Re: Mama Kitty

2006-06-17 Thread Samiluke

Mama Kitty looks great!!  Thanks for sharing the good news!
In a message dated 6/17/2006 2:46:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Still fairly new to the list here -- but reading faithfully and going 
  through it all with you guys. 
  In review - Mama Kitty was FeVL+ symptomatic six weeks ago - had 
  lost 14% of her body weight, was very anemic, and did not have a good 
  prognosis before I began a five week treatment with acemannon tummy shots and 
  supplements including colostrum. (initial treatment included ammoxi and 
  short-acting corticosteroid shot...) Since, she has gained weight - 
  continues to improve...plays with her toys again and raced like a mad woman 
  across the yard and more than six feet up a big oak 
  tree recently :0)
  To be honest -- I don't know exactly where we stand now -- but this 
  morning I asked Mama Kitty how she was feeling.  You can see from the 
  picture she says, "I'm feeling pretty good right now!" 
  Just praying for good days and hoping to spread a little hope :0)  
  head butts and kittie kisses  to you all.


Re: To Gina

2006-06-17 Thread Gina
Hi Wendy,     Pippin is due for her next test in three weeks.  She will be three months old then.  How much L-lysine or vitamin C and in what form should we give her?  Do you have a particular brand(s) of food you recommend?  Right now she is getting Science Diet wet kitten food mixed with KMR four times a day.     We are trying to keep her stress-free and safe.  She has her own large crate with her food, water and a litter pan, plus toys and a bed.  She stays there when we are not at home or are sleeping.  Otherwise she has the run of the house, except for the adult cats' room.  She does not have access to their food, water or litter pans or vice-versa.  They seem to accept her, but they don't care for her chasing them around and trying to play all the time! :)     Gina     wendy
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Gina,Your website is too cute! Love the pics and thelittle stories next to them. Pippin may indeed testfalse with her next FeLV test. MANY cats throw thevirus off. I can't remember exactly how long youwait, but I think 3 months is the minimum wait becauseso many kittens give a false positive early on. Pippin may not even have it to begin with! In themeantime, feed her good quality food, keep her stressfree, and supplement her diet with immune systemboosters, like L-lysine or vitamin C. Please keep usposted on her next test and anything in between.:)WendyDallas, Tx__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
 No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery 
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: kitty fur changing color???

2006-06-17 Thread felv
I've had cats change colors before, yes. Many times buff or orange ones will 
lighter. Tigger is orange, and now has been growing black whiskers lately, and 
now seen a few black hairs in his coat too, now THAT is weird! It may be an
overpigmentation issue, he developed a tiny black freckle on his upper lip when 
was about a year old, and it's been growing a little ever since. Mythic is 
more white hairs throughout his coat as he ages too, he was almost all black 
only one white whisker for 2 years, now he has 3 white whiskers and white hairs 
throughout his coat, very salt and peppery. I  pick on them both about it, I 
say, "My
orange kitty is turning black, and my black kitty is turning white... Tiggy, 
did you
steal Miffie's black hairs?"


PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!

DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera 
pictures) and HOMES for CATS!

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Re: Phaewryn and Bones

2006-06-17 Thread felv
Yes, I'm very overwhelmed right now. Adoptions are so low. it's not just me, 
nationally, adoption rates are way down right now. I'm working out a new 
program to
connect cats with local seniors at NO cost to them. I'm going to place my cats 
good indoor senior's homes and deliver weekly food/litter supplies free for the
duration of the cat being there. My vet says this is a GREAT idea, and they 
think I
will have MANY interested seniors, as they have had many seniors lose beloved 
and want to adopt another, but that didn't due to cost of upkeep. They suspect 
as soon as I get my flyers posted at their office, I will get several interested
phone calls in the program. I'm very hopeful that this option may work out in 
long run. I don't have funding issues at all, I have space issues, so this 
would be a
perfect solution for me and the cats, and also potentially VERY good for a 

The ferals seem well, the ones I've seen anyways, some have disappeared... not
uncommon for relocated ferals. You can only expect a 70% survival/success rate 
relocated colonies. The other option was a 100% death rate, so it's a good end
result, though it's far from ideal. I try to be logical about it. I REALLY miss 
of them, and worry about him, he wasn't real feral, maybe he found a home, 
that's all
I can hope for, that he is now a beloved pet somewhere... Mackenzie is his name.


PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!

DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera 
pictures) and HOMES for CATS!

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Re: to Nina

2006-06-17 Thread felv

A far worse thing for dental health in cats is the fact that most people 
don't take their cats into the vet for annual tooth scaling. What makes wet food 
so bad is that people feed it, and then don't provide proper tooth care. Wet 
food alone is NOT the culprit. With dry food, it is less apt to cause issues in 
cats that go YEARS without dental care. Feeding your cat a few dry "dental" 
treats (or RAW bones) is all that is needed to remove wet food goo from the 
teeth, or, if you're really into it, and care about dental health, they DO make 
cat tooth brushes and toothpaste.
PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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To Kris re: website

2006-06-17 Thread Gina
Hi Kris,     Thank you for the compliment on their website.  I really enjoy working on it.  I purchased my domain name and webspace through Startlogic.  We have a main site which is our family website and then a page for the kitties' site.  If you have any other questions about the website, feel free to ask :)     Pippin is a joy!  In just the two short weeks we've had her, she has made a permanent place in my heart.     Gina  gwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Love your website!!  Can I ask who you go through to do it?  And little Pippin is so adorable, looks like a cat
 I had when growing up, Tiger.  I hope your little girl will test negative when retested :).     Kris Original Message -   From: Gina   To:   Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 3:04 PM  Subject: Hello, new to Felvtalk   
 Hi,     I wanted to introduce myself and my kitten.  Her name Pippin.  She is about nine weeks old and had a faint positive result on her first FeLV test on Thursday.  I've been frantically doing research about the disease and I came across the support group.  I am looking for others to talk with :)     Pippin and our other cats have a website if you would like to visit it:     Thank you,  Gina No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery   Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low
 rates.No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery 
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Re: Mama Kitty

2006-06-17 Thread felv

her mouth looks nice and pink now! Looks GOOD!
PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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Re: (no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread felv

They both make wet foods too, try that website I posted, 
they show all their wet foods too (I believe I posted direct links to the wet 
varieties for each brand I listed). I'm reading my bag of California natural 
right now, it does NOT have phenyalanine in it, unless it's under the guise of 
"natural flavors". I think that out of all the wet brands I read doing the 
research for you that the Innova Evo was the highest protein wet cat food 
I'm not the local expert on wet and raw diets for this group.. I'm sure one 
of them will join in and tell us why wet/raw is better due to the increased 
liquid and how the protein ratios work out, but I am fairly sure that it's the 
same in the end because the cats on "wet" diets drink less water so the protein 
they eat doesn't get "diluted" much with extra water, where-as cats on dry diets 
drink a ton more water, so the protein in the food they eat gets well diluted 
down to the same difference as what's in wet food... that's the only logical 
explanation as to why wet cat food is so much lower in protein. Someone here 
MUST know that for sure though
I guess I'm used to living out in the country, I order most everything 
online. My food I can buy at my vet's office, but all supplies and supplements I 
buy at
PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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OT: kitty fur changing color???

2006-06-17 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

Just wondering...Smookie's fur was all black, but
recently in the past couple of weeks I've noticed it
changing around her neck, on her chest, belly, butt,
and sides to a white/black peppery color.  The color
is actually really beautiful and soft and fluffy.  I
was wondering if any of you have had any experience
with your kitty's changing color?  I don't think she
is a Siamese mix.  My Siamese mix was a light beige
and then changed to a dark brown seal point the older
she got, but this is different.


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Re: To Gina

2006-06-17 Thread wendy

Your website is too cute!  Love the pics and the
little stories next to them.  Pippin may indeed test
false with her next FeLV test.  MANY cats throw the
virus off.  I can't remember exactly how long you
wait, but I think 3 months is the minimum wait because
so many kittens give a false positive early on. 
Pippin may not even have it to begin with!  In the
meantime, feed her good quality food, keep her stress
free, and supplement her diet with immune system
boosters, like L-lysine or vitamin C.  Please keep us
posted on her next test and anything in between.

Dallas, Tx

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To Kris re questions

2006-06-17 Thread wendy
Hey Kris,

I don't have answers to all your questions, but
hopefully I can help out with some.  

I feed my furbabies Innova Evo, which is one of the
best.  You can't get it at Petsmart or Petco.  You can
get it online or through smaller pet boutiques.  As
far as I can tell from research, canned food is fine,
and absolutely better than dry (especially dry that
contains grains).  

If Spaz does not go outside at all, I would not
vaccinate her for rabies; no reason to.  That's just
my opinion.  Plus, I don't think you can give rabies
to your babies; I think they have to be bitten by a
rabid animal to contract it.

As far as communicating with others about cats and
various cat subjects, I think the internet is the best
medium for this.  The problem is getting animal lovers
who are not computer savvy, or listserve savvy, to
participate.  I think the internet is a fabulous tool
for information exchange, and much more efficient than
in person.  In the future, it will be the
be-all/end-all of information exchange on current
topics, such as cat care.  

Cornell University is one of the best research
facilities for FeLV.  Texas A&M is also a good place
to look for more info.  There are a few others, but I
can't remember them.  Hope this info. helps!


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To Kerry re Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread wendy
Hey Kerry,

I have bought the IR (Equistim) from Revival and it
costs about $50 total including about $18 in S&H,
although that might be off a few bucks.  They can send
it very quickly.  It comes in a cooler container, and
the IR has to be kept refrigerated.  I can't remember
the dose that Cricket got.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I took him to the vet today..she is out of town, but
> in touch with them..They gave him 200cc sub-q
> fluids, ran a cbc, gave him tagamet injection and
> Bcomplex injection..His temp was 102.8 which it has
> been going up and down the since Thurs..
>   His total protein was 5.8 (not good) PCV was 22
> also not good since 3 wks ago is was the highest it
> had been since he was on procrit last Aug..So she
> thinks that maybe all his blood work is off due to
> being a little dehydrated.. He did eat a little when
> we got home on his own and drank some water..He went
> to the litter box without falling, but it was all he
> could do to get back to his bed and fall over on his
> left side since his leg trouble is on the right..He
> did walk somewhat better though..but wobbly..
>   I gave him 3cc of nutrical, too..So they said I
> need to bring him back tomorrow to be looked at
> again to see if he is better and for more fluids.  I
> hate to do that, but if he needs any other meds, it
> is the best way for us to do it..I could give the
> fluids here, but he might need something else..His
> WBC was normal...I think they will probably run
> another PCV and TP on Monday to see if they went up
> after he is hydrated and hopefully eating.  I am
> going to try the immuno-regulin for sure..It might
> be what we should have done a long time ago..
>   Nina, have you bought that from the site you sent
> to me or do you know someone that has?  Just
> wondering..Please let me know what you all know
> about this as I want to start that asap.
>   Thanks again to you all,
>   Kerry and Bandy
> -
> Do you Yahoo!?
>  Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new
> Yahoo! Mail Beta.

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Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread wendy

Bandy is in my prayers, as are you.  I hope the vet is
able to help him and that he bounces back quickly. 
Poor guy...he's had a tough time of late.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
>   I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the
> ringworm topic...He really is sick right now...the
> worst I have seen since all this started last
> June..I am hoping he will respond to some of the
> meds real soon..I don't know what to do for him..
>   He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't
> get up at all...I stood him up but he is too weak to
> stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I think
> he must have another infection somewhere or I really
> just don't know...but something is for sure not
> right..other than the leg problem...
>   Anyway, please pray for him.
>   Thank you,
>   Kerry and Bandy
> -
> Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make
> PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread moonvine
I'm so sorry little Bandy is sick.  I will be praying for you both.

Re: SPCA's Views on FelV

2006-06-17 Thread moonvine
> Testing is VERY expensive when you take in numbers of cats. It's 
> hard to break even as it is... most people don't want to pay over 
> $70 for a cat's adoption fee... the FIV/FELV combo snap test is 
> $35. Add the spay/neuter... and you're already losing money. I 
> have never ever once made any profit on saving a single cat in my 1
> care. My typical loss is upwards of $50 for every cat I rescue, 
> just in vet work, that's not saying how much in food, litter, and 
> supplies I spend for every cat. 
I am really lucky that I can get cats tested for $16 each.  I do have 
to wait, sometimes for hours, though.  We charge a higher adoption fee 
and I still lose enough money that I can't take in any more fosters.  
Missy has to go to the kitty cardiologist and we are having layoffs at 
my job.  Adoptions are down this year too.

Oh, I also have a wondeful vet who doesn't charge me an exam fee.  He 
loses money on me big time.  I still spent over $125 in meds just for 
fosters in the month of May, not including my own cats.  

to Nina

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

Also, thanks for the responses to all 
the other questions.  I am still just confused about how the cat gets 
enough protein out of the canned food to stay healthy.  Also, is it really 
as bad for their oral health as the vets, etc. say it is?  From a human 
standpoint, I know this is not true as I am in the dental field, but I don't 
know if something could be different for cats/animals.  It doesn't seem 
like it would, but...
I agree completely that the public, 
as well as the vets in my opinion, need to be educated.  Not that I know 
all that much, but I do know some and more than the average person, and mainly, 
I just know my own experiences and what worked, etc., so that is what I want to 
share.  Not only about leukemia, but also about ferals.  4 of my cats 
are ferals, and they are just wonderful.

Re: [NMHP] Silly bugs, kibble is for cats!-To Michelle

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, I was there years ago, and it was fantastically beautiful, and the 
shelter is unbelievably large and well-run and wonderful.
In a message dated 6/15/2006 6:25:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Michelle,I love Best Friends!  I think what they are doing 
  isfantastic.  They are VERY well connected too.  I amsad 
  today because I had to cancel our reservations tovisit and volunteer in 
  the cat sanctuary at BestFriends early next month.  My husband took a 
  new joband we cannot take off.  We will eventually make itthere 
  though!  Angel Canyon is supposed to 


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

These are just things I have been told, not really my opinion as I have no 
medical training myself.  I know medical things we are told are often 
wrong, including things told to me. 
In a message dated 6/17/2006 7:47:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  I guess we have some conflicting 
  information, etc.  But that's what this site is for - to share 
  ideas and try to help.  Apparently, they are having a hard time figuring 
  out what is going on w/ Bandy.  As far as fungi and steroids, it depends 
  on the fungus.  The treatment that was supposed to work had no effect 
  whatsoever, so it was evidently something unusual.  Steroids can irritate 
  some fungal infections, but the fungus showed up there and grew without any 
  steroid, so I don't think it "feeds" the fungus.  But that is your 
  opinion, which we are all entitled to have.


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

I guess we have some conflicting 
information, etc.  But that's what this site is for - to share 
ideas and try to help.  Apparently, they are having a hard time figuring 
out what is going on w/ Bandy.  As far as fungi and steroids, it depends on 
the fungus.  The treatment that was supposed to work had no effect 
whatsoever, so it was evidently something unusual.  Steroids can irritate 
some fungal infections, but the fungus showed up there and grew without any 
steroid, so I don't think it "feeds" the fungus.  But that is your opinion, 
which we are all entitled to have.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 7:25 
  Subject: Re: Please pray for Bandy
  Most feline anemia is not due to low iron. I myself had low iron anemia 
  for a while, and my iron levels were actually low. But I am vegan, and 
  on a medicine that hinders iron absorbtion, and a menstruating woman. 
  Fasting for a  few days does not make people get iron anemic, usually. 
  And vets have told me that cats do not tend to get iron anemic. It may be that 
  it affects it somewhat, but it should not make a big difference in their 
  In a message dated 6/17/2006 7:01:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
But if you the animal isn't getting iron 
and protein, wouldn't that hinder production? 

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Most feline anemia is not due to low iron. I myself had low iron anemia for 
a while, and my iron levels were actually low. But I am vegan, and on a 
medicine that hinders iron absorbtion, and a menstruating woman. Fasting for 
a  few days does not make people get iron anemic, usually. And vets have 
told me that cats do not tend to get iron anemic. It may be that it affects it 
somewhat, but it should not make a big difference in their PCV.
In a message dated 6/17/2006 7:01:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  But if you the animal isn't getting iron 
  and protein, wouldn't that hinder production? 


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

But if you the animal isn't getting iron and 
protein, wouldn't that hinder production? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:43 
  Subject: Re: Please pray for Bandy
  I don't think that not eating affects PCV much.
  In a message dated 6/17/2006 6:42:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  It sounds like if he would just 
eat, then his PCV and protein would improve.  Even though 22 is lower 
than he was, at least it's still a decent number.  I guess I'm 
just saying, I personally don't think he is anywhere near being ready to 
cross yet.  He just needs help, and that is presenting to be tricky at 
the moment.  I wish I knew something to help you, but I don't, but 
still, personally, I think keep on trying, don't give up yet.  My 
Spaz was almost gone thrice, but we made it.  It seems strange to me 
that he would have a fever but normal WBC, unless his personal count is 
usually lower, so this is actually high for him, but still technically 
within the "normal" range.  All I can tell you is that Spaz, when in 
the hospital for her URI, had a temp that would go up and down for about 8 
days, and then finally was able to keep it down.  I wish you the best 
for Bandy!

Re: Bandy and the ringworm-- depo

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

That is REALLY strange, because steroids usually feed fungi and make them 
worse, I think. They help with allergies, though.
In a message dated 6/15/2006 8:42:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  This is not the same situation, but 
  Spaz once had a fungal ear infection which the vet attempted to treat with 
  Conofite, and it did absolutely nothing.  He then gave her a shot of 
  Depo-Medrol, and that gave excellent results.


to Nina

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

thanks a lot for the recipe - you say 
it's a pain in the neck - is that for us, or the turkey :)  just kidding, 
and i agree wholeheartedly that it is worth it if it keeps 'em 

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

I don't think that not eating affects PCV much.
In a message dated 6/17/2006 6:42:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
It sounds like if he would just 
  eat, then his PCV and protein would improve.  Even though 22 is lower 
  than he was, at least it's still a decent number.  I guess I'm just 
  saying, I personally don't think he is anywhere near being ready to cross 
  yet.  He just needs help, and that is presenting to be tricky at the 
  moment.  I wish I knew something to help you, but I don't, but still, 
  personally, I think keep on trying, don't give up yet.  My Spaz was 
  almost gone thrice, but we made it.  It seems strange to me that he would 
  have a fever but normal WBC, unless his personal count is usually lower, so 
  this is actually high for him, but still technically within the "normal" 
  range.  All I can tell you is that Spaz, when in the hospital for her 
  URI, had a temp that would go up and down for about 8 days, and then finally 
  was able to keep it down.  I wish you the best for 


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

It sounds like if he would just eat, 
then his PCV and protein would improve.  Even though 22 is lower than he 
was, at least it's still a decent number.  I guess I'm just saying, I 
personally don't think he is anywhere near being ready to cross yet.  He 
just needs help, and that is presenting to be tricky at the moment.  I wish 
I knew something to help you, but I don't, but still, personally, I think 
keep on trying, don't give up yet.  My Spaz was almost gone thrice, but we 
made it.  It seems strange to me that he would have a fever but normal WBC, 
unless his personal count is usually lower, so this is actually high for him, 
but still technically within the "normal" range.  All I can tell you is 
that Spaz, when in the hospital for her URI, had a temp that would go up and 
down for about 8 days, and then finally was able to keep it down.  I wish 
you the best for Bandy!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:25 
  Subject: Re: Please pray for Bandy
  I took him to the vet today..she is out of town, but in touch with 
  them..They gave him 200cc sub-q fluids, ran a cbc, gave him tagamet injection 
  and Bcomplex injection..His temp was 102.8 which it has been going up and down 
  the since Thurs..
  His total protein was 5.8 (not good) PCV was 22 also not good since 3 wks 
  ago is was the highest it had been since he was on procrit last Aug..So she 
  thinks that maybe all his blood work is off due to being a little dehydrated.. 
  He did eat a little when we got home on his own and drank some water..He went 
  to the litter box without falling, but it was all he could do to get back to 
  his bed and fall over on his left side since his leg trouble is on the 
  right..He did walk somewhat better though..but wobbly..
  I gave him 3cc of nutrical, too..So they said I need to bring him back 
  tomorrow to be looked at again to see if he is better and for more 
  fluids.  I hate to do that, but if he needs any other meds, it is the 
  best way for us to do it..I could give the fluids here, but he might need 
  something else..His WBC was normal...I think they will probably run another 
  PCV and TP on Monday to see if they went up after he is hydrated and hopefully 
  eating.  I am going to try the immuno-regulin for sure..It might be what 
  we should have done a long time ago..
  Nina, have you bought that from the site you sent to me or do you know 
  someone that has?  Just wondering..Please let me know what you all know 
  about this as I want to start that asap.
  Thanks again to you all,
  Kerry and Bandy
  Do you Yahoo!?Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new 
  Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: felv kittten

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Have you tried calling Tabby's Place? I think it's on 22 or 202 near 
Bridgewater. When I was there last year they said they were going to build a 
room for FeLV+ cats and kittens. If they don't have space, they may know someone 
who does.
Flanders, NJ
In a message dated 6/17/2006 12:15:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  i work at a pet store and i have other kitten that had been dump there. 
  i took him in but the gorup i vol is to full and i do not have the money 
  to pay for a lot   the group i vol test him for me. but i have 4 other 
  kitten and 1 adult cat. the other kitten test neg.  i live in nj  
  any help any one at can give will be great or if you know any one that live in 
  nj that foster felv cat that if he does test pos that might have opening it 
  would be helpful.
  his name is Giggles 
  i do not know how to post under the same page sry if i doing this work 
  please help


Re: Bandy and the ringworm

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Kerry, maybe you should have her get it overnighted by Revival so it will 
get there on Tuesday.

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Kerry,. if he is still not eating enough, 1) try the liver shake recipe, 
and 2) if he won't eat that either or enough (normal or almost normal amount) 
you should probably syringe feed him some. Once they don't eat, they feel weaker 
and worse, which makes them less likely to eat, a vicious circle. You need to 
get food into him.
In a message dated 6/17/2006 5:29:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Hi guys,
  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He really is 
  sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started last June..I am 
  hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I don't know what to do 
  for him..
  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at all...I stood 
  him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I 
  think he must have another infection somewhere or I really just don't 
  know...but something is for sure not right..other than the leg 
  Anyway, please pray for him.
  Thank you,
  Kerry and Bandy


Re: immuno-regulin dosage

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

   At least to start, I would give I-R IV, at the vet's if you 
can't do it yourself. That is the only way the studies show it working and the 
company that makes it says it will work. They advise against giving it sub-q. 
However, at least 2 cats on this list have gotten it sub-q without problems, and 
they seem to think it works really well, so if he continues to get it after the 
first couple of times I might try it sub-q. But with how badly he is feeling 
right now, I would start IV.
   The Dr. who wrote one of the articles on the website says he 
gives 1 ml IV every 3 or 4 days for 10 days.  I have given 1 ml at a 
time.  But one of my cats had a reaction at that dosage, having a fever 
spike and chills for an hour (but then got SO much better immediately and 
started eating), so I decided I would start at a lower dosage next time. The 
veterinary medical reference book (don't remember what it is called, maybe the 
Veterinary Pill Book) says to give 1/2 ml to 1 ml.  So you might want to 
start with 1/2 ml.  Then again, one of my cats did fine with no side 
effects on 1 ml, and the 1 ml dosage really does seem to jump start their immune 
systems, so maybe at this point you should try it, I don't know.
Sorry I can't be more definitive,
In a message dated 6/17/2006 5:50:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  I was trying to find some more info on the IR..and found the posts by 
  Cindy about giving it sub-q..I need to know how much IV and sub-q..and how 
  often we should stay with it...I guess we really need a starting point to see 
  if it won't help Bandy..
  I will keep trying to catch up on the past posts, but if you could post 
  it again, it would really help since it is needed quickly...Also, what about 
  him being on steroids?  I read that it isn't good or they have to be off 
  them for a week...
  Thanks so much,
  Kerry and Bandy


Re: two more questions that I forgot

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, on the lysine. As to interferon, most people who give it give it 
prophylactically, before they get sick, to try to keep the immune system up. It 
is up in the air how much, or if, it helps.  Personally I think that things 
like lysine and immuno-regulin work better, but I-R is not generally given 
prophylactically (though someone on this list works at a shelter where a 10 year 
old positive cat was dropped off when her person went to a nursing home, and she 
had been healthy since birth with FeLV and was getting I-R regularly as an 
immune builder.
In a message dated 6/17/2006 10:24:03 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Hi again all,
  I also was wondering, with all the 
  talk about lysine lately, if that is just regular lysine, the same as humans 
  would consume, but without the propylene glycol? is that 


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Kerry, I bought the Immuno-Regulin from Revival online, and it arrived 
quickly and without problem, and I think was about $30 for a vial I have used 
several times and it is still half full.

Re: Hello, new to Felvtalk

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

Love your website!!  Can I ask 
who you go through to do it?  And little Pippin is so adorable, looks like 
a cat I had when growing up, Tiger.  I hope your little girl will test 
negative when retested :).

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 3:04 
  Subject: Hello, new to Felvtalk
  I wanted to introduce myself and my kitten.  Her 
  name Pippin.  She is about nine weeks old and had a faint positive 
  result on her first FeLV test on Thursday.  I've been frantically doing 
  research about the disease and I came across the 
  support group.  I am looking for others to talk with :)
  Pippin and our other cats have a website if you would like to visit it:
  Thank you,
  Gina No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats 
  are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
  Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low 

Re: (no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

Well, let your bad feeling leave you 
:)  I forgot all about Drs. Foster & Smith (sorry to have bothered 
anyone with that question now), but I do know of them.  I guess I was just 
looking for a location to actually GO to and get it.  Also, I do not buy my 
cat food at Wal-Mart; I am currently buying from a specialty store.  I know 
the other stuff is garbage, and also know to avoid by-products, bone meals, 
corn, and additives, and that taurine is an essential nutrient.  I just 
don't remember seeing any good vitamin supplements at the pet store, either, but 
perhaps I'm wrong...I've been to the naturapet website looking at Felidae and 
Calif. Naturals, but that was just dry food.  Also, Calif. Nat. has 
phenyalanine in it, which is known to cause tumors.  I will go back and 
check out the moist food at their site and the other you gave, but I'm still not 
sure I understand how the cat will get enough protein when the percentage is so 
much lower.  Will I simply feed more of it to make up the 
Thanks for all your guys' 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:36 
  Subject: Re: (no subject)
  Oh, the canned food thing... I have a bad feeling that since the only 
  place you knew to buy vitamin supplements was Walmart, you may actually be 
  feeding that stuff they call "cat food" that you can buy in Walmart or the 
  grocery store. That stuff is NOT any good at all. Friskies, Cat Chow, Alley 
  Cat, etc, all TRASH; Pro Plan, Iams, Hill's, all only one step above TRASH. 
  You should only buy pet food at a vet's office or a specialty pet supply 
  store. Look for the "super premium" brands. A can of cat food should NEVER 
  cost less than $0.75 for a 5.5 oz can (most good ones are near a dollar a can 
  or more), or you aren't buying good quality. Friskies, Purina, Fancy Feast, 
  those are all BAD foods. Read the ingredients labels, the first ingredient 
  should always be some kind of MEAT (not meat by products, or bone meal, or 
  anything except MEAT). Cat food should never contain any corn. Cat food should 
  ideally not contain anything you can't pronounce, unless it's a vitamin or 
  mineral (carrageenan, guar gum, BHA, BHT, etc, all not so great wet cat food 
  ingredients). Sometimes you can't get around the guar gum, just look for ones 
  with LESS of it). Make sure that any cat food you feed has TAURINE in it. Even 
  the super premium brands, in wet food, they will be lower protein than dry 
  foods. This is due to the amount of water used to make it. It's not any less 
  quality of protein, it's just watered down. Cats fed all wet food diets will 
  tend to drink less water on the side, cats that eat all dry food diets will 
  drink more. It works out about the same in the end. Most people choose to feed 
  both dry and wet, others choose all dry (usually due to convenience), others 
  choose all wet (cats tend to prefer wet food, many owners claim it's more 
  natural since raw dead animals are very wet by nature). Still other owners 
  choose to feed all raw diets of REAL dead animals, the MOST natural diet for 
  any carnivore, such as a cat. Lot's of us just don't have that much time, 
  that's my excuse anyways. I feed free choice dry food in an auto-feeder and 
  give wet food as a treat only upon occasion. But I work two jobs, and just 
  don't have much time to do "what's best". It's all what WORKS for you, and 
  what your cat does the best on. It's very trial&error. :)
  Here is the brands I feed, their website is very good, you can view each 
  variety of cat food, and read all the ingredients, and nutritional info for 
  each one. They even let you compare four kinds side by side: 
  Their Innova EVO is the highest protein cat food they make (I 
  personally feed the California Natural brand):[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Other good brands:
  Chicken Soup: 
  (there are others, just read labels)
  If you don't have a good vet store or pet supply store near you, this is 
  a good online pet food store:  
  (you can look up many brands and compare on this site, a wonderful 
  Just so you know, there are super premium cat food brands that aren't 
  very good too, so you have to read labels. One to avoid is Flint River... it's 
  all corn and by-products, yet very expensive.
  I hope that helps!
  PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little 

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
I took him to the vet today..she is out of town, but in touch with them..They gave him 200cc sub-q fluids, ran a cbc, gave him tagamet injection and Bcomplex injection..His temp was 102.8 which it has been going up and down the since Thurs..  His total protein was 5.8 (not good) PCV was 22 also not good since 3 wks ago is was the highest it had been since he was on procrit last Aug..So she thinks that maybe all his blood work is off due to being a little dehydrated.. He did eat a little when we got home on his own and drank some water..He went to the litter box without falling, but it was all he could do to get back to his bed and fall over on his left side since his leg trouble is on the right..He did walk somewhat better though..but wobbly..  I gave him 3cc of nutrical, too..So they said I need to bring him back tomorrow to be looked at again to see if he is better and for more fluids.  I hate to do that, but if he needs any other meds, it
 is the best way for us to do it..I could give the fluids here, but he might need something else..His WBC was normal...I think they will probably run another PCV and TP on Monday to see if they went up after he is hydrated and hopefully eating.  I am going to try the immuno-regulin for sure..It might be what we should have done a long time ago..  Nina, have you bought that from the site you sent to me or do you know someone that has?  Just wondering..Please let me know what you all know about this as I want to start that asap.  Thanks again to you all,  Kerry and Bandy 
		Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Nina-Ty (Little Noses)

2006-06-17 Thread ETrent

Interjecting here - maybe inappropriately...but I am so sorry you guys are 
dealing with health issues-- but I just have to tell you how much I appreciate 
that you have a house full of love :-)  We're (my kitties and I) 
are outside the city limits too -- and it just makes me feel good about my 
country to know there are people like you who care so much and take time to tune 
in to these dear creatures.  We're lucky to have them even when they do 
present themselves for help with sickness and other troubles.  It's a good 
life - and you are a dear soul.
In a message dated 6/16/2006 6:44:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  No, I'm called either Roxane or Ann, my mom didn't want me to be called 
  Roxy so she nicknamed me before other kids would.  I just don't know why 
  she didn't name me Ann it that is what she was going to call me. : )
  Tom, my husband, and I for the last 5 years or so have trapped 
  ferals and have taken them in for spay/neuter and then return them where we 
  trapped them (our property), some we see again others we don't.  Any 
  kittens we find we work to socialize and find homes.  Ty is the 
  first one I would call a stray not feral.  The first day I was able to 
  pick him up and handle with out being scratched or biten, he just cuddled 
  right in when I picked him up, it was love for me.  Ty is our first Felv 
  to come to our house, I hope this is not a new pattern starting.
  The cat clinic just upset me more, it was more than obvious they didn't 
  want to deal with a Felv cat.  Since dealing with a canine with 
  auto-immune disease I've really come to not trust vets in general.  I 
  hope I don't offend anyone when I get talking about my views of vets but I 
  believe if they wouldn't be so money hungry they would help educate their 
  clients about vaccines and not over vaccinate.  I know that a lot of it 
  is my fault too, I never thought a vet would hurt my puppy.  I better 
  stop talking about the vets & canines I have lots to say.
  I will not worry about the little noses, he is not blowing bubbles 
  anymore.  I know, that is really bad but he has improved a lot, very 
  little stuffiness and is purring fairly normal.
  I think it is funny how many people say their fiv's are couch potatoes, 
  Peep has never got that memo, he is always doing something, very active 
  comparied to my other healthy 8 y/o (Jay) both are my luv bugs.  Peep has 
  major issues with Ty, Peep has a strong territorial instinct, guess that is 
  why he is fiv, he will not back down from a fight and enjoys starting them, 
  ok, I guess he is only a sweetie to me & my husband.  Tom keeps 
  telling me to prepare myself, he knows how hard it will be on me when 
  something does happen with Peep but I don't think it will be any different 
  from my 11 y/o healthy boy Chandler (he is my first cat) or any other one, 
  they are my kids along with the canines.
  I have just 2 canines Cheyenne, a 12 y/o Golden Retriever rescue, and 
  Pollee a wild 4 y/o field English Setter, she is the one that opened a lot of 
  doors for me in the world of animal health, because of her auto-immune 
  disease she has a low thyroid, major allergy issues, along with some other 
  little things.  I also have 1 Jersey Wooly rabbit and a bunch of chickens 
  running the yard driving the dogs nuts.  I'm lucky I live out in the 
  country and the county, at this time, doesn't limit us to how many pets we can 
  so do you have dogs?  You don't have to tell me numbers


Re: Hello, new to Felvtalk

2006-06-17 Thread jenmeyer
Hi Gina!

What a little sweetheart!!  I'd certainly retest her in a few months as
there's a possibility that she may test negative next time
the meantime, I'd make sure everybody's immune systems are good and
strong with an excellent quality food!

Such a cutie...Love the name!  We used to have a cat named "Piglet" (his
tail was kinked so that it wrapped itself in a loop like a little pig's
tail) but his name was later shortened to "Pips," one of my all-time
favorite names!

Don't be shy about questions...this is a wonderful and supportive group!
 I don't know what I'd do without them!  :)


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade Runner

- Original Message -
Date: Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:05 pm
Subject: Hello, new to Felvtalk

> Hi,
>  I wanted to introduce myself and my kitten.  Her name Pippin.  
> She is about nine weeks old and had a faint positive result on her 
> first FeLV test on Thursday.  I've been frantically doing research 
> about the disease and I came across the support 
> group.  I am looking for others to talk with :)
>  Pippin and our other cats have a website if you would like to 
> visit it:
>  Thank you,
>  Gina 
> No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to 
> welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

Re: hi im new

2006-06-17 Thread ETrent

Just jumping in here -- Nina - I always appreciate your posts and I'm not 
good about telling you so.  Thanks with all my heart.
We're an 8 kitty household here and we're new to FeVL+ (about 2 months 
new) since Mama Kitty tested positive and has spent quite a lot of time 
indoors with the rest of the pride -- I've been getting everyone tested all over 
again (at $60 a pop, I might add) and as soon as they test negative - on we go 
to the vaccine.  
The fabulous news is that everyone so far (including the runt of Mama 
Kitty's litter whom I helped birth) has tested negative.  My youngest now 
is 2 and the rest are 2 or older ranging to 8 years old)...but they've all 
cohabitated through the winter and done what all it is that kitties do with 
each other---eating, grooming and doing their thing together-- and 
though it may not be scientific -- everyone here is doing great and there 
doesn't seem to be any incident of cross contamination (so many of you have 
confirmed that with older babies it just doesn't seem to be so 
contagious).  Just hoping our situation can give you some hope.  
I suspect that Mama Kitty has been FeVL+ for at least a year even though I 
didn't know it until recently.
In a message dated 6/16/2006 3:45:26 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Ilene,I'm so glad you found us and I'm so glad you've taken this little 
  lost soul in.  Thank you, thank you!  When you say you have another 
  kitten in the house, do you actually mean kitten, or is he an older cat?  
  Healthy, adult cats are not likely to catch felv, especially if they've had 
  the vaccination for it.  If you are keeping them in separate rooms, it is 
  very unlikely that your other cat will "catch" it.  Many, many of us on 
  the list mix have and do mixed negative and positives.  My negative cats 
  lived together with my positives, they ate together, used the same litter 
  boxes, groomed each other and played together.  All my negatives are 
  still negative.  If your other cat hasn't been tested, I'd do so, (not 
  all pos at or look sick), if he hasn't had his shots, I'd do that 
  too.I assume you've taken him to the vet, how else would you suspect 
  he has felv.  It's good that your vet didn't try and talk you  into 
  having him put to sleep just because he has a cold, or because he tested felv 
  positive.  Unfortunately many vets still think this is the "best" thing 
  to do.  Your kitten, (what's his name?) may need the help of a mild 
  antibiotic to help him get over his upper respiratory infection, (URI).  
  Call your vet and ask for a prescription.  They just saw him, so you 
  probably won't have to take him in again, unless you think it's 
  necessary.  It's not surprising that he's feeling sick, the poor little 
  guy has been through so much.  I'm betting with a little time and care in 
  your safe protection, he'll be feeling better very soon.  Also at the 
  very young age of 8 weeks the test could be a false-positive.  He may be 
  carrying antibodies from his mother that would show up on the test as pos, 
  when he doesn't actually have the disease at all.  He needs to be 
  retested when he's older (at 3 months old) to see if it's still a positive 
  result.Get him some L-Lysine at the health food store and at least a 
  good "multi-vitamin" supplement for cats/kittens.  There are many things 
  you can do to help keep him asymptomatic.  One of the most important 
  things is helping him feel safe, (no stress!), feeding him quality foods and 
  treating any signs of illness quickly.  I'm sure others on the list will 
  have suggestions for you.Give that little angel a smooch on the top of 
  his head from me, I bet he's adorable,Nina[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i just found a felv kitten i was dump at my work he 8 week old i will 
be looking for a home for him as i have other kitten in the house but till i 
find a home i trying to learn as much  as i can to help my little baby 
he had uri when i got him and still has runny eyes that some time goo 
over any help you can give me will be greatly helpful 


Re: Hello, new to Felvtalk

2006-06-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Gina the pictures are so CUTE!!! Brought tears to my eyes.Good luck with little Pippin.  SherryGina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,     I wanted to introduce myself and my kitten.  Her name Pippin.  She is about nine weeks old and had a faint positive result on her first FeLV test on Thursday.  I've been frantically doing research about the disease and I came across the support group.  I am looking for others to talk with :)     Pippin and our other cats have a website if you would like to visit it:     Thank you,  Gina No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless
 my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates. 
		Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football ’06 - Go with the leader. 
Start your league today! 

Hello, new to Felvtalk

2006-06-17 Thread Gina
Hi,     I wanted to introduce myself and my kitten.  Her name Pippin.  She is about nine weeks old and had a faint positive result on her first FeLV test on Thursday.  I've been frantically doing research about the disease and I came across the support group.  I am looking for others to talk with :)     Pippin and our other cats have a website if you would like to visit it:     Thank you,  Gina No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery 
		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

Re: Mama Kitty

2006-06-17 Thread jenmeyer
ADORABLE!!!  :)  I'm so happy to hear she's doing great!

"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade Runner

- Original Message -
Date: Saturday, June 17, 2006 1:54 pm
Subject: Mama Kitty

> Still fairly new to the list here -- but reading faithfully and 
> going  
> through it all with you guys. 
> In review - Mama Kitty was FeVL+ symptomatic six weeks ago - had 
> lost  14% of 
> her body weight, was very anemic, and did not have a good prognosis 
> before I 
> began a five week treatment with acemannon tummy shots and 
> supplements  
> including colostrum. (initial treatment included ammoxi and short-
> acting  
> corticosteroid shot...) Since, she has gained weight - continues to 
> improve...plays 
> with her toys again and raced like a mad woman across the yard  and 
> more than 
> six feet up a big oak tree recently :0)
> To be honest -- I don't know exactly where we stand now -- but this 
> morning  
> I asked Mama Kitty how she was feeling.  You can see from the 
> picture she  
> says, "I'm feeling pretty good right now!" 
> _ 
> (  
> Just praying for good days and hoping to spread a little hope :0)   
> head 
> butts and kittie kisses  to you all.

Mama Kitty

2006-06-17 Thread ETrent

Still fairly new to the list here -- but reading faithfully and going 
through it all with you guys. 
In review - Mama Kitty was FeVL+ symptomatic six weeks ago - had lost 
14% of her body weight, was very anemic, and did not have a good prognosis 
before I began a five week treatment with acemannon tummy shots and supplements 
including colostrum. (initial treatment included ammoxi and short-acting 
corticosteroid shot...) Since, she has gained weight - continues to 
improve...plays with her toys again and raced like a mad woman across the yard 
and more than six feet up a big oak tree recently :0)
To be honest -- I don't know exactly where we stand now -- but this morning 
I asked Mama Kitty how she was feeling.  You can see from the picture she 
says, "I'm feeling pretty good right now!" 

Just praying for good days and hoping to spread a little hope :0)  
head butts and kittie kisses  to you all.

Phaewryn and Bones

2006-06-17 Thread Nina

I was upset to see that you are looking for a home for Bones.  You must 
be more overwhelmed than usual to even consider putting her up for 
adoption after all you've been through together.  I went and checked out 
the pictures of all the precious babies that you are watching over until 
they find their forever homes.  Damn, you've got a good looking crew of 
cats living with you.  I may be prejudice, but little Bones is just so 
exceptional, she really stands out.  She's just so precious!  I'm 
sending out pleas to the universe that you are inundated with wonderful 
homes to help all your rescues on their journeys.  I know it's sometimes 
easier to find homes for cats with a "story", but I really hope that 
Bones gets to stay with her Momma!

What's going on with that colony of ferals you relocated to your house?

> She's doing awesome... she would LOVE a HOME with someone.. she's up 
for adoption. There's pictures on my adopt page, down in my sig. You 
couldn't find a better little cat, all the cattitude of a Siamese, but 
snugglier. And she has the cute raspy type of meow. >

Re: (no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread felv

Oh, the canned food thing... I have a bad feeling that since the only place 
you knew to buy vitamin supplements was Walmart, you may actually be feeding 
that stuff they call "cat food" that you can buy in Walmart or the grocery 
store. That stuff is NOT any good at all. Friskies, Cat Chow, Alley Cat, etc, 
all TRASH; Pro Plan, Iams, Hill's, all only one step above TRASH. You should 
only buy pet food at a vet's office or a specialty pet supply store. Look for 
the "super premium" brands. A can of cat food should NEVER cost less than $0.75 
for a 5.5 oz can (most good ones are near a dollar a can or more), or you aren't 
buying good quality. Friskies, Purina, Fancy Feast, those are all BAD foods. 
Read the ingredients labels, the first ingredient should always be some kind of 
MEAT (not meat by products, or bone meal, or anything except MEAT). Cat food 
should never contain any corn. Cat food should ideally not contain anything you 
can't pronounce, unless it's a vitamin or mineral (carrageenan, guar gum, BHA, 
BHT, etc, all not so great wet cat food ingredients). Sometimes you can't get 
around the guar gum, just look for ones with LESS of it). Make sure that any cat 
food you feed has TAURINE in it. Even the super premium brands, in wet food, 
they will be lower protein than dry foods. This is due to the amount of water 
used to make it. It's not any less quality of protein, it's just watered down. 
Cats fed all wet food diets will tend to drink less water on the side, cats that 
eat all dry food diets will drink more. It works out about the same in the end. 
Most people choose to feed both dry and wet, others choose all dry (usually due 
to convenience), others choose all wet (cats tend to prefer wet food, many 
owners claim it's more natural since raw dead animals are very wet by nature). 
Still other owners choose to feed all raw diets of REAL dead animals, the MOST 
natural diet for any carnivore, such as a cat. Lot's of us just don't have that 
much time, that's my excuse anyways. I feed free choice dry food in an 
auto-feeder and give wet food as a treat only upon occasion. But I work two 
jobs, and just don't have much time to do "what's best". It's all what WORKS for 
you, and what your cat does the best on. It's very trial&error. :)
Here is the brands I feed, their website is very good, you can view each 
variety of cat food, and read all the ingredients, and nutritional info for each 
one. They even let you compare four kinds side by side: 
Their Innova EVO is the highest protein cat food they make (I 
personally feed the California Natural brand):[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Other good brands:
Chicken Soup: 
(there are others, just read labels)
If you don't have a good vet store or pet supply store near you, this is a 
good online pet food store:  
(you can look up many brands and compare on this site, a wonderful 
Just so you know, there are super premium cat food brands that aren't very 
good too, so you have to read labels. One to avoid is Flint River... it's all 
corn and by-products, yet very expensive.
I hope that helps!
PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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Re: Bandy and the ringworm

2006-06-17 Thread clarissa- Floyd
the humane society gave it to me when the kittens i was fostering got ringworm and 2 other vets recomended it. 

I thought the program is just for fleas.

From Kris - Questions

2006-06-17 Thread Nina

gwork wrote:

  Hey guys,
   I have some
  1) Where can I find a
good vit./min. supplement that is not also high in calories?  All I
know of is that Hartz stuff at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.

I add "Nu-Cat Liquid" made by Vetri-Science to
the turkey mush recipe I just sent you off-list.  Vetri-Science has a
website if you want to check out their products:
but you can order it from pretty much any of the online pet supply
companies.  There is also something called Pet Tinic that is high in
iron.  I can't remember where I bought mine, I think from a local vet.

  2) In regards to feeding
only canned food for a sensitive digestive system, what is something
good to feed?  I've noticed that all the canned stuff is very low in
protein - I thought cats needed a much higher protein (like in the dry
foods), so is it healthy to feed only canned long-term?

It is absolutely healthy to feed cats canned food
long term.  It's actually much better for them than dry food and helps
them maintain their kittenish figures, (dry food junkies are
notoriously overweight).  Here's a cat nutrition website written by a
vet that frequents the IBD list I was on:   The folks on the IBD list are big believers in
feeding a raw diet, (based on my experience with Gypsy, they have good
reason), so the info is slanted that way, but she also has a list of
quality canned foods and what to look for when reading labels.  Cats
with GI problems do better on wet food and usually better on "one
protein", meaning, just chicken, or just turkey.  Cat foods with only
one type of protein in them are hard to find, but generally feeding the
same type of food and not switching them to different foods works best,
(at least not quickly).

  3) What is your opinion
about giving a rabies vacc. to a felv+ cat?  Originally, they gave Spaz
the vacc. and she was fine.  Later, a different vet suggested not
messing with the immune system, especially since she is indoors only. 
This makes sense to me, and I tend to agree with it, but wanted some
other input.  I do work with ferals where I work, but none has ever had
rabies, I have never been bitten, and I always wash and disinfect my
hands/arms before dealing with any of my own cats at home.

I have to agree with your the vet that advised
against giving unnecessary vaccines.  There is a ton of information out
there, studies and opinions about this on the web, just Goggle the
words "animal vaccines necessary" and you'll come up with stuff to read
on the subject.  I don't remember the statistics on "pet" animals
contracting/spreading rabies, but I know it's virtually non-existent in
this country.  It's more of a safe-guard for the humans because it's
one of the few transmittable diseases, (and a darn nasty one at that),
that humans can get.  Washing your hands is always a good idea when
you've been around homeless cats.  There are diseases that you can
bring home if you're not careful.

  4) Do you guys know of
any seminars, etc., where we so-called "uneducated" people can speak
and talk about our experiences?

Ask around at your vet's office, or local
rescues.  I think it's wonderful that you want to share your
experiences and educate the public.  Lord knows they need it!  :)

  5) Do you know of
any felv research facilities?

I don't know of any felv specific research
facilities, but there are a lot of University and Veterinary Colleges
that do research on everything feline.  The studies I came across when
I was doing research on the disease were mostly involving the
effectiveness of preventatives and vaccine effectiveness.  A lot of the
grants and research come from huge pharmaceutical companies that have a
vested interest in promoting vaccines.  At one point I was given the
name of a vet at UC Davis that might be interested in conducting
studies on treatment.  I can't remember it right now, but I posted it
to the list so it should be in the archives.  One of the discouraging
things about this disease is that so very few academics seem to be
interested in finding treatments or cures.  It would be wonderful to
get the veterinary community interested in that!

Re: (no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread felv

Walmart is NOT the place to buy anything for your cat. Order through your 
vet, or use a good reputable online pet supply company. I really like they deliver very 
quickly too. FosterSmith has MANY vitamin supplements, and if you click for 
"more info" it lists all of the calorie/contents of each one.
PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread felv

I'd seriously consider a feeding tube, he may just need a bit to help him 
through this ringworm crisis. He sounds like he just isn't eating enough 
calories to have the energy to stand. I don't think sub-Q fluids will help much, 
it sounds like a calorie intake problem. Maybe they can set up an IV and feed 
him some calories that way (dextrose?)...
PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital 
camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS! 
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Re: Question for Nina

2006-06-17 Thread Nina

Absolutely.  I have to send it as an attachment, so I'll send it
directly to you.

gwork wrote:

  Hi Nina,
   I was wondering if
I could get your recipe for the "turkey mush" that you make for one of
your cats?  I would like to maybe try it not only for Spaz, but also
for one of my others, Frosty, who has mild allergies.  Thanks.

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Nina

Oh Kerry,
I am praying for Bandy and you.  For you to say he's "the worst" you
have seen him is really a frightful thought.  You have held his paw
through so much...  He's fought so hard to stay with you, what an
amazing kitty he is.  I don't want to upset you more, but do you think
he's ready to cross?  Have you told him it's okay, that you will be
sad, but if Lil Rascal, Buster, Snoopy and his other friends are
calling to him you will understand?  I know how much heartache you've
been through, I know how hard you fight to keep all of your babies as
healthy as they can be.  There's no one more caring and dedicated than
you are to your furry children.  It's been such a long hard struggle
and my heart goes out to you both.  Maybe the Immuno-Regulin will bring
the miracle we're all praying for.  Did you know that you can order it
online yourself?  Here's the web page:
Sending you and sweet, sweet Bandy strength and love to see you through,
With much love,

Kerry Roach wrote:

  Hi guys,
  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He
really is sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started
last June..I am hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I
don't know what to do for him..
  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at
all...I stood him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his
leg hurting him.. I think he must have another infection somewhere or I
really just don't know...but something is for sure not right..other
than the leg problem...
  Anyway, please pray for him.
  Thank you,
  Kerry and Bandy
  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone
Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: (no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread Marylyn

EVO has a canned food now.  I would not 
vaccinate a sick or compromised cat.  That is my opinion only but it is 
based on what several vets have told me.  We over vaccinate anyway.  

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:26 
  Subject: (no subject)
  Hey guys,
   I have 
  some questions.
  1) Where can I find a good 
  vit./min. supplement that is not also high in calories?  All I know of is 
  that Hartz stuff at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
  2) In regards to feeding only 
  canned food for a sensitive digestive system, what is something good to 
  feed?  I've noticed that all the canned stuff is very low in protein - I 
  thought cats needed a much higher protein (like in the dry foods), so is it 
  healthy to feed only canned long-term?
  3) What is your opinion about 
  giving a rabies vacc. to a felv+ cat?  Originally, they gave Spaz the 
  vacc. and she was fine.  Later, a different vet suggested not messing 
  with the immune system, especially since she is indoors only.  This makes 
  sense to me, and I tend to agree with it, but wanted some other input.  I 
  do work with ferals where I work, but none has ever had rabies, I have never 
  been bitten, and I always wash and disinfect my hands/arms before dealing with 
  any of my own cats at home.
  4) Do you guys know of any 
  seminars, etc., where we so-called "uneducated" people can speak and talk 
  about our experiences?
  5) Do you know of any felv 
  research facilities?
  Thank you much,

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  Edition.Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.0/368 - Release Date: 

Re: hi im new

2006-06-17 Thread Seaside32

im from Bridgewater, NJ

(no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread Seaside32


two more questions that I forgot

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

Hi again all,
I also was wondering, with all the 
talk about lysine lately, if that is just regular lysine, the same as humans 
would consume, but without the propylene glycol? is that right?
Also, there was a lot of talk about 
Interferon, and I got confused as to whether it is better to give regularly, 
regardless of symptoms, or start when the cat becomes symptomatic?  Spaz 
has been on nothing during any of the time she has been asymptomatic, and that 
seems to be fine, but I want to keep her immune system up as much as possible so 
that she will stay healthy and live as long as possible.
Thanks again!

Question for Nina

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

Hi Nina,
 I was 
wondering if I could get your recipe for the "turkey mush" that you make for one 
of your cats?  I would like to maybe try it not only for Spaz, but also for 
one of my others, Frosty, who has mild allergies.  Thanks.

(no subject)

2006-06-17 Thread gwork

Hey guys,
 I have some 
1) Where can I find a good vit./min. 
supplement that is not also high in calories?  All I know of is that Hartz 
stuff at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
2) In regards to feeding only canned 
food for a sensitive digestive system, what is something good to feed?  
I've noticed that all the canned stuff is very low in protein - I thought cats 
needed a much higher protein (like in the dry foods), so is it healthy to feed 
only canned long-term?
3) What is your opinion about giving 
a rabies vacc. to a felv+ cat?  Originally, they gave Spaz the vacc. and 
she was fine.  Later, a different vet suggested not messing with the immune 
system, especially since she is indoors only.  This makes sense to me, and 
I tend to agree with it, but wanted some other input.  I do work with 
ferals where I work, but none has ever had rabies, I have never been bitten, and 
I always wash and disinfect my hands/arms before dealing with any of my own cats 
at home.
4) Do you guys know of any seminars, 
etc., where we so-called "uneducated" people can speak and talk about our 
5) Do you know of any felv 
research facilities?
Thank you much,

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Samiluke

Hi Kerry, 
I have used an animal communicator named Morgen Espe.  She was 
wonderful.  Her web site is  
 In a message dated 6/17/2006 7:37:10 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  I just gave him a little chicken broth after I gave his liquid baytril..I 
  added a little pedialyte, but he gets so stressed.. He did take it ok.  
  He did drink some water earlier, but I don't think it is enough so I am going 
  to try to get some sub-q fluids as soon as the vet opens...I have been up 
  checking on him most of the night..I know he needs something else, but I don't 
  know what..I think he needs a different antibiotic..along with the 
  baytril..cause his temp is still up, too..
  Marylyn, I think awhile back Nina sent me something about an Animal 
  communicator, but I don't remember who it was or how to get in touch with 
  them...I have never used one, but have read about them and some of the posts 
  here at the list...Please send me the info if you can...
  Thank you, 
  Kerry and Bandy


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Samiluke

Prayers are on the way for you & your precious little guy.
In a message dated 6/17/2006 4:29:05 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Hi guys,
  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He really is 
  sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started last June..I am 
  hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I don't know what to do 
  for him..
  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at all...I stood 
  him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I 
  think he must have another infection somewhere or I really just don't 
  know...but something is for sure not right..other than the leg 
  Anyway, please pray for him.
  Thank you,
  Kerry and Bandy


Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
I just gave him a little chicken broth after I gave his liquid baytril..I added a little pedialyte, but he gets so stressed.. He did take it ok.  He did drink some water earlier, but I don't think it is enough so I am going to try to get some sub-q fluids as soon as the vet opens...I have been up checking on him most of the night..I know he needs something else, but I don't know what..I think he needs a different antibiotic..along with the baytril..cause his temp is still up, too..  Marylyn, I think awhile back Nina sent me something about an Animal communicator, but I don't remember who it was or how to get in touch with them...I have never used one, but have read about them and some of the posts here at the list...Please send me the info if you can...  Thank you,   Kerry and Bandy 
		Sneak preview the  all-new It's not radically different. Just radically better. 

Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Kerry of course I will send prayers for you and Bandy,I hope he can fight whatever is wrong.Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi guys,  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He really is sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started last June..I am hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I don't know what to do for him..  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at all...I stood him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I think he must have another infection somewhere or I really just don't know...but something is for sure not right..other than the leg problem...  Anyway, please pray for him.  Thank you,  Kerry and Bandy  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo!
 Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min. 
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Re: Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Marylyn

Have you tried checking in with an animal 
communicator?  Sometimes it helps at times like this.
Know you and Bandy are in my prayers as are all the 
little friends.  Bless both of you.
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:28 
  Subject: Please pray for Bandy
  Hi guys,
  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He really is 
  sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started last June..I am 
  hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I don't know what to do 
  for him..
  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at all...I stood 
  him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I 
  think he must have another infection somewhere or I really just don't 
  know...but something is for sure not right..other than the leg 
  Anyway, please pray for him.
  Thank you,
  Kerry and Bandy
  Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great 
  rates starting at 1¢/min.

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  Edition.Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.0/368 - Release Date: 

immuno-regulin dosage

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
I was trying to find some more info on the IR..and found the posts by Cindy about giving it sub-q..I need to know how much IV and sub-q..and how often we should stay with it...I guess we really need a starting point to see if it won't help Bandy..  I will keep trying to catch up on the past posts, but if you could post it again, it would really help since it is needed quickly...Also, what about him being on steroids?  I read that it isn't good or they have to be off them for a week...  Thanks so much,  Kerry and Bandy 
		Yahoo! Groups gets better. Check out the new email design. Plus there’s much more to come. 

Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi guys,  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He really is sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started last June..I am hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I don't know what to do for him..  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at all...I stood him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I think he must have another infection somewhere or I really just don't know...but something is for sure not right..other than the leg problem...  Anyway, please pray for him.  Thank you,  Kerry and Bandy 
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: Bandy and the ringworm

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks everyone for all the advice...Now I just need to figure out what to try...Belinda, I checked out those links.  I may order from the petsbestrx...It sounded good, but I wish I knew someone that had tried it..  Right now Bandy is very sick..I took him to the vet on Thurs since he can't even stand up...She took an xray of both front and rear since they are both giving him a problem..He also had almost 105 temp..I think he has an infection somewhere..He won't eat or drink...I did get him to eat some baby food beef,  maybe couple of teaspoons..and he will drink alittle water, but not much..they gave him some sub-q fluids.  I think I am going to take him in again today.  She gave him an adequan shot, dex shot and polyflex..I upped his baytril to the full dose, but I think he needs something else..  Michelle, I told her about the immuno-regulin and she is going to order it next week...I need to know all I can about it...and she
 asked me to find out from you guys, what dosages you used and anything else we might need to know.. I have read what it says here at the home page...  .5cc IV twice weekly and then .5cc IV weekly until symptoms subside...Is that a good start or what did you use?  Please let me know and I will let her know on Monday...I hope we haven't waited too long..I am really scared for him right now..  Thank you all again,  Kerry and Bandy 
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