[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama-jaya-hetu-dvayam?

2008-11-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
As I wrote about earlier, pretending that the
criticism or insult aimed at you *personally*
is really about a group is an old cultist's 
trick, used to pretend it really *isn't* 
about you personally. But it is.
   Following up on this, just because it's a 
   fun topic, I think the issue is that some
   people react to being called a name by
   pretending that the name was really meant 
   to refer not to them personally but to a 
   group that they feel that they are symbols 
  No, Barry, nobody here reacts that way. You
  made that up.
  Here's the real issue: It simply doesn't occur
  to men who don't have an underlying streak of
  misogyny to insult/attack/criticize a woman
  using terms that denigrate her on the basis of
  her gender.
  Doing so is therefore a sure sign of a bad
  attitude toward women. *Especially* in a
  person who styles himself a writer, I might add,
  because he presumably has a larger and more
  varied vocabulary on which to draw to formulate
  his criticisms/insults/attacks.
  It's a dead giveaway. And the pretense here is
  all yours.
 Actually, I've found that using gender-neutral terms when 
 insulting a woman gets a MUCH bigger response. Example 
 called a woman a jerk once instead 
 of a bitch.  She was quite upset.

If they're so insane as to get their hot buttons
pushed by jerk, there's really nothing you can
do to be misogyny-free. On the whole, however,
you are wisest to stick with gender-neutral terms
and avoid the B-word (even if the person you are
addressing is clearly one). And the dreaded C-word
is right out.

Better to stick with gender-neutrality or with male
epithets like hardon or boner. For obvious
reasons, epithets like strap-on or dildo are
right out.

It's all about sparing the fairer sex any hint of
misogyny, donchaknow? The way they believe things
should work is that they get a free pass for saying
stupid shit, while the men they rail against are 
fair game for anything they wish to call them.

[FairfieldLife] 'Return of the Woolly Mammoth!'

2008-11-20 Thread Robert
By Thomas Claburn 
November 19, 2008 06:20 PM 

Just in time for global warming, scientists have sequenced the genome of the 
extinct woolly mammoth, last seen roaming the Earth about 10,000 years ago and 
in cudgel-and-sandals films like 10,000 BC. 
Previous studies on extinct organisms have generated only small amounts of 
data, said Stephan C. Schuster, the Penn State University biochemistry 
professor who co-authored the new research, in a statement. Our data set is 
100 times more extensive than any other published data set for an extinct 
species, demonstrating that ancient DNA studies can be brought up to the same 
level as modern genome projects. 

Schuster told The Associated Press that eventually it should be possible to 
re-create any extinct creature that lived within the last 100,000 years, given 
suitable genetic material. 
That appears to preclude the sort of dinosaur theme park depicted in the film 
Jurassic Park -- the Jurassic period spanned from about 206 million to 144 
million years ago. 
However, Pleistocene Park has potential -- think saber-toothed tigers, giant 
ground sloths, and Neanderthal tour guides. 
[B]y deciphering this genome we could, in theory, generate data that one day 
may help other researchers to bring the woolly mammoth back to life by 
inserting the uniquely mammoth DNA sequences into the genome of the modern-day 
elephant, Schuster said in a statement. This would allow scientists to 
retrieve the genetic information that was believed to have been lost when the 
mammoth died out, as well as to bring back an extinct species that modern 
humans have missed meeting by only a few thousand years. 
For ancient humans, meeting a woolly mammoth may have been a real treat: 
According to the Mammoth Genome Project, the enormous amount of meat coming 
from a six- to eight-ton animal ... would have fed 400 people for several 
The natural refrigeration available when mammoth was what's for dinner may 
have made it possible to keep mammoth meat fresh for several weeks. 
Unfortunately, experiments suggest chilled mammoth meat probably smelled and 
tasted like Limburger cheese. Of course, hygiene standards, not to mention 
dietary options, were different then. 
Before any of this happens, however the researchers -- from Penn State, the 
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, the Zoological Institute in 
Russia, the University of California, the Broad Institute, Roche Diagnostics, 
and the Sperling Foundation -- have further work to do. 
The genome data set now consists of 4 billion DNA bases, but Schuster and his 
colleagues believe that only 3.3 billion of them belong in the mammoth genome. 
The extra DNA bases could belong to bacteria, fungi, or something else that 
might have contaminated the genetic sample, comprised of hairs from a frozen 
mammoth recovered from the Siberian permafrost. 
So the scientists have to clean up their genomic data. If and when tomorrow's 
aspiring P.T. Barnum decides to revive the species for science or showmanship, 
he won't want his woolly mammoth to have, say, a mushroom for a head. 
To help arrive at a functional woolly mammoth genome, the researchers at the 
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard are sequencing the genome of the African 
elephant for comparison. 
Only after the genome of the African elephant has been completed will we be 
able to make a final assessment about how much of the full woolly-mammoth 
genome we have sequenced, said Webb Miller, a professor of biology, computer 
science, and engineering at Penn State, in a statement. 
This work, however, awaits further funding.


[FairfieldLife] Some things never change (was Re: 'Return of the Woolly Mammoth!')

2008-11-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Schuster told The Associated Press that eventually it should 
 be possible to re-create any extinct creature that lived 
 within the last 100,000 years, given suitable genetic material. 
 That appears to preclude the sort of dinosaur theme park depicted 
 in the film Jurassic Park -- the Jurassic period spanned from 
 about 206 million to 144 million years ago. 
 However, Pleistocene Park has potential -- think saber-toothed 
 tigers, giant ground sloths, and Neanderthal tour guides. 

Dialog overheard in the Disney Pleistocene Theme Park:


Ooog. Mooga booga donka splatmuncha, hag booga 
donka cookamuncha.

(Good. Now I will show you how we hunt for food,
while my wife shows you how we cook it.)


Ooog mooga kiesterooga, tooga chauvinooga splat-
porkerooga! Dig mooga semper booga donka cooka-
muncha? Mooga splatmuncha longerdicka tooga!

(Good my ass, you male chauvinist pig! Why do
I always have to show off the cooking? I hunt
better than you do!)


[FairfieldLife] 'Cardinal of Apostolic Penitentiary Slams Obama'

2008-11-20 Thread Robert

Cardinal Stafford criticizes Obama as ‘aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic’

Cardinal James Stafford / President-elect Barack Obama
Washington DC, Nov 17, 2008 / 02:27 pm (CNA).- Cardinal James Francis Stafford, 
head of the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See, 
delivered a lecture on Thursday saying that the future under President-
elect Obama will echo Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane. Criticizing Obama as 
“aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic,” he went on to speak about a decline 
in respect for human life and the need for Catholics to return to the values of 
marriage and human dignity.
Delivered at the Catholic University of America, the cardinal’s lecture was 
titled “Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II: Being True in Body and Soul,” the 
student university paper The Tower reports. Hosted by the Pontifical John Paul 
II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, his words focused upon Paul 
VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, whose fortieth anniversary is marked this year.
Commenting on the results of the recent presidential election, Cardinal 
Stafford said on Election Day “America suffered a cultural earthquake.” The 
cardinal argued that President-elect Obama had campaigned on an “extremist 
anti-life platform” and predicted that the near future would be a time of trial.
“If 1968 was the year of America’s ‘suicide attempt,’ 2008 is the year of 
America’s exhaustion,” he said, contrasting the year of Humane Vitae’s 
promulgation with this election year.
“For the next few years, Gethsemane will not be marginal. We will know that 
garden,” Cardinal Stafford told his audience. Catholics who weep the “hot, 
angry tears of betrayal” should try to identify with Jesus, who during his 
agony in the garden was “sick because of love.”
The cardinal attributed America’s decline to the Supreme Court’s decisions such 
as the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, which imposed permissive abortion laws 
“Its scrupulous meanness has had catastrophic effects upon the unity and 
integrity of the American republic,” Cardinal Stafford commented, according to 
The Tower.
His theological remarks centered upon man’s relationship with God and man’s 
place in society. 
“Man is a sacred element of secular life,” he said, arguing that therefore “man 
should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person’s life cannot 
ultimately be controlled by government.”
Cardinal Stafford also touched on the state of the family, saying that the 
truest reflection of the relationship between the believer and God is the 
relationship between husband and wife, and that contraceptive use does not fit 
within that relationship.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Exploding Heads

2008-11-20 Thread Peter
Another screed brought to you by Raunchdog. What's the point? As soon as I read 
polemical bullshit like, ultimate war criminal Colin Powell I stop. Perhaps 
there are some good points in here, but they are completely lost because OF THE 
SCREAMING! People don't listen when other people scream. This is 
preaching-to-the-choir material only to help stoke the OUTRAGE, THE 

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Exploding Heads
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 1:23 AM

Obama Is a Center-Right Democrat, Not a Liberal.From Obama's promise-breaking 
vote for FISA, to his grovelling
acceptance of the endorsement of ultimate war criminal Colin Powell, to
his unwillingness to take a strong public stand against Proposition 8,
to his softening of his positions on executive orders (he'll use them now), a 
full withdrawal from Iraq (residual troops will remain), closing Gitmo (easier 
said than done and we might get a messy new legal system instead of justice), 
and ending torture (he
sounds a lot like George W. Bush here - America DOES torture, or how
could he end it? And what about enhanced interrogation techniques?),
to his willingness to appoint Republicans to his Cabinet, Obama is
rubbing his center-right beliefs in his gullible followers' faces.
We Tried To Tell Ya, Cheetos…

Posted on November 19, 2008 by madamab

Where Is My ObamaLove?
but you wouldn't admit that Barack Obama was not a progressive, a
liberal or even really a Democrat. You accepted all the crazy,
ridiculous narratives that were fed you by Axelrove and Burton and
Plouffe (Oh my!). Hillary is a racist! Hillary wants Obama killed!
Hillary is an evil warmonger! The Clinton era was the same as the
Reagan-Bush era! Obama will saave us from the evil clutches of the
DLC and people like Joe Lieberman! We will finally, FINALLY get rid of
all those moderate, centrist, Republican-lite politicians like the
Clintons and achieve ideological purity if we just elect Obama, at
which point all racism will also disappear and the world will move into
a more enlightened Age!
Where do I begin with this nonsense? Well, how about the fate of the
Queen of All Evil, Hillary Clinton? Looks like instead of slinking back
to the Senate in shame, discredited for evah and evah, La Rodham is
much more in this situation.
Now, Who Will Bring Me Cake?
Rumors are flying with great abandon about Senator Clinton's future. Will she 
be Secretary of State? Will she take the job Ted Kennedy offered her in
order to keep her autonomy and work on the issue that is nearest and
dearest to her heart, Universal Health Care? Will she run for President
ever again? Fiddle-dee-dee, what's a girl to do?
One thing is certain: Senator Clinton is one of the most
sought-after names in the country right now. Guess all that stuff Obama
said about her foreign policy experience being limited to drinking tea and 
other ceremonial activities
was just a bunch of hooey. And even Ted Kennedy, the biggest Obama
supporter in the Senate, realizes he shouldn't work on reforming health
care without her. Aw, so sad, too bad, Cheetos. Bamboozled again.
But wait, there's more haid-exploding news for the Obamabots:
Hello, Holy Joe!
Howard Dean says Joe Lieberman was kept in the Democratic caucus because the 
Senate was following Barack Obama's lead. But then, the Huffington Post 
reported as much over a week ago.
So no, Firedoglake idiots, Joe Lieberman's fate is not Clinton's
call, as you so ludicrously claimed in your latest action email to
me. Your CDS is fucking embarrassing at this point. Let it go. You got
your Messiah and it's all on him now. 
Evil Clintonites Being Drafted into Obama Administration At Speed of Light.
As we all know, Obamabots are incredibly invested in ridding the
party of all centrist, DLC influences, since they are diluting the
purity of the progressive movement, don'tcha know; and anyone who voted
for the war is right out. (Still trying to figure out what this
movement is all about, since throwing the working class out of the
Democratic Party doesn't seem too progressive to me.) How's that
workin' out for them so far?
Rahm Emanuel, DLC mucky-muck, warmonger and Clintonite, is Obama's
Chief of Staff. Eric Holder, Clintonite and influential advocate of the
Marc Rich pardon, is Obama's Attorney General. John Podesta,
Clintonite, is chief of Obama's transition team. There are many more
Clintonites up for Cabinet positions, including, of course, an actual

Are you starting to get it now, folks? Let me bold it for you just in case:
Obama Is a Center-Right Democrat, Not a Liberal.
From Obama's promise-breaking vote for FISA, to his grovelling
acceptance of the endorsement of ultimate war criminal Colin Powell, to

[FairfieldLife] Why might many Indian gurus be unreliable as to Sanskrit? Version 0.01

2008-11-20 Thread cardemaister

Why might (or mightn't) many Indian gurus be unreliable as to Sanskrit?

What is *your* opinion?  ; )

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Cardinal of Apostolic Penitentiary Slams Obama'

2008-11-20 Thread Peter
The Cardinal certainly has the darshan of a man I should place my trust in. 
Okay, back to the little boys.

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Cardinal of Apostolic Penitentiary Slams Obama'
Jonathan Alter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 6:33 AM

Cardinal Stafford criticizes Obama as ‘aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic’

Cardinal James Stafford / President-elect Barack Obama
Washington DC, Nov 17, 2008 / 02:27 pm (CNA).- Cardinal James Francis Stafford, 
head of the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Holy See, 
delivered a lecture on Thursday saying that the future under President-
elect Obama will echo Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane. Criticizing Obama as 
“aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic,” he went on to speak about a decline 
in respect for human life and the need for Catholics to return to the values of 
marriage and human dignity.
Delivered at the Catholic University of America, the cardinal’s lecture was 
titled “Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II: Being True in Body and Soul,” the 
student university paper The Tower reports. Hosted by the Pontifical John Paul 
II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, his words focused upon Paul 
VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, whose fortieth anniversary is marked this year.
Commenting on the results of the recent presidential election, Cardinal 
Stafford said on Election Day “America suffered a cultural earthquake.” The 
cardinal argued that President-elect Obama had campaigned on an “extremist 
anti-life platform” and predicted that the near future would be a time of trial.
“If 1968 was the year of America’s ‘suicide attempt,’ 2008 is the year of 
America’s exhaustion,” he said, contrasting the year of Humane Vitae’s 
promulgation with this election year.
“For the next few years, Gethsemane will not be marginal. We will know that 
garden,” Cardinal Stafford told his audience. Catholics who weep the “hot, 
angry tears of betrayal” should try to identify with Jesus, who during his 
agony in the garden was “sick because of love.”
The cardinal attributed America’s decline to the Supreme Court’s decisions such 
as the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, which imposed permissive abortion laws 
“Its scrupulous meanness has had catastrophic effects upon the unity and 
integrity of the American republic,” Cardinal Stafford commented, according to 
The Tower.
His theological remarks centered upon man’s relationship with God and man’s 
place in society. 
“Man is a sacred element of secular life,” he said, arguing that therefore “man 
should not be held to a supreme power of state, and a person’s life cannot 
ultimately be controlled by government.”
Cardinal Stafford also touched on the state of the family, saying that the 
truest reflection of the relationship between the believer and God is the 
relationship between husband and wife, and that contraceptive use does not fit 
within that relationship.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread Peter

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole 
Kaplan was flying his 10 millio
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 12:11 AM

Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 
million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such an asshole 
about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs a big jet to be 
important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but I don't believe he is 
totally because I met him one on one a couple of times and we had good talks. I 
liked him. But what possesses people to this arrogant level of self-importance 
and pollution of the atmosphere that so often happens?
Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put the best 
finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.
OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
(offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and was the 
first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a fact that I know 
half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a fact, and are too cowardly 
to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld fukin' aa PWNS FFL ! )
Offworld, you seem to be outstanding in your field today. Is it raining? Why 
judge anyone for anything especially when thy have zero impact on you. Earl has 
his karma you have yours. His involves 10 million dollar jets and yours 
doesn't. So what? You talk about Earl being arrogant, ah, have you re-read your 
own post? Do you know what projection is?


[FairfieldLife] Laughter, the best weapon against irrationality

2008-11-20 Thread TurquoiseB
Lately a number of the rational members of FFL have been
struggling with the question of how to deal with a couple
of irrational members who seem monotopical in their desire
to throw around the epithet Misogynist! 

Some have chosen to ignore them, and everything they write.
Others have chosen to engage them in rational discourse,
as if they were actually rational. (The folly of the latter
approach has been demonstrated over and over, because they
just become more and more irrational, only louder.) My vote 
for the best way to deal with these people is simple and 
IMHO brilliant in its simplicity -- laugh at them.

If you find them laughable, POINT IT OUT, hopefully
in a way that will enable other rational posters on FFL to
laugh at them, too. 

These two irrational women CAN'T HANDLE being laughed
at. It drives them crazier than anything else that could
possibly happen to them, and they become even MORE 
laughable than they were before as they sputter and
pontificate and trot out their manufactured outrage.
The more they sputter about being laughed at, the more
people laugh at them. And that's the way things should
be -- the closest thing to Natural Law I can imagine.

Think about the recent election. For a while people were
actually so shocked that McNumnuts chose Sarah Palin as
his running mate that they were almost afraid to point
out the obvious -- that she was an idiot in the true 
sense of the word, both ignorant and proud of it.

Then along came Tina Fey. In one five-minute monologue 
she showed America what Sarah Palin was, by doing nothing
more than *emulating her own behavior* and accentuating it
to laughable levels. Bingo. Tina Fey, in a very real sense,
pointed out the Empresses' lack of clothes (something that
Sarah quickly tried to rectify using the RNC credit cards), 
and that she was an intellectual midget who was not even 
*remotely* qualified to be Vice-President, much less 
President. She was literally laughed out of contention.

All this irrational bullshit about misogyny, propounded by
our local version of Sarah Palin and her equally irrational
but a bit (only a bit) smarter sidekick is based on *their*
fear of being called what they are, and being laughed at
because of what they are. So if you're going to deal with
them at all, call them what they are often, and do it in as 
funny a way as possible, so that the maximum number of other 
people laugh at them, too.

If they get uptight, so be it. It's *their* hot button 
getting pushed, not yours. You'll be laughing, and they'll
be uptight, and if that ain't a reflection of Natural Law
I don't know what is. And on another level, the more people 
whom you help to laugh at these women's irrationality, the 
more people you will be assisting on the road to rationality.

[FairfieldLife] 'Mind over Matter Experiment'

2008-11-20 Thread Robert



[FairfieldLife] How Football Explains America

2008-11-20 Thread Robert

There are many contenders for the title of worst sports book ever. But I reckon 
Sal Paolantonio's just-published How Football Explains America has to be a 
serious contender.
A belated response to Franklin Foer's How Soccer Explains the World, 
Paolantonio's cocksure parochialism is embodied in the very title.
Foer argues that soccer can be used to explain an entire planet. Paolantonio — 
while beating his chest, waving old Glory and strutting like a cockerel — 
boasts that American football can be used to explain why one corner of it is, 
like, awesome.
The contraction in scope and ambition tells all. One hopes other authors pursue 
this logic further. How Welly Wanging Explains West Yorkshire. How Bog 
Snorkelling Explains Llanwrtyd Wells. How Lying on the Couch Reading This Crap 
Book Explains My Living Room. How My Cat Sylvie Explains My Stomach. The 
possibilities are endless.
The actual chapters of How Football Explains America are all but unreadable. 
Paolantonio rehashes a game or a heartwarming football-related anecdote with 
the gusto of the true bore. Then he explains why this explains how football 
explains the battle of Midway. Or Davy Crockett. Or manifest destiny. Each 
chapter more tedious than the last.
The prologue is a masterpiece of bombastic ignorance in which Paolantonio 
inadvertently reveals that he has apparently never actually watched any other 
sport. Or indeed read about them.
Go ahead, you try going to a rugby game and writing about it. Soccer?
Ninety minutes of whatever and then maybe one goal scored by accident. Tough to 
create a coherent narrative out of that.
It gets worse. Paolantonio is the sports journalism equivalent of the saloon 
bar patriot who doesn't actually own a passport.
His errors are legion. He compares American football to the hoplite tactics of 
the ancient Greeks, and soccer to the Persian cavalry armies the Greeks 
defeated. In fact American football is more like the territory-hogging linear 
second-generation warfare of WWI; while fluid, flowing soccer is akin to the 
non-linear fourth-generation guerilla warfare US forces faced in Vietnam and 
Iraq (which is why anybody with a brain in the Pentagon is urging that US 
soldiers think more like soccer players and less like American footballers, 
meaning that American football explains nothing about modern warfare — except 
how to lose at it).
In the same intro we learn from Paolantonio that soccer is so boring that fans 
have to start fights and embrace fascism just to stay awake and that a founding 
principle of American football is relinquishing the ball quickly to the other 
team. This will puzzle anybody who's sat through the drawn-out rigmarole of 
both sides quitting the field and the sending on of two entirely different 
teams (while the crowd are distracted by clowns and dancing girls, 
Frisbee-catching dogs and mascots firing T-shirts out of bazookas).
We also learn that American football is replete with the underlining
mythical structures of our Judeo Christian heritage, our immigrant
experience, masculinity and violence and the romanticized
storyline that Americans demand from their television sets every
Which makes perfect sense — especially when you realise that America is the 
only country in the world with Jews, Christians, immigrants, men and television 
How Football Explains America is a canard built on a false assumption
based on a lazy anthropological cliché.
The nonsensical idea that a sport could explain a nation started with the 
British who used cricket to explain why all foreigners are dirty cheating 
In the US, baseball has long served the same purpose. The game is
uniquely American — goes the theory — because it is uniquely suited to and 
reflective of uniquely American qualities (and those qualities are, of
course, absolutely marvelous).
And now it's football's turn.
Football explains America, says NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on the book 
jacket, because the game is about teamwork and camaraderie, competition and 
passion, strategy and emotion. You can look at football and see the heart of 
This is at least three different kinds of bollocks.
1) You could cut and paste because the game is about steroids and growth 
hormones, antiquated gender roles, blatant sexism, a bloated bureaucracy and a 
veneer of politically correct corporate blandness and the statement wouldn't 
be any more or less true.
2) The US is more passionate than Italy? Or more teamworky than, say, North 
3) You could replace football with sudoko, darts or pornography and
it would still be equally true (and equally meaningless).
The entire book is an exercise in reverse engineered exceptionalism.
America is the greatest country in the world therefore the things that make 
America great must be uniquely or especially American. And the things that are 
uniquely or especially American must therefore be great.
As expected Paolantonio trots out the tired old canard that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 19, 2008, at 11:11 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying  
his 10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?

I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such  
an asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs  
a big jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for  
that, but I don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one  
a couple of times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what  
possesses people to this arrogant level of self-importance and  
pollution of the atmosphere that so often happens?

Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put  
the best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic  

OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
(offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and  
was the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL --  
a fact that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it  
is a fact, and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha  
haOffWorld fukin' aa PWNS FFL ! )


Now *that's* entertaining.  As far as loony rants go, I'll take off

over Nabs the Hater any day.


[FairfieldLife] Lawmaker asks auto CEOs if they'll sell private jets

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex

Auto industry CEOs appeared on Capitol Hill today to ask for a $25
billion bailout. At least one lawmaker believes that the CEOs should
change their luxury travel habits before getting access to taxpayer
funds. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) asked the top execs if they would be
willing sell their corporate jets and travel home on commercial flights.

Sherman asked the CEOs, I'm going to ask you to raise your hand if
you are planning to sell your jet in place now and fly back commercial.

Let the record show, no hands went up, noted Sherman

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer and Mike Viqueira discussed the CEOs' lack of
response. I have to tell you, just listening to that is awkward,
said Brewer.

Video here:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of off_world_beings
 Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 11:58 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what an
 asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio
 So?, he's still an unbelievably unhappy little MF with no hope left
 him. What the fuck good is money to him?
 That was my whole point in the previous post. The arrogant fucks that
 constantly fart around in 10 million dollar jets are destined to a
 cold wind blowing in their hearts.
 And you post this as if that is a victory for him? What is wrong
with you?
 He is a very sad person, lost in his finances. He would be MUCH happier
 Pretty big assumptions there OffWorld. How do you know he isn't
happy. Can
 you judge another's state of happiness? Wealth is relative. If you
have $300
 million, maybe a $10 jet is a luxury you can afford. Oprah has one.
Is she a
 jerk? Should she take commercial flights? BTW, I heard he sold his
house to
 some farmer. A rich one, apparently.

Kaplan has to be an unhappy expletive in offworld's world because
kaplan left the TMO and offworld's belief system requires that people
who do that be unhappy and punished.  He has to pretend to know
something about kaplan's personal life, about which he knows nothing,
because otherwise reality might begin to slip into his TMO
indoctrinated thinking.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lawmaker asks auto CEOs if they'll sell private jets

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex

The Big Auto blame game 

Cartoon: http://tinyurl.com/5pgwr2

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Auto industry CEOs appeared on Capitol Hill today to ask for a $25
 billion bailout. At least one lawmaker believes that the CEOs should
 change their luxury travel habits before getting access to taxpayer
 funds. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) asked the top execs if they would be
 willing sell their corporate jets and travel home on commercial flights.
 Sherman asked the CEOs, I'm going to ask you to raise your hand if
 you are planning to sell your jet in place now and fly back commercial.
 Let the record show, no hands went up, noted Sherman
 MSNBC's Contessa Brewer and Mike Viqueira discussed the CEOs' lack of
 response. I have to tell you, just listening to that is awkward,
 said Brewer.
 Video here:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 gullible fool wrote:
  What happens if you fail to turn off the lights on your electric
car? Do all the batteries drain out?

 They may work like the Subaru.  When I turn off my engine the light go 
 off.  If you need them for some reason you can turn the key to just
 them.  I've never run down my battery leaving the lights on because
of that.
  I had two new tires put on my car today and the service department
said the battery was a bit weak and that it was something to look out
for. I called a mechanic who usually has better prices and asked what
it would cost for a new battery. $163! For a Honda!

 Go to Sears and see what they say.  Sounds like you may be getting 
 ripped off.  These days with the economy many of the service places
 are scamming because of the lack of traffic.  Be wary, very wary.
 Some of the consumer reports on news shows are tipping folks to
 these scams.

$163 for a car battery strikes me as kinda high. I sliced one end off
my battery tray in order to use an oversized battery in my Dodge
truck, and those batteries run about $120. The battery brand I always
recommend is Interstate. I got only two years of service out of the
factory battery and only one year out of a $60 Walmart battery. The
Interstate batteries last 5-6 years, and they'll start my truck at -18
deg F.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin

2008-11-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
Peter wrote:
 Didanyone else here used to thin

[FairfieldLife] So, it's all about Judy

2008-11-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Lately a number of the rational members of FFL have been
 struggling with the question of how to deal with a couple
 of irrational members who seem monotopical in their desire
 to throw around the epithet Misogynist! 
So, it's all about Barry.

 Some have chosen to ignore them, and everything they write.
 Others have chosen to engage them in rational discourse,
 as if they were actually rational. (The folly of the latter
 approach has been demonstrated over and over, because they
 just become more and more irrational, only louder.) My vote 
 for the best way to deal with these people is simple and 
 IMHO brilliant in its simplicity -- laugh at them.
 If you find them laughable, POINT IT OUT, hopefully
 in a way that will enable other rational posters on FFL to
 laugh at them, too. 
 These two irrational women CAN'T HANDLE being laughed
 at. It drives them crazier than anything else that could
 possibly happen to them, and they become even MORE 
 laughable than they were before as they sputter and
 pontificate and trot out their manufactured outrage.
 The more they sputter about being laughed at, the more
 people laugh at them. And that's the way things should
 be -- the closest thing to Natural Law I can imagine.
 Think about the recent election. For a while people were
 actually so shocked that McNumnuts chose Sarah Palin as
 his running mate that they were almost afraid to point
 out the obvious -- that she was an idiot in the true 
 sense of the word, both ignorant and proud of it.
 Then along came Tina Fey. In one five-minute monologue 
 she showed America what Sarah Palin was, by doing nothing
 more than *emulating her own behavior* and accentuating it
 to laughable levels. Bingo. Tina Fey, in a very real sense,
 pointed out the Empresses' lack of clothes (something that
 Sarah quickly tried to rectify using the RNC credit cards), 
 and that she was an intellectual midget who was not even 
 *remotely* qualified to be Vice-President, much less 
 President. She was literally laughed out of contention.
 All this irrational bullshit about misogyny, propounded by
 our local version of Sarah Palin and her equally irrational
 but a bit (only a bit) smarter sidekick is based on *their*
 fear of being called what they are, and being laughed at
 because of what they are. So if you're going to deal with
 them at all, call them what they are often, and do it in as 
 funny a way as possible, so that the maximum number of other 
 people laugh at them, too.
 If they get uptight, so be it. It's *their* hot button 
 getting pushed, not yours. You'll be laughing, and they'll
 be uptight, and if that ain't a reflection of Natural Law
 I don't know what is. And on another level, the more people 
 whom you help to laugh at these women's irrationality, the 
 more people you will be assisting on the road to rationality.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Shiva Sutras'

2008-11-20 Thread Vaj
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- On Tue, 11/18/08, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Shiva Sutras'
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 8:52 PM
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister
  no_reply@ wrote:
   They seem to translate
  saMyamaat in 3.44 to 'sameness'.
   That sucks!  :D
  Actually it highlights how differently the word samyama is
  seen in a yoga-darshana text (the 
  Patanjali yoga-sutras) and a nondual Shaivite text (i.e.
  the shiva-sutras of Vasagupta).
  If you don't understand the difference, then you're
  probably not qualified to comment. :-)
 Say more about this, guys.

Technical terms have different meanings when expressed from different vantage 

saMyamaa from the point of view of yoga sees two things as separate, and so 
they need to 
be joined through introverting away from the outside world, focusing attention 
and then 
joining attention till there's no longer an observed, process of observing and 
an observer. 
Then the subject-object duality collapses. It's dualistic by nature and that's 
the View of the 
yoga way-of-seeing and the samkhya way-of-seeing. Since the path is dualistic 
their fruit 
or style of awakening can only, ipso facto, retain some dualism (e.g., CC). In 
order to 
evolve to a nondual (pathless) path, one basically has to dissolve or let go 
of any 
dualistic process (Alambana).

However saMyamaa from the POV of nondual Shaivism has the View that one is 
Shiva, I am Shiva. There's nothing to attain, nothing to modify, nothing to 
We're already innately awake. So from the POV of the shiva-sutra, it sees 
saMyamaa as 
sameness or super-sameness. Seamlessness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Shiva Sutras'

2008-11-20 Thread Vaj
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For those who are awaree of how different they are from those around them, 
 becomes an opportunity to reveal those differences.

It helps to have an experiential understanding of the different states of 
consciousness being 
expressed in the two different types of texts, yoga and nondualism. They're 
different states 
of consciousness. Although one can intellectually understand it, it really is 
only clear if you 
are actually experientially familiar with the states of consciousness and their 

To the ignorant it would just sound like nit-picking.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
 Let Detroit Go Bankrupt 
So, I guess Michael Moore is totally discreditied 
now. Moore opposed GM efforts at reorganization in 
Michigan. Moore was opposed to downsizing in order 
to stay competive in world markets. So Moore made 
a documentary about the 30,000 people that lost 
their jobs in Flint. I guess the joke is on Michael 
Moore now - maybe he will make a new movie about the 
'depression' of 2009 - what an idiot. And to think 
some people actually paid money to go see 'Roger 
and Me'. 

[FairfieldLife] Now this is really Fun! Snoop Dog on Martha Stewart Show

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex

Cultural harmony making mashed potatoes...



[FairfieldLife] Re: The non-tinyurl world record holder: Dr. Pete!

2008-11-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
shempmcgurk wrote:
 The non-tinyurl world record holder: Dr. Pete!

Why do you suppose that most of the Doctor's messages
begin with RE: and end on one line, but the urls he 
sends extend to four? ADD or SAD?


[FairfieldLife] Re: WholeLottaTypos

2008-11-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
off_world_beings wrote:
If it's a QWERTY keyboard all the keys are in the
same place as any other keyboard, you dumb fuck.
Take a course in spelling and learn to type. Get
some smarts or keep your pie hole shut - you're 
just wasting bandspace with gibberish and nonsense.

 Yep, can't get used to this new keyboard, 
 and the mousepad is totally ficking unfathomable 
 as to how it works. It seems awful, so going back
 and making corrections is a chore unless I have 
 my regular Wacom tablet plugged in.

[FairfieldLife] Obama's Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex

In the first two weeks since the election, President-elect Barack
Obama has broken with a tradition established over the past eight
years through his controversial use of complete sentences, political
observers say.

Millions of Americans who watched Mr. Obama's appearance on CBS's 60
Minutes on Sunday witnessed the president-elect's unorthodox verbal
tick, which had Mr. Obama employing grammatically correct sentences
virtually every time he opened his mouth.

But Mr. Obama's decision to use complete sentences in his public
pronouncements carries with it certain risks, since after the last
eight years many Americans may find his odd speaking style jarring.

According to presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of
Minnesota, some Americans might find it alienating to have a
president who speaks English as if it were his first language.

Every time Obama opens his mouth, his subjects and verbs are in
agreement, says Mr. Logsdon. If he keeps it up, he is running the
risk of sounding like an elitist.

The historian said that if Mr. Obama insists on using complete
sentences in his speeches, the public may find itself saying, Okay,
subject, predicate, subject predicate -- we get it, stop showing off.

The president-elect's stubborn insistence on using complete sentences
has already attracted a rebuke from one of his harshest critics, Gov.
Sarah Palin of Alaska.

Talking with complete sentences there and also too talking in a way
that ordinary Americans like Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder
can't really do there, I think needing to do that isn't tapping into
what Americans are needing also, she said. 

~~Andy Borowitz


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The non-tinyurl world record holder: Dr. Pete!

2008-11-20 Thread Peter

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The non-tinyurl world record holder: Dr. Pete!
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 9:54 AM
 shempmcgurk wrote:
  The non-tinyurl world record holder: Dr. Pete!
 Why do you suppose that most of the Doctor's messages
 begin with RE: and end on one line, but the urls he 
 sends extend to four? ADD or SAD?
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

  Let Detroit Go Bankrupt 
 So, I guess Michael Moore is totally discreditied 
 now. Moore opposed GM efforts at reorganization in 
 Michigan. Moore was opposed to downsizing in order 
 to stay competive in world markets. So Moore made 
 a documentary about the 30,000 people that lost 
 their jobs in Flint. I guess the joke is on Michael 
 Moore now - maybe he will make a new movie about the 
 'depression' of 2009 - what an idiot. And to think 
 some people actually paid money to go see 'Roger 
 and Me'.

Now I see why willy thinks Palin is a genius.

GM has repeatedly downsized (labor not management) since Moore's movie
and yet GM still faces bankruptcy.  So how exactly was downsizing the

GM is not causing the depression of 2009, your hero Bush is.  The
current credit crisis which the Bush Admin has still failed to address
is the immediate cause of GM's problems - the longer term cause is
GM's management who are idiots -- who just 2 yrs ago were saying
customers don't care of the price of gas and yet are paid 4-5 times
more than their toyota counterparts.

I could care less about Moore's economic opinions but willy's
paragraph is nonsensical. If anything there's something to Moore's
basic argument that the destruction of the middle class in the US
under republican ideology is a prime cause of economic problems.  

Willy got absolutely everything he could have asked for under Bush and
yet he's trying to blame the resulting recession on michael moore?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Exploding Heads

2008-11-20 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another screed brought to you by Raunchdog. What's the point? As 
 soon as I read polemical bullshit like, ultimate war criminal 
 Colin Powell I stop. 

I just googled 
Colin Powell ultimate war criminal 103,000 hits
Colin Powell war criminal 483,000 hits
Colin Powell criminal 1,230,000

In the search I found an interesting perspective from across the pond:
The Guardian The Art of Lying JOHN PILGER 11/04/08

In 1992 Mark Higson, the British foreign office official responsible
for Iraq, appeared before an inquiry into the scandal of British arms
sold illegally to Saddam Hussein. He described a culture of lying at
the heart of British ­foreign-policy-making. I interviewed Higson and
asked him how frequently ministers and officials lied to ­Parliament.

It's systemic, he said. The draft letters I wrote for various
ministers were saying that nothing had changed, the embargo on the
sale of arms to Iraq was the same.
Was that true? I asked.
No, it wasn't true.
And your superiors knew it wasn't true?
So how much truth did the public get?
The public got as much truth as we could squeeze out, given that we
told downright lies.

From Britain's support for ­apartheid in South Africa to the ­supply
of warplanes to the ­Indonesian dictator, Suharto, ­knowing he was
using them against the civilian population of East Timor, to the
denial of vaccines and other humanitarian aid to the ­children of
Iraq, my experience with British diplomacy is that Higson was right
and remains right.

But Britain is a mere subcontractor to the United States. Almost
everything that is foreign policy in London is approved in
Washington, the centre of the most rapacious power in historical
memory. When you bear this in mind, the American presidential race is

War and militarism are unmentionable; and the beatification of
president Barack Obama is well under way; for it is he who challenges
America to rise up [and] summon the better angels of our nature, says
Rolling Stone magazine, reminiscent of the mating calls of writers on
the London Guardian to the mystical Blair.

In fact, Obama is backed by the biggest, most notorious looters on
Wall Street. The dove and candidate of change has voted repeatedly
to fund Bush's wars, and now demands more war in Afghanistan while he
threatens to bomb Pakistan.

Dismissing the popular democracies in Latin America as a vacuum to
be filled by the US, he has endorsed Colombia's right to strike
terrorists who seek safe-havens across its borders. Translated, this
means the right of the criminal regime in that country to invade its
neighbours, notably uppity Venezuela, on Washington's behalf. The
British human rights group, Justice for Colombia, has just published a
study of Anglo-American backing for the Colombian regime of Alvaro
Uribe. It describes a client regime linked to death squads and
responsible for more than 90% of all cases of torture. The principal
torturers, the security forces, are trained by the Americans and the

This travesty is known as Plan Colombia and was the design of Bill
Clinton, the last Democratic Party president and the inspiration of
Blair's new Labour. ­Clinton's ­administration was at least as
­violent as Bush's - see Unicef's report that 500 000 Iraqi children
died as a result of the Anglo-­American ­blockade in the 1990s.

The lesson learned is that no presidential candidate, least of all a
Democrat awash with money from America's banksters, as Franklin
Roosevelt called them, can or will challenge the corporate/military
system that controls and rewards him.

Obama's job is to present a benign, even progressive face that will
revive the US's democratic pretensions, internationally and
domestically while ensuring nothing of substance changes. His skin
colour may well help him regain this njustified trust, even though
it is a similar hue to that of Colin ­Powell, a war criminal who lied
to the United Nations for Bush and who now endorses Obama. Whoever
wins, commented a British official with a trace of irony, will lead
the Free World.  

 Perhaps there are some good points in here, but they are completely
 lost because OF THE SCREAMING! People don't listen when other 
 people scream. This is preaching-to-the-choir material only to help

This is what happens when you tell a true story and no wants to hear
the truth. You repeat the story with larger emphasis. What are the
good points that got your attention? It would be worth a discussion.

[FairfieldLife] Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 
   OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 
   (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , 
   the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL --
   that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a
   and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld 
   PWNS FFL ! )
  OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly racist 
  down of Obama saying that they will start calling the official
  residence of the president the Black House.
 Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist could 
 handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an ignorant fuck.
 No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. Wow, what 
 ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that humor 
where I
 come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all the time 
 dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the racist
 Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit it 
Shemp, you
 are a total racist. Just admit it. )
 Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny when I 
 it to them.

Which Black guys?

You live in the White-est state in the union:


 They laughed in joy and camaraderie at it.

In all likelihood, they were laughing at you.

Or, they were laughing in order to placate you because they know you 
are such an unstable nutjob that if they didn't you could come after 

 It is a wonderful
 thing, and I think it should be called the Balckhouse because I 
love the
 idea that a minority is President. But a lonely racist liek you has 
 black friends and you come to FFL because you have no friends at 
 Its burning you up in fear and cold ice in your hart, and you can 
 it can't you. You are a hateful racist and you have nothing but 
fear and
 hate to offer FFL.
 Us Europeans left that black white shit behind decades ago you 

Yes, you Europeans are so superior to us North Americans.  And you 
have such an enlightened and cultured view of those who skin color, 
religion, and ethnicity is different from your own.

Oops!  Except for those little squirmishes known as WW I and WW II.

But they didn't have ANYTHING to do with race, did they?  

Oops again!

But, hey, what's another 60 million dead?

 But that is something a lonely racist like you will never
 understand.  You are a racist, that is why you could not laugh at 
 OBVIOUS and very tasteful 21st century joke for 21st century people 
 no hate in their hearts. None. Man, you are the worst racist hateful
 turd that ever walked the planet. You squirm when you meet a colored
 person don't you.

Is that how you refer to your Black friends in Vermont?  As the 

I'm sure they amused by that one, too, just as they are by you 
calling the White House the Black House.

Do they laugh and chuckle with you when you drop the colored bomb?

 It is sad for you. I only feel pity for you.
 What a totally sad little old man you are Shemp.
 Shemp, you are left behind in the dust of history. You might as well
 admit you are so retarded in this modern world that you cannot even 
 about black and white as ALL THE REST OF US IN THE WORLD, BIT BLACK 

Any time I hear a racial joke or Jewish joke, I get really 

Aside from the fact that there's a lot of truth to the old adage that 
teasing is a form of disguised agression, everyone has their own 
sense or version for humor.  It's best not to joke at all, is my 
experience, because you never know how the other party is going to 
take it.

I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the Borat movie, in 
which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish people.  But at 
one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed to be 
laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was Baron-Cohen's 
point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic tangent.  Perhaps 
this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.

 You are left behind in your racist cesspit. You sad little turd of a
 I feel only pity for you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 mi

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying
his 10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
  I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such
an asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs
a big jet to be important.

And for dramatic effect let's snip a bitOK...got...it:

(offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and was
 the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a
fact that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a
fact, and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld
fukin' aa PWNS FFL ! )

Glad you showed us what an asshole Kaplan was for flying in his own

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying his
 10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
 I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such an
 asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs a big
 jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but I
 don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one a couple of
 times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what possesses people to
 this arrogant level of self-importance and pollution of the atmosphere
 that so often happens?
 Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
 How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
 And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put the
 best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.
 OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
 (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and was
 the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a fact
 that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a fact,
 and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld fukin' aa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

  Let Detroit Go Bankrupt 
 So, I guess Michael Moore is totally discreditied 
 now. Moore opposed GM efforts at reorganization in 
 Michigan. Moore was opposed to downsizing in order 
 to stay competive in world markets. So Moore made 
 a documentary about the 30,000 people that lost 
 their jobs in Flint. I guess the joke is on Michael 
 Moore now - maybe he will make a new movie about the 
 'depression' of 2009 - what an idiot. And to think 
 some people actually paid money to go see 'Roger 
 and Me'.

Even more ridiculous is the fact that Michael Moore was Larry King's 
guest last night and this whole topic came up right at the beginning 
of the show.  

King treated Moore like an expert on GM which was about as absurd as 
the people of Massachusett's 4th district reelecting Barney Frank 
after his participation in the FANNIE MAE scandal.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread Peter

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 11:09 AM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com ,
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com ,
OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to
 the TMO within 5 
(offworld has not been wrong on any
 prediction given  on FFl , 
the first to show outright support for Obama
 of anyone on FFL --
that I know half of you cannot stomach 
 yet you know it is a
and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa
 ha haOffWorld 
   OffWorld was also the first to come out with a
 blatantly racist 
   down of Obama saying that they will start calling
 the official
   residence of the president the Black
  Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a
 racist could 
  handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You
 are an ignorant fuck.
  No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you
 did,. Wow, what 
  ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to
 that humor 
 where I
  come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that
 all the time 
  dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act
 like the racist
  Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around.
 Admit it 
 Shemp, you
  are a total racist. Just admit it. )
  Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was
 funny when I 
  it to them.

Boy, Shemp. Off really showed you up, didn't he? I bet you're just quakin' in 
your boots after being called a retard racist carrying a monkey doll of 
Obama. Wow! You racist. Shemp, Off proved it and he's always right!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the Borat movie, in 
 which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish people.  But at 
 one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed to be 
 laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was Baron-Cohen's 
 point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic tangent.  Perhaps 
 this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.

Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I don't think the movie ever got off
it's satiric intent.  I never felt the movie was making fun at the
expense of Jewish people, the focus was clearly on the people willing
to go along with his anti-semitic rants.  Exposing people's
willingness to go alone with prejudice was not a tangent, it was the
central focus of his work. 

Next stop homophobia!  I can't wait for his Bruno movie to come out.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 
OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 
(offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , 
the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL --
that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a
and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld 
   OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly racist 
   down of Obama saying that they will start calling the official
   residence of the president the Black House.
  Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist could 
  handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an ignorant fuck.
  No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. Wow, what 
  ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that humor 
 where I
  come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all the time 
  dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the racist
  Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit it 
 Shemp, you
  are a total racist. Just admit it. )
  Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny when I 
  it to them.
 Which Black guys?
 You live in the White-est state in the union:
  They laughed in joy and camaraderie at it.
 In all likelihood, they were laughing at you.
 Or, they were laughing in order to placate you because they know you 
 are such an unstable nutjob that if they didn't you could come after 
  It is a wonderful
  thing, and I think it should be called the Balckhouse because I 
 love the
  idea that a minority is President. But a lonely racist liek you has 
  black friends and you come to FFL because you have no friends at 
  Its burning you up in fear and cold ice in your hart, and you can 
  it can't you. You are a hateful racist and you have nothing but 
 fear and
  hate to offer FFL.
  Us Europeans left that black white shit behind decades ago you 
 Yes, you Europeans are so superior to us North Americans.  And you 
 have such an enlightened and cultured view of those who skin color, 
 religion, and ethnicity is different from your own.
 Oops!  Except for those little squirmishes known as WW I and WW II.
 But they didn't have ANYTHING to do with race, did they?  
 Oops again!
 But, hey, what's another 60 million dead?
  But that is something a lonely racist like you will never
  understand.  You are a racist, that is why you could not laugh at 
  OBVIOUS and very tasteful 21st century joke for 21st century people 
  no hate in their hearts. None. Man, you are the worst racist hateful
  turd that ever walked the planet. You squirm when you meet a colored
  person don't you.
 Is that how you refer to your Black friends in Vermont?  As the 
 I'm sure they amused by that one, too, just as they are by you 
 calling the White House the Black House.
 Do they laugh and chuckle with you when you drop the colored bomb?
  It is sad for you. I only feel pity for you.
  What a totally sad little old man you are Shemp.
  Shemp, you are left behind in the dust of history. You might as well
  admit you are so retarded in this modern world that you cannot even 
  about black and white as ALL THE REST OF US IN THE WORLD, BIT BLACK 
 Any time I hear a racial joke or Jewish joke, I get really 
 Aside from the fact that there's a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Exploding Heads

2008-11-20 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I stopped reading Taylor Marsh after the primary when she jumped
 Hillary's ship and banned me for posting criticisms of Obama.

Hard to believe anybody would *ever* want you
off their board Raunch. Downright shocking I 
tell ya.

Taylor musta turned into an unethical lying  
swine who prolly also placed subliminal 
death threats to Judy, your Jersey sidekick, in her
How long will it *ALL* have to be about Hillary?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Laughter, the best weapon against irrationality

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lately a number of the rational members of FFL have been
 struggling with the question of how to deal with a couple
 of irrational members who seem monotopical in their desire
 to throw around the epithet Misogynist!


Here's what dictionary.com has under misogynist found at 
http://tinyurl.com/2sx6hy http://tinyurl.com/2sx6hy  :

mi·sog·y·nist   (mi-soj'ə-nist) 
Pronunciation Key

1. One who hates women.
adj.   Of or characterized by a hatred of women: the ex-Pat American
misogynist sat in front of his laptop all day long in a cafe in Stiges,
Spain posting misogynist messages on the internet.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Cite This Source
noun  a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- On Thu, 11/20/08, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Off_World refers to African-Americans 
as colored people
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 11:09 AM
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com ,
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com ,
 OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to
  the TMO within 5 
 (offworld has not been wrong on any
  prediction given  on FFl , 
 the first to show outright support for Obama
  of anyone on FFL --
 that I know half of you cannot stomach 
  yet you know it is a
 and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa
  ha haOffWorld 


OffWorld was also the first to come out with a
  blatantly racist 
down of Obama saying that they will start calling
  the official
residence of the president the Black
   Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a
  racist could 
   handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You
  are an ignorant fuck.
   No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you
  did,. Wow, what 
   ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to
  that humor 
  where I
   come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that
  all the time 
   dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act
  like the racist
   Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around.
  Admit it 
  Shemp, you
   are a total racist. Just admit it. )
   Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was
  funny when I 
   it to them.
 Boy, Shemp. Off really showed you up, didn't he? I bet you're just 
quakin' in your boots after being called a retard racist carrying a 
monkey doll of Obama. Wow! You racist. Shemp, Off proved it and he's 
always right!

I've been shamed.  I've seen the light and will change my ways.

I will now only refer to African-Americans as the colored and I 
fully expect them to embrace me in the kind of brotherhood that 
Off_World enjoys with all the peoples of the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the Borat movie, 
  which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish people.  But 
  one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed to be 
  laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was Baron-
  point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic tangent.  
  this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.
 Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I don't think the movie ever got off
 it's satiric intent.  I never felt the movie was making fun at the
 expense of Jewish people, the focus was clearly on the people 
 to go along with his anti-semitic rants.

I agree.

What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of Jews.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the showing 
I attended...but that's the vibe I got.

 Exposing people's
 willingness to go alone with prejudice was not a tangent, it was the
 central focus of his work. 
 Next stop homophobia!  I can't wait for his Bruno movie to come out.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 
 OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 
 (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on 
FFl , 
 the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on 
FFL --
 that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it 
is a
 and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha 


OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly 
down of Obama saying that they will start calling the official
residence of the president the Black House.
   Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist 
   handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an ignorant 
   No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. Wow, 
   ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that humor 
  where I
   come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all the 
   dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the 
   Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit it 
  Shemp, you
   are a total racist. Just admit it. )
   Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny when 
   it to them.
  Which Black guys?
  You live in the White-est state in the union:
   They laughed in joy and camaraderie at it.
  In all likelihood, they were laughing at you.
  Or, they were laughing in order to placate you because they know 
  are such an unstable nutjob that if they didn't you could come 
   It is a wonderful
   thing, and I think it should be called the Balckhouse because I 
  love the
   idea that a minority is President. But a lonely racist liek you 
   black friends and you come to FFL because you have no friends 
   Its burning you up in fear and cold ice in your hart, and you 
   it can't you. You are a hateful racist and you have nothing but 
  fear and
   hate to offer FFL.
   Us Europeans left that black white shit behind decades ago you 
  Yes, you Europeans are so superior to us North Americans.  And 
  have such an enlightened and cultured view of those who skin 
  religion, and ethnicity is different from your own.
  Oops!  Except for those little squirmishes known as WW I and WW 
  But they didn't have ANYTHING to do with race, did they?  
  Oops again!
  But, hey, what's another 60 million dead?
   But that is something a lonely racist like you will never
   understand.  You are a racist, that is why you could not laugh 
   OBVIOUS and very tasteful 21st century joke for 21st century 
   no hate in their hearts. None. Man, you are the worst racist 
   turd that ever walked the planet. You squirm when you meet a 
   person don't you.
  Is that how you refer to your Black friends in Vermont?  
As the 
  I'm sure they amused by that one, too, just as they are by you 
  calling the White House the Black House.
  Do they laugh 

[FairfieldLife] Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
state  is a bit passive aggressive.  

I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how complicated Bill's
foreign country business deals would make this.

Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.

But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary that
he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her great
respect and consideration to let this offer get out and let her take
her own sweet time in answering.

I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that she
is getting very preferential treatment here.  If it was me, (and thank
all the gods it is not!) I would say, here is the offer, take the
weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move one to my
next choice.   

[FairfieldLife] Go long on Sweet Crude

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
I was snickering with glee at OPEC's misfortunes as I checked the spot 
price for sweet crude this morning: hovering around $50.00 a barrel!

Ha! I thought.  Take that, you bastards!

And then I clicked on to The DrudgeReport and saw the following 

Enough for one atomic bomb 

which linked to:  

So I thought: Israel.  Iran.  Nukes.  Never again. Muslim fanatics 
eager to join Allah and those 26 virgins in the heavens above.

Go west, young man?

Better to go long on sweet crude...I don't see how you can lose money.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I agree.
 What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
 consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
 effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of Jews.
 Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the showing 
 I attended...but that's the vibe I got.

Ok, I get you point better now.  Yeah, that is a tricky part of this
kind of balls out satire.  He is really waaay into Andy Kaufman
territory here isn't he?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the Borat movie, 
   which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish people.  But 
   one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed to be 
   laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was Baron-
   point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic tangent.  
   this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.
  Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I don't think the movie ever got off
  it's satiric intent.  I never felt the movie was making fun at the
  expense of Jewish people, the focus was clearly on the people 
  to go along with his anti-semitic rants.
 I agree.
 What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
 consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
 effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of Jews.
 Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the showing 
 I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
  Exposing people's
  willingness to go alone with prejudice was not a tangent, it was the
  central focus of his work. 
  Next stop homophobia!  I can't wait for his Bruno movie to come out.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 


  OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 
  (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on 
 FFl , 
  the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on 
 FFL --
  that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it 
 is a
  and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha 
  PWNS FFL ! )

 OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly 
 down of Obama saying that they will start calling the official
 residence of the president the Black House.

Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist 
handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an ignorant 
No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. Wow, 
ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that humor 
   where I
come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all the 
dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the 
Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit it 
   Shemp, you
are a total racist. Just admit it. )
Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny when 
it to them.
   Which Black guys?
   You live in the White-est state in the union:
They laughed in joy and camaraderie at it.
   In all likelihood, they were laughing at you.
   Or, they were laughing in order to placate you because they know 
   are such an unstable nutjob that if they didn't you could come 
It is a wonderful
thing, and I think it should be called the Balckhouse because I 
   love the
idea that a minority is President. But a lonely racist liek you 
black friends and you come to FFL because you have no friends 
Its burning you up in fear and cold ice in your hart, and you 
it can't you. You are a hateful racist and you have nothing but 
   fear and
hate to offer FFL.

Us Europeans left that black white shit behind decades ago you 
   Yes, you Europeans are so superior to us North Americans.  And 
   have such an enlightened and cultured view of those who skin 
   religion, and ethnicity is different from your own.
   Oops!  Except for those little squirmishes known as WW I and WW 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread gullible fool

Has she really been offered the position? All I've read was she was one of 
several who were being considered.
This is lowering my opinion of Obama already.

Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 11:48 AM

Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
state  is a bit passive aggressive.  

I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how complicated
foreign country business deals would make this.

Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.

But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary that
he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her great
respect and consideration to let this offer get out and let her take
her own sweet time in answering.

I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that she
is getting very preferential treatment here.  If it was me, (and thank
all the gods it is not!) I would say, here is the offer, take the
weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move one to my
next choice.   

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the 
 time Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for 
 secretary of state  is a bit passive aggressive.  

An article in HuffPost today (originally from
the New York Times) says that all of the talk
about Hillary being offered the position of 
SoS in the first place was leaked to the press
by the *Clinton* people, not from the Obama 
camp. The latter are quite distraught about 
the leaks.


The article is quite clear in who is to blame
for any delays, and for all of the leaks. The
Obama camp defines the problem, if there is 
one, as the result of strategic leaks by the 
Clintons aimed at boxing in the president-elect 
and forcing him to offer the post [to Clinton].

 I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the 
 details of the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how 
 complicated Bill's foreign country business deals would make this.
 Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.
 But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary 
 that he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her 
 great respect and consideration to let this offer get out...

It would appear that he had nothing to do with
letting the offer get out. She, or her people,
were responsible for all the leaks.

 ...and let her take her own sweet time in answering.

As if she would ever do anything else. :-)

 I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that 
 she is getting very preferential treatment here.  

Much less that, by allowing her people to leak things
that shouldn't have ever been leaked to the press in
the first place, she has basically disqualified her-
self for the position. If she can't control her staff
now, does anyone believe she'll be able to as Secretary
of State?

 If it was me, (and thank
 all the gods it is not!) I would say, here is the offer, take 
 the weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move 
 on to my next choice.

If it were me, I would withdraw the offer entirely,
because she has proved that she and her staff cannot
be trusted with privileged information, and can't
keep a secret. THAT is who we want as US Secretary
of State? Yeah, right.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread gullible fool

If it were me, I would withdraw the offer entirely,
because she has proved that she and her staff cannot
be trusted with privileged information, and can't
keep a secret. THAT is who we want as US Secretary
of State? Yeah, right.

And since we Bostonians hate the NY Yankess and the NY Giants and that cesspool 
of a city down there, I say let her stay in NY.
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 12:06 PM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the 
 time Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for 
 secretary of state  is a bit passive aggressive.  

An article in HuffPost today (originally from
the New York Times) says that all of the talk
about Hillary being offered the position of 
SoS in the first place was leaked to the press
by the *Clinton* people, not from the Obama 
camp. The latter are quite distraught about 
the leaks.


The article is quite clear in who is to blame
for any delays, and for all of the leaks. The
Obama camp defines the problem, if there is 
one, as the result of strategic leaks by the 
Clintons aimed at boxing in the president-elect 
and forcing him to offer the post [to Clinton].

 I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the 
 details of the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how 
 complicated Bill's foreign country business deals would make this.
 Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.
 But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary 
 that he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her 
 great respect and consideration to let this offer get out...

It would appear that he had nothing to do with
letting the offer get out. She, or her people,
were responsible for all the leaks.

 ...and let her take her own sweet time in answering.

As if she would ever do anything else. :-)

 I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that 
 she is getting very preferential treatment here.  

Much less that, by allowing her people to leak things
that shouldn't have ever been leaked to the press in
the first place, she has basically disqualified her-
self for the position. If she can't control her staff
now, does anyone believe she'll be able to as Secretary
of State?

 If it was me, (and thank
 all the gods it is not!) I would say, here is the offer, take 
 the weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move 
 on to my next choice.

If it were me, I would withdraw the offer entirely,
because she has proved that she and her staff cannot
be trusted with privileged information, and can't
keep a secret. THAT is who we want as US Secretary
of State? Yeah, right.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] George Bush openly snubbed at the G20 Summit

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex

Everyone greeting each other and shaking hands, but Bush walks with
his head down like the dejected most unpopular kid in high school. 

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Y_ncOVlDw

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  I agree.
  What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
  consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
  effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of 
  Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the 
  I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
 Ok, I get you point better now.  Yeah, that is a tricky part of this
 kind of balls out satire.  He is really waaay into Andy Kaufman
 territory here isn't he?

Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed at that little 
movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union building?  Would 
ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).

He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile and, not knowing 
what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least until, 10 minutes 
into his routine, he said take my wife...please.  I found myself 
laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying to stifle my 
laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing shh's 
because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky idiot from Chile 
telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid my head in my 
hands out of embarrassment for him.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the Borat 
which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish people.  
one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed to be 
laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was Baron-
point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic tangent.  
this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.
   Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I don't think the movie ever got 
   it's satiric intent.  I never felt the movie was making fun at 
   expense of Jewish people, the focus was clearly on the people 
   to go along with his anti-semitic rants.
  I agree.
  What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
  consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
  effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of 
  Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the 
  I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
   Exposing people's
   willingness to go alone with prejudice was not a tangent, it 
was the
   central focus of his work. 
   Next stop homophobia!  I can't wait for his Bruno movie to come 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 
   OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO 
within 5 
   (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  
  FFl , 
   the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone 
  FFL --
   that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you 
know it 
  is a
   and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha 
   PWNS FFL ! )
  OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly 
  down of Obama saying that they will start calling the 
  residence of the president the Black House.
 Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist 
 handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an 
 No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. 
 ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that 
where I
 come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all 
 dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the 
 Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit 
Shemp, you
 are a total racist. Just admit it. )
 Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny 
 it to them.

Which Black guys?

You live in the White-est state in the union:


 They laughed in joy and camaraderie at it.

In all likelihood, they were laughing at you.

Or, they were laughing in order to placate you because they 

[FairfieldLife] Bongo Brazil, automatron, misreads it

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Everyone greeting each other and shaking hands, but Bush walks with
 his head down like the dejected most unpopular kid in high school. 
 Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Y_ncOVlDw

This is the most biased, bullshit story I've seen in a while.

I saw the video posted on the HuffingtonPost on this...haven't seen 
the one Bongo Brazil posts above...but on the one I saw, if you look 
at the world leader two people in line behind Bush, you see that that 
person doesn't shake everyone's hand either.

We have no idea why Bush didn't shake everyone's hand. Perhaps he 
already did a meet and greet with each one?  Perhaps he already shook 
1,000 hands that morning and felt these guys would understand why he 
didn't do it again?

Plus, if you look at the end of the HuffPo clip, you see that he is 
smiling and joking with whoever is beside him when he stops and 
stands.  Harly an I was snubbed attitude.

Only unthinking automatrons like Bongo Brazil can be fed such tripe 
and believe it without critical thinking and without thinking for 

Your overpowering hatred for Bush and all things American color your 
worldview and your reasoning faculties, Bongo.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
 Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
 state  is a bit passive aggressive.  
 I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
 the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how complicated Bill's
 foreign country business deals would make this.
 Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.

NOT. Bill Clinton doesn't want anyone censoring his speeches.

A Wrinkle in the Obama-Clinton Negotiations by Jake Tapper 
November 18, 200

Behind the scenes of the Obama Transition Team's vetting of the
finances of former President Bill Clinton in order for Sen. Hillary
Clinton, D-NY, to be named Secretary of State, a complication has emerged.

Sources say the complication is not what Bill Clinton is willing to
disclose in terms of the people who have donated to his presidential
library or his charitable organizations; those names are being
provided to the Obama Transition Team, led by John Podesta, who was
also Bill Clinton's White House chief of staff.

What seems more potentially problematic is not revealing what's
happened in the past -- but what the Obama Team wants to do about the

The view from Camp Clinton is that the Obama Team would too severely
restrict what Bill Clinton is able to do to simply make a living. One
source says the Obama Team seems to think it can demand that the
former president abide by the restrictions put on a general government
official, which just isn't tenable.

There has even been talk of the Obama White House wanting to approve
every speech the former President Gives gives, or any new source of

And while the former President's team says he's willing to disclose
that information ahead of time, they aren't willing to submit each
speech opportunity for approval.

George H.W. Bush had no similar restrictions when he son was
President, Clinton advocates say. Why would Bill Clinton have to stop
doing what former presidents do -- traveling the world, giving
speeches, raising money for charitable works -- when his wife is a
mere Cabinet official?

The view is that this is the portfolio of a former President; to
eliminate it -- especially when Hillary Clinton still has more than $6
million in debt from her campaign -- is unreasonable.

There has been some pushback from the Clinton Team on some of the
restrictions they feel are way too severe.

None of which is to say the Obama-Clinton folks won't be able to come
to some sort of agreement. Just that it's a bit complicated as of
right now.

The Obama folks would not comment.

Ambinder reported on this tonight as well HERE.

- jpt

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed at that little 
 movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union building?  Would 
 ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
 He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile and, not knowing 
 what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least until, 10 minutes 
 into his routine, he said take my wife...please.  I found myself 
 laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying to stifle my 
 laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing shh's 
 because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky idiot from Chile 
 telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid my head in my 
 hands out of embarrassment for him.

Only in retrospect can I realize that his performance was the most
amazing show I have ever seen.  He kept catching us as an audience
through the show, revealing himself and then leaving us with his
cast off former persona!  The guy was so advanced in his ability to
draw an audience in and them punk them!  I understand why he is so
revered by professional comic as a comedian's comedian.  We saw the
guy at his best working his mojo with the veil of anonymity assisting
in his group dynamic pranks.  That show was a real moment wasn't it? 
It has taken me decades to really understand how amazing he was.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I agree.
   What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
   consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
   effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of 
   Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the 
   I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
  Ok, I get you point better now.  Yeah, that is a tricky part of this
  kind of balls out satire.  He is really waaay into Andy Kaufman
  territory here isn't he?
 Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed at that little 
 movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union building?  Would 
 ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
 He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile and, not knowing 
 what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least until, 10 minutes 
 into his routine, he said take my wife...please.  I found myself 
 laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying to stifle my 
 laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing shh's 
 because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky idiot from Chile 
 telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid my head in my 
 hands out of embarrassment for him.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the Borat 
 which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish people.  
 one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed to be 
 laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was Baron-
 point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic tangent.  
 this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.

Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I don't think the movie ever got 
it's satiric intent.  I never felt the movie was making fun at 
expense of Jewish people, the focus was clearly on the people 
to go along with his anti-semitic rants.
   I agree.
   What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
   consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, in 
   effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision of 
   Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the 
   I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
Exposing people's
willingness to go alone with prejudice was not a tangent, it 
 was the
central focus of his work. 

Next stop homophobia!  I can't wait for his Bruno movie to come 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings 
OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO 
 within 5 
(offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  
   FFl , 
the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone 
   FFL --
that I know half of you cannot stomach 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
So I guess the question is: Is Hillary worth the baggage?  It seems a
shame since I believe she has a lot she can contribute.  She would
make a good bad cop overseas since she has been so much more hawkish
than Obama.  He can serve the roll of being more moderate.  But this
complication is so unprecedented with a former president involved that
I really wonder if it is worth all the drama Bill brings to the party.

This is another reason I am s glad we do not have Hillary as our

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
  Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
  state  is a bit passive aggressive.  
  I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
  the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how complicated Bill's
  foreign country business deals would make this.
  Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.
 NOT. Bill Clinton doesn't want anyone censoring his speeches.
 A Wrinkle in the Obama-Clinton Negotiations by Jake Tapper 
 November 18, 200
 Behind the scenes of the Obama Transition Team's vetting of the
 finances of former President Bill Clinton in order for Sen. Hillary
 Clinton, D-NY, to be named Secretary of State, a complication has
 Sources say the complication is not what Bill Clinton is willing to
 disclose in terms of the people who have donated to his presidential
 library or his charitable organizations; those names are being
 provided to the Obama Transition Team, led by John Podesta, who was
 also Bill Clinton's White House chief of staff.
 What seems more potentially problematic is not revealing what's
 happened in the past -- but what the Obama Team wants to do about the
 The view from Camp Clinton is that the Obama Team would too severely
 restrict what Bill Clinton is able to do to simply make a living. One
 source says the Obama Team seems to think it can demand that the
 former president abide by the restrictions put on a general government
 official, which just isn't tenable.
 There has even been talk of the Obama White House wanting to approve
 every speech the former President Gives gives, or any new source of
 And while the former President's team says he's willing to disclose
 that information ahead of time, they aren't willing to submit each
 speech opportunity for approval.
 George H.W. Bush had no similar restrictions when he son was
 President, Clinton advocates say. Why would Bill Clinton have to stop
 doing what former presidents do -- traveling the world, giving
 speeches, raising money for charitable works -- when his wife is a
 mere Cabinet official?
 The view is that this is the portfolio of a former President; to
 eliminate it -- especially when Hillary Clinton still has more than $6
 million in debt from her campaign -- is unreasonable.
 There has been some pushback from the Clinton Team on some of the
 restrictions they feel are way too severe.
 None of which is to say the Obama-Clinton folks won't be able to come
 to some sort of agreement. Just that it's a bit complicated as of
 right now.
 The Obama folks would not comment.
 Ambinder reported on this tonight as well HERE.
 - jpt

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 $163 for a car battery strikes me as kinda high. I sliced one end off
 my battery tray in order to use an oversized battery in my Dodge
 truck, and those batteries run about $120. The battery brand I always
 recommend is Interstate. I got only two years of service out of the
 factory battery and only one year out of a $60 Walmart battery. The
 Interstate batteries last 5-6 years, and they'll start my truck at -18
 deg F.
The Sears Die-Hard batteries are only from $70-90 and the more you pay 
the longer the life.   I note that Sears has some $190 Platinum 
batteries and maybe it was that kind of battery they were trying to 
sell.  I've gotten the Die-Hard batteries as replacements for years and 
never had a problem.  The one that went out was the one that came with 
the car.  The funny thing was the dead battery behaved differently in 
the Forester than I had ever experienced before and thought it was 
something else.   The dealer suggested having it towed in but the tow 
truck driver thought it was the battery and jumped it saving me the tow 
charge.  My neighbor had one of those portable jumping units and told me 
to take it with me when I got the battery replace in case the car died 
on the way.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:
 Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying his
 10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?

 I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such an
 asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs a big
 jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but I
 don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one a couple of
 times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what possesses people to
 this arrogant level of self-importance and pollution of the atmosphere
 that so often happens?
 Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
 How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
 And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put the
 best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.

 OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
 (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and was
 the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a fact
 that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a fact,
 and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld fukin' aa

He probably just thought it would be nice to have a private jet and 
since he had the money he got one.  You must not have spent much time 
around the wealthy or watched anyone go from average income to wealthy.  
I once kidded the founder of the company I worked for that now he was a 
millionaire he would now become a Republican.  You should have seen the 
glare he gave me. :-D

If you want someone who is really arrogant, out here we have Larry 
Ellison who IS a real asshole.  He went on a spate with San Jose as he 
wanted to land his private jet anytime even if it was in the middle of 
the night.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  On Behalf Of off_world_beings
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 11:58 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what
  asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio
  So?, he's still an unbelievably unhappy little MF with no hope left
  him. What the fuck good is money to him?
  That was my whole point in the previous post. The arrogant fucks
  constantly fart around in 10 million dollar jets are destined to a
  cold wind blowing in their hearts.
  And you post this as if that is a victory for him? What is wrong
 with you?
  He is a very sad person, lost in his finances. He would be MUCH
  Pretty big assumptions there OffWorld. How do you know he isn't
 happy. Can
  you judge another's state of happiness? Wealth is relative. If you
 have $300
  million, maybe a $10 jet is a luxury you can afford. Oprah has one.
 Is she a
  jerk? Should she take commercial flights? BTW, I heard he sold his
 house to
  some farmer. A rich one, apparently.

 Kaplan has to be an unhappy expletive in offworld's world because
 kaplan left the TMO and offworld's belief system requires that people
 who do that be unhappy and punished. 

You're the one using an aexpleticve about him.
And you are a fucking idiot if you think what you said here is true.
There are plenty people both inside and outside the TMO that are
unhappy. You only showed your extreme prejudice and hate in this post
when my post had nothing to do with TM'rs or TM-Ex's.


Your  prejudice is palpable, just like the Neocons.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread gullible fool

This is another reason I am s glad we do not have Hillary as our

An interesting combination would be Sarah as president and Hillary as her VP. 
We would certainly have a lot of fun visualizing Hillary pulling her own hair 
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 12:29 PM

So I guess the question is: Is Hillary worth the baggage?  It seems a
shame since I believe she has a lot she can contribute.  She would
make a good bad cop overseas since she has been so much more
than Obama.  He can serve the roll of being more moderate.  But this
complication is so unprecedented with a former president involved that
I really wonder if it is worth all the drama Bill brings to the party.

This is another reason I am s glad we do not have Hillary as our

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
  Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
  state  is a bit passive aggressive.  
  I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the
details of
  the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how
complicated Bill's
  foreign country business deals would make this.
  Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.
 NOT. Bill Clinton doesn't want anyone censoring his speeches.
 A Wrinkle in the Obama-Clinton Negotiations by Jake Tapper 
 November 18, 200
 Behind the scenes of the Obama Transition Team's vetting of the
 finances of former President Bill Clinton in order for Sen. Hillary
 Clinton, D-NY, to be named Secretary of State, a complication has
 Sources say the complication is not what Bill Clinton is willing to
 disclose in terms of the people who have donated to his presidential
 library or his charitable organizations; those names are being
 provided to the Obama Transition Team, led by John Podesta, who was
 also Bill Clinton's White House chief of staff.
 What seems more potentially problematic is not revealing what's
 happened in the past -- but what the Obama Team wants to do about the
 The view from Camp Clinton is that the Obama Team would too severely
 restrict what Bill Clinton is able to do to simply make a living. One
 source says the Obama Team seems to think it can demand that the
 former president abide by the restrictions put on a general government
 official, which just isn't tenable.
 There has even been talk of the Obama White House wanting to approve
 every speech the former President Gives gives, or any new source of
 And while the former President's team says he's willing to
 that information ahead of time, they aren't willing to submit each
 speech opportunity for approval.
 George H.W. Bush had no similar restrictions when he son was
 President, Clinton advocates say. Why would Bill Clinton have to stop
 doing what former presidents do -- traveling the world, giving
 speeches, raising money for charitable works -- when his wife is a
 mere Cabinet official?
 The view is that this is the portfolio of a former President; to
 eliminate it -- especially when Hillary Clinton still has more than $6
 million in debt from her campaign -- is unreasonable.
 There has been some pushback from the Clinton Team on some of the
 restrictions they feel are way too severe.
 None of which is to say the Obama-Clinton folks won't be able to come
 to some sort of agreement. Just that it's a bit complicated as of
 right now.
 The Obama folks would not comment.
 Ambinder reported on this tonight as well HERE.
 - jpt

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Nov 20, 2008, at 10:48 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

 Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
 Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
 state  is a bit passive aggressive.

Uh, oh...

 I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
 the supposed offer or have full disclosure on how complicated Bill's
 foreign country business deals would make this.

 Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.

 But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary that
 he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her great
 respect and consideration to let this offer get out and let her take
 her own sweet time in answering.

 I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that she
 is getting very preferential treatment here.

Ever been to Hell, Curtis? (C'mon, fess up, we know
you're a regular).  When was the last time you saw
icicles hanging there?

All we'll get, if anything, is more silly rationalizing.

  If it was me, (and thank
 all the gods it is not!) I would say, here is the offer, take the
 weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move one to my
 next choice.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread gullible fool

The battery brand I always recommend is Interstate. I got only two years of 
service out of the factory battery and only one year out of a $60 Walmart 
battery. The Interstate batteries last 5-6 years, and they'll start my truck at 
-18 deg F.

Exactly, that's why it was $163. The mechanic told me he uses only Interstate 
batteries, which I know is what he's been using for years because he put one in 
my 1990 Acura Legend coupe probably 7-10 years ago. He said the battery cost 
$130 and it was $45 for the labor, which seemed kind of high because he said it 
would take only a half an hour to do it. 
Another thing he saved me money on that I did not mention last night is some 
protective piece of metal called a cat shield came loose and was dragging 
months ago and I yanked it free of the remaining screw and Honda wanted $180 to 
replace it, but this other mechanic said I didn't need it. I asked him what was 
the downside, would it just mean that if I park over grass with the engine 
running for a while the grass could catch fire and he said yes, and I told him 
I don't ever do that and I'll save my money. So, Honda suggested $925 for the 
timing belt, $370 for the ball joints, $180 for the cat shield, and $68.80 for 
the alignment that you want to do after doing the ball joints. All the other 
mechanic did was the ball joints for $90 less, the alignment, and added in sway 
bars and an air filter and an inspection sticker for a bit over $500. Saved me 
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 9:01 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 gullible fool wrote:
  What happens if you fail to turn off the lights on your electric
car? Do all the batteries drain out?

 They may work like the Subaru.  When I turn off my engine the light go 
 off.  If you need them for some reason you can turn the key to just
 them.  I've never run down my battery leaving the lights on because
of that.
  I had two new tires put on my car today and the service department
said the battery was a bit weak and that it was something to look out
for. I called a mechanic who usually has better prices and asked what
it would cost for a new battery. $163! For a Honda!

 Go to Sears and see what they say.  Sounds like you may be getting 
 ripped off.  These days with the economy many of the service places
 are scamming because of the lack of traffic.  Be wary, very wary.
 Some of the consumer reports on news shows are tipping folks to
 these scams.

$163 for a car battery strikes me as kinda high. I sliced one end off
my battery tray in order to use an oversized battery in my Dodge
truck, and those batteries run about $120. The battery brand I always
recommend is Interstate. I got only two years of service out of the
factory battery and only one year out of a $60 Walmart battery. The
Interstate batteries last 5-6 years, and they'll start my truck at -18
deg F.

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Carbon footprint of ignorant assholes ---- Re: Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- On Thu, 11/20/08, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Didanyone else here used to thin what an
asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 12:11 AM

 Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying
his 10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
 I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such an
asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs a big
jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but I
don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one a couple of
times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what possesses people to
this arrogant level of self-importance and pollution of the atmosphere
that so often happens?
 Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
 How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
 And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put
the best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.
 OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
 (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and was
the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a fact
that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a fact,
and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld fukin' aa
 Offworld, you seem to be outstanding in your field today. Is it
raining? Why judge anyone for anything especially when thy have zero
impact on you. Earl has his karma you have yours. His involves 10
million dollar jets and yours doesn't. So what? You talk about Earl
being arrogant, ah, have you re-read your own post? Do you know what
projection is?

That is so moronic Peter, to say that arrogant assholes like the GE
executives flying around needlessly in private jets polluting the
atmosphere destroying the planet has zero impact on me just shows your
ignorance of environmental issues. That, and the needless noise they
create is the only reason I am against it. Yes, it is arrogant to
ignorantly pollute the planet with such a huge carbon footprint.
however, posting a post saying that that is ignorance and arrogance is
not an arrogant act. It is an act to raise awareness about pollution,
but people on FFL do not understand the atmosphere. They are ex-TMO and
the reason the TMO used to be a place full of ignorant assholes. Now
they have left the TMO, the TMO is probably a much better group of


[FairfieldLife] Re: WholeLottaTypos

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Richard J. Williams

 off_world_beings wrote:
 If it's a QWERTY keyboard all the keys are in the
 same place as any other keyboard, you dumb fuck.
 Take a course in spelling and learn to type. Get
 some smarts or keep your pie hole shut 

Wow, what a nutjob.
The mousepad is not the same as others.
But your reply shows what a bitter old man you are.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread Peter

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as 
 colored people
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 12:24 PM
  Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed
 at that little 
  movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union
 building?  Would 
  ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
  He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile
 and, not knowing 
  what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least
 until, 10 minutes 
  into his routine, he said take my
 wife...please.  I found myself 
  laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying
 to stifle my 
  laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing
  because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky
 idiot from Chile 
  telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid
 my head in my 
  hands out of embarrassment for him.
 Only in retrospect can I realize that his performance was
 the most
 amazing show I have ever seen.  He kept catching us as an
 through the show, revealing himself and then
 leaving us with his
 cast off former persona!  The guy was so advanced in his
 ability to
 draw an audience in and them punk them!  I understand why
 he is so
 revered by professional comic as a comedian's
 comedian.  We saw the
 guy at his best working his mojo with the veil of anonymity
 in his group dynamic pranks.  That show was a real moment
 wasn't it? 
 It has taken me decades to really understand how amazing he

I got to know Andy on an ATR in the Summer of 1975. He was an interesting 
dude, to say the least. His performance at MIU was the Winter of '76. He was on 
an ATR at MIU. I saw him in the MIU cafeteria several weeks before his show and 
I went up to him with a big Hi Andy and he shushed me. He was sitting there 
all alone with a glass of carrot juice. He quietly told me that he was setting 
his show up by going to the cafeteria and sitting there with a glass of carrot 
juice and not talking to anyone. I thought this was genius and, of course left 
him alone whenever I saw him in the cafeteria. So when they announced at the 
beginning of his show that he couldn't make it and that an initiator from Chile 
would be talking about the World Plan, out walks Andy and almost everyone 
recognized him as the really strange dude who didn't talk and drank carrot 
juice everyday for lunch. Perfect!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I agree.

What I was referring to was what were,
 perhaps, unintended 
consequences: people in the audience going
 full circle and, in 
effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen
 in their derision of 

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read
 the crowd wrong at the 
I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
   Ok, I get you point better now.  Yeah, that is a
 tricky part of this
   kind of balls out satire.  He is really waaay
 into Andy Kaufman
   territory here isn't he?
  Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed
 at that little 
  movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union
 building?  Would 
  ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
  He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile
 and, not knowing 
  what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least
 until, 10 minutes 
  into his routine, he said take my
 wife...please.  I found myself 
  laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying
 to stifle my 
  laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing
  because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky
 idiot from Chile 
  telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid
 my head in my 
  hands out of embarrassment for him.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

  I laughed with everyone else when
 I was watching the Borat 
  which a lot of fun is made at the
 expense of Jewish people.  
  one point in the movie, I realized
 that everyone seemed to be 
  laughing AT the Jews, not with
 them -- as I think was Baron-
  point -- and the humor went off on
 an anti-Semitic tangent.  
  this was Baron-Cohen's point;
 I don't know.
 Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I
 don't think the movie ever got 
 it's satiric intent.  I never felt
 the movie was making fun at 
 expense of Jewish people, the focus was
 clearly on the people 
 to go along with his anti-semitic

I agree.

What I was referring to was what were,
 perhaps, unintended 

[FairfieldLife] Carbon footprint of assholes in Jets---- was// Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 off_world_beings wrote:
  Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying
  10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
  I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such
  asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs a
  jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but
  don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one a couple of
  times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what possesses people
  this arrogant level of self-importance and pollution of the
  that so often happens?
  Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
  How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
  And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put
  best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.
  OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
  (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and
  the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a
  that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a
  and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld fukin'
  PWNS FFL ! )
 He probably just thought it would be nice to have a private jet and
 since he had the money he got one.  You must not have spent much time
 around the wealthy or watched anyone go from average income to
 I once kidded the founder of the company I worked for that now he was
 millionaire he would now become a Republican.  You should have seen
 glare he gave me. :-D

 If you want someone who is really arrogant, out here we have Larry
 Ellison who IS a real asshole.  He went on a spate with San Jose as he
 wanted to land his private jet anytime even if it was in the middle of
 the night.

Yes they are all over the place. My post was more about the arrogance of
such a high carbon footprint. It is destryoying the planet, affecting
everyone one of us directly. That was the point of my post, but some
people on FFL seem completely oblivious to environmental issues. That is
the reason I used to think Kaplan was an asshole flying around in a
private jet not because it is fancy, but because of the pollution and
noise pollution. I think people who do  that needlessly are ignorant and
that ignorance stems from arrogance. I have thought this for 40 years
and I will think this until I die, no matter how rich I get.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bongo Brazil, automatron, misreads it

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Everyone greeting each other and shaking hands, but Bush walks with
  his head down like the dejected most unpopular kid in high school. 
  Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Y_ncOVlDw
 This is the most biased, bullshit story I've seen in a while.
 I saw the video posted on the HuffingtonPost on this...haven't seen 
 the one Bongo Brazil posts above...but on the one I saw, if you look 
 at the world leader two people in line behind Bush, you see that that 
 person doesn't shake everyone's hand either.
 We have no idea why Bush didn't shake everyone's hand. Perhaps he 
 already did a meet and greet with each one?  Perhaps he already shook 
 1,000 hands that morning and felt these guys would understand why he 
 didn't do it again?
 Plus, if you look at the end of the HuffPo clip, you see that he is 
 smiling and joking with whoever is beside him when he stops and 
 stands.  Harly an I was snubbed attitude.
 Only unthinking automatrons like Bongo Brazil can be fed such tripe 
 and believe it without critical thinking and without thinking for 
 Your overpowering hatred for Bush and all things American color your 
 worldview and your reasoning faculties, Bongo.

Magoo's favorite worst US president in history got picked on again? Oh

Got any more 'expert' climate change deniers to push, Magoo? How's
your 401K doing, BTW? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed at that 
  movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union building?  
  ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
  He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile and, not 
  what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least until, 10 
  into his routine, he said take my wife...please.  I found 
  laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying to stifle 
  laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing shh's 
  because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky idiot from Chile 
  telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid my head in 
  hands out of embarrassment for him.
 Only in retrospect can I realize that his performance was the most
 amazing show I have ever seen.  He kept catching us as an audience
 through the show, revealing himself and then leaving us with his
 cast off former persona!  The guy was so advanced in his ability to
 draw an audience in and them punk them!  I understand why he is so
 revered by professional comic as a comedian's comedian.  We saw 
 guy at his best working his mojo with the veil of anonymity 
 in his group dynamic pranks.  That show was a real moment wasn't 
 It has taken me decades to really understand how amazing he was.

I was the perfect foil because I went in innocently, not having any 
idea who he was.

I was also punked by him for about 25 years as regards the Jerry 
Lawler episode.  I was saddened and disheartened by Andy's coming 
apart emotionally with his whole fighting with Lawlor thing.  I was 
actually relieved and happily thrilled when I saw the Jim Carrey 
movie to learn that it was a set-up between Lawlor and Kaufman!

Kaufman wasn't just a comedian; he was a boudary-breaker. Most of his 
stuff wasn't slap-your-knee, ha-ha funny; nor was it slap-stick.  It 
was something else, oftentimes very uncomfortable, oftentimes 
hilarious, but always totally unpredictable.

A wee corner of me still expects him to alight from some Purusha 
course to announce to the world that he's still alive...the 
greatest punk of all!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I agree.

What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, 
effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision 

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the 
I attended...but that's the vibe I got.
   Ok, I get you point better now.  Yeah, that is a tricky part of 
   kind of balls out satire.  He is really waaay into Andy Kaufman
   territory here isn't he?
  Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed at that 
  movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union building?  
  ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
  He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile and, not 
  what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least until, 10 
  into his routine, he said take my wife...please.  I found 
  laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying to stifle 
  laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing shh's 
  because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky idiot from Chile 
  telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid my head in 
  hands out of embarrassment for him.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

  I laughed with everyone else when I was watching the 
  which a lot of fun is made at the expense of Jewish 
  one point in the movie, I realized that everyone seemed 
to be 
  laughing AT the Jews, not with them -- as I think was 
  point -- and the humor went off on an anti-Semitic 
  this was Baron-Cohen's point; I don't know.
 Since Cohen himself is Jewish, I don't think the movie ever 
 it's satiric intent.  I never felt the movie was making fun 
 expense of Jewish people, the focus was clearly on the 
 to go along with his anti-semitic rants.

I agree.

What I was referring to was what were, perhaps, unintended 
consequences: people in the audience going full circle and, 
effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen in their derision 

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read the crowd wrong at the 
I attended...but that's the vibe I got.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
So when they announced at the beginning of his show that he couldn't
make it and that an initiator from Chile would be talking about the
World Plan, out walks Andy and almost everyone recognized him as the
really strange dude who didn't talk and drank carrot juice everyday
for lunch. Perfect!

Thanks for that detail!  My favorite part of the show was when he
revealed that he WAS Andy Kaufman and then proceeded to tell jokes
with the punch lines just a bit wrong so no one could laugh. After a
few tries he proceeded to have a break down in tears blubbering about
how he just wanted us to like him and then seamlessly segued into
banging on his bongo drums to the beat of his blubbering turning his
emotional breakdown into another gotcha moment for the audience!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans
as colored people
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 12:24 PM
   Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed
  at that little 
   movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union
  building?  Would 
   ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
   He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile
  and, not knowing 
   what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least
  until, 10 minutes 
   into his routine, he said take my
  wife...please.  I found myself 
   laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying
  to stifle my 
   laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing
   because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky
  idiot from Chile 
   telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid
  my head in my 
   hands out of embarrassment for him.
  Only in retrospect can I realize that his performance was
  the most
  amazing show I have ever seen.  He kept catching us as an
  through the show, revealing himself and then
  leaving us with his
  cast off former persona!  The guy was so advanced in his
  ability to
  draw an audience in and them punk them!  I understand why
  he is so
  revered by professional comic as a comedian's
  comedian.  We saw the
  guy at his best working his mojo with the veil of anonymity
  in his group dynamic pranks.  That show was a real moment
  wasn't it? 
  It has taken me decades to really understand how amazing he
 I got to know Andy on an ATR in the Summer of 1975. He was an
interesting dude, to say the least. His performance at MIU was the
Winter of '76. He was on an ATR at MIU. I saw him in the MIU cafeteria
several weeks before his show and I went up to him with a big Hi
Andy and he shushed me. He was sitting there all alone with a glass
of carrot juice. He quietly told me that he was setting his show up by
going to the cafeteria and sitting there with a glass of carrot juice
and not talking to anyone. I thought this was genius and, of course
left him alone whenever I saw him in the cafeteria. So when they
announced at the beginning of his show that he couldn't make it and
that an initiator from Chile would be talking about the World Plan,
out walks Andy and almost everyone recognized him as the really
strange dude who didn't talk and drank carrot juice everyday for
lunch. Perfect!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 I agree.
 What I was referring to was what were,
  perhaps, unintended 
 consequences: people in the audience going
  full circle and, in 
 effect, joining the anti-Semites on-screen
  in their derision of 
 Hey, maybe I'm wrong and maybe I read
  the crowd wrong at the 
 I attended...but that's the vibe I got.

Ok, I get you point better now.  Yeah, that is a
  tricky part of this
kind of balls out satire.  He is really waaay
  into Andy Kaufman
territory here isn't he?
   Did you see Kaufman when he came to MIU and performed
  at that little 
   movie theatre we used to have in the Student Union
  building?  Would 
   ahve been circa '77 (pre-Taxi).
   He was introduced as a visiting initiator from Chile
  and, not knowing 
   what Kaufman looked like, I fell for it...at least
  until, 10 minutes 
   into his routine, he said take my
  wife...please.  I found myself 
   laughing at him but, trying to be polite, also trying
  to stifle my 
   laughs, as did many in the audience.  You kept hearing
   because we didn't want to be rude to this dorky
  idiot from Chile 
   telling us about teaching TM in Chile.  I actually hid
  my head in my 
   hands out of embarrassment for him.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , shempmcgurk
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , off_world_beings
OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5
(offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl ,
the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL --
that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a
and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld
   OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly racist
   down of Obama saying that they will start calling the official
   residence of the president the Black House.
  Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist could
  handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an ignorant fuck.
  No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. Wow, what
  ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that humor
 where I
  come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all the time
  dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the racist
  Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit it
 Shemp, you
  are a total racist. Just admit it. )
  Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny when I
  it to them.

Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

So do they where I come from.

Stupid racist Americans like you can't use any language to talk to
blacks without worrying they are racists. You're stupid racist country
is over Shemp. Everyone has moved on except you. They call themselves
people or color or colored folks where I come from ,and people on TV
regularly use that term without any racism. Racism is dead where I come
from, but you cannot concieve of that freedom, and you are still spewing
hate after loosing to a colored person in the Preseidency of your

 Which Black guys?

 You live in the White-est state in the union:

I have several black friends here and we joke around a lot. You have
Vermont was the first state to go to Obama in the election, and I was
the first on FFL to outright support Obama. A fact that makes you so

The hatred that is rotting your heart is palpable in all your posts.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 off_world_beings wrote:
  Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was
flying his
  10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
  I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such an
  asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs
a big
  jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but I
  don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one a couple of
  times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what possesses people to
  this arrogant level of self-importance and pollution of the atmosphere
  that so often happens?
  Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
  How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
  And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped
put the
  best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.
  OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
  (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and was
  the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a
  that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a fact,
  and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld
fukin' aa
  PWNS FFL ! )
 He probably just thought it would be nice to have a private jet and 
 since he had the money he got one.  You must not have spent much time 
 around the wealthy or watched anyone go from average income to
 I once kidded the founder of the company I worked for that now he was a 
 millionaire he would now become a Republican.  You should have seen the 
 glare he gave me. :-D
 If you want someone who is really arrogant, out here we have Larry 
 Ellison who IS a real asshole.  He went on a spate with San Jose as he 
 wanted to land his private jet anytime even if it was in the middle of 
 the night.


Judging from that description, I gotta side with Larry on this issue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 They call themselves people or color or colored folks where I come
from ,and people on TV regularly use that term without any racism.

I don't believe that you are a racist Off, but you are missing an
important nuance of language.  The term colored people is associated
with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted to be
different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. The term
colored was used to designate where black people could go or
facilities they could use.

I know you are impervious to feedback, but I thought I would give it a

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , off_world_beings
 OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5
 (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl ,
 the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL --
 that I know half of you cannot stomach  yet you know it is a
 and are too cowardly to acknolwdge itHa ha haOffWorld


OffWorld was also the first to come out with a blatantly racist
down of Obama saying that they will start calling the official
residence of the president the Black House.
   Ha ha what a retard and racist you are Shemp. Only a racist could
   handle that joke. I'm British You're not. You are an ignorant fuck.
   No-one in Britain cold possibly take it the way you did,. Wow, what
   ass you made of yourself here. We are toally used to that humor
  where I
   come from. The blacks and whites joke around like that all the time
   dumb fucking American racist retard. (yes, you act like the racist
   Americans that carried monkey dolls of Obama around. Admit it
  Shemp, you
   are a total racist. Just admit it. )
   Black guys totally thought this joke of mine was was funny when I
   it to them.
 Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people
 So do they where I come from.
 Stupid racist Americans like you can't use any language to talk to
 blacks without worrying they are racists. You're stupid racist country
 is over Shemp. Everyone has moved on except you. They call themselves
 people or color or colored folks where I come from ,and people on TV
 regularly use that term without any racism. Racism is dead where I come
 from, but you cannot concieve of that freedom, and you are still spewing
 hate after loosing to a colored person in the Preseidency of your
  Which Black guys?
  You live in the White-est state in the union:
 I have several black friends here and we joke around a lot. You have
 Vermont was the first state to go to Obama in the election, and I was
 the first on FFL to outright support Obama. A fact that makes you so
 The hatred that is rotting your heart is palpable in all your posts.

[FairfieldLife] Baby Boomer Brain Functioniung

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues

 Glad you showed us what an asshole Kaplan was for flying in his own

I apologize to everyone on FFL for my post about the carbon footprint of
flying around in your own jet (no Curtis, he didn't fly it, he had a
pilot you idiot.)

I did not realise how dumb BabyBoomers on FFL, such as Curtis, Sal,
Peter, Shemp, Richard are. It was my mistake. To me the obvious point
(as it is something I have considered an ignorant and arrogant pollution
and destruction of nature for a long tie, I just assumed that most
people would realize what I was talking about. It is in context of the
news stories of the day about Detroit car company execs. The point to me
is not how much miney they spend, but the carbon footprint that will
destroy the atmosphere if it is not kept in check. To me this was the
obvious topic of the post, but I apologize for not realizing how dumb
Shemp, Curtis, Sal, Peter, Shemp, Richard, and others were. My bad.

I'm not going to discuss anything with dumbass baby boomers anymore. I
am serious when I say there seems to be a disconnect in the brain
amongst the generation 10 to 20 years older than me. it is incredible to
me that environmental point was not picked up on by many here. OIt was
so obvious to anyone with more than half a brain (I can understand it
from Shemp, since he is so bitter about loosing the election and that
his Neocon heros are going down in history as the worst administration
of all time)

So adios. What a bunch of ignorant baby boomers. Its not worth
discussing anythin with yo because your brains are limited. No really.
Your generation seems to have had a poison in them that killed any real
intelligence or vision. It is clear to me now.

I predict within 3 months you'll all be having a huge discussion about
how you all think private jets and other jets are such an outrage, and
you have been against them for decades. Lol, you'll still be arguing
over shit years from now.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mitt Romney: Let Detroit go bankrupt

2008-11-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:48 AM, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All the other mechanic did was the ball joints for $90 less, the
 alignment, and added in sway bars and an air filter and an inspection
 sticker for a bit over $500. Saved me $1000.

I am much happier now that I replaced my Infiniti with a Toyota.  With
the Infiniti I was locked into taking the car to the dealer.  And the
dealer made sure that anything that showed any sign of wear had to be
replaced or God forbid.  Infiniti has a policy that you can't look
at your car in the shop or get any of the replaced parts.  OK, going
in for service now is not a first class, would you like some
champagne, Sir? experience.  But it's so much nicer to be shown
what's wrong with my car.  The dealership is dealing with mostly hands
on car owners who can very easily detect when they're being had.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Baby Boomer Brain Functioniung

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Glad you showed us what an asshole Kaplan was for flying in his
own  plane...

(no Curtis, he didn't fly it, he had a  pilot you idiot.)

The term flying in was purposely used to avoid the misunderstanding
that I was saying he was flying the plane Off. Your lack of reading
what I wrote combined with your usual spastically insulting remarks
make your posts practically unreadable.  

 I apologize to everyone on FFL for my post about the carbon footprint of
 flying around in your own jet (no Curtis, he didn't fly it, he had a
 pilot you idiot.)
 I did not realise how dumb BabyBoomers on FFL, such as Curtis, Sal,
 Peter, Shemp, Richard are. It was my mistake. To me the obvious point
 (as it is something I have considered an ignorant and arrogant pollution
 and destruction of nature for a long tie, I just assumed that most
 people would realize what I was talking about. It is in context of the
 news stories of the day about Detroit car company execs. The point to me
 is not how much miney they spend, but the carbon footprint that will
 destroy the atmosphere if it is not kept in check. To me this was the
 obvious topic of the post, but I apologize for not realizing how dumb
 Shemp, Curtis, Sal, Peter, Shemp, Richard, and others were. My bad.
 I'm not going to discuss anything with dumbass baby boomers anymore. I
 am serious when I say there seems to be a disconnect in the brain
 amongst the generation 10 to 20 years older than me. it is incredible to
 me that environmental point was not picked up on by many here. OIt was
 so obvious to anyone with more than half a brain (I can understand it
 from Shemp, since he is so bitter about loosing the election and that
 his Neocon heros are going down in history as the worst administration
 of all time)
 So adios. What a bunch of ignorant baby boomers. Its not worth
 discussing anythin with yo because your brains are limited. No really.
 Your generation seems to have had a poison in them that killed any real
 intelligence or vision. It is clear to me now.
 I predict within 3 months you'll all be having a huge discussion about
 how you all think private jets and other jets are such an outrage, and
 you have been against them for decades. Lol, you'll still be arguing
 over shit years from now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If it were me, I would withdraw the offer entirely,
 because she has proved that she and her staff cannot
 be trusted with privileged information, and can't
 keep a secret. THAT is who we want as US Secretary
 of State? Yeah, right.
 And since we Bostonians hate the NY Yankess and the NY Giants and that 
 cesspool of a city 
down there, I say let her stay in NY.

So are the Jets and Mets North Jersey teams and not worth consideration ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Baby Boomer Brain Functioniung

2008-11-20 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 20, 2008, at 12:27 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  

 Glad you showed us what an asshole Kaplan was for flying in his own

I apologize to everyone on FFL for my post about the carbon  
footprint of flying around in your own jet (no Curtis, he didn't fly  
it, he had a pilot you idiot.)

I did not realise how dumb BabyBoomers on FFL, such as Curtis, Sal,  
Peter, Shemp, Richard are. It was my mistake. To me the obvious  
point (as it is something I have considered an ignorant and arrogant  
pollution and destruction of nature for a long tie,

A long *tie*?  Ever considered learning to spell, genius?
I just assumed that most people would realize what I was talking  
about. It is in context of the news stories of the day about Detroit  
car company execs. The point to me is not how much miney they spend,  
but the carbon footprint that will destroy the atmosphere if it is  
not kept in check. To me this was the obvious topic of the post, but  
I apologize for not realizing how dumb Shemp, Curtis, Sal, Peter,  
Shemp, Richard, and others were. My bad.

Well, we'll let it go this time...
I'm not going to discuss anything with dumbass baby boomers anymore.  
I am serious when I say there seems to be a disconnect in the brain  
amongst the generation 10 to 20 years older than me. it is  
incredible to me that environmental point was not picked up on by  
many here. OIt was so obvious to anyone with more than half a brain  
(I can understand it from Shemp, since he is so bitter about loosing  
the election and that his Neocon heros are going down in history as  
the worst administration of all time)

Actually, only the worst in American history.  The Romans
probably had worse, but probably not by much...
So adios. What a bunch of ignorant baby boomers. Its not worth  
discussing anythin with yo because your brains are limited. No  
really. Your generation seems to have had a poison in them that  
killed any real intelligence or vision. It is clear to me now.

It was the acid, you dope.
I predict within 3 months you'll all be having a huge discussion  
about how you all think private jets and other jets are such an  
outrage, and you have been against them for decades. Lol, you'll  
still be arguing over shit years from now.

Sayonara, off!


[FairfieldLife] Michael Moore makes good points on Big Auto Bailout scene

2008-11-20 Thread do.rflex

CNN's Larry King talked Wednesday with Michael Moore, a filmmaker with
deep ties to the auto industry. Moore's father worked for General
Motors for 35 years.

In 1989, Moore became an international figure for his film, Roger and
Me, which centered on the declining auto industry in his hometown of
Flint, Michigan and the ripple effect on the town's residents.

CNN video:

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: E-Mail Alert

2008-11-20 Thread Dick Mays
I checked this e-mail out on http://snopes.com/snopes.com, which 
confirms this is a real virus.

With Christmas fast approaching, watch out for this ... be alert!!!

The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure. Applies to 
Fed Ex as well.  

You will receive an email reportedly from UPS Packet Service along 
with a packet number.

NOTE: The word packet is misspelled on this line. It will say that 
they were un-able to deliver a package sent to you on such and such a 
date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON'T 
TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all 
your PC operators at work and home. This virus has caused Millions of 
dollars in damage in the past few days.

Snopes confirms that it is real: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:17 PM, curtisdeltablues
 The term colored people is associated
 with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted to be
 different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. The term
 colored was used to designate where black people could go or
 facilities they could use.

For further information on this, reference http://www.naacp.org/ , the
home page of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues

  They call themselves people or color or colored folks where I come
 from ,and people on TV regularly use that term without any racism.

 I don't believe that you are a racist Off, but you are missing an
 important nuance of language.  The term colored people is associated
 with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted to be
 different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws.

No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore. Its over. Even black
people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only closet ractists
still care about it.

Who the fuck is Jim Crow?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore. Its over. Even black
 people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only closet ractists
 still care about it.
 Who the fuck is Jim Crow?

Your ignorance of the history of racism is only overshadowed by your
ignorance of its influence today.  Calling people concerned with this
issue closet racists is part of the crazy-making mental process that
makes discussions with you impossible. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Didanyone else here used to thin what an asshole Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you want someone who is really arrogant, out here we have Larry 
 Ellison who IS a real asshole.  He went on a spate with San Jose as he 
 wanted to land his private jet anytime even if it was in the middle of 
 the night.


 Judging from that description, I gotta side with Larry on this issue.
That's what his lawyers came up with.  I can understand the curfew.  I 
have an airport about 6 miles from me that a year or two after 9-11 
corporate jets started flying out of.  There are no airlines based there 
so it is probably much easier for them to house their jets there.  But I 
hear them flying day and night plus their corporate helicopters that 
ferry the elite back and forth to the airport.

Ellison however in these neck of the woods is known as a corporate butt 
head and he's not very popular.  He's more like a James Bond type villain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal

 On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:17 PM, curtisdeltablues
  The term colored people is associated
  with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted to be
  different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. The term
  colored was used to designate where black people could go or
  facilities they could use.
 For further information on this, reference http://www.naacp.org/ , the
 home page of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored

That is very interesting, I didn't think of that!  I know it was
started when this term was used, but I never hear it used in that form
today.  In any case I stand corrected about its connection with Jim
Crow as the only way the term is used.  Thanks for posting that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread Peter

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as 
 colored people
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 2:30 PM
  No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore.
 Its over. Even black
  people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only
 closet ractists
  still care about it.
  Who the fuck is Jim Crow?
 Your ignorance of the history of racism is only
 overshadowed by your
 ignorance of its influence today.  Calling people concerned
 with this
 issue closet racists is part of the
 crazy-making mental process that
 makes discussions with you impossible.

Curtis, do you think Off's putting us on? Nobody could be such a dumb fuck and 
so cognitively obtuse unless it was some kind of joke. Who the fuck is Jim 
Crowe? He was a MMA fighter out of the Indian Nations in the mid 1800's. He 
held the light heavyweight title for 6 years before Randy Colture took it from 
him at the battle of Little Big Horn in France.

 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Offal_World mistakes his lawn jockies for the colored

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 I have several black friends here and we joke around a lot.

I now realize what you are referring to.

In your psychotic state, you have mistaken the 3 or 4 lawn jockies 
you have peppered your front lawn with as real people whom you no 
doubt engage in conversation from time to time.

You're even imagining them to laugh at your racist jokes.

And when you refer to them as colored people you think they're 
smiling back at you in agreement but -- sorry to break the news to 
you -- they are inanimate objects whose smiles have been set in 
stone, so to speak, as soon as they came out of the kiln.

 You have
 Vermont was the first state to go to Obama in the election, and I 
 the first on FFL to outright support Obama. A fact that makes you so

No, actually, I fully expect someone with your ideas and philosophy 
to support Obama.

What I'm pissed off about is that you supported Ron Paul, a man I 
greatly admire.

It's the same with TM.  It upsets me that you're a TMer.

To paraphrase Groucho: I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that 
would have you as a member.

 The hatred that is rotting your heart is palpable in all your posts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Curtis, do you think Off's putting us on? 

I always feel that way with his posts!  

=--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans
as colored people
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 2:30 PM
   No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore.
  Its over. Even black
   people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only
  closet ractists
   still care about it.
   Who the fuck is Jim Crow?
  Your ignorance of the history of racism is only
  overshadowed by your
  ignorance of its influence today.  Calling people concerned
  with this
  issue closet racists is part of the
  crazy-making mental process that
  makes discussions with you impossible.
 Curtis, do you think Off's putting us on? Nobody could be such a
dumb fuck and so cognitively obtuse unless it was some kind of joke.
Who the fuck is Jim Crowe? He was a MMA fighter out of the Indian
Nations in the mid 1800's. He held the light heavyweight title for 6
years before Randy Colture took it from him at the battle of Little
Big Horn in France.
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Carbon footprint of assholes in Jets---- was// Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:

 Yes they are all over the place. My post was more about the arrogance of
 such a high carbon footprint. It is destryoying the planet, affecting
 everyone one of us directly. That was the point of my post, but some
 people on FFL seem completely oblivious to environmental issues. That is
 the reason I used to think Kaplan was an asshole flying around in a
 private jet not because it is fancy, but because of the pollution and
 noise pollution. I think people who do  that needlessly are ignorant and
 that ignorance stems from arrogance. I have thought this for 40 years
 and I will think this until I die, no matter how rich I get.

You've been thinking about carbon footprints for 40 years?  It's a 
relatively new concept and one I don't buy into 100%.  In fact it  seems 
to be a propaganda effort for further control of the populace brought on 
by the oil companies trying to get us to march in step.   I'm a 
non-conformist so never march in step.  :-D

I'm not trying to defend his jet but rather what probably went through 
his head but then I don't know the guy.

[FairfieldLife] Request to Curtis

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk

Could you please test Offal_World's hypothesis?

If I've understood from some of your previous posts, you live in an 
area in which many African-Americans live.

Please do this:

Go outside your residence to the street where you live and, at random, 
ask 25 African-Americans if, as colored people, they are happy that 
Barack Obama will soon be occupying the Black House.

Then, after you and the colored have had a few chuckles, get back to 
us with the results.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:37 PM, curtisdeltablues
  The term colored people is associated
  with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted to be
  different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. The term
  colored was used to designate where black people could go or
  facilities they could use.

 For further information on this, reference http://www.naacp.org/ , the
 home page of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored

 That is very interesting, I didn't think of that!  I know it was
 started when this term was used, but I never hear it used in that form
 today.  In any case I stand corrected about its connection with Jim
 Crow as the only way the term is used.  Thanks for posting that.

Actually I got it from a Doonesbury cartoon published years ago in
which Steve Dallas had an interlude with him mother.

Mother:  I just finished speaking to a very nice colored lady.
Steve:  Mom, you can't call them that anymore.
Mother: You mean I need to stop donating to the NAACP?
Steve:  Mother!
Mother: OK, she was a very nice negro lady.
Steve: Mom, you're baiting me.
Mother: Oh, you mean I need to stop my donations to the United Negro
College Fund?
Steve: Mom, come on.
Mother: Well if I can't call them colored people and I can't call them
negros then what can I call them?
Steve:  The correct term is people of color.
Mother:  People of color.  People of color.  People of color.  Colored people!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Baby Boomer Brain Functioniung

2008-11-20 Thread Bhairitu
off_world_beings wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues

 Glad you showed us what an asshole Kaplan was for flying in his own

 I apologize to everyone on FFL for my post about the carbon footprint of
 flying around in your own jet (no Curtis, he didn't fly it, he had a
 pilot you idiot.)

 I did not realise how dumb BabyBoomers on FFL, such as Curtis, Sal,
 Peter, Shemp, Richard are. It was my mistake. To me the obvious point
 (as it is something I have considered an ignorant and arrogant pollution
 and destruction of nature for a long tie, I just assumed that most
 people would realize what I was talking about. It is in context of the
 news stories of the day about Detroit car company execs. The point to me
 is not how much miney they spend, but the carbon footprint that will
 destroy the atmosphere if it is not kept in check. To me this was the
 obvious topic of the post, but I apologize for not realizing how dumb
 Shemp, Curtis, Sal, Peter, Shemp, Richard, and others were. My bad.

 I'm not going to discuss anything with dumbass baby boomers anymore. I
 am serious when I say there seems to be a disconnect in the brain
 amongst the generation 10 to 20 years older than me. it is incredible to
 me that environmental point was not picked up on by many here. OIt was
 so obvious to anyone with more than half a brain (I can understand it
 from Shemp, since he is so bitter about loosing the election and that
 his Neocon heros are going down in history as the worst administration
 of all time)

 So adios. What a bunch of ignorant baby boomers. Its not worth
 discussing anythin with yo because your brains are limited. No really.
 Your generation seems to have had a poison in them that killed any real
 intelligence or vision. It is clear to me now.

 I predict within 3 months you'll all be having a huge discussion about
 how you all think private jets and other jets are such an outrage, and
 you have been against them for decades. Lol, you'll still be arguing
 over shit years from now.

Off must be having one of his frequent bi-polar days.  ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Curtis, do you think Off's putting us on? Nobody could be such a dumb fuck 
 and so cognitively obtuse unless it was some kind of joke. Who the fuck is 
 Jim Crowe? He was a MMA fighter out of the Indian Nations in the mid 1800's. 
 He held the light heavyweight title for 6 years before Randy Colture took it 
 from him at the battle of Little Big Horn in France.

While he was a prize fighter people waited for the Great White Hope,
which as we all know is Sickle Cell Anemia.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 

 On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:37 PM, curtisdeltablues
   The term colored people is associated
   with the past.  The term people of color was carefully 
crafted to be
   different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. 
The term
   colored was used to designate where black people could go or
   facilities they could use.
  For further information on this, reference 
http://www.naacp.org/ , the
  home page of the National Association for the Advancement of 
  That is very interesting, I didn't think of that!  I know it was
  started when this term was used, but I never hear it used in that 
  today.  In any case I stand corrected about its connection with 
  Crow as the only way the term is used.  Thanks for posting that.
 Actually I got it from a Doonesbury cartoon published years ago in
 which Steve Dallas had an interlude with him mother.
 Mother:  I just finished speaking to a very nice colored lady.
 Steve:  Mom, you can't call them that anymore.
 Mother: You mean I need to stop donating to the NAACP?
 Steve:  Mother!
 Mother: OK, she was a very nice negro lady.
 Steve: Mom, you're baiting me.
 Mother: Oh, you mean I need to stop my donations to the United Negro
 College Fund?
 Steve: Mom, come on.
 Mother: Well if I can't call them colored people and I can't call 
 negros then what can I call them?
 Steve:  The correct term is people of color.
 Mother:  People of color.  People of color.  People of color.  
Colored people!

(from Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof)

Jasper: Who's Kim? The colored girl? 
Abernathy: [pauses for a second] Yes. Kim would be the girl of color. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Carbon footprint of assholes in Jets---- was// Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread gullible fool

I'm not trying to defend his jet but rather what probably went through 
his head but then I don't know the guy.
The usual true believer viewpoint would certainly be that Kaplan was providing 
valuable jobs to the sidha community and donating millions to the movement, 
so let him have the expensive convenience of a private jet. It's like dropping 
bombs on Germany in World War II...it might not be environment friendly, but if 
it saves the world from Nazi aggression, we'll overlook it. 

Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Carbon footprint of assholes in Jets was// 
Kaplan was flying his 10 millio
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 2:46 PM

off_world_beings wrote:

 Yes they are all over the place. My post was more about the arrogance of
 such a high carbon footprint. It is destryoying the planet, affecting
 everyone one of us directly. That was the point of my post, but some
 people on FFL seem completely oblivious to environmental issues. That is
 the reason I used to think Kaplan was an asshole flying around in a
 private jet not because it is fancy, but because of the pollution and
 noise pollution. I think people who do  that needlessly are ignorant and
 that ignorance stems from arrogance. I have thought this for 40 years
 and I will think this until I die, no matter how rich I get.

You've been thinking about carbon footprints for 40 years?  It's a 
relatively new concept and one I don't buy into 100%.  In fact it  seems 
to be a propaganda effort for further control of the populace brought on 
by the oil companies trying to get us to march in step.   I'm a 
non-conformist so never march in step.  :-D

I'm not trying to defend his jet but rather what probably went through 
his head but then I don't know the guy.

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Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Actually I got it from a Doonesbury cartoon published years ago in
 which Steve Dallas had an interlude with him mother.
 Mother:  I just finished speaking to a very nice colored lady.
 Steve:  Mom, you can't call them that anymore.
 Mother: You mean I need to stop donating to the NAACP?
 Steve:  Mother!
 Mother: OK, she was a very nice negro lady.
 Steve: Mom, you're baiting me.
 Mother: Oh, you mean I need to stop my donations to the United Negro
 College Fund?
 Steve: Mom, come on.
 Mother: Well if I can't call them colored people and I can't call them
 negros then what can I call them?
 Steve:  The correct term is people of color.
 Mother:  People of color.  People of color.  People of color. 
Colored people!

Thanks for the full context! That really spells out the maze we are
all navigating with our use of language!  Brilliant.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Curtis

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 If I've understood from some of your previous posts, you live in an 
 area in which many African-Americans live.
 Please do this:
 Go outside your residence to the street where you live and, at random, 
 ask 25 African-Americans if, as colored people, they are happy that 
 Barack Obama will soon be occupying the Black House.
 Then, after you and the colored have had a few chuckles, get back to 
 us with the results.

That's what made I am Eternal's post so interesting.  Context is
everything.  The rules change when being white is the minority I can
tell you.  Want to experience a little reverse racism?   Try doing
business at the DC DMV as a white man!  Paybacks are a biaatch!
And the great thing about Obama in the White House is that both sides
are gunna have to drop the pretenses of being holier than thou.  These
attitudes didn't get created overnight and they aren't gunna go away
because we have a black president.  But I am impressed with his
ability to discuss this issue in a nuanced manner.  Only he could get
away with telling brothers to pull their pants up!  I am s sick of
seeing asscrack through undies in my hood!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?

2008-11-20 Thread gullible fool

So are the Jets and Mets North Jersey teams and not worth consideration ?
The Jets are interesting rivals who can usually be beaten. There's been a give 
and take between players and coaches over the years that has benefitted both 
the Jets and the Patriots. The best part of that is the Jets helped provide a 
training ground for Bill Belichick's defensive skills before we got him as head 
coach. They may have done another favor for the Patriots by winning the 
division in the 2002-2003 season, the season after the Patriots won their first 
Super Bowl, because with their 9-7 record the Patriots would probably not have 
gone far in the playoffs  and Tom Brady would not have the NFL record of 
most consecutive playoff wins at ten.  
The Mets are in the other league, so what they do with their time matters less.
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 11/20/08, Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary jerking Obama's chain a bit?
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 1:35 PM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If it were me, I would withdraw the offer entirely,
 because she has proved that she and her staff cannot
 be trusted with privileged information, and can't
 keep a secret. THAT is who we want as US Secretary
 of State? Yeah, right.
 And since we Bostonians hate the NY Yankess and the NY Giants and that
cesspool of a city 
down there, I say let her stay in NY.

So are the Jets and Mets North Jersey teams and not worth consideration ?

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[FairfieldLife] FFL BabyBoomer ignorance

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues

  No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore. Its over. Even
  people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only closet
  still care about it.
  Who the fuck is Jim Crow?

 Your ignorance of the history of racism is only overshadowed by your
 ignorance of its influence today.

As an American, you're ignorance of the history of the world is only
overshadowed by your fear of your own racism as a country.

Calling people concerned with this
 issue closet racists is part of the crazy-making mental process that
 makes discussions with you impossible.

The rest of the country has moved on but closet racists want to keep
harping on about words like 'colored'. You know many African Americans
do not like being called 'African American', so they think you are a
racist if you call them that. The closet racists are in limited company
of their own now in this country. The world has moved on Jim Crows, you
racists are being conscined to the dustbin of history.

Only a racist cares about words like colored, black, brown, etc. To me,
as a Scot, 'black' sounds way more racist than 'colored', and I'd be
wary of using it in front of whites or blacks in Scotland. In France,
blacks are called 'negres', and that is what the French speakers in the
South USA called blacks. Shock horror !...they called blacks 'blacks' !

  But then an American with his head up his ass would not have thought
that there could be countries outside of America. There are also English
speaking countries outside of America you know.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , I am the eternal
 L.Shaddai@ wrote:
  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:17 PM, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   The term colored people is associated
   with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted
to be
   different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. The
   colored was used to designate where black people could go or
   facilities they could use.
  For further information on this, reference http://www.naacp.org/
http://www.naacp.org/  , the
  home page of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored

 That is very interesting, I didn't think of that!  I know it was
 started when this term was used, but I never hear it used in that form
 today.  In any case I stand corrected about its connection with Jim
 Crow as the only way the term is used.  Thanks for posting that.

I think I deserve an apology from you and Shemp. But I don't suppose you
are man enough for that.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Only closet racists would not be comfortable with the words 'colored
people' . I am sure you are not a racist Curt, therefore I will accept
an apology when you give it.
(Shemp on the other hand)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Curtis

2008-11-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 2:20 PM, curtisdeltablues

 That's what made I am Eternal's post so interesting.  Context is
 everything.  The rules change when being white is the minority I can
 tell you.  Want to experience a little reverse racism?   Try doing
 business at the DC DMV as a white man!  Paybacks are a biaatch!
 And the great thing about Obama in the White House is that both sides
 are gunna have to drop the pretenses of being holier than thou.  These
 attitudes didn't get created overnight and they aren't gunna go away
 because we have a black president.  But I am impressed with his
 ability to discuss this issue in a nuanced manner.  Only he could get
 away with telling brothers to pull their pants up!  I am s sick of
 seeing asscrack through undies in my hood!

Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African Americans

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 20, 2008, at 3:21 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
I think I deserve an apology from you and Shemp. But I don't suppose  
you are man enough for that.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Only closet racists would not be comfortable with the words 'colored  
people' . I am sure you are not a racist Curt, therefore I will  
accept an apology when you give it.

(Shemp on the other hand)

Hey, Off--I thought you were through with the group!


[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL BabyBoomer ignorance

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
Vermont has .5% black and 96.8% white.  A person from Vermont trying
to lecture a person from DC on racism, telling me that racism is
over, is like me telling you that snow is never a problem with roads
and we shouldn't have to spend as much money as Vermont does on Winter
road maintenance.  

I get it, that for you, race is not an issue, being white in a
practically all white area.  Although you are fond of reminding me
that there are other countries outside the US, I would like to remind
you that there are states outside of Vermont facing different racial

Oh yeah, and your attempt to internationalize the terms doesn't work.
   It isn't about how YOU feel about the term, it is about how the
black minority feels about the term in THIS country.  If you want to
know the difference between the terms colored and black, come on
down to DC and take the Shemp challenge. I'll handle the tickets for
the event. The brothers in my neighborhood would definitely pay to see

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore. Its over. Even
   people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only closet
   still care about it.
   Who the fuck is Jim Crow?
  Your ignorance of the history of racism is only overshadowed by your
  ignorance of its influence today.
 As an American, you're ignorance of the history of the world is only
 overshadowed by your fear of your own racism as a country.
 Calling people concerned with this
  issue closet racists is part of the crazy-making mental process that
  makes discussions with you impossible.
 The rest of the country has moved on but closet racists want to keep
 harping on about words like 'colored'. You know many African Americans
 do not like being called 'African American', so they think you are a
 racist if you call them that. The closet racists are in limited company
 of their own now in this country. The world has moved on Jim Crows, you
 racists are being conscined to the dustbin of history.
 Only a racist cares about words like colored, black, brown, etc. To me,
 as a Scot, 'black' sounds way more racist than 'colored', and I'd be
 wary of using it in front of whites or blacks in Scotland. In France,
 blacks are called 'negres', and that is what the French speakers in the
 South USA called blacks. Shock horror !...they called blacks 'blacks' !
   But then an American with his head up his ass would not have thought
 that there could be countries outside of America. There are also English
 speaking countries outside of America you know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Curtis

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African

That was brilliant, thanks!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal

 On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 2:20 PM, curtisdeltablues
  That's what made I am Eternal's post so interesting.  Context is
  everything.  The rules change when being white is the minority I can
  tell you.  Want to experience a little reverse racism?   Try doing
  business at the DC DMV as a white man!  Paybacks are a biaatch!
  And the great thing about Obama in the White House is that both sides
  are gunna have to drop the pretenses of being holier than thou.  These
  attitudes didn't get created overnight and they aren't gunna go away
  because we have a black president.  But I am impressed with his
  ability to discuss this issue in a nuanced manner.  Only he could get
  away with telling brothers to pull their pants up!  I am s sick of
  seeing asscrack through undies in my hood!
 Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- On Thu, 11/20/08, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From: curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans
as colored people
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 2:30 PM
   No-body cares about stupid American racism anymore.
  Its over. Even black
   people do not care about the terminology anymore. Only
  closet ractists
   still care about it.
   Who the fuck is Jim Crow?
  Your ignorance of the history of racism is only
  overshadowed by your
  ignorance of its influence today.  Calling people concerned
  with this
  issue closet racists is part of the
  crazy-making mental process that
  makes discussions with you impossible.

 Curtis, do you think Off's putting us on? Nobody could be such a dumb
fuck and so cognitively obtuse unless it was some kind of joke. Who the
fuck is Jim Crowe? He was a MMA fighter out of the Indian Nations in the
mid 1800's. He held the light heavyweight title for 6 years before Randy
Colture took it from him at the battle of Little Big Horn in France.

Almost nobody in Britain knows who Jim Crow was (yes I know what it is
idiot, I was making a point about American arrogance about how important
their own racist history is. It is a history of shame. ) The rest of the
world is embarrassed by your American racism...UNTIL, you elected Obama
-- who by the way, I was the first to show outright support for on FFL
--- its documented, but you folks can't handle that fact.)

Do you know who Ignatius Sancho was?
Do you know who Olaudah Equiano was?
Do you know who Joseph Knight
Do you know who James Somersett

Oh wait, you wouldn't know them because they were free before your
racist country was even born !

Former slaves walked free, by law,  in Britain before your country even

In fact, the very reason your founders started the false flag Boston tea
part event, and the war against the British, was BECAUSE they wanted to
KEEP their slaves, but Britain was outlawing it. We Brits are proud that
colored people fought alondside white soldiers in the war against the
slave owners in America, and the oppressive Papist regines of France and
Spain. Your racist country was one of the last in the Western world to
rid itself of slavery.

You and Curtis do not even know your own history.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Carbon footprint of assholes in Jets---- was// Kaplan was flying his 10 millio

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 off_world_beings wrote:
  Yes they are all over the place. My post was more about the
arrogance of
  such a high carbon footprint. It is destryoying the planet,
  everyone one of us directly. That was the point of my post, but some
  people on FFL seem completely oblivious to environmental issues.
That is
  the reason I used to think Kaplan was an asshole flying around in a
  private jet not because it is fancy, but because of the pollution
  noise pollution. I think people who do that needlessly are ignorant
  that ignorance stems from arrogance. I have thought this for 40
  and I will think this until I die, no matter how rich I get.
 You've been thinking about carbon footprints for 40 years? 

No its not. It was called pollution units per capita before. Basic same


[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread curtisdeltablues
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
 Only closet racists would not be comfortable with the words 'colored
 people' . I am sure you are not a racist Curt, therefore I will
accept an apology when you give it.
 (Shemp on the other hand)

So by your reasoning the United Negro College Fund gives us the right
to call black people negroes?

You know I hear a lot of rap that uses the N word, maybe that is OK too?

Do you understand the term context dependent?  Black people can call
themselves anything they want Off, but they don't want you and me
calling them colored.  If you ever come across the one black person
who lives in Vermont, why don't you run this by them.
Hint: you can easily find him because he is the same guy who is
everyone's black friend' on the Vermont section of Myspace.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , I am the eternal
  L.Shaddai@ wrote:
   On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:17 PM, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
The term colored people is associated
with the past.  The term people of color was carefully crafted
 to be
different from the emotional connection with Jim Crow laws. The
colored was used to designate where black people could go or
facilities they could use.
   For further information on this, reference http://www.naacp.org/
 http://www.naacp.org/  , the
   home page of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
  That is very interesting, I didn't think of that!  I know it was
  started when this term was used, but I never hear it used in that form
  today.  In any case I stand corrected about its connection with Jim
  Crow as the only way the term is used.  Thanks for posting that.
 I think I deserve an apology from you and Shemp. But I don't suppose you
 are man enough for that.
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
 Only closet racists would not be comfortable with the words 'colored
 people' . I am sure you are not a racist Curt, therefore I will accept
 an apology when you give it.
 (Shemp on the other hand)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off_World refers to African-Americans as colored people

2008-11-20 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Nov 20, 2008, at 3:21 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
  I think I deserve an apology from you and Shemp. But I don't suppose
  you are man enough for that.
  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
  Only closet racists would not be comfortable with the words 'colored
  people' . I am sure you are not a racist Curt, therefore I will
  accept an apology when you give it.
  (Shemp on the other hand)
 Hey, Off--I thought you were through with the group!

I am, and I just said it because I KNEW, you would say that. No really,
as soon as I posted again, I knew Sal would be the first to say this


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