[CTRL] Israel: Sharon forced to call new elections 100,000 march for peace in Tel Aviv

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
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World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East

Israel: Sharon forced to call new elections

100,000 march for peace in Tel Aviv

By David Cohen
9 November 2002

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Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has asked President Moshe Katzav to dissolve the
Knesset (parliament). Sharon was not able to secure the majority needed to build a new
coalition after the Labour Party left the government. He had done everything possible 
placate the far-right and secure the basis for continued government, but to no avail.

Sharon nominated the former military chief of staff, Shaul Mofaz, to be the next 
minister and asked former prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu to replace Shimon Peres as
the foreign minister—placing those who explicitly rejected the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords 
all leading government positions.

Netanyahu insisted that he would only agree to becoming foreign minister if an early 
was set for a general election—February or March instead of November 2003. Sharon
refused to accept Netanyahu’s condition, and asked the right-wing settler party—The
National Unity-Homeland Israel —to join the government and prevent its collapse. 
Lieberman, the leader of the faction, refused to join the coalition unless Sharon 
agreed to
launch an unrestricted military campaign against the Palestinians to destroy the 
Authority, including the expulsion of Arafat. Sharon could not do this, as the Bush
administration insisted that no public change in policy was made that would cut across 
efforts to secure Arab support for war against Iraq.

Sharon thus did not manage to win the required support of 61 members in the Knesset,
leaving him in charge of a lame-duck administration whose policies can be blocked by 

He had no choice but to call an early election and accede to Netanyahu’s demands. 
and Netanyahu are set to contest for leadership of Likud next month, when the party 
decide who will be its candidate for prime minister.

Current predictions are that Sharon will narrowly beat Netanyahu in the elections held 
the Central Committee. Labour is in the midst of its own election contest, with both 
mayor of the city of Haifa, Amram Mitzna, and the chairman of the Committee for Foreign
and Defence Affairs of the Knesset, Haim Ramon, leading the former minister of defence
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer in the polls. Present estimates predict a victory for Likud, but 
the only
certainty is that Israel faces a period of profound instability and social and 

Ben-Eliezer was forced to withdraw from the coalition government due to the mounting
opposition of broad sections of the working class to Likud’s economic austerity 
and its war against the Palestinians. This came to a head over Sharon’s commitment to
invest hundreds of thousands of Israeli Shekels in the settlements on the Occupied
Territories. Labour could not continue to support the government without signing its 
political death warrant.

Shimon Peres, who led Labour into the coalition with Sharon and the Likud, wrote in
Haaretz, “When the nation has people hungry for bread, the social issue must be at the 
of our agenda. But it is impossible to correct the social situation without correcting 
economy itself. As long as investments in Israel are not renewed and tourists don’t 
back, as long as the flow of capital out of Israel isn’t stopped and budgets are 
according to parochial demands, the economy will not recover. And as long as the 
situation is unstable, the basic conditions for social and economic deterioration will 

Haaretz, which purports to be the voice of liberal opposition to Likud, proclaimed 
that “the
collapse of the outgoing government can only be welcomed. It will be remembered as one
of the worst governments in Israel’s history. It must now be hoped that the upcoming
election will produce a coalition wise enough to repair the damage and restore the 
to the right path.”

But a progressive outcome to the election depends on a political break by the working 
with Labour, which propped up Sharon until it became impossible to continue to do so.

In the right-wing Jerusalem Post, Uri Dan, the Middle East correspondent of the New 
Post and a close friend of Sharon, gave a fairly accurate account of the service 
by Labour for Likud: “Only by co-operation in the government with Nobel Peace Prize
Laureate Shimon Peres could Sharon cause the delegitimisation of that other Nobel 
Yasser Arafat. The White House is now closed to Arafat, after Peres himself, in a 
historic mistake, opened its gates to Arafat, on September 13, 1993, during Bill 
presidency. Only together with Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Shimon 

[CTRL] Home- Land Security Expo

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=\Culture\archive\200211

Group Lumps Conservatives with Klansmen and Neo-Nazis
By Michael L. Betsch
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
November 08, 2002

(CNSNews.com) - The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) claims its organizational mission is 
expose and combat the purveyors of hatred in our midst. However, some conservatives
say they are offended by the ADL's deliberate efforts to equate the right wing with 
groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi Low Riders.

The ADL maintains an extensive database of information on a broad range of dangerous
extremists and closely monitors the nationwide activities of the predominantly 
white supremacist organizations. The group's website also features a calendar of
Upcoming Extremist Events in order to alert concerned citizens across the country of 
gatherings occurring in their cities and towns.

Yet some question why the ADL has issued a warning for the Free American's 2002 Home-
Land Security Expo that will take place in McDonough, Georgia, from Nov. 8-10.

The Georgia event is billed as an exposition and book fair and will feature lectures 
notable conservative commentators Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center and Larry
Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America. CNSNews.com asked the ADL to define the
extremist threat that the Home- Land Security Expo poses to America.

Define 'Extremist'

I don't know that the ADL has a formal definition for the term 'extremist', said Mark
Pitcavage, director of fact finding for the ADL. But you can typically use the rougher
definition of someone whose views are so far out of the mainstream that they have
effectively disenfranchised themselves simply because so few people agree with them, 

Pitcavage said the ADL has labeled the Home-Land Security Expo an extremist event
because most of the participants and vendors are right-wing extremists, white
supremacists, anti-government extremists, and conspiracy theorists. And, he said the 
closely resembles the Y2K preparedness trade shows of the 1990s.

The preparedness expos of the 1990s were sort of traveling trade fairs for 
survivalists and
right wing extremists, Pitcavage explained. He said those expos typically featured 
exhibiting survival products such as dried beans and shark cartilage pills; 
extremists, tax protesters and militias; and white supremacists selling books and other

Pitcavage said the ADL is concerned that the Home-Land Security Expo's organizer, Clay
Douglas, is trying to revive the extremist trade shows. Douglas is also the founder of 
Free American, which the ADL has deemed a conspiracy-oriented magazine that focuses
on anti-government and anti-Semitic theories.

Conservatives Defend Their Honor

DeWeese, who will discuss the issue of sustainable development at the Home-Land 
Expo, said he never would have accepted Douglas' invitation to speak at the event if 
he was
anti-Semitic as the ADL accuses him of being.

I'm massively offended by that and it's wrong, he said. There is no one who will be 
this conference who would be a spokesman for anything like that.

DeWeese said he is not surprised that the ADL has labeled the Home-Land Security Expo 
extremist event. After all, he said the event will feature information that is 
important to
people who believe in national sovereignty, limited government and don't like the 

The ADL, he noted, has trouble accepting the notion that conservatives question
government, taxes and the U.N.

They want to shut us up, DeWeese said of the ADL. We have no point that should be
exposed; we should not be allowed to speak out on these things because it's dangerous 
peace on earth.

We are told that we are not allowed to have our point of view; that that just is not 
to be
discussed in polite society, that we are extremists, that we are dangerous, that this 
is the
reason why we have trouble in this country, DeWeese said. Well, yeah, it's probably 
because we say, 'No,' to these things and they don't want that.

Pratt, from Gun Owners of America, also said he was offended that the ADL would equate
the Home- Land Security Expo with hate groups. He has been invited to discuss Second
Amendment issues at the weekend event.

Pratt said the ADL is experiencing the same problem the Federal Bureau of Investigation
faced prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Before then, Pratt said, the conviction 
always been that the threat to America came from conservatives and the vast right wing
conspiracy that Hilary Clinton feared.

The ADL has got its similar, ultra-liberal blinders on, Pratt said. For them, 
anything to the
right of Hilary Clinton is a massive threat to the security of the commonwealth.

Pratt said the ADL has never understood that people might want to take care of 
rather than rely on the government to care for them. 

[CTRL] CNN.com - Turkish general warns Islamists - Nov. 8, 2002

2002-11-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
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[CTRL] Fw: [cp] FW: [apfn-1] Raid in Michigan

2002-11-09 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

-Original Message-
From: dstacey [mailto:dstacey;attbi.com]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 8:17 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: [apfn-1] Raid in Michigan

This just in:

- Original Message -

Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 9:56 PM
Subject: [apfn-1] Raid in Michigan

From: Norm Olson  HYPERLINK

Back off a little on the patriot broadcasters. You'll hear the stories
later. The Michigan Militia and others are still putting the pieces
together. No one is talking to the media. I can tell you that the event
escalated very rapidly and had it not been for a certain militia leader on
the scene, a gunfight might have erupted. The federals were belligerent
antagonists who deliberately remained on the property to measure and to
assess the militia's capability and response. Within hours cars loaded with
warriors from surrounding states were on the road. Other vehicles with
skilled technicians were already evaluating objectives. I suspect that not
a few of the federals had wet themselves when they recalled Mt. Carmel. The
federal and local antagonists made it plain to one of our commanders that
cordons and perimeters had been established to intercept any militia
attempting to get close to the house. A very real battle was narrowly
averted when a MMCW commander warned a police lieutenant NOT to attempt to
stop or arrest militia vehicles in the area. While the drama unfolded inside
the house, an intense standoff was taking place outside. It would be well to
remember that Nancy, Ethan, and Ed were still in the house being detained by
18 federal enforcers. While the entire federal contingent could have been
annihilated with the firepower potential of the militia, a gunfight would
have most certainly cost the lives of our friends in the house. The federals
will boast and brag about their grand victory on November 6th, 2002, but
they ought to quake at the realization of just how close they came to being
sent to hell by the militia!

Norm Olson

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[CTRL] Rubicon and beyond

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
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09 November 2002 08:06 BDT
Home   News   World   Politics

Robert Fisk: George Bush crosses Rubicon - but what lies beyond?

09 November 2002 Internal links Day the world turned on Iraq  The face of power, the 
real power of Bush's America  Waverer voted yes 'to stop use of force and US right to 
go to
war'  Blair gives Saddam a final ultimatum  Baghdad isolated by decision  The key 
points of
UN Resolution 1441 Diplomacy and dollars secure rare unanimity at the UN  Bali bombers
'aimed to kill Americans'  Al-Qa'ida preparing for attack, says Interpol  Robert Fisk: 
Bush crosses Rubicon - but what lies beyond?  Fergal Keane: It could all go quickly 
for Mr Bush
When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river, he wrote, in his Gallic Wars: Alea 
iacta est
[The die is cast].

Just after 5pm yesterday, when the United Nations Security Council voted 15-0 to disarm
Iraq, the US President George Bush crossed the Rubicon. The world must insist that
judgement must be enforced, he told us.

The Rubicon is a wide river. It was deep for Caesar's legions. The Tigris river will 
be more
shallow – my guess is that the first American tanks will be across it within one week 
of war
– but what lies beyond?

For Rome, civil war followed. And, be assured, civil war will follow any American 
of Iraq. Cheat and retreat will no longer be tolerated, Mr Bush told us yesterday –
forgetting, of course, UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 which call for 
Israel to
withdraw from the Arab territories occupied during the 1967 Arab- Israeli war.

And after eight weeks of debate in the Security Council, no one mentioned the crimes
against humanity of 11 September 2001, because – of course – Iraq had absolutely 
to do with 11 September. If the United States invades Iraq, we should remember that.

And what do we get from Mr Bush? Absolutely no gesture towards the Arab world. The joy
of the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, can be imagined. Should we have to use
troops, Mr Bush tells us, the US, with friends, will move swiftly – with force – to 
do the
job. In other words, he will invade Iraq, the friends, presumably, being British. 
United Nations can debate any Iraqi non-compliance with weapons inspectors, but the
United States will decide whether Iraq has breached UN resolutions. In other words,
America can declare war without UN permission.

So how many of the American tanks entering Baghdad will be flying UN pennants? None, I

The BBC, with CNN and all the other television networks, was last night billing 
1441 as the last chance for Saddam Hussein. In fact, it is the last chance for the 
Nations. As the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, said, the road ahead will be 
difficult and
dangerous. He can say that again.

It's easy to see the traps. America's UN ambassador, John Negroponte, insisted that the
Security Council resolution contains no hidden triggers. But of course it does. It 
allows the
United States to decide if Iraq has opposed the resolution. It allows the Security 
Council to
discuss non- compliance without restraining the United States from attacking Baghdad.

One way or another, Mr Negroponte said, Iraq will be disarmed. It's the another 
that the UN should be worried about. Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Britain's nightmare
headmaster at the UN, performed appropriately. Crystal clear, unequivocal choice,
serious consequences, ambiguous modalities. You could almost feel the cane. No
mention, of course, of the CIA's manipulation of the last team of UN weapons 
inspectors in

Iraqis want peace and an end to sanctions – let's forget President Saddam for a moment 
and President Bush seems to want war. So Mr Bush must be praying that the Iraqi
President does something to obstruct the UN arms inspectors. In which case – I quote Mr
Bush – we will act in the interest of the world. Thanks George. And thanks Saddam if 
feckless, vicious dictator chooses to defy the UN.

Washington wants a UN fig leaf for a war on Iraq and is willing to go through an 
process in the hope that Iraq obstructs it. Mr Annan was talking yesterday about the
unique legitimacy of the UN. But the cruel dictator of Baghdad cares as much about 
as President Bush.

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[CTRL] Falwell on Liberals, Abortion and the Reinvigorated Right Wing Juggernaut - BuzzFlash News Alert

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
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November 8, 2002

Falwell on Liberals, Abortion and the Reinvigorated Right Wing Juggernaut


BuzzFlash Introduction:

It pains us to bring you more of the crap that spews from Falwell's mouth (and 
but it's imperative we know what the fundamentalist right- wing enemy -- and their
Godpuppet Bush -- is plotting to do with our lives.

Falwell first posits that embracing liberal values caused Democrats to lose. However, 
truth is just the opposite. One need only look at the races of Kucinich, McDermott, 
and Pelosi to see that when Democrats stand for progressive and human-centered issues
like living wages and universal healthcare, they win and they win BIG.

More importantly, Falwell quotes Trent Lott in the right's never-ending crusade to ban
abortion: I will call it up, we will pass it, and the president will sign it, said 
Lott on a bill to
end partial-birth abortions. I'm making that commitment - you can write it down.

Read the garbage below only to arm yourself against the onslaught of fundamentalist 
wing crap people like Falwell will be throwing for the next two years.

Lastly, we do agree with Falwell on one issue: he calls Bush a flawed man. Right you 
Jerry, right you are.

* * *


DATE: November 7, 2002
FROM: Jerry Falwell


The nation's mainstream media has been dancing around the actuality of what happened
on Tuesday, when the Republican Party defied history by claiming unprecedented 
This was a political mandate, wherein the American people obviously expressed their 
in their president.

Thanks to the leadership of President George W. Bush, who was willing to
put his political reputation on the line, the GOP message of permanently lowering 
taxes to
stimulate the economy, bolstering our homeland defense and advancing solutions for 
Social Security was heard by the American people.

Campaign for Working Families Chairman Gary Bauer noted, The liberal media would have
had a field day spinning a Republican loss as a major black eye for the president.

President Bush understood the potential cost of seeing his endorsed candidates lose.
Nevertheless, he courageously traveled across the nation to advance the campaigns of 
leaders who will allow him to pursue his domestic policies while also fighting the war 
terror that continues to threaten our nation and the world.

Mr. Bush now has the opportunity to seize the agenda on Capitol Hill in a fashion 
virtually no
one predicted prior to Tuesday's election. Even Democrats must respect this bold

Actually, Democrats are too busy licking their wounds right now to appreciate the 
juggernaut that shook the nation.

House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt is the first casualty, announcing he will step 
Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe will almost certainly follow 
his political career possibly in ruins.

One of the challengers for Mr. Gephardt's job is House Minority Whip Nancy Pelosi - a
liberal's liberal. She reportedly has the support of more than 100 House Democrats. I, 
one, hope she gets the job. Such a move would prove to voters that this is the party 
of the
left. Tuesday's mass triumph illustrates that this is a losing scenario.

Apparently, Democrats have not grasped what actually happened in the momentous
on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, it is apparent that the American people want the Republicans to get down to
brass tacks in terms of addressing the chief political concerns that face our nation.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi has already stated that, with the GOP 
control of both houses, the traffic jam of bills that has plagued Congress will be 
broken. He
said that three legislative agendas must be immediately addressed: homeland security, 
economy and - great news to Christians - partial-birth abortion. Outgoing Majority 
Tom Daschle had refused to bring up a vote on partial-birth abortion after the House
passed a ban on the horrifying procedure.

I will call it up, we will pass it, and the president will sign it, said Mr. Lott, 
sounding like
statesman he needs to be, in an interview with American Family Radio. I'm making that
commitment - you can write it down.

I can guarantee that if Mr. Lott will lead the Senate with boldness and clarity, he 
will earn
loyal support of conservative Americans in this nation. Mr. Bush earned a mandate on
Tuesday. It's now time for the Republican leadership to follow his gutsy lead and
aggressively press for the passage pro-life, pro-family bills.

There's an important what's next? question for conservative people of faith, as well.

I know for a fact that untold numbers of Christians prayed and fasted over this 
election. And

I believe God has honored our prayers. It is now our responsibility to 

[CTRL] Chokehold on Knowledge

2002-11-09 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

From: Euphorian

Chokehold on Knowledge

November 8 2002

Since it's the threat of obscurantism we're hoping to thwart, let's be blunt: The Bush 
administration's plan to strip the Government Printing Office's authority is a threat 
to democracy.

The complete article can be viewed at:

Visit Latimes.com at http://www.latimes.com

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
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From http://www.peace-action.org/home/spingame.html

New Group to Peddle War

The establishment of the CLI show that it is obvious that the administration is wary 
of public
discussion of this issue on its own merits, and without the influence of a PR machine. 
pushing for an invasion of Iraq must have come to the conclusion that, when given the
facts, the American public doesn't find the arguments for war very compelling.

The creation and aim of the CLI is a carbon copy of typical corporate strategy. When a
company discovers that it is losing market share due to a faulty or maligned product, 
immediately deploys its PR teams to create campaigns that will fix their image in the
public eye. The same mobilization of forces is being used by the White House to whip 
American public into line with the administration's agenda, even at a time when public
opinion is moving in the opposite direction.

And this isn't the only similarity between this PR tactic and corporate malfeasance. 
the Committee's chairman, Bruce P. Johnson. A brief look into the employment history of
Mr. Johnson reveals that in 1997 he was the Director of International Development for
Lockheed Martin and as recently as 1999 he held the position of Vice President in the 
of Corporate Strategic Development. While some might call this a conflict of interest, 
for the
White House this is a win-win situation. Mr. Johnson gets to sell a war that will 
enrich his associates in the weapon building industry, and the White House gets a more
manageable public.

Other members of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq include former Secretary of
State George P. Shultz, Sen. John McCain, and former senator Bob Kerry. National 
Advisor Condoleeza Rice and deputy advisor Stephen Hadley will be in on the workings of
this committee as well.

Poll numbers on America's support for the war are once again on the slide for the Bush
team, dipping to their lowest levels since the issue was first raised. The most recent 
from the Pew Research Center reports that only 55 percent of Americans are generally in
favor of a war with Iraq, down from 64 percent in August. Beyond these blanket
support/opposition numbers, a recent Gallup Poll found that 60 percent of Americans 
the U.S. should give diplomatic efforts more time, while only 25 percent believe that 
ought to invade immediately.

All of this, not to mention the masses numbering in the hundreds of thousands that have
protested in the streets, has brought to light the weaknesses inherent in the White 
campaign for war. As if reading from a shrewd corporate how to manual, the
administration has fallen back on its last line of defense: the spin game.

Decision makers in the Bush administration are obviously more interested in out
maneuvering the will of the American public than considering its calls for diplomacy. 
the pro-war forces can't convince America to go to war on its own merits, the CLI has 
put in place to sell it to the public. But the public isn't buying it.

The average American is much more informed now on the consequences of an attack on
Iraq than even a few months ago. We know this is a matter of life and death, national
security, and international stability. An ad hoc publicity vehicle, even of this 
magnitude, isn't
going to candy-coat war.

Launch Your Own P.R. Campaign
Write a letter to the editors of your local paper.

To find out more about media outlets in your community use the media guide at

You can find tips on writing a letter to the editor in our How To... section.

Here is a sample letter you can use.

To the Editors:

In a desperate public relations move, the Bush administration is backing a new group 
the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI). The committee's purpose is to sell war 
Iraq, along with regime change to the American public.

A White House spokesman described the CLI as a new phase in the administration's
attempts to build fresh public support for war on Iraq. Critics, however, view this as
anything but new. The administration has attempted for months to peddle its war despite
an enormous amount of resistance from the American public and the international

What those behind the CLI haven't calculated is that the average American is much more
informed now on the consequences of an attack on Iraq than even a few months ago. We
know that this is a matter of life and death, national security, and international 

An ad hoc publicity vehicle, even of this magnitude, isn't going to candy-coat this 

(Your name)

Peace Action: Practical, Positive Alternatives for Peace

To reprint or repost this information, please call Carrie Benzschawel at (202) 
862-9740 ext.
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[CTRL] An Image

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Fw: end of an era

2002-11-09 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: canauk 

Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 1:19 AM
Subject: end of an era

This revised statement pasted below from CANA 
Christians Against Nato Aggression UK relates tothe Security Council 
decision in respect to Iraq.

November 8th 2002 marks the end of the UN organisation as a body 
committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes formally predicated 
upon respect for state sovereignty, including respect for the territorial 
integrity of member states.

Just as the old League of Nations was destroyed by the fascist 
regimes walking out of it, so its successor is now defunct on the basis 
ofthe US  UK staying in it.

The diktat now inflicted upon Iraq will probably not be resisted. 

Iraq now has no choice but to accept what is a new form of 
colonialism, even ifacceptance of the diktat is unlikely 
to avert war or save Iraq from massive bombing,  bombing 
is what the Americans like to do.

It is the Americans who are the main enemies of world 

In a unipolar world theironly notion of diplomacy is to bully 

America has no friends  it consists of a 
public ignorant of foreign affairs. They are kept in ignorance 
by a US media which consciously  consistently misrepresents facts in 
respect to international situations. 

America, a country built on slavery  createdas a result 
ofthe genocide of its native population, spreads corruption upon the 

Its society is illiterate, violent  awash with 

Curses against America aren't loud, but deep,  they are also 

Since 1945 there is a long list of countries forced to capitulate 
before US power, all of them small. 

They include Haiti  Serbia. 

Only Vietnam  Cuba have successfully resisted. 

Today's decision of the Security Council does not add to US 

During the past few days numerous appeals have been addressed by 
various Non Governmental Organisations, including CANA UK, to members of the UN 
Security Council, asking them to resist US pressure. 

All these appealswere ignored.

Countries like Norway  Ireland choose to vote against the 
rights of small countries  in favour of the destruction of the ideals of 
the UN.

We regret that France concedes world hegemony to the Anglo-Saxons, 
that Russia  China have once again run away from their international 

Today isthe formal end of the United Nations,  of a 
system of international law enshrined in its now obsolete Charter. 


Intellectual property rights 
asserted. The above may be reproduced on the Internet, or in any other media, 
subject to acknowledgement as to source. CANA UK engages in an ongoing programme 
of research, press releases  political lobbying, organising seminars + 
conferences on international relations, the next scheduled for Spring 2003 (in 
Islington). Copies of videos  a text version of proceedings of previous 
Conferences are obtainable from CANA UK 1 Scales Road London N17 9HB Telephone 
0044(0)208 376 1454. Donations/gifts/legacies,  voluntary help, 
are welcome. The CANA UK account is held @ Lloyds Bank, 539 High Rd, London N17 
6SD (account number 0094920 sort code 30 98 70) 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EXPERTS: Republican Voting Machines, Way-Off

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

EXPERTS: Republican Voting Machines, "Way-Off"
by Lynn Landes 11/8/02

"The Republicans will never give up their voting machines," said a top Republican party official to Charlie Matulka, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in Nebraska. This statement was in response to Charlie's very public protest against the conflict-of-interest inherent in the candidacy of Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE). Hagel has held top executive positions (and still has investments) in companies that owned the machines that counted the vote in Nebraska this election and last. 

Republicans dominate the voting machine business.
So, I expected the Republicans to take back the Senate... amid reports of voting machine "irregularities" in several states and polling results that didn't come close to election outcomes.  And with billions of dollars at stake, who could resist the temptation to tweak results? It's duck soup. 

Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, the nation's leading expert in voting machine technology, says, "Any programmer can write code that displays one thing on a screen, records something else, and prints yet another result." But they do make mistakes as we know from the multitude of reports in this election and past ones. Dr. Mercuri's real fear is that one day the "irregularities" will go away, as programmers learn their clandestine craft all too well. 

Then how can we tell if the "fix was in?"  An examination of exit polling and pre-election polling versus election results could raise a few red flags. We can't use Voter News Service (VNS) this year. VNS is a top-secret private consortium owned by ABC News, The Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News that has "projected" election night winners since 1964. VNS collapsed camp on election day due to technical problems... they said. Or was it the glare of publicity since the 2000 presidential election that brought the charade to an end? Questions have been raised since its inception, that VNS was a cover for election day vote rigging or other shenanigans. And it was strange that when VNS management made its announcement on Tuesday, they didn't make a big deal over how the shutdown affected the 64,000 temporary employees they claim they hired for this election. Anyway, that leaves us with pre-election polling to ponder. An intensive effort to review and interpret that data is currently underway by Bev Harris and her staff at Talion.com.|

Meanwhile, I called John Zogby of the highly respected Zogby International. I asked him if over the years he had noticed increased variation between pre-election predictions and election results.  Zogby said that he didn't notice any big problems until this year. Things were very different this time. "I blew Illinois. I blew Colorado (and Georgia). And never in my life did I get New Hampshire wrong...but I blew that too." Or did he?

This year might instead be a repeat of the 2000 presidential election, when the polls accurately predicted the winner (Gore), but the voting system in Florida collapsed under the weight of voting machine failure, election day chicanery, and outright disenfranchisement of thousands of black voters by Republican state officials. And for those who believed that the new election reform law does anything to protect the security of your vote...think again. The federal standards to be developed and implemented as a result of the new law will be VOLUNTARY. What Congress really did was to throw $2.65 billion dollars at the states, so that they could lavish it on a handful of private companies that are controlled by ultra-conservative Republicans, foreigners, and felons. 

Let's take a moment to look back rather than forward. In the last several decades the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. This is not a formula for a conservative groundswell. Yet both conservative Democrats and right wing Republicans have long enjoyed success at the polls. While, most of Europe still uses paper ballots, voting machines have been in America since 1889. The use of computers in voting technology began around 1964. Today, less than 2% of the American electorate use hand-counted paper ballots. The question is...have elections in America been rigged to slowly, but surely shift power to the right? In the secretive world of voting machine companies, anything is possible. The sad fact is that the legitimacy of government in the United States will remain in question as long as over 98% of the vote is tabulated by machines that can be easily rigged, impossible to audit, and owned by a handful of private companies. Until we get rid of those voting machines, democracy in America may be a distant memory.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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[CTRL] Iraq War Could Be a Toxic Nightmare

2002-11-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Iraq War Could Be a Toxic Nightmare

By Katherine Stapp, AlterNet
November 7, 2002

Major casualties of a war with Iraq would be the region's fragile
environment and the health of its inhabitants and combatants, if the last
Persian Gulf conflict is anything to judge by, arms experts and activists
Eleven years ago, both sides in the Gulf War left Kuwait's ecosystems in
chaos -- Iraq by torching oil wells as its soldiers retreated, and the
United States by littering the desert with thousands of rounds of depleted
uranium (DU) munitions.
DU is the trace element left over when uranium is enriched; most of the
highly radioactive types of uranium are removed for use as nuclear fuel or
nuclear weapons.
Deployed in the Persian Gulf in 1991 and in Kosovo in 1999, DU munitions are
prized for their high density and ability to punch through walls and
armoured vehicles.
According to the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information, the U.S.
has four weapons that rely on DU and that could be used in a future war with
Iraq: the A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft, the Apache and Cobra helicopters, and
the M1A1 Abrams Tank.
''These types of weapons will undoubtedly be used as Washington has made it
clear it wants to bomb bunkers and kill as many of the Iraqi government
leaders as possible,'' said John Catalinotto of the New York-based
International Action Center, a leading critic of DU.
''This would lead to an even greater amount of DU being spread around
Baghdad, this time, a city of five million people,'' he said.
Although the Pentagon insists that DU is not toxic or radioactive, many
Iraqi survivors of the Gulf War believe differently. The World Health
Organisation (WHO) notes that those most likely to be exposed to DU are aid
workers and local populations living and working in contaminated areas.
''The Gulf War is the only indicator for the increase of cancer in Iraq,''
Loua'i Latif Kasha, a pathologist and director of Baghdad's Mansour
Hospital, told Reuters news agency last week. ''The rate of cancer has risen
five- to seven-fold more than before 1991.''
''Radiation pollution from depleted uranium bombs by itself causes cancer
like leukaemia and thyroid,'' said Kasha.
Some Desert Storm veterans, who now suffer from disabilities and mysterious
illnesses, are leery of sending troops back to the region.
''Science has absolutely shown that the illnesses Gulf War veterans face are
not as a result of the stressors of war but as a result of exposures,
unapproved vaccines, unapproved pills and a myriad of other things that have
not yet been researched,'' said Steve Robinson, executive director of the
National Gulf War Resource Centre in Washington.
''Our government has ignored the Gulf War veteran experience of 1991. Will
America stand by and watch another tragic event occur that could be
avoided?'' he asked.
The Pentagon carried out numerous studies on DU, and concluded that it poses
no significant health threat. It has not changed its stance, despite years
of complaints from veterans groups.
Other independent experts also believe DU's toxicity has been exaggerated.
''In general, I think that these munitions are dangerous, but not for the
reasons many opponents have argued,'' said Stephen Schwartz, editor of the
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. ''They're not harmless, but the health and
environmental consequences of their use in the Gulf War and in Kosovo have
been overstated.''
Still, peace groups and veterans' associations point out that no adequate
explanation has ever been offered for the cluster of symptoms known as 'Gulf
War Syndrome'.
In April, the Veterans Administration released a report that found that
one-third of all troops sent to the Persian Gulf in 1991 have filed claims
for medical problems. About 9,600 of the 200,000 Desert Storm veterans have
died since the end of the war.
''While we were never sure which combination of factors caused the illness
of over 100,000 U.S. service people in the Gulf in 1991, many of the same
suspected factors will be present (in a future war),'' Catalinotto said.
''DU, widespread vaccinations, exposures to toxic materials destroyed by
U.S. bombs will all be there again.''
Aside from DU - and possibly the use of biological and chemical weapons -
environmentalists warn of more oil spills should U.S. forces invade Iraq,
which is sitting on at least 112 billion barrels.
When Iraqi forces pulled out of Kuwait in 1991, they ignited more than 700
oil wells. Eight months elapsed before the fires could be put out. The
resulting 10,000-square-mile cloud of soot darkened the sky to the point
that cars had to use their headlights in the daytime.
About 11 million barrels of oil were also deliberately dumped by Iraq into
the Arabian Gulf. A decade later, scientists assessing the damage found that
while ocean ecosystems had mostly recovered, 40 percent of Kuwait's fresh
water reserves were permanently ruined by lakes of oil that 

[CTRL] Americans imposing racist agenda

2002-11-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Americans imposing racist agenda

The Gazette

Friday, November 08, 2002

The United States is hell-bent on treating as a potential terrorist anyone
who is Muslim or Arab or, failing that, dark-skinned enough to pass for one.
And Canadians are being asked to go along with it.
Never mind that John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban, is a white
American or that Richard Reid, the British shoe-bomber, was insufficiently
swarthy to attract airport security attention. Or that the men involved in
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks had all entered the United States from
countries other than Canada.
American security forces are sticking by their decision that every Canadian
born in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen or Sudan
must be fingerprinted and photographed if he or she travel to the U.S. For
reasons that remain unfathomable, Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham has
thrown in the towel and withdrawn a travel advisory for Canadians born in
those countries.
The danger of being born in one of these countries was made amply clear last
month when Canadian engineer and Ottawa resident Arar Maher vanished from a
New York airport while waiting for his connecting flight home to Canada. The
U.S, totally unrepentant, finally admitted deporting him to Syria, the
birthplace he had last seen at age 17.
Maher might never see Canada again because the U.S. has decided it can
unilaterally determine the fate of any individual on its territory,
regardless of international laws.
Canadian author Rohinton Mistry was luckier. He was not born in one of the
countries on the original list of terrorist hotbeds, and he is not Muslim,
so he was not arrested. He was, on the other hand, subjected to such
harassment while traveling on a book tour in the United States that he
canceled the second half of the tour.
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize earlier this year, the India-born Mistry
said, The first flight we took, my wife and I, we were greeted by a ticket
agent who cheerfully told us that we had been selected randomly for a
special security check.
Then it began to happen at every single stop, at every single airport. The
random process took on a 100-per-cent certitude.
Since it was only this week that American security forces added to their
list of terrorism suspects anyone born in Pakistan, India, South Africa,
Jamaica and a dozen other Commonwealth countries, Mistry's place of birth
was not the reason for him to be stopped.
U.S. security forces waved him over for special treatment because he has a
beard and is dark-skinned. That means that it will do no good not to include
a person's place of birth on his or her Canadian passport. You can't hide
the colour of your skin.
Canadians have always felt like they exist at a safe distance from the
racism that still pervades U.S. life. Not any more. People whose business
requires that they travel to the U.S. have to go. I'm not sure the rest of
us need to give our tourist or consumer dollars to a country prepared to
trample over the civil rights of our countrymen.
Americans have the right to secure their borders. They do not have the right
to impose a racist agenda on the rest of the world. The thing with racial
profiling is you can only stop once you've turfed every single member of the
profiled group out of the country or into a camp, much like what happened to
the Japanese during World War II in the U.S. and Canada. We were supposed to
have learned something from that miscarriage of justice.
The other problem with racial profiling is that it's ridiculous. It achieves
nothing. Twenty per cent of the world's population is Muslim. What are the
Americans going to do? Set up files on billion individuals and then
persecute any of them who dares set foot on Americian soil?
And we're supposed to go along with this? I don't think so.
© Copyright  2002 Montreal Gazette


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Post-War Disaster in Iraq

2002-11-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


A Post-War Disaster in Iraq
By Ted Rall, AlterNet
November 7, 2002

There you go again.
-- Ronald Reagan, 1984

When George W. Bush wanted the Taliban out, he issued an ultimatum: give up
Osama or face the consequences.
Mullah Omar and his grim band of Islamist yahoos were fearsome literalists;
in a now-forgotten last-ditch attempt to keep their jobs, they offered to
turn over bin Laden. But Bush didn't really want bin Laden -- he wanted the
Taliban gone. Days later, bombs began raining on Afghanistan.
Bush's ultimatums are, in fact, merely eviction notices.
A year later Saddam Hussein is sitting through the same let's make this
look good ritual. Bush doesn't want arms inspections; he wants Iraq.
Nothing Saddam does or offers to do will make a difference. War was likely
before Election Day, but the Republican sweep makes it inevitable.
Bombs will fall. People will die. We Americans will mostly just care about
the Americans who are killed -- and we won't be upset for very long. And
what happens after the last oil-well fire has been extinguished? We will be
like a dog that finally catches one of those passing cars. What the hell do
we do with it? What will we do with the oil-rich, fractious country full of
Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds once we finally oust Saddam?
The U.S. didn't put much serious advance planning into who would run
post-Taliban Afghanistan (remember King Zahir Shah?). Now we're about to
take over Iraq without having clue one about what kind of government to
install after the war or who will be in charge of it.
In 1998, Congress passed the Iraqi Liberation Act. Under that law, the U.S.
officially recognizes six Iraqi groups as possible alternatives to Saddam
Hussein's Baath regime: two Kurdish militias currently running Iraq's
northern no-fly zone, the Iraqi National Accord, the Iraqi National
Congress, the Teheran-based Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in
Iraq (SCIRI), and a small Hashemite monarchist group.
Riven by its own turf battles, the Bush administration is unable and
unwilling to declare which -- if any -- of these outfits should rule Iraq
after the coming war. On Oct. 28, The New York Sun, a new conservative daily
newspaper, reported that the administration was considering naming a special
presidential envoy to the Iraqi opposition. But, the Sun wrote, The matter
has become entangled in the vicious policy struggle between the Pentagon and
the Vice President's office, on the one hand, and the State Department and
the CIA, on the other hand.
The State Department and CIA are the reasonable moderates within the Bush
Administration. They prefer giving UN weapons inspectors a real chance to
avoid war, and deny any connection between Saddam and al Qaeda. (Al Qaeda
operatives are active in Iraq, but in Kurdistan, where Saddam's government
has no control.) They back the Shiite-aligned SCIRI and the Iraqi National
Accord, which tried to depose Saddam in a 1998 coup attempt. The Defense
Department and Dick Cheney, on the other hand, favor a pliant umbrella
organization, the Iraqi National Congress, to manage the locals while the
U.S. pumps out the oil.
Tensions are so high, reports the Sun, that ground rules have been
established banning representatives of the State Department from meeting
with representatives of the Iraqi opposition without a representative of the
Defense Department present, and, likewise, banning representatives of the
Defense Department from meeting with the Iraqi opposition without a
representative of the State Department present.
U.S. officials have a hard time presenting a unified policy front even
towards one fiefdom. Americans agreed that the future Iraqi government
should be an elected government, SCIRI leader Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim said
on Oct. 21. They also agreed that a military ruler wouldn't work. SCIRI's
main supporter, Secretary of State Colin Powell, however, told the
Associated Press exactly the opposite: The United States is considering a
model for post-war Iraq that resembles Japan after World War II, when Japan
was occupied by an American-led military government. Another model, Powell
said, is the postwar military occupation of Germany.
For its part the Pentagon is promising to help the Iraqi National Congress
train 10,000 troops for combat against Saddam.
Lost among all the internal squabbling is the real possibility that none of
the six approved groups may prove to be any better than the brutally
autocratic Saddam Hussein. Human Rights Watch accuses both Kurdish militias
of a wide variety of human rights violations, including the arbitrary
detention of suspected political opponents, torture, and extrajudicial
executions, as well as ethnic cleansing. Kurdish policy towards women is
indistinguishable from that of the Taliban; the Kurds take hard-line Islamic
fundamentalism even further by endorsing the honor killing of women who
have sex outside marriage -- even when they have been 

[CTRL] Israeli Refusenik Soldier's Letter From Jail

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israeli Refusenik Soldier's 
Letter From Jail
By Yigal Bronner

Dear Friends,   

I would like to share with you some of my thoughts as I pass the long hours peeling bags of onions, washing dozens of large oily pots, or when I am asked to explain myself to those around me, people who find it difficult to understand my motives. Why does a man of my age--married with two children--"need all this"? Why is it worth my while to refuse serving in the occupied territories?   

Such questions have forced me to examine my actions from the perspective of the other prisoners. Here is a man, 36 years old, who is imprisoned with soldiers half his age. He is separated from his family, forbidden to take off his hat (even when sitting in his cell or while eating), to use a pillow or sheets, to wear a watch, to eat in the dining hall (rather, he eats on a folding table in the hallway near his cell, all the while behind bars) and to speak while working or eating. He is forced to work fourteen hours a day (in the kitchen or cleaning the bathrooms on the base), to stand at attention and yell "Attention!" every time an officer passes and to obey a long list of other commands and prohibitions, whose sole purpose is to humiliate him. Why would anybody in his right mind subject himself to this?   

In order to answer the above question seriously, one has to recall the alternative, what it was I refused to do. There is indeed an effort to humiliate me through a variety of regulations. But I believe that humiliating another human being is more humiliating by far. To look, for example, into the eyes of a Palestinian at a checkpoint and prevent him/her from reaching work, school, or the hospital. To look into the eyes of the residents upon whom I have just imposed another day of curfew--a curfew that seems to have no beginning and no end. To look into the eyes of a farmer whose orchards I am ordered to uproot--or in the eyes of a family whose house I am about to demolish. And to see my reflection in the eyes of these people: a despised soldier in front of trembling people who beg for his mercy. This, to me, is much, much more humiliating.   

There are, of course, those who claim that the presence of people like me in the occupied territories can make the occupation more humane. Indeed, it cannot be denied that one can uproot an orchard politely, demolish a house quietly and in a civilized manner, and perhaps even expel an entire population from their village--as has been done in South Hebron--in an organized and less violent way. It is possible, it seems, to calmly dispossess and oppress an entire people. The question, however, still arises: Can a person who wishes to retain his humanity carry out such actions?   

For me, the answer is clear: No.   

So when we, the refuseniks, declare that there are certain things that a just person simply does not do, we do not mean working in a kitchen, since such work is dignified. We mean actions that humiliate and deny the humanity of the Other. There is no doubt that it is better to sit in jail, isolated, wearing a hat, silent, washing dishes and peeling onions.   

I prefer--by far--to shed tears when I cut bag after bag of onions over the tears that arise whenever I conjure up images of the occupation.   


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Bush: Big Government Socialist

2002-11-09 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

GW Bush has out-Clintoned Clinton on everything from the budget to destroying what's 
left of the Constitution.
The facts show Bush is no Conservative, he is a big government socialist and a major 
player in the push for World Government.
Bush is L-I-B-E-R-A-L and he has successfully conned the majority of Americans who 
call themselves conservative.
Read it and weep America, conservatives have absolutely NO representation in 
Washington despite the Republicans big election win.  The Republican party has shifted 
to the far left.
Wake up America.

NOTE: As of this date GWB has NOT vetoed a single piece of legislation since taking 
He has spent more time on the campaign trail than any of his predecessors.

Do Republicans really support smaller government? Republicans controlled both Houses 
of Congress from 1995 through 2001
during which time the federal budget grew from $1.4 trillion to $2.1 trillion (about 
$100 billion annually). Since Republicans
took control of the House in 1995, federal discretionary spending has grown by a rate 
of about 7 percent annually. The number
of earmarks lawmakers have put in the spending bills to steer federal funds to their 
districts has also grown. By one estimate,
between fiscal years 2001 and 2002, they increased from about 6,300 to 8,300, or 32 
percent. Social welfare programs under
Bush have grown by $96 billion in just two years, versus $51 billion under six years 
of Clinton, according to economist Stephen
Moore of the Club for Growth.


Airline bailouts.
Post Office bailout.
$205 million Amtrak bailout.
Federal prescription drug subsidies, $350 billion over 10 years.
Homebuyer bill of rights -- federal regulation of real estate.
Continued anti-trust lawsuit against Microsoft.
Federal subsidies for the poor to purchase homes.
Additional funding for Medicare.
Health care subsidies for laid-off workers and expanded job retraining benefits ($10 
billion to $12 billion over 10 years).
Wage insurance -- federal wage supplement.
Took $67 million in taxpayers' money to finance presidential campaign via federal 
matching funds.
Submitted largest budget ever to Congress, $2.13 trillion.
Increased debt-limit from $5.95 trillion to $6.4 trillion.
Scholarships for Cuban students and professionals.
$9.5 million to hire new Customs Service agents.
Increased farm subsidies by $180 billion over 10 years.
Increased Pentagon budget by $48 billion to $379 billion.
$560 million USA Freedom Corps.
Over $3-million spent on SuperBowl anti-drug ads.
Increased funding for IRS and BATF.
TRIPLED the BATF Budget.
Faith-based subsidies.
Increased federal spending on education from $39.9-billion to $44.5-billion.
Signed Congressional payraise of $4,900.
Patients Bill of Rights.
Federal Compassion Capital Fund, $700 million over 10 years.
$100_million to beef up investigative manpower and technology at the SEC.
$6 million to upgrade a U.S. Geological Survey data center near Sioux Falls, S.D.
$10 million to help farmers near the Rio Grande River involved in a water dispute with 
$7 million for enhancing water supplies in New Mexico.
A provision pressuring the Agriculture Department to reimburse poultry producers in 
West Virginia and Virginia for losses
from avian influenza.
$1 billion for Pell grants for low-income students.
$417 million for veterans' medical care.
$400 million to help states improve voting systems.
$100 million for countering western wildfires and floods.
Taxpayer-funded national memorial, congressional gold medals, and gold coins for 
victims of 9/11.
Scholarships and grants to nurses and help hospitals with retention.
Increase the NEA budget by $10 million, to $126 million.
$200,000 for a trucker congestion notification system in Tacoma, Washington.
$500,000 to save the Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse in Colorado.
$62 million to promote the Sacajawea dollar coin.
$100,000 a month to monitor news reports and offer advice on media strategy for the 
$1.5 million for taking care of the Vulcan Statue in Alabama built for the 1904 
World's Fair
$20 million annually for Strategic Milk Reserve. Was phased out in 1999 by the 1996 
Freedom to Farm Act. Congress
extended it temporarily, and then made it permanent again in the farm bill that 
President Bush signed into law in May.
Federal aid to Texas flood victims.
Federal recovery assistance to typhoon victims in Guam.
Steel and lumber tariffs.
$300 million for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) via the 
Supplemental Appropriations Act of
Federal disaster relief for tonado victims in Maryland.
Federal disaster relief for Minnesota because of storms, flooding, and tornadoes.
Payoff to families of 9/11 victims with taxpayer money.
School vouchers.
$450,000 in federal funds for the Chicago Project for Violence Prevention for fiscal 
year 2003 on top of $750,000 in 

[CTRL] Fwd: [global_news_net] GNN - DON'T ATTACK IRAQ

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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November 9, 2002


Former Marine Urges Restraint



A former Cabinet member under former President Ronald Reagan
told military officers Thursday in Monterey that the United States should not
invade Iraq.

Former Secretary of the Navy James Webb said the country
should focus instead on eliminating international terrorism. Speaking at the
Naval Postgraduate School, Webb said that without a clear understanding of
consequences - or a clear exit strategy - U.S. forces face a decades-long
occupation that could sap American resolve and resources. 

The United States also risks inflaming Arab anger even more
if it invades without first finding a solution to the Palestinian problem -
which would include establishment of a Palestinian state, Webb said. 

I am very concerned with the direction this country
may be going with regard to Iraq, Webb told several hundred students and
faculty members. Are we going to reshape American foreign policy to put
(soldiers) on the ground in the Middle East? I think it's a 


Webb, a best-selling novelist who also has written
nonfiction since leaving the military, cautioned against an invasion in a Sept.
4 article in the Wall Street Journal.

He has argued against toppling the regime and rebuilding the
government unless the United States is in direct danger. The evidence of such
danger, he said, is not in sight.

Despite the size of the U.S. armed forces, he said, a
collection of 1.5 million troops is not that many if it's spread
out over the world. 

There are a lot of recently retired officers with
experience who are concerned, he said. The failure of the United States
to solve the Palestinian problem would also complicate any invasion by
inflaming Arab tension. I don't think we have clean hands in the
Palestinian issue, he said, and have failed to
effect a Palestinian state. Without that happening, anything we do in that
region can be misconstrued to our detriment.

America must also focus on aggressively pursuing
trans-national terrorist organizations, he said, even if it means
(crossing) boundaries of (host) countries not doing the policing.

The American government must tell such countries: If
you can't control them, we're going to get them.

Webb also voiced suspicions over China,
which has maintained ties to Muslim countries in Southeast Asia for years. A
war with Iraq would allow China to isolate the United States diplomatically and
further its expansionist ambitions in the region.

Despite his concern, Webb said the recent Republican
congressional sweep probably wouldn't accelerate a move against Iraq. Though
Bush may find it easier to implement policy in a Republican-controlled
Congress, key members of his party still have strong reservations about an

Republican senators Richard Lugar and Charles Hagel - key
members of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee - share Webb's concerns of
hasty action.

I don't think the change in leadership is going to be
positive for the administration on this issue, he said. Webb was
secretary of the Navy from 1987 to 1988, when he resigned over a naval
reduction of forces. 

[CTRL] Behind the Veil: A Muslim Woman Speaks Out

2002-11-09 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


November 9, 2002
Behind the Veil: A Muslim Woman Speaks Out

AMSTERDAM — Ayaan Hirsi Ali had done well in the 10 years since
she arrived in the Netherlands as a young refugee from Somalia
and, until a few months ago, she lived a quiet life in her adopted
land. Never did she intend to create a national commotion.

She studied Dutch, took on cleaning jobs, went to university and
worked as a political scientist. She made a name for herself
pressing for the emancipation of Muslim women and documenting
how thousands, living even here, were subjected to beatings, incest
and emotional and sexual abuse.

To the surprise of many, she became a leading voice condemning
the government's support for multiculturalism, programs costing
millions of dollars a year that she considers misplaced because they
help keep Muslim women isolated from Dutch society.

Then Ms. Hirsi Ali, 32, began receiving hate mail, anonymous
messages calling her a traitor to Islam and a slut. On several Web
sites, other Muslims said she deserved to be knifed and shot.
Explicit death threats by telephone soon followed. The police told
her to change homes and the mayor of Amsterdam sent
bodyguards. She tried living in hiding. Finally, last month, she
became a refugee again, fleeing the Netherlands.

I had to speak up, she said, in a telephone interview from her
hiding place, because most spokesmen for Muslims are men and
they deny or belittle the enormous problems of Muslim women
locked up in their Dutch homes.

Her ordeal has caused an outcry in the Netherlands, a country
already uneasy with its recent waves of immigrants and asylum
seekers, now representing almost 10 percent of the population.
Many Dutch see the threats as an intolerable assault on the
country's democratic principles. The threats have also intensified a
fierce debate — one that can be heard these days across Europe —
about what moral values and rules of behavior immigrants should be
expected to share.

Though absent, Ms. Hirsi Ali seems very present here. Her portrait
has appeared on magazine covers and television and there have
been indignant newspaper editorials and questions in Parliament.
Some have called her the Dutch Salman Rushdie. In paid
advertisements, more than 100 Dutch writers have offered her

I've made people so angry because I'm talking from the inside,
from direct knowledge, she said. It's seen as treason. I'm
considered an apostate and that's worse than an atheist.

The theme of injustice toward women in Islamic countries has
become common in the West, but it has gained fresh currency
through Ms. Hirsi Ali's European perspective, her study of Dutch
immigrants and her own life. Born in Mogadishu, she grew up a
typical Muslim girl in Somalia. When she was 5, she underwent the
cruel ritual, as she called it, of genital cutting. When her father, a
Somali opposition politician, had to flee the country's political
troubles, the family went to Saudi Arabia, where, she said, she was
kept veiled and, much of the time, indoors.

At 22, her father forced her to marry a distant cousin, a man she
had never seen. But a friend helped her to escape and she finally
obtained political asylum in the Netherlands.

She was shocked when, as a university student, she held a job as
an interpreter for Dutch immigration and social workers and
discovered hidden suffering on a terrible scale among Muslim
women even in the Netherlands. She entered safe houses for
women and girls, most of them Turkish and Moroccan immigrants,
who had run away from domestic violence or forced marriages.
Many had secret abortions.

Sexual abuse in the family causes the most pain because the trust
is violated on all levels, she said. The father or the uncle say
nothing, nor do the mother and the sisters. It happens regularly —
the incest, the beatings, the abortions. Girls commit suicide. But no
one says anything. And social workers are sworn to professional

More than 100 women a year have surgery to restore their
virginity, she estimates in her published work. While only 10 percent
of the population is non-Dutch, this group accounts for more than 60
percent of abortions, because the Muslim girls are kept ignorant,
she said. Three out of five Moroccan-Dutch girls — Moroccans are
among the largest immigrant groups — are forced to marry young
men from villages back home, to keep them under control, she said.

A year or so ago, Ms. Hirsi Ali's case might not have attracted so
much attention. But the mood in the Netherlands, as in much of
Europe, changed after Sept. 11, 2001. In the month that followed,
there was an unheard of backlash against the nearly one million
Muslims living in the Netherlands, with more than 70 attacks against
mosques. Sept. 11 also gave politicians licence to vent brewing

Among them was Pim Fortuyn, a maverick gay politician who was
killed in May, 

[CTRL] Election 2002's Exploded Myth

2002-11-09 Thread thew
Title: Election 2002's Exploded Myth
-Caveat Lector-


Election 2002's Exploded Myth

November 9, 2002
For years, the Democrats have followed the dictum of the late House Speaker Thomas P. ONeill, All politics is local. From that, it has followed that whats most important is local organizing, not national media. Once again, on Nov. 5, the Democrats paid dearly for these misconceptions.

While the Republicans and conservatives continue to pour billions of dollars into building a national media infrastructure  from talk radio and Fox News to print publications and sophisticated Internet operations  the Democrats and liberals continue to do next to nothing.

After Election 2000, some Democratic strategists told us their hope for media was for the emergence of some pro-Democratic Web sites and some e-mail lists to distribute articles. They seemed to have no recognition of how inadequate this response was.

Indeed, some Web sites and e-mail lists have emerged, as under-funded part-time endeavors run by grassroots Democrats outraged by the pro-conservative media imbalance. But these well-meaning operations have only a tiny fraction of the reach of the well-funded professional organizations developed by conservatives in strong support of George W. Bush and other Republicans.

Now, finally, the Republican sweep in Election 2002 should explode ONeills outdated slogan and the belief that local organizing is the answer to almost all political ills.

The Republicans proved again that their media infrastructure can let them nationalize even off-year congressional elections. They did it in 1994 with a combination of hate-Bill-and-Hillary messages and the Contract with America. Now, they have done it with George W. Bushs calls for more allies in the Congress and attacks on the patriotism of Senate Democrats, whom Bush said aren't interested in the security of the American people.

The Republicans were aided, too, by Democratic missteps, such as the political exhortations at the end of Paul Wellstones memorial service. Few Americans watched the actual service on C-SPAN, but Fox News, talk radio and other conservative media outlets used the event to create a national political firestorm over the supposed outrage of Wellstones friends and family calling for an electoral victory as a fitting tribute to the liberal senator who died along with his wife and daughter in a plane crash.

Whatever enthusiasm Wellstones grieving friends and relatives stirred among their supporters was far outweighed politically by the ability of the conservative media to use the event to rev up the angry Republican base. Merits aside, the conservatives again demonstrated that they can take personalized events, exaggerate them through their media prism and turn them into potent political messages.

The liberals simply have no comparable media apparatus. Indeed, the mainstream media and its well-paid talking heads will almost always side with the conservative message because that positioning protects them from the career-threatening charge of liberal bias.

So now, a key question facing Democrats and liberals is this: Will the debacle of 2002 finally convince them that serious effort must be made to build a professional national media infrastructure to address the interests of those 50 million Americans who cast their votes for Al Gore in 2000  and for millions of others who find the conservative media grotesque and the mainstream media vapid.

Though much of the post-election criticism has been centered on the Democrats supposed lack of a message or effective messengers, a more important realization is that what the Democrats most lack is a media infrastructure for getting out a message and protecting their messengers from the ugly attacks that the conservative media is able to generate.

Unless that recognition becomes a chief lesson learned from Nov. 5, the Democrats and the liberals can expect a continued erosion of their political influence in a United States that is connected more than ever through national media.

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You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as yourself and your friends. 

--Robert Anton Wilson 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in West Bank

2002-11-09 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess it's an improvement that Hamas only wants to kill some Jews now, instead of 
all Jews sigh


Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in West Bank

November 9, 2002

Filed at 8:10 a.m. ET

JERUSALEM (AP) -- A senior member of the militant Islamic
Jihad group was killed in an overnight army operation in
the West Bank on Saturday, Israeli security sources said.

Iyad Sawalha died during an exchange of gunfire at his
house in the town of Jenin. Israel has accused Sawalha of
orchestrating attacks that killed 31 Israelis.

The operation came as Palestinian groups were to meet over
the weekend in Cairo to discuss ending attacks inside
Israel, officials from Fatah, Yasser Arafat's movement,

A Fatah delegation plans to demand that the militant group
Hamas restrict attacks to Jewish settlers and Israeli
soldiers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, instead of all
Israelis, a senior Fatah official said Friday, speaking on
condition of anonymity.

The Jenin operation was a joint exercise between the
Israeli security service and army, Israeli security sources
said on condition of anonymity. They tracked Sawalha to a
house in Jenin -- his home was demolished by troops in
August -- and called for him to come out. Only his wife
came out of the building.

Next-door neighbor Soha Ekmel, who was up early to prepare
for Suhur -- the morning meal before the day-long fast for
the holy month of Ramadan -- said troops entered her home
and took her husband, Khaled.

``They told his (Sawalha's) wife to tell him to come out. I
heard her say 'Iyad, please come out, they're threatening
to kill me if you don't.' There was no answer, and they
asked Khaled to do the same,'' Ekmel told The Associated
Press. The army would not comment on the report.

At one point Sawalha lobbed a hand grenade toward the
troops, lightly injuring two soldiers. After a drawn-out
gunbattle Sawalha was shot and killed. Sawalha's wife and
Khaled Ekmel were taken away, Soha Ekmel said.

The army said Sawalha was responsible for two suicide
attacks, one in June, a bus bombing that killed 17
Israelis, and another last month, when two teenagers drove
a car laden with explosives into a bus in northern Israel,
killing 14 Israelis.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat criticized the operation.

``It is a very big crime that was committed through
military aggression against our people and against our
(religious) holidays,'' Arafat told reporters at his
Ramallah headquarters.

Israel reoccupied Jenin almost three weeks ago in a bid to
track down militant groups after the Oct. 25 suicide
bombing claimed by Islamic Jihad.

Meanwhile, there were disagreements even before the
Palestinian talks started in Cairo.

Moussa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas politburo who
will lead its delegation, told reporters in Damascus this
week that he hoped Fatah would not demand Hamas end its
attacks inside Israel. He said the focus should be on
ending disputes between the two factions and unifying

The head Fatah delegate said he was hopeful progress would
be made.

``This is a very important meeting and we are looking
forward to making it successful,'' said Ahmed Ghneim. ``I
am optimistic and I think that we can reach an agreement
with Hamas.''

Arafat has regularly condemned suicide attacks against
civilians inside Israel, while Hamas argues the use of
bomb-carrying attackers is necessary because Palestinians
have no other effective means against the better-armed
Israeli army.

However, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a militant group with
links to Fatah, has carried out several suicide bombings in

Separately, the Palestinians prepared to submit a written
response to a U.S.-backed peace plan next week, officials
said. Despite Palestinian reservations, Planning Minister
Nabil Shaath said every effort would be made not to
``sabotage'' the latest peace initiative.

The plan calls for sweeping Palestinian reforms, an Israeli
troop pullback, a freeze in Jewish settlement construction
and a provisional Palestinian state by 2003, followed by
full independence in 2005.

Arafat said Israel could not afford to reject the peace
plan -- an apparent response to Israeli Foreign Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu who said the U.S. plan was not relevant
as long as war with Iraq was pending.

U.S. envoy David Satterfield is expected in the region next
week to talk to both sides about the plan.


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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in West Bank

2002-11-09 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess it's an improvement -- now they only want to kill SOME Jews, instead of all 
Jews.. sigh


Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in West Bank

November 9, 2002

Filed at 8:10 a.m. ET

JERUSALEM (AP) -- A senior member of the militant Islamic
Jihad group was killed in an overnight army operation in
the West Bank on Saturday, Israeli security sources said.

Iyad Sawalha died during an exchange of gunfire at his
house in the town of Jenin. Israel has accused Sawalha of
orchestrating attacks that killed 31 Israelis.

The operation came as Palestinian groups were to meet over
the weekend in Cairo to discuss ending attacks inside
Israel, officials from Fatah, Yasser Arafat's movement,

A Fatah delegation plans to demand that the militant group
Hamas restrict attacks to Jewish settlers and Israeli
soldiers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, instead of all
Israelis, a senior Fatah official said Friday, speaking on
condition of anonymity.

The Jenin operation was a joint exercise between the
Israeli security service and army, Israeli security sources
said on condition of anonymity. They tracked Sawalha to a
house in Jenin -- his home was demolished by troops in
August -- and called for him to come out. Only his wife
came out of the building.

Next-door neighbor Soha Ekmel, who was up early to prepare
for Suhur -- the morning meal before the day-long fast for
the holy month of Ramadan -- said troops entered her home
and took her husband, Khaled.

``They told his (Sawalha's) wife to tell him to come out. I
heard her say 'Iyad, please come out, they're threatening
to kill me if you don't.' There was no answer, and they
asked Khaled to do the same,'' Ekmel told The Associated
Press. The army would not comment on the report.

At one point Sawalha lobbed a hand grenade toward the
troops, lightly injuring two soldiers. After a drawn-out
gunbattle Sawalha was shot and killed. Sawalha's wife and
Khaled Ekmel were taken away, Soha Ekmel said.

The army said Sawalha was responsible for two suicide
attacks, one in June, a bus bombing that killed 17
Israelis, and another last month, when two teenagers drove
a car laden with explosives into a bus in northern Israel,
killing 14 Israelis.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat criticized the operation.

``It is a very big crime that was committed through
military aggression against our people and against our
(religious) holidays,'' Arafat told reporters at his
Ramallah headquarters.

Israel reoccupied Jenin almost three weeks ago in a bid to
track down militant groups after the Oct. 25 suicide
bombing claimed by Islamic Jihad.

Meanwhile, there were disagreements even before the
Palestinian talks started in Cairo.

Moussa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas politburo who
will lead its delegation, told reporters in Damascus this
week that he hoped Fatah would not demand Hamas end its
attacks inside Israel. He said the focus should be on
ending disputes between the two factions and unifying

The head Fatah delegate said he was hopeful progress would
be made.

``This is a very important meeting and we are looking
forward to making it successful,'' said Ahmed Ghneim. ``I
am optimistic and I think that we can reach an agreement
with Hamas.''

Arafat has regularly condemned suicide attacks against
civilians inside Israel, while Hamas argues the use of
bomb-carrying attackers is necessary because Palestinians
have no other effective means against the better-armed
Israeli army.

However, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a militant group with
links to Fatah, has carried out several suicide bombings in

Separately, the Palestinians prepared to submit a written
response to a U.S.-backed peace plan next week, officials
said. Despite Palestinian reservations, Planning Minister
Nabil Shaath said every effort would be made not to
``sabotage'' the latest peace initiative.

The plan calls for sweeping Palestinian reforms, an Israeli
troop pullback, a freeze in Jewish settlement construction
and a provisional Palestinian state by 2003, followed by
full independence in 2005.

Arafat said Israel could not afford to reject the peace
plan -- an apparent response to Israeli Foreign Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu who said the U.S. plan was not relevant
as long as war with Iraq was pending.

U.S. envoy David Satterfield is expected in the region next
week to talk to both sides about the plan.


For information on advertising in e-mail newsletters
or other creative advertising opportunities with The
New York Times on the Web, please contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit our online media
kit at http://www.nytimes.com/adinfo

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: A Busy Week for the U.S. in Its Pursuit of Tax Rebels

2002-11-09 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Busy Week for the U.S. in Its Pursuit of Tax Rebels

November 9, 2002

The Justice Department this week moved on several fronts
against tax evasion and the promotion of evasion schemes.
Such moves had become so rare in recent years that
promoters boasted about not paying taxes and won clients
with claims that the government's not coming after them
proved that taxes are voluntary.

The most significant development came in Las Vegas, where
an eight-year prison sentence was imposed on Max C. Tanner,
55, a former Internal Revenue Service lawyer who evaded $2
million in taxes on profits from a stock swindle. Mr.
Tanner, who was taken directly to prison, was also fined
$3.2 million and ordered to forfeit $1.2 million in assets.
Mark Lytle, the federal prosecutor, called it a
significant sentence for a white-collar crime.

Mr. Tanner ran a scheme out of the Empire State Building to
sell 1.8 million shares of stock, at up to $9.37 a share,
in Maid Aide, which turned out to be a one-woman cleaning
service in Las Vegas. He funneled the money through Canada
to the Cayman Islands to evade all taxes.

Mr. Tanner asserted that despite his work for the I.R.S.,
he sincerely believed that he was not required to pay
taxes. A jury rejected that defense a year ago, and Mr.
Tanner told Judge Kent Dawson in Federal District Court
yesterday that he suffered from an emotional disorder,
mitigating his responsibility for the crimes.

The Justice Department also sought injunctions against
promoters of tax evasion schemes in Tampa, Fla.; Newark and
Nashville and moved closer to obtaining such injunctions in
Cincinnati and Harrisburg, Pa. In Denver, a federal grand
jury handed up indictments for selling tax evasion schemes
against three men, one of whose clients has already been
sentenced to prison for tax evasion.

Of the five civil injunction cases, the most significant
was filed in Tampa against Carel A. (Chad) Prater of
Nokomis, Fla.; an associate, Richard W. Cantwell; and his
many businesses, including Goldcoast Enterprises, Tax
Escape Service and Family Values International. Clients
paid Mr. Prater as much as $20,000 for advice on how to not
owe taxes, advice the Justice Department said was
worthless, even harmful and had cost the government at
least $18 million in taxes.

Mr. Prater, 64, has contracts with at least 956 clients to
pay him $3.6 million, the suit filed in Federal District
Court in Tampa said, citing documents obtained in a March 7
raid by I.R.S. agents. His contracts are based on the 861
position, named after a tax code section; the claim is that
most Americans do not owe tax unless they work for
foreign-owned companies.

Mr. Prater uses the title doctor, but acknowledged under
oath this year that he had not received a doctoral degree
for his studies of the movements of golfers, as he had
claimed. He has a long criminal history, according to The
Ledger, a Lakeland, Fla., newspaper that said public
records show convictions since 1983 for possession of
cocaine for sale, insurance fraud, credit card fraud,
violation of probation and domestic violence. An associate
of Mr. Prater said he had no comment.

Mr. Prater has also worked closely with David Bosset of
Clearwater, Fla., whom the same federal court has already
ordered to stop promoting similar schemes. Mr. Bosset
sought clients by displaying a $21,916 I.R.S. refund of
taxes that he had withheld from his employee paychecks. In
an interview, however, Mr. Bosset said that he did not
return this money to his workers, but instead pocketed it.
The I.R.S. said it issued the refund by mistake.

Part of the Prater scheme, the Justice Department said, was
filing documents with county clerks that purportedly
eliminate tax obligations. In Sarasota, Fla., at least
1,295 such affidavits have been filed.

Karen E. Rushing, the clerk of the state circuit court in
Sarasota, said that she was aware that the filings were
used to promote tax evasion, but said that for the most
part Florida clerks have no authority to refuse anything
presented for filing. Ms. Rushing said that she had not
sought a legal opinion on whether she could refuse to file
the Prater affidavits and that she did not intend to raise
the issue with the Florida Legislature.

In Newark, the Justice Department sought a federal court
injunction on Thursday against Richard Haraka, a Clifton,
N.J., resident who owns the Taxgate.com Web site. The
department contends Mr. Harakas has been interfering with
enforcement of the federal tax laws and promoting the 861
position. Mr. Haraka did not respond to an e-mail message
requesting comment.

The government filed suit earlier against Thurston P. Bell,
who uses that Web site to promote his version of the 861
position. In Harrisburg, Pa., on Tuesday, a federal judge
again delayed the government's request for an injunction to
stop him and retrieve his client 

Re: [CTRL] Be Aware

2002-11-09 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

While this may not technically be a virus or worm, it's certainly very close
to a trojan horse - many worms are also trojan horses. It definitely acts
like a virus. The only thing that might exempt it is the fine print. It's
pretty sleazy, in any event. I wonder if this is spyware as well, like

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]

8 Nov 2002

Please be aware that there is a mass-mailing Greeting Card e-mail scam
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cool-downloads.com or .net,
friend-greetings.com or .net,
friend-cards.com or .net

All of which are registered to Permissioned Media inc.

The greeting card e-mail scam is not technically a virus or a worm, and many
vendors are stating that they have no plans to detect and prevent the
program.  Please be
vigilant when reading licence agreements and installing software of this
nature, especially
from organisations such as Permissioned Media Inc. who are distributing the
FriendsGreeting program.

If you have any questions, please contact the MessageLabs Help Desk, or your
Services Executive.

Further information may be found at:



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MessageLabs is a leading provider of Internet-level managed email security
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This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
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around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Congressional Leaders Promise Quick Move on Security Measure

2002-11-09 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

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Congressional Leaders Promise Quick Move on Security Measure

November 9, 2002

WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 - Congressional leaders said today that
they would bow to President Bush's demand to try to pass a
bill creating a Department of Homeland Security by the end
of the year.

Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, the incoming Republican
majority leader, and Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois
made the announcement in the White House driveway after
lunch with Mr. Bush.

He feels very strongly about this, Mr. Lott said.

Hastert said, We're going to look at every way we can to
get this legislation done.

Their acceptance of the move for quick passage was the
first legislative muscle-flexing by the White House after
the Republican victories in this week's midterm elections.
Mr. Lott at first did not want to pass the legislation this
year, but the president did, and the president won.

More specifically, Mr. Lott said on Wednesday that he hoped
to put off major legislation until a new session of
Congress begins in January and to wrap up the lame-duck
session that begins next week in just a few days.

I'm not an advocate of lame-duck sessions, whether I'm in
the minority or the majority, he said.

White House officials said Mr. Bush telephoned Mr. Lott
after his remarks. Then on Thursday, in his first public
remarks after the election, Mr. Bush said that his No. 1
legislative priority was creating the Department of
Homeland Security, right now.

White House officials said today that the president
displayed no irritation with Mr. Lott at the lunch but was
firm that the legislation be passed quickly.

If you don't get it done now, an administration official
said, you start totally over again. You will relitigate
issues, and it will take months, no matter which way you
cut it.

The bill creating the department has been hung up in the
Democratic-controlled Senate for months because of a
dispute with the White House over worker protections. But
even with the Senate moving into Republican hands, it is
unclear if, and how quickly, Mr. Bush will get what he

Congress is scheduled to begin its lame-duck session on
Tuesday with Democrats still in charge, since most of the
new senators will not take office until January. Senator
Tom Daschle, the Democratic leader, favors creating the
department but is insistent on worker protection.


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[CTRL] Bush announces plan to violate UN resolution regarding Iraq

2002-11-09 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
in one breath bush scolds iraq for violations that are debatable...in the next breath, he openly shows his disdain for UN resolutionseric stewart wrote: copied from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2429347.stm  Russia - which is also opposed to US military intervention in Iraq -  said the resolution had "averted a real war threat and opened the way  for further political-diplomatic efforts to settle the Iraqi situation".  the following snip is taken from the article which follows:The resolution outlines a program of work for the weapons inspector teams, but the US President George Bush still declares that Iraq could face the "severest consequences" of a US-led military strike if authorities there fail to completely comply with the demands of the resolution. He warned overnight that the US would not be constrained by the language of the resolution.From: FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [globenet] Press Release re UN Iraq ResolutionDate: Sat, 9 Nov 2002 12:10:03 +1000IMMEDIATE USE 9/11/2002FRIENDS OF THE EARTH AUSTRALIAMEDICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF WARAUSTRALIAN PEACE COMMITTEEOZPEACEFriends of the Earth Australia, The Australian Peace Committee, the MedicalAssociation for the prevention of War, and Ozpeace today called for allUnited Nations countries to declare their weapons of mass destructioncapability and to make a commitment to totally disarm such weapons in ashow of leadership to Iraq.Security Council Resolution 1441, which calls on Iraq to provide open andunfettered access to UN weapons inspectors, was passed overnight afteragreement was reached between all five permanent members of the UN SecurityCouncil, USA, UK, Russia, China and France. The resolution requires Iraq tohave issued by early December, "a full, accurate and complete" declarationof all its programs to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction, aswell as civilian materials that could have military applications."The Permanent Five (P5) members of the Security Council have between themsomewhere in the vicinity of 35,000 nuclear weapons and unknown arsenalsof chemical and biological weapons," said Dimity Hawkins, FoEA spokespersonthis morning. "We ask that the P5 lead by example and declare to the worldin full, accurate and complete terms all programs existing within theirnations which rely on weapons of mass destruction."In the wake of the adoption of Resolution 1441, peace groups both inAustralia and internationally express concern that this will be a precursorto war against the Iraqi nation, and would lead to military strikes in linewith the US agenda for a "regime change" in Iraq.The resolution outlines a program of work for the weapons inspector teams,but the US President George Bush still declares that Iraq could face the"severest consequences" of a US-led military strike if authorities therefail to completely comply with the demands of the resolution. He warnedovernight that the US would not be constrained by the language of theresolution."The last US-led war against Iraq sanctioned by the United Nations sawmassive Iraqi casualties, many of whom were civilians," said Ron Gray ofthe Australian Peace Committee. According to Friends of the EarthAustralia nuclear weapons spokesperson, John Hallam: "We must seek worldwide disarmament of weapons of mass destruction through diplomacy andagreement. War against any one nation is not an answer to the problem ofchemical, biological or nuclear weapons. If we are talking about weapons ofmass destruction we should start with those whom we know for certainactually have vast WMD arsenals - The US, Russia, France, the UK, China,India Pakistan and Israel "Peace groups around Australia are organising towards a national weekend ofaction to call for no war against Iraq on the 30 November - 1 December2002. Public rallies are planned in all capital cities. In Sydney therewill be a 'Walk Against War' commencing at 12 noon Saturday Nov 30 atSydney Town Hall, which will be adressed by John Pilger, Sharan Burrows,Christian and Moslem religious leaders and celebrities.For comment, please call:Dimity Hawkins, FoEA 0425-786-301, 08-8298-5326John Hallam, FoEA 02-9567-7533, 02-9810-2598Ron Gray Australian Peace Committee 08-8364-2291Giji Gya MAPWA, 0413-594-717Jacob Grech Ozpeace 0402-246-491Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Afghan War Faltering, Military Leader Says

2002-11-09 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
Myers is thoroughly guilty for 9-11 - caveat lector
copied fromhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25588-2002Nov7.htmlAfghan War Faltering, Military Leader Says Myers Cites Al Qaeda's Ability to AdaptBy Thomas E. Ricks and Vernon LoebWashington Post Staff WritersFriday, November 8, 2002; Page A01 The U.S. military is losing momentum in the war on terrorism in Afghanistan because the remnants of al Qaeda and the Taliban have proven more successful in adapting to U.S. tactics than the U.S. military has to theirs, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said this week.Gen. Richard B. Myers also said there is a debate taking place within the Pentagon about whether the United States needs to change its priorities in Afghanistan and de-emphasize military operations in favor of more support for reconstruction efforts. "I think in a sense we've lost a little momentum there, to be frank," Myers said in after-dinner comments Monday night at the Brookings Institution. "They've made lots of adaptations to our tactics, and we've got to continue to think and try to out-think them and to be faster at it."Myers, the nation's top military officer, suggested it may be time for the military to "flip" its priorities from combat operations aimed at hunting down al Qaeda and Taliban fighters to "the reconstruction piece in Afghanistan," a notable shift in priorities for an a Pentagon that has eschewed nation-building exercises.The CIA, in a recently released assessment, called security "most precarious in smaller cities and some rural locations" and said: "Reconstruction may be the single most important factor in increasing security throughout Afghanistan and preventing it from again becoming a haven for terrorists."Afghan President Hamid Karzai recently launched an anti-corruption campaign aimed at cracking down on provincial leaders who continue to challenge the authority of the country's central government.Myers issued his call for faster and more flexible approaches in the counterterrorism war a day after the United States conducted its first-ever airstrike in Yemen, using an unmanned aircraft to do it. A CIA-operated Predator drone on Sunday attacked a vehicle believed to be carrying six al Qaeda members with Hellfire missiles, obliterating the vehicle and its passengers. Yemeni authorities said among the passengers was Abu Ali al-Harithi, a senior al Qaeda leader and one of the terrorist network's top figures in Yemen.Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., a retired Army colonel and Pentagon consultant who directs the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said Monday's attack in Yemen cannot mask the continuing instability in Afghanistan and the lack of strong counterterrorism relationships between the United States and countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia.Wayne A. Downing, a retired Army general who until June served as the White House special adviser on combating terrorism, disagreed, saying that the United States has matched al Qaeda in adjusting its operations. "Getting this guy in Yemen was huge -- and a significant escalation in a different place," he said.Downing said he expects the military to play a smaller role in the war on terrorism, with diplomacy and intelligence cooperation becoming more important. He also predicted that actions like the one in Yemen will be more characteristic of the campaign.Ivo H. Daalder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, called a shift in priorities by the military in Afghanistan away from pursuing al Qaeda and toward reconstruction "noteworthy and extremely important." But Daalder said he doubted whether Myers or Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld would commit U.S. forces to "tackling the fundamental security problem in Afghanistan, which is not al Qaeda, but a byproduct of the way we fought -- arming the warlords.""What needs to be done is to take away the power of the warlords and give it to the central government, and that requires real military force," Daalder said. "Are we prepared to take on the very guys we empowered? I don't see any evidence that is the case."In his remarks at Brookings, Myers said al Qaeda has proven to be an agile adversary, adapting its electronic communications to prevent intercepts and securing the way it passes money. His comments, released by Brookings on Wednesday, reflect a concern that many senior U.S. officials have expressed privately in recent months that the military establishment has been too slow to adapt in its response to the al Qaeda threat, both in its special operations tactics and its weapons procurement.One official close to Rumsfeld said this week that, in his view, the military still is largely geared to changing at the glacial pace of the Cold War, during which shifts in military doctrine and weaponry in the Soviet Union occurred generationally. Al Qaeda and its allies have shown "an ability to change by the month," the official said.A detailed analysis just released by the U.S. Army War 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Curse of Lawrence of Arabia

2002-11-09 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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-Caveat Lector-


On the days that I don't publish, like today, you receive
Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you to keep
pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and I agree
on most things in the field of economics, so the two letters
reinforce each other.

The Curse of Lawrence of Arabia

The Daily Reckoning

New Orleans, Louisiana

Friday, 8 November 2002


*** The unkindest cut of all? Fed cuts rates...investors

*** What will Yardeni say next? We watch carefully, so we
can do the opposite...

*** Gold up, dollar down. Outright deflation in goods. My
two daughters, and more!

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The unkindest cut?

The Dow fell 2% yesterday - 184 points, as investors began
to wonder if analysts looked around for a reason and if
the 12th Fed rate cut would do more good than the 11
before it.

The Fed began cutting rates nearly 2 years ago. After the
first one, we recall economist Ed Yardeni saying something
like: 'Don't worry. If this doesn't work, the Fed still
has 600 basis points to go.'

Yardeni was famous for two remarkably wrong ideas. It was
he who had made the Y2K scare respectable, encouraging the
Fed to make additional liquidity available, just in case.
It was he, too, who had thought he had discovered a new
race of human beings at the end of the '90s - digital man,
the guy who 'got it.' What he actually discovered, it
turned out, was the old race of homo sapien ignorantus,
who thought himself a genius after a quarter-century bull

Digital man seemed to go extinct only months after Yardeni
discovered him - after the crash of the Nasdaq. And the
Y2K problem was, of course, a total flop.

We guessed that Yardeni would be wrong about rate cuts,
too. At the time, the Fed funds rate stood at 6%, and the
savings rate was near zero. 'Before this is over,' we
think we remember writing, the Fed funds rate will be at
zero and the savings rate will be at 6%.

Both are getting close.

Why would Yardeni think rate cuts would work? Because they
have always worked in the past, he would answer.

He may not have looked back far enough. As Alan Greenspan
noted, you'd have to look in 'dusty old history books' to
find a period similar to our own. Of course, neither
Yardeni nor the Fed chairman would want to do that.

In the present downturn, unlike the typical post-WWII
slump, there has been no shortage of credit or confidence.
Au contraire, there's been too much.

Home lending explosion has created more than just a
record number of McMansions, reports a Dow Jones
newswire. There are also record numbers of homeowners now
in bankruptcy protection.

Chapter 13 has become required reading for many Americans,
thanks largely to the encouragement of Alan Greenspan and
the credit industry. Mortgage debt has risen 50% in the
last 4 years, to $5.7 trillion. The number of people
asking for Chapter 13 protection is rising at an 8% annual

I think we're seeing only the front end of the wave,
says Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard professor who specializes
in consumer bankruptcy. One out of every 5 homeowners has
refinanced his home 


2002-11-09 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


Sometimes you err on the side of alabing for the government. You
make the same mistake here as others make about the first WTC bombing,
the MURRAH bombing and the 911 attacks. Many said of the first WTC
Then there were these idiots who wanted to say THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWED MCVEIGH
TO BOMB THE MURRAH!! Now again there are those who are now saying
The snipers were allowed to go on for a couple
of weeks longer than even they wanted to
The bright idea that you and these others need
to find is that all these scenarios are far more improbable than THE GOVERNMENT
FINISH!! --- That is my working hypothesis on MM. Try this one
on for size. In order to help with any frame up the government offers
millions in reward money to produce witnesses who will say anything.
That is what the government did in the OKBOMB. Jannet Reno offered
$2 million for JOHN DOE I AND JOHN DOE II. Then all the bogus leads
are channeled to FBI field agents to keep them chasing their tails.
Americans have been had by the DC SNIPER TEAM.
If you wish to make the most conservative statement about the DC SNIPER
is closer to what really happened.
This looks to me like selected patsies.
Perhaps MM called trying to get the reward and then the real murder
weapon was planted on them. But how would this modified car be explained?
It looks as if as much skill in framing as Oswald received. I keep
I became very suspicious when it was obvious that
the two suspects were not mentally ill as anyone would expect such a heinous
criminal to be. Next the victims did not coincide with the profile
of these two. The whole affair smells to me like the standard CIA/DOD
psy war operation to me --- from start to finish.
The government did not sit around and wait for
Oswald to shoot Kennedy and then let it happen. It was all set up
like a long row of dominos --- from the start to the finish.
Was the 911 attack just extreme good luck and
incredible good timing for those who intended war in Afghanistan?
This SNIPER story which turned the elections has the same smell of being
more than extreme good luck combined with incredible timing. If you
Brian Downing Quig

starpowernow wrote:

That is another very good reason to suspect the DOD/CIA sponsorship of

the DC SNIPER TEAM. If all the license plate numbers on all the

traffic cams were run on a simple PC tis plate would have been tagged.

In the same way the NATIONAL RECON OFFICE could not help but notice

this car that ws in the the place at the time of all shootings.

Now let us consider this. Suppose Mohammed did make calls to the

police to try to collect the millions. He would be easy to set up.

This is a tried a true tactic. Offer a big reward and wait for the

public to start spinning.

This SNIPER story dominating the news was the big election turner.

seems as lucky for the Bush family as the 911 attacks.

Brian Downing Quig

It absolutely was another October Surprise. Like anthrax last year

specifically targeted Leahy and Daschle, snipers this year held

all legislators under the gun for this year's war vote. There was

also that general climate of 

[CTRL] Iraqass - The Movie

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The carrott or the stick

2002-11-09 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

Syria joining the UN resolution to oust 
Saddam was a shockWas it a carrott or a stick used by The US What on earth 
did Colin Powell say when he contacted them last week.
Food for thought!
The Mermaid x
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Confusion at the Palace

2002-11-09 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

It has been a very interesting week in 
Britian with the revelations from the Paul Burrell.
First we are treated to the fact that 
during a conversation with the queen Mr Burrell is warned of behind the scenes 
unseen powerful forces MI6 maybe.
Before they tried to murder Diana they 
had a crack at Camilla which of course was MI5 and that went belly up and 
charles knew who it was so he stepped up her security.The only opther option was 
to get rid of Diana, especially when it looked as if she was going to marry a 
Amongst revelations of Dianas family the 
spencers being at loggerheads with the Windsors we now find that Diana secretly 
taped a series of videos of her life in the royal Firm.Where did they go I 
It seems that even the royal family are 
not immune to the powers that be
The Mermaid x

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Harry Potter Broomstick

2002-11-09 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

I heard on the news here in england that 
the harry potter vibrating nimbus 2000 has been taken out of circulation.When 
Mattel were asked if it was because of its sexual nature and they said 
absolutely not it just wasnt selling...what tosh!!!
The Mermaid xx
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Glossary of the Right-Wing Sectors in U.S. Foreign Policy

2002-11-09 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

I've seen many posts come through my inbox that promotes some of these
right-wing viewpoints. This list will be helpful in determining the
background of some of these articles and opinions and whether they should
be allowed to color our own evolving opinions of current events...
Glossary of the Right-Wing Sectors in U.S. Foreign Policy
By Tom Barry November 4, 2002
Understanding politics in America and U.S. foreign policy means knowing
about the right wing. The leading ideologues and strategists of the right
wing--who hail from such groups as the Project for the New American Century,
American Enterprise Institute, and Empower America--have set the hawkish
and unilateralist direction of the Bush foreign and military policy.
Anticommunists: Until the collapse of the Soviet bloc, militant
anticommunism served to unify right-wing sectors around a foreign policy
that stressed military budget increases, rationalized U.S. support for
dictatorial regimes, and supported military intervention. Unlike cold war
liberals, who also identified themselves as anticommunists, the militant
anticommunists of the right believed that the fight against communism needed
to be fought at home as well as abroad, and they advocated aggressive rollback
strategies rather than merely containment and deterrence. Militant anticommunism
no longer functions as the backbone of the right's approach to international
affairs, although anticommunist convictions still shape the foreign policy
agendas of many right-wing ideologues regarding U.S. relations with China,
Cuba, and North Korea. This political agenda of crushing all forms of communist
governance has created fissures within the right, dividing the proponents
of free trade from those who resist establishing normal business relations
with countries ruled by Communist parties.
Christian Right: Before the 1970s, the U.S. evangelical movement
was a subculture that kept its distance from electoral politics. With a
new focus on social conservatism, Republican Party strategists together
with neoconservatives and right-wing ideologues encouraged the politicization
of the evangelical sectors as part of the New Right fusionism that ushered
Ronald Reagan into the presidency in 1981.
Conservative Internationalists: Neoconservatives often use this
label to describe themselves. It distinguishes them from the paleoconservatives,
from the traditional isolationism of many core Republicans, and from the
liberal internationalists found mainly in the Democratic Party.
Conservative Mainstream: Today's conservative mainstream encompasses
all those elements of the right who believe that it is possible to operate
within the electoral arena, including all the groups in this glossary.
The mainstream includes think tanks and front groups as well as major constituency
organizations like the Christian Coalition. The conservative mainstream
may call for radical changes in domestic and foreign policies, but it does
not embrace the methods of domestic right-wing vigilante groups, although
most sectors of the right have supported U.S. assistance to foreign right-wing
vigilante groups. Membership in the conservative mainstream does not equate
to resisting social change. Indeed, many conservative groups espouse radical
policy agendas. However, conservatives react negatively to changes that
are regarded as part of progressive, secular, or liberal policy agendas.
Libertarians: Conservative libertarians have long been part of
the conservative mainstream in their embrace of free market solutions and
processes and in their opposition to government involvement in social and
economic matters. Conservative libertarians share concerns about government
infringement on individual civil liberties with progressive civil libertarians.
Libertarians also share concerns about U.S. interventionism and foreign
aid with paleoconservatives.
National Security Militarists: Closely connected to what President
Eisenhower termed the "U.S. military industrial complex," national security
militarists are among the chief proponents of major increases in the U.S.
military budget and transformations in military capacity, arguing that
the U.S. must maintain military superiority. Closely allied with the most
militant anticommunist sectors of the right, the militarists have in recent
years rallied around a grand strategy of U.S. global supremacy built on
the foundation of unchallenged military power in order to maintain "the
American peace" throughout this century.
Neoconservatives: Neoconservatives constitute an intellectual
current that emerged from the cold war liberalism of the Democratic Party.
Unlike other elements of the conservative mainstream, neoconservatives
have historical social roots in liberal and leftist politics. Disillusioned
first with socialism and communism and later with new Democrats (like George
McGovern) who came to dominate the Democratic Party in the 1970s, 

[CTRL] The Men Who Stole the Show

2002-11-09 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Snipped from the below article:
"This small group of right-wing strategists, ideologues, and operatives
in right-wing think tanks, advocacy groups, and the news media has captured
U.S. foreign and military policy. At issue is not so much that this shift
in foreign policy has been engineered by a narrow elite—given that foreign
policy has traditionally been the province of conservative and liberal
elites—but rather the implications of this sharp turn to the right. Clearly,
a new foreign policy vision was needed to match the new global realities.
But is this show of American supremacy the grand strategy that best serves
U.S. national interests and security? In the end, the U.S. electorate will
need to decide if they want this show of supremacy and power to go on.
As Americans we will need to decide if we now feel more secure, if our
economic and moral interests are better represented now, and if a foreign
policy based on extending U.S. supremacy makes us proud to be Americans."
Although it isn't mentioned in this article, the PNAC book, "Rebuilding
America's Defenses" is (as I've stated before) the foundational
structure that was used in producing Bush's National Security Strategy
document. Buried in that lengthy discussion on the need for military
build-up of immense proportions was an interesting comment regarding the,
at the time, resistance to such a build-up:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary
change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing
event - like a new Pearl Harbor."
pdf file page 63 (document page 51), Chapter V "Creating Tomorrow's
Dominant Force"
9/11 anyone?

Special Report
October 2002
The Men Who Stole the Show
By Tom Barry and Jim Lobe
also see: http://www.fpif.org/papers/02men/box1.html Security
Strategy Foretold
 and http://www.fpif.org/papers/02men/box2.html
Glossary of the Right-Wing Sectors in U.S.
Foreign Policy
When he first saw the excerpts leaked to The New York Times in spring
1992, Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) was horrified and denounced the document
as a prescription for “literally a Pax Americana.”1 The leak, a draft Defense
Policy Guidance (DPG) on U.S. grand strategy through the 1990s, was stunning
in the clarity and ambition of its vision for a new U.S. foreign and military
policy. Written in the aftermath of the Gulf War by two relatively obscure
political appointees in the Pentagon’s policy department of the Bush Sr.
administration, the draft DPG called for U.S. military preeminence over
Eurasia by preventing the rise of any potentially hostile power and a policy
of preemption against states suspected of developing weapons of mass destruction.
It foretold a world in which U.S. military intervention overseas would
become “a constant feature” and failed to even mention the United Nations.
Although softened in its final form at the insistence of then National
Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and Secretary of State James Baker, the
draft DPG occupied a central place in the hearts and minds of its two authors,
Paul Wolfowitz and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and their boss, then Pentagon
chief Dick Cheney. A decade later, theory was transformed into practice
following the devastating terrorist attack on September 11. By then, Dick
Cheney had already become the most powerful vice president in U.S. history,
and the draft DPG’s two authors, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
and Cheney’s chief of staff and national security adviser, Lewis Libby,
had moved to the center of foreign policy-making in the Bush administration.
They, along with Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, have led a coalition of
forces that has successfully engineered what former UN ambassador Richard
Holbrooke recently described as a “radical break with 55 years of bipartisan
tradition” in U.S. foreign policy.2
That break came as a great shock to most analysts. Candidate George
W. Bush’s talk of pursuing a “humble” foreign policy, as well as the narrowness
of his electoral victory, suggested that Bush would likely take his cue
from his father’s administration. Although the younger Bush’s stress on
U.S. “national interests” and his skepticism about nation-building and
peacekeeping suggested a likely pullback from the Clinton-Gore team’s more
globalist and multilateral aspirations, most pundits saw a likely return
to the cautious, balance-of-power realism that characterized his father’s
tenure. That assessment seemed even more assured after Bush selected retired
General Colin Powell as his secretary of state and Condoleezza Rice as
national security adviser. Both were protgs of Brent Scowcroft,
in many ways the dean of the realist establishment going back all the way
to Gerald Ford for whom he also served as national security adviser. Those
assumptions proved dead wrong, however, particularly in the aftermath of
the September 11 attacks.
In engineering the radical break in U.S. foreign policy, 

Re: [CTRL] The carrott or the stick

2002-11-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 9 Nov 2002, Mermaid wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Syria joining the UN resolution to oust Saddam was a shockWas it a carrott or a 
stick used by The US What on earth did Colin Powell say when he contacted them last 
 Food for thought!
 The Mermaid x

He probably said: Or you're first/next

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The carrott or the stick

2002-11-09 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

Ah But Sharon is already invading their airspace so what were the US
planning to do meet Sharon in the middle do you think.
Today on British TV we saw Israeli soldiers sawing down all these lovely old
trees to make a big open trenchThey just marched in to these palestinian
farmers fields with no permission with these buzz saws and proceeded to
level the land.some of these trees are hundreds of years old and the farmers
only source of money.Guess what Sharon said.. Its okay we will compensate
them with money!!!
The Mermaid xx
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The carrott or the stick

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sat, 9 Nov 2002, Mermaid wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Syria joining the UN resolution to oust Saddam was a shockWas it a
carrott or a stick used by The US What on earth did Colin Powell say when he
contacted them last week.
  Food for thought!
  The Mermaid x

 He probably said: Or you're first/next

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] YUK!!!!

2002-11-09 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


Blood found in imported 
  lollipops Last Updated Sat, 09 Nov 2002 
  OTTAWA - People across the country are being warned not to 
  eat some lollipops imported from Argentina because they might contain 

   (Photo courtesy CFIA Web 
  The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) received a complaint about 
  reddish-brown spots in Lipo Brand lollipops. 
  Tests on two partially eaten lollipops showed they had blood in them. 
  Where the blood came from hasn't been discovered yet and Health Canada 
  is looking at what the potential health risks are. 
  A release from the CFIA says the health risks of eating the candy are 
  probably low, but suggests the cautious thing to do would be to avoid the 
  The ball-shaped candies are sold across the country and come in bags of 
  50 or 140 labelled either Lipo or Wamis. 
  Written by CBC News Online staff
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] How Bush Outfoxed the U.N. on Iraq

2002-11-09 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Friday, Nov. 8, 2002
How Bush Outfoxed the U.N. on Iraq

Some pundits say the Bush administration caved to the U.N. on
Iraq, but United Press International suggests that the White House
outfoxed the French and Russian globalists with a classic bait and

U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte kept up the negotiations for
eight weeks, and ensured that most of the fuss was about
paragraphs 1, 4 and 12., UPI reported today.

Paragraph 1 says that Iraq has been and remains in material
breach of U.N. Resolutions. Paragraph 4 says that Iraq's non-
cooperation with the inspectors would be a further material breach.
And paragraph 12 says that if the United Nations if the inspectors
report non-compliance, the security council must reconvene
immediately to consider the need for full compliance.

'Silver Bullet'
Now there is quiet self-satisfaction among the Brits and Americans
that paragraph 5 - the silver bullet - went through with little fuss,
says UPI.

Paragraph 5 says the inspectors must have immediate, unimpeded,
unrestricted and private access to all officials and other persons
and that the inspectors may at their discretion conduct interviews
inside or outside of Iraq, may facilitate the travel of those
interviewed and family members outside Iraq.

UPI notes: This means an open ticket to the West for all the best
brains in Iraqi who would like to leave. It is also the guarantee that
Iraq can be declared in material breach if access to any designated
scientist, technician, official or civilian is denied. And the CIA and
Britain's SIS have drawn up a very long list.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] A Poster

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No Wonder Shrub Don't Know dem Words ... the meanings are obscure

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://slate.msn.com/?id=2073672device=


Divest Yourself
How anti-Semitism taints campus anti-Zionism.
By Hanna Rosin
Posted Friday, November 8, 2002, at 9:54 AM PT

I remember it well from the Gulf War protests in college: You're

sitting and basking in that mosh-pit oneness of your first teach-in when a foreign guy 
in a
sweater vest turns up at the podium and suddenly the whole thing takes an uncomfortable
turn, as he goes on about the Zionist conspiracy and occasionally slips from saying 
to Jew, and everyone's sort of uneasy and wondering if they should clap.

Well, this semester it seems the sweater-vest guys have won over the crowd. In
respectable schools from coast to coast (various University of California branches, 
Princeton, MIT, and 40 other campuses), the Palestine Solidarity Movement has gotten
thousands of students and faculty to sign petitions asking universities to divest from 
The ultimate aim is to turn Israel into the South Africa of the '80s, the universal 

In response, the Hillel crowd has gone Dershowitz (that's ballistic in Yiddish), 
the Palestinians by getting thousands more students and faculty to sign a 
calling the divestment movement anti-Semitic, part of the toxic stew of Jew-baiting 
been brewing since Sept. 11. Harvard President Lawrence Summers called the protests
anti-Semitic in their effect if not their intent.

Is Summers right? The divestment movement drifted over from Europe pretty tainted, and
not by Muslim radicals. There, some of its lefty proponents are still naked in their 
foaming against the Shylocks of their imagination. Take one M.L. Sinnott, a scientist 
at the
University of Manchester who helped organize academic and scientific boycotts of 
scholars. Stephen Greenblatt, as head of the Modern Languages Association, wrote to one
of Sinnott's colleagues objecting to their having fired two researchers merely because 
were Israeli. And here is what Sinnott wrote back:

From the 'claptrap' of your open letter, he began, one would imagine Israel to be an
inoffensive Mediterranean Sweden rather than a voelkisch polity whose atrocities 
those of Milosevic's Yugoslavia. He then progresses to Zionism as the mirror image of
Nazism, Jenin as Kristallnacht, the breathtaking power of the Jewish lobby, and, of 
the media, either controlled by Jews or browbeaten by them.

Then, more depressingly, there's José Saramago, the Portuguese novelist and Nobel Prize
winner who this year traveled to Ramallah with the Euro-Mumia crowd and found it a
crime comparable to Auschwitz. He then eloquently traced the state's pathologically
exclusivist racism to Deuteronomy to the story of David and Goliath—in short, to the
Torah itself.

Israel has its share of human rights violations and even a massacre or two in its 
(Jenin not among them, as it turns out). But Kristallnacht? Auschwitz? That such 
analogies would pop into both of their heads independently can only mean the template 
Scary Omnipotent Jew is already there, buried. Apparently, it takes only a divestment
movement, or else four beers and a warm pub, to give it life.

In a 1987 Dissent essay, Paul Berman runs through all the possible explanations for the
anti-Zionism of the intellectual left. With every one of the charges against 
settler colony, weapons trader, mistreats minorities—you can name many other
countries that are infinitely worse. So some part of the inordinately critical focus 
on Israel
must be due, he concludes, to a certain hostility to Jews. Berman boils down the
phenomenon to the Anti-Imperialism of Fools, a takeoff on an August Bebel phrase
particularly apt for this year's divestment movement: The radical left, who in this 
case are
spillovers from the World Bank protests, boil their target down to one easy, ugly 
enemy that
is in reality a tiny, relatively insignificant Mediterranean country instead of 
focusing on
world- class imperialists like China and Russia or for that matter world-class human 

No doubt there are sincere individuals in the divestment movement, even in Europe:
Palestinians raised on stories of robbed family homes, sympathetic Muslim brothers,
earnest freshmen seeking a cause and not thinking too hard about it, people empathizing
with Western Muslims targeted after Sept. 11 and looking to make it up to them. But 
godfathers like Saramago, the well-meaning ones are in the position of anti-Stalinist 
of the 1930s and '40s. They have to purge the noxious strain of bigotry, or it will 
come to
define the whole movement.

Interestingly, Arab students often seem to be the ones resisting appeals to explicit 
Semitism. At the Palestine Solidarity Movement's big gathering last month at the 
of Michigan, the divestment movement seemed to be wrestling for its soul, fighting 

[CTRL] 1930ies Policy

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


''Bush's Iraq plans: Reincarnation of failed 1930s British policy''

By Issam Nashashibi and Abdelatif Rayan
YellowTimes.org Guest Columnists (United States)

(YellowTimes.org) – By all U.S. media accounts, Saddam Hussein's days are numbered.
Moreover, Pentagon pundits predict a massive U.S. victory over Saddam's rusty military

Will Bush's Iraq policy bring a real victory to crown America's hegemony in the Middle 
and elsewhere? Could history be our guidance?

Bush's Iraq policy is reminiscent to the 1930s British re- occupation of Iraq. By 
1921, almost four years after they invaded Mesopotamia, the British created Iraq as a 
entity managed by a suitable Arab who was a member of the Hashemite clan, King Faisal
I. In addition, the British supported and promoted narrowly based groups - such as 
leaders - over the growing, urban-based nationalist movement.

In pursuing this policy, the British were attempting to achieve their military 
objectives of
securing their route to India and controlling strategic oil sources. By the mid-1930s, 
exported oil via a pipeline to refineries in Haifa, Palestine.

Palestine, at that time, was in turmoil. Palestinian Arabs were rioting against the 
promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine. Faisal was alarmed about Jewish immigration
and expected that bloodshed would certainly result from such a demographic change.
However, his concern was mostly centered on the negative effect of any bloodshed in
Palestine on Iraqi-British relations as confirmed by the August 1936 British Foreign 
Report on the Repercussions in Iraq of the Creation of a National Home for the Jews in

Although public sentiment supported Arab Palestinians against such foreign 
Iraqi governments were careful not to shatter Iraqi-British relations while repeatedly
warning Britain about the destabilizing effect of Iraqi public opinion's 
sentiments. Their official policy on Jewish immigration to Palestine resembled walking 
tight rope: it avoided offending British sensibilities without inflaming public 

To mollify public sentiments, Iraqi governments fostered unofficial support for the 
cause in Palestine. As a result, Iraq became the center of pan-Arab anti-British 
and a mecca for Egyptian, Syrian and Palestinian nationalists.

Despite these strong nationalistic anti-British public sentiments, the British managed 
coerce the Iraqi government into entering WWII in support of Britain. The immediate 
of this British political pressure was riots in Baghdad and the killing of several 
people, mostly Jewish Iraqis.

Perceived as a threat to their interest, the riots were countered by British military
intervention and the resignation of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Rashid Ali, in favor of 
a new
suitable Arab. With British blessing, martial law was established and the new 
started to act against the subversive nationalist forces that dominated Iraqi public 

Thus started what the nationalists described as the second British occupation of 
which also included efforts of re- structuring Iraq with complete British and 
supervision as reported by the New York Times. The British resumed full control of the
education system while the Americans dominated the media. All nationalist and 
materials were banned and deleted from textbooks. In addition, the army was purged or

Clearly, there is nothing new in the current U.S. military scenarios to invade Iraq 
what Administration officials allude to in their post Saddam plans. Such policies 
confirm the
Administration's intention to conquer and occupy Iraq. They also call for disarming 
Iraq and
downsizing its armed forces while getting Iraq ready for a democratic transition 
and the
removal of senior officials of the governing Ba’ath Party. Much of the bureaucracy 
carry on under new management, a U.S. official added.

These officials were silent about their quest for a suitable Arab to implement their 
Saddam plans; perhaps another member of the Hashemite clan currently ruling Jordan.
They also concealed their intention to pull Iraq from its Arab roots and make it a NATO
member by altering nationalist and religious forces in Iraqi society.

Iraqi opposition groups have signed on to the Administration's plans and are fully
cooperating with their Washington handlers to create a federal, non-Arab demilitarized
Iraq as Kanan Makiya, the group's ideologist, envisioned post Saddam Iraq in his 
speech at
the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) symposium two weeks ago.

Makiya further detailed the thinking of some Iraqi circles that are working closely 
some agencies of the [U.S.] government in planning for post Saddam rule. He argued 
for a
federal Iraqi government, which cannot be thought of any longer, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cool Stuff from NewsMax (Dart boards?)

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] GN Online: Dubai rated among top three cities of decade

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


It son't seem to matter to nobody that two out the next years, two of the three can
only support a limited population due to a limited water supply.  Should the 
continue to rise over the next few years, this will only become worser, even if the
population does not increase.  Well, so much for consultants.  AER 

Dubai rated among top three cities of decade
Dubai | By Rasha Owais | 09/11/2002

Rapidly-expanding Dubai has been chosen by the global property consultants Jones Lang
LaSalle as one of the most successful cities of the last decade, for attracting 
investment, its
favourable business environment and for providing the physical infrastructure to match 

Among 100 global metropolitan areas covered by the study, Dublin and Las Vegas were
also found the most successful cities between 1991 and 2001, with Dubai.

They were successful for five measures of city growth and real estate activity, annual
population change, annual employment change, office net absorbation, 
rate and prime/office rental change.

The second part of the report that will focus on the coming ten years in the three 
cities is
due for completion by February/March 2003, Jeremy Kelly, associate director and
Rosemary Feenan, global occupier researcher, of the London-based Jones Lang LaSalle,
told Gulf News over the phone.

The level of education, technological richness and a whole set of success drivers in 
Dublin and Las Vegas, will be examined in the second part of the report, they added.

The reseachers hoped the three cities will remain in the forefront but the whole issue 
depend on how will their competitors move fast to develop.

The report, exclusive to Gulf News, said Dubai, Dublin and Las Vegas are different but 
share small populations, attractive business environment, the ability to attract 
skilled and
educated labourers, strong in- migration and international branding.

Within the Gulf area, which was covered by the report, Dubai had the best 
branding in the last ten years, said Kelly and Feenan.

© Al Nisr Publishing LLC - Gulf News Online

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[CTRL] Florence

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2415223.stm

Thursday, 7 November, 2002, 13:09 GMT
Anti-war protesters flock to Italy

Thousands attended the event's launch on Wednesday

Thousands of protesters have gathered in the

Italian city of Florence for a series of anti-war and anti-globalisation events, amid 
fears of a
repeat of the violence seen at the Genoa summit last year.

Some 20,000 protesters, mostly from Europe, are due to attend the 18 conferences, 140
seminars and 250 workshops and shows being held over the next four days.

There are fears the city's artistic treasures may be damaged
A major anti-war
protest on Saturday is expected to attract some 100,000-150,000 demonstrators.

Billed as the European Social Forum, the Florence gathering is intended to mirror the 
Social Forum that takes place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, each year.

Some 6,000 security forces are on hand and the authorities are enforcing strict border
control to try to prevent extremist protesters from infiltrating the country.

Some two dozen people have already been turned away at the borders.

Italian authorities are worried about a repeat of the clashes during the Group of Eight
summit in Genoa last year when a demonstrator was killed and hundreds injured.

Shops in central Florence have shuttered their glass-front windows, including those on 
Ponte Vecchio bridge and McDonald's fast-food restaurants which have been a target of


The Florence meeting was allowed to go ahead despite the government's concern that the
city's artistic treasures could be damaged by demonstrators.

As a prelude to the Florence gathering, thousands of demonstrators descended on a US
military base outside the nearby city of Pisa on Wednesday.

Close the shops.
Close the restaurants, bars and markets

Italian columnist
Oriana Fallaci
Helicopters hovered overhead and police in riot gear stood between protesters and the
entrance to Camp Darby.

Protesters displayed banners saying Drop Bush not Bombs! and yelling Yankees Go

These are not wars against terrorism, protest organiser Piero Bernocchi of the 
union group Cobas told the crowd.

These are wars to dominate the world, and for oil and money, terrorism is just an



The BBC's Frances Kennedy
The police have been told to keep a low profile

See also:

07 Nov 02 | Europe
In pictures: Protesters in

22 Jul 02 | Europe
Genoa one year on

01 Feb 02 | Americas
Globalisation protesters

gather for talks

27 Jul 01 | Europe
Fearsome reputation of the
Italian police

Internet links:

Government of Italy (in

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top Europe stories now:

Huge anti-war protest in

Germany-US relations

Mystery over German
guerrilla's brain

Turkey hunger strike claims

Turkey entry 'would destroy

Venus mission is on

Rock vote fails to halt talks

Calais mayor wants

Sangatte to reopen

Links to more Europe stories
are at the foot of the page.

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[CTRL] Who's Coddling the Criminals?

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=228367contrassID=

w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Barak could face U.S. arrest in Marc Rich affair

Former prime minister Ehud Barak could be arrested the next time he sets foot in the
United States, the Israeli Embassy in Washington warned recently.

The arrest threat stems from the fact that Barak has so far failed to reply to 
posed by federal prosecutors in New York who are investigating the pardon that former
president Bill Clinton granted Jewish financier Marc Rich.

But a senior government official dismissed the threat as not serious, saying: The
likelihood of Barak being arrested in the U.S. is zilch - about the same as the 
likelihood of
Israel arresting a former American president who visited here.

Clinton pardoned Rich, who had been living in Switzerland for the previous 17 years to
avoid prosecution on charges of massive tax evasion and illegal oil deals with Iran, 
before he left office in early 2001. It later emerged that several prominent people -
including not only Barak, but also Rich's ex-wife, Denise, who is a major contributor 
to the
Democratic Party and even funded Clinton's presidential library - had urged Clinton to 
the pardon. Federal prosecutors therefore opened an investigation to determine whether
the pardon had involved any criminal aspects, such as bribery, and in this context, 
asked permission to interrogate Barak about his involvement in the affair.

A deal was reached with the Israeli authorities whereby the prosecutors would send 
a list of questions and he would reply in writing by October 27. However, he has not 
done so. The New York prosecutors were angered by this failure, and their anger 
when they discovered that Barak had actually been in the U.S. at about that time, 
among other things, a joint fundraiser with Clinton for Petah Tikva's Beilinson 
Hospital. They
therefore sent an angry letter to the Israeli embassy, warning that if the replies 
were not
forthcoming, Barak could be arrested the next time he lands in America.

Barak's office responded that the former premier intends to reply to all the 
questions, as
agreed, just as he replied to all the questions posed by the congressional panel [that
investigated the pardon].

Rich has been a generous donor to Israeli cultural and educational institutions for 
and at one point he even accepted Israeli citizenship. In his letter to Clinton, Barak 
also said
that Rich had assisted Mossad operations overseas.
By Aluf Benn


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[CTRL] Boast of killing golfers is alleged

2002-11-09 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Tucson, Arizona  Friday,  8 November 2002

Boast of killing golfers is alleged

Jim Davis / Staff
Oro Valley resident Albert Michalczyk, 72, points to where he was
shot in the chest while playing golf in Clearwater, Fla., in May.
By L. Anne Newell

Two Tucson police detectives flew to Seattle on Thursday, hoping to
gain information officials called critically important from a man who
claims one of the sniper suspects bragged of robbing and killing two
golfers in Arizona.

The man, Harjeet Singh, 35, told The Seattle Times that sniper
suspect John Lee Malvo, 17, boasted he and John Allen
Muhammad, 41, killed the two men last spring, robbing them and
hiding their bodies.

Authorities have established that Muhammad and Malvo were in
Tucson March 13-16 visiting Muhammad's sister, and left for
Flagstaff on March 25.

Golfer Jerry R. Taylor, 60, was shot March 19 while practicing
chipping at the Fred Enke Golf Course in the 8200 block of East
Irvington Road. His body was dragged some 40 feet from where he
was killed and left in a tangle of palo verde trees.

Police have combed the area near where he was killed for the past
two days, finding some ballistic evidence but saying it likely wasn't
related to the slaying.

Tucson Assistant Police Chief Robert Lehner said verifying what
Singh said would greatly bolster his department's case.

We're dealing with a case where there was and is very little
physical evidence, he said. Even little details are critically

Muhammad and Malvo are accused of shooting 17 people, killing 12
and wounding five, in Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia,
Washington state and Washington, D.C. Authorities announced
Thursday that ballistics tests connect the pair to yet another slaying -
that of a man shot outside an Atlanta liquor store in September.
Authorities around the country are working to determine whether any
other unsolved homicides could be related to the pair.

Meanwhile, authorities said another case involving an Oro Valley
man likely is not connected to the snipers, leaving officials to
speculate that Malvo was exaggerating in talking of two victims or
Singh misunderstood about the second case.

Tucson police have no other unsolved homicides in the time they
can place the suspects here and other agencies have said the

The Times speculated Malvo could have been talking of Oro Valley
resident Albert Michalczyk, 72, who was shot in the chest while
playing golf in Clearwater, Fla., in May.

Authorities found no ballistic evidence but concluded Michalczyk
likely was shot by a rifle from a distance, said Clearwater Police
Department spokesman Wayne Shelor.

Michalczyk, who was shot in the chest but released from the
hospital within five hours, said he began to suspect he was a victim
of the snipers when he learned of a possible connection between
the pair and Taylor's death.

When I found out these guys were here, I thought I'd put two and
two together, he said Thursday. Michalczyk was visiting family in
Florida when he was shot.

Authorities looked at the case because it fit the snipers' profile and
Malvo's mother lived in Fort Myers, 130 miles from Clearwater,
Shelor said.

But we found absolutely nothing that ties our shooting to the two
men, he said. Shelor said federal authorities also told him the two
were a continent away when Michalczyk was shot.

Lehner said Singh's story mirrors parts of what the local
investigation has found, but not others. Detectives will need to
determine whether the discrepancies are due to the time elapsed
since Singh talked to Malvo in April or whether the story is

We have to take those statements seriously and we are, he said.
We're pursuing every lead that develops out of it.

Lehner would not say what evidence matched and what differed
because the difference will help determine how authentic Singh's
information is. He also would not release any new information about
Taylor's death.

By withholding certain information, it allows us to determine how
factual this secondhand account is, he said. We can't do that if we
release all the information from our scene.

Also, he said, it could compromise an ongoing homicide
investigation should the sniper suspects be ruled out.

Singh, 35, a self-employed textile salesman with a criminal history,
told the Seattle paper he often worked out with Malvo and
Muhammad at the YMCA and became friendly with them.

He told investigative reporter Duff Wilson he didn't question Malvo
about his claim because he didn't take it seriously.

Singh did not return a call to the Arizona Daily Star.

The Times also reported Singh told police and the FBI on June 5
that Muhammad had plans to build a silencer for a high-powered
rifle. He also said Muhammad spoke of plans to shoot a police
officer and fuel tanker truck.

Singh said Malvo talked of the golf-course shootings during one of
his few 

Re: [CTRL] How Bush Outfoxed the U.N. on Iraq

2002-11-09 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
alexander haig sits on the newsmax board now
klewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2002/11/8/173622Friday, Nov. 8, 2002How Bush Outfoxed the U.N. on IraqSome pundits say the Bush administration caved to the U.N. onIraq, but United Press International suggests that the White Houseoutfoxed the French and Russian globalists with "a classic bait andswitch."U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte "kept up the negotiations foreight weeks, and ensured that most of the fuss was aboutparagraphs 1, 4 and 12.," UPI reported today.Paragraph 1 says that Iraq "has been and remains in materialbreach" of U.N. Resolutions. Paragraph 4 says that Iraq's non-cooperation with the inspectors would be "a further material breach."And paragraph 12 says that if the United Nations if the inspectorsreport non-compliance, the security council must reconveneimmediately to consider "the need for full compliance."'Silver Bullet'Now there is "quiet self-satisfaction among the Brits and Americansthat paragraph 5 - the silver bullet - went through with little fuss,"says UPI.Paragraph 5 says the inspectors must have "immediate, unimpeded,unrestricted and private access to all officials and other persons"and that the inspectors "may at their discretion conduct interviewsinside or outside of Iraq, may facilitate the travel of thoseinterviewed and family members outside Iraq."UPI notes: "This means an open ticket to the West for all the bestbrains in Iraqi who would like to leave. It is also the guarantee thatIraq can be declared in material breach if access to any designatedscientist, technician, official or civilian is denied. And the CIA andBritain's SIS have drawn up a very long list."--Outgoing mail is certified virus freeScanned by Norton AntiViruswww.ctrl.orgDECLARATION  DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These aresordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Archives Available at:http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.htmlArchives of[EMAIL PROTECTED]http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ctrlTo subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SUBSCRIBE CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:SIGNOFF CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]OmDo you Yahoo!?
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U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive medley & videos from Greatest Hits CD

[CTRL] Iran-Contra, September 11, SDI, Nestle, Folgers, and Texas Instruments

2002-11-09 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
someone with little activism experience but with extensive experience oflatin american countries told me a few weeks ago that iran-contra had alot to do with Nestle, Folgers, and Texas Instruments...following up on this i got an amazing number of connections to theanti-iraq lobby and the SDI lobby...i.e. connections to rumsfield,wolfowitz, and perlefurther, i had already learned that the first thing hit in the 1991 gulfwar was iraq's rail launcher...a magnetic rail used to propel objects toa high rate of speed AFTER which a rocket's propulsion is ignited...thiscould be used to bomb israel or to launch satellites into space at anenormous rate...in other words, if the right nations got together andprovided the satellite technology (russia, EU, japan etc...) this raillauncher COULD be used to challenge American communications superiorityin a short time (it is RE-USABLE)...add to this the fact that there is aring around china of fighting going on (nepal, the koreas, japan,afghanistan, etc..) and that pakistani official sources contend thatchina is working on a rail launcher WITH pakistan and global eventsbegin to take on a different hueso we have satellites and the SDI lobby (much about satellites)further, i contend that the SDI money over the past 20 years has beenused for technologies related to those PURPORTED, but a littledifferent...add this to the mix: on september 11, 2001 NASA's communicationssatellites were disrupted...a hack?were instructions beamed to the global hawk technologies installed onall passenger aircraft?plug satellites into all of the above topics and patterns emergelinking, EXTRAORDINARILY, rumsfield, wolfowitz, perle, andiran-contra...hplease seehttp://www.astronautix.com/lvfam/gunnched.htm ~the following would seem to implicate china in potentially hacking U.S. satellites in a cyberwar that reached a crescendo in the early days of september, 2001...however, since most of the material relies upon Wired magazine, which from personal DIRECT experience, is a highly compromised, CFR-infiltrated 'news' source, it is easy to surmise that the U.S. tested the first strike capability of SDI on ITSELF on that dayrail launchers, the small plane evidence, communications satellites,september 11, and unmanned aircrart~i may go down for this but then again, i am just some unemployed nut -easily discredited~The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Center, which is based in South Korea,itemizes various technologies having to do with its specialty (unmannedvehicles) by nation. The list shows that Iran has experimented withrail launch of unmanned aircraft. Unmanned aircraft figure prominentlyin the most critical of 9-11 theories.A page of their website is intriguing.See:http://www.uavcenter.com/menu11a.asp ~INDIA--the following is snipped fromhttp://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/india/missile/agni-improvements.htm In 1998, prior to the election of the conservative BJP coalition intooffice, the parliamentary standing committee on defence issued a thickreport asking the government to go ahead ‘full steam’ to develop theentire range of missiles after reports that Pakistan had positionedtheir missiles targeting Indian cities and that China was developing anumber of missile systems which could target any part of the country.~snip~In April 1999, the BJP coalition approved the first test of the newAgni-II Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), and the governmentalso approved calls for a 59 percent budgetary boost for the Departmentof Atomic Energy and a 62 percent increase for the Department of Space.The DAE oversees the Bhabha Atomic Research Center, which is responsiblefor warhead design, production, and fabrication, while the Indian SpaceResearch Organization (ISRO) is closely integrated with India’s militaryballistic missile programs.~that would probably be because of the satellite connection - raillaunchers anyone?~~ya know...when growing up i learned something (about 20 years ago)about a missile launch system that used rails..it was said that railsmade launchers more mobile and that because of the fact that they werenot stationary, they were less easily targeted - i think that was asmokescreen: i think that what i heard about was the very kind of raillaunchers that i am discussing here: asia threatens to catch up...whywould this be such a secret? because the populace at large must notbecome aware that it is communications technologies, not bombs, that rigthe international hierarchy...something world powers can all agree uponit seems...oh yeah - by the way, mewonders if this isn't why we build aring around china, after pretending to court pakistan: was that dronethat hit the pentagon, that very dark plane that was about 2/3 the sizeof a 757, launched by a rail?~The Agni-II incorporates a far more accurate terminal navigation andguidance system which constantly updates information about the 

Re: [CTRL] Iran-Contra, September 11, SDI, Nestle, Folgers, and Texas Instruments

2002-11-09 Thread Ty Phillips
-Caveat Lector-
the following is copied from http://www.softwar.net/plaafaa.html





Newly declassified documents from the Clinton administration reveal that a civil airline modernization program for China was actually a program to train and equip the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). 
The new documents, forced from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), are official USAF, Commerce and FAA reports on Chinese military contacts. 
According to the documents, PLAAF officers toured Edwards Air Force Base in May 1999 for military purposes. The PLAAF officers were given training on USAF combat missions, including "bombing and strafing" and "combat readiness." 
In 1994, then Secretary of Defense William Perry began a "Joint Defense" conversion project with Chinese General Ding Henggao. General Ding was the commander of the Chinese Army Unit "COSTIND" (Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense). One part of the U.S./China project was to modernize the communist civil "Air Traffic Control" (ATC) system. 
The documented meetings shows that the Clinton administration attempted to conceal the military background of the Chinese representatives from everyone, including FAA officials. In 1993, a Chinese military delegation visited America. Yet, according the FAA, which sponsored the visit, the entire delegation was civilian. 
The 1993 FAA delegation list includes a "Mr. Kui Fulin" who toured FAA Headquarters in Washington, Andrews AFB in Maryland, and Boeing aircraft Corporation in Washington state. "Mr. Kui Fulin" was actually General Kui Fulin, Chinese Army Deputy Chief of the General Staff. 
The 1993 FAA list states "Mr. Li Yongtai" was the Commissioner of the Air Traffic Control Commission of China. According to hand written notes taken by the FAA, Mr. Li Yongtai was actually "Lt. General" Li Yongtai of the Chinese Air Force. 
In fact, FAA officials who attending the meeting wrote "military" next to the names of seven members of the 1993 "China Air Traffic Control" delegation in an apparent effort to track the Chinese Army officers. Another example shows that a "Mr. Li Zhongli" was part of a Chinese civilian delegation visit in 1997 to San Francisco that was sponsored by Stanford University. "Mr. Li Zhongli" was actually Colonel Li Zhongli of the PLAAF. 
In 1997, the PLAAF was given a demonstration in Sunnyvale California by Ashtech, a maker of GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) receivers. The briefing for the PLAAF and Chinese Navy officers states, "Ashtech produces a receiver that uses both the U.S. GPS signals and the Russian GLONASS signals resulting in significantly greater availability and integrity." 
According to a 1997 Rand Corp. report on the Chinese Defense Industry, "More accurate GPS systems would enhance the PLA's ability to carry out attacks against Taiwan's military and industrial facilities, potentially reducing the ability of the Taiwanese military to defend itself against PRC coercive diplomacy. The use of GPS to enhance the accuracy of long-range Chinese cruise missiles, coupled with long-range sensors, would raise serious concerns for the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the Pacific, and possibly circumscribe their ability to provide an effective deterrent in a crisis over Taiwan." 
In 1999, the Clinton administration offered the PLAAF the latest in advanced "mobile radars", command and control systems, GPS navigation, and "Surveillance Avionics" such as "Air to Air", "Air to Ground" and "surface Area Movement" surveillance radars. 
According to a U.S. Air Force May 1999 report, the PLAAF was given details on USAF "Special Airspace" areas inside America used for military training, research and national security zones. The details include Edwards Air Force base and a mapped tour of the facility. Edwards AFB is a test center for USAF, and NASA research aircraft, including the space shuttle. 
The newly released materials also include training manuals from the USAF 334th Training Squadron in both english and Chinese. The documents show Clinton administration officials proposed to train PLAAF military air controllers. 
The USAF documents show PLAAF officers were given a "simulated" training mission. The training included a "two ship formation of F-16s from Luke AFB, Arizona" on a "bombing" and overflight mission in a training area, code-named "Baghdad", northwest of Prescott Arizona. The simulated exercise also included "in-flight refueling" with a tanker aircraft under control of a USAF AWACs plane. 
The USAF "AWACS" (airborne warning and control system) is a flying radar plane manned by Air Force radar 

Re: [CTRL] How Bush Outfoxed the U.N. on Iraq

2002-11-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Friday, Nov. 8, 2002
 How Bush Outfoxed the U.N. on Iraq

 'Silver Bullet'
 Now there is quiet self-satisfaction among the Brits and Americans
 that paragraph 5 - the silver bullet - went through with little fuss,
 says UPI.

 Paragraph 5 says the inspectors must have immediate, unimpeded,
 unrestricted and private access to all officials and other persons
 and that the inspectors may at their discretion conduct interviews
 inside or outside of Iraq, may facilitate the travel of those
 interviewed and family members outside Iraq.

I guess Bush plans to invite more guests
to stay at Camp X-ray in Quantanamo, Cuba.

Electricity companies will like that.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] pill, priest guilty, abuse global, us threat to world, fbi in pakistan

2002-11-09 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman Pill to ease memory of trauma envisioned By Ellen Barry, 11/8/02 Someday in the future, people may walk into an emergency room after a rape, or a car wreck, or a shooting, and be given a pill to protect them from the haunting memories that may follow. http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/312/nation/Pill_to_ease_memory_of_trauma_envisioned+.shtml

Priest Sentenced to Prison in Iowa Davenport, Iowa (AP) 11/7/02 - A Roman Catholic priest was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison for making the so-called ``date-rape'' drug and has been removed from all priestly duties. The Rev. Jeffery Windy and his friend Timothy O'Brien were weightlifters who initially took the drug to bulk up and became addicted, said O'Brien, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison. aol://4344:30.LH0A2C4c.388940.721196531

Child abuse found to be global problem, WHO review reveals - 10/4/02 "Contrary to what some health experts have believed, child abuse is a global problem that is essentially universal rather than one limited chiefly to North America...By David Williamson UNC News Services Chapel Hill... The World Health Organization report, prepared by Dr. Desmond Runyan of the U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, concluded that an estimated 57,000 children die each year from physical abuse. Sexual and psychological abuse also are widespread, are difficult to measure and need to be addressed "Despite all the differences in cultures and the rules about how we raise children, rates of abuse around the world are remarkably similar in some ways," Runyan said. "Close to 40 percent of the children being beaten by their parents in places as far away as Romania, Hong Kong and Korea."


The logic of empire The US is now a threat to the rest of the world. The sensible response is non-cooperation George Monbiot 
Tuesday August 6, 2002 
There is something almost comical about the prospect of George Bush waging war on another nation because that nation has defied international law. Since Bush came to office, the United States government has torn up more international treaties and disregarded more UN conventions than the rest of the world has in 20 years. It has scuppered the biological weapons convention while experimenting, illegally, with biological weapons of its own. It has refused to grant chemical weapons inspectors full access to its laboratories, and has destroyed attempts to launch chemical inspections in Iraq. It has ripped up the anti-ballistic missile treaty, and appears to be ready to violate the nuclear test ban treaty. It has permitted CIA hit squads to recommence covert operations of the kind that included, in the past, the assassination of foreign heads of state. It has sabotaged the small arms treaty, undermined the international criminal court, refused to sign the climate change protocol and, last month, sought to immobilise the UN convention against torture so that it could keep foreign observers out of its prison camp in Guantanamo Bay. 


FBI sets up 44 offices in Pak, Afghanistan
ISLAMABAD, May 13 (PNS): Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a supreme intelligence agency of United States has set up 44 offices in various cities of Pakistan including border areas and Afghanistan to prevent the Al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives entering into Pakistan. 

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: The Hand That Feeds Milosevic's Defense

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The Hand That Feeds Milosevic's Defense

November 10, 2002

THE HAGUE, Nov. 3 - Every morning and evening, Zdenko
Tomanovic wades through an emporium of documents that
overflows his dining table, packs the wall-to-wall
shelving, and piles up on his living room floor. When he is
not tracking pages in his apartment here, he is dashing off
to court or to a high security prison across town.

Mr. Tomanovic is a lawyer for Slobodan Milosevic, or rather
his virtual lawyer.

His client, the former president of Yugoslavia, has not
wanted to appoint a counsel in his war crimes trial because
he is conducting his own defense. In court parlance, Mr.
Tomanovic is called a legal associate.

As he sees it, it is an uneven fight. Probing through a
mound of videotapes sent by the court, as many as 600 of
them, he said, This is amazing. Mr. Milosevic has a video
player, but how could he or I find time to see all this?

He continued the tour, past binders and unsorted boxes.
This is what 150,000 documents look like, Mr. Tomanovic
said. I have calculated that if Mr. Milosevic or I read
every page just once, at two minutes per page, it will take
more than a year. Besides, he added, their classification
is immensely complicated. We have not managed to figure
out the system.

The system is the evidence prepared by prosecutors of the
war crimes tribunal, the thousands of statements, maps,
photographs and other exhibits, copies of which must be
provided to the accused. Mr. Milosevic' copies were stored
at first in a specially reserved jail cell, but overwhelmed
by the avalanche of material, he sent it to Mr. Tomanovic's

The volume of papers is one measure of the largest war
crimes trial in modern times, covering a decade of
conflicts in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. Prosecutors say
the wars for which they hold Mr. Milosevic accountable were
replete with crimes against humanity and even genocide,
because the campaigns were directed largely against
civilians. Prosecutors opened their case in February and
are to conclude in May. Then Mr. Milosevic may begin his
defense, and if his current tactics are a guide, he may ask
for equal time, if not more.

But Mr. Milosevic's health overshadows the trial. Hearings
have been suspended four times already because of his heart
and blood pressure problems, and the prosecution has
repeatedly asked to impose a defense lawyer to allow the
trial to move ahead when Mr. Milosevic is sick. He
continues to refuse, insisting on using his court time to
give his personal views of history and politics. The only
reason I agreed to participate in this case of yours is
because I want to be able to address the public, he told
the judges just before collapsing on Nov. 1, of exhaustion,
doctors said.

With Mr. Milosevic piloting the defense, Mr. Tomanovic
remains backstage. A polite and thoughtful Serb, Mr.
Tomanovic, 45, has served as chief judge of a trial court
in Belgrade. He now spends hours in the public gallery,
following the moves and moods of a man who is arguably one
of the world's most difficult clients. During breaks he
slips away to see Mr. Milosevic in a small windowless
waiting room.

I give him documents, legal advice and lists of questions
for cross-examination, he said. After sessions, Mr.
Tomanovic goes across town to the United Nations cellblock
in a Dutch jail, where he and Mr. Milosevic hold longer
meetings. He is one of two lawyers who may meet with him
alone; the other is Dragoslav Ognjanovic, a Belgrade

Does Mr. Milosevic take his advice? Sometimes, Mr.
Tomanovic said, with a faint smile. He has talked to
friends about the obstinacy of his client. He said they had
met only briefly before, when Mr. Milosevic was first
imprisoned in Belgrade last year. Once Mr. Milosevic
arrived in The Hague, Mr. Tomanovic said, he called me and
asked me to come here. Why did he accept he job? I am an
attorney, and this is a big challenge, he replied.

For now, Mr. Tomanovic wants to talk about his frustrations
with the prosecution.

It calls many witnesses, but there is little time to
prepare, he said. Complicating this is the prosecution's
habit of changing the order of witnesses at short notice,
he said. Prosecutors have said they are sometimes forced to
do this because of changes in the trial schedule, Mr.
Milosevic's illness or by witnesses' travel complications.

Based on the prosecution's list, Mr. Tomanovic said, he
mobilizes his 10-person law office in Belgrade, which
studies the statements and investigates witnesses. Then
the order suddenly changes, and we have even less time to
prepare, he complained. It often happens on a Friday,
which is worse, because I am not allowed to visit Mr.
Milosevic on the weekend.

More than 130 witnesses have testified for the prosecution.
But Mr. Milosevic does not seem unprepared when
cross-examining; indeed, he has regularly referred to 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Voices in Your Head? Check That Chip in Your Arm

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Voices in Your Head? Check That Chip in Your Arm

November 10, 2002

MINUSCULE mobile telephones, tiny electronic organizers and
portable DVD players are nice. But they'd be so much less
cumbersome if they were surgically implanted under your

Paving the way is a company in Palm Beach, Fla. called
Applied Digital Solutions, which recently started a program
to implant subdermal microchips based on the same
radio-frequency identification technology used in E-ZPass.

The chip, called the VeriChip, is about the size of a
grain of rice, carries a number that identifies you and,
the company says, may eventually provide a way to make sure
that only the right people gain access to secure sites,
corporate offices or even personal computers. The chip
could also carry access to personal data, like medical
information. Implantable microchips have already been used
over the last several years to track pets.

The company is still developing the applications, yet there
has been no shortage of critics, who assert that this is an
example of technology run amok. They apparently aren't
grasping how fashionable, and useful, an electronic bar
code can be. Besides, think how much easier John Ashcroft's
job would be with such an electronic database.

The critics are apparently overlooking another reason to
act now.

It's cool to have one, said Matthew Cossolotto, the
spokesman for Applied Digital Solutions, and one of the few
people to already have a chip implanted under his skin. Who
wants to be the last person on the block to get the latest
in piercing?

There is more good news. This nascent fusion of corpus and
computer may pave the way for further integration of
circuitry and self. After all, things can become only so
convenient if we wear or carry tiny headsets, radios,
televisions, phones and pagers.

If silicon, not silicone, becomes the favored implant of
the future, we could bridge the final divide that keeps us
from being truly wired. Think of the applications: e-mail
transmitters lodged under your skin; remote controls that
let you change the channel with a thumb click; global
positioning systems that tell you, your spouse and your
government where you are at every moment.

You're taking me down a road I've never speculated about,
Mr. Cossolotto said when asked to consider future

Indeed, the answers may not yet be clear, but once we give
away our bodies to silicon, the potential is endless:

THE VIRUS SCAN Few things are more frustrating than
watching your computer screen lock up for no apparent
reason. But what happens when your arms freeze up?

Computer chips, of course, can mean viruses. Maxi Virus
Scan will protect you against the common bugs, like the
nasty I love you virus, which causes you to utter
intimacies while in the express aisle at Safeway.

Version 2.0 will update your internal clock for daylight
saving time.

CALL WALKING Carrying a mobile phone that weighs several
ounces and takes up space in the corner of your pants
pocket can be too cumbersome. Be burdened no more! The
phone will be much less of an albatross once it fits inside
your leg.

Those who are seeking a more affordable option can just
implant a buzzer that vibrates every time they receive
e-mail messages or phone calls, reminding them to check in
to their PC's (also available on itch setting).

The premier version of the in-leg phone will come with the
leg waiting feature, allowing users to say: Please hold;
I'm getting a call on my other leg.

THE NASDAQ PACEMAKER Why wait 10 or 15 seconds for stock
prices to download to a mobile device? This new internal
stock ticker will send constant updates to your brain as
your 401(k) plummets in value. It will also give you an
electronic shock to keep your heart going.

TASTE CHIPS Personal video recorders, like TiVo, make
recommendations about the television shows you should
watch, based on your current viewing habits. Great, but can
they recommend the specials at your favorite restaurant?

The embedded version will offer counsel through an
earpiece, telling you from your previously recorded
activities what you might like for dinner, whom you should
date, what sports teams to cheer for.

THE KNEE BOARD Laptop? Ha! It's a vestige of people who
aren't nearly one with their gadgets. The knee board will
be a surgically implanted keyboard that will allow you to
type memorandums on tiny Qwerty letters jutting out of the
skin. Connected by wireless frequency to your monitor, the
knee board will save space and will be perfect for a
multitasker: you'll be able to write a PowerPoint
presentation while giving yourself a deep-tissue massage.


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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: The Not-So-Crackpot Autism Theory

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The Not-So-Crackpot Autism Theory

November 10, 2002

Neal Halsey's life was dedicated to promoting vaccination.
In June 1999, the Johns Hopkins pediatrician and scholar
had completed a decade of service on the influential
committees that decide which inoculations will be jabbed
into the arms and thighs and buttocks of eight million
American children each year. At the urging of Halsey and
others, the number of vaccines mandated for children under
2 in the 90's soared to 20, from 8. Kids were healthier for
it, according to him. These simple, safe injections against
hepatitis B and germs like haemophilus bacteria would help
thousands grow up free of diseases like meningitis and
liver cancer.

Halsey's view, however, was not shared by a small but vocal
faction of parents who questioned whether all these shots
did more harm than good. While many of the childhood
infections that vaccines were designed to prevent -- among
them diphtheria, mumps, chickenpox and polio -- seemed to
be either antique or innocuous, serious chronic diseases
like asthma, juvenile diabetes and autism were on the rise.
And on the Internet, especially, a growing number of
self-styled health activists blamed vaccines for these

Like all medical interventions, vaccines sometimes cause
adverse reactions. But unlike pills, vaccines come packaged
with high expectations, which make them particularly
vulnerable to public criticism. Vaccines don't cure people,
and they are administered to healthy children, which gives
them few opportunities for good press. When they work,
nothing happens. When vaccinated children become ill, their
parents are grief-stricken and often enraged, even if
vaccines aren't proved to be at fault. All of this puts
public-health advocates like Halsey on the defensive. Most
attacks on vaccines, they say, are based on hysteria, bad
science and dubious politics.

Halsey, 57, has green eyes, a white beard that makes him
look like a ship's captain and an air of careful authority.
As chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics committee
on infectious diseases from 1995 through June 1999, he
often appeared in the media administering calm reassurance.
''Many of the allegations against vaccines,'' Halsey said
in one interview, ''are based on unproven hypotheses and
causal associations with little evidence.''

And then suddenly in June 1999, during a visit to the Food
and Drug Administration, a squall appeared on the horizon
of Halsey's confidence. Halsey attended a meeting to
discuss thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative that
at the time was being used in several vaccines -- including
the hepatitis B shot that Halsey had fought so hard to have
administered to American babies. By the time the dust
kicked up in that meeting had settled, Halsey would be
forced to reckon with the hypothesis that thimerosal had
damaged the brains of immunized infants and may have
contributed to the unexplained explosion in the number of
cases of autism being diagnosed in children.

That Halsey was willing even to entertain this possibility
enraged some of his fellow vaccinologists, who couldn't
fathom how a doctor who had spent so much energy
dismantling the arguments of people who attacked vaccines
could now be changing sides. But to Halsey's mind, his
actions were perfectly consistent: he was simply working
from the data. And the numbers deeply troubled him. ''From
the beginning, I saw thimerosal as something different,''
he says. ''It was the first strong evidence of a causal
association with neurological impairment. I was very

The investigation into mercury vaccines was instigated in
1997 by Representative Frank Pallone Jr., a New Jersey
Democrat whose district includes a string of shore towns
where mercury in fish is one of many environmental
concerns. Pallone, who had been pressing the government to
re-evaluate its overall guidelines on mercury toxicity,
attached an amendment to an F.D.A. bill requiring the
agency to inventory all mercury contained in licensed drugs
and vaccines.

The job of adding up the amount of mercury in vaccines and
assessing its risk fell to Robert Ball, an F.D.A.
scientist, and two F.D.A. pediatricians, Leslie Ball,
Robert's wife, and R. Douglas Pratt. Thimerosal, which is
50 percent ethyl mercury by weight, had been used as a
vaccine preservative since the 1930's in the
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis shot, known as D.T.P., and it
was later added to some vaccines for hepatitis B and
haemophilus bacteria, which by the early 1990's had become
routine immunizations for infants.

The F.D.A. team's conclusions were frightening. Vaccines
added under Halsey's watch had tripled the dose of mercury
that infants got in their first few months of life. As many
as 30 million American children may have been exposed to
mercury in excess of Environmental Protection Agency
guidelines -- levels 

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Judge Reverses Plan for a Huge Habitat for Threatened Frogs

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I love froggies, but there has to be a way to protect them without land-grabbing. 
Maybe its time to re-introduce the concept of STEWARDSHIP back into society. That 
means moderation in the use of our natural resources, as opposed to extremes in either 
direction. Nah, too sensible sigh


Judge Reverses Plan for a Huge Habitat for Threatened Frogs

November 10, 2002

SACRAMENTO, Nov. 9 - A federal judge has formally reversed
the federal Fish and Wildlife Service's plan to designate
more than four million acres as critical habitat for the
threatened California red-legged frog.

The service must re-evaluate the plan, which developers
challenged as flawed.

The frog, once widespread, is believed to have inspired
Mark Twain's short story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of
Calaveras County.

In March 2001, the service designated the four million
acres as frog habitat, but developers attacked the
restrictions that the designation imposed on parts of 28 of
the California's 58 counties.

Judge Richard Leon of Federal District Court in Washington,
approved a proposed settlement in July reversing the
habitat decision, but Judge Leon left the protection in
place temporarily after conservation groups said they had
been left out of negotiations between developers and the

Judge Leon approved the final settlement on Wednesday after
a hearing last month. The decision leaves restrictions on
200,000 acres where the frog exists.

It sounds like that was basically in line with his
original decision, said Jim Nickles, a spokesman for the
Fish and Wildlife Service. We'll comply with his

Environmental groups called the settlement a sweetheart
deal between developers and the service.

It's a sad day for California's natural heritage, said
Mike Sherwood, a lawyer for Earthjustice. Earthjustice
intervened in the lawsuit on behalf of conservation groups,
including the Jumping Frog Research Institute, the Center
for Sierra Nevada Conservation, the Pacific Rivers Council,
the Center for Biological Diversity and the Sierra Club.

The groups promised to pressure the service to redesignate
a wide area as critical habitat for the frog, based on the
revised economic analysis.

The population of the largest native frog in the western
United States has dropped significantly since the 1865
publication of Twain's short story about a frog named Dan'l
Webster that could get over more ground in one straddle
than any animal of his breed you ever see.

Bullfrogs are now used at the world frog-jumping contest
each spring at the Calaveras County Fair because the
red-legged frog is no longer found in the area.

The frog's historic range has shrunk 70 percent because of
the loss of habitat and the introduction of predators.

The service said the frog could still be found in 256
streams or drainages, mostly along the north-central coast.
But the Center for Biological Diversity said only four
places were known to have more than 350 frogs.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [eejh][Antisemitism] The Baghdad-Havana Axis of Jew Hatred

2002-11-09 Thread Tenorlove
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The Baghdad-Havana Axis of Jew Hatred
By Myles Kantor

Saddam Hussein's staunchest ally is 90 miles from America, and his
is Fidel Castro.

In the late 1980s, Cuban orthopedic surgeon Rodrigo Alvarez Cambras
removed a lethal tumor in Hussein's back.  Hussein generously
Cambras-also head of the Cuban-Iraqi Friendship Association-who gave
money to Castro and received a mansion in Havana's elite Miramar area.

Cambras visited Baghdad in July to give Hussein a message from Castro.

Cuba's 43-year long despot expressed the solidarity of Cuba with
Hussein and congratulated him on the 34th anniversary of the socialist
Ba'ath Party's coup in Iraq.

Castro and Hussein have obvious similarities.  Both enslave countries,
promote terrorism, and detest America.

Another trait connects these despots: hatred of Jews specifically
manifested against the Jewish homeland.

Saddam Hussein's hostility to Israel is infamous.  This is the man who
attacked Israel with 39 Scud missiles in 1991.  This is the man who
checks to the families of suicide bombers who massacre Israeli

Hussein representatively said on September 28, +ICY-in targeting
Iraq, the
United States administration is acting on behalf of Zionism, which has
been killing the heroic people of Palestine, destroying their
murdering their children, and seeking to impose their domination on
whole world.

And what are Castro's views of Israel?

Last June in Havana, Castro led a rally of approximately 10,000 that
protested Israeli genocide.  The rally culminated a week of
Palestinian solidarity activities organized by the regime.

A student who addressed the rally declared, We want to demand the end
the genocide against our brother Arab nation.  Long live the heroic
Palestinian people!  Long live the Arab peoples who fight against
imperialism!  Socialism or death!

At last September's World Conference against Racism in Durban, South
Africa, Castro referred to Israel's ongoing genocide against the
Palestinian people.  This March during a televised speech in Havana
referred to revolting and brutal killings such as the ones carried
by the State of Israel+ICY-against the people of Palestine.

Accordingly, Castro's media regularly depict Israel as a Nazi regime.

(One of the anti-Israel books Cuba has published is entitled Zionism:
Fascism of the Star of David.)  Radio Rebelde talks about Jews who
now practicing genocide against Palestinians (9/3/01); periodical
International features headlines like Sharon announces continuation
Palestinian holocaust (4/9/02), Crusade against the Arab people from
Washington and Tel Aviv (8/21/02), and Israeli genocide continues
against the Palestinian people (8/30/02).

Castro and Hussein's anti-Zionism often results in partnerships to
delegitimize Israel.  For instance, in 1991 both voted against
the 1975 United Nations resolution equating Zionism with racism.
and Iraq co-sponsored the resolution in 1975.)
The Iraqi News Agency reported when Cambras visited Hussein in April
his birthday, Condemning the Zionist crimes against our people in
Palestine, Cambras described them as Nazi crimes+ICY-He called on the
and its governments to take a decisive stand against the crimes of the
Zionist aggressors.

Like Hussein, Castro has a long history of backing aggression against
Israel.  From sending thousands of troops to aid Syria in the 1973 Yom
Kippur War through the present training of Palestinian terrorists,
is in the vanguard of anti-Zionist violence.  (The most notorious
terrorist Cuba has trained is Illich R+AOE-mirez S+AOE-nchez, a.k.a.
Carlos the

Over 90% of Cuban Jews have fled since Castro came to power, and those
who remain can't denounce the barrage of venom against Israel.  If
criticize Castro or his foreign policy, Jews can be charged with
such as disrespect and enemy propaganda.
Cuban Jew Tony Fune observes, I understand that we have no freedom of
speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom to travel, no freedom to
choose how we will educate our children. And I understand that's not

The Anti-Defamation League, which describes itself as the world's
leading organization fighting anti-Semitism, hasn't issued so much as
press release on Cuba.  The B'nai B'rith, the world's best known
human rights organization, ignores the systematic violation of Cuban
Jews' human rights.  In fact, the B'nai B'rith plans to visit Cuba in
December, pouring money into an archenemy of the Jewish homeland.

President Bush talks about regime change in Iraq.  Hussein's terrorist
brother in Havana deserves likewise, and Cuba's captive Jews deserve
solidarity of their free brethren.


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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: An Animal's Place

2002-11-09 Thread Tenor Love
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An Animal's Place

November 10, 2002

The first time I opened Peter Singer's ''Animal
Liberation,'' I was dining alone at the Palm, trying to
enjoy a rib-eye steak cooked medium-rare. If this sounds
like a good recipe for cognitive dissonance (if not
indigestion), that was sort of the idea. Preposterous as it
might seem, to supporters of animal rights, what I was
doing was tantamount to reading ''Uncle Tom's Cabin'' on a
plantation in the Deep South in 1852.

Singer and the swelling ranks of his followers ask us to
imagine a future in which people will look back on my meal,
and this steakhouse, as relics of an equally backward age.
Eating animals, wearing animals, experimenting on animals,
killing animals for sport: all these practices, so
resolutely normal to us, will be seen as the barbarities
they are, and we will come to view ''speciesism'' -- a
neologism I had encountered before only in jokes -- as a
form of discrimination as indefensible as racism or

Even in 1975, when ''Animal Liberation'' was first
published, Singer, an Australian philosopher now teaching
at Princeton, was confident that he had the wind of history
at his back. The recent civil rights past was prologue, as
one liberation movement followed on the heels of another.
Slowly but surely, the white man's circle of moral
consideration was expanded to admit first blacks, then
women, then homosexuals. In each case, a group once thought
to be so different from the prevailing ''we'' as to be
undeserving of civil rights was, after a struggle, admitted
to the club. Now it was animals' turn.

That animal liberation is the logical next step in the
forward march of moral progress is no longer the fringe
idea it was back in 1975. A growing and increasingly
influential movement of philosophers, ethicists, law
professors and activists are convinced that the great moral
struggle of our time will be for the rights of animals.

So far the movement has scored some of its biggest
victories in Europe. Earlier this year, Germany became the
first nation to grant animals a constitutional right: the
words ''and animals'' were added to a provision obliging
the state to respect and protect the dignity of human
beings. The farming of animals for fur was recently banned
in England. In several European nations, sows may no longer
be confined to crates nor laying hens to ''battery cages''
-- stacked wired cages so small the birds cannot stretch
their wings. The Swiss are amending their laws to change
the status of animals from ''things'' to ''beings.''

Though animals are still very much ''things'' in the eyes
of American law, change is in the air. Thirty-seven states
have recently passed laws making some forms of animal
cruelty a crime, 21 of them by ballot initiative. Following
protests by activists, McDonald's and Burger King forced
significant improvements in the way the U.S. meat industry
slaughters animals. Agribusiness and the cosmetics and
apparel industries are all struggling to defuse mounting
public concerns over animal welfare.

Once thought of as a left-wing concern, the movement now
cuts across ideological lines. Perhaps the most eloquent
recent plea on behalf of animals, a new book called
''Dominion,'' was written by a former speechwriter for
President Bush. And once outlandish ideas are finding their
way into mainstream opinion. A recent Zogby poll found that
51 percent of Americans believe that primates are entitled
to the same rights as human children.

What is going on here? A certain amount of cultural
confusion, for one thing. For at the same time many people
seem eager to extend the circle of our moral consideration
to animals, in our factory farms and laboratories we are
inflicting more suffering on more animals than at any time
in history. One by one, science is dismantling our claims
to uniqueness as a species, discovering that such things as
culture, tool making, language and even possibly
self-consciousness are not the exclusive domain of Homo
sapiens. Yet most of the animals we kill lead lives
organized very much in the spirit of Descartes, who
famously claimed that animals were mere machines, incapable
of thought or feeling. There's a schizoid quality to our
relationship with animals, in which sentiment and brutality
exist side by side. Half the dogs in America will receive
Christmas presents this year, yet few of us pause to
consider the miserable life of the pig -- an animal easily
as intelligent as a dog -- that becomes the Christmas ham.

We tolerate this disconnect because the life of the pig
has moved out of view. When's the last time you saw a pig?
(Babe doesn't count.) Except for our pets, real animals --
animals living and dying -- no longer figure in our
everyday lives. Meat comes from the grocery store, where it
is cut and packaged to look as little like parts of animals
as possible. The 

[CTRL] Bush's Iraq plans: Reincarnation of failed 1930s British policy

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

''Bush's Iraq plans: Reincarnation of failed 1930s British policy'' 
By Issam Nashashibi and Abdelatif Rayan
YellowTimes.org Guest Columnists (United States) 

(YellowTimes.org) – By all U.S. media accounts, Saddam Hussein's days are numbered. Moreover, Pentagon pundits predict a massive U.S. victory over Saddam's rusty military machine. 

Will Bush's Iraq policy bring a real victory to crown America's hegemony in the Middle East and elsewhere? Could history be our guidance?

Bush's Iraq policy is reminiscent to the 1930s British "re-occupation" of Iraq. By March 1921, almost four years after they invaded Mesopotamia, the British created Iraq as a new entity managed by "a suitable Arab" who was a member of the Hashemite clan, King Faisal I. In addition, the British supported and promoted narrowly based groups - such as tribal leaders - over the growing, urban-based nationalist movement. 

In pursuing this policy, the British were attempting to achieve their military objectives of securing their route to India and controlling strategic oil sources. By the mid-1930s, Iraq exported oil via a pipeline to refineries in Haifa, Palestine. 

Palestine, at that time, was in turmoil. Palestinian Arabs were rioting against the Zionist-promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine. Faisal was alarmed about Jewish immigration and expected that "bloodshed would certainly result" from such a demographic change. However, his concern was mostly centered on the negative effect of any bloodshed in Palestine on Iraqi-British relations as confirmed by the August 1936 British Foreign Office's "Report on the Repercussions in Iraq of the Creation of a National Home for the Jews in Palestine." 

Although public sentiment supported Arab Palestinians against such foreign encroachment, Iraqi governments were careful not to shatter Iraqi-British relations while repeatedly warning Britain about the destabilizing effect of Iraqi public opinion's pro-Palestinian sentiments. Their official policy on Jewish immigration to Palestine resembled walking a tight rope: it avoided offending British sensibilities without inflaming public opinion. 

To mollify public sentiments, Iraqi governments fostered unofficial support for the Arab cause in Palestine. As a result, Iraq became the center of pan-Arab anti-British activities and a mecca for Egyptian, Syrian and Palestinian nationalists. 

Despite these strong nationalistic anti-British public sentiments, the British managed to coerce the Iraqi government into entering WWII in support of Britain. The immediate effect of this British political pressure was riots in Baghdad and the killing of several hundred people, mostly Jewish Iraqis. 

Perceived as a threat to their interest, the riots were countered by British military intervention and the resignation of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Rashid Ali, in favor of a new "suitable Arab." With British blessing, martial law was established and the new government started to act against the "subversive" nationalist forces that dominated Iraqi public life. 

Thus started what the nationalists described as the "second British occupation of Iraq," which also included efforts of "re-structuring" Iraq with complete British and American supervision as reported by the New York Times. The British resumed full control of the education system while the Americans dominated the media. All nationalist and militaristic materials were banned and deleted from textbooks. In addition, the army was purged or neglected. 

Clearly, there is nothing new in the current U.S. military scenarios to invade Iraq especially what Administration officials allude to in their post Saddam plans. Such policies confirm the Administration's intention to conquer and occupy Iraq. They also call for disarming Iraq and "downsizing" its armed forces while getting Iraq ready for a "democratic transition" and the removal of senior officials of the governing Ba’ath Party. "Much of the bureaucracy would carry on under new management," a U.S. official added. 

These officials were silent about their quest for a "suitable Arab" to implement their post Saddam plans; perhaps another member of the Hashemite clan currently ruling Jordan. They also concealed their intention to pull Iraq from its Arab roots and make it a NATO member by altering nationalist and religious forces in Iraqi society. 

Iraqi opposition groups have signed on to the Administration's plans and are fully cooperating with their Washington handlers to create a "federal, non-Arab demilitarized Iraq" as Kanan Makiya, the group's ideologist, envisioned post Saddam Iraq in his speech at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) symposium two weeks ago. 

Makiya further detailed the thinking of "some Iraqi circles" that are "working closely with some agencies of the [U.S.] government" in planning for post Saddam rule. He argued for a "federal" Iraqi government, which "cannot be 

[CTRL] Advocating Crimes Against Humanity

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Advocating Crimes Against Humanity  
Friday, November 08 2002 @ 05:15 PM GMT

“While the HRW report on the suicide bombings singles out four Palestinian groups , it notably exonerates the Palestinian Authority and its president, Yasser Arafat, of the same charge ..” 

By Tarif Abboushi 

HOUSTON (PC) - The most recent definition of crimes against humanity under customary international law is contained in Article 7(1) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. It includes the following acts, among others, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the perpetrators or supporters of the attack: murder, deportation or forcible transfer of population, and apartheid. 

On November 1st the New York-based international human rights organization Human Rights Watch released a report titled Erased in a Moment: Suicide bombing Attacks Against Israeli Civilians. The report finds that Palestinians who plan and execute suicide bombings against Israeli civilians are guilty of crimes against humanity. Last May the same organization released another report, Jenin: IDF Military Operations, in which it charged that the Israeli military committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, some amounting prima facie to war crimes, during its incursion into the Jenin refugee camp. Amnesty International presented Israeli authorities with a report containing similar charges on November 2nd. 

Of the many impressions made by the Human Rights Watch reports, one of the most salient is that while Palestinian crimes against humanity are committed by individuals and groups that are outside the national chain of command, Israeli war crimes are committed by the most prominent institution of the state, the IDF, a military establishment largely equipped and funded by the United States of America. 

While the HRW report on the suicide bombings singles out four Palestinian groups – Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade – as criminally culpable for planning and executing suicide bombings against Israeli civilian targets, it notably exonerates the Palestinian Authority and its president, Yasser Arafat, of the same charge. According to the report the PA bears political, but not criminal, responsibility for suicide bombings, for failing to do all it could to stop the bombings and bring the perpetrators to justice when it had the means to do so. HRW studied documents presented by Israel and found no evidence that Arafat or the PA planned or ordered suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. 

The Jenin report saddles Israel with the primary obligation to carry out criminal investigations to ascertain and prosecute those responsible for Israeli war crimes. Israel has predictably ignored that obligation. Indeed, Shaoul Mofaz, who was IDF Chief of Staff at the time of the Jenin incursion and who is widely regarded an extremist among Israel’s hawks, is now Israel’s Defense Minister. 

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – who a few days ago became Israel’s new foreign minister – sponsored a resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza at a meeting of the Likud party’s central committee last May. It passed overwhelmingly. Mr. Netanyahu and his Likud colleagues did not comment on what was to become of the 3.5 million Muslims and Christians who make up the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza, but the options are clear. The first is to perpetuate their status as non-citizen residents in a form of apartheid. The second is to transfer them to Jordan, an option widely discussed in Israel and strongly advocated by some members of Israel’s parliament. The third is to grant them Israeli citizenship. 

Israel dismisses the third option out of hand, as demographic projections indicate it would take less than two decades for Jews to become a minority between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, at which point Israel would have to formally choose between being a Jewish state or a democratic one. That leaves the first and second options, both of which, according to international law, are crimes against humanity. 

A large number of Americans would do well to recognize that fact. They include the tens of millions of evangelicals, fundamentalists and Pentecostals that form the rank and file of the Christian Coalition, as well as prominent elected representatives like House Majority Leader Richard Armey (R-TX) and House Majority Whip Tom Delay (R-TX). By maintaining that biblical Judea and Samaria are an inextricable part of Israel and supporting Israel’s rejection of the third option regarding the future of the indigenous population, they in effect invoke the name of God to advocate a crime against humanity.   


[CTRL] The Impenetrable Black Square

2002-11-09 Thread Shane Saylor
-Caveat Lector-

Greetings. I have a question for all. Has anybody ever heard of any kind of
induced or otherwise where a person sees nothing but a black square in their
Meaning that one can see fine in periphial vision, but looking foward as
always is
obstructed by this impenetrable black square. TIA

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The Impenetrable Black Square

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/9/2002 11:29:51 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Greetings. I have a question for all. Has anybody ever heard of any kind of
induced or otherwise where a person sees nothing but a black square in their
Meaning that one can see fine in periphial vision, but looking foward as
always is
obstructed by this impenetrable black square. TIA

Tequila tends to provoke this sort of response in me...specifically the next day!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Israeli Occupation Soaks Ramadan with Blood, Tears of Palestinians

2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israeli Occupation Soaks Ramadan with Blood, Tears of Palestinians
Palestine Media Center- (PMC)

Palestinians facing what has unfortunately become the routine humiliation of the ongoing Israeli occupation on the first Friday of the holy month of Ramadan were prevented from reaching local mosques to attend the special Friday prayer.

In occupied east Jerusalem, tens of thousands of Muslims flocked peacefully to Al-Aqsa mosque compound Friday for the first weekly prayers of the holy month of Ramadan, amid tight Israeli closure and siege, which prevented hundreds of thousands living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip from attending the Friday prayer. 

Some 150,000 Muslim worshipers gathered at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound while more than 2,000 Israeli police were deployed throughout the city, Israeli security sources said.

Nevertheless, the Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Ikremah Ssabri, said only 30,000 worshipers were allowed to enter the compound to attend the prayer due to Israeli roadblocks erected on the city’s entrances. 

Dozens of military and police roadblocks were dispatched throughout the city as part of the Israeli restrictions adopted to prevent Palestinians from reaching Islam’s third holy site after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. 

The road outside Jaffa Gate, one of seven entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City, was closed to traffic, while a surveillance helicopter reinforced Israeli police patrols, witnesses said. 

Since the start of the Palestinian uprising, Israel has often prohibited Jerusalemites under the age of 40 from entering the compound. Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip are banned from entering the city since 1993.

Muslims fast from dawn-to-dusk during Ramadan-- one of the five pillars of Islam-- which marks the revelation of their holy book, the Koran, and is also a period of alms giving. 

The current Palestinian intifada, or uprising for independence, broke out in September 2000 when Ariel Sharon, now Israel’s prime minister, entered the compound in a provocative visit, which Muslims and Arabs saw as a desecration to the holiness of Al-Aqsa. 

While the ‘fortunate’ ones prayed at Al-Aqsa, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) killed a Palestinian man in the West Bank village of Tell, as he was driving to the mosque. A passenger was also wounded in the shooting, witnesses said.

The victim, Ahmed Ramadan, 32, was killed and a passenger was wounded when troops fired on a car traveling to a mosque for the first Friday prayers of the holy month, witnesses added. 

“The troops fired directly on the vehicle without warning,” Tell mayor, Adnan Aseifeh told AFP. 

Earlier in the day, another person, identified as 25-year-old Radi Balawni, was killed by IOF during a raid on Tulkarem’s refugee camp. 

A 13-year-old Palestinian boy was also seriously wounded in the chest Thursday when an Israeli tank opened fire on a group of young stone-throwers in Nablus, Palestinian medical sources told AFP. 

The boy, identified as Rashad Yassin, was evacuated to hospital where he is being treated for severe wounds, Palestinian medical sources confirmed, 

The city has been cut off into two parts, which are alternately placed under curfew. 

Moreover, witnesses said Israeli armed settlers chased Palestinian olive pickers away with dogs near the West Bank city of Nablus on Friday. 

The attack took place near the illegal Israeli settlement outpost of “Havat Gilad”, which IOF claimed they have dismantled earlier last month. 

Israeli armed settlers have been intimidating and harassing Palestinian farmers during the month-long olive harvest, according to local and international aid workers. 

In Gaza Strip, two Palestinian civilians were wounded, one of them critically, when an Israeli armored unit entered the Khan Yunis City in the southern Gaza Strip to demolish a home, belonging to the family of Ashur Brif, 25, who was shot dead Wednesday after shooting two Israeli settlers at the illegal Israeli settlement of “Rafah-Yam”. 

According to foreign figures, nearly 70 Palestinian-owned houses have been razed by IOF since August. Such Israeli operations are condemned globally by human rights organizations, which described the Israeli measure as “collective punishment”.

Israeli undercover units meanwhile kidnapped a Palestinian activist, who is a member of the Islamic Jihad movement in Tulkarem, in the northern West Bank, witnesses said. 

They also detained at least a dozen civilians during house searches and raids, witnesses added.

Islamic Jihad leader Abdel Nasser Sweiss was kidnapped inside his brothers’ downtown supermarket in Tulkarem by Israeli Special Forces camouflaged in civilian clothing, Palestinian witnesses added 

To the south, in the village of Hussan near Bethlehem, IOF detained two Palestinian activists in their early twenties, Palestinian security officials 


2002-11-09 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


In 1947 Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent a naval task force 
to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral 
Byrd, called "Operation Highjump". It was touted to be an expedition 
to find "coal deposits" and other valuable resources, but in actuality 
they were trying to find the underground base of the nazis (aryans) in  Neuschwabenlandt. The nazis had done a very detailed study of 
Antarctic and were alleged to have built an underground base there. 
In this regard however, the aryans have had an underground 
habitation in Antarctic for more than a million years. 

The task force of OVER 40 SHIPS, included the flagship "Mount 
Olympus", the aircraft carrier "Philipine Sea", the seaplane tender 
"Pine Sea", the submarine "Senate", the destroyer "Bronson", the ice 
breaker "Northwind", and other tanker and supply ships. An armed 
contingent of 1400 sailors, and three dog sled teams were also on 
The expedition was filmed by the Navy and brought to Hollywood to be made into a commercial film called "The Secret Land". It was narrated by Hollywood actor Robert Montgomery (Naval reserve Officer) . 

There were three divisions of Operation High Jump: one land 
group with tractors, explosives, and plenty of equipment to refurbish 
"Little America", and make an airstrip to land the six R-4D's (DC-3's), 
and two seaplane groups. The R4-D's were fitted with jet-assist takeoff  bottles (JATO) in order to takeoff from the short runway of the 
aircraft carrier "Philipine Sea". They also were fitted with large skis for landing on the ice field prepared for them. The skis were specially 
fitted at three inches above the surface of the carrier deck. When 
landing on the ice at "Little America" the three inches of tire in 
contact with the snow and ice provided just enough and not too much 
drag for a smooth landing. 

Admiral Byrd's team of six R4-D's were fitted with the super secret 
"Trimetricon" spy cameras and each plane was trailing a 
magnetometer. They flew over as much of the continent as they could in the short three month "summer" period, mapping and recording 
magnetic data. Magnetometers show anomalies in the Earth's 
magnetism, i.e. if there is a "hollow" place under the surface ice or 
ground, it will show up on the meter. 

On the last of many "mapping" flights where all six planes went 
out, each on certain pre-ordained paths to film and "measure" with 
magnetometers, Admiral Byrd's plane returned THREE HOURS LATE. 

It was stated that he had "lost an engine" and had had to throw 
everything overboard except the films themselves and the results of 
magnetometer readings in order to maintain altitude long enough to return to Little America. 
This is most certainly the time when he met with representatives of 
the aryans and a contingent of nazis. 

The task force came steaming back with their data which then 
became classified "top secret". Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal 
retired and started to "talk". He was put in Bethesda Naval Hospital 
psychiatric ward where he was prevented from seeing or talking to 
anyone, including his wife! after a short while he was thrown out the 
window while trying to hang himself with a bedsheet. It was ruled a 
suicide, case closed. He was telling people about the underground 
aryan base. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [eejh][Antisemitism] The Baghdad-Havana Axis of Jew Hatred

2002-11-09 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

I seem to recall that there is a thriving Jewish community in Havana
and that the only parochial schools Fidel did not close were the Jewish
schools - because he saw Jews as brothers in the struggle against

There was a documentary.Havana Nagila: The Jews of Cuba, made on this -


The task of the Jew, one Castro supporter asserts, is not only to figure
out how to live well but to contribute to peace and justice wherever in the
world he may live.

on 11/10/02 12:18 AM, Tenorlove at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Baghdad-Havana Axis of Jew Hatred
 By Myles Kantor

-- --- -- --  -- --

They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety.

Ben Franklin

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [global_news_net] GNN - DON'T ATTACK IRAQ

2002-11-09 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---


  “Awareness Leading to Solutions”

  Global News Net is a forum whose mission is to present diverse information,

  commentary and analysis for the purpose of promoting solution-oriented
  awareness and introspection leading to informed choices.

  November 9, 2002

  Former Marine Urges Restraint


  A former Cabinet member under former President Ronald Reagan told military
  officers Thursday in Monterey that the United States should not invade Iraq.

  Former Secretary of the Navy James Webb said the country should focus

  instead on eliminating international terrorism. Speaking at the Naval

  Postgraduate School, Webb said that without a clear understanding of
  consequences - or a clear exit strategy - U.S. forces face a decades-long

  occupation that could sap American resolve and resources.

  The United States also risks inflaming Arab anger even more if it invades
  without first finding a solution to the Palestinian problem - which would

  include establishment of a Palestinian state, Webb said.

  I am very concerned with the direction this country may be going with

  regard to Iraq, Webb told several hundred students and faculty members.
  Are we going to reshape American foreign policy to put (soldiers) on the

  ground in the Middle East? I think it's a


  Webb, a best-selling novelist who also has written nonfiction since leaving
  the military, cautioned against an invasion in a Sept. 4 article in the Wall

  Street Journal.

  He has argued against toppling the regime and rebuilding the government

  unless the United States is in direct danger. The evidence of such danger,
  he said, is not in sight.

  Despite the size of the U.S. armed forces, he said, a collection of 1.5

  million troops is not that many if it's spread out over the world.

  There are a lot of recently retired officers with experience who are

  concerned, he said. The failure of the United States to solve the
  Palestinian problem would also complicate any invasion by inflaming Arab

  tension. I don't think we have clean hands in the Palestinian issue, he
  said, and have failed to effect a Palestinian state. Without that

  happening, anything we do in that region can be misconstrued to our


  America must also focus on aggressively pursuing trans-national terrorist
  organizations, he said, even if it means (crossing) boundaries of (host)

  countries not doing the policing.

  The American government must tell such countries: If you can't control

  them, we're going to get them.

  Webb also voiced suspicions over China, which has maintained ties to Muslim
  countries in Southeast Asia for years. A war with Iraq would allow China to

  isolate the United States diplomatically and further its expansionist

  ambitions in the region.

  Despite his concern, Webb said the recent Republican congressional sweep
  probably wouldn't accelerate a move against Iraq. Though Bush may find it

  easier to implement policy in a Republican-controlled Congress, key members

  of his party still have strong reservations about an invasion.

  Republican senators Richard Lugar and Charles Hagel - key members of the
  Senate's Foreign Relations Committee - share Webb's concerns of hasty


  I don't think the change in leadership is going to be positive for the

  administration on this issue, he said. Webb was secretary of the Navy from
  1987 to 1988, when he resigned over a naval reduction of forces. Before

  that, he was assistant secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs for three
  years, and counsel to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs from 1977 to


  He has written six best-selling novels, one of which - Fields of Fire - is

  being made into a feature film by RKO productions. His also won an Emmy for
  his coverage of the U.S. Marines in Beirut for PBS.

  Webb earned decorations including the Navy Cross, Silver Star and Purple

  Hearts while serving with the Fifth Marine Regiment in Vietnam.

  © 2001 mcherald and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.


  Global News Net is a free newsletter published by Dandelion Books, LLC,

  Tempe, Arizona.

  If others wish to subscribe to the free Global News Net newsletter, please
  have them click on [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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  With the exception of articles and other input bearing the by-line of Carol

  Adler, President of Dandelion Books, LLC and owner of Global News Net, the
  material presented in the GNN newsletters does not necessarily reflect the

  opinions and outlook of Dandelion Books, LLC.

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