Re: antlibs and classloaders #2

2004-05-17 Thread Mariano Benitez

This things sound like we are using the wrong abstraction here.
typedef/ inside an antlib/ should use the antlib classloader
as the parent for any subsequent classloader.
I do not see why that should cause an infinite recursion.
I feel like we have a conceptual mismatch between antlib the jar
with the code, and antlib the resource with the XML definitions.
We are not treating them in a symetric way or as a unit. And
hence we are get into all this conflicting behaviour.

I would like to pick from here and try to describe my understanding of 
the concepts.

Antlib: I see this as a a definition of tasks within a namespace that 
involves all the jars required to resolve the execution of the tasks. To 
put it plainly, I see it as the antlib.xml with a classpath.
   So for me that defines completely the antlib and the extra classpath 
should be added to the antlib classpath.

   Also, for me is accidental that the antlibs should be located in the 
$ANT_HOME/lib or in a -lib path, actually the antlib definition should 
start from the antlib.xml, wherever it is, and then create a classloader 
based on the antlib definition.

   For the special case were the antlib jars are located in the base 
ant classpath ($ANT_HOME/lib or -lib path) I would not allow adding a 
classpath since the antlib should be completely contained within the 
base ant classpath, only when the antlib jars are outside I would allow 
defining an extra classpath.

   Also, defining antlibs in either way (being inside base ant 
classpath or outside) should behave the same way, they should be 
idempotent, meaning that once they are defined, they should not be 
overriden, I understand that it is not wise to use the same uri for 
different antlibs, the user should always try to pick unique names for 
the antlibs, otherwise we go back to a single namespace.

This is my understanding of antlibs, it is probably out of synch with 
what you envision on this, but I wanted to let you know what I thought 
antlibs were about.

My 2 cents.
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Re: antlibs and classloaders #2

2004-05-11 Thread Mariano Benitez
Let me get this right.. this task would define the antlib classes the 
moment it is invoked, and it should be used on the top level buildfile, 
this way the subbuilds/subants/ant/antcall targets have the antlib 
already loaded, right?

I explain a bit my build files structure for testing:
we have a local/tests directory were all tests modules reside (20+), we 
have a build.xml at the top level for global cleans builds, runs, etc, 
and at the module dir, anothere build.xml for single module runs. I use 
an import file=${basedir}/include/xml/ to define stuff at the module 
level, and a import file=${basedir}/server-include.xml/ for global 
tests runs.

Up to this moment I need to define the tasks in boths includes using 
typedef uri= loaderref=... classpathref=.../ because I 
cannot pass classpath to antlibs. I also added in both includes an 
ifnotisset property=antlibs.define//notthen...the typedef 
stuff. /if to do this only once for all the builds.
I use a lot of subant, antcall, ants and it is very difficult to control 
in all the builds that the do use inheritall=true, since otherwise the 
if would not find the property and redefine the tasks.

Could you put this structure as it would be in 1.6.2 with the 
antlibresolve and antlib classpath, at least what you imagine it might be?

I like the antlibresolve solution, as long as it does not redefine the 
tasks, or at least there is an option not to do so. Would it be possible 
to add to typedef that possibility?

Thanks for the help on this matter.
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Mon, 10 May 2004, Jose Alberto Fernandez 


Would the following solve this problem generically?
  This task is automatically available for every ANTLIB
  and its only function is to force the loading of the library
  if necessary. Force the lazy loading.

looks like a reasonable compromise.
The alternative would be a built-in task that takes the 
antlib URI, this wouldn't even require any magic taskname.

antlibresolve uri=.../ or even antlibresolve prefix=.../.

I have no problem, one way or another, as long as I do not have to type
the whole URI again ;-) This is why I want to use the NS prefix instead.
Is there an way for the task to get the information needed (the URI)?
Since a lot of this is resolved by the parser (prefix--uri) mapping,
I was trying to make sure we do not get bog by the design. So as long as
we can get the info necessary by just saying:
  antlibresolve prefix=mylib/
  antlibresolve mylib:ns=ignored value /
In this second, we get the URI from ns attribute which is in that
the implementation could use the new NS aware features that were added
Jose Alberto
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Re: antlibs and classloaders #2

2004-05-10 Thread Mariano Benitez
Peter Reilly wrote:
another thing, I did the typedef thing because I cannot add 
classpath to an antlib definition, so the problems are chained

I hope to get this in for ant 1.6.2.
This is still in a definition process, I guess, so I cannot make any 
work towards this direction.

You would still face the problem.
The antlib: namespace automatic loading of tasks/types is only 
triggered if a task or type from
the namespace is used.

From what you said I understand that the antlib definition is lazy and 
done from the current ant and descendents, not for the whole ant script, 
this is why if the usage of an antlib task is inside subants, then for 
each one another classloader is created. That's why if I define it in 
the top level ant it applies for all subants.

So, I am thinking of the following workaround for the complete scope of 
the problem:

I create a task antlib that performs would look like this:
antlib property=fuego.antlib.defined
   fileset dir=${fuego.basedir}/lib
   include name=fuegoexpress-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoenterprise-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoj2ee-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuego-test-antlib.jar/
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/j2ee/antlib.xml/
   typedef resource=fuego/internal/test/ant/myFile.xml/
Here I would check with the property, and if not set define a 
classloader with that classpath and define the antlibs in that loader, 
just what I do in the import file, but inside a task. I can put this 
task in the ant -lib path, and use it in the import files.

What do you think?

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antlibs and classloaders #2

2004-05-07 Thread Mariano Benitez
I am at the edge of a mental crisis, I need help
Can someone explain how antlib paths and tasks works, I have this 
situation that I cannot understand.

I defined this:
project name=fuego.internal.test.include basedir=.
   property name=xml.encoding value=ISO-8859-1/
   path id=fuego.internal.test.antlibs.path
   fileset dir=${fuego.basedir}/lib
   include name=fuegoexpress-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoenterprise-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoj2ee-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuego-test-antlib.jar/
   typedef resource=fuego/internal/test/ant/antlib.xml   
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/enterprise/antlib.xml loaderRef=fuego.internal.test 
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/express/antlib.xml  
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/j2ee/antlib.xml  

another Jar fuegocore.jar is in the classpath manifest of those jars, 
inside the fuegocore jar there is a clas Loader.

When I am executing one of the tasks in the antlib I do this.
Inside an Utils.class static method:
   task.log([LOADERS]  Loader Class [ + Loader.class.hashCode() + 
/ + Loader.class.getClassLoader() + ]);
   task.log([LOADERS]  Utils Class [ + Utils.class.hashCode() + 
/ + Utils.class.getClassLoader() + ]);

and  this is the result I get when I run this multiple times in the same 
ant run.

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 


Also, If I put a static {} block in the Loader class it is invoked many 
times, not only one as it should, being the same class the one being 

Please help,  I cannot understand what is causing this and the 
side-effect is that I get OutOfMemory errors when I run nightly batch tests.

Everything is appreciated.
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Re: antlibs and classloaders #2

2004-05-07 Thread Mariano Benitez
but ... If I call typedef for the same file, with the same task, same 
uri, etc, why it redefine the tasks if they are already defined?

BTW, it could help an unless attribute for typedef, not to do it again :)
  typedef resource=fuego/internal/test/ant/antlib.xml   
classpathref=fuego.internal.test.antlibs.path unless=defined/
  property name=defined value=true/

Peter Reilly wrote:
Hi Mariano,
I assume you are calling the typedef commands multiple times.
- hence the different antloaders. But you only need to typedef
the types/tasks once.
You should wrap the taskdefs in a macrodef or a target,
and call them once in the master build file before doing
any subant, or ant calls.
Mariano Benitez wrote:
I am at the edge of a mental crisis, I need help
Can someone explain how antlib paths and tasks works, I have this 
situation that I cannot understand.

I defined this:
project name=fuego.internal.test.include basedir=.
   property name=xml.encoding value=ISO-8859-1/
 path id=fuego.internal.test.antlibs.path
   fileset dir=${fuego.basedir}/lib
   include name=fuegoexpress-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoenterprise-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoj2ee-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuego-test-antlib.jar/
   typedef resource=fuego/internal/test/ant/antlib.xml   
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/enterprise/antlib.xml 
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/express/antlib.xml  
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/j2ee/antlib.xml  

another Jar fuegocore.jar is in the classpath manifest of those 
jars, inside the fuegocore jar there is a clas Loader.

When I am executing one of the tasks in the antlib I do this.
Inside an Utils.class static method:
   task.log([LOADERS]  Loader Class [ + Loader.class.hashCode() 
+ / + Loader.class.getClassLoader() + ]);
   task.log([LOADERS]  Utils Class [ + Utils.class.hashCode() + 
/ + Utils.class.getClassLoader() + ]);

and  this is the result I get when I run this multiple times in the 
same ant run.

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 


Also, If I put a static {} block in the Loader class it is invoked 
many times, not only one as it should, being the same class the one 
being returned.

Please help,  I cannot understand what is causing this and the 
side-effect is that I get OutOfMemory errors when I run nightly batch 

Everything is appreciated.
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Re: antlibs and classloaders #2

2004-05-07 Thread Mariano Benitez
another thing, I did the typedef thing because I cannot add classpath 
to an antlib definition, so the problems are chained

If I would define antlibs with classpath references directly it would be 

Mariano Benitez wrote:
but ... If I call typedef for the same file, with the same task, 
same uri, etc, why it redefine the tasks if they are already defined?

BTW, it could help an unless attribute for typedef, not to do it 
again :)
  typedef resource=fuego/internal/test/ant/antlib.xml   
classpathref=fuego.internal.test.antlibs.path unless=defined/
  property name=defined value=true/

Peter Reilly wrote:
Hi Mariano,
I assume you are calling the typedef commands multiple times.
- hence the different antloaders. But you only need to typedef
the types/tasks once.
You should wrap the taskdefs in a macrodef or a target,
and call them once in the master build file before doing
any subant, or ant calls.
Mariano Benitez wrote:
I am at the edge of a mental crisis, I need help
Can someone explain how antlib paths and tasks works, I have this 
situation that I cannot understand.

I defined this:
project name=fuego.internal.test.include basedir=.
   property name=xml.encoding value=ISO-8859-1/
 path id=fuego.internal.test.antlibs.path
   fileset dir=${fuego.basedir}/lib
   include name=fuegoexpress-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoenterprise-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuegoj2ee-antlib.jar/
   include name=fuego-test-antlib.jar/
   typedef resource=fuego/internal/test/ant/antlib.xml   
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/enterprise/antlib.xml 
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/express/antlib.xml  
   typedef resource=fuego/tools/ant/j2ee/antlib.xml  

another Jar fuegocore.jar is in the classpath manifest of those 
jars, inside the fuegocore jar there is a clas Loader.

When I am executing one of the tasks in the antlib I do this.
Inside an Utils.class static method:
   task.log([LOADERS]  Loader Class [ + 
Loader.class.hashCode() + / + Loader.class.getClassLoader() + ]);
   task.log([LOADERS]  Utils Class [ + Utils.class.hashCode() 
+ / + Utils.class.getClassLoader() + ]);

and  this is the result I get when I run this multiple times in the 
same ant run.

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 

[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Loader Class 
[t:testsetup] [LOADERS]  Utils Class 


Also, If I put a static {} block in the Loader class it is invoked 
many times, not only one as it should, being the same class the one 
being returned.

Please help,  I cannot understand what is causing this and the 
side-effect is that I get OutOfMemory errors when I run nightly 
batch tests.

Everything is appreciated.
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when are tasks instances no longer referenced?

2004-05-05 Thread Mariano Benitez
I want to know if a task instance created lifes for the complete build 
or it is no longer referenced once it has been executed.

The problem I have is that some tasks allocate a lot of memory, so I 
need to know if I have to do something manually or I just leave the gc 
to remove my instance.

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Re: when are tasks instances no longer referenced?

2004-05-05 Thread Mariano Benitez
I have no ID in the task.
A task can be executed multiple times - via Ants API.
echo id=theEchoHello/echo
script language=javascript ![CDATA[
If a task has an ID its reference is stored in the projects reference 
table (I donĀ“t know what happens if it has no ID). 



-Original Message-
From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 5:03 PM
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: when are tasks instances no longer referenced?
I want to know if a task instance created lifes for the 
complete build 
or it is no longer referenced once it has been executed.

The problem I have is that some tasks allocate a lot of memory, so I 
need to know if I have to do something manually or I just 
leave the gc 
to remove my instance.

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Re: antlib and classloaders

2004-04-02 Thread Mariano Benitez

The only problem with this is that the user build script 
needs to set the correct property before the antlib is activated.


Which I think it is not much to ask.
I have a conceptual problem of usability on an antlib written like this,
remember, in the broader sense, the antlib is written by a third party
for the
usage of unrelated users in unrelated projects.
Having a classpath in there, constricts the user of the library to
whichever layout criteria the third-party decides. 
Which does not seem to be right.

The context in which I say this is: I have a big application 
( that provides ant tasks to perform most of its admin 
it is a requirement to have the application installed and then define a 
property fuego.basedir that tells where the app is installed.

The main problem is that I cannot bundle all the required files to use 
the application in a single antlib, it would be extremely big and hard 
to update/patch/etc. without lots of manual intervention.

My intention is to minimize the manual steps to have a fuego antlib 
working, so the was great. Using an 
include.xml file is a good workaround but that implies that on every 
build besides the xml namespace they need to do one more step, that is a 
100% increase in the number or changes they need to run fuego. :)

I guess that most big application might follow this kind of path, having 
a small antlib file, and refer to the dependencies that are in the 
application install dir.

I completely agree that for most basic/optional (core) tasks would 
include all the dependencies in the antlib, but for a big app it is not 
possible. I guess my case is the one for tasks that are bundled in other 
For example, if the Tomcat guys bundle their tasks with them, why should 
you copy all the jasper stuff to an antlib instead of reference them 
from the antlib.xml

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Re: What do you think about a classloader task ?

2004-03-29 Thread Mariano Benitez
Rainer Noack wrote:
Hi Ant developers,
After taskdef supports the loaderref attribute, I've 
written a task that is able to 

a) append classpath entries to existing classloaders, 
b) explicitely create classloaders,
c) put the actual path of a classloader into a property and
d) log a simple report about the currently classloaders.

Currently it supports URLClassLoader and AntClassLoader. It is 
designed to simply support custom extensions for any arbitrary 
I've posted it some time ago - a little rash (sorry) - to this list.

However, as classpathes can completely managed from inside the build.xml, 
this task has helped in several projects
1. to avoid the need to either change Ant's default installation 
  by adding or removing jars to or from Ant's lib dir 
  or manage the classpath in the launching script and
2. to avoid classpath-problems with custom tasks 
  (especially if they should - for whatever reason - be used 
   as jars in the same buildfile as they were created).

b) and c) can be used to easily sync other task's classpathes and 
d) was helpful to debug some classpath problems and understand classloader
behaviour ;-)

When I found a similar Classloader task in Ant's CVS (originally from 
Costin Manolache), I was wondering that it was never advanced and released.
IMHO, a classloader task would be a pretty helpfull extension to the 
existing alternatives for some usage. 
Are there reasons for not releasing it?
I would be grateful for a short annotation (found nothing in the list

Otherwise, I would be proud to contribute the task to Ant if you find it
helpful too.
Regards (and excuse me for the long mail),
P.S. Adding this task to the external task list is dissatisfying IMHO,
as it shoots the major advantage (1.) down.
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import task from a resource

2004-03-25 Thread Mariano Benitez
In order to solve a problem related to classloaders, I need to bundle an 
include file (include.xml) so I can define the task in a classpath 
different from the antlib classpath.

At this moment the only way is to put the file in the FS, but it would 
be very convenient to obtain that import from a resource in the antlib jar.

I can implement this and provide the patch, is this valid or am I 
talking nonsense.

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Re: import task from a resource

2004-03-25 Thread Mariano Benitez
there was a long thread with this issue, you can check it , the last 
mail is below:

bottomline is that I cannot put a lot of jars in the antlib directory 
(-lib ...) and I need them for the tasks, so we come out with this solution.

do you imply here that when you use typedef with an already defined 
uri, being that an antlib uri, that it will add those definitions to the 
antlib uri?

in your sample you are adding definitions to the antlib you are defining 
there, is that correct?

Peter Reilly wrote:
Hi Mariano,
You are right that one can specify the classpath within an antlib,
and it is incorrectly silently ignored.
There would be a problem with using properties as one would need
to be very carefull to specify them before the antlib auto reading
is triggered.
With the current ant implementation you can achieve most of what you want
by using an typedef/ with the resource and uri attributes, and hide 
in an imported file:

project xmlns:nytask=antlib:net.sf.nytasker
  property name=nytasker.dir 
  import file=${nytasker.dir}/nytasker.xml/
  nytask:jmessage message=Press Yes to continue/

Where nytasker.xml looks something like this:
project name=nytasker
  typedef resource=net/sf/nytasker/antlib.xml 
  fileset dir=${nytasker.dir}/lib includes=*.jar/ 

Mariano Benitez wrote:
would it be very crazy to add a classpath atlibdefinition that would 
add jars to the antlib classpath instead of getting ALL the jars from 
a directory.

My problem is that I would like to keep only the task definitions in 
the antlib directory and the other dependent jars in a common lib 
directory with other jars that should not be loaded by the antlib 
class loader. Besides, the files location is defined based on 
properties, I cannot know that location when ant starts.

I will investigate a bit on that to see if it is easy to implement 
another antlibdefinition class for this.

Mariano Benitez wrote:
   Is it possible to define another classpath for a task definition 
inside an antlib?

I've read the Definer class and if it is inside an antlib, it uses 
that classloader instead of creating a new one with the additional 

Is this desired behaviour? if it is, you should log a warning saying 
that whatever you define as classpath in an antlib.xml is not 

Otherwise, I will report the bug
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Matt Benson wrote:
--- Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In order to solve a problem related to classloaders,
I need to bundle an 
include file (include.xml) so I can define the task
in a classpath 
different from the antlib classpath.
I can implement this and provide the patch, is this
valid or am I 
talking nonsense.

I don't know, couldn't you just use a separate antlib?

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Re: import task from a resource

2004-03-25 Thread Mariano Benitez
that is way too much, I wanted a simpler solution FOR ME, not for the 
import task.

Anyway, the basedir attribute, isn't inherited from the importing build?
Dominique Devienne wrote:
From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
In order to solve a problem related to classloaders, I need to bundle an
include file (include.xml) so I can define the task in a classpath
different from the antlib classpath.
At this moment the only way is to put the file in the FS, but it would
be very convenient to obtain that import from a resource in the antlib
I can implement this and provide the patch, is this valid or am I
talking nonsense.

This was considered during the discussions on import,
but didn't make it, I don't recall why. Maybe had to do with
keeping import simple, and problems extracting the basedir
of the imported file!?
You can always get the URL before import. Oops, you need a
custom resource: protocol handler for that... I posted one, but
it requires additional setup so the JVM knows about it.
You can always write a little script to dump the URL on disk
before the import still. --DD
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Re: import task from a resource

2004-03-25 Thread Mariano Benitez
if you mean this:
Imported files are treated as they are present in the main buildfile. 
This makes it easy to understand, but it makes it impossible for them to 
reference files and resources relative to their path. Because of this, 
for every imported file, Ant adds a property that contains the path to 
the imported buildfile. With this path, the imported buildfile can keep 
resources and be able to reference them relative to its position.

I can live without it, I mean, if you import a file from a resource, 
don't add the ant.imported.file property that and make all references 
to the original basedir.


Matt Benson wrote:
--- Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

that is way too much, I wanted a simpler solution
FOR ME, not for the 
import task.

Anyway, the basedir attribute, isn't inherited from
the importing build?

No, see import's manual page...
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Re: taskdefs inside an antlib and their classpath

2004-03-08 Thread Mariano Benitez
do you imply here that when you use typedef with an already defined 
uri, being that an antlib uri, that it will add those definitions to the 
antlib uri?

in your sample you are adding definitions to the antlib you are defining 
there, is that correct?

Peter Reilly wrote:
Hi Mariano,
You are right that one can specify the classpath within an antlib,
and it is incorrectly silently ignored.
There would be a problem with using properties as one would need
to be very carefull to specify them before the antlib auto reading
is triggered.
With the current ant implementation you can achieve most of what you want
by using an typedef/ with the resource and uri attributes, and hide 
in an imported file:

project xmlns:nytask=antlib:net.sf.nytasker
  property name=nytasker.dir 
  import file=${nytasker.dir}/nytasker.xml/
  nytask:jmessage message=Press Yes to continue/

Where nytasker.xml looks something like this:
project name=nytasker
  typedef resource=net/sf/nytasker/antlib.xml 
  fileset dir=${nytasker.dir}/lib includes=*.jar/ 

Mariano Benitez wrote:
would it be very crazy to add a classpath atlibdefinition that would 
add jars to the antlib classpath instead of getting ALL the jars from 
a directory.

My problem is that I would like to keep only the task definitions in 
the antlib directory and the other dependent jars in a common lib 
directory with other jars that should not be loaded by the antlib 
class loader. Besides, the files location is defined based on 
properties, I cannot know that location when ant starts.

I will investigate a bit on that to see if it is easy to implement 
another antlibdefinition class for this.

Mariano Benitez wrote:
   Is it possible to define another classpath for a task definition 
inside an antlib?

I've read the Definer class and if it is inside an antlib, it uses 
that classloader instead of creating a new one with the additional 

Is this desired behaviour? if it is, you should log a warning saying 
that whatever you define as classpath in an antlib.xml is not 

Otherwise, I will report the bug :)
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taskdefs inside an antlib and their classpath

2004-03-05 Thread Mariano Benitez
   Is it possible to define another classpath for a task definition 
inside an antlib?

I've read the Definer class and if it is inside an antlib, it uses that 
classloader instead of creating a new one with the additional jars.

Is this desired behaviour? if it is, you should log a warning saying 
that whatever you define as classpath in an antlib.xml is not considered.

Otherwise, I will report the bug :)
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Re: taskdefs inside an antlib and their classpath

2004-03-05 Thread Mariano Benitez
would it be very crazy to add a classpath atlibdefinition that would add 
jars to the antlib classpath instead of getting ALL the jars from a 

My problem is that I would like to keep only the task definitions in the 
antlib directory and the other dependent jars in a common lib directory 
with other jars that should not be loaded by the antlib class loader. 
Besides, the files location is defined based on properties, I cannot 
know that location when ant starts.

I will investigate a bit on that to see if it is easy to implement 
another antlibdefinition class for this.

Mariano Benitez wrote:
   Is it possible to define another classpath for a task definition 
inside an antlib?

I've read the Definer class and if it is inside an antlib, it uses 
that classloader instead of creating a new one with the additional jars.

Is this desired behaviour? if it is, you should log a warning saying 
that whatever you define as classpath in an antlib.xml is not considered.

Otherwise, I will report the bug :)
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Re: taskdefs inside an antlib and their classpath

2004-03-05 Thread Mariano Benitez
the problem is that they cannot be relative :(
the situation is:
to be honest, I was trying to lock the application jars by not leaving 
them in the antlib classpath and using the classpath element in the 
taskdef to load them on demand. I can live with it, no big problem.

The only real bug would be that the taskdef do not throw any warning 
when it is ignoring the taskdef classpath, loaderref, etc.

In this case I would suggest that taskdef logs a warning or fails if you 
defined extra classpath inside an antlib.

Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
Your antlib definitions live inside some Jar (yes?)
Then you could use the Class-Path attribute of the Manifest
to point to the additional jars. Al long as the addresses are relative
all should work fine and the classloader will do the right thing.
Would that work for you?
Jose Alberto

-Original Message-
From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 March 2004 18:22
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: taskdefs inside an antlib and their classpath

would it be very crazy to add a classpath atlibdefinition 
that would add 
jars to the antlib classpath instead of getting ALL the jars from a 

My problem is that I would like to keep only the task 
definitions in the 
antlib directory and the other dependent jars in a common lib 
with other jars that should not be loaded by the antlib class loader. 
Besides, the files location is defined based on properties, I cannot 
know that location when ant starts.

I will investigate a bit on that to see if it is easy to implement 
another antlibdefinition class for this.

Mariano Benitez wrote:

  Is it possible to define another classpath for a task definition
inside an antlib?
I've read the Definer class and if it is inside an antlib, it uses
that classloader instead of creating a new one with the 

additional jars.

Is this desired behaviour? if it is, you should log a warning saying
that whatever you define as classpath in an antlib.xml is 

not considered.

Otherwise, I will report the bug :)


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Re: patch for JUnitTask extension

2004-02-20 Thread Mariano Benitez
--- src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types/CommandlineJava.java2004-02-11 
15:27:15.0 -0300
 2004-02-11 15:08:41.0 -0300
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
  * Get the VM command parameters, including memory settings
  * @return
-private Commandline getActualVMCommand() {
+protected Commandline getActualVMCommand() {
 Commandline actualVMCommand = (Commandline) vmCommand.clone();
 if (maxMemory != null) {
 if (vmVersion.startsWith(1.1)) {
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
-private boolean haveClasspath() {
+protected boolean haveClasspath() {
 Path fullClasspath = classpath != null
 ? classpath.concatSystemClasspath(ignore) : null;
 return fullClasspath != null
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
-private boolean haveBootclasspath(boolean log) {
+protected boolean haveBootclasspath(boolean log) {
 if (bootclasspath != null
  bootclasspath.toString().trim().length()  0) {

--- src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/
2004-02-11 15:27:15.0 -0300
 2004-02-11 14:43:03.0 -0300
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 public class JUnitTask extends Task {
-private CommandlineJava commandline = new CommandlineJava();
+private CommandlineJava commandline;
 private Vector tests = new Vector();
 private Vector batchTests = new Vector();
 private Vector formatters = new Vector();
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public void setMaxmemory(String max) {

@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public void setJvm(String value) {

@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public Commandline.Argument createJvmarg() {
-return commandline.createVmArgument();
+return getCommandline().createVmArgument();

@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
 public void addSysproperty(Environment.Variable sysp) {


@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
 // see bugzilla report 21684
 String testString = sysp.getContent();
 getProject().log(sysproperty added :  + testString, 

@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
 public void addSyspropertyset(PropertySet sysp) {

@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public Path createClasspath() {
-return commandline.createClasspath(getProject()).createPath();
+return getCommandline().createClasspath(getProject()).createPath();

@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
 public Path createBootclasspath() {
-return commandline.createBootclasspath(getProject()).createPath();
+return getCommandline().createBootclasspath(getProject()).createPath();

@@ -532,10 +532,10 @@
  * @param asserts assertion set
 public void addAssertions(Assertions asserts) {
-if (commandline.getAssertions() != null) {
+if (getCommandline().getAssertions() != null) {
 throw new BuildException(Only one assertion declaration is 

@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public JUnitTask() throws Exception {

@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@
 log(Permissions ignored when running in forked mode!, 

-CommandlineJava cmd = (CommandlineJava) commandline.clone();
+CommandlineJava cmd = (CommandlineJava) getCommandline().clone();

@@ -903,13 +903,13 @@
 + the same VM., Project.MSG_WARN);

-if (commandline.getBootclasspath() != null) {
+if (getCommandline().getBootclasspath() != null) {
 log(bootclasspath is ignored if running in the same VM.,


invoking targets with subant

2004-02-17 Thread Mariano Benitez
does subant run/defines/whatever the top level properties of the invoked 

I have a subant that call test0 on dir1/build.xml, that target depends 
on properties defined at the top level in that same buildfile, but when 
it is invoked with subant it fails because the top level properties 
where not defined.

Is that an expected behaviour or a bug? If that is how you designed it 
is very problematic since I cannot know which properties I defined at 
each buildfile level to define it in the invoker one.

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Re: invoking targets with subant

2004-02-17 Thread Mariano Benitez
forget it, my fault, I wrote a task that invokes junittask, and forgot 
to add the propertyset.  :)

Mariano Benitez wrote:
does subant run/defines/whatever the top level properties of the 
invoked buildfile:

I have a subant that call test0 on dir1/build.xml, that target 
depends on properties defined at the top level in that same buildfile, 
but when it is invoked with subant it fails because the top level 
properties where not defined.

Is that an expected behaviour or a bug? If that is how you designed it 
is very problematic since I cannot know which properties I defined at 
each buildfile level to define it in the invoker one.

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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 27007] - subant task fails even if failonerror=false

2004-02-17 Thread Mariano Benitez
+1, it makes things very much clear
subant task fails even if failonerror=false

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-02-17 17:21 ---
I really think that we are solving here the wrong problem.
IMHO, the bug here is not with subant, which as a task to execute targets
should decide what to do based on BuildException.
To me the problem here is that the core code that executes tasks
ANY tasks, should catch any unhandle exception, e, and throw a corresponding
BuildException(e) in its place.
The point is that the invariant of the execution engine should be either to 
finish succesfully, or to throw a BuildException, anything else is a bug in 

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Re: delete task for antlib jars

2004-02-16 Thread Mariano Benitez
I meant an option to delete, not altering the default behaviour, If you 
are sure you are using that file, delete it on exit explicitly.

Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

that is why it makes more sense to me to define it as deleteOnExit,

But what do we display to the user here?
Failed to delete but we will try again after Ant has finished -
please check whether the file is still there after that, if so, the
build has failed.
Unless you set quiet to true, failing to delete a file is supposed to
break the build.  I don't see how we can predict that the failure is
non-critical, whether deleteOnExit will work or not.
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Re: delete task for antlib jars

2004-02-16 Thread Mariano Benitez
are you ok that I send you the patch? shall I create a bug in bugzilla 
for this?

Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I meant an option to delete, not altering the default behaviour, If
you are sure you are using that file, delete it on exit explicitly.

Works for me.
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Re: delete task for antlib jars

2004-02-16 Thread Mariano Benitez
have to look at the java documentation and give it a try, if you want I 
can try it with different scenarios, adding testCases would be too much 
for me, I have enough with the ones  I need for my own product :)

Peter Reilly wrote:
Mariano Benitez wrote:
are you ok that I send you the patch? shall I create a bug in 
bugzilla for this?

Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I meant an option to delete, not altering the default behaviour, If
you are sure you are using that file, delete it on exit explicitly.

Will this work recursivly?
I.e. when deleteing a directory
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delete task for antlib jars

2004-02-13 Thread Mariano Benitez
   I am using antlibs, and I face the normal problem in windows of not 
being able of deleting the file while it is used.

   I know this discussion must have probably taken place, I could not 
just find it :( Has there been any attempt to use File.deleteOnExit() as 
an option for the task? or another task?

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Re: ant -projecthelp

2004-02-13 Thread Mariano Benitez
I'm sorry, forgot it only shows the ones with description :)
Yes and it does.
An imported buildfile is part of your buildfile. So why not showing?

-Original Message-
From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 12:12 AM
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: ant -projecthelp 

should it include the targets of imported builds?
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Re: delete task for antlib jars

2004-02-13 Thread Mariano Benitez
that is why it makes more sense to me to define it as deleteOnExit, and 
not mess with trying to unload an antlib when I don't want it anymore.

Dominique Devienne wrote:
From: Jose Alberto Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Why does the antlib file or JAR would stay open beyond
loading the classes and reading the antlib.xml?
Maybe what is needed here, is a way to tell ALL AntClassLoaders
to please close their open files (JARS) and reopen if needed later.
After all, keeping the JARs open is just an optimization.

Well, after reading the antlib.xml, sure you could close the JAR, but once a
URLClassLoader from the JDK starts using classes from the JAR (and most
likely even before that), that JAR will stay open so it's not swapped under
the JVM. I know for sure the Linux JVM memory-maps those JARs in the process
address space, and it's very possible the Windows VM does something similar
(thus the lock on the JAR file).
I'm not sure Ant wants to go into the business of writing some custom
ClassLoader that would not exhibit this 'standard' behavior of SUN's JDKs...
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Re: import task and the file attribute

2004-02-12 Thread Mariano Benitez
that is ok, it is just that I normally have the same basedir for all 
builds to always do the same kind of file usages, 

It was just a question, it is ok, and I've read the note, but I wanted 
the reason, that's all.

Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why the file attribute of the import task is not considering files
relative to the basedir?

This is because you may use import in a file that itself gets
imported and then basedir would be that of the outer-most project
and not the one of the file you are looking at.
See this note from the manual
| Important: We have not finalized how relative file references will be
| resolved in deep/complex build hierarchies -such as what happens when
| an imported file imports another file. Use absolute references for
| enhanced build file stability, especially in the imported files.
which is no longer completely true since we are bound by backwards
compatibility after we've released 1.6.
use import file=${ant.file.pepe}/../include.xml/
instead of

project name=pepe basedir=..
   import file=include.xml/

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are antlib taskdefs case sensitive?

2004-02-12 Thread Mariano Benitez
I defined in my antlib.xml taskdef=directorySchema 
and in the build I used fuego:directoryschema
it failed saying it did not find task directoryschema, while if I put 
the correct case, it works, that is ok?

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ant -projecthelp

2004-02-12 Thread Mariano Benitez
should it include the targets of imported builds?
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Re: can I change junit runner main class

2004-02-11 Thread Mariano Benitez

This sounds simple to do inside the task, simply change
   private CommandlineJava commandline = new CommandlineJava();
   private CommandlineJava commandline = newCommandlineJava();
   protected CommandlineJava newCommandlineJava() {
   return new CommandlineJava();

basically since you are defining the commandLine className in the 
contructor, it would not be much different to defining the commandLine 
in the contructor

   public JUnitTask() throws Exception {

ultimately you could replace direct usages of the commandline variable 
by an accessor, so I just need to override the accessor. Whatever you 
decide, any of these options solve my problem.

I could upload a patch to bugzilla if you need to, but the change is 
simple enough.

While we are at it, we may as well review the JUnitTask to see whether
we should change some other things, now that we'd consider subclassing
the task something we expect to happen.
I must make clear (I think I have already done so) that the usage we 
need of JUnit is quite unique (bah, I guess), since we need to launch 
java with a minimal classpath and inside our main class create a 
classloader where the real main class gets executed.

As you can imagine this applies to forked tests only.
My experience tells me that for forked tests, you get a lot of control 
if you can extends CommandlineJava to build the command you require, 
that way you can adapt the attributes of the task to whatever you need 
to execute.

I guess that by having executeAsForked and executeInVM as private do 
not let much space to extension, but I think they do not have many 
things that are exendable, may be by splitting some part of 
execute(JUnitTest test) to separate the setting of the dirs (first 2 
ifs) from the execution, and also split the last part where you decide 
if to fail or not based on the result, leaving just this piece for 

   // execute the test and get the return code
   int exitValue = JUnitTestRunner.ERRORS;
   boolean wasKilled = false;
   if (!test.getFork()) {
   exitValue = executeInVM(test);
   } else {
   ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = createWatchdog();
   exitValue = executeAsForked(test, watchdog);
   // null watchdog means no timeout, you'd better not check 
with null
   if (watchdog != null) {
   wasKilled = watchdog.killedProcess();

this would help to extend the way you execute the tests.
This is the analysis I can make, please consider it not thorough cause I 
cannot dedicate a lot of time to this (I'm just trying to migrate the 
version of ant in my company!)

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Re: can I change junit runner main class

2004-02-11 Thread Mariano Benitez
I am facing an issue extending CommandlineJava, there are some methods 
and attributes that are private, they are:

I will create accessor for the attributes and make the private methods 
protected, if you are ok with it.

Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Mariano Benitez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ultimately you could replace direct usages of the commandline
variable by an accessor, so I just need to override the

Sounds like the cleanest solution.

I could upload a patch to bugzilla if you need to, but the change is
simple enough.

It might save me a few minutes, maybe not.  Do as you want but don't
blame me if I forget about it 8-)
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patch for JUnitTask extension

2004-02-11 Thread Mariano Benitez
This is the patch for JUnitTask and CommandlineJava to make them extensible.
The main change in CommandlineJava is that some methods were made 
protected and in JUnitTask replace the direct usage of commandline for 
an accessor, this way they can both be extended to provide custom 
commandline implementations.

The diff was against the 1.6.0 WC, I guess the versions are just the 
same, If you want me to diff them against the CVS version shout me. :)
--- src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types/CommandlineJava.java2004-02-11 
15:27:15.0 -0300
 2004-02-11 15:08:41.0 -0300
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@
 final ListIterator listIterator = commands.listIterator();
 //fill it
 //convert to an array
 return (String[]) commands.toArray(new String[0]);
@@ -395,6 +396,7 @@
 private void addCommandsToList(final ListIterator listIterator) {
 //create the command to run Java, including user specified options
 // properties are part of the vm options...
 //boot classpath
@@ -469,7 +471,7 @@
  * Get the VM command parameters, including memory settings
  * @return
-private Commandline getActualVMCommand() {
+protected Commandline getActualVMCommand() {
 Commandline actualVMCommand = (Commandline) vmCommand.clone();
 if (maxMemory != null) {
 if (vmVersion.startsWith(1.1)) {
@@ -604,7 +606,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
-private boolean haveClasspath() {
+protected boolean haveClasspath() {
 Path fullClasspath = classpath != null
 ? classpath.concatSystemClasspath(ignore) : null;
 return fullClasspath != null
@@ -621,7 +623,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
-private boolean haveBootclasspath(boolean log) {
+protected boolean haveBootclasspath(boolean log) {
 if (bootclasspath != null
  bootclasspath.toString().trim().length()  0) {

--- src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/
2004-02-11 15:27:15.0 -0300
 2004-02-11 14:43:03.0 -0300
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 public class JUnitTask extends Task {
-private CommandlineJava commandline = new CommandlineJava();
+private CommandlineJava commandline;
 private Vector tests = new Vector();
 private Vector batchTests = new Vector();
 private Vector formatters = new Vector();
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public void setMaxmemory(String max) {

@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public void setJvm(String value) {

@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public Commandline.Argument createJvmarg() {
-return commandline.createVmArgument();
+return getCommandline().createVmArgument();

@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
 public void addSysproperty(Environment.Variable sysp) {


@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
 // see bugzilla report 21684
 String testString = sysp.getContent();
 getProject().log(sysproperty added :  + testString, 

@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
 public void addSyspropertyset(PropertySet sysp) {

@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.2
 public Path createClasspath() {
-return commandline.createClasspath(getProject()).createPath();
+return getCommandline().createClasspath(getProject()).createPath();

@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
  * @since Ant 1.6
 public Path createBootclasspath() {
-return commandline.createBootclasspath(getProject()).createPath();
+return getCommandline().createBootclasspath(getProject()).createPath();

@@ -569,10 +569,10 @@
  * @param asserts assertion set
 public void addAssertions(Assertions asserts) {
-if (commandline.getAssertions() != null) {
+if (getCommandline().getAssertions() != null) {
 throw new BuildException(Only one assertion declaration is 

import task and the file attribute

2004-02-11 Thread Mariano Benitez
Why the file attribute of the import task is not considering files 
relative to the basedir?

I had
project name=pepe basedir=..
   import file=include.xml/
this should include the file in .., not in the current directory, as it 
is in all other tasks. Any reason why it is that way?

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Re: can I change junit runner main class

2004-02-10 Thread Mariano Benitez
another option would be to let people extend CommandLineJava and 
overwrite the method getCommandLine() to change the arguments, so I can 
customize my command line while you maintain the contract of JUnitRunner.

I think I will move in this direction since not only I need to change 
the main class, but also make the classpath an argument of the main 
class and not a java argument, for example:

java -classpath whatever.jar JUnitTestRunner blah
java -jar /path/myJar.jar -classpath whatever.jar JUnitTestRunner blah
Mariano Benitez wrote:

I assume that your class understands all the command line arguments
Ant's testrunner uses and passes them along.  How would your class
deal with new arguments we add?

My class is just a bootstrap that do some classloading stuff regarding 
my application and then invokes the main class (JUnitRunner) with the 
parameteres it received in the first place.

The main problem with opening up access to the test runner class is
just that.  As soon as we do it, we run the risk of breaking other
people's builds when we change the protocol between the task and the
test runner.  There is no danger now, as we always know the main class
that gets invoked.

I agree 100% with you on this, it is just that I need to take control 
before the main class is executed, actually I build a classloader 
where the main class (Runner) is loaded and executed.

I know this is a quite unique situation but I just wanted to expose my 
case to see if it is so unique that is ok that I handle it myself 
only. I have patched JUnitTask to specify another main class that I 
built that ultimately call JUnitRunner as usual.

1) leave junit forked=true jvm=launcher and have launcher
script change the command line

Ugly but portable accross Ant versions.

I have scripts since they always have problems with different OS, etc, 
that was the first option, but I end up having 3 bash processes 
wrapping java.

2) patch junit to allow me to put a boot class
3) extend junit (the problem is that JUnitTask.executeAsForked and
commandline are private, so I should patch the task anyway)

what you can do to support extension of JUnit is to leave a hook to 
alter the commandline, this way I can do whatever I need directly 
before invoking the runner. You could just leave a method protected so 
I can extend it and alter the command line in a custom task.

Thanks a lot for the attention,
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can I change junit runner main class

2004-02-09 Thread Mariano Benitez
   I've been around having this situation and I need advice on how to 
make this work in 1.6. I have had to custom patch a couple of classes in 
1.5.x to make it work, but now I'd like to see if I can do it without 

   We use JUnit tasks extensively in our instalation, and we have to 
boot the tests classes with a specific launcher class (much like it is 
done now in Ant 1.6). This class receives the main class, initializes 
some classloaders, and launches the other main application.

   The problem is that I cannot simulate this using JUnit with fork, 
because I cannot change the main class and use mine instead. I have made 
a bash script thatsplits Java options from class arguments and puts 
my boot class in the middle, but there are always problems with shell 

   My request is for advice on what option to take, I see at least a 
couple of them:
1) leave junit forked=true jvm=launcher and have launcher script 
change the command line
2) patch junit to allow me to put a boot class
3) extend junit (the problem is that JUnitTask.executeAsForked and 
commandline are private, so I should patch the task anyway)

Thanks for your attention.
MAriano BEnitez
Fuego Labs.
Buenos Aires - Argentina
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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 24697] New: - The JUnit plugin forks once for each test suite

2003-11-14 Thread Mariano Benitez
is this an optional flag? we are using consiusly this feature, and we 
need that each suite forks.

The JUnit plugin forks once for each test suite
  Summary: The JUnit plugin forks once for each test suite
  Product: Ant
  Version: 1.5.3
 Platform: Other
   OS/Version: All
   Status: NEW
 Severity: Normal
 Priority: Other
Component: Optional Tasks
   AssignedTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ReportedBy: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have patched the ant's 1.5.3  JUnit task to fork only once and then run 
test suites. When the number of test suites is quite large this makes a huge
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Problem with custom build listener

2003-08-26 Thread Mariano Benitez
I have the following problem:
I have a custom task defined via a taskdef task with  a custom classpath.
Inside the execute() method of that task I create a custom build events 

The problem is that in the method taskFinished of the listener, the ant 
class loader attempts to load a class, and since it is already in a 
logging mode, it fails with this error:

ile:/w/r4-5/local/tests/conf/utils.xml:120: Listener attempted to access 
System.out - infinite loop terminated
AAA:Class loaded from parent loader

the AAA: message is that I changed the to show in the 
exception the message it was trying to log.

If you think this is a bug, then I will report it and follow the normal 

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Re: adding success failure to subant

2003-06-11 Thread Mariano Benitez
I completely desire that, for long nested builds for regression testing 
makes life really easy to just send a build to run, and if fails, no 
problem, keep going to the next build.

Steve Loughran wrote:
I think I posted this last week, but it got lost
1. What do people think about adding the ability to set properties if 
a subant or ant call failed/succeeded. This lets me do complex things 
in cruise control.

2. How best to do it?
Here is one example implementation
subant antfile=driver/ target=build
   succeeded=driver.built failoneerror=false/
target name=test-driver depends=driverif=driver.built 
  subant antfile=driver/ target=test
succeeded=driver.tested failoneerror=false/
target name=app depends=driver if=driver.built 
  subant antfile=app/ succeeded=app.built failoneerror=false/
target name=test-app depends=app if=app.built 
  subant antfile=app/ succeeded=app.built failoneerror=false/

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Re: adding success failure to subant

2003-06-11 Thread Mariano Benitez
Mariano Benitez wrote:
it is VERY java oriented to use try/catch to implement this, and I 
would rather use the way it is implemented in the rest of the ant 
tasks, like javadoc, junit, etc.
it is very simple also to change the value of haltonerror to 
true/false, instead of ignoring a catch.

Although I evaluated the try/catch solution, I still want this feature 
to be included.

Anyway, is there any philosophical objection why this should not be 
included, does it go against some rule? just curious...

Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
This can be achieved with the trycatch/ task from antcontrib.
Take a look at it.
I think it is becoming time for some of this very useful and
generic tasks to make its way into CORE.
What do people think? What antcontrib people think?
Jose Alberto

-Original Message-
From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 June 2003 00:35
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: adding success  failure to subant
I completely desire that, for long nested builds for 
regression testing 
makes life really easy to just send a build to run, and if fails, no 
problem, keep going to the next build.

Steve Loughran wrote:

I think I posted this last week, but it got lost
1. What do people think about adding the ability to set 

properties if 

a subant or ant call failed/succeeded. This lets me do 

complex things 

in cruise control.
2. How best to do it?
Here is one example implementation
subant antfile=driver/ target=build
  succeeded=driver.built failoneerror=false/
target name=test-driver depends=driverif=driver.built 
 subant antfile=driver/ target=test
   succeeded=driver.tested failoneerror=false/
target name=app depends=driver if=driver.built 
 subant antfile=app/ succeeded=app.built 


target name=test-app depends=app if=app.built 
 subant antfile=app/ succeeded=app.built 





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usage question - junit

2003-05-26 Thread Mariano Benitez
Hi everybody!
   The test environment of the tool we develop consist of 20+ build 
files (one for each module) and growing fast. All of the with 1 or 2 or 
more junit invocations, and all of them must follow some conventions:
   1) formatter
   2) haltonerror
   3) maxmemory
   4) timeouts
   5) jvm (we hacked junit because the JUnitRunner must run inside an 
app wrapper of our own and changing the executable was not enough)
   6) fork
   7) FYI the inheritAntProperties=true is another hack to pass the 
ant environment to the junit runner (I know it is done in 1.6, but right 
now we are in 1.5.3)

this is a sample invocation:
   junit printsummary=yes fork=yes jvm=fuego 
maxmemory=256m  dir=${build.dir} showoutput=on 
   haltonfailure=false failureproperty=test-basic.failure 
haltonerror=false errorproperty=test-basic.error
   classpath refid=junit.class.path/
   formatter classname=${junit.formatter.classname} 
   !-- tests that will be run --
todir=${run.dir} /

Now, I just want to gather opinions regarding the following: would it be 
better for this case to be able to specify most of these things a 
properties instead of having to type a really long junit tast each time?

I mean, you know copy/paste programming is error prone and is really 
difficult to maintain, let's say I want to raise maxmemory to 512m, I 
should have to change ALL the junit invocations (ok, I've got global 
search/replace, but it's also error prone)

It would be really easy to read something like this:
   junit dir=${build.dir}
   classpath refid=junit.class.path/
todir=${run.dir} /

and have the rest of static definitions taken from properties I define 
somewhere else globally. I do not mean to remove the attributes, I just 
would like a way to overwrite default values in case they are not 
defined in the task.

Well, I just want opinions, and if there are good practices the ant 
group is promoting in either direction I would really like to hear them.

Thanks for your time,
Fuego Labs.

how to set a property with a regexp

2003-05-09 Thread Mariano Benitez
I have the following problem:
I have a fileset that I want to convert to the manifest classpath. so 
this is what I do:

1) pathconvert
   property name=lib.dir.sep 
   pathconvert refid=project.class.path 
property=manifest.class.path pathsep= 
   map from=${lib.dir.sep} to=/
   echo message=${manifest.class.path}/

2) the problem comes when trying to make this work fine on both win with 
cygnus and unix.
   the paths in the fileset comes with the path separator of the target 
os, so I change my map so that reflect that.
   the problem is that if the fileset contains another subdirectory 
like lib/tomcat/catalina.jar, the result of the mapping is different on 
each platform,
   in unix is tomcat/catalina.jar and in windows is 

3) now, how can I set another property but replacing ${file.separator} 
with /?

any suggestions are appreciated!

invoke another target/buildfile and continue even if the invoked target failed

2003-05-08 Thread Mariano Benitez
are there any plans to implement this.
it would be really cool to have this feature, we can use it for the long 
test runs when you are stacked when some module build fails, the entire 
build fails. Of course we have workarounded it, but it would greatly 
simplify long test builds.

All I'm asking is a haltonerror and errorproperty attributes for the 
ant and antcall targets.
