[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptyb...@... wrote:

 Good to have someone else questioning Vaj's BS. 
 This guy postures himself here as an american natha-guru 
 and buddhist dzogchenpa. However, his simplistic identi-
 fication of Narayana (as the source of the tm puja) with 
 the vaishnava sampradaya shows an amazing ignorance. 

Not content with the Robert, my direct memories 
of my awful past lives piss on your psychic's
recounting of your own awful past lives posturing,
now emptybill trots out the olde standard My 
spiritual dick is longer than Vaj's spiritual
dick because I've read more books of other people's
seeings, and better books at that routine.

If it helps to make this future past life as awful 
as the last one in your future memories, Bill :-), 
I think what when you get into this stuff both of 
you come off like posturing dweebs caught in what 
seems to be an eternal game of oneupsmanship.

In other words, no matter what the content of a
dispute between the two of you, it always boils
down to My spiritual dick is longer than your
spiritual dick. How boring. To his credit, Vaj
tends to recognize the nature of such contests and
exit from them quickly, before you can turn them 
into a meaningless Steinist 100-post exercise
in dick-measuring.

You both could be debating the relative merits 
and batting statistics of your preferred baseball
teams and it would be the same dick-size contest
and with the same vibe IMO. Not being a sports 
fan, I find such dick-size contests boring. Not
being given to measuring my own spiritual experi-
ence by how many books about *other people's 
spiritual experiences* I've read, I find your
pseudo-academic harrangues against Vaj equally

The only difference I will present between the two
of you is that Vaj occasionally presents some stuff
*for its benefit for the potential seeker* -- a
technique that might be of interest, a book or 
research project that some might find interesting,
etc. To date I do not remember ever having seen you 
do this on this forum. You seem limited *to* dick-
size contests and Vaj-demonization. Got any other
plays in your playbook?

In other words, Vaj seems to occasionally transcend
the bash TM thang and post some knowledge *just
for knowledge's sake*. I have never seen you do so.
You post stuff only to show your superiority to
someone you want to put down. Which do you think
reflects more highly on your respective spiritual
paths and backgrounds?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

  Randy Meltzer rm108@ wrote:
  Any comments Vaj?
 I have noticed sometimes at this point the call gets dropped.

Lurk, do *you* stay on the line when the
person on the other end clearly has his dick
out of his pants waving it around and saying,
Can you match this, bozo?

I don't know about you, but I tend to get a
little tired of the heavy breathing on the
other end of the line and hang up.  :-)

Then again, I am unimpressed with real academics
in the field of spirituality, and even less so
with armchair academics who play dueling
sources in what are clearly oneupsmanship ego
games. Your mileage may vary. If it does, I hope
that the payoff you're waiting for...uh...
measures up.  :-)

Hell hath not seen nor heaven created the one 
who can prevail against me!
- Don Quixote, after his windmill escapade

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'So Long Marlene...'

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 Earth to Robert:
 Marlene Dietrich has been dead for 17 years.
 I know that gay people think she's immortal but enough's enough.
 You still have Liza and Bette Midler.

And, judging from what seems to be playing on
the big TV screens as I walk past the gay bars
in Sitges, Meryl Streep et al in Mamma Mia.
I don't think I've ever heard so much Abba in
my life as I have emanating from such bars 
since that movie came out.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Rejecting the spiritual past and living in the spiritual present

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
One of my favorite themes in spirituality seems
to be playing itself out again. I am beating Nabby
and other compulsive Buddhist-bashers to the punch
by posting this here not to defend Buddhism but
to express how much I like this kid. 

He reminds me of the namesake from whom I took my
screen name, the Turquoise Bee (also known as 
Tsangyang Tshomo Gyatso, the Sixth Dalai Lama).
He similarly acted out against his appointed
role as reincarnated spiritual leader. He agreed
to act as the Dalai Lama for show and spent his
days in the Potala palace, but spent his nights 
in Shol-town, Lhasa's red light district -- drink-
ing, carousing, and writing some of the most lovely
love poetry in human history.

A previous rap about my namesake can be found here,
for anyone interested:


His portrait can be found here:


I am not only not threatened by someone rejecting
the role that formal Buddhism (or any other tradition)
casts a person into, I am *encouraged* by it. If the
idea behind the Dalai Lama reincarnating over and
over to fill the same role is true, from my point of
view the First Dalai Lama found that after only five
such incarnations the order he had founded had such
a stick up its butt that he could barely stand to
be part of it.

I see this not as a rejection of the tradition but
the very essence of it. A spiritual teacher should be
constantly reinventing himself and adapting to the
times, not perpetuating past times and formalizing
them into hollow rituals. The Turquoise Bee did just
that. Maybe this kid will, too. I look forward to
the movies he makes. Next time I get to Madrid I'm
tempted to look him up.

Boy chosen by Dalai Lama turns back on Buddhist order

As a toddler, he was put on a throne and worshipped as by 
monks who treated him like a god. But the boy chosen by 
the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a spiritual leader 
has caused consternation – and some embarrassment – for 
Tibetan Buddhists by turning his back on the order that 
had such high hopes for him.

Instead of leading a monastic life, Osel Hita Torres now 
sports baggy trousers and long hair, and is more likely 
to quote Jimi Hendrix than Buddha.

Yesterday he bemoaned the misery of a youth deprived of 
television, football and girls. Movies were also forbidden 
– except for a sanctioned screening of The Golden Child 
starring Eddie Murphy, about a kidnapped child lama with 
magical powers. I never felt like that boy, he said.

He is now studying film in Madrid and has denounced the 
Buddhist order that elevated him to guru status. They 
took me away from my family and stuck me in a medieval 
situation in which I suffered a great deal, said Torres, 
24, describing how he was whisked from obscurity in 
Granada to a monastery in southern India. It was like 
living a lie, he told the Spanish newspaper El Mundo. 
Despite his rebelliousness, he is still known as Lama 
Tenzin Osel Rinpoche and revered by the Buddhist 
community. A prayer for his long life still adorns 
the website of the Foundation to Preserve the Mahayana 
Tradition, which has 130 centres around the world. The 
website features a biography of the renegade guru that 
gushes about his peaceful, meditative countenance as 
a baby. In Tibetan Buddhism, a lama is one of a 
lineage of reincarnated spiritual leaders, the most 
famous of which is the Dalai Lama.

According to the foundation biography, another leader 
suspected Torres was the reincarnation of the recently 
deceased Lama Yeshe when he was only five months old. In 
1986, at 14 months, his parents took him to see the Dalai 
Lama in Dharamsala, India. The toddler was chosen out of 
nine other candidates and eventually enthroned.

At six, he was allowed to socialise only with other 
reincarnated souls – though for a time he said he lived 
next to the actor Richard Gere's cabin.

By 18, he had never seen couples kiss. His first disco 
experience was a shock. I was amazed to watch everyone 
dance. What were all those people doing, bouncing, stuck 
to one another, enclosed in a box full of smoke?

[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Acronyms

2009-06-01 Thread FairfieldLife

BC - Brahman Consciousness
BN - Bliss Ninny or Bliss Nazi
CC - Cosmic Consciousness
GC - God Consciousness
MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
OTP - Off the Program - a phrase used in the TM movement meaning to do 
something (such as see another spiritual teacher) considered in violation of 
Maharishi's program.
POV - Point of View
SBS - Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi's master
SCI – Science of Creative Intelligence
SOC - State of Consciousness
SSRS - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Pundit-ji)
SV - Stpathya Ved (Vedic Architecture)
TB - True Believer (in TM doctrines)
TNB - True Non-Believer
TMO - The Transcendental Meditation organization
TTC – TM Teacher Training Course
UC - Unity Consciousness
WYMS - World Youth Meditation Society later changed to World Youth Movement 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence was founded by Peter Hübner in 
Germany, as a national TM outlet competing with SIMS, Students International 
Meditation Society
YMMV = Your Mileage may vary

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[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Guidelines.txt

2009-06-01 Thread FairfieldLife

Guidelines File - Updated 9/8/08

Fairfield Life used to average 75-150 posts a day - 300+ on peak days - and the 
guidelines included steps on how to deal with the volume. But this volume was 
due largely to indiscriminate posting by a few members. We now have a policy 
that limits all members to 50 posts a week. Most participants feel this policy 
has greatly enhanced the quality of the forum. A Post Count message is posted 
every evening, listing members' names (or aliases) and the number of messages 
they've posted that week. Those who exceed their weekly quota will be 
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Mean Time during winter.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptyb...@... wrote:

 Good to have someone else questioning Vaj's BS. 
 This guy postures himself here as an american  natha-guru and buddhist 
 dzogchenpa. However, his simplistic identification of Narayana (as the source 
 of the tm puja) with the vaishnava sampradaya shows an amazing ignorance. 
 In reality this guy is just another american spiritual hack who makes error 
 after error in his claims. He has been on this forum for four or five years. 
 He is here because he wants to critique (read denigrate) maharishi's 
 accomplishments and maharishi's personality. 
 What he brings to the forum is a quite partial intellectual knowledge of 
 Buddhism, some nomenclature from Swami Rama's lineage, claims of initiation 
 into the Nath sampradaya and many other speculations he has generated from 
 his reading. 
 As you probably know Shankara instituted five form of deity worship, later 
 amplified into six: Surya, Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, Ganapati and Skanda. He 
 viewed and taught all as faces (identities) of Parameshvara Saguna Brahman. 
 What Vaj is saying is that sectarian Shaiva-s trace their lineage from Shiva 
 and sectarian Vaishnava trace their lineage from a form of Vishnu-Krishna. 
 Vaj is therefore claiming that those Dashanami lineages of Adi-Shankara who 
 view Narayana as the source-origin of their sampradaya must be Vaishnava by 
 This is a gross blunder confirming him to be just another cheap hack.
 So if you are wondering -  why he is here?
 He is here because: 
 1.FFL provides him with a large forum to display his ponderous claims to 
 2.Most people here are not deeply conversant with other Asian meditative 
 traditions much less Western spiritual traditions. Thus he can present 
 himself as a pontiff. 
 His main problem is that there are a few people here on the forum having both 
 knowledge and experience in other meditative traditions. However, the 
 unfortunate reality is that they don't always have time to follow his many 
 threads and negative comments. If his employer only knew how much time he 
 spends on ffl each day they would probably fire him on the spot. 
 So, as a consequence, our good buddy Vajra-duta gets a free pass most of the 
 Please join us if you can and keep this rabid skunk under some kind  of 
 control by questioning and examining his every claim and assertion. 
 Odious-vajra-duta had proved to not only to be rabid but also dishonest. We 
 need help maintaining some type of vigilance here. 


[FairfieldLife] Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, this is a classic example of the *intent* I
spoke of in a post last week, Thou shalt not
suffer a TM critic to be thought well of.

As I see it (and Vaj...I like you, guy, but I'm
going to be almost as critical of you in this 
rap as I am of the pile on crew) the thread
started with Vaj saying something that pushed
EmptyBill's ego buttons and made him squeal
Gotcha inwardly. He leaped into the fray with 
his normal *intent* and modus operandi, which 
is spiritual dick size contest. Another way 
of stating this intent and standard operating
procedure is Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh 
I know more than you, and thus my spiritual 
dick is longer than yours.

To his discredit, Vaj often does the exact same
thing. Who the fuck CARES what you guys know 
from what you have read about *other people's
spiritual experiences*? Every time you two get
into one of these armchair academic dick-size
contests, I consider BOTH of your dicks smaller.

Then the pile ons started. And that's an 
*intent* of a different color, in my opinion.

Randy Meltzer contributed the only substance to
the pile on followups. He cited his own exper-
ience having been to Jyotir Math. I have no 
problem with this, although in a followup it
appears that, like EmptyBill, Randy has an 
ongoing grudge against Vaj based on some 
interaction in the past. 

But the *rest* of the pile-on folks? They had
one and only one *intent* -- Gotta demonize
the TM critic. Judy, as usual, contributed 
nothing of substance. She can't. She is neither
intelligent enough nor experienced enough in
these topics *to* contribute substance. So she
did what she always does, and used it to play
Gotcha against Vaj. The idea being sold to
lurkers here is, If EmptyBill 'caught' Vaj
in one mistake or 'lie,' then you should not
believe *anything* Vaj says. Then, having had
her TM critic demonization orgasm for the day, 
she lights a cigarette and kicks back.  :-)

Nabby is even less intelligent, and has even
less experience in the spiritual marketplace,
so all he can contribute is a mis-understanding
of and misquoting of All hat, no cattle. Again,
there is no attempt to contribute anything of
substance, only the *intent* to demonize a TM

Next comes shukra69, contributing nothing more
than a dig at Buddhism. Again, the *intent* is
clear. Add no substance, just pile on to play
demonize the TM critic. Share a cigarette 
afterwards with Judy.  :-)

Then comes Shemp, making the only funny comment
in the whole thread. Well said, Shemp. I com-
pletely agree with you. Clean *intent* there.

Then comes (sadly) Lurk. His point may be accurate,
that Vaj *does* bail from the endless dick-size 
contests that EmptyBill trots out, but who wouldn't?

Then comes Raunchydog, again with zero content,
only the compulsive *intent* of piling on to
a TM critic.

Then comes Robert, doing the same thing.


Yes, Vaj pisses people off. Yes, Vaj has a 'tude-
and-a-half about TM and its followers. But do you
think that YOUR Gotta get him 'tude is any 
better or more evolved?

The only thing sadder in my opinion than two 
supposedly grown men confusing truth with the
stuff that they've read in books is believing that 
the truth they prefer has anything to do with 
the size of their dicks. It doesn't. Only the 
size of their egos.

And the only thing sadder than *that* is people
who act as spectators to the dick-size contest
and pile on when they perceive one of the 
participants as losing. What does THAT say 
about their state of consciousness, eh?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Person responsible for sinking the Titanic dies

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Dixon
Ah ha! So the diCaprio character was based on a child molester!

--- On Mon, 6/1/09, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net wrote:

From: shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Person responsible for sinking the Titanic dies
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 4:19 AM

Remember the Kate Winslet character in the movie Titanic?  Well, she and the 
Leonardo diCaprio character were, of course, responsible for the sinking of the 
Titanic.  As you know, they were so busy kissing on deck that they attracted 
the attention of the sailors that were supposed to be looking out for icebergs 
and by distracting them by their indiscretion, they hit the iceberg.
Well, the person upon whom the Winslet character is based died.  Boo-hoo.  I 
hope they commit her wrinkly corpse to the icey depths of the North Atlantic.
Last survivor of the Titanic dies aged 97

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:32 AM on 01st June 2009

Comments (0) 
Add to My Stories 


Millvina Dean, pictured opening the Titanic Voices Exhibition in 2002, has died 
aged 97
The last survivor of the sinking of the Titanic died at a British nursing home 
yesterday at the age of 97. 
Millvina Dean was the liner's youngest passenger - just two months old - when 
it sank on its maiden voyage with the loss of 1,523 lives. 
Her family were third-class passengers and were emigrating to Kansas where her 
father Bertram, 27, was to open a tobacco shop. 
They were supposed to have taken a different ship, but a coal strike meant they 
had been transferred to Titanic. 
On the night of April 14, 1912, Mr Dean felt the ship hit the iceberg and, 
after investigating, told his wife to dress the children and go up on deck. 
Millvina, her mother, and brother were put in Lifeboat 10. 

Her father remained on board and died when the ship broke in two and sank. 
The surviving Deans were picked up by the Carpathia and after three weeks 
recovering in New York they returned to England and settled in Hampshire. 
Miss Dean lived in Ashurst, only a few miles from where her family boarded the 
Titanic at Southampton. 
In the last year she had been forced to sell some of her family's possessions 
from the voyage at auction to pay for nursing home fees. 
But a month ago the stars of the Hollywood blockbuster Titanic, Leonardo 
DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, and its director James Cameron donated a total of 
£20,000 towards her living costs. 
Miss Dean had been in hospital last week and was believed to have been 
suffering from pneumonia. 
Millvina Dean pictured with a porthole from the Titanic at an exhibition at the 
National Maritime Museum in Greenwich


[FairfieldLife] Experience? We don't need no steenkin' experience!

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
The TM Poster Girl

Everything I need to know about spirituality
I learned from listening to tapes of Maharishi
and cruising Google
  [Barry's fantasy image of Judy] And you can do the same

Try TM today:
the path of effortless arrogance


[FairfieldLife] Sky gazing Iowans - Get off on your cloud

2009-06-01 Thread Richard M

It seems a new type of cloud - Asperatus has been classified:

Cloud gazing Meteorologists first noticed the stormy and billowy
formation floating over the ScottishHighlands and above Snowdonia,
Wales. The unique gray storm cloud was also spotted over Australia,
thecornfields of Iowa and high above the Arctic Sea off the coast of

Spooky eh?

Join the Cloud Appreciation Society
http://www.cloudappreciationsociety.org/ !

(Though with all the excitement their web site seemsto be down)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Life As It Is

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On May 31, 2009, at 1:25 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

On May 31, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:

Oh, I'm sorry, I must have missed the restriction on
this thread that any example of not being content with
Here And Now has to be an exact analog of TMers not
being content with Here And Now.

I mentioned the TM thang because it's usually
the only way to get the people on this forum
to respond to a broader question. :-)

The broader question is spiritual movements
and spiritual teachers who sell futures

Are there spiritual movements/teachers who *aren't* selling some
kind of modified future? It seems to me that they all do it, whether
it's a future with perfected siddhis, rainbow body, kundalini
markers, samadhi, enlightenment, Waking Down brand Second Birth
Awakening, an afterlife in heaven instead of hell, or whatever. Even
Eckhard Tolle, with his Power of Now, is selling a future where
people are content with Here and Now.

If I follow your logic, then all paths are causal?

I'm not familiar with the term 'causal' as applied to spiritual  
paths. Barry posed the question of paths that sell the future, and  
on the basis of my perception that they all do (however limited my  
perception may be) I inquired if there are paths that don't.

A causal path is a gradual path where the result may be glimpsed  
along the way, but the end result is in the future. Such paths can be  
described as having a structure View (the way-of-seeing) - Path -  
Fruit (or realization).

What about acausal pathless paths?

I don't know what those are. Would that be something along the  
lines of U.G. Krishnamurti?

In a pathless path one gains the perspective or View of realization,  
the Fruit, from the beginning; and then applies the Fruit as the  
Path. Since the Path in this case is the Fruit, there really is no  
path per se, you're already there; that's why it's a pathless path.

I only have some passing familiarity with Krishnamurti, they sound  
similar based on what I remember. I just remember reading some  
Krishnamurti when I was an avid TMer and I just remember being  
offended! Pretty funny how things change.

[FairfieldLife] Help for BillyG

2009-06-01 Thread do.rflex


Mark E. Petersen
Council of the 12 Apostles
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male 
and female, and you can be also if you determine that it must be so.

This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. You must decide 
that you will end this practice, and when you make that decision, the problem 
will be greatly reduced at once.

But it must be more than a hope or a wish, more than knowing that it is good 
for you. It must be actually a DECISION. If you truly make up your mind that 
you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies 
which you may have and any temptations which may come to you.

After you have made this decision, then observe the following specific 

A Guide to Self-Control:

1. Never touch the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet 

2. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this 
good company.

3. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST 
BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same 
weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You 
must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep 
your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken OUT OF YOUR MIND 
for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more 
wholesome things.

4. When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror. Never stay in the bath 
more than five or six minutes -- just long enough to bathe and dry and dress 
AND THEN GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM into a room where you will have some member of 
your family present.

5. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress 
yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital 
parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove 
those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing you would 
have sufficiently controlled your thinking that the temptation would leave you.

6. If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, GET OUT OF BED 
AND GO INTO THE KITCHEN AND FIX YOURSELF A SNACK, even if it is in the middle 
of the night, and even if you are not hungry, and despite your fears of gaining 
weight. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you GET YOUR MIND ON 
SOMETHING ELSE. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak.

7. Never read pornographic material. Never read about your problem. Keep it out 
of mind. Remember -- First a thought, then an act.

The thought pattern must be changed. You must not allow this problem to remain 
in your mind. When you accomplish that, you soon will be free of the act.

8. Put wholesome thoughts into your mind at all times. Read good books -- 
Church books -- Scriptures -- Sermons of the Brethren. Make a daily habit of 
reading at least one chapter of Scripture, preferably from one of the four 
Gospels in the New Testament, or the Book of Mormon. The four Gospels -- 
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John -- above anything else in the Bible can be helpful 
because of their uplifting qualities.

9. Pray. But when you pray, don't pray about this problem, for that will tend 
to keep [it] in your mind more than ever. Pray for faith, pray for 
understanding of the Scriptures, pray for the Missionaries, the General 
Authorities, your friends, your families, BUT KEEP THE PROBLEM OUT OF YOUR MIND 
PRAYERS. KEEP IT _OUT_ of your mind! 

The attitude of a person toward his problem has an affect on how easy it is to 
overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control the habit. 
As a person understands his reasons for the behavior, and is sensitive to the 
conditions or situations that may trigger a desire for the act, he develops the 
power to control it.

As one meets with his Priesthood Leader, a program for overcoming masturbation 
can be implemented using some of these suggestions. Remember it is essential 
that a regular report program be agreed on, so progress can be recognized and 
failures understood and eliminated.


1. Pray daily, ask for the gifts of the Spirit, that which will strengthen you 
against temptation. Pray fervently and out loud when the temptations are the 

2. Follow a program of vigorous daily exercise. The exercises reduce emotional 
tension and depression and are absolutely basic to the solution of this 
problem. Double your physical activity when you feel stress increasing.

3. When the temptation to masturbate is strong, yell STOP to those thoughts as 
loudly as you can in your mind and then recite a prechosen Scripture or sing an 
inspirational hymn. It is important to turn your thoughts away from the selfish 
need to indulge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Experience? We don't need no steenkin' experience!

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
Notice that in the reply window (at least on the
Web site), a parenthetical appears underneath
Barry's caption that doesn't show up in the
original post.

It says, (Barry's fantasy image of Judy).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 The TM Poster Girl
 Everything I need to know about spirituality
 I learned from listening to tapes of Maharishi
 and cruising Google
   [Barry's fantasy image of Judy]

And you can do the same
 Try TM today:
 the path of effortless arrogance

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
As usual, Barry can't make his point without lying:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 But the *rest* of the pile-on folks? They had
 one and only one *intent* -- Gotta demonize
 the TM critic. Judy, as usual, contributed 
 nothing of substance.

As Barry knows but can't admit, I've contributed
*plenty* of substance regarding Vaj's dishonesty.
In fact, I did so yesterday with regard to Vaj's
claim concerning MMY's Maharishi title.

 She can't. She is neither
 intelligent enough nor experienced enough in
 these topics *to* contribute substance. So she
 did what she always does, and used it to play
 Gotcha against Vaj. The idea being sold to
 lurkers here is, If EmptyBill 'caught' Vaj
 in one mistake or 'lie,' then you should not
 believe *anything* Vaj says.

Nope. In the first place, EmptyBill is hardly the
only person knowledgeable about the traditions
Vaj touts to have caught him in mistakes. In
the second place, it was Randy, not EmptyBill,
who caught him this time.

In the third place, what I *actually* said was:

A few of us here who have no basis of knowledge to
challenge his pronouncements on other traditions
have found him to be grossly dishonest in areas we
*do* know about, including (but by no means limited
to) misrepresenting what has been said on this
forum in the past. Naturally this has given us
good reason to suspect that his discourses on other
traditions that contrast TM with them unfavorably
may not be clean as the driven snow either.

Like Randy, I have no problem with someone being
critical of TM or MMY or the TMO. I do have a
problem with dishonest and unfair criticism of TM/
MMY/the TMO (or of anything else, for that matter).

Life is tough enough when everyone is being as
honest, sincere, and fair as they possibly can be.
There's no excuse for making it even tougher.

Barry doesn't dare address my points, so not only
does he fail to quote them, he deliberately
misrepresents them.

 Then comes (sadly) Lurk. His point may be accurate,
 that Vaj *does* bail from the endless dick-size 
 contests that EmptyBill trots out, but who wouldn't?

In fact, as Barry knows, Vaj bails from *most*
challenges to his accuracy and veracity, not just
from EmptyBill's.

 Yes, Vaj pisses people off. Yes, Vaj has a 'tude-
 and-a-half about TM and its followers. But do you
 think that YOUR Gotta get him 'tude is any 
 better or more evolved?

It's not just his 'tude, it's his dishonesty.

Barry, of course, can't acknowledge this because
dishonesty is also what we go after *him* about. He
has to portray dishonesty as no more significant
than a 'tude, and objections to dishonesty as
somehow no better than the dishonesty itself.

How evolved is *that*?

[FairfieldLife] Acausal pathless paths (was Re: Life As It Is)

2009-06-01 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 A causal path is a gradual path where the result may be glimpsed  
 along the way, but the end result is in the future. Such paths 
 can be  described as having a structure View (the way-of-seeing) 
 - Path -  Fruit (or realization).
  What about acausal pathless paths?

 In a pathless path one gains the perspective or View of realization,  
 the Fruit, from the beginning; and then applies the Fruit as the  

Why bother? If you've got fruit you've got fruit.

Because you are glimpsing the result along the way? What way? Where 
do you glimpse the result, if not in the future?  

Seems to me causal path v acausal pathless paths is a difference 
that makes no difference. 

 Since the Path in this case is the Fruit, there really is no  
 path per se, you're already there; that's why it's a pathless path.
 I only have some passing familiarity with Krishnamurti, they sound  
 similar based on what I remember. I just remember reading some  
 Krishnamurti when I was an avid TMer and I just remember being  
 offended! Pretty funny how things change.

I too remember reading Krishnamurti as an avid TMer. I was not the 
least bit offended. Funny how we differ.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:23 AM, Randy Meltzer wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:


Again you make the statement that the tradition is not Shaivite.
On what basis are you saying this? Have you been to Jyotir Math?   
Have you been to Guru Dev's ashram in Allahabad?
It would seem not.  Because if you had been there, it would be  
obvious.  Even the sandalwood tilak on Guru Dev's face is shaivite  
style, not vaishnavite.  The vaishnavites always wear their tilak  
in a vertical style.  Shaivaites always horizontal.
Where did you specifically find out that the shankaracharya order  
is vaishnavite?  Please mention specifics?
Bhaja Govindam is not a good argument.  In India many people sing  
Next, you will be telling me that the Kedarnath temple in the  
Himalayas is a Vaishnavite temple.
And the again I will state for the record that Shankara is a name  
of Shiva.  Anyone in India knows that. But perhaps you are right  
and I am wrong.  I guess my 16 trips there taught me nothing.

Yes, I did say it again. I'm not going to lie. But at the same time,  
I've seen the same thing with numerous people associated with Vedic  
and puritanical Hindu movements.

I spent a good amount of time involved with the Shankarcharya of the  
south and got to observe the inner workings close enough that I'm  
familiar with their workings. The Smartas are very inclusive, so they  
do not reject Shiva but they are not a Shaivite line. Being basically  
Brahmin, they have their version of history, told from their point of  

Yes, Shankara is a adjective of Shiva and some people do even  
consider Shankara an incarnation of Shiva. Of course some Shaivite  
lines also consider him a demon and destroyer. There are even tantric  
works attributed to Shankara which believers believe to actually be  
by Adi-Shankara. Historians however recognize that these come from a  
later date than Adi-Shankara.

What some people aren't aware of is that orgs like the Shankaracharya  
while essentially deriving from Upanshadic thought and the Vedas,  
they also amalgamated a certain number of other sects which was part  
of a trend whereby older sects were brought into the newer Vedic  
ones. Really by the time of Shankara, the amalgamation of what was  
left of Vedic religion had already developed a symbiotic relationship  
with earlier forms of ecstatic religion like Shaivism. For that  
reason you can go to many Hindu temples and for one purpose they'll  
do a Vedic rite, for another they'll do a tantric one. But it's a  
sanitized, ritualized presentation of Shiva set in a puritanical  

The original Shaivite gnosis was an ecstatic religion of the  
countryside, on the fringes of society. It's most recent revival  
would have been around time of Christ with the Shaivite saint  
Lakulisha who was considered the 28th avatar of Shiva. His followers  
considered him the last of the avatars mentioned in the Puranas. Most  
of these lines were oral, that is they were not written down and if  
they did, most existed in Dravidian languages.

The Shaiva gnosis of Lakulisha was to last about a thousand years. A  
period of invasions by the Hun and the adherents of Islam put a stop  
to Shaivisms expansions. The Brahmans for a long, long time  
represented the dominant intellectual class began to gradually take  
over the various philosophical and scientific conceptions of the  
Shaivites. Utilizing a crafty exegesis, this essentially Vaishnavite  
Brahmanism(puritanical, hierarchical city religion), dominated by a  
wealthy merchant class, tried to connect Shaivism to a mythical vedism.

So that how Puritanical Vaishnavite leaning hierarchical city  
religions incorporated ecstatic occult fringe religions into their  
growing power base. Or I should say, that's it in a nut shell, given  
off the cuff. It's the classic story of the religion of the city vs.  
the religion of the countryside. The city-merchant class, Vaishnavite  
puritanical ones take on the pagans, borrow their techniques and  
rites, putting them into their own new language, Sanskrit, and then  
suppress and destroy the original source documents. From the time of  
Shankara and to the present a religion emerged, named Vaishnavism,  
based mostly on Jainism but linked to the cult of Vishnu. Many Jains  
converted to this new Vaishnavite religion and it grew greatly in  
popularity during the time of the invasions. Many of the popular  
ideas associated with India: reincarnation, karma and Vedanta, come  
from this Vaishnavizing-Jainist trend.

Of course if you hear this story from the Brahmin side, you'll likely  
get a very different story, but it sounds like the one you probably  
already heard.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Acausal pathless paths (was Re: Life As It Is)

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Richard M wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:


A causal path is a gradual path where the result may be glimpsed
along the way, but the end result is in the future. Such paths
can be  described as having a structure View (the way-of-seeing)
- Path -  Fruit (or realization).

What about acausal pathless paths?

In a pathless path one gains the perspective or View of realization,
the Fruit, from the beginning; and then applies the Fruit as the

Why bother? If you've got fruit you've got fruit.

It's basically the difference between sudden realization vs. gradual  
realization. Some people have the capacity to realize their essential  
fruitiness :-) other have to plant a seed, grow a tree and wait for  
the fruit to ripen.

Because you are glimpsing the result along the way? What way? Where
do you glimpse the result, if not in the future?

The way would be along the path.

Seems to me causal path v acausal pathless paths is a difference
that makes no difference.

They're actually very different. Think about it for a while.

Since the Path in this case is the Fruit, there really is no
path per se, you're already there; that's why it's a pathless path.

I only have some passing familiarity with Krishnamurti, they sound
similar based on what I remember. I just remember reading some
Krishnamurti when I was an avid TMer and I just remember being
offended! Pretty funny how things change.

I too remember reading Krishnamurti as an avid TMer. I was not the
least bit offended. Funny how we differ.

I was probably more of a TB than you. Avid = Vaj the TM TB.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 OK, this is a classic example of the *intent* I
 spoke of in a post last week, Thou shalt not
 suffer a TM critic to be thought well of.
 As I see it (and Vaj...I like you, guy, but I'm
 going to be almost as critical of you in this 
 rap as I am of the pile on crew) the thread
 started with Vaj saying something that pushed
 EmptyBill's ego buttons and made him squeal
 Gotcha inwardly. He leaped into the fray with 
 his normal *intent* and modus operandi, which 
 is spiritual dick size contest. Another way 
 of stating this intent and standard operating
 procedure is Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh 
 I know more than you, and thus my spiritual 
 dick is longer than yours.

In any dispute between emptybill and vaj, emptybill is far more credible. Vaj 
constantly digs up obscure texts to denigrate Maharishi and invalidate TMer's 
practice and he does so by pontificating, lying and distorting whatever he 
happens to dig up. It's valid to ask, how does he find the time and why is he 
so addicted to such odious behavior? 

Since few people who post here know much about the convoluted hodgepodge of 
information Vaj writes about, he can lie cart blanche without much challenge. I 
am glad to see someone like emptybill come forward with the ability to argue 
Vaj point for point. However the moment emptybill shines a bright light on 
Vaj's lies, Vaj scurries away like a roach, too much of a coward to admit his 
distortions or defend his lies. 

It's interesting that the only two people so many folks on this forum accuse of 
habitually lying happen be the two biggest dick wavers ever to post on FFLife. 
Barry and Vaj, what a pair.
 To his discredit, Vaj often does the exact same
 thing. Who the fuck CARES what you guys know 
 from what you have read about *other people's
 spiritual experiences*? Every time you two get
 into one of these armchair academic dick-size
 contests, I consider BOTH of your dicks smaller.
 Then the pile ons started. And that's an 
 *intent* of a different color, in my opinion.
 Randy Meltzer contributed the only substance to
 the pile on followups. He cited his own exper-
 ience having been to Jyotir Math. I have no 
 problem with this, although in a followup it
 appears that, like EmptyBill, Randy has an 
 ongoing grudge against Vaj based on some 
 interaction in the past. 
 But the *rest* of the pile-on folks? They had
 one and only one *intent* -- Gotta demonize
 the TM critic. Judy, as usual, contributed 
 nothing of substance. She can't. She is neither
 intelligent enough nor experienced enough in
 these topics *to* contribute substance. So she
 did what she always does, and used it to play
 Gotcha against Vaj. The idea being sold to
 lurkers here is, If EmptyBill 'caught' Vaj
 in one mistake or 'lie,' then you should not
 believe *anything* Vaj says. Then, having had
 her TM critic demonization orgasm for the day, 
 she lights a cigarette and kicks back.  :-)
 Nabby is even less intelligent, and has even
 less experience in the spiritual marketplace,
 so all he can contribute is a mis-understanding
 of and misquoting of All hat, no cattle. Again,
 there is no attempt to contribute anything of
 substance, only the *intent* to demonize a TM
 Next comes shukra69, contributing nothing more
 than a dig at Buddhism. Again, the *intent* is
 clear. Add no substance, just pile on to play
 demonize the TM critic. Share a cigarette 
 afterwards with Judy.  :-)
 Then comes Shemp, making the only funny comment
 in the whole thread. Well said, Shemp. I com-
 pletely agree with you. Clean *intent* there.
 Then comes (sadly) Lurk. His point may be accurate,
 that Vaj *does* bail from the endless dick-size 
 contests that EmptyBill trots out, but who wouldn't?
 Then comes Raunchydog, again with zero content,
 only the compulsive *intent* of piling on to
 a TM critic.
 Then comes Robert, doing the same thing.
 Yes, Vaj pisses people off. Yes, Vaj has a 'tude-
 and-a-half about TM and its followers. But do you
 think that YOUR Gotta get him 'tude is any 
 better or more evolved?
 The only thing sadder in my opinion than two 
 supposedly grown men confusing truth with the
 stuff that they've read in books is believing that 
 the truth they prefer has anything to do with 
 the size of their dicks. It doesn't. Only the 
 size of their egos.
 And the only thing sadder than *that* is people
 who act as spectators to the dick-size contest
 and pile on when they perceive one of the 
 participants as losing. What does THAT say 
 about their state of consciousness, eh?

[FairfieldLife] Acausal pathless paths (was Re: Life As It Is)

2009-06-01 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jun 1, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Richard M wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  A causal path is a gradual path where the result may be glimpsed
  along the way, but the end result is in the future. Such paths
  can be  described as having a structure View (the way-of-seeing)
  - Path -  Fruit (or realization).
  What about acausal pathless paths?
  In a pathless path one gains the perspective or View of 
  the Fruit, from the beginning; and then applies the Fruit as the
  Why bother? If you've got fruit you've got fruit.
 It's basically the difference between sudden realization vs. gradual  
 realization. Some people have the capacity to realize their 
 fruitiness :-) other have to plant a seed, grow a tree and wait for  
 the fruit to ripen.

Much more comprehensible. By comparison acausal pathless paths is 
just pompous.

Some musicians have perfect pitch; some have to work at it. The former 
are not on an acausal pathless path and the use of such pseudo-
analytical language is hardly going to help anyone tune their guitar?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
Let's remind ourselves of how this dispute over
whether the Shankaracharya order is Vaishnavite
or Shivaite began (in post #220372):

[Marek wrote:]
 Like Judy pointed out, it's totally common for 
 Indian devotees to extol assumed enlightened saints 
 and gurus with over the top honorifics, and the 
 idea that one of Maharishi's early followers gave 
 him that designation out of their own reverence and 

[Vaj responded:]
While that is a possibility and worth investigating 
further, if you examine Sanskrit-Hindu literature, 
esp. in Vaishnavite groups like the Shankaracharya, 
you'll see it's typical to have a sannyasi name as 
the primary title, with additions to this name given 
by the guru (e.g. Yogananda's guru gave him the title 
Paramahamsa indicating that he believed him to 
belong to a certain class of yogins, a paramahamsa).
You can see this trend going back as into the middle 
ages. A list of many other Hindu commercial gurus 
reveals this same pattern. While honorifics like 'His 
Holiness' may be added out of devotion to one's guru, 
in Mahesh's instance we definitely know this was not 
the case.

Now look at Vaj's tortured defense of his position.
As strained as it is, even if it were *valid*, it
wouldn't provide any additional support for Vaj's
extremely shaky claim that MMY was somehow dishonest
to allow his followers to refer to him as Maharishi.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:23 AM, Randy Meltzer wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  Again you make the statement that the tradition is not Shaivite.
  On what basis are you saying this? Have you been to Jyotir Math?   
  Have you been to Guru Dev's ashram in Allahabad?
  It would seem not.  Because if you had been there, it would be  
  obvious.  Even the sandalwood tilak on Guru Dev's face is shaivite  
  style, not vaishnavite.  The vaishnavites always wear their tilak  
  in a vertical style.  Shaivaites always horizontal.
  Where did you specifically find out that the shankaracharya order  
  is vaishnavite?  Please mention specifics?
  Bhaja Govindam is not a good argument.  In India many people sing  
  Next, you will be telling me that the Kedarnath temple in the  
  Himalayas is a Vaishnavite temple.
  And the again I will state for the record that Shankara is a name  
  of Shiva.  Anyone in India knows that. But perhaps you are right  
  and I am wrong.  I guess my 16 trips there taught me nothing.
 Yes, I did say it again. I'm not going to lie. But at the same time,  
 I've seen the same thing with numerous people associated with Vedic  
 and puritanical Hindu movements.
 I spent a good amount of time involved with the Shankarcharya of the  
 south and got to observe the inner workings close enough that I'm  
 familiar with their workings. The Smartas are very inclusive, so they  
 do not reject Shiva but they are not a Shaivite line. Being basically  
 Brahmin, they have their version of history, told from their point of  
 Yes, Shankara is a adjective of Shiva and some people do even  
 consider Shankara an incarnation of Shiva. Of course some Shaivite  
 lines also consider him a demon and destroyer. There are even tantric  
 works attributed to Shankara which believers believe to actually be  
 by Adi-Shankara. Historians however recognize that these come from a  
 later date than Adi-Shankara.
 What some people aren't aware of is that orgs like the Shankaracharya  
 while essentially deriving from Upanshadic thought and the Vedas,  
 they also amalgamated a certain number of other sects which was part  
 of a trend whereby older sects were brought into the newer Vedic  
 ones. Really by the time of Shankara, the amalgamation of what was  
 left of Vedic religion had already developed a symbiotic relationship  
 with earlier forms of ecstatic religion like Shaivism. For that  
 reason you can go to many Hindu temples and for one purpose they'll  
 do a Vedic rite, for another they'll do a tantric one. But it's a  
 sanitized, ritualized presentation of Shiva set in a puritanical  
 The original Shaivite gnosis was an ecstatic religion of the  
 countryside, on the fringes of society. It's most recent revival  
 would have been around time of Christ with the Shaivite saint  
 Lakulisha who was considered the 28th avatar of Shiva. His followers  
 considered him the last of the avatars mentioned in the Puranas. Most  
 of these lines were oral, that is they were not written down and if  
 they did, most existed in Dravidian languages.
 The Shaiva gnosis of Lakulisha was to last about a thousand years. A  
 period of invasions by the Hun and the adherents of Islam put a stop  
 to Shaivisms expansions. The Brahmans for a long, long time  
 represented the dominant intellectual class began to gradually take  
 over the various philosophical and scientific conceptions of the  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
 Because the guru-parampara originates with 
 Narayana and Shankara was a Vaishnavite...

In the Adwaita parampara, the term Narayana 
means, 'man', that is, the Transcendental Person, 
the Purusha.

...Sankara, who is regarded as an incarnation 
of Siva.

Adwaita Vedanta:

 Have you read Shankara's Bhaja Govindam?
Among the independent philosophical treatises, 
only Upades'asa-hasri- is accepted as authentic 
by modern academic scholars. 

Adi Shankara:

[FairfieldLife] Re: USA, ENERGY INDEPENDENCE, NEW LASER = ??? US lab debuts super laser!!!!

2009-06-01 Thread uns_tressor
 Rick Archer r...@... wrote:
scientists say it could deliver breakthroughs in safe fusion power.

This would have been impressive before the publication of 
The Scientist, the madman, the thief and their lightbulb
and the launching of the free ebook at

[FairfieldLife] Acausal pathless paths (was Re: Life As It Is)

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  It's basically the difference between sudden
  realization vs. gradual realization. Some people
  have the capacity to realize their essential  
  fruitiness :-) other have to plant a seed, grow
  a tree and wait for the fruit to ripen.
 Much more comprehensible. By comparison acausal
 pathless paths is just pompous.
 Some musicians have perfect pitch; some have to work
 at it. The former are not on an acausal pathless
 path and the use of such pseudo-analytical language
 is hardly going to help anyone tune their guitar?

Plus which, it's *still* just semantics with reference
to the original issue as to whether there are any paths
that aren't selling a modified future. One way or another,
they all do--including the acausal pathless path--as
Alex suggested to start with.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Acausal pathless paths (was Re: Life As It Is)

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:06 AM, Richard M wrote:

Much more comprehensible. By comparison acausal pathless paths is
just pompous.

Some musicians have perfect pitch; some have to work at it. The former
are not on an acausal pathless path and the use of such pseudo-
analytical language is hardly going to help anyone tune their guitar?

Well it's redundant. You could say acasual path or pathless path.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Help for BillyG

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
 Help for BillyG...
Manning claims he didn't peddle the phoney 
gay accusation vidoe. We'll let the readers be 
the judge.  And I quote from a Manning Post 
dated June 24, 2000 (note his use of we to 
describe the making and the bringing out of 
the video)... 

Read more:

Subject: You be the Judge Regarding Manning's 
Involvement in Slander Video
From: Lunatic Fringe
Newsgroups: alt.religion.mormon
Date: Thurs, Mar 17 2005

According to witnesses just like Joe Smith had 
witnesses - we now have video taped accounts of 
witnesses confirming Gordon B. Hinckley's 
sexual activities with young boys and
prostitutes. His wife, with another observer, 
caught Joe porking another woman in the barn... 

Subject: According to witnesses
From: John Manning
Newsgroups: alt.religion.mormon
Date: 2000-11-21 00:29:47 PST

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Another way 
  of stating this intent and standard operating
  procedure is Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh 
  I know more than you, and thus my spiritual 
  dick is longer than yours.


 It's interesting that the only two people so many folks
 on this forum accuse of habitually lying happen be the
 two biggest dick wavers ever to post on FFLife. Barry
 and Vaj, what a pair.


It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

[FairfieldLife] Acausal pathless paths (was Re: Life As It Is)

2009-06-01 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost1uk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   It's basically the difference between sudden
   realization vs. gradual realization. Some people
   have the capacity to realize their essential  
   fruitiness :-) other have to plant a seed, grow
   a tree and wait for the fruit to ripen.
  Much more comprehensible. By comparison acausal
  pathless paths is just pompous.
  Some musicians have perfect pitch; some have to work
  at it. The former are not on an acausal pathless
  path and the use of such pseudo-analytical language
  is hardly going to help anyone tune their guitar?
 Plus which, it's *still* just semantics with reference
 to the original issue as to whether there are any paths
 that aren't selling a modified future. One way or another,
 they all do--including the acausal pathless path--as
 Alex suggested to start with.

Yes, quite so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Lurk, do *you* stay on the line when the
person on the other end clearly has his dick
out of his pants waving it around and saying,
Can you match this, bozo?

I don't know about you, but I tend to get a
little tired of the heavy breathing on the
other end of the line and hang up.  :-)

Then again, I am unimpressed with real academics
in the field of spirituality, and even less so
with armchair academics who play dueling
sources in what are clearly oneupsmanship ego
games. Your mileage may vary. If it does, I hope
that the payoff you're waiting for...uh...
measures up.  :-)

Hell hath not seen nor heaven created the one
who can prevail against me!
- Don Quixote, after his windmill escapade

You gotta know when to hold up,
know when to fold up...
-Kenny Rogers, probably after
knocking back a few


Re: [FairfieldLife] Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 5:59 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

OK, this is a classic example of the *intent* I
spoke of in a post last week, Thou shalt not
suffer a TM critic to be thought well of.

As I see it (and Vaj...I like you, guy, but I'm
going to be almost as critical of you in this
rap as I am of the pile on crew) the thread
started with Vaj saying something that pushed
EmptyBill's ego buttons and made him squeal
Gotcha inwardly. He leaped into the fray with
his normal *intent* and modus operandi, which
is spiritual dick size contest. Another way
of stating this intent and standard operating
procedure is Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh
I know more than you, and thus my spiritual
dick is longer than yours.

To his discredit, Vaj often does the exact same
thing. Who the fuck CARES what you guys know
from what you have read about *other people's
spiritual experiences*? Every time you two get
into one of these armchair academic dick-size
contests, I consider BOTH of your dicks smaller.

That's why I typically ignore E. Bill's diatribes. They're similar to  
Judy's old diatribes in that their underlying intent seems to be to  
mischaracterize deliberately and lead one into a maze of misdirected  
points, while at the same time demonizing the person. When you sense  
the underlying intention, you realize 'why waste my time?'.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Jun 1, 2009, at 1:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

  Lurk, do *you* stay on the line when the
  person on the other end clearly has his dick
  out of his pants waving it around and saying,
  Can you match this, bozo?
  I don't know about you, but I tend to get a
  little tired of the heavy breathing on the
  other end of the line and hang up.  :-)
  Then again, I am unimpressed with real academics
  in the field of spirituality, and even less so
  with armchair academics who play dueling
  sources in what are clearly oneupsmanship ego
  games. Your mileage may vary. If it does, I hope
  that the payoff you're waiting for...uh...
  measures up.  :-)
  Hell hath not seen nor heaven created the one
  who can prevail against me!
  - Don Quixote, after his windmill escapade

 You gotta know when to hold up,
 know when to fold up...
 -Kenny Rogers, probably after
 knocking back a few


http://dietrichthrall.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/mosquito.jpg  ,
for those who can't see it.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] Boy chosen by Dalai Lama turns back on Buddhist order

2009-06-01 Thread do.rflex

As a toddler, he was put on a throne and worshipped as by monks who treated him 
like a god. But the boy chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a 
spiritual leader has caused consternation – and some embarrassment – for 
Tibetan Buddhists by turning his back on the order that had such high hopes for 

Instead of leading a monastic life, Osel Hita Torres now sports baggy trousers 
and long hair, and is more likely to quote Jimi Hendrix than Buddha.

Yesterday he bemoaned the misery of a youth deprived of television, football 
and girls. Movies were also forbidden – except for a sanctioned screening of 
The Golden Child starring Eddie Murphy, about a kidnapped child lama with 
magical powers. I never felt like that boy, he said.

He is now studying film in Madrid and has denounced the Buddhist order that 
elevated him to guru status. They took me away from my family and stuck me in 
a medieval situation in which I suffered a great deal, said Torres, 24, 
describing how he was whisked from obscurity in Granada to a monastery in 
southern India. It was like living a lie, he told the Spanish newspaper El 

Despite his rebelliousness, he is still known as Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche and 
revered by the Buddhist community. A prayer for his long life still adorns 
the website of the Foundation to Preserve the Mahayana Tradition, which has 130 
centres around the world. The website features a biography of the renegade guru 
that gushes about his peaceful, meditative countenance as a baby. 

In Tibetan Buddhism, a lama is one of a lineage of reincarnated spiritual 
leaders, the most famous of which is the Dalai Lama.

According to the foundation biography, another leader suspected Torres was the 
reincarnation of the recently deceased Lama Yeshe when he was only five months 
old. In 1986, at 14 months, his parents took him to see the Dalai Lama in 
Dharamsala, India. The toddler was chosen out of nine other candidates and 
eventually enthroned.

At six, he was allowed to socialise only with other reincarnated souls – though 
for a time he said he lived next to the actor Richard Gere's cabin.

By 18, he had never seen couples kiss. His first disco experience was a shock. 
I was amazed to watch everyone dance. What were all those people doing, 
bouncing, stuck to one another, enclosed in a box full of smoke?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 Yes, Shankara is a adjective of Shiva and some people do even  
 consider Shankara an incarnation of Shiva.

FWIW, 'shiva' also is originally an adjective, synonymous
with 'shaMkara'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 That's why I typically ignore E. Bill's diatribes. They're
 similar to Judy's old diatribes in that their underlying
 intent seems to be to mischaracterize deliberately

Says, Vaj, deliberately mischaracterizing the intent
of my and EmptyBill's posts.

 and lead one into a maze of misdirected points,

Translation: Points that identify how Vaj engineers
his slams at MMY/TM/TMers/the TMO by constructing a
web of falsehoods, misleading assertions, and/or

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On May 31, 2009, at 9:26 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

 Randy Meltzer rm...@... wrote:

Any comments Vaj?

I have noticed sometimes at this point the call gets dropped.

Depends on a number of things really Lurk. A big one for me is 'what  
do I perceive as their underlying intention?'. Another is 'is this  
just another pile on post? I'm not a fan of digital rugby. Do I  
have enough time and is it worth it? It's also good to feel people  
are interested in responding to the topic, not just shooting off some  
obtuse remark.

For any of these reasons I may decide not to waste my time.

Randy seems like a guy interested in actually having an intelligent  
conversation and he's had some interesting things to share as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life As It Is

2009-06-01 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On May 31, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

  Vaj, my friend, we need to talk.  I'm wondering how your mind works
  when it comes to deciding if others are speaking truths and/or  are
  speaking truly.  There's a big difference between these two
  concepts, yes?
  I'm worried that I'll piss you off like I did with my Curtis and
  post, but, please, let me ramble, will ya?

 You didn't piss me off Edg.

I something'd you off.  I still have your hand print vibrating in
neon crimson welts on my face!  Hee hee.

  If someone is bitching about what a TB thinks, they're griping about
  content of someone else's here and now.  To me, everyone is always
  reporting about their experience of living in the here and now --

 Unless of course they're reporting based on attachment or worry about
 the past or future.

To me, whether or not they are attached to a POV is secondary to the
that they think they're speaking truly about their experiences.  The
man who thinks that he truly knows may be fooling himself, but I want
to hear what his delusion is in detail no matter what.  I may eventually
discount any conclusions by him if I see that he is not practiced in
to observe, but I'm willing to listen to a lot of drivel before I come
to that

Nab's point of view, though heavily dependent upon the tactic of spew
TMO dogma, does reveal that he's tracking the debates enough to toss
pre-recorded pronouncements into the ring.  It's redundant, but it
tell us about his ways of thinking about the issues, such that we get to
how such a mind reconciles itself to information that doesn't easily
conform to his dogma.  He's more like a blind man standing next to his
best friend, say, Maharishi -- also a blind man,  who is reporting about
an elephant and then merely parroting what his friend says. After
enough of this, I've come to discount Nab's view almost entirely, but I
had to give him his 15 minutes at the microphone, see?

To me, the here and now is always attended.  A thought about the past is
occuring NOW...not in the past.  A thought about the future, ditto.  The
fact that there's someone inside a mind and reporting about a stream of
consciousness seems overwhelmingly more important than the content
of the mind.  Nab's empty echoing is irritating, but the awareness from
which that echoing manifests cannot be rightly besmirched.  God is
behind every mask.  Maybe not a God who lives forever, but at least a
central authority of a body/mind whose intent is, by definition, holy
-- meaning an intent to become whole that seems to be the birthright of
every human.  I do not want to be smarmy about Nab's struggles to
become whole despite my conclusion that he's got a long way to go.  He
is on a path as much as I'm on a path, and, frankly, I do not have any
hope of knowing where his OR MY path is leading or how far either of us
is along that path.

To the degree that I assert my own certainties such that  I invalidate
those of others, I'm okay with my debating, but when I slip into
attacks that write off Nab's inner spirit's intent to fully manifest,
I'm sinning in my own eyes.  I have sinned here, and I hope to do better
in this regard.  Willy, Nab, Off, Shemp, youse guys gots souls and to
I bow.

No matter what the extremely recent content of the mind may be,
  reporting about such is dead dog's teeth being attended in that
  the mind's
  branch jumping monkey habit is to go to the best aspect of any
  of consciousness.
  Even a homeless person, drunk on the street, can be found to be
  the euphoric sensations -- to those fruits instead of all the other
  kinds of
  thoughts he/she might have.  In the line to the Nazi showers, those
  surely had monkeys jumping to it's just a shower, or even, what a
  sunny day.  Are not TBs allowed to have just such fruits too in
  their lives?
  Do we need to poke everyone in the line and tell them they're going
  to be killed?
  Whatever anyone posts here is what it is -- a product of a mind
  that's being
  attended by a witness.  The products of consciousness are
  subject to the challenge that the blind men faced when reporting
  their conclusions
  about an elephant.  Therefore, anyone's opinion is truth as they
  know it.
  It simply cannot be a bad thing if folks share their truths so that
  a whole
  elephant might be grasped with clarity.  They are speaking truly,
  but not
  necessarily about truth.
  If I am a TB, and I'm thinking something like: The world is a
  terrible place
  and only the TM technique can save it, that's a thought I'm having
  right now
  about the world's elephant, and if I'm mindful of that thought
  then I'm as
  fully reporting my here and now's processing as anyone else is
  reporting their
  attending of their own 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:
 In any dispute between emptybill and vaj, emptybill is far more credible. Vaj 
 constantly digs up obscure texts to denigrate Maharishi and invalidate TMer's 
 practice and he does so by pontificating, lying and distorting whatever he 
 happens to dig up. It's valid to ask, how does he find the time and why is he 
 so addicted to such odious behavior? 

Both he and the Turqey seems to be at it fulltime. FFL is not the only forum 
they are participating in.

 Since few people who post here know much about the convoluted hodgepodge of 
 information Vaj writes about, he can lie cart blanche without much challenge. 
 I am glad to see someone like emptybill come forward with the ability to 
 argue Vaj point for point. However the moment emptybill shines a bright light 
 on Vaj's lies, Vaj scurries away like a roach, too much of a coward to admit 
 his distortions or defend his lies. 
 It's interesting that the only two people so many folks on this forum accuse 
 of habitually lying happen be the two biggest dick wavers ever to post on 
 FFLife. Barry and Vaj, what a pair.

And both happen to Buddhists.
Says a lot about Buddhism these days.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Yes, Shankara is a adjective of Shiva and 
  some people do even consider Shankara an 
  incarnation of Shiva.
cardemaister wrote: 
 FWIW, 'shiva' also is originally an adjective, 
 synonymous with 'shaMkara'...

So, 'Mahesh' means 'Shiva', and 'Shiva' means 
'Sankara', all adjectives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@...

 Both he andthe Turqey seems to be at it fulltime. FFL
 is not the only forum they are participating in.

Name another one for me, and provide a link to it.

Or apologize.

The only other spiritual forums I participate in
are by invitation only and you could not possibly
have knowledge of them.

You're making shit up again, Nabby. Typical TM



[FairfieldLife] Re: Boy chosen by Dalai Lama turns back on Buddhist order

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
 The Golden Child starring Eddie Murphy...
 By 18, he had never seen couples kiss... 

Maybe Osel was sleeping during some of the  
scenes in 'The Golden Child'. Go figure.

 His first disco experience was a shock. I 
 was amazed to watch everyone dance. What 
 were all those people doing, bouncing, 
 stuck to one another, enclosed in a box 
 full of smoke?
Maybe Osel was sleeping when all the monks
at Sera were dancing and burning all the 
smoky incense. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Both he andthe Turqey seems to be at it 
  fulltime. FFL is not the only forum they 
  are participating in.
TurquoiseB wrote: 
 Name another one for me, and provide a link 
 to it.
 Or apologize.
 The only other spiritual forums I participate 
 in are by invitation only and you could not 
 possibly have knowledge of them.

So, which other spiritual forums do you 
participate in?
 You're making shit up again, Nabby. Typical 
 TM honesty.
So, why didn't you tell us that you were
participating in other spiritual forums? You 
could be just trolling FFL, trying to get
some attention.

[FairfieldLife] Just 11% of Republicans are Hispanic or Non-White

2009-06-01 Thread do.rflex

The Dallas Morning News earlier this year called Hispanic Republicans an 
endangered species, and new Republican Party chief Michael Steele, the GOP's 
first black chairman, has said that the party must broaden its appeal, but a 
Gallup poll conducted May 1-27 shows just how daunting a task that may be.

The survey said only 11 percent of Republicans are Hispanics or blacks or 
members of other races.

More than six in 10 are white conservatives and the rest whites with other 
ideological leanings.

That compares with 36 percent of Democrats who are Hispanics or non-white and 
27 percent of independents.

Gallup's analysis: Does the Republican Party in essence stick to the 
knitting and cling to its core conservative principles? Or should the 
Republicans make an effort to expand their base -- among whites who are 
moderate or less religious, and/or the various nonwhite groups who to this 
point are largely ignoring the Republican Party in favor of the Democrats? The 
decision the party makes in response to this question could be pivotal in 
helping determine its future.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Meltzer
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On May 31, 2009, at 9:26 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
   Randy Meltzer rm108@ wrote:
  Any comments Vaj?
  I have noticed sometimes at this point the call gets dropped.
 Depends on a number of things really Lurk. A big one for me is 'what  
 do I perceive as their underlying intention?'. Another is 'is this  
 just another pile on post? I'm not a fan of digital rugby. Do I  
 have enough time and is it worth it? It's also good to feel people  
 are interested in responding to the topic, not just shooting off some  
 obtuse remark.
 For any of these reasons I may decide not to waste my time.
 Randy seems like a guy interested in actually having an intelligent  
 conversation and he's had some interesting things to share as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Meltzer
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On May 31, 2009, at 9:26 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
   Randy Meltzer rm108@ wrote:
  Any comments Vaj?
  I have noticed sometimes at this point the call gets dropped.
 Depends on a number of things really Lurk. A big one for me is 'what  
 do I perceive as their underlying intention?'. Another is 'is this  
 just another pile on post? I'm not a fan of digital rugby. Do I  
 have enough time and is it worth it? It's also good to feel people  
 are interested in responding to the topic, not just shooting off some  
 obtuse remark.
 For any of these reasons I may decide not to waste my time.
 Randy seems like a guy interested in actually having an intelligent  
 conversation and he's had some interesting things to share as well.

Thanks Vaj for saying that.  I am not here to do the pile on Vaj thing.  Its 
just when you make statements like the shankaracharya order is Vaishnavite 
and my experience is s the oposite I had to chime in.  And yes, I did have 
a small axe to grind about you as someone pointed out in a previous post, 
because I felt your comments in the past about my experiences were 
disrespectful.   In any case, its nothing personal.  Just trying to keep the 
facts staight

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
 TurquoiseB wrote: 
  The only other spiritual forums I participate 
  in are by invitation only and you could not 
  possibly have knowledge of them...
 So, which other spiritual forums do you 
 participate in?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
  Both he andthe Turqey seems to be at it fulltime. FFL
  is not the only forum they are participating in.
 Name another one for me, and provide a link to it.
 Or apologize.

Why should he apologize, even if he's wrong? You've
never apologized to me for your many lies about how
I've stalked you from forum to forum, and you *knew*
they weren't true.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@
   Both he andthe Turqey seems to be at it fulltime. FFL
   is not the only forum they are participating in.
  Name another one for me, and provide a link to it.
  Or apologize.
 Why should he apologize, even if he's wrong? You've
 never apologized to me for your many lies about how
 I've stalked you from forum to forum, and you *knew*
 they weren't true.

He's a liar. As if that comes as a surprize to anyone. 
The Turkey has several times mentioned on FFL that he is posting on other 
forums as well. 
The Turkey and Vaj, both self-proclaimed Buddhists, are fulltime TM-haters. 
A fellow that post 7 long posts, mostly against TM/TMO, EVERY DAY, in 
addition to posting elswhere against TM/TMO probably has no other job. 
It seems the Buddhist world is very anxious about the TM success in countries 
like Thailand. They have no other weapon than to try to spread confusion. 
Classical ageofignorance-thinking, nothing new. 

Given the level and intelligence amongst the posters on FFL and the resistance 
they receive from posters here they are not doing a very good job.

These fellows are professionals; poor ones I'd say.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim emptyb...@... wrote:


 So sorry for your ever deepening sadness.

MY deepening sadness? Take a look at the photo
you posted of yourself, dude. It's actually used as
the illustration on the Wikipedia page for uptight.
Up-Tight   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  (Redirected
from Uptight
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Uptightredirect=no )
  [Empty Bill]

One might suggest (as I have to someone else
recently) that thou shouldst consider removing
the roofing beam from thy own butt before
suggesting that anyone else hath a stick up
their own.  Or that they're sadder than thou.

Honestly, dude...Leonard Cohen looks happier
than you do. And acts it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Penis: The Size Issue'

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
 [:o)] --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@...

 I was speaking to someone who seemed quite knowledgeable,
 on the subject...
 Low and behold, he told me in Ancient Greece...
 The think was to have a smaller penis, was indicative of
 a more refined physiology, and one who would be more
 devoted to the spirit and intellect...
 For ones with large size penis', that supposedly was a
 sign of barbarianism...

For the record, this is not the first time
I have been referred to as a barbarian.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Boy chosen by Dalai Lama turns back on Buddhist order

2009-06-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 As a toddler, he was put on a throne and worshipped as by monks who treated 
 him like a god. But the boy chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a 
 spiritual leader has caused consternation – and some embarrassment – for 
 Tibetan Buddhists by turning his back on the order that had such high hopes 
 for him.
 Instead of leading a monastic life, Osel Hita Torres now sports baggy 
 trousers and long hair, and is more likely to quote Jimi Hendrix than Buddha.
 Yesterday he bemoaned the misery of a youth deprived of television, football 
 and girls. Movies were also forbidden – except for a sanctioned screening of 
 The Golden Child starring Eddie Murphy, about a kidnapped child lama with 
 magical powers. I never felt like that boy, he said.
 He is now studying film in Madrid and has denounced the Buddhist order that 
 elevated him to guru status. They took me away from my family and stuck me 
 in a medieval situation in which I suffered a great deal, said Torres, 24, 
 describing how he was whisked from obscurity in Granada to a monastery in 
 southern India. It was like living a lie, he told the Spanish newspaper El 
 Despite his rebelliousness, he is still known as Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche 
 and revered by the Buddhist community. A prayer for his long life still 
 adorns the website of the Foundation to Preserve the Mahayana Tradition, 
 which has 130 centres around the world. The website features a biography of 
 the renegade guru that gushes about his peaceful, meditative countenance as a 
 In Tibetan Buddhism, a lama is one of a lineage of reincarnated spiritual 
 leaders, the most famous of which is the Dalai Lama.
 According to the foundation biography, another leader suspected Torres was 
 the reincarnation of the recently deceased Lama Yeshe when he was only five 
 months old. In 1986, at 14 months, his parents took him to see the Dalai Lama 
 in Dharamsala, India. The toddler was chosen out of nine other candidates and 
 eventually enthroned.
 At six, he was allowed to socialise only with other reincarnated souls – 
 though for a time he said he lived next to the actor Richard Gere's cabin.
 By 18, he had never seen couples kiss. His first disco experience was a 
 shock. I was amazed to watch everyone dance. What were all those people 
 doing, bouncing, stuck to one another, enclosed in a box full of smoke?

How strange are the practices of humans forcing their will on someone who 
obviously is not into what they want him to be into...
Each time a soul reincarnates, offers a new opportunity to discover for 
themselves the best way to take what they have, good and bad, and make it into 
a successful lifetime for themselves...
To force someone into taking a position, that they do not want...
This was the life of Buddha himself...
He didn't want the life, he was born into...he left that life, to pursue his 
own destiny...
That's why they call him 'The Buddha'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Penis: The Size Issue'

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   [:o)] --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@
   I was speaking to someone who seemed quite knowledgeable,
   on the subject...
   Low and behold, he told me in Ancient Greece...
   The think was to have a smaller penis, was indicative of
   a more refined physiology, and one who would be more
   devoted to the spirit and intellect...
   For ones with large size penis', that supposedly was a
   sign of barbarianism...
  For the record, this is not the first time
  I have been referred to as a barbarian.
 Dear Turq,
 I was not referring to you as a Barbarian...
 Really, this comment was not directed at you, but was
 just a report on what someone told me in a conversation,
 at the Student Union, at the University of Wisconsin,
 this past Saturday...

And my comment was a joke, Robert. A joke.

A true joke, as it turns out, but a joke nonetheless.   [:o)]

 Lord knows we all want to have a bigger penis...

Speak for yourself, dude. As I said, it's a true joke.
WHY do you think I can get away with being the
lecherous old fart I'm characterized as being?
Likeability? Look around at this discussion group.
That ain't the reason.   [:o)]

But, as you point out with regard to the Russian guy,
Size doesn't matter.

On the other hand, if you're not facing a return to
prison, merely a return to...uh...from whence one
comes, hoping to do so again, it doesn't hurt, either.

At least not me.


I have an inferiority complex, but it's not a very good one.
- anonymous

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim emptybill@ wrote:
  So sorry for your ever deepening sadness.
 MY deepening sadness? Take a look at the photo
 you posted of yourself, dude. It's actually used as
 the illustration on the Wikipedia page for uptight.

Barry really, REALLY doesn't like to be laughed at...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Honestly, dude...Leonard Cohen looks happier
 than you do.

Existential angst?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
Judy wrote:
 Barry really, REALLY doesn't like to be laughed at...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
billy jim wrote:
Uncle Tantra (UT) is suffering from acute 
Narcissism. Because he dropped-out of both 
TM and Rama's program he needs to rewrite 
history and trash religious groups that he 
once belonged to.  

Yet at the same time he needs to show-off 
to current followers and write spiritual 
essays of the same teachers he trashes in 
private. By engaging in this neurotic 
contradiction any personal failures are
covered-up by UT's dual positions.  

Uncle Tantra's ego can instead present to 
others the image he clings to: a great 
writer, an advanced spiritual seeker that 
has gone into Samadhi, and the hip 60's 
Jungian wise-old man persona that he so 
pathetically attempts to cultivate in his 
ramblings and even through his name Uncle 

Read more:

Subject: Uncle Tantra - An analysis
From: Garuda
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
alt.dreams.castaneda, alt.buddha.short.fat.guy
Date: Wed, May 7 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
willy...@... wrote:

 Judy wrote:
  Barry really, REALLY doesn't like to be laughed at...

One must assume that this is Willytex's belated
attempt to show what he looks like. And possibly
what his gay lover looks like.


Just funnin' around, Richard. In all honesty, though,
compare and contrast this photo -- or, for that matter
*any* of the photos posted to the FFL Members page:


and think to yourself, Self, is there *any* face I could
possibly make that would look as ugly as the one below?
To the credit of the other posters to this forum, I think
we can all agree that the answer is a big, fat NO. Try
as we might, screw our faces up as *much* as we might,
NONE of the rest of us could achieve this:

  [Barry's fantasy image of Judy] 

And she honestly thought that it was a joke.

I guess it was...kinda...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just 11% of Republicans are Hispanic or Non-White

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
do.rflex wrote:
 The decision the party makes in response to this 
 question could be pivotal in helping determine its 
Since Obama is one of the few people to ever vote 
to allow an actually born baby to die, ex utero, 
I view him as particularly heinous. Sort of the 
Mengele of the left, if you will. - Rob

Read more comments:

'The War on The War on Abortion'
By Megan McArdle
Atlantic, June 1, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB  wrote:
 One must assume that this is Willytex's belated
 attempt to show what he looks like...

Illuminati http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  Judy wrote:
   Barry really, REALLY doesn't like to be laughed at...
 One must assume that this is Willytex's belated
 attempt to show what he looks like. And possibly
 what his gay lover looks like.
 Just funnin' around, Richard. In all honesty, though,
 compare and contrast this photo -- or, for that matter
 *any* of the photos posted to the FFL Members page:
 and think to yourself, Self, is there *any* face I could
 possibly make that would look as ugly as the one below?
 To the credit of the other posters to this forum, I think
 we can all agree that the answer is a big, fat NO. Try
 as we might, screw our faces up as *much* as we might,
 NONE of the rest of us could achieve this:

Barry really, really, REALLY doesn't like to be
laughed at!

   [Barry's fantasy image of Judy] 
 And she honestly thought that it was a joke.
 I guess it was...kinda...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
raunchydog wrote:
 It's interesting that the only two people so 
 many folks on this forum accuse of habitually 
 lying happen be the two biggest dick wavers 
 ever to post on FFLife. Barry and Vaj, what 
 a pair...
Mahesh will never come here as he would be 
arrested. In fact, there's a lot of places he 
cannot go for fear of being arrested. Such is 
the life of criminals...

Read more:

Subject: Re: Why is FFL so much into now I've got you, you s.o.b.?
From: Vaj
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: December 28, 2005

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turqalingam

2009-06-01 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  Judy wrote:
   Barry really, REALLY doesn't like to be laughed at...
 One must assume that this is Willytex's belated
 attempt to show what he looks like. And possibly
 what his gay lover looks like.

Here, apparently, is an actual photo of Willy Tex from one of his web pages 
when he used to refer to himself as the punditster' at 

Check it out: http://www.rwilliams.us/archives/listen.htm

[FairfieldLife] FFL In The Month of June

2009-06-01 Thread dhamiltony2k5
As a meditator in FF,

June comes `round as a favored month here.  June comes along with the annual  
tours of  the saints here.  Is always one of the best months of the year to be 
in FF.   June this year has Karunamayi,  Mother Meera, and  Ammachi  make their 
visits.  Coming through within a two week time towards the end of June.

Is a good  really fine time to visit back to Fairfield and be in the 
meditating community with this.   Is very special and Spiritual.   Comes around 
always as a fabulous time to meditate in FF.

Catch it if you can,

-Doug in FF

  I hope Fairfield is having a beautiful
  day today. I have wonderful memories
  from my youth of the Midwest in May.

 Yeah, is a beautiful and pleasing May here in Iowa now.  Woodland flowers 
 done their full thing.  Trees and understory have come out green  good now.  
 Fields tilled and crops mostly planted.  Rain showers next few days.  That 
 should make everything sprout forth.  1st cutting of hay making is upon us. 

[FairfieldLife] Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
Here are the two photos that she chose to
represent herself on this forum:

  [Barry's fantasy image of Judy]

  [Judy Stein]

I ask you...is there an appreciable difference between
the two photos? If you feel that there is, please con-
sider the words of the poster to this forum whom
Raunchydog and enlightened_dawn11 and others
have referred to as a great writer. Let's hear what
*he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
the karma of the life she has chosen to live:

The Sagging Jowled Spewer of Tamas

All the below is my opinion.

Judy, IMO, you're blasting me for the GREAT SIN of having had polite
conversations with Barry and thereby, IMO, you've decided that I'm to
be a target of yours.

So, probably it's no surprise to anyone here that you've played your
same ol' same ol' card, nor will it surprise anyone, IMO, that since I
didn't sing your praises for your hating of Turq, that now, yep, I'm a
bad guy too. The word hating is my opinion, but maybe I should just
ask you straight out: do you hate Turq? If not, what is the emotion
you're having that promotes such obsessive counter punching? It sure
ain't any form of tough love. It sure ain't sattvic. If Turq is
the loser you seem to think he is, well, then he's so lost, so
out-of-it, that shame on you for picking on the insane. If you are
attacking him like you do and if you are thinking he's not insane,
then you must be thinking he's evil -- worthy of hating. If you're
thinking that the word evil is okay then, you really are in
trouble to be projecting such.

IMO, you've been wanting a chance to really lay into me; in fact, IT
SEEMS for some time now you've festered. So don't be coy; be the hag
that IMO you seem to want to be. If you are a hag, show your true
face here -- the photograph that I've seen of you here online is
wrinkled with, IMO, angst-plowed troughs in blotched skin -- a face of
simmering hate brought on by endless grimacing that I seem to see
daily worn by you here.

If you continue to attack me, I will be inspired to disclose what,
IMO, is your general ugliness, and I'm betting that I will find and
cite post after post of yours that plainly shows stupidity,
mean-heartedness, egoic attachment to falsities, failed spirituality,
general all around low esteem, a self image of inconsequentiality, and
deep fears such as I'm an old woman seeing death around the corner,
and all I can do is strike out at others in blind panic.

After all, I've seen what was purported to be your photograph, and if
that wasn't you, well, it sure seemed to be a good match for the
spiritual degredation that you've shown here. Your photograph, IMO,
is reason enough for you to change your name and stop posting anywhere
on the Internet. IMO, you must have not had any love in your life for
at least a decade -- given the sad, depressed countenance that I think
was plainly showing in your photograph. I've seen similar faces
sitting in the day rooms of the mental hospitals where I gave first
lectures. If you are insane, of course, then I pity you and take back
any assertions or opinions of mindful evil on your part. Seems
mindful to me though. And, if mindful, then you're up for the Skank
of Fairfield Life award.

For all your intelligence and perceptiveness, IMO, you're stupid and
blind in your angry obsessions.

Now, trot out your naughty words about me again; call me a liar or
fuckhead if you want to. It'll be like you are my creative writing
instructor telling me what essay I should next write about The
Sagging Jowled Spewer of Tamas. Those who've known you in so many of
your online incarnations can fill me in perhaps, and I'll just love
putting those stories into my own words. Funzies!

All of the above is MY OPINION about your inner and outer moral and
spiritual worth. In a word, decrepitude.

Turn about's fair play; how's it working for you?

Want more? Got tons, just ask.


[FairfieldLife] Bing

2009-06-01 Thread bob_brigante
The evil empire rolled out Bing today, looks pretty slick:


[FairfieldLife] Regular Light Bulbs Made Super-Efficient by laser blast

2009-06-01 Thread bob_brigante
http://snipurl.com/j8cjh http://snipurl.com/j8cjh  

[FairfieldLife] Fw: From Russia - with love [4 Attachments]

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Dixon

--- On Mon, 6/1/09, Jennifer Stastny jenni...@portofvictoria.com wrote:

From: Jennifer Stastny jenni...@portofvictoria.com
Subject: From Russia - with love
To: Jennifer Stastny es...@suddenlink.net
Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 4:33 PM

 From of all places - PRAVDA!  Scary when the leading publication of the 
Communist Party back in the heyday of Communist rule can see and understand 
what so many in this country cannot.


American capitalism gone with a whimper 

Source: Pravda.Ru
URL: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-american_capitalism-0

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent 
into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a 
passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. 
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, 
especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted 
upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just 
roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall 
Street poured into the fists of the Marxists. 
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for 
the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and 
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard 
education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know 
more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects 
their lives. They care more for their right to choke down a McDonalds burger 
or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn 
around and lecture us about our rights and about our democracy. Pride blind 
the foolish. 
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of 
thousands of different branches and denominations were for the most part 
little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant 
mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on 
the winning side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks 
may complain, but when explained that they would be on the winning side, 
their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. 
Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America. 
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the 
past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing 
has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the 
world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that 
it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst 
These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the 
announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the 
very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of 
hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little 
more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat 
our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them? 
These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked 
from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging 
themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They 
are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress 
(parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their 
Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down 
from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of 
pure free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given 
power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at 
will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions. 
So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up 
with a bold move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen 
stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the 
guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they 
would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too.. Prime 
Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to 
follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though 
we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as 
foolish, drunken Russians, so let our wise Anglo-Saxon fools find out the 
folly of their own pride. 
Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a 
freeman whimper. 
So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Randy Meltzer wrote:

 Depends on a number of things really Lurk. A big one for me is 'what
 do I perceive as their underlying intention?'. Another is 'is this
 just another pile on post? I'm not a fan of digital rugby. Do I
 have enough time and is it worth it? It's also good to feel people
 are interested in responding to the topic, not just shooting off some
 obtuse remark.

 For any of these reasons I may decide not to waste my time.

 Randy seems like a guy interested in actually having an intelligent
 conversation and he's had some interesting things to share as well.

 Thanks Vaj for saying that.  I am not here to do the pile on Vaj  
 thing.  Its just when you make statements like the shankaracharya  
 order is Vaishnavite and my experience is s the oposite I had  
 to chime in.  And yes, I did have a small axe to grind about you as  
 someone pointed out in a previous post, because I felt your comments  
 in the past about my experiences were disrespectful.   In any case,  
 its nothing personal.  Just trying to keep the facts staight

I think the crux of the issue Randy is that you saw Shiva worship  
going on at the Maths and so assumed the lineage was Shaivite (even  
though it's not), but it's more accurate to say the Smartas had a very  
all-embracing view of Hinduism, and that's also probably why  
Shankara's line was so incredibly popular, eventually helping to dowse  
Buddhism's spread (although I'm sure the invasions also helped create  
a surge in Hindu nationalism and an appreciation of Hinduism's own  
diversity). They later even integrated Shakta practices, so it's  
rather profound what they did.

I was hoping now that you've shared that you've been to a number of  
the Maths, you'd also share some of your experiences there. Seriously.

[FairfieldLife] ...they can create anything, they can uncreate anything, they can do anything.

2009-06-01 Thread bob_brigante

'One thing that Maharishi explained,' Dr Morris continued, 'was that the
sounds used in the Vedic Yagya
http://www.maharishiyagya.org/yagya/index.html  performances are from
the four Veda http://www.vedicknowledge.com/nader.html : Rk, Sama,
Yajur, and Atharva, and they are Nitya, eternal, and Apaurusheya,
uncreated—not made by human beings. They are the eternal sounds of
the Transcendent, the field of silence flowing within itself.

'Maharishi said when the Vedic Pandits http://www.vedicpandits.org/ 
are functioning at this level, the level where all the Laws of Nature
that cause all transformations in the universe are operating, and are
using the traditional formulae in the Veda, they can create anything,
they can uncreate anything, they can do anything. And this is what makes
the Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya Programme so effective—because it
reaches through the transcendental field to the target.'


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
Barry REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, *REALLY* doesn't like
to be laughed at...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Here are the two photos that she chose to
 represent herself on this forum:

Oopsie. Barry, the computer expert, couldn't manage
to get more than a small piece of the top of the 
second photo to show up in his post, nor did any of
his commentary or his quote from Edg's old post appear,
at least on the Web site.

Not being a computer expert like Barry, I don't
know how to get even a piece of a photo into a post,
but here's the URL for the one that *wasn't* making
fun of him--the one he, er, scalped (Freudian, much?):


This was my response at the time, BTW, to Edg's
remarks on the photo:

Only three possibilities here that I can see:

(1) There's something badly wrong either with
your monitor or your eyes.

(2) You're hallucinating.

(3) You've been looking at the photo I posted
called Barry's fantasy image of Judy.

 Let's hear what
 *he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
 Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
 the karma of the life she has chosen to live:

What *Edg's* commentary on my appearance might
say about *my* karma??

I think you miswrote, Barry. Try to calm down,
then have another go.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I ask you...is there an appreciable difference between
 the two photos? 

Of course. One is making a face, the other is smiling.  What is the purpose of 
your post?  Nothing good that I can see. 

If you feel that there is, please con-
 sider the words of the poster to this forum whom
 Raunchydog and enlightened_dawn11 and others
 have referred to as a great writer. Let's hear what
 *he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
 Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
 the karma of the life she has chosen to live:

Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt goaded, but his post is 

Is the purpose of this forum just to spew at each other, showing how 
unenlightened we are?  Does anyone feel good after any of these exchanges?  I 
hope not. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:05 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 In any dispute between emptybill and vaj, emptybill is far more  
 credible. Vaj constantly digs up obscure texts to denigrate  
 Maharishi and invalidate TMer's practice and he does so by  
 pontificating, lying and distorting whatever he happens to dig up.  
 It's valid to ask, how does he find the time and why is he so  
 addicted to such odious behavior?

 Since few people who post here know much about the convoluted  
 hodgepodge of information Vaj writes about, he can lie cart blanche  
 without much challenge. I am glad to see someone like emptybill come  
 forward with the ability to argue Vaj point for point. However the  
 moment emptybill shines a bright light on Vaj's lies, Vaj scurries  
 away like a roach, too much of a coward to admit his distortions or  
 defend his lies.

 It's interesting that the only two people so many folks on this  
 forum accuse of habitually lying happen be the two biggest dick  
 wavers ever to post on FFLife. Barry and Vaj, what a pair.

Quite the opposite Raunchy, I won't respond to someone who so  
consistently lies about me. I operate under the reality here that it  
is never a good idea to wrestle with a pig because only the pig will  
enjoy it and you both end up dirty! That's certainly been my approach  
to Judy, whose sow-like darshan has probably chased away more  
worthwhile people here than anyone else. But Bill is a first-class  
midwestern boar. Stoop not down into his darkly splendid world nor  
delight in his unintellible images.

I guess I was naive to believe people were intelligent enuff to see  
that. Unless of course they were somehow biased. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 Quite the opposite Raunchy, I won't respond to someone
 who so consistently lies about me. I operate under the
 reality here that it is never a good idea to wrestle
 with a pig because only the pig will enjoy it and you
 both end up dirty! That's certainly been my approach  
 to Judy

As Vaj well knows, I have *never* lied about him.

As he also knows, he has lied *many* times about me,
just as he does in this post. (And about many, many
other things as well.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:05 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 It's interesting that the only two people so many folks on this  
 forum accuse of habitually lying happen be the two biggest dick  
 wavers ever to post on FFLife. Barry and Vaj, what a pair.

Interesting that women who decry the atrocity of men mentioning female  
body parts so easily and so casually degrades those of men. What a  
misandrist you are Raunchy! You consistently show little interest in  
understanding that degrading men is an illness affecting the health of  
our country.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Analyzing the *intent* of the pile on Vaj phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:05 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  It's interesting that the only two people so many folks
  on this forum accuse of habitually lying happen be the
  two biggest dick wavers ever to post on FFLife. Barry
  and Vaj, what a pair.
 Interesting that women who decry the atrocity of men
 mentioning female body parts so easily and so casually
 degrades those of men. What a misandrist you are Raunchy!
 You consistently show little interest in understanding
 that degrading men is an illness affecting the health of  
 our country.

As Vaj knows--but hopes others have forgotten--
what he quotes above from Raunchy's post was
written in response to a post of Barry's that
repeatedly used the dick-waving metaphor (as
he has in many other posts as well).

If Vaj weren't such a dishonest, hypocritical
misogynist, he'd be jumping on Barry for
degrading men's body parts. But he attacks
Raunchy instead, swinging his own (smaller,
according to Barry) dick in an attempt to
intimidate and embarrass her.

Here's what Barry had written that Raunchy was
commenting on:

 He leaped into the fray with
 his normal *intent* and modus operandi, which
 is spiritual DICK size contest. Another way
 of stating this intent and standard operating
 procedure is Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh
 I know more than you, and thus my spiritual
 DICK is longer than yours.

 To his discredit, Vaj often does the exact same
 thing. Who the fuck CARES what you guys know
 from what you have read about *other people's
 spiritual experiences*? Every time you two get
 into one of these armchair academic DICK-size
 contests, I consider BOTH of your DICKS smaller.
 Then comes (sadly) Lurk. His point may be accurate,
 that Vaj *does* bail from the endless DICK-size
 contests that EmptyBill trots out, but who wouldn't?
 The only thing sadder in my opinion than two
 supposedly grown men confusing truth with the
 stuff that they've read in books is believing that
 the truth they prefer has anything to do with
 the size of their DICKS. It doesn't. Only the
 size of their egos.

 And the only thing sadder than *that* is people
 who act as spectators to the DICK-size contest
 and pile on when they perceive one of the
 participants as losing. What does THAT say
 about their state of consciousness, eh?

(emphases on DICK added)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread lurkernomore20002000
FWIW, I thought the Vajster gave a pretty good replay to emptybill.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sundur@ 
   Randy Meltzer rm108@ wrote:
   Any comments Vaj?
  I have noticed sometimes at this point the call gets dropped.
 Lurk, do *you* stay on the line when the
 person on the other end clearly has his dick
 out of his pants waving it around and saying,
 Can you match this, bozo?
 I don't know about you, but I tend to get a
 little tired of the heavy breathing on the
 other end of the line and hang up.  :-)
 Then again, I am unimpressed with real academics
 in the field of spirituality, and even less so
 with armchair academics who play dueling
 sources in what are clearly oneupsmanship ego
 games. Your mileage may vary. If it does, I hope
 that the payoff you're waiting for...uh...
 measures up.  :-)
 Hell hath not seen nor heaven created the one 
 who can prevail against me!
 - Don Quixote, after his windmill escapade

[FairfieldLife] Bye Bye GM

2009-06-01 Thread Bhairitu
As the old saying goes as GM goes so goes America.  So I guess we can 
say bye, bye America too.  And probably a good thing and we can get on 
with living in the 21st century instead of dreaming it's still the 
19th.  I mean the age of working at one company for life has passed.  
Folks like to move around in their work these days.  And with my 
musician's background one always was changing a gig.  Job security?  No 
such luxury.  Time for the rest of the workforce to grow up.

Now if the car dealers still want to sell cars we need them to stop 
behaving like con artists.   Don't you just hate buying a car?  It's 
like bend over and get screwed time.  Nowadays you have to watch that 
the service department isn't trying to make up for sales loss by 
recommending expensive repairs you don't need.  I think I've taken my 
car to the dealer for service for the last time.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-06-01 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat May 30 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 06 00:00:00 2009
277 messages as of (UTC) Tue Jun 02 00:05:09 2009

36 authfriend jst...@panix.com
28 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
23 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
22 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
21 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com
17 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 9 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
 9 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 8 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 7 Randy Meltzer rm...@ymail.com
 7 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 6 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 5 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 5 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 5 Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 4 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 4 Stu buttspli...@gmail.com
 4 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 3 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 3 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 3 billy jim emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 2 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 2 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 2 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 uns_tressor uns_tres...@yahoo.ca
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 at_man_and_brahman at_man_and_brah...@sbcglobal.net
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
 1 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com

Posters: 38
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Duveyoung
Ruth, Ruth, Ruth,

Hey, that was one fine piece of when angry, destroy Rome writing if I do say 
so myself.

Now, with time passed, and with Judy not recently having nailed my hide to some 
door, I find my resonance with the piece has diminished.

I don't personally need to revisit my reasons for writing the piece.  Who was 
I back then?  I'm so over him. You?

Now this new guy I'm settling into, he's one slippery narcissistic but fucking 
humble stumbling old schooler who ignores that the root word of Dude! is dud, 
but who's nonetheless trying to surf the gelling-into-a-new-person processing 
like it was the last frothing of a wave.  Stay tuned, I might lock into another 
temporary norm any nanosecond.  (Marek, do you feel you personality gel when 
you once again hit the beach?)

But, yeah, Ruthy, I'm sorry, but yeah, it was a Sherman's March piece -- no 
prisoners taken.  I gave myself permission to run one mean fucking brutal 
spirit.  That done, done.  But ya never know what you are until ya wuz it. 
Another mask for the back of the closet that I don't particularly want to wear 

I do feel Judy has a chip on her shoulder, and that folks like me do  seem to 
automatically take a whack at it, and then she has a reason to launch her 

Her type of skills can easily drive wedges into the armor of just the sort of 
person I present here, and so, it probably is impossible for her to restrain 
from correcting moi. I do think she's the titchiest type who unfortunately is 
also the fastest leather slapping gunslinger here.  I don't think she knows 
when she's picking a fight, and so she is truthfully reporting that she's 
merely reacting to someone else's attack in both degree and kind.  That she 
attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured she is feeling on the her side 
of the keyboard if she's asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a 
lotta-rat-a-tat-tat.  Who gets up each day to do what she does if not one in 
great pain?  I know pain, and it'll do that to ya; ergo the piece in question.  

All readers:  Please consider that the piece is once again presented to your 
minds, because it was mindfully sought for for just such a reason by the poster 
-- to present it to you. He put this again into your minds.  Consider that the 
piece had to be unholy ripped from its resting place, and by a vile intent 
has it been thus unearthed.  Consider that this creepy zombie piece is now 
enlivened by the poster's shakti with an intent to maraud this place of 
discourse with a purposeful besmirching of our atmosphere.  Consider that this 
text-zombie was puppeteered by the poster to deliver an energy of malevolence 
at two targeted persons but equally delivered the energy to you other readers 
also.  Consider that I wrote the piece from an situation of immediacy and 
emotional rushing, and that the poster has put it before you with all the 
calculation and psychopathic perversion of a stone cold mafioso hit man.  Your 
peace of mind just got two bullets in the head and one in the heart by someone 
born blind to the color pain.  You might consider these things.


PS Anyone here having trouble with how this text appears in your email reader?  
I'm no longer listening to the one complainer, so if others here would really 
really really like me to somehow find a way to get my text to wrap to fit your 
screen, let me know.  I do all composing online in Yahoo's form.   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I ask you...is there an appreciable difference between
  the two photos? 
 Of course. One is making a face, the other is smiling.  What is the purpose 
 of your post?  Nothing good that I can see. 
 If you feel that there is, please con-
  sider the words of the poster to this forum whom
  Raunchydog and enlightened_dawn11 and others
  have referred to as a great writer. Let's hear what
  *he* has to say (as badly formatted as ever) about
  Ms. Stein's appearance, and what it might say about
  the karma of the life she has chosen to live:
 Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt goaded, but his post is 
 Is the purpose of this forum just to spew at each other, showing how 
 unenlightened we are?  Does anyone feel good after any of these exchanges?  I 
 hope not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
Edg wrote:

 That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
 she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
 asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
 rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
 if not one in great pain?

One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.

What a weird question.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Edg wrote:
  That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
  she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
  asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
  rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
  if not one in great pain?
 One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.
 What a weird question.

  Much of the recent posting looks weird from the viewpoint of any practical 
  It seems no one notices the country is going down the drain and, maybe that 
is why.  No one cares?

[FairfieldLife] Re: ...they can create anything, they can uncreate anything, they can do anything.

2009-06-01 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 'One thing that Maharishi explained,' Dr Morris continued, 'was that the
 sounds used in the Vedic Yagya
 http://www.maharishiyagya.org/yagya/index.html  performances are from
 the four Veda http://www.vedicknowledge.com/nader.html : Rk, Sama,
 Yajur, and Atharva, and they are Nitya, eternal, and Apaurusheya,
 uncreated—not made by human beings. They are the eternal sounds of
 the Transcendent, the field of silence flowing within itself.
 'Maharishi said when the Vedic Pandits http://www.vedicpandits.org/ 
 are functioning at this level, the level where all the Laws of Nature
 that cause all transformations in the universe are operating, and are
 using the traditional formulae in the Veda, they can create anything,
 they can uncreate anything, they can do anything. And this is what makes
 the Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya Programme so effective—because it
 reaches through the transcendental field to the target.'

By transcendental in this context, I believe MMY refers to that field beyond 
the *three worlds*  (Gita Ch3vs22), or the physical, astral and causal.  This 
is NOT necessarily the un-manifest absolute, it's the field (Buddhic) of the 
Devas or Devatas, the manifest personal aspects of God the Absolute or the 
immanent Godhead at the helm of creation or Brahm, the unified wholeness of the 
absolute and relative taken together.

Many times the TMorg conflates the relative and absolute, MMY really never went 
into the subtle distinctions between the Devatas and the un-manifest so as not 
to confuse people, IMO.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Edg wrote:
   That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
   she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
   asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
   rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
   if not one in great pain?
  One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.
  What a weird question.
   Much of the recent posting looks weird from the
 viewpoint of any practical use. It seems no one
 notices the country is going down the drain and,
 maybe that is why.  No one cares?

Well, I doubt that would be what's sent Barry off
his rocker.

As to the country, I've been following it pretty
closely. Looks to me as if it ain't in good shape,
but not in down-the-drain territory. Except for
California, maybe...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Edg wrote:
That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
if not one in great pain?
   One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.
   What a weird question.
Much of the recent posting looks weird from the
  viewpoint of any practical use. It seems no one
  notices the country is going down the drain and,
  maybe that is why.  No one cares?
 Well, I doubt that would be what's sent Barry off
 his rocker.
 As to the country, I've been following it pretty
 closely. Looks to me as if it ain't in good shape,
 but not in down-the-drain territory. Except for
 California, maybe...

  Blago didn't get to be ethics  chairman so maybe there is hope.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 1, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Randy Meltzer wrote:

Thanks Vaj for saying that.  I am not here to do the pile on Vaj  
thing.  Its just when you make statements like the shankaracharya  
order is Vaishnavite and my experience is s the oposite I had  
to chime in.

I couldn't agree more, Randy...every time Vaj
or anyone else makes a dumb-ass
statement like that I just want to punch them.
The shankaracharya order is Vaishnavite indeed!

 And yes, I did have a small axe to grind about you as someone  
pointed out in a previous post, because I felt your comments in the  
past about my experiences were disrespectful.   In any case, its  
nothing personal.  Just trying to keep the facts staight

Yes, the facts about the shankaracharya order being Vaishnavite
or not is as clear-cut as crystal, and how anybody could miss
that is beyond me.  Thanks for clearing all that up!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Edg wrote:

 That she attempts to nuke may be a measure of how injured
 she is feeling on the her side of the keyboard if she's
 asserting that she merely giving a bit-o-tit for a lotta-
 rat-a-tat-tat. Who gets up each day to do what she does
 if not one in great pain?

One who *isn't* in great pain, actually.

What a weird question.
 Much of the recent posting looks weird from the
   viewpoint of any practical use. It seems no one
   notices the country is going down the drain and,
   maybe that is why.  No one cares?
  Well, I doubt that would be what's sent Barry off
  his rocker.
  As to the country, I've been following it pretty
  closely. Looks to me as if it ain't in good shape,
  but not in down-the-drain territory. Except for
  California, maybe...
   Blago didn't get to be ethics  chairman so maybe there is hope.

We are hitting some turbulence, people, so please fasten your seat belts...
No need to be 'Scared'...
We've all been here before, haven't we?
Anyway, I'm not sure how good my predictive powers are lately...
But, I am getting the feeling that if California, doesn't get it's act 
together, spiritually, there may be the 'Big/One
Earthquake: there sometime in August of this year...

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL In The Month of June

2009-06-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 As a meditator in FF,
Thanks for the 'Heads Up' Doug in Fairfield...
We shall overcome someday...

 June comes `round as a favored month here.  June comes along with the annual  
 tours of  the saints here.  Is always one of the best months of the year to 
 be in FF.   June this year has Karunamayi,  Mother Meera, and  Ammachi  make 
 their visits.  Coming through within a two week time towards the end of June.
 Is a good  really fine time to visit back to Fairfield and be in the 
 meditating community with this.   Is very special and Spiritual.   Comes 
 around always as a fabulous time to meditate in FF.
 Catch it if you can,
 -Doug in FF
   I hope Fairfield is having a beautiful
   day today. I have wonderful memories
   from my youth of the Midwest in May.
  Yeah, is a beautiful and pleasing May here in Iowa now.  Woodland flowers 
  done their full thing.  Trees and understory have come out green  good 
  now.  Fields tilled and crops mostly planted.  Rain showers next few days.  
  That should make everything sprout forth.  1st cutting of hay making is 
  upon us. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Robert
 Not content with the Robert, my direct memories 
 of my awful past lives piss on your psychic's
 recounting of your own awful past lives posturing,
 now emptybill...
I'm sorry you didn't appreciate 'My Past Life Story'...Turq...
Perhaps if I draw a tatoo of it, and put in a nice female ass..then you might 
be a lot interested?
But, I'm really not here, to wet your stick...sorry.

'My Past Life Story' is something I worked on very hard, and life was taken 
from me, at the height of my powers, on someone's whim.

We all get whims.
But do we need to be neutered, need to kill, murder and rape, in order to get 
our rocks off?

Is it good to act or write on those kinds of whims, Turq.?

I know once you're in the Mafia, you can't get out...
But, if we pray for you, perhaps you will be able too...
Faith. Yes We Can!


[FairfieldLife] Bringing home the bacon

2009-06-01 Thread fflmod

Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just to show I'm not the only one to comment on her photos...

2009-06-01 Thread lurkernomore20002000
, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

   It seems no one notices the country is going down the drain and, maybe that 
 is why.  No one cares?

Maybe people are happy to not wake up everyday hearing about the war on 
terror.  Maybe the people are relieved to not have to hear each day that we 
have not been attacked  due to great leadership of Dick Cheney and George 
Bush. Please tell me how the country is going down the drain.  Cite a few 
examples, or how now, all of the sudden we are going down the drain.  Here's a 
quote I hear recently.  Wall Steet owns the upside.  The taxpayer owns the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was What is Enlightenment? - MMY

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Meltzer
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
Well lets see.  I have been to Guru Dev's ashram in Allahabad 4 times. The 
last time was this past April, but Vasudevanandaji was not there so it was 
pretty quiet.  I just walked around a bit.
There is a beautiful altar in the middle of the courtyard of the ashram that 
has a statue of Adi Shankara and one of Guru Dev and a pair of Guru Dev's 
sandals that have been bronzed.  I believe they do puja to the altar every 
morning.  On previous occasions I have met with Vasudevananda in his meeting 
room, which is the same room and has the same seat that Guru Dev sat on and the 
energy in there has always been palpable.  Vasudevanandaji has always been very 
low key, pretty relaxed and would answer any questions (not that I really had 
any) and was always appreciative that we were with MMY.
Jyotir math was also very nice and not much going on.  There a few monks who 
are disciples of vasudevanandaji and very welcoming.  I attended evening puja 
to Vasudevanandaji sandals that were there and it was lovely. The monks asked 
me to stay for a few weeks, which I had no time to do, but it was nice that 
they asked.
Both ashrams seemed very traditional ashram like.  Not at all TM like.

I plan on visiting Kanchipuram in the fall.
 On Jun 1, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Randy Meltzer wrote:
  Depends on a number of things really Lurk. A big one for me is 'what
  do I perceive as their underlying intention?'. Another is 'is this
  just another pile on post? I'm not a fan of digital rugby. Do I
  have enough time and is it worth it? It's also good to feel people
  are interested in responding to the topic, not just shooting off some
  obtuse remark.
  For any of these reasons I may decide not to waste my time.
  Randy seems like a guy interested in actually having an intelligent
  conversation and he's had some interesting things to share as well.
  Thanks Vaj for saying that.  I am not here to do the pile on Vaj  
  thing.  Its just when you make statements like the shankaracharya  
  order is Vaishnavite and my experience is s the oposite I had  
  to chime in.  And yes, I did have a small axe to grind about you as  
  someone pointed out in a previous post, because I felt your comments  
  in the past about my experiences were disrespectful.   In any case,  
  its nothing personal.  Just trying to keep the facts staight
 I think the crux of the issue Randy is that you saw Shiva worship  
 going on at the Maths and so assumed the lineage was Shaivite (even  
 though it's not), but it's more accurate to say the Smartas had a very  
 all-embracing view of Hinduism, and that's also probably why  
 Shankara's line was so incredibly popular, eventually helping to dowse  
 Buddhism's spread (although I'm sure the invasions also helped create  
 a surge in Hindu nationalism and an appreciation of Hinduism's own  
 diversity). They later even integrated Shakta practices, so it's  
 rather profound what they did.
 I was hoping now that you've shared that you've been to a number of  
 the Maths, you'd also share some of your experiences there. Seriously.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bye Bye GM

2009-06-01 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 As the old saying goes as GM goes so goes America.  So I guess we can 
 say bye, bye America too.  And probably a good thing and we can get on 
 with living in the 21st century instead of dreaming it's still the 
 19th.  I mean the age of working at one company for life has passed.  
 Folks like to move around in their work these days.  And with my 
 musician's background one always was changing a gig.  Job security?  No 
 such luxury.  Time for the rest of the workforce to grow up.
 Now if the car dealers still want to sell cars we need them to stop 
 behaving like con artists.   Don't you just hate buying a car? 

No, I love it.

Here's the key to a fun -- and profitable -- experience:  before you go to the 
dealer decide which car you want.  They go online and research it.  find out 
how much it costs and what you want to pay for it (important: know either a 
monthly amount you want to pay or a lump-sum INCLUDING TAX AND ALL EXTRAS).

say what they want to say; in other words, let them give you a price (don't 
answer them if they ask you what YOU want to pay).  And then tell them what 
you're willing to pay.  

They'll counter with something less than what they first said (usually by the 
ruse of calling over the manager).  Don't go up from your price.  Let this go 
on for a while and then give them your card and tell them if they're interested 
in getting your business you'll be happy to buy a car from them but in the 
meantime you'll be shopping around and leave.  YOU HAVE TO BE READY TO LEAVE 
AND NOT BUY.  And don't waver from your price no matter how reasonable they 
counter offer sounds in the heat of the moment.

 like bend over and get screwed time.  Nowadays you have to watch that 
 the service department isn't trying to make up for sales loss by 
 recommending expensive repairs you don't need.  I think I've taken my 
 car to the dealer for service for the last time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: From Russia - with love

2009-06-01 Thread shempmcgurk
I've seen this article reproduced umpteen times on numerous sites and heard it 
discussed on at least 2 talk shows today.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 --- On Mon, 6/1/09, Jennifer Stastny jenni...@... wrote:
 From: Jennifer Stastny jenni...@...
 Subject: From Russia - with love
 To: Jennifer Stastny es...@...
 Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 4:33 PM
  From of all places - PRAVDA!  Scary when the leading publication of 
 the Communist Party back in the heyday of Communist rule can see and 
 understand what so many in this country cannot.
 American capitalism gone with a whimper 
 Source: Pravda.Ru
 URL: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-american_capitalism-0
 It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent 
 into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of 
 a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. 
 True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, 
 especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted 
 upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just 
 roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money 
 Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists. 
 Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace 
 for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites 
 and betters. 
 First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard 
 education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans 
 know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly 
 affects their lives. They care more for their right to choke down a 
 McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. 
 Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our 
 democracy. Pride blind the foolish. 
 Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of 
 thousands of different branches and denominations were for the most part 
 little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant 
 mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be 
 on the winning side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their 
 flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the winning 
 side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly 
 power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in 
 The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in 
 the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money 
 printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but 
 in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no 
 sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and 
 at worst Zimbabwe. 
 These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the 
 announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by 
 the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of 
 hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little 
 more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat 
 our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them? 
 These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees 
 picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now 
 gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after 
 another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American 
 congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper 
 to their masters. 
 Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step 
 down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the 
 land of pure free markets, the American president now has the power, the 
 self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private 
 companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his 
 So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up 
 with a bold move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, 
 chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even 
 be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, 
 they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too.. 
 Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, 
 not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, 
 even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we 
 know nothing, as 

[FairfieldLife] For Rick

2009-06-01 Thread Randy Meltzer
Hi Rick,
I just returned from Seattle today and Amma happen to be there so I thought I 
would go and see her.  I have seen her before but not in many years.  
My experience with her was the same as every other time I have seen her, which 
is, this is also very nice, but frankly I don't see the big deal.  I never 
experience anything during the hug and the whole scene evades me.  This is in 
no way a put down.  She is a great saint, no doubt.  But for me, I don't get it.
I have always respected your take on things (you taught an ATR course in 
Avoriaz in the mid 70's that I really enjoyed) and the fact that you had the 
resolve to break away from the TMO etc.  Perhaps you could share what drew you 
to Amma and a bit of your experiences.
If you don't want to do this here, then lets talk privately.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: From Russia - with love

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Dixon
Shemp, of course you've heard that Tim Geitner was laughed at in China when he 
told them that their money is safe, invested in America.

--- On Tue, 6/2/09, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net wrote:

From: shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: From Russia - with love
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 3:52 AM

I've seen this article reproduced umpteen times on numerous sites and heard it 
discussed on at least 2 talk shows today.

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 --- On Mon, 6/1/09, Jennifer Stastny jenni...@.. . wrote:
 From: Jennifer Stastny jenni...@.. .
 Subject: From Russia - with love
 To: Jennifer Stastny es...@...
 Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 4:33 PM
   From of all places - PRAVDA!  Scary when the leading publication of the 
 Communist Party back in the heyday of Communist rule can see and understand 
 what so many in this country cannot.
 American capitalism gone with a whimper 
 Source: Pravda.Ru
 URL: http://english. pravda.ru/ opinion/columnis ts/107459- american_ 
 capitalism- 0
 It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent 
 into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of 
 a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. 
 True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, 
 especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted 
 upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just 
 roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money 
 Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists. 
 Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace 
 for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites 
 and betters. 
 First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard 
 education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans 
 know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly 
 affects their lives. They care more for their right to choke down a 
 McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional 
 rights.. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our 
 democracy. Pride blind the foolish. 
 Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of 
 thousands of different branches and denominations were for the most part 
 little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant 
 mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be 
 on the winning side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their 
 flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the winning 
 side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly 
 power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in 
 The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in 
 the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money 
 printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but 
 in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no 
 sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and 
 at worst Zimbabwe. 
 These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the 
 announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by 
 the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of 
 hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little 
 more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat 
 our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them? 
 These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees 
 picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now 
 gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after 
 another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American 
 congress (parliament) . Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper 
 to their masters. 
 Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step 
 down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the 
 land of pure free markets, the American president now has the power, the 
 self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private 
 companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his 
 So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up 
 with a bold move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, 
 chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even 
 be the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: From Russia - with love

2009-06-01 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Shemp, of course you've heard that Tim Geitner was laughed at in China when 
 he told them that their money is safe, invested in America.

Oooh, I can see that this has really rattled Dixon.  Chinese laughing at our 
Secretary of the Treasury.  Dixy, write a letter to the editor, start a blog.  
US AND GETS AWAY WITH IT.  Dix, I can see that this has shaken your confidence. 
 Get into some air conditoning.  Probably really hot in Texas now.

[FairfieldLife] 'Obama Just says No! (to Nancy-One Who See Ghosts)

2009-06-01 Thread Robert

 Obama Snubbed Me!
Says, Former first wife also says in an interview she sees Ronald Reagan's 
Updated 2:26 PM CDT, Mon, Jun 1, 2009


Former First Lady Nancy Reagan said she still sees the ghost of her husband -- 
and that President Barack Obama snubbed her earlier this year. 

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan said this week that President Barack Obama 
snubbed her  -- and that she still sees the ghost of her late husband Ronald 
Reagan inside her home.
Nancy Reagan told Vanity Fair that Obama missed an opportunity when she wasn't 
invited to a March ceremony where Obama said he'd allow comprehensive stem-cell 
research -- but that the commander in chief later apologized for the oversight.
“I would have gone, and you know I don’t like to travel,” said Reagan, 87, a 
well-known stem-cell advocate. “Politically it would have been a good thing for 
him to do.
Oh, well, nobody’s perfect, she said.
It isn't the first time Obama's insulted the former first lady -- he cracked a 
joke in November 2008 about Reagan's reported consultations with astrologers 
during her time in the White House.
I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any 
séances, Obama joked on November 7 at a press conference. Obama later 
apologized for his careless and off-handed remark.
Reagan, who spoke from her Bel Air, Calif., home, also said she still catches 
glimpses of Ronald Reagan's ghost in the halls -- and that time hasn't healed 
the wounds in the five years since his death.
“I miss Ronnie a lot, an awful lot,” Reagan said. “People say it gets better. 
No, it does not.”
“It sounds strange, but … I see Ronnie. At nighttime, if I wake up, I think 
Ronnie’s there, and I start to talk to him, she said.
It’s not important what I say. But the fact is, I do think he’s there. And I 
see him.”
Former President Ronald Reagan died at 93 in 2004 in Los Angeles after a long 
battle with Alzheimer's disease. Ronald and Nancy Reagan were married in 1952.
The interview will be featured in the June issue of Vanity Fair.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: From Russia - with love

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Dixon
Well Lurk, I'm not rattled at all. I'm amazed the Chinese and Russians see 
something so obvious most Americans can't.

--- On Tue, 6/2/09, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

From: lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: From Russia - with love
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 4:14 AM

Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 Shemp, of course you've heard that Tim Geitner was laughed at in China when 
 he told them that their money is safe, invested in America.

Oooh, I can see that this has really rattled Dixon. Chinese laughing at our 
Secretary of the Treasury. Dixy, write a letter to the editor, start a blog. 
US AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. Dix, I can see that this has shaken your confidence. 
Get into some air conditoning. Probably really hot in Texas now.


[FairfieldLife] 'Mike says: Watch [Zeitgeist]the Movie'

2009-06-01 Thread Robert

Air America's Mike Malloy says:

Watch this movie: Check it out, I will!




[FairfieldLife] Re: For Rick

2009-06-01 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Randy Meltzer rm...@... wrote:

 Hi Rick,
 I just returned from Seattle today and Amma happen to be there so I thought I 
 would go and see her.  I have seen her before but not in many years.  
 My experience with her was the same as every other time I have seen her, 
 which is, this is also very nice, but frankly I don't see the big deal.  I 
 never experience anything during the hug and the whole scene evades me.  This 
 is in no way a put down.  She is a great saint, no doubt.  But for me, I 
 don't get it.
 I have always respected your take on things (you taught an ATR course in 
 Avoriaz in the mid 70's that I really enjoyed) and the fact that you had the 
 resolve to break away from the TMO etc.  Perhaps you could share what drew 
 you to Amma and a bit of your experiences.
 If you don't want to do this here, then lets talk privately.

I saw her in Seattle a couple of years ago...
I had the same feeling as you mention...
I felt the atmosphere there, was very nice, very soft.
She seems to have her operation to 'Feed the Poor'...
So, you feel like your doing a 'Good Thang' just being there...

[FairfieldLife] 'The Rock and the Water'

2009-06-01 Thread Robert

In this life, I have come to understand the importance of being like the rock 
and the water.

Be like the rock in your convictions, strong and unmovable; Standing firm on 
your ideology.

Be like the water in your understanding, fluid and flowing forward; Accepting 
of other's viewpoints with love and compassion.

For in this life you will not agree with everything that is presented to you. 

We must be like the water understanding and respecting another's point of view 
while also being able to flow around that idea without it hindering our own 

We must be like the rock confident in our own understanding and immovable in 
our firm assurances while also allowing other to be whom and what there are in 
their own marvelous way.


The water takes the trace minerals from the rock thereby enriching its very 

The rock's rough places are made smooth making it stronger, better, and 

Therefore, they both enrich the lives of the other and both are made better for 
having met and shared this moment in time thereby helping to create the 
exquisiteness of one another's existence.

-The Enlightenment Chapel, Inc.”


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