Re: my Lang

2010-09-04 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Dearest Debby,
My heart aches with yours.  I wish I could hug my Fjordie tonight for you -
but now your Langster is playing with my Henry.  Imagine them running
together, freely - with no pain.
My sincerest, heartfelt empathy as you go through this VERY difficult time.
Ontario - Canada
Theres a few on the list that knew Lang before I got him as a 2 1/2yr. old.
He was THE best fjord, THE best horse.  I don't think he had a mean bone in
his body.  He was a worrier.  But he had eyes that would look directly into
your eyes and you knew he was a thinker.  I haven't had one that loved to be
loved on so much, he would hold his head on your should and close his eyes
let you stroke his ears forever.   I just lost my Herbie last year.  Now I
have another big hole in my heart, to never be filled as none can compare to
those two.
Hug your guys, love your gals.  I can't hug mine tonight.
Debby in Tx

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RE: tough times market

2010-09-02 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

All I can say (from now being a potential buyer) is that it is a buyer's
market out there.  There are scores of horses available (too many in my
opinion) and as I look for my new partner - I am taking my time and waiting
for a spark to happen.  Several horses out there looking for a home.
I would rather NOT be looking and have my wonder pony by my side for the next
30 years - but reality is - I am sadly looking ... and it's even more sad to
find so many horses that need a home.

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RE: Dumped

2010-08-07 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Trotting bareback for 20 minutes every day will also greatly develop an
independent seat (so I have been told by many friends who have used that
exercise and they all have great seats). 
Although, I am far from perfect - the best advice that was ever given and
which amazingly kept me in the saddle, or on a bareback which has suddenly
bolted or spooked, - was to NOT clamp with the legs.  I remember as a
child/teenager being taught to use those thigh muscles to keep you in the seat
- bahh mah ha ha ... wrong answer!   It's all about your balance
point and seat and letting go of those clampy legs.  I was terrified to do
this, letting go?  but oh wow ... what an eye opener ... suddenly, I could
independently follow my horse's movement.
Again - I am a far from perfect rider - but those tips helped me out big
time in becoming closer (not there yet!) of having an independent seat.
Now - a wee bit off topic - but google Jean Francois Pignon on
YouTube/Google and you will see the most awesome independent seat - he is
amazing to state the least.
Forgive me for saying this, if it sounds like I'm saying go back to square
one, but having someone put you on the longe to ride w/o controlling the
really does wonders, as does riding w/o stirrups out on your own. You'd be
amazed at the effective independence you gain if you haven't tried this
Karen, where were chokin' on the smoke in central Oregon

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2010-08-02 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hi Valerie
The vets were dismissing EPM - which drove me nuts.  They were so focused on
Wobblers and were ignoring what was in front of them.  The blood tests did
test positive for EPM and they did medicate, but they were still focused on
Wobblers without much substantiated evidence (suspicous looking radiograph,
but nothing conclusive).  I was very much frustrated.  So much for taking
Henry to one of the top vet schools in the country.
Although my farm vet and I believed it was EPM (blood test positive, he got
worse with medication, etc.) - the vet school was very zipped up about EPM and
didn't focus in on that.  So, I am afraid I don't have much information. 
However!  my insurance adjuster did say that 2 years ago (2008) - they went
though the summer with only a few claims of EPM.  But the summer of 2009 they
had a new case every week (which does show it is on the rise).  She didn't
recall any deaths from it - but I think Henry compensated so much (not
faltering around humans), that was the downfall.  He was always so careful
around us humans, that we didn't pick up anything wrong until it was too
late.  He was always very stoic and never showed us any pain or discomfort. 
It breaks my heart to think he was compensating all this time.
All the vets at the College were going on that EPM was way over-diagnosed and
you should not dismiss other diseases.  I felt helpless.  EPM is getting a bad
rap that it is over-diagnosed, so what happens to the horses that DO have
it???  They were not very communicative about EPM at all.
I left devastated that I lost Henry, frustrated with the lack of communication
from the college and empty handed without answers. 
It left me so heartbroken that I really don't know if I could ever have
another horse again.
I asked Henry to trust me when we dragged him onto the trailer to go to the
College (he was down in the field and couldn't rise) and he let us.  I asked
him to trust me as they put him in a sling (and he was such a good boy about
it).  I asked him to trust me to stay alone in the Isolation Ward (because it
was Neurological - they put him in Isolation).
I will never say trust me to anyone ever again.  I asked for his forgiveness
at the end.
OK - rambled a bit there and I don't have any answers about EPM. 
Henry was the only one we know of affected at our barn.  I did read recent
research that it predominately affects horses aged 1 to 6 years of age.  That
the main culprit is the opossum, but other means of dispersion of sporocysts
could include birds that feed on seeds lying in the feces of Opossums.


Heather - did the vets shed any light on how much EPM is in your area?
    Take care,

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Re: young horses

2010-08-01 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Ditto ditto ditto. 
I just lost my beloved Fjord to EPM.  I listened to all those around me that
it wasn't unusual for a trip here/there from a young horse and/or his feet
were improperly trimmed, and/or he was going through a growth spurt, etc.etc.
I did end up calling the vet (as the last 2 weeks, the uncoordination was
quite evident) and Henry had a full neurological exam.  He did test positive
for EPM, but the Vet College (University of Guelph) were going on about
Wobbler's (suspicious radiograph of cervical C-7).  I still do not have the
full post-mortem report, so right now - still left wondering what caused the
lesions along his CNS.
Anyhow - if you find this unusual behaviour for your horse, I would definitely
call the vet. 
Better safe than sorry and if it is nothing, all you are out is a call fee -
but you would have peace of mind.

--- On Sun, 8/1/10, Lori Albrough wrote:

If she was my horse I would have her thoroughly checked out by an equine
veterinarian without delay.

Take care,


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In appreciation

2010-07-28 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

We (Anthony  I) would like to thank all of you who sent personal or group
messages of condolescences.  All were very much appreciated.  I haven't
responded individually, as it's just too difficult to type out over and over.
But, I did want to express my gratitude for every message received.
In appreciation,
Heather  Anthony Baskey
Ontario, Canada

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Henry Fjord

2010-07-27 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

He taught me Trust, he taught me unconditional LOVE, he taught me Respect,
Rapport, Patience, Timing, Feel, how to be Savvy.  Henry was the great Teacher
that any human would ever have the priviledge of having.
Henry taught Anthony how to love horses and what wonderful spirits they are.
Henry has been at OVC since Sunday and we all had hope.  But this afternoon,
we received the call.  He was down and he could not get up.  They would sling
him and he would just dangle (all legs not working).
We rushed to the hospital and saw him for one last time.  We told him how much
we loved him, how much he taught us, how much he was a part of our family, how
much I will miss this dear old friend.  Henry Fjord made my black stallion
dream come true. 
It was more cruel than kind to keep on going and so Anthony  I let go of one
of the kindest, bravest hearts on this earth plane.
Rest in Peace dear friend - you touched many, many lives.
Heather  Anthony
Missing dearly, our friend Henry

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Henry update

2010-07-25 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Thanks to all who replied (to list and privately).  Your kind thoughts, words,
experiences are very well appreciated.
Although the test results are not in as of yet for EPM - we started treatment
As an update - he is at the OVC (Ontario Vet College) in a sling as he tries
to regain perception in his hind end.  I found him down in the pasture this
morning, unable to rise due to weakness in the hind end.
His current state is thought to be EPM related and the initial kill of the
protozoa in his CNS which would cause inflammation (although he is on anti
inflammatories concurrently).
Anyhow - the first 24-72 hours at OVC will tell all.   He is being
extraordinarily well behaved and is very happy with a hay net within reach
(very good Fjord appetite).  He is being a model patient.
Not sure when I will report back in - but wanted to thank everyone for their
kind wishes this past week (I just could not reply to all individually,
emotional fitness is waining).
Playing Naturally with the best pony pal, Henry Fjord

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2010-07-21 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Taking a deep breath prior to posting this.  I am looking for positive,
constructive posts on what might be happening and if I can take any Fjord
Experience to my vet, all the better.  I hope this comes out the right way,
but I am not looking for sympathy - only positive energy, answers that might
help in this situation ... so here it goes:
Henry Fjord has currently been tested for EPM, Equine HV-1 and he had x-rays
done of his cervical area.

He has now been graded as Grade 3-4 Ataxia (incoordination) and is considered
to be a “danger to humans” based on his incoordination and risk of falling
(I'm not in agreement with this statement from my vet, at this time - but will
leave it at that.  I am surmising it is her liability disclosure statement).
Vets have given their thoughts that it could be:
1.  EPM or early stages of EHV-1 (recoverable stage?)
2.  Wobbler's
3.  Trauma to the Cervical area.

They were not certain on any of them, just stating that his symptoms are
clinical signs of any of the above.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but from the conflicting reports, I have no
faith left in the Vets – I am getting so many mixed signals – do they not
get bedside manner? And the extreme stress level they can put someone

Anyhow – BEST case scenario they are giving me - would be EPM (which is a
HORRIFIC condition, but recoverable). 

I am remaining optimistic and remain strong to the belief that it will be
something the vets can work with.  But, if anyone has any light to share
sudden onset of Ataxia in Fjords, it would be greatly appreciated.  Perhaps,
there is someone out there who has some experience that might help???   I
know I am reaching, grasping - but I want to do everything humanely possible
to help my cherished, beloved yellow pony!

Ontario - Canada

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Re: thunderstorms, turn out, stalls, caution, etc.

2010-07-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Amen!   here's one of my favourite quotes:
Horses don't need private stalls; they need other horses.
- Temple Grandin
who's Henry is out 24/7/365

From: Eric Kozowski

In my opinion, stabling a horse is the worst thing you can do to them.  Horses
are made to move essentially constantly.  Their digestive health requires it. 
My horses are turned out 24x7x365 in temperatures from -25 to 105, including
thunderstorms, 70+ MPH winds, rain, snow, sleet, ice, etc.  They do have a
loafing shed, but they don't use it often. 

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Re: thunderstorms, turn out, stalls, caution, etc.

2010-07-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Also to add that short grass length due to over grazing can cause the grass to
be stressed and sugar levels high.
My Henry will self regulate on 24/7 turn out as well.  Perhaps those that
are out all the time are better self-regulators, as there is no rush or reason
to graze as much as possible within limited turn out time???

--- On Tue, 7/13/10, Eric Kozowski wrote:

Good question, but I don't really have an answer.  I guess I've just been
lucky as my horses are pretty much self regulating on weight, including the
Fjord, even when turned out 24x7 on pasture. 

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Re: Australian saddle

2010-05-01 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Agreed.  I was looking for an Aussie saddle and was looking at the Syd Hill
(which would fit a Fjord) and it was 2,500 base price.

Hence, I went for the Tucker Equitation Endurance (which everyone asks - is
that an Aussie saddle? - which it isn't - but it is very similar - but very
much more wide).

Only reason I am parting with the Tucker is that it is being replaced by the
one that I have always dreamed of owning ...  other than that, it was
extremely comfortable to ride in - could have stayed out on the trails for

Ontario - Canada

--- On Sat, 5/1/10,
Another thing I find interesting, in this country, they are either really
cheap (price and quality) or one of the good one like Syd Hill

I ride an Orthoflex Patriot Officers model, which is kind of like the
Australian saddle without a horn, but with poleys.

Columbia CT

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Playing ....

2010-03-14 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I hesitate to share this link (for some reason ...) - but going out on a limb
this morning.
It was a cold, rainy, windy, horrible day yesterday (well, today isn't that
much better).  It poured and the rain actually felt that it was slicing you as
it fell.  Well?  my little Pony had some adrenaline to burn when I got him
into the Arena (btw - coveralls tend to amplify the outdoor sounds by a power
of 10 - LOL!) - so I put his energy to good use ;-)
Please note the spin towards the end is NOT very good, we just started this
and haven't worked on it much. 
Heather - playing at Liberty with her pony ... 13 March 2010
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Re: Inspiration

2010-03-12 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Meredith - here's one in return:


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RE: Lisa Cricket

2010-03-12 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I remember this video when it was a featured audition!  inspiring :-)

I played with Henry today at Liberty and it definitely is the most rewarding
time I spend with him. It's been raining all day here in Ontario and he was
frisky and exhuberant - we had loads of fun :-)

Thanks Meredith for sharing the link - it was a great audition!  I'm hoping to
submit my L3/4 Liberty audition this Spring, early Summer. 


--- On Thu, 3/11/10, Steve Sessoms wrote:
Well, this is my last bit on Parelli for a while, sorry if I come across
in my earlier post but sometimes I feel I must defend my friends.  This is
of the friends I speak of: 

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Re: FUGLY takes aim

2010-03-11 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I wasn't going to reply to this thread anymore, but Beth - thank you.  That
was so very well written.
PS - the owner has written a letter to all of this and has commented on how
amazing Barney is doing to this very day.

So, say what you will, understand the tools and please show where the horse is
now. My bet is that he likes and trusts his humans much better now.


-- Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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Re: FUGLY takes aim

2010-03-10 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Not going to get into this one - but I have the originals Levels pack and I
know where this clip came from and it has been skillfully edited to show 4+
minutes of continuous reprimands (no releases) and has an explanation of what
was happening in the moment.   
Not saying it is right or wrong - but what I DO feel is wrong, is someone
editing something to make it look different than the original to suit their
own agenda.
If that was my copyrighted material that was edited to suit someone
else's agenda, then I would be taking legal action for sure.

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Re: Training/Trainers

2010-03-10 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Amen!  Pat himself fully admits these games have been around for ages (ie.,
they are not new).  His sharing of knowledge to the average person (namely -
ME) enabled one to understand and communicate effectively with their horse.

I am far from perfect and I learn from my horse each and every day.  I listen
to and trust my horse each and every day.  I never take our relationship for
granted and my rapport with him is everything to me.  It brings me much joy
every day that I arrive at the barn (I board out) that when Henry spots me
from acres away in the paddocks, he lifts his head and begins his trek over
to greet me.  I never catch him ... he *always* catches me ... that is the
BEST feeling in the world, being wanted by your equine spirit, buddy, partner,

still and always will be Playing Naturally with my bestest pony pal friend ...
Simple things - like many Parelli and other natural horsemanship techniques
may be old school for some and others this is the newest style of
teaching/learning. If it makes a better connection between horse and owner,
isn't that what we're looking for?

Corinne Logan
Willows Edge Farm
Bothell, WA

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Get Happy!

2010-03-10 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

In light of the recent conversation threads going on ... I thought I would 
share this link:


Happy Heather  Henry ;-)

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Re: lunging

2010-03-08 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

The whole point in the Circling Game (Parelli) is for this to NOT happen.
In the Circling Game you are in neutral watching for Rhythm  Relaxation (key
two points) and it is much more than a circle.  It can be a circle, a Figure 8
(same send/draw), or travelling circles, or circles with obstacles.  There are
many variations.  I will send Henry off in a Circle and in the process throw a
Trailer in his path - and whoosh - there's a nice trailer load ;-)
I play the Circling Game at Liberty now.  IF my horse was so stressed, he
could very easily leave (huge arena to escape in).  If you have the rapport
with your horse, he will stick with you.  My job is to make the game
interesting enough for him to want to stay.  Especially, with the type of
horseanality my Henry is - I have to be riveting enough as a Leader so he
wants to be with me (versus making him be with me).
In summary - I want Henry to anticipate what I am going to ask next in the
Circling Game, versus him running around in Circles, assuming this is the
behaviour that I want. 
I have more problems with people sending/chasing their horses around in
circles to wear them out prior to riding them.  Now, that's stress.

--- On Mon, 3/8/10, Debby wrote:

If its the horses job to keep running until you tell him otherwise, is he
it out of fear?  I don't know.  I've just seen alot of it and I don't care
the look in the horses eyes.  I prefer soft voice, soft eyes...  My opinion.
Debby in Tx

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Re: speaking of lunging and leading....

2010-03-08 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Most definitely common-sense should prevail at all times.  Dragging reins,
chains on lines would not be my cup of tea.
My horse stepping on his lead line, is not a concern.  When/if he does, he
either (a) moves off it, or (b) if it continues to drag with him, he will
automatically stop and look at me - demanding that I fix it.  We then play
backwards/sideways/forwards/backwards, etc., until the rope is off his leg.
I would rather have my horse calm when he steps on his rope, such that it is
never an issue.  A friend of mine always panics when her horse steps on the
rope and thus, her horse panics as well.

--- On Mon, 3/8/10,

Subject: speaking of lunging and leading
Received: Monday, March 8, 2010, 10:32 AM

This message is from:

Remember not to use a chain loop at the end near the horse however. A
neighbor of mine had taken the chain and doubled it back to the halter.
The horse had its head down grazing, stepped in the loop, and broke her
        Columbia, CT

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Re: Barn birds, lunging, games.

2010-03-08 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Step one step back.  Off the rope?  nope ... rope still there.  OK - step up
two steps and then maybe a sidepass? ... oh look!  rope is now free.  If rope
is not freed after attempts such as this, I will untangle - but ... I will try
yielding Henry in whatever direction I think it is possible to untangle the
rope.  It is done slowly with subtle communication and I ensure it is VERY
friendly.  My rapport with the boy is EVERYthing.

I am the biggest marshmallow on the planet and asking a horse to yield in any
direction should be at the slightest and most subtle of suggestion.  I will
only increase my energy, if I am being ignored (and even at that, it certainly
is not like the example of the extreme that was mentioned).


--- On Mon, 3/8/10, wrote:

Ok, now I have a question. Heather, if you want to try and explane it to me
please give it a try.

I agree. Get that. Its then mentioned that  if the line continues to drag,
he will automatically stop and look, demanding that I fix it. 

I do not understand the game of  backwards / sideways / forwards /
backwards, as far as helping much of anything.

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Re: speaking of lunging and leading....

2010-03-08 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Indeed!  LOL!!!  Henry gets more frustrated that he cannot reach the next
blade of grass, versus ac - stepped on my rope!


--- On Mon, 3/8/10, Carol Makosky wrote:
This message is from: Carol Makosky

The only upset my Heidi has when stopped by a foot on her rope is that
she can't reach more yummy grass. 

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Ende of the Trail

2010-03-07 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

In a tragic paddock accident this year, Bernice Ende lost her lead horse,

Essie Pearl, her Norwegian Fjord will now be her lead horse.  She is looking
for another Fjord (6 - 10 year old gelding) for her pack horse.  The story is


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Lunging/Circling ... etc. lines ... etc ...

2010-03-07 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I do not follow my horse, or turn with him after the ``send``.  It is his
responsibility to maintain gait, direction and look where he is going.  I come
out of neutral for transitions and change of direction only. 
I do not worry about him stepping on his rope (whether it be 12`, 22`or 45`). 
I've seen some people lunging and allow the lungeline to go over their head,
not following or turning with the horse, taking their eyes off of the horse
it goes around them.  Never did that nor understood it.   

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OT: HBO Movie - Temple Grandin

2010-02-19 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

OT - but had to recommend the new HBO movie, portraying the life of Temple

The movie captivates you from beginning to end and is just a wonderful
portrayal of Temple, who is an incredible woman that was diagnosed with autism
at the age of 4.  Doctors wanted to institualize her, her mother refused. 
Temple went on to receive a Masters degree and is an incredible
engineer/designer of cattle pens that effectively are humane ways of rounding
them up prior to slaughter.

If you have the chance to view it, I highly recommend the movie.  What an
incredible, insightful look into the world of autism.  As Temple's mother
stated - she is different, but NOT less.

Playing Naturally with Henry

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Re: how about this for discussion

2010-02-18 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

What makes me shutter (and I work in the science/biotech world) is:
are animal species first and will this eventually evolve into human
selection?  now that's a scarey thought.  Never, say Never!

--- wrote:
The birth of Biopsita marks a new era in horse breeding, providing horse
breeders with an opportunity to directly test embryos for genetic traits
including gender, coat color, genetic diseases, etc., and select desirable
genetics from stallion and mare combinations.
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Re: how about this for discussion

2010-02-18 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

SHUDDER, not shutter ...
I am so tired today - I am not a window frame with shutters ... LOL!

--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Heather Baskey wrote:

What makes me shutter
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Re: youtube roman riding

2010-02-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

The mounting was creative!


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FEI Conference: Rollkur - NOT acceptable ...

2010-02-09 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

For those following the FEI conference and for those who signed the

FEI round table conference at the IOC Headquarters in
Switzerland today, February 9, the consensus of the group was that any head
and neck position achieved through aggressive force is not

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Henry, Heather, The Green Ball

2010-01-31 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

OK - so it's MUCH harder than it looks - LOL!!!
But, saying that - I think it was hard to get bounce to the ball, because it
is soft (needs air).  It is amazing how much BALANCE you need to stay on your
horse, while you lean over and bounce that ball!  WOW - what an eye opener ...
And of course, since it's my birthday - I always wanted to try something with
Henry ... and DID it today (it's the finale part of this  3 minute video
clip).  It's a start ;-)
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Re: Driving video

2010-01-29 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Unbelievable!!!  wow!  I had chills ...

Thank you for sharing Eike!


Eike Schön-Petersen

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Re: Fjord Research

2010-01-29 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Submitted the completed survey, tonight. 

Heather Baskey
Rockwood, ON

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Re: Dancing Horses Wednesday night video up!

2010-01-25 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Quite enjoyed the behind the scenes camera work!!!  Insider's peek ;-)

some behind the scenes camera work and different announcing (interesting, to
say the least!...;-).
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Re: Starfire Farm Quadrille at the National Western Stock Show

2010-01-24 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

That was lovely and very enjoyable to watch.

Playing Naturally with Henry

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New Montage Video ... Henry at Liberty - ~ 4 minutes

2010-01-23 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I just uploaded a montage of video clips to YouTube of me playing with Henry
at Liberty ... approx. 4 minutes in length.  At the end, the tarp clip - is my
friend Birgit and her Appy, Echo (Henry's best play bud).
Playing Naturally with Henry
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wee bit of fun - Henry Fjord at Liberty

2010-01-23 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Short 1 minute video clip - having fun with Henry Fjord - at Liberty:
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Re: Mare's tumor is gone

2010-01-22 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Dear Kathleen
I was reading your blog and very sorry to hear the passing of your father.  My
father passed away in December 2009 (also born in 1936).
My heartfelt empathy,

--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Kathleen Prince wrote:
 Here's the link to the 
Kathleen Prince

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Re: Question

2010-01-17 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hi Mary

I purchased Henry (Mid's Jed) as a 2 year old,  I have only employed Natural
Horsemanship (NH) techniques since purchasing him.  I don't break it down as
positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement.  I just break it down as
something that works for me.

PNH (Parelli Natural Horsemanship) is the cult, snake oil that I follow
and I have never looked back.  It may, or may not work for everyone.  PNH puts
the relationship with your horse first and that is important to me.  I can
say with confidence that when I walk into the pasture, my Henry catches me
(whether he is 100 feet away, or 1000).  Wherever I take him, people comment
on what an incredible, calm, polite horse he is and are equally stunned when
they hear he is a mere 3 years of age.

Today, I tested my relationship with him.  I asked him to trailer load at
Liberty (no halter, no line) and I sent him to the trailer from 15 feet or so
away.  When the bridle comes off, all you have left is the truth.  Henry,
happily loaded onto the trailer! 

Nothing brings me more joy than playing with Henry at Liberty.  It's an
incredible feeling to have a horse that wants (not made) to do things with
their human partners.

When people criticize who I follow, I just smile and walk away ... my Henry is
the world to me and the relationship we have developed together is credited to
the savvy that I have learned from the Parelli method.

Playing Naturally with Henry
Ontario - Canada

--- On Sun, 1/17/10, Me Kint wrote:
Hey Toni, enjoyed your contributions and thoughts.  What is NH?

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Re: Training your horse

2010-01-15 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

When something doesn't work for me, I separate, isolate and recombine.

Thanks for sharing,

Playing Naturally with Henry

This message is from: Me Kint

They’re smart creatures, but they can’t
process everything at the same time. I soon realized that if I took the time
to break a lesson into steps and introduced each step to the horse
he caught on to the lesson a lot quicker and progressed through his training
at a faster rate.

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Re: Dressage Disgrace - not just in dressage

2009-12-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I couldn't agree more. If it feels wrong in your gut, it more than likely is.


 I think when you lose your temper with a horse, it is time to get off. That 
doesn't mean that you should let horses do what they want, it's just that I 
think when you lose your temper, your effectiveness as a trainer is gone and 
you need to come back another time. I also don't agree that as a rider you 
should be willing to accept any kind of treatment from a trainer. Some of these 
people get results but at what price? In terms of treatment of horses, if 
someone is doing something that you think is cruel or inhumane, it probably is 
and we shouldn't stand for it. In dressage, in western, in hunters, in 
eventing, in saddleseat (it happens in all disciplines) people need to show the 
courage to speak out against abuse and stop rewarding the people that 
perpetuate it.

Robin in Florida where it is hot again

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Re: gaits of horses

2009-12-08 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Tis' a 3-beat gait.  

Who is FINALLY getting SNOW!!! yeah (yes, I
love winter!)

Waltz, I think1,2,3
Melinda (who doesn't do much cantering at all - LOL) in Pittsburgh with
Mirakel and Norrman and the first flakes of the season.
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Re: Icy hooves

2009-12-07 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

A friend of mine uses Vaseline.


I've heard of people using PAM

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Pics from Play Day

2009-11-27 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Henry Fjord went to his monthly Play Day with fellow Natural horse-people.
Here is a slide-show of photos from the day:

We had set up an obstacle
course of many different things.  Henry never refused any station - he was
the Wonder Pony.  At 3 years of age, I played with him through the obstacle
course On-Line, then at Liberty and then rode him through it aka Parelli

He was so willing, showed great courage and heart.  Mummy was
very proud of him.

Playing Naturally
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Re: Jumping Draft Horse/Clicker/Disabled Trainer

2009-11-19 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

It is these type of videos that inspire me.  For those who cannot ride, yet 
have a beautiful relationship/partnership with their horses - inspires me to be 
better for Henry.

The link below is a favourite of mine and that I watch all the time - it not 
only inspires me to have better communication with my equine partner, but to be 
thankful that I am able to play from the ground and on his back.  Silke is an 
extraordinary horsewoman.

Thank you Gail for those video clips - they were great,

Playing Naturally with Henry

This message is from: Gail Russell

These are pretty neat videos.

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Re: Fjord sculpture in bronze

2009-11-18 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey



I just wanted to
let you all know that there is an artist in this area that is doing a Fjord
sculpture in bronze.  Sherrie
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Re: Temperaments

2009-11-17 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Linda Tellington-Jones writes that the swirl on the forehead can tell a lot
about a horse's temperament.  Friends of mine did our own survey of swirls
based on her writings.  All of our horse's temperaments matched what Linda
Tellington-Jones wrote about temperaments and swirls.  VERY interesting stuff
:-)  Google her name with swirls and information will flash up on your
monitor screen.

In the Parelli world, we use horseanality charts to
determine what type of horse we are dealing with (and yes, some are bi-polar,
tri-polar) and many don't fit into a specific quadrant.  My own Henry is
predominately a Left Brain (dominant, thinker) Introvert (has more whoa than
go) - but he is an extrovert with his mischievousness, friendliness towards
humans, and curiousity.  He is just for the most part, energy efficient.
His attitude is, what's in it for me? and why do I have to do that?  I
don't get upset with that attitude - I, as his partner, learned how to
motivate him, make it interesting for him.  He is a quiet thinker and
becomes bored quite easily.  Variety is the key for him.  In one session, I
easily can work him Indoor Arena, Outdoor Sand Ring and then on the Trail.
The variety for him - keeps him motivated.  I still get the same work done,
but I spice it up - keep changing it and the order that I do it in.

Anyhow -
horseanalities fascinate me and if one can understand the horse that shows
up to play that day, then one can better understand how to work with their
equine partner and not against them.

Some horses just have
different temperaments.
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Re: Saddle saga continues

2009-11-17 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I just bought a Tucker Equitation Endurance saddle with a wide tree.  I think
it is 23 pounds?  light for most (still bit heavy for me, but lightest I could

Nice short skirt (24) and can be rounded on the Tuckers as well
(western or endurance) for our short-backed Fjordings.

I bought the wide
tree, but many models also come in an extra-wide tree.

Tuckers are not Flex
Trees, but fits my drafty boy well.


Sooo, to Flex or not to Flex, that is the
question. Thanks in advance!

Kathy and Willi, in the Upstate of SC, where
fall is here, and it is really nice.
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Photos - Play Day with Henry

2009-10-19 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Henry has been home just shy of 2 weeks and yesterday was our monthly Carrot
Stick Club Play Day.

I was soo proud of Henry ... he
was a star - he never refused one obstacle was was before him.  I haven't
uploaded ALL the photos yet (very time consuming) - but here's a link to 100
photos uploaded to date (sift through them).

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Re: Parelli Clinic

2009-10-19 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

If an instructor ridiculed you - then he should be reported.  There is
membership feedback on instructors.  I always send in a review whether it was
positive or negative.  Instructors are not permitted to criticize or ridicule
- they can get in deep doo-doo for that!  They are instructed to ALWAYS make
it a positive experience and riduculing someone is out of bounds!!!

I have
NEVER been advised not to wear a helmet by my Parelli Instructors, nor fellow
Parelli-ite friends.  Take a peek at the link I just sent from my Play Day
yesterday - we ALL ride helmets while we ride.  On the ground no (which btw
can be just as dangerous), but in the saddle - YES.


 Parelli clinic here, the instructor
ridiculed me for wearing a
helmet, saying that Parelli teaches you and your
horse to be safe and Parelli
students don't fall off
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Re: Parelli on helmets

2009-10-19 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I recently wrote to Membership Support as I wasn't impressed by a certain
letter (still never validated) that was circulating on the internet.  This was
the response that I received (yes, official validated statement) from Parelli

Dear Heather,

Thank you very much for your email.  We understand your concern
safety and helmets and we are grateful that you took the time to email
us so we can better address the issue.

Our goal at Parelli Natural
Horsemanship is to make the world a better
place for horses and humans, and a
critical component of that goal is
safety. We support any protective gear -
including helmets - that gives
the rider a safer experience, and we require
children under the age of
18 and recommend beginners wear helmets no matter
the circumstances. We
encourage each rider to thoroughly evaluate their
situation, enroll in a
training program and research and consider all
available protective gear
and safety procedures.

Thank you for your support.

Parelli Natural Horsemanship

I ever went to a Parelli clinic, I
would ask them
what their insurance company thinks about their stance.

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Re: ground movement

2009-10-15 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hi Laura

You can also test (with moving the front or hind end) whether your horse moves 
like a ball or a chair.

Henry will disengage his HQ readily (move like a ball, light to the touch) and 
used to be a chair on the front end - although now he is lighter.

When you have a chair, your goal is to achieve lightness (but in order to 
achieve it, you must first offer it).

Anyhow, I love the ball/chair analogy and if you really makes you think ... get 
out a ball and just slightly touch it - it MOVES.  Then apply that same 
pressure (that you gave to the ball) to a chair.  What happens?

A couple of months ago I did a review on the Parelli Success Series, 
Horseanalities and reviewed more about Left/Right Brain and 
Introvert/Extroverts.  Moving the Front/Hind end is just one of the pieces of 
the puzzle.  There are actually horseanality charts (again on my blog 
somewhere) where you check off certain characteristics (as mild/medium/extreme) 
and you can find your horse's general personality.  Henry is predominately a 
Left Brain Introvert, but also scores high in the Extrovert quadrant (not for 
the energy level, but for the mischievousness (this may change as he gets older 
- he's still a baby with a HUGE curiousity factor).  He has VERY few Right 
Brain characteristics and the ones that he does have are getting closer to the 
center circle as he matures.

Back to disengagement/one-rein stops.  I am not saying it will work 100% of the 
time, or work when you need it most - but why I practice it every time I ride 
is that it is one skill I will always have in my back pocket (or an extra arrow 
in my quiver).  I practice it so it becomes instinctual, rather than having 
to think about it when/if the time comes that I need to use that card.  If it 
doesn't work - I tried (and sure beats do nothing at all!).  Its entire 
premise is based on the flight line, flight reaction.  Each horse has their own 
flight line (i.e., how far they will run before they disengage and turn to 
face what has caused them to run (if they run forever, it has no use for the 
horse - as they will be weak for their next saber-toothed butterfly!).  A TB 
has a nice long flight run (say about a mile and a quarter ;-)) - an Arabian 
will run for days ;-) - a Fjord (most) have a shorter flight line (thankfully) 
- but it's the disengagement
 that is key to all breeds.  If the rider disengages the HQ, then you are 
triggering the natural behavioural response in the horse to turn and face what 
they thought was going to kill them (i.e., what they will eventually  do 
naturally - you are just speeding up the process).  

I hope/hope/hope I will never be in the situation to have to test it for real, 
but it's just another arrow (whether it works or not at the time) that I can 
pull out of my quiver, in lieu of just sitting there for the ride!

Heather ;-)

It will be interesting to see if Elise is  a left brain or right
brain thinker!
Laura  :)

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Re: ground movement

2009-10-14 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Oye - OK - I can try and explain this ... and will also give a link to my blog
(in the depths of my blog, you will find my PNH Level 1 audition and as messy
as it was - what I type out below is shown in the video clip - OR - search for
hvbaskey within YouTube and you will find the audition clip as well).
Anyhow!  to move front end on the ground:  place hand on nose of horse, other
hand on shoulder of horse.  With steady pressure - move the horse over
(pressure on nose, support with shoulder).

IF the horse shifts weight, or
takes a step - RELEASE and rub to a stop (rewarding the slightest try).  Then
move from one step to two to three, etc.etc.etc. until the horse is moving
his/her front end.  Do NOT let the horse move forward!  Dominant (Left Brain
Thinkers) horses will resist moving their front end, but will disengage their
hind end easily.  Right Brain (Insecure, Flight Mode models) will move their
front end easily and their hind end not so readily).

Pressure Phases are
air, hair, skin, muscle (you want your phases to be as light as possible
which will lead itself to lightness in the saddle).

Not sure if that helps
(or not!) - but gave it a try ;-)   IF you do watch my L1 PNH audition clip,
please bear in mind that's over 6 months ago and we have improved - LOL!!!
Playing Naturally with Henry Fjord

if anyone can tell me how to approach the
horse to move the front hooves please let me know.
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Re: Runaways

2009-10-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Something that I don't see often when people work with horses (at several
barns that I have been at) is emergency stops/dismount techniques.  Why wait
until something happens to test if it works?

Each and every time that I mount
Henry, I practice lateral flexion and then disengagement of his hindquarters. 
Throughout our workout (whatever it may be), I practice one-rein stops at a
walk/trot (not confident enough to do at a canter - emotional fitness for me
to work on).

Once a week, I always practice an emergency dismount
(reinforcement of steps to take - the more I do it, the more natural for me it
will become).

I could never think of just saddling up and going off for a
ride, without doing my pre-flight checks in case the inevitable happens!
Interestingly enough, I was auditing a clinic with riders who had years of
experience.  When the Clinician asked if they would bet their life on a
one-rein stop - not one single person put up their hand.

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Re: Heather emerg dismount

2009-10-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Yes - one rein stops do work at the canter - you just have to be on the correct 
lead when you do it ;-)

Emergency dismount all begins with the one-rein stop.  Disengagement of 
hindquarters.  If you stopped with your left rein, then push the pommel (or 
withers) with your right hand) to gain lift out of the seat (both feet OUT of 
stirrups) and dismount to left side (dismounting to the side in which rein you 
used in the one-rein stop).  Turn to face horse and lead backwards.  Practice 
from both sides (right and left).  One side is always easier than the other ;-)

I do have a video clip of me doing it while Henry was in training - but it's 
horribly embarrasing due to my lack of physical fitness at the moment!  

Heather (who's every muscle from waist down is burning and aching).  

Could Heather try to discribe emergency dismount? Thank heavens I have an 
English saddle or I'd be hangin' from the horn no doubt:)

Tonja Acker-Richards

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2009 #195

2009-10-13 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Absolutely!  I work on the ground first (pre-flight checks) and disengage, move 
backwards, sideways, check out transitions, etc.etc.etc.  Then, once aboard - I 
re-check all the steps that I checked out on the ground.  

I stand by the philosophy of controlling the mind through the feet.  Any horse 
can run through a bit! 

Check out the mind on the ground, then move it to the saddle.

Heather (who is a firm believer in the importance and maintenance of ground 

i STILL do turns on the forehand, and on the hocks with him on
the ground before i even mount up. then i do them again on him. but i never
see anyone teach thatshe always told me YOU control the feet.

laurie and oz

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Re: fjordhorse-digest V2009 #187

2009-10-03 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I just purchased a Tucker Equitation Endurance saddle.  It's a wide tree (but
also comes in extra wide).  The wide fits quite nice and is a very comfortable
ride.  I couldn't decide between a Western and English - so the Tucker
Equitation Endurance fit the bill ;-)

Heather (who is anxious to have her
little Peanut home from school in 2 days time!!!

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Re: Wintec wide english saddle

2009-09-26 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Almost ... sat in the WW in the store and didn't like how it pushed me 
forward.  Therefore, left it in the store and forewent the saddle trial.


Has anybody tried the wintec wide for their Fjord?

Vicki Johnston
Mims, Florida

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Re: Personal decisions and backlashes ...

2009-09-24 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Correct me if I'm wrong - but Laurie/Oz - wasn't there a situation where you
had to move? and you were contemplating the decision of saving the agony of
not moving one of your declining horses? and then almost everyone jumped all
over you?

I could be mistaken of the situation and the persons involved,
but I do know a story circulated on here, or FjordIssues - whereby a member
out there was contemplating euthanizing their horse as it was declining' in
health and the move might just do it in.  Not sure what the outcome was -
after the backlash that person received condemning her for doing in her
horse, before it's time was up.

Not stating here what position I take
(for/against Carol) - but Eunice definitely has a point as I left below.

If it had been anyone else (who
is much less known)  that had killed their beloved fjord, there would be very
few people agreeing that it was the right thing to do.
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Re: comments

2009-09-19 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey



I'm more bothered by the comments telling people they have no right to  
express their opinion than I am by the original opinions expressed.


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Re: Picking up Feet

2009-09-15 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I was taught to massage the leg (lightly) and initiate being friendly to the
leg.  Then give the cue (whichever way you do - mine is lightly touching the
chestnut for front, lightly touch the hock for rear) and it is the horse's
responsibility to raise his/her foot into your waiting hand.  Then, human is
responsible for a light release to the ground (no dropping!  place it!).
Henry used to lean, used to hunker down ... now he is polite and on cue - will
give me his feet ... it is my responsibility to give them back lightly
(politely to the ground).

Passively persistent in a polite manner in the
proper position ;-)

Having recently sent Henry off to school, his trainer
tested Henry by asking for his feet.  Ground manners instilled - he did what
was expected of him :-)  but that was the result of ALOT of friendly massages
and him learning the cues (and remember that different people might have
different cues for lifting feet!  my trainer uses the same methods as I do). 
Consistency is key.

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Re: Trail ride

2009-08-18 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hi Kate

I am not a fan of lunging to blow off steam either. 

However, I do
believe there is a time and place for everything - working out issues on the
ground is first and foremost (again, agreeing with what you have already

I circle my horse to allow him the chance of responsibility.  It is
his responsibility to act as a partner and perform the task/maintain gait(s). 
I do not however, circle him to tire him out physically.  Whatever I do on the
ground is to engage him mentally.  If he is not connected to me mentally -
then there is a problem/issue to work out before proceeding to anything else.
Playing Naturally with Henry

I am not a fan of lunging just to get the
energy out, and if your horse is going to test you, you'd be hard pressed to
lunge him enough to keep him 
from  testing.  BUT - lunging or working with
him first to establish who's going  to be calling the shots guarantees a
better ride for me with my little Joe.  
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Re: Trail ride

2009-08-18 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

There was an incident here in Ontario a couple of years back, where an
experienced rider was riding her exceptionally well-mannered Canadian horse. 
A bee sting in the arena and she was seriously hurt when her mount bucked her
off (noting this was incredibly unusual behaviour for the horse).  

Bees are
a force to be reckoned with.  Much more so than the saber-toothed butterfly!

As for bees or yellowjackets,
there's really no way to prepare for them other than to have an experienced
rider scout the trail beforehand for hives, or avoid riding altogether during
the season when they are most aggressive. They can really get you and your
horse into a lot of
trouble fast.
Lori Lemley
Little Rock, Arkansas
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Re: Summer Shedding

2009-08-11 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I am so glad you brought this up - as I thought I was losing my mind!  

fur is flying EVERYwhere.

Playing Naturally with Henry

Subject: Summer Shedding
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Re: Fjords for sale in East Central WI

2009-07-31 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I agree :-)


Beautiful head and face, and a
build just the way I seem to like them - big and drafty and solid.
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2009-07-20 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I received my scorecard today from the Parelli audition team.  Henry  I have
officially passed Level 1 :-)

Rec'd Level 3+ for our Friendly Game and a
Level 2++ on our overall relationship.

Playing Naturally!
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Re: Treeless saddle

2009-07-16 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

What saddle pad are you using with it?


From: Rachel Huson

on a long ride if Lily gets a bit hot, or when doing more energetic things than 
usual, it slips badly. Has
anyone got a solution to this? -It really is a mega problem 

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Re: Treeless saddle

2009-07-16 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

The new Barefoot Lexington model (coming out Sep 09) apparently has
adjustable stirrup placement (I am taking alot of people commented they didn't
get proper leg placement - common complaint).

It will be interesting to hear
the reviews on their latest improved model.



I eventually stopped using it because I could not stand
the stirrup  
placement, but otherwise loved it.

with Joe, Della, and
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Re: dressage saddles

2009-07-15 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Barefoot (Treeless) just came out with a new spiffy Dressage saddle called the
Lexington.  It will be available in September 2009.

Just when I was
convinced to go with the Wintec Wide (Parelli totes if you cannot afford
their Fluidity Dressage to go with this one) - then Barefoot comes out with a
nice one in the Lexington.

More to lick/chew on.

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Grazing Muzzles

2009-07-07 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

For those who use grazing muzzles - how on earth did you get your Fjordie to
graze?  was it tough love?  did you just send them out there?

Henry willingly
has the muzzle put on - NO fuss at all.  I bought the Best Friends that
attaches to a break-a-way.  EASY as pie to put on, give him a cookie through
the hole as a reward.  THEN, the fun begins.  He will follow me around like a
puppy dog - shoving his face into my chest (head low), as if he is begging me
to take this thing off him.  I refuse and direct him to the grass (and yes,
I have pushed grass through the hole).

He puts his head down, gets miffed
about the entire thing, paws incessantly at the ground and then stands and
sulks to the end.

My FIRST plan was for him to wear it during the day (when
sugars are highest in the grass), but that's when he is with the main herd (~
10 horses).  As he is on the bottom end of the pecking order, I thought it was
a bit unfair that he won't have his mouth handy as he is pushed about.  PLAN B
- he wears it at night (longest turn-out - 5 p.m. till' morning).  In the
night herd - there are only 4 horses (incl. himself) - VERY gentle group,
non-bothersome to each other - so great!   he can get used to the muzzle
without having to fend off his buds.

Here's the Question to the experienced
muzzlers ... do I just put him out in night turn-out with it on? and he will
just suck it up and use it?  I KNOW he knows how it works, he is just in a
stand-off about using it.  IF he doesn't graze overnight - no big deal.  IF he
was stalled at night, he wouldn't be grazing.

Seriously,  I have tried half a
dozen times to get him to graze with it while I am in his presence.  I can put
it on very easily (no fuss, non-event).  He will eat treats/carrots through
the hole.

It's the grass thing (and I have tried training him on a mowed
lawn - i.e., short grass).

Experienced muzzlers - HELP
who really needs to get weight off her tubby summer Fjord and does not
want to resort to stabling him.
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Re: dapples

2009-07-06 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Adding my un-scientific data ... 3 year old gelding - big dapples in the Spring 
... faded out into a beautiful creamy summer coat.

Playing Naturally with bestest pony pal, Henry

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Best Friends Grazing Muzzle

2009-06-23 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hello All,
It's time that Henry is introduced to the grazing muzzle and I am ready to
purchase the deluxe BFF grazing muzzle.  For those who have this brand - which
size did you choose?  I was looking at the oversize (for large headed
He wears a warmblood halter (regular won't fit) - so that gives you an idea of
his large head (which is all smarts!).
Opinions, words of wisdom on grazing muzzles - most appreciated.
I am sure that Houdini Junior will figure out how to get it off - but going to
try it never-the-less.
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Re: new to fjords

2009-06-16 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

What a beautiful story Lisa.  I am new to Fjords too (Henry coming into my
life last year) and I believe he smiles back at me too, with those big
beautiful eyes.
Thank you for sharing such a lovely story,
He makes me smile every time I see him and I believe he often smiles back at
LisaG in CA 

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Vet Manners, Shots, etc.

2009-05-21 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I just received my Parelli e-Newsletter - and lo  behold, a question about
needles/shots came up ... sharing with the group - as it was a busy topic as
of late.
Okay, I am at a total loss with my 3-year-old mare who recently tried to kill
our (relatively savvy) vet and a trainer when they tried to inject her with
tranquilizer. I was not there - maybe that was a mistake - but she apparently
struck the trainer and caused both to think she was unmanageable vis-à-vis
shots. Her first shots were given by a vet who used an ear twitch; I put a
stop to this the second time and she has gotten over any ear problems long ago
, but the needles are still a battleground. I did the toothpick
desensitization, pinch-poke game, lots of praise, carrot bite at the time of
injection, treats...but she knows the difference and if it's a needle, she
freaks. Last time (out of desperation; she couldn't go to trainers without
vaccines) a nose twitch seemed to work fine, and she is still okay with me
playing with her nose afterwards, so I guess it wasn't too traumatic. But I
don't like relying on that. I really want to get her over this.
 Any ideas? She has done really well with all the groundwork, except this.
This is a very serious situation especially as she's been through so much
trauma. I would be doing a lot of Friendly Game, plus developing the overall
relationship of trust and respect via the Seven Games and Patterns. When it
comes to the simulations, you need to make sure the mare is truly relaxed and
not at all tense. Treats are not going to help here — they are for incentive
once a horse is bored with repetition. In this case you are dealing with
intense fear. And it's not about the needle as much as it is the whole trust
thing. I would be doing more needle simulations and then actually using a
needle (without the injection part). You want her to become so relaxed, so
trusting, that even a little pin prick cannot upset her. She knows without a
doubt that you wouldn't hurt or kill her - which is really how prey animals
think about predators! What Level would you say the mare is? I'm concerned
that when you talk of her going to the trainers that
 something happens to her overall trust of people. Is your trainer using
natural approaches and putting the relationship first? If she is not treated
this way by every human it is to be expected that she will always have trouble
when it comes to anything potentially threatening a human might ask of her,
such as taking a needle. When we got Casper (Pat's gorgeous black stallion) he
was lethal about things like needles and pastes - we were aptly warned! But it
didn't take long before you could do almost anything 'to' him and he would
trust that it was all going to be okay. Now Pat is a master, so a couple of
months is all it took him and that means it will probably take people like you
and me a lot longer than that - many months of dedication to building
infallible trust and respect.
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RE: Fjordies in the News-Oregon

2009-05-16 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

what a fantastic newsclip!!!  and wish I was riding in that gorgeous state
park ;-)

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Re: New Arrival Announcement

2009-05-15 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey


--- On Thu, 5/14/09, Lori Albrough wrote:

Very happy and grateful for a healthy mom and baby,


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Re: Doing the Right Thing for the Wrong Reasons

2009-05-05 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Oh Kate!!
WOW - what a great happy ending for Johanna ... yes, I am sentimental at heart
and can COMPLETELY understand.
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Henry’s Official Parelli Level 1 Audition T ape

2009-04-30 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

A very special thank you to my friend Chris – who after a hectic day at
work AND battling hours of traffic – never wavered from her offer of
videotaping Henry’s Official Audition.  The sun was beginning to set, my
nerves were fried – Chris told me to breathe/relax and encouraged me that
YES I CAN do this.  All I can say is that 10 minutes FLIES by … tick tock
tick tock – get those compulsories in and add some stuff … and POOF –
it’s over … time out!
Although, I had this all mapped out on paper and in my head - there were
several improvisations along the way ;-)  Half the dirt ring had pools of
rain water (not great for some of my gear) and my idea of doing
squeeze/sideways over poles/tarp fell apart when Henry decided it was much
more fun and satisfying to tear apart the obstacle - LOL!!
It is 10 minutes in length - so if you are on dial-up, it will take time to
I am finalizing the paperwork and sending everything off today to Parelli for
my Level 1 (Red Savvy String!).  If I bombed, fine – I will get useful
feedback and try again.  Henry was great as usual and it was VERY interesting
to watch the playback.  Subtle moves on my part and he was picking up on them
– so now just from watching the video, I realized how I need to finesse
myself.  VERY good learning experience – no matter what happens on the
Parelli Examination end.
Oh - and I couldn't figure out how to add music, or eliminate the audio - so
just chuckle along with Chris (videographer) when Henry, is well ... just
Henry :-)
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Re: Fjords made the MSP local news

2009-04-28 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Awesome!!! enjoyed the Fjord spotlights  
Heather (who needs a pair of clippers, after witnessing the great grooming
clips !!!)

--- On Mon, 4/27/09, Jim Barnhart wrote:
Kristin Lee and Linda Severson-Kerr did a great
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Hay ... Quantity?

2009-04-28 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hello All,
Henry has always been on a round bale.  He is now at a farm which feeds square
bales (yeahhh!!!).  The Barn Manager asked me how much to feed
him.  She currently feeds horses in that paddock, 1 bale of hay per day per
horse.  I told her, I have no idea of how much Henry consumes, as he has
always been on round bales.  So, we decided to start with the other horses'
regiment and if too much, we can cut back.
Soo - this leads me to the experts.  For those who feed flakes/square
bales - may I receive feedback on the quantity that you feed?  is it per
pound? per flake? per bale?
Henry is a large, draft Fjord model and is still growing (he won't be 3 until
the end of May).
Feedback, very much appreciated.
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Hay ... How Much?

2009-04-28 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Thanks to all the responses.   This has helped a great deal.

As Henry is still growing, always been on a round bale - I was lost when the
barn manager asked me how much he should get.  Of course, we will monitor his
weight and ensure he gets the proper amount - but the information provided by
Fjord Owners who feed squares (and are much more experienced than myself!) has
been a great help!!!
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Photos from Snake Oil (aka PNH) Clinic

2009-04-26 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Friend took these photos ... from Parelli Clinic with Ron Pyne (of Ontario).
Henry is obvious in them (he's the only Fjord).
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Survived my First Off Site Clinic!

2009-04-25 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hello All,
I went to my first off-site clinic yesterday with Henry.  For 2 days prior I
could hardly sleep.  Worried about a million things, including how Henry would
handle an all day clinic (he's not 3 until the end of May) - my nerves were
fried before the trailer arrived.

Well?  Henry was a star  - he settled very quickly in the new arena, settled
into his designated stall (he's a 24/7 pasture guy) and he was VERY okay with
all the different horses and people (there was 10 of us in the clinic).
Mummy is very proud of him!!! and was proud to answer all the very many
questions that came about (e.g., breed, temperment, where did I find him, and
of course, the mane).
I never thought I would manage taking him off site (my confidence level) and
it was really a great experience and so proud to bring an amazing Fjord with
me.  Everyone thought he was much older than he is and were quite taken back
how a baby could be so connected and well behaved.
Heather (proud mummy of Henry Fjord)
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Guineas ...

2009-04-22 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

For those who asked ...
This Spring (2009) I did retire from breeding/showing. I am an active judge
(licensed in the States and Canada) and therefore, very busy!!!  something had
to give and it certainly was not going to be the time that I spend with Henry
I cut down the web site listed above to only a few pages (since my
retirement); but there are still alot of photos to be viewed (should you be
interested in viewing something different).
Playing Naturally with bestest pony pal, Henry
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Re: From the List Admin: READ THIS (or else)

2009-04-21 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Hello from an Offender of not trimming messages.  Although, I have been in
good graces for a few days, I will explain the errors of my ways. 
Unfortunately, I get so excited about a topic and/or rush to reply, that I
have been rude and have not trimmed messages. 
I completely understand that excitement or in a rush is no excuse.
Now, I take the time it takes and calm myself down before that trigger finger
inadvertantly hits the send button. 
who has unintentionally offended the list by being guilty of untrimmed
and who furthermore is trying her best to relax the trigger finger and ensure
only a sentence or two remains in the screen.
What is it that is so hard to comprehend?
Steve McIlree

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Re: More Fjords in the news (East coast this time!)

2009-04-14 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

What's spring grass look like?  we still have pockets of snow ...
Henry is desperately searching for green blades ... it's mostly still
snow-white, or muddy-brown.
Fantastic article - enjoyed reading it :-)

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, wrote:

Subject: More Fjords in the news (East coast this time!)
Received: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 11:37 AM

This message is from:

I hesitate to post this because my ponies have gotten so fat on spring 
grass, and these pictures made me run for the grazing muzzles (does the
add 10 pounds or 100?!), but this was a nice local plug for a benefit event
that  we are participating in called the Parade of Barns.  Proceeds go to
the  therapeutic riding program for traumatic brain injury that I have been 
organizing...we do have a wonderful Fjord on care lease there and he has
made  quite a splash.  The Charlotte chapter of the Sons of Norway recently 
adopted him and will be partially sponsoring his care.

If anyone is near Charlotte this weekend, come see us--hopefully, we will 
create a few new Fjord fans!


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Abetta Saddles

2009-04-11 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Searched archived messages for trail saddles and was wondering if anyone can
give me more input (on list, or privately) on:
Abetta Deluxe Trail Saddles (review and size of tree that you went with)
Aussie Saddles (what brand did you go with and size).
In appreciation,
cavy_lass @
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New Web Site :-)

2009-04-07 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Show casing my best pony pal, Henry ... the site includes my blog and is a
work in progress ... more to come!
Playing Naturally with Henry ...
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Re: Smart, sensitive fjords

2009-04-03 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Exactly the reason that I find Natural Horsemanship is so perfect for Fjords. 

--- On Fri, 4/3/09, Robin Churchill wrote:

Our Fjords can be very
 stoic about some things, which can serve to hide their
 sensitivity - and they are extrememly sensitive.

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Re: New use for shedding fur

2009-04-01 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

VERY creative!!!  adorable!!!
Heather :-)

--- On Wed, 4/1/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: New use for shedding fur
Received: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 4:58 PM

This message is from:

These are our cookie cutter fjords!!


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New Yahoo group for PNH, or NH enthusiasts

2009-03-08 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

For those who want to chat, brainstorm about Parelli (or other NH) concepts -
I have created a group dedicated to Fjords who are raised/trained with these
Yep - another yahoo group ... but this one is dedicated to chatting about
PNH or NH methods (elations, frustration, ideas, etc.).
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Fjord Antics

2009-03-06 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

I really have to learn not to wear sweaters/jackets with an
elastic bottom to it.  For as soon as I take my eyes off Henry, he's got the
little tab that tightens the elastic in his mouth, pulls it away towards him
(stretching the elastic) and then letting it go with a good SNAP!  right
against my hip/bottom.  OUCH!  and you can just see the smile in his eyes that
he got me again.
Last night, I was organizing my 'gear' into my bags and had placed everything
neatly along the back wall of the arena where there were some chairs.  I
turned my back for a nano-second and Henry had his teeth into one of the
chairs that had a cracked seat and I turned around horrified to see him
playing with the chair in the air as he tried to work the cracked seat off the
Oh Henry ... and his little antics ...
Lovin' Fjords,
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Starting Henry :-)

2009-03-05 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Still baby steps, but last night - I laid across Henry's back as he stood VERY
quietly at the mounting block.  I flexed his neck back and forth (left/right)
with reins.  He thought that was pretty cool as he found out that on one side
there was delicious boots hanging there for the taking
As I was scratching his belly (as I lay over him), the resident barn pooch
came along, stopped and licked Henry's nose - LOL!!  All the while, Henry had
an amazing sense about him and was very relaxed - cocking his hind leg and in
Henry style (relaxing himself ... if you know what I mean ...).
Again - just baby steps ... but I wanted to ensure he was quiet at the
mounting block and didn't mind all my weight - LOL!!!  What an absolute
fantastic feeling to have one of the best behaved ponies in the barn ;-)
Playing Naturally with Henry

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Re: Winter Training News

2009-03-02 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Absolutely FANTASTIC photos and look at you, in shades and a tee!!!  :-)
Last weekend in Wellington County, ONTARIO (not Florida - LOL!!!) it hit minus
20 with a very bad wind chill (high gusts of wind that went right through to
the bone).  Just letting you know what you are missing in Wellington County,
Ontario ;-)
I will look forward to visiting Mogly's site often as you update it with more
training photos.  LOVED the alligator pic.  Very neato!
Have a wonderful sunny week!  It's sunny here, but started the day off at
minus 17.5 C
Playing Naturally with Henry
in brisk, cold, windy - Wellington County, ON

--- On Sun, 3/1/09, Lori Albrough wrote:

From: Lori Albrough
Subject: Winter Training News
To: Fjord Horse Mailing List
Received: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 5:36 PM

This message is from: Lori Albrough

Hi everyone,

I know we've recently discussed the difficulties of riding through a
northern winter. This year I'm getting the chance to live a dream, and train
with Mogly in Wellington Florida!

I've been posting some pictures on his website at
Check them out! More pictures will be coming soon.

Mogly will be back in Canada at the beginning of April, ready to start the
breeding season. We will be offering frozen semen this year in addition to
cover, in Moorefield Ontario. Contact me for more info.

-- Lori Albrough
Bluebird Lane Fjords
Moorefield Ontario Canada

Fjordhorses for Sport and Pleasure!

Mogly - Fjord Performance Stallion

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Re: Worming Day at the Double Up

2009-02-06 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Joe = Left Brain Introvert (Parelli Horseanality).  LOVE IT!!!
Fantastic dialogue ... I could picture it all the way through - LOL!!!
Thanks for sharing :-)))
who naturally plays with her predominantly LBI, Henry

--- On Fri, 2/6/09, wrote:

Subject: Worming Day at the Double Up
Received: Friday, February 6, 2009, 6:49 AM

This message is from:

Scene:  a cold (10 degree) morning in the dry lot.  Kate  arrives with the
first tube of five day power pack wormer as the ponies are  still munching
morning hay.

Della (looks up from munching):  Oh hey, what's that?   Wormer?  I
wormer, it's my favorite, let me have some

Della trots over to meet me and lays her head  out and actually lifts a
lip so I can put in the syringe.

Della (smacking and licking):  Delicious!  I love you.  I'm  going
back to
the hay now, have a nice day

Kate walks over to Joe and shows him the  wormer.  He drops his head and
refuses to look at her.

Joe:  I am not being wormed.  I do NOT have worms and you cannot  make me

take that nasty apple flavored paste.

Kate:  Joe, are you serious?  You love this stuff and you do not  have a
problem worming.  Give me your head

Joe:  No, No, No - I am bigger than you and you can't make me.   I am
leaving my hay, but I reject you and your stinking wormer.

Kate:  Oh for heaven's sake you big oaf - do I need to get a halter
actually hold you???

Joe:  Whatever, whatever - I do what I want

Kate gets the halter and puts it on, and  administers the wormer without
a problem.

Joe:  Oh, apple flavored paste?  I love this stuff.  Now I  eat hay and
go away.

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Henry does not Qualify for Grand Prix Jump Off

2009-02-06 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Yesterday, my worst nightmare dialed in - when I received a phone call from
the Barn Manager telling me that Henry is fine ... but ... and proceeded to
tell me that he decided to jump the gate ... and missed the target.  We have
NO idea why he decided to take it upon himself to make such a grand exit from
his paddock, but suffice to say - it must have been something that REALLY
unnerved him (or his play with the other horses got too much in the wrong
area) ... who knows, but all I do know is that he wouldn't have THAT much
motivation to attempt and jump 4 + feet.
All I can say is that the calm, rational, nature of the Fjord is such a huge
Henry hung himself on the gate, with back legs going through the slots of the
gate and he waited (between 10-15 minutes the barn owners figure) until
someone noticed him.  It then took 4 people (he has a bit of winter fat!) to
remove him from the gate - as they slid and pushed him off.
Henry made it out unscathed (no cuts, bruises, swelling, etc.etc.etc.) - but
did show signs of muscle soreness from this Grand Prix debut ... He was fine
later that night (walked out just fine - absolutely no signs of distress,
lameness, etc.etc.etc.).
The barn owner was flabbergasted and said she has never seen anything like
that in the 30 years that she has been running a stable.  AND - what surprised
her the most was Henry's attitude, of already then, just get me off this
thing and he didn't bat an eyelash as 4 people worked him off the gate.  She
continued to say that if it were one of her thoroughbreds, it would have
ended in disastrous results.
Anyhow - I just wanted to say - that the calm nature of the Fjord (except for
the part of WHY he decided to try out for Grand Prix) shone through
with Henry, who will not be pursuing a career in jumping!

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Fjord on Rescue Site

2009-01-23 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

FYI ... Found a Fjord mare on a local rescue page - purchased from an
Auction: Located in
Ontario, Canada Heather
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Re: not riding (kinda long)

2009-01-10 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

So very well said, Lois ..

Heather ... who currently plays from the
ground with Henry ... and LOVING it.

From: Lois Berenyi
Friday, January 2, 2009 4:15:49 AM
Subject: Re: not riding (kinda long)

message is from: Lois Berenyi

I agree with what Kate
has said.  I owned horses of various breeds and abilities for 30 years but
mostly rode sporadically during the first 10.  I realized that I much
preferred them from the ground than from the saddle. Partly it was because I
could see the entire horse, read its expressions and communicate fairly well
from the ground.  From the saddle I saw two ears, a neck and a shoulder.  I
never developed the physical finesse to read them with my body as the great
riders do.  I was somewhat clueless and tended to seize up when a movement
felt wrong into something resembling a fetal position.  Years of lessons
improved things a bit and I knew quite a lot in theory I could not transfer
into practice.

For some reason horse and non-horse people can't understand
owning a horse and not riding it.  Or, if riding it, not showing it.  My
answer has always been that I have dogs who cost me the same per day to feed
and maintain and I don't ride them.  I enjoy the horses as I enjoy my dogs. 
They are my friends and companions and there are so many ways to enjoy them
without burdening them with my weight or myself with aching muscles and

I'm 69 and in the last few years thought I was getting too old and
too stiff to keep on going with the farm we had so we sold out.  I donated one
of the Fjords who currently is excelling as a therapy horse and the other mare
was sold as a broodmare.  I didn't like to ride and it turned out she didn't
really like to be ridden.  I think I was wrong to give it up so completely and
talk myself out of something I had loved for so long.  Sometimes we take the
negative and/or an entirely too pragmatic approach to what we see as
limitations.  After years of being stuck at the farm not being able to find
suitable help, the dirt, the muck, the snowstorms, repairing the fence,
dealing with foundered horses and all the rest I was starting to dream of a
horseless life.  So we moved to a beautiful golf course community where it
never snows, someone else mows the grass and I have absolutely nothing
meaningful to start my day.  If people think owning horses
 without riding them is foolish I beg them to watch golfers spend fortunes
chasing little white balls.

So, Laurie, don't be too discouraged.  Think of
how you would feel if Oz was not in your life.  What are your first thoughts
in the morning?  I bet they include your pony.  Give yourself a break. 
Meanwhile when I need a fix I go and visit some of my former horses.

in the Sunny South
- Original Message - From:
Sent: Thursday,
January 01, 2009 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: not riding (kinda long)

 This message
is from:
 Laurie - I understand what you're going
through.? At only 48, the combination of arthritis and injury has left me with
pretty much constant pain, and nothing medicine can do (other than drug me
into submission).? If it's really cold, I hurt just walking.? Even on warm
days, I can't spend more than 45 minutes in the saddle before I'm done.? I
have taken a tremendous amount of pleasure in the 101 other things I *can* do
with my horses, including ground work, clicker training, grooming, trick
training, and lately learning to ground drive (for me, walking helps once I
get past the first 5-10 minutes).
 Don't put any more pressure on yourself
about what you should be doing.? Do what you can, enjoy it, and find the
pleasure in that (even if it's just sitting in the pasture having dinner with
the ponies)!
 with Joe and Della
 -Original Message-

 it's become a chronic pain which is now
affecting my daily life and is making me quite depressed.'s not that
the knee doesn't work, it's that there is ongoing pain that has begun to make
 everything just too much effort.
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Re: SS hints

2008-12-18 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey

Thank you so much Secret Santa!!!


Heather Baskey
Ontario - Canada

From: Cynthia Madden
To: FH-L
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 8:22:34 PM
Subject: SS hints

This message is from: Cynthia Madden

Here is one for Heather Baskey

Your gift

Its destination north.

Flight taken.

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Re: mane question

2008-11-27 Thread Heather Baskey
This message is from: Heather Baskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to all who made scissor suggestions :-)  I do appreciate your words
of wisdom/experience.

Many thanks - and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all those

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