Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Mind?

2013-12-02 Thread Share Long
And I think chitta is actually "storehouse of impressions."

On Monday, December 2, 2013 5:48 PM, wgm4u  wrote:
In the Bhagavad Gita appendix he calls it, like you said 'manas', ahamkara 
being the 'ego' I suppose. 

---In,  wrote:

I'd like to learn what was Maharishi's definition of mind (citta, manas), if 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind-Modeling

2011-08-17 Thread Denise Evans
Sounds to me like many of these lessons were learned from workingI learned 
many of these same lessons the very hard way through years in corporate 
america.  And they hold true today.

--- On Wed, 8/17/11, Ravi Yogi  wrote:

From: Ravi Yogi 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind-Modeling
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 8:44 PM



The basic principle of spirituality is to separate the outer from inner, 
there's nothing to be learned from the personality of a Guru. So clearly both 
of you failed here. 
--- In, Bob Price  wrote:
> Excellent topic. 
> Some mind-modeling I may have done with Maharishi
> and Krishnamurtii:
> 1. The power of costume. If you want to close a 
> deal in the eastern hemisphere make sure your
> tie is well into three figures. Although my closet
> is now filled with expensive suits I never wear
> I learned from M & K at a young age the power
> of appearance in a commercial negotiation and
> many other kinds of transactions. As an expat I was 
> amazed how much final outcomes were impacted by 
> appearance. I have no doubt, I would not have been 
> able to take my first two wives hostage if I'd dressed the 
> way I dress now. 
> 2. Be humble in dealings with Arabs, Asians and Brits. 
> I learned from M&K to treat all transactions with 
> these ethnic groups as a learning experience and if
> I started thinking I was getting the upper hand in
> a transaction I needed reconsider what I was 
> smoking or drinking at the time. In a negotiation, not 
> only do these groups not: "leave anything on the table�, 
> as often as not, if you’re not being humble, they don't bother to
> even leave the table which you would swear was there 
> a minute ago. And not to forget when Maharishi obtained his degree, 
> India was the British Raj and the theosophists bought K the best 
> British education money could buy although some of the Dons at Oxford
> wondered out loud if he was retarded. 
> 3. Function follows form. Contrary to everything
> I was taught as a child, I learned from M&K
> that what I say is so much less important than
> how I say it. That the silver tongued devil always
> gets the worm no matter what time he gets out of bed.
> My theory is that it was when they first met the Brits
> that the Chinese started referring to Caucasians as 
> "Guai Lo" (white devils).
> 4.A good story is much more important than the company you keep.
> I have no idea what I believe or don't believe about what
> Maharishi taught me---after 40 years its a work in progress.
> That said, I mind-modeled from M&K's behaviour that a
> a good story is much more important than the company you
> keep. As an example, I would point out the fact that someone too
> the right of Attila the Hun (Maharishi) was able to convince
> someone to the left of Trotsky (John Lennon) to spent time
> with him in India near a river with a lot of bugs and terrible
> food based on a story about a place called "The Absolute".
> Of course you could point out that with to attainment of
> a knighthood and billionaire status for Macca and Yoko
> Lennon's socialism was pretty soft centred to start with.
> 5. Most people do not want the burden of taking responsibility for themselves.
> I learned from M&K that most people would prefer you to agree 
> with them than burden them with the truth. Also that there are pots of money
> to be made offering people a system, or non system in the case of K, that
> allows them to avoid all the nasty bits of their existence. Things like
> fear, boredom, stupidity, failure, homeliness, betrayal, intolerance,
> and resentment (I think I'll stop this one here since I want to send 
> this post today).
> 6. Money is the only meaningful metric for valuing a human being.
> When I met M&K I was a committed hippy and by
> the time our association ended seven years later I was
> a Reaganaut who thought the only way to get to heaven
> was with a platinum AMEX, a gold Rolex and the best looking car
> ---or wife---in the garage. If food, clothing, shelter and the people you 
> hang with are indicators---than everything about M&K screamed money 
> and commerce. I’m embarrassed to admit I was well into my forties before
> I realized that money has nothing to do with the rarity
> of an individual and irony of irony billionaires are a better
> indicator of the end of a civilization then its advancement.
> Anyone who has traveled knows there are no shortage of wealthy 
> people in Mexico, India and the Philippines although there is a very
> visible shortage of the type of middle class that made this country what it
> is.
> 7. Extremism in the defence of consciousness is no vice!
> It was not until I was older that I realized that"nothing new under the 
> sun�
> also applied to M&K hanging with elites and in M's case extrem

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:57 PM, raunchydog  wrote:

> **
> --- In, Emily Reyn 
> wrote:
> >
> > I found that an interesting statement, to say the least. Â Here is a
> snip to Judy from Xeno that partially addressed the statement. Â Have a
> good one.
> >
> > "And how did you do on the test Judy? In his absence I gave Barry 100%
> by taking the test for him. I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than
> Robin, and if I had to pick him or Robin as a teacher, Barry would be the
> better choice because he does not care who I am, and would not put up with
> spiritual nonsense from me. That does not mean he would be the best teacher
> for me, just more useful than Robin. At any time in one's life, a teacher,
> a book, a movie, any experience that moves you along even if that source is
> just a tenth fraction more 'advanced' than you, it does the job. A great
> master, if such exist certainly would be useful if one can be found, but as
> long as progress is made anything will do. In the end progress is illusory
> but that is the cosmic joke. The punch line of spirituality takes longer to
> get than any other joke in the universe, at least as far as humans are
> concerned. The butt of the joke is personal ontology."
> >
> >
> I'd missed this one, Em. What a hoot!

Well it's official !!!

I think Xeno, the frozen, immobile, sitting duck with his neo-advaita
platitudes, the one who used to serve as a target practice for me to whup
his ass any time, at my will, at my fancy, has finally stepped up the ante
to fill the huge, gaping, void left by His Holiness.

I think Xeno's compassion exceeds that of you gals.

This cold, heartless one has been brutally stung by my ambushes. And this
ultimately is a victory for me !!!

He is ready to steer, guide these emotionally, stunted, demented, deranged
King Baby's of this world to the age of Enlightenment.

Bravo to Xeno - the warm-hearted messiah of these much maligned, motley,

I bow down to you Xeno, you have finally understood my pain and agony, by
deciding to take this strong moral stand, you have taken me and all of us
here by total surprise.

You have proved Robin wrong - by this dramatic U-turn - you have proven to
him that you would like to remain true to reality - back off old man !!! I
don't think Judy has anything on you anymore Xeno - fear not, her tough
secular saint-ish justice.

Welcome to this new age, the dawn of the age of enlightenment, the Mayan
prophecies coming true, with the Maitreya of Morons - Xeno. Nabby, get this
word to Benjamin Creme ASAP - thank the aliens, ask them to recharge their
UFO's and return back peacefully.

Glory to Xeno - the Maitreya of Morons !!!


> >
> > 
> > From: awoelflebater 
> > To:
> > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 9:14 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] mind boggling
> >
> >
> > Â
> > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> >
> > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> >
> > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at
> Robin's commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 317866)
> and explain to me how you could possibly argue for this point Xeno. What
> exactly is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it is something I don't want
> to aspire to or can view as a positive thing if that is your assessment. If
> spirituality has anything whatsoever to the quality of heart, openness,
> willingness to understand, desire to be transformed by truth and life,
> sensitivity to other living creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have
> miscalculated badly - your assertion has missed the mark.
> >
>  _

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-25 Thread Share Long
Salya wrote:  I've certainly not seen anything to contradict it.  
Share replies:  Reminds me of this
Seeing is believing? no
Believing is seeing? yes
Meaning that we are likely to see validation of what we already believe.  I 
guess in that sense we're all TBs 

Maybe when people take on enlightenment as a goal, that in and of itself puts 
pressure on the person to be a certain way.  If unable to live up to such 
ideals, it could cause irritability, etc.  As I get older I've found it best to 
take such goals lightly.  Just do my best.  Leave the rest up to Life. 

As for the list, it seems to contradict itself viz a viz loss of interest in 
judging others.  

Thank you for this.  I enjoyed reading and replying.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling


--- In, awoelflebater  wrote:
> So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at Robin's 
> commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 317866) and 
> explain to me how you could possibly argue for this point Xeno. What exactly 
> is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it is something I don't want to aspire 
> to or can view as a positive thing if that is your assessment. If 
> spirituality has anything whatsoever to the quality of heart, openness, 
> willingness to understand, desire to be transformed by truth and life, 
> sensitivity to other living creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have 
> miscalculated badly  - your assertion has missed the mark.

I guess it boils down to that most curious trait that makes people
in the TMO (and perhaps other groups) ascribe enlightenment to
people simply because they like them. I used to get it a lot, maybe
becuase I'm of a generally sunny disposition and , they claimed, rather 
dynamic. I was puzzled as I know what lies inside, the sorts 
of lines on stone that everyone seems to have, whether they've been
meditating their whole lives or not. I suspect it's all a matter
of relativity, I was yet to be institutionalised and learn what to
say and talk about like the rather more brainwashed of the long
term staff. 

The clincher came when a friend sent me a list of signs of
spiritual awakening. You know the sort of thing, they get
posted around facebook infinitely and contains stuff like:

An increased tendency to let things happen rather than
make them happen.

Frequent attacks of smiling.

A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than
from fears based on past experience.

A loss of ability to worry.

A loss of interest in judging others.

Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything.

Feelins of being connected with others and nature.

All very laudable I'm sure you'll agree, trouble for me
was the person who sent it is one of the most pent up, frustrated,
angry, aggressive, comtrolling people I have ever met. And yet
will go on endlessly about spiritual matters and enlightenment
without every displaying the sort of self awareness that I would
have said is one of the first steps in self improvement. 

Is everyone kidding themselves do you think? How many were 
totally honest when they did Robin's quiz? If my superficially charming friend 
did it I'm sure they would get top marks, but 
anyone who gets really close knows otherwise. But then in the 
TMO I'd often heard it said that you can't tell if someone is enlightened by 
the way they act. Sounds like a feeble get out 
clause to me.

I've had periods of obvious unity (and all the others) but
it didn't last and many years later I wonder what the fuss was
all about, it isn't like you get any actual knowledge no matter
what people tell you. I suspect it's all a type of controlled
psychotic break, rare and self inflicted, but an adjustment of
normal perception and not anything connected with any deeper,
"cosmic" agency. No new wisdom to be had, no support of nature
(whatever that might actually mean).

I can justify that I think. I've certainly not seen anything 
to contradict it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-25 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> >
> > This alone made my head spin...
> >
> ...a list of signs of spiritual awakening...
Spirituality is belief in an ultimate or an alleged immaterial
reality - a concern with matters of the spirit.

I've seen zero indication that the TurquoiseB believes in any
'spirits', or for that matter, engages in any kind of spiritual
practice, other than being 'mindfull', and that's a Hinyana
Buddhist practice - nothing to do with being spiritual or

Did I miss something?

About the only thing I've read that Barry believes in, is the
Hindu theory of karma and the belief in a soul-monad. But,
there's no scientific articles posted by Barry that prove that
there is a 'Bardo' state. LoL!

spir·i·tu·al  adj

1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit :

> An increased tendency to let things happen rather than
> make them happen.
> Frequent attacks of smiling.
> A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than
> from fears based on past experience.
> A loss of ability to worry.
> A loss of interest in judging others.
> Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything.
> Feelins of being connected with others and nature.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-25 Thread Share Long
dear Raunchy, thank you but new week or old week? 

 From: raunchydog 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

Share's quote of the week: "...we are likely to see validation of what we 
already believe.  I guess in that sense we're all TBs."

Love it. 

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> Salya wrote:  I've certainly not seen anything to contradict it.  
> Share replies:  Reminds me of this
> Seeing is believing? no
> Believing is seeing? yes
> Meaning that we are likely to see validation of what we already believe.  I 
> guess in that sense we're all TBs 
> Maybe when people take on enlightenment as a goal, that in and of itself puts 
> pressure on the person to be a certain way.  If unable to live up to such 
> ideals, it could cause irritability, etc.  As I get older I've found it best 
> to take such goals lightly.  Just do my best.  Leave the rest up to Life. 
> As for the list, it seems to contradict itself viz a viz loss of interest in 
> judging others.  
> Thank you for this.  I enjoyed reading and replying.
>  From: salyavin808 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:34 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling
> --- In, awoelflebater  wrote:
> >
> > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> > 
> > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> > 
> > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at Robin's 
> > commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 317866) and 
> > explain to me how you could possibly argue for this point Xeno. What 
> > exactly is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it is something I don't want 
> > to aspire to or can view as a positive thing if that is your assessment. If 
> > spirituality has anything whatsoever to the quality of heart, openness, 
> > willingness to understand, desire to be transformed by truth and life, 
> > sensitivity to other living creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have 
> > miscalculated badly  - your assertion has missed the mark.
> >
> I guess it boils down to that most curious trait that makes people
> in the TMO (and perhaps other groups) ascribe enlightenment to
> people simply because they like them. I used to get it a lot, maybe
> becuase I'm of a generally sunny disposition and , they claimed, rather 
> dynamic. I was puzzled as I know what lies inside, the sorts 
> of lines on stone that everyone seems to have, whether they've been
> meditating their whole lives or not. I suspect it's all a matter
> of relativity, I was yet to be institutionalised and learn what to
> say and talk about like the rather more brainwashed of the long
> term staff. 
> The clincher came when a friend sent me a list of signs of
> spiritual awakening. You know the sort of thing, they get
> posted around facebook infinitely and contains stuff like:
> An increased tendency to let things happen rather than
> make them happen.
> Frequent attacks of smiling.
> A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than
> from fears based on past experience.
> A loss of ability to worry.
> A loss of interest in judging others.
> Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything.
> Feelins of being connected with others and nature.
> All very laudable I'm sure you'll agree, trouble for me
> was the person who sent it is one of the most pent up, frustrated,
> angry, aggressive, comtrolling people I have ever met. And yet
> will go on endlessly about spiritual matters and enlightenment
> without every displaying the sort of self awareness that I would
> have said is one of the first steps in self improvement. 
> Is everyone kidding themselves do you think? How many were 
> totally honest when they did Robin's quiz? If my superficially charming 
> friend did it I'm sure they would get top marks, but 
> anyone who gets really close knows otherwise. But then in the 
> TMO I'd often heard it said that you can't tell if someone is enlightened by 
> the way they act. Sounds like a feeble get out 
> clause to me.
> I've had periods of obvious unity (and all the others) but
> it didn't last and many years later I wonder what the fuss was
> all about, it isn't like you get any actual knowledge no matter
> what people tell you. I suspect it's all a type of controlled
> psychotic break, rare and self inflicted, but an adjustment of
> normal perception and not anything connected with any deeper,
> "cosmic" agency. No new wisdom to be had, no support of nature
> (whatever that might actually mean).
> I can justify that I think. I've certainly not seen anything 
> to contradict it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-25 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > I guess it boils down to that most curious trait that makes people
> > in the TMO (and perhaps other groups) ascribe enlightenment to
> > people simply because they like them.
> >
> What I find even more curious is the number of people who
> ascribe enlightenment to people based on what they SAY.
You're not being very creative when you say that!

> As if words could ever either indicate enlightenment or
> describe it.
So, why even make a comment?

> In my book, the less said, the better.   :-)
Your book says nothing about enlightenment. And, you're
going to have to use more than words in order to convince
us that you're enlightened! LoL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-25 Thread Richard J. Williams
> Dear Barry, then why do you talk so much?
Forty years of incessant babbling about enlightenment! LoL!

Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-26 Thread Emily Reyn
 "when you get a hate on"  Robin, what is this slang phrasing you are 
using?  You are watching too many videosRavi's videos, obviously.  

(Feste, I think Robin and Judy are exercising "creativity."  Shocking really - 
who would've guessed?  P.S.  I like you too.)

 From: Robin Carlsen 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 5:34 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling


--- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In, "Robin Carlsen"  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> >  wrote:
> > I suppose I ought respond to a few of these comments. Perhaps Xeno has taken
> > leave of his senses.
> > 
> > > awoelflebater wrotes:
> > 
> > > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> > 
> > > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> > 
> > > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at 
> > > Robin's
> > commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 317866) and 
> > explain
> > to me how you could possibly argue for this point Xeno. What exactly is your
> > definition of spiritual? Maybe it is something I don't want to aspire to or 
> > can
> > view as a positive thing if that is your assessment. If spirituality has
> > anything whatsoever to the quality of heart, openness, willingness to
> > understand, desire to be transformed by truth and life, sensitivity to other
> > living creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have miscalculated badly - 
> > your
> > assertion has missed the mark.
> > 
> > > Emily wrote:
> > > I found that an interesting statement, to say the least.
> > 
> > > raunchydog wrote:
> > > I'd missed this one, Em. What a hoot!
> > 
> > > Ravi wrote:
> > >
> > > ...I think Xeno, the frozen, immobile, sitting duck with his neo-advaita
> > platitudes, the one who used to serve as a target practice for me to whup 
> > his
> > ass any time, at my will, at my fancy, has finally stepped up the ante to 
> > fill
> > the huge, gaping, void left by His Holiness...
> > 
> > > ...This cold, heartless one has been brutally stung by my ambushes. And 
> > > this
> > ultimately is a victory for me!!!
> > 
> > (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and unfocused and largely
> > self-congratulatory. But then that is Ravi!)
> > 
> > > ...Glory to Xeno - the Maitreya of Morons !!!
> > 
> > > salyavin808 wrote:
> > > I guess it boils down to that most curious trait that makes people in the 
> > > TMO
> > (and perhaps other groups) ascribe enlightenment to people simply because 
> > they
> > like them.
> > 
> > First of all, I said 'I thought', meaning that is my opinion; I did not 
> > ascribe
> > enlightenment either to Robin or Barry. I said 'more spiritually advanced'. 
> > That
> > implies some relative difference in what I consider a person's 
> > understanding of
> > spirituality, but it does not imply what that value of advancement is, other
> > than I thought there was a difference. It does not imply how much the 
> > degree of
> > separation is either. Emily was kind enough to quote a few comments I made 
> > as
> > reasons for the choice I made.
> > 
> > It is based more on a feeling than anything else. If I had to trust someone 
> > to
> > watch my back, I would pick Barry over Robin. Fewer blades, and were one to 
> > fly,
> > Barry would be up front about it. I do not trust Robin. For whatever 
> > problems,
> > shortcomings, and curmudgeonly gripes Barry may have, he is far more direct 
> > than
> > Robin, Barry is calculating in many ways, to my mind, but Robin is cunning, 
> > and
> > that is danger. Further Robin has a history that is less than savoury in his
> > interactions with people. I do not know Barry's, but based on the 
> > interactions
> > here, my guess with normal people (that is, not us), he is a regular guy, 
> > maybe
> > a little crusty, but essentially normal. Here on FFL, our IDs (the monsters 
> > of
> > the ID) are not so restrained. Robin's does not appear to have been much
> > restrained. People who have the experience of slipping into unity or 
> > Brahman, to
> > use that term, seldom take and run with it. They are taken aback by it. It 
> > stuns
> > them. They sometimes think they have gone nuts, and are unsure, especially 
> > if
> > unprepared for the astonishing shift in awareness.
> > 
> > Robin, to my mind, and remember I am saying 'to my mind', I might be wrong 
> > in
> > this - is deeply attached to both himself as a person (ego), and to a 
> > particular
> > brand of theology, not sure exactly what, it seems kind of Catholic, but 
> > with
> > the Robin twist. Barry has basically flown the coop here regarding 
> > ideology, but
> > he is still practicing some form of meditation. Barry's ability to make fun 
> > of
> > all the holy holies of spiritual life has a certain insight into spiritual
> > puffery and ostentation. He has taken me on fo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-26 Thread Emily Reyn
What?  Are you saying that some of us lack accountability?  ANN's is the cat's 
pj's and the cat's meow and she is in no way declawed, either.  Love that 

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

Dr. D...ass: Noted - I thought something was amiss in the Garden...

--- In, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> >
> > Doc sez: With the exception of awoelflebater, I see ugly people. Do they 
> > clean up after themselves?
> > 
> Hey Doc, aweolflebater is the cats p.j's. Whenever I get that icky feeling 
> from certain posters on FFLife, I always feel in need of a shower. It's kinda 
> like dealing with the bodily secretion of gastropod mollusks...snail slime. 
> These critters haven't a clue how to clean up after themselves.
> > --- In, azgrey  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:14 AM, awoelflebater  
> > > > wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> > > > > 
> > > > > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> > > > > 
> > > > > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at 
> > > > > Robin's commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 
> > > > > 317866) and explain to me how you could possibly argue for this point 
> > > > > Xeno. What exactly is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it is 
> > > > > something I don't want to aspire to or can view as a positive thing 
> > > > > if that is your assessment. If spirituality has anything whatsoever 
> > > > > to the quality of heart, openness, willingness to understand, desire 
> > > > > to be transformed by truth and life, sensitivity to other living 
> > > > > creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have miscalculated badly - 
> > > > > your assertion has missed the mark. 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks Ann! That was the correct answer!
> > > > 
> > > > You win the Clueless Guru Enabler Award for 2012 - congratulations!
> > > > 
> > > > Yes, Ann you'll stand side by side with the person who poured the punch 
> > > > in Guyana for Jim Jones, the Srivistava thugs that threatened the 
> > > > Kaplans and the priest who collected young boys for Sai Baba! 
> > > > 
> > > > Now these are some big shoes to fill Ann, I'm not sure if you're up to 
> > > > it. While many past Guru Enablers were forced to wile away countless 
> > > > days in prisons or recovery units, you're unique in that you're still 
> > > > somewhat functional - and the only one (so far) declared Demonic by a 
> > > > Catholic version of Werner Erhard (someone cue the Keith Jarrett...).
> > > > 
> > > > Bravo!
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I bet her entanglement with Robin and WTS made her daddy so proud.
> > >
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-26 Thread Emily Reyn
Dangmy *dog* needs to work on some accountability as well.  

 From: raunchydog 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:36 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

That's right, Em. Doc thinks folks on FFLife should be more accountable to 
clean up after themselves. 

--- In, Emily Reyn  wrote:
> What?  Are you saying that some of us lack accountability?  ANN's is the 
> cat's pj's and the cat's meow and she is in no way declawed, either.  Love 
> that woman.  
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." doctordumbass@...
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:19 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling
> Dr. D...ass: Noted - I thought something was amiss in the Garden...
> --- In, "raunchydog" raunchydog@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> > >
> > > Doc sez: With the exception of awoelflebater, I see ugly people. Do they 
> > > clean up after themselves?
> > > 
> > 
> > Hey Doc, aweolflebater is the cats p.j's. Whenever I get that icky feeling 
> > from certain posters on FFLife, I always feel in need of a shower. It's 
> > kinda like dealing with the bodily secretion of gastropod mollusks...snail 
> > slime. These critters haven't a clue how to clean up after themselves.
> > 
> > > --- In, azgrey  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:14 AM, awoelflebater 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at 
> > > > > > Robin's commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 
> > > > > > 317866) and explain to me how you could possibly argue for this 
> > > > > > point Xeno. What exactly is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it 
> > > > > > is something I don't want to aspire to or can view as a positive 
> > > > > > thing if that is your assessment. If spirituality has anything 
> > > > > > whatsoever to the quality of heart, openness, willingness to 
> > > > > > understand, desire to be transformed by truth and life, sensitivity 
> > > > > > to other living creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have 
> > > > > > miscalculated badly - your assertion has missed the mark. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Thanks Ann! That was the correct answer!
> > > > > 
> > > > > You win the Clueless Guru Enabler Award for 2012 - congratulations!
> > > > > 
> > > > > Yes, Ann you'll stand side by side with the person who poured the 
> > > > > punch in Guyana for Jim Jones, the Srivistava thugs that threatened 
> > > > > the Kaplans and the priest who collected young boys for Sai Baba! 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Now these are some big shoes to fill Ann, I'm not sure if you're up 
> > > > > to it. While many past Guru Enablers were forced to wile away 
> > > > > countless days in prisons or recovery units, you're unique in that 
> > > > > you're still somewhat functional - and the only one (so far) declared 
> > > > > Demonic by a Catholic version of Werner Erhard (someone cue the Keith 
> > > > > Jarrett...).
> > > > > 
> > > > > Bravo!
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I bet her entanglement with Robin and WTS made her daddy so proud.
> > > >
> > >
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-26 Thread Ravi Chivukula
*" (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and unfocused and largely
self-congratulatory. But then that is Ravi!) "*

Oh c'mon now Xenophantoros Anaarchataxius,

You really know how to hurt a person when they are down !!! Show me mercy
man - god.

I have already made a peace offer. It was dumb, it was stupid of me - every
one here on FFL has acknowledged that, I have been soundly admonished -
what else do you want?

Everyone saw the email where I bowed down to your wisdom - your status as
the Mayan Messiah, the Maitreya of Morons. How would I have to know that
you were in disguise pretending to be a cold, heartless person using
neo-advaita platitudes to support the morons with your weak moral stands,
all the while preparing them for the age of enlightenment? I see your
sacrifice now and bow down to it.

Please don't hurt me anymore Xenophantoros Anaarchataxius, show me that
warm heartedness of you that's been the highlight of this past week.

All glory be to Xenophantoros Anaarchataxius, the Greek God incarnated as -
the Mayan Messiah, the Maitreya of Morons !!!


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius <> wrote:

> **
> I suppose I ought respond to a few of these comments. Perhaps Xeno has
> taken leave of his senses.
> > awoelflebater wrotes:
> > So Xeno writes the other day to Judy:
> > "I feel Barry is more spiritually advanced than Robin"
> > This alone made my head spin. But just, for example, take a look at
> Robin's commentary to Emily after she took his quiz yesterday (post 317866)
> and explain to me how you could possibly argue for this point Xeno. What
> exactly is your definition of spiritual? Maybe it is something I don't want
> to aspire to or can view as a positive thing if that is your assessment. If
> spirituality has anything whatsoever to the quality of heart, openness,
> willingness to understand, desire to be transformed by truth and life,
> sensitivity to other living creatures then, dear Xeno, I think you have
> miscalculated badly - your assertion has missed the mark.
> > Emily wrote:
> > I found that an interesting statement, to say the least.
> > raunchydog wrote:
> > I'd missed this one, Em. What a hoot!
> > Ravi wrote:
> >
> > ...I think Xeno, the frozen, immobile, sitting duck with his neo-advaita
> platitudes, the one who used to serve as a target practice for me to whup
> his ass any time, at my will, at my fancy, has finally stepped up the ante
> to fill the huge, gaping, void left by His Holiness...
> > ...This cold, heartless one has been brutally stung by my ambushes. And
> this ultimately is a victory for me!!!
> (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and unfocused and largely
> self-congratulatory. But then that is Ravi!)
> > ...Glory to Xeno - the Maitreya of Morons !!!
> > salyavin808 wrote:
> > I guess it boils down to that most curious trait that makes people in
> the TMO (and perhaps other groups) ascribe enlightenment to people simply
> because they like them.
> First of all, I said 'I thought', meaning that is my opinion; I did not
> ascribe enlightenment either to Robin or Barry. I said 'more spiritually
> advanced'. That implies some relative difference in what I consider a
> person's understanding of spirituality, but it does not imply what that
> value of advancement is, other than I thought there was a difference. It
> does not imply how much the degree of separation is either. Emily was kind
> enough to quote a few comments I made as reasons for the choice I made.
> It is based more on a feeling than anything else. If I had to trust
> someone to watch my back, I would pick Barry over Robin. Fewer blades, and
> were one to fly, Barry would be up front about it. I do not trust Robin.
> For whatever problems, shortcomings, and curmudgeonly gripes Barry may
> have, he is far more direct than Robin, Barry is calculating in many ways,
> to my mind, but Robin is cunning, and that is danger. Further Robin has a
> history that is less than savoury in his interactions with people. I do not
> know Barry's, but based on the interactions here, my guess with normal
> people (that is, not us), he is a regular guy, maybe a little crusty, but
> essentially normal. Here on FFL, our IDs (the monsters of the ID) are not
> so restrained. Robin's does not appear to have been much restrained. People
> who have the experience of slipping into unity or Brahman, to use that
> term, seldom take and run with it. They are taken aback by it. It stuns
> them. They sometimes think they have gone nuts, and are unsure, especially
> if unprepared for the astonishing shift in awareness.
> Robin, to my mind, and remember I am saying 'to my mind', I might be wrong
> in this - is deeply attached to both himself as a person (ego), and to a
> particular brand of theology, not sure exactly what, it seems kind of
> Catholic, but with the Robin twist. Barry has basically flown the coop here
> regarding id

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh no dear Xeno, in my enthusiasm, excitement, eagerness at having seen His 
Holiness, I think I have hurt your feelings. I really apologize, if I knew this 
day would come, I would never got into all this discussion with you. OMG, what 
a mess !!!

I have a special kind of love for His Holiness just as I have for many here, so 
I hope you forgive my childish, playful, hurtful behavior.

Anyway His Holiness has all my attention now. This should help me focus better.


On Aug 27, 2012, at 3:43 PM, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  

> Ravi, just ignore me. Walk around me. I am not in your way. You don't need me.
> --- In, Ravi Chivukula  
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Xeno,
> > 
> > Get out of my face please, you are blocking me from getting His Holiness's
> > darshan.
> > 
> > I have no use for you now that His Holiness is back, if he leaves I will
> > get back to you - I promise.
> > 
> > Love ya,
> > Ravi
> > 
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
> > Date: Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:59 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling
> > To:
> > 
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > *" (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and unfocused and largely
> > > self-congratulatory. But then that is Ravi!) "*
> > 
> > >
> > > Oh c'mon now Xenophantoros Anaarchataxius,
> > >
> > > You really know how to hurt a person when they are down !!! Show me mercy
> > > man - god.
> > >
> > > I have already made a peace offer. It was dumb, it was stupid of me -
> > every
> > > one here on FFL has acknowledged that, I have been soundly admonished -
> > > what else do you want?
> > >
> > > Everyone saw the email where I bowed down to your wisdom - your status as
> > > the Mayan Messiah, the Maitreya of Morons. How would I have to know that
> > > you were in disguise pretending to be a cold, heartless person using
> > > neo-advaita platitudes to support the morons with your weak moral stands,
> > > all the while preparing them for the age of enlightenment? I see your
> > > sacrifice now and bow down to it.
> > >
> > > Please don't hurt me anymore Xenophantoros Anaarchataxius, show me that
> > > warm heartedness of you that's been the highlight of this past week.
> > >
> > > All glory be to Xenophantoros Anaarchataxius, the Greek God incarnated as
> > -
> > > the Mayan Messiah, the Maitreya of Morons !!!
> > >
> > > Love,
> > > Ravi
> > 
> > Have a nice day Ravi. Being praised and damned is, you know, a
> > characteristic of a god. Why are these gods so like us? Like you, like me,
> > our forgotten invention? For your information, I know very little about
> > neo-adviata. I downloaded a PDF file emptybill posted here a while back and
> > read that. That is the extent of my familiarity with the term. Every once
> > and a while you almost seem sane. What is it like in there, during a moment
> > where the activity of the world about is quieted, and you have nothing to
> > do for the moment. What goes on in there, in Ravi. Old feelings trying to
> > slither into awareness? Regrets? Thoughts that would speak of better (or
> > worse) times to come? If Ravi were silent, what would emerge? A lost love
> > is one of the hardest things to experience through.
> > 
> > Things seem like old times, though I have not been here that long. The gang
> > is back, except for Curtis. I think I would have liked LB to be here, but
> > that was before my time.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-27 Thread Ravi Chivukula
This is it dear Xeno, this seals it - "Love, Xeno", yes Ravi - Xeno has
feelings  and he has proved it to you, so just shut the eff up and I will
Xeno, I will.

So let's just discuss stuff.

Xeno: For your information, I know very little about neo-adviata. I
downloaded a PDF file emptybill posted here a while back and read that.

Ravi: Good to know that Xeno, you may not realize it but supporting someone
like Barry, who is so painfully, pitifully emotionally damaged, stunted;
supporting Vaj who is so obviously, ridiculously, blatantly a liar;
supporting Curtis who is so obviously covered with a 7 layered deception,
progressively base, cruder, grosser that, his beautiful writing struggling
to painfully, pitifully, hideously hide, cover, suppress it - shows that
you are a victim of your beliefs, your beliefs about what silence is. The
very fact that you make the end as a set of nicely wrapped beliefs leaves
you immobile, frozen unable to take a stand - this is what I refer to when
I mock you as neo-advaita.

Xeno: What is it like in there, during a moment where the activity of the
world about is quieted, and you have nothing to do for the moment. What
goes on in there, in Ravi. Old feelings trying to slither into awareness?
Regrets? Thoughts that would speak of better (or worse) times to come? If
Ravi were silent, what would emerge? A lost love is one of the hardest
things to experience through.

Ravi: Ravi is terribly, terrifyingly silent, this silence that can truly be
terrifying for the first time, there's nothing happening for him. But you
know what - true silence leads to much activity, focused, furious, feverish
activity when the situation demands it, pacifism - not it is, inaction -
not it is, devoid of biases, fears, anxieties, insecurities, projections,
you truly act for the first time. All previous actions pale in comparison,
there were akin to a dark man stumbling around a room. This is the metaphor
of Krishna, the highest of an individual consciousness, the guy is so
silent that he so unflinchingly, unhesitatingly, unconditionally orders
Arjuna to just, simply kill, look at the silence of the man - he is totally
clear. Krishna can totally see the situation, he's not like Xeno, hiding
behind love-bliss constructs, puny, pathetic platitudes, when the
situations beckons him to act. A totally silent man makes outrageously bold
stands unlike the platitudes you spew. So I'm totally at ease regardless of
furious, feverish activity.


On Aug 27, 2012, at 4:52 PM, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 

You did not hurt my feelings Ravi - remember? I don't have any.



--- In, Ravi Chivukula 
> Oh no dear Xeno, in my enthusiasm, excitement, eagerness at having seen
His Holiness, I think I have hurt your feelings. I really apologize, if I
knew this day would come, I would never got into all this discussion with
you. OMG, what a mess !!!
> I have a special kind of love for His Holiness just as I have for many
here, so I hope you forgive my childish, playful, hurtful behavior.
> Anyway His Holiness has all my attention now. This should help me focus
> Love,
> Ravi
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 3:43 PM, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> > Ravi, just ignore me. Walk around me. I am not in your way. You don't
need me.
> >
> > --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
> > >
> > > Dear Xeno,
> > >
> > > Get out of my face please, you are blocking me from getting His
> > > darshan.
> > >
> > > I have no use for you now that His Holiness is back, if he leaves I
> > > get back to you - I promise.
> > >
> > > Love ya,
> > > Ravi
> > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh my sweet, innocent Aunt Share,

I'm ever ready to rave, rove, ravish, especially for my dear auntie.

One needs to develop their inner, intuitive, instinctive I - "eye" to recognize 
His Holiness. It will be demeaning, detestable, dishonorable for me to take his 
name publicly.


On Aug 28, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Share Long  wrote:

> Ok, now that my name has been listed, I'd sort of like to know?  WHO THE HECK 
> OTOH, boys vs girls!  Yay!  Just like in the old neighborhood, playing Red 
> Rover.
> Red Rover, Red Rover, we dare Ravi over (-:
> From: Richard J. Williams 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:43 PM
> Subject: Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling
> Ravi Chivukula:
> > Dear Xeno,
> > 
> > Get out of my face please, you are blocking me from 
> > getting His Holiness's darshan.
> >
> Apparently Xeno doesn't understand this kind of logic.
> > I have no use for you now that His Holiness is back, 
> > if he leaves I will get back to you - I promise.
> > 
> Great, now it's all about Curtis, Robin, Barry and
> Xeno versus Ann and Judy and Share and Dog. LoL!
> > > *" (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and 
> > > unfocused and largely self-congratulatory. But 
> > > then that is Ravi!) "*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Share Long
Noting Notorious Nephew's Gnarly Knowingness Non Nostagically 
Nantie Name

 From: Ravi Chivukula 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

Oh my sweet, innocent Aunt Share,

I'm ever ready to rave, rove, ravish, especially for my dear auntie.

One needs to develop their inner, intuitive, instinctive I - "eye" to recognize 
His Holiness. It will be demeaning, detestable, dishonorable for me to take his 
name publicly.


On Aug 28, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Share Long  wrote:

>Ok, now that my name has been listed, I'd sort of like to know?  WHO THE HECK 
>OTOH, boys vs girls!  Yay!  Just like in the old neighborhood, playing Red 
>Red Rover, Red Rover, we dare Ravi over (-:
> From: Richard J. Williams 
>Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:43 PM
>Subject: Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling
>Ravi Chivukula:
>> Dear Xeno,
>> Get out of my face please, you are blocking me from 
>> getting His Holiness's darshan.
>Apparently Xeno doesn't understand this kind of logic.
>> I have no use for you now that His Holiness is back, 
>> if he leaves I will get back to you - I promise.
>Great, now it's all about Curtis, Robin, Barry and
>Xeno versus Ann and Judy and Share and Dog. LoL!
>> > *" (Your ambushes, Ravi are particularly inept and 
>> > unfocused and largely self-congratulatory. But 
>> > then that is Ravi!) "*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Whoa hold it there Ann !!!

Any attempts to tarnish Dumbazgrey's tiny, puny, slimy minutemanish glories, 
exploits, feats will be prematurely and swiftly dealt.

On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, awoelflebater  wrote:

> --- In, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In, awoelflebater 
> > wrote:
> > snip
> > > And maybe we are being spared your plagiarized badly-written goof-ball
> > manifestos purportedly about Robin. I am counting on the fact you are
> > too busy with other vital matters, like posting at FFL, to dig up any
> > more of these screeds from some dusty archive and inserting someone
> > else's name in order to cause shit.
> > 
> > Ann,
> > Perhaps I missed something. Who was it plagiarized from?
> Hi Steve, you'll have to ask AZ but I doubt he'll tell you. He wants you to 
> think he wrote the posts. And you noticed these before when you wrote:
> "Grey, where did you learn to write like that! I mean, I've always thought 
> you had a way with words, but Gene Menetley, you've blown me away. I don't 
> really get how you accord Robin all this power? Or maybe you are using him as 
> a metaphor for something? It also sounds like you have some history with 
> Robin. Is this the case? I assume it must have been way back when, but a lot 
> in your letter sounds current.
> I'd love to have you clarify a few of these points."
> Thanks,
> Steve
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:27 PM, "seventhray1"  wrote:

> --- In, Ravi Chivukula  
> wrote:
> >
> > Whoa hold it there Ann !!!
> > 
> > Any attempts to tarnish Dumbazgrey's tiny, puny, slimy minutemanish 
> > glories, exploits, feats will be prematurely and swiftly dealt.
> What exactly are you saying here Ravi?  That it's okay to make an accusation 
> with nothing to back it up?  Is that how you operate? 

Oh come on Steve, you know your little brother's being naughty and playful. Do 
you seriously want me to get away from the FFL playground, away from your 
protective, watchful eyes? Ok you have yelled at me enough, now I'm upset and 
show me some love.

> > 
> > On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, awoelflebater wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, awoelflebater 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > snip
> > > > > And maybe we are being spared your plagiarized badly-written goof-ball
> > > > manifestos purportedly about Robin. I am counting on the fact you are
> > > > too busy with other vital matters, like posting at FFL, to dig up any
> > > > more of these screeds from some dusty archive and inserting someone
> > > > else's name in order to cause shit.
> > > > 
> > > > Ann,
> > > > Perhaps I missed something. Who was it plagiarized from?
> > > 
> > > Hi Steve, you'll have to ask AZ but I doubt he'll tell you. He wants you 
> > > to think he wrote the posts. And you noticed these before when you wrote:
> > > 
> > > "Grey, where did you learn to write like that! I mean, I've always 
> > > thought you had a way with words, but Gene Menetley, you've blown me 
> > > away. I don't really get how you accord Robin all this power? Or maybe 
> > > you are using him as a metaphor for something? It also sounds like you 
> > > have some history with Robin. Is this the case? I assume it must have 
> > > been way back when, but a lot in your letter sounds current.
> > > 
> > > I'd love to have you clarify a few of these points."
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > 
> > > Steve
> > > >
> > > 
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Ravi sez - Doctor Dumbass is actually Dr Wiseass in disguise.

On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:11 PM, 

> Doctor Dumbass reports: No worries, azgrey is simply a sheep in wolf's 
> clothing, a lamb posing as a lion, a mouse pretending to be a man.
> --- In, awoelflebater  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, azgrey  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Things seem like old times, though I have not been here 
> > > > > that long. The gang is back, except for Curtis. 
> > > > 
> > > > Ah, I see I'm not the only person to have recognized
> > > > the dumbass beneath the dumbass. :-)
> > > >
> > > 
> > > How long before Jim tells us again how enlightened he is?
> > > 
> > > Was it the quasi-pseudo-enlightenessimentitude that gave
> > > him away this time or the general obtuse nature of the 
> > > consciousness behind his posts?
> > > 
> > > Maybe this incarnation will spare us the talentless loops he 
> > > considers music.
> > 
> > And maybe we are being spared your plagiarized badly-written goof-ball 
> > manifestos purportedly about Robin. I am counting on the fact you are too 
> > busy with other vital matters, like posting at FFL, to dig up any more of 
> > these screeds from some dusty archive and inserting someone else's name in 
> > order to cause shit.
> > > 
> > > Just sayin'.
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:49 PM, awoelflebater  wrote:

> --- In, Ravi Chivukula  
> wrote:
> >
> > Whoa hold it there Ann !!!
> > 
> > Any attempts to tarnish Dumbazgrey's tiny, puny, slimy minutemanish 
> > glories, exploits, feats will be prematurely and swiftly dealt.
> It's about time you addressed me again Ravi. I have felt slighted by your 
> indifference. Thank God you have finally noticed me, even if it did take 
> besmirching AZ's literary reputation.

Oh poor ole azgrey, so sweet of him.

Sorry Ann, I have been busy with non-FFL related battles, I read everything you 
write here, have been since you started here :-)


> > 
> > 
> > On Aug 28, 2012, at 1:53 PM, awoelflebater  wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, awoelflebater 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > snip
> > > > > And maybe we are being spared your plagiarized badly-written goof-ball
> > > > manifestos purportedly about Robin. I am counting on the fact you are
> > > > too busy with other vital matters, like posting at FFL, to dig up any
> > > > more of these screeds from some dusty archive and inserting someone
> > > > else's name in order to cause shit.
> > > > 
> > > > Ann,
> > > > Perhaps I missed something. Who was it plagiarized from?
> > > 
> > > Hi Steve, you'll have to ask AZ but I doubt he'll tell you. He wants you 
> > > to think he wrote the posts. And you noticed these before when you wrote:
> > > 
> > > "Grey, where did you learn to write like that! I mean, I've always 
> > > thought you had a way with words, but Gene Menetley, you've blown me 
> > > away. I don't really get how you accord Robin all this power? Or maybe 
> > > you are using him as a metaphor for something? It also sounds like you 
> > > have some history with Robin. Is this the case? I assume it must have 
> > > been way back when, but a lot in your letter sounds current.
> > > 
> > > I'd love to have you clarify a few of these points."
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > 
> > > Steve
> > > >
> > > 
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Good one :-)

On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:59 PM, 

> The Good Doctor replies to Ravi, what a Dumbass thing to say!
> --- In, Ravi Chivukula  
> wrote:
> >
> > Ravi sez - Doctor Dumbass is actually Dr Wiseass in disguise.
> > 
> > 
> > On Aug 28, 2012, at 3:11 PM, doctordumbass@...  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Doctor Dumbass reports: No worries, azgrey is simply a sheep in wolf's 
> > > clothing, a lamb posing as a lion, a mouse pretending to be a man.
> > > 
> > > --- In, awoelflebater  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, azgrey  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> > > > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Things seem like old times, though I have not been here 
> > > > > > > that long. The gang is back, except for Curtis. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Ah, I see I'm not the only person to have recognized
> > > > > > the dumbass beneath the dumbass. :-)
> > > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > How long before Jim tells us again how enlightened he is?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Was it the quasi-pseudo-enlightenessimentitude that gave
> > > > > him away this time or the general obtuse nature of the 
> > > > > consciousness behind his posts?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Maybe this incarnation will spare us the talentless loops he 
> > > > > considers music.
> > > > 
> > > > And maybe we are being spared your plagiarized badly-written goof-ball 
> > > > manifestos purportedly about Robin. I am counting on the fact you are 
> > > > too busy with other vital matters, like posting at FFL, to dig up any 
> > > > more of these screeds from some dusty archive and inserting someone 
> > > > else's name in order to cause shit.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Just sayin'.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Emily Reyn
Steve:  I went through Azgrey's post back when he first posted it and copied 
certain (personally selected) sentences into Google to see if I got a hit.  I 
did and an exact hit on one of the sentences I searched on.  I won't divulge 
where that one came from as I delete my history, etc. on an almost daily basis 
and can't remember the sentence or replicate the act to prove it.  Overall, I 
believe the posts were a compilation of multiple things.  Now, I also believe 
there is a point Azgrey was making, but honestly, I'm not sure what that was or 
that it really matters here.  

 From: awoelflebater 
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:01 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling


--- In, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> --- In, awoelflebater 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, awoelflebater 
> > > wrote:
> > > snip
> > > > And maybe we are being spared your plagiarized badly-written
> goof-ball
> > > manifestos purportedly about Robin. I am counting on the fact you
> are
> > > too busy with other vital matters, like posting at FFL, to dig up
> any
> > > more of these screeds from some dusty archive and inserting someone
> > > else's name in order to cause shit.
> > >
> > > Ann,
> > > Perhaps I missed something.  Who was it plagiarized from?
> >
> > Hi Steve, you'll have to ask AZ but I doubt he'll tell you. He wants
> you to think he wrote the posts. And you noticed these before when you
> wrote:
> Ann,
> What I am saying is that you are accusing someone of plagiarizing, but
> evidently you have nothing with which to back that up.

Only my eyeballs and the couple of grey cells that I call my brain. Really 
Steve, just take a look and tell me the whole thing is not transparently one 
big unfunny joke. He is playing around here and it just would never pass as 
anything but slotting in someone's name, anyone's, in place of whatever name 
was in there originally. I like you Steve but please tell me this is laughably 
obvious to you.

Does that seem a
> little careless or dishonest? If I were to accuse someone of an offense,
> I would want to have the evidence to back that up.  Do you feel
> differently?

I don't think so, not that I have never been careless or dishonest, but in this 
case I believe our Mr Grey is the one having one big laugh.

> > "Grey, where did you learn to write like that!  I mean, I've always
> thought you had a way with words, but  Gene Menetley, you've blown me
> away.  I don't really get how you accord Robin all this power?  Or maybe
> you are using him as a metaphor for something?  It also sounds like you
> have some history with Robin.  Is this the case?  I assume it must have
> been way back when, but a lot in your letter sounds current.
> >
> > I'd love to have you clarify a few of these points."
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Steve
> > >
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Emily Reyn
Well, there ya go.  I was writing my post at the same time.  Maybe Azgrey was 
playing off of Robin's 5-part post to Curtis, which was long, but which was 
written by him, unlike what Az put together.  Not sure what the point was.  One 
of the sentences I searched may have been written by Robin, but it was inserted 
out of context...Robin has never pretended he doesn't have an internet 
footprint, so again, I'm not sure what the point was.  Only Azgrey can clarify. 

 From: authfriend 
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

--- In, "seventhray1"  wrote:

> What I am saying is that you are accusing someone of plagiarizing,
> but evidently you have nothing with which to back that up.  Does
> that seem a little careless or dishonest? If I were to accuse 
> someone of an offense, I would want to have the evidence to back 
> that up.  Do you feel differently?

Steve, it's hard to believe you couldn't tell just by reading
those posts that there was something fishy about them. They're
obviously pastiches of plagiarized bits and pieces of material
from other writings that have nothing to do with Robin. az
wrote a few words here and there to make the snippets appear
to be connected, and spliced in Robin's name wherever he could.

Most of us could recognize this was the case just by reading
the posts. But Emily and Xeno both did searches on various
phrases and found them on the Web. Here are two I just found.

>From az's first post:

"Even when Robin isn't lying, he's using facts, emphasizing facts, 
bearing down on facts, sliding off facts, quietly ignoring facts, 
and, above all, interpreting facts in a way that will enable him
to entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of the ambition,
rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice of scornful misosophists."

Found on a number of different sites (not clear where it
originated; I picked one that seems likely):

"Even fewer of these initiates know that even when christianity
isn't lying, it's using facts, emphasizing facts, bearing down
on facts, sliding off facts, quietly ignoring facts, and, above
all, interpreting facts in a way that will enable it to persuade
many of its foes to enter into a one-way 'dialogue' with it."

>From George Washington's Farewell Address:

"Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe,
entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European
ambition, rivalships, interest, humor, or caprice?"

The phrase "scornful misosophists" (a misophist is one who
hates wisdom) appears to be az's; I can't find it in a
search, at any rate. It's about the last phrase one would
choose to describe Robin even if one disagreed with
everything he said.

All four of az's posts are like that, Steve. And I repeat,
*this is obvious just from reading them*. Very few of the
plagiarized phrases could even be applied to Robin. Look
at the second sentence of the first post:

"Perhaps he's saying that all any child needs is a big dose
of television every day."

Robin has never said anything at all about children and
television. And that phrase appears on many different Web
sites. Here's one example:

"No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; Sun Products
has never satisfactorily proved its assertion that all any
child needs is a big dose of television every day."

So this is the crap of which you wrote:

"Grey, where did you learn to write like that!  I mean, I've
always thought you had a way with words, but Gene Menetley,
you've blown me away."

But maybe you're just being ironic, just pretending you
really thought az had written four brilliant pieces about


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-28 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:14 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

> **
> --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:27 PM, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@... wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Whoa hold it there Ann !!!
> > > >
> > > > Any attempts to tarnish Dumbazgrey's tiny, puny, slimy minutemanish
> glories, exploits, feats will be prematurely and swiftly dealt.
> > >
> > >
> > > What exactly are you saying here Ravi? That it's okay to make an
> accusation with nothing to back it up? Is that how you operate?
> >
> > Oh come on Steve, you know your little brother's being naughty and
> playful. Do you seriously want me to get away from the FFL playground, away
> from your protective, watchful eyes?
> No, actually I don't
>  Ok you have yelled at me enough, now I'm upset and show me some love.
> Okay, love shown
>  __.
Steve, that feels good, why mess with these women, Judy, Ann -
these women, they just don't accept defeat - I tell you. If you are feeling
down because St. Louis lost or you are stressed out because of other
reasons just start yelling at me when I make fun of others, I will then for
the millionth time remind you that I am being naughty and playful, then get
mad at you and stop talking to you until you show me love and apologize.
And then you do the same thing you have done here.  We will keep playing
this game - it's so much fun !!!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-08-31 Thread Emily Reyn
Ah ha ha that's a good skit.  

 From: Robin Carlsen 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 7:16 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling


--- In, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> --- In, awoelflebater 
> wrote:
> snip
> > Only my eyeballs and the couple of grey cells that I call my brain.
> Really Steve, just take a look and tell me the whole thing is not
> transparently one big unfunny joke. He is playing around here and it
> just would never pass as anything but slotting in someone's name,
> anyone's, in place of whatever name was in there originally. I like you
> Steve but please tell me this is laughably obvious to you.
> Here's what  I'll tell you Ann.  I read The Fountain Head in high
> school, probably like many others, and like many others I was influenced
> by it.  It reminded me of the speech given by the main charactor in that
> book, I guess Howard Roark.  Or maybe it was John Gault in Atlas
> Shrugged.  I read both of them.  I think there were long speeches in
> both.
> But there are so many accusations hurled around here either out of spite
> or a desire to humiliate that I would prefer to not say anything that I
> could not back up.  And if it so obvious that this speech was lifted
> from something else, then what was it lifted from.

> I believe it was Judy who just a few days ago said that by googling a
> segment of writing, one can pretty quickly determine if it was a
> previous work.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

2012-09-01 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 4:01 PM, authfriend  wrote:

> **
> --- In, awoelflebater  wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > You meant *Vaj's* family, of course (and never used the
> > > word "us"). But either Barry was so taken in by his own
> > > delusions about you that he really thought you were
> > > referring to "your fellow cultists" as "family," or he
> > > was hoping to invoke the image of the murderous Manson
> > > Family in the minds of readers.
> >
> > Ohhh, I meant Vaj's real family, blood relatives and ex inlaws.
> > God, thank goodness you are here Judy, truth-seeker, to clear
> > these things up. I guess I should have said Vaj's family. I'll
> > be much more specific in the future.
> Hey, you made it explicit in your follow-up today. I was
> just commenting on Barry's idiocy in his response to that
> earlier post.
> I doubt anybody fell for his misdirection yesterday in any
> case.
>  __

Oh please Judy, for factual should be  "I doubt anybody fell
for his misdirection yesterday in any case , except King Baby's groupies
(Susan, dumbazgrey, Marek) and his moral, spiritual authority - His
Holiness, throw in Steve, Xeno and Edg depending on factors such as how St.
Louis performed, family pressures,  neo-advaita platitudic winds, senility


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-27 Thread Share Long
dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you.  Including someone who 
inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song runnning through your 

Rushing to Dome

 From: merudanda 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!? 
ay ay ay ay ay 
Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
 I was posting one day(frankly one night)
ay ay ay ay ay 
Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio 
BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to scroll 
downfor more to come
--- In, "card"  wrote:
> :D
>Surrounded by my cool blue colours
 I was painting one day
 when my Muse 
 came to torment me. 
 With sadness then I left
 my happy task 
 of celebrating the charms
 of the fair FieldL.
 My Muse asked me to depict
 a more spiritual subject;
 but she asked in vain,
 for I could not do so.
With sadness then I left
 my happy task 
 of celebrating the charms
 of the fair FieldL.
 An inconstant heart
 may know beauty, 
 but its cruel destiny 
 prevents it from singing. 
 With sadness then I left
 my happy task 
 of celebrating the charms
 of the fair FieldL.

 What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times over the years 
is this "En medio a mis colores" or, more commonly called la Canzonetta 
spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about a slightly depressed painter 
accounts his inability to paint a worthy picture of "fair Nice"-"of the fair 
FieldL(FFL)".  is a bit of a contrast to the extremely bouncy music style: 
Actually the torments of the hero are presented in a very simple piece- 
basically a prolonged crescendo of sound as the artist  becoming more and more 
agitated , consisting of three strophes ending with the same couplet. 
Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by following 
precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up with each couplet, 
starting somewhere near a snail's stroll 

finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-28 Thread Share Long
for all lovers of celestial music, Libera boys choir

 From: merudanda 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:14 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

 this is the 
(w)right trembling waves in the turbulent FFL -sea- link 
--- In, merudanda  wrote:
>   "Agitated by two winds
> trembling waves in the turbulent sea
> and the frightened steersman
> already awaits to be shipwrecked.
> By duty and by love
> this heart is assailed;
> it cannot resist and seems to give up
> and begins to despair."
> "Agitata da due venti"  by Vivaldi
> Originally written for a Castrato singer
> --- In, Share Long sharelong60@
> wrote:
> >
> > dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you.  Including
> someone who inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song
> runnning through your body
> >
> > Rushing to Dome
> ...and me going to sleep [:D]
> Stars!
>(Stelle! e fia ver? ah! dopo tante pene
> Un momento di pace a me sen viene!)
> ah!  after so many pains
>   A moment of peace in me doth come!
> And with Cecilia  Bartoli we sing Riedi al soglio
> Share60 o mio
> soglio: irata stella
> Se ne chiuse a te il sentiero,
> Pura fede, amor sincero
> Ti richiama al tuo splendor;
> Non più affanni in me non sento,
> Ah felice appieno io sono,
> Se serbai la vita, il trono
> All'amato...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: merudanda
> > To:
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:25 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?
> >
> >
> > Â
> >
> >Â
> > ay ay ay ay ay
> > Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
> > Â I was posting one day(frankly one night)
> > ay ay ay ay ay
> > Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
> >
> > BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to
> scroll downfor more to come
> > --- In, "card" cardemaister@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > :D
> > >Surrounded by my cool blue colours
> > Â I was painting one day
> > Â when my Muse
> > Â came to torment me.
> > Â
> > Â With sadness then I left
> > Â my happy task
> > Â of celebrating the charms
> > Â of the fair FieldL.
> > Â
> > Â My Muse asked me to depict
> > Â a more spiritual subject;
> > Â but she asked in vain,
> > Â for I could not do so.
> > Â
> > Â
> > With sadness then I left
> > Â my happy task
> > Â of celebrating the charms
> > Â of the fair FieldL.
> > Â
> > Â An inconstant heart
> > Â may know beauty,
> > Â but its cruel destiny
> > Â prevents it from singing.
> > Â
> > Â With sadness then I left
> > Â my happy task
> > Â of celebrating the charms
> > Â of the fair FieldL.
> >
> > Â What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times
> over the years is this "En medio a mis colores" or, more commonly called
> la Canzonetta spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about a
> slightly depressed painter accounts his inability to paint a worthy
> picture of "fair Nice"-"of the fair FieldL(FFL)".  is a bit of a
> contrast to the extremely bouncy music style: Actually the torments of
> the hero are presented in a very simple piece- basically a prolonged
> crescendo of sound as the artist  becoming more and more agitated ,
> consisting of three strophes ending with the same couplet.
> > Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by
> following precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up with
> each couplet, starting somewhere near a snail's stroll
> > 
> > finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro.
> >Â
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

2013-02-28 Thread Share Long
Steve, you put me to work this morning (-:
I have to admit it's still a little strange to hear such a mature voice coming 
from such a young body.  Anyway here is Jackie with Sarah...

According to wiki, Jackie has a younger brother but there was no mention of his 
also being a singer.  I think  in Salve Me the Libera soloist is either Tom 
Cully or Liam O'Kane.

His singing voice probably won't remain similar to Jackie's for much longer.

 From: seventhray27 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 7:11 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?

The young boy they keep hi-lighting in the video looks like he could be Jackie 
Evancho's brother, and even has some resemblance.  I think he even has a 
similiar singing voice.

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> for all lovers of celestial music, Libera boys choir
> From: merudanda
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:14 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?
> sorry
>  this is the 
> (w)right trembling waves in the turbulent FFL -sea- link
> --- In, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
 "Agitated by two winds
> > trembling waves in the turbulent sea
> > and the frightened steersman
> > already awaits to be shipwrecked.
> > By duty and by love
> > this heart is assailed;
> > it cannot resist and seems to give up
> > and begins to despair."
> > "Agitata da due venti" by Vivaldi
> > Originally written for a Castrato singer
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, Share Long sharelong60@
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you. Including
> > someone who inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song
> > runnning through your body
> > >
> > > Rushing to Dome
> > ...and me going to sleep [:D]
> > Stars!
> > (Stelle! e fia ver? ah! dopo tante
> > Un momento di pace a me sen viene!)
> > ah! after so many pains
> > A moment of peace in me doth come!
> > 
> > And with Cecilia Bartoli we sing Riedi al soglio
> >
> > 
> > Share60 o mio
> > soglio: irata stella
> > Se ne chiuse a te il sentiero,
> > Pura fede, amor sincero
> > Ti richiama al tuo splendor;
> > Non più affanni in me non sento,
> > Ah felice appieno io sono,
> > Se serbai la vita, il trono
> > All'amato...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > From: merudanda
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Wednesday, February 27,
 2013 4:25 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?
> > >
> > >
> > > Â
> > >
> > >Â
> > > ay ay ay ay ay
> > > Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
> > > Â I was posting one day(frankly one night)
> > > ay ay ay ay ay
> > > Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
> > >
> > > BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to
> > scroll downfor more to come
> > > --- In, "card" cardemaister@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > :D
> > > >Surrounded by my
 cool blue colours
> > > Â I was painting one day
> > > Â when my Muse
> > > Â came to torment me.
> > > Â
> > > Â With sadness then I left
> > > Â my happy task
> > > Â of celebrating the charms
> > > Â of the fair FieldL.
> > > Â
> > > Â My Muse asked me to depict
> > > Â a more spiritual subject;
> > > Â but she asked in vain,
> > > Â for I could not do so.
> > > Â
> > > Â
> > > With sadness then I left
> > > Â my happy task
> > > Â of celebrating the charms
> > > Â of the fair FieldL.
> > > Â
> > > Â An inconstant heart
> > > Â may know beauty,
> > > Â but its cruel destiny
> > >
 Â prevents it from singing.
> > > Â
> > > Â With sadness then I left
> > > Â my happy task
> > > Â of celebrating the charms
> > > Â of the fair FieldL.
> > >
> > > Â What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times
> > over the years is this "En medio a mis colores" or, more commonly called
> > la Canzonetta spagnuola! Narratively speaking the song about a
> > slightly depressed painter accounts his inability to paint a worthy
> > picture of "fair Nice"-"of the fair FieldL(FFL)". is a bit of a
> > contrast to the extremely bouncy music style: Actually the torments of
> > the hero are presented in a very simple pie

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind Modeling

2006-02-22 Thread Rick Archer
on 2/21/06 11:32 AM, authfriend at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> That's my impression too.  The point isn't to absorb
> the teacher's qualities of *mind* but his/her qualities
> of *consciousness*.

Yet when Maharishi described his attunement to Guru Dev, he referred to his
ability to anticipate his specific desires. Also, Maharishi always expressed
his wish for his followers to be "in tune with his thinking." Also, in the
Gita commentary, Maharishi talks about the disciple putting aside his own
ways of thinking and feeling, and conforming to those of the master.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
"our cat, who is afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not 
particularly sociable to anyone in the family"
Your cat is obviously the smartest dude in your neighborhood. Everyone else 
should pay close attention to how this cat comports himself.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding
--In,  wrote :

Hey, thanks Curtis.
Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.
I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for me, 
that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

C: Some kitties have a wild gene that makes them spooky for life. I usually 
make friends the old fashioned way with food. Is your cat friendly with the 
person who feeds it? You can make yourself the source of food by doling out the 
food whenever you are home. Cats are opportunists which is why we have any 
association with basically a wild animal. Whenever you see your cat, try and 
establish eye contact and blink or look away. That is cat for "everything is 
cool." Do you have a chase toy like a feather on a string with a stick for you 
to hold and fling the thing around? If a cat associates you with their 
continual martial arts training that can build a bond.

But as I said in the beginning, some cats are just on flight or flight (I 
intended it that way!) You only win them over in inches. But even an inch into 
another creature's world can feel good sometimes. 

---In,  wrote :

I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").
I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and finding 
the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. Couple 
that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can start to 
appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its own free 
will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that body and 
communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, the 
horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of the 
horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in order 
to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible through 
space. It really is all that!  #yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083 -- 
#yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 
0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp #yiv2594609083hd 
0;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp #yiv2594609083ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp .yiv2594609083ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp .yiv2594609083ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-mkp .yiv2594609083ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2594609083 #yiv2594609083ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2594609083ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#y

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

2014-11-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I see, Michael. 

---In,  wrote :

 "our cat, who is afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not 
particularly sociable to anyone in the family"

 Your cat is obviously the smartest dude in your neighborhood. Everyone else 
should pay close attention to how this cat comports himself.


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind melding

 --In,  wrote :

 Hey, thanks Curtis. 

 Ever since I viewed that video about Anna Breytenbach that Ann posted I've 
tried my hand communicating with the doggies next store,and our cat, who is 
afraid of me, even after ten years of kindness, and not particularly sociable 
to anyone in the family.

 I cannot report much in the way of results, but it has opened a channel for 
me, that heretofore, I had not really thought much about.

C: Some kitties have a wild gene that makes them spooky for life. I usually 
make friends the old fashioned way with food. Is your cat friendly with the 
person who feeds it? You can make yourself the source of food by doling out the 
food whenever you are home. Cats are opportunists which is why we have any 
association with basically a wild animal. Whenever you see your cat, try and 
establish eye contact and blink or look away. That is cat for "everything is 
cool." Do you have a chase toy like a feather on a string with a stick for you 
to hold and fling the thing around? If a cat associates you with their 
continual martial arts training that can build a bond.

But as I said in the beginning, some cats are just on flight or flight (I 
intended it that way!) You only win them over in inches. But even an inch into 
another creature's world can feel good sometimes. 


---In,  wrote :

 I am fascinated by animal intelligence and am always curious if I can breach 
the rapport barrier and connect with their intelligence enough to understand a 
little bit of what is going on in there. Although I know this may be verging on 
an idiotic question Ann, I will ask it anyway. Can you describe at all what 
your impression is of what is going in in a horse's mind enough to describe 
some qualities of it?

I have had profound connections with a squirrel monkey, cats dogs and ferrets. 
(I am excluding gerbils because the obvious jokes would just write themselves.) 
In my interactions with them I have come to some conclusions about how they are 
processing the world differently from each other, and from me. It is all 
borderline fantasy, but if you interact enough you kind of get a sense, like 
feeling some object in the dark and drawing conclusions.

I hope that serves as a writing prompt because I love when you write about 
horses here.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 This is an interesting experience that always happens when I practice TM with 
my wife. I can feel my nearly pure awareness contact hers, and then the 
boundary is gone, and it is simply oneness, without boundary or ownership. I 
always flinch mentally, just as the boundary dissolves. It is as if I am 
suspended in an empty room, dimly lit by blue lights, and I sense another room, 
this one also empty, but dimly lit by purple lights. Then, suddenly the divider 
between the two is gone, and it is one room. This is probably more common that 
it sounds, especially given Share's experience in the dome ("ovals of light").

 I only get this riding my horse! The athletic movement of the horse and 
finding the way in which my body can work and move with his back is the goal. 
Couple that with the mental partnership of asking and responding and you can 
start to appreciate why this sport is so amazing. You take an animal with its 
own free will, its own ideas and you take its strong body and you sit on that 
body and communicate through touch what you would like to do and lo and behold, 
the horse responds and then your responsibility is to find a way to stay out of 
the horse's way, to integrate yourself with its mind and its physicality in 
order to become one thing moving as dynamically and effortlessly as possible 
through space. It really is all that!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind reading

2015-05-04 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

There was a really good TV show about magicians and their art, and even though 
they didn't give any secrets away one of the featured illusionists said that 
one of the most important things a magician has to learn is how to make the 
audience think they are about to see something really difficult.  He then 
proceeded to make Tower Bridge disappear before our eyes.
While we are on the subject, you just might enjoy this:
The Prestige (2006)
||||   The Prestige (2006)  Directed by Christopher Nolan. 
With Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine. Two stage 
magicians engage in competitive one-...||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo 



Excellent early film by the director of "Memento," the "Black Knight" Batman 
movies, "Inception," and "Interstellar." 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind control study

2014-11-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Actually I read part of the study paper too.  Did you?

On 11/06/2014 12:03 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Oh oh, better send the Amazing Randi to the University of Washington! :-D

Perhaps you didn't finish the article, they were electrically 
connected by EEG caps and receivers. Nothing paranormal going on 
there. No million dollar prize required.

Science is ever changing and never static.

Yup, I'll drink to that. But the phenomena it studies seem to stay 
within the laws of nature.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind control study

2014-11-06 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Actually I read part of the study paper too.  Did you?

 Why waste time, if you've found anything paranormal just post it!
 On 11/06/2014 12:03 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Oh oh, better send the Amazing Randi to the University of Washington! :-D

 Perhaps you didn't finish the article, they were electrically connected by EEG 
caps and receivers. Nothing paranormal going on there. No million dollar prize 
 Science is ever changing and never static.

 Yup, I'll drink to that. But the phenomena it studies seem to stay within the 
laws of nature.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind control study

2014-11-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Because with this research they may indeed validate remote influencing 
without any devices.  The vamachari siddhis of vashikaran, akarshan, 
stambhan, uchattan, videshan and maran remotely influence.

On 11/06/2014 12:33 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Actually I read part of the study paper too.  Did you?

Why waste time, if you've found anything paranormal just post it!

On 11/06/2014 12:03 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 wrote :

Oh oh, better send the Amazing Randi to the University of Washington! :-D

Perhaps you didn't finish the article, they were electrically 
connected by EEG caps and receivers. Nothing paranormal going on 
there. No million dollar prize required.

Science is ever changing and never static.

Yup, I'll drink to that. But the phenomena it studies seem to stay 
within the laws of nature.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling about LB

2012-08-27 Thread Share Long
He taught English as a Second Language in China for a few years.  Loved it 
there.  Is back now.  I see him around town.  Not sure what he's up to.

 From: Duveyoung 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 10:15 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mind boggling

Yeah, I could use me an updating on what L.B. is up to these days.

Anyone got a blurb to share?

Last I heard he was about to publish lecture(s) by Guru Dev that he'd 
translated -- against the actually expressed wishes of Maharishi...if I 
remember correctly.



--- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> Things seem like old times, though I have not been here that long. The gang 
> is back, except for Curtis. I think I would have liked LB to be here, but 
> that was before my time.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!? to merudanda

2013-02-28 Thread Share Long
dear merudanda we must be realistic.  sigh.  I am doomed to be forever a 
philistine about opera.  Cecilia and her 3 octave voice are amazing.  Somehow 
she does not move me.  I think it is the melodic tone of traditional opera that 
doesn't resonate for me.  OTOH I like the songs in Phantom of the Opera.  
Perhaps I am simply a silly romantic when it comes to music. 

It is kapha season now.  Perhaps the 2 winds won't be so turbulent.  Wishing 
union for you with your wright one (-:  

 From: merudanda 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:04 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?  

 "Agitated by two winds
trembling waves in the turbulent sea
and the frightened steersman
already awaits to be shipwrecked.
By duty and by love
this heart is assailed;
it cannot resist and seems to give up
and begins to despair."
"Agitata da due venti"  by Vivaldi 

Originally written for a Castrato singer

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> dearest I always wish the utmost happiness for you.  Including someone who 
> inspires your heart to constancy and an ever present song runnning through 
> your body
> Rushing to Dome
...and me going to sleep
  (Stelle! e fia ver? ah! dopo tante pene
Un momento di pace a me sen viene!)  
ah!  after so many pains
 A moment of peace in me doth come!

And with Cecilia  Bartoli we sing Riedi al soglio
Share60 o mio soglio: irata stella
Se ne chiuse a te il sentiero,
Pura fede, amor sincero
Ti richiama al tuo splendor;
Non più affanni in me non sento,
Ah felice appieno io sono,
Se serbai la vita, il trono
>  From: merudanda
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:25 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mind boggling!?
> ay ay ay ay ay 
> Surrounded by my colours (cool blue and FFL threads)
>  I was posting one day(frankly one night)
> ay ay ay ay ay 
> Cecilia Bartoli sings high E flat - Riedi al soglio
> BTWmy pure pitta(or pure and pitta) Share be please patient enough to scroll 
> downfor more to come
> --- In, "card" cardemaister@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > :D
> >Surrounded by my cool blue colours
>  I was painting one day
>  when my Muse 
>  came to torment me. 
>  With sadness then I left
>  my happy task 
>  of celebrating the charms
>  of the fair FieldL.
>  My Muse asked me to depict
>  a more spiritual subject;
>  but she asked in vain,
>  for I could not do so.
> With sadness then I left
>  my happy task 
>  of celebrating the charms
>  of the fair FieldL.
>  An inconstant heart
>  may know beauty, 
>  but its cruel destiny 
>  prevents it from singing. 
>  With sadness then I left
>  my happy task 
>  of celebrating the charms
>  of the fair FieldL.
>  What a delightful piece which has been recorded numerous times over the 
> years is this "En medio a mis colores" or, more commonly called la Canzonetta 
> spagnuola!  Narratively speaking the song  about a slightly depressed 
> painter accounts his inability to paint a worthy picture of "fair Nice"-"of 
> the fair FieldL(FFL)".  is a bit of a contrast to the extremely bouncy music 
> style: Actually the torments of the hero are presented in a very simple 
> piece- basically a prolonged crescendo of sound as the artist  becoming more 
> and more agitated , consisting of three strophes ending with the same 
> couplet. 
> Of course you could take the whole thing to a whole new level by following 
> precisely the crescendo indications, by actually sped up with each couplet, 
> starting somewhere near a snail's stroll 
> finishing with a dangerously fast -tormenting- allegro. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    Here is a question: If we assume there is a human experience-able ground 
state to the universe (i.e., enlightenment), and different meditation systems 
claim this can be experienced, is the result the experience of the same ground 
state with different flavours of the experience due to the differences in 
physiological state, or is the result the experience of two different ground 
states due to the differences of physiological state? If the former, what is 
the nature of truth if it is not an identical experience, and if the latter, if 
there are two different truths, what does that say about truth?

I honestly think that many folks on this forum are far less interested in 
finding "truth" than they are in asserting that the TM organization holds the 
copyright to the word.
This whole thread, after all, was started because someone essentially claimed 
that the TMO had the right to define what "pure consciousness" is. Right?

---In,  wrote :

We were debating?
My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.
Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.


---In,  wrote :

Anartaxius, really great quotes for this debate. This is some ofyour best 
writing here in style: clear, precise and shortly said as aknock-out punch 
delivered. Thanks, yes their assumptions and ownminds clearly are a problem 
these spock-like guys have for this thingas they try in method to do the big 
put-down of all other meditations, other than TM.  " verbal mental 
reductionism."  An irony in this whole thing though that they try todo with 
co-opting meditation is that their TM-sidhis, the TM-Ved andPhysiology 
practice, and several of the advanced TM-techniques are mindfulnessby way 
nature in practice anyway. 
 In the heart of the body-mindcomplex of it all, what is going on in cultivated 
spiritual meditationevidently is a lot more than alpha-global-coherence, 
thatglobal-alpha-coherence may even have little to do with what is goingon 
underneath.JaiGuruYou,-Buck, sitting in pure-awareness meditation prior to 
going out tocheck the sheep and do chores. Clover and rye are sown ready for 
spring rains.  Life in the body. Rainlikely, mainly before 10am. Chanceof 
precipitation is 70%. New precipitation amounts of less than atenth of an inch 
anartaxius@...> writes:

QuotationJ. Krishnamurti | (no date)

"When we stop fighting with ourselves, we aren't creating anymoreconflict in 
our mind. Then our mind can for the first time relax andbe still. Then for the 
first time our consciousness can become wholeand unfragmented. Then total 
attention can be given to all of ourthoughts and feelings. And then there will 
be found a gentleness anda goodness in us that can embrace all that is been 
given in theworld. Then a deep love for everything will be the result of 
thisdeep attention. For this total attention, this soft and pureconsciousness 
that we are, is nothing but love itself."(Note that he is talking about 
thiswhile being awake and in activity)
---In,  wrote :

I was quoting comments on research to indicate that relying on research with 
the present level of quality is a fool's game.
You are making the assumption that 'pure consciousness' is a specific 
meditative state instead of the ground of experience which includes what TM 
calls 'the relative' and this includes CC where pure consciousness is 
coincident with active experience, and Unity where the objects of experience 
are known as 'pure consciousness'. Whether you say the self expands to Self 
(TM) or whether you say the self vanishes and is replaced by the totality 
(mindfulness) makes no difference as they are the same thing expressed from 
opposite points of view. The individual sense of ego gets subsumed by a larger 
quality of experience, and it really matters not what it is called, because 
there is not real definition for it that does not imply limitation by verbal 
mental reductionism.
I quoted Krishnamurti because Maharishi specifically said he was in Unity. And 
true, probably few or none ever got enlightened by him because he just popped 
in, and never really knew how it happened, but you are welcome to point out 
those whom Maharishi enlightened (that is, that are in unity, not CC). More 
comments below.

---In,  wrote :

Can you point me to contemporary mindfulness essays or research on contemporary

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 5:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    Buck, you seem more coherent now that you are out of the dome. 

I was going to say the same thing, and without a hint of snark. It's been a 
pleasure to read Makes Sense Buck again. Really. 

Could it be when one door closes, another one opens? Don't live your life for 
others even if you are supportive of others. I saw Krishnamurti before I 
learned TM. I did not understand what he was talking about then, but now it 
makes sense, but much more than TM was involved in my coming to my present 
understanding. The more variety you have the more options you have for 
understanding something as long as you are able to coordinate the relationships 
between the various concepts, and have the ability to shed concepts that prove 

---In,  wrote :

Anartaxius, really great quotes for this debate. This is some ofyour best 
writing here in style: clear, precise and shortly said as aknock-out punch 
delivered. Thanks, yes their assumptions and ownminds clearly are a problem 
these spock-like guys have for this thingas they try in method to do the big 
put-down of all other meditations, other than TM.  " verbal mental 
reductionism."  An irony in this whole thing though that they try todo with 
co-opting meditation is that their TM-sidhis, the TM-Ved andPhysiology 
practice, and several of the advanced TM-techniques are mindfulnessby way 
nature in practice anyway. 
 In the heart of the body-mindcomplex of it all, what is going on in cultivated 
spiritual meditationevidently is a lot more than alpha-global-coherence, 
thatglobal-alpha-coherence may even have little to do with what is goingon 
underneath.JaiGuruYou,-Buck, sitting in pure-awareness meditation prior to 
going out tocheck the sheep and do chores. Clover and rye are sown ready for 
spring rains.  Life in the body. Rainlikely, mainly before 10am. Chanceof 
precipitation is 70%. New precipitation amounts of less than atenth of an inch 
anartaxius@...> writes:

QuotationJ. Krishnamurti | (no date)

"When we stop fighting with ourselves, we aren't creating anymoreconflict in 
our mind. Then our mind can for the first time relax andbe still. Then for the 
first time our consciousness can become wholeand unfragmented. Then total 
attention can be given to all of ourthoughts and feelings. And then there will 
be found a gentleness anda goodness in us that can embrace all that is been 
given in theworld. Then a deep love for everything will be the result of 
thisdeep attention. For this total attention, this soft and pureconsciousness 
that we are, is nothing but love itself."(Note that he is talking about 
thiswhile being awake and in activity)
---In,  wrote :

I was quoting comments on research to indicate that relying on research with 
the present level of quality is a fool's game.
You are making the assumption that 'pure consciousness' is a specific 
meditative state instead of the ground of experience which includes what TM 
calls 'the relative' and this includes CC where pure consciousness is 
coincident with active experience, and Unity where the objects of experience 
are known as 'pure consciousness'. Whether you say the self expands to Self 
(TM) or whether you say the self vanishes and is replaced by the totality 
(mindfulness) makes no difference as they are the same thing expressed from 
opposite points of view. The individual sense of ego gets subsumed by a larger 
quality of experience, and it really matters not what it is called, because 
there is not real definition for it that does not imply limitation by verbal 
mental reductionism.
I quoted Krishnamurti because Maharishi specifically said he was in Unity. And 
true, probably few or none ever got enlightened by him because he just popped 
in, and never really knew how it happened, but you are welcome to point out 
those whom Maharishi enlightened (that is, that are in unity, not CC). More 
comments below.

---In,  wrote :

Can you point me to contemporary mindfulness essays or research on contemporary 
mindfulness practitioners where they describe a situation where there is no 
thought, no mantra, no awareness of the outside world, no awareness of the 
body, no emotion, no intuition, no memory, no mind content of any kind, and yet 
the meditator is still somehow awake?

Also, mindfulness practices tend to disrupt the sense of self, as has been 
reported in quite a few modern studies on practitioners. In fact, researchers 
note that mind-wandering simply does not happen in long-term practitioners and 
count this a  good thing: they note quite happily, that mindfulness reduces 
activity and interactions between the parts of the brain thought to be 
responsible for sense of self.

TM, on the other h

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't know where the debate started, but my point was that two different 
groups are using the same two words in different ways: 

 TMers equote "pure awareness"Back with 
"pure consciousness" with "transcendental consciousness" with samadhi, which is 
a state devoid of any perception


 The passage on mindfulness equoted "pure awareness" to an advanced form of 
mindfulness called "open monitoring" where one is equally receptive to all 

 "Devoid of stimuli" is not eqivalent to "equally receptive to all stimuli" 
except in the trivial sense that if there are zero stimuli, that one is equally 
receptive to all of them.

 However, the phrase clarifying what "pure awareness" means in the context of 
"open monitoring" explicitly refers to perception of pain, so "pure awareness" 
ala open monitoring is NOT a state "devoid of any perception."


 That was my only point: two different groups are using the same two-word 
phrase to describe different situations.

 Which group is using the words "correctly" is a point that I never raised: I 
merely pointed out that two different groups are saying "pure awareness" and 
the meaning is quite different: devoid of any perception as compared to open to 
experience without making any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore 
painful sensation.

 And the implication for me is that once you mistake the label for what is 
being talked about, confusion follows. Nashville, Florida is NOT Nashville, 
Tennessee, and if you seek the Grand Ole Opry in the former, you're going to be 
looking for a ticket seller to a concert for a very long time indeed.



---In,  wrote 

 I honestly think that many folks on this forum are far less interested in 
finding "truth" than they are in asserting that the TM organization holds the 
copyright to the word.

 This whole thread, after all, was started because someone essentially claimed 
that the TMO had the right to define what "pure consciousness" is. Right?


---In,  wrote :

 We were debating? 


 My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.

 Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.



---In,  wrote :

 You can only measure what y ou have the equipment to measure. 

 However, it's a truism that just because two things can be described teh same 
way at one level, doesn't mean that they are identifical.

 My favorite example is what happened to some British friends many decades 
ago... They got a sweetheart travel package to visit Nashville.


 Nashville, Florida, that is.


 Just because you can describe a city as "Nashville" doesn't mean it is the 
Nashville you were hoping to visit. Unfortunately, they actually got on the 
plane and landed before they discovered their mistake.



 The moral is: a label, "pure awareness," that is described as being "without 
thought," might not  be referring to the same thing between two different 
meditation traditions. A two-word phrase may not provide you enough info to 
make a rationale choice any more than just knowing the name of the city without 
knowing the state it is in is enough to make rationale travel plans.









Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
According to Comans, samadhi has two stages: samprajana samadhi - enstasis 
where there is still object-consciousness; and, nirvikalpasamadhi - where  
there  is  no longer any object-consciousness. 

"The purpose of yogic meditation is to *isolate* bodily fluctuations and pass 
into samprajana samadhi, hence to total isolation of mental fluctuations and 
then to pass into nirvakalpasamadhi where the Self is not hidden by external 
conditions of the body or the mind (citta)."

'The question of the importance of Samadhi in modern and classical Advaita 
by Michael Comans  


---In,  wrote :

 I don't know where the debate started, but my point was that two different 
groups are using the same two words in different ways: 

 TMers equote "pure awareness"Back with 
"pure consciousness" with "transcendental consciousness" with samadhi, which is 
a state devoid of any perception


 The passage on mindfulness equoted "pure awareness" to an advanced form of 
mindfulness called "open monitoring" where one is equally receptive to all 

 "Devoid of stimuli" is not eqivalent to "equally receptive to all stimuli" 
except in the trivial sense that if there are zero stimuli, that one is equally 
receptive to all of them.

 However, the phrase clarifying what "pure awareness" means in the context of 
"open monitoring" explicitly refers to perception of pain, so "pure awareness" 
ala open monitoring is NOT a state "devoid of any perception."


 That was my only point: two different groups are using the same two-word 
phrase to describe different situations.

 Which group is using the words "correctly" is a point that I never raised: I 
merely pointed out that two different groups are saying "pure awareness" and 
the meaning is quite different: devoid of any perception as compared to open to 
experience without making any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore 
painful sensation.

 And the implication for me is that once you mistake the label for what is 
being talked about, confusion follows. Nashville, Florida is NOT Nashville, 
Tennessee, and if you seek the Grand Ole Opry in the former, you're going to be 
looking for a ticket seller to a concert for a very long time indeed.



---In,  wrote 

 I honestly think that many folks on this forum are far less interested in 
finding "truth" than they are in asserting that the TM organization holds the 
copyright to the word.

 This whole thread, after all, was started because someone essentially claimed 
that the TMO had the right to define what "pure consciousness" is. Right?


---In,  wrote :

 We were debating? 


 My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.

 Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.



---In,  wrote :

 You can only measure what y ou have the equipment to measure. 

 However, it's a truism that just because two things can be described teh same 
way at one level, doesn't mean that they are identifical.

 My favorite example is what happened to some British friends many decades 
ago... They got a sweetheart travel package to visit Nashville.


 Nashville, Florida, that is.


 Just because you can describe a city as "Nashville" doesn't mean it is the 
Nashville you were hoping to visit. Unfortunately, they actually got on the 
plane and landed before they discovered their mistake.



 The moral is: a label, "pure awareness," that is described as being "without 
thought," might not  be referring to the same thing between two different 
meditation traditions. A two-word phrase may not provide you enough info to 
make a rationale choice any more than just knowing the name of the city without 
knowing the state it is in is enough to make rationale travel plans.









Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This might be Maharishi's distinction between little-t transcending, where the 
mind is diverted from thinking the mantra and  back on thoughts even though 
pure consciousness never occured, vs Big-T Transcending, aka "pure 
consciousness" aka "pure awareness," where all perception of any kind has 
ceased, leaving the brain in an alert mode without any object of attention to 
be alert about. 

 There's a switch between the inward and outward "strokes" of meditation, with 
no object-less situation between.

---In,  wrote :

 According to Comans, samadhi has two stages: samprajana samadhi - enstasis 
where there is still object-consciousness; and, nirvikalpasamadhi - where  
there  is  no longer any object-consciousness. 

"The purpose of yogic meditation is to *isolate* bodily fluctuations and pass 
into samprajana samadhi, hence to total isolation of mental fluctuations and 
then to pass into nirvakalpasamadhi where the Self is not hidden by external 
conditions of the body or the mind (citta)."

'The question of the importance of Samadhi in modern and classical Advaita 
by Michael Comans  


---In,  wrote :

 I don't know where the debate started, but my point was that two different 
groups are using the same two words in different ways: 

 TMers equote "pure awareness"Back with 
"pure consciousness" with "transcendental consciousness" with samadhi, which is 
a state devoid of any perception


 The passage on mindfulness equoted "pure awareness" to an advanced form of 
mindfulness called "open monitoring" where one is equally receptive to all 

 "Devoid of stimuli" is not eqivalent to "equally receptive to all stimuli" 
except in the trivial sense that if there are zero stimuli, that one is equally 
receptive to all of them.

 However, the phrase clarifying what "pure awareness" means in the context of 
"open monitoring" explicitly refers to perception of pain, so "pure awareness" 
ala open monitoring is NOT a state "devoid of any perception."


 That was my only point: two different groups are using the same two-word 
phrase to describe different situations.

 Which group is using the words "correctly" is a point that I never raised: I 
merely pointed out that two different groups are saying "pure awareness" and 
the meaning is quite different: devoid of any perception as compared to open to 
experience without making any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore 
painful sensation.

 And the implication for me is that once you mistake the label for what is 
being talked about, confusion follows. Nashville, Florida is NOT Nashville, 
Tennessee, and if you seek the Grand Ole Opry in the former, you're going to be 
looking for a ticket seller to a concert for a very long time indeed.



---In,  wrote 

 I honestly think that many folks on this forum are far less interested in 
finding "truth" than they are in asserting that the TM organization holds the 
copyright to the word.

 This whole thread, after all, was started because someone essentially claimed 
that the TMO had the right to define what "pure consciousness" is. Right?


---In,  wrote :

 We were debating? 


 My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.

 Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.



---In,  wrote :

 You can only measure what y ou have the equipment to measure. 

 However, it's a truism that just because two things can be described teh same 
way at one level, doesn't mean that they are identifical.

 My favorite example is what happened to some British friends many decades 
ago... They got a sweetheart travel package to visit Nashville.


 Nashville, Florida, that is.


 Just because you can describe a city as "Nashville" doesn't mean it is the 
Nashville you were hoping to visit. Unfortunately, they actually got on the 
plane and landed before they discovered their mistake.



 The moral is: a label, "pure awareness," that is described as being "without 
thought," might not  be referring to the same thing between two different 
meditation traditions. A two-word phrase may not provide you enough info to 
make a rationale choice any more than just knowing the name of the city without 
knowing the state it is in is enough to make rationale trav

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
May be two sides of the same pure Consciousness coin, as hinted at by a 
previous contributor. You may be conflating "going into Ecstacy" (the Ecstatic 
state is a particular state described by certain Christian Saints and their 
observers in which to outwarded appearances, the subject is (as if) dead or 
totally unconsciousness.)  While in Ecstasy, the Saint's body may be observed 
to levitate or engage in other mystical events. .
 Upon awakening to normal consciousness, the Saint may or may not have a memory 
of what transpired during the Ecstatic state.
 Similarly, Ramakrishna made a big thing of "going into Samadhi" and being in a 
type of stupor.  Sometimes he would be standing while in the state.  His 
example appears to be close to what you are describing as a "true" state of 
 However, it's unclear to me at least (not having experienced it), that one 
even has to go into the (to outward appearances) unconscious state  at all. Was 
not Krishnamurti in Unity regardless of what he did: waking, dreaming, deep 
sleep, or whatever.?
 Similarly, in the Sat Mat (Radhaswami) Tradition, a state of Ecstasy is 
recognized accompanied by the body appearing as if dead, in a state of apparent 
rigor mortis.
 Short if any "proof" or scientific evidence for the existence of such state's, 
I can only go so far as to listen to what the Saints have to say with an open 
mind; and some day hope to gain similar experiential knowledge.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"
Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first stage 
in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to the 
cafe and test it out. 
Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

I just can't participate in any of this any's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"

 Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first 
stage in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to 
the cafe and test it out. 

 Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

 I just can't participate in any of this any's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 


 I love how convinced he is about it. Probably got that from Marshy, he always 
sounded like he knew what he was talking about just because he seemed convinced 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This ignores the fact that when Benson asked the Dalai Lama for an intro to 
BUddhist practitioners of levitation, all he got were people hopping like a 

 But Buddhist Hopping Like a Frog is special, while TM Hopping Like a Frog 

 It's always amusing to see people bring up issues that it is obvious they are 
guilty of and accuse someone else of being guilty of that same thing.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"

 Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first 
stage in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to 
the cafe and test it out. 

 Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

 I just can't participate in any of this any's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 


 I love how convinced he is about it. Probably got that from Marshy, he always 
sounded like he knew what he was talking about just because he seemed convinced 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"
Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first stage 
in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to the 
cafe and test it out. 
Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

I just can't participate in any of this any's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 

I love how convinced he is about it. Probably got that from Marshy, he always 
sounded like he knew what he was talking about just because he seemed convinced 

Lawson is IMO a perfect example of the reason the TMO does "research." Contrary 
to popular opinion, the research is NOT done to convince non-meditators of the 
efficacy of the meditation technique in order to sell TM to more new people. 

Nay, IMO the research is for the *existing* TMers who have been doing it for 
years *without any real experiences to speak of*. Unwilling to face this fact 
and maybe try some other technique that might actually deliver on its promises, 
they cling to the "research" and believe that if *others* are experiencing all 
of this cool stuff, then they should keep on keepin' on themselves. The TM 
"research" is to hold on to the organization's "base" and keep them following 
the carrot.  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Interesting perspective, and there may be some truth to it.



---In,  wrote :


 Lawson is IMO a perfect example of the reason the TMO does "research." 
Contrary to popular opinion, the research is NOT done to convince 
non-meditators of the efficacy of the meditation technique in order to sell TM 
to more new people. 


 Nay, IMO the research is for the *existing* TMers who have been doing it for 
years *without any real experiences to speak of*. Unwilling to face this fact 
and maybe try some other technique that might actually deliver on its promises, 
they cling to the "research" and believe that if *others* are experiencing all 
of this cool stuff, then they should keep on keepin' on themselves. The TM 
"research" is to hold on to the organization's "base" and keep them following 
the carrot.  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"

 Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first 
stage in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to 
the cafe and test it out. 

 Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

 I just can't participate in any of this any's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 


 I love how convinced he is about it. Probably got that from Marshy, he always 
sounded like he knew what he was talking about just because he seemed convinced 

 Lawson is IMO a perfect example of the reason the TMO does "research." 
Contrary to popular opinion, the research is NOT done to convince 
non-meditators of the efficacy of the meditation technique in order to sell TM 
to more new people. 


 Nay, IMO the research is for the *existing* TMers who have been doing it for 
years *without any real experiences to speak of*. Unwilling to face this fact 
and maybe try some other technique that might actually deliver on its promises, 
they cling to the "research" and believe that if *others* are experiencing all 
of this cool stuff, then they should keep on keepin' on themselves. The TM 
"research" is to hold on to the organization's "base" and keep them following 
the carrot.  


 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension. 

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering





---In,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension. 

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering


 But not as good as squeezing a rubber ball for 10 minutes I seem to remember.

 And that's the trouble really, using research like that to claim that TM is 
the best thing for something when it isn't.





---In,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Did you miss that the AHA accepted, without dispute, the claim that TM reduces 
DEATH by 48% over 5 years in Black Americans with cardiac disease? 

 Ball-squeezing may have more effect on BP, but TM's effects on overall 
mortality go beyond simple lowering of BP.



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension. 

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering


 But not as good as squeezing a rubber ball for 10 minutes I seem to remember.

 And that's the trouble really, using research like that to claim that TM is 
the best thing for something when it isn't.





---In,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass Bob 
Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM as 
the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.
And a few other excerpts from the letter:
"About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a treatment 
in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients with 
hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more expensive 
than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may be more 
limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites covering a 
population of ≈2 million people 

We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of BP 
from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other alternative 
approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results (although few 
direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most approaches have 
modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 mm Hg reductions 
should be monitored closely.  
TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"
Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.
He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.
When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
||   When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the 
Management of High Blood ...  1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. pii: 
S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of print]  
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:
 We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering


---In,  wrote :

Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.
They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 
  #yiv6779947110 #yiv6779947110 -- #yiv6779947110ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6779947110 
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{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6779947110 #yiv6779947110ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6779947110ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6779947110 
#yiv6779947110ygrp-sponsor #yiv6779947110ygrp-lc #yiv6779947110hd {margin:10px 
#yiv6779947110ygrp-sponsor #yiv6779947110ygrp-lc .yiv6779947110ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv6779947110 #yiv6779947110actions 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.


---In,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering





---In,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
post the link to the mum speech please

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced 
at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.
Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the kind 
that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.


---In,  wrote :

Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass Bob 
Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM as 
the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.
And a few other excerpts from the letter:
"About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing atreatment 
in a randomized controlled trial and referringunselected patients with 
hypertension for TMtraining in clinical practice. TM is also more expensive 
than otherapproaches($1500), and access to certified training may bemore 
limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sitescoveringa 
population of ≈2 million people 

We objectively and fairlypresented the published data about the lowering of BP 
from TM. Itsefficacy was indeed shown tobe on par with some other alternative 
approacheswhen cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results (although few 
directcomparisonsare available). We clearly stated that mostapproaches have 
modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patientsrequiring >10mm Hg reductions 
should be monitored closely.
TM was notinvented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
mayoffer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless,we believe that existing 
limitations need to beaddressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerningTMfor the sole purposes of managing high BP"
Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."

  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
 In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.
He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.
When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure.
|  |
|  | When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management 
of High Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. 
doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of print] |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:
 We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering


---In,  wrote :

Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.
They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

  #yiv6424395665 #yiv6424395665 -- #yiv6424395665ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6424395665 
#yiv6424395665ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6424395665 
#yiv6424395665ygrp-mkp #yiv6424395665hd 
0;}#yiv6424395665 #yiv6424395665ygrp-mkp #yiv6424395665

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?


---In,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering





---In,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In practicality, That an availability is 'limited' through re-certified 
teachers, MJ in writing his usual mean and aggressive negativity here raises a 
valid point within it in offering these excerpts from the J. Am. Heart 
Association memo. 
 Limited availability is one thing, but further I also run in to a corollary 
fact that a general public also does not necessarily like going in to the Peace 
Palaces for learning TM. Possibly this is what the memo is also driving at. 
..Way too much carry-on baggage with TM. 

 From the J.AmHeart Association memo:
 “..TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
may offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM..” 

 Evidently contact with the tru-believer re-certified side of the movement is 
too obviously odd, setting off cult-radar 'warnings' in many who may go near. 
This is a cultural thing. Though culturally modified the David Lynch Foundation 
side of TM is more extra-territorial or secular to the re-cert side or strict 
movement certified facilities that present a whole glossy panoply of TM Vedic 
things. The whole vedic thing evidently seems too much cult-like Scientology 
today as cult. That can evidently can be worked with as with the good work of 
the DLF.
 -Buck, a transcendent meditator in Fairfield, Iowa   

---In,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering





---In,  wr

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You're aware that all TM teachers teach the same way, and more than likely some 
of the recerted teachers work for the DLF? 

 I mean, Bobby Roth goes to teh Hamptons and lectures to billionaires and is 
introduced on national TV as "Meditation Bob, meditation teacher to teh stars."


 You have more problem with TM teachers than other people it seems. Rupert 
Murdoch tweeted about learning TM last year, and numerous prominent people have 
learned TM recently without making a big deal about how  cultish the TMO is.

 And of course, both the current and a former Prime Minister of Japan are both 
TMers, having learned it from the head of the Japanese TM organization 25 years 

  It's really quite fascinating how uncomfortable people on Fairfield Life are 
with the idea that most people simply don't CARE about things like 5 minute 
initiation ceremonies, and the like.


---In,  wrote :

 In practicality, That an availability is 'limited' through re-certified 
teachers, MJ in writing his usual mean and aggressive negativity here raises a 
valid point within it in offering these excerpts from the J. Am. Heart 
Association memo. 
 Limited availability is one thing, but further I also run in to a corollary 
fact that a general public also does not necessarily like going in to the Peace 
Palaces for learning TM. Possibly this is what the memo is also driving at. 
..Way too much carry-on baggage with TM. 

 From the J.AmHeart Association memo:
 “..TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
may offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM..” 

 Evidently contact with the tru-believer re-certified side of the movement is 
too obviously odd, setting off cult-radar 'warnings' in many who may go near. 
This is a cultural thing. Though culturally modified the David Lynch Foundation 
side of TM is more extra-territorial or secular to the re-cert side or strict 
movement certified facilities that present a whole glossy panoply of TM Vedic 
things. The whole vedic thing evidently seems too much cult-like Scientology 
today as cult. That can evidently can be worked with as with the good work of 
the DLF.
 -Buck, a transcendent meditator in Fairfield, Iowa   

---In,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hyp

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding. 

 I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management 
 TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, ... Watch Maharishi University of Management's 
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on 
 View on new.livestrea... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 post the link to the mum speech please


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced 
at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I bet you will go to your grave as a TM apologist. 

You are highlighting one of the PROBLEMS with the TMO - they market to the 
millionaires to line their own pockets.

Few people give a rat's ass how many celebrities and big money people do TM.
Just do a bit of research to see what fuck heads the current and former 
Japanese prime ministers are. Like denying the existence of the Japanese 
comfort girls in WWII? And denying allegations of illegal funding to his 
political party. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    You're aware that all TM teachers teach the same way, and more than likely 
some of the recerted teachers work for the DLF?
I mean, Bobby Roth goes to teh Hamptons and lectures to billionaires and is 
introduced on national TV as "Meditation Bob, meditation teacher to teh stars."

You have more problem with TM teachers than other people it seems. Rupert 
Murdoch tweeted about learning TM last year, and numerous prominent people have 
learned TM recently without making a big deal about how  cultish the TMO is.
And of course, both the current and a former Prime Minister of Japan are both 
TMers, having learned it from the head of the Japanese TM organization 25 years 
 It's really quite fascinating how uncomfortable people on Fairfield Life are 
with the idea that most people simply don't CARE about things like 5 minute 
initiation ceremonies, and the like.

---In,  wrote :

In practicality, That an availability is 'limited'through re-certified 
teachers, MJ in writing his usual mean andaggressive negativity here raises a 
valid point within it in offeringthese excerpts from the J. Am. Heart 
Association memo.Limited availability is one thing, but further I also run in 
to acorollary fact that a general public also does not necessarily like going 
in tothe Peace Palaces for learning TM. Possibly this is what the memo isalso 
driving at. ..Way too much carry-on baggage with TM.
>From the J.AmHeart Association memo: “..TMwas not invented to lower BP. We 
>acknowledge that meditationtechniques may offer numerous benefits to people. 
>Nevertheless, webelieve that existing limitations need to be addressed 
>beforerevisiting a higher class of recommendation concerning TM..”
Evidently contact with the tru-believer re-certified side of themovement is too 
obviously odd, setting off cult-radar 'warnings' inmany who may go near. This 
is a cultural thing. Though culturallymodified the David Lynch Foundation side 
of TM is moreextra-territorial or secular to the re-cert side or strict 
movementcertified facilities that present a whole glossy panoply of TM 
Vedicthings. The whole vedic thing evidently seems too much cult-like 
Scientologytoday as cult. That can evidently can be worked with as with the 
good work of the DLF.-Buck, a transcendent meditator in Fairfield, Iowa   

---In,  wrote :

Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass Bob 
Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM as 
the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.
And a few other excerpts from the letter:
"About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing atreatment 
in a randomized controlled trial and referringunselected patients with 
hypertension for TMtraining in clinical practice. TM is also more expensive 
than otherapproaches($1500), and access to certified training may bemore 
limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sitescoveringa 
population of ≈2 million people 

We objectively and fairlypresented the published data about the lowering of BP 
from TM. Itsefficacy was indeed shown tobe on par with some other alternative 
approacheswhen cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results (although few 
directcomparisonsare available). We clearly stated that mostapproaches have 
modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patientsrequiring >10mm Hg reductions 
should be monitored closely.
TM was notinvented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
mayoffer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless,we believe that existing 
limitations need to beaddressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerningTMfor the sole purposes of managing high BP"
Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."

  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
thank you - I'll check it out later today
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management 
||||   TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. 
Brook, ...  Watch Maharishi University of Management's TM, Air Pollution, and 
Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on MUM DISTINGUISH...|  
| View on new.livestrea...|Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

post the link to the mum speech please

  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.
Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the kind 
that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.


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#yiv6026111940photos div label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.  

 They really DO set teh trends and fashions of society.

 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

 How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In A Fight' 
 How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In... Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio says he got into meditating 42 years ago because of 'The Beatles.'
 View on www.busines... 
 Preview by Yahoo 
The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation 
 The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation GQ 
addresses transcendental meditation. Should you cross your legs, close your 
eyes, and join in?
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio thinks so
 Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? H...
 A string of recent deaths within the banking world have brought global 
attention to the stressful conditions that financiers work in and around. Large 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firms 
 Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firm... The David 
Lynch Foundation has been getting an increasing number of calls from Wall 
Street firms to come and offer its $1,000 intensive course on Transcend...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :

 I bet you will go to your grave as a TM apologist. 


 You are highlighting one of the PROBLEMS with the TMO - they market to the 
millionaires to line their own pockets.


 Few people give a rat's ass how many celebrities and big money people do TM.

 Just do a bit of research to see what fuck heads the current and former 
Japanese prime ministers are. Like denying the existence of the Japanese 
comfort girls in WWII? And denying allegations of illegal funding to his 
political party. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding.

 I wasn't complaining. I'm just impressed by the energy you put into it.

 I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

 Keep it up, it's fun.

 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

 Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific about 

 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's getting to be like a circus over here - informants can't even remember 
minutes later what they previously posted. LoL!
 ---In,  wrote :
 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

---In,  wrote :


 Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific about 

"You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?" - salyavin 8:00 AM 3/30/15


 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.

 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Saying that TM is any different from most other Sanskrit mantra based 
meditations is like saying "our car is different, it has wheels." :-D

On 03/30/2015 07:37 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding.

I wasn't complaining. I'm just impressed by the energy you put into it.

I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

Keep it up, it's fun.

And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific 
about everything?

I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.

By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations 
concerning training UN workers to be TM teachers?


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and 
announced at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research 
on TM.

Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of 
the kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it 
find that TM *does* have a positive effect on BP.

You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you 
been banned from Reddit again?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Its no big deal - Rama levitated hundreds of times in front of hundreds of 

It has been reported that Rama could turn whole lecture halls golden. Obviously 
anyone can hop like a frog on foam, but if someone could slowly lift up off of 
a sofa in the desert and hover in mid-air, that would really be pretty 
impressive. The only thing embarrassing about that would be to post it on Yahoo 

---In,  wrote : 
 I just can't participate in any of this any's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. 

Non sequitur.

I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity to even *try* 
some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to sell the 
pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the "best" 
form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring book 
at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever written.   

Non sequitur.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 It's like a circus here today. LoL!

---In,  wrote :

 Like denying the existence of the Japanese comfort girls in WW,II? 

The question is, "Did you enjoy?" LoL!

And denying allegations of illegal funding to his political party. 

Non sequitur.




 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   You're aware that all TM teachers teach the same way, and more than likely 
some of the recerted teachers work for the DLF?

 I mean, Bobby Roth goes to teh Hamptons and lectures to billionaires and is 
introduced on national TV as "Meditation Bob, meditation teacher to teh stars."


 You have more problem with TM teachers than other people it seems. Rupert 
Murdoch tweeted about learning TM last year, and numerous prominent people have 
learned TM recently without making a big deal about how  cultish the TMO is.

 And of course, both the current and a former Prime Minister of Japan are both 
TMers, having learned it from the head of the Japanese TM organization 25 years 

  It's really quite fascinating how uncomfortable people on Fairfield Life are 
with the idea that most people simply don't CARE about things like 5 minute 
initiation ceremonies, and the like.



---In,  wrote :

 In practicality, That an availability is 'limited' through re-certified 
teachers, MJ in writing his usual mean and aggressive negativity here raises a 
valid point within it in offering these excerpts from the J. Am. Heart 
Association memo. 
 Limited availability is one thing, but further I also run in to a corollary 
fact that a general public also does not necessarily like going in to the Peace 
Palaces for learning TM. Possibly this is what the memo is also driving at. 
..Way too much carry-on baggage with TM. 

 From the J.AmHeart Association memo:
 “..TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
may offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM..” 

 Evidently contact with the tru-believer re-certified side of the movement is 
too obviously odd, setting off cult-radar 'warnings' in many who may go near. 
This is a cultural thing. Though culturally modified the David Lynch Foundation 
side of TM is more extra-territorial or secular to the re-cert side or strict 
movement certified facilities that present a whole glossy panoply of TM Vedic 
things. The whole vedic thing evidently seems too much cult-like Scientology 
today as cult. That can evidently can be worked with as with the good work of 
the DLF.
 -Buck, a transcendent meditator in Fairfield, Iowa   

---In,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 A car is all about the wheels - that's where the rubber meets the road. If you 
have 20 inch wheels you can improve your MPG - it's a matter of math and the 
circumference of a circle in motion. Not all cars are equal in a race. 

What you need to understand is that the TM technique is NOT the cause of 
enlightenment - it just provides the ideal opportunity for transcending.

For most normal people, practicing a simple, easy-to-learn TM technique is the 
fastest and best way to learn how to enjoy transcending. In TM instruction you 
only get one single mantra - that's all you need. TM does not  require any 
effort or belief - it's just what inteligent people do.

Using any technique, you are only going to get as much enlightenment that you 
are going to get. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 Saying that TM is any different from most other Sanskrit mantra based 
meditations is like saying "our car is different, it has wheels." :-D 
 On 03/30/2015 07:37 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote :
 Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding.

 I wasn't complaining. I'm just impressed by the energy you put into it.

 I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

 Keep it up, it's fun.

 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

 Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific about 

 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?


 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote :
 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.  

 You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody gives a 
toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from ours that they 
might as well be alien. 

 It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or 
actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think 
people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they 
take people for?



 They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

 Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?


 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.


 Cultmania. I love it.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Away for a day and the thread moves on to other things. My take on the wealthy 
is some people pay attention to some of them, like Warren Buffet because he has 
had a rather astounding ability to make money and is nonetheless perceived as a 
fairly normal person without a lot of pretension. As for the 'Mind of the 
Meditator' my experience is that over a long period of time, for me, TM has 
resulted in  'open monitoring', the technique working in a kind of back door 
approach. TM and mindfulness are now essentially identical because there is no 
inner/outer dimension to meditation. That would be to say the techniques, 
though different in their approach, result in convergent evolution of 
experience as far as result. Once open monitoring is established, TM becomes 
more effort-full compared to mindfulness because you actually have to do 
something to initiate the process while with open monitoring, you need do 
nothing. For beginning meditators this distinction is different for it appears 
TM is a bit more efficient in helping people deal with discursive thought which 
tends to be rampant with newbie meditators, but this difference diminishes over 
time. TM mythology seems less adaptable to scientific discourse than do certain 
forms of Buddhist explanations for the nature of enlightenment, and seems to 
promote belief in imaginary ideas beyond what is necessary to get someone 
interested in enlightenment, which is much much less than what people imagine 
it to be.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.  

 You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody gives a 
toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from ours that they 
might as well be alien. 

 It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or 
actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think 
people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they 
take people for?



 They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

 Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?


 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.


 Cultmania. I love it.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/30/2015 09:14 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.

You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody 
gives a toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from 
ours that they might as well be alien.

Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind "gods" or 
"special people" as if making lots of money is the key to life. Thing 
is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are "accidental". They just had 
the right idea at the right time in the right place. And anyone else 
with that right idea but the wrong time or wrong place might not have 
faired so well.  IOW, it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about 

It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model 
or actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb 
they think people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a 
try!" What do they take people for?

In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price.  If it 
didn't do it for them then they weren't out much.  That's when I learned 
TM.  And as been noted before some of the celebs jump on anything that 
will give them press and abandon it as soon as they need something else 
for press.

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it 
makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

Cultmania. I love it.

Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We have 
those downtown standing around looking for a mark.  They are dressed 
(including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s.  That sorta 
fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s Mayberry scene.  Kick 
myself though as I didn't go downtown last week at all and there was a 
film crew there filming a PSA.  It was a New York company and 30 people 
involved and even doing crane shots.  Maybe you'll see it because it was 
a London agency that had them filming. The theme is "American small town."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I will gently remind you (so I am not accused of meanness and aggressiveness by 
Buck) that Ray Dalio is one of the worst examples of what TM does for a person 
as he is considered to be an A-1 by most people who have met him. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do. 
They really DO set teh trends and fashions of society.
And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.
How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In A Fight' 
||||   How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja 
In...  Hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio says he got into meditating 42 years 
ago because of 'The Beatles.'||
| View on www.busines...|Preview by Yahoo|

   The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation 
||||   The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation  GQ 
addresses transcendental meditation. Should you cross your legs, close your 
eyes, and join in?||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio thinks so 
||||   Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? 
H...  A string of recent deaths within the banking world have brought global 
attention to the stressful conditions that financiers work in and around. Large 
| View on|Preview by Yahoo|

Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firms 
||||   Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street 
firm...  The David Lynch Foundation has been getting an increasing number of 
calls from Wall Street firms to come and offer its $1,000 intensive course on 
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|



---In,  wrote :

I bet you will go to your grave as a TM apologist. 

You are highlighting one of the PROBLEMS with the TMO - they market to the 
millionaires to line their own pockets.

Few people give a rat's ass how many celebrities and big money people do TM.
Just do a bit of research to see what fuck heads the current and former 
Japanese prime ministers are. Like denying the existence of the Japanese 
comfort girls in WWII? And denying allegations of illegal funding to his 
political party. 

  #yiv9447041843 #yiv9447041843 -- #yiv9447041843ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9447041843 
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{padding:0 0;}#yiv9447041843 #yiv9447041843ygrp-mkp .yiv9447041843ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9447041843 #yiv9447041843ygrp-mkp .yiv9447041843ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9447041843 #yiv9447041843ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9447041843ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9447041843 
#yiv9447041843ygrp-sponsor #yiv9447041843ygrp-lc #yiv9447041843hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9447041843ygrp-sponsor #yiv9447041843ygrp-lc .yiv9447041843ad 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9447041843 #yiv9447041843activity span 
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.yiv9447041843bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9447041843 dd.yiv9447041843last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weigh

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Buffett is as big an asshole as ever lived. He disowned one of his 
granddaughters for appearing in The One Percent, a documentary by Johnson & 
Johnson heir Jamie Johnson about the gap between rich and poor in America.
Screw Buffett.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    Away for a day and the thread moves on to other things. My take on the 
wealthy is some people pay attention to some of them, like Warren Buffet 
because he has had a rather astounding ability to make money and is nonetheless 
perceived as a fairly normal person without a lot of pretension. As for the 
'Mind of the Meditator' my experience is that over a long period of time, for 
me, TM has resulted in  'open monitoring', the technique working in a kind of 
back door approach. TM and mindfulness are now essentially identical because 
there is no inner/outer dimension to meditation. That would be to say the 
techniques, though different in their approach, result in convergent evolution 
of experience as far as result. Once open monitoring is established, TM becomes 
more effort-full compared to mindfulness because you actually have to do 
something to initiate the process while with open monitoring, you need do 
nothing. For beginning meditators this distinction is different for it appears 
TM is a bit more efficient in helping people deal with discursive thought which 
tends to be rampant with newbie meditators, but this difference diminishes over 
time. TM mythology seems less adaptable to scientific discourse than do certain 
forms of Buddhist explanations for the nature of enlightenment, and seems to 
promote belief in imaginary ideas beyond what is necessary to get someone 
interested in enlightenment, which is much much less than what people imagine 
it to be.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do. 
You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody gives a 
toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from ours that they 
might as well be alien. 
It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or actress 
does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think people go 
"Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they take people 

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.
Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

Cultmania. I love it.

  #yiv4452328496 #yiv4452328496 -- #yiv4452328496ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4452328496 
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{margin:0;}#yiv4452328496 #yiv4452328496ygrp-mkp .yiv4452328496ad a 
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.yiv4452328496underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4452328496 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4452328496 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv4452328496 .yiv4452328496bold 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Mean? P'raps. Aggressive, no. Had I offered to chase him down and force him to 
kiss my ass, then yes that would have been agressive.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
    In practicality, That an availability is 'limited'through re-certified 
teachers, MJ in writing his usual mean andaggressive negativity here raises a 
valid point within it in offeringthese excerpts from the J. Am. Heart 
Association memo. Limited availability is one thing, but further I also run in 
to acorollary fact that a general public also does not necessarily like going 
in tothe Peace Palaces for learning TM. Possibly this is what the memo isalso 
driving at. ..Way too much carry-on baggage with TM. 
>From the J.AmHeart Association memo: “..TMwas not invented to lower BP. We 
>acknowledge that meditationtechniques may offer numerous benefits to people. 
>Nevertheless, webelieve that existing limitations need to be addressed 
>beforerevisiting a higher class of recommendation concerning TM..”
Evidently contact with the tru-believer re-certified side of themovement is too 
obviously odd, setting off cult-radar 'warnings' inmany who may go near. This 
is a cultural thing. Though culturallymodified the David Lynch Foundation side 
of TM is moreextra-territorial or secular to the re-cert side or strict 
movementcertified facilities that present a whole glossy panoply of TM 
Vedicthings. The whole vedic thing evidently seems too much cult-like 
Scientologytoday as cult. That can evidently can be worked with as with the 
good work of the DLF.-Buck, a transcendent meditator in Fairfield, Iowa   

---In,  wrote :

Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass Bob 
Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM as 
the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.
And a few other excerpts from the letter:
"About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing atreatment 
in a randomized controlled trial and referringunselected patients with 
hypertension for TMtraining in clinical practice. TM is also more expensive 
than otherapproaches($1500), and access to certified training may bemore 
limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sitescoveringa 
population of ≈2 million people 

We objectively and fairlypresented the published data about the lowering of BP 
from TM. Itsefficacy was indeed shown tobe on par with some other alternative 
approacheswhen cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results (although few 
directcomparisonsare available). We clearly stated that mostapproaches have 
modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patientsrequiring >10mm Hg reductions 
should be monitored closely.
TM was notinvented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
mayoffer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless,we believe that existing 
limitations need to beaddressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerningTMfor the sole purposes of managing high BP"
Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."

  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
 In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.
He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.
When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure.
|  |
|  | When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management 
of High Blood ... 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. 
doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of print] |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:
 We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Currently watching the video as I await my daughter's arrival for a visit, so I 
shan't watch it all right now. Just the in beginning where Schneider is 
flattering the other doc for "seeing the trends of time" i.e. - seeing the 
benefit of claiming TM does things it really doesn't. 

I am guessing two things so far:
1 - This doc is drooling over the opportunity to get in on some of that grant 
money Schneider has cashed in on and 
2 - This doc will lose his current positions if he goes whole hog on 
recommending TM like Schneider (who masquerades as an expert on Vedic Head 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management 
||||   TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. 
Brook, ...  Watch Maharishi University of Management's TM, Air Pollution, and 
Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on MUM DISTINGUISH...|  
| View on new.livestrea...|Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

post the link to the mum speech please

  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.
Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the kind 
that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.


  #yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940 -- #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6026111940 
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0;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp #yiv6026111940ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp .yiv6026111940ad 
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4px;}#yiv6026111940 .yiv6026111940bold 
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#yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940photo-title a:active, #yiv6026111940 
div.yiv6026111940photo-title a:hover, #yiv6026111940 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ha ha ha! Love it! Brooks was inspired by the likes of the Dalai Lama and Jiddu 
Krisnamurti to look into meditation. I bet Schneider's arse drew up when they 
showed those non-TM guru's on the overhead projector. Wish the camera had 
panned the audience, but they wisely did not. Have to stop now to order the 
pizza for Daughter's lunch vittles.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management 
||||   TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. 
Brook, ...  Watch Maharishi University of Management's TM, Air Pollution, and 
Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on MUM DISTINGUISH...|  
| View on new.livestrea...|Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

post the link to the mum speech please

  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.
Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the kind 
that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.


  #yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940 -- #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6026111940 
#yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6026111940 
#yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp #yiv6026111940hd 
0;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp #yiv6026111940ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp .yiv6026111940ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp .yiv6026111940ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-mkp .yiv6026111940ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 #yiv6026111940ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6026111940ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6026111940 
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#yiv6026111940ygrp-sponsor #yiv6026111940ygrp-lc .yiv6026111940ad 
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.yiv6026111940underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6026111940 
0;width:400px;}#yiv6026111940 .yiv6026111940attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 .yiv6026111940attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv6026111940 .yiv6026111940attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv6026111940 .yiv6026111940attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv6026111940 .yiv6026111940bold 
.yiv6026111940bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 dd.yiv6026111940last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6026111940 dd.yiv6026111940last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6026111940 
dd.yiv6026111940last p span.yiv6026111940yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940file-title a, #yiv6026111940 
div.yiv6026111940file-title a:active, #yiv6026111940 
div.yiv6026111940file-title a:hover, #yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940photo-title a, 
#yiv6026111940 div.yiv6026111940photo-title a:active, #yiv6026111940 
div.yiv6026111940photo-title a:hover, #yiv6026111940 
div.yiv6026111940photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6026111940 
div#yiv6026111940ygrp-mlmsg #yiv6026111940ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv6026111940green {color

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Obviousy Ray Dalio, who appeared on the annual Time 100 list of the 100 most 
influential people in the world, can't compare to all your accomplishments. LoL!  
---In,  wrote :

 I will gently remind you (so I am not accused of meanness and aggressiveness 
by Buck) that Ray Dalio is one of the worst examples of what TM does for a 
person as he is considered to be an A-1 by most people who have met him. 

Non sequitur.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do. 

 They really DO set teh trends and fashions of society.

 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

 How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In A Fight'
 How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In... Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio says he got into meditating 42 years ago because of 'The Beatles.'

 View on www.busines...
 Preview by Yahoo 

The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation
 The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation GQ 
addresses transcendental meditation. Should you cross your legs, close your 
eyes, and join in?

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio thinks so
 Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? H...
 A string of recent deaths within the banking world have brought global 
attention to the stressful conditions that financiers work in and around. Large 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firms
 Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firm... The David 
Lynch Foundation has been getting an increasing number of calls from Wall 
Street firms to come and offer its $1,000 intensive course on Transcend...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





---In,  wrote :

 I bet you will go to your grave as a TM apologist. 


 You are highlighting one of the PROBLEMS with the TMO - they market to the 
millionaires to line their own pockets.


 Few people give a rat's ass how many celebrities and big money people do TM.

 Just do a bit of research to see what fuck heads the current and former 
Japanese prime ministers are. Like denying the existence of the Japanese 
comfort girls in WWII? And denying allegations of illegal funding to his 
political party. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 03/30/2015 09:14 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


 mailto:LEnglish5@... wrote :
 Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.  

 You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody gives a 
toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from ours that they 
might as well be alien. 

 Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind "gods" or 
"special people" as if making lots of money is the key to life.   Thinking 
about it a bit more, Lawson's statement might be more true of America than over 
here. We have a funny attitude to money, everyone wants to be rich but people 
can really dislike the wealthy just being rich. The weird politics of envy. 
 Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are "accidental".   They just 
had the right idea at the right time in the right place.  And anyone else with 
that right idea but the wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so 
well.  IOW, it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this). 
 A lot of the recent immigrants to London are conmen like Roman Abromovich and 
his Russian oilgarch friends who made a fortune in Russia during the capitalist 
free-for-all and park their money in London forcing up house prices way beyond 
the reach of locals. Even worse are playboy Arab billionaires racing their 
stupid fast cars round Knightsbridge. Everyone hates them and rightly so. The 
only thing the English like (except me) is class, we let the "uppers" shit on 
the rest of us whether they've got money or not. It's all bearing and accent. 
 The only billionaire everyone seems to like is Richard Branson. He has a good 
and carefully managed image but what's he like really? Damn shrewd, hardworking 
or just lucky? 

 They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.


 Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

 I think Melinda dresses him nowadays. 
 Part of my job in my PR company was monitoring what the press said about 
Gates. All articles about him or his life were cut out and sent to me and I'd 
enter the details into a database and send a monthly report to MS's own press 
department. To say that I knew everything there is to know about him is an 
understatement. I felt like some hideous nerd stalker, but highly paid and 
probably shouldn't be telling you this! I knew how every room in his house was 
decorated and how much money he'd have top drop to make it worth his while 
bending over to pick it up (he made $150 a second apparently). Why they wanted 
to know all this stuff is a mystery to me, maybe they used it to monitor how 
obsessed people were with myths about his lifestyle? Weird job anyway... I also 
had to monitor the whole IE anti-trust thing and the battle with Netscape 
(remember that?) and all the while I was using a crappy Windows 95 PC. We 
didn't even have the internet in those days and had to actually work while 
looking at our screens!
 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

 Cultmania. I love it.

 Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We have those 
downtown standing around looking for a mark.  They are dressed (including their 
kids) like they are living in the 1950s.  That sorta fits in with the town 
which clings to the 1950s Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go 
downtown last week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It 
was a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane shots.  
Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that had them filming.  The 
theme is "American small town."
 I like the JW's we used to get plagued by them at the TM centre because they 
considered us possessed by the devil for our pagan ways and would do everything 
in their power to convert us. One of the girls that came round was lovely and I 
used to chat her up for ages in the hope she was flirty fishing but she was 
married and you wouldn't believe the rules they have about that sort of thing. 

 Funny thing was her husband wasn't a JW which is odd because they believe 
there are only 7000 places in heaven and every one is reserved by people from 
the JW's, but not even all of them. I asked her if it was depressing being 
married to someone she was actually guaranteed to never see in the afterlife of 
eternal peace and she didn't want to discuss it.

 I like to get their mag "The Watchtower" and read it on the train, they often 
have some TB articles about creationism V's evolution and it's fun to pit my 
wits against the clever nonsense they publish.

 PS I was an extra in a BBC production called "Dr Foster" they were filming at 
our local medical centre at the weekend. I made a good passerby I think. If I 
make the final cu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Apparently you were inspired by someone, maybe Michael Jackson, to look into 
meditation. So you took a bus up to Iowa to join a religious cult and they 
forced you to work in the kitchen for free, learning how to bake cookies, take 
naps, fly inside a golden dome and pray to the Hindu gods on your hands and 
knees several times a day. 

The question is, for what purpose?

So, you got kicked out of the cult and so you took a bus home in the middle of 
the night to your mother's house to live in her basement for a few years. 
That's nothing to be upset about - think of it as getting saved. Just kick some 
grass over that shit and move on. 

The other question is, whatever gave you the idea that you could learn to cook 
a pie crust? No wonder you're ordering out today. LoL!.

---In,  wrote :

 Ha ha ha! Love it! Brooks was inspired by the likes of the Dalai Lama and 
Jiddu Krisnamurti to look into meditation. 

Non sequitur.

I bet Schneider's arse drew up when they showed those non-TM guru's on the 
overhead projector. 

How much would you be willing to wager?

Wish the camera had panned the audience, but they wisely did not. 

Non sequitur.

Have to stop now to order the pizza for Daughter's lunch vittles.

Non sequitur.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management
 TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, ... Watch Maharishi University of Management's 
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on 

 View on new.livestrea...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 post the link to the mum speech please


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced 
at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Most of the world's billionaires started out with nothing, so what's your 
excuse? You were probably born with a silver spoon in your mouth in the land of 
opportunity. You had everything including the freedom of choice. You probably 
earn more in an hour than most people earn in a week. Go figure.

   ---In,  wrote :

 Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind "gods" or 
"special people" as if making lots of money is the key to life.  Thing is, a 
lot of our modern day billionaires are "accidental".   They just had the right 
idea at the right time in the right place.  And anyone else with that right 
idea but the wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so well.  IOW, 
it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this).
 It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or 
actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think 
people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they 
take people for?

 In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price.  If it didn't 
do it for them then they weren't out much.  That's when I learned TM.  And as 
been noted before some of the celebs jump on anything that will give them press 
and abandon it as soon as they need something else for press.

 They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

 Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

 I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.


 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

 Cultmania. I love it.

 Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We have those 
downtown standing around looking for a mark.  They are dressed (including their 
kids) like they are living in the 1950s.  That sorta fits in with the town 
which clings to the 1950s Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go 
downtown last week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It 
was a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane shots.  
Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that had them filming.  The 
theme is "American small town."



 Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind "gods" or 
"special people" as if making lots of money is the key to life.  Thing is, a 
lot of our modern day billionaires are "accidental".   They just had the right 
idea at the right time in the right place.  And anyone else with that right 
idea but the wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so well.  IOW, 
it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this).
 It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or 
actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think 
people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they 
take people for?

 In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price.  If it didn't 
do it for them then they weren't out much.  That's when I learned TM.  And as 
been noted before some of the celebs jump on anything that will give them press 
and abandon it as soon as they need something else for press.

 They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

 Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

 I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.


 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

 Cultmania. I love it.

 Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We have those 
downtown standing around looking for a mark.  They are dressed (including their 
kids) like they are living in the 1950s.  That sorta fits in with the town 
which clings to the 1950s Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go 
downtown last week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It 
was a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane shots.  
Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that had them filming.  The 
theme is "American small town."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/30/2015 11:00 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Most of the world's billionaires started out with nothing, so what's 
your excuse?

You mean like the Koch brothers or the Waltons?  They earned their 
wealth the old fashioned way, they inherited it.

You were probably born with a silver spoon in your mouth in the land 
of opportunity.

Yeah, my dad worked for the country road department.  No silver spoons.

You had everything including the freedom of choice. You probably earn 
more in an hour than most people earn in a week. Go figure.

At best $85 an hour though I charge $200 an hour for consulting. But 
most clients are buying project work where you price that accordingly.  
I don't think too many people could survive in good ol' USA on $85 a 
week.  So check your calculations.

Last I read you're not even a millionaire.  Guess you didn't take 
advantage of the "opportunity."

  ---In,  wrote :

 Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind
"gods" or "special people" as if making lots of money is the key
to life. Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are
"accidental". They just had the right idea at the right time in
the right place. And anyone else with that right idea but the
wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so well.  IOW,
it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this).

It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some
model or actress does the same sort of meditation, are they
really so dumb they think people go "Wow, such and such does it,
I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they take people for?

In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price. 
If it didn't do it for them then they weren't out much.  That's

when I learned TM.  And as been noted before some of the celebs
jump on anything that will give them press and abandon it as soon
as they need something else for press.

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill

I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth,
it makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

Cultmania. I love it.

Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We
have those downtown standing around looking for a mark. They are
dressed (including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s. 
That sorta fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s

Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go downtown last
week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It was
a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane
shots.  Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that
had them filming. The theme is "American small town."

Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind
"gods" or "special people" as if making lots of money is the key
to life. Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are
"accidental". They just had the right idea at the right time in
the right place. And anyone else with that right idea but the
wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so well.  IOW,
it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this).

It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some
model or actress does the same sort of meditation, are they
really so dumb they think people go "Wow, such and such does it,
I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they take people for?

In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price. 
If it didn't do it for them then they weren't out much.  That's

when I learned TM.  And as been noted before some of the celebs
jump on anything that will give them press and abandon it as soon
as they need something else for press.

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill

I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth,
it makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

Cultmania. I love it.

Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We
have those downtown standing around looking for a mark. They are
dressed (including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s. 
That sorta fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s

Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go downtown last
week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It was
a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane
shots.  Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that
had them filming. The theme is "

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/30/2015 10:32 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

On 03/30/2015 09:14 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 wrote :

Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.

You have completely departed from reality with this statement.
Nobody gives a toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far
removed from ours that they might as well be alien.

Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind
"gods" or "special people" as if making lots of money is the key
to life. 

Thinking about it a bit more, Lawson's statement might be more
true of America than over here. We have a funny attitude to money,
everyone wants to be rich but people can really dislike the
wealthy just being rich. The weird politics of envy.

Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are "accidental".
They just had the right idea at the right time in the right place.
And anyone else with that right idea but the wrong time or wrong
place might not have faired so well.  IOW, it's about luck (there
was a Harvard study about this).

A lot of the recent immigrants to London are conmen like Roman
Abromovich and his Russian oilgarch friends who made a fortune in
Russia during the capitalist free-for-all and park their money in
London forcing up house prices way beyond the reach of locals.
Even worse are playboy Arab billionaires racing their stupid fast
cars round Knightsbridge. Everyone hates them and rightly so.

The only thing the English like (except me) is class, we let the
"uppers" shit on the rest of us whether they've got money or not.
It's all bearing and accent.

The only billionaire everyone seems to like is Richard Branson. He
has a good and carefully managed image but what's he like really?
Damn shrewd, hardworking or just lucky?

Probably lucky.  Successful people work smart not hard.  Working hard is 
for peasants who would be better off too if they just worked smart.  But 
there is becoming a lot of resentment in the US.  Back in the 1990s I 
was able to dine out whenever I wanted to but now I walk past sidewalk 
cafes I can't afford lunch at or more correctly don't want to spend the 
inflated price.  $10 for sandwich that 6 years ago might have been $5?  
In the 1990s you didn't get any resentment vibes either because even the 
poorer folks could still afford to dine out.

I'm going to post a link to a Paul Craig Roberts interview which has 
some stuff about ISIS at the front so it fits jr's ISIS post.  The 
latter part of the interview has Roberts talking about the economic 
inequity in the US and how we're headed for a depression.  Mind you this 
guy was an economic advisor to Ronald Reagan during his administration.  
Jason needs to watch it too as Roberts is every bit as down on 
capitalistic excess as I am.

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill

I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

Part of my job in my PR company was monitoring what the press said
about Gates. All articles about him or his life were cut out and
sent to me and I'd enter the details into a database and send a
monthly report to MS's own press department. To say that I knew
everything there is to know about him is an understatement. I felt
like some hideous nerd stalker, but highly paid and probably
shouldn't be telling you this!

I knew how every room in his house was decorated and how much
money he'd have top drop to make it worth his while bending over
to pick it up (he made $150 a second apparently). Why they wanted
to know all this stuff is a mystery to me, maybe they used it to
monitor how obsessed people were with myths about his lifestyle?
Weird job anyway...

I also had to monitor the whole IE anti-trust thing and the battle
with Netscape (remember that?) and all the while I was using a
crappy Windows 95 PC. We didn't even have the internet in those
days and had to actually work while looking at our screens!

Yes I remember that and a point came up about Windows providing 
developer access and actually I was in a software industry group that  
asked Microsoft for that and it didn't get mentioned.  MS lawyers 
apparently didn't know that piece of history.

And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth,
it makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

Cultmania. I love it.

Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We
have those downtown standing around looking for a mark. They are
dressed (including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s. 
That sorta fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

This one incident determines his all time personality? According to wikipedia, 
he disowned his son Peter's adopted daughter, that is she was not related to 
him except as an in-law. He reportedly wrote to her  'I have not emotionally or 
legally adopted you as a grandchild, nor have the rest of my family adopted you 
as a niece or a cousin.' He had for some time felt ambivalent about Nicole and 
her sister's claim to his fortune. The perceived sense of entitlement and 
Nicole's self-appointed role as family spokesperson prompted Buffett to tell 
Peter that he'd renounce her. It would appear the film was just the last straw 
in a more drawn out family squabble. 

 In June 2006, he announced a plan to give away his fortune to charity, with 
83% of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His children will not 
inherit a significant proportion of his wealth. This is consistent with 
statements he has made in the past indicating his opposition to the transfer of 
great fortunes from one generation to the next. Buffett once commented, 'I want 
to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do 
anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing.'

 On December 9, 2010, Buffett, Bill Gates, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, 
signed a promise they called the "Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge", in which they 
promised to donate to charity at least half of their wealth over time, and 
invited others among the wealthy to follow suit.



---In,  wrote :

 Buffett is as big an asshole as ever lived. He disowned one of his 
granddaughters for appearing in The One Percent, a documentary by Johnson & 
Johnson heir Jamie Johnson about the gap between rich and poor in America.

 Screw Buffett.


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   Away for a day and the thread moves on to other things. My take on the 
wealthy is some people pay attention to some of them, like Warren Buffet 
because he has had a rather astounding ability to make money and is nonetheless 
perceived as a fairly normal person without a lot of pretension. As for the 
'Mind of the Meditator' my experience is that over a long period of time, for 
me, TM has resulted in  'open monitoring', the technique working in a kind of 
back door approach. TM and mindfulness are now essentially identical because 
there is no inner/outer dimension to meditation. That would be to say the 
techniques, though different in their approach, result in convergent evolution 
of experience as far as result. Once open monitoring is established, TM becomes 
more effort-full compared to mindfulness because you actually have to do 
something to initiate the process while with open monitoring, you need do 
nothing. For beginning meditators this distinction is different for it appears 
TM is a bit more efficient in helping people deal with discursive thought which 
tends to be rampant with newbie meditators, but this difference diminishes over 
time. TM mythology seems less adaptable to scientific discourse than do certain 
forms of Buddhist explanations for the nature of enlightenment, and seems to 
promote belief in imaginary ideas beyond what is necessary to get someone 
interested in enlightenment, which is much much less than what people imagine 
it to be.



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.  

 You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody gives a 
toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from ours that they 
might as well be alien. 

 It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or 
actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think 
people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they 
take people for?



 They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

 Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?


 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.


 Cultmania. I love it.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Johnson & Johnson has a division in India which owns (or at least did 
own) Dabur a manufacturer of ayurvedic remedies. Weird, eh?

On 03/30/2015 09:52 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Buffett is as big an asshole as ever lived. He disowned one of his 
granddaughters for appearing in /The One Percent,/ a documentary by 
Johnson & Johnson heir Jamie Johnson about the gap between rich and 
poor in America.

Screw Buffett.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, March 30, 2015 12:36 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

Away for a day and the thread moves on to other things. My take on the 
wealthy is some people pay attention to some of them, like Warren 
Buffet because he has had a rather astounding ability to make money 
and is nonetheless perceived as a fairly normal person without a lot 
of pretension. As for the 'Mind of the Meditator' my experience is 
that over a long period of time, for me, TM has resulted in  'open 
monitoring', the technique working in a kind of back door approach. TM 
and mindfulness are now essentially identical because there is no 
inner/outer dimension to meditation. That would be to say the 
techniques, though different in their approach, result in convergent 
evolution of experience as far as result. Once open monitoring is 
established, TM becomes more effort-full compared to mindfulness 
because you actually have to do something to initiate the process 
while with open monitoring, you need do nothing. For beginning 
meditators this distinction is different for it appears TM is a bit 
more efficient in helping people deal with discursive thought which 
tends to be rampant with newbie meditators, but this difference 
diminishes over time. TM mythology seems less adaptable to scientific 
discourse than do certain forms of Buddhist explanations for the 
nature of enlightenment, and seems to promote belief in imaginary 
ideas beyond what is necessary to get someone interested in 
enlightenment, which is much much less than what people imagine it to be.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.

You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody 
gives a toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from 
ours that they might as well be alien.

It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model 
or actress does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb 
they think people go "Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a 
try!" What do they take people for?

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it 
makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

Cultmania. I love it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You DO realize that this means that Brook has no dog in the fight of TM vs 
whatever? He's so out of touch with the politics that he has pictures of the 
Dali Lama put on the screen at MUM. Pretty neutral guy, obviously. 


 And so if he comes to a specific conclusion based on looking at the research 
(e.g. TM is better for the treatment of high blood pressure) it as a 
disinterested party...
---In,  wrote :

 Ha ha ha! Love it! Brooks was inspired by the likes of the Dalai Lama and 
Jiddu Krisnamurti to look into meditation. I bet Schneider's arse drew up when 
they showed those non-TM guru's on the overhead projector. Wish the camera had 
panned the audience, but they wisely did not. Have to stop now to order the 
pizza for Daughter's lunch vittles.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management
 TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, ... Watch Maharishi University of Management's 
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on 

 View on new.livestrea...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 post the link to the mum speech please


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced 
at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Think what you like and I will do the same. 

Buffett's big giveaway is as much horseshit as Gates' is. It is a big fat tax 
break for them, plus they mainly give to foundations that they and their 
families control, and use the money they give the foundations to leverage 
whatever they want in terms of political and other types of control through the 
threat of loss of such revenue to the beneficiaries of the largess of said 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 4:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
This one incident determines his all time personality? According to wikipedia, 
he disowned his son Peter's adopted daughter, that is she was not related to 
him except as an in-law. He reportedly wrote to her  'I have not emotionally or 
legally adopted you as a grandchild, nor have the rest of my family adopted you 
as a niece or a cousin.' He had for some time felt ambivalent about Nicole and 
her sister's claim to his fortune. The perceived sense of entitlement and 
Nicole's self-appointed role as family spokesperson prompted Buffett to tell 
Peter that he'd renounce her. It would appear the film was just the last straw 
in a more drawn out family squabble.
In June 2006, he announced a plan to give away his fortune to charity, with 83% 
of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His children will not 
inherit a significant proportion of his wealth. This is consistent with 
statements he has made in the past indicating his opposition to the transfer of 
great fortunes from one generation to the next. Buffett once commented, 'I want 
to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do 
anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing.'
On December 9, 2010, Buffett, Bill Gates, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, 
signed a promise they called the "Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge", in which they 
promised to donate to charity at least half of their wealth over time, and 
invited others among the wealthy to follow suit.

---In,  wrote :

Buffett is as big an asshole as ever lived. He disowned one of his 
granddaughters for appearing in The One Percent, a documentary by Johnson & 
Johnson heir Jamie Johnson about the gap between rich and poor in America.
Screw Buffett.

  From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
 Away for a day and the thread moves on to other things. My take on the wealthy 
is some people pay attention to some of them, like Warren Buffet because he has 
had a rather astounding ability to make money and is nonetheless perceived as a 
fairly normal person without a lot of pretension. As for the 'Mind of the 
Meditator' my experience is that over a long period of time, for me, TM has 
resulted in  'open monitoring', the technique working in a kind of back door 
approach. TM and mindfulness are now essentially identical because there is no 
inner/outer dimension to meditation. That would be to say the techniques, 
though different in their approach, result in convergent evolution of 
experience as far as result. Once open monitoring is established, TM becomes 
more effort-full compared to mindfulness because you actually have to do 
something to initiate the process while with open monitoring, you need do 
nothing. For beginning meditators this distinction is different for it appears 
TM is a bit more efficient in helping people deal with discursive thought which 
tends to be rampant with newbie meditators, but this difference diminishes over 
time. TM mythology seems less adaptable to scientific discourse than do certain 
forms of Buddhist explanations for the nature of enlightenment, and seems to 
promote belief in imaginary ideas beyond what is necessary to get someone 
interested in enlightenment, which is much much less than what people imagine 
it to be.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do. 
You have completely departed from reality with this statement. Nobody gives a 
toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far removed from ours that they 
might as well be alien. 
It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some model or actress 
does the same sort of meditation, are they really so dumb they think people go 
"Wow, such and such does it, I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they take people 

They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.
Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill Gates?

And of course, when Ray Dalio ap

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
With good cause... in scientific basis, 
 some while ago I wrote Hagelin and others in DLF memos with the idea about 
having DLF people in New York work at giving TM to UN staff aid workers, the 
career professionals who go out to troubled spots in the world in support of 
peace action. Good to see development on that in support of those folks.

 LEnglish5 writes:


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding.

 I wasn't complaining. I'm just impressed by the energy you put into it.

 I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

 Keep it up, it's fun.

 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

 Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific about 

 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Mind War by Valley/Aquino- How We Got Brainwashed on Iraq'

2006-05-08 Thread Vaj

I have no idea.On May 8, 2006, at 9:05 AM, Jason Spock wrote: Is there any connection between Devil-worshippers and the cult Klu-Klux-Klan.??

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