Fjord mare for sale

2007-08-30 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


we have made the sad decision to sell MF Maja, our 2 year old filly by FSF Tor
and out of Ingrid I.  You can see her pedigree on  Her grandsire
on the top is Rokida's Knut, a Blue Earth Champion and blue ribbon stud, and
her grand dam is the absolutely beautiful and one of the highest eval. mares
in the US, Una.

Maja's dam is my favorite all time mare, now owned by Chuck and DeAnna in IA.
Awesome disposition and looks.

MF Maja has several full sister, and they are all beautiful.  Maja was going
to stay forever here at the Myrdal farm, as she was our last baby by Tor, who
sadly passed away, but we do not have the time currently to do her justice.
We have priced Maja very very reasonably at $2000 so that you can afford the
fuel or transportation.  We will deliver to neighboring states for the cost of

Maja needs to be shown and used and in a good home.

Email for photos etc.

Thank you,

Janne Myrdal
Myrdal Farms

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Wintec saddle for sale

2007-08-18 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Really nice all purpose English Wintec, great fit on fjords, barely used, with
all fittings, even an cinch extension for that fat fjord, :>   We are not
using it, and it should be put to use.  Really good deal at $250 plus
shipping.  email for more info and photos.

Janne Myrdal
Myrdal Farms

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


2006-06-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just trying to post, have not been able to for a couple of months.

Let me know if anyone reads this please.

Janne Myrdal

For sale

2006-05-07 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from ND.

We have several great fjords for sale, as we are cutting back due to increased
ag. operations.

There is a shipper coming this way for a pick up middle of the month, heading
to CA, so a good chance to get fjords out west!

MF Maja, gorgeous yearling filly (FSF Tor x Ingrid I)  This pair has thrown
the nicest babies.  This filly is leggy, correct and big.  $1800

MF Trygg, yealring colt (FSF Tor x Renate)  Cute, correct, solid built little
guy.  $1500

Ingrid I  Our very best mare, sadly selling.  In foal for May 2006 FSF Tor
baby.  Also broke to drive, kind gentle, beautiful mare, a deep brown dun.
Has babies every year and in excellent shape.  $4500

Fair Acres Heidi, large brown dun mare, has been broodmare but broke to ride.
Could be great leadline for kids or handicapped.  Specail treaty to good home

Delivery available in upper Midwest.

Janne Myrdal
Edinburg, ND

DVD evals

2006-02-03 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol said:

"5 -  If the majority of Fjord owners are shut out of the Evaluations by
distance, time & money, then there will be only a small group of evaluated
horses.  The result of this will be a small, "elite" group of evaluated
horses.  --  This could be very dangerous in regards to the gene pool .  I
can certainly imagine the results of only a few "blue ribbon" stallions --
rather than the much larger group there might be if everyone had a chance to
have their horses evaluated."
This is a huge!! point for lots of us.  And I truly already see this occuring
in the US, where there is a few only, and the rest are just average, or looked
upon that way due to lack of having eval scores, not necessarily because they
are no good.
I truly think you are on to something here, Carol, as far as these DVD evals.
FSF Tor, who sadly passed away two weeks ago, is a good example.  I know Dale
would love to have done an eval. but  the reality of ND is that all of the
evals are done during farming for us here, and believe me, you cannot go
ANYWHERE during, sowing, cultivating, harvest or haying, which goes basically
from April to November.  And the distance is to great as well.

I truly think the gene pool, and thereby the future of the fjord in the US
would benefit from this.  I do see how it would take some $$$ from the NFHR
and some time, expertize and planning, but it would all be well worth it for
the long run.  I do not think it would take anything away from the live evals
either.  Some would still commit to those and go.

Janne in snowy but warm ND.

Jule mat

2005-12-22 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Merry Christmas from the Myrdal Farms to all fjordies out there.  Hope all
will have a blessed season with a new year of hope, health and grace.

I have a question.  To relate it to fjords, we do eat lots of the below
mentioned meat in Norway, the land of fjords.

If anyone has a good recipie for lamb, would you send it to me via private
email.   I am looking for new ways, and have actually lost my favorite rec.
for Christmas.  Nobody at home with email (Norway) seems to have any.  Weird.

Sorry to those who do not eat lamb., I am a Viking after all.

Janne Myrdal and family.


2005-12-02 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to thank all involved in this discussion for the good info. put
forward.  The questions asked were valid, and the answers given primarily by
Catherine were excellent.  I am in a process, with another issue, of working
out the details of a new foundation.( Not horse related)  And, yes, w/o
funding, it seems weird to speak of the goals etc.  But one has to put the
horse before the cart so to speak, and as it grows, it will do good.  A
foundation, however, are governed by very strict rules, set up by the US gov.
So, it would be very hard for anyone to "personally profit" in any way.

It is all a process in the working!

Janne Myrdal in cooold b  ND


2005-10-23 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sure, Roberta, I'd love a free ride for shooting your skunk.  Was supposed to
be in the cities this weekend, but no go.  Still have harvesting going on,
farrier coming, kids screaming, husband hungry and weanlings to train.  Haha.
Just kidding.

Life goes happily on.  But really guys, kill those skunks!!



2005-10-22 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Warning, skunks are BAD news for your barn.  Get rid of them, stink or no
stink.  In ND over 98% have or carry Rabies, belive me, I know.  We had a
scare this fall as a skunk moved in and the dogs and cats seem not to mind.
grr.  Caught him in a live trap, sent in for rabies test, and was worried
sick, as we all had been exposed to the ugly critter.  Lucked out as he was
not a carrier.

So, moral of the story, - get a live trap, kill it and hope for the best.
They are looking for a place for the winter, that should hopefully not be your

And, Roberta, I am a good shot.  haha.



2005-10-14 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a kind reminder to all on here,

could we all NOT hit the reply button when we post to the list, please.  I
too, am sick of reading about the so called "missing" fjord, but only because
it was forwarded a hundred times by reply messages.

You go Cindy!!   Wy to many "rescue" minded people looking for horses out
there.  REally!!

Thank you .

Indian summer in ND also, yeah!!

Fjords for sale

2005-10-03 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We currently have the following fjords for sale and priced right:

MF Trygg (pending)  (FSF Tor x Renate.)  This colt is a brown dun weanling and
absolutely gorgeous.  We bought Renate last year from Lynda and Dan and the
cross with FSF Tor is all we hoped it would be.  He is a later baby so will be
weaned around end of October.  Friendly and athletic. $1500

MF Maja (pending)  (FSF Tor x Ingrid I)  Brown dun weanling filly, and again
this pair produced a fantastic filly, elegant and correct with a doll head.
She will be weaned in next week.  There are now several young fillies out
there by this combo, and all are just beautiful.  The thing with FSF Tor is
that he throws consistency in confirmation and GREAT disposition.  $1800

MF Solum aka "Cody", yearling gelding Engar x Renate.  Brown dun.  Halter
broke, utd on all shots etc.  Easy to handle and very well built with lots of
strenght.  Super friendly, has a great trot!!  Would be great 4H or youth
horse.  $1500

Fair Acres Heidi, 14 year old br. dun mare.  Has been exposed to FSF Tor for
2006 foal.  This mare is 1/2 sis to Patti's Ole.  Drafty, broke to ride and
was driven as a young mare.  She is strong and not for child or beginner.  But
she can be a great ride for one that knows to ride.  Great mom, babysitter for
weanlings.  Super easy keeper.  Lives on air, I think.  :>   To good home
only.  Contact for price.

All horses utd on fariier, shots, worming etc.  Transport may be available in
upper Midwest.  (ND, SD, MN, WI, MT)

It will be 19 here tonight, and snow this week.  br


more fjords for sale

2005-10-03 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Forgot to mention a fjord for sale.

4 year old brown dun gelding, broke to ride, owned by 68 year old lady who
trail rides.  Also has been driven as a 3 year old.  She needs to find him a
good home and is only asking $2500 for him.  He is located in SE North Dakota,
so easy for SD, IA or MN buyers to see and haul.Name is LG Barnaby Jones
aka Lars.   She says he is a great horse, super sweet.  Drafty and about

This could be a great deal.

Contact me for further info.

Janne Myrdal

Rokida's Knut

2005-08-23 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


glad to see that Pat mentions Rokida's Knut in her post of the grey filly for
sale.  We have a son of Rokida's Knut and out of Una here at Myrdal farms.  He
is owned by Red Wind Farms, Dale and PAt Hinkle.   And tho he has never shown
or been evaluated, he is, in my eyes, one of the best stallions around.  HE
may never make it to a show or eval, but his offspring hopefully will show
some day.

Rokida's Knut and Una was one of the better breeding combos in tthe US, and I
respect the Brandts highly for keeping some of the offspring intact for
breeding purposes.   I believe Knut died last year, which is really sad.

Janne in harvest time ND


2005-07-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those of you who had earlier asked for information on our gelding that is
listed for adoption with I wanted to alert you to the
fact that they are having a one day special on adoptions tomorrow, July 6th
only.  Great chance to get a wonderful gelding into your home for a very very
reasonable price, and to support a great org.

Janne Myrdal in WET WET WET ND.

Who is looking for a mare?

2005-07-04 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Whoever posted a couple of days ago looking for a mare, please contact me

Janne Myrdal

pity party

2005-06-23 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Uffda Lisa, ouch.

I must say I admire you for telling your story.  I can relate to your "no
blood in the head, and puking etc etc!!  I had a fjord mare travel over me and
a 6 foot steel panel last late fall, and was laid up for weeks with a badly
bruised body and ego.  Have never seen a fjord try to jump a 6" before ,
especially not with me on it.  Do not even ask how it happened.I had to
big of an ego to tell any horsey people tho.  Well, that is except the ones
that witnessed it and got new respect for fjords an their "olympic" ability,

Still my leg is in recovery, - do not touch!!

Hope for fast recovery for you.  Pick up some good Clancy books, I read them
all last fall.

Janne in sweltering ND, where we are haying.  Anyone needs a diet, come on
over, loading sq. bales is good diet.

sore feet.

2005-06-13 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry to hear about your gelding.

The way you described him standing and the amount of pain sure sounds like
founder.  It is def. not a bruise, as it affects both feet.  You may have to
xray his feet, look for any rotation of the coffin bone and for any signs of
ringbone.  Worth the expense to find out for sure.

been there, done that, and it is so hard to watch the pain.  My old QH mare
went trhu that.

Best wishes.

Janne Myrdal

Rescue - NOT!!

2005-06-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gosh, guys,

THIS horse is NOT a rescue.  ANd Crossed Sabers is NOT a rescue

Please check out the facts before you guys cross post " a rescue"

This horse is at our farm, happy as can be, will stay here until someone
adopts him, which raises funds for this org.   For the LAST time, he is NOT a

And I have adopted horses there myself, I own the horse, they only ask you to
send an update every June and a photo, - as they are VERY responsible as far
as not wanting horses to end up in any bad situation.

Janne Myrdal, - responsible Fjord owner and breeder!  And now a bit
ticked off.
Myrdal Farms, ND

adoption gelding

2005-05-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Those of you who emailed me about the gelding up for adoption, - if you did
not recieve an answer, could you please let me know as our pc was down and
out.  It is now back on line and I was told several emails did not go thru
last week.   Roberta was one of them??

Janne Myrdal

adoption horse

2005-05-21 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wanted to clearify something to concerned fjord people out there.

There was a mention of a fjord for adoption , and somehow this fjord has made
it to several resue places on the net.  This is NOT a rescue horse.  Our
gelding Ben has been released to Second Wind Adoption program in WV for
adoption to good home.  He will remain here on our farm under our care until
such time as he is adopted.   Where, by the way, he is VERY WELL taken care
of.   He has some ringbone, but is solid and can be used for light work for
many years to come.

We made a decision to release him to raise some funds for this org. instead of
selling him, because we want a good permanent home and also because we want to
help raise funds for Second Wind.  We highly respect their work and have
adopted from them ourselves.  If anyone wants to check the website out, it is
a great org.

Please do not pass this info on only in order to "rescue" this fjord.  He is
just fine and will make someone a great hobby fjord in a good home!!!  Feel
free, however, to consider adopting him and supporting a good org. as well.


Janne Myrdal
Myrdal Fjords


2005-05-14 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just got back from Norway, and wanted to ditto Jean and Lynda's comments on
the recent discussion on Gjest etc.

Lets give honor to whom honor is due, in spite of "possible" details of info
being wrong.  I could'nt care less.  Gjest has proved himself enough in the US
and Canada, - you could wipe his record
in Europe off the earth and he still be standing tall for his offspring

PS.  Leika the orphan is doing just great!!!

Janne in ND, cold and tired, but back from a great time in Norway.

Horner's syndrome

2005-04-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


heading to Norway this weekend, but have a QH boarding here that came down
with what we have figured to be Horner's syndrome.  If anyone is familiar with
this, email me any info you may have please.  Steve??

It basically has the same symptoms as human Bells Paulsy ( sp?).   This mare
got it overnight, w/o any traumatic event, that usually causes this.  eating
etc now, but face all saggy and r eye all unprotected because of no nerve
usage .

any info appreciated.

Janne in snowy ND.  go figure.


2005-04-25 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Myrdal Farms is it.


MF Leika/ Lucky's filly

2005-04-21 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to report that Lucky's orphan filly is doing very well, growing
and thriving.  We named her MF Leika, which in old norwegian means play or
playful, - and that really describes her so far.   She is stalled at night,
but frolicks out in the r. pen all day.  Soon she will have to spend 24 hours
outdoors as I am leaving shortly for Norway.  She is so far eating us out of
house and home, but with time I am hoping to change over to something more
"homemade".  Anyone with any ideas, please email me privately.

Janne in sunny and early summer in ND.

Lucky's filly

2005-04-12 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you so much to all who emailed us either here or privately, - have no
time to get back to each of you.  The filly is doing quite well so far,
drinking well from a bucket.  We are still hoping for a replacement mare, but
so far no word on any available in ND or near us anywhere.  Dale Hinkle has a
mare that has a 4 week old foal on her, and we thouhgt of trying to see if she
would take on another.  Those fjords are huge milkers, - but then again, it
may be to late, lots of nipple confusion in this poor thing.  She kicked up
her heels just now, and really adores my little 3 year old daughter in the
stall with her.  I have a recliner in the stall , so when we feed we can take
it easy and visit with her.  Quite a sight.  I have not named her yet, just
cannot until we are over the hump so to speak.  She is a doll tho.

The post from earlier on Gayle Ware's mare and Julie's sounds just right.
We'll never know, but cannot look back either, as nothing could have been



Lucky bad news

2005-04-12 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I cannot believe it has been less than 24 hours since I posted about Lucky and
her new foal, and now sadly have to post that we lost Lucky yesterday and now
have an orphan foal.  S sad, the best mare!!   First time we have ever
lost a grown horse, actually the only ones we have ever lost have been in
utero, or born dead.  And only twice in oh so many years with horses.

Again, I can attest to the fact that fjords do NOT show any symptoms of
anything, they are so hardy.  She was eating, passing, outside, nusrsing
etcetc.  Then I came to do eve chores and she was dead, and it is quite
apperant that it was an acute intestinal twist, probably up front, form the
stress of birthing a big baby.  Would not show for about that amount of time.

Now, we have been up all night with baby, - luckily she had 24 hours of good
nursing with col. before mama died, but now it is every two hours.   Will NOT
drink from any nipple, but will actually dringk from a bucket which is better

We have 7 days of hope and prayer ahead of us to get her thru, as those are
the critical stages.



2005-04-11 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lucky ( Heldig Stjrne) had a huge filly by FSF Tor.   All is well with mom and
foal.   Just thought those of you who remembered Lucky from Waverly wanted to

Janne in summer time ND.


2005-03-31 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No Herald here yet, but I guess most think we are at the end of the world here
in ND.  At least the US postal services must!!  :>

Spring has come in full tho and early, but we have been fooled before.FOr
those of you who remember Lucky from the sale in Waverly a few years back, she
is now 2 weeks overdue and huge.  Uffda.  Reg. name is Heldig Stjrne.  I have
to get that name ammended, as I am sure way back when it was intended to be
Stjerne, which means star.  Can that be done Mike??

PS  we have a really nice yearling for sale.  Engar x Renate.

Janne in sunny and bird filled ND

Sher in CO

2005-03-19 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good for you!!!   The focus should be to achieve your goal, have fun and be
safe!!   Does not matter with what breed.  And I am saying this as a Fjord
breeder!!   ( I also have QH)   :<

I will also again reiterate (sp?)  what I believe Carol R. has said many
times, and that I firmly believe as well.  With any breed, but especially with
fjords:  Buy a weanling, raise it yourself, and you will for certain know what
you have.  I have learned this from many many years with horses.  I know it
seems like a lng time to wait to ride or drive, but it goes fast and you
have a horse you kow from the get go, and feel safe with.  You will end up
spending the same $$$, as weanling/yearlings are cheaper, yet you may or may
not have to use a trainer etc.  Now, even when you buy a young fjord, make
sure they have been handled right.

I am NOT saying this because I sell fjords, but honestly because I believe

Janne in sunny ND


2005-03-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey, ALL good norwegians are stubborn.   We tend to really want to totally
know what you want us to do, like really give a good intelllegent reason,
before we commit to doing it, but if we think it makes sense, we'll do it,
stick with it and never forget how.  Haha.  Stubborn sounds like a good fjord
to me!!!

Janne in ND where snow is melting


2005-02-08 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I ahve a product that I absolutely swear to when it comes to re condition
horses, or as a supplement etc.  It is called EquiPride.  It is absolutely
awesome   You can check it out on the web, just type in the name on your
search egine.  Not terribly expensive either.  I had a QH mare a few years
back that almost died of bastard strangles, - then put her on Equipride and
she recovered her condition, coat etcetc so well, I was amazed.

Try it out, and good luck!!

Janne Myrdal in 20 below ND.  Ready for spring!


2005-01-22 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So sorry to hear of your hard journey!  Prayers and well wishes from ND.
Miracles happen!!

Hang inthere.

God bless!!!


Winter shoes

2005-01-14 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Bonnie,

in Norway we always had winter shoes on most of our horses, and they had
pretty sharp screw-in spikes on them, as it often gets very icy in NOrway
during winter time.  Just remember to wear good boots, as those spikes REALLY
hurts when horses step on your feet.  :>  Ice can def. hurt horses.


Cold weather and fjords

2005-01-14 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We had 36 below overnight, the high today is supposed to be 28 below.  Fjords
are all outside, including the young yearling colt.  The wind chill will reach
50 - 60 below tonight.  Fjords are just fine.  They do have shelter from the
winds, plus woods to the west and north.  Eating lots of hay and getting a bit
of hay bellies, but they have to have free choice during these cold winters
for sure!

Janne,  in ND,  indoors making cookies and cleaning cupboards.

Ditto to Pat's post

2005-01-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to second what Pat posted about Patti Walter!!  I saw the filly
when visiting WI, and Patti deserves ALOT of credit for all the work done with
the filly and all the kids as well.

Janne in 33 below, fjords love it.  Not me br

Looking for used trailer

2004-12-31 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We are in search of a horse trailer, used, minimum 3 horse, and in the upper
midwest.  If anyone has any info, please email me privately.

Janne Myrdal

Happy New Year

2004-12-31 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A blessed new year is wished to all from Myrdal Farm Fjords!!!

In the midst of unspeakable tragedy in the news, lets all remember to
appreciate each other and our critters this year!

There is a barn party/ chili feed in our barn tonight, come on over!! :>

>From Winter Wonder Land with fresh 1 ' of snow in NE ND.

Janne Myrdal

Dole horses & prayers

2004-12-11 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know the place, as it is about 2 hours from my place.  I also believe there
may be some cross breeding of the Dole there, but I know 3 were imported from
Norway about 2 -3 years ago or so.  Several QH people have bred to the
stallion, or so I have heard anyway.  To bad as the Dole horse is really a
nice breed.  One is for sale on for 16.000, I believe.

Big P.S.  Dale underwent surgery, and now he is in a holding pattern as to
whether is was succesful to keep his arm and hand.  Thank God his son was able
to get emergency crews there, - he would have surely bled to death fast.  Keep
praying, it is not out of the woods yet.  We may go down to see him next

Janne in winter wonder land ND, with white frosted trees and a bald eagle
perching in one of them.


2004-12-09 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just wanted to ask those of you who would,  for prayer.  Our dear neighbor and
fjord owner, Dale Hinkle, had an serious accident this week.  He was caught in
a corn auger and is currently in Minneapolis in surgery.  Dale is a great
horse man and any of you who know him, he is the best of best guys!!  He is
the owner of FSF Tor , the stallion we stand here at Myrdal Farms.

Auger accidents are a farmers nightmare, as some of you who farm may know.
Actually, farming is one of the most dangerous occupations, as often farmers
are out alone with huge dangerous machinery.

All prayers are appreciated!


Janne Myrdal

Stall Plaque

2004-11-11 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all who gave great advice.  I am well on my way to get one made.

great list!!


Stall plaque

2004-11-09 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from sunny and relatively warm ND.

I am looking to order  a stall name plaque for my sis in law's new stallion,
QH, and can not seem to find any in my catalogues at all. Typical not to find
one when you are actually looking for one for the first time.  Anyone know
which cat. to look in or on the web?  Or does any of you creative people make
one?   Has to be nice and classy,  :>



Gelding needs home!!

2004-10-13 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have a Fjord gelding, drafty type, rides and drives, 14 years old.  Easy
keeper, brown dun, reg. NFHR and Can.About 14.1hh   He is in NEED OF A
GOOD HOME, but only as companion and walking only.  Tho he trots and canters
well in the pasture.  Please pass this around, and email me for the details on

Janne Myrdal

Fjords for sale.

2004-10-13 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from Beautiful ND, where it has been a lovely few weeks of warm
weather, combines cruising and colors of nature beautiful.  Fjords are getting
furry, which sadly means winter is coming!!  Jean, can you not keep it all up
in Alaska??

We are selling a few of our horses, mostly due to family health issues.

Fair Acres Heidi, dob 1990.  Brown dun mare, about 14.2hh.  (Anvil's Steinfinn
x Elk Lake's Brita), Reg. both NFHR and CAN.  She is ultra sounded safe in
foal to FSF Tor ( Rokida's Knut x Una) for a late spring foal.  Heidi is 1/2
sister to Patti's Ole.   She was driven when young.  We have owned her for 8
years, and she has been ridden only and been a broodmare.  She requires an
experienced rider.  She is friendly, healthy and a super easy keeper.
Actually, due to the reason we are selling, she is on the fat side right now
as we have had to leave the mares out to pasture for a while.

MF Solum   (Engar x Renate).   2004 Brown dun  colt, dob July 2004.  This
little guy has more zebra striping than I have ever seen on a baby, and he
moves like a dream.  Friendly and athletic.  One of the last chances to own a
baby from Lynda and Dan's stallion Engar.  Solum will be weaned shortly.

We also have my gorgeous QH gelding for sale, he is 6, sorrel and about 15.2 -
3 hh.  The most beautiful animal you will ever see, - he is bred to be a
plaessure hosre, but is not.  He would excell greatly in dressage, - so I have
been told by several people who has seen him and who ride dressage.  I do not,
and time is not there for me right now.  He is my total buddy and goes to a
good using home ONLY.  For those in the QH know, he has Zippo Pine Bar and
Doc's Prescription right on his papers to mention a few.

Contact me for any further info on any of these.


Janne Myrdal

Engar offspring

2004-09-01 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Since we have had a great discussion about types like Engar and Ole, I thought
I'd post an Engar offspring for sale.

MF Solum, a brown dun colt was born July 9th, 2004, which happened to be our
10th anniversary, hence the name Solum, named after the church in Telemark,
Norway,  where we got married.  Ohhh, sooo sentimental!!

Anyway, Solum is by Engar and out of Renate.  Both pedigrees can be seen at pedigree search.  He is a superb mover and full of pride and
play.  And he is of the type of fjord that Bauers bred proudfully!!  Foals are
exposed to all things here on the Myrdal farm from kids, cattle, dogs to
combines and traffic.  He will be weaned late fall, early winter.  email
privately for photos and more info.


Janne in finally sunny ND.

Supplement ooops.

2004-08-29 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My last message took off on me...   Sorry.  Here is the info:

Should be available in your feedstore.  This may be old news to some, but well
worth checking out if you have an older horse and / or hard keeper.


Excellent supplement

2004-08-29 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just to let people know, including Engar in MI, that we have a super
supplement made right here in NE ND.  It is making "waves"throughout the
equine industry.  It is called EquiPride.  I used it on a QH mare that almost
died on us, as she had strangles and it went systemic.  After she got over it,
she needed lots of TLC to gain her full structure and tone back.  She was only
4 years of age.  EquiPride did the job, I am totally convinced   You can
see info at


2004-08-26 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


don't worry about sending the last post to the list instead of to Pat
privately.  I think all of us need to hear about stallions and their
offspring.  And I just happen to have a Engar colt born here this summer, and
he is probably the best moving colt I have ever seen.  So, you have a right to
to be proud of the ol' boy!!!

Janne in wet ND

Fjordtype in Norway

2004-08-20 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All this discussion of type is quite interesting.   Often on this list I hear
people mention the type(s) that Norway is currently breeding and placing high
in Norfjordeid.  Since I grew up in Norway, training horses my whole life, and
still being a norwegian citizen, I figured I could write the following.

I know fjords came from Norway, and I greatly respect many of the people of
the past and current who spend their time preserving the great fjord horse in
this wonderful country!! I have spoken with several!   But reality in an
economic sense is that as far as the past 50 - 100 years, the fjord is the
least expensive horse one can buy in Norway, as its' popularity with the
norwegians has not been, nor is very high.  ( it is growing a bit now).  So,
when this reality hits, one has to make some money raising horses, especially
in a smaller land.  Then a time back the  $ starts crossing the Atlantic
in search of fjords and people paid attention, even the government of Norway
picked up on the fact that here we may have some export opportunities.
Demand and supply!!   And the demand has slowly been more for the riding type
perfomer of a horse than the work/harness type.  So, tho we highly respect the
norwegians, isn't it possible that some of the breeding bends to the demand of
the buyer.  Makes sense to me.  And so, if one looks back at the last decades
of shows in Norway, it seems the type is changing.  Some of the mares and
stallions that have placed high are def. loosing some of the same definitions
of body that occurred before.

Demand and supply!!  Reality of life!

Not blaming anyone here, just facts, I think!   And tho it seems the world
complaints highly about the US ( most do not!!), the same ones love the $.
I know, - been there, seen it!

Now chew me up!


BOD comments

2004-08-20 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gosh, quite entertaining discussions lately, yahoo.  Must be election year,
everyone has strong opinions.

I had to make a comment about running for the BOD etc.  I understand where you
are coming from Catherine, as  it is always hard in ANY organization to get
people involved.  BUT, it is NOT for all of us to run for the BOD.  Some of us
have young families, cannot afford to take the time from our work etcetcetc.
So, thank you to those who do.  However, WE ALL ARE involved at our local
levels, tho most of us do not write about it.  So, please no guilt trips for
not volunteering on the national level.  There are seasons for all things!!
This should not keep any of the members' opinions from being heard!  Or even
ideas from outside the BOD to be discussed and implemented by the BOD.  That
is how things work.  Now, please DO NOT read me wrong, - we are all grateful
for all the work ya'll do!!  But it is not for all of us to get involved at
that level.  We are still paying members, promote the breed, hug our fjords
and might even sell great quality fjords that will never show, nor go to an
eval. Lets not get into layers of who is more committed and who is not.

Janne in frozen ND where our crops just froze last night.  Spells

Fjord body styles

2004-08-17 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Phillip for a very good informative post.  I think most of us
actually agree with the "form to function" for fjords.  I know you and I
discussed this at the winter mtg. of the MWFHC.  It does however seem like any
time one expresses a concern in regards to the body and function of Fjords,
one either gets chasticed for not using the "right" language, or accused of
being way off the mark.   This is a healthy and good discussion to have, and
it should continue to be an open dialogue for a long time, amongst all members
of the NFHR, in order to preserve the right Fjord horse.


Stand still

2004-08-16 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

WE take young horses, be it fjords or other along to local shows, tie them to
the trailer for the day just to teach them that this is part of life and OK.
So, when the days come where they actually will be part of a show, they are
not all shook up.


Reining fjords.

2004-08-16 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gayle, - you go!!!   I love the reining sport, - would LOVE to see more fjords
in it.  You train them, we'll work on sending you buyers!!!   Would LOVE to
see a reining fjord in the Dakota's.  Big time popular here.


Refined fjords.

2004-08-13 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have to get in on this one a bit.  I guess I have the same concern as Lynda,
and I think many of us do, as far as the conversations I have had with other
Fjord owners and breeders around the US over several years.  ( I do get out of
ND once in a while, haha)   I HIGHLY respect those who show either dressage or
western or what ever level you take your fjord to,  - you go!!  Really, I mean
this, so please DO NOT read me wrong.   Lori A., Gayle W. and on goes the list
of great horse people and great PR people for the fjord breed   But I
believe our concern is more as it realtes to the FOCUS on a lighter type in
breeding, and thereby going in a direction that may EVENTUALLY change the type
of fjord that was most commonly used as a versatile fjord horse.  That being
not only in body, but the MIND of the fjord as well, which I put way high on
my list when we breed fjords.  And I believe that in reality the large % of
fjords will still go to families with no showing in their agenda at all.

And with the versatile population of humans in the US, from East to West,
Norht to South, there will always be different focus on HOW one USES a fjord,
- just do not let that focus change this versatile breed itself.

My two cents form ND

Janne Myrdal


2004-08-11 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What did I call the Hambletonian winner???  Must have been late at night.

 His name is Windsong's Legacy.



2004-08-10 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those of you who enjoy driving,  - you may have seen the Hambletonian race
this weekend.  Go Norway, as Dynasty's Legacy won the race.  AS a former
trainer of Harness trotters, it was a total blast to see a "norskie" run away
with the victory, and I actually picked him right off the start.  My hubby
thought I was loosing it when I was screaming at the TV on the stretch.

The last STB mare I trained before leaving Norway was driven by a 5 time world
champion driver, and I know those of you who enjoy driving knows what skill it
takes to keep a horse at a fast perfect trot.

To relate this to Fjords, - trotters are huge business in Norway, you can
hardly go anywhere w/o seeing them in training.  And norwqegians put great
importance into a fjord having a good clean trot as well.

Anyway, - proud to be a norskie!!

Janne in ND where we are really cold.  38  tonight , we NEED more heat for our

It's a boy

2004-07-11 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Renate gave birth to a nice colt on the eve/night of the 9th.  The sire is
Engar.  Colt and mare doing great, but did certainly surprise us by coming a
bit early.  No waxing etc, but all is well.  He is a friendly little colt, and
a brown dun.  Was hoping for a Red dun as Renate had one a few years back, and
it is one of my favorite colors, but totally happy all is well with mom and
son.  Since he was born on our 10th anniversary, we may call him MF Solum from
the church in Norway where we were married.  ooohhh, so sentimental.  :>

On another note, the Rainbow Bridge became a reality for us the same morning
Solum was born, as Maria's pony died.  She had lost a colt by breech on
Tuesday, then Thursday went into severe colic, - either impacted or more
likely a twist.  Was for sure keeping an eye on her after loosing her colt,
looking for problems like founder and uterine infection etc, and of course
colic is a possibility as well, but oh, those things come so quick.  She was
tough as nails this little gal, we fought for her for 2 whole days, doing all
the usual at the clinic, tubing etcetcetc, but she could not pull thru.  So,
one sad little girl here at the farm as she just loved her April.  Fjords are
still to big for her, so we will be looking for another pony soon, when all
heals over.  A new foal and a new kitten helps out a bit.  Good ponies are
hard to come by, and she was quite bonded to this one at her young age.


Janne in sunny and hot ND.


2004-07-08 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$200???  I paid $500 for ticket!!  They are really expensive tickets, you
really don't want to buy one.!!!  And I am going to win her so my daughter
will clean up ribbons in all the fjord shows in the next few years!

Janne in rainy ND

grandma in norwegian

2004-07-06 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It all depends on how families do it.  The most formal way is mormor for mom's
mom/ morfar for mom's dad and farmor for father's mom/farfar for father's dad.
The less and more endearing is bestemor for any grandma and bestefar for any

I had one set of each growing up and my mom totally prefers mormor, while dad
was always bestefar.  Sometimes it depends on where in Norway, but most times
it seems to matter what side of the tracks you grew up on.  Which shows that
my mor married on the "wrong" side of the tracks, at least that is what my
mormor always felt.  So there you can read into my personal family history!!!
I prefer bestemor and bestefar, which shows who I was close to .

So, Patti - being mormor, you are up there girl  Just kidding.  All the
best to you and your daughter, - may it be soon and swift!!!


PS.  My 3 year old daughter's pony lost a foal tonight.  Really sad here on
the Myrdal farm.  Bad breech birth.

Ticks, hens, JR's, end of the earth

2004-06-06 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

First, let me take sincere offense to those of you who "think" you live at the
end of the earth.  You don't, - we do!   And, Ofjords, if you guys think
you have cold winters etc, come on over and visit any time!!  Haha.  As an
example, we celebrated Newyears eve this year by having an outdoor bonfire and
sledding party, - in balmy 23 below degrees.  We had a blast until about 10:30
pm.  B.

Back to the ticks, - seriously, get guinea hens, - we have JR's and they leave
them alone.

Janne in warm ND.

Wood Ticks again

2004-06-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


sorry to say, but in the area you and we live, wood ticks are part of life for
at least 6 weeks in May June.  I have a great solution tho, get some Guinea
hens to roam your land, they are the BEST for eating wood ticks.  I have had
them for 2 years now, and do not have to be a "monkey" every night, picking
wood ticks from horses, dogs AND especially kids.  :>  And the hens are NOT
noisy as some people warned.  We love'em.

An occasional wood tick still comes around, but not often.  Learnt this from
Kit Davis actually, when visiting their place years ago.

Wood tick can be deadly for foals especially, as they get in their tails and
spine.  One foal died here north of us a few years back because of tick
infestation.  yak!!  Not a fjord tho.


Aussie saddles

2004-06-02 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am sure this may be in archive somewhere, but if anyone has experience with
aussie saddles, be it for fjords or QH, could you please contact me.  I have
been asked to look for one for a boarder who rides only occasionally, and does
not want to pay for the top of the line.  I am not familiar with the aussie
saddles, tho have ridden some and love them.  One of these days I may get one
for Kaja, my fjord mare.  But for now, any info will be great.  Any of the
ones on ebay good enough??

Janne in sunny ND, finally.  Out to clean barn


2004-06-02 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So sad to hear the news of Ron Davis' passing.  Our thoughts and sincere
prayers goes to Kit and her family.

Janne Myrdal

Fjords for sale.

2004-05-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all who let me know about their fjords for sale.  I have passed the
info on, - thought I'd say it on digest instead of contacting each of you.

Great networking here!!

Janne in sunny ND


2004-05-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Churchill said . . . "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of
man" --  We're not simply breeding horses to sell.  We're breeding horses
that please us -  Beautiful horses to look at, and strong, athletic horses
to use!"

Great quote, Carol!  Sort of put sit all in the right light.


New owner

2004-05-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Had to share these comments with all of you out there,- they are form a MN
lady who had come up last fall looking at one of the young fjords for sale in
ND.  Opted out of buying that one, but just recenlty contacted me to let me
know about a new mare she bought, as well as ask the usual q's about grooming
etc.  Another + for our fjords.

"Dear Janne,

If this mare is typical of the fjord breed, and it seems like she is, I don't
know why anyone would ever have any other type of horse!!  We've followed all
of our typical training methods and steps, but she is so willing and good
minded it isn't taking near the time and repetition!  I really think she is
going to be the favorite horse of my lifetime!  In 14 days she has gone from
barely halter broke to almost driving.  We are taking her to an open show in
three weeks ONLY for halter and get her used to the commotion etc etc of a
show. It will so much fun  ..."

Anyway, this lady has had horses her whole life, and but due to an injury, has
not been able to enjoy them as much as in the past and now she is having a

Go fjords!!


Horses for sale??

2004-05-26 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have had several calls this spring from Midwest people looking for fjords.
As recently as this week, a lady looking for a trail safe fjord for her
husband.  Fjords are in demand, that is for sure.  I have one for sale, but he
is primarily a driving work type fjord, can do anything in harness, - but tho
you can certainly ride him as well, and he does well, I am hoping to find him
a driving home or at least combo. I truly belive in honestly matching horse
and buyer, no fun otherwise.   So, when people call for a riding fjord only, I
have none at this point.

If you have anything of the sort for sale, please contact me and I will refer
to you when this lady or others call back.

Janne in ND, where it is cool, but the new filly keeps our hearts warm

Show Horse

2004-05-25 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ditto, Ruth.

I believe it was John Lyons who once said something like this:  Whatever level
you take or don't take your horse to, it is the pleassure of horsemanship on
ANY level that is important.  Whether you enjoy listening to them chewing hay,
or take them to the Olympics, as long as you and the horse are safe, and well
taken care of."

There are seasons in life as well, where family, work etc etc takes over, and
"showing" is not on the agenda.  This does not mean that you or your fjords
are not doing just fine.  Way to go for those who show and who excel at that.
And way to go for those who stay at home and enjoy God's gift of horses to
mankind in your back yard.



2004-05-25 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Beautiful filly born on Myrdal Farm last night.  By FSF Tor and out of our
wonderful Ingrid I.  Leggy and spunky filly.   No name yet, tho it should be
something like "Cold Spring".  :>


Auction sale

2004-05-17 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The sale was on the 16th.  I did not know about it until to late, otherwise
would have gone.  I believe these are all out of SD, owned by the Quades, but
correct me if I am wrong.

Sometimes, circumstance may force a sale like this.

Janne in sunny ND

snow storm

2004-05-12 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That's it  I think Iwill win Arianna and move to Hawaii!!

We are in a full snow storm, and ice is covering all our trees, breaking power
lines and blowing us away.  It has been going on for 2 days with no relief in
sight.  My young trees look so poorly I do not think they'll make it.  Calves
are struggling to make it.  Had to "rescue" as many horses as we could late
last night as the winds are coming from the "wrong" direction.  Lots of
rubbing down with straw as the QH were shivering.  I just hate that!!

Anyway, just had to air our cold frustrations to ya'll.  Never thought I would
celebrate 17 May in full winter.  :>

janne in ..ND

Carol M.

2004-04-25 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am glad you are so hopeful, Carol, but I just wanted to remind you that the
fine print on the tickets were in the language of the fjords, NORWEGIAN!!.
And tho ND is far away, and cold, this just makes us strong norskies even more
determined to explore and conquer, like the good Vikings we are!!!
And Patti, Hawaii is just plain to hot for fjords!!  haha




2004-04-23 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

no no no, Carol M, I am poing to win the filly


Janne in ND

off line for a while

2004-03-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from 3 " rain and mud and dirty horses in ND.

I will be off line for a while as I am going to Norway and the pc needs
service as well.

Just in case anyone is trying to get a hold of us.

Still have a nice drafty 14 year old gelding for sale, great harness horse!

Janne Myrdal

Fjords for sale

2004-02-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Two great fjords for sale from Myrdal Fjords.

One filly, dob May 2003.  MF Minne Stjerna, by FSF Tor ( Una/Rokida's Knut)
and out of Ingrid I.  She will be taller, I think, - great movement, beautiful
head and wonderful disposition.  She was sold to a family in TX, but they had
some family issues come up , and will await next baby from smae dam and sire,
- so she is back on the market.

14 year old gelding, reg both can and us, 14hh, very drafty and can pull logs,
sleds, carts . Built like a tank.  Also broke to ride.

email for photos.



2004-02-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Moonlight driving or riding reminds me of growing up in Norway.  A bit warmer
than here actually.  We used to take all the local harness horses, which
numbered in the 100's, out on new years eve, bells and lit torches ( live
fire) and we would caravan about 6 pm to all nursing homes and hospitals
within our two cities.  I is a great  and fun thing to do, and I miss it.

So you go girl, get that horse out in the moonlight and have a sled ride in N.

Janne in tropical ND, 20 above today.

Linda Lottie

2004-01-25 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey, Linda, I have lost your email.  Will you contact me privately?



Nova Scotia

2004-01-25 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ok ok ok, stop talking about the summers, and beaches and all.  We have 25
below today with windchill way below that.  HELP I grew up by the
beach and Nova Scotia looks alot like Norway, and here I am on the prairie of
ND.   Aarrgghhh.  Must be love, - actually it is!  :>

No really, Carol, your place just sounded so wonderful this am, can we forward
the clock to summer anyone??  But then it does sound like a harsh winter
your way as well.  Uffda, good we have fjords, they are all just running
around in the snow this am, like this is all a ok.

I really enjoy the conversation about character.  It is so true.  ANd it can
usually be seen early on, within a week or so.  Sometimes one has to take into
account early the fact that some mares are mopre protective around their foals
and therefore passes a bit of skittishnes (is that a word?) to the foals early
on, but the ones that are brave overcome it sooner and tend to seek you out.
This is why it is sooo much fun to have these babies and work with them early

Janne drinking extra coffee this am to gear up for chores.

web sites

2004-01-16 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There's a start.

Janne in warm Nd, only 6 below today.

Filly for sale

2004-01-14 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After all this selling fjords for my friend I am finding myself with our
weanling filly for sale after all.  She was spoken for by my childhood friend
form Norway, as he lives in TX now and his 12 year old daughter was getting
her first fjord from us.  However, it will not work out this year, - they will
wait till next fall.  So, MF Minne Stjerna is for sale.  She is out of Ingrid
I and by FSF Tor.  She is a very well put together filly with a doll head and
great movement.  Right now she is looking like she'll be tall, but time will
tell.  Anyone who contacted me before and I said we were plum "out of fjords
for sale", get in touch and we will send photo etc.

Thank you



2004-01-14 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Settle down now folks, you are all making me laugh to hard!!  To funny!!

Janne in cold and windy ND

SS thank you

2004-01-02 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A great big thank you once again tyo Cynthia for arranging the Secret Santa
fest!  Just fun to have a surprise gift under the tree.  There is a kid in all
of us I guess.

Also wanted to let everyone know that most of the fjords for sale by my friend
has sold, - actually a pair of geldings went to a guy who is a cowboy poet and
writer in the upper Midwest, - he had seen fjords pull the chuck wagon at a
cattle drive in MT a while back, ( anyone know who)  and was totally
impressed.  He is also a well known QH trainer, so this could be great promo
in the upper Midwest for our fjords.  If anyone gets the Farm and Ranch guide,
he writes in that as well as several other western publications, his name is
Rodney Nelson.

full blizzard here tonight, cannot even see the barn from here.  Tucking in at
home.   All Qh or other boarders are in the barn, adult fjords happy as can be
outside, with shelter of course.  Boy, those tough norskies!!  :>

Janne in ND


2004-01-01 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!!

Janne in ND

Thank you Secret Santa!!

2003-12-26 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from ND where we have been selling fjords like hot cakes over the

Well, not any of mine, just my friends fjords, and to great homes at that!!
Yeah.  One in particular was great as a 12 year old 4H girl from MN got her
"long dreamed about" fjord, and she is fjord crazy after seeing them at the
Minn. horse expo.  Her mom just called me and said she is now living in the
barn and is already planning on showing her fjord Henrik in halter and lunge
line etc this spring!  Still a couple left for sale, actually the best
yearling gelding is still here!!  Hint hint!!

Anyway, ...

print is on my wall in my office and the keychain in the pick up, love it!!!
By the way the print is a water color of a fjord sitting on his butt, to funny
as I have a mare that does this!!

Godt Nytt aar alle sammen!!



2003-12-20 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A very Merry Christmas and Blessed new year from Myrdal Fjords in ND.

Subject: Lefse

   A guy goes into a store and tells the clerk, "I'd like some lefse."
 The clerk looks at him and says, "Are you Norwegian?"

 The guy, clearly offended, says, "Well, yes  I am.

  But let me ask you something." If I had asked for Italian
sausage would you ask me if I was Italian? Or if I had asked for
Germanbratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked for a
kosher  hot dogwould you ask me if I was Jewish? Or if I had asked for a
taco would you ask if I was Mexican? Or if I asked for French bread would
you ask if I was French?> Or
 if I asked for a Danish would you ask if I was Danish? Would ya huh? Would
 The clerk says, "Well, no."

 With deep self-righteous indignation, the guy says, "Well, all
right then, why did you ask me if I'm Norwegian just because I ask for
 The clerk replies, "Because this is Home Depot."

Bargain fjords again

2003-12-13 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is an interesting debate, and I wanted to add a couple of comments

I have also seen friends buy thos "bargain" horses, one instant was a friend
who was totally new to equines, she first bought an old hag of bones way
overpriced, and she died on her.  Then she hit the web and bought 2 so called
broke Rockie mountain gaited horses, again against my advice, and for a ok
price, but now has way more than 10.000 into them and a few falls, and a
scared daughter.  G.  I had told her to spend  her $ on local older QH on
sale for half that  price, but oh no.

There are bargain horses out there, but one has to consider where and who one
buys from!  I have had calls all week on my friends horses, and am trying to
answer emails today.  They are a bargain, they are well handled, they are
healthy and up to date and they come from an honest guy.  They are all young,
so you have to consider the $ amount of training and raising, but then you pay
this for a well trained horse included in the higher price.  The friend I am
selling for wnats me to do it, as he simply is saddened by selling some and
would prefer I do it.  .  WE all know that a well trained horse is totally
worth its' value, just like Carol said, BUT they are becoming few and far
between to find, and I am hoping people will start to have the will and
patience it takes to raise a foal from the get go.  The rewards are
wonderful!!  Some people cannot do this, but most can but are not willing to
try.  Those of you who have said you cannot afford the finished off fjord, you
may have to look into a weanling or yearling that comes from a good reputation
breeder.   It may be totally worth it.

There are no instant "cadillac" horses, nor fjords.  I have an older gelding
for sale, and so far I have told several people no, as they are looking for a
pure bombproof babysitter.  I won't let anyone put me in that corner.  He is a
great draft horse, can pull anything and loves to work, but can he take the
whole grandchildren crowd to town by himself?  No!

Janne in warmer ND

Cheap fjords etc.

2003-12-10 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I should probably have posted some of the info in my last note about bargain

My friend has two weanling colts, and two yearlings for sale.  Weanlings are a
steal, I mean a steal!!, - yearlings priced very well.  A couple of you
mentioned looking for only "affordable" fjords.  Contact me for these, I am
dead serious, they are nice and ready to raise to be the fjord you want.

Now, I am shooting myself in the foot as I have some for sale as well, but
more costly!  And those breeders out there who have nice fjords for higher
prices, shoot me as well, but you'll have to come to ND first, :>

Once in a while you CAN get a deal!!  Seriously!

Janne in ND


2003-12-10 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol, you are right on.  I have read this before and have tried to live by it
as well. There are manay times when Mark and I will say, "boy, was that ever
the best thing we ever bought", and it is always about a quality item of any
sort. And we never even think back on the $ amount.  However, s many times
it is, "what junk", when you think you got a real deal.

BUT, there are rare occasions when you can get a deal, ever so rare.  Two
years ago, I had looked at a 2 year old QH filly I had seen literally in a
pasture off a highway, but she was way out of reach for me to buy at the time.
I was saddened, but moved on.  (my hubby was relieved, ha)  Then this last
fall, I happened to come by an add on the web, and it seemed to me to be the
same horse, - sure enough it was, and I went to check on her again, this time
the owner was moving out of state the next week, and wanted to sell her to a
good home, for 1/4 of the former price.  Well, she was now trained to ride and
healthy, and yes, she is now out in my barn.  Rare, but a deal!

I have recently adv. some fjords on here for a dear friend, couple of them are
also a deal as far as $$ goes, as they are well started and very nice young
geldings, some are relatively good deals, but young as well.  There is def. a
buyers market out there, at least in the Central part of the US.  What I have
found is that people get very leary because they are priced low, which I can
understand, - we are NOT trying to lower the market, it is just that this
friend needs to move these fjords, and does not need to make a living on the
$$$.  ( that would be nice!)  I am not making a dime on any of this, just
hoping to find some good using fjord homes for several nice fjords.  Actually,
I have tried to talk him UP in price, - that feels weird in the horse world!

Anyway, just wanted to clearify where we are coming from up here in ND.


Winter temps in Norway

2003-12-08 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, here's a norskie with some info on temps in winter wonderland, Norge.

It all depends where you live, but most of the fjord population lives on or
near the West coast, with exceptions of course.  Norway is actually not as
cold as you think, unless you live in Finnmark, the northern islands or way
inland on the mountain plateau's (sp?)  On the west coast it is very humid,
and it can be quite windy, but the temps do rarely hit the 20 below and lower
we see here in the Dakotas or west.  The Gulf stream keeps us warm.  Fjords do
well in cold climates anywhere, I think, as mine endure down to 40 below if
needed, tho have shelter form the wind.  So, to say they are climatized to
cold weather from of old would seem a fair statement.

I always tell anyone that in Norway only reindeer live where it is as cold as
it gets in ND in the winter, people are to smart to live there.  Does not go
over well sometimes, haha.  Neither does my statement that the highest point
in ND is a haybale.  The only hills come from going DOWN, like in the
badlands.  :>

Must be love that brought me here!

Janne in 10 below ND

Cleaning stalls

2003-12-06 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Me as well, Catherine.  Stall cleaning time is honestly my time out, form lets
see, hmmm - diapers, food mess, noise, etc etc, which are all worth it as
well, BUT a break to poop scoop in the barn works GREAT wonders for this old
mom!  Not a friend around here can relate, but oh well.



2003-12-06 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone on this list Bernese Mountian dogs breeders, owners or otherwise have
any knowledge of them, please email me.

Sorry, not fjord related

Janne Myrdal

No poopy stalls in ND

2003-12-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our fjords are outdoors 90 % of the winter, and if you ever watch the weather
channel, our little NE corner of ND, below Winnepeg Canada, is ALWAYS 10 - 20
degrees colder than even the rest of the state!  There is always that darn
little blue dip on the map.  Fjords  have a lean-to and warm water and lots of
hay.  If we get a severe blizzard, I may put a couple of the young ones
inside.  My QH's on the other hand, ouch, have to come in if the wind hauls,
and is blanketed if it hits below 0.  So, QH poop, yes, good exercise for this
mom,- but fjord poop, no way!!

Go fjords!

Janne Myrdal

Norwegian stallions

2003-12-05 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks, Peggy, for bringing this sight to this list's attention.  I check the
sight off and on.

One thing to throw out as an observation or maybe for discussion is the
stallions that do not qualify.  I have noticed just about the same fault on
all of them, at least as the photo allows, - seems to me their hind quarters
are the weak points, just drops off and does not have the substance it ought
to have.


Janne in NE ND, where we are praying for the return of Dru Sjodin!  Join

Ruthie in MT

2003-11-30 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Everyone!!! needs a swedish Vallhund??  Now now now, Ruthie, how are you going
to convince us Norskies that we need a  swedish dog around our farm.

Could not help myself, sorry, sorry. sorry!

Janne , obviously in a good mood in ND, tho the wind is a-howling!

Fjord geldings for sale

2003-11-28 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Happy thanksgiving weekend to all.

Just a quick not to let people know about an incredible steal deal on a pair
of fjord geldings.  3 and 4 year old full brothers, light brown duns, out of
Liv by Advent Hill Oliver.  About 14 hh, Really well matched team if one
wishes for a team, - I cannot tell one from the other :>.

They have been started well, both in harness and under saddle.  You can take
them out together or alone under saddle, doing really well.  And they both are
pulling tires etc on the ground.  HAve not been hitched up together yet but
will be soon.  The owner is Dale Hinkle of ND, - he needs to sell, so looking
for a good home for these geldings.  VERY reasonable price  Actually, I
have tried to talk him up in price, but no go.  He just needs for them to go
to a good using home.  Here is a real chance to get a great pair for the price
of one.  They are totally sound, no problems, just a rare deal for the right
person.  Please pass this on.  I do not make anything on selling these guys,
just helping out a friend.

Contact me for info etc.


Janne Myrdal
701 993 8243

Fjords for sale plus hauling to TX

2003-11-11 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from ND.

I am hauling a fjord to TX later this month.  Have room for more either way
down the corridor from NE N. Dakota to East TX or back.  Reasonable rates.

Also offering for sale older well broke to drive and do farm work type
gelding.  Drafty and strong.   $4000, email for more info.  He loves to work
and needs a home that will use him more than we can.  May even consider trade
for young filly. email for info.

Weanling colt by FSF Tor out of MF Stapastein Kaja.  Great pride in his move,
yet super gentle and easy going.  $1800

These are owned by a friend who needs to cut back:

Yearling filly, by FSF Tor out of Liv, super nice filly , offered at a great
price, $1800.  Price will go up come spring.  She is leggy, tall, great
expression and that beautiful head.  Absolutely show quality filly.  I may buy
her myself.

Lars and Bjorn.  Full brother matching team of geldings, 3 and 4 years old.
By Advent Hill Oliver, and out of Liv.  Are now in training together and are
doing super good.  I cannot tell who is who of these two boys, they are so
well mathced.  About 14.1hh  Can be reg,tho are currently not.  email for
price and more info.

Two weanling colts, both by FSF Tor and one out of Sne the other out of Liv.
Reasonable price.

Janne Myrdal


2003-11-08 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gratulerer saa meget.  Kjempe artig jobb det kan bli.  Kanskje treffes vi der
en dag.

Lykke til!!

Hilsen fra Nord Dakota hvor det er bare - 18 grader Celsius idag.  Huttetu!!

Janne Myrdal


2003-10-24 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes! Love it when the Herald comes.

I had to comment on a couple of articles that I have read so far.  Misha
Nogha, great article!!  Do not know if you are on here, but if you are, here's
hopes and prayers for full recovery and health.  Apart from the health issue,
I can relate with being overwhlmed and your article gives one the bump to re
organize activities and all else, including priorities with the equines around
her.  Thanks.

Bonnie and Bergen, delightful trip with you and pattie to Blue Earth.  Keep up
the writing!!

Pattie, very good article on that thing call leading!!Fjords sure are a bit
different that way, as all us norskies are.  You kinda have to convince us it
is a good thing to follow, and then we'll do it real good.  Thanks!!

Now on to reading the other articles.

Janne in still warm ND

JR pups

2003-10-24 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Have a delightful tri colored male JR for sale.  He is 8 weeks old, elig. for
reg with the JRTCA.  He will be in Anoka, MN as of this weekend.  $300 to a
good home.

To relate this to fjords, my JR and fjords get along great!!


Janne in ND


2003-10-10 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes she did, sorry Peg.

Just to remind people we have several young fjords for sale by FSF Tor who is
out of Una!!!  :>

Janne Myrdal in total indian summer ND

Fjords for sale

2003-10-01 Thread Janne
This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HAve several fjords to list, a couple of mine, and several others.

Weanling colt, MF Tvistein - pending, out of Kaja (MF-N-1709-M ) and by FSF
Tor (FSF-L-1079-S).  This guy is really nice, super disposition great
confirmation, medium built, will mature to about 14.2 I would think.  Halter
broke and up to date on all shots etc.  $1800

Older drafty gelding, 13.3hh, rides and drives, excellent with any type of
farm work, sleds etc. $4200

These following are for sale by a friend, but contact me for info:

Full brother team of geldings 3 and 4years old, out of Sne by Advent Hill
Oliver.  Medium type, about 13.3 - 14hh.  In training to drive as we speak,
really well matched team.  (Does not have to sell together.) Must sell.  $3800
for the pair which is a steal!!

Yearling gelding, out of Sne by FSF Tor, medium type, nice little guy, will
mature to 14hh max.  $1400

Yearling filly, super nice filly, I'd buy her myself if I had room.  Will be
around 14.1hh I would guess, maybe taller, really excellent mover and looker.
She is out of Liv, by FSF Tor, excellent for riding and or driving, plus great
for any breeding.  A super super deal at $1800.

Also full brother weanlings to the above yearlings, weaned and ready to go.
Here's a chance to start a full brother team early for a great price.  This
family has to sell due to personal reasons.  Weanlings are priced low!!  Not
because of quality but pressure to sell.

The above mentioned geldings are not reg, but all can be.  Mine are all reg.

I will take photos of these this week so email for photos.

All above mentioned can be delivered in upper Midwest for a fee. ( ND, SD, MN,
WI, MT.)

Janne Myrdal
Myrdal Fjords

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