Re: [Felvtalk] Dietary Supplements- Belinda

2009-08-12 Thread Lora

Your Skeeter story is too funny! There is definitely a such thing as too much 
of a good thing! LOL.

Ah! So Skeeter did receive a DL Methionine prescription! Perhaps I should 
replace my cranberry for this.

However, if I do that, I lose the Vitamin C and Vitamin E as the cranberry is a 
multi-vitamin supplement.

That means instead of the standard 4 pills ( L-lysine, C Q 10, Cranberry & Fish 
Oil) that my kids get daily, they will now receive six (L-lysine, C Q 10, fish 
oil, DL Methionine, Vitamin C & Vitamin E.)

Is there anyway to combine these supplements i.e. DL Methionine & Vitamin E, 
Vitamin C & E, etc.?

I suppose I will need to shop around for multi-vitamins.

I thought Fred was on a phosphorus binders and not an aluminum binder. Unless 
the aluminum contains phosphorus there is no potential damage of developing 
Struvite crystals. Struvite crystals are only made up of magnesium, ammonium 
and phosphate.

Cosequin (or C Q 10) is not for the use of FLUTD. My kids get it for heart 
health, cell growth and free radical prevention.

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

Way back in the 1990's my Skeeter had something. He couldn't pee and I took him 
in just in time. I can't remember what it was called back then. 

He would get cyrstals and he had to take a DL Methionine pill everyday. I think 
he was also on special food for a while too but as long as he got his pill 
(which he loved and would take and eat willingly) he could pretty much eat 
anything he wanted.

In fact, a few years after he was on the pill, I stored them in a jar with a 
lid, the lid wasn't tight fitting just sat on top of the jar. Well, Skeeter got 
in the cupboard where I kept them and ate a whole bunch of them. He vomited 
quite a bit and after that he wasn't so keen on them. Guess he found out the 
hard way too much of a good thing isn't always so good. He still took them, 
just not quite so happily! He was on it for years with no problems.

The aluminum binder Fred gets is used by most people on the list of over 11,000 
members and so far none of the kitties that I know of have ever had a problem 
with crystals. But I will keep that in mind because on occasion Fred acts like 
it may be uncomfortable to pee, he always does, buckets
but I will keep that in mind if I notice he is acting uncomfortable.

I give Fred the cosequin for his arthritis, can't say I have ever heard it 
mentioned for use with FLUTD, if I remember I'll ask my vet next time Fred goes 
in or I talk with her ... in fact I need to buy more of it I'm on my last 6 

Don't know exactly what D-Mannose is, I think it is a more natural supplement, 
I haven't had to use it yet but I may seriously think about since Fred does 
seem to be uncomfortable sometimes when peeing, I think it can go right in the 
food so that would be good. Guess I'll be doing some more research on that 
one. Anyone else use it or have more info in it??

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Dietary Supplements- Colostrum?

2009-08-11 Thread Lora

As in "first milk" or "immune milk"?

What has that got to do with anything?

--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Cougar Clan  wrote:

Have you looked at colostrum?


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Dietary Supplements- Belinda

2009-08-11 Thread Lora

Thanks for your reply. You are the only one who did. I sincerely appreciate it.

I realize that some cats are more difficult to pill that others. Thank God I 
have conditioned my kids to take their meds. Granted some do resist, but they 
have learned that if they do not take their meds, they did not get their wet 
cat food. Once they realize that, they eventually warm up to the idea.

They REALLY want their wet cat food; therefore, the sacrifice is worth the 
reward. And that is EXACTLY they way I play it off. I "reward" them with their 
wet cat food for "taking" their meds. I call it praise, they call it "treats"!

However, you cannot just spontaneously start pilling a cat, especially if it is 
an older generic cat who has never been pilled before. You need to slowing 
introduce the producer to them, otherwise you will risk stressing out the cat 
and possibly scarring them for life. If pilling the cat becomes a frightening 
experience for them, they will definitely remember that and the you will most 
likely never be able to pill them again.

I introduced my pilling method to the kids when they were very young; 
therefore, they have grown up with the idea of being pilled. However, for those 
who were permanently adopted into our multi-cat household in their later years 
had to slow warm up to the understanding of being pilled. For these cats, 
effective pilling was not an immediate over-night success. It took time and 
loving patience.

Cats can be trained, thus the idea of the litter box, therefore, they can be 
trained to accept pilled medication without fear, stress or discomfort just as 
long as the pet-guardian realized to take the efforts in stride. 

Do everything on the cats terms. Never force them. If they refuse their 
medication, withhold the treat. Do not starve the cat as punishment for not 
taking their medicating. Instead, withhold their FAVORITE food item. Offer THAT 
when introducing the pill. They will being to socialize that particular "treat" 
with medication and will quickly realize that it is ONLY offered when 
medication is administered. Cats are extremely quick-minded and fast learners. 
Eventually they will put two and two together.

After the treat method has been completely successful, the pet-guardian can do 
the bait and switch method with the "treat". Gradually ween the cat from its 
favorite treat to their favorite flavor of wet cat food. Eventually, the 
pet-guardian will be administering the proper medication during actual 
meal-time instead of during treat-time.

However, if the bait and switch method never successfully works out, and with 
some cats it won't as most generic cats hate food and/or environmental change, 
just simply bite the bullet and stick with the treat/med method. Use what works 
best for your cat. Remember you want the cat to LIKE being pilled; therefore, 
if the cat is happy with the "reward" he/she will be happy to be pilled.

Belinda, regarding Fred with his potassium supplements and phosphorus binders 
in his food for his high phosphorus, would that not cause him to be prone to 
developing Struvite crystals (magnesium, ammonium, phosphate)?

I did not know this about cranberries.

What is D-Mannose?

I have also read that a dietary supplement called D,L-methionine may be used to 
alter urinary pH.

And a  dietary supplement called Cosequin® (containing glucosamine) is 
advocated by some practitioners to reduce pain and inflammation in the bladders 
of cats with FLUTD.

Do you know anything about this?

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:


I don't have an positives left, Bailey was my last and I lost him in 2006. I do 
however have a furkid with HCM and one with CRF & a heart murmur.

I do know that taurine and CoQ-10 are good for the heart and lysine is good 
over all for the immune system.

My cats aren't great about getting pills, so I only give them what they 
absolutely need.

Joey get benazapril and amlodipine for his HCM.

Fred gets the same for his high blood pressure and heart murmur, plus he gets 
potassium supplements and phosphorus binders in his food for his high

All 5 of mine, get a vit b shots once a week too. I can get away with giving 
them that because that is an injection, not a pill.

The only thing I probably wouldn't use is the cranberry. According to the CRF 
site that I read for answers when Fred is am having problems.

This is not a vets site only a person who has been for many years collecting 
info and who has many years of experience with CRF. Not only her experiences 
but a CRF group with over 1200 members and another CRF group she is a member of 
with over 11,000 members, I am a member of both groups.

This site is an accumulation of all those years and members experiences.

This is a quote from that site about cranberry:


You should avoid giving cranberry

[Felvtalk] Dietary Supplements

2009-08-07 Thread Lora
Ever since my beloved FeLV positive kitty (Peeper) passed away in 2003, I have 
not posted a medical regime update of my kitties' daily dietary supplements.

I highly respect all of the medical knowledge on the group and would sincerely 
appreciate feedback.

Our family consists of 12 FeLV negative kitties. Birth dates ranging from 1996 
to 2006.

Since Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) also known as Feline Urinary 
Syndrome (FUS) and Feline Urinary Tract Infections are common in our household, 
the kitties get Purina ONE Special Care: Urinary Tract Health Formula. 1/4 
scoop each for breakfast.

At dinner they get 1/4 of a 5.5 oz can of wet Friskies.

Medications and/or dietary supplements are administered in the evening with the 
wet cat food.

Due to FLUTD all 12 of my kitties get 1 soft gel of super concentrated 
Cranberry Fruit plus Vitamin C each daily. Each soft gel contains
Vitamin C 60mg, Vitamin E 6IU and cranberry concentrate 250mg. I buy Spring 
Valley at Wal-Mart at $3.96 for 100 soft gels.

In addition to FLUTD, my kitties also have Feline Optical Herpes. All 12 of my 
kitties are carriers of the virus.

Therefore, all 12 get 1 tablet of L-Lysine 500mg each daily. I buy Spring 
Valley at Wal-Mart at $4.96 for 250 tablets.

Unfortunately, heart disease is no stranger in our home either. Three years ago 
I lost a beautiful boy to Saddle Thrombus. An appalling and excruciatingly 
painful disease that attacks suddenly without warning. Aortic thromboembolism, 
also referred to as saddle thrombus, is a common complication associated with 
all types of heart disease in the cat.

A thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot. An embolism is when the clot 
lodges within a vessel. It is thought that clots form in one chamber of the 
left side of the diseased heart. Eventually, these clots break free and travel 
in the blood vessels until they become lodged or stuck. 

The most common site for the clot to lodge is in the far part of the aorta, in 
the area between the rear legs. This cuts off the blood supply to both rear 
legs. A clot can also get stuck in the artery that supplies the front legs, 
kidneys or intestines or can clog an artery to the brain. Clots rarely lodge in 
veins since the right side of the heart is not commonly involved. When a clot 
lodges, the cat can no longer use his rear legs and most often dies. Saddle 
Thrombus is a secondary heart condition.

Therefore, all 12 get 1 soft gel of CoQ10 100mg each daily. I buy Nature Made 
at Wal-Mart at $21.94 for 60 soft gels.

CoQ10 not only helps with cell production and free radicals, but also with 
heart function.

NOTE: In the cranberry soft gel that my kitties get includes Vitamin E which 
helps to gradually break down blood clots in the circulatory system, and helps 
prevent more from forming. Vitamin E encourages collateral circulation in the 
smaller blood vessels of the body. It seems to promote healing with the 
formation of much less scar tissue. Vitamin E helps strengthen and regulate the 
heartbeat. Vitamin E is a blood thinner.

Last but not least, some of my older kitties suffer from Alopecia, whether it 
be allergies i.e. dietary, airborne; hormones; or fungal infections i.e. 
ringworm, mold, yeast I do not know.

I have had trichograms (microscopic examination of the hair root), skin 
scrapings, fungus cultures, dermatophyte cultures, lab woods lamp examinations 
(black light exams) and blood tests preformed, but still do not have any 
definitive, conclusive answers. Twelve cats unfortunately produces 12 separate 
results. Therefore, I treat the symptoms.

All 12 get 1 soft gel of Fish Oil 1200mg each daily. I buy Nature Made at 
Wal-Mart at $5.38 for 100 soft gels.

Note: Fish Oil may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease which is another 
reason why my kitties get it.


1.) L-lysine: For Feline Optical herpes, immune system and skin.

2.) Super Concentrated Cranberry Fruit plus Vitamin C: For Urinary Tract 
Infections, Immune system and clot prevention/blood thinner.

3.) CoQ10: For cell production, free radical prevention and heart function.

4.) Fish Oil: For reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and shin/hair.

That is four pills per cat daily. We go through a lot of meds in our house.

What do you think? Should I add, substitute or subtract supplements? Is this 
dietary supplement regime fine the way it is? Can it be improved? Does anyone 
else administer this many pills to a single cat?

Thanks, Lora


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2009-07-30 Thread Lora

NEVER, EVER adopt out to ANYone who will NOT give out their persoanal, 
physical, residential address!

Furthermore, never just ask for their address. VERIFY it!

--- On Thu, 7/30/09, Reyna Castano  wrote:
What if I can't personally take the cat?

The adopter does not live in CA. I live in San Diego, CA.

He does answer all of my questions. The only thing he refuse to give me was his 
address. Should I be concern? He says that he wouldn't like his address to slip 
out and then have a line of people outside his place asking him to adopt their 


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-06-22 Thread Lora

Cannot believe that frigging people STILL feel this away towards animals.

I replied to an on-line message board in a group that I belong to and this is 
what the idiot had to say. It is enough to blow my top.

If everyone thought/felt this way there would be no hope for ANY animals, much 
less for the poor FeLV positive kitties!

There are just some humans that I hate! They give good, honest, caring pet 
guardians a bad name. It people with this disgusting type of attitude that 
makes me wish that I could save them all...including the FeLVs.

--- on Mon, 22 Jun 2009,  wrote:

Subject: Quick Question

They are ANIMALS, not humans. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, Lora  wrote:

That is frigging appalling!

I was aware of the research lab buying "free" animals, but I absolutely had no 
idea that there was a lab in Mt. Vernon! That is too damn close for my liking!

And about feeding pet snakes? Nothing makes me madder than hell to hear about 
some poor, broke-ass idiot feeding their snake baby kittens! This is why I 
absolutely will NEVER be a reptile guardian.

People, PLEASE be responsible and SCREEN potential applicants who are 
interested your "FREE" pet ad! You are playing Russian roulette with these poor 
innocent lives. How would you feel is someone "freed" you off to a serial 
killer? And in some cases, that is EXACTLY what you are doing, handing over 
animals to be slaughtered, either via a lab or via a menu.

I absolutely hate FREE classified pet ads. They always attract the 
irresponsible pet owners, pet abusers and those looking to make a quick buck 
off the lives of the innocent.

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, LJW  wrote:

Please be careful - to whomever asks for the cat or dog, tell them (1) they can 
bring it back if there is a problem when they get it home and (2) you will be 
checking on it later.   There have been people give pets away on freecycle 
(when they got away with it) and then later posted that they didn't even get 
the person's name or address!   There are people who take them to sell to the 
lab around Mt Vernon,  and there are people who get the small ones (kittens, 
gerbils and tiny puppies) to use as feed for their snakes.  ( A previous 
neighbor used to get snake food that way.)


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Tiffany, blind DUMPED cat, needs your help!

2009-06-22 Thread Lora


Thanks for explaining, but the vet is sure taking his/her time. Hope Tiffany's 
health can wait. I love special needs kitties (have 13 myself) and my vet is on 
the ball within hours. For me, meds refills/prescriptions are administered 
within same day as seen. The most I have ever had to wait for meds was 24 
hours. I guess some are just not as fortunate. It just bleeds my heart to hear 
of such things. Does she act comfortable? 

--- On Sun, 6/21/09, Kelley Saveika  wrote:

Hi Lora,

The holdup is that we are waiting for the vet to prescribe the medication.
None of us can prescribe it ourselves.  He does not carry that medication
in stock either, so we will need to get the prescription filled once we have it 
(I hope Monday) which won't be a problem, but we do need
to have the prescription first.

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Lora  wrote:


Tiffany has been in your organization's care since (at least) last
Wednesday 06-17-09 and she still is not receiving her medical regime for
high pressure? That is almost a week. What is the holdup?

Five days without her proper medicine cannot be good. The longer the wait
for medical care, the more likely that the damage done (besides being blind) is 
permanent. Can't cats with untreated high blood pressure die from



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Tiffany, blind DUMPED cat, needs your help!

2009-06-21 Thread Lora


Tiffany has been in your organization's care since (at least) last Wednesday 
06-17-09 and she still is not receiving her medical regime for high pressure? 
That is almost a week. What is the holdup?

Five days without her proper medicine cannot be good. The longer the wait for 
medical care, the more likely that the damage done (besides being blind) is 
permanent. Can't cats with untreated high blood pressure die from hypertension?



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Tiffany, blind DUMPED cat, needs your help!

2009-06-18 Thread Lora


Thank you.


--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Kelley Saveika  wrote:
Absolutely. (Though I don't recommend you sending cash through the mail, we
accept it).

Rescuties Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 17442
Austin, TX 78760

Tiffany thanks you and you will get a thank you note and receipt for tax


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Lora  wrote:


Due to the current economic status I no longer use credit cards (closed
them all out) and I do not give our my debit card number.

Therefore, I neither shop on-line nor pay bills on-line (use PayPal).

Do you have a residential address (or a P.O. Box) in which money order
and/or cash donations can be physically USPS mailed to?

Will you even accept money order/cash payments?


--- On Wed, 6/17/09, Kelley Saveika  wrote:

Tiffany is an approximately 15-16 year old DUMPED cat with untreated high
blood pressure which has caused her to become blind. She will need to be on
blood pressure meds for life; they are calculating the dosage now. Please
help us if you can. We have spent $178 on her already exclusive of the meds
she will need to be on for life. We expect she was dumped because her
owners did not want to pay to fix what was wrong.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties stores and save a kitty life!*

Buy or renew magazines and help our kitties!

Help us spay some kitties!

"Rather than helping, it's easier to point fingers and say
"take them first as long as you leave me alone".


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Tiffany, blind DUMPED cat, needs your help!

2009-06-18 Thread Lora


Due to the current economic status I no longer use credit cards (closed them 
all out) and I do not give our my debit card number.

Therefore, I neither shop on-line nor pay bills on-line (use PayPal).

Do you have a residential address (or a P.O. Box) in which money order and/or 
cash donations can be physically USPS mailed to?

Will you even accept money order/cash payments?


--- On Wed, 6/17/09, Kelley Saveika  wrote:

Tiffany is an approximately 15-16 year old DUMPED cat with untreated high
blood pressure which has caused her to become blind. She will need to be on
blood pressure meds for life; they are calculating the dosage now. Please
help us if you can. We have spent $178 on her already exclusive of the meds
she will need to be on for life. We expect she was dumped because her
owners did not want to pay to fix what was wrong.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties stores and save a kitty life!*

Buy or renew magazines and help our kitties!

Help us spay some kitties!

"Rather than helping, it's easier to point fingers and say
"take them first as long as you leave me alone".


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: Rescue Work Tax Deductible?

2008-02-02 Thread Lora

Thanks for the quick response.

Well, shoot! I am not a 501(c)(3). Darn, I thought I
was onto something.

Just curious, what do you mean when you pay a vet bill
you need to get a receipt from the 501(c)(3).

How do you get a receipt from the 501(c)(3)? They were
not there at the vet's office at the time of billing.
How can they give a receipt for something they did not

--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are doing the rescue work for a recognized
501(c)(3) it is tax deductible.

This is one of many good reasons to form a 501(c)(3)
IMHO. Some have a different opinion. Other benefits
are increased donations, possibility for grants, etc.

If you are doing it on your own then no, I'm afraid
it is not tax deductible.

The IRS has gotten more strict this year also - so
when you pay a vet bill you need to get a receipt from
the 501(c)(3).

If you have any more questions I'll be happy to try
to answer them, but I'm not a CPA or anything.

--- Lora wrote:

I was in the Harp's Pets (a pet shop here in
Evansville, IN) picking up some Sugar Glider nectar
that I had ordered the week before, when the cashier
asked me if I bred.

I told her heck no! I do sugar glider and cat/kitten
rescue work.

She commenced to telling me that rescue work is tax

No way? Really?

She says so.

Anyone know anything about this?

I am the queen of paper, so providing receipts for
spay/neuter operation, dentials, vaccinations, blood
work-ups & panels, veterinarian over-the-counter
medications e.g. antibiotic, flea/tick topical
repellent (Revloution), food, litter, equipment,
accessories, etc. can be proven.

I can itemize if need be. Not exactly sure HOW to do

The rescue work tax deduction that the cashier was
referring to is not the 501(c)(3) Non Profit Code is

Rescue work is not categorized the same as Non Profit
is it? I thought the were two (2) separate entities.


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Rescue Work Tax Deductible?

2008-02-02 Thread Lora
I was in the Harp's Pets (a pet shop here in
Evansville, IN) picking up some Sugar Glider nectar
that I had orded the week before, when the chashier
asked me if I bred.

I told her heck no! I do sugar glider and cat/kitten
rescue work.

She commenced to telling me that rescue work is tax

No way? Really?

She says so.

Anyone know anything about this?

I am the queen of paper, so providing receipts for
spay/neuter operation, dentials, vaccinations, blood
work-ups & panels, veterinarian over-the-counter
medications e.g. antibiotic, flea/tick topical
repellent (Revloution), food, litter, equipment,
accessories, etc. can be proven.

I can itemize if need be. Not exactly sure HOW to do

The rescue work tax deduction that the cashier was
referring to is not the 501(c) Non Profit Code is it? 

Rescue work is not categorized the same as Non Profit
is it? I thought the were two (2) separate entities.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

Re: kitty not eating - website

2007-04-24 Thread Lora
I did not see a veterinarian's list at the website.

How do we add our veterinatian's information to the
site? Do new members have to register first or is the
info included in the ads?
--- TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

speaking of which, please go to:

and PUT IN YOUR VET'S INFO, so newcomers moving to
your town know who to go see!

> On 4/24/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Mary,
> > There have been concerns raised with the use of
> valium for kitties.
> > I've used the appetite stimulant Cyproheptadine
> made into a transdermal
> > gel to be applied to the inside tip of a cat's
> ear.  It's much less
> > stressful to administer a drug in this way than
> forcing them to ingest
> > it.  I strongly suggest that you speak to your vet
> about the different
> > options that would be appropriate in helping
> Cakooie begin eating and
> > for further diagnostic/treatment plans.  I would
> also suggest that you
> > ask your regular vet for a referral to a board
> certified Internist
> > specialized in the care of cats.   While we on the
> list are well meaning
> > in offering suggestions that might benefit you and
> your cat, you need to
> > seek the advice of a professional who will be
> better able to advise you
> > on protocols and medications indicated.  Print out
> our emails and
> > archive suggestions and arm yourself with
> questions on how to best help
> > your Cakooie.  Please make the appointment asap.
> > Nina
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

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Re: Cranberry Supplement

2007-04-24 Thread Lora

Thanks for the link. I have checked it out.
Unfortunately, their cranberry products are way too
expensive and for smaller quanties.

I paid $9.96 for 250 capsules. I guess I will not be
able to find that kind of deal anywhere else. :(

Perhaps I can check out Sam's Club...

Thanks again!


--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have never ordered from them, but frequently go 
in the stores in Louisville and they are great.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's
creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you
will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow
man. St. Francis

--- Lora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Super Wal-mart Center where I used purchase my
"Spring Valley" 475 mg of Natural Whole Herb Cranberry
Fruit capsules has been discontinued.

I need to find an equal replacement.

Where do you buy your Cranberry supplements at?

I need Cranberry in a capsule form and withOUT
additinal vitamins/supplements mixed in i.e. vitamin
C, vitamin E, Blueberry, etc.

I paid $9.96 for 250 capsules.

I have already checked out Puritan's Pride for
Cranberry and they do not offer a 100% pure Cranberry
capsule. All of their Cranberry produts are mixed with
other vitamins and/or supplements.

Any ideas?


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Cranberry Supplement

2007-04-23 Thread Lora
The Super Wal-mart Center where I used purchase my
"Spring Valley" 475 mg of Natural Whole Herb Cranberry
Fruit capsules has been discontinued.

I need to find an equal replacement.

Where to you buy your Cranberry supplements at?

I need Cranberry in a capsule form and withOUT
additinal vitamins/supplements mixed in i.e. vitamin
C, vitamin E, Blueberry, etc.

I paid $9.96 for 250 capsules.

I have already checked out Puritan's Pride for
Cranberry and they do not offer a 100% pure Cranberry
capsule. All of their Cranberry produts are mixed with
other vitamins and/or supplements.

Any ideas?


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Wellness has a free bag offer

2007-04-01 Thread Lora
This link does not work.

I cannot even access the website.

The offer was issued on 03-30-07. They cannot be out
of their supply yet! It is only been three (3) days!

All it says is:

"The webpage cannot be found. HTTP 404  

Most likely causes:

There might be a typing error in the address. 
If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date. 

What you can try: 

Retype the address.  
Go back to the previous page.
Go to and look for the information you

More information 

This error (HTTP 404 Not Found) means that Internet
Explorer was able to connect to the website, but the
page you wanted was not found. It's possible that the
webpage is temporarily unavailable. Alternatively, the
website might have changed or removed the webpage.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help."

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In case you guys didn't see this.


--- "Elaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The four pound bags run around $21 here, so even a
one pound bag is worth it. They send the bag, not a coupon.


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time 
with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: cat food recall

2007-03-20 Thread Lora
Oops! I stand corrected. Purina does do LIMITED
business with Menufoods.

Purina voluntarily withdraw Mighty Dog® 5.3 ounce
pouch products in response to Menu Foods recall.

However, Purina Mills, Inc. manufactures the majority
of Purina's products.

Purina Mills, Inc. is the largest manufacturer of
animal feed products in the United States, producing
more than five million tons of feed each year.

Through its 50 feed mills, the company produces
thousands of feed formulations specially designed for
various types of animals, including beef and dairy
cattle, goats, horses, sheep, pigs, poultry, pets, and
lab and zoo animals.

Purina also operates more than 35 retail outlets,
which sell animal feed, lawn and garden supplies,
hardware, and related items.

This reminds me of the "Simply Orange" juice
commerical. They own the trees, the grove, the
oranges. If you are going to make something you might
as well own it.

Purina not only owns their own products, they make it

I just cannot believe that these high-end products
like Nutro do NOT manufacture their own products! I
expected better quality from them.

It is really sad to find out that a common commerical
food manufactures their own product when these "high
quality" pet food companies do not. 

Makes you wonder if spending that extra dollar for
their expensive prices tag is worth it.

And as far as the Wal-Mart "Special Kitty" question, I
found the answer. The recall was for the pouches only.


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Re: cat food recall

2007-03-20 Thread Lora

I noticed that too.

Thank God Purina products are not manufactured via

Also, I noticed that Wal-Mart's generic store brand of
cat food "Special Kitty" is on this list.

However are all varities of "Special Kitty"
contaminated i.e. dry food, canned food, gravy-cuts or
is the list strictly for gravy-cuts ONLY?!

--- "Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fancy Feast was not on the list either ... yet?

--- Lora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Lori.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but this might be
the first time where it was okay to feed your cat

Although Friskies IS a commercial brand that is
neither high quality nor contains "human grade" meat,
I do not see any of their products on this list; which
is a plus in my book!

That is a relief for those of us who have cats who are
junk food junkies. :)

I cannot believe that Nutro Max Gourmet Classics and
Nutro Natural Choice made it on the list! Nutro is
supposed to be a high-end cat food!


--- Lori S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

These are the wet cuts in gravy kind. They should
all be off the shelves by now but check your
cupboards. I can't believe those varied brands are
made by the same company. My cats don't eat any of
these but check for yours.

Americas Choice, Preferred Pets
2. Authority
3. Best Choice
4. Companion
5. Compliments
6. Demoulas Market Basket
7. Eukanuba
8. Fine Feline Cat
9. Food Lion
10. Foodtown
11. Giant Companion
12. Hannaford
13. Hill Country Fare
14. Hy-Vee
15. Iams
16. Laura Lynn
17. Li'l Red
18. Loving Meals
19. Meijer's Main Choice
20. Nutriplan
21. Nutro Max Gourmet Classics
22. Nutro Natural Choice
23. Paws
24. Pet Pride
25. Presidents Choice
26. Price Chopper
27. Priority
28. Save-A-Lot
29. Schnucks
30. Science Diet Feline Savory Cuts Cans
31. Sophistacat
32. Special Kitty Canada
33. Special Kitty US
34. Springfield Prize
35. Sprout
36. Total Pet
37. Wegmans
38. Western Family
39. White Rose
40. Winn Dixie


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Re: cat food recall

2007-03-19 Thread Lora
Thanks Lori.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but this might be
the first time where it was okay to feed your cat

Although Friskies IS a commercial brand that is
neither high quality nor contains "human grade" meat,
I do not see any of their products on this list; which
is a plus in my book!

That is a relief for those of us who have cats who are
junk food junkies. :)

I cannot believe that Nutro Max Gourmet Classics and
Nutro Natural Choice made it on the list! Nutro is
supposed to be a high-end cat food!


--- Lori S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

These are the wet cuts in gravy kind. They should
all be off the shelves by now but check your
cupboards. I can't believe those varied brands are
made by the same company. My cats don't eat any of
these but check for yours.

Americas Choice, Preferred Pets

2. Authority
3. Best Choice
4. Companion
5. Compliments
6. Demoulas Market Basket
7. Eukanuba
8. Fine Feline Cat
9. Food Lion
10. Foodtown
11. Giant Companion
12. Hannaford
13. Hill Country Fare
14. Hy-Vee
15. Iams
16. Laura Lynn
17. Li'l Red
18. Loving Meals
19. Meijer's Main Choice
20. Nutriplan
21. Nutro Max Gourmet Classics
22. Nutro Natural Choice
23. Paws
24. Pet Pride
25. Presidents Choice
26. Price Chopper
27. Priority
28. Save-A-Lot
29. Schnucks
30. Science Diet Feline Savory Cuts Cans
31. Sophistacat
32. Special Kitty Canada
33. Special Kitty US
34. Springfield Prize
35. Sprout
36. Total Pet
37. Wegmans
38. Western Family
39. White Rose
40. Winn Dixie


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60 Million Containers of Pet Food Recalled After Dog and Cat Deaths

2007-03-16 Thread Lora
Did anyone see/read this?

The recalled pet food was sold by stores operated by
the Kroger Company, Safeway Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
(WMT) and PETSMART Inc., among others.

I shop at Petsmart! Scary stuff!,2933,259223,00.html

FYI: Menufoods had shut down their website until
Saturday 03-17-07 morning. I have googled, yahooed and
MSNed them and I did not turn up a thing. I keep
getting the message:

"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. Most
likely causes: You are not connected to the Internet. 
The website is encountering problems. There might be a
typing error in the address."

Please let me know if anyone finds any additional
information! Thanks!


60 Million Containers of Pet Food Recalled After Dog
and Cat Deaths

WASHINGTON —  A major manufacturer of dog and cat food
sold under Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger and other store
brands recalled 60 million containers of wet pet food
Friday after reports of kidney failure and deaths.

An unknown number of cats and dogs suffered kidney
failure and about 10 died after eating the affected
pet food, Menu Foods said in announcing the North
American recall. Product testing has not revealed a
link explaining the reported cases of illness and
death, the company said.

"At this juncture, we're not 100 percent sure what's
happened," said Paul Henderson, the company's
president and chief executive officer. However, the
recalled products were made using wheat gluten
purchased from a new supplier, since dropped for
another source, spokeswoman Sarah Tuite said. Wheat
gluten is a source of protein.

The recall covers the company's "cuts and gravy" style
food, which consists of chunks of meat in gravy, sold
in cans and small foil pouches between Dec. 3 and
March 6 throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

The pet food was sold by stores operated by the Kroger
Company, Safeway Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) and
PetSmart Inc., among others, Henderson said.

Menu Foods did not immediately provide a full list of
brand names and lot numbers covered by the recall,
saying they would be posted on its Web site -- -- early Saturday. Consumers
with questions can call (866) 463-6738.

The company said it manufacturers for 17 of the top 20
North American retailers. It is also a contract
manufacturer for the top branded pet food companies.
Its three U.S. and one Canadian factory produce more
than 1 billion containers of wet pet food a year. The
recall covers pet food made at company plants in
Emporia, Kan., and Pennsauken, N.J., Henderson said.

Henderson said the company received an undisclosed
number of owner complaints of vomiting and kidney
failure in dogs and cats after they had been fed its
products. It has tested its products but not found a
cause for the sickness.

"To date, the tests have not indicated any problems
with the product," Henderson said.

The company alerted the Food and Drug Administration,
which already has inspectors in one of the two plants,
Henderson said. The FDA was working to nail down brand
names covered by the recall, agency spokesman Mike
Herndon said.

Menu Foods is majority owned by the Menu Foods Income
Fund, based in Ontario, Canada.

Henderson said the recall would cost the company the
Canadian equivalent of $26 million to $34 million.


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Re: Respiratory Distress

2007-02-13 Thread Lora

Thanks so much replying to my email, for you have been
the ONLY one to respond to my thread.

I sincerely appreciate the link. I will check it out.

Thanks again! 


--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question on
the feline heart list.

I have a kitty with heart disease but don't know the
answer to this question.

--- Lora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey, folks!

Can a cat have Asthma AND Pulmonary Parenchymal
Disease (pulmonary edema) WITHOUT having
Cardiomyopathy i.e. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM),
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Restrictive
cardiomyopathy (RCM)?

My six (6) year old FeLV negative neutered male was
diagnosed with Asthma and pulmonary edema today.
Cardiomyophy diagnosis is still pending.

He is also negative for FIP.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!



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Respiratory Distress

2007-02-12 Thread Lora
Hey, folks!

Can a cat have Asthma AND Pulmonary Parenchymal
Disease (pulmonary edema) WITHOUT having
Cardiomyopathy i.e. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM),
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Restrictive
cardiomyopathy (RCM)?

My six (6) year old FeLV negative neutered male was
diagnosed with Asthma and pulmonary edema today.
Cardiomyophy diagnosis is still pending.

He is also negative for FIP.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!



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Re: Recent vaccination vs actual disease

2006-10-27 Thread Lora

Agreed. It is very rare for a cat to become positive
from a Feline Leukemia vaccine. Since the FeLV
vaccines are "Killed" the cat has very little change
of contracting the virus. The cat has a better chance
of developing fibrosarcomas than FeLV.

However, if the cat was positive for FeLV BEFORE the
vaccine was administered, then she got a double-dose
of Feline Leukemia. Which is bad.

The cat's body was already producing antibodies to
fight off the disease, so her immune system did not
need to be stimulated into making more. Over
stimulation can compromise the immune system making it
weak and more susceptible to secondary infections
and/or diseases.

Humans do not take the flu shot when they have the flu
and FeLV vaccines should absolutely NEVER be giving to
a FeLV positive cat. PERIOD.

Sounds like your poor kitty was FeLV positive prior to
the vaccine and no one knew about it. Just make sure
that the she does not receive any more FeLV vaccines.
She may be sick for awhile.

Imagine having the flu and fighting off the flu
vaccine at the same time. It has got to be hell.

Please keep us posted and do not PTS immediately! She
can recover from the double-dosage if even the proper
recovery time, but she will probably always be FeLV

Good luck. I will be praying for your kitty.

Feline Leukemia is not a death sentence. 

--- kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 11:13 AM 10/27/2006, you wrote:
You do not get a positive snap test from the

Kelly Lane

--- Nancy Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a question. My cat recently was vaccinated for
feline leukemia.

No one suspected she might have the disease.

Another vet tested her for the disease and said she is

Is there any correlation between a recent vaccine for
feline leukemia and the lab picking up a positive
result for feline leukemia?

I know the cat is not doing well. She is thin and has
stomatitis. I am going to take her to a holistic vet
to try to get her better.

Nancy Schneider
Management Analyst
Dept of Transportation
12544 Saticoy St
N Hollywood 91605
Voice(818) 756-9558
Fax (818) 756-9245

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Re: lump from injection site - dangerous?

2006-09-27 Thread Lora
she has
removed removed a very wide margin there may be little
benefit to additional therapy.

There have been statistical reports that support only
a 50% recurrence rate if the tumor was only surgically
removed. When surgery does not work to stop the spread
of the tumor the prognosis is poor for long term

Currently, I am looking at the same situation you are.
A few months ago, my Madison Lee had amputation
surgery for a tumor that truned out to be a "Medium
Grade" malignant fibrosarcoma. She survived the
surgery and so far she is not exhibiting any outward
symptoms of recurrence.

However, we did not consult an oncologist first, she
did not have a preoperative biopsy performed, a
surgical specialist did not perform the operation and
radiation therapy is not economically possible. The
nearest oncology specialtist is located in
Indianapolis, Indiana...four (4) hours away from us
and that is only one way. It is a total eight (8)
hours' drive round-trip.

Therefore, we opted to have amputation surgery
performed via our local and trusted vet and a
histopathology report drawn up on the biopsy specimen.

We just hope for the best, but are prepared for the
worst. Good luck with Dharma's diagnosis. I am hoping
that she just has a cyst. 


 --- Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, I need your help. I just noticed that my Dharma,
whom I have been treating for possible FIP, developed
a lump around neck shoulder area.

I have been giving different injections, interferon,
sub q fluid, vitamin B, eetc. and am not sure exactly
if this is the location, but I am wondering if it's
caused by injections.

If so, should I worry about this? I heard before that
injections (any) can cause cancers and I am very
worried now. I would appreciate any insights. Thank


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Re: OT:my neighbour is moving and putting her own cat to sleep!

2006-09-21 Thread Lora
Does anyone know what came to be of this poor soul?

I was personally following this particular thread, but
an update was never posted.

Please tell me that there is a happy ending...

Poor baby.

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

Yesterday, my neighbour college student girl came over
and ask if I could adopt one of her cats, she has two
and she is moving into a place where they only allow
one cat -- what type of logic is this?  

Then, I asked what she is going to do if she cannot
find a home and her BF said to me... "well the vet
suggests that PTS ---because he is too fragil and
did not think that he can go through any stressful

I just couldn't believe it. where I left is that I
would come take a look at the cat.

I am not sure what to do. I just know that this cat
definitely does not deserve to be PTS just because
these people are cruel and idiot enough to find a
place where they only allow one cat when they already
have two cats! I just don't get it.

Any suggestions? As I need to vent and see if anyone
has any ideas as to what I need to do.


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Re: Special Need List Add-On: Madison Lee

2006-07-13 Thread Lora

Hi sweetie! Yes, as a matter of fact I am! *glows*

Jasmyn Victoria was born on 02-13-06. She was 8
pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long! Yeah, a whooper!
Her head alone wad 33 and 1/3 cm around.

Now at five (5) months old she weighs 18.4 pounds and
is over 25 inches long! Like I said a whooper, but a
cutie! Mommy's little gerber baby. She has the cheeks
of a Cabbage Patch doll! Man does the time just fly

We are eating jar food and sitting up straight with
little or no support, but have not yet mastered the
art of crawling. She smiles and laughs, but no "first"
words yet. Although me and my husband anticipate her
first "word" before her first "crawl."

I will have to send some photobucket links of her
album. Some of her first months have already been
uploaded, but unfortunately I have not had the time to
upload her more recent pictures.

Aside from my daughter's birth, 2006 has been a rough
year. First Stray's unexpected death and now Madison's
Mysterious Mass. Hopefully with Madison's good news me
and my husband can turn our attention back to the more
fun things of watching our daughter mimic
funny faces as she attempts to pull kitty tails! :)

We are keeping our fingers crosed. Thanks for asking!

Hugs, Lora

--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That is fantastic news!!! And the price is very good.
I can't get a dental for less than $300!

Haven't heard from you in a while.. does
that mean you're now the proud parent of a baby


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RE: Special Need List Add-On: Madison Lee

2006-07-13 Thread Lora

I never gave it much thought, but you know what,
Madison's name DOES sound Southern does it not? LOL.

As a matter of fact yeah, we resided in Southern

Huh. I never realized that I had named her after a
"Southern Bell." I was just looking for a nice middle
name that sounded/looked good with the word Madison.

Most of my furkids have full names i.e. Temper Tail,
Felix Anthony, Sebastian Avery, Abigail Rayna, Tabitha
Shaylin, Gypsy Marie, Masion Lee, Mason Keith,
Dartagnan Montague, Whiney Alison, Begger Ray,
Mercedes Benz, etc. :)

They are just fun to say aloud when one of the furkids
gets into trouble and even funnier to watch when
people do a double-take expecting to see me scolding
at a child, not a cat! LOL!  


--- Helene Hand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Madison Lee is certainly in my thoughts and
prayerssounds sucessful!!!

Madison's surgery was only $20.00 more than Sam's
blood work this past week, and Delilah's blood work
last week!!

Is Madison Lee a Southern Kitty name, by any chance? 


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Re: Special Need List Add-On: Madison Lee

2006-07-13 Thread Lora
Hi Everyone,

I called the vet's office yesterday around 4:30 P.M.
for an update on Madison's status and am happy to
report that she not only survived the general
anesthetic (isoflurane gas), but the operation itself!

Due to Madison's age I was SO worried about the use of
anesthetic, but she pulled through with flying colors.

We picked up Madison from the hospital this afternoon
and despite her condition, she acts perfectly normal.
As soon as she saw me she pratcially jumped into my
arms and when we touched she instantly started to purr
and kneed.

Here is the breakdown of the current events:

07-08-06 Extreral Examination- $15.00 dollars.

07-12-06 Amputation Surgery of Tumor- $80.00 dollars.
07-12-06 Lab Histopathology (biopsy of tumor)- $38.00.
07-12-06 Radiograph 10 X 12 (X-ray of chest)- 35.00.
07-12-06 Clavamox Drops (an antibiotic)- 14.00.

07-13-06 Current Total $182 (which is NOT a bad price
considering we are talking about "possible" cancer. I
which treatment for "human" cancer was this cheap!)

Keep in mind that this is just a running total,
because the postoperative appointment will be an
additional cost as well as any treatment for cancer IF
she has it. 

Madison's postoperative exam is scheduled for Saturday
July the 22nd. That is exactly ten (10) days from her
surgery date. Our veterinarian will remove her sutures

Unlike an invasive spay operation which requires
dissolvable sutures, Madison's sugery was external
which required non-dissolvable sutures, hence the
postoperative appointment.

Our veterinarian used a vertical incision which is
approximating three (3) inches in length and resulted
in seventeen (17) individual stitches.

Although Madison was discharged withOUT any pain
medication she does not seem to mind. As soon as we
returned home she quickly inspected every room in the
house to ensure that everything was the way SHE left
it (such a queen) and then curled up on the back of
the couch (her reserved spot) to take a nap. If she
understands the severity of the situation, she clearly
does not care.

In addition to the surgery and biopsy our veterinarian
took an X-ray of her chest to confirm if there was any
cancer cells in that area. There was not, her chest
cavity can back clean and our veterinarian feels
confident that the tumor itself was "contained."

The word "contained" is cancer jargon for meaning that
a small portion of tissue (usually an inch)
surrounding the tumor was "clean" or cancer-free.

In amputation surgery of a "possible" cancerous tumor,
surgeons typically remove some "good" tissue along
with the tumor in hopes that ALL of the cancerous
cells have been extracted from the body; thus
"containing" the cancer.

This technique is common practice in surgical oncology
i.e. colectomies, lumpectomies, mastectomies, etc. as
conventional cancer treatments. 

However, the biopsy report from the diagnostic
laboratory pathology department is expected to be
received on or before her postoperative appointment.

It will be then that our veterinarian will be able to
tell us if the tumor was benign or malignant and IF
the tumor was malignant what TYPE of cancer it is.

If Madison is dignosed with cancer we will discuss a
course of treatment i.e. chemotherapy,
radiation-therapy, immunotherapy, new/innovative
therapies, etc. then. As of right now, we are just
focused on Madison recovering from the surgery itself.

She made it over the first hurdle (the surgery) now if
she can just get over the next (the cancer.) We are
not out of the woods yet. Please continue to keep my
sweet Madison Lee in your thoughts and prayers. We
need all the positive healing vibes that we can get.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed replys and
posted their well-wishes. We sincerely appreciate it.

Hugs, Lora

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Re: Special Need List Add-On: Madison Lee

2006-07-12 Thread Lora

No the "mass" has not grown in size since I found it
on 07-01-06.

However, I do not know how long Madison has had the
lump. It is very possible that it started out
extremely tiny i.e. pea size and I just had not
discovered it yet.

It is also possible that the knot has always been the
size of a quarter and it simply developed extremely
fast. We will never know for certain. All that can be
confirmed is that I offically found it on 07-01-06.
Persoanlly, I wish I had found it sooner. :(

No, the tumor does not hurt Madison. She will let me
touch it and still permits me to scratch her neck. The
mass is not hot to the touch.

I can wrap my fingers around three (3) sides of the
knot, so I am assumming that it is attached to
subcutaneous tissue on its fourth side.

Although the mass remains in one generalized location,
it IS easily manipulated...kinda like jello. Sorry it
is the only analogy that I can think of.

The tumor moves when touched, but it always returns to
its generalized location of the lower neck. LOL. Does
any of that make sense?

I suppose the mobility of the tumor is due to the fact
that it is only attched to tissue via the one size,
leave it virtually free-floating in her neck?? It is
the only reasoning that I can come up with.

I will post again soon.

Thanks for the well-wishes.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Me too, Lora. I'll be praying that the lump is
nothing more than fatty tissue and be thinking about
the two of you come Wed.

Has it grown, or changed in anyway since you spotted

Does it hurt her when you manipulate it?

Does it seem to move as you play with it, or does it 
remain in one place, like it's attached to something?

Please keep us informed. Try not to worry before you
know if there's anything to be too concerned about.  I
know that's easier said than done, but you're on 
top of it and worry won't help.

Hugs to you and your baby,

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Special Need List Add-On: Madison Lee

2006-07-10 Thread Lora

Could you please add my darling little Madison Lee to
the "Special Needs" list? She is one of my FeLV
negatives who is a five (5) year old black and white

On July the first I found a knot, the size of a
quarter, at the base of her neck.

I do not know if any of the original members who were
active when I first joined the FElVtalk list back in
2002 (when my beloved Peeper was alive) remembers the
college argumentative essay that I wrote regarding
Feline Vaccine Aassociated Sarcomas (FVAS.)

Anyway, that essay was written a year later in 2003
and that is the year I quit vaccinating my
kitties...ALL of them.

It is because of this that I am hoping my sweet little
Madison does NOT have FVAS. She has not been
vaccinated for FVRCP, Rabies or Feline Leukemia in the
past three (3) years.

We took her to the hospital for an external exam on
Saturday July the 8th. Exactly one week later. Thanks
to the blasted 4th of July holiday they were backed up
and the 8th was the soonest that I could get in!

Why in the hell do all medical emergencies occur on
the holidays when regular veterinarian offices are
closed?! This is the third time is has happened to me
and my kids in the past ten years! Grrr!

Unfortunately, our veterinarian informed us that cats
can develop FVAS with or withOUT be vaccinated!

I do not know if I agree with this statement. I will
have to do more research. Perhaps there has been some
new developing information in the last three (3) years
that supports this theory. I do not know, but will
find out.

Amptuation surgery is scheduled immediately. If the
tumor is indeed malignant, the longer it stays in her
body the higher the risk of it metastasizing to other
parts. A huge concern is cancer in her chest cavity.

Surgey will begin on Wednesday July the 12th and once
the tumor has been removed our veterinarian will
dissect it and send it to pathology for confirmation.

We are all praying that it is just a benign, fatty,
subcutaneous tumor that will not require chemo, but
unfortunately there is no way to tell until the tumor
is physically out of her body and sent to pathology.

Currently, Madison is asymptomatic. She is not showing
any outward signs of cancer. She has not lost any
weight, her appetite has remain normal and hardy, she
is not running a temperature, her eyes and nose are
clear, her coat is still shiny and her activity level
has not slowed down.

So, we sit and wait...and pray with positive thoughts.

Out of 22 years of resuce work and a cat-mom to 14,
never once have I ever encountered a feline with a
tumor. This will be another "first" for me. 2006 is
quickly turning out to be a bad year for me.

With that said, we hope for the best, but are perpared
for the worst.

Please keep us in your thoughts.

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Stray- CLS

2006-04-07 Thread Lora
Belinda could you please add my beloved Stray to the
CLS? Thanks!

Thursday 01-26-06 me and Christopher (my husband) got
up around 2:00 P.M. with intentions of driving to
Owensboro, KY to cash his check and to buy a can of
Bright Beginnings baby formula (stocking up for

While Chistopher is in the shower I am downstairs
loading the dishwasher that turns into sweeping the
kitchen floor (I am obsessive-compulsive like that. I
have trouble stopping at one chore. They easily roll
into two and three, etc.) 

Anyway, I open the backdoor to sweep out the cat
litter that has been kicked out of the utility room
litter box when I noticed Stray, my neutered male
orange-tabby cat who would have been two (2) years old
in March) happily batting at something in the back

Thinking nothing of it I step out side to investigate.
He had a baby field mouse and it was unharmed!
Awww...Stray was playing gently as he always did. No
harm done. I picked up the mouse...I had an idea!  

I raced back in the house, leaving Stray to look for
the missing mouse, and made a beeline to the bathroom.
My husband was still in the shower. Hehe! 

"Look! Ain't it cute!" I squealed with a huge smile on
my face. Christopher slides open the shower door and
just about comes unglued right there! 

"Why, that's...that's...where the hell did that come
from?" He stammered. "And why aren't you dressed yet?"

I looked down at the pajamas I still wore. "I was
loading the dishwasher." I explained still holding the
little mouse. 

Christopher is clearly getting annoyed really quick.
"Put that damn mouse outside were it belongs and get
dressed. We are never going to make in to the bank in

LOL. Grouch! 

Heaven only knew that was the last happy moment that I
would have for several days to come. 

As we were leaving the house Stray approaches us
wanting in the garage to eat. He is an outside cat via
day and an garage kitty via night/winter. 

"We have to let him in." I tell my husband. "He is

"Lora we do not have time!" Christopher barks. "We are
already running behind schedule!" 

I become very angry. If my kids want to eat. They eat!
To hell with being on time! 

Christopher unlocks the door with a huff and Stray
walks through the utility room straight into the
garage. Did I jsut see Stray stagger? Na! I tell
myself. I am just seeing things. 

Had I know that would have been the last time I would
see my baby walk, I would have never left his side! 

So we close the garage door and lock the side house
door. We were off! That was around 3:15 P.M. - 3:30

We never made it to the bank. By the time we pulled
into the parking lot they were locking the doors from
the inside out. 

Christopher was livid because of the mouse and Stray.
Little did he know he would come to regret that anger.

We arrive back home around 5:00 P.M. to a quiet,
normal-looking house. Everything seemed to be fine and
in its place, afterall we were only gone roughly two
(2) hours. 

Then I hear it. Meowing. Constant meowing. 

"Uh-oh." I tell Christopher. "Mason has another milk
ring again." Only he does not. Mason rounds the corner
at the sound of his name with nothing in his mouth. 

Okay. It is time to do a head-count then. We open all
of the doors to see if anyone had been accidently
locked up. Nothing. We count all ten heads in the
house. Normal. Then who the hell is meowing? 

I turn my attention to the garage and shear panic
washes over me. There is Stray trying to claw his way
off on the pillow. His hide leg are completely
paralyzed! He slithers across the room and bile wails
up in the back of my throat. I scream and run back
into the house. 

Completely beside myself in hysteria, I cry out for
Christopher. All the while poor Stray is just holling
in agony, begging for us to help him. 

It is 5:00 P.M. at night, Christopher is preparing to
go to work (working third shift) I am nine (9) months
pregnant and I cancled our "emergency" credit card
last Friday 01-20-06! Oh, God! I was going to puke!
What were we going to do? 

I race upstairs to find my parents. I scream/cry what
I had found. I beg for money. Babbling about emergency pain. 

My folks come downstairs thinking that the situation
was not "all that bad." HA! Mom returns from the
garage white as a sheet. 

It is now 5:30 P.M. and something has to be done! I
call Fort Branch (my veterinarian) in an off-hand
chance that they would still be open. They were! I try
so hard to remain calm as I explained to Kristi that
my kitty had hind-leg paralysis, but had not been hit
my a car. He was in the garage all day. He even walked
into the garage by himself! 

"How soon can you get here?" Kristi ask. 

"Now. Can I come now?" I beg losing my composure. 

I hang up the phone trying to function like a norma

Re: Sigh...

2005-11-30 Thread Lora

Even though we have never actually corresponded on the
list before personally, I just wanted to let you know
that I ALWAYS make a point to read your posts. (Been
reading your FeLVTALK posts for three (3) years now.)

Despite all of bitterness, burn-out, or ranting that
you may do, I seriously admire you for what you have
to say. You tell it like it is, without candy-coating
the truth. (And although the truth may not be pretty,
at least you are brave enough to speak it aloud!)

You know SO much about EVERYthing that I have been
trying to educate people about here locally i.e.
breeder mills, spay/neuter advocacy, animal cruelty
(misdemeanors that SHOULD be Class A felonies),
veganism, not to mention several feline
diseases/treatments, just to name a few!

I wish I had the honor of knowing YOU years ago before
your burn-out set in. (It happens to the best of us.)
And I wish we actually had the opportunity to meet.

For years now, I have been "on my own" with these
"views" that not only society looks down upon, but my
family as well! It is a breath of fresh air to hear
you (and the other members) sharing the exact same
views! I just wish there were more of us.
Unfortunately, our voices are not yet loud enough to
be heard, but they WILL be...some day.

What you refer to a BYB (Back-Yard-Breeders) is called
"Hobby Breeding" via the USDA when dealing with exotic
Sugar Gliders. Please do not let the fancy USDA
license mislead you, there is NO difference in BYB and
Hobby breeding. The license just makes it "legal" NOT

It is SO sad to hear (and KNOW) that there are
inexperienced, incompetent and irresponsible human
beings that are too lazy to work, thus resort to
making a "fast buck" via breeding cats, dogs, exotics,
horses, etc.!

My mom has aggravated me for years about breeding my
rescue sugar gliders due to their rarity and financial
value, but ANYone lazy and stupid enough to make money
off ANY innocent animal is no better than pumping out
babies for the financial gain of the welfare-system!

Parents making dollars off of their kids is sick, but
alleged "responsible" pet-guardians who make money off
of their PETS is even sicker! What kind of person can
exploit innocent souls that way? You might as well be
"human trafficking" i.e. mail-order-brides, child
prostitution, etc. your own family member for there is
NO difference!

I do not apologize. You absolutely CANNOT advocate
proper spay/neuter for "some" animals and then turn
around and "breed" others! Not only is it
hypercritical, it is immoral! So many "queens" and
"runts of the little" die of birthing complications
and yet their "owners" just stand there and let the
animal suffer!

What do the breeders do? They breed MORE queens to
replace the ones who are "worn out" and sell THOSE
babies to make up for the ones who died! GAG! PUKE!

It is NO life for ANY animal! The poor souls who DO
die get off easy. God, rest their souls! It is
hell-on-earth for the ones who are fortunate to
survive...if you can ever call a breeder-mill baby

Have you ever seen a "queen" who was physically "used
up" from breeding? I pray that you never have to.

Thank you SO much for sharing.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Unfortunately, I don't ever see an end to breeding.

You have these high profile dog/cat shows. The
"reputable"  (choke, choke - ) breeders, only "in it"
for the "betterment" of the breed. All the $$$'s
involved. Very sad.

Then you have the BYB's and the millers. Very sad.

No, it's not going to end in my lifetime. (I hate to
be such a pessimist, BUT I've seen too much, and what
I've seen, I hate.)

Gosh, I wish I'd known you 2 years ago, MC.

Actually, it's only a few days past the 2 year mark
since our shelter acquired a total of 34 persians.

One breeder busted for neglect, 21 cats seized. One
person, presumed to have been a "chickensh*t" breeder,
dumped 13  persians in the woods surrounding a shelter
volunteers' house! (Yeah, those cats did real well in
snow covered woods with temperatures below 

Never knew too much about the breed til then. Poor
things, we lost 4 immediately, and later lost 6 more.
Serious health issues that had never been addressed.
Females, geriatric, that had been used as "baby
machines" their entire lives!! What a mess!

These breeders/BYBs/Millers look at this as a means of
making $$$s off the flesh & blood of poor, innocent
creatures. With the way most laws are written, they
get a "slap on the hand", pay a 
measly fine and then proceed to set up shop somewhere

I know only too well. I am right next door to
Lancaster, Pa. and the "blood-sucking" Amish and their
puppy mills. Grr!

(It's no surprise I feel totally burnt out after all
these years, yes, and a "wee bit" bitter.)


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Re: Off topic, but why does my cat do this?

2005-11-30 Thread Lora

LOL. Our Baby Mason does this! :) Only he prefers
plastic milk jug rings.

Late at night (or early in the morning, depending on
how you look at it) he walks through the entire house,
room to room, meowing to himself with this stupid ring
in his mouth. Neither are any of the other cats around
him nor are they interested in what he has to say! :)

Me and my husband just have assumed that he likes the
sound of his own voice. ??? Never figured this one out
either, but it sure is CUTE!

Out of all thirteen (13) kitties he is the only one
who does this. Even his biological sister (from the
same litter) does not behave in this odd fashion.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't know why, but it sure is cute! What a cool

My Snowshoe carries things in her mouth while meowing
loudly, and looking around frantically like she thinks
someone is going to take it from her, but she never
brings the item to us, she just walks around meowing
with it in her mouth.

I assumed it was typical Siamese behavior, I have
heard they are
very quirky and talkative cats.

Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:  
Adopt a FIV+ cat:
Adopt a FELV+ cat:


I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr
old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet
for the rest of his life.

Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to
KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of

PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please email me for
the NEW address to send them to!


Does your cat have chronic diarrhea that does not
respond to treatment, or has your cat been loosely
diagnosed as IBD? Have you tested for
Tritrichomonosis? The test is new, the new drug makes
it curable.

Ask me today how you can test for Trich!

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: litterboxes

2005-11-28 Thread Lora
ROTFLMAO! Little dears my foot! More like little
snots! :)

Yep, I have a two (2) fur-kids who absolutely LOVE to
"piddle" on plastic; especially plastic bags!

It completely baffles me as to WHY they choose to pee
on top of a plastic bag that is lying on the floor,
but they do.

So now, it is a "race for the chase of the plastic
bag!" Once I walk though the door with Wal-Mart bags
in hand, its on! I have to fight the kids for the
empty bags and quickly put them away (we recycle)
before ANYone can get ahold of them.

My kids have trained me well!

Perhaps why a cat pees on a plastic bag will always be
a mystery, I do not know. I have been doing rescue
work for over 20 years and have been a cat-mom for 9
and I STILL cannot explain it.

Whoever discovers which ingredient (in plastic) that
cats are attracted to, will be forever rich! All
he/she has to do it put that "mystery" ingredient in a
bottle and sell it and they will make millions.

Just sprinkle/spray that "mystery" ingredient inside
any/all litter boxes (kinda like "Attract-A-Cat) and
cats will never be tempted to pee on plastic again!

Ah! That would be the day! Until then, me and my kids
continue to "fight" over the plastic bags! LOL. 


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Ha! My, my you did take drastic measures!

When we bought the living room furniture, we also got
a new futon mattress. We were smart enough to leave it
covered in the plastic it came in until Thanksgiving
morning. Thank goodness we did, when I went to cut the
plastic off, I found a small pond of urine in the
middle! Ugh! I started looking around for someone to

I do remember discussing the 'errant elimination'
topic once before and was surprised at how many cats
seem to like going potty on plastic. Little dears.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: litterboxes

2005-11-23 Thread Lora
Yep, I truly feel your pain.

It is for this sole purpose that we have finally
learned, in our home, to have ALL of the fabric
furniture professionally
steamed upholstered and then have them wrapped in

Once the plastic is professionally installed,
slipcovers are fitted for each inidividual piece.

Now when we have an inappropriate elimation/soiling
"accident" or a territorial aggression spray "issue,"
I simply take the slipcovers off and throw them in the
washing machine.

Of course this obviously meant that I absoultely had
to purchase an industrial size washer and dryer.

It is a godsend that we have a well-water hook-up
(with a water-softener) to the house, otherwise we
would be spending a fortune on monthly bills for city

Even with purchasing a water-softener, septic tank,
monthly bags of watersalt refills and
biannually/annually septic tank maintenance/drainnig,
we are saving a bundle in the long-run! Everything is
going up, including utilities and water!

At least I have found an effecient method to nearly
eliminate ALL of the sofa cat-hair on a regular basis!


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My husband calls cat poo appetizers "chewy goodness."
Disgusting. Ah the joys of fur parenting. While we're
on the
subject of poo...  I just have to vent a little.

After all the talk of psyching out litterbox
avoidance, my cat Gypsy decided to put me in my place.
I was so proud of myself for finding and having
delivered a new sofa, love seat and 
overstuffed chair in time for the hoard of people that
will be 
descending on our home for Thanksgiving. We just got
it yesterday, haven't even arranged it the way we want

My husband stuck his face back in the bedroom this
morning with a look that told me something was very
wrong. Gypsy had not only christened the new sofa with
her distinctive soft poo, but someone had urinated on
the chair!

Aaarrrggh! Mommy was not happy.  Little s**ts wanted
to make sure the new stuff smelled more like the old
stuff I guess.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Dry food/Jenn~Trich

2005-11-22 Thread Lora
Love this info!


Diagnosis of T foetus infection is usually quite
straightforward. The organism exists in the intestine
as small, motile trophozoites, and these can be
detected under the microscope. For optimum results,
fresh faeces should be examined, and if any mucus has
been passed with the faeces this is the most likely
place to find the organisms.

Two other diagnostic tests are available which are
both more sensitive and specific for this organism.
Firstly, the organism can be cultured from faecal
samples using a system developed for diagnosis in
cattle. The ‘In Pouch tm TF' test (BioMed Diagnostics,
Oregon , USA ) uses a liquid culture system in a
sterile plastic pouch.

The other test that can be used is PCR (polymerase
chain reaction) – a sophisticated test that can detect
the presence of the genetic material of the organism.

Entire article found here: (A good reference, IMO)


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here's the info my vet gave to me when we discovered
we had it here:

Trichomonosis in cats

According to Dr S. Marks of UC-Davis School of
Veterinary Medicine:  "Tritrichomonas foetus, the
primary causative agent of bovine trichomoniasis, has
recently been recognized as a protozoal [intestinal]
pathogen in cats."  One study showed a
high prevalence in cat show and cattery animals. 

Often misdiagnosed as Giardia, T. foetus infected cats
treated with an appropriate Giardia therapy do not

Clinical signs of Tritrichomonas foetus include
chronic or re-occurring diarrhea. Often "the anus is
red, swollen, and painful, and fecal incontinence is
not uncommon. Most cats are usually bright, alert, and
responsive, and in good body condition with a normal

T. foetus can be found in cats not showing clinical

InPouchTF (Biomed Diagnostics, White City, Oregon)is a
test developed to identify Tritrichomonas foetus in
cows, but can be used in a veterinary hospital setting
to test cats for the protozoa.

This is the test we used to confirm Pharaoh's
diagnosis.  InPouch TF has shown a 90% rate of
sensitivity to the protozoa, a six-fold increase over
trying to diagnosis this protozoa via a
microscopic examination of fecal material.

Tritrichomonas foetus is not considered to be zoonotic
(transmissible to people) but as it can affect cows
and pigs, anyone with these animals and a cat with
chronic diarrhea has cause for concern.

At the time Dr. Marks wrote his presentation, no
treatment options were available. By June of this
summer (2005), after many drug trials had been
unsuccessful, Ronidazole was showing promise in
research trials.

Once diagnosed with Tritrichomonas foetus, Ronidazole
is the drug currently being tested for use in cats.
This is an 'off-label' use of the drug and is not
guaranteed to be a treatment.  Dosing being used by
researchers is 30-50mg/kg orally once every 12 hours
for 14 days. However, research has not yet decided if
this is the optimal dose.

Ronidazole is produced by SIGMA Pharmaceuticals. It
must be kept frozen. Currently it is a relatively
reasonably priced drug - this may change in the

It is important to know that recovered cats can remain
infected. Periods of stress do seem to play a strong
role in recurrence of clinical signs.

The most sensitive test for Tritrichomonas foetus is a
PCR of DNA extracted from feces with a 97%+
sensitivity to the protozoa. This test is only
performed at the veterinary laboratory at North
Carolina State University. A lima bean sized amount of
feces must be placed in 5-10ml of rubbing alcohol for
proper stabilization of the sample in preparation for


"Update of Feline Gastrointestinal Neoplasia,"  S.
L. Marks, BVSc., PhD, Diplomate ACVIM (Internal
Medicine, Oncology), Diplomate ACVN, lecture notes,
North American Veterinary Conference Postgraduate
Institute 2005 - Advances in Feline Medicine, Orlando

Personal notes, P. J. Yankauskas, VMD, Hyde Park VT

Personal consultation, P. J. Yankauskas, VMD, Hyde
Park VT

Their phone number, if you need to call for more info
is 802-888-7911, and you can tell them that Jennifer
O'Guin referred you to them about Trich diagnosis and
treatments. Thye should be able to
give you (or your vet) all the needed info.

Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:  
Adopt a FIV+ cat:
Adopt a FELV+ cat:

"Saving one animal won't make a difference in the
world, but it will make a world of difference for that
one animal."

I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr
old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet
for the rest of his life.

Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to
KMR, where they add up un

Non-Regenerative Anemia

2005-11-05 Thread Lora
Can Immuno-Regulin be used on FeLV positive cats who
develop Non-Regenerative Anemia?

Also, would FeLV positive cats who need a blood
transfusion be putting the "donor" cat at risk of
contracting the virus?

Would the transfusion even be successful for
Non-regenerative Anemics?

I have heard of veterinary hospitals (including
emergency clinics) literally denying a transfusion
because the anemic cat was FeLV positive.

Is that true?


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

It has been awhile. Good to hear from you!

I SO appreciated your emails! They made me laugh and
laugh! The story you shared about your sister and baby
Tyler is EXACTLY the same picture I see when I
visualize my little girl growing up in our home!

It is so amazing that you mention Tyler's and Barney's
antics, because my younger sister had her first child
back on February 25, 2003 (a little boy they named
Jacob) and he absolutely LOVE animals! Every time they
came over he would sit and squill at my kitties with a
huge goofy grin on his face.

When he turned two (2) and was walking, he would try
and chase the kitties, tripping all the way! LOL. But
he never cared. He is truly a happy child.

My kids (kitties) on the other hand did not care for
Jacob at all. There was NEVER any fussing, fighting or
territorial aggression physically displayed with my
kids towards baby Jacob.

As you (and several others) have mentioned, my kids
would either sit out of child's reach and just stare
at him or avoided Jacob completely. It was obvious
that baby Jacob was more tickled with them than they
were about him! LOL.

The idea that Tyler thinks he is a dog just cracked me
up! I can SO relate! With so many "animals" in our
home I can see where my little girl can become
confused with her identity! LOL.

All of her newborn clothes (so far) are done in pink
kitties! My husband teases me that I may get away with
dressing her up in "kitty" themed clothes for the
first couple of years, but eventually she will want to
dress herself and he is laying bets that she will
choose to NOT be dressed as a cat! LOL.

Her nursery is in all kitties too. Not the typical
"Hello Kitty" or Disney Marie" kitties either. They
are overrated.

Instead I had to literally piece together her
accessories throughout my entire pregnancy as pink
"bunnies" "lambs" and "bears" tend to be the standard

Unfortunately, not a lot of companies make "kitty"
anything for babies and when they do it is basically
for a "test run" to see if the item sell well.
Therefore, not a lot duplicates of that particular
item are manufactured. It is difficult, but fun.

So anyway, I can see the possibility of my little
thinking that she is a "cat", having a best friend who
is a cat or adopting one of the kitties as a security
blanket! LOL.

I can see her doing all the stuff that baby Tyler does
for and to Barney! Pulling on the cat's tail and the
cat patiently putting up with it, kissing the cat(s),
feeding the cat(s) human baby food through the playpen
or deliberately dropping it onto the floor from the
highchair, playing like a cat and of course she will
probably prefer the cat's toys over her own!

I can even see the cats willing giving up their toys
so that they can have hers in exchange! LOL! Which of
course they will most likely destroy on impact!

I can even see myself (or my husband) yelling the
child's name, no and the cat's name, no as they
conspire against me in some crazy antic that they KNOW
is wrong.

Like tipping over the kitchen trash-can together, the
child letting the cat outside because the cat knows
she will "let" him, or the cat deliberately dragging
the very item to the child that I said she could NOT
have! LOL.

But yes I have to completely, without a doubt, agree
that children raised with or around animals are
happier babies they grow into even happier children.

Children raised around animals learn at an early age
not to abuse them, they eventually learn to love (or
at the very least accept) animals and having fur-kids
interacting with human kids helps aid the child's
hand-eye movement and motor skills.

Personally, I think kids who are raised around animals
are smarter and develop faster then children who are

Although there is not a veterinarian currently within
our family, we also have hopes for our daughter
choosing a career path in veterinary medicine.

I have ALWAYS wanted to be a veterinarian, but when I
got involved in rescue work, I just did not have the
time and energy for both. Eventually, I had to chose. 

Since I could save lived now in the present, that is
the choice I made. I may not be a practicing State
Board licensed veterinarian, but I have enough
knowledge and experience to help assist the
veterinarians that I DO know and have been blessed
with veterinarians who are willing to work with me. I
want my daughter to pick up where I left off.

Thank you SO much for sharing!


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Congratulations from me as well!

My sister went through her first pregnancy at 41 a
little over a year ago. lol. They had 3 cats and 3
dogs at the time. (Well they still do!)

She had her husband clean the litters, but other
than that there have been no real issues. I hope it is
the same for you.

Her 'trouble boy' cat did scratch the baby 

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

I have seen you around especially on the "Angel Wings
Sanctuary" thread back in June, but I believe this is
the first time we have actually spoke.

I agree wholeheartedly on human parents becoming
paranoid about their pets when there is a human baby
involved. Thankfully, I am NOT one of them.

I am sorry, but I never could relate to people like
that. My fur-kids are just and they are
equally a member of our family the way ANY human child
would be.

Unfortunately, there are those few incompetent and
uneducated irresponsible pet-guardians who end up
choosing their human child over their fur-kids and
relinquishing their "pets" into the custody of the
local animal control or humane society. Sad. Just
plain sad.

Yep, I have heard from just about everyone now on the
DO's and DON'Ts when it comes to infants and sleeping.
LOL. That is alright though. Comes with the territory
right? Everyone is just trying to help.

Speaking of "No-Baby Zones", that reminds me. I need
to purchase some Baby Gates to close off the litter
boxes. (The fur-kids can easily scale over the tops of
them) but it will definitely keep the child out.

Yes, my rescue work has slowed down for obvious
reasons. I can barely walk anymore! LOL. It takes me
FOREVER to get anything done, but it all DOES get

Therefore, I have temporarily discontinued my TAR for
the time being. Since I am the sole individual who
runs the process (I do not receive any physical
assistance) and with the ferals WAY too quick for me
at this point in time; I figured what is the use?

LOL. That is okay. My condition is only temporary and
those ferals have their days numbered! Eventually,
they will ALL be altered. Thank God I was not too far
into my pregnancy during "kitten season"! I was still
able to half-ass properly function! LOL!

All of my kitties have been tested for Toxo. It is one
(1) of the tests that is automatically ran with the
Chemistry Feline Health Panel (a blood-work panel that
consists of seven (7) separate tests.) I have that and
an IFA ran on ALL of my kids annually.

Only two (2) of my kids are positive for toxo. My
oldest two, Felix age 6 years (male) and Temper age 9
years (female.)

Despite the possible risks involved, I have decided
NOT to break up our happy home via relocating my Felix
and Temper.

According to many Humane Societies and Animal Control
standards, these two (2) are are WAY beyond their
"Generic" years and would be (without a doubt)
euthanized on the spot.

Therefore, no. My kids are mine and they will forever
stay with any cost. Beside an Animo was
performed and the test results were normal. Me and the
baby are negative for Toxo. So, I am definitely NOT

To the best of my knowledge there is neither a
treatment nor a cure for Feline Toxoplasmosis.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I was pregnant, one of my cats used to sleep on
my big belly and in the baby cradle. After my baby was
born, my cat carefully would sleep curled up beside
her in the cradle. I never once had any issues between
any of my cats and the baby, they all got along

I think most people are scared the cats will hurt the
baby, so they stress out, and shoo the cats away from
the baby, because the HUMAN parents are paranoid.

I did nothing and everything went great. The cats
loved the baby and the baby didn't care one way or
another about the cat sharing her bed.

Babies should be laid on their sides bolstered between
two rolled up towels to sleep. In this position, it is
impossible for them to choke on their own spit up OR
for a cat to lay on their face
enough to hinder their breathing.

As babies mature, they begin to pull fur on the cat
if the cat tries to curl up too close. Cats learn
to avoid the baby on their own, no human
discouragement is required. It's really amazing what
nature works out on it's own if you just leave it to
be, and let it run it's own course.

Litter pans do need to be put in a non-baby accessible
place one baby begins to crawl or walk

As far as rescue work goes, I would avoid doing
anything that would lead to you being bitten by an
unknown animal, as I doubt they would be able to do
the rabies treatment on a pregnant woman without
harming the fetus.

You should also have all the cats (and other animals)
you care for tested for Toxoplasmosis and parasites,
and if they have any of those things, have them
treated so that handling them and their litter, bowls,
and bodies is not endangering your pregnancy.

Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
Adopt a FIV+ cat:
Adopt a FELV+ cat:

"Saving one animal won't make a difference in the
world, but it will make a world of difference for that
one animal."


Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

Thank you for your kind words and I hope that Noah
gets to feeling better.

We thought that Dartagnan had Stomatitis for the
longest of time. Fortunately, the veterinarian
concluded that he did not.

He just had severe Feline Gingivitis which was
maintained via extracting his four (4) back molars.
Two on top (one left and one right) and two on the
bottom (one left and one right.)


--- Del Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Flames? You deserve a pat on the back and a hug!


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

RE: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

I understand all too well about being at work and not
having the time to read and/or reply to posts.

I am a homemaker, a military wife and soon to be a
stay-at-home-mom and I barely have the luxury of being
on-line! So I COMPLETELY understand how busy life can
get... or in my case busIER life can get! LOL.

Is Levi still with you? If so, I hope he is doing

Thank you for your well-wishes and congrats on the
baby, but more importantly thank you for recognizing
the amount of time, money, effort and at times hassles
that comes along with ANY rescue work. It is truly a
labor of love. There are as much joys as there are
tears. Much appreciated! Take care.


--- "MacKenzie, Kerry N."


I'm hardly reading/posting right now due to work
pressure BUT wanted to say congrats to you and your
husband on the about-to-be addition to your family!!
And wish you & your existing family much harmony when
human baby arrives!

PLUS a heartfelt thank you to you (along with all the
other amazing people on this list who do the same) for
all the huge amount of time, effort and $$ you devote
to homeless and sick animals. What you do is
truly wonderful.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora
Hi Nina,

You were the first person to respond to my "Massive
Spraying Issue" thread, referring me to Patricia
Schaller's website.

It is kinda sad in a way to be remembered as the woman
who had the spray-happy cat. LOL. But it IS the truth!
Does your Ursula still spray?

As far as "falling out" with the group goes. It just
felt that way. I am so relieved that this is
definitely NOT the case!

And yes, believe it or not, I still have Dartagnan
Montague. Without re-hatching this too bad, he is now
on Fluoxetine (kitty Prozac) 2mg daily. It helps, but
it is by far NO cure.

The new prescription was finally prescribed 07-26-05.
I have to get the medication through an Apothecary and
it comes in capsule form.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Lora,

I remember the spraying issue, yes it did get out of
hand. I'm sorry you felt that we had a "falling out"
with you! I think it just got frustrating for all of
us trying to figure out what the heck was making 
your cat so spray happy.

Sally believes strongly in AC, and she was sure that
was the answer to solving your problem. We ladies can
get our fur up! I'm glad to see you back. How is that
fresh kitty doing? Still spraying?

As far as welcoming your baby into your home,
(congratulations btw!), from all you've described I'm
sure household will do just fine.

Keep calm and keep talking to your kitties about how
they are going to have a new baby to help you take
care of. They know this is your baby, just keep
spreading that love of yours around, everyone will
adjust, you'll see.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

It is good to hear from you again. How is Charlie? Is
he still with you? There is just something endearing
about a puss in diapers right? lol.

Thanks for the congrats!

True. Remaining calm, cool and collected through the
entire transition will help the kids to relax as well.
An excellent point, since cats are so sensitive to
their humans' moods ans emotions!

We are enjoying EVERY minute of it! Change can be good
right? LOL. Well, at least for some people. The
problem is, am I one of those people?! ;)


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nothing to add, just "congratulations" on the
pending babe! :)

I'm sure everything will work out just fine. Just stay
relaxed, let everyone know they're loved (I've no
shame...I will resort to tuna as bribery for
their love! ;)) LOL!

Most of all, enjoy every moment with your family!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.
To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I
shall be unique in all the world; You become
responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --

---Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you
and you will know each other. If you do not talk to
them you will not know them, and what you do not know
you will fear. What one fears one destroys."

--Chief Dan George

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I remember you too. You have used Patricia Schaller in
the past for a few of your kitties and suggested that
I contact her about the spraying, but I agree. The
topic did quickly get out of hand.

Yeah, my husband helps out a great deal with the kids.
Years ago, we devised an "animal schedule" that
equally divides up the workload between the kids, so
we know exactly which of us is responsible for what.
It is really quite an ingenious plan that is both fun
and extremely effective. All the work successfully
gets completed in record time.

I am responsible for the gliders, but Christopher
helps assist me in carrying the cages down the stairs
(a task I USED to be able to perform before I became
pregnant) to be tore down and washed once a month, he
tends to the dogs and the horse, he feeds the kids
(kitties) their dry food in the mornings while I give
them their medication at night (L-Lysine, Vitamin C
and Cranberry), I drain and dismantle the aquarium
once a month, while he temporarily takes charge of
washing, disinfecting and sanitizing all of the litter
boxes on a monthly bases (again, another task I USED
to be able to perform before we knew that we were

So everything is quite organized, structure and
balanced in our home thanks to our teamwork, but it is
the balance that concerns me the most when it comes to
the baby. All of our efforts of a synchronized and
harmonize home will be enormously disruptive once she
gets here.

All we can do that this point is hope and pray that
the kids will have a smooth and safe transition. Of
course, me and my husband will help ensure that the
transition is as stress-free as possible for everyone
involved, but unfortunately it is impossible to
eliminate ALL of the "possible" future stress.

I can just see a Herpes outbreak as soon as the baby
gets here. In our house, any kind of stress and
environmental change to the atmosphere ALWAYS induces
the "red watery wink." Once one (1) of the kitties
visibly exhibit symptoms of the virus turning active,
the active virus spreads like wildfire to ALL of the
kids. It is such a huge hassle! :(

However, we will just have to be properly prepared for
any "possible" outbreaks and deal with the highs and
lows as the come.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No flaming why would anyone flame you?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh I remember it did get out of hand. By the way it
was uncalled for.

Just take care of yourself and have husband do the
litter boxes. If not possible at times use disposable
plastic gloves.

Myself I have been there and done that as well being
pregnant and having at least a dozen kitties at the
time. The babies (now full grown adults) have done the
same with their babies i.e. my grandchildren. 

Nobody yet has gotten sick from having cats.

This seems to be the biggest scare factor in my
rescue of Siamese cats. They are given up due to being
pregnant regardless of what the cats age may be. It
happens more to the senior kitties that need new homes
because of it.

Anyway, only you can make the choices of whats right
for you and your furbabies.

I wish you a happy and safe pregnancy!!! :)

Terrie Mohr
Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!

Adopt a Homeless Pet!


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

I am SO glad that I was correct on the "C-gang!" LOL!
I really try hard to remember everyone, but I
understand that it is literally impossible.

You rescue gliders too? Do you really?! Aww, well GOOD
FOR YOU! I have been a glider-mom for ALMOST three (3)
years now. I adopted my first pair back in February
2003. The suggies were a bonded male and female
(brother and sister) and have never left my home

I did not know WHAT to name the little things and as a
result they got stuck with the worst names EVER! LOL.
I named the female "Mommy" who has never had joeys in
her life, so go figure and the male ended up being
named "Guy-Guy". I know. Terrible! LOL. But they were
my first, so I am entitled to a one-time goof right?

My kitties LOVE to watch the suggie too. However, I
have my gliders in their own glider-room which has a
door that closes and locks, so the kitties are never
exposed to the gliders without my supervision. I do
not want any accidental deaths occurring.

As far a timing a neuter goes. Well, it is extremely
trick business that can (at times) not go right at
all! lol.

Getting the male neutered is the easy part, it is
deciding WHEN to do it and it is especially hard to
accomplish AFTER the female has bore joeys.

You see, a female can nurse a joey(s) and still become
pregnant with a SECOND joey(s) in utro. Yes, one
joey(s) OOP and a second joey(s) ip. Been there. Done
that. Actually I JUST did that! LOL.

I had Bailey (father) neutered on 09-19-05 and I
roughly calculated that Kahlua (mother) became
pregnant on or around 08-16-05 (08-16-05 to 08-31-05
is exactly sixteen (16) days gestation) and the joeys
iped on 09-01-05. 

Therefore, if these calculations were correct the
joeys could OOP as early as October the 30th (that is
exactly sixty (60) days ip) or as late as 11-09-05
(that is exactly seventy (70) days ip.)

And I was close. I had a new set of identical twin
boys OOP on 10-31-05! Like I need MORE boys as I do
another hole in the head! Grrr! I just had four (4)
neuters performed in between 7-05-05 and 10-28-05 at
$117.00 dollars a piece! Unfortunately, the operations
do NOT come cheap like the feline spay/neuters can
i.e. low-income, sliding-scale, low-cost clinics, etc.

PLUS, a female sugar glider can harvest a fertilized
embryo up to six (6) months AFTER conception!
Therefore, she can "surprise" you with a pregnancy
even AFTER a neuter! Nice huh? 

I am seriously trying to get ALL of the boys neutered
before the baby comes because my OB/GYN has my
delivery down as a "Scheduled C-Section" (due to my
extensive medical history) and I am only 27! LOL. Just
the way my luck runs!

Anyway, getting back to your point. It is never "good"
to separate a pregnant bonded female and male, because
it causes stress (which can lead to rejection and
cannibalization of the joey(s).)

However, if you choose to NOT temporarily separate (in
order to have the neuter properly performed) then you
run the risk having more unwanted pregnancies and the
cycle continues all over again.

Eventually, you have to find a medium break somewhere
and most the time it is the pet-guardian who has to
CREATE that break, because the sugar glider do not
know any better. They will breed themselves to death
if you let them.

For me, the risk of having more joeys outweighed the
risk of stressing them out. Therefore, I have
experience in temporarily separating a newly pregnant
colony and everything went fine. The female did not
reject or cannibalize her joeys and the male did
beautifully in the neuter.

They were separated for a minimum of five (5) days
(long enough for the male to completely finish his
post-operative pain medication) and then was reunited
on the sixth day. Really not that big of a deal.

If you have any more questions regarding your beloved
suggies please do not hesitate to give me a holler on
or off the list. I would be delighted to help in any
way that I can.

It is ALWAYS so nice to meet another glider/cat-mom!
There are WAY too many glider-moms who are anti-cat!
Too sad! Keep in touch.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yep the whole c naming thing that's us.

Hey I rescue gliders too!! I have a mom dad
and joey right now on the website. My cats love to
stay up all night and watch them!!!

I heard it's not good to get dad neutered while the
joey is just coming out of pouch. Too much time away
even if just for the better part of the day. What  
do you think?

Girl you have a handle on the whole thing. Everything
has changed since my first in 83. They told me I had
toxo but wasn't sure what that was. It came from a cat
and the old tests couldn't tell the difference from
past exposure or present infection. Amnio was new and
not an option unless you were over 35.

I think you have everything covered and I am proud
to know you again.

Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

Re: Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-02 Thread Lora

I remember you (I think. :) You were Baby C's mom
right? The entire C-naming theme? lol. Forgive me if I
am incorrect.

I have the whole litter box thing covered. Wink-wink!
I had requested an Amniocentesis to rule out
Toxoplasmosis back when I was five (5) months (or
twenty (20) weeks) pregnant. 

My OB/GYN ordered a CMV (Cytomegalovirus) IgG & IgM.
The results were positive on ME for PAST exposure, but
the baby's results were negative.

A Toxoplasmosis IgG & IgM. The results were negative
for both me and the baby.

Finally a Triple Alpha-fetal protein screen which was

The Amnio was way cool! It is a darn shame that not
every woman has one (1) performed during her
pregnancy. It was so easy and completely harmless to
the baby! Those statistics are just there to scare
women out of getting an Amnio. It was no different
than getting your blood drawn in the arm. I had no
complications or side effects what-so-ever. The best
line of defense to any disease is early detection!

The flame warning was included in my post because my
last thread "Massive Spraying Issue" got a little out
of hand when Sally absolutely insisted that I
immediately contact an "animal communicator" regarding
my dilemma. I just did not want that result to
re-hatch itself on this thread.

I think I may have confused the group with my TAR
(Trap-Alter-Return) rescue work with my thirteen (13)
kitties! lol. I do NOT do foster care, because all of
my cats have contracted Feline Herpes from my beloved
FeLV positive kitty, Peeper, who passed away back in

LOL. So the number 13 that you all keep reading is the
actual number of PERMANENT cats that will forever be
in my family. LOL. Sorry if I did not properly clarify
that point.

But yeah. I just cannot bring myself to do anything
more than TAR and vaccinations (which is privately and
independently funded out of my own pocket) for fear
that I will spread the Feline Herpes.

As for the gliders. Well, they have a permanent and
forever home with us too. LOL. Yeah, I have quite a
zoo, but people tend to participate in glider-mills
and I just absolutely CANNOT have it! I won't!

So me and my husband rescue colonies from previous
owners (who would otherwise separate and sell to the
highest bidder) and have the ALL the males neutered.

It is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The
previous owners get a "adoption fee" FROM me, the
gliders NEVER get separated from their bonded family,
the males get immediately neutered (thus no more
unwanted pregnancies) and I get the satisfaction of
knowing that I took one (1) more colony off of the
street. Not only did I provided a safe, loving and
forever home for these exotics, but they will NEVER
know what it is like to be in a breeding mill-farm!

I would do the EXACT same thing for purebred cats if
we just had the house space. This one and a half story
cape cod only has so much living space.

It is just SO HARD for me to even CONSIDER the idea of
fostering, because even without the Feline Herpes, I
still would not be able to do it. I get too attached
to my babies and as many foster moms (and dads) can
confirm, we always wonder just HOW good of
pet-guardians can these applicants be!

I am sure that we all know the feeling that no one can
be a better cat-mom or cat-dad that us. Right?! lol.
Believe me, I can relate.

So yeah, I am trying to take it easy. The way I look
at it is this. The fur-kids keep me in shape! :)
Taking care of them, the litter boxes, aquarium, five
(5) foot glider cages, etc. will help me maintain my
ideal pregnancy weight and will also aid in losing it
when the baby gets here! Nice huh? LOL. Another
win-win situation! Thanks for the reply!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think I remember you. Wow that's a tough personal
choice. Be extra careful with litter boxes toxo is
deadly to a growing baby.

No flaming why would anyone flame you?

If you asked me when I was in my 20's having my kids
I would say no sweat, but now my best recommendation
is take in a lot fewer pets in case something goes
wrong and you have to lets say go on bed rest.

I have one foster who does moms with litters. She is
in her 6th month and needs to slow down. So she is
cutting back to one or two pups instead of large dogs
with large litters. 

If you need to talk been there done that had Belinda
make the tee shirt. LOL. Email me we will talk.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Pregnant & Rescue Work

2005-11-01 Thread Lora
I have a question. Well, it is more of looking for
some personal advice on an issue.

I have been off and on the FeLVtalk list for three (3)
years now, but ever since the "Massive Spraying" issue
back in 12-14-04 I very rarely receive responses from
my posts. It is almost as if me and the group have had
a falling out.

Before I get started and for clarification purposes,
this post is NOT what you may think that it is. No
flames please!

For those that do not know me, I am a cat-mom who is
happily loved by thirteen (13) adorable kitties, ten
(10) in which are strictly indoors cats only.
Currently all of my kids are FeLV negative.

The kitties are not the only fur-kids that we have
adopted. Our house is a multi-animal home. Me and my
husband have two (2) dogs, a small ten (10) gallon
freshwater tank, a horse and twenty-five (25) sugar
gliders. (We do sugar glider rescue work as well as
feline rescue work.)

ALL of my kids have been rescues via straight off of
the street, animal control or human societies. I DO
NOT BREED. All of my fur-kids have been spayed and/or
neutered (including the exotics) at four (4) months of
age. We live on six (6) acres of country land.

Okay, with all of the "red-tape" out of the way. The
reason for this post is because this particular
"topic" has come up often in the past and I need some
honest and straightforward advice.

Me and my husband are expecting with our first child.
I am currently six (6) months pregnant and sacrificing
any of the fur-kids for our human child is completely
OUT OF THE QUESTION. We are NOT going to lose ANY
member of our family due to this pregnancy.

However, me and my husband are completely aware that
the baby will inevitably change the balance of our
home's environment and/or atmosphere.

Therefore, we are in need of ideas to help the kids
through a smooth and safe transition i.e. playing a
tape/CD that has baby cries on it so that the fur-kids
can become accustomed to the sound, allowing the kids
access to the baby's room so that they become familiar
with the baby's "smell", etc.

Spraying, inappropriate elimination, territorial
aggression, jealousy, rejection and avoidance are
normal responses to ANY new arrival and/or addition;
therefore, me and my husband expect and accept these
types of behavioral outbursts.

I just did not know if anyone here on the list has
ever continued their rescue work while pregnant. If
so, how did the transition workout for you? Did your
fur-kids eventually come around to "accepting" the new
baby or do they just call a truce?

Again, this post is not intended to instigate ANY kind
of argument! Just looking for some helpful and honest
advice from those of you who have experience in this
department. Thanks!


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-11-01 Thread Lora
As already mentioned via several of our members, and I
have to agree, not all fungi will "glow" under a
Wood's Black Lamp/Light. Cats CAN have skin/hair fungi
infections that do NOT put off a neon yellowish or
greenish glow. 

Just because neither you nor your vet cannot see a
"glow" does NOT imply that the cat is fungus free.

The only way to 100% rule out ANY fungus infection is
via a hair CULTURE. Hair cultures are NOT the same
thing as a skin/hair SCRAPPING.

Furthermore, Ringworm is NOT the only fungus infection
that cats can contract (although it is the most

Unfortunately, cats can also contract Athlete's Foot
and Jock Itch, both in which are cousin fungi to

Back in February 2005 I had firsthand knowledge as to
the chaos and frustration that a ringworm outbreak can

The veterinarian prescribed an oral medication called
Fulvin a.k.a. Griseofulvin. A prescription of sixty
(60) capsules cost me literally $60.00 dollars.

The medication has two (2) drawbacks. One (1) it is
hard on the liver (ANY anti-fungal medication is hard
on the liver) and two (2) the medication MUST be given
a minimum of thirty (30) days.

Therefore, even if it appears that the fungus is gone,
keep the cats on the meds! It takes approximately
thirty (30) days (sometimes longer depending on the
severity of the epidemic) for the fungi spores to die.

Also, I bought Omega-3 Fish Oil 1200mg
(EPA 216mg & DHA 144mg) to help aid with the itchy
skin and/or coat. Each of my kids got one (1) WHOLE
gel-cap daily.

I neither pierced the gel-cap and squirted the oil
onto their food nor into their mouth. Each of my kids
swallowed one (1) entire gel-cap whole EVERY day.

This particular regimen was administered to thirteen
(13) FeLV negative cats for OVER two (2) months.

Since 02-11-05 I have had two (2) separate hair
CULTURES sent to a diagnostic laboratory (samples from
two (2) different cats) and have gone through hundreds
of dollars on Fulvin a.k.a. Griseofulvin.

The end result now virtually a full year later? Both
of the cultures have came back negative! It appears
that my kids have never had ringworm to begin with,
but were prescribed a medication via a veterinarian as
a "precautionary method." A medication that can cause
liver damage! (Not to mention hundreds of dollars
needlessly wasted.)

Now on top of completing the other eleven (11) hair
cultures (for piece of mind) I need to have Complete
Chemistry Feline Health Panels (blood-work) drawn up
on EACH cat to obtain current liver and kidney values
which will confirm if ANY damage has been done to
those organs! Which means MORE money will be spent
before this situation has been successfully resolved!

Therefore, be extremely careful when searching for a
successful treatment on ANY fungi infections! ALWAYS
do a culture FIRST! Then IF the results come back
positive treat with proper medication.

Chronic continued use of ANY drug that is hard on an
organ can render it useless and can eventually kill
it. A cat without a liver WILL die.

All thirteen (13) of my kids are still living and

Hopefully my terrible experience can help save someone
else from being misguided down the same damned and
dangerous path!

Good luck!


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Question about IFA Test Results

2005-10-26 Thread Lora
Chris and Sheila,

No matter how confusing an individual case-by-case
bases is, the IFA results absolutely ALWAYS overrides
the "in-house" snap-combo ELISA test results. Period.

Both professional lab technicians and veterinarians
alike cannot specifically determine or agree on as to
WHY an ELISA test would be a positive (or in Sheila's
case a FAINT positive) result while the IFA clearly
reads negative. Unfortunately, no one may never know
the "WHY."

The good news is that Monty and Simba are definitely
negative for FeLV (or at the very least an
asymptomatic carrier where the FeLV virus is latent or
dormant within the body.)

However, if Monty or Simba were one (1) of my furkids
I would have them tested with the IFA once a year for
life. (This is what I do with all thirteen (13) of my

However, not all cat-moms (and dads) believe in this
is extra testing. For one, the cost can be pretty
expensive and for another some pet guardians believe
that an FeLV positive cat will eventually turn
negative as he/she grows older, therefore rendering
the extensive testing results useless and unreliable.

Unfortunately, for me I have never had the pleasure of
being owned by an FeLV positive that lived past the
age of two, but it DOES happen.

I just wish that my sweet Peeper had been one (1) of
the lucky ones. He was born on May 18, 2002 and pasted
away on July 3, 2003. He was almost 14 months old.

Good luck!


--- Sheila Coyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think maybe I should clarify this. I have had Simba
for 8-9 years from when he was a kitten and got him
from a farm.

He was never tested for leukemia til last summer and
came up with a very very faint positive. Then the IFA
done in Anteck, New York and it came back negative.
Finally in late August the snap test was ran again and
it was a very very faint positive.

He has always been as healthy as a horse, and weighs
16 pounds. This whole thing has me puzzled. Thanks. 
Sheila and Simba

--- Sheila Coyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would be interested in any response to this as
well, as the same thing is true with my Simba, age
8-9 years. Thank you.


From: Chris Behnke 

Here's the whole story. When Monty was 8 months
old, he became very sick. When I took him to the
vets, he was diagnosed as FeLV+. At the time, the
vet didn't think he would make it.

Now, a year later Monty is very healthy. He has never
been sick since his diagnosis and has not shown any
signs. Because of this, we had him tested again. The
ELISA test came back with a very faint positive but
the IFA test was negative. What exactly does this

Chris Behnke

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-26 Thread Lora
My cat is going bald on her hind legs. Should I be

Baldness, or alopecia, isn't "normal" in animals (with
exception of certain breeds, like the Chinese Crested
(hairless dog). So anytime a bald spot is noticed,
your veterinarian should have a look. 

Extreme itchiness and the resultant licking, chewing,
biting will cause hair loss (traumatic alopecia). This
can be seen as blunted stubble in the affected area. 

But what about situations where there isn't any
itching? When the skin looks normal - not red,
inflamed or seemingly bothered? You still need to have
it checked out. It could be a hormonal imbalance (i.e.
hypothyroidism - more common in dogs), ringworm, or
what is commonly known in cats as "psychogenic
alopecia". This is now recognized as an obsessive
compulsive behavior wherein the cat, continually
"over-grooms" an area, perhaps due to stress. 

Another feline baldness condition is something called
Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex (ECG), and this is an
allergic condition in the skin, often with
accompanying scabby areas. 

As you can see, there are many conditions that can
cause baldness with or without itching in cats and
dog. Other conditions not mentioned above include
parasites other than fleas (Demodex mites, Notedres

Also, look under "Feline Endocrine Alopecia."

NOTE: Not all fungi will "glow" under a Wood's Black
Lamp/Light. Cats CAN have skin/hair fungus infections
that do NOT put off a neon yellowish or greenish glow.

Just because you or your vet cannot see a "glow" does
NOT imply that the cat is fungus free.

The only way to 100% rule out ANY fungi infection is
via a hair CULTURE. Hair cultures are NOT the same
thing as a skin/hair SCRAPPING.

Furthermore, Ringworm is NOT the only fungus infection
that cats can contract (although it is the most

Unfortunately, cats can also contract Athlete's Foot
and Jock Itch, both in which are cousin fungi to


Hi all,
I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem,
she has formed two spots with no hair loss and some
scaling.Does not glow so I do not suspect
ringworm, any thoughts? Thanks

Have a purrfect day

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feltalk archive search option not working

2005-08-26 Thread Lora
To Whom It May Concern:

Forgive me, but I forget who is in charge and/or the
owner of this group, but the feltalk archive search
option is not working again.

Every time to type a key word into the "find" box I
keep getting:

ht://Dig error
htsearch detected an error. Please report this to the
webmaster of this site. The error message is:

Unable to read configuration file.

I am searching in the mail list archives in the 10/99
to 2/10/05 category, so searching the archives should
be available, but the option does not work.

Can some please let me know why the search options is
not working and if/when it will be fixed?

I am in need of some information that was posted last
year and I seem to have lost my original copy. I
ALWAYS bookmark everything, so I am extremely
surprised that this information is missing.

Please advise. Thanks.

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Re: St. Francis Medals--for ALL!

2005-08-11 Thread Lora

Thanks for posting and letting me know since no one
else has. Much appreiated.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Nope, not yet still waiting for them. I look forward
to seeing them!

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just curious. Has everyone received their St. Francis
medals? I have not seen any updates posted to the

Just wanted to know what they looked like and how
everyone chose to display them. The medals sound
really neat.


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Re: St. Francis Medals--for ALL!

2005-08-11 Thread Lora
Just curious. Has everyone received their St. Francis
medals? I have not seen any updates posted to the

Just wanted to know what they looked like and how
everyone chose to display them. The medals sound
really neat.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Absolutely, Erika!  I'd love to send one for each cat!

This list is so wonderfully modest... :) I need to
let everyone know that these medals aren't *just* for
people! :)

If you've got cats or dogs with collars, they'd fit
right on there! I've even put one on each of the urns
that hold the ashes of our cats who have passed on.
Seriously, I got these medals for pennies on the
dollar...they're not huge or ornate or
anything...they're simple and lightweight...perfect
for collars or to put on chains for people! :)

The next batch will actually be compliments of my
Dad's church as he says, "The people on this list are
what St. Francis (and my church) is all about!"

So, everyone, please, please, please let me know if
you'd like more than just a few! They're quite
adorable on collars, as well! :)

Also, I haven't heard from Jenn who has been
coordinating part of the rescue effort at Angel
Wings...does anyone have any info?  Thanks!

And I'm working on transcribing the prayer...I may
have to give my Dad a call as I've run into a problem
reading his handwriting. :) He could have been a


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.
To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I
shall be unique in all the world; You become
responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..."
--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you
and you will know each other. If you do not talk to
them you will not know them, and what you do not know
you will fear. What one fears one destroys." -- Chief
Dan George

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Re: Imperfection of Vets

2005-03-16 Thread Lora

Forgive me for asking this (I do not remember reading
the original post from that terrible ordeal) but why
did you not sue this particular veterinarian?

True, although vets MAY have the right to contact
animal control, they CANNOT on false pretenses (kinda
like a "false arrest".) Just because she MAY believe
that you are "endangering" your animals, that is FAR
from the truth.

In fact, it is a crime for individuals to call the
police and file a "false report" under "false
pretenses". If done, the person who filed the claim
will go to jail!

The same applies to veterinarians who unjustly call
animal control under false pretenses. Veterinarians
who participate in these unjust and false activities
are abusing their title and license as a veterinarian.

I would not have blinked an eye. I would have sued and
had her licenses permanently revoked to where she
would NOT be able to practice in ANY state!

It is because of veterinarians such as this, that
makes it hard for responsible pet guardians to trust.
Due to the bad behavior and God-like complex that
unfortunately some veterinarians have, is literally
driving away their own clients/patients.

If veterinarians are going to behave in this fashion,
pet guardians will quit going to the vet altogether.
No one is going to take their kid to the doctor if
they feel threatened that their kid will be taken

It is extremely sad. You go to the veterinarian for
help, to make your fur-baby feel better, but instead
they either take him/her away or have him/her killed.
What is the veterinarian field coming to?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Gloria:

You are being too kind when you say that some vets
are just more imperfect than others, or is this meant
as a sarcastic understatement?

I am still suffering a year later due to that
Vet-from-Hell who forced me into allowing her to
euthanize a geriatric kitty of mine I had taken for a
blood panel (who when asked told me he wanted to go
home to die at a time of his own choosing through an
AC) by threatening to call Animal Control to have him 
seized for that purpose.

Then after I sacrificed Caramel because of the 
unknown consequences to the rest of my rescues, should
Animal Control come knocking on my door. She still
called them and sent them to my home and I lived on
pins and needs worrying for months afterwards.

Perhaps some of you remember my anguished posts from
Feb-March '04?

Some vets are far more than merely "imperfect!"

Sally in San Jose

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Re: OT: New cat litter will detect illness in cats

2005-03-08 Thread Lora
Although I know that clay based cat litters are not
the most healthiest products in the world, they tend
to be the most economical.

I prefer Tidy Cats Scoop: Multiple Cats.
This particular brand comes in three (3) different
formulas: Immediate Odor Control (Blue Label), Long
Lasting Odor Control (Red Label), and Anti-Bacteria
(Green Label.)

I ALWAYS purchase the 35 lbs (with 3 lbs. free) yellow
buckets for a total of 38 lbs. for $9.99!

Plus, I ALWAYS redeem the $1.00 dollar off any Tiny
Cats product manufacturer's coupon with every
purchase. Therefore, I end up paying $8.99 for a 38
lbs bucket of cat litter.

Tidy Cats is economical and considered "middle-grade"
cat litter. It is the lowest clay silica dust cat
litter, scoopable, available in a variety of formulas,
reasonably priced and you get more your money!

Try getting that amount for that price with any other
cat litter product. It won't happen and I have
literally tried them ALL i.e. Fresh Step, Exquisi Cat:
Scoop Premium Cat Litter Fresh Scent (a Petsmart
brand), Litter Clean (a Sam's Club brand), Crystal
Clear Litter Pearls (by: Harvest Ventures), Feline
Pine, Arm & Hammer, Carefresh (paper pet bedding),
Swheat Scoop and World's Best Cat Litter, just to name
a few.

The only two (2) products that I feel are better than
Tidy Cats is of course Swheat Scoop and World's Best
IF you can afford to pay their expensive price tags.

Been using Tidy Cats for twenty-six (26) years now and
never once did I ever have a problem with it. I love
it and my kids absolutely will NOT use anything else!

Just wanted to share...

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Re: OT: New cat litter will detect illness in cats

2005-03-07 Thread Lora
Both the and websites only
stated that this product detects FLUTD. I did not see
any information pertaining to diabetes or pregnancy.

Where is the diabetes/pregnancy info located?

--- tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's something odd:

Pet Ecology is to release a new cat litter that will
detect urinary tract infections, diabetes and
pregnancy in cats.  It's called "SCOOP-lite". for more info.

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2005-02-26 Thread Lora
e room quarantined away from the cats (but I go
in there to feed), the dog cohabits with two (2) of
the cats and the horses have their own separate
barn/stable, but again I go out there to feed.

I have bleached every flat surface imaginable i.e.
hardwood/linoleum floors, counter tops, kitchen
tables, bathroom sinks, chairs, toilet seats, trash
cans, litter boxes, litter scoops, self-watering
fountain, ALL the cats plastic toys, refrigerator,
dishwasher, washing machine, drier, cabinets,
television screens, remote controls, telephone,
doorknobs, etc.

All the fabric in the house was put through the
washing machine i.e. the cats fabric toys, blankets,
bed linen, my clothes, window curtains, etc.

I have even vacuumed ALL of the carpeted rooms then
turn around and washed them via a carpet cleaner.

Besides the cleaning/sanitizing of the house and the
Fulvin/Omega-3 Fish Oil regimen for the cats, I do not
know WHAT else to do.

I suppose I need to wait until the fungal/hair culture
results are in before I decide what other course of
action must be taken. However, the veterinarian has
already told me that it was indeed fungi, he just did
not know WHICH kind. Isn't ALL fungi highly
contagious? Man, what if the dog, sugar gliders or
horses get it? How do you treat them? If you did not
kill ALL of the spores (which can live within the
environment all on their own) you risk reinfection.

Anyone have any advice? Is there anything else that I
can do? Also, has anyone ever used the Fulvin
medication with their cats? If so, what was your

How did this happen?! It still baffles me, because
neither me nor Christopher have any "spots" on our
bodies. If you can, please help! Thanks.


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