Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 11 upgrade breaking ExtJS everywhere

2015-03-24 Thread Mike Staver
So, I've decided to use the built in ExtJS 4.1 that ships with CF 11 for 
cost reasons :) That being said, I have some questions that hopefully 
somebody can clear up for an ExtJS n00b like myself. For starters, let's 
say I wanted to call an existing CFC and reference a specific method in 
it, using stock ExtJS. Previously in CF, I would do:

cfajaxproxy cfc=softball.component.player jsclassname=dataproxy2

Then I could write some JS code like so:

var dataproxy = new dataproxy2();
dataproxy.addNewPlayer(f.txtFirstName.value, f.txtLastName.value, 
f.txtEmail.value, f.txtPhone.value, f.txtTeamId.value, 


I'm not going to lie to you - I found that type of coding very brainless 
and easy :) I create this JS version of my CFC to access that way, and I 
could do all kinds of neat stuff. I'm pretty sure you can do the same 
thing in ExtJS - but maybe with a bit of extra work. I have found ways I 
can POST to a CFC via an ExtJS form, and while that will work - I would 
have to add a new method in my CFC that could take the POST data, in 
JSON format I assume, and do work with it. I currently have a complex 
CFC method that takes the existing parameters and then adds the player 
to my various database tables. I know I could easily refactor it a bit 
and instead of arguments. I could modify it to take form. - but I'm 
trying to expand my knowledge of ExtJS and I can't find good examples of 
something like this for CFCs.

On 3/6/15 6:48 AM, Cameron Childress wrote:

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Steve Drucker wrote:

You realize that Licensing Ext Js 5 is $3,225, right?



Cameron Childress
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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 11 upgrade breaking ExtJS everywhere

2015-03-05 Thread Mike Staver
Well, after spending way too much time debugging this page, I'm going to 
start over from scratch. Every time I find a fix for a specific issue, I 
uncover 2 more issues. Taking the advice of several of you, I'm going to 
grab the latest version of ExtJS, which appears to be 5.1, and then just 
learn it and recreate this page properly.

On 3/5/2015 9:29 AM, Mike Staver wrote:
Thank you Steve, Charlie, and Cameron for the information. I do think 
I've learned that you are correct - I should avoid using the built in 
CF front end tools if I would like to be able to upgrade in the future 
without major issues. That being said, I currently have a 316 line cfm 
file that I need to either refactor completely or try to fix 
temporarily. Along those lines, I'm not sure if the showEditWin 
function is the issue. I could be wrong, but for example when I modify 
the listener like so:

grid.addListener(rowdblclick, alert('wth'));

The double click still does nothing. Oddly enough, when the page is 
refreshed, I get the alert message even though I have not clicked on 
anything. A simple page refresh causes it to alert, and that confuses 
me. Yet, double clicking a row does not cause it to do anything. And 
yes, I do have the javascript console open in Firefox and I did check 
it out in Chrome. I don't see any 404s. Also, the rest of the script 
does function to a degree. For example, the Add button works and 
throws open the add player window. However, it has errors of it's own 
- for example form elements on that page aren't accessible anymore.

Here is the showEditWin function:

function showEditWin(grid,rowIndex,e) {
var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); // Get 
player_id from the grid to pass on

var data = record.get(PLAYER_ID);
try {
catch(e) {
// do nothing, we are only deleting the window if it 
existed before.

ColdFusion.Window.create('editPlayerWin', 'Edit Player', 

Part of my larger question regarding ExtJS revolves around the model I 
had to use to get this working. What I mean by that is that all of the 
JS code had to live on the update_players.cfm script while the actual 
Ext windows are forms contained on other files, like the 
edit_player.cfm file. The JS code on update_players.cfm could 
reference a form on the edit_player.cfm for form validation, etc. That 
seems to no longer work and that also confuses me. Granted, it could 
be due to other errors on the page, but I'll only be able to confirm 
that by fixing everything else first :)

On 3/5/2015 7:41 AM, Steve Drucker wrote:
As the resident Ext JS geek, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with 
the code that you posted. There might be a problem in the 
showEditWin() method that you did not post. In fact, my complete 
wild-ass guess would be that the showEditWin() method is calling an 
Ext JS window that needs to have a show() method run on it. (Ext JS 
windows do not autoshow).

I'll also say that Cameron is correct in his assessment. CFGrid (and 
all of the CF Ux constructs scottish). You really 
should stick with a pure 3-tiered architectural approach.

Here's a few examples of using pure  Ext JS front-end grids that 
we've developed @ Fig Leaf Software:

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Mike, before folks might dig any further into this(and though
this may already be an obvious thing you've checked), have you
confirmed that the problem isn't something simpler, like the
CFIDE/scripts folder being blocked or not there in the site
you're using?

You mention confirming there are no errors in the js console. Are
you also using any sort of browser dev tool to see/confirm that
there are no 404's on the page? If the needed JS could not be
downloaded, it would of course throw no error in the JS console. :-)

It's at least worth checking and letting us know. And if that's
not it, then I'd say this is rather esoteric stuff. If you don't
get an answer here you may want to raise it on the Adobe CF
forums to get a wider audience, including (but not guaranteed to
included) Adobe folks.

Hope that's helpful.


-Original Message-

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 11 upgrade breaking ExtJS everywhere

2015-03-05 Thread Mike Staver
Uh, no. No I didn't. I thought I just read something on their site about 
it being GPL'd? Hmm, in that case, never mind. I'll stick to standard JS 
and table tags then :)

On 3/5/2015 5:25 PM, Steve Drucker wrote:

You realize that Licensing Ext Js 5 is $3,225, right?

On Thursday, March 5, 2015, Mike Staver wrote:

Thank you Steve, Charlie, and Cameron for the information. I do
think I've learned that you are correct - I should avoid using the
built in CF front end tools if I would like to be able to upgrade
in the future without major issues. That being said, I currently
have a 316 line cfm file that I need to either refactor completely
or try to fix temporarily. Along those lines, I'm not sure if the
showEditWin function is the issue. I could be wrong, but for
example when I modify the listener like so:

grid.addListener(rowdblclick, alert('wth'));

The double click still does nothing. Oddly enough, when the page
is refreshed, I get the alert message even though I have not
clicked on anything. A simple page refresh causes it to alert, and
that confuses me. Yet, double clicking a row does not cause it to
do anything. And yes, I do have the javascript console open in
Firefox and I did check it out in Chrome. I don't see any 404s.
Also, the rest of the script does function to a degree. For
example, the Add button works and throws open the add player
window. However, it has errors of it's own - for example form
elements on that page aren't accessible anymore.

Here is the showEditWin function:

function showEditWin(grid,rowIndex,e) {
var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); // Get
player_id from the grid to pass on
var data = record.get(PLAYER_ID);
try {
catch(e) {
// do nothing, we are only deleting the window if
it existed before.
ColdFusion.Window.create('editPlayerWin', 'Edit


Part of my larger question regarding ExtJS revolves around the
model I had to use to get this working. What I mean by that is
that all of the JS code had to live on the update_players.cfm
script while the actual Ext windows are forms contained on other
files, like the edit_player.cfm file. The JS code on
update_players.cfm could reference a form on the edit_player.cfm
for form validation, etc. That seems to no longer work and that
also confuses me. Granted, it could be due to other errors on the
page, but I'll only be able to confirm that by fixing everything
else first :)

On 3/5/2015 7:41 AM, Steve Drucker wrote:

As the resident Ext JS geek, there's nothing intrinsically wrong
with the code that you posted. There might be a problem in the
showEditWin() method that you did not post. In fact, my complete
wild-ass guess would be that the showEditWin() method is calling
an Ext JS window that needs to have a show() method run on it.
(Ext JS windows do not autoshow).

I'll also say that Cameron is correct in his assessment. CFGrid
(and all of the CF Ux constructs scottish). You
really should stick with a pure 3-tiered architectural approach.

Here's a few examples of using pure  Ext JS front-end grids
that we've developed @ Fig Leaf Software:

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Charlie Arehart
javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml',''); wrote:

Mike, before folks might dig any further into this(and though
this may already be an obvious thing you've checked), have
you confirmed that the problem isn't something simpler, like
the CFIDE/scripts folder being blocked or not there in the
site you're using?

You mention confirming there are no errors in the js console.
Are you also using any sort of browser dev tool to
see/confirm that there are no 404's on the page? If the
needed JS could not be downloaded, it would of course throw
no error in the JS console. :-)

It's at least worth checking and letting us know. And if
that's not it, then I'd say this is rather esoteric stuff. If
you don't get an answer here you may

[ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 11 upgrade breaking ExtJS everywhere

2015-03-04 Thread Mike Staver
I wrote some code a few years back, and I have very little ExtJS coding 
experience outside of using what shipped with CF 9  10. I was 
disappointed to discover that most of one of my pages was broken via the 
upgrade to CF 11. I did some digging, and discovered that CF 11 ships 
with ExtJS 4.1. I don't remember what CF 10 was running, but this code 
used to work that is associated with a CFGrid object:

// add the 2 custom buttons to the toolbar and init the grid 

function init() {
Ext.onReady(function () {
var grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject(Players);
var tbar = ColdFusion.Grid.getTopToolbar('Players');
tbar.add({xtype: 'button', text: Add Player, handler: 
onAdd });

tbar.add({xtype: 'tbseparator'});
tbar.add({xtype: 'tbfill'});
tbar.addButton({xtype:'button', text:Delete Player, 
handler:onDelete });

grid.addListener(rowdblclick, showEditWin);

The part that doesn't work is the listener for the double clicking of 
rows. Basically, nothing happens now when I double click a row. I've 
searched for 2 days now trying to wrap my head around the Ext 
documentation to understand what I'm doing wrong. No errors are thrown 
on the JS console, but nothing happens either. I've found this:!/api/Ext.grid.Panel

They show the addListener function, and to be honest, I'm not sure what 
has changed about it or what I'm currently doing wrong. Does anything 
obvious jump out to anyone?

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] LDAP file size limit

2014-02-24 Thread Mike Staver
IIS isn't in the mix on this server at all. CQ is running as a 
standalone application server on port 4503 with no other firewall or 
load balancer in between itself and the LDAP server.

On 2/24/2014 8:26 AM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

OK, but even if it's a Tomcat app (as is CF10+ itself), that doesn't rule
out IIS as a player in the equation. They (or a customer) could choose to
implement it behind IIS, or of course Apache, or indeed Tomcat's own web
server (as is the case with the built-in web server in CF10).

So I think you will want to confirm if that's so. For instance, if the URL
to access this web app has no port then it's using port 80, and if you run
IIS that would typically (though not necessarily) mean that you were running
that web app through IIS. Even if there is some other non-standard port,
that could STILL be pointing to a site defined in IIS. Only you (or someone
there with access to IIS, if not you) can know for sure. I'd confirm it
before continuing to look elsewhere.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] LDAP file size limit

Thanks for the info Charlie. The application being used is Adobe CQ, now
called Adobe AEM. So, it's written in Java, and deployed in a similar
fashion as a war file to tomcat. I don't believe it's a setting in AEM,
because the stack trace for the error refers to the application losing the
connection to ldap because it was reset. There also aren't any network
devices between the application and ldap servers. So, based on the error I'm
seeing, I still think it is coming from LDAP itself. Previous to this, I
have never tried to store files directly into LDAP, so I'm hoping to find
some sort of a property that I can adjust to work around this.


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 IP restriction

2013-04-19 Thread Mike Staver
Does anyone know if you can do something similar using JBOSS, but a bit 
more granular, just blocking /CFIDE/administrator by IP?

On 4/19/2013 11:23 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:
I'm fairly certain that's the only thing.  John H. should still have 
the documentation I wrote for locking down instances (although it's 
geared toward multi-server).

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Teddy R Payne wrote:

If I recall, there is more than one xml file or child node that
has interface set to asterisk.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 19, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

Assuming a single server, development instance install.


Update the interface attribute in the following service class

*  service class=jrun.servlet.http.WebService name=WebService*
*attribute name=port8500/attribute*
*attribute name=interface127.0.0.1/attribute*
*attribute name=deactivatedfalse/attribute*
*attribute name=activeHandlerThreads50/attribute*
*attribute name=minHandlerThreads1/attribute*
*attribute name=maxHandlerThreads1000/attribute*
*attribute name=mapCheck0/attribute*
*attribute name=threadWaitTimeout300/attribute*
*attribute name=backlog500/attribute*
*attribute name=timeout300/attribute*
*  /service*

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Wilson, Brooks wrote:


I’ve lost my notes on how to secure the IP address when
setting up a CF 9 server for local development. I had
instructions on how to make the CF built in server accessible
only from the local host. Please post them if you have them.

TIA, Brooks

Brooks Wilson| Senior Web Developer Programmer/Analyst
*Technology Solutions Services  | **Application Delivery

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Atlanta, GA 30309-4470

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[] *On Behalf
Of *Charlie Arehart
*Sent:* Friday, April 12, 2013 6:18 PM
*Subject:* RE: [ACFUG Discuss] 9.01 vs 9.02

Steve, this is a point I just made in one of my replies this
week to Ajas, but to reiterate, any security hotfixes created
by Adobe are created for 9.0, 9.0.1, and 9.0.2. So no, you
are not in any danger, as long as you always apply the latest

As for not updating to Java 7, yes, technically you are “in
danger”, in that Oracle has EOLed java 6 and are NOT offering
new updates for Java 6. So if there are new vulnerabilities
identified, they will only update Java 7, not 6 (just as if
Adobe fixes CF now, they only do it for CF 10 and 9, not 8 or
earlier). The EOL of java 6 was only in the past couple of
months, so at least you can update to a 8relatively recent*
JVM update, just not THE latest one.

Finally, as for your observation about the wording of the
Adobe mention about “supported jdks”, I assume you are
referring to the first sentence of step 1 in this doc:

“Download and install a supported version of JDK.”

I suppose that’s just a CYA statement. (And if this doc may
have existed for CF9 before the update that allowed 1.7, it
was referring to them supporting only Java 1.6. Indeed, until
about mid-last year, they only supported up to 1.6.0_24.) But
I agree with you it would be better if they’d show or point
to some table to clarify what JVMs are supported by what
versions of CF. (Seems a good blog opportunity!)


[] *On Behalf Of *Steven
*Sent:* Friday, April 12, 2013 8:35 AM
*Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] 9.01 vs 9.02


while we're on the subject of patching  upgrades..

last night I patched our *9.01* box with the latest hotfix4

and I followed the steps there.

But I'm still fuzzy on a couple things..


Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Images as Blobs

2013-04-02 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks for the input Teddy. Yeah, I did look at that - but it's my 
understanding that I would still need to dump the image out onto the 
file system before sending it out via the web server, right? I'm 
assuming there isn't a way around that.

On 4/1/2013 2:21 PM, Teddy Payne wrote:

Have you looked into using cfimage tag to reference, render, or manipulate BLOB 
data?  If I recall, you can directly feed a database call into a cfimge tag.


Sent from my iPad

On Apr 1, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I've been thinking about keeping all user-uploaded images in the DB for one of 
my projects. I know how I will work the process to get them into the DB and 
keep them off the hard drive. It would go something like:

1) Image uploaded to temp file system location from form post.

2) Image inserted into DB as blob.

3) Temp image removed from file system.

Displaying the images is a bit more work I think. I assume I'd have to follow a 
similar process in reverse:

1) Extract image from DB to temp file system location.

2) Display it in HTML via web server as img tag.

3) Remove image after a certain period of time...

Step 3 has me wondering: How long should I wait before removing the image from 
the file system? Meaning - in theory, I could remove the image before it would 
even have a chance to display via the web server, and I don't want that. 
Anybody have a good process to do this already? I'd love if there was a way to 
display an image directly from the DB, but I'm not aware of such a method. I'll 
probably just fall back on leaving those images on the file system as part of 
the display, and have my code check for their existence before retrieving them 
again. I didn't want to have to worry about the disk space, but I can't think 
of another way.

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[ACFUG Discuss] Images as Blobs

2013-04-01 Thread Mike Staver
I've been thinking about keeping all user-uploaded images in the DB for 
one of my projects. I know how I will work the process to get them into 
the DB and keep them off the hard drive. It would go something like:

1) Image uploaded to temp file system location from form post.

2) Image inserted into DB as blob.

3) Temp image removed from file system.

Displaying the images is a bit more work I think. I assume I'd have to 
follow a similar process in reverse:

1) Extract image from DB to temp file system location.

2) Display it in HTML via web server as img tag.

3) Remove image after a certain period of time...

Step 3 has me wondering: How long should I wait before removing the 
image from the file system? Meaning - in theory, I could remove the 
image before it would even have a chance to display via the web server, 
and I don't want that. Anybody have a good process to do this already? 
I'd love if there was a way to display an image directly from the DB, 
but I'm not aware of such a method. I'll probably just fall back on 
leaving those images on the file system as part of the display, and have 
my code check for their existence before retrieving them again. I didn't 
want to have to worry about the disk space, but I can't think of another 

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF10 Migration Questions

2013-03-13 Thread Mike Staver

On the one hand, an argument could be made that it’s better that
they DO say to rebuild it with each, because otherwise someone who
DID do a later one which included those earlier ones (that did
require a rebuild), but who DID NOT do that rebuild, might then
have problems caused simply by that failure to rebuild. (I’ve seen
it happen a LOT! And often people are moaning about CF10 sucking
when it’s this very issue. Or they thought did the rebuild, but it
didn’t really happen for some reason.)

What is it the problem you've seen happen when the connector is not 
rebuilt? Maybe I don't need to rebuild it (I didn't), but I haven't 
seen any problems. Just wanting to be aware of what I should be on the 
lookout for - something like When you see your server doing Bad Thing 
X, that means you probably didn't rebuild the connectors after an 
update - or are the symptoms too varied to pin down that well?

I am also extremely curious to find the answer to this question. I have 
several instances of CF 10 where I did not rebuild the connector after 
applying updates. I have not see any negative results by skipping that 
step - so I'm wondering if it's related to something in the security 


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] cf9 purchase availability?

2013-01-25 Thread Mike Staver
Don't quote me on this, but doesn't Adobe give you a copy of an earlier 
verison of CF if you buy the latest? Meaning, if you subscribe to the 
latest version (10) and then go back to your contact and Adobe and 
request a license key for 9 to use instead, don't they let you do that? 
I thought that was something they introduced with version 10. It's 
possible I misunderstood their new licensing terms, but I thought they 
did offer this.

On 1/23/2013 10:39 AM, Steven wrote:
A coworker and I are coming up short .. in finding viable sources for 
actually purchasing cf9 standard still. We're going to have the need 
to add a couple more licenses to our infrastructure in the near future 
and we're not ready to go to 10. Anyone have any solid leads to a 
vendor still supplying?


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] New CF Vulnerability - Check your servers

2013-01-21 Thread Mike Staver
Yeah, I hated that parameter and a lack of GUI to change it. When you 
have many servers to patch, it's annoying to have to edit this value in 
an XML file over and over again. I understand it's value, and I think 
it's a good thing - but they could have taken a few extra hours of dev 
time to mimic the behavior of 10 instead of just going half way.

On 1/21/2013 1:51 PM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:
It was introduced in APSB12-06 released March of 2012.  They 
introduced the setting, defaulted it to 100, but didn't update the 
Administrator to allow editing from the GUI so it must be added 
directly in the XML.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:

Thanks Charlie for the detailed email. Yes, we are on 9.0 and we
didnt upgrade to 9.0.1. We used hotfix jar for 9.0 as advised on
the adobe page. It makes sense to protect those CFIDE folders you

One thing we did notice is that after the applying security
hotfix, we started to get this error
*coldfusion.filter.FormScope$PostParametersLimitExceededException: POST
parameters exceeds the maximum limit specified in the server*.
Quick google search led
to this post
I ended up adding var
name='postParametersLimit'number500.0/number/var to the
{ColdFusion-Home}/lib/neo-runtime.xml for Server installation. I
am guessing that we might have missed an earlier patch/hotfix in
which Adobe introduced this postParametersLimit setting. We were
surprised by error message in the beginning but since we had
recently appliedthe security fix, we knew it had to do with fix.


Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high
intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful
execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:


Thanks. I will note that they did just yesterday kindly add me
to the acknowledgements section of the security advisory, a
first for me. :-) Various issues caused the delay. Nothing
nefarious. I got a call from someone on PSIRT explaining the
situation. I was just happy to get the mention.

The good news is that I’ve gotten “payment” by a burst of new
business from people needing help with this. Of course, I
posted the first two entries making no mention of my services.
That really wasn’t my motivation. But come, the work has. And
some of those have then realized I could help with other
things, which has led to still more work, so it’s been all the
more beneficial.

Of course, it’s a bit like being a roofer after a tornado
blows through. You don’t want to say you’re “glad for the
work”, as you feel for people who were affected.

I have a part 4/post mortem in the works, but sadly too busy
to get time to write it up. Perhaps over the weekend.


[] *On Behalf
Of *Steve Ross
*Sent:* Friday, January 18, 2013 10:17 AM
*To:* ACFUG ColdFusion Discussion
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] New CF Vulnerability - Check
your servers

Adobe should be paying you Charlie...

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:

Thanks Charlie, Cameron for keeping us updated with the latest.

Charlie, thanks for those blog entries. Really appreciate all
your help.

Ajas Mohammed /

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 10 updates Offline

2012-12-07 Thread Mike Staver
No problem, hopefully this helps someone use use a *nix based OS to run 
ColdFusion. I actually prefer GUI-less servers for hosting web apps, but 
I find some COTS software vendors tend to count those users as a 
minority when it comes to installers, etc. I was happy to find some 
documentation regarding this type of patch application.

On 12/6/2012 11:14 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Ah, got it now. I missed that this was a silent install. Thanks for 
your patience with me, Mike. :-)


*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Mike Staver
*Sent:* Thursday, December 06, 2012 6:32 PM
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 10 updates Offline

Ok, so two completely separate items really. Sorry to confuse the two. 
First, this:

java -jar hotfix_005.jar -i silent -f properties.txt

I have to do this because I need a way to update CF 10 with the 
appropriate hotfixes on Solaris. It's a DoD server under strict 
control. Could I use a remote X session to blow back the GUI to my 
desktop using Cygwin or something? I suppose, but it seems like 
overkill does it not? So double clicking on the jar file to execute it 
is out of the question. I can't remember where, but I found some Adobe 
documentation regarding the patching of CF 10. They did mention this 
java command above. Here is what I put in the properties.txt file BTW:


I'd be willing to bet $10 that is how the CF Administrator actually 
installs the hotfixes as well.

The second issue is the end of line character. *nix and Windows do it 
differently. I forget the specifics, but if I'm not mistaken, Windows 
uses two different characters and *nix uses one. So, I wrote the 
properties.txt file on my Windows 7 workstation in notepad and scp'd 
it over to the Solaris box. It borked the hotfix install because the 
installer wasn't applying the patches to the correct directories. It 
was adding what looked like a space character to the end of the 
path, so the actual path looked like:

/web/cf10 /cfusion/wwwroot

That was bad :) Running dos2unix on Solaris fixed it up and I'm now 
good to go.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 10 updates Offline

2012-11-30 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks for the info Charlie. I'm going to have to have download the 
updates and run them from the command line. The box in question is a 
Solaris 10 machine, and I've had nothing but issues with CF 10 on 
Solaris unfortunately. The biggest issue is that in CF Administrator, 
clicking the submit button on any page after changing a setting throws 
an error and logs the user out. You can log back in and try it again, 
but the result will be the same. I've found this to be true after 
installing the mandatory certificate fix. So, I'd hope that update 5 
addresses this issue.

On 11/30/2012 10:49 AM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Mike, this need to run the updates on a non-connected machine is indeed
addressed. Just not on the administrator screen (perhaps something they
should change).

The question was asked as a comment in the most recent blog entry about
updater 5, and I offered an extended explanation and answer to the bottom
line question there.

The short answer is that you can get the downloads via this URL:, and then put
it on the machine in question, to run either in the Admin or from the
command line.

But for any who feel that the admin or blog entries offer too little
information about common challenges one may encounter with the auto hotfix
mechanism, please do see my comment on that entry where I point to much more
detailed information that Adobe provides:

See also my follow-on comment right after it (#35). I think you'll be amazed
at the great info that's available, if you just know where to look. I
totally get that Adobe should do more wherever they discuss the hotfixes
(blogs, the updater interface in the admin, and the docs) to make it more
clear to people how and where to find that additional info.

Hope that helps, Mike.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:58 PM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 10 updates Offline

Can someone point me to a download location for the coldfusion 10 updates? I
find it incredibly odd that I do not find them in any of the obvious places
I would expect to. Yes, I know they want us to get them from the
administrator screens. I can't. I have a machine that is installed in an
enclave without Internet access. I need to be able to put the updates on a
disc and take them there. Please tell me I don't have to go to the trouble
of downloading the updates via another cf install and dig them out of the
updates folder. That seems silly to me.


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[ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion 10 updates Offline

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Staver
Can someone point me to a download location for the coldfusion 10 updates? I 
find it incredibly odd that I do not find them in any of the obvious places I 
would expect to. Yes, I know they want us to get them from the administrator 
screens. I can't. I have a machine that is installed in an enclave without 
Internet access. I need to be able to put the updates on a disc and take them 
there. Please tell me I don't have to go to the trouble of downloading the 
updates via another cf install and dig them out of the updates folder. That 
seems silly to me. 


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 10 Dynamic Java Loading

2012-09-23 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks Charlie and Jason for the info. I did move the classloader jar 
file to the wwwroot\WEB-INF\lib directory like you suggested. I then 
stopped, and then started CF. Even after doing so, line 211 of 
JavaLoader.cfc is throwing this exception:

com.compoundtheory.classloader.NetworkClassLoader at

I'm using JavaLoader 1.1, and this worked fine in CF 7, 8, and 9. I have 
verified that I'm not running CF 10 in sandbox security mode and I do 
not have the option checked under settings called Disable access to 
internal ColdFusion Java components . So, I'm curious to see how other 
people managed to get this working. I think I'm going to reach out to 
Mark Mandel on the JavaLoader mailing list. I found this and Ray Camden 
mentions the fact he's using the latest from the dev branch:!topic/javaloader-dev/8pq54Z0oN7U

I did grab the latest JavaLoader.cfc, and it didn't help. Clearly, I'm 
doing something wrong - but nothing is jumping out at me yet.

Thanks again for the info.

On 9/21/12 9:45 AM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Interesting questions, Mike. While I don't for now know the answer to 
your question about the new dyamic loader feature, I will offer a 
couple of thoughts with respect to your problem trying to get 
javaloader working, and it's possible that what I share may even help 
you with getting your other intended class to load using the CF feature.

First, beyond Doug's helpful comment about classpath search order, 
there's still another factor that could influence things, especially 
in that you are trying to override a class loaded by CF. There's 
actually more to class loading in app servers like JRun (CF9 and 
before) and Tomcat (CF10). There are in fact several places where 
classes or Jars can be placed to different effect. For more on how 
things are likely working in CF10, being based on Tomcat, see the 
Tomcat 7 docs for more:

As that indicates, there is also a difference about what you are 
specifically trying to override. Some things can't be at all, while 
others can only be depending on where you place the classes/jars to do 
the override. Note in particular, There are exceptions. Classes which 
are part of the JRE base classes cannot be overridden. For some 
classes (such as the XML parser components in J2SE 1.4+), the J2SE 1.4 
endorsed feature can be used. Last, any JAR file that contains Servlet 
API classes will be explicitly ignored by the classloader.

There's also useful info here:

One last thing: you mention dropping the javaloader into cfusion/lib, 
and that may have worked, but as you note you got an error. 
Typically, though, the place to put jars for CF (whether on jrun or 
tomcat or something else) is to put it in the [cf]\wwwroot\WEB-INF\lib 
(or classes, if it's just a class file). I wonder if you may see a 
difference doing it there instead.

Of course, in CF10, that wwwroot is in [cf10]\cfusion\wwwroot for the 
default instance, and would be [cf10]\[instancename]\wwwroot if you 
add instances with the Instance Manager (available in Enterprise, 
Trial, or Developer editions). Just being clear because if you put it 
in the wrong place for the instance you're using, that would certainly 
cause other problems! :-)

Let us know if this helps, and for sure, if you find out more about 
the new dynamic loader and how it may help you with your first 
challenge, please do report back here.


*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Mike Staver
*Sent:* Friday, September 21, 2012 2:51 AM
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 10 Dynamic Java Loading

Thanks for the info. The idea I'm starting to get here is that there 
really isn't a built in method like JavaLoader in CF 10. With 
JavaLoader, I can be very specific - load up a jar into the server 
scope and access it whenever I choose. If I understand this correctly, 
CF 10 gives us the ability to load jar files - but in doing so, they 
can override the built in ones, which would in fact surely break a tag 
or two in the case of POI. I think that leaves me back to using 
JavaLoader, which I'm OK with. The only problem I have is I can't 
figure out how to make it work in CF 10. I have taken the classloader 
jar file and put in cfusion/lib and bounced CF. It shows up as a valid 
class, and I can create objects with it like so:

cfobject type=java 
class=com.compoundtheory.classloader.NetworkClassLoader name=test

However, when I run my usual JavaLoader code, it bombs. The code is:

cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true) /


When running this code, specifically line 211 of JavaLoader.cfc throws 
this exception

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 10 Dynamic Java Loading

2012-09-21 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks for the info. The idea I'm starting to get here is that there 
really isn't a built in method like JavaLoader in CF 10. With 
JavaLoader, I can be very specific - load up a jar into the server scope 
and access it whenever I choose. If I understand this correctly, CF 10 
gives us the ability to load jar files - but in doing so, they can 
override the built in ones, which would in fact surely break a tag or 
two in the case of POI. I think that leaves me back to using JavaLoader, 
which I'm OK with. The only problem I have is I can't figure out how to 
make it work in CF 10. I have taken the classloader jar file and put in 
cfusion/lib and bounced CF. It shows up as a valid class, and I can 
create objects with it like so:

cfobject type=java 
class=com.compoundtheory.classloader.NetworkClassLoader name=test

However, when I run my usual JavaLoader code, it bombs. The code is:

cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true) /


When running this code, specifically line 211 of JavaLoader.cfc throws 
this exception:

com.compoundtheory.classloader.NetworkClassLoader at$ at Method) at

Has anyone seen this with CF 10 and been able to work around it?

On 9/20/12 10:10 PM, Douglas Knudsen wrote:
IIRC, Java will search class paths in order and uses the first match 
it finds.  So, I'm thinking since CF starts up, loads the built-in POI 
jars, then eventually sees your app and loads the Jars again, albeit 
newer versions, then this new version is lower in the 'order'   The 
disclaimer here is that I'm not a JAR head by trade :)  I think you 
could add the Jar in the CFAdmin tool, restart CF, then check the JVM 
details and see if your JAR is higher in the order, it should be. 
 Might need to add this JAR in the jam.config manually though.  (I 
left that typo in, SpaceBalls! )  ok, jvm.config.   EIther of these 
might affect the CF tags using POI though.

A classic post on adding Jars is below, though I'd start with first :)


Douglas Knudsen

On Sep 20, 2012, at 7:11 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I can't find any good documentation from Adobe yet on how to 
dynamically load and then use jar files. I previously used 
JavaLoader, and after fixing the class load issues I had in code, it 
worked flawlessly for the past few years. I was using it to load 
newer versions of POI for excel manipulation, etc. I see now that 
Adobe has built this into CF, and they have some docs that point to 
using it like this:

|||cfset| |THIS.javaSettings = {LoadPaths = [.\javalib\], 
loadColdFusionClassPath = true, reloadOnChange = true,watchInterval=30}

|What they don't cover is how to create objects from these jar files 
and use them in code. I found an example here:

I'm recursively loading POI 3.8 and all it's included jar files using 
the example above. That doesn't throw any errors or give me any 
indication that they aren't loaded. I'm doing this in 
onApplicationStart(). My next challenge is to figure out how to 
actually reference this new POI version. I assume I would load POI 
something like this from the URL I included above:

|||cfobject| |type=||java| |class=||poi| |name=||myObj||

My question is - how do I reference my version of POI, rather than 
the build in Adobe one which is a bit older than I need?

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[ACFUG Discuss] CF 10 Dynamic Java Loading

2012-09-20 Thread Mike Staver
I can't find any good documentation from Adobe yet on how to dynamically 
load and then use jar files. I previously used JavaLoader, and after 
fixing the class load issues I had in code, it worked flawlessly for the 
past few years. I was using it to load newer versions of POI for excel 
manipulation, etc. I see now that Adobe has built this into CF, and they 
have some docs that point to using it like this:

|||cfset| |THIS.javaSettings = {LoadPaths = [.\javalib\], 
loadColdFusionClassPath = true, reloadOnChange = true,watchInterval=30}

|What they don't cover is how to create objects from these jar files and 
use them in code. I found an example here:

I'm recursively loading POI 3.8 and all it's included jar files using 
the example above. That doesn't throw any errors or give me any 
indication that they aren't loaded. I'm doing this in 
onApplicationStart(). My next challenge is to figure out how to actually 
reference this new POI version. I assume I would load POI something like 
this from the URL I included above:

|||cfobject| |type=||java| |class=||poi| |name=||myObj||

My question is - how do I reference my version of POI, rather than the 
build in Adobe one which is a bit older than I need?

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[ACFUG Discuss] Oracle sqlnet.allowed_logon_version issue with CF 9

2011-12-14 Thread Mike Staver
Working on a DoD project, we have to follow some specific security
protocols within our apps and DBs. There is a STIG requirement for a
specific setting. The setting in question is sqlnet.allowed_logon_version,
and it needs to be set to 10 or 11 as a value.

The description of that setting is:

Use the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter to define the minimum
Oracle Database client version that is allowed to attempt connections to
Oracle database instances under the control of the given code tree.

If the client version does not meet or exceed the version defined by this
parameter, then authentication fails with an ORA-28040 error.

I'm using the enterprise version of CF 9 with built in Oracle JDBC
connections. So, I'm not using the Oracle client software. The DoD can be
stubborn at times and not fully understand how required security settings
will break certain applications. I feel like this is one of those times. I
won't be able to convince them of their mistake, so I will need to work
with them here :) One possible solution would be to stop using the native
JDBC Oracle connection in CF and use a standard ODBC datasource that uses
the Oracle client... but I don't really like that solution.

I'm curious if anyone else has worked on a government project with this
required setting and what they did about it.

Thanks for your time.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] JavaLoader POI Issue

2011-11-28 Thread Mike Staver
Ok, so I did some digging on Mark's JavaLoader forums. I found an error 
further down my stack that seems to be common:

org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory

Mark's suggested method of loading JL is:

cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true) /

That still didn't work for me. In yet another thread, he suggests:

 Make sure when you create your instance of JL, you tell it to use CF 
as the parent classloader. Then you should have no issues. Mark

I see the additional parameter for JL called parentClassLoader. Yet, I'm 
dense sometimes and I can't figure out what should go there... Being 
that he is in Australia, I don't see him answering my email until later 
tonite :)

So, I envision calling JL like so:

cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true, parentClassLoader=???) /

I have no idea what to put for the value in that third parameter. Would 
it be a reference to the classes inside of my CF install in 

On 11/24/11 10:56 AM, Mike Staver wrote:
Thanks Charlie and Dawn. I definitely have just one version of poi in 
that folder at a time. I typically load up those jars in the 
onApplicationStart in the application.cfc. However, in the example I 
provided I'm doing everything in one place. I will see what I can find 
on the java loader forums. Thanks.


On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

I did note in your java loader code that you're loading all of the 
jars in that subdirectory.  Any chance you have multiple versions of 
POI there?

Looking over the java docs, try this:

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Mike Staver wrote:

Interesting. Since I'm using the same code on two different
systems and getting the same results - is there any way I can see
what is loaded in memory currently?


On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

I've seen this happen when multiple versions of the library are
being loaded into memory.  CF/Java SHOULD pick the one loaded
with the Javaloader, but doesn't always. I've seen this happen
when multiple versions of POI have been dropped in CF's lib
folder as well.  When stuff like this happens, I write/test in
java only to eliminate issues with POI.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I've always been able to use POI via JavaLoader to read in
standard xls files and extract data out of the cells for
whatever I want, like storing in a database. Recently, I've
had to start coding to handle Office 2007 file formats like
xlsx and xlsm. POI 3.5 and higher should be able to do that
according to many examples I've found on the internet and in
Apache's own documentation. So, I'm currently using
ColdFusion 9, JavaLoader 1.0, and POI 3.8b4. For the record,
I've also tried POI 3.6 and 3.7 for this test and sample
code below. Here is my sample code:

cfset var.JLKey = 93345778-4949-4705-1235577891134557 /
cfset var.paths = []
cfset var.jarpath =
/Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/ExternalCode / !---
location of POI jars ---
cfdirectory action=list name=files
directory=#var.jarpath# filter=*.jar recurse=true /

cfloop query=files
cfset arrayAppend(var.paths, directory  /  name) /

cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component,
loadColdFusionClassPath=false) /

fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
inp = createObject(java,;
objWorkBook =



When I write use this code with one small tweak (HSSF
instead of XSSF) and I feed in an xls file, everything works
as expected. However, when I use the exact code above and
feed it xlsx or xlsm, I get this error:

  Object instantiation exception.

An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The
class must not be an interface or an abstract class. Error:
''. The error occurred in
*/Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18*
*Called from*
/Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97
*Called from

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] JavaLoader POI Issue

2011-11-28 Thread Mike Staver
Don't you love people who reply to their own posts? :) Anyhow, I did 
find a solution lurking on the JavaLoader forums, and I hope this code 
snippet helps someone in the future. Basically, this thread was the 
important one:

Basically, ThreadContextClassLoader in combination with dom4j = problem 
for JavaLoader. Mark's solution is to find out the current thread's 
ClassLoader, and replace it with the one from JavaLoader. After bouncing 
my CF 9 Application services, this code snippet works for me. I hope it 
helps somebody else out in the future:

cfset var.JLKey = 93345778-4949-4725-1235577891134557 /
cfset var.paths = []
cfset var.jarpath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/ExternalCode /
cfdirectory action=list name=files directory=#var.jarpath# 
filter=*.jar recurse=true /

cfloop query=files
cfset arrayAppend(var.paths, directory  /  name) /

cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true) /


_Thread = createObject(java, java.lang.Thread);
currentClassloader = _Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try { // Set the current thread's context class loader as Javaloader's 
classloader, so dom4j doesn't die


fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsx;
inp = createObject(java,;
objWorkBook = 

catch(Any exc) {
finally { // We have to reset the classloader, due to thread pooling.


On 11/28/11 2:45 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
Ok, so I did some digging on Mark's JavaLoader forums. I found an 
error further down my stack that seems to be common:

org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory

Mark's suggested method of loading JL is:

cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true) /

That still didn't work for me. In yet another thread, he suggests:

 Make sure when you create your instance of JL, you tell it to use CF 
as the parent classloader. Then you should have no issues. Mark

I see the additional parameter for JL called parentClassLoader. Yet, 
I'm dense sometimes and I can't figure out what should go there... 
Being that he is in Australia, I don't see him answering my email 
until later tonite :)

So, I envision calling JL like so:

cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=true, parentClassLoader=???) /

I have no idea what to put for the value in that third parameter. 
Would it be a reference to the classes inside of my CF install in 

On 11/24/11 10:56 AM, Mike Staver wrote:
Thanks Charlie and Dawn. I definitely have just one version of poi in 
that folder at a time. I typically load up those jars in the 
onApplicationStart in the application.cfc. However, in the example I 
provided I'm doing everything in one place. I will see what I can 
find on the java loader forums. Thanks.


On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

I did note in your java loader code that you're loading all of the 
jars in that subdirectory.  Any chance you have multiple versions of 
POI there?

Looking over the java docs, try this:

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Mike Staver wrote:

Interesting. Since I'm using the same code on two different
systems and getting the same results - is there any way I can
see what is loaded in memory currently?


On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

I've seen this happen when multiple versions of the library are
being loaded into memory.  CF/Java SHOULD pick the one loaded
with the Javaloader, but doesn't always. I've seen this happen
when multiple versions of POI have been dropped in CF's lib
folder as well.  When stuff like this happens, I write/test in
java only to eliminate issues with POI.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I've always been able to use POI via JavaLoader to read in
standard xls files and extract data out of the cells for
whatever I want, like storing in a database. Recently, I've
had to start coding to handle Office 2007 file formats like
xlsx and xlsm. POI 3.5 and higher should

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] JavaLoader POI Issue

2011-11-24 Thread Mike Staver
Interesting. Since I'm using the same code on two different systems and getting 
the same results - is there any way I can see what is loaded in memory 


On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

 I've seen this happen when multiple versions of the library are being loaded 
 into memory.  CF/Java SHOULD pick the one loaded with the Javaloader, but 
 doesn't always. I've seen this happen when multiple versions of POI have been 
 dropped in CF's lib folder as well.  When stuff like this happens, I 
 write/test in java only to eliminate issues with POI.
 On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
 I've always been able to use POI via JavaLoader to read in standard xls files 
 and extract data out of the cells for whatever I want, like storing in a 
 database. Recently, I've had to start coding to handle Office 2007 file 
 formats like xlsx and xlsm. POI 3.5 and higher should be able to do that 
 according to many examples I've found on the internet and in Apache's own 
 documentation. So, I'm currently using ColdFusion 9, JavaLoader 1.0, and POI 
 3.8b4. For the record, I've also tried POI 3.6 and 3.7 for this test and 
 sample code below. Here is my sample code:
 cfset var.JLKey = 93345778-4949-4705-1235577891134557 /
 cfset var.paths = []
 cfset var.jarpath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/ExternalCode / !--- 
 location of POI jars ---
 cfdirectory action=list name=files directory=#var.jarpath# 
 filter=*.jar recurse=true /
 cfloop query=files
 cfset arrayAppend(var.paths, directory  /  name) /
 cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
 cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
 loadColdFusionClassPath=false) /
 fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
 inp = createObject(java,;
 objWorkBook = 
 When I write use this code with one small tweak (HSSF instead of XSSF) and I 
 feed in an xls file, everything works as expected. However, when I use the 
 exact code above and feed it xlsx or xlsm, I get this error:
 Object instantiation exception.
 An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not 
 be an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''.   The error occurred in 
 /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18
 Called from /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97
 Called from /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18
 Called from /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97
  16 : fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
 17 : inp = createObject(java,;
 18 : objWorkBook = 
 Further down the error stack, I think this is relevant:
  Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
 I don't know where to go on this one. I've tried the SS method, instead of 
 XSSF - and it works fine, until I feed it an xlsx or xlsm again. I don't get 
 it. I've also tried this on Windows 2003, besides here on my Macbook. Both 
 machines are running CF 9.0.1. I'm getting the impression that I'm missing a 
 class or something. I've followed examples from all over the web, and from 
 the POI docs. Everything works until I feed it Office 2007 format docs...
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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] JavaLoader POI Issue

2011-11-24 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks Charlie and Dawn. I definitely have just one version of poi in that 
folder at a time. I typically load up those jars in the onApplicationStart in 
the application.cfc. However, in the example I provided I'm doing everything in 
one place. I will see what I can find on the java loader forums. Thanks. 


On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:

 I did note in your java loader code that you're loading all of the jars in 
 that subdirectory.  Any chance you have multiple versions of POI there?
 Looking over the java docs, try this:
 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Mike Staver wrote:
 Interesting. Since I'm using the same code on two different systems and 
 getting the same results - is there any way I can see what is loaded in 
 memory currently?
 On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Dawn Hoagland wrote:
 I've seen this happen when multiple versions of the library are being loaded 
 into memory.  CF/Java SHOULD pick the one loaded with the Javaloader, but 
 doesn't always. I've seen this happen when multiple versions of POI have 
 been dropped in CF's lib folder as well.  When stuff like this happens, I 
 write/test in java only to eliminate issues with POI.
 On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
 I've always been able to use POI via JavaLoader to read in standard xls 
 files and extract data out of the cells for whatever I want, like storing in 
 a database. Recently, I've had to start coding to handle Office 2007 file 
 formats like xlsx and xlsm. POI 3.5 and higher should be able to do that 
 according to many examples I've found on the internet and in Apache's own 
 documentation. So, I'm currently using ColdFusion 9, JavaLoader 1.0, and POI 
 3.8b4. For the record, I've also tried POI 3.6 and 3.7 for this test and 
 sample code below. Here is my sample code:
 cfset var.JLKey = 93345778-4949-4705-1235577891134557 /
 cfset var.paths = []
 cfset var.jarpath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/ExternalCode / !--- 
 location of POI jars ---
 cfdirectory action=list name=files directory=#var.jarpath# 
 filter=*.jar recurse=true /
 cfloop query=files
 cfset arrayAppend(var.paths, directory  /  name) /
 cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
 cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
 loadColdFusionClassPath=false) /
 fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
 inp = createObject(java,;
 objWorkBook = 
 When I write use this code with one small tweak (HSSF instead of XSSF) and I 
 feed in an xls file, everything works as expected. However, when I use the 
 exact code above and feed it xlsx or xlsm, I get this error:
 Object instantiation exception.
 An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must not 
 be an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''.   The error occurred in 
 /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18
 Called from /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97
 Called from /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18
 Called from /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97
  16 : fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
 17 : inp = createObject(java,;
 18 : objWorkBook = 
 Further down the error stack, I think this is relevant:
  Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
 I don't know where to go on this one. I've tried the SS method, instead of 
 XSSF - and it works fine, until I feed it an xlsx or xlsm again. I don't get 
 it. I've also tried this on Windows 2003, besides here on my Macbook. Both 
 machines are running CF 9.0.1. I'm getting the impression that I'm missing a 
 class or something. I've followed examples from all over the web, and from 
 the POI docs. Everything works until I feed it Office 2007 format docs...
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[ACFUG Discuss] JavaLoader POI Issue

2011-11-23 Thread Mike Staver
I've always been able to use POI via JavaLoader to read in standard xls 
files and extract data out of the cells for whatever I want, like 
storing in a database. Recently, I've had to start coding to handle 
Office 2007 file formats like xlsx and xlsm. POI 3.5 and higher should 
be able to do that according to many examples I've found on the internet 
and in Apache's own documentation. So, I'm currently using ColdFusion 9, 
JavaLoader 1.0, and POI 3.8b4. For the record, I've also tried POI 3.6 
and 3.7 for this test and sample code below. Here is my sample code:

cfset var.JLKey = 93345778-4949-4705-1235577891134557 /
cfset var.paths = []
cfset var.jarpath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/ExternalCode / 
!--- location of POI jars ---
cfdirectory action=list name=files directory=#var.jarpath# 
filter=*.jar recurse=true /

cfloop query=files
cfset arrayAppend(var.paths, directory  /  name) /

cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, var.JLKey)
cfset server[var.JLKey] = createObject(component, 
loadColdFusionClassPath=false) /


fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
inp = createObject(java,;
objWorkBook = 



When I write use this code with one small tweak (HSSF instead of XSSF) 
and I feed in an xls file, everything works as expected. However, when I 
use the exact code above and feed it xlsx or xlsm, I get this error:

 Object instantiation exception.

An exception occurred while instantiating a Java object. The class must 
not be an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''. The error occurred 
in */Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18*

*Called from* /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97
*Called from* /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/test.cfm: line 18
*Called from* /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/Application.cfc: line 97

16 : fileAndPath = /Users/mstaver/workspace/Fimble/11g.xlsm;
17 : inp = createObject(java,;
*18 : objWorkBook = 

Further down the error stack, I think this is relevant:

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 

I don't know where to go on this one. I've tried the SS method, instead 
of XSSF - and it works fine, until I feed it an xlsx or xlsm again. I 
don't get it. I've also tried this on Windows 2003, besides here on my 
Macbook. Both machines are running CF 9.0.1. I'm getting the impression 
that I'm missing a class or something. I've followed examples from all 
over the web, and from the POI docs. Everything works until I feed it 
Office 2007 format docs...

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] PDFs / Excel Shenanigans

2011-11-23 Thread Mike Staver
You could use POI to add a new sheet to an existing doc. You can use 
JavaLoader to suck in the latest version of POI so you don't have to 
overwrite the one that ships with CF 8. POI has always worked great for 
me with standard xls files. I've only had trouble when playing with the 
new OOXML stuff in Office 2007 and higher. It seems to work fine for 
others though. With POI, you can open an existing xls file or pass one 
in from memory and make it an HSSF workbook object. You can then use the 
createSheet() function and pass it a sheet name, etc.

On 10/11/11 2:13 PM, Matthew Nicholson wrote:

Jason, Dawn, thank you both so much for the suggestions!

I am stuck on CF8 although I'm trying to avoid having to re-write the 
HTML page to utilize the POI API (or CFXL that Jason provided).

What flexibility do we have with appending to an already established 
document (with a new sheet?)

/Matthew R. Nicholson/

/SolTech, Inc./


/(p) 404.601.6000, Ext 233/

/(c) 770.833.5326/

*Yes.  We can get you there.*

*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Jason 

*Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2011 4:03 PM
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] PDFs / Excel Shenanigans

Jason - If you're on CF8, I posted CFXL on Riaforge at  It also uses POI, and you can similarly 
create multiple sheets.

Dawn - ColdFusion 9 uses the Apache POI project to create Excel 
spreadsheets.  You can access all of the bits natively to create 
multiple sheets.  You can find tons of info about POI here:

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[ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Datasource to MySQL over SSH tunnel on windows

2010-10-13 Thread Mike Staver
I'm trying to set up a remote dev instance for one of my applications, 
and what I would like to do is have it connect to my mysql instance on a 
linux box I run.  I don't plan on opening up port 3306 to the outside 
world for obvious reasons, and I shouldn't need to if I'm correct in my 
thinking here.  Currently, I use Navicat to connect to the DB over an 
SSH tunnel and it works great.  I'm not entirely sure how Navicat does 
this behind the scenes, and I'd love to know how to duplicate this on 
both windows and Mac OS  Has anyone done this before? On the Mac or 
Linux side, I would imagine you'd just set up some kind of port 
forwarding that would do this for you. I'm very unsure of how that would 
work on windows.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Datasource to MySQL over SSH tunnel on windows

2010-10-13 Thread Mike Staver
Ok, that would work for Mac os - but how would that work under windows?


On Oct 13, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Steve Ross wrote:

 ssh tunnel for mysql:
 ssh -N -L3306:localhost:3306 usern...@ -p 7861
 On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
 I'm trying to set up a remote dev instance for one of my applications, and 
 what I would like to do is have it connect to my mysql instance on a linux 
 box I run.  I don't plan on opening up port 3306 to the outside world for 
 obvious reasons, and I shouldn't need to if I'm correct in my thinking here.  
 Currently, I use Navicat to connect to the DB over an SSH tunnel and it works 
 great.  I'm not entirely sure how Navicat does this behind the scenes, and 
 I'd love to know how to duplicate this on both windows and Mac OS  Has anyone 
 done this before? On the Mac or Linux side, I would imagine you'd just set up 
 some kind of port forwarding that would do this for you. I'm very unsure of 
 how that would work on windows.
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 Steve Ross
 web application  interface developer
 [mobile] (912) 344-8113
 [ AIM / Yahoo! : zeriumsteven ] [googleTalk : nowhiding ]

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Datasource to MySQL over SSH tunnel on windows

2010-10-13 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks Frank - I'm pretty familiar with PuTTY as I use it at home and 
work.  I have never used it to tunnel before though.  Can you explain 
how to do that with PuTTY? For example, I'd like to forward port 3307 on 
my local machine over an ssh tunnel to my linux box which listens on 
3306.  Thanks.

On 10/13/2010 12:24 PM, Frank Moorman wrote:

Assuming that you have the ssh daemon running already on your
MySql/Linux box...

Download and install PuTTY.

You can then create a tunnel in Putty and tell it which ports to
forward. (in this case, 3306)

It is fairly easy, I can help some more if you have questions about it.
Personally I use a linux client to connect to cygwin SSH on a windows
server, but I have instructed the non-techie owner of the website how to
use Putty to connect from his own windows PC.

Once Putty is installed and is running you can connect with the normal
MySql Query Browser/Admin tools. You just replace the server IP with in order to utilize the forwarding provided by Putty.


On 10/13/2010 12:56 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I'm trying to set up a remote dev instance for one of my applications,
and what I would like to do is have it connect to my mysql instance on
a linux box I run. I don't plan on opening up port 3306 to the outside
world for obvious reasons, and I shouldn't need to if I'm correct in
my thinking here. Currently, I use Navicat to connect to the DB over
an SSH tunnel and it works great. I'm not entirely sure how Navicat
does this behind the scenes, and I'd love to know how to duplicate
this on both windows and Mac OS Has anyone done this before? On the
Mac or Linux side, I would imagine you'd just set up some kind of port
forwarding that would do this for you. I'm very unsure of how that
would work on windows.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Datasource to MySQL over SSH tunnel on windows

2010-10-13 Thread Mike Staver

I think I found a little tutorial that I just used to set this up:

I'm a little bummed I can't just have this fire up with windows 
automagically, but this will do for now. Thanks again Frank and Steve.

On 10/13/2010 12:24 PM, Frank Moorman wrote:

Assuming that you have the ssh daemon running already on your
MySql/Linux box...

Download and install PuTTY.

You can then create a tunnel in Putty and tell it which ports to
forward. (in this case, 3306)

It is fairly easy, I can help some more if you have questions about it.
Personally I use a linux client to connect to cygwin SSH on a windows
server, but I have instructed the non-techie owner of the website how to
use Putty to connect from his own windows PC.

Once Putty is installed and is running you can connect with the normal
MySql Query Browser/Admin tools. You just replace the server IP with in order to utilize the forwarding provided by Putty.


On 10/13/2010 12:56 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I'm trying to set up a remote dev instance for one of my applications,
and what I would like to do is have it connect to my mysql instance on
a linux box I run. I don't plan on opening up port 3306 to the outside
world for obvious reasons, and I shouldn't need to if I'm correct in
my thinking here. Currently, I use Navicat to connect to the DB over
an SSH tunnel and it works great. I'm not entirely sure how Navicat
does this behind the scenes, and I'd love to know how to duplicate
this on both windows and Mac OS Has anyone done this before? On the
Mac or Linux side, I would imagine you'd just set up some kind of port
forwarding that would do this for you. I'm very unsure of how that
would work on windows.

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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15 ColdFusion 8 Enterprise - Sessions not sticking

2010-04-05 Thread Mike Staver
I've found the cause of the sessions not sticking.  Sadly, it appears to
be a bug with IE 7. I don't have any other versions of IE here to try it
on, since the govt agency I work for controls the desktops.  I may try it
from home tonight when I get bored to confirm all this.

A few other notes about the set up here - under Apache, we require client
certs in this manner:

SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 2
SSLCACertificateFile C:/some.cert.file.pem
SSLOptions +ExportCertData +StdEnvVars

I also turn on a few extra options that I have listed above.

None of that should have mattered in topic I asked about last week, but I
just wanted to list everything. After a full week of trying different
configurations, nothing worked.  At the end of all the trial and error,
the only difference between the two machines was the URL.  I glossed over
that initially because it shouldn't matter.  Other than pointing to a
different IP, the URL should have nothing to do with how ColdFusion
handles session variables.  Well, when it comes to internet explorer, you
should assume nothing :) I had two urls similar to these:


The only difference between my two sites at that point was the _cf8 in the
second domain name. Yep, you guessed it - IE 7 refuses to keep sessions
straight if your domain name has an underscore in it and you are using
SSL. Dashes are fine, underscores are not. My bad I guess for thinking I
could use one in the URL, apparently I should have used dashes.  DOH!

 Mike, I've not heard of the problem, but if I were in your shoes I'd be
 looking at two things to help narrow down the cause/solution.

 First, have you tried making the request from another IE (on another
 machine, I mean), just to rule out something up in your specific IE setup?

 Second, are you accessing the CFR Admin using the built-in web server port
 (such as 8500 or 8300, or something like that), or via Apache (port 80)?
 That may have an influence, and you may see a difference if you try one
 versus the other.

 Finally, are you using J2EE Sessions (a setting on the CF Admin Memory
 Variables page)? That may influence things. If you could try reversing
 setting, again it may be interesting to hear. I realize you may not want
 do that if this is a prod box and you don't know whether people are
 specifically benefiting from J2EE sessions (if enabled) or would be hurt
 enabling it (if it's currently disabled).

 BTW, I can't see how the UUID for cftoken would have an influence on
 problem at all, as it only influences the kind of string created for the
 CFTOKEN so shouldn't matter if it's transported via SSL or not (and if
 you're using J2EE sessions, then it has no connection to sessions at all.)

 Hope something there's helpful.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:13 PM
 Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15  ColdFusion 8 Enterprise -
 Sessions not sticking

 I have 2 ColdFusion 8 instances installed on Windows 2003.  I'm running
 these websites under Apache 2.2.15, configured exactly the same way,
 than domain names and IP addresses in the configs.  The first box works
 expected. I can log onto CF Admin over SSL, or any other website in my
 Apache config.  The second machine started showing problems almost
 immediately after I installed ColdFusion.  The last part of the install
 involves firing up a web browser at the default website and you then
 into CF Admin.  When I attempted this, no matter how many times I
 what I knew to be the correct password, I was not able to login.  I
 reset the password only to have the same issue.  I then decided to try
 another web browser other than IE 7.  Firefox 3.6.2 works fine.  Back
 IE - still no go.  Frustrated, I turned off SSL.  Oddly, I can now log
 into CF Admin.  After some investigation, I have discovered that
 are not sticking at all over SSL.  I have eliminated specific certs as
 problem, as I tried the certs from the other box and I still get the
 result.  For every web page I request from the server in IE over SSL, I
 get assigned a new token.  It doesn't matter if I have the Use UUID
 cftoken value set to true or false.  Nothing works over SSL in IE.  I
 have tried everything I can think of to address this, including
 resinstalling ColdFusion completely - obviously using the same
 and patch level from the other box.  The only differences between these
 boxes again are the IP addresses and domain names.

 Please tell me somebody has seen this before and fixed it :)

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15 ColdFusion 8 Enterprise - Sessions not sticking

2010-04-01 Thread Mike Staver

Thanks Ajas, I'll see what this returns on my server.

To answer your other question, I reinstalled the same day as when I  
first installed cf. Having never come across this issue over the last  
15 years, I assumed something was corrupted. Yes, after the reinstall  
I have the same problem, which is why I'm bugging all of you here :)


On Apr 1, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:

I came across this post. See if it helps.

This is discussed in that url I posted.
cfapplication name=testapps sessionmanagement=yes
cfdump var=#session# 
cfdump var=#getHttpRequestdata()#
cfdump var=#cookie#

cfdump var=#getclientvariableslist()#
cfdump var=#server#

On the server where sessions are not sticking, the HttpRequestData has
zero keys for the cookie;

Hope this helps.

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high  
intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful  
execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Ajas Mohammed  


On the server causing issues, when you did reinstall, did you have  
same problem after reinstall, i.e.logging into the administrator for  
the default site in IE7?

The last part of the install involves firing up a web browser at the  
default website and you then log into CF Admin.  When I attempted  
this, no matter how many times I entered what I knew to be the  
correct password, I was not able to login.

And if you dont mind, can you share the application.cfm or cfc  off  
the list. I am just curious now to find what is going on.


Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high  
intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful  
execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Charlie Arehart 
OK, hope the info may help others narrow in on a solution. (And my  
bad for
listing non-ssl ports for my examples of the two web servers. I'm  
just so
used to listing them to help people who don't often know the  

between the two web server alternatives just by name.)


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of Mike  

 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:28 PM
 Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15  ColdFusion 8  
Enterprise -

 Sessions not sticking

 Thanks Charlie - to answer your questions:


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[ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15 ColdFusion 8 Enterprise - Sessions not sticking

2010-03-31 Thread Mike Staver
I have 2 ColdFusion 8 instances installed on Windows 2003.  I'm running
these websites under Apache 2.2.15, configured exactly the same way, other
than domain names and IP addresses in the configs.  The first box works as
expected. I can log onto CF Admin over SSL, or any other website in my
Apache config.  The second machine started showing problems almost
immediately after I installed ColdFusion.  The last part of the install
involves firing up a web browser at the default website and you then log
into CF Admin.  When I attempted this, no matter how many times I entered
what I knew to be the correct password, I was not able to login.  I then
reset the password only to have the same issue.  I then decided to try
another web browser other than IE 7.  Firefox 3.6.2 works fine.  Back to
IE - still no go.  Frustrated, I turned off SSL.  Oddly, I can now log
into CF Admin.  After some investigation, I have discovered that sessions
are not sticking at all over SSL.  I have eliminated specific certs as the
problem, as I tried the certs from the other box and I still get the same
result.  For every web page I request from the server in IE over SSL, I
get assigned a new token.  It doesn't matter if I have the Use UUID for
cftoken value set to true or false.  Nothing works over SSL in IE.  I
have tried everything I can think of to address this, including
resinstalling ColdFusion completely - obviously using the same installer
and patch level from the other box.  The only differences between these
boxes again are the IP addresses and domain names.

Please tell me somebody has seen this before and fixed it :)

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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15 ColdFusion 8 Enterprise - Sessions not sticking

2010-03-31 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks Charlie - to answer your questions:

1) I'm accessing CF Admin from Apache on port 80.  It's not working under
Apache port 443.

2) Yep, all my users / other developers on the network report the same
problem under IE.  I'm the only person with Firefox on the network for
bogus security reasons which I won't get into at this time...

3) Right - I wasn't expecting the UUID setting to have any effect, I was
just trying to be thorough with trying everything, including printing the
CF Settings Summary screen and making sure everything was identical
between the two machines.

No, I'm not using J2EE sessions.  I forgot to mention that the J2EE
setting was the first thing I tried and it didn't make a difference.

Both instances are also set to have client variables turned on and using
the registry to store them.  Again, I don't expect that setting to have
any impact with session variables.  Another note - both machines have 3
URLs on them with identical code.  Along with the CF Admin installed to
it's own directory, there are 2 other applications.  Both apps work great
on the other server.  Neither work on the server in question.

Thanks again for the input, I'll keep banging my head against the wall
until I can think of a possible reason for this.

 Mike, I've not heard of the problem, but if I were in your shoes I'd be
 looking at two things to help narrow down the cause/solution.

 First, have you tried making the request from another IE (on another
 machine, I mean), just to rule out something up in your specific IE setup?

 Second, are you accessing the CFR Admin using the built-in web server port
 (such as 8500 or 8300, or something like that), or via Apache (port 80)?
 That may have an influence, and you may see a difference if you try one
 versus the other.

 Finally, are you using J2EE Sessions (a setting on the CF Admin Memory
 Variables page)? That may influence things. If you could try reversing
 setting, again it may be interesting to hear. I realize you may not want
 do that if this is a prod box and you don't know whether people are
 specifically benefiting from J2EE sessions (if enabled) or would be hurt
 enabling it (if it's currently disabled).

 BTW, I can't see how the UUID for cftoken would have an influence on
 problem at all, as it only influences the kind of string created for the
 CFTOKEN so shouldn't matter if it's transported via SSL or not (and if
 you're using J2EE sessions, then it has no connection to sessions at all.)

 Hope something there's helpful.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:13 PM
 Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Apache 2.2.15  ColdFusion 8 Enterprise -
 Sessions not sticking

 I have 2 ColdFusion 8 instances installed on Windows 2003.  I'm running
 these websites under Apache 2.2.15, configured exactly the same way,
 than domain names and IP addresses in the configs.  The first box works
 expected. I can log onto CF Admin over SSL, or any other website in my
 Apache config.  The second machine started showing problems almost
 immediately after I installed ColdFusion.  The last part of the install
 involves firing up a web browser at the default website and you then
 into CF Admin.  When I attempted this, no matter how many times I
 what I knew to be the correct password, I was not able to login.  I
 reset the password only to have the same issue.  I then decided to try
 another web browser other than IE 7.  Firefox 3.6.2 works fine.  Back
 IE - still no go.  Frustrated, I turned off SSL.  Oddly, I can now log
 into CF Admin.  After some investigation, I have discovered that
 are not sticking at all over SSL.  I have eliminated specific certs as
 problem, as I tried the certs from the other box and I still get the
 result.  For every web page I request from the server in IE over SSL, I
 get assigned a new token.  It doesn't matter if I have the Use UUID
 cftoken value set to true or false.  Nothing works over SSL in IE.  I
 have tried everything I can think of to address this, including
 resinstalling ColdFusion completely - obviously using the same
 and patch level from the other box.  The only differences between these
 boxes again are the IP addresses and domain names.

 Please tell me somebody has seen this before and fixed it :)

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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CFFTP putfile timeout error on CF8.01

2010-03-17 Thread Mike Staver
That's my biggest gripe about ColdFusion right now.  The cumulative
hotfixes are not cumulative at all in my opinion.  It's a joke in a
production environment that I have to download zip files, extract jar,
cfc, or cfm files and then manually install them.  Don't get me started on
the wsconfig updates either - I can't believe I have to run a manual
command on top of placing the jar file in the correct location.  Come on
Adobe, give us a decent installer for this stuff! I realize they have
multiple environments to work with, such as Windows, Mac OS, and Linux /
Unix - but honestly, it wouldn't be that hard.  They don't expect
Photoshop users to follow patching procedures like this, so why us? It's a
lot of work to patch a CF 7 or 8 server these days - now imagine doing it
over and over again for every server that must be supported.  Grr.

 I thought the cumulative hotfix would take care of al lthe hotfixes so
 far. But I'll check each of the hotfixes now. Thanks.

 --- On Wed, 3/17/10, Wes Byrd wrote:

 From: Wes Byrd
 Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CFFTP putfile timeout error on CF8.01
 Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 12:14 PM

 Be sure to apply all the hot fixes.  There are a few
 related to CFFTP.




 [] On Behalf Of Amar Lungare

 Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:07 PM


 Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] CFFTP putfile timeout error on CF8.01


   I have recently installed CF8 for a client and working on
   a piece of code that writes a xml file locally and then uploads it to a
   server using CFFTP. I can open the connection fine, I can change the
   fine but then CF request keeps running when I try to upload a file with
   CFFTP. I see the following error in the application log 


   An error occurred during the FTP PUTFILE
   operation.Error: PUTFILE operation exceeded timeout. The specific
 sequence of
   files included or processed is: /var/www/html/sched_task/dg_dropbox.cfm,
   line: 46


   I have tried various combinations of using first open
   action and then uploading it, just single tag call to upload and also
   different combinations or passive mode and timeouts and transfer modes.
 All I
   get is a timeout error. I have google for it and see many people facing
   same issue but none of their solutions have worked for me. I'm uploading
   onlye a 7kb file.

   Can anyone help me with this?

   Oh and I also tried the Cumulative HotFix4 and it didnt
   work either so I had to reoll it baack since it was  changing the WSDL
   generated for existing webserices.





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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CFFTP putfile timeout error on CF8.01

2010-03-17 Thread Mike Staver
 On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
 Come on Adobe, give us a decent installer for this stuff!

 But for the love of all that is holy, please do not make up use the
 Adobe Updater.

I'll second that motion :)

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[ACFUG Discuss] AjaxCFC

2010-01-29 Thread Mike Staver
Does anyone have a recent version of AjaxCFC? I've noticed Rob Gonda's
site is down, and has been for some time.  The most
recent version I have my hands on is dated Sept 2006, and I know there are
newer versions by seeing it here:

I see all the updates since the version I have, and then I visit his
latest blog post:

Anybody happen to get the latest version before the site went MIA? I have
a problem with the version I have and Firefox. Rather than spend time
fixing it myself, I'd love to just take the easy route and get the latest
official version if possible.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF on 64 bit OS

2010-01-04 Thread Mike Staver
I've run CF 8 and 9 on 64 bit Windows without issue.  In one case I was
using IIS and another Apache.  The only issue I had with the Apache set up
was finding a pre-compiled 64 bit Apache installer so I didn't have to do
it myself.  Other than that, everything worked/works fine for me.  With
more memory available, it definitely keeps your options open.

 Hello all!

 I am about to embark on setting up a web server using 64 bit Windows 2003
 Server via a Xeon x3360 processor (quad core).  On this, I will run
 ColdFusion 8.01 (which supports 64 bit).

 Does anyone out there have any experience with this setup?  If so, did you
 have issues?  Or are there some particular settings you would recommend?



 Wes Byrd  |  CIO  |  Dynapp Inc  |  1-800-830-5192  ext. 601  |
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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CF9 on Mac

2009-11-04 Thread Mike Staver
I work with a few guys who are mac developers using CF and MySQL, and they
use NaviCat.  They are big fans of that app.  It appears they have a free
(lite) version now:

I use SQLyog on Windows - the community edition. I like it.  I also tend
to use ssh a lot to my linux box I have mysql installed on and just use
the mysqladmin account and do things the hard way if needed.

Coming from MSSQL or Oracle, you'll notice some differences.  Obviously
stored procedures and functions work a bit differently - the syntax for
writing stored procs is pretty different.

An extreme option for you is to install VMWare or something similar and
put Windows on there and use MS SQL Server.  I would think this is a good
opportunity to learn MySQL for you though, and you might as well make the
leap :)

 I love SQLyog as my MySQL database admin.  Bad news... no MAC support.  I
 did a search and come up with this nice site that shows alternatives to
 SQLyog for DB admin via a MAC:

 Any MAC users who admin MySQL databases out there?  If so, what are you


 From: [] On Behalf Of Constance
 Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 3:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF9 on Mac

 Thank you Forrest and Wes. I'll try that tonight.  I've not used MySQL
 before.  I'm sure the SQL statements are similar to other databases.


 On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Wes Byrd wrote:
 There are download and install options for MySQL on a MAC:

 I'm not a MAC user so I'm not much help beyond that.  Best of luck and
 Happy Programming!  :-)

 [] On Behalf Of Constance
 Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 3:05 PM
 Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] CF9 on Mac

 Hi, I'm new to the list, so please bare with me.

 I have a Mac and would like to develop using CF9.  How to I do this when I
 also need to work with a database? I've only worked with Oracle and MSSQL,
 which I haven't seen a Mac version for either.  How do you develop
 locally?  Do you use another database?  Please keep in mind I'm a Mac
 convert for a few months.

 Thanks for the help or advice.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] My CFBuilder Hidden Gems talk at ACFUG will offer more content than my CFMeetup version

2009-10-30 Thread Mike Staver
Due to the fact that I'm in Colorado, I won't be able to make it in
person.  Will a video of this get posted and live somewhere online so I
can watch it later? I'm very interested in learning more about CF Builder
right now.

 I just thought I should offer a heads up about why you’ll want to attend
 next week’s ACFUG.

 If you hadn’t seen the announcements list note Wednesday, I’ll be the
 speaker at next week’s ACFUG meeting and I’ll be presenting “Hidden
 Gems in CFBuilder”.

 Well, some of you may also have noticed that I just announced (to the
 CFMeetup members) that I’m giving the same talk the next day on the
 online CFMeetup (  But they’re not *quite* the
 same talk. I would recommend you *not* skip the ACFUG meeting figuring you
 can “just watch it online”. :-)

 Besides the great networking (and pizza!) that we have at the ACFUG,
 it’s also important to note that I’ll have the two slots of our ACFUG
 meeting (with a break, of course), so I will have *a LOT more time at the
 ACFUG*, to show more there than in the hour of the CFMeetup. Also, because
 we recognize that some coming to the ACFUG may not yet have used
 CFBuilder, we’ll start with a bit of an introduction to it (just a bit),
 which I won’t be doing on the CFMeetup.

 So you’ll be getting that brief intro PLUS more gems at the ACFUG. Hope
 to see you there. :-) Don’t forget to RSVP:



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2009-10-14 Thread Mike Staver
I have run into a problem that I'm assuming there isn't much I can do
about, but I thought I'd ask hoping I am wrong.  The issue I have is that
we are moving a web application from Windows to Unix in the near future. 
I'm very familiar with IIS and Apache, so I didn't expect any show
stopping issues.  I hit one today in what amounts to a test run.  I'm
running Apache 2.2.13 x64 on Windows 2003 x64.  I'm using ColdFusion 8 x64
as well.  I've got a bit of code that needs to execute:

cfset = ListLast(CGI.CERT_SUBJECT,.)
cfif isnumeric(
  cfquery name=GetUser datasource=#session.datasource#
Select  blah blah blah
  From  users
 Where  blah = cfqueryparam

The key here is CGI.CERT_SUBJECT.  Using IIS, we can require client
certificates and the user is prompted for a pin, at which point their
certificate is passed in via headers to the CF code.  Using Apache, I can
also require client certificates, which prompts the user for a pin.  At
this point I would expect to be able to access CGI.CERT_SUBJECT - but it
comes back as empty each time.

I'm hoping there is an Apache guru reading this right now that can help me
figure out how to make Apache pass this information through like IIS does.
Any help I can get on this would be greatly appreciated.  I've found
several online posts / articles that don't help much:

I already have these lines in the httpd.conf:

SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 2
SSLCertificateFile sitename.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile sitename.key
SSLCACertificateFile root-certs.pem

I can't find anything else online detailing another possible configurable
item I could change in Apache.

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2009-10-14 Thread Mike Staver
After hours of trial and error today, I've managed to solve my own
problem.  That first URL I provided below that details the server
variables used by some PHP programmers is correct.  Rather than using
CGI.CERT_SUBJECT, I have to use CGI.SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN to accomplish the
same thing.  The output is very similar.  The real issue I have is that it
is not showing up in a dump of the CGI scope, so it took some time to find
what I needed.  Further, Apache and mod_ssl don't output this info by
default, depending on your choice of apache version and installer of
course.  I had to add this line to my SSL config:

SSLOptions +ExportCertData +StdEnvVars

I hope this saves someone else time in the future trying to figure that out.

 I have run into a problem that I'm assuming there isn't much I can do
 about, but I thought I'd ask hoping I am wrong.  The issue I have is that
 we are moving a web application from Windows to Unix in the near future.
 I'm very familiar with IIS and Apache, so I didn't expect any show
 stopping issues.  I hit one today in what amounts to a test run.  I'm
 running Apache 2.2.13 x64 on Windows 2003 x64.  I'm using ColdFusion 8 x64
 as well.  I've got a bit of code that needs to execute:

 cfset = ListLast(CGI.CERT_SUBJECT,.)
 cfif isnumeric(
   cfquery name=GetUser datasource=#session.datasource#
   Select  blah blah blah
 From  users
Where  blah = cfqueryparam

 The key here is CGI.CERT_SUBJECT.  Using IIS, we can require client
 certificates and the user is prompted for a pin, at which point their
 certificate is passed in via headers to the CF code.  Using Apache, I can
 also require client certificates, which prompts the user for a pin.  At
 this point I would expect to be able to access CGI.CERT_SUBJECT - but it
 comes back as empty each time.

 I'm hoping there is an Apache guru reading this right now that can help me
 figure out how to make Apache pass this information through like IIS does.
 Any help I can get on this would be greatly appreciated.  I've found
 several online posts / articles that don't help much:

 I already have these lines in the httpd.conf:

 SSLVerifyClient require
 SSLVerifyDepth 2
 SSLCertificateFile sitename.crt
 SSLCertificateKeyFile sitename.key
 SSLCACertificateFile root-certs.pem

 I can't find anything else online detailing another possible configurable
 item I could change in Apache.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CFEclipse Read Only Files

2009-09-01 Thread Mike Staver
Wow. I feel DUMB! Thanks for the info, I had just assumed the handy 
check box on the warning message itself would eventually work :)

To answer Howard's earlier question Why not just unlock them all in 
Windows Explore and save your sanity?, I have a VSS plug-in installed. 
Opening up a read-only file should just open, and if I try to edit, the 
plug-in asks if I want to check it out first.  I say yes and edit until 
I'm done, and check it back in.  I prefer not to have to check out the 
entire project to avoid that warning message, and now I don't have to! 
Thanks again Teddy, sometimes I overlook the obvious.

Teddy R. Payne wrote:

Press Window  Preferences  CFEclipse  Editor

Turn off the check box next to Warn when opening read only files


Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
Google Talk -

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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] ADobe ColdFusion Builder

2009-08-10 Thread Mike Staver
Does anyone know an estimate of when Adobe plans to release CFBuilder and
CF 9? I know they are in beta now - but for some project planning where I
work, we need to know if it is worth the time to investigate upgrading to
CF 9 instead of CF 8, which is what we are currently planning before
year's end.  If CF 9 was released in October at the latest, we could go
directly to 9 from 7 before January.

 Well, the problem is that it's hard to cover getting started with
 CFBuilder in just an hour.

 For instance,

 -  there's one talk that could be for those coming from CFEclipse
 (what's different between those),

 -  then there's an entirely other talk for those coming from
 DW/HomeSite/CFStudio (which has to include introducing Eclipse).

 -  Even then, trying to cover that audience would take more than
 hour (because you still need to tell them what's unique about CFB,
 from Eclipse itself.)

 -  Then there's still another talk on the ins and outs of
 people can face (like that which Sean raised, and there are many more.)

 Because of this, I've instead decided to create online classes on these

 First up will be a daylong class, oriented toward that audience of folks
 coming from non-Eclipse editors, and it will cover three broad areas: the
 least you need to know about Eclipse, the fundamental editing features of
 CFBuilder, and other features of CFBuilder (like the debugger, the
 extensions support, the server management, etc.) Even covering that last
 section briefly, the rest fits nicely into a day.

 I'll be offering it at CFUnited (as a daylong class on Tuesday) and then
 I'll be offering it as an online class after the conference.

 I then plan to create a still different class, perhaps half-day, oriented
 instead toward that audience of people coming from Eclipse who want to
 explore what's different. That's a very different audience (and most won't
 bother be interested in a class anyway, I suspect, but I'll offer it in
 there are any takers.)

 Over time I plan to create yet other half-day classes each to get into
 details of things like using the debugger (more than meets the eye),
 creating extensions (quite an expansive topic also), solving problems with
 configuration of the managed servers and RDS setup, and so on.

 But sure, along the way (as I build these and once I do), I can see
 one-hour versions to offer as user groups that touch on some of the key
 points of each subject.

 Until then, I'm sure someone else will probably step up to do the same. I
 don't begrudge them that. I just think we have to be really careful about
 the audiences for these talks. It's kind of like having a talk on
 frameworks: do you assume the audience already uses one or not? Is the
 about one framework? Can you assume they already understand design
 Use CFCs? Etc. These things often make it hard for some topics to be
 in any one hour-long session.  :-)

 Don't know if you (or others here) were looking for all that, but it came
 mind. :-)


 From: [] On Behalf Of Douglas
 Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ADobe ColdFusion Builder

 So, I'm wishing I was presenting Using That Shiny New Coldfusion
 but alas I'm not.  I see a good topic for someone to step up and present

 Douglas Knudsen
 this is my signature, like it?

 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Charlie Arehart

 Hey Sean, that wouldn't be a problem with the RDS implementation. That
 be with the aspect of adding a server to be managed from within CFB.

 I do so lament that they have gone this way of kind of forcing people into
 thinking that they need to add their server to CFB, and that they need
 install the admin instance to a server to be used with CFB.


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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] single sign-on issue CF 8

2009-06-23 Thread Mike Staver
Well, I don't know what this 3rd party software you are using to connect
to your site is - but my guess is that it's not handling the session
correctly.  When you did your test from the HTML pages, did you use the
cfid and cftoken variables or jsessionid?

 i tried this in between two cf servers and it works well. i was able to
 access other CF server page from html page.

 Any other ideas?



 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:11:05 -0600
 Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] single sign-on issue CF 8

 I have a simple test for you I think. Make an HTML page that does a form
 post to the URL of your application. Make sure the HTML page is hosted
 a different webserver of some kind, preferrably a completely different
 machine. Log into your CF app and take note of the sessionid variables.
 Put that information into the form action parameter on your html page,
 obviously appended onto the url to the app. Try viewing the HTML and
 posting the information with either javascript or a submit button.

 What is your result?

  I didn't have this problem when user is in my application. User is
 able to
  navigate between pages without any problem.
  Third party website is able to make a GET request without any
 problems. If
  bombs out only when they make a POST request.
  i wonder what causes CF8.0 to think that it is a new session.
  Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 09:31:42 -0600
  Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] single sign-on issue CF 8
  I've had issues with CF 7  8 before in cases where I had the J2EE
  sessions turned on or off in the CF Administrator. With them turned
  while using Application.cfc, no sessions were sticking. Every page
  request seemed to generate a new session. That doesn't sound like the
  issue here, but you might try turning that setting on or off and see
  that affects behavior any. I would suggest playing around with or at
  very least making note of these settings:
  - Use J2EE session variables
  - Enable Application Variables
  - Enable Session Variables
   Tried the same (appending CFID and CFTOKEN in the form POST) but
   generating a new CFID and CFTOKEN as soon we get a request from
   i don't understand why CF8 creating a new session when infact it
 see a
   valid CFID and CFTOKEN in the URL as well.
   Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] single sign-on issue CF 8
   Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 21:04:47 -0400
   Try passing the cfid and cftoken back from the third party server
   over the URL.
   Steve Drucker
   Fig Leaf Software
   On Jun 17, 2009, at 9:00 PM, sravan kumar
   We are converting our applications from CF5 to CF8.0. Yes, we are
  still in
   CF5.0 for various reasons :-)
   We have a application in CF5 in production that integrates with a
   party application. When a user clicks a link on our application, we
   post an action page to third party site with session info (like
   cookie, cfid and cftoken etc). Third party makes an internal
   their app to our site to get some xml data using the session
   provided using a https GET request. This works fine. however when
   make an internal request to our site using https POST method, our
   server is generating a new session for some reason.
   does anybody have seen this behaviour? This app works great in
   Any insight is greatly appreciated.
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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] single sign-on issue CF 8

2009-06-18 Thread Mike Staver
I've had issues with CF 7  8 before in cases where I had the J2EE
sessions turned on or off in the CF Administrator. With them turned off
while using Application.cfc, no sessions were sticking.  Every page
request seemed to generate a new session.  That doesn't sound like the
issue here, but you might try turning that setting on or off and see if
that affects behavior any.  I would suggest playing around with or at the
very least making note of these settings:

- Use J2EE session variables
- Enable Application Variables
- Enable Session Variables

 Tried the same (appending CFID and CFTOKEN in the form POST) but still CF8
 generating a new CFID and CFTOKEN as soon we get a request from third

 i don't understand why CF8 creating a new session when infact it see a
 valid CFID and CFTOKEN in the URL as well.



 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] single sign-on issue CF 8
 Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 21:04:47 -0400

 Try passing the cfid and cftoken back from the third party server to cf
 over the URL.

 Steve Drucker
 Fig Leaf Software

 On Jun 17, 2009, at 9:00 PM, sravan kumar wrote:


 We are converting our applications from CF5 to CF8.0. Yes, we are still in
 CF5.0 for various reasons :-)

 We have a application in CF5 in production that integrates with a third
 party application. When a user clicks a link on our application, we will
 post an action page to third party site with session info (like encrypted
 cookie, cfid and cftoken etc). Third party makes an internal request from
 their app to our site to get some xml data using the session identifiers
 provided using a https GET request. This works fine. however when they
 make an internal request to our site using https POST method, our CF8
 server is generating a new session for some reason.

 does anybody have seen this behaviour? This app works great in CF5.0

 Any insight is greatly appreciated.


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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Engraved Text Effect

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Staver
Are you using a Windows or *nix box for this application? I ask, because
with most BSD and Linux distros, a utility can be installed pretty easily.
It's called ImageMagick. I'm not sure if it's capable of doing what you
need though. I've only briefly used it with PHP, but I found this:

Unfortunately from the post, it's not clear to me where to obtain this
tag.  Also, my googling led me to this:

Hopefully that helps - let us know if you find a good way to do this as
I'm very interested as well.

 Thanks Teddy!

 I can use ImageDrawText() to write text on top of the image, but I want to
 make the text look engraved. ImageDrawText can’t do that as far as I can
 tell. The text has to distort the underlying image to make this look
 right. You can do things like this in Photoshop, and I was hoping there
 would be a way to do it inside of ColdFusion.


 From: [] On Behalf Of Teddy R. Payne
 Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Engraved Text Effect

 Yes, you can do this with cfimage.  cfimage uses a Java library, so you
 are already using one.  ;-)

 The method that I have seen is using imageDrawText() function:

 Teddy R. Payne, ACCFD
 Google Talk -

 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Clarke Bishop

 I have a shopping application where I would like to show the user an image
 of a personalized, engraved item.

 I have images of the item without engraving, but I want to simulate an
 engraved look with the user's actual personal information. So, each image
 will be dynamically generated from information on a form or in the

 Can you do this with cfimage? Or, do any of you know of a better way to
 make this work like some Java library?

 Thanks for any ideas!


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[ACFUG Discuss] Cfcompile

2009-06-05 Thread Mike Staver
Let's say I'd like to write code in ColdFusion, compile it to obfuscate 
the source, and build an installer with something like Install Shield so 
it could be installed onto any web server. I've never used cfcompile 
before, and according to Adobe, a web server path is required:

I know that cfcompile turns CFML to java byte code in the form of 
classes - but what does the utility need the web server path for? Would 
there be a way to make it dynamic?

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Cfcompile

2009-06-05 Thread Mike Staver

 I believe cfencode is the obfuscation of CF code and not the Java byte
 code.  A file scrambler of sorts in an algorithm that the CF application

 So I wonder what would happen if you cfencoded a set of cfm templates
 and then cfcompiled them?  I wonder if the resulting javabyte code be
 even more difficult to revere engineer...  Most likely cfcompile's
 going to decode the templates before compiling them so I'd bet it's
 really no better.

 Having said that, I think I would favor cfcompile over cfencode for
 distributing applications since it's a longer path back to the CF
 code, even if you can get the bytecode back into java source fairly

From what I have read, cfencode is trivial to unencode back to CFML, which
is not what I want here.  I had found several websites discussing what
Cameron said about the byte code and others talking about how easy it was
to unecode a cfencoded template.  I'm assuming during the encode process
that a weak encryption algorithm is being used, and it's probably pretty
easy to write a little utilty to figure that out.

Interesting though about the idea to encode and then compile it - I wonder
what the result would be.  If I have time this weekend, I'll give it

It's good to know that I don't need to worry about the path issue when
deploying the resulting code.  I'll be doing a test run this weekend. 

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] excel or csv to database table

2009-03-06 Thread Mike Staver
I second Blake's suggestion.  I followed that same article he referenced,
and it works great.  I had a CF7 server with the POI jar files in the
WEB-INF folder. I'm using this version:


With the code I wrote, I only wanted to return a single cell, and I gave
the user the ability to specify which cell to read into the DB.  I used
the cfc provided by Ben's blog with some slight customizations here and
there.  It's been very effective with only one issue.  For whatever
reason, if the top row of cells is blank, the code automatically assumes
it's a header row and the row count is then off by one - even when I pass
in the parameter that there is no header row.  Other than that, it works
great.  I can send you a code snippet of how I utitilize it off list
sometime if you want.

 Thanks Blake I did glance at this blog post. My needs are very basic
 Just a simple read of the csv file and import its records into a db table.
 I'm not opposed to just writing some of my own code for this but just
 thought there might be something really quick and easy to use. This post
 seems to focus on doing the exact opposite of what I need (query to

 I'm still on the hunt for a quick solution but if I don't come up with
 something super easy and quick to use, I think I may just roll my own code

 Thanks again,


 On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 9:42 AM, wrote:


  I have used the Java POI tool in the past.  It's easy to implement,
 it is very fast (even at thousands of records and multiple worksheets)
 reading/building an excel document.

  I found this link on Ben Nadel's blog, he has built a nice cfc utility
 do the work for you, you may just have change a few mappings.

 You should definitely be able to use it to read the excel file and then
 insert into the db, as far as a custom tag to do both (file upload 
 I do not have that.  If you don't specifially need the file you can use
 POI utility to read it on the fly and then import.


 Blake Kiser
 UPS - Business Information  Analysis
 SCS - S530A
 12380 Morris Rd.
 Alpharetta, GA  30005
 (678) 746-4679, atlas 480-4679

 *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Dusty
 *Sent:* Friday, March 06, 2009 9:31 AM
 *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] excel or csv to database table

 Hi I need to implement some CF code that does this and before I write
 the code, I thought certainly there has got to be a custom tag or cfc
 already does this:

 1. Upload excel or csv file to server.
 2. Import the excel sheet or csv file into a database table.

 I found an upload custom tag and now I am looking for any advise or
 recommendation on a custom tag or cfc or piece of code that will handle
 import part. If anyone knows of a good solution for this, please share.


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 Dusty Hale
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Re: SOLVED: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] PayPal's Website Payments Standard service and CF

2009-02-19 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks for the update Derrick. I've used PayPal before in some cases, but
have not encrypted the button like this.  I think this info will be very
useful for me in the future.

 Mike (who tried to help), and anyone else.

 Solved the problem. Changes:

 Use cmd=_xclick in your name value pairs for your text file, which
 you will encrypt (not _s-xclick).
 But DO use  input type=hidden name=cmd value=_s-xclick in your
 actual form.

 That mismatch of information was only found by purchasing an article
 written on Nov 8, 2008 by Arman Danesh ($4.00) from
 (located here: )

 I also reissued the private key and cert on my end for good measure
 and re-uploaded it to Pay Pal. Downloaded theirs (again), for (again),
 good measure. However, I do not believe the certs were the issue. I
 reissued them before trying the new code changes. So, I will never know.

 Code follows in case someone else wants to use Pay Pal and CF and
 dynamically encrypt variable shopping cart and price data on the fly.
 (Step omitted - creating a signing key and cert via openssl. Search
 google for that, or hit me back when the time arrives that you need to
 do it. ) The code is for the Pay Pal issue only and is for a *nix
 system with openSSL installed (or windows with openSSL):

 !--- create temp file (empty) ---
 !--- (could use a UUID() here to randomize the file name, but since
 it is in a directory not made public, I prefer a clean makes sense
 approach). ---
 cfset buttonfile = /websites/tempfiles/

 !--- write temp file with a return after each name value pair ---
 cffile action=write file=#buttonfile# output=cert_id=28HGKDTN9SP1F
 item_name=My Product or Service
 address1=my street address which matches my private cert
 city=my city which matches my private cert
 state=my state which matches my private cert
 zip=my zip which matches my private cert
 cancel_return=where to take the user if they cancel their payment

 !--- create signed, binary version of file created above ---
 cfexecute name=/usr/bin/openssl arguments=smime -sign -in
 #buttonfile# -signer /etc/certificates/my-publiccert.pem -inkey /etc/
 certificates/my-privatekey.pem -outform der -nodetach -binary -out
 #buttonfile#.binary timeout=3000 variable=encButtonOutput /

 !--- generate encrypted button ---
 cfexecute name=/usr/bin/openssl arguments=smime -encrypt -des3 -
 binary -in #buttonfile#.binary -outform pem /etc/certificates/
 paypal_cert_pem.txt timeout=3000

 !--- actual form ---
 div id=paypalform style=text-align:center;
   form action=; method=post
   input type=hidden name=cmd value=_s-xclick /
   input type=hidden name=encrypted value=#encButton# /
   input type=submit value=Pay $25.00 via PayPal /

 !--- encryption temp file clean up ---
 cffile action=delete file=#buttonfile#
 cffile action=delete file=#buttonfile#.binary

 Derrick Peavy

 On Feb 18, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

 So, you're posting that info back to PayPal - and they have to be
 able to
 read it to process it, right?  Do you set up something with your
 so they can unencrypt it when it gets posted to their server?

 I am trying to integrate PayPal with a CF solution. Pay Pal account
 a business account, using Website Payments Standard

 I am not using the PayPal encrypted buttons, but am providing my own
 encryption on the fly with OpenSSL and CFEXECUTE due to specific

 I am having one he** of a day trying to make this work. Keep getting
 new errors and nothing seems to work. Support from PayPal is

 MY QUESTION IS - Has anyone on the list done this before -
 specifically, encrypting your payment buttons on the fly? I have
 created the public cert and key and uploaded that to PayPal and
 downloaded their cert as well.  Code is below, problems are below

 Here is the process/code I am using, based upon PayPal's documents
 other CF examples I could find:

 !--- file name ---
 cfset buttonfile = /var/tmp/

 !--- create temp file ---
 cffile action=write file=#buttonfile#
 item_name=Service Being Sold
 address1=address as stated in public cert
 city=city as stated in public cert
 state=state as stated in public cert
 zip=zip as stated in public cert

 !--- create signed, binary

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] PayPal's Website Payments Standard service and CF

2009-02-18 Thread Mike Staver
So, you're posting that info back to PayPal - and they have to be able to
read it to process it, right?  Do you set up something with your account
so they can unencrypt it when it gets posted to their server?

 I am trying to integrate PayPal with a CF solution. Pay Pal account is
 a business account, using Website Payments Standard

 I am not using the PayPal encrypted buttons, but am providing my own
 encryption on the fly with OpenSSL and CFEXECUTE due to specific

 I am having one he** of a day trying to make this work. Keep getting
 new errors and nothing seems to work. Support from PayPal is extremely

 MY QUESTION IS - Has anyone on the list done this before -
 specifically, encrypting your payment buttons on the fly? I have
 created the public cert and key and uploaded that to PayPal and
 downloaded their cert as well.  Code is below, problems are below that.

 Here is the process/code I am using, based upon PayPal's documents and
 other CF examples I could find:

 !--- file name ---
 cfset buttonfile = /var/tmp/

 !--- create temp file ---
 cffile action=write file=#buttonfile# output=cert_id=DFKJDF97ADFK
 item_name=Service Being Sold
 address1=address as stated in public cert
 city=city as stated in public cert
 state=state as stated in public cert
 zip=zip as stated in public cert

 !--- create signed, binary version of file created above ---
 cfexecute name=/usr/bin/openssl arguments=smime -sign -in
 #buttonfile# -signer /etc/certificates/mysite-publiccert.pem -inkey /
 etc/certificates/mysite-privatekey.pem -outform der -nodetach -binary -
 out #buttonfile#.binary timeout=30 variable=encButtonOutput /

 !--- generate encrypted button from binary ---
 cfexecute name=/usr/bin/openssl arguments=smime -encrypt -des3 -
 binary -in #buttonfile#.binary -outform pem /etc/certificates/
 paypal_cert_pem.txt timeout=30 variable=encButton /

 !--- actual form ---
 div id=paypalform style=text-align:center;
   form action=; method=post
   input type=hidden name=cmd value=_s-xclick
   input type=hidden name=encrypted value=#encButton#
   input type=submit value=Pay #dollarFormat(paymentToMake)# 

 The problem is that when the transaction is submitted,  PayPal gives
 different errors, ranging from problems with the email (which PayPal
 Customer Service confirmed is correct), to issues with decrypting the
 cert. It's nuts. No one error is the same and PayPal will only say
 Gee, we don't know.

 Derrick Peavy

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[ACFUG Discuss] Merchant Accounts

2008-11-25 Thread Mike Staver
I know I've seen this topic come up over the years on this list and
others, but I think I need to ask it again:

I have a client who wants to accept credit cards with their online site
that sells their products.  I wrote the site for them years ago in CF, and
process for placing orders is currently quite manual so they don't have to
deal with actually storing CC information on their servers.  Best efforts
are made to ensure security in code and from a network security
perspective, but it just seems like a whole other animal to actually store
that kind of info and have to be responsible for it.  I know PayPal offers
something this - but does anybody have any other recent favorites that are
easy to set up with a ColdFusion site and have good rates?

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Merchant Accounts

2008-11-25 Thread Mike Staver
Yeah, that's what I meant - rather than even having the info sent to the
site, I wanted a step in the order process that takes care of the payments
like PayPal does. I just didn't know if PayPal was the best for that, or
if there was somebody else better. It's been a long time since I've looked
at it.

 Simply passing the cc through his site will require PCIcompliance.
 Outsource to paypal.


 Dean H. Saxe

 On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Mike Staver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know I've seen this topic come up over the years on this list and
 others, but I think I need to ask it again:

 I have a client who wants to accept credit cards with their online
 that sells their products.  I wrote the site for them years ago in
 CF, and
 process for placing orders is currently quite manual so they don't
 have to
 deal with actually storing CC information on their servers.  Best
 are made to ensure security in code and from a network security
 perspective, but it just seems like a whole other animal to actually
 that kind of info and have to be responsible for it.  I know PayPal
 something this - but does anybody have any other recent favorites
 that are
 easy to set up with a ColdFusion site and have good rates?

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF Application needs image upload feature, best practices

2008-11-17 Thread Mike Staver
I ended up using something like this for a CF7 app:

While it worked fine, the quality of the images it spit out was a little
lacking.  I didn't spend a lot of time on it, but when resizing a jpg
photo, you could definitely tell the image has been manipulated. I'm sure
if I cared enough, I could have found a way to increase the quality.
However, this was for a photo album of sorts for a small little website I
wrote, and it wasn't that important that the pictures be print quality. I
mostly cared about file size, in which case, this was perfect.  I haevn't
tried the image manipulation built into CF8 yet since it seemed like I had
more powerful options using JAI anyhow.


 We are planning to add a feature to our existing App's where in the user
 will upload image file and we would store it in a location.

 I saw a nice example with image shrinking etc but its for CF 8.

 I need something for CF 7. Can someone throw some ideas?

 Anyone with experience as to what should be done and what should be
 any best practices to follow, so that it remains stable without too many

 These are some of the rules I could think of.

 1. what type of files I should allow gif jpg or both
 2. what should be max width height to make the module reusable i.e. use the same code for other
 applications also with least amount of changes a thumbnail of 200x200 or little bigger and when user clicks on it,
 show them the fullimage.

 any examples or links would help.


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Switch to CF8

2008-10-23 Thread Mike Staver
Just being my paranoid and skeptical self - I don't think this will solve
the issue unless it turns out the issue was related a java memory issue on
the server. At that point, 8 might help with the newer version of java,
but if I were you, I'd do more research with the logs and stuff first. 
Scan your IIS logs for error code 413.

On the other hand, there's certainly nothing wrong with 8 and it's faster,
has more features, etc.

 To deal with my upload issue, my ISP wants to switch my site from CF7 to
 CF8. I am inclined to do so.
 Are there any Gotcha's I need to be aware of?

 Forrest C. Gilmore

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] application.cfc info

2008-09-12 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks - I have a question on this:

!--- Used to help CF work with missing files and dir indexes ---
cfset this.welcomeFileList = 

What exactly should go there, and what does that do for you? I'm
unfamiliar with this one.

 In addition to John's awesome intro last night, here is a template from
 revered Jedi Master of ColdFusion himself


 Douglas Knudsen
 this is my signature, like it?

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[ACFUG Discuss] Cfchart output = flash, z-index

2008-08-18 Thread Mike Staver
I'm attempting to have a Div containing a table and some other good stuff
slide out over the top of a cfchart based graph that is output into flash.
 I've been digging and digging trying to find a solution to how to make
the chart obey the z-index value of it's parent Div.  I know this has been
a problem in the past, and one solution I tried is placing the cfchart
into a cfsavecontent and running this:

CFSET variables.chartContent = Replace(variables.chartContent, http://;,
https://;, all)
CFSET variables.chartContent = Replace(variables.chartContent, EMBED,
'EMBED style=wmode: transparent; z-index: 1', all)

The page I'm working with will always be viewed over port 443 / SSL which
is why I have the other replace in there.  I'm obviously doing something
incorrect with the wmode bit - and I can't find any answers via various
google searches.

Has anyone on the list solved this one before? Adobe's forums are a
massive pain to search anymore so I'm not finding much help there.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] email via CF MX

2008-07-11 Thread Mike Staver
Actually, I'd be more suspect that your mail server itself is not allowing
this.  Read up on mail server authentication in general, and then
specifically how coldfusion can be set up in conjunction with the mail
server.  Exchange for example will allow internal emails, but blow outside
if you're not authenticated, depending on how the admin set it up

 I am not much of a server admin but I am having an issue with another
 application I inherited recently.  This application is basically a help
 app in which someone enters a ticket into the system and then sends them a
 confimation email.  This works fine as long as the user is on our network,
 but if the user is NOT on our network, they don't recieve the email.  I
 this has to be some silly setting somewhere, could someone please tell me

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Images not served when using URL. Works with IP Address.

2008-06-26 Thread Mike Staver
It sounds to me like a problem with DNS or a virtual host/website setting
in IIS.  Check to make sure you can look up the IP of your server by using
the DNS name using something like NSLookup.  I'm willing to bet you
changed IPs during your move, and for some reason, your DNS hasn't been
updately correctly in all places, like the name server itself or host
entries, etc.

 We are using CF 7 on IIS 6 and in our testing environment, we use location
 for logos as and so on for every logo of

 We use this logo in creating pdf's etc. Everything was working fine until
 moved. Now when we use url the pdf dont show image. When we use the IP
 the images show up fine in the pdf.

 We asked our admin (netw, iis) and He tested some stuff and said, when
 url, CF was not sending any requests for the image. When IP is being used,
 He is able to see CF making a request for the images.

 As I said, this was working before we moved our office. Dont know what
 setting is causing this issue?

 Anyone seen this before. Does it ring any bells?


 Ajas Mohammed /
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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Images not served when using URL. Works with IP Address.

2008-06-26 Thread Mike Staver
It also wouldn't hurt to clear the DNS cache of the server itself, and any
computer you're trying to see the page from once you've made sure all your
DNS entries are correct:

ipconfig /flushdns

Run that from the windows command line on desktops or servers.

 If you can get to it in the browser *from the server's desktop*, then
 CF should be able to resolve the DNS also.  If you've made recent
 changes to DNS (which it sounds like you might have), you may want to
 cycle CF and see if that helps.  CF/JRun will cache DNS entries for a
 set period of time but cycling the service will clear them.


 On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Ajas Mohammed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cameron, I was able to open the url in browser on CF machine and it
 me the image. As for your next suggestion, how do I check CF machine for
 valid DNS entry?

 Mike, yes we got new ip addr. I will try the NSLookup and let you know.



 On 6/26/08, Mike Staver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It sounds to me like a problem with DNS or a virtual host/website
 in IIS.  Check to make sure you can look up the IP of your server by
 the DNS name using something like NSLookup.  I'm willing to bet you
 changed IPs during your move, and for some reason, your DNS hasn't been
 updately correctly in all places, like the name server itself or host
 entries, etc.

  We are using CF 7 on IIS 6 and in our testing environment, we use
  for logos as and so on for every
  We use this logo in creating pdf's etc. Everything was working fine
  moved. Now when we use url the pdf dont show image. When we use the
  the images show up fine in the pdf.
  We asked our admin (netw, iis) and He tested some stuff and said,
  url, CF was not sending any requests for the image. When IP is being
  He is able to see CF making a request for the images.
  As I said, this was working before we moved our office. Dont know
  setting is causing this issue?
  Anyone seen this before. Does it ring any bells?
  Ajas Mohammed /
  We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
  No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
  You can't improve what you don't measure.
  Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high
  sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it
  the wise choice of many alternatives.
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 Ajas Mohammed /
 We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
 No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
 You can't improve what you don't measure.
 Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
 sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it
 the wise choice of many alternatives.
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 Cameron Childress
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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF8 Licenses

2008-05-20 Thread Mike Staver
To the best of my knowledge, you can download the software from their
website like always and upgrade.  I've done that on a box or two without
issue if I remember correctly.

 So we're in the process of upgrading our current CF7 servers to CF8 and
 Adobe is telling us that we have to wait until we get the CF8 media from
 them.  We already have the licenses but I didn't think there was a
 difference between the CF8 Enterprise you download and the media they're
 going to send. Does anyone know what the difference is, if any?

 Larry Nunn

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] FW: the old record viewer wizard

2008-05-16 Thread Mike Staver
Well, even though I'm not familar with the tool you used to use and I'm
not a flash fan - but cfgrid types of flash forms in CFMX 7 and higher are
very fast to use.  You can quickly add buttons for adding or deleting
rows, while simply highlighting and editing a row allows it to update.
There were some bugs with those initially, but several hot fixes for CF 7
cleared up most of my problems.

 Is anyone here familiar with the record viewer wizard from CF Studio (eons
 ago)? If anyone knows of some new and quick way to generate a web based
 add/edit/delete feature for one table in an SQL Server database, please
 me know. Many years ago I used the record viewer wizard in CF Studio to do
 this. I was hoping that there is a newer and better way to do this like
 how binding a form to a database table.



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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] FW: the old record viewer wizard

2008-05-16 Thread Mike Staver
cfgrid name = name format = Flash

 LOL I was already looking into cfgrid. Almost done with it I think. But I
 would much prefer it to run in Flash rather than the Java applet it seems
 generate. I am trying to figure that out now but would appreciate any
 advice anyone may be able to give about that.



 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
 Sent: 05/16/2008 12:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] FW: the old record viewer wizard

 Well, even though I'm not familar with the tool you used to use and I'm
 a flash fan - but cfgrid types of flash forms in CFMX 7 and higher are
 fast to use.  You can quickly add buttons for adding or deleting rows,
 simply highlighting and editing a row allows it to update.
 There were some bugs with those initially, but several hot fixes for CF 7
 cleared up most of my problems.

 Is anyone here familiar with the record viewer wizard from CF Studio
 (eons ago)? If anyone knows of some new and quick way to generate a
 web based add/edit/delete feature for one table in an SQL Server
 database, please let me know. Many years ago I used the record viewer
 wizard in CF Studio to do this. I was hoping that there is a newer and
 better way to do this like some how binding a form to a database



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RE: [ACFUG Discuss] FW: the old record viewer wizard

2008-05-16 Thread Mike Staver
Well, you still need to have an action page.  On the action page you'd
have the cfgridupdate tag:

grid = gridname
dataSource = data source name
tableName = table name
username = data source username
password = data source password
tableOwner = table owner
tableQualifier = qualifier
keyOnly = yes or no

It's very important to have the primary key for your table on the grid
itself, but you can have it hidden if you want - but the cfgridupdate tag
will not work correctly if you don't have the primary key somewhere on the

 Thanks I switched it over to Flash. However now the grid doesn't seem to
 update the changes when entered. I'm sure there is probably some other
 attribute I need to use or something. I'll try to figure it out.


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
 Sent: 05/16/2008 4:37 PM
 Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] FW: the old record viewer wizard

 cfgrid name = name format = Flash

 LOL I was already looking into cfgrid. Almost done with it I think.
 But I would much prefer it to run in Flash rather than the Java applet
 it seems to generate. I am trying to figure that out now but would
 appreciate any quick advice anyone may be able to give about that.



 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: 05/16/2008 12:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] FW: the old record viewer wizard

 Well, even though I'm not familar with the tool you used to use and
 I'm not a flash fan - but cfgrid types of flash forms in CFMX 7 and
 higher are very fast to use.  You can quickly add buttons for adding
 or deleting rows, while simply highlighting and editing a row allows
 it to update.
 There were some bugs with those initially, but several hot fixes for
 CF 7 cleared up most of my problems.

 Is anyone here familiar with the record viewer wizard from CF Studio
 (eons ago)? If anyone knows of some new and quick way to generate a
 web based add/edit/delete feature for one table in an SQL Server
 database, please let me know. Many years ago I used the record viewer
 wizard in CF Studio to do this. I was hoping that there is a newer
 and better way to do this like some how binding a form to a database



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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] How Load Files from Outside the Web Directory?

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Staver
Just off the top of my head and after a quick scan of your email here, I
would suggest using cffile.  Is it possible to use it copy the file into a
loadable directory, atleast temporarily? I would think that no matter
what, you won't want to throw up files on your site from a directory that
is not meant to be public.  I would think you'd be in for a world of hurt
if somebody is able to comprimise the machine that way... Another option
is mounting another disk inside the wwwroot folder. Very easy in linux
land with fstab, but in windows it's a little more obscure, but possible.
also, I wouldn't use J: or something like it - I would try using cffile
with the \\servername\sharename type of naming convention...

 Hello. My site needs to load PDFs which are located in a different
 directory (in fact, on a different disk drive) than the one on which the
 site's web pages reside. In developing this by working as localhost on my
 own desktop PC at home, the following code works flawlessly:

 cfcontent file = 'D:/Styles/553/55303.pdf'

 where the web page containing the above line of code, and everything else
 in the site, is on a subdirectory of C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/. Also, in real
 life the parameter 'D:/Styles/553/55303.pdf' is a #variable# which can
 evaluate to that path among others; I'm hard-coding it here to simplify
 the example.

 My problem is that this must work on a network where the target is in a
 virtual directory on a different box. Since that virtual directory
 presents itself to us humans as drive J, the value of the file attribute
 in the above cfcontent tag should presumably be 'J:/553/55303.pdf'. But
 when I plug 'J:/553/55303.pdf' into the above tag, both Firefox(FF) and
 Internet Explorer(IE) complain that the file does not exist.

 A different approach is suggested by the fact that Windows Explorer (a.k.a
 'My Computer') shows the 'real(?), or underlying(?) location corresponding
 to virtual drive J to be Styles on  'dsm=svr1-acr'. The Help desk at
 Leapfrog (the company which built my client's network) suggested that I
 use '//dsm-svr1-acr/553/55303.pdf' instead of 'J:/553/55303.pdf'. But when
 I try that, FF says it 'can't establish a connection to the server at
 dsm-svr1-acr'; and IE says 'Page cannot be displayed'.

 The third method I tried was to use cflocation istead of cfcontent, as

 cflocation url=J:/553/55303.pdf.

 I would assume cflocation should be equivalent to the cfcontent tag in
 this situation since, based on the Livedocs, the difference between the
 two seems to be only that cfcontent provides extra capabilities such as
 specifying the MIME type, loading from a variable instead of a file, and
 deleting the file after its contents are loaded to the page; and none of
 those capabilities are needed here. Is that right?

 In any case, when I try the code with cflocation as above, sometimes the
 PDF is loaded or failure. When it does not work, FF sometimes interprets
 the letter J as a protocol, and reports that it 'doesn't know how to open
 this address because the protocol (J) isn't associated with any program'.
 At other times it simply loads a blank page with no error message (based
 on my notes, this seems to depend on whether the value of the url
 attribute was substituted vs. hard-coded but I'm not sure of this). As to
 IE, when the cflocation method does not work, I get a javascript message
 saying 'Error: Member not found' (I neglected to mention that the page
 containing the cfcontent or cflocation tag is actually loaded to a
 child window via the javascript code:

 where shopdf evaluates to the url of the page containing the cfcontent
 or cflocation tag, with the path to the file as part of its query

 Can anyone shed light on what's happening here, and what I should be doing
 to make this work?



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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] How Load Files from Outside the Web Directory?

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Staver
In windows land, you access network shares like so:


Or in dos with the \'s as well, like cd C:\

I can't remember what CF will do that off the top of my head.  Working
with file systems in linux, it's a forward slash.  Web URL's are also
forward slashes.  So, I would think if I was on a windows box working with
the file system, such as with cffile, I would use the native OS
preference.  If I was doing something with cflocation or cfcontent, I
would use forward slashes since it will be displayed through a web

I think as others have said though, you can serve up content from outside
the wwwroot directory - but it's my personal preference not to just based
on a security stand point.  I get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that any
content being served up is coming from inside the web directory and
nowhere else, but it's a personal preference.

 Thanks Mike, I'll try that next time I'm at the client's place of
 business, after making sure I can get it working localhost. I do have a
 question about it though: I'm never clear when to use forward slashes vs.
 backslashes, but I do know that in writing web apps I've had much better
 luck with forward slashes. So by \\servername\sharename did you mean

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CFChart and printing

2008-04-23 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks everyone for the info, it has been a large help.  I ended up
modifying the webcharts3d.xml file so that the timeout is longer, that
seems to solve the short term problem. The user can now print images as
well as view them up to 2 minutes after they are created.  For future
pages, I will probably do what Brooks is suggesting and save off the image
so it is always around (atleast until I no longer need it).  Thanks again


 Here a trick I developed that might help you. I needed to create a pie
 chart showing the results of an on-line poll. I used Macromedia Pollster
 to create and maintain the polls. Pollster uses a Flash user interface,
 but my client want an HTML equivalent. So I used an HTML form to collect
 the data and cfchart to display it. I ran into the same problem with the
 chart image expiring. Also, the site is heavily cached. The solution that
 I came up with is a little clunky but it works.

 Use cfsavecontent to capture the output of the cfgraph call.
 Parse the cfsavecontent output and recover the image file name that was
 created with cfgraph. It looks something like
 Once I have the image file name and location, I made a copy of the image
 in my cache directory with cffile. Pollster uses UUIDs to id the polls, so
 I named them image cache/UUID.png.
 I go through the above logic whenever someone takes the poll, thereby
 refreshing the image.
 Lastly, to force the browser to refresh the image I append the vote count
 as a URL parameter in the image statement: img

 This seems to solve the problem of the expiring image and allows me keep
 the site cached. You can see the browser side of the code in action at I generated a png but it will work with jpg
 (or gif).


 Brooks Wilson
 640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates (1981)

  Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta · 1000 Peachtree Street, N.E. · Atlanta
 Georgia 30309-4470
 404.498.8178 · fax 404.498.8239 · [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ajas Mohammed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 04/22/2008 10:52 AM
 Please respond to


 Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CFChart and printing


 Try this

 I guess you need to increase the timeout value. The charts/images are
 cached and the timeout value says how long to cache the chart/images.

 go to cf install path\lib\webcharts.3d.xml

 look for the code below at the top
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 server image=PNG cache=Memory minTimeout=5000 maxTimeout=3
 so on.

 time is in millisecs

 we had same issue and setting timeout value fixed the issue.

 Hope it helps.

 Try it out.

 Ajas Mohammed /
 No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
 You can't improve what you don't measure.
 Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
 sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it
 represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
 Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live

 On 4/21/08, Mike Staver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 An application I'm working on uses the CFChart tag to generate a bar graph
 based on a query.  The graph looks great on the screen. This graph is
 inside a loop, and the graph gets generated approximately 1 to 6 times in
 most cases.  When the user tries to print the screen, some of the images
 print and some don't.  When the system really starts acting up, not a
 single image will print.  The message being displayed in the images place
 on the print out is Image Expired, etc.  The standard message when you
 hit a back button to view a page without refreshing the page.  Some other
 info to note:

 1) This webserver is NOT clustered.
 2) ColdFusion version MX 7.0.2.
 3) The cfchart tag is generating a jpeg image.
 4) The browser in question is IE 7.
 5) The webserver is IIS 6 on Windows 2003, using SSL.
 6) The user is immediately trying to print the page, not letting it sit
 for more than 10 seconds max.
 7) The site is not under any kind of heavy load.
 8) I don't immediately have access to IIS or ColdFusion logs.

 All the research I've done points to the problem of having a clustered
 site, which does not fit my case here.  Has anybody else had to deal with
 this issue before?

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[ACFUG Discuss] CFChart and printing

2008-04-21 Thread Mike Staver
An application I'm working on uses the CFChart tag to generate a bar graph
based on a query.  The graph looks great on the screen. This graph is
inside a loop, and the graph gets generated approximately 1 to 6 times in
most cases.  When the user tries to print the screen, some of the images
print and some don't.  When the system really starts acting up, not a
single image will print.  The message being displayed in the images place
on the print out is Image Expired, etc.  The standard message when you
hit a back button to view a page without refreshing the page.  Some other
info to note:

1) This webserver is NOT clustered.
2) ColdFusion version MX 7.0.2.
3) The cfchart tag is generating a jpeg image.
4) The browser in question is IE 7.
5) The webserver is IIS 6 on Windows 2003, using SSL.
6) The user is immediately trying to print the page, not letting it sit
for more than 10 seconds max.
7) The site is not under any kind of heavy load.
8) I don't immediately have access to IIS or ColdFusion logs.

All the research I've done points to the problem of having a clustered
site, which does not fit my case here.  Has anybody else had to deal with
this issue before?

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 8.0.1 update is out!

2008-04-04 Thread Mike Staver

Being last at something as never stopped them before :)

John Mason wrote:
Yep, that's one of the bigger gotchas. But in time as more and more 
applications and OSs make the switch to 64bit, Standard will have to 
follow. I think they probably should have just done that now anyway. 
Since .NET has 64bit and there's a 64bit project in php. You really 
don't want to be known as the last guy to the party in these things.

John Mason
770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
Now offering VPS Plans running with VMware technology
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting


*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Kevin 

*Sent:* Friday, April 04, 2008 4:42 PM
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 8.0.1 update is out!

Sadly, the x64 is only for Enterprise edition :(


On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 2:35 AM, John Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So ColdFusion 8's update to 8.0.1 finally includes support for 64 bit :)

John Mason
770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex
Now offering VPS Plans running with VMware technology
Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
FREE Subversion hosting

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-Mike Staver

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Newbie's Next Daunting Dilemma

2008-02-21 Thread Mike Staver
Another thought I had is why not use the cfcontent tag? I tend to use 
that tag when I want to obscure file paths from users while displaying 
things like pdfs.  You could open a new window and always have it use 
the same cfm file while passing a variable into it via a url or 
something so it opens a file with a specific ID of some kind - maybe you 
could have a table with the filenames and matching ids you could pass in 
the url.  Just a suggestion.

Darin Kohles wrote:

You definately do NOT want to include the absolute path 'C:/' - use
relative paths, or if you absolutely want to give the full URL, then
use the format '' - as the file(s) will have to
be located relative to your web root.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Peyton Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This one ought to be easy for someone who knows how. I want to load a pdf into 
a web page child window. When I put the pdf on the website's directory, the 
following code (where the function is passed a job number naming the pdf) works 
without a hitch:

 function ScannedStyle(jn){
   jn = jn + '.pdf';,'Style','width=800,height=500,resizable=yes');

 However, in the real life situation, there will be thousands of pdf's, located 
on an arbitrary directory elsewhere on the server. The following does not work:

 function ScannedStyle(jn){
   subdir = jn.substr(0,3); //subdirectories are first 3 digits of each jobno
   dir = 'c:/ScannedStyles/' + subdir + '/';
   jn = dir + jn + '.pdf';
   alert(jn); //this says e.g. 'c:/ScannedStyles/513/51310.pdf' just as it 

 Firefox objects, saying 'Firefox doesn't know how to open the address because 
the protocol (c) isn't associated with any program'.

 Since it appears to be taking the 'c' drive designation as the name of a 
protocol, that suggests that I need to specify one. However, the following also 
does not work:

 function ScannedStyle(jn){
   subdir = jn.substr(0,3); //subdirectories are first 3 digits of each jobno
   dir = 'file://c:/ScannedStyles/' + subdir + '/';
   jn = dir + jn + '.pdf';,'Style','width=800,height=500,resizable=yes');

 What should I be doing?

 Thanks for your help,


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Slightly OT: SQL Server Data transfer from version 2005 to 2000

2007-09-21 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks - I might do that.  And yep, we have RedGate and we use it for 
comparing the differences between DBs, but I haven't used it to transfer 
data yet.  I'll see what I can find out. Thanks for the suggestions 

Cheyenne Throckmorton wrote:
You may also want to pose this question to the lists for the atlanta SQL Server user group.  Last month 
their topic was on what you need to know as a developer upgrading from 
2000 to 2005.  I know you are going the opposite way, but there could be 
a good resource there.
Erics suggestion of redgate is also not a bad call, they have a lot of 
interesting useful tools.


check out they have 2 products we
use. sql compare for
schema and sql data compare for data.


On 9/19/07, Mike Staver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two databases with identical schemas for all the tables,
  procs, functions, etc.  The DB in SQL 2000 is blank.  I need to
  all the data from the 2005 version into it, keeping identity
values for
  the ID columns.  I have approximately 800 tables - so doing this
  manually just isn't an option today.  Does anybody know of a nice
  utility to do this sort of thing?
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[ACFUG Discuss] Slightly OT: SQL Server Data transfer from version 2005 to 2000

2007-09-19 Thread Mike Staver
I have two databases with identical schemas for all the tables, stored 
procs, functions, etc.  The DB in SQL 2000 is blank.  I need to transfer 
all the data from the 2005 version into it, keeping identity values for 
the ID columns.  I have approximately 800 tables - so doing this 
manually just isn't an option today.  Does anybody know of a nice 
utility to do this sort of thing?

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[ACFUG Discuss] ANSI Characters with isql

2007-06-11 Thread Mike Staver
I'm trying to run a bunch of SQL scripts from the command line using SQL 
Server 2000:

isql -a 512 -S localhost -U sa -P pass -n -d SOME_DB -i C:\test.sql

Previously, I was using osql but from what I googled, osql is not 
capable of turning off automatic ansi to oem translation like isql is. 
However, what I can't find out is how to turn it off in isql... I have a 
character set like so:

Åland Islands

Obviously that first looking A symbol is the character I'm referring to 
if it actually comes across in the email here.  When that's run with my 
current command above, the character gets replaced with garbage.

Can somebody tell me how to turn off this translation using isql?

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[ACFUG Discuss] IE7 vs IE6

2006-12-19 Thread Mike Staver
I know I read about this somewhere - but isn't there a way to force IE7 
to behave like IE6 in terms of some quirks vs native behavior? The day 7 
was released, I thought I had read somewhere about a quick tag you could 
put at the top of your pages to force this one way or another. Anybody 
know what I'm referring to?


-Mike Staver

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[ACFUG Discuss] Re: Slightly OT: Credit Card acceptence and processing

2006-12-13 Thread Mike Staver

Going way back to 2004 posts here, is there a monthly fee for this?

Derrick Peavy wrote:

Use Costco with CFXNova

1. Join Costco at executive level ($100)

2. Apply for merchant account ($35)

3. You now have a merchant account for $135

4. Download CFXNova for 30 day trial.

5. With CFXNova, you get 2.2% V/MC @ 28 cents per transaction. If you can
show me a lower rate, I'll buy you a cup of coffee - you can't. This rate is
for Internet / Mail Order / Telephone. Swipe rates are as low as 1.68%.

6. Using CFXNova and coding for certain parameters, you can get
non-qualified rates down to less than 3%. Non-qualified rates are basically
business cards and most merchants don't tell you that your non-qualified
rate can be 4% or more.

7. Since you are going directly from your server to the processor (Nova),
you do not pay a middle man for gateway services as in the case of, cybercash or other services.

8. I use this solution. So far this year, my sales are at just under
$50,000. My TOTAL credit card costs for the year to date is $1,095.00 or,
2.2% of total sales. That includes everything to do with the credit card
processing. I can assure you that when the dust settles, you will not
realize such a low cost with any other solution.

9. You can download a trial of CFXNova at

Derrick Peavy
Sales and Web Services
Universal Advertising

From: Tom Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Chambers Systems
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 7:48:12 -0400
Subject: Slightly OT: Credit Card acceptence and processing

Good morning all,

Several questions regarding payments via a website.

1) Are fees fixed or a percentage of the transaction?

2) What are some suggestions for the most reliable/affordable provider of
merchant transaction processing?

3) Any tips on what types of credit cards to not accept (for any reason)?


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-Mike Staver

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: Slightly OT: Credit Card acceptance and processing

2006-12-13 Thread Mike Staver
Has anybody used PAYNET SYSTEMS before? I have a client who signed up 
for them and insists on using them. is their 
website, and I'm just wondering if anybody has opinions on them.  I want 
no part of storing CC numbers on this system for this client - I know 
with companies like PayPal, you can have the transaction take place 
completely off site and get redirected back.  That's the kind of thing 
I'm looking for at this point I think.

Dean H. Saxe wrote:
FWIW, I work for a vendor who does this kind of scanning, though for 
$150/year you wouldn't get a heck of a lot.  You get what you pay for.  
I have worked places, prior to my current employer, where we 
specifically used vendors because they wouldn't find anything wrong and 
would produce a nice report.  YMMV.


Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
What difference does it make to the dead,  the orphans, and the 
homeless, whether the  mad destruction is wrought under the name of 
totalitarianism or the holy name of  liberty and democracy? 


On Dec 13, 2006, at 5:24 PM, Forrest Robinson wrote:

I may not exactly be on topic, but we had to prove Payment Card Industry
Compliance (PCI) for the credit cart processing performed by our 
system for

our client.

Our Gateway recommended Ambiron Trust for 
proof of
compliance. Basically $150 per year they scan our servers (and analyze 

forms) and then issue a compliance doc.

So far I am quite impressed with their service.

Forrest Robinson, LaserCraft

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dean H. Saxe
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] Re: Slightly OT: Credit Card
acceptence and processing

Yes, but the scanning is dirt cheap.  If you hang on to the data,
that's when compliance can get expensive.


Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his
own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who
denies another this right makes a slave of himself to his present
opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.
 -- Thomas Paine, 1783

On Dec 13, 2006, at 4:34 PM, Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 wrote:

If CC data travels through your system, you need to be CISP compliant:

The PCI DDS requires that all merchants perform external network
scanning to achieve compliance. Acquirers may require submission of
scan reports and/or questionnaires by level 4 merchants.



I don't know I guess - I had assumed that the CC number got

using this tag and I wouldn't need to store it anymore, but perhaps
wrong.  Is anybody using this method currently?

Dean H. Saxe wrote:

Perhaps I misunderstood.  Who retains the credit card data?


Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or
we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only
and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
-- Theodore Roosevelt

On Dec 13, 2006, at 3:34 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I'm curious to what you mean here - are you saying that Costco isn't
compliant? It was my understanding that this setup doesn't store the
CC but rather uses Costco - but maybe I misunderstood.

Dean H. Saxe wrote:

What about the costs of compliance with the PCI DSS standard?
that into your equation before trying to accept credit cards.
Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not
that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.
-- Robert F. Kennedy, 1964
On Dec 13, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

Going way back to 2004 posts here, is there a monthly fee for

Derrick Peavy wrote:

Use Costco with CFXNova
1. Join Costco at executive level ($100)
2. Apply for merchant account ($35)
3. You now have a merchant account for $135
4. Download CFXNova for 30 day trial.
5. With CFXNova, you get 2.2% V/MC @ 28 cents per transaction. If
you can
show me a lower rate, I'll buy you a cup of coffee - you can't.
This rate is
for Internet / Mail Order / Telephone. Swipe rates are as low as
6. Using CFXNova and coding for certain parameters, you can get
non-qualified rates down to less than 3%. Non-qualified rates are
business cards and most merchants don't tell you that your
rate can be 4% or more.
7. Since you are going directly from your server to the processor
you do not pay a middle man for gateway services as in the
case of, cybercash or other services.
8. I use this solution. So far this year, my sales are at just
$50,000. My TOTAL credit card

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 and Windows Vista Enterprise x86

2006-11-15 Thread Mike Staver
That's a great suggestion, I tend to forget apache runs on windows.  I 
was going to install CentOS on VMWare, but apache is lots easier :)

Steven Ross wrote:

If you cant figure it out you can always run apache

On 11/14/06, Mike Staver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think it's setup right.  Attached is a screen shot of what I
see. I'm not sure what I should put here.

Justin Haygood wrote:
 Do you have .cfm associated with the ColdFusion / JRun ISAPI handler
 and/or CGI process? (not sure which is used for CFM)?

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
 Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 and Windows Vista
 Enterprise x86

 Thanks for the input - I thought about doing that as well yesterday, so
 I made the change today.  However, now IIS just serves up the page for
 download rather than parsing it with CFMX.  I have a feeling I'm SOL
 until an update gets released, if one does at all.  I'll be using
 virtual machines for this stuff I think until then.

 Damon wrote:
 I do not have Vista and this may be a log shot but you can try to add
 type in IIS (IIS 6 you right click the computer name in the IIS
 manager and
 go to properties, not sure for IIS 7) of .CFM for extension and
 cfm-application/octet-stream for mime type. This should at least let
 serve up the cfm.

 Just a guess
 -Damon Ledet

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 6:41 PM
 Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 and Windows Vista

 I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that nobody has tried
 yet, but I have the final release of Windows Vista Enterprise that was
 released to manufacturing running on my workstation now. It's a
 fresh install, and I attempted to install CFMX 7.0.2 on it to run with
 7.  As you might assume, it doesn't work.  I'm running the
 x86 version, rather than the x64 in the hopes more things work with
   I've been wrong with that guess mostly for a lot of apps.

 Below is what IIS spits out:


 Server Error in Application Default Web Site
 HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found

 Description: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of
 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) map policy that is
 on the Web server. The page you requested has a file name extension
 that is
 not recognized, and is not allowed.

 Error Code: 0x80070032

 Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler

 Module: StaticFileModule

 Requested URL:

 Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm

 Logon User: Anonymous

 Logon Method: Anonymous

 Handler: StaticFile

 Most likely causes:

  * It is possible that a handler mapping is missing. By default,
 static file handler processes all content.
  * The feature you are trying to use may not be installed.
  * The appropriate MIME map is not enabled for the Web site or
 application. (Warning: Do not create a MIME map for content that users
 should not download, such as .ASPX pages or .config files.)

 What you can try:

  * In system.webServer/handlers:
  * Ensure that the expected handler for the current page is
  * Pay careful attention to preconditions (e.g. runtimeVersion,
 pipelineMode, bitness) and compare them to the settings for your
  * Pay careful attention to typographical errors in the expected
  * Please verify that the feature you are trying to use is
  * Verify that the MIME map is enabled or add the MIME map for the
 site using the command-line tool appcmd.exe.
   1. Open a command prompt and change directory to
   2. To set a MIME type, use the following syntax: appcmd set
 /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string']
   3. The variable fileExtension string is the file name
 and the variable mimeType string is the file type description.
   4. For example, to add a MIME map for a file which has the
 extension .xyz, type the following at the command prompt, and then
   5. appcmd set config /section:staticContent
Warning: Ensure that this MIME mapping is needed for your Web
 before adding it to the list. Configuration files such as .CONFIG or
 scripting pages such as .ASP or .ASPX, should not be downloaded
 directly and
 should always be processed through a handler.
 Other files such as database files or those used to store
 like .XML or .MDF, are sometimes used to store

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 and Windows Vista Enterprise x86

2006-11-14 Thread Mike Staver
Thanks for the input - I thought about doing that as well yesterday, so 
I made the change today.  However, now IIS just serves up the page for 
download rather than parsing it with CFMX.  I have a feeling I'm SOL 
until an update gets released, if one does at all.  I'll be using 
virtual machines for this stuff I think until then.

Damon wrote:

I do not have Vista and this may be a log shot but you can try to add a MIME
type in IIS (IIS 6 you right click the computer name in the IIS manager and
go to properties, not sure for IIS 7) of .CFM for extension and
cfm-application/octet-stream for mime type. This should at least let IIS
serve up the cfm.
Just a guess
-Damon Ledet 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Staver
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 6:41 PM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 and Windows Vista Enterprise

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that nobody has tried this
yet, but I have the final release of Windows Vista Enterprise that was
released to manufacturing running on my workstation now. It's a completely
fresh install, and I attempted to install CFMX 7.0.2 on it to run with IIS
7.  As you might assume, it doesn't work.  I'm running the
x86 version, rather than the x64 in the hopes more things work with it. 
  I've been wrong with that guess mostly for a lot of apps.

Below is what IIS spits out:
Server Error in Application Default Web Site
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found

Description: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) map policy that is configured
on the Web server. The page you requested has a file name extension that is
not recognized, and is not allowed.

Error Code: 0x80070032

Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler

Module: StaticFileModule

Requested URL:

Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm

Logon User: Anonymous

Logon Method: Anonymous

Handler: StaticFile

Most likely causes:

 * It is possible that a handler mapping is missing. By default, the
static file handler processes all content.
 * The feature you are trying to use may not be installed.
 * The appropriate MIME map is not enabled for the Web site or
application. (Warning: Do not create a MIME map for content that users
should not download, such as .ASPX pages or .config files.)

What you can try:

 * In system.webServer/handlers:
 * Ensure that the expected handler for the current page is mapped.
 * Pay careful attention to preconditions (e.g. runtimeVersion,
pipelineMode, bitness) and compare them to the settings for your application
 * Pay careful attention to typographical errors in the expected handler
 * Please verify that the feature you are trying to use is installed.
 * Verify that the MIME map is enabled or add the MIME map for the Web
site using the command-line tool appcmd.exe.
  1. Open a command prompt and change directory to
  2. To set a MIME type, use the following syntax: appcmd set config
/section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string']
  3. The variable fileExtension string is the file name extension
and the variable mimeType string is the file type description.
  4. For example, to add a MIME map for a file which has the
extension .xyz, type the following at the command prompt, and then press
  5. appcmd set config /section:staticContent
   Warning: Ensure that this MIME mapping is needed for your Web server
before adding it to the list. Configuration files such as .CONFIG or dynamic
scripting pages such as .ASP or .ASPX, should not be downloaded directly and
should always be processed through a handler. 
Other files such as database files or those used to store configuration,

like .XML or .MDF, are sometimes used to store configuration information.
Determine if clients can download these file types before enabling them.
 * Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status
code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed
requests, click here.

More Information... This error occurs when the file extension of the
requested URL is for a MIME type that is not configured on the server. 
You can add a MIME type for the file extension for files that are not

dynamic scripting pages, database, or configuration files. Process those
file types using a handler. You should not allows direct downloads of
dynamic scripting pages, database or configuration files.
Server Version Information: Internet Information Services 7.0.

Does anybody have this working by chance? I realize Vista

[ACFUG Discuss] Coldfusion MX 7.0.2 and Windows Vista Enterprise x86

2006-11-13 Thread Mike Staver
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that nobody has tried this 
yet, but I have the final release of Windows Vista Enterprise that was 
released to manufacturing running on my workstation now. It's a 
completely fresh install, and I attempted to install CFMX 7.0.2 on it to 
run with IIS 7.  As you might assume, it doesn't work.  I'm running the 
x86 version, rather than the x64 in the hopes more things work with it. 
 I've been wrong with that guess mostly for a lot of apps.

Below is what IIS spits out:
Server Error in Application Default Web Site
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found

Description: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the 
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) map policy that is 
configured on the Web server. The page you requested has a file name 
extension that is not recognized, and is not allowed.

Error Code: 0x80070032

Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler

Module: StaticFileModule

Requested URL:

Physical Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm

Logon User: Anonymous

Logon Method: Anonymous

Handler: StaticFile

Most likely causes:

* It is possible that a handler mapping is missing. By default, the 
static file handler processes all content.

* The feature you are trying to use may not be installed.
* The appropriate MIME map is not enabled for the Web site or 
application. (Warning: Do not create a MIME map for content that users 
should not download, such as .ASPX pages or .config files.)

What you can try:

* In system.webServer/handlers:
* Ensure that the expected handler for the current page is mapped.
* Pay careful attention to preconditions (e.g. runtimeVersion, 
pipelineMode, bitness) and compare them to the settings for your 
application pool.
* Pay careful attention to typographical errors in the expected 
handler line.

* Please verify that the feature you are trying to use is installed.
* Verify that the MIME map is enabled or add the MIME map for the 
Web site using the command-line tool appcmd.exe.
 1. Open a command prompt and change directory to 
 2. To set a MIME type, use the following syntax: appcmd set 
config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string']
 3. The variable fileExtension string is the file name 
extension and the variable mimeType string is the file type description.
 4. For example, to add a MIME map for a file which has the 
extension .xyz, type the following at the command prompt, and then 
press Enter:
 5. appcmd set config /section:staticContent 
  Warning: Ensure that this MIME mapping is needed for your Web 
server before adding it to the list. Configuration files such as .CONFIG 
or dynamic scripting pages such as .ASP or .ASPX, should not be 
downloaded directly and should always be processed through a handler. 
Other files such as database files or those used to store configuration, 
like .XML or .MDF, are sometimes used to store configuration 
information. Determine if clients can download these file types before 
enabling them.
* Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP 
status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for 
failed requests, click here.

More Information... This error occurs when the file extension of the 
requested URL is for a MIME type that is not configured on the server. 
You can add a MIME type for the file extension for files that are not 
dynamic scripting pages, database, or configuration files. Process those 
file types using a handler. You should not allows direct downloads of 
dynamic scripting pages, database or configuration files.

Server Version Information: Internet Information Services 7.0.

Does anybody have this working by chance? I realize Vista has only been 
completed for few days now, but I was just trying to get an early start :)


-Mike Staver

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Pass through Variables: Question

2006-05-31 Thread Mike Staver
What I do is set up an HTML form, I'm sure you could use CFform as well 
though.  I would just put this inside one of your cfif statements:

form name=whatever method=post

input type=hidden name=field1 value=#form.field1#
input type=hidden name=field2 value=#form.field2#


I then use a script on the same page inside the cfif:

script language=JavaScript

Yet all of this happens in a browser and not server side, so there is 
that extra communication with the end user's browser...

Anthony L. Mathis wrote:

Would anyone have an in sight on how to pass your cfform values to a
response page and then have it forward it to another action page based on a
condition. I've searched high and low to no avail. I thought about maybe a
auto submit, but I've heard bad things about doing that and plus I don't
know how to make that happen in cf only in JS.

Example of what I have follows: ? means I don't know. 


cfform name=frmTest format=flash action=response.cfm
cfinput type=text name=clientid value=21
cfinput type=submit name=cmdEdit value=Edit

cfinput type=text name=clientid value=21
cfinput type=submit name=cmdDelete value=Delete


cfif IsDefined(FORM.cmdEdit)

cfif IsDefined(FORM.cmdDelete)


-Mike Staver

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