Re: [expert] test

2000-06-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Sat, 03 (06/00) at 07:56 +, Jose M. Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> test
---end quoted text---

Seen ;).

Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] Acrobat segmentation faults

2000-06-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Sat, 03 (06/00) at 10:59 +, root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I bought Mandrake 7.0 instead of downloading so I could read the linux
> EBooks that came with the distribution. I can read the EBooks fine when
> I boot to Windows 98 but I can get Acrobat to work in Linux. I have
> tried acroread 4 which comes on the CD and 4.05 from Adobe's web site.
> Both times I followed the installation instructions.
> Any suggestions?
---end quoted text---

Hum. I got both, 4.0 and 4.05, from Acrobat. 4.0 died, but there's no
problem with 4.05 (still prefer xpdf, though ...).



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] joystick with V7 (Air)

2000-06-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Sat, 03 (06/00) at 17:24 +, hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> have installed my V7 for my daughters PC and am looking now for getting
> running the joystick. Have loaded insmod joystick, lsmod shows me the
> loaded module, but where is a testprogram called jstest ?
> A brandnew update and locate jstest doesn't show me anything !
> joystick-drivers are installed as modules.
> In the readme of the kernels joystick-docu I found this here :
> jstest /dev/js0
> but I cannot find a jstest.
> Is anybody there, who could give me some hints in getting running the
> joystick ?
> It's a "Interact PC-Mission" Joystick, connected to the gameport of the
> soundcard. The soundcard is an Ensoniq ES1371 (rev. 6)
> Or have I to tweak the soundcard at first and if so, how I have to teak
> it ?
> Thanks in advance
> Hans Schneidhofer
---end quoted text---


How about 'joytest'?



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] Windows 95 !!!

2000-06-04 Thread Tom Berger

On Sun, 04 (06/00) at 13:22 +, Ted Wager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi..
> Sorry abt the title...
> I have just inherited a Dell computer with  a 4 gig h/ has been
> partitioned into 2 2gig'sI have the win95 cdrom's but no driver disks for
> the cdrom drive..I wanrt to remove the win95 system and put the whole lot to
> linux...I am running Mandrake on the second partition..I have made a sys disk
> for the win partition tooIf I use the sysdisk to reformat the first drive
> it will of course delete the cdrom driverWill the linux boot.img pickup the
> cdrom on a bare drive or doe it read the dos sys files...I have never used w95 
> the only GUI  I have used is GEM on Dr Dos so the Windows system is a closed
> book to me
>Regards Ted
> Ted Wager..Mandrake linux
---end quoted text---


We don't need no stinkin' MS drivers ;). Fire away, Linux comes with its
own drivers.



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] Date tagged names

2000-06-04 Thread Tom Berger

On Sat, 03 (06/00) at 12:19 +, Anton Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I sent the original yesterday and
> never saw it myself)
> I have this rather ugly method of generating a directory name that is
> a date (MM).  Part of the ugliness comes from having to pipe the
> output from date through awk to reduce the month by one because it
> gets called from a cron job at midnight on the first of each month.
> Does anybody have a cleaner method of doing this?
> DirName=$HOME/Mail/Archives/$(echo -e "$(date +%Y%m)" \
>| awk '{if ((($1-1)%100)==0) print  $1-89; else \
>print $1-1 }')
> -- 
>  _|_|_
>   ( )   *Anton Graham
>   /v\  / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> /(   )X
>  (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
> Penguin Powered!
---end quoted text---


Hum, tricky one. Have you tried the -r switch for 'date'? From 'info date'

`-r FILE'
 Display the time and date reference according to the last
 modification time of FILE, instead of the current time and date.

If you set that to a file which is modified daily ...

Just an idea.



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] Mounting W98 Drive-Space files

2000-06-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Sun, 04 (06/00) at 10:20 +, Civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Aksomitis wrote:
> > 
> > I can't seem to mount a W98 (or any) Compressed file system.  I believe there's a 
>Kernel module for this, but it doesn't appear to be included in Mdk 7.  I'd like to 
>do this, preferably without re-compiling the Kernel.  Perhaps Mandrake has an RPM I 
>could download and just use insmod ??  I can mount an ISO image file no problem, so 
>my mount commands are working.
> > 
> > Any help would be appreciated, I'm pretty good at Linux now but I haven't tackled 
>a Kernel re-compile and would prefer not too
> > 
> > Eric Aksomitis
> >
> Hmmm,
> Well, I haven't seen any such modules.  Zlibc does something
> similar but in a read-only fashion for loading a few program and
> documentation files.  With disk space being a lot cheaper than
> time, in most cases, I would expect compression to fade into the
> background for disk storage except for transmission files, and it
> is difficult to conceive of a compressed volume when there is no
> concept of "volume" (at least as windows uses it)  
> zlibc can be accessed here
> and
> has some filesystem information and seems to be involved in
> reading weird external volumes through reverse engineering.
> I have searched sourceforge, freshmeat, tucows, davecentral, and
> linuxstart for information.  It doesn't seem that there is a lot
> of demand for this particular item, because I found only the
> following projects...
> Dmsdos
> It is at 
> It may be included in some arcanely titled package of 7.0  (I
> never got the Power Pack I ordered), but it is downloadable as an
> rpm(no recompiles required).  A quick check of cooker and
> contribs shows no match, so I imagine there has been very low or
> nonexistent demand.
---end quoted text---


The Filesystems HOWTO, 3.9, mentions thsfs.



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] cron question

2000-06-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Sun, 04 (06/00) at 18:44 +, Fran Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't running netscape as root dangerous?
> Bambi

Isn't running Netscape at all dangerous? ;)


> "Michael E. Shea" wrote:
> > Alex V Flinsch wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, 04 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > > > I am trying to get dynamip ( to work with my linux box
> > > > and cable modem connection. Dynamip gives you a
> > > > "" address for $3 buck a month. To get their
> > > > service to work with Linux, I will have to use cron to force netscape
> > > > to open a specific url every 15 minutes. I am in the process of
> > > > putting together some scripts to do just that.
> > > >
> > > > As a test, I did the following.
> > > > I made a file called "netscapetab" with the contents:
> > > >
> > > > #Start of netscapetab
> > > >
> > > >#! /bin/sh
> > > >
> > > >netscape  -noraise -remote 'openurl('
> > > >
> > > > #End of netscapetab
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I did a "chkmod +x netscapetab" to make the script executable. Run
> > > > from the shell, this script will find the first open netscape window
> > > > and load up the web site.
> > > >
> > > > As a test of cron I modified my crontab as follows
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > #Start of crontab
> > > >
> > > >SHELL=/bin/bash
> > > >PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> > > >MAILTO=root
> > > >HOME=/
> > > >
> > > ># run-parts
> > > >01  * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
> > > >02  4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
> > > >22  4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
> > > >42  4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
> > > >*/1 * * * * root /usr/bin/netscapetab
> > > >
> > > ># Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
> > > >0   0 * * *root/etc/security/msec/cron-sh/
> > > >
> > > > #End of crontab
> > > >
> > > > Now /var/log/cron shows /usr/bin/netscapetab running every minute. But my
> > > > browser window does not open
> > > >
> > > > Any ideas.
> > >
> > > idea 1  --
> > >
> > > your script is running as root, your open netscape window isn't, and
> > > can't be found
> > >
> > > idea 2 --
> > >
> > > do you really need to waste all that memory running netscape to get
> > > the url? From the above, you just need to hit some website every few minutes to
> > > have your dynamic ip assignment working. And I assume that is not the
> >
> > > real website that you need to hit, it's probablly something on Why
> > > not try something like
> > >
> > > wget -O /dev/null
> > >
> > > in your crontab instead?
> > >
> > >  --
> > > Alex
> > > (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)
> >
> > Idea 1 is not the problem, as I ran netscape as root. But idea 2 I really like. I
> > did not know about the wget program.  I am going to give that a try.
---end quoted text---

Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

[expert] tip: replacing text blocks in multiple files

2000-06-05 Thread Tom Berger


I just have to share this one. As you may know, I'm sort of a webmaster
;). One thing which bothered me: How do I replace a block of text in
multiple files with another text? Whereas this is very easy with
strings, I just couldn't figure out how to that if it involved multiple
lines. Until today.

has the solution:

sed -e '/START/r bar' -e '/START/,/END/d' foo


START = regex marking the beginning of the text block to be replaced
END = regex marking the end of that block
bar = the file containing the substitution text
foo = the file in which the substitution takes place

It works! Maybe it helps someone here who is as 'scriptically
challenged' as I am ;).



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking-eyes"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

[expert] scripting - reading clipboard content?

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Berger


How does one read the content of the clipboard into a bash script?

The script should fetch the current content of the clipboard
when started and put it into an internal variable for later processing.

It *is* possible, since there I know at least one script which does this
(the 'steak' translator), but the script uses a self-supplied program
('printbuffer') which I want to avoid. It refers to another
program called 'xcb' but that doesn't seem to be standard either ...

I've looked around, but I can't find the file / variable where the
content of the clipboard is stored. There must be something, though, or
else you couldn't paste the content with SHIFT-INS, could you?

No, it's not in /proc ...



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Outside? Outside what?"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] Configuring Postfix

2000-06-15 Thread Tom Berger

On Thu, 15 (06/00) at 03:42 +, Sthitaprajna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> How do I configure the postfix MTA? I am prety familiar with sendmail 
> after running it on RHL for a long time. Basically, I would like it 
> to send mails from my [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather that user@localhost. I 
> would also need functionality to send mail from a web based address, 
> like say [EMAIL PROTECTED] using the smtp relay at my ISP. Is this 
> possible. 
> URLs are appreciated.
> Thanks
> ===
> Sthitaprajna
> ===
> Life is pain, Highness.
> Anyone who says differently is selling something
> - Westley of "The Princess Bride" 
---end quoted text---


Actually, Postfix comes with some pretty good docs


They should cover everything you need. 



Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Outside? Outside what?"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] ISP connect

2000-06-16 Thread Tom Berger

On Fri, 16 (06/00) at 01:34 +, James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
>A question which may or may not be in the right place but here 
> goes.  How can I obtain a bare bones no and I mean no frills install with 
> the new loader.  No X No mp3 players nothing but base linux.  It boots, I 
> can get the net, telnet and ftp are available, a minimal install.  From 
> there I can install only what I need.
>The reason is, is that I'm putting it on an older box with a 500meg 
> drive and although I know I could take the microsoft solution and just "buy 
> more space"  I'd rather just have the minimum, all this box is going to do 
> is firewall and routing. (Old 486 AMD 100mhz)  So I have no plans for 
> getting fancy.
> James Sparenberg
> "Please insert your own Sig here."
---end quoted text---


Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Outside? Outside what?"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

[expert] (OT) most annoying system slowdown

2000-06-16 Thread Tom Berger


This really baffles me: since yesterday my system slows down to a crawl
every 30 secs to every 20 min, usually starting about 10 min after boot. And I
mean scrawl: I have to wait for typed characters to appear on the
screen. I think it gets worse with system uptime.

'top' shows no unusual activity, hdparm -tT however shows a huge
altitude in 'buffered disk reads' from 20 MB/s (the usual) down to 13
MB/s. And there's nothing running except for X, WindowMaker, 2 terms and
Postfix! No probs before with exactly the same configuration. No kernel

Some specs: Mandrake 7.0 on an IBM U²W disk, controlled by a Tekram U²W
390. Celery 466 on an Asus P3BF mainboard, graphics card is a Matrox
G400 Marvel. There is also an ISDN card, a Soundblaster and a ne2000
network card (all pci).

Phenomena which might be related: imwheel doesn't work anymore and power
off on shutdown only sometimes (this for quite a while now). 
Rebooting the machine usually fails,
since the monitor won't initialize. I have to turn the machine off and
on again to reboot (since a few days). Windows 98 (which lives on an IDE 
disk) lags when showing DVDs (also since yesterday). So it might not be
the SCSI HD (which is fairly new).

Has someone here encountered this, or has some idea what to do to narrow
down the source of the problem? G*d, I wish I could get rid of this
crappy x86 stuff :-\. Someone to donate an Alpha? ;)

Thanks and regards


Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Outside? Outside what?"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

Re: [expert] Missing RPM?

2000-06-17 Thread Tom Berger

On Fri, 16 (06/00) at 19:49 +, James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> Ok I've answered my own question.  It seems to be a link problem in the 
> menu.  If I go to Configure > Other > MenuEdit  I get the menu editor.  If 
> I go to Panel > Edit Menu It tells me that the menu editor isn't 
> installed.  H guess I need to file a bug report.  The Panel icon of 
> course isn't editable arrrggghh. Thanks

It is. You either change the permissions on the appropriate directory
(/usr/share/kde something) or start the menu editor as root (su on
terminal and start it from there.)



> At 07:05 PM 6/16/00, you wrote:
> >All,
> >With 7.1 installed. and finally running I've been "tweeking" kde etc 
> > to my liking and I've run into two problems.  First the rpm install from 
> > kdepackage of the secure kernel patch had some real trouble,  It wouldn't 
> > complete the install.  I went into shell forced it to re-install ran ln 
> > -sf to make the links and now all is fine.
> >The second one is one I haven't figured out.  I seem to have lost the 
> > ability to edit menu items.  It simple gives me a popup error stating 
> > that the menu editor is not installed.  I've checked and except for some 
> > games PPP and ISDN programs I've got all of KDE installed.  Does anyone 
> > know what RPM should give me the menu editor?  Otherwise all goes well so far.
> >
> >
> >James
> >
> >P.S. Thanks for the help in advance
> >
---end quoted text---

Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Outside? Outside what?"
All advice provided without warranty of any kind. I *may* be wrong ...

[expert] Re: mandrake+kernel 2.2.3-ac4 new updates (bug fixes)

1999-04-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 02 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 02 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> hello,
> *** This message is for kernel2.2.x users only ***
> a few bugs have been found in some kernel2.2 related updates.
> They have been fixed and uploaded to our FTP mirrors.
> New packages:
>   initscripts-3.91-3.i386.rpm
>   linux_logo-3.0b2-mdk2.i386.rpm
>   popt-1.2.3-1.i386.rpm (not useful for common use)
> Please upgrade at least to inistscripts-3.91-3

Hm, what bugs? Is there a diff anywhere?


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] Kppp doesn't work after upgrade

1999-04-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Sam, 03 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Sam, 03 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I have Linux Mandrake 5.2 with linux 2.0.36 kernel and i upgraded it to 
> 2.2.3-ac4-4 .I installed all the upgrades mouseconfig, initscripts, 
> modutils, etc... After the upgrade, everything was perfectly working 
> except my kppp. When I start dialing to my ISP, it wont dial. But my 
> kppp does well with 2.0.36 but when i upgraded it to 2.2.3-ac4-4 it wont 
> dial anymore. I'm using IsaPnP, I have a USR Sportster 33600 PnP. I 
> really need help here..
> Thanks 
> Get Your Private, Free Email at

Go kppp setup - edit - login script. Set tab to 'pause' and enter value
'1' (have had the same problem).


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

[expert] question about modes of libs

1999-04-03 Thread Tom Berger

trying to compile an especially stubborn app (kexpress-0.1.7), I've
stumbled over some odd settings in /usr/lib. Could someone please explain
to me, why some libs are set 644 and others 755? There seems to be no
logical pattern. And if someone did get kexpress to compile and tells
me how, I'd be even happier (trying for some days now, but configure still
doesn't acknowledge that I actually have libpng and libtiff installed

Thanks a lot


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] question about modes of libs

1999-04-04 Thread Tom Berger

On Sam, 03 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Sam, 03 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > trying to compile an especially stubborn app (kexpress-0.1.7), I've
> > stumbled over some odd settings in /usr/lib. Could someone please explain
> > to me, why some libs are set 644 and others 755? There seems to be no
> > logical pattern. And if someone did get kexpress to compile and tells
> > me how, I'd be even happier (trying for some days now, but configure still
> > doesn't acknowledge that I actually have libpng and libtiff installed
> > ).
> You'll need to have both the libpng and libpng-devel, as well as libtiff
> and libtiff-devel packages installed.  
> If you've already gone through a ./configure on kexpress before you
> installed these packages, you'll want to do a 'make distclean' to get
> rid of the config.cache stuff, then redo the ./configure to get it to
> recognize the updates.

Thanks a lot, Steve. Got it at last :-)).

> [snip] 
> As for the permissions in /usr/lib varying, it's a good question.  Since
> it all works, it's probably just sloppy package creation, but maybe
> there's a deeper reason.  Anyone??

Hm. But why their are different modes even for libs of the same package?
Mystifies me (like the fact that /usr/lib isn't listed in

> -- 
> Steve Philp


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] Cleaning up the ol' hard drive (Springtime!)

1999-04-04 Thread Tom Berger

On Sam, 03 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Sam, 03 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi all.
> [snip] 
> Reason I'm asking is that, other than being a tidy guy that organizes on a
> regular basis, I also have my install on a 450 meg hard drive - not that I
> don't have access to about 6 gigs in other mount points, but you get the
> point.
> Any suggestions on how I can freshen up my installation, short of starting
> from scratch?  Also, I know that, by nature, ext2 is efficient, but is there
> a defrag program out there?

Hi Paul!

from the Partition-mini-HowTo:

"ext2 has several strategies to avoid external fragmentation. Normally
fragmentation is not a large problem in ext2, not even on heavily used
partitions such as a USENET news spool. While there is a tool for
defragmentation of ext2 file systems, nobody ever uses it and it is not up
to date with the current release of ext2. Use it, but do so on your own

Unfortunately the author didn't care to name this tool, but it doesn't
sound that safe anyway...

> Thanks for your help.
> Paul
> --
> +---+
> Paul A. Bernicchi
> ICQ #1287814
> +-------+


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] module problem with kernel 2.2.3-ac4-4

1999-04-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Son, 04 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Son, 04 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> OK, I started from scratch _again_, but got it to work this time. Sound works fine, 
>even though I get a continuous scratchy, roaring sound when the card is initialized. 
>I fixed that with aumix -v80 (lowers the sound volume, writes a config file so that 
>it does it automatically at every startup).
> However, the procinfo problem still remains. The acvice to reinstall the new 
>procinfo rpm did not help.
> Hoyt

Did you include the 'backwards /proc compability' (or similar) option in
your kernel config?


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] Samba

1999-04-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 05 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Is there any GUI samba configuration program for Mandrake 5.3 ?


and some other entries (type 'samba' in

>  ---   ---
> -_- -_- 
>  **~*  **~*
>  F  /-/   LangZhi UPM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /-/F
>  R /-/ whois ? Chan Kien Eng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   /-/ R
>  E/-/"Software is like sex,its better when its free - Linus Torvalds"/-/  E
>  E - - - ^  When do you wanna cra$h today ??   ^ - - -E
"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] Boot errors...

1999-04-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 05 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
> Anyone a clue about the following error ??
> Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
> Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: klogd 1.3-3, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
> Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Loaded 5425 symbols from /boot/
> Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.2.5.
> Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Error seeking in /dev/kmem
> Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Error adding kernel module table entry.
> Until now no luck ;-(
> Running kernel 2.2.5 and updated all the packages from the 2.2.x updates
> (not the cd, but from the mirror.. euhhh approx. one week ago)
> Thanks in advance, Bob

Hi Bob,
looks like you got the dependencies for the modules (or the wrong. Does 'preferred' in /lib/modules point to the 2.2.5
directory? Did you delete module-info- and the symlink that
points to it from /boot? Which version of the does the symlink
in /boot point to?

You are welcome


> --
> Linux Mandrake release 5.3 (Festen) & kernel 2.2.5 
> Online as bob on my i686 which was to ^#!&^% Expensive ;-) ,
> 9:00pm up 3 min, 2 users, load average: 0.36, 0.16, 0.05
> And doing NOTHING as You can see!
"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] It still doesn't work...kppp

1999-04-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 05 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > My Kppp still doesn't works after the upgrade to 2.2.3-ac4-4..It dont
> > hear the sound of my modem..Tom, any ideas? Others?
> I Had the same problem, Seems to be something in the 2.2.3-X kernel, I could
> go into minicom and I would get all the key I typed except for a CR + LF,
> back from the modem, but I could never get the OK response. after patching
> the Kernel up to 2.2.5 and recompiling, the modem worked great.  I did not
> make any other changes other than the kernel...
> >
> > Thanks
> > Get Your Private, Free Email at
> >
> Gene Reeves

Hm, I can see nothing from the changelog of 2.2.5 that looks like it is
adressing this problem. Well, that's living on the bleeding edge ;-).
Maybe he should try it the old-fashioned way via ppp-up.local asf. That's
how I found out. He may also try to contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] who reported this modem to be working on


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] question about modes of libs

1999-04-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Son, 04 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Son, 04 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > > If you've already gone through a ./configure on kexpress before you
> > > installed these packages, you'll want to do a 'make distclean' to get
> > > rid of the config.cache stuff, then redo the ./configure to get it to
> > > recognize the updates.
> > >
> > 
> > Thanks a lot, Steve. Got it at last :-)).
> Excellent!  Let me know if you have better luck with Kexpress than I
> did.  I had alot of LONG freezes when I tried to use it for newsreading.

Yep, it sucks.  "The Network OS", pah! Let's face it: either the
readers are crappy, or occult to use, or both... I am sick of keeping up a
whole WinNT installation just to run Agent32 (yes, I *have* tried
WinE). BTW: no, I don't want to start a newsreader war here :).

> > [snip] 
> The manpage says that both /lib and /usr/lib are included
> automatically.  /etc/ just lists the "extra" library
> directories installed on your system.

Ok, I admit, that was a dumb one ;-)

> -- 
> Steve Philp



"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

[expert] LS-120 HowTo somewhere?

1999-04-06 Thread Tom Berger

Hi there!
Having just bought and installed a LS-120 ATAPI floppy drive, I wonder if
anyone knows a good one-stop ressource about handling it in Linux? I
already visited but found nothing particular




"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] Boot errors...

1999-04-06 Thread Tom Berger

On Die, 06 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 06 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, you wrote:
> > On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 05 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Anyone a clue about the following error ??
> > > 
> > > Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
> > > Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: klogd 1.3-3, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
> > > Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Loaded 5425 symbols from /boot/
> > > Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.2.5.
> > > Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Error seeking in /dev/kmem
> > > Apr  5 20:57:12 NogNix kernel: Error adding kernel module table entry.
> > > 
> > > Until now no luck ;-(
> > > Running kernel 2.2.5 and updated all the packages from the 2.2.x updates
> > > (not the cd, but from the mirror.. euhhh approx. one week ago)
> > > 
> > > Thanks in advance, Bob
> > > 
> > 
> > Hi Bob,
> > looks like you got the dependencies for the modules (or the
> > wrong. 
> Tom,
> System map is a symlink to /usr/src/linux/ (linux is a symlink to the
> right kernel... All the modules are working btw!

Ahem, are you sure that the is read *after* local file systems
have been mounted? Put it in /boot with your current version number and
let point to it.



"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] question about modes of libs

1999-04-07 Thread Tom Berger

On Die, 06 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 06 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > [snip] 
> > Yep, it sucks.  "The Network OS", pah! Let's face it: either the
> > readers are crappy, or occult to use, or both... I am sick of keeping up a
> > whole WinNT installation just to run Agent32 (yes, I *have* tried
> > WinE). BTW: no, I don't want to start a newsreader war here :).
> Maybe you meant the Network Server OS?  :)
> I'll grant you that news readers on Linux suck, and suck bigtime.  You
> know they suck when Netscape News IS your news client.  I just haven't
> been able to find anything else that works the way I want it to (inline
> images, next/prev buttons, decent speed and interface).  For CLI, I tend
> to stick with slrn since it's pretty fast over my dialup line.

Give news peruser a try. Still has some bugs, but seems to
be quite promising (at least it works without hangs and crashes...).
Well, guess it's still a long way to go for Linux to make it on the
desktop. An offline, agent-like newsreader is by no means an exotic need
and the Usenet isn't an utopia to Linux. There is a dozen of at
least acceptible graphical nr's for Redmond. If I would make a list of
nr's I tried so far in Linux, there is also a dozen. But they all suck,
with krn being the worst by far (that 'app' should really be relegated to
the 'non-beta' module. It's a nerve!). But I think we are drifting OT
here...(would be another nice newsgroup, though:
linux.recovery.newsreaders ;-) 

> > > The manpage says that both /lib and /usr/lib are included
> > > automatically.  /etc/ just lists the "extra" library
> > > directories installed on your system.
> > >
> > 
> > Ok, I admit, that was a dumb one ;-)
> Like a fat, juicy fastball over the center of the plate!  Thanks!

You are welcome *grin*.

> -- 
> Steve Philp


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

[expert] compiling HowTo?

1999-04-07 Thread Tom Berger

I can't believe it, but is there really nothing like a 'Compiling
Programs in Sourcecode HowTo' somewhere (esp. containing possible error
messages and what they mean)?  
I want to do a little write-up for new users and post that on
alt.os.linux.mandrake and so far the only useful information I've found is
in the manual of the GIMP! No, I don't want to sift through the gazillion
pages of the man info. The gcc-HowTo is pretty useless. Do I really have
to write this one all on my own? 

If someone may point me to worthwhile information I'd be kind of happy



P.S.: Thanks to all who answered to my LS-120 question! 

"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] LS-120 HowTo somewhere?

1999-04-08 Thread Tom Berger

On Die, 06 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 06 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Try, they mention LS-120 somewhere and it has been
> extensively discussed on their mailing list (archived on the web).

Thanks a lot, that's really a valuable resource!!

> Jean-Michel Dault


"DES encryption is painfully slow. On the other hand, XOR is terribly weak."
(from man losetup)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

[expert] XFree-Packages with TT-support from Redhat...

1999-04-08 Thread Tom Berger

I am just reading ( that RedHat
has leaked updated XFree packages with support for *scaled* TT
(xfstt can't do this). Does anyone know if Mandrake's XFree packages are
100% RedHat so I can use those RedHat ones? Generally speaking: is there a
list anywhere which packages are geniunely Mandrake?



"DES encryption is painfully slow. On the other hand, XOR is terribly weak."
(from man losetup)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] module problem with kernel 2.2.3-ac4-4

1999-04-08 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 09 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 09 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> - Original Message - 
> From: Tom Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 3:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] module problem with kernel 2.2.3-ac4-4
> Yes, but no luck. I grabbed the 2.2.5 sources and started all over again. A lot of 
> cleared up, but now I get an error on shutdown about stopping samba and
> dns does not work correctly; I will fiddle with it for a while. It is
> likely that all my previous fiddling and tweaking has really broken
> something very simple, but annoying. When I feel that I have thrashed it
> out as much as possible, I will start with a fresh install and apply all
> the updates and the the 2.2.5 kernel after accumulating and compiling all
> the notes I have made during this install. I suspect that most, if not
> all, of my problems will be "fixed". If nothing else, troubleshooting
> these problems has helped me learn Linux a little better.  Thanks
> for the help. 
> Hoyt

I've written some instructions about updating the kernel, maybe they could
be of some help for you (see URL in sig). Worked for me. 
Good luck!


"Booting Windows 98... (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)disk?"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

RE: [expert] somewhat OT.... thanks!!

1999-04-19 Thread Tom Berger


Thanks *a lot* to all of you! I will keep you informed about my progress
with this.



"Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to use
it." (Quigley's Law)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

[expert] somewhat OT, but surely expert's... ;-) ('dumb' NT-box on Linux)

1999-04-19 Thread Tom Berger

It's springtime and so I decided to try out something new. Maybe someone
can hint me at some docs/sites/etc about this:
Currently I have three installations here on three different HD's (IDE
only): Linux, WinNt and Win98. I swap the drives using a drive bay.
Now what I want to do is:
build another box from the remains I have laying around, stick those
Windows-ridden drives and an Ethernet card in and run everything from
within Linux only using Samba.
I don't want to use something like VMWare for performance and stability
Main problem so far:
How do I boot the new box from within Linux? i.e.: NT's boot screen and
login prompt must be visible/accessible via Linux since NT's box won't
have a keyboard attached. As far as I see this seems to require a somehow
'intelligent' network card with a BIOS that runs independently from the
OS, right? Is there something like this? Or am I completely nuts?
In case you don't know what the hell I am talking about, I will try to be
more explicit in a reply.

Thanks a lot so far


"Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to use
it." (Quigley's Law)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

[expert] anyone else having problems with gtk/glib-update?

1999-04-20 Thread Tom Berger

Boy, what a mess...
I installed/upgraded gtk 1.2.0 and glib 1.2.0. The gtk-packages
(libs+devel) were vanilla Redhat rpms, glib had to be compiled because the
RH lib-rpm is linked against some strange glibc version (pre-dependent
libraries have a CC2 tag *shrug*, devel installed fine, though).
Trouble is I don't get *anything* compiled which is linked against gtk
1st: news peruser. The configure script failed to do a
test compile. config.log said:

> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__deregister_frame_info'
> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__register_frame_info'
> configure: failed program was:
> #line 1309 "configure"
> #include "confdefs.h"

The author of News peruser had this to say:

> These symbols are from, not libgtk. That's about all I can
> tell you.  What version of gcc and libc are you running? Have you
> fiddled with them lately without doing an ldconfig?

I am using the libstdc packages from the Manrake CD, covers
their directories...
'make' spat *dozens* of undefined references at me.

2nd: gentoo (a file manager). 'make' stutters:

> In file included from /usr/include/glib.h:66,
>  from /usr/include/gdk/gdktypes.h:33,
>  from /usr/include/gdk/gdk.h:31,
>  from /usr/include/gtk/gtk.h:31,
>  from ../gentoo.h:43,
>  from ../cmd_rescan.c:6:
> /usr/lib/glib/include/glibconfig.h:43: warning: ANSI C does not support
> `long long' 
> /usr/lib/glib/include/glibconfig.h:44: warning: ANSI C does not support 
> `long long' 
[ad infinitum]

Hm, this looks indeed like a glibc problem but *what* problem? I mean
these files are standard Redhat, so why I am the only one who seems to
get these errors?
Last chance would be compiling gtk by myself, too. Duh... Is there anyone
in here who got *all* the rpms installed (gtk/gtk-devel, glib/glib-devel)
and has since then successfully compiled a source against them? If so,
would you please tell me as exactly as possible which versions you did

Thanks a lot


"Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to use
it." (Quigley's Law)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] anyone else having problems with gtk/glib-update? (Steve)

1999-04-21 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 21 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 21 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 1999 at 11:42:08PM +0200, Tom Berger wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Boy, what a mess...
> > I installed/upgraded gtk 1.2.0 and glib 1.2.0. The gtk-packages
> > (libs+devel) were vanilla Redhat rpms, glib had to be compiled because the
> > RH lib-rpm is linked against some strange glibc version (pre-dependent
> > libraries have a CC2 tag *shrug*, devel installed fine, though).
> > Trouble is I don't get *anything* compiled which is linked against gtk
> > 1.2.0.
> [ big snip ...  sorry Tom! ]
> > Last chance would be compiling gtk by myself, too. Duh... Is there anyone
> > in here who got *all* the rpms installed (gtk/gtk-devel, glib/glib-devel)
> > and has since then successfully compiled a source against them? If so,
> > would you please tell me as exactly as possible which versions you did
> > use? 
> Here are the packages that I downloaded from the GNOME mirrors.  I _have_
> been able to compile things against these packages.  Good luck!
[big snip ... sorry Steve! :-)]

Thanks a lot! BTW: do you have a T1 or are you affiliated with one of the
GNOME guys? Looks like a monster download...

 > -- 
> Steve Philp



"Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to use
it." (Quigley's Law)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] anyone else having problems with gtk/glib-update? (Jonathan)

1999-04-21 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 21 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 21 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I had probs too.
> Finally I took the source tarball configure/make/make installed that.
> Then did the same for Winamp (which is why I was upgrading) and it all
> worked.

Oh well, looks like I have to do that, too. Thanks for this information!


> - Original Message -
> From: Tom Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 11:42 PM
> Subject: [expert] anyone else having problems with gtk/glib-update?
> > Hi!
> > Boy, what a mess...
> > I installed/upgraded gtk 1.2.0 and glib 1.2.0. The gtk-packages
> > (libs+devel) were vanilla Redhat rpms, glib had to be compiled because the
> > RH lib-rpm is linked against some strange glibc version (pre-dependent
> > libraries have a CC2 tag *shrug*, devel installed fine, though).
> > Trouble is I don't get *anything* compiled which is linked against gtk
> > 1.2.0.
> > 1st: news peruser. The configure script failed to do a
> > test compile. config.log said:
> >
> > > /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__deregister_frame_info'
> > > /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__register_frame_info'
> > > configure: failed program was:
> > > #line 1309 "configure"
> > > #include "confdefs.h"
> >
> > The author of News peruser had this to say:
> >
> > > These symbols are from, not libgtk. That's about all I can
> > > tell you.  What version of gcc and libc are you running? Have you
> > > fiddled with them lately without doing an ldconfig?
> >
> > I am using the libstdc packages from the Manrake CD, covers
> > their directories...
> > 'make' spat *dozens* of undefined references at me.
> >
> > 2nd: gentoo (a file manager). 'make' stutters:
> >
> > > In file included from /usr/include/glib.h:66,
> > >  from /usr/include/gdk/gdktypes.h:33,
> > >  from /usr/include/gdk/gdk.h:31,
> > >  from /usr/include/gtk/gtk.h:31,
> > >  from ../gentoo.h:43,
> > >  from ../cmd_rescan.c:6:
> > > /usr/lib/glib/include/glibconfig.h:43: warning: ANSI C does not support
> > > `long long'
> > > /usr/lib/glib/include/glibconfig.h:44: warning: ANSI C does not support
> > > `long long'
> > [ad infinitum]
> >
> > Hm, this looks indeed like a glibc problem but *what* problem? I mean
> > these files are standard Redhat, so why I am the only one who seems to
> > get these errors?
> > Last chance would be compiling gtk by myself, too. Duh... Is there anyone
> > in here who got *all* the rpms installed (gtk/gtk-devel, glib/glib-devel)
> > and has since then successfully compiled a source against them? If so,
> > would you please tell me as exactly as possible which versions you did
> > use?
> >
> > Thanks a lot
> >
> > tom
> >
> >   --
> > "Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to
> use
> > it." (Quigley's Law)
> >  Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
> > *a.o.l.m.-FAQ*:
> >
"Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to use
it." (Quigley's Law)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

Re: [expert] anyone else having problems with gtk/glib-update? (Steve)

1999-04-21 Thread Tom Berger

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 12:11:15 -0400, you wrote:

>On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 10:22:42AM +0200, Tom Berger wrote:
>> On Mit, 21 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 21 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
>> > On Tue, Apr 20, 1999 at 11:42:08PM +0200, Tom Berger wrote:
>> > > Hi!
>> > > Boy, what a mess...
>> > > I installed/upgraded gtk 1.2.0 and glib 1.2.0. The gtk-packages
>> > > (libs+devel) were vanilla Redhat rpms, glib had to be compiled because the
>> > > RH lib-rpm is linked against some strange glibc version (pre-dependent
>> > > libraries have a CC2 tag *shrug*, devel installed fine, though).
>> > > Trouble is I don't get *anything* compiled which is linked against gtk
>> > > 1.2.0.
>> > 
>> > [ big snip ...  sorry Tom! ]
>> > 
>> > > Last chance would be compiling gtk by myself, too. Duh... Is there anyone
>> > > in here who got *all* the rpms installed (gtk/gtk-devel, glib/glib-devel)
>> > > and has since then successfully compiled a source against them? If so,
>> > > would you please tell me as exactly as possible which versions you did
>> > > use? 
>> > 
>> > Here are the packages that I downloaded from the GNOME mirrors.  I _have_
>> > been able to compile things against these packages.  Good luck!
>> > 
>> > 
>> [big snip ... sorry Steve! :-)]
>> Thanks a lot! BTW: do you have a T1 or are you affiliated with one of the
>> GNOME guys? Looks like a monster download...
>Heh, nope!  It's just me and my little 56k modem.  From looking at the
>backups, the whole thing is around 30M of download.  Not TOO bad.  Of
>course, you probably don't need to grab ALL of them if you're not interested
>in running GNOME.  If you just want to be able to compile glib/gtk+
>programs, you could probably get away with downloading the glib-1.2, glib10,
>gtk+-1.2, gtk+10 and the appropriate -devel packages.
>Good luck!

Already done that, np compiles like a charm now :-). 
Well, 30 MB are not that bad, it's less than MS Exploder 5... What
about stability and general usuability of GNOME, is it worth dl'ing?


even sillier:

Re: [expert] Problem with booting off multiple partitions...

1999-04-23 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 23 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 23 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> - Original Message -
> From: Daniel Polombo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 3:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Problem with booting off multiple partitions...
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 09:35:36PM -0400, Paul A. Bernicchi wrote:
> > > > OK, I'm using kernel version 2.2.25 and have plugged in another hard
> drive
> > > > and partitioned it so I can move /var, /lib, etc.. off of the main
> drive,
> > > > giving me back some precious disk space (my Linux drive is only 500
> megs).
> > > > I made the boot and rescue disks "just in case," and properly mounted
> /var
> > > > and /lib, as well as /opt, on the other drive.  The problem is, I
> cannot
> > > > boot because obviously local filesystems are not mounting yet when
> Linux
> > > > needs access to /var.  Any way to force a mount on this partition via
> > > > lilo.conf?  The kernel gives me an error message about "kernel panic -
> no
> > > > arguments passed to init" or words to that effect.
> > >
> > > I'm betting that it's not /var that's screwing you up, it's probably
> /lib.
> > > Those libraries are needed to boot the computer...
> > >
> > > Sounds like you get to reinstall, 'cause I'm not even sure what you
> might do
> > > in a situation like that...
> >
> > You might try to boot the rescue floppy, mount the / and /lib partitions
> > somewhere nad copy the whole /lib partition back on / ...
> >
> > As a side note, if you absolutely want to spread your linux filesystem
> across
> > several partitions, use one partition for /usr (usually BIG) and one for
> > /home,
> > but leave the rest on the root partition (you might want to symlink /var
> to
> > /usr/var, though).
> OK, thanks - I repaired the damage, and moved /usr to /dev/hdd1.  However,
> it mounts after the kernel needs access to /usr/lib/modules (i.e., AWE64
> modules at boot time).  Any way to force a mount before the init script
> actually starts?
> Also, I'm now having trouble with xfstt.  I'm getting an error saying
> "cannot find font 'fixed.'"  I double-checked my 'ttfonts' symlink and it
> does point to /mnt/windows/fonts.

Hm, this doesn't have do anything with xfstt. 'fixed' is a standard X11


 > Thanks again,
> Paul
"Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will attempt to use
it." (Quigley's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] No-brainer: adding other wm's to kdm

1999-04-24 Thread Tom Berger

Just got Window-Maker. Could someone please explain me how to get it
started by kdm? The kcontrol help about 'session' is far from being helpful
(indeed it just says RTFM in kinder words and it isn't covered elsewhere)
and I am too lazy to go through man xdm etc myself...



"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] OT: happy ending story...

1999-04-24 Thread Tom Berger

This one is not about troubles but about success. I hope you apologize...

I was about to post this mail to the list:


Don't you just love it: thinking you have fixed a problem after a long
fight and next time, you get the same problem all over again...?
I am trying to compile kexplorer 0.2 and again the configure script won't
recognize that I've libpng installed and 'make' fails ('undefined
reference blah'). That's just the same game as it was with kexpress. But I
fixed that, damnit! I compiled kexpress 0.17 and 0.2 without any problems
(the app wasn't worth it, but that's another story).
Here are some details:

from configure:
checking for main in -ljpeg... yes 
checking for main in -ltiff... yes 
checking for main in -lpng... no 

from config.log:

configure:4413: checking for main in -lpng
configure:4428: g++ -o conftest -O2 -Wall  -s conftest.C -lpng '-lz'  1>&5
g++: '-lz': No such file or directory

from /usr/lib:

lrwxrwxrwx1 rootroot25 Apr  3 16:30 
lrwxrwxrwx1 rootroot16 Mär 29 20:11
-rwxr-xr-x1 rootroot134632 Jun 10  1998*  
lrwxrwxrwx1 root  root  17 Mär 29 20:11>*  
-rwxr-xr-x1 rootroot136927 Okt 13  1998

-rw-r--r--1 rootroot122694 Sep 24  1998 libpng.a
lrwxrwxrwx1 rootroot24 Apr 24 22:44 ->*
lrwxrwxrwx1 rootroot15 Mär 29 20:11 ->*
-rwxr-xr-x1 rootroot114848 Sep 24  1998*   

-rw-r--r--   1 root root67544 Sep 10  1998 /usr/lib/libz.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Mär 29 20:13 /usr/lib/ ->*
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Mär 29 20:09 /usr/lib/ ->*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root58435 Sep 10  1998 /usr/lib/*  

The png-devel-package is installed, of course. What the hell?

Slightly irritated


[end of quote]

Summing up all the gory details I encountered suddenly a 'magic moment'.
"Hey, wait...". And indeed: the configure script reads:

LIBS="-lpng '-lz' $LIBS"

I changed that line to

LIBS="-lpng -lz $LIBS"

and everything went well...


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] follow-up: NT on Linux - first results (new vmware-beta)

1999-04-25 Thread Tom Berger

Not so long ago I posted this:

>It's springtime and so I decided to try out something new. Maybe someone
>can hint me at some docs/sites/etc about this:
>Currently I have three installations here on three different HD's (IDE
>only): Linux, WinNt and Win98. I swap the drives using a drive bay.
>Now what I want to do is:
>build another box from the remains I have laying around, stick those
>Windows-ridden drives and an Ethernet card in and run everything from
>within Linux only using Samba.
>I don't want to use something like VMWare for performance and stability
>Main problem so far:
>How do I boot the new box from within Linux? i.e.: NT's boot screen and
>login prompt must be visible/accessible via Linux since NT's box won't
>have a keyboard attached. As far as I see this seems to require a somehow
>'intelligent' network card with a BIOS that runs independently from the
>OS, right? Is there something like this? Or am I completely nuts?
>In case you don't know what the hell I am talking about, I will try to be
>more explicit in a reply.

I just gave the new VMware beta ( a second shot and
I have to say it has improved *a lot*.
Installation and configuration took about 15 minutes. I am running Windows
NT 4 WS SP 3 (german version) in a window at a 1024x768 resolution and a
16bit color display (my X server runs at 1280x1024 at 16bit). I can
cut&paste between X and NT, the mouse focus changes automatically, dial-up
and networking works and even such programs like BestCrypt (which is a
kind of emulation software itself). Mapping for my german keyboard is
flawless. Speed is tolerable with 64 MB assigned to NT and 64 to Linux and
a AMD-K6 II 350Mhz and improves significantly when vmware is run in
full-screen mode. 
I am really impressed. I will try vnc and a kmv switch
anyway but vmware surely is my favourite at the moment.



"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] KBiff hangs System :-((((

1999-04-27 Thread Tom Berger

haven't had that for a long while now. Yesterday I decided to have KBiff
running in the tray with a poll interval of 10 minutes.
Today I got a complete freeze after being exactly ten minutes in KDE
reading a letter in kmail. Reboot... Looks like it's about time to make
some backups.
Anyone else experienced this?


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] How to install my 56k modem based on PCI bus?

1999-04-28 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 28 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 28 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> >%_Hi:
>I am very excited for installing my X-window successfully at last! I have install 
>it for two days.Very thanks all person.
>Now, I meet a new question: How to install my inner modem  of 56k based on PCI 
>I have installed the modem in win98, all thing is ok. But the product havent 
>driver for linux. What driver shall I choose?
> Very thanks
> John l.yn

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Would you *please* stop cross-posting your questions? And *please* don't
send HTML-messages.



"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Change windows manager within KDE 1.1

1999-04-28 Thread Tom Berger

On Die, 27 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 27 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi all,
> how do I change the desktop manager in KDE 1.1. I would like to switch to afterstep. 
>I have backed up the
> Xclients & xinitrc files. then made a new xinitrc file just to use afterstep. BUT 
>when I change back to
> KDE. the x server would not connect.

That's how I do it with WindowMaker: create a file .Xclients in your
home directory with the path of the executable (for me it's
/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker). Use chmod to make that file executable ('chmod 755
.Xclients'). startx and WindowMaker gets started :-). If you want to use
KDE again just rename .Xclients ('mv .Xclients .Xclients-wm'). startx and
KDE starts. You may even automate this process in a little shell-script.
Maybe I'll write one.

> kwm is great but its not as exciting as afterstep or gnome where u
can change the theme. it's just 2 > windoze-like.
> is it possible to switch desktop manager from within kwm itself? Thanks.

That's a *good* question! I asked that here before and got no answer. As
far as I can see that is possible but nowhere cleanly documented. Will
keep looking for this and tell you if I find out.

 > royce


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Change windows manager within KDE 1.1

1999-04-29 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 29 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 29 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> On 29 Apr 99 at 8:36, Tom Berger wrote:
> > That's a *good* question! I asked that here before and got no
> > answer. As far as I can see that is possible but nowhere cleanly
> > documented. Will keep looking for this and tell you if I find out.
> hmm, according to the kde lists via
> and a search in the kde-user list. this command should close
> kwm and start your other window manager, YMMV:
> kwmcom go: *   *=whatever window manager you choose.

Yep, I read that, too. It hanged the X server, though...



> hth
> denise
"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] re How to change the font in Netscape

1999-04-29 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 29 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 29 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> mike montgomery wrote:
> > while running netscape click on edit then preferences then click on font.
> > You will get a list of the fonts to choose from. You also can resize them.
> Well, will you believe it, when I do this, nothing significant happens !
> NetScape redraws evrything, but the font is still desperately smaaal, giving
> www browsing on Linux/X that weird feel.. :-\
> Why are the "increase/decrease " menu entries grayed out ? Very frustrating,
> that..
> ...sorry to sneak in (NS 4.08 on RH 5.2)
> Bye

Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config and put the entry FontPath [blah] 100dpi:unscaled


 > --
> <
> Philippe Coatmeurcode
>   /
> >
"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Tekram DC390 panic + make missing... Bad days. HELP !

1999-04-29 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 29 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 29 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi everyone you power usrs
> I wonder if there is someone here who got a Tekram DC390 to talk to more
> than 1 Hard Drive in a Linux box. Please contact me to save my life : I
> *need* the 4 Gigs waiting for me on this second drive !

Hm? What is that? I thought all mainboards nowadays have support for two 
IDE channels. Or is it a SCSI card?

> Also, another weird one : 'make" is not responding ! Each time I try to
> compile ANYTHING it spits this horror to me:
> [root@localhost]# cd wmmon/
> [root@localhost wmmon]# ls
> Makefile  wmmon-mask.xbmwmmon-master.xpm  wmmon.c
> [root@localhost wmmon]# make
> cc -c -O2 -Wall wmmon.c -o wmmon.o
> wmmon.c:68: stdlib.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:69: stdio.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:70: time.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:71: string.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:72: fcntl.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:73: unistd.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:75: sys/wait.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:76: sys/param.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:77: sys/types.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:79: X11/Xlib.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:80: X11/ Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> wmmon.c:81: X11/extensions/shape.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce
> type.
> In file included from wmmon.c:84:
> ../wmgeneral/misc.h:4: unistd.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type.
> make: *** [wmmon.o] Error 1
> I performed a normal install (i mean as usual) and I tried to upgrade
> all(?)
> involved RPM's (I think)
> that is : gcc, automake, and of course make. But it does not help.

So have you checked if you actually have these files?
Did you installed:
glibc-devel and
If not, that's your problem.


> Any clue ? Pretty desperate, her, to be honest...
> I did'nt post as soon as I got the PBlem, and tried many things
> before turning to you gods of the code ;-)
> --
> <
> Philippe Coatmeurwww
>   /
> >
"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] libProplist

1999-04-29 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 29 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 29 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi all, I have installed libProplist 8.3 so that I can use windowmaker
> 0.53. But I do not know how to link the library properly. I am supposed
> to add LIBDIR to LD_LIBRARY_PATH & LD_RUN_PATH & use -wl,--rpath
> -wl,LIBDIR & add LIBDIR to /etc/
> All the abv is greek to me.
> Pls help. wm just won't start b4 the libs are linked properly.
> rt

become root
edit /etc/
add /usr/local/lib
run /sbin/ldconfig
If you want to learn more, read man ldconfig.


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] re How to change the font in Netscape

1999-04-29 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 29 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 29 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> mike montgomery wrote:
> > while running netscape click on edit then preferences then click on font.
> > You will get a list of the fonts to choose from. You also can resize them.
> Well, will you believe it, when I do this, nothing significant happens !
> NetScape redraws evrything, but the font is still desperately smaaal, giving
> www browsing on Linux/X that weird feel.. :-\
> Why are the "increase/decrease " menu entries grayed out ? Very frustrating,
> that..
> ...sorry to sneak in (NS 4.08 on RH 5.2)
> Bye

Hm, do you are per chance run xfstt and have TrueTypes chosen? xfstt
doesn't scale TrueTypes.
Switch back to a default font like helvetica, make sure you have the
100-dpi-fonts installed. Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config. Mine looks like this:
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
That ensures that the large fonts are loaded first.


 > --
> <
> Philippe Coatmeurcode
>   /
> -------->
"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] FW: libProplist (ISSUE 1: WINDOW MAKER 0.53 AND ISSUE 2: REDHAT 6.0)

1999-04-30 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 30 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 30 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I had a user a/c just to try all wm. I had added /usr/local/lib into
> and /sbin/ldconfig. The user a/c was able to run wm 0.53 > > but I did 
>not specify the directory properly when I make install and > everything landed up in 
>/usr/local/bin instead of /usr/X11R6/bin etc. 

What's wrong about /usr/local/bin? I have my Window Maker there, too
I *love* it! ;-). Just add it to your path in /etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc
you are set. The advantage of having it there is that it is much easier
uninstall, if you wish... You may even do a 'make uninstall' in the
directory and configure and compile it anew. It's easy.

> so to avoid the
> hassle of resetting the path in wmakerconf, I decided to use a rpm of > the .50 
>version for redhat. I rpm under root (no access by user). 
> Guess what?
> RRPM manager tells me it can't find the damn library > has already 
>been linked (ldconfig & in and sitting pretty > in /usr/local/lib and 
>what's more, rpm tells me it can find the libs > for wmaker.50. BUT when I su to my 
>user a/c I run wmaker 0.53 fine. 
> Well at least it started but all the paths were wrong. Major 
> headache.

That's a common trouble with RPM: It finds only files that are installed
via it since it looks up its own database. Not very smart, IMO. Do a
'rpm -i --nodeps' or a 'rpm -i --nodeps --force'. Or get the
As for the version: another disadvantage of rpm is, that you have to
compile the source and write the installation scripts first. Therefore
most rpms lag behind in versioning.

> My objective:  get wmaker up (hopefully latest 0.53 version but
> can't seem 
> to find the redhat rpm for 0.53) with all the paths correct.
> C.f. the 0.20 
> wmaker I had originally when there was no need to install
> libProplist. (I 
> had uninstalled .20 already
> Anyhelp?

I just compiled everything (went *smooth*). Make sure to read the README
before compiling Window Maker (excellent documentation!). Also get the
source for wmakerconfig and compile that. Makes configuring much easier.
Then browse the links of and enjoy! ;-)

"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mandrake v6.0 coming soon?

1999-05-02 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I just saw this release in comp.os.linux.announce and thought people
> might be interested.  If you haven't bought the Mandrake PowerPack or
> GPL distribution yet, now might be a good time!  Circadian is offering a
> free upgrade to Mandrake v6 when it's released (they say mid-May).
> -- 
> Steve Philp

I can't help being more and more annoyed by Mandrake's announcement policy
(or better: it's non-existence). This is Linux, it's us, not some dumb
user flock like MS-customership. Debian looks more promising every day...
BTW: this seems to become a common attitude. Did someone here noticed the
hassle about KDE 1.1.1 in the last week? They announced the release
in freshmeat on Tue, but withdraw the release the next day from the
servers. No word about that on the KDE news page. GNOME isn't better. I am
still waiting for an apology on their web site for their crappy '1.0'


"Nihil ab omne parte beatum." (some old roman guy)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] increasing loglevels?

1999-05-02 Thread Tom Berger

My box suffers from mysterious lockups for some time now. Can someone
please tell me how to increase the system's loglevel. I get no error
messages in /var/log/messages so far, just complete freezes :-(((.



"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mandrake v6.0 coming soon?

1999-05-02 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > I just saw this release in comp.os.linux.announce and thought people
> > > might be interested.  If you haven't bought the Mandrake PowerPack or
> > > GPL distribution yet, now might be a good time!  Circadian is offering a
> > > free upgrade to Mandrake v6 when it's released (they say mid-May).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Steve Philp
> > 
> > Hmrg,
> > I can't help being more and more annoyed by Mandrake's announcement policy
> > (or better: it's non-existence). This is Linux, it's us, not some dumb
> > user flock like MS-customership. Debian looks more promising every day...
> > BTW: this seems to become a common attitude. Did someone here noticed the
> > hassle about KDE 1.1.1 in the last week? They announced the release
> > in freshmeat on Tue, but withdraw the release the next day from the
> > servers. No word about that on the KDE news page. GNOME isn't better. I am
> > still waiting for an apology on their web site for their crappy '1.0'
> > release.
> Oh!  And check  There's an announcement for KDE
> 1.1.1 today!

Well, let's see if it's for real this time... :-) And thanks for the info.

> -- 
> Steve Philp


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mandrake v6.0 coming soon?

1999-05-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > I just saw this release in comp.os.linux.announce and thought people
> > > might be interested.  If you haven't bought the Mandrake PowerPack or
> > > GPL distribution yet, now might be a good time!  Circadian is offering a
> > > free upgrade to Mandrake v6 when it's released (they say mid-May).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Steve Philp
> > 
> > Hmrg,
> > I can't help being more and more annoyed by Mandrake's announcement policy
> > (or better: it's non-existence). This is Linux, it's us, not some dumb
> > user flock like MS-customership. Debian looks more promising every day...
> > BTW: this seems to become a common attitude. Did someone here noticed the
> > hassle about KDE 1.1.1 in the last week? They announced the release
> > in freshmeat on Tue, but withdraw the release the next day from the
> > servers. No word about that on the KDE news page. GNOME isn't better. I am
> > still waiting for an apology on their web site for their crappy '1.0'
> > release.
> Well, pre-announcing releases has always been crappy behavior from
> commercial vendors, so I'm happy that Linux distributors haven't taken
> up the practice, truthfully.

So where did ccsoft get its information from? If there will be a new
version of Mandrake soon, who should be the first to know: the vendors or
the users? As far as I remember there is an announcement list (I am even
subscribed to it, but've never got any announcements...). This is Open
Source (tm), and I think that should apply to information, too. 

> Wasn't the KDE 1.1.1 stuff a pre-beta?  I downloaded and compiled it, 
> but didn't notice much of a functional difference from the version 
> shipped with Mandrake. 

I asked some KDE guy and he said, there was a misunderstanding: those
packages weren't the 'Official Release' but there won't be many changes
nevertheless to it. Looks like a maintainance release: he said they fixed
some bugs in kmail and in KDE's handling of Netscape's Navigator.
Anyway I am not that interested anymore, I recently switched to Window
Maker and will stick to it. I don't see the point in bloated 'environments'

> The GNOME apology was slightly veiled, but it was carried in the "State
> of the GNOME" letter from Miguel.

Ah, I am not used to browsing the GNOME site... ;-)

> -- 
> Steve Philp


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mandrake v6.0 coming soon?

1999-05-03 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > Tom Berger wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > > > I just saw this release in comp.os.linux.announce and thought people
> > > > > might be interested.  If you haven't bought the Mandrake PowerPack or
> > > > > GPL distribution yet, now might be a good time!  Circadian is offering a
> > > > > free upgrade to Mandrake v6 when it's released (they say mid-May).
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > Steve Philp
> > > >
> > > > Hmrg,
> > > > I can't help being more and more annoyed by Mandrake's announcement policy
> > > > (or better: it's non-existence). This is Linux, it's us, not some dumb
> > > > user flock like MS-customership. Debian looks more promising every day...
> > > > BTW: this seems to become a common attitude. Did someone here noticed the
> > > > hassle about KDE 1.1.1 in the last week? They announced the release
> > > > in freshmeat on Tue, but withdraw the release the next day from the
> > > > servers. No word about that on the KDE news page. GNOME isn't better. I am
> > > > still waiting for an apology on their web site for their crappy '1.0'
> > > > release.
> > >
> > > Well, pre-announcing releases has always been crappy behavior from
> > > commercial vendors, so I'm happy that Linux distributors haven't taken
> > > up the practice, truthfully.
> > >
> > 
> > So where did ccsoft get its information from? If there will be a new
> > version of Mandrake soon, who should be the first to know: the vendors or
> > the users? As far as I remember there is an announcement list (I am even
> > subscribed to it, but've never got any announcements...). This is Open
> > Source (tm), and I think that should apply to information, too.
> Dear Tom,
> Don't worry, users will be the first to know the availability of the next
> version. We are just waiting to put a beta on Internet to make the
> announcement.
> CCsoft was just asking when the next 6.0 will be available and i answer him
> "soon".
> Jacques

Ah thanks,
just hoped my whining here would provoke some reaction *bg*.



"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] SBLive Drivers help!!

1999-05-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 05 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 05 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I just tried installing the SBLive drivers for Linux, but I keep getting 
> undefined symbol errors and my sound is still not working. I've tried the 
> automatic install and the manual install...although I'm not sure I did the 
> manual install correctly. Anyway ANY help on this matter would certainly be 
> greatly appreciated!! Here is the readme file:
> Installation Instructions for Soundblaster Live! Linux drivers (v0.1 beta)
> --
> [snip] 

As far as I know, these drivers are not distributed in code, just as
binaries. So ask CreativeLabs because only they know what they've put in
there. It's a first beta, errors may happen.
One prob may be the kernel version, which kernel do you use?


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] SBLive Drivers help!!

1999-05-05 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 05 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 05 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> >
> >Hi!
> >As far as I know, these drivers are not distributed in code, just as
> >binaries. So ask CreativeLabs because only they know what they've put in
> >there. It's a first beta, errors may happen.
> >One prob may be the kernel version, which kernel do you use?
> >
> I am running 2.2.5.

Is that the standard Mandrake kernel? If so, your problem *may* lay here,
since Mandrake's kernel is 2.2.5-ac-3 (that is 2.2.5 with three
Did you put your question in news:comp.os.linux.hardware? Or searched the
archive at Maybe they know more. 
And again, contact CLabs, give them fullest details. The more people do
that, the higher are the chances they at last will release the source for
it. And with the source at hand, debugging will be much easier.


> ___
> Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] SBLive Drivers help!!

1999-05-06 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 06 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 06 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> webmonkey00 webmonkey00 wrote:
> [snip] 
> I installed the 2.2.5-ac3 kernel and the module driver for OPL3SA2 sound card
> (Yamaha) simply wouldn't work. It keeps on telling me that I can't specify 2
> DMA channels but the card really needs to use 2. I just reverted to good old
> kernel 2.0.36 until the new ones really are supported and stabilized.
> Gilbert
> PS

Hm, what's in /etc/config.modules?
Try this setting there:

# Sound
alias char-major-14 opl3sa2
pre-install opl3sa2 modprobe "-k" "ad1848"
post-install opl3sa2 modprobe "-k" "opl3"
options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=7 dma=0 dma2=3
options opl3 io=0x388
options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1 mpu_io=0x330

That's from the doc for this driver
(/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/OPL3-SA2), have a close look at it.
Otherwise search dejanews.


 > ncftp does not work also. 8^(

- start a new thread with this topic
- be *a lot* more specific. We can only help you if we get a rough idea of
what's going on in your box

"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by
Microsoft specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw." 
(from a Babelfish translation.)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Don't want auto startup on KDE

1999-05-06 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 06 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 06 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Each time i startup KDE, an app "X" will start automatically, how to
> disable this ?

There are - as far as I know - only three ways an app gets restarted in
- there is a link for it in the 'Autostart'-Folder
- it was running when you left KDE (session management
- it is listed in /opt/kde/bin/startkde
If these do not apply and the app gets still restarted, you better get an
exorcist ;-).


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by
Microsoft specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw." 
(from a Babelfish translation.)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] SBLive Drivers help!!

1999-05-06 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 06 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 06 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> >>Is that the standard Mandrake kernel? If so, your problem *may* lay here,
> >since Mandrake's kernel is 2.2.5-ac-3 (that is 2.2.5 with three
> >Allan-Cox-patches).
> >Did you put your question in news:comp.os.linux.hardware? Or searched the
> >archive at Maybe they know more.
> >And again, contact CLabs, give them fullest details. The more people do
> >that, the higher are the chances they at last will release the source for
> >it. And with the source at hand, debugging will be much easier.
> >
> >tom
> >
> Well I should be running the real 2.2.5 kernel. I downloaded it from 
> Anyway, thanks for the advice. I think I'll contact 
> Creative and give comp.os.linux.hardware. Thanks again.
> The webmonkey

A search on Dejanews ('linux & live!') revealed some 2500 posts about this
very topic; way to go ;-)

Good luck


> ___
> Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by
Microsoft specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw." (from a
Babelfish translation.)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] OPL3-SA2 Drivers help!!

1999-05-07 Thread Tom Berger

On Don, 06 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 06 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hello Tom,
> Can't find this particular directory (/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/OPL3-SA2)
> on my system. Is it only added when you install kernel 2.2.5?

It comes with the kernel-sources. /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound is
the directory, OPL3-SA2 is a text file.

> I removed the
> upgraded rpms and the 2.2.5 kernel so I'm now back to using kernel 2.0.36. Sure
> enough my sound card was working again, as well as the NCFTP client.

Hm, why did you ask then in the first place? How are we supposed to help
you if you can't try out what we recommend? That's like asking: 'Office
97 didn't work in Win98 and I switched back to Win3.11. What was wrong?'
No offend meant, but that's pretty pointless. 
> The problem with NCFTP was that it would open the ftp connection, let you log in
> the user name and password then without any message or warning would simply dump
> you back at the system prompt. I tried other ftp sites and it did the same thing.

Did you upgrade the network packages intended for 2.2.x? Otherwise that
sounds like a authentification problem to me.
> One more problem I had with kernel 2.2.5-ac3 was that upon boot up and the login
> prompt is in front of you, the linux penguin which is supposed to be colored blue,
> brown and white is all in shades of grey. If you let the console blank out and
> then move the mouse to revive the screen, the penguin would now have the right set
> of colors. It apparantly also goes away when you start KDE and then exit to the
> console and back to login. The colors available when the penguin is grey are the
> color scheme of the small penguin upon the start of the boot sequence. The one
> with the beer. The graphic is grey for the penguin and brown for the beer. Doing a
> colored ls command while in this condition results in the wrong colors being
> displayed. What should be listed in light blue colors are in brown just like the
> brown of the beer. I know its a trivial problem but I'm just curious as to what is
> causing it.

Sorry, no idea. Maybe an old SVGA-lib version? Maybe the -b switch for
linux-logo would have helped. But we can't verify that anymore, can we?


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] what's an 'open file descriptor'?

1999-05-07 Thread Tom Berger

That's from 'man initlog':

  -r, --run=[program]
  Execute the specified program, with an open file
  descriptor so that the program can pass back
  commands to initlog.

Huh? :-) Is that something like a pipe?
Does someone here know where I may look up such stuff (preferably
online and for not so clever people?). I faintly remember that there was
such a thing. 



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] what's an 'open file descriptor'?

1999-05-07 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 07 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 07 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi!
> That's from 'man initlog':
>   -r, --run=[program]
>   Execute the specified program, with an open file
>   descriptor so that the program can pass back
>   commands to initlog.
> Huh? :-) Is that something like a pipe?
> Does someone here know where I may look up such stuff (preferably
> online and for not so clever people?). I faintly remember that there was
> such a thing. 
> Thanks
> tom

forget about that one :-/


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] excellent news: vmware for *all* non-commercial users at 99$!

1999-05-10 Thread Tom Berger

As you might have read in Slashdot already, vmware will be avaible for 
no-commercial use at a price of 99$ (formerly restricted to students).

Count your bucks :-)

"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] questions about ttya0...etc files in /dev

1999-05-10 Thread Tom Berger

Does anyone knows what these devices are for? I know that tty[digit]
is for virtual consoles and ttyS for serial communications, but what about
ttya[0-9], ttya[a-f], ttyb, ttyc, ttyd, ttye, ttyp-z and their
counterparts ptya[0-9,a-f], ptyb[0-9,a-f] asf. ? 
They are not mentioned in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt (well
the pty's are in fact mentioned, but I don't understand a word of it :-(),
but  'man setconsole(8)' seems to suggest that they are used like ttyS.
But why then are there so many of them (more than100) when there are only
4 ttyS devices? Is this a compability issue? Are there any good reasons to
keep *all* of them (besides not knowing what will happen if I 'rm' them


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] excellent news: vmware for *all* non-commercial users at 99$!

1999-05-10 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 10 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 10 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> On Mon, May 10, 1999 at 01:32:40PM +0200, Tom Berger wrote:
> > Hi!
> > As you might have read in Slashdot already, vmware will be avaible for 
> > no-commercial use at a price of 99$ (formerly restricted to students).
> > 
> > Count your bucks :-)
> I'm countin' the days!  :)

Well, I guess the guys at vmware do both :-). 


> --
> Steve Philp
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mandrake 6?

1999-05-11 Thread Tom Berger

On Die, 11 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 11 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Any idea when it will be available ?

Soon. :-)


> Jorge Carminati
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] compiling troubles

1999-05-12 Thread Tom Berger

Although I had bad luck with most of my questions lately, here's another

While compiling glibc 2.1.1 'make' fails building posix/regex.os with:

/tmp/cca20116.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cca20116.s:4131: Error: bad register name ('%eay')

Any ideas?



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] M6, glibc 2.1 and Star Office

1999-05-13 Thread Tom Berger

This is from Linux Weekly:

The cause of the problem [S.O.s incompability with RH6],
  evidently, is that StarOffice made use of some undocumented 
calls in glibc-2.0 which went away in the 2.1 release. So
if one wants to find a place to assign
blame - not a very productive exercise, really - one would
probably hand it to StarDivision for not
following the rules. It is unfortunate that StarOffice
fails to work against the "compatibility"
   2.0 libraries provided by Red Hat. 

Anyone tested S.O. on M6 yet?


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ?

1999-05-14 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 14 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 14 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Can u guy recommend a good display Card / chipset that work VERY stable
> under KDE ? 
> I'm using S3 Virge GX/2 4 MB AGP now and i found it not stable with KDE 
> XFree86 3.3.3-1 (rpm). The card only run quite well on 16bits colour, when
> switch to 24bit color, it will hang after i try to maximize the windows !
> BTW,this is card problem of XFree86 ?

Hm, the S3 chipset is commonly known to be very reliable under X. I am
still suspecting there is something odd about the AGP implementation
because I get complete freezes with my Matrox G200 AGP card from time to
time, too.
Haven't that investigated until now, though. Maybe you should go to and do a search like 'linux & Virge'. Or go at the XFree
main site ( and have a look at what they have over there.


>  ---   ---
> -_- -_- 
>  **~*  **~*
>  F  /-/   LangZhi UPM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   /-/F
>  R /-/ whois > Chan Kien Eng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   /-/ R
>  E/-/ " We grow strong by pains,grow great by dreams - Dave Wang "   /-/  E
>  E - - - ^  When do you wanna cra$h today ??   ^ - - -E
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ?

1999-05-14 Thread Tom Berger

On Sam, 15 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Sam, 15 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> >Hm, the S3 chipset is commonly known to be very reliable under X. I am
> >still suspecting there is something odd about the AGP implementation
> >because I get complete freezes with my Matrox G200 AGP card from time to
> >time, too.
> >Haven't that investigated until now, though. Maybe you should go to
> > and do a search like 'linux & Virge'. Or go at the XFree
> >main site ( and have a look at what they have over there.
> >
> >tom
>Try turning the 2x or 4x agp mode off in your bios and see if that
> helps. You might also try turning down the agp aperature down some.

Thanks a lot! I will try that.



> Aaron Winters, Electronic Imaging Manager.
> Garner Printing,
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ?

1999-05-15 Thread Tom Berger

On Fre, 14 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 14 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Gilbert Espinosa wrote:
> > 
> > "Nichols, Jason" wrote:
> > 
> > > Thats funny, I have a Millenium g200 AGP also, and I've never had a video
> > > problem.
> > >
> > > Jason
> > 
> > The AGP implementation sometimes differ for each motherboard. You might have a
> > good motherboard.
> > 
> > Gilbert
> I'm an unfortunate owner of one of the absolute WORST AGP motherboards
> in the known universe -- FIC 503+.  If this piece of dung can support my
> G200, I'd say most other boards will also.  I've NEVER had a problem
> with G200 and X.  Windows, well, that's another story...

Hm. Well, fact is my X-server just stops working every two days or so
resulting in a *complete* freeze of the whole system (even the SysReq-keys
don't work) And no, there are no messages in /var/log/messages. Looks like
this error catches the kernel totally unprepared. There is no pattern to
these events, apart from unspecific mouse- and graphic-events (switching a
site in Netscape, playing a card in PythonSolitaire, having KDEhelp
displaying a man-page, reading a mail in kmail asf.).
I can't reproduce this error intentionally. And apart from that, everything
works just fine...
I even reinstalled M but the prob lingers on. Tried different kernel
versions (2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.2.7) with different settings - no change. Happens
with KDE as well as with WindowMaker.  So this is most likely hardware
Some specs:
Mainboard is a Epox EP-MVP3G with a VIA Apollo MVP3 AGP/PCI chipset. 128
RAM (SDRAM, 100Mhz FSB), AMD K6-II 350 MHz. Mouse is a Logitech MM.
No trouble with that configuration within MS (well, apart from the usual,
that is :-). So it looks like there is something Linux specific involved
If it's not the X server it can be *anything* . Anyone knows of a
test suite that will check everything (CPU, RAM, Graphics etc) thoroughly?



 > > >
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Tom Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 7:09 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ?
> > >
> > > On Fre, 14 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Fre, 14 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > > Can u guy recommend a good display Card / chipset that work VERY stable
> > > > under KDE ?
> > > > I'm using S3 Virge GX/2 4 MB AGP now and i found it not stable with KDE
> > > > XFree86 3.3.3-1 (rpm). The card only run quite well on 16bits colour, when
> > > > switch to 24bit color, it will hang after i try to maximize the windows !
> > > > BTW,this is card problem of XFree86 ?
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hm, the S3 chipset is commonly known to be very reliable under X. I am
> > > still suspecting there is something odd about the AGP implementation
> > > because I get complete freezes with my Matrox G200 AGP card from time to
> > > time, too.
> > > Haven't that investigated until now, though. Maybe you should go to
> > > and do a search like 'linux & Virge'. Or go at the XFree
> > > main site ( and have a look at what they have over there.
> > >
> > > tom
> > >
> > > >  ---   ---
> > > > -_-
> > > -_-
> > > >  **~*
> > > **~*
> > > >  F  /-/   LangZhi UPM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > /-/F
> > > >  R /-/ whois > Chan Kien Eng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   /-/
> > > R
> > > >  E/-/ " We grow strong by pains,grow great by dreams - Dave Wang "   /-/
> > > E
> > > >  E - - - ^  When do you wanna cra$h today ??   ^ - - -
> > > E
> > > --
> > > "While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
> > > specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
> > > Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
> > > Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ?

1999-05-15 Thread Tom Berger

On Sam, 15 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Sam, 15 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I'm not really an expert...but size of the SWAP partition is generally
> greater than RAM size...
> Tom, have you tried to update the XFree server? I remember than 2 or 3
> years ago, it solved my problems (with a beta) with ET4000 chipset.
> Good Luck!
> Fab.

Hm, I have 128 RAM and a swap of 128 MB, too. Don't believe it has anything
to do with since this freezing also happens at slightly above zero loads.
As for your processor tip I've already tried that to no avail. And XFree is, so

Thanks a lot for your suggestions!



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ? - Continued....

1999-05-16 Thread Tom Berger

Ok, I made some further investigations. Looks like I've chosen one of the
worst VGA/mainboard combinations possible...  
The Epox guys told me to update the BIOS of the Matrox, and the Matrox
guys told me to do the same with the mainboard's BIOS. So I did flash them
both... Now let's see what happens next *sigh*. Anyway, does someone
know of/have a cool mainboard, maybe a dual one? Uh, and while I am at
it, I am also looking for good SCSI adapter that's not to expensive.
What occured to me doing this: How do people with Linux only
machines update BIOS'es? The whole process is DOS based and if you happen
to don't have any DOS around you are pi... bad off. 


tom (who thinks it's time for Open Hardware...)

"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] A very Good VGA Card- Recomend ? - Continued....

1999-05-17 Thread Tom Berger

On Son, 16 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Son, 16 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > Ok, I made some further investigations. Looks like I've chosen one of the
> > worst VGA/mainboard combinations possible...
> > The Epox guys told me to update the BIOS of the Matrox, and the Matrox
> > guys told me to do the same with the mainboard's BIOS. So I did flash them
> > both... Now let's see what happens next *sigh*. Anyway, does someone
> > know of/have a cool mainboard, maybe a dual one? Uh, and while I am at
> > it, I am also looking for good SCSI adapter that's not to expensive.
> > Anyone?
> > What occured to me doing this: How do people with Linux only
> > machines update BIOS'es? The whole process is DOS based and if you happen
> > to don't have any DOS around you are pi... bad off.
> Windows boot disks can be easily found, that's what I do.  I wonder if
> DOSemu would work?  Anyone tried?
> I can tell you that the latest Matrox BIOS and Award BIOS from FIC fixed
> my AGP problems under my previous Windows installation.  Prior to those
> two upgrades, I was unable to turn on Bus Mastering on the Matrox
> Windows driver without suffering from screen distortion and random
> lockups and inopportune moments (of course, IS there a good time for a
> lockup?)
> Give the new BIOSes a try and see if it helps.  I can't say that I've
> ever had Linux problems with the boards though...

Actually my box had begun to have very frequent freezes within NT, too,
when using the Internet Exploiter 5.0 (which is a real dog: heavy,
uncomfortable, prone to crashes. I installed Lynx on my NT which works
just fine... The mere thought of being forced to use that MS crap makes me
shiver. I wasn't a geek if it weren't for Linux.)

No hangs since then in spite of some heavy netscaping last night.
So there might be some hope.

You might have heard that the CompuPic File Manager will be ported to
Linux soon, so I gave it a shot within Windows yesterday. Result: just
another bloated commercial app (although the Linux version will be
available for free), much of bells, whistles and shiny crome. I would even
prefer using gmc (which is - IMO - the worst filemanger within Linux
I've tried so far, well, apart from xfm, of course) to this one.

When will they begin to port the _right_ apps to Linux? Anyway, I bought
my copy of vmware yesterday so it's not that urgent anymore...

  > --
> Steve Philp


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at http://aolmfaq.tsx.or

Re: [expert] Star Office

1999-05-17 Thread Tom Berger

On Mon, 17 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 17 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Does anyone know where I can download star office 5.0 as an RPM? I've heard it
> comes with the official redhat 6.0 box set.
> Dunc

Please be aware, that SO 5 does not work on glib 2.1 systems (like RedHat
6 and the forthcoming 'Mariner') except for the version that comes bundled
with the Official RedHat release. Read this week's edition of Linux Weekly
News for more (


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Boo Hoo

1999-05-18 Thread Tom Berger

On Die, 18 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 18 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> G'day,
> Work on Linux-Mandrake User Guide ground to a halt with a power surge, my
> server was  protected with surge protector, but my development 'puter was not,
> fried the lot :-(((
> Being on a Veterans pension $$$ are short, but should be back in action
> Thursday with a loan 'puter, but will have to start from scratch :-))

Hm? You're an Australian vet? For God's sake: *how old are you*??
Anyway, thanks a lot your efforts. They are most appreciated here.


> Server still running ok.
> Thanks to those of you who have made suggestions, I
> will get to answer your Email's ASAP.
> --
> Michael Doyle
> Adelaide, South Australia
> Mandrake the Magician, Wizofoz the Wizard
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Boo Hoo

1999-05-19 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 19 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 19 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> On Tue, 18 May 1999, you wrote:
> > On Die, 18 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 18 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > G'day,
> > > 
> > > Work on Linux-Mandrake User Guide ground to a halt with a power surge, my
> > > server was  protected with surge protector, but my development 'puter was not,
> > > fried the lot :-(((
> > > 
> > > Being on a Veterans pension $$$ are short, but should be back in action
> > > Thursday with a loan 'puter, but will have to start from scratch :-))
> > > 
> > 
> > Hm? You're an Australian vet? For God's sake: *how old are you*??
> > Anyway, thanks a lot your efforts. They are most appreciated here.
> > 
> Only 53 Tom :-)))

Sorry, I still don't get it :-). I mean the last war Australia took part
in was WWII. You were pretty much too young then to have taken part in it,
weren' t you? *grin* There sure is something wizardous about you...



 > --
> Michael Doyle
> Adelaide, South Australia
> Mandrake the Magician, Wizofoz the Wizard
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] Mr. Icaza does it AGAIN...

1999-05-19 Thread Tom Berger

Mr Icaza, spokesman of the well-known
'uh-it's-1.0-but-not-'really'-stable-yet' GNOME group has this to say
about KDE:

 "I don't think KDE has a future at this point, it's not
 completely free yet and it's bound to a single
 programming language in Unix. Gnome from the
 very beginning has been accessible through any
 language. We are providing the GUI for all the
 languages and programmers can choose the
 language they like the most," says Miguel. 


Comments? I won't comment on this because I might use some words which
aren't applicable to this list...



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Boo Hoo

1999-05-19 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 19 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 19 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Excuse the off topic post but in Vietnam there were Australina and Canadian
> troops right along side of the US Troops. There were some truly teriffic
> Aussie Pilots out of Chu Lai and Danang
> Charley

Ah, thanks a lot! I didn't know that.


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mr. Icaza does it AGAIN...

1999-05-19 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 19 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 19 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > Hi!
> > Mr Icaza, spokesman of the well-known
> > 'uh-it's-1.0-but-not-'really'-stable-yet' GNOME group has this to say
> > about KDE:
> > 
> >  "I don't think KDE has a future at this point, it's not
> >  completely free yet and it's bound to a single
> There ARE still license problems with the newest license.  And they
> haven't even distributed Qt source UNDER that license yet.  

But there have been constant efforts to change that (Harmony, The Qt
Foundation). Qt has responded and had moved quite bit if you keep in mind
that they make their living from selling Qt.
As for the QPL, I don't see license problems with that one. What's wrong
with distributing patches instead of the modified source? It's not GPL,
but even Bruce Perens (sp?) accepted it on the grounds of Open Source. And
although Linus himself might not be expert on legal issues, I still like
this quote: "Everybody complaining about a licence issue is a whiner."
(Uh, Steve, this isn't intended to foul you, sorry!)

> >  programming language in Unix. Gnome from the
> True.  What if I don't WANT to use C++ for my GUI programming?  I'm up a
> creek if I want to write to KDE.

What about the various wrappers/bindings for KDE (like Python and C)?
That's indeed what Icaza suggests: If you can't code C++ you can't write
programs for KDE. Sorry, that's not true. And I can't believe that Icaza
doesn't know that.

> And if I want it cross-platform?  Has Qt been ported to Windows? 

I am no expert but AFAIK Qt is designed to be cross platform.

> >  very beginning has been accessible through any
> >  language. We are providing the GUI for all the
> >  languages and programmers can choose the
> >  language they like the most," says Miguel.
> Sounds perfectly rational to me.  Maybe a bit of salesmanship, but how
> else are you supposed to let people know why GNOME might be a better
> choice than KDE?

Sorry, but I disagree here again. Strongly.

This isn't another techie news article. It's on BBC. Many people
from the outside world read that. Of course, we know better. But they
don't. (Indeed this article speaks of GNOME as an 'operating system',
duh...). In every article where Icaza is featured it is constantly
acclaimed that GNOME is the first GUI ever to hit Linux. That's not only
unfair towards KDE but also in regard to all the other people who
developed window managers for *years*. And nobody of GNOME objects to
that. It looks like they want to change history.

And: would there have been a GNOME desktop at all without KDE? I doubt
it. And without the licence problems Icaza doesn't fail to mention
everytime? I doubt it. And without RedHats money? I doubt it.  

I begin to recognize that is was no good idea to bring up that topic here
:-(. I am sorry but I was enraged. I suggest we return to the technical

> -- 
> Steve Philp



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] gnome?

1999-05-19 Thread Tom Berger

On Mit, 19 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mit, 19 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Just what is up with the Gnome people
> We don't need to start another flame war !
> All this does is divide the linux community and weaken it in the process.
> Please everybody lets stop this before it begins and just IGNORE  the
> stupid comments.

Even if these comments come from a group that provides the standard
desktop of the world's most renowned Linux distribution (which is in fact
for *many* people a synonym for Linux)? 
Credit where credit is due: I am annoyed by reading everywhere nowadays
that Linux seems to haven't had any GUI at all before GNOME. This is
revisionism of the worst kind and the GNOME group apparently does nothing
to prevent it from happening. And these kind of articles appear in the
*big* media (NBC, BBC). Of course, *we* know better but what about the
vast majority of people out there?


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] anyone using Mandrake on a notebook?

1999-05-24 Thread Tom Berger

Hi there!
I am pondering buying a notebook that will run Mandrake-Linux decently
*without* having to spend 300 bucks for a XI Graphics X server. 

Experiences anyone?



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] OT: video card troubles ctd. ....

1999-05-24 Thread Tom Berger

Things went smooth for six days after having had flashed my MB and my
Matrox MGAs BIOS (G 200). Now the machine begins to freeze *again*
(almost killed my 4 GB data container in NT yesterday, boy, I really
should do backups RSN...).
Now I've noted that the video card gets really warm even after short use
(there is no cooler/fan applied to it and this is an ATX tower). Come to
think of it my trouble with this machine began with springtime, hm.
Does anybody here know of such heating problems? 

Since this is somewhat off-topic (sorry!), please mail me your
suggestions/experiences/references etc.  

Thanks a lot!


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] Re: Mandrake-Linux on desktop (all)

1999-05-24 Thread Tom Berger

Thanks a lot to all of you who replied to my question!
Looks like I will go with a Toshiba Sat.2540. Although the screen could
be bigger (it's only 12''), everything else meets my needs: 64 MB RAM
and a 4 GB HD (since my wife insists on also having WinBloat :-]), a
well supported video chip (S3 ViRGE), nice price and , hey, it's a Toshi

Thanks again


"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] OT: video card troubles ctd. ....

1999-05-25 Thread Tom Berger

Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Well, I have a Matrox Mystique, running perfectly... air conditioning did
> not work for the weekend (damn landlord), it's really hot in here right
> now and I don't have any problems...
> Jean-Michel Dault

Hm. IMO trouble is that I had to slot in the card upside down so that
the cooling unit now points to the bottom. 



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] OT: video card troubles ctd. ....

1999-05-25 Thread Tom Berger

Steve Philp wrote:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> > Things went smooth for six days after having had flashed my MB and my
> > Matrox MGAs BIOS (G 200). Now the machine begins to freeze *again*
> > (almost killed my 4 GB data container in NT yesterday, boy, I really
> > should do backups RSN...).
> > Now I've noted that the video card gets really warm even after short use
> > (there is no cooler/fan applied to it and this is an ATX tower). Come to
> > think of it my trouble with this machine began with springtime, hm.
> > Does anybody here know of such heating problems?
> >
> > Since this is somewhat off-topic (sorry!), please mail me your
> > suggestions/experiences/references etc.
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> I've read of problems with the G200 and heat, but I can't say that I've
> ever experienced them personally.  Do a websearch for something called
> the Lasagna Cooler, it's a thin fan that attaches to the heatsink on the
> G200 to cool it off.

Heya, exactly what I was looking for !
( :-)). Remind
me of spending you a beer or two if we meet... Anyway, I borrowed an old
Matrox Millenium from a friend to see if it actually *is* the video card
that causes these freezes.

> --
> Steve Philp



"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
specialists, at the Linux version one did not screw."  (from Babelfish)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] Would someone in Germany *please* burn me a M6 copy? (read reasoning below)

1999-05-28 Thread Tom Berger


And that's why I ask:, the German distributor of Mandrake CDs is slow and
unreliable. They will not have M6 before the Ides of June and it
usually takes them *two* damn weeks to ship. If they don't 'forget'
your order, that is...

And that's why I need it:
As you might know I am currently maintaining the FAQ for
alt.os.linux.mandrake. It would be impossible for me to update this
document for Mariner without actually having it (quite obvious).

I don't have a CD burner and being unemployed I can't afford
downloading a whole distribution. 

I will be happy to pay anyone 15.- DM for a CD, which will IMO cover
burning, package and posting quite well.

So, please!!

Thank You


Re: [expert] Would someone in Germany... (all and end)

1999-05-28 Thread Tom Berger

Thanks a bunch to all of you who offered me to send me a copy of M6
either here or by writing me. I will get my copy soon :-))). Love you
guys *grin*.



"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

OT: Re: [expert] Would someone in Germany... (ixsoft)

1999-05-29 Thread Tom Berger

> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > And that's why I ask:
> >, the German distributor of Mandrake CDs is slow and
> > unreliable. They will not have M6 before the Ides of June and it
> > usually takes them *two* damn weeks to ship. If they don't 'forget'
> > your order, that is...
> Well, I will try and answer this mail on behalf of my company ixsoft ;)
> Yes, there have been some problems when ordering through our website
> in the past. There were several reasons for this:
> 1. Our old web forms were unreliable and caused emails sent from
> mal-configured clients like M$ Internet Exploder to get lost. This
> has been fixed now.
> 2. There have been hackers around attacking our ISP, so mail orders
> got lost in greater quantities and our website's downtime was higher
> than should have been. We are about to change our ISP.
> 3. There are problems with colored CD-R like blue, green or the new black
> (Kodak) dyes, these CD-R cannot be read from different kinds of CDROM
> drives - this caused us to stop production several times and we finally
> decided to offer the original Mandrake 5.3 CDROM from MandrakeSoft.
> This caused 2-3 weeks delay on many 5.3 orders, but to my knowledge
> all orders have been shipped - there should not have been any "forgotten"
> customer really.
> Most unfortunately we did not get a notification when the Mandrake Linux
> 6.0 was released ( I have no idea why since we're on the announce-list ?).
> A customer has mailed us Thursday about the release and we have immediately
> added ML 6.0 to our webshop, but shipping can start first when we have
> either a CD Master or the CDROMs from MandrakeSoft.
> Downloading will take us about 2-3 days given the damn slow and expensive
> Internet lines in Germany, re-mastering and starting production the CD-R
> will take another 2-3 days, so complete with shipping 2 weeks from now
> is a good estimate of the time it takes if you calculate the very slow
> service offered from the German Post Office (will take between 3 and 5 days
> >from us to the customer's home).
> What I don't understand about this: if you're unemployed (a rare thing
> given there are 150,000 open jobs in the software industry in Germany -
> even our company cannot acquire any qualified folks around here ;)
> you could easily offer CD-R with Mandrake Linux 6.0 by yourself ---
> this is free software so noone could stop you from doing this and downloading
> would take only 2-3 days - you have plenty of time burning the CD-R I guess ?

If you think it is *fun* being unemployed (at least you think it is fun
to make fun of it...), I have some disappointing news for you: it isn't. 

I am not a learned IT Pro and the employment office refuses to pay me
any courses in that direction. Taken the usual heavy costs of such
training, I am stuck.

If you'd have read my post carefully you'd know that I do not have a CD

Oh, BTW: being unemployed doesn't mean 'having plenty of time'.

I ordered Debian 2.1 some four weeks ago from your company (using
Navigator) and never heard anything since. Anyway I did not mean to
badmouth your company I was just telling from my experiences... When I
ordered M5.2 from your company it took you 2 weeks to deliver despite
your announcements that CDs will be shipped during the next five working
days. And it wasn't the post office that was so slow...

Anyway, this is no topic for this list...



> Best Regards
> Bernd Hentig
>   +--+
>   | ixsoft Softwareentwicklung | <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |
>   | und -vertrieb Bernd Hentig | <>      |
>   |Parkstr. 10  16244 Finowfurt| Fon: ++49 3335 325 320  |
>   | Germany| FAX: ++49 3335 32 331   |
>   +--+

"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: OT: Re: [expert] Would someone in Germany... (ixsoft)

1999-05-30 Thread Tom Berger

> > If you think it is *fun* being unemployed (at least you think it is fun
> > to make fun of it...), I have some disappointing news for you: it isn't.
> Nope, I did not mean to insult you on this, I was guessing from my own
> experience though.
> What I can see here (in the Eastern part of Germany) is that about 50%
> of the unemployed people who are coming for a job either do not want
> to work really because it's much easier to live on unemployment aids

Well, I do not receive any unemployments aids at all. As soon as I
learned that they are not interested in promoting me to a new job
instead of paying my unemployness I told them they could stick their
money where the sun doesn't shine... If my wife wouldn't work I'd be
living right under some bridge now.

> (believe me, this is true), and 40% of the rest silently disappear once
> they hear they won't be millionaires in a couple of months.
> Ok, I understand that you are among the remaining 10% - but for me it's
> very hard to imagine that you cannot find a job in the SW business
> somewhere in Germany - even if it's only a Helpdesk serviceman, but a
> job is a job and if you know how to install Linux on a PC, you're
> more advanced than 99% of your collegues.

Well, I know there are plenty of jobs out there, but either you are
expected to
be an IT pro or they are somewhere else. Here in Berlin it seems to be
impossible to get some job. No, not even at Vobis. I wrote them all, I
placed adds in the newspapers and on online job adverts. No luck.
It is not that I am some computer newbie: I have been building computers
myself (for me and my wife) for some years now, repair others, know what
it takes to install, configure and administrate Windows NT WS, Linux,
FreeBSD, BeOS, Solaris. I have a small network over here which runs with
NT, 98 and Linux. My English isn't that bad. 
"Ah, no degree, no official training? We are so sorry, but...".

> We're really having a hard time to get qualified people here - even
> for such subtle tasks like answering on the telephone.

Well, looks like I've chosen exactly the wrong place to dwell... 

> Well, the current rate for a 4X player is around DEM 350,-, this is
> probably a lot of money for you then ?

Yes. I am now living at my wife's wages. She is very generous, but as
you might understand, I want to rely on her as less as possible.

> > Oh, BTW: being unemployed doesn't mean 'having plenty of time'.
> This is something I cannot understand --- what are you doing all day then ?

Reading job ads, writing promotion letters, doing housework, writing
technical documents like the aolm-FAQ, looking online for new jobs,
repairing other people's PCs and adjusting their crappy Windos

> I'm sitting here working 12 and more hours a day, but if I were unemployed
> (well, I'm self-employed ;) there should be 12 hours left for leisure.
> >
> > I ordered Debian 2.1 some four weeks ago from your company (using
> > Navigator) and never heard anything since. Anyway I did not mean to
> I cannot find your order here ... I will double-check this Monday.
> As I said, we did have some problems in the past, but this should
> improve now.

Well, ok. I'll give it another try as soon as Debian 2.2 will be out.
Forget about 2.1. With M6 being out and having to rewrite the HTML
version of the aolm-FAQ my time is filled up ;-). 

No offense was meant, but I keep hearing what you wrote all the time and
I find that - hm - annoying from time to time.



> Best Regards
> Bernd Hentig
>   +--+
>   | ixsoft Softwareentwicklung | <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |
>   | und -vertrieb Bernd Hentig | <>  |
>   |Parkstr. 10  16244 Finowfurt| Fon: ++49 3335 325 320  |
>   | Germany| FAX: ++49 3335 32 331   |
>   +--+

"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] 6.0 problems

1999-06-01 Thread Tom Berger

Roberto Angelo wrote:
> Ciao
> If you have mandrake 6.0b with kernel 2.2.9 you may have to downgrade to 2.2.7
> with initsript basesystem filesystem dev & modutils read Roberto Angelo: can't
> kill KDE apps...
> To configure my SB64 I've to downgrade my sox 12.15 to 12.14
> bye

I *really* hope someone at M works at this. 
Failing to unmount the root file system on shutdown is *NO* 'minor glitch'.
If you get this error a few times chances are / will become unusable. At
least it will lead to all kinds of annoying runtime faults.
I haven't read any comments on this from our developers yet... Would you
please comment on this? 
Haven't received my copy of M6 yet, so I can't verify that myself. If I get
this error, too, I will most certainly stick to my M5.3 (which runs on a
self-compiled 2.2.9 kernel without a glitch, BTW).



"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] Mandrake 6.0 (Al)

1999-06-01 Thread Tom Berger

-Original Message-
From: Al Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dienstag, 1. Juni 1999 21:18
Subject: [expert] Mandrake 6.0

>Well in my personal opinon 6.0 looks good on the outside. But 5.3 is what I
>think is a more stable release. There are way to many bugs in the 2.2.9
>kernel. I am switching down to 5.3 but once the bugs are fixed I will
>again to 6.0 (on the grounds that an upgrade from 5.3 to 6 will be a stable

Hi Al,
well, let me repeat this: the M6 issues are not related to 2.2.9. I run 5.3
with a self-compiled 2.2.9 kernel over here and don't experience any
troubles at all. There must be something odd about the initscripts. Hm, I am
no expert at the SysV init process but I will take  look at them myself.
Anyway, bugs are not unusual for a major version release, especially not on
such a cutting edge release like 'Venus' (which is at least one release
ahead of all other distros).
If you prefer something more conservative, maybe you should give RedHat 6 a



Re: [expert] 6.0 problems (bero)

1999-06-01 Thread Tom Berger

Bernhard Rosenkränzer wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Tom Berger wrote:
> > I *really* hope someone at M works at this.
> Sure - actually not just someone, but several people at once.

I never really doubted it ;-). 
But perhaps it would be a good idea to announce issues like that right
away? I know you people are busy, but posting a short mail on what you are
currently working on or what you are trying to fix right now might be in
someone's schedule?
That would give people a hint if their problems are due to their own faults
or to some inconsistency in M. Just a suggestion, though.

> > Failing to unmount the root file system on shutdown is *NO* 'minor glitch'.
> We think it's primarily caused by the fact that kernel 2.2.8 replaced
> update/bdflush by a kernel thread (we therefore removed /sbin/update from
> inittab), and announcements said bdflush was obsolete.
> The 2.2.9 kernel patch removed the kernel bdflushd patch without stating
> in the ChangeLog that /sbin/update needed to be activated again, so that's
> how the line comes to be missing in /etc/initrc.
> The problem should be fixed by activating the /sbin/update line in
> /etc/inittab (it's currently commented out).
> I've put an updated initscripts package on
> Please let me know if it really fixes the problem.
> LLaP
> bero

Thanks a lot for your efforts!



"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] M6 issues page on - please help

1999-06-02 Thread Tom Berger

me with this one.

I made a short digest of the trouble postings made to this list and put it
up at the mentioned address.
Since I am still waiting for my copy of M6 I need some help with it. Please
read this page and correct my mistakes (politely, please ;-) by sending me
a mail.

Thank you


Oh, BTW, don't get hurt by the site's design. It's getting better, I
promise :-)

"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] M6 issues page on - please help

1999-06-02 Thread Tom Berger

Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> >
> > I made a short digest of the trouble postings made to this list and put it
> > up at the mentioned address.
> Where?
> Wolfgang
> --
> Linux Mandrake's Home:
> Linux-Mandrake NewsGroup: news:alt.os.linux.mandrake
> a.o.l.m.-FAQ(English):
> a.o.l.m.-FAQ(German):

Hm, don't know why you have trouble finding it since it is mentioned and
linked in the intro and it is - of course - part of the index itself (you
didn't use a chached copy of the main page, did you?). 
Anyway the direct URL is



"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] M6 issues page on - please help

1999-06-02 Thread Tom Berger

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Tom Berger wrote:
> > I made a short digest of the trouble postings made to this list and put it
> > up at the mentioned address.
> Just a couple of things:
>  * Fails to unmount the root device during shutdown
>Edit /etc/inittab and remove the #-sign before the /sbin/update
>line. There is also an updated initscript-rpm available, but there
>have been reports that it doesn't solve the problem.
> The updated initscript rpm has only one change, which is removing the #
> sign before the /sbin/update. ;)

I concluded that from this post by Bob Gilley:

Subject: Re: [expert] 6.0 problems
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 22:51:29 -0400

Ok, I un-commented /sbin/update line in /etc/inittab and the unmount
problem went away.
Then I downloaded the update files and instlled the .rpm file thinking
it may contain more fixes that just un-commenting the line per above
statement. The original problem returned [!! T.B.]. Thankfully a backup of
original file was created (one by me and a second by the install
program). I'm going to rename the backup file to the original name and
proceed from there. 
[end of quote]

Indeed that seems to make no sense but he encountered it anyway :-).

> If removing the # sign is the correct fix (and I'm rather sure it is, the
> initscripts RPM solves it.
>  * 'su' fails to start program within KDE ('broken pipe', 'not able
>to open display :0')
>Type 'xhost localhost' on a term prompt. Should probably be put in
> This is a general X thing (security feature, not bug by the way. It
> prevents people from telnetting into your machine and popping up 500
> xclocks while you're trying to work ;) ), not just in KDE.

Oh, thanks. Will be moved to another section.

>  * 'make menuconfig' doesn't work, 'make xconfig' does
>Has been reported once. Yet not confirmed. No solution yet.
> I've tried everything and can't reproduce it. I presume the person
> reporting the problem did a custom install without selecting the
> ncurses-devel package, which is required to build the menuconfig
> program.
> Can you give me any more details?

Subject: Re: [expert] More 6.0 problems
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 10:30:50 -0400
From: "Al Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

make menuconfig

doesn't work it hangs after the parssing stage. I need to open a new
and kill the process. But make xconfig works just fine.
[end of quote]

>  * SOX is broken
>Modify the spec file to not override the cflags parameter and than
>compile again. Or use an older version. (sox-12.14 has been
>reported to work)
> We've released an updated RPM for 12.15 yesterday.

Looks like you read the 'old' version of the page. Changed that right away
after your mail about this issue.

>  * Sound doesn't work with GNOME
>Works after first login but then never again. No solution yet.
>  * kaudioserver can't be terminated
>Possibly related to the 'failing to unmount root device' error.
>Using isapnptools-1.15a and sox-12.14 has been reported to solve
>this problem. Looks like especially SB AWE 64 owners are
> I'm rather sure these two problems are the same, because KDE and GNOME use
> rather similar ways to access sound. I think the new initscripts should
> solve both, but I can't be 100% sure. I've never had the problem.

Will watch that.

>  * "Why are there so many bugs?"
>Major version releases are always prone to errors. I still
>remember the fuss when RH 5.0 came out. 'Venus' is - unlike RH 6 -
>a cutting edge release, it's at least one release ahead of all
>other distros. Nothing's going to stop you continuing to use M 5.3
>and jump on the wagon with M 6.1.
> Or 6.0-2. We've decided to have a bugfix-only release before starting to
> add new features.

Great idea! Guess the official distro pack will be delayed then? Just
pondering what you will call this release, maybe 'Venus de Luxe'? *grin*.

Thanks a lot for your comments! It's a pleasure 'working for' Mandrake


> LLaP

I always wondered what that means BTW...

> bero

"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

[expert] lynx error with M6 reported

1999-06-07 Thread Tom Berger


Wayne Larmon has told me about an error with the Lynx version shipped with
M6 which seems to have occurred with several people.

Lynx refuses to start with the error message:

metamail: Can't open temporary file

Installing an older version of lynx (lynx-ssl-2.8.2-32) removed that

I asked Wayne to send me an output of 'ls -l metamail' since I mean to
remember that metamail has to run setuid root. It doesn't.

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root41756 May 11 09:18

But running the M6 version of Lynx as root didn't solve the problem, so
there might be something else involved here.

Has anybody here encountered that error or is able to reproduce it (I
*still* haven't received my copy...)? Anyone at M an idea what may cause



"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] lynx error with M6 reported

1999-06-07 Thread Tom Berger

Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Just do a "mkdir ~/tmp" and it works.
> Jean-Michel

Thanks for your reply.
Doesn't get /tmp created by default with M6 anymore? And why doesn't this
error occur with older versions of Lynx?


> On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Tom Berger wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:53:02 +0200
> > From: Tom Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [expert] lynx error with M6 reported
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Wayne Larmon has told me about an error with the Lynx version shipped with
> > M6 which seems to have occurred with several people.
> >
> > Lynx refuses to start with the error message:
> >
> >   metamail: Can't open temporary file
> >
> > Installing an older version of lynx (lynx-ssl-2.8.2-32) removed that
> > problem.
> >
> > I asked Wayne to send me an output of 'ls -l metamail' since I mean to
> > remember that metamail has to run setuid root. It doesn't.
> >
> >   -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root41756 May 11 09:18
> >
> > But running the M6 version of Lynx as root didn't solve the problem, so
> > there might be something else involved here.
> >
> > Has anybody here encountered that error or is able to reproduce it (I
> > *still* haven't received my copy...)? Anyone at M an idea what may cause
> > this?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > tom
> >
> > --
> > "Paranoid? I hope so!"
> > Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
> > Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at
> >

"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] lynx error with M6 reported (Chmouel)

1999-06-07 Thread Tom Berger

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> Tom Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Has anybody here encountered that error or is able to reproduce it (I
> > *still* haven't received my copy...)? Anyone at M an idea what may cause
> > this?
> Yes you have just to rm -rf ~/tmp, and you can reproduce this
> error. The only thing to resolv this is to create a tmp directory in
> ~/tmp.
> Cu
> --
> MandrakeSoft
>  --Chmouel


Thanks for your reply. But I just can't believe that these people deleted
their tmp directory and then wondered why mm can't create a file in there
anymore... Also doesn't it - IMO - explain why this error doesn't occur
with older versions of Lynx...



"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

Re: [expert] man errors

1999-06-08 Thread Tom Berger

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> Roberto Angelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  I've a problem with...
> >   --- man command ---
> [...]
> >   and I can't see accented characters.
> You have a Mandrake6.0 ?
> To fix this, just edit /etc/man.config, and replace the line :
> NROFF   /usr/bin/groff -Tassci -mandoc
> by
> NROFF   /usr/bin/groff -Tassci -mandoc
> --
> MandrakeSoft
>  --Chmouel

Huh? *grin*
Anyway, thanks a lot for your reply to my lynx question!


"Paranoid? I hope so!"
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
Questions? Answers! The a.o.l.m.-FAQ at

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