Re: [expert] How to enable authentication in Postfix?

2002-03-13 Thread David Guntner

Vincent Danen grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Sun Mar 10, 2002 at 10:36:09AM -0800, David Guntner wrote:
> > 
> > I have to agree with Alexander on this one, Vincent.  I've just run a bunch 
> > of tests.  I used saslpasswd to create a username and password for myself, 
> > different from my regular system password.  My regular mail client on my 
> > Windows machine appears to use CRAM-MD5 when being told to login to the 
> > SMTP server with a username and password (when I had the wrong one in, my 
> > syslog showed that CRAM-MD5 failed).  No matter *what* I put in 
> > /usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf - pwcheck, pam, shadow - if I use my system 
> > password, authentication fails.  But if I use the password that I created 
> > with saslpasswd, it works fine, regardless of the authentication method 
> > that I've selected.  Needless to say, this is not very desirable - I want 
> > to be able to have users authenticate based on their login password, just 
> > like they can do with POP3.  Maybe you can check with whoever to find out 
> > why it's behaving in this fashion?
> If this is the case, then it's a problem with cyrus-sasl itself, and
> the queries should be directed to the author.  However, I'm not
> convinced that is the case because the pam/shadow methods worked here
> provided that /etc/shadow was mode 644.  I don't know why one would
> work over the other except, perhaps, that cram-md5 and others don't
> work with pam... that may only be supported for plaintext password
> authentication.  You may *have* to use sasl.db for cram/digest-md5
> passwords.

Beats me; maybe it just likes you better. :-)  Or perhaps whoever rolled 
the .rpm file used a strange setup where the libraries decided that only 
sasl.db was acceptable, no matter what the person put in?  I tried setting 
one password in sasl.db which was different than it is in the system 
password file.  When I used the sasl.db-matching password, it let me auth 
cram-md5 just fine (I can't find anything in my mail program's settings 
letting me specify the login method...).  Using the system password-
matching password got me an authentication error.  It would definitely suck 
if cram-md5 *required* the use of the sasl.db file, since that seems to be 
my only (working) option currently.  I am *not* interested in having to 
manually add passwords for *any* number of users just to let them relay off 
my box.  Giving them an account on my system should be enough.

Maybe the next version of the software? :-)

  David Guntner  GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
 for PGP Public key

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Re: [expert] Fw: RE: Apache 1.3.x allows passthrough

2002-03-13 Thread James

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 01:11:26 -0500
Pierre Fortin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 20:21:46 -0800 James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Pierre,
> >   I never doubted you.  Just wondering how it was supposed to work 
> >   when it's bad that is.  To clear up turning off proxy, are you
> >   refering to removing the following line from httpd.conf?
> [snip]
> Yes; turned off pretty much all the proxy stuff here.
> > If so have you tried this on port 8080 as well? My attempt to try it on
> > site just hung with no telnet established.  I'm also
> > curious if it's a perl thing or an apache thing that causes the problem.
> >  Since it seems that both can do the proxies. (seems to open up 8200 for
> >  perl but maybe I'm wrong.)
> telnet 80 still allows proxying.  Ports 8080 and 8200
> connect; but ignore the GET...  Ihaven't dug any deeper...

I didn't even get the connect... but as strange as my nets been today I'm not 
suprised.  If 8200 isn't working then the problem is not perl-httpd, or so I would 
think.  Now for any who know, is this something that should be turned in to CERT? or 
what would be the procedure to follow?


> Pierre

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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread James

On 13 Mar 2002 17:54:14 +1100
Darren King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There seems to be a movement to "guilt" linux users into paying for
> linux these days since it's so good but we didn't buy it.  If I wanted
> to pay for an OS, I would.  I don't so I use linux.  Linux vendors like
> Mandrake should not have tried to become profitable corporations by
> selling a product anyone can legally get for free.
> Darren

ummm and what other kind of company is there besides profitable... oh yeah a 
dot bomb. forgot about those.
> On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 16:08, James wrote:
> > On this note a comment if I may... 
> > 
> >   I've seen a lot of talk about free as in beer.  Well don't know where you come 
>from but in my neck of the woods beer that is free today requires that I buy a round 
>later.  In my business I'm trying to Sell software management.  To many of the VAR's 
>(Value Added Resellers) I see just buy a single copy of RH or Mandrake and then 
>install it on box after box, after box.  To make matters worse they expect RH and 
>Mandrake to support it.  Partially this is in my opinion the distro's own fault, 
>because in the past they have supported it. I've bought every box set since 7.0 and 
>one per box I install it on.  Why because I don't expect MD or anyone else to support 
>software that I didn't buy.  From my view Mandrake needs the following.
> > 
> > 1. DON'T even think about supporting users who don't buy the copy.  Free support 
>in the e-mail groups ok... but if they call sell em a support contract.
> > 
> > 2. Improve the ability to upgrade a running system.  I've got several 7.1 and 7,2 
>systems that I'd love to upgrade but can't afford the time to rebuild them after a 
>wipe and install.  Data gets in the way.  (One box has over 5 gigs of Twiki pages 
>alone.)  This costs Mandrake money because I'm not buying box sets, but rather 
>upgrading manually a piece at a time.  
> > 
> > 3. CO-OP advertising.  SuSe RH and Mandrake are all in a bit of a bind.  Why not 
>pool the funds so to speak and do Linux adds... Scene opens a guy asleep in bed. 
>Words appear on the screen.
> > 
> > This is your IT dept at 1am thanks to Linux.
> > 
> > 
> > Just my 2 cents
> > 
> > James
> > 
> > *** save 17 million last quarter by switching to Linux. why is your 
>company still running that other OS?
> > 
> > On 12 Mar 2002 21:13:12 -0500
> > Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:55, Dave Salovesh wrote:
> > > > First, my apologies to any here who may have already heard this through
> > > > other channels, and I also ask your forgiveness if I've missed a thread here
> > > > where this is being discussed.  And lastly, I hope you don't worry that it
> > > > might not be most inappropriate for a part-time Mandrake nobody and
> > > > full-time NT/2000/MS-SQL/IIS admin to bring this up.
> > > 
> > > Unfortunately I did not see your post, and posted an alternative story
> > > on The Register to the list.  But I'm glad that others are taking note
> > > of this and taking it to heart.  I too think it would be very bad for
> > > everybody as a whole and especially bad for the members of this list if
> > > MandrakeSoft hit a wall.  I think it's time for anybody that cares to
> > > become active in their support of MandrakeSoft.  
> > > 
> > > Loki bit the dust recently, with some employees not having gotten a
> > > paycheck since sometime in 2000.  Can anyone say "loyalty?" Mission
> > > Critical Linux went down, with the loss of 55 employees.  The financial
> > > burden is a cross that the Linux world needs to learn how to bear; and
> > > fast; it's not too late.  MandrakeSoft itself is now activating it's
> > > warning lights to give everyone a heads up.
> > > 
> > > The now-unemployed people loved their companies.  Their dedication was
> > > plain to see. How dedicated are you when you cut back on your groceries
> > > for two years just to keep working? For free?
> > > 
> > > I feel that the people of MandrakeSoft are no different with respect for
> > > the love they have both for their distribution and their company; it
> > > shines through in the product that they produce.  If we want to preserve
> > > this corporate identity in our marketplace, and continue to enjoy the
> > > Mandrake releases, then I personally believe it's time for those of us
> > > that care enough to show our support for Mandrake by joining the club.
> > > 
> > > At one time, Windows sold for 200 US$ a copy. For that much money, you
> > > could have a 3.3 year subscription to the Mandrake club.  It's only 5$ a
> > > month; less than the cost of alot of magazine subscriptions.
> > > 
> > > See:
> > >  
> > > > It seems Mandrake is coming into a financially rough stretch.  From their
> > > > announcement:
> > > > 
> > > > "Even though all of us here at MandrakeSoft are excited about the upcoming
> > > > release

RE: [expert] Bastille firewall setup - missing options ?

2002-03-13 Thread Baines, Dominic

Thanks... will take a look at ipip and the link...

-Original Message-
From: Pierre Fortin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 12 March 2002 18:40
Subject: Re: [expert] Bastille firewall setup - missing options ?

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:53:41 -0500 "Baines, Dominic"

> Thanks Pierre...
> I'd originally had this working between two NAT'd networks
> with a firewall that basically sent all 'other network'
> traffic over to the other firewall, basically the routing 
> tables on the subnet boxes used the local firewall as the default 
> route and the other network subnet was a statiuc route in 
> the firewall routing table pointing to the other firewall.
> And visa versa... hope you follow me.

Maybe this will help as a discussion point...

> How RFC's may or may not have broken is another matter 
> but it worked well enough ...
> anyway those are discussions for the wee small hours 
> over a few beers ;-)

Is that an offer...?  :*D
> I'd the ports written wrong in my example... need to be careful
> as taken too literally... actually 19922, 19822 ...
> Anyway..

OK... similar... my suggestion would have covered 22001-22254...

> Enter Bastille on Mandrake-SNF... everything is working well
> from single subnet to outside and outside to subnet (apart from 
> the multiple port/host forwarding requirement)
> but I plain can't get the routing between f/w to work without removing 
> Bastille completely... which seems to defeat the object of using 
> it... 

Never used Bastille...  but sounds like it might not be VPN aware, so it
might not complain if you established a tunnel (looks like a serial

> If there were a VPN solution... great but you'd still have the 
> private subnet to private subnet routing problem...

Not an issue once the two subnets are "connected" via a private link (VPN,

> Any ideas ?

Check out the link above and let me know if you need more help with it if
one of the tunnels sounds acceptable...  I'd recommend IP-in-IP vs GRE...


> Dominic
> -Original Message-
> From: Pierre Fortin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 12 March 2002 15:44
> Subject: Re: [expert] Bastille firewall setup - missing options ?
> On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:55:13 -0500 "Baines, Dominic"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Richard,
> > 
> > ...I'd seen the example but that is not applicable for use 
> > with the external interface.
> > 
> > The 192.168.100. subnet is behaind one firewall connected 
> > to the internet... the 192.168.200. subnet is behind
> > another firewall somewhere else on the internet... 
> You're fighting a couple of basic problems before you can get to the
> point of routing traffic...
> 1. 192.168.*.* is _not_ directly routable over the Internet
>-- see
> 2. Since these [sub]nets are not routable over the 'net, you have to
> establish a virtual link between them to allow connectivity. 
> Alternatively, you can use NAT at both gateways; but that will not allow
> transparent any-to-any connectivity between the 2 subnets -- just client
> to remote service.
> 3. Any virtual link should be part of a "routed" network; a "switched"
> (bridged) network will waste bandwidth with broadcasts/multicasts... 
> while a "virtual link" is not a real link, it *does* use real bandwidth
> over a real link...  but you already knew that... :^)
> More below...
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Richard Bown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 12 March 2002 12:14
> > To: linux-expert
> > Subject: Re: [expert] Bastille firewall setup - missing options ?
> > 
> > lookin /sbin/bastille-netfilter
> > there is an example of routing between different subnets on the
> > internal interface. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 11:32, Baines, Dominic wrote:
> > > Is there a way to do these with Bastille:
> > > 
> > > 1. Port forward say ssh (22) to more than one host internally ?
> > > say something like:
> > > port 19922 to host 1:22
> > > port 19822 to host 2:22
> > > port 19722 to host 3:22
> I must've missed the announcement that port numbers higher than 65535
> were now allowed...  :^) A suggestion:  use 22xxx where xxx is the last
> octet of the IP address at the far-end.  Works either way; hosts local
> to each other can just use 22 (at each location).
> Oops fat fingers... should be 19... not 99 ... ;-)
> A LinkSys router is *supposed* to be able to do that; but seems to have
> problems which I'm still fighting with LinkSys over (see
> Want to stay totally open on the router OS... otherwsaie might as well
> go Watchguard.
> You should be able to connect the two subnets with iptables NAT in the
> gateways at both ends (, then ssh 
> What I thought...
> > > I can only seem to enab

Re: [expert] Palp M500

2002-03-13 Thread Andrew George

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:50, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
> Has anyone had any luck getting a Palm Pilot to work? I have a M500
> with a USB cradle. Ther USB is recognized on my machine because I have
> a printer working on one of the two ports.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.

I think the latest version of j-pilot (99.2) has USB support (never tried it, 
I've got a palm Vx). I would download the source and recompile it becasue 
I've been pretty underwhelmed by the jpilot rpm that came with 8.1 (actually 
I needed the jpilot source and pilot link source to get advantgo working 

Andrew George

A Smith & Wesson beats four aces.

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[expert] What can you do with $ 5 ?

2002-03-13 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

This question came to my mind over the last 3 days.

I've looked into my daily behaviour and found out that with $ 0.016 per
day or the same amount in other currencies (EUR 0,018 for us Europeans) I

Once a month

1. Go to the movies (alone, without popcorn & drinks)
2. Have a Döner w/ one Ayran (turkish dish and drink)
3. Buy a stein of beer at the Oktoberfest (5 years ago)
4. Go 20 miles by train
5. Have a small breakfast in a diner
6. Buy 8 bottles of milk
7. Buy 2 loafs of bread
8. Buy 1.5 packs of cigarrettes
9. Buy one cigar (medium quality)

If I save my $5 for one year I can

1. Pay half the insurance of my car
2. Buy a nice sweater/shirt/Levis
3. Buy a SuSE Distro (arrghhh!)
4. Buy 3 books
5. Go to a rock concert

Or I can support MandrakeSoft.

This paper from MandrakeSoft about the Club doesn't ask for a donation
from ppl who have to go on $60 a week! It doesn't ask for money from a
guy who can get around just so. It asks this small fee from ppl who earn
a decent living an have their $5-bills just to tip the bell boy.

I don't see a serious hole in my budget if I have $60 less this year.
I just skip 1.5 packs of cigarrettes per month (!) and that's it.

Save 3 cents every second day and that's what MandrakeSoft asks for.

Think about it!

Registered Linux User 228909  Powered By Mandrake Linux 8.1

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Re: [expert] I have no CD mount entry on my desktop

2002-03-13 Thread Ron Stodden

Gary Bond wrote:
> How can I get the CD mounting icon/utility on to my
> desktop? I had reformat the drive that had my home
> directory, when I made a new user the desktop is now
> missing the CDrom mounter.

Who wants it?   Not me...

A much better way is to keep a disk free window up or rolled up all the
time and use its mount and unmount facilities.  It tells you much more.

Ron. [au]

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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread ed tharp

then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in life 
are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a waiteress? 
or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they only "might" get 
tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living thru the normally good 
graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider that you should pay for cable 
tv since the wire is already at the house?

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 01:54, you wrote:

> There seems to be a movement to "guilt" linux users into paying for
> linux these days since it's so good but we didn't buy it.  If I wanted
> to pay for an OS, I would.  I don't so I use linux.  Linux vendors like
> Mandrake should not have tried to become profitable corporations by
> selling a product anyone can legally get for free.
> Darren
> On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 16:08, James wrote:
> > On this note a comment if I may...
> >
> >   I've seen a lot of talk about free as in beer.  Well don't know where
> > you come from but in my neck of the woods beer that is free today
> > requires that I buy a round later.  In my business I'm trying to Sell
> > software management.  To many of the VAR's (Value Added Resellers) I see
> > just buy a single copy of RH or Mandrake and then install it on box after
> > box, after box.  To make matters worse they expect RH and Mandrake to
> > support it.  Partially this is in my opinion the distro's own fault,
> > because in the past they have supported it. I've bought every box set
> > since 7.0 and one per box I install it on.  Why because I don't expect MD
> > or anyone else to support software that I didn't buy.  From my view
> > Mandrake needs the following.
> >
> > 1. DON'T even think about supporting users who don't buy the copy.  Free
> > support in the e-mail groups ok... but if they call sell em a
> > support contract.
> >
> > 2. Improve the ability to upgrade a running system.  I've got several 7.1
> > and 7,2 systems that I'd love to upgrade but can't afford the time to
> > rebuild them after a wipe and install.  Data gets in the way.  (One box
> > has over 5 gigs of Twiki pages alone.)  This costs Mandrake money because
> > I'm not buying box sets, but rather upgrading manually a piece at a time.
> >
> > 3. CO-OP advertising.  SuSe RH and Mandrake are all in a bit of a bind. 
> > Why not pool the funds so to speak and do Linux adds... Scene opens a guy
> > asleep in bed. Words appear on the screen.
> >
> > This is your IT dept at 1am thanks to Linux.
> >
> >
> > Just my 2 cents
> >
> > James
> >
> > *** save 17 million last quarter by switching to Linux.
> > why is your company still running that other OS?
> >
> > On 12 Mar 2002 21:13:12 -0500
> >
> > Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:55, Dave Salovesh wrote:
> > > > First, my apologies to any here who may have already heard this
> > > > through other channels, and I also ask your forgiveness if I've
> > > > missed a thread here where this is being discussed.  And lastly, I
> > > > hope you don't worry that it might not be most inappropriate for a
> > > > part-time Mandrake nobody and full-time NT/2000/MS-SQL/IIS admin to
> > > > bring this up.
> > >
> > > Unfortunately I did not see your post, and posted an alternative story
> > > on The Register to the list.  But I'm glad that others are taking note
> > > of this and taking it to heart.  I too think it would be very bad for
> > > everybody as a whole and especially bad for the members of this list if
> > > MandrakeSoft hit a wall.  I think it's time for anybody that cares to
> > > become active in their support of MandrakeSoft.
> > >
> > > Loki bit the dust recently, with some employees not having gotten a
> > > paycheck since sometime in 2000.  Can anyone say "loyalty?" Mission
> > > Critical Linux went down, with the loss of 55 employees.  The financial
> > > burden is a cross that the Linux world needs to learn how to bear; and
> > > fast; it's not too late.  MandrakeSoft itself is now activating it's
> > > warning lights to give everyone a heads up.
> > >
> > > The now-unemployed people loved their companies.  Their dedication was
> > > plain to see. How dedicated are you when you cut back on your groceries
> > > for two years just to keep working? For free?
> > >
> > > I feel that the people of MandrakeSoft are no different with respect
> > > for the love they have both for their distribution and their company;
> > > it shines through in the product that they produce.  If we want to
> > > preserve this corporate identity in our marketplace, and continue to
> > > enjoy the Mandrake releases, then I personally believe it's time for
> > > those of us that care enough to show our support for Mandrake by
> > > joining the club.
> > >
> > > At one time, Windows sold for 200 US$ a copy. For that much money, you
> > > could have a 3.3 year subscription to the Mandrake club.  It's only 5$
> > > a month; less than the c

Re: [expert] What can you do with $ 5 ?

2002-03-13 Thread Brian Parish

Sentiment: Grade A
Math: Grade F

But we get the message and I salute you for that. :-)


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 21:47, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> This question came to my mind over the last 3 days.
> I've looked into my daily behaviour and found out that with $ 0.016 per
> day or the same amount in other currencies (EUR 0,018 for us Europeans) I
> can:
> Once a month
> 1. Go to the movies (alone, without popcorn & drinks)
> 2. Have a Döner w/ one Ayran (turkish dish and drink)
> 3. Buy a stein of beer at the Oktoberfest (5 years ago)
> 4. Go 20 miles by train
> 5. Have a small breakfast in a diner
> 6. Buy 8 bottles of milk
> 7. Buy 2 loafs of bread
> 8. Buy 1.5 packs of cigarrettes
> 9. Buy one cigar (medium quality)
> If I save my $5 for one year I can
> 1. Pay half the insurance of my car
> 2. Buy a nice sweater/shirt/Levis
> 3. Buy a SuSE Distro (arrghhh!)
> 4. Buy 3 books
> 5. Go to a rock concert
> Or I can support MandrakeSoft.
> This paper from MandrakeSoft about the Club doesn't ask for a donation
> from ppl who have to go on $60 a week! It doesn't ask for money from a
> guy who can get around just so. It asks this small fee from ppl who earn
> a decent living an have their $5-bills just to tip the bell boy.
> I don't see a serious hole in my budget if I have $60 less this year.
> I just skip 1.5 packs of cigarrettes per month (!) and that's it.
> Save 3 cents every second day and that's what MandrakeSoft asks for.
> Think about it!
> wobo
> -- 
> Registered Linux User 228909  Powered By Mandrake Linux 8.1
> -

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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[expert] Check for zlib via rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Bill Kenworthy

is it possible to use rpm to get a list of files/packages from the rpm
database that were built using zlib?  I have a lot built from src.rpm
and would like to check ...


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Re: [expert] Check for zlib via rpm

2002-03-13 Thread kwan

On 13 Mar 2002, Bill Kenworthy wrote:

> Hi,
> is it possible to use rpm to get a list of files/packages from the rpm
> database that were built using zlib?  I have a lot built from src.rpm
> and would like to check ...
It could be a start to help find packages. However, many packages may
link statically against the library and will be vulnerable even if you
upgrade zlib. To fix these you'll need to download the src rpm and
rebuild against the fixed library.

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Re: [expert] Check for zlib via rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Nick Thompson


>On 13 Mar 2002, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
>>is it possible to use rpm to get a list of files/packages from the rpm
>>database that were built using zlib?  I have a lot built from src.rpm
>>and would like to check ...
>It could be a start to help find packages. However, many packages may
>link statically against the library and will be vulnerable even if you
>upgrade zlib. To fix these you'll need to download the src rpm and
>rebuild against the fixed library.

That is what Bill was asking I think. I don't think rpm can help you 
find out which packges use zlib statically as there is no external 
dependancy or provide that marks this. If executables are not stripped, 
then you might be able to dump symbol information from them using 'find' 
to track them down, see which ones have zlib symbols in and then use rpm 
to track those executables back to packages, but even this won't work if 
some or all of your executables (and libs) are stripped.

Having said that you only need to worry about packages that are using 
untrusted zlib compressed data (e.g. ppp). You only need to prevent 
yourself from an exploit. Trusted data can be fixed, if and when you 
find a problem.


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Re: [expert] command for making a rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Bill Davidson

You need to create a spec file for that as well. There's a howto on the 
Mandrake site. Sorry I can't remember where.


On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:29 pm, J. Grant wrote:
> I don't know if there is a better way to do this?
> i got this from the dante readme
> rpm files can be generated directly from the tar.gz files.
> Use the command 'rpm -ta dante-.tar.gz' to build all rpm files.
> Harold Hartley wrote:
> > I can't quite remember the command, but I would like to take the
> > source of a file and make it to a rpm..
> > Does anyone know what command I'm looking for..
> > I run Mandrake 8.1
> >
> > Harold
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >--
> >
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to

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Re: [expert] Would you pay $5 to rescue Mandrake?

2002-03-13 Thread Bill

I subscribed also. Wheres the benefits they subscribe?

On Star Date Tuesday 12 March 2002 10:04 pm, Larry Blodgett sent this 
sub-space message. 
> I have already subscribed and I am waiting for all the benefit they
> have described.  I sure hope they actually accomplish some of the
> things they promise.
> >If any of you guys like the Mandrake distro, you ought to check out this
> >story on The Register:
> >
> >See:
> >
> >I've decided to subscribe.

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Re: [expert] Check for zlib via rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Bill Kenworthy

My question exactly - how can one tell which apps in a src rpm are
staticly linked against zlib once installed.  Ones such as zebedee (not
a Mandrake rpm) I know about as I set it up before install, but I think
someone mentioned mozilla (which I have not checked yet) - any other


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 21:51, Nick Thompson wrote:
> >On 13 Mar 2002, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>is it possible to use rpm to get a list of files/packages from the rpm
> >>database that were built using zlib?  I have a lot built from src.rpm
> >>and would like to check ...
> >>
> >It could be a start to help find packages. However, many packages may
> >link statically against the library and will be vulnerable even if you
> >upgrade zlib. To fix these you'll need to download the src rpm and
> >rebuild against the fixed library.
> >
> That is what Bill was asking I think. I don't think rpm can help you 
> find out which packges use zlib statically as there is no external 
> dependancy or provide that marks this. If executables are not stripped, 
> then you might be able to dump symbol information from them using 'find' 
> to track them down, see which ones have zlib symbols in and then use rpm 
> to track those executables back to packages, but even this won't work if 
> some or all of your executables (and libs) are stripped.
> Having said that you only need to worry about packages that are using 
> untrusted zlib compressed data (e.g. ppp). You only need to prevent 
> yourself from an exploit. Trusted data can be fixed, if and when you 
> find a problem.
> Nick.

> This message has been 'sanitized'.  This means that potentially
> dangerous content has been rewritten or removed.  The following
> log describes which actions were taken.
> Sanitizer (start="1016027967"):
>   Part (pos="2912"):
> SanitizeFile (filename="unnamed.txt", mimetype="text/plain"):
>   Match (rule="2"):
> Enforced policy: accept
>   Part (pos="4273"):
> SanitizeFile (filename="message.footer", mimetype="text/plain"):
>   Match (rule="default"):
> Enforced policy: defang
>   Replaced mime type with: application/DEFANGED-84279
>   Replaced file name with: message_footer.DEFANGED-84279
>   Total modifications so far: 1
> Anomy 0.0.0 :
> $Id:,v 1.54 2002/02/15 16:59:07 bre Exp $

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Re: [expert] Would you pay $5 to rescue Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 06:20:10 -0800
Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I subscribed also. Wheres the benefits they subscribe?
> On Star Date Tuesday 12 March 2002 10:04 pm, Larry Blodgett sent this 
> sub-space message. 
> > I have already subscribed and I am waiting for all the benefit they
> > have described.  I sure hope they actually accomplish some of the
> > things they promise.
> >
> > >If any of you guys like the Mandrake distro, you ought to check out this
> > >story on The Register:
> > >
> > >See:
> > >
> > >I've decided to subscribe.

I subscribed yesterday and I received an email this morning containing my 

One of the described benefits is to be able to download the Comm. rpms which are 
normally only avaiable in the Powerpack.
At the present time there are now 9 such rpms which can be downloaded,
all having been built for Mandrake and built to run on 8.2
Some/all may run on earlier versions of Mandrake, I have not tested to verify, and all 
do/may differ from the pkgs as they can be obtained from the vendor.

A case in point is Opera6 B1.
If downloaded from Opera the rpm or tar requires libpng2 which is not used in 8.2, 8.2 
uses the current release which is lipng3 so the installation of Opera fails because of 
failed depend.
The Opera rpm available from the club has been built by someone at Opera without the 
lipng require and installs seamlessly in 8.2.


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Re: [expert] command for making a rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:26:34 -0500
Bill Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You need to create a spec file for that as well. There's a howto on the 
> Mandrake site. Sorry I can't remember where.
> Bill
> On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:29 pm, J. Grant wrote:
> > I don't know if there is a better way to do this?
> >
> > i got this from the dante readme
> >
> > rpm files can be generated directly from the tar.gz files.
> > Use the command 'rpm -ta dante-.tar.gz' to build all rpm files.
> >
> > Harold Hartley wrote:
> > > I can't quite remember the command, but I would like to take the
> > > source of a file and make it to a rpm..
> > > Does anyone know what command I'm looking for..
> > > I run Mandrake 8.1

If the src.tar.gz contains all the necessary spec info (some do and I have run into 
some which do not).

To build an rpm all you need do is:

 rpm -tb xxx.src.tar.gz 

This will create an rpm in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS for xxx in the default folder for builds 
on your machine, normally i586.


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Re: [expert] Fw: RE: Apache 1.3.x allows passthrough

2002-03-13 Thread Pierre Fortin

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 00:48:26 -0800 James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I didn't even get the connect... but as strange as my nets been today
> I'm not suprised.  If 8200 isn't working then the problem is not
> perl-httpd, or so I would think.  Now for any who know, is this
> something that should be turned in to CERT? or what would be the
> procedure to follow?

I reported it to CERT as soon as I discovered it; especially since CERT's
server also allows proxying... :^)


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Re: [expert] Would you pay $5 to rescue Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Larry Blodgett

>I subscribed yesterday and I received an email this morning 
>containing my username/password.

I received mine also.  Mine did not work.  I signed on and the site 
seemed to have me signed on but all the selections acted as if I had 
not signed on.  I emailed the webmaster and I have not heard from it 
yet, probably because of the time difference.  The only thing I can 
assume is that my account was not set up properly.  I am glad it 
works for someone.

Larry Blodgett

/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

In theory, practice and theory are the same,
but in practice they are different.

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Re: [expert] command for making a rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Harold Hartley

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 09:49 am, you wrote:

But what I have is a filename.tar.gz and would like to make it into a rpm.
A while back I knew you could type the [command] filename.tar.gz and it would 
then be a rpm.

So I assume the command that you just mentioned [rpm -tb x.tar.gz] would 
still work like I just quoted.

> On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:26:34 -0500
> Bill Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You need to create a spec file for that as well. There's a howto on the
> > Mandrake site. Sorry I can't remember where.
> >
> > Bill
> >
> > On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:29 pm, J. Grant wrote:
> > > I don't know if there is a better way to do this?
> > >
> > > i got this from the dante readme
> > >
> > > rpm files can be generated directly from the tar.gz files.
> > > Use the command 'rpm -ta dante-.tar.gz' to build all rpm
> > > files.
> > >
> > > Harold Hartley wrote:
> > > > I can't quite remember the command, but I would like to take the
> > > > source of a file and make it to a rpm..
> > > > Does anyone know what command I'm looking for..
> > > > I run Mandrake 8.1
> If the src.tar.gz contains all the necessary spec info (some do and I have
> run into some which do not).
> To build an rpm all you need do is:
>  rpm -tb xxx.src.tar.gz
> This will create an rpm in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS for xxx in the default folder
> for builds on your machine, normally i586.

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Re: [expert] command for making a rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Steve Browne

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:29:53 -0500, you wrote:

>On Wednesday 13 March 2002 09:49 am, you wrote:
>But what I have is a filename.tar.gz and would like to make it into a rpm.
>A while back I knew you could type the [command] filename.tar.gz and it would 
>then be a rpm.
>So I assume the command that you just mentioned [rpm -tb x.tar.gz] would 
>still work like I just quoted.

There is a program called "Alien" which will do this. You will have to
rebuild Alien's rpm from the source code, which you can find at:

Stephen B. Browne
"Veritas odit moras"

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Re: [expert] Check for zlib via rpm

2002-03-13 Thread kwan

On 13 Mar 2002, Bill Kenworthy wrote:

> My question exactly - how can one tell which apps in a src rpm are
> staticly linked against zlib once installed.  Ones such as zebedee (not
> a Mandrake rpm) I know about as I set it up before install, but I think
> someone mentioned mozilla (which I have not checked yet) - any other
> sleepers?
Hmmm...I thought about running ldd against all binaries in an rpm
package list (or against a find for that matter), but statically linked
bins will not necessarily show up in the listing if symbols have been
stripped. Even if your ran strings against the binary and grep'ed for
a signature there's no guarantee that you'll find anything. If you had a
Makefile you can try looking for -lz, but this could be problematic for
Makefiles generated through ./configure. Of course, if you had the
sources you'd just rebuild though :(.

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Re: [expert] command for making a rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:29:53 -0500
Harold Hartley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 13 March 2002 09:49 am, you wrote:
> But what I have is a filename.tar.gz and would like to make it into a rpm.
> A while back I knew you could type the [command] filename.tar.gz and it would 
> then be a rpm.
> So I assume the command that you just mentioned [rpm -tb x.tar.gz] would 
> still work like I just quoted.

If building from only a .tar.gz you will need to do as the first response noted and 
create a spec file for the app.
After doing so you could then install by:
 rpm -ba mypackage.spec

This will create a mypackage.rpm which would be usable by other operating with the 
same distro and platform.


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Re: [expert] no icons after upgrade to kde 2.2.2 - Urgent

2002-03-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:11 pm, James wrote:
> On 12 Mar 2002 10:31:23 -0800
> Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i just installed KDE 2.2.2 thru rpmdrake. it did complain about
> > libpng3 conflicts. I clicked 'force'.
> > now when i logged in normally with kde i cant see any icons on
> > the task bar or menus.

> Ashley I don't know for sure (I run Windowmaker) but aren't the
> icons for KDE .png files?  If so maybe this is the problem.
> James

 Yes, but it's appears Ashley used kde2.2.2 rpms for version 8.2 
on a <= 8.1 system.  There's a few things that can be tried (with 
mixed results).  Install libpng3 rpm. Many, but not all have reported 
that libpng2 and libpng3 coexist with no apparent problems. Some who 
did have problems with this situation, uninstalled libpng2 and then 
faked a link, 'ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/'

When I was usin 8.1+cooker (< Dec. 2001), I don't remember any 
problems tryin either solution.  Hopefully this info is correct, but 
I'd warn y'all it's from my memory ;>
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [expert] no icons after upgrade to kde 2.2.2 - Urgent

2002-03-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:46:04 -0600
Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:11 pm, James wrote:
> > On 12 Mar 2002 10:31:23 -0800
> > Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > i just installed KDE 2.2.2 thru rpmdrake. it did complain about
> > > libpng3 conflicts. I clicked 'force'.
> > > now when i logged in normally with kde i cant see any icons on
> > > the task bar or menus.
> > Ashley I don't know for sure (I run Windowmaker) but aren't the
> > icons for KDE .png files?  If so maybe this is the problem.
> > James
>  Yes, but it's appears Ashley used kde2.2.2 rpms for version 8.2 
> on a <= 8.1 system.  There's a few things that can be tried (with 
> mixed results).  Install libpng3 rpm. Many, but not all have reported 
> that libpng2 and libpng3 coexist with no apparent problems. Some who 
> did have problems with this situation, uninstalled libpng2 and then 
> faked a link, 'ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/'
> When I was usin 8.1+cooker (< Dec. 2001), I don't remember any 
> problems tryin either solution.  Hopefully this info is correct, but 
> I'd warn y'all it's from my memory ;>
A couple addition to Tom's comment.

Having both libpng2 and libpng3 installed will cause no problem and works better than 
using 'ln -s'

If you currently have libpng2-devel installed you will be best served by removing it 
and installing libpng3-devel.


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Re: [expert] Would you pay $5 to rescue Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 09:25 -0600, Larry Blodgett wrote:
> >I subscribed yesterday and I received an email this morning 
> >containing my username/password.
> I received mine also.  Mine did not work.  I signed on and the site 
> seemed to have me signed on but all the selections acted as if I had 
> not signed on.  I emailed the webmaster and I have not heard from it 
> yet, probably because of the time difference.  The only thing I can 
> assume is that my account was not set up properly.  I am glad it 
> works for someone.

Sorry for that, but the webmaster, Denis, is at the CeBIT Computer Show
until Mar 20, so there may be a bit of delay.
Registered Linux User 228909  Powered By Mandrake Linux 8.1

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Re: [expert] Would you pay $5 to rescue Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread ai4a

Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 09:25 -0600, Larry Blodgett wrote:
> > >I subscribed yesterday and I received an email this morning
> > >containing my username/password.
> >
> > I received mine also.  Mine did not work.  I signed on and the site
> > seemed to have me signed on but all the selections acted as if I had
> > not signed on.  I emailed the webmaster and I have not heard from it
> > yet, probably because of the time difference.  The only thing I can
> > assume is that my account was not set up properly.  I am glad it
> > works for someone.
> Sorry for that, but the webmaster, Denis, is at the CeBIT Computer Show
> until Mar 20, so there may be a bit of delay.
> wobo
> --
> Registered Linux User 228909  Powered By Mandrake Linux 8.1
> -
> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> Go to

I had the same problem. It seems the site will not work with certain
browers?? I forgot the details. I used konqueror and it worked.


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Re: [expert] Would you pay $5 to rescue Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:05:45 -0500
ai4a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 09:25 -0600, Larry Blodgett wrote:
> > > >I subscribed yesterday and I received an email this morning
> > > >containing my username/password.
> > >
> > > I received mine also.  Mine did not work.  I signed on and the site
> > > seemed to have me signed on but all the selections acted as if I had
> > > not signed on.  I emailed the webmaster and I have not heard from it
> > > yet, probably because of the time difference.  The only thing I can
> > > assume is that my account was not set up properly.  I am glad it
> > > works for someone.
> > 
> > Sorry for that, but the webmaster, Denis, is at the CeBIT Computer Show
> > until Mar 20, so there may be a bit of delay.
> > 
> I had the same problem. It seems the site will not work with certain
> browers?? I forgot the details. I used konqueror and it worked.
I was able to logon using either galeon or opera but I was only able to download with 


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Re: [expert] no icons after upgrade to kde 2.2.2 - Urgent

2002-03-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:46:04 -0600
Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:11 pm, James wrote:
> > On 12 Mar 2002 10:31:23 -0800
> > Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > i just installed KDE 2.2.2 thru rpmdrake. it did complain about
> > > libpng3 conflicts. I clicked 'force'.
> > > now when i logged in normally with kde i cant see any icons on
> > > the task bar or menus.
> > Ashley I don't know for sure (I run Windowmaker) but aren't the
> > icons for KDE .png files?  If so maybe this is the problem.
> > James
>  Yes, but it's appears Ashley used kde2.2.2 rpms for version 8.2 
> on a <= 8.1 system.  There's a few things that can be tried (with 
> mixed results).  Install libpng3 rpm. Many, but not all have reported 
> that libpng2 and libpng3 coexist with no apparent problems. Some who 
> did have problems with this situation, uninstalled libpng2 and then 
> faked a link, 'ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/'
> When I was usin 8.1+cooker (< Dec. 2001), I don't remember any 
> problems tryin either solution.  Hopefully this info is correct, but 
> I'd warn y'all it's from my memory ;>
A couple addition to Tom's comment.

Having both libpng2 and libpng3 installed will cause no problem and works better than 
using 'ln -s'

If you currently have libpng2-devel installed you will be best served by removing it 
and installing libpng3-devel.


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Re: [expert] Fw: RE: Apache 1.3.x allows passthrough

2002-03-13 Thread James

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:14:04 -0500
Pierre Fortin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 00:48:26 -0800 James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I didn't even get the connect... but as strange as my nets been today
> > I'm not suprised.  If 8200 isn't working then the problem is not
> > perl-httpd, or so I would think.  Now for any who know, is this
> > something that should be turned in to CERT? or what would be the
> > procedure to follow?
> I reported it to CERT as soon as I discovered it; especially since CERT's
> server also allows proxying... :^)
> Pierre

  Now that is a coup discovering a vulnerabiltity in a CERT server. Kudos!



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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Darren King

Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip. 
Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
the people who actually write software that they include in their
distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:59, ed tharp wrote:
> then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in life 
> are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a waiteress? 
> or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they only "might" get 
> tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living thru the normally good 
> graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider that you should pay for cable 
> tv since the wire is already at the house?
> On Wednesday 13 March 2002 01:54, you wrote:
> > There seems to be a movement to "guilt" linux users into paying for
> > linux these days since it's so good but we didn't buy it.  If I wanted
> > to pay for an OS, I would.  I don't so I use linux.  Linux vendors like
> > Mandrake should not have tried to become profitable corporations by
> > selling a product anyone can legally get for free.
> >
> > Darren
> >
> > On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 16:08, James wrote:
> > > On this note a comment if I may...
> > >
> > >   I've seen a lot of talk about free as in beer.  Well don't know where
> > > you come from but in my neck of the woods beer that is free today
> > > requires that I buy a round later.  In my business I'm trying to Sell
> > > software management.  To many of the VAR's (Value Added Resellers) I see
> > > just buy a single copy of RH or Mandrake and then install it on box after
> > > box, after box.  To make matters worse they expect RH and Mandrake to
> > > support it.  Partially this is in my opinion the distro's own fault,
> > > because in the past they have supported it. I've bought every box set
> > > since 7.0 and one per box I install it on.  Why because I don't expect MD
> > > or anyone else to support software that I didn't buy.  From my view
> > > Mandrake needs the following.
> > >
> > > 1. DON'T even think about supporting users who don't buy the copy.  Free
> > > support in the e-mail groups ok... but if they call sell em a
> > > support contract.
> > >
> > > 2. Improve the ability to upgrade a running system.  I've got several 7.1
> > > and 7,2 systems that I'd love to upgrade but can't afford the time to
> > > rebuild them after a wipe and install.  Data gets in the way.  (One box
> > > has over 5 gigs of Twiki pages alone.)  This costs Mandrake money because
> > > I'm not buying box sets, but rather upgrading manually a piece at a time.
> > >
> > > 3. CO-OP advertising.  SuSe RH and Mandrake are all in a bit of a bind. 
> > > Why not pool the funds so to speak and do Linux adds... Scene opens a guy
> > > asleep in bed. Words appear on the screen.
> > >
> > > This is your IT dept at 1am thanks to Linux.
> > >
> > >
> > > Just my 2 cents
> > >
> > > James
> > >
> > > *** save 17 million last quarter by switching to Linux.
> > > why is your company still running that other OS?
> > >
> > > On 12 Mar 2002 21:13:12 -0500
> > >
> > > Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:55, Dave Salovesh wrote:
> > > > > First, my apologies to any here who may have already heard this
> > > > > through other channels, and I also ask your forgiveness if I've
> > > > > missed a thread here where this is being discussed.  And lastly, I
> > > > > hope you don't worry that it might not be most inappropriate for a
> > > > > part-time Mandrake nobody and full-time NT/2000/MS-SQL/IIS admin to
> > > > > bring this up.
> > > >
> > > > Unfortunately I did not see your post, and posted an alternative story
> > > > on The Register to the list.  But I'm glad that others are taking note
> > > > of this and taking it to heart.  I too think it would be very bad for
> > > > everybody as a whole and especially bad for the members of this list if
> > > > MandrakeSoft hit a wall.  I think it's time for anybody that cares to
> > > > become active in their support of MandrakeSoft.
> > > >
> > > > Loki bit the dust recently, with some employees not having gotten a
> > > > paycheck since sometime in 2000.  Can anyone say "loyalty?" Mission
> > > > Critical Linux went down, with the loss of 55 employees.  The financial
> > > > burden is a cross that the Linux world needs to learn how to bear; and
> > > > fast; it's not too late.  MandrakeSoft itself is now activating it's
> > > > warning lights to give everyone a heads up.
> > > >
> > > > The now-unemployed people loved their companies.  Their dedication was
> > > > plain to see. How dedicated are you when you cut back on your groceries
> > > > for two yea

Re: [expert] Curious Dmesg line.

2002-03-13 Thread James

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:11:24 +0100
"Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> James wrote:
> >All,
> >
> >  I'm getting the following line in dmesg
> >
> >EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended
> >
> >Now the reason I'm curious is because all of my partitions (except swap) are 
>reiserfs. Any thoughts?  No sweat the box works... just curious.
> >
> >James
> >
> It's possible its your initrd image. Ithik these are e2.

Ok,  no sweat wonder how you fsck an intrd? *grin*


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[expert] mutt and ldap

2002-03-13 Thread Vincent Danen

Does anyone know if there is a way to use an ldap-based addressbook
(like you would in netscape, for example) with something like mutt?
Some sort of in-between wrapper that might do something like this?

Just curious as I'm exploring more LDAP stuff and will be trying to
make my LAN use it for login authentication, but since that's
relatively trivial (about a dozen users all told), I'm looking at some
more use I can get out of the LDAP server, and I thought it would be
nice if I could define a global address book in the LDAP server so
that all users could access it (we all use mutt, so I'm not concerned
about other email clients).

Anything like this exist, does anyone know?

MandrakeSoft Security;
"lynx -source | gpg --import"
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD

Current Linux kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk uptime: 2 days 0 hours 49 minutes.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [expert] no icons after upgrade to kde 2.2.2 - Urgent

2002-03-13 Thread Adrien Guichard


Tom Brinkman wrote:

>On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:11 pm, James wrote:
>>On 12 Mar 2002 10:31:23 -0800
>>Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>i just installed KDE 2.2.2 thru rpmdrake. it did complain about
>>>libpng3 conflicts. I clicked 'force'.
>>>now when i logged in normally with kde i cant see any icons on
>>>the task bar or menus.
I have had the same problem (no more KDE Splash screen  at the boot, 
after a KDE update). I update independantly "kdebase" pkgs, and 
everything went well .


run "ksplash --test" cmd.


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[expert] SCSI VooDoo in 8.1 (A Terrible Day)

2002-03-13 Thread Felix Miata

Mozilla for OS/2 has a really annoying bug
. I wanted to see if
Mozilla for Linux had a similar limitation. So, I backup, shutdown OS/2
and restart into Linux. 10:30.

[some background]
Most of my Linux experience is on boxen other than my 24/7 machine (VIA
MVP3 & K6/2) on which I used to have only DOS and OS/2 installed. My
last HD upgrade was performed by installing HD in a spare machine and
transferring to the main machine to minimize downtime on 24/7. I took
that opportunity to install 8.1 on it, using the spare box.

I had installed 8.1 several times previously, both on SCSI and IDE. This
install was from SCSI CD (/dev/scd0) on LSI HBA1 (8751), to SCSI HD
(/dev/sda) on LVD LSI HBA0 (8953). Mainboard was TX chipset w/ K6/2 CPU.
Grub on separate /boot. Modem worked. KDE worked. Tty's worked. Don't
remember trying much beyond that.

Moved HD and 8953 HBA to 24/7 machine. For the CD, HBA was on an 8150
HBA instead of 8751, which also has my data backup SCSI HD. Booted DOS
OK. Tried reboot. LSI BIOS message never displays, and boot never
progresses further. Turn off machine. Turn machine back on. Still no LSI
BIOS message, and boot hung again.

Removed HBA and HD and put back into TX machine. Perfect function.
Shutdown. Repeat. Shutdown. Repeat. No problem.

Moved HBA and HD back to 24/7. Boot into DOS OK. Tried reboot. LSI BIOS
message never displays, and boot never progresses further. Turn off
machine. Turn machine back on. Still no LSI BIOS message, and boot hung

Removed HBA and HD and put back into TX machine. Perfect function.
Shutdown. Repeat. Shutdown. Repeat. No problem.

Moved HBA and HD back to 24/7. Boot into DOS OK. Tried reboot. LSI BIOS
message never displays, and boot never progresses further. Turn off
machine. Turn machine back on. Still no LSI BIOS message, and boot hung

Removed 8953 and put the HD on an extra 8751. DOS boot worked. OS/2
worked. Over and over everything OK.

Pulled 8751 and moved HD back to 8953. Boot into DOS OK. Tried reboot.
LSI BIOS message never displays, and boot never progresses further. Turn
off machine. Turn machine back on. Still no LSI BIOS message, and boot
hung again.

Removed 8953 and put the HD on a second 8751. DOS boot worked. OS/2
worked. Over and over everything OK.

So, I emailed LSI in detail. Got virtually instant response. They would
try to recreate. Two days later, email announced they don't have same
motherboard to try and cannot recreate with what they have.

Then Booted Linux for first time using new HD in 24/7, but didn't
actually do anything with it then, and never booted it again between
installation in January, and yesterday.

[back to story]
Before OS/2 shutdown, I downloaded six rpms from cooker to HPFS,
Mozilla, Mozilla-Mail, Mozilla-IRC, two lib deps that worked the last
time I tried a Mozilla upgrade, and one lib dep that did not work the
last time (png). First thing to do on Linux boot was test to see if
Mozilla 0.9.4 from 8.1 had the bug.

wvdial: not found. Oh great, have to start by installing missing stuff.
Find 8.1 CD's. mount: /dev/scd0: no such device. Now what? I see
/dev/scd0 exists. Why doesn't this work? I also see stuff like
/dev/scsi/busx/idx/lun0, so the devs are there. Why doesn't this work? I
have no idea where to start looking for the solution to this, so I
decide to reinstall to make sure all devs appropriate to the hardware is

I started install from SCSI CD, using F1 for vgalo and expert. First
thing I noticed is the install stops if I make the logical choice of
SCSI support. Both NCR53c8xx and SYM53c8xx are listed. Since all my
HBA's were actually made long after NCR was no longer the company making
the chips, and labeled either Symbios or LSI, the natural choice to make
is SYM, not NCR. But, by choosing SYM, the installer cannot locate any
CD to complete the install from.

About the time I was finishing package selection, after an uneventful
assign partitions process, I realized my CDRW was not connected. I keep
my CDRW in a two bay external case, along with an 8 Gb HD to provide
some iso workspace and storage, so I can have CDRW access to any of my
machines. Except for the temporary setup to install my newest HD in my
24/7, none of the other machines have any SCSI other than a single 8751.

So, I exited install to restart with the CDRW connected, to ensure that
configuration would be correct automatically. When I use my CDRW, I
remove my backup SCSI HD cartridge, which is kept at the same SCSI ID
(2) as the HD in the external case. This allows me to have DOS, windoze,
and OS/2 all maintain the same drive letters when the CDRW and its
companion HD are connected. It should allow Linux to assign the
companion to a device later than the boot device.

I restarted install, and when I reached assign partitions, the companion
HD was /dev/sda, and the boot device was now /dev/sdb. This had me
baffled. I realized the sure fix was to simply disab

Re: [expert] Check for zlib via rpm

2002-03-13 Thread Brad Felmey

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 07:02, Bill Kenworthy wrote:

> is it possible to use rpm to get a list of files/packages from the rpm
> database that were built using zlib?  I have a lot built from src.rpm
> and would like to check ...

$ rpm -q --whatrequires

It's a really long list.
Brad Felmey

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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread civileme

Darren King wrote:

>Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip. 
>Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
>house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
>whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
>their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
>the people who actually write software that they include in their
>distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.
>On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:59, ed tharp wrote:
>>then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in life 
>>are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a waiteress? 
>>or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they only "might" get 
>>tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living thru the normally good 
>>graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider that you should pay for cable 
>>tv since the wire is already at the house?
>>On Wednesday 13 March 2002 01:54, you wrote:
>>>There seems to be a movement to "guilt" linux users into paying for
>>>linux these days since it's so good but we didn't buy it.  If I wanted
>>>to pay for an OS, I would.  I don't so I use linux.  Linux vendors like
>>>Mandrake should not have tried to become profitable corporations by
>>>selling a product anyone can legally get for free.
>>>On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 16:08, James wrote:
On this note a comment if I may...

  I've seen a lot of talk about free as in beer.  Well don't know where
you come from but in my neck of the woods beer that is free today
requires that I buy a round later.  In my business I'm trying to Sell
software management.  To many of the VAR's (Value Added Resellers) I see
just buy a single copy of RH or Mandrake and then install it on box after
box, after box.  To make matters worse they expect RH and Mandrake to
support it.  Partially this is in my opinion the distro's own fault,
because in the past they have supported it. I've bought every box set
since 7.0 and one per box I install it on.  Why because I don't expect MD
or anyone else to support software that I didn't buy.  From my view
Mandrake needs the following.

1. DON'T even think about supporting users who don't buy the copy.  Free
support in the e-mail groups ok... but if they call sell em a
support contract.

2. Improve the ability to upgrade a running system.  I've got several 7.1
and 7,2 systems that I'd love to upgrade but can't afford the time to
rebuild them after a wipe and install.  Data gets in the way.  (One box
has over 5 gigs of Twiki pages alone.)  This costs Mandrake money because
I'm not buying box sets, but rather upgrading manually a piece at a time.

3. CO-OP advertising.  SuSe RH and Mandrake are all in a bit of a bind. 
Why not pool the funds so to speak and do Linux adds... Scene opens a guy
asleep in bed. Words appear on the screen.

This is your IT dept at 1am thanks to Linux.

Just my 2 cents


*** save 17 million last quarter by switching to Linux.
why is your company still running that other OS?

On 12 Mar 2002 21:13:12 -0500

Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:55, Dave Salovesh wrote:
>>First, my apologies to any here who may have already heard this
>>through other channels, and I also ask your forgiveness if I've
>>missed a thread here where this is being discussed.  And lastly, I
>>hope you don't worry that it might not be most inappropriate for a
>>part-time Mandrake nobody and full-time NT/2000/MS-SQL/IIS admin to
>>bring this up.
>Unfortunately I did not see your post, and posted an alternative story
>on The Register to the list.  But I'm glad that others are taking note
>of this and taking it to heart.  I too think it would be very bad for
>everybody as a whole and especially bad for the members of this list if
>MandrakeSoft hit a wall.  I think it's time for anybody that cares to
>become active in their support of MandrakeSoft.
>Loki bit the dust recently, with some employees not having gotten a
>paycheck since sometime in 2000.  Can anyone say "loyalty?" Mission
>Critical Linux went down, with the loss of 55 employees.  The financial
>burden is a cross that the Linux world needs to learn how to bear; and
>fast; it's not too late.  MandrakeSoft itself is now activating it's
>warning lights to give everyone a heads up.
>The now-unemployed people loved their companies.  Their dedication was
>plain to see. How dedicated are you when you cut back on your groceries
>for two years just to keep working? For free?
>I feel that the people of MandrakeSoft are no different with 

Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Tom Badran

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 7:30 pm, you wrote:
> Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip.
> Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
> house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
> whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
> their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
> the people who actually write software that they include in their
> distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.

I know for a fact they sponsor (pay a full time wage) for people working on 
KDE, the kernel, and the prelude projects (i remember reading this on their 
website). I believe they also pay partial salaries for more people on other 
projects also.

Dont forget that the mandrake specific software (mainly control center and 
hardware auto detection stuff) is very good, and they release it under GPL 
for other distributors to use i they wish. SuSE (for example) has a 
proprietry configuration tool, although they also sponser the linux dvd 
project, and other developers as well.

Mandrakesoft does give a good bit of money back to the community, and 
provides us with a distribution of the highest quality. If anyone here ever 
installed an old (pre red hat 5) distribution then they can understand the 
work that mandrakesoft has put into their software.

Sadly, i am currently a student and cant afford to pay the monthly 
contributions (i could if i didnt have to pay in a lump sum - note for guys 
at mandrake), however i encouraged my mother to pay for a boxed set of 8.1 
when i installed linux for her at home, and i had purchased a boxed set of 
7.1 a while back, so i am trying to support the best i can.

All i can say is that i hope the company gets through this hard time, and 
doesnt waste any of the money that it recieves from the good pepole of the 

Good Luck

Tom Badran
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Ken Thompson

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 02:29 pm, you wrote:
> Darren King wrote:
> >Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip.
> >Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
> >house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
> >whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
> >their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
> >the people who actually write software that they include in their
> >distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.
> >
> >Darren
> >
> >On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:59, ed tharp wrote:
> >>then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in
> >> life are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a
> >> waiteress? or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they
> >> only "might" get tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living
> >> thru the normally good graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider
> >> that you should pay for cable tv since the wire is already at the house?
> >>
> >>On Wednesday 13 March 2002 01:54, you wrote:
> >>>There seems to be a movement to "guilt" linux users into paying for
> >>>linux these days since it's so good but we didn't buy it.  If I wanted
> >>>to pay for an OS, I would.  I don't so I use linux.  Linux vendors like
> >>>Mandrake should not have tried to become profitable corporations by
> >>>selling a product anyone can legally get for free.
> >>>
> >>>Darren
> >>>
> >>>On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 16:08, James wrote:
> On this note a comment if I may...
>   I've seen a lot of talk about free as in beer.  Well don't know where
> you come from but in my neck of the woods beer that is free today
> requires that I buy a round later.  In my business I'm trying to Sell
> software management.  To many of the VAR's (Value Added Resellers) I
>  see just buy a single copy of RH or Mandrake and then install it on
>  box after box, after box.  To make matters worse they expect RH and
>  Mandrake to support it.  Partially this is in my opinion the distro's
>  own fault, because in the past they have supported it. I've bought
>  every box set since 7.0 and one per box I install it on.  Why because
>  I don't expect MD or anyone else to support software that I didn't
>  buy.  From my view Mandrake needs the following.
> 1. DON'T even think about supporting users who don't buy the copy. 
>  Free support in the e-mail groups ok... but if they call sell
>  em a support contract.
> 2. Improve the ability to upgrade a running system.  I've got several
>  7.1 and 7,2 systems that I'd love to upgrade but can't afford the time
>  to rebuild them after a wipe and install.  Data gets in the way.  (One
>  box has over 5 gigs of Twiki pages alone.)  This costs Mandrake money
>  because I'm not buying box sets, but rather upgrading manually a piece
>  at a time.
> 3. CO-OP advertising.  SuSe RH and Mandrake are all in a bit of a bind.
> Why not pool the funds so to speak and do Linux adds... Scene opens a
>  guy asleep in bed. Words appear on the screen.
> This is your IT dept at 1am thanks to Linux.
> Just my 2 cents
> James
> *** save 17 million last quarter by switching to Linux.
> why is your company still running that other OS?
> On 12 Mar 2002 21:13:12 -0500
> Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 10:55, Dave Salovesh wrote:
> >>First, my apologies to any here who may have already heard this
> >>through other channels, and I also ask your forgiveness if I've
> >>missed a thread here where this is being discussed.  And lastly, I
> >>hope you don't worry that it might not be most inappropriate for a
> >>part-time Mandrake nobody and full-time NT/2000/MS-SQL/IIS admin to
> >>bring this up.
> >
> >Unfortunately I did not see your post, and posted an alternative story
> >on The Register to the list.  But I'm glad that others are taking note
> >of this and taking it to heart.  I too think it would be very bad for
> >everybody as a whole and especially bad for the members of this list
> > if MandrakeSoft hit a wall.  I think it's time for anybody that cares
> > to become active in their support of MandrakeSoft.
> >
> >Loki bit the dust recently, with some employees not having gotten a
> >paycheck since sometime in 2000.  Can anyone say "loyalty?" Mission
> >Critical Linux went down, with the loss of 55 employees.  The
> > financial burden is a cross that the Linux world needs to learn how
> > to bear; and fast; it's not too late.  MandrakeSoft itself is now
> > activating it's warning lights to give everyone a heads up.
> >
> >The now-unemployed people loved their com

[expert] how do you update urpmi database?

2002-03-13 Thread Schlomo Schwartz

I'm trying to update my 8.2beta2 install on a laptop
against the current cooker, but halfway through, it
failed.  Now every time I try to finish the job by
running 'urpmi --auto-select', it lists all of the
packages that need to updated and then fails,

Installation failed, some files are missing.
You may want to update your urmpi database

I've got 280Mb worth of RPMs in my /var/cache/urpmi
that I'd rather now blow away just to have to download
again, so does anyone know of any way to update the
urpmi database w/o losing that data?



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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread ed tharp

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 14:30, you wrote:
> Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip.
> Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
> house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
> whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
> their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
> the people who actually write software that they include in their
> distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.
> Darren

perhaps this is information that you should check out and consider yourself 
before you make any further "rash" statements. what I tell you , you may well 
decide is false, but what you find out foryorself may well enlighten you.

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Re: [expert] no icons after upgrade to kde 2.2.2 - Urgent

2002-03-13 Thread Ashley Moore

well, finally I managed to force kde 2.2.1 manually and things seems to
back to normal. I can see the icons  now.

Tom mentions that I installed 2.2.2 rpms for mdk 8.2, but i cou'ld'nt
find 2.2.2 rpms for 8.1. I'll probably build it from source after i read
the docs.

thanks for all the help anyway.

Ashley Moore.
Linux User#229125

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 12:40, Adrien Guichard wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 10:46:04 -0600
> Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 12 March 2002 11:11 pm, James wrote:
> > > On 12 Mar 2002 10:31:23 -0800
> > > Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > i just installed KDE 2.2.2 thru rpmdrake. it did complain about
> > > > libpng3 conflicts. I clicked 'force'.
> > > > now when i logged in normally with kde i cant see any icons on
> > > > the task bar or menus.
> > 
> > > Ashley I don't know for sure (I run Windowmaker) but aren't the
> > > icons for KDE .png files?  If so maybe this is the problem.
> > > James
> > 
> >  Yes, but it's appears Ashley used kde2.2.2 rpms for version 8.2 
> > on a <= 8.1 system.  There's a few things that can be tried (with 
> > mixed results).  Install libpng3 rpm. Many, but not all have reported 
> > that libpng2 and libpng3 coexist with no apparent problems. Some who 
> > did have problems with this situation, uninstalled libpng2 and then 
> > faked a link, 'ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/'
> > 
> > When I was usin 8.1+cooker (< Dec. 2001), I don't remember any 
> > problems tryin either solution.  Hopefully this info is correct, but 
> > I'd warn y'all it's from my memory ;>
> A couple addition to Tom's comment.
> Having both libpng2 and libpng3 installed will cause no problem and works better 
>than using 'ln -s'
> If you currently have libpng2-devel installed you will be best served by removing it 
>and installing libpng3-devel.

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Re: [expert] 486 parport or SLIP-NFS

2002-03-13 Thread Ashley Moore

On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 08:12, Ashley Moore wrote:

still no takers on this
Ashley Moore.
Linux User#229125

> hi,
> i have an old compaq 486DX-50Mhz, 8mb ram, 2 Gb HD that i want to load
> linux
> on. i downloaded and burned the iso image for mandrake 7.0 i486 from
> the laptop does'nt have any cdrom drive or ethernet h/w. I have an
> external
> cdrom that connects to the parallel port (Onspec - 'on26.o'. where can i
> get
> customised boot disk to get the install to read the cd via the parport.
> OR
> i could connect the laptop via a 'laplink' cable to my desktop and
> perfrom an
> NFS install via slip...,
> also, any idea which would be the quickest way to achieve my goal
> (without any $$)?
> I had done this a couple of years ago and managed to install a minimal
> dist of RH, once the parport module was done, i then updated to i486-mdk
> off the CD. I also managed to get a trimmed down config for X, and ran
> the sawmill(?) WM. unfortunately i've forgotten the details :(
> any help, ideas urgent ;)
> Ashley Moore.
> _
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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Michael Holt

Well, I've read the posts and after listening to everyone, I would like to 
add my point - which is - who cares?  If you use mandrake and you like it, 
doesn't it make sense to support them?  If you like driving your car, 
don't you put gas in it?  What happens if you don't put gas in?  C'mon 
now, all you 'experts', I know you know the answer to that one...

cheers :-)

Michael & Tracy Holt
Unix is all about taking big rocks and turning them into little rocks -
Windows is all about taking sand... and dumping it in your gas tank...

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[expert] Sound

2002-03-13 Thread Roy Barton

Can anyone explain to me how to turn up the sound 
settings under linux?  I have installed a compatible sound card and get no 
sound from it.

Re: [expert] Curious Dmesg line.

2002-03-13 Thread Hoyt

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 02:35 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:11:24 +0100
> "Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > James wrote:
> > >All,
> > >
> > >  I'm getting the following line in dmesg
> > >
> > >EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended
> > >
> > >Now the reason I'm curious is because all of my partitions (except swap)
> > > are reiserfs. Any thoughts?  No sweat the box works... just
> > > curious.
> > >
> > >James
> >
> > It's possible its your initrd image. Ithik these are e2.
> Ok,  no sweat wonder how you fsck an intrd? *grin*

It should be turned off for the initrd filesystem.  That should be done 
during the creation of the filesystem. If it's not been done that way, this 
would be a minor bug.


A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard.

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Re: [expert] Palp M500

2002-03-13 Thread Asheesh Laroia

modprobe visor

That should install the Palm-USB driver (it used to be Handspring
Visor-only, thus the name).

You'll follow the following procedure:

Hotsync port: /dev/usb/tts/1

(Enter that in settings whenever you need the hotsync serial port.
Alternatively, you can go do /dev and make a symlink for it called, say,
"pilot" by the following command:
ln -s /dev/usb/tts/1 /dev/pilot
If you do that, use /dev/pilot as your serial port setting.)

Now, open JPilot (the one that comes with Mdk will work fine) and put your
Visor in the cradle.  Do:

1. Press HotSync on Visor
2. Press "Sync" in JPilot
3. Watch things move around.

Pressing HotSync on the Visor is an important first step because it "wakes
up" the driver and creates the /dev/usb/tts/1 device file.  Until you
press HotSync (and until the Sync finishes), that file is not present.

Step 4: Experiment with other packages, like Evolution + gnome-pilot, or
KDE's stuff + kpilot.  (Consider reading some documentation regarding each
online, or ask the list about them.)

-- Asheesh.

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:

> Has anyone had any luck getting a Palm Pilot to work? I have a M500
> with a USB cradle. Ther USB is recognized on my machine because I have
> a printer working on one of the two ports.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Re: [expert] Sound

2002-03-13 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 09:34 pm, Roy Barton wrote:
> Can anyone explain to me how to turn up the sound settings under linux?  I
> have installed a compatible sound card and get no sound from it.
> thanks,
> roy

Not knowing which version of mandrake, which card and what "installed" means, 
it's a little hard to answer. The usual problem is that the kde sound mixer 
sets the volume to zero by default. If that isn't it, go to the documents 
section of, and run a search for "sound". You'll get four 
pages of hits, some of which may be useful.
hth --
-- cmg

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[expert] Re: Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Fred Fraley

I think the misconception here is what users are, or should be,  paying for.
I bet most of you eat seafood that did not cost the commercial fisherman
anything.  All he had to do was buy the tools and take the time to harvest
the free stuff.  I'll leave that to him, gladly, and pay to get mine.  It's a
whole lot cheaper than the free fish.
Raise your hands, everyone here who DL'd only from non-profit sites, wrote
their own installation tools/scripts, evaluated all the software to decide
which were most functional and compatible, planned their own system to make
sure they had all the necessary libraries, worked out the hardware 
identification and driver issues,  and the other work that makes up a distro 
instead of a bunch ofhacks that sort of get some of the work done a lot of 
the time.
Oh, yeah, and managed to get it on some sort of media.
Hmmm, so maybe Mandrake, RH, Suse, et al do indeed work for their money.

Now another issue.  I wish Mandrake would at least suggest a realistic price
(voluntary license? membership?) for additional machines, upgrades, or an
additional  DL'd OS without official support.  For example, I will probably
encourage Mandrake on my daughters' boxes, and use SNF to run a
firewall/router since we have a cable connection.  I have moved from 8.0
Powerpack to 8.2beta.
Considering there is no retailer profit, distribution cost, production and
packaging expense, etc., I'm guessing $20-$30US each "unit" is a reasonable 
"license only" figure.  So one SNF, and one upgrade come to about $60US.  
I've paid that for a club membership, and will encourage my teen daughters to 
bump it up a notch if they install on their machines.  That would be $120.
I know the voluntary donation thing sets the bankers' hair afire, so the
page was removed/hidden/whatever.  But coming out and pricing what is a real,
though unconventional, product is probably necessary.  Linux just doesn't fit
a normal production, distribution and pricing model in a material or
philosophical sense.



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Re: [expert] Sound

2002-03-13 Thread Jason Guidry

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:34:58 -0600 "Roy Barton" wrote:

> Can anyone explain to me how to turn up the sound settings under
> linux?  I have installed a compatible sound card and get no sound from it.
> thanks,
> roy

d00d, you knead to give us details cuando you write to the list.  what wm 
are you using?  KDE? 
what mdk version?

if KDE, try:

K -> Multimedia -> Sound Mixer

my best guess.

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You've got two choices: Join the circus, or use MollyMail.

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Re: [expert] no icons after upgrade to kde 2.2.2 - Urgent

2002-03-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 07:24 pm, Ashley Moore wrote:
> well, finally I managed to force kde 2.2.1 manually and things
> seems to back to normal. I can see the icons  now.
> Tom mentions that I installed 2.2.2 rpms for mdk 8.2, but i
> cou'ld'nt find 2.2.2 rpms for 8.1. I'll probably build it from
> source after i read the docs.

   Texstar's got kde2.2.2 i686 rpms for 8.1
"These rpms are built from the latest cvs, objprelinked and mandrake 
patches/bug fixes applied. "

FWIW, I believe you'd be alright usin the newer cooker 2.2.2 rpms 
you already have, plus installin libpng3 from cooker. Charles added a 
good comment, ie, if you have libpng2-devel installed, you'll need to 
uninstall it, and install the libpng3-devel.  That part I forgot ;)
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [expert] Sound

2002-03-13 Thread Asheesh Laroia

Sounds like someone needs to take a trip to aumix, accessible by the
command-line entry:


Have fun with it.  Note well that the "mute" function is disabled/enabled
by the "M" key on your keyboard.

-- Asheesh.

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Roy Barton wrote:

> Can anyone explain to me how to turn up the sound settings under linux?  I have 
>installed a compatible sound card and get no sound from it.
> thanks,
> roy

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[expert] IRQ Conflicts

2002-03-13 Thread Hoyt

A friend is attempting to run Mandrake on a Tyan dual proc board with two 
NICs. He has an irq conflict with one NIC and the video card. Tyan has 
removed accesss in teh BIOS to set IRQs per slot. the cards can not be set 
manually. Tyan tech help suggests Windows XP - no help there.

Any way to fix this in Linux?


A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard.

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[expert] need xmessage,or xmkmf, or imake,

2002-03-13 Thread Fred Fraley

One of those simple things that becomes worse at every step of the way.
Since installing 8.2b4, whenever I open wine (Codeweavers) I get 
a line that xmessage is missing, though things still work.  So I DL'd 
xmessage.tar, which was a longer search than I anticipated.
Untarred OK.  Imakefile instead of makefile.  Mandrake Reference says no 
prob, use xmkmf.  No such file.  xmkmf appears to be part of imake.  No such 
Went to a Cooker mirror.  No imake or xmkmf.  Hits from a search (+imake 
+mandrake +rpm) lead to broken links, but I can find non-mandrake rpms.
Now I wonder that just finding any old xmkmf or the imake rpm will not solve 
my problem and might just create another problem layer.
So, help.


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Re: [expert] IRQ Conflicts

2002-03-13 Thread civileme

Hoyt wrote:

>A friend is attempting to run Mandrake on a Tyan dual proc board with two 
>NICs. He has an irq conflict with one NIC and the video card. Tyan has 
>removed accesss in teh BIOS to set IRQs per slot. the cards can not be set 
>manually. Tyan tech help suggests Windows XP - no help there.
>Any way to fix this in Linux?
>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
>Go to
Well, it could be a non-problem--set PnP ON and ACPI OFF and move the 
cards around to different slots.
The two NICs should easily share an interrupt.


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Re: [expert] IRQ Conflicts

2002-03-13 Thread Brad Felmey

On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:35, civileme wrote:

> Well, it could be a non-problem--set PnP ON and ACPI OFF and move the 
> cards around to different slots.
> The two NICs should easily share an interrupt.

Tyan's dual NICs are usually onboard 3c980's.
Brad Felmey

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Re: [expert] IRQ Conflicts

2002-03-13 Thread Hoyt

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 11:35 pm, you wrote:
> Well, it could be a non-problem--set PnP ON and ACPI OFF and move the
> cards around to different slots.

No option in the BIOS to do this on the Tyan board.

Is there a LILO command for it?

> The two NICs should easily share an interrupt.

By moving the cards around, we finally got the two nics to share IRQ 5, but 
neither coudl be initialized. When one NIC shared with video, we got about 8% 
packet loss.


A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard.

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Re: [expert] open office or star office.

2002-03-13 Thread James

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:37:51 -0700
Praedor Tempus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just bought Hancom Office last night.  Now I await its arrival in the mail. 
>  In the meantime, I downloaded the test drive Hancom Office 6.0 package and 
> installed it.  MUCH faster than Staroffice/Openoffice and other than the 
> annoying letters in parentheses with every command/menu title, etc, I like 
> it.  
>   One thing, however...the presentation component segfaults whenever I try to 
> start it.  It is the only component that will not run for me.  Does the 
> presentation app work OK in the full, commercial version?  This beta 6.0 
> package appears to be based on qt3, which may be part of the problem (it 
> comes with its own subset of qt3 libs to make it work).  Too bad it doesn't 
> have a vector drawing app - I could do without the painter because the Gimp 
> is quite capable in that arena.  
>   Overall nice, just wish SOMEONE would make one that handles references and 
> citations ala Lyx!  Once KOffice is more stable and has better filters and 
> can do spreadsheet/charting as well as all the competition then I would 
> likely go with it but until then, I can live with Hancom.
> praedor

  Had the same problems with Hancom as well.  Then once I did the first auto 
update gone. Does the free download have /usr/local/HancomOffice2/bin/hcupdate?  
If so use it... takes a while to connect but it's worth it when it's finished.


> On Tuesday 12 March 2002 02:51 am, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 01:12, James wrote:
> > > Mike had the same problem at first.  Then about 2 weeks ago I ran
> > > /usr/local/HancomOffice2/bin/hcupdater . the updates I got made it a
> > > lot less likely to puke on complicated files.  Not Perfect yet.  But dang
> > > close.
> > >
> > > James
> >
> > ===
> > Thanks for the tip, James.  Worth a try ;o)  I paid $50 bucks at
> > LinuxWorld, so I may as well get some use out of it
> > Mike

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Re: [expert] IRQ Conflicts

2002-03-13 Thread Hoyt

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 11:44 pm, you wrote:
> Tyan's dual NICs are usually onboard 3c980's

One on-board is a 3Com, so is PCI NIC, same chipset.


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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread James

On 14 Mar 2002 06:30:40 +1100
Darren King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip. 
> Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
> house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
> whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
> their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
> the people who actually write software that they include in their
> distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.
> Darren

With all due respect  probably more than you or I do.  Such projects as Bastille, 
wine, KDE and others do get money, time and support from Mandrake. In fact Many of the 
project leaders for Open Source projects are employed by the various distros just to 
work on their project.  (Tip by the way means Too Insure Promptness.. and when I was 
in Sydney the bartender was very very prompt after he got the first tip... *grin* ) 
Much of this falls along the same lines as the word fair.  It means all is equal... 
not you get what you want.  

Before companies like ygdrasil (hope I spelled that right) and later RedHat et all.  
The only way to get the "free" OS was hours of boot strapping and compiling (Even more 
time consuming than LFS ) These vendors brought to the table 3 things, Installers, QA 
and support.  I really don't care how much of a "guru" someone thinks they are, the 
still need support and benifit from the QA and the installer.  If you want' it free 
then take what's free.  Often buggy, in that it builds on the users box but not on 
someone elses.  No notification of securitty holes. (Not even Cert catches them all.)  
Not tools such as RPM to make what could otherwise be an upgrade nightmare for 
sysadmins possible.  No thanks I'll take what I get from the distro's over boot strap 
and 2 weeks compiling (per box I might add) anytime.  Just remember TNSTAAFL. 


> On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:59, ed tharp wrote:
> > then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in life 
> > are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a waiteress? 
> > or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they only "might" get 
> > tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living thru the normally good 
> > graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider that you should pay for cable 
> > tv since the wire is already at the house?
> > 
> > 
> > On Wednesday 13 March 2002 01:54, you wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > There seems to be a movement to "guilt" linux users into paying for
> > > linux these days since it's so good but we didn't buy it.  If I wanted
> > > to pay for an OS, I would.  I don't so I use linux.  Linux vendors like
> > > Mandrake should not have tried to become profitable corporations by
> > > selling a product anyone can legally get for free.
> > >
> > > Darren
> > >
> > > On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 16:08, James wrote:
> > > > On this note a comment if I may...
> > > >
> > > >   I've seen a lot of talk about free as in beer.  Well don't know where
> > > > you come from but in my neck of the woods beer that is free today
> > > > requires that I buy a round later.  In my business I'm trying to Sell
> > > > software management.  To many of the VAR's (Value Added Resellers) I see
> > > > just buy a single copy of RH or Mandrake and then install it on box after
> > > > box, after box.  To make matters worse they expect RH and Mandrake to
> > > > support it.  Partially this is in my opinion the distro's own fault,
> > > > because in the past they have supported it. I've bought every box set
> > > > since 7.0 and one per box I install it on.  Why because I don't expect MD
> > > > or anyone else to support software that I didn't buy.  From my view
> > > > Mandrake needs the following.
> > > >
> > > > 1. DON'T even think about supporting users who don't buy the copy.  Free
> > > > support in the e-mail groups ok... but if they call sell em a
> > > > support contract.
> > > >
> > > > 2. Improve the ability to upgrade a running system.  I've got several 7.1
> > > > and 7,2 systems that I'd love to upgrade but can't afford the time to
> > > > rebuild them after a wipe and install.  Data gets in the way.  (One box
> > > > has over 5 gigs of Twiki pages alone.)  This costs Mandrake money because
> > > > I'm not buying box sets, but rather upgrading manually a piece at a time.
> > > >
> > > > 3. CO-OP advertising.  SuSe RH and Mandrake are all in a bit of a bind. 
> > > > Why not pool the funds so to speak and do Linux adds... Scene opens a guy
> > > > asleep in bed. Words appear on the screen.
> > > >
> > > > This is your IT dept at 1am thanks to Linux.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Just my 2 cents
> > > >
> > > > James
> > > >
> > > > *** save 17 million last quarter by switching to Linux.
> > > > why is your company still running that other OS?
> > > >
> > > > On 12 Mar 2002 21:13:1

Re: [expert] MDK 8.1 scsi-emulation and IDE Tape drive

2002-03-13 Thread James

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:48:27 -0500
David Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  You shouldn't need to rebuild the kernel if the dev is now created.  I've got an 
ide-scsi cdrw in my box and in order to get the writes to work correctly I had to 
change append devfs=mount to append devfs=nomount.  Once I did it started to burn 
correctly and in fact I haven't had a bad burn (that wasn't by my own foobar) since.  
Maybe this will work with the colorado as well.  This by the way is one of the biggest 
differences between the 8.0 and 8.1 for causing headaches. (IMHO) 


> Hi All,
> I have just had to rebuild a server and decided to use 8.1. This box previously ran 
>8.0 with a HP Colorado IDE 14 Gb tape unit. This worked great.
> With the 8.1 installed there was no /dev/st0, I assumed that for whatever reason, 
>ide-scsi was not installed (8.0 was automatically installed). I have looked about the 
>forums and some suggest that the kernel needs to be rebuilt. Other suggestions appear 
>to add a line to lilo.conf, hdd=ide-scsi. This instance hda is the boot device and 
>hdd in the tape unit. Anyway, with the line added to lilo.conf the /dev/st0 now 
>exists but cannot write to the device using normal methods. I guess I am missing 
> I really would not like to rebuild the kernel unless I have no choice (never done it 
>before) because the box is a P120, so it could take a while.
> Any suggestions would be great!
> DMESG => 'dmesg|grep hd'
> Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=scsi ro root=301 hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount
> ide_setup: hdd=ide-scsi
> ide0: BM-DMA at 0x4000-0x4007, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
> ide1: BM-DMA at 0x4008-0x400f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
> hdb: CD-ROM Drive/F5D, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
> hda: 39876480 sectors (20417 MB) w/418KiB Cache, CHS=2482/255/63, UDMA(33)
> hdb: ATAPI 48X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache, UDMA(33)
> Thanks Dave.

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Re: [expert] 486 parport or SLIP-NFS

2002-03-13 Thread James

On 13 Mar 2002 17:37:33 -0800
Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 08:12, Ashley Moore wrote:
> still no takers on this
> -- 
> Ashley Moore.
> -
> Linux User#229125
> -
> > hi,
> > 
> > i have an old compaq 486DX-50Mhz, 8mb ram, 2 Gb HD that i want to load
> > linux
> > on. i downloaded and burned the iso image for mandrake 7.0 i486 from
> >
> > 
> > the laptop does'nt have any cdrom drive or ethernet h/w. I have an
> > external
> > cdrom that connects to the parallel port (Onspec - 'on26.o'. where can i
> > get
> > customised boot disk to get the install to read the cd via the parport.
> > 
> > OR
> > 
> > i could connect the laptop via a 'laplink' cable to my desktop and
> > perfrom an
> > NFS install via slip...,
> > 
> > also, any idea which would be the quickest way to achieve my goal
> > (without any $$)?
> > 
> > I had done this a couple of years ago and managed to install a minimal
> > dist of RH, once the parport module was done, i then updated to i486-mdk
> > off the CD. I also managed to get a trimmed down config for X, and ran
> > the sawmill(?) WM. unfortunately i've forgotten the details :(
> > 
> > any help, ideas urgent ;)
> > 
> > Ashley Moore.


   Two Ideas The easiest way is to install it via a desktop box.  Get an ide-notebook 
adapter (under 10 bucks US) Then once it's installed (don't configure X) move the hdd 
to the notebook to continue the install. This method is by far the easiest of all.

Some other Ideas  (a general howto) ( Lots of links and info here.) (the best place to start)

Other alternatives are.  Slackware (it will install on anything and has a parport 
option in it's install) or This is the RULE project dedicated to 
installing updated linux anywhere.


> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > _
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get your free address at
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> > Go to

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Re: [expert] 486 parport or SLIP-NFS

2002-03-13 Thread Ashley Moore

tls, for the great info...


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 21:35, James wrote:
> On 13 Mar 2002 17:37:33 -0800
> Ashley Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-03-12 at 08:12, Ashley Moore wrote:
> > 
> > still no takers on this
> > -- 
> > Ashley Moore.
> > -
> > Linux User#229125
> > -
> > 
> > > hi,
> > > 
> > > i have an old compaq 486DX-50Mhz, 8mb ram, 2 Gb HD that i want to load
> > > linux
> > > on. i downloaded and burned the iso image for mandrake 7.0 i486 from
> > >
> > > 
> > > the laptop does'nt have any cdrom drive or ethernet h/w. I have an
> > > external
> > > cdrom that connects to the parallel port (Onspec - 'on26.o'. where can i
> > > get
> > > customised boot disk to get the install to read the cd via the parport.
> > > 
> > > OR
> > > 
> > > i could connect the laptop via a 'laplink' cable to my desktop and
> > > perfrom an
> > > NFS install via slip...,
> > > 
> > > also, any idea which would be the quickest way to achieve my goal
> > > (without any $$)?
> > > 
> > > I had done this a couple of years ago and managed to install a minimal
> > > dist of RH, once the parport module was done, i then updated to i486-mdk
> > > off the CD. I also managed to get a trimmed down config for X, and ran
> > > the sawmill(?) WM. unfortunately i've forgotten the details :(
> > > 
> > > any help, ideas urgent ;)
> > > 
> > > Ashley Moore.
> Ashley,
>Two Ideas The easiest way is to install it via a desktop box.  Get an 
>ide-notebook adapter (under 10 bucks US) Then once it's installed (don't configure X) 
>move the hdd to the notebook to continue the install. This method is by far the 
>easiest of all.
> Some other Ideas
>  (a general howto)
> ( Lots of links and info here.)
> (the best place to start)
> Other alternatives are.  Slackware (it will install on anything and has a parport 
>option in it's install) or
> This is the RULE project dedicated 
>to installing updated linux anywhere.
> James
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > _
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Get your free address at
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> > > Go to
> > 

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to
Ashley Moore.
Linux User#229125

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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 00:02, James wrote:
> With all due respect  probably more than you or I do.  Such projects as 
> Bastille, wine, KDE and others do get money, time and support from Mandrake.
> In fact Many of the project leaders for Open Source projects are employed by
> the various distros just to work on their project.  (Tip by the way means Too 
> Insure Promptness.. and when I was in Sydney the bartender was very very prompt
> after he got the first tip... *grin* ) Much of this falls along the same lines
> as the word fair.  It means all is equal... not you get what you want.  
> Before companies like ygdrasil (hope I spelled that right) and later RedHat
> et all.  The only way to get the "free" OS was hours of boot strapping and
> compiling (Even more time consuming than LFS ) These vendors brought to the 
> table 3 things, Installers, QA and support.  I really don't care how much of a
> "guru" someone thinks they are, the still need support and benefit from the QA
> and the installer.  If you want' it free then take what's free.  Often buggy, 
> in that it builds on the users box but not on someone elses.  No notification
> of securitty holes. (Not even Cert catches them all.)  Not tools such as RPM to
> make what could otherwise be an upgrade nightmare for sysadmins possible.
> No thanks I'll take what I get from the distro's over boot strap and 2 weeks 
> compiling (per box I might add) anytime.  Just remember TNSTAAFL. 
> James
> > 
> > On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:59, ed tharp wrote:
> > > then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in life 
> > > are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a waiteress? 
> > > or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they only "might" get 
> > > tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living thru the normally good 
> > > graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider that you should pay for cable 
> > > tv since the wire is already at the house?

Personally, I've become amazed at how tight this list is when faced with
adversity.  Quite frankly, I consider the subscription to this list to
be one of the best mailing list decisions I've ever made.  The
contributors here are definitely made of high quality stuff.  Heck, it's
almost enough to put you in a good mood. ;)

If you're in a typing mood and you want to influence some more support
for MandrakeSoft, check out this inflammatory article over at Newsforge:

You're allowed to post anonymous comments there regarding the article. 
Jack Bryar is pushing a very misinformed and negative outlook regarding
the subscription model of business (Which Transgaming is using
successfully now) and makes some very insulting allusions to
MandrakeSoft's new business model.  So if youre' in the mood, blast 'em.

Then when youre' done, come back to the list here to chill.  :)

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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Darren King

I don't know what you mean by rash, but I stand by what I say.  You
cannot use a standard business model when your product is free.  How
many people would use linux if it and all the apps had to be paid full
price for?  Would you pay 500 bucks for the gimp even though it's as
good as Photoshop?  I have been enlightened on Mandrake's commitment to
the community and I applaud them for it.  I was wrong there but I stand
behind my point.  Threatening to lay off worker unless we give them
money is a bit low.  Obviously they overextended themselves.  Like most
of us, they should wait till they actually have money until they buy
something.  I just don't like the whole "we don't want to lay off
employees so we'll appeal to users" stance...


On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 11:55, ed tharp wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 March 2002 14:30, you wrote:
> > Not all of us live in North America.  In Australia, you do not tip.
> > Waitesses are paid a decent wage here.  Just because a cable is at a
> > house for TV, doesn't mean it's "on"...I don't get the analogy.  The
> > whole fun of linux is that it's made by people who want to do it, in
> > their spare time.  Tell me,  how much money does Mandrake send down to
> > the people who actually write software that they include in their
> > distro?  And Im not talking about mandrake-specific softare.
> >
> > Darren
> perhaps this is information that you should check out and consider yourself 
> before you make any further "rash" statements. what I tell you , you may well 
> decide is false, but what you find out foryorself may well enlighten you.

> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Darren King

These analogies are hilarious.  When you buy a car do they tell you
it'll never needs gas?  No.  You know that going in.  When you
downloaded linux did you think you'd have to pay?  Linux was started by
people who did it for the fun of it.  Where has that gone? 


On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 13:15, Michael Holt wrote:
> Well, I've read the posts and after listening to everyone, I would like to 
> add my point - which is - who cares?  If you use mandrake and you like it, 
> doesn't it make sense to support them?  If you like driving your car, 
> don't you put gas in it?  What happens if you don't put gas in?  C'mon 
> now, all you 'experts', I know you know the answer to that one...
> cheers :-)
> -- 
> Michael & Tracy Holt
> ===<
> Unix is all about taking big rocks and turning them into little rocks -
> Windows is all about taking sand... and dumping it in your gas tank...

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[expert] KDE Konsole PS1 problem

2002-03-13 Thread newbie

I have an off-the-shelf installation of Mandrake8.1. But no matter how i 
set PS1 in /etc/profile, after I enters Konsole, it's always '[\u@\h 
\W]\$' . This problem doesn't happen to other environment variables in 
Konsole. Anyone has any idea?


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[expert] php-curl

2002-03-13 Thread Terry Tremaine

HelloI am trying to set up real-time credit card processing on my 
apache server.In particular I want to use echophp. I would prefer not to 
recompile eitherapache or php. I have curl installed. I would like to link 
it to apache/phpusing a php-curl rpm. Such an rpm exists at rpmfind but not 
one specificallyfor mandrake, i.e. no php-curl-xxx-.mdk.rpm. Is anyone 
familiar with aprocedure for doing this or documentation somewhere? I'm 
using Mandrake 8.1.TT

Re: [expert] Slightly OT: Supporting Mandrake

2002-03-13 Thread Darren King

I thought the article is bang on.  I didn't find it inflammatory at
all...what part did you find so?

On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 17:32, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> Personally, I've become amazed at how tight this list is when faced with
> adversity.  Quite frankly, I consider the subscription to this list to
> be one of the best mailing list decisions I've ever made.  The
> contributors here are definitely made of high quality stuff.  Heck, it's
> almost enough to put you in a good mood. ;)
> If you're in a typing mood and you want to influence some more support
> for MandrakeSoft, check out this inflammatory article over at Newsforge:
> You're allowed to post anonymous comments there regarding the article. 
> Jack Bryar is pushing a very misinformed and negative outlook regarding
> the subscription model of business (Which Transgaming is using
> successfully now) and makes some very insulting allusions to
> MandrakeSoft's new business model.  So if youre' in the mood, blast 'em.
> ;)

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Re: [expert] Sound

2002-03-13 Thread Roy Barton

 sorry bout that.. i'm running mdk 8.1 on a amd k6-2 475 w/324 mb ram and a
 fortmedia fm801 pci sound card.. mb is a via chipset

> - Original Message -
> From: "Jason Guidry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 8:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Sound
> > On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:34:58 -0600 "Roy Barton" wrote:
> >
> > > Can anyone explain to me how to turn up the sound settings under
> > > linux?  I have installed a compatible sound card and get no sound from
> it.
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > >
> > > roy
> >
> >
> > d00d, you knead to give us details cuando you write to the list.  what
> > are you using?  KDE?
> > what mdk version?
> >
> > if KDE, try:
> >
> > K -> Multimedia -> Sound Mixer
> >
> > my best guess.
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > This message sent using EMUmail --
> > -
> >
> > Jumping through hoops to get E-mail on the road?
> > You've got two choices: Join the circus, or use MollyMail.
> >
> > Molly Mail --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
> > Go to
> >

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