[development-axapta] RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] when to use Index and index hint

2010-08-20 Thread Malcolm Burtt

For most queries, the answer is to use neither.

“Index Hint” overrides the SQL Query optimiser and forces the use of the 
specified index – which is ok if you’re sure that the optimiser is picking a 
bad query plan and that using “index hint” allows your query to run faster but 
most of the time the optimiser is better at picking the right index than you 
are so you should let it do its job. When you do need to tune the query you 
should consider other hints (e.g. forcenestedloop, etc) alongside “index hint” 
to get the most effective query plan for your data.

I can’t think of a good reason to use “Index” at all. It simply ensures that 
the data is returned sorted in the index order which you can already achieve 
with the “Order By” clause with the important advantage that the sort order 
would not change if someone altered the index definition in some way.


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of pranam mukher
Sent: 18 August 2010 12:17
To: axa knwoldge; dev ax
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] when to use Index and index hint

I am aware of the fact that using index in select statement will include an 
order by clause in
ur SQL query. i want to know, exactly when shud i use index and when to opt for 
index hint, in my Queries.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

2010-06-04 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Well the alternative to the 3rd party software is to use Microsoft's SRVANY 
free utility as the service wrapper and their INSTSRV utility to install the 
service (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/137890) and that would not require 
a registry hack but frankly it's not a reliable mechanism for this kind of 
thing because it cannot detect when the AX client that SRVANY wraps has died. 
This means that it can't auto restart a dead client nor alert you to the 

I would have thought that you would need multiple "batch server" clients to 
handle the multiple groups that you need. I suppose it might be practical to 
start the BatchRun class multiple times inside the same client but that 
wouldn't result in multiple batch jobs running in parallel. Having said that, 
if that's what you want to do then a relatively simple change to the 
SysStartupCmdBatchRun.infoRun() method that assumes that the class instance 
variable "parm" is a comma separated list of batch groups and loops through 
that list starting one BatchRun object for each group in the list would do the 


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 02 June 2010 17:00
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in 
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Malcolm,

Yes using the 3rd party software mentioned earlier rather than the registry
hack (because I have had 3 different persons try to get this resgitry hack
to work but all failed)

Also the final piece in the puzzle is how to modify the startup classes to
accept more than one batch group in the parameter (we want to start 3 in
each company) but I think the programmer should be able to provide a
solution for this without too much issues. But if anyone has already done
feel free to share J

Thanks again to everyone it has been great to have had your inputs on
solutions and experiences and I hope to be able to sow back into the group
with some of my own for other people's problems (although I am not really a
developer in AX these days)


 On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
Sent: 02 June 2010 20:05
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

...and once you have that change in place you can run the batch server as a
Windows service.


<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com> ] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 02 June 2010 10:34
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Sorry Mike a quick google gave me a detailed example to try out for this

Thanks again


From: James Flavell [mailto:djf1...@gmail.com<mailto:djf1994%40gmail.com> 
Sent: 02 June 2010 17:31
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Mike

Can you just clarify for me about:

We have a specific ax client configuration file on the batch server with the
batch parameter in the 'command to run at application startup'

You mean I can put a parameter in the AX config that will start the batch
process running for certain batch groups? (i.e. no need to modify the
SysStartup class?)

Thank you very much


<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 01 June 2010 21:13

RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

2010-06-02 Thread Malcolm Burtt
...and once you have that change in place you can run the batch server as a 
Windows service.


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 02 June 2010 10:34
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in 
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Sorry Mike a quick google gave me a detailed example to try out for this

Thanks again


From: James Flavell [mailto:djf1...@gmail.com]
Sent: 02 June 2010 17:31
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Mike

Can you just clarify for me about:

We have a specific ax client configuration file on the batch server with the
batch parameter in the 'command to run at application startup'

You mean I can put a parameter in the AX config that will start the batch
process running for certain batch groups? (i.e. no need to modify the
SysStartup class?)

Thank you very much


 On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 01 June 2010 21:13
Subject: Re: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi James,

There are a couple of different ways of handling the restart of the batch
server. The best way is to get an extra batch server license and have a AOS
service running on the batch server and have the batch client connect to
it's on AOS service. This way users can't mess with the batch AOS and the
batch AOS can't mess with the users.

Before we had the separate batch AOS service, we ran one script on the batch
server to reboot the batch server at the same time as the other script was
stopping the AOS service on the AOS server.
We have a specific ax client configuration file on the batch server with the
batch parameter in the 'command to run at application startup'
Then as a startup task we have a script that starts the ax client:

Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\40_sp2\Client\AX40_Batch.axc"

From: James Flavell
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 12:59 AM

Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Mike J

I don't believe we have any 3rd party apps that connect via business
connector so it must be one of the normal clients L

The only external party I can think of is the SQL OLAP being accessed via
the AX client Pivot View analysis (or the pushing of data to the SQL OLAP
during the cube processing) but I don't think this use business connector

For stopping and starting since this is AX4.0 do you have any suggestions
for getting the batch client running again? I believe I have to do something
about the startup class or the like and then have a batch file that starts a
client with some startup parameter or something right?

Thanks again for your great help, much appreciated J



 ] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 28 May 2010 20:52

Subject: Re: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

I would focus on whatever 3rd party apps you have on that AOS that connect
via the business connector. That's going to be the source of an RPC error on
the AOS.

Yes, the AOS service crashes when it runs out of memory and it runs slow as
it approaches the upper limits. You should restart the aos service
periodically to prevent this from happening. pick a time of day when it
affects the least amount of people. you could even create 2 .bat files with
'net stop AOS$03' and 'net start AOS$03' and schedule them to run 2 minutes
apart at a time when no one is on the system.

From: James Flavell
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:18 AM

Subject: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in
event log many many times per second 

RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

2010-06-02 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Hi James

Forget that, I was having a moment of madness about the ax32.exe processes. :)


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 02 June 2010 10:12
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in 
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

As always thank you very much Malcolm for sharing your insights J

Will try to get this counter setup J

I was not aware that were other AX32.exe processes running on the AOS server
(I thought these were client side only) . I will go take a snoop around to
find these when I have sometime

Thanks again


 On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
Sent: 02 June 2010 16:39
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi James

You can monitor the "Private Bytes" perfmon "Process" counter for the
Ax32Serv.exe process. If that starts to approach 2GB then you know you're
heading for a crash.

I'm not sure that you can be that limited with your memory. Sure the AOS
process itself can only address 2GB but then there are also Ax32.exe
processes for each connected client and they'll need memory of their own
and, of course, the OS is consuming some memory.


<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com> ] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 01 June 2010 08:04
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Malcolm once again

Just wondering is there any counter or tool to monitor memory usage in a
specific process (i.e. AX32Serve.exe)? Monitoring the total memory or
available is going to be a little tough I feel

Also just to add is this 2GB limit still in AX2009?
And does this mean having 4 GB RAM is all you need for an AOS server (given
you can't use more than 2GB and another 2GB for OS should be sufficient)?


-Original Message-
<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
Sent: 30 May 2010 01:56
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi James

The AX AOS will crash as it approaches 2GB of memory use and its likely that
performance would degrade as it nears this upper limit. It could be that you
have uncovered a memory leak in AX which might account for this but it could
also be that you just have too many users that run memory hungry processes
at the same time and simply need another AOS to spread the load. You could
use performance monitor to track memory use over time to see if you can get
a better handle on whther it is a leak or you could simply grab a new kernel
(there are some memory leak fixes in newer kernels as I've been dealing with
a leak problem for one of my clients over the last couple of months and the
signs are good that the latest kernel has resolved the problem for them.


Malcolm Burtt
Product Development Manager
Touchstone Ltd

<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf Of James Flavell
[djf1...@gmail.com<mailto:djf1994%40gmail.com> <mailto:djf1994%40gmail.com>
Sent: 25 May 2010 13:18

RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

2010-06-02 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Hi James

You can monitor the "Private Bytes" perfmon "Process" counter for the 
Ax32Serv.exe process. If that starts to approach 2GB then you know you're 
heading for a crash.

I'm not sure that you can be that limited with your memory. Sure the AOS 
process itself can only address 2GB but then there are also Ax32.exe processes 
for each connected client and they'll need memory of their own and, of course, 
the OS is consuming some memory.


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 01 June 2010 08:04
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in 
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Thanks Malcolm once again

Just wondering is there any counter or tool to monitor memory usage in a
specific process (i.e. AX32Serve.exe)? Monitoring the total memory or
available is going to be a little tough I feel

Also just to add is this 2GB limit still in AX2009?
And does this mean having 4 GB RAM is all you need for an AOS server (given
you can't use more than 2GB and another 2GB for OS should be sufficient)?


-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
Sent: 30 May 2010 01:56
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported
in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi James

The AX AOS will crash as it approaches 2GB of memory use and its likely that
performance would degrade as it nears this upper limit. It could be that you
have uncovered a memory leak in AX which might account for this but it could
also be that you just have too many users that run memory hungry processes
at the same time and simply need another AOS to spread the load. You could
use performance monitor to track memory use over time to see if you can get
a better handle on whther it is a leak or you could simply grab a new kernel
(there are some memory leak fixes in newer kernels as I've been dealing with
a leak problem for one of my clients over the last couple of months and the
signs are good that the latest kernel has resolved the problem for them.


Malcolm Burtt
Product Development Manager
Touchstone Ltd

 On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 25 May 2010 13:18
Subject: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi everyone

We have an AX4.0 SP2 with kernel 4.0.2503.953

Today the user reported very slow performance and the AOS crashed later on

When we looked in the event viewer there was an error:

Object Server 01: RPC error: RPC exception 14 occurred in session 3

This was logged maybe 50 to 100 times in a single second every second!!!

I searched but could find no mention of RCP 14 error anywhere (including
partner source)

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this error or similar kind of mass
logging in the event viewer every second?

Also I heard the Ax4.0 AOS is likely to crash when the Ax32Serv.exe process
reaches around the 2GB limit. Has anyone heard about this?



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RE: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in event log many many times per second - any ideas?

2010-05-31 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Hi James

The AX AOS will crash as it approaches 2GB of memory use and its likely that 
performance would degrade as it nears this upper limit. It could be that you 
have uncovered a memory leak in AX which might account for this but it could 
also be that you just have too many users that run memory hungry processes at 
the same time and simply need another AOS to spread the load. You could use 
performance monitor to track memory use over time to see if you can get a 
better handle on whther it is a leak or you could simply grab a new kernel 
(there are some memory leak fixes in newer kernels as I've been dealing with a 
leak problem for one of my clients over the last couple of months and the signs 
are good that the latest kernel has resolved the problem for them.


Malcolm Burtt
Product Development Manager
Touchstone Ltd

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] 
On Behalf Of James Flavell [djf1...@gmail.com]
Sent: 25 May 2010 13:18
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Live AOS failure RPC exception 14 reported in 
event log many many times per second - any ideas?

Hi everyone

We have an AX4.0 SP2 with kernel 4.0.2503.953

Today the user reported very slow performance and the AOS crashed later on

When we looked in the event viewer there was an error:

Object Server 01: RPC error: RPC exception 14 occurred in session 3

This was logged maybe 50 to 100 times in a single second every second!!!

I searched but could find no mention of RCP 14 error anywhere (including
partner source)

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this error or similar kind of mass
logging in the event viewer every second?

Also I heard the Ax4.0 AOS is likely to crash when the Ax32Serv.exe process
reaches around the 2GB limit. Has anyone heard about this?



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[development-axapta] RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] AX With different Locations

2010-02-10 Thread Malcolm Burtt

It's not entirely clear that this is what you're thinking of doing but...

Do NOT locate your two object servers in two different physical locations with 
one or both connected to the database server over a WAN link. All of the object 
servers need to be connected to the database server at LAN speeds and latency 
as a setup involving WAN links between the AOS and database would deliver 
terrible performance.

If you want to functionally separate your users between two object servers, you 
can certainly do that (although I would say that the benefits of this would be 
questionable - it's usually better to use AOS load balancing spread the load 
between the object servers evenly) but you should keep them in the same 
physical location. Access to the object servers can then be direct (for any 
users that are also in that physical location) and via terminal services or 
Citrix for those that are remote.


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Amgad Toma
Sent: 04 February 2010 09:23
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com; axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] AX With different Locations

Dear All,

I have 2 geographical Locations, first one the head office(Financial Dept With 
20 users), Other One Operation Process (Inventory Breakdown, production ... etc 
with 40 users), Can I install 2 AOS (application Object Server) on one central 
SQL database or not?

On other Hand, which the latest communication technology to linked 2 sites 
together with highest performance.

Amgad Raouf Toma
ERP Specialist

* amgad.t...@eagle-chemicals.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Reg Is there way to send reports via email automatically

2009-10-13 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Use the SysMailer class to send emails without triggering Outlook. This uses 
the CDO.Message library to send the email directly to your mail server via 
SMTP. You'll need to set up the AX email parameters (Administration -> Setup) 
but then you probably already have this if you're using notification emails as 
AX uses the same mechanism for that.


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of trinadh sura
Sent: 13 October 2009 11:37
To: axapta-knowledge-vill...@yahoogroups.com; development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Reg Is there way to send reports via email 

Dear all,

I am trying to create a batch job which should send some Reports as PDF

file per Mail daily. The problem is, The job can generate this file , and

attach to Email this file but can?t send the mail automatically. After

calling the SendAttachment method , Outlook window is opened. And I must

click to send Button in this Window . But I want to send this mail without a

Confirmation or manual handling.

Is there any other way to send it automatically?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] html document in a form

2009-09-03 Thread Malcolm Burtt

You could try adding a "Microsoft Web Browser" ActiveX control to your form. 
I'm not sure exactly how you'd point that at 
www.yahoo.com<http://www.yahoo.com> but I'm pretty sure this will do the job.

Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of surfing2alien
Sent: 25 August 2009 14:48
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] html document in a form

I want to show a html document in a form in Axapta 3.0
I'm overlooking something, cause i cannot get it working.
Do I need some special com objects or so??

For example I want to show http://www.yahoo.com/ in a form.

Can somebody point me in the right direction?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] How to call a form method from method of other form

2009-09-03 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Assuming that form B has been called from form A you can say...

void B()
Object  formAobj = element.args().caller();
// Check that this form was opened from FormA
If ( formAobj && formAobj.name() == formstr(FormA) )
// Call method A on FormA


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of shamikask
Sent: 21 August 2009 17:39
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] How to call a form method from method of other 

Hello All,

During the AX 4.0 development, I got stuck up at a point -
Basically situation is like -
Form A is having method A
Form B is having method B
Now I want to call method A in method B, How can I do it?
Anybody help me out, please.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Re: Top margin changes by itself

2009-03-19 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Hi James

If the thing that's causing you the problem is that the import process changes 
the margin to match the physical limitations of the default printer of the user 
that did the XPO import, what would happen if you imported the object using an 
account that has no default printer (or perhaps no printer defined at all). It 
would probably mean having a domain account used only for doing XPO imports but 
if that solves your problem it would be a small price to pay.


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of James Flavell
Sent: 19 March 2009 06:00
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Re: Top margin changes by itself

Thanks Karsten,

I would say its somewhat of a bug because yes I agree I could program the
report based on knowing the printer but these days this is often not the
case. Customers see printers as plug and play etc and to ask them to say
which printer in a multi site environment is for sure going to be thrown
back from the customer

My frustration is that export and import steps change the AOT property so
now you have to be sure any person doing such is having the right printer
(and the right default windows printer as far as I can tell).

In most reports that are just listings its not a big issue but things like
cheque printing where exact printing is required then its a real pain to
have to make sure the programmer does not have any printer installed on
their PC before they can edit and save the object! Going forward I guess the
advice is for exact printing report the dev needs to have the driver
installed and set as teh default printer when doing anything with such



 On Behalf Of Karsten Krabbes
Sent: 18 March 2009 16:46
Subject: [development-axapta] Re: Top margin changes by itself

Hi James,

this is not a bug, its a feature :-)
You face this problem everywhere in the windows world as the margins always
depends on the actual printer driver and also on the hardware !.

That means you should alway develop a report with the printer driver you
want to use it with.
If the positions on the paper are not that important and you use different
printers in your company you could just set the property 'fit to page' to

Another approach to solve this is to read the actual top margin from the
driver and calculate all the positions in the report in run time ...


--- In development- 
axa...@yahoogroups.com, "James Flavell" 
> Hi everyone
> Just spent most of the day with a strange problem regarding the top margin
> property on a design section of a report. The situation is:
> Client PC has no windows printers installed
> Using this client set the top margin to 4.2mm in an AX4.0 SP2 report
> Install a pritner on this client PC
> Log back into AX and when look at the property it is now 6.27mm and cannot
> be changed to be less
> (this change happens without any edit of the report object!!!)
> I am guessing that somehow AX tries to be smart and says the minimum top
> margin is 6.27mm
> Is this some kind of hard coded size? Or does AX AOT reports somehow check
> the default windows printer?!!!
> Look forward to hearing from you
> Thanks
> James
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: SV: [development-axapta] How to show field hidden by user in X++

2009-02-10 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I was able to disable the hide functionality entirely in all forms by placing 
code in the SysSetupFormRun class. If you add the line of code below into the 
class' init() method before the super call you'll find that the Hide option is 
not available on the context menu in any form.


When I did this I felt it a little too restrictive so used a new security key 
to determine whether the code should be executed (so that only some users were 
denied the right to change their form setup) and I included the option to 
override this entirely on some forms using an optional method placed on forms 
that still need to have form setup and accessed through reflection. So, my bit 
of code looks like this...

if ( new DictSecurityKey(SecurityKeyNum(GhsHideShow)).rights() < 
AccessType::Delete )
// User doesn't normally have rights to use Hide/Show - check if there 
is form level override
if ( formHasMethod(this, IdentifierStr(GhsAlwaysEnableHideShow)) )
// Form has override - check how it should be applied
formRunObj = this;
if ( ! formRunObj.GhsAlwaysEnableHideShow() )
// Override not enabled - so disable Show/Hide (& form setup!)
// Nor form override so just disable Show/Hide (& form setup!)


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:development-axa...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of christian.myrvold
Sent: 10 February 2009 07:59
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: SV: [development-axapta] How to show field hidden by user in X++

Thanks for the responses.

I tried what somanna suggested, but it didn't work. I talked with our
client, and they said that it's good enough that the whole form cannot
be altered (which can be done with parameters in the form). At least
it solves the problem, although it's a little like beating a fly with
a sledgehammer.

But it would be nice to know if it's even possible to do such a thing
at runtime, denying the ability to alter a form field instead of the
whole form.

--- In 
 "Dahlsgaard Jan" 
> very bad idea.
> You are changing code in aot on runtime, and unless you change it
back, it will be like that next time you open the form, and also all
other places this field is used.
> There might even be a problem with missing X++ license, or if the
user doesn't have access to SysDevelopment.
> Fra: 
> development-axapta@yahoogroups.com<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>
 På vegne af somanna gl
> Sendt: 5. februar 2009 04:45
> Til: 
> development-axapta@yahoogroups.com<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>
> Emne: Re: [development-axapta] How to show field hidden by user in X++
> str Property;
> TreeNode TreeNode;
> str Name;
> ;
> Name = "CustTable";
> TreeNode = TreeNode::findNode("Data Dictionary\\Tables\\" /*+ Table*/);
> if (TreeNode)
> {
> ttsbegin;
> Property = TreeNode.AOTgetProperties();
> Property = SetProperty(Property, "visible", "Yes");
> TreeNode.AOTsetProperties(Property);
> TreeNode.AOTcompile();
> TreeNode.AOTsave();
> }
> From: christian.myrvold mailto:christian.a.myrvold%40gmail.com> >
> To: 
> development-axapta@yahoogroups.com<mailto:development-axapta%40yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 2, 2009 6:45:33 PM
> Subject: [development-axapta] How to show field hidden by user in X++
> Hey everyone,
> I've searched both the group postings and google for this, and haven't
> found anything yet. I need to either:
> 1. Show a field in a form immediately after a user hides it (so it
> looks like the "hide functionality" doesn't work), or
> 2. Disable the hide functionality when a user right clicks on the field.
> I would say the the first is preferrable, if it's at all possible.
> Sincerely,
> Chris
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] switching companies in Axapta with X++ - Error

2008-10-15 Thread Malcolm Burtt

You need to call the clear() method on the SalesTable buffer variable before 
you call the code to change company.


Malcolm Burtt
Product Development Manager

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 14 October 2008 18:50
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] switching companies in Axapta with X++ - Error

I am trying to switch between companies for a special report in AX
4.0 SP2.

I try to change to one of the 12 companies. I am able to change with
the first 2 companies, but with the third one, for some reason, I am
getting the following error information:

Unable to change company for Sales orders (SalesTable).
The buffer contains a record which has been selected from the
original company.

The company "ID" I am using to change companies is fetched from the
table VirtualDataAreaList so I am sure it is part of a virtual
company and also a valid CompanyID.

Help please!

RE: [development-axapta] How can an end user/power user identify a field name for date they see on form

2008-10-15 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Hi Scott

You need access to the "Development" (SysDevelopment) security key to be able 
to see the system name field on the form set up form. That's implemented in 
code on SysSetupForm form.


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Scott Jepsen
Sent: 10 October 2008 17:24
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] How can an end user/power user identify a field 
name for date they see on form

We have several power users interested in building Autoreports but
require IT support to deterine what field they do or do not want to
use. A developer can right click on the field select Set-up and they
get a "System name:" box that list the tablename.fieldname, but it
appears only for Admin/IT. We have not been able to determine how it
is being blocked so Is there any other method an end user can
use to determine the filed name of somehting on an AX FORM?



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] What are Maps and what's the use of them?

2008-07-02 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Maps are an abstraction layer for Tables. They allow you to place code for 
tables that have comparable functions in a single place rather than having to 
duplicate the code for each table. This makes them a powerful and very useful 
feature within AX.

For example, SalesLine and PurchLine are similar in function in that they are 
both worksheet line tables used to handle trading functions. Both tables need 
to be able to calculate total line amount, tax charges, etc. so the volume of 
code that you need to write to handle the common functions for these tables can 
be kept to a minimum by abstracting the two tables as a Map and placing the 
common code on the Map.


Malcolm Burtt
Product Development Manager
W: http://www.touchstone.co.uk<http://www.touchstone.co.uk/>

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vamsi 
Sent: 29 June 2008 04:32
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] What are Maps and what's the use of them?

Hello guys...I just wanna know...what actually are Maps in Dynamics AX
4.0 what are they used for? I have read in the e-books of Microsoft
but couldn't figure out what actually are those.Can someone
explain me in detail what they are?

RE: [development-axapta] Sending mail through Dynamics AX

2008-06-25 Thread Malcolm Burtt

In all likelihood your mail server is preventing the AX client from relaying 
(accepting an SMTP mail message and then sending it on to an external mail 
server) the message. This is standard mail server setup.

You should...

1.   Ensure that your code runs on the AX server (e.g. put the code into a 
"Server" class).

2.   Modify the mail server setup to allow relaying from the IP address(es) 
that you AOS lives on.

You might also find that your anti-virus software is getting in the way as some 
of these are smart enough to intercept SMTP mail sent by unknown application. 
To fix this you'd need to change the AV setup so that it accepts ax32.exe and 
dsmailer.dll as sources of SMTP mail.


Malcolm Burtt
Touchstone Group
People - Partnership - Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 23 June 2008 12:06
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Sending mail through Dynamics AX

Hello everyone,

I want to send mail to my yahoo account from axapta. I wrote the
following code

Sysmailer mailer;

mailer = new sysmailer();
mailer.fromAddress("[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:abc%40mycomp.com>");
mailer.tos().appendAddress("[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:abc%40mycomp.com>");


It works fine for our intermail mail, but when I try to send it to
my personal account, say, [EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:abc%40yahoo.com> or [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]<mailto:abc%40hotmail.com>, it gives
the following error

Method 'send' in COM object of class 'CDO.Message' returned error
code 0x80040211 () which means: .

Can anyone help me to come out of this problem.

Thanks in advance

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Deleting a label

2008-02-13 Thread Malcolm Burtt

As far as I know you can't delete the label but you can change it. Find the 
label then click into the grid where the label is listed and edit the text then 
save the record (Ctrl-S). You'll find that if you just change it to upper case 
it probably won't actually make the change in the label file when you save the 
record but if you change it to something else first (e.g. add an extra 
character to the end), save it and then change it to upper case (obviously 
removing the extra character) and save it again then it should update the label 


Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 12 February 2008 13:46
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Deleting a label

Hi to everybody:

I have the next issue:

I have a label thta was written in lowercase (we use uppercase).
I found the label in the find label form.
I try to delete it.
In the form appears like it were deleted.
But, when I sign off and sign on again in Axapta,
the label remains (still exists).

I am in Axapta V3 SP5.
Do I have another way to delete the label?.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Bad response time on the CUSTINVOICEJOUR form

2008-01-16 Thread Malcolm Burtt

If you send a text representation of the query plan that you're getting from 
this statement and details of any non-standard indexes that are defined on 
either table I'll see if an obvious solution springs to mind.


Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 09 January 2008 16:32
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Bad response time on the CUSTINVOICEJOUR form

I have a response time problem with the CUSTINVOICEJOUR form.
Accounts receivable \ Sales Orders \ Inquiries \ Invoices

This form only has some minor modifications to it and when the mods
are removed the same results are given.

We are running Dynamics AX 4.0 at SP1, SQL Server 2005, and one AOS.

The first time this option is selected it takes anywhere from 1 1/2
to 2 1/2 minutes to come up.

Once the form has been opened up this form will come up in 1 to 2
seconds. I understand this because
the necessary infomation is probably in the cache for the subsequent

I have run SQL trace and have isolated the offending query.

I have taken the SQL statement shown in the SQL Trace log into the
Database Engine tuning advisor,
built and updated the recommended Statistics and built the recommend

There are 166,506 records in the CUSINVOICEJOUR table across all
companies and 108,388 records in the CUSTINOICESALESLINK table
accross all companies.

Any suggestions of what I should look at next?

SQL Statement is as follows:


Thanks Paul

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Map performance

2007-11-08 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Its not table Maps that are slow but this particular method that has a problem. 
You need to focus on optimising the method and the methods that it calls. I'm 
guessing that you have a problem with this statement due to the large number of 
customer/vendor transactions that you have and that you could go some way to 
solving the problem by providing a covering index on table custSettlement & 
vendSettlement tables to support the select executed in the CustTrans/VendTrans 
transactionPerDate method (i.e. make that method run as fast as possible and 
you'll have a done the same to the Map method.


Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 06 November 2007 13:56
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Map performance

AX 3.0 SP2
\Data Dictionary\Maps\CustVendTable\Methods\balancePerDate
This statement is seriously slow.
Any ideas on improving maps?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Help on AX3 logon

2007-10-16 Thread Malcolm Burtt

If you want to bypass the login prompt then you'll need to set the network 
account name for the user that you are logging in as to match your windows 
login name. When you do that Ax automatically authenticates against the Windows 


Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions

-Original Message-
From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Earl Rey Lacsina
Sent: 15 October 2007 07:08
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Help on AX3 logon

I have extend SysStartupCmd class to perform a specific task on startup. My
problem is that I need to supply username and password on the logon screen
before I execute the class I've created. Is there a way to disable the logon
screen? Or to supply that at command prompt. Also how can I automatically
close AX3 when it finishes the task it performs? Thanks

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.9.6/865 - Release Date: 6/24/2007
8:33 AM

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RE: [development-axapta] Changing user through code

2007-09-21 Thread Malcolm Burtt

This was possible in Axapta 3.0 using the methods xSession.newUser() and 
xCompany.reloadRights(), but Microsoft have removed these an Ax 4.0 even though 
it should have been possible to provide implementation for them despite the AD 
authentication model. Oh well.


Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions

From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 20 September 2007 12:02
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Changing user through code

Hi All,

I want to change the current user to another user at runtime.
Just like we change company through changecompany(), is there any way
through which we can change user?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] Form Refresh problem

2007-05-23 Thread Malcolm Burtt
If you're writing code that updates the current record via an X++ select 
forupdate/update or update_recordset then you'll need to call the datasource 
reread method afterwards so that the record picks up the new values. If your 
code affects more than one row in the datasource then you can either cycle over 
the affected rows (if there an't too many) and call reread() or call the 
exxecuteQuery method on teh datasource to get all the rows again.
Malcolm Burtt

-Original Message- 
From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com on behalf of suneel babu 
Sent: Mon 21/05/2007 10:29 
To: Axapta Knowledge village; Development 
Subject: [development-axapta] Form Refresh problem

I have problem with form refresh in axapta. when i change an record 
info in the data source of the current form then it doesn't refreshed. once i 
close the form and then open then its refreshed. plz tell any solution. for 
Thank u.,
Want to look great? Get expert opinion on beauty and skin care.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [development-axapta] dynamic lookup in dialog

2006-04-21 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Dialog controls don't have accessible modified() methods but, if you're
using the Runbase class as the basis for your dialog, you could probably
use its dialogSelectCtrl() method to do what you want to do.
Malcolm Burtt 
People, Partnership, Solutions


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 18 April 2006 08:07
To: AXKnowledgeVillage; DevelopmentAxapta
Subject: [development-axapta] dynamic lookup in dialog


how do i create customized lookup in dialog.


i have 2 controls in my dialog namely dialog1 & dialog2. dialog2 values
should be populated based on dialog1. ie i have to populate dialog2
while dialog1 is modified. is there any method called modified for
control? how do i do?

pls. provide the solution. thanx.

Hema. S

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   Visit your group "development-axapta" on the web. 
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RE: [development-axapta] How to get current time (hh:mm) ?

2006-03-16 Thread Malcolm Burtt

A call to the timenow() function will do that for you.
Malcolm Burtt 
People, Partnership, Solutions


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 16 March 2006 10:16
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] How to get current time (hh:mm) ?


How can I ,in x++, get the current time "hour:minutes" , for example 

I only know how to get the current date , for example 16/03/2006 .

Thanks you !


Computer part
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Support exchange



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Programming languages
Microsoft axapta

Support exchange



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RE: [development-axapta] SysMailer class

2006-03-09 Thread Malcolm Burtt

The reason the mail transmission is slow is that you've not provided any
(quick) means for SysMailer to resolve the email address that you are
sending to. This means that SysMailer (or to be more precise, the
underlying dsmailer.dll) has to use the Internet's root name servers to
find the name & IP address of the destination domain's mail server and
they are typically heavily loaded.
If you have a local smart host email server (i.e. an SMTP server that
will forward emails for you) then you can massively speed up the process
by leaving that to send the email. When you do this, SysMailer only has
to deliver the email to your local smart host and Axapta can just carry
on. The smart host will then forward the email using its own name
resolution mechanism and will handle stuff like retries if the
destination mail server is off line, etc. Your own mail server can do
this job for you although you may find that some configuration changes
will be needed to allow your Axapta client to use it. This is because
standard practice for mail server configuration is to restrict which
client machines are allowed to forward mail through the mail server. You
may find, therefore, that the machine you are running the Axapta client
on is blocked from using the mail server for this purpose. You can check
this as follows
Get to a command prompt.
Type "telnet x.x.x.x 25" and enter where x.x.x.x is the IP address of
your smart host mail server.
Type "helo y.y.y.y"  and enter where y.y.y.y is your IP address. Note
that the telnet won't echo back the characters that you type so you will
have to type carefully.
Type "mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  and enter where [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  is your email address
Type "rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  and enter where
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   is a valid
external email address
If you are being blocked you will get an error message at this point. If
no error then...
Type "Data" and enter 
Type a dummy message and then enter
Type "." and enter
Type "quit" and enter
If you're able to get through all that without an error displayed at the
point when you specify the external email address then your mail server
is allowing you to send external mail from the client that you executed
this on. Note that if you are running a thin client Axapta connection
and your SysMailer code is going to run on the server then you will need
to perform this test from the AOS.
To get SysMailer to use the smart host you need to add the following to
your code...
Note that the SySEmailParameters table has a field that you can use to
hold the smart host name, so you could set that up and use...
If you do get the error and you cannot get your systems admin people to
reconfigure your mail server to allow you to route external mail through
it then there is an alternative...
You can also give SySMailer a local DNS Server to enable it to resolve
the destination email domain locally and avoid the overhead of using the
root servers. You'll need to know the IP address of your LAN DNS server.
There is a SysMailer method that can be used to add a DNS server to its
DNSServers collect, but the last time I tried to use it it crashed
Axapta (service pack 3). The alternative is to create your own class
that extends SysMailer and override the new() method on your child class
adding the code...

      COM dnsServers;
      dnsServers = _com.DNSServers();
      dnsServers.add("IP address of your DNS server");

Doing this anyway isn't a bad idea as it means you can use sysMailer's
validateAddress method to check for valid email addresses.
So, in summary, always use a smart host (relay server) if you can
because its the fastest way of doing things and you are offloading the
need to handle offline or busy destination mail servers. If you cannot
use a smart host then use a local DNS Server. If you want to validate
your destination email address then use a local DNS server anyway. Avoid
using the root DNS servers at all costs.
Hope that helps
Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions



From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: 07 March 2006 18:35
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] SysMailer class

Hi everyone,
I copied the send email example code from SysMailer help file and 
put it in a job. It goes like this:

    SysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();
    mailer.body("This is the body of the mail");
    mailer.subject("Eureka! Axapta generated and email");
    mailer.fromAddress("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
    mailer.fromName("Joe Smith");

RE: [development-axapta] SysMailer class

2006-03-09 Thread Malcolm Burtt

The reason the mail transmission is slow is that you've not provided any
(quick) means for SysMailer to resolve the email address that you are
sending to. This means that SysMailer (or to be more precise, the
underlying dsmailer.dll) has to use the Internet's root name servers to
find the name & IP address of the destination domain's mail server and
they are typically heavily loaded.
If you have a local smart host email server (i.e. an SMTP server that
will forward emails for you) then you can massively speed up the process
by leaving that to send the email. When you do this, SysMailer only has
to deliver the email to your local smart host and Axapta can just carry
on. The smart host will then forward the email using its own name
resolution mechanism and will handle stuff like retries if the
destination mail server is off line, etc. Your own mail server can do
this job for you although you may find that some configuration changes
will be needed to allow your Axapta client to use it. This is because
standard practice for mail server configuration is to restrict which
client machines are allowed to forward mail through the mail server. You
may find, therefore, that the machine you are running the Axapta client
on is blocked from using the mail server for this purpose. You can check
this as follows
Get to a command prompt.
Type "telnet x.x.x.x 25" and enter where x.x.x.x is the IP address of
your smart host mail server.
Type "helo y.y.y.y"  and enter where y.y.y.y is your IP address. Note
that the telnet won't echo back the characters that you type so you will
have to type carefully.
Type "mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  and enter where [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  is your email address
Type "rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  and enter where
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   is a valid
external email address
If you are being blocked you will get an error message at this point. If
no error then...
Type "Data" and enter 
Type a dummy message and then enter
Type "." and enter
Type "quit" and enter
If you're able to get through all that without an error displayed at the
point when you specify the external email address then your mail server
is allowing you to send external mail from the client that you executed
this on. Note that if you are running a thin client Axapta connection
and your SysMailer code is going to run on the server then you will need
to perform this test from the AOS.
To get SysMailer to use the smart host you need to add the following to
your code...
Note that the SySEmailParameters table has a field that you can use to
hold the smart host name, so you could set that up and use...
If you do get the error and you cannot get your systems admin people to
reconfigure your mail server to allow you to route external mail through
it then there is an alternative...
You can also give SySMailer a local DNS Server to enable it to resolve
the destination email domain locally and avoid the overhead of using the
root servers. You'll need to know the IP address of your LAN DNS server.
There is a SysMailer method that can be used to add a DNS server to its
DNSServers collect, but the last time I tried to use it it crashed
Axapta (service pack 3). The alternative is to create your own class
that extends SysMailer and override the new() method on your child class
adding the code...

      COM dnsServers;
      dnsServers = _com.DNSServers();
      dnsServers.add("IP address of your DNS server");

Doing this anyway isn't a bad idea as it means you can use sysMailer's
validateAddress method to check for valid email addresses.
So, in summary, always use a smart host (relay server) if you can
because its the fastest way of doing things and you are offloading the
need to handle offline or busy destination mail servers. If you cannot
use a smart host then use a local DNS Server. If you want to validate
your destination email address then use a local DNS server anyway. Avoid
using the root DNS servers at all costs.
Hope that helps
Malcolm Burtt
People, Partnerships, Solutions



From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: 07 March 2006 18:35
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] SysMailer class

Hi everyone,
I copied the send email example code from SysMailer help file and 
put it in a job. It goes like this:

    SysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();
    mailer.body("This is the body of the mail");
    mailer.subject("Eureka! Axapta generated and email");
    mailer.fromAddress("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
    mailer.fromName("Joe Smith");

RE: [development-axapta] Can Install Axapta 3.0 With SQL Server 2005??

2006-01-30 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Andrew
Its an Axapta kernel roll up. There's some bug fixes and performance
improvements in it as well as being SQL Server 2005 certified. Axapta
may well have worked against SQL Server 2005 before now, but the roll up
is "certified" to work.


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew Staples
Sent: 26 January 2006 17:21
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Can Install Axapta 3.0 With SQL Server


Are your referring to an Axapta rollup, an OS patch, or an SQL 2005
The reason I ask is that we got Axapta 3.0 sp4 to work with SQL2005 and
SP2 some months ago without problemswe are just now trying it on


> -Original Message-
> From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Malcolm Burtt
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:37 AM
> To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Can Install Axapta 3.0 With 
> SQL Server 2005??
> Hi Kian
> The new Kernel Roll Up 1, released last week, provides SQL Server 2005
> compatibility.
> Regards
> Malcolm Burtt 
> Touchstone 
> Our Trusted Solutions - Your Optimised Business
>   _  
> From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kiran Vijay
> Sent: 26 January 2006 08:04
> To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [development-axapta] Can Install Axapta 3.0 With SQL Server
> 2005??
> Hi All,
> Can I install Axapta as SQL Server 2005 as backend...??
> I tried it , At the time of AOS installation, I created a DB, and AOS
> installed successfully.
> But I'm not able to find that Database in the back end.. 
> MoreOver Axapta
> is
> not working.. It is throwing a SQL Error at the start up of 
> Axapta... Is
> this a error due to the incompatibility to SQL Server 2005??
> Can any one help me out??
> Thanks
> Kian
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RE: [development-axapta] Can Install Axapta 3.0 With SQL Server 2005??

2006-01-26 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Kian
The new Kernel Roll Up 1, released last week, provides SQL Server 2005
Malcolm Burtt 
Our Trusted Solutions - Your Optimised Business


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kiran Vijay
Sent: 26 January 2006 08:04
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Can Install Axapta 3.0 With SQL Server

Hi All,
Can I install Axapta as SQL Server 2005 as backend...??

I tried it , At the time of AOS installation, I created a DB, and AOS
installed successfully.

But I'm not able to find that Database in the back end.. MoreOver Axapta
not working.. It is throwing a SQL Error at the start up of Axapta... Is
this a error due to the incompatibility to SQL Server 2005??

Can any one help me out??


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RE: [development-axapta] update in php

2005-12-23 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Try re-coding your $record->put_Field('Name','somevalue') line as...
Malcolm Burtt 
Our Trusted Solutions - Your Optimised Business


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joost_d_t
Sent: 23 December 2005 09:50
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] update in php

I'm trying to perform an update in php to change some fields in 


$axapta = new COM('AxaptaCOMConnector.Axapta2'); 
('user', 'pass', '', '', '', '', 't:\batch\axapta\axapta copy 
$record = $axapta->CreateRecord('CustTable'); 
$record->ExecuteStmt("SELECT FORUPDATE %1 WHERE %1.AccountNum 
== '320780'"); 

When I run it I get this error: 
Warning: (null)(): Unable to lookup put_field: Unknown name. in 
C:\web\update3.php on line 9 

I also tried to use get_Field instead of put_Field but it gives the 
same error. 

When I use: 

$record->Field('Name') = 'somevalue'; 

is get this error: 

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in C:\web\update3.php on 
line 9 

I have no problems using select queries and displaying data. I'm just 
stuck changing and saving the data to axapta. 

Anyone knows something that could help me or am I just overlooking 

Thx in advance.

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RE: [development-axapta] StartLengthyOperation()

2005-11-07 Thread Malcolm Burtt

You use it when you know that the code between the
startlengthyoperation() and the endlengthyoperation() is likely to take
a while. It turns the cursor into its hour glass form.
Malcolm Burtt
Our Trusted Solutions - Your Optimised Business


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paulius
Sent: 07 November 2005 08:19
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] StartLengthyOperation()


when and where are funcions 


Paulius Cerniauskas
Phone: +37062049339
ICQ: 280959446

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RE: [development-axapta] Axapta API

2005-09-30 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Malcolm Burtt
Our Trusted Solutions - Your Optimised Business


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ask Axapta
Sent: 30 September 2005 10:01
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Axapta API


Is it possible to get access to classes in axapta from say vb,c# or

How would one do that?


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RE: [development-axapta] time out error :send email with sysmailer class

2005-09-01 Thread Malcolm Burtt

The code you quote will send an email direct to the mail server of the person that you are sending the email to. The underlying DLL that SysMailer wraps (DsMailer.dll) makes an SMTP connection, in your example, to one of the following three machines (info from an NSLOOKUP on the operatech.com.tr domain)

  operatech.com.tr    MX preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.doruk.net.tr
  operatech.com.tr    MX preference = 9, mail exchanger = etrn.doruk.net.tr
  operatech.com.tr    MX preference = 15, mail exchanger = etrn2.doruk.net.tr

If, for some reason, your system is unable to reach any of those machines then it cannot send the email. When it tries to make the connection it must perform the same NSLOOKUP operation that I did to get the names and IP addresses of the machines it needs to send the email to. Your code hasn't defined any name servers for SysMailer to use when it does this, so it will resort to using the Internet's root name server, which are very busy beasts and might not return a result in a reasonable time. In addition, the mail servers you are trying to connect to might be unavailable for some reason (maybe they are down or the Internet link of the people that own them is dead) which might also cause the send operation to timeout. For these reasons you should configure either (or preferably both) a smart host or a local DNS server for Sysmailer to use.
SysMailer includes methods to access an SMTPRelayServer collection and a DNSServer collection for this purpose. As a minimum I would recommend using a (local) SMTP relay server (smart host), which would be your own mail server. If you can add a DNS server, so much that better (you can get SysMailer to validate email addresses if you have that).
Hope that helps
Malcolm Burtt
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Özcan Ayyildiz
Sent: 01 September 2005 07:46
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] time out error :send email with sysmailer class


I try to sent email with following the code I get an error as the
connection time out.

SysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();
mailer.body("This is the body of the mail");
mailer.subject("The message subject");
mailer.fromAddress("from ");
mailer.tos().add("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

I have tried to add time like this..

SysMailer mailer = new SysMailer();
when I try to send email I can send email all yahoo addresses.but I
couldn't sent another addresses..

example :all hotmail addresses..

do you know anything about this problem..


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RE: [development-axapta] Sending email automatically in Axapta

2005-08-22 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Try using the SysMailer classes instead. These don't rely on Outlook but
send the email directly via the SMTP protocol.
Malcolm Burtt
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Huseyin Akdag
Sent: 19 August 2005 10:23
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [development-axapta] Sending email automatically in Axapta

Hi all,

I am trying  to create a batch job which should send  some Reports  as
file per Mail daily. The problem is, The job can generate this file ,
attach to Email this file but can't send the mail automatically. After
calling the   SendAttachment method , Outlook window  is opened. And I
click to send Button in this Window . But I want to send this mail
without a
Confirmation or manual handling. I am using SysInetMail  class. 

Is there any other way to send it automatically?


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RE: [development-axapta] Enterprise Portal

2005-07-20 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I have the web site settings entered like this.
    Server Name:    myportal.mycompany.co.uk
    Web URL:    http://myportal.mycompany.co.uk
    Server library:   D:\Axapta\Enterprise Portals\Axapta Portal
    Directory:    \\GLOBAL2\\D$\Axapta\Enterprise Portals\Axapta
The server library and directory are pointing at the root folder of my
web site.
Anyone got any more suggestions? This is driving me nuts. :-)


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Meyyappan
Meenakshi Sundaram
Sent: 19 July 2005 19:52
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Enterprise Portal

In the web site tab , make sure the server library and directory is
to the root folder of the web site.


>From: "Malcolm Burtt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
>To: "Axapta Yahoo Group" 
>Subject: [development-axapta] Enterprise Portal
>Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 09:17:13 +0100
>Hi all
>I'm trying to set up Enterprise Portal as a standalone site on IIS
>not as a sub-directory of the default site). When EP is configured to
>run as a virtual directory on the default site it all works fine, but
>I run it as a standalone site then I get a blank web page with the
>following HTML source...
>  <BR>
>  function URLEncode(Tx)<BR>
>  {<BR>
>  return escape(Tx);<BR>
>  }<BR>
>Has anyone got any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?
>Thanks in advance...
>Malcolm Burtt
>Global IT Group
>"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
>Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business
>Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.
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[development-axapta] Enterprise Portal

2005-07-19 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi all

I'm trying to set up Enterprise Portal as a standalone site on IIS (i.e.
not as a sub-directory of the default site). When EP is configured to
run as a virtual directory on the default site it all works fine, but if
I run it as a standalone site then I get a blank web page with the
following HTML source...

  function URLEncode(Tx)<BR>
      return escape(Tx);<BR>

Has anyone got any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance...

Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business
Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

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RE: [development-axapta] Dundas error = method sendmail returns socket connection failed

2005-07-14 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Do you have any Anti virus software running that supports port blocking
(e.g. McAfee). You may find that your AV software is preventing the
Dundas mailer from getting out on port 25 (the SMTP port) from any of
your machines. The machine that works, perhaps, doesn't have the AV
software or its configured to open up port 25 generally or specifically
for the Axapta executable.
I had this exact problem and it drove me nuts for ages before I realised
what the problem was.
Your problem might also be down to the configuration of your firewall.
It may be blocking your machines from getting out of the LAN on port 25
(with an exception configured for the working machine).
Finally, if you've set up the sysmailer to use a local smart host
(System email parameters) then it could be that this smart host machine
is blocking connections received on port 25 unless they come from
specific named machines.
Good luck
Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business
Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of rhodsinger
Sent: 13 July 2005 17:41
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Dundas error = method sendmail returns
socket connection failed

I get the above error when running a job using the sysmailer class. The 
email addresses are all set up correctly as are the parameters. There 
is one user on our network who does not get the error when he runs the 
job from his machine but gets the error when running the job from any 
other machine. Any ideas please, this is driving me insane!!
Rhod Singer



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RE: [development-axapta] Com objects and mailing

2005-05-18 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Daniel
You can get Axapta to send mail via SMTP (i.e. bypassing the user's mail client) with SysMailer and its associated classes. That said, this still uses an external DLL to send the message and all the hooks into that DLL (dsmailer.dll) are via COM calls.
Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.


From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Redelinghuys
Sent: 18 May 2005 11:24
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Com objects and mailing

Blank    Hi all,

    I am changing classes that use Com objects to report to excel files, so
that it doesn't make use of the Com objects.
    My problem is that when I want to mail the report to a client ->
mailer.sendMail(); this use the sendMail system method ->

    public void sendMail()

 and this still makes use of the Com object for mailing purposes.
    Is there a way in standard Axapta to bypass this Com objects for

    Daniel J. Redelinghuys
    Axapta Developer  UTi-Sun Couriers Division
    É Tel: +27 12 673 2324 Ê Fax: +27 12 673 2344
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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RE: [development-axapta] Re: Simple email vaidation

2005-05-06 Thread Malcolm Burtt

You could also consider the SysMailer.validate() method although its
approach to validation (DNS lookup, etc) might be more than you wanted
to do especially if you want the results really quickly.

  -Original Message-
  From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mayle, Michael
  Sent: 05 May 2005 13:58
  To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Re: Simple email vaidation
  Hi Andrew,
  Thanks, but I actually have a library of regular expressions,
it's just
  that Axapta does not use quite the same syntax. It uses :n
instead of \w
  and many other differences which made my attempt at translation
  flat. I was just seeing if anyone else solved this problem
  Thanks for the tip on the Match() function; I did find that in
  documentation (believe it or not.)
  -Original Message-
  From: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ozzage
  Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 6:04 PM
  To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [development-axapta] Re: Simple email vaidation
  Hi Mike
  If you google "regex valid email address" you'll find a lot of
hits for
  sites with exactly what you are after.
  Here is one:
  It shows a regular _expression_ used to validate an email address.
  The regular _expression_ checker in Axapta is the match()
function, in
  case you hadn't got that far yet.
  --- In development-axapta@yahoogroups.com, "Mayle, Michael"
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Hi all,
  > I am trying to adapt a regular _expression_ to use in Axapta for
  > address checking. Does anyone have one? Any help appreciated,
but I 
  > can of course write a method to satisfy this. I just thought
there was
  > an easy way in Axapta to do it.
  > Thanks in advance.
  > --Mike
  > Michael Mayle
  > Lead Programmer
  > Disc Makers
  > 7905 N Route 130
  > Pennsauken, NJ 08110
  > 1-800-468-9353 x5540
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RE: [development-axapta] Untouchable table - Urgent

2005-04-14 Thread Malcolm Burtt

It sounds like you have a corruption somewhere. You could try deleting the Axapta index file (axapd.aoi) from your Appl subdirectory so that Axapta rebuilds it when you restart Axapta. If that doesn't work you will probably have to delete any changes you've made to that object in your layers through code rather than via the AOT. You'll then have to find a way to repeat whatever changes you had there manually.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: larsj_73 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 April 2005 09:08
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Untouchable table - Urgent

Hi all,

I have a strange problem. Axapta craches when ever I try to do 
something with the table Country.  I can't even right click on the 
table in the AOT.

I've tried to syncronize and correct, I've deleted the contents in the 
table, I've tried to import it from another application, but nothing 

There is not done any thing on the table the last weeks.

Can anyone please help me?


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RE: [development-axapta] AOS network problems

2005-04-06 Thread Malcolm Burtt


We've experienced an identical problem at one of our clients. We got around the 
problem by setting an idle timeout on the AOS instance and setting it up to 
start on demand.


Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group 
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes" 
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Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Osterburg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 06 April 2005 13:14
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] AOS network problems


I have the following problem with my AOS server:

It runs fine (users can connect and work normally) up to some point.
Then I get the following message from the AOS server in the event log:

"Server Manager: Fatal socket error 10054 occured while receiving 
service requests from clients."

Afterwards no new users can connect to the AOS ("No AOS could be
found with the current configuration"). Users still connected to the
AOS can continue to work normally.

To fix the problem I have to restart the AOS service (restarting only
the AOS instance is not enough).

Does anyone know what causes this problem, and how to prevent it from

Stefan Osterburg

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[development-axapta] Re: letter

2005-03-22 Thread malcolm . burtt

Your document is attached.

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RE: [development-axapta] Problems viewing the documentation

2005-03-04 Thread Malcolm Burtt

There is an issue which, I think, affects 2.5 SP3 and earlier when run on certain Windows platforms. It relates to an ActiveX security fix that was put into Windows a while back. If I recall correctly, it arrived formally in Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP SP1, but earlier versions could be patched with the the security fix.
Your only solution is to move to Axapta 2.5 SP4 or Axapta 3.0. You'll find that the problem doesn't only affect your ability to access documentation, but actually any ActiveX control that Axapta uses (e.g. the Gantt chart control).
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
Sent: 03 March 2005 19:26
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] Problems viewing the documentation


when I want to see the documentation for a class eg. FormStatic* i 
doubleclick the class in the AOT - the help window opens but there is 
no content in the window except from the icon bar in the top. Does 
anybody know what causes this problem?

I am running Axapta 2.5 with sp3

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RE: [development-axapta] Terminal or citrix server

2005-02-17 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Yes, Terminal Services does support the use of printers connected to the
client machines.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
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  -Original Message-
  From: mchiat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 17 February 2005 01:20
  To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [development-axapta] Terminal or citrix server
  Hi all,
  Can the printer be connected to a terminal server?? As terminal 
  server is cheaper than citrix server. They want to install their

  axapta in a terminal server if it can connect printers.
  Best Regards,
  Jack Koh
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RE: [development-axapta] Dynamic form changes possible?

2005-02-14 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi James
You can do that sort of thing by placing your code in the date source's
Active() method. If the users are creating new records and you want to
enable/disable controls as fields are filled in (i.e. rather than
waiting until the record is saved), then you may also need to put some
code in the date source fields' modified() methods.
Doing it that way shouldn't require any screen redraw so long as you
only disable the controls and not make them invisible or dynamically
add/remove them.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business
Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

  -Original Message-
  From: James Flavell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 14 February 2005 08:54
  To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [development-axapta] Dynamic form changes possible?
  Hi everybody,
  I hope somebody can help me to know is it possible to control
what is
  displayed on a form (e.g. disable a button) based on the value
in a record's
  I would like to be able to make a general solution whereby I can
setup that
  on a given form certain controls (such as posting button) are
not available
  unless the record the user selects has its approved field filled
  I have looked through the classes SysSetupForm, SysSetupFormRun
  SysSecurityXXX but cannot work out exactly where Axapta checks
and sets form
  controls and so hope someone can assist me a bit.  I do not know
if my
  solution is pratical in terms of does Axapta do anykind of
'redraw' of the
  form for every selected record and also whether the performance
will be
  unbearable with such a redraw???
  Also any explanation of how the security settings or a user are
stored would
  be great as I guess I would need to use similar methods.
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RE: [development-axapta] Batch Process

2005-02-03 Thread Malcolm Burtt

All you need to do is write your code in a class that inherits from class RunBaseBatch.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: Alfonso Collados Arroyo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 February 2005 11:00
To: 'Development-Axapta (development-axapta@yahoogroups.com)
Subject: [development-axapta] Batch Process

Hi all:

I have a job and I want to throw that job in a Batch Process.

How can I do this,



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RE: [development-axapta] How to periodically refresh data source

2005-01-07 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Add some code like this to the executeQuery() method of your data source

timer = this.setTimeOut("executeQuery", RefreshMinutes * 6, true);

This will set up a new refresh timer each time the query is executed so that it reloads your data every RefreshMinutes minutes.
The variable timer is an integer handle to the timer, which you'll need if you ever want to cancel the refresh while the form is still active, which you do as follows:-


Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: Baran Sasmaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 January 2005 14:03
To: development-axapta@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [development-axapta] How to periodically refresh data source


I have an axapta weighbridge form. 
With the aid of an vb program, i update simutaneously an axapta table field.

In the axapta form, i have a realedit control that display the weighbridge weight result (axapta table field).
How can i refresh periodically the weight data in the axapta form while there are simultaneous updates in the sql server database.

Thanx in advance.

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RE: [development-axapta] merging layers

2004-11-05 Thread Malcolm Burtt

You have run into a fairly major problem here. The fields and tables that you have moved from BUS to USR will now have different id's in your AOT than in the SQL data dictionary of your database. You will also have problems where field or table Id's have been stored in containers (e.g. SysLastValues).
You have two possible solutions. Either write some code to manipulate the SysDataDictionary table so that all fields and tables have the new values, or you can export data from your old database and import it into a new one. Note that if you take the first option you will have to flush the SysLastValues table and any other place which has table/field id's stored in containers. You'll also have to ensure that your data dictionary manipulation occurs after moving the code to the USR layer but before you synchronise the database, otherwise you'll lose all the data in the fields and tables whose Id's have changed.
Good luck
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: paulinavk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 November 2004 02:51
Subject: [development-axapta] merging layers

I have a situation where in V25 some of the modifications on site 
were in the BUS layer and some were in the USR layer.  Because 
Microsoft has changed the lic rules/costs we don't want the BUS layer 
and I have merged the BUS layer into the USR layer for version 3. My 
worry is during the upgrade how I am going to enure the different 
table/field Id values convert correctly.  Has anyone had experience 
with this?  
Thanks in anticipation

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RE: [development-axapta] Axapta Source control

2004-09-29 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I heard a rumour that this was finally being considered by MBS themselves (not before time). If anyone has a solution that they are willing to share in the meantime, I'd love to see it.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: Jesmond Giordimaina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 September 2004 10:16
Subject: [development-axapta] Axapta Source control

Hi all,

Guess that all of you have been working with live
Axapta environments. We were thinking this morning of
whether using Visual Source Safe for version control
will be possible with Axapta. If not what do you
suggest for version control? After all is file locking
possible, given that Axapta will be using the same


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RE: [development-axapta] Update in grouped sql query

2004-09-28 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Stefan
I think that your only option is to reselect (forupdate) the header table inside the while block using the headerId that you've gotten from the lines table. Obviously you won't need the "forupdate" in your existing select if you do that.
Malcolm Burtt

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Osterburg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 September 2004 08:07
Subject: [development-axapta] Update in grouped sql query


I have a problem with updating records in a grouped sql query:

I have to tables one "header"-table and one "line"-table.
As usual (e.g. in Salestable/Salesline) there can be several
records in the line table for one header record.

In both tables I have a Quantity field. Now I want to check,
if the sum of quantities in the tables lines is the same as
in the table header, if not I want to mark the table header,
to indicate the user that there is a problem.

I have the following query:

while select sum(Qty),headerid from linetable
    group by headerid
    join forupdate headertable
    where linetable.headerid==headertable.headerid &&

The query works so far as it correctly identifies all
records with differing quantities. However the update
fails because Axapta constructs the query in the
SQL-server such that the headertable is included in the
group by and therefore does not return a complete
record but something grouped.

Any ideas how I can restructure the query to do what I want?

Stefan Osterburg

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RE: [development-axapta] Does Axapta require an SMTP server?

2004-09-16 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Matt
ASFAIK Axapta doesn't install an SMTP Server, nor does it require one. There are some features in Axapta 3.0 that optionally make use of an SMTP server via the Dundas mailer interface (see SysMailer classes). 
MS IIS does, however, install one, so if you've got IIS running on that server then its likely that this is how the SMTP server came to be there. The SMTP server that is enabled by IIS is installed as an open relay by default, which is bad news if your server is accessible to the outside world, but not such a problem if its hidden entirely behind a firewall.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: Matt Benic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 September 2004 13:31
To: Axapta Dev
Subject: [development-axapta] Does Axapta require an SMTP server?

Hi all,
Our network admin has just informed me that there is an open SMTP port on
our Axapta server. Does Axapta by any chance require an SMTP server, or
install one during it's installation? I did the install and at no stage did
I manually configure an SMTP server on the machine!

Matt Benic
Axapta Developer
UTi Sun Couriers Division

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RE: [development-axapta] ActiveX Error

2004-09-16 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Yes, you need the Office web components installed on the client machine to do Pivot table viewing.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: lerconsult [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 September 2004 14:11
Subject: [development-axapta] ActiveX Error


I have the following error when I try to run the pivot table link 
from the result button on the the form statistics questionarie, what 
should I install on my PC? Is it because the office web components?


Unable to create activeX control
Microsoft Offcie Pivot Table Office 9.0
ClassID: 0002E520   - C000 0046
Is not found on the system, please check if the control is correctly 

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RE: [development-axapta] Enable a field in a table only item

2004-09-10 Thread Malcolm Burtt

You need to add some code to the datasource active() method to do this. Something like...

.enabled(condition ? true : false);

This code will be executed as the user moves from one record to the next within that datasource.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.


-Original Message-
From: johannes47906 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 September 2004 08:00
Subject: [development-axapta] Enable a field in a table only  item


i want to set a field in the inventtable enable / disable, but only
for one item.
It is possible.

Construction like this makes the field for all item enable


Who can I do it ??


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[development-axapta] Axapta 3.0 Display Methods

2004-09-06 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi All

One of the things that came out of my time with the Axapta performance
specialist last week was related to the use of display methods in Axapta
3.0. I already knew that some work had been done in 3.0 that allowed
display methods to be cached, but had assumed that this just happened
automatically and didn't require us to code anything; Not so. In order
to use this feature, you need to do the following;

*  Make sure you display method is a table instance method, not a
form method
*  Modify the relevant datasource init() method, adding code after
the super() call like
where "JmgStampJournalTrans" is the table and "error" is the display

This is a useful feature for any form that display a potentially large
number of transactions where the display method would be called
repeatedly, but is of little use if the display method is called only
once or twice.


Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group 
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RE: [development-axapta] Hi EveryBody.Problem: Open Form at Startup

2004-08-19 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Alfonso
Anything that you want to do when Axapta starts up can be accomplished
by placing code in the Application class's startupPost() method. If you
add a method to the form that triggers the form's OK button by running
it's clicked() method then you can call the method on the form from the
startupPost() method too.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business
Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

-Original Message-
From: Alfonso Collados Arroyo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 August 2004 10:09
Subject: [development-axapta] Hi EveryBody.Problem: Open Form at Startup

  Hi, this is my first post message.
  I'd like to open a form at Startup, and automatically press the
Ok button.
  How can i do this?
  Thanks (Sorry for my English)
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RE: [development-axapta] axapta 3.0 and windows xp sp2 - problems?

2004-08-19 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I've run Axapta in 2 and 3 tier modes very briefly through XP SP2 and not had any problems. No extensive testing though.

-Original Message-
Sent: 19 August 2004 09:01
Subject: [development-axapta] axapta 3.0 and windows xp sp2 - problems?

hi all,

i have a question. has anybody experiences whith axpata 3.0 and windows xp 

are there any problems or works axapta normal whith xp sp2?

thanks for help.

best regards 


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RE: [development-axapta] Aos auto stop start

2004-08-05 Thread Malcolm Burtt

We'll wait with bated breath for that then. :-)
Thanks for the info Kim.

-Original Message-
Sent: 05 August 2004 17:03
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Aos auto stop start

HI Malcolm

I just want to add something. We actually have a tool that can
start/stop/status each individual instances. We haven't published it
yet, but I will work on that. I have the tool myself and it works
perfectly and also across servers.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Kim Truelsen
Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Business Solutions Axapta
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-Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Burtt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 5. august 2004 16:42
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Aos auto stop start


If you're happy to start/stop _all_ AOS instances on a given server then
you can create batch scripts with the commands:-

  NET STOP "Axapta Object Server"


  NET START "Axapta Object Server"

Then use the Windows task scheduler to run these two scripts at the
appropriate time. Obviously the START command will only work for you if
your AOS instances are configured to do Auto start.

I think I recall someone else posting something about this previously,
saying that they had been able to control individual AOS instances using
UDP protocol messages. This would be a much better solution if you can
find out how its done.


Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group

-Original Message-
From: Cenk Ince [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 August 2004 15:11
Subject: [development-axapta] Aos auto stop start

Hi all;

Is there way to start and stop Aos automaticly. For ex. Stop it 22:00
and start 05:00 ?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: [development-axapta] Aos auto stop start

2004-08-05 Thread Malcolm Burtt

If you're happy to start/stop _all_ AOS instances on a given server then you can 
create batch scripts with the commands:-

NET STOP "Axapta Object Server"


NET START "Axapta Object Server"

Then use the Windows task scheduler to run these two scripts at the appropriate time. 
Obviously the START command will only work for you if your AOS instances are 
configured to do Auto start.

I think I recall someone else posting something about this previously, saying that 
they had been able to control individual AOS instances using UDP protocol messages. 
This would be a much better solution if you can find out how its done.


Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group

-Original Message-
From: Cenk Ince [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 August 2004 15:11
Subject: [development-axapta] Aos auto stop start

Hi all;

Is there way to start and stop Aos automaticly. For ex. Stop it 22:00 and start 05:00 ?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: [development-axapta] Sending mail from class or form

2004-07-20 Thread Malcolm Burtt

If all your client machines have a MAPI compliant email program installed then you can use Axapta's mapi class (see System Documentation/Classes/Mapi).This is okay for most situations.
The alternative is to use the Dundas mailer DLL (bin/dsmailer.dll) that ships with 2.5 but isn't registered by the install program. This DLL can send emails direct to your mail server via an SMTP connection. To use dsmailer you'll have to register (through regsvr32) the dsmailer.dll file on all of your Axapta client machines.
Axapta 2.5 doesn't come with any COM wrapper classes for dsmailer but 3.0 does (SysMailer and associated classes). If you have access to 3.0 then it is possible to export the Sysmailer classes and import them into 2.5 to make talking to the DLL easier.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
@   Web:     
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-Original Message-
From: geerties [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 July 2004 10:46
Subject: [development-axapta] Sending mail from class or form

How can I sent a mail from a class or form in 2.5.
How must I connect to our mailserver? Do I need a licensekey for this 
and if yes which is it?


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RE: [development-axapta] sending email from axapta 2.5

2004-07-20 Thread Malcolm Burtt

So far as I am aware there is no way to avoid this when using the MAPI
calls from Axapta. Its a security precaution that MS added to Outlook a
while back to avoid being caught out by simple viruses that send stuff
to everyone in your addressbook.
If you don't use the MAPI class and send your email by calling
dsmailer.dll then you won't have this problem as it bypasses Outlook
completely and sends direct to an SMTP server.
Malcolm Burtt 
Global IT Group
@   Web:    www.globalitgroup.co.uk 
"Business Solutions designed for YOUR business processes"
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Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.

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viruses on receipt.

  -Original Message-
  From: geerties [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 20 July 2004 14:19
  Subject: [development-axapta] sending email from axapta 2.5
  How can I avoid that microsoft outlook ask a confirmation to
send an 
  email from another program under windows XP 
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RE: [development-axapta] Automate the process of startup batch processing

2004-05-07 Thread Malcolm Burtt

We use the Windows Task Scheduler to run a batch server. I set the task
up to start at 08:00 and terminate at 21:00 so that it isn't running
when we restart the object servers overnight.
Malcolm Burtt

  -Original Message-
  From: Tony Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 07 May 2004 07:46
  Subject: [development-axapta] Automate the process of startup
batch processing
  Hi all,
      I try to auto logon to axapta and automate to start a batch
  because our AOS need to shutdown once a day at mid-night. Is
there any way
  to do it ? Many Thanks for your kindly help.
  Best Regards,
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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RE: [development-axapta] Move items

2004-04-27 Thread Malcolm Burtt

This is a 
complete guess, but how about something like
    TreeNode tnForms;
TreeNode tnA;
    TreeNode tnB;
    tnForms = tree node for "Forms" parent 
    tnA = tree node for Form A
tnB = tree node for Form B
    tnForms.AOTinsert(tnB, tnA);
I've no idea 
if that will actually work as is, but it might be the basis of something. There 
don't appear to be any "move" methods on the TreeNode class so I'm guessing it 
must be doing something like this when you perform this operation 
Global IT 

  -Original Message-From: byteway_so 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 27 April 2004 13:59To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [development-axapta] 
  Move itemsHi all,Does anyone know how I can 
  move items in the AOT programmatically?And I mean: not to change the items 
  with drag or drop.example:[forms node]form bform 
  aAfter moving, it will be:[forms node]form aform 

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RE: [development-axapta] Query with ORDER BY and GROUP BY

2004-04-27 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I think 
what's wrong is that you've missed ItemId from the list of columns to select. In 
your standard SQL92 syntax you had the Qty, Amount and ItemId columns but you 
didn't include the ItemId in the Axapta translation. If you want to group by 
ItemId then ItemId needs to be included in the selected column list or you will 
get a syntax error on the compile.
Hope that 
solves it for you.
Global IT 

  -Original Message-From: Werner Briedl 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 22 April 2004 10:02To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [development-axapta] 
  Query with ORDER BY and GROUP BY
  Can i use the ORDER BY and the GROUP BY Clause in one SQL 
  SQL92 it would look like this:
  CONVERT(DATETIME, '2004-01-07 00:00:00', 102))   GROUP BY 
  i tried it in Axapta:
      while select sum(Qty), sum(LineAmount) from 
  custInvoiceTrans group by ItemId order by sum(LineAmount) 
  where custInvoiceTrans.InvoiceDate == str2date('20040107', 
  321)    {    
  print custInvoiceTrans.itemId, ', ', custInvoiceTrans.Qty, ', ', 
  custInvoiceTrans.LineAmount;    }
  But the compiler raises a Syntax Error :-(
  Has anybody an idea?

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RE: [development-axapta] Ax2.5 SP3 and Win2k server SP3

2004-04-23 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Yes, that's 
just a client side issue. If you're running AOS on the W2k SP3 server, I think 
that will be fine. You'll only see a problem if the clients have the Windows 
service pack (or security patch) that causes the problem for 

  -Original Message-From: James Flavell 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 23 April 2004 
  07:31To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: 
  [development-axapta] Ax2.5 SP3 and Win2k server SP3
  I believe this is with Win2k SP3 or XP CLIENTS but I dont believe this is of 
  concern for the server side which is what I need to be sure.  Can 
  anyone confirm this particular bug is client side (even if I was 
  using AOS)?
  Anyone else heard any 'rumours' to avoid Win2k Server SP3 and 
  Ax2.5?  Anyone actually running Win2k Server SP3 with Axapta 
-Original Message-From: Malcolm Burtt 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, April 23, 
2004 4:09 PMTo: 
[development-axapta] Ax2.5 SP3 and Win2k server SP3
I know 
that there is an issue with (some?) ActiveX controls in Axapta 2.5 pre SP4 
when run with Windows 2000 SP3 or higher. For example, help text does not 
display. Axapta SP4 solves this issue and I have a suspicion that there is a 
hot fix available to allow SP3 to run on W2k SP3 & SP4, but I'm not 
totally sure.
IT Group

  -Original Message-From: James Flavell 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 23 April 2004 
  06:10To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [development-axapta] Ax2.5 SP3 and Win2k server SP3
  Does anyone have or know whether Ax2.5 SP3 has any problems when 
  run from a Windows 2000 Server with SP3 or higher 
  I was told that should not use Win2k server SP3 long ago but was 
  never given the reason and now due to some AD replication problems we have 
  been recommended to update to at least win2k server SP3 (currently we 
  have Win2k server SP2)
  Thank you

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RE: [development-axapta] Ax2.5 SP3 and Win2k server SP3

2004-04-23 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I know that 
there is an issue with (some?) ActiveX controls in Axapta 2.5 pre SP4 when run 
with Windows 2000 SP3 or higher. For example, help text does not display. Axapta 
SP4 solves this issue and I have a suspicion that there is a hot fix available 
to allow SP3 to run on W2k SP3 & SP4, but I'm not totally 
Global IT 

  -Original Message-From: James Flavell 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 23 April 2004 
  06:10To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [development-axapta] Ax2.5 SP3 and Win2k server SP3
  anyone have or know whether Ax2.5 SP3 has any problems when run from a Windows 
  2000 Server with SP3 or higher installed?
  was told that should not use Win2k server SP3 long ago but was never given the 
  reason and now due to some AD replication problems we have been 
  recommended to update to at least win2k server SP3 (currently we have 
  Win2k server SP2)
  Thank you

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RE: [development-axapta] Using document handling classes

2004-04-15 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Title: Message

I'm not 
sure, but I think you misunderstood.
I want to 
simulate clicking the document handling command menu item, and then clicking New 
-> File, entering a file to attach all through code. I don't need a new type 
of document.
To put it in 
context, I'm writing a batch class that reads a users mailbox. Each message is 
read and results in a new record being created in a table.  If there are 
files attached to any of the mail messages then I want to create document 
handling attachments to the records that I create.
Is that any 

  -Original Message-From: ax 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 15 April 2004 13:45To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 
  [development-axapta]Hi,1.In your new class you 
  have to extend lets say DocuActionComWord andimplement method 
  'description' in order to give this class unique name.2.After that, you 
  have to create new recod in 
  basic->setup->documentmanagement->document types and in job 
  description select your new classname. (new class can be seen only after 
  restarting Ax client).3, document types options you have to select table 
  you want this documentbecome active4. and finally you have to select 
  template file of the document (also inoptions).5, don't forget to 
  check 'check table' in general .This means that yourdocument is active and 
  uses template file.this is it, you have new document in document 
  handling.Kuni- Original Message - From: "Malcolm 
  Burtt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "Axapta E-Group 
  (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Thursday, April 
  15, 2004 2:16 PMSubject: [development-axapta]> Hi 
  All>> I'm having some trouble getting my head around the 
  Document Handlingclasses. Can anyone give me a simple code sample for 
  adding a document(file)  to a specific record (say a CustTable 
  record) through code.>> Thanks in advance>> 
  Malcolm Burtt> Global IT Group>>>>> 
  Yahoo! Groups Links>>>>>

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2004-04-15 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi All

I'm having some trouble getting my head around the Document Handling classes. Can anyone give me a simple code sample for adding a document (file)  to a specific record (say a CustTable record) through code.

Thanks in advance

Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group 

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RE: [development-axapta] Email SysMailer error

2004-03-25 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Its possible that you haven't configured the SMTP Relay 
Server or DNS Server parameters (one or the other) through Administration -> 
Setup -> Email parameters. You also get this error if the relay server you 
are trying to use doesn't allow the computer you are running Axapta on to 
relay through it.

Malcolm Burtt Global 
IT Groupy 
  Web:    www.globalitgroup.co.uk "Business Solutions designed for YOUR business 
processes"Global IT Group is the trading name of Touchstone Global Business 
Solutions Ltd. and is part of the Touchstone Group PLC.
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only for the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain 
confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information.  If you 
receive this message in error, please contact Global IT Group on  +44 (0) 
1329 227170 and delete all copies of it from your system.  Any views 
expressed within this message are those of the individual sender, except where 
otherwise stated. This message has been virus-checked before being sent but 
please note that Global IT Group accept no responsibility for any viruses on 

  -Original Message-From: ooi aikchong 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 25 March 2004 
  09:28To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [development-axapta] Email SysMailer errorGreetings 
  to all,I tried to send email using SysMailer class. and Axapta gives 
  me this error.Method 'SendMail' in COM object of class 'Dundas.mailer' 
  returned error code 0x80004005 (E_FAIL) which means: The connection 
  timed-out.why?And how should i register the DunDas COM object 
  in Axapta?urgent help 
  a handphone prepaid card? Reload your credit online! http://www.msn.com.my/reloadredir/default.asp

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RE: [development-axapta] Re: sending of emails without using outlook

2004-02-11 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi all

If you want the SysMailer class to send mails via a local relay server (the advisable approach) then you need to specify what the relay servers fully qualified name is (or what its IP address is). In version 3 there is a form on the Administration / Setup menu called Email Parameters. You can specify the relay server to use in there. You can also specify it manually when using the SysMailer class as follows:-


If the SysMailer class doesn't have this information then the underlying Dundas mailer will attempt to deliver the message direct to the recipient's mail server by DNS look-up on their domain name. If your client machine doesn't have access to a DNS server then these lookups will fail and the message cannot be sent. Also, if the destination mail server is offline for any reason then the mail cannot be sent. That's why using a local relay server is best.


Malcolm Burtt
Global IT Group plc

-Original Message-
From: elianill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 February 2004 08:35
Subject: [development-axapta] Re: sending of emails without using outlook

Hi Jens, 

I tested it on a client without Outlook (only outlook express which 
is installed on installation of IE) - Axapta asked be to 
install "dundamailer" on this client. 
After installation same error-message was shown...

Best regards,
> I havent been testing it more, but I have been doing some thoughts
> this.
> It seems that SysMailer actually calls dundamailer, so both
> should give the same result. Sysmailer is aparantly just a wrapper. As 
> I cannot find anywhere to tell sysmailer (or dundamailer) which
> server (or POP3 server) to use, it has to take values from Windows
> mailer.
> On my workstation I have MS Outlook installed, but I never use it.
> are no accounts defined in it.
> I normally use Lotus Notes as mail program.
> I have a hunch that Windows thinks that Outlook is my normal
> and this is probably why it will time out.
> I am not sure of these things, but I think it could be the issue. '
> /Jens
> |-+>
> | |   "elianill"   |
> | |   e>   |
> | |    |
> | |   11-02-2004 08:53 |
> | |   Please respond to|
> | |   development-axapt|
> | |   a    |
> |-+>
>   >
>   |   To:   development-
>   |   
>   |   Subject:  [development-axapta] Re: sending of emails 
without using 
>   >
> Hi Harish,
> I made the same expiriencies as Jens before
> Do you have any other ideas how to solve?
> Best regards,
> Elia
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > hmm...
> >
> > I just tried both solutions... Same result: It timed out.
> >
> > /Jens
> >
> >
> >
> > |-+>
> > | |   "Harish  |
> > | |   Mohanbabu"   |
> > | |   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
> > | |   .co.in>  |
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RE: [development-axapta] OLAP Error...

2004-01-27 Thread Malcolm Burtt

In order to transfer or process the cube you need to install the cube management tools from SQL Analysis Services on your client. These are on the SQL Server CD.
Malcolm Burtt
Global I.T Group

  -Original Message- 
  Sent: Mon 1/26/2004 18:52 
  Subject: [development-axapta] OLAP Error...

    Hi all

    I was creating a Olap cube with this steps.

    - I create the Query.

    - I do all the steps in the Cube Definition Manager.

    After this, when i clic on the button of Cube instace, it generate a error.  Transfering Cube - Desicionn Support Objects has not settled.

    Why this appear and what can i do?


    Ingeniero de Soporte y ConsultorÃa AXAPTA





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RE: [development-axapta] Filtering on a memo field

2004-01-23 Thread Malcolm Burtt

I built a 
simple search engine in Axapta 2.5 to overcome this. I have a background job 
that periodically reads through new and modified records in a set of user 
defined memo fields. For each field it splits the memo field into individual 
words, discards anything of less than 4 letters (for efficiency) and then stores 
an index record pointing back to the table and record Id where that word can be 
found. I have a search wizard form that allows the user to enter words they want 
to look for and it returns a list of records showing the whole of the original 
text where a match was found. The form is sorted so that the records with the 
most words that match the search criteria are shown 
In version 3 
there's a data crawler that might do something similar. I've not had a chance to 
look into using that yet.

Malcolm Burtt Project Leader Global IT 

  -Original Message-From: Don Price 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 22 January 2004 
  15:07To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [development-axapta] Filtering on a memo field
    Has anybody ever been able to come up 
  with a solution to filter on a memo field?  Currently if you try to set a range on 
  this type of field it will throw an exception. The only possible solution I’ve 
  thought of is searching the table myself in a loop and building a range of 
  recids to pass on to the query.  So that’s probably not good for 
  performance. I would appreciate any hint or 
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RE: [development-axapta] Resources as Bitmaps in Reports

2004-01-20 Thread Malcolm Burtt

Hi Claudia
The way I've done this in the past is as follows:-

*  Add a Window control to your report. 
*  Point it at a display method that returns an integer. 
*  The integer should be the resource Id that you want to display.

Malcolm Burtt

Multi I.T Group

  -Original Message- 
  From: Claudia GÃries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tue 1/20/2004 14:47 
  Subject: [development-axapta] Resources as Bitmaps in Reports

  Hi everbody,
  who can I use Resoureces in Reports (Just like CompanyLogo) ?
  Thanks in advance !
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RE: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table

2004-01-02 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Yep, that worked a treat! Thanks. That's been bothering us for months.

-Original Message-
From: Sherif Metwally [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 29 October 2003 11:52
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table
Try this. it should work
   while select u
   where u.name == "GrossWeight" &&
 u.utilLevel == UtilEntryLevel::USR
   print u.utilLevel;
   print u.name;
   print "Found";
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Malcolm Burtt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: woensdag 29 oktober 2003 11:04
Onderwerp: RE: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table
Hi Bjørn 

I have a similar problem to Sherif. In my case the GrossWeight Extended Data Type is corrupt (Its a Real in the SYS layer, but in my USR layer its being seen as a String). Axapta crashes whenever this EDT is referenced, so I was hoping your solution would work for me too. I tried modifying the code you supplied to look for "typeId(GrossWeight)" in the USR layer, but it doesn't find anything. Just to check I'd made the right sort of change I tried getting it to select from UtilIdElements for another EDT, but still nothing. i.e.

   classId = typeId(EmplId);

   while select u
   where u.id == classId 
   print u.utilLevel;
   print u.name;
   print "Found";

Any suggestions on how I might change your code to fix the EDT corruption that I have?


-Original Message-
From: Bjørn Gudbrand Idstad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 October 2003 09:26
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table

You can run this job:

static void DeleteLayer(Args _args)
   Utilidelements u;
   ClassId classId;
   classId = tableNum(Address);

   delete_from u
   where u.id == classId &&
 u.utilLevel == UtilEntryLevel::bus;
- Bjørn

-Original Message-
From: Sherif Metwally [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 10:21 AM
Subject: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table

Hi everbody,

I have a major problem with the adress table in the AOT. As soon as it gets 
highlighted throw the mouse or keyboard, axapta crashes. So i cant do anything with 
this table.
The only information that i can get about this table is that it has modifications in 
the BUS Layer.
Does anybody knows how can i delete this layer from this table knowing that i can not 
aproach this table within axapta AOT.
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RE: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table

2004-01-02 Thread Malcolm Burtt
Hi Bjørn 

I have a similar problem to Sherif. In my case the GrossWeight Extended Data Type is corrupt (Its a Real in the SYS layer, but in my USR layer its being seen as a String). Axapta crashes whenever this EDT is referenced, so I was hoping your solution would work for me too. I tried modifying the code you supplied to look for "typeId(GrossWeight)" in the USR layer, but it doesn't find anything. Just to check I'd made the right sort of change I tried getting it to select from UtilIdElements for another EDT, but still nothing. i.e.

   classId = typeId(EmplId);

   while select u
   where u.id == classId 
   print u.utilLevel;
   print u.name;
   print "Found";

Any suggestions on how I might change your code to fix the EDT corruption that I have?


-Original Message-
From: Bjørn Gudbrand Idstad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 October 2003 09:26
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table

You can run this job:

static void DeleteLayer(Args _args)
   Utilidelements u;
   ClassId classId;
   classId = tableNum(Address);

   delete_from u
   where u.id == classId &&
 u.utilLevel == UtilEntryLevel::bus;
- Bjørn

-Original Message-
From: Sherif Metwally [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 10:21 AM
Subject: [development-axapta] Problem with Adress table

Hi everbody,

I have a major problem with the adress table in the AOT. As soon as it gets 
highlighted throw the mouse or keyboard, axapta crashes. So i cant do anything with 
this table.
The only information that i can get about this table is that it has modifications in 
the BUS Layer.
Does anybody knows how can i delete this layer from this table knowing that i can not 
aproach this table within axapta AOT.
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