Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: OT: SSRS -- what is this blinding white light?

2010-08-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 2:26 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> --- In, "seventhray1" 
> wrote:
> >
> > He's a plant.  A very, very clever SSRS plant.  This is the
> > last sphere where MMY thought dominates.  TP is on special
> > assignment to wean some of the fence sitters away to the
> > competition.  But It Won't Work!. We're onto to you TP. Your
> > plot is now uncovered.  Let's here about how you fall asleep
> > during Kriya.  Yea, that's a more likely scenario.
> I think it's neat that Tom has finally found
> something to write positively about, but I'm
> seeing it more akin to the old classic New
> Yorker cartoon in which two guys at a cocktail
> party are talking about a third guy, standing
> alone across the room, wearing a slightly crazed
> smile on his face. They're saying, "Avoid that
> guy...he just read a book that changed his life."
> It's the Newbie thang. Tom's experiencing some-
> thing new and different, for the first time in
> decades. *Of course* he's somewhat enthusiastic
> about it. But IMO he'd be equally enthusiastic
> if the course he'd taken was on tantric basket
> weaving instead of kriya. He got off his butt
> and did something new, and feels rejuvenated as
> a result. The larger issue IMO will be how long
> he *stays* rejuvenated.

I am *not* a plant.  I am a fungus.  Specifically a mushroom.  Since 1973
I've been kept in the dark and been fed bullshit.

Actually, I have no desire to entice fencesitters.  I'm truly looking for
advice here.  Peter told me that if I had any questions about AOL that I
should email them to him.  Well, he either doesn't read my emails or
disposes of my emails w/o responding.  I can't find a more appropriate forum
to discuss my questions and Lord knows I looked.  The white light experience
continues. If it does continue, if it doesn't it doesn't continue, it
doesn't matter.

I didn't expect to get much out of the Art of Living course except perhaps
some soothing breathing technique.  I got a bunch of Vedic drivel I suspect
is more a function of the lack of depth of the teachers of the course and a
kriya. A kriya I didn't expect to have the effects it's having on me.

In a few days I go away for a four day Art of Silence course.  I expect even
less from it than I expected from the AOL course.  I hope to meet another
non-Indian.  It was a real downer to have 2 Indian instructors and 3 fellow
CPs on the AOL, all Kshatris, all electrical engineers.  I've located an
Italian AOL/AOS in Europe.  He's sort of a Eurozone leader.  Imagine.
Someone who speaks English!

I don't expect the flash I've experienced over the past week to stay with
me.  Then again, it may stay, grow and prosper.  What I didn't ever expect
is happening to me.  My thought patterns, from the very deepest level, have
been kidnapped.   I found myself on my first day after the AOL course at war
with myself, feeling uplifting, you know, the old 1970s kind of Maharishi
speak no evil uplifting.  My habitual ways of thinking and doing collided
with the new patterns of looking at things and doing things in an uplifting
fashion.  The second day, there was less of a war.  As the days went on I
found myself being transformed and not fighting it.

What I /do/ expect to carry away from this AOL kriya is the addition this
new element into my spiritual practice.  I expect that my attention will be
increasingly drawn away from my lower, lustier chakras to higher ones.  I
don't know the mechanism the kriya uses to change my very approach, the
actual way I perceive things and respond to them.

Another thing I expect to carry away is deeper TM/TMSP.  I can't see the
kriya suddenly no longer suffusing my program with Being already there to do
the sutras before I start thinking the mantra and also with light and
airiness.   Is the kriya making me more spiritual, light and airy?  Yes.
But it's also facilitating my TM/TMSP.  It's like I've been stuck in a rut
for so many years and the kriya got me out of the rut or added just a bit a
churna to balance everything out.

It would have hurt to say this just a week ago. I belong to you, Barry.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Facebook Question

2010-05-30 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:39 PM, gullible fool  wrote:

> I think it's legitimate. I don't think most phonies would go into such
> detail filling out a bogus Facebook page, plus his page has got some
> high-level TM people on the friends list, people I think would find out
> pretty quickly if it were not legitimate and some of whom might even have
> contacted him or his office before accepting the invitation.
> The Bio is pretty much word for word what is on the MUM website, which
> makes me think his assistant may have done much of the work in creating his
> page:
> Bevan is on wikipedia. It says there were 7,000 on the Utopia course. That
> sounds low. There were claims during the course that 8,000+ were flying
> together at times.

There were up to 9,000+ flying at once, according to accounts.  But who
knows the actual numbers?  The IA numbers are cooked like BLS numbers or
Conference Board numbers.

> Rick, do you think it is possible Bevan does not know you are not in good
> standing with the TMO?
> *
> "Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,'
> only love."
> - Amma
> *
> --- On *Tue, 5/25/10, Rick Archer * wrote:
> From: Rick Archer 
> Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Facebook Question
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 10:11 PM
>   *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Sal Sunshine
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:39 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Facebook Question
> On May 25, 2010, at 6:33 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > Is it possible to set up a bogus Facebook account, representing yourself
> as a different person, using his name and photo, and then invite actual
> friends of that person to be your friends (fooling them into thinking that
> you are him)?
> Rick, does this have anything to do with the
> fact that Bevan (or somebody pretending to
> be him) has suddenly appeared on FB?
> Yes, and sent me a friend invitation, which I accepted. He's inviting all
> sorts of people whom you would expect to be his friends, but me? In my
> typical "all points on the spectrum" fashion, part of me is actually rather
> fond of part of him.

But then again you have a tin ear when it comes to listening, IMHO.

> Here's his profile page:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Gas Pump Blues

2010-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 PM, tartbrain  wrote:

> I started to watch the 4 videos on you tube -- an then sampled the audios
> on the blog -- listening to segments of about 10 contributors. While all
> nice people, there was not much compelling material in the hour of so I
> listened. Certainly there could be great gems hidden in the material I
> passed over. But I got bored with most.
> Perhaps an unfair parallel, but the energy, tone, insights, vibrancy, love
> for the universe, cascading love for others was not there. It was as if I
> could have been listening to a show on people who found Jesus. They may have
> had and are having a transformational experience. But its not apparent how
> it has really affected their lives in deep and profound ways.  I came away
> thinking, I wouldn't spend much time on what ever they are doing -- the
> value is not manifesting in their lives. Similar to my impressions of those
> testifying for Jesus.
> They may be having profound experiences -- being he center of the universe
> and all. These experiences may actually be real -- though there is a large
> distance  in establishing that -- for themselves and for any listeners. Not
> that they have to prove anything. But I have friends who experienced the
> same with psychedelics -- center of the universe, egoless states and all. I
> am not sure that was real, not sure that it wasn't. But they did not do much
> with the experience. It may have shifted them in good ways. The experienced
> of egolessness is profound and can be lasting. But it was not
> transformational in the sense of some blazing persons I know or have been
> with.
> But these Pump people, have little of the -- and this is hard to articulate
> -- vibrancy of life, humor, quickness of mind, flowing insights, shakti,
> glow, spontenaity that others I know, have seen, have. For the latter, I am
>  inspired by them to obtain what they have. From the Pump people, I have no
> aspiration to obtain what they have -- from what I have heard thus far.
> And these things I listed are outer things, perhaps superficial, and
> meaningless with regards to inner states. however, I know the THING -- it
> may be weak and transitory -- but I think we all know the clarity, energy,
> clearness that can come from that THING. and I have seen the THING ripely
> manifest in others. And I don't see it much in these people.
> And the yahoo group -- I read a 20 or so posts. The posters are way into
> their heads -- it would appear from their posts. Dry expositions.
> While a small sample, i don't see the energy, vibrancy, life surging from
> their words.
> I am ever the naysayer so I listened, had the same response, but didn't
post because, well, I feel so much like the one person in the group who
heard the words but didn't get the joke.  I have been reading, every so
painfully, the first few sentences, even the first paragraph of posts here.
Very tortuous reading.  Indeed, it's all in the head.

I know that this groups is not about TM, but when I visit Fairfield and
Vedic City, and I visit often, I am drawn to the common, average working day
person there.  The people who run the spectrum of scoffing at TMers to
tolerating them else they'd lose their jobs at the Hy-Vee or the dry
cleaners if they didn't since ru's make up so much of the customer base.
Those people, unless they speak about finding Jesus, are authentic while the
others I meet set off the b.s. detector in me.  This group and what I listen
to set off the b.s. detector in me.  Not b.s. because the experience might
not be real, but b.s. because I don't see the experiences they describe
radiating out of them as I expect a transformational experience would.

I suffer in the restaurants in Fairfield people who "share" their feelings
with others.  I sense no emotions are being shared.  All I sense is that
they are making my lunch or dinner difficult because they are many decibels
louder than the other restaurant guests in their self-indulgence.

I concur with the observations of tartbrain.

[FairfieldLife] Washington DC sues AT&T over calling cards

2010-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
I'm waiting for a state to sue for lost unused minutes of cell phones.  That
could put a state soundly in the black for the next century.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The attorney general for Washington D.C. has filed a
lawsuit against an AT&T Inc (T.N) unit, seeking to recover consumers' unused
balances on prepaid calling cards.

The suit claims that AT&T should turn over unused balances on the calling
cards of consumers whose last known address was in Washington, D.C. and have
not used the calling card for three years.

"AT&T's prepaid calling cards must be treated as unclaimed property under
district law," the attorney general's office said in a statement.

According to the attorney general's office, that sum, known in the industry
as "breakage," represents some 5 to 20 percent of the total balances
purchased by consumers who use the calling cards.

States and municipalities have often similarly used unclaimed property laws,
known as escheat laws, to claim ownership of unused retail gift card

A spokesman for AT&T declined to comment on the lawsuit.

The case is: District of Columbia vs. AT&T Corp, Superior Court of the
District of Columbia.

(Reporting by Emily
Editing by Steve Orlofsky and Matthew Lewis)


[FairfieldLife] Remission

2009-08-25 Thread I am the eternal
My friend is now in remission from his prostate cancer (verified by blood
and imaging tests).  He created his own set of nasty but natural supplements
including bloodroot, methyl jaminate, glutamine (100 grams a day), D3,
selenium, lithium, zinc, pomegranate, A, B1, 40 grams of melatonin at night,
policosanol, metformin (not natural, a drug) and prozac (not natural, a
drug, used to prevent the tumors from protecting themselves from chemo.
He's continuing his supplemental treatments because he and I suspect that
the difference between remission and cure is that remission is when not all
the cancer cells are dead.

The real killer was introduction of bloodroot into the protocol.  That
killed off bacteria and fungi and also robbed all of his cells of
glutothione.  Glutothione is the master protector from oxidative stress and
toxins.  Cancer cells are more sensitive than other cells to oxidative
stress and toxins, so though it often made him very sick from healing
crises, it was like getting Scotty to make the other ship drop its shields
before the salvo of photon torpedoes.

Vaj is to be commended in his trying to make my friend's cancer real and
make both of us feel hopeless.  He kept saying my friend must go for this
sort of scan, this test, all to verify how much the cancer had spread and
how aggressive it was instead of allowing my friend to place his thoughts on
his no longer having cancer.  My friend would have done all of these things
if there were a safe, useful treatment for prostate cancer available in
mainstream medicine.  There is not.  Have the prostate removed, a few years
later, the cancer is all over the body.  Treat that with hormone depletion
and in a few years the cancer becomes hormone independent.  Then it's
radiation, chemo and a painful death.

While my friend was undergoing his own treatment and reporting it to
prostate cancer discussion groups, other men opted to have their prostate
removed as their doctor promised them sweetness and light.  What they got
was perpetual impotence, pain and incontinence.  So many guys said "if I had
only tried what that guy in Texas was reporting".

Good job, Vaj.  Whatever your profession, I'm sure you are considered one of
the pre-eminent detractors of it.

It was so heartening to read your accounts of men dying in agony from
advanced prostate cancer because no amount of pain killer could help them.
You used the very same fear and terror tactics used by urologists to get
their patients to take that first  foolproof  step.   But
from my understanding you are a psychiatrist and an oncologist.   Keep up
the good work, Vaj.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy: All Hat, No Cattle; was "What is Enlightenment?" - MMY

2009-05-31 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 5:50 PM, shukra69  wrote:
> Don't think he has an employer to worry about , he would be self employed at 
> a Colorado Shamballa center or selling paraphenalia

But Vaj says that he has to be very careful to conceal his identity
because he's in the past received death threats from TM people.  This
implies that he has been perceived as a great threat against things
TM.   Perhaps more of Vaj's self-puffery?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Your Brain On God?

2009-05-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> (I needed two different shaktipat "jumps" till I could
> transcend for longer than 10 minutes continuously).

Hmm.  I just need the instruction and opportunity to think each sutra
so many times that I can't possibly keep track of the number of times
innocently.  8 repetitions will do it.  I've transcended for 4-5 hours
at a time. I've had a total of 14 instructions so maybe that's enough
shaktipat "jumps" to allow me to transcend for hours?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vipassana Retreats

2009-05-27 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Vaj  wrote:
> Very similar to the Ayurvedic ideal, esp. for a non-fasting retreat: eat
> more when digestion and the sun is at it's highest, as the sun wanes, eat
> less; don't eat after 6 PM. Such a sattvic ideal keeps you clearer for
> meditation. If you eat heavier meals later in the day, it will effect your
> meditation, which basically the 10-day course is a lab setting to gain a
> certain amount of experience, reliably. Based on what's helped awaken people
> in past (and certainly not harmed them, even Texans:-)) we know it's a
> workable formula.
> In fact in some people it's worked so well, they lost all desires, even for
> food. But I imagine that's quite rare.

I can see where people would lose all desires.  We use a routine
similar to it with unruly prisoners.  After 10 days in the "hole"
they, too, for a time, lose all the desires they were thrust into the
"hole" in with.

I'd imagine after a few days of all this getting up at 4 AM, sensory
deprivation and vegetarian "food" the Stockholm Syndrome sets in and
one not only believes, but is dying to stay and become the next step,
a "server".

Now I see why they collect no money up front and rely on donations.
Your resistance is so destroyed by the end that you'll sign over
everything you own and even things you don't own in appreciation for
the experience.  No extraordinary methods needed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vipassana Retreats

2009-05-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:38 PM, billy jim  wrote:
> This looks and sounds like the 10-day vipassana sourse of Goenka.
> It demonstrates a typical style designed for retreats in Indo-China (ie:
> for semi-tropical weather). Thus the evening meal is absent in this schedule.
> However it is more necessary for cold climates. That it is forbidden
> here shows the same old rigid pattern of practice and understanding -
> something which stands in for a "received" tradition of practice.
> The same holds for "noble" silence. Silent vipassana retreats are famous
> for "silent glance" romances during the formal 10 days of practice.
> Two of my friends taught TM in SE Asia. In conversation with Western
> vipassana teachers, who also taught in SE Asia, my friends discovered
> that both meditation traditions encountered the same over-riding problem:
> difficulty in training new practitioners NOT to concentrate or strain.

It's the schedule for the Dallas, TX courses.  There are schedules for
facilities all around the US.   While it gets hotter and more humid
than Hell in Dallas starting about now and ending Thanksgiving, Dallas
has snow and ice stores galore during the winter.

I assumed the "evening meal" was hot tea.  That's of course a
violation of Texas tradition.  Our traditional drink no matter what
the season is iced tea.   Infants get iced tea in their bottles.
Texas sweet tea, of course.  And no one, not even a damned Yankee come
to carpetbag, has ever thought of putting milk in their iced tea.

But you bring to mind an interesting thought.  I attended a TM
residence course between Ft. Worth and Dallas eons ago when the
temperature got to 114 and all the air conditioners blew out because
of power surges from the massive load on the power distribution system
(Texas has it's own, separate power network).  It was a very
uncomfortable experience.

I kind of assumed that the Vipassana facility had air conditioning and
heat.  Most probably wrongly assumed.  Also, I also assumed that
"meditate in the hall" meant go sit in the lecture hall and meditate.
Perhaps "hall" is what I'd call a corridor?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Doing Time, Doing Vipassana

2009-05-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> To those who requested, For those who missed it before.
> Winner of the Golden Spire Award at the 1998 San Francisco International
Film Festival, this extraordinary documentary takes viewers into India's
largest prison - known as one of the toughest in the world - and shows the
dramatic change brought about by the introduction of Vipassana
meditation. In giving Doing Time, Doing Vipassana its top honour, the jury
stated that:

Actually, I think prison is a lot more exciting than Vipassana.

Here's the schedule for the typical 10 day Vipassana course:


The following timetable for the course has been designed to maintain the
continuity of practice. For best results students are advised to follow it
as closely as possible.

4:00 a.m.-Morning wake-up bell
4:30-6:30 a.m.Meditate in the hall or in your room
6:30-8:00 a.m.Breakfast break
8:00-9:00 a.m.Group meditation in the hall
9:00-11:00 a.m.---Meditate in the hall or in your room
according to the teacher's instructions
11:00-12:00 noon--Lunch break
12noon-1:00 p.m.--Rest, and interviews with the teacher
1:00-2:30 p.m.Meditate in the hall or in your room
2:30-3:30 p.m.Group meditation in the hall
3:30-5:00 p.m.Meditate in the hall or in your room
according to the teacher's instructions
5:00-6:00 p.m.Tea break
6:00-7:00 p.m.Group meditation in the hall
7:00-8:15 p.m.Teacher's Discourse in the hall
8:15-9:00 p.m.Group meditation in the hall
9:00-9:30 p.m.Question time in the hall
9:30 p.m.-Retire to your room; lights out

And people say TM Sidhas don't get exercise.

Note that the evening meal consists of tea.  You may splurge if you really
are hungry by having milk in your tea or go all out and have *juice*.  If
this is not your first course (meditation, not food), then you are to not
take meals (tea's a meal?) after lunch.  Based on the general tone of the
instruction, calling Dominos for pizza delivery would get you bounced from
the course.

Here's the instruction on socializing:

*Noble Silence *

All students must observe Noble Silence from the beginning of the course
until the morning of the last full day. Noble Silence means silence of body,
speech, and mind. Any form of communication with fellow students, whether by
gestures, sign language, written notes, etc., is prohibited.

Students may, however, speak with the teacher whenever necessary and they
may approach the management with any problems related to food,
accommodation, health, etc. But even these contacts should be kept to a
minimum. Students should cultivate the feeling that they are working in

Now the really interesting part of the courses is that CPs do not pay for
the courses until they are over, after which they may make a donation to pay
for the courses of others in the future.

For more info see

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fry at MUM

2009-04-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> It just dawned on me the probable mechanics for this--something I've
> often wondered about in long-term TMers. Why do they look so flat and
> pale? Yogic science already establishes why Long-term TMers are
> affectively flat, but why would they look so...gray?
> It's said in Ayurveda that the thing that gives you that "sparkle" is
> your "tejas". If your tejas is diminished you look flat, lackluster.
> Check out someone who just took a psychedelic and you'll see this same
> flatness, this lack of "shine". Psychedelic depletes tejas. Deep,
> authentic meditation gives you tejas. This is why so many saints have
> this shimmer about them that everyone notices.
> So what does it tell you when a long-term meditator is gray or flat-
> looking (check out the visage of ole Doc Travis in Alex's video for a
> great example). Instead of being replenished transcendentally of
> tejas, they're languishing in a tamasic swoon.

We have no problem with tejas where I live.  Indeed we named the
republic after it (though some would have you believe that we named
the republic after an indian tribe).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dog breaks out of his cage and springs his friends

2009-04-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:31 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> --- In, I am the eternal  wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:14 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > A dog figures out how to open his own cage. When he breaks out, he goes 
>> > back to free his buddies, too!
>> >
>> > Watch:
>> A metaphor of FFL?
> It was posted as just a cute story. No innuendo was intended or even 
> considered by me. Are you paranoid or what? Get a grip.

Believe it or else. many people take off on a story and go in their
own direction.  It's a pain in the ass because you thought you were
saying one thing (cute story it was) but someone else takes it in a
place you never imagined it would go.  Has happened to med dozens of
times.  Get use to it.  It's the way of Fairfield Strife.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dog breaks out of his cage and springs his friends

2009-04-29 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:14 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> A dog figures out how to open his own cage. When he breaks out, he goes back 
> to free his buddies, too!
> Watch:

A metaphor of FFL?  Doubtful.  There are few buddies here except
perhaps those who practice TM and those who don't.  Actually, those
who don't seem more to be like Sisyphus ever trying to free those who
are happy with their TM practice.  That's assuming that the TM
detractors are trying to free anyone except themselves, not from TM
but from a severe case of OCD.

Pretty women make us buy beer, ugly women make us drink beer --Al Bundy

Re: [FairfieldLife] Swine Flu

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I am the eternal wrote:
> I would propose it was not intended for IE only but IE probably parsed
> it and figured it was a harmless HTML file whereas other browsers won't
> do that.

Since it work in IE, I didn't go further to analyze.  I know there are
sites written only for IE.  Those I fire up IE for.  I have better
things to do.

The article is from 2007 and I even wonder if the comments
> were from that day?

The blogger, Dr. Stephen Martin just posed it.  Or at least it just
showed up in my email.  Steve's comments are new.  He's just getting
up and around after coming out of the hospital.

Was that archived somewhere?  It is unusual that
> the software didn't add the extension though it might have been a
> "served" article via Perl or PHP.

The webster has been struggling with the blog for many years.  Most
probably her only website.  You should see the old, subscription only
blogs which this one links to.

Some of the information there is not
> dissimilar to what I've heard in interviews especially about Tamiflu
> possibly exacerbating the problem.  It seems that most of the cases in
> the US were just regular flu, IOW people worrying it was this strain and
> going to a doctor who reported it anyway.  As one doctor said compared
> to Mexico people in the US go to the doctor when they get a hangnail.
> :-D I have a feeling this may be an non story by the weekend.

Actually, it's the other way around.  In Mexico they go to the doctor
for any and every reason.  And they demand injections (which they can
get at the famacia) instead of pills believing that injections work

Now understand that some of the Mexican fatalities were doctors and
interns.  Not exactly barrio people.

It's a puzzle why the fatalities have all been in Mexico.  One theory
I've heard is that 30 million Mexicans have had the swine flu and the
mortality rate from the flu is a very small fraction of what we think
it is.  Mexico doesn't have the facilities we have to determine swine
flu infections or not.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Swine Flu

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:42 PM, authfriend  wrote:
> Not to be a party pooper, but most of this is about
> the effects against avian flu, not the current swine
> flu (which isn't really straight swine flu but a combo
> of two kinds of swine flu, bird flu, and one other
> kind). Don't know if its effects on avian flu can be
> extrapolated to the current strain that's causing all
> the angst.

The idea is stimulating and modulating the immune system for a flu
infection.  So in this case, yes, there's an extrapolation.  The
infection mechanisms between avian flu and the combo swine flu don't
appear to be much different from each other.  We're not talking about
a vaccine here.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Swine Flu

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> What kind of idiot sets up a blog to only work with IE?   Epiphany
> offered to download it.  It opened fine once downloaded.  It just lacked
> an extension.  It is just an HTML file.

You're welcome.  Happy to be of assistance.

[FairfieldLife] Swine Flu

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
The cancer/HIV researcher who operates the Grouppe Kurosawa Natural
Medicines Public Blog recommends flax seed lignans available only from
a non-profit AIDS association to fight the swine flu and has citations
to back up his recommendations.

Here's his blog entry:

This blog is only set up to work with Internet Explorer.

To lend some credence to this blog, my friend with the prostate cancer
has been following the regimen recommended by this blogger. This
blogger has himself has been following the regimen in fighting his own
cancer.  My friend is now symptom free, which he hadn't been for the
last 10 years.  His PSA (prostate specific antigen) has dropped
precipitously, which indicates that something good is happening.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Recert & Raja Guidelines (2005)

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 8:59 AM, grate.swan  wrote:
> One small example -- I downloaded some things on bit torrent and several 
> weeks later I got 20 letters (across a span of a week or s0) from my ISP  
> saying they had been informed that I was downloading copyrighted material and 
> that I should stop immediately, erase all such files, or my internet 
> connection could / would be severed. While I assumed their position was 
> untenable and BS -- I didn't want to risk my internet connection.
> Landlords, credit card companies, the gov't and many others can pull the same 
> shit. (not to say all landlords etc are bad)

You were unaware that the ISPs had caved into RIAA?  BT has even
blocked bitorrent sites.  More and more ISPs are doing deep packet
inspection and discontinuing your service if they see a torrent.  Any
torrent.  Could be a movie, a CD or an ISO of Linux.  The kinder,
gentler ISPs are just warning you first.

Utorrent has an encryption option and new clients are coming out which
hide your IP address during torrent uploads/downloads.  The problem
there is that your ISP looks at you, see's you have loads of
connections and concludes you're running a torrent.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Look who says he identifies with ethics (Re: State Of Play)

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
> If either of you two clowns was ethical, you'd
> return all of the money you accepted for initiation
> fees when you were shilling for the Marshy. You guys
> probably didn't even keep a list of those poor
> students you conned into paying you for a non-sense
> gibberish sounds. You two are outright scoundrels,
> according to Vaj and Sal. LOL!

Please count me in.  Every single former initiator/governor was just
doing his/her job.  Not respect to the mantras but with regard to
everything else.  Nobody was responsible for the way us initiates were
treated.  The thing Jane Hopson's ladies kept ramming up our asses
when, for example, there was nothing to eat for dinner on a prep
course in Galveston they charged good money for and which we attended
in great pains to our schedules was "TM makes you flexible".   Never,
ever, could an initiator/governor take credit for something they
screwed up on.  Never, ever could they talk back to the rest of the
TMO nazis.

All the former initiator/governors here and every one of them was just
following orders, not responsible for any of the madness and when they
got enough of the craziness they left, scott free.  Yeah, right.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Robert  wrote:
> I am wondering how this crazy German dude, got approved to be on that 
> course...?
> Anyone have any ideas about that...?
> R.G.

He's as free to be in that position as anyone else.  You start with 5 MM Euros.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Peace Palace goes under, for sale along with other properties

2009-04-28 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Vaj  wrote:
> Two were built in
> Fairfield, Iowa, a town of 15,000, and another in nearby Maharishi Vedic
> City. That town of 222, incorporated in 2001, is dedicated to the Maharishi
> and incorporates his views on architecture.

Two were built in FF?  Is that a peace palace on the road the Raj is
on?   The one with the gigantic white limo that never goes anywhere
and seems to be unoccupied?

Where's the second one?

[FairfieldLife] Dying is no reason to give up online social life

2009-04-27 Thread I am the eternal
"A statesman... is a dead politician. Lord knows we need more
statesmen." Bloom County

Dying is no reason to give up online social life
The Tampa Tribune via the AP
April 27, 2009
In today's world of always-connected social media, there's no reason
to stop interacting online simply because you're dead.

A wave of new companies are starting to offer services such as virtual
cemeteries where guests can visit and e-mail alerts set up by funeral
homes to remind relatives near and wide about the anniversary of your

Some companies even offer to e-mail your wayward relatives in danger
of being left behind when the Rapture whisks you to the threshold of
the Pearly Gates.

While such services seem to reach beyond the grave, a growing
generation of funeral customers refuse to let death have the final

"People have a desire to perpetuate not only for themselves, but for
their loved ones, the story of their lives, and technology has all
these new great ways of doing that," said John McQueen, owner of the
Anderson McQueen funeral home.

As baby boomers plunged headlong into online social media in recent
years, they've become especially interested in upending the
traditional philosophy that funerals are really meant for the
survivors. After all, this is the "Me Generation."

But beyond generational vagaries, technology now means a funeral
merely begins a new virtual afterlife. And entrepreneurial companies
are right there to make that happen.

Los Angeles-based launched its Web site in March,
offering a variety of virtual scenic locations online for a person's
final resting place: A "Zen Garden," a "Lake View," a "Tropical
Valley" and other options.

Sold directly through funeral homes, the service allows a person or
relatives to establish a pastoral grave site and add digital amenities
such as the image of a park bench or mausoleum.

Once there, visitors can purchase items to leave behind, such as
flowers, religious icons and other trinkets symbolically important to
the deceased, such as golf clubs, a horse saddle, a piano or trees
that can grow over time. Prices for each range from $5 to $35 apiece.

Typically, a funeral home includes the cost of a virtual world along
with the price of a funeral service, said Jay Goss, vice president of
development for the site. If bought separately, that scenic online
site could cost a few hundred dollars, he said.

"This gives people the opportunity to do not just flowers," Goss said.

The Charlestown, Mass.-based online obituary site already
has hundreds of thousands of profile pages, based on death information
from the Social Security Administration. Soon, executives with the
site expect to offer pre-death services, so people can plan their own
online profiles to run after their funeral.

"For many people, they're saying 'This is my celebration, and here are
my thoughts,'" said John Heald, vice president of business
development. "They're challenging us to do things out of the box."

Michelle Costley of Tampa felt compelled to do something online when
her father Thomas Michael Costley died in January. After a quick
Google search for "Online Memorial," she found and built a
profile page with her father's picture, a place to donate to the
National Kidney Foundation, a photo gallery and a memory book.

"He was constantly on e-mail and a big Facebook fan, so I think he'd
be appreciative," Michelle said. "The site has really been helpful to
myself and others, I believe. Sometimes when I'm down, it's nice to
pull up the site and be able to look at his face."

For users of the world's most popular social media Web site, Facebook
offers a way to leave the ultimate status update.

Already, Facebook has become a central hub for news that a person has
died with their home page functioning as an ad hoc trading post for
information about the funeral and gathering place for condolence

After that initial phase, relatives can ask Facebook to place the dead
person's page into a "Memorial State" that limits use to only certain
friends and family members. To trigger that process, family members
typically must send Facebook a newspaper clipping about the person's
death, or an official death notice from a local government.

(Facebook launched the feature after the 2007 shootings at Virginia
Tech, when students flocked to each other's pages to make comments.)

In the next few months, John McQueen expects his funeral home will add
more ongoing digital features, including e-mail reminders that
customers can set up for distribution on key dates.

"This would come after you visited a person's online profile," McQueen
said. "It would auto-send you notification that this person's birthday
is coming up next week, so you might want to drop his wife a card or
call. That could go on indefinitely."

Funeral directors expect more baby boomers will create a vibrant

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just a hint, for those not averse to antibiotics

2009-04-27 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:40 PM, authfriend  wrote:

This one /appears/ to have a higher mortality rate than the Spanish Flu,
though we have to find a way to explain why the only deaths so far have been
in Mexico.   We have global transportation where at any one time 500,000
people are in the air at one time.  This makes things much different than
the Spanish Flu.

We're entering the dormant flu season.  Flu doesn't prosper well in the
Summer but once Fall comes we could see an explosion bigger than we've seen
since the Spanish Flu.  Remember, in the Spanish Flu pandemic, we were a
mostly rural population.

I haven't come across a blog yet blaming this flu on gay marriages, Obama
promoting women equal pay or any other such thing.

On the bright side, Al Gore will see fewer people causing global warming and
Obama's health plan will have to cover less people, though the bottom half
of the age distribution of the targets of this flu are what insurance
companies term "the immortals".  Except for billionaires, the 45+
y/o people are in their peak earning period and therefore their peak tax

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "On The Program" and "Off The Program"

2009-04-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 5:38 PM, authfriend  wrote:

> Perhaps it's because I was part of the Merv wave in South Florida.  We had
some actual cases of people getting into trouble when not sticking with
their buddy.  We had some people who drove home and "came to" after a car
accident.  We had a very anxious lady who had to be taken off the course
because she shook so much with anxiety that she was driving everyone else

Then of course there were good times without one's buddy.  The Holiday Inn
in Hollywood, FL was a great time to meet with others in their rooms and
discuss 200% of life.  Damn.  It was like a cat house.

Now the question about being able to do an extended program (3 hours twice a
day).  I did that on CCP for months and was able to hold down a (remote)
job.  I could even attend meetings and write very detailed and lengthy
documents in the afternoon after the IA morning and getting some food.
Nobody on the conference calls, nobody receiving the documents was the

The Vedic Atom guys did at least 3 X 3 and they were quite able to perform
their duties.  It's all a matter of getting up to that time.  You obviously
don't to go from 20X2 to 3 X 3 or longer in one swell foop.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "On The Program" and "Off The Program"

2009-04-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 2:18 PM, authfriend  wrote:

> --- In, I am the eternal 
> wrote:
> Must have been some other blonde. I never did any
> explaining of "perfect health" to you.
> Judy, don't you remember that night  in Morocco?  I was shipping out for
Dubai the next morning.  You explained what Maharishi meant when he spoke of
perfect health?  Don't you remember?  You told me over and over again that
there was obviously nothing wrong with *my* health.  So that's how you
regard guys?  I am smitten!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "On The Program" and "Off The Program"

2009-04-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 1:55 PM, sparaig  wrote:

> So the fact that his health failed him is proof that his system doesn't
> work, period?
> Lawson

Well this I never got.  I had to have it explained to me by Judy and
others.  I could swear that I kept hearing *perfect health* when applied to
TM.  It seemed to me that the initiators and later governors I knew spoke
about the *perfect health* benefits of TM.  But in secret the initiators and
governors were going to chiropractors (which I consider to be fakes) and
were heavily into ayurveda.

So explain it to me again.  Where did I go wrong?  What did I not get?
Where did the *perfect health* I heard so much about fit in?

And yes, Maharishi suffered the ravages of diabetes (I assume type 2).  He
even lost his sight.  There was a yagna to Lakshmi he helped a slew of
pundits perform inside some smallish room (quite unusual for a yagna).  He
had to be handed the various things to throw into the fire.   Indeed he even
had to have his hand guided.  That was around 2001-2002.

It appears that spending one million dollars/euros/pournds for a course and
seeing him only on TV was not a slight.  Maharishi was in very bad shape for
a long time.  I remember tapes where Maharishi had "senior moments" while
his hair was still dark.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Despondency

2009-04-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Kirk  wrote:

>  This is the first action I am engaging in today.
> My best and only friend moved away.
> Jobs suck.
> My wife is extremely busy.
> I suck.
> The sooner I die the happier I will be.
> You all enjoy your trite fun and games.
> Woohoo Judy and Barry - what a great time.
> Whatever.

Kirk,  Google offers access to Usenet (old, DARPA newsgroup format).  If you
need some ideas, go to

You want to make sure you do it right.  I know some sheriff deputies who've
witnessed really painful botched suicides.  More than once they arrived at
the scene where someone tried to swallow a gun but only succeeded in blowing
part of their heads off.  The guys begged officers to finish them off.  Then
there's jumping.  It often fails and the person lives the rest of their life
in a wheel chair.  Pills often don't work and just get you a stay in a crazy
ward.  So plan your exit carefully and get the advice of those who've
studied how to be a success at this once in a lifetime experience.

If you need more information, I'm here to help.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-26 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:39 AM, raunchydog  wrote:
> When I agreed on to be on the Vedic Atom I freely, and willingly made a
pledge, a commitment to Maharishi to take direction from him. The mission of
the Atom was to establish a Capital of the Age of Enlightenment in cities
assigned to the Atom.

I've only known two sets of /male/ Vedic atoms.  Both of them acted like
God's gift to National Socialism.  The set in Florida taught us Age of
Enlightenment Technique #1 (out of 12 so far).  The psychiatrist who was
part of our group, Dr. Balend (sp?) said that they reminded him of new
preachers (he was from North Carolina, I believe).  Dr. Balend was flying
the plane, incidentally, that was giving a free ride to people representing
Maharishi in their quest for a place to put a capital in North Carolina.
 When the plane crashed, Maharishi changed his mind about NC.

The group I met in Austin didn't mix with us citizen sidhas.  They did an
amazingly long program.  I remember that I had received an Ayurvedic consult
and taught to yodel certain ways before program to balance certain doshas.
 I as usual raced down to the Austin Capital, got on my flying clothes,. sat
in the dark and seeing no one about, commenced my yodeling.  Out behind a
curtain came a member of the Vedic Atom, very upset that I had interrupted
the divine program.

It appears that it took 10 women to do what 3 men did, because I had only
ever heard mention of 3 men in a Vedic Atom.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:46 PM, geezerfreak  wrote:

> See, "I am the eternal" (man, why didn't you just go all the way and call
> yourself GOD) the thing is, WillyTex really IS nuts. This is not just my
> opinion, by the way.
> Let's ask Judy. Judy...want to speak up on the state of Willy Tex's mental
> health?

Judy, like most of the ladies here except Sal show some class.  But are you
and Judy licensed mental health professionals?  If so, can you diagnose
someone from afar?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-25 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:51 PM, geezerfreak  wrote:
> Boo, in case it's not obvious this fella is nuttier than a fruitcake.
Trying to dialog with him is useless. I do wonder thoughwas he always
this way or was he damaged in um, some other way. I'll to have to ask Ned
Wynn about it since I believe he knew Willy at one point back there

Why don't we just add to the homepage of FFL that the main purpose of the
group is to sling nastygrams at each other?  That anyone who joins has
nothing better to do with his/her time (and karma) than to call others nasty
names and characterize them in the worse possible way?

Does anyone here have a concept of this thing called karma?  Now I am
characterized as being a hateful, deranged individual, yet I try whenever
possible to avoid conflict unless really pushed.  But all of these people
here who are holier than I am somehow don't get Matt. 7:1.  Yet they tell
each other how much more evolved they are than the others here.

In typical FFL fashion, a person who posted here that he wasn't happy with
me couldn't take my reply that that's life and my feelings weren't hurt as
an end of our exchange.  He had to use a private email to tear me a new
asshole and tell me that I'd have to suffer living in my hate for the rest
of my life.  Gosh.  I wasn't even told such things at Our Lady of The
Inquisition Catholic School when I was growing up.  I replied back that I'm
not suffering.  Life's a ball and it's getting better day by day.  I pointed
out that the motive behind his email was *to vent his hate towards me*.  I'm
sure he didn't get it, as he can only see people one way:  fitting into his
expectations or not.  Yeah, that shows how far along on the path he is.

I forgave him.  That's how hateful I was toward him.

Would there actually be anything to post here if the main purpose of posting
wasn't to engage in the Eric Berne game Now I've Got You, You Son of a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brazil Law and Brazil Love

2009-04-25 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 1:17 PM, geezerfreak  wrote:
> Ever been to that "poor little village down in Spain" Tex? Just askin'.

Nobody "just asks" in FFL.  Every question posed that way is a setup
to viciously mock the person being asked.  Go make mock somebody else.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brazil Law and Brazil Love

2009-04-25 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM, geezerfreak  wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
>> I wonder if Barry's attorney is aware that his
>> client is a vindictive, malicious liar.
> And we're off and running with another week of hi-jinks and hilarity!

"Even Turq evokes my compassion.

Do you realize how condescending, patronizing and savior-complex a
pattern your words are weaving here, and below.

I cannot imagine what has happened to him that he has such a
hair-trigger cruelty and chicken-hearted cowardice when it comes to
toe-to-toe debate. But, give me some details, and I'll bet that I have
have had enough happen to me to understand his brokenness. I shudder
to think what actually happened to him with, say, Rama, that has him
even decades later roiling in such a dark defensiveness when his truth
is challenged by another. "

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:18 PM, raunchydog  wrote:

> It's the girl we took to the dance and even though she got drunk and made a
> fool of herself, she is OUR girl and it is our responsibility to get her
> home safely.
Thank you, Raunch.  Well put in terms of an old saying that used to ring
true when people still had honor and felt responsibility.  Bygone times,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brazil Law and Brazil Love

2009-04-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Kirk  wrote:

> I am sorry Tom you feel this way. When you have a real change of heart then
> maybe I will consider you a real friend. Until then I really cannot trust
> you.  Peace out...

It's quite OK, Kirk.  I never thought you'd be a real friend, based on our
private email exchange, where you just dropped the exchange for I don't know
why.   Further, our interests are much too diverse.  No possibility of
friendship there.  And I never thought I could trust you.

Perhaps I encouraged you to take your meds.  So you benefited.  That's all I
wanted or expected.  Though I didn't want anything in return, you have not
slammed into me with a bunch of name calling like most of the others on FFL
love to do.  I thank you for that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brazil Law and Brazil Love

2009-04-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Sal Sunshine  wrote:

> On Apr 24, 2009, at 3:17 PM, satvadude108 wrote:
> Do you get the feeling that every once in a while
> various people here go off their meds, the results
> being these disturbed-sounding rants?
>  Sal
Both of you, Barry, Marek and Edward can kiss my ass.  I do not need or
welcome a diagnosis from any of you.  If I want one I can call up one of my
shrink friends and ask them for one.  It was Barry's Marek's and Edward's
"diagnosis" and characterization of me that pissed me off at them and keeps
me pissed off at them.  I don't appreciate being slammed by people,
including in the current posts I'm replying to.

Regarding prior activities in FFL, if you took the time to look, you would
have seen that the actions then were the result of yet more being
"characterized", once again as a racist.  I believe the words were about the
destruction of New Orleans, specifically the French Quarter.  Well guess
what?  I'm still looking forward to a storm destroying New Orleans and
specifically the French Quarter.  And yes, I'm one of the people hoping
Yahoo will delete FFL.  Blow it away and maybe there might just be a bit of
dignity and politeness to replace it.

It is one thing for me to say I'm a racist, if indeed I did.  But it's yet
another for me to be slammed.  Nobody, not even Nabby, has had to take such
abuse here as I've had to over the years.  Now think about that, Enlightened

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brazil Law and Brazil Love

2009-04-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:30 AM, satvadude108 wrote:

> What is his story? When I tried to follow, in the
> archives, how it unfolded I was struck by what
> appeared to be a seriously disturbed individual
> in need of help other than yagyas and long
> program.

His issue is that he is waiting for an apology, on FFL for unjustly being
called a "racist".  Now as for your or anyone else's opinions, it's pretty
evident here on FFL that opinions are like assholes.  Everybody's got one
and so many here on FFL are assholes.  And that includes Edward, Barry and
Mareck.  I note that Barry's posts are full of bravado but you can
definitely detect the fear underlying his false bravado.

Notice how Barry takes it upon himself, pig that he is all of the time here
on FFL, to take on the role of Miss Manners, as a holier than thou judge for
FFL to take people to task and show everybody how much more superior he is.
He ain't.  Why would someone be so obsessed with this group. from Usenet to
Yahoo so he can bicker with Judy?  Who's the sick one who needs help in this

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brazil Law and Brazil Love

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Alex Stanley
> Yep, it's all true. So, please just ignore the fact that do.rflex's posts
> come from a Brazilian IP address:

But on a.m.t he described the block he lived on, described Carnival, told
about the plight of the homeless in his neighborhood.  I remember his
describing the poor schizophrenic homeless lad.  And to think all along the
schizophrenic was John Manning.

How does he spoof the Brazilian IP address?  Does he spoof all his post
headers, telnet into a Brazilian box or actually have an account with

How is it y'all found out about his spoofing?  Was it as simple as his
accidentally revealing his hand?

If only Barry turned out to be a lot closer than Spain.  It would be easier
to break his legs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: TM on YouTube

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:35 PM, grate.swan 
> While I appreciate Dick posting legitimate TMO announcements (thats one
way to tell a spoof -- if its not from Dick, it probably isn't real), the
above tactic epitomizes my view of the TMO pretty well. All style and little
substance. Big hat, no cattle. Big bun, no beef. Its also used to promote
books. Its creating Maya -- not truth.

It's a good thing we don't currently have a book out for sale.

The Scientologists buy the book *Dianetics *from, say, a BDalton bookstore a
hundred at a time for cash.  They then return them to the publisher.  Often
clerks at BDalton open up a box containing the book *Dianetics* and they'd
already have the BDalton sticker on them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:03 PM, do.rflex  wrote:
> The Germans themselves rightly railed against and laughed at the goofy Raja's 
> out-of-touch-with-reality speech, his claim of kingship and his pathetic 
> Halloween clown costume.

Plus if I caught his German right, when someone said that Hitler was
not invincible, he said something like "more's the pity".  His
audience was very liberal and they took exception to his declaring
Germany a nation.  People chimed in that Germany has been a member of
the EU for 10 years.  The Raja wasn't just out of touch with reality,
he could potentially gotten himself in legal trouble for the things he
said.  He was way out of touch with his audience.   He deserved to be
shouted down.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'What's Up w/Iowa City?'

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Robert  wrote:
> Iowa City troubled by surge in downtown beatings

Perhaps it's the absence of law and order?  We have a downtown about
the size of Greater Fairfield's downtown.  We're not all that far from
campus, the missions, city jail, police station abut the party area of
downtown, which contains dozens of bars, sports ($1 in wide screen
TVs) bars and martini clubs.  But it's been the same for 25 years,
even when it was legal to walk around with an open container.  Drop or
throw a bottle of beer and you'll be surrounded by police (on
horseback in later hours of the evening) before the bottle hits the
ground.  I've seen amazing crowd control when there was hardly enough
room to breath on 6th street it was so jammed with people partying.
And drug consumption of all types from weed to X was heavy and people
were falling over each other, drunk.

Looks like Iowa City needs some instructions from APD.

By the way, there's a big MAPI/TM shop (sort of like the Health and
Wellness in FF plus a TM Center) right downtown Iowa City.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another Lynch video....

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> ...and here you go again 
> When Scientology tried to erase a video from the net,
> it appeared on dozen other servers on no time.
> I guess, a lot of poeple would like to help doing that.

Rick, this is the Streisand Effect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] More video

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> And here is the in-famous Berlin-Video with the Raja.

Oh my!  It's a lot more biting in German than the translation would suggest.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:28 AM, guyfawkes91  wrote:
> TM on its own is pretty good, I quite like it. The problems arise when people 
> get the idea that noble ends justify ignoble means. It's a poison that gets 
> into the group psyche, just like Bush and his minions getting off on 
> torturing people. They justify it to themselves on the basis that they meant 
> well and the goal was noble. The TMO has definitely got the poison and it 
> will be the end of the TMO because it is the antithesis of what they're 
> supposed to achieve.

My take on the zaniness of the TMO is that it all started with
Maharishi, who instead of fitting into western ways decided to bring
Indian ways to us.  So even if the puja might not have been necessary,
Maharishi brought it to us and now there's all the debate about TM
being a religion or not because of this.  So if it seems crazy, well,
that's perfectly acceptable.  I remember the first seasonal festival.
All of us meditators at the festival were embarrassed for ourselves,
the teachers and our esteemed guests.  We knew what the people
receiving awards were thinking.  But within the TMO that was
acceptable.  It was as though the weirder it got, the more it had to
"make sense" to the initiators.  My group of meditators thought it was
just a joke we'd play along with.  Then there was the problem that
Maharishi had of having really green starry eyed former hippies who
were his initiators.  He had to do things military style:  strict
hierarchy, strict rules, no deviation from your orders.  Throw both of
those together, let it percolate for a couple of decades and you get
what you've got now.

That Maharishi had no sense of design didn't help either.  The Burger
Boy hats, the Raja clothing.  That's pure Maharishi.   I guess it
could have been worse.  Maharishi could have been into army green.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

2009-04-23 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, raunchydog  wrote:
> In either case, it is a mistake to judge the value of TM by the actions of an 
> idiot or a saint. There is no measure of idiocy or sainthood before, during 
> or after TM. Whether we witness the actions of Schiffgens the buffoon, Lynch 
> the angel of mercy or Bevan the fascist bully, TM will prevail as wholly 
> separate from them.

Indeed my TM/TMSP practice is becoming sweeter and sweeter.  I am once
again sponsoring some ex-pats on Invincible America and I hope to join
them in a month or two.  I find all of the pomp to be as funny as all
the golden antics Maharishi pulled year after year, ever adding more
golden props to his alter.  I fully expected Maharishi to add golden
horns to his alter.  Now the people I sponsor really dig this stuff
and I dare not bring any of my feelings that this is all self satire
up to them.  They know how I feel and we just let sleeping dogs lie.
Amongst all of the kitsch there is a technique that works as
advertised and those don't agree don't really have to bother telling
me about this or that meditation, this or that Tsongen or whatever the
Tibetan techniques are called.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Book Review: Under The Thumb Of Cult Leader Sri Chinmoy

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Kirk  wrote:
> What do you know of Sri Chinmoy, Nabby? Probably nothing first hand. Neither
> do I. I just noticed the article in NHNE News, written by someone who had
> grown up with him, and forwarded it here as I assumed, correctly, that it
> might interest people. Do you have any evidence or experience to refute what
> the woman wrote?
> No but after getting buttfucked by Ben Creme he will take just about any
> guru's cock in his mouth and slurp on it until it explodes all over him and
> consider it vibhuti.

Kirk, you must be tired after your first day of work.  Nap time.  Now!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM On Jeopardy last night

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> Get some Chopra, he's a much more interesting and articulate speaker.

Although Chopra is entertaining, if you've read a book or two, an
article or two or heard another lecture or two in you're life, you'll
discover that Chopra never had an original thought in his entire life.
 He reads, steals some from this book, some from this article.  Though
charismatic, I find his rehash of everybody else's words and thoughts
to be grating.

Seek after the Humbold video tapes.  I so much enjoyed them.  They
were perhaps his best ever.  And do get hold of the Merv shows.  They
were great.  Nothing beats Maharishi's giggle.

And don't listen to the damned Buddhists here.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ample Breasts

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> From: []
> On Behalf Of I am the eternal
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ample Breasts
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> I am the eternal wrote:
>> Really?  It's an old TM teachers joke.  Old as in circa 1970's.   It
>> usually was accompanied by the observation that Dolly Parton was
>> enlightened.
> Ah, yes. Dolly Parton. The very famous C&W and Gospel music singer.
> I've listened to interviews she's given. She says that she, like most
> C&W singers/writers, grew up very poor. She says she was so poor that
> until she was 14 she was flat busted.
> She also said, "It costs a lot to look this cheap." Unfortunately, she
> continues to get cosmetic surgery, and she's beginning to look a little
> freakish.

Rick, I saw Sally Fields on TV yesterday.  In a commercial, as a
matter of fact.  She was playing with her grandchildren.  She looked
fresh as a daisy.  Then there's Cher and of course the GEICO
commercial with Joan Rivers. "Am I smiling?  I can't feel my face!".
I wonder how confused grandkids get when grandma looks younger than
their just out of college school teacher.

What's wrong with natural, like George Burns, who was ever loyal to
Gracie until she died?  He said when he was 21 he liked 21 year old
women.  Well, he still did.

One day, late in his 90s, George Burns was having a great time in the
restaurant of his favorite hotel in NYC.  A 70 year old man in tennis
clothing strode across the floor to him and announced "I'm 70 years
old and every day I play two sets of tennis."  George chomped on his
cigar for a moment, looked him up and down and told him "When I was 70
I had the clap."  Now that's natural.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Desperate Bush Admin Used Torture To Look For Iraq-Qaida Link

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:11 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> WASHINGTON — The Bush administration applied relentless pressure on 
> interrogators to use harsh methods on detainees in part to find evidence of 
> cooperation between al Qaida and the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's 
> regime, according to a former senior U.S. intelligence official and a former 
> Army psychiatrist.

What I find fascinating about this whole mess is that Cheney is now
Mr. Openness and some of The King's Men are wanting to justify to the
media how they saved the country from terrorists using torture.  I
read a lot of history and I don't remember a time since the Adamses
that previous administrations jumped into center stage trying to prove
they were right.  Or are they trying to prove that they shouldn't be
shipped off to Spain, the World Court or have Congress force the AG to
appoint a special prosecutor to look into the matter?  Hmm.  What's
Ken Starr doing this days?  And would Cheney have to be impeached or
could he just be tried in Federal District Court?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ample Breasts

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I am the eternal wrote:
> Really?  It's an old TM teachers joke.  Old as in circa 1970's.   It
> usually was accompanied by the observation that Dolly Parton was
> enlightened.

Ah, yes.  Dolly Parton.  The very famous C&W and Gospel music singer.
I've listened to interviews she's given.  She says that she, like most
C&W singers/writers, grew up very poor.  She says she was so poor that
until she was 14 she was flat busted.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Relative Quiet Time Meditations

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:01 AM, dhamiltony2k5  wrote:
> As the Muslim world stops to pray is there a change in physiological 
> parameter that shows something is happening?  Are there any published studies 
> to the effectiveness of their spiritual practice?  An ME of Islam?  The 
> Muslim Effect?
> Comparative scientific research?
> They seem to stop and have the potential for a lot of quiet time.  Is there a 
> collective transcending going on when they do it?  Just wondering.

Of course you are joking.  Muslim prayer, done 5 times a day and of
course also in the Mosque, looks more like calisthenics then most
prayer.  Now pre-Vatican II Catholics used to go through a lot of
changes in posture during Mass, from standing to kneeling, to sitting,
back to kneeling and of course there's the genuflect when entering and
leaving the church or passing in front of the host/chalice/middle of
the alter,  but it's nothing like the Muslim purifications and

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ample Breasts

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> My mother told me that some doctor had advised her against breast feeding,
> so she hadn't done it. She started crying while telling me this, as she felt
> that she was wrongly deprived of a natural experience she had wanted to
> have. My sisters and I were born by cesarean. Not sure if that was necessary
> either.

I was a forceps baby.  Next time we meet I'll show you the scars from
them.  It was a very unique experience which, BTW, I remember (I
remember most of my infancy).  My mother screamed and the nuns told
her about Original Sin.  I might have given false information a while
back if I said I was born in Middlesex Hospital.  Actually, I was born
in St. Peter's hospital.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ample Breasts

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:21 PM, scienceofabundance
>> Aren't "ample breasts" the "two fullnesses?"

Mein Got!  Weren't any of the guys of FFL besides me breast fed as
infants?  I swear I've never heard any talk like this about women's
breasts in any guy's locker rooms.

Re: [FairfieldLife] New Job

2009-04-22 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Kirk  wrote:
> Hi guys I am starting to work at a new and fascinating restaurant in
> Exchange Place in the French Quarter. The chef Chris Debarre is a genius and
> for once I stand to learn a lot of new cooking ingredients and techniques.
> He has made the menu partially vegetarian and explores uses of exotic fruits
> and juices as well as ethnic cuisine.  We are sure to spark a new culinary
> enthusiasm in the city. I will write the menu down for you when it is
> finalized. Peace for now.  Loves Yahs.

Hals und Bein Brueck, Kirk (break an arm and a leg).

Exotic fruits?  In the French Quarter?  Who would have thought?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Can you help?

2009-04-21 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Kirk  wrote:
> What specifically is human design and what value does it have. What are
> potential forms of restructuring one goes though after?

Kirk, you weren't here when I explained about Ru business cards, which
I have a ton of.  The first few are for the MLM business they are the
sole member of, as it seems like the only model Ru's had about making
money involved a hierarchical system.  After that they give you their
Reiki card and their card offering you their services as a life coach.
 I suspect some Ru's have yet another card that goes between their
Reiki card and their life coach card.  That's their human design
restructuring card.

Now since you have to ask, you're a perfect mark.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tales at the End of America

2009-04-21 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Succession? Or was it Secession?

Why, both, of course.

To prove my love for you, I had these flowers killed. Put them in
water and it will prolong their slow, agonizing death.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tales at the End of America

2009-04-21 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> I thought I would start a topic where we could report on progress
> towards the "End of America."

In other news, the State of Texas is doing quite well financially.  We're
even turning away Stimulus money.  We see Huntsville, TX as a growth town
and we have no problem with Law and Order here.

Ron Paul has spoken in favor of Texas succession.

In God we trust.  Everyone else we wiretap.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FW: Letter from Islam and updated list of published TM research

2009-04-21 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Vaj  wrote:

> Boy does this sound like a forged letter or what?

Two things came to mind.  One was the extreme displeasure Muslims show when
I go to a Mosque to do my TM (not TM Sidhi) Program.  As a matter of fact,
they don't take to kindly of my worshipping with them, either.  The other
thing that came to mind is that Miral (the deer) doesn't read or write
English.  I had visions of Duke lambasting the Chinese for hours about their
political system and Chinese clapping with great enthusiasm.  Duke turns to
his translator, Honey and says "I really told them didn't I?"  "Actually,
sir, you just spoke for 3 hours praising Chinese ball bearing production for
this year."

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Turq Effect Leads the Way :)

2009-04-21 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:58 AM, grate.swan wrote:

> April 21, 2009
> Spain's Falling Prices Fuel Deflation Fears in Europe

First off, I want to thank you for posting this.  I don't get much
information about what's happening across the pond financially except from
some friends living there.  I know that Poland, Serbia and Ireland have

I remember a Frenchman (it would be, of course) raving on about President
Cowboy Bsh and how the Euro would make Europe the most powerful economic
force on Earth. I just shook my head and muttered under my breath.  And we
see the EU central bank and European countries (like Ireland) doing just the
wrong thing we did at the beginning of the Great Depression.  Thank God the
US has the economic power to go deep in debt to pay for stimulus and freeing
up the banking system.  GB tried to do that and couldn't sell all the/his
debt offered at auction.

Of course very soon I'll be an ex-pat of the United States and will be
looking at the country to our north in utter amazement and pity.  Thank God
we have so many corporate headquarters in Dallas.  If we run should out of
money, which is unlikely, we can nationalize them.   God bless the Second
Republic of Texas.

[FairfieldLife] Hurricane-Killing, Space-Based Power Plant

2009-04-20 Thread I am the eternal
This is the same company cited here last week which intends to beam energy
from space to power PG&E.

Now it intends to kill hurricanes.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Questions and answers about the Star

2009-04-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Peter  wrote:

> Please get a checking ! Before it's too late.
> Yeah, Kirk. The New
> Orleans TM Center closes in half an hour. Oh, wait a minute. It closed
> years
> ago. That's why Katrina struck the city.
> No, Rick, it was all the sodomites in the French Quarter...

Deja vu all over again.  I seem to recall reading similar words here some
years ago.

This post requires downloading some Active-X controls and XSS'ing.  It's all
safe, just say "yes" to the questions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Madonna adopts Slumdog star

2009-04-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:

>  From Weekly World News, which is sort of like The Onion, although I
> suspect that a frightening percentage of people going through supermarket
> checkout lines take it seriously. Their lovable icon is Bat Boy:

Rick, it's really good satire, meaning you need to get 3/4 the way through
before you realize you've been had.  I suspected The Onion.

One of the give aways was that the child would not be put on a microbiotic
diet or taught the Kabala.

I loved Madonna in Evita.  Much better than the live performances.  I
remember when Madonna went to Argentina and tried to talk/bribe the
archbishop into allowing her to film in the churches there.  After having
made a video of her having an interlude with the risen Christ in an old
Spanish church and being named after the Virgin Mary her chances weren't all
that good.  So I'm told she filmed in Czecho.  A life as varied as our
spiritual leader Barry, at least.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Big Religion Comparison Chart: Compare World Religions - ReligionFacts

2009-04-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Vaj  wrote:

> TM is included under "Hinduism".

Aha!  900 million strong!

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Big Religion Comparison Chart: Compare World Religions - ReligionFacts

2009-04-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:


Proof that TM is not a religion.  Chopra, OTOH.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maya nut changes lives while aiding the rain forest

2009-04-19 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 4:43 PM, lurkernomore20002000 <> wrote:

> "He who posts posts that ought to be posted, without depending on the
> fruits of posting, he is a sanyasi, he is a yogi, not her who is without
> fire, and without activity"
> Remember these words, oh eternal.

Thank you, Master Po.  Is it time to leave the temple yet?  I'm looking
forward to being forced to kick some serious butt during each upcoming

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maya nut changes lives while aiding the rain forest

2009-04-19 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 4:14 PM, authfriend  wrote:

> Fantastic. I'd never heard of this. Just sent 'em
> some dinero. Thank you *very* much for posting it.
> Greenies and foodies would undoubtedly go for the
> Maya nut if it were sold here, especially if part of
> the proceeds went to the Equilibrium Fund to further
> the project.
Judy,  thanks for mentioning this.  I post and post and don't often get a
response.  If I do, it's from the lunatic fringe.  So I wonder if I'm doing
any good with my posts.

I can see good and bad now that this nut has made the news.  Yes, it'll
appear in Whole Foods and like chains pretty quickly, I'd imagine.  That
will be good.

But there's also a dark side.   There will be thousands of websites set up
and we'll receive dozens of spams a day offering us the "no aging Maya nut"
supplement, the "Maya nut" cure for ED and the "Maya nut" no effort weight
loss diet.  Yes, this will sell the nut but the mark up will be astronomical
to support the spam and the MLM.

[FairfieldLife] Maya nut changes lives while aiding the rain forest

2009-04-19 Thread I am the eternal


updated 1:07 p.m. EDT, Fri April 17, 2009
 Maya nut changes lives while aiding the rain forest*FLORES, Guatemala (CNN)
* -- In the rain forests of Central America grows the nutrient-rich Maya
nut. The marble-sized seed can be prepared to taste like mashed potatoes,
chocolate or coffee. To those who stumble upon the nuts on the ground,
they're free for the taking.

The problem, however, is that many people living in areas where the Maya nut
grows abundantly don't know about it.

Erika Vohman is trying to change that -- and improve rain forest
conservation and women's status in the process.

"People are living right there, in extreme poverty, not even eating more
than one meal a day and there's Maya nut lying all around," Vohman said.
"They don't eat it because they don't know."

Vohman has traveled to Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El
Salvador, conducting workshops that teach women how to harvest, prepare and
cook or dry the prolific seeds into tasty, hearty foods.

The 45-year-old biologist first encountered the Maya nut while visiting
rural Guatemala a decade ago for an animal rescue effort. An indigenous
colleague told her of the native resource, once an essential food staple of
his Mayan ancestors; the civilization had widely cultivated the large
tropical rain forest tree, the Brosimum alicastrum, that produces the Maya

That colleague prepared a Maya nut soup for Vohman and she found it

Having watched impoverished
Guatemalancommunities clear
rain forests to plant food, it struck Vohman that the key
for uplifting Central American communities was to help them return to their

She subsequently attended graduate school and learned how she could help
these populations make the most of Maya nut -- a resource that didn't
require forest destruction for planting.

In 2001, Vohman created The Equilibrium
Fundto help alleviate poverty,
malnutrition and deforestation by teaching
communities about their native Maya nut forests. Do you know someone who
should be a CNN Hero? Nominations are open at

*Far-reaching benefits of the Maya nut*

With one tree able to produce as much as 400 pounds of food a year, using
the Maya nut prevents rain forest clear-cutting to harvest other foods and
increases populations' food supplies. Dried, the Maya nut can be stored for
up to five years -- a lifeline for regions with frequent drought.

The Maya nut has high levels of nutrients including protein, calcium, fiber,
iron and vitamins A, E, C and B.

"For some reason, people have stopped eating this food, which is one of the
most nutritious foods you can get," Vohman said.

It is also less susceptible to climate changes than the crops that had been
brought in to replace it.

In the rural village of Versalles, Nicaragua, women gather and cook the Maya
nuts into pancakes, cookies, salads, soup and shakes that feed their
community year-round. It is one of 700 communities so far where "The Maya
Nut Revolution," as it has come to be known, has taken hold.

"These women are responsible for raising the next generation," Vohman said.
"If a woman's not educated and doesn't have access to any job opportunities,
it makes it really hard. Our workshops [help them] acquire the skills and
knowledge to feed their families and better their lives."

Training rural women about the Maya nut has made them champions of rain
forest conservation and reforestation, as well as entrepreneurs who turn
Maya nut products into income. Training empowers women to educate others in
neighboring communities, subsequently spreading the wealth.

The Equilibrium Fund has taught more than 10,000 women across five countries
about Maya nut for food and income. More than 800,000 Maya nut trees have
been planted for rain forest conservation.

The group has found that where the Maya nut tree disappears, 50 to 80
percent of local species are wiped out in six months to a year.

Seeing the widespread effect of her group's endeavors keeps Vohman going.

"It's impacting gender equality. That's a huge paradigm shift," she said.
 [image: advertisement]

"We're having an impact on the
an economic impact and also motivating reforestation. It's really amazing."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Craigslist sex

2009-04-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:23 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

> "Luckily for Melvin, what he had wandered into was something a bit more
> poignant: the woman who had answered his ad was obese and didn't want Melvin
> to see her body.
> "It was sad, very sad," he said, "but she was a nice girl and we talked for
> two hours before we went in the bedroom and did what we did."

Watch out for Craigslist, dudes.  This guy placed a bogus ad on Craigslist
saying he was a woman looking for a dominant male.  He got 178 replies with
pictures, personal and business emails, real names, telephone numbers, which
he posted on a website.  He thought it was a cool prank.

I don't suppose the new list in FF has a personals section, eh?

Sex Baiting Prank on Craigslist Affects Hundreds Posted Sep 8, 2006 (Updated
Apr 18, 2009)

Recently, a blogger named Simon Owens ran a social experiment on Craigslist.
He wandered into the "Casual
section of the personal ads where countless men and women were soliticing
for no-strings-attached sex and wondered, Is it really that easy? As a test,
he composed several ads with different permutations of assumed identity and
sexual orientation: straight/bi men/women looking for the opposite/same sex.
He then posted it to New York, Chicago, and Houston, and tallied the

Overwhelmingly and instantly, the ads from the fake women looking for male
partners were inundated with responses, sometimes several per minute. All
the other ads received lukewarm responses, at best. These results weren't
surprising, but some of the observations were... Many of these men used
their *real names* and included personally identifiable information,
including work email addresses and home phone numbers. Several admitted they
were married and cheating on their spouses. Many included photos, often

His first conclusion was very reasonable: "If a really malicious person
wanted to get on craigslist and ruin a lot of people's lives, he easily
Jason Fortuny's Craigslist Experiment On Monday, a Seattle web developer
named Jason Fortuny  started his own
Craigslist experiment. The goal: "Posing as a submissive woman looking for
an aggressive dom, how many responses can we get in 24 hours?"

He took the text and photo from a sexually explicit
*not safe for work*) in another area, reposted it to Craigslist Seattle, and
waited for the responses to roll in. Like Simon's experiment, the response
was immediate. He wrote, "178 responses, with 145 photos of men in various
states of undress. Responses include full e-mail addresses (both personal
and business addresses), names, and in some cases IM screen names and
telephone numbers."

In a staggering move, he then published *every single response*, unedited
and uncensored, with all photos and personal information to Encyclopedia
Dramatica  (kinda like Wikipedia for
web fads and Internet drama). Read the
*warning*: sexually explicit material).

Instantly, commenters on the LiveJournal
threadstarted identifying
the men. Dissenters
emailed  the guys to let them
know they were scammed. Several of them were married, which has led to what
will likely be the first of many separations. One
an open marriage begged that their information be removed, as their
religious family and friends weren't aware of their lifestyle. Another
spotted a
fellow Microsoft employee, based on their e-mail address. And it's
just the beginning, since the major search engines haven't indexed these
pages yet. After that, who knows? Divorces, firings, lawsuits, and the
assorted hell that come from having your personal sex life listed as the
first search result for your name.

Possibly the strangest thing about this sex baiting prank is that the man
behind it is unabashedly open about his own identity. A graphic
artistin Kirkland, Washington, Jason has
posted his
contact information, including home phone, address, and
He's already received one
threatof physical
violence. Is he oblivious to the danger, or does he just not
care? Since his stated interest 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interactive Map of Vanishing Employment

2009-04-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Nelson  wrote:

> --- In, "Richard J. Williams" 
> wrote:
> >
> > > > Probably most of the gasoline you used
> > > > getting to the hospital was refined in
> > > > Texas.
> > > >
> > raunchydog
> > > I'd rather drink gasoline and set myself
> > > on fire than live in a gun toting Texas.
> > >
> > So, you do use gasoline refined in Texas.
> >
>   Shouldn't be wasting gas anyway.
>  Not having armed citizens makes it safer?
>  That reminds me of the problem they had at VA tech with their safe campus.

And also the Columbine slaughter.  If every teacher had been armed it would
have gone down a different way.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FW: Unsubscription by FairfieldLife member

2009-04-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Yahoo! Groups
> Notification
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: Unsubscription by FairfieldLife member

Great! Now if only we can get some more blowhards like Edward and Barry to
leave, I won't have to do so much email deleting.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interactive Map of Vanishing Employment

2009-04-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 3:37 PM, bob_brigante  wrote:
> --- In, "raunchydog"  wrote:
>> I'd rather drink gasoline and set myself on fire than live in a gun toting 
>> Texas.
> **
> I believe you would have to choose that highoctane option in a number of 
> places, like here in So Cal, where we regularly shoot folks who piss us off 
> on the freeway or steal a parking space we were aiming for. We don't need any 
> stinking concealed weapon carry laws!

Such a coincidence that our concealed carry law test was in Dallas,
home of traffic lights which take 15+ cycles to get through.  A geeky
guy absentmindedly bumped into the back of this Meskin's pickup truck
at one of those lights.  The Meskin flew out of his truck, in a rage.
The Meskin raged and raged then went back to his truck and got a tire
iron.  He brandished the tire iron at the geeky driver, who was not
protected by his side window.  The geeky guy took aim and fired,
exactly as taught in his mandatory shooters ed. course a few weeks
before.  The Dallas County prosecutor decided that since this was the
first case of the concealed weapon law, he'd have to take it to the
grand jury.  The grand jury no billed it.  Since then, the number of
traffic/parking related altercations involving weapons is down

An armed society is a polite society.

Once we go back to being a republic, we'll institute a bunch more
law/order/penalty policies.  I'm sure we can invade Mexico and fix
their problems mighty quick.  One of their problems, of course, is
that they are not permitted to carry guns out in the open or

Man, we can put those bumper stickers on your cars the way we used to:
 Drive 70 freeze a Yankee.

[FairfieldLife] Scientist Tests Lincoln DNA for Cancer

2009-04-18 Thread I am the eternal,8599,1892291,00.html

By AP / RON TODT Friday, Apr. 17, 2009

(PHILADELPHIA) — John Sotos has a theory about why Abraham Lincoln was
so tall, why he appeared to have lumps on his lips and even why he had
gastrointestinal problems.
The 16th president, he contends, had a rare genetic disorder — one
that would likely have left him dead of cancer within a year had he
not been assassinated. And his bid to prove his theory has posed an
ethical and scientific dilemma for a small Philadelphia museum in the
year that marks the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth.

Framed behind glass in the Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum
and Library in northeast Philadelphia is a small piece of bloodstained
pillowcase on which the head of the dying president rested after he
was shot at Ford's Theater in Washington 144 years ago.

Sotos, a cardiologist and author, is hoping a DNA test of the strip
will reveal whether Lincoln was afflicted with multiple endocrine
neoplasia, type 2B. The disorder, which occurs in one in every 600,000
people, would explain Lincoln's unusual height, his relatively small
and asymmetric head and bumps on his lips seen in photos, he said.

The disorder leads to thyroid or adrenal cancer, and Sotos cites
Lincoln's weight loss in office and an appearance of ill health during
his final months. He said a finding that Lincoln had the genetic
disorder and probably cancer could shed light on his presidency. "I'm
not interested in how Lincoln might have died. I'm interested in how
he might have lived," Sotos said.

Several months ago, Sotos petitioned the museum for permission to test
the pillowcase. Gary Grove, a Civil War enthusiast who advised the
museum's board of directors, said the issue has been contentious in
several meetings. "There are strong voices both ways," Grove said. "It
has taken up a good portion of those board meetings."

Eric Schmincke, president of the museum and its board, said members
may decide at a meeting May 5. They must consider not only possible
damage to the artifact but also moral issues, he said. "You have to
look at it as questioning someone that more or less can't defend
themselves," Schmincke said.

Sotos, while declining to discuss the proposed DNA testing, pointed
out that Lincoln has no living direct descendants who would be
affected. "Every letter he every wrote has been published, every
letter his wife wrote that we can find has been published," he said.

Schmincke said genetic material goes far beyond writings. "That's him
— that's his blood, his brain matter that's on there," he said.
Schmincke also questioned what a positive result would mean.

"If they find it's cancer ... it's 140-plus years later," he said.
"Would it have been different? We can only guess or surmise."

If Lincoln was seriously ill and knew it, Sotos said, that might
explain stories of his premonitions about death. "I don't think it was
mysticism, I think that was him knowing what his body was telling
him," Sotos said. "Then if you're a historian, I think you have to say
... how does that affect how you run the war, your clemency toward
soldiers who may have deserted their post, the way you reconcile with
the South?"

One problem with his theory, which he acknowledges: People with MEN-2B
normally die young, and Lincoln was 56 when he was shot. And the
malady is only one of several ascribed to Lincoln; researchers in the
1960s suggested another genetic disorder, Marfan syndrome, to explain
his height, and others say his clumsy gait could have been due to
spinocerebellar ataxia.

Tests have been done on the remains of presidents to settle
controversies, most famously for evidence on whether Thomas Jefferson
fathered children of his slave, Sally Hemings, and to rule out arsenic
poisoning in the death of Zachary Taylor.

Other museums, however, have declined to do DNA tests on Lincoln artifacts.

Grove points out that while such material could shed light on history
or answer claims of descent, it could also lead to commercialization,
perhaps through sales of jewelry or other items embedded with famous

And while it may be hard to say what Lincoln would have wanted, the
opinion of his surviving son seems clear. After repeated moves of
Lincoln's remains, as well as an 1876 plot to rob Lincoln's grave,
Robert Lincoln had his father's remains interred underground in 1901
in a steel cage encased in concrete in Springfield, Ill., where they
remain. "There," Grove said, "we probably have the closest thing of
someone saying, from the family point of view, 'Hey, let's not do

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interactive Map of Vanishing Employment

2009-04-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 7:41 AM, raunchydog  wrote:
> --- In, "Richard J. Williams"  
> wrote:
> I'd rather drink gasoline and set myself on fire than live in a gun toting 
> Texas.

But doncha see?  This is the state GW Bush got his start in ... Oh, never mind.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Interactive Map of Vanishing Employment

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:45 PM, raunchydog  wrote:

Yes, indeed.  See all of the jobs gained in what will soon become the
Second Republic of Texas.  I'm joining the bandwagon.  We'll become a
proud new member of OPEC.  We'll fix the immigration problem since
Obama wants to invite all of those Meskins into our country and give
them work permits.  No more waiting for decades to execute someone in
Huntsville.  We'll go from trial to execution in days.  And we'll make
sure we have a polite society by distributing arms to those who don't
have them yet.

[FairfieldLife] Yagnas work for me

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
I can assure you that I am not one who speaks almost in desperation to
justify my money spent on yagnas.  If you want to hear, fine.  If not,
also fine.

It looks like, based on my email records, I began sponsoring yagnas in
2003.  At first these were yagnas I arranged remotely with various
ashrams and temples in India.  I went then to Ben's group, which I
left unhappy with because of a failure for us to agree upon just what
"sponsorship" meant.  I then went to various former Maharishi pundit
groups until I settled in and became quite happy with Yagna by Choice.

During the Yagnas I sponsored with Ben's group and up until a few
months ago with YBC, yagnas brought really horrid unstressing to me.
Finally they brought bliss, a feeling the of deity and a jump forward,
observably by myself and those around me, during and after the yagna.

Right now I am sponsoring a Lakshmi-Kubera yagna and a Budha yagna.  I
feel very blissful and very much above worries and concerns about
money and wealth.  It's a very nice feeling.  My friends who sponsor
yagnas tell me that this bliss, feeling of the deity and feeling
something special is the way they feel during yagnas, so I've finally
gotten to that point.

I was told by the coordinators of YBC that as I sponsor yagnas through
the months and years I would notice less up and down in the external
world.  Kind of like what I heard Maharishi said about TM:  first you
start not being overshadowed when you got a flat tire, then not so
upset when you got a flat tire, then no flat tires.

Is all of this just suggestion?  I doubt it.  I've been through the
wringer sponsoring yagnas before things finally become smooth and

Re: [FairfieldLife] The gift of Maharishi to His friends

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:05 PM, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> During Guru Purnimah we were asked to write down our wishes for the future 
> and put it in a box for Guru Dev and for Him to read.
> One fellow wrote in his plea to Guru Dev: "I wish Germany to be united".
> Maharishi commented; "It is going to happen".
> Scarce are the fortunate souls that believed a word of what Maharishi uttered 
> at the time.
> This was in 1982, and we now know what happened.
> Jai Guru Dev

Sorry I missed that.  I would have written Guru Dev a very large check
and thrown it into the box in thanks for Guru Dev's work on Earth.

Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Kirk  wrote:
> Um, hm, I just reconnected with many of my best friends in the world through
> facebook.  That has been such a breath of fresh air. I have a new job I'm
> starting soon with a groovy chef, and another job prospect doing some
> stand-in stuff in the movies, so all of a sudden some good things are
> happening. It's true a person often is their own worst enemy.

Kirk,  in the obverse, the world is as we are.  Opportunities aren't
things that fall into people's laps.  Opportunities are ever around
us.  Ever watch an operator in high school or college, who could walk
up to a babe and have her eating out of his hands with just a few
words while other guys would just get turned down?  Maybe not, since
you appear to have been the big time operator.  Let's try a different
analogy.  What about the person who is ever seeing money making
opportunities all around them.  We wonder how they can create massive
fortunes while we're just looking for our next job as a wage slave.

There might just be the Support of Nature that Maharishi talked about.
 By adjusting our outlook and behavior slightly, things just seemed to
fall into our lap.

I'm happy for you and hope you prosper.  That way you'll be able to
pay the invoice I'll be sending you. ;-)

You've lived a life of shit for just too long.  Be good to yourself
and your wife and stay on the meds.  The best is yet to come.  A year
to get your neurotransmitters fully adjusted, 6 months to assure that
they stay that way, another 6 months to slow go off the meds.  These
are minimum.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Paedophile sex in the Buddhist "monasteries"

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> I like this post. Explains a lot about Bevin, IMO. It's interesting
> that it's been 5 years and FFL just goes round and round discussing
> the same subjects, only with a whole lot more b.s. now.
> Except that there are quite a few women, some of them married (or now
> divorced) who would attest that Bevin isn't gay, at least not exclusively.

Rick, Bevin doesn't have to be gay.  My world would not fall apart
around me if he isn't.  But I've spoken over many beers with guys who
tell me that their wives, girlfriends, team buddies all believed that
they were absolute studs.  Then they finally decided they had enough
and outed themselves.  Others have no intention of outing themselves.
They are happy with things the way they are.  They love their wives,
they love their kids,  they don't want to lose it all because they
prefer guys. They just pretend that they're studs.

One guy I know developed prostate cancer at an early age, had his
prostate excised and now is no longer potent unless he threads a
prosthetic device in place so he has what appears to be an erection.
So now he no longer has to appear to be a stud, even in front of his
wife. That, plus his traveling on business gives him a perfect cover.

There are Yahoo groups I've happened upon which deal entirely with how
guys can pass as hetero studs while making their golf or racketball
partners something more than just that.

I have some friends who are the product of extreme physical and mental
child abuse.  They can very easily say one thing and do another and
because they're masters of the dissociative state, it's not problem
for them.  So while you keep bringing up Bevin's being a proven home
destroyer and stud, my gardar, such as it is, and the True Confessions
told in absolute confidence (I tend to elicit that in people in a one
on one situation) tell me otherwise.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Paedophile sex in the Buddhist "monasteries"

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:

> In the first year or two of FFL there was a post by a former "Skin Boy"
> suggesting that Nand Kishore and MMY did have a sexual relationship:

I like this post.  Explains a lot about Bevin, IMO.  It's interesting
that it's been 5 years and FFL just goes round and round discussing
the same subjects, only with a whole lot more b.s. now.

Re: [FairfieldLife] WOW!

2009-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Kirk  wrote:
> WOW The clouds are passing. Eternal, you were right.

Kirk, the clouds will pass month after month. Each month for at least
a year you will notice that life is getting better and your mind is
getting cleared.  That's why I strongly urge you to stay on the med
for 12 months minimum, 6 months to maintain you and another 6 months
to titrate it out of your system.  And those are minimum numbers.
Neurotransmitter balancing takes a long time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What do these two people have in common?

2009-04-16 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
> AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Gov. Rick Perry fired
> up an anti-tax "tea party" Wednesday with
> his stance against the federal government
> and for states' rights as some in his U.S.
> flag-waving audience shouted, 'Secede!'...

Oh, God, don't tell me we're going to drag out that old wives tale
that when we joined the Union we were given the option to succeed and
also to break into 5 states.  There's just nothing in writing about
this arrangement.

Perry and other Republican governors are now dragging out the 10th
Amendment to the US Constitution, trying to make a statement for
Federalism.  OK, I agree that over the years Congress has passed all
these laws that required the states to spend money or hold the states
hostage such that if they wanted to get federal highway or other money
they had to enact laws mandating certain driving laws, licensing laws
and the like.  The Stimulus Package had a bunch of such
drag-them-by-the-balls requirements.  But gosh.  We're in a very
severe recession, which recession appears to be bottoming out and will
soon turn around.  Why now?  I guess the answer is that when is
desperation and living amongst a preponderance of Democrats, you pull
out Barry Goldwater II.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is this lecture being taught in today's highschools?

2009-04-16 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
>> Why do they need barbed wire?
>> Perhaps that is because of the fundies in town or some other deranged
>> person(s), who might be motivated in a passionate way, to do harm to a
>> peaceful visitor from India.
>> Safety First!
>> It's a shame Fairfield, Iowa, USA...still has this dilemma.
>> R.G.
> Has nothing whatsoever to do with fundies, the fence is to keep the pundits
> in. they do not want the pundits talking with anyone about their
> circumstances and situation.
> Nor do they want them running off to Iowa City or FF bars of having affairs
> with local women, both of which have happened.

I lived diagonally from them on a couple of occasions and I was
explicitly told that all the security was to protect the pundits.
MUM's head of security wouldn't lie to me, would he?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Homeland Security Warns of Rightwing Extremists

2009-04-16 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
> guyfawkes wrote:
> Yeah, very strange that the Europeans are among
> the most racist groups of people on the planet,
> but it's not surprising, since we've known this
> since before WW II.
> "A poll commissioned by the ADL shows that 33%
> of Europeans blame the Jews for the financial
> meltdown. A mind-boggling 74% Spaniards think
> so."

And the Europeans have a reason to be racist against the Jews.  When
the massive voyages for trade began after Columbus "discovered"
America, there was the need for lots of capital, i.e. banks.  Now the
Christians decided that loaning money and collecting interest on it
was not biblical, so the Jews were given/ordered to do the job.  The
Jews did well in their new role as money lenders.  A lot of resentment
was generated amongst the Christians and hence the numerous epic poems
putting Jews in a bad light and the Shakespearean play where a pound
of flesh was involved.

Fast forward to Poland where the king of Poland realized that he
wasn't turning the profit he wanted on his kingdom, so he divided it
up and put Jews in charge of the pieces.  These Jews had the power of
life and death over his subjects and of course their charge was to
turn a handsome profit over to the king.  They had to, of course,
prosper as well.   So of course the Europeans associated Jews with
finance and further, as greedy bastards with no morals.  True or not,
that's the way they were portrayed and old memories die hard.

If certain asshats on FFL want to sling the judgement "racist' at me,
I'll say ahead of time, kiss my ass.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:12 AM, Robert  wrote:
> --- In, I am the eternal  wrote:
> Great song...reminds me of my once intimate friend, Maggie May...
> R.G.

I've always loved this C & W song.  It says so very much:

Tell me a lie
Say I look familiar
Though I know that you don’t even know my name
Tell me a lie
Say ya just got into town
Even though I’ve seen you here before
Just hangin’ around

Umm, tell me a lie
Say you’re not a married man
‘Cause you don’t know I saw you
Slip off your wedding band
Ooh, tell me a lie
Say ya got no place to stay
But you’ll be glad to drive me home
‘Cause it’s on your way

Tell me a lie
When you take me home
(Tell me a lie)
I don’t really want to spend the night alone
Tell me a lie
Don’t worry about my sorrow
You’ll be long gone tomorrow
And you won’t have to see me cry
Just tell me a lie

Tell me a lie
Come on, tell me that you need me
And I’ll pretend that it’s for real
The way you want me to
Please, tell me a lie
When you’re lying close beside me
And whisper when you hold me
Sweet words “I love you”

Ooh, tell me a lie
When our night is almost over
And make it easy on us both
When it’s time for you to go
Come on, tell me a lie
Say you’d really like to stay
Just tell me one more lie
That you’ll be back one day

Tell me a lie
When you take me home
(Tell me a lie)
I don’t really want to spend the night alone
Tell me a lie
Don’t worry about my sorrow
You’ll be long gone tomorrow
And you won’t have to see me cry
Just tell me a lie

Maggie Mays is the name of a very well known collegiate bar on 6th St.
here in Austin.  They have quite a number of well known (in Austin)
bumper stickers available at the bar.  One of these says

Beer.  It's just not for breakfast anymore.
Maggie Mays

Beats the Hell out of the one put out by Bertha's (raw and shell fish)
Bar in Glen Bernie, Baltimore:

Eat Bertha's Mussels

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Mike Doughney  wrote:
> --- In, TurquoiseB  wrote:
>> --- In, "Kirk"  wrote:
>> I used to see a similar behavior pattern among
>> the supposedly-celibate guys working on staff
>> at Seelisberg and on courses in Europe, but in
>> a heterosexual way. These guys would see a
>> woman they liked and seduce her with the olde
>> "I know that I should be celibate but you're
>> just s beautiful" routine. And after one
>> or two rolls in the hay, they would forget
>> the women.
>> Not just drop them, FORGET them.

And you're saying that this isn't typical guy behavior?  Love 'em and
leave 'em is a slogan that's been around since the beginning of time.

There'll be no strings to bind your hands
Not if my love can't bind your heart.
And there's no need to take a stand
For it was I who chose to start.
I see no need to take me home,
I'm old enough to face the dawn.

Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
then slowly turn away from me.

Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow.
If morning's echo says we've sinned,
Well, it was what I wanted now.
And if we're the victims of the night,
I won't be blinded by light.

Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
Then slowly turn away,
I won't beg you to stay with me
Through the tears of the day,
Of the years, baby baby baby.
Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Kirk  wrote:
> Ah, my experience is that yagyas have an effect. But then I do have them
> done and I don't just spout off about them without ever having had one.
> Some people get on a flippant roll and think they actually are saying
> something.

I have not done yagnas but have assisted in my own yagnas.   I've
sponsored perhaps 1,200 yagnas.  Then there was a year or two of
abortive yagnas with Ben Collins and my monthly yagns since 8/2005
with Yagna by Choice.

I have very powerful experiences with Yagna by Choice yagnas.  The
question doesn't come up, I don't believe, on the moral or sexual
activities of the pundits who perform my yagnas, since they are former
Maharish pundits who live, quite happily in a Vedic village.  These
are sidhas but they aren't part of the TMO machine.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: If you had to be a true believer, which one would you be?

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> Are you not aware that you are coming across as not only "a bit creepy"
> yourself, but also as the great fool; Barry's main Poodle on FFL that has
> bought into his fantasies, "sink and hookers" ?
> He's got you there, Curtis.  Barry starts it, you pipe in, then Kirk
> and or Vaj.  Except Kirk has now absented himself because wasn't
> responded to the way he expected.  Poor baby.
> Not an honest answer.
> I rarely chime in on a Nabby post, if I do it's more incidental than
> intended. I just don't see his posts as anything worth commenting on...they
> kinda speak for for themselves and need little comment: like a fundie
> preacher, a Neocon politician, someone off their Haldol or someone who lost
> their Thorazine shuffle way too soon.

One of us misunderstood. I didn't think this tread was about Nabby
anymore.  I thought it just had to do with the way threats are
introduced and proceed through the elaboration process.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: If you had to be a true believer, which one would you be?

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 6:15 PM, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  wrote:
>> That has nothing to do with you being Jim and oddly thinking I don't know. 
>> I'm sure you have some metaphysical reason why you are doing this, but I'm 
>> pretty sure it wouldn't be something I would care about.  I had a decent 
>> posting relationship with you when you weren't playing this game.  Now you 
>> are coming across a bit creepy.
> Are you not aware that you are coming across as not only "a bit creepy" 
> yourself, but also as the great fool; Barry's main Poodle on FFL that has 
> bought into his fantasies, "sink and hookers" ?

He's got you there, Curtis.  Barry starts it, you pipe in, then Kirk
and or Vaj.  Except Kirk has now absented himself because wasn't
responded to the way he expected.  Poor baby.

[FairfieldLife] So that's why Hispanics and Gringos are fat

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
I had to go out without breakfast this morning so I thought I'd stop
into my favorite Mexican restaurant for breakfast.  This was my first
Mexican restaurant north of the border.  I ordered huevos con chirizo.
 Fried potatoes, refried beans and tortillas (I chose flour) came with
it.  I expected a little bite as I get in Mexico, something that would
blow off my plate if I breathed hard.  Instead I got what looked to be
6 extra large eggs fried with chirizo, slices of a good sized potato
sliced and fried, refried beans, a basket of floor tortillas and a
sweetish red pepper sausa.  I was shocked.  I ate about 1/3 of it.

So now I understand why Mexican Mexicans are thin and Hispanics are
hefty.  In Mexico I'd get one or two regular eggs fried with chirizo,
a few papas fritas, some refried beans and a couple of tortillas.

So Hispanic food's been supersized too.  And Austin isn't as bad as
Dallas but it's close.  Austin isn't a town built for walking very
far.  Mexican towns are built for walking.  Indeed some towns can only
be accessed by walking.  So plenty of intake with little calories
burned versus fewer calories with lots of calories burned.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world... those who understand
binary and those who don't

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Dallas, Texas: Going Gay?'

2009-04-15 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:40 AM, Robert  wrote:
> Dallas: Texas' Biggest Gay Community

It's with deep regret that I must also tell you that Dallas is also
one of the biggest homophobe communities in the US.  Anybody remember
the two gay bashers who killed a gay guy and the judge said it's about
right, after all, the gay guy was a homosexual?

Also note that Lawrence v. Texas started in Houston, another very
large gay community.

There are very few gay bashings here in Austin because gay men fit in
as much as possible, acting "butch" when downtown.  It's only gaydar
and seeing two guys walking into the bar with the rainbow in front of
it that you can spot two gays.  Austin has this blessing or curse.  We
have a very small downtown.  So unlike Dallas with it's Harry Hines
Blvd. and Forest Lawn, Houston with its Montrose section, we have
homeless shelters, gay bars, straight bars of all sorts, martini
lounges, expresso bars and restaurants all within the area of a few
blocks.  It's always been like this.  And although our motto is Keep
Austin Weird, well, there are redneck male husters which prey upon gay
guys so once in a while we have a gay bashing.  By and large, though,
it's live and let live.   An apartment maintenance guy lives down the
street from me and when he walks and talks he sets everything on fire.
 None the less, he's just another one of the guests at neighborhood
barbeques and the like.  Tolerance is something of a religion here in
Austin, though religious tolerance isn't practiced by the born agains
who live here.  Even those people have the sense to not mouth off
about gays outside of their churches.

[FairfieldLife] PG&E makes deal for space solar power

2009-04-14 Thread I am the eternal
This sort of thing has been talked about for ages.  I thought the
drawback was that the energy beam back to earth would fry anything in
its path.

Utility to buy orbit-generated electricity from Solaren in 2016, at no risk
By Alan Boyle Science editor updated 9:41 p.m. CT, Mon.,
April 13, 2009

California's biggest energy utility announced a deal Monday to
purchase 200 megawatts of electricity from a startup company that
plans to beam the power down to Earth from outer space, beginning in

San Francisco-based Pacific Gas & Electric said it was seeking
approval from state regulators for an agreement to purchase power over
a 15-year period from Solaren Corp., an 8-year-old company based in
Manhattan Beach, Calif. The agreement was first reported in a posting
to Next100, a Weblog produced by PG&E.

Solaren would generate the power using solar panels in Earth orbit and
convert it to radio-frequency transmissions that would be beamed down
to a receiving station in Fresno, PG&E said. From there, the energy
would be converted into electricity and fed into PG&E's power grid.
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PG&E is pledging to buy the power at an agreed-upon rate, comparable
to the rate specified in other agreements for renewable-energy
purchases, company spokesman Jonathan Marshall said. Neither PG&E nor
Solaren would say what that rate was, due to the proprietary nature of
the agreement. However, Marshall emphasized that PG&E would make no
up-front investment in Solaren's venture.

"We've been very careful not to bear risk in this," Marshall told

Solaren's chief executive officer, Gary Spirnak, said the project
would be the first real-world application of space solar power, a
technology that has been talked about for decades but never turned
into reality.

"While a system of this scale and exact configuration has not been
built, the underlying technology is very mature and is based on
communications satellite technology," he said in a Q&A posted by PG&E.
A study drawn up for the Pentagon came to a similar conclusion in
2007. However, that study also said the cost of satellite-beamed power
would likely be significantly higher than market rates, at least at
By Alan Boyle
Science editor
updated 9:41 p.m. CT, Mon., April 13, 2009

Alan Boyle
Science editor
* Profile
* E-mail
California's biggest energy utility announced a deal Monday to
purchase 200 megawatts of electricity from a startup company that
plans to beam the power down to Earth from outer space, beginning in

San Francisco-based Pacific Gas & Electric said it was seeking
approval from state regulators for an agreement to purchase power over
a 15-year period from Solaren Corp., an 8-year-old company based in
Manhattan Beach, Calif. The agreement was first reported in a posting
to Next100, a Weblog produced by PG&E.

Solaren would generate the power using solar panels in Earth orbit and
convert it to radio-frequency transmissions that would be beamed down
to a receiving station in Fresno, PG&E said. From there, the energy
would be converted into electricity and fed into PG&E's power grid.
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PG&E is pledging to buy the power at an agreed-upon rate, comparable
to the rate specified in other agreements for renewable-energy
purchases, company spokesman Jonathan Marshall said. Neither PG&E nor
Solaren would say what that rate was, due to the proprietary nature of
the agreement. However, Marshall emphasized that PG&E would make no
up-front investment in Solaren's venture.

"We've been very careful not to bear risk in this," Marshall told

Solaren's chief executive officer, Gary Spirnak, said the project
would be the first real-world application of space solar power, a
technology that has been talked about for decades but never turned
into reality.

"While a system of this scale and exact configuration has not been
built, the underlying technology is very mature and is based on
communications satellite technology," he said in a Q&A posted by PG&E.
A study drawn up for the Pentagon came to a similar conclusion in
2007. However, that study also said the cost of satellite-beamed power
would likely be significantly higher than market rates, at least at
performance and cost with other sources of baseload power generation."

Solaren's director for energy services, Cal Boerman, said he was
confident his company would be able to deliver the power starting in
mid-2016, as specified in the agreement. "There are huge penalties
associated with not performing," he told He said PG&E would
be "our first client" but was not expected to be the only one.
The biggest questions surrounding the deal have to do with whether
Solaren has the wherewithal, the expertise and the regulatory support
to get a space-based solar power system up and running in seven years.
"Quite a few hurdles there 

Re: [FairfieldLife] MMY: Gay? was Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-14 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> Well maybe you've heard the research: homophobes score very strongly
> when erectile measurements are taken re: responses to homoerotic
> video. "In 1996, a controlled study of 64 heterosexual men (half
> claimed to be homophobic by experience and self-reported orientation)
> at the University of Georgia found that men who were found to be
> homophobic (as measured by the Index of Homophobia) were considerably
> more likely to experience more erectile responses when exposed to
> homoerotic images than non-homophobic men."
> Maybe the homophobia he expressed was a screen or his own
> homosexuality?

Well, we don't have to worry about such talk here in Texas.  We don't
have no homosexuals here in Texas.  Least not any live ones anyway.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-14 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
> Curtis wrote:
>> Wait a second. Kissing a man with tongue
>> IS gay behavior...
> Kissing a man 'with tongue' for a gay man simply
> means 'hello' and 'how are you doing?' Now, if
> it was a straight man doing that, then I'd worry,
> Curtis. : )

Where I come from, "swapping spit" means anything objectionable that
two guys would do together with their mouths.  And where I come from
homosexuality is anathema.   I meant to convey something beyond a mere
peck on the cheek.  I'm talking a big, slobbering kiss.  The first
time I received a kiss like that from a guy was from one of my workers
(aka "electrical men").  He was not gay, I am not gay and it was not a
gay thing.  It was a sign that I made the grade in the electrical
men's eyes.  Of course that all fell apart very quickly when I said to
one of the Copts that I really enjoyed going to church with him on
Sunday.  The guy who kissed me asked me if I was Christian.  I said of
course I'm Christian.  The whole bloody country is Christian (actually
a rough Arabic translation of that).  Suddenly all the Muslims fell on
the floor and whaled.  The next day he gave me a little statue of
Marium.  I accepted it.  Then the Copts took me to task for accepting
profane objects.  I got all of my men together and told them that we
needed peace in the Middle East and it oughta start with us.  A while
later I saw Copt and Muslim walking home hand in hand.  Well, I
accomplished something.  You see, the sidhis do work.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-14 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 3:20 PM, curtisdeltablues
> I've been to India and have Indian close friends.  Of course it is my own 
> experiences with this culture and its customs that are a part of my opinion.  
> So I draw my personal opinion for personal experiences.  So are you, we just 
> have come to different conclusions.

I've been to India a few times but have spent a lot of time in the
Middle East.  I've gotten used to walking down the street hand in hand
with another guy and swapping spit with him.  Being straight, this of
course first made me very, very uncomfortable to the extreme, but I'm
a good actor so I never let on.  This sort of show of affection is
common in many parts of the world between men and between women.  I
remember that my mother used to walk down the street hand in hand with
her friends and I suspect that her father and mother walked arm in arm
down the street in old country.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-14 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:45 AM, authfriend  wrote:
> Male-male (and female-female) bonding ("cosmic" or mundane)
> that has nothing to do with sexual attraction has been
> around as long as human beans (or at least as long as the
> Hebrew Bible--e.g., David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi).
> MMY's views on homosexuality were objectionable in the
> extreme, but to accuse him of hypocrisy on the basis of his
> relationship with Guru Dev is so idiotic as to defy comment (especially given 
> the flak about his purported
> relationships with women).
> If you've never had an intense but wholly platonic
> friendship with another man, Curtis, you've missed
> something that's part of the human experience.

Judy, just consider the source.  Only Barry would stretch a life of
devotion to one's guru as a homosexual relationship.  Only Barry would
be sick enough to grasp at every possible straw in his perpetual
attempt to denigrate TM and Maharishi.  Sane people who didn't like
their experience would, after a couple of decades of mean mouthing,
tire and find something else to be a true disbeliever of.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-14 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:45 AM, authfriend  wrote:
> Male-male (and female-female) bonding ("cosmic" or mundane)
> that has nothing to do with sexual attraction has been
> around as long as human beans

Judy, how long were human beans around?  Did they predate human
beings?  Were they edible?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 900 Pandits

2009-04-13 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Kirk  wrote:
> Both Plus. Descriptions of activities from my gay Purusha buddy was beyond
> fears.
>>> Not to be a punk or anything but how many of them
>>> do you all think fuck each other? After I quit
>>> Purusha I learned of many abhorrent goings on.
>> Abhorrent because the Purusha were supposed to be
>> celibate, or abhorrent because the goings-on were
>> homosexual?

Years ago I dated a lady TM teacher who had been on staff at MIU.  We
spoke once over veggies and tofu (yuk!) about whether or not TM would
!cure! homosexuality.  She told me that there was a significant amount
of gay men working on staff at MIU (woman seem to really pick up on
this and can't let it go, even to this day).  She also told me about
massive amounts of corruption, lots of people pocketing MIU money.
This would have been around the 1970s.   Now my understanding was that
Maharishi considered homosexuality an abomination.

[FairfieldLife] The remarkable life of Eric Hoffer, who coined the term True Believer

2009-04-13 Thread I am the eternal
Eric Hoffer lead, in my opinion, a remarkable life.  He became learned
by reading books in the library, where he went to stay out of the cold
during the Great Depression.  He spent 10 years on LA's skid row and
eventually found himself at the Embarcadero in San Francisco as a
longshoreman.  His always staying close to his roots as a working man
allowed him to see and write about things from a unique perspective.
I find Eric Hoffer a kindred spirit, as I hang out with haughty
professionals as wells as blue and green collared people with equal

A short biography of Hoffer is at

Re: [FairfieldLife] LOON WATCH: Right-wing bets against U.S. in pirate standoff

2009-04-13 Thread I am the eternal
On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:37 PM, do.rflex  wrote:
> These people are sick. And, it sure looks like they hate America these days.

I wonder what they're reaction will be when Obama, as part of a UN
police action (yeah, right) bombs the safe harbor of the pirates.

Of course they hate America.  Look, they've had their way for 20
years.  Suddenly they don't and they are scarily alone with the
possibility of a popular uprising against them as they stand in the
way of legislation.

[FairfieldLife] Used Cargo Containers Becoming Homes in US

2009-04-12 Thread I am the eternal

[FairfieldLife] Score a big one for Obama--captive freed, 3 pirates killed

2009-04-12 Thread I am the eternal

Official: US sea captain freed in swift firefight   
Apr 12 01:09 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writers

MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) - An American ship captain was freed unharmed
Sunday in a swift firefight that killed three of the four Somali
pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast
of Africa, the ship's owner said and a U.S. official said.

A senior U.S. intelligence official said a pirate who had been
involved in negotiations to free Capt. Richard Phillips but who was
not on the lifeboat was in custody.

Phillips, 53, of Underhill, Vermont, was safely transported to a Navy
warship nearby.

Maersk Line Limited President and CEO John Reinhart said in a news
release that the U.S. government informed the company around 1:30 p.m.
EDT Sunday that Phillips had been rescued. Reinhart said the company
called Phillips' wife, Andrea, to tell her the news.

The U.S. official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly
and spoke on condition of anonymity. A Pentagon spokesman had no
immediate comment.

When Phillips' crew heard the news aboard their ship in the port of
Mombasa, they placed an American flag over the rail of the top of the
Maersk Alabama and whistled and pumped their fists in the air. Crew
fired a bright red flare into the sky from the ship.

A government official and others in Somali with knowledge of the
situation had reported hours earlier that negotiations for Phillips'
release had broken down.


Jakes reported from Washington. Associated Press writers who
contributed to this report include Mohamed Olad Hassan and Mohamed
Sheikh Nor in Mogadishu, Somalia and Michelle Faul and Tom Maliti in
Nairobi, Kenya.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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