Re: Fibers and async io stuff for beginners

2015-04-24 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 April 2015 at 12:38:39 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:

On Friday, 24 April 2015 at 09:15:21 UTC, Chris wrote:

I was more thinking of the audio thread. But the audio is 
probably better off in a separate thread.

I think you could do this too.
In fact, this is very similar to how the audio from a MOD file 
is decoded.
(I only mentioned an interrupt, because I'm used to putting 
audio in interrupts, since I work very close to the hardware; 
meaning that interrupts will normally be much more efficient)

I might give it a shot.

multiSort for sorting AA by value

2015-04-21 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following works great. It sorts an AA by value:

1. by frequency of word
2. by alphabetic order (if two or more words have the same value)

import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.algorithm.sorting : multiSort;

void main() {
  size_t[string] wcount = [
  struct Word { string word; size_t count; }
  Word[] sorter;
  foreach (ref k, ref v; wcount)
sorter ~= Word(k, v);
  assert(wcount.length == sorter.length);
  sorter.multiSort!(a.count  b.count, a.word  b.word);
  assert(sorter[2].word == beer);
  foreach (ref it; sorter)
writefln(%s : %d, it.word, it.count);

I'm happy with it, but maybe there is a more concise 

Re: [dvm] Can't install compilers on Mac

2015-04-29 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 at 06:41:30 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2015-04-28 19:46, Chris wrote:

I keep getting this message. Why?

[] 56256/54884 KB

Installing: dmd-2.067.0
An unknown error occurred:
/Users/name/.dvm/bin/dmd-2.067.0 :: No such file or directory


Version 0.4.3

Have you installed DVM itself, running ./dvm install dvm? Can 
you please add the verbose flag, -v, when installing a 
compiler and posting the output.

Yes. Doesn't work. Maybe I should just download it and compile it 

Re: Factory pattern in D

2015-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:04:46 UTC, Namespace wrote:

How about this:

struct A {
  int x = 42;

struct B {
  int x = 7;

T factory(T)() {
  return T();

void main()
  auto a = factory!(A);

That's what I was looking for, I just couldn't get it right. 


I wanted to avoid classes and interfaces.

Factory pattern in D

2015-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
What would be the D equivalent of the factory pattern? This 
obviously doesn't work:

struct A {
  int x = 42;

struct B {
  int x = 7;

auto factory(string type) {
  if (type == A)
return A();
  else if (type == B)
return B();
return A();  // default

void main()
  auto a = factory(A);

Error: mismatched function return type inference of B and A

(dmd 2.067.1)

[dvm] Can't install compilers on Mac

2015-04-28 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

I keep getting this message. Why?

[] 56256/54884 KB

Installing: dmd-2.067.0
An unknown error occurred:
/Users/name/.dvm/bin/dmd-2.067.0 :: No such file or directory


Version 0.4.3

Re: Factory pattern in D

2015-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:46:20 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:27:16 UTC, biozic wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:12:36 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:04:46 UTC, Namespace wrote:

How about this:

struct A {
int x = 42;

struct B {
int x = 7;

T factory(T)() {
return T();

void main()
auto a = factory!(A);

That's what I was looking for, I just couldn't get it right. 


I wanted to avoid classes and interfaces.

This might be a bit more useful:
struct A {
 int x = 42;

struct B {
 int x = 7;

auto factory(string type = )() {
 static if (type == A)
   return A();
 else static if (type == B)
   return B();
   return A();  // default

void main()
 auto a = factory!A;
 auto b = factory!B;
 auto x = factory;

Duh, I tried `static if` yesterday and I still got Error: 
mismatched function return type inference of B and A. Now it 
works! Sure, I must have overlooked something. Sometimes it's 
better to go home and call it a day than to try to get 
something to work.

And thanks, by the way!

Re: Factory pattern in D

2015-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:27:16 UTC, biozic wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:12:36 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:04:46 UTC, Namespace wrote:

How about this:

struct A {
int x = 42;

struct B {
int x = 7;

T factory(T)() {
return T();

void main()
auto a = factory!(A);

That's what I was looking for, I just couldn't get it right. 


I wanted to avoid classes and interfaces.

This might be a bit more useful:
struct A {
  int x = 42;

struct B {
  int x = 7;

auto factory(string type = )() {
  static if (type == A)
return A();
  else static if (type == B)
return B();
return A();  // default

void main()
  auto a = factory!A;
  auto b = factory!B;
  auto x = factory;

Duh, I tried `static if` yesterday and I still got Error: 
mismatched function return type inference of B and A. Now it 
works! Sure, I must have overlooked something. Sometimes it's 
better to go home and call it a day than to try to get something 
to work.

Re: Factory pattern in D

2015-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:47:22 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:46:20 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:27:16 UTC, biozic wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:12:36 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:04:46 UTC, Namespace wrote:

How about this:

struct A {
int x = 42;

struct B {
int x = 7;

T factory(T)() {
return T();

void main()
auto a = factory!(A);

That's what I was looking for, I just couldn't get it right. 


I wanted to avoid classes and interfaces.

This might be a bit more useful:
struct A {
int x = 42;

struct B {
int x = 7;

auto factory(string type = )() {
static if (type == A)
  return A();
else static if (type == B)
  return B();
  return A();  // default

void main()
auto a = factory!A;
auto b = factory!B;
auto x = factory;

Duh, I tried `static if` yesterday and I still got Error: 
mismatched function return type inference of B and A. Now it 
works! Sure, I must have overlooked something. Sometimes it's 
better to go home and call it a day than to try to get 
something to work.

And thanks, by the way!

Thinking about it,

T factory(T)() {
  return T();

is better suited for a factory (with static type checks).

This aside, how would I get something to load dynamically? It's 
either mismatched function return type or (with type check) 
variable X cannot be read at compile time:

void main(string[] args) {
 auto type = args[1];
 auto myType = factory!type();

So it's back to classes/interfaces again? H.

Re: Factory pattern in D

2015-05-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 11:11:28 UTC, biozic wrote:

On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 11:01:29 UTC, Chris wrote:

Thinking about it,

T factory(T)() {
 return T();

is better suited for a factory (with static type checks).

But then I don't know what factory!X() provides that X() alone 

Just cleaner code with type checks

T factory(T)() {
  static if (is (T == A)
  || (is (T == B)))
return T();
assert(0, Type ~T.stringof~ is not supported);

and then you could have

auto getType(string type = )() {
  static if (type == A)
return factory!A();
  else static if (type == B)
return factroy!B();
return factory!A();  // default

in order to separate the logic, i.e. the factory produces the 
type and performs all the type checks, whereas `getType` is the 
interface for the user.

This aside, how would I get something to load dynamically? 
It's either mismatched function return type or (with type 
check) variable X cannot be read at compile time:

void main(string[] args) {
auto type = args[1];
auto myType = factory!type();

So it's back to classes/interfaces again? H.

Indeed. Runtime polymorphism is based on classes and 
interfaces. The struct and template solutions can only make 
compile-time factories.

Yep. Only that compile-time factories kinda defeat the purpose.

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 13:32:48 UTC, Suliman wrote:
By default vibed use Diet. Maybe it's cool, but for me it's 
easier to write in pure HTML. What is the best way to do it?

You want to serve html files instead of templates, right? It 
should be something like

router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/));

Put your html stuff into the folder public.

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 13:50:04 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 13:32:48 UTC, Suliman wrote:
By default vibed use Diet. Maybe it's cool, but for me it's 
easier to write in pure HTML. What is the best way to do it?

You want to serve html files instead of templates, right? It 
should be something like

router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/));

Put your html stuff into the folder public.


Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 14:28:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 14:23:27 UTC, Chris wrote:

Especially this:

I think that's a misfeature... if I used vibe.d, I'd want to 
avoid the diet too.

I have never used the templates. Usually I generate the HTML 
myself, if its dynamic stuff, and send it back to the user as via 

auto html = someStringActions();

For static pages I route to serverStaticFiles.

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 14:21:24 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 14:07:09 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I mean that I know that template can be changes dynamically, 
but I thought that 99% of dynamic is javascript code...

Templates are like PHP, JSP, LSP etc. They can do stuff on the 
server side via embedded D code, load files for example. With 
JS you cannot do this. I think you should also be able to 
access variables set in query strings (? ...) 
and process them. But I'm not 100% sure about the latter. The 
user variables you get like this:

void customHandler(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse 

  auto fields = req.query;  // = [];

The drawback of templates is that you have to recompile them 
after each change atm, which is not very dynamic.

Just have a look at

Especially this:

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 14:07:09 UTC, Suliman wrote:
I mean that I know that template can be changes dynamically, 
but I thought that 99% of dynamic is javascript code...

Templates are like PHP, JSP, LSP etc. They can do stuff on the 
server side via embedded D code, load files for example. With JS 
you cannot do this. I think you should also be able to access 
variables set in query strings (? ...) and 
process them. But I'm not 100% sure about the latter. The user 
variables you get like this:

void customHandler(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
  auto fields = req.query;  // = [];

The drawback of templates is that you have to recompile them 
after each change atm, which is not very dynamic.

Just have a look at

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-07 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 09:27:39 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 08:25:30 UTC, Suliman wrote:

You're not setting a port.

settings.port = 8080;

before listenHTTP();

then it'll work.

It's do not help :(

This should work, put it in your `app.d` file:

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
  settings.port = 8080;
  settings.bindAddresses = [::1,];

  auto router = new URLRouter;
  router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/));
  listenHTTP(settings, router);

  logInfo(Please open in your 


Mind you, don't forget the `.` before the forward slash in 

Any file in the folder `public` should now be navigate-able 
to via:

For starters, don't make your own custom main method. Just 
create a vibe.d project and paste the above code into app.d.

Later you can have a more sophisticated handling of requests.

Do this

dub init suliman vibe.d

2. You might see an info message like this

Deprecated use of init type. Use --type=[vibe.d | deimos | 
minimal] in future.
Successfully created an empty project in 

3. Now you have a small project. Go to the folder 
`suliman/source` and open the file app.d

4. Replace the whole code in there with

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
  settings.port = 8080;
  settings.bindAddresses = [::1,];

  auto router = new URLRouter;
  router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/));
  listenHTTP(settings, router);

  logInfo(Please open in your browser.);

5. Save an build the project

6. Create a file called `index.html` in the (sub)folder `public` 
that is in the folder `suliman`, i.e. `suliman/public/`

7. Paste this code into it:


  Hello, Suliman!


8. Save it and navigate in your browser to

You should see Hello, Suliman! in your browser window now.

Hope this helped you.


Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-07 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 08:25:30 UTC, Suliman wrote:

You're not setting a port.

settings.port = 8080;

before listenHTTP();

then it'll work.

It's do not help :(

This should work, put it in your `app.d` file:

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
  settings.port = 8080;
  settings.bindAddresses = [::1,];

  auto router = new URLRouter;
  router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/));
  listenHTTP(settings, router);

  logInfo(Please open in your browser.);

Mind you, don't forget the `.` before the forward slash in 

Any file in the folder `public` should now be navigate-able to 

For starters, don't make your own custom main method. Just create 
a vibe.d project and paste the above code into app.d.

Later you can have a more sophisticated handling of requests.

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-07 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Later you can have more sophisticated methods, e.g. if you want 
to handle query strings you could do something like this:

import vibe.d;

shared static this()

  auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
  settings.port = 8080;
  settings.bindAddresses = [::1,];

  auto router = new URLRouter;
  router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/));

  /* This is the new bit */
  router.any(*, handleRequest);

  listenHTTP(settings, router);

  logInfo(Please open in your browser.);

void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
  if (!req.query.length)
  auto request = req.query;
  // Do something fancy with the request
  // ...
  // Create a result
  string result;
  // ...
  // Return the result to the client
  res.writeBody(cast(ubyte[])result);  // The client will receive 


Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 10:20:35 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 8/05/2015 10:17 p.m., Chris wrote:

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 19:51:20 UTC, yawniek wrote:

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 18:59:13 UTC, Suliman wrote:
1. Do I need write ./public/ ? In examples often simply 

will work too. even public
it goes trough Path struct, see:

2. What incoming parameters (HTTPServerRequest req,
HTTPServerResponse res) mean? Why I should to specify them?

HTTPServerRequest contains all data that the client sends, 

headers, cookies, source ip etc.

HTTPServerResponse is the response you send back.

you woud want to set at least its body, as you do below

3. Why code with: res.writeBody(Hello, World!, 
and router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/)); also 
work, but
my variant (see code above) do not load say that page not 

what exactely does not work? please link code (ideally )

4. How to specify page that I need to load, why in examples 
there is

only link to folder like public? But what if I want to load

public servers public files, its more or less a static 
webserver which

checks if a file exists and then serves that.

if you want to dynamically modify content you send you need 
to use the

templating or do your own string magic.

generally it seems you do not fully understand the concept of 
these web frameworks work. i think you should either read 

source code or more read how other such frameworks work e.g. has pretty good
documentations and books that explain the inner workings (but 

ruby is a dynamically typed language).

then i also can recommend that you check out vibe.d's github
repositories and read trough all the example projects that 
come with

it. e.g.

I'd say it is a bit hard to get into vibe.d just like that. I 
had to

work out a lot of things myself simply because it's web server
technology cast in D. Most of the difficulties are not D but
understanding the whole web server thing. But I have to say 
vibe.d is
very very good once you know your way around. Maybe we should 
set up
some tutorials with common tasks so developers can concentrate 
on D

instead of the web.

I was thinking maybe a vibe.d manual using leanpub's systems. 
Assuming it was hosted on Github and set to be free. It would 
work out rather well and because you can embed other files into 
the book, examples can be made kinda like they are now in 
vibe.d's repo runnable. But also contained in the manual 
inline. All syntax highlighted and all.

Yeah, I think we need a dedicated page with tutorials (covering 
most use cases) for vibe.d. It's great, I love it, but nobody 
knows about it and it's hard to use. You have to go through all 
the examples/source code to do simple things - and things keep 

Maybe even powerful vibe.d boilerplate projects you can set up 
with dub, e.g. a project that already contains `serveStaticFiles` 
and stuff like that.

dub init myproject vibe.d --server=[minimal | query | noui]

Stuff like that. Maybe with DlangIDE support.

And stubs with explanations, e.g. How do I handle queries? 
(req.query) etc. A one stop shop for vibe.d. I'd hate to see it 
ignored only because it's not accessible. Maybe it's time to 
bundle things up anyway. dub/dvm/dlangIDE/dlangUI/vibe.d. It's 
right there in front of us and we all speak the same language :-)

Chaining input

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

I have the following code that converts input like

blah, blub, gobble, dygook

to string[]

auto f = File(file.txt, r);
auto words = f.byLine
   a =!(string)
 .splitter(, )
 .filter!(a = a.length)

I'm sure there is room for improvement.

D is pretty cool in this way. Once you get used to this kind of 
code, you're spoiled forever.

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 19:51:20 UTC, yawniek wrote:

On Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 18:59:13 UTC, Suliman wrote:
1. Do I need write ./public/ ? In examples often simply 

will work too. even public
it goes trough Path struct, see:

2. What incoming parameters (HTTPServerRequest req, 
HTTPServerResponse res) mean? Why I should to specify them?

HTTPServerRequest contains all data that the client sends, e.g.
headers, cookies, source ip etc.

HTTPServerResponse is the response you send back.

you woud want to set at least its body, as you do below

3. Why code with: res.writeBody(Hello, World!, 
and router.get(*, serveStaticFiles(./public/)); also 
work, but my variant (see code above) do not load say that 
page not found?

what exactely does not work? please link code (ideally )

4. How to specify page that I need to load, why in examples 
there is only link to folder like public? But what if I want 
to load public/foo.html?

public servers public files, its more or less a static 
webserver which checks if a file exists and then serves that.

if you want to dynamically modify content you send you need to 
use the templating or do your own string magic.

generally it seems you do not fully understand the concept of 
how these web frameworks work. i think you should either read 
vibe.d's source code or more read how other such frameworks 
work e.g. has 
pretty good documentations and books that explain the inner 
workings (but mind, ruby is a dynamically typed language).

then i also can recommend that you check out vibe.d's github 
repositories and read trough all the example projects that come 
with it. e.g.

I'd say it is a bit hard to get into vibe.d just like that. I had 
to work out a lot of things myself simply because it's web server 
technology cast in D. Most of the difficulties are not D but 
understanding the whole web server thing. But I have to say 
vibe.d is very very good once you know your way around. Maybe we 
should set up some tutorials with common tasks so developers can 
concentrate on D instead of the web.

Re: vibed: how to use pure HTML instead of template engine?

2015-05-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 18:52:41 UTC, Suliman wrote:

auto html = someStringActions();

Thanks, but how to attach to html css file? Now page is 
loading, but do not handle css that also placed in this folder.

CSS should be exported automatically when you use 
serveStaticFiles. I don't understand what exactly you mean. If 
you send a string



the browser automatically detects the CSS file you link to and 
will get it from vibe.d If the CSS is embedded in the HTML (via 
style/style the browser will recognize this.

Re: Moving from Python to D

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

Moving from Python to D

always a good idea ;-)

Re: Moving from Python to D

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 14:13:43 UTC, Chris wrote:

Moving from Python to D

always a good idea ;-)

You might be interested in this:

Re: Why .dup not work with multidimensional arrays?

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 06:30:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 05/07/2015 07:39 PM, Dennis Ritchie wrote:

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 02:23:23 UTC, E.S. Quinn wrote:
It's because arrays are references types, and .dup is a 
shallow copy, so you're getting two outer arrays that 
the same set of inner arrays. You'll have to duplicated each 

the inner arrays yourself if you need to make a deep copy.

Thank you. It really works :)

import std.stdio;

void main() {

auto c = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]],
  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]];

auto d = [[c[0][0].dup, c[0][1].dup],
  [c[1][0].dup, c[1][1].dup]];

d[0][1][1 .. $ - 1] *= 3;

writeln(c = , c);
// [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]],
//  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]] // OK
writeln(d = , d);
// [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 15, 18, 21, 8]],
//  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]] // OK

Maybe there is a way to create .globalDup for multidimensional 

In D, everything is possible and very easy. :p I called it 

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

auto deepDup(A)(A arr)
if (isArray!A)
static if (isArray!(ElementType!A)) {
return!(a = a.deepDup).array;

} else {
return arr.dup;

void main()
auto c = [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]],
  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]];

auto d = c.deepDup;

d[0][1][1 .. $ - 1] *= 3;

writeln(c = , c);
// [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]],
//  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]] // OK
writeln(d = , d);
// [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 15, 18, 21, 8]],
//  [[9, 10], [11, 12, 13]]] // OK


Nice one. I have the same problem in one of my modules. I might 
use the above code henceforth.

Re: Chaining input

2015-05-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 11:14:43 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 

On Friday, 8 May 2015 at 11:00:01 UTC, Chris wrote:

I'm sure there is room for improvement.

It looks like your reading some kind of comma seperated values 

have a look at std.csv of phobos

file.byLine.joiner(\n).csvReader!(Tuple!(string, string, 

writefln(%s works as a %s and earns $%d per year,
 record[0], record[1], record[2]);

Yeah, I actually wanted to have a closer look at std.csv. But in 
this case the input format may change (comments, keywords etc.), 
so I might need a customized parser anyway.

Re: Weird OSX issue

2015-05-12 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 13:54:42 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer

On 4/25/15 3:07 AM, Dan Olson wrote:

Jacob Carlborg writes:

On 2015-04-24 20:37, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

So am I going crazy? Or is dmd doing things differently 
depending on
where its environment is? Any compiler gurus out there 
understand why

the symbol is different?

I don't want to file a bug with this, because it seems 
dependent on

installation location, would possibly not be reproducible.

I can't reproduce this with DMD from DVM (compiler is 
installed in the

user home directory).

I have lots of version laying around and they all worked fine 
on the

posted code.

But maybe a clue here...

$ ~/dmd2.066.0/osx/bin/dmd mod1.d
$ nm mod1.o | grep start
 U _D4core6thread6Thread5startMFZv
$ dmd mod1.d
$ nm mod1.o | grep start

--- a/src/core/thread.d
+++ b/src/core/thread.d
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ class Thread
  * Throws:
  *  ThreadException if the thread fails to start.
-final Thread start()
+final Thread start() nothrow
 assert( !next  !prev );

I wonder if dmd -v will show where its picking up stuff.

Thank you. It is something I missed. Lo and behold:

dmd -v mod1.d:


core.thread	(/usr/share/dmd/src/druntime/import/core/thread.di)


~/Downloads/dmd2/osx/bin/dmd -v mod1.d:




Hm... thread.di vs thread.d (and I didn't notice before because 
all the other imports were .d, I just glanced over that detail).

And so, let's see here:

ls -l /usr/share/dmd/src/druntime/import/core/thread.*

-rw-rw-r--   1 steves  staff  157781 Mar 24 10:44 thread.d
-rw-rw-r--+  1 steves  staff   31382 Feb 24  2014 thread.di

Hey, looky there :)

So, looking at time machine (love that feature), I found that 
when I installed 2.066, back in October, we had switched to 
using thread.d instead of thread.di. But the installer did not 
erase the old thread.di.

BTW, found this:

So I think the issue here is that the pkg installer on OSX does 
not clean up the target directory if it already exists (or at 
least purposely remove thread.di). Will look into fixing that. 
At least now, it works properly, thanks (did a rm -rf 
/usr/share/dmd and reinstall).


Now that you mention it, I had similar issues on my Linux distro
at work (Ubuntu, alas!). The installer for 2.067.0 (or 2.066.0?)
didn't erase old files and I got compiler errors for no apparent
reason. What I did was to use dvm to install and manage my dmd
versions. This is much cleaner. I just didn't have the patience
to go through all the /dmd/ directories and clean them up.

dvm installs its own copy, it's not a system wide installation,
so you never have any issues with old files. I wouldn't want to
miss it now.

dvm install 2.067.1

later in your shell you just type

dvm use 2.067.1

Re: -vgc Info ok?

2015-05-18 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 14:34:38 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Mon, 18 May 2015 14:30:42 +, Chris wrote:

The following

string[string] myarray = [key:value];
string entry;
entry = myarray[key]; // = vgc: indexing an associative 
array may

cause GC allocation

Why is _accessing_ an assoc treated as indexing it?

it can throw out of range error, which is `new`ed.

But shouldn't it read accessing an associative array may cause 
GC allocation? And maybe a hint to the exception that may be 

It's not the same as

myarray[key1] = some value;
myarray[key2] = some other value;

A bit confusing.

-vgc Info ok?

2015-05-18 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following

string[string] myarray = [key:value];
string entry;
entry = myarray[key]; // = vgc: indexing an associative array 
may cause GC allocation

Why is _accessing_ an assoc treated as indexing it?

Re: -vgc Info ok?

2015-05-19 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 18:40:15 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Mon, 18 May 2015 14:41:19 +, Chris wrote:

On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 14:34:38 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Mon, 18 May 2015 14:30:42 +, Chris wrote:

The following

string[string] myarray = [key:value];
string entry;
entry = myarray[key]; // = vgc: indexing an associative 
array may

cause GC allocation

Why is _accessing_ an assoc treated as indexing it?

it can throw out of range error, which is `new`ed.

But shouldn't it read accessing an associative array may 
cause GC


not any access may cause allocation. `auto e = key in 
myarray;` will
not allocate, for example. yet it's still accessing the array. 

*indexing* which may end in allocation.

Yes, that's exactly what was driving at. Accessing is not 
indexing, and yet I get a warning for _indexing_, while the real 
reason is that a wrong access can cause an exception (which 
allocates). I.e. it should be

accessing an associative array may cause GC allocation on error

Maybe the message with indexing for accessing is merely reusing 
the message for indexing, or all assoc array operations are 
lumped together as indexing. I dunno. It seems wrong to me, 
because it's inaccurate.

And maybe a hint to the exception that may be thrown.
i believe that such explanation is a work for lint-like tool. 

compiler with special cases can lead too far. ;-)

It's not the same as

myarray[key1] = some value;
myarray[key2] = some other value;

A bit confusing.

yes, it requires some knowledge of language and libraries. 
-vgc is not

a linter, though, it was made with some assumptions about user's

yet you can open ER in bugzilla, maybe DMD developers will 
implement it.
i'm not a developer, and i can be wrong in reasons behind 

Re: -vgc Info ok?

2015-05-19 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 09:10:50 UTC, Namespace wrote:

On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 14:30:43 UTC, Chris wrote:

The following

string[string] myarray = [key:value];
string entry;
entry = myarray[key]; // = vgc: indexing an associative 
array may cause GC allocation

Why is _accessing_ an assoc treated as indexing it?

No error if you use myarray.get(key, null); or string* entry 
= key in myarray;

What are the advantages / disadvantages of the two methods?

Re: -vgc Info ok?

2015-05-19 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 11:08:52 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 14:30:43 UTC, Chris wrote:

Why is _accessing_ an assoc treated as indexing it?

Are you sure you understand indexing as we do? It's not like 
indexing of databases, it's just accessing by index i.e. 
using myarray[some_index].

I understood indexing as assigning an index to something

myarray[Index1] = First Entry;

As in

Re: GC: Memory keeps growing

2015-04-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 11:48:26 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 15/04/2015 11:44 p.m., Chris wrote:
My garbage collected app starts with ~10 MB in memory, however 
every execution of code it grows by at least 0.2 MB (or more 
on the input). Although I can see memory being freed (say it 
goes up to
32 MB and drops to 14 MB), it keeps on growing slowly but 

I use structs for the most part [1] and reuse arrays at 
critical points,
clearing them with destroy() after use. Maybe this is the 
problem? I

dunno. I'd be grateful for any hints.

[1] The few classes I use are either singletons or 
instantiated only

once and cached when the programs starts.

Sounds like you are doing a LOT of allocations. Try with -vgc 
during compilation to find out where you are allocating.

Just did that, for the most part it's:

- indexing an associative array may cause GC allocation
- operator ~= may cause GC allocation
- operator ~ may cause GC allocation

Whereas 'new' causes GC allocation is rare and applies only to 
classes that are instantiated only once. I use appender a lot, 

There might be some low-hanging fruit there. However, before I 
change anything, maybe you guys have some suggestions.


2015-04-14 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

I get the following message from dub when using --build=release:

undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

DUB version 0.9.23, built on Apr  3 2015
dmd 2.067.0

Also, if I set the flags manually (dlfags[1]), they are ignored 
and dub build in debug mode.

[1] now -boundscheck=off, instead of -noboundscheck

[dub] Release build fails with 2.067.0

2015-04-14 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

Sorry, I forgot the title the first time around!

I get the following message from dub when using --build=release:

undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

DUB version 0.9.23, built on Apr  3 2015
dmd 2.067.0

Also, if I set the flags manually (dlfags[1]), they are ignored
and dub build in debug mode.

[1] now -boundscheck=off, instead of -noboundscheck

Re: GC: Memory keeps growing

2015-04-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 16 April 2015 at 18:51:25 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 12:03:49 UTC, Chris wrote:
There might be some low-hanging fruit there. However, before I 
change anything, maybe you guys have some suggestions.

See if switching to 64-bit mode changes anything.

64bit is the default. I've monitored the program for a while and 
it seems that it is not growing indefinitely. It might go up from 
10 MB to 20 MB, but then it is happy with 20 MB for ages. It 
might even go down to 14 MB again, only to increase to 16 or 18 
MB later. It's a bit weird.

I analyzed it step by step but I couldn't find a culprit. 
Sometimes it stays constant for ages like 15.2 MB no matter what 
I put through it. Then I put one word through it and it goes up 
to 15.4 MB. It's a bit odd. However, I don't know the exact 
behavior of the GC, but it's a good time to start looking into it.

Templates: Array slices not recognized

2015-04-18 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

The following:

import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.range.primitives : isInputRange, hasLength;

void main() {
  size_t[] a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  doSomething(a);  // works


// --- Error: template slices.doSomething cannot deduce function 
from argument types !()(ulong[]), candidates are:
  // slices.d(11): slices.doSomething(R)(ref R r) if 
(isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)

  // --- Error: doSomething (ref ulong[] r) is not callable 
using argument types (ulong[])


void doSomething(R)(ref R r)
if (isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)  // etc..
  foreach (ref n; r) {
writefln(%d * 2 = %d, n, n * 2);


a[0..5] is not recognized as size_t[]. If I give the compiler a 
hint with !(size_t[]), it complains again, i.e. I can not pass 
the slice as a reference.

A workaround is

size_t[] b = a[0..5];

However, this comes with a serious performance penalty in for 
loops (even if I predefine b and reuse it in the loop). 
to!(size_t[])(a[0..5]) is even worse.

Any thoughts or tips?

Re: Templates: Array slices not recognized

2015-04-18 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 18 April 2015 at 16:26:57 UTC, Max Klyga wrote:

On 2015-04-18 13:46:19 +, Chris said:

The following:

import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.range.primitives : isInputRange, hasLength;

void main() {
  size_t[] a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
  doSomething(a);  // works


// --- Error: template slices.doSomething cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(ulong[]), candidates are:
  // slices.d(11): slices.doSomething(R)(ref R r) if 
(isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)

  // --- Error: doSomething (ref ulong[] r) is not callable 
using argument types (ulong[])


void doSomething(R)(ref R r)
if (isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)  // etc..
  foreach (ref n; r) {
writefln(%d * 2 = %d, n, n * 2);


a[0..5] is not recognized as size_t[]. If I give the compiler 
a hint with !(size_t[]), it complains again, i.e. I can not 
pass the slice as a reference.

A workaround is

size_t[] b = a[0..5];

However, this comes with a serious performance penalty in for 
loops (even if I predefine b and reuse it in the loop). 
to!(size_t[])(a[0..5]) is even worse.

Any thoughts or tips?

a[0..5] is an R-value, and cannot be passed by reference.
As you noticed, once you use a variable - everything works 
because only L-values can be passed by reference.

Also why are you passing slices by reference? Slices do not 
copy the memory they point to when passed by value.

Doh! You're right! My bad. However, this makes the function less 
generic, but it doesn't matter here.

Re: [dub] Release build fails with 2.067.0

2015-04-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 10:26:55 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 10:11:17 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 at 15:58:18 UTC, Chris wrote:

Sorry, I forgot the title the first time around!

I get the following message from dub when using 

undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

DUB version 0.9.23, built on Apr  3 2015
dmd 2.067.0

Also, if I set the flags manually (dlfags[1]), they are 

and dub build in debug mode.

[1] now -boundscheck=off, instead of -noboundscheck


I tried to compile the code with a script and I still have the 
same problem:

dmd -release -boundscheck=off -O -inline
(or any combination of these)

When I use

dmd file1.d, file2.d ...

it also fails. Only when I use

dmd -debug file1.d file2.d ...

does it work. Isn't that weird.

I've made sure that the latest version of dmd is now installed 
system wide (Ubuntu) and not just locally with dvm (which is a 
cool tool). I have no clue what causes this problem.

How about with -allinst?

This did the trick, thanks a million! But why would I have to do 
this now (it wasn't necessary with 2.066)?

Also, if you run

dub --build=profile

you'll get

src/phobos/std/getopt.d(438): Warning: statement is not reachable
src/phobos/std/getopt.d(577): Warning: statement is not reachable

The plot thickens ... :-)

Re: [dub] Release build fails with 2.067.0

2015-04-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 at 15:58:18 UTC, Chris wrote:

Sorry, I forgot the title the first time around!

I get the following message from dub when using 

undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

DUB version 0.9.23, built on Apr  3 2015
dmd 2.067.0

Also, if I set the flags manually (dlfags[1]), they are ignored
and dub build in debug mode.

[1] now -boundscheck=off, instead of -noboundscheck


I tried to compile the code with a script and I still have the 
same problem:

dmd -release -boundscheck=off -O -inline
(or any combination of these)

When I use

dmd file1.d, file2.d ...

it also fails. Only when I use

dmd -debug file1.d file2.d ...

does it work. Isn't that weird.

I've made sure that the latest version of dmd is now installed 
system wide (Ubuntu) and not just locally with dvm (which is a 
cool tool). I have no clue what causes this problem.

GC: Memory keeps growing

2015-04-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
My garbage collected app starts with ~10 MB in memory, however 
with every execution of code it grows by at least 0.2 MB (or more 
depending on the input). Although I can see memory being freed 
(say it goes up to 32 MB and drops to 14 MB), it keeps on growing 
slowly but surely.

I use structs for the most part [1] and reuse arrays at critical 
points, clearing them with destroy() after use. Maybe this is the 
problem? I dunno. I'd be grateful for any hints.

[1] The few classes I use are either singletons or instantiated 
only once and cached when the programs starts.

Re: -vgc Info ok?

2015-05-19 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 12:41:29 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Tue, 19 May 2015 11:36:32 +, Chris wrote:

On Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 11:08:52 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 14:30:43 UTC, Chris wrote:

Why is _accessing_ an assoc treated as indexing it?

Are you sure you understand indexing as we do? It's not 
like indexing

of databases, it's just accessing by index i.e. using

I understood indexing as assigning an index to something

myarray[Index1] = First Entry;

As in

and that's wrong. ;-) most programmers in this case read 
indexing as

accesing by index. it's a common term for such access.

Is that so. I don't remember having come across this meaning. It 
is usually called access or indexing access (cf. I still think that saying just 
indexing is not correct in -vgc, since it can be both 
assignment and access.

tbh, i didn't even understand you fully until i read the post 

answering to.

AMD Windows 7

2015-06-12 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Has anyone run into problems with D on AMD processors? I'm 
talking about Windows 7 on a HP625 laptop in particular.

Re: AMD Windows 7

2015-06-12 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 14:55:15 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 14:39:55 UTC, Chris wrote:

I wish it were an error in the Python code so I could fix it, 
but it works on all other machines (at least those with 
Intel). It's only on the HP625 with AMD that this error 
occurs. Another DLL (which isn't mine) also failed to load, 
although with a different error message. It might be just this 
particular model, or AMD, I dunno. I couldn't find anything 
about it on the internet.

Atm I'm using dmd 2.067.1, maybe compiling with GDC or LDC 
will fix it.

That sounds more like its the software installed on the machine 
and not the processor. Are you sure that all microsoft runtime 
libraries are installed? If you did use the vs 2012 linker to 
create the D-dll you need to install this redistributable 

Did you run Depends on the dll? Usually depends will tell you 
why the dll does not load:

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Thanks, I will look into it.

The problem is that I don't have the machine anymore (had to 
return it to user). The weird thing is that the DLL loads 
correctly (else there would be an error message in the log file), 
but is a NoneType (i.e. null) when methods are called (e.g. 
mydll.getSomething()). If it were not loaded, it wouldn't even 
come to the point at which it calls functions in the DLL.

Re: AMD Windows 7

2015-06-12 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 14:20:58 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 13:16:32 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 12:41:23 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 10:54:46 UTC, Chris wrote:
Has anyone run into problems with D on AMD processors? I'm 
talking about Windows 7 on a HP625 laptop in particular.

Can you be any more specific? What kind of problems?

A DLL in D is loaded into a Python program, but not recognized 
later. It says: NoneType doesn't have method called... It's 
only on this machine (or processor?). I recompiled it on the 
machine, but I still get the same error. Unfortunately, we 
only have Intel processors, so I cannot test it on other AMD 

That's an error in your Python code.

I wish it were an error in the Python code so I could fix it, but 
it works on all other machines (at least those with Intel). It's 
only on the HP625 with AMD that this error occurs. Another DLL 
(which isn't mine) also failed to load, although with a different 
error message. It might be just this particular model, or AMD, I 
dunno. I couldn't find anything about it on the internet.

Atm I'm using dmd 2.067.1, maybe compiling with GDC or LDC will 
fix it.

Re: AMD Windows 7

2015-06-12 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 12:41:23 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 10:54:46 UTC, Chris wrote:
Has anyone run into problems with D on AMD processors? I'm 
talking about Windows 7 on a HP625 laptop in particular.

Can you be any more specific? What kind of problems?

A DLL in D is loaded into a Python program, but not recognized 
later. It says: NoneType doesn't have method called... It's 
only on this machine (or processor?). I recompiled it on the 
machine, but I still get the same error. Unfortunately, we only 
have Intel processors, so I cannot test it on other AMD 

Concurrency in DLL

2015-07-01 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Would anyone know off the top of the head why a 
std.concurrency.send() message can fail in a DLL?

The DLL is loaded into Python and works (including the threading) 
when in a test program or mine and loaded via cytpes.CDLL() etc. 
However, embedded in a third party package, where it is loaded in 
the same way, the thread is never called (the DLL as such is 
loaded and available and works fine).

The thread is generated like this in the DLL:

import std.concurrency;

  export void methodCalledFromPython(const char* message)
// convert message to string etc.
// now spawn thread in order to be able to return to
// main thread asap
auto dothis = spawn(doSomething, thisTid);
send(dothis, message.idup);

// Method in same module
private void doSomething(Tid tid)
   (string input)
 // Do something with input

Is it to do with thisTid that conflicts with the main program 
somehow? However, in my test program it works fine. Anything I'm 
forgetting here?


2015-05-25 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm a bit at a loss here. I cannot get the longest possible 
match. I tried several versions with eager operators and stuff, 
but D's regex engine(s) always seem to return the shortest match. 
Is there something embarrassingly simple I'm missing?

void main()
  import std.regex : regex, matchFirst;
  import std.stdio : writeln;

  auto word = blablahula;
  auto m = matchFirst(word, regex(^([a-z]+)(hula|ula)$));
  writeln(m);  // prints [blablahula, blablah, ula]

I want it to return hula not ula.

Re: Regex-Fu

2015-05-25 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 May 2015 at 11:20:46 UTC, novice2 wrote:

I cannot get the longest possible

it match longest for first group ([a-z]+)



Namespace, novice2:

Ah, I see. The problem was with the first group that was too 
greedy, not with the second. I was focusing on the latter. 
Thanks, this works now!

Re: flush MessageBox

2015-08-21 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 15:57:47 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 15:25:57 UTC, Chris wrote:
Is there a way to flush a thread's message box other than 
aborting the thread? MailBox is private:

flush from inside the thread? You could call receiveTimeout 
with a 0 timer in a loop until it returns false.

Yes, from inside the thread. I have a worker thread (with 
receiveTimeout) that is started when the program starts and sits 
there waiting for input. I naively thought this was a great idea, 
until I noticed that when input comes fast the mailbox grows and 
the bloody thread won't stop until all the items in the mailbox 
are processed. I was looking for something like `if (abort) { 
mailbox.flush(); }`

Re: flush MessageBox

2015-08-21 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 12:59:09 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 10:43:22 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 15:57:47 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 15:25:57 UTC, Chris wrote:
Is there a way to flush a thread's message box other than 
aborting the thread? MailBox is private:

flush from inside the thread? You could call receiveTimeout 
with a 0 timer in a loop until it returns false.

Yes, from inside the thread. I have a worker thread (with 
receiveTimeout) that is started when the program starts and 
sits there waiting for input. I naively thought this was a 
great idea, until I noticed that when input comes fast the 
mailbox grows and the bloody thread won't stop until all the 
items in the mailbox are processed. I was looking for 
something like `if (abort) { mailbox.flush(); }`

void flushMailbox()
bool r;
r = receiveTimeout(, (Variant _){});
} while(r);

You could optimise that to more efficiently deal with the 
actual types you're receiving, instead of making a Variant 
every time, but it's probably not worth it. The compiler might 
even optimise it away anyway.

Wouldn't it be easier to have a library function that can empty 
the mailbox immediately? It's a waste of time to have all items 
in the mailbox crash against a wall, before you can go on as in

item1  // cancel
item2  === do nothing return;
item3  === do nothing return;

In parts I find std.concurrency lacking. Simple things sometimes 
need workarounds.

Re: flush MessageBox

2015-08-21 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 14:35:53 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 12:59:09 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 10:43:22 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 15:57:47 UTC, John Colvin 

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 15:25:57 UTC, Chris wrote:
Is there a way to flush a thread's message box other than 
aborting the thread? MailBox is private:

flush from inside the thread? You could call receiveTimeout 
with a 0 timer in a loop until it returns false.

Yes, from inside the thread. I have a worker thread (with 
receiveTimeout) that is started when the program starts and 
sits there waiting for input. I naively thought this was a 
great idea, until I noticed that when input comes fast the 
mailbox grows and the bloody thread won't stop until all the 
items in the mailbox are processed. I was looking for 
something like `if (abort) { mailbox.flush(); }`

void flushMailbox()
bool r;
r = receiveTimeout(, (Variant _){});
} while(r);

Thanks by the way. This does the trick.

Re: flush MessageBox

2015-08-24 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 17:05:56 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 14:35:53 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Friday, 21 August 2015 at 12:59:09 UTC, John Colvin wrote:


Wouldn't it be easier to have a library function that can 
empty the mailbox immediately? It's a waste of time to have 
all items in the mailbox crash against a wall, before you can 
go on as in

item1  // cancel
item2  === do nothing return;
item3  === do nothing return;

In parts I find std.concurrency lacking. Simple things 
sometimes need workarounds.

yes, it would be better. Please file an enhancement request:


flush MessageBox

2015-08-20 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a way to flush a thread's message box other than 
aborting the thread? MailBox is private:

Struct vs. Class

2015-06-26 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have still some classes lying around in my code. As threading 
is becoming more and more of an issue, classes and OOP in general 
turn out to be a nuisance. It's not so hard to turn the classes 
into structs, a lot of classes are in fact singletons (yes, I've 
been kinda fading out classes for a while now). My question is 
now, what do I have to keep in mind if I turn a cached class into 
a cached struct, i.e.

  auto myClass = new AwesomeDoEverything.instance();  // lives 
for the rest of the program, is a singleton


// ...;

  auto myStruct = AwesomeDoEverything();  // lives for the rest 
of the program


// ...;  // Can live in different threads without 
reinitializing it.

Or is there a way I can make a singleton class thread-able?

I cannot afford to re-initialize certain classes / structs 
because I don't wanna hit the file system every time I do so.

Re: Struct vs. Class

2015-06-26 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 June 2015 at 11:28:38 UTC, Daniel Kozák wrote:

On Fri, 26 Jun 2015 11:11:15 +
Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I have still some classes lying around in my code. As 
threading is becoming more and more of an issue, classes and 
OOP in general turn out to be a nuisance. It's not so hard to 
turn the classes into structs, a lot of classes are in fact 
singletons (yes, I've been kinda fading out classes for a 
while now). My question is now, what do I have to keep in mind 
if I turn a cached class into a cached struct, i.e.

   auto myClass = new AwesomeDoEverything.instance();  // lives
for the rest of the program, is a singleton

// ...;

   auto myStruct = AwesomeDoEverything();  // lives for the 

of the program

// ...;  // Can live in different threads 

reinitializing it.

Or is there a way I can make a singleton class thread-able?

I cannot afford to re-initialize certain classes / structs 
because I don't wanna hit the file system every time I do so.

bad link:

Thanks a million! This might do the trick and my classes can live 
happily ever after :-)

Re: Yes or No Options

2015-07-29 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 27 July 2015 at 15:50:11 UTC, Alex wrote:

Hey guys!

I am super new to programming and still trying to learn the 
very basics via a book that I bought.

Out of interest: what made you start with D? It's not the most 
obvious choice for a programming novice.

Re: Yes or No Options

2015-07-30 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 14:20:41 UTC, Alex wrote:
My father owns a small software company, specialized in market 
data products. (in case anyone is interested)

So programming was basically around all my life.

I do a small job in his company and my next task was to learn 
D. There are two trainees and the three of us have to learn D. 
Ofc the two trainees have to learn other languages as well.

My dad said the reason why we learn this language is that he 
personally finds it to be a very intuitive language that 
produces machine code. If he just wanted us to teach 
programming he said he'd just told us to learn C#.
In addition to that he wants to keep up and always have new 
languages and features in the company (only 8 people). And 
since we have experts for almost any language here but not a 
single one for D, it was time for someone to start!

Once I started I found it to be really interesting and 
challenging plus I like solving problems.

Thank you for being so nice! I have seen very few communities 
where beginners are welcomed so well!

Very interesting indeed! Care to write an article about it one 
day? Learning D as an absolute beginner or something like that. 
I wonder, is your father's company listed among those using D? I 
think there's a list somewhere on Wiki, if not we should have one 

Thread communication

2015-08-04 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a good way to stop work-intensive threads via thread 
communication (instead of using a shared variable)? The example 
below is very basic and naive and only meant to exemplify the 
basic problem.

I want to stop (and abort) the worker as soon as new input 
arrives. However, while executing the function that contains the 
foreach-loop the worker thread doesn't listen, because it's busy, 
of course. I've tried a few solutions with send and receive in 
this block, but somehow none of them work perfectly.

import std.stdio : readln, writefln, writeln;
import std.string : strip;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

Tid thread1;

struct Exit {}

void main()
  string input;
  bool exists;
  while ((input = readln.strip) != null)
if (exists)
thread1 = spawn(worker);
exists = true;

void worker()
  bool run = true;
  while (run)
  (string input)
foreach (ref i; 0..10)
  writefln(%d.\tDoing something with input %s, i+1, 

run = false;
  (Exit exit)
run = false;
  writeln(End of thread worker);

Re: Thread communication

2015-08-05 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 18:15:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 08/04/2015 09:19 AM, Dicebot wrote:


I think the problem here is that the worker is busy, not even 
able to call that.

This sounds like sending a signal to the specific thread (with 
pthread_kill()) but I don't know the details of it nor whether 
Phobos supports it.


The problem is that it works up to a certain extent with 
receiveTimeout. However, if the input arrives in very short 
intervals, all the solutions I've come up with so far (including 
data sharing) fail sooner or later. New threads are spawned 
faster than old ones can be given the abort signal. There are 
ways to wait, till a given thread dies, say with a shared 
variable isAlive `while (isAlive) {}`, but even here I've come 
across problems when the input comes very fast.

I don't know how to solve this problem, because message passing 
follows a linear protocol (as far as I understand it) and shared 
variables give rise to data races. Something like pthread_kill() 
would indeed be useful, to terminate a thread at random. I wonder 
if fibers would be an option.

D-threads seem to be based on the assumption that there is no 
need to abort threads at random, any time. Or am I mistaken?

Re: Yes or No Options

2015-07-31 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 17:48:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 07/30/2015 08:14 AM, Chris wrote:

I wonder,
is your father's company listed among those using D? I think 
there's a

list somewhere on Wiki, if not we should have one :-)

I don't think they use D yet but the page is here:


That's the link. Thanks! I find the reasons Alex gave for using D 
very interesting. It's beyond all hype and reddit and stuff like 
that. It shows that D attracts users for what it is, without any 
hype or sh*t like that.

Re: Thread communication

2015-08-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 6 August 2015 at 08:40:58 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

AFAIK, boost does it by integrating support for interruption 
into various functions, so IO, waits and locks reply to 
interrupt requests appropriately. You can do something similar.

I understand the philosophy behind D-threads. However, I have a 
situation where waiting for a thread to react to an abort signal 
(if it reacts at all) and finish according to a protocol can 
cause a delay that may not be acceptable to the user or cause 
inconsistencies. Instant abortion works best with data sharing. 
However, then I have the ugly situation where I have to place the 
abort flag at strategical places in several functions/blocks to 
make sure the task will not be pursued, because you never know 
when exactly the new input will arrive. In this way it can be 
intercepted. Unfortunately, this is messy and it is not easy to 
avoid data races.

A possible solution would be to halt all threads except for the 
main thread, spawn a new thread, and end the old thread silently 
behind the scenes. I'm not sure, if this is possible though. I 
also wonder, if it would be possible to use some sort of observer 
that never sleeps. deprecated, range is the alternative?

2015-08-06 Thread chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

class Test {
MemoryStream m_stream;

this(MemoryStream stream) {
m_stream = stream;

void write(byte val) {

byte read() {
byte val;;
return val;

void main() {
byte[] read = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12];
auto t = new Test(read);
byte val =;
byte val1 =;
writeln(val, val1);

since memorystream is deprecated how do i do something like this 
with Input and Output ranges? How can i fill up an array with 
ranges like you can do with streams?


Re: Concurrency Confusion

2015-08-07 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 6 August 2015 at 21:17:15 UTC, 岩倉 澪 wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 08:35:10 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
// in real app use `receiveTimeout` to do useful stuff 

// result message is received
auto output = receiveOnly!(immutable(Bar)[]);

New question: how would I receive a immutable value with 
receiveTimeout? I need the results from my worker thread 
outside of the delegate that receiveTimeout takes.

Also: what is the best way to kill off the worker thread when I 
close the application, without having to wait for the worker 
thread to complete? My first thought was to use receiveTimeout 
in the worker thread, but the work is being done in a parallel 
foreach loop, and I am not sure if there is a way to safely use 
receiveTimeout in a parallel situation...
I also found Thread.isDaemon in core.thread. I tried doing auto 
thread = Thread.getThis(); thread.isDaemon = true; at the start 
of the worker thread, but it still seems to wait for it to 
complete before closing.

Thanks again!

receiveTimeout can be used like this:

void main()

writeln(Waiting for a message);
bool received = false;
while (!received) {
received = receiveTimeout(600.msecs,
  (string message) {  // === 
Receiving a value
  writeln(received: , 


if (!received) {
writeln(... no message yet);

/* ... other operations may be executed here ... */

To stop threads immediately, I've found that the best way is to 
use a shared variable, typically a bool, that is changed only in 
one place. I hope I'll find the time on Monday to post a simple 

1. shared bool ABORT;
3.// in owner thread
4. ABORT = true;  // The only place where you do this.
5. bool res;
6. while ((res = receiveOnly!bool()) == false) { debug 
writeln(waiting for abort ...); }

// in worker thread(s)

foreach ()
  if (ABORT)
  // working away
// ...

If you have more than one thread to abort, you'll have to adapt 
lines 5 and 6 accordingly.

Unfortunately, sending an abort message to a thread as in 
`send(thread, true)` takes too long. Setting a global flag like 
ABORT is instantaneous. Beware of data races though. You might 
want to have a look at:

Especially `synchronized` and atomicOp.

Re: Concurrency Confusion

2015-08-07 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 15:55:33 UTC, Chris wrote:

Using a shared boolean is probably not the best way, I should 
have said the most efficient and reliable way.

Re: Concurrency Confusion

2015-08-08 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 8 August 2015 at 00:39:57 UTC, 岩倉 澪 wrote:

On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 22:13:35 UTC, 岩倉 澪 wrote:

message is local to the delegate that receiveTimeout takes.
I want to use message outside of the delegate in the 
receiving thread. However, if you send an immutable value from 
the worker thread, afaict there would be no way to assign it 
to a global/outer variable without making a mutable copy 
I haven't really spent much time trying to pass my message 
as mutable via shared yet, but hopefully that could work...

Found the answer to this :)

I send the results from my worker thread with assumeUnique, and 
then simply cast away immutable in the receiving thread like so:

(in module scope)
Bar[] baz;

(in application loop)
import std.array
import std.concurrency, std.datetime;
(immutable Bar[] bar){ baz = cast(Bar[])bar; });

Note aside: if you only import what you need (say `import 
std.concurrency : receiveTimeout; std.datetime : msecs`), you can 
reduce the size of the executable considerably as your program 

Re: Thread pools

2015-07-22 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 15:41:06 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 14:28:48 UTC, Chris wrote:
What would be the best way to manage different threads 
(spawned via std.concurrency), e.g. to tell them to stop at 
once, once a new command comes in? A thread pool? How would 
that look like in D? I feel my knowledge of D threads is still 
a bit limited.

`std.parallelism` includes a TaskPool class [1] and a taskPool 
property [2], but they spawn their own threads.

I'm not sure why you need a thread pool to tell std.concurrency 
threads to stop; why not send a stop message to each of them?


Thanks. I'm dealing with nested threads at the moment.

// Does some processing
  // Plays audio

If main receives a signal, all threads should stop immediately 
(thread1 and thread2).

Re: Thread pools

2015-07-23 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 17:01:52 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

You can probably simply terminate the main thread, which will 
send an OwnerTerminated message to all dependent threads. The 
threads need to `receive()` this message and terminate.

Not possible here. Main has to run the all the time, it's waiting 
for input and spawns threads accordingly.

Re: Thread pools

2015-07-23 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 16:16:36 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

I would send a message to terminate to thread1, which would in 
turn send a similar message to any threads it has started, wait 
until they've all stopped (maybe with a time-out), then return.

I.e. every thread knows how to cleanly terminate itself when 
instructed, so you just send a terminate message down the tree 
of threads and then wait for the effects to bubble back up to 

Thanks. I was thinking the same when I gave it a second thought 
on my way home. Instead of having a central pool, every thread is 
responsible for its own threads. So main only needs to care about 
the initial thread. That's the theory, I'll have to see how this 
works in reality.

Thread pools

2015-07-22 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
What would be the best way to manage different threads (spawned 
via std.concurrency), e.g. to tell them to stop at once, once a 
new command comes in? A thread pool? How would that look like in 
D? I feel my knowledge of D threads is still a bit limited.

Re: Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-16 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 16:49:19 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 16:44:27 UTC, Chris wrote:
Updating my code from 2.067.1 to 2.069.1 (I skipped 2.068, 
because I was too busy).

I get this error:

invalid foreach aggregate, define opApply(), range primitives, 
or use .tupleof

for code like

foreach (ref it; myArray.doSomething) {}

Probably not the best idea anyway. What's the best fix for 
this? Thanks.

Well, what does `doSomething` return?

It returns a range that modifies individual items in myArray, 
i.e. it assigns values to fields in each item of the array.

Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-16 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Updating my code from 2.067.1 to 2.069.1 (I skipped 2.068, 
because I was too busy).

I get this error:

invalid foreach aggregate, define opApply(), range primitives, or 
use .tupleof

for code like

foreach (ref it; myArray.doSomething) {}

Probably not the best idea anyway. What's the best fix for this? 

Re: Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-16 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 17:57:53 UTC, opla wrote:

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 16:55:29 UTC, Chris wrote:

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 16:49:19 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 16:44:27 UTC, Chris wrote:
Updating my code from 2.067.1 to 2.069.1 (I skipped 2.068, 
because I was too busy).

I get this error:

invalid foreach aggregate, define opApply(), range 
primitives, or use .tupleof

for code like

foreach (ref it; myArray.doSomething) {}

Probably not the best idea anyway. What's the best fix for 
this? Thanks.

Well, what does `doSomething` return?

It returns a range that modifies individual items in myArray, 
i.e. it assigns values to fields in each item of the array.

have you...

tried without ref
tried by adding a pair of parens after doSomething ?
tried std.algorithm.each or map on doSomething ?
checked the primitives ?
checked that isInputRange!(ReturnType!doSomething) == true?

I think ref is necessary, else the items are not changed. I will 
try the other options tomorrow (Tuesday). Thanks.

I wonder was the change overdue (and I got away with it till 
2.068.1) or is it a new policy due to changes in D?

Re: Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 November 2015 at 11:58:22 UTC, Chris wrote:

Sorry that should be:

@property void popFront()
  r = r[1..$];

Re: Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

I've checked several options now and it doesn't work.

Here ( it is 
stated that it suffices to have range primitives, if opApply 
doesn't exist. My code worked up to 2.068.0, with the 
introduction of 2.068.1 it failed. I wonder why that is.

I have empty, front and popFront in my range which is a struct, 
and it used to work.

Re: Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 November 2015 at 12:22:22 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

Ok, that's a strange implementation of opIndex(). Usually, a 
parameter-less opIndex() is supposed to return a slice into the 
full range, but yours returns a size_t, which of course can't 
be iterated over.

The change that made this stop working is:

This contains, among others a fix for issue 14625 "opIndex() 
doesn't work on foreach container iteration":

This allows to iterate directly over containers, without 
needing to slice them first. I guess it's a bit too eager, 
because if the object is already iterable without slicing (as 
in your example), it could just do that. On the other hand, 
it's a corner case, and it might actually be preferable to 
slice always, if the iterable supports it...

In any case, I'd suggest you fix your opIndex(), except if 
there's a really good reason it is as it is.

I see. Thanks for the explanation. What would be the easiest fix 
for this example?

Re: Invalid foreach aggregate

2015-11-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 17 November 2015 at 11:26:19 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

That really depends on the details, that's why I asked. It 
could be a regression, or it could be that the compiler now 
does stricter checking than before, and your implementation 
wasn't completely correct, or it could be a bug in Phobos if 
you use that to create the range.

If you can post a minimal example that works in 2.067.1, but 
doesn't with the current version, I can try to find the change 
that broke it.

I did just that and I could find the culprit. It's opIndex(). It 
works up until 2.068.0, with 2.068.1 I already get this error:

"primitives.d(7): Error: invalid foreach aggregate 

Here's the example:


import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.range.primitives;

void main()
  string[] items = ["a", "b", "c"];
  foreach (ref it; items.doSomething())

auto doSomething(InputRange)(ref InputRange r)
  struct DoSomething
  InputRange r;
  size_t cnt;

this(InputRange r)
  this.r = r;

@property bool empty()
  return r.length == 0;

@property auto front()
  return r[0];

@property void popFront()
  r = r[1..$];

@property size_t length() const
  return r.length;

@property size_t opIndex()
  return cnt;

@property auto save() const
return this;

  return DoSomething(r);

Re: bearophile is back! :) was: Re: conver BigInt to string

2015-11-05 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 19:38:23 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Good one! ;) I'm really happy that he is still around.


So am I! The more, the merrier!

Re: bearophile is back! :) was: Re: conver BigInt to string

2015-11-05 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 19:30:02 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 11/05/2015 09:40 AM, bearophile wrote:


Were you immersed in another language? Rust?


His D doesn't seem to be Rusty though!

Re: good reasons not to use D?

2015-11-03 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 October 2015 at 10:35:03 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Interesting. Two points suggest that you should use D only for 
serious programming:

"cases where you want to write quick one-off scripts that need to 
use a bunch of different libraries not yet available in D and 
where it doesn't make sense to wrap or port them" - quick and 

"where you have many inexperienced programmers and they need to 
be productive very quickly." - quick and awkward

[what does this tell us about financial programming ...]

This reason is true of any other language:

"where you have a lot of code in another language (especially non 
C, non Python) and defining an interface is not so easy;"

In fact, the reasons you give (apart from the point about GUI) 
are true of C++, C#, Java etc. too. It's a bit generic. I was 
thinking of D specific reasons like lack of support for mobile 
platforms (not 100% yet). So your average stock broker couldn't 
calculate some bogus numbers on his iPad while having a latte and 
a Pelegrino in a posh cafe off Wallstreet. He he he.

GC and lack of mobile are real reasons not to use D.

Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 15 October 2015 at 09:47:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Thursday, 15 October 2015 at 09:24:52 UTC, Chris wrote:
Yep. This occurred to me too. Sorry Ola, but I think you don't 
know how sausages are made.

I most certainly do. I am both doing backend programming and we 
have a farm... :-)

Well, you know how gourmet sausages are made (100% meat), because 
you make them yourself apparently. But I was talking about the 
sausages you get out there ;) A lot of websites are not 
"planned". They are quickly put together to promote an idea. The 
code/architecture is not important at that stage. The idea is 
important. The website has to have dynamic content that can be 
edited by non-programmers (Not even PHP! HTML at most!). If you 
designed a website from a programming point of view first, you'd 
never get the idea out in time.

Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 18:17:29 UTC, Russel Winder 

The thing about Python is NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, 
IPython, Jupyter, GNU Radio. The data science, bioinformatics, 
quant, signal provessing, etc. people do not give a sh!t which 
language they used, what they want is to get their results as 
fast as possible. Most of them do not write programs that are 
to last, they are effectively throw away programs. This leads 
them to Python (or R) and they are not really interested in 
learning anything else.

Scary, but I agree with you again. In science this is exactly 
what usually happens. Throw away programs, a list here, a loop 
there, clumsy, inefficient code. And that's fine, in a way that's 
what scripting is for. The problems start to kick in when the 
same guys get the idea to go public and write a program that 
everyone can use. Then you have a mess of slow code 
(undocumented) in a slow language. This is why I always say "Use 
C, C++ or D from the very beginning" or at least document your 
code in a way that it can easily be rewritten in D or C. But 
well, you know, results, papers, conferences ... This is why many 
innovations live in an eternal Matlab or Python limbo.

Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-15 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 18:37:40 UTC, Mengu wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 05:42:12 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 23:26:14 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
Andrei suggested posting more widely.

That's flaimbait:

«Many really popular websites use Python. But why is that? 
Doesn't it affect the performance of the website?»

No. Really popular websites use pre-generated content / front 
end caches / CDNs or wait for network traffic from distributed 

really popular portals, news sites? yes. really popular 
websites? nope. like,, are 
popular websites that have many parts which have to be dynamic 
and responsive as hell and they cannot use caching, 
pre-generated content, etc.

using python affect the performance of your website. if you 
were to use ruby or php your web app would be slower than it's 
python version. and python version would be slower than go or d 

Yep. This occurred to me too. Sorry Ola, but I think you don't 
know how sausages are made. Do you really think that all the 
websites out there are performance tuned by network programming 
specialists? You'd be surprised!

Re: LuaD: creating a flexible data filter system

2015-10-16 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 16 October 2015 at 09:01:57 UTC, yawniek wrote:


i'm reading in a stream of data that is deserialized into 
individual frames.

a frame is either of:
a)  a specific D datastructure ( struct with a few 
ulong,string,string[string] etc members), known at compile time

b) json (preferably

i now want to implement something where i can dynamically
add lua filters that then get data out of these frames, create 
a new lua object
send it back to D code where its either sent to another lua 
filter or at last
 being serialized again to json und then being processed 

ideally i would not like to copy all the data into a lua object 
but directly access it

from lua.
is there an elegant approach to do this and support both a and 
b cases?

so far i did some benchmarks, mainly with string comparisons 
and it turned out

that luaD is about 10x faster than mruby and python D bridges.

You could use the Lua C API directly. I have a small project 
where I use DerelictLua[1] and access the Lua C API directly for 
fast processing (cf. or "C API").

Another performance trick is to compile lua functions and store 
them in memory, rather than having lua read and execute 

lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();

auto func = luaL_loadstring(L, "Lua code as C-string\0");  // Lua 
file compiled as a function

Later you call the function with the Lua C API like "lua_pcall(L, 
0, 1, 0);". It's a bit tricky to move things around on the Lua 
stack, but you'll get there! ;)


Re: LuaD: creating a flexible data filter system

2015-10-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 October 2015 at 02:02:16 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:

On Friday, 16 October 2015 at 10:45:52 UTC, Chris wrote:
Later you call the function with the Lua C API like 
"lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0);". It's a bit tricky to move things 
around on the Lua stack, but you'll get there! ;)

Or you could use LuaD which doesn't require you to mess around 
with the relatively unproductive, bug-prone C API :)

I've used both, LuaD and DerelictLua + my own smaller D library 
that wraps all these nasty Lua stack operations (e.g. creating, 
accessing and adding to tables). The better I got to know the Lua 
C API while writing my own wrappers, the more I came to 
appreciate LuaD :-) However, LuaD is still 5.1 and I didn't want 
to be stuck with 5.1. So I rolled my own. It's not as 
comprehensive as LuaD but did the trick.

The purpose was to experiment with Lua server pages + vibe.d 
which worked fine. Rikki gave me the idea to compile each page as 
a Lua function into memory for faster execution (etLua style[1]). 
It works fine with both LuaD and my own wrappers. In my own 
version I use the Lua C API directly in some places, though I 
don't know, if that's really a big speedup.

If I set up my own homepage, I'd probably give vibe.d + Lua a 
shot. No more PHP and sh*t like that.


Re: Lazy sort

2015-09-11 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 11 September 2015 at 10:41:16 UTC, ixid wrote:
Does sort have to be eager or would it be possible to have a 
lazy version? It's messy to always have to use array and leap 
in and out of lazy operations within a UFCS chain. Surely as 
many functions as possible should be optionally lazy.

Are you the lazy sort? ;)

Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.

Bloat with std.(string.)format?

2015-09-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

If I have code like this:

auto builder = appender!string;
builder ~= "Hello, World!";
builder ~= "I'm here!";
builder ~= "Now I'm there!";

the object file grows by 10-11 lines with each call to `builder 
~=`. If I use this:

builder ~= format("%s", "Hello, World!");
builder ~= format("%s", "I'm here!");
builder ~= format("%s", "Now I'm there!");

The object file is more than twice as big and it grows by 20 
lines with each call to `format`.

If I use

builder ~= format("%s %s %s", "Hello, World!", "I'm here!", "Now 
I'm there!");

the code bloat is even worse.

There are many situation where a formatting string is preferable 
to concatenation, however it adds _a lot_ of bloat. Would a 
custom formatter be preferable to reduce code bloat or should 
std/format.d be optimized? (Or both?)

dmd 2.067.1
-release -boundscheck=off -inline -O

Re: Bloat with std.(string.)format?

2015-09-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 10:33:44 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

Some initial bloat is expected, format is pretty big (although 
twice as big is a lot, unless your original code was quite 

It was in a test program. Only a few lines. But it would still 
add a lot of bloat in a program that uses it in different 
modules, wouldn't it?

The extra bloat per call is likely due to inlining. I would 
hope that dmd would spot consecutive inlining of the same 
function and merge them, but perhaps it doesn't.

You could certainly make a less feature complete implementation 
of format that is smaller.

Don't know if it's worth the trouble.

Have you tried with ldc or gdc. In particular, have you tried 
using ldc with --gc-sections on linux?

Not yet. GDC and LDC always lag behind (this time considerably), 
so I'm usually stuck with DMD for development.

Re: Bloat with std.(string.)format?

2015-09-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 15:17:21 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 13:42:15 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 12:49:03 UTC, John Colvin 



That's up to date enough now. Is it stable, though?

Reasonably so in my testing, but expect more bugs than in a 
full release.

For version 2.067.1 it took a long time this time. Maybe we 
should focus some of our efforts on LDC and GCD being up to 
date faster.

It would be great to have more people working on them, yes.

I suppose it's an area most people (including myself) shy away 
from. I know next to nothing about compiler implementation.

Re: Bloat with std.(string.)format?

2015-09-17 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 12:49:03 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 10:53:17 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 10:33:44 UTC, John Colvin 

Some initial bloat is expected, format is pretty big 
(although twice as big is a lot, unless your original code 
was quite small?).

It was in a test program. Only a few lines. But it would still 
add a lot of bloat in a program that uses it in different 
modules, wouldn't it?

The upfront cost is paid only once per unique template 
arguments per binary. So no, it doesn't scale badly there.

Inlining, on the other hand, will - roughly speaking - increase 
binary sizes linearly with the number of calls. That's the cost 
you pay for (hopefully) better performance.

The extra bloat per call is likely due to inlining. I would 
hope that dmd would spot consecutive inlining of the same 
function and merge them, but perhaps it doesn't.

You could certainly make a less feature complete 
implementation of format that is smaller.

Don't know if it's worth the trouble.

I would say not worth it, unless you have a real problem with 
binary sizes for an actual finished product. Even then, I'd say 
you could get bigger, easier gains by messing around with 
-fvisibility settings, --gc-sections, strip etc. on GDC and LDC

Have you tried with ldc or gdc. In particular, have you tried 
using ldc with --gc-sections on linux?

Not yet. GDC and LDC always lag behind (this time 
considerably), so I'm usually stuck with DMD for development.

That's a shame. is at 2.067.1, is that not up-to-date enough?


That's up to date enough now. Is it stable, though? For version 
2.067.1 it took a long time this time. Maybe we should focus some 
of our efforts on LDC and GCD being up to date faster.

Linker error with dmd

2015-10-02 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
Why do I get this error msg with dmd 2.067.1 and 2.068.0 in 
release mode:

$ dub --build=release

 undefined reference to 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
dmd failed with exit code 1.

It works fine with the latest version of ldc2.

What's wrong with this code?

2015-09-18 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

This crashes when triggered:

voxel_vec [string] move_buttons = [
"button_xp" : voxel_vec ([ 1, 0, 0 ]),
"button_xm" : voxel_vec ([ -1, 0, 0 ]),
"button_yp" : voxel_vec ([ 0, 1, 0 ]),
"button_ym" : voxel_vec ([ 0, -1, 0 ]),
"button_zp" : voxel_vec ([ 0, 0, 1 ]),
"button_zm" : voxel_vec ([ 0, 0, -1 ]) ];

foreach (bname, vec; move_buttons) {
Button bmove = cast (Button) g.getObject (bname);
bmove.addOnClicked (delegate void (Button aux) {
if (!glw.sel_active) return;

glw.vf.move (3, vec, glw.sel_limits);
glw.set_mesh (glw.vf.polygonize);
} );

I get:

First-chance exception at 0x754fc42d in 3dprinterapp.exe: 
0xE0440001: 0xe0440001.
Unhandled exception at 0x754fc42d in 3dprinterapp.exe: 
0xE0440001: 0xe0440001.

Inspection with the debugger reveals the var glw is "out of 
scope" at the location of the if (!glw... and single stepping 
past that line triggers the exception. The variable glw is in 
scope however, this code just above it works:

b.addOnValueChanged (delegate void (SpinButton aux) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
sellimits [i] = selwidgets [i].getValueAsInt ();

glw.set_sel_box (sellimits);
glw.sel_active = 1;
glw.actual_queue_draw ();


Could this be a compiler bug? I have no idea what could be wrong. 
Bringing it out of the loop produces the same error:

Button xmove = cast (Button) g.getObject ("button_xp");
xmove.addOnClicked (delegate void (Button aux) {
if (!glw.sel_active) return;
glw.vf.move (3, voxel_vec ([ 1, 0, 0 ]), 
glw.set_mesh (glw.vf.polygonize);

(same error)

This is with DMD 2.067.1 under Windows, I'm stuck with it because 
if I upgrade to 2.068 then GtkD doesn't work anymore. Also using 
GtkD 3.0.0, version 3.1.4 doesn't work with either version of DMD.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: What's wrong with this code?

2015-09-19 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 19 September 2015 at 02:45:54 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Saturday, 19 September 2015 at 02:30:39 UTC, Chris wrote:

bmove.addOnClicked (delegate void (Button aux) {

What's the context of this call? If it is inside a struct and 
you are accessing local variables you can get in trouble 
because the context pointer may not be correct. You are using 
`vec` there, if `glw` is a struct/class member too, then the 
compiler can sometimes be a bit stupid about bringing in the 
correct `this` reference to the delegate.

Hi thanks for the response.

The context is inside a try block in the program's main() 
function. Glw is indeed a class but it doesn't look like it quite 
configures the problem you describe.

I think #3 will work for you here. Right above that loop, try 
something like

auto glw = this.glw;

There's no "this", it's the main() function. I stuck a "auto glw2 
= glw" in there but it didn't help.

I found more funny stuff. If I move the code around and change 
the order of that snippet to before the other one I posted 
earlier, the first line (if (!glw...) now works *despite* the 
debugger saying the variable glw is "not found". So now as long 
as the condition evaluates to true it will work as expected. 
However when the condition is made to eval to false then the 
*next* line of code will trigger the exception as I first 

So I'm going to go ahead and say I found a compiler bug.

Re: What's wrong with this code?

2015-09-19 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn


If I add *also* a auto vec2 = vec; now the code works. So it 
looks like this now:

voxel_vec [string] move_buttons = [
"button_xp" : voxel_vec ([ 1, 0, 0 ]),
"button_xm" : voxel_vec ([ -1, 0, 0 ]),
"button_yp" : voxel_vec ([ 0, 1, 0 ]),
"button_ym" : voxel_vec ([ 0, -1, 0 ]),
"button_zp" : voxel_vec ([ 0, 0, 1 ]),
"button_zm" : voxel_vec ([ 0, 0, -1 ]) ];

foreach (bname, vec; move_buttons) {
Button bmove = cast (Button) g.getObject (bname);

bmove.addOnClicked (delegate void (Button aux) {
auto glw2 = glw;
auto vec2 = vec;

if (!glw2.sel_active) return;

glw2.vf.move (3, vec2, glw2.sel_limits);
glw2.set_mesh (glw2.vf.polygonize);
} );

and works as expected. I'm going to leave it like that in the 
belief it's a compiler bug, if someone wants to take a look at 
the full source I'm willing to disclose it.

Thanks again for the help and the idea of the work around.

Re: Linker error with dmd

2015-10-06 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 14:03:08 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 2 October 2015 at 09:43:54 UTC, Chris wrote:
Why do I get this error msg with dmd 2.067.1 and 2.068.0 in 
release mode:

$ dub --build=release

 undefined reference to 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
dmd failed with exit code 1.

It works fine with the latest version of ldc2.

What is it that you are building?

An executable. I mainly use a code base that compiles perfectly 
well in release mode. I couldn't find the reason for this error 
message, plus, ldc2 has no problem with it.

What's wrong with my debugger?

2015-12-23 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

Please see the linked screenshot:

As you can see, the inside, outside and collision arrays don't 
seem to work with the debugger. They show a bogus lenght and a 
bogus memory address. Extracting the lenghts to separate 
variables outl, insl and coll show that the arrays actually 
behave properly, though.

Is that a debugger bug? Or maybe something I can fix? Thanks in 

DMD 2.069.2, Mago debugger, VisualD 3.43, compiling for 32 bits 
if that makes a difference (can't get either 64 bit compilation 
or LDC to work)

Re: What's wrong with my debugger?

2015-12-24 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 09:30:24 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
In the locals window, mago displays all instances of variables, 
but with the same value (which might be some uninitialized 
value of a different declaration than expected). The Visual 
Studio debug engine shows different values, though.

Hi, thanks for the reply but not actually, no, if I change the 
debug engine to VS and rebuild I get the same behaviour.

Re: Linker error

2016-06-10 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 June 2016 at 12:12:17 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Friday, 10 June 2016 at 12:04:50 UTC, Chris wrote:

I get the error below with code like this:

auto res = ['1', '2'].map!(a =>!string);

dmd 2.071.0

What's wrong here? I import std.algorithm, std.range, 
std.array, std.conv in the module.

 undefined reference to 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

post the whole code and command line, please.

it looks like you doing separate compilation, and forgot to put 
something to command line, or there is some conflict between 
installed compiler versions (for example, dmd and ldc, and one 
somehow is trying to use libphobos from another).

The whole code would be too much.

This, however compiles and links perfectly well:
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv : to;

void main()
  auto res = [1, 2, 3].map!(a =>!string);

I use dub and `dvm use 2.071.0`. The code compiled perfectly well 
until I used `map!` I have no clue what causes it. I even used 
`dub clean`

Linker error

2016-06-10 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

I get the error below with code like this:

auto res = ['1', '2'].map!(a =>!string);

dmd 2.071.0

What's wrong here? I import std.algorithm, std.range, std.array, 
std.conv in the module.

 undefined reference to 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Re: What's wrong with my usage of in this code example?

2016-05-25 Thread Chris via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at 14:32:11 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 05/25/2016 03:27 PM, Chris wrote:
Why can the tuple be iterated with foreach, as in my quick 
fix, and
indexed with tuple[0..], but is not accepted as a range? What 
are the


popFront doesn't make sense with a tuple (aka expression list). 
When you remove the first element of a tuple, you get another 
tuple of a different type, but popFront can't change the type 
of the range.

In code:

void main()
import std.meta: AliasSeq;
AliasSeq!(int, int, int) tuple = AliasSeq!(1, 2, 3);
tuple.popFront(); /* How would this be implemented? Would 
have to change tuple's type to AliasSeq!(int, int). */


Is there a way to rangify a tuple?


void main()
import std.meta: AliasSeq;
import std.range: only;
AliasSeq!(int, int, int) tuple = AliasSeq!(1, 2, 3);
auto range = only(tuple);
range.popFront(); /* ok */

I see. Maybe it would be worth adding a wrapper to typecons.Tuple 
or std.range that helps to rangify tuples. I cannot think of any 
use case right now. I never needed this and in the example that 
started this thread, it would keep the function from converting 
mixed tuples (cf. my example above).

<    1   2   3   >