[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat from Buck!

2014-03-20 Thread salyavin808
It's that superstitious thinking that believers do MJ. If you live in a 
daydream society where everything is run by some sort of magic and then it 
turns out that the woo-woo isn't working they have to find a scapegoat, someone 
to blame - that's you. Or the guy that doesn't contribute to the yagya or 
whoever doesn't do prog in the dome. Someone has to be spoiling things if we do 
everything right and the world still isn't perfect

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Damn! Of all the experiences I might have imagined having via FFL, I never 
imagined death threats!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat from Buck!

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
I still wish these folks would address the fact that 300 pundits plus another 
200 in the Domes equals 500 doing siddhis in Fairfield which is about 5 and a 
half percent of the total population of Fairfield which according to the TMO 
SHOULD make Fairfield a utopia - yet the reality is the program doers 
themselves are rioting and tearing up a cop car. Proof positive for anyone 
looking objectively that the Marshy Effect is made up bs.

On Thu, 3/20/14, salyavin808 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat from Buck!
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 7:09 AM
   It's that superstitious thinking that believers
 do MJ. If you live in a daydream society where everything is
 run by some sort of magic and then it turns out that the
 woo-woo isn't working they have to find a scapegoat,
 someone to blame - that's you. Or the guy that
 doesn't contribute to the yagya or whoever doesn't
 do prog in the dome. Someone has to be spoiling things if we
 do everything right and the world still isn't
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@...
 wrote :
 Damn! Of all the
 experiences I might have imagined having via FFL, I never
 imagined death threats!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat from Buck!

2014-03-19 Thread Michael Jackson
So you didn't think about having me killed if you were President?

On Thu, 3/20/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat from Buck!
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 1:41 AM
   Son, your thinking is all so
 reactionary and wrong.  With better experience you'd
 change your
 thinking.  I am hopeful for you.  For as it says, 
 “Whether pure or
 impure who so ever opens themselves to the expanded vision
 unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity”.  There
 is a lot
 of truth in that.
 Best of Wishes for You,  
 -Buck in the Dome
 mjackson74 asserts:
 Damn! Of
 all the experiences I might have imagined having via FFL, I
 never imagined death threats!
 Shall I call the Jefferson County Sheriff and the Department
 of Homeland Security and tell them I have received a death
 Shall I e-mail Rick and suggest your message has crossed the
 boundaries of decency and violates the rules of FFL and you
 must be forever cast into outer darkness on FFL?
 Shall I hire a bunch of non-TM trained pundits to do a yagya
 for getting rid of enemies?
 No, I think I will point out the hilarity of a peace and
 love touting fellow who claims to be dedicated to creating
 world peace who wishes to resort to killing when someone
 disagrees with him. Jai Guru Fanaticism!
 As to your scurrilous accusations and statements, perhaps
 the Unity people who said they did TM once upon a time were
 being polite to spare your feelings by not saying
 Yeah, I did TM and found it was not for me, so I went
 on to things that actually provided me with
 I bet that not one of those individuals said to you that TM
 led them to where they are today. You are projecting and
 fantasizing about their mention of TM meaning more than it
 actually did.
 I do not methodically dissuade my friends. I
 share with them that are open enough to look at a point of
 view that is not dictated by a group that claims to be
 working for world peace, yet always seems to fall far short
 of the goal, so they need more donations to keep up the good
 I am not seeking to sink anything based in science as the
 research on TM is dubious at best and the
 research on Marshy Effect is laughable. As I
 have said many times, the governments of most Third World
 countries would mandate every citizen do TM and TM Sidhis if
 the ME was real. They do not, because it does not. Period.
 The TMO's assertions that it IS all science based is
 itself based on the incredible hubris of Mahesh Varma
 himself who was arrogant enough to think he could buffalo
 people outside the Movement. Give me a billion dollars and
 I'll create world peace? Jesus!
 Nor is my stance anti-spiritual. I take issue with people
 and organizations that misrepresent themselves, abuse and
 mistreat people and ask for everything for themselves and
 toss people aside if they don't give the organization
 what it wants. 
 I see by your charge of diabolical you seem to agree with my
 old friend in DC who claims I am in league with the demons.
 You have gone round the bend. 
 Just know that I am not closed minded. If the TMO had EVER
 proven any of its many fatuous claims, I would be living in
 Fairfield and sitting next to you in the Dome or I would be
 a Re-certified TM Governor of the Global Country of World
 Peace striving each day to create world peace. I would be
 the Global Country of World Peace Minister of Fried Chicken,
 Biscuits and Gravy, magically providing vittles for the
 world's hungry out of that bag Guru Dev once had that he
 could produce vittles from.  
 By the way, you are as full of poop as a Christmas goose to
 say that spirituality stems from being initiated into TM.
 What nonsense! It doesn't keep you from being spiritual,
 but it certainly doesn't make you spiritual. How could
 it with TM being a purely secular mental technique according
 to the Global Country of World Peace and all its
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife]
 Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa  and  Unity Village
 Kansas City
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014,   
   . ..stems from being initiated into
 MJ, you bet.  More experience of the
 transcendent as the unified field is the basis of spiritual
 and transformation, call that cultivation a transcendent
 however you want; transcending can go by different names
 but it in large nature is all the same.  These people
 glad to
 have run in to TM as it was taught and started something
 themselves then.  Now, otherwise it is something else
 wonder that
 you methodically dissuade your friends

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch

2014-01-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/23/2014 7:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 at least the cousins that are still alive
You didn't eat the cousins yet? Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Watch

2014-01-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 On 1/23/2014 7:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
  at least the cousins that are still alive

 You didn't eat the cousins yet? Go figure.

OK, now that's funny.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Watch

2014-01-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
  On 1/23/2014 7:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
   at least the cousins that are still alive
  You didn't eat the cousins yet? Go figure.

 OK, now that's funny.  :-)

Then again, maybe I've just been watching too much Justified and True
Detective. Both series are taking me back to what it was like to grow
up in the American South.

The landscapes of back-country Louisiana and Kentucky are so *familiar*
to me that part of me feels at home every time I see them. Even the
shanty town houses are familiar. And the ways that people talk to each
other, and relate...that's a real Southern thing, one that Michael
captured well in his story.

In Justified, you really can imagine Boyd Crowder chowing down on one
of his own cousins who'd betrayed him in a drug deal.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Watch

2014-01-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Thanks Barry - that is high praise coming from a writer like you. 

I have a ton of great and true stories from my mother's side of the family, but 
if I ever tried to get them published, I'd have to move to the moon - we have 
lots of cousins still living that would be highly offended if I told tales of 
their momma's and daddies - drunks and thieves become saints after death, you 

On Fri, 1/24/14, TurquoiseB turquoi...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Watch
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 24, 2014, 7:58 AM
 Excellent story, Michael, and
 beautifully told. You bring back to me so many memories of
 childhood in the South, and the strangely mannered (but
 comforting) ways that people acted there. Your descriptions
 of the people, always including who they're related to
 the way that people in the South always do, are great, as
 are your descriptions of the food. 
 Sometimes the only way we can come to terms with
 disturbing but formative experiences like this is to try to
 tell the story, as best we can. I think that's what made
 Garrison Keillor so good at what he did...he was a great
 storyteller, and you could tell that much of what he related
 on Prairie Home Companion were tales from *his*
 life, told as a way of not only sharing them with others,
 but coming to peace with them himself. 
 Very nice. Deep bow. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
  I have told some funny stories, all true, here on FFL.
 This one is not so funny, but nonetheless still true. This
 happened when I was about six years old. And it was, and
 still stands today as a strange experience. It was one of my
 first experiences of death. 
  I suppose I might have at that time experienced the
 death of a pet, but I don't remember it. So maybe I was
 unprepared for death, not having had much experience of it,
 but I had never seen nor heard of a death watch.
  My great, great Aunt Ola was dying. I don't know
 what she was dying of, but she damn sure didn't want to
 go. And all her kin people were there, watching, waiting for
 her to die. (Most everyone I knew then called her
 ain't Oler or if she wasn't their aunt,
 then they just called her Oler, rhymes with roller.)
  Ola and her husband lived near a town in North Carolina
 called Marshville. Marshville would become known as the
 birthplace of Randy Travis and parts of the Steven Spielberg
 film The Color Purple would be filmed there 35 or so years
 in the future, but all Marshville meant to me was the place
 we went to see my great grandmother, and this time to watch
 Aunt Ola die. 
  The community was not named Marshville because some
 enterprising fools had drained a swamp to build the town,
 but rather for a couple of wealthy benefactors named Marsh
 who donated a good deal of land for a community center and a
 couple churches back around the beginning of the 20th
 century. It had once been a champion area for cotton in the
 pre and post Civil war days, and still was devoted to
 agriculture here in the early 1960's. Many of my kin in
 the area were farmers of one sort or another.
  It wasn't my intention to watch Aunt Ola die, but
 like all kids have to, I had to do what my folks told me to
 do. So I found myself wandering around in a very large old A
 frame house watching all the adults behave in as strange a
 fashion as I had ever witnessed.
  This old house had been the nexus of many a happy
 gathering and many a country Sunday meal, but now it was
 serving as hospice. Aunt Ola was pretty old, and it seemed
 the entire family had gathered to watch her die.
  Ola Little, my mother's great aunt had been married
 for years to Lee Hill, but he had been dead for some years
 by the time his wife seemed destined to join him in the
 afterlife. All her kids should have been by her side,
 watching her go to her reward, but some were absent. For one
 thing, she and her daughter Velma had fallen out over the
 land upon which we were standing at that moment and over the
 house Ola was dying in.
  Daughter Gladys had taken care of her momma for some
 years at this time and was slated to receive the house and
 farm in Ola's will, which is why Gladys and Velma
 didn't get along, and the reason Velma and husband Dusty
 weren't there at the death watch. They did not in fact
 even attend the funeral.
  The other kids may have been there, but I really
 didn't know who they were. All my great aunts and Uncles
 were there. Brice and Cara-Lou (that we all pronounced
 Carry-Lou), drunkard con artist Cecil and his enabling wife
 Marge, philandering drunk L.W. and his gorgeous wife Fay,
 upright Hoyle who made a living running a tobacco vending
 route servicing the cigarette needs of the community through
 the cigarette vending machines that were ubiquitous in those

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch

2014-01-23 Thread Richard Williams
 Wonderful piece, Michael, beautifully done.

Much better than the short story he told about eating the spotted dick and
the dead baby. LoL!

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:37 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 *Wonderful piece, Michael, beautifully done.*

 I have told some funny stories, all true, here on FFL. This one is not so
 funny, but nonetheless still true. This happened when I was about six years
 old. And it was, and still stands today as a strange experience. It was one
 of my first experiences of death.

 I suppose I might have at that time experienced the death of a pet, but I
 don't remember it. So maybe I was unprepared for death, not having had much
 experience of it, but I had never seen nor heard of a death watch.

 My great, great Aunt Ola was dying. I don't know what she was dying of,
 but she damn sure didn't want to go. And all her kin people were there,
 watching, waiting for her to die. (Most everyone I knew then called her
 ain't Oler or if she wasn't their aunt, then they just called her Oler,
 rhymes with roller.)

 Ola and her husband lived near a town in North Carolina called Marshville.
 Marshville would become known as the birthplace of Randy Travis and parts
 of the Steven Spielberg film The Color Purple would be filmed there 35 or
 so years in the future, but all Marshville meant to me was the place we
 went to see my great grandmother, and this time to watch Aunt Ola die.

 The community was not named Marshville because some enterprising fools had
 drained a swamp to build the town, but rather for a couple of wealthy
 benefactors named Marsh who donated a good deal of land for a community
 center and a couple churches back around the beginning of the 20th century.
 It had once been a champion area for cotton in the pre and post Civil war
 days, and still was devoted to agriculture here in the early 1960's. Many
 of my kin in the area were farmers of one sort or another.

 It wasn't my intention to watch Aunt Ola die, but like all kids have to, I
 had to do what my folks told me to do. So I found myself wandering around
 in a very large old A frame house watching all the adults behave in as
 strange a fashion as I had ever witnessed.

 This old house had been the nexus of many a happy gathering and many a
 country Sunday meal, but now it was serving as hospice. Aunt Ola was pretty
 old, and it seemed the entire family had gathered to watch her die.

 Ola Little, my mother's great aunt had been married for years to Lee Hill,
 but he had been dead for some years by the time his wife seemed destined to
 join him in the afterlife. All her kids should have been by her side,
 watching her go to her reward, but some were absent. For one thing, she and
 her daughter Velma had fallen out over the land upon which we were standing
 at that moment and over the house Ola was dying in.

 Daughter Gladys had taken care of her momma for some years at this time
 and was slated to receive the house and farm in Ola's will, which is why
 Gladys and Velma didn't get along, and the reason Velma and husband Dusty
 weren't there at the death watch. They did not in fact even attend the

 The other kids may have been there, but I really didn't know who they
 were. All my great aunts and Uncles were there. Brice and Cara-Lou (that we
 all pronounced Carry-Lou), drunkard con artist Cecil and his enabling wife
 Marge, philandering drunk L.W. and his gorgeous wife Fay, upright Hoyle who
 made a living running a tobacco vending route servicing the cigarette needs
 of the community through the cigarette vending machines that were
 ubiquitous in those days and his wife Ruth, Farmer Buren who always wore a
 tie or bow tie and raised gigantic hogs on a nearby farm and his wife Ethel.

 I don't remember but I reckon GT and Lilly were there too, GT being Ola's
 brother and Lilly his wife. I remember them because in later days Randy
 Travis would talk in interviews about going to GT's little general store
 when he was growing up, and after he became a famous country musician, he
 would always go visit with GT and Lilly whenever he went back home to the
 Marshville area, even after GT retired and gave up the store.

 The largest room in the house, the living room, had been converted to the
 death watch area. All the furniture had been removed and chairs, many of
 them provided by the local funeral home I reckon, had been placed all the
 way around the room against the walls so folks would have a place to set as
 they watched Ola kick the bucket.

 The room had a large fireplace with mantel in the center of one wall, and
 the way it was built as you faced it, there was sort of an alcove or inset
 just to the left of the fireplace and that was the place Ola's bed had been
 put. If you were on the far wall looking towards Ola with the fireplace on
 your right, you would not be able to see her face, unless you were standing
 pretty far down the wall, you could just see her torso and legs and 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch

2014-01-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om, best FFL post of January 2014.
 Makes you think really hard about things.
 I'll get back to you about this later.
 Actually, I have to go out and help wrap a body
 at a nursing home for a departed soul now.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch

2014-01-23 Thread Michael Jackson
thank you and it is all true - good thing my kin folk don't read this forum or 
they would be pissed - at least the cousins that are still alive - esp 
L.W.'s kids - they would come after me for calling their daddy a drunk and a 
philanderer, but he was. 

On Fri, 1/24/14, authfri...@yahoo.com authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 24, 2014, 12:37 AM
   Wonderful piece, Michael, beautifully
 I have told some
 funny stories, all true, here on FFL. This one is not so
 funny, but nonetheless still true. This happened when I was
 about six years old. And it was, and still stands today as a
 strange experience. It was one of my first experiences of
 I suppose I might have at that time experienced the death of
 a pet, but I don't remember it. So maybe I was
 unprepared for death, not having had much experience of it,
 but I had never seen nor heard of a death watch.
 My great, great Aunt Ola was dying. I don't know what
 she was dying of, but she damn sure didn't want to go.
 And all her kin people were there, watching, waiting for her
 to die. (Most everyone I knew then called her
 ain't Oler or if she wasn't their aunt,
 then they just called her Oler, rhymes with roller.)
 Ola and her husband lived near a town in North Carolina
 called Marshville. Marshville would become known as the
 birthplace of Randy Travis and parts of the Steven Spielberg
 film The Color Purple would be filmed there 35 or so years
 in the future, but all Marshville meant to me was the place
 we went to see my great grandmother, and this time to watch
 Aunt Ola die. 
 The community was not named Marshville because some
 enterprising fools had drained a swamp to build the town,
 but rather for a couple of wealthy benefactors named Marsh
 who donated a good deal of land for a community center and a
 couple churches back around the beginning of the 20th
 century. It had once been a champion area for cotton in the
 pre and post Civil war days, and still was devoted to
 agriculture here in the early 1960's. Many of my kin in
 the area were farmers of one sort or another.
 It wasn't my intention to watch Aunt Ola die, but like
 all kids have to, I had to do what my folks told me to do.
 So I found myself wandering around in a very large old A
 frame house watching all the adults behave in as strange a
 fashion as I had ever witnessed.
 This old house had been the nexus of many a happy gathering
 and many a country Sunday meal, but now it was serving as
 hospice. Aunt Ola was pretty old, and it seemed the entire
 family had gathered to watch her die.
 Ola Little, my mother's great aunt had been married for
 years to Lee Hill, but he had been dead for some years by
 the time his wife seemed destined to join him in the
 afterlife. All her kids should have been by her side,
 watching her go to her reward, but some were absent. For one
 thing, she and her daughter Velma had fallen out over the
 land upon which we were standing at that moment and over the
 house Ola was dying in.
 Daughter Gladys had taken care of her momma for some years
 at this time and was slated to receive the house and farm in
 Ola's will, which is why Gladys and Velma didn't get
 along, and the reason Velma and husband Dusty weren't
 there at the death watch. They did not in fact even attend
 the funeral.
 The other kids may have been there, but I really didn't
 know who they were. All my great aunts and Uncles were
 there. Brice and Cara-Lou (that we all pronounced
 Carry-Lou), drunkard con artist Cecil and his enabling wife
 Marge, philandering drunk L.W. and his gorgeous wife Fay,
 upright Hoyle who made a living running a tobacco vending
 route servicing the cigarette needs of the community through
 the cigarette vending machines that were ubiquitous in those
 days and his wife Ruth, Farmer Buren who always wore a tie
 or bow tie and raised gigantic hogs on a nearby farm and his
 wife Ethel.
 I don't remember but I reckon GT and Lilly were there
 too, GT being Ola's brother and Lilly his wife. I
 remember them because in later days Randy Travis would talk
 in interviews about going to GT's little general store
 when he was growing up, and after he became a famous country
 musician, he would always go visit with GT and Lilly
 whenever he went back home to the Marshville area, even
 after GT retired and gave up the store.
 The largest room in the house, the living room, had been
 converted to the death watch area. All the furniture had
 been removed and chairs, many of them provided by the local
 funeral home I reckon, had been placed all the way around
 the room against the walls so folks would have a place to
 set as they watched Ola kick the bucket.
 The room had a large

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch

2014-01-23 Thread Michael Jackson

spotted dick and drowned baby are both types of English puddings

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch
 To: Richard J. Williams FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 24, 2014, 12:43 AM
 Wonderful piece, Michael, beautifully
 done.Much better than the short
 story he told about eating the spotted dick and the
 dead baby. LoL!
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014
 at 6:37 PM,  authfri...@yahoo.com
   Wonderful piece, Michael, beautifully
 I have told some funny stories, all true, here on FFL.
 This one is not so funny, but nonetheless still true. This
 happened when I was about six years old. And it was, and
 still stands today as a strange experience. It was one of my
 first experiences of death. 
 I suppose I might have at that time experienced the death of
 a pet, but I don't remember it. So maybe I was
 unprepared for death, not having had much experience of it,
 but I had never seen nor heard of a death watch.
 My great, great Aunt Ola was dying. I don't know what
 she was dying of, but she damn sure didn't want to go.
 And all her kin people were there, watching, waiting for her
 to die. (Most everyone I knew then called her
 ain't Oler or if she wasn't their aunt,
 then they just called her Oler, rhymes with roller.)
 Ola and her husband lived near a town in North Carolina
 called Marshville. Marshville would become known as the
 birthplace of Randy Travis and parts of the Steven Spielberg
 film The Color Purple would be filmed there 35 or so years
 in the future, but all Marshville meant to me was the place
 we went to see my great grandmother, and this time to watch
 Aunt Ola die. 
 The community was not named Marshville because some
 enterprising fools had drained a swamp to build the town,
 but rather for a couple of wealthy benefactors named Marsh
 who donated a good deal of land for a community center and a
 couple churches back around the beginning of the 20th
 century. It had once been a champion area for cotton in the
 pre and post Civil war days, and still was devoted to
 agriculture here in the early 1960's. Many of my kin in
 the area were farmers of one sort or another.
 It wasn't my intention to watch Aunt Ola die, but like
 all kids have to, I had to do what my folks told me to do.
 So I found myself wandering around in a very large old A
 frame house watching all the adults behave in as strange a
 fashion as I had ever witnessed.
 This old house had been the nexus of many a happy gathering
 and many a country Sunday meal, but now it was serving as
 hospice. Aunt Ola was pretty old, and it seemed the entire
 family had gathered to watch her die.
 Ola Little, my mother's great aunt had been married for
 years to Lee Hill, but he had been dead for some years by
 the time his wife seemed destined to join him in the
 afterlife. All her kids should have been by her side,
 watching her go to her reward, but some were absent. For one
 thing, she and her daughter Velma had fallen out over the
 land upon which we were standing at that moment and over the
 house Ola was dying in.
 Daughter Gladys had taken care of her momma for some years
 at this time and was slated to receive the house and farm in
 Ola's will, which is why Gladys and Velma didn't get
 along, and the reason Velma and husband Dusty weren't
 there at the death watch. They did not in fact even attend
 the funeral.
 The other kids may have been there, but I really didn't
 know who they were. All my great aunts and Uncles were
 there. Brice and Cara-Lou (that we all pronounced
 Carry-Lou), drunkard con artist Cecil and his enabling wife
 Marge, philandering drunk L.W. and his gorgeous wife Fay,
 upright Hoyle who made a living running a tobacco vending
 route servicing the cigarette needs of the community through
 the cigarette vending machines that were ubiquitous in those
 days and his wife Ruth, Farmer Buren who always wore a tie
 or bow tie and raised gigantic hogs on a nearby farm and his
 wife Ethel.
 I don't remember but I reckon GT and Lilly were there
 too, GT being Ola's brother and Lilly his wife. I
 remember them because in later days Randy Travis would talk
 in interviews about going to GT's little general store
 when he was growing up, and after he became a famous country
 musician, he would always go visit with GT and Lilly
 whenever he went back home to the Marshville area, even
 after GT retired and gave up the store.
 The largest room in the house, the living room, had been
 converted to the death watch area. All the furniture had
 been removed and chairs, many of them provided by the local
 funeral home I reckon, had been placed all the way around
 the room against the walls so folks would have a place to
 set as they watched Ola kick the bucket.
 The room had a large fireplace with mantel in the center

[FairfieldLife] RE: Death Watch

2014-01-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
You know at the time of death a lot of support to the release of departing 
souls can be given if folks are sympathetic to what is spiritually going on. 
Sounds like those folks there down south then were just ignorant or unfamiliar 
with what could be done, doing their best personally in grieving and then also 
leaving it to the family nurses up front or hoping for the clergy to do it in 
the end by custom. Certainly a lot of folks are not equipped for this 
themselves and that is understandable.   Cultural Traditions of religions are 
certainly formative in people's lives and being sympathetic to that can be 
helpful even within the particular tradition to pick out the transcendental. 
You kind of have to swing with what you have at hand. The Lord's Prayer 
probably would have been extremely helpful to that old and great auntie in her 
end. I have seen that. For other more spiritually cultivated, mantras and their 
vibrations can be good for transition and release in field effect. I had a 
relation who was extremely well educated, modern and scientific, professional 
and humanitarian in extreme ways like formulating the WIC program and getting 
it through Congress and other things in large concept pediatric health care in 
a lifetime career. In experience was with the first medical unit to come in to 
the Auschwitz camp after the infantry got there, on the radio hearing, “Hey, 
you ought to come up here and see this.. .”. After a lifetime of disciplinedc 
good and great works this person was terrorized in the very end by his more 
formative influences of early life on the Kansas prairie with larger than life 
ideological Christians, like MJ's Cross-roads Preacher and such. Unbelievable 
fear. Even this person of great science learning and great humanitarianism, The 
Lord's prayer worked real good with this relative getting him ready and 
transitioned. Remarkable really as he saw it then given the opposition of early 
years with some really extreme and nutty Christian Kansas compatriots of 
temperate Molly Hatchet. Wow for the Lord's Prayer for composing a subtle 
system at death for (christian) westerners. Jai Guru Devs, -Buck, meditating 
not uncommonly in the Death Watch Room   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Om, best FFL post of January 2014.
 Makes you think really hard about things.
 I'll get back to you about this later.
 Actually, I have to go out and help wrap a body
 at a nursing home for a departed soul now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Watch

2014-01-23 Thread TurquoiseB
Excellent story, Michael, and beautifully told. You bring back to me so
many memories of childhood in the South, and the strangely mannered (but
comforting) ways that people acted there. Your descriptions of the
people, always including who they're related to the way that people in
the South always do, are great, as are your descriptions of the food.

Sometimes the only way we can come to terms with disturbing but
formative experiences like this is to try to tell the story, as best we
can. I think that's what made Garrison Keillor so good at what he
did...he was a great storyteller, and you could tell that much of what
he related on Prairie Home Companion were tales from *his* life, told
as a way of not only sharing them with others, but coming to peace with
them himself.

Very nice. Deep bow.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 I have told some funny stories, all true, here on FFL. This one is not
so funny, but nonetheless still true. This happened when I was about six
years old. And it was, and still stands today as a strange experience.
It was one of my first experiences of death.

 I suppose I might have at that time experienced the death of a pet,
but I don't remember it. So maybe I was unprepared for death, not having
had much experience of it, but I had never seen nor heard of a death

 My great, great Aunt Ola was dying. I don't know what she was dying
of, but she damn sure didn't want to go. And all her kin people were
there, watching, waiting for her to die. (Most everyone I knew then
called her ain't Oler or if she wasn't their aunt, then they just
called her Oler, rhymes with roller.)

 Ola and her husband lived near a town in North Carolina called
Marshville. Marshville would become known as the birthplace of Randy
Travis and parts of the Steven Spielberg film The Color Purple would be
filmed there 35 or so years in the future, but all Marshville meant to
me was the place we went to see my great grandmother, and this time to
watch Aunt Ola die.

 The community was not named Marshville because some enterprising fools
had drained a swamp to build the town, but rather for a couple of
wealthy benefactors named Marsh who donated a good deal of land for a
community center and a couple churches back around the beginning of the
20th century. It had once been a champion area for cotton in the pre and
post Civil war days, and still was devoted to agriculture here in the
early 1960's. Many of my kin in the area were farmers of one sort or

 It wasn't my intention to watch Aunt Ola die, but like all kids have
to, I had to do what my folks told me to do. So I found myself wandering
around in a very large old A frame house watching all the adults behave
in as strange a fashion as I had ever witnessed.

 This old house had been the nexus of many a happy gathering and many a
country Sunday meal, but now it was serving as hospice. Aunt Ola was
pretty old, and it seemed the entire family had gathered to watch her

 Ola Little, my mother's great aunt had been married for years to Lee
Hill, but he had been dead for some years by the time his wife seemed
destined to join him in the afterlife. All her kids should have been by
her side, watching her go to her reward, but some were absent. For one
thing, she and her daughter Velma had fallen out over the land upon
which we were standing at that moment and over the house Ola was dying

 Daughter Gladys had taken care of her momma for some years at this
time and was slated to receive the house and farm in Ola's will, which
is why Gladys and Velma didn't get along, and the reason Velma and
husband Dusty weren't there at the death watch. They did not in fact
even attend the funeral.

 The other kids may have been there, but I really didn't know who they
were. All my great aunts and Uncles were there. Brice and Cara-Lou (that
we all pronounced Carry-Lou), drunkard con artist Cecil and his enabling
wife Marge, philandering drunk L.W. and his gorgeous wife Fay, upright
Hoyle who made a living running a tobacco vending route servicing the
cigarette needs of the community through the cigarette vending machines
that were ubiquitous in those days and his wife Ruth, Farmer Buren who
always wore a tie or bow tie and raised gigantic hogs on a nearby farm
and his wife Ethel.

 I don't remember but I reckon GT and Lilly were there too, GT being
Ola's brother and Lilly his wife. I remember them because in later days
Randy Travis would talk in interviews about going to GT's little general
store when he was growing up, and after he became a famous country
musician, he would always go visit with GT and Lilly whenever he went
back home to the Marshville area, even after GT retired and gave up the

 The largest room in the house, the living room, had been converted to
the death watch area. All the furniture had been removed and chairs,
many of them provided by the local funeral home I reckon, had been
placed all the way around 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death

2013-04-20 Thread Buck

 Certain indeed is death for the born
 and certain is birth for the dead;
 therefore over the inevitable
 you should not grieve. 
  One sees him as a wonder, another
   likewise speaks of him as a wonder,
  and as a wonder another hears of him.
  Yet even on (seeing, speaking and hearing) some do not understand him.

Creatures are unmanifest in the beginning,
manifest in the middle state, and unmanifest
again at the end. What grief is there in this?

New lambs this morning.

   Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry 
   Nablusoss, it's a hillbilly from the mountains of western 
   Massachusetts.  The alto singer is fabulous. -Buck 

   And am I born to die?
   To lay this body down!
   And must my trembling spirit fly
   Into a world unknown?

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is 
it can take some spiritual discipline to get there from 
here, as in a life well lived.

From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed 
from [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts 
and have realized the Unified Field, find eternal 
freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 
  Having left external contacts outside; 
  with the vision within the eyebrows; 
  having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
  breaths that flow through the nostrils,
  The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are 
  dispelled, who are self-controlled and take delight in 
  doing good to all creatures, attain eternal freedom in 
  divine consciousness.
 What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you 
 been doing with your life? 

Sage advice,

The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
from whom desire, fear and anger have
departed, is indeed for ever free.

   There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition 
   about this Unified Field thing on earth as it is in 
   In the Unified Field-
   Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
   'Tis pleasure to my ears;
   A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
   A cordial for our fears.
   Buried in sorrow and in sin
   At hell's dark door we lay;
   But we arise by grace divine
   To see a heav'nly day.
   Salvation! Let the echo fly
   The spacious earth around;
   While all the armies of the sky
   Conspire to raise the sound.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
  awoelflebater@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
awoelflebater@ wrote:

 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. 
 So far so good. Emily, you might want to pick 
 this one up. I'll let you know when I get 
 this finished Michael.

Yes, demographically very topical.
There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get 
out of here recently in Fairfield.  It seems 
there is a memorial every other day to go to.

Life goes on for the living,
   And if you read these books it appears, also, for 
   the dead (but not gone).
-Buck in the Dome
  When the mind, through the practice of 
  transcendental meditation, rises to the state of 
  cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes 
  permanently established in the nature of the mind, 
  and it attains the state of Unified Field, the 
  universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds 
  itself on a level of life from which all the gross 
  and subtle levels of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death

2013-04-16 Thread Buck

Certain indeed is death for the born
and certain is birth for the dead;
therefore over the inevitable
you should not grieve. 

 One sees him as a wonder, another
  likewise speaks of him as a wonder,
 and as a wonder another hears of him.
 Yet even on (seeing, speaking and hearing) some do not understand him.
  Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry 
  Nablusoss, it's a hillbilly from the mountains of western 
  Massachusetts.  The alto singer is fabulous. -Buck 
  And am I born to die?
  To lay this body down!
  And must my trembling spirit fly
  Into a world unknown?

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it 
   can take some spiritual discipline to get there from 
   here, as in a life well lived.
   From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
   [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and 
   have realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in 
   divine consciousness everywhere. 
 Having left external contacts outside; 
 with the vision within the eyebrows; 
 having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
 breaths that flow through the nostrils,
 The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are 
 dispelled, who are self-controlled and take delight in doing 
 good to all creatures, attain eternal freedom in divine 

What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you 
been doing with your life? 
   Sage advice,
   The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
   are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
   from whom desire, fear and anger have
   departed, is indeed for ever free.
  There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about 
  this Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
  In the Unified Field-
  Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
  'Tis pleasure to my ears;
  A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
  A cordial for our fears.
  Buried in sorrow and in sin
  At hell's dark door we lay;
  But we arise by grace divine
  To see a heav'nly day.
  Salvation! Let the echo fly
  The spacious earth around;
  While all the armies of the sky
  Conspire to raise the sound.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
 awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
   awoelflebater@ wrote:
I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So 
far so good. Emily, you might want to pick this 
one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
finished Michael.
   Yes, demographically very topical.
   There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get 
   out of here recently in Fairfield.  It seems 
   there is a memorial every other day to go to.
   Life goes on for the living,
  And if you read these books it appears, also, for 
  the dead (but not gone).
   -Buck in the Dome
 When the mind, through the practice of 
 transcendental meditation, rises to the state of 
 cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes 
 permanently established in the nature of the mind, 
 and it attains the state of Unified Field, the 
 universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself 
 on a level of life from which all the gross and 
 subtle levels of creation can be stimulated, 
 controlled and commanded.

It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus 
radio station to listen to.  I came out of the Dome 
meditation this morning and there was this above 
discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death

2013-04-15 Thread Buck
The 'gods' mentioned here are the deities presiding over the innumerable laws 
of nature, which are present everywhere throughout relative life.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 Dear Friends, this is serious indeed;
 Death was someone's subject line, never a threat here.  
 May you all live long in a spiritual prosperity  
 of the grace in the Unified Field.  Thus it is that I meditate and pray here 
 for all,
 -Buck in the Dome 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  Pretty good MJ. Pretty good.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must 
   be spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains 
   everything!! Thanks Alex!
From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

   Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!

 From: Buck 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, 
it's a hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto 
singer is fabulous. -Buck 


And am I born to die?
To lay this body down!
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can 
 take some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in 
 a life well lived.
 From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
 [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have 
 realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine 
 consciousness everywhere. 

   Having left external contacts outside; 
   with the vision within the eyebrows; 
   having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
   breaths that flow through the nostrils,
   The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, 
   who are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all 
   creatures, attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
  What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been 
  doing with your life? 
 Sage advice,
 The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
 are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
 from whom desire, fear and anger have
 departed, is indeed for ever free.

There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about 
this Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:

In the Unified Field-

Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
'Tis pleasure to my ears;
A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.

Buried in sorrow and in sin
At hell's dark door we lay;
But we arise by grace divine
To see a heav'nly day.

Salvation! Let the echo fly
The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
   awoelflebater@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
 awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far 
  so good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. 
  I'll let you know when I get this finished Michael.
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out 
 of here recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a 
 memorial every other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,

And if you read these books it appears, also, for the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

Alex Stanley:
 I can understand him not understanding the joke...

It looks like someone changed the subject from 'For 
MJ' to 'Death for MJ', which the casual reader would 
probably take to mean 'Paul is dead'? 

  LOL - you didn't get Alex's joke - Ever heard of 
  Michael Jackson and how he died?
   I had never heard of propofol - after looking it 
   up, I realize they must be spraying as an invisible 
   mist in the Domes - that explains everything!!
Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes 
me nervous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-15 Thread Buck
Dear Share;  

I feel it is a bit of needlessly divisive sexism in these modern and progressed 
times to think that caffeinated coffee and teas served before morning 
meditation in the Domes would not be equally useful for the meditation over in 
the women's Dome.  With a Kind Regard for Equality in the Unified Field, -Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 dear Buck and MJ, perhaps we can begin these experiments with coffee and 
 propofol in the men's Dome?  Stronger physiologies and all that.  Plus 
 Bagabhrini is known for the delicacy of its inhabitants.  Think Princess and 
 the Pea.  OTOH think Princess as Spiritual Warrior.  But even us spiritual 
 warriors like our creature comforts.  Thank you both for understanding.
 Share in Bagambhrini
  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:09 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not seeing 
  her walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning and evening 
  til Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day we're not.  
  Definitely a wake up call.  Carpe diem.  
 Dear Share, Yep, carp diem baby; 
 Normally meditating in the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is a fabulous field 
 effect for activating the subtle spiritual structures of the neurophysiology. 
  I was sitting in the Unified Field there this morning having a nice 
 effective and activated transcending meditation but also noticing that the 
 nature of the Field effect phase transitioning there was not so strong this 
 morning in luster and actually the field effect was in fact quite generally 
 dull.  When I finished my meditation and stood up to leave and go out to 
 finish chores out on the farm I turned around there and found a whole bunch 
 of people laying slouched back in their seats nicely snoozing. Jeeezuus 
 X-mas, no wonder.  This seems to be a problem again coming back as of late.  
 Poor discipline once again creeping in.  Really the Dome overseers would do a 
 lot to improve the group meditation for everyone if they'ed serve Lipton 
 [caffeinated] tea or coffee generally for people as folks would
  arrive and come in to the morning meditation.  That one thing would make for 
 a huge improvement in world consciousness.
   From: Buck 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
   might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
   finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
  Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
  -Buck in the Dome

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-15 Thread Share Long
Good point, Buck.  However, I was joking.  Maybe you are too (-:

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 10:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

Dear Share; 

I feel it is a bit of needlessly divisive sexism in these modern and progressed 
times to think that caffeinated coffee and teas served before morning 
meditation in the Domes would not be equally useful for the meditation over in 
the women's Dome.  With a Kind Regard for Equality in the Unified Field, -Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 dear Buck and MJ, perhaps we can begin these experiments with coffee and 
 propofol in the men's Dome?  Stronger physiologies and all that.  Plus 
 Bagabhrini is known for the delicacy of its inhabitants.  Think Princess and 
 the Pea.  OTOH think Princess as Spiritual Warrior.  But even us spiritual 
 warriors like our creature comforts.  Thank you both for understanding.
 Share in Bagambhrini
  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:09 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not seeing 
  her walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning and evening 
  til Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day we're not.  
  Definitely a wake up call.  Carpe diem.  
 Dear Share, Yep, carp diem baby; 
 Normally meditating in the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is a fabulous field 
 effect for activating the subtle spiritual structures of the neurophysiology. 
  I was sitting in the Unified Field there this morning having a nice 
 effective and activated transcending meditation but also noticing that the 
 nature of the Field effect phase transitioning there was not so strong this 
 morning in luster and actually the field effect was in fact quite generally 
 dull.  When I finished my meditation and stood up to leave and go out to 
 finish chores out on the farm I turned around there and found a whole bunch 
 of people laying slouched back in their seats nicely snoozing. Jeeezuus 
 X-mas, no wonder.  This seems to be a problem again coming back as of late.  
 Poor discipline once again creeping in.  Really the Dome overseers would do a 
 lot to improve the group meditation for everyone if they'ed serve Lipton 
 [caffeinated] tea or coffee generally for people as folks would
  arrive and come in to the morning meditation.  That one thing would make for 
 a huge improvement in world consciousness.
   From: Buck 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
   might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
   finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
  Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
  -Buck in the Dome


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-15 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Good point, Buck.  However, I was joking.  Maybe you are too (-:

Like seeriously, most meditators here are old supporters of equal rights.  It 
is probably fair and would seem true just by looking at the last election 
results to say most meditators here would likely be old supporters of equal 
  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 10:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 Dear Share; 
 I feel it is a bit of needlessly divisive sexism in these modern and 
 progressed times to think that caffeinated coffee and teas served before 
 morning meditation in the Domes would not be equally useful for the 
 meditation over in the women's Dome.  With a Kind Regard for Equality in the 
 Unified Field, -Buck
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  dear Buck and MJ, perhaps we can begin these experiments with coffee and 
  propofol in the men's Dome?  Stronger physiologies and all that.  
  Plus Bagabhrini is known for the delicacy of its inhabitants.  Think 
  Princess and the Pea.  OTOH think Princess as Spiritual Warrior.  But 
  even us spiritual warriors like our creature comforts.  Thank you both 
  for understanding.
  Share in Bagambhrini
   From: Buck 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:09 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not 
   seeing her walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning 
   and evening til Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day 
   we're not.  Definitely a wake up call.  Carpe 
  Dear Share, Yep, carp diem baby; 
  Normally meditating in the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is a fabulous 
  field effect for activating the subtle spiritual structures of the 
  neurophysiology.  I was sitting in the Unified Field there this morning 
  having a nice effective and activated transcending meditation but also 
  noticing that the nature of the Field effect phase transitioning there was 
  not so strong this morning in luster and actually the field effect was in 
  fact quite generally dull.  When I finished my meditation and stood up to 
  leave and go out to finish chores out on the farm I turned around there and 
  found a whole bunch of people laying slouched back in their seats nicely 
  snoozing. Jeeezuus X-mas, no wonder.  This seems to be a problem again 
  coming back as of late.  Poor discipline once again creeping in.  Really 
  the Dome overseers would do a lot to improve the group meditation for 
  everyone if they'ed serve Lipton [caffeinated] tea or coffee generally for 
  people as folks would
   arrive and come in to the morning meditation.  That one thing would make 
  for a huge improvement in world consciousness.
From: Buck 
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
finished Michael.
   Yes, demographically very topical.
   There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
   Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
   Life goes on for the living,
   -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death

2013-04-15 Thread Buck
One sees him as a wonder, another
 likewise speaks of him as a wonder,
and as a wonder another hears of him.
Yet even on (seeing, speaking and hearing) some do not understand him.

 Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry 
 Nablusoss, it's a hillbilly from the mountains of western 
 Massachusetts.  The alto singer is fabulous. -Buck 
 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it 
  can take some spiritual discipline to get there from here, 
  as in a life well lived.
  From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
  [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have 
  realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine 
  consciousness everywhere. 

Having left external contacts outside; 
with the vision within the eyebrows; 
having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
breaths that flow through the nostrils,

The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are 
dispelled, who are self-controlled and take delight in doing 
good to all creatures, attain eternal freedom in divine 
   What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been 
   doing with your life? 
  Sage advice,
  The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
  are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
  from whom desire, fear and anger have
  departed, is indeed for ever free.
 There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about 
 this Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
 In the Unified Field-
 Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
 'Tis pleasure to my ears;
 A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
 A cordial for our fears.
 Buried in sorrow and in sin
 At hell's dark door we lay;
 But we arise by grace divine
 To see a heav'nly day.
 Salvation! Let the echo fly
 The spacious earth around;
 While all the armies of the sky
 Conspire to raise the sound.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
awoelflebater@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
  awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So 
   far so good. Emily, you might want to pick this 
   one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
   finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out 
  of here recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a 
  memorial every other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the 
 dead (but not gone).
  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, 
absolute Field becomes permanently established in the 
nature of the mind, and it attains the state of Unified 
Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind 
finds itself on a level of life from which all the 
gross and subtle levels of creation can be stimulated, 
controlled and commanded.
   It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus 
   radio station to listen to.  I came out of the Dome 
   meditation this morning and there was this above 
   discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my 
   farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home 
   and out standing in his Field



[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-15 Thread Buck

Now if you do not engage in this battle [life] which is in accord with dharma
then casting away your own dharma and good fame you will incur sin. 

Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.
 From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], who 
 have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified Field, find 
 eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, 
  you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get 
  this finished Michael.
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently 
 in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,

And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not 

 -Buck in the Dome

   When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, rises 
   to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes permanently 
   established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the state of 
   Unified Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself 
   on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of creation 
   can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
  It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to 
  listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there was 
  this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my farm 
  sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out standing in his 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-15 Thread Buck

Of course for our purposes here as we've said and agreed before, 'Sin' is that 
through which a person strays from the path of evolution.
It results in suffering.  Something like, going to bed late.
Casting away of course means falling out of the path of spiritual evolution.  
Like, quitting meditation.  

 Now if you do not engage in this battle [life] which is in accord with dharma
 then casting away your own dharma and good fame you will incur sin. 
 Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
 spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.
  From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], who 
  have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified Field, find 
  eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. 
   Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when 
   I get this finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
  recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other 
  day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not 
  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, 
rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes 
permanently established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the 
state of Unified Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind 
finds itself on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle 
levels of creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
   It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to 
   listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there was 
   this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my farm 
   sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out standing in 
   his Field

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Michael Jackson
I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must be 
spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains everything!! Thanks 

 From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!
  From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, it's a 
 hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto singer is 
 fabulous. -Buck 
 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take 
  some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well 
  From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
  [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have 
  realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine 
  consciousness everywhere. 

Having left external contacts outside; 
with the vision within the eyebrows; 
having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
breaths that flow through the nostrils,

The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who 
are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, 
attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
   What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing 
   with your life? 
  Sage advice,
  The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
  are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
  from whom desire, fear and anger have
  departed, is indeed for ever free.
 There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this 
 Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
 In the Unified Field-
 Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
 'Tis pleasure to my ears;
 A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
 A cordial for our fears.
 Buried in sorrow and in sin
 At hell's dark door we lay;
 But we arise by grace divine
 To see a heav'nly day.
 Salvation! Let the echo fly
 The spacious earth around;
 While all the armies of the sky
 Conspire to raise the sound.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
  awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so 
   good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let 
   you know when I get this finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
  recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every 
  other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead 
 (but not gone).
  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, 
absolute Field becomes permanently established in the nature of 
the mind, and it attains the state of Unified Field, the 
universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a 
level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of 
creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
   It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio 
   station to listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this 
   morning and there was this above discussion from the Gita on the 
   truck radio as me and my farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  
   -Buck, at home and out standing in his Field



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Share Long
dear Buck and MJ, perhaps we can begin these experiments with coffee and 
propofol in the men's Dome?  Stronger physiologies and all that.  Plus 
Bagabhrini is known for the delicacy of its inhabitants.  Think Princess and 
the Pea.  OTOH think Princess as Spiritual Warrior.  But even us spiritual 
warriors like our creature comforts.  Thank you both for understanding.
Share in Bagambhrini

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not seeing 
 her walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning and evening 
 til Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day we're not.  Definitely a 
 wake up call.  Carpe diem.  

Dear Share, Yep, carp diem baby; 
Normally meditating in the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is a fabulous field 
effect for activating the subtle spiritual structures of the neurophysiology.  
I was sitting in the Unified Field there this morning having a nice effective 
and activated transcending meditation but also noticing that the nature of the 
Field effect phase transitioning there was not so strong this morning in luster 
and actually the field effect was in fact quite generally dull.  When I 
finished my meditation and stood up to leave and go out to finish chores out on 
the farm I turned around there and found a whole bunch of people laying 
slouched back in their seats nicely snoozing. Jeeezuus X-mas, no wonder.  This 
seems to be a problem again coming back as of late.  Poor discipline once again 
creeping in.  Really the Dome overseers would do a lot to improve the group 
meditation for everyone if they'ed serve Lipton [caffeinated] tea or coffee 
generally for people as folks would
 arrive and come in to the morning meditation.  That one thing would make for a 
huge improvement in world consciousness.

  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
  might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished 
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
 Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,
 -Buck in the Dome


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Ravi Chivukula
LOL - you didn't get Alex's joke - Ever heard of Michael Jackson and how he

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.comwrote:


 I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must
 be spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains everything!!
 Thanks Alex!

  *From:* Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
 *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

 Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@...
  Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!
  From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  Really nice hymn on the general subject. Though very Sorry Nablusoss,
 it's a hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts. The alto
 singer is fabulous. -Buck
  And am I born to die?
  To lay this body down!
  And must my trembling spirit fly
  Into a world unknown?

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing. The fact is it can
 take some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well
   From the Gita somewhere: Disciplined people, freed from
 [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the
 Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere.

 Having left external contacts outside;
 with the vision within the eyebrows;
 having balanced the ingoing and outgoing
 breaths that flow through the nostrils,

 The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled,
 who are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures,
 attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.

What? You're not a seer? What [in hell] on earth have you been doing
 with your life?
   Sage advice,
   The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
   are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
   from whom desire, fear and anger have
   departed, is indeed for ever free.
  There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this
 Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
  In the Unified Field-
  Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
  'Tis pleasure to my ears;
  A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
  A cordial for our fears.
  Buried in sorrow and in sin
  At hell's dark door we lay;
  But we arise by grace divine
  To see a heav'nly day.
  Salvation! Let the echo fly
  The spacious earth around;
  While all the armies of the sky
  Conspire to raise the sound.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann
 awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann
 awoelflebater@ wrote:
I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far
 so good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when
 I get this finished Michael.
   Yes, demographically very topical.
   There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of
 here recently in Fairfield. It seems there is a memorial every other day to
 go to.
   Life goes on for the living,
  And if you read these books it appears, also, for the
 dead (but not gone).
   -Buck in the Dome

 When the mind, through the practice of transcendental
 meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field
 becomes permanently established in the nature of the mind, and it attains
 the state of Unified Field, the universal state of Being. Then the mind
 finds itself on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels
 of creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.

It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio
 station to listen to. I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and
 there was this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and
 my farm sheep dog drove along. It's true. -Buck, at home and out standing
 in his Field



[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Alex Stanley
I can understand him not understanding the joke. Having spent most of his life 
being one of the other Michael Jacksons, it's understandable that he might have 
been less than interested in all the sordid details about the life and death of 
the real Michael Jackson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 LOL - you didn't get Alex's joke - Ever heard of Michael Jackson and how he
 On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@...wrote:
  I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must
  be spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains everything!!
  Thanks Alex!
   *From:* Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@...
  *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
  *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Michael Jackson
You and Ravi are correct - it did go over my head - but I still think they are 
misting it into the Domes - I am going to start a new conspiracy theory cult 
based on my supposition 

 From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:40 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

I can understand him not understanding the joke. Having spent most of his life 
being one of the other Michael Jacksons, it's understandable that he might have 
been less than interested in all the sordid details about the life and death of 
the real Michael Jackson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 LOL - you didn't get Alex's joke - Ever heard of Michael Jackson and how he
 On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@...wrote:
  I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must
  be spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains everything!!
  Thanks Alex!
   *From:* Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@...
  *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
  *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread seventhray27
Pretty good MJ. Pretty good.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must be 
 spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains everything!! 
 Thanks Alex!
  From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!
   From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, it's 
  a hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto singer 
  is fabulous. -Buck 
  And am I born to die?
  To lay this body down!
  And must my trembling spirit fly
  Into a world unknown?

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take 
   some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life 
   well lived.
   From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
   [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have 
   realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine 
   consciousness everywhere. 
 Having left external contacts outside; 
 with the vision within the eyebrows; 
 having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
 breaths that flow through the nostrils,
 The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who 
 are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, 
 attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.

What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing 
with your life? 
   Sage advice,
   The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
   are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
   from whom desire, fear and anger have
   departed, is indeed for ever free.
  There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this 
  Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
  In the Unified Field-
  Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
  'Tis pleasure to my ears;
  A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
  A cordial for our fears.
  Buried in sorrow and in sin
  At hell's dark door we lay;
  But we arise by grace divine
  To see a heav'nly day.
  Salvation! Let the echo fly
  The spacious earth around;
  While all the armies of the sky
  Conspire to raise the sound.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
   awoelflebater@ wrote:
I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so 
good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll 
let you know when I get this finished Michael.
   Yes, demographically very topical.
   There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of 
   here recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial 
   every other day to go to.
   Life goes on for the living,
  And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead 
  (but not gone).
   -Buck in the Dome
 When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
 meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, 
 absolute Field becomes permanently established in the nature 
 of the mind, and it attains the state of Unified Field, the 
 universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a 
 level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of 
 creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.

It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio 
station to listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this 
morning and there was this above discussion from the Gita on 
the truck radio as me

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death

2013-04-14 Thread Buck
Dear Friends, this is serious indeed;
Death was someone's subject line, never a threat here.  
May you all live long in a spiritual prosperity  
of the grace in the Unified Field.  Thus it is that I meditate and pray here 
for all,
-Buck in the Dome 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Pretty good MJ. Pretty good.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I had never heard of propofol - after looking it up, I realize they must be 
  spraying as an invisible mist in the Domes - that explains everything!! 
  Thanks Alex!
   From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:46 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
  Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!
From: Buck 
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
   Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, 
   it's a hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto 
   singer is fabulous. -Buck 
   And am I born to die?
   To lay this body down!
   And must my trembling spirit fly
   Into a world unknown?

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can 
take some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a 
life well lived.

From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
[attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have 
realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine 
consciousness everywhere. 
  Having left external contacts outside; 
  with the vision within the eyebrows; 
  having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
  breaths that flow through the nostrils,
  The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, 
  who are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all 
  creatures, attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
 What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been 
 doing with your life? 

Sage advice,

The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
from whom desire, fear and anger have
departed, is indeed for ever free.

   There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this 
   Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
   In the Unified Field-
   Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
   'Tis pleasure to my ears;
   A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
   A cordial for our fears.
   Buried in sorrow and in sin
   At hell's dark door we lay;
   But we arise by grace divine
   To see a heav'nly day.
   Salvation! Let the echo fly
   The spacious earth around;
   While all the armies of the sky
   Conspire to raise the sound.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
  awoelflebater@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
awoelflebater@ wrote:

 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so 
 good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll 
 let you know when I get this finished Michael.

Yes, demographically very topical.
There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of 
here recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a 
memorial every other day to go to.

Life goes on for the living,
   And if you read these books it appears, also, for the 
   dead (but not gone).
-Buck in the Dome
  When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
  meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, 
  absolute Field becomes permanently established in the 
  nature of the mind, and it attains the state of Unified

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 You and Ravi are correct - it did go over my head - but I still think they 
 are misting it into the Domes - I am going to start a new conspiracy theory 
 cult based on my supposition.

Ah, the Propofolians, a strange race of bipedal beings from another world. They 
build large golden breast-like structures into which they herd us humans, 
misting us into a memetic stupor so that we may perform labour for them at 
sub-minimum wage. Better not tell Nabby about this. Those structures have the 
same shape as the crop circles they have hidden under them. After all the main 
Propofolian base is in sweet Iowa farmland.

Propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) is one of the main medical drugs used to put 
you under for surgical and other procedures. Kind of like a meditation 
black-out, though the transition is usually very smooth. Too much can result in 
accidental death. In one case it was apparently used for murder - a hospital 
worker used it on a girl he was interested in but who ignored him except she 
let him give her some because he said it would help her migraine headaches. His 
problem was the hospital dispenser kiosk required his access code, and the 
bottles also had serial numbers, and were found in the trash outside her 

'In trained hands, propofol offers many advantages over other drugs used for 
sedation because it has a rapid onset (about 40 seconds) and a short duration 
of action and allows patients to wake up, recover, and return to baseline 
activities and diet sooner than some other sedation agents, reduces the need 
for opioids, thus resulting in less nausea and vomiting.'

'Recreational' use might result in mild euphoria, hallucinations, and 
disinhibition, but its use is very tricky, a little too much and you die.

Propofol is an emulsion containing 2,6-diisopropylphenol, egg phosolipids, 
soybean oil, glycerol, benzyl alcohol and it is administered by injection. Any 
of you coming out of the domes have little unexplained marks on your body? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  You and Ravi are correct - it did go over my head - but I still
  think they are misting it into the Domes - I am going to start a
  new conspiracy theory cult based on my supposition.
 Ah, the Propofolians, a strange race of bipedal beings from another
 world. They build large golden breast-like structures into which
 they herd us humans, misting us into a memetic stupor so that we
 may perform labour for them at sub-minimum wage. Better not tell
 Nabby about this. Those structures have the same shape as the crop
 circles they have hidden under them. After all the main Propofolian
 base is in sweet Iowa farmland.

Perhaps, the Propofolians can explain how René Descartes ended up being 
Hitler's valentine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 
 Perhaps, the Propofolians can explain how René Descartes
 ended up being Hitler's valentine.

LOL. Post of the Month.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you might 
 want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished Michael.

Yes, demographically very topical.
There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.

Life goes on for the living,
-Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
  might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished 
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
 Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,

And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not gone).

 -Buck in the Dome

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Share Long
Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not seeing her 
walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning and evening til 
Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day we're not.  Definitely a wake up 
call.  Carpe diem.  

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you might 
 want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished Michael.

Yes, demographically very topical.
There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.

Life goes on for the living,
-Buck in the Dome


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
   might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
   finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
  Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not gone).
  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, rises to the 
state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes permanently established 
in the nature of the mind, and it attains the state of Unified Field, the 
universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a level of life from 
which all the gross and subtle levels of creation can be stimulated, controlled 
and commanded.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
finished Michael.
   Yes, demographically very topical.
   There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
   Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
   Life goes on for the living,
  And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not gone).
   -Buck in the Dome
 When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, rises to 
 the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes permanently 
 established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the state of Unified 
 Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a level 
 of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of creation can be 
 stimulated, controlled and commanded.

It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to listen 
to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there was this above 
discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my farm sheep dog drove 
along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out standing in his Field 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck
Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.

From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], who 
have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified Field, find 
eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, 
 you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this 
 finished Michael.

Yes, demographically very topical.
There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.

Life goes on for the living,
   And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not gone).
-Buck in the Dome
  When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, rises to 
  the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes permanently 
  established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the state of Unified 
  Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a level 
  of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of creation can be 
  stimulated, controlled and commanded.
 It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to listen 
 to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there was this above 
 discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my farm sheep dog drove 
 along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out standing in his Field

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
 spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.
 From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], who 
 have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified Field, find 
 eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 

There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this Unified Field 
thing on earth as it is in heaven:

In the Unified Field-

Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
'Tis pleasure to my ears;
A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.

Buried in sorrow and in sin
At hell's dark door we lay;
But we arise by grace divine
To see a heav'nly day.

Salvation! Let the echo fly
The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, 
  you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get 
  this finished Michael.
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently 
 in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,

And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not 

 -Buck in the Dome

   When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, rises 
   to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes permanently 
   established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the state of 
   Unified Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself 
   on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of creation 
   can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
  It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to 
  listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there was 
  this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my farm 
  sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out standing in his 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/13/2013 04:56 AM, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you might 
 want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished Michael.

 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
 Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.

 Life goes on for the living,
 -Buck in the Dome

Two things: of course many of us are getting old.  We aren't spring 
chickens anymore, we're the elderly though we ain't our grandmother's 
style of elderly which is another thing that American marketing seems 
to have trouble with: Rock 'n Roll senior citizens.

And two, IMHO I don't think we're going to live as long as we thought or 
was projected.   I think our lives might have been a little shortened by 
the poor quality food and trends we grew up with as kids.  I look at the 
small kitchen in this house and wonder why they built them like that in 
1960s and think nobody cooked, they ate TV dinners and pizzas because 
those were the rage at the time. And I recall the wincing reaction by 
many when MMY said eat what your mother puts before you because many 
had mother who were terrible cooks.  By the time many of us switched to 
more healthful eating habits the damage had been done.  Our parents and 
older siblings had to live through the Great Depression which might have 
toughened them enough to live longer.  And then some got a Mercedes body 
while many of us got a Chevy and maybe even some a Yugo.  It takes a lot 
of work to keep the maintenance up.

But one thing you should at least be taking away from TM is any fear of 
death.  You practice for that every night when you go to sleep. The only 
thing we can best do is hope we don't have a painful or prolonged death.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 04/13/2013 04:56 AM, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
  might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished 
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
  Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
  -Buck in the Dome
 Two things: of course many of us are getting old.  We aren't spring 
 chickens anymore, we're the elderly though we ain't our grandmother's 
 style of elderly which is another thing that American marketing seems 
 to have trouble with: Rock 'n Roll senior citizens.
 And two, IMHO I don't think we're going to live as long as we thought or 
 was projected.   snip
 But one thing you should at least be taking away from TM is any fear of 
 death.  You practice for that every night when you go to sleep. The only 
 thing we can best do is hope we don't have a painful or prolonged death.


Death, like an overflowing stream,
Sweeps us away; our life's a dream,
An empty tale, a morning flow'r,
Cut down and wither'd in an hour.

Our age to [sev'nty] years is set;
How short the time! How frail the state!
And if to [eighty] we arrive,
We'd rather sigh and groan than live.

Teach us, Om Unified Field, how frail is man;
And kindly lengthen out the span,
Till a wise care of piety
Fit us to die and dwell with Thee.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Yeah, Buck, I was thinking about Colleen this morning, noticing not seeing 
 her walking down the Dome center aisle as she did every morning and evening 
 til Thursday.  One day we're here and the next day we're not.  Definitely a 
 wake up call.  Carpe diem.  

Dear Share, Yep, carp diem baby; 
Normally meditating in the Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is a fabulous field 
effect for activating the subtle spiritual structures of the neurophysiology.  
I was sitting in the Unified Field there this morning having a nice effective 
and activated transcending meditation but also noticing that the nature of the 
Field effect phase transitioning there was not so strong this morning in luster 
and actually the field effect was in fact quite generally dull.  When I 
finished my meditation and stood up to leave and go out to finish chores out on 
the farm I turned around there and found a whole bunch of people laying 
slouched back in their seats nicely snoozing. Jeeezuus X-mas, no wonder.  This 
seems to be a problem again coming back as of late.  Poor discipline once again 
creeping in.  Really the Dome overseers would do a lot to improve the group 
meditation for everyone if they'ed serve Lipton [caffeinated] tea or coffee 
generally for people as folks would arrive and come in to the morning 
meditation.  That one thing would make for a huge improvement in world 
  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
  might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished 
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
 Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,
 -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
  spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.
  From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], who 
  have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified Field, find 
  eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 

Having left external contacts outside; 
with the vision within the eyebrows; 
having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
breaths that flow through the nostrils,

The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are 
self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain eternal 
freedom in divine consciousness.

 There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this Unified 
 Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
 In the Unified Field-
 Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
 'Tis pleasure to my ears;
 A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
 A cordial for our fears.
 Buried in sorrow and in sin
 At hell's dark door we lay;
 But we arise by grace divine
 To see a heav'nly day.
 Salvation! Let the echo fly
 The spacious earth around;
 While all the armies of the sky
 Conspire to raise the sound.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. 
   Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when 
   I get this finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
  recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other 
  day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not 
  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, 
rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes 
permanently established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the 
state of Unified Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind 
finds itself on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle 
levels of creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
   It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to 
   listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there was 
   this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my farm 
   sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out standing in 
   his Field

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/13/2013 09:30 AM, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 On 04/13/2013 04:56 AM, Buck wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. Emily, you 
 might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I get this finished 

 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here recently in 
 Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other day to go to.

 Life goes on for the living,
 -Buck in the Dome

 Two things: of course many of us are getting old.  We aren't spring
 chickens anymore, we're the elderly though we ain't our grandmother's
 style of elderly which is another thing that American marketing seems
 to have trouble with: Rock 'n Roll senior citizens.

 And two, IMHO I don't think we're going to live as long as we thought or
 was projected.   snip

 But one thing you should at least be taking away from TM is any fear of
 death.  You practice for that every night when you go to sleep. The only
 thing we can best do is hope we don't have a painful or prolonged death.


 Death, like an overflowing stream,
 Sweeps us away; our life's a dream,
 An empty tale, a morning flow'r,
 Cut down and wither'd in an hour.

 Our age to [sev'nty] years is set;
 How short the time! How frail the state!
 And if to [eighty] we arrive,
 We'd rather sigh and groan than live.

 Teach us, Om Unified Field, how frail is man;
 And kindly lengthen out the span,
 Till a wise care of piety
 Fit us to die and dwell with Thee.

Those who have made it over the hump probably don't care.  Those who 
haven't probably still fear death.  It's all karma anyway and like I 
sometimes say maybe these early deceasers are gettin' while the gettins 
good.  We may be in for a terribly dark century.  When you cross over 
you might wind up greeting them and saying you got out just in the nick 
of time!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
   spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.
   From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], 
   who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified Field, 
   find eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 
 Having left external contacts outside; 
 with the vision within the eyebrows; 
 having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
 breaths that flow through the nostrils,
 The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are 
 self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain 
 eternal freedom in divine consciousness.

What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing with 
your life? 
  There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this Unified 
  Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
  In the Unified Field-
  Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
  'Tis pleasure to my ears;
  A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
  A cordial for our fears.
  Buried in sorrow and in sin
  At hell's dark door we lay;
  But we arise by grace divine
  To see a heav'nly day.
  Salvation! Let the echo fly
  The spacious earth around;
  While all the armies of the sky
  Conspire to raise the sound.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 
I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. 
Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know 
when I get this finished Michael.
   Yes, demographically very topical.
   There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
   recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every other 
   day to go to.
   Life goes on for the living,
  And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but not 
   -Buck in the Dome
 When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, 
 rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes 
 permanently established in the nature of the mind, and it attains the 
 state of Unified Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the mind 
 finds itself on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle 
 levels of creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.

It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station to 
listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and there 
was this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and my 
farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and out 
standing in his Field

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take some 
spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.

From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from [attachments], 
who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Unified 
Field, find eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere. 
  Having left external contacts outside; 
  with the vision within the eyebrows; 
  having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
  breaths that flow through the nostrils,
  The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are 
  self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain 
  eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
 What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing with 
 your life? 

Sage advice,

The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
from whom desire, fear and anger have
departed, is indeed for ever free.
   There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this Unified 
   Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
   In the Unified Field-
   Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
   'Tis pleasure to my ears;
   A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
   A cordial for our fears.
   Buried in sorrow and in sin
   At hell's dark door we lay;
   But we arise by grace divine
   To see a heav'nly day.
   Salvation! Let the echo fly
   The spacious earth around;
   While all the armies of the sky
   Conspire to raise the sound.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 

 I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. 
 Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know 
 when I get this finished Michael.

Yes, demographically very topical.
There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every 
other day to go to.

Life goes on for the living,
   And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but 
   not gone).
-Buck in the Dome
  When the mind, through the practice of transcendental meditation, 
  rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field becomes 
  permanently established in the nature of the mind, and it attains 
  the state of Unified Field, the universal state of Being.  Then the 
  mind finds itself on a level of life from which all the gross and 
  subtle levels of creation can be stimulated, controlled and 
 It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station 
 to listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and 
 there was this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as 
 me and my farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home and 
 out standing in his Field


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Buck
Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, it's a 
hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto singer is 
fabulous. -Buck  


And am I born to die?
To lay this body down!
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take 
 some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well 
 From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
 [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized 
 the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine consciousness 

   Having left external contacts outside; 
   with the vision within the eyebrows; 
   having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
   breaths that flow through the nostrils,
   The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are 
   self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain 
   eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
  What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing with 
  your life? 
 Sage advice,
 The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
 are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
 from whom desire, fear and anger have
 departed, is indeed for ever free.

There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this 
Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:

In the Unified Field-

Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
'Tis pleasure to my ears;
A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.

Buried in sorrow and in sin
At hell's dark door we lay;
But we arise by grace divine
To see a heav'nly day.

Salvation! Let the echo fly
The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. 
  Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you 
  know when I get this finished Michael.
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
 recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every 
 other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,

And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but 
not gone).

 -Buck in the Dome

   When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
   meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute 
   Field becomes permanently established in the nature of the mind, 
   and it attains the state of Unified Field, the universal state of 
   Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a level of life from which 
   all the gross and subtle levels of creation can be stimulated, 
   controlled and commanded.
  It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station 
  to listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and 
  there was this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as 
  me and my farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home 
  and out standing in his Field


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Michael Jackson
Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, it's a 
hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto singer is 
fabulous. -Buck 


And am I born to die?
To lay this body down!
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take 
 some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well 
 From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
 [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized 
 the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine consciousness 

   Having left external contacts outside; 
   with the vision within the eyebrows; 
   having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
   breaths that flow through the nostrils,
   The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are 
   self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain 
   eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
  What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing with 
  your life? 
 Sage advice,
 The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
 are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
 from whom desire, fear and anger have
 departed, is indeed for ever free.

There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this 
Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:

In the Unified Field-

Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
'Tis pleasure to my ears;
A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.

Buried in sorrow and in sin
At hell's dark door we lay;
But we arise by grace divine
To see a heav'nly day.

Salvation! Let the echo fly
The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 
  I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so good. 
  Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you 
  know when I get this finished Michael.
 Yes, demographically very topical.
 There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
 recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every 
 other day to go to.
 Life goes on for the living,

And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead (but 
not gone).

 -Buck in the Dome

   When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
   meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute 
   Field becomes permanently established in the nature of the mind, 
   and it attains the state of Unified Field, the universal state of 
   Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a level of life from which 
   all the gross and subtle levels of creation can be stimulated, 
   controlled and commanded.
  It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio station 
  to listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and 
  there was this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as 
  me and my farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  -Buck, at home 
  and out standing in his Field



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death and dying book review For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Ravi Chivukula
This is exactly what I was thinking.

MJ - you may be obsessive and paranoid in your ani-TM rants but calling for
your death was too harsh..LOL.

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.comwrote:


 Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!

  *From:* Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
 *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

 Really nice hymn on the general subject. Though very Sorry Nablusoss, it's
 a hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts. The alto singer is
 fabulous. -Buck


 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing. The fact is it can take
 some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well lived.
  From the Gita somewhere: Disciplined people, freed from
 [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the
 Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere.
Having left external contacts outside;
with the vision within the eyebrows;
having balanced the ingoing and outgoing
breaths that flow through the nostrils,
The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who
 are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain
 eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
   What? You're not a seer? What [in hell] on earth have you been doing
 with your life?
  Sage advice,
  The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
  are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
  from whom desire, fear and anger have
  departed, is indeed for ever free.

 There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this
 Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:

 In the Unified Field-

 Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
 'Tis pleasure to my ears;
 A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
 A cordial for our fears.

 Buried in sorrow and in sin
 At hell's dark door we lay;
 But we arise by grace divine
 To see a heav'nly day.

 Salvation! Let the echo fly
 The spacious earth around;
 While all the armies of the sky
 Conspire to raise the sound.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann
 awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so
 good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let you know when I
 get this finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of
 here recently in Fairfield. It seems there is a memorial every other day to
 go to.
  Life goes on for the living,

 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead
 (but not gone).

  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental
 meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, absolute Field
 becomes permanently established in the nature of the mind, and it attains
 the state of Unified Field, the universal state of Being. Then the mind
 finds itself on a level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels
 of creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
   It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio
 station to listen to. I came out of the Dome meditation this morning and
 there was this above discussion from the Gita on the truck radio as me and
 my farm sheep dog drove along. It's true. -Buck, at home and out standing
 in his Field



[FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ

2013-04-13 Thread Alex Stanley
Oh, chill out and have another shot of Propofol.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Goddamn it! Stop this death of MJ thread! It makes me nervous!
  From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death For MJ
 Really nice hymn on the general subject.  Though very Sorry Nablusoss, it's a 
 hillbilly from the mountains of western Massachusetts.  The alto singer is 
 fabulous. -Buck 
 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Eternal Freedom, it's a wonderful thing.  The fact is it can take 
  some spiritual discipline to get there from here, as in a life well 
  From the Gita somewhere:  Disciplined people, freed from 
  [attachments], who have disciplined their thoughts and have 
  realized the Unified Field, find eternal freedom in divine 
  consciousness everywhere. 

Having left external contacts outside; 
with the vision within the eyebrows; 
having balanced the ingoing and outgoing 
breaths that flow through the nostrils,

The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who 
are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, 
attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
   What?  You're not a seer?  What [in hell] on earth have you been doing 
   with your life? 
  Sage advice,
  The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect
  are controlled, whose aim is liberation,
  from whom desire, fear and anger have
  departed, is indeed for ever free.
 There's a beautiful hymn from the Christian tradition about this 
 Unified Field thing on earth as it is in heaven:
 In the Unified Field-
 Salvation, Om the joyful sound!
 'Tis pleasure to my ears;
 A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
 A cordial for our fears.
 Buried in sorrow and in sin
 At hell's dark door we lay;
 But we arise by grace divine
 To see a heav'nly day.
 Salvation! Let the echo fly
 The spacious earth around;
 While all the armies of the sky
 Conspire to raise the sound.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann 
  awoelflebater@ wrote:
   I'm about halfway through 'Dying To Be Me'. So far so 
   good. Emily, you might want to pick this one up. I'll let 
   you know when I get this finished Michael.
  Yes, demographically very topical.
  There's been a bunch of meditators dying to get out of here 
  recently in Fairfield.  It seems there is a memorial every 
  other day to go to.
  Life goes on for the living,
 And if you read these books it appears, also, for the dead 
 (but not gone).
  -Buck in the Dome

When the mind, through the practice of transcendental 
meditation, rises to the state of cosmic consciousness, 
absolute Field becomes permanently established in the nature of 
the mind, and it attains the state of Unified Field, the 
universal state of Being.  Then the mind finds itself on a 
level of life from which all the gross and subtle levels of 
creation can be stimulated, controlled and commanded.
   It's a wonderful thing in Fairfield having the campus radio 
   station to listen to.  I came out of the Dome meditation this 
   morning and there was this above discussion from the Gita on the 
   truck radio as me and my farm sheep dog drove along.  It's true.  
   -Buck, at home and out standing in his Field


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

  Apparently all yogis in the Patanjali tradition 
  were atheists. Only one of the Six Systems of 
  Hinduism is considered to be theistic...
 Patanjali refers to any and all objects of attention 
 used in meditation as ishtava devata or personal 
 gods. Not sure if this qualifies him or the Yoga
 Sutras as atheist, though, of course, personal god 
 may not be the best translation to use.

So, I think we've covered this before. Of the six 
orthodox Indian darshanas, only the Yoga darshana is 
theistic - the rest, Nyaya, Mimamsa, Sankhya, etc. are 

However, this presents problems. None of the previous 
scriptures, the Vedas, Brahma Sutras, etc. supported 
the idea that there was a third category, Ishvara, over 
and beyond the dual nature - Purusha and prakriti. 

In any case, Ishvara's role in Yoga is comparatively 
small. He can, for example, bring samadhi to the yogin 
who takes him as the object of his concentration. 

According to Patanijali, this divine aid is not the 
effect of a desire or a feeling - for God can have 
neither desires nor emotions - but of a metaphysical 
sympathy between Ishvara and the yogin, a sympathy 
explained by their structural correspondence.

In addition the God of Yogins, Ishvara does NOT respond 
to supplications, ritual, etc. because Ishvara is 
transcendental, that is, beyond and completely separate 
from prakriti. 

Ishvara for Patanjali is not under the sway of the three 
gunas born of nature. For Patanjali, Ishvara is Purusha, 
the Cosmic Man, only available to Yogins. The Yoga 
Sutras have nothing to say about the devatas such as 
Shiva, Parvati, Durga, etc. etc. 

Read more:

Subject: Ishvara
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: June 12, 2001

  Patanjali does not stating anywhere in Yoga Sutras 
  that yoga is union with God, nor does the Buddha 
  quoted as saying that the goal is 'absorption' in a 
  supreme soul.
  Yoga is based on the philosophy of Sri Kapila, a 
  philosophy which is non-theistic in the extreme, 
  being based on the Samkhya.
  Those who realize that action is separate from the 
  non-dual Reality, knows that liberation is all at 
  once, and not a path at all, the truth being 
  knowledge born of gnosis.
   34:12 - Just be the space...(aakaasha = space)!
  When mental activity disappears, then knower, 
  knowing and known become merged one into another, 
  just like a transparent crystal which assumes the 
  appearance of that upon which it rests YS I:41.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-06 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 A very interesting lecture by Sam Harris about the present moment and death. 
 He manages to get 4,000 atheists to do a guided mindfulness meditation.

34:12 - Just be the space...(aakaasha = space)! :D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-06 Thread Richard J. Williams

  A very interesting lecture by Sam Harris about the 
  present moment and death. He manages to get 4,000 
  atheists to do a guided mindfulness meditation.
Apparently all yogis in the Patanjali tradition were
atheists. Only one of the Six Systems of Hinduism is
considered to be theistic.

Patanjali does not stating anywhere in Yoga Sutras 
that yoga is union with God, nor does the Buddha 
quoted as saying that the goal is 'absorption' in a 
supreme soul.

Yoga is based on the philosophy of Sri Kapila, a 
philosophy which is non-theistic in the extreme, 
being based on the Samkhya.

Those who realize that action is separate from the 
non-dual Reality, knows that liberation is all at 
once, and not a path at all, the truth being 
knowledge born of gnosis.

 34:12 - Just be the space...(aakaasha = space)!

When mental activity disappears, then knower, 
knowing and known become merged one into another, 
just like a transparent crystal which assumes the 
appearance of that upon which it rests YS I:41.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-06 Thread sparaig
Patanjali refers to any and all objects of attention used in meditation as 
ishtava devata or personal gods. Not sure if this qualifies him or the Yoga 
Sutras as atheist, though, of course, personal god may not be the best 
translation to use.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams richard@... wrote:

   A very interesting lecture by Sam Harris about the 
   present moment and death. He manages to get 4,000 
   atheists to do a guided mindfulness meditation.
 Apparently all yogis in the Patanjali tradition were
 atheists. Only one of the Six Systems of Hinduism is
 considered to be theistic.
 Patanjali does not stating anywhere in Yoga Sutras 
 that yoga is union with God, nor does the Buddha 
 quoted as saying that the goal is 'absorption' in a 
 supreme soul.
 Yoga is based on the philosophy of Sri Kapila, a 
 philosophy which is non-theistic in the extreme, 
 being based on the Samkhya.
 Those who realize that action is separate from the 
 non-dual Reality, knows that liberation is all at 
 once, and not a path at all, the truth being 
 knowledge born of gnosis.
  34:12 - Just be the space...(aakaasha = space)!
 When mental activity disappears, then knower, 
 knowing and known become merged one into another, 
 just like a transparent crystal which assumes the 
 appearance of that upon which it rests YS I:41.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-05 Thread gruntlespam
Yes, you REALLY want to watch this video. It's totally stunning, that he gets a 
huge group of atheists to meditate. You can watch the audience, and they are 
really engaged. Even Richard Dawkins has his eyes shut and head back!!

Sam Harris is a bit of a funny one - take a look at his Wikipedia entry. On the 
one had he has done all this extensive meditation, and other the other hand he 
proposes pre-emptive nuclear strikes under certain circumstances.

He's also always fighting against new-age WooWoo. I wonder if when he meditates 
in a group he experiences deeper and more powerful meditations? What does he 
make of that? Collective Consciousness?

Could he have done this 20 or 30 years ago? I think not. I don't think the CC 
was clear enough. I don't think that Sam Harris really knows what he's dealing 
with, and I don't think he has a good understand of it all.

Whatever criticisms you might level at MMY, this is all his doing I think! It's 
ironic that this whole room full of folks who have no truck with religion (not 
necessarily a bad thing) are now (most likely unknowingly) practicing the very 
unadorned origins of all world religions.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 A very interesting lecture by Sam Harris about the present moment and death. 
 He manages to get 4,000 atheists to do a guided mindfulness meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-05 Thread gruntlespam
Yes, you REALLY want to watch this video. It's totally stunning, that he gets a 
huge group of atheists to meditate. You can watch the audience, and they are 
really engaged. Even Richard Dawkins has his eyes shut and head back!!

Sam Harris is a bit of a funny one - take a look at his Wikipedia entry. On the 
one had he has done all this extensive meditation, and other the other hand he 
proposes pre-emptive nuclear strikes under certain circumstances.

He's also always fighting against new-age WooWoo. I wonder if when he meditates 
in a group he experiences deeper and more powerful meditations? What does he 
make of that? Collective Consciousness? Has he had any powerful experiences?

Could he have done this 20 or 30 years ago? I think not. I don't think the CC 
was clear enough. I don't think that Sam Harris really knows what he's dealing 
with, and I don't think he has a good understand of it all.

Whatever criticisms you might level at MMY, this is all his doing I think! It's 
ironic that this whole room full of folks who have no truck with religion (not 
necessarily a bad thing) are now (most likely unknowingly) practicing the very 
unadorned origins of all world religions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-05 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gruntlespam gruntlespam@... wrote:

 Yes, you REALLY want to watch this video. It's totally stunning, that he gets 
 a huge group of atheists to meditate. You can watch the audience, and they 
 are really engaged. Even Richard Dawkins has his eyes shut and head back!!
 Sam Harris is a bit of a funny one - take a look at his Wikipedia entry. On 
 the one had he has done all this extensive meditation, and other the other 
 hand he proposes pre-emptive nuclear strikes under certain circumstances.
 He's also always fighting against new-age WooWoo. I wonder if when he 
 meditates in a group he experiences deeper and more powerful meditations? 
 What does he make of that? Collective Consciousness? Has he had any powerful 
 Could he have done this 20 or 30 years ago? I think not. I don't think the CC 
 was clear enough. I don't think that Sam Harris really knows what he's 
 dealing with, and I don't think he has a good understand of it all.
 Whatever criticisms you might level at MMY, this is all his doing I think! 
 It's ironic that this whole room full of folks who have no truck with 
 religion (not necessarily a bad thing) are now (most likely unknowingly) 
 practicing the very unadorned origins of all world religions.

Mindfulness != TM...

BTW, reiterating my favorite science quote from MMY, concerning the study of 
meditation via science.  Isent a copy of this to Susan Blackmore in the context 
of her debate  with Deepak Chopra. She found it interesting and asked if I had 
reminded Deepak of this:

Spiritual and Material Values

Every experience has its level of physiology, and so unbounded awareness has 
its own level of physiology which can be measured. Every aspect of life is 
integrated and connected with every other phase. When we talk of scientific 
measurements, it does not take away from the spiritual experience. We are not 
responsible for those times when spiritual experience was thought of as 
metaphysical. Everything is physical. Consciousness is the product of the 
functioning of the brain. Talking of scientific measurements is no damage to 
that wholeness of life which is present everywhere and which begins to be lived 
when the physiology is taking on a particular form. This is our understanding 
about spirituality: it is not on the level of faith --it is on the level of 
blood and bone and flesh and activity. It is measurable.

-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death and the Present Moment

2012-06-05 Thread Vaj

On Jun 5, 2012, at 7:25 PM, gruntlespam wrote:

 He's also always fighting against new-age WooWoo. I wonder if when he 
 meditates in a group he experiences deeper and more powerful meditations? 
 What does he make of that? Collective Consciousness?

In Mindfulness-speak it’s called COHERENCE or Connection, Openness, Harmony, 
Engagement, Receptivity, Emergence, Noesis, Compassion and Empathy. You achieve 
COHERENCE by creating a SNAG in the brain - Stimulate Neuronal Activation and 
Growth by using meditation to neuroplastically change the brain. The Social 
Brain is actually what weaves the human brain, our interconnectedness or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat

2012-04-21 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Death Threat

 Secret Service Probing Ted Nugent's Obama Comments...

Would that be the Secret Service questioning Nugent BEFORE
or AFTER their screwup down in Columbia? And, why didn't
Eric Holder question Louis Farrakhan or the Black Panthers?

Anyway, we also have this guy:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threat

2012-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Time for Ted to have vacation to Club Gitmo. 
So, you don't want to discuss the economy?

 Didn't they used to shoot traitors?
They still do that? 


 On Apr 18, 2012, at 8:51 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  If Barack Obama becomes the president in 
  November, again, I will be either be dead or 
  in jail by this time next year.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death by Neti Pot

2011-12-16 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is warning residents about 
 the dangers of the improper use of neti pots. The warning follows the state's 
 second death this year caused by Naegleria fowleri, the so-called 
 brain-eating ameba. A 51-year-old DeSoto Parish woman died recently after 
 using tap water in a neti pot to irrigate her sinuses and becoming infected 
 with the deadly ameba. In June, a 20-year-old St. Bernard Parish man died 
 under the same circumstances. Naegleria fowleri infects people by entering 
 the body through the nose. A neti pot is commonly used to irrigate sinuses, 
 and looks like a genie's lamp.


If you are irrigating, flushing, or rinsing your sinuses, for example, by 
using a neti pot, use distilled, sterile or previously boiled water to make up 
the irrigation solution, said Louisiana State Epidemiologist, Dr. Raoult 
Ratard.  Tap water is safe for drinking, but not for irrigating your nose.  
It's also important to rinse the irrigation device after each use and leave 
open to air dry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-24 Thread masterjose4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

The absence of any visual signs of decay in the dead body of Paramahansa 
Yogananda offers the most extraordinary case in our experienceNo physical 
disintegration was visible in his body even after twenty days after 
deathThis state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know 
from mortuary annals, and unparalleled one.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-24 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jun 24, 2011, at 8:29 AM, masterjose4u wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:
 The absence of any visual signs of decay in the dead body of Paramahansa 
 Yogananda offers the most extraordinary case in our experienceNo physical 
 disintegration was visible in his body even after twenty days after 
 deathThis state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know 
 from mortuary annals, and unparalleled one.

Another ghoul on the forum~~what is it with
the fascination with dead people lately?


[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-24 Thread whynotnow7
Hi, There is no question in my mind that such a thing is possible. I remember 
reading the account of Yogananda, and it definitely came across as credible. 
Then there is also that story of someone who saved a Big Mac for 12 years and 
could detect no visible signs of deterioration:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Thanks for your reply.  I admit that I am a sucker for such stories.  I
 tend to believe them.  To me they don't even seem that outlandish.  Yea,
 I buy into the notion of higher states of consciousness.  I believe we
 can refine our body.  To me that wouldn't seem to even violate any
 scientific laws.  I mean what does western science know about prana?  It
 has been a long time since I had any experience of no mantra, no
 thoughts, no breath.  And yet I buy into the eastern notion of the five
 different breaths and how they are essential to health.  As far as I
 know there is no scientific evidence to support this, but we know how
 science evolves.  So yea, keeping the body from deteriorating for a time
 after death doesn't seem far fetched to me.  I can even see someone
 doing it just for the awe factor, or to prove a point.  I think everyone
 knows that Yogananda was said to have done this.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
   Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
   weighed in on it. You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it
   not be valid. I don't think you realize how often your comments have
   condescending tone.
  I am not the best at expressing every angle of what I mean. What I
 meant is that that my directly experienced data sample in this case is
 small. I haven't met anyone who wanted to stick around in the same body,
 and the idea doesn't personally appeal to me. I am not implying that
 those who feel differently are in some way on a lower level, and perhaps
 it is that we all feel pretty strongly about dying and death, and maybe
 my comments seem cavalier in that light. They aren't meant to be. Thanks
 for your response.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
I haven't met anyone yet who wanted to stick around in the same
 bag of
   bones. Of course all of the people I've known who passed away had
   worn out by old age, illness or injury.
   Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
   weighed in on it. You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it
   not be valid. I don't think you realize how often your comments have
   condescending tone.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:

 Now that is special. Special in that special way that proly
   Turq, Curtis and Vaj with mediators here sort of uncomfortable. I
   someone ( my wife for instance) who as a nurse has done hospice or
   end-of-life care for a lot of people and she has also experienced
   on occasion. People are different. She is pretty intuitive with the
   experience. For the person transitioning it can start off quite
 lucid or
   not. On death of the body it might take a while for the subtle
   that houses the soul to close down and sometimes the body can remain
   quite soft or flexible for a while. It's different with different
   people. With some people it just all shuts down. There are things
   can be done spiritually to facilitate things spiritually. That's
   her experience. These monks may well be up to something. Going 20
   without decay at room temperature is remarkable. Differently,
   they embalmed Maharishi to keep this body, ship his body and keep
   presentable after death. Most first= world places require the body
   dealt with sooner than later for public health reasons. Usually it
   starts smelling within a very few days. Refrigerating slows that
   hence the funeral home industry. But, there may be more going on
   meets the eye with this Lama.

 -Buck in FF

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just
   because you can doesn't mean you should
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@
   TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:


[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 06/22/2011 03:44 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:
 This is also done in tantra.  A friend who is an Indian MD told us of 
 having a man come to his hospital and demonstrate reducing his 
 metabolism so much through meditation that he was clinically dead by 
 their tests.  Of course he wasn't dead and came out of the meditation.  
 With really good techniques the blood pressure and heart beat can go 
 really low.

And another great yogi:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread Bhairitu
On 06/23/2011 11:52 AM, PaliGap wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 06/22/2011 03:44 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

 This is also done in tantra.  A friend who is an Indian MD told us of
 having a man come to his hospital and demonstrate reducing his
 metabolism so much through meditation that he was clinically dead by
 their tests.  Of course he wasn't dead and came out of the meditation.
 With really good techniques the blood pressure and heart beat can go
 really low.

 And another great yogi:



She didn't have any technique though, it was coincidental.  
Theoretically the entire metabolism would have to slow down to the 
cellular level so that even the cells don't need the resources such as 
oxygen.  Remember that the claim for meditation is that it calms the 
flight or fight response, IOW it is calming the sympathetic nervous 
system.  In doing so it provides extra rest to restore it.  But some 
people can become parasympathetic dominant and have more of a tendency 
to want to fall asleep during the day, etc.  Deep experiences in 
meditation come easier than they do to sympathetic dominant types.  
Kapha types are usually sympathetic dominant and vata parasympathetic.  
Also one can become parasympathetic dominant if the sympathetic nervous 
system is blown out.  That's where you get the flaky style vata types.

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread seventhray1

What are you going to do if things check out in each instance?

A)  Freak out, because it might show a crack in your This doesn't
follow science as I know it mindset.  This could nibble around the
edges of a miracle sort of thing.  One that defies your notions about
such things.

B) Come up with other conditions that must be satisfied in order for you
to be convinced.

Inquiring minds are curious.

 Inquiring ghoulish minds want to know!

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread seventhray1

Strange.  I loved everything about it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...

 Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just because
you can doesn't mean you should

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...

 I haven't met anyone yet who wanted to stick around in the same bag of
bones. Of course all of the people I've known who passed away had bodies
worn out by old age, illness or injury.

Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
weighed in on it.  You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it must
not be valid.   I don't think you realize how often your comments have a
condescending tone.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Now that is special. Special in that special way that proly makes
Turq, Curtis and Vaj with mediators here sort of uncomfortable. I know
someone ( my wife for instance) who as a nurse has done hospice or
end-of-life care for a lot of people and she has also experienced this
on occasion. People are different. She is pretty intuitive with the
experience. For the person transitioning it can start off quite lucid or
not. On death of the body it might take a while for the subtle system
that houses the soul to close down and sometimes the body can remain
quite soft or flexible for a while. It's different with different
people. With some people it just all shuts down. There are things that
can be done spiritually to facilitate things spiritually. That's been
her experience. These monks may well be up to something. Going 20 days
without decay at room temperature is remarkable. Differently, apparently
they embalmed Maharishi to keep this body, ship his body and keep him
presentable after death. Most first= world places require the body be
dealt with sooner than later for public health reasons. Usually it
starts smelling within a very few days. Refrigerating slows that down,
hence the funeral home industry. But, there may be more going on than
meets the eye with this Lama.
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
   Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just
because you can doesn't mean you should
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 What are you going to do if things check out in each instance?

Be happy that my legitimate questions were answered.

 A)  Freak out, because it might show a crack in your This doesn't
 follow science as I know it mindset.  This could nibble around the
 edges of a miracle sort of thing.  One that defies your notions about
 such things.

Things that don't fit our scientific understanding require more proof than the 
 On tv paid for sensational news and the people promoting the belief said so.

 B) Come up with other conditions that must be satisfied in order for you
 to be convinced.

Sure if that is necessary.  Don't you enjoy thinking?  Isn't questioning 
information presented to us appropriate? Do you accept that Moon is a God on 
earth or did you reject that belief that hundreds of thousands of people are 
certain of by using the same thinking skills that annoy you when I use them?

 Inquiring minds are curious.

And questions are a great way to express curiosity.  Sometimes people are full 
of it.  But you know that and are skeptical about all sorts of beliefs. You are 
just a little caught up in minding my business as I pursue knowledge with the 
tools I have.
But by all means believe the guy on TV if that suits you.

Or better yet make a compelling case other than making it seem as though I am 
wrong for asking these questions.

  Inquiring ghoulish minds want to know!

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread whynotnow7
 Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
 weighed in on it.  You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it must
 not be valid.   I don't think you realize how often your comments have a
 condescending tone.

I am not the best at expressing every angle of what I mean. What I meant is 
that that my directly experienced data sample in this case is small. I haven't 
met anyone who wanted to stick around in the same body, and the idea doesn't 
personally appeal to me. I am not implying that those who feel differently are 
in some way on a lower level, and perhaps it is that we all feel pretty 
strongly about dying and death, and maybe my comments seem cavalier in that 
light. They aren't meant to be. Thanks for your response.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
  I haven't met anyone yet who wanted to stick around in the same bag of
 bones. Of course all of the people I've known who passed away had bodies
 worn out by old age, illness or injury.
 Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
 weighed in on it.  You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it must
 not be valid.   I don't think you realize how often your comments have a
 condescending tone.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Now that is special. Special in that special way that proly makes
 Turq, Curtis and Vaj with mediators here sort of uncomfortable. I know
 someone ( my wife for instance) who as a nurse has done hospice or
 end-of-life care for a lot of people and she has also experienced this
 on occasion. People are different. She is pretty intuitive with the
 experience. For the person transitioning it can start off quite lucid or
 not. On death of the body it might take a while for the subtle system
 that houses the soul to close down and sometimes the body can remain
 quite soft or flexible for a while. It's different with different
 people. With some people it just all shuts down. There are things that
 can be done spiritually to facilitate things spiritually. That's been
 her experience. These monks may well be up to something. Going 20 days
 without decay at room temperature is remarkable. Differently, apparently
 they embalmed Maharishi to keep this body, ship his body and keep him
 presentable after death. Most first= world places require the body be
 dealt with sooner than later for public health reasons. Usually it
 starts smelling within a very few days. Refrigerating slows that down,
 hence the funeral home industry. But, there may be more going on than
 meets the eye with this Lama.
   -Buck in FF
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just
 because you can doesn't mean you should
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:




[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 And questions are a great way to express curiosity. Sometimes people
are full of it. But you know that and are skeptical about all sorts of
beliefs. You are just a little caught up in minding my business as I
pursue knowledge with the tools I have.
 But by all means believe the guy on TV if that suits you.

 Or better yet make a compelling case other than making it seem as
though I am wrong for asking these questions.

I guess what I am saying, (unfairly probably), is that I observe that so
often people are more intent on preserving their ideas about things than
to be willing to change a cherished belief.  No great revelation here. 
I have learned to ask questions, and hopefully not be afraid of the
answers even if they force a change in my thinking.  You seem, after
careful consideration, to have closed (but not slammed)  the door on
events that fall into the miracle or unexplained category.  I assume
you keep an open mind along these lines.  I guess that was what I was
getting at.

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-23 Thread seventhray1

Thanks for your reply.  I admit that I am a sucker for such stories.  I
tend to believe them.  To me they don't even seem that outlandish.  Yea,
I buy into the notion of higher states of consciousness.  I believe we
can refine our body.  To me that wouldn't seem to even violate any
scientific laws.  I mean what does western science know about prana?  It
has been a long time since I had any experience of no mantra, no
thoughts, no breath.  And yet I buy into the eastern notion of the five
different breaths and how they are essential to health.  As far as I
know there is no scientific evidence to support this, but we know how
science evolves.  So yea, keeping the body from deteriorating for a time
after death doesn't seem far fetched to me.  I can even see someone
doing it just for the awe factor, or to prove a point.  I think everyone
knows that Yogananda was said to have done this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@...

  Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
  weighed in on it. You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it
  not be valid. I don't think you realize how often your comments have
  condescending tone.

 I am not the best at expressing every angle of what I mean. What I
meant is that that my directly experienced data sample in this case is
small. I haven't met anyone who wanted to stick around in the same body,
and the idea doesn't personally appeal to me. I am not implying that
those who feel differently are in some way on a lower level, and perhaps
it is that we all feel pretty strongly about dying and death, and maybe
my comments seem cavalier in that light. They aren't meant to be. Thanks
for your response.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@
   I haven't met anyone yet who wanted to stick around in the same
bag of
  bones. Of course all of the people I've known who passed away had
  worn out by old age, illness or injury.
  Well then, I guess that this issue is settled law, now that you have
  weighed in on it. You haven't met anyone who felt this way, so it
  not be valid. I don't think you realize how often your comments have
  condescending tone.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
Now that is special. Special in that special way that proly
  Turq, Curtis and Vaj with mediators here sort of uncomfortable. I
  someone ( my wife for instance) who as a nurse has done hospice or
  end-of-life care for a lot of people and she has also experienced
  on occasion. People are different. She is pretty intuitive with the
  experience. For the person transitioning it can start off quite
lucid or
  not. On death of the body it might take a while for the subtle
  that houses the soul to close down and sometimes the body can remain
  quite soft or flexible for a while. It's different with different
  people. With some people it just all shuts down. There are things
  can be done spiritually to facilitate things spiritually. That's
  her experience. These monks may well be up to something. Going 20
  without decay at room temperature is remarkable. Differently,
  they embalmed Maharishi to keep this body, ship his body and keep
  presentable after death. Most first= world places require the body
  dealt with sooner than later for public health reasons. Usually it
  starts smelling within a very few days. Refrigerating slows that
  hence the funeral home industry. But, there may be more going on
  meets the eye with this Lama.
-Buck in FF
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@

 Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just
  because you can doesn't mean you should

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@
  TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:


[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-22 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

I like how they keep pulling his hair for the TV guys!

I'm not buying that we have enough info on how rare this is because leaving a 
body in this situation itself is rare.  The sniff test doesn't do it for me 
either.  And if you can pull his hair maybe they can draw some blood to 
microscopically test if it is degrading inside.  In fact get a colonoscopy 
scope from one end and and endoscopy scope from the other like an air tight 
frat girl.

I'm ready to say this is interesting when we have how much it degraded further 
matched with the room temp. Did they say 16?  That is 60 in the system of 
temperature God wants us to use, Fahrenheit.  Not my fridge, but certainly cool 
enough to slow down decomp. (Yeah I watch CSI and know such insider 

So I'm not freaked out yet.  I need more info. What is the deviance range of 
people under these conditions?  Are some people's systems too alkaline or acid 
to support quick growth.  Was he fasting for a while before so his gut and GI 
tract was empty so he wouldn't bloat? Was there ever any post mortem wood 
detected. (try in the morning)

Inquiring ghoulish minds want to know!


[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-22 Thread Yifu

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-22 Thread whynotnow7
Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just because you can 
doesn't mean you should

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-22 Thread Buck
Now that is special.  Special in that special way that proly makes Turq, Curtis 
and Vaj with mediators here sort of uncomfortable.  I know someone ( my wife 
for instance) who as a nurse has done hospice or end-of-life care for a lot of 
people and she has also experienced this on occasion.  People are different.  
She is pretty intuitive with the experience.  For the person transitioning it 
can start off quite lucid or not.   On death of the body it might take a while 
for the subtle system that houses the soul to close down and sometimes the body 
can remain quite soft or flexible for a while.  It's different with different 
people.  With some people it just all shuts down.  There are things that can be 
done spiritually to facilitate things spiritually.  That's been her experience. 
These monks may well be up to something.  Going 20 days without decay at room 
temperature is remarkable.   Differently, apparently they embalmed Maharishi to 
keep this body, ship his body and keep him presentable after death.  Most 
first= world places require the body be dealt with sooner than later for public 
health reasons.  Usually it starts smelling within a very few days.  
Refrigerating slows that down, hence the funeral home industry.  But, there may 
be more going on than meets the eye with this Lama.

-Buck in FF 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@... wrote:

 Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just because you 
 can doesn't mean you should
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:

[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-22 Thread whynotnow7
I haven't met anyone yet who wanted to stick around in the same bag of bones. 
Of course all of the people I've known who passed away had bodies worn out by 
old age, illness or injury. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Now that is special.  Special in that special way that proly makes Turq, 
 Curtis and Vaj with mediators here sort of uncomfortable.  I know someone ( 
 my wife for instance) who as a nurse has done hospice or end-of-life care for 
 a lot of people and she has also experienced this on occasion.  People are 
 different.  She is pretty intuitive with the experience.  For the person 
 transitioning it can start off quite lucid or not.   On death of the body it 
 might take a while for the subtle system that houses the soul to close down 
 and sometimes the body can remain quite soft or flexible for a while.  It's 
 different with different people.  With some people it just all shuts down.  
 There are things that can be done spiritually to facilitate things 
 spiritually.  That's been her experience. These monks may well be up to 
 something.  Going 20 days without decay at room temperature is remarkable.   
 Differently, apparently they embalmed Maharishi to keep this body, ship his 
 body and keep him presentable after death.  Most first= world places require 
 the body be dealt with sooner than later for public health reasons.  Usually 
 it starts smelling within a very few days.  Refrigerating slows that down, 
 hence the funeral home industry.  But, there may be more going on than meets 
 the eye with this Lama.
 -Buck in FF 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  Kind of icky. Reminds me of what my wife says sometimes, just because you 
  can doesn't mean you should
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:


[FairfieldLife] Re: DEATH MEDITATION

2011-06-22 Thread emptybill

Thanks for posting the link. Interesting story.

However, you scared the FFL immortals.

Morbidity is for the illusioned.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 TUK THAM: Living on in the body after having died:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-16 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 Ruth, hats off to you for doing yeowoman's work on health care. I understand 
 you have a nursing background, how did you get involved lobbying and what is 


Sorry, I had a typo, it is the CBO, the congressional budget office.  I am a 
retired MD and have been working on and off as a lobbyist for health care 
reform for several years.  http://www.pnhp.org/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-16 Thread WillyTex
Ruth wrote:
 Sorry, I had a typo...

So, they dropped the 'death panels' - I thought 
they would. In a unversal health care system,
nobody wants a panel deciding when to ration 
medical care. So, I guess you could say that 
Sarah Palin won the debate. But you're supposed
to be the smart one - what happened?

If you believe the media, Sarah Palin is a 
mediocre intellect, if even that, while President 
Obama is brilliant. 

So how did she manage to best him in this debate? 

Part of the explanation is that disdain for Palin 
reflects intellectual snobbery more than actual 
intellect. Still, Obama's critics, in contrast with 
Palin's, do not deny the president's intellectual 
aptitude. Intelligence, however, does not make 
one immune from hubris...

Read more:

'Palin Wins'
By James Taranto
Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-16 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Ruth, hats off to you for doing yeowoman's work on health care. I 
  understand you have a nursing background, how did you get involved lobbying 
  and what is GBO? 
 Sorry, I had a typo, it is the CBO, the congressional budget office.  I am a 
 retired MD and have been working on and off as a lobbyist for health care 
 reform for several years.  http://www.pnhp.org/

Ruth, It looks like Obama is dropping the public option and he's open to 
co-ops. What do you think about co-ops? So far every bill coming out of 
Congress smells like the gravy train for the insurance companies. 

Just before recess when Obama wanted Congress to sign a bill, the CBO released 
a report saying the House bill would cost far more than estimated. This news 
gave the Republicans and Blue Dogs another reason to drag their heels. 
Democrats knew they couldn't get the votes anyway, so the CBO report just 
provided them a little cover for a weak bill. Now that the insurance and drug 
companies have the summer to get a sweeter deal, I'm concerned any bill is just 
going to go from bad to worse. Is a crappy bill better than no bill at all? 

Can you give us any behind the scenes insight into the politics of the health 
care debacle we're witnessing?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:25 PM, raunchydograunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Can you give us any behind the scenes insight into the politics of the health 
 care debacle we're witnessing?

Indeed, I'm sure we'd all be interested in the perspective of a
retired Mother Divine on health care.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-14 Thread WillyTex
raunchydog wrote:
 The Senate Finance Committee will drop 
 a controversial provision on consultations 
 for end-of-life care...
Nobody wants to talk about the 'death panel' 
or health care 'rationing'. Some folks just 
seem to be in a state of denial. Of course 
there's going to be a death panel. How else 
are we going to ration health care? Somebody 
is going to have to decide on eligibility.

 The committee, which has worked on putting 
 together a bipartisan healthcare reform bill, 
 will drop the controversial provision after 
 it was derided by conservatives as death 
 panels to encourage euthanasia.
According to what I've read, Streve Jobs got 
a liver transplant. Supposedly he has pancreatic 
cancer. He's got private insurance as well 
as a group policy. So somehow he got his name 
on the top of the list. I thought there was a 
waiting list for such a procedure. 

But how many liver transplants would be allowed 
under Medicare if you had pancreatic cancer? 
Does Medicare pay for any alternative health 
care in cancer cases? Who decides when 
chemotherapy is over? Who decides if a person 
with terminal cancer gets a hip replacement? 
Who decides when your time is up to be kicked 
out of rehab if your Medicare runs out?

 We dropped end-of-life provisions...

So many questions - so few answers. 

 ...but is expected to unveil its proposal 
 shortly after Labor Day.
According to Section 1233 of the reform health 
care plan, there is going to be a review by a 
panel to determine patient status every five 
years for senior citizens, to evaluate their 
health condition and whether or not they can 
remain in a skilled nursing facility or in a 
hospice program. 

 Grassley said that bill would hold up 
 better compared to proposals crafted in 
 the House, which he asserted were poorly 
 cobbled together.

Nobody wants to talk about the costs, rationing 
health care or getting the discount pharmaceuticals.
Something smells fishy.
 The veteran Iowa lawmaker said the end-of-life 
 provision in those bills would pay physicians 
 to advise patients about end-of-life care and 
 rate physician...
That's the rub, isn't it? Wouldn't a government
doctor be biased to counsel dying patients

 Maybe others can defend a bill like the Pelosi 
 bill that leaves major issues open to 

Now I ask you, how many of you would be happy 
with the three twits, Pelosi, Frank, and Reid, 
sitting on a panel that decides what treatment 
you will or will not receive at the end of your 
life based on politics and economics?

 This whole mess would have been unnecessary if 
 Obama had pushed Medicare for All from day one... 

And if Obama had kept his promise not to be
bought off by special interests. But in fact,
the U.S. taxpayer cannot afford universal
free health care at this time. And why should
they? Why should the taxpayers pay for health
insurance for those who pay no income taxes?

Let's fact it, millions of people will never 
have health care insurance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-14 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
  The Senate Finance Committee will drop 
  a controversial provision on consultations 
  for end-of-life care...
 Nobody wants to talk about the 'death panel' 
 or health care 'rationing'. Some folks just 
 seem to be in a state of denial. Of course 
 there's going to be a death panel. How else 
 are we going to ration health care? Somebody 
 is going to have to decide on eligibility.

Republican framing of end of life counseling as death panels certainly worked 
to get it out of the Senate bill, but Paul Krugman calls Republicans on their 

The provision requiring that Medicare pay for voluntary end-of-life counseling 
was introduced by Senator Johnny Isakson, Republican — yes, Republican — of 
Georgia, who says that it's nuts to claim that it has anything to do with 

Read More:

  The committee, which has worked on putting 
  together a bipartisan healthcare reform bill, 
  will drop the controversial provision after 
  it was derided by conservatives as death 
  panels to encourage euthanasia.
 According to what I've read, Streve Jobs got 
 a liver transplant. Supposedly he has pancreatic 
 cancer. He's got private insurance as well 
 as a group policy. So somehow he got his name 
 on the top of the list. I thought there was a 
 waiting list for such a procedure. 
 But how many liver transplants would be allowed 
 under Medicare if you had pancreatic cancer? 
 Does Medicare pay for any alternative health 
 care in cancer cases? Who decides when 
 chemotherapy is over? Who decides if a person 
 with terminal cancer gets a hip replacement? 
 Who decides when your time is up to be kicked 
 out of rehab if your Medicare runs out?
  We dropped end-of-life provisions...
 So many questions - so few answers. 
  ...but is expected to unveil its proposal 
  shortly after Labor Day.
 According to Section 1233 of the reform health 
 care plan, there is going to be a review by a 
 panel to determine patient status every five 
 years for senior citizens, to evaluate their 
 health condition and whether or not they can 
 remain in a skilled nursing facility or in a 
 hospice program. 
  Grassley said that bill would hold up 
  better compared to proposals crafted in 
  the House, which he asserted were poorly 
  cobbled together.
 Nobody wants to talk about the costs, rationing 
 health care or getting the discount pharmaceuticals.
 Something smells fishy.
  The veteran Iowa lawmaker said the end-of-life 
  provision in those bills would pay physicians 
  to advise patients about end-of-life care and 
  rate physician...
 That's the rub, isn't it? Wouldn't a government
 doctor be biased to counsel dying patients
  Maybe others can defend a bill like the Pelosi 
  bill that leaves major issues open to 
 Now I ask you, how many of you would be happy 
 with the three twits, Pelosi, Frank, and Reid, 
 sitting on a panel that decides what treatment 
 you will or will not receive at the end of your 
 life based on politics and economics?
  This whole mess would have been unnecessary if 
  Obama had pushed Medicare for All from day one... 
 And if Obama had kept his promise not to be
 bought off by special interests. But in fact,
 the U.S. taxpayer cannot afford universal
 free health care at this time. And why should
 they? Why should the taxpayers pay for health
 insurance for those who pay no income taxes?
 Let's fact it, millions of people will never 
 have health care insurance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-14 Thread WillyTex
  Nobody wants to talk about the 'death panel' 
  or health care 'rationing'... 
raunchydog wrote:  
 Republican framing of end of life counseling as 
 death panels certainly worked to get it out 
 of the Senate bill, but Paul Krugman calls 
 Republicans on their hypocrisy...
You can call them 'death panels' or you can call
them 'commissions', you can call them anything
you want to, but everybody knows that there is
going to be a panel that rations the health care,
just like they do now - rationing is the way to
reduce the high cost of health care.

People just have a lot of questions about the 
proposed health care rationing and the end of 
life counseling. 

They are afraid that government panels are going 
to reduce Medicare and they are afraid that 
government panels are going to be biased against 
the elderly, in order to save money. 

That's because nobody has specified exactly how 
the rationing is going to be decided and who is 
going to be doing the deciding. 

Obviously, there is going to be no universal, 
free health care. But if there are no specifics 
on reducing the cost of health care, then why do 
we need medical care reform?

According to Section 1233 of the reform health 
care plan, there is going to be a review by a 
panel to determine patient status every five 
years for senior citizens, to evaluate their 
health condition and whether or not they can 
remain in a skilled nursing facility or in a 
hospice program. 

...something smells, well, fishy about mandating 
end-of-life counseling sessions for the elderly 
and seriously ill in a bill whose backers claim 
the purpose of bending the cost curve downward.

Read more:

'Eugene Robinson also wonders about Section 1233'
Posted by Ed Morrissey
Hot Air, August 12, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-14 Thread raunchydog
So which would you rather, government pulling the plug on grandma to save money 
or insurance companies pulling the plug on grandma to save money? It's 
interesting that the people yelling the loudest about government making 
decisions about health care are the same ones yelling, Don't touch my 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

   Nobody wants to talk about the 'death panel' 
   or health care 'rationing'... 
 raunchydog wrote:  
  Republican framing of end of life counseling as 
  death panels certainly worked to get it out 
  of the Senate bill, but Paul Krugman calls 
  Republicans on their hypocrisy...
 You can call them 'death panels' or you can call
 them 'commissions', you can call them anything
 you want to, but everybody knows that there is
 going to be a panel that rations the health care,
 just like they do now - rationing is the way to
 reduce the high cost of health care.
 People just have a lot of questions about the 
 proposed health care rationing and the end of 
 life counseling. 
 They are afraid that government panels are going 
 to reduce Medicare and they are afraid that 
 government panels are going to be biased against 
 the elderly, in order to save money. 
 That's because nobody has specified exactly how 
 the rationing is going to be decided and who is 
 going to be doing the deciding. 
 Obviously, there is going to be no universal, 
 free health care. But if there are no specifics 
 on reducing the cost of health care, then why do 
 we need medical care reform?
 According to Section 1233 of the reform health 
 care plan, there is going to be a review by a 
 panel to determine patient status every five 
 years for senior citizens, to evaluate their 
 health condition and whether or not they can 
 remain in a skilled nursing facility or in a 
 hospice program. 
 ...something smells, well, fishy about mandating 
 end-of-life counseling sessions for the elderly 
 and seriously ill in a bill whose backers claim 
 the purpose of bending the cost curve downward.
 Read more:
 'Eugene Robinson also wonders about Section 1233'
 Posted by Ed Morrissey
 Hot Air, August 12, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-14 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 The Senate Finance Committee will drop a controversial provision on 
 consultations for end-of-life care from its proposed healthcare bill, its top 
 Republican member said Thursday.
 The committee, which has worked on putting together a bipartisan healthcare 
 reform bill, will drop the controversial provision after it was derided by 
 conservatives as death panels to encourage euthanasia.
 On the Finance Committee, we are working very hard to avoid unintended 
 consequences by methodically working through the complexities of all of these 
 issues and policy options, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said in a statement. 
 We dropped end-of-life provisions from consideration entirely because of the 
 way they could be misinterpreted and implemented incorrectly.
 The Finance Committee is the only congressional committee not to report out a 
 preliminary healthcare bill before the August congressional recess, but is 
 expected to unveil its proposal shortly after Labor Day.
 Grassley said that bill would hold up better compared to proposals crafted in 
 the House, which he asserted were poorly cobbled together.
 The bill passed by the House committees is so poorly cobbled together that 
 it will have all kinds of unintended consequences, including making taxpayers 
 fund healthcare subsidies for illegal immigrants, Grassley said. The veteran 
 Iowa lawmaker said the end-of-life provision in those bills would pay 
 physicians to advise patients about end-of-life care and rate physician 
 quality of care based on the creation of and adherence to orders for 
 end-of-life care.
 Maybe others can defend a bill like the Pelosi bill that leaves major issues 
 open to interpretation, but I can't, Grassley added.
 This whole mess would have been unnecessary if Obama had pushed Medicare for 
 All from day one. It's a simple concept. Just gradually lower age for 
 Medicare eligibility until it covers everyone. Anyone not covered would buy 
 insurance and the insurance companies would have to compete for an ever 
 shrinking pool of customers. Getting a health care bill aimed at Single payer 
 for all could have been a painless process instead of becoming the debacle it 
 is. Polls said the people were in favor of single payer, but Congress' 
 confusing efforts will continue to lose public support and were going to end 
 up with a bill that serves insurance/big pharma, not the people.

I am a supporter of Medicare for all but as a long time lobbyist on health 
care, I have to say that it never had a chance.  There are a number of reasons 
for this, from the way senate rules work to the power of industry lobbies.  
There are something like 6 health care industry lobbyists per senator and 
representative.  I had hoped we could phase in to something like that by 
allowing people over a certain age, like 55, to start medicare early, but that 
has gone nowhere either.  

It is tiring and hard work to make our way through all of this. I am working on 
trying to find ways for the GBO to quantify best practices savings.  Muddy and 
difficult work and not very interesting to the public but of significant 
importance.  Too much of the so called public debate and press coverage is not 
spent on important issues, but on rumors and side issues.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Panels Dropped?

2009-08-14 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:
 I am a supporter of Medicare for all but as a long time lobbyist on health 
 care, I have to say that it never had a chance.  There are a number of 
 reasons for this, from the way senate rules work to the power of industry 
 lobbies.  There are something like 6 health care industry lobbyists per 
 senator and representative.  I had hoped we could phase in to something like 
 that by allowing people over a certain age, like 55, to start medicare early, 
 but that has gone nowhere either.  
 It is tiring and hard work to make our way through all of this. I am working 
 on trying to find ways for the GBO to quantify best practices savings.  Muddy 
 and difficult work and not very interesting to the public but of significant 
 importance.  Too much of the so called public debate and press coverage is 
 not spent on important issues, but on rumors and side issues.

Ruth, hats off to you for doing yeowoman's work on health care. I understand 
you have a nursing background, how did you get involved lobbying and what is 

Alegre's Corner posted Peter Daou's Huffington Post article The debate over 
health reform is playing out on the right's terms. 

IMO Obama should have anticipated right wing resistance and clobbered them with 
Single Payer from the git go. Daou's argument is more genteel. He blames the 
Democrats for the mess but I think Obama could have provided better leadership. 
Daou says that instead of letting the health care debate move into decidedly 
right wing territory, the Democrats could have used the Overton Window. I love 
this concept. 


...The Overton Window is a means of visualizing which ideas define that range 
of acceptance where they fall in it...The idea is that priming the public with 
fringe ideas intended to be and remain unacceptable, will make the real target 
ideas seem more acceptable by comparison...

With all his political capital, financial resources, political strategists, 
media savvy people and access to a huge public forum, you have to wonder why 
Obama didn't jump on Single Payer with both feet running from day one. Now he's 
playing catch up to pass any old crappy bill. In a nutshell the Democrats ceded 
use of the Overton Window to the Republicans. So as they happily push faux hot 
button issues death panels socialized medicine government control to 
agitate a grossly misinformed the public, health care reform falls over the 

Alegre's Corner:

I disagree with Daou on one point. I don't think we are going to get something 
far weaker than we would have.  I think we are going to get a policy Big 
Media, Big Insurance and Big Pharma approved, [exactly what I have been saying] 
that most liberals would protest if say a President Mitt Romney were proposing 

Moving the Overton Window and Why Screaming Teabaggers! Isn't Helping

Daily Howler also addresses the push right that health care has recieved for 
decades and why just calling people stupid, sometimes racist, teabaggers, ain't 

Via Daily Howler:

In one way, it's odd to think that we liberals may get our keisters kicked 
again. It's odd because our side is so brilliant, while the other side is such 
a gang of laughable wing-nuts. We liberals love to point this out, often 
failing to ask ourselves how it is that the gang of nuts keep beating the gang 
that's so brilliant. In the matter of health care, we've had fifteen years 
since the last time we failed to get our talking-points and frameworks 
together. But we keep playing the grasshopper on our side, as the ants on the 
other side keep beaming out their messages. Very few citizens understand how 
crazy our health care situation really is. They're satisfied with their own 
health care, which makes reform hard. In part, they're satisfied because we've 
never told them about the degree to which they're being looted.

We liberals are brilliant, but we somehow forgot to tell them over the 
years. Now, too late, Obama tells them. (The last fifteen years are not his 
fault.) But even Obama still can't seem to get his basic data straight. (Is it 
really $6000 extra per person?) And he rushes through this point. When we rush 
through basic points this way, we ensure that our points will not register.

In short, we liberals have done a miserable job over the past fifteen 
years. But we remain very good at one thing; we're very good at telling 
everyone else how stupid and foolish they are! Those who disagree with us are 
wing-nuts—and now, they're tea-baggers too. We call them names every chance 
we get, then marvel at the wing-nutty way they reject our advanced ideas.

We have not moved the Overton Window, and we don't have our talking points in 
order, because us rank and file liberals have always demurred to our Party 
Leaders to do the right thing without demanding they do the right thing. We 
haven't moved the debate Left, because our leaders 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threats

2008-10-18 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The claim that actual death threats have been made on
 Fairfield Life is a serious one, and one that I do not
 take lightly. If the poster who made this claim cannot
 back up this claim with actual quotes that fit the
 definition on the following Wiki page -- may inflict 
 physical injury on anyone -- I demand a public retrac-
 tion of the statement and an equally public apology.
 I've been a member of Fairfield Life for some time now.
 I have never seen a death threat made on this forum.
 Not once. 
 I have seen people actively *wish* for another person's
 demise, but that's not a death threat. A death threat 
 is where you say, I or someone else will kill you.
 I have actually seen such statements on other Internet
 groups, one of them sadly another spiritual forum. When
 a poster on that forum started making statements like,
 I know where you live, and I'm going to go there and
 find you and beat you to death (no shit...someone on
 a spiritual forum really did say this), I'm as outraged
 as anyone else. In that case, although he didn't say it
 to me, I got in touch with the person who said it and 
 told him in no uncertain terms that if he continued I 
 would report him to the police. 
 So I don't take death threats lightly. 
 Nor do I take the claim that they have been made on 
 this forum lightly. I think that's a knowing lie.
 I think that the person who made this claim needs to 
 either prove her claim with exact quotes or retract the 
 claim and apologize to us all.

Judy has lost her game. It's become old and stale, empty, pointlessly
defensive and ineffective. All that's left is bitterness. Such a
shame. Now she claims misogyny when others point it out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death Threats

2008-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The claim that actual death threats have been made on
 Fairfield Life is a serious one, and one that I do not
 take lightly. If the poster who made this claim cannot
 back up this claim with actual quotes that fit the
 definition on the following Wiki page -- may inflict 
 physical injury on anyone -- I demand a public retrac-
 tion of the statement and an equally public apology.

Anyone who checks the page will find that Barry's
quote is WAY out of context; it's a definition of
when a death threat becomes a crime, i.e., when it
has been used successfully to coerce someone to
engage in conduct from which there is a legal right
to abstain or abstain from conduct in which there
is a legal right to engage.

Barry's quite safe from criminal prosecution in
this case (at least in Alaska, which is where the
legal definition above applies), since neither
raunchydog nor I have been so coerced.

Here's the pertinent Wikipedia quote defining a
death threat:

[Death] threats are usually designed to intimidate
victims in order to manipulate their behavior...

As to apologies, I'll quote from a post of Barry's
of around a year ago:

And I apologize to no one, unless I have the idea
to do so first. When someone gets in my face and tries
to tell me that I have affronted them and that I need
to apologize for it, I register what they say, but then
I just continue merrily with my life. Let *them* worry
about how fuckin' affronted they are, since they
obviously are.

However, no apology is called for in this case
anyway, as Barry knows. Those affronted are the
people against whom the death threats have been
made, not the person who has made them. If
anyone deserves an apology, it's the former (but
note that no demand for one has been made either).


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death experience

2007-08-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 For the third time in the last five years, I had an experience 
 yesterday during meditation that I can only describe as the 
 experience of death.  

FWIW: le petite mort(sp?) ;)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death experience

2007-08-05 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 For the third time in the last five years, I had an experience 
 yesterday during meditation that I can only describe as the 
 experience of death.  The previous two times I had the experience 
 during dreaming while sleeping (as opposed to dreaming while asleep 
 during program, which was the case here).
 I felt, first of all, a separation of my mind from my body.  
 my mind became an observer of my body which felt like a piece of 
 that one would see in the butcher shop: mass of flesh, sinews, 
 and bone.  Just a lump.  Then a cessation of activity of that 
 Indeed, this last time I even experienced a last exhale of breath 
 leaving the body in a final, long Haaah of exhalation.
 During waking state, I never experience my body like that; it 
 feels normal.
 Anyone identify with this?  Ever had an experience similar to it?
 One other point: I mention that I was dreaming when I had these 
 experiences.  I will venture to say that I was perhaps in the state 
 of tandra (not to be confused with tantra) which Muktananda 
 defines as a state of higher consciousness, beyond sleep, which is 
 experienced during meditation.  He calls it yogic sleep 
 where sometimes one has visions of the past or the future, visions 
 of different lokas such as heaven and hell and other things.  Yogic 
 sleep leads to all realisations.

I have this experience all the time; sometimes I cheat a little bit, 
by using a holosync cd, to go deeper into the delta state of deep 
sleep, and somehow managing to still have some awareness, even though 
you feel like just a floating soul of energy, having not much to do 
with the body...
All of these experiences, having to do with increasing silence, and 
maintaining awareness during silence, lowering of breath, the state 
of no-breath
Practice, practice, practice...
In a way, just the contemplation of death during meditation,
Is a good Buddhist way of experiencing your Buddhahood, 
Also, the first time I saw Maharishi, in NYC, Madison Square 
Garden...Manhatten, 1975;
 I had the feeling that there was a part of him, that was sort of 
dead; like there was a part of him that was eternal, beyond the body 
I saw...it was disturbing and interesting at the same time...
What that feeling is, is the death of the ego, and the birth of 
awarenss of the soul, beyond the body, and all material things...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death experience

2007-08-05 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 For the third time in the last five years, I had an experience 
 yesterday during meditation that I can only describe as the 
 experience of death.  The previous two times I had the experience 
 during dreaming while sleeping (as opposed to dreaming while asleep 
 during program, which was the case here).
 I felt, first of all, a separation of my mind from my body.  
 my mind became an observer of my body which felt like a piece of 
 that one would see in the butcher shop: mass of flesh, sinews, 
 and bone.  Just a lump.  Then a cessation of activity of that 
 Indeed, this last time I even experienced a last exhale of breath 
 leaving the body in a final, long Haaah of exhalation.
 During waking state, I never experience my body like that; it 
 feels normal.
 Anyone identify with this?  Ever had an experience similar to it?
 One other point: I mention that I was dreaming when I had these 
 experiences.  I will venture to say that I was perhaps in the state 
 of tandra (not to be confused with tantra) which Muktananda 
 defines as a state of higher consciousness, beyond sleep, which is 
 experienced during meditation.  He calls it yogic sleep 
 where sometimes one has visions of the past or the future, visions 
 of different lokas such as heaven and hell and other things.  Yogic 
 sleep leads to all realisations.

I'm interested in why people think this is an experience of death. 
Perhaps it is the experience that gave rise to ideas of what happens 
after we die. 

I always thought it might be the last thing we experience BEFORE we 
actually die, perhaps a way for our brains to stave of the insanity 
of non-existence.

It sounds to me like a classic out of body experience or part of 
the near death experience. Never had one myself but know people who 
have through accidents, drugs and TM. Though rarely at the same time. 
They all say it's amazingly real.

I always thought it might be the last thing we experience BEFORE we 
actually die, perhaps a way for our brains to stave of the insanity 
of non-existence. 

Susan Blackmore, who I've already mentioned once on here today 
funnily enough, did a lot of research into this sort of thing.

Have a read, though she doesn't go for the spiritual line it's 
interesting in it's description of how we decide what is real.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and Stuff

2007-01-20 Thread markmeredith2002
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
  Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:33 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Death and Stuff
   He has known for about a year and hasn't even told his family. He
   to the dome and is happy.
  If he's happy, great--we  should all be so lucky.  Is he getting any
  support from the TMO?
 Haven't heard. In fact, it would be interesting to know what kind of
 other notables who've died received. Skip Alexander, Jane Hopson, etc.

Notables in the tmo tend to have money which helps in that situation.
   The problem is with purushas and MDs (and other full timer staff)
who get kicked off if diagnosed with a disease and they have little to
no money and are generally estranged from their families - their
spiritual group was their family but that's taken from them when they
get sick which is the time they need that kind of support.  OFten they
still have ideas about ayurved or yagyas curing them which motivates
them to make foolish treatment choices.  PLus they're out in the world
maybe for the first time in decades which would be difficult enough
for them even without being sick.  This has created a very difficult
situation for many people and it's only going to increase in frequency
as the baby boomers in the tmo approach their 60s.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and Stuff

2007-01-20 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 20, 2007, at 10:08 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
  My sources tell me that:
  1. No one on campus committed suicide.
 Good to hear and pretty much what I figured. But the real question, 
 Rick, is...what does the Magic 8-Ball say?
  2. There is a guy living in Utopia Park who's dying slowly (aren't we 
 I was thinking that as well.
  He has known for about a year and hasn't even told his family. He goes 
  to the dome and is happy.
 If he's happy, great--we  should all be so lucky.  Is he getting any 
 support from the TMO?

If he hasn't even told his maily, what makes yo think that the TMO has been 

And what support do y ou think the TMO should be giving him and why? For 
instance, is it 
a progressively deteriorating condition where he willneed more and more life 
Should the TMO provide that? Etc.

  BTW, Death and Stuff was the name a friend of mine came up with for 
  a hypothetical trendy Georgetown mortuary. Anyone looking for a hot 
  business idea?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and Stuff

2007-01-20 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
  Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:33 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Death and Stuff
   He has known for about a year and hasn't even told his family. He
   to the dome and is happy.
  If he's happy, great--we  should all be so lucky.  Is he getting any
  support from the TMO?
 Haven't heard. In fact, it would be interesting to know what kind of support
 other notables who've died received. Skip Alexander, Jane Hopson, etc.

I don't know about Jane Hopson. Skip got his 15 minutes of fame though:


Volume 7, Number 4 / October, 2000
Journal Journal of Adult Development
Publisher   Springer Netherlands
ISSN1068-0667 (Print) 1573-3440 (Online)
Subject Behavioral Science
Pages   189-290
SpringerLink Date   Sunday, October 31, 2004

1.  Add to marked items
A Biographical Sketch of Charles Skip Alexander (1949–1998)
Author  Jane Schmidt-Wilk
TextPDF (30 kb)  

2.  Add to marked items
A Developmental Approach to Social Science: A Model for Analyzing Charles 
Scientific Contributions
Author  William R. Torbert
TextPDF (96 kb)  

3.  Add to marked items
An Overview of Charles Alexander's Contribution to Psychology: Developing 
Higher States 
of Consciousness in the Individual and the Society
Author  David W. Orme-Johnson
TextPDF (201 kb)  

4.  Add to marked items
Attending to the Fine Feeling Level
Author  Frederick Travis
TextPDF (19 kb)  

5.  Add to marked items
Creating a Better World
Author  Marilyn Schlitz
TextPDF (19 kb)  

6.  Add to marked items
Introducing Executives to the Transcendental Meditation Program
Author  Mary Martha Stevens
TextPDF (29 kb)  

7.  Add to marked items
Life Lessons from Skip
Author  Dennis P. Heaton
TextPDF (21 kb)  

8.  Add to marked items
Mature Ego Development: A Gateway to Ego Transcendence?
Author  Susanne R. Cook-Greuter
TextPDF (149 kb)  

9.  Add to marked items
Mental Attention, Consciousness, and the Progressive Emergence of Wisdom
Author  Juan Pascual-Leone
TextPDF (107 kb)  

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Moral Development and Higher States of Consciousness
Authors Sanford I. Nidich, Randi J. Nidich and Charles N. Alexander
TextPDF (106 kb)  

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One by One
Author  Toni Alazraki
TextPDF (20 kb)  

12. Add to marked items
Authors Susanne R. Cook-Greuter and Melvin E. Miller
TextPDF (31 kb)  

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Skip Alexander—A Visionary and a Warrior
Author  Jim Fairchild
TextPDF (20 kb)  

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Skip, Teaching from Bliss
Author  Jane Schmidt-Wilk
TextPDF (22 kb)  

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Skip's Smile
Author  Klaus Volkamer
TextPDF (19 kb)  

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Spiritual Seeker and Psychologist
Authors Charles N. Skip Alexander and Victoria K. Alexander
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This-worldly Mysticism: Inner Peace and World Transformation in the Work and 
Life of 
Charles Skip Alexander
Author  Jeffrey C. Alexander
TextPDF (52 kb)  

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Transforming Corporate Consciousness
Author  Franz-Theo Gottwald
TextPDF (21 kb)  

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Tribute to Dr. Charles Alexander
Author  Bevan Morris
TextPDF (19 kb)  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Death and Stuff

2007-01-20 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, markmeredith2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
   Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:33 AM
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Death and Stuff
He has known for about a year and hasn't even told his family. He
to the dome and is happy.
   If he's happy, great--we  should all be so lucky.  Is he getting any
   support from the TMO?
  Haven't heard. In fact, it would be interesting to know what kind of
  other notables who've died received. Skip Alexander, Jane Hopson, etc.
 Notables in the tmo tend to have money which helps in that situation.
The problem is with purushas and MDs (and other full timer staff)
 who get kicked off if diagnosed with a disease and they have little to
 no money and are generally estranged from their families

I'm sure it varies from person to person, but the only members of Purusha I 
were people like Rick Archer, George Brown, and the like. Rick can speak for 
himself, but 
George Brown's family was entirely supportive of his involvement with Purusha, 
at least 
according to his sisters.

 - their
 spiritual group was their family but that's taken from them when they
 get sick which is the time they need that kind of support.  OFten they
 still have ideas about ayurved or yagyas curing them which motivates
 them to make foolish treatment choices.  PLus they're out in the world
 maybe for the first time in decades which would be difficult enough
 for them even without being sick.  This has created a very difficult
 situation for many people and it's only going to increase in frequency
 as the baby boomers in the tmo approach their 60s.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death and Stuff

2007-01-20 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of sparaig
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 4:05 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Death and Stuf

I don't know about Jane Hopson. 


I think Jane died of ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease.

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