[CTRL] Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

2001-07-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, 7 July, 2001, 07:28 GMT 08:28 UK
Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

Dame Stella Rimington: A personal account of MI5 life

Dame Stella Rimington has been given the go-ahead to become the first
British spymaster to release a book about their experiences.
The former head of MI5's book, Open Secret, will be published in September.
The decision was reportedly taken by the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, the
Home Secretary, David Blunkett, and the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, and
relayed to Dame Stella by her successor, Sir Stephen Lander.
Ministers dropped their opposition to publication after she agreed to scrap
a number of passages, and change others, on the grounds of national
security, according to the Home Office.

There is not now any justification for the government resisting publication
of the book, so we are not

Home Office
A spokeswoman said: The government regrets and disapproves of the decision
to publish a book - but that is not the same as resisting it.
There is not now any justification for the government resisting publication
of the book, so we are not.
Dame Stella, the first head of the secret service to be officially named and
photographed, has faced strong opposition throughout Whitehall.
She is said to have been opposed by Sir Stephen and the head of MI6, Sir
Richard Dearlove, while the former Chief of Defence Staff, General Sir
Charles Guthrie, strongly criticised her attempt to publish.
But, after the 65-year-old reportedly threatened to invoke her right to
freedom of expression under the Human Rights Act, ministers and officials
are said to have concluded that they could not block publication.

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[CTRL] Police end cannabis seizures

2001-07-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

things are happening incredibly fast now... surprising that the will seems
to be there now. although the end comment about people not being able to
smoke 20 joints a day is a little naive! LOL. seeing as how a joint can have
x amount of cannabis in it ;)

Police end cannabis seizures

New effort to halt tide of hard drugs

Special report: drugs in Britain

David Rose, Anthony Browne and Faisal Islam
Sunday July 8, 2001
The Observer

Britain is to abandon the hunt for cannabis smugglers and dealers in the
most dramatic relaxation of policy on the drug so far.
Instead the Government has told law enforcement officers, including Customs
officials and police, to target resources on 'hard drugs', such as heroin
and cocaine.
Under the new strategy - part of the most radical shift in drugs policy for
a generation - large-scale cannabis seizures and prosecutions will now take
place only as a by-product of investigations into Class A drugs.
Last week with the blessing of Home Secretary David Blunkett, police in
Brixton, south London, abandoned their policy of prosecuting people found
with small amounts of the drug.
The relaxation comes as the law on possession of cannabis faces its most
serious legal challenge. The civil rights group Liberty will argue in court
tomorrow that it is incompatible with the new Human Rights Act.
The campaign to legalise cannabis gained further momentum yesterday as Clive
Bates, director of the government-funded anti-smoking group Ash, argued for
the legalisation of the drug.
The decision to give up hunting cannabis traffickers was taken by the
Cabinet Office Committee, Concerted Inter-Agency Drugs Action (Cida). It
consists of the heads of MI6, MI5, the Customs and Excise investigation
branch, the National Criminal Intelligence Service, the police National
Crime Squad, and the Association of Chief Police Officers, plus the
permanent under-secretaries of the Home Office, Foreign Office and Ministry
of Defence.
'It's not that we plan to stop seizing cannabis when we come across it,' one
senior Customs source said last night. 'However, the need to focus on Class
A drugs means cannabis seizures will now take place as a by-product, not as
an end in themselves.'
Customs sources say the shift is seen as an 'inevitable consequence' of the
Government's drug strategy, which sets agencies the target of reducing Class
A drug consumption by half by 2008.
'Overall, the Government strategy is about reducing harm,' one chief police
officer said. 'That has to mean placing a priority in reducing the supply of
Class A drugs.'
He said regional drug distributors often 'blurred the boundaries'
betweendrugs, so that inquiries into cocaine and heroin dealers might also
yield finds of cannabis.
The focus on hard drugs was partly triggered by the first figures for UK
consumption of cocaine and heroin, which show Britons are now consuming
twice as much cocaine as the previous official estimates for the whole of
Western Europe.
The figures, from a Home Office research project, show that last year
British hard drug users took 28,000-36,000kg of heroin and 35,000-41,000 kg
of cocaine.
Cannabis was in effect decriminalised in Brixton last week, when police said
they would no longer prosecute people caught with the drug but give them a
verbal telling-off. Last year the Government said that having a caution for
possessing cannabis would no longer carry a criminal record for life.
The Misuse of Drugs Act, which in 2000 led to 96,000 prosecutions against
cannabis users, will be challenged in Southwark Crown Court this week when
Liberty will claim it is incompatible with the Human Rights Act.
Liberty will be defending Jerry Ham, former director and founder of a
homelessness charity, who has been charged with possession of small amount
of cannabis. If Liberty is successful, it could make the law unenforceable
in courts.
The relaxation of policy on cannabis follows changing public attitudes to
the drug. This weekend senior Tory MP Alan Duncan supported Peter Lilley,
the former deputy leader of the Conservative Party, who called for the
legalisation of sale of the drug in licensed outlets.
Ash director Clive Bates said: 'We would legalise cannabis in its
non-smokable forms, such as in cakes, tea or droplets. There's irrationality
and inconsistency in the policy on tobacco, soft and hard drugs. Even if you
legalised cannabis in its smokeable forms you couldn't come close to the
harm done by cigarettes, because no one smokes 20 joints a day.'

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[CTRL] Bradford under siege after day of race riots

2001-07-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Bradford under siege after day of race riots

A day of racial tensions turned into a night of fierce rioting between young
Asians, police and right-wing extremists

Paul Harris in Bradford
Sunday July 8, 2001
The Observer

Racial violence erupted on the streets of Bradford yesterday and was
continuing early this morning as hundreds of Asian youths fought police in
some of the worst rioting seen this summer.
Two people were stabbed and 80 police officers injured after a protest march
against the National Front turned violent. Police were attacked with
baseball bats and hammers and pelted with petrol bombs, bricks, bottles and
road signs. Two police horses were also injured including one which was
Last night across the city, cars and buildings were set alight as a mob of
more than 1,000 Asian youths fought pitched battles with hundreds of riot
police. Officers struggled to contain the worst of the violence concentrated
in the mainly Asian Manningham suburb where dozens of burning barricades
littered the streets.
The rioting marked a serious escalation of tension that has been growing in
towns including Bradford, Oldham, Burnley and Accrington over the past three
months. Many have blamed the trouble on the National Front and the British
National Party for fomenting racial divisions in deprived communities.
As the violence raged out of control, the Archbishop of Bradford, the Right
Reverend David Smith, went on to the streets of Manningham and made an
emotional appeal for calm. 'I'm very disappointed obviously and very
distressed... We all feared that Bradford would join the list of towns and
cities where trouble flared and sadly now it has.'
Yesterday's trouble flared after a meeting in Bradford's Centenary Square
organised by the Anti-Nazi League. The event drew more than 500 people,
mainly young Asian men.
In a nearby pub, National Front supporters, wearing their trademark bomber
jackets and sunglasses, had gathered and began shouting racial abuse. The
response of the Asian youths was instant and violent. A fight began and
within seconds had spilled into the surrounding streets.
Officers had mounted the huge security operation after reports that NF
members had congregrated in the pub. Last week, the group was banned by Home
Secretary David Blunkett from staging a march in Bradford.
Last month The Observer revealed that the NF and other violent extremist
groups were still planning violence in the city.
In Manningham, residents watched in horror as the violence raged. A group of
about 1,000 Asian youths set fire to barricades on the area's White Abbey
Road and tore up bricks and paving stones to hurl at the police.
Thick smoke and fumes drifted down a half-mile length of the road as police
tried to beat the rioters back. Youths set fire to several cars and threw
petrol bombs at buildings, briefly setting the roof of one alight. As
mounted police in full riot gear charged the youths gathered behind a
burning wreck.
Fire engines advanced to tackle the blazes behind a tight cordon of police,
but were forced to retreat several times under a hail of stones and bricks.
Shortly after 9pm a delegation of community leaders, including local Tory
councillor Mohammed Riaz, went through police lines to talk to rioters.
Their efforts had little effect.
'I cannot believe these scenes are taking place in a city in England,' said
Riaz. 'How have the police allowed a peaceful demonstration to disintegrate
into to this?' As rioters continued to torch vehicles and stone police lines
several officers were injured by projectiles. One policeman was dragged away
unconscious by colleagues. Earlier, in Thornton Road, I watched as a white
man was set upon by a gang and stabbed in the back.
As he toppled over his torn T-shirt exposed a gaping wound; the knife had
gouged a huge hole in his back, but the mob still kicked him before mounted
police rescued him.
At one stage a pregnant woman was led away by police after getting caught up
in the violence. Mother-of-two Linda Cunliffe, who was out shopping, said:
'The situation seemed calm one minute and there was no sign of any National
Front people but suddenly the Asian youths began running and stones started
being thrown.'
Police last night denied claims of being 'heavy-handed' during the clashes.
Chief Superintendent Phil Read, of West Yorkshire Police said 18 people - 10
white men, a white woman and seven Asians - had been arrested. Read said
some of the incidents were clearly racially motivated and revealed that
inquiry teams were now investigating them. Six members of the public were
injured. He said: 'What we are seeing is wanton violence which is putting
lives at risks. There can be no excuse for this criminal behaviour.'
As the violence continued into the night, local people in Manningham also
blamed outsiders. Naveed Butt, 31, said: 'There are just a handful of people
from Bradford involved. A lot of lads here have been looking for any excuse
to cause 

[CTRL] Baby deaths may be linked to toxic vaccine

2001-07-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Baby deaths may be linked to toxic vaccine

Observer Special Investigation: Did toxic vaccines ruin lives?

Antony Barnett and Tracy McVeigh
Sunday July 8, 2001
The Observer

The British drug company Glaxo Wellcome allowed thousands of British babies
to be inoculated with toxic whooping cough vaccines it knew had not passed
crucial safety tests.
Some experts believe that this may be the reason why a number of children
died and dozens of others suffered permanent brain damage after being
vaccinated in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Last night MPs demanded a full
An Observer investigation can reveal that:
. Two batches of Wellcome's whooping cough vaccine, which were more than 14
times more potent than the British standard dose, were given to GPs in
Britain and injected into babies;
. 14 other batches containing thousands of vaccine doses were not put
through a crucial toxicity test.
One of the toxic batches now known to have been injected into British babies
was the same batch that led the Irish Supreme Court in 1992 to award £2.7
million in compensation to Kenneth Best, a Cork boy who suffered permanent
brain damage.
At the time the Irish judge accused Wellcome of negligence and attacked the
company's poor quality control at its Kent laboratory.
Now, nine years after the award, the Irish Department of Health has received
details from Glaxo SmithKline, as it is now known, about the batch -
numbered 3741 - and is tracing 296 Irish children who were inoculated with
it. Pressure from Denis Naughten, a senior Irish MP, has forced other
disclosures from Glaxo SmithKline, including the fact that a second batch of
vaccine, numbered 3732, produced by Wellcome around the same time, was even
more potent than that used on Best in 1968. In the three years after
Wellcome produced the toxic batches, dozens of British parents believed
their children suffered brain damage or even died as a result of the
whooping cough vaccine.
But their views were dismissed by drug companies and health officials, who
insisted the vaccine was safe and important in stamping out a dangerous
Official figures show that reports of adverse reactions during this period
soared and a number of babies died hours after receiving their jab.
Gordon Stewart, emeritus professor of public health at Glasgow University,
has described the revelations as 'scandalous'. Stewart, who in 1984 was
asked by the government's Chief Scientific Officer to investigate a link
between brain damage and the vaccine, said he advised the Department of
Health about these potential toxic batches in 1989 but they did not act.
His report, which was never published by the government but has been seen by
The Observer, is highly critical of the whooping cough vaccine used at this
time which he believes was too toxic. Ian Stewart, Labour MP and chair of
the all-party Commons committee on vaccine issue, last night said he would
be holding an emergency meeting of the committee this week and tabling a
series of parliamentary questions. He said: 'The families need to know the
truth. If it can be shown that Glaxo Wellcome were negligent in allowing
toxic vaccines to be used, then the company must face up to its
The families of vaccine-damaged children receive £100,000 compensation from
the government fund financed by the taxpayer. Stewart believes if the firm
is at fault, then they should pay compensation which would be significantly
Olivia Price of the Vaccine Victims Support Group said the revelations were
'an utter scandal'. She said: 'These are our children who have had promising
lives destroyed. It is now up to the company to give us the information we
A spokesman for Glaxo Smithkline said: 'GSK does not accept that these
batches were harmful.'
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said: 'Repeated examination of
the evidence that DTP [whooping cough] vaccine used in the UK is linked to
brain damage has failed to demonstrate a causal link.'

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[CTRL] Child evacuees died in war 'propaganda ploy'

2001-07-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Child evacuees died in war 'propaganda ploy'

A new book claims exodus was due to exaggerated fear of bombing deaths.

Amelia Hill
Sunday July 8, 2001
The Observer

As the last days of peace ebbed away in 1939, more than 3.5 million children
were taken from their homes as part of the largest mass movement of people
ever seen in Britain.
A new book is now questioning whether the evacuation of so many five- to
15-year-olds was a necessary evil or the over-reaction of a British
Government with ulterior motives.
'The evacuations were planned against a series of hugely exaggerated
estimates of the potential effects of the German bombs,' said Stuart Hylton,
author of Their Darkest Hour: The Hidden History of the Home Front 1939-1945
'The sub-text to this was the political battle being fought by the fledgling
Royal Air Force to retain its independence as the third armed force,' he
Other war experts have supported Hylton's claims. 'The overseas evacuations
were an absurd scheme, hopelessly confused, ridiculously ambitious and part
of a British policy to woo the USA to fight against Nazism,' said Mike
Fethney, an evacuee and author of The Absurd and the Brave, an account of
the evacuations.
According to official, pre-war calculations, more than 100,000 tons of
German bombs would be dropped on Britain in the first two weeks of the war
alone. In fact, less that 65,000 tons were dropped throughout the entire
The likely impact of the bombing was also wildly misjudged: official
calculations were that that every ton of bombs would result in 50
casualties, whereas the true figure turned out to be nearer one casualty per
'The Government was scared that, if the people were subjected to enough
bombing, they would demand peace at any cost,' said Hylton. 'This was the
context in which the idea of evacuation evolved.'
Evacuation plans were developed by the Government in secrecy, with very
little consultation with local authorities or families. 'Many of the
mistakes that were made might at least have been identified, if not
necessarily overcome, by obtaining these views,' he added.
While the years of evacuation were the happiest in the lives of many poor
inner-city children, for thousands they meant physical and sexual abuse,
severe neglect and deep unhappiness.
The Children's Overseas Reception Board (Corb), drawn up in June 1940 by
Geoffrey Shakespeare MP to coordinate the evacuation of 275,000 children,
was considered to be the jewel in the crown of the Government's evacuation
But far from being welcomed by the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill
strongly resisted the scheme, only letting it slip through after he was
distracted by news of France's surrender, brought to him in the Cabinet Room
as the evacuation scheme was being presented.
John Capel was five when he died of exposure after the ship on which he and
his 12-year-old brother, Derek, were being evacuated was torpedoed by a
German submarine.
The tragedy, which brought the Corb programme and all state-sponsored
overseas evacuation to an abrupt end, convinced Capel that the scheme was
little more than a propaganda tool.
'Parents were manipulated by the Government into believing evacuation was
the best thing for their children,' he said. 'But it was more or less a
propaganda ploy to pressure other countries to help us.'
The ship on which the Capel brothers were travelling, the City of Benares,
was 600 miles into the North Atlantic when its Navy escorts turned back to
Britain, unable to accompany the ship further because of a lack of seapower.
'We woke up to a deafening bang and the walls and ceilings collapsing around
us. All the lights went off and the ship was lit only with the blue
emergency lights,' said Capel. 'I was split up from John and mine was the
last lifeboat to leave the ship.
'I remember people shouting, bodies floating and a sea so rough we couldn't
save them. As we watched, the tail end of the ship went down, still with a
few lights blazing,' he added.
Only 12 of the large number of children aboard the Benares were rescued, and
by the time Capel's lifeboat was picked up eight days later the six boys
were suffering from frostbite, trenchfoot and malnutrition. 'We had been
given up for dead,' said Capel. 'It was only later I discovered that John
had died from overexposure and been given a sea burial.'
Martin Parsons, Britain's leading authority on evacuees and the author of
three books on the subject, rejects Hylton's claims. 'Evacuation was
certainly not a knee-jerk reaction by the Government, and if you look at it
in terms of lives saved there's no question that it was a success,' he said.
'That's not to deny that there were hidden agendas on the part of the
Government and, although it saved lives, one has to look at the experiences
of some of the evacuees and ask; at what cost?'

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[CTRL] fun statistics page

2001-07-08 Thread c.

The Feds (well, the Centers for 
Disease Control) have really been doing their job. Look at state-by-state 
leading causes of death. . Similarly, try to find 
your favorite Sexually Transmitted Disease in the state of your 
choice (click on "anonymous user" to search by state). It takes a little while 
to construct the queries, but it still makes you wonder why "Homicide and Legal intervention" is so popular in 
Texas (81% of those homicides -- 1,570 between 
1995 and 1998 -- are firearm-related deaths) when George W. Bush was Governor, 
and suicide is a favorite in Minnesota as Jesse Ventura takes charge. (These 
last few links are direct database queries and may take a full minute or two). 
To see a glorious selection of interesting disease- and death-related queries, 
go to the CDC 
WONDER selection page. Select "anonymous user," then go 


[CTRL] Apocalyptic Bra

2001-07-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

dam i wish i was a girl, a codpiece version just won't be the same :/

Apocalyptic Bra
Lifts Tokyo Pessimists

May 13, 1999

The Armageddon Bra boasts an early warning system

EVERY Japanese has heard of Nostradamus, and millions lend credence to his
prophecy that a terrible calamity will strike in July this year - a war
destroying a third of the world's population.
Now the lingerie firm, Triumph International Japan, is cashing in on the
nation's doomsday boom with a hi-tech bra that alerts its wearer to incoming
Presented at a fashion show yesterday, the Armageddon Bra includes a
sensor on the shoulder strap, and a control box to warn of objects falling
from the skies. Ideally it should be worn without outer garments to work
Triumph says that it hopes to utilise the technology in a new generation of
bras designed for a world where catastrophes can strike at any moment.
Natural born pessimists, the Japanese have seized on the doom-laden
predictions of the 16th-century French astrologer as if there were no
tomorrow. One poll showed that about 20 per cent of people believe that
Nostradamus's quatrains are a reliable guide to the future.
One large Tokyo bookshop carries some 185 titles on Nostradamus, and many
are bestsellers. The majority advise readers to take the doomsday
predictions to heart and prepare for the worst.
Triumph's choice of the Nostradamus theme for the bra - which will not be in
the shops for some time - chimes with the collective pessimism of a nation
that can see no end to the deepest recession in more than a decade that has
lead to the worst unemployment in recent memory.

see a pic here

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Re: [CTRL] UN, US: Stop targeted killings

2001-07-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/06/2001 7:10:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 JERUSALEM (July 6) - UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan yesterday urged Israel
 to end what he said is a policy of targeted assassinations of Palestinian
 terrorists, saying it violates international law and threatens Middle East
 peace efforts.

 Annan is deeply disturbed by the reported decision of the government of
 Israel to continue the practice of what have become known as targeted
 assassinations, his spokesman said. 

Gee, these guys don't want Israel to have any fun at all.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Israel's Campaign Of Revenge Ethnic Cleansing

2001-07-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/06/2001 7:22:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The first 24 hours witnessed the demolition of at least five Palestinian
 homes in the city of Yata, which was completely sealed off to the outside
 world, leaving the army to act with impunity towards the civilian
 inhabitants.  Reports are that up to a thousand residents were forced from
 their homes before demolishing dozens of them.  The army also attacked
 residents in the entire rural area between Yata and the area around Jibna
 where the Palestinian cave-dwellers live.  Additional houses were
 demolished, wells and reservoirs destroyed and the agricultural
 infrastructure severely damaged.  Even the Channel 1 Israel news spoke of
 army as acting out of revenge.  If this is so, the Israeli army, which
 prided itself as a defense force whose moral code included purity of
 arms, has been reduced during the repression of the past months into a mere

Well you know how it is.  There was this Holocaust in the 30's and 40's.
The Israeli should now be able to do anything they want to do to anyone they
want to do it to.  Anybody got a problem with this?  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/07/2001 12:16:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The Bush campaign picked it up AFTER Al Gore had used it against Dukakis in
 the primary.   Democrats had no qualms about Al Gore using the issue.  Their
 racialist sensibilities only got offended after Bush began using it. 

We're talking aabout George Bush Sr. here.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: [BBC] 3 mile Wide UFO

2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

well, so much for the marsh gas theories and too bad for
the ostriches.

 This is the 3 mile wide UFO videoed in the U.K. the
  video was sold to Robert Kaviat,Kaviat
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Re: [CTRL] Baby deaths may be linked to toxic vaccine

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Recently the USA bought $450 million dollars worth of vaccine from UK;
now I wonder, if it has been used and I forget the purpose of this

Consider now the pharmaceuticals we now buy from China?   Abortioni
pills are now purchased from China.

You see where USA is headed - big time Mafia has poured their illegal
drug monies into pharmaceuticals or legitimte enterprises and America is
about to become one big leper colony (figuratively and literally) and
who will profit most from AIDS, and unheard of diseses.

Better buy American - and no vaccines until we can let us say run
criminal checks on the people involved in making same for hidden

For where do you think this big time drug money has gone?   Watch out
for this move re water privatization - for next the water will be
poisoned as an example for such a need as if it were not already
polluted by toxic waste.

Poison for profit - now wait until they attempt to push this AIDS
vaccine on the public - for little white babies?   Naturally little
white babies will of the target - right?

Maybe time to throw some of this garbage back to owner for they might be
able to throw a man out of the military for refusing the anthrax vaccine
but when it comes to giving more garbage to babies to further pollute
their blood let us see how American will stand then?

Now is time to getta gun, as Rap Brown said; for the enemy is operating
from within -


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[CTRL] Syria's war of nerves with Israel

2001-07-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

AFI Research  Armed Forces Intelligence
International Research and News Service

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   tel/fax:  +44(0)1626 33 50 40

Syria's war of nerves with Israel

On July 1st Israel's 'Green Pine' radar, part of the 'Arrow' Theatre
Missile Defence (TMD) system picked up the launch of a Syrian SS-1 'Scud'
short range ballistic missile (SRBM) from its hardened base outside Aleppo
in northern Syria.  The missile impacted inside Syria, only a few
kilometres short of the Israeli border, but still managed to cause the
Israel Defence Forces to be placed on a heightened state of alert.

The Syrians have a full Brigade of 'Scud' missiles based around Aleppo, and
it is reported by Israeli intelligence sources that two of this units three
Battalions have recently moved further south to newly prepared positions
that will bring all of Israel within the 300km range of the 'Scud'.  Syria
has produced upto a 1000 'Scud' and an improved variant with a considerably
increased range.  Many of these are emplaced deep within a network of some
15 tunnels constructed with North Korean assistance, in addition to some 60
highly mobile wheeled launchers.

Another Brigade of three battalions of the more modern SS-21 short range
ballistic missiles are attached to the Syrian 2nd Corps that faces Israel
along the length of the Golan Heights south west of Damascus. This highly
potent, and by far the largest missile arsenal in the Middle East, is armed
with warheads carrying chemical agents. Syria has developed a comprehensive
range of chemical warfare agents, Israel has even accused Damascus of
producing the deadly nerve agent, VX.

In a further drift towards conflict, Syria's President Bashar Assad has
accused Israeli Premier Ariel Sharon of planning to launch a war aimed at
pitching the whole of the Middle East into a major conflict.  President
Assad said that while Syria intended to stick to its strategy of peace, if
pushed, Syria would have no choice but to defend it's self with all the
weapons at its command.

The Middle East for long heavily armed with conventional weapons, is now
increasingly becoming overloaded with sophisticated modern ballistic
missiles, lethal chemical and biological warfare agents and a number of
Arab states who will soon join a regional nuclear club that has for some
time only had Israel as a member.

For a complete analysis of the Middle East conflict contact AFI

Media Information

Senior Associate
Richard M Bennett (UK)

Robert Zeidner (USA-Consultant),
Michael Crawford(Milnet-USA),
Ravi Rikhye(Orbat-USA),
Dr James Hawker (Australia-Consultant) and
Ms Kate Bennett (UK)

telephone/fax +44(0)1626 33 50

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Re: [CTRL] UN, US: Stop targeted killings

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Gee Prudy - now if they had those Palestinians walking around with
little Uzis like the Israelis maybe the Israelis would not be so brave?

Using children for target practice though reminds me of the USS Liberty
used for target practice, for this ship was not armed either.our men
lay dying or dead on the deck and the little Israeli mosquito planes for
which uSA paid napalmed and bombed this ship for 45 minutes - now think
about that - napalming American soldiers in INTERNATIONAL WATERSbut
a new book shows tactics and the truth will out.

Israelis loaded with billions in diamonds - now what did they see to
receive same?

Jihud is forever - Israelis big and brave when their enemy is virtually
disarmed - hit and run experts though - like a McVeigh a true little


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Master Plan for Murder and the Zion Peasants

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

So when the Czar was assassinated they took out the entire family and
maybe the truth is as many people believe that this was work of the
European Zionists.

We have had so many people playing out the role of a Moses from Martin
Luther King to Jomo Kenyatta and now it looks like a Gay Pride Moses
problem with Gay Pride, they are targeting our kids or shall we say
recruiting the Boy Scouts into their lifestyle?

So a sample of the Master Plan for Murder is right before you  - but
when you have a little calendar code timed date wise to acts of murder
and sabotage (and that includes the act of Terror by McVeigh, for guess
for whom he worked and probably did not know it)..

So when you think Mafia do not think Italian, think Yiddish - for we
have been led to believe that this Mafia thing is Italian when in fact
the Jewish Godfather, Meyer Lansky, engineered the murder of JFK without
a doubt and the raising of the Saturday Night Civil Rights fights to
terrorize the American people - but one slight flaw in this great master
plan - the American public is loaded for bear and now like the Zionists
took the guns away from the Germans, well the Zionists would disarm

Now any very high degree Mason knows what I know and believe me the KKK,
the one operated by the KGB for the Walker spies, know what I know.

And Walter Lippman knew about this master plan and was cute enough to
use it on occasion but at the time I thought oh no, Walter Lippman, this
great reporter in on a conspiracy but at that time I had never heard of
Rhodes Round Table and the scum operating from within same - Camelot?
These bums are straight out of dog patch and murder inc.rich bums,
maybe a Carville would call these bums rich trashbut they want the
guns all to themselves to begin a reign of terror?   Their call is now
Disarm America and reduce us say to a Palestinian State?

So Israelies finally getting someo heat for wanting to assassinated THE
HEADS of certain countries?   Plans in the making - wonder who took
Meyer Lansky's place, anybody - his son went to West Point - was this
AFTER Carlos Marcellos and Lansky and the Council of 12 caused the
assassination of JFK and toss in little John John for no vendetta is
complete until you wipe out the entire maile line - now little Teddy has
grown old, somewhat demoralized, and ws told you will live so long as
you do not run for President - after all two hits and he still
lives.hanged man fear death by water (always liked that line - TS
Eliot and the Wasteland, in part taken from Ezekial in bible)


Watch out for the water privatzation for the bible in Lamentations
speaks of the very water you drink - well could get pretty expensive and
when they cut off your water - what is a girl to do but getta gun in
this day and age?

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Psalms, psalm 109
1: Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
2: For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are
opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3: They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought
against me without a cause.
4: For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer.
5: And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
6: Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right
7: When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer
become sin.
8: Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
9: Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10: Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek
their bread also out of their desolate places.
11: Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers
spoil his labour.
12: Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be
any to favour his fatherless children.
13: Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let
their name be blotted out.
14: Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and
let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15: Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the
memory of them from the earth.
16: Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the
poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart.
17: As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not
in blessing, so let it be far from him.
18: As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so
let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.
19: Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a
girdle wherewith he is girded continually.
20: Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of
them that speak evil against my soul.
21: But do thou for me, O GOD the Lord, for thy name's sake: because
thy mercy is good, deliver thou me.
22: For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.
23: I am gone like the 

Re: [CTRL] Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

stella rimmington was the only ex-MI5 Chief who was biologically
entitled to wear stockings suspenders and high heels -
but almost every other ex-MI5 Chief was really very badly queer
its a fact - and I quote from a military historian that MI10 was a
special unit put together during ww2 amongst the landed aristocracy
and their sole job was to send pigeons over enemy lines -
unfortunately the idea bombed in a bad way :).
One chief of MI5 who did a tour of duty in the irish office before
taking up the hallowed suspenders was a known paedophile.

There is always something slightly sinister about the insidious way
that the gays run the 'world' eg. Hoover, or mandelson architect of
new labour, or Portillo who never supported the gay lobby as an MP
but only once he had progressed into higher office -
in fact the whole pink nazi thing is rather absurd yet it is real.

I think its a reptilian/illuminati thing to be fascinated with the asshole,
and gee these guys are really fascinated :)
the 'eye of horus' etc etc or is it sore ass :)


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 10:51 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

 -Caveat Lector-

 Saturday, 7 July, 2001, 07:28 GMT 08:28 UK
 Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

 Dame Stella Rimington: A personal account of MI5 life

 Dame Stella Rimington has been given the go-ahead to become the first
 British spymaster to release a book about their experiences.
 The former head of MI5's book, Open Secret, will be published in
 The decision was reportedly taken by the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, the
 Home Secretary, David Blunkett, and the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, and
 relayed to Dame Stella by her successor, Sir Stephen Lander.
 Ministers dropped their opposition to publication after she agreed to
 a number of passages, and change others, on the grounds of national
 security, according to the Home Office.

 There is not now any justification for the government resisting
 of the book, so we are not

 Home Office
 A spokeswoman said: The government regrets and disapproves of the
 to publish a book - but that is not the same as resisting it.
 There is not now any justification for the government resisting
 of the book, so we are not.
 Dame Stella, the first head of the secret service to be officially named
 photographed, has faced strong opposition throughout Whitehall.
 She is said to have been opposed by Sir Stephen and the head of MI6, Sir
 Richard Dearlove, while the former Chief of Defence Staff, General Sir
 Charles Guthrie, strongly criticised her attempt to publish.
 But, after the 65-year-old reportedly threatened to invoke her right to
 freedom of expression under the Human Rights Act, ministers and officials
 are said to have concluded that they could not block publication.

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] VX Gas in Syria - Really?

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Hey Joshua2 - don't you want to see a fair fight after all it is no fun
to go to the slaughter - well like slaughtering helpless pigs and
cattle, it is said do not cast such great pearls before such swine for
surely, they will someday get wise and trample you?

You speak of Syria having VX gas - - now here is the story on the VX gas
and yes, I would be afraid if I were the Israelis - one good wind and
say goodbye?

So the story of the Syrian VX deadly gas


VX Gas
byJoe Lenthall, Magdalen College School, Oxford.

VX gas spheres in The Rock

VX gas is one of the most dangerous chemicals created. It is used in
chemical warfare, and in the film The Rock, it was that green liquid
that the terrorists threatened San Francisco Bay with.

It was developed in Port Down, Wiltshire, England in 1952 and its
devastating effects were tested.

The British traded the technology of VX with the United States of
America for information on thermonuclear weapons.

Its chemical formula is


(Click here to view 3D structure) and is normally in its liquid state
despite its name. It has a low volatility; is odourless and is an
excellent adhesive.

A special form has been developed that is so adhesive that it is
virtually impossible to remove from the surface that it is in contact
with. This leads to strategic attacks on enemy bases or airfields so
that the VX remains stuck to the area and has the potential to kill any
one attempting to use the base or airfield.

The V of VX signifies it long persistence. So it is more
dangerous and toxic than its cousins of the G variety like GA (Tabun)
and GB (Sarin), which dissipate quickly and have only short-term
effects. In the liquid form of VX, it is absorbed through the eyes or
the skin of the victim.

It takes an hour or two to take effect and its effects result in death.
The gaseous form is more deadly than the liquid form and acts almost
immediately on the victim. The effects are worst when it is inhaled and
death is an end to the suffering.

The LD50 can be as little as 10mg for humans. It operates by cutting off
the nervous system. It binds to the enzyme that transmits signals to the
nerves and inhibits them. Therefore the nerves become isolated and

The antidote, atropine, is a toxin itself but it counteracts the effect
of the VX by removing it from the enzyme. It is an anti-nerve agent so
does the reverse of the VX, a nerve agent. It is normally injected into
the arm or thigh but for gaseous attacks the atropine must go
immediately into the heart.  [atropine, isn't that  substance once used
and banished for allergies??  Saba Note]

So full body protection and gas masks are essential to avoid exposure in
a VX missile attack.

VX has not been used to its fullest potential yet because it is too
dangerous to use for local attacks with wind that could blow the VX back
onto the base.

This factor has helped to keep VX from being used to cripple local
nations. If these weapons were launched against a nation then there
would be the possibility of a nuclear counterattack because VX is a
weapon of mass destruction that spreads from impact point killing all in
its path. This would be countered by another, which in a lot of cases,
would be a nuclear bomb.

 The only known countries to possess VX are U.S. France and Russia.
England after inventing it abandoned the thought for thermonuclear
warfare.  [wonder why they put the formula for VX in his item - Saba

Other Molecules of the Month.

SABA note:   gee Joshua no mention here of Syria having this gas -
wonder where they got it - but anyway here is the formula if you want to
get in the fray.want to fight a fair fight, don't you?   Makes quite
an equalizer, doesn't it - sort of a Don't Treat On Me You Sob attitide,


[CTRL] FC: Wisconsin militia group alleges Fed threat against web site (fwd)

2001-07-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[What happened here is extraordinarily unclear. A group calling themselves
the 17th Wisconsin Militia seems to have had some abrasive encounters with
(surprise) law enforcement. Earlier this week, they changed their web site
to read: 17th Wisconsin Militia Homepage is temporally SHUT DOWN By an
Order from the A.T.F.  F.B.I. Now they're backtracking a bit, and the web
site is back up. I emailed the webmaster Tuesday evening and never received
a response. --Declan PS: Sheesh, you'd think militia groups are so paranoid
about forgeries and infiltration and whatnot that they'd at least use PGP
to sign their statements.]


Date: Sat,  7 Jul 2001 16:33:12 -0600
From: Jon Roland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Message from 17th Wisconsin Militia webmaster

This message, if authentic, downplays the situation, but even if it is only as
described, it is not a minor matter. Such persecution is a violation of civil
rights, specifically 18 USC 241 and 242, and is grounds for a civil action
42 USC 1983, for violation of civil rights and for the damages done. This is
indeed one of the methods by which the fascists will attempt to persecute and
suppress political critics. It doesn't need to rise to the level of an all-out
assault like that made on the Davidians. Being nibbled to death by federal
is no less abusive for being less abrupt or dramatic. Everyone who
downloaded and
put up mirrors of the 17th Wisconsin website are to be commended, for it
sends a
message to the fedgoons.

--Message begins--


July 4th, 2001

It has been brought to my attention that my recent encounter with the BATF
has caused a stir among the patriot community.

Unfortunately, one of our members, when told of the news of my encounter,
panicked and took things out of context and posted on some message boards
that I was raided and shutdown. This information has been exaggerated. So I
believe I owe the patriot community an explanation on what really happened.

For the last 10 years or so, I've been having minor run-ins with a State DOJ
Agent who lives in the area. This agent frequents a local water hole that I
sometimes visit. He's pretty much the Blow[hard] of the town and likes to
throw his authority around in order to intimidate respect from people. I've
been standing up to his brand of tyranny and he doesn't like it one bit. He
especially doesn't like the fact that I'm connected with the militia here.
He's used his influence to arrange some harassment from local law
enforcement officials. He's gone as far as to set me up with stooges who try
to provide and plant evidence in order to turn me into a felon so my right
to possess a firearm will be taken away. He has publicly admitted that he
will do what it takes in order to dis-arm me. Well three and a half years
ago he got me. He sent in a stooge to buy a pistol from me, which I sold to
the snitch. This snitch wrote a bad check that bounced all the way to China.
As I was trying to recover the firearm I found out the snitch worked for the
agent. To make a long story short, evidence was planted, then I then
received a raid from local authorities. Their unlawful search of my home
came up with nothing. But they did DESTROY  my home in the process causing
over $8,000 in damages and vandalism.

After fighting for three years in the Wisconsin judicial  system I was
convicted for a misdemeanor based on lies and planted evidence back in
December.  With that misdemeanor conviction, the DOJ agent evoked an obscure
Brady Law amendment that prohibits me from possessing a firearm for 1 year
from date of conviction.  With that as ammo, he sent a BAT agent (because
they have the power) and a tactical team to my home to enforce this crap
obscure law. Fortunately a friend who was visiting at the time was able to
take possession of the firearm. The authorities DID NOT get the weapon. The
funny thing about it is that this firearm was transferred and approved by
the FBI after the conviction.  The FBI giveth, the ATF taketh away. What a

As for the web shut-down: The above DOJ agent made a threat to me stating to
either change the content or shut the site down.

If I refused, he said he was going to have the site shut-down using the
grounds that the 17th WI militia being a covert, clandestine militia, that
does not accept anyone into their membership, and because of  the nature of
their training, operations and security measures, would get us labeled as
Domestic terrorist organization.  So in order to prevent him from carrying
out his threats, I closed things down.  Measures are being taken to address
the problem I'm having with this DOJ thug, and the website will be back up
and running in its original form in a few days.

I'd like to thank everyone for their support and offers of help.  I
apologize for our members who cried wolf and sent the patriot community
into action. I 

[CTRL] Fwd: Attorney Barry Levin Found Dead

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Strange story - found in a cemetary?

Reminded me of a story here in which I became extemely interested.

Local attorney by name of Shapiro came to my office several times but
always lots of people around  and he would smirk and smile..\

At that time I had written Robin Moore (author of French Connection) who
had Condor Press in Westport, Connecticut - my friend (MI6) had died and
I was well fishing - for you see Moore's sister had disappeared and my
friend thought her husand had done her in- she was a psychic and he
was using drugs to enhance her psychic abilities - they used to meet and
hold seances at the House of the Sun in Florida (this was later bought
by the hamberger king for 3 million and was former Mafia half way house,
dock, landing strip and 70 or so peacocks runing around).

Anyway when my friend died I was still pretty active in research - so I
wrote Moore.   Suddenly this guy started hanging around - I left my
position with the Court at that time.

Later when working for the AG's office - big story in paper..

Shapiro, was his name - he had been murdered - he had met a man dressed
all in black in a cemetary and suddenly ran with the guy after him - he
was gunned down, murdered.

It then came out in the newspaper that Shapiro had bought into Condor
Press's book written  think by McDonald on the JFK assassination, so
evidently Moore was checking me out - I kept out of this one, but did
some fishing with police and found out what I wanted to know and it came
up - well we had had several attornies murdered and one was FBI agent -
one found hanging in a stair well and all during this period of time
Meyer Lansky's men really had a big thing going here with many unsolved
murders, tracks even leading to a certain farmhouse where they thought
Hoffa might be buried?

So now Blake's attorney, found murdered in a cemetary - a suicide?

Some of these lawyers represent shadey clients and some cross lines and
become too involved..if he was a hit as they say in Mafia talk -
well that is possible.

Like Chandra Levy - maybe if she was put to sleep, so to put - she was
buried by a Mafia undertaker as a Jane Doe?

So Judge Crater where are - for his story still lives today and every so
often in a phone booth you still see - Judge Crater, please call your

Only know for one involved in research of JFK and Mafia and CIA
connectin to Mafia it seems like people I knew were falling all about me
- but Condor Press - remembre Robion Moore=s family as I recall one
married Barry Sadler of Green Beret fame - he was once booed off a
football field like the boy scouts were booed at Democrat Convention?

Evil is as Evil does.

As my old friend said, we have opened big can of works but Anslinger of
FBI I used to write, as for Mafia pull up one piece of spagetti and up
comes the whole plate indicating in his books the Mafia was

Hey that Last Supper - those weren't Italians.


[CTRL] Fwd: Attorney Barry Levin Found Dead

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Here is story reproduced?   But then maybe like Vince Foster he did


·Actor Blake's Lawyer Found Dead in Apparent Suicide - Reuters (Jul 8,

Sunday July 8 12:58 AM ET
Attorney Barry Levin Found Dead

Reuters Photo

By LOUINN LOTA, Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Criminal attorney Barry Levin, who helped handle Erik
Menendez's murder defense and more recently represented actor Robert
Blake, apparently committed suicide by shooting himself in the head
Saturday at a veterans cemetery.

Levin, 54, appeared to have committed suicide, said FBI (news - web
sites) spokesman Matthew McLaughlin. Levin suffered from Gaucher's
disease, said Ron Dorfman, a fellow attorney who spoke at a news
conference at the cemetery.

Gaucher's disease is an inherited enzyme-deficiency disorder whose
victims bleed and bruise easily. Levin was in constant, severe pain and
had already had a shoulder replaced because of the disease, Dorfman

``True to his character, Barry did not want to burden his friends and
colleagues with his suffering, and they were not aware of his
deteriorating physical condition,´´ Dorfman said.
``I was certainly devastated, but not surprised.

The discomfort he was in was extreme.´´
Levin was found slumped over the steering wheel of his vehicle about 2
p.m., McLaughlin said. The FBI was investigating because the death
occurred at the Los Angeles National Cemetery, which is federal

KFWB-AM said Levin talked to some people at the cemetery Saturday before
going off alone and shooting himself.

Levin, a former city police officer, was one of the best-known attorneys
in Los Angeles. Levin was a co-counsel for Menendez, who was sentenced
to life without parole in 1996 with brother Lyle for killing their

Attorney Leslie Abramson, who was Levin's co-counsel on the Menendez
case, described Levin as ``all heart for his clients.´´

``He had a tremendous understanding for people, especially veterans. He
was a great guy with a fair amount of tragedy in his own life. He´s
been a colleague and a friend for many years, and a wonderful lawyer. He
was always my hero.´´

Levin recently represented Blake, star of the ``Baretta´´ TV series,
whose wife´s recent murder is unsolved.

He was also the lead defense attorney in a case stemming from alleged
corruption in the city's police department.

He represented Sgt. Edward Ortiz who with two other officers was
convicted in November of conspiracy and other charges alleging they
framed alleged gang members. The convictions were overturned.

In May, attorney Harland Braun brought Levin into the Blake case, saying
his police experience would be valuable in monitoring the investigation.
Braun said he had not known Levin was ill.

``He was always optimistic. We talked every three days. I can´t
believe a suicide - he was such a fighter.´´

Levin served as an Army staff sergeant and paratrooper and was awarded
the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He wrote about post-traumatic stress
disorder and defending Vietnam veterans with the disorder.
Levin is survived by a wife, Debbie, and two daughters.

Copyright © 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The information contained in the AP News report may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written
authority of The Associated Press.
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2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

COCA LEAVES DRINK OF THE GODS   andrew hennessey

many people will hear the word Coca and then associate it with the
production of Cocaine - but it is probably little known that cocaine is only
ONE of FIFTEEN alkaloids in the Coca leave.

The evidence for the use of the Coca plant as an aid to good life has turned
up in the remains of egyptian mummies - and suggests a historical global
knowledge of this plant.

Known to dieticians and the medical Doctor who wrote a treatise on it - Dr
Gold - the benefits of a Coca infusion were believed to detoxify the blood
and enable us to live longer.
The study by Dr Gold somewhere in the 1920's has since been condemned to the
dustbin of history when the practise of adding ether to the leaves was
started to extract the only alkaloid that is alcohol soluble - ie. Cocaine
which concentrated and isolated by itself as we know is a badly addictive
The introduction of Federal laws to outlaw Coca soon followed and in the
latter half of the 20th century biotech viruses were assembled which could
permanently destroy the crop.

It is rather like saying that the Almond Nut crop should be permanantly
destroyed because of its cyanide content.

Dr Golds field/empirical studies on the curative properties of Coca
indicated that this plant was important to the health of the species.
However today the dark markets of suffering have made a lethal and vile
trade of suffering - even the CIA have been dubbed the Cocaine Importing
Agency - and it may be that amongst the poison and the lies a vital medicine
and curative has been lost to humanity forever.

Andrew Hennessey

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Re: [CTRL] Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Andrew  - my sister sent me this big cord from Princess Margaret's
wedding banner - I used it to pull my son's sled in the winter time for
I forgot what it was..nice silky strong material with tassels?

Anyway, court gossip had it (my sister in England hired Queen
Elizabeth's cleaning people and paid them more than the queen) the story
according to the gossipy cleaning people was, that Princess Margaret's
husband, Anthony Armstrong Jones was it - was a fag - and it seems the
English like to use this word, and the latest put out by the Avengers in
UK was that Tony Blair is a fag and bi sexual - and he sure looks and
acts it but he fit in nicely with the Big Sodomist, Bill Clinton.
Birds of feather???

So had never heard about MI10 or the Lavender Hill Mob, but in USA at
one time homosexuals got out of wars because they were homosexuals,
while the brave and healthy and pure went to war and were killed - and
now they tell me tht WWII was fought to save Gay Pride for Hitler was
genociding homosexuals?  Well I do not believe that one bit, for Hitler
and that ws not his real name, was Jewish passing as former Catholic and
some say he was a queer as was some of his henchmen?

NOTE:   Andrew, in America our Militias do not discriminate against
jews, blacks, or homosexuals the latter doubt you would ifnd in a
miitia..these are real men like the Minute Men of Old, on call - a
line of defense should our civilian police lines fail.

Homosexuals like Quakers, have never been noted for being cavaliers -
might like to knit or play with Barbie dolls - but in MI5 or 6 -


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2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-


The Fertiliser Industry is a multibillion multinational concern, with
billions of tonnes of organophosphates and all the other gunk being promoted
as the only way to guarantee the survival of the growing human populations.

There is however a safe and cheap alternative.

The problem with fertiliser salts is that they leach through the soils very
quickly, for they dissolve and get carried away with the rains and find
themselves getting into the waterways and builing up toxic levels, causing
poisonous algal blooms and making our local drinking water a daunting
But that is Very Good News for the Chemical industry because if the
fertiliser gets washed away then the farmers just have to go out and buy
more to put on their fields.

The cheap and safe alternative, does not provide ANY profit for the Chemical
industry however - for it is Rockdust.

Rockdust is heavy and grainy and it beds into the soil and it doesn't get
washed away with the rain, and it slowly releases the chemicals because it
is in granular form.
Not all rockdust works - eg. Limestone Rockdust - the rockdust that works is
GRANITE and BASALT/VOLCANIC ROCK ie. IGNEOUS ROCKS - these rocks are full of

There are one or two farms on the Scottish uplands that have miracle market
gardens growing in what would have been acidic peat and boglands.

Igneous Rockdust could transform any infertile desert into a garden - its
the secret that the AgroChemicals Industry don't want you to know.

andrew hennessey

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[CTRL] A Canal break-in unprecedented for Reclamation bureau

2001-07-08 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


A Canal break-in unprecedented for Reclamation bureau

The break-in at the A Canal headgates is unprecedented not only in the
history of the Klamath Project but also in that of the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, a Reclamation official said Thursday.

With the break-in, Reclamation steps into uncharted territory. The
official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there had never been
an incident where people have forced their way onto Reclamation
property and caused damage to water gates or other fixtures or

The agency that is responsible for developing and managing hundreds of
irrigation projects throughout the West was created to serve farmers. Up
until now, its unofficial sympathies have been with the farmers of the
Klamath Project.

Klamath Project workers who were required to close the A Canal
Monday did so with distaste. Closing the canal gate rubs against the
entire mission of the agency.

Some of that sympathy appears to have evaporated with Wednesday’s
protest and break-in. Reclamation officials are taking the incident very

Since the Bureau of Reclamation is a water-management agency, not
an enforcement agency, it has no authority to investigate crimes or
enforce laws. The FBI and federal marshals have been asked to
investigate the break-in.

Bob Applegate, spokesman for Gov. John Kitzhaber, said the governor
is monitoring the developments.

“The governor’s aware of the situation in the Klamath area and would
urge that citizens make their views known legally and safely, and not
engage in any acts of vandalism,” Applegate said. “We just urge all to
be calm and peaceful while we try to make the best of a bad situation.”
U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials in the California-Nevada regional office in
Sacramento were reportedly discussing the Klamath situation Friday
morning and unavailable for comment.

Reclamation spokesman Jeffrey McCracken said Friday morning he did
not know if the federal agencies will investigate. “We’ve heard nothing
from the marshals or the FBI,” he said. In the meantime, McCracken
said, Klamath Project officials have taken measures to make sure the
gates cannot be opened again by force. He would not elaborate.

The third break-in occurred after a group of more than 100 people forced
their way past a chain link fence surrounding the A Canal headgate and
used welding equipment to re-open one of the six gates that control the
flow of water from Upper Klamath Lake into the canal. The canal is the
main feeder for farmlands of the Klamath Reclamation Project. The gate
had been closed by Klamath Project officials twice previously after
vandals opened it.

Following the first illegal opening sometime early Saturday morning,
Klamath Project officials closed the gate after officials of the Klamath
Irrigation District refused to do so. The irrigation district has a contract
to operate the gate according to instructions from Reclamation, but its
managers refused to comply with the bureau’s directive to close the

The gate was closed by Reclamation employees Monday. Early
Tuesday morning, Reclamation officials had to close the gate a second
time and it was reopened. This time they welded it shut.

Tuesday afternoon, Kirk Rodgers, acting director of the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation’s Mid-Pacific region, and Mike Ryan, acting deputy
director for the region, flew to Klamath Falls to discuss the break-ins
with managers of the irrigation district.

The Reclamation official who spoke off the record expressed concern
that local police chose to stand by rather than protect government
property from damage. Police officers observed the events Wednesday
but did nothing to interfere with the crowd.

The official suggested that when and if federal law officers did arrive,
they would probably take a close look at television coverage and
newspaper photographs that depicted the protesters inside the
headgate enclosure and on the headgates.

Isn't it strange that the Reclamation official seems to think it's the job of
the police to protect government property?   kl


Best Wishes

This country with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit
it.  Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can
exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their
revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.
  ~~Abraham Lincoln, April 4, 1861

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[CTRL] Israeli hit-list condemned, Channel 4 UK (fwd)

2001-07-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Israeli hit-list condemned

Broadcast: July 6, 2001


Reporter: Jon Snow

Jon Snow asked the Israeli defence spokesman Yarden Vatikai whether his
government was prepared to heed Kofi Annan's call for an end to the
policy of targeted assassinations.

Yarden Vatikai, Israeli Defence Spokesman: Look I think the Secretary
General and Secretary Powell do not mean that Israel could not defend
itself. I think that Israel has the utmost right to do it.

Now when we have information about someone about to come to Tel Aviv to
explode himself in a discotheque and kill 20 children at the age of 15
and 16, we will do everything to intercept and to stop this man from
doing what he is planning to do.

This is the only policy, this is the only policy that we have.

Jon Snow: The people that you are killing are people actually in the
hierarchy of the Palestinian leadership. These are people who we know by
name; these are not suicide bombers

Yarden Vatikai: All the people we have intercepted are only from
self-defence who are people who are just conducting the terror attacks,
who are placing the bombs, who are taking and sending their bombers and
every one of them has blood of tens of Israelis on his hands.

Jon Snow: Forgive me, but there is no democratic state on earth that
currently goes round assassinating people outside its own territorial

Yarden Vatikai: First of all, no-one is assassinating here.

Jon Snow: Well the UN Secretary General says you are.

Yarden Vatikai: Let me answer, let me answer. You are sitting in London
and other people are sitting in other places in the world. We are
sitting here in Israel and we are having bombings every day, EVERY day,
people who are conducting the most horrible and most inhuman terrorist

Jon Snow: You are becoming a terrorist state. You are just about
qualifying, as the United States would put it, for that status.

Yarden Vatikai: What is happening here, Jon, what is happening here is a
war against terror. Now you have to ask the questions the one who
conducted the terrorists. You have to ask Arafat. You have to ask the
PLO. You have to ask the Hamas and the Jihad.

You know that only a couple of days ago we intercepted a squad on its
way to kill Israelis, one of them a Hamas member, the other Islamic
Jihad. The third one is a PLO member.

I mean you can't distinguish right now between security, Palestinian
security forces, which we and the world gave them weapons, and the Hamas
and Islamic Jihad.

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[CTRL] Kyoto = Kick the United States (fwd)

2001-07-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Kyoto = Kick the United States

July 4, 2001by: Phyllis Schlafly

The anti-Bush brigade in the United States and abroad has coalesced around the
Kyoto Protocol, thinking it is a neat hammer with which to hit our
President. They are
bragging that his strong stand against this fraudulent treaty is the
principal factor in his
slight drop in the polls, which the media were glad to feature as
front-page news.

Here are some of the groups, all of which enjoy wide access to the media,
that are
riding the Kyoto bandwagon for their own purposes.

  1. The anti-growth socialists, particularly the European countries that
have moved
  left in recent years. The socialist mindset opposes economic growth and
  instead welcomes scarcity of resources so that big government can
  or ration the scarce resources.

  The private enterprise system, on the other hand, produces abundance
so that
  a rising tide lifts all boats. It is clear that the Kyoto
restrictions would restrict
  economic growth.

  2. The foreign dictators in the United Nations who look upon the UN as a
  where they can demand that the United States redistribute our wealth
to them.
  Our foreign aid never gets to the poor people who need it; it is
gobbled up by
  the ruling tyrants.

  3. The cult of radical environmentalists who believe we should
subordinate our
  standard of living to the supremacy of global ecology or, as Al Gore
said in the
  title of his book, force us to put Earth in the Balance. These
groups have great
  sums of money available through the UN NGOs (non-governmental
  organizations) and tax-exempt foundations.

  But there's nothing balanced about the ideology or the treaty. The
ideology is
  the new religion of worshipping Mother Earth.

  4. The leftist radicals who formerly demonstrated for the Communists but
are now
  using their street skills for the radical environmentalists.

  5. The Democrats who will use any available issue to attack George W. Bush.
  Minority Leader Dick Gephardt just made headlines with his endorsement of

  This issue is so attractive to the Democrats because big media
chatter about it
  all the time. Furthermore, the Kyoto goals demand more federal
regulations and
  higher taxes, both favorite Democratic Party goals.

  6. The leftwing scientists who distort science for political purposes.
  Science used to mean the science of politics, but Kyoto has taught us
a new
  definition: the politics of science.

The rationale for the Kyoto Protocol is the fear of a monster called global
warming: the
earth is getting warmer, the ice will melt, the oceans will rise and flood
our cities. The
advocates of the Kyoto Protocol are using the new June report of the National
Academy of Sciences to sell this thesis and clobber George W. Bush.

But the Kyoto propagandists have maliciously misrepresented this report.
The full
report makes clear that there is no scientific consensus about long-term
trends or what causes them.

Yes, climate is constantly changing and the earth is warmer than it used to
be, 0.5
degrees Celsius higher than a century ago. We are grateful we don't live in
the Ice

But scientists do not agree that past climate change was caused by CO2 and they
cannot forecast what the climate will be in the future. They don't agree on
how much
change can be attributed to greenhouse gases and how much to water vapor,
and storms.

Some 17,000 American scientists have signed a Petition that reads as
follows: We
urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement
that was
written in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997, and any other similar proposals. The
proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the
of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

Continuing, this petition reads: There is no convincing scientific
evidence that human
release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or
will, in
the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earth's
atmosphere and
disruption of the earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that
increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects
upon the
natural plant and animal environments of the earth.

The Kyoto Protocol, agreed to by Al Gore in 1997, would require the U.S. to
our emissions to 7 percent below our 1990 levels. Yet, as Bush pointed out,
China is
wholly exempted from Kyoto's restrictions even though it is the world's
emitter of greenhouse gases.

Bush agreed to continue to pursue climate research. But he pointed out that
the U.S.
has spent $18 billion on climate research since 1990, more than Japan and
all 15
nations of the European Union combined.

Science has become 


2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

PINK NAZIS, BLUE BLOOD   andrew hennessey

In the UK - the forthcoming leader of the alleged 'right' is pink, and right
wing - the real balls behind the alleged 'left' new labour is pink and a
bilderburger, the alleged security service seems to be pink central and
stories of weird black budget pink nazis groomed for stardom in the alleged
new re-education centres circulate.
The Uk artistocracy have more than a reputation for being pink, and there
seems to be a tie in with the Mastery of the Human Race and pink issues.

To get our answers we need to look at the illuminati and reptilian
fascination with the human energies called the kundalini - the electrical
system that the ordinary human being isn't aware of.
This energy is a direct highway to the soul - and the 'opening of the gate'
is synonymous with reptoid/magik ritual -
the ritual of the eye of horus or 'sore ass' is all about the rebirth of the
age of horus and the domination of the human species - the opening of the
gates to enable - presumably parasitical hosting.

Our/my assumptions used to be that the nazi style master race were abherrant
because of their sexual deviance and its misuse but by now we all must be
starting to realise that these practises are not deviant - THEY ARE THE NORM
for this type of non-human Being.

Most upper class are reptoids - and for them sodomy must be a necessity for
the propogation of the faculties in their blueblooded telepathic soul
control DNA.

I shall watch Disneys Dinosaur again with new respect.

andrew hennessey

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[CTRL] Gray Davis Bumper Stickers....... (fwd)

2001-07-08 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
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for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

Title: Blank

Ha! Ha! Davis Bumper Stickers... Rich Martin Jun 26, 
2001 20:24 PDT 

From: "Jack Perrine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Subject: [UWSA] Ha! Ha! 
Davis Bumper Stickers... 

Gray Davis, the 'ungovernor' Hugh Hewitt ? 2001 WorldNetDaily.com http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=22915 

"Davis in 2002: Ich bin ein Bulb-dimmers." 

"Davis in 2002: Power to some of the people!" 

"Davis in 2002: The tunnel at the end of the light!" 

"Davis in 2002: Gazpacho and candlelight dinners." 

Those of us who live on the Left Coast and who have watched Gray Davis inch 
his way up the slippery pole of California politics were not surprised that the 
ungovernor met the alarms of 1999 and 2000 concerning the coming energy shortage 
with complete indifference. Gray has never cared about much other than raising 
money, and if the lights were still on, that was fine with him. 

We even understood when the ungovernor curled up under his desk as the 
blackouts began to roll. That's the Gray we know and love. 

Even his childish petulance towards everyone in Sacramento was routine. But 
when he lost his composure last Thursday and declared that "We are literally in 
a war with energy companies that are gouging us," and then warning the Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commissioners that if they "don't do anything to solve the 
problem ... then there will be a lot of blood on the floor and a lot of corpses 
along the way," then we looked up. 

Had Gray blown a fuse? Gone around the bend? Was he marching towards the 
Canadian and Texas borders with an army of contributors? 

And then on the weekend came the explanation. The Los Angeles Times somehow 
stumbled on a huge political story and then buried it in the fifth paragraph of 
its Saturday paper: Davis had hired Gore campaign heavies Mark Fabiani and Chris 
Lehane. And Davis had done so at taxpayers' expense! That's right, a governor 
with $30 million in his campaign account has hired two Gore bouncers for $30,000 
a month of taxpayer funds. And did I mention that these two are also working for 
Southern California Edison -- the huge utility teetering at the edge of 
bankruptcy which is being kept afloat by Davis? 

The two assure us that there is no conflict. 

I, for one, have my doubts about the ethical judgment of Lehane who labeled 
Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris a "Soviet commissar" during the 
Recount fiasco last fall. And as for their collective competence, these are two 
of the key proponents of Al Gore's wonderful debate strategy -- remember the 
Lurch debate? 

So Davis has moved overnight from supine to shrill, and the nation's 
Beltway-based media have yet to notice that no Sacramento Democrats want to be 
seen near him. Davis is sinking quickly, and that's a disaster for pundits, 
including me. So once again I turned to my radio audience for help: Could they 
suggest a catchy slogan for the ungovernor's re-election drive in 2002? Hundreds 
of offerings poured in. The best of them lead this column, but in case Fabiani 
and Lehane need something to get their invoice paid for May, they can have this 

"Davis -- Angela or Gray, it doesn't matter -- in 2002." 

"Davis in 2002: Carpe nocturna!" 

"Davis in 2002: What you see is what you get" 

"Davis in 2002: Iceberg? What iceberg?" 

"Davis in 2002: Back to basics -- rocks, sticks, flint." 

"Davis in 2002: A kite and a key for every house." 

"Davis in 2002: Made in the shade." 

"Davis in 2002: Think of it as camping." 

"Davis in 2002: 'Survivor' comes home." 

"Davis in 2002: A thousand points of light, give or take a thousand." 

"Davis in 2002: Second rate deserves a second chance." 

"Davis in 2002: Celebrate futility." 

"Davis in 2002: Batteries not included." 

"Davis in 2002: A windmill for every home." 

"Davis in 2002: Be all that you can't see." 

"Davis in 2002: An army of one." 

"Davis in 2002: An army of none." 

"Davis in 2002: I've not yet begun to blight." 

"Davis in 2002: Keep the good times rolling!" 

"Davis in 2002: Ask yourself: Are you better off today than you were 438 
years ago?'" 

"Davis in 2002: Your bridge to the 18th century." 

"Davis in 2002: Come over to the Dark Side." 

"Davis in 2002: Now he'll solve the traffic problem." 

"Davis in 2002: It wasn't me." 

"Davis in 2002: You can't fall off the floor." 

"Davis in 2002: Nowhere to go but up." 

"Davis in 2002: Stick with the devil you know." 

"Davis in 2002: Make love, not power." 

"Davis in 2002: Embrace the night." 

"Davis in 2002: Moving forward at the speed of a 28K modem." 

"Davis in 2002: Dead man talking." 

"Davis in 2002: If the light ain't lit, you must acquit." 

"Davis in 2002: Bringing back day baseball." 

"Davis in 2002: Power? We don't need no stinking power." 


[CTRL] Fwd: Agency of Fear - Table of Contents

2001-07-08 Thread Kris Millegan


Agency of Fear
Opiates and Political Power in America

By Edward Jay Epstein

Copyright, 1977, G. P. Putnam and Sons, New York.

The Story of How the Drug Enforcement Administration Came to Be.




1. Legend of the Living Dead

2. Nelson Rockefeller

3. G. Gordon Liddy: The Will to Power


4. The Barker of Slippery Gulch

5. The Bete-noire Strategy

6. The Education of Egil Krogh


7. Operation Intercept

8. The War of the Poppies

9. The French Connection

10. The Panama Canal


11. The Narcotics Business: John Ingersoll's Version

12. The Border War: Eugene Rossides's Version

13. Conflict of Interest: Egil Krogh's Version

14. The Magic-bullet Solution


15. The June Scenario

16. Bureau of Assassinations

17. The Screw Worm

18. The Celebrity File

19. World War III


20. The Manipulation of the Media

21. The Movable Epidemic

22. The Crime Nexus

23. Private Knowledge


24. The Liddy Plan

25. The Secret of Room 16

26. Executive Order

27. Dangerous Liaisons

28. The Heroin Hotline

29. The Philadelphia Story

30. The Consolidation of Power


31. The Revolt of the Bureaucrats

32. The Coughing Crisis

33. The Drugging of America

34. Lost Horizons

35. Decline and Fall

END NOTES - Coming Soon!

Chapter Notes


Personal Sources



 This book is based on the view that the American president under ordinary
circumstances reigns rather than rules over the government of the United
States. To be sure, the president is nominally in command of the executive
branch of the government, and he has the authority to fire the officials
that in fact control such critical agencies as the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Internal Revenue
Service, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the criminal division of the Department
of Justice, etc. (though he does not in many cases have the authority
unilaterally to appoint a replacement). In practice, however, this
presidential power is severely mitigated, if not entirely counterbalanced,
by the ability of officials in these key agencies to disclose secrets and
private evaluations to the public that could severely damage the image of
the president.

For example, in theory, six presidents, from Franklin Roosevelt to Richard
Nixon, had the power to fire J. Edgar Hoover as head of the FBI, but in each
case he had the power to retaliate by revealing illicit activities that
occurred during their administrations (as well as information about the
private lives of the presidents). This potential for retribution by
government officials is compounded by the fact that in the vast complexity
of the executive branch a president cannot be sure where embarrassing
secrets exist, and he must assume that most officials have developed
subterranean channels to journalists, who will both conceal their sources
and give wide circulation to the leak. A president could seize control
over the various parts of the government only if he first nullified the
threat of disclosures by severing the conduits through which dissidents
might leak scandalous information to the press. This prerequisite for power
is in fact exactly what President Nixon attempted when he set up a series of
special units which, it was hoped, would conduct clandestine surveillance of
both government officials and newsmen during his first administration. If he
had succeeded in establishing such an investigative force, he would have so
radically changed the balance of power within the government that it would
have been tantamount to an American coup d'etat.

A coup d'etat is not the same as a revolution, where power is seized by
those outside the government, or even necessarily a military putsch, whereby
the military government takes over from the civilian government; it is, as
Edward Luttwak points out in his book Coup d'Etat, a seizure of power
within the present system. The technique of the coup involves the use of
one part of the government to disrupt communications between other parts of
the government, confounding and paralyzing noncooperating agencies while
displacing the dissident cliques from power. If successful, the organizers
of the coup can gain control over all the levers of real power in the
government, then legitimize the new configuration under the name of
eliminating some great evil in society. Though it is hard to conceive of the
technique of the coup being applied to American politics, Nixon, realizing
that he securely controlled only the office of the president, methodically
moved to destroy the informal system of leaks and independent fiefdoms.
Under the aegis of a 

Re: [CTRL] Police end cannabis seizures

2001-07-08 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

When the Labour government figures out it can tax cannablis just like it
taxed tea, then we will hear the polt heads scream.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bradford under siege after day of race riots

2001-07-08 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/8/01 3:53:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Police were attacked with

baseball bats and hammers and pelted with petrol bombs, bricks, bottles and

road signs.  

Police were attacked with baseball bats in the UK?

This situation is sad, to say the least. Police horses are stabbed, etc. Calm
must be restored to these cities so that the normal collection of taxes can
take place. The Labour governent needs the tax money to fund it's social
engineering programs.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 4/5/01 Revelation of Rove's leak then coverup ofG.W. Bush cocaine

2001-07-08 Thread Kris Millegan

As everyone was thinking of Condit, Levy and Jenna.

-Original Message-
From: kate dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun, 08 Jul 2001 11:49:40 +0800
Subject: 2 Articles re 4/5/01 Revelation of Rove's leak then coverup ofG.W.
Bush cocaine

How Karl Rove tricked the media into trashing the messenger while ignoring
the message
By Sander Hicks
Publisher, Soft Skull Press
Source: Online journal

May 23, 2001

They're heat! Furnace fodder! snapped the vitriolic St. Martin's Vice
President Sally J. Richardson to the New York Times on October, 23, 1999.

I was doing maintenance work on my two buildings in New York's Lower East
Side that Saturday morning; drinking black coffee. I was reading the entire
national section of the Times to keep from having to start mopping. This
story on the bottom of page A12 caught my eye: Citing Distrust of Author,
Publisher Kills Book on Bush. At first I laughed, imagining the problems we
publishers have with our prickly and precious authors. As the head of a
scrappy, fierce independent press, I had had authors thrown out of their own
readings at Barnes  Noble for showing up with urine samples and drugs. I
had had writers shout in my face, Look, Sander, I am a genuis! when
working with me as an editor. How bad could St. Martin's writer be?

I read on. Reporter Doreen Carvajal was level-headed about the salacious
details: The book's author, J.H. Hatfield, matched police photographs of a
felon convicted of hiring a hit man 11 years ago in an unsuccessful car
bombing of his boss. . . .

That was a new one.

Mr. Hatfield's book included claims from anonymous sources that Mr. Bush .
. . was arrested in 1972 on cocaine possession charges that were later
expunged by a judge as a favor to Mr. Bush's father. She then pointed out
that although St. Martin's did not recant or question any of the material in
the book, their chief counsel said they no longer viewed the author as

That week, I borrowed one of the rare, repossessed copies of the book from a
friend and read it on a bus trip to Washington, DC. As I traveled to see my
family, I used a pack of sticky notes to hit every page where I found
something relevant, newsworthy and under-reported about Bush's past. Pretty
soon, the book overflowed with the edges of sticky notes poking out like the
feathers of a peacock. Bush dodged the draft, was a C student at Yale, lost
a lot of other people's money in boom times in the Texas Oil market, was
investigated by the SEC for insider trading. What a garish life of special
favors, what a clear colorful pattern of cut corners, what blurry values.
This book was well-sourced, consistent and professionally written. I came
back to New York and maneuvered my company, Soft Skull Press, Inc., to step
in and acquire the rights to the book.

Meanwhile, Hatfield was in hiding. The tabloids were after him. Camera crews
camped on his front lawn for two weeks. The phone rang off the hook. They
all wanted to know who the confidential sources were who fed him the story,
but Hatfield stuck to his journalistic code. He had sworn to the sources
they would be talking to him under condition of anonymity.

Two months after the bloody October of Hatfield's public destruction, the
media kept up steady fire. With no sources revealed, the focus of feature
coverage in print and on television shifted fast from reporting on
Hatfield's Bush story to loud, loose talk about Hatfield's crime. The major
media tended to sing the same chorus: How ironic, this Hatfield who was
involved in a dirty plot to kill his boss in 1987 is trying to verify these
rumors about young Bush being arrested for cocaine possession in 1972. But
this story couldn't be true, of course, since Hatfield's a criminal . . .

I begged J.H. Hatfield to come back to New York, to set the record straight
in a taping of an episode for 60 Minutes. It was a crisp, sunny winter day
in New York City. Although Hatfield had the flu, he taped his portion of the
program early in the morning, and I went in later. After the taping, we
walked through the Lower East Side. I had taken Hatfield and his lawyer to
lunch at a Chinese restaurant. I needed to hold him to his promise to share
the sources with me; I needed to see the phone and travel records. I needed
to know the whole thing wasn't a big sick joke. I needed to be 100 percent
sure. Part of me already believed in Jim Hatfield, because he had incredible
heart, and hope. He believed in what we were doing. He stood behind all his
research. We were both mavericks, just trying to do the right thing and not
get killed.

His lawyer and my co-worker at Soft Skull went back to our basement office.
Hatfield stopped on the corner of Ludlow and Rivington and turned to me in
the bright light. His hands were stuffed deep into the pockets of his Navy
peacoat. He looked tired, but determined. He looked down the street.

[CTRL] Fw: Invited Lawyers Await 'Permission' to See Milosevic

2001-07-08 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:20 PM
Subject: Invited Lawyers Await 'Permission' to See Milosevic

 The URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/milo/tremb.htm

 Send this article to a friend!

 [Emperor's Clothes]

 Invited Lawyers Await 'Permission' to See Milosevic
 by Jared Israel [7 July 2001]

 I caught up with the lawyers Chris Black and Andre Tremblay yesterday by
 phone. President Slobodan Milosevic had requested to see them so they flew
 to the Netherlands on Thursday and are now waiting for officials at the
 'War Crimes Tribunal' to approve their visit. They should have an answer
 Monday at noon, Dutch time. (1)

 The trip has received much coverage, some accurate, some not. Mr. Black
 said the 'Toronto Star' had entirely misquoted him, misrepresenting the
 reason for his trip to The Hague, making it sound as if he wanted to
 pressure President Milosevic. Said ChrisBlack:

 The Committee to Defend Milosevic and its lawyers have nothing but
 admiration for what Mr. Milsoevic did during his confrontation with the
 Tribunal and we are going to the Hague to help him any way he sees fit.

 The BBC (pleasant surprise!) got the story right:

 Two Canadian lawyers are travelling to the International War Crimes
 Tribunal at The Hague at the request of the former Yugoslav President
 Slobodan Milosevic.

 The lawyers are part of an international support committee that considers
 Mr Milosevic a political prisoner.

 Formed in Berlin in March, the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
 Milosevic is made up of 200 lawyers, writers and intellectuals.

 One of the lawyers, Christopher Black, said he was going there on behalf
 of the group to see the conditions of Mr Milosevic's detention and discuss
 any legal matters he wished to raise.

 At his first appearance at the tribunal earlier this week, the former
 Yugoslav leader declined to ask for defence lawyers and refused to enter a
 plea on war crimes charges

 Mr Black, accompanied by his colleague Andre Tremblay, refused to
 speculate about whether they would eventually represent Mr Milosevic.
 News, July 6, 2001)

 Things are not always handled so objectively. Here's a report I wrote
 an interview the BBC had with Chris Black on July 3rd.


 It's a Free World unless you're too free with your opinions. Chris Black
 reports on an interview with the BBC, 9AM Greenwich Mean Time.

 Black: I had a discussion with the producer two hours before the
 Everything seemed OK. When the program comes on, I don't recall the
 gentleman's name, but he was taking a very strong pro-NATO view.

 Israel: That's no gentleman.

 Chris: It starts with a lead-in. There's some Serbian person they found to
 trash Milosevic and say he has to answer for his 'crimes'. The usual. And
 then the Serb says, All Serbs are responsible because we voted for him.

 That seemed to me a very dangerous sentiment. First the assertion of
 crimes. He offered nothing to back it up but people would think, It's a
 Serb saying this, so it must be true. And then his clincher: all Serbs
 guilty. He says, We shouldn't believe in collective responsibility. But
 then he says, All Serbs are responsible.

 So then they jump to me and the BBC guys says, So Mr. Black do you think
 he's going to get a fair trial at the Tribunal?

 And I told him bluntly, No, and explained why: It's a NATO court, its
 purpose is to justify NATO's flagrant aggression.

 And then he cuts in and says, Surely you would admit that there are
 he has to answer for?

 The 'surely' is where you're expected to cave; the pressure is for you to
 say, Well of course I'm not saying that! But I said. No. Nobody has
 any evidence.

 And he said, Oh come on now, there is massive evidence proving his guilt.
 It's all been proven in the media. We've had it on the BBC.

 And I said, That's fluff. There's nothing solid to back it up. If they
 anything solid they would have produced it by now. It's all fabrications
 that disappear when you examine them.

 And he said, How can you make such a sweeping statement like that?

 And I said, Just as you made your sweeping statement, I have a right to
 make my own sweeping statement. The purpose of this court is to justify
 NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia to their own domestic populations. To
 justify that NATO had the right to bomb this poor country.

 And he said, But surely you would agree he can get a fair hearing!

 And I said, 'But surely I would not agree. He's been convicted in

 And he said How? How can you say that? These are only charges,
 allegations. There's been no presumption of guilt. Who has convicted him?

 And I said, He has been convicted in the media.

 He said: How can you say that?

 I said: You said it.

 He said: When?

 I said: One minute ago. You asked me how I could deny 

[CTRL] Unreported Ansean revolt

2001-07-08 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

For photos, go to Mid-Atlantic Infoshop page at


Juventudes Libertarias (Anarchist Youth), Bolivia

The Bolivian workers are continuing their battle against the government
without letup.  The regime is trying desperately to defuse the conflicts
giving in to the demands of various groups one at a time.  It is
to keep its essential policies in effect.  The exploited have no
in the government's promises or in the church's call to the producing
population for social peace.

Acquired experience and ingrained awareness have prepared the workers to
more and more determined to fight every aspect of bourgeois capitalist
imperialist policy and ready to seek a revolutionary solution to their

Direct action is the order of the day in Bolivia, but the media remain
ignorant and silent about the events.  This contrasts with the
being shown by others in struggle.  On July 11 the CNT in Madrid will
protest at the Bolivian embassy, as will the Fédération Anarchiste
(French Anarchist Federation) and Alternative Libertaire (Anarchist
Alternative) in Paris.


Bolivian Army tanks have been positioned along the highways connecting
Paz and the Altiplano.  Yesterday they entered the village of Achacachi.
When Aymará farmers went into army headquarters they found troops on
and waiting for orders to attack.  During September, 2000, the military
carried out a massacre of villagers in the same place.

In these arid regions there has been an atmosphere of open war for the
two weeks, with Aymara farmers blocking roads and basically demanding
and an end to neoliberalism.  A week ago the army occupied the region
murdered two farmers in the process.

An emergency assembly of all Bolivian farmers has been called for July
9, at
which an analysis will be made of the effectiveness of the partial road
blockages up to now and decisions made about how to move forward.

In Huarina one woman farmer explained that there is a state of tension
the area because soldiers are constantly watching the roads, demanding
identification papers and recording information about people walking
the roads, or even crossing them.  In Achacachi the farmers have
that they are ready to continue the blockades for 90 days.  Until now
have been no shortages because food supplies were arranged for before
blockades began.

The government claims to want dialog, but the farmers denounce this as
phony. They point to the many arrests, and a massive presence of assault
vehicles, tanks and troops armed with battle weapons.

We will develop a new strategy that will prevent a military reaction.
will create new ways to struggle and be heard, said Filipe Quispe,
secretary of the farmers' confederation.  We are just watching.  The
soldiers have been pointing their machine guns at the farmers.  They
over the schools in Huarina and Guaqui and arrested the leaders, he
The army is expecting orders to arrest all union leaders.


More than a hundred infuriated sulfur miners armed with dynamite entered
TH-1 mine, located near the Bolivian town of Abaroa, five kilometers
from the Chilean border.  One of the protesters, 25-year-old Misael
Choque, lost his right arm when he moved a load of dynamite.

There have been many injuries and the police have called for
We don't have any more information about this, but, the police make it
appear as a conflict between individuals.


On Monday, July 2, hundreds of small debtors occupied a bank building
with dynamite, gasoline and Molotovs, and detained 60 bureaucrats.  They
called for total cancellation of their debts and accused the bank of
The participation of anarchist feminists was essential to the
development of
these events.  Negotiations led to release of the people held, and
protesters left the building.  This resulted in cancellation of
the government made which enabled it to take in around 70 activists.
Apparently the street demonstrations led to this.  But the government is
preparing a legal gimmick to imprison more activists.

The agreement reached includes sanctions against institutions that
abuses against small borrowers, reconciliation of accounts,
investigation of
cases of usury, recognition of the anarchists as facilitators in the
negotiations, government payments to the banks for suspension of legal
proceedings, etc.

Six thousand borrowers have been protesting in 

[CTRL] China Paper: Milosevic Trial Engineered

2001-07-08 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

China Paper: Milosevic Trial Engineered.c The 
Associated Press BEIJING (AP) - China's military on Sunday accused 
the United States and Britain of engineering former Yugoslav President 
Slobodan Milosevic's war crimes trial to clear the way for NATO's eastward 
expansion. Although China is obligated to respect the U.N. tribunal, 
Britain and the United States have used the court to further their political 
aims, the People's Liberation Army Daily said in an editorial. 
``Right now, the United States, Britain and other Western countries 
claim they are trying Milosevic to 'uphold international justice.' In fact, 
this arises from their need to gain world opinion and the diplomatic upper 
hand,'' the editorial said. China's communist leaders condemned the 
air war carried out by NATO against Yugoslavia in 1999 to force an end to 
crackdowns on Muslims in Kosovo. Beijing feared that the action might set a 
precedent for international intervention in China's restive Tibet and 
Xinjiang regions. Their opposition hardened when NATO planes bombed the 
Chinese embassy in Belgrade, sparking mob attacks on U.S. diplomatic 
missions in China. China never accepted NATO's explanation that the attack 
was a mistake caused by faulty targeting. Beijing was silent when 
Milosevic was driven from power last October and was quiet again on June 28 
when he was sent to the Hague to be tried in connection with alleged war 
crimes in Kosovo. However, the commentary by the hard-line military 
newspaper appeared to reaffirm China's distrust over the West's handling of 
Milosevic. ``The United States and other Western countries flaunt a 
double political and legal standard. Pushing into court leaders of countries 
they consider obstacles sets a nefarious precedent for international law and 
must meet with the condemnation of international society,'' the paper said. 
It accused the United States and NATO countries of setting up the 
tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, for their own political interests, then 
attacking Yugoslavia using the excuse of human rights intervention because 
Milosevic was blocking NATO expansion. The ``heroic opposition'' of 
the Yugoslav people and military produced a mixed result, and NATO was 
forced to press for Milosevic's arrest to remove a shadow lurking over the 
alliance's growth, the PLA daily said. ``Arresting and trying Milosevic 
sends a warning to other leaders of countries that defy them: resistance is 
futile,'' the paper said. AP-NY-07-08-01 

[CTRL] Fw: Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!!

2001-07-08 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Title: FW: Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!!

Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 11:25 AM
Subject: FW: Austrian Security Forces Use Trains to Deport 
The parallels between Nazi fascism and "New World" Globalism 
have never been clearer.Things are getting more and more reminiscent of the 
run-up to World WarII every day.JJ --From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Austrian 
Security Forces Use Trains to Deport Dissidents!!!Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2001, 
5:16 pm[In scenes unseen in Austria since WWII, dissidents are being 
deported on trains out of the country! After the shooting of 
protesters in Goetemberg, and the 200 body-bags prepared for this months 
Genoa Summit of the G8 leaders, the deportation of 400 protesters on 
specially organized trains marks a new and ominous level of repression 
orchestrated by the neoliberal elites in the West. Of course, this as well 
as other crimes including murder, assassination, and terrorism of dissident 
activists has been a routine occurence in the global South in attempts to 
implement the globalization agenda. Obviously the borderless world of 
the few is increasingly becoming a bordered world for the many (even in the 
West).]In a message dated 02/07/01 11:58:01 Eastern Daylight Time, 
Kilibarda78 writes: Monday, 2 July, 2001, 13:40 GMT 14:40 UK 
Salzburg expels protestershttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1418000/1418470.stmProtesters 
blamed police for escalating the situationFour hundred 
people have been removed from the Austrian city of Salzburg after violent 
clashes erupted between police and anti-globalisation protesters on Sunday. 
Thirteen people were arrested following the protests and at least 
three police officers and one demonstrator were injured in the clashes. 
Around 1,000 people are estimated to have descended on 
Salzburg to protest at the economic summit taking place there. 
The police drafted in at least 4,000 reinforcements in 
anticipation of trouble after the EU summit in the Swedish city of 
Gothenburg was overwhelmed by protesters last month. 
Police blamed Authorities in Salzburg 
organised special trains late on Sunday to remove a hard core of 400 
demonstrators from the city. At least 
three police officers were injuredThey were taken to 
the capital, Vienna, and to Germany and Switzerland. The 
protests began peacefully outside the train station on Sunday afternoon but 
violence broke out when a small group tried to enter the city centre where 
protests had been banned. Demonstrators threw bottles, 
stones and bricks - police retaliated with batons. The 
protesters accused the police of having escalated the situation, saying that 
they had not wanted the situation to turn violent.Salzburg's 
mayor, Heinz Schaden, negotiated between the two sides to defuse the 
situation. The summit, organised by the World Economic Forum 
(WEF), is being attended by heads of state and government from some 15 
countries, as well as government ministers and hundreds of business leaders. 
European Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen 
opened the summit on Sunday with a call to push ahead with plans to expand 
the European Union. 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-08 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 03:34 PM 7/7/01 -0700, Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

George  Bush did not make a secret flight to Spain in an SR-71 to make
a deal with the Iranians.

That's one opinion.

And a pretty darn compelling opinion.  If Bush puts on his fully
pressurized astronaut suit,
jumps on an SR-71 at Washington National
Airport, climbs out of the D.C. commercial air traffic pattern in a
supersonic jet on full afterburner,
breaks all the plate glass windows in Maryland and Virginia, and flies to
Madrid in two hours,
lands with a fleet of aerial tankers to hold all the fuel he burns and
unmarked military cargo planes to
hold the special ground support equipment that an SR-71 requires  (you
can't just taxi up to the jetway
in an SR-71) , don't  you think someone might notice.

It was blatantly illegal.

Why would a leftie quibble about a little illegality.  Let's not say that
the support of the
Contra's was illegal.   That's so-o-o judgemental.  Let's just call it
You know, like undocumented immigrants,

Are you saying it’s alright to break the law
if the cause is just? if so, I agree.

OK.  So why the hell are you roasting Ollie North?

However, this was not a just

Because  the New York Times never told you it was just cause?

The contras were drug dealing fascists. They went through the
motions of waging war to cover their drug dealing.

You mean they did things like fly drugs into Mena, Arkansas?
As Arkansas governer William Clinton said, that was Lassiter's deal.
So, why are you blaming this on the Contras's?

But they seldom
engaged the regular army.

Well, duh-uh.  The Sandinista regular army had Mig jets, Hind assault
and tanks courtesy of the Soviet Union and Cuba.  George Washington would
not have
engaged that regular army either.   So what's your point?  That the
Contra's were not
as militarily stupid as you think they should have been?

Mainly they murdered unarmed civilians in cold
blood and then ran for it.

Why, didn't the Viet Cong do the same thing?  You LIKED the Viet Cong,
didn't you?

And the fascist-symp in the U.S. media told us over and over again how
the  Nicaraguan people really loved the contras and they were the moral
equivalent of the Founding Fathers.

Even fascist-symps can be right.  What's a fascist, anyway?  It's just a
word to smear people that Commies don't like

When the Nicaraguan  people actually had a chance to vote, they threw
the Red bastards out.

By a razor thin margin in a fixed election.

Well, it's at least a higher standard than advocated by Al Gore, who thinks he
should have won an election he lost by a razor thin margin but tried to fix
the fact.

This is not to say that the Sandanistas had no faults. They had, and
continue to have, plenty.

Which is why thoughtful, well informed, fair-minded people concluded that the
Contra's were the legitimate expression of the interests of the Nicaraguan


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-08 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 07:05 PM 7/7/01 -0700, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

You left out the guns for drugs, with cocaine flooding our streets in the

Do you mean the Chinease 5000 assault rifles brought into the U.S. through
San Francisco
harbor by a Clinton campaign contributor, and winked at by Janet Reno?

Do you mean the cocaine brought in the the Meno, Arkansas airport during the
governorship of William nose like a vacuum cleaner Clinton, who never
his medical records to cover up his cocaine damaged nasal septum?  The same
governor Clinton who described the Mena drug transhipment operation as
Lassiter's deal?

But I guess
that is ok for you conservatives because most of the victoms were blacks and
the drug
was rock cocaine.

You haven't been paying attention.  Liberals are for drugs.  Conservatives
are against drugs.

If Blacks would listen to Conservatives, they wouldn't do drugs.  The only
culpability that
Conservatives have for Black drug problems is ignorantly and passively
paying taxes to
support paternalistic government bureacracies that expand Black dependency
and powerlessness.

The worst drug problems in America are in those satrapies where there are
NO Conservatives:
Washington, D.C, San Francisco, East Los Angeles, etc, etc.

Washington, D.C. is the shining jewel in the crown of triumphant liberal
social policy.  It doesn't
get any better than that,

I'll bet you love it.  :(

Wrong.  Socialists love it.  Socialists love desparate, ignorant,
impoverished populations.  Desparate, hopeless people are receptive to the
notion that government can solve their problems, and will ultimately be
grateful to the leaders for doing things for them.

Socialists are ultimately narcissists, and socialism is the ultimate
self-esteem problem.

The socialist's fantasy is not about solving problems, it is to be told
over and over by as many people as possible how wonderful they are.  That's
why so many Hollywood airheads are socialists.  That's why Castro's
favorite sport is delivering endless speeches to the adoring masses.
That's why Bill Clinton was an eternal campaigner, never tiring of
appearing before throngs of adoring sycophants.  Your wonderful, Bill!,
You're so smart, Bill!, Only you can help us Bill!. Your the greatest
President ever, Bill, Your just a victim of those mean conservatives, Bill.

Socialism is not about reality.  It's an emotional problem.


The Truth is out there.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] President Rove Or President Cheney?

2001-07-08 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 11:36 PM 7/7/01 -0400, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 Who's Really President?
 Rove or Cheney?

 By David Plotz
 David Plotz is Slate's Washington bureau chief. .

This type of thumb-sucking story never seems to go away.

My question is:  what difference does it really make if Bush is just a
and Cheney is really pulling the strings.

Or, if Bill Clinton was just a figurehead and the Trial Lawyers or the
Israel Lobby was really pulling the strings?

The result is:  the government pursues policies and passes laws.

In reality, the goverment is always a kind of  regency, a committee of
people pursuing poltical ends.

When people vote for a president they know or ought to know that they
are not voting for personal governance by George Bush or Al Gore:
they are voting on a Bush Administration vs. a Gore Adminsitration.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Classic

2001-07-08 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001 14:45:07 EDT, Tito Hammond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 7/1/01 1:01:39 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

  I believe it, but what would happen if we moved to abolish the government?
  Martial law.  Tienneman Square.  The Holocaust.

 We don't need to abolish government, just hold it to the Constitution,
 especially the tenth amendment.

Oh?  And how do you suppose we do that?  Apparently whatever we're doing is
not working.  Rights are still eroding all the time.  There are victories,
like the recent ruling saying that cops can't fly over your house to peek
inside your home with high tech gear to see if you've got lots of grow
lights on in your house.  I don't need to remind you of the boiling frog
analogy.  The point is, we're all aware of what's happening, but the average
Joe Blow is not.  Joe Blow is going to recline in his lazy boy with a beer
in one hand and his sausage in the other until one day he wakes up and
realizes that it's too late.  Then there will be an overthrow of the

   Thankyou for posting this Prudy.  It's obvious that most Americans no
   longer believe in, or are even familiar with, these principles.  The
   public schools (government indoctrination centers) and the mass media
   have done a thorough job of erasing these beliefs from the public mind.
   There is a story about old Ben Franklin emerging from the Constitutional
   Convention after the signing.  A woman called out to him: What form of
   government have you given us?  He answered: A Republicif you can
   keep it.  We haven't.  It's gone.

  Question is...what comes next?  What is the segue going to be?  I wonder if
  we're heading to a time of a major abolishment of the few remaining freedoms
  we have.  I'm thinking we are.

 I'm thinking the very same thing.

   It's one of those rock bottom things, kind
  of like alcoholics having to hit rock bottom before they can see the light
  and turn things around.  Probably society will have to hit rock bottom
  before the cat is cornered and it starts hissing and fighting.  It's just a
  matter of compromises.  There is a power in place that wants more and more
  control, so lawyers battle it out in court and a compromise takes place.
  Later there is another compromise as someone, somewhere wants more control,
  so we compromise again, each time giving up a little more freedom.

 Somehow, we need to turn that compromising around and head it in the opposite
 direction.  How you do that I don't know.  I tend to doubt that it can be
 turned.  Perhaps the only way to regain our Republic is to do it the way the
 founding fathers did it ... maybe that's why this government is hell bent on
 abolishing weapons for common people.

Abolishing all the current people in office might do the trick.  Send in
some people to take over.  Of course, conspiring to do this is illegal...
but that's not going to stop it, of course.  But it's governments like the
one currently in place that seems to eventually result in beheadings.

  The sad part is that there is little I can do about it by myself.  There is
  little we can do, even collectively, as members of this mailing list because
  we're really not mainstreamers.  Mainstreamers are so strapped for cash that
  mom and dad have to work, the kids are in daycare and everyone is so
  exhausted by the time they come home that all they can manage to do is plop
  down in front of the TV to absorb a few hours of propaganda before falling
  asleep and repeating the same thing until the weekend when some of the
  people get drunk, some of the people have sex and the rest just lay around
  and recuperate from the hell of the weekdays.

 I'm one of those mainstreamers you are talking about.  I joined this list
 because a friend of mine signed off after being here four years.  He posted
 many interesting articles from this list at work and got a couple dozen of us
 interested in politics.
 He didn't have any answers, nor did he find any one complete answer on this
 list, but he did get many people (at work) interested.  After being here a
 couple of weeks now, I can see why he got so frustrated.  Obviously all the
 thirty or so people on this list care about what is happening in this country
 and to the world, but even these thirty people can't seem to be unified in
 their thinking, so how do you get tens of millions of people to unify against
 the government/powerful corporations?

I don't know why nobody can agree on a single approach.  I think that's one
of the things the powers in place know.  Each person is unique, yes... but
at the root of the issue is the need for change.  I think eventually, once
the work becomes more and more thinking oriented rather than labor oriented,
people might become more willing to sacrifice their knowledge and
understanding rather than demanding payment for it.  I know I 

[CTRL] FC: FCC's Tristani gains ally in campaign against radio indecency (fwd)

2001-07-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

FCC commissioner Gloria Tristani has been waging a one-woman campaign
against so-called indecency on the airwaves. Until now, that is. This
week FCC commissioner Michael Copps, in what appears to be the Bush
appointee's first public statement since taking the job this spring, joined
Tristani. That means two of the FCC's three commissioners -- almost a
majority -- are pressing for a government crackdown on radio and TV shows.
Read their statements below.

Michael Copps home page:

Previous Tristani statements:

Bare skin on TV must be banned by FCC, says Gloria Tristani
June 29, 2001

Prudish FCC commissioner plans to run for New Mexico governor
May 21, 2001

FCC's Tristani complains about yet another indecent broadcast
March 29, 2001

Prudish FCC commissioner insists piss should be punished
March 2, 2001



Commissioner Tristani and Copps Indecency Case Statements (2)

·   Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 14:23:02 -0400
·   To: undisclosed-recipients:;
·   Subject: Commissioner Tristani and Copps Indecency Case Statements (2)
·   From: David Fiske [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following are statements by FCC Commissioners Gloria Tristani and
Michael Copps regarding an FCC indecency case from Burlington, N.C.,
followed by the Enforcement Bureau letter in the case. Statements on a case
from Chicago Illinois were contained in an earlier email.

For Immediate Release July 2, 2001
Contact: Paul Gallant 202-418-2300
Re: Enforcement Bureau Letter Ruling on Indecency Complaint
Against WDGC(FM), Durham, North Carolina

The FCC's Enforcement Bureau has issued a letter dismissing a complaint
from Joyce Moller of Burlington, North Carolina.  Ms. Moller had filed a
complaint with the Commission regarding the broadcast of potentially
indecent material by WDCG (FM). Ms. Moller's complaint says that at 8 a.m.
on February 5, 2001, hosts of the *Bob and Madison Showgram* on WDCG were

taking calls from people that had never masturbated (shaking hands with the
queen or something to that effect). * [T]hey told the listener in question
that they would give them ten minutes to put the phone down and try it.  If
they did they would give them 'a bunch of prizes.'

Ms. Moller went on to say:

I couldn't believe that it was actually on the radio and once that settled
in, I couldn't believe that they would air this trash at 8 am!   Parents
can't and shouldn't have to monitor everything their children listen to on
the radio.

Actually, Ms. Moller's observation about the need to protect children is
precisely why the Supreme Court has upheld the FCC's authority to limit
indecent broadcasts.  In FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, the Court said
indecency regulation is appropriate because  parents need help in
protecting their children from potentially harmful broadcast material and
because *broadcasting is uniquely accessible to children.*1

The statute passed by Congress that gives the FCC authority to regulate
indecent broadcasts says: *Whoever utters obscene, indecent, or profane
language by means of radio communications shall be fined not more than
$10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.*2  It is well
established that the context is essential in determining whether a
particular broadcast is indecent.3

Of the three factors recently identified by the Commission as that
establish context, two seem particularly relevant here: (1) whether the
material appears to pander or is used to titillate; and (2) whether the
material dwells on the sexual or excretory activity.4  First, Ms. Moller
explains that the on air personality used a slang term (*shaking hands with
the queen*) for masturbation.  Ms. Moller also stated that the on air
personalities offered prizes to a caller who would masturbate during the
program.  These two facts suggest that this discussion about masturbation
was not a bona fide news cast but a conversation intended to titillate and
pander.  Second, as to whether the material dwelled on the discussion of
sexual activity, Ms. Moller's complaint indicates that this segment of the
program apparently lasted for at least 10 minutes.  This implies something
much closer to a persistent focus than a fleeting reference.

Given this, Ms. Moller's complaint deserved a careful investigation rather
than the summary dismissal it received.  At the very least, the Bureau
should have contacted the station to request a tape or transcript of this
program.  As I suggest in a separate Press Statement, I believe the Bureau
also should contact the complainant where it appears reasonably likely that
additional *context* would result in a finding that our indecency ban has
been violated.5  Such 

[CTRL] The Great U.N. Rag Burning

2001-07-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

APFN NOTE: This was the message that was transmitted yesterday that was

Announcing: The Great U.N. Rag Burning
 Sat Jul 7 20:01:45 2001

 Announcing: The Great U.N. Rag Burning
 Sierra Times 07.07.01

 LAS VEGAS, NV. – Guns will be burned in New York, Monday, July
 9, 2001, in a major media dog-and-pony show to draw public
 attention to the U.N. Conference on Small Arms. The official title
 of the event is the “United Nations Conference on the Illicit
 Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects.” The
 purpose of the conference is to advance the development of an
 international treaty to control the availability of small arms and
 light weapons in warfare. This treaty is a significant step toward
 the U.N.'s ultimate goal, expressed in the report of the
 Commission on Global Governance report, Our Global
 Neighborhood, of eventually controlling the manufacture, sale
 and distribution of all firearms.

 United Nation “rags” will be burned in Las Vegas, Nevada,
 Monday, July 9, 2001, in front of the Las Vegas Tribune
 newspaper office located at 608 So. Third Street at 5:30 p.m.
 Patricia A. Saye, the organizer of the U.N. “rag” burning said, “It
 is time to draw public attention to the stealing of American
 Sovereignty and the infringing of our Second Amendment right to
 keep and bear arms.” The official title of this event is “We Have
 Drawn the Line! – Burn Baby Burn!” The purpose of the “rag”
 burning is to advance the public knowledge of the United Nations
 acts in the development of unconstitutional international treaties
 to remove our sovereignty and to control the availability of small
 arms and light weapons in warfare. Saye said, “Our government
 must know, they will be held responsible for their actions if they
 do not stop the U.N. and do not get the US out of the UN.”

 Consider the history of gun control: 1) In 1929 the Soviet Union
 established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, approximately 20
 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up
 and exterminated. 2) In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
 From 1915-1917,1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend
 themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. 3) Germany
 established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million
 Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who
 were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and
 exterminated. 4) China established gun control in 1935. From
 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend
 themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. 5) Guatemala
 established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000
 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up
 and exterminated. 6) Uganda established gun control in 1970.
 From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend
 themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. 7) Cambodia
 established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million
 educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded
 up and exterminated. This places the total victims who lost their
 lives because of gun control at approximately 56 million in the
 last century.

 Saye said “Since we should learn from the mistakes of history,
 the next time someone talks in favor of gun control, find out
 which group of citizens they wish to have exterminated.”

 It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were
 forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, a
 program costing the government more than $500 million dollars.

 The results Australia-wide 1) Homicides are up 3.2% 2) Assaults
 are up 8 % 3) Armed robberies are up 44% In that countries'
 state of Victoria, homicides with firearms are up 300%.

 Over the previous 25 years, figures show a steady decrease in
 armed robberies and Australian politicians are on the spot and at
 a loss to explain how no improvement in safety has been
 observed after such monumental effort and expense was
 successfully expended in ridding society of guns.

 It's time to state it plainly; Guns in the hands of honest citizens
 save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws only affect
 the law-abiding citizens. The law-abiding Citizens are drawing
 the line! No more gun control laws will be tolerated or followed.
 Saye said, “I am willing to pay the ultimate price for my freedom,
 my children, my grandchildren and my fellow Americans who love
 God, Family  Country. It’s our Freedom at any cost!”

[CTRL] How The U.S. Bought China's Support

2001-07-08 Thread William Shannon

Oiling the wheels: how the US won China's support

By Colum Lynch, in New York

The United States released more than $US80 million ($155 million) in frozen
Chinese business deals with Iraq last month as it sought China's support for
a Security Council resolution that would have overhauled UN sanctions on
Baghdad, according to diplomats and UN documents.

The package included a $US28 million Iraqi contract to buy mobile telephone
equipment from Huawei Technologies, a Chinese company previously accused by
the Pentagon of violating the sanctions by providing fibre-optic cable for
Iraq to upgrade its anti-aircraft missile batteries.

The joint US-British effort to revamp the 10-year-old sanctions failed this
week because Russia threatened to use its veto in the 15-member Security

But before Russia blocked the resolution, the US and Britain succeeded in
winning China's backing for a key element of the proposal - a list of items
that Iraq could import only with the council's approval because they have
military as well as civilian uses.

The horse-trading that was involved in winning China's assent is now becoming

Under the UN's oil-for-food program, Iraq can sell oil and use the proceeds
to buy humanitarian supplies and spare parts to keep its oil industry running.

But the US and other Security Council members can place "holds" on contracts
for items they suspect are really intended for the Iraqi military. The US has
frozen about $US3 billion in contracts, despite vociferous criticism from
China, among other countries.

Nine days ago the Bush Administration informed the UN that it was lifting its
holds on nine Chinese contracts in the telecommunications and oil sectors
valued at nearly $US60 million, according to diplomats. Earlier that week the
US had unfrozen $US20 million worth of Chinese deals.

Eight days ago the US and China announced they had reached agreement with
Britain and France on the list of "dual use" items as part of the broader
attempt to revise the sanctions.

The US Secretary of State, Mr Colin Powell, had placed a high priority on the
effort, which he said was intended to lift all restrictions on Iraqi imports
of civilian goods while cracking down on Baghdad's smuggling of oil and
military equipment.

"The US has promised to take care of some of our concerns," China's deputy
ambassador to the UN, Mr Shen Guofang, said after the agreement was announced.

US officials denied they were buying China's support, although they
acknowledged that the relaxation of the holds was designed to help win broad
backing for an overhaul of the sanctions.

"There wasn't a quid pro quo," one said. "But we wanted to demonstrate not
just to China, but to other members of the Security Council, that the new
system we are proposing would involve a real change of behaviour."

US officials also said American technical experts had conducted a thorough
"assessment of the relative risk" before approving the Huawei contract.

Early this year, when the US bombed Iraqi radars and anti-aircraft batteries,
Pentagon officials said the main reason was that Huawei was upgrading those
sites with fibre-optic cables. China denies the allegation.

Although the details of China's commercial dealings through the UN
oil-for-food program are kept confidential by the UN, The Washington Post
obtained internal UN records that describe the deals unfrozen by the US last
week. They include two Iraqi contracts to buy nearly $US15 million of
microwave radio equipment from a Chinese firm, Cmec International Engineering
Co. Another deal involved a $US15.5 million sale of telecommunications
equipment by China National Technical Import.

Last week was not the first time the Bush Administration has approved
contracts at critical stages in negotiations over Iraq. On June 1, for
example, the US announced it would lift holds on $US800 million in deals
between Iraq and various firms.

Re: [CTRL] CIA CULTS ANTI-CULTS An Interview with Alex Constantine

2001-07-08 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find an excerpt from this article.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

excerpt from :

CIA CULTS  ANTI-CULTS An Interview with Alex Constantine, January, 1997 Dr.
West has studied the use of drugs as adjuncts to interpersonal
manipulation or assault, and employed pioneers in the field of remote
electronic brain experimentation at UCLA.West has recommended to federal
officials that drugs be used to control bothersome political segments of
the population:

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-08 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

And a pretty darn compelling opinion.  If Bush puts on his fully
pressurized astronaut suit,  . . . think someone might notice.

Bush didn’t have to go to Paris. Casey could have set the whole thing up
on his own.

Why would a leftie quibble about a little illegality.  

I’m not a leftie. I’m an anarchist. Why do you persist in seeing
politics in purely binary terms? Is half your brain missing?

Let's not say that  the support of the  Contra's was illegal.
That's so-o-o judgemental.  

It’s the truth of the matter. Period. End of story.

Let's just call it   undocumented.

Then we’d be lying to conceal a crime. Is that what you think we should

You know, like undocumented immigrants,

Off topic and irrelevant. Don’t change the subject.

OK.  So why the hell are you roasting Ollie North?

He used my tax money to finance a murderous bunch of drug dealing

 Because  the New York Times never told you it was just cause?

 The NYT has nothing to do with it. Fascists are evil. Period.

You mean they did things like fly drugs into Mena, Arkansas? As
Arkansas governer William Clinton said, that was Lassiter's deal.  So,
why are you blaming this on the Contras's?

Why are you buying Clinton’s obvious lie that it was Lassiter’s deal?
Clinton was in it up to his chin. But so were the contras.

So what's your point?  That the  Contra's were not  as militarily
stupid as you think they should have been?

My point is that they murdered women and children in cold blood and then
ran for it. They passed this off as waging war, but really it was just a
cover for their drug dealing. They were evil.

Why, didn't the Viet Cong do the same thing?  

Very seldom. The vast overwhelming majority of civilians killed in the
war were killed by US and ARVN troops.

You LIKED the Viet Cong,  didn't you?

Not particularly. Why do assume that I did? Are you stupid or just
uninformed? Which is it? Be specific.

I do respect what the VC did militarily. They were very, very good at
what they did, which was to defend their homeland against a viscous,
brutal foreign invader.

Even fascist-symps can be right.  What's a fascist, anyway?  It's just
a made-up  word to smear people that Commies don't like

That’s the flat out lamest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and that’s
saying a lot.  If you don’t know what a fascist is by now, you’re too
stupid to live.

 Well, it's at least a higher standard than advocated by Al Gore, who
thinks he  should have won an election he lost by a razor thin margin
but tried to fix  after  the fact.

(1.) That’s irrelevant. Stay on topic.

(2.) It was Bush who stole the election. 

(3.) It doesn’t really matte who won because both Bush and Gore were
bought and paid for by the same guys.


thoughtful, well informed, fair-minded people concluded that the
Contra's were the legitimate expression of the interests of the
Nicaraguan  people.

Who, exactly, were these “well informed, fair-minded people”? Be
specific. They certainly weren’t the majority of the Nicaraguan people
themselves. Which brings us to the crux of the issue. It’s none of our
business how the Nicaraguan people, the Vietnamese people, or any other
people choose to run their own lives. If they want to be ruled by
communists, that’s their choice. We have no more right to force our will
on them than do the Russians or Chinese have to force their will on us.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-08 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/6/01 10:21:23 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You mean like Al Gore sliming Michael Dukakis with the Willie Horton ads

  Wasn't that George Bush's campaign?  Prudy

It was Bush in '88.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Elliott Abrams- Contra-Intuitive

2001-07-08 Thread William Shannon


By Mary McGrory
Sunday, July 8, 2001; Page B01

Elliott Abrams was no great shakes on human rights when he was assistant
secretary of state for Latin American affairs in Ronald Reagan's State
Department. It became clear that Abrams's view of human rights was limited to
saving Latin Americans from communism. In saving themselves from terrors
imposed by uniformed dictators subsidized by the Reagan regime, they were on
their own.

Abrams was the pit bull for the administration's "better dead than red"
policy on Central America. Despite his record, George W. Bush is giving him
another chance. He has named him senior director of the National Security
Council's office for democracy, human rights and international operations.

The appointment signifies a step beyond Bush's in-your-face selections for
Latin America. This one is in your eye, a signal to the right wing that there
is nothing he will not do for it. Choosing Abrams makes laughable Bush's
promise of increased civility and bipartisanship. Ditto his claims of being
"a uniter, not a divider."

Members of Congress remember Abrams's snarling appearances at committee
hearings, defending death squads and dictators, denying massacres, lying
about illegal U.S. activities in support of the Nicaraguan contras. Abrams
sneered at his critics for their blindness and naivete, or called them

His contempt for Congress was formalized in charges of withholding
information from Congress brought by Iran-contra special prosecutor Lawrence
Walsh. Abrams evaded questions about a secret mission to extract $10 million
in contra funds from the sultan of Brunei, and also about the contra supply
plane that was shot down. He pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts, and
was pardoned by the First George Bush at Christmas 1992. Congress will get no
chance to register an opinion on his qualifications. But, as Robert White,
former ambassador to El Salvador, said, "Just because appointments to the NSC
are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, it does not follow
that this key White House agency should be used as a dumping ground and
rehabilitation center. Unrepentant former officials who lie to Congress merit
ostracism, not inclusion in the highest councils of our government."

The Abrams appointment follows two other provocative picks from one of the
uglier chapters in American foreign policy. Otto Reich, a darling of the
Cuban American Foundation and another Iran-contra figure, ran the Office of
Public Diplomacy, a shady operation invented to subvert the Boland Amendment,
banning aid to the contras. Bush wants Reich, an extremist of the Abrams
stripe, for the job of assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere
affairs. His confirmation would send a signal to Latin America that the
Reagan hawkishness is to be born again in the region.

A third nomination that brings back the Iran-contra scandal is that of John
Negroponte as ambassador to the United Nations. He is a different type,
having served with distinction in many posts. The blot on his career was his
service as ambassador in Honduras at the height of the contra activity,
which, of course, was supervised by Oliver North at the White House. He was
accused of concealing information about the guerrilla activities.

Why is Bush doing all this -- reminding people of the bad old times in
Central America, reminding them of the lowest moment of Reagan's presidency?
It plainly has nothing to do with his concurrent courtship of Hispanic
voters. Some were wretched inhabitants of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
and Nicaragua who fled here fleeing the terrorist regimes that a Republican
president was keeping in business. If they are grateful for disruption, they
will think well of Bush.

William Goodfellow, director of the Center for International Policy, a
left-of-center think tank that has taken the lead in opposition to Reich,
says that Bush was not thinking of Hispanics. He was thinking, says
Goodfellow, of Miami Cubans, who see in the Reich appointment a dream come
true. Miami Cubans worship such anti-Castro personalities.

The choice of Reich evoked vehement opposition on the left. Sen. Christopher
Dodd (D-Conn.) and Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) vowed to fight. The
administration backed off for a while, but is now inching forward again to
make up for the fact that Bush is unwilling to do Miami Cubans the ultimate
favor: to give them the right to sue foreign nations who do business in Cuba
on land that was confiscated. Reich's hopes are based on potential support
from beneficiaries of Cuban American campaign contributions, like Joseph
Lieberman (D-Conn.), and Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.) and Democrats Bob Graham
and Bill Nelson of Florida, who may provide effective counter.

The real consequence of these grotesque choices could be what Goodfellow
calls "the Cubanization of Latin American policy." In the meantime, Abrams

[CTRL] Virginia Beach On Face-Recognition Bandwagon

2001-07-08 Thread William Shannon

Beach may scan Oceanfront faces
By AGNES BLUM, The Virginian-Pilot

VIRGINIA BEACH - New software that can analyze a face may transform the
sometimes imprecise art of identifying criminals - comparing mug shots to
people on the street - into a science, police say.

Instead of relying on officers who may harbor prejudices about hair style,
skin color or clothing, the software would compare less subjective traits:
the distance between the tip of the nose and the bottom lip, the
circumference of one's irises, and the distance between the pupils, for

Virginia Beach will learn next week if it will become the nation's second
city - Tampa, Fla., was the first - to use facial recognition software to
help officers snare criminals and find runaways, police said.

The Beach has used closed-circuit TV cameras to watch the Oceanfront from the
2nd Police Precinct since 1993, largely for checking traffic and observing

Under the new system, the 10 cameras would feed images of people as they
strolled along the Oceanfront to monitors, where the software would sort
faces against a database of mugshots, looking for a match, said Capt. Gregory
G. Mullen of the Special Investigations Department.

Beach police said the database includes about 2,500 outstanding felony
warrants as well as pictures of runaways and missing people, he said.

The software generally works by creating a ''map'' of the face and then
identifying 80 distinctive points. To achieve a match, 14 of those points
must align with a database picture, often a mugshot, Mullen said.

By comparison, fingerprints only require 11 points to match the whorls and
ridges that make up each person's unique print.

Once the computer spits out a match, an officer at the 2nd precinct would
radio an officer on the street for further action.'

'A match will not give officers probable cause to arrest,'' Mullen said.
''Only enough to stop and question them.''

In laboratory tests, under ideal lighting, the software had a 99.3 percent
accuracy rate. It is unknown what the accuracy rate would be on the streets
with varying weather and lighting conditions.

''It's no different than a policeman holding a mug shot in his hand on the
corner as people go by,'' said Police Chief A.M. Jacocks. ''In fact, it's
more efficient.''

It is not clear how the new technology will be accepted by the courts once
someone is arrested because of computer identification.

Several vacationers at the Oceanfront said that while public safety is a
priority, they would be concerned about cases of mistaken identity.

''There are plenty of people that look alike,'' said Sterling Harris of
Richmond, as he paused outside a shop on Atlantic Avenue on Thursday. ''I
hope they don't sit behind the cameras looking for people to mess with.''

Police insisted that the opposite is true. Allowing a computer program to
identify someone takes the human error out of the equation, Mullen said.

But Kent Willis, director of the Virginia American Civil Liberties Union,
worries about privacy implications and the Big Brother overtones.
Photographing people as they lick ice cream on the Boardwalk is similar to
dusting park benches and other public surfaces for fingerprints, he said. The
motive may be admirable but the result is the same - government invading
people's privacy and collecting information on citizens.

The police said they would toss out any pictures that didn't match, but
Willis called those promises slippery. Once the police started using the
technology, they might decide it would be helpful to keep photos on file.

''There's a long history of government abusing information it has gathered,''
Willis said.

Private industries, such as casinos and check-cashing businesses, have used
facial recognition technology for years, but the software garnered nationwide
attention when it was used on more than 100,000 faces at the Super Bowl last
year without people's knowledge. No arrests were made.

Beach police will hear next week whether they'll get a $150,000 grant, they
will ask the City Council to chip in $50,000. If the money comes through, the
program should be up and running by spring of 2002.

''It'll be worth it if they get the right people,'' said Michelle
Porter-Loftin, as she shopped with her two children at the Oceanfront.
''Makes me wonder. I'd be worried about mistaken identity. We'll see.''

Re: [CTRL] Stench Warfare And Stink Bombs-U.S. Secret Weapon?

2001-07-08 Thread Don Daniels
Let's hear it for Pam Dalton and her Stink/Think Tank!

[CTRL] Rove(r) And Out?

2001-07-08 Thread William Shannon

Rove-r and Out?

by David Corn

Maybe that Karl Rove ain't such a genius. In the past few weeks Democrats
have, with a touch of glee, been wondering about George W. Bush's
Svengali-strategist as Rove has stepped into several cow pies. Shortly after
the Jeffords jump--for which Rove took his lumps--the Associated Press
revealed that in March Rove met with senior Intel executives seeking federal
approval of a merger of two chip manufacturers--at a time when Rove held
between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of Intel stock as part of a portfolio
worth $2 million. Rove claimed he had not discussed this particular matter
and merely referred the Intel guys to others in the government. But if
someone knocks on the door of a Bush Administration official and can say,
"Karl sent me," does that not help the visitor? Several weeks later, the
Justice Department OK'd the merger--and Intel politely sent a thank-you note
to several Bushies, including Rove.

In addition to his ethics, Rove's judgment has been questioned, as his
ham-handed role in contentious policy decisions has made the Bush White House
appear as political as its predecessor--a tough task! On the campaign trail,
Bush the Outsider blasted the Slickster in Chief for governing by polls and
setting policy by focus groups. Yet Rove has pushed the Administration to
oppose stem-cell research, which involves human embryos, to advance his plan
to cement Catholic voters into the GOP bloc. And when Bush announced that the
Navy would halt bombing practice on Vieques in Puerto Rico in 2003, angry
Hill Republicans questioned Rove's crucial part in the decision and assailed
him for placing politics above national security.

Other bad news for Rove: A much-ballyhooed (and front-page) New York Times
/CBS poll in mid-June showed Bush's key numbers in decline. Have Bush's
(anti-)environment stands and coziness with Big Bidness taken a toll? In
other words, is Rove losing his knack?

The White House stood by him--for Rove is the White House--and quickly tried
to douse the Rove/Intel story. "My level of confidence with Karl Rove,"
declared Bush, "has never been higher." White House press-spinner Ari
Fleischer pooh-poohed the Rove matter, claiming, "The American people are
tired of these open-ended investigations and fishing expeditions." How did he
know? Did he take a poll? And how convenient for the GOP to gripe about
free-for-all investigations now. Dan Burton, the conspiracy-chasing
Republican chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, who
investigated every speck of controversy hurled at the Clintons, is still
pursuing the Clintonites, most recently by probing a nine-year-old
prosecution in Florida that tangentially involves Janet Reno. In any event,
when Fleischer made his statement, there was no Rove investigation under way.
Henry Waxman, the ranking Democrat on Burton's committee, had merely written
Rove, asking him to answer six questions regarding his stock holdings and
whether he had conducted meetings with representatives of other companies in
which he owned stock, including Enron, the Texas energy company. (At press
time, Waxman had yet to receive a reply.)

Perhaps Democratic senators--who, unlike Waxman, possess the power to
initiate an investigation--ought to consider poking into Rove's finances and,
more important, the influence of corporate contributors and lobbyists at the
White House. (Of course, the latter would invite similar questions about the
Democratic Party.) Yet they have not pounced. Senate majority leader Tom
Daschle said publicly, "Democrats want to legislate, not investigate." But
Waxman and Democratic Representative John Dingell have tried to push beyond
the Rove/Intel episode. They asked the General Accounting Office, the
Congressional watchdog, to examine the meetings of Vice President Cheney's
energy task force and determine who--and what interests--helped shape the
Bush energy plan.

Cheney's office balked. "We have not released a list of names so that people
could choose whether or not they wanted to air [their] views publicly,"
explained Mary Matalin, a Cheney aide. Funny, Republicans weren't this
respectful of privacy several years ago, when they demanded information about
the proceedings of Hillary Clinton's healthcare task force. But few Democrats
have raised a fuss about White House reluctance to release the information.
The GAO, though, told Cheney he must comply with its request. And still
Cheney has not turned over the material, setting up a potential clash.

The bloom may be off the Rove, but he's far from wilted. After all, Rove got
a fellow widely derided as a boob into the White House, and then he guided a
gigantic relieve-the-rich tax cut through Congress. Those are damn good
first--if not last--laughs. Now Bush can also thank Rove (and Cheney) for
helping to show that his White House is a down-home hoedown of corporate and
political favoritism.

[CTRL] Can you believe this????

2001-07-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Public Information - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you believe this
Sun Jul 8 15:03:14 2001

This is worth reading, short and to the point!

Our Senators/Congressmen do not pay into Social Security, and, therefore they
do not collect from it. SocialSecurity benefits were not suitable for them.
They felt they should have a special plan. Many years ago they voted in their
benefit plan. In more recent years, no congress person has felt the need to
change it. After all, it is a great plan.

For all practical purposes, their plan works like this: When they retire no
matter how long they have been in office, they continue to draw their same
pay until they die, except it may be increased from time to time by the
cost-of-living adjustments

For example, former Senator Bill Bradley (New Jersey) and his wife may be
expected to draw $7,900,000.00 over an average life span, with Mrs. Bradley
drawing $275,000.00 during the last year of her life. Their cost for this
excellent plan is 0, nada, zilch. This little perk they voted in for
themselves is free to them.

You and I pick up the tab for this plan.
Our tax dollars at work! Social Security, which you and I pay into every
payday for our own retirement, with an equal amount matched by our employer,
we can expect to get an average of $1,000 per month. Or, we would have to
collect our benefits for 68 years and 1 month to equal the Bradley's
benefits. Imagine for a moment that you could structure a retirement plan
so desirable, a retirement plan that worked so well, that Railroad Employees,
Postal Workers, and others who were not in the plan would clamor to be
included. This is how good Social Security could be, if only one
small change was made. That change would be to jerk the Golden Fleece
Retirement Plan out from under the Senators/Congressmen. Put them into the
Social Security plan with the rest of us. Watch how fast they fix it!!! If
enough people receive this maybe a seed will be planted, and maybe good
changes will evolve.

Don't forget, our girl, Hillary Rodham Clinton, thanks to the infinite wisdom
of New York State voters, now comes under this Congressional Retirement Plan.

Talking about the Clinton's, it's common knowledge that, in order for her to
establish NYS residency, they purchased a million + house in upscale
Chappaqua, NY. Makes sense. Now, they are entitled to Secret Service
protection for life. Still makes sense. Here is where it becomes interesting.
A residency had to be built in order to house the Secret Service agents. The
Clinton's now charge the Secret Service rent for the use of said residence
and that rent is just about equal to their mortgage payment, meaning that we,
the tax payers, are paying the Clinton's mortgage and it's all perfectly

~~~How many people can YOU send this to?~~~


The 545 People Responsible For All of America's Woes

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security

You are RIGHT! That blank email was sort of scary...
No Reply to or anything!

The US Secret Service
Secret Service AFAUSSS Directory: (1999)


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Beach may scan Oceanfront faces

2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 From The Virginian-Pilot,
 Beach may scan Oceanfront faces
 By AGNES BLUM, The Virginian-Pilot
 © July 6, 2001

 An officer monitors Oceanfront video at the 2nd Police Precinct. The 10
 cameras next year may also feed face recognition software looking for
 criminals and runaways. Virginian-Pilot file photo.

 VIRGINIA BEACH - New software that can analyze a face may transform the
 sometimes imprecise art of identifying criminals - comparing mug shots to
 people on the street - into a science, police say.

 Instead of relying on officers who may harbor prejudices about hair style,
 skin color or clothing, the software would compare less subjective traits:
 the distance between the tip of the nose and the bottom lip, the
 circumference of one's irises, and the distance between the pupils, for

 Virginia Beach will learn next week if it will become the nation's second
 city - Tampa, Fla., was the first - to use facial recognition software to
 help officers snare criminals and find runaways, police said.

 The Beach has used closed-circuit TV cameras to watch the Oceanfront from
 the 2nd Police Precinct since 1993, largely for checking traffic and
 observing crowds.

 Under the new system, the 10 cameras would feed images of people as they
 strolled along the Oceanfront to monitors, where the software would sort
 faces against a database of mugshots, looking for a match, said Capt.
 Gregory G. Mullen of the Special Investigations Department.

 Beach police said the database includes about 2,500 outstanding felony
 warrants as well as pictures of runaways and missing people, he said.

 The software generally works by creating a ''map'' of the face and then
 identifying 80 distinctive points. To achieve a match, 14 of those points
 must align with a database picture, often a mugshot, Mullen said.

 By comparison, fingerprints only require 11 points to match the whorls and

 ridges that make up each person's unique print.

 Once the computer spits out a match, an officer at the 2nd precinct would
 radio an officer on the street for further action.

 ''A match will not give officers probable cause to arrest,'' Mullen said.
 ''Only enough to stop and question them.''

 In laboratory tests, under ideal lighting, the software had a 99.3 percent
 accuracy rate. It is unknown what the accuracy rate would be on the
 with varying weather and lighting conditions.

 ''It's no different than a policeman holding a mug shot in his hand on the
 corner as people go by,'' said Police Chief A.M. Jacocks. ''In fact, it's
 more efficient.''

 It is not clear how the new technology will be accepted by the courts once
 someone is arrested because of computer identification.

 Several vacationers at the Oceanfront said that while public safety is a
 priority, they would be concerned about cases of mistaken identity.

 ''There are plenty of people that look alike,'' said Sterling Harris of
 Richmond, as he paused outside a shop on Atlantic Avenue on Thursday. ''I
 hope they don't sit behind the cameras looking for people to mess with.''

 Police insisted that the opposite is true. Allowing a computer program to
 identify someone takes the human error out of the equation, Mullen said.

 But Kent Willis, director of the Virginia American Civil Liberties Union,
 worries about privacy implications and the Big Brother overtones.
 Photographing people as they lick ice cream on the Boardwalk is similar to
 dusting park benches and other public surfaces for fingerprints, he said.
 The motive may be admirable but the result is the same - government
 people's privacy and collecting information on citizens.

 The police said they would toss out any pictures that didn't match, but
 Willis called those promises slippery. Once the police started using the
 technology, they might decide it would be helpful to keep photos on file.

 ''There's a long history of government abusing information it has
 gathered,'' Willis said.

 Private industries, such as casinos and check-cashing businesses, have
 facial recognition technology for years, but the software garnered
 nationwide attention when it was used on more than 100,000 faces at the
 Super Bowl last year without people's knowledge. No arrests were made.

 Beach police will hear next week whether they'll get a $150,000 grant,
 will ask the City Council to chip in $50,000. If the money comes through,
 the program should be up and running by spring of 2002.

 ''It'll be worth it if they get the right people,'' said Michelle
 Porter-Loftin, as she shopped with her two children at the Oceanfront.
 ''Makes me wonder. I'd be worried about mistaken identity. We'll see.''

 Reach Agnes Blum at (757) 222-5150 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are 

[CTRL] A Layman's Look at the Communist Manifesto

2001-07-08 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

A Layman's Look at the Communist Manifesto
by John Keller

Partially Educated

The Communist Manifesto is one of those documents I was aware
of, but had never taken the time to actually read. As a
woefully undereducated product of the public education
system, I somehow managed to slip by the class that required
reading of the old Marx and Engels classic. So, in the course
of continuing liberty self-education, I found a translation
on the web in order to better understand this failed canon
of anti-freedom. My reaction: wow. The Communist Manifesto,
written in 1848, looks a lot like the Democrat Party Positions,
written in 2000.

The Pseudo-History of Class Warfare

The first chapter of the Manifesto is a rambling pseudo-history
that rails against the bourgeois as the historically
re-incarnated oppressors vis-à-vis the continually oppressed
proletariat. I was reminded of the slave reparations, minority
oppression, women oppression, and other Democrat Party class
based arguments. The second chapter is a lengthy list of
Bourgeois complaints against the generally perceived
Communist aims, and the communist response to them. Among
the Bourgeois complaints the manifesto defends are: abolition
of family, abolition of religion, socialization of education,
and abolition of nations. Does this remind us of current
complaints within the political system? Interestingly, the
manifesto presents the following observation regarding the
abolition of nations:

National differences and antagonism between peoples are
daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development
of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the
world market, to uniformity in the mode of production
and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto.

This is a fairly prescient assessment, given the
franchise-ization of the world. As an aside, I spent 9
months in various cities as part of my job in 1998. The
thing that surprised me most in my tour of 30-odd medium
and large American town was the uniformity. Like Edward
Norton in Fight Club, I found the same hotel soaps in the
same hotels, next to the same Applebee’s or Chili’s. It
was Generica, not America. That, however, is a different
article; one that addresses how government zoning laws
and tax schemes aide and abet big business in destroying
small, local competition. Back to the original point,
however, I wonder what Marx and Engels saw as the downside
to the vanishing of antagonism between peoples that
bourgeoisie and freedom of commerce had brought about.
I suppose it was their follow-on predication, which is

The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them (national
differences and antagonism) to vanish still faster.

The Tyranny of Democracy

Like any wacko manifesto, the Communist Manifesto has just
enough facts, just enough history, and just enough lucid
observations to cover the other 90% of it, which is utter
crap. One of the lucid observations in the Manifesto, is
that the proletariat constitute the majority of the population.
The communists realized that by organizing the proletariat
politically, they could just vote themselves more power.
This is one of the two the real gems of chapter two. It
explains a great deal about the tyranny of democracy, and
the modus operandi of our current political parties.

The Politics of Jealousy

The other gem in chapter two immediately follows the
observation that the proletariat must first seize control
of political supremacy. Once that is accomplished, well,
Marx and Engels say it best: The proletariat will use its
political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from
the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production
in the hands of the state… The Democrats, like the
Communists, realize that by dividing people into groups,
all with a chip on their shoulder against the oppressor,
they can vote themselves chunks of the oppressors’ property.
Let’s call this the politics of jealousy and victimhood. I
suppose this explains how communism could organize itself,
at least initially. There will always be people of
extraordinary talent running businesses, inventing new
things, and generally pushing the boundaries of science,
technology, and commerce. Let’s use Bill Gates as an example
of this natural elite. For every Bill Gates, there are a
thousand Joe Programmers at Microsoft who are smart and
talented. They are the second line of the elite, in Marx’s
view, the bourgeois. For every Joe Programmer at Microsoft,
there are a thousand Mary Secretaries, a thousand Bob
Lawnmower, a thousand Doug Factoryworker, and Susie
Governmentbureaucrat; these are the proletariat in the
Marxian view. None of them have the combination of mental
ability, circumstance, and determination that Bill Gates
has, and most of them know it. However, these thousands
have a lot more votes than Bill and his programmers. Those
votes are political power, and the Marxists know it.

The 10 

[CTRL] UNDERNET required

2001-07-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

With the shut down of Illuminati news for various reasons
and the impending crackdown on freedom of speech eg. european
legislation and echelon etc - CARNIVORE  DIRT etc I think it
possible that valuable archives such as the CTRL and AONA
and ICKE could be lost at a moments notice.
I think thats the way it is now going - and that the introduction of
draconian censorship laws means that tonnes of truth and special websites
are going to get shunted OFF the internet.

I expect that within 2 or 3 years - the UK and the new European legislation
will force nearly everyone off the net and in future - the real knowledge
will be held on archives of CD roms that are passed around.

So I think that being able to pile text files onto a floppy disk is a start
of a new kind of intranet - but one that cannot be stopped or censored so

The internet as a tool of free expression and freedom of speech is almost
dead - I think that they just let us carry on to complete their list of our
associates - my advice would be to start preparing for the pony express
version of the internet.
1. Its more difficult for them to evaluate who has got what
2. It can be harder to trace
3. Its slower - but much more reliable
4. It cannot yet [as far as I know] be designated illegal
5. They cannot close it down.

maybe we should call it   THE UNDERNET   ?


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] New evidence in Army scientist's death

2001-07-08 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find information on this.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse to read.

excerpt from : http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=23489

New evidence in Army scientist's death
48-year-old case has links to CIA's secret experimentation program

In 1998, WorldNetDaily first reported on the CIA's secret
behavior-modification program MK-ULTRA, which included experimentation with
LSD on unsuspecting subjects. By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly
Informed sources revealed this week that the Manhattan District Attorney's
Office is reviewing dramatic new evidence in the Olson case. The evidence is
said to involve the Jan. 8, 1953, death of Harold Blauer and its subsequent
elaborate cover-up.

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[CTRL] Chemtrails Over America - A Special Report

2001-07-08 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Sun, 08 Jul 2001 13:30:20 +1200
Subject:SNET: Chemtrails Over America  - A Special Report
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Many photos and diagrams on url


On This Page
• Chemtrails Over America — A Special Report
• ADII - Interactive DataWall

brand • The Power Hour Excerpt Quoting Mike Blair
on the Federal Government’s GREAT BARIUM SALT LIE
 enough • Military Behind Mystery Chemtrails — EXCLUSIVE TO THE SPOTLIGHT By
Mike Blair
 enough • Jet Trails Tested in Combat Scenarios — EXCLUSIVE TO THE SPOTLIGHT
By Mike Blair


The Power Hour Radio Show
with Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist
hosting Mike Blair on Friday, July 6th, 2001,
on the Genesis Communication radio Network.
“We will not stop!”
— Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist

Listening Options and Stations

June 5, 2001
Researchers assigned to this project have diverse backgrounds and are
trained in and associated with a variety of disciplines including
electronics, communications and environmental engineering, general medicine,
biomedical research, chemistry, government/political, NSA/CIA, and military
theory and technology. A team of organized and dedicated professionals has
devoted thousands of hours to this project over the past year, and read
hundreds of scientific, government and military documents found in the
public domain. Individual researchers have conducted in-depth investigation
by other means, including direct observation and inquiry.


We will talk about four activeprojects ongoing in the atmosphere across
America now.

The first project is designed to block and reduce the radiation from the sun
to the earth with an aerosol emitted from aircraft. The aerosol is probably
aluminum oxide or a compound that would have similar properties.

We will simply state here that there is a major upper level ozone crisis
building without a permanent solution. Please click on the word ozone for a
review of the ozone matter. Concerns are widespread and encompass all solar
radiation including UV and solar flares. We cannot emphasize enough the
serious nature of the ozone depletion to all aspects of life on this planet.
Solar radiation can support disease in different forms and directly or
indirectly damage the food supplies. UV rays can suppress the human immune
system leaving the body vulnerable to many diseases caused by bacteria and
viruses entering through or affecting the skin. We do not believe the cause
for the ozone depletion has been addressed.

The typical ozone layer is 1/8 of an inch thick above the earth, the
thickness of two pennies. In space, it's best not to envision the ozone
layer as a distinct, measurable band. Instead, think of it in terms of parts
per million concentrations in the stratosphere (the layer six to 30 miles
above the Earth's surface).

The second and most secretive project is the United States Navy’s RFMP,
Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. The RFMP is the system
name given to a group of computer programs. One of the supporting
subprograms within the RFMP system is called the VTRPE computer program.
VTRPE is an acronym that stands for Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic
Equation. It is a computer Radio Frequency propagation program that deals
with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the battlefield
terrain in 3 dimensions (3-D) on a television screen. The RFMP system also
depends on satellites to feed their images of the battlefield into it, to
then be combined with the battlefield picture painted from the ground, thus
producing 3-D images.

Radio Frequency Mission Planner

By providing an extremely interactive and visual (television type radar
screens) environment, the RFMP system allows the computer operator to
develop familiarity with the “Radio Frequency” environment before a
battlefield war mission occurs by playing a variety of “what-if” virtual
warfare scenarios on his computer screen. Since all major modes of Radio
Frequency propagation are modeled in his computer (RFMP system), special,
sometimes counter-intuitive cases can be examined in detail and exploited
during a warfare battle mission.

The VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over 

[CTRL] High Profile LA Attorney Found Dead In Car

2001-07-08 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

 High Profile LA Attorney
 Found Dead In Car
By Sherman H. Skolnick

   LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Barry Levin, the high-profile
   Los Angeles defense attorney who represented actor
   Robert Blake in the murder investigation of Blake's wife,
   was found dead on Saturday after an apparent suicide, a
   spokesman for the FBI (news - web sites) said.

   Levin was found dead, slumped over the wheel of his
   Porsche, in a cemetery in west Los Angeles on Saturday
   afternoon with what appeared to be a self-inflicted
   gunshot wound to his head, the spokesman said.

   A local radio station reported that Levin, a former Los
   Angeles police officer and district attorney, had been
   diagnosed with cancer and was told recently that the
   disease had taken a turn for the worse.

   The FBI was investigating the death because Levin, a
   decorated paratrooper in the Vietnam War, was found in a
   veterans' cemetery, federal property.

   Before representing Blake, a star of the television series
   ''Baretta,'' Levin had defended Erik Menendez - who was
   convicted along with his brother Lyle of murdering their
   wealthy parents after two sensational trials - and an LAPD
   officer implicated in the Rampart corruption scandal.

   Levin was the second attorney hired by Blake to
   represent him in the unsolved case of his wife's May 4
   murder. Blake's main attorney has been Harland Braun.


The Truth is out there.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Please Dare Call It Treason...

2001-07-08 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Funny how these 'super smart' people come out of the woodwork when
they don't like what happened but stay quietly IN the woodwork when
the Constitution was being undermined for 8 years. What is happening
is the right reaction: Buggzy SHOULD be ignored. Go water your
tomatoes, Buggzy.

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001 23:47:56 EDT William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 … whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these
 ends (life,
 liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) it is the right of the people
 to alter
 or abolish it.
 —Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

 ... these five justices have gotten away with murder, and I want to
 whatever I can to make sure that they pay dearly for their crime.
 —Vincent Bugliosi, The Betrayal of America, 2001

 Long as we have been a nation, we have celebrated the Fourth of July
 time-honored rituals: parades, red-white-and-blue bunting, a clumsy
 of the Declaration of Independence to an audience which understands
 half of it, and fireworks.

 Backyard barbecues are also part of the sacred ceremony, which has
 slight changes with the passage of time. In recent years, the actual
 of the document has been gradually replaced by a ritual in which one
 or more
 neighborhood children blows off one or more fingers, or perhaps
 takes out an
 eye, with illegal firecrackers. Oddly, this isn’t usually seen as
 a fitting
 commemoration of the glorious martyrs of the Revolution.

 Leftist cranks used to suggest the American Revolution was really
 more than an effort by rich landowners of the day to minimize their

 And while there was a little truth in that, this nation really was,
 all false
 sentiment aside, the best hope of mankind. Which is why I suggest
 you do your
 patriotic duty and buy and read a very important little paperback
 that should
 make you mad: Vincent Bugliosi’s absolutely marvelous The Betrayal
 America: How The Supreme Court Undermined Our Constitution and Chose
 President (Nation Books, paper, $9.95).

 This book is by far the most important of any about last year’s
 What makes it especially important is that Bugliosi is not just a
 but a super lawyer, the prosecutor who put Charlie Manson away.
 He’s no
 conspiracy-theorist crank, either; he is well-known for arguing Lee
 Oswald acted alone. His last book, Outrage, was a bestseller that
 O.J. Simpson was guilty as sin.

 And he has put himself at some risk; he argues that the right-wing
 Court justices who handed the election to George W. Bush are
 criminals who are essentially guilty of treason. “These five
 justices, by
 their conduct, have forfeited the right to be respected, and only by
 them the way they deserve to be treated can we demonstrate our
 respect for
 the rule of law they defiled,” he writes.

 This isn’t just rhetoric. Calmly, methodically, he demonstrates
 beyond any
 reasonable doubt that there were no principles of law at stake;
 instead, the
 Criminal Five violated all the principles of states’ rights and
 they have cited for years.

 They wanted only to make sure that their man “won.” What makes
 this even
 more outrageous is that not only didn’t he win, he would, almost
 have been installed anyway, by the House of Representatives.

 But instead, the one branch of government previously above reproach

 “Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity
 of the
 winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the
 loser is
 perfectly clear. It is this nation’s confidence in [this court] as
 impartial guardian of the rule of law.”

 That last quote isn’t Bugliosi, by the way. That’s U.S. Supreme
 Justice John Paul Stevens — a conservative Republican appointed by
 wild-eyed commie Gerald Ford. Stevens may have voted for Bush, but
 he is a
 man of integrity, a product of a tradition in which the nation’s
 didn’t steal elections.

 This court did. Last week I was in Washington on the last day the
 Court was in session, and went over and sat in the most important
 in America. “Is this where they made Bush president?” I heard a
 girl, who
 looked to be in her early teens, ask her mother. Which is exactly
 what I was
 thinking, less politely.

 Last year, I would have looked up at the irregularly shaped chairs
 thought: This was where Brown vs. Board of Education was decided.
 Not any
 more. What Bill Clinton did for the Oval Office as symbol, the five
 have done for their chambers.

 Now you might think Bugliosi would be getting a lot of attention —
 since he is the author of the classic book on the Manson 

[CTRL] A Balkans Woman for Mr. Slobodan Milosevic

2001-07-08 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

A Balkans Woman for Mr. Slobodan MilosevicIn my eyes Mr. 
Milosevic is a HERO.He has been the ONLY one of the Balkans 
countries'leaders who has resisted the IMF, WB and US-NATO, andhas stood 
by the sovereignty of his country.It would have been much more easier and 
PROFITABLE forhim to cave to the Globo Cop: now he would have beenin 
Belgrade still a leader, protected and patted condescendingly on theback by 
the Globo Monster instead of being shut in a cell far from hisfamily and 
country for having dared to love better his country than themoney of his 
Torturers. He is the ONLY one who resisted the US-NATO inthe world till that 
moment. His behaviour till now is a proof for methat he is a man of 
integrity, a very rare quality in a leader ofnowadays. Besides he is a 
PATRIOT. He has proved to all and sundry heloves his country and his people 
better that his wellbeing. He mighthave done mistakes - after all, he is 
only a human being and "to err ishuman". But all his mistakes - 
notwithstanding what they are - pale awayin comparison of what he has done 
for his country, for the Balkans, forthe world in general by daring to 
resist the Empire of Evil. (Besides,ONLY his people has the right to blame 
him and demand explanations fromhim!) Now, after he is in the hands of Globo 
Cop's Personal Court andthere they can do to him what They like, he is no 
more responsible forhis actions. Notwithstanding the developments from now 
on - hisbehaviour from now on - I will continue to RESPECT him, will 
continue tolook up to him and be deeply grateful to him. For the HOPE he has 
givenme and kept in me during those terrible 78 or 79 days of the 
barbarousbombing of a neighbouring country! And also for the courage to 
resistthe IMF and the WB vultures sucking out the country he has been a 
leaderof! I will NEVER forget that he has had the personal misfortune to be 
aLEADER of a country in the most difficult and tragic period of 
itshistory: when outward forces have been DELIBERATELY killing it. He 
hastried to keep it whole, to protect its people by standing up against 
theDESTRUCTIVE forces cutting his country into easily manipulated 
pieces.Resisting their plans and APPETITES he, of course, has committed a 
crimeagainst THEM, a crime that should be punished and be a good lesson 
foreverybody else that might dare to do the same. Mr. Milosevic has 
provedmany times he is a leader with a strong feeling of RESPONSIBILITY 
forhis people, his country, the Balkans, the world. And he has had 
theCOURAGE to demonstrate it in the most tragic days of the 
contemporaryworld history. I will NEVER stop ADMIRING him.For me Mr. 
MILOSEVIC IS A HERO!Blagovesta DonchevaSofiaThe 

Re: [CTRL] Men In Grey and etc.

2001-07-08 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

From: Schmidt
Subject: [CTRL] Men In Grey and etc.
Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2001 18:07:30 -0700

The US government's mysterious 'Men in Black' will
soon be trading in their traditional dark garb for the
light gray suits worn by most other federal agents...

Nakano comments:
What's nextgray helicopters?
I guess we won't be seeing any more of the
black choppers we are accustomed to seeing.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Drought of biblical scale worsens Mideast conflict

2001-07-08 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, July 8, 2001

Drought of biblical scale worsens Mideast conflict

The Associated Press

TIBERIAS, Israel - The Sea of Galilee, the biblical lake where Jesus walked on water, 
has been pumped almost
to its limit. It is now so low that salt deposits endanger its sweet water.

Broad mud flats and odd little islands deface the placid expanse of blue that until 
just a few years ago
lapped at old stone walls.

Israel's other main sources, aquifers marbled within mountains and along the 
Mediterranean coast, are depleted
by the worst drought in a century. They are being tapped much faster than engineers 

With all of their other problems, Israelis and Palestinians are running out of water.

We're worried, very worried, said Zvi Stuhl, senior engineer at Mekorot, Israel's 
water company. He oversees
the National Water Carrier, which has supplied homes and made deserts bloom for 37 

Against a backdrop of fresh conflict, water politics are paramount. Arabs receive a 
fraction of what goes to
Jews, which adds hard immediacy to the slow process of making peace.

Israelis say their advanced society, with its developed economy, needs more water. 
Palestinians argue that the
water shortage blocks their development.

The imbalances are striking.

In the West Bank, some Palestinians trudge long distances for water, at times within 
earshot of youths
frolicking in the swimming pools of Jewish settlements built in their midst.

In the Gaza Strip, a few thousand Jewish settlers have ample water piped from Israel 
while a million
Palestinians pump the last drinkable dregs of underground rivers polluted by 
encroaching seawater and sewage.

You cannot talk about peace while you have this discrimination on the ground, said 
Ayman Rabi, executive
director of the Palestinian Hydrology Group. Every day, the problem is getting worse.

Because the Palestinian economy depends so heavily on growing food, the future looks 
bleak, he said.

Water authorities say the present is serious enough.

Uri Saguy, chairman of Mekorot, went on the air in June to warn of more drought to 
come, with the country
already facing a 30 percent water shortfall.

One stopgap measure is to bring tankers of water from Turkey, but that won't begin for 
a year, warned Sara
Haklai, who manages supply for Mekorot.

Salvation may ultimately lie in desalting seawater, as Arab states on the Persian Gulf 
already do. But
although Israel is a world leader in the technology, it prefers natural water sources 
for itself.

Desalination plants are now being planned, but the first two, not expected to operate 
before 2004, will meet
only 5 percent of the normal annual demand.

Meanwhile, the population mushrooms. A high Arab birth rate and influxes of Jewish 
immigrants have boosted it
to more than 6 million Israelis and 3.3 million Palestinians.

We have to reduce the supply, but everyone wants to do something different, Haklai 
said. The government has
to decide what to do and be sure that everybody does it.

The crisis has deep roots. In 1990, Israel's state comptroller excoriated 
irresponsible management of the
water supply for 25 years that destroyed reserves and damaged water quality.

In a report last year for the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, 
analyst Steven Plaut
concluded: Israeli water policy is and has been a nearly unmitigated disaster, 
producing waste,
misallocation, and environmental destruction.

The National Water Carrier is an engineering showpiece. The intricate grid of pipeline 
and canal, is fed by
three huge pumps on the Galilee, or Lake Kinneret, set underground in case of war with 
neighboring Syria. It
conveys water far south to the Negev desert.

Normally, the lake supplies more than 100 billion gallons a year, but pumping is down 
by more than
three-quarters, and is being pushed ever closer to the point where saltwater springs 
might seep in.

If the lake's surface drops another three feet, Stuhl said, pumps will draw air and 
stop dead, Stuhl said.

The carrier network also taps the coastal aquifer, which lies largely beneath Israel, 
and the mountain
aquifer, which is mostly under Palestinian territory. Both are also at their danger 

Uri Shamir, head of the Water Research Institute at Technion University in Haifa and 
an Israeli water
negotiator, told a meeting of experts in Paris that severe shortages forced both sides 
into a test of good

If you seek a conflict, water can provide a plausible excuse, he said. If you seek 
peace, water is a bridge
for cooperation.

In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinian specialists argue that Israelis can afford to 
seize the moral high
ground because they control the water.

Mekorot says that on a per-person basis, Jews get just over twice as much water as 
Arabs. The numbers are in
sharp dispute, however, partly because of how they are calculated and partly because 
some water data is


Re: [CTRL] Men In Grey and etc.

2001-07-08 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/8/01 6:14:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The US government's mysterious 'Men in Black' will
soon be trading in their traditional dark garb for the
light gray suits worn by most other federal agents... 

And advertising executivies.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-08 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 07/07/2001 12:16:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

   The Bush campaign picked it up AFTER Al Gore had used it against
   the primary.   Democrats had no qualms about Al Gore using the issue.
   racialist sensibilities only got offended after Bush began using it. 

  According to this site, Gore attacked the furlough system in 1987, but Bush
Daddy is the one who made it a racial issue using Horton:



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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The God That Sucked

2001-07-08 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Wow, you just summed up my entire life's conclusions in one paragraph!


In a message dated 7/7/01 7:47:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Excellent post!!!  Old money, inherited wealth, and upper class
 Industrialists, as well as the new elite of Technocrats have never had it
 good.  AND to top it off now they have a man like O'neil in Treasury who
 wants that no businesses should pay tax and the common people should be
 to work and be more willing to foot the bill to keep it nice for the new
 cats and get nothing for all the money they are forced to give to the
 government in order to enforce the police state which buries them further
 into poverty and disdain.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The God That Sucked

2001-07-08 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 Excellent post!!!  Old money, inherited wealth, and upper class
 Industrialists, as well as the new elite of Technocrats have never had
 good.  AND to top it off now they have a man like O'neil in Treasury
 wants that no businesses should pay tax and the common people should
 to work and be more willing to foot the bill to keep it nice for the
 cats and get nothing for all the money they are forced to give to the
 government in order to enforce the police state which buries them
 into poverty and disdain.

There's a name for this. It's called capitalism.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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2001-07-08 Thread BB

Title: Blank

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body
of people always possess arms..."
 -- Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters
fromthe Federal Farmer 53 (1788)





Letter From A South
African Gun OwnerJune
by Pierre van der WaltSubmitted by a friend of
hisAlso published in OffGuard
Dear American Hunter,My name is Pierre
van der Walt; my homeland is South Africa.
I am from Afrikaner stock.
Since 1985 when the gun grabbing started in our country, I have been
intimately involved in the pro gun cause. I have served and still
serve on many of the associations leading our struggle. In the past
I have practiced law, and served in our national defense force in
Armored Infantry and Military Intelligence Corp, eventually
attaining the rank of captain and Unit S-1.
I come to you today at the
request of my dear friend Bradley Rolston, an excellent Professional
Hunter and pro gunner to the core. Last year Bradley hunted with one
of your Washington Arms Collector members, Mack Wilcox, and they
became friends, as always happens with people meeting
As sportsmen and hunters,
Bradley and Mack had much in common, foremost, their concern over
the continuing encroachment of our right to bear arms which extends
into the whole issue of all civil rights. Macks wife suggested that
a letter from the South African gun owners to the gun owners of
America might be appropriate at this time. I trust you are aware the
weekend of July 7th, 2001 will kick off the UNs meeting
on small arms. It is their desire to disarm citizens worldwide! I
know that as I personally attended their West African meetings in
Accra, Ghana, as an observer.
I would like to tell you
some of what took place in our country and hope that you will
recognize on a personal level the danger that threatens you and your
countrymen, and the heartbreak that lies ahead, if you fail to
When Africa was truly dark,
the law of the jungle naturally prevailed. From a socio-political
perspective it mostly meant that the king with the largest army held
life and death in his palms. Later the Arabs came with their
In 1652, the first white
colonials permanently settled the southernmost tip of Africa. They
came with their guns and their traditional right to keep and bear
them, much as it was in your country.
One of the first things the
settlers did to ensure domination and supremacy was to impose a ban
on the possession of firearms by indigenous peoples (the blacks). It
is not coincidental that this ban resulted in the colonial
subjugation of the indigenous peoples until the twentieth century.
Indigenous peoples then began armed revolts and national liberation
followed. Those who had been suppressed for centuries used firearms
to ensure that the political will of the masses prevailed in the
absence of democracy. Democracy was instilled through the barrel of
the gun. Apartheid came to a formal end in 1994.
As a result of the so-called
armed struggle, amongst other things, South Africa experienced its
second national liberation. The liberation was not the sole result
of the armed struggle, as the fight for freedom had been fought on
many fronts, but it was crucial. The threats of democratic will
being enforced violently caused the elite to bow to democracy. It is
an irresistible force that you as Americans must never loose sight
of as protectorate of the worlds freedom. You are the last front of
the armed struggle  the struggle not for national liberation, but
for the preservation of personal freedom.
National liberation has
rarely equated in advances of personal freedom. For once look
outside America to evaluate my words. THEN OPEN YOUR EYES TO YOUR
I want you to think for a
moment. As the twentieth century aged, the political cry for
increased freedoms became the rallying cry for political correctness
and liberty. The plight and rights of the individual were seemingly
put on the forefront. The so-called flag bearers of these rights and

[CTRL] New Stink Bombs To Induce Panic are Not New - were Nazi Experiment

2001-07-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So the new stink bombs are meant to be funny??Really?

New Stink Bomb oh so funny  - Will induce panic state against
protesters of Globilization?
Think this country of ours has not taken on the attributes of Nazi
Germany for the Nazis once had a pest control experiment buit about the
story of Legion in the bible - and these people who introduce this new
gas warfare are using these Nazi Experiments against Americans and
protesters worldwide now?

Would have expected this out of Nazi Germany and out of those who caused
holocaut at Waco?

Well that is just the beginning - remember the Legionaires Disease?
Timed to my bible code where a demonic who claimed his name was Legion
for he was many (and no doubt foreign legion etc., took their name from
here) - this demoniac was exorcised and his disease went into the swine
who panicked and ran into the ocean and drowned - now this old Nazi
experiment was repeated on July 21 when the Legionaires died - some
maybe had weaker lungs and could not withstand the poison but at that
time too well we had remember the poisoned Swine Flu (love that Swine
flu) vaccine that was bad and killed and crippled how many people.

Wonder, did the sick Legionaires panic when attacked by this dly disease
caused by something it was alleged emitted from the air conditioning

So in this wonderful book - Speer of Destiny in a chapter called
Asrological Pest Control, Rabbits, Rats, and Sub Humans

When I got this book I remembred this FBI agent on a elevator - two had
followed me downtown to - jumping on the elevator and saying softly into
my ear we are exterminators and we are out to eliminate a pest...and I
got the message.

Vaccine companies, drugs, pest control - all are under the same umbrella
today; but this book Speer of Destiny tells of this chemical warfare -
the type our government now will use on protesters?   Ony they just
added the stench and remembr the protestors no doubt who were government
agents who threw lion's dung at mounted police - on horses and the
horses panicked like the swine in Mark and Luke - and ran into the sea
and drowned?   Think just kids threw the lions dung or imal rights
people and activists - think they would stab policeman's horses as they

So an example from this book:   in part:  A key Nazi experiment to
induce  panic in rabbits designed for people :

 From Spear of Destiny.

 When the dawn broke the following morning (after the experiment)
thousands f rabbits were to be seen in a huge cluster around an old ash
tree in the paddock. The appeared to bei n a state of intense
excitement, rrstless, quivering, running up an down an snifling the air
with obvious perturbation..

From all directions they were joined by more and more rabbits that came
dashing across the fields, running across farm yards and stables, and
even scampering down garden paths, apparently  oblivious of the dangers
of human contact.

Reports came in from all parts of the vast estate and neighbouring farm
landsrabbits were quitting their burrows and warrens as though their
natural habitat was not a threat to their very survival, forming other
huge clusters in a condition of frantic agitation.
[or state of panic]

By late afternoon the separate clusters had joined together in a single
mass in a far corner of the estate. Shortly before dusk the entire
rabbit population disappeared in one enormous panic stricken swarm
heading in a north-easterly direction towrds the distant wastelands an

no rabbits would be seen nor rabbit spoor disovered on the Keyserlingsk
lands for many years to come.

Now read the story of Legion in the bible - where the swine panicked and
ran to the sea and drowned - and keep in mind the Legionaires that
horrible day and the Swine Flu serum which was found to be poison and
this, was an experiment no doubt you will think it was CIA - no way, for
the same conspirators who murdered JFK and RFK and sabotaged the Apollo,
did this - and I do not care if anyone believes me or not, for I know.
It is keyed to my bible calendar code which I call The Master Plan for
Death keyed to the Stars (Astrology) and the Testaments.

So now to the real essense of this experiment - German Doctors and a few
of them were also jewish but worked right along with the Nazis?
This is the gist of how this experiment affected the rabbits:

There was to be a sinister sequel to this astonishing demonstration of
pest control at Koberwitz.

The Nazis repeated the experiment with potentised ashes of the
testicles, spleens and portions of the skin of virile young Jews in an
attempt to drive the remnant of the Jewish population out of Germany

It was the last horrific act in the final solution when the Third Reich
was colapsing before the onslaught of the Allied Armies. The order to
carry out this diabolical plan came from Hitler himself, but the evil
genius who conceived it, was Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler
