[FairfieldLife] Re: 400 K in Latin America!?

2009-04-01 Thread guyfawkes91

 According to Raja Jose Luis Alvarez, 400 000 students in
 Peru(?) are willing to learn TM! That's huisii! :D

All news from the TMO is always wildly exaggerated, everyone knows that. But 
that doesn't mean that there isn't a grain of truth buried underneath the 
propaganda. That figure of 400,000 students could well be true if you make 
certain assumptions like (a) the kids aren't paying for it, (b) they're 
extrapolating from a knowledge of the percentage of students who express an 
interest in places they've actually visited to the whole country. For example 
in the Philippines, during the campaign there, people were walking into 
schools, teaching pretty much everyone and then walking on to the next school. 
Given that you could go into a school and teach nearly all the kids for free it 
would be reasonable to say that all the school students in the country were 
willing to learn TM. 

The same number is probably true of every country, provided someone else is 
paying. As soon as people have to pay for themselves then it's an entirely 
different matter. 

The present business model is to extract money from rich people, use it to 
teach poor kids, make videos of poor kids saying how much they like TM and play 
them to rich people to extract more money from rich donors  so on. Taking a 
percentage on each turn. It stalls when they run out of rich donors, when 
someone does due diligence on the accounts for the global operation, or when 
someone asks an awkward question like why do we have to stump up so much cash 
to teach kids? Why don't we just teach the kids for the cost of the teachers 
living expenses?. To which the only answer is we need the percentage to 
maintain a regal court or hand over your dome pass.

In any case the sharp eyed will notice something. A couple of million dollars 
in Peru teaches hundreds of thousands of kids, a few hundred million dollars in 
India yields just 1,500 pundits. M.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'More on Levitaton'

2009-04-01 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  When we think of the concept of 'Akasha'...
  What do we think of?

Just for fun: etymologically we *might* perhaps possibly be thinking of some 
kind of radiation comparable to light, because the root of
'aakaasha' seems to be 'kaash', which also is the root
of 'prakaasha', usually translated to 'light', as f'rinstance
in the suutra following the YF-suutra, namely the two-part
one that goes like this:

bahirakalpitaa vRttirmahaavidehaa; tataH prakaashaavaraNakSayaH

Well, the second part, the phrase after the semicolon is translated by  Taimni 
like this:

From it (mahaa-videhaa?) is destroyed (kSayaH: destruction [of])  the covering 
(aavaraNa) of light (prakaasha).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margo...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
   President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
   does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
   from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
   supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
   provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
  No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
  'free speech zones'.
 Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
 campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
 questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
 advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.

Actually, I have it on good authority that
there WAS screening going on.

For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
for rabies, and if they tested positive they
were not allowed in the hall without being
fitted for a muzzle.

But I think it is important to remember that
this was to protect the other Town Hall 
attendees from the spread of the disease 
should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.

It was the same with the requirement that
radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
designed to warn other attendees not to get 
into discussions with them, because the 
resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
of the feminists has been proven to cause 
tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 

Some of the radical feminists complained later
that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
but most observers in the News media wrote 
that off as hopeful projection, because the
women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
in decades.

Just trying to be helpful by providing some
of the back story behind the headlines...

[FairfieldLife] Brahm Naad

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk
Anyone seen this?

A Sri Sri Ravi project

It's a symphony of a thousand sitars.
Kinda neato

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahm Naad

2009-04-01 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kirk kirk_bernha...@... wrote:

 Anyone seen this?
 A Sri Sri Ravi project
 It's a symphony of a thousand sitars.
 Kinda neato

Pretty cool man..below is a better video of the event:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread enlightened_dawn11
how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just being 
fucked up...)?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
   No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
   'free speech zones'.
  Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
  campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
  questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
  advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.
 Actually, I have it on good authority that
 there WAS screening going on.
 For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
 to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
 for rabies, and if they tested positive they
 were not allowed in the hall without being
 fitted for a muzzle.
 But I think it is important to remember that
 this was to protect the other Town Hall 
 attendees from the spread of the disease 
 should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
 mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
 NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
 speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.
 It was the same with the requirement that
 radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
 with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
 the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
 designed to warn other attendees not to get 
 into discussions with them, because the 
 resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
 of the feminists has been proven to cause 
 tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 
 Some of the radical feminists complained later
 that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
 and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
 but most observers in the News media wrote 
 that off as hopeful projection, because the
 women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
 in decades.
 Just trying to be helpful by providing some
 of the back story behind the headlines...

[FairfieldLife] A surprise followup to Dr. Hagelin's previous announcement

2009-04-01 Thread TurquoiseB
From: Dr. John Hagelin developm...@...


Dear Meditators, Sidhas and Governors,

By now you have probably heard that the 6,000 tickets
for the upcoming April 4th Benefit Concert sold out
within minutes of going on public sale! This has caused
some confusion and backlash because as it turns out the
Radio City Music Hall facility only holds 600 people.

As a result, there is no room for most of the 6,000
people who bought tickets, only for 600. As the Laws
Of Nature would have it, that happens to be the *exact*
number of people still remaining in the TM movement,
so everything is fine. We plan on keeping the money
so kindly contributed to the David Lynch Foundation
by the other 5,400 ticket purchasers, but we will
compensate them by giving a substantial 10% discount
on Raja Raam's new book The Vedic Physiology
Of Rock 'N Roll when and if it comes out.

This seeming episode of bad planning was thus
nothing of the sort. It was an example of how the
Laws Of Nature intervene when something is not
quite right. And it has a benefit that now all of the
Rajas attending don't have to leave their crowns and
robes at home to hide who they are. They can appear
at the concert in all their cosmically resplendent
finery, certain that no members of the News media
will be there to photograph them.

As reported earlier, the initial press coverage of
the concert has already more than doubled the number
of people calling our centers and wanting to learn
the TM® technique. Those four new meditators will
be given complimentary passes to the concert, as
long as they stand outside in the lobby and don't
try to mingle with the chosen.

Also as reported earlier, in anticipation of this
new wave of interest in the TM technique, we have
upgraded the www. TM. org servers to support the
expected increased volume. They can now handle up
to ten people visiting the site worldwide a day.

As you may know, we base our course fees primarily
on the cost of service we provide. The more service
we provide, the more it costs. Therefore the reduced
course fees mentioned in the previous press release
are only temporary, and we will make up for it by
nickle-and-diming all these new meditators to death
in future years. We are even considering charging for
breathing, because as the Maharishi Effect continues
to enliven the air, it will become more healthful *to*

Please share this Gigormously Global Good News
with your family, friends and associates. You will be
doing them a Gigormously Global Great Service for
which they will be forever Gigormously Grateful.

Jai Guru Dev

John Hagelin
National Director

®Transcendental Meditation and TM are registered trademarks
licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation,
a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just 
 being fucked up...)?

Wishing and waiting
Wanting and hoping
Dull sexist baiting
Can't get some groping

Offend and attack
ATTENTION he needs
Forget about facts
OPINION indeed!


[FairfieldLife] The Anamay Trust

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
 [home]  http://www.anamaytrust.org/index.htm 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/kausani.htm  [student life] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/student.htm  [teaching] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/teaching.htm  [vedas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/vedas.htm  [yagyas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/yagyas.htm  [how to help] 

The Anâmay Trust

Inspired by the teachings of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the
Anâmay Trust was established through a generous donation of land by
the local community in the village of Kausânî, state of
Uttarâkhand, India. The mission of the Trust is to create a Vedic
ashram and propagate the eternal Vedic dharma for the benefit of

The Anâmay Trust seeks financial support to build a school for 121
students who will receive the complete experience and teaching of Vedic
sciences in the traditional manner. Presently the ashram accommodates 50
students and 10 teachers in two temporary structures while the new
student dormitories are under construction.

The ashram as of now offers instruction in three of the four Vedas, as
well as Upangas, Upavedas and Vedangas such as Âyurved, Vyâkaran,
and Jyotish. In addition to studying traditional courses and recitation
of the Vedas, the students at the ashram practice yoga and the
Transcendental Meditation (TM) and TM-Sidhi Programs daily.

Special emphasis is placed on inspiring in the students a deep
understanding and appreciation of the value of the Vedic approach to
eliminating problems and creating peaceful and prosperous nations. Upon
completion of their studies, the graduates of Anâmay ashram will be
able to uphold and teach the Vedic dharma and perform Vedic rites to
bring support of natural law to their respective communities.

Jai Guru Dev


[FairfieldLife] Hillary backs reconciliation talks with Taliban

2009-04-01 Thread Vaj
Hillary backs reconciliation talks with Taliban if they are willing  
to abandon violence

So apparently, if they are willing to abandon violence and pursue  
their goal of implementing Islamic law by other means, that is just  
fine with her. Here is yet another demonstration of the danger of  
misdiagnosis of the global jihad threat: the problem is not the means  
the Taliban use, the problem is their goal. The Taliban are not bad  
because they are violent -- after all, so are the forces that oppose  
them. However, as far as the President and the Secretary of State are  
concerned, that is the only problem with them. If they try to  
accomplish their goals at the ballot box rather than with guns and  
bombs, Obama and Clinton would welcome them as partners. The fact  
that the Taliban want to impose a law upon Afghanistan that would  
subjugate women and non-Muslims as inferiors, denied equality of  
rights with Muslim men, and extinguish freedom of speech and freedom  
of conscience, means nothing to them.

And why should it? Karzai's Afghanistan is already a Sharia state,  
according to the Afghan Constitution.

US backs reconciliation with non-violent Taliban, from AFP, March  
31 (thanks to JE):

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday backed Afghanistan's  
plans to hold reconciliation talks with members of the Taliban or  
past Al-Qaeda supporters who reject violence.
We must ... support efforts by the government of Afghanistan to  
separate the extremists of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban from those who  
joined their ranks not out of conviction, but out of desperation,  
she said.
They should be offered an honourable form of reconciliation and  
reintegration into a peaceful society, if they are willing to abandon  
violence, break with Al-Qaeda, and support the constitution

Why not? The Afghan Constitution declares that Sharia is the highest  
law of the land.

Esp. interesting since  the Afghan president just signed allow  
legalizing rape. Hillary to you have a letter from Bill?:

It will be forever ignored or denied by those who insist that Islam  
is a Religion of Peace, but in reality there is no Misunderstanding  
of Islam going on here. Every provision of this law as stated in this  
article, including the rule that women cannot refuse sex to their  
husbands at any time or for any reason, is part of traditional  
Islamic law. And so this new law is yet another indication of how the  
overtures to the Taliban from official Washington are out of focus.  
Will the U.S. stand up for these women and defend them? Absolutely  
not, because they are being victimized by Sharia, to which Washington  
has no apparent objection, and because they are not being blown up in  
terrorist attacks. The passing of a law in a non-violent manner --  
what's the problem? It's democracy at work!

Hamid Karzai signs law 'legalising rape in marriage,' by Ben Farmer  
in the Telegraph, March 31 (thanks to Leal):

President Hamid Karzai has signed a law the UN says legalises rape in  
marriage and prevents women from leaving the house without permission.
The law, which has not been publicly released, is believed to state  
women can only seek work, education or doctor's appointments with  
their husband's permission.
Only fathers and grandfathers are granted custody of children under  
the law, according to the United Nations Development Fund for Women.
Opponents of the legislation governing the personal lives of  
Afghanistan's Shia minority have said it is worse than during the  
Mr Karzai has been accused of electioneering at the expense of  
women's rights by signing the law to appeal to crucial Shia swing  
voters in this year's presidential poll.
While the Afghan constitution guarantees equal rights for women, it  
also allows the Shia community, thought to represent 10 per cent of  
the population, the right to settle family law cases according to  
Shia law.
The Shiite Personal Status Law contains provisions on marriage,  
divorce, inheritance, rights of movement and bankruptcy.
The bill passed both houses of the Afghan parliament, but was so  
contentious that the United Nations and women's rights campaigners  
have so far been unable to see a copy of the approved bill

[FairfieldLife] Facebook

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk
Hey, It's kind of lame, I know but I joined Facebook at the instigation of 
one of my previous bosses. So you can search my name and add me as a friend. 
Please do. 

[FairfieldLife] Vaj -- is there anything material about Akasha? (Re: 'More on Levitaton')

2009-04-01 Thread Duveyoung

Akasha being defined as space by Maharishi, I always just took that he was 
using the definition given by modern physics, and thus I never really looked at 
space as being a complete concept that can stand alone without having to deal 
with a physical set of laws that says that space and time are inseparably 
enmeshed and only can be intellectually considered isolated from each other.

How does Buddhism see this space/time issue?  

A few questions:

Is there a difference between what the definition of space in an English 
dictionary and the akasha of a Sanskrit dictionary?

Is akasha somehow still considered to be an object of consciousness in that it 
can be witnessed/attended/known?

Is this akasha the field within which the mind floats in your non-dual 
contemplative practices?

Is akasha still somehow defined such that it is considered material?  -- that 
is: is it part of material creation to Buddhism, or is it much more an astral 
kind of materiality -- that is: is it a dynamic of the matrix within which the 
mind creates nightly dreams?  Causal?

Obviously akasha cannot be even an product of modern physical definitions of 
materiality in that no quark-processing can be ponied up to explain the 
properties of space.  Er, does Buddhism have properties for space?

If one can experience akasha?  Is that identical to the situation of having 
witnessing in deep thoughtless sleep?  If so, then what is the difference 
between that experience of residing in amness/pure-being/transcendence?

Is akasha and mind the same entity?

Does akasha still exist between creations?

Could any mind ever conceived grasp akasha like a playtoy?  Can Shiva be that 
transcendental and still maintain his instrumentality?

There's yer homework, dude.  If you answer, thanks in advance for saving me 
from being google-lost for hours.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20016@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   When we think of the concept of 'Akasha'...
   What do we think of?
 Yes, I heard that translation, also...
 But, does this space also contain time?
 Because this space contains 'records' through time...
 And what is the difference conceptionally between space and the transcendent?
   Do we think of the 'Akashic Records', kind of thing.
   Or, do we think of Akasha as Time?
   If Akasha contains time, then it must contain all of time, eternal.
   So, therefore...Akasha must have to do with transcending time,
   In a way that slides into some kind of, what the physicist calls 
   So, actual levitation must produce or make available, some kind of 
   In the meantime, until actual levitation is produced, whatcha you ass...!
   The other thing is the Einstein theory of gravity being some kind of 
   curved space...whatever that is?
   So,...there ya go.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Facebook

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk
Okay thanks Peeps. Good job.

- Original Message - 
From: Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 7:38 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Facebook

 Hey, It's kind of lame, I know but I joined Facebook at the instigation of
 one of my previous bosses. So you can search my name and add me as a 
 Please do.


 To subscribe, send a message to:

 Or go to:
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Who's a TM teacher? (Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch)

2009-04-01 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   By the time you are intending that the mantra comes from a body part in 
   an advanced technique, this discussion breaks down.
  None of the advanced techniques (5 of them) I was taught are taught that 
  I can see why you might misremember that they were, but that is YOUR problem
  Get checked.
 Interesting choice of responses Lawson.  You decided to go with the 
 assumption that I am unfamiliar with my own TM practice or don't have more 
 than 5 advanced techniques.  
 Personally I would have gone with I didn't get that technique so I don't 
 know anything about it myself. But that's just me.  Of course then you would 
 miss an opportunity to be pugnaciously grumpy in your response, so I can 
 understand why you didn't go that way.
 Of course like all true sciences, in Vedic science all these techniques are 
 shrouded in secrecy and we are instructed not to talk about them because 
 sciences always try to have as little transparency as possible and it is fond 
 of swearing people to secrecy so the techniques of the science can't be 
 discussed openly to further our understanding. 
I have about 5 ATs and none of them involve thinking the mantra from a body 
part. I'm not including A of E technique which involves attention on the body 
but not with the mantra or Primordial Sound which  does involve thinking mantra 
from the heart.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:

And effort is certainly misleading because even intent is too harsh 
a word.

   By the time you are intending that the mantra comes from a body part in 
   an advanced technique, this discussion breaks down.
  None of the advanced techniques (5 of them) I was taught are taught that 
  I can see why you might misremember that they were, but that is YOUR problem
  Get checked.
As I said in my previous part, it seems pretty difficult for people to 
  apply the kind of effort in meditation that Maharishi is making such a big 
  deal about.  I only encountered it very rarely in checking TM.  But within 
  that basic relaxation approach, there is also quite a bit of leeway as we 
  know from the sidhi techniques or even the Age of Enlightenment technique. 
  If you have ever hung out with people in a hypnosis classes, they can do an 
  Age of E  type of technique right off the bat with the same imagined 
  results TMers report.  It is unnatural for people to apply headache 
  inducing effort with internal relaxation techniques.
  Er, yeah.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Universal Health Care

2009-04-01 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

 Bhairitu wrote:
  Our capitalistic health care for profit is a sham... 
 All of Europe, which has nationalized health care already, 
 is also experiencing the current economic crisis. Why does 
 Obama believe that bringing national health care here will 
 in any way save us a similar economic crisis in the future? 
 He keeps repeating that only if we get health care costs 
 under control will we have `real' prosperity, but the 
 countries that have already `tackled' this problem in the 
 past were not spared their own economic meltdowns.
 Read more:
 Posted by Jonah Goldber
 The Corner, Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Logic 101 

US and Europe both experiencing banking crises.
Canada is not experiencing banking crisis.
Canada did not deregulate its banks, Europe and US did.
US does not have universal healthcare, Europe and Canada both have for many 

What is cause of banking crisis and what is irrelevant

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  You didn't show your dome badege; you haven't posted 
  anything to prove your status in the TMO. Let's see
  some proof before you go opening your pie-hole about
  TM and the TMO and the Marshy.
Curtis wrote:
 This coming from the genius who defines TM as thinking 
 things over!
Well, Curtis, obviously you don't have a dome badge, and
you can't seem to post anything to prove you're a 'TM
teacher, and I didn't see your definition of 'TM', so
since you've opened your pie hole, why not just post 
your definition of 'TM', so we can read it, instead of 
being trollish and downright snarky. 

This shouldn't be much of a task, since you're claiming 
to be a 'TM teacher' with very high TMO status, and a
graduate in philosophy from MUM. Or, maybe it's time for 
you to just shut your pie hole.

Everyone meditates; there's probably not a single person
on the planet who doesn't pause once or twice a day to
take stock of their own mental contents. And we're 
transcending, all the time. Meditation simply means to 
'think things over'. According to Marshy, meditation is
based on thinking. It's that simple.



1. to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a 
religious activity:

Sophie meditates for 20 minutes every day.

2. to think seriously about something for a long time:

He meditated on the consequences of his decision.


Cambridge University Dictionary:

[FairfieldLife] Depression

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk
So, I have been on that Celexa stuff for a month now. Time flys huh?  I have 
to say it's pretty awesome for me. I don't know if it would work for someone 
who's manic depressive, in fact I'm sure not as that's different.

Depression I look back now and I find that it was a deepening between 
thought and action such that one gets to where the pause is insurmountable 
and one falls into it.  I was getting pretty despondent and bad. I have to 
say that that has since cleared up entirely. I feel really good and ready to 
return to work.

I really recommend such a simple course of treatment for others who may feel 
bad. It also hasn't hurt my meditation at all. In fact it inspired me to 
practice more because I feel better. Also, if one feels speedy from Celexa 
then you can skip days, or time it to your schedule.  It rocks!

Jai (space of E) Ma! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vaj -- is there anything material about Akasha? (Re: 'More on Levitaton')

2009-04-01 Thread Vaj

On Apr 1, 2009, at 8:53 AM, Duveyoung wrote:


Akasha being defined as space by Maharishi, I always just took that  
he was using the definition given by modern physics, and thus I  
never really looked at space as being a complete concept that can  
stand alone without having to deal with a physical set of laws that  
says that space and time are inseparably enmeshed and only can be  
intellectually considered isolated from each other.

How does Buddhism see this space/time issue?

The sense of space and time are connected to breath, thus breath =  
time. Control of the perception of time is therefore related to fine  
control and understanding of breath and elements.

A few questions:

Is there a difference between what the definition of space in an  
English dictionary and the akasha of a Sanskrit dictionary?

m. (Ved.) or (later) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a free or open space , vacuity  
AitBr. S3Br. MBh. c. [127,1] ; the ether , sky or atmosphere Naigh.  
S3Br. Mn. c. ; (%{am}) n. (in philos.) the subtle and ethereal fluid  
(supposed to fill and pervade the universe and to be the peculiar  
vehicle of life and of sound) Veda1ntas. c. ; Brahma (as identical  
with ether) L. ; = %{AkAza-bhASita} below Comm. on S3ak. ; (%{e})  
loc. ind. in the air (a stage direction implying something said by or  
to a person out of sight) Mr2icch. S3ak. c.

space |spās|
1 a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or  
unoccupied : a table took up much of the space | we shall all be  
living together in a small space | he backed out of the parking space.
• an area of land that is not occupied by buildings : she had a love  
of open spaces.
• an empty area left between one-, two-, or three-dimensional points  
or objects : the space between a wall and a utility pipe.
• a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters,  
numbers, etc.

• Music each of the four gaps between the five lines of a staff.
• an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short,  
considering what has happened or been achieved in it) : both their  
cars were stolen in the space of three days.
• pages in a newspaper, or time between television or radio  
programs, available for advertising.

• (also commercial space) an area rented or sold as business premises.
• the amount of paper used or needed to write about a subject :  
there is no space to give further details.
• the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that  
suits one : a teenager needing her own space.
• Telecommunications one of two possible states of a signal in  
certain systems. The opposite of mark 1 (sense 2).
2 the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things  
exist and move : the work gives the sense of a journey in space and  
• (also outer space) the physical universe beyond the earth's  
• the near vacuum extending between the planets and stars,  
containing small amounts of gas and dust.
• Mathematics a mathematical concept generally regarded as a set of  
points having some specified structure.

Is akasha somehow still considered to be an object of consciousness  
in that it can be witnessed/attended/known?

Space, in the context of consciousness is seen as a suchness or  
thatness, a tattva. Meditative discrimination of space via formless  
absorption is an antidote to forms and obstructiveness.

Is this akasha the field within which the mind floats in your non- 
dual contemplative practices?


Is akasha still somehow defined such that it is considered  
material?  -- that is: is it part of material creation to  
Buddhism, or is it much more an astral kind of materiality --  
that is: is it a dynamic of the matrix within which the mind  
creates nightly dreams?  Causal?

In Ayurveda, akasha is the open spaces in the body, so in that  
context it would represent gases as a state of matter, but in terms  
of consciousness, it is the luminous sky.

Obviously akasha cannot be even an product of modern physical  
definitions of materiality in that no quark-processing can be  
ponied up to explain the properties of space.  Er, does Buddhism  
have properties for space?


If one can experience akasha?  Is that identical to the situation  
of having witnessing in deep thoughtless sleep?  If so, then what  
is the difference between that experience of residing in amness/ 


Is akasha and mind the same entity?

It depends how you define mind, no?

Does akasha still exist between creations?


Could any mind ever conceived grasp akasha like a playtoy?  Can  
Shiva be that transcendental and still maintain his instrumentality?

He, he.

There's yer homework, dude.  If you answer, thanks in advance for  
saving me from being google-lost for hours.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A surprise followup to Dr. Hagelin's previous announcement

2009-04-01 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 1, 2009, at 5:53 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

As reported earlier, the initial press coverage of
the concert has already more than doubled the number
of people calling our centers and wanting to learn
the TM® technique. Those four new meditators will
be given complimentary passes to the concert, as
long as they stand outside in the lobby and don't
try to mingle with the chosen.

LOL...really diggin these satires, Barry.
Keep em comin'!


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'More on Levitaton'

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Because this space contains 'records' through time...
Vaj wrote:
 Akashic records is an idea conjured up by the 

According to Fa Hsiang and Hua Yen, there is a single, 
universal, and eternal 'storehouse-consciousness', the 
Alayavijnana, Tibetan, 'kun-gzhi rnam-shes'.

Store consciousness accumulates all potential energy 
for the aggregate of the 'bodymind' (Sanskrit: namarupa), 
the mental (nama) and physical (rupa) manifestation of 
one's existence, and supplies the substance to all 

Store consciousness:

Read more:

'Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra'
By D.T. Suzuki
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959
A-laya-vijña-na p. xxvi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Depression

2009-04-01 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net wrote:

 So, I have been on that Celexa stuff for a month now. Time flys huh?  I
 to say it's pretty awesome for me. I don't know if it would work for
 who's manic depressive, in fact I'm sure not as that's different.

Kirk,  with bipolar disorder, it might have cured your Celexa and lapsed you
into hypomania, the other side of bipolar from depression.  There was a lot
of concern that this would happen because some of your posts make it seem
like you were bipolar.  Happy to see that Celexa didn't do this.

 Depression I look back now and I find that it was a deepening between
 thought and action such that one gets to where the pause is insurmountable
 and one falls into it.  I was getting pretty despondent and bad. I have to
 say that that has since cleared up entirely. I feel really good and ready
 return to work.

Kirk, as you recall, I urged you to take it easy and wait to feel good.  You
are just tasting what life is life without depression.  OK to go looking for
work.  You'll find yourself a lot stronger and bothered by less.  But
additionally, you are just tasting what it's like to not be depressed.
You'll increasingly feel strong, powerful, at ease with things, and full of
more productive ideas.  The way you've felt about things, the way you feel
about things now isn't how you'll be feeling as the Celexa continues to
work.  There's a life of excitement and achievement waiting for you.  A life
you can't conceive of right now.  When you go looking for work, you may just
happen to find a situation which is more suited to you.  The world is as
we are.

 I really recommend such a simple course of treatment for others who may
 bad. It also hasn't hurt my meditation at all. In fact it inspired me to
 practice more because I feel better. Also, if one feels speedy from Celexa
 then you can skip days, or time it to your schedule.  It rocks!

 Jai (space of E) Ma!

[FairfieldLife] Vaj -- is there anything material about Akasha? (Re: 'More on Levitaton')

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
Duveyoung wrote:
 How does Buddhism see this space/time issue?  
The Alaya-vijnana, or 'store consciousness' is 
one of the central doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism, 
(Vijnanavada, Vijnaptimatra).

The Alaya-vijnana is a receptacle and container 
of the so-called 'seeds' (bija), or elementary 
units of past experiences.

Read more:

Yogachara Glossary:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

   You didn't show your dome badege; you haven't posted 
   anything to prove your status in the TMO. Let's see
   some proof before you go opening your pie-hole about
   TM and the TMO and the Marshy.
 Curtis wrote:
  This coming from the genius who defines TM as thinking 
  things over!
 Well, Curtis, obviously you don't have a dome badge, and
 you can't seem to post anything to prove you're a 'TM
 teacher, and I didn't see your definition of 'TM', so
 since you've opened your pie hole, why not just post 
 your definition of 'TM', so we can read it, instead of 
 being trollish and downright snarky. 
 This shouldn't be much of a task, since you're claiming 
 to be a 'TM teacher' with very high TMO status, and a
 graduate in philosophy from MUM. Or, maybe it's time for 
 you to just shut your pie hole.
 Everyone meditates; there's probably not a single person
 on the planet who doesn't pause once or twice a day to
 take stock of their own mental contents. And we're 
 transcending, all the time. Meditation simply means to 
 'think things over'. According to Marshy, meditation is
 based on thinking. It's that simple.
 1. to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a 
 religious activity:
 Sophie meditates for 20 minutes every day.
 2. to think seriously about something for a long time:
 He meditated on the consequences of his decision.
 Cambridge University Dictionary:

Someone give willy a Prep Lecture which distinguishes TM from other forms of 
meditation and everything willy claims TM is.

And who the heck is sophie?

[FairfieldLife] Vaj -- is there anything material about Akasha? (Re: 'More on Levitaton')

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  How does Buddhism see this space/time issue?
Vaj wrote:
 Space, in the context of consciousness is seen 
 as a suchness or thatness...
In Mahayana Buddhism, there is a 'storehouse of 
consciousness', a place, where all kinds of ideas, 
in the form of 'seeds', are kept. A 'storehouse' 
is like a museum or a store where information is 
stored. A store of consciousness refers to the 
storing and also to what is stored. In Buddhist 
tradition, this information is stored as bijas, 

The Buddha taught that consciousness is always 
continuing, like a stream of water. Consciousness 
has four layers. The four layers of consciousness 
are mind consciousness, sense consciousness, store 
consciousness, and manas.



Read more:

'Understanding Our Mind'
Fifty Verses on the Nature of Consciousness
Byy Thich Nhat Hanh
Parallax Press, 2006

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

   You didn't show your dome badege; you haven't posted 
   anything to prove your status in the TMO. Let's see
   some proof before you go opening your pie-hole about
   TM and the TMO and the Marshy.
 Curtis wrote:
  This coming from the genius who defines TM as thinking 
  things over!
 Well, Curtis, obviously you don't have a dome badge, and
 you can't seem to post anything to prove you're a 'TM

You got me Richard!  All this time posting here and I never practiced TM or 
took any TM courses, never graduated from MIU, never spent years in Sidhaland, 
never became a teacher of TM and never ran the DC center.  I had everyone 
fooled but you!

 and I didn't see your definition of 'TM', 

I have no idea so I'll just go with yours:
TM is thinking things over.

 since you've opened your pie hole, why not just post 
 your definition of 'TM', so we can read it, instead of 
 being trollish and downright snarky. 

I don't know about trollish since I am responding to your trollish antics but 
as far as you bringing out the full potential of snark in me, I am guilty as 
charged.  With your prove you were a teacher tourettes tic routine, I'm 
afraid I can't take you seriously on any level.

 This shouldn't be much of a task, since you're claiming 
 to be a 'TM teacher' with 

No you busted me and now I can admit I have never taken any TM course of any 
kind.  I come here to pretend to have had a history in the movement.  I 
wouldn't know a TM mantra from a list of Chinese spices as Jerry used to say. 
(If I had been in the movement to hear him, which I wasn't.

very high TMO status, trollish bullshit.

 and a
 graduate in philosophy from MUM.

The hardest thing was faking my online MIU pictures in the yearbook because 
back then there was very little hair product and I had a very hard to duplicate 
natural wave.

 Or, maybe it's time for 
 you to just shut your pie hole.

Ah the belligerent bellowing of someone who has spent a lifetime Thinking 
things over.  How could a non meditator like me doubt the calming and 
enlightening effects!
 Everyone meditates; there's probably not a single person
 on the planet who doesn't pause once or twice a day to
 take stock of their own mental contents.

Whoa,wait a minute here Richard!  Perhaps I am back in the game.  I do this too 
so I must be a natural TMer!

 And we're 
 transcending, all the time. Meditation simply means to 
 'think things over'.

There are some things so entertaining that no matter how many times you hear 
them they deliver!

 According to Marshy, meditation is
 based on thinking. 

As opposed to being based on what, with it being a mental technique and all?  
Was this a tough principle to come up with you think?

It's that simple.

Oh yeah, there is simplicity at work here.

 1. to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a 
 religious activity:

Uh oh, not the religious question again!

 Sophie meditates for 20 minutes every day.

I know I pretend to close my eyes with her and then spend the entire time 
staring at her chest.

 2. to think seriously about something for a long time:
 He meditated on the consequences of his decision.

That sounds exactly like TM, excellent reference Richard!

 Cambridge University Dictionary:

What do they know, who finds them an authority on anything!  Wait, did you mean 
Cambridge Cambridge?  The guys with the imperiously faggy accents?  Sorry I 
stand corrected, they do know what they are talking about.  So now we have a 
definitive definition of TM:

TM is thinking calm thoughts about Sophia's chest as a religious activity and 
thinking seriously about how to get her to undress for a long time, while 
pretending to be a Teacher of TM on an online chat forum in a group I was never 
a part of.


[FairfieldLife] Guvmint Joke

2009-04-01 Thread raunchydog
A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in 
California when suddenly a brand new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of 
dust.  The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses 
and YSL tie, leaned out of the window and asked the cowboy,  If I tell you 
exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a 
Bud looks at the man, obvoiusly a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing 
herd and calmly answers, Sure, why not?
The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to 
his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, 
where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he 
then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra high 
resolution photo.  The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe 
Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany.  
Within seconds, he receives an e-mail on his Palm Pilot that the image has been 
processed and the data stored.  He then accesses on MS-SQL database through an 
ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with e-mail on his Blacberry, and , after a 
few minutes, receives a response.  Finally, he prints out a full-color, 
150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the 
cowboy and says, You have exactly1,586 cows and calves.
That's right.  Well, I guess you can take one of my calves, says Bud.
He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement 
as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
Then Bud says to the young man, Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your 
business is, will you give me back my calf?

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, Okay, why not?
You're a Congressman for the U.S. Government, says Bud.
Wow!  That's correct, says the yuppie, but how did you guess that?
No guessing required,  answered the cowboy.  You showed up here even though 
nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a 
question I never asked.  You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying 
to show me how much smarter than me you are, and you don't know a thing about 
how working people make a living - or about cows, for that matter.  This is a 
herd of sheep.  Now give me back my dog.

[FairfieldLife] The Kausani Ashram

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
 [home]  http://www.anamaytrust.org/index.htm 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/kausani.htm  [student life] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/student.htm  [teaching] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/teaching.htm  [vedas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/vedas.htm  [yagyas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/yagyas.htm  [how to help] 

The Kausani Ashram

The ashram is located on the outskirt of the village of Kausani in
Kumaon Himalaya region of the state of Uttarakhand in an area well known
for its natural beauty. It is situated on the north facing side of the
mountain with clear view of high Himalayas which provide an ideal
backdrop for our activities.

Northern view from the School


Views of the ashram buildings

Views of the School


Kausani is a world-famous tourist location because it offers perhaps the
most spectacular panoramic view of the Himalayas in all of India. It is
approximately 400 kilometers north east of Delhi and the region borders
Nepal to the east and Tibet to the north. It was the vistas and peaceful
atmosphere of Kausani which inspired Mahatma Gandhi to write his
commentary on the Bhagavad Gita which was to become such an important
resource in India's efforts for independence.


One can also see many other towering sacred peaks such as Trishul and
the Pancha-chuli range.


[FairfieldLife] Kausani Ashram

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
 [home]  http://www.anamaytrust.org/index.htm 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/kausani.htm  [student life] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/student.htm  [teaching] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/teaching.htm  [vedas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/vedas.htm  [yagyas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/yagyas.htm  [how to help] 

Student Life

The Anamay Ashram offers, free of cost, a full-time residential program
to train children to become professional Vedic Pundits. There are
currently 50 students in the school with plans to expand to 121

  [http://www.anamaytrust.org/images/yogasana%201.jpg] The daily routine
begins before sunrise. The students practice gayatri, recitations, yoga,
pranayama, and meditation before breakfast.


During second half of the morning students learn their respective
branches of Vedas, and afternoons are spent on practice and study of
Vedangas such as jyotish (astrological timings) and vyakran (grammer).



Lunch and dinners are taken in a group together with teachers.There is
time for personal m
[http://www.anamaytrust.org/images/playing%20ball%202.jpg] atters and
games of sport in lateafternoon before meditation.

The day's program ends with practice of gayatri, yoga, pranayama,
meditation, and vedic recitations before dinner.


In the evenings video lectures on Vedic philospophy by Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi and general knowledge programs on astronomy, geography and biology
is played for students.


In addition to the programs offered at the ashram, we offer after-school
classes in the Himalayan cities and villages for students to learn Vedic
chanting and knowledge for their own enjoyment and well-being. There are
currently over 500 students enrolled in this program throughout the
Himalayan state of Uttarakhand (formerly Uttaranchal).


[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Everyone meditates; there's probably not a single person
  on the planet who doesn't pause once or twice a day to
  take stock of their own mental contents. And we're 
  transcending, all the time. Meditation simply means to 
  'think things over'. According to Marshy, meditation is
  based on thinking. It's that simple.
boo_lives wrote:
 Someone give willy a Prep Lecture which distinguishes TM 
 from other forms of meditation and everything willy 
 claims TM is.
According to Barry1 and Barry2, there are lots of meditation
techniques that work as well or better than TM. Vaj claims
that TM doesn't even deliver what the Marshy promises.

But, why get others to do your work for you? You don't even 
know who 'sophie' is! Let's see your dome badge or get out 
of here - stop wasting out time. Or at least, shut your big 
pie hole about TM.

According to Maharishi, TM is the passing of the cognitive 
attention from one level of consciousnes to another, sutler 
level of consciousness. This passing back and forth between 
the gross and finer levels of consciousness is what makes 
possible the opportunity for transcending. 

First, there is just thought; then become aware of the 
bija-mantra, just like any other thought. In TM, when 
the thought process reaches the finest level of awareness, 
thought drops off and the practitioner is left all by his 

How to Be? Stop being active, but don't become passive. 
That is, stop being active, but don't fall asleep. Just 
Be. Pure Consciousness. Just go in and meditate, then come
out and radiate! It's that simple. Enjoy. 

Now that wasn't that difficult, was it, Mr. Boo?

Walla Sutra 1.3:

No object has been percieved; not the field, but the 
perceiving subject; not prakrit, in any form, but the 
Person, alone, a witness: consciousness of nothing in 
and of itself; transcendental and ideation.  

  1. to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a 
  religious activity:
  Sophie meditates for 20 minutes every day.
  2. to think seriously about something for a long time:
  He meditated on the consequences of his decision.
  Cambridge University Dictionary:

[FairfieldLife] When does one HAVE TO fight the good fight? (Hillary backs reconciliation)

2009-04-01 Thread Duveyoung

Hmmm, your Islam bashing below bungs me bloomers a bunchalotta.

I'm so knee-jerkingly handcuffed to anger when my mind entertains the
Islamic concept of women's rights.  I'm victimized by my own
hard-wiring and am perforce spontaneously attached to the emotions that
arise.  My bad, but . . .

When is a religion no longer allowed to be a religion-on-this-planet 
because its moral values are so strikingly at odds with one's own sense
of what is an axiom that -- to us -- enjoys the imprimatur of divine

Hitler's crew had no trouble killing infants, right?  So it's not like
Islamic morals are going to get into the Guinness Book of World Records
for most odious POV held by a major cultural population, right?

There's the rub -- Catholic Nazi guards were good Catholics in their
own minds but okay with infanticide.  Such a vile disconnect.  It's
downright hard for me to let my imagination try to conjure up an even
more immoral mind-set -- how'z'bout Nazis that don't just kill but first
torture the babies? See?  Ugh, the mind reels.

When does one HAVE TO become a warrior enjoined in the good fight in
order to not besmirch one's own integrity?

For instance, no one here -- not even Willy -- would stand idly by and
watch someone pummel a toddler.  If the child is being physically
harmed, who doesn't at least shout, Hey, what the fuck?  Stop it!

So where does that value think it has the right to step into another
person's moral realm and impose?  Who says, what says, to each of us
here that it's an absolute value that no toddler be beaten with such
force that physical harm (say, broken bone, bleeding, or ?) results?

Is it DNA -- life itself -- that is the little angel on our shoulder
telling us that the little devil on the Nazi's shoulder is prodding that
jack-booter into evil acts that must be immediately countered?

Or, should we transcend DNA morality?  You know, just get over it, and,
hey, be Darwinian about the whole deal, and, be okay with letting time
pass until one meme eradicates the other meme?  Is the world facing an
Islamic meme of evil that must be countered to the point where that
whole culture is, what?, put in prison, special camps, walled off like
West Berlin, forced into de-programming sessions?  What?

There's the rub. If Islam was only a small thing with but few
practitioners, we'd just rub them out -- bam, bam, bam.  Problem solved.

But, nope, we have millions who are enmeshed in this mindset and eager
to raise their children, and your children too, into being comfortable
with soul-jarring violence against another human being.

And the world of Islam is not abstract.  The millions of Islamics who
are in dire poverty and the oil potentate masters -- all of them (the
males at least) are united behind this set of morals no matter what
other gripes they might have about other issues due to the tremendous
divide between the rich and poor in the world of Islam.  The poorest
person will not steal a crumb less a hand be cut off, and they are
comfortable with this exacting sword of Damocles hovering over every
social-interaction. People are RELIGIOUSLY PREPARED to stone a person to
death in the streets like a rabid dog.

Remember that Star Trek episode where this warrior culture was so
high-strung that they were always having personal combat to the death? 
I remember being shocked by even the idea that that kind of warrior
society could exist anywhere.  Then there's the gunslingers having duels
in the sun in front of everyone in the Old Wild West.  Then there's the
white kids chewing gum while their Dads strung up some innocent African
American.  Has there ever been a culture that doesn't have its own brand
of acceptable acts of violence?

I watched Oprah the other day -- she visited the LDS compound that
practices polygamy -- you'll remember the headlines about all the kids
being taken into protective custody etc.  Well, they held up to Oprah's
gaze PERFECTLY.  Their lifestyle was built around an intense group
lovingness that showed very clearly that lust and abusing women just
never came into the picture for them.  The women were all very very
clear and COMFORTABLE about so many things that your typical American
would rail about.  The kids truly didn't want to play and instead wanted
to work in the gardens, for instance.  To me, I think that this sect
should be studied for how to get folks socially COHERENT without
killing individuality.  I came away from the show with a new respect
for those who really apply their basic morals to practical everyday
life.  As unappealing as polygamy is to me, I saw it as their way of
being sacred and something in me wants to honor that.

I don't want really to honor it, but I do.  I don't want a 13 year old
girl marrying a 46 year old guy in an arranged marriage, but for them I
get it.  I don't want kids brainwashed from birth, but for them I get
it.  I came away thinking that if a true pedophile arose in their ranks,
they'd oust the bastard by the 

[FairfieldLife] Pictures from the Ashram - another try

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
 [home]  http://www.anamaytrust.org/index.htm 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/kausani.htm  [student life] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/student.htm  [teaching] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/teaching.htm  [vedas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/vedas.htm  [yagyas] 
http://www.anamaytrust.org/yagyas.htm  [how to help] 

The Kausani Ashram

The ashram is located on the outskirt of the village of Kausani in
Kumaon Himalaya region of the state of Uttarakhand in an area well known
for its natural beauty. It is situated on the north facing side of the
mountain with clear view of high Himalayas which provide an ideal
backdrop for our activities.

Northern view from the School


Views of the ashram buildings

Views of the School


Kausani is a world-famous tourist location because it offers perhaps the
most spectacular panoramic view of the Himalayas in all of India. It is
approximately 400 kilometers north east of Delhi and the region borders
Nepal to the east and Tibet to the north. It was the vistas and peaceful
atmosphere of Kausani which inspired Mahatma Gandhi to write his
commentary on the Bhagavad Gita which was to become such an important
resource in India's efforts for independence.


One can also see many other towering sacred peaks such as Trishul and
the Pancha-chuli range.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry 
  (as opposed to just being fucked up...)?
 Wishing and waiting
 Wanting and hoping
 Dull sexist baiting
 Can't get some groping
 Offend and attack
 ATTENTION he needs
 Forget about facts
 OPINION indeed!

Like wind-up toy fish
In a kids' wading pool
Wind 'em up and see them splish
Angry ranting their only tool
Supremecists TMish and femininish
Which is the bigger April Fool?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margo...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
   President Obama has promised to change the way the government
   does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page
   from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with
   supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions
   provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
  No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their
  'free speech zones'.

 Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's
 campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball
 questions. It's still softball and not the game as
 advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.

Actually, I have it on good authority that
there WAS screening going on.

For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
for rabies, and if they tested positive they
were not allowed in the hall without being
fitted for a muzzle.

But I think it is important to remember that
this was to protect the other Town Hall
attendees from the spread of the disease
should the PUMA folks start frothing at the
mouth and attempting to bite people, and was
NOT an exercise in the limitation of free
speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.

It was the same with the requirement that
radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts
with the letter 'F' printed on them during
the meeting. This was also a health measure,
designed to warn other attendees not to get
into discussions with them, because the
resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
of the feminists has been proven to cause
tintinitis and sometimes total deafness.

Some of the radical feminists complained later
that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,'
but most observers in the News media wrote
that off as hopeful projection, because the
women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
in decades.

Just trying to be helpful by providing some
of the back story behind the headlines...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just 
 being fucked up...)?

Oops, a Jim slip up!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
 President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
 does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
 from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
 supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
 provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.

No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
'free speech zones'.
   Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
   campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
   questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
   advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.
  Actually, I have it on good authority that
  there WAS screening going on.
  For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
  to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
  for rabies, and if they tested positive they
  were not allowed in the hall without being
  fitted for a muzzle.
  But I think it is important to remember that
  this was to protect the other Town Hall 
  attendees from the spread of the disease 
  should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
  mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
  NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
  speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.
  It was the same with the requirement that
  radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
  with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
  the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
  designed to warn other attendees not to get 
  into discussions with them, because the 
  resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
  of the feminists has been proven to cause 
  tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 
  Some of the radical feminists complained later
  that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
  and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
  but most observers in the News media wrote 
  that off as hopeful projection, because the
  women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
  in decades.
  Just trying to be helpful by providing some
  of the back story behind the headlines...

[FairfieldLife] Re: When does one HAVE TO fight the good fight? (Hillary backs reconciliation)

2009-04-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 When is a religion no longer allowed to be a religion-
 on-this-planet because its moral values are so strikingly
 at odds with one's own sense of what is an axiom that --
 to us -- enjoys the imprimatur of divine right.

Edg, I'm using my last post of the week to say I
think this is the best post you've ever made to FFL.

Not that it's a slam-dunk, but (to mix metaphors)
you've raised the bar very high on one side of an
intractable dilemma.

The only clear thing about moral clarity is that
it's an oxymoron.

Jesus wept.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread Duveyoung

Ha!  Gotcha! Gotcha at last!  I'm swooning.

You're a penisist!  For shame!

You don't think a woman can fuck a man like a man can fuck a woman.  Are you 
saying that a man can say, I just fucked her, but, a woman can't say, I just 
fucked him. and mean basically the same thing?

ED might be Jim, and maybe Jim did reveal his male orientation, but you show 
your penisism by asserting the validity of your assumption that that a penis 
must enter something for it to be true fucking.

Let's see you get out of this one.

Heh heh, I know you'll come back with something tawdry, smirky, snarky, 
downright Turqish, and I can't wait.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just 
  being fucked up...)?
 Oops, a Jim slip up!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
  President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
  does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
  from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
  supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
  provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
 No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
 'free speech zones'.

Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.
   Actually, I have it on good authority that
   there WAS screening going on.
   For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
   to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
   for rabies, and if they tested positive they
   were not allowed in the hall without being
   fitted for a muzzle.
   But I think it is important to remember that
   this was to protect the other Town Hall 
   attendees from the spread of the disease 
   should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
   mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
   NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
   speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.
   It was the same with the requirement that
   radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
   with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
   the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
   designed to warn other attendees not to get 
   into discussions with them, because the 
   resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
   of the feminists has been proven to cause 
   tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 
   Some of the radical feminists complained later
   that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
   and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
   but most observers in the News media wrote 
   that off as hopeful projection, because the
   women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
   in decades.
   Just trying to be helpful by providing some
   of the back story behind the headlines...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  1. to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a 
  religious activity:
Curtis wrote:
 I do this too so I must be a natural TMer!
Well, that's my point, Curtis. You've been meditating 
for most of your adult life. Anyone who practices 
playing music as much as you do, probably meditates at 
least twelve to fifteen hours a day, learning how to 
sing, play the guitar and the tambourine. 

It's just that not everyone makes singing on street 
corners their religion. But who knows, if you continue
with your music you may become enlightened, if you're
not there already. 

It worked for the celestial musicians, the Gandharvas!

Gandharvas are male nature spirits, husbands of the 
Apsaras. Some are part animal, usually a bird or horse. 
They have superb musical skills. They guarded the Soma 
and made beautiful music for the gods in their palaces. 
In Hindu theology, Gandharvas act as messengers between 
the gods and humans.

Read more:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary backs reconciliation talks with Taliban

2009-04-01 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 Hillary backs reconciliation talks with Taliban if they are willing  
 to abandon violence

It's causing a lot of confusion in the allied troops fighting
the Taliban too. We all rush out here to help america and then 4 years later 
they start doing deals without telling anyone! Do we
keep bombing them or not? How do we know who's friendly. Is anyone
really kidding themselves there is going to be a worthwhile solution
to this. Does anyone ever learn the mistakes of history.

This whole thing is a monumental disaster. Pakistan, rather than having to 
fight them, has given a piece of it's own territory to 
the taliban so they can practise sharia law on the inhabitants. 
How is that going to do anything other than spread their disease
all over Pakistan. And every western bomb creates more fighters
ready to die for the cause. And in a country we gave the nuclear 

 So apparently, if they are willing to abandon violence and pursue  
 their goal of implementing Islamic law by other means, that is just  
 fine with her. Here is yet another demonstration of the danger of  
 misdiagnosis of the global jihad threat: the problem is not the means  
 the Taliban use, the problem is their goal. The Taliban are not bad  
 because they are violent -- after all, so are the forces that oppose  
 them. However, as far as the President and the Secretary of State are  
 concerned, that is the only problem with them. If they try to  
 accomplish their goals at the ballot box rather than with guns and  
 bombs, Obama and Clinton would welcome them as partners. The fact  
 that the Taliban want to impose a law upon Afghanistan that would  
 subjugate women and non-Muslims as inferiors, denied equality of  
 rights with Muslim men, and extinguish freedom of speech and freedom  
 of conscience, means nothing to them.
 And why should it? Karzai's Afghanistan is already a Sharia state,  
 according to the Afghan Constitution.
 US backs reconciliation with non-violent Taliban, from AFP, March  
 31 (thanks to JE):
 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday backed Afghanistan's  
 plans to hold reconciliation talks with members of the Taliban or  
 past Al-Qaeda supporters who reject violence.
 We must ... support efforts by the government of Afghanistan to  
 separate the extremists of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban from those who  
 joined their ranks not out of conviction, but out of desperation,  
 she said.
 They should be offered an honourable form of reconciliation and  
 reintegration into a peaceful society, if they are willing to abandon  
 violence, break with Al-Qaeda, and support the constitution
 Why not? The Afghan Constitution declares that Sharia is the highest  
 law of the land.
 Esp. interesting since  the Afghan president just signed allow  
 legalizing rape. Hillary to you have a letter from Bill?:
 It will be forever ignored or denied by those who insist that Islam  
 is a Religion of Peace, but in reality there is no Misunderstanding  
 of Islam going on here. Every provision of this law as stated in this  
 article, including the rule that women cannot refuse sex to their  
 husbands at any time or for any reason, is part of traditional  
 Islamic law. And so this new law is yet another indication of how the  
 overtures to the Taliban from official Washington are out of focus.  
 Will the U.S. stand up for these women and defend them? Absolutely  
 not, because they are being victimized by Sharia, to which Washington  
 has no apparent objection, and because they are not being blown up in  
 terrorist attacks. The passing of a law in a non-violent manner --  
 what's the problem? It's democracy at work!
 Hamid Karzai signs law 'legalising rape in marriage,' by Ben Farmer  
 in the Telegraph, March 31 (thanks to Leal):
 President Hamid Karzai has signed a law the UN says legalises rape in  
 marriage and prevents women from leaving the house without permission.
 The law, which has not been publicly released, is believed to state  
 women can only seek work, education or doctor's appointments with  
 their husband's permission.
 Only fathers and grandfathers are granted custody of children under  
 the law, according to the United Nations Development Fund for Women.
 Opponents of the legislation governing the personal lives of  
 Afghanistan's Shia minority have said it is worse than during the  
 Mr Karzai has been accused of electioneering at the expense of  
 women's rights by signing the law to appeal to crucial Shia swing  
 voters in this year's presidential poll.
 While the Afghan constitution guarantees equal rights for women, it  
 also allows the Shia community, thought to represent 10 per cent of  
 the population, the right to settle family law cases according to  
 Shia law.
 The Shiite Personal Status Law contains provisions on marriage,  
 divorce, inheritance, rights of movement and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: When does one HAVE TO fight the good fight? (Hillary backs reconciliation)

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
Duveyoung wrote:
 Hitler's crew had no trouble killing infants, right?

The approximate number of induced abortions performed 
worldwide in 2003 was 42 million, which declined from 
nearly 46 million in 1995. 

From the 20th to 23rd week of gestation, an injection 
to stop the fetal heart can be used as the first phase 
of the surgical abortion procedure to ensure that the 
fetus is not born alive.

Sonography and amniocentesis allows parents to determine 
sex before birth. The development of this technology 
has lead to sex-selective abortion, or the targeted 
termination of female fetuses.

Read more:

Sex-selective abortion and female infanticide:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread enlightened_dawn11
that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my response on 
another poster (Jim)? 

oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget to give Barry a 
free pass as his little pet...i can see him now, stroking your back, giving you 
a little scratch behind the ears...just darling! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just 
  being fucked up...)?
 Oops, a Jim slip up!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
  President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
  does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
  from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
  supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
  provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
 No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
 'free speech zones'.

Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.
   Actually, I have it on good authority that
   there WAS screening going on.
   For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
   to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
   for rabies, and if they tested positive they
   were not allowed in the hall without being
   fitted for a muzzle.
   But I think it is important to remember that
   this was to protect the other Town Hall 
   attendees from the spread of the disease 
   should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
   mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
   NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
   speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.
   It was the same with the requirement that
   radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
   with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
   the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
   designed to warn other attendees not to get 
   into discussions with them, because the 
   resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
   of the feminists has been proven to cause 
   tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 
   Some of the radical feminists complained later
   that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
   and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
   but most observers in the News media wrote 
   that off as hopeful projection, because the
   women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
   in decades.
   Just trying to be helpful by providing some
   of the back story behind the headlines...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

I think you took it all on a deeper level than I did.  I was referring to the 
expression of vulgar aggression towards Turq which reminded me of his writing 
style.  It is also usually guys who keep score on something like having sex and 
would use it to ridicule another man.  Most women don't view it competitively 
because whenever a man opens a door for them he it thinking would you like 
some dick with that? (Thanks Chris Rock)  

But to address your completely different point:

Are you saying that a man can say, I just fucked her, but, a woman can't 
say, I just fucked him.

It lacks friendliness and intimacy no matter which sex is using it. Whoever 
uses it is revealing a different perspective than I have about the whole topic. 
 It sounds like the kind of thing a young car dealer says while high fiving his 
buddies in the back of the showroom after selling a car for more than it is 

 and mean basically the same thing?  Sure.  But honestly the chicks I tend to 
hang out with probably wouldn't use that expression. That sounds like something 
from the swinger set.  I'm looking for a bit more yin orientation in this 
area of my life I think. I am relationship guy so we use different terms. 

 Heh heh, I know you'll come back with something tawdry, smirky, snarky, 
 downright Turqish, and I can't wait.

I'm sorry to disappoint!  We were looking at this from too different an angle.  
But any post on a spiritual forum with multiple uses of the F word has some 
built in entertainment, so thanks for that.

 Ha!  Gotcha! Gotcha at last!  I'm swooning.
 You're a penisist!  For shame!
 You don't think a woman can fuck a man like a man can fuck a woman.  Are you 
 saying that a man can say, I just fucked her, but, a woman can't say, I 
 just fucked him. and mean basically the same thing?
 ED might be Jim, and maybe Jim did reveal his male orientation, but you show 
 your penisism by asserting the validity of your assumption that that a penis 
 must enter something for it to be true fucking.
 Let's see you get out of this one.
 Heh heh, I know you'll come back with something tawdry, smirky, snarky, 
 downright Turqish, and I can't wait.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
   how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just 
   being fucked up...)?
  Oops, a Jim slip up!
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
   President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
   does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
   from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
   supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
   provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
  No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
  'free speech zones'.
 Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
 campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
 questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
 advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.

Actually, I have it on good authority that
there WAS screening going on.

For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
for rabies, and if they tested positive they
were not allowed in the hall without being
fitted for a muzzle.

But I think it is important to remember that
this was to protect the other Town Hall 
attendees from the spread of the disease 
should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.

It was the same with the requirement that
radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
designed to warn other attendees not to get 
into discussions with them, because the 
resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
of the feminists has been proven to cause 
tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 

Some of the radical feminists complained later
that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
but most observers in the News media wrote 
that off as hopeful projection, because the
women saying it 

[FairfieldLife] First the politicians come after the rich...

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
Just months after a presidential campaign in which 
Barack Obama argued that he intended to make the 
wealthy pay their `fair share' of taxes, politicians 
across the country are scrambling to balance their 
budgets by focusing on higher-income earners. But in 
doing so they are also redefining downward who 
constitutes the wealthy. Upper-middle and even middle 
class taxpayers are finding out that when politicians 
say they are coming after the rich, they don't really 
mean just the rich.

Read more:

'First the Politicians Come After the Rich...'
By Steven Malanga
RealClearMarkets, April 01, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my response on 
 another poster (Jim)? 
 oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget to give Barry 
 a free pass as his little pet...i can see him now, stroking your back, giving 
 you a little scratch behind the ears...just darling! 

Funny how Jim used to try to run this same routine!

The honest Jim and I had plenty of great discussions here.  I wonder what 
happened to him?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
   how long has it been since you've been FUCKED, Barry (as opposed to just 
   being fucked up...)?
  Oops, a Jim slip up!
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
   President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
   does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
   from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
   supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
   provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
  No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
  'free speech zones'.
 Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
 campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
 questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
 advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.

Actually, I have it on good authority that
there WAS screening going on.

For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
for rabies, and if they tested positive they
were not allowed in the hall without being
fitted for a muzzle.

But I think it is important to remember that
this was to protect the other Town Hall 
attendees from the spread of the disease 
should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.

It was the same with the requirement that
radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
designed to warn other attendees not to get 
into discussions with them, because the 
resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
of the feminists has been proven to cause 
tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 

Some of the radical feminists complained later
that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
but most observers in the News media wrote 
that off as hopeful projection, because the
women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
in decades.

Just trying to be helpful by providing some
of the back story behind the headlines...

Re: [FairfieldLife] When does one HAVE TO fight the good fight? (Hillary backs reconciliation)

2009-04-01 Thread Vaj

On Apr 1, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Duveyoung wrote:


Hmmm, your Islam bashing below bungs me bloomers a bunchalotta.

Is it is bashing?  Or is it reality?

Why aren't we hearing of this on the mainstream media?

The first part was from the Australian Sydney Morning Herald, the  
second from the UK's Telegraph.

I think the only real answer is to get them to move up through the  
higher v-memes that are no longer based on tribal gods. Bombing any  
country isn't going to facilitate that process, it's going to  
entrench them in those tribal memes. Nor is getting Hillary to give  
money to the Taliban or Hamas if they promise to play like good boys.  
Similar observations can be made about America where we've seen a  
huge growth in fundamentalist Christianity in the last 50 years.  
Creationist museums. Similar memes, different societies, different  
problems. The problem is really what's the faster way to get  
collective group-think to move into more modern and more egalitarian  
patterns? I think, in this context, the Dalai Lama has a realistic  
and practical stance. It's no longer about conversion. Trying to  
convert Islamic folks to Christianity isn't going to work any more  
than converting Christians or Jews to Islam. What will work is to  
revive the individual awakening schools in each religion and that in  
and of itself will foster movement into more holistic and  
globalcentric worldviews. Our god would have to replace my God  
for any of these god-believing religions to get along.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary backs reconciliation talks with Taliban

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Hillary backs reconciliation talks with Taliban 
  if they are willing to abandon violence

Hugo wrote:
 It's causing a lot of confusion in the allied troops 
 fighting the Taliban too. We all rush out here to help 
 america and then 4 years later they start doing deals 
 without telling anyone! 

That would be 'America' to you, Hugo, with a capital 'A'.

We pay for their military protection, we pay for the 
profits that develop the drugs and consumer goods they 
happily consume, and now we're supposed to pay for their 
economic bailout too. Europe could liberalize its markets, 
let in immigrants, develop a real military, instead of 
just critiquing the way we do it. We'll continue to let 
them free ride, because there's no way to stop it. But 
I'm starting to think we should rub it in a bit more.

Read more:

'Europe Free Rides, Again'
Posted by Megan McArdle
The Atlantic, March 31, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread enlightened_dawn11
oh great knower of women (and Barry's pet), did you happen to catch RD's 
priceless take on the 3 stooges of the new millenium (aka vaj, barry and 
curtis)? she mentioned that barry's true belief is fucking. also, oh great 
knower of women, did you happen to catch Judy's wonderful image of Barry and 
Vaj as impotent fools; limp noodles? 

women may not be competitive when it comes to fucking, but they sure know when 
a guy ain't gettin' any...its like radar, dude.

and my expression of vulgar aggression was precisely a copy of Barry's style- 
the guy has a serious case of potty mouth and i was reflecting his infantile 
emotional state back at him.

anyway, i've probably interrupted your tummy scratch from Barry, so i'll bow 
out now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
 I think you took it all on a deeper level than I did.  I was referring to the 
 expression of vulgar aggression towards Turq which reminded me of his writing 
 style.  It is also usually guys who keep score on something like having sex 
 and would use it to ridicule another man.  Most women don't view it 
 competitively because whenever a man opens a door for them he it thinking 
 would you like some dick with that? (Thanks Chris Rock)  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Facebook

2009-04-01 Thread I am the eternal
2009/4/1 Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net

 Hey, It's kind of lame, I know but I joined Facebook at the instigation of
 one of my previous bosses. So you can search my name and add me as a
 Please do.

Kirk, this is great.  There's a UK newspaper going entirely to Twitter:




 Twitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of ink

• Newspaper to be available only on messaging service
• Experts say any story can be told in 140 characters

   - Rio Palof
   - The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian, Wednesday 1 April

Consolidating its position at the cutting edge of new media technology, the
Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/theguardian today announces that
it will become the first newspaper in the world to be published exclusively
via Twitter, the sensationally popular social
that has transformed online communication.

The move, described as epochal by media commentators, will see all
Guardian content tailored to fit the format of Twitter's brief text
messages, known as tweets, which are limited to 140 characters each.
Boosted by the involvement of celebrity twitterers, such as Madonna,
Britney Spears and Stephen Fry, Twitter's profile has surged in recent
months, attracting more than 5m users who send, read and reply to tweets via
the web or their mobile phones.

As a Twitter-only publication, the Guardian will be able to harness the
unprecedented newsgathering power of the service, demonstrated recently when
a passenger on a plane that crashed outside Denver was able to send
real-time updates on the story as it developed, as did those witnessing an
emergency landing on New York's Hudson River. It has also radically
democratised news publishing, enabling anyone with an internet connection to
tell the world when they are feeling sad, or thinking about having a cup of

[Celebrated Guardian editor] CP Scott would have warmly endorsed this - his
well-known observation 'Comment is free but facts are sacred' is only 36
characters long, a spokesman said in a tweet that was itself only 135
characters long.

A mammoth project is also under way to rewrite the whole of the newspaper's
archive, stretching back to 1821, in the form of tweets. Major stories
already completed include 1832 Reform Act gives voting rights to one in
five adult males yay!!!; OMG Hitler invades Poland, allies declare war see
tinyurl.com/b5x6e for more; and JFK assassin8d @ Dallas, def. heard second
gunshot from grassy knoll WTF?

Sceptics have expressed concerns that 140 characters may be insufficient to
capture the full breadth of meaningful human activity, but social media
experts say the spread of Twitter encourages brevity, and that it ought to
be possible to convey the gist of any message in a tweet.

For example, Martin Luther King's legendary 1963 speech on the steps of the
Lincoln memorial appears in the Guardian's Twitterised archive as I have a
dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they
will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by, eliminating the
waffle and bluster of the original.

At a time of unprecedented challenge for all print media, many publications
have rushed to embrace social networking technologies. Most now offer
Twitter feeds of major breaking news headlines, while the Daily Mail
recently pioneered an iPhone application providing users with a one-click
facility for reporting suspicious behaviour by migrants or gays. In the new
media environment, readers want short and punchy coverage, while the
interactive possibilities of Twitter promise to transform th, the online
media guru Jeff Jarvis said in a tweet yesterday, before reaching his
140-character limit, which includes spaces. According to subsequent reports,
he is thinking about going to the theatre tonight, but it is raining :(.

A unique collaboration between The Guardian and Twitter will also see the
launch of Gutter, an experimental service designed to filter noteworthy
liberal opinion from the cacophony of Twitter updates. Gutter members will
be able to use the service to comment on liberal blogs around the web via a
new tool, specially developed with the blogging platform WordPress, entitled

Currently, 17.8% of all Twitter traffic in the United Kingdom consists of
status updates from Stephen Fry, whose reliably jolly tone, whether trapped
in a lift or eating a scrumptious tart, has won him thousands of fans. A
further 11% is made up of his 363,000 followers replying @stephenfry LOL!,
@stephenfry EXACTLY the same thing happened to me, and @stephenfry
Meanwhile, I am making myself an omelette! Delicious!

According to unconfirmed rumours, Jim Buckmaster, the chief executive of

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
 Under the new guy:
Let's not mince words. It's doubtful that President Obama's
administration was unaware of the rape bill. 

It's more likely that they are intent on sticking by Karzai
and supportive of whatever he needs to do to get re-elected,
Secretary Clinton's rhetoric about elevating women's rights 
in foreign policy during her confirmation hearing aside. 

This kind of ends-justify-the-means foreign policy is 
essentially realpolitik revisited - the exact kind of 
short-term great game thinking that created the Taliban 

It's a disgrace and an embarassment to Obama's entire 
Afghanistan policy, and the domestic economic crisis is no 
excuse for such a craven failure to stand up for the values 
we purport to uphold.

Read more:

'Mayor Karzai signs pro-rape bill in Afghanistan, scapegoats 
the Shi'a'
Posted by Aziz Poonawalla
City of Brass, Tuesday March 31, 2009 

 We're going to take questions. All right. Just want to 
 make sure my mike's working here. Here's the deal on 
 questions. First of all, we didn't screen anybody. So 
 there's some people who like me in the audience, some 
 people that don't. Some people agree with me, some people 
 who don't. It doesn't matter. We want to take questions 
 from everybody.
 ---President Obama, town hall meeting, Elkhart, Indiana
 Feb. 2009

[FairfieldLife] Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread John M. Knapp, LMSW
I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a law 
professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for the David 
Lynch Foundation.

This email is not a threat. 


It is an advisory.

However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to drag them 
into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event Tell TM: Hands Off Our 

Naturally, I am disappointed. And disappointed as well for all the effort that 
panelists, researchers, and other supporters put into this event.

But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to us to 
protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details emerge, I will share 

Any ideas or insights that readers have, I would gratefully welcome them at a 


blockquoteDear Mr. Knapp:

 I am General Counsel for the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based 
Education and World Peace. I have been forwarded the url which publicizes a web 
event which it appears you are hosting on April 2nd entitled: Tell TM hands off 
our schools, http://knappfamilycounseling.com/tmconcert.html .

Your website is a fount of false, misleading, biased and entirely negative 
information on the TM program and the organizations and individuals which teach 
or have conducted research on that program[1]. The listed presenters at your 
event appear all to have a similar negative mission. Therefore, I wished to 
give you the courtesy of an advisal that we intend to review the global web 
presentation of the event carefully for any false, defamatory, tortious, 
breachful, malicious or otherwise unlawful statements or materials made or 
published by you or the presenters.

I would caution you and your presenters, therefore, to be most prudent 
concerning the truthfulness and propriety of any statements made by any of them 
at your web event or thereafter. As you have intentionally scheduled this event 
two days prior to the Foundation's benefit concert at Radio City Music Hall it 
is clear you have planned it to have a negative impact on that event. Please 
know that you and your presenters will be held responsible for injury to any 
individuals or organizations, or their reputations, that may result from any 
unlawful behavior under US, UK and/or foreign law. 

You will also be held responsible for the continuing publication of falsehoods 
on your websites and otherwise.

I trust you will act appropriately now after having been so clearly advised.

 Very truly,

 William Goldstein
General Counsel 
David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based Education and World Peace


[1]- For example, by way of illustration and in no way attempting to be 
exhaustive, you state: I think there is evidence that [the TM program] is 
either not effective, not enjoyable, or downright dangerous for a certain 
percentage of the population, on the order of 10% to 20%. 
http://knappfamilycounseling.com/mostly.html. And as evidence you link to 
another website of yours http://trancenet.net/research/index.shtml with 
extensive false and misleading statements and citations. You start by including 
therein a characterization of   the German High Court's 1989 ruling that TM is 
a destructive cult -- overruling all lower court findings. The current law of 
the land in Germany. The facts of the case are 180 degrees removed from that 
statement, as you should well know, and are laid out in 

You go on to state that according to one of your presenters, Barry Markovsky, 
TM researchers research is not designed to be sensitive to, and contains no 
indicators for, negative effects. In fact, all the 600 studies on the TM 
technique could potentially show negative effects (e.g., they could measure an 
increased anxiety instead of decreased or no change in anxiety; an increase in 
war-related variables instead of decreased or no change in war).

The next false statement is Negative effects are not detected in TM research 
because they are infrequent, and therefore will wash out in a statistical 
analysis. The fact is that all the major clinical studies had in place 
mechanisms for reporting adverse effects. No adverse effects have been reported 
from these studies, even though the data were collected in universities not 
connected with any TM affiliated university or organization, and the data 
collection personnel and attending medical personnel  were blind to the group 
assignment.  Moreover, case histories on individuals at risk or with 
pre-existing conditions, such as mental health patients, do not support that 
the TM program has adverse effects. This allegation is baseless. For details 
responding in detail to all the claimed studies to the contrary you can see, 
as you already certainly have: 

And then you go on to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread Vaj

On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:56 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  
no_re...@... wrote:

that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my  
response on another poster (Jim)?

oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget to  
give Barry a free pass as his little pet...i can see him now,  
stroking your back, giving you a little scratch behind the  
ears...just darling!

Funny how Jim used to try to run this same routine!

The honest Jim and I had plenty of great discussions here.  I  
wonder what happened to him?

He's been posting on another more pro-TM enlightenment list on The  
Glory of Jim's Enlightenment while trying to inspire and help  
struggling TMers and formers MUM students attain the same plane of  
consciousness he's enjoyed since conquering CC.  I assure you, he's  
as chock-full of entertainment value as ever.

Who would ever have guessed enlightenment a la TM/TMSP would have  
translated to 'sign up to an email list and talk about myself, my  
experiences of myself and with myself--oh and did I forget to mention  
the experience I had? Oh yes, and when you're done talking about You,  
I'd like to say something about me and my consciousness. It's Pure ya  
know?' Take SCI, blend it into a smoothie, serve warm and, well, you  
get the idea. Serve with a garnish of Jimness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

Ah, the relentless venom of enlightenment!  I'd recognize the sour sting of 
malice directed towards others emanating from the fulfillment of pure being, 
anywhere!  And the ridiculing of non hostile posting relationships here, nice 
touch.  Can't wait for the world to have this wisdom so they can stop all their 

Honestly, I liked the old Jim better.  You are using this foil as a protective 
devise so you can fling invectives with less personal accountability.  A bit 
too slippery for my tastes.

But hey if I'm wrong (and I often am) I'll just chalk up your ill humor as the 
result of your running around after a FOUR year old at your age...  

 oh great knower of women (and Barry's pet), did you happen to catch RD's 
 priceless take on the 3 stooges of the new millenium (aka vaj, barry and 
 curtis)? she mentioned that barry's true belief is fucking. also, oh great 
 knower of women, did you happen to catch Judy's wonderful image of Barry and 
 Vaj as impotent fools; limp noodles? 
 women may not be competitive when it comes to fucking, but they sure know 
 when a guy ain't gettin' any...its like radar, dude.
 and my expression of vulgar aggression was precisely a copy of Barry's style- 
 the guy has a serious case of potty mouth and i was reflecting his infantile 
 emotional state back at him.
 anyway, i've probably interrupted your tummy scratch from Barry, so i'll bow 
 out now.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  I think you took it all on a deeper level than I did.  I was referring to 
  the expression of vulgar aggression towards Turq which reminded me of his 
  writing style.  It is also usually guys who keep score on something like 
  having sex and would use it to ridicule another man.  Most women don't view 
  it competitively because whenever a man opens a door for them he it 
  thinking would you like some dick with that? (Thanks Chris Rock)  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 He's been posting on another more pro-TM enlightenment list on The  
 Glory of Jim's Enlightenment

Another face of EVE.

 On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:56 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  
  no_reply@ wrote:
  that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my  
  response on another poster (Jim)?
  oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget to  
  give Barry a free pass as his little pet...i can see him now,  
  stroking your back, giving you a little scratch behind the  
  ears...just darling!
  Funny how Jim used to try to run this same routine!
  The honest Jim and I had plenty of great discussions here.  I  
  wonder what happened to him?
 He's been posting on another more pro-TM enlightenment list on The  
 Glory of Jim's Enlightenment while trying to inspire and help  
 struggling TMers and formers MUM students attain the same plane of  
 consciousness he's enjoyed since conquering CC.  I assure you, he's  
 as chock-full of entertainment value as ever.
 Who would ever have guessed enlightenment a la TM/TMSP would have  
 translated to 'sign up to an email list and talk about myself, my  
 experiences of myself and with myself--oh and did I forget to mention  
 the experience I had? Oh yes, and when you're done talking about You,  
 I'd like to say something about me and my consciousness. It's Pure ya  
 know?' Take SCI, blend it into a smoothie, serve warm and, well, you  
 get the idea. Serve with a garnish of Jimness.

[FairfieldLife] Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape'

2009-04-01 Thread Arhata Osho
And we support this idiot!
Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape' - Asia, World ...Mar 31, 2009 
... Afghanistan's President, Hamid Karzai, has signed a law which.
 - 133k - Cached - Similar pages



[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread TurquoiseB

Since you probably know a few people from the
ranks of TM-Free who are attending the concert,
why don't you have them dress up as Rajas?

You know...long, flowing white robes, golden 
crown, beatific smile except when Germans are 
not responding well to being told that they 
have to develop an invincible Germany. Have
their dates dress in saris as Rajinis, and
always walk several paces behind the Rajas.

Then hang signs around your neck that say, 
This is what the leaders of the TM organi-
zation dress like when they're not in front 
of the press like they are tonight.

See what this scumbag lawyer does then.  

There is NOTHING false, misleading, or biased
about such a sign. It tells the unmitigated 
truth, and in such a way that no one can fail
to notice the *impact* of that truth -- that
the TM organization is *hiding something*. 

Besides, it would be fun.  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 

 I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a law 
 professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for the David 
 Lynch Foundation.
 This email is not a threat. 
 It is an advisory.
 However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to drag them 
 into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event Tell TM: Hands Off 
 Our Schools! 
 Naturally, I am disappointed. And disappointed as well for all the effort 
 that panelists, researchers, and other supporters put into this event.
 But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to us to 
 protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details emerge, I will share 
 Any ideas or insights that readers have, I would gratefully welcome them at 
 a href=mailto:jmknap...@...;jmknap...@.../a.
 blockquoteDear Mr. Knapp:
  I am General Counsel for the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based 
 Education and World Peace. I have been forwarded the url which publicizes a 
 web event which it appears you are hosting on April 2nd entitled: Tell TM 
 hands off our schools, http://knappfamilycounseling.com/tmconcert.html .
 Your website is a fount of false, misleading, biased and entirely negative 
 information on the TM program and the organizations and individuals which 
 teach or have conducted research on that program[1]. The listed presenters at 
 your event appear all to have a similar negative mission. Therefore, I wished 
 to give you the courtesy of an advisal that we intend to review the global 
 web presentation of the event carefully for any false, defamatory, tortious, 
 breachful, malicious or otherwise unlawful statements or materials made or 
 published by you or the presenters.
 I would caution you and your presenters, therefore, to be most prudent 
 concerning the truthfulness and propriety of any statements made by any of 
 them at your web event or thereafter. As you have intentionally scheduled 
 this event two days prior to the Foundation's benefit concert at Radio City 
 Music Hall it is clear you have planned it to have a negative impact on that 
 event. Please know that you and your presenters will be held responsible for 
 injury to any individuals or organizations, or their reputations, that may 
 result from any unlawful behavior under US, UK and/or foreign law. 
 You will also be held responsible for the continuing publication of 
 falsehoods on your websites and otherwise.
 I trust you will act appropriately now after having been so clearly advised.
  Very truly,
  William Goldstein
 General Counsel 
 David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based Education and World Peace
 [1]- For example, by way of illustration and in no way attempting to be 
 exhaustive, you state: I think there is evidence that [the TM program] is 
 either not effective, not enjoyable, or downright dangerous for a certain 
 percentage of the population, on the order of 10% to 20%. 
 http://knappfamilycounseling.com/mostly.html. And as evidence you link to 
 another website of yours http://trancenet.net/research/index.shtml with 
 extensive false and misleading statements and citations. You start by 
 including therein a characterization of   the German High Court's 1989 
 ruling that TM is a destructive cult -- overruling all lower court findings. 
 The current law of the land in Germany. The facts of the case are 180 
 degrees removed from that statement, as you should well know, and are laid 
 out in 
 You go on to state that according to one of your presenters, Barry Markovsky, 
 TM researchers research is not designed to be sensitive to, and contains no 
 indicators for, negative effects. In fact, all the 600 studies on the TM 
 technique could potentially show negative effects (e.g., they could measure 
 an increased anxiety instead of decreased or no change in anxiety; an 
 increase in war-related 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Pictures from the Ashram - another try

2009-04-01 Thread Rick Archer
If you want people to see pictures, the best way is to post them to the
photos section. They don't always come through in emails or online posts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:48 AM, John M. Knapp, LMSW wrote:

I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a  
law professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for  
the David Lynch Foundation.

This email is not a threat.


It is an advisory.

However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to  
drag them into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event  
Tell TM: Hands Off Our Schools!

Naturally, I am disappointed. And disappointed as well for all the  
effort that panelists, researchers, and other supporters put into  
this event.

But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to  
us to protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details  
emerge, I will share them.

I am really sorry you found it necessary to cancel your
web event.  I believe this is simply intimidation on BG's/the TMO's
part, and he/they don't have a legal leg to stand on.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
willy...@... wrote:

 According to Maharishi, TM is the passing of the cognitive
 attention from one level of consciousnes to another, sutler
 level of consciousness. This passing back and forth between
 the gross and finer levels of consciousness is what makes
 possible the opportunity for transcending.

 First, there is just thought; then become aware of the
 bija-mantra, just like any other thought. In TM, when
 the thought process reaches the finest level of awareness,
 thought drops off and the practitioner is left all by his

Oh, yeah!

Well, suukSma-viSayatvaM caalin.gaparyavasaanam
(ca + alin.ga-paryavasaanam )... :D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread Sal Sunshine
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  
no_re...@... wrote:

oh great knower of women (and Barry's pet), did you happen to catch  
RD's priceless take on the 3 stooges of the new millenium (aka vaj,  
barry and curtis)? she mentioned that barry's true belief is  
fucking. also, oh great knower of women, did you happen to catch  
Judy's wonderful image of Barry and Vaj as impotent fools; limp  

women may not be competitive when it comes to fucking, but they sure  
know when a guy ain't gettin' any...its like radar, dude.

It is?  If so, mine is obviously malfunctioning, as all 3 of these
gentlemen seem fairly well-balanced and enjoying life to me.

Nor do I generally find myself wondering how much they,
or anyone else, is getting.

and my expression of vulgar aggression was precisely a copy of  
Barry's style- the guy has a serious case of potty mouth and i was  
reflecting his infantile emotional state back at him.

Ah, it's the old, he did it first! excuse...

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to:
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] The Glory of Jim's Enlightenment (was Re: Regime Change in America)

2009-04-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:56 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11  
  no_reply@ wrote:
   that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my  
   response on another poster (Jim)?
   oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget
   to give Barry a free pass as his little pet...i can see him 
   now, stroking your back, giving you a little scratch behind 
   the ears...just darling!
  Funny how Jim used to try to run this same routine!
  The honest Jim and I had plenty of great discussions here.  I  
  wonder what happened to him?
 He's been posting on another more pro-TM enlightenment list 
 on The Glory of Jim's Enlightenment while trying to inspire 
 and help struggling TMers and formers MUM students attain 
 the same plane of consciousness he's enjoyed since conquering 
 CC. I assure you, he's as chock-full of entertainment value 
 as ever.
 Who would ever have guessed enlightenment a la TM/TMSP would 
 have translated to 'sign up to an email list and talk about 
 myself, my experiences of myself and with myself--oh and did 
 I forget to mention the experience I had? Oh yes, and when 
 you're done talking about You, I'd like to say something 
 about me and my consciousness. It's Pure ya know?' Take SCI, 
 blend it into a smoothie, serve warm and, well, you  
 get the idea. Serve with a garnish of Jimness.

LOL. Heartily.

Now THAT is the Jim Flanegin we all used to 

No hiding behind skirts...no pretending to 
be sandiego108 or enlightened_dawn11...just
pure, unadulterated IT'S ALL ABOUT ME.  :-)

I *really* like the part about doing all this
by trolling the other group for people to 
lure onto his private mailing list. That way, 
if someone doesn't buy his enlightened act 
and fawn over him, he can just CANCEL 

It's what he always wanted to do here, and
never could.

Fascinating that the person who is accusing 
Curtis of being someone's pet has started 
a mailing list so that he can keep pets of
his own.  :-)

I wonder if Judy is a member of the mailing
list, and that's why she staked her reputation
as a professional editor on saying that ed11
is NOT Jim. 

While he was posting here as Jim, I always
got the impression that Jim was Judy's pet.
But maybe it's the other way around, and that
is why she's protecting his latest cover
story here. 

Oh, the strange things that happen on FFL...  :-)

[FairfieldLife] URGENT ACTION NEEDED - Bill to outlaw organic farming!

2009-04-01 Thread Arhata Osho

Please take action and call your congressman and senators - 

contact info below - 

We need to make our voices heard or this will pass! 

Please forward to your e-mail list!

The US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on bill that 

There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before 
people realize what is happening.

Main backer and lobbyist is Monsanto – chemical and genetic engineering giant 
corporation (and Cargill, ADM, and about 35 other related agri-giants). This 
bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous 
insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to make sure there is no 
danger to the public food supply. This will include backyard gardens that grow 
food only for a family and not for sales.

If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds, but only Monsanto genetically 
altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.

There is a video on the subject:


And another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeWVkTU1s1E

The name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 
(bill HR 875).


Get on that phone and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do the same 
thing. The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not massively threatened 
with loss of their positionthey only fear your voice and your vote.

The best thing to do is go 
to http://pr1.netatlantic.com/t/9661579/7800477/598244/0/

All you have to do is put in your zip and it will give you your congressperson 
and how to get in touch with them.

When you call their office someone will answer the phone, politely and 
respectfully just tell them that you are calling to express your views on HR 
875. Tell them your views, they'll take your name and address and pass your 
comments along to the congressperson. The following link  
http://pr1..netatlantic.com/t/9661579/7800477/598245/0/ is a list of the U.S. 
senators with their contact info.

Thank you all for taking such quick action on this important threat to our 
health and wellness.

all the best,

Mary Kay Finn

Thrive Wellness and Nutrition

310 399-2329

Assisting you to achieve great health.

New Low Prices on Dell Laptops – Starting at $399 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
 He's been posting on another more pro-TM enlightenment 
 list on The Glory of Jim's Enlightenment while trying 
 to inspire and help struggling TMers and formers MUM 
 students attain the same plane of consciousness he's 
 enjoyed since conquering CC...

After Trungpa died, we had a big ceremony just before 
he was about to be cremated. All the senior students 
gathered inside the enormous, orange-pillared 
Dharmadhatu shrine hall, with its blue, red and gold 

It was standing room only with the Trungpa disciples 
sitting in rows, upon the soft pillows, in practiced 
posture, evoking the mantras and the visualizations 
just like the lama had instructed. 

There were rows and rows of solemn meditators sitting 
with eyes half closed. Everything was in accordance 
with Tibetan tradition, down to the clicking of the 
prayer beads and the empty throne where a photograph 
of the late Rinpoche had been placed.

Up on the dais sat the Vajra Regent, appointed by the 
Trungpa Rinpoche, Osel Tendzin; and the visiting high 
lamas of the Tibetan Kagya sect; the monks and the 
VIPs and the laity. 

I got to sit down in front because I, among six others, 
had taken the Vajrayana vows and had been intitiated 
into Shambala training by the lama himself.

In the back of the temple a special cadre of advanced 
students sat in a circle grinding the bones of the 
Trungpa Tulku, once the spiritual leader of the 
Surmang group of monesteries in Tibet. We recited a 
hundred thousand dharanis, performed a thousand bows 
in order to empowered the Rinpoche's bones. 

And to what avail?

Years later, I learned that both the Trungpa and his 
Vajra Regent were gay alcoholics who had built, out of 
money donated by hapless students, a vast beauacratic 
organization in the form of a co-dependent support 
group, i.e. both the Trungpa and the Vajra Regent 
literally drank and screwed themselves to death right 
in front of the whole assembly! 

And they called it 'Tantra', blessed by none other 
than the great Kalu Rinpoche, himself a great 

Say what?

The example of the cargo cult guru who seduces his 
students had caused a great self-destruct to the 
very institution the lama had founded, setting back 
the cause of American Buddhism by more than 50 years. 

So much for 'Vajradhatu American Buddhism', Vaj!

Read more:

'The Double Mirror'
A Skeptical Journey into Buddhist Tantra
by Stephen Butterfield

[FairfieldLife] Old? Earth Hour Pics...

2009-04-01 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] A STORY TO LIVE BY

2009-04-01 Thread arhatafreespeech


A Story to 
live by

There was a blind girl who 
hated herself because she was blind. 


She hated everyone, except 
her loving boyfriend. 
He was always there for her. 

She told her boyfriend, 'If I 
could only see the world, I will marry you.'

One day, someone donated a 
pair of eyes to her. 
When the bandages came off, 
she was able to see everything, including her 


He asked her, 'Now that you 
can see the world, will you marry me?' 


The girl looked at her 
boyfriend and saw that he was blind. 
The sight of his closed 
eyelids shocked her. 


She hadn't expected that. 

The thought of looking at 
them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry 


Her boyfriend left in tears 
and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my 
dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.' 


This is how the human brain 
often works when our status changes. 


Only a very few remember what 
life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful 


Life Is a 


Today before you say an 
unkind word -
Think of someone who can't speak. 


Before you complain about the 
taste of your food -
Think of someone who has nothing to 


Before you complain about 
your husband or wife -
Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a 


Today before you complain 
about life -
Think of someone who died too early  on this 


Before you complain about 
your children -
Think of someone who desires children but they're 


Before you argue about your 
dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep -
Think of the people who are 
living in the streets. 


Before whining about the 
distance you drive -
Think of someone who walks the same distance with their 


And when you are tired and 
complain about your job -
Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those 
who wish they had your job. 


But before you think of 
pointing the finger or condemning another -
Remember that not one of us is 
without sin. 


And when depressing thoughts 
seem to get you down -
Put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and 
still around. 






[FairfieldLife] The third temple

2009-04-01 Thread jimjim5886
  Thre reason i wrote about the third temple is because i want to prove to 
people that there are 2 messiahs in the bible. Every one wants to think that 
Jesus is the one and only messiah in the bible. But that is wrong! And in order 
for me to prove this i use some simple facts from the bible. One of them is the 
fact that the bible says(including Jesus himself) that before the second coming 
the third temple in Jerusalem will be built.  Also that the anti-christ will 
enter this temple and proclaim himself to be god, The abomination of 
desolation. It is only after this that there is a second coming and the 
Judgment.  Now, in order for the third temple to be rebuilt it would take a 
miracle. As of now with things the way they are now, you know it would be 
impossible to rebuild the third temple! But according to the bible there is no 
denial that this is what will happen in both the old and new testiments.  The 
Jews believed then and now that the messiah they are waiting for will bring 
world peace first and then the Judgment will come afterwords. There is a 
messiah in bible prophecy in both the old and new testiments, Zachariah 4: and 
   Zech  4:2   And he said to me, What do you see? So I said,
I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold
with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps
with seven pipes to the seven lamps.
   :3   Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl
and the other at its left.

   :11  Then I answered and said to him, What are these two olive
trees; at the right of the lampstand and at its left?
   :12  And I further answered and said to him, What are these two
olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two
gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?
   :13  Then he answered me and said, Do you not know what these
are? And I said, No, my lord.
   :14  So he said, These are the two anointed ones, who stand
beside the Lord of the whole earth.
  The word ANOINTED ONE means messiah also Christ. So you see the bible says 
 there is another messiah coming.  This is the messiah that the Jews have been 
 waiting for.  Who will bring about would peace long enough to rebuild the third 
 temple in Jerusalem. Some time after his death(the death of the messiah or 
 anointed ones)  The anti-christ commits the adomination of desolation. After 
 that comes the frist judgment and then the millennium. 

[FairfieldLife] The Whedonite's Dilemma

2009-04-01 Thread Bhairitu
(Of course this was pre episode 6)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread enlightened_dawn11
seems like John's lies were so obvious and the slander so apparent that even he 
couldn't overcome his lust for new patients and their open wallets to pull this 

oh and Sal-- i am truly sorry i misspoke earlier when i said that there were 
just three stooges of the new millennium here (barry, Vaj, and Curtis)-- make 
that four...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:48 AM, John M. Knapp, LMSW wrote:
  I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a  
  law professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for  
  the David Lynch Foundation.
  This email is not a threat.
  It is an advisory.
  However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to  
  drag them into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event  
  Tell TM: Hands Off Our Schools!
  Naturally, I am disappointed. And disappointed as well for all the  
  effort that panelists, researchers, and other supporters put into  
  this event.
  But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to  
  us to protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details  
  emerge, I will share them.
 I am really sorry you found it necessary to cancel your
 web event.  I believe this is simply intimidation on BG's/the TMO's
 part, and he/they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

[FairfieldLife] FOX Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'

2009-04-01 Thread do.rflex

Somebody get this blubbering buffoon a Kleenex!

Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough broke into uncontrollable gales of laughter 
upon viewing loony toons Glenn Beck on his FOX show.

Watch video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUe8gw-6UGQ 

[FairfieldLife] Colbert's brilliant takedown of hysterical Glenn Beck

2009-04-01 Thread do.rflex

As the folks at Morning Joe were sharing guffaws over Glenn Beck's 
kee-ray-zee schtick the other day, some of them were speculating that Stephen 
Colbert might have to give up his parody-of-a-right-wing-talker act, since Beck 
had reached a level of self-parody that Colbert couldn't hope to match.

Au contraire.

Obviously, Beck is quickly becoming the most flavorful grist for Colbert's 
satirical mill. Witness the 1031 Project unveiled last night -- inspired by 
Beck's 912 Project lunacy.

Colbert tearily unveils 'his' new 1031 Project -


[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 seems like John's lies were so obvious and the slander so apparent that even 
 he couldn't overcome his lust for new patients and their open wallets to pull 
 this off.
 oh and Sal-- i am truly sorry i misspoke earlier when i said that there were 
 just three stooges of the new millennium here (barry, Vaj, and Curtis)-- make 
 that four...

Reminds me of one of my favorite animal myths about how an ostrich will hide 
his head in a hole in the sand believing that because he can't see anyone else, 
they can't see him.  It turns out that ostriches aren't actually stupid enough 
to believe this... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
  On Apr 1, 2009, at 11:48 AM, John M. Knapp, LMSW wrote:
   I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a  
   law professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for  
   the David Lynch Foundation.
   This email is not a threat.
   It is an advisory.
   However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to  
   drag them into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event  
   Tell TM: Hands Off Our Schools!
   Naturally, I am disappointed. And disappointed as well for all the  
   effort that panelists, researchers, and other supporters put into  
   this event.
   But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to  
   us to protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details  
   emerge, I will share them.
  I am really sorry you found it necessary to cancel your
  web event.  I believe this is simply intimidation on BG's/the TMO's
  part, and he/they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

[FairfieldLife] Ad for 'New GOP Image' shown on David Letterman Show

2009-04-01 Thread do.rflex

Watch ad here: 



[FairfieldLife] 'Laxaty and Transcendence'

2009-04-01 Thread Robert
The term 'Laxity' had been brought up, and I've been dwelling on this notion, 
as related to Transcendence, as in 'TM-Transcendence'
So, in my experience, it seems that at first, transcendence can seem foggy, but 
with experience it becomes clearer.
The other thing that becomes clearer with practice, is the 'finest level of 
thought combined with feeling.
So, in the first case, after the quality of transcendence becomes clearer, this 
produces C.C.
In the second case, where the finest level of manifestion, becoming infused 
with Beingness, produces the consciousness which Maharishi coined G.C.
Laxity comes in before these qualities are established...
When the transcendent is experienced at first, it is a passive thing:
One is just becoming familiar with it.
But, when there is enough awareness developed, through maintaining this 
experience, the transcendent becomes, Lively within Itself'...
Thereby producing the experience of transcendence: That is all that there is'...
Transcendence in this more 'active' manner, beyond 'Laxity', is the 
'Transcendence of Unity Consciousness'...
Where transcedence is experienced as: 'All That There Is'...
This is Unity Consciousness, when established.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread Robert
 I am really sorry you found it necessary to cancel your
 web event.  I believe this is simply intimidation on BG's/the TMO's
 part, and he/they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

Bottom line, he obviously doesn't really believe in this cause, on some deeper 
level that trumps the superficial dogmatic stuff...

[FairfieldLife] MUM natural beekeeping

2009-04-01 Thread bob_brigante
MUM Review:

5. Students Learn Beekeeping, Build Bee Hives

In a first-of-its-kind course at M.U.M. on natural beekeeping in Block 5,
students learned the foundations of biodynamic beekeeping from a visiting
top expert, Gunther Hauk of Spikenard Farm in Illinois.

They studied seasonal hive management and constructed nine hives, both
conventional and top-bar hives, to expand the M.U.M. apiary.

The hives were artistically painted by the students, and are being added to
the five colonies of bees in hives built last year by the students.

According to Alex Kachan, who taught the course, the well-being of the bees
is the top priority in biodynamic beekeeping, in contrast to conventional
methods where bees are pressed and stressed for maximum honey and pollen

He says that the current problem nationwide with Colony Collapse Disorder
(CCD) is a problem that has very serious implications for the entire food
production system. CCD is devastating not only to beekeepers but very much
to farmers as well, since it threatens pollination of so many agricultural
crops, thus lowering yields to uneconomical levels of harvest and shipment.

He said it is now accepted that CCD is due to the mistreatment of the bees,
including feeding them high fructose corn syrup and other unnatural feed and
chemical treatments. The goal of the M.U.M. course was to teach the value
and skills of local holistic beekeeping to give students the practical
knowledge they need to establish their own backyard apiary or consult
communities and groups who wish to establish their own apiary.

In light of the globally spreading problem of CCD, which so far has
annihilated more than 800,000 hives in the U.S., it is crucial to teach
people about organic natural beekeeping and inspire them to incorporate one
or a few hives in every garden, farm, and even backyard, Mr. Kachan said.
According to the experts, such diversification and decentralization is a
key strategy to neutralize the affect of CCD and ensure proper pollination
of so many of our food crops.

The Bee Collective, a student club, was established last year by student
Elisabet Humble and Mr. Kachan to encourage all students to learn more about
the art of organic natural beekeeping. The M.U.M. hives will be important
for crop pollination on the student minifarm and gardens as well as for
educational purposes.

Natural beekeeping will be offered again next year in Block 3.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread John M. Knapp, LMSW
HI, Curtis, Sal, and everyone,

It's not my intention to end the fight here. But it's important to me that my 
co-presenters not become entangled in some protracted legal battle with DLF or 

I believe it may be possible to use this turn of events to publicize my 
concerns about TM in public schools in a much larger fashion than the webinar 
itself would have done. I believe the aftermath of this concert will be that 
the TM Org is held to a level of scrutiny that they have not seen before.

But I'm taking the afternoon off to decompress. This has been an emotional day 
for me. I have received many emails of support for which I am thankful. 

Talk to you soon!


John M. Knapp, LMSW
Recovery from Toxic Groups, Abusive Churches  Cults

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread John M. Knapp, LMSW
Thanks, Turq, for the laugh! Much needed today.

I'm determined to make sure something good comes of this. Raja-suits might be 
just the thing!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Since you probably know a few people from the
 ranks of TM-Free who are attending the concert,
 why don't you have them dress up as Rajas?
 You know...long, flowing white robes, golden 
 crown, beatific smile except when Germans are 
 not responding well to being told that they 
 have to develop an invincible Germany. Have
 their dates dress in saris as Rajinis, and
 always walk several paces behind the Rajas.
 Then hang signs around your neck that say, 
 This is what the leaders of the TM organi-
 zation dress like when they're not in front 
 of the press like they are tonight.
 See what this scumbag lawyer does then.  
 There is NOTHING false, misleading, or biased
 about such a sign. It tells the unmitigated 
 truth, and in such a way that no one can fail
 to notice the *impact* of that truth -- that
 the TM organization is *hiding something*. 
 Besides, it would be fun.  :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknapp53@ 
  I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a law 
  professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for the David 
  Lynch Foundation.
  This email is not a threat. 
  It is an advisory.
  However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to drag 
  them into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event Tell TM: Hands 
  Off Our Schools! 
  Naturally, I am disappointed. And disappointed as well for all the effort 
  that panelists, researchers, and other supporters put into this event.
  But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to us to 
  protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details emerge, I will 
  share them.
  Any ideas or insights that readers have, I would gratefully welcome them at 
  a href=mailto:jmknapp53@;jmknapp53@/a.
  blockquoteDear Mr. Knapp:
   I am General Counsel for the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness 
  Based Education and World Peace. I have been forwarded the url which 
  publicizes a web event which it appears you are hosting on April 2nd 
  entitled: Tell TM hands off our schools, 
  http://knappfamilycounseling.com/tmconcert.html .
  Your website is a fount of false, misleading, biased and entirely negative 
  information on the TM program and the organizations and individuals which 
  teach or have conducted research on that program[1]. The listed presenters 
  at your event appear all to have a similar negative mission. Therefore, I 
  wished to give you the courtesy of an advisal that we intend to review the 
  global web presentation of the event carefully for any false, defamatory, 
  tortious, breachful, malicious or otherwise unlawful statements or 
  materials made or published by you or the presenters.
  I would caution you and your presenters, therefore, to be most prudent 
  concerning the truthfulness and propriety of any statements made by any of 
  them at your web event or thereafter. As you have intentionally scheduled 
  this event two days prior to the Foundation's benefit concert at Radio City 
  Music Hall it is clear you have planned it to have a negative impact on 
  that event. Please know that you and your presenters will be held 
  responsible for injury to any individuals or organizations, or their 
  reputations, that may result from any unlawful behavior under US, UK and/or 
  foreign law. 
  You will also be held responsible for the continuing publication of 
  falsehoods on your websites and otherwise.
  I trust you will act appropriately now after having been so clearly advised.
   Very truly,
   William Goldstein
  General Counsel 
  David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based Education and World Peace
  [1]- For example, by way of illustration and in no way attempting to be 
  exhaustive, you state: I think there is evidence that [the TM program] is 
  either not effective, not enjoyable, or downright dangerous for a certain 
  percentage of the population, on the order of 10% to 20%. 
  http://knappfamilycounseling.com/mostly.html. And as evidence you link to 
  another website of yours http://trancenet.net/research/index.shtml with 
  extensive false and misleading statements and citations. You start by 
  including therein a characterization of   the German High Court's 1989 
  ruling that TM is a destructive cult -- overruling all lower court 
  findings. The current law of the land in Germany. The facts of the case 
  are 180 degrees removed from that statement, as you should well know, and 
  are laid out in 
  You go on to state that according to one of your presenters, Barry 
  Markovsky, TM 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my response on 
  another poster (Jim)? 
  oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget to give 
  Barry a free pass as his little pet...i can see him now, stroking your 
  back, giving you a little scratch behind the ears...just darling! 
 Funny how Jim used to try to run this same routine!

Curtis feels he should defend the Turq no matter what probably because Barry is 
one of the few who gives him any feedback. 
Now he has even bought Barry's lie about Jim posting here, hook  sinkers, as 
they say over there.

I suppose being a Hillbilly is a lonely life where you would embrace just about 
anyone who wants to be your friend, including embracing the lies of your new 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 

 HI, Curtis, Sal, and everyone,
 It's not my intention to end the fight here. But it's important to me that my 
 co-presenters not become entangled in some protracted legal battle with DLF 
 or TMO.
 I believe it may be possible to use this turn of events to publicize my 
 concerns about TM in public schools in a much larger fashion than the webinar 
 itself would have done. I believe the aftermath of this concert will be that 
 the TM Org is held to a level of scrutiny that they have not seen before.
 But I'm taking the afternoon off to decompress. This has been an emotional 
 day for me. I have received many emails of support for which I am thankful. 
 Talk to you soon!
 John M. Knapp, LMSW
 Recovery from Toxic Groups, Abusive Churches  Cults

You are, of course, completely bereft of any meaningful intelligence (other 
than what it takes to walk and chew gum), but if you were so graced by even a 
modicum of smarts, you would have either refuted the points made by Goldstein 
(good luck with that...) or admitted that you were wrong, instead of 
complaining that you were being threatened. 

[FairfieldLife] The Passion Test and Humanity Unites Brilliance sent you a message on Facebook...

2009-04-01 Thread Rick Archer
Chris Attwood sent a message to the members of The Passion Test and Humanity 
Unites Brilliance.

Subject: Darn!

I was planning to go the most amazing concert of the decade on Saturday, 4/4, 
in NYC. Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Sheryl Crowe, Donovan, Eddie Vedder, Moby 
and more will be playing LIVE! I even bought a premium ticket that includes the 
after-party gala event at the Four Seasons Hotel.

But I'm teaching a course in Massachusetts this weekend and discovered it's so 
out of the way, it's practically impossible to get to NYC (I figured I could 
just pop down there for the evening and pop back -  no way). 

So, if you have a desire, you can buy my ticket. Just go to:


I hope one of our fans can take advantage of this incredible opportunity. 

With love and appreciation,


Janet Bray Attwood
Co-author of the NY Times bestseller,
The Passion Test - The Effortless Path
to Discovering Your Life Purpose

[FairfieldLife] Re: FOX Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'

2009-04-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
 Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'

Joe Scarborough - the classic example of an arrogant RICH 
liberal out of touch. In his own little world - all talk, 
no action. 

Glenn Beck's show averages 2.2 Million viewers, which is 
more than the majority of other lib news hosts COMBINED, 

 Watch video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUe8gw-6UGQ

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:
 Curtis feels he should defend the Turq no matter what probably because Barry 
 is one of the few who gives him any feedback. 

The funny thing is that Turq and I have very few FFL discussions.

 Now he has even bought Barry's lie about Jim posting here, hook  sinkers, 
 as they say over there.

This isn't how it happened.  I thought it was Jim very quickly into the new 
incarnation.  My discussion about my idea with Judy a long time ago had nothing 
to do with Turq also catching on.  It hasn't been that subtle in my opinion.  
I'm sure we aren't the only ones to have caught on. I'm not sure which of us 
posted about it first, but I do know that by now the whole thing has become a 
bit silly.

But you seem fairly intent on keeping the illusion alive.  That certainly 
doesn't surprise me, it seems to be a trend with you.

 I suppose being a Hillbilly is a lonely life where you would embrace just 
 about anyone who wants to be your friend, including embracing the lies of 
 your new friend.

You are being an asshole here Nabbie. But then, with me not buying that you 
have gained anything special from your years of trying to become spiritual, I'm 
not surprised that you are a bit hostile.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
   that would've been convenient, wouldn't it curtis? to blame my response 
   on another poster (Jim)? 
   oh, and i am sure i don't have to remind you, but don't forget to give 
   Barry a free pass as his little pet...i can see him now, stroking your 
   back, giving you a little scratch behind the ears...just darling! 
  Funny how Jim used to try to run this same routine!
 Curtis feels he should defend the Turq no matter what probably because Barry 
 is one of the few who gives him any feedback. 
 Now he has even bought Barry's lie about Jim posting here, hook  sinkers, 
 as they say over there.
 I suppose being a Hillbilly is a lonely life where you would embrace just 
 about anyone who wants to be your friend, including embracing the lies of 
 your new friend.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread John M. Knapp, LMSW
Hi, Bob,

I went to some pains to not say I was threatened. If I were in the DLF/TMO's 
position, I probably would have done something similar. Their letter was not a 
direct threat, by any means. My guess is that they will be surprised that I am 
canceling the event.

My actions were about doing the right thing: not entangling my panelists in 
legal proceedings.

Actually, I have some trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: FOX Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'

2009-04-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

 do.rflex wrote:
  Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'
 Joe Scarborough - the classic example of an arrogant RICH 
 liberal out of touch. In his own little world - all talk, 
 no action. 
 Glenn Beck's show averages 2.2 Million viewers, which is 
 more than the majority of other lib news hosts COMBINED, 
  Watch video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUe8gw-6UGQ
This is a really scarey factoid, fur sur!
His viewers must be in large part those paranoid sappy fundementalist who are 
like the Taliban, only the American version of such.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 

 I received the email below, in its entirety, from Bill Goldstein, a law 
 professor at MUM.edu who states that he is general counsel for the David 
 Lynch Foundation.

 However, out of concern for my fellow panelists and not wanting to drag them 
 into legal entanglements, I am canceling our web event Tell TM: Hands Off 
 Our Schools! 

Very good ! You are a crook of the worst kind posing as a counseler and 
crusader, but all you want to do is cash in on one of the most outstanding 
teacher this world has ever seen. 
 Naturally, I am disappointed. 

You have yourself designed your life to be a disappointment. 

And you are part of the greedy energies which along with p.mason and others, 
finally, are going out of circulation. Not permanently ofcourse, but according 
to my information fellons like you will be given a rather longish break from 
receiving a new body. 
Which is good news for the new incoming souls.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 

 Hi, Bob,
 I went to some pains to not say I was threatened. If I were in the 
 DLF/TMO's position, I probably would have done something similar. Their 
 letter was not a direct threat, by any means. My guess is that they will be 
 surprised that I am canceling the event.
 My actions were about doing the right thing: not entangling my panelists in 
 legal proceedings.
 Actually, I have some trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time. :)

Well, maybe it's just the feeling that your going against the flow...
That's why all those Hindoo Gods have so many arms and hands, as they can do 
much more that what we can concieve of, let alone walking and chewing gum at 
the same time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  Now he has even bought Barry's lie about Jim posting here, hook  
  sinkers, as they say over there.
 This isn't how it happened.  I thought it was Jim very quickly into the new 
 incarnation.  My discussion about my idea with Judy a long time ago had 
 nothing to do with Turq also catching on.  It hasn't been that subtle in my 
 opinion.  I'm sure we aren't the only ones to have caught on. I'm not sure 
 which of us posted about it first, but I do know that by now the whole thing 
 has become a bit silly.

The silly thing is that Curtis does not think for himself these days, he has 
become a pet of the Turq, who posted these lies initially.

Has the whole thing become a bit silly Curtis ? I'm in full agreement.

Please make your own judments, of which you are fully capable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 

 Hi, Bob,
 I went to some pains to not say I was threatened. If I were in the 
 DLF/TMO's position, I probably would have done something similar. Their 
 letter was not a direct threat, by any means. My guess is that they will be 
 surprised that I am canceling the event.
 My actions were about doing the right thing: not entangling my panelists in 
 legal proceedings.

 Actually, I have some trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time. :)

How twue...your response is buggerall silly and nonresponsive, as perusual. 
It's clear that no human can shake any sense into your pumpkin head, but soona 
or later, Nature will, when it's time for yer iggerant ass to grow up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-01 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 anyway, i've probably interrupted your tummy scratch from Barry, so i'll bow 
 out now.

Thanks, ah, Jim.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-04-01 Thread satvadude108
That InnerKids foundation looks very cool.
Thanks for the heads up. I'd never heard 
of it. An MBSR instructor I know tells me 
kids take to Mindfullness instruction
amazingly fast.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:31 AM, grate.swan wrote:
  Provind a pure meditation method is what I am discussing and  
 No you're not. You're being an apologist for a religious form of  
 meditation, plain and simple. There's nothing pure about it, unless  
 of course you meant purely Hindu.
 If you want a non-sectarian form of meditation and attentional skills  
 for children, you need look no further than the InnerKids Foundation.  
 No mumbo jumbo Hindu initiation rituals. no repeating bija-aksharas  
 of Hindu devatas. No faux-physics, pilot research, exaggeration or  
 bias. Just awareness being aware of itself. Mindfulness is universal,  
 the science is good and sound and the infrastructure is already in  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 

 Hi, Bob,
 I went to some pains to not say I was threatened. If I were in the 
 DLF/TMO's position, I probably would have done something similar. Their 
 letter was not a direct threat, by any means. My guess is that they will be 
 surprised that I am canceling the event.
 My actions were about doing the right thing: not entangling my panelists in 
 legal proceedings.

Er, I believe he also mentioned something in the letter about you needing to 
carefully consider the falsehoods and mis-information on your various websites 
as well. I'm just sayin'


[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-01 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

but if the prayers they said were in Latin 
it wouldn't have been religious. Right? 
   How would you know if it was in Latin? 
 dude wrote:
  uva uvam videndo varia fit
  Willy, you musta learnt that in your altar boy 
  days. chuckle
 Not me, how would YOU know it was in Latin?

Pretty obvious isn't it?

Are you some kinda moron Willy? I got called out here 
for insulting bats so I won't mention being your being
bat-shit insane.

Oh, and I apologize to morons.
 Of course I know Latin, and Sanskrit, and Tibetan, 
 and Urdu - I know almost all the common aryan and 
 prakrit languages, and some Far-Eastern languages
 as well, (I can tell the difference between Chinese
 and Japanese) and many esoteric phonemes and quasi 
 phonemes. Didn't you know that I've been studying 
 with Mullquist for nearly nine years?
 So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
 commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
 excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
 incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
 irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
 Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
 duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
 consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
 cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
 incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
 dolor sit amet.
 Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
 id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
 sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
 Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
 Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
 in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
 irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
 adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
 anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
 quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
 reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
 magna aliqua.
 Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
 ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
 Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
 adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
 in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
 officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!

[FairfieldLife] Re: URGENT ACTION NEEDED - Bill to outlaw organic farming!

2009-04-01 Thread off_world_beings

Ha ha ... this is going to be funny, since the President and First Lady
now have an active organic vegetable garden at the Whitehouse.

Do you think he'll veto the bill if it passed, or bow down to Monsanto
and use the chemicals they will sell him, on the Whitehouse garden?

I'm thinkin' . veto and SLAM DUNK by Obama.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Arhata Osho
arhatafreespe...@... wrote:

 Please take action and call your congressman and senators -

 contact info below -

 We need to make our voices heard or this will pass!

 Please forward to your e-mail list!

 The US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on
bill that will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING (bill HR 875).

 There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks
before people realize what is happening.

 Main backer and lobbyist is Monsanto †chemical and genetic
engineering giant corporation (and Cargill, ADM, and about 35 other
related agri-giants). This bill will require organic farms to use
specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly
formed agency to make sure there is no danger to the public food
supply. This will include backyard gardens that grow food only for a
family and not for sales.

 If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds, but only Monsanto
genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected
diseases in humans.

 There is a video on the subject:


 And another one:Â http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeWVkTU1s1E

 The name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act
of 2009 (bill HR 875).


 Get on that phone and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do
the same thing. The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not
massively threatened with loss of their positionthey only fear your
voice and your vote.

 The best thing to do is go toÂ

 All you have to do is put in your zip and it will give you your
congressperson and how to get in touch with them.

 When you call their office someone will answer the phone, politely and
respectfully just tell them that you are calling to express your views
on HR 875. Tell them your views, they'll take your name and address and
pass your comments along to the congressperson. The following link 
http://pr1..netatlantic.com/t/9661579/7800477/598245/0/Â  is a list
of the U.S. senators with their contact info.

 Thank you all for taking such quick action on this important threat to
our health and wellness.

 all the best,

 Mary Kay Finn

 Thrive Wellness and Nutrition

 310 399-2329

 Assisting you to achieve great health.

 New Low Prices on Dell Laptops †Starting at $399
r=http:%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net%2Fclk%3B213540506%3B35046329%3Bx )

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-04-01 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Mar 28 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Apr 04 00:00:00 2009
704 messages as of (UTC) Thu Apr 02 00:12:23 2009

50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
46 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
45 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
44 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
44 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com
43 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
43 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
37 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
30 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
27 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
24 Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net
24 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
19 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
18 grate.swan no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 Arhata Osho arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
15 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
13 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
13 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
11 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
11 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
10 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 9 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 9 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 7 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 5 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 4 elanghorus elangho...@gmail.com
 4 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 4 boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 4 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 4 David Fiske fiskeda...@hotmail.com
 4 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@gmail.com
 3 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 3 satvadude108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 Patrick Gillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 3 Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 3 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 2 jimjim5886 jimjim5...@yahoo.com
 2 guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@yahoo.com
 2 drpetersutphen drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 1 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 1 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 margovon margo...@yahoo.com
 1 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 1 Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@gmail.com
 1 Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 Barbara Thomas barbara_thoma...@yahoo.com
 1 min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com

Posters: 51
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@... 
 But our fight goes on. I am exploring various options that remain to us to 
 protest the teaching of TM in public schools. As details emerge, I will share 

Please withdraw; consider your future existence carefully. For your own sake, 
be wise.
In the exaltedness of your Ego you finally got some little attention and you 
might consider this friendly advice a threat. 
It is not. 

The only threath to you are those you are creating for yourself.
You seek the growth of your silly outgoing Ego not having understood that the 
rest of mankind, thanks to the blessings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Guru Dev and 
the Master of Wisdom are entering the Age of Enlightenment at this very minute. 

You negativity is already a part of history.

You mention options against TM; I can assure you that Mother has infinite 
options to handle primitive stupidity, golddigging, sorry fellons like 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pictures from the Ashram - another try

2009-04-01 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@...

Allow me.


Northern view from the School


Views of the ashram buildings

Views of the School


Kausani is a world-famous tourist location because it offers perhaps the
most spectacular panoramic view of the Himalayas in all of India. It is
approximately 400 kilometers north east of Delhi and the region borders
Nepal to the east and Tibet to the north. It was the vistas and peaceful
atmosphere of Kausani which inspired Mahatma Gandhi to write his
commentary on the Bhagavad Gita which was to become such an important
resource in India's efforts for independence.


One can also see many other towering sacred peaks such as Trishul and
the Pancha-chuli range.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Pictures from the Ashram - another try

2009-04-01 Thread off_world_beings


[FairfieldLife] Re: Pictures from the Ashram - another try

2009-04-01 Thread off_world_beings
Yahoo sucks

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: The TM Is Not A Religion Religion

2009-04-01 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   On Mar 25, 2009, at 11:42 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
They'll say ANYTHING rather than admit what
MOST of them know to be the truth, that OF
COURSE all of the TM dogma is based on Hindu
dogma. They'll lie, they'll deny, they'll come
with up excuses, they'll obfuscate, they'll
attempt to distract, they'll do ANYTHING
rather than violate this First Commandment.
   My personal fave, (paraphrased):
   We don't have to tell the kids what the
   underpinnings are, if people like John
   Knapp would just keep their mouths shut.
   Now there's a raving endorsement for the
   integrity of the teaching.
And personally I'm getting a little tired of it.
   Not me, I still find it endlessly entertaining.
  Kinda tells you where the person who frequently says
   I *never* lie.
  sets the bar on her personal honesty. 
  Even do.rflex, who had his nose up her butt
  so long he developed ring around the collar, has 
  acknowledged how completely dishonest this
  position is regarding the non-religiousity of teaching
  TM in schools. 
  I've wondered for some time if the vehement 
  argument she makes was based on delusion or
  dishonesty. It is probably both.
 In all compassion -- really -- I think 
 that Judy's stance is as old as the con
 game and as understandable. It's how the
 con game WORKS, and why it's *always*
 The more self-importance the conned person
 has, the more vehemently they resist admit-
 ting that they have been conned. They will
 become apologists for the con men, will
 defend them the way that people *who
 were conned by Je-Ru* defended him, and
 will go to their graves doing so, because
 their sense of self-importance is stronger
 than their sense of integrity and honesty.
 For such people, it is better to be thought
 a fool than to admit to having been one.
 Judy MUST know how ridiculous her stance 
 in all of this makes her look. But she 
 continues that stance nonetheless. I think
 that my explanation is the only one that
 fits her behavior. 
 Have you EVER known Judy Stein to admit
 to having been WRONG, except to a tiny 
 fact or typo?
 I haven't, either. None of us have.
 Do you think that a person with that level
 of self-importance is going to admit to
 having been WRONG about the very nature
 of the practice she has been doing every
 day for 30+ years?
 Not gonna happen...

Once again I must bow to your wisdom and the
great compassion you show here. If I had been stalked
by her as long as you, I surely would not be capable 
of the level of equanimity you display. You must 
practice Metta and send lovingkindness to her daily.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vaj -- is there anything material about Akasha? (Re: 'More on Levitaton')

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk
In particular (no pun intended), Kalachakra deals with Spacetime, or Timespace, 
or whathaveyou and does even postulate a spacetime molecule.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TM Is Not A Religion Religion

2009-04-01 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

   It's almost pure pandering and trolling, as far as
   I can tell. The lying these two get away with is
   just outrageous - they should be caled on it, but
   the others here, except for Judy, are too scared
   to speak up, I guess. Sal and Turq, the town liars.
 satvadude108 wrote:
  Boy, you sure are on a roll.
 Yeah on a troll, not a 'roll', so why not just shut
 your pie hole if you don't have anything to contribute
 to the conversation?

Do you often admit to being a troll? It's good you are
at peace with yourself about that. Most aren't. 

  The long term effects of sillycybin abuse is often
  not a pretty sight Willy. Clean it up dude. Get a  
  checking, have a chicken sandwich, get laid, GFY,
  and there might be hope.
 Yeah, you've been in and out of religious cults for 
 most of your adult life, 

Oh really? Do tell

I suppose being an altar boy back in 1966 kinda did get
me going down Kool Aid drinkin' path. That was solved 
when they booted me for tryin' to get a look up Marie 
Pitzmyer's skirt. She was an early bloomer. sigh
Those plaid were the bomb dude.  
but I'm the 'sillycybin' 
 abuser. Good one! 
 As far as I can tell, most of the FFL informants are 
 self-condemned. They were all Marshy's enablers, else 
 they're just trolling here. One thing is fer sure,
 someone is lying about the TMO and TM practice and
 I think I know who they are.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-01 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:
 I am really sorry you found it necessary to cancel your
 web event.  I believe this is simply intimidation on BG's/the TMO's
 part, and he/they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

Sal, John is too much of a coward to let his true believing bullshit panel 
stand up to scrutiny. I don't buy that he's concerned for his panel. Fine. Save 
their asses and go it alone. But he won't. He would risk exposing himself as a 
liar. If he had any cojones AT ALL and a legal leg to stand on he would not 
have wimped out.  The man is just a self-serving blowhard with no integrity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FOX Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'

2009-04-01 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
 do.rflex wrote:
 Wacko Glenn Beck is object of derision on 'Morning Joe'

 Joe Scarborough - the classic example of an arrogant RICH 
 liberal out of touch. In his own little world - all talk, 
 no action. 

ROTFL!  Obviously you've never seen Joe Scarborough! He is certainly NOT 
a liberal.

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