[CTRL] WP: Minister Says Daughter, at 18, Had an Affair With Condit

2001-07-12 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



 Minister Says Daughter, at 18, Had an Affair With Condit

By Petula Dvorak and Allan Lengel
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, July 12, 2001; Page A01

FBI agents looking into the disappearance of Chandra Levy have approached
and interviewed a Pentecostal minister who described an affair between his
then-18-year-old daughter and Rep. Gary A. Condit, telling investigators
that the congressman had warned her never to speak of the relationship.

Four law enforcement sources confirmed that the father, Otis Thomas, has
been questioned by the FBI and that investigators are interested in talking
to his daughter. Thomas, in an interview in which he described what his
daughter told him of the affair, said that he has encouraged her to talk to
the FBI but that she is afraid to do so and has gone into hiding.

Thomas said the relationship took place about seven years ago and that it
ended in a tense breakup initiated by his daughter. Thomas said he decided
to describe his daughter's account to FBI agent Todd M. Irinaga because he
learned that the relationship was discussed by Levy and Condit in April,
about two weeks before the 24-year-old intern was last seen.

Thomas's daughter, who is now in her mid-twenties, declined to discuss any
aspect of the case.

I don't want to talk about any of that, she said in a brief telephone
conversation this week.

Marina Ein, a spokesman for the Democratic congressman from California,
yesterday accused The Washington Post of joining the ranks of tabloids who
have come to us with specious questions about a supposed affair.

These questions are destructive, unfair and irrelevant, Ein said. In
fact, we are constantly placed in the impossible position of having to
prove a negative. This is something we will not do.

Condit's attorney, Abbe D. Lowell, said, This is beneath the dignity of
The Washington Post.

Thomas's account of his daughter's affair with Condit has been known to the
Levy family since mid-April, before Chandra disappeared. By then, the Levy
family knew Chandra was having a relationship with the congressman,
according to family members.

Thomas, who has parlayed his weekend groundskeeping at his Modesto, Calif.,
church into a weekday freelance gardening business, has done work at the
Levy home for about four years. He had a conversation with Chandra's
mother, Susan Levy, in April while he was tending roses in the back yard.
The conversation continued by the pool, where Susan Levy brought him a cold
drink. The two often talked about their children, and Thomas said he asked
Susan Levy how Chandra was doing in Washington.

Susan Levy replied that Chandra was doing well and that she had befriended
a congressman, Gary Condit.

Mrs. Levy asked me if I know Gary Condit and asked me what I think about
him, Thomas said. She said she was asking about him because her daughter
was friends with him in Washington.

Thomas said he remembered that his daughter had asked him for advice about
seven years ago, when she wanted to break off a bad relationship. He said
he had been shocked when she told him the man she was seeing was Condit,
whom she said she met at a political rally.

Lord have mercy, I told her she has to be around men her own age, Thomas

He said he advised her to end the liaison immediately. She did so, and the
two never spoke of it again, he said. I didn't really think much about it
since then, until Mrs. Levy asked me about him, Thomas said.

At the Levy house that day, Thomas said he and Susan Levy talked about
Condit, gingerly at first. Then Mrs. Levy asked me if I've ever heard
anything about him and other women, Thomas said. The two eventually
confessed to one another that both their daughters had relationships with
Condit. I told Mrs. Levy that with my daughter, it ended badly, that I
think her daughter should end the relationship with him right away, Thomas

He remembers that Susan Levy then got on the phone and called Chandra in
Washington. He said he heard the mother argue with her daughter. Mrs. Levy
talked to Chandra about it, but Chandra told her mother to mind her own
business, that she was a grown woman who could deal with it, Thomas said.

Susan Levy confirmed that she had the conversation with Thomas and said she
had sparred with her daughter about the relationship with Condit over the
phone. In mid-April, when the Levys were in the Washington area to
celebrate their daughter's birthday, Chandra Levy told her mother that she
had talked to Condit about the affair described by Thomas and that the
congressman had explained it all to her, Susan Levy said.

About two weeks later, on April 30, Chandra Levy canceled the membership at
her Washington health club. She has not been seen since.

In May, when Thomas and his daughter saw news accounts of Levy's
disappearance, he said his daughter became upset. She told him that Condit
had warned her after the breakup not to tell anyone about the 

[CTRL] Civil Rights Not meant for White Men?

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

George Bush - go get this old bat.

Mary Frances Berry (current head of U.S. Commission on Civil
Rights) - Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the
rights of white men and do not apply to them. [Civil Rights
Under Reagan, San Francisco, ICS Press, 1991, p. 141.]

[CTRL] A Cry From the Wilderness?

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Civil Rights not made for the White Man?
This Civil Rights Commission or whatever they call it here we go - there
now we have grounds for serious law suits for this stupid illiterate
woman could spend the rest of her life in a court of law defending this
statement with regard to whites who may have filed complaints and
received unjust treatment.

Now, what was that that George W. Bush's son in law or nephew said - the
Latino - HE SAID FIGHT FOR YOUR RACE and it is about time some of these
chicken crap white men stood up and demanded this woman be removed from
public service

Interesting item on a black leader who has seen the light and is not
afraid of Jesse Jackson or his henchmen or the likes of an Al Sharpton,
who dirty up the term Civil Rights.

One must remember who was the founder of the NAACP - and then take
another look at the Boy Scouts being publicly condemned and crucified by
this evil element in our society.


With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...
Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Black Leader Urges Black Boycott of NAACP
Calling the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) nothing more than a tool of the elite, socialist Democratic
Party, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the
Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), called on fellow
African-Americans to launch a nationwide boycott of the organization.
Noting that the NAACP has been in the news recently for attacking
President Bush's faith-based initiative and Cabinet choices and for
criticizing the president for not speaking at this year's annual
convention, Peterson's group pointedly recalled the NAACP's sponsorship
of a vicious election-time ad that implied that President Bush was
responsible for a racially motivated dragging death in Texas.

The NAACP's recent actions have proven that they have sold out the
original intent of the organization, which was to help black Americans
to succeed in society, said the Rev. Peterson. In recent years they
[the NAACP] have become nothing more than a tool of the elite, socialist
Democratic Party. We certainly saw that in their preferential treatment
of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.

What is the NAACP doing about the real problems in the black
community? Peterson asked. What are they doing about our schools,
where our kids know more about condoms than mathematics? What is the
NAACP doing about the 70 percent of black babies being born out of
wedlock? It's clear they have no interest in solving these problems. In
fact, I believe their true intent is to cause problems by dividing
America and by irritating resentments in the black community.

Peterson urged Americans to refrain from supporting the NAACP: The
NAACP is no longer deserving of receiving Americans' hard-earned money
or precious time. Anyone who continues to support them is financing
their own destruction, the Rev. Peterson concluded.
Read more on this subject in related Hot

Bush Administration
Presidential Race 2000

Printer Friendly Version

 Click for complete story
Inside Cover Stories
 Condit Refused to Turn Over Pants With Red Mystery Stain
 FBI Analyzing Blood Found on Condit's Venetian Blinds
 Lott Calls for IRS Review of NAACP
 Clintons Quiet on Condit Comparisons
 Black Leader Urges Black Boycott of NAACP
 D.C. Cops Mobilizing to Handle Huge Fall Demonstrations
 Court Says the Church Must Pay for Condoms?
 Second Castro Daughter Bolts Cuba
 Judas Kiss: Castro Keeps Exploiting Elian
 Bush and Hillary Paired Up for Air Force One Big Apple Trip
 Gingrich Blasts NAACP for Bush Insult
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Justice Department Reverses Gun Rights Position

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting Item -

Does anybody really think this would have ever happened under
a Gore/Lieberman administration?  Or would we all be receiving
visits from the UN gun patrol?

: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:23 PM
Subject: Justice Department Reverses Gun Rights Position


Justice Department Reverses Gun Rights Position

Wednesday July 11 2:01 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reversing a position it adopted nearly
30 years ago,
the Justice Department is preparing a formal legal opinion
individuals, not just groups, have a constitutional right to
own guns, a
view advocated by Attorney General John Ashcroft, department
officials said
on Wednesday.

They said the department's office of legal counsel was
drafting the
opinion, which would be a shift from the position it took in
1973 under
Republican President Richard Nixon that there was no personal
constitutional right to own or use a gun.

The letter, denounced by gun-control groups, represented a
break from the
government's prior position that the Second Amendment only
conferred a
collective right to own guns through militias, and not an
individual right.

The opinion will incorporate the views Ashcroft first
expressed in a letter
to the National Rifle Association in May.
The officials said Ashcroft, an NRA member, expressed official
Department policy in the letter, not his personal views.

In another move applauded by the NRA, Ashcroft last month
announced plans
to slash the amount of time the government can keep records of
background checks for gun buyers.

One official said the Justice Department would continue to
defend existing
gun laws in court, even after the opinion had been completed.

In his letter, Ashcroft said the Second Amendment did not
prohibit Congress
from enacting laws restricting firearms ownership for
``compelling state
interests.'' The issue of whether the Second Amendment applies
individuals is before a federal appeals court based in New
Orleans, and the
case could then be appealed to the U.S.  Supreme Court.

The Second Amendment says, ``A well-regulated militia, being
necessary to
the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep
and bear arms
shall not be infringed.'' Seth Waxman, solicitor general under
President Bill Clinton, said in a letter nearly a year ago
that successive
Democratic and Republican administrations, the Supreme Court
in 1939 and
eight U.S.  appeals courts had rejected arguments the Second
extended firearms rights to individuals.

Re: [CTRL] Boycott everything

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Why should I sacrifice and boycott everything - boy the guy who wrote
this is a real loser and wants us to suffer with him.

Buy what you can afford; do without if you cannot afford it or get a
credit card, run it up and go bankrupt.

High utilities?   With a new furnace and air conditioning unit, new
roof and insulation, and brand new windows with argon gas between
English Tudor panes - my utility bills are less than they were 20 years
agowhat is more these improvements for which I paid cash meant no
interest on same, and though somewhat costly, it increased the value of
my home said mortgage burned in 1985 - it is all mine, I worked for it
and I earned it - and this asshole now wants me to boycott and go
without makeup and put some other guy out of work?

A cop once told me how to get what you wanted with little effort; at
Christmas time he was out working a 2nd job  loading big semi trucks to
provide a wonder Christmas for his children without going into debt;
when he wanted a new car, he put in a few more hours and worked 6 moths
extra job,  to help pay for it - you can pay for a house in 20 years or
30 years or 15 years and save some money.

But hey this idiot wants me to give up everything I cherish and my
perfume and little luxuries which I enjoy like good food and good drink;
should I feel guilty because someone on welfare did not have it so

This  guy would take you down to the pits.

As the wise card player knows - never lose more than you can afford to

So I guess it wasn't enough that Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy
died virtually inservice was it - one was a war hero.high ideals.
This guy targets Robert F. Kennedy, a man who tried to combat organized
crime not knowing of course, their connection to the KGB and elements
who would destroy this country all in the name of civil rights fights -
or did he know who the Enemy Within really was.   J. Edgar Hoover knew
who the enemy was for the Trojan Horse within had the brand of Henry
Kissinger stamped on its rear=end.

This thing called Mafia hated Rober F. Kennedy who once wrote in his
book about the cabalists who taught Mafia children scratching cabalistic
symbols on a chalk board and one professor had written From the Garbage
there blooms a rosewhich meant they were taking over the cartage
businessstrange, Martin Luther King died for the sanitation workers
and for dues check off.Jackson and Sharpton now very rich men
wearing $1,200 suits - now these men would have made a better example -
why attempt to downgrade RFK?

But spare me from the company of a Born Again Loser like the idiot that
wrote this piece of crap.

I worked for what I have - and I am going to enjoy it and when I kick
the can, my kids will smile all the way to the cemetary.leaving
something of value, does brighten a dark day.

Now maybe this guy should get ahold of Hill and Bill - how much is their
income a year now - 8 million for a book?   And this asshole is knocking
Robert F. Kennedy who died for his country whle Clinton lived to put the
wreath on the grave of the Unknown Soldier?


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Re: [CTRL] Slobodamnation

2001-07-12 Thread Dr Chris R. Tame

-Caveat Lector-

In article 3B4C80D1.22520.18CFEF4@localhost, kl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

On 11 Jul 2001, at 21:53, Dr Chris R. Tame wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 What was the source of this article?


Best wishes

Many thanks

Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director
Libertarian Alliance| The secret of Happiness is Freedom,   |
25 Chapter Chambers |  and the secret of Freedom is Courage |
Esterbrooke Street  |  Thucydides, Pericles' Funeral Oration |
London SW1P 4NN
Tel:  020 7821 5502
Fax:  020 7834 2031
LA Web Site:  http://www.libertarian-alliance.com/
Free Life Web Site:  http://www.whig.org.uk

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NYP: Spots In His Apartment Could Be Blood; NM: Condit Refused to Turn Over Pants With Red Mystery Stain; DRUDGE: In Plain Sight: Drop of Blood In Bathroom

2001-07-12 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Associated Press


July 12, 2001 -- Detectives probing Chandra Levy's disappearance found
massage oils, a long, brown hair - and two mysterious spots that could be
blood - in Rep. Gary Condit's Washington apartment, police sources said
last night.

The sources said the hair did not come from the married California
Democrat, who admitted having an affair with Levy, an attractive
24-year-old brunette who vanished May 1.

The hair was sent to the FBI crime lab in Quantico, Va., for further
testing, as was a Venetian blind slat that had the spots, the sources said.

The discoveries were revealed as Anne Marie Smith, a flight attendant who
claims Condit was her lover for 10 months, and her lawyer accused the
congressman of hiding information about the missing intern.

Mr. Condit is hiding a whole lot of other things besides his extramarital
affairs, said the lawyer, James Robinson, adding that his client is more
afraid of him than ever.

Cops using high-tech equipment searched Condit's apartment for three hours,
beginning shortly before midnight Tuesday and ending about 3 a.m.

In addition to the hair, the massage oils and the Venetian blind slat, cops
also seized a carpet sample, a bathroom canister and clothing. All but the
massage oils were sent to Quantico.

Meanwhile, detectives, FBI agents and federal prosecutors spent seven hours
interviewing Smith, who says Condit asked her to sign an affidavit denying
they had been lovers.

Afterward, the flame-haired Smith told the Fox News Channel that Condit
said it was OK to sign the affidavit because the case will never go to

Clearly, asking me to sign the affidavit kind of put a shadow on his
credibility, she said.

Smith, 39, who returns for more questioning today, was asked if she thought
other affidavits existed from women with whom Condit may have been

I have a feeling there are a few floating around, she said.

Smith said she believes Condit has not come clean about Levy.

I think there's a lot more that he knows that he's not telling, she told
Fox News Channel.

Robinson, speaking later, accused Condit of living a clandestine life -
hiding how he gets around Washington, how he gets around California.

Asked if investigators hadn't asked the congressmen about this, the lawyer
replied, From the reactions of the people in the room when my client
answered the simplest of questions, they've asked him.

Robinson added, As far as I'm concerned, they consider him a suspect.

Chandra, who had just completed a six-month internship with the Bureau of
Prisons, disappeared after telling her parents she was returning home to
Modesto, Calif.

Meanwhile, People magazine reports that Chandra's anguished parents reached
out to a psychic who said their missing daughter is alive.



Condit Refused to Turn Over Pants With Red Mystery Stain

California congressman Gary Condit refused to give Washington, D.C., police
a clothing item reportedly stained with an unidentified red-colored
substance uncovered during a search of his apartment early Wednesday.

Mr. Condit, 53, and his wife, Carolyn, were present, and both were polite
and kept mostly to themselves, a law enforcement source told the
Washington Times Thursday.

But the source added that the couple refused to let them take a pair of
pants that had a red stain.

Additionally, Condit's attorney Abbe Lowell reportedly grew upset when the
D.C. police search team discovered what appeared to be specks of blood in
the living room.

Mr. Lowell became angry when one technician - in an episode broadcast on
television - cut a piece out of the venetian blinds because of specks 'that
might possibly be blood,' the source told the Times.

A drop of blood was also discovered on the floor of Condit's bathroom.

The FBI lab is reportedly conducting DNA tests on the blood samples, which
are expected to take at least two weeks.

In addition, according to The Drudge Report:


And, according to The Washington Times:

No evidence of struggle is found in search of Condit's apartment;
Residence called 'cleaned all over'... During a four-hour search,
crime-scene technicians took samples from one drop of blood in plain sight
in the bathroom and from specks detected with special equipment in the
living room...One black hair found...

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends


[CTRL] WashTimes: Girl Scout Camp recruits children of lesbians

2001-07-12 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Washington Times

Girl Scout Camp recruits children of lesbians

By Joyce Howard Price
Published 7/12/01

 A Girl Scouts site in New Jersey will be taken over next month by
children of homosexuals and other parents dubbed progressive by the
feminist group that will be running the two-week camp.

 We have a positive business relationship with the Girl Scouts council
that owns the camp, and this relationship has nothing to do with sexual
orientation, said Karen Miller, who is accepting applications from people
wishing to serve as counselors at the Mountain Meadow Summer Camp at
Newfield, N.J.

 The arrangement means the Girl Scouts are supporting homosexual
recruitment, said Robert H. Knight, director of the Culture and Family
Institute, an affiliate of Concerned Women for America.

 The Girl Scouts has welcomed lesbians for some time now, so it's not
at all surprising that they are looking the other way as their property is
being used as a recruitment camp for sexual deviants, said Mr. Knight.

 He added: It's clear that lesbianism is no barrier to being a role
model for young girls, as far as the Girl Scouts is concerned. In contrast,
the Boy Scouts have a policy of protecting boys from homosexuals.

 Ms. Miller says there is no reason lesbians shouldn't be role models.
I do feel positive about the way the Girl Scouts has taken a public stance
against discrimination, she said yesterday in a telephone interview from
her office in Detroit.

 This will be the fourth consecutive summer that the Girl Scouts of
South Jersey Pines, which owns what it calls Camp Sacajawea, has leased the
property to the nonprofit group dominated by homosexuals that operates the
site as Mountain Meadow.

 Before that, Ms. Miller said, Mountain Meadow leased campgrounds owned
by other groups. One summer, she said, the camp operated on property
belonging to a Boy Scouts council in Pennsylvania.

 Describing her group, Ms. Miller said: We're all feminists, all
activists, and most of us are gays and lesbians. This is a leftist group.

 The Mountain Meadow Summer Camp will be in swing this year from Aug. 5
to 18 and will host 85 youngsters ages 9 to 17, said Ms. Miller.

 The camp is earmarked for children of homosexual, transsexual,
bisexual, biracial, adoptive, single-parent and other nontraditional

 Ms. Miller said adolescents with homosexual parents have been an
underserved population, who have not received the counseling necessary to
deal with the teasing and harassment they receive from other children.

 During the last 10 years, there's been a lesbian baby boom, so
younger kids have been getting much more attention, she said.

 Ms. Miller called the Mountain Meadow camp a really exciting place,
where children with homosexual parents can feel free to be open about their
family lives. Most of these kids are proud of their families, she said.

 Gertrude Kaczorowski, assistant executive director of the Girl Scouts
of the South Jersey Pines, said that council's relationship with Mountain
Meadow is strictly a landlord-tenant relationship.

 We've also rented the camp to five or six other groups in the past
couple of years, said Mrs. Kaczorowski. She said the list includes some
football teams, a sheriff's youth group and an organization that sponsors a
camp for children whose parents have died.

 Those applying for staff positions at Mountain Meadow are asked to
discuss the experiences they have had in the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgendered] community.

 Job applicants are given the option to answer questions about their
sexual orientation.

 When we rent out our camp, we are not responsible for the personnel
who are hired, said Mrs. Kaczorowski.

 Asked what the Girl Scouts require from the prospective tenant, she
said, We require payment, proof of liability insurance, we require that
they follow safety rules, such as allowing no weapons or alcohol on the
property, and they must show a copy of their mission statement.

 The Girl Scouts declined to disclose how much income it receives for
renting out the camp, but Ms. Miller said those who attend pay on a sliding
scale. The average camper pays $250. We pay an average of $850 per child,
she said.

 The Girl Scouts proudly proclaims its policy of nondiscrimination,
and we're in a state that prohibits discrimination, Mrs. Kaczorowski

 News about the transformation of Camp Sacajawea to Mountain Meadow has
been the subject of online articles by CNSNews and the American Family

 Both mentioned a woman named Linda Oakleaf, a founding member of a
group called Lesbian Avengers in Chicago.

 Miss Oakleaf has been active in the Girl Scouts for 15 years -- she
most recently has served as a troop leader

[CTRL] Mild Physical Pressure

2001-07-12 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Calls in Denmark to arrest designated ambassador Gillon

By Nitzan Horowitz, Ha'aretz Correspondent


July 11, 2001

Politicians, human rights organizations and legal experts in Copenhagen
have mounted a campaign in Denmark to have Carmi Gillon, Israel's
designated ambassador, arrested if he arrives in the country, after his
justification of mild physical pressure (torture) when combating

Danish lawmaker Soren Sonbergaard has announced he'll complain to the
Danish police, if Gillon, due to take up his post next month, arrives in

Gillon's remarks to a Danish television interviewer justifying the use of
physical pressure on terrorist suspects -- a procedure banned by the
Israeli High Court of Justice in 1999 -- and his suggestion Israel may
need to resume the procedure, created a storm of controversy in Denmark.
Representatives from most of the country's political parties have rejected
his statement and say that torture of any sort can not be justified under
any circumstances.

The human rights groups charge that the UN treaty against torture makes
clear the definition of torture and Article 6 in the document clearly
states that signatories to the treaty must arrest people who conducted
torture as defined by the treaty.

Thus Denmark, as a signatory to the treaty, will have to take steps and
arrest him, said Tue Magnussen, the international coordinator for the
Danish Rehabilitation and Research Center for Torture Victims.

There is no justification for torture -- not war and not terror, he

The leading Danish daily, Brelinska, yesterday carried a front page story
about the calls for Gillon's arrest. Magnussen and other activists are now
doubtful that Gillon will show up in Denmark. He says he believes that
Israel and Denmark will want to avoid the arrest of the former Shin Bet

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Bell Tolls (fwd)

2001-07-12 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The Bell Tolls - Wed Jul 11 16:32:51 2001

 The Bell Tolls
 Phil Brennan
 Wednesday, July 11, 2001

 ...no man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
 continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
 Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
 manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death
 diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind, and therefore never
 send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
 John Donne (1572-1631)

 That bell is tolling for your fellow Americans in Klamath Falls,
 Ore. ... just as one day soon it will toll for you. And it's not
 joyful sounds of the Liberty Bell you'll hear, but the mournful
 clangs of a funerary bell tolling the death of your cherished

 What do you have in common with the folks in Klamath Falls?
 Everything that has to do with your constitutional rights to be
 free of asinine and destructive restrictions imposed by a distant,
 out-of-control government dancing to the tune of a socialist cabal
 that wants to run your lives because it thinks you are too stupid to
 control your own destiny.

 If you haven't heard about what's happening in Klamath Falls, it's not
 surprising. The TV networks from which most of you get your news
 haven't seen fit to concentrate on the events there - they're too busy
 bringing us up to date, almost minute by minute, with the latest
 details about Rep. Gary Condit and his fling with the missing
 Chandra Levy, or touting the latest polls allegedly showing President
 Bush's approval ratings plunging.

 Anyway, what's at issue out there in the Golden West is the matter of
 the survival of drought-stricken farmers now threatened by Uncle
 Sam, who is more concerned about the welfare of the sucker fish
 than he is about that of living American citizens.

 Three months ago the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced it would
 withhold nearly 90 percent of the area's irrigation water to protect
 two species of endangered sucker fish.

 That's right - when the welfare of a breed of fish about which I'll
 bet you never heard of is threatened, the people be damned.

 The result? Catastrophe for a lot of your fellow Americans.

 Writing in the Seattle Times, reporter Craig Welch brilliantly
 described the havoc wreaked on the people in the area by the
 besotted members of the U.S. Congress, federal agencies and the

 Farmland here is so dry it crumbles like old cement, but tensions in
 this drought-desiccated valley are boiling over. Three times in five
 days last week, protesters frustrated at the government's refusal to
 release irrigation water from nearby Upper Klamath Lake used
 saws or a blowtorch to open headgates and release water from
 behind a dam.

 Prompted by court decisions and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
 biological opinions, the decision to cut irrigation water here affects
 most of the 170,000 acres served by Upper Klamath Lake, Welch
 wrote. While some farmers still have state water rights or private
 wells, and others still get water from two nearby lakes, most farms
 are so parched their crops have blown away and the soil may be
 damaged for years.

 Elsewhere in town, food-bank supplies are stretched. The county's
 mental health services are up 60 percent over the same period last

 Alfalfa prices are so high struggling cattle owners can't afford it,
 but hay producers short on water have no crop to sell to take advantage
 of the market.

 Work at one local hairdressers has 'dropped off like a lead sinker,'
 one cosmetologist said.

 County officials estimate some 30 wells also have gone dry, and
 they blame empty irrigation canals they say help recharge deep

 All this to protect a so-called endangered species without which
 mankind could easily survive and prosper.

 There was a time when Americans would have rallied to help their
 neighbors no matter how distant geographically they might be. But
 aside from what amounts to a mere handful of concerned
 Americans - mainly members of the Wise Use movement - the
 response from the great mass of those of their fellow citizens who
 are aware of the Oregon disaster has been a yawn and a shrug of
 the shoulders.

 This kind of thing has been happening more and more frequently -
 Americans being denied their property rights and their livelihood to
 satisfy the whims and caprices of an elitist bunch of so-called
 environmentalists who care not a whit for their fellow humans -
 Marxist ideologues 

[CTRL] Settlers being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic militant groups demanding independence.

2001-07-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Hmmmnnn... No Jews = no news.

Isn't this ethnic cleansing? I've heard nothing from you about
this situation? Where is the Palestinian moral outrage? Where is the
Liberal outrage? Or are you all just full of it?


Kashmir's evicted Hindu minority seeks its own homeland

Associated Press

NEW DELHI, India (July 11, 2001 06:39 a.m. EDT) - Pinni Suri
remembers the scene exactly - even though 11 years have passed.
Dawn had just broken when two teenagers knocked on the front
door of her home in the Kashmir Valley, where her Hindu ancestors
had lived for centuries among the majority Muslims.

Two minutes later, one of the young men shot Suri's husband
in the chest. The attackers disappeared into the narrow lanes
of Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital. Muslim neighbors,
watching from their window, turned away as she begged for

They shot dead my husband on Aug. 1, 1990, and I left Srinagar
the same day. I haven't gone back since, said Suri. An uncle
of her husband was killed weeks later.

It was a time of terrible fear among Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus
indigenous to the beautiful Himalayan valley. They and Hindu
settlers were being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
militant groups demanding independence from India or to unite
with Muslim-majority Pakistan. Between October 1989 and August
1990, some 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits fled and live mostly
in squalid camps in Jammu, Kashmir's winter capital.

Now as India prepares for a three-day summit starting Friday
between Pakistan's Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister
Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Pandits are raising anew their
demand for a homeland, which they say must be separate because
of fears they will be targeted again.

They wanted to Islamize Kashmir and they wanted us out.
It was ethnic cleansing, said Ramesh Manavati, spokesman
for Our Own Kashmir, an organization that says it represents
more than 700,000 Kashmiri Pandits and demands an enclave
in the Kashmir Valley.

Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits say they feel forsaken by their
government, which failed to protect them and their property.

We are the forgotten ones, refugees in our own country,
Manavati said.

The All Party Hurriyat Conference, an umbrella group of Islamic
and political parties that claims to speak for Kashmir, says
the Pandits are welcome back, but a separate Pandit homeland
is unacceptable. Kashmir is for all Kashmiris, says the group,
which favors separation of the region from India.

The Hurriyat is not in favor of division along communal
(religious) lines, said Hurriyat spokesman Abdul Majid Banday.

The Hurriyat has outraged the Pandits by saying that the
stories of killings and intimidation were exaggerated and
that the Pandit exodus was part of a government strategy
to show the separatist movement in a bad light.

Those who fled said the militants' method was to kill one
and terrorize hundreds. Mosques blared warnings to Hindus,
telling infidels to leave. Graffiti on walls said the valley
was reserved for the faithful.

Hindus who remained behind continue to live in fear. According
to statistics compiled by The Associated Press, nearly 400
Hindus have been killed in 33 separate attacks in the past
eight years. Many have been pulled out of buses and shot
at close range.

India accuses Islamic Pakistan of arming the Kashmir militants.
Pakistan denies the charge, saying its support is only political.
But most militant groups in Kashmir are based in Pakistan
and run training camps for fighters under the eyes of Pakistan's

According to the latest census completed in February, Kashmir
has 6.2 million Muslims and 3.4 million Hindus, including
500,000 Kashmiri Pandits, as well as 300,000 Sikhs and 100,000

The displaced Hindus live safe but squalid lives in several
large camps in Jammu, which is in the foothills of the Himalayas
and has a Hindu majority. Extended families live in single
rooms, with leaky roofs, poor ventilation and no toilets.

What is here? Nothing. Mosquito bites and fear of snakes,
said 65-year-old Lakshmanjoo, who uses only one name. He
has been sharing a room with 10 other family members since
they fled 11 years ago. My valley is beautiful.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Re: [CTRL] FC: Are underskirt cams video voyeurism or free speech? (fwd)

2001-07-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, c. wrote:
 Let's start seeing some voyeuristic videos of men's privates taken when
 they thought they were in private...

really, trust me, there is no market for men's privates in private ;)

I think you underestimate women (and ignore the gay male market)...  ;-)

but if you are *really* curious i can mibbe stretch my webcam's

Thanks, I'll pass   ;-)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FR: Condit asked Levy to forego ID

2001-07-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

One theory that has gained little attention, but that is being pursued by
authorities, according to police sources, is the possibility that enemies
of Condit may have sought to set him up by abducting the young women.

And who might that be? asked an incredulous Joseph DiGenova, a promient
local attorney and former U.S. attorney. Is this the spin that the
Democrats are putting out? If the police are pursuing that theory, then
they really are wasting their time. Who knew about this relationship? No
one, apparently, except him and her aunt -- and that's a rather bizarre

DiGenova neglects the flight attendent's admission that she visited
Condit's apartment in early April and discovered Levy's hair...Smith's
own account mentions Levy by name, not I found a strange hair in the
sink that obviously wasn't mine...Smith's own account implies that she
just didn't think that Condit had a vague 'other woman', but that she
indeed knew Levy and knew what Levy looked like (or at least knew what
sort of hair Levy has)...either Smith knew before that time specifics
regarding her 'rival', or Condit provided details at that time when Smith
confronted him with Levy's hair...

Either way, we have at least one other person who knew of Condit's and
Levy's relationship BEFORE Levy disappeared...and this other person could
conceivably have been jealous enough of Levy and angry enough at Condit
to have arranged Levy's disappearance and presumed murder.

Another scenario could be that Smith confronted Levy, letting the intern
know that Condit had been lying to her if he'd told Levy that she was his
exclusive 'other woman'...both Smith and Levy could have cooked up Levy's
disappearance as a way of getting back at Condit...

Of course, that would mean that either Levy's family is in on the scam,
or she's callous enough not to care about causing them anguish...


Check out Alternative Kite Radio at

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Milosovic to appeal to Dutch court

2001-07-12 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

Check my weblog daily for news and updates



Milosevic to appeal to Dutch court over detention

12:57 Thursday July 12th 2001

Slobodan Milosevic is expected to tell a Dutch Court that he was handed over to and 
detained by the UN War Crimes illegally. Mr Milosevic is to appeal to a Dutch Court on 
the grounds that The Hague-based Court is illegal. Dutch law offers an unspecified 
remedy in cases where a person is arrested illegally and brought into the Netherlands. 
He was transferred from Belgrade to the Tribunal last month to face charges stemming 
from his crackdown against Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo two years ago.

Get your own FREE allofyourgodsaredead.com Email account at...

http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dubious Reports of U.S. Concentration Camps

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/11/01 6:40:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Several years ago I went out checked on three camps in my area.  They

The old perloined letter trick. Yes, this would be good way of doing it.
However, it is just as easy to take an open field, and surround it with
razorwire and armed guards.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Policy Post 7.06: US Court Agrees to Hear Yahoo!'s Challenge to French Claim of Jurisdiction (fwd)

2001-07-12 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

CDT POLICY POST Volume 7, Number 6, July 11, 2001



(1) US Court Agrees to Hear Yahoo!'s Challenge to French Claim of
(2) CDT Files Amicus Brief Highlighting Threat to Free Expression
in Trans-Border Rulings
(3) Foreign Courts' Exercise of Jurisdiction over Web Content Seen
in Other Cases
(4) Key Jurisdiction Issues Arising in Disparate Forums

(1) US Court Agrees to Hear Yahoo!'s Challenge to French Claim of

Yahoo! has cleared a key legal hurdle as it seeks relief in US courts
from a French court ruling that set a dangerous precedent for speech
and commerce online. The case arises from a decision by a French court
in November 2000, which ordered Yahoo! to block French users from
accessing auctions -- hosted on Yahoo's US-based servers -- of Nazi
paraphernalia and other items.

On June 7, 2001, in the case of Yahoo! Inc. v. LICRA, a federal court
in California denied a motion to dismiss Yahoo!'s request to declare
the French ruling unenforceable. The California decision opened the
way for the US court to take up the merits of Yahoo's claim that the
French court exceeded its jurisdiction. The US court's opinion
indicated that those who seek to use the foreign courts to control
US-based Web sites will face legal challenges to enforcement of those

The background is this: Last year, a French court ruled that Yahoo!,
by allowing its Web site to be accessed from France, ran afoul of
France's law criminalizing the exhibition or sale of racist materials.
In spite of arguments that it would be technologically difficult to
block only French users, the French court ordered Yahoo! to implement
the necessary technology, or face heavy daily fines. The court
specifically directed Yahoo! to re-engineer its content servers in the
United States and elsewhere to enable them to recognize French Internet
Protocol addresses and block their access to Nazi material. It also
required Yahoo! to ask users with ambiguous IP addresses to declare
their nationality when they arrive at Yahoo!'s home page or when they
initiate a search using the word Nazi.

After the French court's ruling, Yahoo! filed a lawsuit in the federal
district court in its home district in California asking for a
declaratory judgment that the foreign verdict was unenforceable in the
US. Yahoo! argued that US courts should refuse to enforce the French
judgment because it contravened fundamental US policy, namely, the
strong protection of free speech offered by the First Amendment. Yahoo!
pointed out that freedom of expression is recognized not only in the
United States as a fundamental constitutional right, but also under
international law. Yahoo! also argued that the French judgment
conflicted with a US law that immunizes ISPs from liability for content
that originates with third parties.

The US court ruling and the French Yahoo! decision, translated into
English, can be found at http://www.cdt.org/jurisdiction/

(2) CDT Files Amicus Brief Highlighting Threat to Free Expression in
Trans-Border Rulings

This may seem a little convoluted -- a US court case seeking to block
a French court decision. But the issue goes to the heart of the
Internet freedom: Holding Web publishers in one country liable for
simply publishing material that may be considered inappropriate when
viewed by citizens of another country would chill free expression and
commerce on the Internet. Online speech and commerce cannot be open
and vibrant if governments can extend jurisdiction over foreign-hosted

The French Yahoo! ruling jeopardizes the Internet's unique ability to
support free expression and other democratic values. Most countries
have laws controlling some kinds of speech, but these laws vary widely
based on culture. From country to country, prohibitions may cover
sexually-explicit materials, hate speech, blasphemy, libel, certain
kinds of advertising, national security information, or criticism of
government officials.

When countries attempt to control content on the Internet by applying
their domestic laws to speech originating outside of their country, the
threat to freedom of expression is real. Imagine if every Web site were
subject to the laws of all 180 countries in the world. Ironically, it
would be the voices from poorer countries that might be stifled the most,
as small creators of content would find it impossible to comply with so
many different laws.

Making these arguments, CDT filed a friend of the court brief in support
of Yahoo!, joined by the American Association of Publishers, the Freedom
to Read Foundation, the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, People for the American
Way, the Society of Professional Journalists, and others. CDT is following

Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-12 Thread Jenny Decker

Hi Bill,
 It's notMarrs' 
INTERPRETATIONS that are the problem, but in every simple biographic detail in 
this book Mars shows he is confused. He mistakes the name of universities, 
misinterprets the simple character of the official jobs that men in his book 
have, let alone their "secret" activities, gets birthdates, nation of origin, 
parents' names and generation, all wrong, every simple thing. In several places 
details show me what source book he used, yet he misunderstood crucial details 
of the narrative in his source and garbles them in his recounting. He shows 
himself to have become, at least in this book, very careless 
aboutverifying his details, which much be accurate if the theories he 
builds ON these details are to stand. Instead, many of the details of his 
theories seem to turn upon his reading problems. If someone wrote a grand book 
reinterpreting the American Civil War, but when you read it you found that 
Robert E. Lee had somehow become a native ofChina and the ancestor of 
Henry Lee, and the author seemed very credulous about this, using as 
"documentation" the vast number of Chinese surnamed Lee, would you trust his 
discernment and reasoning on other points? What about if his book was full 
of these clunkers?
 This book was published as a 
popular volume, designed for an audience whose life focues is not academic. 
There are a number of carefully written discussions of the New World Order and 
its details that are worth reading, and won't cheat the reader's hope to gain a 
larger understanding . I like Jim Marrs, and I regret that in its present 
formhis book is not one of these.
Jenny Decker

  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 4:16 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim 
  Marrs Revealed
  In a message dated 7/11/01 12:37:36 PM Central Daylight 
  Rule by Secrecy, on the other hand, was so rife with 
misreadings of the original texts (which as an academic historian I have 
first-hand familiarity with), that most of its assertions are based on 
falsity, at least mistaken understanding. Well if you 
  go by the traditional history books I suppose this would be correct, his 
  deal is digging deeper and seeking alternative sources for the hidden 
  history of our planet and in that regard I think Rule By Secrecy is a 
  good, if rudimentary introduction to conspiracy theory and parahistory. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Review of The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan


The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power
by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad
reviewed by Sharon Presley

Don't be fooled by the title. More than just a book about gurus, it is in
fact a profoundly important philosophical/psychological critique of the
covert authoritarianism not only in most religions, both Eastern and
Western, but in many allegedly secular cultural values.
At the heart of most religions, assert Kramer and Alstad, is a morality of
self-sacrifice that proceeds from what they call the renunciate world
view. This view is authoritarian, they argue, because it claims that being
good means sacrificing self-interest to some higher interest, which the
authority conveniently defines. This allows the guru, Church or State to
control the followers or citizens.
In addition to the guru phenomenon, the authors' examination of how
self-sacrifice is used as a tool of control includes fundamentalist
religions, Buddhism, the concept of unconditional love, the 12-step
addiction program, and even conventional parenting. Many people are deeply
conditioned, say Kramer and Alstad, to expect that some outside agency,
power or person will somehow solve their problems. Looking for saviors, or
holders of wisdom, as the way to lead humanity (or oneself) to salvation or
survival has been ingrained into the old order...Behind much of the appeal
of such authority is the essentially childish hope of external and magical
answers to the existential problems and fears around living and dying.
What the authors are calling for is a profound change in the basic
philosophy of our culture. They argue for a morality that can develop the
whole person through integrating and valuing both sides of the divided self,
the spiritual and the carnal, the selfless and the self-centered, the
compassionate and the egotistic. The old paradigms, conclude Kramer and
Alstad, all have some authority - be it leader, wise man, guru, avatar,
representative of god, or prophet - telling the rest of us what life is
about and how to lead it ...How to replace the old methodology that we are
outgrowing is a major issue facing humanity. This book is an important step
in that direction. http://www.rit.org/reviews/guru_ppr.html

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: California 'Bohemian Grove' protest builds

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

California 'Bohemian Grove' protest builds

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 12, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper



By Deirdre Griswold

How are the big decisions really made? The story is that we
live in a transparent society where elected bodies make the
decisions and the will of the majority prevails. But in real
life most important events have been set into motion long
before the people know anything about it.

The Vietnam War, for example. Most people in the United
States knew nothing about Vietnam--hadn't even heard of it--
when the government had already been involved in a war there
for years.

Who decided that the United States should make atomic
weapons and drop them on two Japanese cities, killing
several hundred thousand people? Not the public. They knew
nothing about it.

But a select group of corporate heads, political leaders and
technocrats knew about it. In fact, the Manhattan Project to
create the atomic bomb was agreed on during a super-secret
conclave in 1942--at Bohemian Grove, Calif.

This July 14, thousands of demonstrators will converge on
Bohemian Grove when, once again, the members of this secret
society gather for their annual two-week bash. There are
2,500 members of the Bohemian Club--all men, 99 percent
white, all connected to the very rich. Every Republican
president since Herbert Hoover has been a member, and quite
a few Democrats. George W. Bush belongs, just like his
father, George, and his grandfather, Prescott Bush.

Heads of corporations and banks like IBM, Dupont, General
Electric, Bank of America and the World Bank have also been
members. Peter Phillips of Sonoma State University wrote in
his 1994 dissertation about the Bohemian Club: About one-
fifth of the members are either directors of one or more of
the Fortune 1000 companies, corporate CEOs, top governmental
officials (current and former) and/or members of important
policy councils or major foundations.

The International Action Center chapters in San Francisco
and Los Angeles are among the sponsors of this year's
demonstration, which has a long list of endorsers from the
progressive and anti-globalization community. Contact the
IAC at (415) 821-5782 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information on
buses to Monte Rio, Calif., where the demonstration will
take place.



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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-12 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

Well if you go by the traditional history books I suppose this would be
correct, his deal is digging deeper and seeking alternative sources for the
hidden history of our planet and in that regard I think Rule By Secrecy is a

good, if rudimentary introduction to conspiracy theory and parahistory.

Not to be too picky, but I have to ask, WHOSE traditional history books?
Sounding like a broken record I will repeat that Japanese history books DO
NOT teach children that the dropping of bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was
a good thing because it saved lives of Allied soldiers. MY history books
taught me that. Whose history is correct?

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [American_Liberty] Gold Seeks Role As Currency of E-Commerce

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

[Note from Matthew Gaylor:  I've met Douglas Jackson, who gave up his
lucrative medical practice to start e-gold, he's an MD.  I've been to
their headquarters and I've inspected one of their vaults where the
gold is kept (And no I won't tell you where that might be).  I use
e-gold myself on occasion and it has been very handy from ordering
magazine subscriptions http://magazinedepot.com/ to oversea
transactions . My e-gold acct# 101893 for those who want to test it
out by giving me Gold grin.]


Tech Headlines

Tuesday July 10 1:38 PM ET

Gold Seeks Role As Currency of E-Commerce

By Steve Hays

LONDON (Reuters) - World markets need a digital currency that is
independent of national economies, and gold is already showing it
fits that bill, a dot.com firm based on the Caribbean island of Nevis

``In the past there wasn't enough gold to finance wars, but there's
more than enough around now to finance commercial transactions,''
Douglas Jackson, president and chief executive of e-gold Ltd, told
Reuters on Tuesday.

Jackson said the firm turned gold into an online currency and started
up its e-gold system (www.e-gold.com) in November, 1996, since when
3.2 million transactions had been conducted via the network.

Jackson said each unit of e-gold as a digital currency was backed by
an equivalent weight in gold metal held in secure third-party vaults.
That meant there was no credit risk or contingent liability in using
e-gold for any transactions.

A Canadian, for example, can pay a German the correct weight of gold
for goods or services as easily as if the price had been quoted in a
national currency.


Most deals had been done by small businesses in the United States,
Canada, the UK and Australia that could not afford to wait weeks to
receive funds from credit card transactions or were not in the credit
card system.

``We've also seen interest from areas where there are weak currencies
and good internet penetration, particularly Malaysia and New
Zealand,'' he added.


Jackson is in London to discuss using e-gold for bullion banks to
settle business among themselves.

He said a digital currency also offered central banks a way to
mobilize their gold reserves.

``The central banks, and the IMF, are sitting there with thousands of
tons of gold as a major part of their assets, but they can't be used
for capital transactions.''


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Re: [CTRL] WP: Minister Says Daughter, at 18, Had an Affair With Condit

2001-07-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Thomas said the relationship took place about seven years ago and that it
ended in a tense breakup initiated by his daughter. Thomas said he decided
to describe his daughter's account to FBI agent Todd M. Irinaga because he
learned that the relationship was discussed by Levy and Condit in April,
about two weeks before the 24-year-old intern was last seen.


Okay, let's look at the timeline...

Sometime in 'early April', the flight attendent Anna Marie Smith visits
Condit at his apartment and discovers a strange hair (or two or three or
more).  Smith immediately recognizes that the hair is a woman's, and not
Smith's.  Smith now openly states that she discovered Levy's hair, whom
she supposedly didn't know about...Smith has also said that during her
10-month affair with Condit that she had a 'vague feeling' that she
wasn't his only chippy, but didn't know any details.  But then she turns
around and names Levy by name as the owner of the hair Smith finds in
Condit's apartment; either Smith is lying about not knowing details of
Condit's other affair(s) prior to that date, or Condit provided details
regarding Levy at that time.

Now according to Thomas, Levy confronts Condit sometime around the middle
of April regarding his relationship some 7 years previously with Thomas'
daughter.  One presumes that Levy confronted Condit about this because
why would it take so long for the subject to arise, if Condit had been
open about his other relationships?  It seems highly unlikely that the 2
discussed this subject as part of 'sweet pillow talk'...

One has to wonder HOW Levy suddenly found out about at least one other
illicit relationship of Condit's...and if the mid-April 'discussion' of
the matter had anything to do with Levy's internship suddenly ending...

So again, one wonders if perhaps Smith sought out her rival to let her
know about Condit's relationships with many other women.  If Condit had
told Levy that she was the only one he was seeing or had ever had an
affair with, Levy could have presumably been very hurt, disappointed, and
angry...angry enough to have confronted him about a week after Smith's
discovery of Levy's hair in Condit's apartment.

This is all conjecture...but the timing of the events seems a tad

Thomas's account of his daughter's affair with Condit has been known to the
Levy family since mid-April, before Chandra disappeared. By then, the Levy
family knew Chandra was having a relationship with the congressman,
according to family members.

Again, one has to wonder why, after being so adherent to the secrecy
rule, Levy suddenly decided to let family members know the name of her
paramour in mid-April, about a week after Smith's visit to Condit.

At the Levy house that day, Thomas said he and Susan Levy talked about
Condit, gingerly at first. Then Mrs. Levy asked me if I've ever heard
anything about him and other women, Thomas said. The two eventually
confessed to one another that both their daughters had relationships with
Condit. I told Mrs. Levy that with my daughter, it ended badly, that I
think her daughter should end the relationship with him right away, Thomas

So again, going back to the timeline:

1.  Sometime in early April, Smith discovers Levy's hair in Condit's
apartment, hair which she now states without equivocation belonged to
Levy; either Smith knew about Levy before that point or Condit provides
details on that date.  Smith also states that she became very frightened
and concerned for her own safety on this date, ostensibly due to seeing a
couple of ties tied together.  I suspect something 'else' or 'more' made
Smith fearful for her life than just seeing the ties, although discussion
brought about by her asking about the ties probably revealed the
something 'else' or 'more' that suddenly made her afraid, where she
hadn't been afraid before...

2.  About a week later, Chandra Levy 'talks with Condit' about an affair
he had with Minister Thomas' daughter some 7 years before; about this
same time she reveals to her parents the long-secret name of her lover,
and Susan Levy goes on a 'fishing expedition' with her gardener, who just
happens to be the father of the girl Levy 'talks with Condit' about
around the same time...

I suspect that Smith confronted Levy and provided details of Condit's
other affairs, information Smith very likely gained the week before when
she confronted Condit over the strange woman's hair she found, and those
tied-up ties...

Either Condit named more names than Levy's to Smith, including the Thomas
girl, and Smith than gave that name to Levy (One can imagine Smith
perhaps telling Levy Wake up and smell the coffee!  You and I weren't
the only ones he's fooled around with, he's had affairs with..., at
which time she named names, one of whom Levy recognizes as the daughter
of her mother's gardener; Levy confronts Condit with the info, and
probably his response was 'unsatisfactory' to her, so she calls her

Re: [CTRL] The Bell Tolls

2001-07-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

so now employment is more important than the wiping out of entire species?
eco-system be damned, full speed ahead?

people can find work, there are other sources of water - as of yet
endangered species have no recourse to return.
if you kill the fish, you kill the animals that live on the fish (and the
animals that live on them in a growing spiral outwards), and cause a
population boon in the animals that the fish eat, which in many cases are
harmful pests.

people are not the whole of the planet

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:32:55 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] The Bell Tolls (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Bell Tolls - Wed Jul 11 16:32:51 2001

 The Bell Tolls
 Phil Brennan
 Wednesday, July 11, 2001

 ...no man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
 continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
 Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
 manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death
 diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind, and therefore never
 send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
 John Donne (1572-1631)

 That bell is tolling for your fellow Americans in Klamath Falls,
 Ore. ... just as one day soon it will toll for you. And it's not
 joyful sounds of the Liberty Bell you'll hear, but the mournful
 clangs of a funerary bell tolling the death of your cherished

 What do you have in common with the folks in Klamath Falls?
 Everything that has to do with your constitutional rights to be
 free of asinine and destructive restrictions imposed by a distant,
 out-of-control government dancing to the tune of a socialist cabal
 that wants to run your lives because it thinks you are too stupid to
 control your own destiny.

 If you haven't heard about what's happening in Klamath Falls, it's not
 surprising. The TV networks from which most of you get your news
 haven't seen fit to concentrate on the events there - they're too busy
 bringing us up to date, almost minute by minute, with the latest
 details about Rep. Gary Condit and his fling with the missing
 Chandra Levy, or touting the latest polls allegedly showing President
 Bush's approval ratings plunging.

 Anyway, what's at issue out there in the Golden West is the matter of
 the survival of drought-stricken farmers now threatened by Uncle
 Sam, who is more concerned about the welfare of the sucker fish
 than he is about that of living American citizens.

 Three months ago the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced it would
 withhold nearly 90 percent of the area's irrigation water to protect
 two species of endangered sucker fish.

 That's right - when the welfare of a breed of fish about which I'll
 bet you never heard of is threatened, the people be damned.

 The result? Catastrophe for a lot of your fellow Americans.

 Writing in the Seattle Times, reporter Craig Welch brilliantly
 described the havoc wreaked on the people in the area by the
 besotted members of the U.S. Congress, federal agencies and the

 Farmland here is so dry it crumbles like old cement, but tensions in
 this drought-desiccated valley are boiling over. Three times in five
 days last week, protesters frustrated at the government's refusal to
 release irrigation water from nearby Upper Klamath Lake used
 saws or a blowtorch to open headgates and release water from
 behind a dam.

 Prompted by court decisions and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
 biological opinions, the decision to cut irrigation water here affects
 most of the 170,000 acres served by Upper Klamath Lake, Welch
 wrote. While some farmers still have state water rights or private
 wells, and others still get water from two nearby lakes, most farms
 are so parched their crops have blown away and the soil may be
 damaged for years.

 Elsewhere in town, food-bank supplies are stretched. The county's
 mental health services are up 60 percent over the same period last

 Alfalfa prices are so high struggling cattle owners can't afford it,
 but hay producers short on water have no crop to sell to take advantage
 of the market.

 Work at one local hairdressers has 'dropped off like a lead sinker,'
 one cosmetologist said.

 County officials estimate some 30 wells also have gone dry, and
 they blame empty irrigation canals they say help recharge deep

 All this to protect a so-called endangered species without which
 mankind could easily survive and prosper.

 There was a time when Americans would have rallied to help 

Re: [CTRL] Civil Rights Not meant for White Men?

2001-07-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
George Bush - go get this old bat.


That's not a very nice thing to say about Amelia


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] WashTimes: Girl Scout Camp recruits children of lesbians

2001-07-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

so now we support discrimination based on sexuality?
this is essentially a religious standpoint. and not everyone accepts this
religious dogma so readily. Some people don't think someone else's sexuality
is a threat, nor does it make them deviant, nor dangerous. My children don't
need to be protected from homosexuals, they need to be protected from
intolerant religious fuckers who want to take freedom to think and decide
about morality for themselves, away from them

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 04:18:18 -0700
 Subject: [CTRL] WashTimes: Girl Scout Camp recruits children of lesbians

 The Girl Scouts has welcomed lesbians for some time now, so it's not
 at all surprising that they are looking the other way as their property is
 being used as a recruitment camp for sexual deviants, said Mr. Knight.

 He added: It's clear that lesbianism is no barrier to being a role
 model for young girls, as far as the Girl Scouts is concerned. In contrast,
 the Boy Scouts have a policy of protecting boys from homosexuals.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Asa Hutchinson hearing date set

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Thursday, July 12, 2001Asa Hutchinson 
hearing date set

WASHINGTON -- The Senate Judiciary Committee 
will consider theappointment of Rep. Asa Hutchinson to be the next head of 
the DrugEnforcement Administration on Tuesday. The 
confirmation hearing date had been in limbo for weeks becauseof the failure 
of Democrats and Republicans to agree on the makeup ofSenate committees 
after the chamber shifted into Democratic controllast 
month. The White House announced Hutchinson's appointment 
on May 9. The 50-year-old third-term Arkansas congressman 
had said he wouldnot leave his House seat until confirmed by the Senate. 
Arkansas Gov.Mike Huckabee is expected to call a special election for the 
3rdCongressional District seat once that happens. The 
office of Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, chairman of theJudiciary Committee, 
has signaled that it expects little problem withHutchinson's 

Copyright © 2001, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. 
All rightsreserved.


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[CTRL] FEAR: Prosecutor to Get Dead Man's Money

2001-07-12 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


   Thursday, July 12, 2001

Prosecutor to Get Dead Man's Money
NEW YORK (AP) _ The estate of a man who committed suicide in jail
while being held on drug charges has been ordered to pay $750,000 to
the Nassau County district attorney's office.

The ruling, part of a settlement in a civil forfeiture case, was the first in
the state in which a prosecutor sought assets from a dead person,
Newsday reported Tuesday.

State law allows prosecutors to seize money from convicted felons if it
can be established that the money was obtained illegally, said Rick
Henshaw, spokesman for District Attorney Denis Dillon.

Robert Vorbeck, 38, was arrested July 2, 1999, for allegedly selling
cocaine to undercover officers, and committed suicide in his county jail
cell 11 days later. He had faced life in prison if convicted of felony drug

The attorney for his estate, Steven Kessler, said Vorbeck's parents
wanted to settle.

``They just wanted to put this behind them, move on and grieve,''
Kessler said.

AP-NY-07-10-01 1046EDT

Best wishes

Big Business and State Socialism are very much alike, especially Big
Business.   - G. K. Chesterton, G.K.'s Weekly, 4/10/26

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] There Goes the Neighborhood

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Remember the white farmers who were slaughtered in Zimbawee - and then
consider the UN wants to disarm the USA..

Wonder if this band of wanderers will somehow make it to our shores?
Wonder how many are afflicted with AIDS - and oh so toilet conscience?

Imagine all those people wandering about with no bathroom facilities and
wonder from where disease originates.

Back in 1839 in Columbus, Ohio - chlorea hit - Indians and settlers used
to live side by side peacefully in those days and of course, outdoor
facilities no doubt were polluting the water.

So the first sewage plant was built.   Wonder why Africa is so poor his
land of diamonds, rubies, and gold and uranium - where you find gold you
always find uranium - why are the people so poor - so now will they kill
the last of the white farmers and die as Clinton would say - murder

Will Africa also offer Right of Return - for at lest our Indians are
still here, aren't they.   Deposed, yes - but after all they too were
emmigrants but failed to establish courts of law other than war
tribunals to decide land disputes?

So as is written in this maudlin story we see the fruits of black
liberation - did anybody every think of building high rise apartments
wth some of that UN money or Aid we shell out - but then as of late our
poor get crumbs from Henry's table?   9 million kids go to bed hungry at
night in this land of Clinton and Plenty).

Try to imagine our suburbs without guns?  See why some even want to be
like Israelis packing Uzis - for how long would there be a state of
Israel without their guns - we in the USA wawnt this same right - for
our African neighbors seem to be having migration problems?


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July 12, 2001
South Africa Confronts Landless Poor, and a Court Sends Them Packing


Joao Silva for The New York Times
Two of the illegal land occupiers in Bredell taking apart their shelter.
The Pretoria High Court has ruled that the people must vacate the land.

East of Johannesburg, in Bredell, Freda Masemola and her son Kagiso are
among several thousand occupiers of land who are facing eviction.

JOHANNESBURG, July 11 — The invaders came to the wasteland by the
hundreds two weeks ago, dragging splintering planks, rusting metal
sheets and wilting squares of cardboard.

They ignored the power cables humming dangerously overhead and the
brackish stream, green and undrinkable, the only source of water on
Elandsfontein Farm No. 412. Some hung curtains in their hastily built
shacks. Others rolled out rugs on the rocky red soil.

Here, in the ragged stretch of land owned by government agencies and a
private farmer, the poor believed they were finally tasting the fruits
of black liberation.

With all the space here, you can make a toilet, said Mebrone Ndlovu,
17, dusty and desperate as he hacked the tall grass this week, his eyes
shining hopefully as he surveyed the sprouting shantytown. You can make
it so everyone has a toilet.
[What about obviouis land pollution and disease of property so
conaminated - saba note]

This week, South Africa won a court order allowing it to forcibly evict
the intruders, who were lured here from an overcrowded township by
opposition party politicians promising plots of land for only $3.

Today, some squatters began pulling down their shacks, while others
vowed to fight the police, who plan to level the illegal settlement on

South Africa, which has anxiously watched land invasions roil
neighboring Zimbabwe, is now confronting its own landless citizens at
the edge of its biggest city.

Demanding their due, the impoverished intruders, encamped just a short
drive from the nation's largest airport, have sent alarms sounding
across a region still striving to make good on its promises to improve
the lot of ordinary blacks.  [a lot of ordinary blacks - well they said
that, not me.see Cincinnati, Ohio =- Saba Note]

Officials say they have drawn a clear line: the new South Africa will
provide land to its poor, but it will not tolerate the kind of illegal
farm occupations that have been supported by Zimbabwe's government.
Still, the standoff has highlighted a degree of land hunger that had
simmered largely unnoticed here.

The invasion on the outskirts of Johannesburg is only one of several
occupations to wash quietly over South Africa and Namibia, two stable
countries haunted by the legacy of colonial land seizures and what many
blacks here describe as the unfinished business of liberation.

The frustration of the landless reflects the difficulties faced by the
two governments in meeting the needs of people desperate for land and

Twenty-one years after the first black leader in the region swept to
power with promises of returning land to the dispossessed, the black
majorities in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa have control of the
ballot box, but not the soil. Legal 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FW: WHAT'S NEXT: Through the Looking Glass, to Holographic Data Storage

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Off topic. but I just found this so interesting.

Madd Maxx-

-Original Message-
From: R. J. Tavel, JD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 6:50 AM
To: Learning Electronically About Freedom mailing service
Subject: WHAT'S NEXT: Through the Looking Glass, to Holographic Data


STORAGE space is tight these days, and not just in cramped New York
apartments. Home dwellers anywhere might be delighted to stow the 10 years'
worth of receipts, canceled checks and tax records clogging their files in
a space no bigger than an ice cube. Hospitals, insurance companies, banks
and department stores might also appreciate storage that compact for their
vast databases.

Now two researchers from Canada and Spain have devised a glass-based
material that they say may one day safely store huge amounts of data in
just such small spaces.

The new, glassy medium is not magnetic, like the hard drive in a computer,
but holographic. Holography is an optical process that stores not only
three-dimensional images like the familiar ones found on credit cards and
CD packages but the 0's and 1's of digital data as well. Because the data
can be recorded and retrieved at hundreds of angles within a storage
material rather than just on the surface, page after page can be stored on
material an inch thick.

But although the space-saving advantages of holography have been known for
four decades, manufacturers have not been able to produce an affordable
holographic data storage system. We have had no commercial product, mainly
for the lack of a good storage medium, said Prof. Glenn T. Sincerbox,
director of the Optical Data Storage Center at the University of Arizona in

The new material may change all that, offering the possibility of practical
holographic read-only storage for the first time.

The new medium, basically a glass matrix shot through with tiny holes, was
devised by Dr. María Luisa Calvo, chairman of the optics department at
Complutense University in Madrid, and Pavel Cheben, a scientist at Optemia
Inc., a new photonics company in Ottawa.

The material is based on the inventors' adaptation of an old-fashioned way
of making glass called the sol-gel method. In this process, glass is
created not by melting sand at high temperatures and letting it cool, but
by working with liquid precursors to the glass at room temperature. Dr.
Cheben said that the method made it possible to add the photosensitive
chemicals critical for holography without their being destroyed as they
would be by the high temperatures used in conventional glass preparation.

The ingot of glass appears to be solid, but there are small holes within,
Dr. Cheben said. These holes are filled with liquid acrylic and the
photo-initiator we added.

In the researchers' experiments, the mixture of glass and photosensitive
chemicals was poured into vials and left to dry for 10 days. The material
can be made into any shape, but it was easier in these early experiments to
work with one- to two-centimeter discs, said Dr. Cheben. After 10 days the
material was polished and then put through the holographic process.

In a conventional hologram of an object, a fine-resolution photosensitive
film is exposed to a laser beam that has been split in two. One of the
beams is reflected off the object while the other travels unimpeded to the
film. The light waves from the two sources interfere with each other, and
the image of the object is recorded in this interference pattern.

In the holographic storage experiments, a simpler interference pattern, of
light and dark stripes, was recorded onto the photosensitive material in
the glass. (Once the hologram is recorded it cannot be erased, which is why
the medium is intended for write-once, read-many-times applications.)

So far, Dr. Cheben said, the glass-based material has retained the
imprinted information perfectly for a year.

The glass backbone of the storage system offers certain advantages over the
plastic polymer matrixes that are currently being developed for holographic
storage. These plastic materials tend to shrink during the process,
corrupting the data. The new glass structures remain rigid.

The key problem with polymeric matrixes for holographic storage, said Dr.
Sincerbox, is that they tend to get thinner during the process. The new
material controls shrinkage to far less than 1 percent, he said.

The glassy material lends itself to production in thick slabs, significant
because the thicker the holographic material, the more information it can
store. Typical thicknesses range from half a millimeter to five millimeters.

The test will be how the material performs when the laser beams are not
ordinary ones, as they were in the experiments reported by the authors, but
are actually bearing data. To carry data, one of the beams would have a
pattern imposed on it: either an image, or a checkerboard of light and dark


2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Despite an October 2000 Presidential Executive Order, the U.S.
Postal Service continues to collect cookies from users of its
usps.gov web site.

Cookies should not be used unless there is clear and
conspicuous notice, a compelling need to gather the data on the
site; appropriate and publicly disclosed privacy safeguards for
handling of information derived from cookies; and personal
approval by the head of the agency, wrote Sally Katzen, the
Deputy Director of the Executive Office of the President in a
October 19 letter.

The U.S. Postal Service webmaster has so far elected not to
respond to our questions concerning the collection of privacy
information from USPS internet customers.

Microsoft requires all users of XP to activate the software
on-line or over the telephone.  During XP activation, Microsoft
downloads your hard drive volume serial number, the network card
address and the ID string on your CD-ROM.  Researchers concluded
the data does not pose a privacy threat since the hardware ID
numbers are not usually tagged back to a specific person.
Although individual users may not have a problem with sending
this data to MS, Federal Government and corporate users are
upset because the data can be used for intelligence and
marketing purposes.

Pcyphered SIGNATURE:

Re: [CTRL] Civil Rights Not meant for White Men?

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

That was directed to you June.maybe I should have painted a little
red arrow to your overstuffed computer chair?

Go back to your dog pound and fight with the pit bulls..

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Bell Tolls

2001-07-12 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 people can find work, there are other sources of water

If there are other sources of water then why didn't the environmentalists
exploit these sources and thereby prevent the 'drought' from occurring?
With a little foresight and compassion for the farmer's position this
situation could have been avoided if these other sources were shown to be
viable options.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sonoma County Free Press - Bohemian Grove March, Rally, Line of Shame Resurrection of Care Ceremony

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.org/;Sonoma County
Free Press/A
In the fall of 1986, law enforcement officers in helicopters and full
military gear laid seige to the small community of Cazadero in western Sonoma
County, California ...
W e l c o m et o   t h e

You get your information from the daily press. Yet that is the very last
place on earth to seek for truth in any state of form.
Emma Goldman March 1, 1933

  Special Event!
Bohemian Grove March, Rally, Line of Shame
 Resurrection of Care Ceremony
2:00 P.M. Saturday July 14th - Assemble At Monte Rio Parking Lot Across from
Rio Theater
Sponsered by:  Bohemian Grove Action Network; International Indian Treaty
Council, S.F.; International Action Center, S.F.

 Bohemian Grove Action Network is researching Yale's Skull and Bones Society
and the bizarre rituals in which three generations of Bush men have
Help with research is needed and much appreciated.

Norman Solomon's weekly syndicated column is now appearing in the Sonoma
County Free Press
 Regular Columns  Ongoing Features
Norman Solomon
Norman Solomon's weekly syndicated column -- archived at
www.fair.org/media-beat/ -- focuses on media and politics. His latest book is
 The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media.
 Media All-Star Team
Bohemian Grove Action Network
The rich and powerful come to play in our backyard
Check out this link to CounterPunch
Meet the Secret Rulers of the World: The Truth About The Bohemian Grove
 By Alexander Cockburn
San Francisco Bohemian Club: Power, Prestige and Globalism
By Peter Phillips
Where are they Hiding Geronimo's Skull?
by Tim Giago, Lakota Nation Journal, Winter 2000
Geronimo's Skull - a Bush Connection?
by Dennis Roddy, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, September, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bohemians

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
HREF=http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.org/bohos/bohoenergy.html;The Power
Mary Moore's
Bohemian Grove
by Don Eichelberger, Abalone Alliance Safe Energy Clearinghouse
July 2000

In the midst of the California power crisis we are hearing alot of talk
about taking another look at nuclear power as a solution to the crisis.
Let's take a look at what all of this could mean to the boys at Bohemian

When we look for power connections to Bohemian Grove all roads lead to the
Bechtels. Stephen Bechtel Sr. joined the Bohemian Club in the company's early
days. His son, Stephen Jr. continues to revel at the Groves summer
encampments. Bechtel built the world's largest independently owned
construction empire while hobnobbing with his pals at the exclusive Mandalay
camp. Mandalay is the most prestigious camp in Bohemian Grove which is
considered one of the most prestigious mens' gatherings on Earth. Mandalay
includes many industrialists, including Henry Kaiser, builder of war ships,
Leonard Firestone, Edmund W. Littlefield and many other corporate CEOs. It
also includes ex CIA chief John McCone and major politicos such as Henry
Kissinger, Gerald Ford and George Schultz and William French Smith.

Bechtel builds infrastructure such as roads, bridges and power plants
including nuclear. No project is too big. After Bohemian George Bush (the
senior) oversaw the destruction of Kuwait during the Gulf War it was Bechtel
who won the contract to rebuild it. When Fellow Bohemian Frederick Mielke
Jr., then CEO of PGE Corporation ran into engineering problems in the final
construction phase of Diable Canyon nuclear power plant, he ran to Bechtel to
fix it and get it on line.

Bechtel will go anywhere to build anything for anyone. That is a company
motto. With fellow Bohemian Donald Rumsfeld, now Secretary of Defense under
George Bush the younger, pushing the old Star Wars missile defense (an idea
originally floated at a Lakeside Talk at Bohemian Grove in the early 1980's)
can Bechtel be far behind? They already have space experience having helped
build part of the infrastructure for the space shuttle. Rumsfeld, by the way,
is a campmate (Hillbillies) of George Sr. along with A.W. Clausen (past
president of Bank of America and World Bank), William Buckley Jr. and sorry
to say, America's most trusted man Walter Cronkite.

And given the current energy crisis Bechtel is cleaning up in the
construction of new power generators all over the country as well as the
world. With Bush the younger's administration pushing for more nuclear power,
more pipelines and more oil refineries the Bechtel Corporation is situated to
amass more billions for the family business.

Of course there are other Bohemians who cash in on bad ideas like space wars
and nuclear power. Bankers and builders and bondsmen inhabit the redwood
canopy of Bohemian Grove each summer. Despite the clubs admonition to the
contrary, these men weave webs among themselves to keep the status quo in
operation so they can make a bit more money while extending their economic
stranglehold in a few more parts of the world.

Should we care that a few hundred of the most powerful men in the world get
together every year in secret for a party in the redwoods? We think people
should. We can look at the current globalization of corporations and
homogenization of world cultures and wonder how it is all happening. But
exposing the men personally who make the deals and build the mechanisms for
holding onto their power is crucial to true understanding of how we can
intercede on behalf of the common good to bring down that power structure.
Be realistic! Demand the impossible!!
* * *
Bohemian Grove
by Mary Moore
Update, July 2000
This is a PARTIAL list of speakers at Bohemian Grove's two week encampment,
July 14 to July 30, 2000. It comes from their Program of Events and is
brought to you without snide editorial comment. Lists of past years are also
Friday, July 14
Art Linkletter
Successful Aging-Getting the Most Out of the Rest of Your Life

Saturday, July 15
Ken Jowitt
Communists, Democracy and Golf

Saturday July 15 Evening
The 121st staging of the CREMATION OF DULL CARE

Sunday, July 16
John M. Barry, Writer  Scholar
The Power of Rivers and Men: The Mississippi Flood, Presidential
Politics and Herbert Hoover

Tuesday, July 18
James R. Lilley, Former Ambassador to China and Korea
 China, Taiwan  the U.S. in the 21st Century

Wednesday, July 19
William Davidow, Author  Venture Capitalist
The Internet, Interconnections, Instability and Policy

Thursday, July 20
John Keegan, Military Historian
Topic to be announced

Friday, July 21
Martin Anderson, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Status of Missile Defense

Saturday, July 22
John Major, Former Prime Minister of U.K.

[CTRL] Bohemian Grove Films

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.org/bohos/films.html;
Bohemian Grove Films/A

Bohemian Grove
by Mary Moore
July 2000
Two very different films about Bohemian Grove were made in the past year.
The FIRST film, shown on British T.V. was a documentary produced by Jon
Ronson of World of Wonder Ltd. with headquarters in London and Los Angeles.
It featured national talk show host Alex Jones who infiltrated the Grove in
the summer of 2000 and filmed the entire Cremation of Care ceremony using a
tie tack video camera. Unfortunately Mr. Jones' interpretation of events drew
several bizarre conclusions including allegations of Satanic worship and
human sacrifice. Although these rumors have been around for years it has
never been the position of Bohemian Grove Action Network that there is any
credibility to them. Our position is that we are concerned about the harm
these men are doing in the OUTSIDE world and we are quite disappointed in the
tone and conclusions of this documentary. For more information about this
film you can email wow@worldof wonder.net or call 323 603 6300.
The SECOND film called TEDDY BEAR'S PICNIC was produced by VISIONBOX pictures
in conjunction with satirist Harry Shearer and features such well known
actors as Morgan Fairchild, Howard Hesseman, Alan Thicke and George Wendt. It
is a spoof on Bohemian Grove thinly disguised as Zambesi Glen. The following
statements are taken from the films production notes.
A comic junket behind the scenes of the world's most exclusive power broker
retreat. The true story: the richest, most powerful white men in America
gather each summer in Northern California for a super secret retreat that
takes them back to their sophomore year in college. For fifty one weeks a
year they run the free world. For one week they run amok. They're there to
unwind but they get really unwound when that secrecy is threatened.
Based on the exclusive men's retreat Bohemian Grove, where the likes of
Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Malcolm Forbes and William F. Buckley, have
been known to play, TEDDY BEARS'S PICNIC is a wicked little satire about
power, class and to a small degree, sex.
For more information about this film call John Manulis at 310 204 4686 or
email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Their website is:
P.O. BOX 296, OCCIDENTAL, CA.95465
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone: 707 874 2248
www.sonomacountyfreepress.org click on Bohemian

Bohemian Grove
by Mary Moore
by Mary Moore June 20, 2001
July 2000
Contrary to public opinion we serious protesters DO have a good sense of
humor so let me state up front that I loved the film TEDDY BEARS PICNIC in
spite of its rather simplistic portrayal of all the folks yelling at the
Bohemian/Zambezians as they made their way to and from the Grove/Glen.
As a twenty year organizer of the protests at Bohemian Grove in Northern
California I even recognized myself in the character of the shrill white lady
at the beginning of the film except I would have had a hell of a better sound
bite than she did. After all, one learns quickly that you have to make your
point in a matter of seconds and even then the whole thing is seldom heard.
With that minor criticism aside I am very grateful for the time, energy and
sheer brilliance that went into making this film. For those unfamiliar with
the culture of this retreat for the ruling elite, there were alot of inside
jokes that might be unappreciated. The EXTINGUISHING OF TIME ritual instead
of the CREMATION OF CARE ritual was brilliant as was the Pelican instead of
the Owl. The concept of CARE was there in another context however and even
stayed true to what we assume was the original meaning of this rather
questionable practice. We have often wondered why it was necessary to
cremate something that many of us question these men have in the first
While I would have liked to see more offhand dialogue about world affairs
between these guys there were enough references to make the point that it
does go on in spite of their motto to the contrary. The Lakeside Talks have
long been a way to float policy ideas without public scrutiny and I
appreciate that being shown. The film really captured the shallowness,
silliness and out of touchness that we wish we didn't know about our
countries corporate culture and its leaders. Scary stuff when you think
about it!!
I loved the almost obligatory peeing on the redwood scene and the rather
excessive drinking (aka drug use) was true to form. And the line about the
fire threatening vineyards as well as marijuana gardens says it all about the
diversity of cultures that exist in this place we call home. We will continue
to wonder why one is legal and the other is not.
This film captured these guys in a way that a 

[CTRL] Index of Bohemian Grove Reportage

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.sonic.net/~kerry/bohemian/index.html;Index
of Bohemian Grove Reportage/A
Index of Bohemian Grove Reportage

Copyright © 1999 Kerry Richardson

(last modified July 16, 1999)


This internet site contains some reportage about the Bohemian Grove. Some of
it dates from the 1980's and may not be current. It is an incomplete picture
of the Bohemian Grove and Bohemian Club and it is mostly an outsider's
critical view. The Bohemian Grove is located in Sonoma County in California,
north of San Francisco. The Bohemian Grove is the country retreat of the
Bohemian Club, a private men's club headquartered in San Francisco. Each
summer the club holds a gathering at the Grove, usually around the last two
weeks in July. The club has over 2000 members, with no racial, religious or
political restrictions on membership, but new members must be sponsored and
approved, and there is a considerable waiting list. The club has a focus on
the arts, music, and theater.
The Bohemian Grove has a reputation as being a gathering spot for some of the
nation's wealthiest individuals and most powerful politicians. While this is
true, it should be noted that the Grove is also attended by many with no
claim to fame. The material here focuses more on individuals who are already
prominent. A lot of my photographic coverage was made at a local airport used
by some of the Bohemian Club members and guests traveling to and from the
Grove from other parts of the country. As a result, individuals pictured are
likely to live and work elsewhere than the San Francisco Bay area where the
club's membership is concentrated. My photo coverage of the Grove spans a
period of more than ten years, so it cannot be assumed that anyone pictured
was at the Grove at the same time as someone in another photo.


Several books and magazine articles and a couple of links that pertain to the
Bohemian Grove. (all text)


Some magnificent flying machines used by the men. (around 71 K. of images)

Photos 1

Photos of Ronald Reagan, George Shultz, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger.
(around 57 K. of images)

Photos 2

Photos of George Bush, Richard Cheney, Caspar Weinberger, Malcolm Forbes,
Jack Kemp, and Alan Greenspan. (around 67 K. of images)


The U.S. Congress looked into William Casey's 1980 Bohemian Grove visit.
(around 94 K. of text and graphics)


In 1995 House Speaker Newt Gingrich traveled to Bohemian Grove. (around 68K.
of images)


Photographs made on the periphery of Bohemian Grove give some idea of camp
life. (around 46 K. of images)

Nukes '87

No longer up to date, this article from 1987 examines nuclear weapons
industry connections. (around 86 K. of graphics)

Work 1

An account of a summer job at the Bohemian Grove. (mostly text)

Work 2

In 1987 employees of the Bohemian Club demonstrated during contract
negotiations. (text with around 51 K. of images)


Several photos of interest made inside the Bohemian Grove are at other
locations on the web. (link page is text only)

Go to Kerry Richardson Home Page.

Send e-mail to Kerry Richardson.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: Media Beat: Executing McVeigh: The Media Rites of Retribution

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Pulled this out of newspaper Kris forwarded to list; and, this item is
perhaps the most objective story I have read yet re the work of Timothy

Maybe McVeigh was also affected more by movie Braveheart, than the book
the Turner Diaries, for the latter is one of the dullest books I have
ever readone man's dream, another man's nightmare.

McVeigh did not know about the nursery in the Murrah Building - but the
FBI and BATF, did.
People also could not distinguish between satire and truth in his words.


May 10, 2001
Executing McVeigh: The Media Rites of Retribution
By Norman Solomon

For half a century, we've been watching rituals of retribution.
Countless entertainment shows on TV have presented certain vengeance as
dramatic justice. In time for the last commercial, the designated bad
guys got what was coming to them.

These days, news coverage -- or what passes for it -- tends to edge out
fictional concoctions.

The surfaces of pathos, anguish and suffering are readily available
without scripts, actors or set designers. Around the country, local news
programs air plenty of crime sensations with yellow police tape in the
background. Cable channels strive to offer the latest shootings in
progress. And trials can't miss: Inside a courtroom, everyone makes a
perfect cameo appearance.

A week before the scheduled execution of Timothy McVeigh, the major
cable networks -- CNN, Fox and MSNBC -- could hardly tear themselves
away from the spectacle of a 14-year-old boy as he testified about what
happened when he shot a teacher, taking an adult's life and shattering
his own. The camera work and sound quality were crystal clear.
McVeigh's crime, we're told, was the deadliest act of terrorism ever on
U.S. soil. Among the 168 people he killed were 19 young children.

From prison, he has insisted on describing the kids he murdered as
collateral damage. It's a phrase that disturbed some media consumers a
decade ago, during the Gulf War, when it was the euphemism of choice for
top Pentagon officials and many American reporters.

In a recent statement to a Fox News Channel correspondent, McVeigh said:
Collateral damage? As an American news junkie, a military man, and a
Gulf War veteran, where do they think I learned that?

Unrepentant and preferring to undergo capital punishment now rather than
later, McVeigh has declined to appeal his death sentence, a move that
would have delayed his execution for years.

He expresses no remorse about setting off a bomb at the federal building
in Oklahoma City. Explaining his motives to the authors of a new
biography, McVeigh commented: I did it for the larger good. With more
diplomatic language, that's the sort of remark that U.S. officials
frequently made during the Gulf War.

If McVeigh were black or brown instead of white -- and if he had grown
accustomed to the idea of inflicting lethal violence as a member of a
gang instead of as a member of the U.S. Army -- it's a safe bet that
news media would have flooded us with feature reports, analysis and
commentaries about the inner-city culture of violence and pathology that
produced him. But in McVeigh's case, we're made to understand that he
was a bad apple in a wholesome barrel overseen by Uncle Sam. The good
apples, the ones we can all be proud of, understood that killing is
laudable only when authorized.

And now, it has been authorized in Terre Haute. During the days before
his execution in that Indiana city, T-shirts with his face on them have
been selling briskly. A simple message is printed on those souvenir
shirts: Die, die, die.
Long ago, Bertrand Russell observed: The reformative effect of
punishment is a belief that dies hard, chiefly, I think, because it is
so satisfying to our sadistic impulses.

The slaying of Tim McVeigh promises to be an unprecedented pageant of
capital punishment.

Advance stories predict that 2,000 journalists will descend on Terre
Haute for the festivities.

In Newsweek's words, the execution will be shown on closed-circuit
television to several hundred victims of the Oklahoma City bombing and
their families -- the biggest crowd to watch an execution since the
1930s. In theory, the audience will be limited. But some of the viewers
will surely be on national TV to describe what they saw. Bootlegged
videos are likely to find their way to a wider audience.

If we, ostensibly represented by the state, are going to kill with
premeditated executions, then we may as well see the grisly results. But
why stop there?

A lot of babies perish due to social conditions that could be prevented
by a shift in government priorities. For the first time in a
quarter-century, the latest annual figures tell us, infant mortality
rates have not dropped in the United States -- remaining at 7.2 infants
per 1,000 births. Meanwhile, the Children's Defense Fund says, 10.8
million of the nation's children are lacking health insurance.

Unfortunately, there's no media frenzy to cover what happens when the
state, in 

[CTRL] LA taxes outer space

2001-07-12 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

LA taxes outer space
   Los Angeles County officials, realizing that there is no
   tax collector in outer space, hope to fill the void 
   Reaching 22,300 miles above the equator, boldly going
   where no tax collector has gone before, Los Angeles County
   Assessor Rick Auerbach is angling to impose property taxes
   on several satellites. (7/10/01)

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Bell Tolls

2001-07-12 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

so now employment is more important than the wiping out of entire
local strain. It's in no danger of being wiped out. This isn't about the

For more, see: http://sf.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=101620

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic militant groups demanding independence.

2001-07-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

what does this have to do with Jews and/or Palestinians at all?

I've spent time in Kashmir, and most of the people there have never heard of
a Jew or Israeli or Palestinian.

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Nurev Independent Research
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:55:07 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Settlers being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
 militant groups demanding independence.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hmmmnnn... No Jews = no news.

 Isn't this ethnic cleansing? I've heard nothing from you about
 this situation? Where is the Palestinian moral outrage? Where is the
 Liberal outrage? Or are you all just full of it?


 Kashmir's evicted Hindu minority seeks its own homeland

 Associated Press

 NEW DELHI, India (July 11, 2001 06:39 a.m. EDT) - Pinni Suri
 remembers the scene exactly - even though 11 years have passed.
 Dawn had just broken when two teenagers knocked on the front
 door of her home in the Kashmir Valley, where her Hindu ancestors
 had lived for centuries among the majority Muslims.

 Two minutes later, one of the young men shot Suri's husband
 in the chest. The attackers disappeared into the narrow lanes
 of Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital. Muslim neighbors,
 watching from their window, turned away as she begged for

 They shot dead my husband on Aug. 1, 1990, and I left Srinagar
 the same day. I haven't gone back since, said Suri. An uncle
 of her husband was killed weeks later.

 It was a time of terrible fear among Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus
 indigenous to the beautiful Himalayan valley. They and Hindu
 settlers were being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
 militant groups demanding independence from India or to unite
 with Muslim-majority Pakistan. Between October 1989 and August
 1990, some 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits fled and live mostly
 in squalid camps in Jammu, Kashmir's winter capital.

 Now as India prepares for a three-day summit starting Friday
 between Pakistan's Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister
 Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Pandits are raising anew their
 demand for a homeland, which they say must be separate because
 of fears they will be targeted again.

 They wanted to Islamize Kashmir and they wanted us out.
 It was ethnic cleansing, said Ramesh Manavati, spokesman
 for Our Own Kashmir, an organization that says it represents
 more than 700,000 Kashmiri Pandits and demands an enclave
 in the Kashmir Valley.

 Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits say they feel forsaken by their
 government, which failed to protect them and their property.

 We are the forgotten ones, refugees in our own country,
 Manavati said.

 The All Party Hurriyat Conference, an umbrella group of Islamic
 and political parties that claims to speak for Kashmir, says
 the Pandits are welcome back, but a separate Pandit homeland
 is unacceptable. Kashmir is for all Kashmiris, says the group,
 which favors separation of the region from India.

 The Hurriyat is not in favor of division along communal
 (religious) lines, said Hurriyat spokesman Abdul Majid Banday.

 The Hurriyat has outraged the Pandits by saying that the
 stories of killings and intimidation were exaggerated and
 that the Pandit exodus was part of a government strategy
 to show the separatist movement in a bad light.

 Those who fled said the militants' method was to kill one
 and terrorize hundreds. Mosques blared warnings to Hindus,
 telling infidels to leave. Graffiti on walls said the valley
 was reserved for the faithful.

 Hindus who remained behind continue to live in fear. According
 to statistics compiled by The Associated Press, nearly 400
 Hindus have been killed in 33 separate attacks in the past
 eight years. Many have been pulled out of buses and shot
 at close range.

 India accuses Islamic Pakistan of arming the Kashmir militants.
 Pakistan denies the charge, saying its support is only political.
 But most militant groups in Kashmir are based in Pakistan
 and run training camps for fighters under the eyes of Pakistan's

 According to the latest census completed in February, Kashmir
 has 6.2 million Muslims and 3.4 million Hindus, including
 500,000 Kashmiri Pandits, as well as 300,000 Sikhs and 100,000

 The displaced Hindus live safe but squalid lives in several
 large camps in Jammu, which is in the foothills of the Himalayas
 and has a Hindu majority. Extended families live in single
 rooms, with leaky roofs, poor ventilation and no toilets.

 What is here? Nothing. Mosquito bites and fear of snakes,
 said 65-year-old Lakshmanjoo, who uses only one name. He

[CTRL] Macedonia: the Final Domino?

2001-07-12 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Macedonia: the Final Domino?
by Johnathan Sunley

The scenario is a familiar one. Having captured a few villages and
terrorized (or expelled) their inhabitants, rebels demanding greater
ethnic – or some other form of – equality close in on the country’s
capital seeking a showdown with the government. The latter tries to
meet force with force but is restrained from doing so by Western
mediators who fly in and out insisting on the need for ‘dialogue’. All of
a sudden, yesterday’s ‘terrorists’ are today’s partners in a ‘peace-

Talks prevail, military front-lines are frozen and under the eye of the
international community fresh elections or a referendum on the rebels’
grievances are held. A semblance of normality returns and CNN
gradually loses interest in the story. But by now the poor place has
become ungovernable (which was always the rebels’ main aim) and
responsibility for its internal affairs passes to some permutation of the
following:  Nato, the OSCE, EU, UN, World Bank, etc.

Today it is Macedonia which is in danger of becoming another sad little
protectorate in the Balkans. But this is a fate which few countries
in the region – especially those that were once republics in the
former Yugoslavia – have been able to escape over the last ten years.
Indeed, it was exactly a decade ago that that the first such domino
fell, when the legally-elected authorities in Zagreb found themselves
prevented by international pressure from re-establishing control
over parts of Croatia seized by Serbian forces.

The irony is that throughout this turbulent period Macedonia has been
praised for its handling of inter-ethnic relations – which is always
(albeit often inaccurately) said to be the primary cause of conflict
in this area. Its Albanian minority, whether constituting 23% or
40% of the population (as the Albanians themselves claim), has since
the country became independent in 1992 enjoyed rights and a general
sense of respect other minority communities in the Balkans can only
dream about. Almost all governments formed in Skopje over the last
decade have had Albanian participation in them and there were few
protests when during the war in Kosovo in 1999 refugee camps were
set up for no less than 400,000 Albanians fleeing the fighting there.

But whatever else the current crisis is about, it is not human rights
or democracy. In the autumn of 1999, elections were held in Macedonia
to choose a new president. Though these were harshly condemned by
Western observers on account of their blatant irregularities (which
were especially bad in places with a high concentration of Albanians),
this was seen at the time as the price worth paying in order for
the least known of the candidates, Boris Trajkovski, to win on a
ticket of inter-ethnic reconciliation and harmony. The outcome was
the opposite, as Slav Macedonians – enraged by the way in which
Albanian votes appeared to count for more than theirs, and the Albanian
minority – encouraged to believe they could cheat their way to power,
drifted further and further apart.

It is unlikely they would have come to blows, however, but for events
in Kosovo in the aftermath of the war there. Despite the presence
of some 45,000 Nato troops and in Camp Bondsteel one of the largest
US overseas military facilities anywhere in the world, it has apparently
proven impossible to control – let alone disarm – the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA), which goes about its business of drug-smuggling, people-
trafficking and gun-running virtually unhindered.

It was only a matter of time before the KLA would seek to extend its
criminal empire into neighbouring Macedonia. No doubt they were
puzzled when the very same representatives of the international
community who had championed their cause in Kosovo (often with
grotesque zeal: remember US secretary of state Madeline Albright
greedily kissing KLA leader Hasim Thaci?), denounced them in
Macedonia as ‘a bunch of murderous thugs’. But today (just a couple of
months on) Nato secretary-general Lord Robertson is far more cautious
in his choice of words and – in a classic shift of position – has begun
saying that it is the government in Skopje which must take measures
to end the escalating conflict.

Such measures, however, exclude the use of robust force. Not only
that, the Macedonian authorities are meant to stand by as the
international community lends a helping hand to the other side – as
happened a couple of weeks ago when US troops escorted bus-loads of
armed insurgents away from a battle-zone just 10 km outside Skopje.

Enraged by this incident, Slav Macedonians have conjectured that
KFOR’s intervention was essential in order to guarantee the safety of a
small contingent of ‘advisors’ sent in by the US to monitor and
instruct the KLA’s Macedonian wing. To outsiders this may sound
like a typical Balkan conspiracy theory. But nowadays Nato member-
states vie with one another to 

[CTRL] Chairman H? Chí Minh: Hero Or Villain

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.nonsong.org/archive/dsx97/hcm.html;CHAIRMAN
--Ho’s Cooperation with the OSS
Many times in late 1944, Ho contacted Colonel Paul Helliwell, OSS Chief in
China, offering services in intelligence, sabotage against the Japanese, and
rescue of American pilots. On his first rescue of three American pilots he
received six .38 revolvers and twenty thousand rounds of ammunition. He was
disappointed at the small reward. Subsequently, he managed to talk to Richard
Heppner, Helliwell’s replacement, and was somewhat more successful. However,
an American intelligence Chief in the area had rejected Ho’s offer to be more
closely associated with the Americans, i.e., to get bankrolled.--

Chairman H? Chí Minh: Hero Or Villain

Although, H? Chí Minh is gone for close to three decades, his policies still
linger on, at least in Vietnam, specially in the Vietnamese Communist Party
(VCP), wherein the lack of a reputable leader dictates the need to continue
worshipping Ho as the only answer for survival. In the United States where
his name was mentioned almost hourly in the 60's, Ho is now in oblivion,
except in contemptuous references within the Vietnamese refugee community.
He was a giant figure disturbing the geopolitics of Southeast Asia for many
years. He had risen not only to a top position of his Vietnam, but also had a
commanding role as a political thespian playing against superpower politics
and might.
H? Chí Minh’s rise to the zenith of power was on a par with those of Stalin,
Mao, and Hitler. He reigned with an iron hand and tyrannized his own party
and his own people into complete submission and total obedience. His mentors,
Stalin and Mao, however, always treated him as a protégé and often reminded
him to stay in line.
To understand the man would require a starter based on facts and documentary
evidences. Whether one were an admirer or an opponent of this mysterious man,
defining him as either a hero or a villain would be hard for one. Hero, he
was, for his success. However, the millions of victims and the devastated
destruction incurred on the nation by his practices and procedures condemned
him to the rank of a villain.
Nevertheless, nobody had ever realized a clear and truthful biography of H?â.
Millions of words in dozens of books written about him were all based on
hearsay and materials produced by the propaganda machine of the VCP. Ho
himself had balked at any suggestion about writing his biography. Next to his
dedication to Communism was his determination to keep his past a secret.
Just to note on his birth date alone, if details from the several
publications were to be selected and summarized, we would have at least five
different dates.
Only since the mid 80's when some archives were opened to researchers that
the reasons for secrecy began to be unveiled. Too many fabrications were made
to idolize and deify this man who in reality was no more and no less than a
normal person with a normal ambition. He was to lead a typical life of any
young Vietnamese of his time looking for opportunities overseas.
However, it was those little unimportant historical incidents to be related
further herein that made and shaped his future, a future that would haunt the
very nations that rebuffed him years back.
Who was H? Chí Minh?
He was born Nguy?n Sinh Cung on 7.11.1891, in the small village of Kim Liên,
Qu?nh L?u District, Ngh? An Province, in Northern Central Vietnam, one of the
poorest areas in terrain and in resources. His father, Nguy?n Sinh Huy,
a.k.a. Nguy?n Sinh S?c, a village teacher from a better than average family,
who failed to pass the traditional examination for a C? Nhân (bachelor)
degree and had to be satisfied with being Phó B?ng (sub-bachelor/junior
doctor). Cung himself had finished primary school. For some unexplained
reason, at the age of ten, he got a new name, Nguy?n T?t Thành, i.e., Nguy?n
of Certain Success.
French and Soviet documents and passports revealed his identity under
different names including Paul T?t Thành, Nguy?n Ái Qu?c, Chen Vang, Linov,
Lin, L‡ Th?y, Lee Suei, V??ng S?n Nhì, Comrade Tr?n. He went to the grave
taking with him the mystery of all these names none of which was explained
the circumstance for requiring a pseudonym.
The world would only know him as Chairman H? Chí Minh, ruler of Communist
Vietnam, a position incontestably his, being the head of the Indochinese
Communist party (ICP) that he founded in Hongkong in 1931 by Stalin’s order.
He was successively a member of the French Communist party, the Russian
Communist party, an agent of the Comintern (Communist International) and a
leader of the Lao ‹?ng (Labor) party.
An advocate of Marxist-Leninist dogma and an ardent supporter of the
international Communist movement, H? Chí Minh was one rare specimen of
success in the Twentieth Century. Trained in Moscow in extensive Marxist

[CTRL] http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?HELLIWELL_PAUL_LIONEL%20EDWARD

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

check-out the social network diagram


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] FC: Are underskirt cams video voyeurism or free speech? (fwd)

2001-07-12 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] FC: Are underskirt cams video voyeurism or free
speech? (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, c. wrote:
  Let's start seeing some voyeuristic videos of men's privates taken when
  they thought they were in private...
 really, trust me, there is no market for men's privates in private ;)

 I think you underestimate women

lol- i refer most humbly to your final pass at my offer as an indicator
that i am not underestimating anyone ;)

(and ignore the gay male market)...  ;-)

 possibly... but i do think that the act of sneaking a peek is related
to the differences in the erotic make up of men and women (and gay men
even). i don't have much to offer as evidence ;Þ actually but i just feel it
in my bones :)   (bones, madam, not boner)
personally speaking, watching a woman take a pee is highly erotic. but i
have never heard of a woman enjoying watching a man pee. my scope for this
informal survey has, i grant you, been limited to the women i have been
trying to coerce into peeing in the woods, but stats are stats, babe ;)
let's have a quick straw poll of the list. erm, no? uhok...

 but if you are *really* curious i can mibbe stretch my webcam's

 Thanks, I'll pass   ;-)

oh well...

actually, just thinking of it- i intuitively am connecting the (strange)
compulsion that men have for exposing their genitals to women with this
desire to see women exposed candidly. do gay men flash to men? women
flashing always seems quite different from men flashing.



A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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2001-07-12 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-


(Continued from part Vf)

Timeline of Treason







can be read at:
The Joshua Report
Michael  The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Macedonia: the Final Domino?

2001-07-12 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-



 Macedonia: the Final Domino?
 by Johnathan Sunley

 The scenario is a familiar one. Having captured a few villages and
 terrorized (or expelled) their inhabitants, rebels demanding greater
 ethnic – or some other form of – equality close in on the country’s
 capital seeking a showdown with the government. The latter tries to
 meet force with force but is restrained from doing so by Western
 mediators who fly in and out insisting on the need for ‘dialogue’. All of
 a sudden, yesterday’s ‘terrorists’ are today’s partners in a ‘peace-

 Talks prevail, military front-lines are frozen and under the eye of the
 international community fresh elections or a referendum on the rebels’
 grievances are held. A semblance of normality returns and CNN
 gradually loses interest in the story. But by now the poor place has
 become ungovernable (which was always the rebels’ main aim) and
 responsibility for its internal affairs passes to some permutation of the
 following:  Nato, the OSCE, EU, UN, World Bank, etc.

 Today it is Macedonia which is in danger of becoming another sad little
 protectorate in the Balkans. But this is a fate which few countries
 in the region – especially those that were once republics in the
 former Yugoslavia – have been able to escape over the last ten years.
 Indeed, it was exactly a decade ago that that the first such domino
 fell, when the legally-elected authorities in Zagreb found themselves
 prevented by international pressure from re-establishing control
 over parts of Croatia seized by Serbian forces.

 The irony is that throughout this turbulent period Macedonia has been
 praised for its handling of inter-ethnic relations – which is always
 (albeit often inaccurately) said to be the primary cause of conflict
 in this area. Its Albanian minority, whether constituting 23% or
 40% of the population (as the Albanians themselves claim), has since
 the country became independent in 1992 enjoyed rights and a general
 sense of respect other minority communities in the Balkans can only
 dream about. Almost all governments formed in Skopje over the last
 decade have had Albanian participation in them and there were few
 protests when during the war in Kosovo in 1999 refugee camps were
 set up for no less than 400,000 Albanians fleeing the fighting there.

 But whatever else the current crisis is about, it is not human rights
 or democracy. In the autumn of 1999, elections were held in Macedonia
 to choose a new president. Though these were harshly condemned by
 Western observers on account of their blatant irregularities (which
 were especially bad in places with a high concentration of Albanians),
 this was seen at the time as the price worth paying in order for
 the least known of the candidates, Boris Trajkovski, to win on a
 ticket of inter-ethnic reconciliation and harmony. The outcome was
 the opposite, as Slav Macedonians – enraged by the way in which
 Albanian votes appeared to count for more than theirs, and the Albanian
 minority – encouraged to believe they could cheat their way to power,
 drifted further and further apart.

 It is unlikely they would have come to blows, however, but for events
 in Kosovo in the aftermath of the war there. Despite the presence
 of some 45,000 Nato troops and in Camp Bondsteel one of the largest
 US overseas military facilities anywhere in the world, it has apparently
 proven impossible to control – let alone disarm – the Kosovo Liberation
 Army (KLA), which goes about its business of drug-smuggling, people-
 trafficking and gun-running virtually unhindered.

 It was only a matter of time before the KLA would seek to extend its
 criminal empire into neighbouring Macedonia. No doubt they were
 puzzled when the very same representatives of the international
 community who had championed their cause in Kosovo (often with
 grotesque zeal: remember US secretary of state Madeline Albright
 greedily kissing KLA leader Hasim Thaci?), denounced them in
 Macedonia as ‘a bunch of murderous thugs’. But today (just a couple of
 months on) Nato secretary-general Lord Robertson is far more cautious
 in his choice of words and – in a classic shift of position – has begun
 saying that it is the government in Skopje which must take measures
 to end the escalating conflict.

 Such measures, however, exclude the use of robust force. Not only
 that, the Macedonian authorities are meant to stand by as the
 international community lends a helping hand to the other side – as
 happened a couple of weeks ago when US troops escorted bus-loads of
 armed insurgents away from a battle-zone just 10 km outside Skopje.

 Enraged by this incident, Slav Macedonians have conjectured that
 KFOR’s intervention was essential in order to guarantee the safety of a
 small contingent of ‘advisors’ sent in by the US to monitor and
 instruct the KLA’s Macedonian wing. To outsiders this may sound
 like a typical 

[CTRL] Will the Senate Judicary Committe give the ''bird to the American public?

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

  Will the Senate give the ''bird to the American public?

So Senator Leahy has signaled that the Judicary Committes expects little
problem in Hutchinson' appointment. How interesting. Did he do it with
semaphores, secret code or did he just give Asa the thiumbs-up. If so, then
the cover-up continues and the present Senate Judicary Committee will be
giving the bird to the American public.

Will the hard questions be asked or will the Senate continue the cover-up?

We shall see . . . and we the people shall know.

Old rules do not apply, . . . the interent has brought us all to the table
and . . . it is very simple.

The emperor has no clothes.

Robert A Millegan


Thursday, July 12, 2001

Asa Hutchinson hearing date set


 WASHINGTON -- The Senate Judiciary Committee will consider the

appointment of Rep. Asa Hutchinson to be the next head of the Drug

Enforcement Administration on Tuesday.

The confirmation hearing date had been in limbo for weeks because

of the failure of Democrats and Republicans to agree on the makeup of

Senate committees after the chamber shifted into Democratic control

last month.

The White House announced Hutchinson's appointment on May 9.

The 50-year-old third-term Arkansas congressman had said he would

not leave his House seat until confirmed by the Senate. Arkansas Gov.

Mike Huckabee is expected to call a special election for the 3rd

Congressional District seat once that happens.

The office of Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, chairman of the

Judiciary Committee, has signaled that it expects little problem with

Hutchinson's appointment.

Copyright © 2001, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights



Asa and the Drug Smugglers

by Daniel Hopsicker
Bush's DEA appointee knows a thing or two about drug smuggling.

George W. Bush’s nomination of Asa Hutchinson to head the Drug Enforcement
Administration is a crushing blow to those who couldn’t bring themselves to
believe the sordid stories of George Junior consorting with drug smuggler
Barry Seal.

As  reported in the new book Barry  ‘the boys,’ and magazines and
newsletters like From the Wilderness and High Times, George the II had
much more than a nodding acquaintance with the biggest drug smuggler in
American history and his notorious Mena operation.

Instead of downplaying this connection while focusing all eyes on the
tee-ball on the south lawn, Bush has now put it right in our faces. Current
Republican Congressman and former Western Arkansas US Attorney Asa Hutchinson
was directly involved in the Mena drug smuggling operation, providing the
critical legal ‘protection’ necessary for any operation of that size and
magnitude, and acting to squelch whatever legal action which local citizen
outrage prompted.

In addition to the people already on record regarding Hutchinson’s coziness
with the Mena cocaine smuggling—former IRS agent Bill Duncan prominent among
them—numerous witnesses have stepped forward for the first time on Hutchinson
in Barry  ‘the boys.

According to the Arkansas State Police Commander in charge of Mena, Finis
Duvall, on at least one occasion then-US Attorney Asa Hutchinson ‘took care’
of a Mena legal entanglement for Barry Seal that has never been surfaced in
the press.

According to Duvall, who was there, the Arkansas state police didn't even try
to develop a case against the Mena drug smuggling, because it was well known
that it was being 'protected' by US attorney Hutchinson.

We always knew we couldn't prosecute Barry Seal, no matter what we got on
him, because of the politics involved in the Western Judicial District, the
crusty Finis Duvall told us.

Then there are Hutchinson’s recent business dealings with drug smugglers.
Recently a Barry Seal drug smuggling associate, Michael Roy Fugler, took a
company called Netivation public. Netivation.com (NASDAQ: NTVN) portrays
itself as an Internet public policy and political Web site, offering a
package of fundraising services to candidates and campaigns. The Virginia
State Democratic Party, for example, raised money for Netivation.com to
produce Web sites for its candidates, and Netivation.com received a
percentage of any campaign contribution made to candidates via the Web pages.
It also publishes the US Congress Factbook, and has a major Internet site for
campaign fundraising.

One question might be: what does a drug smuggler have to do with the US
Congress Factbook? But wait...there’s more. After going public, Netivation
turned around and immediately signed as their initial marketing poster boy
none other than Arkansas Congressman Asa Hutchinson. Hutchinson, of course,
before becoming the marketing poster boy for a company drug smuggler Barry
Seal's associate Michael Fugler took public, had been the U.S. Attorney for
the Western Judicial District in Arkansas, 

[CTRL] Fw: Strange Things In Tennessee

2001-07-12 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 6:24 AM
Subject: Strange Things In Tennessee


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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2001-07-12 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-


Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often
menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the
massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite
Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can
monitor a person's every movement, even when the target is indoors or deep
in the interior of a building or travelling rapidly down the highway in a
car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to
hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the
world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person's every action and
relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of
satellites include reading a person's mind, monitoring conversations,
manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a
laser beam. Remote reading of someone's mind through satellite technology is
quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a
chimera from a futuristic dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my
description of satellite surveillance, I'd simply cite a tried-and-true
Roman proverb: Time reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat).
Probably the most sinister aspect of satellite surveillance, certainly its
most stunning, is mind-reading. As early as 1981, G. Harry Stine (in his
book Confrontation in Space), could write that computers have read human
minds by means of deciphering the outputs of electroencephalographs (EEGs).
Early work in this area was reported by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1978. EEG's are now known to be crude sensors of
neural activity in the human brain, depending as they do upon induced
electrical currents in the skin. Magnetoencephalographs (MEGs) have since
been developed using highly sensitive electromagnetic sensors that can
directly map brain neural activity even through even through the bones of
the skull. The responses of the visual areas of the brain have now been
mapped by Kaufman and others at Vanderbilt University. Work may already be
under way in mapping the neural activity of other portions of the human
brain using the new MEG techniques. It does not require a great deal of
prognostication to forecast that the neural electromagnetic activity of the
human brain will be totally mapped within a decade or so and that
crystalline computers can be programmed to decipher the electromagnetic
neural signals.
In 1992, Newsweek reported that with powerful new devices that peer through
the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of
thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language. They hope,
in short, to read your mind. In 1994, a scientist noted that current
imaging techniques can depict physiological events in the brain which
accompany sensory perception and motor activity, as well as cognition and
speech. In order to give a satellite mind-reading capability, it only
remains to put some type of EEG-like-device on a satellite and link it with
a computer that has a data bank of brain-mapping research. I believe that
surveillance satellites began reading minds--or rather, began allowing the
minds of targets to be read--sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites in
fact can read a person's mind from space.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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2001-07-12 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-


American student Jeremy His is facing expulsion from college. His guilt is
that one day he turned up in a school discotheque wearing wearing a
traditional Scottish attire, indispensable detail of which was a knife, or
sgian-dhu. The school board in Holt, in Michigan is now due to decide if
Mr. Hix will be expelled for violating the state's zero tolerance law
against bringing weapons to school. Mr. Hix (who also plays the bagpipes)
said he did not think about the knife as a weapon when he attended the
school dance in May. The knife was more than 3in long, according to BBC.
Mr. Hix said: It's part of the formal wear for a Scottish man.
It's literally an item, like a piece of clothing. It doesn't stand out when
you look at it. It's sort of natural. He said he had the sgian-dhu tucked
into his sock for nearly two hours before a chaperone at the prom noticed
it. Mr. Hix was forced to leave the prom and could not attend classes for
the rest of the school year. Under Michigan's law, which went into effect
six years ago, students must be expelled for 180 days if they bring a weapon
to school. Weapons include knives with a blade of 3in or more.
It is strange that such a multinational and tolerant, as it seems, country
as the USA does not permit its citizens to wear their national regalia. Even
in the Soviet Union (dubbed by someone evil empire), various ethnic groups
had the right to turn up on the streets or other public places wearing their
national costumes, including daggers, as was the case with, for example,
Caucasians (Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaidjanians, etc.) or Central Asians
(Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs, etc.).

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-07-12 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-


A full page in Portugal's quality daily, Publico about President Putin's
convoy causing pandemonium with Moscow's traffic is a typical example of
the sort of nonsense being published in Western journals about Russia.

It has recently been reported in a number of articles in Pravda.Ru and in
certain Letters to the Editor that the Western press does not give its
readers the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. London
correspondent John Ashtead recently wrote about this after his first trip to
Moscow, which, in his own words, opened his eyes to the nonsense that has
been written about Russia in the last half century.

One of Portugal's main daily newspapers, Publico devoted the entire back
page to an article about President Putin's numerous trips to and from the
Kremlin creating enormous traffic jams. So bad is the situation, claims the
article, that the State Duma issued a request that he refrain from using
motorcades when travelling to and from work. How is he supposed to travel,
by submarine?

While motorcades do create traffic jams, certainly it will not be only
because of this that traffic jams form, since Moscow is one of the largest
capital cities in the world and it has traffic, like anywhere else. The
point is that the only news which transpires about Russia, about Moscow,
about the Duma and about Russians, is negative in general if not always.

Even this article about the traffic has dark references to Lenin, Stalin,
Krushchyov, Brezhnev, they are all present, and yes, there is a reference to
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

A famous Portuguese television journalist who was formerly stationed in
Moscow was once accused of not presenting the full story in his reports, to
which he is reported to have replied Yes, but if I did that, it would not
be news.

All westerners have seen about Russia in their newspapers or on their t.v.
screens this year are carefully-edited pictures about Chechnya, always with
a grey, rainy sky, night scenes of police chasing criminals in the streets,
complete with newspaper captions about Moscow being the most dangerous city
in the world, the fight in the Duma and now President Putin causing traffic

No mention of the clean streets, the beautiful gardens, the civilised
people, the level of culture, no mention of the fact that hundreds of
thousands of people walk around Moscow every day and night without ever
seeing an incident, no mention of the quality and variety of fare in the
shops and restaurants. No mention of Moscow's extensive public construction
programme, no mention of the Metro without any graffiti and no mention of
the excellent education system, public health system, scientific
discoveries, aid to LDCs, cultural support programmes.

These, for the organs of communication and for the readership they have
carefully crafted over the years, are not news stories. One can therefore
conclude that western news stories about Russia are no more than muck-raking



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Satanism reports frighten neighbors

2001-07-12 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear LIst,

Below please find info on this.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be very heavy for survivors to read.

Satanism reports frighten neighbors  - By Douglas Belkin, Globe Staff and
Chris Frates, Globe Correspondent, 7/12/01 - In their search, police said,
they also discovered a cache of machetes, a sculpture of a demon, a
half-dozen marijuana pipes, and several books about devil worship. Picard,
34, was arraigned yesterday in Quincy District Court and charged with nine
counts related to burglary, grave robbing, and drug possession.

excerpt from

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Insanity or Final Solution?

2001-07-12 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Will the Israeli's shot the moon?

If they do this without massive Palestinian deaths...they might
get away with it. However it is much more likely that thousands
of civilians will die...and Sharon will be be sharing a cell with

By DAN PERRY Associated Press Writer

JERUSALEM (AP) . After months of violence, Israelis are now openly debating the 
possibility of a military
invasion of the West Bank and Gaza aimed at crushing the Palestinian Authority and 
ending the rule of Yasser

Military and political officials confirm the army has readied plans for stepping up 
the use of force . but the
cost in lives and the possibility of a wider regional conflict clearly are giving the 
government pause in
going all-out.

``The army has plans to cover all the possibilities, but what counts is the Cabinet 
decisions,'' said Raanan
Gissin, spokesman of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

``There are three options: surrender to Arafat, to go ahead with this plan . to occupy 
. or to continue the
current course of restraint and self-defense. The government has said it's committed 
to peace but this
situation can't last forever.''

One military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a large-scale attack 
was about to be launched
June 2 . the day after a suicide bomber killed 21 young people outside a Tel Aviv 
disco . but it was put off
by Arafat's announcement, under intense European pressure, of a cease-fire.

Talk of a massive assault has since intensified as Israelis have grown increasingly 
exasperated with the
failure of a cease-fire to take hold. Mortar attacks and even bombings inside Israel 
continue, and Jewish
settlers are targeted in near-daily shootings.

The Israeli media has taken to treating the possibility of a serious escalation . even 
a reoccupation of the
West Bank and perhaps Gaza . as something of an inevitability, set to be triggered by 
the next major terrorist

``An unusual consensus has taken hold (and) all roads are leading to a catastrophe,'' 
wrote Chemi Shalev in
the Maariv daily. ``A few days after the war breaks out, suddenly everyone will 
remember how horrible war is
... when it will be too late.''

Palestinian Planning Minister Nabil Shaath said Sharon . currently visiting Italy . 
presented far-reaching
plans to American and European leaders.

``I know that both President Bush and (French President Jacques) Chirac spoke very 
clearly to Sharon about
this issue and warned him against the great dangers of such a policy,'' he told The 
Associated Press. ``One
has to take this seriously because other threats have been carried out.''

Commentator Haim Hanegbi warned Israel's leaders that if they ordered an invasion they 
could eventually face
the same fate as Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president now facing a war 
crimes trial in The Hague.

But Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin told AP that continued attacks ``will not 
leave Israel any
alternatives. I have no doubt the prime minister wants to avoid a war as much as 
possible ... but if Arafat
forces us to go to war, we will go to war.''

The Yesha Council representing the 200,000 Jewish settlers, a key source of support 
for Sharon, issued a
statement Thursday calling on the prime minister to wait no longer and ``order the 
army to ... distance Arafat
from the region and dismantle the Palestinian Authority, the largest terrorist 
organization in the world.''

Industry Minister Dalia Itzik, a member of the moderate Labor Party, warned that such 
pressure from Sharon's
political base might have an effect.

``The scent of war is in the air,'' she said. ``It is as if it is an unimportant 
matter, as though at the end
of this war we won't be burying our dead. Apparently nobody has learned from history. 
I very much hope that
the prime minister will withstand this pressure.''

A top military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AP that one plan 
proposed by the army was
to move into Palestinian areas and arrest the dozens of militants who are behind the 
violence . then move out
and leave Arafat's regime in place.

But Israeli and foreign media have been rife with detailed reports about more 
far-reaching proposals as well.

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres on Thursday denied a report in the British 
journal Foreign Report, which
said the Israeli military submitted a plan to the Cabinet to send 30,000 troops into 
the Palestinian areas, if
another large-scale Palestinian terror attack takes place.

Under the reported plan, the Israeli troops would seek to destroy the installations of 
the Palestinian
Authority, disarm the Palestinians and cause the flight of the entire leadership, 
including Arafat.

Analysts agree that under such a scenario hundreds of Israelis and probably thousands 
of Palestinians would be

But Gerald Steinberg, 

Re: [CTRL] Roseanne Struggles to Contain Multiple Personalities

2001-07-12 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on this article.

Neil Brick

Roseanne Struggles to Contain Multiple Personalities - Reuters - 7/12/01
LOS ANGELES—Roseanne, the larger than life stand-up comic, actress, chat show
host, producer, mother and three-time wife, also wrestles with at least seven
different personalities...Roseanne told Esquire magazine in a rambling
interview published in its August edition of her struggles to contain the
multiple personality disorder which she said had afflicted her since she was
a child. She said that after 10 years of hard work she had managed to
integrate the differing personalities.

excerpt from

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Insanity or Final Solution?

2001-07-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Will the Israeli's shot the moon?

 If they do this without massive Palestinian deaths...they might
 get away with it. However it is much more likely that thousands
 of civilians will die...and Sharon will be be sharing a cell with

Don't count on it. Sharon is a conservative and a capitalist. Milos
was a Socialist.

Are you now becoming  delusional  as you claimed I was, or are you
starting to understand Middle East politics?


 By DAN PERRY Associated Press Writer
 JERUSALEM (AP) . After months of violence, Israelis are now openly debating the 
possibility of a military
 invasion of the West Bank and Gaza aimed at crushing the Palestinian Authority and 
ending the rule of Yasser

 Military and political officials confirm the army has readied plans for stepping up 
the use of force . but the
 cost in lives and the possibility of a wider regional conflict clearly are giving 
the government pause in
 going all-out.

 ``The army has plans to cover all the possibilities, but what counts is the Cabinet 
decisions,'' said Raanan
 Gissin, spokesman of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

 ``There are three options: surrender to Arafat, to go ahead with this plan . to 
occupy . or to continue the
 current course of restraint and self-defense. The government has said it's committed 
to peace but this
 situation can't last forever.''

 One military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a large-scale attack 
was about to be launched
 June 2 . the day after a suicide bomber killed 21 young people outside a Tel Aviv 
disco . but it was put off
 by Arafat's announcement, under intense European pressure, of a cease-fire.

 Talk of a massive assault has since intensified as Israelis have grown increasingly 
exasperated with the
 failure of a cease-fire to take hold. Mortar attacks and even bombings inside Israel 
continue, and Jewish
 settlers are targeted in near-daily shootings.

 The Israeli media has taken to treating the possibility of a serious escalation . 
even a reoccupation of the
 West Bank and perhaps Gaza . as something of an inevitability, set to be triggered 
by the next major terrorist

 ``An unusual consensus has taken hold (and) all roads are leading to a 
catastrophe,'' wrote Chemi Shalev in
 the Maariv daily. ``A few days after the war breaks out, suddenly everyone will 
remember how horrible war is
 ... when it will be too late.''

 Palestinian Planning Minister Nabil Shaath said Sharon . currently visiting Italy . 
presented far-reaching
 plans to American and European leaders.

 ``I know that both President Bush and (French President Jacques) Chirac spoke very 
clearly to Sharon about
 this issue and warned him against the great dangers of such a policy,'' he told The 
Associated Press. ``One
 has to take this seriously because other threats have been carried out.''

 Commentator Haim Hanegbi warned Israel's leaders that if they ordered an invasion 
they could eventually face
 the same fate as Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president now facing a war 
crimes trial in The Hague.

 But Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin told AP that continued attacks ``will not 
leave Israel any
 alternatives. I have no doubt the prime minister wants to avoid a war as much as 
possible ... but if Arafat
 forces us to go to war, we will go to war.''

 The Yesha Council representing the 200,000 Jewish settlers, a key source of support 
for Sharon, issued a
 statement Thursday calling on the prime minister to wait no longer and ``order the 
army to ... distance Arafat
 from the region and dismantle the Palestinian Authority, the largest terrorist 
organization in the world.''

 Industry Minister Dalia Itzik, a member of the moderate Labor Party, warned that 
such pressure from Sharon's
 political base might have an effect.

 ``The scent of war is in the air,'' she said. ``It is as if it is an unimportant 
matter, as though at the end
 of this war we won't be burying our dead. Apparently nobody has learned from 
history. I very much hope that
 the prime minister will withstand this pressure.''

 A top military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AP that one plan 
proposed by the army was
 to move into Palestinian areas and arrest the dozens of militants who are behind the 
violence . then move out
 and leave Arafat's regime in place.

 But Israeli and foreign media have been rife with detailed reports about more 
far-reaching proposals as well.

 Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres on Thursday denied a report in the British 
journal Foreign Report, which
 said the Israeli military submitted a plan to the Cabinet to send 30,000 troops into 
the Palestinian areas, if
 another large-scale Palestinian terror attack takes place.

 Under the reported plan, the Israeli troops would seek 

[CTRL] Outing Torturers

2001-07-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Outing Torturers

Activists in Argentina and Chile are making sure former dictators and their
collaborators don't enjoy an anonymous retirement. by Casey Woods and
Jonathan Franklin

June 27, 2001

BUENOS AIRES -- Rows of riot police stand in front of a ritzy apartment
complex in Buenos Aires. Marching down the street towards them are their
opponents: hundreds of protesters, many of them dressed as jesters with faces
painted like the sun or moon, others with dreadlocks to their waists. A
juggler tosses machetes into the air in rhythm to an insistent drum beat. The
marchers project the giddy air of a carnival, but behind the costumes and
music, their purpose is serious: they have come to expose Leopoldi Galtieri,
a former dictator of Argentina who has been living here hidden from public
view since he left power in 1983. Galtieri is accused of helping coordinate a
multi-national hit squad that kidnapped, tortured and killed human rights
activists and guerrilla fighters throughout South America during his regime.
Police and protesters collide in the middle of the street, tear gas and clubs
flying. Television cameras capture the violence, but also spread the
protesters' message. Amidst the melee, spray painted signs reading A
Torturer Lives Here, Murderer, and Put Him on Trial denounce Galtieri;
flyers provide his home address and even his social security number. The
demonstration, which took place last year, was typical of those a group known
as HIJOS has organized around the country. The effects are typically felt the
following day, says HIJOS activist Diego Genoud. That's when the baker won't
sell him bread, the taxi won't pick him up, the newspaper won't come to his
house. It is like putting him in jail. Many HIJOS events end in violence.
The police come absolutely ready to strike at the most minimum provocation,
said Vilma Ripoll, the Buenos Aires city council member. They plant
infiltrators who then provoke the police so they can violently repress the
march. HIJOS -- Spanish for children and an acronym for Children for
Identity and Justice -- was born of the brutality of Argentina's former
military dictatorship. Its members are all children of former political
prisoners, exiles, or someone executed or 'disappeared' by the dictatorship.
As many as 30,000 civilians vanished during the Argentine military
dictatorship's brutal 1976-1983 rule. A favorite method of disposing of
political prisoners was to inject them with tranquilizers, manacle them
together and dump them from cargo planes into the open sea. Most of the
victims were non-violent social activists: union organizers, writers,
politicians, and labor leaders. Vilma Ripoll of the leftist party Movemiento
Socialista de Trajabadores has a list of the disappeared that fills an entire
wall in the party headquarters. Many of those who perpetrated the
dictatorship's human- rights abuses were successively pardoned by a series of
laws. This process culminated in the 1989 pardons signed by then-president
Carlos Menem which freed the 277 perpetrators who had been jailed. The
out-a-torturer movement began in 1999, when neighbors recognized a skinny,
bespectacled man jogging in a Buenos Aires park as Jorge Videla, former army
general. Videla -- who had been convicted, then pardoned -- is widely
considered one of the principal architects of the Argentine dictatorship.
Street activists began a daily ambush, tossing eggs and epithets like
assassin and kidnapper. Videla's morning jogs in the park were over --
and with them his anonymous retirement. He has since been re-arrested on
charges of stealing newborn babies from left-wing families, one of the few
crimes not covered by the amnesty. Since then, regional HIJOS groups have
sprung up throughout Argentina. For the past 4 years, nearly every month one
of the chapters has hit the streets to denounce the tranquil civilian life of
a former official. We want all the murderers to go to jail with the
political class that sponsored them, as well as the economic class that
fueled the genocide -- the same people who today run the country, says
Genoud, 25. Like many HIJOS activists, he didn't learn of his parents'
political involvement for years, his guardians having tried to protect him at
a time when information was dangerous. His father, a guerrilla resistance
fighter, was taken prisoner in 1974 and jailed for 8 years. His mother, a
human rights lawyer, was dragged from her house by a military squad in 1976
and disappeared. While GenoudÕs goals are unlikely to be met, the pressure
from HIJOS has helped keep alive the campaign to re-arrest top military
leaders accused of involvement in baby kidnappings during the dictatorship.
Dozens of military officials are now under investigation, and top armed
forces leaders have publicly apologized for their role in the crimes. Polls
show HIJOS has found sympathy among the public, but some say their 

[CTRL] minconotrol and torture site

2001-07-12 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

lots of mindcontrol and torture links and personal experieinces.


  My section in the Mind Control Forum - a FAQ about my case is on the way,
but here is the last update of a zipped-FAQ-prototype.
For all those instructors, who like these intrusive operative games  know
nothing about survivor syndrom, remember: Blood is on the dancefloor!
What? You don´t understand? So let´s go deep Prof. Dr. Spychiatrist [sic!]
and read the pages about PTSD and torture. So, and you still don´t believe
that people can do that? Then you don´t know anything about deception or
otherwise the Milgram Experiment.
If you speak German and want to know about my struggels with the law, look
here via alte Prozessunterlagen.
I'm also going to write a book about all the things happend to me and here
you will find the the expose with certain corrections.
On my AKTION -Pages, you will be informed about the things I do to promote
my case.

Information warfare, intelligence organisations  conspiracy information
Education - I need some more good URLs in this section!
Free Fax

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed,kidnapped and robbed by Islamic militant groups demandingindependence.

2001-07-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 what does this have to do with Jews and/or Palestinians at all?

 I've spent time in Kashmir, and most of the people there have never heard of
 a Jew or Israeli or Palestinian.

 Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
 William of Occam

Similar situation. Selective choosing of ' bad guys ' .

Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia expelled ( ethnically cleansed ) their entire
Palestinian populations and there wasn't a peep out of the Left or the

Just a little hypocracy. I didn't want to let it slip by some of the concerned


 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Organization: Nurev Independent Research
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:55:07 -0400
  Subject: [CTRL] Settlers being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
  militant groups demanding independence.
  -Caveat Lector-
  Hmmmnnn... No Jews = no news.
  Isn't this ethnic cleansing? I've heard nothing from you about
  this situation? Where is the Palestinian moral outrage? Where is the
  Liberal outrage? Or are you all just full of it?
  Kashmir's evicted Hindu minority seeks its own homeland
  Associated Press
  NEW DELHI, India (July 11, 2001 06:39 a.m. EDT) - Pinni Suri
  remembers the scene exactly - even though 11 years have passed.
  Dawn had just broken when two teenagers knocked on the front
  door of her home in the Kashmir Valley, where her Hindu ancestors
  had lived for centuries among the majority Muslims.
  Two minutes later, one of the young men shot Suri's husband
  in the chest. The attackers disappeared into the narrow lanes
  of Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital. Muslim neighbors,
  watching from their window, turned away as she begged for
  They shot dead my husband on Aug. 1, 1990, and I left Srinagar
  the same day. I haven't gone back since, said Suri. An uncle
  of her husband was killed weeks later.
  It was a time of terrible fear among Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus
  indigenous to the beautiful Himalayan valley. They and Hindu
  settlers were being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
  militant groups demanding independence from India or to unite
  with Muslim-majority Pakistan. Between October 1989 and August
  1990, some 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits fled and live mostly
  in squalid camps in Jammu, Kashmir's winter capital.
  Now as India prepares for a three-day summit starting Friday
  between Pakistan's Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister
  Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Pandits are raising anew their
  demand for a homeland, which they say must be separate because
  of fears they will be targeted again.
  They wanted to Islamize Kashmir and they wanted us out.
  It was ethnic cleansing, said Ramesh Manavati, spokesman
  for Our Own Kashmir, an organization that says it represents
  more than 700,000 Kashmiri Pandits and demands an enclave
  in the Kashmir Valley.
  Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits say they feel forsaken by their
  government, which failed to protect them and their property.
  We are the forgotten ones, refugees in our own country,
  Manavati said.
  The All Party Hurriyat Conference, an umbrella group of Islamic
  and political parties that claims to speak for Kashmir, says
  the Pandits are welcome back, but a separate Pandit homeland
  is unacceptable. Kashmir is for all Kashmiris, says the group,
  which favors separation of the region from India.
  The Hurriyat is not in favor of division along communal
  (religious) lines, said Hurriyat spokesman Abdul Majid Banday.
  The Hurriyat has outraged the Pandits by saying that the
  stories of killings and intimidation were exaggerated and
  that the Pandit exodus was part of a government strategy
  to show the separatist movement in a bad light.
  Those who fled said the militants' method was to kill one
  and terrorize hundreds. Mosques blared warnings to Hindus,
  telling infidels to leave. Graffiti on walls said the valley
  was reserved for the faithful.
  Hindus who remained behind continue to live in fear. According
  to statistics compiled by The Associated Press, nearly 400
  Hindus have been killed in 33 separate attacks in the past
  eight years. Many have been pulled out of buses and shot
  at close range.
  India accuses Islamic Pakistan of arming the Kashmir militants.
  Pakistan denies the charge, saying its support is only political.
  But most militant groups in Kashmir are based in Pakistan
  and run training camps for fighters under the eyes of Pakistan's
  According to the latest census completed in February, Kashmir
  has 6.2 million Muslims and 3.4 million Hindus, 

[CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted, Say Scientists

2001-07-12 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

  Global Warming Much Worse
  Than Predicted, Say Scientists
   The Independent - London

  Global warming is happening now, caused by human actions, and
  threatens the Earth with disaster, the world's leading 
  scientists insisted yesterday as politicians struggled to repair 
  Kyoto treaty on climate change which the United States torpedoed 

  A 2,000-page UN report on the science and potential impacts of
  climate change gave the most authoritative statement yet that the
  Earth is warming rapidly, that the main cause is industrial 
  and that the consequences for human society are likely to be

  The report, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  (IPCC), made up of several hundred of the world's most
  distinguished meteorologists, including many Americans, is a
  substantial slap in the face for US President George Bush, whose
  unilateral abrogation of Kyoto has thrown the international 
effort to
  counter global warming into chaos. It comes on the eve of first 
  meeting, held in Bonn next week, to try to repair the treaty.

  The president cited doubts about the science of climate change as
  the reason why he would not impose on the American economy the
  cuts in industrial gases which Kyoto requires and which the US
  signed up to at the original treaty agreement in 1997.

  But yesterday the IPCC scientists gave their unqualified support 
  the view that global warming is real. Furthermore, they said, 
  their last report was published six years ago, they found they 
  vastly underestimated the rate at which global temperatures are
  rising. They now believe they will rise by as much as 5.8C by the
  end of this century, almost twice the increase predicted in 
their 1995

  This is likely to lead to crop failures, water shortages, 
  disease and disasters for towns and cities from flooding, 
  and sea storm surges, they believe, with the poor developing
  countries likely to be hit hardest. The crucial point that 
emerges from
  the report is that all these new stresses may be happening at the
  same time to a world already under great stain from massive
  population growth, poverty and pollution.

  As the massive three-volume study was published yesterday (by
  Britain's Cambridge University Press), politicians across the 
  were scrambling to put some sort of deal together at next week's
  Bonn conference, which will be attended by ministers and 
  from more than 150 nations.

  It is a resumption of the meeting on the Kyoto treaty which 
broke up
  acrimoniously in The Hague last November with a spectacular
  walk-out by Britain's Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. But 
  argument then was over a technicality in the treaty and the
  Americans were still on board. Subsequently, Mr Bush has
  repudiated the treaty's basic principle that the industrialised
  countries should cut their greenhouse gas emissions and the
  chances of the Americans coming back on board are regarded as

  Bizarrely, the Americans will be present in Bonn as negotiators 
on a
  treaty they have said they will have nothing to do with, as they 
  signed-up parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate

  Diplomatic efforts were continuing yesterday to build alliances 
  might allow Kyoto to be repaired. Mr Prescott flew into Tokyo for
  meetings with the Japanese prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, and
  his foreign and environment ministers, in an attempt to persuade 
  Japanese to join the European Union's 

[CTRL] Global Warming Encourages Mosquitoes - Man's Dealiest Enemy

2001-07-12 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

 Global Warming Encourages
 Mosquitoes - Man's Dealiest Enemy
By Environmental News Network

  Asian tiger mosquito Asian tiger mosquitoes that carry tropical 
diseases are
  likely to spread far and wide as global warming creates hotter 
  outside their historic habitat, according to new research from the 

  Our research shows that, like many mosquitoes, this species breeds 
  the temperature gets higher, said Barry Alto, a University of 
  entomology doctoral student and co-author of the study which 
appeared in
  July 2 issue of the Journal of Medical Entomology.

  If global warming trends continue, the Asian tiger mosquito may 
  common in places it's not found today, Alto warned.

  Though small, Asian tiger mosquitoes bite aggressively, attacking 
  livestock, and wildlife, mainly during daylight hours. This species 
can spread
  over 100 diseases, says Florida's Sarasota County Mosquito Management

  The Asian tiger mosquito may be just the beginning of a northern 
invasion of
  other species of mosquitoes. Some research indicates that global 
  change may alter the current distributions of other mosquito 
species, Alto

  Native to East Asia, the Asian tiger mosquito has spread widely in 
the last two
  decades, transported into the United States in shipments of used 
  tires containing its eggs from Japan or Taiwan. In 1986, the Asian 
  mosquito was initially discovered in Florida at a tire dump site in 
  Over the next eight years, it spread to all of Florida's 67 counties.

  Warmer regions of North and South America, Europe and Africa now 
  the species, known scientifically as Aedes albopictus. In the 
tropics, it carries
  dengue fever, which infects tens of millions but is usually not 
fatal. A severe,
  hemorrhagic form of the disease infects hundreds of thousands each 
year and
  kills about five percent of those infected.

  It was first reported in the United States in 1985 and has reached 
at least 25
  states, mainly in the East and South. This mosquito spread quickly 
in the
  South, Alto said, whereas in the Midwest, it's less common 
although it arrived
  in the mid-80s.

  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency acknowledges that, Global
  warming may increase the risk of some infectious diseases, 
particularly those
  diseases that only appear in warm areas. Diseases that are spread by
  mosquitoes and other insects could become more prevalent if warmer
  temperatures enabled those insects to become established farther 
north. The
  EPA says these diseases include malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, 

  Alto's study compares reproduction of Asian tiger mosquitoes housed 
at 79, 75
  or 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Mosquitoes kept at 79 degrees reproduced 
  while those at 72 degrees reproduced slowest.

  The difference between the low and high temperatures, seven degrees,
  matches some estimates of how much global temperatures will increase 
in the
  next 100 years, he said.

  The study shows that higher temperatures, when considered alone, 
  probably allow the mosquito to spread farther north and possibly 
  year-round in areas where winter freezes now kill it off, Alto 

  Steven Juliano, an Illinois State University biological sciences 
professor and
  co-author of the study, said global warming is also predicted to 
affect rainfall
  and humidity, so the study does not make definite predictions about 
  mosquito's possible spread. Still, he said, it provides some 
valuable insight.

  Insect population dynamics are affected by many variables, Juliano 
said. But
  this study helps us highlight what we need to know to plan for the 

  The EPA says that in spite of these risks, increased mortality is 
not an
  inevitable consequence of global warming. Malaria, for example, 

Re: [CTRL] Serbian Nazis

2001-07-12 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

  Make that 200,000 dead in the Bosnian conflict. Not 2 million. Anger at
the keyboard made me add a zero!

Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: Fw: Serbian Nazis

Obraz. Who make no bones of it...And on Seselj et. al.
  The Radical Right in Yugoslavia: Srpska Radikalna Stranka ( ...
  ... Logo English name Serb Radical Party Party leader Vojislav Seselj
  (resigned on
  Sept. 25, 2000, after the weak performance of the SRS in the
  ... in the Niksic brigade, in agreement with Dr. Vojislav Seselj he took
  over the organization
  of the Serb Radical Party in Srpska. In March 1993, at the Serb ...
  Seselj - popular
  but out of office when his party published the 'Kosovo Solution' in
  White Eagles Serbian Radical Party [SRS]
  (White Eagles were a particularly vicious, paramilitary formation
  in the Bosnian conflict [from '92-'95 200,000dead) and the rump
  Srpska of psychiatrist/poet of the
   the wild hairstyle, Dr. Radovan Karazdic. M.P.)
  .. war in Bosnian. Serbian Radical
  Party [SRS] Chairman Vojislav Seselj [who was appointed ...
  ... of Socialist People’s Party Momir Bulatovic reached with Vojislav
  from Serb
  Radical Party and Mira Markovic, President of Yugoslav Left
  (party of the Red Bourgeoisie leaders profitted massively from
  off profits from de-nationalized state property during the Miklosevic
  on forming of a ...
  Michael Pugliese
   - Original Message -
   From: Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 11:00 AM
   Subject: Re:gay-bashing Serb nationalists
   The cjb.net domain hosts these Serbian skinhead fascists. The
Front post from one of the Third Position lists I lurk on mentions
  I have a hunch that those BBC pix, had some cadre of the Serbian
Party of V. Seselj, a coalition partner and para-military adjunct of
Milosevic, Mladic and Karazdic in Bosnia and the rump Republica
their killing sprees.
  And this group called Obraz, (Dignity), see this from the SF
Michael Pugliese

Racism defies Serbian democracy
Violence grows despite change in leadership
Joshua Kucera, Chronicle Foreign Service
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
©2001 San Francisco Chronicle
Belgrade, Yugoslavia -- Despite its reputation as a hotbed of
Serbia has not been known for racism and intolerance of the sort
plagued neighbors like Croatia, Hungary and Germany.
But recent incidents of skinhead-style violence and intimidation
that an organized, extreme right-wing movement may be emerging.
Organizations that document racist incidents have noticed a rise in
few months in attacks against Roma, also known as Gypsies, and
And within the space of a few days, stickers with swastikas were
Belgrade's Jewish cemetery, a synagogue and an art gallery housing a
exhibition about Roma. In northern Serbia, vandals broke a plaque
commemorating the site of the former synagogue in Zrenjanin and
swastika on a similar plaque in Kikinda.
In the last two to three months, there has been some sort of
synchronization of these actions and that's what's really
Igor Olujic, a lawyer at the Humanitarian Law Center in Belgrade,
been documenting the incidents.
It's not open violence, but I'm afraid it could be the beginning of
Nazi movement, he added.
The incidents have occurred against the disturbing backdrop of the
Obraz (Dignity), a group of hard-core nationalists that says it has
than 20,000 members.
Obraz says it has no connection with the attacks or the stickers,
rhetoric -- including a Web page called Letter to Our Enemies that
against Jews, gays, Croats, Albanians and several other groups -- is
the intellectual support for racist violence.
It's a racist group, no doubt about it, said Olujic, adding that
be vulnerable to prosecution under Serbia's law against inciting
There always was a latent anti-Semitism, but never as blatant as
said Aca Singer, 

[CTRL] Petition To Terminate Aid To Israel

2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] Pravda- The Shocking Menace Of Satellite Surveillance

2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon

14:18 2001-07-11


Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often 
menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the 
massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite 
Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can 
monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors or deep 
in the interior of a building or travelling rapidly down the highway in a 
car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to 
hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the 
world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person’s every action and 
relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites 
include reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating 
electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam. 
Remote reading of someone’s mind through satellite technology is quite 
bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from 
a futuristic dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my description of 
satellite surveillance, I’d simply cite a tried-and-true Roman proverb: Time 
reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat). 
Probably the most sinister aspect of satellite surveillance, certainly its 
most stunning, is mind-reading. As early as 1981, G. Harry Stine (in his book 
Confrontation in Space), could write that computers have “read” human minds 
by means of deciphering the outputs of electroencephalographs (EEGs). Early 
work in this area was reported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects 
Agency (DARPA) in 1978. EEG’s are now known to be crude sensors of neural 
activity in the human brain, depending as they do upon induced electrical 
currents in the skin. Magnetoencephalographs (MEGs) have since been developed 
using highly sensitive electromagnetic sensors that can directly map brain 
neural activity even through even through the bones of the skull. The 
responses of the visual areas of the brain have now been mapped by Kaufman 
and others at Vanderbilt University. Work may already be under way in mapping 
the neural activity of other portions of the human brain using the new MEG 
techniques. It does not require a great deal of prognostication to forecast 
that the neural electromagnetic activity of the human brain will be totally 
mapped within a decade or so and that crystalline computers can be programmed 
to decipher the electromagnetic neural signals. 
In 1992, Newsweek reported that “with powerful new devices that peer through 
the skull and see the brain at work, neuroscientists seek the wellsprings of 
thoughts and emotions, the genesis of intelligence and language. They hope, 
in short, to read your mind.” In 1994, a scientist noted that “current 
imaging techniques can depict physiological events in the brain which 
accompany sensory perception and motor activity, as well as cognition and 
speech.” In order to give a satellite mind-reading capability, it only 
remains to put some type of EEG-like-device on a satellite and link it with a 
computer that has a data bank of brain-mapping research. I believe that 
surveillance satellites began reading minds--or rather, began allowing the 
minds of targets to be read--sometime in the early 1990s. Some satellites in 
fact can read a person’s mind from space. 


Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed,kidnapped and robbed by Islamic militant groups demandingindependence.

2001-07-12 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

im not sure i see the similarity of the situations other than they both
involve muslims

as to the other arab nations, we know they are using the palestinians as a
fist, and it serves them well to keep the palestinians as refugees

the funny thing of course is that jordan is as much palestine as israel, but
no one cries to return to amman, or the fact that the jordanians are
keeping the palestinans away from self rule as well

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Nurev Independent Research
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 19:04:57 -0400
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed,kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
 militant groups demandingindependence.

 -Caveat Lector-

 thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 what does this have to do with Jews and/or Palestinians at all?

 I've spent time in Kashmir, and most of the people there have never heard of
 a Jew or Israeli or Palestinian.

 Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
 William of Occam

 Similar situation. Selective choosing of ' bad guys ' .

 Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia expelled ( ethnically cleansed ) their entire
 Palestinian populations and there wasn't a peep out of the Left or the

 Just a little hypocracy. I didn't want to let it slip by some of the concerned


 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Nurev Independent Research
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:55:07 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Settlers being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
 militant groups demanding independence.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hmmmnnn... No Jews = no news.

 Isn't this ethnic cleansing? I've heard nothing from you about
 this situation? Where is the Palestinian moral outrage? Where is the
 Liberal outrage? Or are you all just full of it?


 Kashmir's evicted Hindu minority seeks its own homeland

 Associated Press

 NEW DELHI, India (July 11, 2001 06:39 a.m. EDT) - Pinni Suri
 remembers the scene exactly - even though 11 years have passed.
 Dawn had just broken when two teenagers knocked on the front
 door of her home in the Kashmir Valley, where her Hindu ancestors
 had lived for centuries among the majority Muslims.

 Two minutes later, one of the young men shot Suri's husband
 in the chest. The attackers disappeared into the narrow lanes
 of Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital. Muslim neighbors,
 watching from their window, turned away as she begged for

 They shot dead my husband on Aug. 1, 1990, and I left Srinagar
 the same day. I haven't gone back since, said Suri. An uncle
 of her husband was killed weeks later.

 It was a time of terrible fear among Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus
 indigenous to the beautiful Himalayan valley. They and Hindu
 settlers were being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
 militant groups demanding independence from India or to unite
 with Muslim-majority Pakistan. Between October 1989 and August
 1990, some 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits fled and live mostly
 in squalid camps in Jammu, Kashmir's winter capital.

 Now as India prepares for a three-day summit starting Friday
 between Pakistan's Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister
 Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Pandits are raising anew their
 demand for a homeland, which they say must be separate because
 of fears they will be targeted again.

 They wanted to Islamize Kashmir and they wanted us out.
 It was ethnic cleansing, said Ramesh Manavati, spokesman
 for Our Own Kashmir, an organization that says it represents
 more than 700,000 Kashmiri Pandits and demands an enclave
 in the Kashmir Valley.

 Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits say they feel forsaken by their
 government, which failed to protect them and their property.

 We are the forgotten ones, refugees in our own country,
 Manavati said.

 The All Party Hurriyat Conference, an umbrella group of Islamic
 and political parties that claims to speak for Kashmir, says
 the Pandits are welcome back, but a separate Pandit homeland
 is unacceptable. Kashmir is for all Kashmiris, says the group,
 which favors separation of the region from India.

 The Hurriyat is not in favor of division along communal
 (religious) lines, said Hurriyat spokesman Abdul Majid Banday.

 The Hurriyat has outraged the Pandits by saying that the
 stories of killings and intimidation were exaggerated and
 that the Pandit exodus was part of a government strategy
 to show the separatist movement in a bad light.

 Those who fled said 

[CTRL] US Dollars marked with UN initials.

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Anybody know anything about this overseas money?

US News  World Report, May 7, 2001, pg 29


At a Houston hotel in March, Siler watched as Victor Okiti, a white-robed
Nigerian, allegedly opened two trunks of US dollars-oddly stamped with the
initials UN. Okiti claimed the money was only for overseas use, officials
say, and that Silver needed a special chemical to remove the stamp. The
chemical's cost $18, 500.
The money too, was counterfeit. Okiti has pleaded innocent to charges of
fraud and counterfeiting.


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[CTRL] Elliott Abrams- A Shameful Choice

2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon

A shameful choice
Abrams' past should have prevented Bush from naming him to security post.

President Bush has just hired a guy who made headlines in the 1980s as a
deceitful, scheming coddler of Latin American tyrants.

Elliott Abrams is a poster-boy for America's shameful history of propping up
dictators from Santiago to Mexico City - so long as they were anticommunist.

Two years ago, President Clinton went to Guatemala and vowed a clean break
with this disgraceful legacy.

By installing Mr. Abrams at the National Security Council, President Bush
seems to be saying: Never mind.

It is hard to imagine someone less suited to be the council's senior director
for democracy, human rights and international operations. Manuel Noriega? Don
King? The hiring of Mr. Abrams - who makes Jesse Helms seem like a
milquetoast - mocks the President's saccharine pledge of civility.

Elliott Abrams was assistant secretary of state for Latin America for most of
the Reagan years. In that role, this high official pooh-poohed the slaughter
of civilians in war-torn El Salvador and Guatemala and mocked his critics as
"vipers" and worse.

He played an important role in the funding of contra rebels fighting to
overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He didn't just try to end-run
the U.S. law that prohibited U.S. military aid to the contras. He actively
deceived three congressional committees about what was going on.

Facing felony charges based on his testimony, Mr. Abrams pled guilty in 1991
to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of
community service.

But a year later, President George H.W. Bush, whose own role in the
Iran-contra scandal has remained murky, handed the uncontrite peddler of lies
a full pardon.

Elliott Abrams has no business being awarded any position of public trust.

For this ethically challenged zealot to be given duties involving democracy
and human rights - in an administration pledged to "restore honor and
dignity" to the White House - is especially odious.

Unfortunately, his appointment - a sop to the Republican right - doesn't
require approval by the Senate.

The President should realize his error and tell Mr. Abrams' most recent
employer, the Washington-based Ethics and Public Policy Center, to take him
back for more rehab.

[CTRL] Hive of Scum and Villainy

2001-07-12 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
July 12, 2001

The Free Congress Guest Commentary
Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
by Frederick B. Meekins

Students of political science would be forced to conclude that the field of
international relations is a discipline fraught with bizarre irony and
stunning contradiction.  This is no where as evident as it is at the United

Both American policymakers and the general public fell victim to this
reality in the controversy surrounding the expulsion of the United States
from various UN panels such as the Commission on Human Rights and the
International Narcotics Control Board.

One almost doesn't know whether to laugh or cry being that these decisions
are both a blessing in disguise and a cause for concern all at the same

For too long, the United States has drifted along in a state of blissful
denial or outright complacency as to the maniacal hootenanny taking place
under the auspices of the United Nations.

The United States has been booted off these international bodies largely
because of this nation's refusal to submit fully to the yoke of the
globalist agenda and for mustering some courage with the advent of the Bush
administration to stand up to this planetary nonsense to a limited degree.

It has been speculated that the U.S. is being punished for challenging UN
initiatives regarding issues such as the International Criminal Court, the
effort to abolish landmines, and the Kyoto global warming treaty --- all of
which the United States has rational grounds for opposing.

Yet this dispute between the United States and the United Nations runs
deeper than these significant but peripheral policy disputes.  These
disagreements merely scratch the surface of the ideological chasm festering
between these two geopolitical powerhouses.

Increasingly,  freedom lovers everywhere find two opposing interpretations
as to the nature of human rights competing for prominence in the world at

On the one hand can be found the traditional Western view held by the
majority of decent upright Americans adhering to the Judeo-Christian
worldview that fundamental rights and liberties are granted by God to the
individual as an inherent protection against the intrusive tendencies of
governments as well as other individuals.

Those holding an opposing standard contend that rights --- or rather social
privileges --- are granted by government and are subject to modification,
curtailment, or even outright abolition in pursuit of a regime's particular

It is this conflict between the differing conceptions of personal liberty
that has gotten the United States kicked off the UN panels where the statist
interpretation of human rights have come to predominate.

A rundown of the Commission's membership will bear this assertion out.
Perusing the Commission's  rolls is like taking a tour down Dick Tracy's
Rogue's Gallery on an international level.

The primary power wanting the U.S. off the Commission was none other than
our esteemed strategic partner Red China, a nation renowned for its
overwhelming devotion to the welfare of the individual.  The Communist
government there has slaughtered millions in pursuit of dubious ends as
epitomized by that county's Great Cultural Revolution.  Forced abortions and
religious persecution of believing Christians continues in that nation to
this very day.

Another paragon of inalienable rights guiding the Commission to ever higher
plateaus of individual emancipation is Saudi Arabia.  In that particular
land of opportunity, women aren't even allowed to drive cars and those who
convert from Islam to another faith are rewarded by having their heads
lopped off.

One will realize just how ludicrous the decision to remove the United States
from the Commission really is once they learn that the seat belonging to the
beacon of hope to the world in this life was given to Sudan. Thus a nation
where children are sold into the bondage of slavery for simply belonging to
the wrong religion has been elevated as a better example to the world than
the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Even the more enlightened and civilized nations on the Human Rights
Commission leave something to be desired in their interpretation of
fundamental rights and liberties.

For example, in Canada one can run afoul of the law for speaking out against
homosexuality and a number of Evangelicals have been subject to criminal
prosecution there for distributing literature critical of other religions.
Other industrialized democracies on the Human Rights Commission such as
France, Germany, and even the United Kingdom have laws unduly hampering
religious and individual expression.

A number of those opposed to the controversial agenda being pursued by the
United Nations have suggested that now is the perfect time to get out of
this planetary bureaucracy in light of this slap across the face of the
United States since the UN largely pursues an anti-American agenda 

Re: [CTRL] Elliott Abrams- A Shameful Choice

2001-07-12 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 7/12/01 6:27:02 PM Central Daylight Time,

He played an important role in the funding of contra rebels fighting to
overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He didn't just try to end-run
the U.S. law that prohibited U.S. military aid to the contras. He actively
deceived three congressional committees about what was going on.


Re: [CTRL] Elliott Abrams- A Shameful Choice

2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 7/12/01 6:36:44 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Uh huh...figured you'd enjoy subverting our constitution and lying to
Congress...good solid conservative values.


Re: [CTRL] Elliott Abrams- A Shameful Choice

2001-07-12 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 7/12/01 6:39:13 PM Central Daylight Time,

Uh huh...figured you'd enjoy subverting our constitution and lying to
Congress...good solid conservative values.



[CTRL] The 2 Bobs- Hanssen Novak

2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon

Thursday July 12 03:00 AM EDT

The Hanssen Mystery

By Robert Novak

WASHINGTON -- Three and half-years ago, I reported that a veteran FBI agent
resigned and retired after refusing a demand by Attorney General Janet Reno
to give the Justice Department the names of top secret sources in China. My
primary source was FBI agent Robert Hanssen.

Disclosing confidential sources is unthinkable for a reporter seeking to
probe behind the scenes in official Washington, but the circumstances here
are obviously extraordinary. The same traitor who delivered American spies
into the Kremlin's hands was expressing concern about the fate of
intelligence assets in China.

When my source was revealed as a spy, my first fear was that I had been the
victim of disinformation by a truly evil man. I wrote my column of Nov. 24,
1997 only after other officials confirmed Hanssen's account. Nevertheless, I
now wanted to make doubly sure and rechecked my report's validity. I did so,
and several sources -- including one FBI agent who would not speak to me in
1997 -- totally confirmed what I had written. I am absolutely convinced that
Hanssen told me the truth.

Then, why break a reporter's responsibility to keep his sources secret? I
wrestled with this question for months and finally decided that my experience
with Hanssen contributes to the portrait of this most contradictory of all
spies. Furthermore, to be honest to my readers, I must reveal it.

In mid-November 1997, critics were accusing the Justice Department of
covering up 1996 campaign scandals. I was informed by Hanssen that Ray
Wickman, head of the FBI's intelligence unit monitoring Chinese operations,
was ordered in Reno's name to turn over secret sources in his Chinese
account. Wickman refused to surrender this information, resigned from the FBI
and retired from the government in September 1997. Wickman declined to
discuss this with me then and more recently, when I again approached him.

I never met Hanssen but talked to him three times over the telephone, the
first at length and twice more briefly to check out information I received
from other officials. He seemed to be well organized and deeply concerned
about the possible compromise of secret assets in a Communist-ruled country.

Hanssen told me Wickman's sources were of the highest caliber and among the
FBI's most sensitive. All unattributed quotes in my column came from Hanssen.

"It was an insult," I quoted Hanssen in describing the demand made of
Wickman. He added: "The purpose of the FBI is to safeguard sources. The whole
idea is to keep sources secret from the Justice Department. If Justice is
going to have full access to our files, we have no purpose." I now have
rechecked these quotes with another FBI source familiar with the Wickman
situation. He agreed completely with these sentiments and attested to their

My encounter with Hanssen came during what the government alleges was his
sabbatical from spying for over eight years from the fall of the Soviet Union
in 1991 until 1999, when KGB alumnus Vladimir Putin became Russia's prime
minister en route to the presidency.

Unanswerable questions are pondered. During the lengthy interim when he was
not betraying his country, could Hanssen have felt some genuine concern about
the security of U.S. assets in China if they fell into the hands of the
attorney general? Could he have experienced a sudden change of heart after
disclosing the identity of U.S. assets in Russia?

Or, was he merely using me to undermine Reno -- and his boss, FBI Director
Louis Freeh, as well? When I informed Hanssen that Freeh had told a member of
Congress that he had heard nothing about Wickman's resignation, he replied
disdainfully: "Of course, he heard about it." The accuracy of that assertion
also has been newly verified to me by an additional source.

Robert Hanssen is an enigma and will remain so at least until he reveals
himself. The speculation that he is purely the embodiment of evil tends to be
undermined by the validity of his report about Ray Wickman. He really may
have been living a double-life, one as a patriotic, religious American and
the other as spy of the century. That sounds fanciful, but any other
explanation fails.


2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon

July 12, 2001

Editor: Sam Smith
Washington's most unofficial source
1312 18th St. NW #502, Washington DC 20036
202-835-0770 Fax: 835-0779
REVIEW INDEX  HEADLINES: http://www.prorev.com/
UNDERNEWS: http://www.prorev.com/indexa.htm
REVIEW FORUM: http://www.topica.com/lists/reviewtalk/read


Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.  Henry David Thoreau,
who was born this day in 1817

Exploratory hypothesis

Operating on the Maine principle of not talking unless it improves on
silence, your editor has been quiet about the Condit case. This morning,
however, a speculation entered my head that refuses to depart. This may not,
I suddenly realized, be a story about one woman’s disappearance and one
man’s transgressions but about a number of women and a number of men. In
other words, we may only be seeing the tip of the penis.

The possibility that the Condit case has exposed some form of group sex on
Capitol Hill  whether involving call girls or faith-based voluntary activity
  would go a long way towards explaining the strange way everyone seems to be
acting. It might explain the desire of the DC police to keep the Modesto
cops from pursuing their own investigation. It might explain the
disappearance of not only Chandra Levy but a minister’s daughter who was
involved with Condit who has chosen to go into hiding, not to mention the
high stakes legal assistance, the days it took the MPD to get around to
checking out Condit’s pad, and Anne Marie Smith being interviewed for six
hours by the FBI and the DC cops, with Smith saying that she told some them
some things they didn’t know.

It would not in any way conflict with the Capitol Hill and Washington
tradition of commingling sex, politics, drugs, and even, more significantly,
blackmail. The current issue of Adult Entertainment Monthly, for example,
reports that “Archeologists digging just four blocks from Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C., have unearthed the remains of a 19th-century bordello
owned by Mary Ann Hall, a determined 20-something who built and managed the
three-story brick building, yet was never busted by police even as dozens of
other similar houses in the city were targeted.”

Later, during Prohibition, the notorious “Man in the Green Hat” kept Capitol
Hill offices supplied with the substances they prohibited elsewhere. And J.
Edgar Hoover is believed to have blackmailed numerous members of Congress
over their sexual proclivities much as mobster Meyer Lansky is said to have
boasted that he had “fixed that son of a bitch”  i.e. Hoover-  with photos
of Hoover having sex with a close aide. Interestingly, while there is little
evidence of the Italian mafia being active in DC, Lansky did have some
operations here. Hoover may also have blackmailed Jack Kennedy, an easy
target what with his affairs with a mob moll, a movie star with Mafia
connections, and an east German spy.

In a revisionist version of the origins of the Watergate affair, not only
were the burglars allegedly after evidence of a call girl ring working with
the Democratic National Committee, but there were allegations of a similar
Capitol Hill operations staffed by secretaries, office workers, and a White
House secretary.

Then there was Rep. Barney Frank hiring a male prostitute in 1986 who later
claimed he ran a sex ring out of Frank’s Capitol Hill apartment.

As recently as last year, the ethically challenged Rep. Jim Traficant was
trying to work the game the other way, claiming to be to be investigating
corruption in the U.S. Justice Department”  and alleging that Janet Reno “is
being controlled by a blackmailer who has a video of her cavorting with a
call girl.” What is interesting about this is not that the story is credible
but that a member of Congress thought it might be.
assumed it might be.

One may, as liberals did under Clinton, take the view view that all sex is
good sex. This ignores, among other things, the blackmail factor. As Condit
has demonstrated, not all politicians can wiggle out of these situations as
easily as Clinton did. Not all have such forgiving constituencies. In fact,
it would not be surprising if some of them were blackmailed during the
impeachment hearings.

More importantly, it is probable that politicians are blackmailed not just
by domestic opponents but by foreign lands. There are some reports that both
the Russians and the Israelis knew about Monica Lewinsky before Americans
did. Intelligence investigator Peter Dale Scott thinks that international
blackmail and sex with politicians is “an ongoing, highly organized, and
protected operation” that has “driven the major scandals of Washington since
at least the beginning of the Cold War.” Scott has also suggested that the
mob and lobbyists use call girls for blackmail.

As is the case with stories such as those involving BCCI and the Mena drug
operations, everyone involved has something to lose by public 

[CTRL] Gov. Gary Johnson- Drug War A Bad Investment

2001-07-12 Thread William Shannon

Take it from a businessman: The War on Drugs is just money down the drain.

By Governor Gary E. Johnson (R-NM)

July 10, 2001

As the Republican governor of New Mexico, I'm neither soft on crime nor
pro-drugs in any sense. I believe a person who harms another person should be
punished. But as a successful businessman, I also believe that locking up
more and more people who are nonviolent drug offenders, people whose real
problem is that they are addicted to drugs, is simply a waste of money and
human resources.

Drugs are a handicap. I don't think anyone should use them. But if a person
is using marijuana in his or her own home, doing no harm to anyone other than
arguably to himself or herself, should that person be arrested and put in
jail? In my opinion, the answer is no.

Any social policy or endeavor should be evaluated based on its actual
effectiveness, just as in business any investment should be evaluated based
on its returns. By that standard, the nationwide drug war is a failure. After
20-plus years of zero-tolerance policies and increasingly harsh criminal
penalties, we have over half a million people behind bars on drug charges
nationwide -- more than the total prison population in all of Western Europe.
We're spending billions of dollars to keep them locked up. Yet the federal
government's own research demonstrates that drugs are cheaper, purer, and
more readily available than when this war started. Heroin use is up. Ecstasy
use is up. Teenagers say that marijuana is easier to get than alcohol. No
matter how you slice it, this is no success story.

In 1981, the federal government spent about $1.5 billion on the drug war.
Today, we spend almost $20 billion a year at the federal level, with the
states spending at least that much again. In 1980, the federal government
arrested a few hundred thousand people on drug charges; today we arrest 1.6
million people a year for drug offenses. Yet we still have a drug problem.
Should we continue until the federal government spends $40 billion and
arrests 3.2 million people a year for drugs? What about $80 billion and 6.4
million arrests? The logical conclusion of this is that we'll be spending the
entire gross national product on drug-law enforcement and still not be
addressing our drug problem. I believe the costs outweigh the benefits.

In New Mexico, the cost to the state of treating drug use as a crime is over
$43 million per year -- and this does not even include local and federal
expenditures, which nearly triple that number. Over half of that money goes
to corrections costs. Yet despite this outlay, New Mexico has one of the
highest rates of drug-related crime and one of the highest heroin-usage rates
in the nation. Our results dictate that our money be spent another way.
That's why I have called for a reevaluation of my state's current drug
strategies, and we have begun to make great progress in this area.

A study by the RAND Corporation shows that every dollar spent on treatment
instead of imprisonment saves $7 in state costs. Treatment is significantly
more effective at reducing drug use than jail and prison. I believe the most
cost-effective way to deal with nonviolent drug users would be to stop
prosecuting them, and instead to make an effective spectrum of treatment
services available to those who request it.

I propose a new bottom line for evaluating our success. Currently, our
government measures the success of our drug policies by whether drug use went
up or down, or whether seizures went up or down, or how many acres of coca we
eradicated in South America. These are absolutely the wrong criteria. Instead
of asking how many people smoked marijuana last year, we should ask if
drug-related crime went up or down. Instead of asking how many people did
heroin last year, we should ask whether heroin overdoses went up or down. We
should ask if public nuisances associated with drug use and dealing went up
or down. In short, we should be trying to reduce the harm caused by and
suffered by drug users, instead of simply trying to lock them all up. A drug
policy that has these questions in mind would be much more sensible,
pragmatic, and cost-effective than our current one.

We need to reform our drug policies. The goal should be to help those
addicted to drugs to find a better way. The answer is not imprisonment and
legal attack. The answer lies in sentencing reform, in supplying treatment on
demand, and in delivering honest drug education to our kids. We need policies
that reflect what we know about drug addiction rather than policies that seek
to punish it. The days of a drug war waged against our people should come to
an end. If we take a new approach -- one that deals with drugs through a
medical model rather than a criminal justice model -- I guarantee that prison
rates will drop, violent crime will decrease, property crime will decrease,
overdose deaths will decrease, AIDS and 

Re: [CTRL] Civil Rights Not meant for White Men?

2001-07-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: Aleisha Saba
That was directed to you June.maybe I should have painted a little
red arrow to your overstuffed computer chair?
Go back to your dog pound and fight with the pit bulls..

Gee, I seem to remember Kris, the list owner, requesting that personal
attacks such as the above cease and desist immediately, else the poster risk
being removed from the list...

Seems to be a double standard here, as Saba/Colleen is allowed her pitbull
attacks on everyone with whom she disagrees


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Feds Open Inquiry Into Rep. Condit

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Feds Open Inquiry Into Rep. Condit
  Condit's Apartment Searched - (ABCNEWS.com)

By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal authorities have opened an initial criminal inquiry
into whether Rep. Gary Condit (news - bio - voting record) obstructed justice
or encouraged perjury in the investigation of Chandra Levy's disappearance,
law enforcement officials said Thursday.

Authorities specifically are looking at a flight attendant's claim that
Condit urged her to sign a statement denying a 10-month affair she says they
had. Anne Marie Smith also said Condit told her she did not have to cooperate
with FBI (news - web sites) agents who questioned her.

``It is in the preliminary stages, talking to witnesses and trying to
determine if we should proceed further,'' said one law enforcement official
familiar with the matter, who spoke only on condition of anonymity.

Condit has denied asking anyone to lie or not cooperate with investigators
who are trying to figure out what happened to Levy, a former federal intern
who was last seen April 30. He has not commented on any relationship with

Marina Ein, a spokeswoman for Condit, repeated Thursday that he is
cooperating with police in all aspects of the investigation.

Smith, 39, was interviewed Wednesday and again Thursday by FBI agents and
prosecutors from the U.S. attorney's office.

Law enforcement officials said the preliminary inquiry is routine when such
allegations surface but prosecutors decided to join FBI agents in the initial
interview of Smith because of the congressman's profile. ``What is on the
plate is perjury and obstructing justice, and we must decide if these
allegations have merit,'' one official said, speaking on condition of

The search for Levy was proceeding on several fronts Thursday, including a
search of vacant buildings in the nation's capital.

``We have to explore the possibility that she may be dead and we're looking
for the remains,'' said Terrance Gainer, the city's No. 2 police official,
said on CBS' ``The Early Show.'' ``So we're looking at about one-seventh of
the District of Columbia right now, at abandoned buildings.

Gainer said investigators still are working on four theories in Levy's
disappearance: that she was a victim of foul play, committed suicide, walked
away voluntarily or is wandering around not knowing who she is.

Police also are negotiating with Condit's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, to set
conditions under which the California Democrat would submit to a lie detector
test. Condit, who police say is not a suspect in Levy's disappearance, told
authorities last week that he had a romantic relationship with the
24-year-old woman, police sources say.

``The congressman's attorney has suggested we can get to a polygraph'' test,
Gainer said.

The Washington Post and CNN, citing police sources, reported police have
asked three other men to take polygraph tests. One said he occasionally
socialized with Levy, but the connection of the other two to Levy was not
immediately clear.

Several items taken from Condit's apartment during a search that ended at 3
a.m. Wednesday were being turned over to the FBI crime lab in Quantico, Va.,
said Sgt. Joe Gentile, a police spokesman.

Condit voluntarily allowed the search to show his cooperation in the search
for Levy, a constituent from Modesto, Calif., whom he has described publicly
as a good friend.

Meantime, the Post reported in Thursday's editions that FBI agents have
interviewed a Pentecostal minister who described an affair between his
then-18-year-old daughter and Condit, who is 53 and married with two grown

The minister, Otis Thomas, was quoted by the Post as saying Condit had told
his daughter never to speak of the relationship.

On Thursday morning, a handwritten note was posted on the door of Thomas'
home in Ceres, Calif. It was signed ``Jennifer Thomas'' and said, ``I never
met that congressman who's involved in all this. ... I don't even know how
both me and my father got mixed up in this, we don't know anything.''

Betty Hoffman, who lives in an apartment below the Thomases, confirmed
Jennifer Thomas is Otis Thomas' daughter. Hoffman said she last saw Otis
Thomas three days ago, and he told her the FBI suggested he leave town to
avoid the media.

Thomas told the Post his daughter is afraid to talk with the FBI and has gone
into hiding, but Hoffman said Jennifer Thomas works at a local fast food
restaurant and was home Wednesday.

Thomas told the Post that his daughter met Condit at a political rally and
ended the relationship about seven years ago. Thomas, whose church is in
Modesto, did gardening work at the Levy home in Modesto, the Post said.

Dr. Robert and Susan Levy, Levy's parents, confirmed Thursday that they know
Thomas, but declined to comment on the Post report. ``We do appreciate his
concern,'' Dr. Levy 

[CTRL] Police search Condit's apartment

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Police search Condit's apartment
By John Drake and Janine A. Zeitlin

 Investigators in the Chandra Levy case yesterday found no signs of a
struggle or any obvious incriminating evidence in an early morning search of
Rep. Gary A. Condit's apartment, which had been cleaned beforehand, law
enforcement sources told The Washington Times.
 D.C. police and FBI agents did not expect to find anything that would
make or break the missing persons case, and the key data will arrive in two
to four weeks when experts conclude DNA tests on blood and other evidence
recovered from the California Democrat's Adams Morgan apartment, the sources
 During a four-hour search of Mr. Condit's fourth-floor apartment in the
2600 block of Adams Mill Road NW, crime-scene technicians took samples from
one drop of blood in plain sight in the bathroom and from specks detected
with special equipment in the living room, one source said.
 The sources characterized the blood as very minimal or the size of
pin drops.
 One law enforcement source remarked on the absence of a computer in the
apartment and the cleanliness of the residence. It has been cleaned all over
and was pretty neat, the source said.
 Mr. Condit, 53, and his wife, Carolyn, were present, and both were
polite and kept mostly to themselves, a law enforcement source said, adding
that they appeared tired. The source said Mr. Condit's attorney, Abbe Lowell,
repeatedly challenged the search team and refused to let them take a pair of
pants that had a red stain.
 Mr. Lowell became angry when one technician -- in an episode broadcast
on television -- cut a piece out of the venetian blinds because of specks
that might possibly be blood, the source said.
 Investigators conducted the search without a warrant early yesterday
after accepting Mr. Lowell's offer on Wednesday to examine Mr. Condit's
apartment, conduct a lie-detector test on the congressman, collect DNA
samples and interview his Capitol Hill staff.
 Police have not charged Mr. Condit with a crime and have said he is not
a suspect in Miss Levy's disappearance.
 Meanwhile yesterday, flight attendant Anne Marie Smith met with federal
prosecutors and FBI agents at the agency's Washington Field Office as part of
a probe into whether Mr. Condit tampered with a witness or suborned perjury
in his dealings with her.
 Miss Smith, 39, last week said Mr. Condit urged her not to talk with the
FBI and his representatives tried to persuade her to sign a false affidavit
denying their 10-month affair. Mr. Condit and his attorneys have disputed her
 A spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington Field Office yesterday confirmed
that Miss Smith was at the building, but she said she could not provide any
other details. Miss Smith left the building by a rear exit about 2 p.m.,
avoiding a phalanx of reporters.
 Police and FBI officials have refused to discuss details of the case,
and would not say what was recovered from Mr. Condit's apartment.
 The forensic search team yesterday concentrated on finding blood --
which could indicate foul play -- and not semen or hair samples, the law
enforcement sources said, adding that one black hair about three to four
inches long was found. No semen was discovered, one source said.
 The evidence was to be sent to the FBI's forensic lab yesterday or
today, and DNA results could be available as early as two weeks, a source
said. None of this means anything unless there's a match, the source said.
 Detectives will check the DNA results from the apartment against that of
Mr. Condit, Miss Levy, her parents and others involved with the case.
 Executive Assistant Police Chief Terrance W. Gainer yesterday said he
and other police officials are working with Mr. Lowell on the details of
conducting a lie-detector test on Mr. Condit and collecting DNA samples from
 Mr. Condit, whose district includes Miss Levy's hometown of Modesto,
Calif., consented to the search after pressure mounted from police and Miss
Levy's parents over his lack of cooperation.
 Mr. Lowell set several conditions for authorities to search the
apartment, a law enforcement source said. Investigators had to wear
plainclothes and not bring the Mobile Crime Lab's large truck, instead using
less-conspicuous vehicles so as not to further sully the congressman's image.
 Billy Martin, the attorney for the Levy family, said they have asked for
Mr. Condit to undergo a lie-detector test without any conditions. He said he
has written to Mr. Lowell asking that Mr. Condit take the test but has not
received a response.
 Once again the matter is, he is saying he is cooperating, Mr. Martin
said. When we asked for one there were no conditions placed on it. Now it is
up to the congressman to speak up and tell the complete truth.
 Marina Ein, a 

[CTRL] Flight attendant scared for her life

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Flight attendant scared for her life
Condit paramour tells of strange sex, rules of affair



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The attorney for the flight attendant who said she had a 10-month affair with
U.S. Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif., told Fox News Channel's Paula Zahn the
congressman mysteriously forbade his client from using a closet in his
apartment just before Chandra Levy was reported missing.

Attorney Jim Robinson of Seattle speculated on The Edge With Paula Zahn
that Condit arranged for his wife to visit him in Washington from April 28 to
May 3 as a ploy to keep the missing intern away from his apartment so that
whatever happened could happen.

Robinson, who represents Anne Marie Smith, also said his client had related
some peculiar sexual fantasies that a normal heterosexual man does not have
and had seen signs of unusual sexual activity that she had nothing to do

In a separate report, Fox News reports Washington police found traces of
blood on window blinds in Condit's apartment during a search. The blood was
collected for analysis, according to police sources quoted by Fox News
correspondent Rita Cosby.

Robinson said Smith had feared for her life, and he had asked her, Did you
call me because I'm a good attorney or (because) I'm an ex-Marine?

Smith's response was, I think ex-Marine would be more accurate, he said.

There's already a missing girl, and she didn't want to be the second one,
Robinson told Zahn.

The lawyer said that near the end of Smith's relationship with Condit,
things started to really disturb Anne Marie. She found what she believed to
be Chandra's hair in the bathroom.

Moreover, he said, Smith saw neckties knotted together and tied underneath
the bed as if someone had been tied up in bed. Condit made a joke of Smith's

And then this woman disappears. She was terrified.

Levy, 24, was last seen at the Washington Sports Club April 30. Levy, from
Modesto, Calif., had recently completed an internship at the Federal Bureau
of Prisons. She had planned to return to her home state to receive a master's
degree from the University of Southern California.

Police found no sign of forced entry or a struggle in Levy's apartment. The
doors were locked, her bags were half-packed, and cash and credit cards were
found inside. Only Levy's keys and a gold ring were missing.

On Friday, after two months of denial, Condit, 53, reportedly admitted to
police that his relationship with Levy had been sexual. For weeks he had
maintained the two were “just good friends.” Late Tuesday night, an
evidence-gathering team made a search of Condit's apartment that lasted until
just before 3 a.m. Wednesday.

On July 3, Smith told Fox News that Condit had asked her to sign a
declaration denying her relationship with the congressman and told her that
she did not have to talk to the FBI after Levy's disappearance.

The man suborned perjury, flat-out, Robinson told Zahn.

Condit's attorneys countered by saying the cover letter allowed Smith to make
additions or deletions to the document.

Robinson told Zahn, That's not quite true. He said it's common for
attorneys to include those provisions for such things as misspelled names. I
didn't think anything of it at the time until I got down to paragraph five.
And paragraph five is the opposite of the truth.

On July 4, Smith said Condit had called her approximately May 5 or 6. She
said Condit had told her that he might be in trouble and that he was going
to have to disappear for a while.

After searching Rep. Gary Condit’s condominium, police continued to try to
arrange for the congressman to take a lie-detector test and provide a DNA
sample. Police Chief Charles Ramsey told NBC News that Condit had agreed to
undergo the polygraph exam, but sources indicated the terms were still under
negotiation and that Condit’s attorney might insist on restrictions that
police searching for missing intern Chandra Levy would not accept.

Smith said earlier on Fox News Channel that investigators indicated she had
provided them with new information during the six hours she met with them.
She would not disclose what she told them, but said she would meet with them

Smith said she and Condit never talked about Levy. She said she last spoke to
Condit 2½ weeks ago and that he again urged her to sign the statement.

Condit has not commented on any relationship with Smith, but in a statement
last week said he never asked anyone to lie.

Condit, 53 and married, told police last week that he had an affair with
Levy, according to a source familiar with the investigation. His staff had
claimed for weeks that they were just goods friends.

The disappearance still is being treated as a missing-person case and police
have said repeatedly that Condit is not a suspect. Yet, Robinson told 

[CTRL] Gertz: Beijing more cautious of Bush

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Gertz: Beijing more cautious of Bush
National-security expert says W's warning on Taiwan taken seriously



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

One of the nation's foremost national-security reporters has hinted to a
Taiwanese newspaper that China's leaders are more cautious of U.S. power
under the leadership of President George W. Bush than they were under the
administration of former President Bill Clinton.

Bill Gertz, a national-security correspondent for The Washington Times and
author of two books on China's growing threat to the United States, also said
that people who are pro-China and who want to play down danger from China
are dominating U.S.-Sino policy debate.

This is a real problem. It is not so much a question of right or wrong.
[But] these people have a predominant view in the government and within the
academic community, Gertz told The Taipei Times newspaper.

And they don't want to listen to any other debate. If they disagree with
you, they attack you as right-wingers. I have been labeled with some of the
[same] accusations. But clearly there needs to be a re-evaluation of the
situation, he said.

Gertz said his most recent book, The China Threat, examines what Beijing
calls the 'China threat theory.'

One of the highest priorities of Chinese intelligence and diplomatic
personnel – not just in the U.S. but around the world – is to monitor what
they call the China threat theory, Gertz told the paper. According to their
military writings, they understand there will be a certain period when people
will recognize China as a threat. They actually calculate the time – from
2020 to 2030. They call this the dangerous decade.

Gertz said the problem with U.S. policy towards China today is that it is
fashioned on the same policy adopted by official Washington during the Nixon
administration and, hence, is outmoded.

The people who formulated that policy want to continue that policy. They do
not want to evaluate. My argument is that we need now to re-evaluate the U.S.
policy toward China, he said.

Regarding how Chinese leaders view President Bush, as compared to Bush's
predecessor, Bill Clinton, the reporter said he believes Beijing is taking
the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue much more seriously.

I recall a situation that was related to me by a defense official. Adm.
Dennis Blair [commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific forces] went to China a
year or so ago, Gertz told the paper. He tried to clarify the U.S. position
on Taiwan as that the U.S. would defend Taiwan if it were attacked. And I was
told that the Chinese dismissed at the time Blair's statement as laughable

However, he said recent Bush comments committing to the defense of Taiwan
were as valuable as Aegis missile ships.

I was told by reliable U.S. defense sources that China's interpretation of
President Bush's remarks was that not only would the U.S. use conventional
forces against China, but nuclear forces as well, he said.

I think it is really important that the president clarifies that, Gertz

Gertz has been considered a must-read reporter for many national-security,
defense and military policymakers and analysts in the United States and
abroad. His sources have been described both as impeccable and unusually
reliable – so much so that at times he has come under scrutiny for divulging
too much information.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Signs of instability in Syria

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Signs of instability in Syria
Damascus’ old guard ruling elite at odds with Assad?



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DEBKA-Net-Weekly, is now available through WorldNetDaily.com. Drawing on
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it is presented as a compact, intelligence-angled weekly package. It is
available as a direct e-mail feed or via the Internet.

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Syrian President Bashar Assad's visit to Berlin this week as the guest of
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder represented some fateful days for the
Middle East.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly's sources report Israel is carefully observing signs of
conflict between Assad and Syria's old guard ruling elite – a conflict that
might mean there is potential for a breakthrough in establishing peace talks
with Damascus.

Israel's two air strikes against Syrian radar stations – on the
Beirut-Damascus road in April and in central Lebanon last month – fit in the
framework of these observations, reports DEBKA.

By sending the planes into action after Hezbollah guerrilla attacks on
Israeli army positions on the Lebanese border, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon
tried to deliver two messages. The first was a heavy hint to Assad of the
kind of damage the Syrian army could expect to suffer in Lebanon and back
home if Israel began to attack Syrian military targets. The second was an
attempt to weaken the position of the veteran Syrian leadership circle held
over from Hafez Assad, who died 13 months ago, when his son Bashar took over.

Sharon thought he spotted differences between the behavior and response of
the Syrian president and those of the Damascus old guard. He believed there
was a chance that Assad would try to break free from the clutches of Defense
Minister Mustafa Tlas, Chief of Staff Hikmat Shihabi, Vice President Abdel
Halim Khadam and Foreign Minister Farouq a-Shara.

The road sign Sharon thought he saw flashing was not political or military,
but economic.

Sharon read the intelligence reports that landed on his desk from Damascus
which said that in the past few months, this select group of Syria leaders,
fearing they would lose their positions of influence, had blocked every
attempt by Assad to carry out economic reforms and modernization. The reports
spoke of extremely tense relations between the president and the old

A breakthrough to the diplomatic track became a central pillar of Sharon's
policy in the past several weeks. Getting political circles in the United
States and Europe talking about an imminent resumption of Israeli-Syrian
peace negotiations would relieve some of the pressure on Sharon to start
discussions with the Americans and Palestinians on implementing the Mitchell
report in the face of ongoing Palestinian terrorism.

It also would enable him to continue his policy of military restraint toward
the Palestinians, which cuts several percentage points off his popularity
rating each week and puts them in the basket of his strongest political
rival, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is constantly breathing
down his neck.

Moreover, foreign focus on the Syrian track would relieve Sharon of the yoke
of his political dependence on Shimon Peres, who has opposed the Syrian
option since the 1993 Oslo accords, believing, quiet rightly, that it shunts
aside the Arafat-Palestinian option.

Rebuilding the Syrian channel was so important to Sharon that he requested
and received U.S. approval for the move, first in his White House talks with
President George W. Bush in June and then during U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell's visit to the Middle East.

Sharon's hopes were bolstered by Assad's visit to Paris in mid-June.
DEBKA-Net-Weekly's sources in Paris say that although Assad presented a
tough, uncompromising line in his one-on-one talks with French President
Jacques Chirac – refusing to listen to a word about resuming negotiations
with Israel – he took a completely different tack in his meeting with French
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, emphasizing the need for Syria to rebuild its

A country that builds a new economy, Assad told Jospin, has no time for
useless wars. Assad did not tell Jospin that renewed talks with Israel would
be the next step down the line, but even without that commitment, he sounded

After meeting Jospin, Assad took another unconventional step. He made a point
of responding to questions from Israel Radio's correspondent in Paris. In his
answers, he included the phrase that Syria was always interested in resuming
political negotiations with Israel.

In assessing the differences between what Assad told Chirac and what he said
to Jospin, 

[CTRL] U.N.'s Real Gun Agenda Emerges

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.N.'s Real Gun Agenda Emerges
Lawrence Auster
Tuesday, July 10, 2001
The official name of the meeting taking place at the U.N. General Assembly
this week and next is the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in
Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.
The portentous-sounding phrase illicit trade in small arms and light
weapons is worth repeating, because the conference speakers themselves keep
endlessly repeating it, word for word like a mystical mantra, along with
impassioned calls for the worldwide elimination of small arms and light
weapons. Spoken so often, the words begin to have an almost hypnotic effect.
But what do they really mean? What is this conference really after? The first
day offered troubling clues.

Over and over the delegates described small arms and light weapons in the
direst terms. The delegate from Mozambique called such weapons nothing less
than a threat to humanity. Not only that, but they are responsible for
poverty, backwardness, and a lack of democracy, and are an obstacle to a
country's development.

Several delegates made the point — were they all reading from the same crib
sheet? — that more than 500 million small arms are circulating, one for every
12 human beings in the world. Another speaker said that every year the number
of casualties from small arms and light weapons is greater than those at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What this means, he said, is that small arms and
light weapons are weapons of mass destruction and must be dealt with
accordingly. Truly, to stop such a plague, it would seem that the most
rigorous measures are called for.

Deer Hunting With a Weapon of Mass Destruction

But before we rush ahead with this program to save humanity, what exactly are
these small arms that the humanitarians want to eliminate? According to the
U.N.'s own Web site:

Small arms are weapons designed for personal use, while light weapons are
designed for use by several persons serving as a crew. Examples of small arms
include revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles, sub-machine guns, assault
rifles and light machine-guns. Light weapons include heavy machine-guns, some
types of grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, and
portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems.

In other words, revolvers and rifles are weapons of mass destruction! By this
logic, criminal acts in the U.S. involving handguns pose the same order of
danger to mankind as the hydrogen bomb, and require the type of global
solution that U.N. bureaucrats are most eager to provide. The long-term aim
seems to be a worldwide system of gun control, as suggested by a delegate
from the European Union who said that the convention's non-binding draft
Program of Action is only a point of departure for a much larger scheme.

It should be our goal to achieve agreement ... on all aspects of how to
combat small arms and light weapons. The goal, he said, is a world free
from illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons that have caused so much

As this reference to illicit kept being made over and over, I wondered, if
illicit arms must be eliminated, why not licit weapons as well? Why should
legal arms that used to harm civilians be of any less concern than arms
traded illegally?

The answer came soon enough from the morning's most aggressive speaker,
Foreign Minister Jozias van Artsen of the Netherlands. Van Artsen hinted
where he was heading when he changed the formulaic phrase the illicit trade
in small arms and light weapons to the uncontrolled trade in small arms and
light weapons. Stopping this uncontrolled traffic, he said, is not enough.
We must further regulate the legal trade in arms to prevent spillover to the
illegal arms trade.

He then praised the systematic destruction of weapons that has been carried
out by several countries and urged an expansion of such programs. The
inescapable implication of van Artsen's words is that he wants to see the
physical destruction of all small weapons in the world — or rather, the
destruction of all small weapons not owned by government.

Van Artsen, ominously, received the strongest applause of any speaker during
the first morning of the conference.

A Voice of Sanity

The only speaker who stood against this globalist tide — indeed, the only
speaker who used logical arguments instead of ritualistic phrases aimed at
manipulating people's emotions — was U.S. Undersecretary of State John
Bolton. While agreeing that stopping illicit traffic in small arms and light
weapons is a worthy goal, Bolton noted that small arms and light weapons in
our understanding are military weapons. We separate them from hunting rifles
and pistols that are privately owned.

The U.S., he continued, does not begin by presuming that all small arms and
light weapons are problematic. It is illicit trade in military weapons that
are at issue — a 


2001-07-12 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/12/01 4:58:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 -the most extreme disparities between white and nonwhite incarceration

are not in the South, but in northeastern Democratic strongholds like

Pennsylvania and Connecticut. 

How about this! These are liberal strongholds.


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[CTRL] Report: Bin Laden Has Army of 35,000

2001-07-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Report: Bin Laden Has Army of 35,000
NewsMax.com Wires
Thursday, July 12, 2001
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Saudi millionaire and dissident Osama bin Laden has
raised an army of 35,000 men for incursion and terrorism to destabilize
Central Asia, a media report said.
Chiefs of the border guards of the Commonwealth of Independent States, who
met in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi on Wednesday, said they had noted an
increase in bin Laden's activities in the region, reported Press Trust of
India. They said major camps of international militants, including Arabs,
Chechens and Filipinos, are located in the Taliban-held areas of Afghanistan
along the borders of CIS countries. The camps reportedly receive generous aid
from bin Laden.

Meanwhile, anticipating a massive incursion of Islamic militants in Central
Asia in the coming months, Russia and its regional allies have begun holding
military exercises, the report said.

Recently, the Kazakhstan army conducted an exercise to liberate villages
occupied by Islamic militants.

In the Sverdlovsk region in the Urals, the Russian Ministry of Emergency
Situations and Civil Defense conducted a mock operation to tackle possible
rocket strikes by extremists on vital chemical installations, the report

Russia and other member states of the CIS are also preparing their
quick-reaction strike forces in Central Asia to deal with the emerging

Last month an Arab TV station, Middle East Broadcasting Center, showed
excerpts from a report filmed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, which said fighters
of bin Laden were on a state of alert. The broadcast report claimed that bin
Laden's men are ready to attack the U.S. and Israeli interests worldwide. But
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban denied the report.

Last week Richard Armitage, deputy U.S. secretary of state, warned that the
United States could launch military retaliation against the Taliban if bin
Laden attacked U.S. interests. The outgoing U.S. ambassador to Pakistan,
William Milam, also gave the same warning to the Taliban during a meeting in

Also last week, President Bush decided to renew U.S. sanctions imposed on the
Taliban ruling militia for harboring bin Laden. The Taliban continue to
allow territory under its control in Afghanistan to be used as a safe haven
and base of operation of Osama bin Laden, the president said in a June 30
letter to the U.S. Congress. The Taliban described as tyrannical the
extension of sanctions against it by the United States.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Civilian Work Camps, Police State Weaponry, Counter-Insurgency Comes Home

2001-07-12 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

  - Original Message -
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 5:20 PM
Subject: con4 (5)

   And this is supposed to prove 300 concentration camps???
  Read Christian Parenti, Lockdown America,  Verso Books, 2000, available
in pb. at Borders, Barnes  Noble, etc. And this from Covert Action
Quarterly by Frank Morales.
Otherwise, you are being a conspiranoid nut! ;-)
Michael Pugliese
Gas me * Stun me * Shoot me * Zap me * Douse me * Drug me * Shut me up


Find below text summaries and sample PDF articles from CovertAction
Quarterly, number 70.


Frank Morales reveals how non-lethal weapons are being used with sometimes
deadly effect against peaceful campaigners.

Summary: The U.S. military is expanding its missions under globalization. It
recognizes that in operations other than war... recent history shows that
the most likely threats are from civil disturbances. The Pentagon is
preparing to counter popular protest utilizing the latest in non-lethal
weapons technology.

The new weapons are intended primarily to suppress civil unrest - and have
been used extensively at recent global trade and other largely peaceful
protests in Seattle, Washington DC, Philadelphia, LA, Prague and Davos.

The label non-lethal weapon, utilized strictly for public relations
purposes, masks an increase in the overall scope of violence directed
against civilians in both warfare and law enforcement scenarios.

Under the guise of undeclared operations other than war - and other
Pentagonisms - so-called non-lethal weapons allow for the increased
repression and torture of non-combatant populations, particularly those
opposed to this agenda. The armory ranges from tasers to stun guns, pepper
spray to CS gas, hallucinogens to sedatives, rayguns to plastic bullets.

As this new phase in the global class war emerges and grows, along with the
internationalization of U.S. initiated and exported methodologies of civil
disturbance suppression, the utilization of non-lethal weapons will
increase, both here and around the world.

CovertAction Quarterly, No.70, April-June 2001, pages 6-13.
Get the full article: To order CA70, click HERE


Killing me softly: How non-lethal weapons can kill and maim
PDF version 382K

Taxonomy of terror: What they'll be firing this season. CovertAction's guide
to non-lethal weapons
PDF version 122K
  Subject: [CTRL] Pentagon Fielding Electromagnetic Crowd Dispersal Weapon
  Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 11:57:09 EDT
  -Caveat Lector-
  Click Here: A
  Independent Media Center - webcast news/A
  Latest in so called non-lethal technology designed to counter popular
  Pentagon Fielding Electromagnetic Crowd Dispersal Weapon
  By Frank Morales
  The Marine Corps is on the verge of unveiling perhaps the biggest
  breakthrough in weapons technology since the atomic bomb: a nonlethal
  that fires directed energy at human targets.
  I have nothing to hide. This is a good news story. Our American public
  to understand that we have done our homework. - Col. George Fenton,
  Director, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, Department of Defense
  Marine Corps Times, March 5, 2001 (1)
  In a neatly calculated unveiling of weapons designed for social
  for use against civilians and the suppression of dissent, the Pentagon
  gone transparent with the latest in electronic weapons technology
  targets people. At a selective press briefing for congressional and
  leaders this past March 1st, Pentagon officials stated they were
  a new non-lethal weapon which uses electromagnetic energy to cause a bur
  sensation on the skin. (Reuters, 3/1/01) The biggest breakthrough in
  weapons technology since the atomic bomb is none other than the
  Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System or VMADS. According to the March
  issue of the Marine Corps Times, (cited above) in an article entitled,
  People Zapper: This new secret weapon doesn't kill, but it sure does
  the VMADS system is the first non-lethal, directed energy weapon
  specifically for use against humans. The weapon focuses energy into a
  of micromillimeter waves designed to stop an individual in his tracks.
  Powered by electricity, it would ultimately be powered by the modified
  Humvee on which it would be mounted.
  According to the Marine Corps Times report, the projected energy which
  near microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum, causes the moisture in
  person's skin to heat up rapidly, creating a burning sensation, similar
to a
  hot light bulb pressed against 

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted, Say Scientists

2001-07-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Global Warming Much Worse
Than Predicted, Say Scientists
TheIndependent - London  7-12-1

  Global warming is happening now, caused by human
Nakano comments:
Yes friends, it's true.
The warming and other strange anomalous weather
many areas are experiencing is being caused by
human actions.
It's just not the same human actions you are being
told about in the alleged news media.
The cause is NOT any of the following:
freon propellant from hairspray cans
freon from refrigerators or air conditioners
the burning of coal or oil
car exhaust emissions
the burning of the rain forest
nor is the cause cow farts, as Ronnie Reagan told us.

No, it's none of the above.
The earth's climate is being intentionally modified.
Some of our weather is being controlled.
The jet streams are being steered and manipulated
via the creation of artificial blocking high
pressure systems.

If this sounds unbelievable, may I suggest some
authoritative sources of information for you to
check this out.
A good place to start is the book
Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich
Look up the patents of Dr. Bernard Eastlund.
(He had a website).
Go to the records of the Congressional Committee
hearings in which the U.S. Air Force and the Navy
told the committee they wanted money appropriated
to build HAARP. They clearly stated the purpose
of this technology...and I quote.
To control the ionosphere for military purposes.

And this is exactly what they are doing.
 Regards to All

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted, Say Scientists

2001-07-12 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

--- Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Global Warming Much Worse
 Than Predicted, Say Scientists
 The Independent - London

 Global warming is happening now, caused by human
 actions, and threatens the Earth with disaster
Nakano comments:
Yes friends, it's true.
The warming and other strange anomalous weather
many areas are experiencing is being caused by
human actions.
It's just not the same human actions you are being
told about in the alleged news media.
The cause is NOT any of the following:
freon propellant from hairspray cans
freon from refrigerators or air conditioners
the burning of coal or oil
car exhaust emissions
the burning of the rain forest
nor is the cause cow farts, as Ronnie Reagan told us.

No, it's none of the above.
The earth's climate is being intentionally modified.
Some of our weather is being controlled.
The jet streams are being steered and manipulated
via the creation of artificial blocking high
pressure systems.

If this sounds unbelievable, may I suggest some
authoritative sources of information for you to
check this out.
A good place to start is the book
Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich
Look up the patents of Dr. Bernard Eastlund.
(He had a website).
Go to the records of the Congressional Committee
hearings in which the U.S. Air Force and the Navy
told the committee they wanted money appropriated
to build HAARP. They clearly stated the purpose
of this technology...and I quote.
To control the ionosphere for military purposes.

And this is exactly what they are doing.
 Regards to All

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted, Say Scientists

2001-07-12 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

If present trends continue, the world will be about four
degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990,
but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000...This is
about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.
 -- Kenneth E.F. Watt on air pollution and global cooling,
 Earth Day 1970.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Brotherhood OF Death

2001-07-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A


l%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DGTranslated version of http://www.loq12.de/consp…

Antony C Sutton ,
America's Secret establishment: At Introduction ton the order OF Skull and
Bones ,
Liberty House press However there are really Skull  Bones -
The Brotherhood OF Death Geraune and rumors at all corners and ends - it, the
mysterioesen secret medals , which determine the fate of the world in the
background acting in truth?
It arrives on the fact whom one asks. While the Illuminaten and similar
groupings a hidden shade existence gives to periods, (and/or gave) it some
official medals: the Freimaurerloge , the temple knights or Skull  Bones .
The brother shank of the Skull  Bones has their loge on the Unicampus of
Yale. The interesting at the medal mentioned by Insidern also The
Brotherhood OF Death ? Now, for example George W Bush - the next US
president - is active member of the Skull  Bones .
And this loge is, so the historian A. Sutton, the most influential and most
dangerous brother shank in the United States...
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning The War at Home

2001-07-12 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-


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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Mind Control Technology, Techniques, and Politics

2001-07-12 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] [Yahoo! News] Ex-Hippie Icon Cuts Throat to Avoid Return to U.S.

2001-07-12 Thread Tenorlove
Ex-Hippie Icon Cuts Throat to Avoid Return to U.S.

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·Conservatives Defend Chirac in Probe - AP (Jul 12, 2001)
·Einhorn Loses Extradition Appeal - AP (Jul 12, 2001)
·France to extradite U.S. fugitive - CNN (Jul 12, 2001)

Opinion & Editorials
·China's French Connection - Washington Post (Jul 10, 2001)
·MONDAY JULY 09 2001 Leading article The end of insouciance French attitudes to money scandals are changing - The Times (UK) (Jul  9, 2001)
·Driving round the bend - The Guardian (UK) (Jul  7, 2001)

Magazine Articles
·All of France loves a picnic, especially on Bastille Day - Christian Science Monitor (Jul 11, 2001)
·Lionel's Heart - Time Magazine (Jul  9, 2001)
·René Dumont, a Green for France - The Economist (Jun 28, 2001)

·French Reality TV Show Stirs Debate - NPR (Jun 24, 2001)
·Prosecutors Open Investigation into Algerian War Crimes - NPR (May 17, 2001)
·Left Wins Paris, Lyon in French Elections - FSN (Mar 22, 2001)

·France's Jospin Speaks In Favor Of A Federal Europe - Reuters. (May 28, 2001)
·Rescue complete - BBC (May 19, 2001)
·Swiss cavers rescued - BBC (May 19, 2001)

News Sources
·Yahoo! News Search
·Agence France-Presse (AFP)
·BBC: Europe
·CNN: Europe
·Yahoo! France: Actualités

Related Full Coverage
·Concorde Crash - Concorde Crash
·Kurdish Issues

Yahoo! Categories
·French History


Thursday July 12  6:21 PM ET
Ex-Hippie Icon Cuts Throat to Avoid Return to U.S.
Ex-Hippie Icon Cuts Throat to Avoid Return to U.S.

Reuters Photo

By Estelle ShirbonPARIS (Reuters) - American Ira Einhorn's desperate bid to
avoid extradition for murder paid off against the odds when
France put off returning the former hippie icon to the United
States as he lay in hospital after slashing his throat.The case seemed all but over when France's Council of
State, the court that has the final say on extraditions, upheld
Thursday an order to send Einhorn back to Pennsylvania to face
a fresh trial for the 1977 murder of his girlfriend.Einhorn apparently felt so close to losing the battle that
he cut his own throat in what his wife Anikka called ``a
political act'' and his lawyers said was a suicide attempt. The
wound was not life-threatening.Shortly after his dramatic self-wounding, Einhorn, a bloody
gash well in evidence on his throat, invited a television crew
into his home in the village of Champagne-Mouton, western
France, where he has lived under house arrest.But U.S. hopes that Einhorn was finally about to be handed
over were dashed when the French government later accepted a
request by the European Court of Human Rights to postpone the
extradition at least until July 19.At the Justice Department (news - web sites) in Washington, spokeswoman Chris
Watney expressed American disappointment at the delay.Meanwhile, one of Einhorn's lawyers insisted he still had a
realistic chance of staying in France for good.Claire Waquet, who appealed to the European court on
Einhorn's behalf, said she had told the court that U.S.
assurances that her client would receive a new trial could not
be relied upon.FLED UNITED STATES IN 1981The former hippie figurehead fled the United States in 1981
shortly before he was scheduled to face trial for the murder of
Holly Maddux.But a Pennsylvania court in 1993 sentenced Einhorn in his
absence to life imprisonment for bludgeoning Maddux to death.
Years later, a French court refused to extradite him on the
grounds that he had been convicted in an unfair trial.Pennsylvania then brought in a new law providing for a
fresh trial if Einhorn was sent back there, but Waquet said
that law was ``too fragile.''``Our fear is that if Mr. Einhorn returns to the United
States, he might not be granted a new trial because a judge
could refuse to apply the new law, which goes against both the
U.S. and the French constitutions,'' Waquet told Reuters.She said that although France was not legally obliged to
follow the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, it
was morally bound to do so.Einhorn has always denied the murder of Maddux, saying it
was pinned on him because he was an anti-Vietnam War activist

[CTRL] Another Big Boom in Franklin

2001-07-12 Thread DS2000

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.wkrn.com/Global/story.asp?S=395424nav=1ugB

Another Big Boom in Franklin
 Email story to a friend

  Another Franklin Blast Video
Reporter:  Christi Lowe

Neighbors in Franklin felt the earth move again. Monday morning, citizens
reported another mysterious boom similar to one on Saturday night that
rattled homes for miles around.

It shook the whole house again, and it feels like it's getting closer and

Neighbors in Southern Williamson County say life has been a little shaky
these past few days. At least twice, powerful explosions have rocked their
world making them concerned for their safety.

I thought after Saturday we wouldn't have anymore. Then this morning it
kinda scared everyone in the neighborhood again, said Jon Burks, a
concerned neighbor.

Saturday night just after 10 o'clock, a huge boom brought families out of
their homes.  Monday morning, neighbors it happened again.

It kinda shook the house. You could hear things rattling and she woke up
from her nap crying. I'm not sure what it is, said David Massey.

Monday's explosion has been attributed to a rock quarry just down the road
where employees say blasting is a regular part of doing business.

They've been blasting here twice a week usually, and the blasts last a
couple of seconds, said Vulcan Materials VP Mike Clark.

The quarry was closed saturday night, so workers there say they are not to
blame for the first big bang. Officials at TEMA say Saturday's tremor was
definitely not an earthquake, but other than that, exactly what happened
there is still a mystery.

And it may be a mystery we never solve.  It may go down in history as the
night the earth shook, said TN Emergency Management official, Cecil Whaley,

Possible theories include a sonic boom from a passing aircraft or the
collapse of an underground cave, but so far, investigators have not been
able to prove anything leaving neighbors shaken up.

Authorities are still looking into the matter, but they may never find out
what caused Saturday's big boom. As for the rock quarry, officials say they
are in compliance with state regulations on blasting.

Click here to voice your opinions and comments on the TalkBack 2 Message

Date Posted:  07.09.01
Newscast:  News 2 at 5

Dan S

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2001-07-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-


American student Jeremy His is facing expulsion from college.

This kid was on the CBS morning show yesterday (along with his attorney); he
is not in college, he's a junior in highschool, and he wore the outfit to a
school dance.  He has a 3.75 average and was planning on attending Harvard
when he graduated .  If he is expelled from school, he'll attend a private
school (according to what he said on this show), but the expulsion will
probably adversely affect his chances of getting into Harvard.

His guilt is
that one day he turned up in a school discotheque wearing wearing a
traditional Scottish attire, indispensable detail of which was a knife, or

They showed this item on the show, and 'traditional' or not, it looks like
it can do quite a bit of damage if used as a weapon.

Mr. Hix knew the rules -- he admitted to it on the show.  There was no
reason to wear this knife, which he showed was worn in a sheath inside his
sock, in other words it was a concealed weapon.  He could have foregone
wearing this item and no one would have known, since it was worn CONCEALED.

Either this kid was unbelievable stupid, or he deliberately wanted to
provoke something...he knew about the zero-tolerance policy and deliberately
chose to break it, when complying would not have adversely affected his
costume in the least, since the knife could not normally be seen.

Which brings up the 2nd point...choosing to deliberately flaunt the
zero-tolerance policy, Mr. Hix then did not leave well enough alone, and
must have taken the knife out for some reason at the dance, because it could
not otherwise be seen.

This kid was wearing his full regalia on this show, and was sitting facing
the camera, full body in view, with his legs crossedand until he pulled
the knife out from his kneesock, you couldn't see it there.  So the fact
that someone found out that he had this knife at the school dance shows that
Mr. Hix had to have removed it from his kneesock at some point during the

He said he had the sgian-dhu tucked
into his sock for nearly two hours before a chaperone at the prom noticed

You couldn't see it yesterday when Mr. Hix was sitting facing the camera,
with his leg crossed over the leg with the knife tucked in the sock...not
even a bulge in the sock.  So one has to wonder just what Mr. Hix did to
garner attention from the chaperone...

It is strange that such a multinational and tolerant, as it seems, country
as the USA does not permit its citizens to wear their national regalia.

Not when the 'national regalia' includes a dangerous weapon.

I'm far from being a liberal, but I think weapons that are clearly weapons
have no place at a school function...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Stratfor: Montesinos arrest could lead to trouble for Chavez

2001-07-12 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

   www.antiwar.com is routing y'all to Defense Systems Daily for Stratfor.
Michael Pugliese

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-12 Thread DS2000

-Caveat Lector-

From The Daily Record,
Friday, July 13, 2001


FIFTEEN people whose names were found on a list left behind by a devil-
worshipping couple who sacrificed a man in their living room are under
police protection.

Satanic duo Manuela and Daniel Rogacki, who have reportedly been captured by
police in eastern Germany, are believed to have stabbed a man 66 times on an
oak coffin in their living room in a small German town.

Baker Frank Haagen, 33, was killed before an altar made of skulls and bones
beneath the words When Satan Lives in the couple's flat in Bochum in the

To advertise in the Daily Record and Sunday Mail click here

Dan S

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Study launched into influence of thought on others

2001-07-12 Thread DS2000

-Caveat Lector-

From Ananova,
Study launched into influence of thought on others

An experiment is to get under way to find out if someone can influence a
friend just by thinking.

Volunteers will be left alone, asked to concentrate on a lit candle, and
told to press a button every time their mind wanders.

A friend in another room will be told to look at a similar candle and think
about helping their friend look at it.

Dr Caroline Watt, a research fellow at Edinburgh University, expects to find
that the first person concentrates better when their friend 'helps' them.

But the helper will only be allowed to assist for eight minutes of each 16
minute experiment.

Dr Watt said: The prediction is that we will find person A presses the
button fewer times during the periods when they are being helped by the

Asked if Tim Henman could use the technique to win Wimbledon next year she
said: It's getting a bit speculative but in theory it might be an issue.

The latest study follows two earlier studies at the university which
suggested that friends could influence each other while strangers could not.
It is being funded by the Society For Psychical Research.

Story filed: 16:17 Thursday 12th July 2001

Dan S

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[CTRL] Fwd: The FATAL Flaw

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item here; wonder if Chandra Levy (Chandra mans Bow of Shiva
- and her picture engraved at one sie shows she sure came with the head
of some poor idiot).

But wonder if Chandra Levy is Eastern Star (Jewish Eastern Star uses
Star of David - one have five points, other six points).

So what if some of these witches got together and gave Gary Condit the
works?   It would be nice if this be the case; or, the opposite - did a
renegade masonic order - a friend at midnight spirit her away  like
Orpheus into the Underworld?

May 1 - was day J Edgar Hoover died - always thought of the head of John
the Baptsit when I heard of this death - like a Judith in the bible,
came with the head of a man whom they used for target practice.

CIA told Bud Fensterwald - the was at time Larry Flynt was gunned down
and Mark Lane had attached to him - CIA told Bud that if he took the
House Assassination Committee job as head Counsel, they would come with
his head on a platter so he better not take it...Bud told Lane, and
Lane told Flynt - and Flynt published same after Bud F. said he would
deny it if Lane told.

But this coming with heads on platters - and I am wondered if a few
witches did not get together and give Condit the works.

Would be nice if they did - now I knew this Eastern Star once - used to
date Klebold's grandfather - whom I used to call the busy body, for when
she saw a man out with someone other than his wife and they new the wife
- well,  wouldn't want tht bunch after me.

They also practice a little voodoo on the side.

Just a thought - Monica nailed Clinton and should be given I guess, an
award - and hopefully Chandra who had been foresaken by all - maybe she
and this Aunt took a little vengance on their own - $54.00 is an unusual
amount of money for a birthday gift.

Unless she was in dire need of money herself.
The check was never cashed - and if we are dealing with a bunch of
witches here - this ought to be fun.



Re: [CTRL] NM: Condit Girlfriend Saw Evidence of SadomasochisticSex

2001-07-12 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Yes - surely - kill the messenger.
The witness is NOW a possible suspect.

The same as a young white house intern stalking a president,
and her subsequent behavior
being simply a youthful indiscretion - the poor dear was confused

But the woman who documented and reported the idiotic behavior
was vilified, prosecuted and subjected to public ridicule -
it was HER fault, if only she hadn't told
anyone what she heard and knew.

You people have a most interesting view of the law, and justice.



YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Anti Defamation League: Censoring.. (by Ramzy Baroud) - Media Monitors Network

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

What is really behind this Anti Defamation League - profess to be so
ethical and so morally straight, yet push Gay Pride into the boy scouts,
prepared hate hit list of militia, christians, moslems - hey, they seem
rather preoccupied with silencing any voice in opposition to their

Now Foxman, the head of the ADL took $250,000 from Marc Rich in bribe
money - they never returned this money when caught..wonder if it is
tax free and if this should not be investigted for it does constitute a
bribe?   Rich got the pardon.

Now this ADL and UN want to take away our guns; and I say, first they
want to censor any voices in protest?See how nice the UN and ADL and
Gay Pride and NAACP all work together and who is their intended target?

So interesting item here;  what if the ADL, a Cats Paw for the Masonic
Bnai Brith - and long arm thereof, what if they are just propagandists
for the International Bankers for you see all the people whom they
oppose one way or another, seem to have one thing in common - they all
hate the IRS and the International BAnkers and they want them put out of

Nice item here.boy these masons - hard to tell the real thing these
days -


Wonder if Foxman is a Mason - he would have to be, right   All that
- well King Solomon's Mines?

Wonder if that is Foxman's real name -

The Anti Defamation League: Censoring the Internet on Behalf of Israel

by Ramzy Baroud

In a mid December conference in Jerusalem, computer experts,
governmental officials, and academics gathered under the banner of ,
Confronting On-Line Terrorism and Anti-Semitism.

Amongst the names of sponsors and co-sponsors, one organization stands
as the most active by far in the field of censorship, mainly in the
United States; the Anti Defamation League (ADL).

What compels dozens of professionals and activists to fly long distances
from all corners of the globe to meet in a disputed city only miles
away from a war zone? It's the fear of losing a greater war, a war that
has cost Israel an abundance, the Internet media war that is.

Perhaps since the establishment of the ADL in 1913 (Saba Note - same
year Federal Reserve formed??) to fight anti-Semitism and bigotry in
the world, the gigantic organization with hundreds of offices in the
US, Europe and Israel has never felt as outnumbered as it feels today.
The Internet revolution, among its many positive aspects has given a
voice to those, who unlike the ADL, are unable to rely on a $46 million
budget to spread their message.

The ADL, has a powerful lobby which deeply impacts US domestic as well
as foreign policy, and has come under repeated attacks over the years,
and was heavily cited for failing to champion what its preaches. In
fact, it is accused of being a promoter of hatred and bigotry itself.

In the 1970's, the group was caught distributing lists of persons deemed
as enemies, according to SF Weekly in its February issue. Among those
who were defamed for being pro-Arab propagandists was the highly
renowned professor Noam Chomskey. In 1993, according to the same source,
the ADL was caught illegally spying on nearly 10,000 people including
members of socialist, labor and anti-apartheid groups.

But why would an organization whose ultimate purpose is to secure
justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike, and to put an end
forever to injustice and unfair discrimination against, and ridicule of
any sect or body of citizens carry out such suspicious tasks?

The number one goal of the ADL is the protection of Israel, a former
Republican congressman from San Mateo Pete McCloskey told SF Weekly in a
recent interview.

The organization however, who claims to fight for other issues beside
its vibrant defense of Israel, has done very little in recent months to
demonstrate those claims. The outbreak of the Palestinian uprising
against the Israeli occupation had caused the ADL to gear up for one
fight, and one fight only, supporting Israel and censoring those who
criticize the Jewish state for using excessive violence, for violating
international law and for committing genocide in areas which are
supposed to be protected under human rights laws.

The organization which often legitimizes its missions by fighting minor
and highly despised groups in the US like white supremacists, has
unmasked its real identify and has joined Israel's propaganda war,
employing all of its resources to justify the Israeli army's ongoing
genocide of unarmed civilians.

The ADL's website is a perfect example of the organization's
full-fledged support of Israel. While the overwhelming majority of
deaths, many of whom were children, were Palestinians, the ADL seemed
only concerned with the Israeli army and settlers' losses.

Anti-Israel violence is a section that is updated daily. Nothing was
said regarding the loss of life among Palestinians, nothing about the
murder of children like Muhammad Al Durra, nothing to explain the
illegal status of the Israeli settlers, 

Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed,kidnapped and robbed by Islamicmilitant groups demandingindependence.

2001-07-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 im not sure i see the similarity of the situations other than they both
 involve muslims

 as to the other arab nations, we know they are using the palestinians as a
 fist, and it serves them well to keep the palestinians as refugees

 the funny thing of course is that jordan is as much palestine as israel, but
 no one cries to return to amman, or the fact that the jordanians are
 keeping the palestinans away from self rule as well
 Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
 William of Occam

More than 100,000 Palestinians have left to Jordan since the war began
10 months ago. Jordan has shut down its border with the West Bank.

Jordan IS Palestine. It also has a 60% majority of Palestinians. But it
is run by the Hashemites who were given Jordan to run after WWI as a reward
for helping the Brits beat the Turks in Arabia. The current rulers are
afraid of a Palestinian takeover which Arafat once tried to do. Hussein
killed thousands of Arafat's men and threw the whole bunch out. That
became known as  Black September.

If the Palestinians had any brains at all, they would start an Intifada
against the Heshemites. At least they would have a real chance for capturing
back their homeland. But nooo. They would rather start a holy war
and lose yet again.

Some people never learn.


 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Organization: Nurev Independent Research
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 19:04:57 -0400
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed,kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
  militant groups demandingindependence.
  -Caveat Lector-
  thew wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  what does this have to do with Jews and/or Palestinians at all?
  I've spent time in Kashmir, and most of the people there have never heard of
  a Jew or Israeli or Palestinian.
  Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
  William of Occam
  Similar situation. Selective choosing of ' bad guys ' .
  Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia expelled ( ethnically cleansed ) their entire
  Palestinian populations and there wasn't a peep out of the Left or the
  Just a little hypocracy. I didn't want to let it slip by some of the concerned
  NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
  From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Organization: Nurev Independent Research
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:55:07 -0400
  Subject: [CTRL] Settlers being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
  militant groups demanding independence.
  -Caveat Lector-
  Hmmmnnn... No Jews = no news.
  Isn't this ethnic cleansing? I've heard nothing from you about
  this situation? Where is the Palestinian moral outrage? Where is the
  Liberal outrage? Or are you all just full of it?
  Kashmir's evicted Hindu minority seeks its own homeland
  Associated Press
  NEW DELHI, India (July 11, 2001 06:39 a.m. EDT) - Pinni Suri
  remembers the scene exactly - even though 11 years have passed.
  Dawn had just broken when two teenagers knocked on the front
  door of her home in the Kashmir Valley, where her Hindu ancestors
  had lived for centuries among the majority Muslims.
  Two minutes later, one of the young men shot Suri's husband
  in the chest. The attackers disappeared into the narrow lanes
  of Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital. Muslim neighbors,
  watching from their window, turned away as she begged for
  They shot dead my husband on Aug. 1, 1990, and I left Srinagar
  the same day. I haven't gone back since, said Suri. An uncle
  of her husband was killed weeks later.
  It was a time of terrible fear among Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus
  indigenous to the beautiful Himalayan valley. They and Hindu
  settlers were being killed, kidnapped and robbed by Islamic
  militant groups demanding independence from India or to unite
  with Muslim-majority Pakistan. Between October 1989 and August
  1990, some 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits fled and live mostly
  in squalid camps in Jammu, Kashmir's winter capital.
  Now as India prepares for a three-day summit starting Friday
  between Pakistan's Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister
  Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Pandits are raising anew their
  demand for a homeland, which they say must be separate because
  of fears they will be targeted again.
  They wanted to Islamize Kashmir and they wanted us out.
  It was ethnic cleansing, said Ramesh Manavati, spokesman
  for Our Own Kashmir, an organization that says it represents
  more than 

[CTRL] Fwd: BBC News | UK | Born to raise Hell

2001-07-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Wonder if Gary Condit began to believe he was Born To Raise Hell.   Now
it has been reported he drives a Harley and he associates and has ridden
with the Hells Angels, an alleged racist group.

Now talk about spin - now it is alleged Condit had affair with black
girl 7 years ago, who was only 18 years of age - who cares?   But
somehow this does not seem compatilble with his association with the
Hells Angels?

Here is a story about the uncrowned King of the Hells Angels - a Nordic
type god in  his own way.he will probably be buried in a viking
ceremony when he dies..

I do not think I would want to mess around with this guy because he
looks pretty rough to me.

What was a little twerp like Gary Condit doing riding with the Hells
Angels?   Even the UN was checking out this guy..and if the UN
doesn't like this Hells Fire uncrowned King, then I do.


Sonny Barger
There is no international leader of the Hell's Angels and there never
has been.
 real 28k

Monday, 14 August, 2000, 12:00 GMT 13:00 UK

Born to raise Hell

He has attempted murder, hangs out with racists and claims he once
threatened to shoot a Rolling Stone. Now, one of the most notorious
Hell's Angels has detailed the sleazy side of his life in a new book. By
BBC News Online's Chris Summers

After years of drug abuse, brawling and motorbike crashes, it would be
unrealistic to find Ralph Sonny Barger a picture of health.

But despite his gravelly voice - the legacy of a laryngectomy which
removed a cancerous growth in his throat 19 years ago - the 62-year-old
former President of the Oakland, California chapter of the Hell's Angels
is no cause for pity and has no plans to slow down.
Barger has convictions for attempted murder, possession of narcotics
with intent to sell and assault with a deadly weapon.

Law-enforcement agencies in the United States believe he is the
international president of the Angels and claim they are one of the
leading organised crime groups in the US. The Angels have also been
accused of masterminding drug dealing operations in Europe, especially

The club, as a whole, is not racist but we probably have enough racist
members that no black guy is going to get in it

Sonny Barger

In the UK to promote his autobiography, Barger denies this and told BBC
News Online: It's FBI propaganda. It's just like the stuff they said
after Waco.

He said the Angels were no more a criminal organisation than the Branch

Two years ago he moved to Arizona with his third wife, Noel, and his
young daughter. Sarrah, but he still rides Harley-Davidsons and
subscribes 100% to the Hell's Angels' philosophy.

Barger, who used to own a Harley-Davidson called Sweet Cocaine, believes
all drugs should be legalised and says: Why shouldn't they, after all
they let you smoke cigarettes and they kill 400,000 people a year in the

Three regrets

But he admits to having regrets in life.

If I had my life over again I wouldn't smoke, I'd take less cocaine and
I'd try not to lose my right to own a gun [in the US a convicted felon
automatically loses this 'birthright'], he says.
Sonny Barger had an operation to remove a throat cancer

Barger had a tough childhood in working-class Oakland - his mother
abandoned the family when he was very young and his father was a chronic
alcoholic who left him in the care of his elder sister Shirley much of
the time.

But he says: I only realised in the last five years, when people told
me about it, how hard it was. At the time I had a great time.

His main motivation for joining the Angels was to ride motorbikes and
hang out with like-minded people who knew how to party.

The first Hell's Angels club was formed in 1948 - the name derives from
a World War II USAF bomber squadron - but Barger only joined in the late
1950s, when he helped form the Oakland chapter.

He became the most prominent member in California, coined the use of the
Death's Head logo, and was one of those responsible for security at the
infamous Rolling Stones concert in Altamont in 1969.

A black fan, Meredith Hunter, was stabbed to death by Angels as the gig
descended into violence.

In his book Barger claims Keith Richards threatened to walk off the
stage unless the Hell's Angels cool it and he says he stuck a pistol
in the guitarist's ribs and ordered him to play...or else.

'Stones to blame'

Barger dodges the blame, claiming the Stones delayed their entrance

They agitated the crowd, had the stage built too low, and then used us
to keep the whole thing boiling. They got exactly what they wanted - a
dark, scary environment to play
Sympathy for the Devil.

Post Altamont, the Angels were widely condemned for being racist. To
this day they have no black members.

But Barger says: The club, as a whole, is not racist but we probably
have enough racist members that no black guy is going to get in it.
There are thousands of Hell's Angels members in UK

He says Oakland is home to one of the largest black 

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