RE: Remember me?

2005-05-24 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message


I am 
so sorry about Andy. Of course I remember you and Andy, and was hoping 
that everything was OK with both of you (and of course your husband in the 
Service). I really can't advise you, except to go with your 
heart. Andy has been a lucky boy, and a suspect he knows 



  -Original Message-From: Jamie Laws 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:24 
  PMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Remember 
  Hi there. I was reading the archives and saw some familiar names so 
  maybe some of you remember me. I was subscribed under my old email so 
  "andyandmouse" may sound more familiar. Anyway, my name is Jamie and my 
  Felv positive boy is Andy. I was an active member of the List (and used 
  toadminister the emergency fund)from about 1999 to maybe 2003 so I 
  have been gone a while. As is normally the case, it is bad news that 
  brings me back. As a refresher, Andy tested positive on Elisa in May 
  1999 andIFA in April 2000. Other than a quickly treated bout of 
  Hemobartinella in the summer of 1999, he has been symptom free. Until 
  So, I noticed that he was getting gradually thinner about 6 months 
  ago. He was still eating fine and his "potty habits" were normal so I 
  didn't worry too much. But then he started throwing up that foamy white 
  stuff every single day. Never food, just foam. So the vet had me 
  feed him a little bit of canned food (to guarantee he'd eat) first thing in 
  the morning and in the evening. The thought was maybe it was stomach 
  acid. Well it didn't help. Then he started throwing up a little 
  bit of food. Not eating a bunch, then throwing it all back up, but he 
  would vomit up SOME of what he ate a few hours later. So back to the vet 
  we went- about 6 weeks ago. This time it was a new vet at the clinic 
  (bought out the practice- long story!). So he was pretty much telling me 
  it was cancer. Blood work (CBC only)and x-rays (abdominal and 
  chest)showed nothing at all. NOTHING. So the woman vet who 
  was there when I picked him up acted like that was a GOOD sign but the man vet 
  told me on the phone it was a BAD sign b/c it didn't rule IN anything 
  else. And of course lymphoma is not 100% detectable without 
  biopsy. At this point, I really don't think Andy is strong enough to be 
  sedated to even HAVE a biopsy! But she put him on Prednisone, which I 
  had my serious doubts about, but tried it. It did seem to help him out, 
  but of course that's what Pred does. Then you pay the piper so to speak 
  for that quick fix. That brings us to right now. He was looking 
  worse and worse so I took him to an entirely new vet practice last 
  Tuesday. She did not want to do more x-rays or blood work on him right 
  now b/c he does need sedation to draw blood and she was afraid to even use the 
  gas on him right now. To put it in perspective, Andy is normally about 
  12-14 pounds. He is a big cat anyway. On Tuesday he weighed 
  just over 7 pounds. He is a rack of bones. Ok, I had been giving 
  him baby food at night to fatten him up but ran out on Sunday night. At 
  that time he DID eat on hisown. I can't recall actually witnessing 
  him eatafter that point. But Tuesday evening he would not eat and 
  would not drink water. This is a cat who sits by my dogs andbegs 
  while I cook. My other 2 don't do that.And he eats ANYTHING 
  so it's a big deal to me that he won't eat. Heacted interested, 
  like sniffingand stuff, but would not eat. I triedwarming up 
  tuna fish, baby food, A/D, milk, kitten replacement milk, cream sauce from 
  dinner the night before. You name it. NADA. So I syringe fed 
  him baby food and water. That did stay down but he didn't putup 
  much of a fight which is odd. She has him on Metronidazole in the 
  morning and Barium at night. I just syringe that down him to coat his 
  stomach. I like her because she said "there is no medical reason why 
  that shouldhelp, but sometimes it does so we'll try it." I mean I 
  like that b/c she is willing to try things that are off the beaten 
  path.We discussed perhaps trying Immunoregulin but she wanted to 
  doone thing at a time. But it's been 5 days and he is no 
  different. He just sits in the closet or under the bed doing that 
  shallow breathing. And he growls at me when I walk in the room now b/c 
  he knows I amgoing to force feed him or medicate him and that KILLS 
  me. On top of that, I think he is having seizures.When he 
  gets real worked up he does this throaty growl and just goes limp. His 
  head flops down and his jaw isclamped shut and allof his limbs go 
  right out in front of him totally stiff. Then he sort of snaps out of it 
  and looks around confused. So I don't know what's up with that. I 
  just keep waiting for a sign to let him go. I told my husband today that 
  if it were someone else's cat I would be telling them toput it out of 
  it's misery, 

RE: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-24 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message


What a lucky day for Akira when she crossed 
your path. I know she realized how much you cared and loved her and also 
knew how much you would miss each other. 

I am glad that she is at peace, and you have 
my deepest sympathies.


  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 3:38 
  PMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Ive lost 
  She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought 
  so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start 
  from the beggining.
  I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a 
  car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant 
  manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten 
  under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran 
  outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as 
  bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she 
  smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater 
  adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at 
  us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) 
  Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly 
  weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months 
  oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked 
  her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the 
  othershe ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this 
  little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one 
  at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such 
  a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... 
  I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 
  days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put 
  up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to 
  get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, 
  was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at 
  all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a 
  complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better 
  and she had gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had 
  to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on 
  line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE 
  SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the 
  Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept 
  growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had 
  life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't 
  go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she 
  had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we 
  worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and 
  would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go 
  pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around 
  teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by 
  with a 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot 
  pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all 
  over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they 
  would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept 
  with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up 
  we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing 
  under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, 
  fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would 
  have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more 
  researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed 
  him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had 
  never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she 
  like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow 
  could he have not won her over?
  Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for 
  vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't 
  trust anyone to care for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came with us on a 8 hr 

RE: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message


I was 
away for a few days and just read this post. I am so sorry about 
Andy.This disease strikes so quickly. Puff, who died many years ago, 
was fine for 3 years and then all of a sudden stopped eating. I, like you, tried 
everything to keep her with me, but there came a time that she just had to 

I know 
both you and Abe will miss him, but try to remember to love and joy he brought 
into your lives.

care and again, I am so sad and sorry for your loss,


  -Original Message-From: Jamie Laws 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 7:48 
  PMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Andy is 
  Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond about Andy. I do 
  appreciate it. Barb, Sharon, Yvonne, Terrie, Belinda and anyone else I 
  may have missed- it was good to hear from you again. To the others- it 
  was good to "meet" you for the first time.
  I did take him to the vet first thing this morning. Dr. Caldwell 
  was in surgery so I saw Dr. Baxter instead. Also a very nice man. 
  Every person in that place has just been wonderful! He looked at Andy's 
  chart and said he hoped I didn't think of them as "bad" since my very first 
  experience there has been this ordeal with my baby boy. 
  Anyway, he was very straight forward and said while he wanted to commend 
  me on an outstanding job taking care of a Felv+ cat for this long, that there 
  was not much he could do and that this was the beginning of the end. 
  Whatever was going on had his insides in shreds. The vet said even if I 
  WANTED him to run tests, he was 99% sure that Andy would not come out of the 
  sedation in that state. Barb- it was so strange. He held up Andy's 
  face so we were eye to eye and said "Mrs. Laws, tell me, do you really see 
  Andy there anymore?" And the answer was no. So I started bawling 
  and babbling about how I didn't warn my husband that this was a possibility 
  this morning and he just went to work without saying goodbye. I mean I 
  was a crying freak and I just met the man! So he gave me a small TOWEL 
  and said I was not having a "Kleenex cry" so to take a towel. Then he 
  told me we were not making the call right now, and not like that. He 
  gave him a bag of fluids and a shot of Prednisone and told me to talk to my 
  husband first. I went back to work, then came and got Andy at 
  lunch. I took him home and spent the afternoon with him. He pooped 
  blood all over himself TWICE. The second time I was washing him off in 
  the sink and he had one of his episodes (Dr. Baxter said these were probably 
  small strokes rather than seizures). But this time it lasted a long, 
  long time. He quit breathing and went limp in my arms. No noise, 
  no chest movement. He was gone. So I laid him on the floor on the 
  towel and my phone rang,it was my husband. So I was hysterical 
  telling him Andy just died in my arms and I was freaking out. Right 
  then, Andy let out this gaspy, panting type breath and started 
  convulsing. Then he just kind of sat up alittle bit like nothing 
  happened! But he was dead I tell you. So then I really freaked out 
  and said "he's not dead!" I mean screaming it. So Abe (husband) 
  asked whatfreeway the newvet was off of since he was on his way 
  home. I told himwhereit was and hejust said "I am 
  meeting you there right now." So I knew. I was not going to keep 
  him through the night to spend a little more time together. That 
  was it. He was suffering and I was thinking ofwhat 
  I needed to be okay and not Andy. I wrappedhim in 
  a towel and drove to the vet. I called first and again, just crying into 
  the phone I managed to get out "I had my cat in there this morning and..." 
  that's all I could get out. The poor girl who answered said "I'm so 
  sorry Jamie, wewill see you in a minute." She knew my name and I 
  hadn't even mentioned the cat's name. Guess I was the only bawling woman 
  in with a cattoday. Anyway, I managed to choke out "but you close 
  in 15 minutes." She just said "we'll be here."It was so 
  wonderful to be treated with compassion. My old vet would have said 
  "well ER hours start in 15 minutes so just be prepared to pay double." 
  Anyway, I met Abe there and Dr. Baxter took us back to the treatment 
  area. Andy laid on the table very still and I petting him and kissed his 
  little face as the vet gave him the injection. I have never 
  witnessedananimal bing PTSin real life. I'm sorry if 
  this is all too graphic but it helps me to get it out. I was surprised 
  that his eyes didn't close and nothing changed. I didn't realize he was 
  gone until the vet said "ok, his heart stopped." Then I lost 
  it.The "never agains"hit me like a ton of bricks. He 
  will never do his cold nose bumping and tiny front teeth nipping on my 
  husband's inner arm trying to get him to pet him. He will never serve as 
  my "fun police" when I want my great dane 

Way OT - Tyson skateboarding

2005-05-24 Thread Nina

Hello Everyone,
I thought we could all use some comic relief.  I have to warn you 
though, if you have any dogs, you may want to clear them from the room 
before you watch these.  One of the video clips set Zevon, (my German 
Shep Dog) racing around the house barking looking for whoever was making 
that really fun noise!)

Love you guys,
Title: Tyson's Pictures and Movies

Pictures  Movies
of Tyson


These pictures capture
Tyson skating near the Huntington Beach Pier in October 2003 (photography
courtesy of Rick, at

Movies of Tyson skating:
the Roller Dog
For Windows Media Viewer
tysonbeachap.wmv slomotyson1mbwmv.wmv
Quicktime Player

Sleepy baby.

Still sleepy...

He's awake!

The inquisitive head tilt.

Time for more Zzz's.

Being cute.


Tyson's seatbelt.

Staring into your soul.

Naptime again.


Spring Flower, part 1 (going along with

Spring Flower, part 2 (growing impatient).

King Tyson.

Sleepy trick-or-treater. 

Bosom buddies. (Additional pictures of Tyson with his kitties can be found here.)

Must be Santa...

Did you bring anything for me?

What Tyson loves most about Christmas -
opening his presents!


Mr. Pouty-face (moping because he can't go

Tyson's shades.

Another pastime.


Tyson's favorite chair.

What a stud!

 Handsome boy.

 Where's the beef?

Tyson's lion.

Re: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread carlas
Dear Jamie,

I am sharing in your sorrow and tears as I read your heartfilled 
email. I am so sorry to hear about Andy.

My heart goes out to you at this time.


Date sent:  Mon, 23 May 2005 16:47:36 -0700 (PDT)
From:   Jamie Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Andy is gone
Send reply to:

 Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond about Andy.  I do
 appreciate it.  Barb, Sharon, Yvonne, Terrie, Belinda and anyone else
 I may have missed- it was good to hear from you again.  To the others-
 it was good to meet you for the first time.
 I did take him to the vet first thing this morning.  Dr. Caldwell was
 in surgery so I saw Dr. Baxter instead.  Also a very nice man.  Every
 person in that place has just been wonderful!  He looked at Andy's
 chart and said he hoped I didn't think of them as bad since my very
 first experience there has been this ordeal with my baby boy.  
 Anyway, he was very straight forward and said while he wanted to
 commend me on an outstanding job taking care of a Felv+ cat for this
 long, that there was not much he could do and that this was the
 beginning of the end.  Whatever was going on had his insides in
 shreds.  The vet said even if I WANTED him to run tests, he was 99%
 sure that Andy would not come out of the sedation in that state. 
 Barb- it was so strange.  He held up Andy's face so we were eye to eye
 and said Mrs. Laws, tell me, do you really see Andy there anymore? 
 And the answer was no.  So I started bawling and babbling about how I
 didn't warn my husband that this was a possibility this morning and he
 just went to work without saying goodbye.  I mean I was a crying freak
 and I just met the man!  So he gave me a small TOWEL and said I was
 not having a Kleenex cry so to take a towel.  Then he told me we
 were not making the call right now, and not like that.  He gave him a
 bag of fluids and a shot of Prednisone and
  told me to talk to my husband first.  I went back to work, then came
  and got Andy at lunch.  I took him home and spent the afternoon with
  him.  He pooped blood all over himself TWICE.  The second time I was
  washing him off in the sink and he had one of his episodes (Dr.
  Baxter said these were probably small strokes rather than seizures). 
  But this time it lasted a long, long time.  He quit breathing and
  went limp in my arms.  No noise, no chest movement.  He was gone.  So
  I laid him on the floor on the towel and my phone rang, it was my
  husband.  So I was hysterical telling him Andy just died in my arms
  and I was freaking out.  Right then, Andy let out this gaspy, panting
  type breath and started convulsing.  Then he just kind of sat up a
  little bit like nothing happened!  But he was dead I tell you.  So
  then I really freaked out and said he's not dead!  I mean screaming
  it.  So Abe (husband) asked what freeway the new vet was off of since
  he was on his way home.  I told him where it was and he just said I
  am meeting you there right now.  So I knew.  I was not going to keep
  him through the night to spend a little more time together.   That
  was it.  He was suffering and I was thinking of what I needed to be
  okay and not Andy.  I wrapped him in a towel and drove to the vet.  I
  called first and again, just crying into the phone I managed to get
  out I had my cat in there this morning and... that's all I could
  get out.  The poor girl who answered said I'm so sorry Jamie, we
  will see you in a minute.  She knew my name and I hadn't even
  mentioned the cat's name.  Guess I was the only bawling woman in with
  a cat today.  Anyway, I managed to choke out but you close in 15
  minutes.  She just said we'll be here.  It was so wonderful to be
  treated with compassion.  My old vet would have said well ER hours
  start in 15 minutes so just be prepared to pay double.  
 Anyway, I met Abe there and Dr. Baxter took us back to the treatment
 area.  Andy laid on the table very still and I petting him and kissed
 his little face as the vet gave him the injection.  I have never
 witnessed an animal bing PTS in real life.  I'm sorry if this is all
 too graphic but it helps me to get it out.  I was surprised that his
 eyes didn't close and nothing changed.  I didn't realize he was gone
 until the vet said ok, his heart stopped.  Then I lost it.  The
 never agains hit me like a ton of bricks.  He will never do his cold
 nose bumping and tiny front teeth nipping on my husband's inner arm
 trying to get him to pet him.  He will never serve as my fun police
 when I want my great dane to stop bringing his toy to me.  I would
 just lay it on the coffee table right next to Andy who was always
 ready with his right hook.  That kept Apollo in check.  He would NOT
 go for that toy if Andy was sitting by it.  :)  I will never again
 have my soft little lap warmer as I sit at

RE: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

the idea (to my mind anyway) isthat we ALL work so hard to stay roach-free 
that the NEIGHBOR actually becomes the next building along the 
-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 8:45 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: OT cat-safe 
roach control
LOL! Well, I just hope you don't make any enemies that way! 
Good luck!

Thanks SO 
much for the detailed infoI really have some hope now that I may win this 
I'm sending 
all relevantinfo to my neighbors--and I'm hoping they'll take particular 
note of the line:
"What you are trying to do is make your NEIGHBOR's place a much 
better place for roaches to live than your place."
Withluckthat will motivate them to get the 
bleach and buckets out.
You guys are 
all great!
KerryThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

RE: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

For once procrastination works---I've been thinking I should line my shelves, 
but I just haven't got around to it. So...that's one job I can strike off the 
list--thanks Chris!
-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of ChrisSent: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:38 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: OT cat-safe 
roach control

Ditto to everything 
Jenn said I live in an apt in NY and no matter how clean or secure you 
keep your apt, you never know about neighbors, etc. When you caulk, make 
sure you go where water pipes come in under sinks in kitchen  bath. 
Oftentimes, there is a large gap between pipe  the wall. Also, do not 
use contact paper on shelves as glue attracks them.. I dont use any shelf liner 
in any cabinet so I can clean periodically. I use Roach Motel which are 
litte disks that I put all the way in back of cabinets, (particulary the ones I 
dont open that often), under the sink, etc. Theyve been pretty good and 
I can place them so cats cant get to them  they dont give off toxic 
fumes. Biggest problem for me is night feeding of cats. Basically, I 
try not to leave any food out at night but I go to bed late  they still 
have their little night snack.

On Behalf Of 
Monday, May 23, 2005 1:17 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: OT cat-safe roach 

Ahh, yeah, I used to live in Arkansas, and 
had roaches in a house I rented. What I found HELPED the most 

1. LOTS of scrubbing with strong bleach 
solution. Make it spotless. Make it a weekly thing. Empty all cabinets and 
pantries and scrub the insides, bottoms, sides, and under the shelves every 

2. CAULK. Caulk everything. Get like 30 
tubes of white silicone caulk, and caulk EVERY crack in your house. Crawl under 
the cabinets and caulk every seam INSIDE them, caulk the countertop where it 
meets the wall, caulk under the electrical covers and wall switch covers, caulk 
the baseboards to the walls, caulk EVERYTHING where it butts up to ANYTHING 
else. Those are the hiding spots they live in during the daytime. 

3. Store everything in airtight plastic 
containers, preferably as much as possible in the freezer. Freeze your flour, 
sugar, bread, etc, everything that can be frozen. Store everything else in 
Tupperware or a similar storage container. 

4. Don't keep an inside trash can. If you 
make trash, use one of the small plastic grocery bags as you make it (such as 
during meal prep time, then take the bag out to the outside trash as soon as you 
are done. Store the outside trash cans well away from your building if possible. 
(this of course, can't be done in an multi-family 

5. Sticky traps work well and are not 
poisonous. Place them where cats don't walk or rub up 

6. Never leave food, crumbs, or anything 
edible anywhere. Vacuum everything daily, the cracks in the couch, everywhere 
crumbs might hide. It's a good idea to make the entire house except the kitchen 
a "non eating area", that way you do not get crumbs in the couch or bed. Vacuum 
the table after eating, then wash it with bleach. If you can, buy a bagless 
vacuum, and empty it in the outside trash after every use, then rinse it with 
bleach solution and dry before putting the dirt bin back on the vacuum. Don't 
leave used bags on the vacuum, that is a food source the roaches can 

What you are trying to do is make your 
NEIGHBOR's place a much better place for roaches to live than your place. If 
they can find an easy food source somewhere else, they will be less likely to 
hang out at your place.

Now, on to the Boric Acid 

Cornell Vet on boric acid poisoning in 

Borate, or boric 
acid is used as a 
homemade insecticide. It has a low oral toxicity.
Signs: Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, CNS depression, 
muscle weakness, ataxia, and possible seizures. 
Treatment: The problem with this poisoning is that 
activated charcoal does not absorb it, the only way to get it out of the system 
is through dialysis. 
(taken from:
Another online source on boric acid poisoning in 
Sources Borates and boric acid 
are contained in many products including roach killers, flea products, 
fertilizers, herbicides, antiseptics, disinfectants, and contact lens solutions. 
Sodium perborate is found in mouthwashes and denture cleansers. Other 
boron-containing compounds include sodium borate, sodium biborate, sodium 
pyroborate, sodium tetraborate, boric anhydride, boron oxide, boron trioxide, 
boric oxide, boron sesquioxide, borax, sodium metaborate, and magnesium 
perborate.Mechanism of 
action The lethal oral dose for boric acid 
for small mammals is 0.20 to 0.50 g/kg of body weight. Emesis usually occurs 
only after substantial amounts of borate 


2005-05-24 Thread stany petrov

Hi all again,

My name is Stan and I am international student from Europe. I recently realized that my cat has FeLV. He os just 2 years. His name is Jersey.
I believe that he has the power to survive for year or two BUT I have to make him eating. He is very skinny and can hardly stands on his back legs. 
Doctor said that his heart is beating good but his kidneys are damaged.
What stage of the illness do you think he is?
How can I make him eat?
I am very glad that I found that site. It kees the last glimpse of hope alive...
StanFrom: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: I Think I'm Losing Digby .Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 20:02:15 -0700 (PDT)Marlene,I am way behind on email.I hope maybe Digby is doing better today?Don't beat yourself up over something you may have missed.I've found that to be easier to say than do,but it has often heppened with me that one of mine became quickly ill and I made myself miserable wondering and second guessing myself.It doesn't help.One of the biggest problems with felv is that your cat can be fine one day and horribly ill the next.Please keep us posted about Digby.You are in my thoughts and 
prayers.tonyaMarlene Chornie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Group, Can't think too clearly at the moment, but I think we're going to lose Digby.Having to syringe feed him now and give Doxycycline.Blood work (according to the vet lab) seems to be indicating something going on in the bone marrow, may/may not be Hemobart.They also say there's a secondary infection but no indication as to where/what it is (at this point).Our vet clinic ran a urine sample today but it was O.K., so not a kidney/bladder infection.We've been told it could be anything from an abscess somewhere to a tumour, to I really can't remember what all.Vet today (not his regular vet) said that if he won't eat, they could put a feeding tube in his mouth (doesn't require 
anesthetic) and get food in.We're trying our very best to syringe feed him A/D, but it sometimes upsets me to see him stressed when I do it.Also syringing some water into him.He can still get around (to litter box), but other than that, he just prefers to be by himself (in his "safe place").Myhusband and I find ourselves thinking - are we doing the right/best thing for him already at this point? When is enough enough, and will we know it?We knew when enough was enough last year with our "Casper" (CRF), but FelV is a whole new thing for us, and I guess we're already beating ourselves up over it wondering if we missed something, weren't observant enough, or what?Sorry to "babble" but this is already starting to take a toll on my husband and I.Just needed to talk about it.Marlene

Re: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread Susan Loesch
Oh, Jamie, what a horrible day for you and Andy. I am so sorry. I wish I could say something that would help. You will be in my prayers.Jamie Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond about Andy. I do appreciate it. Barb, Sharon, Yvonne, Terrie, Belinda and anyone else I may have missed- it was good to hear from you again. To the others- it was good to "meet" you for the first time.

I did take him to the vet first thing this morning. Dr. Caldwell was in surgery so I saw Dr. Baxter instead. Also a very nice man. Every person in that place has just been wonderful! He looked at Andy's chart and said he hoped I didn't think of them as "bad" since my very first experience there has been this ordeal with my baby boy. 

Anyway, he was very straight forward and said while he wanted to commend me on an outstanding job taking care of a Felv+ cat for this long, that there was not much he could do and that this was the beginning of the end. Whatever was going on had his insides in shreds. The vet said even if I WANTED him to run tests, he was 99% sure that Andy would not come out of the sedation in that state. Barb- it was so strange. He held up Andy's face so we were eye to eye and said "Mrs. Laws, tell me, do you really see Andy there anymore?" And the answer was no. So I started bawling and babbling about how I didn't warn my husband that this was a possibility this morning and he just went to work without saying goodbye. I mean I was a crying freak and I just met the man! So he gave me a small TOWEL and said I was not having a "Kleenex cry" so to take a towel. Then he told me we were not making the call right now, and not like that. He
 gave him a bag of fluids and a shot of Prednisone and told me to talk to my husband first. I went back to work, then came and got Andy at lunch. I took him home and spent the afternoon with him. He pooped blood all over himself TWICE. The second time I was washing him off in the sink and he had one of his episodes (Dr. Baxter said these were probably small strokes rather than seizures). But this time it lasted a long, long time. He quit breathing and went limp in my arms. No noise, no chest movement. He was gone. So I laid him on the floor on the towel and my phone rang,it was my husband. So I was hysterical telling him Andy just died in my arms and I was freaking out. Right then, Andy let out this gaspy, panting type breath and started convulsing. Then he just kind of sat up alittle bit like nothing happened! But he was dead I tell you. So then I really freaked out and said "he's not
 dead!" I mean screaming it. So Abe (husband) asked whatfreeway the newvet was off of since he was on his way home. I told himwhereit was and hejust said "I am meeting you there right now." So I knew. I was not going to keep him through the night to spend a little more time together. That was it. He was suffering and I was thinking ofwhat I needed to be okay and not Andy. I wrappedhim in a towel and drove to the vet. I called first and again, just crying into the phone I managed to get out "I had my cat in there this morning and..." that's all I could get out. The poor girl who answered said "I'm so sorry Jamie, wewill see you in a minute." She knew my name and I hadn't even mentioned the cat's name. Guess I was the only bawling woman in with a cattoday. Anyway, I managed to choke out "but you close in 15 minutes." She just
 said "we'll be here."It was so wonderful to be treated with compassion. My old vet would have said "well ER hours start in 15 minutes so just be prepared to pay double." 

Anyway, I met Abe there and Dr. Baxter took us back to the treatment area. Andy laid on the table very still and I petting him and kissed his little face as the vet gave him the injection. I have never witnessedananimal bing PTSin real life. I'm sorry if this is all too graphic but it helps me to get it out. I was surprised that his eyes didn't close and nothing changed. I didn't realize he was gone until the vet said "ok, his heart stopped." Then I lost it.The "never agains"hit me like a ton of bricks. He will never do his cold nose bumping and tiny front teeth nipping on my husband's inner arm trying to get him to pet him. He will never serve as my "fun police" when I want my great dane to stop bringing his toy to me. I would just lay it on the coffee table right next to Andy who was always ready with his right hook. That kept Apollo in check. He would NOT go for that toy if
 Andy was sitting by it. :) I will never again have my soft little lap warmer as I sit at my computer. I will never. There are millions of those and I think that's the worst part.

I guess the bright spot is I think I found a new vet. Their office visits seem really high to me, but they were just so wonderful to me. After it was done, the vet and the tech both said to justgo on out the front since they saw me getting my wallet out to pay.I am gettinghis ashes on Thursday so they said to just take 

Re: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread Sharon Siders

I am so sorry that you had to endure this awful thing; it hurts so much to let go. You captured the essence of Andy in your never agains; he was special and will always be a part of your life.

SharonJamie Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond about Andy. I do appreciate it. Barb, Sharon, Yvonne, Terrie, Belinda and anyone else I may have missed- it was good to hear from you again. To the others- it was good to "meet" you for the first time.

I did take him to the vet first thing this morning. Dr. Caldwell was in surgery so I saw Dr. Baxter instead. Also a very nice man. Every person in that place has just been wonderful! He looked at Andy's chart and said he hoped I didn't think of them as "bad" since my very first experience there has been this ordeal with my baby boy. 

Anyway, he was very straight forward and said while he wanted to commend me on an outstanding job taking care of a Felv+ cat for this long, that there was not much he could do and that this was the beginning of the end. Whatever was going on had his insides in shreds. The vet said even if I WANTED him to run tests, he was 99% sure that Andy would not come out of the sedation in that state. Barb- it was so strange. He held up Andy's face so we were eye to eye and said "Mrs. Laws, tell me, do you really see Andy there anymore?" And the answer was no. So I started bawling and babbling about how I didn't warn my husband that this was a possibility this morning and he just went to work without saying goodbye. I mean I was a crying freak and I just met the man! So he gave me a small TOWEL and said I was not having a "Kleenex cry" so to take a towel. Then he told me we were not making the call right now, and not like that. He
 gave him a bag of fluids and a shot of Prednisone and told me to talk to my husband first. I went back to work, then came and got Andy at lunch. I took him home and spent the afternoon with him. He pooped blood all over himself TWICE. The second time I was washing him off in the sink and he had one of his episodes (Dr. Baxter said these were probably small strokes rather than seizures). But this time it lasted a long, long time. He quit breathing and went limp in my arms. No noise, no chest movement. He was gone. So I laid him on the floor on the towel and my phone rang,it was my husband. So I was hysterical telling him Andy just died in my arms and I was freaking out. Right then, Andy let out this gaspy, panting type breath and started convulsing. Then he just kind of sat up alittle bit like nothing happened! But he was dead I tell you. So then I really freaked out and said "he's not
 dead!" I mean screaming it. So Abe (husband) asked whatfreeway the newvet was off of since he was on his way home. I told himwhereit was and hejust said "I am meeting you there right now." So I knew. I was not going to keep him through the night to spend a little more time together. That was it. He was suffering and I was thinking ofwhat I needed to be okay and not Andy. I wrappedhim in a towel and drove to the vet. I called first and again, just crying into the phone I managed to get out "I had my cat in there this morning and..." that's all I could get out. The poor girl who answered said "I'm so sorry Jamie, wewill see you in a minute." She knew my name and I hadn't even mentioned the cat's name. Guess I was the only bawling woman in with a cattoday. Anyway, I managed to choke out "but you close in 15 minutes." She just
 said "we'll be here."It was so wonderful to be treated with compassion. My old vet would have said "well ER hours start in 15 minutes so just be prepared to pay double." 

Anyway, I met Abe there and Dr. Baxter took us back to the treatment area. Andy laid on the table very still and I petting him and kissed his little face as the vet gave him the injection. I have never witnessedananimal bing PTSin real life. I'm sorry if this is all too graphic but it helps me to get it out. I was surprised that his eyes didn't close and nothing changed. I didn't realize he was gone until the vet said "ok, his heart stopped." Then I lost it.The "never agains"hit me like a ton of bricks. He will never do his cold nose bumping and tiny front teeth nipping on my husband's inner arm trying to get him to pet him. He will never serve as my "fun police" when I want my great dane to stop bringing his toy to me. I would just lay it on the coffee table right next to Andy who was always ready with his right hook. That kept Apollo in check. He would NOT go for that toy if
 Andy was sitting by it. :) I will never again have my soft little lap warmer as I sit at my computer. I will never. There are millions of those and I think that's the worst part.

I guess the bright spot is I think I found a new vet. Their office visits seem really high to me, but they were just so wonderful to me. After it was done, the vet and the tech both said to justgo on out the front since they saw me getting my wallet 

Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one
 room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, whichoperates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orangefrom Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. Morearrived while she was there."She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- andthat she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they'redying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals.When those cats did die, they went into
 large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Thenthey went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the EastOrange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School.Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or morevermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become sodecomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had beenplacing dead cats in the yard since she moved in, Bierman said."I haven't seen anything quite like this," Bierman said. "Certainly it's anunusual incident."Kess, seen arguing with animal-welfare officials outside the home, declinedto comment.She was cited for several East Orange health code violations, among themkeeping an unlawful number of animals, harboring dead animals and creating apotential environmental hazard by keeping the corpses on her property, citysanitary inspector Frank Habegger said last night.In addition, the SPCA charged
 her with 38 counts of failing to properlyshelter cats. The counts stem from the cats being locked together in a frontroom. Some of the cats were healthy, while others were ill. Under stateregulations, anyone keeping large numbers of animals must separate the sickfrom the healthy.Ten other healthy cats were roaming free in the house.Both investigations were continuing. This morning, public works crews wereexpected to remove the carcasses from the back yard, and necropsies were tobe performed on some of the animals to determine a cause of death, saidDarryl Jeffries, a city spokesman.Kess was allowed to keep the 48 living cats in her home because she said shewould separate the sick and healthy animals, Bierman said. SPCA officerswere planning to return to the home to ensure she does, he said.She apparently planned to bury the corpse-laden garbage bags in a large holethat had been recently dug in the back yard, Bierman said."It
 was almost like a grave," he said, describing it as about 5 feet deepand 7 feet wide. Kess told investigators she planned to plant a tree in thespot 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and disgusted.
Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one
 room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, whichoperates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orangefrom Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. Morearrived while she was there."She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- andthat she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they'redying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals.When those cats did die, they went into
 large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Thenthey went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the EastOrange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School.Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or morevermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become sodecomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had beenplacing dead cats in the yard since she moved in, Bierman said."I haven't seen anything quite like this," Bierman said. "Certainly it's anunusual incident."Kess, seen arguing with animal-welfare officials outside the home, declinedto comment.She was cited for several East Orange health code violations, among themkeeping an unlawful number of animals, harboring dead animals and creating apotential environmental hazard by keeping the corpses on her property, citysanitary inspector Frank Habegger said last night.In addition, the SPCA charged
 her with 38 counts of failing to properlyshelter cats. The counts stem from the cats being locked together in a frontroom. Some of the cats were healthy, while others were ill. Under stateregulations, anyone keeping large numbers of animals must separate the sickfrom the healthy.Ten other healthy cats were roaming free in the house.Both investigations were continuing. This morning, public works crews wereexpected to remove 

Re: Ive lost her.....

2005-05-24 Thread Sharon Siders

I wish with all my heart that no one ever had to endure this pain. Does the time together make up for the pain of separation? Eventually, it does. It seems to take a long time to get to that point though.

You and Akira were a great team. I am amazed at what my cats have taught me about grace and dignity; god sends them to teach, I think.

Hugs to you,

Sharon[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

She's gone..Akira crossed over on May 18th at 9:30 amShe fought so hard to stayI fought so hard for her...this is so hard..let me start from the beggining.

I found her May of 2001, as a little angel in disquiseshe was under a car, in the rain, soaking wet, at my work.on a cold day.My assistant manager acutally found her adn came running back in.. "Lisa there's a kitten under a car...come quick" So I grabbed a can of kitty food and ran outside...she was so tiny! and WOA was she full of spunk..even as bad off as she was...she uttered one little valiant hiss at usthen she smeeled the food..adn forgot she was afraid..We wrapped her up in my sweater adn ran inside the which point she decided to start SCREAMING at us...(needless to say we got some strange looks from customers) Once I had her settled in a little box..I realized how bad off she wasonly weighing 1 lb (mabey a bit more) and she looked to be about 4 months oldshe was SICK..her eyes sealed shut with gunk, something had attacked her...picked her right up..she had scratches on one side and a abcess on the othershe
 ate an entire cann of Friskiesafter she was done ..this little tiny soul...who more than likely had never known a kind human..or one at allwas begging to be petted..she would jsut purr, and purr, and would have never thought a sound so deafening could come out of such a little body..then 3 days later my heart sank..we found she was FeLV +... I was so scared and torn..she had touched my heart so much...just in those 3 days.I decided to try and save her...and I did...she fought so hard..put up with me poking and proding her, shoving God knows what down her throat to get meds,and extra nurishment into her...we were fighting alot...she had FeLV, was anemic very badly, had worms, a kitten flu, and URI, an abcess on her took a whole 3 days for her to even have a bowl or urine movement at all..her body absorbed everythingand she took it..with out so much as a complaint...she was so strong...on her check up her blood values were better and she had
 gained 2 a WEEK.we were on the roadbut still I had to figure out how to beat this FeLV..I didn't know what it was.So I got on line..and everything I found was so disheartening..tehn I found this ONE LONE SITEthe FeLV siteand it changed mine..and her lifeI got the Interferon, researched supplements, you name it..she got it...and she kept growing and growing.and getting more and more spunky..this little girl had life in her.How would she handle the dogs Hum...well that didn't go over very well (mabey a dog attacked her???) more work to do..she had to be able to get along with them..adn not stress herself outso we worked,and slowly but surely she was ok...adn tehn even liked the dogs..and would play with my mini dachshund Lancelot...they would play "hide and go pounce" which in their terms was taking turns chasing each other around teh house..(and let me tell is awful funny to see a 10 dog run by with a
 4 lb kitten on his tail..with her tail up in the hot pursuit)...then she would jump onto a chair..adn he would be looking all over for her with no luck..when she would POUNCE on top of him..and off they would go again...for hours!!! She had such a love for life she slept with us every day...every night before bed and every morning before we got up we would play "cover monsters" where she would attack the evil moving thing under the coversthen in came her kitty brotherwho we trapped feral, fearing he was related to similar as they were...and that he too would have this awful disease..well he didn't ..YEA..but what to do now..more researchwe let them live togeather..SHE HATED HIM..absloutly loathed him..she would hiss and attack (a whole nother side of my "angel" I had never seen ) Indy...bless his heart just kept insisiting she like him though...he took her abuse and purred and cued back to herhow could he have not
 won her over?

Then one summer we got a chance to got to the outer banks of NC for vacationfor free..couldn't pass that up...but what about Akira..couldn't trust anyone to care for make sure she got the perfect balance of she came with us on a 8 hr drive and a 3 hr ferry ride...and she was a champ..slept in my lap the whole time...adn once we got to the house..she of course hidin a closet..but soon she was out and about..exploringalways exploring...that's when I 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Hi Stan,
 There is a CRF (chronic renal failure) group on Yahoo you may want to 
join, I've heard of kitties with crf that get weak in the back legs it 
has something to do with the potassium level.  Here is the group if your 
interested.  CRF can be managed if caugh early enough, it usually 
requires a diet change and careful monitoring.

Also you have to be sure Jersey is getting enough food or your asking 
for a whole different group of complications.  What treatment has your 
vet suggested?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread tamara stickler

I don't think you really have to worry. This particular Kitty Kind, just like Defenders of Animal Rights, Inc. aka Adopt A Pet in MD, is an example of good intentions gone bad...whether through emotion (this particular Kitty Kind I'm assuming) or greed (as in D.A.R.I know first hand). While those of us associated with animal rescue will forward these messages to one another, it is intended, mainly from our stance, to avoid recommending this rescue as a place to "help", dump, unwanted animals...or as a warning to not use for fostering purposes. As rescue-ers should anyone wish to adopt an animal, they would be warned to make certain that said cat was properly vetted, and not to leave access monies...but would be urged to adopt from them to help alieviate(sp?) the burden.

The animals suffer most from organization that, while vowing to protect  defend, actually defraud and take advantage ofkind hearted people and animals in bad situations. 

There ARE some places worse than death for unwanted animals...BELIEVE me, I've seen first hand TOO many. Ironically, all started out with the very best of intentions and were either overwhelmed by animals needing their help, or tempted too highly with the easy lure of money by people wanting to help, but not willing to do the leg work- so they write a check, and MOST really don't want to know where the money goes, but either trust the organization or are satisfied to believe that it went to the animals.

Knowledge of the truth, will never be a true deteriment to anyone seeking help.

TMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one
 room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, whichoperates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orangefrom Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. Morearrived while she was there."She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- andthat she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they'redying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals.When those cats did die, they went into
 large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Thenthey went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the EastOrange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School.Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or morevermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become sodecomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had beenplacing dead cats in the yard since she moved 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Nina

I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved
with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of
course, the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any
human's misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help
but wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone
who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights.
Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved,
but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.

Mia Nicer wrote:

  Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a
fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am
not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with
the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I
do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is
in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to
what I have to say about it:
  This situation is extremely
horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue
group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for
these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and
fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their
own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know
anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to
this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please
do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There
are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them
to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue,
East Orange, NJ.
Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.

 Original Message 
Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400

Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
Friday, May 20, 2005
Star-Ledger Staff
Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a
caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and
adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it
herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.
Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor
about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house
-- 38
of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage
in the back yard.
The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they
produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded
to the
two-story home on State Street.
"Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane
Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."
Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind,
operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East
from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. More
arrived while she was there.
"She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia --
that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when
dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags.
they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East
Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School.
Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or more
vermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become
decomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had
placing dead cats in the yard since she moved in, Bierman said.
"I haven't seen anything quite like this," Bierman said. "Certainly
it's an
unusual incident."
Kess, seen arguing with animal-welfare officials outside the home,
to comment.
She was cited for several East Orange health code violations, among them
keeping an unlawful number of animals, harboring dead animals and
creating a
potential environmental hazard by keeping the corpses on her property,
sanitary inspector Frank Habegger said last night.
In addition, the SPCA charged her with 38 counts of failing to properly
shelter cats. The counts stem from the cats being locked together in a
room. Some of the cats were healthy, while others were ill. Under state
regulations, anyone keeping large numbers of animals must separate the
from the healthy.
Ten other healthy cats were roaming free in the house.
Both investigations were continuing. This morning, public works crews

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
You are too kind.I am not so understanding, she runs the shelter and should be an influence to others that volunteer , and by doing what she has done it more or less condones it for the volunteers.
CherieNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mia,I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of course, the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any human's misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.NinaMia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New  York, New Jersey and Conn. area. *I am not making an excuse for  Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she  has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do
 know about and I am very  familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart  of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:* **  *This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the  end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please  do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group  has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to  help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this  situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the  overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making  an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers,  fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a  home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out  doesn't help
 anyone.  * */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
 practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. More arrived while she was
 there. "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- and that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they're dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Then they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School. Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or more vermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become so decomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had been placing dead cats in the yard since she moved in, Bierman said. "I haven't seen anything quite like this," Bierman said. "Certainly it's
 an unusual incident." Kess, seen arguing with animal-welfare officials outside the home, declined to comment. She was cited for several East Orange health code violations, among them keeping an unlawful number of animals, harboring dead animals and creating a potential environmental hazard by keeping the corpses on her property, city sanitary inspector Frank Habegger said last night. In addition, the SPCA charged her with 38 counts of failing to properly shelter cats. The counts stem from the cats being locked together in a front room. Some of the cats were healthy, while others were ill. Under state 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread stany petrov

Hi Belinda,

Thanks for the information.
I am going to take Jersey to the vet tomorrow. I took him on Friday, they kept him in the clinic for tests and the doctor called me in the evening. I was shoked to hear he has a leukimia and could hardly catch what she was explaining me. I am going to talk with her tomorrow afternoon.
Now, I give Jersey some yoke and cream cheese. He rejects the diet food from the vet. He likes margarine but I use that only to give him some vitamins. 
I cannot believe that disease is so spread in the USA. In Bulgaria, where I come from I have never heard for cat cancer. Cats usually die from accidents or age. I am really amazed to read that 60 million cats in the US carry this virus. Something has to be done.

Thanks again. Keep in touch

StanFrom: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: JerseyDate: Tue, 24 May 2005 08:12:50 -0700 Hi Stan,There is a CRF (chronic renal failure) group on Yahoo you may want to join, I've heard of kitties with crf that get weak in the back legs it has something to do with the potassium level.Here is the group if your interested.CRF can be managed if caugh early enough, it usually requires a diet change and careful monitoring. you have to be sure Jersey is getting enough food or your asking for a whole different group of complications.What treatment 
has your vet suggested?--BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service hosting  web design) Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Chris

Of course, the article doesnt
really describe the condition of the living cats except that they were in one
room. Certainly it is at the very least odd that someone would just dump
the carcasses but then how much would it have cost to have each cremated.
And if she couldnt afford the cremation, I doubt she could afford the
vet bills. Ive never understood why the vet schools dont
set up free or low-cost clinics for their students to help with this
situation. It sounds like perhaps this is someone who got in way over
their head As for mixing sick  healthy cats,
does FELV diagnosis automatically constitute sick 

Believe me, Im not trying to make
excuses for her but when as I look for a home for my Big Boy, Ive talked
to any number of people who are clearly in over their head. One person,
highly recommended by several local rescue groups for taking their FELV cats,
refused to tell me where he lived  wanted to meet me in a parking lot to get
Big Boy. Rescue groups apparently meet him at Petco  give him their
FELV kittens. While he said the reason for not telling me where he was
was because people would dump animals made some sense, I was flabergasted that
no legitimate rescue group had ever seen his home. He might be
great but who would ever know! 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:06
Subject: Re: Please read this
response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would
stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving
her supposed furry friends, If she treats her friends this way I
would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up
for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter
themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like
the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would
like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just
so shocked and disgusted.


Mia Nicer

everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey
and Conn. area.I am not making an
excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very
familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this
organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in
the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not
make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of
volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of
these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did
they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to
this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not
punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many
kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their
cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.


DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind
Rescue, East Orange, NJ.
Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.

 Original Message 
Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400

Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
Friday, May 20, 2005
Star-Ledger Staff
Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a
caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and
adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home
herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.
Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining
about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38
of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags
in the back yard.
The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they
produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the
two-story home on State Street.
Oh my God, it was awful, said Michael Fowler of the Associated
Societies, the state's largest shelter group. The smell was
Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which
operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange
from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. More
arrived while she was there.

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
I am not standing up for her or what she has done please read again what I have wrote. We were actually crying when we heard on the news what she did because we did get to meet some of these amazing cats during adoption events they held. Many rescuersalong withmyself are extremely upset by this and her actions.

What I was saying is that there are lots of volunteers and fosters who put in so much of their time and efforts that had nothing to do with this nor did they know and have just found out like you and me through the news and paper. They are extemely upset embarrassed by this event. Please realize the kitties along with the volunteers and foster *** who again have nothing to do with this event are the ones that will suffer. They have their own animals along with others that **are not in Marlene's care and are the ones suffering.

I am not affliated with this group but do know many that arefeeling the anger from the public because of Marlene and had no idea this was going on. They are just as angry about this asyou and me. Please do notthinkI am defending her in anyway as Ifeel the same about this situation as you. I am actually upset to think that you thought I was.I am just worried about the homeless cats that are still with Kitty Kind that are not in Marlene's care and with loving fosters and volunteers and are having to deal with people not wanting to adopt them.Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and disgusted.
Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one
 room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, whichoperates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orangefrom Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. Morearrived while she was there."She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- andthat she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they'redying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Susan Loesch
Mia, I agree with both sides on this. And I see what you are saying - I wonder if perhaps the publicity the organization is receiving could be used to the advantage of the cats who remain in the program - sometimes something like this that horrifies people will also move them to action - and possibly adoptions might come from this that otherwise might not have happened. I will pray for that to happen.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not standing up for her or what she has done please read again what I have wrote. We were actually crying when we heard on the news what she did because we did get to meet some of these amazing cats during adoption events they held. Many rescuersalong withmyself are extremely upset by this and her actions.

What I was saying is that there are lots of volunteers and fosters who put in so much of their time and efforts that had nothing to do with this nor did they know and have just found out like you and me through the news and paper. They are extemely upset embarrassed by this event. Please realize the kitties along with the volunteers and foster *** who again have nothing to do with this event are the ones that will suffer. They have their own animals along with others that **are not in Marlene's care and are the ones suffering.

I am not affliated with this group but do know many that arefeeling the anger from the public because of Marlene and had no idea this was going on. They are just as angry about this asyou and me. Please do notthinkI am defending her in anyway as Ifeel the same about this situation as you. I am actually upset to think that you thought I was.I am just worried about the homeless cats that are still with Kitty Kind that are not in Marlene's care and with loving fosters and volunteers and are having to deal with people not wanting to adopt them.Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and disgusted.
Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one
 room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder 

Re: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread Sheila208
Jamie I'm so, so sorry your sweet Andy is gone. We know all about the "never agains" someone should write a book, that would be a sweet sad read. Andy is happy now and in no pain, it will take time for your heart to begin to heal, but it will happen. Just know that we are all here for you. Take care yourself and Abe. 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert

I agree to a point, but my vet and the local vets around here, would take deceased animals and get rid of the bodies for you, with no cost, and I have made some calls and I have not found an animal hospital or vet around me that would not take the animal from you.

As for vet cost, if you can not afford it do not do it.I have 9 cats now and if I could not afford sick kitties or the vet bills, I would not have taken them.

I have a humane society (I use that lightly) that is completly over run, I have often thought about building a facility to house sick kitties, or last chance cats, the cost of such an endeaver is my only down fall.big as it may be. I have gone into the "humane society" with cleaning supplies and offered to clean up the kennels and they were completely appauld me and said it was fine the way it is...let me tell you the stench is something horried.

If there was a way and I am still looking I would definately put my money where my mouth is and help more that my 9..

The guy that would only meet you in a parking lot, needs to be investigated in my opinion that seems a little too fishy.
CherieChris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Of course, the article doesn’t really describe the condition of the living cats except that they were in one room. Certainly it is at the very least odd that someone would just dump the carcasses but then how much would it have cost to have each cremated…. And if she couldn’t afford the cremation, I doubt she could afford the vet bills. I’ve never understood why the vet schools don’t set up free or low-cost clinics for their students to help with this situation. It sounds like perhaps this is someone who got in way over their head… As for mixing ‘sick’  healthy cats, does FELV diagnosis automatically constitute ‘sick’… 

Believe me, IÂ’m not trying to make excuses for her but when as I look for a home for my Big Boy, IÂ’ve talked to any number of people who are clearly in over their head. One person, highly recommended by several local rescue groups for taking their FELV cats, refused to tell me where he lived  wanted to meet me in a parking lot to get Big Boy. Rescue groups apparently meet him at Petco  give him their FELV kittens. While he said the reason for not telling me where he was was because people would dump animals made some sense, I was flabergasted that no legitimate rescue group had ever seen his home. He might be great but who would ever know! 

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cherie A GabbertSent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:06 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and disgusted.


Have a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
To everyone in this group,

Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have createdis horrible. My previous email is to express my concernfor the cats with Kitty Kind and also the fosters and volunteers. Many of them are so upset and found out just like me and you.**Please remember some of those catsmight have beenwith them at one point and they thought Marlene was doing the right thing. I am just worried some of these cats who really need homes will not get adopted because of the bad media Marlene has given this group.Please remember that some of these cats are in foster homes and not with that woman!!

I hope I have not upset anyone with this email and have shed some light on the innocent kitties, fosters and volunteers. **Please remember they have just found out and just imagine how upset they must be.

MiaNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mia,I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of course, the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any human's misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.NinaMia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New  York, New Jersey and Conn. area. *I am not making an excuse for  Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she  has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do
 know about and I am very  familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart  of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:* **  *This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the  end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please  do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group  has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to  help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this  situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the  overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making  an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers,  fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a  home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out  doesn't help
 anyone.  * */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
 practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. More arrived while she was
 there. "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- and that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they're dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Then they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School. Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or more vermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become so decomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had been placing dead cats in the yard since she 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

To everyone in this group,

Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have createdis horrible. My previous email is to express my concernfor the cats with Kitty Kind and also the fosters and volunteers. Many of them are so upset and found out just like me and you.**Please remember some of those catsmight have beenwith them at one point and they thought Marlene was doing the right thing. I am just worried some of these cats who really need homes will not get adopted because of the bad media Marlene has given this group.Please remember that some of these cats are in foster homes and not with that woman!!

I hope I have not upset anyone with this email and have shed some light on the innocent kitties, fosters and volunteers. **Please remember they have just found out and just imagine how upset they must be.

MiaNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mia,I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of course, the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any human's misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.NinaMia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New  York, New Jersey and Conn. area. *I am not making an excuse for  Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she  has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do
 know about and I am very  familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart  of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:* **  *This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the  end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please  do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group  has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to  help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this  situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the  overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making  an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers,  fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a  home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out  doesn't help
 anyone.  * */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
 practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. More arrived while she was
 there. "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- and that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they're dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Then they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School. Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or more vermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become so decomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had been placing dead cats in the yard since she 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I feel for the volunteers and such, but they should have been friendly enough and they should have seen all the cats going home with her to at least question a little, I mean I would have asked and wanted to see some of the kitties I bonded with and come over to play with them...also what kind of human would do such a thing to a living creature as to put so many in one room?

I can see what you are tring to accomplish but I think it also should have fallen on the volunteers and contributors and of course foster parents should have inquired. All it would have taken was a quick visit or someone to ask some questions.
CherieMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not standing up for her or what she has done please read again what I have wrote. We were actually crying when we heard on the news what she did because we did get to meet some of these amazing cats during adoption events they held. Many rescuersalong withmyself are extremely upset by this and her actions.

What I was saying is that there are lots of volunteers and fosters who put in so much of their time and efforts that had nothing to do with this nor did they know and have just found out like you and me through the news and paper. They are extemely upset embarrassed by this event. Please realize the kitties along with the volunteers and foster *** who again have nothing to do with this event are the ones that will suffer. They have their own animals along with others that **are not in Marlene's care and are the ones suffering.

I am not affliated with this group but do know many that arefeeling the anger from the public because of Marlene and had no idea this was going on. They are just as angry about this asyou and me. Please do notthinkI am defending her in anyway as Ifeel the same about this situation as you. I am actually upset to think that you thought I was.I am just worried about the homeless cats that are still with Kitty Kind that are not in Marlene's care and with loving fosters and volunteers and are having to deal with people not wanting to adopt them.Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and disgusted.
Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one
 room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Tad Burnett

I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its
the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the
cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time
understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats
are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...
The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...
Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put
her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill
shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance
her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she
enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than
just locking her up


Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

  That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for
this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her
supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would
hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand
up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a
shelter themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a
laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am
sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.
  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so
shocked and disgusted.
  Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a
fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area.I am
not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with
the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I
do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is
in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to
what I have to say about it:

This situation is extremely
horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue
group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for
these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and
fosters who put inall their free time to helpsome of these and their
own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know
anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to
this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please
do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There
are so many kitties in need of a home and bymaking it harder for them
to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.


  DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind
Rescue, East Orange, NJ.
Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.
 Original Message 
Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400
Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
Friday, May 20, 2005
Star-Ledger Staff
Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a
caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and
adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it
herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.
Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor
about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house
-- 38
of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage
in the back yard.
The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they
produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded
to the
two-story home on State Street.
"Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane
Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."
Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind,
operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East
from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. More
arrived while she was there.
"She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia --
that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when
dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags.
they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East
Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School.
Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or more
vermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, he said, the cats had become
decomposed a precise number of bodies could not be determined. Kess had
placing dead cats in the yard since 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what
 Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved
 with her. More arrived while she was there. "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- and that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they're dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Then they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Or...

2005-05-24 Thread Sheila208
I feel sorry for everyone who has been hurt by this tragedy , especially the babies. 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Or...

2005-05-24 Thread Sheila208

Re: Please read -KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Joan Doljan

I have been keeping track of this discussion and I agree with Gloria. I do live in that area (although I don't know her or her group). Rescue groups and individuals,are oftenso desperate for fosterers, they often they will put animals with anyone (to avoid having them euthanized) without checking the home at all. Many of us who do rescue, have relationships with eitherlocal shelters or vets who assist us in the care, euthanizationanddisposal of sick and dying animals. I agree that you do not keep sick pets with well ones and thatburying that number cats is not a sane act, but I am not sure that it is an intentional criminal act.

Joan"Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks, Mia -for anyone who has been in or near the rescue effort, it's easy to understand how the "overflow" of animals can lead to a difficult situation. I'm not anywhere near your location, but I do understand what you're saying. So many of us rescue to the point where we're comfortable, and don't take in any more. What about the rest of the animals? Who takes them? Do we turn our eyes and minds away? We really have no solution, except for killing off the overflow, which is difficult for many of us.We're all hurt by the overflow of animals, the lack of consciousness about spay neuter, and the irresponsibility of people who dump their animals when they're tired of them. We're try to deal with it.As for "disposing" of dead animals, if you're not in a location with lots of digging space, what do you do? I grew up in the
 country. We buried our dead. When I first heard about putting dead animals out with the garbage, I was horrified. If I were in NYC, or East Orange, don't know what I'd do. Perhaps try to make arrangements with a hopefully friendly cremation company.I read this article to educate myself, but I definitely feel sympathetic toward the Kitty Kind and toward Marlene.GloriaAt 09:56 AM 5/24/2005, you wrote:Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the
 end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange,
 NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor
 theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, whichoperates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orangefrom Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. Morearrived while she was there."She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- andthat she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they'redying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals.When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Thenthey went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot
 used by the 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Or...

2005-05-24 Thread TenHouseCats
devil's advocate here--damn, it's a pain having 4 planets in libra:
but on the other hand!

that NO one ever saw his facilities is indeed somewhat smelly.

that he doesn't allow perfect strangers into his place is not
something to imeediately judge by. many people who take in
special-needs cats do so out of their own HOMES--they are NOT a public
shelter, usually don't have the insurance to protect themselves, nor a
desire to have folks they don't know know where they are.

FeLV cats, especially, need as stress-free an environment as possible;
having strangers coming in all the time does not meet my definition of
that FeLV cats tend NOT to be adopted out, so for them, a
sanctuary setting is THEIR forever home, as much as it is the human's
who care for them.

do NOT underestimate the dumping factor--and the role that
cowardice/shame plays in dumping. most people who dump do NOT call for
an appointment, nor knock on the door and say, i'm leaving a sick cat
in a crate out in the snow at midnight--hope you find it in time! as
most farm folk can tell you, even healthy cats are dumped on them all
the time. there are only so many cats that ANY facility can take in;
limiting access is one of the ways to prevent a bad situation from

neighbors are another very valid reason to limit access--even in
places where there are no legal limits on the number of cats one can
have, there are often technicalities that ordinary folk don't think
about when starting to take in the unwanted--special-use permits, for
example. amount of traffic is another issue--these days, anyone in
this area with a lot of coming and going traffic is gonna be looked at
as a possible meth-lab: a definite problem since cooking the
ingredients gives off a cat-urine odor! and then there are the very
real folks who just like to cause trouble--every hour spent dealing
with them means an hour that the cats DON'T get

ON THE OTHER HAND volunteers and rescues who regularly work with a
facility SHOULD be allowed to see the place! the general public is one
thing, even a group that a facility has never worked with before might
be asked to meet off-site initially.

people need to investigate the shelters/rescues/sanctuaries they
relinquish cats to, just as the shelters/rescues/sanctuaries research
the folks they adopt to. there is NO way to completely weed out the
good liars and the psychos, but both sides need to do their homework.
which means talking to a NUMBER of people and groups--i don't know of
any group that doesn't have SOMEONE who hates them, often because they
were denied adoption rights. or people who find fault with EVERY
organization they contact

we do the best we can we have to communicate with compassion and
honesty amongst ourselves, for the good of the critters...


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread tamara stickler

I know exactly what you mean! When I was trying to place Simms, or several others for that matter, I've had people who refuse to tell me how many animals they hadwho wanted to meet elsewhereThen the one woman I placed him with for a bit (I'll call her L)was recommended by THREE rescue groups: Rude Ranch, Greyhound Rescue, (I forget the third one..) all had used and were STILL using her even though I don't believe any had actually been out to her home. She had SO many animals, that neither she nor herhusband knew how many they had! She was wonderful and loving but the place, although she had the best intentions, was a horrid mess - the filth, the stink! They truly seemed toLOVE the ones they hadbut they just were not physcally capable of doing all the work. If I HAD to guess, and they refused to let me see the rest of the farm, so I'm assuming from the noises and smells,I'd say they hadnearly 200
 animals (I'm not counting farm animals, but foster dogs,  cats). Apparently after speaking withL, Rude Ranch, who charges $200 per cat turned over and $50 or $60 a month there after for lifetime care, often sends many cats her way, without monetary compensation, she was stunned to learn the fees they charged. I believe (though I have no proof) that if the person who surrenders a FeLV cat fails to continue to pay the monthly cost, the animal was transfered to her. (I had arranged with Rude Ranch to take Simms, at first they didn't have any openings, once I agreed to the surrender fee and monthly week later they had an opening. I found out from L. that she had just taken another cat from Rude Ranch the same week thatthat opening became available. Plus, I was told by the RR owner, after I asked, that if I planned to visit, please give him at the least one week notice, pref. two before coming by.()
 Makes you wonder...would Simms have eventually been transfered to the foster home, and retrieved before I came to visit, even if I continued to pay? Needless to say, I found Simms a better home.

It just goes to show that the Easiest way is usually NOT the best.

I agree about dumping the dead cats, she really should have TRIED to get rid of them some way(Defenders of Animal Rights owner, was fined back in the late 80'sfor breaking into the Balto. Co. pound's dumpster and dumping the animal carcuses from his organiztion therebut hey, at least he tried to get rid of them..)

Oh, and Chris...yes, in any rescuing organization, with the intention of adopting out theircharges,a FeLV + cat, even if outwardly healthy, SHOULD be considered sick (just because 1- no one really knows how easily transfered the illness is,  2- chances are good the rescue cannot afford to give vacinations to each of its charges). Defenders of Animal Rights, routinely told adopters that all its cats had been tested for FeLV andfeline aidsand vaccinated against it before being placed in the communial cat adoption rooms where they roamed free. Well, MOST of the cats,esp. if the owners did not leave the fulll $200 surrender  maintance for life or until adoptedfee, were put down before the people made it back to their cars. While all that did make it to the cat room were given the routine rabies  distemper vacs., NONE that I ever saw in 2years were tested for Felv or feline aids. Several complaints came back from
 people who had adopted from us, and their previously healthy cat was now infected as was the cat that they just adopted. Several times, both the cat and kitten rooms were wiped clean of felines and the whole mess started over again...and again..

As much as you want to trust people and organizations, you can never fully trust them to keep their words...test results can be doctored, or just lied about. ALWAYS have an animal tested before releasing among your current ones. NEVER assume an organization, no matter how good it sounds, or looks, or how touching the newsletters are, is completely on the up and up. Stories for newsletters are easily doctored...sapped up...created to bring the tear-jerk response that brings in the cash. Yes, many are truebut just as many are fiction.

Donor, adopter beware...and the best way to help the to do it yourself. Sorry if that sounds cynical, but honestly, I'm only speaking from experience.


Of course, the article doesn’t really describe the condition of the living cats except that they were in one room. Certainly it is at the very least odd that someone would just dump the carcasses but then how much would it have cost to have each cremated…. And if she couldn’t afford the cremation, I doubt she could afford the vet bills. I’ve never understood why the vet schools don’t set up free or low-cost clinics for their students to help with this situation. It sounds like perhaps this is someone who got in way over their head… As for mixing ‘sick’  healthy cats, does FELV diagnosis automatically 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Or...

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is terrible, I hope evryone that puts cat ads in newpapers knows about him.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I agree very fishy. I wouldn't leave a kitty with him. The area I live in has a person who traps ferals and goes around to homes and asks for cats he says to keep on his farm to keep down rodents. He is selling them to a well known research facility at a large medical college. My friends and I make it a point to tell everyone we can what he is doing. Have a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread tamara stickler
I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what
 Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved
 with her. More arrived while she was there. "She claims that she 

Re: Please read -KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I understand the rest of the animals also need help, but that is what I am saying, you have to know your limit, enough is enough, if you can not take anymore, then ask a friend, money is tight for all but come on, foster and care for the ones you can do not put them in worse circumstances, at least if they are free roaming, they have areas to run and play, spay or neuter them medicate if need be and then let take them to some farm area and let them live.
Cherie"Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks, Mia -for anyone who has been in or near the rescue effort, it's easy to understand how the "overflow" of animals can lead to a difficult situation. I'm not anywhere near your location, but I do understand what you're saying. So many of us rescue to the point where we're comfortable, and don't take in any more. What about the rest of the animals? Who takes them? Do we turn our eyes and minds away? We really have no solution, except for killing off the overflow, which is difficult for many of us.We're all hurt by the overflow of animals, the lack of consciousness about spay neuter, and the irresponsibility of people who dump their animals when they're tired of them. We're try to deal with it.As for "disposing" of dead animals, if you're not in a location with lots of digging space, what do you do? I grew up in the
 country. We buried our dead. When I first heard about putting dead animals out with the garbage, I was horrified. If I were in NYC, or East Orange, don't know what I'd do. Perhaps try to make arrangements with a hopefully friendly cremation company.I read this article to educate myself, but I definitely feel sympathetic toward the Kitty Kind and toward Marlene.GloriaAt 09:56 AM 5/24/2005, you wrote:Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the
 end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange,
 NJDate: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yardE. Orange resident operates rescue agencyFriday, May 20, 2005BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISONStar-Ledger StaffOver two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as acaregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue andadoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it homeherself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death.Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like inpractice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complainingabout a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bagsin the back yard.The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor
 theyproduced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to thetwo-story home on State Street."Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated HumaneSocieties, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible."Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, whichoperates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orangefrom Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved with her. Morearrived while she was there."She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- andthat she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they'redying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals.When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Thenthey went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot
 used by the EastOrange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School.Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or morevermin-infested carcasses. In some cases, 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I think the reason for jail time would be to isolate her from the animal community, she might have done more harm than good and the act of putting dead animals one after another in garbage bags is diplorable. Think about how long it takes for an animal to pass, and then consider the amount of dead animals she had, and if they all passed within a short time of each other, then the other question is what killed them all so close together.

I do not think she is sane enough to be allowed to work anywhere near animals.

Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?
Cherietamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what
 Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Joan Doljan
I don't know if she should serve jail time, but I agree that she should NOT work with animals. I think a mental health expert needs to evaluate the best course of action to treat her.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think the reason for jail time would be to isolate her from the animal community, she might have done more harm than good and the act of putting dead animals one after another in garbage bags is diplorable. Think about how long it takes for an animal to pass, and then consider the amount of dead animals she had, and if they all passed within a short time of each other, then the other question is what killed them all so close together.

I do not think she is sane enough to be allowed to work anywhere near animals.

Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?
Cherietamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what
 Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved
 with her. More arrived while she was there. "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- and that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they're dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Then they went into the yard, which backs to a parking lot used by the East Orange Board of Education and the East Orange Community Charter School. Bierman said he counted 21 garbage bags, each containing 10 or 

Re: Andy is gone

2005-05-24 Thread Del Daniels


I am so sorry Andy has left you but you have such 
sweet, sweet memories. How wonderful to have compassionate vet and techs 
at this terrible time of your life.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 6:47 PM
  Subject: Andy is gone
  Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond about Andy. I do 
  appreciate it. Barb, Sharon, Yvonne, Terrie, Belinda and anyone else I 
  may have missed- it was good to hear from you again. To the others- it 
  was good to "meet" you for the first time.
  I did take him to the vet first thing this morning. Dr. Caldwell 
  was in surgery so I saw Dr. Baxter instead. Also a very nice man. 
  Every person in that place has just been wonderful! He looked at Andy's 
  chart and said he hoped I didn't think of them as "bad" since my very first 
  experience there has been this ordeal with my baby boy. 
  Anyway, he was very straight forward and said while he wanted to commend 
  me on an outstanding job taking care of a Felv+ cat for this long, that there 
  was not much he could do and that this was the beginning of the end. 
  Whatever was going on had his insides in shreds. The vet said even if I 
  WANTED him to run tests, he was 99% sure that Andy would not come out of the 
  sedation in that state. Barb- it was so strange. He held up Andy's 
  face so we were eye to eye and said "Mrs. Laws, tell me, do you really see 
  Andy there anymore?" And the answer was no. So I started bawling 
  and babbling about how I didn't warn my husband that this was a possibility 
  this morning and he just went to work without saying goodbye. I mean I 
  was a crying freak and I just met the man! So he gave me a small TOWEL 
  and said I was not having a "Kleenex cry" so to take a towel. Then he 
  told me we were not making the call right now, and not like that. He 
  gave him a bag of fluids and a shot of Prednisone and told me to talk to my 
  husband first. I went back to work, then came and got Andy at 
  lunch. I took him home and spent the afternoon with him. He pooped 
  blood all over himself TWICE. The second time I was washing him off in 
  the sink and he had one of his episodes (Dr. Baxter said these were probably 
  small strokes rather than seizures). But this time it lasted a long, 
  long time. He quit breathing and went limp in my arms. No noise, 
  no chest movement. He was gone. So I laid him on the floor on the 
  towel and my phone rang,it was my husband. So I was hysterical 
  telling him Andy just died in my arms and I was freaking out. Right 
  then, Andy let out this gaspy, panting type breath and started 
  convulsing. Then he just kind of sat up alittle bit like nothing 
  happened! But he was dead I tell you. So then I really freaked out 
  and said "he's not dead!" I mean screaming it. So Abe (husband) 
  asked whatfreeway the newvet was off of since he was on his way 
  home. I told himwhereit was and hejust said "I am 
  meeting you there right now." So I knew. I was not going to keep 
  him through the night to spend a little more time together. That 
  was it. He was suffering and I was thinking ofwhat 
  I needed to be okay and not Andy. I wrappedhim in 
  a towel and drove to the vet. I called first and again, just crying into 
  the phone I managed to get out "I had my cat in there this morning and..." 
  that's all I could get out. The poor girl who answered said "I'm so 
  sorry Jamie, wewill see you in a minute." She knew my name and I 
  hadn't even mentioned the cat's name. Guess I was the only bawling woman 
  in with a cattoday. Anyway, I managed to choke out "but you close 
  in 15 minutes." She just said "we'll be here."It was so 
  wonderful to be treated with compassion. My old vet would have said 
  "well ER hours start in 15 minutes so just be prepared to pay double." 
  Anyway, I met Abe there and Dr. Baxter took us back to the treatment 
  area. Andy laid on the table very still and I petting him and kissed his 
  little face as the vet gave him the injection. I have never 
  witnessedananimal bing PTSin real life. I'm sorry if 
  this is all too graphic but it helps me to get it out. I was surprised 
  that his eyes didn't close and nothing changed. I didn't realize he was 
  gone until the vet said "ok, his heart stopped." Then I lost 
  it.The "never agains"hit me like a ton of bricks. He 
  will never do his cold nose bumping and tiny front teeth nipping on my 
  husband's inner arm trying to get him to pet him. He will never serve as 
  my "fun police" when I want my great dane to stop bringing his toy to 
  me. I would just lay it on the coffee table right next to Andy who was 
  always ready with his right hook. That kept Apollo in check. He 
  would NOT go for that toy if Andy was sitting by it. :) I will 
  never again have my soft little lap warmer as I sit at my computer. I 
  will never. There are 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread tamara stickler
Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave "animals" just where it is...

I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.

Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals  children...well, they are the lowest of the low.

I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it would break your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show them

I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us all.


__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is coming to her...I am so enraged by this, sad for the animals but angry about the woman

Animals and children look to us to help, careand protect them...and as usual we have failed, and this woman is to blame.
CherieMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To everyone in this group,

Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have createdis horrible. My previous email is to express my concernfor the cats with Kitty Kind and also the fosters and volunteers. Many of them are so upset and found out just like me and you.**Please remember some of those catsmight have beenwith them at one point and they thought Marlene was doing the right thing. I am just worried some of these cats who really need homes will not get adopted because of the bad media Marlene has given this group.Please remember that some of these cats are in foster homes and not with that woman!!

I hope I have not upset anyone with this email and have shed some light on the innocent kitties, fosters and volunteers. **Please remember they have just found out and just imagine how upset they must be.

MiaNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mia,I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of course, the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any human's misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.NinaMia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New  York, New Jersey and Conn. area. *I am not making an excuse for  Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she  has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do
 know about and I am very  familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart  of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:* **  *This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the  end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please  do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group  has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to  help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this  situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the  overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making  an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers,  fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a  home and by making it harder for them to get their cats adopted out  doesn't help
 anyone.  * */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in
 practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
  If his kidneys are affected and his back legs are weak, you might 
also want to consult the Feline Chronic Renal Failure list. Contact 
information is available at the bottom of this page:

Best wishes to you and yours,
Bonnie in WI

Hi all again,

My name is Stan and I am international student from Europe. I recently realized that my cat has FeLV. He os just 2 years. His name is Jersey.
I believe that he has the power to survive for year or two BUT I have to make him eating. He is very skinny and can hardly stands on his back legs. 
Doctor said that his heart is beating good but his kidneys are damaged.
What stage of the illness do you think he is?
How can I make him eat?
I am very glad that I found that site. It kees the last glimpse of hope alive...
StanFrom: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: I Think I'm Losing Digby .Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 20:02:15 -0700 (PDT)Marlene,I am way behind on email.I hope maybe Digby is doing better today?Don't beat yourself up over something you may have missed.I've found that to be easier to say than do,but it has often heppened with me that one of mine became quickly ill and I made myself miserable wondering and second guessing myself.It doesn't help.One of the biggest problems with felv is that your cat can be fine one day and horribly ill the next.Please keep us posted about Digby.You are in my thoughts and 
prayers.tonyaMarlene Chornie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Group, Can't think too clearly at the moment, but I think we're going to lose Digby.Having to syringe feed him now and give Doxycycline.Blood work (according to the vet lab) seems to be indicating something going on in the bone marrow, may/may not be Hemobart.They also say there's a secondary infection but no indication as to where/what it is (at this point).Our vet clinic ran a urine sample today but it was O.K., so not a kidney/bladder infection.We've been told it could be anything from an abscess somewhere to a tumour, to I really can't remember what all.Vet today (not his regular vet) said that if he won't eat, they could put a feeding tube in his mouth (doesn't require 
anesthetic) and get food in.We're trying our very best to syringe feed him A/D, but it sometimes upsets me to see him stressed when I do it.Also syringing some water into him.He can still get around (to litter box), but other than that, he just prefers to be by himself (in his "safe place").Myhusband and I find ourselves thinking - are we doing the right/best thing for him already at this point? When is enough enough, and will we know it?We knew when enough was enough last year with our "Casper" (CRF), but FelV is a whole new thing for us, and I guess we're already beating ourselves up over it wondering if we missed something, weren't observant enough, or what?Sorry to "babble" but this is already starting to take a toll on my husband and I.Just needed to talk about it.Marlene

---End Message---

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert

Good thought, how about a metal health facility to be evaluated for 60 days, that is a lighter sentence and she will still feel the repercussions of her actions.Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I don't know if she should serve jail time, but I agree that she should NOT work with animals. I think a mental health expert needs to evaluate the best course of action to treat her.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think the reason for jail time would be to isolate her from the animal community, she might have done more harm than good and the act of putting dead animals one after another in garbage bags is diplorable. Think about how long it takes for an animal to pass, and then consider the amount of dead animals she had, and if they all passed within a short time of each other, then the other question is what killed them all so close together.

I do not think she is sane enough to be allowed to work anywhere near animals.

Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?
Cherietamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
I totally agree with you Tamara!!

Miatamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what
 Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Mia and Tad,
Would you feel the same way if it were children as opposed to animals...Think about it, it is the same difference.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what
 Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 56-year-old founder and executive director of KittyKind, which operates one of New York City's few no-kill shelters -- moved to East Orange from Manhattan in July. Dozens of cats, apparently, moved
 with her. More arrived while she was there. "She claims that she takes in sick cats -- cats with feline leukemia -- and that she is a known rescuer who people will bring their cats to when they're dying," said Sgt. Joseph Bierman of the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. When those cats did die, they went into large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Then they went into the yard, which backs to a 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread tamara stickler
Stan, try this one too! Both are good sites, but this one is the tops! Fantastic people, I learned SO much.


See ya over there!
Stan,If his kidneys are affected and his back legs are weak, you might also want to consult the Feline Chronic Renal Failure list. Contact information is available at the bottom of this page: wishes to you and yours,Bonnie in WIwww.elephants.comDate: Tue, 24 May 2005 10:06:03 -0400From: stany petrov [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: JerseyTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgCC: 

Hi all again,

My name is Stan and I am international student from Europe. I recently realized that my cat has FeLV. He os just 2 years. His name is Jersey.
I believe that he has the power to survive for year or two BUT I have to make him eating. He is very skinny and can hardly stands on his back legs. 
Doctor said that his heart is beating good but his kidneys are damaged.
What stage of the illness do you think he is?
How can I make him eat?
I am very glad that I found that site. It kees the last glimpse of hope alive...
StanFrom: catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: I Think I'm Losing Digby .Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 20:02:15 -0700 (PDT)Marlene,I am way behind on email.I hope maybe Digby is doing better today?Don't beat yourself up over something you may have missed.I've found that to be easier to say than do,but it has often heppened with me that one of mine became quickly ill and I made myself miserable wondering and second guessing myself.It doesn't help.One of the biggest problems with felv is that your cat can be fine one day and horribly ill the next.Please keep us posted about Digby.You are in my thoughts and prayers.tonyaMarlene Chornie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi
 Group, Can't think too clearly at the moment, but I think we're going to lose Digby.Having to syringe feed him now and give Doxycycline.Blood work (according to the vet lab) seems to be indicating something going on in the bone marrow, may/may not be Hemobart.They also say there's a secondary infection but no indication as to where/what it is (at this point).Our vet clinic ran a urine sample today but it was O.K., so not a kidney/bladder infection.We've been told it could be anything from an abscess somewhere to a tumour, to I really can't remember what all.Vet today (not his regular vet) said that if he won't eat, they could put a feeding tube in his mouth (doesn't require anesthetic) and get food in.We're trying our very best to syringe feed him A/D, but it sometimes upsets me to see him stressed when I do it.Also syringing some water into
 him.He can still get around (to litter box), but other than that, he just prefers to be by himself (in his "safe place").Myhusband and I find ourselves thinking - are we doing the right/best thing for him already at this point? When is enough enough, and will we know it?We knew when enough was enough last year with our "Casper" (CRF), but FelV is a whole new thing for us, and I guess we're already beating ourselves up over it wondering if we missed something, weren't observant enough, or what?Sorry to "babble" but this is already starting to take a toll on my husband and I.Just needed to talk about it.Marlene__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread Barbara Lowe

I assume your vet ran a complete blood work on 
Jersey which discovered the virus. 
How long has your cat not been eating cat food? Ask 
your vet for the Science Diet a/d cans. Many of the science diet canned foods 
are too dry-I know my cats will not eat any of it. the a/d cans are very 
very soft food--perhaps Jersey will like that. You can try putting some on a 
spoon and smearing it along the side of his mouth so he will be at least taste 
it and perhaps be tempted. Also baby food jars-beef, chicken, lamb might tempt 
Jersey to eat. make sure no onions in the ingredients. 
I agree with Belinda's suggestion to go to the 
Chronic Renal Failure CRF group for advice. 
How experienced is your vet with leukemia 
treatments? Ask if there is a specialist vet in the area? May I ask, what 
state are you in? perhaps someone on the list can recommend a vet. 
Good luck taking care of Jersey. He is lucky he 
found you.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:32 
  Subject: Re: Jersey
  Hi Belinda,
  Thanks for the information.
  I am going to take Jersey to the vet tomorrow. I took him on Friday, they 
  kept him in the clinic for tests and the doctor called me in the evening. I 
  was shoked to hear he has a leukimia and could hardly catch what she was 
  explaining me. I am going to talk with her tomorrow afternoon.
  Now, I give Jersey some yoke and cream cheese. He rejects the diet food 
  from the vet. He likes margarine but I use that only to give him some 
  I cannot believe that disease is so spread in the USA. In Bulgaria, where I 
  come from I have never heard for cat cancer. Cats usually die from accidents 
  or age. I am really amazed to read that 60 million cats in the US carry this 
  virus. Something has to be done.
  Thanks again. Keep in touch
  StanFrom: Belinda Sauro 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: JerseyDate: Tue, 24 
  May 2005 08:12:50 -0700 Hi 
  Stan,There is a CRF (chronic renal failure) group on Yahoo 
  you may want to join, I've heard of kitties with crf that get weak in 
  the back legs it has something to do with the potassium 
  level.Here is the group if your interested.CRF 
  can be managed if caugh early enough, it usually requires a diet 
  change and careful 
  you have to be sure Jersey is getting enough food or your asking for a 
  whole different group of complications.What treatment has 
  your vet suggested?--BelindaHappiness is being 
  owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties 
  ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable 
  Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle 
  hosting  web 
  Designs (non-profit web 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is coming to her...I am so enraged by this, sad for the animals but angry about the woman

Animals and children look to us to help, careand protect them...and as usual we have failed, and this woman is to blame.
CherieMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To everyone in this group,

Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have createdis horrible. My previous email is to express my concernfor the cats with Kitty Kind and also the fosters and volunteers. Many of them are so upset and found out just like me and you.**Please remember some of those catsmight have beenwith them at one point and they thought Marlene was doing the right thing. I am just worried some of these cats who really need homes will not get adopted because of the bad media Marlene has given this group.Please remember that some of these cats are in foster homes and not with that woman!!

I hope I have not upset anyone with this email and have shed some light on the innocent kitties, fosters and volunteers. **Please remember they have just found out and just imagine how upset they must be.

MiaNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mia,I understand what you are saying about not judging everyone involved with an organization because of one individual's actions and, of course, the cats in their care shouldn't suffer further because of any human's misconduct. When I read about this situation, I couldn't help but wonder what sort of deplorable circumstances could lead someone who, (one would hope), was trying to help, to these dire straights. Not everyone will be able to muster compassion for the humans involved, but we all are heartsick over what the innocents suffer.NinaMia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New  York, New Jersey and Conn. area. *I am not making an excuse for  Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she  has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do
 know about and I am very  familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart  of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:* **  *This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the  end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please  do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group  has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to  help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this  situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the  overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making  an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Gloria B. Lane
If you put kids in place of animals', well - you wouldn't have 
breeders  (uh  in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a city 
organization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely),  or they 
wouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well not 
as much.  And people might care more.


At 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:

Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Put kids in place of the 
animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, 
but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave 
animals just where it is...

I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.

Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals  
children...well, they are the lowest of the low.

I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she 
had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a 
problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for 
the acts...  This woman is prob. a collector who got in over her 
head...then who do you go too?  Your friends and family think you're 
nuts...just get rid of them, they're ONLY animals...  but it would break 
your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show them

I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to 
proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the 
by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.  God help us all.

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
I do agree she should no longer work with animals. It's so unfortunate because I am pretty sure she came into this wanting to do good for animals and in the end just didn't no her limits or when to ask for help.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think the reason for jail time would be to isolate her from the animal community, she might have done more harm than good and the act of putting dead animals one after another in garbage bags is diplorable. Think about how long it takes for an animal to pass, and then consider the amount of dead animals she had, and if they all passed within a short time of each other, then the other question is what killed them all so close together.

I do not think she is sane enough to be allowed to work anywhere near animals.

Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?
Cherietamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
you couldn't have said it any better!!

Miatamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave "animals" just where it is...

I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.

Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals  children...well, they are the lowest of the low.

I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it would break your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show them

I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us all.


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RE: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Thank you for the reminder MaryChristine...I've started scrubbing
anyway...figured it can't hurt..., and I've begun throwing out empty
boxes...but now, I'm wondering, does anyone know how effective
ELECTRONIC roach/insect repellents are such as those made by Pest
Repeller Ultimate???..The testimonials sound great (of course)...(I'm on
red alert now for every movement..keep looking at the floor by the
doorhalf-expecting to see one march in under the door. i know it
sounds so wimpy of me, and there are far worse problems in life, but I
really do have a total horror of them. I can live with just about any
other insect I've come across) Thanks again for any info. You guys
are just great. Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: OT cat-safe roach control

to remind everyone again, these disgusting little critters can live on
almost anything--so it really ISN'T an issue of cleanliness or lack
thereof. once they're in, they're just very hard to evict. the way
to approach the neighbors is to give them the facts about boxes and
bags and glue and soap--or they are likely to think you're judging
their housekeeping--being a poor housekeeper may make the situation
worse, for sure, but as anyone who's ever had roaches will tell you, a
spotless house is NO deterrent! (hm--since they LIKE soap, does
GOOD housekeeping make the place a better diner?)

caulking sounds like a great idea, too--but i'm not sure that any
human can ever actually find all the miniscule places they can use to
travel around a building.

now, does anyone have any good suggestions for asian lady beetles and
box-elder bugs???


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.


2005-05-24 Thread Barbara Lowe

it costs over $100 to cremate an animal here on 
Long Island. I don't know of any vet that will just take a dead animal for no 
money. I can imagine the same $ chargein NJ. I also cannot 
even imagine how adrift many of the kittykind volunteers and foster homes feel 
right now. Hopefully someone in the group is well informed/experienced enough to 
regroup and get the currently fostered animals permanent homes. 
(does it sound funny to say that while I volunteer 
for a rescue group I really never wanted any human contact with them because I 
felt many were borderline crazy--I would just go pick up the kittens/cats that 
needed fostering and bring them back when there was openings. Also I knew if I 
stuck around the shelter, I would get conned into other chores/duties). 

Also because my dad was in advertising, he always 
always warned me never ever believe everything I read in print. I did not see 
any televised broadcasts of the seized animals but I know how newspapers and tv 
news distorts information for ratings. If I were involved with kittykind I'd be 
calling those same tv newspeople and asking for airtime to show the healthy 
foster animals still needing homes. 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread tamara stickler
People, as a whole, are generally flawed. So obsessed with their individual concerns, and of course amassing wealth and possesions...Our own government is working hard to eliminate social programs that, while abused by some, feed, house, cloth, teach, and give health care for childrenWe fund schools based on test scores, spending more money where the scores are higher because those children have more "potenial" thereby fulfilling our own prophacy by declaring that those who did not score well never had the potential to begin with. Well, Einstein failed algebra.

People don't care about people...I'm not certain we'll ever get them to care about animals. I guess we just have to keep screaming into the wind and hoping SOMEONE in the future will hear."Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you put "kids" in place of "animals', well - you wouldn't have "breeders" (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a city organization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or they wouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well not as much. And people might care more.GloriaAt 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave "animals" just where it is...I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals
  children...well, they are the lowest of the low.I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it would break your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show themI believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us
 all.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread TenHouseCats
i've often wondered about the electronic ones, too--wonder if there's
a consumer-ratings place? consumer reports?


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Well, I think that punishment is certainly not a solution, and I'm not sure 
without knowing her if psych help is called for.  But helping her find 
solutions to her animal problem would help, and in general a better system 
of dealing with the animal problem would solve a lot of problems.

It's just too easy to sweep the problem under the rug, and assume that all 
solutions to the animal problem are going to be Pollyanna-type  happy home 
life solutions (which they're not).


At 12:39 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:

I totally agree with you Tamara!!


tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I agree with Tad.  Punishment does very little to solve the 
problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more 
reasonable.  But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but 
not handle money  or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not 
lead at this point.  Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooT

Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just 
deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, 
and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford 
creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can 
not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it 
to them.


Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in Its the thought that
counts I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However You can't
save them all...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd
most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse
there is no body to care for them...
The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...
Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put
her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill
shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance
her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she
enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than
just locking her up


Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

 That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this
 individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her
 supposed furry friends, If she treats her friends this way I would
 hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand
 up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a
 shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a
 laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am
 sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.

 Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and

 Mia Nicer wrote:

 Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New
 York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for
 Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I
 am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I
 am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have
 to say about it:

 This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in
 the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer.
 Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted.
 This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their
 free time to help some of these and their own cats and have
 nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about
 it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this
 situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please
 do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this.
 There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it
 harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.


 DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.
 Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.

  Original Message 
 Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
 Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400

 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
 E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
 Friday, May 20, 2005
 Star-Ledger Staff
 Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan
 as a
 caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her
 rescue and
 adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she
 took it home
 herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until
 its death.
 Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked
 like in
 practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a
 neighbor complaining
 about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside
 the house -- 38
 of them in one room -- and more 

RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message

would be fine with me!

  -Original Message-From: Cherie A Gabbert 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:39 
  PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please 
  read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, 
  Good thought, how about a metal health facility to be evaluated for 60 
  days, that is a lighter sentence and she will still feel the repercussions of 
  her actions.Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I don't know if she should serve jail time, but I agree that she should 
NOT work with animals. I think a mental health expert needs to evaluate the 
best course of action to treat her.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I think the reason for jail time would be to isolate her from the 
  animal community, she might have done more harm than good and the act of 
  putting dead animals one after another in garbage bags is diplorable. 
  Think about how long it takes for an animal to pass, and then consider the 
  amount of dead animals she had, and if they all passed within a short time 
  of each other, then the other question is what killed them all so close 
  I do not think she is sane enough to be allowed to work anywhere near 
  Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that 
  way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other 
  Cherietamara stickler 
I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the 
problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more 
reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the 
shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she 
needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little 
psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert 

  That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her 
  just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in 
  one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could 
  not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one 
  else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they 
  trust us to give it to them.
  CherieTad Burnett 
am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that 
counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However 
"You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time 
understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how 
many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for 
them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or 
another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it 
would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge 
to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for 
disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a 
days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than 
so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her 
upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is 
no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this 
 individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving 
her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends 
this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly 
speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her 
organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter 
themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a 
 laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check 
out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a 
dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that 
this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. 
Cherie  Mia Nicer 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is 
Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey 
and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from 
Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she 
has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and 
I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my 
area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen 
to what I have to say about it:  This 
situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in 
the end it will be this rescue group 

RE: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
It's exactly the sort of thing CR should do, but I have never seen it
(and I've subscribed for years). I'll email them and urge them to do it.
But I'll also see if I can track down any other dirsct user info.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: OT cat-safe roach control

i've often wondered about the electronic ones, too--wonder if there's
a consumer-ratings place? consumer reports?


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
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Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is coming to her...I am so enraged by this, sad for the animals but angry about the woman

Animals and children look to us to help, careand protect them...and as usual we have failed, and this woman is to blame.
CherieMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To everyone in this group,

Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have createdis horrible. My previous email is to express my concernfor the cats with Kitty Kind and also the fosters and volunteers. Many of them are so upset and found out just like me and you.**Please remember some of those catsmight have beenwith them at one point and they thought Marlene was doing the right thing. I am just worried some of these cats who really need homes will not get adopted because of the bad media Marlene has given this group.Please remember that some of these cats are in foster homes and not with that woman!!

I hope I have not upset anyone with this email and have shed some light on the innocent kitties, fosters and volunteers. **Please remember they have just found out and just imagine how upset they must be.

MiaNina [EMAIL 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread Nina

What a sweetheart you are!  I'm praying that Jersey recovers from 
whatever is causing the eating and back leg problems.  We have discussed 
all sorts of feeding tips to get kitties interested in food when they 
don't feel well enough to eat.  Let us know if you can't find them in 
the archives and we'll post more about it.  FelV is a devastating 
diagnosis, but our angels can and do lead happy healthy lives, (although 
usually shorter ones).  I'm glad you found this group, keep us informed 
about the two of you.


stany petrov wrote:

Hi Belinda,


Thanks for the information.

I am going to take Jersey to the vet tomorrow. I took him on Friday, 
they kept him in the clinic for tests and the doctor called me in the 
evening. I was shoked to hear he has a leukimia and could hardly catch 
what she was explaining me. I am going to talk with her tomorrow 

Now, I give Jersey some yoke and cream cheese. He rejects the diet 
food from the vet. He likes margarine but I use that only to give him 
some vitamins.

I cannot believe that disease is so spread in the USA. In Bulgaria, 
where I come from I have never heard for cat cancer. Cats usually die 
from accidents or age. I am really amazed to read that 60 million cats 
in the US carry this virus. Something has to be done.


Thanks again. Keep in touch



From: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Jersey
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 08:12:50 -0700

   Hi Stan,
  There is a CRF (chronic renal failure) group on Yahoo you may want
to join, I've heard of kitties with crf that get weak in the back
legs it has something to do with the potassium level.  Here is the
group if your interested.  CRF can be managed if caugh early enough,
it usually requires a diet change and careful monitoring.

Also you have to be sure Jersey is getting enough food or your
asking for a whole different group of complications.  What treatment
has your vet suggested?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
In MY mind animals and kids are one and the same and SHOULD be thought of EQUALLY, but I know this will never be, it is just how I put certain scenerios in perspective.
"Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you put "kids" in place of "animals', well - you wouldn't have "breeders" (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a city organization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or they wouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well not as much. And people might care more.GloriaAt 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave "animals" just where it is...I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals
  children...well, they are the lowest of the low.I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it would break your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show themI believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us
 all.Have a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
We are all working towards happy home life solutions for all our furry friends. That is why I think she should not be able to come near animals and care giving.
Cherie"Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, I think that punishment is certainly not a solution, and I'm not sure without knowing her if psych help is called for. But helping her find solutions to her animal problem would help, and in general a better system of dealing with the animal problem would solve a lot of problems.It's just too easy to sweep the problem under the rug, and assume that all solutions to the animal problem are going to be Pollyanna-type happy home life solutions (which they're not).GloriaAt 12:39 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:I totally agree with you Tamara!!Miatamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the
 shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.CherieTad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought thatcounts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can'tsave them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAndmost people don't have
 any idea how many cats are PTS every day becousethere is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to puther in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no killshelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentanceher to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that sheenjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense thanjust locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote:  That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her
 and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.   Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted.  CherieMia Nicer wrote:   Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New  York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for  Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which  she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I  am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I  am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have  to say
 about it:   This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in  the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer.  Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted.  This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their  free time to help some of these and their own cats and have  nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about  it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this  situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please  do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this.  There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it  harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   DNA - Marlene Kess
  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.  Hundreds of dead cats found in yard. Original Message   Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ  Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400   Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard  E. Orange resident operates rescue agency  Friday, May 20, 2005  BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON  Star-Ledger Staff  Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan  as a  caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her  rescue and  adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she  took it home  herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until  its death.  Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy
 looked  like in  practice. Summoned to the 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is coming to her...I am so enraged by this, sad for the animals but angry about the woman

Animals and children look to us to help, careand protect them...and as usual we have failed, and this woman is to blame.
CherieMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To everyone in this group,

Please do not take my recent email as a defense to Kitty Kind or this organization.
Again I am not affiliated with them and believe what her actions have createdis 

RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert

Now we just need to get our thoughts know to all.That is a big job
Cherie"Doljan, Joan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That would be fine with me!

-Original Message-From: Cherie A Gabbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:39 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

Good thought, how about a metal health facility to be evaluated for 60 days, that is a lighter sentence and she will still feel the repercussions of her actions.Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I don't know if she should serve jail time, but I agree that she should NOT work with animals. I think a mental health expert needs to evaluate the best course of action to treat her.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think the reason for jail time would be to isolate her from the animal community, she might have done more harm than good and the act of putting dead animals one after another in garbage bags is diplorable. Think about how long it takes for an animal to pass, and then consider the amount of dead animals she had, and if they all passed within a short time of each other, then the other question is what killed them all so close together.

I do not think she is sane enough to be allowed to work anywhere near animals.

Put kids in place of the animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?
Cherietamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree with Tad. Punishment does very little to solve the problem...helping her to find another solution...would seem more reasonable. But I'd go a step farther, she would work at the shelter, but not handle money or be a major decision maker...she needs to learn, not lead at this point. Plus, a little psycological help is prob. needed tooTCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

That is being to kind, she needs to be put in jail and given her just deserts, how would you feel if she had sick and healthy kids in one room, and their bodies in the back yard in bags because she could not afford creamation.animals and kids need us more than any one else, they can not defend themselves, they need our guidance and they trust us to give it to them.
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am appauld
 that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which she has put
 the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to get their
 cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Joan Doljan
I agree.Since most of us screen adopters, I think the same should be for fosterers. I pay attention when someone says a house smells, or their cats are always sick etc. I never send anyone anywhere unless I have seen the house or facility, or someone I trust has.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is coming to her...I am so enraged by this, sad for the animals but angry about the woman

Animals and children look to us to help, 

Re: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread Gloria B. Lane

I've used the sonic ones, but only for squirrel s and rats..


At 01:12 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:

i've often wondered about the electronic ones, too--wonder if there's
a consumer-ratings place? consumer reports?


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Gloria B. Lane

How about changing the laws to agree with that...

At 01:31 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:
In MY mind animals and kids are one and the same and SHOULD be thought of 
EQUALLY, but I know this will never be, it is just how I put certain 
scenerios in perspective.


Gloria B. Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you put kids in place of animals', well - you wouldn't have
breeders (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a city
organization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or they
wouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well not
as much. And people might care more.


At 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:

Cherie A Gabbert wrote:Put kids in place of the
animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail,
but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave
animals just where it is...

I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.

Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals 
children...well, they are the lowest of the low.

I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she
had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a
problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for
the acts... This woman is prob. a collector who got in over her
head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're
nuts...just get rid of them, they're ONLY animals... but it would break
your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show them

I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to
proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the
by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us all.

Have a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Tad Burnett

Hi Mia
 She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where
its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry
about the old litter that I bury in my back yard...
But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it
would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the
good name of the people that have worked with her...

If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot
of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost
touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I
say give her a break and some help...


Mia Nicer wrote:

  Thank you Tad. I
don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation
butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved
and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't
happen with anyone else. 
  Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that 
counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You
save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd

most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse

there is no body to care for them...
The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...
Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put 
her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill 
shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance

her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she

enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than 
just locking her up


Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

 That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for
 individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her 
 supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I
 hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would
 up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open
 shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that
is a 
 laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I
 sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.
 Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked

 Mia Nicer wrote:

 Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New
 York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for
 Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I
 am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I
 am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have
 to say about it:
 This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in
 the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer.
 Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted.
 This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their
 free time to help some of these and their own cats and have
 nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about
 it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this
 situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please
 do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this.
 There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it
 harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.


 DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.
 Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.

  Original Message 
 Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
 Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400

 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
 E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
 Friday, May 20, 2005
 Star-Ledger Staff
 Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan
 as a
 caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her
 rescue and
 adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she
 took it home
 herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until
 its death.
 Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked
 like in
 practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a
 neighbor complaining
 about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside
 the house -- 38
 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed
 into garbage bags
 in the back yard.
 The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor
 produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who
 responded to the
 two-story home on State Street.
 "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the
 Associated Humane
 Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am glad I am not the only one, who looks further into these people. I have seen some deplorable places, and they did not think anything was wrong.
CherieJoan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree.Since most of us screen adopters, I think the same should be for fosterers. I pay attention when someone says a house smells, or their cats are always sick etc. I never send anyone anywhere unless I have seen the house or facility, or someone I trust has.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread stany petrov

Thanks to all that responded to Jersey. 
Barbara, I am in Toledo, OH. I don't know if the vet has a lot of experience with FeLV. I will try to talk with her about that tomorrow.
I read the site about CRF. It is very detailed really. I believe that is the problem he has now. 
Hopefully it is not late to start treating it. 
Thanks for the food and diet information. I will try the baby food and hope it works.
I will keep you in touch with what happens tomorrow in the clinic.
Thanks again

StanFrom: Barbara Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: JerseyDate: Tue, 24 May 2005 13:52:32 -0400Hello,I assume your vet ran a complete blood work on Jersey which discovered the virus.How long has your cat not been eating cat food? Ask your vet for the Science Diet a/d cans. Many of the science diet canned foods are too dry-I know my cats will not eat any of it.the a/d cans are very very soft food--perhaps Jersey will like that. You can try putting some on a spoon and smearing it along the side of his mouth so he will be at least taste it and perhaps be tempted. Also baby food jars-beef, chicken, lamb might tempt Jersey to eat. make sure no onions in the ingredients.I agree with Belinda's suggestion 
to go to the Chronic Renal Failure CRF group for advice.How experienced is your vet with leukemia treatments?Ask if there is a specialist vet in the area? May I ask, what state are you in? perhaps someone on the list can recommend a vet.Good luck taking care of Jersey. He is lucky he found you.regardsBarbara - Original Message - From: stany petrov To: Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:32 AM Subject: Re: Jersey Hi Belinda, Thanks for the information. I am going to take Jersey to the vet tomorrow. I took him on Friday, they kept him in the clinic for tests and the doctor called me in the evening. I was shoked 
to hear he has a leukimia and could hardly catch what she was explaining me. I am going to talk with her tomorrow afternoon. Now, I give Jersey some yoke and cream cheese. He rejects the diet food from the vet. He likes margarine but I use that only to give him some vitamins. I cannot believe that disease is so spread in the USA. In Bulgaria, where I come from I have never heard for cat cancer. Cats usually die from accidents or age. I am really amazed to read that 60 million cats in the US carry this virus. Something has to be done. Thanks again. Keep in touch Stan From: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: Jersey Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 08:12:50 -0700   Hi Stan, There is a CRF (chronic renal failure) group on Yahoo you may want to join, I've heard of kitties with crf that get weak in the back legs it has something to do with the potassium level.Here is the group if your interested.CRF can be managed if caugh early enough, it usually requires a diet change and careful monitoring.  Also you have to be 
sure Jersey is getting enough food or your asking for a whole different group of complications.What treatment has your vet suggested?  -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ...  Be-Mi-Kitties ...  Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens  FeLV Candle Light Service hosting  web design)  ---  BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)  

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I would love to, the only problem is, one voice does not amount to a hill of beans. As you can see from this topic not alot of people percieve animals and kids as one in the same.
Cherie"Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How about changing the laws to agree with that...At 01:31 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:In MY mind animals and kids are one and the same and SHOULD be thought of EQUALLY, but I know this will never be, it is just how I put certain scenerios in perspective.Cherie"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:If you put "kids" in place of "animals', well - you wouldn't have"breeders" (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a cityorganization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or theywouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well notas much. And people might care more.GloriaAt 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote: Cherie A Gabbert wrote:Put kids in place of the animals and
 think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave "animals" just where it is...  I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.  Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals  children...well, they are the lowest of the low.  I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it
 would break your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show them  I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?  The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us all.Have a purrfect dayCherieHave a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to
 get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for
 it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my God, it was awful," said Michael Fowler of the Associated Humane Societies, the state's largest shelter group. "The smell was horrible." Kess -- the 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

I am totally with you on that Tad. I think she should not have let this happen and am so worried of all the people that volunteered their time to help the animals in this group. Alot of them are worried all their efforts will be forgotten, their names have badmouthedand are already getting horrble words said to them and spread about them. Not only are they sad and angry but also embarrassed and humiliated. People are no longer wanting to adopt from them and I feel so bad because most of the animals are in great foster homes with great people and now they are going to have such a hard time finding homes **like it wasn't hard enough.. I really think she needs to seperate the remaining animals -if not have them taken away from her. All those bags of corpses broke my heart, just writting this bring me to tears. Kess said she wanted to dispose of the humanely and in the end they got a worse disposal than ever imagined. 

I just wish she asked for help. I really think someone should maybe check how the funds were used. I really hope on the animals and not for her benefit. If so it just makes it 3x more harder for groups that really need it to get the help and you know how many could really use some help. Im pretty sure you like me and most rescuers out there use most of you own funds on you animals than on yourself.

Thanks so much for being open minded to this situation. Its nice to no someone feels the same way I do. I was thinking maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. I just didn't want the animals to suffer after this event and let other know out there that not all the cats were with Marlene and most were in other great foster homes with amazing people and not in situations like the one seen on tv.

Thanks again,
MiaTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe 

RE: OT cat-safe roach control

2005-05-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Did it do the trick, Gloria? 'Cos we also got an alert recently about
rats being seen on some of my condo neighbors porches. Do you know if
they can be fitted easily to repel critters roaming outside like rats?
(I don't know if your critters were in garage/attic or what--we don't
have attics or garages)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: OT cat-safe roach control

I've used the sonic ones, but only for squirrel s and rats..


At 01:12 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:
i've often wondered about the electronic ones, too--wonder if there's
a consumer-ratings place? consumer reports?


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Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
The animals already have suffered, I just want Kess to suffer also..I would do anything to help the animals, maybe not so much the volunteers and the founder but at least the animals always come first.
CherieMia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am totally with you on that Tad. I think she should not have let this happen and am so worried of all the people that volunteered their time to help the animals in this group. Alot of them are worried all their efforts will be forgotten, their names have badmouthedand are already getting horrble words said to them and spread about them. Not only are they sad and angry but also embarrassed and humiliated. People are no longer wanting to adopt from them and I feel so bad because most of the animals are in great foster homes with great people and now they are going to have such a hard time finding homes **like it wasn't hard enough.. I really think she needs to seperate the remaining animals -if not have them taken away from her. All those bags of corpses broke my heart, just writting this bring me to tears. Kess said she wanted to dispose of the humanely and in the end they got a worse disposal than ever imagined. 

I just wish she asked for help. I really think someone should maybe check how the funds were used. I really hope on the animals and not for her benefit. If so it just makes it 3x more harder for groups that really need it to get the help and you know how many could really use some help. Im pretty sure you like me and most rescuers out there use most of you own funds on you animals than on yourself.

Thanks so much for being open minded to this situation. Its nice to no someone feels the same way I do. I was thinking maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. I just didn't want the animals to suffer after this event and let other know out there that not all the cats were with Marlene and most were in other great foster homes with amazing people and not in situations like the one seen on tv.

Thanks again,
MiaTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
Yes someone should keep aneye out for Kess but to assume that every volunteer and foster should be responsible and should have known is **insane. That's like saying if your boss or the president of you job embezeled money from the company -if we found him guilty thenshould you also go to jail whether youknew or not? That working fora company automatically makes you responsible for everyone's actions in that company.Would you think you should go to jail if your boss did and you were innocent? I think not. Again rescue groups have such a hard time finding volunteers let alone fosters these people give whatever time they have to help the animals in need -not babysit the organization!! Lets just leave it at this and agree to disagree. 

Just because they hung your boss- I would still never let them hang you.**I really hope some of you agree with me on this!!Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn 

Re: Way OT - Tyson skateboarding

2005-05-24 Thread Terri Brown
Title: Tyson's Pictures and Movies


  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:05 AM
  Subject: Way OT - Tyson 
  Hello Everyone,I thought we could all use some comic 
  relief. I have to warn you though, if you have any dogs, you may 
  want to clear them from the room before you watch these. One of the 
  video clips set Zevon, (my German Shep Dog) racing around the house 
  barking looking for whoever was making that really fun noise!)Love you 
  Pictures  Movies of 
  These pictures capture Tyson 
  skating near the Huntington Beach Pier in October 2003 (photography courtesy 
  of Rick, at
  Movies of Tyson 
  Tyson, the Roller Dog
  For Windows Media Viewer
  tysonbeachap.wmv slomotyson1mbwmv.wmv tysonskateboarding.wmv 
  For Quicktime Player
   Still sleepy...
   The inquisitive head tilt.
  Time for more 
   Tyson's seatbelt.
   Staring into your soul.
  Naptime again.
  Spring Flower, part 1 (going along with 
  Spring Flower, part 2 (growing 
   Sleepy trick-or-treater. 
   Bosom buddies. 
  (Additional pictures of Tyson with his kitties can be found here.)
   Must be Santa...
   Did you bring anything for me?
  What Tyson loves most about Christmas - 
  opening his presents!
   Mr. Pouty-face (moping because he can't go 
   Tyson's shades.
   Another pastime.
   Tyson's favorite chair.
  What a stud!
   Handsome boy.
Where's the beef?
   Tyson's lion.

KittyKind as a symbol--LONG LONG response!

2005-05-24 Thread TenHouseCats
okay, here goes--this has been in draft form for a number of hours
now. i know it won't be popular, i just hope that it does make
people stop for a bit and maybe challenge themselves.

while i am not in ny/nj area, and have no personal experience with
KittyKind, i have heard excellent things about this
shelter/group from folks who are

from what i gather, marlene took home the sickly ones--the ones none of
the other rescues would touch. the sick, the elderly, the severely
abused before they reach our care--these cats DIE, with
heart-wrenching regularity. and no one who hasn't accepted the care of
a large number of the most-unfortunate seem to face that reality. and
how many have ever thought about what THEY would do, in the winter, in
the north, with the earthly remains of these finally-free cats?

no one seems to notice that they didn't remove the living cats from
her custody--even if i didn't have a real understanding of how these
things can happen--that would be enough for me to question how
terrible the conditions/her care really were.

38 cats in one room? well, depends on the size of the cats, the size
of the room, the number of litter boxes, the number of windows, the
ventilation, the toys/cat-trees, the number of volunteers who come in
to cuddle and clean. having a roof over their heads, regular food and
water, observant medical care, playtime and affection--to ferals and
stays, this is heaven.

from what i've read from various sources, there were two groups of
cats in the house: 38 were in one group, 10 in the other. to me, that
sounds as if there was intentional segregation done, most likely, for
health reasons (those being treated for uris, need food intake
monitored, chronic diarrhea), ie, the cats' benefit. as someone else
said, including that of too many vets!--even having one FeLV cat in
the house would be construed as mixing the quick and the dead.  38
cats in a 10 x 12 room; not a good idea; 38 cats in a 24 x 30 room?
whole different story. unless you have visited a sanctuary setting
where the cats are free to roam
within their own space, and have plenty of comforts (or, as best
friends puts it re: housing FeLVs, intellectual
stimulation--picturing here a full video collection and library!),
most people have no idea of how well the cats get along, and how
well-adjusted they can be.

cremation is VERY expensive if you are talking about 200 cats. when
you're a 501(c)3, you have access to medication and testing kits,
greatly-reduced food costs, and, frequently, vet care at an lower
rate. i'm not sure why her chosing to spend her money on the living
cats is to be faulted so strongly, especially when medical care on a
large scale is far less expensive than when one is doing it on an
individual basis.

did she take on more than she could handle? probably--something i
think we ALL struggle with at one time or another. could she have
asked for help before the authorities got involved? probably. was
putting the bodies outside unburied a good idea--obviously not! none
of this says one word about whether these cats were loved and cared
for when it mattered.

please don't forget that another thing she did was take in the cats
that no one else would.

there was something about her behavior giving the volunteers
permission to do the same thing--if more people WOULD take in the
most-undesirable, then no one single person would ever find themselves
in this situation again.

hopefully what her volunteers, and everyone else when they put
themselves in her place, will learn is to ask for help when it's
needed, to take a hard look at their own limits, and work to find ways
to create the no-kill nation that maddie's fund promotes.

when did we decide that a newspaper version of ANYTHING is accurate
and fair? what sells papers? woman overwhelmed with departed cats;
living ones in good shape?

every shelter/sanctuary i know of has freezers full of the left-behind
bodies--it's just something that the general public doesn't think
about, or want to know about. how long they're been there before they
can be buried or otherwise disposed of depends on the available
freezer space, as well as
the method of disposal and, in the case of burial, the weather. it is
NOT unusual in the north to end a winter season with a large number of
bodies. sick cats DIE--i've read nothing that implies that these cats
all died recently, nor in great numbers at any one time.

i have NOT see the video footage, so cannot comment on that. i do know
that animal control would have removed the living cats if there was
there are also realities about caring for a large number of
undesirables that differ from what one would do in their own
home--perfectly clean litterboxes will not be clean in 5 minutes;
there is gonna be loose fur and hairballs and thrown-up meals, and
dumped food and water bowls no matter what. whomever said that cats
are neat animals has never lived with a large number of them at once!
it's a never-ending job, and 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer

But Joan The volunteers and fosters are not resposible for the animals that Kess takes home. Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I agree.Since most of us screen adopters, I think the same should be for fosterers. I pay attention when someone says a house smells, or their cats are always sick etc. I never send anyone anywhere unless I have seen the house or facility, or someone I trust has.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! not all are like the one you saw on tv. 
MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ignorance, is not an excuse the fosters and volunteers should have asked questions and inquired about the sick kitties would have been humane and kind hearted.
I hope the adoption rate goes up for the shelter and Kess gets what is 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Along those lines...we are not talking about a company we are talking about animals and people who CHOOSE to be there should CHOOSE to take responsibility and know all aspects and what goes on behind the scenes.
The boss gets in trouble you COULD very well possibly be in trouble also, accounts get IT all the time and I am an accountant.
Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes someone should keep aneye out for Kess but to assume that every volunteer and foster should be responsible and should have known is **insane. That's like saying if your boss or the president of you job embezeled money from the company -if we found him guilty thenshould you also go to jail whether youknew or not? That working fora company automatically makes you responsible for everyone's actions in that company.Would you think you should go to jail if your boss did and you were innocent? I think not. Again rescue groups have such a hard time finding volunteers let alone fosters these people give whatever time they have to help the animals in need -not babysit the organization!! Lets just leave it at this and agree to disagree. 

Just because they hung your boss- I would still never let them hang you.**I really hope some of you agree with me on this!!Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How 

Re: Jersey

2005-05-24 Thread Terri Brown

I have nothing to add to what has already been suggested except to wish you 
the best of luck.


=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=

Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:22 PM
  Subject: Re: Jersey
  Stan,What a sweetheart you are! I'm praying that 
  Jersey recovers from whatever is causing the eating and back leg 
  problems. We have discussed all sorts of feeding tips to get kitties 
  interested in food when they don't feel well enough to eat. Let us 
  know if you can't find them in the archives and we'll post more about 
  it. FelV is a devastating diagnosis, but our angels can and do lead 
  happy healthy lives, (although usually shorter ones). I'm glad you 
  found this group, keep us informed about the two of 
  you.Ninastany petrov wrote: Hi 
  Belinda,  Thanks for the 
  information. I am going to take Jersey to the vet tomorrow. I 
  took him on Friday,  they kept him in the clinic for tests and the 
  doctor called me in the  evening. I was shoked to hear he has a 
  leukimia and could hardly catch  what she was explaining me. I am 
  going to talk with her tomorrow  afternoon. Now, I 
  give Jersey some yoke and cream cheese. He rejects the diet  food from 
  the vet. He likes margarine but I use that only to give him  some 
  vitamins. I cannot believe that disease is so spread in the 
  USA. In Bulgaria,  where I come from I have never heard for cat 
  cancer. Cats usually die  from accidents or age. I am really amazed to 
  read that 60 million cats  in the US carry this virus. Something has 
  to be done.  Thanks again. Keep in 
  Stan From: Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: Re: Jersey Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 08:12:50 
  -0700   Hi Stan,  There 
  is a CRF (chronic renal failure) group on Yahoo you may want to 
  join, I've heard of kitties with crf that get weak in the back 
  legs it has something to do with the potassium level. Here is 
  the group if your interested. CRF can be managed if caugh 
  early enough, it usually requires a diet change and careful 
  monitoring.  Also you 
  have to be sure Jersey is getting enough food or your asking for a 
  whole different group of complications. What treatment has 
  your vet suggested?  -- Belinda 
  Happiness is being owned by cats ...  
  Be-Mi-Kitties ... 
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens  FeLV Candle Light 
  Service (affordable hosting  web design)  --- 
   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)  

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Barb Moermond
frankly, I don't see that happening here - as overworked as a lot of child protective agencies are, there are too many checks and balances and places where kids are noticed - the neighbors would have called months ago f'rinstance. There are simply far more laws and societal rules in place to protect children and while there are definitely problems with the system, this society cares more about kids than animals (however little the difference may seem to be). NO, I don't think she should get away with this scot-free, but are YOU perfect? Have you never made a mis-judgment that could have snowballed? Being diligent about your animal's housing conditions is fabulous and that your vet thinks you can and should handle more is great. What if you didn't have that vet? What if you didn't have a good support network? What if you had severe emotional problems that just blew out of control in the middle of that?

We as a society are so quick to say "*I* would never have let "x" happen" - and maybe most of the time that's accurate, but it isn't 100%... Our society has some serious ills and our energy would be better spent trying to alter the thinking that makes it OK to dump unwanted animals or not spay/neuter or abuse those weaker than ourselves and maybe if we all developed more compassion for all of our fellow creatures and left the judging up to the higher powers (and the law), we could start to solve the problem of so many overflowing shelters and unwanted animals...

There is a huge disparity between having kids and being parents. I see it all the time where I live and I've come to the conclusion that humans should have to take parenting classes and become licensed in order to be able to procreate. It makes me nuts - former downstairs neighbor, 2 adults and 4 kids in a 2 bedroom 1 bath apt. The kids were always running around making LOTS of noise, never any supervision and when I would hear an adult voice, it would be yelling ugly things at the kids. People coming and going at all hours and then they got a puppy I would hear it whining and whining they'd had it locked in the bathroom - so neither the kids nor the puppy were getting what I would consider a good upbringing... I also had to call the police several times because of screaming throwing arguments from them... how is THAT raising those kids properly? anyhoo - big tangent here:)

stepping off soap-box!!Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
He meant she needed help from the begin so it didn't esculate to this point. She should have asked for help. Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to
 get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for
 it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they produced -- sickened animal-welfare officers and others who responded to the two-story home on State Street. "Oh my 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Tad Burnett

Have you watched the news latelyEvery day there is
a new story of some terable thing that has happened to kids by their
parents or foster parents...

Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

  I would love to, the only problem is, one voice does not amount
to a hill of beans. As you can see from this topic not alot of people
percieve animals and kids as one in the same.
  "Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
about changing the laws to agree with that...

At 01:31 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:
In MY mind animals and kids are one and the same and SHOULD be
thought of 
EQUALLY, but I know this will never be, it is just how I put
scenerios in perspective.

"Gloria B. Lane" wrote:
If you put "kids" in place of "animals', well - you wouldn't have
"breeders" (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have
a city
organization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or they
wouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage -
well not
as much. And people might care more.


At 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:

 Cherie A Gabbert wrote:Put kids in place of the
 animals and think about it that way, would you want her not
going to jail,
 but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you
 "animals" just where it is...
 I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same
 Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt
 children...well, they are the lowest of the low.
 I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to
me that she
 had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but
fixing a
 problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just
punishing for
 the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over
 head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think
 nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it
would break
 your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it
all'll show them
 I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW
 proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor
 by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic 
reality breakdown?
 The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us

Have a purrfect day

  Have a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Again, they should ask and shouls have been aware of what Kess was doing, if animals disappear from the shelter, you would inquire if they were adopted out or if she brought them home, then later ask about their and see if she needs any help...all things I myself have done and asked.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But Joan The volunteers and fosters are not resposible for the animals that Kess takes home. Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I agree.Since most of us screen adopters, I think the same should be for fosterers. I pay attention when someone says a house smells, or their cats are always sick etc. I never send anyone anywhere unless I have seen the house or facility, or someone I trust has.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need beI bet they did and if they did not then shame on them

I still have my vet come to my house and she is encouraging me to take more on, because of my house size and my views, but I KNOW when to stop, at least for a while until the kitten grow up.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The foster and volunteers are not ignorant. I understand you are mad at this woman but don't take it out on people that did not know -some are more upset than you. What if they were led to believe these animals were adopted or healthy and ok. Remember Kess has been doing this animal rescue thing for years- You would think she would know what the right thing to do was more than anyone. How do you know they didn't think they were ok or placed in great foster homes like their own. Please try to be a little more opened minded. I believe if they even had the smallest bit of evidence from her that something was wrong someone would have done something.

a lot of those volunteers are amazing kind animal lovers and would never let anything like this happen let alone turn their head like you are suggesting. They love helping animals -I know this because i know some of them. There are foster homes that are great!! 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am nowhere near perfect, and I am on that soap box also, that family should be investigated.alot of families should be, but when one actually gets found out I think an example should be made. Kess needs to be made an example of...and laws are way too lax where animals are concerned.

I also am very lucky to have all you listed to stand behind me, but I would still have my furr family even without them, I love my "kids" (of course my 5 yr old boy is first and foremost) and he is also another reason I will not expand right now, I would be taking away from him more than I am now, which is not fair by far.
Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

frankly, I don't see that happening here - as overworked as a lot of child protective agencies are, there are too many checks and balances and places where kids are noticed - the neighbors would have called months ago f'rinstance. There are simply far more laws and societal rules in place to protect children and while there are definitely problems with the system, this society cares more about kids than animals (however little the difference may seem to be). NO, I don't think she should get away with this scot-free, but are YOU perfect? Have you never made a mis-judgment that could have snowballed? Being diligent about your animal's housing conditions is fabulous and that your vet thinks you can and should handle more is great. What if you didn't have that vet? What if you didn't have a good support network? What if you had severe emotional problems that just blew out of control in the middle of that?

We as a society are so quick to say "*I* would never have let "x" happen" - and maybe most of the time that's accurate, but it isn't 100%... Our society has some serious ills and our energy would be better spent trying to alter the thinking that makes it OK to dump unwanted animals or not spay/neuter or abuse those weaker than ourselves and maybe if we all developed more compassion for all of our fellow creatures and left the judging up to the higher powers (and the law), we could start to solve the problem of so many overflowing shelters and unwanted animals...

There is a huge disparity between having kids and being parents. I see it all the time where I live and I've come to the conclusion that humans should have to take parenting classes and become licensed in order to be able to procreate. It makes me nuts - former downstairs neighbor, 2 adults and 4 kids in a 2 bedroom 1 bath apt. The kids were always running around making LOTS of noise, never any supervision and when I would hear an adult voice, it would be yelling ugly things at the kids. People coming and going at all hours and then they got a puppy I would hear it whining and whining they'd had it locked in the bathroom - so neither the kids nor the puppy were getting what I would consider a good upbringing... I also had to call the police several times because of screaming throwing arguments from them... how is THAT raising those kids properly? anyhoo - big tangent here:)

stepping off soap-box!!Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I agree, but she needs to be made an example of because what she did was WRONG.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

He meant she needed help from the begin so it didn't esculate to this point. She should have asked for help. Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to
 get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for
 it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked like in practice. Summoned to the woman's East Orange home by a neighbor complaining about a stench, city health inspectors found 48 cats inside the house -- 38 of them in one room -- and more than 200 dead cats stuffed into garbage bags in the back yard. The sight of so many decomposing corpses -- and the fetid odor they 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
My point exactly, only extreme cases of animal cruelty make it to the news.Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Have you watched the news latelyEvery day there is a new story of some terable thing that has happened to kids by their parents or foster parents...TadCherie A Gabbert wrote:

I would love to, the only problem is, one voice does not amount to a hill of beans. As you can see from this topic not alot of people percieve animals and kids as one in the same.
Cherie"Gloria B. Lane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How about changing the laws to agree with that...At 01:31 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:In MY mind animals and kids are one and the same and SHOULD be thought of EQUALLY, but I know this will never be, it is just how I put certain scenerios in perspective.Cherie"Gloria B. Lane" wrote:If you put "kids" in place of "animals', well - you wouldn't have"breeders" (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a cityorganization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or theywouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well notas much. And people might care more.GloriaAt 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote: Cherie A Gabbert wrote:Put kids in place of the
 animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail, but instead working with other kids?'ll get the more emotional response from me if you leave "animals" just where it is...  I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.  Trust mepeople who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals  children...well, they are the lowest of the low.  I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY
 animals..." but it would break your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all'll show them  I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustrationor the by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic  reality breakdown?  The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us all.Have a purrfect dayCherie
Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Tad Burnett

I agree...I would like to know the story behind the 200
dead animals...
That makes no sense to me...But if she took in a lot of sick FeLV+...
That is still a huge number to have outside and she has to be sick to 
let that happen..As I say there is a story behind that and I think we
to know it before we can pass judgment...

Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

  How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help
that person out also?
  Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Mia
 She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where
its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry
about the old litter that I bury in my back yard...
But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it
would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the
good name of the people that have worked with her...

If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot
of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost
touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I
say give her a break and some help...


Mia Nicer wrote:

  Thank you Tad.
I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation
butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved
and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't
happen with anyone else. 
am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that 
counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You
save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd

most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse

there is no body to care for them...
The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...
Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put 
her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill 
shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance

her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she

enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than 
just locking her up


Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

 That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for
 individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her 
 supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I
 hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would
 up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open
 shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that
is a 
 laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I
 sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.
 Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked

 Mia Nicer wrote:

 Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New
 York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for
 Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I
 am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I
 am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have
 to say about it:
 This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in
 the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer.
 Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted.
 This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their
 free time to help some of these and their own cats and have
 nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about
 it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this
 situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please
 do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this.
 There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it
 harder for them to get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.


 DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ.
 Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.

  Original Message 
 Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ
 Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400

 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard
 E. Orange resident operates rescue agency
 Friday, May 20, 2005
 Star-Ledger Staff
 Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan
 as a
 caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her
 rescue and
 adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she
 took it home
 herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for it until
 its death.
 Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy looked
 like in
 practice. Summoned to 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Barb Moermond
I agree that she made some very poor decisions, but until the authorities know exactly what is going on, and THEY know more than WE do, we just have the press, full judgment needs to be suspended until such time as deliberate cruelty is confirmed. And yes, the animal cruelty laws need to be much much stronger. Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree, but she needs to be made an example of because what she did was WRONG.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

He meant she needed help from the begin so it didn't esculate to this point. She should have asked for help. Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to
 get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for
 it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered 

RE: KittyKind as a symbol--LONG LONG response!

2005-05-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
when did we decide that a newspaper version of ANYTHING is accurate
and fair? what sells papers? woman overwhelmed with departed cats;
living ones in good shape?

I know nothing about the case except what I read here on the list, and
as MaryChristine points out you certainly cannot take newspaper articles
as gospel---they're always slanted, it's the nature of the business.
So, I feel unqualified to weigh in, apart from to thank MaryChristine
for a well-balanced and carefully considered reminder of all the factors
that should be taken into account.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:50 PM
To: FeLVTalk
Subject: KittyKind as a symbol--LONG LONG response!

okay, here goes--this has been in draft form for a number of hours
now. i know it won't be popular, i just hope that it does make
people stop for a bit and maybe challenge themselves.

while i am not in ny/nj area, and have no personal experience with
KittyKind, i have heard excellent things about this
shelter/group from folks who are

from what i gather, marlene took home the sickly ones--the ones none of
the other rescues would touch. the sick, the elderly, the severely
abused before they reach our care--these cats DIE, with
heart-wrenching regularity. and no one who hasn't accepted the care of
a large number of the most-unfortunate seem to face that reality. and
how many have ever thought about what THEY would do, in the winter, in
the north, with the earthly remains of these finally-free cats?

no one seems to notice that they didn't remove the living cats from
her custody--even if i didn't have a real understanding of how these
things can happen--that would be enough for me to question how
terrible the conditions/her care really were.

38 cats in one room? well, depends on the size of the cats, the size
of the room, the number of litter boxes, the number of windows, the
ventilation, the toys/cat-trees, the number of volunteers who come in
to cuddle and clean. having a roof over their heads, regular food and
water, observant medical care, playtime and affection--to ferals and
stays, this is heaven.

from what i've read from various sources, there were two groups of
cats in the house: 38 were in one group, 10 in the other. to me, that
sounds as if there was intentional segregation done, most likely, for
health reasons (those being treated for uris, need food intake
monitored, chronic diarrhea), ie, the cats' benefit. as someone else
said, including that of too many vets!--even having one FeLV cat in
the house would be construed as mixing the quick and the dead.  38
cats in a 10 x 12 room; not a good idea; 38 cats in a 24 x 30 room?
whole different story. unless you have visited a sanctuary setting
where the cats are free to roam
within their own space, and have plenty of comforts (or, as best
friends puts it re: housing FeLVs, intellectual
stimulation--picturing here a full video collection and library!),
most people have no idea of how well the cats get along, and how
well-adjusted they can be.

cremation is VERY expensive if you are talking about 200 cats. when
you're a 501(c)3, you have access to medication and testing kits,
greatly-reduced food costs, and, frequently, vet care at an lower
rate. i'm not sure why her chosing to spend her money on the living
cats is to be faulted so strongly, especially when medical care on a
large scale is far less expensive than when one is doing it on an
individual basis.

did she take on more than she could handle? probably--something i
think we ALL struggle with at one time or another. could she have
asked for help before the authorities got involved? probably. was
putting the bodies outside unburied a good idea--obviously not! none
of this says one word about whether these cats were loved and cared
for when it mattered.

please don't forget that another thing she did was take in the cats
that no one else would.

there was something about her behavior giving the volunteers
permission to do the same thing--if more people WOULD take in the
most-undesirable, then no one single person would ever find themselves
in this situation again.

hopefully what her volunteers, and everyone else when they put
themselves in her place, will learn is to ask for help when it's
needed, to take a hard look at their own limits, and work to find ways
to create the no-kill nation that maddie's fund promotes.

when did we decide that a newspaper version of ANYTHING is accurate
and fair? what sells papers? woman overwhelmed with departed cats;
living ones in good shape?

every shelter/sanctuary i know of has freezers full of the left-behind
bodies--it's just something that the general public doesn't think
about, or want to know about. how long they're been there before they
can be buried or otherwise disposed of depends on the available
freezer space, as well as
the method of disposal and, in the case of burial, the weather. it is

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
If she would have picked up the phone and called the local animal hospital I am sure they would have taken the dead animals...unless she did not want to answer questions, and that is just another mark against her.Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I agree...I would like to know the story behind the 200 dead animals...That makes no sense to me...But if she took in a lot of sick FeLV+...That is still a huge number to have outside and she has to be sick to let that happen..As I say there is a story behind that and I think we needto know it before we can pass judgment...TadCherie A Gabbert wrote:

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to
 get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation in Manhattan as a caregiver of last resort for homeless and dying cats. If her rescue and adoption agency, KittyKind, couldn't place a sick animal, she took it home herself, overseeing its recuperation or caring for
 it until its death. Yesterday, authorities discovered what Kess' philosophy 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I would say mixing that MANY sick and healthy kitties and having that many animals remains shows cruelty...she could have called someone or even left the bodies outside the animal hospital if she did not want to answer questions.Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree that she made some very poor decisions, but until the authorities know exactly what is going on, and THEY know more than WE do, we just have the press, full judgment needs to be suspended until such time as deliberate cruelty is confirmed. And yes, the animal cruelty laws need to be much much stronger. Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I agree, but she needs to be made an example of because what she did was WRONG.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

He meant she needed help from the begin so it didn't esculate to this point. She should have asked for help. Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am  sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.  Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and  disgusted. Cherie  Mia Nicer wrote: Hi everyone!! My name is Mia and I am a fellow rescuer in the New York, New Jersey and Conn. area. I am not making an excuse for Marlene from Kitty Kind nor am I happy with the situation in which
 she has put the Kitty Kind organization but, I do know about and I am very familiar with this rescue group since it is in my area. I am not apart of this organization but please listen to what I have to say about it:  This situation is extremely horrible and very unfortunate but in the end it will be this rescue group and the kitties that suffer. Please do not make it any harder for these cats to get adopted. This group has lots of volunteers and fosters who put in all their free time to help some of these and their own cats and have nothing to do with this situation nor did they know anything about it. I believe that the overflow is what led Marlene to this situation, again I am not making an excuse for anyone but please do not punish the many volunteers, fosters and kitties for this. There are so many kitties in need of a home and by making it harder for them to
 get their cats adopted out doesn't help anyone.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: DNA - Marlene Kess  Kitty Kind Rescue, East Orange, NJ. Hundreds of dead cats found in yard.  Original Message  Subject: DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:19:35 -0400 Hundreds of dead cats found in woman's yard E. Orange resident operates rescue agency Friday, May 20, 2005 BY BRIAN T. MURRAY AND KASI ADDISON Star-Ledger Staff Over two decades, Marlene Kess built a reputation 

RE: KittyKind as a symbol--LONG LONG response!

2005-05-24 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Ok, I too have been reading things online and I even went to looks nice, but I have also read that 200 cats in one year.come on we all have had sick and elderly cats but 200 in a 12 month time period that is an average of 16.66 a month that means more than half of the month one cat died A DAY...there is something wrong here.

As to taking the other cats out of the home, where would they put them? 

There are always alternitives, spay, neuter and medicate, then release into a safe farm land environmentkeep the elderly as they have special needs and the too sickly to medicate but otherwise fix me up and if no one can adopt them, they can even be tagged, all my cats have a chip in the neck, if they are lost they can be returned. Then let the kitties be free to roam, farms and farm land can be heaven for a kitty, all those mice and such yummy

I do not agree with all you say, but then again I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye, and if you do me or my family, furr or child, wrong watch out my wrath is great. 

Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
when did we decide that a newspaper version of ANYTHING is accurateand fair? what sells papers? "woman overwhelmed with departed cats;living ones in good shape?"I know nothing about the case except what I read here on the list, andas MaryChristine points out you certainly cannot take newspaper articlesas gospel---they're always slanted, it's the nature of the business.So, I feel unqualified to weigh in, apart from to thank MaryChristinefor a well-balanced and carefully considered reminder of all the factorsthat should be taken into account.Kerry-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCatsSent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:50 PMTo: FeLVTalkSubject: KittyKind as a symbol--LONG LONG
 response!okay, here goes--this has been in draft form for a number of hoursnow. i know it won't be popular, i just hope that it does makepeople stop for a bit and maybe challenge themselves.while i am not in ny/nj area, and have no personal experience withKittyKind, i have heard excellent things about thisshelter/group from folks who arefrom what i gather, marlene took home the sickly ones--the ones none ofthe other rescues would touch. the sick, the elderly, the severelyabused before they reach our care--these cats DIE, withheart-wrenching regularity. and no one who hasn't accepted the care ofa large number of the most-unfortunate seem to face that reality. andhow many have ever thought about what THEY would do, in the winter, inthe north, with the earthly remains of these finally-free cats?no one seems to notice that they didn't remove the living cats fromher custody--even if i didn't have a real
 understanding of how thesethings can happen--that would be enough for me to question howterrible the conditions/her care really were.38 cats in one room? well, depends on the size of the cats, the sizeof the room, the number of litter boxes, the number of windows, theventilation, the toys/cat-trees, the number of volunteers who come into cuddle and clean. having a roof over their heads, regular food andwater, observant medical care, playtime and affection--to ferals andstays, this is heaven.from what i've read from various sources, there were two groups ofcats in the house: 38 were in one group, 10 in the other. to me, thatsounds as if there was intentional segregation done, most likely, forhealth reasons (those being treated for uris, need food intakemonitored, chronic diarrhea), ie, the cats' benefit. as someone elsesaid, including that of too many vets!--even having one FeLV cat inthe house would be construed as
 mixing the quick and the dead. 38cats in a 10 x 12 room; not a good idea; 38 cats in a 24 x 30 room?whole different story. unless you have visited a sanctuary settingwhere the cats are free to roamwithin their own space, and have plenty of comforts (or, as bestfriends puts it re: housing FeLVs, "intellectualstimulation"--picturing here a full video collection and library!),most people have no idea of how well the cats get along, and howwell-adjusted they can be.cremation is VERY expensive if you are talking about 200 cats. whenyou're a 501(c)3, you have access to medication and testing kits,greatly-reduced food costs, and, frequently, vet care at an lowerrate. i'm not sure why her chosing to spend her money on the livingcats is to be faulted so strongly, especially when medical care on alarge scale is far less expensive than when one is doing it on anindividual basis.did she take on more than she could handle?
 probably--something ithink we ALL struggle with at one time or another. could she haveasked for help before the authorities got involved? probably. wasputting the bodies outside unburied a good idea--obviously not! noneof this says one word about whether these cats were loved and caredfor when it mattered.please don't forget that another thing she did was take in the 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
Barb Thank you so much for that!!! Everyone makes mistakes not everyone is perfect. She did somthing extremely wrong but she did do some great things in the past that did help animals. Still this is not an excuse.

miaBarb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

frankly, I don't see that happening here - as overworked as a lot of child protective agencies are, there are too many checks and balances and places where kids are noticed - the neighbors would have called months ago f'rinstance. There are simply far more laws and societal rules in place to protect children and while there are definitely problems with the system, this society cares more about kids than animals (however little the difference may seem to be). NO, I don't think she should get away with this scot-free, but are YOU perfect? Have you never made a mis-judgment that could have snowballed? Being diligent about your animal's housing conditions is fabulous and that your vet thinks you can and should handle more is great. What if you didn't have that vet? What if you didn't have a good support network? What if you had severe emotional problems that just blew out of control in the middle of that?

We as a society are so quick to say "*I* would never have let "x" happen" - and maybe most of the time that's accurate, but it isn't 100%... Our society has some serious ills and our energy would be better spent trying to alter the thinking that makes it OK to dump unwanted animals or not spay/neuter or abuse those weaker than ourselves and maybe if we all developed more compassion for all of our fellow creatures and left the judging up to the higher powers (and the law), we could start to solve the problem of so many overflowing shelters and unwanted animals...

There is a huge disparity between having kids and being parents. I see it all the time where I live and I've come to the conclusion that humans should have to take parenting classes and become licensed in order to be able to procreate. It makes me nuts - former downstairs neighbor, 2 adults and 4 kids in a 2 bedroom 1 bath apt. The kids were always running around making LOTS of noise, never any supervision and when I would hear an adult voice, it would be yelling ugly things at the kids. People coming and going at all hours and then they got a puppy I would hear it whining and whining they'd had it locked in the bathroom - so neither the kids nor the puppy were getting what I would consider a good upbringing... I also had to call the police several times because of screaming throwing arguments from them... how is THAT raising those kids properly? anyhoo - big tangent here:)

stepping off soap-box!!Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about 200 decaying kids in the back yard, would you say help that person out also?
CherieTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mia She has a problem no keep 200 decaying bodies outside where its bound to attract the neighbors...I have 27 un adaptable and I worry about the old litter that I bury in my back yard... But she has apparently saved many cats over the years and I think it would be much more to the rescue effort to help her out and save the good name of the people that have worked with her...If it turns out that she was putting aside for her own enjoyment a lot of donations than thetas a different story but if she has just lost touch with reality which can easily be done in this rescue fight than I say give her a break and some help...Tad Mia Nicer wrote: 

Thank you Tad. I don't agree with what she let happen. It's a horrible situation butmaybe we should have some sympathy for those that were not involved and most hurt because of this. We just have to make sure this doesn't happen with anyone else. Tad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I am going to agree with Mia...If you believe in "Its the thought that counts" I believe the woman wanted to save the cats...However "You can't save them all"...Some people have a hard time understanding thisAnd most people don't have any idea how many cats are PTS every day becouse there is no body to care for them...The woman does need some help...guidance of one sort or another...Instead of spending the thousands of dollars that it would cost to put her in jail maybe we could use her knowledge to run a large no kill shelter with some funding to pay for disposal and food etc and sentance her to stay there an put in a days work..If it should turn out that she enjoys that work than so be it but doesn't that make more sense than just locking her upTadCherie A Gabbert wrote: That is no excuse...I am
 appauld that anyone would stand up for this  individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her  supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would  hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand  up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a  shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a  laugh, 

RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Chris

Well, my vet has given me reduced rate but
it is another company altogether who does cremations  there are no
discounts!!! (Im in NY). And I agree, I would not take in
more cats than I could afford but I dont think people start out thinking
theyll take more than they can handle. As for the guy in the
parking lot, well, when I raised some questions to the few people who suggested
him, I got more than a cold response!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:04
Subject: Re: Please read this
response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

I agree to a point, but my vet and the local vets
around here, would take deceased animals and get rid of the bodies for you,
with no cost, and I have made some calls and I have not found an animal
hospital or vet around me that would not take the animal from you.

As for vet cost, if you can not afford it do not do
it.I have 9 cats now and if I could not afford sick kitties or the vet
bills, I would not have taken them.

I have a humane society (I use that lightly) that is
completly over run, I have often thought about building a facility to house
sick kitties, or last chance cats, the cost of such an endeaver is my only down
fall.big as it may be. I have gone into the humane society
with cleaning supplies and offered to clean up the kennels and they were
completely appauld me and said it was fine the way it is...let me tell you the
stench is something horried.

If there was a way and I am still looking I would definately
put my money where my mouth is and help more that my 9..

The guy that would only meet you in a parking lot,
needs to be investigated in my opinion that seems a little too fishy.



Of course, the article
doesnt really describe the condition of the living cats except that they
were in one room. Certainly it is at the very least odd that someone
would just dump the carcasses but then how much would it have cost to have each
cremated. And if she couldnt afford the cremation, I doubt
she could afford the vet bills. Ive never understood why the vet
schools dont set up free or low-cost clinics for their students to help
with this situation. It sounds like perhaps this is someone who got in
way over their head As for mixing sick  healthy
cats, does FELV diagnosis automatically constitute

Believe me, Im not
trying to make excuses for her but when as I look for a home for my Big Boy,
Ive talked to any number of people who are clearly in over their
head. One person, highly recommended by several local rescue groups for
taking their FELV cats, refused to tell me where he lived  wanted to meet
me in a parking lot to get Big Boy. Rescue groups apparently meet
him at Petco  give him their FELV kittens. While he said the reason
for not telling me where he was was because people would dump animals made some
sense, I was flabergasted that no legitimate rescue group had ever seen his
home. He might be great but who would ever know! 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:06
Subject: Re: Please read this
response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would
stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving
her supposed furry friends, If she treats her friends this way I
would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up
for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter
themselves andKess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like
the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would
like to meet her in a dark alley.

Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just
so shocked and disgusted.


a purrfect day


RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Or...

2005-05-24 Thread Chris

hadnt even thought about that!



-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:26
Subject: Re: Please read this
response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Or...

I agree very fishy. I wouldn't leave
a kitty with him. The area I live in has a person who traps ferals and goes
around to homes and asks for cats he says to keep on his farm to keep down
rodents. He is selling them to a well known research facility at a large
medical college. My friends and I make it a point to tell everyone we can what
he is doing. 

Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CAT RESCUE-in Orange, NJ]

2005-05-24 Thread Mia Nicer
Ithe volunteers and fosters come when they have the time most dont get the chance to meet all the animals, most of them were not aware of how many animals were in her care. They work full-time and try to spend the free time they have when they are not with their familyshelping these animals. Now realize they have their own plus the own at the off-site event and a ton everyday being dropped off by unresponsible owners or people with strays. Now Marlene lives in New Jersey a different state mind you and some have not even met her. They try to devote their time to the animals not chasing this woman down. 

I understand someone should watch over he organization but that should be done within the higher ups in the organization or better yet an outside source making sure everything is done right. I agree with you on this butnot peoplethe who try to give the extra hour or 2 they have in the week helping a few animals try to find a good home. Its one thing to inquire and ask questions its another to be led to believe something else. Volunteering is a gift to these rescue groups by extradinary people-it is not their fulltime job. Try to take it easy on some of them.Cherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Again, they should ask and shouls have been aware of what Kess was doing, if animals disappear from the shelter, you would inquire if they were adopted out or if she brought them home, then later ask about their and see if she needs any help...all things I myself have done and asked.Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

But Joan The volunteers and fosters are not resposible for the animals that Kess takes home. Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I agree.Since most of us screen adopters, I think the same should be for fosterers. I pay attention when someone says a house smells, or their cats are always sick etc. I never send anyone anywhere unless I have seen the house or facility, or someone I trust has.

JoanCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We will agree to disagree on this. 

I feel when you take on the responsiblity to foster or volunteer, you must take responsibility for your actions and that means if you were negligent in asking questions and being informed about the others in your facility then you are also to blame for the situation. Kess shoudl have known better, true, but the others should have watched and communicated with others, Kess is the President, but that does not mean she knows all and is right in everything she does. Personally I question everyone, and my vet questions me, to make sure I am not in it over my head (mind you she thinks I need a few more). This is the way organizations should be worked and run.

Mia Nicer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't agree with what happened as I have said more than a few time with what Kess did.

I agree with what your saying as to maybe there should have been a system to have everyone looked at. I just don't feel that all volunteers and fosters should be responsible for this woman's actions. There should have been someone in charge of making sure the numbers were not to high and that the living conditions are in good shape but how can you assume it should be everyone's job. Rescue groups and shelters struggle to get volunteers especially fosters -to assume that they should also have to check or be responsible for someone else's living conditions is insane. Please realize Kess is the President and I think founder of Kitty Kind who knows what she told these people - it is also her responsiblity to show an example. It is not a fosters or volunteers responsibilty to make sure that everything is done right by her. Yes someone should have created a system maybe that can be a thing to follow but Kess also lives no where near most of these people nor should their shared time to
 help animals be used to babysit Kess. 

We have different views to the ones who are suffering. lets just leave it at that. I am mad at Kess but I also have seen and heard volunteers and foster in pain over this and have opened my mind and tried to put myself in their situation. They might have assumed that someone was in knowledge of her conditions -how could you think these people would have just ignored this.

MiaCherie A Gabbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I have volunteered and fostered in the past I would go to other fosters homes and volunteers just to stop by and say hi, or visit the furr kids that I had cared for, the director would often be questioned by myself and others as to her population stand point and she would have us over to see for ourselves, not that she was untrusted but just as, she would come and see the volunteers set ups and check on the fosters, she opened her home to us so we could do the same, and any timeThat is responsibilty.what happened with Kess was complete irresposiblity on everyones part.

Has anyone checked on your house, before you got started, so they new you were able to care for animals if need 

RE: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Or...

2005-05-24 Thread Chris
I totally agree with you... there are many legitimate reasons why he
wouldn't want the traffic or risk the dumping  I just felt that any
rescue group that does regular business with him would have sent someone to
see the place


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind

devil's advocate here--damn, it's a pain having 4 planets in libra:
but on the other hand!

that NO one ever saw his facilities is indeed somewhat smelly.

that he doesn't allow perfect strangers into his place is not
something to imeediately judge by. many people who take in
special-needs cats do so out of their own HOMES--they are NOT a public
shelter, usually don't have the insurance to protect themselves, nor a
desire to have folks they don't know know where they are.

FeLV cats, especially, need as stress-free an environment as possible;
having strangers coming in all the time does not meet my definition of
that FeLV cats tend NOT to be adopted out, so for them, a
sanctuary setting is THEIR forever home, as much as it is the human's
who care for them.

do NOT underestimate the dumping factor--and the role that
cowardice/shame plays in dumping. most people who dump do NOT call for
an appointment, nor knock on the door and say, i'm leaving a sick cat
in a crate out in the snow at midnight--hope you find it in time! as
most farm folk can tell you, even healthy cats are dumped on them all
the time. there are only so many cats that ANY facility can take in;
limiting access is one of the ways to prevent a bad situation from

neighbors are another very valid reason to limit access--even in
places where there are no legal limits on the number of cats one can
have, there are often technicalities that ordinary folk don't think
about when starting to take in the unwanted--special-use permits, for
example. amount of traffic is another issue--these days, anyone in
this area with a lot of coming and going traffic is gonna be looked at
as a possible meth-lab: a definite problem since cooking the
ingredients gives off a cat-urine odor! and then there are the very
real folks who just like to cause trouble--every hour spent dealing
with them means an hour that the cats DON'T get

ON THE OTHER HAND volunteers and rescues who regularly work with a
facility SHOULD be allowed to see the place! the general public is one
thing, even a group that a facility has never worked with before might
be asked to meet off-site initially.

people need to investigate the shelters/rescues/sanctuaries they
relinquish cats to, just as the shelters/rescues/sanctuaries research
the folks they adopt to. there is NO way to completely weed out the
good liars and the psychos, but both sides need to do their homework.
which means talking to a NUMBER of people and groups--i don't know of
any group that doesn't have SOMEONE who hates them, often because they
were denied adoption rights. or people who find fault with EVERY
organization they contact

we do the best we can we have to communicate with compassion and
honesty amongst ourselves, for the good of the critters...


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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