[CTRL] Britain Admits No WMD's in Iraq

2003-04-06 Thread Jei
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Britain Admits There May Be No WMD's in Iraq
Ruben Bannerjee
Al Jazeera

Saturday 05 April 2003

Well into the war that was supposed to rid Iraq of its alleged stockpile
of weapons of mass destruction, a senior British official admitted on
Saturday that no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons of mass
destruction may after all be found.

Making the startling confession in a radio interview, British Home
Secretary, David Blunkett, added in the same breath that he would in any
case rejoice the fall'' of Saddam Hussein and his regime -- regardless of
whether any weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq or not.

The confession reconfirms the worst fears of opponents of the war that
weapons of mass destruction'' is only a ruse for the US and the British
to go to war against Iraq.

At the very least the admission certainly deals a serious blow to the
moral legitimacy that the US and the British have been seeking in
prosecuting the war.

Critics of the war across the world have been accusing the US and the
British of aiming for regime change in Baghdad under the guise of
unearthing and dismantling weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.''

There have been constant accusations that the US and the British are
eyeing Iraq's huge oil wealth, promoting Israeli interests, and that its
campaign against weapons of mass destruction'' is only a convenient

Even countries like Germany, Russia and France had been less than
impressed with the US-led war against Iraq saying all along that the task
of unearthing weapons of mass destruction, if any, is better left to UN
weapons' inspectors.

In making the confession in an interview with BBC radio, the British Home
Secretary however admitted that the non-discovery of any weapons of mass
destruction would lead to a very interesting debate'' about the war.

We will obviously have a very interesting debate if there are no
biological, chemical, radiological or nuclear weapons or facilities to
produce them found anywhere in Iraq once Iraq is free,'' the home
secretary added.

The US-led forces stand to face a huge global uproar if no weapons of mass
destruction are found in Iraq.

US-led forces moving across the Iraqi deserts have been under pressure
since the start of the war to find evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass
destruction. But instead of solid evidence, the they have so far raised
only false alarms.

From time to time, the US-forces have claimed to have unearthed
suspicious'' substances. And each time, the claim has turned out to be
without substance.

Today Saturday 5 April, US Marines were reported to be digging up a
suspected chemical weapons hiding place in the courtyard of a school in
the southeast of Baghdad.

Western media reported that the US Marines were digging after being tipped
off by an Iraqi informer. We don't have a clue now but we are going to
dig it up and check,'' said General James Mattis, the commander of the
Marine division at the scene.

Iraq has always insisted that it does not possess any weapons of mass

UN weapons inspectors, who scoured the country for several months until
the US asked them to leave last month, had repeatedly certified that they
had found no credible evidence of Iraq possessing any weapons of mass


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Banned Iraqi Weapons Might Be Hard to Find By Barton Gellman Washington

Saturday 05 April 2003

Suspicious Sites Provide No Proof Yet

U.S. forces in Iraq yesterday found sites and substances they described as
suspected components of a forbidden Iraqi weapons program. But the
discoveries that U.S. troops displayed, and the manner in which they were
described at a Central Command briefing, struck experts in and out of
government as ambiguous at best.

Iraq has the most extensive petrochemical industry in the Middle East and
a wealth of vaccine factories, single-cell protein research labs, medical
and veterinary manufacturing centers and water treatment plants. Nearly
all of them are dual-use facilities, capable of civilian or military
employment, but most were devoted to legitimate activity even at the
height of Iraq's secret weapons programs.

Moving warily through that industrial landscape, U.S. and allied ground
forces will inevitably find, as U.N. inspectors have found since 1991,
thousands of potential weapons sites but few, if any, that could be
nothing else. Iraq's continued concealment of such weapons is the
allegation at the core of the Bush administration's case for war. If the
hunt for them relies on that sort of survey, experienced investigators
said, it faces a long road to an uncertain result.

In the first of yesterday's discoveries, the 3rd Infantry Division entered
the vast Qa Qaa chemical and explosives production plant and came across
thousands of vials of white powder, packed three to a box. The engineers
also found stocks of atropine and pralidoxime, also known as 2-PAM

[CTRL] Blair and Friends Staring Into War's Political Abyss

2003-04-06 Thread Jei
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Blair and Friends Staring Into War's Political Abyss
By Paul Daley
Sidney Morning Herald

Saturday 05 April 2003

As the Iraq war enters its third week, European leaders who supported
America's push to disarm Saddam Hussein with or without the support of the
United Nations are beginning to count a heavy political cost.

None more so than the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who six months
ago sometimes looked close to a decade younger than his 50 years. Today,
the firm flesh around Mr Blair's cheeks and eyes has noticeably sagged,
his hair appears greyer and thinner and he is visibly wearing each of his
50 years. Sections of the British union movement, already deeply
suspicious of Mr Blair, are openly calling for Labour to remove him as
leader, over Iraq and a range of domestic policy issues.

Mr Blair is a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. His
troops are dying in ever greater numbers alongside - and too often at the
hands of - their US counterparts. Public support for the war is drifting
the longer it proceeds. Support for Mr Blair in his own Labour Party is
becoming flimsier by the day.

Mr Blair tied his political fortunes to the Bush Administration's when he
made it clear Britain would support the forced disarmament of Iraq without
a second UN Security Council resolution.

He then survived one of the biggest parliamentary mutinies in history
after convincing waverers in his party that the war against Iraq would be
quick, relatively bloodless and Iraqi soldiers would throw down their
weapons in droves to embrace their liberators.

If the war is quick, lasting a month or so, and we move on to sorting out
the Palestine-Israel problem then I think people will say that the Prime
Minister was right, a prominent backbench Blair supporter reportedly said
this week.

If this war is still going on in three months' time, then I think there
will be acute concern.

But having committed 40,000 personnel to Iraq, Mr Blair is not afforded
the luxury of other European leaders like Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. A
vocal supporter of the US before the war, he may well have been spooked by
the mass anti-war protests across his country in the past fortnight.
Initially he said that the US could have overfly rights and access to NATO
bases in Italy. A fierce public backlash later prompted him to qualify
support with an assurance that no attacks on Iraq would originate in

We can see the negative trends not only for Mr Berlusconi himself but his
party ... But I don't think at the end of the day they will bring big
damage to the coalition Mr Berlusconi is leading, Lucio Caracciolo,
editor of the influential political periodical Limes, said.

Mr Berlusconi is trying to balance loyalty to the US with passionate
opposition to the war from Italy's Catholic majority - an opposition which
has strengthened with the Pope's anti-war position. Spain's Prime
Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, is realising just how much, in domestic
political terms, he could pay for casting himself as the third man -
alongside Mr Bush and Mr Blair - in the countdown to the war.

The most recent poll, by his state's official pollsters, showed that 91
per cent of Spanish voters were opposed to their country's support for the
war. The Aznar Government's popularity has slumped massively in recent

In Portugal, which also supported US policy, the Foreign Minister was
clearly trying to distance himself from the military campaign by pointing
out that Portugal has not declared war on Iraq.

In Germany, the economy might be flat-lining, but Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder won moderate electoral gain and media support after his decision
to become the first European leader to openly challenge America's Iraq

Germany has allowed wounded coalition troops to be evacuated to Germany
and as the war becomes protracted, bloody and ugly, Mr Schroeder has
resisted any gloating.

Despite all the evidence of years of corruption and his prior reputation
as a policy flake, France's President Jacques Chirac's staunch anti-war
position has made it the most popular government position in France since

Mr Chirac has ignored the wave of anti-French sentiment from the US
Government and the British media which followed his decision to vote
against forced disarmament of the Iraqi regime unless weapons inspectors
were given more time. Now he has made it his duty to ensure the UN -
rather than the US - takes the lead role in administering postwar Iraq
before self-government.

And in so-called new Europe - that is, the countries lining up for
European Union membership - there is widespread caution even among those
nations which the US is promoting as coalition members.

Croatia has denounced the war as illegitimate, the Czech Republic's
previously strong support is waning and the Polish Government faces
criticism over its decision to commit a small number of elite troops.


[CTRL] Red Cross Horrified by Number of Dead Civilians

2003-04-05 Thread Jei
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Red Cross Horrified by Number of Dead Civilians
Canadian Press


Friday 4 April 2003

OTTAWA — Red Cross doctors who visited
southern Iraq this week saw incredible levels
of civilian casualties including a truckload of
dismembered women and children, a
spokesman said Thursday from Baghdad.

Roland Huguenin, one of six International Red
Cross workers in the Iraqi capital, said doctors
were horrified by the casualties they found in
the hospital in Hilla, about 160 kilometres
south of Baghdad.

There has been an incredible number of
casualties with very, very serious wounds in
the region of Hilla, Huguenin said in a interview
by satellite telephone.

We saw that a truck was delivering dozens
of totally dismembered dead bodies of women
and children. It was an awful sight. It was really
very difficult to believe this was happening.

Huguenin said the dead and injured in Hilla
came from the village of Nasiriyah, where there
has been heavy fighting between American
troops and Iraqi soldiers, and appeared to
be the result of bombs, projectiles.

At this stage we cannot comment on the nature
of what happened exactly at that place . . . but it
was definitely a different pattern from what we
had seen in Basra or Baghdad.

There will be investigations I am sure.

Baghdad and Basra are coping relatively well
with the flow of wounded, said Huguenin,
estimating that Baghdad hospitals have been
getting about 100 wounded a day.

Most of the wounded in the two large cities have
suffered superficial shrapnel wounds, with only
about 15 per cent requiring internal surgery,
he said.

But the pattern in Hilla was completely different.

In the case of Hilla, everybody had very serious
wounds and many, many of them small kids and
women. We had small toddlers of two or three
years of age who had lost their legs, their arms.
We have called this a horror.

At least 400 people were taken to the Hilla hospital
over a period of two days, he said -- far beyond its

Doctors worked around the clock to do as
much as they could. They just had to manage,
that was all.

The city is no longer accessible, he added.

Red Cross staff are also concerned about what
may be happening in other smaller centres south
of Baghdad.

We do not know what is going on in Najaf and
Kabala. It has become physically impossible for
us to reach out to those cities because the
major road has become a zone of combat.

The Red Cross was able to claim one significant
success this week: it played a key role in
re-establishing water supplies at Basra.

Power for a water-pumping station had been
accidentally knocked out in the attack on the city,
leaving about a million people without water.
Iraqi technicians couldn't reach the station to
repair it because it was under coalition control.

The Red Cross was able to negotiate safe passage
for a group of Iraqi engineers who crossed the fire
line and made repairs. Basra now has 90 per cent
of its normal water supply, said Huguenin.

Huguenin, a Swiss, is one of six international
Red Cross workers still in Baghdad. The team
includes two Canadians, Vatche Arslanian of
Oromocto, N.B., and Kassandra Vartell of Calgary.

The Red Cross expects the humanitarian crisis
in Iraq to grow and is calling for donations to
help cope. The Red Cross Web site is:


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[CTRL] Masks 'no protection from SARS'

2003-04-05 Thread Jei
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Masks 'no protection from SARS'
By Australian Associated Press
04 Apr 2003

Surgical and cheap masks won't provide sure-fire protection against the
deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a health expert warned

But they could slow the spread of the disease by limiting hand to face

Surgical masks are designed to keep wounds sterile during surgery when a
surgeon talks or coughs, Griffith University respiratory protection
specialist Dr David Bromwich said.

They are not designed to protect the wearer.

Dr Bromwich said the material used, and the fit of the masks, would offer
almost no respiratory protection from airborne particles.

But they could be helpful as a barrier that might stop people who've
touched infected droplets of saliva, for example, from then touching their
faces and becoming sick.

Scientists have said the virus is spread by droplets, through coughing and

But the World Health Organisation now believes it may also be spread by
the environment, such as by water or sewerage systems, not just by close
personal contact.

Dr Bromwich said concerned travellers should consider using a special
toxic dust mask with a class P2 particulate filter, which sells for less
than $10.

But he warned even that would not provide 100 per cent protection.

There is no such thing as complete protection from viruses - or even
chemicals for that matter, Dr Bromwich said.

The warning comes as seven people in Australia, including a south-east
Queenslander, wait for tests that will determine if they have SARS.

Meanwhile, Queensland Health today gave a middle-aged woman the all-clear,
after earlier believing she could have contracted the virus.

We can now confirm it's not SARS nor is it even remotely connected to
SARS, she said, of the woman.

The spokeswoman said the other south-east Queensland case involving a
21-year-old man was yet to be determined.

He has voluntarily confined himself to his home, she said.

NSW has two suspected cases, with one in the Northern Territory and three
in Victoria - a girl and her two young brothers who are visiting from


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[CTRL] Bush executive order allows SARS quarantine

2003-04-05 Thread Jei
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All dissidents to Bush Dictatorship to be quarantined.

Bush order allows SARS quarantine
Illness 'could have severe public health consequences'
Friday, April 4, 2003  Posted: 6:49 PM EST (2349 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush issued an executive order Friday adding
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome to the list of communicable diseases for
which a person can be quarantined.

The order reads that SARS, a disease first recognized late last year in
China, is associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or
other respiratory illness, is transmitted from person to person
predominantly by the aerosolized or droplet route, and, if spread in the
population, would have severe public health consequences.

SARS -- characterized by high fever and breathing difficulties -- has
infected more than 2,270 people, killing 79, according to the World Health
Organization's Web site. It has spread to 16 countries, including the
United States. No U.S. deaths have been reported.

Friday's executive order brings to eight the number of diseases covered
under possible quarantine orders by the federal government.

A spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the
order should not be taken as any indication that the government wishes to
quarantine anyone.

Health experts at the CDC still feel that quarantines are not necessary
now, although they could become necessary if the situation gets worse.

Also on Friday, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York, urged the CDC to get
directly involved in containing the spread of SARS in the United States.

While commending the CDC's efforts in investigating SARS worldwide,
Schumer said it was time to deploy the center's epidemiologists and health
experts to New York and others areas in the United States where the virus
has recently spread.

The CDC is doing great work by sending our experts to other countries to
help with SARS outbreaks there, said Schumer.

But as more and more SARS cases are discovered here at home, it's time
for us in New York to get the same expert advice to prevent a full-blown

Researchers say SARS probably began spreading from China's Guangdong
province -- where there have been at least 1,000 cases -- to other
countries in mid-February.


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[CTRL] The High Cost of War

2003-04-05 Thread Jei
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 The War's Dirty Secret: It's About Changing United States, Not Iraq
 Steve Lopez
 LA Times

 Sunday 30 March 2003

 Much to her surprise, the federal government is promising to do
 everything Los Angeles Congresswoman Maxine Waters has spent years
 fighting for.

 Education for the neediest souls will be transformed, quality
 health care will be guaranteed, damaged roadways and bridges will
 be rebuilt, and millions of dollars will be spent to spur new

 Waters just never figured the beneficiaries would be residents of

 A few weeks ago, when I spent several hours with her in Washington
 as the start of the war approached, Waters had begun to fear the

 I'm very worried about the long-term impact, she said, predicting
 that as the cost of the war grows, states, counties and cities will
 get stiffed.

 Waters wasn't talking about the weeks and months ahead, but the
 years and decades to come. The cost of the war and rebuilding Iraq,
 she said, could drastically limit what government can do.

 The effort to turn Iraq into a democracy, in other words, is making
 the U.S. less of one. Our opposition party has disappeared,
 corporate interests dictate public policy, and the feds may be
 rummaging through your e-mail.

 There's a dirty secret no one has told you, and here it is: This
 war is not about changing Iraq, it's about changing America.

 Unless you're lucky enough to be an investor in one of the
 corporations that will win multimillion-dollar contracts to rebuild
 Iraq, you may be hurting when the cost of the war and a new era of
 deficit spending put even more of a drag on the economy.

 If you don't earn enough to hit the jackpot on President Bush's
 proposed tax cuts, you're just going to have to fend for yourself.
 The whole idea is to train you to expect less and to feel patriotic
 about it.

 If things get really bad, you can always move to Iraq.

 I think it's terribly arrogant and overly ambitious for this
 president to think he can invade that country, turn it into a
 democracy, and use American taxpayer dollars to build an
 infrastructure that still is not built in some parts of this
 nation, Waters said.

 In addition to that, he wants to go ahead with tax breaks for the
 wealthiest people in this country.

 To clarify, Waters isn't against sending American dollars to other

 I believe in foreign assistance, and I think the richest nation in
 the world should certainly help our neighbors in other parts of the
 world, she said. But I dislike the idea that we tear up Iraq
 first, bombing it to smithereens, and then we go back and put in
 the water systems, the health-care facilities and the other things
 we've torn up.

 Last week, Waters and the rest of the country got the first bill
 for Operation Iraqi Freedom when the president asked Congress for
 $74.7 billion to cover war-related costs. Empire-building isn't

 That's probably going to underwrite about one month's cost of the
 war, said Waters. And it's just the tip of the iceberg.

 Waters got nervous when she saw Halliburton, Vice President Dick
 Cheney's former company, grab one of the first rebuilding contracts
 before we'd even begun knocking things down. To help prevent a
 feeding frenzy by corporations with political connections, Waters
 introduced two amendments.

 The first would have put a four-year hold on the awarding of
 military contracts to companies that helped draft the Iraqi war
 policy or employed high-level administration officials.

 It was shot down like a sputtering Scud.

 Waters went back to the drawing board and came up with a softer

 This time I just said, 'OK, let's say the person who's worked for
 that company in the last four years can't do the negotiating. He'd
 have to recuse himself from that discussion.' Now that's as simple
 as it can get, and they voted against that one, too.

 One night last week, I called Waters' Capitol Hill office at 9 p.m.
 her time and she answered the phone herself, having just returned
 from a House session.

 I was on the floor for an hour, helping educate people about the
 cuts being made to veterans' programs, she said.

 So let's review.

 We're asking 200,000 troops to risk life and limb in Iraq, and the
 White House and Congress are preparing a welcome-home party by
 slashing veterans' benefits.

 Last week, I visited the Veterans Affairs dorms in West L.A., where
 I met a Vietnam vet who was wounded six times. He had a brace on
 his leg and shrapnel scars from head to toe, and he'd finally given
 up on his fight for 

[CTRL] Bush signs executive order on SARS quarantine

2003-04-05 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Office of the Press
For Immediate Release
April 4, 2003
- - - - - - -
  By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws
of the United States of America, including section 361(b) of the Public Health
Service Act (42 U.S.C. 264(b)), it is hereby ordered as follows:
  Section 1.  Based upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Health and
Human Services (the Secretary), in consultation with the Surgeon General, and
for the purpose of specifying certain communicable diseases for regulations
providing for the apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals
to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable
diseases, the following communicable diseases are hereby specified pursuant to
section 361(b) of the Public Health Service Act:
  (a)  Cholera; Diphtheria; infectious Tuberculosis; Plague; Smallpox; Yellow
  Fever; and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, Crimean-Congo,
  South American, and others not yet isolated or named).
  (b)  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which is a disease
  associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other
  respiratory illness, is transmitted from person to person predominantly by
  the aerosolized or droplet route, and, if spread in the population, would
  have severe public health consequences.
  Sec. 2.  The Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, shall determine
whether a particular condition constitutes a communicable disease of the type
specified in section 1 of this order.
  Sec. 3.  The functions of the President under sections 362 and 364(a) of
the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 265 and 267(a)) are assigned to the
  Sec. 4.  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or
benefit enforceable at law or equity by any party against the United States, its
departments, agencies, entities, officers, employees or agents, or any other person.
  Sec. 5.  Executive Order 12452 of December 22, 1983, is hereby revoked.
 April 4, 2003.
  # # #

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[CTRL] The War For Truth

2003-04-05 Thread Jei
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Subject: John Pilger: The War For Truth

John Pilger: The War For Truth
Apr 05, 2003


By John Pilger
The Mirror Via Islamic Community Net

We had a great day, said Sgt Eric Schrumpf of the US Marines last
Saturday. We killed a lot of people.

He added: We dropped a few civilians, but what do you do? He said there
were women standing near an Iraqi soldier, and one of them fell when he
and other Marines opened fire. I'm sorry, said Sgt Schrumpf, but the
chick was in the way.

For me, what is remarkable about this story is that I heard almost the
same words 36 years ago when a US Marine sergeant told me he had killed a
pregnant woman and a child because they had got in the way.

That was in Vietnam, another country invaded by the US military machine,
which left up to two million people dead and many more maimed and
otherwise ruined. President Reagan called this a noble cause. The other
day, President Bush called the invasion of Iraq, another unprovoked and
piratical act, a noble cause.

In the years since Vietnam, the Americans have invaded and caused,
directly and through stooges, great suffering in many other countries, but
none tells us more about the current war than their enduring atrocity in
Vietnam, known as the first media war.

Like their attack on Iraq, their invasion of Vietnam was accompanied by a
racist contempt for the people. The Vietnamese were gooks and slits
who would never fight, who would be crushed within weeks. As in Iraq
today, the uncensored evidence of America's killing was not shown on TV
but covered up. General Colin Powell, Bush's liberal Secretary of State,
was promoted swiftly because he was given the job of covering up the
infamous My Lai massacre. In the end, the Vietnamese defied the Hollywood
script and expelled their invader, but at great cost. The Iraqis, up
against two western air forces and a Disneyworld of weapons of mass
destruction, are unlikely to share the same honour. And yet they, too, are
not keeping to the script; and their extraordinary resistance against such
overwhelming odds has required intensified propaganda in Washington and
London: aimed not at them, but at us.

Unlike in Vietnam, this propaganda, lying that is both crude and subtle,
is now dispensed globally and marketed and controlled like a new niche
product. Richard Gaisford, an embedded BBC reporter, said recently: We
have to check each story we have with (the military). And the captain,
who's our media liaison officer, will check with the colonel, and they
will check with Brigade headquarters as well.

David Miller, a media analyst at Stirling University, calls it public
relations genius. It works like this. Once the official line is agreed
and manufactured at the Coalition Press Information Centre in Kuwait and
the $1million press centre in Qatar, it is submitted to the White House,
to what is known as the Office of Global Communications. It is then
polished for British consumption by Blair's staff of propagandists in
Downing Street.

Truth, above all, is redundant. There is only good news or no news. For
example, the arrival in Iraq of the British ship Sir Galahad with a
miserable few hundred tons of humanitarian aid was a good story given
wide coverage. What was missing was the truth that the Blair government
continues to back Washington's deliberate denial of $5.4billion worth of
humanitarian aid, including baby milk and medical supplies. This is aid
which Iraq has paid for (from oil receipts) and the UN Security Council
has approved.

What was also missing from such a moving tale of Britain-to-the-rescue was
that, under pressure from Bush and Blair, the United Nations has been
forced to close down its food distribution system in Iraq, which barely
prevented famine in the pre-war period.

BLAIR'S lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and its alleged
links with al-Qaeda have been exposed and rejected by the majority of the
British people. He has since played his conviction card. Perhaps his
last propaganda refuge is a call to support our boys.

On September 3, 1967, the Sunday Mirror published a dispatch of mine from
Vietnam under the front page headline: How can Britain approve a war like
this? Today's Mirror asks the same question of the invasion of Iraq. The
difference is that, unlike Blair, Prime Minister Harold Wilson denied an
American president the use of British troops for his coalition. A poll
in yesterday's Mirror said that 78 per cent insist British forces must
not be brought home until the war is over. Polls themselves can make
propaganda, with the question predetermining the answer. What if the
question asked had been: Do you support British forces being in Iraq
given the absence of any 'liberation' and the rising number of civilian

I doubt whether it would have been anywhere near 78 per cent. There is
undoubtedly a traditional reserve of 

[CTRL] Mysterious Baghdad Web log keeper captivates cyberspace

2003-04-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Posted 3/31/2003 11:33 AM

Mysterious Baghdad Web log keeper captivates cyberspace

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) . Every day, tens of thousands of people turn to the
Web seeking updates from a mysterious scribe whose detailed accounts of
life in besieged Baghdad have made him a cyberspace celebrity.

Little is known for sure about Salam Pax, whose nom de plume means peace
in Arabic and Latin. But his Web journal . ostensibly written from his
Baghdad home . vividly criticizes the authoritarian rule of Saddam Hussein
and the U.S.-British war on his nation.

Houses near al-salam palace ... have had all their windows broke, doors
blown in and in one case a roof has caved in, Salam wrote in his journal
(dear_raed.blogspot.com). I guess that is what is called 'collateral
damage' and that makes it OK?

Salam's Web log, or blog, has become so popular that the company that
hosts it upgraded his account last weekend gratis so he could continue
writing and posting photos. Thousands of e-mails . from fans as well as
skeptics who believe he's a hoax . have paralyzed his mailbox.

Salam's journal and others focused on the war have boosted the profile of
the so-called blogosphere, which includes more than 1 million blogs on
everything from wireless networking to sex. American and British soldiers,
German anti-war advocates, and even human shields are providing unique
slants on the conflict in their warblogs.

But few are as intriguing as Salam, who went silent last week, even before
U.S. bombs knocked out telecommunications in Baghdad. Fans are concerned
for the safety of the normally prolific pundit. His last posting was

Several e-mails from The Associated Press to Salam bounced, and his
provider, Google, doesn't share information about individual bloggers for
privacy reasons. Salam has mentioned in his blog the need to protect his
identity, refusing to send people his phone number or other details.

According to his blog . and intelligence from other bloggers and
journalists . Salam is a 28- or 29-year-old Iraqi architect and native
Arabic speaker who spent his formative years in Europe.

Raised as a Muslim, he seems to be a secularist. As a gay man living under
a repressive regime, he pokes fun at fundamentalism with a wry, profane

He also ridicules the Bush administration: How could 'support democracy
in Iraq' (come) to mean 'bomb the hell out of Iraq'? ... Nobody minded an
undemocratic Iraq for a very long time, now people have decided to bomb us
to democracy? Well, thank you! how thoughtful, he wrote.

Dozens of online discussion forums buzz with speculation. Fans worry
Saddam's henchmen got wind of Salam's sardonic accounts of life in Baghdad
and his description of Iraqi leaders as freaks.

One particularly cybersavvy Salam-seeker tested the code behind the
Internet address of his blog, called Where is Raed? and determined it
most likely hailed from Iraq. Other readers insist descriptions of the
price of tomatoes and damage from bombings are too detailed to be faked.

Some bloggers don't care if he's a hoax. They think his writings chronicle
a conflict too often obscured by breathless war reporters, generals and
politicians. They identify with his cross-culturalism, educated sarcasm
and middle-class sensibilities.

Salam's writings captured a palpable sense of anxiety and frustration .
Baghdadis running to the local bakeries and dealing with the price gouging
of bread, police standing guard around town trying to keep order, said
Andy Carvin, a Washington blogger who regularly checks Salam's site. He
serves as a real-time storyteller who's trying to capture a moment in
history for the world to see. ... He's humanizing the experience of war,
as good storytellers do.

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Our Flag, Too

2003-04-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Our Flag, Too
 By William Rivers Pitt
 t r u t h o u t | Perspective

 Thursday 3 April 2003

 The residents of an unassuming house, tucked away in a quiet corner of a small 
New England college campus, have
 found themselves at the center of a disturbing fight for the basic right to 
express their opinion as Americans.
 Seven students at 44 Howard Street on the Wheaton College campus, located in the 
rural community of Norton,
 Massachusetts, have discovered, with suddenness and fury, how difficult it is 
today to speak your mind in a nation
 divided by war.

 It started on the day the Bush administration took this nation to war in defiance 
of the international community and
 with little, if any, justifiable rationale.  The American attack upon Iraq, 
fraught with all the terrors of American
 and civilian casualties, spiraling regional hostilities and the surety of 
reciprocal attacks here at home, convinced
 these students that their beloved country was in grave danger.  The leadership of 
this nation, and the deadly course
 they chose, motivated the seven in this small house to make a large statement of 

 And so, on that day, the young men and women of 44 Howard hung an American flag 
upside-down outside of their house.

 There is no question but that this is a loaded symbol.  Generation after 
generation of Americans have saluted this
 flag, served under it, died under it, and have been wrapped in it when finally 
delivered to the darkness of the
 earth or the depths of the ocean.  The flag represents, for many Americans, all 
that is great and true and noble
 about this nation; it is a snapshot of our idealized hopes and dreams for the 
country we are and the country we wish
 to be.  Of course, these kids were asking for trouble by doing this.  People do 
not react rationally when confronted
 with an American flag flying in anything other than an upright, orderly fashion.

 44 Howard got trouble, in spades.

 Some days after placing the flag on their house in this manner, a truckload of 
local men pulled up to the front
 door.  This took some doing; the house is not located on any road easily 
accessible by the main streets of Norton,
 but is buried in the campus near the central quadrangle.  Six men, whose ages 
ranged from between forty to fifty
 years old, stormed into the house while two of the residents were there.  The 
residents locked themselves in a room
 and called campus security, while them men crashed through the house, pounding on 
bedroom doors and yelling, Come
 out, you cowards!  It was clear from their actions that these men intended 

 Rocks have been thrown through the windows of 44 Howard.  Death threats have been 
telephoned to the house and left
 on answering machines.  Cars from the town of Norton have constantly driven 
passed the house with passengers
 screaming threats and insults.  A dead fish was strapped to the front door, 
symbolizing a death threat as per the
 movie 'The Godfather.'  The harassment grew to such a fevered intensity that the 
residents of the house were ordered
 by campus security to leave the premises for three days, because their safety 
could not be guaranteed.

 As of this printing, there has not been one arrest made in these matters by the 
Norton police.

 One might feel that the people who have so vigorously attacked the seven Wheaton 
students have a moral basis for
 their actions, as it appears on the surface to be a case of righteous and 
patriotic citizens defending the American
 flag from desecration.  This is not, in fact, the case, because hanging an 
American flag upside-down is not an act
 of desecration.

 It is an act of desperation, and indeed, of patriotism.

 The seven students of 44 Howard have family and friends serving in the war at 
this moment.  They do not wish to see
 their loved ones killed in an irresponsible act of military adventurism, nor do 
they wish to see harm done to their
 own country because of this, nor do they wish to see the innocents of Iraq 
slaughtered in the mayhem.  This is the
 very definition of patriotism: the defense of family, friends, country and life 

 The basic message behind an upside down flag is, Distress. Send Help.  The 
symbolism of the reversed flag began in
 the nautical realm; sailors at sea in distress would fly the flag upside-down 
before abandoning ship, or as a signal
 to other passing ships that they were in dire need of help.  More recently, this 
symbol was used by troops in the
 field in Vietnam, who flew the flag in reverse to signal their distress over the 
manner in which they were being
 used by their commanders and political leaders.

 In 2001, the use of the American flag as a symbol of 

[CTRL] Children Killed in US Assault

2003-04-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Children Killed in US Assault
 Ewen Mackaskill and Suzanne Goldenberg
 The Guardian UK

 Wednesday 02 April 2003

 Dozens of Iraqi villagers were killed and injured in a ferocious American air
 and land assault near the Iraqi city of Babylon, hospital officials in the
 town said yesterday.

 Reuters reporters on the scene confirmed the deaths of at least nine
 children, two other civilians and two Iraqi fighters at Hilla in a
 bombardment on Monday night and early yesterday morning.

 An Iraqi hospital official said the death toll stood at 33 civilians, with
 more than 300 wounded.

 Unedited TV footage from Babylon hospital, which was seen by the Guardian,
 showed the tiny corpse of a baby wrapped up like a doll in a funeral shroud
 and carried out of the morgue on a pink pallet.

 It was laid face-to-face on the pavement against the body of a boy, who
 looked about 10.

 Horrifically injured bodies were heaped into pick-up trucks, and were swarmed
 by relatives of the dead, who accompanied them for burial.

 Bed after bed of injured women and children were pictured along with large
 pools of blood on the floor of the hospital.

 All of these are due to the American bombing to the civilian homes. Hundreds
 of civilians have been injured, and many have been killed, said Nazim
 al-Adali, an Edinburgh-trained doctor at the hospital, who appealed to his
 colleagues in England to protest against the bombings.

 Among the injured in the women's ward was Aliya Mukhtaf, who said her husband
 and her six children were killed in the attack. The TV pictures also showed a
 teenage boy with bandages over the stump where his right hand was sheared off
 by shrapnel.

 There are not any army cars or tanks in the area, said Dr al-Adali, who
 claimed cluster bombs had been used.

 Several of those interviewed on TV described large tank movements as the US
 tried to advance the final 50 miles to Baghdad.

 God take our revenge on America, a stunned man said repeatedly at the
 hospital. Hospital staff said the man's whole family was wiped out.

 What has he done wrong, what has he done wrong? the driver of a pick-up
 truck ferrying the dead said as he held the body of an infant.

 Residents said US forces had attacked the town on Monday but were pushed back
 by regular and irregular Iraqi forces. As the Americans retreated, they
 shelled the town, the residents said. One US soldier was reported killed in
 the action on Monday.

 The US marines are fighting for control of Kerbala, Hilla and Najaf. Najaf,
 the third holiest city of Shia Muslims, is regarded as strategically
 important by the US in its attempts to try to win over Shia Muslims against
 the Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, a Sunni Muslim.

 Any damage by a stray bomb to the Tomb of Ali in Najaf risks incurring the
 wrath of the Shia Muslims not only in Iraq but in Iran. US intelligence
 claims Iraqi fighters have holed up in the tomb .

 The task of dislodging the Iraqi forces from Najaf is proving daunting. For
 the first time in the conflict, US forces have been forced to engage in
 street fighting, which could become more difficult the closer they get to the
 centre: there is a warren of alleyways round the tomb. The American
 servicemen, their technological advantage neutralised by the narrow streets
 and lanes, face having to resort to more crude weapons: US infantrymen have
 already been seen in Najaf with fixed bayonets.

 The US and British governments have expressed disap pointment that, contrary
 to expectations, the Shia Muslims have failed to embrace them.

 US Brigadier General Benjamin Freakley, of the 101st Airborne division
 fighting in Najaf, told the New York Times that by taking Najaf we want the
 oppressed to feel hopeful and the oppressors to feel hopelessness. Hope can
 put bravery in the hearts of men.

 US army intelligence, according to a Washington Post reporter with forces in
 Najaf, estimates that there are about 2,000 Iraqi fighters in the city, made
 up of Saddam's Fedayeen and Jerusalem Army militia.

 The 101st Airborne division exchanged rounds with Iraqi artillery yesterday.
 Lieutenant Colonel Bill Bennett, commander of the division's artillery, told
 reporters: I've got 30 cannons and I'm shooting them all. I never shot so
 much in my life. I need some more bullets.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used 

[CTRL] Call For An End to The Sick Insanity

2003-04-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Kucinich Takes to the House Floor to Call For An End to The

 Wednesday 2 April 2003

 Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition
 to the War in Iraq within the House, today, issued the
 following statement on the House floor:

 Stop the war now. As Baghdad will be encircled, this is the
 time to get the UN back in to inspect Baghdad and the rest
 of Iraq for biological and chemical weapons. Our troops
 should not have to be the ones who will find out, in combat,
 whether Iraq has such weapons. Why put our troops at greater
 risk? We could get the United Nations inspectors back in.

 Stop the war now. Before we send our troops into
 house-to-house combat in Baghdad, a city of five million
 people. Before we ask our troops to take up the burden of
 shooting innocent civilians in the fog of war.

 Stop the war now. This war has been advanced on lie upon
 lie. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11. Iraq was not
 responsible for any role al-Qaeda may have had in 9/11. Iraq
 was not responsible for the anthrax attacks on this country.
 Iraq did not tried to acquire nuclear weapons technology
 from Niger. This war is built on falsehood.

 Stop the war now. We are not defending America in Iraq.
 Iraq did not attack this nation. Iraq has no ability to
 attack this nation. Each innocent civilian casualty
 represents a threat to America for years to come and will
 end up making our nation less safe. The seventy-five billion
 dollar supplemental needs to be challenged because each dime
 we spend on this war makes America less safe. Only
 international cooperation will help us meet the challenge of
 terrorism. After 9/11 all Americans remember we had the
 support and the sympathy of the world. Every nation was
 ready to be of assistance to the United States in meeting
 the challenge of terrorism. And yet, with this war, we have
 squandered the sympathy of the world. We have brought upon
 this nation the anger of the world. We need the cooperation
 of the world, to find the terrorists before they come to our

 Stop this war now. Seventy-five billion dollars more for
 war. Three-quarters of a trillion dollars for tax cuts, but
 no money for veterans ' benefits. Money for war. No money
 for health care in America, but money for war. No money for
 social security, but money for war. We have money to blow up
 bridges over the Tigris and the Euphrates, but no money to
 build bridges in our own cities. We have money to ruin the
 health of the Iraqi children, but no money to repair the
 health of our own children and our educational programs.

 Stop this war now. It is wrong. It is illegal. It is unjust
 and it will come to no good for this country.

 Stop this war now. Show our wisdom and our humanity, to be
 able to stop it, to bring back the United Nations into the
 process. Rescue this moment. Rescue this nation from a war
 that is wrong, that is unjust, that is immoral.

 Stop this war now.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Where is Raed ?

2003-04-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Where is Raed ?

the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or
religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence.
Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.

 :: Monday, March 24, 2003 ::

The last two days we didn.t have internet access. I thought that was it
and started what a friend called a .pblog., what you will read is what
should have been the entries for the 22nd and 23rd.
Blogger and Google have created a mirror to this weblog at
[dearraed.blogspot.com] for those of you who have trouble with the
underscore in the URL. There are not enough words to thank the people at
Blogger for their help and support.

4:30pm (day3)
half an hour ago the oil filled trenches were put on fire. First watching
Al-jazeera they said that these were the places that got hit by bombs from
an air raid a few miniutes earlier bit when I went up to the roof to take
a look I saw that there were too many of them, we heard only three
explosions. I took pictures of the nearest. My cousine came and told me he
saw police cars standing by one and setting it on fire. Now you can see
the columns of smoke all over the city.
Todat the third in the war, we had quite a number of attacks during
daytime. Some without air-raid sirens. They probably just gave up on being
able to be on time to sound the sirens. Last night, after waves after
waves of attacks, they would sound the all-clear siren only to start
another raid siren 30 minutes later.
The images we saw on TV last night (not Iraqi, jazeera-BBC-Arabiya) were
terrible. The whole city looked as if it were on fire. The only thing I
could think of was .why does this have to happen to Baghdad.. As one of
the buildings I really love went up in a huge explosion I was close to
today my father and brother went out to see what happening in the city,
they say that it does look that the hits were very precise but when the
missiles and bombs explode they wreck havoc in the neighborhood where they
fall. Houses near al-salam palace(where the minister Sahaf took
journalist) have had all their windows broke, doors blown in and in one
case a roof has caved in. I guess that is what is called .collateral
damage. and that makes it OK?
We worry about daytime bombing and the next round of attacks tonight with
the added extra of the smoke screen in our skies.

8:30pm (day4)
we start counting the hours from the moment one of the news channels
report that the B52s have left their airfield. It takes them around 6
hours to get to Iraq. On the first day of the bombing it worked precisely.
Yesterday we were a bit surprised that after 6 hours bombs didn.t start
falling. The attacks on Baghdad were much less than two days ago. We found
out today in the news that the city of Tikrit got the hell bombed out of
it. To day the B52s took off at 3pm, on half an hour we will know whether
it is Baghdad tonight or another city. Karbala was also hit last night.
Today.s (and last night.s) shock attacks didn.t come from airplanes but
rather from the airwaves. The images Al-jazeera is broadcasting are beyond
any description. First was the attack on (Ansar el Islam) camp in the
north of Iraq. Then the images of civilian casualties in Basra city. What
was most disturbing are the images from the hospitals. They are simply not
prepared to deal with these things. People were lying on the floor with
bandages and blood all over. If this is what .urban warefare. is going to
look like we.re in for disaster. And just now the images of US/UK
prisoners and dead, we saw these on Iraqi TV earlier. This war is starting
to show its ugly ugly face to the world.
The media wars have also started, Al-jazeera accusing the pentagon of not
showing how horrific this war is turning out to be and Rumsfeld saying
that it is regrettable that some TV stations have shown the images.
Today before noon I went out with my cousin to take a look at the city.
Two things. 1) the attacks are precise. 2) they are attacking targets
which are just too close to civilian areas in Baghdad. Looked at the Salam
palace and the houses around it. Quite scary near it and you can see
widows with broken glass till very far off. At another neighborhood I saw
a very unexpected .target. it is an officers. club of some sorts smack in
the middle of [...] district. I guess it was not severely hit because it
was still standing but the houses around it, and this is next door and
across the street, were damaged. One of them is rubble the rest are
clearing away glass and rubble. A garbage car stands near the most damaged
houses and help with the cleaning up.
Generally the streets are quite busy. Lots of cars but not many shops
open. The market near our house is almost empty now. The shop owner says
that all the wholesale markets in Shorjah are closed now but the prices of
vegetables and fruits have gone down to normal and are available.


2003-04-03 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-



  We are, therefore, now trapped in a war for which no foreseeable
  exit is provided. It is not an Iraq War; it is a virtually
  endless world war, unless we stop it: unless you, personally,
  contribute to stopping it.  It is a war already spreading, as the
  military forces of Turkey invade northern Iraq, in preparation to
  deal with a Kurdish campaign to carve a Kurdish state out of a
  region including large chunks of Turkey and Transcaucasia. This is
  a war of incalculable implications, being pushed by dangerous, and
  largely morally demented lunatics, such as Mother Cheney's

War, Hitler,  Cheney
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The immediate situation of the U.S. is summed up as follows: At this
moment, as I had forewarned you in 1999-2000, we are plunging into a
world depression comparable to, but worse than that of the Herbert Hoover
Depression of 1929-1933. As I forewarned you in an address, broadcast at
the beginning of 2001, new would-be Adolf Hitlers have now appeared, this
time inside the U.S.A.

Those would-be Hitlers now threaten the whole world with the kinds of
wars for which the world later hung Nazi leaders, at Nuremberg: the new
Hitlers from inside the U.S.A. and Blair's government, who act exactly as
Hitler threatened Czechoslovakia in 1938, and invaded Poland in 1939.

The pivotal feature of that warfare, into which an already bankrupt U.S.
has just been plunged, is the de facto usurpation of the function of a
still-sitting President by Halliburton's Vice President Cheney, and by a
gang of his organized-crime-linked lackeys polluting not only the
Departments of Defense and State, but also polluting, and virtually
castrating elected and other leaders of the nominal opposition, the
Democratic Party.

Ironically, but not accidentally, the present war-like situation in the
Department of Defense, including the public rug-chewing exhibitions by
Secretary Rumsfeld, reminds today's serious historians of the way in
which Adolf Hitler and his Roman Legions-modelled SS, ultimately
destroyed that German military which would-be Caesar Hitler's gang feared
and hated so intensely.

All too obviously, the leading war-makers inside the Bush Administration
today are mere lackeys, nasty pimps like the Leporello of Mozart's famous
opera. These real-life Leporellos, such as the politically pimpish
Wolfowitz and Ashcroft, were spawned, chiefly, by Chicago University and
associated circles of a prominent fascist ideologue, the late Professor
Leo Strauss.

This Strauss was a follower of the Carl Schmitt who crafted the law under
which Hitler became dictator of Germany; so, are Strauss's ardent
followers inside the Bush Administration today. This fascist, Strauss,
who created Wolfowitz, was imported to the U.S. from the Germany of Carl
Schmitt and Hitler-midwife Hjalmar Schacht, at the time that also the
later Robert Hutchins-sponsored Strauss was already known to be a
fanatical follower of the leading Nazi ideologue Martin Heidegger.

However, like the Nazi SS enforcers, lackeys Wolfowitz, Perle, Bolton,
Wurmser, Feith, and so on, are merely expendable hoodlums adorned with
political motley. To understand them, you must look to those who created
them and put them into their present positions. You must look to the
London-backed Hjalmar Schachts and von Papens of the modern U.S.A.,
including the likes of the Conrad Blacks, the Rupert Murdochs, George
Shultz, and the Shultz-allied forces behind the Halliburton firms'
government and other connections.

The essence of the matter is exactly what I warned you might happen, in a
broadcast address I delivered just before the inauguration of President
George W. Bush, Jr. We are in an accelerating world depression, while
this year's U.S. Federal deficit already soars in the direction of the $1
trillions mark. The U.S.A. experienced its Reichstag Fire on September
11, 2001, and the storm-trooper legions of Vice President Cheney marched
forth from those smoking ruins, brandishing their Mein Kampf doctrine of
preventive nuclear war. This is the Nazi-like doctrine which Cheney had
adopted in 1991, then in his capacity of Secretary of Defense. Led by
Cheney's and Rumsfeld's lackeys, the depression-wracked U.S. is presently
marching down the road toward self-inflicted Hell, unless the war is
stopped about now.

We are, therefore, now trapped in a war for which no foreseeable exit is
provided. It is not an Iraq War; it is a virtually endless world war,
unless we stop it: unless you, personally, contribute to stopping it. It
is a war already spreading, as the military forces of Turkey invade
northern Iraq, in preparation to deal with a Kurdish campaign to carve a
Kurdish state out of a region including large chunks of Turkey and
Transcaucasia. This is a war of incalculable 


2003-04-02 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Flash Gordon wrote:

 So the question here is: which posters on this list
 are agents (witting or useful idiots) of these
 organizations promoting Communism, anarchy,
 large-scale urban rioting, financial disruption, and
 violent attacks and what is the FBI doing to root them
 out, arrest, and prosecute them?

FBI hasn't got the balls to arrest George Bush,
so you'll just have to put up with him. :P

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush

2003-04-01 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Joshua Tinnin wrote:


 US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush
 Last Update: Sunday, March 30, 2003. 2:55am (AEST)
 Sunday's is Pray that the President and his advisers will seek God and his
 wisdom daily and not rely on their own understanding.

 Monday's reads Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and
 courageous to do what is right regardless of critics.

I think that is just standard brainwashing techniques.

1) Asking the soldiers to excuse the President's illogical
   behaviour on the basis of him having God's divine guidance.

2) Asking to ignore his critics.

The president can not err. He has God on his side.
The bullets they shoot are his holy divine instruments,
blessed by Jesus.

Such as: US Marines Fire On Civilians At Bridge Of Death:


I think Sanity has left the government building. Either
that or they've been run over by Jews  Satanists.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] US Carpet Bombing Baghdad, F*ck Civilians - Jewish Apocalyptic Dreams Come True with MOAB

2003-04-01 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


When Cracks Appear . the reality of War reporting
31 Mar 2003

The first week of the war to .liberate. Iraq, remove Saddam and remove the
scourge to the world of weapons of mass destruction is stalling.

It is often said that truth is the first casualty of war. That being so,
then this surely is a most brutal of openings. Yet the tensions
surrounding the obvious and impressive resistance offered by the Muslims
of Iraq to the invasion, is causing the governments of the .coalition. .
in reality only American and Britain . great difficulty. The purposes of
war reporting are to maintain morale and a positive backing for war in the
West, demoralise the enemy whilst winning the hearts and minds of the
Iraqis, and last but surely least provide actual coverage of the events on
the ground.

Taking these objectives in turn it is clear that the Anglo Americans are
facing problems.

A good sign of domestic confidence in a war is the stock market. In the
euphoric run up to this bold faced aggression, the US and UK markets
rallied, dramatically rising by 14% and 16% since mid March.s uncertain
lows, a move which clearly exposed the real reasons for invasion. Yet one
week in, the markets are spiralling back down with confidence again
draining from investors. Last Monday the markets plummeted by 3.5% and the
dollar had its biggest drop against the Euro in eight months. House prices
are dropping in the UK, as is general consumer and business confidence in
the US. The supposed 4 week romp through Southern and Northern Iraq
culminating in glorious parades through a liberated and cheering Baghdadi
populace look a distant dream. We remember the urgency with which the
Anglo-Americans were forcing through their UN debates, mid March was
always the latest feasible start date of a war that had to be over before
the heat of summer arrives. The high temperatures of May are now not so
far away as Anglo-American forces struggle to maintain their supply lines
over the 400 kilometre stretch from Umm Qasr to Baghdad. For how long will
domestic public opinion in London and Washington hold for a war they were
not really behind in the first instance, as the mounting costs rise and
military set backs increase?

It is not surprising to see even amongst the Western journalists the signs
of angst over the folly of waging yet another old style colonialist war in
a land with such a staunch history of repelling aggressors as Iraq. Most
in the West cannot even remember the US inspired quagmires of Vietnam or
have blinkered views of fiascos like the humiliating withdrawals from
Beirut in 1984 or Mogadishu in Somalia, the latter defeat even being
reversed and glorified in a Hollywood blockbuster .Blackhawk Down..

It is also only a matter of time before the Western public grow tired of
the ingratiating, grating styles of their current leaders. Bush.s
simplistic rantings .WE (long pause) will prevail., or .God has no better
liberators than.. and so on, may go down to rapturous applause to the
Central command forces in Tampa Bay, but the public at large will soon
notice the ballooning budget deficit, and returning body bags. Blair too
has been exposed this past week for over dramatising the death of two
British soldiers contradicting the military confirmation of .death in
action. with his media circus portrayal of death by execution. Desperate
indeed, to play with the emotions of grieving families to bolster support
for his colonialist campaign.

The domestic propaganda campaigns are also suffering as the clear evidence
of gross under-estimates of resourcing needs and poor military tactics are
highlighted. There were severe doubts before the war started; those doubts
were perhaps partially assuaged by expectations of a short, sharp,
surgical campaign and rejoicing in the streets of Baghdad together with
Wall Street and the City. Those expectations are rapidly melting away.

So, what of the campaign to demoralise the regime in Baghdad and shape
Muslim public opinion throughout the region?

It is one of the most bizarre of expectations to think that the Iraqis
(whether Shia, Sunni or Kurdish) have sat for the last 12 years under the
most oppressive of sanctions regimes, witnessed the no-fly regions policed
by UK/US planes which have bombed weekly, watched as their water supplies
were contaminated and seen hundreds of deformed babies or thousands of
cancerous deaths by the depleted uranium left by the previous liberators,
and after all of this welcome the aid and guidance of the kuffar in
looking after them and their resources! The phrase .over my dead body.
easily springs to mind. The Guardian reported the first much vaunted aid
distribution in the South where locals shouted: Take it back. We want the
Americans to go back home. We do not need them here. Go back home. I do
not need this. The Anglo . Americans have been naïve in believing their
own spin.

Equally strange is 


2003-04-01 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

By: Henry Makow
Published in the April 1, 2003 issue of Ether Zone.

Donald Rumsfeld lied Friday (March 28) when a reporter asked if the US was
misleading the public about its casualties in Iraq.

Rumsfeld feigned indignation. Looking straight into the camera, he said
something like: That's a terrible thing to suggest. We always tell the

The official US death toll at the time was about 30. Does he seriously
expect us to believe that after only 30 deaths, the U.S. would postpone
the assault on Baghdad and bring in an additional 120,000 soldiers?

The Iraqi ambassador to Moscow claimed March 28 that over 500 Americans
died in the last 24 hours alone.

In An-Nasiriya alone last Sunday (March 23) as many as two-dozen US
soldiers were killed and over 60 wounded, the largest one day loses since
the Vietnam War. According to MSNBC:

'Each unit takes its turn being sacrificed,' said Sgt. Chris Merkle, 31,
from Irvine, Ca, 'everybody gets torn apart the same way.' (The report
continues:) Nasiriyah ... became a killing field ... with a pair of grisly
disasters for U.S. troops. An Army convoy that made a wrong turn drove
into an Iraqi ambush that left 12 soldiers dead or captured. In a separate
incident, at least nine Marines died in the fighting.

Sound to me like Rumsfeld was lying. A stench of lies emanates from Bush,
Blair and their minions.


The American people cannot conceive how traitorous and corrupt their
leadership is. For example, last week the Bush Administration failed to
approve $11 million funding for the (9-11 Investigating Commission.) This
was a minuscule (.00015) part of a $75 billion appropriation for the Iraq
war that was passed.

Obviously Bush doesn't want us to learn that 9-11 was a CIA-Mossad inside
job intended to justify this war. The purpose is to steal Iraqi oil;
advance Israel's strategic interests and to destroy Islam. Islam
represents a barrier to the totalitarian secular-materialist system (new
world order) promoted by world bankers and their lackeys.

The US and Israel are under no threat. While feigning self-defense, both
pursue aggression on behalf of the banking-oil cartel and its new world

Bush boasts that 46 countries have joined his coalition. He fails to
mention that six have no army. In terms of actual fighting, the coalition
consists of only three countries: the US, Britain and Australia. See The
Coalition of the willing but Not Able.

Even Canada is sitting out this war. I am Canadian and for once I agree
with my government. I have ripped up my membership in the opposition
Canadian Alliance Party that thinks we are bad friends and trade will

Someone talked about the true meaning of friendship on the radio: When a
friend wants to drive inebriated, you try to stop him. The US is drunk
with power.

The US is completely isolated and on course for World War Three. China is
talking about resisting US neo imperialism.

When a mistake is made, the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse
course. That takes real courage. To stubbornly persist in hope of saving
face only makes matters worse.

When traitors have hijacked your country, patriotism consists in defiance.
Someone suggested that Americans should withdraw their savings from banks
in protest. This is completely legal. A run on the banks would indeed send
a message.

Every day that war continues, more soldiers die. More wives lose their
husbands; more children lose their fathers. Americans join the army to
serve their country: not to serve Israel, oil and a deranged  criminal
master class.

The best way to support the troops is to bring them home.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] So much for Americans' tolerance and the underdog's point of view

2003-03-31 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Al Jazeera's web site - DDoSed or unplugged?
By John Lettice
Posted: 27/03/2003 at 16:17 GMT

The launch of Arab satellite TV network Al Jazeera's new Web site on
Monday drew immediate hack attacks, but this has been swiftly followed up
by the disappearance of the site's DNS records. These now point to
mydomain.com nameservers, but this company's site is also currently
inaccessible; as you might expect, under the circumstances.

Al Jazeera (aljazeera.net, for the record) could have been taken offline
by DDoS attacks, but considering the timing one is also drawn to the
possibility that something involving a Big Red Switch might have been
involved. Prior to the site's complete removal company IT manager Salah Al
Seddiqui told Reuters that its Qatar-based vendor had said US-based
DataPipe could no longer host its site from the end of this month, and
that Al Jazeera would be moving its servers to Europe.

Al Jazeera had two listed nameservers - one at datapipe.com and one at
nav-link.net. NavLink has offices in the US (it's incorporated in
Delaware), Europe and the Middle East (the UAE and Lebanon), so there's a
logic to Al Jazeera using it. However if the dual-server system is
intended to provide some form of resilience it clearly hasn't worked.

The problem seems to have taken Al Jazeera unawares. When The Register
spoke to the company's London office earlier today they said that their
most recent information from Qatar had been that the site was unavailable
because of heavy demand, and that they were trying to get through to Qatar
for an update.

Al Jazeera is not, as you will no doubt have noticed, universally popular,
and today in particular it has been heavily criticised by UK military
spokesmen for screening pictures of dead British servicemen. But even at
the best of times the network is not a customer that many hosting
companies in the US would want to boast about. At the worst of times -
which probably includes now - it's unlikely the company would stand any
chance whatsoever of being accepted by US providers.

So it's perfectly possible that someone along the line decided, owing to
pressure and/or common prudence, not to continue involvement with the
company. This sort of thing might of course trigger legal action, but Al
Jazeera itself is well-aware that it treads a very tricky line, so
probably won't want to make unnecessary waves. And as its site was already
pretty unavailable because of the attacks, and it's said it's heading off
to Europe, what difference would it make?

That you will note is one of two possible conspiracy theories, and does
not necessarily involve US.gov. But we expect that if the site hadn't
disappeared already, pretty soon US.gov would get involved until it did -
which is conspiracy theory two.

The alternative to the conspiracy theories is that weaknesses in Al
Jazeera's DNS meant they were vulnerable to load, and that the
disappearance of the DNS was therefore a consequence of the attack. As we
understand it, this is technically possible, although it has also been
suggested to us that the company's DNS did not come under an insupportable
load during the attacks.

So right now we think the jury is still out. But in the long run the
question of whether the company was DDoSed or unplugged will be fairly
academic. Given that it's pretty much unthinkable that it could have been
allowed to continue running via US companies, it was going to go anyway,
one way or the other. Europe might be some form of solution, but one might
estimate that here too quite a few hosting outfits will view Al Jazeera as
a poisoned chalice, a customer with a profile several notches to high.

And even if it does get itself sorted out on the other side of the pond,
it will still be likely to gain experience of how much of the Internet,
when it comes down to it, is actually US-owned. But perhaps it has some
cards. US companies wanting to play in the Middle East are unlikely to
find their local operations going down a storm if they're refusing to do
business with a popular TV station like Al Jazeera, so they'll be
pressured in both directions. That's the trouble with the Internet - it
connects things that sometimes you'd rather didn't get connected. ®

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] REALITY REPORT: World and America Watching Different Wars

2003-03-31 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

from the March 25, 2003 edition -


CNN vs. Al Jazeera: Seeing is often believing

By Danna Harman | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

CAIRO, EGYPT - The Hamouda family is gathered around the TV, sipping
sugary tea and glued to the pictures of captured US soldiers being
interrogated by Iraqis on the popular Qatar-based satellite station Al

What's your name? A terrified young female POW is asked. How old are
you? The camera moves to her feet, which are bloody and bare.

Yieee!, cheers eldest son Ahmed, knocking over a fake geranium plant as
he shoots up from the couch in excitement. Show it how it is!

It is not that they are happy to see suffering, says Hellmy, the father,
somewhat apologetically, as the camera weaves between several bodies. But
the other side of the story needs to be told.

The gruesome video shown Sunday on Al Jazeera - reaching 35 million
Arab-speakers worldwide, including about 20 percent of the Egyptian
population - will probably never be seen by the average American TV

In fact, American audiences are seeing and reading about a different war
than the rest of the world. The news coverage in Europe, the Middle East,
and Asia, reflects and defines the widening perception gap about the
motives for this war. Surveys show that an increasing number of Americans
believe this is a just war, while most of the world's Arabs and Muslims
see it as a war of aggression. Media coverage does not necessarily create
these leanings, say analysts, but it works to cement them.

The difference in coverage between the US and the rest of the world
helped contribute to the situation that we're in now,'' says Kim Spencer,
president of WorldLink TV, a US satellite channel devoted to airing
foreign news. Americans have been unable to see how they're perceived.

For example, most Americans, watching CNN, Fox, or the US television
networks, are not seeing as much coverage of injured Iraqi citizens, or
being given more than a glimpse of the antiwar protests now raging in the
Muslim world and beyond.

In the Middle East, Europe, and parts of Asia, by comparison, the rapid
progress made by US led troops has been played down. And many aspects of
the conflict being highlighted in the US - such as the large number of
Iraqi troops surrendering, the cooperation between US-led forces and
various Gulf states, commentary on America's superior weapons technology,
and the human interest angles on soldier life in the desert - are almost
totally absent from coverage outside the US.

Sure, the news we get in the Arab world is slanted, admits Hussein Amin,
chair of the department of journalism and mass communication at Cairo's
American University. In the same way the news received in the US is
biased. The view from Europe

Some analysts note that European press ownership is less concentrated than
its counterparts in the US, and is seen as providing more perspectives
than either the Arab or American outlets. In Frankfurt, for example,
readers have access to 16 different German language newspapers - many of
which present different vantage points, which makes for a more lively and
varied debate.

European journalists also seem to ask different, more skeptical, questions
of this war, often being the ones at White House and Pentagon press
conferences to ask whether the invasion of Iraq has turned up any of the
weapons of mass destruction that used to justify the invasion - even as
their American counterparts repeatedly focus on such questions as whether
Saddam Hussein is alive or dead.

Media watchers say the European press has tended to be more balanced than
the US media in dealing with the war, in part because Europe is so much
closer to the Muslim world. John Schmidt, a former reporter for the
International Herald Tribune, who has just returned from Europe, notes
that in Marseille, France, 30 percent of the population is Muslim. In
Berlin, the biggest minority population is the Turks.

These are countries in Europe that live cheek by jowl with Islamic
people, they know how deep the dislike for the West can be, they know how
sensitively some of these issues have to be transmitted, says Mr.
Schmidt, who is now an economics writer for the Milwaukee Journal

There are really two stories unfolding here, one is the war and its
progress and the second one is the progress of world opinion, says Tom
Patterson, a media expert at Harvard University's Kennedy School of
Government. That second dimension is there in the American press, but
it's clearly way underreported.

For instance, American media outlets may report on the demonstrations in
other countries, particularly if there are violent clashes. But they don't
devote as many resources to covering in depth the growing anti-American
sentiment - even among American allies - or its implications for the
future, says Professor Patterson. 

[CTRL] US Reporters Terrorized for Being Anti-War

2003-03-31 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Tech writer iced for expressing opinion
By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
Posted: 29/03/2003 at 11:21 GMT

Much-loved computer columnist Henry Norr has been suspended by the Hearst
Corporation - owners of The San Francisco Chronicle - for expressing
political views on his day off.

Along with two thousand other citizens, including the former head of the
Pacific Stock Exchange, Norr was arrested in San Francisco last week as he
was protesting the US-British invasion of Iraq. He emailed the paper to
say he would be late the next day. But the cowardly Chronicle insisted on
calling creating a time card dispute, and Norr is currently suspended
without pay.

This is a bogus, after-the-fact cover for an act of political retaliation
and an attempt to intimidate other employees, Norr wrote in an email to
Jim Romensko.

That his employer should take on the role of policing what employees do in
their own time is a remarkable act of corporate coercion.

Norr doesn't even do political reporting. I write about things like
(e-mail) spam, he told Reuters.

Don't be so modest, Henry. His Monday tech column Tech 21 is a rare beast:
the former MacWeek editor completely eschews the kind of gushing,
techno-utopioan advertorials that are now the norm for mainstream
publications in favor of a gentle and wise, and hugely-well-informed
skepticism. He also breaks stories. In other words, he one of the paper's
best assets.

But the punishment lasts for a minimum of two weeks.

Norr's shabby treatment highlights one of the absurdities of the US media:
it requires its staff to behave like eunuchs. This strange hangover from
the days of the Puritan ducking stool baffles visitors, but keeps a
mini-industry of Journalism Schools and ethics committees busy.

Which is why, after the long editorial filleting process of removing
anything that might cause offense to anyone has been completed, you end up
with newspapers that don't have any news in them.

Total objectivity is an illusion, Norr eloquently explained yesterday.
Everybody has views on important issues, at least most people do.

Objectivity - a word you only hear in the USA - isn't just an illusion,
it's a metaphysical impossibility. Although your tolerance for
objectivity is bound to be highly selective. Clear Channel
Communications - which dominates commercial radio in the USA - recently
sponsored pro-Invasion rallies and yesterday a Fox News Channel anchor
opened a news segment with the words 800 Iraqis ... and we pasted them!
But you know that these voices are human, they may be slanted, that owners
exert influence, but hey - you're grown up adults. Take your pick.

The best journalism comes from people who are engaged in the world around
them, added Norr, who are not just blinkered scribes who sit there at the
keyboard and write stories, but people who have passions and feelings and

The ducking stool treatment meted out to Norr by the Hearst Corporation,
which owns the Comical, has already rung alarm bells in the Macintosh
community, where where Norr is widely respected:-

Punishing him at work for expressing a political view on what he thought
was his own time is a dangerous way to proceed in a democracy, writes
Applelinks' John Farr.

Yesterday, San Francisco citizens made their own protest at their city
paper's anodyne coverage of the Invasion - no pictures of civilian
casualties, but lots of light, color pieces from embedded correspondents
- by dumping fake blood at the newspaper's offices.

Reporters without Borders, an international organization which tries to
measure coercion against the free press, ranks the USA at17th in its
estimation of press freedom - behind Costa Rica. ®

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] US Arms Trader to Run Iraq

2003-03-31 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


US arms trader to run Iraq
Ex-general who will lead reconstruction heads firm behind Patriot missiles
Oliver Morgan, industrial editor, The Observer (UK)
Sunday March 30, 2003

Jay Garner, the retired US general who will oversee humanitarian relief and
reconstruction in postwar Iraq, is president of an arms company that provides
crucial technical support to missile systems vital to the US invasion of the

Garner's business background is causing serious concerns at the United
Nations and among aid agencies, who are already opposed to US
administration of Iraq if it comes outside UN authority, and who say
appointment of an American linked to the arms trade is the 'worst case
scenario' for running the country after the war.

Garner is president of Virginia-based SY Coleman, a subsidiary of defence
electronics group L-3 Communications, which provides technical services
and advice on the Patriot missile system being used in Iraq. Patriot was
made famous in the 1991 Gulf war when it was used to protect Israeli and
Saudi targets from attack by Saddam Hussein's Scud missiles. Garner was
involved in the system's deployment in Israel.

SY Coleman has also worked on the Arrow missile defence system, deployed
in Israel, and is involved in the US national missile defence programme.
Garner joined SY Technologies, taken over last year by L-3, in 1997, after
leaving the US army.

Defence analyst David Armstrong of the Washington-based National Security
News Service says: 'It seems inappropriate for somebody to step into a
humanitarian and administrative role from a company with a role in
providing equipment which, albeit defensive, is vital to the success of
the US operation.'

Phil Bloomer of Oxfam said 'The worst case scenario would be to put in
charge of the reconstruction someone from the US or UK linked to the arms
or oil industries.'

According to its website, SY Coleman provides technical services such as
missile system engineering and target system design for a wide range of US
military programmes, and also makes some components. It also provides
operational services such as battle management and 'warfighter support'.

The Ministry of Defence has confirmed that it was a Patriot missile that
was involved when a British Tornado was hit last week.

Jack Tyler, an SY Coleman senior vice-president, confirmed that Garner
still held his position at the company.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Tony Blair - Fooled Him Once, Fooled Him Twice, and Yet Again

2003-03-31 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Tony Blair was been conned by Bush and he's been
had once again. Poor Tony is now left alone to
watch how british are used for target practice
and his whole political career is shot. All he
has left is a few empty promises from the Bush
family business partners.

What's he to do? Admit to the British in public
that he was had? That he believed a liar and acted
in good faith? Or pretend that he still believes
his cause is just, even though the whole world sees
him for what he is. A conned man standing naked!

The honorable thing would be to admit he was fooled
and call back the British troops, stop committing
any more war crimes without justice or just cause.

Does Britain's Tony Blair have any guts left to
stand up to his own words, or will he poolde-along,
yapping when his master tells him to? Can Britain
be said to be an independent state at all in this
stage? I do not think so any more.


March 29, 2003

Are we witnessing the madness of Tony Blair?
Matthew Parris

Most of us have experienced the discomfort of watching a friend go off the
rails. At first his oddities are dismissed as eccentricities. An absurd
assertion, a lunatic conviction, a sudden enthusiasm or unreasonable fear,
are explained as perhaps due to tiredness, or stress, or natural
volatility. We do not want to face the truth that our friend has cracked
up. Finally we can deny it no longer ? and then it seems so obvious: the
explanation, in retrospect, of so much we struggled to reconcile.

Sometimes the realisation comes fast and suddenly. It did for me at
university when my Arab fellow student Ahmed, who for months had been
warning me of the conspiracies of which he suspected we might be victims,
pulled me into his room to show me the death-ray he could see shining
through his window. It was somebody?s porch-light. Likewise, the madness
of King George III, which came in spells, was undeniable when it came. At
other times the realisation is a slow, sad dawning of the obvious.
Sometimes it is a friend about whom we worry. Sometimes it is a prime

I will accept the charge of discourtesy, but not of flippancy, when I ask
whether Tony Blair may now have become, in a serious sense of that word,

Genius and madness are often allied, and nowhere is this truer than in
political leadership. Great leaders need self-belief in unnatural measure.
Simple fraudsters are rumbled early, but great leaders share with great
confidence tricksters a capacity to be more than persuaded, but inhabited,
by their cause. Almost inevitably, an inspirational leader spends
important parts of his life certain of the uncertain, convinced of the

So do the mentally ill. It can be extremely difficult to distinguish
between a person who is sticking bravely to a difficult cause whose truth
is far from obvious, and a person who is going crazy. It took us quite a
while to explain David Icke?s beliefs in the only useful way in which they
could be explained ? and he was on the political fringe. A national leader
commands vastly more respect and will be given the benefit of many more
doubts than Mr Icke ever was. Colleagues, commentators and the wider
public are usually late to face up to evidence that the boss has gone
berserk, even though the evidence may have been around for quite some

There are good reasons for this. To call somebody mad is bad manners even
when fair comment. To tackle your opponent?s argument by questioning his
sanity can look like a childish copping- out from sensible discussion. How
can the victim answer back?

But the charge is sometimes germane. It may become the only thing worth
considering. Winston Churchill had lost the plot long before the proper
public discussion this deserved got under way. And I myself believe that
one of my political heroes, Margaret Thatcher, began to lose her mental
balance well before the end, and before those close to her allowed
themselves to consider this explanation of her behaviour. For me the
suspicion first dawned when the then Prime Minister devised for the Lord
Mayor?s banquet a dress with such an extravagant train that she needed
someone to help her with it into the Mansion House. This was when she was
beginning to refer to herself as ?we?, and treating friends who warned her
of her fate as treacherous. A telltale of incipient insanity is when the
victim begins to take a Manichaean view of the universe.

There are good reasons why those at the top can go quietly bonkers before
their inferiors wake up to the warning signs. The first is obviously
deference. ?The Madness of King Tony? might ? I accept ? seem an
impertinent way of discussing our leader during a war when, whatever
application it may have in Tony Blair?s case, it applies to Saddam Hussein
in spades.

Beyond deference, however, those at the top of the pyramid who are anxious
to impress us with truths which are not obvious have another 

Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails (fwd)

2003-03-31 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, cybervoyager wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In response to who is behind the anti-American messeges

 1) those who are not brainwashed by the CIA CNN controlled media.
 2) those who have a mind of their own
 3) those who do not buy into American Imperialism
 4) those who are fed up with the American Industrial Military complex.

 ... I am sure many could add a lot more to this list, that is just a few
 that come to my mind.

I think those are the real pro-Americans here.

Anti-Americans are those who are running the US Government
right now. They have no real patriotism in their blood,
They do not work for the good of America, but for their own
personal profit. It is indeed their only motive.

1) They are purposefully provoking the whole Arab world to
conduct terrorist attacks against America. It is indeed
their very business plan. Published in the open even.

2) They are aggressively working to make a minority of a
few rich people much richer.

3) They are actively ripping the legislature apart and promoting
polluting for short term profits of a few corporations, and in
the process destroying the American environment.

4) They are covering up major corporate crime and past crimes.

5) They are sabotaging the investigations of 9-11.

True patriots work for the good of all of America,
and that means ALL AMERICANS.

The cowardly liars leading the country, are working
for the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA. Indeed, they have a
history of shirking their patriotic duty, a history
of inside dealings and outright governmental fraud
(Bush Energy Policy Meetings) costing BILLIONS to
California. True American patriots are ashamed of
their conduct and for a reason.

The fact that the true Patriots of America are seeing them
for the lying bastards that they are, and are brave enough
to stand up and say so, should make you proud. Open your
own eyes if you are brave enough to stand up for the values
and constitution which you swear and vow to defend. Be true
to those words, your conscience clear, if you dare.

If you want to see a real anti-american you can go meet CNN
journalists or some other organization devoted to spreading
lies and covering up the truth from the Americans.

America, living true to it's values should have nothing
to fear from seeing the truth, for it would have nothing
to be ashamed of.

America's current government has nothing but lies and contempt
to offer the world, for it has nothing but conduct and values
to be ashamed of.

So if you are looking for REAL ANTI-AMERICANS, look no further
than the Prince of Lies leading the Cabbal of War in the name
of Christ.

We have only TRUE PATRIOTS here.

 - Original Message -
 From: Flash Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 5:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Depleted Uranium Makes Good Mutant-Slaves
  I am new to this list. Some of the messages on this
  list are treasonous and anti-American. I wonder who is
  behind these messages?

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UK: Police Can Take DNA Samples From Anybody They Want Under New Law

2003-03-30 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Police DNA powers 'to be extended'
BBC News
Thursday, 27 March, 2003

Police will be able to take fingerprints and DNA from anyone they arrest,
whether they are charged or not, under new UK Government plans.

Civil liberties campaigners have already attacked the measures, accusing
the government of treating innocent people who are wrongly arrested as
guilty by implication.

Under current rules, police can only take DNA samples from people once
they have been charged with an offence.

Ministers argue that extending the current database will ensure suspects
on the wanted list cannot pretend to be somebody else if they are

The change is being added to the Criminal Justice Bill but has raised
concerns from opposition MPs.

Jack Straw, then home secretary, sparked controversy in 2001 when he
proposed keeping all fingerprints and DNA samples even if a suspect was
acquitted or never charged.

The Court of Appeal last year ruled that police could keep DNA and
fingerprints from people charged with a crime and never convicted.

More than 1.5 million DNA profiles are held on the national database and
the government wants to increase that number to three million by April

In 2001-2002, there were 1.27 million arrests for recordable offences.

Home Office Minister Lord Falconer said forensic science was helping the
police to achieve great results.

Taking the fingerprints of an arrested individual means police can be
100% certain about the identity of the person in their custody, he said.

This stops suspects getting away with lying about their identities and
prevents the release of those wanted for a previous offence.

The samples could also potentially help to crack serious unsolved crimes,
such as rape or murder, he said.

Debate call

The idea came under fire from John Wadham, director of human rights group

If the government wants a national DNA and fingerprint database of all
innocent citizens, and wants to treat us all as suspects not citizens, it
should come out and say so, said Mr Wadham.

Fingerprints and DNA could already be taken if there was significant
evidence that somebody was involved in a crime, he said.

This simply treats everyone who has ever been wrongly arrested as guilty
by implication, added Mr Wadham.

The Home Office says police will have discretion about when they take
samples and fingerprints.

It would be particularly useful in big towns and cities where there was a
more transient criminal population, a spokeswoman told BBC News Online.

The move was backed by Ian Blair, deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan

He said it would allow vulnerable or violent people to be identified more
quickly and dealt with more effectively.


Lord Falconer denied that the proposals would compromise civil liberties
by creating a national database of information.

There is absolutely no problem for those that are innocent, he said.

A balance is to be struck as to from whom do you take fingerprints and
DNA samples.

We say the balance should be struck in respect of those that you arrest
for serious offences. That seems like a very sensible balance to strike.

But the plans prompted concerns among the opposition parties.

Conservative frontbencher Dominic Grieve did not object to the change if
it was intended to help police discover whether an arrested suspect was
wanted for other crimes.

But the samples should be destroyed once someone was cleared, he argued.

There would be serious civil liberties connotations if the move was part
of efforts to build up a database about people never charged with any
offence, said Mr Grieve.

Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Simon Hughes said: This is
another step on the road to holding every citizen's DNA on the national
database, and it is being done with virtually no public debate.

DNA is an increasingly valuable tool in the fight against crime. But we
should not allow the success stories to dazzle us into forgetting that our
civil liberties are at stake.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] CIA Covert Teams Set Bombs to Kill Iraqi Elite

2003-03-29 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


U.S. Teams Seek to Kill Iraqi Elite
Covert Missions Target Hussein's Inner Circle
By Dana Priest, Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 29, 2003; Page A01

U.S. covert teams have been operating in urban areas in Iraq trying to
kill members of President Saddam Hussein's inner circle, including Baath
Party officials and Special Republican Guard commanders, according to U.S.
and other knowledgeable officials.

The covert teams, from the CIA's paramilitary division and the military's
special operations group, include snipers and demolition experts schooled
in setting house and car bombs. They have reportedly killed more than a
handful of individuals, according to one knowledgeable source. They have
been in operation for at least one week.

The previously undisclosed operation suggests U.S. efforts to destroy the
Iraqi government's leadership are far more extensive than previously
known, and have continued since the March 20 airstrike on a residential
compound in the suburbs of Baghdad. That attack was launched after CIA
Director George J. Tenet presented President Bush with fresh intelligence
that Hussein and his two sons, Qusay and Uday, were sleeping in the

CIA officials declined to comment. Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke
said, As we have said before, we have Special Forces in the north, west
and south of the country.

As conventional U.S. and British forces have encountered fiercer than
expected Iraqi resistance, the CIA and the Pentagon's covert units are
under increasing pressure to fire the silver bullet that will kill
Hussein and bring down his government, thereby bringing the ground war to
a quick conclusion. The agencies have stepped up a fierce psychological
operations campaign to rattle key members of Hussein's government in an
effort to get them to turn on the Iraqi leader.

The covert teams are just one feature of the largely invisible war being
waged in Iraq by the CIA's and Pentagon's growing covert paramilitary and
special operations divisions.

CIA units and special operations teams are also involved in organizing
tribal groups to fight the Iraqi government from the north. They are
secretly hunting for weapons of mass destruction and missiles sites, and
are looking to interrogate Iraqi defectors and prisoners of war. The CIA,
the National Security Agency and foreign intelligence services cooperating
with the agency are helping to identify leadership targets; the homes,
offices and other sites inhabited by the officials who make up the
government's infrastructure.

Provided with a detailed account of the contents of this article, U.S.
government officials made no request to The Post to withhold any of the
story's details from publication, as they have sometimes done in other
cases involving ongoing covert operations.

While many of the missions performed by the CIA in Iraq illustrate a deep
integration of intelligence into battlefield operation -- made possible
largely through advances in high-speed, wireless data transmission -- the
covert killing teams are an example of what one source called the
real-life [expletive] stuff.

The teams carry sophisticated weapons and communications equipment capable
of receiving near real-time targeting intelligence to guide them to
locations where sought-after individuals are located.

Not all the explosions in Baghdad captured by western television cameras
are the result of aerial bombs and missiles, the source said, implying
that some have been planted by the teams.

For decades, since the assassination scandals and consequent legal
restraints of the 1970s, neither the CIA nor the military undertook such
selective targeting of individuals.

But after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, the CIA in particular has been given the go-ahead to undertake
much more risky and sensitive operations that do just that. The agency
maintains a list of about 30 terrorists, the so-called high value
targets, and has assigned paramilitary teams, sometimes working in tandem
with covert military units such as the Delta Force, to track down, capture
or kill these individuals, most of whom are members of the al Qaeda

In November, Hellfire missiles launched from an unmanned CIA Predator
drone killed six suspected al Qaeda operatives as they drove through the
desert in Yemen. One of them, Ahmed Hijazi, was a naturalized American
citizen. The main target of the strike was Abu Ali al-Harithi, who was
suspected of masterminding the October 2000 attack on the destroyer USS

Yemen is considered a friendly country, not at war with the United States.

While much of the legal authority to carry out targeted assassinations
remains shrouded in secrecy, the CIA and military derive their legal
authority to carry out such operations from two classified legal
memoranda, one written for President Bill Clinton in 1998 and one 

[CTRL] KillerFlu Spreading More Wildly

2003-03-28 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


SARS No-Fly Rule Sought
By Laurie Garrett

March 28, 2003

The World Health Organization yesterday called for new travel restrictions
on all flights leaving locales hard hit by the mysterious illness known as
SARS: China, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong and Toronto.

The agency advised that passengers should be screened for any signs of
severe acute respiratory syndrome and asked whether they have recently
been in contact with anyone with the disease, and that those who appear
symptomatic should not be allowed to fly.

A passenger who becomes ill during a flight can be isolated from other
passengers and crew, can wear a mask, and can then be assessed when they
arrive at their destination for signs of SARS, WHO's Dr. David Heymann
said in a news briefing in Geneva.

He added that people living in areas with identified SARS cases should
avoid people who are coughing. So that if you're standing next to someone
on an escalator who's coughing, you ought to move back two or three
steps, he said. ... People who have cough and fever have just as much
responsibility to go to a health worker as do people who are standing near
them to protect themselves.

These WHO guidelines come on the heels of heightened restrictions on
patients and their contacts in Singapore, Hong Kong and Canada. Singapore
and Toronto have imposed quarantines on such individuals, and both
countries have asked citizens to defer travel to China or Hong Kong. The
Rolling Stones canceled this weekend's Hong Kong concerts.

So far, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sees no need
to impose travel restrictions or quarantine. But CDC director Dr. Julie
Gerberding encouraged Americans to defer vacations to Asia if possible. As
of yesterday, 51 U.S. cases have been identified. No deaths have been

Worldwide the number of reported cases hit 1,408 yesterday, with 53
deaths. Most of the increase was reported in China, where the government
says cases extend beyond Guangdong province to interior regions around
Beijing and Shanxi.

Global health experts neared agreement that a type of virus responsible
for some common colds is the likely cause of the outbreak, now in 14
countries. And most of the world's cases can be traced to a single hotel
in Hong Kong.

Though at least three types of viruses have been theoretically linked to
SARS, all indications point to coronaviruses, Dr. James Hughes, director
of the national Center for Infectious Diseases, said in a news briefing.
And Dr. Klaus Stohr, who is running the WHO effort to find the cause, said
yesterday, We believe that the coronavirus is the major causative agent.
Now the data that is forthcoming from very many different laboratories
which investigated samples from Vietnam, from Hong Kong, from Singapore,
from Germany, and from Canada - all these laboratories are consistently
finding coronaviruses in those patients.

Though most common colds are caused by a family of microbes called
rhinoviruses, a subset is caused by coronaviruses. Scientists at Hong Kong
University have invented two tests for the virus - one that uses blood
samples, the other, saliva. So far, the tests appear reliable, Stohr said.

The CDC, in collaboration with colleagues in Asia, yesterday published a
road map of the epidemic, showing that most known cases after Feb. 15 can
be linked to the Metropole Hotel in Hong Kong. The hotel outbreak started
when a man from Guangdong, China, traveled to Hong Kong and stayed on the
hotel's ninth floor. He died on Feb. 22. That first case spawned many of
the subsequent Hong Kong cases, mostly among health care workers. As of
yesterday morning Hong Kong had 367 cases, 10 of them fatal.

The disease appears to have spread when another hotel guest, a 47-year-old
Chinese-American businessman, traveled to Hanoi, where he became ill. He
was then evacuated to Hong Kong, where he died on March 12. Fifty-nine
Vietnamese cases have been linked to Cheng's treatment at a Hanoi
Hospital, four of them fatal. One of the Vietnamese patients went to
Thailand, spawning three cases there.

Three travelers from Singapore who stayed at the Metropole Hotel are
believed to have sparked 70 cases when they returned home, mostly in
health care workers.

Another visitor to the Metropole was a Chinese-Canadian, who took ill
after flying home to Toronto. Canada now has 28 cases, three of them
fatal, most believed linked to that first traveler.
Copyright © 2003, Newsday, Inc.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] Reality Not Wanted - People Isolated From Carnage

2003-03-28 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

From: Ian Henshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: War report and news sources

27.03.03 / United Kingdom

Here is a short update on the war.

The UK media have been largely taken over by war propaganda which
contains an indeterminate amount of straightforward lies.

This is the site with the military news from the Iraqi side, it is
getting millions of hits:

Other sites independent of the US/UK disinformation system are:
http://www.wsws.org http://www.rense.com

Al Jazeera, the station run by ex-BBC employees broadcasts out of pro-war
Qatar, now host to the Blair/Bush attack. They show pictures banned in
the US/UK media of civilian casualties and have exposed the more obvious
US/UK lies. http://www.aljazeerah.info/


The Bush/Blair forces are facing fierce resistance from all Iraqis
including Shias, so far the Republican Guard has hardly been engaged. The
supply lines are overstretched and the possibility of a damaging Iraqi
counter-attack is looming.

Battles are raging all over Southern Iraq and nobody except the
respective military commands has the full picture.

The official casualty figures are almost certainly false, the US/UK
deaths and serious injuries are probably running into the hundreds.
Dozens if not scores of vehicles are lost and many hitech systems are not
withstanding the desert conditions.

The Iraqis have evolved tactics to overcome some of the technical US/UK
superiority and there is fury from US/UK that they have acquired
communications and night vision technology from the Russians which should
have been banned by sanctions. The Russians have also supplied jamming
technology that has apparently thrown off the GPS targeting system of
some of the smart missiles causing them to land on civilian targets...
a ruthless propaganda weapon for Saddam.

As well as lying about casualties, US/UK are lying about damage to
civilian targets which have probably caused hundreds of deaths and
serious injuries by now. There is a complicity here with the Iraqi regime
which also wishes to understate civilian casualties so as to maintain

The most spectacular lie was over the `insurrection` in Basra, carried as
fact in all the UK newspapers except The Guardian and the Mirror where
coverage has remained reasonably objective. The `insurrection` was
probably concocted to distract from the real story: that the US/UK
invaders are blockading the city and have interfered with water and
electricity supplies, creating a massive humanitarian crisis there.

Promoting this lie on BBC Radio 4 a military PR officer spent some time
explaining that this was a war of liberation and went on to tell
interviewer Nick Clarke that Basra would soon be `captured - I mean

If as appears the US/UK invaders are already running low on precision
weaponry they may resort to indiscriminate bombardment and lie about it,
as happened in the 1991 war. The pattern was repeated again in Kosovo
where a war promoted by Blair to teach Milosovic a lesson caused a
massive humanitarian crisis and was escalated to a criminal bombing
campaign against civilian targets. At one point NATO falsified film
footage to excuse an attack on a civilian train.

The 1991 Iraq war ended when US pilots destroyed two large convoys
fleeing Kuwait, killing tens of thousands of Iraqi military and civilians
along with their Kuwaiti hostages. Then the attackers had the cover of a
large coalition of complicit states. If US/UK forces conduct similar
atrocities this time the war could escalate.

It is now clear that Bush/Blair have made a horrendous strategic error in
assuming the Iraqis won't fight, a similar error to that made by Hitler
in his attack on Russia. Many Arabs are optimistic that Baghdad could
prove to be Bush/Blair's Stalingrad.

If Iraq holds out for long there will certainly be renewed moves against
US/UK in the UN which will make it clearer than ever that the attacks are

In the UK, opinion polls are claiming a swing back to support for Blair
who plans to promote himself again as Mr Nice and blame all the problems
on Bush. UK citizens are some of the most gullible in the world: egged on
by the pro-war media, a section feel that `our` troops should be
supported right or wrong once the war has started.

This will not survive a military failure. The anti-war movement should
concentrate on Blair as much as the war, reminding everyone that he got
us into this.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

[CTRL] Dark Days and Shiny Shoes

2003-03-28 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Dark days and Shiny Shoes
Date: 25 Mar 2003

Dear Friends,

I doubt many people in Iraq heard the ominous comic book assertion this
morning from U.S. Central Command that there were Dark days ahead for
the dark side in Iraq. A quick glance at the news this evening suggests
that the dark days are here... for all sides.


Out of Baghdad this morning, we have a brief reflection from Shane
Claiborne called Dark days and Shiny Shoes:

I have grown especially close to one of the 'shoeshine boys', a homeless
boy (about 10 years old), named Mussef. The first day I met him, he was
begging me for money to eat. When I stubbornly said 'no' to his
relentless attempts on my wallet, he turned away and muttered,
'Son-of-bitch-mother-fucker.' I whipped my head around in shock, as he
took off running. Not the best first impression. Day after day, we have
grown on each other. We go for walks, turn somersaults, and yell at the
airplanes 'SALAAM!' (PEACE!!!). Now everyday when I walk outside he runs
at full speed, jumps into my arms, and kisses me on the cheek. And I have
the shiniest shoes in Baghdad.

One day Mussef joined our group on a walk into the center of town,
carrying pictures of Iraqi children and families suffering from the war
and sanctions. Press and journalists took pictures and talked to us as we
stood in one of Baghdad's busiest intersections, and Mussef begin to
internalize what was happening. His shining face became bleak. Nothing I
could do made him smile. As the group went home, and the cameras left, we
continued to sit. He motioned with his hand the falling of bombs, and
made the sound explosions, as tears welled up in his eyes.

Suddenly, he turned, and latched onto my neck. He began to weep; his
body shook as he gasped for each breath of air. I began to cry. Somehow I
was glad all the cameras were gone. We wept as friends, as brothers, not
as a peacemaker and victim. Afterwards I took him to eat, banquet style
(tipping everyone extravagantly so my guest would be welcome). Every five
minutes he would ask me, 'Are you okay?' I would nod, and ask, 'Are you
okay?' And he would nod. To be honest I think we were both scared out of
our minds but we each wanted to assure that the other did not start
weeping again.

In these dark days, we are anxious for a new beginning in Iraq. It was
new beginnings that Andrew Mandell - who traveled to Iraq with VitW two
years ago - had in mind recently when he penned an open letter to a
friend in Baghdad. It is time for a modest sunrise for the people of
Iraq. That sunrise, he writes, will slip around to my children's dawn as
well. There is no seam to divide the dawns of this confused species. The
only way to promise my daughter a morning will be to promise yours one as

Until tomorrow,

Jeff Guntzel, for Voices in the Wilderness and Iraq Peace Team

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Energy Market Manipulated, Regulators Say - Americans Scammed

2003-03-28 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Energy Market Manipulated, Regulators Say
 By Jonathan Peterson and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
 Los Angeles Times

 Thursday 27 March  2003

 FERC moves to increase California's refund to $3.3 billion, still
 far less than the state seeks.

 WASHINGTON -- Taking a tough new stance, federal energy regulators
 said Wednesday that more than 30 private firms manipulated natural
 gas and electricity prices during the California energy crisis, and
 moved to increase the state's refund to about $3.3 billion.

 In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission threatened to
 revoke the trading authority of eight subsidiaries of troubled
 Enron Corp. for allegedly gaming the natural gas market. The
 commission also said it's prepared to strip the trading authority
 of Reliant Energy Services Inc., now known as Reliant Resources
 Inc., and BP Energy Co. for allegedly engaging in coordinated
 efforts to manipulate electricity prices at Palo Verde, a key
 Arizona trading hub. Both companies denied the charges.

 California officials expressed some satisfaction with the FERC
 decision, but emphasized that the remedy fell far short of the $8.9
 billion in refunds sought by a coalition of state agencies and its
 major utilities, including Pacific Gas  Electric and Southern
 California Edison.

 The commission also stopped short of approving the state's request
 to renegotiate $20 billion in long-term energy contracts that were
 signed during the period of feverish prices in 2001.

 Show me the money, Gov. Gray Davis declared. Where's the $9
 billion that we've been asking for, for two years? That is when
 I'll finally feel vindicated, when we get the money back that these
 energy companies stole from this state.

 Davis said the state is prepared to keep pressing its case in court
 if California's refund isn't boosted when the matter goes back to a
 federal administrative law judge, the next step in the process.

 FERC officials, long criticized for an easygoing approach toward
 the corporations they regulate, insisted that their 13-month
 investigation into the causes of California's energy crisis proves
 the agency is taking its oversight role seriously.

 This is all part of our role as the cop on the beat, said FERC
 Chairman Pat Wood III. We have said from the beginning that a
 belief in the free enterprise system goes hand in hand with a
 responsibility to see that the playing field is level and that
 everyone plays fair. If there was ever any doubt that this was part
 of our core philosophy, that doubt should now be dispelled.

 As part of its action Wednesday, FERC asked more than 30 companies
 and utilities to justify actions that may have violated anti-gaming
 provisions. These companies and utilities included some of the
 out-of-state actors that were branded during the energy crisis as
 preying on California, including Reliant, a Williams Cos.-AES Corp.
 venture and Mirant Corp.

 But FERC also singled out a number of in-state companies and
 utilities for possible wrongdoing. Among them: Southern California
 Edison; the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; and Sempra
 Energy, the parent of San Diego Gas  Electric and Southern
 California Gas Co.

 In fact, Southern California Edison is one of the major players in
 the state's quest for refunds, thrusting it in the awkward position
 of being both accuser and accused.

 We will certainly file a response, to the market manipulation
 allegation, said John Bryson, chief executive of the utility's
 parent, Rosemead-based Edison International. He added that the FERC
 allegation related to no more than about $7,000 of power charges.

 The most important thing today, Bryson said, is that the staff
 report shows pervasive unlawful and unethical manipulation of the
 power market, causing California consumers billions of dollars of
 direct damages.

 Edison officials believe their utility would qualify for up to 25%
 of the refund money, which they expect would ultimately be returned
 to customers through lower rates in the future.

 Other companies and utilities reached for comment Wednesday roundly
 denied FERC's allegations. Brad Church, a spokesman for Tulsa,
 Okla.-based Williams said a fact-based analysis of its alleged
 role in gaming the state's electricity market would find no

 Steven Prince, chief executive of Sempra's wholesale-trading unit,
 said he is confident the FERC will conclude that our activities in
 the California energy market were proper.

 Los Angeles Mayor Jim Hahn on Wednesday ridiculed the FERC decision
 to include the city's DWP among the possible price 

[CTRL] Wounded U.S. Soldiers Shocked at Iraqi Resistance

2003-03-28 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

If Iraqi's were to invade US, would americans fight back
because Bush threatened them, or would they fight back
because they are americans and they are at home in America?


 Wounded U.S. Soldiers Shocked at Iraqi Resistance
 By Jeff Mason

 Thursday 27 March 2003

 For them, the war is over. A few U.S. soldiers were half the way
 home on Thursday, bearing wounds inflicted by Iraqis they thought
 they were liberating.

 Two army soldiers and one marine recounted to journalists how they
 came under fire at the weekend from Iraqi troops in civilian dress
 at the city of Nassiriya, scene of some of the fiercest fighting to

 We were very surprised. We were told when we were going through
 Nassiriya that we would see little to no resistance, Marine Lance
 Corporal Joshua Menard told a news conference at the U.S.
 military's medical facilities at Landstuhl, Germany.
 A group of Iraqis in civilian clothes opened fire on Menard as he
 and six other marines approached them on a bridge near Nassiriya on
 Sunday, he said.

 We were more prepared for what happened in the Gulf War when they
 turned over and surrendered most of the time... They weren't
 rolling over like we thought they would, Menard, 21, from Houston,
 Texas, said, with his left hand bandaged.

 Beside him, in hospital robes, sat Army Staff Sergeant Jamie
 Villafane and Sergeant Charles Horganof the First Battalion, 30th
 Infantry Regiment. They told of being hurled out of their Humvee
 jeep by an Iraqi missile in a separate attack.

 The amount of resistance, some of it I don't understand. I mean
 we're there to help them to get them out of the regime. But you
 have to understand they are being threatened to fight against us,
 said Villafane, 31, from Long Island, New York, his heavily
 bandaged left arm resting on a pillow.


 Villafane said his battalion had been briefed that Iraqi soldiers
 might disguise themselves in civilian clothes, but he was still
 surprised when it happened.

 It was a shock that they would actually do that given the
 treatment we try to give them. We try to treat them fairly... I
 guess they have to do whatever they have to, Villafane said.

 Horgan, 21, from Helena, Montana, said he was less surprised to see
 Iraqi troops fighting back.

 Horgan, whose right leg and foot were ripped open when he was blown
 from his gunning position, described seeing an incoming missile and
 barely having time to warn his colleagues before it struck.

 It was just like in the movies. I thought 'Oh my God, I'm going to
 die', he said, adding he feared as he was thrown to the ground
 that he might lose his legs.

 I looked down and saw I had my legs. I was pretty relieved about

 The three wounded men said they felt a sense of guilt at leaving
 friends behind in Iraq.

 I'm relieved that I'm out of that sort of thing. I'm also kind of
 sad that I'm not with the guys who protected me, Horgan told

 All three will head for the United States for further treatment,
 Horgan needing extensive physiotherapy if he is to walk again.
 Villafane said that before the war he had already had thoughts
 about ending his term in the military, after 12 years of service.

 I made a decision before this actually started with my family that
 I was going to get out... This kind of just put the icing on the
 cake, he said.

 Horgan said his thoughts were more on recovering.

 Nobody can be shot and say 'Wow, I really want to go back out
 there. That was great', he said.

 The three also said they hoped any anti-war sentiment at home would
 not turn into acrimony against soldiers.

 You may be against the war, but don't be against the soldiers
 there who are fighting it. I joined to serve my country but when I
 was there I was fighting to protect my friends, Horgan said.

 Landstuhl, America's largest military hospital outside the United
 States, is currently treating 72 patients from Operation Iraqi
 Freedom, 24 of them wounded in combat. Five are in intensive care.
 The hospital is expanding to 320 beds, doubling its normal

 Go to Original

 Families of Ft. Bliss Soldiers Begin Asking Hard Questions
 by Scott Gold and Tom Gorman
 Los Angeles Times

 Thursday 27 March 2003

 FT. BLISS, Texas -- Jamaal R. Addison, 22, a straight-A student who
 joined the Army days after graduating from high school to secure a
 future for his infant son, is dead.

 And for what? That's what Addison's relatives wanted to know late
 Wednesday as they struggled to 

[CTRL] Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera while World Expresses Horror at US UK Slaugtering Iraqi Civilians

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Blair like's it nice and clean. Please don't show me the bodies.
They're in bad taste.





Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera

Jason Deans
Thursday March 27, 2003

Prime minister Tony Blair and the commander of UK forces in the Gulf have
expressed outrage at al-Jazeera's decision to broadcast footage of what
are believed to be dead British soldiers.

Mr Blair expressed horror at the deaths and the broadcast of pictures of
the bodies on the Arab satellite TV network, according to a spokesman.

Air Marshall Brian Burridge, the commander of UK forces in the Gulf, added
that al-Jazeera's decision to show the footage was deplorable and a
flagrant breach of the Geneva convention.

All media must be aware of the limits of taste and decency, Mr Burridge
said at a briefing at the Allied Command Centre in Qatar earlier today.

He also urged journalists not to become unwitting tools of the Iraqi
propaganda machine.

The video footage broadcast by al-Jazeera yesterday shows what is believed
to have been the ultimate fate of two Desert Rats who went missing in
fighting around the town of Zubayr, 15 miles outside Iraq's second city of

They had been classified as missing after their Land Rover was ambushed on

Al-Jazeera also broadcast footage of what it said were two UK prisoners
but there was no confirmation the men were British.

The footage showed the two dead soldiers spreadeagled in a dusty road on
their backs near their vehicle.

One of the soldiers appeared to have been shot in the chest while the
other's wounds were unclear.

The footage, which lasted less than 30 seconds, also showed people
climbing over the vehicle as the camera filmed the bodies. One man shifted
one of the bodies around with his foot.

After showing the two dead soldiers, the film cut to show the two
prisoners. They were both thick-set black men, one with dreadlocked hair.

The prisoners were indoors and surrounded by people as they both stared
straight into the camera without saying anything.

This is the third time in four days that shocking film of allied soldiers,
captured or killed, has been shown on television.

Seven US army mechanics died and five were taken prisoner on Sunday after
they took a wrong turn and ran into an ambush in Nasiriyah.

A video broadcast later on al-Jazeera showed several of the troops with
bullet wounds to the head which suggested they may have been executed.

The five captured soldiers, including a woman, were paraded on TV in
breach of the Geneva convention governing PoWs, which states they cannot
be shown on television if it is to degrade them or expose them to public

A day later footage of two US pilots was broadcast after their Apache
attack helicopter came down near Karbala, south of Baghdad.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera while World Expresses Horror at US UK Slaugtering Iraqi Civilians

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

This is exactly the problem with today's leaders.
They can't stand to see what they make their minions do.



On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Jei wrote:

 Blair like's it nice and clean. Please don't show me the bodies.
 They're in bad taste.





 Blair expresses 'horror' at al-Jazeera

 Jason Deans
 Thursday March 27, 2003

 Prime minister Tony Blair and the commander of UK forces in the Gulf have
 expressed outrage at al-Jazeera's decision to broadcast footage of what
 are believed to be dead British soldiers.

 Mr Blair expressed horror at the deaths and the broadcast of pictures of
 the bodies on the Arab satellite TV network, according to a spokesman.

 Air Marshall Brian Burridge, the commander of UK forces in the Gulf, added
 that al-Jazeera's decision to show the footage was deplorable and a
 flagrant breach of the Geneva convention.

 All media must be aware of the limits of taste and decency, Mr Burridge
 said at a briefing at the Allied Command Centre in Qatar earlier today.

 He also urged journalists not to become unwitting tools of the Iraqi
 propaganda machine.

 The video footage broadcast by al-Jazeera yesterday shows what is believed
 to have been the ultimate fate of two Desert Rats who went missing in
 fighting around the town of Zubayr, 15 miles outside Iraq's second city of

 They had been classified as missing after their Land Rover was ambushed on

 Al-Jazeera also broadcast footage of what it said were two UK prisoners
 but there was no confirmation the men were British.

 The footage showed the two dead soldiers spreadeagled in a dusty road on
 their backs near their vehicle.

 One of the soldiers appeared to have been shot in the chest while the
 other's wounds were unclear.

 The footage, which lasted less than 30 seconds, also showed people
 climbing over the vehicle as the camera filmed the bodies. One man shifted
 one of the bodies around with his foot.

 After showing the two dead soldiers, the film cut to show the two
 prisoners. They were both thick-set black men, one with dreadlocked hair.

 The prisoners were indoors and surrounded by people as they both stared
 straight into the camera without saying anything.

 This is the third time in four days that shocking film of allied soldiers,
 captured or killed, has been shown on television.

 Seven US army mechanics died and five were taken prisoner on Sunday after
 they took a wrong turn and ran into an ambush in Nasiriyah.

 A video broadcast later on al-Jazeera showed several of the troops with
 bullet wounds to the head which suggested they may have been executed.

 The five captured soldiers, including a woman, were paraded on TV in
 breach of the Geneva convention governing PoWs, which states they cannot
 be shown on television if it is to degrade them or expose them to public

 A day later footage of two US pilots was broadcast after their Apache
 attack helicopter came down near Karbala, south of Baghdad.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Differing TV Images Feed Arab, US Views

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Look  here and see what your hands are doing, Tony  George.
This is your hands work. This is your hands doing:


The best thing is that you can make it stop. You have the power to
stop your hands.


Tony Blair thinks dead people are in bad taste. Well, war isn't about
good or bad taste, Tony. It's about killing. If you can't stand to see
any more dead people, you can order the killing to stop. It's that simple.

If you can't stand the hideous look of people dying being killed,
stay thy hand Tony, and stop killing people.


 Editor's Note:  This is shaping up to be one of the central stories of this war.  
CNN, for
 one, has basically become a de facto arm of the Defense Department.  Seldom has 
one been
 able to watch skewed propaganda delivered in real-time, as we have seen from these
 'embedded' reporters.  It is, without hyperbole, one of the most shameful 
chapters in the
 long history of journalismand as Mencken would note, that is saying quite a 
mouthful. - wrp

 Differing TV Images Feed Arab, US Views
 By John Donnelly and Anne Barnard
 Boston Globe

 Wednesday 26 March 2003

 The Arab world sees pictures of bloodied bodies of young children. They watch 
scenes crowded
 with corpses, including gruesome images of dead American soldiers.

 Americans see almost none of that. Their view of the war in Iraq, through 
television and
 print, is dominated by long-distance photos of bombs going off in Baghdad and 
 battlefield scenes conveyed by reporters who are traveling with US and British 

 The two contrasting visions of this war, one seen by Americans and the other seen 
in the
 Middle East, help to sharpen differences over the conflict, say analysts and 

 ''Friends from Syria are sending e-mails to me, asking what are the people in the 
US telling
 you about the images of civilian casualties,'' said Imad Moustapha, chief of 
 diplomacy at the Syrian Embassy in Washington. ''My answer to them is very simple 
and sad:
 `Sorry, no one is seeing those images here.' ''

 In the Middle East, one US diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, spoke of 
 CNN and Fox News one minute and Al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi TV the next, thinking he 
 watching different battles.

 ''The Arab world is seeing trips to the hospitals, grieving parents, while the 
 cable stations and networks are showing the troops in the field,'' said the 
diplomat. ''The
 trouble is, it is creating different memories of the war, and it will reinforce 
the anger
 here about what the US is doing.''

 US media have shown pictures and written stories about civilian casualties, 
especially from
 Baghdad. Television stations and print publications have also shown still 
photographs and
 edited video footage of seven US prisoners of war. News executives have said that 
 ability to independently cover civilian casualties, especially in the southern 
city of
 Basra, has been limited because of the dangers of battle there.

 In contrast, Arab newspapers and television stations in Abu Dhabi, Lebanon, 
Dubai, Qatar,
 and elsewhere in the region have placed a heavy emphasis on civilian casualties, 
 those involving children. One station showed the scalp of a child that reporters 
said had
 been blown off in a bombing. The segment showed the scalp from three different 

 In recent days, both television and newspapers have featured the image of a young 
girl being
 pulled from rubble by an older man in a kaffiyeh. It was impossible to know if 
the girl was
 dead or alive. She was wrapped in a purple shawl, and both her legs were 
partially cut off.

 Some US stations have approached Iraqi casualties with skepticism. In some 
segments of
 children in a hospital, reporters have added a caveat that there was no way to 
 verify whether the victims had been hurt in air raids.

 In the most controversial broadcast, Al-Jazeera decided to air gruesome pictures 
taped by
 Iraqi television of dead American soldiers outside of Nasiriyah. American 
 stations declined to do so.

 During a televised briefing in Qatar, Army Lieutenant General John Abizaid, 
deputy commander
 of Combined Forces Command, chided a reporter for Al-Jazeera for the network's 
decision to
 air the video. ''The pictures were disgusting,'' Abizaid said, adding that he 
would not want
 other stations to show the video.

 A reporter from Xinghua News Agency of China asked whether such pictures would 
 influence the morale of the US troops or the American people. Abizaid said he 

Re: [CTRL] It's Not About Oil Or Iraq

2003-03-27 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Dale Stonehouse wrote:


 An Economic Perspective On The War
 It's Not About Oil Or Iraq.
 It's About The US And Europe Going
 Head-To-Head On World Economic Dominance.

 By Geoffrey Heard, Australia

 Summary: Why is George Bush so hell bent on war with Iraq? Why does his
 administration reject every positive Iraqi move? It all makes sense when you
 consider the economic implications for the USA of not going to war with
 Iraq. The war in Iraq is actually the US and Europe going head to head on
 economic leadership of the world.

 America's Bush administration has been caught in outright lies, gross
 exaggerations and incredible inaccuracies as it trotted out its litany of
 paper thin excuses for making war on Iraq. Along with its two supporters,
 Britain and Australia, it has shifted its ground and reversed its position
 with a barefaced contempt for its audience. It has manipulated information,
 deceived by commission and omission and frantically bought UN votes with
 billion dollar bribes.

 Faced with the failure of gaining UN Security Council support for invading
 Iraq, the USA has threatened to invade without authorisation. It would act
 in breach of the UN's very constitution to allegedly enforced UN

 It is plain bizarre. Where does this desperation for war come from?

 There are many things driving President Bush and his administration to
 invade Iraq, unseat Saddam Hussein and take over the country. But the
 biggest one is hidden and very, very simple. It is about the currency used
 to trade oil and consequently, who will dominate the world economically, in
 the foreseeable future -- the USA or the European Union.

I think this deduction is wrong.

The war and the US government is about hard cash only. For everyone
involved. And short term profits at that. No long term plans there.
Wreck the car, wreck the economy, destroy the environment and kill
the Iraqi's if you have to, as long as they get as much money as
they can as fast as possible. Israeli's are also involved. Without
their help in controlling the media, they couldn't be doing this.

Everyone involved is profiting personally. Every big-wig. Every
corporation and every lobby-group, both the individuals in them
and each entity as a group. A thousand individuals who are all
profiting from these events big-time.

Even Tony Blair is getting a nice big nice chunk of green as a
thank you from the Carlyle Group.

Idealism may help form a strategy, but ideology only motivates
the crazy people. It certainly does not motivate corporations or
the people leading US. Money and oil runs in their veins.

Fanaticism on our leaders part is only as hard as the currency
they are getting to shovel into their own pockets, and lasts equally
just as long as it's flow.

The facts are plain and out there for everyone to see. Only the
US government is very busy hiding everything it can and writing
new laws to help it act in more secrecy and eliminating anyone
and anything who threatens to expose how big-time the americans
are being conned out of all their money. The lie is too big to
believe. It is out there in the plain open. $500 billion dollar
scam is being pulled on the Americans. All to the profit of the
richest men on this planet.

It's only imprudent to point out that the people in charge don't
have their pants on when it comes to the reasons for this war.
It's been pointed a million times already. All to death ears.
They don't care!

They are too busy counting the $.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FBI to Rely on Rumor Hearsay Database to Catch Criminals

2003-03-26 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Justice Dept.: FBI database info no longer has to be accurate
WASHINGTON (AP) . The Justice Department lifted a requirement Monday that
the FBI ensure the accuracy and timeliness of information about criminals
and crime victims before adding it to the country's most comprehensive law
enforcement database.

The system, run by the FBI's National Crime Information Center, includes
data about terrorists, fugitives, warrants, people missing, gang members
and stolen vehicles, guns or boats.

Records are queried increasingly by the nation's law enforcement agencies
to help decide whether to monitor, detain or arrest someone. The records
are inaccessible to the public, and police have been prosecuted in U.S.
courts for misusing the system to find, for example, personal information
about girlfriends or former spouses.

Officials said the change, which immediately drew criticism from
civil-liberties advocates, is necessary to ensure investigators have
access to information that can't be confirmed but could take on new
significance later, FBI spokesman Paul Bresson said.

The change to the 1974 U.S. Privacy Act was disclosed with an announcement
published in the Federal Register.

The Privacy Act previously required the FBI to ensure information was
accurate, relevant, timely and complete before it could be added to the

It's a pretty big job to be accurate and complete, said Stewart Baker, a
Washington lawyer who specializes in technology and surveillance issues.
On the other hand, these are potentially very significant records for
people, and if it's not accurate and complete, it can mean trouble.

Critics urged Congress to review the change, arguing that information in
the computer files was especially important because it can affect many
aspects of a person's life.

This is information that has always been stigmatizing, the type of data
that can prevent someone from getting a job, said Marc Rotenberg of the
Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center. When you remove
the accuracy obligations, you open the door to the use of unreliable

Critics have noted complaints for years about wrong information in the
computer files that disrupted the lives of innocent citizens, and the FBI
has acknowledged problems. In one case, a Phoenix resident was arrested
for minor traffic violations that had been quashed weeks earlier; in
another, a civilian was misidentified as a Navy deserter.

The system is replete with inaccurate, untimely information, but
everybody does their best to keep it up to date, said Beryl Howell,
former general counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. That's a goal
we shouldn't just throw out.

In the change, the Justice Department said earlier restrictions on
information would limit the ability of trained investigators and
intelligence analysts to exercise their judgment in reporting on
investigations and impede the development of criminal intelligence
necessary for effective law enforcement.

It added that, because the system collects its data from so many other
organizations, it is administratively impossible to ensure compliance.

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] THE BIG 9-11LIE: Overcoming 9-11 Myths with Science (fwd)

2003-03-26 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


9/11: The Enlightenment

Can Science overcome Myth?
(in time to stop the next war)

MEDIA RELEASE 4th March 2003

Professor A.K. Dewdney, author of `Ghost Riders in the Sky', has released
the results of an experiment testing the feasibility of claims that
cellphone calls were made from `hijacked' airplanes on September 11th

The cellphone calls from hijacked planes were a crucial element of the
'official version' of the horrific events of '9/11', as they directly
corroborated the notion that all four planes were hijacked by Arab

Dewdney's experiment suggests that it is highly unlikely the cellphone
calls took place as reported... Dewdney's `Ghost Riders in the Sky'
hypothesis has been available on the web since early 2002. Now in its
fourth version, it can be viewed HERE.

Dewdney is a Canadian Mathematician and Computer Scientist who holds the
position of Emeritus Professor at the University of Western Ontario and
has some 100 academic papers to his name. He proposes that the four
`hijacked' airplanes on 9/11 were taken over by remote control after all
crew and passengers were disabled (probably killed by a poisonous gas
such as sarin). Professor Dewdney further suggests that the `Arab
hijackers', whose identity has been shrouded in mystery since it was
discovered that eight supposed hijackers' are in fact alive and well,
were patsies.

A crucial objection to Dewdney's hypothesis has been the cellphone calls
reportedly made from the `hijacked' planes. These cellphone calls appear
to substantiate the official version of events. If they took place as
reported, Dewdney's hypothesis is clearly incorrect.

In version four of `Ghost Riders', Dewdney went to great lengths to
analyze the numerous reports of cellphone calls, and showed how they
could have been faked.

Now he`s gone one better…

On Tuesday 25th February 2003, Dewdney chartered a light plane and flew
up into the airspace above London Ontario ­ an area extensively serviced
with cellphone stations. His goal was to test the essential feasibility
of the claim that cellphone calls could have been made from planes at
high altitude. Dewdney's report on this private experiment, entitled
'Project Achilles', is HERE
25.htm l

His report concludes: To the extent that the cellphones used in this
experiment represent types in general use, it may be concluded that from
this particular type of aircraft, cellphones become useless very quickly
with increasing altitude. In particular, two of the cellphone types, the
Mike and the Nokia, became useless above 2000 feet. Of the remaining two,
the Audiovox worked intermittently up to 6000 feet but failed thereafter,
while the BM analog cellphone worked once just over 7000 feet but failed
consistently thereafter. We therefore conclude that ordinary cellphones,
digital or analog, will fail to get through at or above 8000 feet abga.

The light plane used by Dewdney for the experiment could be expected to
yield much better results for cellphone use than large commercial
airliners of the type `hijacked' on 9/11, because the carbon fiber skin
of the test plane is 'radio transparent' and offers little attenuation of
the signal - unlike the aluminum surface of a Boeing 757 or 767. If
cellphones fail at a given altitude in the test plane, one may be
confident they won't work at equivalent altitude in an airliner with a
metal surface.

Dewdney's experiment suggests that if cellphone calls from `hijacked'
airplanes on 9/11 happened at all, they must all have occurred at very
low altitude. This is inconsistent with the `official version' of events.

The implications that 9/11 was a spectacular hoax are, of course,
staggering. Many journalists and commentators may be reticent to dissect
the official version of events, because to do so opens a veritable
Pandora's Box.

If 9/11 was not carried out by Arab terrorists, the perpetrators clearly
must have influence within the highest levels of the US Administration.
Key elements of the mass media must also have been complicit in
perpetrating the fraud.

Whoever was ultimately responsible for these crimes against humanity
apparently intended, inter alia, to portray terrorism as a
quintessentially Muslim phenomenon and trigger long-term western
hostility towards the Arab and Moslem world.

With war looming in the middle east, justified largely on the basis of
the events of '9/11', the immediate contemporary relevance of this
possibility is self-evident.

Giving credence to this view is not, perhaps, conducive to a successful
career in the western media. Nevertheless, journalists worthy of the
title should start seriously investigating the many anomalies surrounding
9/11 - and stop uncritically regurgitating officially-sanctioned myths
which fail to withstand 

[CTRL] US UK in a Fight Over Iraqi's Money

2003-03-26 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Brown rejects US bid for Iraqi cash
David Leigh, The Guardian (UK)
Tuesday March 25, 2003

The chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown, is unwilling to comply with
a US demand that he should turn over £200m Iraqi assets frozen in Britain
to an American-controlled account.

Britain wants the UN to control the funds, which have been frozen since
the first Gulf war began 12 years ago.

The Treasury said yesterday that Mr Brown has been in talks with his US
opposite number, the treasury secretary John Snow, and wanted the money to
be used for the benefit and welfare of the Iraqi people.

Cash totalling more than £400m has been frozen in British bank accounts
under UN resolutions since 1990.

The British stance is that both in the UK and the Cayman Islands, which
have also been the subject of a US demand, there is no legal authority to
hand the cash over to the US.

The British government is still owed more than £1bn for defaults on credit
sales to Iraq backed by the export credit guarantee department on the
orders of the then Conservative government.

The US government has ordered 17 banks in the US to hand over $1.7bn in
frozen Iraqi government money, saying it will use it for humanitarian
purposes. They include both US banks such as Citigroup and Bank of America
to American subsidiaries of foreign banks, such as Deutsche Bank, the Arab
Banking Corporation and the Commercial Bank of Kuwait.

The cash is to be transferred to a new account at the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York.

The US asked eight countries to seize $600mn (£380m) in frozen Iraqi
assets and turn it over to the American fund.

US officials say the offshore Caribbean tax havens of the Bahamas and the
Cayman Islands hold sizeable deposits. The Bahamas, whose administration
remained silent last night, are independent and not under British control.

White House officials have threatened to prevent foreign banks doing
business in the US if they refused to turn over Iraqi government money and
what they called blood money belonging to President Saddam or his

Saddam Hussein is alleged to have spirited away more than $6bn for his own

The Swiss bank UBS said yesterday that it would hand over some money in
blocked accounts at its US branches.

The funds stem from payments of US oil companies to Iraqi ones for
deliveries ahead of the implementation of sanctions against Iraq in 1990,
its spokesman Serge Steiner said.

But officials in Switzerland said they would be unable to hand over $364m
from Swiss accounts without a security council resolution.


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[CTRL] FBI Bungles: Pensioner in Most Wanted Arrest

2003-03-26 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Pensioner in 'most wanted' arrest

Mr Bond was arrested and imprisoned in Durban
A 72-year-old retired charity worker has been arrested on a wine-tasting
holiday in South Africa on suspicion of being one of America's most wanted
Derek Bond, a grandfather from Bristol, is being held in custody in Durban
after he was detained at the request of FBI officials investigating fraud
in the United States.

The father-of-three and his family insist it is a case of mistaken

But the FBI told the BBC it believed the pensioner was Derek Sykes, a man
they are looking for in connection with a telemarketing scheme which
defrauded people of millions of dollars.

 We're terribly upset - he's been kept in prison for more than two weeks,
but it's not the fault of the South African authorities

Gillian Bond, daughter
The Clifton-based Rotarian was arrested at gunpoint as he arrived in the
country two weeks ago for the wine-tasting tour with his wife Audrey.

Mr Bond's son Peter, 45, from Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, said his
father's health had deteriorated since the ordeal began.

We believe that he is the victim of an identity fraud where some person
in the United States obtained details of his identity, including his
passport number, and has used them for fraudulent purposes in the US, he

He said Mr Bond had agreed to be extradited to the US on legal advice, in
order to get the problem sorted out quickly.

'Fraudulent purposes'

The situation is entirely unacceptable, but our immediate concern is to
secure the safe release of our father, he said.

Mr Bond's daughter, Gillian, 46, from Norwich, Norfolk, flew to South
Africa to join her 71-year-old mother.

She said: We're terribly upset. He's been kept in prison for more than
two weeks, but it's not the fault of the South African authorities.

The FBI have had all the paperwork, but they don't appear to have read it
until now.

It wasn't until yesterday morning that an FBI officer was sent to speak
to him.

She said a statement had only been taken from him on Monday.

Identity dispute

Despite the family's pleas that they have arrested the wrong person, the
FBI now wants to extradite Mr Bond to America.

Agent Bob Doguim, of the FBI field office in Houston, Texas, told the BBC
it would take a few more days positively to identify him.

A spokesperson for the US Embassy in Pretoria said: We are actively
involved in attempting to establish whether Mr Bond is in any way
identifiable with Derek Sykes.

If he is identified as being an individual charged with fraud in the US
he will be extradited, if not he will be released.

Earlier, an FBI press office spokesman said a man called Derek Bond
appeared on one of their wanted lists some time ago for fraud-related
activities in Texas.

The Foreign Office has been in contact with the British consul in Durban
to try to improve conditions for Mr Bond.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Reality TV - Free World Flocks to al-Jazeera

2003-03-26 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Editor's Note: The rest of the planet is watching a far, far
 different war on television than we are here in America. - wrp

 Europeans Flock to al-Jazeera
 Claire Cozens
 The Guardian

 Tuesday 25 March 2003

 The Arabic-language TV network al-Jazeera has seen its European
 subscriber numbers double since the start of the war in Iraq amid
 huge demand for an alternative to western media coverage.

 The controversial broadcaster said it has signed up 4 million new
 subscribers in Europe since last Wednesday, doubling its viewership
 on the continent.

 We had 4 million subscribers in Europe and I would estimate we
 have added another 4 million over the last week, said Alan
 Marmion, al-Jazeera's media consultant.

 There are a lot of Arabic speakers in Europe - around 4 million in
 France alone. Canal Plus have even given us a transponder just so
 they could broadcast us.

 It's not just because of the war - we were already pushing out our
 distribution before the war began. But the fact that we provide
 alternative images means people are coming to us rather than us
 going to them.

 Al-Jazeera had around 35 million Arabic-speaking viewers before the
 start of the war in Iraq but the vast majority of these were in the
 Arabic world, where it is free.

 Outside the Middle East, only 10 million people had access to the
 network, but this figure has swollen since the outbreak of
 hostilities last week.

 Al-Jazeera has been given greater freedom than western broadcasters
 in Iraq, with as many as eight camera crews operating outside the
 confines of the military although it does also have some
 journalists embedded with the allied forces.

 Although western TV crews remain in Baghdad, al-Jazeera has the
 only camera crew known to be operating in Basra, Iraq's second city
 which is still under attack. It also has crews in Baghdad and

 It was an al-Jazeera camera crew that helped ITN establish the
 whereabouts of Terry Lloyd, the veteran reporter who died after
 coming under fire on Saturday. He was taken to a Basra hospital
 where al-Jazeera were allowed to film.

 The channel has also been at the centre of the controversy
 surrounding the broadcasting of footage of Iraqi and American
 casualties that many western news organisations considered too
 shocking to screen.

 One image shown repeatedly on Sunday showed the head of a child
 aged about 12 that had been split apart, reportedly in the US-led
 assault on Basra.

 Others came from northern Iraq, where American missiles targeted
 the Kurdish Islamist Ansar al-Islam organisation.

 Al-Jazeera made its name in the west during the war in Afghanistan,
 when its exclusive access to Osama bin Laden made it the envy of
 its European and US rivals.

 Although the channel is available free of charge throughout the
 Arab world, in Europe it is mainly a pay-TV channel.

 In the UK, where 87% of Arabic-speaking households have access to
 al-Jazeera, it is available on BSkyB's family package of channels,
 although it is also possible to pick up the French signal via

 An English-language version of al-Jazeera is planned and could
 launch by the end of this year.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Killing 2 Million Civilians With Thirst - over half of them children under 15

2003-03-25 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Annan Seeks Urgent Steps to Get Water to Basra

 Monday 24 March 2003

 UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on
 Monday called for urgent measures to help the people of Basra in
 southern Iraq obtain adequate water supplies amid heavy fighting
 between U.S. and British forces and Iraqi defenders.

 I have heard a report from the (International) Red Cross that the
 people in Basra may be facing a humanitarian disaster in that they
 have no water and they have no electricity, Annan told reporters
 at U.N. headquarters.

 I think urgent measures should be taken to restore electricity and
 water to that population, he said. A city of that size cannot
 afford to go without electricity or water for long. Apart from the
 water aspect, you can imagine what it does for sanitation.

 Basra's main Wafa al-Qaed water treatment plant on the northern
 edge of the city has been out of action due to a power outage since
 Friday and although other plants are able to supply some 40 percent
 of usual needs, the quality of the water is poor, the International
 Committee of the Red Cross said in Geneva.

 This is an emergency situation. We need to restore the full
 supply, Red Cross spokeswoman Nada Doumani said. She said she did
 not know the reason for the power cut.

 Adequate drinking water is vital for the local population because
 day time temperatures in Basra, Iraq's second largest city, can
 soar toward 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), she said. Basra
 has a population of around 2 million.

 Tamara al-Rifai, ICRC spokesperson in Kuwait, told Reuters the ICRC
 was waiting for guarantees of safe passage from the combatants in
 order to be able to repair Wafa al-Qaed.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Why do you do this to us?

2003-03-25 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Counting Iraq's dead civilians
By Jackson Thoreau

Deep in the pit of Hell, Fatima Abdullah screams. Few hear her. Especially
not the pilots in the U.S. and British jets that have been raining 2,000-lb.
bombs, which obliterate everything within a football field upon impact, on
Baghdad since Thursday. Especially not the U.S. generals who refuse to
acknowledge the lives of kids like Fatehah Abdullah, Fatima Abdullah’s
eight-year-old son.

Fatehah is dead, another victim in Bush’s and Cheney’s Blood for Oil, Inc.
war. And Bush, Cheney and the generals that push this massacre could care
less. Welcome to the New World Order.

U.S. Commander Tommy Franks says they will not tabulate body counts,
especially of Iraqis, in this war that is as illegitimate as Bush’s claim to
the White House. The bulk of the U.S. media will not report on civilian
casualties, unless they are so large that even our
corporate-and-Republican-controlled media cannot ignore them.

But some of us will. I will. Fatehah Abdullah may just be eight years old.
He may be Arab. But he counts for something in my book.

He’s number 303. And that number of Iraqi civilians killed by our bombs
continues to rise.

Since the outbreak of the latest phase of the war for Iraqi oil and
continued U.S. domination of the planet Wednesday, I have not slept much. I
have paid little attention to the talking heads on CNN, who like to call
themselves the most trusted name in news. CNN commentators lied once again
about progressive film maker Michael Moore being booed off the Oscar stage
Sunday. As the British news agency Reuters reported, many in the Hollywood
crowd gave Moore a standing ovation as he issued his anti-Bush, anti-war
remarks. Moore himself had this to say to reporters: Don't report that
there was a split decision in the hall because five loud people booed.
Maybe CNN is the most trusted name in the U.S. media to paint pictures the
way the Bush administration wants them painted.

I have concentrated on reading international media reports such as from
London’s Guardian. I have read the reports from activists like Voices in the
Wilderness’ Iraq Peace Team who put their lives on the line to try to
protect Iraqis. I have scanned the reports from alternative media like the
United Kingdom’s Independent Media Centre.

And I’m here to tell you what Gen. Franks and CNN and Donahue-less MSNBC and
others will not: More than 300 Iraqi civilians – many of them children, as
almost half of Baghdad’s population is under age 14 - have been killed by
the U.S.-led massive aerial bombing campaign, as of early Tuesday. Many more
will probably soon die in hospitals.

At Al Kindi Hospital in Baghdad, Fatima Abdullah screamed, Why do you do
this to us? to April Hurley, a physician and member of the Iraq Peace Team.
Not only is one of her sons dead, but her four-year-old boy and two
daughters were wounded by a missile that hit her uncle's home outside
Baghdad, near a bridge targeted by U.S. bombers.

Nada Adnan, a 13-year-old student at a high school for girls, is among those
with deep wounds who must suffer in anguish without basic medicines that
could at least give her some temporary relief from the pain. Cheney’s oil
company, Dallas-based Halliburton, could make millions supplying Iraq with
oil equipment after the 1991 Gulf War. But relief workers could not ship
basic medicines to Iraq because that violated the economic sanctions imposed
by the UN on Hussein’s regime. To repeat: Cheney’s company can make millions
in oil deals, but Iraqi kids like Nada cannot get basic medicines.

Want to talk precision bombing? Talk to Nahla Harbi, a passenger driving
away from Baghdad with her two-year-old when a military school for boys was
struck, causing her car to roll. She escaped with fractures in both legs.
Her toddler suffered head injuries.

Talk to the families of the five Syrians who died when a U.S. missile struck
a Syrian passenger bus near the Iraqi border. Ten other passengers, most of
whom were laborers working in Iraqi oil fields, were injured.
One of the more ludicrous aspects of this war is how U.S. officials are
crying foul when Iraq pulls a few tricks like pretend surrenders and putting
POWs on television. Iraq is violating the Geneva Convention, U.S.
officials say. These are the same officials who ignore international laws
such as the UN charter that states one country cannot invade another without
provocation or the blessing of the UN Security Council. These are the same
officials who ignore international treaties like those governing nuclear
weapons and global warming.

So it’s unfair for Iraq to put prisoners on television or use civilians as
soldiers or women and kids as shields? Tell me, what’s fair about one side
spending $400 billion annually on nuclear weapons, high-tech weapons, etc.
and the other spending some $1.4 billion on scud missiles and other low-tech
weapons after years of economic sanctions that has wracked its strength?
That’s like 

Re: [CTRL] Why do you do this to us?

2003-03-25 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

You ask us to predict a hypothetical future for 10 years to
come and justify it with facts? You don't ask for much, do you?

But for one thing, maybe International Law and sovereignity of nations
would still be respected. Now, we can only rely on the force of arms
and weapons of mass destructions to protect the people and nations on
this planet from brutal business warriors and nutcases in charge of
armies. As for the facts to support this conclusion, the US handling
of North Korea vs US handling of Iraq are an excellent example. One
is getting silk gloved treatment, while the other is going to be raped
for all it's worth.

I bet no WMDs will be found in Iraq, lest it says Made in USA
or Israel, painted over with crosses and Irag stamped in place.

As for the future we will experience, it is one of proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and unlimited warfare for the reasons
of business and making money, with total disregard for any treaties
and laws. Anarchy, some might call it. But, it is explicitly clear
that US and Bush  co are keen on pissing on any and all treaties
they don't like, and will keep on doing so if and when they can make
fast profits for small numbers of people by doing so.

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Zuukie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 A serious question.  The Iraqi leadership has brutalized its people for
 many years.  Now it appeared to be on the verge of brutalizing the
 western world in connection with other powerful leaders outside of the
 Arab world.  If the US had not taken the action did, what do you think
 the world and US situation would look like ten years from now and please
 justify your answer with some factual information.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Jei
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 8:37 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] Why do you do this to us?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Counting Iraq's dead civilians
 By Jackson Thoreau

 Deep in the pit of Hell, Fatima Abdullah screams. Few hear her.
 Especially not the pilots in the U.S. and British jets that have been
 raining 2,000-lb. bombs, which obliterate everything within a football
 field upon impact, on Baghdad since Thursday. Especially not the U.S.
 generals who refuse to acknowledge the lives of kids like Fatehah
 Abdullah, Fatima Abdullah’s eight-year-old son.

 Fatehah is dead, another victim in Bush’s and Cheney’s Blood for Oil,
 Inc. war. And Bush, Cheney and the generals that push this massacre
 could care less. Welcome to the New World Order.

 U.S. Commander Tommy Franks says they will not tabulate body counts,
 especially of Iraqis, in this war that is as illegitimate as Bush’s
 claim to the White House. The bulk of the U.S. media will not report on
 civilian casualties, unless they are so large that even our
 corporate-and-Republican-controlled media cannot ignore them.

 But some of us will. I will. Fatehah Abdullah may just be eight years
 old. He may be Arab. But he counts for something in my book.

 He’s number 303. And that number of Iraqi civilians killed by our bombs
 continues to rise.

 Since the outbreak of the latest phase of the war for Iraqi oil and
 continued U.S. domination of the planet Wednesday, I have not slept
 much. I have paid little attention to the talking heads on CNN, who like
 to call themselves the most trusted name in news. CNN commentators
 lied once again about progressive film maker Michael Moore being booed
 off the Oscar stage Sunday. As the British news agency Reuters reported,
 many in the Hollywood crowd gave Moore a standing ovation as he issued
 his anti-Bush, anti-war remarks. Moore himself had this to say to
 reporters: Don't report that there was a split decision in the hall
 because five loud people booed. Maybe CNN is the most trusted name in
 the U.S. media to paint pictures the way the Bush administration wants
 them painted.

 I have concentrated on reading international media reports such as from
 London’s Guardian. I have read the reports from activists like Voices in
 the Wilderness’ Iraq Peace Team who put their lives on the line to try
 to protect Iraqis. I have scanned the reports from alternative media
 like the United Kingdom’s Independent Media Centre.

 And I’m here to tell you what Gen. Franks and CNN and Donahue-less MSNBC
 and others will not: More than 300 Iraqi civilians – many of them
 children, as almost half of Baghdad’s population is under age 14 - have
 been killed by the U.S.-led massive aerial bombing campaign, as of early
 Tuesday. Many more will probably soon die in hospitals.

 At Al Kindi Hospital in Baghdad, Fatima Abdullah screamed, Why do you
 do this to us? to April Hurley, a physician and member of the Iraq
 Peace Team. Not only is one of her sons dead, but her four-year-old boy
 and two daughters were wounded by a missile that hit her uncle's home
 outside Baghdad, near a bridge targeted by U.S. bombers.

 Nada Adnan, a 13-year-old student

Re: [CTRL] Hostages to fortune

2003-03-25 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Prudy L wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 3/24/2003 3:39:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  But the Iraqi prisoners of war who were shown being searched,
  handcuffed, and walking in lines with their hands above their heads could
  also be said to have been shown in a humiliating light for the purpose of
  public curiosity. 'There's been a little violation on each side', concludes
  Dentley F Vagts, a specialist on the laws of war at Harvard University Law
  School (5).

 I too found this interesting.  If we expect our prisoners to be treated
 in total compliance with the Geneva Conventions, then what about all
 those guys we're holding in Cuba.  I guess we don't have to, but they
 have to--or something?  Maybe there's been a lot of violation on each
 side.  And in Afghanistan even before they were aware that Walker was an
 American, he was being very roughly interrogated by our CIA agents.  I
 know that the one agent's family totally blame Walker for his death, but
 just how an unarmed man in handcuffs with two bullet wounds could have
 killed anyone has always been a mystery to me.  It's always been true
 that nations at war cheat on the Geneva Conventions.  Still since we are
 doing what we do, it might be a good idea not to fuss too loudly about
 the behavior of others.  Prudy

Hey! Beware!

That is exactly what is called being un-american.
If you can't accept the double standard, stay out
of America, as the saying goes here.

Do onto others, but don't let them do it to you.
- has been the New American Motto of foreign policy
for the last Bush years and is exactly the reason
why so many Arabs are pissed at you. Fucking others
as much as you can, sooner or later has that effect.

What you sow is what you reap as the saying goes.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] THE BIG LIE: So Big, So Bold, So Often Told, Masses Believe it!

2003-03-23 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

THE BIG LIE: So Big, So Bold, So Often Told, Masses Believe it!

The twenty lies of George W. Bush
By Patrick Martin
20 March 2003

Monday night's 15-minute speech by President Bush, setting a 48-hour
deadline for war against Iraq, went beyond the usual distortions,
half-truths, and appeals to fear and backwardness to include a remarkable
number of barefaced, easily refuted lies.

The enormous scale of the lying suggests two political conclusions: the
Bush administration is going to war against Iraq with utter contempt for
democracy and public opinion, and its war propaganda counts heavily on
the support of the American media, which not only fails to challenge the
lies, but repeats and reinforces them endlessly.

Without attempting to be exhaustive, it is worthwhile listing some of the
most important lies and contrasting Bush's assertions with the public
record. All of the false statements listed below are directly quoted from
the verbatim transcript of Bush's remarks published on the Internet.

Lie No. 1: My fellow citizens, events in Iraq have now reached the final
days of decision.

The decision for war with Iraq was made long ago, the intervening time
having been spent in an attempt to create the political climate in which
US troops could be deployed for an attack. According to press reports,
most recently March 16 in the Baltimore Sun, at one of the first National
Security Council meetings of his presidency, months before the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Bush expressed his
determination to overthrow Saddam Hussein and his willingness to commit
US ground troops to an attack on Iraq for that purpose. All that was
required was the appropriate pretext - supplied by September 11, 2001.

Lie No. 2: For more than a decade, the United States and other nations
have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime
without war.

The US-led United Nations regime of sanctions against Iraq, combined with
no-fly zones and provocative weapons inspections, is one of brutal
oppression. The deliberate withholding of food, medical supplies and
other vital necessities is responsible for the death of more than a
million Iraqis, half of them children. Two UN officials who headed the
oil-for-food program resigned in protest over the conditions created in
Iraq by the sanctions. The CIA used the inspectors as a front,
infiltrating agents into UNSCOM, the original inspections program. The
CIA's aim was to spy on Iraq's top officials and target Saddam Hussein
for assassination.

Lie No. 3: The Iraqi regime has used diplomacy as a ploy to gain time
and advantage. It has uniformly defied Security Council resolutions
demanding full disarmament...

Iraq has never defied a Security Council resolution since the end of
the Persian Gulf War in 1991. It has generally cooperated with the
dictates of the UN body, although frequently under protest or with
reservations, because many of the resolutions involve gross violations of
Iraqi sovereignty. From 1991 to 1998, UN inspectors supervised the
destruction of the vast bulk of the chemical and biological weapons, as
well as delivery systems, which Iraq accumulated (with the assistance of
the US) during the Iran-Iraq war, and they also destroyed all of Iraq's
facilities for making new weapons.

Lie No. 4: Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime have failed again
and again because we are not dealing with peaceful men.

According to the Washington Post of March 16, referring to the 1991- 1998
inspection period: [U]nder UN supervision, Iraq destroyed 817 of 819
proscribed medium-range missiles, 14 launchers, 9 trailers and 56 fixed
missile-launch sites. It also destroyed 73 of 75 chemical or biological
warheads and 163 warheads for conventional explosives. UN inspectors also
supervised destruction of 88,000 filled and unfilled chemical munitions,
more than 600 tons of weaponized and bulk chemical weapons agents, 4,000
tons of precursor chemicals and 980 pieces of equipment considered key to
production of such weapons.

Lie No. 5: The Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the
most lethal weapons ever devised.

The Washington Post article cited above noted that CIA officials were
concerned about whether administration officials have exaggerated
intelligence in a desire to convince the American public and foreign
governments that Iraq is violating United Nations prohibitions against
chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons and long-range missile systems.
The article quoted a senior intelligence analyst who said the
inspectors could not locate weapons caches because there may not be much
of a stockpile.

Former British Foreign Minister Robin Cook, who resigned from the Blair
government Monday in protest over the decision to go to war without UN
authorization, declared, Iraq probably has no weapons of mass
destruction in the commonly understood sense of the term. Even if Iraq
is concealing some remnants of its 1980s 

[CTRL] [infowars] Terrorism and War provides the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY (fwd)

2003-03-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 22:09:34 -0500
From: John Perna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Birch Discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [infowars] Terrorism and War provides the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY

In every call for more power for
government there should be a reminder that nothing in the
measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens.
We must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom.
Be careful about elimination of rights,
or the setting up of totalitarian instruments.

Creating terrorism provides the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY.

The sequence of steps that have been taken,
in this country,
is the most common pathway to dictatorship.

For Hitler, the national emergency was the burning of the Reichstag Building. Then he 
set up the Gestapo.

We have 9-11 and HomeLand Security. It even sounds like Fatherland

Totalitarians gain power through techniques that have been developed over the entire 
history of mankind. Most of these techniques have been written down in training 
manuals for would be dictators.
Examples are:

And Not a Shot is Fired by Jan Kozak,

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx,

Communist Manifesto - $3.00


and The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli.

These techniques have also been revealed by defectors such as Eric Blair, who wrote 
1984, under the pen name of George Orwell.

Nineteen Eighty Four (1984) by Orwell - $5.95


The book called Tragedy and Hope was written by Dr. Carroll Quigley. Carroll Quigley 
claimed that he was not a defector but that he wrote Tragedy and Hope to PROMOTE 
what he called the network. Dr. Quigley is an authority on the world's secret power 
structure because HE IS ONE OF THE INSIDERS. He boasts that he has been a part of this 
network for most of his life. He writes approvingly of their power, and influence. To 
assure his readers of his own qualifications for the writing of this book, Dr. Quigley 

I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years 
and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret 
records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my 
life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the 
past and recently, to a few of its policies. . . but in general my chief difference of 
opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is 
significant enough to be known.

Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time - $39.95

Liberal university college professor Carroll Quigley praises the efforts of an 
international Anglophile network whose goal is to rule the world. He boasts of having 
been permitted to examine its papers and secret records, and confirms the existence 
of an over-arching conspiracy, and details the origin and eventual power of the CFR 
and allied groups. (1997 ed, 1348pp, hb)


How to become a dictator

The creation of emergencies is a part of the totalitarian agenda. The creation of 
emergencies gives the government an excuse to crack down. Then the creation of 
tyranny becomes justifiable and inevitable.

When emergencies erupt the population accepts totalitarian measures as the

only alternative to the chaos. The action is in the REACTION.

This tactic is called pressure from above and pressure from below.

The Communist book, called And Not a Shot is Fired by Jan Kozak , explains this 
entire strategy. Jan Kozak, who was then a member of the Czechoslovak Communist Party 
Central Committee, explains how a free government was actually transformed into a 
totalitarian dictatorship - legally. And Not a Shot Is Fired originated as an 
internal Czechoslovak Communist Party strategy paper.

And Not a Shot is Fired is a 'how-to' manual for takeover of a free and elected 
system of government, through legal means. Kozak's discussion is not theory about what 
might be possible to accomplish the seizure of power. It is a history of a technique 
that was actually proven, by its implementation.

And Not a Shot Is Fired by Kozak - $6.95

Jan Kozak explains


Pressure from above is what Jan Kozak called revolutionary parliamentarianism. 
Revolutionary parliamentarianism means working INSIDE of the system to change laws 
in such a way as to increase the power of government.

Pressure from below consists of the creation of the emergencies; which are then used 
as the excuses to increase the power of government. Karl Marx referred to pressure 
from below as the proletarian struggle. Pressure from below might involve violence, 
or it might simply be the creation of the appearance of popular support for the 
increase in the power of government.

Our government leaves our border WIDE 

[CTRL] URANIUM WARFARE: A Crime Against Humanity

2003-03-21 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 21:26:41 -0700
Subject: URANIUM WARFARE: A Crime Against Humanity

Forwarded by Hans Karow [EMAIL PROTECTED] on March 19

From: http://www.GuluFuture.com/future/nothing_depleted.htm

URANIUM WARFARE: A Crime Against Humanity

17th March, 2003

What if they announced the inevitable deaths from depleted uranium
weapons at the actual time of war?

Nightly News might go like this:

Coalition forces today captured a key enemy stronghold. Thirty enemy
combatants were killed and 150 babies horribly malformed. President Bush
says it proves that US strategy is working. In a statement, Mr. Bush said
that only 75,000 more deformed babies could secure the capital for the
US. Ed Carnage reports from Washington...

Depleted uranium is the US empire's weapon of choice. But the word
'depleted' is a public relations spin. It makes it sound like the nuclear
material is worn out. It's not. It's Uranium.

So, let's just call it Uranium. It's a nuclear warhead of solid uranium
238 in a bullet or a shell. It minimizes wartime casualties among US
forces. Casualties that would be hard to sell to domestic opinion.
Instead, the military casualties are transferred to the future --as
deaths of US military forces from uranium exposure.

Civilians will die too from these toxic effects. For years to come the
Uranium Babies of toxic Kosovo, or Iraq will die from it - whatever its

In Yugoslavia after the NATO war, as in Iraq after the last Gulf war,
uranium dioxide dust now contaminates the environment. The future
casualties of modern US warfare are unborn babies, civilians and the US
military forces who wield the weapons.

The Uranium Babies will be with us for a very long time. For countless
millions of years to come, Iraq, Kosovo and indeed the uranium test
firing ranges in the USA, will be lands of poison harvest. So will all
war theaters of this slow, hidden nuclear holocaust.

Uranium nuclear war is a crime against humanity.

I will say it again:

Uranium nuclear war is a crime against humanity.

Dr. Doug Rokke Major Medical Service Corps US Army WMFO FM Nov 13, 2002

CLIP - go read the transcript of this exceptionally revealing interview
with Doug Rokke at http://www.GuluFuture.com/future/nothing_depleted.htm

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[CTRL] Environmental Destruction Global Warming Now Irreversible

2003-03-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

[Note: Some sources say the oil wells were lit
up for propaganda purposes by US commando forces.]


Environmental Damages a Concern
Experts Fear Effects of War on Persian Gulf Region Could Be 'Irreversible'

An Iraqi tank destroyed in the 1991 Persian Gulf War sits amid oil well
fires in northern Kuwait set by Iraqi forces. Experts fear worse
environmental damage from the new conflict. (David Longstreath -- AP)

By Eric Pianin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 20, 2003; Page A21

Environmental experts warned this week that war in Iraq will cause
massive and possibly irreversible damage to the Persian Gulf region and
significantly add to global warming. The environmental leaders said the
ensuing damage to Iraq's ecosystem and food and water supplies may eclipse
the destruction during the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

I think it will be comprehensive damage, and I don't think it will be
localized to the area of Iraq, regardless of how precise and surgical our
bombing campaign will be, said Ross Mirkarimi, a San Francisco-based
environmental analyst who made two trips to Iraq shortly after U.S.-led
forces drove the Iraqis from Kuwait. The pollution will travel in areas
that will compound the damage that still remains from the 1991 military

During the Gulf War, retreating Iraqi forces set fire to more than 600
Kuwaiti oil wells, creating toxic smoke that choked the atmosphere and
blocked the sun. The Iraqis dumped 4 million barrels of crude oil into the
Persian Gulf, tarring beaches, killing more than 25,000 birds and driving
millions more away, according to data compiled by the World Resources
Institute and other organizations that monitor the environment. Spills of
60 million barrels of oil in the desert formed huge oil lakes and
percolated into aquifers.

More than 80 percent of Kuwait's livestock perished during the war, and
fisheries were heavily polluted, according to the monitoring groups. The
burning oil fields released nearly a half-billion tons of carbon dioxide,
an amount of greenhouse gas that many scientists say is the leading cause
of the earth's rising temperature.

To date, a dozen nations affected by the Gulf War have submitted
environmental damage claims to the United Nations totaling $79 billion.
The U.N. has ruled so far on $1.9 billion of the claims, awarding about $1
billion, most of it to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Environmental groups and experts said a new war in Iraq could do even more
harm to the region's environment and water resources, and kill off dozens
of endangered species of birds and animals.

The first Gulf War was the biggest environmental disaster in recent
history, said Gar Smith, former editor of Earth Island Journal and a
spokesman for Environmentalists Against the War. Unfortunately, with
advances in military technology, a new Gulf War has the potential to be
even worse.

Hans Blix, the chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, said in a recent
interview with MTV that, To me the question of the environment is more
ominous than that of peace and war.

Environmentalists say that U.S. fighter jets, tanks, armor-piercing shells
and ground-shattering Massive Ordnance Air-Burst (MOAB) bombs likely will
destroy or seriously damage Iraqi water and sewage treatment plants and
dams; ruin ancient archaeological sites and harm what little remains of
the Mesopotamian Marshlands, the primary source of fresh water in southern
Iraq that was systematically destroyed by government engineers during the
past 30 years.

Iraqi officials have said that they expect to maintain 10 percent of their
water supply in a war. But aid agencies say taps could run dry within 12
hours of the first airstrikes on Baghdad, and they are stockpiling large
quantities of drinking water for the capital's residents.

Environmentalists are particularly concerned about the use of
armor-piercing munitions tipped with depleted uranium, a heavy metal that
can penetrate tanks but also spreads radioactive dust to soil and water.
During the 1991 conflict, U.S. forces fired 320 tons of depleted uranium,
most of it from cannons mounted on Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, or
Warthogs. Radioactive material was spread across Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi
Arabia, often in tiny fragments that some civilians picked up.

Defense Department officials last week said there is little evidence that
depleted uranium poses a serious threat to public health or the
environment, and they stressed the metal's ability to penetrate enemy
armor. Nobody goes into a war and wants to be even with the enemy, Col.
James Naughton of the U.S. Army Materiel Command told reporters.

If oil wells are set ablaze again, they could do far more environmental
damage than was inflicted in 1991, experts said. The Kuwaiti oil wells
burned for as many as nine months, generating soot, sulfur and acid rain
that covered croplands as many as 1,200 miles away.

Over the last 

[CTRL] China Condemns US Attack

2003-03-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


China Strongly Calls for Immediate Stop of Military Actions Against Iraq

China issued an urgent appeal for the immediate halt of military actions
against Iraq and a return to the right track to seek a political solution
to the Iraq issue, Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said Thursday.

China strongly calls for immediate stop of military actions against Iraq,
return to track of political solution to Iraq issue, Foreign Ministry
spokesman Kong Quan said at the press conference Thursday.

The military actions against Iraq, carried out despite opposition from
most governments and peoples across the world and bypassing the United
Nations Security Council, violated the United Nations Charter and the
basic norms of international law, he stressed.

China is very concerned about, and keeps a close watch on, this situation
and Chinese government's position on Iraq issue accords with world
people's strong aspiration for peace, according to the spokesman.

Kong Quan also said China will continue to call for world peace and will
take actions with other countries to make the countries concerned stop
their military actions in Iraq.

China's concern lies in three aspects
Firstly, China is concerned about the military actions that relevant
countries have launched against Iraq, disregarding the strong hope and
appeal of most countries and their people for peace and bypassing the
United Nations Security Council, Kong said at the regular press

China is also concerned about the lives and property of the Iraqi people
and the profound influence the military actions may bring to regional and
global peace.

The spokesman said in resolving the Iraq issue, China keeps in mind that
the unity and authority of the UN Security Council should be maintained
and the seriousness of the Council's Resolution 1441 and other previous
resolutions upheld.

Among the 190-plus members of the United Nations, the overwhelming
majority stand for a political solution of the Iraq issue, and so do most
members of the Security Council.

China evacuated all its nationals, including diplomats and journalists,
from Iraq and closed its embassy in Bagdad two days ago.

Kong said that the safety of foreign citizens and embassies in China will
be ensured, as the Chinese government attaches great importance to the
safety of foreign citizens, embassies and organizations in China.

On Japan's support of the military actions against Iraq, Kong said China
hopes Japan would be very prudent in participating inany military
actions overseas.

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[CTRL] American Attack Against Humanity

2003-03-20 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


China and Russia condemn US attack

Paul MacInnes
Thursday March 20, 2003

As the world responds to the onset of conflict in Iraq, there has been
widespread criticism of the outbreak of war and a common plea that care is
taken to minimise casualties.
China led international response to the declaration of war, accusing the
United States of starting an illegitimate conflict and violating the
norms of international behaviour.

The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Kong Quan, told a regular press
briefing the attack had been carried out in disregard for the opposition
of the international community.

We express regret and disappointment, Mr Kong said. We urge the
relevant countries to stop using force, to stop military action. The Iraqi
question must return to the track of political settlement within the UN

Stressing that China believed the situation in Iraq could still be solved
peacefully, Mr Kong went on: We are deeply concerned about the loss of
lives and property that might follow. We are also worried about its impact
on peace and the development of the world.

As to the next step, the Chinese government will continue its efforts
towards peace.

These views were supported by Russia, whose prime minister Mikhail
Kasyanov addressed a weekly government meeting this morning. The Russian
leadership expresses regret that the Iraqi crisis is being resolved by
military means without a decision by the UN security council, he said.
That is to say by the system of international security.

France, the country widely blamed by the US and Britain for a failure to
secure a second UN resolution to authorise war, was measured in its
response. A brief statement by the foreign ministry concentrated solely on
the humanitarian aspect of the conflict, saying that French leaders hope
that everything will be done to spare the civilian population more
hardships. They call on the countries of the region to abstain from any
acts that would aggravate the situation.

Islamic countries lined up to attack the legitimacy of the war. There was
a strong response from Iran, where the foreign minister, Kamal Kharrazi,
was quoted by the Islamic Republic News Agency as saying: American
military operations on Iraq are unjustifiable and illegitimate.

Mr Kharrazi stressed that Iran would not take action in the conflict to
the benefit of either side. Iran, along with Iraq and North Korea, forms
part of the axis of evil identified by President Bush last year.

Asian Islamic leaders addressed the press within minutes of President
Bush's declaration of war, saying the US would pay a heavy price for the

This is not an attack on Islam but an attack on humanity, said Syafii
Maarif, head of the 30-million-strong moderate Muhammadiyah Muslim group
in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country.

His views were echoed by Abdul Hadi Awang, the president of the
conservative Islamic opposition in Malaysia, who said: This despicable
war exposes the ugliness of America and its allies. . The sole voice of
support for American action so far has come from Australian prime minister
John Howard, who announced that his country's troops were entering into
combat in the Gulf. I want to take the opportunity on behalf, I am sure,
of all Australians of expressing our hope that all of our men and women
will return home safe and sound, Mr Howard said. We should all be united
in our hopes and prayers for their safe return.


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[CTRL] Inspectors say US intelligence was wrong

2003-03-20 Thread Jei
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Inspectors say US intelligence was wrong

Owen Bowcott in Larnaca, Cyprus
Thursday March 20, 2003
The Guardian

One of the UN weapons inspectors evacuated from Baghdad yesterday accused
the US of providing the mission with wrong and misleading information
about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
Speaking from the hotel in Cyprus where the inspectors have regrouped
since leaving Iraq on Tuesday, Jorn Siljeholm dismissed the US
intelligence reports as political instead of factual.

None of their hot tips were ever confirmed, he said, adding: I don't
know about a single decontamination truck that didn't turn out to be a
fire engine or a water truck.

Mr Siljeholm, 48, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, was angry at assertions made by US administration officials
about the extent of the Iraqi arsenal.

When you find nothing and repeat the hypothesis that [the Iraqis] are
hiding something, it just weakens the hypothesis, he said.

Disheartened, and in several cases angry, at the decision to abort their
four-month mission to disarm Saddam Hussein, the inspectors acknowledged
that the climate of fear inside Iraq had frustrated their weapons search.

If an Iraqi scientist revealed to us everything he knew, he and his
family would be liquidated, said one official with the UN's monitoring,
verification and inspection commission (Unmovic).

Iraqi scientists were warned to be careful. Taking them out of the
country, taking them to heaven, would not have made any difference in
convincing them to talk.

Another inspector who took part in face-to-face interviews with Iraqi
scientists came to understand their predicament. They were feeling a
little guilty, he said, but they insisted they had been ordered by the
government to take part in chemical and biological research for the army.
Saddam has militarised the whole country, everywhere you go there are

Another UN source said: There were clearly signs the Iraqis were not
willing to let some of them be interviewed in private. Even at the end
scientists insisted on bringing tape recorders with them.

The tapes, it was suspected, would have been handed to Iraqi intelligence
as proof that nothing compromising had been betrayed. This raises doubt
over whether the Iraqi authorities have something to hide or were fearful
of these people exposing what we didn't already know.

But most of the inspectors stressed that the mission had been making
progress right up to the moment when the order to evacuate was issued.
[On Monday evening] we were conducting a private interview about
biological weapons which went on for two and a half hours, said Miroslav
Gregoric, the head of Unmovic's mission in Baghdad. It's sad to see
unfinished business being completed by other means, not necessarily within
the UN system.

Asked whether more time would have averted war, he replied: I'm not sure.
We were removing weapons of mass destruction. In four months it was
difficult to achieve everything. Our inspectors were working seven days a
week, but the system inside Iraq is very closed; people are frightened.
Our work was like assembling a jigsaw puzzle: when you put all the pieces
together you hope to see the whole picture.

Among the inspectors and support staff the prevailing mood was
disappointment that their efforts had been overtaken by the political rift
in the UN security council. Their private opinions reflected the full
spectrum of international debate: some said the Iraqis deserved freedom,
others feared the consequences of the imminent US onslaught.

When you live in a country for some time it becomes your home, said one
worker, looking out over the windswept Cypriot beach.

Bedereldine Ahmed, a translator, said: I wish we had stayed. The Iraqi
people feel disappointed. They wanted us to complete the job.

A colleague added: People are a little angry, but mostly sad. We hope to
go back to Baghdad.

After two days' rest and time to finish their final reports, the UN team
will learn at the weekend whether the mission is to be suspended or
abolished. Some hope they will be allowed back after the war to complete a
final audit of President Saddam's weapons.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] US Spying on It's Allies: Phone bugs found at EU-HQ

2003-03-19 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Phone bugs found at EU-HQ
March 19, 2003

TELEPHONE bugging systems have been found targeting a number of
delegations at EU headquarters, notably the French and the Germans, an
official said.

The illegal systems were found in the Council building, where meetings of
EU ministers and leaders are held. An EU summit is to be held tomorrow and
Friday, overshadowed by Iraq.

Intelligence services from the council and the countries concerned have
launched an investigation into the bugs, but it is impossible at this
stage to determine who planted them, said the official.

According to the French daily Le Figaro, Belgian police have identified
Americans as those responsible. But Belgian authorities said police had
not been involved in the case, and declined any further comment.

The investigation has only just started and we know nothing yet about who
has benefited from this crime, said Dominique-Georges Marro, head of the
council's press service.

A spokesman for the US mission to the EU declined to comment on the report

I don't have anything on it right now ... it's something which just came
to our attention, he said.

France and Germany have been in a fierce standoff over the looming war on
Iraq, notably with EU members Britain and Spain who support the US threat
of conflict.

Marro said the bugging systems were found in recent days during regular
inspections by security services. Attempts had previously been made but
this is the first time that we have found a system already in place, he

The investigation should determine how long it has been in place, he

A small number of delegations were targeted, including the French and
German, he said, declining to list any other countries involved.

The bugging system was apparently put in place via the council's
switchboard to monitor telephone lines to rooms used by delegations inside
the building.

EU political leaders and their civil servants meet in such rooms in the
sidelines of ministerial meetings and summits.

The French and German delegations declined immediately to comment on the

Agence France-Presse


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[CTRL] Bush Clings To Dubious Allegations About Iraq

2003-03-19 Thread Jei
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Bush Clings To Dubious Allegations About Iraq
By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writers

Tuesday 18 March 2003

As the Bush administration prepares to attack Iraq this week, it is doing
so on the basis of a number of allegations against Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein that have been challenged -- and in some cases disproved -- by the
United Nations, European governments and even U.S. intelligence reports.

For months, President Bush and his top lieutenants have produced a long
list of Iraqi offenses, culminating Sunday with Vice President Cheney's
assertion that Iraq has reconstituted nuclear weapons. Previously,
administration officials have tied Hussein to al Qaeda, to the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks, and to an aggressive production of biological and
chemical weapons. Bush reiterated many of these charges in his address to
the nation last night.

But these assertions are hotly disputed. Some of the administration's
evidence -- such as Bush's assertion that Iraq sought to purchase uranium
-- has been refuted by subsequent discoveries. Other claims have been
questioned, though their validity can be known only after U.S. forces
occupy Iraq.

In outlining his case for war on Sunday, Cheney focused on how much more
damage al Qaeda could have done on Sept. 11 if they'd had a nuclear
weapon and detonated it in the middle of one of our cities, or if they had
unleashed . . . biological weapons of some kind, smallpox or anthrax. He
then tied that to evidence found in Afghanistan of how al Qaeda leaders
have done everything they could to acquire those capabilities over the

But in October CIA Director George J. Tenet told Congress that Hussein
would not give such weapons to terrorists unless he decided helping
terrorists in conducting a WMD [weapons of mass destruction] attack
against the United States would be his last chance to exact vengeance by
taking a large number of victims with him.

In his appearance Sunday, on NBC's Meet the Press, the vice president
argued that we believe [Hussein] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear
weapons. But Cheney contradicted that assertion moments later, saying it
was only a matter of time before he acquires nuclear weapons. Both
assertions were contradicted earlier by Mohamed ElBaradei, director
general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who reported that
there is no indication of resumed nuclear activities.

ElBaradei also contradicted Bush and other officials who argued that Iraq
had tried to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes to use in centrifuges
for uranium enrichment. The IAEA determined that Iraq did not plan to use
imported aluminum tubes for enriching uranium and generating nuclear
weapons. ElBaradei argued that the tubes were for conventional weapons and
it was highly unlikely that the tubes could have been used to produce
nuclear material.

Cheney on Sunday said ElBaradei was wrong about Iraq's nuclear program
and questioned the IAEA's credibility.

Earlier this month, ElBaradei said information about Iraqi efforts to buy
uranium were based on fabricated documents. Further investigation has
found that top CIA officials had significant doubts about the veracity of
the evidence, linking Iraq to efforts to purchase uranium for nuclear
weapons from Niger, but the information ended up as fact in Bush's State
of the Union address.

In another embarrassing episode for the administration, Secretary of State
Colin L. Powell cited evidence about Iraq's weapons efforts that
originally appeared in a British intelligence document. But it later
emerged that the British report's evidence was based in part on academic
papers and trade publications.

Sometimes information offered by Bush and his top officials is questioned
by administration aides. In his March 6 news conference, Bush dismissed
Iraq's destruction of its Al Samoud-2 missiles, saying they were being
dismantled even as [Hussein] has ordered the continued production of the
very same type of missiles. But the only intelligence was electronic
intercepts that had individuals talking about being able to build missiles
in the future, according to a senior intelligence analyst.

Last month, Bush spoke about a liberated Iraq showing the power of
freedom to transform that vital region and said a new regime in Iraq
would serve as a dramatic and inspiring example of freedom for other
nations in the region. But a classified State Department report put
together by the department's intelligence and research staff and delivered
to Powell the same day as Bush's speech questioned that theory, arguing
that history runs counter to it.

In his first major speech solely on the Iraqi threat, last October, Bush
said, Iraq possesses ballistic missiles with a likely range of hundreds
of miles -- far enough to strike Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey and other
nations -- in a region where more than 135,000 American civilians and
service members 

[CTRL] Midas Ears: Unspeakable Truth

2003-03-19 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:25:30 -0700

   If it is proven now beyond any reasonable doubt that the Jews of
  France secretly bought and subverted French media for many years in
  order to distort the national discourse and eventually push
  unprepared France into the horrible and unneeded World War Two, is
  it impossible to consider that the Jews of the US have secretly
  taken over their national media and are now pushing the US into a
  horrible and unneeded World War Three?

  “An immensely wealthy and powerful republic has been hijacked by a
  small cabal of individuals, all of them unelected and therefore
  unresponsive to public pressure.” - Edward Said

Midas Ears
By Israel Shamir

A new spectre haunts America. It enters the well-protected boardrooms of
newspapers and banks, shakes the deep foundations of its towers. It is
the spectre of glasnost: the dark secret of Jewish power is out. Just
recently it was ‘third rail’, touch-and-die, deadly dangerous to mention,
certain end to a career. Just recently, Joe Public snapped his TV from an
eminence with an Israeli passport to a member of a Jewish think-tank, and
muttered to himself:  Surely it is just a coincidence that so many
important and largely unelected people in our country happen to belong to
this small minority group. Surely it is just a coincidence that they
belong to different parties but reach the same conclusions. Surely it is
just a coincidence that ninety per cent of American foreign aid goes to
their cousins in prosperous Tel Aviv. Surely it is just a coincidence
that they run our newspapers, television, cinema, universities.

Anyway, we are not allowed to notice this elephant in our sitting room.

Only rare desperados comment, as Edgar Steele did on Rense.com: “The
silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn't it? The old
adage has it that, when visiting a foreign country, to ascertain who
really runs things, one need determine only who is spoken about in
whispers, if at all.”

Judged by this measure, the Jews rule supreme. Indeed, when I referred to
‘Jewish media lords’ during a UNESCO conference in the summer of 2001,
the audience’s hearts missed a beat.

The yet-unfought War on Iraq changed this. The American Ultimatum date
was set on 17 March, the Jewish feast of Purim.   Purim, 1991 saw
destruction of Iraqi armies and death of 200,000 Iraqis.  Too many
coincidences for a purely American war. The Americans peeped into the
bottomless abyss of World War Three and woke up from their
generation-long stupor. Thus the first victim of the Iraqi War is not
truth, but the strongest taboo in the West.

A Democrat member of Congress, usually a most docile specimen, one James
Moran, dared to tell his supporters: If it were not for the strong
support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq we would not be
doing this.

He was immediately slapped by a Jewish overseer: It is simply stunning
to hear Representative Moran make such accusations, said National Jewish
Democratic Council Executive Director, Ira N. Forman. “First, a number of
the current leaders of the anti-war movement are Jewish, and Jewish
organizations have clearly not been at the forefront among those groups
actively and stridently supporting a war in Iraq”. Forman had spoken, and
the media reported and amplified his view, and Moran duly recanted,
slapped.  But he is not the only one.

The secret is out, and like the secret of King Midas and his long ears,
it is being sung now from coast to coast, despite the frantic efforts of
the organized Jewish community to clamp the lid back on the boiling

Kathleen and Bill Christison,[i] two ex-CIA experts, exposed the link
between right-wing American Jews and the Bush Administration.  Edward
Said, the most celebrated American thinker of Palestinian origin, stated
the cause: “An immensely wealthy and powerful republic has been hijacked
by a small cabal of individuals, all of them unelected and therefore
unresponsive to public pressure.”[ii]

He was seconded by courageous Herman, Neumann and Blankfort. These
Americans of Jewish origin object to the un-elected, anti-democratic
Jewish power as they would object to any disproportionate minority power.
Their presence, as they were not afraid of the anti-Semitic label, was
instrumental in turning the tide and saving the intimidated majority from
its browbeating.

Edward Herman, the author of Manufacturing Consent (together with Noam
Chomsky), wrote of “the powerful pro-Israel lobby in the United States,
which advances Israeli interests by pushing for U.S. aid and protection
to Israel, and, currently, by pressing for a war against Iraq, which
again will serve Israeli interests. This lobby has not only helped
control media debate and made congress into `Israeli occupied territory’,
it has seen to it that numerous officials with ‘dual loyalties’ occupy
strategic decision-making 

[CTRL] Al-Qaida to Use Flumonia As BioWeapon Against America?

2003-03-19 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


19 Mar 2003 11:52
U.S. boy in Vietnam contracts mystery pnuemonia

By Christina Toh-Pantin

HANOI, March 19 (Reuters) - An American schoolboy in southern Vietnam has
contracted a fast-spreading pneumonia that has killed at least 14 people,
but he was not known to have been exposed to anyone else infected, health
officials said on Wednesday.

A Vietnamese nurse and a French doctor have died from the virus in Hanoi,
termed an atypical pneumonia, after treating a U.S. businessman who was
hospitalised in Vietnam's capital city following trips to Shanghai and
Hong Kong.

The American businessman died in Hong Kong on Thursday. Nearly 60 people
have fallen ill in Vietnam from the virus, which is believed to have
originated in southern China late last year.

Most infections are in China, Hong Kong and Vietnam, but it is fast
spreading to Singapore, Canada and Taiwan, with linked cases in Australia,
Britain, Brunei, Canada, Spain and the United States.

Most of the cases have been medical staff at hospitals or relatives of
people who have fallen ill.

The World Health Organisation said the boy, believed to be 11 years old,
had travelled to the northern resort town of Sapa on a school trip before
falling sick.

U.S. ambassador Raymond Burghardt told a meeting of diplomats that the
boy, who lives in Ho Chi Minh City, had also been in Hanoi but had no
apparent link to any health care workers or other victims.

He said doctors from the Centers for Disease Control who are helping with
the crisis concluded he had symptoms that meets completely the profile of
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

Pascale Brudon, a representative of the WHO in Hanoi, said: It's too
early to have a definite conclusion that the illness was spreading beyond
the medical worker community who had been directly infected.

She also said doctors had not ruled out the virus being spread from
animals to humans.

However, Brudon stressed that the disease was not believed to be spread by
casual contact.

The early symptoms are similar to influenza, and include high fever and
respiratory problems.


Frantic search for 'flumonia' cause continues

March 19 2003 at 01:46PM

Hong Kong - Scientists on Wednesday reported promising leads in the
frantic search for the cause of a baffling respiratory illness as the
death toll climbed and infections continued spreading in three continents.

At least seven deaths directly attributed to Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS) have been reported by health authorities over the past
week, three in Hong Kong, and two each in Vietnam and Canada.

Another two victims in Hong Kong have died after contracting SARS, but
were also suffering from other problems, while seven fatalities in
mainland China are under investigation as possible SARS cases.

Singapore's ministry of health (MOH) said preliminary findings by experts
at the Singapore General Hospital and the Defence Medical Research
Intitute showed that the likely infective agent belongs to the
paramyxovirus family.

Spain has also reported its first suspected case of the disease
This corroborates early investigation results by overseas centres in
Germany and Hong Kong, the MOH said in a statement.

More than 250 reported SARS infections have now been monitored by health
authorities in Asia, Europe and North America over the past week. Over 300
similar cases from an earlier outbreak in China are still under study.

A French doctor who treated the first case of SARS diagnosed in Vietnam
died on Wednesday in Hanoi, the French embassy said.

Jean-Paul Derosier, a 65-year-old anaesthetist, had been in critical
condition for several days at the French Hospital in Hanoi.

He had been in direct contact with a 48-year-old American who fell ill
during a business trip to Hanoi and died in hospital last week in Hong
Kong. A Vietnamese nurse who was also involved in the treatment died last

'No restrictions on travel to any destination are necessary'
Hong Kong Health Secretary Yeoh Eng-kiong said on Wednesday that five
people including the US businessman have died in the territory after they
were stricken with SARS, and the number of infected people had risen to

Two of them died following complications that included heart and liver
diseases and further tests needed to determine whether SARS was the main
cause of death.

Two Canadian family members in Toronto who had visited Asia have also died
of SARS.

Experts believe that five deaths out of 305 infections from an earlier
outbreak in southern China which peaked last month were also caused by
SARS, but further tests are being conducted to confirm this.

In another incident, a man and his wife died in Beijing this month from
atypical pneumonia but health officials in China could not 

[CTRL] Into the Darkness

2003-03-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Into the Darkness
 By William Rivers Pitt
 T r u t h o u t | Perspective

 Tuesday 18 March 2003

 An associate of mine, a former political appointee, recently spoke to
a Republican friend of his who serves in a senior position in what has
become the Office of Homeland Security.  He reports that this official,
along with many of his colleagues across the political spectrum within the
apparatus of government, are absolutely terrified of George W. Bush.
According to this official, the consensus is that Bush has completely lost
touch with reality, and is bringing us to a place where politics will no
longer matter.

 A London newspaper, the Guardian, has quoted a source close to the
administration as saying, This has been the worst diplomatic debacle of
our lifetime.  A senior White House official is also quoted as saying, in
a voice reportedly awash with sarcasm, There's a recognition that this
has not been our finest diplomatic hour.

 There is no calculating the understatement here.  There was never any
diplomacy involved here to begin with.  This has been a disaster, and it
is about to get worse by orders of magnitude.

 The weapons inspectors, empowered by UN resolution 1441 to ferret out
the weapons everyone is so concerned about, have packed their bags and
fled Iraq.  They have been betrayed by the Bush administration, by Tony
Blair and by Spain, as they worked to protect us from both these weapons
and from the dreadful effects of a war in the Middle East.

 The inspections were working . weapons were being dismantled, Hussein
was under control, and no mass destruction materials were found.  The fact
that the hammer has come down before these inspectors were even half done
with their work means, simply, that those pushing for war never wanted the
inspections to work in the first place.

 Welcome to the timeline.

 Very soon now, perhaps within the next 72 hours, the Pentagon's
Shock and Awe battle plan will be put into effect.  3,000 munitions,
including some 800 cruise missiles, will rain down on Baghdad, a city
inhabited by some 5 million civilians.  This will be done in the hope that
the Iraqi army will surrender, thus avoiding the need to send U.S. troops
in to fight a ruinous house-to-house battle.

 The Arab news service Al Jazeera, operating out of Qatar, will
capture images of thousands and thousands of Iraqi civilians sprawled and
shattered and bloody in the Baghdad streets, in a manner quite like the
bodies we saw in New York on September 11.  The resulting explosion of
rage within the moderate and extremist Muslim world will be immediate and

 The terrorism alert status in America will rise to red.  Troops will
appear in the streets.

 Saddam Hussein will not flee, and his forces will stand in Baghdad.
American troops will be forced to fight downtown.

 The oilheads in Iraq will be fired, and the pipeheads will be opened.

 Israel will be attacked, much to the dismay of Bush administration
officials who have pushed this war in the erroneous assumption that such
action will serve to protect that nation.  Unlike the first Gulf War, this
time Israel will strike back.

 American homeland security forces . police, fire fighters and
emergency rescue personnel . will watch their radios nervously, waiting
for the inevitable call.  They know, better than anyone, that this country
is not ready to defend itself against an attack.  Their budgets have been
gutted, the promised funding to augment their preparedness has not come.
They are not ready, but they stand and wait regardless, because that is
what they have pledged to do.

 Somewhere in America . perhaps in New York, perhaps in Washington DC,
Boston, Philadelphia, Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, Miami,
Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Detroit, San Francisco, Cleveland, Atlanta,
perhaps in all of them simultaneously . there will be an explosion.  A
group that cares nothing for the well being of Saddam Hussein will take
responsibility, in the name of those thousands of Iraqi Muslims
slaughtered in the initial aerial bombardment of Baghdad.

 The body bags will come out, here at home and across the sea in Iraq,
as Americans begin to die in terrible numbers.

  Martial law will be declared, habeas corpus will be suspended, posse
comitatus will be left aside, and the strictures outlined by both Patriot
Acts will come to full bloom.  227 years of constitutional law in America
will draw to a close.

An oil shock will roll across the global community, ripping through an
already precarious economic situation.  Here at home, the financial cost
of this war will hurl us further into deficit.

 More explosions will echo across the streets of America.  They could
be nuclear or biological or chemical in nature, because in the effort to
overthrow Hussein we have ignored completely the fact that al Qaeda

[CTRL] Russia Says War in Iraq a Mistake and Illegal

2003-03-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Russia Says War in Iraq a Mistake and Illegal
 By Viktor Korotayev

 Monday 17 March 2003

 Russia called for last-minute attempts to solve the Iraq crisis
peacefully on Monday, saying any resort to force would be both a mistake
and illegal.

 Russia has aligned itself with France and Germany in calling for
further U.N. arms inspections to ensure that Iraq is free of what the
United States says are illegal weapons. Like France, a fellow permanent
member of the U.N. Security Council, it has threatened to veto any new
resolution endorsing military action.

 President Vladimir Putin, speaking before the United States and
Britain said they would no longer seek a vote for a new resolution
endorsing force, said any approach other than peaceful disarmament would
be a mistake.

 We would like to resolve it through political and diplomatic means,
he told reporters. I am convinced that any other solution would be a

 Putin, who has made infrequent statements at home on the crisis, said
war will not only bring about human casualties but also destabilise the
international community in general.

 There are 20 million Muslims living in Russia. We cannot afford not
to consider their opinion and we fully share their alarm, he added.

 Both Washington and Britain say military action now against Iraq
would be legal.

 But Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, speaking after the abandonment of
Washington's bid to seek U.N. endorsement for war, said existing U.N.
Security Council resolutions gave no one any legal right to launch a
strike on Iraq.

 We believe the use of force against Iraq, especially with reference
to previous resolutions of the U.N. Security Council, has no grounds,
including legal grounds, Ivanov told reporters.


 Ivanov said resolution 1441 of last November, under which U.N.
weapons inspections were resumed, gave no endorsement.

 Resolution 1441, to which so many references are made, does not give
anyone the right to use force automatically, he said.

 That resolution, approved unanimously, spoke of serious
consequences if Iraq failed to comply with demands to disarm.

 Ivanov said the resolution contained a clause obliging Security
Council members, if necessary, to meet immediately to ensure Iraq's strict
implementation of its terms.

 There was still a chance, he said, for diplomacy to succeed.

 The Foreign Ministry said no decision had been made on whether Ivanov
would fly to New York to press an 11th hour case. France, Germany and
Russia called at the weekend for a Tuesday meeting of ministers of
Security Council members.

 Georgy Mamedov, a deputy foreign minister, said Russia would do its
best to minimise differences with Washington.

 Russia will not launch an anti-American campaign, but will try its
utmost to return the situation to a proper legal basis, Mamedov was
quoted as telling Itar-Tass news agency.

 We will not gloat over a tragic mistake by the United States or
start a noisy campaign. Our relations are too important for international
peace to hold them hostage to differences over the Iraq problem.

 Go to Original

 France: Most on Council Oppose War

 Monday 17 March 2003

 France said Washington and its allies abandoned their proposed U.N.
resolution on Iraq after they realized they lacked a majority on the
Security Council.

 French U.N. ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere said the United
States, Britain and Spain realized that the majority in the council is
against and oppose a resolution authorizing the use of force.

 The U.S., UK and Spain announced Monday that they had abandoned
efforts to seek a vote on their proposed second U.N. resolution on Iraq.
(No resolution)

 A short time later, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said weapons
inspectors and humanitarian workers were to be pulled out of Iraq. (U.N.

 De La Sabliere said a huge majority of the Security Council
remained opposed to war.

 He said: It would not be legitimate to authorize the use of force
now while the inspections set out by resolution are producing results.

 The co-sponsors made some bilateral consultation last night and this
morning and the result is that the majority of the council confirmed that
they do not want to authorize the use of force.

 Later Monday, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said
France regretted the decision by the United States and its allies to
abandon diplomacy.

 Despite the clearly expressed will of the international community,
the United States, Great Britain and Spain are today underlining their
determination to resort to force, Villepin said in a statement.

 France regrets a decision which nothing justifies 

[CTRL] UN Resolution 1441 Does Not Authorise Force

2003-03-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Sorry, Mr Blair, but 1441 Does Not Authorise Force
 Keir Starmer
 The Guardian

 Monday 17 March 2003

The attorney general has a tricky task in defending the legal basis for

 The legal community is deeply divided on the question of the legality
of using force against Iraq in the absence of a further UN resolution.
There are two camps. The first takes the view that military action can be
justified without a further resolution either on the basis of self-defence
or on the basis that previous UN resolutions, including resolution 1441,
authorise the use of force. The second takes the opposite view that, as
things stand, there is no actual or imminent threat from Iraq that would
justify a self-defence response by the UK and that nothing in resolution
1441, or any other UN resolution, authorises the use of force without a
further resolution giving clear authority to do so.

 The government has been advised on the issue by Lord Goldsmith, the
attorney general. His advice is to be disclosed today. All the prime
minister has been prepared to say so far is that the UK will not take any
action that does not have a proper legal basis, as he made clear in his
answers in parliament last week.

 Time is now running out. In the very near future British troops are
likely to be committed to battle. They, their families and the public have
a right to know what the proper legal basis for their action is.
Engaging in armed conflict in breach of international law is a precarious
business. The idea that the prime minister would end up before the
international criminal court for participating in a US-led attack is
far-fetched. But military commanders on the ground will not thank the
government if any action they take is later judged to have been in breach
of international law.

 The limits of the potential arguments available to the government are
clear. According to the UN charter, there are only two possible situations
in which one country can take military action against another. The first
is in individual or collective self-defence - a right under customary
international law which is expressly preserved by Article 51 of the UN
charter. The second is where, under Article 42 of the charter, the
security council decides that force is necessary to maintain or restore
international peace and security where its decisions have not been
complied with. In other words, where a UN resolution clearly authorises
military action.

 The question whether the Article 51 self-defence route justifies a
pre-emptive attack has been keenly debated. Article 51 itself is silent on
the matter. But even if it does justify a pre-emptive strike, which is
surely the sounder position in a nuclear world, any threat to the UK or
its allies would have to be imminent and any force used in response to
that threat would have to be proportionate before Article 51 can be relied
on. The mere fact that Iraq has a capacity to attack at some unspecified
time in the future is not enough.
The problem for the government is one of credibility. No one believes that
Iraq is about to attack the UK or its allies, and any self-defence claim
by the government would sit very uncomfortably with the US position that
military action is justified to destroy such weapons of mass destruction
as Iraq may have, and to bring about a change of leadership.

 The second route, which depends on Article 42 of the UN charter,
appears more promising for the government. There are two strands to this
argument. The first is that resolution 1441 itself authorises the use of
force against Iraq. It warns Iraq that it will face serious consequences
if it continues to violate obligations spelled out in that resolution.
But, critically, the words all necessary means have not been used.

 They are important words because they are the formula used by the UN
to indicate that the use of force is authorised. They were the words used
to justify military action against Iraq in 1991 and, subsequently, when
the security council authorised intervention in Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia
and Haiti. The argument that all the security council members, including
France and Russia, intended to authorise the use of force when they voted
for resolution 1441 is hardly compelling, and arguments that resolution
1441 implicitly authorises the use of force run into the same difficulty.

 The only real alternative for the government is to argue that Iraq's
failure to comply with the ceasefire requirements of UN resolution 687,
passed at the end of military action against Iraq in April 1991, justifies
the renewed use of force. But that, too, is not without its difficulties.
Like resolution 1441, resolution 687 does not itself authorise the use of
force. The only security council resolution expressly authorising the use
of force against Iraq was 678, which was passed at the start of the Gulf
war in November 1990, and the 

[CTRL] Analysis: The U.S. is almost alone in its war on Iraq

2003-03-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Analysis / The U.S. is almost alone in its waron Iraq

By Zvi Bar'el, Haaretz Correspondent

According to a new joke in Jordan, U.S. President George W. Bush will
announce Tuesday that the final oppotunity to prevent a war against Iraq
is if French President Jacques Chirac and his family leave France of their
own volition and be exiled to Baghdad. Arab commentators are not taking
the real American ultimatum seriously, according to which Saddam Hussein's
departure from Iraq could actually prevent war.

It also appears as if the U.S. president has no illusions regarding
Saddam's intentions, which have already been clarified by Iraq. The
ultimatum will provide a short delay for anyone wishing to leave Iraq
before the bombing gets underway.

UN inspectors already received the first evacuation warning on Sunday, and
on Monday received a public order; diplomatic delegations, UN monitors and
foreign businessmen were also ordered to leave Iraq.

For Washington, the diplomatic window has closed, after it said that it
has no intention of submitting its doomed proposal to the UN Security
Council. But it is possible that on Tuesday the council's foreign
ministers, especially Russia, will try to make an effort to get another

Another possibility is that the Security Council will attempt to undertake
a resolution condemning the unilateral step taken by the United States and
Britain, which according to the UN Secretary General, will be in violation
of the organization's treaty. This proposal does not have a real chance to
be accepted, and if it is submitted, it would serve only as a declarative
step by the opposing countries.

By the end of the week, the United States (together with 40,000 British
troops) will launch a war to oust Saddam's regime. This will be an
American war, and it seems as if an American military victory would
constitute only the first part of the campaign. This time around the war
against Iraq will take place without an international coalition (while
crushing the UN's status), without a northern front in Turkey and without
Arab support; but with a British ally whose status is threatened by
internal political dissent, with negative world opinion and American
public opinion that is, at best, divided on the military step, and with a
good chance of generating two internal civil wars parallel to the war on
Iraq - amid Iraqi factions that will race for control over the country,
and between Turkey and the Kurds.

Washington warned Turkey on Monday not to launch its army into Kurdish
areas, and in talks held between Kurdish and Turkish officials, the two
sides promised not to sabotage the U.S. war efforts. But according to
Turkish sources, too many suspicions exist, and if Turkey learns that
Kurdish forces, trained by U.S. troops, intend to move south, it may
violate its commitment to the United States and send forces to the Kurdish

Turkey is also concerned by the entrance of several thousands of armed
Shi'ite opposition members, belonging to the Supreme Council for Islamic
Revolution in Iraq, also known as the Badr Brigades. These people arrived
in northern Iraq from Iran and plan to join the Kurds as a fighting force.

Against all these threats the U.S. has to win not only a resounding and
mainly quick victory, but must also demonstrate the ability and
willingness to conduct a civilian conquest that would not stir regional
unrest in Arab countries and among terror organizations.

Regarding the preparations in Iraq, Saddam Hussein has ordered his troops
to refrain from any response during the first stage of the war, and to try
and ride out the stage of heavy bombings with minimal losses. The Iraqi
president is taking his chances on the second stage, the ground assault,
and especially on the exhausting strategy of urban warfare.

According to a senior Jordanian source, Saddam understands that he does
not have the military strength to deal with American power and technology,
but he believes that a high number of U.S. casualties may increase
internal U.S. opposition to the the war and curb the offensive before it
is complete.

Saddam has divided his country to four military regions, and appointed his
close aides to head them. This division is intended to ensure his presence
on all the fronts, and to allow for decentralization among his close
associates, in the event that U.S. bombs break communications between
Saddam's headquarters and field HQs. Under such conditions, each of the
supreme commanders is entitled to activate forces according to his
understanding, without prior consultations with Saddam.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 

Re: [CTRL] [U-S-A] Anti-Americanism Taboo in U-S-A (fwd)

2003-03-18 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

The annual US spy-budget is ~$80 billion USD, and the defence budget
well over 1 billion per day. And I believe Bush was allocating what $30
Billion annually for the Homeland Security, to spy over Americans (with
Bush having dictatorial powers and no union or whistleblower rights or
protections for it's employees.) And they have asked for $70 billion for
the costs of this war. It will include costs for dealing with anti-war

= They have the kind of file that has everything.


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:57:32 -0800 (PST)
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [U-S-A] Anti-Americanism Taboo in U-S-A

 And what kind of file do you think they have on those of us who criticize
 U-S-A online?

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 17:37:23 -0500
 Subject: Canadian CPTer Denied Entry to USA

 Those nasty Canadians!  Trying to foment rebellion in the states again!
 -- John Wilmerding

 March 14, 2003
 TORONTO/CHICAGO: Canadian CPTer denied entry to USA, questioned by FBI

 Matthew Bailey-Dick, 30, from Waterloo ON, was denied entry into the USA
 early on March 7, 2003, after U.S. immigration officials at Port Huron
 MI found literature from Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in the trunk
 of his rental car.  The immigration officers claimed that the CPT
 newsletters, printed in Chicago IL, were anti-American.  They also
 raised concerns about a sticker on Bailey-Dick's guitar case that read,
 Question authority.

 Bailey-Dick is currently studying at Associated Mennonite Biblical
 Seminaries in Goshen, IN.  He had been in Waterloo, ON, speaking at the
 church he had pastored for the previous two years -- Waterloo Kitchener
 United Mennonite Church -- about his participation in the recent CPT
 delegation to Iraq.

 Bailey-Dick was carrying a J-1 student visa, valid until the end of
 August 2003.  U.S. immigration officers confiscated the visa, insisting
 that he needed a new type of visa document.  They then finger-printed
 and photographed him.  Later that day, an immigration supervisor told
 Bailey-Dick that his student visa was valid, but that he was still
 denied entry into the USA.  The supervisor said that Bailey-Dick needed
 to go to Detroit for an interview with an even higher-echelon U.S.
 immigration official.

 When he arrived at the Detroit border crossing on March 8, Bailey-Dick
 was questioned for an hour by FBI agent Tom Morisi and immigration
 officer John Owen about the work of Christian Peacemaker Teams and the
 CPT delegation to Iraq.  They then informed him that his student visa
 would be reissued.

 At the end of the questioning, Owen cautioned Bailey-Dick, Don't bring
 any of that literature across the border any more.  It's one thing for
 an American citizen to distribute such literature.  It's quite a
 different thing for a foreign national to come into the USA and promote
 such ideas.

 For more information contact Doug Pritchard, tel 416-423-5525, cellular

 Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among Mennonite and Church
 of the Brethren congregations and Friends Meetings that supports
 violence reduction efforts around the world.

 Contact CPT, POB 6508
 Chicago, IL 60680; Telephone: 773-277-0253
 Fax: 773-277-0291.

 To receive news or discussion of CPT issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on 
 our WEB page at

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] British embargo grounds Israel's nuclear capability

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


British embargo grounds Israel's nuclear capability

The unofficial but rapidly growing British and European embargo on supply
of military equipment to Israel is causing grave concern to Israeli
military planners. Following the refusal of Germany to provide critical
parts for the local production of the Israeli Army's Merkava battle tanks,
a British embargo on ejector seat parts is threatening to seriously damage
Israel's much feared nuclear capability.

Britain has been holding back on delivery of many military-related
supplies to Israel since the outbreak of the Al Aqsa Intifadah over two
years ago. Among the items that are being denied to Israel are key parts
for the Martin-Baker ejection seats that equip Israel's American made F-4
Phantom jets. Ejector seats allow pilots of the jets to escape their
aircraft in case of emergency, and without them Israel will have to ground
its Phantom jet fleet. Rachel Niedak-Ashkenazi, a spokeswoman for the
Israeli Ministry of Defense, told Israel's Haaretz daily that she didn't
know how soon the planes would have to be grounded, but indicated it was a
matter of weeks or months. We are desperately searching for other sources
but haven't located any yet, she said.

The ejection seat parts are now at the center of a major diplomatic row
between Israel and Britain. The British Daily Times has recently reported
that Victor Harel, a senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official, called the
embargo .a major cloud in our bilateral relations with Britain.. The
strong Israeli reaction included several accusations against Britain, not
least of which was the charge that Britain was hurting Israel on the eve
of potential war with Iraq.

The harsh Israeli reaction may seem puzzling in view of the seeming
unimportance of the Phantom jets. These are old airplanes, designed in the
1950s, and the Israeli Air Force has hundreds of much newer combat
aircraft its inventory. However, despite the introduction of much newer
and more advanced aircraft, such as the F-16 and F-15 fighters Israel used
to attack Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981, the Israel Air Force continues
to operate the aging Phantom fleet. The Israeli army has even invested
large sums of money in upgrading the Phantoms into a new and improved
version, the Phantom 2000.

Some experts explain that the reason the Phantom is still in service with
Israel is its apparent nuclear capability. As early as the 1973 October
War, Israeli Phantoms were armed with nuclear bombs and prepared to
deliver an Atomic attack as Syrian and Egyptian forces defeated Israeli
troops on the frontline. In September 2002, former senior U.S. officials
told The Washington Times how eight Israeli Phantoms were set to attack
the military headquarters near Damascus and Cairo with nuclear weapons.

It must also be realized that despite its age, the Phantom is still a
highly capable bomber, with the extremely long range needed to attack
countries such as Iraq and Iran. According to the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, Israel's improved Phantoms have a range of 2,575
kilometers, which means they can fly over 643 Kilometers further than the
Israeli Air Force's newer but smaller F-16 fighter-bombers.

The Phantom also has another advantage in that it carries a navigator as
well as a pilot, giving it an important advantage when attacking targets
far off from Israel. Last, but far from least, the large Phantom can carry
the Israeli Popeye missile, a large and heavy weapon that in the United
States Air Force is carried by the gigantic B-52 bombers. The Popeye is
a precision guided missile that allows the Phantom to deliver its attack
through strong defenses, and that also carries a much larger warhead then
the smaller precision guided missiles that most modern aircraft carry.

In view of the atomic role of the Israeli Phantom fleet, the connection
Israeli spokespersons have made between the British embargo and a
confrontation with Iraq takes on a much stronger meaning. However, it must
be remembered that in addition to the Phantom jets, Israel still has
several other means to deliver nuclear weapons throughout the Middle East,
including the F-16 and F-15 jets that have already attacked Arab targets
as far away as Iraq and Tunisia. . (albawaba.com)

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[CTRL] Massive Human Slaughter

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  Massive Human Slaughter

  By Marc Ash
  Sunday 16 March 2003

  What George W. Bush and Tony Blair are planning is the
 greatest act of human slaughter since Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge
 orchestrated the Cambodian genocide in the mid 1970s.  That act
 killing some 1.5 to 2 million largely defenseless and quite
 peaceful Cambodians.

  Civilian Iraq is utterly defenseless and totally unprepared
 for the carnage that is about to be visited upon them. It is murder
 plain and simple, murder on an unimaginable scale.

  There is no war looming, no conflict with Iraq, and no
 standoff. What exists is a vast military force poised to inflict
 death and destruction on a major population center. Those who live
 there will attempt to defend themselves, but they will fail, and
 the dead will cover the ground like a fallen forest.

  Should this act of insanity proceed, it will stand as one of
 the greatest crimes against humanity ever recorded.

  Know now, it can be stopped.

  This deadly drama now playing out on the United Nations stage
 is not for diplomacy or disarmament or for some vague resolution.
 They joust for one thing: the hearts of common men. All that stands
 between Baghdad and unprecedented destruction is our favor, and
 nothing more.

  The world does not oppose America; it opposes unbridled
 aggression. While their leaders disagree on what course to take,
 the people of France, England, Spain and the United States do not.
 It is not the collective will of these nations that Baghdad be
 destroyed and it's sons and daughters slain. We are tolerant and
 reasonable; we will allow the process of inspections to proceed.
 Men like Bush and Blair, small in numbers and spirit, beat the drum
 for invasion in the hopes that many will follow. If those many
 stand firm, their call will go unanswered.

  The blood of innocents once shed cannot be unshed. Should the
 US military set about killing these people, the deed remains  our
 doing for all time. We are given now a precious moment for
 reflection.  Let us use it wisely. The voices of true American
 friends all over the world are clearly calling to us:  Be
 patient... work as a group... you are not alone. Let us not taint
 the American experience for all time by answering, instead, a
 drumbeat to madness.

  We hear day after day that Time is running out. Running out
 on what, on who? On Saddam Hussein? On a five thousand year old
 city? On 24 million men, women and children? Or is time running out
 on the spirit of America? On the soul of our people? Why is it that
 the world no longer cherishes American values? Could it be because
 we no longer cherish them ourselves?

  The right way is the American way. America's great gift to the
 world is fair play and due process. Democracy is not a sales
 slogan. It is a commitment to tolerating dissent and yielding to
 consensus. Genocide, on the other hand, is true anarchy.

  You can send comments to t r u t h o u t Editor Marc Ash at:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Demonstrations in Spain and Around the World Against an Iraq War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Demonstrations in Spain and Around the World Against an Iraq War

  By Emma Daly
  New York Times

  Sunday 15 March 2003

  MADRID, March 15 Angered at their government's unwavering
 support for United States policy on Iraq, Spaniards took to the
 streets here today, one of hundreds of antiwar demonstrations
 around the world.

  For the second time in a month, crowds of demonstrators jammed
 the center of Madrid, waving antiwar placards and chanting insults
 against President Bush and one of his strongest allies, Prime
 Minister José María Aznar of Spain.

  We are marching against the law of the jungle that the United
 States and its acolytes old and new want to impose on the world,
 José Saramago, the Portuguese writer and Nobel laureate, told the
 crowd, estimated by news organizations at about half a million,
 gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol. Another demonstration was held
 in Barcelona, where the police said 300,000 people demonstrated,
 some of them forming a three-mile human chain.

  The events were part of a largely coordinated worldwide effort
 to rally support against the war.

  While the Spanish demonstrations drew large crowds, some
 others were more sparsely attended. In Seoul, South Korea, 3,000
 protesters held towering candles as they paraded through the
 capital. About 15,000 rallied in Athens, accompanied by a giant
 reproduction of Guérnica, Picasso's antiwar painting. And in
 Moscow, 1,000 people demonstrated in front of the American Embassy.

  In London, where an estimated one million people marched
 against the war in January, there were protests in several
 residential neighborhoods and a scheduled concert tonight for 2,000
 people aimed at raising money for the Stop the War coalition.

  Muslims in London organized walk-bys at the embassies of Saudi
 Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Qatar and Pakistan, countries they
 accuse of collaborating with the United States. The governments of
 the Muslim world have the power to stop this war by disallowing
 America and its allies from using their land, airspace, waterways
 and logistics to perpetrate it, said one of the organizers, Dr.
 Imran Waheed.

  In Montreal, about 250,000 people marched through the streets
 shouting antiwar slogans, in the largest of 30 demonstrations in

  About 100,000 people demonstrated in Berlin, according to
 police estimates, while 50,000 demonstrators gathered in the Place
 de la Nation in Paris.

  More than 5,000 people marched in Marseille, France's second
 largest city.

  In central Tokyo, an estimated 10,000 people filed through
 downtown streets to applause from passers-by. According to polls,
 more than 80 percent of the Japanese people oppose an attack on
 Iraq, but the government has supported the United States demand
 that Baghdad disarm or face military action.

  In Madrid, few demonstrators saw much hope of persuading Mr.
 Aznar to change course. Hope is the last thing to go, said
 Ernesto Cano, a student attending with his parents and family
 friends. If we keep making an effort there is still a possibility
 to avoid war.

  But Maria Conde, marching with her three labrador dogs, was
 pessimistic. I don't think this will change anything, she said.

  In the Middle East, some of the demonstrations were in support
 of Saddam Hussein. In Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, for example,
 10 men in black hoods, wearing mock versions of the explosives
 belts of suicide bombers, led a march in support of the Iraqi

  In Cairo, several hundred people, surrounded by 1,500 police
 officers, protested outside the University of Cairo chanting, With
 our blood, with our soul, we will defend Baghdad.

  In Nicosia, 2,000 people marched on the American Embassy
 demanding no more blood for oil. They also condemned the presence
 on the island of the largest Royal Air Force base outside Britain,
 at Akiroti, which is scheduled to play a support and logistics role
 in any attack on Iraq.

  Go to Original

  Hundreds of Thousands March Against Iraq War
  By Eric Lichtbau
  New York Times

  Sunday 16 March 2003

 Antiwar demonstrators gathered yesterday near the Washington
 Monument before marching to the White House. Similar actions were
 staged in other cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles and
 Portland, Ore.

  WASHINGTON, March 15 In what many saw as a last chance to head
 off military action, tens of thousands of antiwar protesters

[CTRL] Their Last Days: Activists in Baghdad Brace for Consequences of War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Activists in Baghdad Brace for Consequences of War
 by Greg Barrett
 Gannett News Service

 Wednesday 12 March 2003

 BAGHDAD - If the invasion that the Pentagon has dubbed Operation
 Shock and Awe commences, Charlie Liteky is unlikely to feel

 He expects the United States to bomb Iraq. He expects noise and
 destruction more powerful and frightening than he has ever known.
 He expects the Earth to shake and houses to go dark and children to
 scream themselves hoarse.

 But Liteky sounds more determined than frightened.

 Like 20 other members of the Chicago-based Iraq Peace Team who
 remain in Baghdad even as hostilities appear certain, Liteky abhors
 cluster bombs, cruise missiles and the civil unrest that combat
 causes. As a decorated Vietnam veteran, he knows firsthand the
 chaos and carnage of war.

 That's precisely why he sounded elated Tuesday morning when he told
 his wife that the Iraqi government had extended his tourist visa 10
 days and is likely to extend it again, long enough for him to help
 Iraqi children through the difficult time.

 Most of the peace activists who descended by the hundreds on
 Baghdad this fall and winter have fled. Those who remain have no
 intentions of leaving. They are anchored to the bull's-eye despite
 the fact - or maybe because of it - that the World Health
 Organization predicts 100,000 Iraqis could die.

 I'm here because I hear the children cry, Liteky said. In my
 mind ... I imagine the bombing and the noise and the windows
 shattering and something coming down from the ceiling and children
 looking up and parents grabbing them and fear being transferred
 from parents to children.

 Save yourselves

 Washington has warned the activists to clear out. The Pentagon has
 said its assault will leave no place in Baghdad to hide. So the
 rundown hotels that enjoyed full houses as recently as February are
 shuttering their windows.

 At the Hotel Al-Fanar on the Tigris river, the Iraq Peace Team is
 moving to the lower floors because the eight-story building is old
 and seems unsteady. Its bomb shelter is a musty basement that
 stores the hotel's chemical cleaning supplies.

 Members of the peace team have signed an ominous-sounding contract:
 In the event of your death, you agree to your body not being
 returned to your own country but being disposed of in the most
 convenient way.

 They have had awkward discussions about what to do with the corpses
 that might collect around them. Wrap the dead in hotel drapes, they
 decided. Pray for help.

 Iraq Peace Team founder Kathy Kelly had a photo enlarged that shows
 her with some of her dearest friends - the family of an Iraqi widow
 and her nine children. The photo is being mailed to Kelly's mother
 in Chicago.

 She can see by that photo that I am very, very happy, Kelly said,
 sounding serenely calm despite the gathering storm.

 On Monday, Kelly helped an Iraqi friend pack to leave. Teacher and
 artist Amal Alwan rushed her three young children into a taxi and
 paid $300 for the 10-hour drive from Baghdad to Damascus, Syria.
 Alwan doesn't have relatives in Syria and couldn't tell the cabbie
 exactly where to go.

 She doesn't have a clue where she will stay, but she can't
 possibly stay in Baghdad, not with children, Kelly said. Her
 house is next to a communications center.

 As Kelly spoke it was almost 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday in Baghdad and
 she was awake reading A Fine Balance, a novel about civil war in
 India. She planned to rise six hours later for a daily prayer
 meeting then go with the peace team to the United Nations offices
 in Baghdad. They would hold aloft several enlarged photos of Iraqi

 Each photo would carry a single question: Doomed?

 I don't have the slightest sense of not belonging exactly where I
 am right now, said Kelly, 50, a three-time Nobel Peace Prize
 nominee. The thought of leaving has not even crossed my mind.

 The Pentagon says the presence of U.S. pacifists will not deter the
 course of war. Although there are no plans to arrest them for
 violating sanctions on Iraq by traveling to Baghdad, officials
 throughout the U.S. government, from the White House to the State
 Department to the Pentagon, sound confused about how to best to
 deal with them.

 There's not a whole lot of precedence, said Pentagon spokesman
 Lt. Dan Hetlage. It's not like you had human shields protecting
 the Taliban.

 Armed for war

 Members of the Iraq Peace Team say they are as prepared for war as
 they will ever be. They have crash kits packed neatly and set by
 their hotel doors. Liteky's is the 

[CTRL] The New American Centry of War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


The American Prospect,
Volume 14, Issue 4. Â
April 1, 2003.

Just the Beginning
Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world?
Robert Dreyfuss

For months Americans have been told that the United States is going to war
against Iraq in order to disarm Saddam Hussein, remove him from power,
eliminate Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and
prevent Baghdad from blackmailing its neighbors or aiding terrorist groups.
But the Bush administration's hawks, especially the neoconservatives who
provide the driving force for war, see the conflict with Iraq as much more
than that. It is a signal event, designed to create cataclysmic shock waves
throughout the region and around the world, ushering in a new era of American
imperial power. It is also likely to bring the United States into conflict
with several states in the Middle East. Those who think that U.S. armed
forces can complete a tidy war in Iraq, without the battle spreading beyond
Iraq's borders, are likely to be mistaken.

I think we're going to be obliged to fight a regional war, whether we want
to or not, says Michael Ledeen, a former U.S. national-security official and
a key strategist among the ascendant flock of neoconservative hawks, many of
whom have taken up perches inside the U.S. government. Asserting that the war
against Iraq can't be contained, Ledeen says that the very logic of the
global war on terrorism will drive the United States to confront an expanding
network of enemies in the region. As soon as we land in Iraq, we're going to
face the whole terrorist network, he says, including the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a
collection of militant splinter groups backed by nations -- Iran, Syria and
Saudi Arabia -- that he calls the terror masters.

It may turn out to be a war to remake the world, says Ledeen.

In the Middle East, impending regime change in Iraq is just the first step
in a wholesale reordering of the entire region, according to neoconservatives
-- who've begun almost gleefully referring to themselves as a cabal. Like
dominoes, the regimes in the region -- first Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia,
then Lebanon and the PLO, and finally Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia -- are
slated to capitulate, collapse or face U.S. military action. To those states,
says cabal ringleader Richard Perle, a resident fellow at the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI) and chairman of the Defense Policy Board, an
influential Pentagon advisory committee, We could deliver a short message, a
two-word message: 'You're next.' In the aftermath, several of those states,
including Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia, may end up as dismantled, unstable
shards in the form of mini-states that resemble Yugoslavia's piecemeal
wreckage. And despite the Wilsonian rhetoric from the president and his
advisers about bringing democracy to the Middle East, at bottom it's clear
that their version of democracy might have to be imposed by force of arms.

And not just in the Middle East. Three-thousand U.S. soldiers are slated to
arrive in the Philippines, opening yet another new front in the war on
terrorism, and North Korea is finally in the administration's sights. On the
horizon could be Latin America, where the Bush administration endorsed a
failed regime change in Venezuela last year, and where new left-leaning
challenges are emerging in Brazil, Ecuador and elsewhere. Like the bombing of
Hiroshima, which stunned the Japanese into surrender in 1945 and served
notice to the rest of the world that the United States possessed unparalleled
power it would not hesitate to use, the war against Iraq has a similar
purpose. It's like the bully in a playground, says Ian Lustick, a
University of Pennsylvania professor of political science and author of
Unsettled States, Disputed Lands. You beat up somebody, and everybody else

Over and over again, in speeches, articles and white papers, the
neoconservatives have made it plain that the war against Iraq is intended to
demonstrate Washington's resolve to implement President Bush's new
national-security strategy, announced last fall -- even if doing so means
overthrowing the entire post-World War II structure of treaties and
alliances, including NATO and the United Nations. In their book, The War Over
Iraq, William Kristol of The Weekly Standard and Lawrence F. Kaplan of The
New Republic write, The mission begins in Baghdad, but it does not end
there. … We stand at the cusp of a new historical era. … This is a decisive
moment. … It is so clearly about more than Iraq. It is about more even than
the future of the Middle East and the war on terror. It is about what sort of
role the United States intends to play in the twenty-first century.

Invading Iraq, occupying its capital and its oil fields, and seizing control
of its Shia Islamic holy places can only have a devastating and 

[CTRL] Deadly Pneumonia Spreads to Canada

2003-03-16 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


   WHO officials warn of deadly pneumonia

By CP and AP

   TORONTO -- Health officials have confirmed a ninth Canadian case of
   atypical pneumonia and are preparing to test hundreds of potential
   patients as worries grow around the world about the highly contagious
   and potentially deadly disease.

   Doctors don't know what causes the illness, which is believed to
   spread through close contact with an infected person.
   Yesterday, Toronto officials confirmed a seventh local case, a day
   after announcing that six family members had been infected, including
   a mother and son who died.

   The seventh patient had come in close contact with the family, but
   officials wouldn't say what the connection was.
   There have also been two cases in British Columbia -- unrelated to the
   Ontario infections -- where one person remained in hospital yesterday
   and the other has recovered.

   No cases of the disease have been reported in Manitoba, the province's
   chief medical officer confirmed last night.


   Dr. Joel Kettner said the provinces and Health Canada are developing a
   plan to combat the disease. It is expected to be made public in the
   next day or two.

   In the meantime, Kettner said physicians have been made aware of the
   disease and are watching for it.

   The World Health Organization made the rare decision yesterday of
   declaring a worldwide travel advisory, based on reports of the
   disease's spread around the globe.

   The organization said that in the past week it has received more than
   150 reports of atypical pneumonia, which it is calling severe acute
   respiratory syndrome (SARS).

   SARS is now a worldwide health threat, said Dr. Gro Harlem
   Brundtland, WHO director general. The world needs to work together to
   find its cause, cure the sick and stop its spread.

   The growing list of countries reporting cases of the illness include
   China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and
   Vietnam. Most cases involve medical workers.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-16 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Ray Boeche wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 03:43  PM, BillK wrote:

  But if it?s the U.S. government contributing to the deaths of hundreds
  of thousands of Iraqi children through the most brutal set of economic
  sanctions in history,

 Why does it always fail to dawn on people like Hornberger, that Saddam
 Hussein is the one who could have, at any time in the last 11 years,
 lifted the sanctions imposed on his country by the multi-lateral
 conglomeration of the United Nations.

 All he had to do was disarm to allow his people to live like free
 humans rather than the slaves and pawns he desires them to be.

Are you a total dork? Disarm yourself to be free!?

The same principle of power applies equally
well to humans as well as to governments.

When one of the parties has a gun and the other is disarmed,
which one do you think is free and which one is the slave?

The world respects only those who have power, guns or
nuclear weapons to defend themselves. This is a fact and
Bush himself has shown us the proof of this, observing
how he treats Iraq and North Korea differently. -

The wife with a gun is getting the silk gloved sugartalk
treatment, while the other is getting continuous beating
and raping, never satisfying her husband. - How did she
ever dare to pick up and point a knife at him!?! Beat her
till she subjugates!

In this world only those who have weapons of terror
seem to have any sort of power at all. Be it husbands
with muscles or wives with guns/knives, or governments
with terror weapons.

We are about to witness Bush proving us this very
principle of power in action, and it also explains
why US Government is so keen to disarm it's own
citizens when their power threatens officials in power.

If you still think there's nothing like disarming yourself
for freedom, I can provide you with a nice cage together
with my dogs in my back yard.

However, What you sow is what you reap. I am sure we
will all come to thank American politicians for authorizing
the sales of their bioweapons around the world, just like
a bad husband may come to thank his wife for the rat poison
in his food.

God Bless America.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Declaration Against Iraq War, No Justification Exists

2003-03-16 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Paris, Moscow and Berlin Issue Declaration Against Iraq War,
 Call for Ministers' Gathering

  By Kim Housego
  Associated Press

  Saturday 15 March 2003

  France, Russia and Germany called for the Security Council to
 set a timetable for Saddam Hussein to disarm but issued a strong
 statement Saturday rejecting a war on Iraq, a day before President
 Bush and his top allies backing military action were to meet.

  France's foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, said his
 country would accept a very tight timetable for Iraqi disarmament
 - but not an ultimatum that would automatically trigger war, as
 Washington wants. Still, he said, war appears increasingly

  It is difficult to imagine what could stop this machine, he
 told France 2 television, before adding one does not have the
 right to be discouraged.

  France, Russia and Germany have led opposition to military
 action against Iraq and blocked a U.S. attempt to set a deadline
 for Saddam to disarm or face war.

  With some 250,000 U.S. and British troops in the Persian Gulf
 ready to attack Iraq, President Bush meets with prime ministers
 Tony Blair of Britain and Jose Maria Aznar of Spain - his top
 proponents of military action against Saddam - on Sunday in the
 Azores islands to plan their next step in the standoff.

  The joint declaration was issued by France and its allies in a
 clear move to present their case against war before the Azores

  We reaffirm that nothing justifies in the present
 circumstances putting a stop to the inspection process and
 resorting to the use of force, said the declaration, issued by the
 Foreign Ministry in Paris. The use of force can only be a last

  The three nations called for Security Council foreign
 ministers to meet on Tuesday to focus on disarmament priorities
 and draw up a strict and realistic timetable to certify Iraq free
 of alleged weapons of mass destruction.

  Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix is to present his
 latest report on Iraqi disarmament on Monday and lay out his plans
 for upcoming inspections. He is expected to present the U.N.
 Security Council with his list of top priority questions that Iraq
 must answer about its chemical, biological and missile programs as
 early as Tuesday.

  The three nations said previous reports by Blix and the chief
 nuclear inspector, Mohamed El Baradei, indicated that inspections
 were producing results. The disarmament of Iraq has started, the
 declaration said. Everything indicates that it can be completed

  The declaration was agreed upon Saturday by the foreign
 ministers of France, Germany and Russia, a German foreign ministry
 spokeswoman said. The three were in telephone contact with one
 another, she said.

  In Moscow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Fedotov told
 the Interfax news agency that Blix's report should outline the key
 remaining tasks in the area of disarmament, criteria that could be
 used to assess Iraq's cooperation with inspectors in the future.

  He said the inspections should not have a limitless
 character and pointed to a 120-day period outlined in a joint
 Russian-French-German memorandum submitted earlier to the Security

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] True Patriotism - Article from The New American

2003-03-15 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  True Patriotism
  by William F. Jasper

  Constitutionalists are challenging UN entanglements and the call to
  war. Some false conservatives are denouncing this principled stand
  as unpatriotic, even treasonous.

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to
stand by the President or any other public official save exactly
to the degree in which he himself stands by the country.

-Theodore Roosevelt

  ''TRAITORS! That was the headline screaming in huge yellow letters
  from the cover of a supermarket tabloid. Below the headline was a
  short list of familiar names of Hollywood stars opposing President
  Bush's rush to war in Iraq.

  Now, there are indeed many specimens of the Hollywood Left with long
  records of despicable, even treasonous, behavior. But does opposing
  war - whether verbally, in writing, or by marching or demonstrating
  - in itself constitute treason? That is the frightening implication
  from the escalating incendiary rhetoric of those most ardently
  arguing for war and for blind, mute submission to any and all of
  President Bush's demands concerning Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

  The words treason and sedition are being applied promiscuously
  to any and all who dissent from the president's position. Nationally
  syndicated shock radio host Michael Savage apparently leads the
  charge on this note, seconded by a host of lesser lights who have
  turned their radio microphones into non-stop war tocsins. Mr.
  Savage's website features a section titled: The Sedition Act - Time
  to Act. Time to Arrest the Leaders of the Anti-War Movement, Once we
  Go to War. A February 6th New York Sun editorial took up this
  treason theme relative to the planned anti-war march in front of the

  The Sun editors first quoted the U.S. Constitution concerning
  treason: Treason against the United States shall consist only in
  levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving
  them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless
  on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on
  confession in open court.

  The Sun averred that there is no reason to doubt that the
  'anti-war' protesters . are giving, at the very least, comfort to
  Saddam Hussein. Thus, the Sun opined, the New York City police
  should send two witnesses along for each participant, with an eye
  toward preserving at least the possibility of an eventual treason
  prosecution. Can goose-stepping, heel-clicking, and Sieg heil
  salutes be far behind?

  Many of those beating the war drums have not yet gone so far as to
  equate all dissent with treason, but they appear to be only a
  millimeter or two from that position. For the moment, at least, they
  are content merely to question the patriotism or rationality of
  those refusing to march in lock-step behind the Bush banner. And
  they conveniently dispose of principled opponents by disingenuously
  lumping them together with the motley menagerie of misfits and
  malcontents who have flocked to the phony peace standard held
  aloft by the Hollywood Left.

  Who Is the Real Patriot?

  It does seem extremely ironic that this country's staunchest
  patriots, warning for decades about the very dangers that now beset
  us, are being accused - by those who earlier disregarded their
  warnings - of being unpatriotic, or even of siding with the enemy.

  For those unfamiliar with our record and willing to examine it,
  allow us to make perfectly clear several important points:

  1) THE NEW AMERICAN (like its predecessors, American Opinion and The
  Review of the News) takes second place to none in patriotic zeal,
  and in exposing and opposing America's enemies - foreign and

  2) From the Vietnam War to the present, we have been on the
  frontlines credibly documenting and exposing the Communist and
  subversive influences behind the so-called peace movement and
  other Red fronts. We did the heavy lifting on these issues during
  less patriotic times, and for these efforts we frequently were
  derided as super-patriots and extremists.

  3) We led the fight against the long-running subversive campaigns to
  cripple our nation's intelligence and internal security defenses
  against terrorism and espionage.

  4) Far from siding with Saddam Hussein, we have for more than two
  decades exposed his tyrannical, pro-Communist regime, and we
  vigorously opposed the folly (or worse) of previous Republican
  administrations in the 1980s that showered him with financial,
  technological, and military 

[CTRL] Confronting Iraq: Might Doesn't Make Right

2003-03-15 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  Confronting Iraq: Might Doesn't Make Right
  By Desmond Tutu and Ian Urbina
  International Herald Tribune | Commentary

  Friday 14 March 2003

  People of faith belong on the side of peace. But it is more
 than just those of all religions who stand against an attack on
 Iraq. It is also those who put their trust in law.

  The current moment confronts the world with a terrible
 decision: will we stand by reason and law or act in force and
 aggression? There has never been a more important test of the
 values of average people around the globe. At stake is whether
 might makes right.

  The United States is indeed a mighty country. But its real
 strength resides in its proud history of standing for what is just.
 In figures such as Martin Luther King, the world draws moral
 fortitude and an example of the effectiveness of non-violent
 struggle. With the grassroots boycotting efforts of everyday
 Americans, and the eventual diplomatic pressure of their
 government, South African apartheid was ended. The prison doors
 would still be shut around Nelson Mandela were it not for the help
 of the United States.

  These traditions have spoken recently on the streets. Never
 has there been such a popular and peaceful outpouring of
 opposition, even before the act war has taken place. This is truly
 the moral meaning of preemption.

  There is no dishonor in the willingness to slow things down
 for the inspections to run their course. Few doubt that the United
 States has established a credible threat of force. Now the United
 Nations must be permitted to do its job. Disarmament is an absolute
 necessity. Nothing will undermine it more than a brazen disregard
 for the one institution which can actually achieve it.

  It is not a vote against the war which threatens the United
 Nations with irrelevance. It is the unilateral cajoling by the sole
 remaining superpower which risks corrupting this otherwise
 democratic and international institution.

  It is the inconsistent application of its resolutions, whereby
 some violators operate above the law, while others lack due
 process. It is the threat that money will dictate votes where only
 law and evidence should hold sway.

  The question is not whether the United States has the ability
 to change the current heinous regime in Baghdad. It does. The
 question is whether it is worth the cost not just in terms of the
 fate of diplomacy and law, but also in terms of the thousands of
 innocent victims which will result now and down the road in the
 repercussions to come.

  President George W. Bush is a man of faith. We can only hope
 that he believes in law as well.

  Archbishop Desmond Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. Ian
 Urbina is associate editor at the Middle East Research and
 Information Project.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WTO fears Bush go-it-alone role

2003-03-15 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  WTO Fears Bush Go-it-alone Role
  by Elizabeth Becker
  International Herald Tribue

  Saturday 15 March 2003

 U.S. policy could threaten international trade, aides warn

  GENEVA - In a break from years of unwavering public faith in
 the United States, top officials at the World Trade Organization
 are worried that the Bush administration's go-it-alone policy is
 threatening international trade.

  In the normally closed, clubby world of the WTO, envoys and
 officials said they feared that American moves within the
 organization and toward a war in Iraq would weaken respect for
 international rules and lead to serious practical consequence for
 the world economy and business.

  In the past months the United States has compiled one of the
 worst records for violating trade rules and has single-handedly
 blocked an agreement to provide medicines for the world's poorest
 nations, a rare accomplishment in this institution that never
 openly votes on agreements but painstakingly builds a consensus
 behind closed doors.

  Supachai Panitchpakdi, director-general of the WTO who is
 required to strike a neutral pose as head of the institution, said
 an upcoming war could have a devastating practical impact as the
 world is grappling with a slowdown in trade, the rise of oil prices
 and the rising cost of transportation and insurance. I can feel
 the sense of trepidation, Supachai said in an interview. Whatever
 happens, if the U.S. will maintain the way we use multilateral
 solutions, it will be highly appreciated.

  That delicate expression of concern about the effect of waging
 war without explicit approval of the United Nations was repeated by
 some of America's strongest allies. They said they were worried
 that all international institutions would suffer a loss of
 credibility if the one superpower appeared to be choosing which
 rules to obey and which to ignore.

  Normally you can't go to war without the cover of the UN, but
 Americans are doing quite a few things alone - even here, said
 Carlo Trojan, permanent representative of the European Union at the
 WTO. The most glaring example here of going-it-alone was the United
 States' last minute refusal to sign off on an agreement that would
 help poor nations buy generic medicines through exemptions from
 trade rules.

  Developing nations had pinned their hopes on this agreement to
 fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases that are
 ravaging their countries and destroying their plans to climb out of

  But the United States, with the strong approval of the
 American pharmaceutical industry, exercised its veto, which every
 nation possesses, and destroyed the deal.

  That upended the timetable for this round of trade
 negotiations that is dedicated to solving the problems of a
 developing nations, a cause identified with Supachai.

  As the former deputy prime minister of Thailand and first
 director-general of the WTO, Supachai is in the same position as
 former Vice President Al Gore was to environmental issues.

  At the top of his agenda is the reduction of agriculture
 subsidies in rich nations and helping poor nations gain access to
 inexpensive, generic medicine.

  Now he has lost the first battle.

  That was a great pity, he said. It would have sent a
 powerful message that we talk not only about trade deals but
 humanitarian deals.

  Diplomats said they found it striking that Europe was willing
 to stand up to its pharmaceutical industries and support the
 agreement while the United States was not.

  Sergio Marchi, permanent representative of Canada to the WTO,
 said that U.S. behavior not only put millions of lives at risk but
 threatened the organization itself.

  No one can criticize the fact that all politics are local.
 But you can't operate 100 percent on local politics if you're part
 of a multinational organization, he said. Otherwise one day it's
 your politics, next year it's mine and then there is no more
 international organization.

  For its part, administration officials said they, too, want an
 agreement that helps provide medicines. But they consider the
 current agreement too open-ended and say it could lead to
 developing nations buying generic versions of drugs under U.S.
 patents to treat diseases such as asthma, obesity and impotence.

  Linnet Deily, U.S. permanent representative at the WTO, said
 that developing nations understood the United States wanted to help
 those suffering from the worst epidemics, especially the HIV/AIDS

[CTRL] Bush Domino Theory Falls Down

2003-03-15 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Classified State Department Report: Bushs Democracy Domino Theory
 'Not Credible'
 By Greg Miller
 LA Times

 Friday 14 March 2003

 A State Department report disputes Bush's claim that ousting
 Hussein will spur reforms in the Mideast, intelligence officials

 WASHINGTON -- A classified State Department report expresses doubt
 that installing a new regime in Iraq will foster the spread of
 democracy in the Middle East, a claim President Bush has made in
 trying to build support for a war, according to intelligence
 officials familiar with the document.

 The report exposes significant divisions within the Bush
 administration over the so-called democratic domino theory, one of
 the arguments that underpins the case for invading Iraq.

 The report, which has been distributed to a small group of top
 government officials but not publicly disclosed, says that daunting
 economic and social problems are likely to undermine basic
 stability in the region for years, let alone prospects for
 democratic reform.

 Even if some version of democracy took root an event the report
 casts as unlikely anti-American sentiment is so pervasive that
 elections in the short term could lead to the rise of
 Islamic-controlled governments hostile to the United States.

 Liberal democracy would be difficult to achieve, says one passage
 of the report, according to an intelligence official who agreed to
 read portions of it to The Times.

 Electoral democracy, were it to emerge, could well be subject to
 exploitation by anti-American elements.

 The thrust of the document, the source said, is that this idea
 that you're going to transform the Middle East and fundamentally
 alter its trajectory is not credible.

 Even the document's title appears to dismiss the administration
 argument. The report is labeled Iraq, the Middle East and Change:
 No Dominoes.

 The report was produced by the State Department's Bureau of
 Intelligence and Research, the in-house analytical arm.

 State Department officials declined to comment on the report.
 Intelligence officials said the report does not necessarily reflect
 the views of Secretary of State Colin L. Powell or other senior
 State Department officials.

 Daunting Challenges

 The obstacles to reform outlined in the report are daunting.

 Middle East societies are riven by political, economic and social
 problems that are likely to undermine stability regardless of the
 nature of any externally influenced or spontaneous, indigenous
 change, the report said, according to the source.

 The report is dated Feb. 26, officials said, the same day Bush
 endorsed the domino theory in a speech to the conservative American
 Enterprise Institute in Washington.

 It's not clear whether the president has seen the report, but such
 documents are typically distributed to top national security

 A new regime in Iraq would serve as a dramatic and inspiring
 example of freedom for other nations in the region, Bush said.

 Other top administration officials, including Vice President Dick
 Cheney, have made similar remarks in recent months.

 But the argument has been pushed hardest by a group of officials
 and advisors who have been the leading proponents of going to war
 with Iraq. Prominent among them are Paul D. Wolfowitz, the deputy
 defense secretary, and Richard Perle, chairman of the Defense
 Policy Board, an influential Pentagon advisory panel.

 Wolfowitz has said that Iraq could be the first Arab democracy
 and that even modest democratic progress in Iraq would cast a very
 large shadow, starting with Syria and Iran but across the whole
 Arab world.

 Similarly, Perle has said that a reformed Iraq has the potential
 to transform the thinking of people around the world about the
 potential for democracy, even in Arab countries where people have
 been disparaging of their potential.

 White House officials hold out the promise of a friendly and
 functional government in Baghdad to contrast with administration
 portrayals of President Saddam Hussein's regime as brutal and bent
 on building his stock of biological and chemical weapons.

 The domino theory also is used by the administration as a
 counterargument to critics in Congress and elsewhere who have
 expressed concern that invading Iraq will inflame the Muslim world
 and fuel terrorist activity against the United States.

 But the theory is disputed by many Middle East experts and is
 viewed with skepticism by analysts at the CIA and the State
 Department, intelligence officials said.

 Divisions in Iraq

 Critics say even establishing a 


2003-03-14 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  To sin by silence when they should protest
 makes cowards of men.
   - Abraham Lincoln

  Judgments at Nuremberg and precepts of international law forbid
  launching aggressive war -- an apt description of what the U.S.
  government has in store for Iraqi people this spring.

  The deadening lockstep of obedience is easier to fault in other
  societies. Close to home, as the adrenaline of unfathomable
  violence pulses through the televisions of America, the siren of
  deference to authority may seem irresistible. But it isn't.

By Norman Solomon / Creators Syndicate

As the possibility of a U.S. invasion turns into the reality of massive
carnage, the war on Iraq cannot avoid confronting Americans with a tacit
expectation that rarely gets media scrutiny. In a word: obedience.

When a country -- particularly a democracy -- goes to war, the passive
consent of the governed lubricates the machinery of slaughter.

Silence is a key form of cooperation, but the war-making system does not
insist on quietude or agreement. Mere passivity or self-restraint will
suffice to keep the missiles flying, the bombs exploding and the faraway
people dying.

On the home front, beliefs are of scant importance. Antiwar sentiment is
necessary but insufficient to halt a war. Much more is needed than
expressions of dissent that stay within the customary bounds.

Daily media speculation about the starting date for all-out war on Iraq
has contributed to widespread passivity -- a kind of spectator
relationship to military actions being implemented in our names.

We can't just blame the media conglomerates and Washington spinners for
the prevailing stupor. After decades of desensitizing propaganda, we
routinely crave the insulation that news outlets offer. We tell ourselves
that our personal lives are difficult enough without getting too upset
about world events.

The conventional wisdom of American political life has made it
predictable that editorial writers and politicians cannot resist
accommodating themselves to expediency by the time the first missiles
reach Baghdad. Conformist behavior -- in sharp contrast to authentic
conscience -- is notably plastic.

A pathetic case in point is Sen. John Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat
who voted for the congressional war resolution last October while trying
to pass himself off as a critic of President Bush's enthusiasm for war.
While campaigning in Iowa the other day for his party's presidential
nomination, Kerry told a New York Times reporter: When the war begins,
if the war begins, I support the troops and I support the United States
of America winning as rapidly as possible. When the troops are in the
field and fighting -- if they're in the field and fighting -- remembering
what it's like to be those troops, I think they need a unified America
that is prepared to win.

Prepared to win. Such a phrase rolls off an oily tongue with ease. As a
consequence, of course, many blameless people must die.

Howard Dean, a former governor of Vermont, is supposedly an antiwar
candidate for the Democratic presidential slot. On the campaign trail in
Iowa, he stopped short when asked what he would say if there was a war,
according to the Times.

You know, I don't know the answer to that yet, Dean said. Certainly
I'm going to support American kids that are sent over there. Obviously,
I'm going to wish everybody well. You know, you root for your country.

You root for your country. No matter how horrific its actions.

Billions of buds on countless flowers and trees will wondrously open
across the United States during the next weeks. Meanwhile, the Pentagon's
firepower will destroy uncounted human beings in Iraq during what will
be, to put it mildly, a war of aggression.

Judgments at Nuremberg and precepts of international law forbid launching
aggressive war -- an apt description of what the U.S. government has in
store for Iraqi people this spring.

We must make clear to the Germans that the wrong for which their fallen
leaders are on trial is not that they lost the war, but that they started
it, said Supreme Court Justice Robert L. Jackson, a U.S. representative
to the International Conference on Military Trials at the close of World
War II. He added that no grievances or policies will justify resort to
aggressive war. It is utterly renounced and condemned as an instrument of

Last November, more than 300 law professors in the United States signed a
statement pointing out that the international rule of law is not a soft
luxury to be discarded whenever leaders find it convenient or popular to
resort to savage violence.

The deadening lockstep of obedience is easier to fault in other
societies. Close to home, as the adrenaline of unfathomable violence
pulses through the televisions of America, the siren of deference to

[CTRL] Wanted Dead or Alive: Osama Hussein or Saddam Bin Laden

2003-03-14 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Wanted Dead or Alive: Osama Hussein or Saddam Bin Laden
By Mike Schelstrate  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
March 13, 2003

The recent scripted press conference hosted by President Bush included a
very interesting question by a reporter; “If you order war, can any
military operation be considered a success if the United States does not
capture Saddam Hussein, as you once said, ‘dead or alive'?” This is a very
interesting question.

To my knowledge, the current President Bush has never said he wanted
Saddam Hussein ‘dead or alive’, at least not that has been widely
distributed in the mainstream media. The party line has been restricted to
the stated policies of Weapons of Mass Destruction Disarmament and Regime

Bush has famously declared he wants Osama Bin Laden ‘dead or alive’. In
fact, this is one of his more popular quotes, replayed repeatedly in the
media for months following the September 11 terrorist attack. I clearly
remember Cowboy Bush leaning back in his chair in the Oval Office, and
declaring in a gruff voice something similar to, “I remember a poster from
the old west; “Wanted Dead or Alive.” This is my intention for Mister
Osama Bin Laden.” People all over the world saw this video clip, and is
one of the reasons the Cowboy nickname was attached to our fearless leader
by the Europeans. Could the reporters question have possibly been an
innocent mistake? Not likely in a scripted press conference where all
questions are approved beforehand by Ari Fleischer and his staff.

This press conference is a great example of professional lies and
disinformation propagated by the media in conjunction with the current
administration in Washington. If the Iraqi regime are not connected to the
terrorist attacks, we have no reason to invade Iraq at this time. The
entire Bush Administration has been working furiously during the last year
in an attempt to link Osama Bin Laden with Saddam Hussein in order to
legitimize the previously planned attack on Iraq. Thus far, they have
failed to find a single shred of credible evidence to support this claim.
Every time they produce another flimsy counterfeit link, it is exposed
immediately as being false. Establishing this link is imperative to sway
public opinion in favor of the war. Obviously, they are growing
sufficiently desperate in their pursuit to resort to Orwellian doublespeak
in an attempt to get their message across.

My greatest concern regarding this incident is that this scripted attempt
at impressing a falsehood on a trusting public goes beyond propaganda.
This is a sublime form of mind control. Implant a blatantly false
suggestion in the minds of the listeners, followed by an enforcement of
the suggestion with supporting comments. Repeat as necessary. Eventually
the listeners will be convinced that the greatest absurdity is in fact
truth. Two plus two equals five, or whatever the government wants it to

Bush’s hundred year War on Terrorism is a war against a faceless enemy.
This makes it difficult to retain the public support necessary to continue
the war effort. Immediately following the attacks on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon, the press vilified Osama Bin Laden as the
mastermind. Putting a face on the enemy provides people with a focal
point; now the American public had a despicable individual to hate. This
worked well for our invasion of Afghanistan, President Bush’s approval
rating remained over 70% for many months during this aggressive action.
The daily papers were filled with ominous pictures of the villain, and
breathtaking accounts of how we almost caught him on numerous occasions.
After the takeover of Afghanistan was complete, the hunt for Osama Bin
Laden faded into the background. The Bush Administration focused their
attention on the next phase of their attempt to establish a New World
Order, conquest of Iraq, repossession of the oil reserves, and the
remaking of the Middle East. Documents have been uncovered detailing the
campaign for this illegal action by members of the current administration
dating as far back as 1998. A massive public relations ploy was required
to convince a gullible public to support the invasion. The government has
found it desirable to transfer the malignant feelings people felt towards
Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein in order to put a familiar face on this enemy,
and retain public support for action. We have witnessed multiple efforts
to accomplish this falsehood. A report that suspected hijacker Mohammed
Atta met with Iraqi intelligence officers in Europe was one of the first
attempts, and shows how long ago the plans to link Iraq to Al Qaeda were
set in motion. This report was not credible, and was swiftly debunked by
most credible experts. Many additional attempts to fabricate this link
have followed. To date, all have been unsuccessful.

President Bush stated in the press conference, “Even if the fiendish Iraqi
dictator was not involved with Al Qaeda, he has supported Al Qaeda type

[CTRL] Security Council Members Say No to War - Bush to Go to War Alone, Breaking International Law?

2003-03-14 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Security Council Members Say No to War
By DAFNA LINZER, Associated Press Writers
March 14, 2003, 3:31 AM EST

UNITED NATIONS -- A U.S.-backed resolution for war in Iraq was in serious
doubt as a majority of Security Council members openly acknowledged they
wouldn't support the measure despite weeks of intense negotiations.

With hundreds of thousands of troops poised for action in the Persian
Gulf, the White House was forced to consider withdrawing the resolution it
filed three weeks ago or calling a vote it seemed certain to lose.

Either way, the United States would be heading into battle, and possibly a
protracted occupation of Iraq, without the backing of the United Nations
and its member states.

While some council ambassadors pledged to work through the weekend to find
a way out of the impasse, others declared the diplomatic process dead.

Amid a swirl of 11th-hour posturing, the White House began planning for a
possible summit this weekend between President Bush and his two staunchest
council allies, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Spanish Prime
Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

Senior U.S. officials said the meeting, tentatively planned for a neutral
nation overseas, would allow the leaders to review final diplomatic and
military strategies.

Meanwhile, the president and his advisers debated Thursday whether to
press forward with a Security Council vote or withdraw the measure and
turn toward final preparations for war.

We are still talking to members of the council to see what is possible,
Secretary of State Colin Powell said. The options remain, go for a vote
and see what members say or not go for a vote.

Powell's comments marked a sharp change of policy since last week, when
Bush said in a televised news conference that he could call a vote no
matter what the count was.

Since the appearance, U.S. officials have claimed they were picking up the
nine necessary council votes needed for the resolution. which threatens
war unless Iraq disarms by Monday.

But at a tense council session late Thursday, it became evident that the
United States didn't have more than six of the 15 council members on its
side and that nothing had swayed France, and possibly Russia, from vetoing
the resolution.

This is not going to fly, Russian Ambassador Sergey Lavrov told The
Associated Press.

China's ambassador, Wang Yingfan, suggested it was time for the resolution
to be taken off the table.

To me it's clear, they just don't have the votes, he said.

France, China, Russia, Germany and several other council members oppose
the resolution because it would automatically authorize force if Saddam
Hussein failed to disarm by Monday. Britain had sought to alleviate those
fears by transferring the ultimatum to a side paper that wouldn't be voted

But France, which led a verbal assault against the resolution, saw the
move as a ploy.

We will say no to any resolution that authorizes the use of force,
French Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere said at the end of a tense
council meeting.

The United States began the week with the expectation of a vote Tuesday
but by Friday it was unclear when one would be held, if at all.

In Washington, U.S. officials said President Bush could drop the
resolution in the face of a veto and fight Iraq without Security Council

Several top administration officials said a growing number of advisers
believe the resolution is doomed and they want the president to cut his
losses and withdraw it. Others still hold out hope for the measure.

The officials, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity, agreed that a
decision will partly depend on whether the British prime minister wants to
give diplomacy another weekend.

Blair, who is facing a massive revolt inside his own party because of his
pro-U.S. stand on Iraq, desperately needs U.N. authorization in order to
sell a war at home.

U.N. backing would lend international legitimacy to any military action
and guarantee that the world body would share the costs of reconstruction.

U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte left the 4 1/2-hour council meeting
Thursday saying that time is running out. In light of Britain's efforts,
he said Washington was prepared to go the extra mile as far as seeing if
we can reach some kind of basis for understanding within the council.

Ambassadors said informal consultations would continue Friday and possibly
through the weekend, but they held out little hope for a breakthrough.

In Iraq, Saddam's government exulted in the diplomatic turmoil.

The allies have lost the round before it starts while we, along with
well-intentioned powers in the world, have won it, the popular daily
Babil, owned by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's son, Odai, said in a
front-page editorial.

Six uncommitted nations -- Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Guinea, Mexico and
Pakistan -- tried Thursday to bridge the deep divide.

Washington had been counting on the support of Mexico, Pakistan and at
least two of the African 

[CTRL] FBI Probes Fake Evidence of Iraqi Nuclear Plans

2003-03-14 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  Editor's Note:  Another brick in the wall here.  After
 Powell's use of a plagiarized British dossier, and after Hans
 Blix's refutation of virtually every piece of 'evidence' offered by
 the United States regarding Iraqi weapons, there is now this.
 Decide for yourself how solid the case for war is at this point. -

  FBI Probes Fake Evidence of Iraqi Nuclear Plans
  By Dana Priest and Susan Schmidt
  Washington Post

  Thursday 13 March 2003

  The FBI is looking into the forgery of a key piece of evidence
 linking Iraq to a nuclear weapons program, including the
 possibility that a foreign government is using a deception campaign
 to foster support for military action against Iraq.

  It's something we're just beginning to look at, a senior law
 enforcement official said yesterday. Officials are trying to
 determine whether the documents were forged to try to influence
 U.S. policy, or whether they may have been created as part of a
 disinformation campaign directed by a foreign intelligence service.

  We're looking at it from a preliminary stage as to what it's
 all about, he said.

  The FBI has not yet opened a formal investigation because it
 is unclear whether the bureau has jurisdiction over the matter.

  The phony documents -- a series of letters between Iraqi and
 Niger officials showing Iraq's interest in equipment that could be
 used to make nuclear weapons -- came to British and U.S.
 intelligence officials from a third country. The identity of the
 third country could not be learned yesterday.

  The forgery came to light last week during a highly publicized
 and contentious United Nations meeting. Mohamed ElBaradei, director
 general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told the
 Security Council on March 7 that U.N. and independent experts had
 decided that the documents were not authentic.

  ElBaradei's disclosure, and his rejection of three other key
 claims that U.S. intelligence officials have cited to support
 allegations about Iraq's nuclear ambitions, struck a powerful blow
 to the Bush administration's argument on the matter.

  To the contrary, ElBaradei told the council, we have to date
 found no evidence or plausible indications of the revival of a
 nuclear program in Iraq.

  The CIA, which had also obtained the documents, had questions
 about whether they were accurate, said one intelligence official,
 and it decided not to include them in its file on Iraq's program to
 procure weapons of mass destruction.

  The FBI has jurisdiction over counterintelligence operations
 by foreign governments against the United States. Because the
 documents were delivered to the United States, the bureau would
 most likely try to determine whether the foreign government knew
 the documents were forged or whether it, too, was deceived.

  Iraq pursued an aggressive nuclear weapons program during the
 1970s and 1980s. It launched a crash program to build a nuclear
 bomb in 1990 after it invaded Kuwait. Allied bombing during the
 Persian Gulf War in 1991 damaged Iraq's nuclear infrastructure. The
 country's known stocks of nuclear fuel and equipment were removed
 or destroyed during the U.N. inspections after the war.
 But Iraq never surrendered the blueprints for its nuclear program,
 and it kept teams of scientists employed after U.N. inspectors were
 forced to leave in 1998.

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[CTRL] FW: UK Unions warn of mass revolt if Blair joins war without UN resolution

2003-03-13 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Well, Tony is being linked to a known peedophile-ring.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad had some pictures of
Tony and a few choir boys.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 03:20:58 -
From: World-Action [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [infowars] FW: UK Unions warn of mass revolt if Blair joins war
without UN resolution

I think the writing is on the wall.

The writing seems to say that Blair must be
being black-mailed.

Blair is having so much opposition from so many
places (probably even his own heart and brain),
and yet he is pursuing war like a mad man.

His arguments for war don't stand up against the
principles being argued back at him; and also
he has a mass of people against him - including
a majority of the British people - therefore Tony
Blair must be being black-mailed.


BIG opposition against Tony Blair
(so, WHY doesn't he back down??!!!) ...

-Original Message-
From: Bea Bernhausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 March 2003 02:00
Subject: UK Unions warn of mass revolt if Blair joins war without UN

: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:49:12 -0800
Subject: [pr-x] Unions warn of mass Labour revolt


The Guardian  Wednesday March 12, 2003

Unions warn of mass Labour revolt

Patrick Wintour, chief political correspondent

Union leaders yesterday warned Tony Blair that he will be deserted by the
labour movement if he goes ahead with a war in Iraq without a second
security council resolution.

A union delegation, led by the TUC general secretary-elect, Brendan Barber,
distanced themselves - for the moment - from leftwing moves to hold a
special party conference at which Mr Blair's leadership could be challenged.

But a union source said that all bets are off if Mr Blair ignores the
demand from the party for a second resolution: There will be mayhem if he
does this without the UN.

The pressure for a special party conference is coming from the hard left,
especially the Campaign Group of MPs. The unions are reluctant to be
embroiled in any leadership manoeuvre so close to military action.

The Campaign Group last night issued a statement saying: It is time for the
prime minister to consider his position. We are now placing at risk the
entire fabric of the international community. Blair is not the issue, the
future of the UN is.

The group, claiming the backing of 40 MPs, accused Mr Blair of signing up
to the reckless ambitions of US militarism. Its uncompromising stance may
help Mr Blair in the short term, but the mood within the labour movement is

Earlier, veteran MP Tam Dalyell, the father of the house, told BBC Radio 4's
Today programme: As soon as it becomes clear that the UN is disregarded,
yes, certainly a letter will go out to our colleagues asking for a special
conference of the Labour party.

I don't think it is possible to exaggerate the degree of concern about the
illegality of what is proposed.

There are many constituency Labour parties who ... will put forward a
resolution that if there is no UN mandate and if there is not a vote in the
Commons before the commitment of British troops, then we ask the prime
minister to consider his position as leader of the party.

Following the TUC's talks at Downing Street, Mr Barber refused to speculate
about whether there would be a leadership challenge to Mr Blair if he went
ahead with an attack without UN backing.

I want to focus on the efforts that need to be made now to try to resolve
this through the UN and with international agreement, he said. That is
what the prime minister is concentrating on, that's what we are
concentrating on.

Privately union leaders said they were not impressed by the Downing Street
argument that a military strike would have legitimacy if Mr Blair secured a
numerical majority on the security council, but the resolution was vetoed by
the French or Russians.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] Israel Refuses to Disarm Nukes, Not Allowing Inspectors

2003-03-13 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


''Is the United Nations irrelevant?''
Printed on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 @ 08:09:31 EST   (  )

 By Firas Al-Atraqchi
YellowTimes.org Columnist (Canada)

(YellowTimes.org) . In recent weeks, the United Nations has come under
assault from various U.S. Senators as well as members of the U.S. State
Department concerning the issue of Iraq and disarmament. The U.N. has been
accused of being a debating society by U.S. President George Bush, and
has been ostracized as being irrelevant unless it specifically carries out
one function, and one function alone: authorize an invasion of Iraq.

Many Americans who do not know of the U.N.'s great achievements in the
past 58 years, nor of specific U.S. actions to undermine the Security
Council in this period, tout the official U.S. government hook, line and

On mainstream North American media, the U.N. is scolded for allowing
members diplomatically to defy U.S. actions and edicts. The uninformed
viewer will immediately take the position that the U.N. acts against the
interests of the U.S. and is a threat to national security.

However, for many people around the world, most notably the impoverished
third world and developing countries, the U.N. is a source of hope and
stability. By no means is the U.N. a perfect system, and this author will
be first in line demanding reform within U.N. chambers. However, it is the
most global, most influential, and most binding international organization
ever established in mankind's modern history. To compare it to the League
of Nations, which was governed primarily by colonial powers and completely
disregarded lesser African and Asian countries, is to celebrate historical

Since its establishment in the wake of the horrors of World War II, the
U.N. has negotiated peaceful resolutions to some 172 conflicts and
deployed more than 42 peacekeeping missions around the world. Free and
fair elections have been sponsored, monitored, and endorsed in more than
45 countries with resounding success in bringing democracy to Cambodia,
Namibia, El Salvador, Eritrea, Mozambique, Nicaragua and South Africa.

In non-political terms, UNICEF (the United Nations Children's Fund) has
spent more than $800 million a year, primarily on immunization, health
care, nutrition and basic education in 138 countries. The United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) currently operates in 170 member states and
helps design and implement more than 5000 projects for agriculture,
industry, education, and the environment.

Listing all of the U.N.'s achievements would be too cumbersome; however,
the U.N. currently has projects that promote human rights, combat illegal
people smuggling, maintain arms control, promote nuclear
non-proliferation, provide education on ways to protect the environment,
provide humanitarian aid, eradicate smallpox and other diseases, promote
women's rights, protect the ozone and prevent over-fishing, protect
valuable earth resources, and on and on.

This is an irrelevant organization?

Indeed, the U.N. has thrived despite U.S. efforts and not because of them.
While the U.S. press reminds France who liberated it in World War II and
warns France not to use the veto, it is the U.S. who has used the veto
more than any other nation in the past 20 years. In fact, according to
research conducted by the BBC, the Soviet Union and Russia have used the
vote 120 times, the U.S. 76, the U.K. 32, France 18, and China 5 times.

Thirty-five of the U.S. vetoes have explicitly focused on Israeli policies
in the Middle East. According to the BBC, the latest U.S. veto in
December 2002, was a draft resolution criticizing the killing by Israeli
forces of several United Nations employees and the destruction of the
World Food Program warehouse in the West Bank. The U.S. vetoed this
resolution, thereby implying that the murder of U.N. personnel and
destruction of U.N. infrastructure was permitted.

(The draft resolution concerned itself with the murder of one Ian Hook, a
British citizen working for the United Nations Relief Works Agency
(UNRWA). A U.N. investigation refuted Israeli claims that shots were fired
from the UNRWA compound which necessitated fire on the compound. Hook was
shot three times by Israeli gunfire.)

The current U.S. administration says Iraqi defiance of 17 U.N. resolutions
within the past 12 years makes Iraq a pariah, an outlaw state that must be
dealt with forcibly.

However, by the same token, the U.S. administration does not reveal that
Israel is currently in violation of 32 U.N. resolutions since 1968.
According to U.N. transcripts, Turkey has violated 24 resolutions, and
Morocco has violated 17 resolutions concerning the Western Sahara conflict
and the plight of people of Western Sahara.

There is no threat of invading the aforementioned countries.

Indeed, the issue of Iraq is not simply about U.N. resolutions. However,
the fallacy of violations is 

[CTRL] EU Warns Bush on Go-It-Alone War

2003-03-13 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  European Union in New Warning on Bush Go-It-Alone War
  By Elaine Sciolino
  New York Times

  Wednesday 12 March 2003

  In another call for the Bush administration to slow its march
 toward war, the foreign relations head of the European Union warned
 today that Europe might withhold money for the reconstruction of
 Iraq if the United States waged war without the approval of the
 Security Council.

  It will be that much more difficult for the E.U. to cooperate
 fully and on a large scale also in the longer-term reconstruction
 process if events unfold without proper U.N. cover and if the
 member states remain divided, said Chris Patten, the European
 Union's External Relations Commissioner.

  Speaking during a debate in the European Parliament in
 Strasbourg, the British official added that an American war
 campaign without the legal support of the United Nations would do
 enormous damage to the authority of the United Nations, the NATO
 alliance and relations between Europe and the United States.

  The specter of war has caused a deep and bitter split in the
 15-country European Union the world's biggest aid donor with
 Britain and Spain embracing the American call to war and France and
 Germany calling for continued international weapons inspections
 under United Nations auspices.

  The heads of state of the European Union will meet for a
 regularly scheduled meeting in Brussels next week and Iraq is
 expected to dominate the agenda.

  In the past I have sometimes been accused of issuing a threat
 of E.U. noncooperation if the United States chooses to proceed with
 U.N. backing, he said. That is not my point, he said. I am
 making, rather, a simple observation of fact: that if it comes to
 war, it will be very much easier to make a case for generosity if
 there is no dispute about the legitimacy of the military action
 that has taken place.

   Mr. Patten noted that the European Union's budget is already
 heavily committed, adding, It is of the greatest importance that
 if a war is waged in Iraq, the U.N. should authorize the decision
 to attack.

  Mr. Patten made his remarks during a debate in the European
 Parliament in which deputies expressed their overwhelming
 opposition to a war waged only by the Untied States.

  The European Union would be more willing to spend money on
 postwar reconstruction and relief aid in Iraq if the legitimacy of
 the war was clearly authorized under a Security Council mandate.

  The Bush administration has said that it is impossible to
 predict the cost of postwar reconstruction. But Mr. Patten's
 remarks follow an assessment made by the New York-based Council on
 Foreign Relations that estimates the cost of reconstruction and
 peacekeeping at $20 billion a year. The E.U. had so far earmarked
 15 million euros ($16.5 million) in relief aid for Iraq this year.

  Mr. Patten also questioned the Bush administration's assertion
 that the overthrow of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq by war will
 help combat terrorism and spread democracy in the Middle East.

  As a general rule, are wars not more likely to recruit
 terrorists than to deter them? he said. It is hard to build
 democracy at the barrel of a gun, when history suggests it is more
 usually the product of long internal development in a society.

  What I'm absolutely sure about, he added, is that to invade
 Iraq, while failing to bring peace to the Middle East, would create
 exactly the sort of conditions in which terrorism would be likely
 to thrive.

  And Mr. Patten joined a chorus of other European leaders in
 criticizing the United States for failing to publish a
 much-promised road map for Israeli-Palestinian peace drawn up
 last year by the United States, the European Union, the United
 Nations and Russia.

  During the debate today, all of the principal parliamentary
 groups underscored the need for Security Council authority to go to

  Unilateral action would be a violation of the charter of the
 United Nations, said the Socialist floor leader, Enrique Baron
 Crespo. An attack under these conditions would create fertile
 ground for international terrorism.

  The Liberal group leader, Graeme Watson, said: It is claimed
 in London, Washington and Madrid that war could be short, swift and
 successful. With U.N. support this could indeed be the case. But
 without it, in a conflict which divides the international
 community, we could be on the brink of another Hundred Years' War
 which could bring down regimes well beyond Iraq.


[CTRL] Cheney Raking in Blood Money from Pentagon Contractor

2003-03-13 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Editor's Note: Read it again - Blood Money.

 Cheney is Still Paid by Pentagon Contractor
 Robert Bryce and Julian Borger
 The Guardian

 Wednesday 12 March 2003

 Bush deputy gets up to $1m from firm with Iraq oil deal

 Halliburton, the Texas company which has been awarded the
 Pentagon's contract to put out potential oil-field fires in Iraq
 and which is bidding for postwar construction contracts, is still
 making annual payments to its former chief executive, the
 vice-president Dick Cheney.

 The payments, which appear on Mr Cheney's 2001 financial disclosure
 statement, are in the form of deferred compensation of up to $1m
 (£600,000) a year.

 When he left Halliburton in 2000 to become George Bush's running
 mate, he opted not to receive his leaving payment in a lump sum but
 instead have it paid to him over five years, possibly for tax

 An aide to the vice president said yesterday: This is money that
 Mr Cheney was owed by the corporation as part of his salary for the
 time he was employed by Halliburton and which was a fixed amount
 paid to him over time.

 The aide said the payment was even insured so that it would not be
 affected even if Halliburton went bankrupt, to ensure there was no
 conflict of interest.

 Also, the vice president has nothing whatsoever to do with the
 Pentagon bidding process, the aide added.

 The company would not say how much the payments are. The obligatory
 disclosure statement filled by all top government officials says
 only that they are in the range of $100,000 and $1m. Nor is it
 clear how they are calculated.

 Halliburton is one of five large US corporations - the others are
 the Bechtel Group, Fluor Corp, Parsons Corp, and the Louis Berger
 Group - invited to bid for contracts in what may turn out to be the
 biggest reconstruction project since the second world war.

 It is estimated to be worth up to $900m for the preliminary work
 alone, such as rebuilding Iraq's hospitals, ports, airports and

 The contract winners will be able to establish a presence in
 post-Saddam Iraq that should give them an invaluable edge in
 winning future contracts.

 The defence department contract awarded to the Halliburton
 subsidiary, Kellog, Brown  Root (KBR), to control oil fires if
 Saddam Hussein sets the well heads alight, will put the company in
 an excellent position to bid for huge contracts when Iraq's oil
 industry is rehabilitated.

 KBR has already benefited considerably from the war on terror. It
 has so far been awarded contracts worth nearly $33m to build the
 detention camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for al-Qaida suspects.

 Asked whether the payments to Mr Cheney represented a conflict of
 interest, Halliburton's spokeswoman, Wendy Hall, said: We have
 been working as a government contractor since the 1940s. Since this
 time, KBR has become the premier provider of logistics and support
 services to all branches of the military.

 In the five years Mr Cheney was at the helm, Halliburton nearly
 doubled the amount of business it did with the government to
 $2.3bn. The company also more than doubled its political
 contributions to $1.2m, overwhelmingly to Republican candidates.

 Mr Cheney sold most of his Halliburton shares when he left the
 company, but retained stock options worth about $8m. He arranged to
 pay any profits to charity.

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[CTRL] Elite Race to War Amidst High-Profile Opposition

2003-03-12 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Date: 10 Mar 2003
From: Ian Henshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Blair Races to War as Cabinet Crumbles

by Ian Henshall

Publisher: http://www.dumpblair.co.uk - http://www.911dossier.co.uk

The Blair government was rocked last night as Clare Short, a popular
Labour politician and key ally of Chancellor Gordon Browne, confirmed
that she will resign if Bush and Blair attack Iraq without an express UN

Short clearly believes that Bush/Blair are resigned to rejection by the
UN and have decided to start illegal attacks on Iraq as soon as possible,
before opposition has time to build further. There is no longer a rush to
war, there is a race to war. The BBC reports that US/UK raids on Iraq are
up to 500 sorties per night.

This resignation threat in itself could be shrugged off by Blair's
dwindling band of allies, but the tone of Short's criticism makes a move
to depose Blair inevitable. The British political world has not seen such
a scathing attack on a Prime Minister by a cabinet colleague since
Foreign Secretary Geoffrey Howe condemned Margaret Thatcher in 1990.
Within weeks Thatcher was out of power.

Short was scathing of Blair's `recklessness` which she described as `very
surprising`. In case there could be any doubt as to her planned
resignation, Short made it a condition of her support that there should
be not only UN approval for the planned attack, but also that there
should be a UN refugee plan in place, an issue which so far pro-Blair UK
media whores have barely mentioned.

In contrast to ex-cabinet minister Chris Smith, who led the massive
rebellion against Blair in the House of Commons two weeks ago, Short is
adopting a tone of contempt for Blair, making it clear that she sees him
as an emotionally immature liar.

Unable to breach Cabinet secrecy openly, Short gave a clue to the
Bush/Blair war strategy by stating that Blair was telling the cabinet one
thing while his spin doctors (Bilderberg plotter Peter Mandelson and
reformed alcoholic Alaistair Campbell) are telling the world something
quite different.

Short's intention to resign is not the only indication that Blair's days
are numbered. The New Statesman, the house magazine for Labour
intellectuals, recently carried a readers poll splitting 80 to 20 against
Blair. The current issue has devastating articles by moderate
opinion-former David Marquand, saying that Blair has played Rumsfeld's
game to destroy Europe in a remarkably juvenile and clumsy way and
intellectual John Gray explaining that US power is overstated and the
rest of the world is likely to keep on saying no to Bush/Blair's plans.

Even in the staunchly pro-war Observer influential columnist Andrew
Rawnsley drew a shocking picture of Blair personally, portraying him as
isolated, plagued by flu, desperately short of sleep, and unable to stop
obsessive meddling in irrelevant government business. The implication was
that Blair is headed for a breakdown.

Meanwhile in the US opinion is similarly settled against war in defiance
of the UN, but with the tv networks still loyal to the Bush Junta and
corrupt Senators controlled by pro-war slush funds, attention is shifting
to the financial markets where it is feared that the US cannot finance
the war on its own. Even looted Iraqi oil will not be on a scale to
staunch the flood of dollars needed to pay for the US trade deficit,
conquer Iraq and as Tony Blair puts it deal with North Korea and Iran.

Financial markets are more concerned with the truth than politicians and
the media whores, and they have noticed that the world may refuse to
accept trillions of freshly printed dollars at face value, especially
with Euros underpinned by real wealth and oil producers starting to
accept them.

The last time the world was confronted by a bankrupt country armed to the
teeth? Yes, it was Nazi Germany. And the country which helped them to
invade Czechoslovakia for its wealth? Britain, of course. Plus ca


From Ian Henshall, chair of INK and proprietor of The Tea and Coffee
Plant. INK is the umbrella trade organisation for the UK alternative
press. Comment is written in a strictly personal capacity. To get future
Crisis Newsletters, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For an archive go to

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Looting of Iraq not Enough to Cover War Costs - Massive Recession to Follow

2003-03-12 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-



Panel Faults Bush on War Costs and Risks

he cost of postwar reconstruction of Iraq will be at least $20 billion a
year and will require the long-term deployment of 75,000 to 200,000 troops
to prevent widespread instability and violence against former members of
Saddam Hussein's government, a panel of national security experts say in a
new study.

The panel, consisting of senior American officials from Republican and
Democratic administrations, was organized by the Council on Foreign
Relations. It concludes that President Bush has failed to fully describe
to Congress and the American people the magnitude of the resources that
will be required to meet the post-conflict needs of Iraq.

The panel was led by James R. Schlesinger, secretary of defense in the
Nixon and Ford administrations, and Thomas R. Pickering, ambassador to the
United Nations under Mr. Bush's father. Others on the panel included Gen.
John M. Shalikashvili, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from
1993 to 1997 and is now retired, and Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick, who served in
senior positions in the Reagan administration.

They urged Mr. Bush to make clear to Congress, the American people and
the people of Iraq that the United States will stay the course in Iraq by
financing a multibillion-dollar reconstruction program and seeking
formal Congressional endorsement of it.

In Washington, meanwhile, Pentagon officials said yesterday that the Bush
administration was planning to put Iraqi soldiers to work and to pay the
salaries of more than two million Iraqi civil servants to enable them to
rebuild their country if Saddam Hussein is ousted. But the officials
declined to estimate how much such support would cost.

Through the Council on Foreign Relations report, the panel of experts and
the council sounded an alarm that the Bush administration needed to be
more forthcoming about the risks and costs of an extended occupation of

One risk arises from the aspirations for independence by ethnic Kurds in
the north, which could set off a conflict with Turkey. Another stems from
the deep grievances of the Shiite population against the Sunni minority
that has dominated the country since its founding. How political leaders
are chosen and how Iraq's oil resources are managed also carry the seeds
of conflict that will demand significant American resources.

Mr. Schlesinger, who also served President Nixon in the Office of
Management and Budget, and later ran the C.I.A., said in an interview that
while he was reasonably confidant that United States military forces would
prevail in a brief war against the degraded army of Saddam Hussein, he was
deeply worried about the unwillingness of the Bush administration to speak
plainly about the much larger postwar costs and tasks. It is not clear to
me that the American people understand we are engaged in the long haul if
we are to be successful, he said.

The report calls particular attention to the lack of planning and
inadequate resources devoted to the humanitarian front after the war.
Though Mr. Bush has created a new Pentagon Office of Reconstruction and
Humanitarian Assistance, overall planning by international agencies like
the World Food Program shows that only $30 million of a $120 million
initial requirement for Iraq has been financed. The panel suggested that
the White House request an immediate $3 billion for Iraq reconstruction
tasks and food aid for the initial postwar phase.

To the extent the United States fails to move quickly to address the
security and food needs of the more than 16 million Iraqis now dependent
on the United Nations' oil-for-food program, Washington will quickly be
blamed. It would fuel the perception that the result of the U.S.
intervention is an increase of humanitarian suffering, the report says.

In appended comments, James F. Dobbins, who served as a special envoy to
Afghanistan in the current Bush administration, said that even the lowest
suggested requirement of 75,000 troops to stabilize Iraq would mean that
every infantryman in the U.S. Army spend 6 months in Iraq out of every 18
to 24. The report gave credence to a recent estimate by Gen. Eric K.
Shinseki, the Army chief of staff, that 200,000 troops would be needed to
police Iraq after a war. If that many troops are needed, the report says,
the $20 billion a year estimate of costs would be much greater.

At the Pentagon yesterday, two senior Defense Department officials,
speaking to reporters on condition that they not be identified, said the
new office charged with establishing a postwar administration hoped to be
able to turn over control to an interim Iraqi government within months.
But they did not say how they planned to root out the thousands of
intelligence and security service agents that Mr. Hussein is known to have
placed within virtually every government ministry.


[CTRL] US to Attack Alone, No Approvals, No Peace, Against World Opinion

2003-03-12 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


U.S. suggests war without Britain

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 Posted: 0841 GMT ( 4:41 PM HKT)

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Pressure is growing on UK Prime Minister Tony
Blair after U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld raised the idea that
America might be prepared to go to war against Iraq without Britain.

Rumsfeld suggested the British force could be mere spectators -- taking up
a peacekeeping role after a U.S. invasion to oust Saddam Hussein.

Blair is under political pressure from anti-war forces within his own
Labour Party, including the threat of ministerial resignations, and polls
showing the British public wants U.N. sanction for military action.

He has been pushing for a new U.N. resolution that would set a March 17
deadline for Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to demonstrate compliance with
U.N. demands to disarm.

Officials in London are now considering extending that deadline and
setting out tests to measure Iraqi compliance, in order to bolster support
on the Security Council.

But with both France and Russia threatening to veto the resolution,
Rumsfeld was asked at a news conference on Tuesday whether the role of the
British in an initial assault on Iraq might be scaled back.

Their situation is distinctive to their country and they have a
government that deals with the parliament in their distinctive way and
what will ultimately be decided is unclear as to their role, he said.

That is to say their role in the event a decision is made to use force.

The second issue of their role in a post-Saddam Hussein reconstruction
process or stabilization process which would be a different matter.

I think until we know what the resolution is we won't know the answers to
what their role will be.

He said British participation would be welcomed but added: To the
extent they are not able to participate, there are work-arounds and they
would not be involved, at least in that phase of it.

His words prompted a flurry of phone calls between London and Washington
and Rumsfeld later issued a statement clarifying his remarks.

In the event that a decision to use force is made, we have every reason
to believe there will be a significant military contribution from the UK,
he said.

However, observers say the comments highlight Blair's precarious position
and he is expected to face a testing Prime Minister's Question Time in the
Commons on Wednesday.

Rumsfeld's words were seized on by leading rebel Labour member of
parliament Graham Allen, who urged Blair to seize the heaven sent
opportunity to avoid further conflict with his party.

He told CNN: Mr. Rumsfeld's comments allow the prime minister an exit
strategy with dignity which I hope he will seize on.

Allen said there should now be a vote in the British parliament, not
dictated by party lines, on whether Britain should support a war.

CNN's European Political Editor Robin Oakley said: Rumsfeld was trying to
show consideration for Tony Blair's political difficulties at home, but by
suggesting the Amercians might go ahead without British particiaption, he
has just redoubled the effort of all Blair's critics in his own party, who
are now saying there is an exit strategy.

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[CTRL] Kurds Prepare for Independency, Turks Prepare to Destroy Kurds, Israel Prepares to Annihilate Palestinians, US Ready to Kill Iraqis

2003-03-12 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday March 11, 10:50 AM

Kurdish forces mobilise to counter feared Turkish incursion: commander

Kurdish fighters in the Dahuk region near the Turkish border returned to
their base at the weekend to prepare to counter a feared Turkish incursion
into northern Iraq, the Kurdish commander in the region said.

All the fighters returned to their base this weekend from all across the
Dahuk region, of Iraqi Kurdistan, General Babaker Zebari, the head of the
Kurdish forces in the region, told AFP.

In fact, they are there (to act against) Iraq. But as the Turks have
moved to the border, we are also ready for that, he said, referring to
movements of hundreds of Turkish military vehicles toward the Iraqi border
in recent days.

He said the large-scale Turkish deployments constitute a threat and if
the Turks are looking for problems, they must take responsibility.

We will strike them as soon as they arrive. We only have RPGs (hand-held
rocket launchers) against their tanks. We will perhaps be unable to hold
the front, but we can stage guerrilla attacks, the general said.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party, which shares control of northern Iraq with
the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), fears Turkey will exploit the
US-led war on Iraq to move into the region, and has been concerned by
reports already of Turkish troop, vehicle and equipment movements on the
Turkish side.

Ankara is worried that a war may encourage Iraq's Kurds to break away
completely and set up an independent state, offering a rallying point for
Turkey's own restive Kurdish population just across the border.

The Iraqi Kurds fear that Washington may be prepared to allow Turkey more
leeway in the region in return for using Turkish bases in the
long-threatened attack on Baghdad.

KDP chief Massoud Barzani warned Saturday of serious consequences if
Turkish troops moved in and said he hoped the Kurds would not be
betrayed by Washington.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Iraq Pleads for Support, Says Committed to Disarming

2003-03-12 Thread Jei
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Iraq pleads for support

Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed al-Douri, has appealed
to the international community to prevent what he called the inevitable
catastrophe of a US-led war against his country.

Speaking at an open meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Mr
al-Douri said Iraq was committed to abandoning banned weapons and accused
the United States of possessing ulterior motives.

Dozens of countries spoke out against the prospect of military action,
piling pressure on the US and Britain, which have intensified their
efforts to win support for a second resolution paving the way for the use
of force against Iraq.

Still lacking sufficient backing among Security Council members to ensure
their resolution passes, Britain and the US were working on amendments to
the draft text which could extend a 17 March deadline for Iraq to prove it
is disarming.

Deadline, possibly 10 days, for Iraq to make strategic decision to disarm
17 March deadline to be postponed
Destruction of banned weapons
Evidence of previous claims of destroyed weapons
Interviews with Iraqi scientists abroad

Pressure on world leaders

Earlier, the United States rejected a suggestion by the six undecided,
non-permanent members of the Security Council to extend the deadline for
Iraq to disarm by 45 days.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the American people were becoming
increasingly impatient with the UN, and he insisted the resolution would
be put to a vote this week.

An opinion poll carried out by the New York Times and CBS television
suggested 66% of Americans support going to war with Iraq.

Fifty-five per cent said they would still approve even without the backing
of the UN.

The US, Britain and co-sponsor Spain still need the support of the
undecided members - Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Guinea, Mexico and Pakistan -
to win a so-called moral majority vote.

In a televised speech on Wednesday, Pakistani Prime Minister Zafarullah
Jamali said it would be very difficult for Pakistan to support war
against Iraq, but stopped short of saying Pakistan would vote against the

France and Russia have said they are prepared to veto the resolution,
while China, which also has veto power, has said it backs Russia's

US 'seeking oil'

Opening the council meeting on Tuesday, Mr al-Douri said the goal of the
United States and Britain was not Iraq's disarmament, but to lay their
hands on our oil, to control the region, to redraw our borders.

Iraq has taken the strategic decision to rid itself of weapons of mass
destruction... and reiterates its readiness to co-operate, the ambassador

QA: Iraq briefing

The majority of the 28 speakers who addressed the council called for a
peaceful solution to the crisis.

Australia was the only country to support the US unequivocally, saying the
UN weapons inspectors will never be able to do their job properly - it is
time that all the members of the Security Council acknowledged this.

Canada, which has been influential over undecided council members,
suggested a three-week deadline for Iraq to demonstrate it had fully
complied with the UN's disarmament demands.

About 40 nations are likely to speak in the debate, which was adjourned
until 1500 local time (2000 GMT) on Wednesday.

Military build-up

The US and Britain have built up a massive military presence in the Gulf

BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus says American and British planes
patrolling longstanding no-fly zones over Iraq are stepping up raids on
air defences in the country to weaken them ahead of a wider conflict.

And the US army says earth fortifications along the Iraq-Kuwait border are
being removed to allow an overland assault to begin.

Meanwhile, the US and Turkey are holding talks about the use of Turkish
airspace by American forces in the event of war.

In other developments:

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld qualifies remarks suggesting US
forces might act without British military support, saying the US had
every reason to believe there will be a significant military contribution
from the United Kingdom.

The US military says it has successfully tested a massive 21,000 pound
bomb - known as the Moab: Massive Ordnance Air Burst or, unofficially, the
Mother Of All Bombs - which may be used in any conflict with Iraq

UN inspectors' spokesman Hiro Ueki says Iraq has destroyed three more of
their banned al-Samoud II missiles, bringing the total destroyed to 55 out
of about 100

Mr Ueki says three pilotless drones, which the US says can deliver weapons
of mass destruction, have been discovered

Two American U-2 spy planes supporting UN inspections are withdrawn from
Iraqi airspace after Baghdad complains they flew in from Saudi Arabia,
breaching an agreement with inspectors

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2003-03-12 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Government monitor intercepts order to troops from U.S. Central Command

Israeli official claims war starts March 18

Posted: March 11, 2003
6:08 p.m. Eastern

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

An Israeli official said in a televised report today that the U.S.
military has been ordered to launch a war against Iraq on March 18,
reports WorldTribune.com.

Michael Gurdus, an Israeli government monitor, reportedly said the order
was relayed by U.S. Central Command to all American forces in the Persian
Gulf. According to the report, Gurdus told Israel's Channel 2 television
that he heard the order being relayed to U.S. fighter-jet pilots and
others over U.S. military radio communications he intercepted.

Gurdus is considered the leading communications monitor in the Middle
East. According to the WorldTribune.com report, he has broken numerous
stories because of his ability to intercept and understand
foreign-language civilian and radio broadcasts and communications. He
said the U.S. military, in its radio communications, refers to Iraq as
bad cows and kabab, Middle East Newsline reported.

Israel's media reported that the United States had demanded that senior
Israeli officials stop issuing predictions of when the war would erupt.

The latest proposal from the U.S. and UK to the United Nations Security
Council called for a March 17 deadline for Saddam to disarm or face
consequences. Some media reports indicated the U.S. was considering
extending that deadline, but White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
described a plan to extend it as a a non-starter.

The U.S. had hoped to vote on the resolution today but were forced to
delay action since the required nine votes for passage had not been
secured. In addition, France has threatened to veto the measure.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink

2003-03-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink

   We have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such
manipulation of the American people, since the war in Vietnam,
 - John Brady Kiesling

By Robert Scheer

Even some in government can no longer be silent in the face of falsehood.

So the truth is out: George W. Bush lied when he claimed to be worried
about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. Otherwise, Iraq's
stepped-up cooperation with the U.N. on disarmament would be stunningly
good news, obviating the need to rush to war.

Instead, the U.N. weapons inspectors' verification of Iraq's destruction
of missiles, private meetings with Iraqi weapons scientists, visits to
locations where biological and chemical weapons were destroyed in 1991
and a series of unfettered flights by U2 spy plans have been met with a
shrug and sneer in Washington. The White House line is that even if the
Iraqis destroy all their slingshots, Goliath is still bringing his tanks
and instituting regime change. The arrogance is breathtaking. We have
demanded that a country disarm -- and even as it is doing so, we say it
doesn't matter: it's too late; we're coming in. Put down your guns and
await the slaughter.

Abraham Lincoln once observed that even a free people can be fooled for a
time -- and this, mind you, was long before Fox News existed -- and in
his chaotic two-year presidency, Bush has pushed the Big Lie approach so
far that we are seeing dramatic signs of its cracking: an international
backlash, a domestic peace movement and whistle-blowing from inside our
own intelligence and diplomatic corps.

We have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such
systematic manipulation of the American people, since the war in
Vietnam, wrote John Brady Kiesling, a 20-year veteran of the U.S.
Foreign Service in his letter of resignation last week to Secretary of
State Colin Powell. Kiesling, who was political counselor in U.S.
embassies throughout the Mideast, added that until this administration,
it had been possible to believe that by upholding the policies of my
president, I was also upholding the interests of the American people and
the world. I believe it no longer.

And this brave man is not the only one who has caught on. The entire
world is astonished that our president is lying not about a personal
indiscretion but about the most sacred duty of the leader of the most
powerful nation in human history not to recklessly endanger the lives of
his own or the world's people. Yet lie he has.

The first lie, claimed outright, was that Iraq aided and abetted the
Sept. 11 terrorists. There is no evidence at all for this claim. It is
also interesting to note that not a single leading Al Qaeda operative has
turned out to be Iraqi. The latest to be nabbed, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,
was living in Pakistan, was raised in Kuwait and studied engineering --
and presumably the physics of explosives -- at a college in North

The second lie was that Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction
represent an imminent threat to U.S. security. Despite the most hugely
expensive but secret high-tech spy operation in human history --
estimated by most at well over $100 billion a year -- and a vast network
of defectors and spies, we have not been able to find their supposed

The third and most dangerous lie is that our mission now is to bring
lasting peace to the Mideast by a devastating invasion of Iraq, which
will end, as the president outlined last week, in U.S. dominance over the
structure of government and politics throughout the region. After
abandoning promising efforts by the previous administration to create
peace between Israel and the Palestinians, the Bush team now claims that
changing Muslim governments around the world will end the downward spiral
of violence there. Which leads us to another lie: that this is all good
for our ally, Israel -- the claim of the cabal of neoconservative
ideologues running our Mideast policy. In fact, however, Israel will be
placed in a terribly dangerous position, serving as a fig leaf for U.S.
ambitions, further ensuring that it remain forever an isolated military

This construction of a new world order comes from a naive and untraveled
president, emboldened in his ignorance by advisors who have been plotting
an aggressive Pax Americana ever since the Soviet bloc's collapse.

Bush insiders Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz
and Donald Rumsfeld are all members of something called the Project for a
New American Century that has been pushing for a U.S. redesign of the
Mideast since 1997. After Sept. 11, they seized on our national tragedy
as a way to enlist George W. in support of their grand design. Not only
was this reckless scheme never mentioned by Bush during the 

[CTRL] Urgent Diplomacy Fails to Gain U.S. 9 Votes in the U.N.

2003-03-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

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Urgent Diplomacy Fails to Gain U.S. 9 Votes in the U.N.
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[CTRL] How the U.S. Kills It's Own Soldiers

2003-03-10 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

From: John Draper
To: Dr Clark-egroup
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003

NOTE:  This is one of the most shocking subjects the controlled media
won't touch, how 30% of the 1st Gulf War vets are dead or dying from
depleted uranium from OUR shells, and in one State where studies were
made, almost a third of babies being born to Gulf War vets have serious
disfiguring mutations and health problems.  This stuff makes Agent Orange
seem rather benign in comparison.  The only way it makes any sense, like
the chemtrails across America, is to weaken us, our resistance to
invasion here in the U.S., as is planned by the Sino-Soviet alliance,
following the Iraq attack and retaliation with nukes and biologicals
across America. God forbid that this prophetic 3rd Great Peril  vision
of George Washington comes to pass (at www.heartcom.org/3rdperil.htm )
but you can't say we haven't been warned! -CR

from: http://www.futurenet.org/25environmentandhealth/rokke.htm

An Interview with Major Doug Rokke

Doug Rokke has a PhD in health physics and was originally trained as a
forensic scientist. When the Gulf War started, he was assigned to prepare
soldiers to respond to nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, and
sent to the Gulf. What he experienced has made him a passionate voice for
peace, traveling the country to speak out. The following interview was
conducted by the director of the Traprock Peace Center, Sunny Miller,
supplemented with questions from YES! editors.

(EXCERPT FROM DR. ROKKE'S INTERVIEW: We also bombarded Vieques, Puerto
Rico, with DU in preparation for the war in Kosovo. That's affecting
American citizens on American territory. When I tried to activate our
team from the Department of Defense responsible for radiological safety
and DU cleanup in Vieques, I was told no. When I tried to activate
medical care, I was told no.)

QUESTION : Any viewer who saw the war on television had the impression
this was an easy war, fought from a distance and soldiers coming back
relatively unharmed. Is this an accurate picture?

ROKKE : At the completion of the Gulf War, when we came back to the
United States in the fall of 1991, we had a total casualty count of 760:
294 dead, a little over 400 wounded or ill. But the casualty rate now for
Gulf War veterans is approximately 30 percent. Of those stationed in the
theater, including after the conflict, 221,000 have been awarded
disability, according to a Veterans Affairs (VA) report issued September
10, 2002.

Many of the US casualties died as a direct result of uranium munitions
friendly fire. US forces killed and wounded US forces.

We recommended care for anybody downwind of any uranium dust, anybody
working in and around uranium contamination, and anyone within a vehicle,
structure, or building that's struck with uranium munitions. That's
thousands upon thousands of individuals, but not only US troops. You
should provide medical care not only for the enemy soldiers but for the
Iraqi women and children affected, and clean up all of the contamination
in Iraq.

And it's not just children in Iraq. It's children born to soldiers after
they came back home.

The military admitted that they were finding uranium excreted in the
semen of the soldiers. If you've got uranium in the semen, the genetics
are messed up. So when the children were conceived -- the alpha particles
cause such tremendous cell damage and genetics damage that everything
goes bad. Studies have found that male soldiers who served in the Gulf
War were almost twice as likely to have a child with a birth defect and
female soldiers almost three times as likely.

Q: You have been a military man for over 35 years. You served in Vietnam
as a bombardier and you are still in the US Army Reserves. Now you're
going around the country speaking about the dangers of depleted uranium
(DU). What made you decide you had to speak publicly about DU?

ROKKE: Everybody on my team was getting sick. My best friend John Sitton
was dying. The military refused him medical care, and he died. John set
up the medical evacuation communication system for the entire theater.
Then he got contaminated doing the work.

John and Rolla Dolph and I were best friends in the civilian world, the
military world, forever. Rolla got sick. I personally got the order that
sent him to war. We were both activated together. I was given the
assignment to teach nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare and make
sure soldiers came back alive and safe. I take it seriously. I was sent
to the Gulf with this instruction: Bring 'em back alive. Clear as could
be. But when I got all the training together, all the environmental
cleanup procedures together, all the medical directives, nothing

More than 100 American soldiers were exposed to DU in friendly fire
accidents, plus untold numbers of soldiers who climbed on and entered
tanks that had been hit with DU, taking photos 

[CTRL] America Led by A Sick Lunatic

2003-03-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-



 by William Thomas
   Senior reporter Lifeboat News

   Feb. 12, 2003

   What drives a man to go against the wishes of his countryfolk and the
entire world community - including the presidents of Russia, China,
France and Germany?

   How can a professed Christian continue to defy church leaders
   worldwide - including the Bishops of Britain and the Pope? How does he
  rationalize breaking the commandments of his God, which clearly
 prohibit coveting another's property, theft of their oil, and mass
 murder of defenseless populations?

   How can he ignore his own generals when they complain, We're
advocating a policy that says we will invade another nation that is
not currently attacking us or invading any of our allies. [Capitol
  Hill Blue Jan, 22, 2003]

   To those who deem it unseemly to count the brick's on one man's load,
 let us recall that this unelected President is one brick short of
 killing what the UN fears could be up to a half-million people in
Iraq. This massacre could easily see Pakistan's government - and its
  30 to 40 nukes - falling to an al Qaeda/Taliban majority. Bush's
announced plans to attack North Korea and Iran have already prompted
 both countries to hit the nuclear gas pedal, virtually assuring a
nuclear event. And his $5 trillion blowout has taken the American
   economy to a $2 trillion deficit in two short years. As ignored global
 warming triggers Extreme Weather Events, frightened Nobel
   price-winning economists warn that GW's proposed $600 billion tax cut
  is fiscal madness - a very serious economic error that will
   collapse the country in exactly the same way the ex-Soviet Empire went
  bust buying and deploying so many arms in so many places. Ditto
   Imperial Rome.

  Are these the acts of a rational person?

 Not since Nixon's famous freak-outs in the White House, which saw
   National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger ordering military commanders
to ignore nuclear launch orders from their Commander-In-Chief, is it
 so urgent that we examine a president's cognitive capacities. [The
 Trial of Henry Kissinger]

   It might be useful to scrutinize the following findings. While
  everyone goes nuts from time to time, the salient question is
   whether traits described below dominate and drive today's presidential
decisions. Is a man called by other government reps, an idiot an
imbecile dangerously incompetent and a moron competent, capable
   and qualified to direct America's unchallenged military might?

   Read on. If you dare.

   Is The 'President' Nuts? asks Carol Wolman, M.D. Many people,
   inside and especially outside this country, believe that the American
   president is nuts, and is taking the world on a suicidal path.
   [Counterpunch Oct. 2, 2002]

A board-certified psychiatrist in practice for 30 years, Dr. Wolman
 feels compelled to understand the psychopathology of man under
   tremendous pressure from both his family/junta, and from the world at
   large. Dr. Wolman wonders if GW is suffering from Antisocial
Personality Disorder, as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical
   Manual Fourth Edition:

There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the
rights of others: 1) failure to conform to social norms with respect
to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that
 are grounds for arrest; 2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated
  lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or
   pleasure; 5) reckless disregard for safety of self or others; 7) lack
  of remorse by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt,
 mistreated or stolen from others.

   GW Bush is highly regarded for kicking the twin demons of cocaine
   and alcohol addiction. If he is still off both wagons - and there is
   no proof that isn't - such a triumph, encouraged and aided by his
   wife, is commendable.

 When probing the mysteries of GW's brain chemistry, a key point to
   ponder is that damage done to brain cells from drug abuse is permanent
 and irreversible.

Quaker and university professor Katherine van Wormer co-authored the
   definitive, 2002, Addiction Treatment. This expert writes that George
  W. Bush manifests all the classic patterns of what alcoholics in
recovery call 'the dry drunk'. His behavior is consistent with being
  brought on by years of heavy drinking and possible cocaine use.

[CTRL] Bush's Napoleon Complex

2003-03-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


For Bush, War Defines Presidency
Response to Iraq Reflects Convictions
By Dana Milbank, Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 9, 2003; Page A01

In the coming weeks, all signs indicate, President Bush will launch the
first war without direct provocation in the nation's history.

The consequences of invading Iraq, supporters and opponents agree, will
extend far beyond the Tigris and Euphrates. Repercussions of the war are
likely to define not just the Bush presidency, but also the U.S. role in
the world and even the course of domestic policy for years to come.

It is the largest of gambles -- except that Bush, in rhetoric and in
temperament, sees it not as a gamble but as a historical inevitability. As
he has upped the ante in Iraq by linking the war to the future of the
United Nations, NATO and American leadership in the world, he appears
confident and serene in the face of bitter worldwide protest.

This is his moment; this is his Omaha Beach, said Craig Stapleton, a
close friend who is ambassador to the Czech Republic. He knows exactly
what to do.

This confidence despite the risks and the overwhelming opposition reveals
much about Bush's personality and worldview. Those close to Bush say the
Sept. 11 attacks gave him not just new meaning to his presidency but a new
purpose to his life. The nation must understand, this is now the focus of
my administration, he said two days later.

Bush has come to view his leadership of post-9/11 America as a matter of
fate, or of God's will. He has said the country is called to defend our
nation and to lead the world to peace, and he often says the mission is
to extend liberty, God's gift to every human being in the world.

With that assumption, it is almost impossible to imagine Bush confining
the war on terrorism to al Qaeda. Instead, he quickly embraced the most
sweeping foreign policy proposal his most hawkish advisers had developed
-- a vision of American supremacy and preemption of emerging threats --
and that policy leads inexorably to Iraq, and beyond.

Bush's aides believe the president made up his mind about Iraq in the
early days after Sept. 11. He resolved to do everything possible to
prevent it from happening again. September 11 gave him a never-again
sense, one senior aide said. He never wants to stand again before
another pile of rubble. He'll err on the side of being overly vigilant.

Bush has said as much himself. The price of doing nothing exceeds the
price of taking action, he said in his Thursday news conference.

Though Bush asserts with certainty that he is taking the least risky
option, there is much at stake. If all goes well, Bush's Iraq war may be
compared to President Harry S. Truman's Berlin Airlift, which represented
the implementation of a new U.S. foreign policy that ultimately won the
Cold War. If it goes badly, it may be remembered in the same way as
President Woodrow Wilson's war to end wars, which instead was followed
by instability, economic collapse and genocide.

Historian Walter Russell Mead, of the Council on Foreign Relations, said
Bush and his aides are aware that major issues are at stake and they're
playing for very big stakes. At the very least, they're aware that their
political lives are at stake.

In the worst-case scenario, a protracted, messy war and rebuilding in Iraq
lead to mass U.S. and Iraqi civilian casualties, more terrorism at home,
an oil crisis, radicalization of the Middle East and the fall of friendly
governments, and an isolated and disliked United States whose alliances --
even highly valued free-trade arrangements -- disintegrate.

Potentially, it is the deconstruction of alliances as we have known them
throughout the postwar period, said Leon Fuerth, who was Vice President
Al Gore's national security adviser. Bush has done a best-case analysis
of what's going to follow here. But every good thing he projects could be
turned on its head, and there's no way of knowing for sure which way the
odds run.

Even friends caution Bush against naive optimism. This is the first
hyperpower war, where the dominant power in the system sees a huge problem
that it is determined to resolve even with quite serious opposition of
major players, said Eliot Cohen, a theorist at the Johns Hopkins School
for Advanced International Studies.

Publicly, at least, Bush has left no room for such concerns. He and his
aides have outlined a quick and successful overthrow of Hussein and
rebuilding of a democratic Iraq that spreads peace through the Middle
East. Establishing unchallenged world dominance for the United States, it
cows the leaders of Iran, North Korea and al Qaeda. In this view, the
domestic economy would soar, and help Bush and his party in 2004 to a
victory that would realign the country's political allegiances.

One reason for Bush's confidence under pressure is the unshakeable belief
of his advisers that this scenario is likely. 

[CTRL] The 39th US President Jimmy Carter: Just War -- or a Just War?

2003-03-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States:


 Just War -- or a Just War?
 By Jimmy Carter
 New York Times| Op-Ed

 Sunday 09 March 2003

ATLANTA -- Profound changes have been taking place in American foreign
policy, reversing consistent bipartisan commitments that for more than two
centuries have earned our nation greatness. These commitments have been
predicated on basic religious principles, respect for international law,
and alliances that resulted in wise decisions and mutual restraint. Our
apparent determination to launch a war against Iraq, without international
support, is a violation of these premises.

As a Christian and as a president who was severely provoked by
international crises, I became thoroughly familiar with the principles of
a just war, and it is clear that a substantially unilateral attack on Iraq
does not meet these standards. This is an almost universal conviction of
religious leaders, with the most notable exception of a few spokesmen of
the Southern Baptist Convention who are greatly influenced by their
commitment to Israel based on eschatological, or final days, theology.

For a war to be just, it must meet several clearly defined criteria.

The war can be waged only as a last resort, with all nonviolent options
exhausted. In the case of Iraq, it is obvious that clear alternatives to
war exist. These options -- previously proposed by our own leaders and
approved by the United Nations -- were outlined again by the Security
Council on Friday. But now, with our own national security not directly
threatened and despite the overwhelming opposition of most people and
governments in the world, the United States seems determined to carry out
military and diplomatic action that is almost unprecedented in the history
of civilized nations. The first stage of our widely publicized war plan is
to launch 3,000 bombs and missiles on a relatively defenseless Iraqi
population within the first few hours of an invasion, with the purpose of
so damaging and demoralizing the people that they will change their
obnoxious leader, who will most likely be hidden and safe during the

The war's weapons must discriminate between combatants and noncombatants.
Extensive aerial bombardment, even with precise accuracy, inevitably
results in collateral damage. Gen. Tommy R. Franks, commander of
American forces in the Persian Gulf, has expressed concern about many of
the military targets being near hospitals, schools, mosques and private

Its violence must be proportional to the injury we have suffered. Despite
Saddam Hussein's other serious crimes, American efforts to tie Iraq to the
9/11 terrorist attacks have been unconvincing.

The attackers must have legitimate authority sanctioned by the society
they profess to represent. The unanimous vote of approval in the Security
Council to eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction can still be
honored, but our announced goals are now to achieve regime change and to
establish a Pax Americana in the region, perhaps occupying the ethnically
divided country for as long as a decade. For these objectives, we do not
have international authority. Other members of the Security Council have
so far resisted the enormous economic and political influence that is
being exerted from Washington, and we are faced with the possibility of
either a failure to get the necessary votes or else a veto from Russia,
France and China. Although Turkey may still be enticed into helping us by
enormous financial rewards and partial future control of the Kurds and oil
in northern Iraq, its democratic Parliament has at least added its voice
to the worldwide expressions of concern.

The peace it establishes must be a clear improvement over what exists.
Although there are visions of peace and democracy in Iraq, it is quite
possible that the aftermath of a military invasion will destabilize the
region and prompt terrorists to further jeopardize our security at home.
Also, by defying overwhelming world opposition, the United States will
undermine the United Nations as a viable institution for world peace.

What about America's world standing if we don't go to war after such a
great deployment of military forces in the region? The heartfelt sympathy
and friendship offered to America after the 9/11 attacks, even from
formerly antagonistic regimes, has been largely dissipated; increasingly
unilateral and domineering policies have brought international trust in
our country to its lowest level in memory. American stature will surely
decline further if we launch a war in clear defiance of the United
Nations. But to use the presence and threat of our military power to force
Iraq's compliance with all United Nations resolutions -- with war as a
final option -- will enhance our status as a champion of peace and

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, is chairman of the

[CTRL] Bush about to do to Iraq what Saddam did to Kuwait

2003-03-09 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  Editor's Note: Bush gave only the eighth formal news
 conference since taking office in 2001 on Thursday night.  There
 was speculation beforehand that this might be the moment when  a
 declaration of war against Iraq would be made.  Some even thought
 Bush would be announcing the capture of Osama bin Laden.  Neither
 came to pass.  Instead, Bush ran through a familiar litany of
 accusations and threats directed at Saddam Hussein.  There were two
 factors to note.  The first was that Bush all but promised that
 America would go to war without a UN resolution approving such
 action.  The second pertained to the nature of the press conference
 itself.  The reporters clearly asked scripted questions.  Bush
 himself referenced a list at his podium before calling on
 reporters, making it clear that he knew the order of the questions
 to come, the name of the questioners, and the questions
 themselves.  April, did you have a question or did I call on you
 cold? said Bush to a reporter after referencing his notes.

  At the end of the day, this press conference was designed to
 do one thing - to get rhetorically out in front of Hans Blix before
 he reports to the UN on Friday.  Twice now the administration has
 waited for Blix to report, expecting from him a basis for war, and
 twice they have been burned.  On Thursday, Bush attempted to set
 the terms of debate for this next report. - wrp

  Bush Commits to Second Resolution Vote
  Mark Oliver
  Guardian UK

  Friday 7 March 2003

  The US president, George Bush, said today that he would insist
 on a vote on a new resolution authorising war on Iraq, saying it
 was time for UN security council members to show their cards.

  Speaking at a televised White House news conference, Mr Bush
 committed to the vote for the first time, saying the US would seek
 it regardless of the prospects for success - which is in doubt
 because of opposition from council members Russia, France and

  The US, Britain and Spain last month tabled a second
 resolution, which would effectively authorise war, which followed
 previous UN resolution 1441 which ordered Iraq to disarm. However,
 there had been doubt about the US pushing the new resolution to a
 vote amid fears it may not get passed or be vetoed by France,
 Russia or China.

  However today Mr Bush said: No matter what the whip count is
 [the tally of expected votes], we're calling for the vote ... we
 want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about
 Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations security
 council. It's time for people to show their cards, to let the world
 know where they stand when it comes to Saddam.

  However, he indicated the US would go it alone regardless.
 When it comes to security, we certainly don't need anybody's
 permission, Mr Bush said.

  He said President Saddam was engaged in a willful charade to
 deceive UN weapons inspectors and that the United States and its
 allies were involved in the last phase of diplomacy. He said: If
 he does not disarm, we will disarm him.

  Mr Bush said President Saddam had made a big show of
 destroying a few missiles, referring to Iraq's Samoud missiles,
 which the regime has destroyed around 10 of in recent days after
 the UN said they exceeded a banned range. But Mr Bush added our
 intelligence indicates he has ordered the production of the very
 same missiles.

  He accused Iraq of hiding materials for weapons of mass
 destruction. These are not the actions of a regime that is
 disarming. These are the actions of a regime engaged in a willful
 charade. These are the actions of a regime that systematically and
 deliberately is defying the world, he said.

  Mr Bush denied he was worried about failing to get UN support
 for military action and indicated the US would act without it.

  (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
 is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
 interest in receiving the included information for research and
 educational purposes.)

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to 

[CTRL] On the Eve of Destruction: Counting Down the Days

2003-03-07 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

On the Eve of Destruction
by Adrian Banks

Victims of the bombing of Dresden
(original mail: black and white photograph
of a huge mound of mangled bodies)

This morning's local newspaper stated that, tomorrow morning at 6am, the 400
local guardsmen of the 151st Signal Battalion will be leaving for the Middle
East. Among those guardsmen is a friend in his early forties named Donald,
whom I've worked with on several residential construction jobs. He will
leaving South Carolina and will be joining around 300,000 troops that are
already in the Middle east region. They are there for one purpose, and that
purpose is to wage war.

The presumption is strong that the war will erupt soon, for billions of
dollars have been spent already, and soon the weather in Iraq will be
unfavorable for ground forces. By mid-April, dust storms are frequent in
Iraq, and the temperatures will be prohibitive for wearing haz-mat suits.
Also, we are told almost daily about more military deployments to the Middle
east region.

Let's face the truth about this whole mess that has been created by the
current administration. It has been well said many times that the first
casualty of war is the truth. The truth is that Iraq's military doesn't
stand a chance against the military might of the United States or Great
Britain. Iraq's population is around 22 million people; the United States
has a population of over 250 million; and Great Britain has a population of
around 60 million. This means that the United States and Great Britain
outnumber the Iraqi people 14 to 1. The bulk of the Iraqi population is also

What is the strength of Iraq's navy and air force? How many aircraft
carriers do they have? How many battleships do they have? How many heavy
bombers do they have? How many fighter jets do they have? I have seen no
news reports on this. The reason is obvious. Iraq no longer has an air force
or a navy worth mentioning. As a marine soldier on the front lines in Kuwait
told a news reporter recently in an interview, They don't stand a chance.
He is indeed correct. Yesterday on Fox news I learned that around 1200 B-52
heavy bombers will descend upon Iraq in the opening of the military
campaign. Iraq will be powerless to stop this. The blitzkrieg that will be
unleashed upon Iraq will be far greater than the one that the Nazis
unleashed upon Poland in September of 1939. When I look at this scenario, I
am reminded of Polish soldiers on horseback going up against German tanks.
Also, think of the carnage that 1200 heavy bombers will create upon a
defenseless people. In the 1940 blitz on London, casualties were estimated
at:  43,000 Killed  51,000 Seriously injured  88,000 Slightly injured. In
July and August of 1943, the bombing of Hamburg resulted in firestorms that
caused the deaths of around 50,000 people. As a result of these raids over a
million people fled the city.

In 1945, the fire bombing of Tokyo began on March 9 and 10. The area of
Tokyo selected was four miles by three miles, a zone with a civilian
population density of 103,000 per square mile. A high concentration of
incendiary bombs dropped from the huge U.S. B-29 Superfortresses ignited a
series of fires, fanned by brisk winds, which raged out of control within
half an hour, the result of which was that more than 15 square miles of
Tokyo was burned out. About 100,000 men, women and children were killed and
another 100,000 people were made homeless. According to the U.S. Army Air
Forces: No other air attack of the war, either in Japan or Europe, was so
destructive of life and property.

The bombing of Dresden was also horrifying. The Allies brought out many of
their best planes and most destructive bombs for the raid. Many of the bombs
were incendiaries, which are fire bombs constructed with magnesium that are
dropped in clusters and spread over the drop site. 13 February, 1945 brought
796 Lancaster bombers and 9 Mosquitoes from the Royal Air Force (RAF). In 3
hours, they dropped 1,478 tons of explosive bombs and 1,182 tons of
incendiaries . Likewise, the American Flying Fortresses and Liberators
dropped 1,800 explosive bombs and 136,800 fire sticks. American planes
completed the raid when they returned and unleashed 3,700 more explosive
bombs on Dresden. As a cultural center, not a military stronghold, Dresden
held few obstacles that could interfere with the pilots' missions. Not only
did the incendiary explosives increase the severity of the bombing, but also
the timing stimulated controversy. The Allies were aware of the mass of
refugees, yet they still machine-gunned the fleeing population as they ran
to escape the flames and explosions. The citizens were in an equally
hopeless situation. When the first bombs started falling, the citizens were
merely warned to keep sand and water handy. Incendiaries caused the
temperature to climb to degrees previously unheard of in Germany or Europe,
1800 degrees Fahrenheit. The fires depleted oxygen and 

[CTRL] A Real Policy For Peace

2003-03-07 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

A Real Policy For Peace
Charley Reese
Friday, March 7, 2003

There is only one nuclear power in the Middle East: Israel.

There is only one country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty: Israel.

There is only one country in the Middle East that refuses to allow
international inspections of its nuclear facilities: Israel.

There is only one country in the Middle East that stands in defiance of more
than 60 United Nations resolutions: Israel.

There is only one country in the Middle East that invaded and continues to
occupy land belonging to its neighbors: Israel.

I am not setting out to bash Israel, but merely to point out undeniable facts
that most of the America media and American politicians studiously ignore. Is
it too difficult for Americans to grasp that the United States has a blatant
double standard and that the people in Arab countries justifiably resent that
double standard? The Arabs do not expect or demand that the United States
become the enemy of Israel. They recognize the close ties between the two
countries. All they ask for is simple fairness.

It's not fair to threaten Iraq with war for allegedly violating U.N.
resolutions while protecting Israel from any consequences for violating more
U.N. resolutions. It's not fair to go to war to undo the invasion of Kuwait by
Iraq while condoning the continued occupation by Israel of portions of Lebanon,
Syria and Palestine. It's not fair to threaten Iraq and Iran about weapons of
mass destruction while remaining silent about those possessed by Israel. It's
not fair to harp on the crimes committed by Saddam Hussein while rationalizing
the crimes committed by Israel. Do you realize that in just the past week, as
of this writing, the Israelis have killed 33 Palestinians?

Do you realize that if the United States announced that its policy is to rid
the entire Middle East of weapons of mass destruction, including those
possessed by Israel, that the United States would receive the overwhelming
support of the Arab world?

Fairness was once the characteristic of the American republic. It consists
simply of doing exactly what our great founder, George Washington, recommended:
treat all countries the same, showing neither favoritism nor enmity to any.
Moreover, he pleaded, do not involve yourself in other people's feuds and
quarrels. And finally, he warned against the evils of foreign influence in our
domestic affairs.

Every single foreign-policy problem we face, including the threat of terrorism,
is a result of violating those three admonitions: We don't treat all nations
the same; we do involve ourselves in other people's quarrels; and we have
allowed foreign influence to exert tremendous influence on our policies. Far
from being the republic Washington and his contemporaries gave us, we have
become an empire, very much like Rome.

There are nearly 40,000 permanent lobbyists in Washington, swarming over our
535 elected officials like flies on roadkill. We have the bizarre ritual of
practically every candidate for president making a visit to the Israeli lobby
and pledging undying support for a foreign country. While millions in Africa
and Latin America suffer terrible poverty, not to mention 30 million of our own
people, we pour billions of dollars of aid into Israel, which has a comfortably
high standard of living. Again, foreign influence is the reason.

The truth is, we have no natural enemies except the North Koreans, who are
taught from the cradle to hate us. Islam is not our enemy. The Arab world is
not our enemy. Iran is not our enemy. Russia and China are not our enemies.
Except for the North Koreans, the only enemies we have in this world are those
we created with our unjust policies and actions.

President Bush fancies himself a Christian. It's too bad he isn't, but then
most Christians would not be recognizable to Christ if he returned to Earth.
Peace, love and justice are not very fashionable in many Christian circles
these days. Many of them prefer war, provided they don't have to fight it.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] From the Shadows Ruling the U.S. - Israeli Empire

2003-03-06 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Charley Reese Wednesday, March 5, 2003

 EXCERPT: If you watch the silly cable-news shows, you will recognize
 many of these names as part of the parade of experts in favor of war
  with Iraq.  The American people are being played for suckers.  Their
 sons and daughters will be cannon fodder in a war that might benefit a
   foreign country but will greatly damage the interests of our own.

NOTE:  These are the names of those who have betrayed America for their
own gain. Name the names in your invocations to Higher Power for
adjudication of this treasonous treachery. Call for the binding of the
Christian fanaticism that has believed the lies of Bush's moral
imperative and religious posturing, believing religiously that this is a
righteous war when it has been created and managed out of Zionist empire
ambitions and Machiavellian/Hegelian manipulation of the masses through
terror and tyranny.  Political correctness with these flimflam imposters
is morally wrong.  The force of anti-love as antichrist that preys on
people while praying In the name of the Christ.  If you didn't read the
recent post on George Bush, Alter Boy you should.  These guys running
the show are Illuminati Satanists. It's time we pulled the curtain on
that show and produced another one. -CR

Our task consists of preparing the Israeli army for the new war
   in order to achieve our ultimate goal, the creation of an Israeli
  -- Moshe Dayan 1952

The Flimflam

Still think you are not being flimflammed by the Bush administration?

Take heed of this:
Newsweek has reported that Hussein Kamel, the highest-ranking Iraqi
official ever to defect and Saddam Hussein's son-in-law, told the United
Nations, the CIA and Britain's MI-6 in 1995 that Iraq destroyed all of
its chemical and biological stocks, as well as the missiles to deliver
them, in 1991.

Yet the U.N. arms inspectors, the CIA and MI-6 chose to keep that secret.
If it's true -- and there's no reason to believe it isn't -- then it's
pretty hard evidence that the Bush administration is lying through its
teeth when it keeps insisting that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.

It also bolsters the credibility of former chief arms inspector Scott
Ritter, who has likewise insisted that Iraq's weapons were destroyed.
For that matter, it bolsters the credibility of the Iraqi government,
which insists it no longer has any weapons of mass destruction.

 [This war is psychological at this point; it's all about credibility.

You might recall that Kamel defected to Jordan and about six months later
made the mistake of returning to Iraq, where he was killed.  This coming
war with Iraq gets murkier and murkier.

Let's see if we can sort it out.

First, we have a chief executive so naive about the world outside of
Texas, he probably couldn't find a lot of countries on a map.  Second, he
has surrounded himself with American Likudniks -- supporters of Israel's
right-wing government.  Even The Washington Post reported recently what
I've been saying for months: that Bush's policy is identical to that of
Ariel Sharon's, the Israeli prime minister.

I've said that Bush has been acting like Sharon's puppet; The Washington
Post story quoted a U.S. official as saying Sharon has played Bush like
a violin.

The Israelis have long feared Iraq, Iran and North Korea (because they
fear it will sell missiles to Iran).  What a coincidence that those three
countries are Bush's axis of evil.

Before Bush's election, Dick Cheney (now vice president), John Bolton
(now undersecretary of state for arms control), Douglas Feith (now
third-highest-ranking official in the Defense Department), Richard Perle
(now chairman of the Defense Policy Board) and James Woolsey (former CIA
director)  all had one thing in common: They served as advisers to the
pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.  This is
according to an article that appeared in the magazine The Nation.  Bush
recently appointed as director of Middle Eastern affairs for the National
Security Council Elliott Abrams, a protégé of Perle and a man convicted
of lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra affair.

In 1996, according to an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Perle,
Feith and David Wurmser, now an assistant to Bolton, wrote a policy
proposal for Benjamin Netanyahu, then Israel's prime minister. Included
in their advice were tips on how to manipulate the American government
(OK, even the Haaretz reporter says the report comes dangerously close
to dual loyalty) and advice to drop the peace plan, drop the idea of land
for peace and concentrate on toppling Saddam Hussein and eventually
replacing other Middle Eastern governments in order to create a safe
environment for 

[CTRL] Pope to Bush: Go into Iraq and You Go Without God

2003-03-06 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Pope to Bush: Go into Iraq and You Go Without God
 Capitol Hill Blue

 Wednesday 5 March 2003

 Pope John Paul II has a strong message for President George W. Bush:
God is not on your side if you invade Iraq.
But the President told the pope's envoy the leader of the world's
Catholics is wrong.

 Pleading for peace, an emissary from Pope John Paul II questioned
Bush Wednesday on whether he was doing all he could to avert what the
envoy called an unjust war with Iraq.

 Bush said removing Saddam Hussein would make the world more

 The president met with Cardinal Pio Laghi, a former Vatican
ambassador to the United States and a Bush family friend, on Ash
Wednesday, the start of the Christian Lenten season of penance and
spiritual renewal leading up to Easter.

 Bush told the envoy in a 40-minute meeting that if it comes to the
use of force, he believes it will make the world better, said White
House spokesman Ari Fleischer, who attended the private meeting.
Removing the threat to the region will lead to a better, more peaceful
world in which innocent Iraqis will have a better life.

 Laghi came bearing the pope's message: A war would be a defeat for
humanity and would be neither morally nor legally justified.

 The Pope also questioned the President's statements invoking God's
name as justification for the invasion.

 God is a neutral observer in the affairs of man, the Pope said.
Man cannot march into war and assume God will be at his side.

 In Rome, the pope called for common efforts to spare humanity
another dramatic conflict.

 The Vatican stands by its view that a pre-emptive strike on Iraq is
immoral unless backed by the United Nations, Laghi said.
It's illegal, it's unjust, Laghi told reporters after the session with

 There are still peaceful avenues within the context of the vast
patrimony of international law and institutions which exist for that
purpose, Laghi said. There is great unity on this grave matter on the
part of the Holy See, the bishops in the United States, and the church
throughout the world, he said.

 Laghi posed a series of questions to Bush that reflected the
differences between the White House and the Vatican on Iraq, said a
senior administration official. The questions included the importance of
an international effort to confront Saddam and what the envoy said was a
gulf between the Western and Muslim worlds.

 Bush disagreed on the last point, saying the U.S. effort to expand
education opportunities to children had brought the Muslim and Western
nations closer together, the administration official said.

 Laghi delivered a letter in which the pope urged Bush to listen
carefully to the envoy. Neither the letter nor the envoy specifically
urged Bush to avoid war, the U.S. official said.

 Laghi said he left the White House with hope in spite of the fact
that the situation is what it is.

 Bush has rarely met with opponents of his Iraq stand in recent
months. He almost always meets with leaders who agree with him, but has
spoken by phone with adversaries.

 Bush, a Methodist, has taken pains throughout his presidency to
court Catholic voters, who made up a quarter of the electorate in 2000
and split their votes between Bush and Democrat Al Gore. White House
officials pointed out that Bush and the envoy also discussed abortion and
cloning, two issues on which the administration and the Vatican generally

 The polite exchange described by White House aides reflected the
careful language of diplomacy used by both sides, even when they

 In a May visit to the Vatican, Bush told the pope he was concerned
about the Catholic church's standing in America, where the church has
been rocked by sex-abuse scandal.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for research and educational

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US Refuses to Comment on Dirty Tricks to Win UN Vote on Iraq

2003-03-05 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Editor's Note: This is a massive story internationally, and
 yet there has been virtually no coverage of it here in the States.
 - wrp

  US Refuses to Comment on Report of 'Dirty Tricks' to Win UN
  Vote on Iraq
  by the Agence France Presse
  Tuesday 4 March 2003

  The United States steadfastly refused to comment on a report
 it is waging a secret dirty tricks campaign against UN Security
 Council members to win votes for a resolution opening the way for
 war against Iraq.

  Neither the White House nor the State Department would be
 drawn into making any statement on the report in London's Observer
 newspaper that said it had obtained a document detailing US
 surveillance of the home and office telephones and e-mails of UN

  The administration never comments on anything involving any
 people involved in intelligence, White House spokesman Ari
 Fleischer said. The administration does not answer questions of
 that nature.

  At the State Department, spokesman Richard Boucher repeatedly
 declined to respond to questions about the report and stayed mum
 even when asked if he could deny it.

  It doesn't matter what the paper is or whether it's true or
 not, I wouldn't have any comment on that kind of allegation, he
 told reporters.

  I would not have any comment whatsoever on that kind of
 question or allegation because we never comment on intelligence
 matters, and I'm not going to do it now, Boucher said.

  The paper said the disclosures were made in a memorandum
 written by a top official at the National Security Agency (NSA),
 the US body which intercepts communications around the world, and
 circulated to senior agents in his organization and to a friendly
 foreign intelligence agency.

  The memo describes orders to staff at the agency to step up
 surveillance particularly directed at ... UN Security Council
 members to provide up-to-the-minute intelligence on the voting
 intentions of UN members regarding the issue of Iraq, according to
 the Observer.

  The leaked memorandum, dated January 31, makes clear that the
 target of the heightened surveillance efforts are the delegations
 from Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Mexico, Guinea and Pakistan at the UN
 headquarters in New York, it said.

  Along with Spain and the United States, Britain has sponsored
 a new UN resolution declaring Iraq in non-compliance with earlier
 UN demands that it disarm, which would in effect authorize the use
 of force against the Baghdad regime.

  The resolution needs nine votes to pass while avoiding a veto
 by any of the five permanent members, and Britain and the US are
 lobbying feverishly for support.

  The votes of the so-called middle six delegations are being
 fought over by the pro-war party, led by the US and Britain, and
 the party arguing for more time for UN inspections in Iraq, led by
 France, China and Russia.

  Chile's foreign minister Soledad Alvear ordered Chile's
 embassy in London to look into The Observer's claims after meeting
 with Chile's UN Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdes and Chilean
 President Ricardo Lagos.

  (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
 is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
 interest in receiving the included information for research and
 educational purposes.)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Iraq Continues to Disarm as US Prepares to Attack

2003-03-05 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Russia Refuses to Rule Out UN Veto to Save World Peace


  Russia Refuses to Rule Out UN veto
  Independent UK

  Tuesday  4 March 2003

  The Russian foreign minister, Igor Ivanov, has refused to rule
 out the use of Russia's power of veto in the event of a UN security
 council vote on Iraq.

  If this is necessary, Moscow can resort to using this right,
 Mr Ivanov told the BBC World Service in London today. But he
 stressed that unanimity among the security council members was

  Earlier, US officials said that a vote on a new UN resolution
 intended to clear the way for an invasion would probably come next

  It is likely to take place after the chief UNN weapons
 inspector, Hans Blix, and the head of the International Atomic
 Energy Agency, Mohamed El Baradei, address the security council.

  Washington has ordered an additional 60,000 troops to the
 Gulf, bringing the total allied fighting force to more than

  The force is comprised of around 17,000 troops from the 1st
 Cavalry division, based at Fort Hood, Texas; 26,000 from the 1st
 Armoured division, based in Germany and Kansas; and 10,000 from the
 2nd Armoured Cavalry regiment based in Fort Polk, Louisiana.

  Senior officials told the New York Times that the force was
 unlikely to be intended for an initial invasion. Instead, it may
 form a second wave of attack or part of a post-war peacekeeping

  Turkey's government, meanwhile, says that it is considering a
 second attempt at winning approval for US troops to be based there
 during any attack on Iraq.

  Saddam warns US

  The Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, today marked the Islamic
 new year with a warning to would-be western attackers.

  In a letter read out on state-run television, President Saddam
 said that Iraq will defeat any invaders, and accused the US of
 trying to turn Arabs into slaves.

  We believe, with the coming of the Islamic new year and with
 God's help, we will be victorious against the tyrant. The believers
 will triumph over tyranny and its accomplices, he said.

  Meanwhile, Iraq continued to destroy its stock of banned
 Samoud 2 missiles, in compliance with the demands of UN weapons

  A ministry of information official said that at least two of
 the missiles, described by UN weapons chief Hans Blix as having a
 range greater than the UN-mandated limit of 150km, and a missile
 launcher were being destroyed at a site north of Baghdad.

  Hiro Ueki, a spokesman for the inspectors who are supervising
 the destruction, confirmed that it was continuing but refused to
 give details.

  Iraq has destroyed 16 of its stock of around 100 Samoud 2
 missiles since beginning the process on Saturday, not including any
 that may have been destroyed today.

  Iraq has also destroyed casting chambers used to make another
 missile, the Fatah, in a flurry of activity intended to prove that
 it is disarming ahead of Mr Blix's update to the security council
 on Friday.

  Workers have unearthed buried bombs, which they say are loaded
 with anthrax, aflatoxin and botulin toxin, and inspectors are
 analysing the contents.

  Iraq was also preparing a letter to the UN, that proposes
 verifying it has rid itself of anthrax and deadly VX nerve agent.

  Arab leader pursues exile plan

  Muslim leaders are gathering for an emergency summit amid
 increasing calls for Saddam Hussein to go into exile.

  Leaders must decide whether they will discuss an initiative by
 the president of the United Arab Emirates, Sheik Zayed bin Sultan
 al Nahyan, urging Saddam to step down.

  It is the third high-level gathering in a week for the
 Organisation of the Islamic Conference, which is desperately trying
 to avert war.

  Kuwait's minister of state for foreign affairs, Mohammed al
 Sabah, said that the UAE initiative, which also calls for
 international supervision of post-Saddam Iraq is not only of
 historical importance, but is timely and the only peaceful exit for
 this dangerous crisis.

  Iran, meanwhile, called for UN-supervised elections, and urged
 the divided Iraqi opposition to reconcile with President Saddam.

  Iranian foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi announced the plan in
 Tehran, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

  We want a referendum to be held in Iraq, and the Iraqi
 opposition [to] reconcile with the current regime in that country
 under the supervision of the United Nations, Mr Kharrazi was
 quoted as saying.

[CTRL] Memo Exposes Bush's New Green Strategy

2003-03-04 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  Memo Exposes Bush's New Green Strategy
  Oliver Burkeman
  The Guardian

  Tuesday 4 March 2003

  The US Republican party is changing tactics on the
 environment, avoiding frightening phrases such as global warming,
 after a confidential party memo warned that it is the domestic
 issue on which George Bush is most vulnerable.

  The memo, by the leading Republican consultant Frank Luntz,
 concedes the party has lost the environmental communications
 battle and urges its politicians to encourage the public in the
 view that there is no scientific consensus on the dangers of
 greenhouse gases.

  The scientific debate is closing [against us] but not yet
 closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the
 science, Mr Luntz writes in the memo, obtained by the
 Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based campaigning

  Voters believe that there is no consensus about global
 warming within the scientific community. Should the public come to
 believe that the scientific issues are settled, their views about
 global warming will change accordingly.

  Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of
 scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate.

  The phrase global warming should be abandoned in favour of
 climate change, Mr Luntz says, and the party should describe its
 policies as conservationist instead of environmentalist,
 because most people think environmentalists are extremists who
 indulge in some pretty bizarre behaviour... that turns off many

  Words such as common sense should be used, with pro-business
 arguments avoided wherever possible.

  The environment, the memo says, is probably the single issue
 on which Republicans in general - and President Bush in particular
 - are most vulnerable.

  A Republican source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
 party strategists agreed with Mr Luntz's conclusion that many
 Americans believe Republicans do not care about the environment.

  The popular image is that they are in the pockets of
 corporate fat cats who rub their hands together and chuckle
 manically [sic] as they plot to pollute America for fun and
 profit, Mr Luntz adds.

  The phrase global warming appeared frequently in President
 Bush's speeches in 2001, but decreased to almost nothing during
 2002, when the memo was produced.

  Environmentalists have accused the party and oil companies of
 helping to promulgate the view that serious doubt remains about the
 effects of global warming.

  Last week, a panel of experts appointed at the Bush
 administration's request to analyse the president's climate change
 strategy found that it lacked vision, executable goals, clear
 timetables and criteria for measuring progress.

  Rather than focusing on the things we don't know, it's almost
 as if parts of the plan were written by people who are totally
 unfamiliar with where ecosystems science is coming from, panel
 member William Schlesinger told the Guardian.

  Mr Luntz urges Republicans to emphasise the importance of
 'acting only with all the facts in hand', in line with the White
 House position that mandatory restrictions on emissions, as
 required by the Kyoto protocol, should not be countenanced until
 further research is undertaken.

  The memo singles out as a major strategic failure the incoming
 Bush administration's response to Bill Clinton's last-minute
 executive order reducing the permitted level of arsenic in drinking
 water from 50 parts per billion to 10 parts per billion.

  The new administration put the plan on hold, prompting the
 biggest public relations misfire of President Bush's first year in
 office, Mr Luntz writes. The perception was that Mr Bush was
 actively putting in more arsenic in the water.

  A compelling story, even if factually inaccurate, can be more
 emotionally compelling than a dry recitation of the truth, Mr
 Luntz notes in the memo.

  (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
 is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
 interest in receiving the included information for research and
 educational purposes.)

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