Re: [CTRL] John P. O'Neill/ inves re Tampa/ TWA 800

2001-09-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  By accident, I came across a news piece that mentioned a 1997 investigation
of a MidEast think tank located in Tampa, Fl.   The group was under
investigation to see if they passed money to Middle East terrorists
(reference below).

  The briefcase (full of classified documents) that John P. O'Neill was
investigated for being negligent with was lost in a Tampa hotel. (full St.
Petersburg Times article below).   [CNN mentioned that the briefcase in
question  contained several documents that included a report outlining
virtually every national security operation in New York. ]

  I got the idea that Tampa might be an inopportune city to lose track of
such documents.

  Below that, I found 3 cites that link John P. O'Neill with the TWA 800
Terrorist groups raise money in U.S.
By Richard Cole
Associated Press Writer
Posted May 25, 1997


A network of U.S.-based Islamic foundations is under investigation by the
U.S. Customs Service to determine if they passed money to Middle East
One is in Florida, where investigators are searching for evidence of
wrongdoing in stacks of Arabic documents, encrypted computer files and bank
records seized from the World and Islam Studies Enterprise,   [[  a
Tampa-based Mideast think tank once affiliated with the University of South
Florida.  ]]

St. Petersburg Times; St. Petersburg, Fla.; Aug 20, 2001;

Full Text:
Copyright Times Publishing Co. Aug 20, 2001

The FBI has begun an internal investigation into one of its most senior
counterterrorism officials, whose briefcase filled with documents on national
security operations was stolen after he left it in a hotel conference room in
Tampa last summer, the New York Times reported.

The official, John O'Neill, 49, is the special agent in charge of national
security in the FBI's New York office. He has overseen cases like the
terrorist bombing of the Navy destroyer Cole in Yemen last year and the
bombings of American Embassies in East Africa in 1998.

O'Neill left his briefcase in a hotel conference room while he attended an
FBI meeting in Tampa. The briefcase was stolen, but local authorities
recovered it and returned it to him within hours with the contents.

The theft was attributed to thieves believed responsible for a series of
hotel robberies in the Tampa area.

The briefcase incident was seen as so serious that the Justice Department
conducted a criminal investigation. The inquiry ended in recent weeks with a
decision by the department's internal-security section not to prosecute, law
enforcement officials told the New York Times.

Jill Stillman, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, said department
officials would not comment on the matter. Requests to discuss the matter
with O'Neill were made to FBI officials in New York and Washington. In both
cases, they said he declined to comment on the case.

After the criminal inquiry, the FBI's internal-affairs unit began its own
investigation to determine whether O'Neill had violated FBI rules against
mishandling classified information.

FBI agents are prohibited from removing classified documents from their
offices without authorization. Violations are punishable by censure,
suspension or even dismissal, depending on their seriousness.

Horror of crash coming to rest in Hamptons Series: THE CRASH OF TWA FLIGHT
St. Petersburg Times; St. Petersburg; Jul 21, 1996; BILL ADAIR;

COLOR PHOTO, Associated Press; Caption: John O'Neill photographs debris on
Southampton Beach.

July 30, 1996


MEETING in Washington, D.C. on December 14th at the State Department. This
was organized by and for the Victims of Flight 800 group of Strasbourg,
France. They extended the invitation to include everyone interested. In
summary, we attended to find out what the NTSB and FBI would say about the
ongoing investigation. It was attended by approximately 35 family members
from Europe and 40 family members from the U.S. A comprehensive update on the
salvage and recovery operation was presented by Capt. Chip McCord of the
Navy.   [[  The NTSB and FBI were represented by Robert Frances, Peter Goelz,
John O'Neill.   ]]  They answered all questions, except those that would
jeopardize any litigation if this were a criminal case. The group invited us
to remain for discussion of issues concerning all. Briefly these items were:
financial needs, contacting TWA for monetary advances and disposition of
funds from donations, such as United Way; disposition of remains, both
identified and unidentified; release of Medical Examiner's autopsy reports;
memorial to be planned such as a tree or structure; disposition of personal

[CTRL] "Middle" Where?

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
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Friday, June 22, 2001

Mexico:  The next Lebanon?
By Joseph Farah
© 2001
We've all heard and read the reports recently about how the Mexican
government is actively promoting illegal migration into the United
States – even providing survival kits to those intending to cross the
Rio Grande and make their way to the "promised land."

Mexico makes little or no effort to police its border with the U.S.
It minimizes the threat the refugees pose to the United States. It
even suggests its overflow population should be welcomed into the

Therefore, a recent news item originating in the San Diego Union-
Tribune was something of a shocker for several reasons.

Mexico's National Security Adviser Adolfo Aguilar Zinser made the sensational 
announcement that Islamic terrorist organizations have a presence along the U.S. 
border and may be making contacts with Mexican guerrilla group

"We have evidence that organizations or people linked to Islamic organizations could 
have a presence here or be passing through," Aguilar told a local radio program. 
Though declining to identify the specific groups, he al
so said the groups could have indigenous guerrilla ties.

The announcement was not intended to alarm U.S. authorities, but rather to quell fears 
in Mexico about the possibility of guerrilla attacks.

"Our duty is to find them and send [them] away from the country so they don't put 
roots down here or try to use our territory as a haven," he explained.

While Aguilar wouldn't name names, the newspaper El Universal and other Mexican 
dailies did. They said the Islamic militants trying to form a base of operations in 
Mexico are tied to Hezbollah, the Syrian and Iranian-back
ed terrorists who established a base in Lebanon and have used it ever since to launch 
rocket and guerrilla attacks on Israel's northern border.

And, despite the reassuring words of Aguilar, the Mexican media reports make clear the 
true purpose of the Islamic terrorists in the country – to carry out guerrilla 
activities in the United States. But even Zinser acknow
ledged the potential threat to the U.S.

"The geographical proximity with the United States puts us on alert so that we are not 
the passing-through point for any of these organizations," he said.

Because this report got little media attention in the United States – and next to none 
in areas far from the border – it is safe to say this is an issue not on the radar 
screen in Washington. But it's clear to me that the
 Islamic terrorists currently focusing their attention on destroying Israel are taking 
their fight to what they consider the ultimate enemy – "the Great Satan" of the United 

Let me tell you, folks, this is not an enemy the U.S. Border Patrol can handle.

There's been debate in a few circles lately about whether it's time to use the U.S. 
military to stem the flow of illegal immigration into the U.S. from south of the 
border. I've never been one to suggest the U.S. military
 needs more deployments. It is already vastly over-deployed. And there is always a 
civil liberties threat when the U.S. military deploys on domestic soil.

But the one true objective of the U.S. military – the one defined by the U.S. 
Constitution – is to defend the borders of the country.

Personally, I think this is a much more sensible deployment than those in Macedonia, 
Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti and dozens of other remote places the U.S. acts as policeman of 
the world.

Meanwhile, as our troops patrol borders in these and other countries, our own borders 
are as porous as a sieve.

The illegal immigration into the United States in recent years has had devastating 
effects on the infrastructure of our country. It has been a demoralizing factor for 
millions of Americans – especially those who live clos
est to the problems.

But all that is nothing compared to the horror and anguish that
Americans will experience when the first truck bomber makes it across
the border and delivers his load at a vulnerable U.S. target.  It's
nothing compared to the terror Americans will experience when the
first airliner is blown out of the sky by hand-held, guided, American-
made Stinger missiles from south of the border – or north.  It's
nothing compared to the anger Americans will experience when Katyusha
rockets start hitting American cities the way they routinely hit
Israeli towns in Galilee.

Sound far-fetched?  With so little attention on Mexico, it could well
become America's Lebanon.
Joseph Farah is editor and chief executive officer of and writes a daily column.
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[CTRL] Afghani Dreamin'

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Afghan Angst
Bay Area community watches Taliban depredations from afar
Jonathan Curiel, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, March 18, 2001
©2001 San Francisco Chronicle

In Kabul, Herat, Kandahar and other cities in Afghanistan, Now-ruz --
the  traditional Afghan New Year -- will pass on Tuesday without
fanfare. In the  Bay Area, scores of Afghan men, women and children
will dress up, make special  food and play music, just as their
Persian-speaking ancestors have done for  thousands of years.
"We will celebrate our tradition over here," said Suraya Ahmadzai,
40, who  arrived in Fremont last year with her two daughters and
three sons. "We're not  going to forget about it."
Although the Taliban's recent destruction of Afghanistan's biggest
Buddhist  statues has captured world attention, for many of the Bay
Area's estimated 60, 000 Afghans it is just the latest evidence of
horrors that have befallen their  homeland since the fundamentalist
religious group gained control. Less widely  reported, for example,
are the Taliban's strict rules against celebrating Now- ruz.
Five years ago, Mohammed Najibullah, Afghanistan's widely hated
Communist- backed president, was hung from a noose in Kabul, his
flesh poked and prodded  by angry Afghan men.
When the Taliban killed and castrated Najibullah in 1996, they began
a  reign that still has repercussions in the Bay Area, which is home
to the  largest Afghan community in North America.
Many with relatives in Afghanistan fear the Taliban and refuse to
speak out  publicly against them -- but for Sediqullah Rahi, one of
Najibullah's two  surviving brothers, hatred outweighs any other
"They're very primitive, close-minded people," Rahi said during an
interview in his Fremont home. "They are not allowing anything
progressive in  Afghanistan. Our economy is destroyed, our social
life is destroyed, our  people's lives are nothing. And, now, they're
destroying our cultural life,  too."
Rahi's three-bedroom apartment has turned into a refuge for 13
people,  including his cousin Ahmadzai and her family.
In Afghanistan, she taught history, geography and other high school
subjects. One daughter, Illai, 26, was studying to be an engineer. A
son,  Faheem, 22, was preparing to be a doctor. Uprooted but happy to
be away from  the daily threat of death, they are taking English
classes and hoping to  resume a normal life, 7,300 miles from the
land that nourished them since  childhood.
Waves of Afghan refugees have come to the Bay Area for 20 years.
Concentrated in Fremont, Hayward and other East Bay cities -- and
lacking  highly visible political organizations that lobby city halls
-- Afghans here  have been hidden to most of the wider Bay Area
That's beginning to change. With the building of new Afghan mosques,
the  opening of more Afghan businesses and the emergence of a
generation of Afghan  children reared and educated in the United
States, the Bay Area's Afghan  community might soon metamorphose into
a more prominent ethnic body.
When the first large wave of refugees arrived in the United States
shortly  after Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979, they
thought they would  return to their country within months or a few
years. Today, Afghans in the  Bay Area realize that peace may never
completely prevail, and that "home" is  now here.
"As they say, Fremont is happening," said Feraidoon Mojadidi, a Herat-
born  man who owns the Rumi Bookstore in Fremont.
In the past 10 years, so many Afghan businesses have opened near the
intersection of Fremont and Peralta boulevards that Afghans jokingly
call the  area "Little Kabul."
Within walking distance of Mojadidi's bookstore are shops that
specialize  in all things Afghan -- jewelry, pottery, newspapers,
music, rice and bread.
Lining the stores are posters that show smiling Afghan men in native
hats  called pakol, posters that show the armed mujahideen who
terrorized Soviet  troops until they left Afghanistan in 1989, and
posters that show one of  Afghanistan's most famous faces: the girl
from a refugee camp who graced the  cover of National Geographic in
1985. If there is a sad symbol of the Afghan  diaspora, it is the
girl with traumatized eyes who has not been seen since the  photo was
Prompted by the Soviet occupation and the subsequent internecine
warfare  among rival Afghan groups, more than 5 million people have
fled the country in  the past 20 years, most going to Iran and
Pakistan. About 50,000 Afghans live  in Russia, 40,000 in Germany and
a lesser number in other European countries,  Afghans say. Most who
came to the United States settled in New York,  Washington, Los
Angeles and the Bay Area.
How did Fremont become the de facto capital of Bay Area Afghan life?
Afghans attribute the influx to three factors: comfortable weather,
hilly  surroundings that remind refugees of Afghanistan and a

[CTRL] By the Book

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, September 16, 2001
An argument for fighting terror with restraint, law
Terrorism and America
By Philip B. Heymann
M.I.T. Press. 179 pp. $35 hardcover, $13.95 paper
No event is so utterly immediate, so nakedly emotional, as an act of
terrorism. Suddenly bullets shoot past you at an airport, or the
disco becomes a fireball, or - on the bloody day that redefined
infamy - terrorists crash hijacked planes into office towers, killing
The instant assault - on one's nerves, on one's sense of justice -
remains whether you're on the front line or watching from afar. In
the latter case, it may mean reading about an old man in a wheelchair
thrown over the side of a cruise ship by Palestinians to certain
death. Or getting notified by an airline that your daughter's flight
has exploded in midair.
Terrorism doesn't invite sober, analytic responses from those who
experience it directly or near-directly. Rather, it drives many
people to face what seems absolute evil - a titanic wrong done to
innocents - and the insti
nctive impulse for revenge that most civilized types temper in ordinary life.
Two years ago, Philip Heymann, former deputy attorney general of the United States and 
a professor of law at Harvard, took on the daunting task of articulating how the 
United States should respond to such impulses in Terr
orism and America. I reviewed it in 1999, and this sadly called-for second look 
includes parts of that review. In his study, Heymann offers a pointed message.
Whatever an individual might feel in response to terrorism, he advises, a country must 
proceed with "calm common sense." The United States, he advises, must act 
"intelligently and dispassionately."
"For democratic nations," Heymann explains, "the primary concerns in dealing with 
terrorism are to maintain and protect life, the liberties necessary to a vibrant 
democracy, and the unity of the society. . . . What is nee
ded is a strategy, not unbridled anger."
Heymann thus explicitly opposes those such as former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu, author of Fighting Terrorism (1995), who see attacking terrorism as "the 
destruction of a deeply evil activity and of those w
ho practice it - and who see the primary means to that destruction as simply 
unleashing the security forces of a powerful state."
Terrorism and America continues to offer the clearest, leanest, most even-toned 
account yet published of U.S. policy considerations about terrorism. It's remarkably 
lawyerlike, terribly composed in its discussion of terro
rism. It lacks the complex historical texture of Bruce Hoffman's Inside Terrorism or 
the probing philosophical reflections of R.G. Frey and Christopher Morris' Violence, 
Terrorism and Justice (1991). Rich in Beltway balan
cing, its legalistic approach nonetheless fails to persuade that U.S. prosecution of 
terrorists "by the book" is the best policy.
At the outset, Heymann lists a wide assortment of well-known domestic and 
international terrorist incidents that he repeatedly uses to illustrate points. The 
lengthy list provokes somber reflection in itself.
The events include the bombings of the federal building in Oklahoma City and the 1993 
attack on the World Trade Center; the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak 
Rabin and subsequent suicide bombing of Israeli b
uses by Hamas militants; the Iraqi plot to assassinate former President George Bush in 
Kuwait, which triggered a 1993 cruise missile attack on Baghdad; the 1988 bombing of 
Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland; the 1
985 seizure of the Achille Lauro cruise ship off Egypt and the killing of Leon 
Klinghoffer, pushed into the sea in his wheelchair; the bombings of the U.S. Marine 
barracks in Beirut and the Air Force complex in Riyadh, Sa
udi Arabia; and the shooting of American tourists in the Vienna and Rome airports. Any 
revised edition presumably will include the U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa, the 
attack on the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, and last week's B
loody Tuesday.
Heymann stresses in his opening chapter that defining terrorism legally is a necessary 
start. A finding of terrorism determines that the federal government will take the 
investigatory lead in a matter. He notes that "our
federal statutes (18 U.S.C. 3077) define an 'act of terrorism' as any activity that 
involves criminal violence that appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a 
civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of
 a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a 
government by assassination or kidnapping."
As Heymann expertly takes us through complexities of international terrorism, hostage 
negotiation, multistate cooperation, state-sponsored terrorism, preventive approaches, 
the role of the criminal justice system and the
place of domestic intelligence-gathering, he's nothing if not a realist.
He acknowledg

Re: [CTRL] more on John P. O'Neill

2001-09-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

John O’Neill
One of the Americans who knew most about Osama Bin Laden and how his Al Qaida
movement operated, John O’Neill, died in the rubble of the World Trade Center
in New York on Sept. (...). [Total : 253 words].
Read the article (3.25USD)
Airport Magazine
High-Tech Security-The Future Is Now
by Barbara Cook
[written prior to 1997]

The U.S. aviation community is preparing to meet the mandates of a federal
initiative designed to add new-generation security systems and procedures to
major airports nationwide by the end of 1997. ...

"Interesting times lie ahead," observed John O'Neill, the FBI's section chief
for counter-terrorism, as he sketched a portrait of the thrust of terrorist
activities today as they affect or could potentially affect U.S. targets.

The most recent threats are against infrastructure, O'Neill related,
including aviation, transportation, water and power utilities. And some
attacks worldwide have involved unconventional weapons, such as the gas
attack against the subway in Tokyo, he noted.

While terrorists at one time could be linked to the political motives of
specific governments, that scenario is no longer valid, O'Neill said, and now
bombings have become part of the shock strategy of trans-national special
interest groups or radical extremists who are bound by no one government or
country. The bombing of the World Trade Center in New York is an example of
this change in strategy, he said.

The FBI is concerned with the size of devices now being used in terrorist
attacks, O'Neill stated, pointing out that while the number of individual
attacks has decreased, the devastation of the attacks that are staged is
greater. Terrorist organizations seek these larger-scale bombings to
guarantee the publicity they seek, he said, adding, "We see the intent is for
larger numbers of casualties."

U.S. intelligence organizations are cooperating closely with FAA to ensure
the aviation community is tied in with all efforts to prevent attacks against
airlines and airports, O'Neill stressed.
[end quote]
NY Times - College Times

WASHINGTON, July 5 — The United States ambassador to Yemen has barred the
leader of the F.B.I. team investigating the bombing of the destroyer Cole
from returning to the country, following a personal feud and a turf battle
between the agency and the State Department over how the investigation should
be handled, according to several American officials.

Ambassador Barbara Bodine has prevented John O'Neill, the special agent in
charge of national security in the F.B.I.'s New York office, who led the
investigation, from returning to Yemen, officials said.

Difficulties apparently first developed when Mr. O'Neill arrived shortly
after the Oct. 12 bombing of the Navy ship that killed 17 American sailors.

The turf war has helped stall the inquiry and points up the problems that
confront the bureau as it tries to expand its efforts. While the F.B.I. has
taken on broad new responsibilities for investigating crimes overseas, some
officials say it too often tries to approach crimes the same way it does
domestic cases, without taking into account the diplomatic or cultural
problems of working in a foreign country.
[end quote]
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Hijacker Activities Uncovered in Fla., N.J.

2001-09-23 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday September 23 11:52 PM EDT

Hijacker Activities Uncovered in Fla., N.J.


Witness: Hijack suspect visited crop dusting airfield.

A suspected ringleader in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on America
repeatedly visited a crop dusting airfield in Florida, asking lots of questions
on topics including how many chemicals a crop dusting plane could hold,
according to a witness.

Federal authorities fear the suspect's presence at the airfield is another
indication the terrorists may have planned, or still may plan, to use crop
dusters to launch a chemical or biological attack.

Crop dusters near the nation's 30 biggest cities have been grounded since
Sept. 11. And now, police are stationed near the Belle Glade, Fla., crop
dusting airfield the suspect, Mohammed Atta, apparently visited as recently
as the Saturday before the terrorist attacks.

In addition, Zacarias Moussaoui, under arrest as a material witness and
detained since August, was found with a crop dusting manual in his
belongings, ABCNEWS has confirmed.

"Things like anthrax spores are easily transported, easily put into a solution
that could be dispensed out of a crop duster," author and U.S. Navy (news -
web sites) Commander Ward Carroll said.

More than a dozen men including Atta — a suspected hijacker believed to
have died on a plane that smashed into the North Tower of New York's World
Trade Center — repeatedly visited the Florida airfield, said chief pilot Willie
Lee, who identified Atta to the FBI (news - web sites).

Atta was "very persistent about wanting to know how much the airplane will
haul, how fast it will go, what kind of range it has," Lee said. "The guy kept
trying to get in the airplane and there was nobody there but the ground crew.
Everybody had gone. And he said that he just had to run him away from the
airplane because he kept trying to get on the wing, wanted to get inside the
cockpit and so forth."

Check back for continuous updates on the hunt for terrorists from
ABCNEWS' worldwide investigative team.

Presenting the Evidence

U.S. officials believe Atta and other men who hijacked airplanes and crashed
them into the Pentagon (news - web sites) and the World Trade Center were
working for terrorist Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s al Qaeda
organization. The government is preparing a report detailing evidence that
will prove to the world that bin Laden was behind the attacks, administration
officials said today.

Portions of the document, called a "white paper," will be presented with other
evidence incriminating bin Laden and al Qaeda, Secretary of State Colin
Powell (news - web sites) said today.

"I think his guilt is going to be very obvious to the world. I mean, he has been
indicted previously for terror activity against the United States, and so this is
a continuing pattern of terrorism," Powell said on ABCNEWS' This Week .

"We are putting all of the information that we have together, the intelligence
information, the information being generated by the FBI and other law
enforcement agencies," he said.

The White House had previously said it would not make public any evidence
because it could jeopardize intelligence-gathering efforts. But some
countries — including Pakistan, Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s neighbor
and one of only two countries that recognize the Taliban regime as the
legitimate Afghan government — have asked that the United States provide
clear evidence that bin Laden orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks on New York
and Washington.

Clues in Paterson, N.J.

Meanwhile, investigators believe the New Jersey city of Paterson, just 25
miles from the twin towers, may have been the base for a major terrorist cell.
ABCNEWS has learned that during the three months prior to the attack, 11 of
the 19 suspected hijackers lived in or near Paterson.

A building at 486 Union Ave. was home to six of the terrorists until just days
before the attacks. According to the FBI, the third floor apartment was rented
for the last six months by Nawak Al-Hamzi and Hani Hanjour, two of the
hijackers of Flight 77 that slammed into the Pentagon.

But here, they were hardly noticed. Paterson has a large Muslim community,
and the terrorists kept to themselves, had no furniture and made their calls
from a pay phone.

At least two of the hijackers stayed at a motel in Wayne, N.J., and others
rented small planes at nearby airports for flight practice. Others used phony
names and addresses to rent cars for long road trips.

"There was nothing suspicious about them," said Glenn Boonstra, a car
dealer. "They were typical businesslike people that wanted to rent a vehicle.
… But now we're looking at a form like this and saying, 'Where did he go in
three days? Where did he put 1,100 miles on?' We do a lot of speculation."

FBI agents are also looking at records from three banks near Paterson
where the hijackers kept money. And they're looking at where that money
came from. Investigators also are trying to lear

[CTRL] Another angle

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


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Unholy trinity in chemical weapons pact
Chris Griffith
AS intelligence services try to prove who was behind the New York and
Washington attacks, the evidence is mounting that a secret pact was
forged between Osama bin Laden, Iraq and Sudan to wage a terrorist
war against the US.
The pact, forged in 1998, led to Iraqi experts helping to build a
chemical weapons factory especially for bin Laden's terrorists in
Sudan and bin Laden and Saddam Hussein's Iraq co-operating to build
several others.

In a paper for the US Congress's Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare, its chairman Yossef Bodansky said the
chemical weapons factory, in Soba, south-west of Sudan's capital
Khartoum, was built with Iraqi know-how for Islamic terrorists
affiliated mainly with bin Laden.

Bodansky's paper shows a growing brashness of Iraqi involvement in developing chemical 
weapons for terrorism in Sudan away from the prying eyes of US planes patrolling the 
no-fly zone in Iraq. It cites two other ultra-mod
ern chemical weapons factories built in Sudan with Iraq expertise.

One, at Kafuri, houses laboratories developing chemical weapons, nerve agents and 
biological weapons, while another in the Mayu area has production lines for warheads, 
bombs and canisters utilising chemical agents. They w
ere built three years ago.

Iraq and bin Laden both separately forged links with Sudan, in north Africa, a decade 

The Iraqi-Sudanese co-operation began during the 1990 Gulf War when Iraq sent guns 
equipped with chemical shells, SCUD-B launchers and missiles to Sudan to strike Egypt 
and Saudi Arabia.

The fact these SCUDs originated from Iraq was confirmed in the mid-1990s when the 
Russians, after being asked to fix them, recognised the serial numbers were from 
missiles sold to Iraq.

After the Gulf war, Iraq needed to protect its chemical weapons development from US 
forces patrolling the Gulf.

This escalated in 1997 when Iraq moved weapons it had stored in Yemen to Sudan, and in 
the same year, weapons of mass destruction.

Bin Laden's involvement with Sudan began in 1991 after he was expelled from Saudi 
Arabia for his anti-government activities. He spent five years living in Sudan 
building a complex web of business and financial interests b
efore returning to Afghanistan.

Intelligence reports claim the secret pact between Sudan, Iraq and bin Laden was made 
in October 1998 and there are numerous reports of meetings between bin Laden and Iraqi 
officials since.

Some of this evidence emerged in early 1999, when the Paris-based Arab language 
newspaper Al Watan Al Arabi reported that western diplomatic and security sources had 
warned in secret reports that Iraq, Sudan and bin Laden
 were co-operating to build several chemical and germ weapons
factories in Sudan financed by bin Laden and supervised by Iraqi
experts and technicians.

It said the Baghdad-Khartoum-bin Laden deal was regarded as the
biggest act of co-ordination between extremist Islamic organisations
and Baghdad "for confronting the US, the common enemy".

Late in 1998, Italian paper Corriere della Sera reported: "Saddam
Hussein and Osama bin Laden have sealed a pact."
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

[CTRL] 777 Thousand

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

WSWS : News
& Analysis : North America
CEO pay soars as US stocks plummet
By Kate Randall
24 September 2001
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In early 2001, WorldCom CEO Bernard Ebbers received a $10 million
bonus in return for his pledge to stay on with the telecommunications
giant for at least two more years. On top of that, the company
granted him a $61.5 million loan and a guarantee for $100 million
more in additional loans. In 2000, Ebbers received more than $34
million in salary, bonuses and long-term compensation, including
stock options.
One might expect that a company doling out such high levels of cash
and other perks to its top executive was doing extremely well. But in
fact the long-distance telephone company has been struggling to
recover from a failed merger with Sprint Corp., and is in the midst
of a restructuring plan to stave off losses. For the second quarter
of 2001, WorldCom group, which comprises the corporation’s
communications, Internet and telephone services, posted a net income
of $574 million, down $197 million from the same period last year.
The company’s separate MCI group lost $29 million, dropping
dramatically from its $541 million in profits in the second quarter
of 2000.
This past February, around the same time CEO Ebbers was raking in his
multimillion-dollar compensation package, WorldCom laid off 6,000 of
its 77,000 employees, mainly in its sales and marketing operations. A
study released last month by the Institute for Policy Studies and
United for a Fair Economy—“Executive Excess 2001: Layoffs, Tax
Rebates, The Gender Gap”—shows that Ebbers’ situation is not unique
among chief executives at US corporations today.
The report examines 52 US firms that announced layoffs of 1,000 or
more workers between January 1 and August 1, 2001, a period when more
than 777,000 US workers lost their jobs. The study shows that as the
economic boom of the 1990s began to falter in 2000, and profits and
share values plunged, CEOs at financially distressed companies
continued to pull in mammoth salaries. Moreover, the report reveals
how CEOs at those companies that eliminated the most jobs earned
substantially more than other executives.
As in the case of WorldCom CEO Bernard Ebbers, some of the top-
earning CEOs were at the helm of corporations that have carried out
thousands of job cuts. Dell Computer Corp. has eliminated 5,700 jobs
so far in 2001, and its chief executive Michael Dell received $201.3
million in total compensation. JDS Uniphase CEO Kevin Kalkhoven took
in $106.9 million in 2000; the fiber-optic components maker has cut
12,000 jobs so far this year. The report cites many more examples.
But even more significantly, many of these “layoff leaders” received
hefty compensation packages while their companies were losing
millions of dollars in profits and share values plummeted. Merrill
Lynch & Company, the nation’s biggest brokerage firm, for example,
reported a 21 percent drop in net income for the quarter ended July
30, with earnings of $874 million compared to $1.1 billion for the
same period last year. The company has eliminated 1,700 jobs this
year. But Merrill Lynch chief executive David Komansky made $39.1
million in 2000, up 82 percent from 1999.
Minneapolis-based telecommunications equipment maker ADC Telecom
announced August 23 a $40 million loss in the quarter ended July 31,
compared to a $121 million profit in the same period last year. The
company announced March 27 that it was eliminating 4,000 jobs. ADC
Telecom CEO W.J. Cadogan, however, received a 150 percent increase in
salary and bonus over his 1999 earnings, and took home a total
compensation package of more than $45 million.
Even when the stock market bubble began to burst in 2000—and
trillions of dollars in paper wealth, particularly in the high-tech
sector, were lost—CEO pay continued to rise. According to Business
Week’s annual survey of 365 of the biggest US companies, executive
pay rose to an average of $13.1 million a year in 2000. The magazine
also reports that four of the top-earning CEOs for the last five
years have come from companies which they describe as “marginal to
horrible performers” in the market—Walt Disney, Cendant, Computer
Associates and Apple Computer.
“Executive Excess 2001” argues that these figures debunk the claims
of those who contend that “the market” determines CEO pay. The
authors of the study describe a situation inside corporations where
committees that determine CEO compensation are generally controlled
by the CEOs themselves. The report cites a Fortune magazine
investigation: “Directors who won’t play along [with the increases]
are rotated out to other committees. One chairman of a compensation
committee agreed with another director that ‘this stuff is wrong,’
but went on to say, ‘we’ve got to do it.’”
When the economy was expanding the huge salaries and bonuses were
justified with claims that the CEOs were ge

Re: [CTRL] John P. O'Neill/ Head of WTC Security Former FBI Counterterrorism

2001-09-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  This report says O'Neill took the job earlier this year.  CNN's version
quotes the NYC Police Commissioner as saying September 11th would have been
O'Neill's first or second day at the job.  Another version says O'Neill was
hired for the job in August.  I have a question

  Assuming all security personnel within the WTC complex are in radio
contact, would the decision to command employees (over the loudspeaker
system) to remain at their desks have come from the head of security?

  An interesting piece of info:

Last month, FBI sources confirmed that O'Neill was under investigation after
he left a briefcase containing classified information unattended in a hotel
in Tampa, Fla., last year. The briefcase, which was recovered and returned to
O'Neill, contained several documents that included a report outlining
virtually every national security operation in New York.

  Other info:

July 1996 editorial:
Last April 28 The Washington Times ran prominently (thereby gaining more
neoconservative points) an ominous story on terrorist potential within the
United States. It reported that Islamic radicals “pose new terrorist dangers
Ameri cans” and have “become the top priority of FBI counter-terrorism
agents.” FBI counter-terrorism section chief John P. O’Neill said Islamic
radicals (who have poured across our porous borders in recent decades) form
“the greatest threat coming to us domestically."

O’Neill said those involved in the bombing of New York’s World Trade Center
were from Egypt, Pakistan, Ku wait and Iraq as well as from Islamic elements
in this country. These people are well “networked” and consider the United
States one of their “theaters of war.” O’Neill warns: “These people are
characterized as free moving (largely financed by rackets and scams they
operate here) . . . They can quickly assemble and quickly disperse, and they
are extraordinarily hard to track.”

>From a speech:

Excerpts from the Speech of
Chief, International Terrorism Operations
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Presented at the National Strategy Forum on June 11, 1997

"...Law enforcement as most of you have seen in the last five years come out
and law enforcement officials talked about that street crime cannot be dealt
with just as a law enforcement problem. We need community policing. We need
neighborhood watches. We need the activism to help us combat street crime.
And it's pretty much the same way with acts of terrorism. We need to
strengthen those soft targets as we investigate groups and individuals whom
they try to attack us or attack our citizens. We also need to take a look at
those logical places where terrorists may attack and try to strengthen them. "

"...And that's much the same mindset in terms of terrorists picking their
targets. So we can marry the public and the private sector together in terms
of corporate security concerns. You know those places that are logical places
for terrorists to hit, we like to do that marrying there. The other job is
pretty simple to see, a little bit more difficult to carry out, and our job
is relatively simple. It's to prevent acts of terrorism occurring against
Americans in the United States and in those situations where an act has
occurred have a massive response to be able to catch those people that are
involved in the event and stop the -- that word terror, and the terrorists
from sometimes stalling the American way of life. "

In a message dated 9/23/01 8:03:41 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> While with the FBI, O'Neill headed investigations of the deadly attacks on
>  U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the bombing last year of
> the
>  USS Cole in Yemen. That attack, also a suicide bombing, is thought to be
> tied
>  to Osama bin Laden, whom top U.S. officials have tied to last week's
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[CTRL] Kissinger Sued for 1970 Slaying of Chilean General

2001-09-23 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday September 11 8:32 AM ET

Kissinger Sued for 1970 Slaying of Chilean General

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The family of Chilean military commander Rene
Schneider, killed during a botched kidnapping in 1970, has filed a lawsuit
seeking more than $3 million in damages from Henry Kissinger and other
Nixon administration officials, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

It quoted attorneys as saying the suit, filed on Monday in federal court in
Washington, was based on recently declassified CIA (news - web sites)
documents and sought damages from Kissinger, former CIA Director
Richard Helms and the U.S. government for ``summary execution,'' assault
and civil rights violations.

The suit alleges that Schneider was targeted because he stood in the way of
a military coup to prevent Salvador Allende from taking power as Chile's
president. Allende was inaugurated in 1970 but was ousted in a bloody 1973

The killing has long been considered to have been carried out by right-wing
extremists within the Chilean military.

Kissinger, who was President Richard Nixon's national security advise at the
time, did not return a telephone message left at his New York office, the Post

Helms denied wrongdoing, but would not discuss details, saying he hadn't
seen the suit. ``It's a complicated case,'' he told the newspaper.

``The United States did not want Allende to assume the presidency, and my
father was the only political obstacle for a military coup,'' the Post quoted
Schneider's eldest son, also named Rene Schneider, as saying.

``Obviously, he had to be taken out of the way,'' said the son, who lives in
Chile. He and his brother Raul, an artist living in Paris, are the named
plaintiffs in the suit.

Rene Schneider said documents made public over the past two years
``made me realize that my father's death is perhaps the one crime
perpetrated outside the U.S. that most clearly links back to the U.S.
government, the CIA, and Kissinger in particular.''

According to the suit, Nixon met with Kissinger and Helms on Sept. 15, 1970,
and ordered steps to be taken to prevent Allende from taking power even
though he had won the presidential election. Nixon authorized $10 million to
be spent on a military coup.

After two failed kidnapping attempts, Schneider was ambushed on his way to
work on Oct. 22, 1972. The assailants shot him as he was getting out his gun
to defend himself. He died in a military hospital three days later, a day after
Chile's congress ratified Allende's victory, the Post said.

Allende was in power for three years and died on Sept. 11, 1973, during a
military coup led by Gen. Augusto Pinochet (news - web sites) and indirectly
supported by the CIA.

Pinochet, who ruled until 1990, was arrested in London in 1998 but was freed
after 16 months when Britain decided that he was too ill to be extradited to
Spain to face torture charges.

The former general was indicted in Chile for death squad killings, but
attempts to prosecute him virtually ended in July when Chile's Appeals Court
ruled he was mentally unfit to stand trial.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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[CTRL] Mobile Phones May Do Harm by Speeding Up Brain

2001-09-23 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Friday September 21 5:33 PM ET

Mobile Phones May Do Harm by Speeding Up Brain

By Lucas van Grinsven

LONDON (Reuters) - Mobile phones may cause damage to health by
speeding up the brain's response times, a British scientist told a conference
on Friday.

As consumer concerns mount that prolonged mobile phone use could lead to
problems ranging from headaches to tumors, a recent study showing an
alarming rate of brain cancer in some cell phone users is helping swing
scientific opinion in Britain.

Dr. Alan Preece, head of biophysics at Bristol Oncology Center, is among a
group of scientists becoming increasingly convinced that radiation from cell
phones triggers chemical processes in the body that may be harmful.

Six separate studies now indicate that response times speed up when
people are exposed to radio frequency (RF) signals from mobile phones.
``Perhaps we now have to accept there is an effect on the brain,'' Preece told
a London conference on the health risks of mobile phones.

``The response time has improved because of stress proteins, which are
switched on by a gene. This needs further research. The chronic exposure to
radio frequency signals might well have a detrimental (health) effect.''

Stress proteins are produced when body temperature rises, but Preece and
other scientists said they can also be released purely as a result of RF
signals, when body temperature is normal.

Other research from Sweden and Switzerland has indicated that radiation
from mobile phone calls disturbs sleep.

In a study not yet published in scientific literature, Swedish professors
Lennart Hardell and Kjell Hansson Mild found that people who had used
analog mobile phones for up to 10 years had a 26% higher risk of brain
cancer than a ``control'' sample of patients.

The study has unsettled many scientists--even though it is based largely on a
previous generation of mobile phones, many of which were installed in cars
with aerials on the roof, and which emitted signals continuously, unlike the
latest, digital phones.

``One can no longer go around saying there is no link (between cell phone
use and health effects),'' Preece said.

``Without question, there is a biological threat,'' agreed James Lin, professor
of Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering at the US University of Illinois.
``The question is how hazardous mobile phone use is.''

But Lin said there were as almost as many studies purporting to show a
biological impact from mobile phone use as studies that indicated the
opposite: ``Our understanding is still evolving. We need to have a much
larger database.''

He noted that it takes nearly a decade for most brain cancers to develop--
longer than the period of use covered by most studies.

The World Health Organization (news - web sites) (WHO) said last week that
more research was needed before damage to health could be ruled out.

However, Elisabeth Cardis, chief of Radiation and Cancer at the WHO's
International Agency for Research in Cancer, told a conference in Finland
that any possible risk was small.

Last year, a British government-sponsored scientific inquiry concluded that
while there was no evidence of a danger to health, it would be wise to
discourage children from using mobile phones, because they were more
susceptible to radiation.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-23 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

You can tell what i look like through e-mail?
   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal


> From: Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 16:53:15 -0700
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] bible codes
> -Caveat Lector-
> --- thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> -Caveat Lector-
>> Free your mind and your ass will follow.
>> St George
>>> From: Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
>>> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 13:54:13 -0700
>>> Subject: Re: [CTRL] bible codes
>>> bible codes - not something for the papacy but
>>> defenitely something for those whose bents are
>>> alchemical, hermetic...
>> feeble minded, idiotic, illogical
> and you're ugly...
> sad excuse for debate, fool...
> __
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> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-23 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

it's spelled "culo"

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen


> From: Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 19:58:58 -0400
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] bible codes
> -Caveat Lector-
> I am not sure who to insult here - one of you so ugly and the other so
> intellectually deprived -
> So screw both of you.
> O'Saba
> And Besame Koola Royale.  (somebody check spelling on that one)
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] PROMIS - THE REAL STORY: "Nothing Is Secret" - By Kelly Pa...

2001-09-23 Thread Samantha L.

Sorry 2 parts missing. Just sorting out old emails. n
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>From Rayelan Allan, Publisher Rumor Mill News
To: Rumor Mill News Readers and Fellow Investigators


Several months ago, when the Canadian Newspaper and certain Internet Newsmagazines 
were running stories about the theft of the Promis software, I stated that they were 
putting out disinformation. Needless to say, I was attacked by certain people, via 
emails and on their webpage. I chose not to respond to the attacks because I was 
afraid that if an Internet war about who was telling the truth about Promis erupted, 
that the REAL TRUTH might never be told.

The REAL STORY had finally been written.

I am including the first part of a four part series. It is extremely well researched 
and written. The writing style flows easily and reads like a spy thriller.

Please send this email to everyone you know. Also send it to all media, and 
Congress... MAIL IT -- If you need to!

The story is very long, the email that was sent to me did not have the last one third 
of the story. If the article appears to be cut off, I have enclosed the URL to the 
article, which appears in INSIGHT MAGAZINE, the weekend magazine of THE WASHINGTON 

I thank all of my readers for their patience -- RA
Nothing Is Secret

By Kelly Patricia O'Meara

Insight uncovers a spy probe in the United States by the Canadian government into the 
theft of computer software that allegedly allows surveillance of top-secret government 
computer systems.

Good morning, Mr. McDade. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has reason to believe that 
the national security of Canada has been compromised. A trojan horse, or back door, 
allegedly has been found in computer systems in the nation's top law-enforcement and 
intelligence organizations.

   "Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to establish whether this is the 
PROMIS software reportedly stolen in the early 1980s from William and Nancy Hamilton, 
owners of Inslaw Inc., and reportedly modified for international espionage. As always, 
should you or any of your associates be caught, the governments of Canada and the 
United States will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This recording will 
self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Sean."

   Sounds like the opening taped message from an episode of the 1960s TV action 
series Mission Impossible. But just such a mission was offered - and accepted - by two 
investigators of the National Security Section of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 
(RCMP). The Mounties then covertly entered the United States in February of last year 
and for nearly eight months conducted a secret investigation into the theft of the 
PROMIS software and whether and by whom it had been obtained for backdoor spying. 
PROMIS is a universal bridge to the forest of computer systems. It allows covert and 
undetectable surveillance, and it and its related successors are unimaginably 
important in the new age of communications warfare.

   In this exclusive investigative series Insight tracks the Mounties and explores 
the mysteries pursued by the RCMP, including allegations involving a gang of 
characters believed to be associated with the suspected theft of PROMIS, swarms of 
spies (or the "spookloop" as the Mounties called them), the Mafia, big-time money 
laundering, murder, international arms smuggling and illegal drugs - to name but a few 
aspects of the still-secret RCMP probe.

   But the keystone to this RCMP investigation is PROMIS, that universal bridge 
and monitoring system, which stands for Prosecutor's Management Information System - a 
breakthrough computer software program originally developed in the early 1970s by the 
Hamiltons for case management by U.S. prosecutors. The first version of PROMIS was 
owned by the government since the development money was provided by the Department of 
Justice (DOJ), but something went awry on the way to proprietary development.

   For more than 15 years the story of the allegedly pirated Hamilton software, 
and how it may h

Re: [CTRL] Teaching Them to Hate Us

2001-09-23 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-


for binladen this would 3rd down the list
just read his fatwa

his MAIN reason for hating is the presence of American troops in Saudi
Arabia. @ and is the attacks on Islamic sights, and thus by extension Islam,
and 3rd support of Israel.

So there are many reasons to believe that even if the US stopped supporting
Israel, that those thousands of Americans would still be dead.

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam


> From: Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 20:21:42 -0300
> Subject: [CTRL] Teaching Them to Hate Us
> . But the main reason they hate us and want to kill us is that we support
> Israel. Can anyone deny that if we were not Israel's enthusiastic backer those
thousands of Americans would still be alive?";>
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] We've Found God Again!

2001-09-23 Thread Yardbird

The Free Congress Commentary

We've Found God Again!
By E. Ralph Hostetter

These words come from a CBS TV channel, introducing a Hollywood related
program of all things: "And we've found God again."

The statement was part of a prologue listing values such as flying the
American flag, coming together as a nation and a revival of patriotism;
values that were rediscovered following the worst terrorist attack on
American soil in history, leaving more than 5,000 dead at the New York Trade
Towers, the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, and United Flight 93 in a field in

Prayers seemed to be on the lips of most Americans this week. President Bush
prayed and called for a day of prayer; the Cabinet prayed and sang "God
Bless America"; the Congress prayed; the Supreme Court prayed; and the
churches across America held special prayer services.

The prayers for the thousands lost in the carnage came from the lips of
Americans all across the land.

But our school children, probably the most frightened and psychologically
damaged of all our population, were denied the solace and comfort of seeking
help in prayers to their God.

Their prayers were denied by a 1963 Supreme Court decision prohibiting
prayer on public school property.

And yet the President prayed in the (public) White House; the Supreme Court
prayed in the (public) Supreme Court building; the Congress prayed in the
(public) Capitol building.

Denial of prayer in public schools resulted from a decision by the high
court, under Chief Justice Earl Warren, "interpreting" the "establishment
clause" of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The "establishment clause" represents only half of the first clause of the
First Amendment. The term "establishment clause" was coined to give the
impression that the entire clause was all about prohibiting Congress from
establishing a state religion. Not so!

The complete wording of the clause in the U.S. Constitution is: "Congress
shall make no laws respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof."

The liberal Warren Court addressed only the first part of the so-called
"establishment clause."

The case, Murray v. Curlett, involved certain state laws requiring the
recitation of the Lord's Prayer and reading of verses from the Bible. The
U.S. Congress had never made any law that could remotely resemble the
establishing of a religion.

By apparently ignoring the second part of the "establishment clause" - "or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof" - the Warren Court, for all intents
and purposes, "threw the baby out with the bath water" by denying all prayer
in public schools, including voluntary prayers of student bodies.

The term "prohibiting" is a far cry from the "free exercise thereof." The
Warren Court, in its zeal to make law, closed the door on all prayer.

Today the Supreme Court decision of 1963 has grafted onto itself the
prohibitions of Christmas Nativity scenes in public squares as well as the
banning of the Ten Commandments, the basic laws of civilization, in town
halls and courthouses across America.

"Kick God out of America" seemed to be the movement in this country until
8:42 a.m. on September 11, 2001.

A means must be found to have the U.S. Supreme Court revisit the entire
first clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to give meaning
to "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

"And we have found God Again"...This simple quotation may well pave the way
to permit Americans to freely exercise their God-given right - and
constitutional right - to pray whenever, or wherever, they wish.

E. Ralph Hostetter is a member of the board of directors of Free Congress

New Online Petition Established!

The Free Congress Foundation's Coalition for Constitutional Liberties has
established a website with an online petition in support of our civil
liberties and constitutional rights. The United States must protect itself
from terrorism, but the liberties and freedoms of the American people must
not fall by the wayside.

The petition can be found at We encourage
all NNN readers to sign the petition and for media outlets to inform their
listeners, readers, or viewers about the site.

Free Congress strongly supports protecting our constitutional rights and
civil liberties, which is the main object of the petition. It should be
emphasized, however, that Free Congress has consistently opposed the
ratification of international treaties that unduly restrict our nation's
ability to act in our best interest. We will continue to oppose such
treaties in the future. There are cases in which the United States has
bilateral extradition treaties with other countries, which may prove useful
in making sure that those terrorists who  are guilty for the attacks on
September 11th are brought to justice.

For media inquiries, contact Steve Lilienthal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

Re: [CTRL] Head of WTC Security Former FBI Counterterrorism Specialist

2001-09-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

09/17/2001 - Updated 12:48 AM ET
Ex-FBI man O'Neill expert on combating terrorism

By Traci Watson, USA TODAY

John P. O'Neill once fought terrorists. Last week he might have succumbed to

O'Neill, 50, spent nearly all of his adult life working for the FBI, where he
became one of the nation's foremost experts on counterterrorism.

But earlier this year, he took a job as head of security for the World Trade

Now he is missing. Witnesses say they saw him return to one of the doomed
towers Tuesday after telephoning a few people to assure them that he was fine.

While with the FBI, O'Neill headed investigations of the deadly attacks on
U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the bombing last year of the
USS Cole in Yemen. That attack, also a suicide bombing, is thought to be tied
to Osama bin Laden, whom top U.S. officials have tied to last week's attacks.

As a security expert in the FBI's New York office, O'Neill was also heavily
involved in the investigation of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

That incident made him even more fiercely dedicated to his work, colleagues

"He saw up close and personal the devastation a terrorist act like that has,"
said Weldon Kennedy, a former FBI staffer who worked with O'Neill. "He was
dedicated totally to what he was doing and thought it was absolutely crucial
that the FBI had a strong posture fighting terrorism."

It was O'Neill's insight and passion for work that colleagues remember most.

Alan Frey, head of counterintelligence for Scotland Yard, once said of
O'Neill: "I wouldn't want to be the terrorist he was hunting. I've seen him
move heaven and earth."

A speech O"Neill gave in 1997 now seems horribly prescient.

"Unfortunately, I cannot predict that no Americans will be injured or killed
as a result of a terrorist attack," O'Neill said.

"And in fact, it will happen as long as violence is seen as the way to move
along political or social agendas."

Contributing: Wire services

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: ZNet Commentary / Fisk - Gerassi / Tragic Tears / September 23] (fwd)

2001-09-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 02:32:35 +0200
From: Elana Wesley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [neah] [Fwd: ZNet Commentary / Fisk - Gerassi / Tragic Tears / September 23]

Apologies if any of these items have been sent by me previously.  Elana

 Original Message 
Subject: ZNet Commentary / Fisk - Gerassi / Tragic Tears / September 23
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 11:25:25 -0400
From: "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Here are two more powerful essays, from Robert Fisk and John Gerassi.

Other materials are on the ZNet Site, of course...

Top Page:
Crisis Page:

Many ZNet interactive facilities are still offline due to reconstruction
after the virus fallout -- they should return on Monday and Tuesday,
with the exception of forums, which will take somewhat longer. All
crisis coverage is in place and easily accessible.


How can the US bomb this tragic people?
By Robert Fisk

We are witnessing this weekend one of the most epic events since the
Second World War, certainly since Vietnam. I am not talking about the
ruins of the World Trade Centre in New York and the grotesque physical
scenes which we watched on 11 September, an atrocity which I described
last week as a crime against humanity (of which more later). No, I am
referring to the extraordinary, almost unbelievable preparations now
under way for the most powerful nation ever to have existed on God's
Earth to bomb the most devastated, ravaged, starvation-haunted and
tragic country in the world. Afghanistan, raped and eviscerated by the
Russian army for 10 years, abandoned by its friends - us, of course -
once the Russians had fled, is about to be attacked by the surviving

I watch these events with incredulity, not least because I was a witness
to the Russian invasion and occupation. How they fought for us, those
Afghans, how they believed our word. How they trusted President Carter
when he promised the West's support. I even met the CIA spook in
Peshawar, brandishing the identity papers of a Soviet pilot, shot down
with one of our missiles - which had been scooped from the wreckage of
his Mig. "Poor guy," the CIA man said, before showing us a movie about
GIs zapping the Vietcong in his private cinema. And yes, I remember what
the Soviet officers told me after arresting me at Salang. They were
performing their international duty in Afghanistan, they told me. They
were "punishing the terrorists" who wished to overthrow the (communist)
Afghan government and destroy its people. Sound familiar?

I was working for The Times in 1980, and just south of Kabul I picked up
a very disturbing story. A group of religious mujahedin fighters had
attacked a school because the communist regime had forced girls to be
educated alongside boys. So they had bombed the school, murdered the
head teacher's wife and cut off her husband's head. It was all true. But
when The Times ran the story, the Foreign Office complained to the
foreign desk that my report gave support to the Russians. Of course.
Because the Afghan fighters were the good guys. Because Osama bin Laden
was a good guy. Charles Douglas-Home, then editor of The Times would
always insist that Afghan guerrillas were called "freedom fighters" in
the headline. There was nothing you couldn't do with words.

And so it is today. President Bush now threatens the obscurantist,
ignorant, super-conservative Taliban with the same punishment as he
intends to mete out to bin Laden. Bush originally talked about "justice
and punishment" and about "bringing to justice" the perpetrators of the
atrocities. But he's not sending policemen to the Middle East; he's
sending B-52s. And F-16s and AWACS planes and Apache helicopters. We are
not going to arrest bin Laden. We are going to destroy him. And that's
fine if he's the guilty man. But B-52s don't discriminate between men
wearing turbans, or between men and women or women and children.

I wrote last week about the culture of censorship which is now to
smother us, and of the personal attacks which any journalist questioning
the roots of this crisis endures. Last week, in a national European
newspaper, I got a new and revealing example of what this means. I was
accused of being anti-American and then informed that anti-Americanism
was akin to anti-Semitism. You get the point, of course. I'm not really
sure what anti-Americanism is. But criticising the United States is now
to be the moral equivalent of Jew-hating. It's OK to write headlines
about "Islamic terror" or my favourite French example "God's madmen",
but it's definitely out of bounds to ask why the United States is
loathed by so many Arab Muslims in the Middle East. We can give the
murderers a Muslim identity: we can finger the Middle East for the crime
- but we may not suggest any reasons for the crime.

But let's go back to that word justice. Re-watching

Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I am not sure who to insult here - one of you so ugly and the other so
intellectually deprived -

So screw both of you.


And Besame Koola Royale.  (somebody check spelling on that one)";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

--- thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Free your mind and your ass will follow.
>   St George
> > From: Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
> > Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 13:54:13 -0700
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] bible codes
> >
> > bible codes - not something for the papacy but
> > defenitely something for those whose bents are
> > alchemical, hermetic...
> feeble minded, idiotic, illogical

and you're ugly...

sad excuse for debate, fool...

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ALERT: Anti-terrorism Bill Threatens Privacy

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.

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   EFFector   Vol. 14, No. 24   Sep. 17, 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ISSN 1062-9424

In the 184th Issue of EFFector (now with over 29,000 subscribers!):

 * ALERT: Ask Congress to Legislate to Improve Security Not Eliminate
 * Administrivia

   For more information on EFF activities & alerts:

   To join EFF or make an additional donation:
   EFF is a member-supported nonprofit. Please sign up as a member today!

ALERT: Ask Congress to Legislate to Improve Security Not Eliminate Freedoms

  Congressional Response to Terrorism Threatens Privacy

Electronic Frontier Foundation ACTION ALERT

(Issued: Monday, September 17, 2001 / Deadline: Friday, September 21, 2001)


   San Francisco, California - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
   today urged governmental officials to act deliberately in the coming
   days and to approve only measures that are effective in preventing
   terrorism while protecting the freedoms of Americans. Your urgent
   action is needed TODAY.

   In a press conference earlier today, Attorney General John Ashcroft
   indicated that he would be asking Congress to expand the ability of
   law enforcement officers to perform wiretaps in response to the
   terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Ashcroft
   asked Congress to pass anti-terrorism legislation including "expanded
   electronic surveillance" by the end of this week.

   Ashcroft's comments come in the wake of the Senate's hasty passage of
   the "Combating Terrorism Act" on the evening of September 13 with less
   than 30 minutes of consideration on the Senate floor.

   EFF believes this broad legislation would result in unintended
   negative consequences for civil liberties of law-abiding citizens by
   making it unnecessary for law enforcement officers to obtain a court
   wiretap order before requiring Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to
   release e-mail message header information and Internet browsing
   patterns of their subscribers. The bill would also authorize local
   U.S. attorneys to authorize certain surveillance orders.

   The Combating Terrorism Act is presently a Senate-passed amendment to
   a House appropriations bill. It is expected to be voted on in joint
   conference committee this week, or early next week at the latest. The
   House has already passed the "base" bill, while the Senate has passed
   it plus the wiretapping amendment. The House delegates several
   Represenatives to meet with several Senators, who will collectively
   decide what amendments the final, joint version will include. This
   final version is then voted on by the full House and Senate. This only
   real pressure point is the conference committee; whatever emerges will
   almost certainly pass both houses near-unanimously.

  What YOU Can Do Now:

 * Contact the conference committee members and your legislators
   about this issue AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Call them, and fax and/or
   email the EFF letter below today. Postal mail will be too slow on
   this issue. Feel free to use this letter verbatim, or modify it as
   you wish. Let them know that you do not believe liberty must be
   sacrified for security. Please be polite and concise, but firm.
   For information on how to contact your legislators and other
   government officials, see EFF's "Contacting Congress and Other
   Policymakers" guide at:
 * Join EFF! For membership information see:

  Sample Letters:

   There are two sample letters below, one to the conference committee
   members, and one to your own legislators.

   Use this sample letter below to conference committee members or modify
   it, and send to all of the following:


   To be determined; conferees not publicly announced yet. Check the
   web-posted version of this alert for an update tomorrow:


   Name (State), Phone (202-224-), Fax (202-224-), Email

   Patrick Leahy (VT), 4242, 3479, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ernest Hollings (SC), 6121, 4293, none
   Daniel Inouye (HI), 3934, 6747, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Barbara Mikulski (MD), 4654, 8858, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Herb Kohl (WI), 5653, 9787, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Patty Murray (WA), 2621, 0238, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Jack Reed (RI), 4642, 4680, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Robert Byrd (WV), 3954, 0002, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Judd Gregg (NH), 3324, 4952, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ted Stevens (AK),

[CTRL] EPIC Alert 8.17

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Volume 8.17 September 17, 2001

 Published by the
   Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
 Washington, D.C.

Special EPIC Alert

Over the last several days our nation's leaders have confronted the
greatest national crisis of our generation.  It is a difficult time in
Washington, as it is across the country.

We would like to bring to your attention words of courage and hope
that have been spoken in Washington during the past week.  Members of
Congress from all parties, from  across the country, and of all
political views have expressed their support for preserving America's
freedoms, for safeguarding America's ideals.

We know that when countries give up liberties, they make sacrifices,
not trade-offs, and what is lost may never be recovered.  In the days
ahead, let us move forward together to safeguard that which is most
precious -- a system of government, the rule of law, and the principle
of freedom that seeks to protect the rights of each person and the
security of us all.

Marc Rotenberg
Electronic Privacy Information Center


"[On September 11, 2001,] our fellow citizens, our way of life, our
very freedom, came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly
terrorist acts. . . .  America has stood down enemies before, and we
will do so this time.  None of us will ever forget this day.  Yet, we
go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our

 --President George W. Bush

"[A]s we respond here at home to what we learn from these attacks, is
that this is a country that understands that people have fundamental
God-given rights and liberties and our government is constituted to
protect those rights.  We cannot -- in our efforts to bring justice --
diminish those liberties.  Clearly this is not a simple, normal
criminal case.  This is an act of war, and those rules of warfare may
apply.  But here at home and domestically, we need to make sure that
we're not tempted to abrogate any civil rights such as habeas corpus,
protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, the freedom of
expression and peaceable assembly, or freedom of religion.  And just
because somebody may come from an ethnic background, that means
nothing in the exercise of their rights as citizens. They are American
citizens.  And so let's make sure that in our anger and in our efforts
to bring justice, we remember our basic foundational civil liberties
and not abrogate them."

 --Senator George Allen (R-VA)

"Some have said yesterday and today that all has changed, all has
changed for America.  I know what they mean by that, and I respect
their view, but I pray that is not true.  I pray that is not true.  I
pray my junior colleague from Virginia is correct when he says the one
thing we cannot allow to change is the values upon which this country
is built, for if that were to occur, then they would be able to
declare victory, genuine victory."

 --Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE)

"Attacking this country is not enough to defeat it.  It never has
been.  That's something our enemies have discovered again and again.
America's history is the story of a nation, of a people, that has
repeatedly overcome what seemed like insurmountable challenges --
fueled by our individual liberty, our respect for the rule of law, and
our belief in the value of every human life.  America began as a
nation by overcoming tyranny.  We will continue by overcoming
terrorism.  And we will do it without sacrificing who we are as
Americans.  We will do it by upholding the principles of 'liberty and
justice for all.'"

 --Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

"A time of crisis is one of the 

[CTRL] Flight 93 Brought Down

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.

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We have a 911 tape that contains the sound of an explosion and
descriptions of white smoke before Flight 93 went down. We haven't
been allowed to hear this tape or even learn the name of the
dispatcher who took the call. But we have been treated to every minute
detail of every other cell phone call from the plane, I assume with
the blessings of those conducting this "criminal investigation."

Various witnesses report unmarked military planes circling the scene
of the accident. FAA employees report F-16's following the plane
before the accident. The DOD now admits that the military was
monitoring the plane and "was in a position to intercept it." More
witnesses to the crash variously report a "sonic boom," a loud bang
and a noise the "sounded like thunder" BEFORE the plane hit the
ground. Other witnesses report seeing parts falling off the plane into
Indian Lake (3 miles away from the "crash site"), into their yards,
and onto their homes. Note that this is east of the crash site and the
official word is the plane was going in an "easterly" direction when
it crashed.

We have a significant percentage of debris up to 8 miles from the
crash site. We have what appears to be at least three distinct fields
as well as a swath of debris spread out over perhaps 25 or more square
miles. We have the plane's large engines found "at a considerable
distance from the crash site."  We have a crater that is too small and
shallow to account for the crash of an entire 757.

We have an investigation more concerned with securing the crash site
than with finding the black boxes. We get this sort of answer from
deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz when told that the FBI has not
yet ruled out that Flight 93 was shot down, "I have no information on
it at all. In fact, that's the first I heard, and I'm going to look
into it." A few hours later, FBI lead investigator Bill Crowley flatly
denies the same military involvement that he said he couldn't rule out
earlier in the day.

We know the Greater Pitt air traffic tower was ordered cleared
immediately before the crash. We know that every other radar tower in
a position to track these planes was ordered to be cleared by the FAA.
We know air traffic controllers warned pilots in the vicinity to "get
as far away from that plane as we could as fast as we could." We know
several Congressmen discussed getting authorization to shoot down the

But I suppose we should thank God that all those brave passengers
figured out how to explode their plane exactly when they did to
miraculously save a reluctant Air Force pilot from having to execute
his gruesome orders. Now that's a movie plot that packs a wallop!

Kevin Keogh

(September 15th)

The FBI said that a civilian business jet flying to Johnstown was
within 20 miles of the low-flying airliner, but at an altitude of
37,000 feet.

That plane was asked to descend to 5,000 feet -- an unusual maneuver
-- to help locate the crash site for responding emergency crews.  The
FBI said that is probably why some witnesses say they saw another
plane in the sky shortly after Flight 93 crashed at 10:10 a.m. Tuesday
in a grassy field near Shanksville, about 80 miles southeast of

 The FBI said there was also a C-130 military cargo aircraft about 17
miles away that saw smoke or dust near the crash site, but that plane
wasn't armed and had no role in the crash. That plane was flying at
24,000 feet."

(September 15th)

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said that the military had
been monitoring the plane and was in a position to intercept it.

``I think it was the heroism of the passengers on board that brought
it down, but the Air Force was in a position to do so if we had had
to,'' he said on PBS's ``NewsHour With Jim Lehrer.''


Speculation continued to swirl around reports that a military fighter
jet was seen in the vicinity immediately after the crash.  According
to the Nashua (N.H.) Telegraph, FAA employees at an air-traffic
control center near Boston learned from controllers at other
facilities that an F-16 "stayed in hot pursuit" of the 757.

By 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, the Air Force had taken control of all U.S.
airspace, the unidentified controller told the Telegraph. A few
minutes later, the Boeing crashed in Stonycreek Township.

The F-16 made 360-degree turns to stay close to the 757, the Telegraph
reported. "He must've seen the whole thing," the FAA employee said of
the F-16's pilot.

Crowley confir

Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So wonder if Dirty Harry now finds himself in the real world?   In state
of shock?   That that might be true..

Remember when Charles Manson was on the loose this Lee Marvin was
playing all these tough guy roles and the one news report was "Lee
Marvin is Scared" but then Elizabeth Taylor and a lot of other high
profile stars had been on the hit list and again, we had religious nuts
and programmed killers.

You get behind these people and find the teachers...I am wondering about
the King and Queen of Nepa who tried to save the Taliban Twin Buddahs
for they were murdered in cold blood along with neary the enitire family
- strategic spot Nepal.

Meanwhle back at the camp - during the Clinton Regime it was laugh,
drink and be and make merry.old joke about Merry here, Monica stayed
and Merry went home.

So now I know why Mrs. Bush had this look..

Well Dirty Harry - that's Show Biz.
What is that story about a rich man going through eye of needle?

Probably thought he would be hit for a donation and said - hey times are
tough all over?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Flight 93 Questions

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

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  (c) 9/14/01 Ian Williams Goddard

  Yesterday (9/13/01) a Reuters report stated that the FBI
  cannot rule out that hijacked Flight 93 was shot down by
  a US fighter jet before it crashed in Pennsylvania. [1]
  Citing indications of a shoot down, the report states:

 "Pennsylvania state police officials said on
 Thursday debris from the plane had been found
 up to 8 miles away [from the crash site] in a
 residential community where local media have
 quoted residents as speaking of a second plane
 in the area and burning debris falling from the sky."

  Finding debris miles from the crash site indicates that the
  aircraft was disintegrating well before it hit the ground,
  as would be the case if the other plane witnesses saw shot
  it down. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the debris
  found miles from the crash site included "clothing, books,
  papers and what appeared to be human remains." [2] The
  secretary of defense says Flight 93 was not shot down.[3]

  While major media have widely reported that a frantic 911
  call was made from Flight 93 stating "We are being hijacked,
  We are being hijacked," a local Pennsylvania paper reports
  that the passenger also reported hearing an explosion and
  seeing smoke coming from the plane, consistent with a shoot
  down. As the Somerest, PA paper The Daily American states:

 "[A] passenger locked in a bathroom aboard United
 Flight 93 called the 911 ... 'We are being hijacked,
 we are being hijacked!' dispatch supervisor Glenn
 Cramer from Westmoreland County quoted the man from
 a transcript of the call. The man told dispatchers
 the plane 'was going down. He heard some sort of
 explosion and saw white smoke coming from the
 plane and we lost contact with him,' Cramer said." [4]

  So we have (1) witness accounts of a second plane in the
  area, (2) burning debris falling, (3) debris falling up to
  8 miles from the crash site, (4) human remains falling miles
  from the crash site, and (5) reports from a passenger that
  an explosion was heard near the plane and white smoke was
  coming from the plane. Do these facts support early reports
  that Flight 93 was shot down by a US fighter jet? Could the
  the terrorists have smuggled in and detonated a bomb? At the
  least these facts appear to be inconsistent with the leading
  scenario being played in the media that the plane crashed as
  a result of a struggle for control on board the doomed flight.

  Assuming the aircraft was shot down, under the circumstances
  -- other hijackers reasonably connected to the hijackers on
  Flight 93 using other jets to cause massive casualties on the
  ground -- it would be difficult to define the act unethical.
  Indeed, it would have arguably been an heroic act. However,
  the wrong would be lying to the public about what happened.

  [1] Reuters: FBI Cannot Rule Out Shootdown of Penn.
  Plane. By David Morgan. September 13, 2001.

  [2] Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Investigators locate 'black box'
  from Flight 93; widen search area in Somerset crash. By T.
  Gibb, J. O'Toole, C. Lash. September 13, 2001.

  [3] Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Somerset crash scene searched;
  'hero' may have aborted terror mission. By T. Gibb, C. Lash
  J. O'Toole. September 12, 2001. Can't reaquire URL via search.

  [4] Daily American: International terror touches
  Somerset County. By Sandra Lepley.

  COMING SOON TO AN INTERNET NEAR YOU: http://www.IanGoddard.Net
  Unless that one also disappears. Network Solutions "lost" my
  domain "" that I registered first and paid for.
  Shortly after NS lost it someone else came and registered it.
  I've sent NS my record of transaction and credit-card receipt,
  yet they refuse to respond to my requests for an explanation.
  I'll bet they would never lose the domains for CNN or CBSNews.

[CTRL] Control Tower Heard & Recorded One Hijack

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Control Tower Heard & Recorded One Hijack

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Wednesday September 12 5:32 PM ET (via Yahoo)

American Airlines Pilot Sent Transmissions -Paper

BOSTON (Reuters)--The pilot of American Airlines Flight 11, which
crashed into New York's World Trade Center on Tuesday, secretly sent
messages to controllers on the ground during much of the flight, the
Christian Science Monitor reported in its Thursday editions.

The paper, citing interviews with two unnamed air traffic
controllers, said the pilot was apparently triggering a "push to
talk" switch in the cockpit, probably on the plane's steering wheel,
known as a yoke.

"The button was being pushed intermittently most of the way to New
York," one of the controllers told the newspaper. "He wanted us to
know something was wrong. When he pushed the button and the terrorist
spoke, we knew. There was this voice that was threatening the pilot
and it was clearly threatening."

During the transmissions, the pilot's voice and the heavily accented
voice of a hijacker were clearly audible, the controllers told the

The transmissions were all recorded and the paper said the tapes were
turned over to federal law enforcement officials.

The paper said controllers were first tipped off that something was
wrong on Flight 11 when the aircraft failed to follow an instruction
to climb to its cruising altitude of 31,000 feet.

"He was cleared to continue his climb and he did not," the paper
quoted one of the controllers as saying. "He was given permission to
turn to go around (other airplane) traffic at 29,000 feet. So he the
controller issued a further climb, and (the plane) does not respond.
That was the first indication we had of a problem," the controller
told the newspaper.

The controller handling the plane then tried repeatedly to raise the
aircraft on the radio but got no response. He then switched to an
emergency frequency but again failed to establish contact.

At about the same time, some 20 minutes into American Airlines Flight
11's trip, the aircraft's transponder stopped working, making its
altitude a matter of guesswork. Without the transponder, the plane
was still visible on radar.

"Then the plane turned (south toward New York), and then they heard
the transmission with the terrorist in the background," the
controller told the paper.

"The voice upset him the controller because he knew right then that
he was working a hijack. Several other people heard the voice, and
they could tell by the sound of it, intuitively, that this was a bad
situation," the controller said.

The controllers also said that they heard a hijacker say something
like "We have more planes, we have other planes," although the
statement's import was not understood.

Another controller in the Federal Aviation Administration (news - web
sites) Control Center in Nashua, New Hampshire, confirmed the events
to the newspaper.

"The person in the cockpit was speaking in English. He was saying
something like, 'Don't do anything foolish. You're not going to get
hurt,'" the second controller told the paper.

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
   Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
  339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/23/01 2:48:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< she has usually had a smirk or a closed-mouth
smile...not once have I seen her look solemn, let alone sad or hurt or
even angry, about what has happened... >>

I saw it. New York got what it wanted when the sheeple elected her.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Distaste of Western Civilization and Cultural Values

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

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From: "Isabelle Netto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Objective analysis -- very interesting

See also Edward S. Herman, Professor Emeritus of Finance, Wharton
School, University of Pennsylvania,  critique of globalization
  in which he states:

"In sum, we are in the midst of an antidemocratic counterrevolution
in which globalization and its imperatives are being used to weaken
popular and elected authority in favor of a system of domination by
super-citizens, the TNCs. This process sows the seeds of its own
destruction, as it serves a small global minority, damages the
majority, breeds financial instability, and exacerbates the
environmental crisis. Its destructive tendencies are likely to
produce an explosion if the process is not contained and democracy is
not rehabilitated.."

Centre for Research on Globalisation

Folks Out There Have a "Distaste of Western Civilization and Cultural

by Edward S. Herman
Professor Emeritus of Finance, Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania

Posted 15 September 2001

One of the most durable features of the U.S. culture is the inability
or refusal to recognize U.S. crimes. The media have long been calling
for the Japanese and Germans to admit guilt, apologize, and pay
reparations. But the idea that this country has committed huge crimes,
and that current events such as the World Trade Center and Pentagon
attacks may be rooted in responses to those crimes, is close to
inadmissible. Editorializing on the recent attacks ("The National
Defense," Sept. 12), the New York Times does give a bit of weight to
the end of the Cold War and consequent "resurgent of ethnic hatreds,"
but that the United States and other NATO powers contributed to that
resurgence by their own actions (e.g., helping dismantle the Soviet
Union and pressing Russian "reform"; positively encouraging Slovenian
and Croatian exit from Yugoslavia and the breakup of that state, and
without dealing with the problem of stranded minorities, etc.) is
completely unrecognized.

The Times then goes on to blame terrorism on "religious
fanaticism...the anger among those left behind by globalization," and
the "distaste of Western civilization and cultural values" among the
global dispossessed. The blinders and self-deception in such a
statement are truly mind-boggling. As if corporate globalization,
pushed by the U.S. government and its closest allies, with the help
of the World Trade Organization, World Bank and IMF, had not
unleashed a tremendous immiseration process on the Third World, with
budget cuts and import devastation of artisans and small farmers.
Many of these hundreds of millions of losers are quite aware of the
role of the United States in this process. It is the U.S. public who
by and large have been kept in the dark.

Vast numbers have also suffered from U.S. policies of supporting
rightwing rule and state terrorism, in the interest of combating
"nationalistic regimes maintained in large part by appeals to the
masses" and threatening to respond to "an increasing popular demand
for immediate improvement in the low living standards of the masses,"
as fearfully expressed in a 1954 National Security Council report,
whose contents were never found to be "news fit to print." In
connection with such policies, in the U.S. sphere of influence a
dozen National Security States came into existence in the 1960s and
1970s, and as Noam Chomsky and I reported back in 1979, of 35
countries using torture on an administrative basis in the late 1970s,
26 were clients of the United States. The idea that many of those
torture victims and their families, and the families of the thousands
of "disappeared" in Latin America in the 1960s through the 1980s, may
have harbored some ill-feelings toward the United States remains
unthinkable to U.S. commentators.

During the Vietnam war the United States used its enormous military
power to try to install in South Vietnam a minority government of
U.S. choice, with its military operations based on the knowledge that
the people there were the enemy. This country killed millions and left
Vietnam (and the rest of Indochina) devastated. A Wall Street Journal
report in 1997 estimated that perhaps 500,000 children in Vietnam
suffer from serious birth defects resulting from the U.S. use of
chemical weapons there. Here again there could be a great many people
with well-grounded hostile feelings toward the United States.

The same is true of millions in southern Africa, where the United
States supported Savimbi in Angola and carried out a policy of
"constructive engagement" with apartheid South Africa as it carried
out a huge cross-border terroristic o

[CTRL] E Bombs

2001-09-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

E-bombs from Popular Mechanics Magazine


In the blink of an eye, electromagnetic bombs could throw civilization back 200 years. 
And terrorists can build them for $400.


The next Pearl Harbor will not announce itself with a searing flash of nuclear light 
or with the plaintive wails of those dying of Ebola or its genetically engineered 
twin. You will hear a sharp crack in the distance. By the time you mistakenly identify 
this sound as an innocent clap of thunder, the civilized world will have become 
unhinged. Fluorescent lights and television sets will glow eerily bright, despite 
being turned off. The aroma of ozone mixed with smoldering plastic will seep from 
outlet covers as electric wires arc and telephone lines melt. Your Palm Pilot and MP3 
player will feel warm to the touch, their batteries overloaded. Your computer, and 
every bit of data on it, will be toast. And then you will notice that the world sounds 
different too. The background music of civilization, the whirl of internal-combustion 
engines, will have stopped. Save a few diesels, engines will never start again. You, 
however, will remain unharmed, as you find yourself thrust backward 200 years, to a 
time when electricity meant a lightning bolt fracturing the night sky. This is not a 
hypothetical, son-of-Y2K scenario. It is a realistic assessment of the damage the 
Pentagon believes could be inflicted by a new generation of weapons--E-bombs.

The first major test of an American electromagnetic bomb is scheduled for next year. 
Ultimately, the Army hopes to use E-bomb technology to explode artillery shells in 
midflight. The Navy wants to use the E-bomb's high-power microwave pulses to 
neutralize antiship missiles. And, the Air Force plans to equip its bombers, strike 
fighters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles with E-bomb capabilities. When 
fielded, these will be among the most technologically sophisticated weapons the U.S. 
military establishment has ever built.

There is, however, another part to the E-bomb story, one that military planners are 
reluctant to discuss. While American versions of these weapons are based on advanced 
technologies, terrorists could use a less expensive, low-tech approach to create the 
same destructive power. "Any nation with even a 1940s technology base could make 
them," says Carlo Kopp, an Australian-based expert on high-tech warfare. "The threat 
of E-bomb proliferation is very real." POPULAR MECHANICS estimates a basic weapon 
could be built for $400.


An Old Idea Made New

The theory behind the E-bomb was proposed in 1925 by physicist Arthur H. Compton--not 
to build weapons, but to study atoms. Compton demonstrated that firing a stream of 
highly energetic photons into atoms that have a low atomic number causes them to eject 
a stream of electrons. Physics students know this phenomenon as the Compton Effect. It 
became a key tool in unlocking the secrets of the atom.

Ironically, this nuclear research led to an unexpected demonstration of the power of 
the Compton Effect, and spawned a new type of weapon. In 1958, nuclear weapons 
designers ignited hydrogen bombs high over the Pacific Ocean. The detonations created 
bursts of gamma rays that, upon striking the oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, 
released a tsunami of electrons that spread for hundreds of miles. Street lights were 
blown out in Hawaii and radio navigation was disrupted for 18 hours, as far away as 
Australia. The United States set out to learn how to "harden" electronics against this 
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and develop EMP weapons.

America has remained at the forefront of EMP weapons development. Although much of 
this work is classified, it's believed that current efforts are based on using 
high-temperature superconductors to create intense magnetic fields. What worries 
terrorism experts is an idea the United States studied but discarded--the Flux 
Compression Generator (FCG).

A Poor Man's E-Bomb

An FCG is an astoundingly simple weapon. It consists of an explosives-packed tube 
placed inside a slightly larger copper coil, as shown below. The instant before the 
chemical explosive is detonated, the coil is energized by a bank of capacitors, 
creating a magnetic field. The explosive charge detonates from the rear forward. As 
the tube flares outward it touches the edge of the coil, thereby creating a moving 
short circuit. "The propagating short has the effect of compressing the magnetic field 
while reducing the inductance of the stator [coil]," says Kopp. "The result is that 
FCGs will produce a ramping current pulse, which breaks before the final 
disintegration of the device. Published results suggest ramp times of tens of hundreds 
of microseconds and peak currents of tens of millions of amps." The pulse that emerges 
makes a lightning bolt seem like

[CTRL] Teaching Them to Hate Us

2001-09-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Cc: "ETH list # 1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 6:29 PM
Subject: Teaching more millions to hate us

Teaching more millions to hate us

By Jared Taylor

 On September 11, President George W. Bush explained to us on national television that 
"America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and 
opportunity in the world." Two days later, he spoke of terrorists who "hate our 
values" and "hate what America stands for." The next day, at the National Cathedral, 
he said, "They have attacked America, because we are freedom's home and defender." If 
that were indeed what motivated the men who flew airplanes into the Pentagon and World 
Trade Center, there would be reason for the huge military operation President Bush now 
tells us we need in order to "whip terrorism."

But what the president said about the attacks is not just nonsense; it is dangerous 
nonsense. If our country believes him, and we go to war against Islamic 
fundamentalism, we will succeed only in adding millions more to the millions who 
already hate us, and some of them will launch yet more attacks on us, perhaps even 
worse than the ones we have just suffered.

Does President Bush really imagine Osama bin Laden saying to his men: "Those Americans 
are just too damn free; they've got too much opportunity. Let's kill as many as we 
can"? The idea is absurd. Islamic militants have a grudge against us because of our 
attacks on Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and the Sudan. But the main reason they hate us 
and want to kill us is that we support Israel. Can anyone deny that if we were not 
Israel's enthusiastic backer those thousands of Americans would still be alive? It is 
no coincidence that the two nations against which suicide attacks are now launched are 
the two nations out of 160 that walked out together from the Durban racism conference 
in defense of Israel. To Muslim fundamentalists we and Israel are one and the same, 
and we have given them ample reason to think so.

Fundamentalists dislike us for what we =are,= but they hate us and kill us for what we 
=do.= They despise our loose sexual standards, and many of them have not forgotten the 
Crusades, but that does not make them mad enough to kill us. They kill us because we 
support and finance a country they see as having been illegitimately carved out of the 
very flesh of their Islamic kinsmen. With so much at stake, it is vital that we not be 
confused about what motivates the terror we plan to combat.

If there really were something about the essential nature of the United States that 
made people try to kill us, the president's plans would be justified. Congress would 
be right to appropriate an emergency $20 billion for a war against Islamic terrorism. 
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz would be right to promise, as he did on 
September 13, a "sustained and broad" campaign on the scale of the Gulf War. The 
Senate would be right to authorize the president, as it did on September 14, to use 
"necessary and appropriate force" to retaliate.

But that analysis is wrong, and acting on it will bring calamity. The real question 
is: Why have we so obviously chosen sides in a bitter, decades-long fight in the 
Middle East? Is Israel so clearly in the right that we should risk the hatred of half 
the world in order to support it? With the risks so great, we should understand what 
we are doing with perfect clarity. If we go to war, it will not be because we are the 
land of freedom and opportunity, but because we are the best friend and benefactor of 
Israel. Should we go to war for Israel? Should we spend $20 billion to kill Muslims, 
and thereby expose our cities to inevitable reprisal for the sake of Israel? There had 
better be convincing answers to those questions, but no one is even asking them.

Americans are prepared to kill and die for America; they will think twice about 
killing and dying for Israel. Surely, it is because he dares not say thousands of 
Americans have just died because of Israel that President Bush invents preposterous 
motives for the men who killed them.

But even if Americans were prepared to fight for Israel, a war to "whip terrorism" 
will only =whip up= terrorism. Israel has responded with great force to terror 
attacks, and the fury this provokes among Palestinians leads only to more terror. What 
we are planning will have the same effect, except that the terror will be directed at 

Of course, there is a way Israel could end all Palestinian terror attacks. It need 
only act on the principle President Bush announced on September 11: to make "no 
distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor 
them." By that terrible logic, Israel should exterminate every Palestinian -- it has 
the means to do that. By that logic we should exterminate every Iraqi, Afghani, 
Yemeni, and

Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Saba wrote:
>So what did Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) do - somehow I can never bring
>myself to watch these people for we know they could care less or they
>would not do the movies and things they do

When I got my hair done Saturday morning, people in the salon were even
commenting on Eastwood's appearance on the telethon...Dirty Harry he
definitely was NOT

The only way I can describe it is that he looked like a skidrow bum, and
acted like one, too...he was clean-shaven, but I suspect that someone
quickly found a razor and gave him a shave...too bad they couldn't have
found him a decent suit...

He was wearing some faded khaki-green polo shirt that looked like it had
been fished from the bottom of a laundry hamper, and and ill-fitting
wrinkled brown jacket that looked like it had been dug out from the
bottom of a closet, not helped by the communications battery-pack hooked
to his belt on the side, over which he tried to button the jacket...

Everyone else who performed wore the battery packs outside any jackets,
and in back, not on the side...

Eastwood looked and acted totally 'out of it'...he couldn't even read the
teleprompter properly; a few minutes later, at the end of the show when
everyone joined Willie Nelson onstage and really got into singing "God
Bless America", Eastwood was the only one not joining in, he looked like
he didn't even know where he was or why he was there...

The kindest thing I can think of is that the terrorist attacks really
shocked him, and that he was still in a state of shock...  :-\

>One face in a crowd during Bush speech was that of his wife - if you
>read faces, you saw fear for the safety of her husband and country - she
>was easy to read.

I think it was more than fear...remember that the widow of the passenger
on the PA plane who decided to join with other passengers to attack the
hijackers was sitting next to her...I got the sense that Mrs. Bush
finally got a clue as to what really happened...

>So What did Dirty Harry Do?   And please, no more Stevie Wonder -
>anything but that and that We Are the World shit.

Stevie was okay...he was one of the performers at the beginning, did a
nice ballad, at the end he helped Willie by playing the harmonica and
singing along...all in all it was a nice show, except for Eastwood...


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[CTRL] first NYC's mayor spreads malathion all over New York then this?

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Seeds of Terrorism

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

The Seeds of Terrorism
Excerpt from the talk
We Are All Intimately Related
by Wulf Zendik 1985

"If there is pain and dissension and hunger in the
world and you try to ignore it  or just cavalierly,
philosophically permit it, it’s going to come and get
you. It’s going to come and destroy you. I don’t care
how many followers you have, how small or big your
empire is, how many canoes or battleships or whatever
you have, how many arrows or nuclear weapons, whatever
you have, that pain and privation and suffering from
your fellow human beings will smash your defenses and
get to you.

A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night
and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but
their emotional and physical pain and their
suffering—and maybe their starving. Now that sounds
like it’s on a very pragmatic political
have-and-have-not level. But on any level, like in the
Ecolibrium sense, in the Zendikian sense,
philosophically, metaphysically, you cannot get away
with it.

The Infinite Psychic Field, the whole psychic realm,
is a great vibrational web of communication. It
permeates the Universe and every thought, every
feeling, every pain, every lust is recorded there. And
it’s felt by everything, by all life, simultaneously.
It’s instant. And nobody gets away with anything.

We’re all really intimately related, all parents and
children, brothers and sisters, not only to each other
but to everything. OK, but to keep this simple and
comprehensible, I’m just talking about the human
animal now.

I’m saying you can’t get away with defrauding the
human animal with airhead religious philosophies and
with international corporate manipulations of food
supplies until the people are all just left stupid and

You can’t get away with not caring about the other
human animal’s destiny. I’m talking about defrauding
in any sense. You cannot figure, I’m going to get
mine, and fuck them! If you do, you’re going to be
that way in your relationships, with your man, your
woman, your children. You have to be a loving, caring
person. But to become that, to do that from out of
that world of
hate, chaos and destruction, that Old Society, that
Old disOrder we were all formed by, well, you can only
do it philosophically. You can only do it by adopting
a loving, caring philosophy—that’s what you throw out
to others, your philosophy, it’s part of your aura.
It’s the sociologic aspect of your aura, and others
Feel it, See it, and respond to its Truth and that, in
turn, changes you and your emanations, changes you on
every plane. That’s what Arol and I have thrown out to
guys, our philosophy, our Truth, and you’ve


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: BBC News | AMERICAS | Clinton ordered Bin Laden killing

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

[CTRL] (Fwd) [AlasBabylon] HEADS UP

2001-09-23 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
US Warns Allies
Possible Second Attack This Week

Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001

TOKYO (Reuters News Service) The United States has warned its
allies of
a possible second round of attacks by the end of this week
following the
deadly recent strikes against New York and Washington, Jiji news
quoted Japanese government sources as saying.

The next round of attacks, if really launched, would be on an even
greater scale than those on September 11, which killed more than
people, according to information provided to Japan by the United
Jiji said.

The news agency quoted the sources as saying on Saturday that
the "means
of terrorism" would be "more cruel and shocking" than in the
11 carnage, when hijackers flew airliners into New York's World
Center and the Pentagon in Washington.

The targets of the possible attacks were unknown but possibilities
included members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) and
Pakistan, Jiji said.

The government sources said attacks on Japan could not be ruled
since Tokyo has expressed support for U.S. retaliation against the
September 11 strikes.

The United States has judged that a second round of attacks, if
out, is likely by the end of this week at the latest, the sources said.

Japan's public security authorities have gone on heightened alert
receiving the information from the United States.

Washington suspects that a group led by fugitive Saudi-born
Osama bin Laden has been contemplating attacks using biological
chemical weapons, such as sarin nerve gas, for years, according to

The United States has information that the group has already
small airplanes to spray bacteria causing smallpox or anthrax from
air, Jiji quoted the sources as saying.

Time magazine reported on Saturday that investigators had found a
crop-dusting manual during a search for those responsible for the
attacks on New York and Washington, triggering concern that crop-
planes might be used for chemical or biological assaults.

The FBI in Washington said it had not seen the report and had no
on it.

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

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[CTRL] Herald Sun First shots fired br on Afghan soil [24sep01]

2001-09-23 Thread tnohava,5478,2919672%255E661,00

 Herald Sun First shots fired br on Afghan soil [24sep01].url

[CTRL] Fwd: PAKISTAN, KASHMIR & THE TRANS-ASIAN AXIS (Yossef Bodansky) January, 1998

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

Got so mad I hit the wrong key and forgot to send the forwarded above

Henry Kissinger always tees me off.

Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Bill - that's what I like about are like a membe of the K9
brigade?   You like to look but harmless?

So - when I met JFK in the Govenor's Office when I was a Kennedy girl, I
about swooned - as they say, I brought my American Flag with me though.

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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So what did Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) do - somehow I can never bring
myself to watch these people for we know they could care less or they
would not do the movies and things they do

One face in a crowd during Bush speech was that of his wife - if you
read faces, you saw fear for the safety of her husband and country - she
was easy to read.

Then when the camera went to Hiliary, you saw contempt for you could
read whawt she was thinking - she has a Chinaman's chance in hell to
ever run for president - for I think she has as did her husband -
belongs to the Trashy Tabloids with Gary Condit.

Where is Chandra Levy?   Well, where are the bodies of over 5,000 people
- gone with the wind never to be seen again.

And that short fat dumpy Jerry Falwell - the sins of the sodomists
visited upon the innocents ?   Well it does not work that way.and he
can take that God Bu$ine$$ and shove it - he and Larry Flynt deserve
each other for now is the time to take a good look at both of them.

So What did Dirty Harry Do?   And please, no more Stevie Wonder -
anything but that and that We Are the World shit.


Gary Condit should be tried for criminal neglect in office.hooked up
to agriculture wonder if he knows anything abut the crop dusting which
was mentioned on list earlier.

Every pesticide company in this country is on alert too without a doubt,
ready and able to go into chemical warfare.

What was that in Isaiah?   Will bring a deep sleep upon the people?
More drugs - anyway with the Taliban Buddists destroyed, which went
first - the Buddahs or the Opium fields?

And if the want Osama bin Laden - too late.   It is soon winter and
bears will go into hibernation and spiders now laying many big eggs for
new generation.

Well what would Batman do without Mr Freeze or the Riddler?   He would
be out of businesstoo bad they killed Superman.

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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 9/23/01 4:48:37 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gary Condit just smirked, it was his wife who was flashing smiles like
she was a contestant in the Miss America beauty pageant...

Maybe back in the early 70's!
Condit's daughter though...yow!


[CTRL] a veritable dossier of links re: recent events - exhaustive

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

some of the following relate directly to recent events
in New York City, some tangentially,1024,500310481-500499165-503512081-0,00.html,1283,47006,00.html

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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Saba wrote:
>June mentioned Condit smirked and flashed a smile for the news media as
>he went to the Church of his choosing..

Gary Condit just smirked, it was his wife who was flashing smiles like
she was a contestant in the Miss America beauty pageant...

And his smirk and her beauty-queen smile didn't seem orchestrated for the
media...this was caught by chance as they walked down the aisle of the
National Cathedral and entered a pew,,,of course they had to know that
the service was being broadcast and that they had a good chance of being
shown on camera -- but compared to the deep solemnity, and in some cases
downright tears, of the rest of the people attending the service, it was
quite disconcerting...

As disconcerting as Clint Eastwood on that live telethon Friday night
(but THAT is another subject)...

One would have thought the Condits would have known enough to at least
put on a SHOW of solemnity, if they indeed weren't FEELING solemn about
the event...

Someone else who seems to have a complete disconnect is Hillary
Clinton...I just finished watching the prayer service out of NYC, and
once again she acts like she doesn't give a damn about what happened and
is only attending these events because it's expected of her as the junior
senator from NY...and while she hasn't done the goofy beauty-queen smile
that Carolyn Condit did, she has usually had a smirk or a closed-mouth
smile...not once have I seen her look solemn, let alone sad or hurt or
even angry, about what has happened...

Bill Clinton at least has acted like this has really, deeply affected
himhe perhaps is putting on a good show, but if so, at least it is an
APPROPRIATE show for the occasion...his wife doesn't seem to know how to
act appropriately, to suit the correct action to the appropriate event...


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[CTRL] Fwd: Taliban says bin Laden missing

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

[CTRL] Expose'' Reveals Abortion Practitioner Molested Women (fwd)

2001-09-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Expose' Reveals Abortion Practitioner Molested Women
Source:   Phoenix New Times; September 20, 2001

[Note:  The following expose' reveals the twisted behaviors of a Phoenix,
Arizona abortion practitioner who allegedly molested numerous women. It
includes some graphic sexual language that is not appropriate for children.
The names of the women who filed police reports against abortion practitioner
Brian Finkel have been changed to protect their privacy.]

Carol awoke in her Phoenix home on the morning of March 1, 2000, dreading
the ordeal ahead.

"I'm a grown adult," she says, "and I had made an informed, big-adult
decision with my boyfriend. But it wasn't going to be easy."

The single mother, who's in her mid-30s, had decided to have an abortion.
She made an appointment with the Metro Phoenix Women's Clinic, owned and
operated by Dr. Brian Finkel. One of the nation's most visible abortion
doctors, the outspoken Finkel long has been a lightning rod in the bitter
debate over a woman's right to choose.

But Carol says she wasn't concerned about the philosophical pros and cons
of abortion. She just wanted to have the procedure done safely, so she
could get back to work as an x-ray technician at a local hospital.

Carol's boyfriend came with her to the clinic, where she signed in under
her maiden name (she's divorced) to protect her privacy. Her boyfriend
stayed in the waiting area when she stepped into the clinic's inner

It was in the latter, Carol says, where Brian Finkel sexually abused her,
both before and after performing the abortion.

She says Finkel repeatedly rubbed her clitoris during a pre-operation
pelvic exam, after alerting her that he might touch it. Carol also claims
the doctor instructed her to keep her breasts bared during the abortion,
which she says she doesn't remember because of an injection Finkel gave

Carol says she awoke after the abortion to find Finkel fondling her
breasts in a manner that, to her, was sexual, not medical.

She says a female medical assistant was in the room when Finkel allegedly
touched her clitoris, but that the doctor was alone with her when he
fondled her breasts.

Carol says she immediately told her boyfriend what had happened, then
called Phoenix police from Finkel's parking lot. Phoenix sex-crimes
detective Arthur Haduch met with her later that day, then spent the next
few months investigating the case.

"[Finkel had] both hands on either breast, cupping them, fondling them and
rubbing/massaging them in a circular motion," Haduch wrote in a report
that summarized the allegations.

The investigation included a May 12, 2000, interview with Finkel.
According to Haduch's report, "I told Finkel of . . . the reported
manipulation of the clitoris. Finkel states that is not happening . . . I
tell Finkel that a woman would know when her clitoris is touched, and what
is proper and what is not."

The doctor steadfastly denied wrongdoing, as he did in a recent interview
with New Times.

"I don't like my integrity being challenged," Finkel told the newspaper
September 4. "I've gone out of my way to be hyper-vigilant, to protect
myself from specious allegations such as this one and others."

The "others" include five women who have made similar allegations of
sexual misconduct against the doctor to police, dating back to 1991. One
of the women -- a 24-year-old Phoenix resident we'll call Julie -- told
police in early 2000 that Finkel had rubbed her clitoris, then licked her
genitals briefly during a pre-abortion examination.

Though none of the previous complaints against the doctor had resulted in
prosecution, Detective Haduch concluded in a June 2000 report that, "Based
on the information, Dr. Finkel has established a history of molesting his
patients during his abortion procedures."

The detective recommended that the Maricopa County Attorney's Office
prosecute Brian Finkel on charges of sexual assault and sexual abuse. That
office assigned its own investigator, Mark Stribling, to look into the

But Stribling, a retired Phoenix homicide cop, was swamped last year
working on another case involving an abortion doctor, John Biskind.
Biskind was convicted in February of manslaughter in the 1998 death of a
Phoenix woman after her late-term abortion at the now-defunct A-Z Women's

Stribling investigated the Finkel case when he could, and conducted his
own interviews with Carol and other alleged victims. Carol says Stribling
told her months ago that he'd give his full attention to Brian Finkel
after Biskind's sentencing -- which was in May.

Still, prosecutors haven't sought a grand jury indictment against the

"We are actively following up on a submittal from Phoenix police
[Detective Haduch] concerning allegations regarding Dr. Finkel," Stribling
says. "That's all we're going to say publicly."

Finkel tells New Times he's stunned that authorities still are
investigating him. He blames disgruntled ex-employees, the anti

[CTRL] and...

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

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[CTRL] Killing Umpteen Birds with One Stone - Conspiracy is Fact - Here's some theory...and a 'see ya soon'

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

Killing Umpteen Birds with One Stone - Conspiracy is
Fact - Here's some theory...and a 'see ya soon'

I believe that I now know why the powers-that-be
champion oil even though they know full well we don't
need's not just oil interests...oil rich
regions are, generally, regions of strategic interest
as bulwarks against eastern idealogy - memes dangerous
to the fourth reich's agenda - they are also strategic
against the two biggest non-anglo powers, Russia and
China...they are also areas where, given control of
such regions, the west can have absolute say so with
how most of the world's heroin is used and a junkie, the attitudes of his
hook-up are gospel...bin laden destroyed roughly 50%
of the world's opium crop...a serious blow to
intelligence angencies' plans for the destruction of
the morale of America's home-grown resistance to
tyranny...yeah, just like in the 60's when the Haight
was attacked by chemical warfare...Nixon brought
heroin [a Bush Sr. deal] here to wage on dissent...

lo and behold...the west coast gets, suddenly, 5-10
times the heroin available as before and, lo and
behold, China gets nuclear secrets...

i have much information to pore over having only been
back online for a few days i have garnered a sizeable
chunk...while i am on 'vacation' i will also try to
pinpoint exactly what this bin Laden/Kashmir
connection is, if it is not merely geographic...

y'all hear from me soon...

but first some more posts and some links:,1283,31726,00.html


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Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.....

2001-09-23 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/23/01 12:50:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

> There could be no sane reason not to strip the passengers of their phones.
>  At the very least, the phones would clarify to anyone that a hijack was
>  going on.
>  That means that fighters could scramble as soon as this became known. This
>  is very very fishy.
>  J2

  I appreciate the fact that you see this too.  Presumably the phone call
from the plane that crashed in PA kept that plane from being used as a bomb.
The hijackers would have foreseen this type of complication.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Who Knew About the Terrorist Acts?

2001-09-23 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 3:24 PM

> Dear anti-NWO warriors!
> Here's another article from the Russian press about the WTC attack,
> published in the weekly "Russky Vestnik".  The article can be found on
> our site at:
> Webmaster, Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center
> "Dedicated to the struggle of the peoples of the Orthodox
> Christian world and the Eurasian continent against the
> totalitarian New World Order."
> "Nashe delo pravoe.  My pobedim!"
>   Who Knew About the Terrorist Acts?
>   by
>   S. Ivanov
> Russky Vestnik,
> No. 36-37, 2001
>Translated from the Russian; photo captions are the translator's
>Webmaster's editorial comments are in brackets.
>At the recent worldwide conference on racism in Durban, South
>Africa, a resolution equating Zionism with racism was passed.
>It's interesting that the Arabs who initiated the resolution were
>supported by Orthodox Jews. A vivid illustration of this is a
>photograph of one picketer in Durban whose placard reads: "End of
>Zionism = Peace".
>In this connection the public's attention was drawn to an article
>in the September issue of the newspaper "Stringer" (No. 9, 2001)
>entitled "Unmotivated Explosion". ["Stringer" is published by
>Alexander Korzhakov, Yeltsin's Kremlin security chief and author
>of the scandalous book: Boris Yeltsin: From Sunrise to Sunset.]
>In it we were reminded (and "Russky Vestnik" has already written
>about this twice) that some knew about the impending Chernobyl
>disaster at least 11 days in advance. "Stringer" writes that the
>Novosibirsk edition of the newspaper "Govorit i pokazyvayet
>Moskva" (Moscow TV and Radio Guide) dated April 16, 1986 (the
>Chernobyl explosion occurred on the 26th of April) contained a
>"schematic of a nuclear reactor in which the seventh object is
>marked with an explosion. The seven represents Chernobyl, the
>location of the tragedy."
>  [chernobyl.jpg]
>This strange drawing, suggesting fuel rods in a nuclear reactor,
>with an explosion in the seventh position, appeared in the
>Novosibirsk edition of the Moscow TV and Radio Guide of April 16,
>1986, ten days before the Chernobyl disaster. The drawing is
>placed next to the radio schedule for April 26th, the day of the
>disaster. Note that the explosion is represented by a six-sided
>  star.
>This is why many readers paid especial attention to the headline
>"Americans Saw Satan above the Burning Skyscraper" in the
>September 15th edition of "Komsomol'skaya Pravda". Here's an
>excerpt from the article:
>"The editors of several American newspapers which had printed a
>photo of the World Trade Center engulfed in smoke got a lot of
>phone calls from readers who said that they saw a "strange image"
>in the column of smoke hanging above the WTC. In their words,
>they could see eyes, a nose, mouth and horns in the blue-grey
>smoke. Many announced that this was none other than the face of
>Satan himself.
>The Associated Press, to whom the photo belongs, insists that the
>photograph has not been retouched or "enhanced" by computer.
>Here's what an AP representative said: "On this photo, smoke
>combined with fire and shadows created an image which people
>began to interpret in their own way."
>(The photo wasn't included in the "Komsomol'skaya Pravda"
>article, but can be found on the CNN Internet site.)
>Others called our attention to the date of the terrorist acts in
>New York and Washington. When writing dates, Americans put the
>month first, then the day, so "Black Tuesday's" date comes out as
>"9.11", the phone number of the American rescue service!
>Another strange thing was noticed right after the disaster: In
>the beginning of September the American rap group "The Coup"
>issued a compact disc on whose cover the towers of the WTC are
>shown engulfed in smoke above the heads of the soloists. What's
>more, the smoke spews forth from the same places where the
>kamikadze-terrorists' airplanes slammed into the towers!"
>And God only knows the significance the cover of the advertising
>weekly "Obustroistvo & remont" (Finishing and Renovation), dated
>September 3-9 (No. 34, 2001), published by "Delovoi Mir"
>publishers, featuring a drawing of the World Trade Center which
>has been

Re: [CTRL] check these out on bin Laden/Kashmir connection

2001-09-23 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

--- "Samantha L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Re: [CTRL] check these out on bin Laden/Kashmir

--- "Samantha L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>   Can you summarize the significance of this
> connection for the uninitiated,
> like me?  It would help me understand what I'm
> reading.  Thanks if you can
> help.

i am not exactly sure myself but i wonder...what most
people are probably unaware of is that Kush is in the
same region as Kashmir and Afghanistan and it is ONLY
the place where Hindis have grown some of the world's
most potent marijuana for some thirty thousand years -
a very old nemesis indeed for those who would control
minds for it is this region that stands as an
idealogical bulwark against total nazi rulership of
the collective psyche...the east's defensive mote
against the matrix...what could be the undoing of
American government as we know it and indeed, perhaps
even its borders, is that it is the west coast, the
southwest in general, and much of the Rocky Mountain
populous that stand as a potential idealogical bulwark
from its own government [hence no bombings on the west
coast]...this would be why the east coast powers have
arranged for all independent distributors of mind
altering substances/plants to be arrested or coerced
and replaced with the NWO's program of sleep
deprivation and traumatization [today's federal drug
programs are carried out by gansters  - the very class
they purport to wage war against] ...terrorize the
youth and they will terrorize the is a well
known tactic: it's called the cycle of violence...beat
up on a dog long enough and he/she will become a
killer...all this for those who will not simply go to
sleep with the heroin...if you will do neither then
you will be targeted for re-education which will
usually start with being sentenced to "drug diversion"
psychological indoctrination [forced, of course] into
the ways of robotica...sound like a result of a
bush/pharmaceutical/police/ connection?  it is: the
new nazism...

if you say you do not do drugs then know this: if you
watch tv, are a net junkie, eat sugar daily, smoke
tobacco, or merely get drunk then you are merely
living in a state of mind that the NWO finds desirable
[your brain cannot escape its chemistry] - you will
be, after all, funding them in pursuit of these
items...the new nazism seems to be saying 'smoke
cigarettes and drink beer and nobody gets hurt...'you
will also, hence, be shielded from the realities of
addiction...the foundation of the American empire
[perhaps even the British]...that informational shield
is funded by all who pay taxes...who buy the required you still wanna pay for your own undoing?

as for your question...lemme get back with you...right
now i am stuck a bit on the realization that the
"holy" land has always been the crux of global
conflict as civilization could not be possible if MOST
of the people weren't inebriated, in some way, most of
the time...imagine if we were all awake most of the it ok to use the word 'imagine' it your
cigarette addiction or TV, psychic chains make a
spectator out of you in your own why do
entities like the Bush family continue to vie for oil?
 it is a cover for the fact that it is a drug
war...not a war on drugs but a war to be the main
profiteers from addiction...

> -Caveat Lector-
>   Can you summarize the significance of this
> connection for the uninitiated,
> like me?  It would help me understand what I'm
> reading.  Thanks if you can
> help.
> Samantha
> In a message dated 9/21/01 5:32:45 PM Central
> Daylight Time,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  and this started as a gut feeling!!!
> >
> >
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list.
> Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
> soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
> half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically
> by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the
> spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
> validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
> read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not
> apply.
> Let us please be civi

[CTRL] 9 11 Strategic deception links update

2001-09-23 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

CAVEAT LECTOR: 9 11 Strategic deception links update

"If information will save this nation from dictatorship
and enslavement on the basis of frame-up terrorism
it is this one:"
Dick Eastman

PsyOpNews.comSun, Sept 23, 2001













EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Inter arma silent leges.

2001-09-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

The Lawyers Committee of Nuclear Policy Inc.

War: Metaphor into Reality

September 19, 2001

by Peter Weiss

[ Peter Weiss is President of the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear
Policy and of the International Association of Lawyers Against
Nuclear Arms]

Inter arma silent leges. When force speaks, the laws are silent.
And the more brutal the force, the more complete the silence of
law. This is what most people believe, and after the events of
September 11 it is hard to blame them. But law, particularly the
law of war and peace, does not march solely to the drumbeat of
daily life. If it cannot keep pace with extraordinary events in
the worst of times, it loses its capacity to govern, to provide
the order that is associated with law. Lawyers must therefore, at
times, swim against the tide of public opinion and remind an outraged
populace that even "a war to rid the world of evil" is subject to
the laws of war, both ius ad bellum, which governs the right to go
to war, and ius in bello, which governs the conduct of war.

The first question, then, is, what is war? According to Lassa
Oppenheim, one of the giants of international law, "War is a
contention between two or more States through their armed forces,
for the purpose of overpowering each other, and imposing such
conditions of peace as the victor pleases".

A terrorist attack, no matter how heinous, committed by non-state
actors, is not a casus belli, an "act of war", except in a metaphorical
sense. It therefore cannot justify a state resorting to war against
another state in response to the attack, unless the other state's
responsibility for the attack has been unambiguously established.

But, as is clear from the statements of the President and other
high officials, no such responsibility has been proved, except
again in a metaphorical sense. They speak of making war against
countries that "support", "tolerate" or "harbor" terrorists. Saudi
Arabia refuses to this day to extradite the eleven men indicted in
the 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers, in which 19 US airmen were
killed and 370 injured. Does this mean that Saudi Arabia is supporting
terrorists and that we are or will be at war with Saudi Arabia? A
recent study by the Congressional Research Service alleges that
Osama Bin Laden's organization has bases or tentacles in 37 countries.
Are we, or will we be, at war with all of them?

Nor is it possible to declare war against an unidentified enemy,
which is essentially what the President and the Congress have done
in the aftermath of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
Yet, both psychologically and legally, the use of war terminology
has grave consequences. Psychologically, as shown by the WAR banner
headlines in the days following September 11, it creates a mood of
"follow the leader, wherever he may lead" and makes bloodthirsty
monsters out of normally decent citizens. As one correspondent said
in the Letters column of the New York Times on September 18, "It
is not enough to wipe out Afghanistan
. I will be satisfied with nothing short of a sweeping and devastating
assault on all those countries that train, finance and protect
those whose stated goal is the slaughter of Americans."

Legally, a state of war triggers all sorts of undesirable consequences.
At the level of international law, the proclamation of a state of
emergency, which is normally less than a state of war, allows a
state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, such as the United States, to "derogate" from its obligations
under the Covenant in respect of several basic human rights,
including freedom from forced labor, the right to bring habeas
corpus proceedings, freedom of movement, equality before the law
and freedom from arbitrary arrest.

A de facto, or functionally equivalent, declaration of war, followed
by acts of war, naturally triggers the right of self-defense by
any state affected. The Taliban has already prepared the Afghan
people to fight a holy war against the United States, once the US
makes good on its promise to "end" that state. Every other state
against which military action is taken by the global antiterrorist
coalition in the making will consider itself entitled to respond
with armed force against any member of the coalition. The US, with
its farflung global outposts, military and otherwise, and its long
list of potential target states, is particularly vulnerable in this
respect. Thus, conducting the impending - and necessary - antiterrorist
operation under the banner of war legitimates the cycle of violence,
which it is sure to spark.

Proceeding under a flag of war will of course also have, indeed
has already had, grave consequences in terms of domestic constitutional

While President Bush has not formally invoked the War Powers Act
- Presidents hardly ever do - Congress has made it unnecessary for
him to do so and has approved in advance the unchar

[CTRL] Comments and questions

2001-09-23 Thread Xxx Yyy
First of all a thank you those who post articles to this site.  These articles help all of us  make sense of the world around us.  Trying to synthesize information from the generally accepted news sources, information from alternative news sources which may be accurate and alternative news sources which are disinformation is very much like high wire walking on a mental level, but getting to the other side and finding a new perspective on situations is well worth the effort.  

Two questions:
Has anyone come across interviews dealing with September 11th with Yossef Bodansky who wrote a book on Bin Laden called The Man Who Declared War On America.  The book was recommended but I haven't been able to obtain a copy.

I don't think this fits into conspiracy theory, but I downloaded the free trial of ZoneAlarm and started following up thru Who Is on the addresses given of those who try to gain entry.  The program has been stopping about sixty addresses a day. A day or two ago I decided to follow up on some of the addresses given and was surprised to see that most come from all over the globe...London, Australia,China, Chile, Brazil and some do come from the US. Is there an article I can find on what is occurring?  An article that would also tell me why AOL would be trying to access my computer 14 times in such a secretive way in the past 4-1/2 hours?  I did contact AOL but was just shifted from person to person.  There probably is a very benign explanation for all of this, but I don't know where to look.

[CTRL] Saudis in Flight - What is happening in the Kingdom? (fwd)

2001-09-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Volume 2 Issue 105Jerusalem, Israel
6 Tishri, 5761 *   * September 23, 2001


1. Saudis in Flight - What is happening in the Kingdom?
2. US Bereft of Arab Coalition After Saudi Arabia Backs out

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including hundreds of great and funny insights to current events!

Saudis in Flight - What is happening in the Kingdom?

King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia has been secretly
flown out of the kingdom to his palace in Geneva, Switzerland. DEBKAfile
reports this breaking news exclusively from its Gulf and Middle East
sources. The royal mobile hospital fitted aboard Boeing 757 HZ-HMED
landed in the private VIP section of Geneva airport Wednesday afternoon,
September 19. A palace conclave led by Crown Prince Abdullah, who
effectively rules the kingdom, decided to remove the chronically ailing
monarch to safety, fearing he might be stranded in the middle of a
military crisis arising from the impending US offensive in the region.
The royal hospital plane was accompanied by another craft of the royal
flight carrying the king's family and entourage.

The possibility of a major terrorist attack on the royal palaces being
sparked by the outbreak of hostilities was also taken into account in
Riyadh. A group of princes was therefore carried to a safe place in the
additional fleet of 10 royal aircraft that ferried members of the Saudi
royal family to Geneva.  More than a dozen Mercedes waited on the tarmac
of Geneva International Airport to collect the royal arrivals.

According to DEBKAfile's sources, the Saudi royal airlift, which began
Tuesday night, September 18, is still in progress. Two more private
royal planes are expected in the VIP section of Geneva airport Saturday.

US Bereft of Arab Coalition After Saudi Arabia Backs out

The United States has delayed the start of its offensive against Afghanistan
and Osama Bin Laden, in retaliation for the terrorist strikes in New York and
Washington, because of a dramatic turnaround of Arab support in the Middle
East, DEBKAfile's Gulf and Washington sources report.

Saturday afternoon, it became clear that events in Riyadh had dealt the
final deathblow to the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell's failed
efforts to create an Arab front to bolster the Bush administration's
world war on terror.

The reason for King Fahd secret exit from Saudi Arabia, followed by a
large royal party (see earlier DEBKAfile World Exclusive on this page),
is believed by our most reliable sources to be a palace revolution
sparked by differences in the royal family over support for the US
offensive against Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden's terror network and
other rogue targets.  King Fahd and his Sudeiri faction, including
defense minister Sultan, were in favor of letting the US place assault
forces in forward bases on Saudi soil; the conservative, religious Crown
Prince Abdullah, who runs the kingdom since King Fahd became ill,
overruled him, backed by the religious establishment.

As a result, Saudi Arabia refused to let the US use the kingdom's new
combined air operations command center at Prince Sultan Air Base ne

[CTRL] Bubba's Buds

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


September 19, 2001
by Srdja Trifkovic
So we are at war. Terrorism is the
enemy, personified by Osama Bin Laden. But before America commits its
and risks the lives of its young men (“and women”) to this epic
struggle, a few stables need to be cleaned and some unpleasant
skeletons removed from
government cupboards.  Bill Gertz, writing in today's (9/18)
Times, proves conclusively that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network
thriving in Albania. [Read
the article]
It is not enough to bewail the fact that bin Laden’s rise
was facilitated by the hefty support he received from the CIA in the
1980's. At
that early stage one could justify the policy--mistaken and
shortsighted, as it
turned out to be--by the dictates of the Cold War: your enemy’s enemy
is your de
facto ally, if not a trusted friend. “Blowback” was a risk, but
worth taking two decades ago. But if we are to take the war on
seriously today, it is also necessary:
To acknowledge that throughout the 1990s the Clinton
Administration had tolerated, and effectively aided and abetted bin
operations in the Balkans, long after he was recognized as a major
threat to the United States;
To name the instigators of such policy in Washington, and to
ensure that none of them remain in any positions of responsibility as President
Bush plans his response to the recent outrage; and
To recognize that the Balkan policy of successive U.S.
administrations--the policy that had made this scandalous connection possible
and, in a way, inevitable--was fundamentally flawed, and requires urgent
In the aftermath of America’s “Black September,” it was
confirmed in Sarajevo that the Muslim authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina had
issued a passport to Osama bin Laden at the Bosnian embassy in Vienna in 1993.
The intention was obviously to facilitate the movements of a man who was fast 
acquiring the reputation of a dangerous terrorist.
That the government in Sarajevo was sympathetic to Islamic
militants is neither surprising nor remarkable, of course, but in this
particular case there was an old debt to be repaid.  Osama Bin Laden was an
early supplier of weapons to the Bosnian Muslims. His early efforts in 1992-93
were known to the Clinton administration and quietly tolerated by it.  He was
given a free hand in the Balkans and eventually established a strong foothold
in the heart of Europe, initially under the guise of humanitarian work.
The facts of the case were known to the media.  In the summer
of 1996, the Washington Post confirmed that “the Clinton administration
knew of the activities of a so-called Relief Agency which was, in fact,
funneling weapons and money into Bosnia to prop up the Izetebegovic Muslim
government in Sarajevo.”
It was funneling
troops, too.  The mujahideen had first come to Bosnia in 1992 and
numbered over 3,000 by the summer of 1995.  They included volunteers from the
Middle East, as well as deserters from the Turkish, Malaysian and French
UNPROFOR units.  They never took prisoners: wounded Serb soldiers were usually
Under the
Dayton Peace Accords, all Islamic volunteers who fought with the Muslim
government army were supposed to leave the country. An undisclosed number
remained, however, having been given Bosnian citizenship and permanent
residence.  Several hundred had taken over what was the Serbian village of
Bocinja Donja, in central Bosnia, and provided instruction to local Muslim
forces in terrorist activities.
They first
attracted attention when on December 18, 1995--only a month after Dayton--a car
bomb prematurely exploded in the central Bosnian town of Zenica.  It was
apparently meant for American troops stationed nearby, as revenge for the
sentencing of Sheik Omah Abdel Rahman in connection with the World Trade Center
Two months
later, in February 1996, SFOR units raided the training center of the Bosnian
government’s secret police (AID), located near Fojnica. Several persons were
arrested for preparing terrorist actions. It transpired that instructors from
the Middle East were teaching AID officers how to disguise bombs as toys and
ice cream cones.
Only months
later the Bosnian Connection started making an impact abroad. Reporting on the
bombing of the Al Khobar building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the New York
Times reported on June 26, 1997, that several suspects had served with the
Bosnian Muslim forces and were linked to Osama Bin Laden. From that point on
the United States and its allies had complained periodically and ineffectually
to the Muslim authorities in Sarajevo about the continued presence of the mujahadeen 
in Bosnia.
By late 1999
this connection attracted further attention when U.S. law enforcement
authorities discovered that several suspects who have visited or lived in
Bosnia were associated wit

[CTRL] Media bin Ladens

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


September 22, 2001
by Thomas Fleming
These are dark days for America.  The darkness is so thick and so
deep that it blinds our reason
and clouds our soul.  In our fear we
applaud the President’s maudlin and adolescent speech as a
masterpiece of presidential rhetoric, and in our frustration we are
willing to strike out at
any imagined enemy.  The President, quite naturally, has to balance
our alliance with Israel against the
geopolitical reality of hundreds of millions of Muslims who control
much of the
oil resources on which his family’s fortunes are based.  But this
balancing act should not require
him to repeat the lie that Islam is a religion of peace.  That is an
insult to Muslims.  Islam is a religion of war, especially of
war against Christians, and if Americans do not tumble to that fact,
there is
no possible way of defending ourselves.
Over and over, American journalists of every stripe are
saying this struggle has nothing to do with religion.  Ann Coulter is
an exception. To punish the terrorists, she says, “We should invade
their countries,
kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity,” adding, “We
punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top
officers.  We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed
civilians.”  Like the President, Miss Coulter cannot distinguish between Christianity 
and the religion of Islam,
which not only sanctions but blesses terrorism.
The leftist media watchdogs at
FAIR, in
reporting on statements made by this bloodthirsty little lady and macho men like
Rich Lowry and Bill O’Reilly (who wants to “blast them” all, “doesn’t make any
difference” who gets in the way), observe that for many media pundits bent on
retaliation it does “not matter who bears the brunt of an American attack.”  Some 
people, at least, have not lost their
In our lust for blood, perhaps we might pause a moment and
reflect.  What is the difference between
the terrorists and us?  They obviously
think our policy in the Middle East in wrong, and our government (supported by
a majority of the American people) think it is right.  Is that the only difference? 
Obviously not.  Because they are
Muslims, they think it is right to kill innocent people in order to bring the
war home to the enemy.  We, those of us
who call ourselves Christians, know that it is never right to do evil that good
may come of it.  The carpet bombing of
Dresden was, on Christian terms, evil, and it was an evil unmitigated even by
success.  The intent was to alienate the
Germans from their government, but the result was to convince many Germans that
the allies were savages who would kill all of them if they won the war.  Even Germans 
who hated the Nazis rallied to
the defense of the fatherland.
In Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq, there are many people
who hate their governments’ policies, but they are to be slaughtered, along
with the people who pay and train terrorists. None of those countries has anything 
resembling democratic institutions.  We, however, have free elections, which make
us theoretically responsible for the decisions made by our legislators and
presidents.  From the Coulter
perspective, it is far easier to justify the attack on the World Trade Center
than a war against Afghan civilians.
If there really is no difference between the God who sent
his son that we might have life and the Allah that justified robbery, rape, and
murder, so long as the victims were infidels who stood in the way of the
Prophet’s mission, then the Coulters and O’Reillys are right: Let us kill them
all, take no prisoners, wade in the blood of women and children all the way to
Baghdad.  Hey, we’re USA, the greatest,
the world’s only superpower.  Of course
we can’t risk the lives of our brave fighting men and fighting girls, and if
the dirty little savages fight back, then we should consider the nuclear
option--a few clean little tactical bombs inserted surgically into the heart of
Kabul and Baghdad ought to teach them a lesson.
In time of war, we all lose our sense temporarily, and we
are all tempted to defend the atrocities committed by our side.  But such excuses are 
usually offered after
the fact.  What Ann Coulter, O’Reilly,
young Rich Lowry, and old Bill Buckley are doing is to provide the moral
justification for terrorism and murder in advance, before a single shot has
been fired or a single civilian killed. They already, by intention, have innocent 
blood on their hands.
Whether we like to admit it or not, we are caught up in a
religious war.  To be fair, the Muslims
did not start it.  We did--or rather our
government did, though Miss Coulter would not allow such a distinction.  But the genii 
is out of the bottle, and no
Minister of the Interior (the proper name for the President’s new agency to
suppress our civil liberties) and no trillions of dollars spent on the military
can stick the genii ba

[CTRL] THE Speech, in context

2001-09-23 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 by Joel Skousen
September 21, 2001
Copyright Joel M. Skousen
Quotations with attribution permitted.
Tom Brokow, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather lavished rare praise
President Bush following his Churchill imitating address to the
nation. Everyone, it seems, is caught up in the lemming-like fervor
to go to war against terrorism. Even Bush critic Pat Buchanan said
after the speech that Bush has finally risen to the full stature of a
President. I respectfully disagree. Everything about this speech was
a fraud. Even at the expense of appearing unpatriotic, someone has to
declare the truth: that the "emperor has no clothes."
Bush is no Churchill. Churchill was a master of oratory. He wrote his
own speeches. Churchill's resolve was real. The Bush "resolute look"
was tutored and practiced for hours in front of speech specialists,
helping him overcome many of the normal facial quirks that betray
this President's amateurish personality and phraseology. Bush's
speech was written for him by the slickest team of wordsmiths money
can buy--none of whom have any princi
ples. They write speeches based only on what will sell. Even if the words are true, 
the motives are not. They use a stock format developed to a fine art by the Clinton 
team during prior State of the Union speeches, includ
Carefully crafted generalities that promise something for everyone, and offend no 
one--all the while consciously omitting the specifics that would allow the listener to 
discern the contradictions with reality or principle
s that underlie each statement. My intent will be to clarify those contradictions.
Liberal use of emotional and patriotic catchwords and phrases, like God, prayer, 
liberty, and freedom, without any real correlation to a true devotion to these 
concepts that would make such references honest and without h
Praise for two or three token heroes brought into the galleries for special 
recognition. These people are being used for propaganda purposes and to provide images 
of support that leave no room for dissent or criticism. Th
e Bush team predictably brought in the wife of a courageous passenger, the PM of 
Britain, a fireman, plus the Mayor and Governor of NY.
Special emotional phrases meant to engender the spectacle of robot-like standing 
ovations at two minute intervals. So overdone is this mechanistic ploy that faces were 
dour at having to play along, and most hands were cla
pping in only token enthusiasm. And yet not a soul could afford, politically, to be 
seen NOT standing and not clapping. Even Hillary would reluctantly clap, while 
carrying on a diversionary conversation with Chuck Shumer
1) In response to his query, "Who attacked our country?" Bush said, "The evidence we 
have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations 
known as Al Qaeda. They are the same murderers in
dicted for bombing American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, and responsible for the 
bombing of the USS Cole." This is possibly true, but the US really doesn't know this 
for sure. What this response does is purposely lead
 the listener to a specific blamable subject and allow the US to avoid hitting other 
terrorists that they have ongoing "arrangements" with. Indeed, it is impossible at 
this point to pin the blame on any single organizatio
n because of the cross-connections between all Middle Eastern terrorist organizations. 
Most of the known hijackers can be linked with any one of half a dozen different 
organizations--so take your pick. Bush is selectively
 picking only one because it matches the need to go after Afghanistan and the Taliban, 
which have the fewest friends, internationally, and which provide the best opportunity 
for a big first military thrust that will make
all this war hysteria justifiable.
2) To pacify the public about the long-term dangers of radical Islam, Bush said, "The 
terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by 
Muslim scholars and the vast majority of Muslim cleric
s, a fringe movement that perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam. The terrorists' 
directive commands them to kill Christians and Jews, to kill all Americans, and make 
no distinctions among military and civilians, includ
ing women and children." It is correct not to paint all Muslims as evil, but radical 
Islamic fundamentalism is far from a fringe movement. Indeed, it is very inaccurate to 
depict this radical movement as small and without
 support. It has broad based historical and doctrinal support going back centuries to 
when Arabs set out to conquer and forcefully convert whole continents. It has a huge 
following in all Islamic nations and threatens the
 balance of power within every country in the Middle East. I bel

Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.....

2001-09-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> I think its spreads the terror, which is the point of terrorism. They didn't
> see that the cell phones would make a difference, and for the most part,
> they didn't.

There could be no sane reason not to strip the passengers of their phones.
At the very least, the phones would clarify to anyone that a hijack was
going on.

That means that fighters could scramble as soon as this became known. This
is very very fishy.


> -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
>  -- - -- -
> The police aren't here to create disorder, they are here to preserve
> disorder.
> Mayor Richard Daley
> > From: "Samantha L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 11:58:38 EDT
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] New breeds of Trojan terrorist ?.
> >
> > It just occurred to me, with all the careful planning by the hijackers, how
> > strange it was they didn't immediately strip all passengers of their cell
> > phones.  With this level of planning, it's almost inconceivable that they
> > overlooked this - unless it suited the overall purpose that passengers would
> > communicate with others.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/23/01 9:52:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< > bible codes - not something for the papacy but
> defenitely something for those whose bents are
> alchemical, hermetic...

feeble minded, idiotic, illogical >>

I am reminded that some years ago a "feeble minded" researcher was working on
the great pyramid. He had taken quite a few measurements of the shafts and
passage ways inside the pyramid. Nothing worked until he invented the
"PYRAMID INCH!" Then everything came together for him and he wrote his book.

Most unscientific and illogical.
Logic—a means of terrifing liberals";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] bible codes

2001-09-23 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George


> From: Agent Smiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 13:54:13 -0700
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] bible codes
> bible codes - not something for the papacy but
> defenitely something for those whose bents are
> alchemical, hermetic...

feeble minded, idiotic, illogical";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




September 23, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Despite the mobilization of U.S. forces in
the Middle East and Central Asia and the call-up of military reserves, the
Bush administration says there is little chance of reinstating the draft for
the upcoming war on terrorism.
"The Selective Service System remains in a standby caretaker status," the
Pentagon said in a statement last week.

"At this time, there has been no indication from the Congress or the
administration that a return to the draft will be necessary," it added.

There hasn't been a draft since the Vietnam War.

And although uncertainties exist about the nature and the outcome of the
upcoming military operation against Osama bin Laden's terror empire, experts
see little likelihood that civilians will be forced to serve in the future

"This is not Korea or World War II or Vietnam. We are mobilizing for a
completely different kind of conflict," said military analyst Anthony
Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Peter Singer, military analyst for the Brookings Institution, added, "Unless
this crisis somehow spins out of control and turns into an all-out war that
will force us to occupy one or two nations, there is practically no chance
there will be a draft."

Experts say the United States anticipates no more than 20,000 to 50,000
servicemen and women will take part in the initial phases of the campaign,
and only 35,000 reserves out of 1 million have so far been called into

Pentagon officials and military experts say the kind of military operations
being contemplated in the current crisis require smaller numbers of highly
skilled servicemen and women.

"This is a war that will involve intelligence and speed and skills conducted
by sergeants who have master's degrees and ordinary troops who have had two
or three years of training on very sophisticated weaponry," Singer said.

Every "able-bodied" American male is mandated to register with the Selective
Service System within 30 days after turning 18.

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Re: [CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

June mentioned Condit smirked and flashed a smile for the news media as
he went to the Church of his choosing..

So the hunt now is for Osama bin Laden, who has a new face and figure -
and maybe even lost a limp?

If they cannot find Chandra Levy - well, by now there are 100's of
Osamas and somehow they all look alike to me with one exception, he is
alleged to be a very tall man, six foot sixtall for a Saudi.

Like Scorpion, they only show when the Hunter is asleep.


Gary Condit, House Intelligence Committee - he and Gephardt look like
two well trained clones - Hollow Men.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Just wondering

2001-09-23 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Anybody know if Gary Condit is still on the terrorism/homeland
security subcommittee?

Best wishes

Diplomats are just as essential to starting a war as soldiers are for
finishing it You take diplomacy out of war, and the thing would
flat in a week. -Will Rogers (1879-1935)";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Skolnick- The Overthrow Of The American Republic (Pt.1)

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

The Overthrow Of The 
American Republic - Part 1
By Sherman H. Skolnick

Starting after the multiple bombings of the Federal office building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995, I wrote and then spoke on talk radio about an aborted military coup. Brought home to me, however, was the reality that my fellow Americans had little knowledge or understanding of the masterstroke, the overthrow of government, whether for the good or for evil.   

In the past, had we as Americans been clearly informed by the popular press of a putsch, the overthrow of government by violence, by political assassination, such as to benefit domestic or foreign powers? After all, who benefitted from the political assassination of President Abraham Lincoln if not the British and the French who held the means to swoop upon us at the time from their entrenched positions to the south and north of us, in Canada and Mexico. The British wanted to split apart the nation by aggravating the natural friction between the ideas of the North and the South in America. The French were ready to carve up America as well. Since at least the War of 1812, the British had plotted to take back this continent as a puppet colony with so-called "Americans" again as subjects of the British Crown. [To their credit, Czarist Russia at the time of the War Between The States, or as called, the American Civil War, attempted to aid Lincoln with the Czar's naval fleet coming right offshore the U.S.]   

Look what happened in the decades after the murder of Lincoln. President James Garfield was against the British controlling the growing financial power of the U.S. President William McKinley [the Brits hate the Irish] opposed the British trying to strangle the rise of American industrial power. Their political assassination in the years after that of Lincoln, in its simplest explanation, benefitted British attempts to grab back America.   

Seldom, if ever, are these events explained in this way.   

The Clinton White House with prior knowledge, allowed the Oklahoma bombings to occur, to restore his power following the debacle of the 1994 Congressional elections putting a GOP majority to confront him in Congress. And, with Clinton as a marionette, it aided the Establishment in their continuing propaganda to make common Americans helpless to oppose tyranny by disarming them.   

Two days before the Oklahoma bloodshed, on April 17, 1995, a plane-load of top military brass were murdered when their sabotaged plane blew up near Alexander City, Alabama. It was a real life version of "Seven Days in May". According to federal grand jurors we interviewed, there was an attempt, later blocked, by a grand jury to investigate this aborted coup. It was actually part of a series of events involving twenty four Admirals and Generals, some of the most patriotic flag officers in the history of this Republic. They vowed, under the Uniform Military Code, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton, for his various acts of treason aiding and abetting sworn enemies of the United States, such as Red China and Iraq. If Clinton had them arrested for mutiny, they were prepared, if not assassinated, to defend themselves with their heavily documented charges of his treachery against the U.S. Constitution and the people of the United States.   

Some of the coup plotters, deciding to be out of uniform, took up residence in a Paris suburb. The French CIA, aware of all this, used it to blackmail advantages out of the U.S. government. Such as, to blockade the U.S. Justice Department, itself a highly corrupt entity, from prosecuting some fourteen French nationals, resident in the U.S., who stole U.S. industrial and financial secrets. [The French used similar blackmail threatening to publicize their knowledge of Iran's complicity in the missile attack on TWA Flight 800. Eight top officials of the French CIA along with some 60 other French nationals died in the plane that had been scheduled for Paris. A top official, however, of the French CIA at the last minute refused to board Flight 800. The Clinton White House had a secret business/peace deal pending with the Teheran oligarchs which the missile disclosures would have wrecked.]   

The purpose of several attempts to pull off a coup was NOT to install a junta [pronounced HOON-tah], that is, an evil military dictatorship. Rather, to restore by necessary force the American Republic, which has gone down hill since the overthrow, by the American secret political police, of the U.S. government, by way of the murder in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy.   

In the months and years that followed the Alexander City incident, some ten like-minded Admirals, Generals, and other officials and former officials, were assassinated. Such as, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, Chief of Naval Operations, the highest naval officer in uniform. Such as General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. Such as, former Director of Ce

[CTRL] [] Intercepts foretold of 'big attack'

2001-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has sent you an article from The Washington



Rowan Scarborough


The day before terrorists struck the United States, its
intelligence agencies detected discussions between Osama bin
Laden's lieutenants of an impending "big attack," a senior
administration official says.

 The official said in an interview that the detection
was not discovered until days after the Sept. 11 assault on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The time lapse is
typical of intelligence analyses, in which computers sift
through loads of that day's collection to find valuable

 The detection explains, the source said, why President
Bush increasingly pointed the finger of blame at bin Laden
in the days following the kamikaze attacks. The source said
the discussions were between bin Laden supporters in the
United States and senior members of bin Laden's al Qaeda
terrorist organization.

 As the U.S. military buildup continued yesterday in
preparation for air strikes on bin Laden's adopted home of
Afghanistan, the Bush administration has brought on board
significant allies in its campaign against global terrorism.

 Military sources said Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, two
former Soviet republics on Afghanistan's northern border,
have agreed secretly to allow American special-operations
troops to launch raids from their soil.

 The U.S. Air Force is now operating Predator unmanned
reconnaissance planes in the region. The RQ-1 Predator
relays instantaneous images via a satellite link. It is
being used over Afghanistan to locate military targets and
possible bin Laden hide-outs.

 Mr. Bush spoke to Uzbek President Islam A. Karimov on
Wednesday in the administration's drive to build an
international coalition against terrorism.

 The two Central Asian countries have a strong motive
for helping the United States dislodge the Taliban from
power. The extremist Islamic rulers of Afghanistan
reportedly have tried to spur a militant Muslim uprising in
both neighboring states.

 Pakistan, which borders Afghanistan on the south and
east, has agreed to let American warplanes use its airspace.
This means fighter-bombers on Navy carriers in the Arabian
Sea would have a direct route to targets in Afghanistan.

 The Predator flies up to 140 mph and below 25,000 feet.
Several were shot down during NATO's air assaults on
Yugoslavia in 1999. This summer, a Predator failed to return
from a spy mission over southern Iraq amid Baghdad's claims
it had downed an American plane.

 A Pentagon official said at the time that, "The whole
idea is to use them in high-risk areas. If you lose it, you
don't lose a pilot."

 Officials also said that around Sept. 11, Afghanistan
ordered the scattering of heavy military weapons, such as
MiG jet fighters and tanks. "They are not where they used to
be," said an official. "They moved them up into the hills."

 The Pentagon yesterday continued to direct what could
be the largest deployment of weapons to the Persian Gulf
region area since the 1991 war with Iraq. Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld has signed deployment orders for about
150 Air Force aircraft. The package includes heavy B-52 and
B-1 bombers, F-15, F-16 and F-117 fighters, aerial
refuelers, E-3 AWACs radar-surveillance aircraft and cargo

 The Pentagon will not say where the planes will be
based. Most will likely go to airfields in Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia and Bahrain, where American warplanes are stationed
year-round. Some may launch their bombing runs from Central
Asian countries.

 Two Navy carriers, the Carl Vinson and Enterprise, are
in the region. Two others, the Theodore Roosevelt and Kitty
Hawk, have been deployed and may join the other two in
waters near Afghanistan.

 The Army is also moving ground troops in the form of
special-operations soldiers. These will include elite
Rangers, Green Berets and Delta Force commandos.

 Meanwhile, the Pentagon is starting to spend some of
the billions of dollars in emergency funds approved by
Congress. On the shopping list: new stocks of
precision-guided munitions and improved surveillance
equipment. Together, the systems would be used to locate and
kill suspected terrorists.

 The deployment is adding up to a combined air-special
operations war against the Taliban and bin Laden's terrorist
network. The only way the Taliban militia seems able to
defuse an attack at this point is to meet Mr. Bush's demands
to turn over bin Laden and other terrorists. The Taliban
yesterday rejected the president's demands.

 The U.S. alliance with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan means
that a decade of forging military-to-military contacts with
the Central Asian nations has paid off for Washington.

 In 1995, Uzbekistan and the United

[CTRL] Petition To Protect Our Freedoms

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] Fury at plan to sell off DNA secrets

2001-09-23 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-,6903,556511,00.html

The Observer Front page

Fury at plan to sell off DNA secrets
Leak reveals drug companies' demands | Britain's health files
'could be privatised'
Special report: the ethics of   genetics
Antony Barnett and Gaby Hinsliff
SundaySeptember 23, 2001
The Observer
The genetic secrets of millions of Britons could be sold off to
private drug companies under highly controversial proposals
outlined in leaked government documents.
DNA samples collected from patients during routine hospital
treatment would be stored on a massive national database and
auctioned to pharmaceutical companies, who could use the
information to help develop lucrative new drugs.
The idea has outraged campaigners who fear that such highly
intimate information - DNA could reveal inherited health risks and
personality traits - could potentially be leaked to the police,
employers or insurance companies. Opponents say it would be a
step to 'privatising' the nation's DNA.
Health Secretary Alan Milburn, who has made clear his concerns
about potential developments in genetics, formed a panel of
medical and industry experts in April to   advise on his forthcoming
genetics Green Paper.
But confidential minutes of its top-level meetings, passed to  The
Observer , reveal the pressure being exerted by biotech
companies. Crispin Kirman, chief executive of the Bioindustry
Association representing drug companies, warns that, unless the
industry is allowed to use NHS data, Britain will become 'a third
world genetics country'.
Such warnings will be taken seriously by Downing Street, which
wants to see Britain taking a lead in the new science. Over the next
decade dozens of genetic tests are likely to be developed which
identify predisposition to serious illness.
A number of the confidential papers examine the role of the private
sector, with Kirkman noting that 'the UK population represents a
very high potential source for genetic research'.
He praises Iceland's controversial sale of the genetic database of
the country's entire population to a private company, and floats the
idea   of genetically screening the whole British population at birth
and then again at 18.
However, another adviser, bio-ethicist Baroness O'Neill, warns that
proposals for a genetic 'smart card', like a credit card with an
individual's genetic details imprinted on it, would cause public
concern. Although the cards could be used by doctors to tailor
drugs to patients, the concern is the information could easily be
Other participants want to contract out genetic testing to the private
sector, and allow biotech companies to offer genetic tests over the
internet, raising fears that there will be no proper counselling for
those receiving bad news.
The possibility is also raised that people could test samples from
third parties and use the results for blackmail.
The minutes suggest that the section of the Green Paper dealing
with industry should be placed at the back of the document 'to
avoid giving the   impression that commercial considerations are at
the forefront'.
Dr David King, co-ordinator of Human Genetics Alert, criticised the
proposals. 'It appears that the Government is on the road to
privatising the nation's DNA,' he said. 'Many of the ideas being
floated are driven by commercial interests and profits with ethics
given a walk-on part.'
Baroness Kennedy, chair of the Human Genetics Commission -
some of whose members are furious at being left off the panel -
said she would have grave concerns about selling off DNA.
'This raises some very, very serious questions, and my commission
will really want to look at that,' she said. 'It is the leaching of
informa tion from one databank to another that is precisely what the
general public is afraid of.'
The Commission will tomorrow discuss in public its own draft report
on the use of genetic information. It is expected to recommend an
independent watchdog to oversee the police DNA database of
samples taken from criminals, and tighter rules on consent to
medical genetic tests, making it clear how and by whom results will
be used.
It will also back more rights for people found to be predisposed to
illness, possibly by extending current discrimination law.
Campaigners fear police and the medical establishment will face
pressure to share database information, or that police could use
DNA collected for forensic purposes to research genetic pre
disposition to violence and other character traits.
The latest proposals go well beyond last year's move by the
Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council to set up a gene
databank of 500,000 individuals.
Members of the panel declined to comment. A spokeswoman for
the Department of Health said the meeting was a brainstorming
session and no decisions had been made.
'The Green Paper will consider the social, ethical, scientific and
economic issues of genetics,' she said. 'A wide-ranging discussion
is underway for possible 

[CTRL] Kremlin fears Central Asia tinderbox

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Kremlin fears Central Asia tinderbox
By Ben Aris in Moscow
(Filed: 21/09/2001)

RUSSIA was still undecided over offering practical help to any American
strike against Afghanistan because it fears that this could destabilise the
whole of Central Asia.

Igor Ivanov, the foreign minister, hinted on Tuesday that Russia might allow
US forces to use bases in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, but he
seemed to step back from his remarks yesterday.

The Kremlin is concerned that an attack on Afghanistan could fuel Islamic
uprisings across the Central Asian states which still look to Moscow as the
dominant power in the region.

The most likely centre of operations the United States would prefer is
Tajikistan, which has a large Russian base only 60 miles from the Afghan

The Tajiks have only recently emerged from a five-year civil war and Russian
troops are there to support the local government and ensure stability as much
as to protect the border.

The country is still troubled by outbreaks of violence led by regional
warlords and disgruntled United Tajik Opposition guerrilla leaders, who
oppose the current government.

Thanks to the presence of Russian troops the Tajik government has regained
some sort of control over the country.

However, guerrilla fighters who have been backed into a corner during the
intermittent fighting have begun spilling over the border into neighbouring

Last August, Kyrgyzstan was raided by Islamic rebels coming across the Tajik
border. They captured a group of Japanese geologists who were looking for
gold in the mountains and four US mountaineers who were on holiday in the

With an economy reeling from sustained droughts and its people on the point
of starvation in some southern areas, the tiny Kyrgyz army is ill-equipped to
fight battle-hardened rebels or a sustained campaign against incursions.

The spread of Tajik rebels has also worried Uzbekistan. North-west Tajikistan
includes the head of the fabled Fergana valley, the only really fertile place
in Central Asia.

Alexander the Great passed through the valley on his way to India and
commented on the abundance of melons and grapes, which still grow there.

To add to the confusion almost all the regional nationalities are present in
the Fergana valley with little regard for the political borders artificially
created by Stalin decades ago.

Kyrgyzstan also straddles the Fergana valley, the bulk of which lies in

Afraid that rebels would pass down the valley into their country, the Uzbeks
sent fighter planes into Kyrgyz territory last year to bomb rebel positions,
to the outrage of the Kyrgyz government.

However, the Uzbek fears are well justified as president Islam Karimov, a
virtual dictator, narrowly survived an assassination attempt in December 1999
when Islamic extremists exploded five car bombs in Tashkent, the capital.

Mr Karimov has tried to repress Islam in his country, but with only limited
success. Samarkand, in the middle of Uzbekistan, is an important holy city in
the Islamic world.

Uzbekistan's large Muslim population is concentrated in the Fergana valley,
the scene of frequent police raids where human rights groups say a man can be
arrested for little more than having a beard.

There is an uneasy peace but analysts have been warning for years of the
"explosion of the Fergana valley", a popular and religiously motivated
uprising against Mr Karimov's authoritarian rule.

What the Kremlin and the leaders of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
fear most is a flood of rebel fighters spilling out of Afghanistan and into
their countries.

This would be a spark to set off the tinderbox of religious dissent all along
the Fergana valley.

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without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] How To Devastate The World In 1 Easy Lesson

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

Robert Fisk: How to devastate the world in one easy lesson

22 September 2001

The pilot looked at me as though I was a fool. "Eighteen months? You think it takes 18 months to learn how to fly a Boeing 757 once it's in the air?'' Far below us the clouds of northern Europe passed like a white screen. "I can teach you how to fly this plane in two minutes. At least I can teach you all you need to know in order to become a hijacker."

We had already been through all that is wrong on a commercial airliner. The pilot's cabin door is a flimsy sheet of metal, easy to break open with a shoulder if the pilot should have locked it. Even now, most pilots keep the door unlocked, slipping out from time to time – when the co-pilot is flying – to talk to passengers or go to the toilet. "There's one thing we have to defend ourselves and that's this," the pilot said, pointing to a pouch on the wall. It was the emergency escape axe at the back of the flight deck. "The problem is, hijackers can use this on us if they get in quickly enough."

The flight deck crew had made up their mind about what happened on the four hijacked airliners in the US. They were convinced that the killers had cut the throats of the pilots with their box cutters. "We should have reinforced iron doors with bars that go across to prevent access, and use the floor emergency hatch to leave the aircraft," he said. "Why should we have to allow access from the cabin?"

The co-pilot had laid the maps across his lap. His colleague tut-tutted. "A hijacker doesn't need these maps,'' he said. "All he needed to do was code in the exact location of the World Trade Centre twin towers. On automatic pilot, the plane will follow those instructions, he switches off the transponder [which identifies the aircraft for ground control], this knob – and the plane will head for his chosen destination.'' The pilot leaned forward. The code word for the setting was punched in as "FISK" along with a series of numbers – the imaginary co-ordinates of down-town Manhattan (in this case, 123456789) – so that the plane would fly itself to its "target".

"The hijacker probably couldn't put an airliner through a take-off – but he doesn't have to," the pilot said. "The hijackers in America let the flight deck crew do that. They wait until the 757 is at its cruising altitude, say 35,000ft, then they burst into the cabin, murder the pilot and take over. Most of their work has already been done for them."

A pattern of lit-up towns emerge in the darkness below us. "Your hijacker has now reached the area west of New York, and he lets the plane take him to within sight of the city," The pilot continues. "Then he just presses this button to cut the automatic pilot and flies the plane himself. He can see the twin towers. In broad daylight it's easy – every pilot into New York would see the trade centre. Then he pushes the wheel forward and starts his dive."

European pilots have already discussed the last moments of the two aircraft to hit the twin towers. They have studied the photographs, listened to the videotapes. On the flight deck of the plane on which I was travelling, the crew had a set of magazine photos of the last moments of the two American airliners.

"On the videotape that was made of the first plane to hit, you can clearly hear the twin engines," the pilot says. "They are so loud that someone in the street looks up. They are overpowered, they were never meant to be flying the plane that fast, they are under immense pressure," and he makes a noise like a jet through his teeth. "The way the plane is plunging – he's pushing it down with the wheel [control stick] remember, it's now flying way forward of its permitted speed. I reckon that first aircraft hit the tower at maybe 900, even 1,000kph."

The co-pilot suddenly asks: "You know why these people suddenly jumped from the windows of the building? That wasn't gasoline that had burned into the buildings, the kind you use in a car. That jet was carrying around 20,000 gallons of aviation fuel which is the same as kerosene.

"Ordinary gasoline will burn you, but kerosene burns so ferociously, it's much hotter ... They jumped because of the pain.'' 

[CTRL] Grave robbers' looted shops under towers

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


in_review_text_id=410587">Grave robbers' looted shops under towers

by Valentine Low in New York
Shops and restaurants in the underground mall beneath the World Trade Center
were looted in the days after last Tuesday's terrorist attack, it was
reported today.

New York detectives are investigating whether the looting, discovered by the
National Guard, was carried out by rescue workers in the wake of the

A warren of wide subterranean passageways beneath number 5 World Trade Center
somehow survived the collapse of the twin towers, and it is believed the
looting started soon after the fires in the upper storeys of the building
were put out.

Captain Vincent J Heintz, a commander in the New York National Guard, said
the looting carried on into this week. "There have been people down here
trying to steal from a mass grave," he said. "They are grave robbers."

The looters picked through a Tourneau watch shop, raided cases of designer
sunglasses in another store, tried to prise open at least one cash register
and even got into the service room behind a row of cashpoint machines.

However, the steel safes prevented them from making off with any money. Two
men, one of them a former prison officer who was posing as a police officer,
have already been charged with stealing two watches from the Tourneau shop.

The intact shops and restaurants one level below ground were likened by the
New York Times to a modern Pompeii - a moment in the life of New York frozen
in time.

The paper described how inside Sunglass Hut International, an employee's
breakfast - "three link sausages and a moldy entree with a fork standing
upright" still stood on the counter beside the cash register.

The news-stands still hold stacks of the papers from the morning of the
attack. At the cashpoint a customer's receipt for a $100 withdrawal - made at
8.51am on 11 September - protruded from the machine.

Daniel Castleman, chief of the district attorney's investigations division,
said the looting appeared to be limited to a few shops under one building.
"It's not a situation of everyone walking in and stuffing their pockets," he

"It could be one guy who was very determined, and got his hands on some
merchandise. At this point we don't have evidence of who it was, when it was,
or precisely what was taken, and the police department, understandably, has
taken an interest in it."

Deputy police commissioner Thomas Antenen said: "We arrested two looters last
week, and have received these reports of other missing property. We are
looking into it."

Captain Heintz said: "They could have been police officers, they could have
been firefighters, they could have been contractors or National Guardsmen."

They were, however, unlikely to have been civilians, because it is virtually
impossible for unauthorised people to get through the strict security
surrounding the site.

Platoon leader, 2nd Lt Peter Fluker, said: "It was calculated. It was done
with crowbars and heavy equipment and some sharp, blunt objects that were
used to smash open big doors and jewellery cases. They were rescue workers of
some sort."

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2001-09-23 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


TERROR CHIEF: £18m reward for bin Laden
BRITISH intelligence agents have discovered the position of terror
chief Osama bin Laden.
A specialist MI6 squad — some working undercover in Afghanistan
— traced the Al-Queda leader to a desolate region close to the
town of Jalalabad on the country's north-east border with Pakistan.
PM Tony Blair's official spokesman last night confirmed: "Bin Laden
is in Afghanistan. We know he is there, put it that way."
When asked if Bin Laden's exact whereabouts had been identified,
he insisted: "We know where he is."
A senior Ministry of Defence source confirmed that intelligence
agents have been "actively pursuing" Osama bin Laden in the north
of the country. He added: "They have been given good information
and are following it up. I understand Britain is leading the search."
The vital new information was passed to Mr Blair by foreign policy
adviser Sir David Manning and military adviser General Tony
Piggott, as they flew to meet President George W Bush in
Sir David is chair of the Joint Intelligence Commitee, effectively
head of MI5, MI6 and the other secret services. Mr Blair then
passed on the information to Mr Bush as they dined in the White
House on Thursday night.
The search for Bin Laden has been led by America's CIA using
satellite technology.
But the remote passes of the Hindu Kush mountains, with their
caves and underground passages, are almost impenetrable even to
cameras in space.
The CIA have NO agents on the ground in Afghanistan. But MI6
HAS maintained a small but specialised team since 1999.
They are nicknamed The ‘Golden Crescent Club' and work for the
‘Global Issues Controllerate'. They are an elite unit of agents who
usually investigate major drugs producers in Afghanistan, Pakistan
and Turkey.
But immediately after the September 11 atrocity in New York they
were contacted and given new orders. They are the closest thing
the intelligence services have to James Bond. They are even
licensed to kill — but only in self-defence.
Downing Street last night refused to deny that Bin Laden has been
But they said he is not yet under constant surveillance.
Armed with the news, Bush and Blair finalised the details of a
search and destroy mission to take out Bin Laden and his terrorist
Meanwhile the US government has put an incredible £18 million
reward on the head of Bin Laden and his gang — dead or alive.
Informants are even offered a place in the witness protection
programme usually reserved for those who squeal on the Mafia and
Cosa Nostra.
By IAN KIRBY, Political Editor

Best wishes

Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between
peoples, for
peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have
and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan
conquests.áThey must be urged to slaughter by politicians who
know how
to alarm them.
-H.L. Mencken, Its State Today, Treatise on Right and Wrong,
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Ripples In The Presidential Gene Pool

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon,3604,556133,00.html

Ripples in the presidential gene pool

What if George Bush Jr thinks he's compensating for his father?

Mark Lawson
Saturday September 22, 2001

The American ambassador to London, a friend of the Bush clan, mentioned in an interview this week that friends refer to the two presidential Georges in the family as "41" and "43", their numbers in the White House succession. Though it is an amusing anecdote, this detail touches on a small but potentially crucial peculiarity in the current international emergency.

Because of the late age at which politicians peak, it has been normal for politicians to ascend to the presidency either as orphans or certainly fatherless. Even the uncommonly young Bill Clinton (aged 46 when he became what the Bush family would call 42) failed to disprove this rule, his dad having died before he was born. And so, in another example of history's liking for big effects, it happens that the first president in many years to have to worry about buying father's day cards has a pop who didn't have to be shown where the restrooms in the West Wing were.

At the time of the younger Bush's "election", this column reflected on the disadvantages of dynasties. Not only did America face genetically descended weaknesses of speech and manner, but there was the psychological risk that both Georges would see themselves as avenging or completing the family's first, failed administration. These theoretical fears are now queasily real. For what were the odds that America's two echoing presidencies would prove to be the only recent pair required to fight a serious war and with one of the same declared enemies: Saddam Hussein?

A photograph was taken at last week's memorial service in Washington of 41 giving an encouraging squeeze to the hand of 43, while Barbara Bush beams the satisfied smile of perhaps the only woman in two centuries to have seen two American presidents naked. This image was intended to be touching, but I think it emphasised the bizarre political and psychological circumstances which now apply at the White House. Because of the doubts about his character and election - which a series of elegantly written addresses have not dispelled - it's common for both 43's admirers and his detractors to voice the consolation that he has experienced people around him. But it's time to think hard about what it means that one of those advisers has the experience of having been his father and of being president.

On the question of image, any paternal counsel given may have dangerous consequences. The court of George I believes that a large contribution to the loss of the White House was the perception that the president was a wimp. Despite the Texan address which he had acquired for oil and political reasons, America's leader from 1989 to 1993 was in essence a quail-shooting East Coast aristocrat. Photo-opportunities involving horseshoe throwing could never chase away the rumour of the silver spoon. His son does a better impression of a Texan, but the accusation of the family wimp-gene pursued him when, on the first day of the terrorist crisis, he seemed to cower in jet or bunker away from Washington. In any Polonius-like speech delivered by the first president Bush to his boy, a key instruction would surely be to sound as tough as possible. We may be hearing the evidence of this lesson in the president's frequent growling about smoking terrorists out of their holes.

Fans of the Bush clan ask us to be glad that 41, a foreign policy expert, is on hand to chat to 43, who a year ago didn't know the name of the leader of Pakistan. But how pleased should we be? For it is the deepest regret of President George HW Bush that he showed restraint towards Iraq at the end of the Gulf war and failed to finish off Saddam Hussein.

In 1991, American foreign policy was moderated by the shadow of a previous over-reaction in Vietnam. The danger now is the opposite: that military reaction may be inflamed by the perception of a previous under-reach. We may come to regret that the current US commander-in-chief's bloodline foreign adviser is almost bound to counsel the dangers of having any missiles left in the silos at the end. The consequences of some Freudian compensation for the failures of the father could be horrifying.

There is, though, one area in which we should hope that a father-son dialogue is taking place. Attributed to the first President Bush is a joke which may have alienated some crucial rightwing voters. Entering a Republican party "prayer breakfast", he's alleged to have wisecracked: "I'm the only person in this room who's only been born once." This resistance to the biblical literalism of right-wing American politics could now be a useful cooling whisper in the ear of his son, who leads an administration packed with born-agains including himself and who may know too well the theology of Armageddon.

Both 41 and 43 will be aware that there h

[CTRL] Saudi Arabia Rejects U.S. Request

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sunday September 23 9:01 AM ET

Saudi Arabia Rejects U.S. Request
By TAREK AL-ISSAWI, Associated Press Writer

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Saudi Arabia, apparently concerned about
possible strikes on a fellow Arab state, has rejected a U.S. request to use
its air bases for an offensive against terrorism, a Saudi official said

In Washington, the State Department praised Saudi military cooperation and
said it looked forward to continued assistance from the kingdom. A diplomat
in Riyadh said the two sides were still negotiating.

America is preparing to retaliate for the Sept. 11 terror attacks in the
United States.

Washington blames a pan-Arab network of Islamic militants led by exiled Saudi
dissident Osama bin Laden for the attacks on New York and Washington that
left more than 6,000 people missing or dead. Officials indicate a strike on
Afghanistan, where bin Laden has found a haven, could come at any time.

Saudi officials, though, say the United States cannot use the Prince Sultan
Air Base, south of the Saudi capital Riyadh, for U.S. retaliatory attacks.
Last week the commander of the U.S. Central Command's air operations, Air
Force Lt. Gen. Charles Wald, shifted his operations from South Carolina to
the base.

``Saudi Arabia will not accept any infringement on its national sovereignty,
but it fully backs action aimed at eradicating terrorism and its causes,''
said the official, who refused to be identified further.

A diplomat in Riyadh, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Saudis
were negotiating with the United States over the anti-terrorism campaign. The
concern appeared to be the possibility other Arab states would be targeted.

In the past, Washington has accused Yemen, Sudan and Iraq of harboring
terrorists. People in those countries now fear a U.S. attack.

The Saudis were pushing for a multilateral campaign that would allow them
some influence over the targets of American retaliation, the diplomat said.

In Washington, a State Department official said Sunday that ``Saudi military
cooperation with our international effort has been excellent.''

The official noted that President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell
have said ``there will be many facets to our international effort to bring to
justice those responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, including efforts in law
enforcement, diplomacy and international finance. As we move forward, we will
be looking to the Saudis and others for assistance in these efforts.''

The United States and Saudi Arabia have been close allies for more than half
a century. U.S. troops have remained in the kingdom since leading the
multinational coalition that ended Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1991

Saudi Arabia hosts about 4,500 U.S. military personnel and an undisclosed
number of warplanes at Prince Sultan Air Base. U.S. warplanes patrolling a
no-fly zone over southern Iraq take off from Saudi Arabia.

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[CTRL] Intercepts foretold of 'big attack'

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Intercepts foretold of 'big attack'
By Rowan Scarborough

 The day before terrorists struck the United States, its intelligence
agencies detected discussions between Osama bin Laden's lieutenants of an
impending "big attack," a senior administration official says.
 The official said in an interview that the detection was not discovered
until days after the Sept. 11 assault on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon. The time lapse is typical of intelligence analyses, in which
computers sift through loads of that day's collection to find valuable
 The detection explains, the source said, why President Bush increasingly
pointed the finger of blame at bin Laden in the days following the kamikaze
attacks. The source said the discussions were between bin Laden supporters in
the United States and senior members of bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist
 As the U.S. military buildup continued yesterday in preparation for air
strikes on bin Laden's adopted home of Afghanistan, the Bush administration
has brought on board significant allies in its campaign against global
 Military sources said Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, two former Soviet
republics on Afghanistan's northern border, have agreed secretly to allow
American special-operations troops to launch raids from their soil.
 The U.S. Air Force is now operating Predator unmanned reconnaissance
planes in the region. The RQ-1 Predator relays instantaneous images via a
satellite link. It is being used over Afghanistan to locate military targets
and possible bin Laden hide-outs.
 Mr. Bush spoke to Uzbek President Islam A. Karimov on Wednesday in the
administration's drive to build an international coalition against terrorism.
 The two Central Asian countries have a strong motive for helping the
United States dislodge the Taliban from power. The extremist Islamic rulers
of Afghanistan reportedly have tried to spur a militant Muslim uprising in
both neighboring states.
 Pakistan, which borders Afghanistan on the south and east, has agreed to
let American warplanes use its airspace. This means fighter-bombers on Navy
carriers in the Arabian Sea would have a direct route to targets in
 The Predator flies up to 140 mph and below 25,000 feet. Several were
shot down during NATO's air assaults on Yugoslavia in 1999. This summer, a
Predator failed to return from a spy mission over southern Iraq amid
Baghdad's claims it had downed an American plane.
 A Pentagon official said at the time that, "The whole idea is to use
them in high-risk areas. If you lose it, you don't lose a pilot."
 Officials also said that around Sept. 11, Afghanistan ordered the
scattering of heavy military weapons, such as MiG jet fighters and tanks.
"They are not where they used to be," said an official. "They moved them up
into the hills."
 The Pentagon yesterday continued to direct what could be the largest
deployment of weapons to the Persian Gulf region area since the 1991 war with
Iraq. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has signed deployment orders for
about 150 Air Force aircraft. The package includes heavy B-52 and B-1
bombers, F-15, F-16 and F-117 fighters, aerial refuelers, E-3 AWACs
radar-surveillance aircraft and cargo planes.
 The Pentagon will not say where the planes will be based. Most will
likely go to airfields in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, where American
warplanes are stationed year-round. Some may launch their bombing runs from
Central Asian countries.
 Two Navy carriers, the Carl Vinson and Enterprise, are in the region.
Two others, the Theodore Roosevelt and Kitty Hawk, have been deployed and may
join the other two in waters near Afghanistan.
 The Army is also moving ground troops in the form of special-operations
soldiers. These will include elite Rangers, Green Berets and Delta Force
 Meanwhile, the Pentagon is starting to spend some of the billions of
dollars in emergency funds approved by Congress. On the shopping list: new
stocks of precision-guided munitions and improved surveillance equipment.
Together, the systems would be used to locate and kill suspected terrorists.
 The deployment is adding up to a combined air-special operations war
against the Taliban and bin Laden's terrorist network. The only way the
Taliban militia seems able to defuse an attack at this point is to meet Mr.
Bush's demands to turn over bin Laden and other terrorists. The Taliban
yesterday rejected the president's demands.
 The U.S. alliance with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan means that a decade of
forging military-to-military contacts with the Central Asian nations has paid
off for Washington.
 In 1995, Uzbekistan and the United States signed an agreement to conduct
joint military exercises. The former Soviet republic has hosted Army
commandos who adv

[CTRL] Investigators Identify 4 to 5 Groups Linked to Bin Laden Operating in U.S.

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Investigators Identify 4 to 5 Groups Linked to Bin Laden Operating in U.S.
No Connection Found Between 'Cell' Members and 19 Hijackers, Officials Say

By Bob Woodward and Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, September 23, 2001; Page A01

Four to five al Qaeda groups have operated in the United States for the last
several years, but investigators have not yet found any connection between
them and any of the 19 hijackers responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks,
according to government officials.

The groups, called "cells" by the FBI, are under intensive government
surveillance. The FBI has not made any arrests because the group members
entered the country legally in recent years and have not been involved in
illegal activities since they arrived, the officials said.

Government officials say they do not know why the cells are here, what their
purpose is or whether their members are planning attacks. One official even
described their presence as "possibly benign," though others have a more
sinister interpretation and give assurances that measures are in place to
protect the public.

Al Qaeda, Arabic for "the Base," is a loose confederation of extremist
Islamic groups led by Saudi fugitive millionaire Osama bin Laden, whom
President Bush and other government officials have publicly charged with
responsibility for the New York and Washington attacks.

There has been widespread fear and speculation about other al Qaeda groups in
the United States, but officials say they have no specific information about
their plans.

"They are so good at compartmentalizing," an official said yesterday, noting
and anguishing over the difficulty of finding clear links among the cells.
The officials declined to identify the cities where the al Qaeda groups are

Investigators are finding a highly unusual degree of discipline and patience
in the groups, which usually number fewer than a dozen individuals. One of
the central questions the FBI has been struggling with is why the groups have
stayed in the United States. One official speculated that they could be here
to gather intelligence or to support or execute terrorist attacks. It is also
possible, the official said, the cells are here to earn money because the
United States is one of the few countries where entry is easy and jobs are
readily available.

The members of al Qaeda have a level of commitment and zeal that is not
easily understood in the United States. While in training, they sign an
agreement called a bayat. They agree to go to a country on which a jihad has
been declared and wait to be called upon to undertake a task, according to
testimony at the recent New York City trial of bin Laden associates who were
convicted of bombing the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

"You swear to agree about the jihad, listen to the emir . . . and do whatever
work they ask you in group, you have to do it," said the government's prime
witness, Jamal Ahmed Mohamed al-Fadl. "If they ask me to go anywhere in the
world for specific mission or target, I have to listen. . . . They say when
you make bayat and you agree about the al Qaeda and about the war, anything."

The domestic al Qaeda groups operate in a similar fashion to the hijackers
who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks: They stick together, moving among
inexpensive hotels, motels and apartments, and keeping largely to themselves.

Although officials have not connected these groups to the hijackers, they
have made a connection among the four teams of hijackers. The FBI has
identified Mohamed Atta, the 33-year-old Egyptian who authorities say piloted
one of jetliners that hit the World Trade Center, as the main figure
connecting the four teams of hijackers that commandeered the planes. One
official called him "the axle" who apparently coordinated the attacks.

The members of the al Qaeda groups in the United States were in some cases
initially identified by the CIA through intelligence gathered abroad that
connected specific individuals to bin Laden or the al Qaeda network. Under an
agreement, the CIA passes this information to the FBI, which then launches
investigations and surveillance within the United States. Over the last two
years, the CIA has provided the FBI with approximately 100 names of people
associated with the al Qaeda network who have entered the country legally in
most cases.

Over the years, some of the al Qaeda members and other identified associates
of terrorist groups in the United States have been subjects of investigation,
but their cases were closed because no crimes were uncovered.

At least two of the hijackers, Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, were on a
watch list generated by this CIA-FBI liaison a month before the attacks.
Officials said that those names were not connected to any other known bin
Laden associates in the United States, including the four or five operating



2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sun Sep 23 2001 09:01:21 ET
New York -- U.S. officials are compiling what one called "growing" evidence
that other hijackings may have been planned for September 11th. Officials
from both the government and the airline industry tell TIME that a knifelike
weapon was found on each of two separate Delta Airlines aircraft later that
day, although neither plane took off due to the nationwide grounding after
the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks on hijacked United and American
airlines planes. This story appears in Monday's issue of TIME.


Government sources would not describe in detail the nature of the weapons
found on the Delta flights last week, but one official disclosed that another
weapon was discovered on at least one other aircraft, owned by a fourth
airline. The government official refused to name that carrier.

Investigators are not yet certain how these weapons came to be on board the
aircraft. But they increasingly believe that the weapons may have been
prepositioned by accomplices for use by others. As one US official told TIME,
"These look like inside jobs."

The new evidence is causing officials to broaden their investigative and
security efforts to encompass not only the carry-on bag screening system but
the entire aviation security apparatus at U.S. airports. The new evidence
raises the worrisome possibility that the hijackers may have had accomplices
deep within the 'secure' areas of airports -- that may include the shops and
restaurants in the terminal behind the metal detectors, or amongst the
thousands of people who work in catering, fueling or cleaning aircraft; or
anyone who might have access to the airplane before takeoff.

Partly as a consequence, officials tell TIME, the FAA ordered all U.S.
airlines on Wednesday to immediately check every single employee on their
payrolls against the FBI's watch list of possible suspects. The FAA is also
expected to take other actions within days, including possibly revoking
contracts with airport security companies or requiring background checks on
all airport security personnel.

The senior official confirmed that the air traffic system is on such a hair
trigger that military jets have been scrambled more than a dozen times since
Sept 11th to investigate other possible hijackings -- all of which turned out
to be routine mistakes such as transponder problems, the temporary loss of
radio contact between an aircraft and the air traffic controllers, or
airplanes straying slightly off their intended flight paths.


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[CTRL] Revealed: British plan for Afghan onslaught

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Revealed: British plan for Afghan onslaught

Kamal Ahmed in London, Peter Beaumont in Washington and Ed Vulliamy in New
Sunday September 23, 2001
The Observer

BRITISH troops will lead an international coalition alongside America to wage
war on Afghanistan in the next 10 days as security and intelligence sources
indicated last night that the net was tightening on Osama bin Laden, the
prime suspect behind the terrorist attacks on America.
With an attack now imminent and American warplanes arriving in neighbouring
Uzbekistan ahead of the first wave of strikes, security sources in Britain
and America said that they were now concentrating their investigation into
bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist organisation in the north and west of

Five terrorist camps around Jalalabad will be the focus of the military
campaign, which Ministry of Defence officials last night revealed was now in
the 'final stages' of planning.

Sources said that any action by ground troops would be preceded by bombing in
the terrorist camps' region. There were unconfirmed reports last night that
Special Air Service (SAS) troops were already in northern Afghanistan,
working with the anti-Taliban alliance that controls the area.

With America now on a war footing and Britain emerging as its most potent war
partner, 13 British warships travelled through the Suez canal yesterday and
steamed for the Gulf .

In the largest military mobilisation since the Gulf War 10 years ago, the
White House also revealed that a third aircraft carrier, B-52 bombers and
warships capable of launching ground-attack Tomahawk cruise missiles had
moved into the area to prepare for attack.

Yesterday Bush chaired a National Security Council meeting to complete plans
for military action, which could come as early as Thursday. Later today the
President will join advisers from the special operations arm of the US
Marines at the presidential retreat at Camp David.

It is believed that the coalition force will be led by America with military
support and troops from specialist units in Britain and France. Russia will
provide logistical support. Tony Blair is on the verge of signing the order
agreeing to the use of British troops.

Britain and America now believe that bin Laden is still in Afghanistan,
contrary to reports that he had fled to China or Chechnya. 'Bin Laden is in
Afghanistan,' the Prime Minister's official spokesman said. 'We know he is
there, put it that way.' His words reflected those of Colin Powell, the US
secretary of state and key military planner in the White House, who said that
there was a 'presumption' that the man who has become a hate figure for many
in the West was still in the country.

Although British officials said that the ultimatum to the Taliban authorities
that bin Laden must be expelled from Afghanistan was 'open ended', it was
made clear that with winter approaching military action needed to be rapid.

It is believed that bin Laden is hiding in a network of camps in the
north-west of Afghanistan. The camps at Darunta, Bhesud, Jaji-Maydan, Khost
and Tani are well known to the CIA and could be bombed from the air. Senior
Whitehall sources said that military programmes could only be put in place
when 'the outcome was clear', a reference to Bill Clinton's policy of bombing
Afghan camps with cruise missiles in 1998 - which failed to capture or kill
bin Laden.

Downing Street said that any action would now take a 'twin track' approach,
with the first phase concentrating on finding bin Laden and breaking down the
al-Qaeda organisation, and the second phase concentrating on the fight
against world terrorism.

In a clear indication that the Government is planning to put Britain onto a
war footing, Downing Street has sent a request to all departments asking them
to draw up legislation in case of 'national emergency'. Plans are being
prepared in the areas of extradition, anti-terrorism legislation and crime to
allow the Government to act more swiftly against people suspected of being
linked to terrorist organisations.

The move reflects similar action taken during the Gulf War when internment
powers were used to imprison up to 100 Iraqis and Palestinians. Many later
successfully sued the Government for wrongful imprisonment. The disclosure of
the allied plans for war came as tensions in the region heightened
dramatically yesterday.

Despite earlier contradictory statements, officials from Afghanistan's ruling
Taliban said they had established that their forces had downed a pilotless
drone aircraft over Tashkurghan with machinegun fire as well as a helicopter
near Dara-i-Suf.

Both areas are in Samangan, about 150 miles north-west of Kabul, where the
anti-Taliban commander General Rashid Dostum reported that his force of
minority Uzbek fighters had made advances against the Taliban.

Mystery surrounded the origin of the spy plane. A s

[CTRL] William Of Orange Funded By The Pope

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

William of Orange 'funded by the Pope' John Follain, Rome 

DOCUMENTS discovered in Vatican archives suggest that William of Orange, the Protestant hero who ascended the English throne in 1689, was in the pay of the Pope. 

William, known as "King Billy", has been revered by generations of Ulstermen for his part in driving James II from power and ending Roman Catholic rule in England. Three centuries later, his role is still celebrated in the name of Northern Ireland's loyalist Orange Order. 

In a new book, two Italian historians claim Innocent XI, who became pope in 1676, gave substantial amounts of money to William in the hope of securing himself a secret and powerful ally within the Protestant camp. The pontiff was apparently keen to see the end of James II, whom he regarded as being too close to Louis XIV of France, whose relations with the Vatican had long been poor. 

The book, Imprimatur, says the Vatican sent an estimated 150,000 scudi to William in the 1660s via intermediaries close to the wealthy family of Benedetto Odescalchi, as Innocent was known before he became pope. The amount was equal to the Vatican's annual budget deficit and equivalent to more than £3.5m today. 

The transfers are detailed in volumes kept for centuries in the cellar of a palace belonging to the Odescalchi family. They have recently been made available to scholars. 

"It's very likely the Pope went on supporting William because Rome disapproved of James's aggressively Catholic policies, and saw him as too close to Louis XIV of France, who clashed with Rome," said Francesco Sorti, co-author of the book. "The Vatican managed to keep the secret for so long by destroying many of the documents. It was simply impossible for the Roman Catholic church to admit that a pope had played an important role in the Glorious Revolution." 

The documents on which the book draws also show that William offered to repay the loan in 1689 by handing over to Rome his personal fiefdom of Orange in southern France. The Vatican rejected the offer, apparently because Innocent had died a few months earlier and it did not want his financial links with William to become public knowledge. 

Historians have long debated whether the Pope was involved in helping William's accession to the English throne. Cecil Kilpatrick, archivist for the Orange Order, acknowledged, however, that there had already been some embarrassing indications of ties between the two. 

"In the 1930s, a portrait of William against a backdrop of onlookers was installed at Stormont, the Northern Ireland parliament," Kilpatrick said. "They found that in the background there were various faces looking in, and one of them was Pope Innocent. They had to get rid of it." 

Irish historians said this weekend they were not surprised by the revelations. "The politics of Europe was in a state of flux, the Pope wanted his way, and if he had to support a Protestant, William, to get his way, why not?" said the Rev Brian Kennaway, a Belfast-based historian. 

Eamon Duffy, author of Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes, agreed that the idea was a possibility. "It is widely accepted, because of James's indebtedness to France, that the Pope was actually relieved when James fell," he said. 

Others were more sceptical, however. "I can't see why the Vatican should fund William as early as the 1660s, given that his political opponents in the Dutch republic were more tolerant of Catholics than his supporters," said John Miller, a professor of history at Queen Mary College, University of London. 

Members of the Protestant community said the disclosures were unlikely to dent the reputation of William, whose forces' victory over James's army in the 1690 Battle of the Boyne is still celebrated by Northern Ireland's Protestants every July 12. "I don't think we're going to see any banners of King Billy being defaced as a result of this," said Ian Paisley Jr, a Democratic Unionist party member of the Northern Ireland assembly. 

"I think quite a lot people would say, well, he wiped the Pope's eye, we'll let him off - he got money out of him. It's good to take money off a person and then kick their arse, isn't it?"

Re: [CTRL] The Most Patriotic Act

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/23/01 6:03:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< The drumbeat now begins, as it always does in time of war: We must accept
limitations on our liberties.  >>

The wife and I took one of our grandsons to the Hollywood Bowl last night and
had our first encounter with limitatons on our liberties. The bowl had hired
private security to search bags and packages being brought into the bowl.

The bowl has a tradition rooted in the mists of time that people come early,
bring a picnic supper and sup on the grounds of the bowl before the concert.

This security while being ineffective, had pedestrian traffic backed up
hundreds of yards and caused all kinds of inconvience. The sheeple mooed and
snorted when I voiced by thoughts on the ineffectiveness of the security.
"Would you rather fight with a terrorist in the aisles?" they mooed. "Haven't
you noticed that the security people are unarmed?, I asked.

Aah, yes. The New World Order has arrived.


Logic is sorely needed these days.";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Let's All Apologize

2001-09-23 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/23/01 6:09:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< >I was also taught that America was founded as "one
>nation under God."

Whose God? >>

Yes, June. This has always been the problem, Whose God? The simplistic answer
is, of course, why my god!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Spy In the Whitehouse.....

2001-09-23 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Saba wrote:
>And then we have Chandra and Condit.hard to tell who was the real
>victim here, one disappears, and the other will soon
>does Condit feel today - how did he feel when he saw the Twin Towers (he
>is a Baptist, you kow) paying the price for the sins of the fathers,
>Jerry Falwell would have you believe.

Well the camera caught Condit and his wife entering the National
Cathedral for the church service held the Friday after the attack...
Condit had a broad smirk on his face and his wife had a wide
open-mouthed, idiot-looking smile, even laughed as they entered the

So I think we can conjecture how both feel about the event...

(Point of fact, Carolyn Condit looked more than a mindless idiot with her
broad smile and laughing, she looked almost psychotic...there definitely
seemed to be a disconnect between the solemnity of the occasion and how
she was behaving)...


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[CTRL] Twin Buddahs & Taliban's Osama bin Laden

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

Interesting item claiming USA and Taliban always secret
lovers..nothing worse than "unrequited love" and this is what
Antares means, the bright red star which burns bright throughout
September, October, and November.

And Amrericans are told we now must sacrifice?   Wasn't the people in
the Twin Towers enough?   Terrorism?   Well, Hollywood profitted before
the fact creating the pictures designed in instill fear in the minds of
our children.

Look to Littleton for major answers as to what is sick in America - and
then look to the top not the bottom.

Oh I hated to hear Tom Sellick mourn his broadway show closed
downand all the theaters moaning  - the Mayor of New York wants the
tourists back to bring money in the economy.

Take some of this money and invest it in America - the people of

Just don't hand me that crap about the Americ to sacrifice any more
while so many prosper at our expense.


Middle East News Online
By George Szamuely
Posted Friday March 9, 2001 - 04:45:09 PM EST

There is something hilarious about the worldwide horror at the Taliban's
proposal to destroy Afghanistan's Buddhist statues, including the two
giant Buddhas in the central Bamiyan province.

The Bamiyan statues date back to the centuries of Buddhist rule that
preceded the arrival of Islam in the ninth century AD. Despite the
protests, the Taliban are in no mood to hang about. Using anti-aircraft
weapons, tanks and explosives, they have already destroyed large parts
of the figures. Western leaders issued statements laced with piety and
sanctimony. Up until two weeks ago none of them had even known that
there were Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. Now they are all aficionados
of museums. However, the last thing they want to be caught doing is
expressing hostility towards Islam.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher called the ancient statues
"an important part of the world's cultural legacy and the cultural
heritage of Afghanistan…. The United States joins...other governments
in urging a halt to the destruction by the Taliban of a significant
aspect of Afghans' cultural heritage."

Following their meeting in Trieste, Italy, the environment ministers of
the G-8 group of industrialized nations issued this gaseous statement:
"Mindful that the diversity of natural and human systems is at the core
of sustainable development, we express dismay and shock at reports of
the edict of the Taliban leadership."

"Afghanistan's rich cultural heritage," the statement went on, "is of
vital importance not only to the people of Afghanistan but also to the
world as a whole." The European Union too got into the act. In a
statement issued in Pakistan by Sweden, the EU condemned the

"The Presidency of the European Union strongly condemns this crime
against the world's common heritage and deeply regrets that it has taken
place in the name of one of the world's important religions." German
Culture Minister Julian Nida- Ruemelin - inevitably - compared the
destruction of the statues to the burning of books by the Nazis. "This
is about a piece of global cultural heritage which the rest of the world
cannot be indifferent to" he declaimed.

UNESCO sent an emissary to Kabul to negotiate a "solution" with the

New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art offered to pay to have the giant
Buddhas removed from the country. There has also been a proposal to
build a giant wall in front of the statues so as to hide them from
Islamic eyes. But Taliban Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil
dismissed these ideas. "We have all sorts of possibilities to maintain
them or to keep them out of sight," he explained, "Our verdict wants
their annihilation." His hands were tied, he explained. Any alternative
to the destruction would fail to satisfy Islamic law: "Our decree is
based on Islamic orders and…we will spare no pre-Islamic or
post-Islamic era statues." "World's cultural legacy," "global cultural
heritage," "diversity of natural and human systems," "one of the world's
important religions"

   - such grandiloquent phrases roll  easily off the tongues of
the guardians of the New World Order. Or at least occasionally they do.

For the destruction of the Buddhist statues is hardly the first instance
in recent times of Islamic intolerance towards other religions. For at
least two years, Albanian Moslems have waged a systematic campaign to
annihilate the "rich cultural heritage" - to use the appropriate phrase
- of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Kosovo. This has taken place while
the province has been under military occupation by NATO and under the
nominal jurisdiction of the United Nations. Yet this destruction has
evoked very little protest and virtually no condemnation.

The Met has not offered to pony up some cash to save precious cultural

UNESCO has not rushed an emissary over to Pristina to undertake urgent
negotiations with the KLA. The loss of Europe's Christian heritage
clearly is a matte

[CTRL] Fwd: [911-Discussion] The Theatre of Good and Evil

2001-09-23 Thread Kris Millegan

The Theatre of Good and Evil
By Eduardo Galeano
from La Jornada September 21, 2001
Translated by Justin Podur

In the struggle of Good against Evil, it's always the people who get

The terrorists killed workers of 50 countries in NYC and DC, in the name
of Good against Evil. And in the name of Good against Evil President
Bush has promised vengeance: "We will eliminate Evil from the world", he

Eliminate Evil? What would Good be without Evil? It's not just religious
fanatics who need enemies to justify their insanity. The arms industry
and the gigantic war machine of the US also needs enemies to justify its
existence. Good and evil, evil and good: the actors change masks, the
heroes become monsters and the monsters heroes, in accord with the
demands of the theatre's playwrights.

This is nothing new. The German scientist Werner von Braun was evil when
he invented the V-2 bombers that Hitler used against London, but became
good when he used his talents in the service of the US. Stalin was good
during World War Two and evil afterwards, when he became the leader of
the Evil Empire. In the cold war years John Steinbeck wrote: "Maybe the
whole world needs Russians. I suppose that even in Russia they need
Russians. Maybe Russia's Russians are called Americans." Even the
Russians became good afterwards. Today, Putin can add his voice to say:
"Evil must be punished."

Saddam Hussein was good, and so were the chemical weapons he used
against the Iranians and the Kurds. Afterwards, he became evil. They
were calling him Satan Hussein when the US finished up their invasion of
Panama to invade Iraq because Iraq invaded Kuwait. Father Bush that
particular war against Evil upon himself. With the humanitarian and
compassionate spirit that characterizes his family, he killed more than
100 000 Iraqis, the vast majority of them civilians.

Satan Hussein stayed where he was, but this number one enemy of humanity
had to step aside and accept becoming number two enemy of humanity. The
bane of the world is now called Osama bin Laden. The CIA taught him
everything he knows about terrorism: bin Laden, loved and armed by the
US government, was one of the principal 'freedom fighters' against
Communism in Afghanistan. Father Bush occupied the Vice Presidency when
President Reagan called these heroes 'the moral equivalents of the
Founding Fathers.' Hollywood agreed. They filmed Rambo 3: Afghani
Muslims were the good guys. Now, 13 years later, in the time of Son
Bush, they are the worst of the bad guys.

Henry Kissinger was one of the first to react to the recent tragedy.
"Those who provide support, financing, and inspiration to terrorists are
as guilty as the terrorists themselves," he intoned, words that Son Bush
would repeat hours later.

If that's how it is, the urgent need right now is to bomb Kissinger. He
is guilty of many more crimes than bin Laden or any terrorist in the
world. And in many more countries. He provided 'support, financing, and
inspiration" to state terror in Indonesia, Cambodia, Iran, South Africa,
Bangladesh, and all the South American countries that suffered the dirty
war of Plan Condor.

On September 11 1973, exactly 28 years before the fires of last week,
the Presidential Palace in Chile was stormed. Kissinger had written the
epitaph of Allende and Chilean democracy long before when he commented
on the results of the elections: "I don't see why we have to stand by
and watch a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of its
own people."

A contempt for the people is one of many things shared by state and
private terror. For example, the ETA, an organization that kills people
in the name of independence in Basque Country, says through one of its
spokespeople: 'Rights have nothing to do with majorities or minorities.'

There is much common ground between low- and high- tech terrorism,
between the terrorism of religious fanatics and that of market fanatics,
that of the hopeless and that of the powerful, that of the psychopath on
the loose and that of the cold-blooded uniformed professional. They all
share the disrespect for human life: the killers of the 5500 citizens
under the Twin Towers that fell like castles of dry sand-- and the
killers of 200 000 Guatemalans, the majority of whom were indigenous,
exterminated without television or the newspapers of the world paying
any attention. Those Guatemalans were not sacrificed by any Muslim
fanatic, but by terrorist squads who received 'support, financing, and
inspiration' from successive US governments.

All these worshipers of death are in agreement as well on the need to
reduce social, cultural, and national differences to military terms. In
the name of Good against Evil, in the name of the One Truth, they
resolve everything by killing first and asking questions later. And by
this method, they strengthen the enemy they fight. It was the atrocities
of the Sendero Luminoso that gave President Fujimori the 

Re: [CTRL] Let's All Apologize

2001-09-23 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>Of course, what he said was that the sins and wickedness of people in our
>nation are causing God to remove His hand of protection from our nation.

Falwell and his ilk are the U.S.'s equivalent of the Taliban...
fundamentalist fanatics who in reality are the farthest removed
from the God they profess to follow than all the sinners that they

I'd much rather spend Eternity in Hell with all the groups that these
fundamentalist fanatics condemn than spend a moment in Heaven if it's
filled with the like of Falwell and his ilk...or as Samuel Clemens, aka
Mark Twain, once opined:  "Heaven for the scenery, Hell for the good

>Well, I am glad that is all cleared up because I had been taught all my life
>that God did indeed govern in the affairs of men and that whatsoever men
>sowed, they also reaped.

And the Islamic fanatics also feel that God is protecting them, and that
they are the only ones who are really enacting 'His will' who's

I suggest that everyone dig out the old Bob Dylan song "With God On Our

>I was also taught that America was founded as "one
>nation under God."

Whose God?

Freedom OF religion also means we should have freedom FROM religion, if
one so chooses...


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Fwd: America's "New War" Directed By Old Profiteers

2001-09-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Get FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING on your first online order
at (introductory offer good on almost every
product on the site; click for details). 

>From: "Dr. Len Horowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: America's "New War" Directed By Old Profiteers
>Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:41:01 -0700
>This email is not meant to be sent unsolicited. Please circulate this
>important intelligence report to your family and friends. If you wish to be
>removed from these emails, contact us by email with "unsubscribe" in the
>subject line.  Thank you!
>America's "New War" Directed By Old Profiteers
>Dr. Henry Kissinger is heralding war directions once again. On "Black
>Monday" (September 17,  2001), the day stocks took their biggest single day
>loss in history, the American news media detailed this eighty-six-year-old
>foreign policy analyst's  prescription for bombing Afghanistan and Iran.
>Rhetorically admitting such actions would likely prompt terrorist
>counterattacks, Dr. Kissinger  claimed such strikes were urgently needed to
>stop future terrorist attacks.
>Given the incongruity of his counsel, many Kissinger critics believe the
>"elderly statesman" may be losing his mind. Others suggest he should simply
>refrain from advising Bush administration officials on such matters. Still
>more believe he should "mind his own business." This, however, is precisely
>what he is doing since
>America's "New War" strategy represents, above all, BIG BUSINESS!
>Officials are now warning that America's "New War" will require
>unprecedented economic and social sacrifices.  Included here, we are told,
>are imminent losses of life from biological and chemical attacks. This best
>explains why "Black Monday's" few winning stocks included pharmaceutical
>giants Merck, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson-companies destined to profit
>greatly by plagued populations.
>Realistically frightened, parents across the United States are wondering
>whether the remote chance of stopping terrorism, without prompting World
>III, is worth the risk of losing their children to anthrax attacks also
>predicted by Bush administration officials.
>Before forming your opinion, here are some relevant facts to consider:
>When WWII hero and President Dwight Eisenhower left office, his farewell
>address included this warning: "Beware of the military–industrial complex."
>He was referring to the war mongers who had pressured him to extend
>America's nuclear capabilities worldwide. He correctly identified these
>agents as the greatest threat to world freedom and American democracy. He
>was referring to the petrochemical atomic energy cartel largely directed by
>Nelson Rockefeller and his protégé Dr. Henry Kissinger.
>Eisenhower's intelligence on this matter was partially gained as a member
>the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This non-governmental think tank
>currently composed of 3,600 political policy appointees, was largely, if
>entirely, directed by the Royal Institute for International Affairs,
>by international banking elite, as it is today. Eisenhower was well aware
>that Nelson Rockefeller had appointed Kissinger to direct the CFR's
>Weapons Study Group" that had developed a pro-nuclear prescription
>by Kissinger in Foreign Affairs journal. Eisenhower, with extensive
>intelligence on "cold war" trouble- makers in the political world and
>industry, resisted the deployment of "strategic nuclear weapons" that
>Kissinger, on behalf of the Rockefeller family and their European banking
>cohorts, prescribed.
>Today, America's entire nuclear weapons and atomic energy industries,
>largely, if not entirely, directed by Rockefeller family associates, or
>their financial collaborators, from within the U.S. Department of Energy,
>and  Atomic Energy Commission. Odd as it may seem, the AEC has been
>repeatedly proven by government documents obtained through the Freedom of
>Information Act to be engaged at the forefront of America's biological
>weapons developments in collaboration with the U.S. Navy and National
>Institute. This intelligence was meticulously detailed in a recently
>released work by public health authority, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, entitled
>Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron
>Publishing Group, 2001).
>Following WWII, Rockefeller Standard Oil Company Wall Street lawyers and
>business managers, John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen, directed the
>evolution of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) into today's Central
>Intelligence Agency (CIA). They also helped  leading German nuclear
>scientists and missile developers be brought to America at that time.

[CTRL] The Most Patriotic Act

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

FEATURE STORY | October 8, 2001

The Most Patriotic Act

by Eric Foner

The drumbeat now begins, as it always does in time of war: We must accept limitations on our liberties. The FBI and CIA should be "unleashed" in the name of national security. Patriotism means uncritical support of whatever actions the President deems appropriate. Arab-Americans, followers of Islam, people with Middle Eastern names or ancestors, should be subject to special scrutiny by the government and their fellow citizens. With liberal members of Congress silent and the Administration promising a war on terrorism lasting "years, not days," such sentiments are likely to be with us for some time to come.

Of the many lessons of American history, this is among the most basic. Our civil rights and civil liberties--freedom of expression, the right to criticize the government, equality before the law, restraints on the exercise of police powers--are not gifts from the state that can be rescinded when it desires. They are the inheritance of a long history of struggles: by abolitionists for the ability to hold meetings and publish their views in the face of mob violence; by labor leaders for the power to organize unions, picket and distribute literature without fear of arrest; by feminists for the right to disseminate birth-control information without being charged with violating the obscenity laws; and by all those who braved jail and worse to challenge entrenched systems of racial inequality.

The history of freedom in this country is not, as is often thought, the logical working out of ideas immanent in our founding documents or a straight-line trajectory of continual progress. It is a story of countless disagreements and battles in which victories sometimes prove temporary and retrogression often follows progress.

When critics of the original Constitution complained about the absence of a Bill of Rights, the Constitution's "father," James Madison, replied that no list of liberties could ever anticipate the ways government might act in the future. "Parchment barriers" to the abuse of authority, he wrote, would be least effective when most needed. Thankfully, the Bill of Rights was eventually adopted. But Madison's observation was amply borne out at moments of popular hysteria when freedom of expression was trampled in the name of patriotism and national unity.

Americans have notoriously short historical memories. But it is worth recalling some of those moments to understand how liberty has been endangered in the past. During the "quasi war" with France in 1798, the Alien and Sedition Acts allowed deportation of immigrants deemed dangerous by federal authorities and made it illegal to criticize the federal government. During the Civil War, both sides jailed critics and suppressed opposition newspapers.

In World War I German-Americans, socialists, labor leaders and critics of US involvement were subjected to severe government repression and assault by private vigilante groups. Publications critical of the war were banned from the mails, individuals were jailed for antiwar statements and in the Red Scare that followed the war thousands of radicals were arrested and numerous aliens deported. During World War II, tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans, most of them US citizens, were removed to internment camps. Sanctioned by the Supreme Court, this was the greatest violation of Americans' civil liberties, apart from slavery, in our history.

No one objects to more stringent security at airports. But current restrictions on the FBI and CIA limiting surveillance, wiretapping, infiltration of political groups at home and assassinations abroad do not arise from an irrational desire for liberty at the expense of security. They are the response to real abuses of authority, which should not be forgotten in the zeal to sweep them aside as "handcuffs" on law enforcement.

Before unleashing these agencies, let us recall the FBI's persistent harassment of individuals like Martin Luther King Jr. and its efforts to disrupt the civil rights and antiwar movements, and the CIA's history of cooperation with some of the world's most egregious violators of human rights. The principle that no group of Americans should be stigmatized as disloyal or criminal because of race or national origin is too recent and too fragile an achievement to be abandoned now.

Every war in American history, from the Revolution to the Gulf War, with the exception of World War II, inspired vigorous internal dissent. Self-imposed silence is as debilitating to a democracy as censorship. If questioning an ill-defined, open-ended "war on terrorism" is to be deemed unpatriotic, the same label will have to be applied to Abraham Lincoln at the time of the Mexican War, Jane Addams and Eugene V. Debs during World War I, and Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening, who had the courage and foresight to vote against the Gulf of Tonkin resolu

[CTRL] Taking Over The Homeland

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

Taking Over
The Homeland 

by Fintan Dunne,
23 September, 2001

What a piece of astute prediction in Michael Rivero's New Republic post from 20 months ago ( here). Read it well for the modus operandi of the proto-dictators behind the WTC attack.

'It's the oldest trick in the book', Michael writes, 'dating back to Roman times'; creating the enemies you need. Then he reminds us about 70 BC, and an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus Licineus Crassus, who wanted to rule Rome.

Crassus, is credited with invention of the fire brigade. More like brigands than brigade, these guys would let the building burn unless the owners accepted an offer of a tiny fraction of it's worth.
That's a far cry from the gallant men and women of the NY Fire Department. They gave their lives for others. Like the many who have given their lives for civil liberties. Their memory does not deserve what is being done in the name of 'security'.

Those who watch over civil liberties in America have observed with growing concern the widening reach of Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA); have seen how their emergency powers constitute a nascent police state.

They are devastated by President Bush's announcement of the new independent National Homeland Security Agency (NHSA) --with responsibility for planning, coordinating, and integrating various U.S. government activities involved in homeland security. No wonder.

Because FEMA will be a morphing into SuperFEMA -the new NHSA, with the Coast Guard, the Customs Service, and the Border Patrol- transferred to it.

Just for good measure, the NHSA Phase III planning report advocates that the National Guard should be "reorganized, trained, and equipped" to undertake a homeland security mission. In case they felt left out.

Another equally disturbing reccommendation is that NHSA would: "assume responsibility for overseeing the protection of the nation's critical infrastructure, including information technology."

In other words, SuperFEMA running the Internet -under emergency powers.

Wonderful!; .NOT.

But hold on, you caution, sutrely there are 'safeguards' for civil liberties?

Oh yes!: "The observance of these guarantees in the event of a national security emergency would be safeguarded by NHSA's interagency coordinating activities-which would include the Department of Justice-as well as by its conduct of advance exercises."

So when they arrest you without charge, just tell them that they can't, because of "interagency coordinating activities". That should do the trick.

Let's just quote from another section of the planning report -in case we are being too subtle for you:

"Finally, we recommend that Congress reorganize itself to accommodate this Executive Branch realignment, and that it also form a special select committee for homeland security to provide Congressional support and oversight in this critical area."

An "Executive Branch realignment, eh?

Yeah you could call it that.

But all this emotional crisis athsmophere amy make you a little confused; nervous even; suggestible -definitely.

And happy to just let things slide into dictatorship.

So don't.

Re: [CTRL] AF News 22 Sep 01

2001-09-23 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

>WASHINGTON -- When he took the reins of the U.S. Air Force chief of staff
>Sept. 6, Gen. John Jumper hardly could have imagined what the future would

Which begs the question of WHY he wasn't informed of an impending event
that was beyond normal imagination...

In other words, we have two options to consider regarding the U.S.
intelligence community -- either they had absolutely NO clue this was
pending, in which case we have to ask why they were so clueless; or they
DID have an idea, but failed to give adequate warning regarding it.

I suspect the latter, since the Internet was full of reports the week or
so before 9/11 regarding the feds raiding a shutting down an ISP in Texas
which had a large amount of Islamic and Middle Eastern
someone knew that something was up...

There have also been reports that emergency drills at the WTC had been
stepped up in the weeks preceding 9/11...which suggests that some
forwarning was given to at least the WTC management...


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[CTRL] Fwd: War: From Metaphor into Reality

2001-09-23 Thread William Shannon

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War: Metaphor into Reality
  by Peter Weiss [posted 24 September 2001]

Inter arma silent leges. When force speaks, the laws are silent. And the more brutal 
the force, the more complete the silence of law. This is what most people believe, and 
after the events of September 11 it is hard to blame them. But law, particularly the 
law of war and peace, does not march solely to the drumbeat of daily life. If it 
cannot keep pace with extraordinary events in the worst of times, it loses its 
capacity to govern, to provide the order that is associated with law. Lawyers must 
therefore, at times, swim against the tide of public opinion and remind an outraged 
populace that even "a war to rid the world of evil" is subject to the laws of war, 
both ius ad bellum, which governs the right to go to war, and ius in bello, which 
governs the conduct of war.

The first question, then, is, what is war? According to Lassa Oppenheim, one of the 
giants of international law, "War is a contention between two or more States through 
their armed forces, for the purpose of overpowering each other, and imposing such 
conditions of peace as the victor pleases". A terrorist attack, no matter how heinous, 
committed by non-state actors, is not a casus belli, an "act of war", except in a 
metaphorical sense. It therefore cannot justify a state resorting to war against 
another state in response to the attack, unless the other state’s responsibility for 
the attack has been unambiguously established.

But, as is clear from the statements of the President and other high officials, no 
such responsibility has been proved, except again in a metaphorical sense. They speak 
of making war against countries that "support", "tolerate" or "harbor" terrorists. 
Saudi Arabia refuses to this day to extradite the eleven men indicted in the 1996 
attack on the Khobar Towers, in which 19 US airmen were killed and 370 injured. Does 
this mean that Saudi Arabia is supporting terrorists and that we are or will be at war 
with Saudi Arabia? A recent study by the Congressional Research Service alleges that 
Osama Bin Laden’s organization has bases or tentacles in 37 countries. Are we, or will 
we be, at war with all of them?

Nor is it possible to declare war against an unidentified enemy, which is essentially 
what the President and the Congress have done in the aftermath of the attacks on the 
Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Yet, both psychologically and legally, the use of war 
terminology has grave consequences. Psychologically, as shown by the WAR banner 
headlines in the days following September 11, it creates a mood of "follow the leader, 
wherever he may lead" and makes bloodthirsty monsters out of normally decent citizens. 
As one correspondent said in the Letters column of the New York Times on September 18, 
"It is not enough to wipe out Afghanistan … I will be satisfied with nothing short of 
a sweeping and devastating assault on all those countries that train, finance and 
protect those whose stated goal is the slaughter of Americans."

Legally, a state of war triggers all sorts of undesirable consequences. At the level 
of international law, the proclamation of a state of emergency, which is normally less 
than a state of war, allows a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and 
Political Rights, such as the United States, to "derogate" from its obligations under 
the Covenant in respect of several basic human rights, including freedom from forced 
labor, the right to bring habeas corpus proceedings, freedom of movement, equality 
before the law and freedom from arbitrary arrest.

A de facto, or functionally equivalent, declaration of war, followed by acts of war, 
naturally triggers the right of self-defense by any state affected. The Taliban has 
already prepared the Afghan people to fight a holy war against the United States, once 
the US makes good on its promise to "end" that state. Every other state against which 
military action is taken by the global antiterrorist coalition in the making will 
consider itself entitled to respond with armed force against any member of the 
coalition. The US, with its farflung global outposts, military and otherwise, and its 
long list of potential target states, is particularly vulnerable in this respect. 
Thus, conducting the impending – and necessary – antiterrorist operation under the 
banner of war legitimates the cycle of violence, which it is sure to spark.

Proceeding under a flag of war will of

Re: [CTRL] Spy In the Whitehouse.....

2001-09-23 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Spies in the White House - they better watch out for they have moles in
all the underground bases and tunnels in the USA.

Monica Lewinsky should be charged with treason - for whom did she work?
She opened the door to the Mossad tapping the President of the United
States telephone and even Yeltsin knew what was going on, for the Mossad
and KGB complement each other 

And then we have Chandra and Condit.hard to tell who was the real
victim here, one disappears, and the other will soon
does Condit feel today - how did he feel when he saw the Twin Towers (he
is a Baptist, you kow) paying the price for the  sins of the fathers,
Jerry Falwell would have you believe.

And then we have Larry Flynt - this man should be sent to prison for
blackmail...for this is what he is, a front for organized crime who
contributes heavily to the ADL and Bnai Brith?

So the man who is involved with the new World Trade Center with a 99
year lease, you got to be kidding - the demolition of the Twin Towers
can only be compared to the other landmark in Taliban - the giant Budda
- sign of times, beginning of terror but on whose payroll are these
people...they are not spies, they are hit men.

America - there is a Contract on America.

Well if someone can gun down two Presidents in my lifetime, and the
cycle is beginning again, think they give a damn about some Americans
working for a living in a high rise already bombed once.

Stop and think - in a prison, sat the Unibomber who was involved in mind
control, the man the FBI said prior to his capture had no formal
eduction - he turns out to be of all things, a Harvard Professor; we had
Timothy McVeigh, who brought down a Temple with a load of fertilizer who
was just a kid when he was brainwashed and no doubt programmed to do
what he did; and then, the third man his name escapes me, was the one
who got the credit and/or blame, for blowing up a portion of the World
Trade Center in 1993 - well McVeigh is dead, but one reporter said gee,
he was still breathing when pronouced dead..he went to his death,
willingly with no regrets but he had stated, he knew nothing about he
children in the day school - but the FBI and BATF, who had been warned
to stay away by the ADL and other sources, stayed home.

Twin Towers gone, Pentagon will revive, and if they were headed to the
Nuclear Towers it is said these would withstand such an attack - I do
not know if they would, and I do not want to know if they would not.

So Gideon Gideon Bible Calendar is used by Special
Forces, they have to be a militant order which means Mafia Confraternity
involved for they hire these killers for contract jobs.

Whose Mafia was it  -  the Mossad, the KGB?   Surely not our CIA, but
they have trained so many different people and initiated them into their
order  it is now difficult to see who did what.

Fiery Flying Serpents in the Sky?   Has a Japanese Doomsday Touch - and
Persian rituals but then we have our Mossad with axe to grinde for
Sharon was losing the propaganda war and needed something.

Contract on America - find the Contractor.


Spie in White House?   A Leak?   As is said hasn't been such a leak
since Noah's Ark.";>
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Cropduster Manual Discovered in Suspected Terrorist Hideout (fwd)

2001-09-23 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

I wonder if this will now cut down on all those "chemtrail" reports...

Also, they don't need cropdusters, especially if the terrorist is willing
to die in carrying out his mission...all that is needed to be done is
release a relatively slow-acting biological agent (anthrax, bubonic
or pneumonic plague) during any rush hour in a commuter train station...
the infected victims would then spread the disease in ever-widening
circles beyond 'ground zero', as in the first days people think they are
just coming down with a bad cold or flu and don't seek effective
medical intervention in time...


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 20:57:22 -0400
Subject: [BIOWAR]  Cropduster Manual Discovered in Suspected Terrorist Hideout

>From Time,,8599,175951,00.html
TIME Exclusive: Cropduster Manual Discovered in Suspected Terrorist Hideout
Sources tell TIME that U.S. officials suspect that bin Laden conspirators
may have been planning to disperse biological or chemical agents from


Saturday, Sep. 22, 2001
New York -- U.S. law enforcement officials have found a manual on the
operation of cropdusting equipment while searching suspected terrorist
hideouts, government sources tell TIME magazine in an issue out on Monday,
Sept. 24th.

The discovery has added to concerns among government counterterrorism
experts that the bin Laden conspirators may have been planning - or may
still be planning -to disperse biological or chemical agents from a
cropdusting plane normally used for agricultural purposes.

Among the belongings of suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, sources tell
TIME, were manuals showing how to operate cropdusting equipment that could
be used to spray fast-killing toxins into the air.

The discovery resulted in the grounding of all cropdusters nationwide on
Sunday Sept. 16th. The dusters have been allowed back up, but are not
allowed to take off or land from what traffic controllers refer to as Class
B airspace, or the skies around major cities.

One senior official cautions that because corroborative evidence is lacking
the FBI does not place "high credibility" in the notion that the hijackers
were in fact exploring the idea of stealing or renting cropdusters. However,
the FBI is advising members of a crop-dusters' group to report any
suspicious buys of dangerous chemicals in the wake of last week's terrorist

Last week, the National Agricultural Aviation Association, a crop dusters
trade group, posted a message from the FBI to its membership: "Members
should be vigilant to any suspicious activity relative to the use, training
in or acquisition of dangerous chemicals or airborne application of same
including threats, unusual purchases, suspicious behavior by employees or
customers, and unusual contacts with the public. Members should report any
suspicious circumstances or information to local FBI offices."

-With reporting by Elaine Shannon/Washington

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] What Really Happened

2001-09-23 Thread Don S. Brown

[CTRL] Spy In the Whitehouse.....

2001-09-23 Thread Don S. Brown

 Perhaps these statements give credence to   Mr. LaRouche's thoughts that there are rogue ellements in our government that are, in fact, behind these events.

             "  They also believe that terrorists are in possession of all or part of
                       the codes used by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the
                       National Reconnaissance Office, Air Force Intelligence, Army
                       Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, Marine Corps Intelligence and the
                       intelligence offices of the State Department and Department of

[CTRL] Cropduster Manual Discovered in Suspected Terrorist Hideout

2001-09-23 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

TIME Exclusive: Cropduster Manual Discovered in Suspected Terrorist

Sources tell TIME that U.S. officials suspect that bin Laden conspirators may
have been planning to disperse biological or chemical agents from

Saturday, Sep. 22, 2001 New York -- U.S. law enforcement officials have
found a manual on the operation of cropdusting equipment while searching
suspected terrorist hideouts, government sources tell TIME magazine in an
issue out on Monday, Sept. 24th.

The discovery has added to concerns among government counterterrorism
experts that the bin Laden conspirators may have been planning — or may
still be planning —to disperse biological or chemical agents from a
cropdusting plane normally used for agricultural purposes.

Among the belongings of suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, sources
tell TIME, were manuals showing how to operate cropdusting equipment that
could be used to spray fast-killing toxins into the air.

The discovery resulted in the grounding of all cropdusters nationwide on
Sunday Sept. 16th. The dusters have been allowed back up, but are not
allowed to take off or land from what traffic controllers refer to as Class B
airspace, or the skies around major cities.

One senior official cautions that because corroborative evidence is lacking
the FBI does not place "high credibility" in the notion that the hijackers were
in fact exploring the idea of stealing or renting cropdusters. However, the FBI
is advising members of a crop-dusters' group to report any suspicious buys
of dangerous chemicals in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks.

Last week, the National Agricultural Aviation Association, a crop dusters
trade group, posted a message from the FBI to its membership: "Members
should be vigilant to any suspicious activity relative to the use, training in or
acquisition of dangerous chemicals or airborne application of same including
threats, unusual purchases, suspicious behavior by employees or customers,
and unusual contacts with the public. Members should report any suspicious
circumstances or information to local FBI offices."

—With reporting by Elaine Shannon/Washington

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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