[FairfieldLife] Re: Seelisberg = Bevan Morris is now in Seelisberg

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 Maharishi had ADD.  He couldn't hold onto the same thought
 for 5 minutes straight.  Your dreams are gone, as are he.

Whereas his followers can hold onto the same 
petty grudge for years.

Is that their attempt to hold onto their dreams
of knowing the truth, or to life?  :-)

What *IS* it about the grudges and the quest 
for revenge that holds such fascination and
attraction for them? Two people yesterday bit
into the chum I'd scattered and (probably...I 
only read the first lines as usual so I don't
know for sure) ranted for dozens of lines 
explaining why revenge is a Good Thing and 
a Spiritual Thing and why they're so obsessed 
with it, and how hanging on to their revenge 
fantasies makes them all noble. 

I don't buy it. Seeking revenge is seen as a 
Good Thing only in religions and spiritual 
traditions that have never evolved past that
level of childish ego. Those religions and
traditions tend to celebrate the revenge and
add stories *about* revenge to their scrip-
tures to glorify it as something cosmic and
wonderful. But IMO that's just pandering to
the paying customers (the mindless followers)
by glorifying something they're already good
at -- being petty and seeking revenge -- rather
than suggesting that they should Grow Up Already
and get over such childish shit. 

And now their fantasies are seeming to center 
on trying to either get the person who has been 
pointing out that their obsession with revenge 
is low-vibe banned, or trying to get others 
on this forum to pile on when they indulge
in their own Revenge Rants against him. So far,
that hasn't seemed to be working, so I fully 
expect them to add the people who haven't 
signed on to their proposed banning and
shaming campaigns to their Hit List and start
attacking *them*, too. And that, too will be 
just more childish shit.

But all this clinging to revenge may on some level 
be a Good Thing after all. It's becoming obvious 
that the phrase Yeah, that'll happen when Judy 
and Edg get past their revenge fantasies is pretty 
much in the same ballpark as saying When pigs fly 
or When Hell freezes over. Such phrases are often 
associated with the Apocalypse or the predicted end 
of the world.

Maybe Judy and Edg holding on so tightly to 
their revenge fantasies is all that's keeping 
the Apocalypse from happening. Maybe what we 
should be afraid of is the day that either of 
them demonstrate an ounce of compassion or the 
ability to forget the past. The day that happens
may indicate that the world has no future.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
Repulsion and Chinatown, and neither of those
place him in any way above the law. I have said
on this forum several times now that I think he
should have spent more time in jail for the crime
he was convicted of than he did.

But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
on FFL to me supporting and enabling a child rapist.
Go figure. 

The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
spend more time behind bars than he was originally
sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
to the US, if he is.

The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't 
seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
the legal system they claim to be upholding.

Roman Polanski was convicted of (after having been
talked into confessing to it as part of a plea bargain
that was not honored) only *one* thing -- having had 
sex with a minor. That's it. That is ALL that he was
convicted of.

The people screaming for revenge can't seem to remember
this. They talk about the supposed drugging and the anal
rape as if they were facts, and had been proven to be
facts in court, and as if Polanski had been convicted 
of doing these things. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. These 
things were never established as fact; he was never found 
guilty of these things. They were, and remain, hearsay. 

Roman Polanski can be held accountable (some would say unfortunately, and I 
agree with them) for only one 
thing -- having had sex with a minor. *That* is the only 
thing he was convicted of. The *only* penalties that can 
be applied to him are penalties appropriate to that crime. 

That's the appeal of reason and of legal fact. But this
case isn't *about* reason or fact; it's about emotion.
Normally sane people get so emotional that Cokie Roberts
said yesterday on This Week (only partly tongue in cheek),
Roman Polanski is a criminal. He raped and drugged and 
raped and sodomized a child. And then was a fugitive from 
justice. As far as I'm concerned, just take him out and 
shoot him.

This normally sane reporter doesn't even realize that
she is so emotional she said raped twice, let alone
that she's calling for him to be punished for *things
he was not convicted of*. 

The guy should have received the same jail sentence as
anyone else in the state of California convicted of 
having had sex with a minor. End of story. Weighting
his sentence and making it lighter because he was famous
is unacceptable. Weighting his sentence and making it
longer because of hearsay that was never allowed to be
presented in court (because of the plea bargain) and 
that he was never convicted of is unacceptable.

Stop letting emotion poison your brains, people. Step
away from the outrage (faux or real) and away from the
revenge fantasies and try to remember the *facts*. Roman
Polanski was convicted of having sex with a minor. Period.

If you're calling for punishment for more than that,
the person who considers themselves above the law
is YOU.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 The guy should have received the same jail sentence as
 anyone else in the state of California convicted of 
 having had sex with a minor. End of story. Weighting
 his sentence and making it lighter because he was famous
 is unacceptable. Weighting his sentence and making it
 longer because of hearsay that was never allowed to be
 presented in court (because of the plea bargain) and 
 that he was never convicted of is unacceptable.
 Stop letting emotion poison your brains, people. Step
 away from the outrage (faux or real) and away from the
 revenge fantasies and try to remember the *facts*. Roman
 Polanski was convicted of having sex with a minor. Period.
 If you're calling for punishment for more than that,
 the person who considers themselves above the law
 is YOU.

I'll follow up on this to make one additional
factual point and then riff on it. Of course 
there is now one additional charge that can be
applied to Roman Polanski besides having had
sex with a minor -- fleeing the country before
final sentence was passed.

In my opinion that's what all this furor is 
really about. The people who are still trying
to drag him back to the US are *using* the
emotional angle of his case to hide what they
are *really* pissed off about -- international 
extradition agreements and the fact that they
don't work the way that the US would like them to. 

This whole furor is an attempt IMO to force the
international community to abide by *America's*
view of what law is. They want to insure that
in the future anyone they call a criminal in the
United States is considered one all over the 
world, to the point that these other countries 
will spend their own time, energy, and money 
tracking down these US criminals to return them 
to justice in America.

Not gonna happen. France has extradition agree-
ments with the US, but reserves the right to make
its own decisions on whether to extradite or not.
So, until the recent American bullying started,
did Switzerland. My bet is that the Swiss, who
worship money even more than the Americans do,
will capitulate and return Polanski to the US,
where they'll throw the book at him for revealing
the American justice system's 1) lack of justice
and 2) its impotence.

It's having been bested by a short, Polish twerp
that's really the issue here. They cannot abide
that. The thing they're using to chum the waters
of international sentiment and get him extradited
are the hearsay elements of the case, things he
was never convicted of, things that were never 
presented in court in the first place. But the real
reason they're still after him IMO is because he
proved to the world 1) just how corrupt the American
legal system is, and 2) how easy it is to ignore if
you take a mind to.

And that's probably about all I have to say about
Roman Polanski, except to establish what I have 
said and continue to say here, as opposed to the
things that bitter old harpies and hate junkies
*claim* that I've said. I think that Polanski:

* Should have spent more time in jail than he did,
for the crime of which he was convicted -- having
sex with a minor. 

* Should not have had that time weighted *either*
by the fact that he was a celebrity *or* because
of charges made against him that were dropped and
of which he was *not* convicted.

* Is probably a real sleazeball, and not a very
good filmmaker. He all too often relies on the very 
thing that is being used against him to sell his 
movies -- an appeal to cheap emotion (cf. The 

* Is toast. The Swiss are ruled by the love of money
and are not about to risk having the US investigate
their hiding of it any further by fighting extradition.

[FairfieldLife] What the phuk is a Rk (~ rik)?

2009-10-05 Thread cardemaister
Motto: Let your fancy flow! (Jimi Hendrix, Up from the Skies).


In Finnish the word 'rikki' means 'broken' (well, a homonymic
word also means 'sulphur'...). 'Snap, Crackle, Pop' in Finnish
is 'Riks, Raks, Poks'.

So, e.g. 'riks' in Finnish is an onomatopoetic word for the 
sound of something shattering: mennä (to go) rikki (broken).

Thus, the word 'Rk' is an auditive descripition, on
the vaikharii level of speech,  of the
spontaneous sequential symmetry breaking that produces
the manifest, material world (maayaa) from the unmanifest
immaterial existense (sat).

Now, 'paramo vyomaa' (locative: parame vyoman[i] - *in* paramo 
vyomaa) in the terminology of modern physics prolly corresponds
to quantum vacuum state or somesuch. 

I guess it's a well known fact that quantum vacuum state 
constantly produces, or whatever, pairs of virtual particles
(a particle and its antiparticle?) that usually immediately
annihilate each other. Perhaps one might say that a miniscule
portion of the quantum vacuum state breaks, so to speak,
for a unbelievably short moment of time but is immeditely 
healed (made whole).

So, the Rk-s naturally exist in a holistict state (akSara: not-kSara),
but due to some peculiar conditions (according to Stephen
Hawking, the nearness(?) of miniature black holes) they 
can manifest (kSara of A) to be annihilited during a pralaya, mahaa or
otherwise...blah, blah, blah...

[FairfieldLife] For Bhairitu -- my Polanski conspiracy theory :-)

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Just for fun, and to piss off the emotionally-
out-of-control here.  :-)

My theory -- which is not just mine, BTW, and
has been voiced in the European press -- is
that the Polanski case is All About Extradition.

That is, it's an attempt by the US to beef up
extradition as a preventive measure to keep
rich Americans from taking their money to off-
shore tax havens and then moving there them-
selves when the economy finally tanks. The real
goal of this effort is to ensure that when this
happens the US can extradite and bring back
rich people who move to tax haven countries and,
more important, bring back their money.

Andorran sources have said that pressures similar
to what the US is trying to impose on Switzerland
have been tried on them. So have sources in the
Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands, and other
nations known as tax havens. 

I'll just throw this out and allow the ranters
to rant about it. It's just a theory, and a con-
spiracy theory at that :-), but my rule of thumb 
when some guvmint dredges up a 32-year-old case
at the same time its economy is in a meltdown is 
that it's not a bad idea to follow the money 
and see whether there might just be a financial
reason for it. And there is.






[FairfieldLife] Shamatha Project researcher receives Nobel Prize

2009-10-05 Thread Vaj
Elizabeth Blackburn, a participant in the Shamatha Project meditation  
research, the most detailed look into deep meditation ever conducted,  
has received the Nobel prize for medicine, along with two other  
colleagues for her research on telomeres.



3 Americans share 2009 Nobel medicine prize
The Associated Press
Monday, October 5, 2009; 6:56 AM

STOCKHOLM -- Americans Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and  
Jack W. Szostak won the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for  
discovering a key mechanism in the genetic operations of cells, an  
insight that has inspired new lines of research into cancer.

The trio solved the mystery of how chromosomes, the rod-like  
structures that carry DNA, protect themselves from degrading when  
cells divide.

The Nobel citation said the laureates found the solution in the ends  
of the chromosomes - structures called telomeres that are often  
compared to the plastic tips at the end of shoe laces that keep those  
laces from unraveling.

Blackburn and Greider discovered the enzyme that builds telomeres -  
telomerase - and the mechanism by which it adds DNA to the tips of  
chromosomes to replace genetic material that has eroded away.

The prize-winners' work set the stage for research suggesting that  
cancer cells use telomerase to sustain their uncontrolled growth.  
Scientists are studying whether drugs that block the enzyme can fight  
the disease. In addition, scientists believe that the DNA erosion the  
enzyme repairs might play a role in some illnesses.

The discoveries by Blackburn, Greider and Szostak have added a new  
dimension to our understanding of the cell, shed light on disease  
mechanisms, and stimulated the development of potential new  
therapies, the prize committee said in its citation. (...)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rape and Barry's Sociopathy and Barry's Elitism

2009-10-05 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 What is rape? What makes it the crime that most folks consider almost as bad 
 as murder? 

Rape is bad, very, very bad...
Why is rape bad, very, very bad?

There is a 'Demonic Spirit' that is 'Doing the Raping'...
Because, it is inhuman...
This is the essence, of what happened with Sharon Tate, and 'The Director'...he 
became possessed, with some kind of 'Demon', which was left there, by the 
'Manson Followers'...and that demon, is something he has to face now, although, 
that demon, has moved on to someone else, in the LA area...

First of all, we need to appreciate, what 'Sex' is, in it's essence...
'Sex' in it's essence, is the 'Holy Spirit'...
In 'Tantra' Sex...is one end of the 'Cobra Snake'...
And the 'Third Eye'...and 'Crown Chakra'...are the other end...
Of the 'Mastery of that Cobra Energy, of 'Awakened Shakti'...

Now, if one is 'Invaded'...by a 'Nasty Spirit'...
That wishes to abuse, this 'Human Being'...
By 'Grabbing' at the 'Sacred Fire'...
Then the 'Actual Soul' of that human, can 'Withdraw from the Body'...
In horror...
This can cause a 'Psychic Death', in the individual...

The 'Demonic Power'...of 'Playing With', someone's sexual energy, has been 
utilized by the CIA, in Abu Ghraib prison~ Baghdad, Iraq...

Because the effects of this kind of 'Rape' has been known, in war, to produce 
maximum shock psychic damage, sometimes permanent...

During the 'Nazi Era', much torture, relating to sexuality, was committed by 
the Nazis, because, in part, to the intense sexual repression in the German 
And the fact, that Hitler, only had one testicle...

Robert Jeffrey Gimbel

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Vaj

On Oct 5, 2009, at 3:58 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
on FFL to me supporting and enabling a child rapist.
Go figure.

The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
spend more time behind bars than he was originally
sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
to the US, if he is.

The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't
seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
the legal system they claim to be upholding.

There has been a lot written and there are numerous on-going  
investigations into what the Buddhist taxonomy of consciousness would  
call afflictive emotions. The first major work was by Daniel Goleman,  
Ph.D. and entitled Destructive Emotions.  Goleman was group leader in  
the Mind  Life conference, where HH the 14th Dalai Lama meets with  
leading scientists. The meeting Goleman was at  was actually the 3rd  
Mind  Life conference held in 1990. Since that time researchers have  
continued to look into this topic.  I am actually just reading a more  
recent work on the topic of emotional awareness, a conversation  
between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman, Ph.D. entitled Emotional  
Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and  

Of course there are afflictive and non-afflictive emotions. If one  
truly expands consciousness one should expand consciousness to  
include automatic mechanisms--knee-jerk reactions--which can  
include the afflictive emotions. As awareness expands, unconscious  
afflictive emotions are diminished. Some meditation forms may not  
work at this level and so destructive emotions continue to flourish,  
which means such people can afflict others with their afflictive  

But someone who is free from afflictive emotion and able to  
discriminate instinctively, can also use afflictive emotions  

It's usually pretty easy to tell who is who in person, if one  
spends enough time around them. Similarly, although with less  
precision, you can also get a good idea by reading someone's writing  
across time.

One primary characteristic of afflictive emotions is that they are  
out of tune with reality. There is a distorted perception of reality.  
It is as if the perception of reality is poisoned or negatively  
colored by an instinctual negative reaction. Whether one can turn  
that afflictive emotion into something constructive depends on the  
skill of the individual.

Certain meditative training can help one develop that skillfulness.  
In general meditative forms that use a form of top-down control of  
attention tend to favor a more egocentric neural functioning, and  
thus aren't as good at transforming instinctual negativity. Bottom- 
up, more open presence style of meditative practice, either alone  
or in conjunction with egocentric attentional forms, seem to favor a  
more allocentric, other, out there awareness and are better at  
integrating and transforming negativity. Transcend and include  
rather than transcend into.

All healthy humans have various instinctual reactions or reflexes  
that originate from the very old, reptilian part of the brain. For  
example, in all humans, if they are startled by a loud sound, there  
is a reflexive and measurable response that always occurs at exactly  
250 milliseconds after the stimulus and always lasts for exactly 250  
milliseconds, always ending 500 milliseconds after the stimulus.  
Never longer, never shorter, in the entire species. However in  
advanced meditators we now know they can transcend and include to  
the point where that reptilian startle is no longer measurable or  
just barely detectable. It's this level of meditation practice and  
proficiency that allows a person to conquer--and master--even the  
most instinctual negative emotions.

This non-startle presence is very obvious once one has recognized  
it, around certain meditative adepts. It has a kind of ripple effect  
through the various levels of the person. And like the afflictive  
emotions of a person who can spread this affliction to others (and  
cause them to produce negative emotions), people with the non- 
startle, non-afflictive style are able to pass that presence on to  
others, but in a more positive manner.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Sara Ridgely passed away

2009-10-05 Thread Dick Mays

Delivered-To: dickm...@lisco.com
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=gmail.com; s=gamma;
From: Anthony Antimuro aa1...@gmail.com
To: Anthony Antimuro aa1...@gmail.com
Subject: Sara Ridgely passed away
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 21:28:29 -0500
X-MagicMail-UUID: cca85516-b156-11de-be63-00065bf16b23


In case you have not yet heard, I thought that you would want to 
know that Sara Ridgely, beloved wife of Craig Ridgely, passed away 
peacefully with Craig by her side at home on Friday, October 2.

Sara will be missed by all who knew her.

If you would like to send a note of condolence and support, you can 
contact Craig via e-mail or mail at:

Craig Ridgley 
1104 W. Briggs Av

Fairfield, IA  52556

Please feel free to share this message with those on your mailing list.
I have sent this message to all those on my mailing list who may 
have known either Craig or Sara. If I have included you in error, 
please forgive my mistake.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Insensitivity,

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
   Dear Rick, i think very clearly i could help you with this. 
   Give me that key that you have to FFL that rules the other 
   keys that those other moderators have. That one key that 
   rules them all. Its a heavey weight to carry all alone. I 
   should help you with that. We've come through a lot together.
  The Precious. He wants the Precious. Shall we gives it to him? 
  No, he takes it and becomes powerful. He keeps it in his nasty 
  little pocketses.
 Om Nay, no you have me all wrong. 
 I only wanted to look at them, the username and password that 
 rules them all. I would not use them, I only feel to check them 
 for their primordial sound values.  

I can save Doug the effort. My username and
password are both based on the ancient mantra
and primordial sound FUCK YOU. 

That's a short U (as in up) not a long U
(as in user). Just trying to be helpful.  :-)

Fortunately, I think we all know that Doug is
having us on with all of this. Whereas I don't
think I'm alone here in worrying about Robert
(babaji) lately. Sometimes I'm afraid he really
does believe the stuff he posts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Bhairitu -- my Polanski conspiracy theory :-)

2009-10-05 Thread WillyTex
TurquoiseB wrote:
 it's not a bad idea to follow the money and see 
 whether there might just be a financial reason for 
 it. And there is.
Maybe it's time for Polanski to pay the victim the
money she was awarded in court. Two million dollars
ought to begin to make things right.

[FairfieldLife] Nityananda - Nothing can prevent the bond of Love

2009-10-05 Thread do.rflex

Late in the evening of August 7, 1961 Nityananda was alone with one devotee and 
he told him that he would be leaving the body the next day. The devotee was in 
tears and asked him to change his mind or at least postpone the Mahasamadhi. He 

It is possible only if a few devotees come forward and make a request; not any 
devotees but those imbued with desireless devotion, bhava (feeling) and prema 

Even one such is enough and the samadhi will be canceled. When such a devotee 
is present, even God cannot take leave without his permission, or be able to 
disengage himself from the bond of his pure love.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
 because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
 IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
 Repulsion and Chinatown, and neither of those
 place him in any way above the law. I have said
 on this forum several times now that I think he
 should have spent more time in jail for the crime
 he was convicted of than he did.
 But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
 on FFL to me supporting and enabling a child rapist.
 Go figure. 
 The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
 By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
 spend more time behind bars than he was originally
 sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
 to the US, if he is.
 The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
 media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
 MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't 
 seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
 the legal system they claim to be upholding.
 Roman Polanski was convicted of (after having been
 talked into confessing to it as part of a plea bargain
 that was not honored) only *one* thing -- having had 
 sex with a minor. That's it. That is ALL that he was
 convicted of.
 The people screaming for revenge can't seem to remember

Can't remember it?

Hell, we wish we could FORGET it!

Since you are no doubt the psychopath that various members of this group have 
accused you of being, you wouldn't understand that the mere fact that Polanski 
was convicted of only ONE count is what has many of us up in arms.  Largely due 
to the fact that, at the time, the victim made it clear she didn't want to go 
through the horrors of a trial (in those days it was even tougher on rape 
victims than it is today and rich Polanski's high-priced lawyers would have 
made minced meat of her), the prosecution made the plea bargaining deal with 
Polanski.  But there were numerous OTHER charges that if Geimer's Grand Jury 
testimony is to be believed Polanski was guilty of.

 They talk about the supposed drugging and the anal
 rape as if they were facts, and had been proven to be
 facts in court, and as if Polanski had been convicted 
 of doing these things. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. These 
 things were never established as fact; he was never found 
 guilty of these things. They were, and remain, hearsay. 

No, actually, they were and remain evidence (testimony is evidence).  You are 
correct when you say that we don't know whether those specific things happened 
(drugging, anal rape) but, hey, when a convicted felon runs out and avoids 
justice as Polanski did, no one need presume any sort of innocence.  Polanski 
could have chosen to face his accuser in the proper forum -- a court -- but 
chose not to. He skipped town. So it is entirely reasonable until he does to 
presume that the victim was correct in all she said.

 Roman Polanski can be held accountable (some would say unfortunately, and I 
 agree with them) for only one 
 thing -- having had sex with a minor. *That* is the only 
 thing he was convicted of. The *only* penalties that can 
 be applied to him are penalties appropriate to that crime. 

1) Uh, no, the only penalties, at minimum are the one count of unlawful sex 
with a child AND whatever penalty comes from fleeing jurisdiction.

2)  Your unfortunately remark tells everyone that the psychopath accusation 
may literally be clinically accurate.  EVEN IF ALL THAT YOU CHILD RAPE ENABLERS 
WITH A 44 YEAR OLD MAN.  You simply don't GET that, Barry, and that, dear boy, 
is precisely why you are a child rape enabler.  In whatever small way, you 
enable crimes of this kind by putting out the idea that 44 year old men can 
touch 13 year old girls in ANY way, even with consent: Well, your honor, she 
looked WAY beyond her years and, boy, she really tempted me by sticking her 
tits in my face and who could resist that?  This is what you're essentially 
saying by your unfortunately remark, Barry, and there really isn't any other 

 That's the appeal of reason and of legal fact. But this
 case isn't *about* reason or fact; it's about emotion.

Emotion, anger, and knee-jerk reactions of the mob mentality is curtailed by 
the rules of law and the justice system taking its course.  It is Polanski that 
broke this covenant.  Such emotions are not only natural to have in response to 
this crime of Polanski's but rational to have and these emotions are held in 
check by the rule of law taking its course, such as they have been with 
Polanski's arrest after 32 years 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Bhairitu -- my Polanski conspiracy theory :-)

2009-10-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Just for fun, and to piss off the emotionally-
 out-of-control here.  :-)
 My theory -- which is not just mine, BTW, and
 has been voiced in the European press -- is
 that the Polanski case is All About Extradition.
 That is, it's an attempt by the US to beef up
 extradition as a preventive measure to keep
 rich Americans from taking their money to off-
 shore tax havens and then moving there them-
 selves when the economy finally tanks. The real
 goal of this effort is to ensure that when this
 happens the US can extradite and bring back
 rich people who move to tax haven countries and,
 more important, bring back their money.
 Andorran sources have said that pressures similar
 to what the US is trying to impose on Switzerland
 have been tried on them. So have sources in the
 Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands, and other
 nations known as tax havens. 
 I'll just throw this out and allow the ranters
 to rant about it. It's just a theory, and a con-
 spiracy theory at that :-), but my rule of thumb 
 when some guvmint dredges up a 32-year-old case

...and the reason it's a 32 year case is SOLELY because of the convicted child 

Gee, I don't suppose one of the motivations on the part of the U.S. is that to 
discourage further child rapes that it must be shown that you can't flee 
justice forever, could it?

Sadly for Barry who thinks the French and Europeans superior to Americans in 
all things, including justice and child rape, the French Ministry of Justice 
has seen the public opinion polls (running 70% against Polanski) and have 
officially dropped their request that Polanski be set free.

 at the same time its economy is in a meltdown is 
 that it's not a bad idea to follow the money 
 and see whether there might just be a financial
 reason for it. And there is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Bhairitu -- my Polanski conspiracy theory :-)

2009-10-05 Thread ShempMcGurk
I note below that one of the links that Barry provides us in order to convince 
us of his child-rape-enabling viewpoint is to the HuffingtonPost.com.

He accuses us of being part of the mob mentality and of being angry and 
irrational.  Well, it may interest him to know that compared with some of the 
HuffPo bloggers and to an even greater extent its readers' comments, the FFL 
anti-Polanski crowd are veritable push-overs.  HuffPo has an entire page 
devoted to Polanski:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Just for fun, and to piss off the emotionally-
 out-of-control here.  :-)
 My theory -- which is not just mine, BTW, and
 has been voiced in the European press -- is
 that the Polanski case is All About Extradition.
 That is, it's an attempt by the US to beef up
 extradition as a preventive measure to keep
 rich Americans from taking their money to off-
 shore tax havens and then moving there them-
 selves when the economy finally tanks. The real
 goal of this effort is to ensure that when this
 happens the US can extradite and bring back
 rich people who move to tax haven countries and,
 more important, bring back their money.
 Andorran sources have said that pressures similar
 to what the US is trying to impose on Switzerland
 have been tried on them. So have sources in the
 Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands, and other
 nations known as tax havens. 
 I'll just throw this out and allow the ranters
 to rant about it. It's just a theory, and a con-
 spiracy theory at that :-), but my rule of thumb 
 when some guvmint dredges up a 32-year-old case
 at the same time its economy is in a meltdown is 
 that it's not a bad idea to follow the money 
 and see whether there might just be a financial
 reason for it. And there is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Thanks for writing this up, Vaj, and so well. You get it.

I see the *level* of destructive emotions being displayed
on this forum by 30 to 40 year TM meditators as being a
matter of some concern. I further see the fact that they
describe these destructive emotions as normal to be of
even more concern.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Oct 5, 2009, at 3:58 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
  media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
  MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't
  seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
  the legal system they claim to be upholding.

 There has been a lot written and there are numerous on-going
 investigations into what the Buddhist taxonomy of consciousness would
 call afflictive emotions. The first major work was by Daniel Goleman,
 Ph.D. and entitled Destructive Emotions.  Goleman was group leader in
 the Mind  Life conference, where HH the 14th Dalai Lama meets with
 leading scientists. The meeting Goleman was at  was actually the 3rd
 Mind  Life conference held in 1990. Since that time researchers have
 continued to look into this topic.  I am actually just reading a more
 recent work on the topic of emotional awareness, a conversation
 between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman, Ph.D. entitled Emotional
 Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and

 Of course there are afflictive and non-afflictive emotions. If one
 truly expands consciousness one should expand consciousness to
 include automatic mechanisms--knee-jerk reactions--which can
 include the afflictive emotions. As awareness expands, unconscious
 afflictive emotions are diminished. Some meditation forms may not
 work at this level and so destructive emotions continue to flourish,
 which means such people can afflict others with their afflictive

 But someone who is free from afflictive emotion and able to
 discriminate instinctively, can also use afflictive emotions

 It's usually pretty easy to tell who is who in person, if one
 spends enough time around them. Similarly, although with less
 precision, you can also get a good idea by reading someone's writing
 across time.

 One primary characteristic of afflictive emotions is that they are
 out of tune with reality. There is a distorted perception of reality.
 It is as if the perception of reality is poisoned or negatively
 colored by an instinctual negative reaction. Whether one can turn
 that afflictive emotion into something constructive depends on the
 skill of the individual.

 Certain meditative training can help one develop that skillfulness.
 In general meditative forms that use a form of top-down control of
 attention tend to favor a more egocentric neural functioning, and
 thus aren't as good at transforming instinctual negativity. Bottom-
 up, more open presence style of meditative practice, either alone
 or in conjunction with egocentric attentional forms, seem to favor a
 more allocentric, other, out there awareness and are better at
 integrating and transforming negativity. Transcend and include
 rather than transcend into.

 All healthy humans have various instinctual reactions or reflexes
 that originate from the very old, reptilian part of the brain. For
 example, in all humans, if they are startled by a loud sound, there
 is a reflexive and measurable response that always occurs at exactly
 250 milliseconds after the stimulus and always lasts for exactly 250
 milliseconds, always ending 500 milliseconds after the stimulus.
 Never longer, never shorter, in the entire species. However in
 advanced meditators we now know they can transcend and include to
 the point where that reptilian startle is no longer measurable or
 just barely detectable. It's this level of meditation practice and
 proficiency that allows a person to conquer--and master--even the
 most instinctual negative emotions.

 This non-startle presence is very obvious once one has recognized
 it, around certain meditative adepts. It has a kind of ripple effect
 through the various levels of the person. And like the afflictive
 emotions of a person who can spread this affliction to others (and
 cause them to produce negative emotions), people with the non-
 startle, non-afflictive style are able to pass that presence on to
 others, but in a more positive manner.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Thanks for writing this up, Vaj, and so well. You get it.
 I see the *level* of destructive emotions being displayed
 on this forum by 30 to 40 year TM meditators as being a
 matter of some concern. I further see the fact that they
 describe these destructive emotions as normal to be of
 even more concern.

How many here think Barry never displays any destructive
emotions on FFL?

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Bhairitu -- my Polanski conspiracy theory :-)

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
I don't have time to read through the links you've provided.  I would 
hope some of them would point out that people put money in Swiss banks 
that taxes have already been paid on.  The US government has no need to 
know about those.  But I agree they may try to impound any money people 
have not only abroad but in the US.  I've been saying ever since I saw 
the documentary on Argentina back in 2002 that what happened there is 
likely to happen in the US.  In Argentina they stole people's retirement 
funds.  Suddenly even professional people were broke.  And I believe in 
2005 the IMF who did the raiding in Argentina warned the US that it was 
in for the same thing.   But people here are too busy watching American 
Idol and football to care.

We need to all become Robin Hoods.

TurquoiseB wrote:
 Just for fun, and to piss off the emotionally-
 out-of-control here.  :-)

 My theory -- which is not just mine, BTW, and
 has been voiced in the European press -- is
 that the Polanski case is All About Extradition.

 That is, it's an attempt by the US to beef up
 extradition as a preventive measure to keep
 rich Americans from taking their money to off-
 shore tax havens and then moving there them-
 selves when the economy finally tanks. The real
 goal of this effort is to ensure that when this
 happens the US can extradite and bring back
 rich people who move to tax haven countries and,
 more important, bring back their money.

 Andorran sources have said that pressures similar
 to what the US is trying to impose on Switzerland
 have been tried on them. So have sources in the
 Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands, and other
 nations known as tax havens. 

 I'll just throw this out and allow the ranters
 to rant about it. It's just a theory, and a con-
 spiracy theory at that :-), but my rule of thumb 
 when some guvmint dredges up a 32-year-old case
 at the same time its economy is in a meltdown is 
 that it's not a bad idea to follow the money 
 and see whether there might just be a financial
 reason for it. And there is.







[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 In my opinion that's what all this furor is 
 really about. The people who are still trying
 to drag him back to the US are *using* the
 emotional angle of his case to hide what they
 are *really* pissed off about -- international 
 extradition agreements and the fact that they
 don't work the way that the US would like them to. 

Naah. Polanski pissed off the prosecutors by
demanding *in absentia* that his case be dropped
because of purported malfeasance by the judge and

Extradition is typically a delicate matter, and
nobody thinks that's likely to change, nor
should it.

If it were a terrorist, you might see actual
official concern about the state of international
extradition agreements, but Polanski's much too
small-time a weasel for that.

No, Barry's fantasizing again, this time because
it gives him an opportunity to dump on the U.S.
and convince himself that he was right to flee.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
 because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.

No, the reason Barry's so obsessed with it is because
it gives him something to attack the FFLers he doesn't
like about.

 But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
 on FFL to me supporting and enabling a child rapist.
 Go figure. 

Yeah, it's because Barry is supporting a child rapist.

But the revenge fantasies bit is *his fantasy*,
and as such it's very revealing of *his motivations*.

 The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
 By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
 spend more time behind bars than he was originally
 sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
 to the US, if he is.

He was never sentenced. He fled the country to avoid
being sentenced.

 The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
 media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
 MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't 
 seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
 the legal system they claim to be upholding.

Well, Barry got one simple fact wrong already in
this post; let's see if he gets any of the others

 Roman Polanski was convicted of (after having been
 talked into confessing to it as part of a plea bargain
 that was not honored) only *one* thing -- having had 
 sex with a minor. That's it. That is ALL that he was
 convicted of.

 The people screaming for revenge can't seem to remember
 this. They talk about the supposed drugging and the anal
 rape as if they were facts, and had been proven to be
 facts in court, and as if Polanski had been convicted 
 of doing these things. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. These 
 things were never established as fact; he was never found 
 guilty of these things. They were, and remain, hearsay.

Nope, not hearsay, firsthand grand jury testimony.

This is hearsay:

evidence based not on a witness's personal knowledge
but on another's statement not made under oath

The victim testified under oath to a grand jury about
her own personal knowledge of what happened.

 Roman Polanski can be held accountable (some would 
 say unfortunately, and I agree with them) for only one 
 thing -- having had sex with a minor. *That* is the only 
 thing he was convicted of. The *only* penalties that can 
 be applied to him are penalties appropriate to that crime. 

Nope, he can also be penalized for fleeing prosecution.
 That's the appeal of reason and of legal fact.


Legal fact that Barry gets completely wrong.

 But this
 case isn't *about* reason or fact; it's about emotion.
 Normally sane people get so emotional that Cokie Roberts
 said yesterday on This Week (only partly tongue in cheek),
 Roman Polanski is a criminal. He raped and drugged and 
 raped and sodomized a child. And then was a fugitive from 
 justice. As far as I'm concerned, just take him out and 
 shoot him.
 This normally sane reporter doesn't even realize that
 she is so emotional she said raped twice, let alone
 that she's calling for him to be punished for *things
 he was not convicted of*.

Yes, he *was* convicted of rape. Rape is what he pled
guilty to, see, so Roberts (who knew exactly what she
was saying) was entirely correct to refer to it as such.

 The guy should have received the same jail sentence as
 anyone else in the state of California convicted of 
 having had sex with a minor. End of story. Weighting
 his sentence and making it lighter because he was famous
 is unacceptable. Weighting his sentence and making it
 longer because of hearsay

Not hearsay. Barry obviously doesn't know what
hearsay means.

 that was never allowed to be
 presented in court (because of the plea bargain) and 
 that he was never convicted of is unacceptable.

Nobody here thinks he should be penalized for raping
a minor and fleeing prosecution any more than anyone
else in the state of California who committed the same

 Stop letting emotion poison your brains, people. Step
 away from the outrage (faux or real) and away from the
 revenge fantasies and try to remember the *facts*. Roman
 Polanski was convicted of having sex with a minor. Period.

Having sex with a minor is called statutory rape.
A minor is legally considered incapable of 
consenting to sex, therefore sex with a minor is
legally nonconsensual, which means it's rape.

 If you're calling for punishment for more than that,
 the person who considers themselves above the law
 is YOU.

Among all his other myriad confusions, Barry's 
getting us confused with Cokie Roberts.

Another thing Barry is confused about: He seems to
think expressions of outrage on an Internet forum
or blog *will somehow change the laws to which
Polanski is subject*. Barry should stop letting
emotion poison his brain, and then maybe he'd be
able to think straight and remember the *facts*.

He might also want to look up the legal terms he
tosses around and find out what 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Seelisberg = Bevan Morris is now in Seelisberg

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
See Barry. See Barry fantasize. See Barry melt down,
AGAIN, over his own fantasies and make himself look

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 What *IS* it about the grudges and the quest 
 for revenge that holds such fascination and
 attraction for them? Two people yesterday bit
 into the chum I'd scattered and (probably...I 
 only read the first lines as usual so I don't
 know for sure) ranted for dozens of lines 
 explaining why revenge is a Good Thing and 
 a Spiritual Thing and why they're so obsessed 
 with it, and how hanging on to their revenge 
 fantasies makes them all noble.

Nope, neither of us did anything even remotely
like that.

Barry now proceeds to rant about his fantasies
*as if they were real life*:

 I don't buy it. Seeking revenge is seen as a 
 Good Thing only in religions and spiritual 
 traditions that have never evolved past that
 level of childish ego. Those religions and
 traditions tend to celebrate the revenge and
 add stories *about* revenge to their scrip-
 tures to glorify it as something cosmic and
 wonderful. But IMO that's just pandering to
 the paying customers (the mindless followers)
 by glorifying something they're already good
 at -- being petty and seeking revenge -- rather
 than suggesting that they should Grow Up Already
 and get over such childish shit. 
 And now their fantasies are seeming to center 
 on trying to either get the person who has been 
 pointing out that their obsession with revenge 
 is low-vibe banned, or trying to get others 
 on this forum to pile on when they indulge
 in their own Revenge Rants against him. So far,
 that hasn't seemed to be working

Heh. Barry managed to miss Alex's recent post,
it seems. (Completely unsolicited, however.)

, so I fully 
 expect them to add the people who haven't 
 signed on to their proposed banning and
 shaming campaigns to their Hit List and start
 attacking *them*, too. And that, too will be 
 just more childish shit.
 But all this clinging to revenge may on some level 
 be a Good Thing after all. It's becoming obvious 
 that the phrase Yeah, that'll happen when Judy 
 and Edg get past their revenge fantasies is pretty 
 much in the same ballpark as saying When pigs fly 
 or When Hell freezes over. Such phrases are often 
 associated with the Apocalypse or the predicted end 
 of the world.

Since Barry is the only one to use that phrase
about Edg and me, it must mean he's getting more
and more nervous about the Apocalypse.

 Maybe Judy and Edg holding on so tightly to 
 their revenge fantasies is all that's keeping 
 the Apocalypse from happening.

You just keep right on fantasizing about our
nonexistent revenge fantasies, and you may well
bring on your own personal solipsistic 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Thanks for writing this up, Vaj, and so well. You get it.
  I see the *level* of destructive emotions being displayed
  on this forum by 30 to 40 year TM meditators as being a
  matter of some concern. I further see the fact that they
  describe these destructive emotions as normal to be of
  even more concern.
 How many here think Barry never displays any destructive
 emotions on FFL?

Oh, Barry Wright is a paragon of love, serenity, and enlightenment.  Not only 
does he not display destructive emotions but, through his leadership and 
wonderful button pushing karma-overcoming exercises he engages in with the 
FFL members, he selflessly aids us in our path to a greater unfolding of our 
full potential.

You know, Judy, when Barry treats you like a piece of shit, you simply don't 
get it. Vaj does (as Barry indicates above).  Why can't you?  What deficiency 
exists within you that you don't recognize what Barry does for your benefit on 
a daily basis?  His lies, distortions of truth, support for child-rapists, and 
so on, is all part of a concerted effort on his part to break your boundaries, 
so to speak, and raise you above the karmic muck that you have been stuck in by 
practising the pedestrian and mostly ineffective TM technique.

How many times has Barry tried to get you to see the light?  Certainly, you are 
aware after all these years that Barry has experience with many dozens of 
self-development techniques, all of which he has mastered.  Do you know that, 
unlike yourself, Barry has witnessed on hundreds of occasions levitation?  Oh, 
I know, some would poo-poo this claim and suggest that he is delusional or that 
the cult-leader who he claims performed it was hypnotizing him.  But, please.  
Such suggestions are a reflection on those that posit them and reveal such 
apostates to be on a low rung of evolution.

Someone so knowledgable and experienced throws the garbage he throws at you for 
your own good, Judy, and you simply don't appreciate it.  You have the gall to 
question his motives as well as pick apart the obvious discrepancies in his 
logic and irrational arguments.  Don't you know that spiritual masters are 
BEYOND logic, compassion, the rule of law, and common sense?  Of course you 
wouldn't know that, Judy, because you aren't the enlightened Barry Wright who 
knows who it is important to know, has been on all the necessary spiritual 
trips that need to be experienced and mastered, and has pretty much been at 
hand to witness every single important event in the last 40 years on planet 
Earth, just like Zelig (and has probably inadvertently been a key player in all 
those events, too, just like Forest Gump).

I think you owe Barry a HUGE apology, Judy, and in the future you should 
neither challenge nor question either his motives or methods because they are 
undertaken for your own good.

[FairfieldLife] 'No God on the Money!' (1984 Double-Speak?)//\\\

2009-10-05 Thread Robert
Jesus said, not to put...

The Name of God The Father...

On the Money...

This is more of a Euro~Roman Tradition...

Putting the Name of God on the money is:
Totally and completely against the:

The 'Law of Moses'
I Am a Jealous God'...
'Thou Shalt Not Have any God's before Me!...

Now, we need to someone transform the whole idea of;
Money as 'Not God'...
The whole damn evil 'God-Less'  money system...!

Hey, all the money has traces of 'Coca' on it, anyway...

So, there ya' go...

Money is not God!'

But, 'She's Alright, She's Alright, She's Alright



[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:
 I think you owe Barry a HUGE apology, Judy, and in the
 future you should neither challenge nor question either
 his motives or methods because they are undertaken for
 your own good.

I sit corrected.

Well, no, actually I sit and roll on the floor laughing.

Oops, my ass just fell off...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Thanks for writing this up, Vaj, and so well. You get it.
  I see the *level* of destructive emotions being displayed
  on this forum by 30 to 40 year TM meditators as being a
  matter of some concern. I further see the fact that they
  describe these destructive emotions as normal to be of
  even more concern.
 How many here think Barry never displays any destructive
 emotions on FFL?

I certainly don't, HaHa.

Both barry and Vaj are a couple of hypocrits with a socalled Buddhist agenda.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Duveyoung
A very very nice piece, Shemp.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Thanks for writing this up, Vaj, and so well. You get it.
   I see the *level* of destructive emotions being displayed
   on this forum by 30 to 40 year TM meditators as being a
   matter of some concern. I further see the fact that they
   describe these destructive emotions as normal to be of
   even more concern.
  How many here think Barry never displays any destructive
  emotions on FFL?
 Oh, Barry Wright is a paragon of love, serenity, and enlightenment.  Not only 
 does he not display destructive emotions but, through his leadership and 
 wonderful button pushing karma-overcoming exercises he engages in with the 
 FFL members, he selflessly aids us in our path to a greater unfolding of our 
 full potential.
 You know, Judy, when Barry treats you like a piece of shit, you simply don't 
 get it. Vaj does (as Barry indicates above).  Why can't you?  What deficiency 
 exists within you that you don't recognize what Barry does for your benefit 
 on a daily basis?  His lies, distortions of truth, support for child-rapists, 
 and so on, is all part of a concerted effort on his part to break your 
 boundaries, so to speak, and raise you above the karmic muck that you have 
 been stuck in by practising the pedestrian and mostly ineffective TM 
 How many times has Barry tried to get you to see the light?  Certainly, you 
 are aware after all these years that Barry has experience with many dozens of 
 self-development techniques, all of which he has mastered.  Do you know that, 
 unlike yourself, Barry has witnessed on hundreds of occasions levitation?  
 Oh, I know, some would poo-poo this claim and suggest that he is delusional 
 or that the cult-leader who he claims performed it was hypnotizing him.  But, 
 please.  Such suggestions are a reflection on those that posit them and 
 reveal such apostates to be on a low rung of evolution.
 Someone so knowledgable and experienced throws the garbage he throws at you 
 for your own good, Judy, and you simply don't appreciate it.  You have the 
 gall to question his motives as well as pick apart the obvious discrepancies 
 in his logic and irrational arguments.  Don't you know that spiritual masters 
 are BEYOND logic, compassion, the rule of law, and common sense?  Of course 
 you wouldn't know that, Judy, because you aren't the enlightened Barry Wright 
 who knows who it is important to know, has been on all the necessary 
 spiritual trips that need to be experienced and mastered, and has pretty 
 much been at hand to witness every single important event in the last 40 
 years on planet Earth, just like Zelig (and has probably inadvertently been a 
 key player in all those events, too, just like Forest Gump).
 I think you owe Barry a HUGE apology, Judy, and in the future you should 
 neither challenge nor question either his motives or methods because they are 
 undertaken for your own good.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
 because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
 IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
 Repulsion and Chinatown, and neither of those
 place him in any way above the law. I have said
 on this forum several times now that I think he
 should have spent more time in jail for the crime
 he was convicted of than he did.

I'm more amazed at the obsession with this boring news story on a forum 
of supposedly somewhat enlightened people.  The obsession is about the 
same as the supposedly unenlightened public.  I guess whatever it takes 
to get people distracted from more important issues at hand like the 

[FairfieldLife] Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Mea culpa.

Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?
../../../message/231474  ... snip ... I sit corrected. Well, no,
actually I sit and roll on the floor laughing. Oops, my ass just fell

And a good thing, too. That's 40 pounds she could
easily do without...this is probably the first time in
several decades she's been the right weight for her

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
  because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
  IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
  Repulsion and Chinatown, and neither of those
  place him in any way above the law. I have said
  on this forum several times now that I think he
  should have spent more time in jail for the crime
  he was convicted of than he did.
 I'm more amazed at the obsession with this boring news 
 story on a forum of supposedly somewhat enlightened 

That's part of what makes it fascinating, yep.
This story has not even been mentioned on any
of the other spiritual forums I'm part of,
much less obsessed over as it has been here.

I have not even heard it discussed in any of
the bars and cafes I've been in...you know, the
ones the spiritual folks here like to characterize
as low-life.  :-)

 The obsession is about the same as the supposedly 
 unenlightened public. I guess whatever it takes 
 to get people distracted from more important issues 
 at hand like the economy?

That's some of it. Also I think that there is
a general level of fear (and anger at having
that fear) about the economy in general, so
people like to indulge in the afflictive 
emotion of righteous anger because it is 
more powerful and overshadowing than the fear, 
and makes it seem for a short time as if the
fear has gone away.

I still find it interesting that the same people
who have gotten up on their holier-than-thou 
hobbyhorses over Polanski and his child rape
still haven't had a single thing to say about
the fact that the Vatican State has an age of
consent of 12.

I mean, I find that interesting. WTF can they
be *thinking*? 

Outside the borders of Vatican City, the age of
consent is 14. Inside those borders (and WTF 
*lives* there, right?) it is 12.

It's like they're saying, Send your sons and
daughters to our priests after they turn 12
at their own peril.

[FairfieldLife] Seriously now . . . is Barry showing signs?

2009-10-05 Thread Duveyoung
I'm thinking Barry's definitely lost a notch in clarity since his good ol' 
dayssay, a year or so ago.

He used to cover his ass with provisos, ifs, maybes, just my opinions etc., 
and I think, back then, it was much harder to find fault in his logic.

Judy did a masterful job at finding his errors despite his machinations, but I 
often thought she was pushing it a bit to make her point -- just as I push it 
when I suggest Barry is a predatory fucker from his single statement about some 
young girls.  

But these days, geeze, the guy is so transparently in need of his piano being 
tuned.  He just keeps hitting so many sour notes now, that, well, I'm wondering 
if it's time for us to feel some compassion for him -- it may be a brain tumor 
or something.  Maybe he's allowing himself to post when he's stoned now, or 
maybe I just never saw how fucking stupid he really is -- not being a bear of 
much brain myself, I could have missed it way back when -- when I was willing 
to cut him a break because he wrote well.  Or, perhaps the economy has put 
Barry out of work (despite his braggadocio otherwise) and even in cheap-to-live 
Spain perhaps Barry cannot afford to live, and the stress is boggling his 
brain.  Or he's gotten into some trouble in Spain -- like perhaps he was in 
trouble in France such that he had to run to Spain -- and now that stress of 
having to run again is the reason he's posting such buffoon crapola.

Judy et al, I know it's tempting to say he's always been this bad, but 
seriously, don't you think he's deteriorating?  



[FairfieldLife] Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...

2009-10-05 Thread Duveyoung
What a low, vile, odious thug you've become to resort to such tawdry personal 
attacks.  What a fucking jerk -- get your brain scanned for tumors, you're so 
out of it.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Mea culpa.
 Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?
 ../../../message/231474  ... snip ... I sit corrected. Well, no,
 actually I sit and roll on the floor laughing. Oops, my ass just fell
 And a good thing, too. That's 40 pounds she could
 easily do without...this is probably the first time in
 several decades she's been the right weight for her

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Duveyoung

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
  because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
  IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
  Repulsion and Chinatown, and neither of those
  place him in any way above the law. I have said
  on this forum several times now that I think he
  should have spent more time in jail for the crime
  he was convicted of than he did.

 I'm more amazed at the obsession with this boring news story on a forum 
 of supposedly somewhat enlightened people.  The obsession is about the 
 same as the supposedly unenlightened public.  I guess whatever it takes 
 to get people distracted from more important issues at hand like the 

Geeze, B, I think you're being a bit hard on us -- it's Barry that is driving 
this dynamo in that he continues to defend a POV (that is his to have as a 
person,) and keeps foisting it into the conversation here by his droning 
falsities, and I consider that it is an attack on our atmosphere here.  It's 
not that we're fixated on the Polanski deal, it's that Barry is so irritatingly 
parading immorality as his banner, that he must be answered lest we have our 
silence be interpreted as a sign that we think he's won the debate.  

How many times have I mentioned 30,000 children dying each DAY from drinking 
dirty water?  There -- that issue makes the economy issue pale into 
insignificance, but who here is wringing their hands and sobbing about it?  Of 
course, there's a host of other issues almost as dire, and you're my hero for 
being unerringly clear about those issues, but I don't think this forum has any 
agenda to be responsible about the woes of the world, and what gets talked 
about is often petty -- and pretty much standard fare here.


[FairfieldLife] Wingnuts to rewrite and 'Conservatize' the Bible

2009-10-05 Thread do.rflex

Conservatizing the Bible  The eager young
men at Conservapedia are p.o.'d that the Bible might be seen as too
liberal. So they've come up with the Wiki-style Conservative Bible
Project http://conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project , to make
sure the Lord doesn't go all wobbly on us.

Excerpt:  As of 2009, there is no fully conservative translation of the
Bible which satisfies the following ten guidelines:[1]
Framework against Liberal Bias: providing a strong framework that
enables a thought-for-thought translation without corruption by liberal

Not Emasculated: avoiding unisex, gender inclusive language, and other
modern emasculation of Christianity

Not Dumbed Down: not dumbing down the reading level, or diluting the
intellectual force and logic of Christianity; the NIV is written at only
the 7th grade level[2]

Utilize Powerful Conservative Terms: using powerful new conservative
terms as they develop;[3] defective translations use the word comrade
three times as often as volunteer; similarly, updating words which
have a change in meaning, such as word, peace, and miracle

Combat Harmful Addiction: combating addiction by using modern terms for
it, such as gamble rather than cast lots;[4] using modern political
terms, such as register rather than enroll for the census

Accept the Logic of Hell: applying logic with its full force and effect,
as in not denying or downplaying the very real existence of Hell or the

Express Free Market Parables; explaining the numerous economic parables
with their full free-market meaning

Exclude Later-Inserted Liberal Passages: excluding the later-inserted
liberal passages that are not authentic, such as the adulteress story

Credit Open-Mindedness of Disciples: crediting open-mindedness, often
found in youngsters like the eyewitnesses Mark and John, the authors of
two of the Gospels

Prefer Conciseness over Liberal Wordiness: preferring conciseness to the
liberal style of high word-to-substance ratio; avoid compound negatives
and unnecessary ambiguities

Thus, a project has begun among members of Conservapedia to translate
the Bible in accordance with these principles. The translated Bible can
be found here http://conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible .

The liberal style of high word-to-substance ratio? Hoo-wee! Elitists
like to use words, and lots of 'em! Unnecessary ambiguities? But how
are you going to abide by the conservative mandate to avoid dumbing
down Holy Writ while at the same time avoiding big words liberals use?

More seriously, the insane hubris of this really staggers the mind.
These right-wing ideologues know better than the early church councils
that canonized Scripture? They really think it's wise to force the word
of God to conform to a 21st-century American idea of what constitutes
conservatism? These jokers don't worship God. They worship ideology. As
Mark Shea says
http://markshea.blogspot.com/2009/10/conservative-bible-project.html :
Right wing dementia marches on apace. Some of this has a grain of sense
to it, as ideological madness always does. For instance, the dumb
attempts to feminize Scripture are pernicious and need to stop. But
seriously: the story of the woman taken in adultery is liberal? Free
market as Sacred tradition? Liberal wordiness?
You really need to read the whole Conservapedia entry
http://conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project  to grasp how
crazy this is. It's like what you'd get if you crossed the Jesus Seminar
with the College Republican chapter at a rural institution of Bible


[FairfieldLife] Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...
../../../../message/231481  What a low, vile, odious thug you've
become to resort to such tawdry personal attacks. What a fucking jerk --
get your brain scanned for tumors...

Ahem. Might I remind you of a certain post that
had the memorable title The Sagging Jowled
Spewer of Tamas and suggesting that Judy was
up for the Skank  of Fairfield Life award?


She posted the photograph, dude. You felt free
to comment on that photo once. I did the same.

Wasn't in Jeezus who said something about
Remove the tumor from thine own eye before
you start poking around trying to remove one
from other people?

Edg Duveyoung, King Of Hypocrisy

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:


 That's part of what makes it fascinating, yep.
 This story has not even been mentioned on any
 of the other spiritual forums I'm part of,
 much less obsessed over as it has been here.



FFL ceased to be a spirtual forum around, oh, message #32 back in 2001.

Rather disingeneous of you, Barry, to suggest that FFL is a spiritual forum, 
seeing as 80% of its content, on a daily basis, is mostly political.

But go right ahead and continue saying whatever bullshit enables you to make 
your point.

[FairfieldLife] Debilitation of Mars

2009-10-05 Thread John
To All:

As of today on October 5, 2009, Mars has entered the constellation of Cancer 
where it is debilitated.  This means that those areas in the world that are 
subjected to floods, tsunamis, typhoons and hurricanes will be in danger of 
disasters caused by rains, wind, and earthquakes.

We have already seen the prelude of this condition in the typhoons and floods 
that have wreaked havoc in the Philippines and India, and the deadly tsunami 
that hit the American Samoa during the last few days.

In the USA there is a great chance that the areas in the Southeast and Southern 
states will face dangers relating to hurricanes that have threatened these 
areas in the past.

In astrological parlance, Mars is angry because it is in its weakest position 
in the zodiac, Cancer.  Thus, since Cancer is a watery constellation, we see 
this anger being manifested as natural disasters as described above.

[FairfieldLife] Krugman Elaborates on The Party of Beavis and Butt-head

2009-10-05 Thread do.rflex

Krugman Elaborates on The Party of Beavis and Butt-head

That's what he called them last week
-low-road.html . Today, Paul Krugman explains the dangerous gleefulness
of the GOP, which has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old
onpagewanted=print .

There was what President Obama likes to call a teachable moment last
week, when the International Olympic Committee rejected Chicago's
bid to be host of the 2016 Summer Games.

h   [190]

Cheers erupted at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly
Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine's
staff, with the headline Obama loses! Obama loses! Rush
Limbaugh declared himself gleeful. World Rejects
Obama, gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.

So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that
the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican
Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.

But more important, the episode illustrated an essential truth about the
state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one
of our nation's two great political parties is spite pure and
simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president,
they're against it — whether or not it's good for America.

To be sure, while celebrating America's rebuff by the Olympic
Committee was puerile, it didn't do any real harm. But the same
principle of spite has determined Republican positions on more serious
matters, with potentially serious consequences — in particular, in
the debate over health care reform.

Now, it's understandable that many Republicans oppose Democratic
plans to extend insurance coverage — just as most Democrats opposed
President Bush's attempt to convert Social Security into a sort of
giant 401(k). The two parties do, after all, have different philosophies
about the appropriate role of government.

But the tactics of the two parties have been different. In 2005, when
Democrats campaigned against Social Security privatization, their
arguments were consistent with their underlying ideology: they argued
that replacing guaranteed benefits with private accounts would expose
retirees to too much risk.

The Republican campaign against health care reform, by contrast, has
shown no such consistency. For the main G.O.P. line of attack is the
claim — based mainly on lies about death panels and so on — that
reform will undermine Medicare. And this line of attack is utterly at
odds both with the party's traditions and with what conservatives
claim to believe.

Think about just how bizarre it is for Republicans to position
themselves as the defenders of unrestricted Medicare spending. First of
all, the modern G.O.P. considers itself the party of Ronald Reagan —
and Reagan was a fierce opponent of Medicare's creation, warning
that it would destroy American freedom. (Honest.) In the 1990s, Newt
Gingrich tried to force drastic cuts in Medicare financing. And in
recent years, Republicans have repeatedly decried the growth in
entitlement spending — growth that is largely driven by rising
health care costs.

But the Obama administration's plan to expand coverage relies in
part on savings from Medicare. And since the G.O.P. opposes anything
that might be good for Mr. Obama, it has become the passionate defender
of ineffective medical procedures and overpayments to insurance

How did one of our great political parties become so ruthless, so
willing to embrace scorched-earth tactics even if so doing undermines
the ability of any future administration to govern?

The key point is that ever since the Reagan years, the Republican Party
has been dominated by radicals — ideologues and/or apparatchiks who,
at a fundamental level, do not accept anyone else's right to govern.

Anyone surprised by the venomous, over-the-top opposition to Mr. Obama
must have forgotten the Clinton years. Remember when Rush Limbaugh
suggested that Hillary Clinton was a party to murder? When Newt Gingrich
shut down the federal government in an attempt to bully Bill Clinton
into accepting those Medicare cuts? And let's not even talk about
the impeachment saga.

The only difference now is that the G.O.P. is in a weaker position,
having lost control not just of Congress but, to a large extent, of the
terms of debate. The public no longer buys conservative ideology the way
it used to; the old attacks on Big Government and paeans to the magic of
the marketplace have lost their resonance. Yet conservatives retain
their belief that they, and only they, should govern.

The result has been a cynical, ends-justify-the-means approach.
Hastening the day when the rightful governing party returns to power is
all that matters, so the G.O.P. will seize any club at hand with which

[FairfieldLife] Hitchens on Polanski

2009-10-05 Thread ShempMcGurk
Save the Children Thinking about Roman Polanski's vile child rape in a
global context.By Christopher HitchensPosted Monday, Oct. 5, 2009, at
2:03 PM ET, www.slate.com http://www.slate.com
  [Roman Polanski.] Roman Polanski

Once you begin to notice that special set of ethics known as Hollywood
exceptionalism, you may find yourself seeing it everywhere. In a recent
book titled We'll Be Here for the Rest of Our Lives
kCode=as2camp=1789creative=390957creativeASIN=0385524838  (and
enticingly subtitled A Swingin' Showbiz Saga), late-night music maestro
Paul Shaffer feels that he perhaps ought to say something about Phil
Spector's conviction http://www.slate.com/id/2165048/  for the murder
of another human being whose name most people can't remember. So he does
say something. I regret all the tragedy that has surrounded Phil in
recent years, is what he chooses to say. Not really even a try, let
alone a nice try.
The word tragedy has also been employed recently in the same sentence as
the name Roman Polanski. In his case, it seems to me fractionally more
justified. Polanski directed various tragedies on-screen and was also
the victim of some hellish misfortunes in his own life. The media now
say tragedy when they mean that bad things have happened to good
or—even worse—famous people. But the types of tragedy that
really deserve the name are of two main kinds, the Hegelian and the
Greek. Hegel thought it was tragic when two rights came into conflict.
The Greeks thought it tragic when a great man was undone by a fatal
The word we get from the second type of tragedy—hubris—applies
in multiple ways to Polanski. (If you ask me, it's hubris to release a
movie version of a rather well-known tragedy and call it Roman
Polanski's Film of Macbeth
http://www.imdb.com/media/rm4258111232/tt0067372 .) He may also have
thought that he was so cool and so entitled that he could give booze to
a 13-year-old and then a Quaalude, a drug that has muscle-relaxant
properties that you may suddenly find yourself not wanting to think
about. There was a bit of a flaw right there.

And it goes on. In July 2005, Polanski took advantage of the notorious
British libel laws to sue my colleagues at Vanity Fair
and collect damages for his hurt feelings. It doesn't matter much what
the supposed complaint was—he had allegedly propositioned a
Scandinavian model while purring about making her the next Sharon
Tate—so much as it mattered that Polanski would dare to sue on a
question of his own moral standing and reputation. I don't think, he
was quoted as saying of the allegation, you could find a man who could
behave in such a way. Say what? Anxious for his thin skin, the British
courts did not even put Polanski to the trouble of appearing in a
country where he has never lived. They allowed him to pout his outraged
susceptibilities by video link before heaping him with fresh money
f-1635-from-vanity-fair-499893.html . At this point, I began to
feel a cold spot forming in my own heart. And then, just last December,
while still on the lam, Polanski filed
1773755/story.html  from abroad to have the original Los Angeles
child-rape case, in which he had pleaded guilty, dismissed without
further ado.

It is not so remarkable, in other words, that prosecutors have
apparently reactivated an old but still active case. It is, rather,
quite astonishing that Polanski has been able to caper about on the run
for so long, thumbing his nose, even collecting damages, flourishing a
Get Out of Jail Free and a lucrative Pass Go card, and constantly
reminding the law of its impotence.

It's affecting in some ways that the original girl in the case has
forgiven him and doesn't want to see the matter reopened, but strictly
speaking it's of no more relevance than if she had said the same thing
at the time. The law prosecutes those who violate children, and it does
so partly on behalf of children who haven't been violated yet. We take
an individual instance, whoever the individuals happen to be, and we use
it for precedent. And we do not know how lucky we are to be able to do

Just three weeks ago, in Yemen, 12-year-old Fawziya Youssef bled to
death http://www.unicef.org/media/media_51125.html  while attempting
to give birth to a stillborn baby. Her futile and agonizing labor had
lasted for quite some time. She had been legally married at the age of
11 to a man twice her age. Her case is not by any means unique in Yemen,
where it is estimated that more than a quarter of girls are married by
the age of 15 at the latest, many of them becoming brides much younger.
Attempts to raise the age of marriage have been stymied by political
parties whose character I do not have to tell you, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 What a low, vile, odious thug you've become to resort
 to such tawdry personal attacks.  What a fucking jerk --
 get your brain scanned for tumors, you're so out of it.

Bit of a problem for you to chastise Barry for
making such remarks given your attack on me
awhile back.

But at least you were working from an actual photo
of my face, as weirdly off-base as your description

Barry's going only by his fantasies.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Mea culpa.
  Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?
  ../../../message/231474  ... snip ... I sit corrected. Well, no,
  actually I sit and roll on the floor laughing. Oops, my ass just fell
  And a good thing, too. That's 40 pounds she could
  easily do without...this is probably the first time in
  several decades she's been the right weight for her

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  TurquoiseB wrote:
   I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
   because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
   IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
   Repulsion and Chinatown, and neither of those
   place him in any way above the law. I have said
   on this forum several times now that I think he
   should have spent more time in jail for the crime
   he was convicted of than he did.
  I'm more amazed at the obsession with this boring
  news story on a forum of supposedly somewhat
  enlightened people.  The obsession is about the 
  same as the supposedly unenlightened public.  I
  guess whatever it takes to get people distracted
  from more important issues at hand like the 
 Geeze, B, I think you're being a bit hard on us -- it's
 Barry that is driving this dynamo in that he continues
 to defend a POV (that is his to have as a person,) and
 keeps foisting it into the conversation here by his
 droning falsities, and I consider that it is an attack
 on our atmosphere here.

I was about to point this out as well, except that it's
not just that he's foisting his POV on us, he's personally
attacking those of us who don't share it.

He had *four separate posts* this morning on it. The
topic would have died out in a day or two if he didn't
keep obsessing over it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Seriously now . . . is Barry showing signs?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 Judy et al, I know it's tempting to say he's always been
 this bad, but seriously, don't you think he's deteriorating?  

Oh, my goodness, unquestionably. I've said so a number
of times now.

He used to be able to hold a conversation--there are 
lots of examples back on alt.m.t, and even some early
on in his tenure here. His disagreements were never
agreeable, but there was much, much less in the way
of protracted, vicious personal attacks.

His logic was always flawed, and--let's be charitable--
his memory for facts poor, but the quotient of
barefaced lies was far lower.

What's so worrying now is the number of huge bloopers
he makes, such as--just for one of dozens of examples--
mistaking a right-wing man's blog for one by a liberal
feminist woman. And I can't recall any outright
misogyny until quite recently.

The deterioration started slowly, after he moved to
Paris. Each time he's found himself unsatisfied
where he was and has moved somewhere else, the angle
of descent has become steeper. He's become angrier,
unhappier, less able to reason logically, more sunk
in fantasy, more prone to blatant lying, and, as
noted, much more likely to get things just plain wrong.
He also has *much* more frequent meltdowns where he
totally loses control.

It's sad to watch. Whatever there was that was
positive about his personality has just about
completely disappeared.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'No God on the Money!' (1984 Double-Speak?)//\\\

2009-10-05 Thread Mike Dixon
Robert... there is no name of God on our currency. *God* is a generic term. It 
refers to whoever / whatever each individual believes  fills that status.

From: Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 11:55:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'No God on the Money!' (1984 Double-Speak?)//\\\

Jesus said, not to put...

The Name of God The Father...

On the Money...

This is more of a Euro~Roman Tradition...

Putting the Name of God on the money is:
Totally and completely against the:

The 'Law of Moses'
I Am a Jealous God'...
'Thou Shalt Not Have any God's before Me!...

Now, we need to someone transform the whole idea of;
Money as 'Not God'...
The whole damn evil 'God-Less' money system...!

Hey, all the money has traces of 'Coca' on it, anyway...

So, there ya' go...

Money is not God!'

But, 'She's Alright, She's Alright, She's Alright


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
 It is odd, the obsessive posting on a 30 year old rape. That's not to say 
 not terrible, but I hear of such things locally all the time. It still goes 
 all the time. It's much more common than most people are aware of.

 I was recently talking to a guy who baby sat for sex offenders for a 
 The things they would admit to, were just chilling. They're experts at where 
 kids go and how to groom them. State parks with beaches/swimming in the 
 were a particular favorite. He had some real hardcore tantric practices that 
 kept him level-headed and balanced enough to be able to work with these 
 All I can say is: thank god for people like him.

 Ever see this software ad?:
It might be better to talk to your 13 year old to make them aware that 
the people online may not be what they appear to be rather than spend 
some money on rather nebulous software.  I think your teenager might be 
happy you are not spying on them. 

When I was growing up the only software needed to keep us from 
predators was some short movies, posters or PSAs on TV.   Most of those 
were about excepting candy or rides from strangers.  They're cleverer 
now.  One could do a movie about some teens who agree to meet with 
Susan and then beat the shit out of him.  And it's already been done 
(Ellen Page starring):

[FairfieldLife] Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...

2009-10-05 Thread Duveyoung

Yeah, I had a dark moment, and well, I was wrong.

But, I put some creativity into it -- signifying that, as usual, I was more 
about displaying my incredible wunderkind virtuosity than I was intending to 
actually have a real world impact.  Consider how hard I worked to come up with 
amazingly novel ways to scour Willy for instance, and yet, he's impervious to 
any taunt.  Believe me, it's more about ego over here than error over there.  
And, I was pretty sure it'd be water off you, ducky.  A big fat excuse, I know, 
I know, but you were calling me a liar and a fuck something or a something 
fuck and, oh, so, can I at least say that it wasn't completely unprovoked on 
my part? I'm just sayin' -- but, yeah, for sure we could get 60 votes in the 
Senate to censor me at least.

I'd be far more ashamed; however, looking over my list of things to be ashamed 
of, I have to admit that this sin is far far down the list of my sins.  So, I 
won't be making space for that sin to get on the band wagon and take a turn 
whipping my ass with guilt -- in fact, I'd say it was about 30 years ago when I 
had accumulated so much guilt that my tank was full -- so hey, now I can just 
sin right and left and never have that mounting dread feeling any more than 
when it topped off 30 years ago.  Hee hee.  Not really, but I love the 
conceptif only human brains worked like that.  

So, sorry Judy, sorry.  Probably, maybe, sorta, kinda it'll never happen again. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  What a low, vile, odious thug you've become to resort
  to such tawdry personal attacks.  What a fucking jerk --
  get your brain scanned for tumors, you're so out of it.
 Bit of a problem for you to chastise Barry for
 making such remarks given your attack on me
 awhile back.
 But at least you were working from an actual photo
 of my face, as weirdly off-base as your description
 Barry's going only by his fantasies.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Mea culpa.
   Re: Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?
   ../../../message/231474  ... snip ... I sit corrected. Well, no,
   actually I sit and roll on the floor laughing. Oops, my ass just fell
   And a good thing, too. That's 40 pounds she could
   easily do without...this is probably the first time in
   several decades she's been the right weight for her

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating fewer antioxidants produces decreased oxidative damage?

2009-10-05 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 I suppose we shouldn't figure on this as the new Common
 Wisdom until the study's been replicated...

The idea that fruits and veggies may not be as healthy as believed has been my 
obsession for a few days, and I've found some discussions that flesh out the 
issue a bit more:




FWIW, after a few days of eating less fruit and fewer carrots, and a bit more 
protein and fat, my weight is the lowest it's been in a couple months. I'd been 
around 178 for about a year, binged for a couple weeks this summer on ice 
cream, went up to 183, ditched the ice cream, and stalled out at 180. This 
morning I was 178.2. If I keep this up, maybe I'll get those six-pack abs after 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Message View reply I simply cannot resist making...

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 Yeah, I had a dark moment, and well, I was wrong.

Something Barry will never admit, goodness knows.

 And, I was pretty sure it'd be water off you, ducky.

Which it was, as are Barry's comments. As I've 
pointed out before, it's a huge waste of time
and energy to try to insult someone by criticizing
them for something they aren't *insecure* about.
If I were homely or fat or hated getting old, such
insults would make sense, but I'm not and I don't,
so there's no point.

(I must admit, I put in the bit about my ass falling
off because I knew Barry wouldn't be able to keep
from embarrassing himself by commenting.)

 A big fat excuse, I know, I know, but you were
 calling me a liar and a fuck something or a
 something fuck and, oh, so, can I at least say
 that it wasn't completely unprovoked on my part?

No, you can't. Have a look at post #147607, your
post starting the thread. Note the *title* you gave
the thread. Then see my response in post #147614,
and follow our conversation from there for as long
as you can stand it.

(But pay particular attention to the last two
paragraphs of my post #147632.)

 So, sorry Judy, sorry.  Probably, maybe, sorta, kinda
 it'll never happen again.

The attack *per se* wasn't a problem. The problem was
that your freakout was entirely unjustified, as you
may realize if you read the exchange again.

In any case, my current comment was just pointing out
that it makes you look pretty silly to scold Barry on
this score.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating fewer antioxidants produces decreased oxidative damage?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  I suppose we shouldn't figure on this as the new Common
  Wisdom until the study's been replicated...
 The idea that fruits and veggies may not be as healthy 
 as believed has been my obsession for a few days, and
 I've found some discussions that flesh out the issue a
 bit more:

As the last commenter on the first post you cite
says, Dude, yer messin' with my head.

And oy gevalt. The Hyperlipid blogger, in response
to one of the comments asking about his normal
food for the day, refers the commenter to an
earlier response he'd made to the same question:

Normal food for the day?

Breakfast almost always is six egg yolks fried in 
butter. Lots.

Lunch, varies sometimes happens sometimes doesn't. A 
chunk of Brie is common.

Supper. This is my main meal, usually meat based, 
Bolognaise sauce with cheese and a vegetable. Chili 
mix with cheese and a vegetable, fried salmon and 
vegetable, steak and chips, Belly pork with a Mexican 
sauce, Lamb casserole with vegetables included, 
Goulash is good, assorted curries (extra fatty lamb 
chops a fave here), chicken (but loaded with butter or 
coconut oil) often with chips. Chips are popular, 
fried in beef dripping. Based on potatoes (boring) or 
sweet potatoes or parsnips (yummy but fructose 

I usually get through 1000kcal of double cream each 
day, mostly used with Green and Blacks organic cocoa 
powder, sweetened with a small amount of glucose 
powder (within my carb limit) alongside meals. Or just 
have the cream as a simple drink for a full meal at 
lunchtime. I ferment my cream for this use.

I eat quite a lot of Sainsbury's 85% cocoa chocolate. 
Cocoa beans approach my main vegetable intake.

I take some vitamin C occasionally as a supplement, 
probably not needed as there are loads of sweet 
peppers in most of my dishes but it's cheap and easy 
and I do use it as a paracetamol substitute when I 
have a cold (commoner since my son goes to nursery 

I take 5g/day fish oil to balance the estimated 15-20g 
omega 6 fatty acids from the UK food chain.

I take 10,000iu D3 a day in winter. I lie in the sun 
in summer.

I eat offal as often as I can, should be once a week 
but I don't always manage this. Usually liver or 

That's about it. It's very simple. My wife and I cook 
from scratch. We're fortunate to be fully aware that 
we are both gluten intolerant. You have to cook for 
yourself! Eating out occasionally is fine, tends to be 
a bit heavy on protein but the occasional high protein 
day is no stress. I have been known to butter my roast 
beef if it's a bit low on fat...


PS Never forget Optimal ice cream. Cream, egg yolks, 
vanilla and a little glucose powder (sugar or honey if 
you don't mind the fructose). Mmmm Consume as 
a chore to make up any calorie deficit. Or because 
it's yummy. It's about the only unfermented dairy I 
eat. No grains.

So, as my grandmother used to say, What do we do
now, Mabel?

Why the F*** can't we get this stuff figured out???

Plus which, one of the advantages of a veggie/grains/
beans diet is that it's better for the environment
and a more efficient use of land resources in terms of
getting everybody decently fed. What would happen if
suddenly an almost-all-meat diet turned out to be

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating fewer antioxidants produces decreased oxidative damage?

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  I suppose we shouldn't figure on this as the new Common
  Wisdom until the study's been replicated...
 The idea that fruits and veggies may not be as healthy
 as believed has been my obsession for a few days, and
 I've found some discussions that flesh out the issue a
 bit more:

Just after finishing my response, I found this on
Yahoo News:

Study shows Mediterranean diet cuts depression risk
Mon Oct 5, 4:04 pm ET
LONDON (Reuters) – People who follow a Mediterranean-
style diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole 
grains and fish are less likely to become depressed, 
scientists said on Monday, but the reasons are 

Spanish researchers studied 11,000 people and found 
that those who followed the Mediterranean diet most 
closely had a more than 30 percent reduction in the 
risk of depression than those whose diet had few of 
the crucial Mediterranean elements.

The specific mechanisms by which a better adherence 
to the Mediterranean dietary pattern could help to 
prevent the occurrence of depression are not well 
known, said Almudena Sanchez-Villegas and colleagues 
at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and 
the University of Navarra, Spain.

But the researchers suggested that elements of the 
diet may improve blood vessel function, fight 
inflammation and repair oxygen-related cell damage -- 
all of which could reduce the chances of developing 

The study, published in the Archives of General 
Psychiatry journal, adds to an existing body of 
evidence showing the health benefits of a 
Mediterranean diet, including reduced risks of health 
disease, diabetes, asthma and cancer.

The study used data from Spanish people who reported 
their dietary intake on a food frequency 

The researchers worked out how close their eating 
habits were to the Mediterranean diet based on nine 
components: A high ratio of monounsaturated fatty 
acids to saturated fatty acids; moderate intake of 
alcohol and dairy foods; low intake of meat; and high 
intake of legumes, fruit and nuts, cereals, vegetables 
and fish.

Individuals who followed the Mediterranean diet most 
closely had a greater than 30 percent reduction in the 
risk of depression than whose who had the lowest 
Mediterranean diet scores, they wrote.

(Reporting by Kate Kelland)

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-10-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Oct 03 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 10 00:00:00 2009
242 messages as of (UTC) Mon Oct 05 23:53:18 2009

39 authfriend jst...@panix.com
22 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
22 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
22 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
18 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
17 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
15 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
12 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
10 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 9 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 8 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 6 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
 5 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 5 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 3 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 2 wle...@aol.com
 2 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
 2 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 ve...@gmx.de
 1 horashastra ve...@gmx.de
 1 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 anatol_zinc anatol_z...@yahoo.com
 1 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 1 Michael Gurevich m...@thepump.com
 1 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 1 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 1 Bill billarsenaul...@yahoo.com

Posters: 31
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Eating fewer antioxidants produces decreased oxidative damage?

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 I suppose we shouldn't figure on this as the new Common
 Wisdom until the study's been replicated...

 The idea that fruits and veggies may not be as healthy as believed has been 
 my obsession for a few days, and I've found some discussions that flesh out 
 the issue a bit more:




 FWIW, after a few days of eating less fruit and fewer carrots, and a bit more 
 protein and fat, my weight is the lowest it's been in a couple months. I'd 
 been around 178 for about a year, binged for a couple weeks this summer on 
 ice cream, went up to 183, ditched the ice cream, and stalled out at 180. 
 This morning I was 178.2. If I keep this up, maybe I'll get those six-pack 
 abs after all.

It all depends on the individual.  No one diet fits all.  The 
nutritionists make a big deal about fruits and veggies because there are 
a lot of people that the only veggies they get are tomatoes and 
lettuce.  And the only fruit they get is strawberry jam if that.  I know 
some people who can't stand veggies and call it rabbit food but they 
continue to do well.  Notice that the nutritionists don't discriminate 
between the kinds of fruits and vegetables.  Astringent and bitter 
tastes are good for kapha but disastrous for vatas.  So eating your 
greens won't really help balance vata like having a sweet potato 
might.  Use what works for you and that may change from time to time.

[FairfieldLife] The Fear Factor

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
Good short piece in The New Yorker by an award-winning
science journalist debunking the nitwit notion that
the H1N1 vaccine is more dangerous than the disease
it prevents. Last two paragraphs:

...Though this H1N1 virus is novel, the vaccine is not.
It was made and tested in exactly the same way that flu
vaccines are always made and tested. Had this strain of
flu emerged just a few months earlier, there would not
have been any need for two vaccines this year; 2009 H1N1
would simply have been included as one of the components
in the annual vaccine. 

Meanwhile, the virus has now appeared in a hundred and
ninety-one countries. It has killed almost four thousand
people and infected millions of others. The risks are
clear and so are the facts. But, while scientists and
public-health officials have dealt effectively with the
disease, they increasingly confront a different kind of
contagion: the spurious alarms spread by those who would
make us fear vaccines more than the illnesses they prevent.



N.B.: The first sentence of the second paragraph
above does NOT imply that the H1N1 flu is any more
dangerous than the seasonal flu, except in the
sense that more people are vulnerable to it because
it's novel, so nobody has preexisting immunity. H1N1
is no more *virulent*--does not cause any more
serious disease--than the seasonal flu, as the writer
makes clear earlier in the article.

*All* flu is dangerous, and we should all get our
flu shots, both seasonal and H1N1, to protect
ourselves and to protect others who might catch
it from us if we come down with it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Fear Factor

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 *All* flu is dangerous, and we should all get our
 flu shots, both seasonal and H1N1, to protect
 ourselves and to protect others who might catch
 it from us if we come down with it.

Can we sue you if we get the shot and wind up paralyzed as a result?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fear Factor

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  *All* flu is dangerous, and we should all get our
  flu shots, both seasonal and H1N1, to protect
  ourselves and to protect others who might catch
  it from us if we come down with it.
 Can we sue you if we get the shot and wind up paralyzed as a result?

No, sue the guy who wrote the article; he probably
has insurance for that kind of thing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'No God on the Money!' (1984 Double-Speak?)//\\\

2009-10-05 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Robert... there is no name of God on our currency. *God* is a generic term. 
 It refers to whoever / whatever each individual believes  fills that status.
Let me attempt to explain this concept again:
God is not money, and money is not God...
I don't care if you use a generic name of God, or that In Buddha We Trust...
'In Krishna We Trust'
'In Allah We Trust'
'In Bevan We Trust'...

No we don't think that money is God...
So, we don't write God on the money...
This is the 'Law of God'...

It is obviously not the 'Law of the United States'
But it is why Jesus was prosecuted for 'Sedition'...
Because he was so pissed off, that 'Money' had replaced 'God' in the 'Temple'...

Robert 'In God We Trust'...
Send me your money!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fear Factor

2009-10-05 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  authfriend wrote:
   *All* flu is dangerous, and we should all get our
   flu shots, both seasonal and H1N1, to protect
   ourselves and to protect others who might catch
   it from us if we come down with it.
  Can we sue you if we get the shot and wind up paralyzed as a result?
 No, sue the guy who wrote the article; he probably
 has insurance for that kind of thing.

If you're getting a weird 'Fear Feeling' about something, is it wise to ignore 
your instincts?


[FairfieldLife] Re: of Negative Energy

2009-10-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Thanks.  About this post I received several e-mails on the side.   Just wanted 
to acknowledge them.  Acouple of posts were quite heartfelt.  I had thot the 
original post was useful in its spiritual practicality so I had shared it. Glad 
it was useful to some.

-Doug in FF

 Of Negative Energy, in Method
 -anonymous e-mail
 Love is a form of insight. If someone says something to you and they have 
 some observation about you, you can watch yourself thinking, I don't know 
 whether I want to take that in. If the person doesn't do it perfectly, if 
 they don't say it exactly the way your mind wants to hear it, you just reject 
 it. You can't pull the kernel of truth out of a stone. The purpose of insight 
 meditation is to get that kernel of truth to come out of the stone, and to 
 particularly get it out of people who have no skillful means, that is, 
 they're abrupt and they don't know how to do it nicely, they're not poised, 
 they don't have good delivery. The purpose of insight meditation is to see 
 the truth coming from people who you perceive as enemies or that are ruthless 
 in some way. The purpose of insight meditation is to turn your enemies into 
 friends. It means that you have to have insight into how their enmity can be 
 friendly to you. They can teach you about yourself.
 The result of that, ideally, is that you don't insulate yourself and always 
 surround yourself with supporters. You are courageous enough to be in the 
 presence of people who are not of skillful means, doing the right thing at 
 the right moment, and you're able to pull truth even out of that stone. That 
 makes it possible to pull love out of anything, out of a dead branch. That is 
 the nature of insight meditation. There are a lot of situations in life in 
 which love is not so easily seen. 
 There are people who, for whatever reason, make themselves into your enemy, 
 who throw stuff at you that is really hurtful, and not even stuff that's 
 unconscious but rakshasic, demonic stuff. Those rakshasas, those demons, 
 those bad guys are there to help you practice. That's their job, that's what 
 they do. The way they help you practice is that you see them for what they 
 are. You realize that if there's negative energy coming your way from another 
 person which is not allowing you to experience the field of love between you 
 and them, it is not only them doing that but there is an entity doing that, a 
 negative force that is blocking the love. It doesn't want the love to be 
 there, it's invested in that, it's employed by the devil, if you want to call 
 it that, the dark side, the shadow. When you recognize that something is 
 getting in the way between you loving another person, it is one of those or a 
 cluster or aggregate of those. 
 In both the Hindu and the Buddhist tradition the idea is to shoot them in the 
 foot, to cut through, to completely annihilate their power, to debilitate 
 them, to get them out of your life. How do you get rid of those demonic 
 beings that are breaking up the love, that are destroying the love between 
 you and your family, your relations, your lover? This is another important 
 point about insight meditation. It teaches you that they exist, that it's not 
 your imagination, and what to do with them. What do you do with them? Well, 
 right now I'm locked up like this with my sister, God bless her. When you see 
 that another person is emanating a powerful negative energy and they may not 
 even know it, then you have a job to do. As a spiritual person you're on 
 call. Your job is to shoot this thing, get rid of it, take it out, annihilate 
 it, blast it, explode it. How do you do that? When you have an enemy of this 
 rakshasic nature, which it isn't always, sometimes it's at a personality 
 structure level, but if it is, if that's what's coming at you, you have to 
 get rid of it. If its job is to create fear, it will generate more fear. If 
 its job is to create anger, it will generate more anger. That's what 
 rakshasas do. That's their job. According to a lot of scriptures, they don't 
 have a choice, they're slaves, essentially, of the dark side, they are made 
 to do that, they don't have free will. Basically they are there to fight you 
 into sadness, into fear, into anger, into jealousy, but ultimately they are 
 there to cause you to break from practice. They're sadhana breakers. They're 
 there to stop you from practicing, from doing what you know is the best thing 
 for your evolution. 
 How do you stop them from stopping you? From a transcendent point of view, 
 the way that you stop rakshasas is that you get deeper into the transcendent 
 that they are sourced from. If they're here and they have a pipeline into the 
 transcendent and it's this far down and that's where they're getting their 
 rakshasa juice from, you go down lower. You have to go underneath them to get 
 at them. It's like what Maharishi said, you can't solve a problem on the 

[FairfieldLife] of Negative energy

2009-10-05 Thread yifuxero
re; other post with advice from Karunamayi.

If one is being attacked - psychically - by actual demons or physical people; 
in my experience the transcendent won't help.  Best to use Black Magic, fight 
fire with more powerful fire.  I use Voodoo, relying on my favorite Spirit, 
Eleggua (Eshu). He doesn't mess around.

[FairfieldLife] Re: of Negative Energy

2009-10-05 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   I didn't bother to read it. I refer you instead
   to this writeup from Wikipedia, which I think
   better describes the phenomenon
  Oh no, Turq.  Sorry you missed it.
  Yours is more descriptive while the other 
  Is more practical.  The other is more the 
  FF take on negativity.  The transcendental
 I see it as trying to put a New Age spin
 on the fact that they're focusing on their
 fears, personifying them, and indulging
 in them.

I agree with Barry here...
I got in a lot of trouble last week, after reading this post, about 'Fighting 
and Killing the Demonic Forces, or Rakshasas'...

When I did that for a day, or two last week, I noticed I was just allowing 
myself, to sink deeper and deeper, into the 'Negative Energy'...that I was 
attempting to destroy...

The only way out of the negative energy, is to remain, 'In the Self'...The 
Transcendent...away from the disturbance'...
Eckart Tolle talks a lot about this procedure, of 'Observing' or 'Witnessing' 
whatever it is, that is disturbing, a thought, a fear feeling...just witness 
it, and this will help it to dissolve...

If you attempt to 'Fight the Thing' on the 'Level of the Thing' that is 
disturbing, the 'Thing' gets you to 'Play' on it's level, and keep you from 
Peace, from God, from Self...
And that is the 'Purpose' of the 'Disturbance'...to disturb you, so you lose 
Buddha hood, Nirvana, Holy Spirit, Passionate Compassion, and so on...

It is true, that if the 'Disturbance' is allowed to grow, to immense 
proportions, like in Nazi Germany...
Then there is no choice, but to go to the evil, and destroy it on it's own 

But, we look at Germany now, and we don't see that, force there anymore...
Actually it's now based more right here, in the United States, and amongst the 
'Corporate/ Military/Drug/Doctors for Profit'bastards...
You can't fight these bastards on their own level, because they are too evil, 
and have to much 'In God We Trust' bills..

So, the only way, is to stay in 'Coherence' which dispels the fear, the 
zombies, the perverts and the murderers...

Stay out of the Jungle, you monkey girls...

Roberto De Venus.

[FairfieldLife] Re: of Negative energy

2009-10-05 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 re; other post with advice from Karunamayi.
 If one is being attacked - psychically - by actual demons or physical people; 
 in my experience the transcendent won't help.  Best to use Black Magic, 
 fight fire with more powerful fire.  I use Voodoo, relying on my favorite 
 Spirit, Eleggua (Eshu). He doesn't mess around.

I fell that 'Any' use of 'Black Magic' is 'Anti-Spiritual'...

It just reminds me of the same energy, as 'Dick Cheney'...
Who claims the same thing...that he likes to play with the 'Black Magic', on 
order to 'Keep us all Safe'...
So, it's like the 'Ends Justify the Means'..
This is never a good thing...
This is the ultimate 'Tempation of the Devil, the 'Evil One' 
'The Liar'...'The Murderer Since the Beginning of Time'...

Stay in the Light, and the 'Dark' will disappear...
Give attention to the 'Dark' and start playing with the 'Dark'... 
Nada Good, no good Amigo!


Re: [FairfieldLife] of Negative energy

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Karunamayi is recommending black magic?

yifuxero wrote:
 re; other post with advice from Karunamayi.

 If one is being attacked - psychically - by actual demons or physical people; 
 in my experience the transcendent won't help.  Best to use Black Magic, 
 fight fire with more powerful fire.  I use Voodoo, relying on my favorite 
 Spirit, Eleggua (Eshu). He doesn't mess around.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fear Factor

2009-10-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   authfriend wrote:
*All* flu is dangerous, and we should all get our
flu shots, both seasonal and H1N1, to protect
ourselves and to protect others who might catch
it from us if we come down with it.
   Can we sue you if we get the shot and wind up
   paralyzed as a result?
  No, sue the guy who wrote the article; he probably
  has insurance for that kind of thing.
 If you're getting a weird 'Fear Feeling' about something,
 is it wise to ignore your instincts?

It's wise to do a little research into the facts and
make sure your your instincts aren't kicking up a fuss
over nothing.

Especially if they may have been influenced by some
twit who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

And *especially* if it's some twit who's repeatedly
mocked and denigrated your countryfolk for unnecessary
fear, then has turned around and done his level best
to make you afraid of something that's not only
harmless but beneficial.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Insensitivity,

2009-10-05 Thread lurkernomore20002000

dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:
  Dear Rick, i think very clearly i could help you with this. Give me that key
  that you have to FFL that rules the other keys that those other moderators
  have. That one key that rules them all. Its a heavey weight to carry all
  alone. I should help you with that. We've come through a lot together.

Tell me.  Is this for real?

[FairfieldLife] More from George and Tom - Their YouTube Channel Page

2009-10-05 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Surprised

2009-10-05 Thread Rick Archer
Comment from someone who joined recently:
I just joined the Fairfieldlife group this past week. I had seen several
references to the group, mostly referring to TM or other spiritual paths. I
have been very surprised to find that none of the posts I have received
refer to sprituality at all. In fact, most of what I've seen has been
hate-filled and rude and reeking of very cynical far-left politics. Are
these sorts of posts typical of the group? I am finding it rather
meanspirited and depressingwhich is fine, if that is what the members
want. It just isn't what I was expecting.

[FairfieldLife] YouTube - Doc's Guitar, performed by Skunk River Medicine Show

2009-10-05 Thread Rick Archer
George Foster and Tom Morgan, of Fairfield:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surprised

2009-10-05 Thread pranamoocher
Welcome to The Jungle.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Comment from someone who joined recently:

 I just joined the Fairfieldlife group this past week. I had seen
 references to the group, mostly referring to TM or other spiritual
paths. I
 have been very surprised to find that none of the posts I have
 refer to sprituality at all. In fact, most of what I've seen has been
 hate-filled and rude and reeking of very cynical far-left politics.
 these sorts of posts typical of the group? I am finding it rather
 meanspirited and depressingwhich is fine, if that is what the
 want. It just isn't what I was expecting.