed Waco women children for 6 hours

2000-02-02 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Bard 
Subject:  DeltaForce gassed Waco women children for 6 hours
Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 9:52 AM

´Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance;
they are the people´s liberty´s teeth.´´
-- George Washington

 **... far and wide.**


  Feds accused
  of 'torturing babies'
  Waco lawsuit condemns FBI,
  Delta Force for gassing women,
  children for 6 hours

  By David M. Bresnahan
  © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

  Saying he wants to hold the government
  accountable for "the torture of innocent children,"
  the attorney for David and Rachel Koresh's three
  children -- all of whom perished, along with 14
  other children in the Branch Davidian fire in Waco,
  Texas -- has already deposed, under oath, over 30
  FBI and Delta Force personnel regarding their role
  in the April 19, 1993 disaster.

  In the wrongful death lawsuit, attorney Jim
  Brannon was hired by relatives to represent the
  three Koresh children, ages 16 months, 6, and 8;
  the two oldest children celebrated their birthdays
  during the 51-day siege. Other deceased victims of
  the fiery assault, both adults and children, are
  being represented in other cases.

  Eventually, over
  100 federal
  officials will be
  Attorney General
  Janet Reno and
  President Bill
  Clinton. So far,
  about a third of
  those on the list
  have been
  questioned under
  oath in

  "Almost all of them from FBI people. Two of them
  from military people, and it seems as though an
  almost universal amnesia has struck -- an epidemic
  of amnesia," explained attorney Jim Brannon in a
  telephone interview.

  The federal officials involved in the 51-day siege at
  Waco completed a government form known as a
  "302" after the event took place. Those forms are
  primarily notes or transcriptions of interviews, but
  they are not sworn statements. Brannon is using
  those forms as a starting point for questions as he
  places the federal officials under oath.

  "Naturally they don't remember anything, but they
  sure remember there wasn't anybody there on the
  ground shooting," Brannon told WorldNetDaily.

  A recent documentary film, "Waco: A New
  Revelation," presented evidence that federal forces
  fired guns into the Mt. Carmel site prior to and
  during the fire that killed 17 children and 54 adults.
  The documentary also presents evidence that CS
  gas was sprayed almost continuously into the site
  for up to six hours, and that the gas combined with
  incendiary devices now known to have been used
  in the assault could have caused the ensuing fire.

  The FBI has strongly denied there was any gunfire
  from any federal forces. It has also stated that the
  Branch Davidians committed suicide by not coming
  out when the CS gas was used on them.

  Bob Ricks, FBI special agent in charge at Waco,
  stated at a press conference shown in the
  documentary that the FBI purposely sprayed the
  dangerous gas on the mothers and children. He
  said it was done in an effort to get the mothers to
  "flee" with their children.

  "You have these other groups of lawyers who
  represent all the adults, and their families, and
  heirs, and brothers, and sisters, and so on. I, on the
  other hand, have three innocent kids who are dead,
  and we want to know why," exp

[CTRL] Fwd: Altered Evidence...

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

Well one thing, consider this though.Bering Strait 50 miles from
USA.to Alaska, USA..and China Panama Canal.

Now maybe his is how the new KGB Mafia is getting alal their drugs into
this countrythis Russian Mafia that murdered Bill Cosby's
Son..and you kow, that kid was in with some pretty strange
people.very strange peopleand the drugs flowed like wine.

This drug route is along a line that leads right to Arkansas and works
two ways...so the Golden Dragons are not all necessarily
Chinese...One Yellow, One Red, and one..Snow Bird.

This is interesting story worth a read.
But this drug business...Yeltsin made away with a lot of money, and
Clinton is making away with a lot of money..and that guy is a
vampire who sold tainted blood to Canada?

So that Bering Strait and Panama Canal will now be major drug entry to
USA..might add hope we no longer have to mainain that Panama Canal,
and remember always Jimmy Carter's sister was in with Larry Flynt, Bgain
Christians in pornography and drugs?


Forwarded for Your information.


  Fixing a Photo to Fit a Policy

  By J. Michael Waller

  The Defense Department appears to have doctored
  a surveillance photograph as part of the Clinton
  policy to go easy on Russia – leaving a wounded
  U.S. Navy officer high and dry.

  A recent CNN report alleged that the Defense Department misled the
  public with an altered videotape of a U.S. attack on Yugoslavia. It
  fizzled when the Pentagon attributed the error to a digital-compression
  process designed to allow intelligence analysts to review combat
  footage quickly. “The product was presented as the intelligence analyst
  would normally see it, and that is not a manipulation,” Pentagon
  spokesman P.J. Crowley claimed.

 While that seemed to end the story, the allegation of manipulation
  has revived questions about another image the Pentagon released to the
  press. At issue is a Navy intelligence photo of a Russian spy ship
  believed to have fired a laser at a Canadian military helicopter,
  wounding members of its Canadian-U.S. crew over the waters off
  Washington state in April 1997. The photo, as released by the Defense
  Department, differs markedly from the original taken by the wounded
  U.S. Navy intelligence officer aboard the helicopter: Details that Navy
  imagery analysts interpreted as a laser beam had been removed from
  the official photo.

 The differences in the photographs, as well as a chain of policy
  decisions made by the Clinton administration to exculpate the Russian
  ship, and a Navy inspector-general’s, or IG’s, finding that the Navy
  photographer suffered reprisal for reporting the laser incident to
  Congress suggest that someone in the Defense Department doctored
  the version of the photograph that the Pentagon Office of Public
  Affairs released to the public.

 Secret Defense and State department documents obtained by the
  Washington Times show that senior Clinton-administration officials
  conspired to cover up the April 4, 1997, lasing of U.S. Navy Lt. Jack
  Daly and his Canadian pilot, Capt. Patrick Barnes, by the Russian
  freighter Kapitan Man. The Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI,
  apparently responding to political pressure, retaliated against Daly for
  pursuing the matter with Congress. Daly suffered laser burns to his
  right eye, as well as vision problems and severe headaches.

 Daly was the Navy’s foreign-intelligence liaison officer in
  Esquimalt, British Columbia, heading a joint U.S.-Canadian
  helicopter-surveillance operation against Russian, Chinese and other
  spy ships operating in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which separates
  British Columbia from Washington state, and in Puget Sound, the site of
  major U.S. nuclear ballistic-missile submarine and aircraft-carrier

 Daly didn’t realize he had been wounded by a laser, or “lased,”
  until he returned to Esquimalt after photographing Kapitan Man and
  handed his Kodak DCS-460 digital camera to Chief Petty Officer Scott
  Tabor, a highly trained U.S. Navy imagery analyst on base. Tabor
  processed the photos and discovered on frame 16 a bright red spot,
  with a yellow halo and white core, emanating from the port side running
  light on the bridge of Kapitan Man. Tabor showed the photo to Daly
  and urged him to get immediate medical attention. An initial medical
  evaluation, and months of subsequent tests by the U.S. military’s top
  experts on laser eye injuries, confirmed laser burns on Daly’s retina.

 Side-by-side comparisons of frame 16 and the photograph released
  by the Pentagon, labeled frame 85, reveal the changes. (The numbering
  discrepancy is explained by the way the digital camera, which can take
  up to 52 pictures at a time, numbers the frames as they are downloaded
  to a computer.) Both images first were published in October on the
  Website of Reade

[CTRL] Fwd: Campaign 2000 - Newsweek.com

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

Somewhere someone painted a picture of Nixon, and the posturing of the
people was like a painting of Jesus with the children.anyone who
knew of this painting, saw Nixon, as the One.and this was the Motto
often used for Nixon.Nixon Is the One

For many are called, but one will be chosen..

So look at this picture of Geoge W. Bush< AN I wonder who his PR Man is;
doing a good job for that boy, now if he only had a brain, a heart, and
well he has guts.


Please refer to the story below and pull it up for your pure
enjoyment.for Bush, is the Oneif he would be smart, he would
take Pat Buchanan under his great wings of wax..for he needs a
strong intellecthe needs The Scarecrow.case that guy had to


[CTRL] Fwd: I just signed the "Mars Petition"! You can too!

2000-02-02 Thread Colleen Jones

This email has been sent to you by Think Mars (http://thinkmars.net/) on behalf of 
James Peoples.  We apologize if you have received more than one copy.

Support the human exploration of Mars by signing the Mars Petition at 

With the saddening loss of the Mars Polar Lander and the setback for worldwide space 
exploration it represents, it is even more important to express our desire to forge 
onward in space, especially Mars exploration.

If you haven't seen the Mars Petition yet, please take a few minutes from your busy 
schedule to read and sign the petition.  Help us reach our goal of 1 million names by 
November 2000 by forwarding this e-mail on to friends, colleagues and family.


- The Mars Petition - http://thinkmars.net/petition.html -

The time has come for humanity to journey to Mars.

Humanity yearns for a challenge, one that will let us exercise the limitless 
potential, now dormant, that lies waiting within ourselves. The prospects facing our 
generation have never been greater; with world peace, unprecedented economic growth, 
and extraordinary technological innovation, we find ourselves at the threshold of a 
new millennium of opportunity. The human exploration of Mars will be our generation's 
crowning achievement.

We must go for the knowledge of Mars. Finding evidence of life on Mars would 
demonstrate that the origin of life is not unique to the Earth, and, by implication, 
reveal a universe that is filled with life and most likely intelligence as well. This 
would be the most important scientific enlightenment since Copernicus' discoveries.

We must also go for the knowledge of Earth. Mars, the planet most like Earth, is 
believed to have had a wet climate and can help us understand the impact of climatic 
change on our home world. The knowledge we gain could be key to our survival.

We call upon the leaders of the world to commit to the immediate human exploration of 
Mars. It is our wish that, in the spirit of history's greatest explorers, the first 
humans will set foot on Mars by 2015, with the ultimate goal of developing a sustained 
presence. We urge our leaders to have the vision to provide for the citizens they 
represent a future without limits, one that matches our potential and our country's 
greatness, and is worthy of the dreams of our children.

Believing therefore that the exploration and settlement of Mars represent the greatest 
human endeavor of our time, I add my signature to the Mars Petition.


Sign the Mars Petition at http://thinkmars.net/petition.html