[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
 and true holy man. 
 How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
 told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
 others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
 Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
 alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
 have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?

You won't get a serious answer from believers MJ, they are unable
to square years of devotion to someone they assumed was living
the life he claimed he was with the ugly truth that he was abusing
his position of power by seducing credulous, starry-eyed girls. 

He knew better and pretended he was celibate because that is what
is expected of the holy, for some reason this is equated with being
enlightened, probably because it symbolises they live their lives
in a state beyond the normal emotional drives of the rest of us.

Most TB's will claim it's all lies or that he was helping them with
their evolution or that it was between consenting adults (any 
teacher loses their job for sleeping with students) or he wasn't as enlightened 
as we thought - completely ignoring everything that has 
been said about him up to that point. Standard cognitive dissonance
in fact.

I'll tell you the truth though, because I care about that sort of

[FairfieldLife] Basic Instinct, Serbian style

2013-02-04 Thread card


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  OK, serious question here to all those who have defended 
  Maharishi as a saint and true holy man. 
  How do you account for the stories that several of his 
  former skin boys have told about his sexual escapades? 
  Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and others have 
  told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
  Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you 
  honestly think it is alright for a true holy man who 
  always said he was a lifelong celibate to have sex 
  repeatedly and lie about having done so?
 You won't get a serious answer from believers MJ, they are unable
 to square years of devotion to someone they assumed was living
 the life he claimed he was with the ugly truth that he was abusing
 his position of power by seducing credulous, starry-eyed girls. 
 He knew better and pretended he was celibate because that is what
 is expected of the holy, for some reason this is equated with being
 enlightened, probably because it symbolises they live their lives
 in a state beyond the normal emotional drives of the rest of us.
 Most TB's will claim it's all lies or that he was helping them with
 their evolution or that it was between consenting adults (any 
 teacher loses their job for sleeping with students) or he wasn't 
 as enlightened as we thought - completely ignoring everything that 
 has been said about him up to that point. Standard cognitive 
 dissonance in fact.
 I'll tell you the truth though, because I care about that sort of

It's simple inertia. A body at rest (in fantasy) tends to
stay at rest; a body in motion (helping to perpetuate the
fantasy) tends to stay in motion. 

The people who cling to their fantasies about Maharishi
do so because they cling to similar fantasies about them-
selves. Such as, I could not *possibly* have been wrong
about how I perceived him. I'm smarter and more intuitive
than that.

The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
contradict their fantasies. 

But at a more fundamental level, their fantasies still
revolve around the one that he sold them. That is,
that if they just keep doing what they were told to do,
they themselves will become perfect, their every action
in tune with the Laws Of Nature, their every desire
fulfilled by them. If they admit into their awareness
a glimmer of the reality that THIS WAS NOT TRUE 
then they'll have to admit that it's likely not going 
to be true for them, either, and that they have spent
their lives chasing a fantasy. 

Can't have that. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread navashok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:

 Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. The 
 Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means that 
 all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The Bible also 
 speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. Veda Vyasa had 
 sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a river, thus we have 

Who is the ultimate Brahmachari, walking around naked, not having any sense of 

 Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not as high as we might have thought. 
 My thoughts are that M was a very high soul on a mission and upon taking 
 birth as a man, he did things men do.

My opinion too. I put him on a high pedestal for what he did and accomplished. 
In other areas he is just like a human being. And I credit him for inspiring me 
(and so many others) to live brahmacharya, and create an environment where this 
was easy.

Well said, Mike.
  From: Michael Jackson 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
 Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question

 OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
 and true holy man. 
 How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
 told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
 others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
 Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
 alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
 have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anandamayi Ma on Oneness

2013-02-04 Thread navashok
This must be one of the most beautiful, mature and egoless description of UC:

One no longer exists apart from Him. What would the Vedantists say..? `There 
is one – one Brahman without a second.' 

Nevertheless, for some who have attained to this condition, the relationship 
between the Lord and His servant remains and is felt thus: He is the Whole and 
I am part of Him, and yet thee is only the one Self. If the Brahaman is 
described as the splendour of Krishna's body – why should one object? Verily, 
everyone is identical, undivided. To realise this means to be immersed 
completely into the ocean of Oneness.


What Anandamayi  makes reference to here is the philosophy of Ramanuja, who 
describes all the souls to be part of the body of God, or Chaitanya, who see 
Brahman only as the splendor of the personal god. This is in an outward seeming 
conflict to Kevala Advaita of Shankara, but only seemingly so, not in the unity 
consciousness of Anandamayi Ma.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 This is beautiful and perfect for me at this time in my life.  Thank you.
  From: martin.quickman 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 9:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anandamayi Ma on Oneness
 Then comes a time when the Beloved does not leave one anymore; wherever one 
 may go,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yogah karmasu kaushalam

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
or Sani exalted in Libra means the old timers will win?
yogastah kuru karmani
Established in Being perform action.
Yay Ravens!
I grew up in Maryland suburbs of DC, John.  

 From: John jr_...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 5:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yogah karmasu kaushalam

This means the 49ers will will the SB through skill in action.  JGD.


[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Yahoo Rich Text Editor

2013-02-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:
  Yahoo has an Android app for mail, and on my iPad, if I go to Yahoo mail in 
  a browser, it dishes up a mobile version. My guess is that Yahoo Groups 
  just isn't a big priority for the struggling company.
 I wrote the a HTML directly in the source view of the Rich Text Editor, made 
 sure it was valid HTML according to the DTD on the FFL pages. Earlier in the 
 week I found I could not get images to display and there were some other 
 quirks. This test page code was not stripped at all, Yahoo did not alter a 
 single line, but there are a few format changes because of the CSS on the 
 Yahoo pages, such as a green Heading 3 and some spacing shifts from default 
 HTML rendering. The e-mail digests totally mangled it though, not preserving 
 any spacing, and no images or providing the url of the images, so I suppose 
 that has to be added as text so those who get this form of the posts could 
 access and image.
 Since you approve images posted TO the forum by upload, is there a way you 
 can control images included in posts that link to images on the Internet? 
 Obviously you cannot preview them because they show up instantly once the 
 post is sent as they do not pass through the Yahoo server, being linked from 
 other locations on the web.
 I do not use a phone or tablet to compose messages, I use a desktop computer, 
 or on occasion, a laptop.

The only way I can control the content of posts is if the subscriber is on 
moderated status, which requires me to approve posts before they get sent to 
FFL. Otherwise, I can only delete a post from the website archives after it's 
been posted, which of course, has no effect on anyone who received the post via 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
Thank you, Doc for what you say here which helps me find my own words about 
this topic.  Thanks also to Mike and novashok.  I'd add that I don't put the 
celibate way of life on a pedestal when it seems like the person is straining 
for spiritual goals to be something they are not.  I more admire people settled 
in their own nature.  My aspirations to celibacy have never lasted long and I'm 
grateful for that.  And I've had some sexual experiences that were celestial.  
So there's not been much of a split between the sacred and the corporeal for 
me.  Again, I'm grateful.

Thinking about all this I realize that I never thought of Maharishi as a monk.  
Having grown up Catholic, to me monk meant someone who lived behind monastery 
walls praying and working all day long.  So someone active in the world as 
Maharishi was, did not fit my idea of a monk anyway.  And as a woman, I was 
sometimes aware of his sexual power.  I guess that's what is called shakti.  
And I never heard him talk about sex though there were stories of Charlie Lutes 
talking about its being a drain on energy.  Consequently I never felt lied to 
about all that.

I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder.  It makes the TMO more human 
somehow, more of the world with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to 
life with all its light and dark.

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:54 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Sure, it is fine with me, MJ. Given the range of human action we are each 
capable of, having sex with consenting adults is fine, regardless if he lied 
about it, or not. He owed me nothing regarding how he lived his life. I was 
simply interested in his knowledge and techniques and consider him a Maharishi 
in that regard. He never set himself up as anyone's personal Guru, and I did 
not ever see him that way, so it is a non-issue for me. 

Just because I followed his knowledge for many, many years, and continue to, I 
see him as a Divine resource, much more than some guy, who's life I am going to 
pour over, looking for inconsistencies. I am just not all that interested in 
his life. It was his, and continues to be, and I've got my own, anyway. 

I found one of the easiest ways to make myself depressed is to concern myself 
with things I cannot change, or that are none of my business. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
 and true holy man. 
 How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
 told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
 others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
 Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
 alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
 have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 

Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
his close friends like John Hagelin? 

 It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
 with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
 with all its light and dark.

Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
and to so many?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread navashok
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Thinking about all this I realize that I never thought of Maharishi as a monk.

I finally have to give credit to my mother, who said, when I showed her a photo 
of Maharishi after I was just initiated, that he has sensual lips. I said he is 
a life long monk. She said, but he has sensual lips. I finally realize that she 
was right in many things.

[FairfieldLife] Ezourvedam

2013-02-04 Thread navashok
The Ezourvedam, used by Voltaire among others, as sourcebook for the most 
ancient of religions, was thereupon found to have been a fraud. Actually it was 
composed by a Christian – the text shows him to have been a French Jesuit 
missionary, who did not necessarily know Sanskrit – in order to convert Hindus 
to Christianity.


[FairfieldLife] Isha Masiha

2013-02-04 Thread navashok
Was Jesus predicted in the Bhavishya Purana? Probably not

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 

On what basis does the Turq claim Rajaram was lying, does he know anything 
about it ? No, he is pushing his own agenda PRETENDING he is in the know. But 
as usual he is caught lying.

[FairfieldLife] Jois: saMyama (dhaaraNaa, dhyaanam, samaadhiH) potentially dangerous!

2013-02-04 Thread card

The first four limbs—yama, niyama, asana and pranayama—are considered external 
cleansing practices. According to Pattabhi Jois, defects in these external 
practices are correctable while defects in the internal cleansing 
practices—pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi—are not. Pattabhi Jois 
thought these internal defects to be potentially dangerous to the mind unless 
the correct Ashtanga Yoga method was followed.[10]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, I am not hung up on sex being bad or any of that, regardless of what may 
or may not have been said about it by Maharishi. Seven billion people or 
whatever our population is currently, are pretty good evidence it is a mutually 
enjoyable activity.

As far as what Maharishi said or did, I'd rather spend my time examining my own 
life, so that I can constantly improve it. Those like Barry, MJ, Salyavatin' 
and others who focus so much interest on how Maharishi may have screwed up, are 
imo, lost in the sauce, so to speak. 

The other dirty little secret is that Bee and MJ and Saliva's denigrating of 
Maharishi, has *absolutely nothing* to do with Maharishi!!-lol. These are more 
like grumpy old men looking for excuses to justify their inner discontent - 
nothing more. 

Some people, for some reason are clueless with regard to this type of 
projection. No capacity for self reflection, more like a knee-jerk reaction: 
They feel bad, and it must be Maharishi or something external that they must 
rail against to feel better. 

It is quite an immature reaction, and like I said, has nothing to do with the 
external target, and much more to do with their emotional discomfort.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Thank you, Doc for what you say here which helps me find my own words about 
 this topic.  Thanks also to Mike and novashok.  I'd add that I don't put 
 the celibate way of life on a pedestal when it seems like the person is 
 straining for spiritual goals to be something they are not.  I more admire 
 people settled in their own nature.  My aspirations to celibacy have never 
 lasted long and I'm grateful for that.  And I've had some sexual experiences 
 that were celestial.  So there's not been much of a split between the sacred 
 and the corporeal for me.  Again, I'm grateful.
 Thinking about all this I realize that I never thought of Maharishi as a 
 monk.  Having grown up Catholic, to me monk meant someone who lived behind 
 monastery walls praying and working all day long.  So someone active in the 
 world as Maharishi was, did not fit my idea of a monk anyway.  And as a 
 woman, I was sometimes aware of his sexual power.  I guess that's what is 
 called shakti.  And I never heard him talk about sex though there were 
 stories of Charlie Lutes talking about its being a drain on energy.  
 Consequently I never felt lied to about all that.
 I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder.  It makes the TMO more human 
 somehow, more of the world with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to 
 life with all its light and dark.
  From: doctordumbass@... 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 Sure, it is fine with me, MJ. Given the range of human action we are each 
 capable of, having sex with consenting adults is fine, regardless if he lied 
 about it, or not. He owed me nothing regarding how he lived his life. I was 
 simply interested in his knowledge and techniques and consider him a 
 Maharishi in that regard. He never set himself up as anyone's personal Guru, 
 and I did not ever see him that way, so it is a non-issue for me. 
 Just because I followed his knowledge for many, many years, and continue to, 
 I see him as a Divine resource, much more than some guy, who's life I am 
 going to pour over, looking for inconsistencies. I am just not all that 
 interested in his life. It was his, and continues to be, and I've got my own, 
 I found one of the easiest ways to make myself depressed is to concern myself 
 with things I cannot change, or that are none of my business. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a 
  saint and true holy man. 
  How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys 
  have told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn 
  and others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
  Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it 
  is alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate 
  to have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
Goddamit Bee, you are the biggest LIAR here, much more than Raja Ram. Why not 
focus on your own fucked up values, *for once*, and leave the TMO punching bag 
alone? Say for 72 hours, three lousy days - then you can escape back into your 
dark fantasies, and avoid yourself. Deal??

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
  with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
  with all its light and dark.
 Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
 he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
 what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
 and to so many?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

   How do you account for the stories that several 
   of his former skin boys have told about his 
   sexual escapades? 
  He knew better and pretended he was celibate because 
  that is what is expected of the holy...
 The people who cling to their fantasies about Maharishi
 do so because they cling to similar fantasies about them-

That's funny - but MMY was *just another guy* and your 
*opinion* is suspect anyway, since you were the main 
recruitor for both MMY and Lenz for years. Both of you
love money, women, fast cars, and violtent movies. LoL!

Lenz began to break some of Chinmoy's very strict 
rules. He broke all of the rules and everyone knew 
it. He had numerous girlfriends. He loved violent 
movies like Apocalypse Now... 

The Ascent of a Guru: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
What would you do, Nabby? Barry's situation is a lot like the white 
sharecroppers in the South hating black people, *more* than the slave owners 
did, because despite their own wretched circumstances, they had a group they 
could look down on.

Bee is unemployed, unmarried, drinks too much, and hasn't accomplished much 
spiritually. So what he does is bash anything and everything, to avoid facing 
himself. It is both obvious and straightforward, er, except to him - lol.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
   I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
  Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
  everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
  his close friends like John Hagelin? 
 On what basis does the Turq claim Rajaram was lying, does he know anything 
 about it ? No, he is pushing his own agenda PRETENDING he is in the know. But 
 as usual he is caught lying.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jois: saMyama (dhaaraNaa, dhyaanam, samaadhiH) potentially dangerous!

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
Very useful, Card, thank you.  What is yama and niyama in this context?  

 From: card cardemais...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 8:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Jois: saMyama (dhaaraNaa, dhyaanam, samaadhiH) 
potentially dangerous!


The first four limbs—yama, niyama, asana and pranayama—are considered external 
cleansing practices. According to Pattabhi Jois, defects in these external 
practices are correctable while defects in the internal cleansing 
practices—pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi—are not. Pattabhi Jois 
thought these internal defects to be potentially dangerous to the mind unless 
the correct Ashtanga Yoga method was followed.[10]



[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

Michael Jackson:
 How do you account for the stories that several 
 of his former skin boys have told about his sexual 

It is a well-known fact that MMY and his skin-boy
followers used to screw around all the time. But, 
you didn't seem to get any. LoL! 

So, why the cover up and the falsehoods told by the
skin-boys? It doesn't make any sense. Everyone knows
that Ned Wynn is a liar. Go figure.

It can only be concluded that Judith Bourque is 
purposely  covering-up and suppressing information 
on behalf of her spiritual  psychic guru, Conny 

Has Judith ever met Satya Sai Baba? Probably not, 
but apparently she knows Conny very well - they are 
recruiters for the same cult, apparently, but now
very disgruntled.

'Judith Bourque - Conny Larsson's Cover-Up Cult 

Read more:

Behind the Clown's Mask 
By Conny Larsson

God's Little Clown
By Conny Larsson

Robes of Silk Feet of Clay
By Judith Bourque

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.  
Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports and 
politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try to 
have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a friend is 
really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If not, then 
let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the two of them.

I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people in 
positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with unresolved 
issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  As such I 
think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or something 
superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because at the deeper 
levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 

Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
his close friends like John Hagelin? 

 It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
 with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
 with all its light and dark.

Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
and to so many?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread navashok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
 unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  
 As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or 
 something superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because 
 at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.
  From: turquoiseb 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
  with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
  with all its light and dark.
 Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
 he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
 what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
 and to so many?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people in 
positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with unresolved 
issues about their early caregivers...

Brilliant - Yes, the nit picking wrt the current famous person is on par with 
the inability to deal with the power differential between a child and his/her 
early caregivers. It is very Tantric actually, this exploding bud of life in 
children, attempting to coexist with the more powerful caregiver, and 
surroundings, while continuing to grow unabated.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.  
 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
 unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  
 As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or 
 something superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because 
 at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.
  From: turquoiseb 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
  with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
  with all its light and dark.
 Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
 he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
 what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
 and to so many?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread authfriend
Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
you think this makes a lick of sense:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
 The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
 away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
 their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
 videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
 they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
 contradict their fantasies.

Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?

It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
LOL. I guess my reminding people that King Tony lied 
about his non-bramacharya status and pretended to be
celibate for years pushed a few buttons. Both Nabby
and Jimbo are back in Kill the messenger while
ignoring the issue mode again.  :-)

*It couldn't have been more obvious* that he was lying
all those years before he came out as married with
children. All you had to do is read the emails coming 
from other major leaders of the TMO such as Bevan and 
Hagelin to get how shocked they were. Add to that 
Tonyboy's *own* explanation of how Maharishi had
told him to keep it secret (whether that is true or
not), and it's very difficult to claim that he *wasn't*
lying all those years. 

So what's up with that, all you people who consider
him enlightened? Remember, there is an ISSUE here to
be discussed, no matter how much the button-pushed 
TBs are trying to distract you from it by trying to
divert the conversation to personalities and Kill
the messenger.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 What would you do, Nabby? Barry's situation is a lot like 
 the white sharecroppers in the South hating black people, 
 *more* than the slave owners did, because despite their own 
 wretched circumstances, they had a group they could look 
 down on.
 Bee is unemployed, unmarried, drinks too much, and hasn't 
 accomplished much spiritually. So what he does is bash 
 anything and everything, to avoid facing himself. It is both 
 obvious and straightforward, er, except to him - lol.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
   Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
   everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
   his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  On what basis does the Turq claim Rajaram was lying, does 
  he know anything about it ? No, he is pushing his own 
  agenda PRETENDING he is in the know. But as usual he 
  is caught lying.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Mike Dixon
One last comment on this. M told us the story of how he left seclusion. He had 
been in Uttar Kashi and was sitting with a saint. He told the saint he had the 
thought to go to the south of India and the saint told him across the river is 
nothing but mud. In other words ,if he goes out into the world , he should 
expect to get muddy.


 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
This is a good answer, Mike.

I wouldn't want to have to define holy man or saint, so
I wouldn't want to say what would disqualify him (or qualify
him, for that matter) for being either. He wasn't a perfect
human being, that's for sure. It's up to the individual to
decide how much they want to hold his sins against him.

--- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:

 Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. The 
 Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means that 
 all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The Bible also 
 speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. Veda Vyasa had 
 sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a river, thus we have 
 Shukadeva. Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not as high as we might have 
 thought. My thoughts are that M was a very high soul on a mission and upon 
 taking birth as a man, he did things men do.
  From: Michael Jackson 
 To: mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com; 
 Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question
 OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a saint 
 and true holy man. 
 How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys have 
 told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn and 
 others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
 Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it is 
 alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate to 
 have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?


[FairfieldLife] Too-Much-Fun!

2013-02-04 Thread david
I'm so glad that this TMF group popped-up last week on the Buddhist site.  I 
love  reading the juicy chatter about even banal topics because it fun-colors 
us TM'ers as only 'Humans', after all...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Yahoo Rich Text Editor

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 02/03/2013 07:20 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:

 Yahoo has an Android app for mail, and on my iPad, if I go to Yahoo mail in 
 a browser, it dishes up a mobile version. My guess is that Yahoo Groups just 
 isn't a big priority for the struggling company.

 I wrote the a HTML directly in the source view of the Rich Text Editor, made 
 sure it was valid HTML according to the DTD on the FFL pages. Earlier in the 
 week I found I could not get images to display and there were some other 
 quirks. This test page code was not stripped at all, Yahoo did not alter a 
 single line, but there are a few format changes because of the CSS on the 
 Yahoo pages, such as a green Heading 3 and some spacing shifts from default 
 HTML rendering. The e-mail digests totally mangled it though, not preserving 
 any spacing, and no images or providing the url of the images, so I suppose 
 that has to be added as text so those who get this form of the posts could 
 access and image.

 Since you approve images posted TO the forum by upload, is there a way you 
 can control images included in posts that link to images on the Internet? 
 Obviously you cannot preview them because they show up instantly once the 
 post is sent as they do not pass through the Yahoo server, being linked from 
 other locations on the web.

 I do not use a phone or tablet to compose messages, I use a desktop computer, 
 or on occasion, a laptop.

Last year experimenting with posting embedded and linked photos on FFL 
both by email and via the web site I found that Yahoo does indeed modify 
quite a bit depending on what and how you are trying to do with a 
photo.  I seem to recall that in some cases via email on Thunderbird if 
I embedded the photo in HTML mode that Yahoo stripped the photo code but 
the coming back from FFL had the photo in the source though it wouldn't 
display it.  Then we have the case that I noticed that Yahoo would swap 
out the email addresses on the post count for the profiles when 
displayed on the web site.  You would see part of the email address but 
if you passed the mouse over the link my browser would display a long 
link that when clicked would take you to the profile of the user.  The 
post count via email would just display the email address.  IOW, a good 
reason not to display the email address since for our purposes the user 
name was enough.

Of course remote photo links are often frowned on because back in the 
day you would be using someone else's bandwidth to display the photo.  
So many of us authoring web sites would put access scripts that would 
block it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The text editor designed for writing to TMers

2013-02-04 Thread david
Such a good idea  actual program!  Also a great way to handle writing to 
youngsters who still have a limited vocabulary...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 It's what you've always wanted, a text editor that dumbs what you're
 trying to say down to the max by restricting you to the 1,000 most
 common words in the English language (really ten hundred if I were
 writing this using the editor).

 To show how this would be useful when communicating to TMers who want to
 believe that if you dumb something down enough that they can understand
 it they actually understand it, here's the editor describing string
 theory... :-)
 Things are made of small bits. Some of the bits are made of even 
 smaller bits. There are many different kinds of bits. Even light is made
 of very small bits flying very fast.  If we look carefully at the 
 smallest kinds of bits they look like little points. But we don't
 really  know if this is true, because the bits are very small and it is
 hard to  look at things that are so small.
 It turns out that we know how to make most things out of point-bits, 
 but one thing is hard. We know everything falls down — or actually 
 everything always falls towards everything else. The force that does 
 this is hard to make out of little point-bits — if we try to do this
 we  get too many little point-bits flying around. There is one way to
 fix  it: we realize that the little bits are actually not points but
 long  things! The long things are wrapped tight and it is hard to see
 them  because they are so small and a very small wrapped long thing
 looks just  like a point.
 But then the long things make fun things happen. The force that makes 
 things fall comes out! Wow! And all kinds of other things too! In fact 
 all the different kinds of bits that we see come from just one kind of 
 wrapped long thing moving in different ways. This is great! One idea 
 explains many different things and so we are happy. There are some 
 little problems still but we are working hard and it is possible that 
 everything around us — in space, near by, all of it — can be
 understood  from one simple idea of wrapped long things.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are all 
so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think it's 
connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain is the 
program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we cannot 
trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.

And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong and 
that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should make 
amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even people in 
positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When we're quite 
young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  I don't 
 but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa Claus.  
And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not to do.  
That's the worse part maybe.  

We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we believed 
in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to prevent it from 
happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and good health.  Does 
this make any sense?       

FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
 death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.

 From: navashok no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
 unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  
 As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or 
 something superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because 
 at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.
  From: turquoiseb 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO more human somehow, more of the world 
  with all its joys and sorrows, more connected to life 
  with all its light and dark.
 Yeah, you say this NOW, now that it's come out that
 he is married and has been for many years. But I wonder
 what excuses you make for him lying about it for so long,
 and to so many?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Yes, there are people who do such things in life not connected to TM and it 
would apply to some that have done TM too

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
you think this makes a lick of sense:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
 The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
 away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
 their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
 videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
 they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
 contradict their fantasies.

Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?

It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, and 
then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend  wrote:

 Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
 you think this makes a lick of sense:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
  The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
  away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
  their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
  videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
  they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
  contradict their fantasies.
 Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?
 It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
 either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
It makes sense to not be in a state of upset over the person who lied and what 
they lied about etc. But the way you and others approach it seems to be to say 
that now that you have made your peace about M's lying you don't care that his 
successors are continuing the lying tradition to others. I can't go that far 
myself. I notice to my surprise that most of the people who responded to my 
question seem to believe that he did have sex and lied about it rather than the 
few ladies who came forward and the skin boys all being liars - that was one of 
the things I was wondering - if they lied, why would they do so? (Personally I 
think they are telling the truth but I wanted to know what others thought.

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are all 
so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think it's 
connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain is the 
program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we cannot 
trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.

And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong and 
that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should make 
amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even people in 
positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When we're quite 
young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  I don't 
 but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa Claus.  
And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not to do.  
That's the worse part maybe.  

We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we believed 
in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to prevent it from 
happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and good health.  Does 
this make any sense?       

FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
 death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.

 From: navashok no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
 unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous lives.  
 As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for someone or 
 something superficially perfect in this world.  I say superficially because 
 at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my experience.
  From: turquoiseb 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 
 Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
 everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
 his close friends like John Hagelin? 
  It makes the TMO 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

MJ, you and Bee ain't exactly Woodward and Bernstein on this faux issue. Have a 
decaf, go for a jog, say hi to a pretty woman, relax.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 It makes sense to not be in a state of upset over the person who lied and 
 what they lied about etc. But the way you and others approach it seems to be 
 to say that now that you have made your peace about M's lying you don't care 
 that his successors are continuing the lying tradition to others. I can't go 
 that far myself. I notice to my surprise that most of the people who 
 responded to my question seem to believe that he did have sex and lied about 
 it rather than the few ladies who came forward and the skin boys all being 
 liars - that was one of the things I was wondering - if they lied, why would 
 they do so? (Personally I think they are telling the truth but I wanted to 
 know what others thought.
  From: Share Long 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok
 Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are 
 all so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think 
 it's connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain 
 is the program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we 
 cannot trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.
 And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong 
 and that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should 
 make amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even 
 people in positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When 
 we're quite young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter 
 Bunny.  I don't remember
  but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa 
 Claus.  And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not 
 to do.  That's the worse part maybe.  
 We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
 figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we 
 believed in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to 
 prevent it from happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and 
 good health.  Does this make any sense?       
 FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
 around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
  death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
 called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.
  From: navashok 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life 
 Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
 Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
 not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
 Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that 
 this is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style 
 promoted as especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. 
 It's a bit different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for 
 their ability as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is 
 actually married, while all his priests have to live celebate.
  Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and 
  sports and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media 
  would have us believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be 
  realistic about this particular consequence of their fame.  But still, 
  they have a right to try to have a private life.  Even from their close 
  friends if need be.  If a friend is really close, they will understand 
  one's choice in the matter.  If not, then let the two of them work it 
  out.  Yes, privately, just between the two of them.
  I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
  in positions of authority, it's my opinion that they are dealing with 
  unresolved issues about their early caregivers and or from previous 
  lives.  As such I think it's an opportunity to grow beyond looking for 
  someone or something superficially perfect in this world.  I say 
  superficially because at the deeper levels, it is perfect.  In my 
   From: turquoiseb 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:26 AM

[FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning 
including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in 
the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the 
Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is 
practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the 
TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).

And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to 
get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Guru Dev was a tantric??

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 1:05 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning 
including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in 
the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the 
Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is 
practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the 
TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).

And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to 
get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael

2013-02-04 Thread Share Long
What I said in second paragraph:  And I'm not saying that lying should be 
condoned.  I think lying is 
wrong and that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should 
make amends as best as possible.  

What I said in third paragraph:  We all have to come to peace about the lying 
of others...Not for their sake or to let them off the 
hook or to prevent it from happening again.  But for our own growth and 
happiness and good health.  

These are not expressions of not caring.  That is your interpretation and a 
huge leap from being at peace.

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

It makes sense to not be in a state of upset over the person who lied and what 
they lied about etc. But the way you and others approach it seems to be to say 
that now that you have made your peace about M's lying you don't care that his 
successors are continuing the lying tradition to others. I can't go that far 
myself. I notice to my surprise that most of the people who responded to my 
question seem to believe that he did have sex and lied about it rather than the 
few ladies who came forward and the skin boys all being liars - that was one of 
the things I was wondering - if they lied, why would they do so? (Personally I 
think they are telling the truth but I wanted to know what others thought.

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to navashok

Thanks, navashok, and just to dig deeper.  I've been wondering why we are all 
so shook up and triggered when people in authority lie to us.  I think it's 
connected to survival and fear of dying.  Deep in the primitive brain is the 
program from childhood saying that if  authority figures lie, then we cannot 
trust them to protect us from saber toothed tigers, etc.

And I'm not saying that lying should be condoned.  I think lying is wrong and 
that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar should make 
amends as best as possible.  But the fact is that people lie, even people in 
positions of authority.  And it begins early in our life.  When we're quite 
young, our parents tell us about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  I don't 
 but I'm sure it's a shock when a child realizes that there is no Santa Claus.  
And that the parents were lying about it, something they told us not to do.  
That's the worse part maybe.  

We all have to come to peace about the lying of others, especially authority 
figures in whom we believed.  Even if we were young children when we believed 
in them.  Not for their sake or to let them off the hook or to prevent it from 
happening again.  But for our own growth and happiness and good health.  Does 
this make any sense?       

FWIW I was neither in the Dome nor 
around the TMO for approx 7 years which included the time of Maharishi's
 death and Rajaram's becoming the TMO leader.  So I don't know who 
called him Purusha and lots of other details from that period.

 From: navashok no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I don't think he lied about it.  I think he kept his private life private.

Share, (not that it's important), but I have to disagree here. I think that 
Barry has a point. He was called a Purusha, and Purushas are celibate. So its 
not an issue of just keeping his private life private. It is deceptive. Also, 
Maharishi promoted the Purusha and Mother Divine lifestyle, it's not that this 
is something neutral, which is nobodies business. It's a life style promoted as 
especially evolutionary by the movement, which he is the head of. It's a bit 
different from normal celebrities, who are known for example for their ability 
as actors etc. Compare it to finding out that the pope is actually married, 
while all his priests have to live celebate.

 Which is everyone's right IMHO.  Even famous people in Hollywood and sports 
 and politics have a right to a private life.  Though the media would have us 
 believe otherwise.  And yes, famous people should be realistic about this 
 particular consequence of their fame.  But still, they have a right to try 
 to have a private life.  Even from their close friends if need be.  If a 
 friend is really close, they will understand one's choice in the matter.  If 
 not, then let the two of them work it out.  Yes, privately, just between the 
 two of them.
 I think when people are disappointed etc. about famous people and or people 
 in positions 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

Michael Jackson:
 Guru Dev was a tantric??

Not just another Tantric!

All the Shankaracharyas agree that the Saraswati 
Dasanamis worship the Sri Vidya, a tantric sect. It 
is a fact that the Sri Yantra is ensconced on the 
mandir at Dwarka, Kanchi, and the Sringeri Mathas. 

It is also a fact that all the Adwaita Sannyasins 
claim that Adi Shankara established four mathas as 
seats of learning and for the worship of Sri Vidya.

According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the Adi 
Shankara placed the Sri Yantra, symbol of Tripura, 
with the TM mantras inscribed thereon, at each of 
the seats of learning - Dwarka, Puri, Sringeri, and 
at Jyotirmath. 

The bija mantras of TM are tantric mantras which 
came DIRECTLY from SBS and are related to Sri Vidya. 

From what I've read, the cult of Sri Vidya was 
derived from the nath siddhas, tantric alchemists 
of medieval India during the Gupta Era.

Work cited:

Auspicious Wisdon
The texts and traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism 
in South India.
by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
SUNY 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
I don't have anything to add to what you posted, Michael, just a
suggestion. Whatever editor/email program/whatever you are using to
write your posts seems to have smart (curly) quotes and semi-quotes
turned on. The Yahoo system is obvously unable to process these, and
turns them into the “ and ’ characters you see below. Most
such editors or programs have an option to turn off smart quotes, even
Microstuft Word, if you are using that. You might consider using such an
option, because your current setup makes your posts difficult to read.
The  characters that show up from place to place are non-breaking
spaces, and I don't know why they appear, unless either you or the
editor in question is adding them manually; almost no one *tries* to
create them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 My thanks to
 everyone who offered their answers. Since Mike D was the first to
respond I
 will start there, but really I am using all the answers as a
springboard to
 think and write about this:
 from what most of you seem to be saying, you feel he was enlightened
in some
 way, but because his consciousness was housed in a human body, he was
 to flawed human behavior and yet he was still a holy man, or
 you may feel that he was holy and engaged in Divine activity by
 meditation, yet not enlightened and therefore his human lies and
deception were
 just part of his human life, sort of like the various Popes who have
guided the
 Catholic church while doing things they officially denounced.
 I began my question with the idea of M’s sexual activity
 because it seems that those who have talked about it (the women and
the skin
 boys) have come forth with some amount of detail, as opposed to some
of the
 financial allegations which are a little lacking in detail (here I
speak of things
 like suitcases across the border rather than the obvious soliciting
funds for
 projects that never materialized that everyone could see)

 I agree with Navashok that it does make a difference that Maharishi
 preached celibacy to others and as head of a movement claimed to be so

 Had he only practiced deception about his sexual activities, I could
 turned a blind eye myself, but in addition to the sexual
considerations, he did
 two things †one being that he seemed to take money under false
 asking for funds for many, many projects that never or rarely ever

 Second, he always claimed that everything he ever offered was far
superior to
 anything everyone else offered. His meditation was superior, his
 techniques were superior, he alone was able to revitalize ancient
 knowledge - ayurveda, jyotish, yagas, vastu veda and all the adjunct
 and offerings that went with the main things he sold. He seemed to do
this to
 keep his customers loyal to him, to keep the cash flowing and to feed
his ego,
 that he alone could provide the best of the best.

 So with the sexual activity, Maharishi practiced deception
 on a grand scale (meaning that he lied for the better part of his
adult life to
 nearly everyone he came into contact, as opposed to just a few times
with a few
 people), he took money under false pretenses therefore committing
fraud and
 seemed to have a large ego.

 Committing these sexual and financial acts he
 manipulated people also on a grand scale meaning he manipulated many
people for
 many years, seemingly to feed his ego and achieve sexual and financial

 This is behavior that most people would not tolerate in their
 friends, family, co-workers or strangers. As a society we certainly
revile our
 politicians for doing the exact same things. I find it interesting in
 cat-with-a-hairball kind of way that some of you can so easily give
him a free
 pass for doing things you would never allow anyone else in your life
to get
 away with.

 One more thing I want to mention, Mike said this: “The Bible
 tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means
 that all men have and will sin.”

 This must mean that he was not enlightened. Maharishi’s own
 definition of enlightenment was:

 this state (of enlightenment) the mind has become transformed into
 bliss-consciousness, Being is permanently lived as separate from
 Then a man
 realizes that his Self is different from the mind which is engaged
 thoughts and desires. Â
 It is now his
 experience that the mind, which had been identified with desires, is
 identified with the Self.Â
 He experiences
 the desires of the mind as lying outside of himself, whereas he used
 experience himself as completely involved with desires.Â
 On the surface
 of the mind desires certainly continue, but deep within the mind they
no longer
 exist, for the depths of the mind are transformed into the nature of
 All the desires
 which were present in the mind have been thrown upward, as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
 away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
 their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
 videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
 they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
 contradict their fantasies. 

What is reality and what is fantasy Barry? (Uh-oh).

Is the reality the 'particular' (the hunch in the back
of Richard III), or the 'universal' (the abstract, the 
teaching). Which is *more* real?

Take me. I'm a Hendrix freak. So, just as one example,
I absolutely love The Wind Cries Mary. It means a lot
to me (and to a lot of others to be sure). 


Now I discover that the occasion for the creation of this
gem by the force-of-nature Voodoo Chile was in fact some
badly prepared mashed potato:


If you're of a nominalist persuasion I think this would
be a bit of a downer.  Philosophical realists are not

If you emphasize as *the* reality MMY the man (who ate,
shat, copulated and all the rest), you are (perhaps
uncritically) taking the former view. 

Perhaps ideas are more important than bags under the
eyes? Perhaps Einstein's equations are more real than
his hair style?

(PS I read MMY's books *and* met the guy. I was not
disappointed in the flesh as it happens).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning 
 including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in 
 the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the 
 Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is 
 practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the 
 TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).
 And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to 
 get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D

I hear the scientologists had an advert during the break? That
must have cost a fortune! Would love to have seen it, especially
as I need a new guru after reading here that Marshy was so crap.
Hubbard was squeaky clean, right?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
Tantra is about empowering mantras, yantras and rituals called tantras.  
We're you thinking it was about sex or black magic?

On 02/04/2013 10:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Guru Dev was a tantric??

   From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 1:05 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

 I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning
 including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in
 the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the
 Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is
 practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the
 TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).

 And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to
 get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
  The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
  away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
  their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
  videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
  they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
  contradict their fantasies. 
 What is reality and what is fantasy Barry? (Uh-oh).
 Is the reality the 'particular' (the hunch in the back
 of Richard III), or the 'universal' (the abstract, the 
 teaching). Which is *more* real?

The whole *premise* of Maharishi's teachings -- or
at least the way he acted them out -- is that the idea
is more real. I dispute this. 

 Take me. I'm a Hendrix freak. So, just as one example,
 I absolutely love The Wind Cries Mary. It means a lot
 to me (and to a lot of others to be sure). 
 Now I discover that the occasion for the creation of this
 gem by the force-of-nature Voodoo Chile was in fact some
 badly prepared mashed potato:
 If you're of a nominalist persuasion I think this would
 be a bit of a downer.  Philosophical realists are not

I am not bothered. What does that make me?  :-)
 If you emphasize as *the* reality MMY the man (who ate,
 shat, copulated and all the rest), you are (perhaps
 uncritically) taking the former view. 

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, 
doesn't go away. - Philip K. Dick

Maharishi's promises have almost all gone away. The
reality of his actions has not. 

 Perhaps ideas are more important than bags under the
 eyes? Perhaps Einstein's equations are more real than
 his hair style?

Einstein himself knew that his ideas were mere ideas.
My grandfather worked with him, and heard him say this
many times. He was too much of a scientist to ever
confuse them with reality. 

 (PS I read MMY's books *and* met the guy. I was not
 disappointed in the flesh as it happens).

I wasn't disappointed *at the time*, merely underwhelmed.
I never detected an ounce of shakti or personal power
or whatever you might want to call it. In the years since
I have been disappointed mainly by the people who still
put him up on a pedestal to which he was never entitled.

Different strokes for different folks. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Tantra is about empowering mantras, yantras and rituals called 
 tantras. We're you thinking it was about sex or black magic?

Tantra is also about a great deal *more* than the
things you mentioned. Were you thinking that was
all there was to it?  :-)

 On 02/04/2013 10:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
  Guru Dev was a tantric??

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 02/04/2013 11:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 Tantra is about empowering mantras, yantras and rituals called
 tantras. We're you thinking it was about sex or black magic?
 Tantra is also about a great deal *more* than the
 things you mentioned. Were you thinking that was
 all there was to it?  :-)

I don't know what Buddhist tantra claims but the definition I gave is 
standard for Hindu tantra or what I learned.  I know some people paste 
some pretty broad definitions on it though they are not tantrics 
themselves (so how would they know). :-D

BTW, I'm wondering if the Ravens fan hand sign just happens to be a yoni 
mudra (but they don't know it)?

 On 02/04/2013 10:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Guru Dev was a tantric??

Re: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
No i don't really know much about tantra - I thought there was some difference 
between tantra masters and SBS, but I never knew what.

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

Tantra is about empowering mantras, yantras and rituals called tantras. 
We're you thinking it was about sex or black magic?

On 02/04/2013 10:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Guru Dev was a tantric??

   From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 1:05 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

 I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning
 including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in
 the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the
 Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is
 practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the
 TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).

 And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to
 get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
thanks - I will try to fix it

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 1:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question, Part 2

I don't have anything to add to what you posted, Michael, just a
suggestion. Whatever editor/email program/whatever you are using to
write your posts seems to have smart (curly) quotes and semi-quotes
turned on. The Yahoo system is obvously unable to process these, and
turns them into the โ€� and โ€� characters you see below. Most
such editors or programs have an option to turn off smart quotes, even
Microstuft Word, if you are using that. You might consider using such an
option, because your current setup makes your posts difficult to read.
The ย characters that show up from place to place are non-breaking
spaces, and I don't know why they appear, unless either you or the
editor in question is adding them manually; almost no one *tries* to
create them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 My thanks to
 everyone who offered their answers. Since Mike D was the first to
respond I
 will start there, but really I am using all the answers as a
springboard to
 think and write about this:
 from what most of you seem to be saying, you feel he was enlightened
in some
 way, but because his consciousness was housed in a human body, he was
 to flawed human behavior and yet he was still a holy man, or
 you may feel that he was holy and engaged in Divine activity by
 meditation, yet not enlightened and therefore his human lies and
deception were
 just part of his human life, sort of like the various Popes who have
guided the
 Catholic church while doing things they officially denounced.
 I began my question with the idea of Mโ€�s sexual activity
 because it seems that those who have talked about it (the women and
the skin
 boys) have come forth with some amount of detail, as opposed to some
of the
 financial allegations which are a little lacking in detail (here I
speak of things
 like suitcases across the border rather than the obvious soliciting
funds for
 projects that never materialized that everyone could see)

 I agree with Navashok that it does make a difference that Maharishi
 preached celibacy to others and as head of a movement claimed to be so

 Had he only practiced deception about his sexual activities, I could
 turned a blind eye myself, but in addition to the sexual
considerations, he did
 two things โ€ one being that he seemed to take money under false
 asking for funds for many, many projects that never or rarely ever

 Second, he always claimed that everything he ever offered was far
superior to
 anything everyone else offered. His meditation was superior, his
 techniques were superior, he alone was able to revitalize ancient
 knowledge - ayurveda, jyotish, yagas, vastu veda and all the adjunct
 and offerings that went with the main things he sold. He seemed to do
this to
 keep his customers loyal to him, to keep the cash flowing and to feed
his ego,
 that he alone could provide the best of the best.

 So with the sexual activity, Maharishi practiced deception
 on a grand scale (meaning that he lied for the better part of his
adult life to
 nearly everyone he came into contact, as opposed to just a few times
with a few
 people), he took money under false pretenses therefore committing
fraud and
 seemed to have a large ego.

 Committing these sexual and financial acts he
 manipulated people also on a grand scale meaning he manipulated many
people for
 many years, seemingly to feed his ego and achieve sexual and financial

 This is behavior that most people would not tolerate in their
 friends, family, co-workers or strangers. As a society we certainly
revile our
 politicians for doing the exact same things. I find it interesting in
 cat-with-a-hairball kind of way that some of you can so easily give
him a free
 pass for doing things you would never allow anyone else in your life
to get
 away with.

 One more thing I want to mention, Mike said this: โ€�The Bible
 tells usย that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means
 that all men have and will sin.โ€�

 This must mean that he was not enlightened. Maharishiโ€�s own
 definition of enlightenment was:

 ย  โ€�...in
 this state (of enlightenment) the mind has become transformed into
 bliss-consciousness, Being is permanently lived as separate from
 Then a man
 realizes that his Self isย different from the mind which is engaged
 thoughts and desires.ย ย
 It is now his
 experience that the mind, which had been identified with desires, is
 identified with the Self.ย
 He experiences
 the desires of the mind as lying outside of himself, whereas he used
 experience himself as completely involved with desires.ย
 On the surface

[FairfieldLife] Robots on the Rise?

2013-02-04 Thread John
They may take over some routine jobs performed by people.  But human beings 
will create new jobs that are more satisfying to the human mind.  These could 
include more jobs related to education, the arts, medicine, and health care to 
name a few.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 On 02/04/2013 11:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
   Tantra is about empowering mantras, yantras and rituals called
   tantras. We're you thinking it was about sex or black magic?
  Tantra is also about a great deal *more* than the
  things you mentioned. Were you thinking that was
  all there was to it?  :-)
 I don't know what Buddhist tantra claims but the definition 
 I gave is standard for Hindu tantra or what I learned.  

That's why I spoke up. Your definition of tantra does not
speak for the whole study of tantra. For example, in many
Buddhist forms of tantra, the mantras, yantras, and above
all rituals you mentioned are viewed as baby steps, 
things you do in the beginning of your study while learning
to trigger the inner forces of tantra. Once you have, these
things are considered not necessary. 

I think of it similar to Dumbo's feather, in the old Disney
movie. Dumbo believed (was told) that the feather he held
in his trunk had magical powers, and was the reason he could
fly. But in reality he could fly because of his big-assed
ears. The feather was a placebo to trick him into doing what 
he had been capable of doing all along. 

I've seen tantra (including many of the phenomena you have 
mentioned here in the past) performed without mantras, 
without yantras, and without any kind of ritual. No pujas, 
no chanting, no mantras, nothing verbal at all, just magic. 
Go figure. 

 I know some people paste some pretty broad definitions on 
 it though they are not tantrics themselves (so how would 
 they know). :-D

I'm just saying that just as they shouldn't necessarily
limit tantra to what they know about it, neither should you.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than
are dreamed of in *either* of our philosophies. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning 
 including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in 
 the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the 
 Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is 
 practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the 
 TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).
 And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to 
 get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D

The Vaishnavites have a different definition of the Illuminati, who are 
supposed to be the nonbelievers and materialists of the world.  By that 
definition, Guru Dev would not qualify.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogah karmasu kaushalam

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba

Um, doesn't work that way, Share. They won, not because of the words, Old 
timers. hahaha
Good possible theory, except that also the Raven is closely associated with a 
Crow, a black bird and that is Shani also.
Caw, caw.
Maybe the direction of west may have had something to do with the winner, 
coming from the west and Surya transiting Makara, haha, not because they are 
called old timers. hahahaha. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 or Sani exalted in Libra means the old timers will win?
 yogastah kuru karmani
 Established in Being perform action.
 Yay Ravens!
 I grew up in Maryland suburbs of DC, John.  
  From: John 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 5:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yogah karmasu kaushalam
 This means the 49ers will will the SB through skill in action.  JGD.

[FairfieldLife] Turq's Oscar Noms Reviews: Flight

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
In one line, Awesome performance by Denzel Washington,
but in a gritty, real movie that may not be everyone's
cuppa tea.

Some of the best performances in movie history have
been made by actors portraying alcoholics. Think Ray
Milland's Oscar-winning performance in Lost Weekend,
or Jeff Bridges in 8 Million Ways To Die, or Jane
Fonda in The Morning After. This is one of those
performances. Denzel just *rocks* in it, and in a 
year without Daniel Day Lewis's Lincoln in it, he
would have walked away with the Oscar. 

That said, drunks are not all that pleasant to watch.
In this film Denzel plays an alcoholic and cocaine
abuser who just happens to be an airline pilot, and
just happens to be *still* drunk and stoned when some-
thing disastrous happens to the plane. *That* sobers
his ass up quick, and he draws upon a lifetime of
piloting skills to do something that no other pilot
would have been able to do, and saves the plane from
crashing altogether. However it *does* crash badly 
enough that four passengers and two crew members 
are killed, and Denzel winds up in the hospital along
with other survivors, where of course one of the 
first things they do as a matter of course is take
blood tests. Blood alcohol of 2.1 and traces of coke.
Uh oh. 

The rest of the film is the fallout from this, and 
it's all well staged and well played, but...as I 
suggested...possibly not everyone's idea of a good
time. The movie has excellent direction by Robert
Zemeckis and excellent supporting performances by
Don Cheadle and Bruce Greenwood and Kelly Reilly,
but it's really Denzel's ball, and he done took 
it and run with it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 02/04/2013 11:57 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 On 02/04/2013 11:29 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 Tantra is about empowering mantras, yantras and rituals called
 tantras. We're you thinking it was about sex or black magic?
 Tantra is also about a great deal *more* than the
 things you mentioned. Were you thinking that was
 all there was to it?  :-)
 I don't know what Buddhist tantra claims but the definition
 I gave is standard for Hindu tantra or what I learned.
 That's why I spoke up. Your definition of tantra does not
 speak for the whole study of tantra. For example, in many
 Buddhist forms of tantra, the mantras, yantras, and above
 all rituals you mentioned are viewed as baby steps,
 things you do in the beginning of your study while learning
 to trigger the inner forces of tantra. Once you have, these
 things are considered not necessary.

 I think of it similar to Dumbo's feather, in the old Disney
 movie. Dumbo believed (was told) that the feather he held
 in his trunk had magical powers, and was the reason he could
 fly. But in reality he could fly because of his big-assed
 ears. The feather was a placebo to trick him into doing what
 he had been capable of doing all along.

 I've seen tantra (including many of the phenomena you have
 mentioned here in the past) performed without mantras,
 without yantras, and without any kind of ritual. No pujas,
 no chanting, no mantras, nothing verbal at all, just magic.
 Go figure.

 I know some people paste some pretty broad definitions on
 it though they are not tantrics themselves (so how would
 they know). :-D
 I'm just saying that just as they shouldn't necessarily
 limit tantra to what they know about it, neither should you.
 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than
 are dreamed of in *either* of our philosophies.

I have to respectfully disagree because there are classic definitions of 
tantra.  That's what I'm using. Otherwise watching movies could be 
considered tantra. :-D

Tantra is not a spectator sport.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 LOL. I guess my reminding people that King Tony lied 
 about his non-bramacharya status and pretended to be
 celibate for years pushed a few buttons. Both Nabby
 and Jimbo are back in Kill the messenger while
 ignoring the issue mode again.  :-)

No, I'm not. I don't really care what you think and it's been years since 
anything you said had any provocative effect. But I'm curious to know what you 
base your assumptions and I've come to the conclusion that your are far, very 
far into some fantasy, possible phsycosis regarding the TMO.

 *It couldn't have been more obvious* that he was lying
 all those years before he came out as married with
 children. All you had to do is read the emails coming 
 from other major leaders of the TMO such as Bevan and 
 Hagelin to get how shocked they were. 

I think we'd all LOVE to read about how shocked they were, and you can provide 
some evidence of this, no ? Thought so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 02/04/2013 12:15 PM, John wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning
 including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in
 the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the
 Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is
 practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the
 TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).

 And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to
 get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D

 The Vaishnavites have a different definition of the Illuminati, who are 
 supposed to be the nonbelievers and materialists of the world.  By that 
 definition, Guru Dev would not qualify.

Uh, it's a joke, John.  There was much made in the news about Beyonce 
flashing that sign and I also heard that people saw folks in the crowd 
stand up and give that sign.  Funny if they were Ravens fans and that is 
their salute.


However a yogi or tantric meditating while holding the hands in the form 
of the yoni mudra is not uncommon.  Bet many folks here do that and 
don't even know it. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, and 
 then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??

According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any way. 
Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a private 
telephoneconversation with him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Robots on the Rise?

2013-02-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 02/04/2013 11:56 AM, John wrote:
 They may take over some routine jobs performed by people.  But human beings 
 will create new jobs that are more satisfying to the human mind.  These could 
 include more jobs related to education, the arts, medicine, and health care 
 to name a few.


There are a lot of tedious jobs that would better done by machines. It 
is inhuman to ask people to perform such jobs but they do so out of 
desperation.  Take clothing sweat shops for example.  A lot of those 
clothes could be designed to be made by machines with much more quality 
control.  Or assembling electronics as another example.

We are at a point in the history of the world where people shouldn't 
need to work so much just to survive.  It's the greedy money junkies who 
keep wage slavery alive.  To hell with them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
Nabby, it doesn't mean Turq has not put together a thinking mind of the 
possibilities that are told? 
Just because someone is not around, does not make them less of a witness. Some 
people know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together and some just look at the 
pieces and the box picture and say, oh that is pretty. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, 
  and then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??
 According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any way. 
 Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a private 
 telephoneconversation with him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
The turq is right.  
One can collect a whole lot more money, if we have been conditioned to give to 
what appears higher than ourselves. If it was a lie, it does not make the 
collection honest. The good lesson learned. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 LOL. I guess my reminding people that King Tony lied 
 about his non-bramacharya status and pretended to be
 celibate for years pushed a few buttons. Both Nabby
 and Jimbo are back in Kill the messenger while
 ignoring the issue mode again.  :-)
 *It couldn't have been more obvious* that he was lying
 all those years before he came out as married with
 children. All you had to do is read the emails coming 
 from other major leaders of the TMO such as Bevan and 
 Hagelin to get how shocked they were. Add to that 
 Tonyboy's *own* explanation of how Maharishi had
 told him to keep it secret (whether that is true or
 not), and it's very difficult to claim that he *wasn't*
 lying all those years. 
 So what's up with that, all you people who consider
 him enlightened? Remember, there is an ISSUE here to
 be discussed, no matter how much the button-pushed 
 TBs are trying to distract you from it by trying to
 divert the conversation to personalities and Kill
 the messenger.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  What would you do, Nabby? Barry's situation is a lot like 
  the white sharecroppers in the South hating black people, 
  *more* than the slave owners did, because despite their own 
  wretched circumstances, they had a group they could look 
  down on.
  Bee is unemployed, unmarried, drinks too much, and hasn't 
  accomplished much spiritually. So what he does is bash 
  anything and everything, to avoid facing himself. It is both 
  obvious and straightforward, er, except to him - lol.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 I'm very glad that Rajaram is a householder. 

Are you glad that he lied about it to pretty much 
everyone in the TM movement for many years, including
his close friends like John Hagelin? 
   On what basis does the Turq claim Rajaram was lying, does 
   he know anything about it ? No, he is pushing his own 
   agenda PRETENDING he is in the know. But as usual he 
   is caught lying.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
that is a very insightful statement - thank you!

 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 3:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

Nabby, it doesn't mean Turq has not put together a thinking mind of the 
possibilities that are told? 
Just because someone is not around, does not make them less of a witness. Some 
people know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together and some just look at the 
pieces and the box picture and say, oh that is pretty. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
  It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, 
  and then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??
 According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any way. 
 Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a private 
 telephoneconversation with him.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 Yeah, I am not hung up on sex being bad or any of that, regardless of what 
 may or may not have been said about it by Maharishi. Seven billion people or 
 whatever our population is currently, are pretty good evidence it is a 
 mutually enjoyable activity.
 As far as what Maharishi said or did, I'd rather spend my time examining my 
 own life, so that I can constantly improve it. Those like Barry, MJ, 
 Salyavatin' and others who focus so much interest on how Maharishi may have 
 screwed up, are imo, lost in the sauce, so to speak. 
 The other dirty little secret is that Bee and MJ and Saliva's denigrating of 
 Maharishi, has *absolutely nothing* to do with Maharishi!!-lol. These are 
 more like grumpy old men looking for excuses to justify their inner 
 discontent - nothing more. 
 Some people, for some reason are clueless with regard to this type of 
 projection. No capacity for self reflection, more like a knee-jerk reaction: 
 They feel bad, and it must be Maharishi or something external that they must 
 rail against to feel better. 
 It is quite an immature reaction, and like I said, has nothing to do with the 
 external target, and much more to do with their emotional discomfort.

That's an interesting idea, one which you have brought forward before. 
Regarding MJ and Salvia's hate I'm sure you are correct, they seem to possess 
different levels of non-accomplishments and need someone ELSE to blame. 
Whereas the Turq and Vaj always seemed to have the Buddhist angle, as if the 
success of TMO in Buddhist countries was too much for them to handle and 
they've started some sort of religious vendetta. 
But you could be right, perhaps these two characters are also just clueless 
about themselves and utterly miserable. 
There certainly isn't a day here without the Turq trying his outmost to try to 
prove this :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 Goddamit Bee, you are the biggest LIAR here, much more than Raja Ram. Why not 
 focus on your own fucked up values, *for once*, and leave the TMO punching 
 bag alone? Say for 72 hours, three lousy days - then you can escape back into 
 your dark fantasies, and avoid yourself. Deal??

How could you possible expect that from this fellow ? He would develop heavy 
withdraw symptoms and feel even more miserable than he usually does, possible 
begin drinking even more heavy than before :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 On 02/04/2013 12:15 PM, John wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
  I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning
  including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in
  the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the
  Illuminati sign.  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is
  practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the
  TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).
  And of course the blackout was a planned event by the Illuminati to
  get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D
  The Vaishnavites have a different definition of the Illuminati, who are 
  supposed to be the nonbelievers and materialists of the world.  By that 
  definition, Guru Dev would not qualify.
 Uh, it's a joke, John.  There was much made in the news about Beyonce 
 flashing that sign and I also heard that people saw folks in the crowd 
 stand up and give that sign.  Funny if they were Ravens fans and that is 
 their salute.
 However a yogi or tantric meditating while holding the hands in the form 
 of the yoni mudra is not uncommon.  Bet many folks here do that and 
 don't even know it. ;-)


FWIW, Shak O'neil is a self-proclaimed member of the Free Masons.  That's 
probably why a lot of hip hop artists are making all of these hand gestures.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
   What would you do, Nabby? Barry's situation is a lot like 
   the white sharecroppers in the South hating black people, 
   *more* than the slave owners did, because despite their own 
   wretched circumstances, they had a group they could look 
   down on.
   Bee is unemployed, unmarried, drinks too much, and hasn't 
   accomplished much spiritually. So what he does is bash 
   anything and everything, to avoid facing himself. It is both 
   obvious and straightforward, er, except to him - lol.

It's a sorry state to be in for sure. His writings (when he is not explaining 
how great B-films and crappy scandinavian TV series are which are kind of 
amusing to read since the fellov obviously lacks good taste) reminds me of 
cramps, in this case mental cramps. It sometimes comes with old age and will 
hopefully not happen to anyone I know.

[FairfieldLife] Just a Little Lovin'

2013-02-04 Thread John
For the piano players and musicians in the group.  You might appreciate this 
arrangement of an old standard song.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Yes, there are people who do such things in life

Define such things in life. Whatever such things are,
they'd have to be very close to the facts of the TM
situation to apply to TMers as Barry has suggested.

 not connected to TM and it would apply to some that have
 done TM too

Look, Michael, I know we can't expect anything from you
but a knee-jerk defense of Barry, but just for the record:

The first time Barry made this suggestion, it referred to
me specifically, and I think it's safe to assume it still
does in his mind, perhaps now including other FFL TMers
who never had the chance to spend time with Maharishi.

Where it fails on its face, quite definitively, is that
if I and these other FFL TMers were bent on never
encountering anything that could disturb our purported
fantasies about Maharishi, FFL is the last place we
would be inclined to hang out (in my case for 17 years,
including my participation on alt.meditation.transcendental,
which was also full of TM critics).

If I were intent on preserving those purported fantasies,
would I have pointed you to Judith Bourque's book, which
you appear not to have known about, or the extensive
discussions we've had about it here?

And with regard to non-FFL TMers, the suggestion is just
as silly. To have one's fantasies about Maharishi
challenged firsthand, one would have to have been into
TM when he was still accessible, either early on when
he was conducting long rounding courses for meditators,
or later when he was leading TTCs--but before he withdrew
into his digs at Vlodrop--or one would have had to have
been on his staff.

To claim, as Barry does, that any TMer who was never in
any of these situations has been deliberately avoiding
them in order to preserve their Maharishi fantasies is
obviously absurd. *Barry* knows this, but he also knows
there are folks here like you who will fall for it because
it confirms your preconceptions, and you don't have the
imagination to see beyond them--or even a strong enough
grasp of logic to see through his attempt to mislead

  From: authfriend 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:20 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
 you think this makes a lick of sense:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
  The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
  away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
  their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
  videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
  they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
  contradict their fantasies.
 Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?
 It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
 either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808  wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  OK, serious question here to all those who have defended Maharishi as a 
  saint and true holy man. 
  How do you account for the stories that several of his former skin boys 
  have told about his sexual escapades? Mark Landau, Billy Clayton, Nedd Wynn 
  and others have told stories that are very similar as to what who and when.
  Do you think they are all lying and if so why? Or do you honestly think it 
  is alright for a true holy man who always said he was a lifelong celibate 
  to have sex repeatedly and lie about having done so?
 You won't get a serious answer from believers MJ, they are unable
 to square years of devotion to someone they assumed was living
 the life he claimed he was with the ugly truth that he was abusing
 his position of power by seducing credulous, starry-eyed girls.

Name the believers on FFL, salyavin. Don't just hide behind
the generic term.

Like Michael, you're stuck in your preconceptions. As I did
with Michael, I suggest you check out Judith Bourque's book,
and then the extensive discussions about it that have taken
place here. Look for the contributions to those discussions
by those you think of as believers.

[FairfieldLife] *Very* effective infographic

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
A group called Periscopic has taken FBI crime statistics
(the number of people killed by guns in the US in 2010)
and mapped them against WHO lifespan statistics to show
the number of years lived in orange, and the number of 
potential years not lived in gray. 

The chart is animated, starting in January with 0 gun
deaths, but then the counter speeds up, and so to the 
bands of orange and gray. And then it goes on, and goes
on, and you wonder when it's ever going to stop, and
then you notice up in the right hand corner that you're
only looking at the numbers through May. And then it 
goes on, and on, and on...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
I am aware of and have been aware of J. Borque's book since before beginning 
posting on FFL. I did not give it much credibility at first for several 
reasons. One is that even though I had already come to believe that M was 
unethical in his monetary dealings and in the way he treated people in general, 
I was not willing to believe he was not celibate. Usually with these guru 
sexcapades there will be one woman who comes forward, the guru or guru 
supporters will deny the allegations, then another woman will come forward, 
then another and another and another until the evidence seems undeniable as in 
the case of Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)

In Maha's case - there were only one or two women who came forward -after 
having a brief e-mail conversation with Rick on the matter, I felt I needed to 
take another look at the allegations and then began to find material from the 
skin boys addressing the issue - it was there very consistent stories that 
convinced me that Marshy was indeed an unethical SOB.

As to your last post, you asked if it made sense and to me it does, meaning 
that some people avoid looking because they don't want to find. This is 
essentially what Barry was saying - that people keep their distance because 
they don't want to hear and see the truth and that does happen and has happened 
within the TMO and those who do TM.

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 4:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Yes, there are people who do such things in life

Define such things in life. Whatever such things are,
they'd have to be very close to the facts of the TM
situation to apply to TMers as Barry has suggested.

 not connected to TM and it would apply to some that have
 done TM too

Look, Michael, I know we can't expect anything from you
but a knee-jerk defense of Barry, but just for the record:

The first time Barry made this suggestion, it referred to
me specifically, and I think it's safe to assume it still
does in his mind, perhaps now including other FFL TMers
who never had the chance to spend time with Maharishi.

Where it fails on its face, quite definitively, is that
if I and these other FFL TMers were bent on never
encountering anything that could disturb our purported
fantasies about Maharishi, FFL is the last place we
would be inclined to hang out (in my case for 17 years,
including my participation on alt.meditation.transcendental,
which was also full of TM critics).

If I were intent on preserving those purported fantasies,
would I have pointed you to Judith Bourque's book, which
you appear not to have known about, or the extensive
discussions we've had about it here?

And with regard to non-FFL TMers, the suggestion is just
as silly. To have one's fantasies about Maharishi
challenged firsthand, one would have to have been into
TM when he was still accessible, either early on when
he was conducting long rounding courses for meditators,
or later when he was leading TTCs--but before he withdrew
into his digs at Vlodrop--or one would have had to have
been on his staff.

To claim, as Barry does, that any TMer who was never in
any of these situations has been deliberately avoiding
them in order to preserve their Maharishi fantasies is
obviously absurd. *Barry* knows this, but he also knows
there are folks here like you who will fall for it because
it confirms your preconceptions, and you don't have the
imagination to see beyond them--or even a strong enough
grasp of logic to see through his attempt to mislead

  From: authfriend 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:20 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
 you think this makes a lick of sense:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
  The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
  away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
  their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
  videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
  they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
  contradict their fantasies.
 Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?
 It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
 either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 I am aware of and have been aware of J. Borque's book since before beginning 
 posting on FFL. I did not give it much credibility at first for several 
 reasons. One is that even though I had already come to believe that M was 
 unethical in his monetary dealings and in the way he treated people in 
 general, I was not willing to believe he was not celibate. Usually with these 
 guru sexcapades there will be one woman who comes forward, the guru or guru 
 supporters will deny the allegations, then another woman will come forward, 
 then another and another and another until the evidence seems undeniable as 
 in the case of Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)
 In Maha's case - there were only one or two women who came forward -after 
 having a brief e-mail conversation with Rick on the matter, I felt I needed 
 to take another look at the allegations and then began to find material from 
 the skin boys addressing the issue - it was there very consistent stories 
 that convinced me that Marshy was indeed an unethical SOB.

Interesting that you would find the men gossiping about it
privately among themselves more convincing than the woman
who wrote and published a firsthand account of her affair
with Maharishi.

 As to your last post, you asked if it made sense and to me
 it does, meaning that some people avoid looking because they
 don't want to find. This is essentially what Barry was
 saying - that people keep their distance because they don't
 want to hear and see the truth and that does happen and has 
 happened within the TMO and those who do TM.

As I explained to you, Barry was saying it about the TMers
on FFL who had not spent time with Maharishi, including moi.
You'll even give him a pass on *that*. Mind-boggling.

  From: authfriend 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 4:21 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  Yes, there are people who do such things in life
 Define such things in life. Whatever such things are,
 they'd have to be very close to the facts of the TM
 situation to apply to TMers as Barry has suggested.
  not connected to TM and it would apply to some that have
  done TM too
 Look, Michael, I know we can't expect anything from you
 but a knee-jerk defense of Barry, but just for the record:
 The first time Barry made this suggestion, it referred to
 me specifically, and I think it's safe to assume it still
 does in his mind, perhaps now including other FFL TMers
 who never had the chance to spend time with Maharishi.
 Where it fails on its face, quite definitively, is that
 if I and these other FFL TMers were bent on never
 encountering anything that could disturb our purported
 fantasies about Maharishi, FFL is the last place we
 would be inclined to hang out (in my case for 17 years,
 including my participation on alt.meditation.transcendental,
 which was also full of TM critics).
 If I were intent on preserving those purported fantasies,
 would I have pointed you to Judith Bourque's book, which
 you appear not to have known about, or the extensive
 discussions we've had about it here?
 And with regard to non-FFL TMers, the suggestion is just
 as silly. To have one's fantasies about Maharishi
 challenged firsthand, one would have to have been into
 TM when he was still accessible, either early on when
 he was conducting long rounding courses for meditators,
 or later when he was leading TTCs--but before he withdrew
 into his digs at Vlodrop--or one would have had to have
 been on his staff.
 To claim, as Barry does, that any TMer who was never in
 any of these situations has been deliberately avoiding
 them in order to preserve their Maharishi fantasies is
 obviously absurd. *Barry* knows this, but he also knows
 there are folks here like you who will fall for it because
 it confirms your preconceptions, and you don't have the
 imagination to see beyond them--or even a strong enough
 grasp of logic to see through his attempt to mislead
   From: authfriend 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 11:20 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question
  Salyavin, Michael, I'm genuinely curious to know whether
  you think this makes a lick of sense:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
   The problem is compounded in those who carefully stayed
   away from him and never met the man. They got to base 
   their fantasies on what he wrote in books and said on
   videotapes, and carefully stayed far, far away so that
   they'd never have to encounter any reality that might
   contradict their fantasies.
  Does *anybody* here think this makes a lick of sense?
  It's not the first time Barry's made this suggestion. So
  either *he* believes it, or he thinks others will.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
Ohbe, once you are a little older, you will see how Bee's ideas really don't up 
under any kind of scrutiny. Perhaps you will also disabuse yourself of the 
notion that assholes are anything other than assholes.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:

 Nabby, it doesn't mean Turq has not put together a thinking mind of the 
 possibilities that are told? 
 Just because someone is not around, does not make them less of a witness. 
 Some people know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together and some just look at 
 the pieces and the box picture and say, oh that is pretty. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
   It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, 
   and then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??
  According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any way. 
  Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a private 
  telephoneconversation with him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread doctordumbass
Ohbe, once you are a little older, you will see how Bee's ideas really don't 
add up under any kind of scrutiny. Perhaps you will also disabuse yourself of 
the notion that assholes are anything other than assholes.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:

 Nabby, it doesn't mean Turq has not put together a thinking mind of the 
 possibilities that are told? 
 Just because someone is not around, does not make them less of a witness. 
 Some people know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together and some just look at 
 the pieces and the box picture and say, oh that is pretty. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
   It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for decades, 
   and then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??
  According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any way. 
  Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a private 
  telephoneconversation with him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
You mean once I sit for seven more years on FFL? 
I don't defend his SOB attitude, or his orthodox view of women. I definitely 
think he attacked me a couple of times to say the least, on this board. The 
last I checked, he put me in the same category as Nabby, a share craft crop 
circle believer and I found that quite insulting. Then later, I have seen how 
Nabby actually means well by a statement he made concerning someone else's 
comment and realized he actually does think things through if presented to him 
in a balanced way. My judgement about Nabby has dropped to a smaller crop 
circle size, hahah, and I have to say the Turq can bring up some good points to 
consider. His delivery is not handsome most of the time, but if he wears the 
garter belt, it can appear he dresses in drag, regularly. 
The Turq does see women as little flowers and it is annoying to him, in my 
opinion when women become victims of what he wished he could have had the 
chance to stimulate, at least he defends for his personal desires? What would 
any man give to have women throw themselves, their flower parts at full blossom 
towards them? When men see other men use it for their camouflage advantage, 
someone like Turg knows how to point it out pretty well. Takes one to know 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

 Ohbe, once you are a little older, you will see how Bee's ideas really don't 
 add up under any kind of scrutiny. Perhaps you will also disabuse yourself of 
 the notion that assholes are anything other than assholes.:-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
  Nabby, it doesn't mean Turq has not put together a thinking mind of the 
  possibilities that are told? 
  Just because someone is not around, does not make them less of a witness. 
  Some people know how to put a jigsaw puzzle together and some just look at 
  the pieces and the box picture and say, oh that is pretty. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
It is bizarre. Considering Bee hasn't been around Maharishi for 
decades, and then, only briefly. Who, exactly, is fantasizing??
   According to posters here the Turq was never around Maharishi in any 
   way. Apparently he never even talked to Maharishi privately or had a 
   private telephoneconversation with him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:

 You mean once I sit for seven more years on FFL?
 I don't defend his SOB attitude, or his orthodox view of women. I
definitely think he attacked me a couple of times to say the least, on
this board. The last I checked, he put me in the same category as Nabby,
a share craft crop circle believer and I found that quite insulting.
Then later, I have seen how Nabby actually means well by a statement he
made concerning someone else's comment and realized he actually does
think things through if presented to him in a balanced way. My judgement
about Nabby has dropped to a smaller crop circle size, hahah,

Small, big  ? Doesn't matter, have your pick :

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Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations



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Images Martin Sawyer Copyright 2012


Images Lucy Pringle
Copyright 2012

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Mark Fussell  Stuart Dike

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
Exactly! :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
  You mean once I sit for seven more years on FFL?
  I don't defend his SOB attitude, or his orthodox view of women. I
 definitely think he attacked me a couple of times to say the least, on
 this board. The last I checked, he put me in the same category as Nabby,
 a share craft crop circle believer and I found that quite insulting.
 Then later, I have seen how Nabby actually means well by a statement he
 made concerning someone else's comment and realized he actually does
 think things through if presented to him in a balanced way. My judgement
 about Nabby has dropped to a smaller crop circle size, hahah,
 Small, big  ? Doesn't matter, have your pick :

 Discuss this circle on our Facebook
 Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations

 Make a donation to keep the web site alive
 Images Martin Sawyer Copyright 2012
 Images Lucy Pringle
 Copyright 2012
 Click above to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership

 Mark Fussell  Stuart Dike

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 05-Feb-13 00:15:06 UTC

2013-02-04 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 02/02/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/09/13 00:00:00
264 messages as of (UTC) 02/05/13 00:09:46

29 Michael Jackson 
22 doctordumbass
20 turquoiseb 
20 seventhray27 
20 Share Long 
19 nablusoss1008 
17 Bhairitu 
14 authfriend 
13 obbajeeba 
 9 Ravi Chivukula 
 8 Richard J. Williams 
 8 John 
 8 Buck 
 7 card 
 7 Ann 
 6 salyavin808 
 6 navashok 
 4 srijau
 4 merudanda 
 4 Alex Stanley 
 3 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 2 laughinggull108 
 2 feste37 
 2 david 
 2 Mike Dixon 
 1 wgm4u 
 1 seekliberation 
 1 merlin 
 1 martin.quickman 
 1 at_man_and_brahman
 1 PaliGap 
 1 FairfieldLife
 1 Dick Mays 
Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael

2013-02-04 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:

 What I said in second paragraph:Â  And I'm not saying that lying
should be condoned.  I think lying is
 wrong and that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the
liar should make amends as best as possible.Â

 What I said in third paragraph:Â  We all have to come to peace
about the lying of others...Not for their sake or to let them off the
 hook or to prevent it from happening again.  But for our own
growth and
 happiness and good health.Â

 These are not expressions of not caring.  That is your
interpretation and a huge leap from being at peace.

I've noticed that MJ does this quite a bit.  He's got an agenda he's
pretty attached to.  I mean, there's an appearance of open mindedness,
but I don't think it runs very deep.  He often takes what you say and
then twists it into something that better suits his view of the subject

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread srijau
Maharishi is not on this list.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
   Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. The 
   Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means 
   that all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The Bible 
   also speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. Veda 
   Vyasa had sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a river, 
   thus we have Shukadeva. Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just not as high 
   as we might have thought. My thoughts are that M was a very high soul on 
   a mission and upon taking birth as a man, he did things men do.
  The idea that Maharishi is some kind of God certainly did not originate 
  from himself. Asked by a german journalist in Vlodrop: Maharishi, who are 
  you ? Maharishi answered: A normal human being.
  According to Benjamin Creme, Maharishi is a highly enlightened soul, but 
  not an Avatar.
 BTW; going through the list of Initiates you will find only a few Avatars 
 living here lately: Ananda Mayi Ma, Gautama Buddha, Hercules, Hermes, 
 Krishna, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharshi, Shankara and Vivekananda.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
what a joke - I think you were looking in the mirror

 From: seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question to Michael


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:

 What I said in second paragraph:  And I'm not saying that lying should be 
 condoned.  I think lying is 
 wrong and that if a person does it and hurts someone else, then the liar 
 should make amends as best as possible.  
 What I said in third paragraph:  We all have to come to peace about the 
 lying of others...Not for their sake or to let them off the 
 hook or to prevent it from happening again.  But for our own growth and 
 happiness and good health.  
 These are not expressions of not caring.  That is your interpretation and a 
 huge leap from being at peace.
I've noticed that MJ does this quite a bit.  He's got an agenda he's pretty 
attached to.  I mean, there's an appearance of open mindedness, but I don't 
think it runs very deep.  He often takes what you say and then twists it into 
something that better suits his view of the subject matter.


[FairfieldLife] complete cancer cure with Maharishi Ayurveda

2013-02-04 Thread srijau
Ashtavaidya tradition is a unique ancient branch of Kerala Ayurveda. 
Ashtavaidyas use only purely traditional methods. Ashtavaidyan E T Divakaran 
Mooss is the chief physician of the Vaidyaraj Oushadha Sala of Ashtavaidyas. He 
is also the advisor to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Maharishi Ayurvedic University, 
US. Cancer is completely curable through Ayurvedic treatment in the 
Ashtavaidya tradition. I have treated about 100 leukemia patients 
successfully, he says. The Ashtavaidya tradition assures complete cure if the 
patients start treatment early without any damaging modern therapies.


[FairfieldLife] Krishna-16,000 illicit loves

2013-02-04 Thread srijau
married ladies:

 Krishna had also performed Rasa Lila or cosmic dances with 16,000 Gopis, 
making love to each of the women individually. Never any days these activities 
are treated as `porno' in Hindu society. But what is happening now , lovers are 
slapped in public like they have did something wrong,sitting close to each 


Maharishi was too more busy with an important task, sorry to the other Ladies.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread seventhray27

curving back on myself I create again and again

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
  You mean once I sit for seven more years on FFL?
  I don't defend his SOB attitude, or his orthodox view of women. I
 definitely think he attacked me a couple of times to say the least, on
 this board. The last I checked, he put me in the same category as
 a share craft crop circle believer and I found that quite insulting.
 Then later, I have seen how Nabby actually means well by a statement
 made concerning someone else's comment and realized he actually does
 think things through if presented to him in a balanced way. My
 about Nabby has dropped to a smaller crop circle size, hahah,

 Small, big ? Doesn't matter, have your pick :

 Discuss this circle on our Facebook
 Crop Circles-UFO's-Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations



 Make a donation to keep the web site alive


 Images Martin Sawyer Copyright 2012

 Images Lucy Pringle

 Copyright 2012

 Click above to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership



 Mark Fussell  Stuart Dike

[FairfieldLife] Christ's thousands of wives

2013-02-04 Thread srijau


[FairfieldLife] A photo to make Nabby even crazier than usual :-)

2013-02-04 Thread turquoiseb
T'would seem that TM poster boy Russell Brand has made a new friend:


... I don't like formality, so Russell Brand, who is also very 
informal, was a fitting person to introduce me; thank you! Birth takes 
place without formality, as does death.  If I think of myself as a
Buddhist monk or as a Tibetan, that sets up a  sort of barrier between
me and others. In fact, I am a human being like  you, who wants
happiness and doesn't want to face suffering and  problems. I speak
to you as just one of the 7 billion human beings in  the world today.
Physically, mentally and emotionally we're the same;  and we have
the same potential for good as well as for bad...
~  H.H. the Dalai Lama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
Neither is George W. Bush, who saved the world by invading Afghanistan, and 
Jimmy Buffet and his famous, Cheese burgers in Paradise, is not listened 
Ayn Rand, no. Her skin boy, Alan Greenspan, neither. 
Geez, what a list.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@...  wrote:

 Maharishi is not on this list.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
Yeah, he's still a holy man, just not as holy as most of us thought. 
The Bible tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That 
means that all men have and will sin. Maharishi was a man, not God. The 
Bible also speaks of angels coming to earth and having sex with women. 
Veda Vyasa had sex with an unmarried woman in a boat while crossing a 
river, thus we have Shukadeva. Maharishi belongs on a pedestal, just 
not as high as we might have thought. My thoughts are that M was a very 
high soul on a mission and upon taking birth as a man, he did things 
men do.
   The idea that Maharishi is some kind of God certainly did not originate 
   from himself. Asked by a german journalist in Vlodrop: Maharishi, who 
   are you ? Maharishi answered: A normal human being.
   According to Benjamin Creme, Maharishi is a highly enlightened soul, but 
   not an Avatar.
  BTW; going through the list of Initiates you will find only a few Avatars 
  living here lately: Ananda Mayi Ma, Gautama Buddha, Hercules, Hermes, 
  Krishna, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharshi, Shankara and Vivekananda.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christ's thousands of wives

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
I am waiting for my god damned christ to come back and it appears it ain't 
happening...wait in line, they say..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@...  wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Rama,Krishna, Buddha are nothing

2013-02-04 Thread srijau
there are nothing when compared to Maharishi and what he has done.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A photo to make Nabby even crazier than usual :-)

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
If I had to have lived with Katy perry, I would be heading to the Dali Lama 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 T'would seem that TM poster boy Russell Brand has made a new friend:
 ... I don't like formality, so Russell Brand, who is also very 
 informal, was a fitting person to introduce me; thank you! Birth takes 
 place without formality, as does death.  If I think of myself as a
 Buddhist monk or as a Tibetan, that sets up a  sort of barrier between
 me and others. In fact, I am a human being like  you, who wants
 happiness and doesn't want to face suffering and  problems. I speak
 to you as just one of the 7 billion human beings in  the world today.
 Physically, mentally and emotionally we're the same;  and we have
 the same potential for good as well as for bad...
 ~  H.H. the Dalai Lama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rama,Krishna, Buddha are nothing

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@...  wrote:

 there are nothing when compared to Maharishi and what he has done.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A photo to make Nabby even crazier than usual :-)

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba
...and when he is done with the Dali, Brand can come and cry on my breast for a 
few, but I might have to duct tape his mouth temporarily. : )

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

 T'would seem that TM poster boy Russell Brand has made a new friend:
 ... I don't like formality, so Russell Brand, who is also very 
 informal, was a fitting person to introduce me; thank you! Birth takes 
 place without formality, as does death.  If I think of myself as a
 Buddhist monk or as a Tibetan, that sets up a  sort of barrier between
 me and others. In fact, I am a human being like  you, who wants
 happiness and doesn't want to face suffering and  problems. I speak
 to you as just one of the 7 billion human beings in  the world today.
 Physically, mentally and emotionally we're the same;  and we have
 the same potential for good as well as for bad...
 ~  H.H. the Dalai Lama

[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  Is the reality the 'particular' (the hunch in the back
  of Richard III), or the 'universal' (the abstract, the 
  teaching). Which is *more* real?
 The whole *premise* of Maharishi's teachings -- or
 at least the way he acted them out -- is that the idea
 is more real. I dispute this. 
Apparently you don't realize that the free-will point
of view is an idealist POV, so the idea that you're an
idealist is undisputed. LoL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] A photo to make Nabby even crazier than usual :-)

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
I'm sure nabby in his TM arrogance believes that Brand was there to convert 
the the Big Buddha Llama to TM, that His Holiness (and he deserves the title 
far more than faker Marshy ever did!) will tell all Buddhists world wide to 
learn TM and forget Buddhist practice - I am feeling particularly ornery 
tonight so I thought I would just be ornery.

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 7:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] A photo to make Nabby even crazier than usual :-)

T'would seem that TM poster boy Russell Brand has made a new friend:

... I don't like formality, so Russell Brand, who is also very 
informal, was a fitting person to introduce me; thank you! Birth takes 
place without formality, as does death. 
If I think of myself as a Buddhist monk or as a Tibetan, that sets up a 
sort of barrier between me and others. In fact, I am a human being like 
you, who wants happiness and doesn't want to face suffering and 
problems. I speak to you as just one of the 7 billion human beings in 
the world today. Physically, mentally and emotionally we're the same; 
and we have the same potential for good as well as for bad...
~  H.H. the Dalai Lama


[FairfieldLife] Re: Serious Question

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

   Is the reality the 'particular' (the hunch in the back
   of Richard III), or the 'universal' (the abstract, the 
   teaching). Which is *more* real?
  The whole *premise* of Maharishi's teachings -- or
  at least the way he acted them out -- is that the idea
  is more real. I dispute this. 
 Apparently you don't realize that the free-will point
 of view is an idealist POV, so the idea that you're an
 idealist is undisputed. LoL!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

 ...in the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for 
 puja he's flashing the Illuminati sign. Of course 
 it's just the yoni mudra

There are several photos of Swami Brahmanand Saraswati 
posing with Gyan Mudra, a mudra that is common to many 
yogis in the line of the South Indian tantrics. I've 
never seen SBS pose using the Yoni Mudra, which is not 
to say that SBS didn't use it.

Yoni Mudra:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rama, Buddha are nothing

2013-02-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Don't compare me with the other idiots !!!

On Feb 4, 2013, at 5:01 PM, sri...@ymail.com no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 there are nothing when compared to Maharishi and what he has done.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  I'm just saying that just as they shouldn't 
  necessarily limit tantra to what they know 
  about it, neither should you
 I have to respectfully disagree because there 
 are classic definitions of tantra...
Something tells me you two are not practicing 

A sure sign that someone is not practicing tantra 
is that they deny the sexual origins and goals of 
tantra. LoL!

Everyone knows that tantra yoga began as a sex cult
in Gupta Age India; tantrics sought to fuse the 
male and female aspects of the cosmos into a blissful 
state of consciousness. There's no life without sex 
and the combination of male and female is the path 
to the non-dual experience. 

The rites of Tantric cults, while often steeped in 
symbolism, could also include group and individual 
sex. One text advised devotees to revere the female 
sex organ and enjoy vigorous intercourse. Candidates 
for worship included actresses and prostitutes, as 
well as the sisters of practitioners. 

Work cited:

'Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here'
By William J. Broad 
Posted on February 27, 2012 

[FairfieldLife] A Kabbalistic Prayer

2013-02-04 Thread Yifu

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

   I'm just saying that just as they shouldn't 
   necessarily limit tantra to what they know 
   about it, neither should you
  I have to respectfully disagree because there 
  are classic definitions of tantra...
 Something tells me you two are not practicing 
 A sure sign that someone is not practicing tantra 
 is that they deny the sexual origins and goals of 
 tantra. LoL!
 Everyone knows that tantra yoga began as a sex cult
 in Gupta Age India; tantrics sought to fuse the 
 male and female aspects of the cosmos into a blissful 
 state of consciousness. There's no life without sex 
 and the combination of male and female is the path 
 to the non-dual experience. 
 The rites of Tantric cults, while often steeped in 
 symbolism, could also include group and individual 
 sex. One text advised devotees to revere the female 
 sex organ and enjoy vigorous intercourse. Candidates 
 for worship included actresses and prostitutes, as 
 well as the sisters of practitioners. 
 Work cited:
 'Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here'
 By William J. Broad 
 Posted on February 27, 2012 

As if I am going to pretend talking about tantic activity is not arousing. 
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala Mom mom mom mom mom dad dad dad dad dad. 
Rahu and Ketu changed signs and where the fuck is my sex

Re: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question, Part 2

2013-02-04 Thread Mike Dixon
Michael, I'm not convinced M was completely enlightened. There might have been 
a little more than just Leshavidya there. M once said even angels come to earth 
and take human birth to get enlightened. Who is to say how many births it takes 
to *nail it down*. M also said enlightenment is very delicate and hard to 
stabilize in it's beginning stages. Does that mean the first years or decades 
or does that mean the first several thousand life times of having the higher 
states of consciousness? M was notorious for *simplifying* things. Note what he 
said in the Gita when interpreting what Krishna meant by *only after many life 
times of this practice does one come to Me*. Oh, life times refer to 
transcending. It's the duty of a master to inspire the student, not discourage 
him. M also said in Hotel Somoa when asked about *lies* from the enlightened,  
consider them pearls of wisdom. Anyway, M was operating in Kali yuga and under 
it's influence and tried his
 best. I have no doubt he was influenced by our culture, especially when it 
comes to marketing and salesmanship. How can he be a man, when he doesn't 
smoke, the same cigarette as me! I think the guy just waded a little too much 
into the mud. He would have been a lot better- off staying on the other side of 
the river in Uttar Kashi. The question is, would we have?


 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Serious Question, Part 2
My thanks to
everyone who offered their answers. Since Mike D was the first to respond I
will start there, but really I am using all the answers as a springboard to
think and write about this:

from what most of you seem to be saying, you feel he was enlightened in some
way, but because his consciousness was housed in a human body, he was subject
to flawed human behavior and yet he was still a holy man, or enlightened.  
you may feel that he was holy and engaged in Divine activity by teaching
meditation, yet not enlightened and therefore his human lies and deception were
just part of his human life, sort of like the various Popes who have guided the
Catholic church while doing things they officially denounced. 
I began my question with the idea of M’s sexual activity
because it seems that those who have talked about it (the women and the skin
boys) have come forth with some amount of detail, as opposed to some of the
financial allegations which are a little lacking in detail (here I speak of 
like suitcases across the border rather than the obvious soliciting funds for
projects that never materialized that everyone could see) 

I agree with Navashok that it does make a difference that Maharishi
preached celibacy to others and as head of a movement claimed to be so himself. 

Had he only practiced deception about his sexual activities, I could have
turned a blind eye myself, but in addition to the sexual considerations, he did
two things – one being that he seemed to take money under false pretenses,
asking for funds for many, many projects that never or rarely ever 

Second, he always claimed that everything he ever offered was far superior to
anything everyone else offered. His meditation was superior, his advanced
techniques were superior, he alone was able to revitalize ancient vedic
knowledge - ayurveda, jyotish, yagas, vastu veda and all the adjunct programs
and offerings that went with the main things he sold. He seemed to do this to
keep his customers loyal to him, to keep the cash flowing and to feed his ego,
that he alone could provide the best of the best. 

So with the sexual activity, Maharishi practiced deception
on a grand scale (meaning that he lied for the better part of his adult life to
nearly everyone he came into contact, as opposed to just a few times with a few
people), he took money under false pretenses therefore committing fraud and
seemed to have a large ego. 

Committing these sexual and financial acts he
manipulated people also on a grand scale meaning he manipulated many people for
many years, seemingly to feed his ego and achieve sexual and financial gains. 

This is behavior that most people would not tolerate in their
friends, family, co-workers or strangers. As a society we certainly revile our
politicians for doing the exact same things. I find it interesting in a
cat-with-a-hairball kind of way that some of you can so easily give him a free
pass for doing things you would never allow anyone else in your life to get
away with.  

One more thing I want to mention, Mike said this: “The Bible
tells us that all men fall short of the Glory of God. That means
that all men have and will sin.” 

This must mean that he was not enlightened. Maharishi’s own
definition of enlightenment was: 

this state (of enlightenment) the mind has become transformed into

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?

2013-02-04 Thread Michael Jackson
I have heard that the sexual aspects of tantra were for those who were not 
ready for or too impatient to go to the heart of the tantra practices, so the 
tantra masters would give them the sex stuff to do till the students got 
serious about their practice and give up the sex and go into the deeper aspects 
of tantra - true or not true?

 From: Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was Guru Dev a part of the Illuminati?


  I'm just saying that just as they shouldn't 
  necessarily limit tantra to what they know 
  about it, neither should you
 I have to respectfully disagree because there 
 are classic definitions of tantra...
Something tells me you two are not practicing 

A sure sign that someone is not practicing tantra 
is that they deny the sexual origins and goals of 
tantra. LoL!

Everyone knows that tantra yoga began as a sex cult
in Gupta Age India; tantrics sought to fuse the 
male and female aspects of the cosmos into a blissful 
state of consciousness. There's no life without sex 
and the combination of male and female is the path 
to the non-dual experience. 

The rites of Tantric cults, while often steeped in 
symbolism, could also include group and individual 
sex. One text advised devotees to revere the female 
sex organ and enjoy vigorous intercourse. Candidates 
for worship included actresses and prostitutes, as 
well as the sisters of practitioners. 

Work cited:

'Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here'
By William J. Broad 
Posted on February 27, 2012 


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