Re: [Dspace-tech] A More Detailed AIP Tool Question

2012-02-01 Thread Patrick Etienne

Many thanks for the response! I did see DS-1105 when it came across the
list and thought that it looked like it was particularly related to what
I've been experiencing. I've really been putting the AIP tool through a lot
of various use cases lately. I'm focused mostly on getting a couple more
specific tasks done for a project, but I hope to take some time afterward
for concisely documenting my experience with the tool over the past several
weeks in case it helps the community either with debugging or for others
looking to get more acquainted with the tool. I just pulled up your new
notes on the AIP Backup and Restore wiki page with the workarounds. I
really appreciate your putting those notes together, I think it'll help a
great deal. Again, hopefully sometime in the near future I may have
something of my own to contribute to the efforts related to the AIP tool.
Thanks again Tim!

 - Patrick E.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Tim Donohue  wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> Just getting around to looking at your detailed question here.
> I think, in a round-a-bout way you are actually running into a newly
> discovered "known issue" described here:
> I've just finished updating the latest "AIP Backup & Restore"
> documentation with a warning about this known issue.
> Based on your description, I think you should be able to follow one of
> described "workarounds" to allow you to submit AIPs into your "merged"
> DSpace instance.
> The workarounds are described both in the JIRA issue above, and in a new
> "warning box" at the end of this section of the AIP Backup & Restore docs:
> AIPBackupandRestore-**SubmittinganAIPHierarchy<>
> Hopefully this will help out.  If I misunderstood, please let me know.
> But, I think your underlying problem here is that if you are just
> submitting a *single* Community or Collection AIP to a new DSpace,
> currently the AIP Backup & Restore tool cannot create missing
> Groups/EPeople.  Rather, the AIP Backup & Restore tool is tailored more
> towards only creating Groups/EPeople automatically during a *full site
> restore*.
> - Tim
> On 1/12/2012 3:12 PM, Patrick Etienne wrote:
>> DSpace Tech List,
>> In further pursuit of exporting and importing data between two dspace
>> instances, I have a somewhat more advanced question that I'm seeking
>> help with. I'm running into a problem where an error is being thrown,
>> letting me know that certain epersons already exist within the instance
>> which is the import target. I've attempted a few things such as
>> modifying the configuration of the export instance, modifying the
>> configuration of the import instance, and removing epersons to no avail.
>> I'll lay out the specifics below. If anyone has ideas, they'd be most
>> appreciated.
>> First I'll detail the specific action that I'm attempting to make.
>> I have two dspace instances that I'm trying to "merge" in a specific
>> way. One instance is a "meta" instance of sorts - it contains the
>> structure of several different whole instances, where each outside whole
>> instance is a community within the meta-instance. My task has been to
>> make certain that all communities, collections and items from the
>> original whole instance are present within the associated meta-instance
>> community for that source instance. This means that the parent AIP
>> objects (my term, not sure if I'm using it 100% correctly) are different
>> for the source and destination instances. Specifically, when working
>> with the source instance, I'm doing a full export of the entire site (-i
>> handle/0). But when importing the export, I'm attempting to place the
>> entire tree at a specific community within the destination instance (-p
>> handle/1234).
>> Here's the command that I'm using during the import (the export goes
>> fine):
>> ./dspace packager -r -a -t AIP -p 123456789/2814 -e
>> administra...@domain.ext path-to-archive/aip.2012-01-**
>> Now, I'll paste a copy of the specific error I'm running into:
>> --**-
>> Destination parents:
>> Owner: 123456789/2814
>> Ingesting package located at
>> /var/www/dspace_root/src/a

Re: [Dspace-tech] [Dspace-devel] DSpace & IDEs - Features, Observations, and Recommendations

2012-01-23 Thread Patrick Etienne
 Greetings All,

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to Peter, Graham, Sands, Mark, etc for
posting some reviews of their experiences with the various IDEs. I've been
working with both NetBeans and IntelliJ since receiving those replies. Even
though I've still not completely gotten dspace setup with any of these
IDEs, working with the various options has greatly aided my understanding
of things, and believe the ability to work with code as I hoped is within

 - Patrick E.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 10:46 PM, revskill  wrote:

> Thank you for questions and replies. I have 6 months working with Dspace.
> My roadmap ( to me ) is
> - Trying to build Dspace from source using Maven + Eclipse, then import
> the project into eclipse to view the source.
> - Understand the database schema and basic class implementations.
> - To really understand how the code works, we need to understand the
> Cocoon 2 framework and its configurations.
> - Get used to XSLT / XPath / JQuery / CSS.
> 2012/1/14 Sands Alden Fish 
>>  Hi Patrick,
>>  I'm on of the developers that uses the NetBeans IDE for all of my
>> DSpace work.  I'm sure there are a lot of similarities in terms of
>> functionality that IntelliJ provides, but as was mentioned, the
>> auto-complete feature for methods and fields in a given class can give you
>> a lot of efficiency.  NetBeans (and other IDEs) also provide you with the
>> ability to hold down Command (on a Mac, I imagine Ctrl on a PC) and click
>> on a method or field and be taken directly to its definition in the
>> code-base.  I find this invaluable for groking code that I've never worked
>> on before (in concert with the Forward and Back navigation buttons).
>>  Similarly, the "Find Usages" feature will allow you to search for a list
>> of every use of a class or method, as well as any inheriting or
>> implementing classes of a given class or interface.
>>  Also, I've found the NetBeans Maven integration to be completely
>> painless.  Finally, WRT integration with JIRA, NetBeans does have this, and
>> I've used it successfully.
>> --
>> sands fish
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> MIT Libraries
>> Technology Research & Development
>> E25-131
>>  On Jan 13, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Patrick Etienne wrote:
>> Greetings again all, (seems I've been writing in a good bit lately)
>>  I'm writing in again to both Techs and Devs in hopes that folks might
>> have time at some point to say a little something about different aspects
>> of their experience with integrating their DSpace work into various IDEs.
>> This primarily comes about as a result of 
>> DS-921<>and the accompanying 
>> Confluence page on Tips
>> for IDE 
>> Integration<>.
>> Long story short, I had no idea that the majority of DSpace committers /
>> developers were using either IntelliJ or NetBeans for their IDE over
>> Eclipse (I think this explains why there is so little DSpace/Eclipse
>> documentation). My normal responsibilities within DSpace development at my
>> institution primarily focus on either configuration management for our many
>> DSpace instances or Manakin development (xslt), but I often find that I
>> would like to be more knowledgable about the inner workings of DSpace and
>> that a solid integration of DSpace into an IDE would facilitate this, which
>> brings me to the point of this email. One of the tools I use most
>> frequently in Eclipse is oXygen <>. I'm aware
>> that oXygen has no IntelliJ or NetBeans plugin, so am wondering whether
>> those of you who use IntelliJ or NetBeans might be familiar with their
>> innate capabilities in comparison to oXygen or if perhaps you might be
>> aware of plugins for those IDEs that have similar features. The other
>> question I have concerning IntelliJ and NetBeans is what experience folks
>> might have with integration into Jira. I'm aware that Atlassian has plugins
>> for both Eclipse and IntelliJ, but nothing for NetBeans.
>>  This is not a major issue, but more of just a discussion that I believe
>> some people may be interested in when people have time to write in. Any
>> time that you would take to speak about your experience with these issues
>> would be greatly appreciated.
>>  Many Thanks,

[Dspace-tech] DSpace & IDEs - Features, Observations, and Recommendations

2012-01-13 Thread Patrick Etienne
Greetings again all, (seems I've been writing in a good bit lately)

I'm writing in again to both Techs and Devs in hopes that folks might have
time at some point to say a little something about different aspects of
their experience with integrating their DSpace work into various IDEs. This
primarily comes about as a result of
DS-921and the accompanying
Confluence page on Tips
for IDE 
Long story short, I had no idea that the majority of DSpace committers /
developers were using either IntelliJ or NetBeans for their IDE over
Eclipse (I think this explains why there is so little DSpace/Eclipse
documentation). My normal responsibilities within DSpace development at my
institution primarily focus on either configuration management for our many
DSpace instances or Manakin development (xslt), but I often find that I
would like to be more knowledgable about the inner workings of DSpace and
that a solid integration of DSpace into an IDE would facilitate this, which
brings me to the point of this email. One of the tools I use most
frequently in Eclipse is oXygen . I'm aware that
oXygen has no IntelliJ or NetBeans plugin, so am wondering whether those of
you who use IntelliJ or NetBeans might be familiar with their innate
capabilities in comparison to oXygen or if perhaps you might be aware of
plugins for those IDEs that have similar features. The other question I
have concerning IntelliJ and NetBeans is what experience folks might have
with integration into Jira. I'm aware that Atlassian has plugins for both
Eclipse and IntelliJ, but nothing for NetBeans.

This is not a major issue, but more of just a discussion that I believe
some people may be interested in when people have time to write in. Any
time that you would take to speak about your experience with these issues
would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
RSA(R) Conference 2012
Mar 27 - Feb 2
Save $400 by Jan. 27
Register now!
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Removing Collection References from DSpace Search Results Pages

2012-01-13 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Techs & Devs,

Greetings all, I'm working on a grant funded initiative for the University
System of Georgia which involves several (10 at the moment) different
academic institutions across the state of Georgia, all but two of whom are
running DSpace for their repository software. One of our deliverables for
the grant is a meta-repository covering communities, collections and items
for all the involved institutions. One constraint of the project is that
rather than providing users with an organization of content via
communities, collections and items, we're offering instead "Disciplines"
and items. A discipline is just a DSpace community but this organization
has allowed us a way to incorporate all institutions' records into a
subject hierarchy that makes sense for all institutions. In effort toward
reaching this goal, we've hidden or removed all references to collections
within the meta-repository... except for one.

The one reference to DSpace collections that we've been unable to remove or
shows up on DSpace's search results pages. When displaying search results
the first results are communities relevant to the search term(s). The
second set of results are those where the communities are relevant to those
terms. After this of course, the relevant items are show. I've been able to
modify the in such a way that collection *references* are
not added to the *referenceSet*, the result of which is that collections
are not displayed in the search results. However, because of the way that
I've achieved this, the "numbering" of items is off-kilter and strange (to
the user) but predictable things happen. Rather than describing (which is
difficult) I'll offer an example (which should make the problem and
behavior completely clear).

Let's say we do a search for "biology". The query returns, say, 30 records.
There are 6 communities, 11 collections, and 13 items. With this being the
case, there are (by default) 3 pages of results with 10 results per page.
After the customization to the AbstractSearch class (shown below) the
behavior of the interface is as follows - On the first page, there are 6
results shown, all 6 being community results (4 missing collections). On
the second page there are 3 results, all items (7 missing collections). On
the third page there are 10 results, all items. beginning at line 282:

if (resultDSO instanceof Community
//|| resultDSO instanceof Collection
if (referenceSet == null) {
referenceSet =

// Set a heading showing that we will be
listing containers that matched:
resultsContainsBothContainersAndItems = true;

All that has been done in modifying the code was to comment out the adding
of resultDSO objects when they are instanceof Collection. This prevents
those *references* from being added to the *referenceSet*. I've been
digging through the code in attempt to understand how the search results
pages are built so that I may find an appropriate place higher up the chain
to make my modification, specifically so that individual search results
pages are built without awareness of Collection objects - which would
(theoretically) alleviate our difficulty. In searching through the code,
I've found of course that the QueryResults, QueryArgs,
AbstractDSpaceTransformer, AbstractWingTransformer, and DSpaceTransformer
classes are all in some way related, and that QueryResults especially seems
pivotal, but I've not been able to understand how the pieces come together
well enough to figure how where I might make changes to complete this last
piece of our collection references puzzle.

If anyone has tips, hints, suggestions or resources toward a solution on
this issue, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

 - Patrick E.

As a sidenote, I've been attempting to integrate my development DSpace
instance(s) into my IDE (Eclipse in my case). My hope was that I could
enable tomcat debugging and... attach source code to execution code so that
I could create break points and step through the code. I wanted to
accomplish this so that I could provide more detail when emailing the list,
but I've not yet been able to accomplish this with the DSpace software. But
that integration is something that I've been unable to accomplish for a
couple years now, so that's really a different subject. Point being I was
making the effort to provide as much detail for this issue as possible.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Cen

[Dspace-tech] A More Detailed AIP Tool Question

2012-01-12 Thread Patrick Etienne
 recreate it.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CrosswalkInternalException: Cannot restore
Group permissions on object (type=COLLECTION, handle=ALBANYDEV/58, ID=64).
The Group named 'COLLECTION_64_ADMIN' is missing from DSpace. Please
restore this group using the SITE AIP, or recreate it.

Another thing I tried hinged on the following import property:
#mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.createSubmitter = false

I'm not sure how closely related it might be, but I enabled the directive
and set it to false (even though the default is listed as being false) just
to see if it had an effect. It did not.

The last thing I tried was to make a copy of the destination instance, then
remove the offending epersons from the instance, then try the import again.
This worked okay with the first duplicate eperson, but even though I'm an
administrator for the system, I did not have the option of deleting the
second eperson from the system (the checkmark box from the xmlui was
greyed-out and unselectable).

I'm not sure what to try from here - outside of removing epersons via SQL
and trying the import again. Even then, I'm not sure what affects there
might be on my destination instance from removing the necessary epersons.

Any help or advice one could offer on this issue would most definitely be

Many Thanks!

 - Patrick Etienne

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
RSA(R) Conference 2012
Mar 27 - Feb 2
Save $400 by Jan. 27
Register now!
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] AIP Tool Export / Import Troubles

2012-01-12 Thread Patrick Etienne
Hi Miguel,

Since I've been working on this recently I thought I'd take a look and see
what I could find. I went to the dspace wiki and specifically went to the
online documentation for version 1.5.2 at the following address:

It seems to say here that the format exported by the version of the tool in
1.5.2 does not create a true AIP. There are also some limitations listed:

*) No corresponding import tool yet
*) No structmap section
*) Some technical metadata not written, e.g. the primary bitstream in a
bundle, original filenames or descriptions.
*) Only the MIME type is stored, not the (finer grained) bitstream format.

I'm not familiar enough with the system to say that later versions could
not import the 1.5.2 export, but it does not seem likely. If nothing else
though, I believe that you could feasibly upgrade your 1.5.2 instance to
1.7.2 or 1.8.1 and be successful with your exports/imports as long as
things were configured correctly. Also, if you did choose to go this route,
I would highly recommend moving past 1.7.2 to the latest 1.8.1 because of a
couple significant issues with version 1.7.2 and the AIP tool (one is a
memory problem which can have an effect when exporting a large volume of
records [I've only had this issue when exporting an entire site], the other
involves the AIP tool's ability to auto-create necessary metadata fields
when importing). I haven't tested things in 1.8.x yet, but I've either been
told or have seen the resolved Jira for both these issues in 1.8.x.

If anyone else has more specific information, please do contribute.


 - Patrick

Dublin Core to MODS mapping is very simple, probably needs verification
2012/1/12 Miguel Ángel 0rtiz Camilo 

>   Hey everyone!
>  I have the 1.5.2 version of Dspace (Old Production Server), I need to
> make a backup and I've tried for several ways, but none let me transfer the
> data to 1.8.0 version. There's a way? or I need to continue with my reverse
> software engineering at scripting at database to have this done?
> Best Regards
> Miguel
> --
> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 12:13:07 -0500
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] AIP Tool Export / Import Troubles
> Hey Tim,
> Thanks so much for your help with those issues. I had the notion that
> there was some sort of configuration to do that I was missing but wasn't
> really sure where to start (other than my searching around in DEBUG level
> log files). I really appreciate the info, this should definitely get me
> back on track (with both issues). The links to the resources are also
> certainly helpful.
> Cheers mate!
>  - Patrick
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Tim Donohue wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> It looks like you may have two separate (seemingly unrelated) issues here.
> At a glance both look to be easy to resolve.
> More inline below..
> On 1/12/2012 9:50 AM, Patrick Etienne wrote:
> DSpace Tech List,
> I'm working on a task where I'm attempting to move content (communities,
> collections, items) from one dspace instance into another using the
> DSpace AIP tool and am having some trouble. I've been successful using
> it before for some situations but I'm having a little trouble and was
> hoping that someone may have some information that may help with the
> problem. It seems that there are two issues that are likely not related.
> The first is when trying to use the AIP tool on DSpace version 1.7.0.
> The other can occur on both 1.7.0 and 1.7.2. Here's the scenario.
> This is the command that I'm running (from the dspace bin directory of
> the 1.7.0 version instance I want to export from):
> ./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0
> {path-to-archive}/archive.aip.**
> This command fails with the following error:
> Error, Unknown package type: AIP
>   (run with -h flag for details)
> This error means that the 'AIP' disseminator is not configured properly in
> your 1.7.0 dspace.cfg file.  I'm guessing that maybe you forgot to add it
> in whenever you upgraded to 1.7.0 (or it somehow got accidentally removed
> or commented out).
> Your 'dspace.cfg' file should have an entry like this (notice the defined
> disseminator for 'AIP')
> -
> # Packager Plugin Configuration:
> #   Configures the ingest and dissemination packages that DSpace supports.
> #   These Ingester and Disseminator classes support a specific package
> file format
> #   (e.g. METS) which 

Re: [Dspace-tech] AIP Tool Export / Import Troubles

2012-01-12 Thread Patrick Etienne
Hey Tim,

Thanks so much for your help with those issues. I had the notion that there
was some sort of configuration to do that I was missing but wasn't really
sure where to start (other than my searching around in DEBUG level log
files). I really appreciate the info, this should definitely get me back on
track (with both issues). The links to the resources are also certainly

Cheers mate!

 - Patrick

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Tim Donohue wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> It looks like you may have two separate (seemingly unrelated) issues here.
> At a glance both look to be easy to resolve.
> More inline below..
> On 1/12/2012 9:50 AM, Patrick Etienne wrote:
>> DSpace Tech List,
>> I'm working on a task where I'm attempting to move content (communities,
>> collections, items) from one dspace instance into another using the
>> DSpace AIP tool and am having some trouble. I've been successful using
>> it before for some situations but I'm having a little trouble and was
>> hoping that someone may have some information that may help with the
>> problem. It seems that there are two issues that are likely not related.
>> The first is when trying to use the AIP tool on DSpace version 1.7.0.
>> The other can occur on both 1.7.0 and 1.7.2. Here's the scenario.
>> This is the command that I'm running (from the dspace bin directory of
>> the 1.7.0 version instance I want to export from):
>> ./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0
>> {path-to-archive}/archive.aip.**
>> This command fails with the following error:
>> Error, Unknown package type: AIP
>>   (run with -h flag for details)
> This error means that the 'AIP' disseminator is not configured properly in
> your 1.7.0 dspace.cfg file.  I'm guessing that maybe you forgot to add it
> in whenever you upgraded to 1.7.0 (or it somehow got accidentally removed
> or commented out).
> Your 'dspace.cfg' file should have an entry like this (notice the defined
> disseminator for 'AIP')
> -
> # Packager Plugin Configuration:
> #   Configures the ingest and dissemination packages that DSpace supports.
> #   These Ingester and Disseminator classes support a specific package
> file format
> #   (e.g. METS) which DSpace understands how to import/export.  Each
> Packager
> #   plugin often will use one (or more) Crosswalk plugins to translate
> metadata (see above).
>**content.packager.**PackageDisseminator = \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**DSpaceAIPDisseminator = AIP, \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**DSpaceMETSDisseminator = METS, \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**RoleDisseminator = DSPACE-ROLES
>**content.packager.**PackageIngester = \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**DSpaceAIPIngester = AIP, \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**PDFPackager  = Adobe PDF, PDF, \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**DSpaceMETSIngester = METS, \
>  org.dspace.content.packager.**RoleIngester = DSPACE-ROLES
> -
> Also, please note that if you forgot to add in the AIP disseminator
> section to your dspace.cfg, it's also very possible that you may not have
> all the new metadata crosswalk configurations in place either (which are
> used by the AIP disseminator to export metadata)
> You may wish to do a full comparision of your dspace.cfg file with the
> default 1.7.0 dspace.cfg file.  Pay close attention to any new crosswalk
> settings, and make sure you also have all the new "mets.dspaceAIP.*"
> settings which are used by the AIP ingester and the new "aip.disseminate.*"
> settings used by the AIP disseminator.
> Here's the 1.7.0 default dspace.cfg file:
> dspace/config/dspace.cfg<>
> More on the dspace.cfg configurations used by the AIP Backup & Restore
> Tool can be found in the documentation at:
> AIPBackupandRestore-**Configurationin%27dspace.cfg%**27<>
>  Attempting the original command on a 1.7.2 version of dspace with AIP as
>> the type:
>> ./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0
>> {path-to-archive}/archive.aip.**
>> Results in the same error as above:
>> Exception: Handle is null
>> java.lang.**IllegalArgumentException: H

[Dspace-tech] AIP Tool Export / Import Troubles

2012-01-12 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Tech List,

I'm working on a task where I'm attempting to move content (communities,
collections, items) from one dspace instance into another using the DSpace
AIP tool and am having some trouble. I've been successful using it before
for some situations but I'm having a little trouble and was hoping that
someone may have some information that may help with the problem. It seems
that there are two issues that are likely not related. The first is when
trying to use the AIP tool on DSpace version 1.7.0. The other can occur on
both 1.7.0 and 1.7.2. Here's the scenario.

This is the command that I'm running (from the dspace bin directory of the
1.7.0 version instance I want to export from):
./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0

This command fails with the following error:
Error, Unknown package type: AIP
  (run with -h flag for details)

After this I used the packager with the -h option and am instructed that
valid package types are: PDF, Adobe PDF, and METS. Attempting to use the
PDF or Adobe PDF types result in the same unknown package type error. Using
the METS type results in the following error:
Exception: Handle is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Handle is null
at org.dspace.handle.HandleManager.resolveToObject(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Attempting the original command on a 1.7.2 version of dspace with AIP as
the type:
./dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e u...@domain.ext HANDLE/0

Results in the same error as above:
Exception: Handle is null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Handle is null

My questions are:
1) Should exporting via the AIP package type work with version 1.7.0? (from
the 1.7.x documentation on the wiki, the answer seems to be yes)
2a) Would I be correct in thinking for the second issue that there is
something wrong with my instances' handles?
2b) Outside of putting in the wrong handle name in the packager command,
what possible problems might I be having with handles?

I didn't originally build or setup the 1.7.0 instances that I'm dealing
with so have limited knowledge on how they were/are setup - but can find
out if needed.

Any tips, hints, suggestions or resources would be greatly appreciated.

 - Patrick

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
RSA(R) Conference 2012
Mar 27 - Feb 2
Save $400 by Jan. 27
Register now!
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Mirage, jQuery, jQueryUI, & Modernizer

2011-12-08 Thread Patrick Etienne
Greetings DSpace Techies,

I've been working recently with jQuery for some transition effects on one
of our dspace instances and had a couple of questions I wanted to ask
mainly for verification purposes.

The first thing I've noticed is an apparent difference between the
inclusion of javascript files between Mirage based themes and other themes.
Specifically, that with non-Mirage themes the inclusion seems to occur
within the sitemap.xmap file for the theme, but with Mirage-based themes
the jQueryUI and Modernizr files are added within the  section of
the page-structure.xsl. I'm new to Modernizr and wanted to make sure that
the method of inclusion wouldn't have any effect on potential
functionality. I don't think that it would, but wanted to ask
(documentation on the Modernizr site seems to indicate that as long as it's
in the head and posted after the css file references, things should work

The second thing is that for 1.7.2 and 1.8.0 it seems as though a
customized (and minimized) jQueryUI file is included but there is no jQuery
file. I had thought that perhaps the jQueryUI file also included the
requisite jQuery class(es) but unless I specifically download and add a
reference for a current version of jQuery, the jQueryUI file throws an
error which states that the jQuery class is not defined. Instructions on
the dspace 
that: "jQuery and jQueryUI are included by default" but again, I've been
unable to find jQuery included anywhere and can only resolve the "jQuery
class is undefined" error by adding my own copy/reference.

I just wanted to check on these things and see whether there was something
I was missing. Many thanks for any tips or hints.

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Discovery-based search results being returned in (mislabeled) ascending rather than descending order

2011-11-11 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Group -

I'm once again attempting to see whether representatives from other
institutions/organizations have had this particular behavioral difficulty
with their implementations of dspace.

The issue is that of having search results returned in ascending (least
relevant first) order rather than descending (most relevant first).
As a side note, it also seems that even though ascending results are
returned, the interface displays "descending" as the label for default
results being displayed.

This is, I believe, an issue that only happens through the discovery

I've narrowed down as many possibilities of potential influences on this
behavior as possible to locate the origin of the problem and identify a
solution but have not been able to resolve it. It is possible that there is
some configuration directive that I'm not familiar with that's telling
dspace to behave this way, be even if that were the case, the results are
still being mislabeled (though this could be a usability issue, but I don't
feel that it is).

I've created a Jira for the issue.
If you have any tips, hints, suggestions, or experience in general that
might help shed light on this issue, please contact me through the list,
off-list email, or through the Jira issue comment system.

Many Thanks,

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
RSA(R) Conference 2012
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Style news-xmlui.xml

2011-10-13 Thread Patrick Etienne
Antonio -

Others may be more familiar than myself, but I believe I'd read that the
news-xmlui.xml file is being phased out of existence. I don't have access to
my work machine at the moment so can't give specific details, but I can say
that you can edit the xsl files to ignore the content from the
news-xmlui.xml file and instead write something into the xsl files that will
include the content that you desire while providing the ability to mark up
the content in any (well-formed / valid) way that you see fit.

If you need specific details, I'm happy to help when I'm back in front of my
machine tomorrow.

 - Patrick E.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Antonio Calderón wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Is it possible to add formatting or style to 'news-xmlui.xml'?
> The labels '' or  are not working.
> I only found this:
> Thank you for your help.
> --
> Antonio Calderón - Calderón Cardona Ltda.
>  | 
> *Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux.
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
> definitive record of customers, application performance, security
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> ___
> DSpace-tech mailing list

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] DSpace Issue: "Sort by - Issue Date" not functioning

2011-08-30 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Techies -

We're having a problem with part of the user interface of our main
institutional repository (running dspace 1.7.1).
I'm going to toss out some URLs with examples so that you can (if you like)
follow along in a tangible way.

Here's a step-by-step recreation of the problem:

Browse to:
Perform a search "within this community and its collections:" for
Change "results/page" to "100" and press (submit the form) "go" (not
necessary, but visually accentuates that records are not reordered in the
next step).
Change "sort items by" from "relevance" to "issue date", press go (submit
the form)

Note here that the order is not affected. Nor is it if you change from
"Ascending" to "Descending" are resubmit the form.

A few more notes:
I've attempted this same search in many communities/collections with
different searches and each "browse by issue date" change fails.
The html form seems to be working properly as the query part of the url
string responds appropriately to any and all changes.
The index is rebuilt through a cron job nightly.
A different instance of dspace on a different server with the same exact
theme behaves correctly (with order being changed per issue date).
Instances with the same theme have been setup fresh from 1.7.2 and 1.7.1
builds and behave correctly.

Our current solution is to rebuild the index from scratch in the wee hours
of the morn' come Sunday. I just wanted to write in to see if anyone had any
suggestions outside of rebuilding the index from scratch, on the case that
Tuesday rolls around and this hasn't fixed the issue.

Any tips, hints, suggestions or relevant resources would be greatly

 - Patrick E.

One other tidbit that might be relevant:
Solr is enabled for this instance but only for statistics.
The Discovery aspect is not enabled.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Requesting Troubleshooting Suggestions - AIP Export Errors

2011-08-22 Thread Patrick Etienne

Thanks so much! This is wonderful information. I really appreciate your
taking the time to write all this up. I'm going to be looking into the
things you mentioned here and do a little exploring to see if I can
eliminate the problem or at least use this information to narrow down even
further what is really going on. I likely won't email back about it for
perhaps two weeks (other things going on), but I'll certainly get back to
you with whatever information that I'm able that might help toward the
stability of the AIP tool.

Thanks again!

 - Patrick

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Tim Donohue  wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> On 8/19/2011 2:33 PM, Patrick Etienne wrote:
>  To start, I should toss out a little system information:
>> DSpace v. 1.7.2
>> Java version "1.6.0_26"
>> PostgresSQL 8.4.7
>> All on the same RedHat box.
> Thanks!  This all looks reasonable/normal.
>  The next important detail is that I should have removed the
>> "manifestOnly" option from the command as I've experienced the error
>> with manifestOnly set to true as well as left out (defaulted to false).
>> As a side note, this use of manifestOnly was more of an afterthought
>> (I'd noted it's experimental nature), and I'm not certain that it
>> actually does quite what I was looking for. My purpose is setting up
>> instances with data so that I can fully test themes I'm building for
>> various institutions, but I'm not really needing "content files"
>> (bitstreams), just the communities, sub-communities, collections,
>> item-pages, and /references/ to content files (having files or not
>> doesn't really matter as much, but it'd be preferable to leave out the
>> asset store). From the description in your email, it does sound indeed
>> as though setting the manifestOnly option to "true" would be good for my
>> use-case /as long as/ the feature was stable (which, as it has been
>> said, it's not as of yet). But again, the manifestOnly option is not a
>> priority (for me) at this point.
> OK, good to know. Yes, the manifestOnly option will not give you bitstreams
> (as you expected). It just includes metadata & structure
> (communities/collections etc). However, as mentioned, it is still very
> experimental. I've admittedly never tried to migrate content using the
> manifestOnly option -- so, I'm not sure how stable the import will be.
> But, as the import isn't the problem right now...we can leave that for
> later.
>  It sounds as though the next piece of the puzzle might be the database
>> connection. The postgres service that I'm using for the instance(s) is
>> on the same machine as the dspace instance(s). I think that eliminates
>> network troubles as a potential cause (not that there couldn't be
>> something else going on with the postgres service).
>> Next up would be a little more detail concerning the behavior of the
>> attempted command. The error does not happen immediately, it does run
>> for a while before erroring out.
>  After this I ended up shutting down all the tomcat instances save
>> for the large one and also increased the db.maxconnections to 400 (just
>> to give it a whirl). This seemed to allow the AIP export to go even
>> longer before erroring out.
> Hmm..I wonder.
> From the reaction after increasing 'db.maxconnections', it sounds as though
> it could be that your DSpace is just running out of database connections (as
> though connections are not being closed properly).
> It's possible you are encountering this bug (which will be fixed in 1.8.0):
> The AIP Export uses the RoleCrosswalk listed in DS-930 (to export user
> permissions/groups into the DSPACE-ROLES schema). We realized there was a
> small bug in the RoleCrosswalk, where it wasn't closing its DB Connections
> properly.
> So, if you don't care whether you are moving user permissions/groups, you
> can turn "off" usage of the RoleCrosswalk by changing the following in your
> dspace.cfg.
> First, you'd want to turn off the "DSPACE-ROLES" schema export, by removing
> it from this line (also remove the comma)
> aip.disseminate.techMD = PREMIS, DSPACE-ROLES
> Second, you'd want to turn off the "METSRIGHTS" schema export, by removing
> it from this line (also remove the last comma)
> aip.disseminate.rightsMD = DSpaceDepositLicense:DSPACE_**DEPLICEN

Re: [Dspace-tech] Requesting Troubleshooting Suggestions - AIP Export Errors

2011-08-19 Thread Patrick Etienne
Tim -

Many thanks for your help! I'm going to try to provide some additional
information to see about teasing out the cause of this particular problem.

To start, I should toss out a little system information:
DSpace v. 1.7.2
Java version "1.6.0_26"
PostgresSQL 8.4.7
All on the same RedHat box.

The next important detail is that I should have removed the "manifestOnly"
option from the command as I've experienced the error with manifestOnly set
to true as well as left out (defaulted to false). As a side note, this use
of manifestOnly was more of an afterthought (I'd noted it's experimental
nature), and I'm not certain that it actually does quite what I was looking
for. My purpose is setting up instances with data so that I can fully test
themes I'm building for various institutions, but I'm not really needing
"content files" (bitstreams), just the communities, sub-communities,
collections, item-pages, and *references* to content files (having files or
not doesn't really matter as much, but it'd be preferable to leave out the
asset store). From the description in your email, it does sound indeed as
though setting the manifestOnly option to "true" would be good for my
use-case *as long as* the feature was stable (which, as it has been said,
it's not as of yet). But again, the manifestOnly option is not a priority
(for me) at this point.

It sounds as though the next piece of the puzzle might be the database
connection. The postgres service that I'm using for the instance(s) is on
the same machine as the dspace instance(s). I think that eliminates network
troubles as a potential cause (not that there couldn't be something else
going on with the postgres service).

Next up would be a little more detail concerning the behavior of the
attempted command. The error does not happen immediately, it does run for a
while before erroring out. I'm not sure about how to get exact statistics
for how much of the process is being completed, but I can give some info.
The instance I'm attempting to pull from has 28 communities and 82
sub-communities (all but a few have items). I'm not sure how many
collections but it should have between 6,000 to 8,000 items. I've run the
command numerous times and seem to semi-randomly get between 55mb and
125mb's worth of data. That ranges between 2, 6, or more communities
depending on the run (with collection and item numbers varying widely). In
attempting to do some more detailed troubleshooting I delved into a DEBUG
level of dspace logs. Unfortunately the DEBUG level only gave me one
additional line from which to investigate the issue:

2011-08-19 14:05:51,512 DEBUG net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager @ CacheManager
already shutdown

The rest of the log file didn't show anything relevant. From there I was
going to try to take a look at the postgres logs but 1) I don't have read
access to them, 2) They don't have "query level" information (not sure how
necessary that would be), and 3) My sysadmin seemed to think that it
wouldn't worth checking at this point. He did, however, suggest some other
things to check on which I have. We have several (around 10) tomcat
instances serving dspace installations on this server. Half have no data and
are never used. The other half have descent stores of info (communities,
collections, items, bitstreams) but are very infrequently accessed. One
instance is large and has more regular (but hard for me to define in volume)
usage. I ended up changing all the instances to have a db.maxidle value of 5
(rather than the default -1 [unlimited]). This seemed to enable the AIP
export process to run longer before it errored out. After this I ended up
shutting down all the tomcat instances save for the large one and also
increased the db.maxconnections to 400 (just to give it a whirl). This
seemed to allow the AIP export to go even longer before erroring out.
Another interesting (to me at least) thing is that I also tried changing the
db.maxidle down to a value of 1. The trial here lasted a long time, got a
lot of data, but ended due to exceeding the db.maxwait interval (I'd set it
to 1 milliseconds) for the idle thread. I'm not sure what all exactly
this would tell us, but at least some of it will be relevant/helpful info.
One other thing that I discovered while tweaking with the database settings
was that running the AIP export while tailing the log file showed that
the org.postgresql.util.PSQLException
popped up at least a few times for each AIP export I'd attempted to do.

"Is it a specific object in DSpace that causes the error?"
This is a great question. I'm not sure how to answer it though (would
probably need a "query level" of postgres logs?). I can say that for certain
this was the case for an earlier error (not one that related to postgres
issues) that we'd encountered with the AIP tool. The cause of the earlier
error was that we'd somehow managed to have a couple items in the instance
that did not have titles. After making sure that the items were removed or

[Dspace-tech] Requesting Troubleshooting Suggestions - AIP Export Errors

2011-08-17 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Techies,

I've been attempting to leverage the new AIP tool in order to export
data from one dspace instance into another for the purpose of testing
development instances (with which I'm building themes) and have come
across a java error that I can't seem to figure out how to resolve.
I'm not the sys admin of servers responsible for hosting the instances
but do have access to enough that I should be able to do some
troubleshooting. The error is as follows:


[dspace_gkr@gkr-dev exports]$ ../gkrtest/bin/dspace packager -d -a -t
AIP -o manifestOnly=true -e -i

Disseminating DSpace SITE [ hdl=GKRTEST/0 ] to

Also disseminating all child objects (recursive mode)..
This may take a while, please check your logs for ongoing status while
we process each package.
Exception: An I/O error occured while sending to the backend.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occured while sending
to the backend.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: Socket closed
at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.flush(
... 27 more


I know that our sys admin has been able to do successful exports of
single items, but so far we've been unable to do a full site export.
I'll need a lot of data in order to adequately test the themes I'm
working on. If anyone could point me in the right direction (or even
just make some suggestions) on how to resolve this issue, it would be
greatly appreciated!

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Infor

Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.7.0 & Maven 3.0.2 - DuplicateProjectException / Missing pom.xml properties

2011-03-07 Thread Patrick Etienne

Excellent, thanks so much for the confirmation here. It wasn't a significant
issue in that 2.2.1 worked fine, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn't
missing anything for my tutorials / guides.


 - Patrick E.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Mark Diggory  wrote:

> Patrick,
> this is a known issue with Maven 3, we are working on some project
> restructuring in DSpace trunk to alleviate this, for now, if you can build
> with the latest version of maven 2, that would be recommended. I think you
> can choose the maven installation in the m2eclipse plugin so you are not
> using the internal 3 version that comes with it. Likewise, if you want to
> build from /dspace/pom. you can drop the other  references in the
> dspace-parent pom by commenting them out.
> Mark
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Patrick Etienne <
>> wrote:
>> Elliot (et al),
>> Many thanks for the reply. You might have to say that I am both using and
>> not using Eclipse, though the part where I am may be interfering with the
>> part where I am not. I'm attempting to setup both a local development
>> environment through Eclipse as well as a non-Eclipse (command-line) setup to
>> mimic the development and production servers that my system administrator
>> has setup (in effort to learn how best to streamline workflow for
>> maintaining multiple instances).
>> I'm going to briefly describe my setup in hopes that providing the info
>> will help narrow down the difficulty (though it may just be trying to use
>> Eclipse in tandem with the command line).
>> Using Eclipse, I create a new (generic) project from svn and download the
>> source to (rather than the regular workspace directory) my /usr/local/src
>> directory (One-Big-Project approach, which may be a problem). >From there
>> I'll follow as updated instructions as I can from the Eclipse / DSpace setup
>> wiki entry (including "Enabled Nested Modules"). From here I have all the
>> other required dspace tools installed and the dspace.cfg configured etc. At
>> this point I try running a Maven goal on the source directory as a test (mvn
>> clean, for instance). I'll try running this same goal several ways, here are
>> the results:
>> Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - Embedded Maven 3.0.2 - Fails
>> Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - External 3.0.2 - Fails
>> Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - External 2.2.1 - Succeeds
>> Command Line - 3.0.2 - Fails
>> Command Line - 2.2.1 - Succeeds
>> My question at this point would be, is there something inherently
>> different about downloading from svn to my source directory using the
>> command line vs. performing the same operation through project creation from
>> svn within Eclipse? Would attempting to "Enable Dependency Management" in
>> Eclipse (or some other operation within the Eclipse / DSpace setup
>> instructions<,+Eclipse+and+Tomcat#IDEIntegration-DSpace%2CEclipseandTomcat-WorkingwithDSpace1.5>)
>> taint the files in my source directory to the effect of having a Maven goal
>> fail when run via the command line? All failures are the same error message.
>> One significant thing I found interesting is that setting up one project
>> per DSpace module would alleviate the "referencing the same module within
>> multiple pom.xml files" problem (I think), due to them being separate
>> projects rather than one big project. I did see that m2eclipse is behaving
>> differently in the eclipse GUI due to some Eclipse API changes in 3.6 (run
>> configurations, etc). I didn't realize that "Enable Nested Modules" wasn't
>> supported in later versions, that may be the deal right there. As a general
>> public FYI, it seems that m2eclipse (or like functionality) has been slated
>> for core integration in 3.7 (due out June 22nd). That could be interesting.
>> I think I'm going to try setting up DSpace from scratch all via command
>> line into a different location, but I have the feeling that I'll still hit
>> the same error.
>> Elliot, again thanks for the reply. This has given me good food for
>> thought and a way to continue trouble shooting. Cheers mate!
>> If anyone else happens to have experience with similar issues, any tips or
>> suggestions would be appreciated.
>>  - Patrick E.
>>  On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 10:43 AM, edawson  wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick,

Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.7.0 & Maven 3.0.2 - DuplicateProjectException / Missing pom.xml properties

2011-03-07 Thread Patrick Etienne
Elliot (et al),

Many thanks for the reply. You might have to say that I am both using and
not using Eclipse, though the part where I am may be interfering with the
part where I am not. I'm attempting to setup both a local development
environment through Eclipse as well as a non-Eclipse (command-line) setup to
mimic the development and production servers that my system administrator
has setup (in effort to learn how best to streamline workflow for
maintaining multiple instances).

I'm going to briefly describe my setup in hopes that providing the info will
help narrow down the difficulty (though it may just be trying to use Eclipse
in tandem with the command line).

Using Eclipse, I create a new (generic) project from svn and download the
source to (rather than the regular workspace directory) my /usr/local/src
directory (One-Big-Project approach, which may be a problem). From there
I'll follow as updated instructions as I can from the Eclipse / DSpace setup
wiki entry (including "Enabled Nested Modules"). From here I have all the
other required dspace tools installed and the dspace.cfg configured etc. At
this point I try running a Maven goal on the source directory as a test (mvn
clean, for instance). I'll try running this same goal several ways, here are
the results:

Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - Embedded Maven 3.0.2 - Fails
Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - External 3.0.2 - Fails
Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - External 2.2.1 - Succeeds
Command Line - 3.0.2 - Fails
Command Line - 2.2.1 - Succeeds

My question at this point would be, is there something inherently different
about downloading from svn to my source directory using the command line vs.
performing the same operation through project creation from svn within
Eclipse? Would attempting to "Enable Dependency Management" in Eclipse (or
some other operation within the Eclipse / DSpace setup
taint the files in my source directory to the effect of having a Maven goal
fail when run via the command line? All failures are the same error message.

One significant thing I found interesting is that setting up one project per
DSpace module would alleviate the "referencing the same module within
multiple pom.xml files" problem (I think), due to them being separate
projects rather than one big project. I did see that m2eclipse is behaving
differently in the eclipse GUI due to some Eclipse API changes in 3.6 (run
configurations, etc). I didn't realize that "Enable Nested Modules" wasn't
supported in later versions, that may be the deal right there. As a general
public FYI, it seems that m2eclipse (or like functionality) has been slated
for core integration in 3.7 (due out June 22nd). That could be interesting.

I think I'm going to try setting up DSpace from scratch all via command line
into a different location, but I have the feeling that I'll still hit the
same error.

Elliot, again thanks for the reply. This has given me good food for thought
and a way to continue trouble shooting. Cheers mate!

If anyone else happens to have experience with similar issues, any tips or
suggestions would be appreciated.

 - Patrick E.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 10:43 AM, edawson  wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> Are you using Eclipse? I was getting very similar errors when I didn’t have
> my projects set up correctly. I never had any trouble using Maven 3.02 via
> command line. With a bit of searching I found out it looks like the Maven
> option to “Enable Nested Modules” isn’t supported in the later versions of
> m2eclipse. So I set up one project per DSpace module and it all seemed to
> work. The m2eclipse dependency management then was able to correctly
> identify the modules as separate Java projects. I hope this helps (obviously
> not if you’re not using eclipse).
> Elliot

> *From:* Patrick Etienne [via DSpace] [mailto:[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3339268&i=0&by-user=t>]
> *Sent:* Monday, March 07, 2011 7:57 AM
> *To:* Elliot Dawson
> *Subject:* DSpace 1.7.0 & Maven 3.0.2 - DuplicateProjectException /
> Missing pom.xml properties
> DSpace Techies and Devs -
> I wanted to see whether anyone had had success setting up DSpace 1.7.0
> using Maven 3.0.2. I ask because I'm attempting to put together a guide /
> tutorial / how-to for establishing a solid and streamlined workflow for
> maintaining multiple development and production dspace environments (we have
> a grant project where we will be hosting several institutions' dspace
> repositories).
> To make a long story short, it seems as though installation works fine on
> maven 2.2.1 but fa

[Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.7.0 & Maven 3.0.2 - DuplicateProjectException / Missing pom.xml properties

2011-03-07 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Techies and Devs -

I wanted to see whether anyone had had success setting up DSpace 1.7.0 using
Maven 3.0.2. I ask because I'm attempting to put together a guide / tutorial
/ how-to for establishing a solid and streamlined workflow for maintaining
multiple development and production dspace environments (we have a grant
project where we will be hosting several institutions' dspace repositories).

To make a long story short, it seems as though installation works fine on
maven 2.2.1 but fails on 3.0.2 with the following [ERROR]:

"*Two or more projects in the reactor have the same identifier, please make
sure that :: is unique for each project:*(...)"

(goes on to list all dspace maven projects)

In effort to investigate the problem, I put together a google
all the dspace maven project pom.xml files as well as (manually
checking their) :: strings. Unfortunately (or
fortunately?) there were no duplicate project identifiers. However, after
some more searching I found that it's likely *not a problem with an actual
duplicate project identifier* as much as it is having *two pom.xml files
referencing the same maven *. There's information on the net about
possibly changing this error message so it better reflects the actual cause
of the problem (jira over at
but I couldn't find a maven specific bug report. Note, the bug would only be
about the information the error message provides; referencing the same maven
 from two different pom.xml files is still a valid problem (or so
it seems) in 3.0.2

Specifically, the two pom.xml files that seem to be contributing to the
problem are the {dspace-1.7.0-src-release}/pom.xml and the
{dspace-1.7.0-src-release}/dspace/pom.xml. Both files make references to the
following project :


This is probably a good point at which to say that I'm not terribly familiar
with maven. I'm not sure why exactly it seems to be within spec to reference
the same  with two different pom.xml files within 2.2.1 but not
with 3.0.2. However, it does seem to be the source of the error I listed
above (or at least, from what I can tell). If anyone has any tips, hints,
resources, or suggestions related to getting maven 3.0.2 to play nice with
dspace (or vice-versa) please let me know!

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Item Mapper - Searching Issues

2010-11-01 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Tech(ies) -

Here at Georgia Tech, we've recently launched our XMLUI as our primary
and default interface for SMARTech (our institutional repository). One
issue that has arisen concerns searching items within the Item Mapper
section of the site. Searching on a single search term works as
intended, but any strategy toward searching more than one term results
in result strings like the following:

search items matching: "blah%20and%20foo"

for which, of course, there are no matches.

I'm curious about whether other people are having similar issues with
the XMLUI or whether perhaps we might have something configured
improperly. I'm aware that "%20" is the URI equivalent for a space,
but I'm not sure what's going on in the background for the actual
search. Any tips, hints, resources or suggestions on this issue would
be greatly appreciated!

 - Patrick E.

PS - My apologies if this email is a duplicate. I'd attempted to send
this message out last week but didn't see it as a post from the list.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Stability of the Admin Functions for the XMLUI?

2010-08-03 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Techies / Devs -

I have (what I hope might be) a quick question concerning the level of
completion for the administrative functions for the XMLUI interface. My
understanding is that there were still some significant options missing from
the administration side of the xmlui during the 1.5.2 release. The question
is, within version 1.6.2, are there any or many administrative functions
that are available in the JSPUI but not present in the XMLUI? We have
several institutions for which we're planning to launch xmlui interfaces and
I wanted to try to get a feel for any differences in functionality between
the two interfaces on that (administration) level.

Any tips, hints, suggestions or resources would certainly be appreciated!

 - Patrick

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
The Palm PDK Hot Apps Program offers developers who use the
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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Manakin UI - International Date Format?

2010-06-21 Thread Patrick Etienne
DSpace Community -

I'm working with a manakin problem and was hoping the community might have
some feedback related to the issue (it seems like it'd be a popular enough
issue). The specific problem is that the dates being displayed within the
mankin UI (for example, the "browse by date" page) are an all numeric u.s.
format. Everything there is displaying properly, however because the format
is all numeric, some dates could be considered ambiguous when comparing it
to an international format. For example, there is a record with the date: "
1911-12-01" this could be read as either December 1st, 1911 or January 12th,

My question is,
Is there something built into manakin that would allow for a more
international display of dates? Or would this be something that I'd need to
code in on an xslt level?

Any tips, hints, suggestions, or resources would be greatly appreciated!

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Looking for Resources - Aspect Modification and the "dim:"

2010-05-06 Thread Patrick Etienne

DSpace Users / Devs -
(Wasn't sure for which list this would be more appropriate, apologies  
for cross-posting)

We're looking to move our repository's production DSpace instance from  
the JSPUI to the XMLUI. I've been working with the Manakin interface  
for a while, but have hit a bit of a stumbling block with Aspects.

Some of the requested changes seem to be more within the realms of the  
DIM-Handler.xsl or further back within the/an aspect's java code. All  
of the resources I've found for introductions to Aspect development  
are either too high level or just very outdated. I was hoping that  
members of the list might have recommendations for resources that  
would help in the effort of customizing the interface beyond what is  
available through overwriting existing xsl templates.

An example customization might be:
Moving the location in which "Copyright and License" appears on  
Community, Sub-Community, Collection, and Item pages. Let's say I want  
to move this to the bottom of the page, where at the moment it appears  
below the level (community, collection, item, etc) description but  
above other parts of the page (recent submissions, etc).

The steps I've performed so far are:
1) Searched through files for the string "Copyright and License" which  
pulled up the "messages.xml" file.
2) Found the "Copyright and License" string as having the key  
3) Searched the code for the "xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.copyright"  
string, found within the DIM-Handler.xsl file.
4) Found two instances of the following template containing the  
"xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.copyright" string:

5) This template is not named, so cannot be called specifically from a  
parent template. This would seem to say that the rendering order of  
the html is based upon something other than directives found within  
the xsl transformations. The template is matching "dim:dim" which  
seems to indicate that there's a "secondary DRI" (for lack of a better  
description) whose elements I might want to reorder toward the goal of  
having these elements displayed in non-standard rendering order in the  
final html page.

In the "structural.xsl", the prefix "dri:" is used, where in the DIM- 
Handler.xsl the prefix "dim:" is used. This seems to support the  
notion that there's another "dri-like" xml document in the cocoon  
chain that's helping to build the final output.

Two things I'd be very interested in are:
A) Resources I could use to read up about the "dim:" part of the  
B) Resources that might provide insight into how to manipulate  
existing Aspects.

I'm familiar with pre-2.2 Cocoon (before the spring/maven foundation  
was implemented) and related concepts (sitemaps, selectors, matchers,  
generators, etc).

My educated guess is that my next step along the journey is to trace  
the Artifact Browser aspect from the sitemap through the cocoon  
pipeline back all the way to the underlying java code and just  
explore. Any tips, hints, suggestions, or resources though would be  
highly appreciated!

 - Patrick E.
Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.8121

"Mediocre Writers Borrow; Great Writers Steal" - T.S. Eliot


DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] [Dspace-general] Manakin Theme - Heading Font Sizes (XSL)

2010-03-09 Thread Patrick Etienne

Many Thanks for the references!

 - Patrick E.
Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.8121

"Mediocre Writers Borrow; Great Writers Steal" - T.S. Eliot

On Mar 9, 2010, at 1:29 AM, Hilton Gibson wrote:

PS: See:

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Patrick Etienne

DSpace Users,
I'm attempting to modify font sizes for the page headings (ie - > tags
etc). There is a utility programmed into the structural.xsl  
stylesheet which
purports to build these tags at appropriate sizes based on content  

(code from DSpace 1.5.2)




  font-size: select="$font-sizing"/>%;


The problem I'm having is that regardless of edits I do to this  
the font sizes always come out to 252%. The mystifying part is that  
resulting html tags contain a "ds-div-head" class and looking this  
class up
in the xsl yields only one result. Specifically the reference  
contained in
the above template. My question is, if the above template is the  
only source
for a ds-div-head class, and the template is commented out  
altogether, but
the style still comes out as a font-size of 252%, from where is  
this styling
directive coming? Or if I've somehow missed the actual source of  
the 252%

font-sizing, where else might it be coming from?
 - Patrick E.
Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.8121
"Mediocre Writers Borrow; Great Writers Steal" - T.S. Eliot

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Dspace-general mailing list

Systems Administrator
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Stellenbosch University

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Manakin Theme - Heading Font Sizes (XSL)

2010-03-08 Thread Patrick Etienne

DSpace Users,

I'm attempting to modify font sizes for the page headings (ie -   
tags etc). There is a utility programmed into the structural.xsl  
stylesheet which purports to build these tags at appropriate sizes  
based on content (see template).

(code from DSpace 1.5.2)


font-size: 120%;xsl:attribute>

font-size: of select="$font-sizing"/>%;


The problem I'm having is that regardless of edits I do to this  
template, the font sizes always come out to 252%. The mystifying part  
is that the resulting html tags contain a "ds-div-head" class and  
looking this class up in the xsl yields only one result. Specifically  
the reference contained in the above template. My question is, if the  
above template is the only source for a ds-div-head class, and the  
template is commented out altogether, but the style still comes out as  
a font-size of 252%, from where is this styling directive coming? Or  
if I've somehow missed the actual source of the 252% font-sizing,  
where else might it be coming from?

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.8121

"Mediocre Writers Borrow; Great Writers Steal" - T.S. Eliot

Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval
Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs
proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance.
See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] DSpace 1.5.2 - Embargo patch issue

2009-10-28 Thread Patrick Etienne

Fellow DSpace Techs -

I'm attempting to get the embargo patch working against a fresh  
installation of dspace 1.5.2 per the instructions available at the  
following URL:

Despite my best efforts, I am not able to set this up successfully.  
After installing and looking at the results the symptoms are as follows:

1) Visual - I see inline bullet points but no text associated with them.
2) XHTML - yields the code listed below for each community/collection:

3) JSPUI - shows up as expected with all communities / collections  

It feels as though the xmlui portion of the patch is not being applied  
properly. This is just a guess, but an educated one in that the jspui  
works fine after the fresh install with the patch and sql schema patch  
applied, whereas the xmlui does not. However, patching the code does  
yield a several results as far as files patched which have "xmlui" as  
a directory in the patched files' paths.

To make this even stranger an issue, I would swear that the first time  
I tried doing a fresh install with the embargo patch, that it did  
actually work. I say this because I was able to navigate to an embargo  
tab using the administration user.

As another significant note, I also tried installing a fresh instance,  
replacing the database with an instance of a production dspace (1.5.2)  
database (vast amounts of data), then amending the database schema for  
that database instance with the code included in the embargo patch.  
The same results occurred. The JSPUI showed the content as expected,  
but the xhtml code was full of empty  elements, one for each of  
the communities/collections that should have been display but were not  
from the xmlui.

Any tips, hints, or suggestions on this issue would greatly be  

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.8121

"Mediocre Writers Borrow; Great Writers Steal" - T.S. Eliot

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