Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 29.07.2008 James Gilbert wrote:

Someone mentioned that orchestras would need to hook the units up to a
network. Other than the simplicity of loading the music into the units prior
to rehearsing, why would they need to be part of a network in rehearsal or
performance? What's the advantage or reasoning?

The whole point if it, and the reason why the Bamberger Symphonic are 
already using this technology, is that when the concertmaster or section 
leader in the strings marks something in his part, ie a bowing, it 
automatically transfers to all the other parts. That needs a network. On 
this other hand I don't think the network is much of a problem.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mic Notator

2008-07-30 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 30.07.2008 Barbara Levy wrote:

I'm crawling out of lurkdom to ask the collective wisdom:  what opinions do you 
have (good, bad, indifferent) about the Mic Notator in F2008?  Is it essential 
to have Finale's special mic for this?  And will this mic also work for 
SmartMusic?  I would find it SO much easier to input using one of my several 

Not sure whether anyone has actually tried it for any serious 
application, but I believe the consensus is that MicNotator is a 
completely useless and barely functional gimmick in Finale, which has no 
serious use.

Get a keyboard and learn Simple Entry, or Speedy, which I personally 
prefer. No need to play anything in realtime, as long as you find the 
notes on the keyboard step entry is perfect, easy and quick.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] midi problem

2008-07-30 Thread Stig Christensen


Your DX7 is probably not connected at all, I mean sometimes you think,  
that the device is connected but the cursor - of the speedy entry tool  
- is just "resting" on that particular line or space!
Go to midi setup and here you can se the midi ports your system  
provides you with. Select the midi port and then it should be working.


Den 11/08/2007 kl. 03.52 skrev Raymond Horton:

As I recall, The DX7 only sends and receives MIDI channel 1.   Check  
your "MIDI SETUP"  so that it's set the same way as before your  
computer problem?

This is really not my area of expertise.  Someone else please jump  
in and help Bob.


Robert Florence wrote:

Raymond Horton wrote:

Robert Florence wrote:

Hi All,

I recently had a computer problem where I lost EVERYTHING except  
my music which had been backed up.

I have always used speedy entry with an ancient DX7. I get  
everything I imput except the correct pitches. They will not  
change from the 3rd line B in the treble clef.

What have I forgotten?

Bob Florence
Finale mailing list

Under the "Speedy Menu", have you checked "Use MIDI device for  
input" ?

Sorry about your loss.  The DX7 is a hell of an axe!  I love it.   
Weighs a ton, though.

Ray Horton
Louisville Orchestra

Hi Ray,

Yes, I did check "use midi impu".It still didn't work.

Bob F.

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Stig Christensen
Hovmarksvej 24A
2920 Charlottenlund

Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: jef in concert 1 aug @ 18h00 (berlin)

2008-07-30 Thread shirling & neueweise

anyone close to or in berlin on friday and got a 
hankering for some easy-listening electroacoustic 
love songs to soothe the soul?


Inventionen 2008: Musik für mehr als einen Lautsprecher
Konzerte und Klanginstallationen /  60 Jahre 
Musique Concrète / 50 Jahre GRM Paris / 
Internationale Tagung SMC08

23. Juli bis 3. August 2008 in Berlin

three different diffusion systems are going to be 
used in the concert: wave field synthesis (WFS), 
acousmonium and klangdom.

friday 1 aug 08 at 18h00
DUO (1997-98), electroacoustic
will be performed on the GRM's acousmonium, a 30+ loudspeaker system.
TU Berlin, Hauptgebäude -- Saal H0104. Straße des 
17. Juni 135 (U2 Ernst-Reuter-Platz)


a screaming, ripping, convulsing, thrashing, 
contorting, thrusting, tender, grinding, oozing 
discharge of multiple orgasms shared between an 
aries analogue modular synth and an alto sax

DUO was composed in the Concordia University 
electroacoustic studios. Thanks to Yves Charuest 
for the sax materials.


eine schreiende, zerreißende, zuckende, 
aufeinander klatschende, verzerrende, stoßende, 
sanfte, zermürbende, auslaufende entladung 
multipler orgasmen, die einen modularen aries 
analog-synthesizer und ein altsaxofon vereint.

DUO wurde 1997-98 in den elektroakustischen 
Studios der Universität Concordia komponiert. 
Dank an Yves Charuest für die Saxofon-Materialen.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Win Fin2k9 expressions

2008-07-30 Thread G GRIFFITHS
When applying expressions (say dynamics) using the new drag method, is there
a way to make it only apply to staves with notes in?

Say the 2nd trombone isn't playing in a measure, but I want to ff to all the
other brass, I use the metatool-drag to enclose all brass, and Finale puts
an ff on the 2nd trombone part as well, in an empty measure. This doesn't
seem right to me.

I know I could just drag the brass above the empty measure and then drag
those below, but surely it should be able to see that the empty measure does
not need the dynamic.

Gary Griffiths

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Peculiar audio problems with WinFin2k9

2008-07-30 Thread G GRIFFITHS
OK - this is odd.

I fire up Finale - all fine. Playback (midi and VST) all fine.

Then I open ITunes - playback is reduced to a crawl, like playing a tape
really slow. All in slow-motion.

Same then happens on YouTube. Video and audio crawl - audio not just slow,
but very deep as well.

If I quit Finale then all becomes clear again.

A lot of my work is transcribing so I need to be able to use ITunes and
Finale at the same time.

Any ideas?

Gary Griffiths

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread Blake Richardson
From: John Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:47:53 -0400
Subject: RE: [Finale] Digital music stands

> And something no one has even mentioned is this:  How is the music of
> many different publishers, in different countries all over the world,
> and covered by many different copyright laws which FORBID copying in
> any form, using any technology, supposed to get into these digital
> stands or CDs or memory sticks in the first place?  Until THAT
> question is satisfactorily answered (and the whole allied matter of
> rental agreements, Grand Rights, and all the other complications that
> experienced Orchestral Librarians deal with on a daily basis), it
> doesn't really matter HOW good the technology may be, or may become.

Well, the reality is that in every band and orchestra I've ever played with,
the librarian *does* photocopy all the parts before handing them out. They
keep the originals in the library so if one of the musicians loses their
music at some point, they aren't out the trumpet part, for example. And
rarely, if ever, does the orchestra go to the trouble of obtaining and
paying for the rights to copy the parts in that manner. Whether that's legal
or not (the Fair Use doctrine-- which allows the user to make a back-up
copy-- would seem to suggest that it is), the organizations do it anyway.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Finale 2009 Mac Firewire/Intel issue?

2008-07-30 Thread Rudolf van Berkum
On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:43:49 -0400 Bob Shuster wrote:

Can anyone confirm or deny that this issue has been fixed?  (Intel Macs with
Firewire audio interfaces have left channel output only since 2008.)  I'm
waiting to upgrade until I find out!
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Just when I was just about to leave Win XP SP3
for the greener pastures of an Intel Mac with a MOTU UltraLite as the
firewire audio interface, I find that there is an *issue*. I'll be moving
from FinWin 2008a to FinMac 2009 at the same time which will be enough of an

Leigh Daniel's comment that:

MM is aware of their broken Core Audio implementation in 2008 and, as usual,
we can only hope that they fix it in 2009. I would bet it's a low priority
for them because I imagine the majority of their customer base uses the
Built-In Mac outputs.

does not fill me with much hope that the goats will be chased out of the

Are there any other hardware issues I should be aware of? I run all my audio
through an 8-channel mixer so I can usually find a workaround, but any
advice from Mac experts would be appreciated. On the software side I'm
resigned to learning Logic and leaving Sonar, but I'm not tempted by
Sibelius at this stage. 

Rudi vB.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Win Fin2k9 expressions

2008-07-30 Thread Ole Buck

No, you have to shift/click then delete staves without.

As Robert has pointed out, MM have confiscated Staff List for  
expressions en bloc, the philosophy behind seems to be that it is  
more intuitive to work on the screen instead of consulting dialogue  
boxes, means also plugins. I have always liked to use TGTools and  
Pattersons plugs, but a more slim simple FINALE is always welcome. We  
can still do the same. With lesser effort.

On Jul 30, 2008, at 12:47 PM, G GRIFFITHS wrote:

When applying expressions (say dynamics) using the new drag method,  
is there

a way to make it only apply to staves with notes in?

Say the 2nd trombone isn't playing in a measure, but I want to ff  
to all the
other brass, I use the metatool-drag to enclose all brass, and  
Finale puts
an ff on the 2nd trombone part as well, in an empty measure. This  

seem right to me.

I know I could just drag the brass above the empty measure and then  
those below, but surely it should be able to see that the empty  
measure does

not need the dynamic.

Gary Griffiths

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: jef in concert 1 aug @ 18h00 (berlin)

2008-07-30 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 30.07.2008 shirling & neueweise wrote:

anyone close to or in berlin on friday and got a hankering for some 
easy-listening electroacoustic love songs to soothe the soul?

Hi Jef,

although I am in Berlin right now, we have quartet rehearsals all 
weekend, so I won't manage. If you are interested: we are giving a 
little concert on Sunday before we go to the studio. I won't publicize 
what we are going to play as it is a real discovery. Early romantic 
string quartets, played on period instruments.

Johanneskirche, Berlin-Lichterfelde, Ringstraße.
Sunday, 3rd August, 6pm. Wine and cheese after the concert. Admission 
free, donations.


Finale mailing list

Re: To Lurk or Not to Lurk... was: RE: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey


Thank you for offering to speak with someone at MakeMusic 
about getting an official presence here.  I am sad that it 
probably won't be you, as you appear to have a terrific 
grasp of the program as well as a personality which appears 
to be able to explain things in a calm and clear manner.

In any event, whether the people who would make such a 
decision agree with you or not about an official presence on 
this list, I just want you to know that your presence here 
has been much appreciated by me and I know also by many 
others on this list.

Thank you,
David H. Bailey

Fisher, Allen wrote:

That's not why I'm quieting down. I unintentionally hijacked the 2k9 thread. I 
got a bit snarky with Eric D, and I apologize for that.

I'd rather have you discussing the merits of the product than arguing about my 
presence here, especially on the 2k9 thread.

That said, I will talk to someone about getting an official presence here 
(probably won't be me, as much as I enjoy chatting with most people here...). I 
can't make any promises though, just like I can't comment on on-going 


David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands (now totally TAN)

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Randolph Peters wrote:

Robert Patterson wrote:

Speaking of digital music stands.

Losing power is a non-issue. I've been in concerts and rehearsals when 
the power went out, and believe me the show did *not* go on. And this 
was with good old-fashioned Manhassetts. (Remember that thing we need 
called light?) [snip]

This is not to speak to your main point, but one of my best concert 
experiences was in Calcutta (now Kolkata) where the power goes out quite 
often. The trio playing classical music on stage simply lit some candles 
and got audience members to hold the light to give the best exposure to 
their music stands.

The immediate intimacy for all, not to mention the thrill for a few 
audience members who had never been so close to great music making, 
makes me think we should "stage" these power outages more often!

That's a terrific story, but unfortunately I have never 
carried candles in my accessories bag when on the way to a gig.

perhaps I'll start!  :-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey


If the cost issues could be resolved this technology holds a lot of promise.
Many orchestras have corporate sponsors and I can see a tie-in developing
where the company that develops the technology is also a sponsor of the

The "ePaper" technology that is used for devices like the Amazon Kindle
might be the perfect display technology to use for this. Or perhaps OLED.

The technology on the Kindle and the Sony Reader (same 
screen exactly) is excellent for reading music on, but I'm 
not sure how good it would be at the distance of a music 
stand.  Hand-held it's excellent.

The other problem is that they haven't produced any screens 
larger than the approx. 5"x8" size used for the Kindle, the 
Sony Reader and one or two other ebook readers.

The other problem is that the e-ink screens are not back-lit 
so external lighting is required, maintaining the need for 
stand-lights or stage lighting.

However, it is this lack of back-lighting which makes 
reading them so nice (I have the Sony Reader) and I can read 
my PRS500 as long as I can read a book for with no 
additional eye-strain.  Reading back-lit screens creates 
eye-strain much more quickly.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

James Gilbert wrote:

The cost of the units are starting to come down in price, but they still are
too high. If one can buy Finale at full cost or Adobe CS Photoshop at full
cost, they can afford one of those units. I'm not sure the Kindle type of
units (Amazon) would work too well with music. I think they were geared
mainly toward text and simple graphics.

The logic of one's ability to buy Finale or Photoshop 
proving one's ability to afford an e-stand escapes me -- If 
I have $600 discretionary money to spend, I can only spend 
one $600's worth.  I can't buy 2 $600 items.  So just 
because I may have been able to afford Finale doesn't mean I 
could *also* afford an e-stand.  Even if I have bought 
Finale and Photoshop, that doesn't mean I have a third 
fairly large sum of money to spend on a third item.  :-(

Someone mentioned that orchestras would need to hook the units up to a
network. Other than the simplicity of loading the music into the units prior
to rehearsing, why would they need to be part of a network in rehearsal or
performance? What's the advantage or reasoning?

So the concert-master can change bowing and have it 
reflected immediately on all the violin parts, rather than 
the all-too-common game of "telephone" where the 2nd desks 
can see what the concertmaster has done and have to relay 
that back to the 3rd desks, etc.

And any alterations to the form (ignoring repeats, taking 
them on the D.C., whatever) can be marked by the conductor 
and those can appear immediately in all parts.

Or the conductor can make some indication to a single 
player, such as "Listen to the 3rd horn entrance" and be 
sure it's actually written on the part (I can't tell you how 
many times in my community band I'll explain some major 
point I want in the music only to see everybody sitting 
there nodding agreement and only 3 out of 50 actually 
writing it down!) so the point won't have to be made over 
and over again.

The distribution of the music -- get a new piece distributed 
to all the stands at once.

I can think of lots of reasons -- copyright issues for one. 
 If the individual e-stands are "dumb" terminals with 
internal storage only and no way for the individual musician 
to take it home and download the PDFs of the parts to hang 
onto after the copyrighted rental work has been 'returned' 
to the publisher (i.e. erased from the local network), then 
works under copyright will become available.  Currently, 
publishers of copyrighted works are most likely very 
hesitant to release their works in any format which would 
work for e-stands because of the lack of control of the 
copies.  It's much harder to guarantee compliance when each 
individual musician can make a digital copy.  I know that's 
still possible with paper-based distribution, but the 
electronic distribution model makes it much easier.

I've dropped my music pad about 4 feet, onto its side once, no problems.
However, if the glass display were to break, it would do the unit in. But,
spilling coffee on or having the A/C return suck printed music to who knows
where would end up with the same effective result as far as the performer
goes - nothing to perform from.

There is no fool-proof system of music dispersal which can 
protect against all catastrophes.  I see this as no extra 
deterrent against e-stands, and when the price drops a bit 
more, I'm likely to buy one.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

James Gilbert wrote:

Shows you what I know about orchestras. I thought the players kept their
music from rehearsal to rehearsal so they could practice. Since they don't,
it makes no since to go digital until the way orchestras operate with regard
to music changes. (That is, until the players keep their music and be
responsible for it rehearsal to rehearsal. If they were, I could see many
ways to utilize the musicpad, including having the librarian loan them CD's,
memory sticks or other media with new music on it that they transfer to the

There are many different models of music dispersement in 
orchestras -- for per-service orchestra gigs in my area, the 
music is mailed to the musicians prior to the first 
rehearsal, and they keep the music for the duration, leaving 
it on the stands at the end of the final performance.

In my community band, music stays in our folders for many 
months at a time (why waste all that rehearsal effort on a 
single performance?).

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

David W. Fenton wrote:

If they are right, why wouldn't the problem take care of itself? Why 
cripple the old way in order to force people to use the new way?

That's a very good question, and one which I think the 
answer to involves more complexity than simple arbitrary 
restriction to 4 staff lists.  I think there may be a 
programming issue where underlying changes in the way the 
program works might have made internal tracking or control 
of more than 4 staff lists difficult.

Absent a true programming need, there is no logical reason 
for such a limitation because any such change in the number 
of staff lists would have involved programming time which 
would better have been spent elsewhere.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] re: Finale 2009 Mac Firewire/Intel issue?

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey
There is a Sibelius group at and the 
Sibelius Senior Products Manager, Daniel Spreadbury 
maintains an official presence there and could answer any 
questions you might have about AU support issues or any 
concerns you have run into with recent versions of Finale. 
Ask at the Sibelius group and see what other Mac users have 
to say.

Just remember, though, that Sibelius is not Finale and it 
may not be an ideal program for you.  It might, but don't 
leap blindly because your individual notational needs may 
not be as easy in Sibelius.  They may be easier, they may be 
harder, they may be the same level of ease/difficulty.

But it's worth checking it out, even if only to know that 
you will stay with Finale despite its faults.

There's a demo version you can download at

The members of the sibelius group at yahoogroups is just as 
friendly and willing to help as this group, so you can count 
on good answers to your questions.

David H. Bailey

Bob Shuster wrote:
Thanks for the advice on workarounds folks, but I really just need it to 
be fixed!  :)   Well, I believe I'm answering my own question here.   I 
downloaded the demo of Finale 2009, and while AU support is disabled in 
the demo, SoftSynth playback is not - and it still plays back left 
channel only with MacIntel and Firewire audio interface (mine happens to 
be a Presonus FirePod.)  What the heck is up with the folks at Make 
Music?  They introduced this problem with the 2008 version (over a year 
ago?) and it's still not fixed?

This seriously limits the usefulness of Finale to me - I think I'm 
officially tired of waiting for it at this point.  Any good Sibelius 
lists out there?

- Bob Shuster

Can anyone confirm or deny that this issue has been fixed?  (Intel Macs 
with Firewire audio interfaces have left channel output only since 
2008.)  I'm waiting to upgrade until I find out!

Also, has human playback been improved at all?  I can't use it at all in 
2008 (perhaps related to the above issue) as it crashes Finale about 75% 
of the time when initializing.

- Bob Shuster
Finale mailing list

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

John Howell wrote:
[snip of good clarification of copyright issues]
And are you aware that by far the majority of orchestral music is 
available only on rental?


I just want to clarify this remark in an otherwise clear 
reply -- the majority of *newer* (read that as copyrighted) 
orchestral music is available only on rental -- the standard 
repertoire (which unfortunately still accounts for 80%-90% 
of modern orchestral programming) is still available for 
sale, as is the vast school orchestra library.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mic Notator

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Barbara Levy wrote:


I'm crawling out of lurkdom to ask the collective wisdom:
what opinions do you have (good, bad, indifferent) about
the Mic Notator in F2008?  Is it essential to have
Finale's special mic for this?  And will this mic also
work for SmartMusic?  I would find it SO much easier to
input using one of my several woodwinds.

At the price MakeMusic asks for their "special" mic, I can't 
think there is anything about it which would make it any 
different from other mics.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] unlinking score and parts

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 07:53 PM 7/29/2008, Ryan Beard wrote:
 >I'm trying to wrap my head around getting things to
 >show in the score only and not in the parts and vice
 >Specifically, I want one text block to show only on
 >the first page of the score and not in the parts.

Place the block in the score. In the score, then do Hide, Unlink in All 
Parts, Show.

 >want a second text block with the score/part name to
 >show only on the parts, not on the score.

Place the block in the score. In the score, then do Unlink in All Parts, 

 >Is there a way to make this work for entries, too? I
 >really would like to put cues in the parts, but have
 >them not show up in the score.

In Fin2007 and 2008, there is a staff style called Blank Notation with 
Rests. (If this is a file you created in an earlier version, you'll need 
to create the staff style or import it from a library.) Put the cue 
notes in the score, apply this staff style to the measures in the score, 
and then go to the part and clear the staff style from the measures in 
the part. This will leave the cue notes visible in the parts but not the 

Does that leave the default whole-rests showing in the score?

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] unsubscribe...

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Carolyn Bremer wrote:

No -- I teach at Cal State Long Beach.

Wow, small world -- I'm listening to KKJZ streaming on my 
computer, and I listen to it almost every day!  Excellent 
radio station.

Are you on the faculty of the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music 
or is there a separate music department outside that?

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Blake Richardson wrote:
[snip]> paying for the rights to copy the parts in that 
manner. Whether that's legal

or not (the Fair Use doctrine-- which allows the user to make a back-up
copy-- would seem to suggest that it is)

While I agree that organizations do that all the time, there 
is nothing in the Fair Use doctrine which permits backup copies.

What has happened is that software publishers have allowed 
backup copies specifically in their licenses, courts have 
upheld end-users' rights to make copies of legally purchased 
CDs, LPs, Cassettes, 8-tracks for listening on a different 

But I don't ever recall hearing about a court decision which 
has upheld anybody's right to make backup copies of printed 
music, which has been viewed in copyright infringement cases 
as "disposable materials" which are supposed to wear out and 
be purchased anew when the current copies become unusable. 
There is nothing in the Fair Use section of the U.S. 
Copyright law which allows such copying nor is there 
anything in the Fair Use Guidelines of the MPA (Music 
Publishers Association) which permits that.  I do realize 
the Fair Use Guidelines of the MPA are only those issues for 
which the member publishers won't prosecute and in no way 
represent any legal precedents nor any true reflection of 
the appropriate provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (I urge 
everybody to download a copy and read it -- it's free from and is a good thing to 
look over).

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Peculiar audio problems with WinFin2k9

2008-07-30 Thread Williams, Jim
This sounds like conflicting sample sets at44100 and the other sets 
at a different rate, maybe 22050. But even if my figures are not correct, the 
concept is, at least on a PC.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of dhbailey
Sent: Wed 30-Jul-08 10:10
Subject: Re: [Finale] Peculiar audio problems with WinFin2k9

> OK - this is odd.
> I fire up Finale - all fine. Playback (midi and VST) all fine.
> Then I open ITunes - playback is reduced to a crawl, like playing a tape
> really slow. All in slow-motion.
> Same then happens on YouTube. Video and audio crawl - audio not just slow,
> but very deep as well.
> If I quit Finale then all becomes clear again.
> A lot of my work is transcribing so I need to be able to use ITunes and
> Finale at the same time.
> Any ideas?
> Gary Griffiths

New computer?

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Peculiar audio problems with WinFin2k9

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey


OK - this is odd.

I fire up Finale - all fine. Playback (midi and VST) all fine.

Then I open ITunes - playback is reduced to a crawl, like playing a tape
really slow. All in slow-motion.

Same then happens on YouTube. Video and audio crawl - audio not just slow,
but very deep as well.

If I quit Finale then all becomes clear again.

A lot of my work is transcribing so I need to be able to use ITunes and
Finale at the same time.

Any ideas?

Gary Griffiths

New computer?

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] unlinking score and parts

2008-07-30 Thread Aaron Sherber
On Wed, July 30, 2008 9:49 am, dhbailey wrote:
> Aaron Sherber wrote:
>> In Fin2007 and 2008, there is a staff style called Blank Notation with
>> Rests. (If this is a file you created in an earlier version, you'll need
>> to create the staff style or import it from a library.) Put the cue
>> notes in the score, apply this staff style to the measures in the score,
>> and then go to the part and clear the staff style from the measures in
>> the part. This will leave the cue notes visible in the parts but not the
>> score.
> Does that leave the default whole-rests showing in the score?

Well, it leaves whole note rests in the score. Technically, I'm not sure if 
they qualify
as default whole rests, or real whole rests, or something else entirely.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] unlinking score and parts

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Aaron Sherber wrote:

On Wed, July 30, 2008 9:49 am, dhbailey wrote:

Aaron Sherber wrote:

In Fin2007 and 2008, there is a staff style called Blank Notation with
Rests. (If this is a file you created in an earlier version, you'll need
to create the staff style or import it from a library.) Put the cue
notes in the score, apply this staff style to the measures in the score,
and then go to the part and clear the staff style from the measures in
the part. This will leave the cue notes visible in the parts but not the

Does that leave the default whole-rests showing in the score?

Well, it leaves whole note rests in the score. Technically, I'm not sure if 
they qualify
as default whole rests, or real whole rests, or something else entirely.

Thanks -- I guess that was essentially what I was concerned 
with.  As a conductor I hate looking at totally empty measures.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Finale in the University [was Re: [Finale] unsubscribe...]

2008-07-30 Thread Carolyn Bremer
I'm on the faculty of the Bob Cole Conservatory. Until last March,
that was the "regular" music department. That's when we announced the
endowment which, by the way, is only used for student scholarships.

We're instituting a sophomore-level course in the fall required for
all music majors to learn basic music technology: how to record sound
and edit it (using Audacity because it is open-source &
cross-platform), how to run Band-in-a-Box, and a big unit on Finale.
Our Music Ed dept used to be Sibelius-centric, but last year they
decided that Finale was better for their students (primarily because
of Smart Music), so we only teach Finale now.

In the advanced notation class (primarily for composers), I've taught
only Finale. I've had some Sibelius users in there. About half of them
stick with Sibelius at the end of the class, and about half of the
make the switch. They're all better off because they have some
knowledge of how both programs work. BTW: we don't require composers
to use Finale, it is just that we can offer only one notation class
(an elective every 4th semester), and 7 of the 9 comp faculty are
Finale users.

Has anyone else out there taught or developed a large-scale
entry-level Finale class? I'd love to share (well, steal, if truth be
told) ideas if you have. Most of the students will be taking the
course online -- I've been making screen casts for them -- and only
one lab full (20) will be in the classroom. That was the only way we
could make it work with 80-90 students taking it. This fall will be
our first time offering the class and I anticipate more than a few
kinks will need to get worked out.

I am also happy to share my materials for the advanced class with anyone.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 6:59 AM, dhbailey
> Carolyn Bremer wrote:
>> No -- I teach at Cal State Long Beach.
> Wow, small world -- I'm listening to KKJZ streaming on my computer, and I
> listen to it almost every day!  Excellent radio station.
> Are you on the faculty of the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music or is there a
> separate music department outside that?
> --
> David H. Bailey
> ___
> Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread Robert Patterson
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:42 AM, dhbailey
>  I think
> there may be a programming issue where underlying changes in the way the
> program works might have made internal tracking or control of more than 4
> staff lists difficult.

I do not know any more about how this function evolved than anyone
else on this list. I could speculate that they may have originally
planned to have only hard-wired staff lists (i.e., completely
uneditable), then thought better of it. What makes me say this is that
you can find 4 names that look like they may be staff list names in
the datafile that are currently not used. They are generic names that
match up with the category names fairly closely. Furthermore, nothing
about the data structures that I can see as a plugin developer
precludes the possibility of lifting the artificial limit.

If they lifted the limit, there is definitely more programming work
they would have to do, mainly to do with libraries. I do not believe
the staff lists get copied with an expression library: only the 1, 2,
3, 4 assignments are copied. If they opened up staff lists, they would
have to be included in expression libraries.

That said, I have not heard one iota of a word from MM that the limit
has anything to do with programming priorities or time constraints.
I'd feel better about it if I had. On the contrary, MM so far has
steadfastly justified it as a designed and planned "enahancement" to
the program. That is why it is incumbent upon us users to disabuse
them of their folly.

You know, the limit of 4 is not the only problem. I would like to have
the option of *fewer* staff lists than 4. Many of my pieces require
only 1, and the rest are just clutter. Why force us to have any
certain number of them?
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread Tyler Turner

--- On Wed, 7/30/08, dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Absent a true programming need, there is no logical reason 
> for such a limitation because any such change in the number
> of staff lists would have involved programming time which 
> would better have been spent elsewhere.

I don't think that would be the case. Given the new design, I think it's a good 
bet they had to redo a bunch of the staff list functionality anyway, and if 
anything, it would probably have been extra programming effort to allow for the 
ability to create staff lists in the new system. Regardless, I don't think 
that's the reason it's not in there. I think the reason it's not in there is 
related to publishers complaining about receiving user files that had terribly 
indiscriminate use of staff lists which translated into more work for them.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread Robert Patterson
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Tyler Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the reason it's not in there is related to publishers complaining 
> about receiving user files that had terribly indiscriminate use of
> staff lists which translated into more work for them.

Given the new paradigm for staff lists (and, yes, the availability of
drag-assign), do you honestly believe that users would still use them
"indiscriminately" if the limit were lifted? Suppose they did? What of
it? In order to use them they'd also have to indiscriminately create
categories and then indiscriminately assign expressions to those
categories. Where do you draw the line?

Not to mention, as I said in my earlier post, 4 lists is already
indiscriminate for 80% of my work. I'd like the option of only having
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread Eric Dannewitz
So big business is now dictating feature reductions? Stupid.
There should have been a compromise or something. If you have more than 4
staff lists only the first 4 can support the new measure expressions. After
that, it would be like previous versions. Something like that would have
been a better way to deal with least for people who have been
using the feature a lot.

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:24 AM, Tyler Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- On Wed, 7/30/08, dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Absent a true programming need, there is no logical reason
> > for such a limitation because any such change in the number
> >
> > of staff lists would have involved programming time which
> > would better have been spent elsewhere.
> >
> I don't think that would be the case. Given the new design, I think it's a
> good bet they had to redo a bunch of the staff list functionality anyway,
> and if anything, it would probably have been extra programming effort to
> allow for the ability to create staff lists in the new system. Regardless, I
> don't think that's the reason it's not in there. I think the reason it's not
> in there is related to publishers complaining about receiving user files
> that had terribly indiscriminate use of staff lists which translated into
> more work for them.
> ___
> Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re:Fin09K problem

2008-07-30 Thread Dean M. Estabrook
So, I downloaded the 2009 demo and messed around with it. Then I  
attempted to trash it so that my old files would  not keep opening in  
it. Now, when I attempt to open a preexisting file done in Mac07k,  I  
get the message, "Operation could not be completed. An unexpected  
error occurred (error code 10660). I can still open the old stuff by  
launching 07k, then selecting the file in question, but can't just  
launch by selecting the file itself. I thought I had purged all of  
the 09 stuff ... perhaps not. What am I missing,  other than common  


Dean M. Estabrook

"When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But  
when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know  
it is wrong. "

R. Buckminster Fuller

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread billsincl
I've noticed when I tie across a bar line, the playback engine ignores 
the tie as if they are two separate notes. Was this ever fixed?

Why does it allow you to tie a note to a rest? I never see this in real 
music performed.

Also, when you change the pitch of a tied note, it does not try to 
change the pitch of the other notes. It leaves the tie in place in 
between two (or more) unlike pitches, and sounds them separately. In 
other software packages, you can change the pitch on ANY of the tied 
notes, and it automatically chages all the others.

A SLUR would normally be used in place of a tie between unequal 
pitches. As far as I know, unequal pitches are NEVER tied together.

Yours; Bill Sinclair

See what's new at
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread Don Hart
I believe it was mentioned here that the limit on staff lists is not present
in the repeat tool.  To this non-programmer, that seems to be the most
curious thing in all of this.

In 2006 (my current version), as far as I can tell, the repeat tool accesses
the same group of staff lists that are available for use with expressions.
Are there two *different* staff lists now, or do the four lists for
expressions show up for use with repeats?  And if the expression staff lists
*are* available to use with repeats, what happens to repeat staff lists over
and above the four on the expression side?  Are they grayed out?

I wonder if repeat staff lists, unlimited as they are, might be an adequate
(and hopefully temporary) substitute for some of the usage described here by
Claudio, Bernard and others.

Don Hart

On 7/30/08 10:02 AM, "Robert Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:42 AM, dhbailey
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I think
>> there may be a programming issue where underlying changes in the way the
>> program works might have made internal tracking or control of more than 4
>> staff lists difficult.
> I do not know any more about how this function evolved than anyone
> else on this list. I could speculate that they may have originally
> planned to have only hard-wired staff lists (i.e., completely
> uneditable), then thought better of it. What makes me say this is that
> you can find 4 names that look like they may be staff list names in
> the datafile that are currently not used. They are generic names that
> match up with the category names fairly closely. Furthermore, nothing
> about the data structures that I can see as a plugin developer
> precludes the possibility of lifting the artificial limit.
> If they lifted the limit, there is definitely more programming work
> they would have to do, mainly to do with libraries. I do not believe
> the staff lists get copied with an expression library: only the 1, 2,
> 3, 4 assignments are copied. If they opened up staff lists, they would
> have to be included in expression libraries.
> That said, I have not heard one iota of a word from MM that the limit
> has anything to do with programming priorities or time constraints.
> I'd feel better about it if I had. On the contrary, MM so far has
> steadfastly justified it as a designed and planned "enahancement" to
> the program. That is why it is incumbent upon us users to disabuse
> them of their folly.
> You know, the limit of 4 is not the only problem. I would like to have
> the option of *fewer* staff lists than 4. Many of my pieces require
> only 1, and the rest are just clutter. Why force us to have any
> certain number of them?
> ___
> Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

[Finale] another kludge for repeat tool?

2008-07-30 Thread Don Hart
Repeat items will align to the right of a multi-measure rest.  For those of
you who were looking for a way to avoid breaking up multi-measure rests for
ritardandos and the like, this may help in some situations, at least to make
a part look the way you want.

Don Hart

Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Resize tool for systems inoperative in 2009?

2008-07-30 Thread Fisher, Allen
Believe it or not, this is a valid answer ;-)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Carolyn Bremer
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Resize tool for systems inoperative in 2009?

Good answer!


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Fisher, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wrote this up. I think the manual's right and the program's wrong.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 8:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Finale] Resize tool for systems inoperative in 2009?
> Hi, Allen
> I'd just like to add my opinion to the others that we appreciate your 
> presence here on the list, even if you aren't official and can't answer 
> everything. And I am sorry that you act as a lightning rod for all our 
> complaints, because even if you aren't "official", you are still the 
> representative of MakeMusic for us. But don't go away just because we get 
> frustrated once in a while. We still love you!
> Now for your answer.
> I had clicked between staves, but I had neglected to do it in the right place 
> before Carolyn pointed out that the click had to be to the RIGHT of the time 
> signature. This is in complete opposition to what the manual said, which was 
> a source of frustration. Simply clicking between the staves isn't enough; it 
> MUST be to the right of the time sig as well. I hope the manual reflects that 
> in the update...
> Christopher
> - Original Message -
> From: "Fisher, Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, July 28, 2008 12:16
> Subject: RE: [Finale] Resize tool for systems inoperative in 2009?
> To: "" 
>> Click in between staves.
>> Allen
>> Behalf Of Christopher Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 10:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Finale] Resize tool for systems inoperative in 2009?
>> Hi all,
>> First operation with the new FinMac 2009, so this doesn't auger well.
>> I created a score (added a couple of staves to an existing ensemble)
>> and the first thing I tried to do was use the Resize Tool to
>> make the
>> systems smaller by clicking next to the first system. The only
>> dialogue box that I could get to show up was the Resize Page
>> box. If
>> I clicked a staff directly, I would get Resize Staff, but
>> nowhere can
>> I force the Resize System dialogue box to show up.
>> Resize Systems in the Page Layout tool seems to work normally, so
>> this doesn't stop me, but can anyone confirm the bug?
>> Thanks.
>> Christopher
>> ___
>> Finale mailing list
>> ___
>> Finale mailing list
> ___
> Finale mailing list
> ___
> Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Re:Fin09K problem

2008-07-30 Thread Fisher, Allen
Sounds like your Launch Services Database is tangled up. When I deleted the 
demo folder off my system (and emptied the trash), it forgot about the demo.

I would recommend a utility like ONYX or TechTool to clean it up.

Some of you Mac power users out there probably have a better idea.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dean M. Estabrook
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: [Finale] Re:Fin09K problem

So, I downloaded the 2009 demo and messed around with it. Then I
attempted to trash it so that my old files would  not keep opening in
it. Now, when I attempt to open a preexisting file done in Mac07k,  I
get the message, "Operation could not be completed. An unexpected
error occurred (error code 10660). I can still open the old stuff by
launching 07k, then selecting the file in question, but can't just
launch by selecting the file itself. I thought I had purged all of
the 09 stuff ... perhaps not. What am I missing,  other than common


Dean M. Estabrook

 "When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But
 when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know
 it is wrong. "

 R. Buckminster Fuller

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread Don Hart
Not sure if it's accepted as *correct* everywhere, but I think it's fairly
common for a tie on a note leading to a rest to indicate "let vibrate", like
in a cymbal swell.

Don Hart

On 7/30/08 10:39 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why does it allow you to tie a note to a rest? I never see this in real
> music performed.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Digital music stands

2008-07-30 Thread John Howell

At 6:48 AM -0400 7/30/08, Blake Richardson wrote:

Well, the reality is that in every band and orchestra I've ever played with,
the librarian *does* photocopy all the parts before handing them out. They
keep the originals in the library so if one of the musicians loses their
music at some point, they aren't out the trumpet part, for example. And
rarely, if ever, does the orchestra go to the trouble of obtaining and
paying for the rights to copy the parts in that manner. Whether that's legal
or not (the Fair Use doctrine-- which allows the user to make a back-up
copy-- would seem to suggest that it is), the organizations do it anyway.

Unfortunately you're absolutely right.  And I've been known to drive 
a LITTLE, TEENY BIT over the speed limit, too.  But if I get caught, 
I'm not going to try to argue my way out of it.  My choice, my 
penalty!  And publishers' representatives have been known to weasel 
their way into examining the libraries of churches or schools in 
order to identify copyright infringements.

The problem of course is that the copying technology has gotten WAY 
ahead of the law and its restrictions.  And when I (and others) 
comment on the legalities, it isn't in the expectation that very many 
people are going to change their habits, but in an effort to make 
sure everyone knows that they ARE breaking the law and that they are 
making a conscious decision to do so.

And the secondary problem is publishers who don't respect the 
continuing value of what they have, who allow titles (including 
replacement parts) to go  permanently out of print, and who are too 
stupid to USE the modern technology to keep their OWN archives and 
the ability to sell replacements from those archives.  That is an 
open invitation to anyone who needs replacement parts to go ahead and 
photocopy them.

Sure, it's a losing battle, but trying to get the facts out and about 
is still worthwhile.  If you ever get to court, "everybody does it" 
won't get anyone off the hook!

And I'd really like to know where, in what version of "Fair Use," you 
find permission for "the user to make a back-up copy."  Yes, that's 
been established long ago as it applies to commercial recordings, if 
I remember correctly, but that does NOT automatically mean that it 
applies to sheet music (which is defined as 'material intended to be 
used up') and it CERTAINLY does not apply to computer programs, 
unless I've completely misread all those legal agreements that we all 
have to agree to!

Thanks for the note.  Nobody ever said it's clear or easy!


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"We never play anything the same way once."  Shelly Manne's definition
of jazz musicians.
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mic Notator now midi sax

2008-07-30 Thread Ray Horton

On 30.07.2008 Barbara Levy wrote:
I'm crawling out of lurkdom to ask the collective wisdom:  what 
opinions do you have (good, bad, indifferent) about the Mic Notator 
in F2008?  Is it essential to have Finale's special mic for this?  
And will this mic also work for SmartMusic?  I would find it SO much 
easier to input using one of my several woodwinds.

Barbara, have you ever tried a midi sax, or other midi wind instrument?  
There are full-priced ones ($500) like the Yamaha WX5 Wind MIDI 
Controller which some pros use in performance, but:

Several years ago, there was a Casio midi sax, marketed as a toy in the 
$80 range, that was soon discontinued and was sold in "Big Lots" and 
other stores in the $25 range.  It featured recorder/sax-type 
fingerings, several different patches, an onboard speaker that could be 
turned off and a midi out.  I had one, but have since given it to a 
relative.  It's main limit was that it was not responsive to breath 
cresc/decresc, but one could play fast on it.  Never tried it with a 
notation program, but I used to play a keyboard synth with it. 

Hmm, I googled a bit and found it.  The model was Casio DH-100 (silver) 
/ DH-200 (black)

here is a site with accessories, but lists the unit as "currently 

Another hmm... these things look like they have quite an after market 
going.  One just went on Ebay for $80 needing repairs, but here is 
another one going now for $20 plus $14 shipping - it's ebay # 12028863

Also, here is a  MIDI Wind Controllers FAQ from 1995:

Hope this helps!
Raymond Horton
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Finale 2009 Mac Firewire/Intel issue?

2008-07-30 Thread Bob Shuster
Well, I got the definitive answer from MakeMusic on the FireWire audio  
interface issue, as follows:

Thank you for contacting MakeMusic Customer Support.

I deeply apologize for this issue in Finale. At this point it is not  
fixed in Finale 2009 and I do not know what the plans are to fix it.  
I will be adding your voice to the list of people who are looking  
for this fix. Once again I apologize for any inconvenience.

Doug R.
MakeMusic Customer Support

So it appears it's not even on their "To Do" list.  Are there enough  
of us in this boat to pressure them?  How about a class action suit?  :)

- Bob Shuster
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mic Notator now midi sax

2008-07-30 Thread Ray Horton

Ray Horton wrote:

On 30.07.2008 Barbara Levy wrote:
I'm crawling out of lurkdom to ask the collective wisdom:  what 
opinions do you have (good, bad, indifferent) about the Mic Notator 
in F2008?  Is it essential to have Finale's special mic for this?  
And will this mic also work for SmartMusic?  I would find it SO much 
easier to input using one of my several woodwinds.

Barbara, I've been wasting time, finding more info about the Casio 
DH-100.  There is a real bunch of idiots out there still playing these 
things and keeping them repaired.  One site says I should be able to 
control volume with breath, by turning it upo to full volume (I probably 
never risked that when I had it.)   If you google it you will see. 

I think I will get mine back from my sister (who had to give up wind 
playing after ear surgery). 

Here's a YouTube demo, with some reverb added:

Ray H.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Finale 2009 Mac Firewire/Intel issue?

2008-07-30 Thread Leigh Daniels
I would be very surprised if even 100 people have complained about this. 

What's particularly sad is that they knew about this problem from the
time FinMac 2008a came out because I talked to Support about it right
after I received it. I got the canned response Bob quotes below.

It's not like it's hard to add Core Audio functionality correctly.
Apple makes it very easy.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008, Bob Shuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Well, I got the definitive answer from MakeMusic on the FireWire audio  
>interface issue, as follows:
>> Thank you for contacting MakeMusic Customer Support.
>> I deeply apologize for this issue in Finale. At this point it is not  
>> fixed in Finale 2009 and I do not know what the plans are to fix it.  
>> I will be adding your voice to the list of people who are looking  
>> for this fix. Once again I apologize for any inconvenience.
>> Doug R.
>> MakeMusic Customer Support

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread John Howell

At 11:39 AM -0400 7/30/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've noticed when I tie across a bar line, the playback engine 
ignores the tie as if they are two separate notes. Was this ever 

Can't speak to that.

Why does it allow you to tie a note to a rest? I never see this in 
real music performed.

Is this not used for "laissez vibrer"?  It is in Sibelius, sending a 
note on but not a note off, and it is used extensively in percussion 
parts.  Sibelius also provides an alternative to the "real" tie if 
you are not satisfied with the playback.

Also, when you change the pitch of a tied note, it does not try to 
change the pitch of the other notes. It leaves the tie in place in 
between two (or more) unlike pitches, and sounds them separately. In 
other software packages, you can change the pitch on ANY of the tied 
notes, and it automatically chages all the others.

Which software packages?  Not Sibelius (I just tried it), and not (if 
I remember correctly, which I may not) in Mosaic.

A SLUR would normally be used in place of a tie between unequal 
pitches. As far as I know, unequal pitches are NEVER tied together.

Quite correct.


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"We never play anything the same way once."  Shelly Manne's definition
of jazz musicians.
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Finale 2009 Mac Firewire/Intel issue?

2008-07-30 Thread Darcy James Argue
It's not all FireWire devices. My M-Audio FireWire Audiophile never  
had this problem. I've always had stereo playback from Finale. (That  
said, OBVIOUSLY this should be a high-priority fix.)

However, my FW Audiophile does have a new, incredibly infuriating  
problem. There is a bug in Leopard and QuickTime 7.5 that causes  
occasional audio stuttering when using the built-in audio. However,  
with the FW Audiophile, the stutter causes the sound to drop out  
permanently. (The MIDI functions are unaffected.) The only way to  
restore sound is to toggle the sample rate, or power-cycle the device.  
Sometimes it happens as often as every five seconds. After months of  
struggling with this, I'm going to try reverting to 10.5.1, which is  
not supposed to have this insanely infuriating problem.

Anyone else see this with 10.5.x?


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 30 Jul 2008, at 2:51 PM, Leigh Daniels wrote:

I would be very surprised if even 100 people have complained about  

What's particularly sad is that they knew about this problem from the
time FinMac 2008a came out because I talked to Support about it right
after I received it. I got the canned response Bob quotes below.

It's not like it's hard to add Core Audio functionality  

Apple makes it very easy.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008, Bob Shuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I got the definitive answer from MakeMusic on the FireWire  

interface issue, as follows:

Thank you for contacting MakeMusic Customer Support.

I deeply apologize for this issue in Finale. At this point it is not
fixed in Finale 2009 and I do not know what the plans are to fix it.
I will be adding your voice to the list of people who are looking
for this fix. Once again I apologize for any inconvenience.

Doug R.
MakeMusic Customer Support

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
On Wed, July 30, 2008 3:43 pm, John Howell wrote:
> At 11:39 AM -0400 7/30/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>A SLUR would normally be used in place of a tie between unequal
>>pitches. As far as I know, unequal pitches are NEVER tied together.

> Quite correct.

Pitches yes -- but just to be clear, different spellings of the same pitch
in 12TET can be tied together (G# to Ab). This has come up here before.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Tyler Turner wrote:

--- On Wed, 7/30/08, dhbailey

Absent a true programming need, there is no logical
reason for such a limitation because any such change in
the number

of staff lists would have involved programming time
which would better have been spent elsewhere.

I don't think that would be the case. Given the new
design, I think it's a good bet they had to redo a bunch
of the staff list functionality anyway, and if anything,
it would probably have been extra programming effort to
allow for the ability to create staff lists in the new
system. Regardless, I don't think that's the reason it's
not in there. I think the reason it's not in there is
related to publishers complaining about receiving user
files that had terribly indiscriminate use of staff lists
which translated into more work for them.

I don't understand how the number of staff lists a person 
uses would in any way be an inconvenience to a publisher.

How would it create more work for a publisher?
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

I've noticed when I tie across a bar line, the playback engine ignores 
the tie as if they are two separate notes. Was this ever fixed?

Why does it allow you to tie a note to a rest? I never see this in real 
music performed.

Also, when you change the pitch of a tied note, it does not try to 
change the pitch of the other notes. It leaves the tie in place in 
between two (or more) unlike pitches, and sounds them separately. In 
other software packages, you can change the pitch on ANY of the tied 
notes, and it automatically chages all the others.

A SLUR would normally be used in place of a tie between unequal pitches. 
As far as I know, unequal pitches are NEVER tied together.

While that last statement is true, other notation programs 
allow the use of their "tie" between notes which aren't the 
same pitch, and they also allow the changing of one of the 
tied notes to a different pitch without also changing the 
other pitch.

Are you sure you're using the tie (the "=" key on PC) and 
not a slur (smartshape) between the two notes you think 
you're tying?

I've never had correctly tied notes in Finale play back as 
to separate notes.  You didn't mention which version you're 
using. I've been with Finale since version 3.5 and ties have 
always played back correctly.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Don Hart wrote:

Not sure if it's accepted as *correct* everywhere, but I think it's fairly
common for a tie on a note leading to a rest to indicate "let vibrate", like
in a cymbal swell.

And sometimes it's used on other instruments in an attempt 
to get people to sustain the note immediately preceding the 
rest for the correct full value, which many people fail to do.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mic Notator now midi sax

2008-07-30 Thread dhbailey

Ray Horton wrote:

On 30.07.2008 Barbara Levy wrote:
I'm crawling out of lurkdom to ask the collective wisdom:  what 
opinions do you have (good, bad, indifferent) about the Mic Notator 
in F2008?  Is it essential to have Finale's special mic for this?  
And will this mic also work for SmartMusic?  I would find it SO much 
easier to input using one of my several woodwinds.

Barbara, have you ever tried a midi sax, or other midi wind instrument?  
There are full-priced ones ($500) like the Yamaha WX5 Wind MIDI 
Controller which some pros use in performance, but:

Several years ago, there was a Casio midi sax, marketed as a toy in the 
$80 range, that was soon discontinued and was sold in "Big Lots" and 
other stores in the $25 range.  It featured recorder/sax-type 
fingerings, several different patches, an onboard speaker that could be 
turned off and a midi out.  I had one, but have since given it to a 
relative.  It's main limit was that it was not responsive to breath 
cresc/decresc, but one could play fast on it.  Never tried it with a 
notation program, but I used to play a keyboard synth with it.

Hmm, I googled a bit and found it.  The model was Casio DH-100 (silver) 
/ DH-200 (black)

here is a site with accessories, but lists the unit as "currently 

Another hmm... these things look like they have quite an after market 
going.  One just went on Ebay for $80 needing repairs, but here is 
another one going now for $20 plus $14 shipping - it's ebay # 12028863

Also, here is a  MIDI Wind Controllers FAQ from 1995:

When they were originally released, they had a price tag of 
about $350 and if I recall correctly predated the personal 
computer although my memory may be a bit hazy on that point. 
 I was working in a music store, a job I left 23 years ago, 
and they had already been out on the market a couple of 
years at that point.  Very few people ever bought them, and 
they resurfaced about 15 years or so ago.  I bought one for 
around $20 from DAK.

They would work fine for note entry with no need for the 
services of micnotator(tm).

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread Blake Richardson

Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:39:44 -0400
Subject: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

> Why does it allow you to tie a note to a rest? I never see this in real
> music performed.

I see it all the time. Not so much a note tied specifically to a rest but a
note tied to nothing at all-- which usually ends up looking like it's tied
to a rest. Most often in piano and harp parts where the intent is for the
note to be struck (or plucked) and then fade away to nothing.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread Dean M. Estabrook
Yep, see it all the time in concert band music anyway ... use it  
myself for the exact reasons heretofore mentioned.



On Jul 30, 2008, at 2:14 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Don Hart wrote:
Not sure if it's accepted as *correct* everywhere, but I think  
it's fairly
common for a tie on a note leading to a rest to indicate "let  
vibrate", like

in a cymbal swell.

And sometimes it's used on other instruments in an attempt to get  
people to sustain the note immediately preceding the rest for the  
correct full value, which many people fail to do.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Dean M. Estabrook

"When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But  
when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know  
it is wrong. "

R. Buckminster Fuller

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Bugs etc……

2008-07-30 Thread David Dubuc
I've been using Finale since 2001 and am a full-time musician. After  
nearly 8 years of experience with the program I can honestly say that  
it is the most unreliable and frustrating program I own. I refer to  
it as my "Blue Streak" program because nearly every time I open it I  
cuss a blue streak. If Pro Tools or Final Cut or the Adobe Creative  
Suite or even WORD were half as full of infuriating eccentricities  
and undocumented problems as Finale they would never have reached the  
competitive level. I use all of these applications and never seems to  
have an issue that can't be resolved in a moment or two. The fact  
that a program so full of glitches and bugs has become such a giant  
in the notation arena just goes to show that there is still not a  
really great notation program out there for us yet. If someone would  
develop a notation program that is stable and reliable I'd switch in  
a second for twice the price.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Some comments re Fin09

2008-07-30 Thread Johannes Gebauer

On 30.07.2008 Tyler Turner wrote:

I think the reason it's not in there is related to publishers complaining about 
receiving user files that had terribly indiscriminate use of staff lists which 
translated into more work for them.

No, that surely is not the reason.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

2008-07-30 Thread christopher . smith

There are a few situations where a tied note will play back as two different 
pitches (generally they play back correctly, though.)

Is one of the notes altered? If you have F# in one bar and tie it to Fnat in 
the next bar, it will play back as two different pitches (which should be 
obvious) but it will appear correctly.

Likewise, if you have HIDDEN an accidental (rather than changing the pitch!) 
then Finale will still play it back as, say F#, whereas it appears as Fnat, so 
you could have two different notes sounding.

If one of the notes is in a different layer, then the tie will not play back. I 
get this in piano and choral music sometimes. If playback is essential, then I 
can set the note to zero velocity and add in a hidden note that plays back 

If you are changing systems, and have two staves consolidating down to one 
(like split violins coming back to one staff) then perhaps there is a tied note 
that doesn't have a partner to tie to officially on the same staff, though it 
appears correctly through the magic of staff optimisation.

Although if you have an F# tied to a Gb over a key change, it should play back 
properly because it is the same MIDI pitch number. Remember that Finale uses 
MIDI to play back, and is constrained by what MIDI can and can't do (although 
there are sometimes some workarounds that MakeMusic has incorporated to solve 
some problems.)

Ties sometimes go nowhere in correct music notation, for example, when a 
passage is played the second time only on a repeat, and a note is tied to the 
second ending. Obviously, there is no note in the next bar (first ending) to 
tie to. Also the example I gave before where two staves consolidate down to one 
in a split part. I definitely would NOT want MakeMusic deciding whether I 
should or should not be able to tie over to nothing! It's bad enough when I 
have to have a tie BEGINNING  a measure when there is no note in the previous 
measure; that's a bit of a kludge.


- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:59
Subject: [Finale] Playback engine has bugs

> I've noticed when I tie across a bar line, the playback engine 
> ignores 
> the tie as if they are two separate notes. Was this ever fixed?
> Why does it allow you to tie a note to a rest? I never see this 
> in real 
> music performed.
> Also, when you change the pitch of a tied note, it does not try 
> to 
> change the pitch of the other notes. It leaves the tie in place 
> in 
> between two (or more) unlike pitches, and sounds them 
> separately. In 
> other software packages, you can change the pitch on ANY of the 
> tied 
> notes, and it automatically chages all the others.
> A SLUR would normally be used in place of a tie between unequal 
> pitches. As far as I know, unequal pitches are NEVER tied together.
> Yours; Bill Sinclair

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Re: Finale in the University

2008-07-30 Thread Matthew Hindson fastmail acct

Has anyone else out there taught or developed a large-scale
entry-level Finale class? I'd love to share (well, steal, if truth be
told) ideas if you have. Most of the students will be taking the
course online -- I've been making screen casts for them -- and only
one lab full (20) will be in the classroom. That was the only way we
could make it work with 80-90 students taking it. This fall will be
our first time offering the class and I anticipate more than a few
kinks will need to get worked out.

I teach something like this at Sydney Uni, but which deals with general 
score presentation as well (e.g. binding, printing, paper weights, basic 
design, general music presentation).  Not online though, and as I don't 
deal with the composition majors it's probably at a different level to 

To be honest, one of the best things you can do for them is set Stephen 
Powell's Music Engraving Today as a reference textbook.  That way they 
learn to best present their scores no matter which application they use.

This semester we divide our class into two: I focus upon Finale basics 
for 6 weeks, and someone else teaches Sibelius basics for 6 weeks.

Interestingly the majority of students in my class of 
non-music-specialists come from a Finale or Finale Notepad background. 
This is in stark contrast to my first year composition class where 15/17 
use Sibelius.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Jazz Notation Standards...what's correct?

2008-07-30 Thread Patrick Sheehan
I have a brother that plays in a prestigious big band, and I have recently been 
hired as the copyist for this particular band. 
I had done non-contracted copy work for them before, and need to clear up some 
notation issues with the experts, because we argue.  I'm not extensive in jazz, 
but I know some things can't be as awkward as what he claims they are, as 

1.  Accidentals
He claims that, in a (e.g.) scalar run:
(Key of Bb Major), if the clarinet plays a scalar run (with Ab accidentals 
only, outside of the key) starting on it's written low F (below the staff), it 
will play F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, THEN...
should the upper A-flat be remarked since it's in the next octave, or is it 
automatically assumed that it's flat, because it was flat in the lower octave?  
I claim that's not the practice, he claims it is.  Answer on that one, please.

2.  Double Sharps, Double Flats:
As we all know, some big band ballads or jazz chart ballads can be in some 
nasty keys (e.g.  a lot of Glenn Miller's charts are in Db and Ab), moreso in 
favor for the vocalist, and my question is: if something like a chromatic 
scalar run in the woodwinds would have a heavy-sharped key (B Major), would you 
write a chromatic run as B, B-sharp, C#, C double-sharp, D#, etcORB, 
C-natural, C#, D-natural, D#, etc.). I would always go with the former. 

My view is, the natural-then-sharp accidental fashion is much too difficult on 
the eye.  Isn't this what double sharps and double flats (respectively) are 
for?  How about if you had a figure that went inbetween a G# and a G natural 
for two pairs of sixteenth notes (for two counts in 4/4?).  Would you want to 
have to read a G# G-nat G# G-nat  G# G-nat  G# G-nat mess?!?!  Or, easier, a 
G#-to F-double sharp breeze-of-a-read?  

I'll ask a bold question: Do you think musicians who complain about double 
sharps and double flats exemplify poor musicianship, because they're "too hard 
to figure out"?  Anyone with me on that?I have seen double-sharps and 
double-flats in ALL kinds of stock arrangements, engraved or (poorly) 

Please let me know if these two points are common (and / or correct) in 
standard jazz notation. I appreciate it.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Finale in the University

2008-07-30 Thread Carolyn Bremer
Ah yes, Powell's book is amazing. We've been using it for a few years.
I find I even recommend it to composers who come to interview for grad
school -- some how showing them that book makes our school look all
the much better.

Your website is also terrific, and I always recommend your fonts!


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Matthew Hindson fastmail acct
>> Has anyone else out there taught or developed a large-scale
>> entry-level Finale class? I'd love to share (well, steal, if truth be
>> told) ideas if you have. Most of the students will be taking the
>> course online -- I've been making screen casts for them -- and only
>> one lab full (20) will be in the classroom. That was the only way we
>> could make it work with 80-90 students taking it. This fall will be
>> our first time offering the class and I anticipate more than a few
>> kinks will need to get worked out.
> I teach something like this at Sydney Uni, but which deals with general
> score presentation as well (e.g. binding, printing, paper weights, basic
> design, general music presentation).  Not online though, and as I don't deal
> with the composition majors it's probably at a different level to yours.
> To be honest, one of the best things you can do for them is set Stephen
> Powell's Music Engraving Today as a reference textbook.  That way they learn
> to best present their scores no matter which application they use.
> This semester we divide our class into two: I focus upon Finale basics for 6
> weeks, and someone else teaches Sibelius basics for 6 weeks.
> Interestingly the majority of students in my class of non-music-specialists
> come from a Finale or Finale Notepad background. This is in stark contrast
> to my first year composition class where 15/17 use Sibelius.
> Matthew
> ___
> Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Jazz Notation Standards...what's correct?

2008-07-30 Thread Carolyn Bremer
Here's my take.

I think all notation books will agree that accidentals apply only to
one octave. In usage, I find that players will play all octaves with
the same accidental. Perhaps your particular ensemble is used to
having an accidental show on only one octave while applying to all,
but it is technically incorrect. That said, in my book, the players

It is almost always easier to read two different note heads, as you
suggest. But, I think in practice (again) that G# - F-double sharp is
so unusual that it is difficult for players to get quickly. Can you
respell to Ab - G? The rule I use is to consider what the players have
most often encountered (and particularly in scales that they'd
practice frequently) and notate to that when spelling gets
complicated. Theory loses this one.

Musicians of decent caliber who complain do so because they haven't
seen something often enough for it to become part of their arsenal.
Should the copyist "teach" a musician to read double flats and sharps,
or should the copyist work within the tradition of what a musician
most often sees? I am sure there are good reasons for both, but again,
I come down on the side of the musician.

I look forward to reading the other responses, as these questions
don't have a perfect answers.


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 6:02 PM, Patrick Sheehan
> I have a brother that plays in a prestigious big band, and I have recently 
> been hired as the copyist for this particular band.
> I had done non-contracted copy work for them before, and need to clear up 
> some notation issues with the experts, because we argue.  I'm not extensive 
> in jazz, but I know some things can't be as awkward as what he claims they 
> are, as follows:
> 1.  Accidentals
> He claims that, in a (e.g.) scalar run:
> (Key of Bb Major), if the clarinet plays a scalar run (with Ab accidentals 
> only, outside of the key) starting on it's written low F (below the staff), 
> it will play F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, THEN...
> should the upper A-flat be remarked since it's in the next octave, or is it 
> automatically assumed that it's flat, because it was flat in the lower 
> octave?  I claim that's not the practice, he claims it is.  Answer on that 
> one, please.
> 2.  Double Sharps, Double Flats:
> As we all know, some big band ballads or jazz chart ballads can be in some 
> nasty keys (e.g.  a lot of Glenn Miller's charts are in Db and Ab), moreso in 
> favor for the vocalist, and my question is: if something like a chromatic 
> scalar run in the woodwinds would have a heavy-sharped key (B Major), would 
> you write a chromatic run as B, B-sharp, C#, C double-sharp, D#, etcOR
> B, C-natural, C#, D-natural, D#, etc.). I would always go with the former.
> My view is, the natural-then-sharp accidental fashion is much too difficult 
> on the eye.  Isn't this what double sharps and double flats (respectively) 
> are for?  How about if you had a figure that went inbetween a G# and a G 
> natural for two pairs of sixteenth notes (for two counts in 4/4?).  Would you 
> want to have to read a G# G-nat G# G-nat  G# G-nat  G# G-nat mess?!?!  Or, 
> easier, a G#-to F-double sharp breeze-of-a-read?
> I'll ask a bold question: Do you think musicians who complain about double 
> sharps and double flats exemplify poor musicianship, because they're "too 
> hard to figure out"?  Anyone with me on that?I have seen double-sharps 
> and double-flats in ALL kinds of stock arrangements, engraved or (poorly) 
> hand-written.
> Please let me know if these two points are common (and / or correct) in 
> standard jazz notation. I appreciate it.
> ___
> Finale mailing list
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Jazz Notation Standards...what's correct?

2008-07-30 Thread Darcy James Argue

Hi Patrick,

On 30 Jul 2008, at 9:02 PM, Patrick Sheehan wrote:

1.  Accidentals
He claims that, in a (e.g.) scalar run:
(Key of Bb Major), if the clarinet plays a scalar run (with Ab  
accidentals only, outside of the key) starting on it's written low F  
(below the staff), it will play F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, THEN...

should the upper A-flat be remarked since it's in the next octave,

YES. Definitely. This is unambiguous. Not restriking the Ab is wrong.

2.  Double Sharps, Double Flats:
As we all know, some big band ballads or jazz chart ballads can be  
in some nasty keys (e.g.  a lot of Glenn Miller's charts are in Db  
and Ab), moreso in favor for the vocalist, and my question is: if  
something like a chromatic scalar run in the woodwinds would have a  
heavy-sharped key (B Major), would you write a chromatic run as B, B- 
sharp, C#, C double-sharp, D#, etcORB, C-natural, C#, D- 
natural, D#, etc.). I would always go with the former.

Opinions differ. I would *definitely* go with naturals and sharps  
(especially for a rapid chromatic run like you describe). Some on this  
list will disagree vociferously.

I'll ask a bold question: Do you think musicians who complain about  
double sharps and double flats exemplify poor musicianship, because  
they're "too hard to figure out"?

No, of course not. You shouldn't confuse "musicianship" with "what I'm  
used to."


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

Finale mailing list