Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

Lyle Johnson wrote:

...Even with traditional radios these days, the PC is an integral 
part of

operating.  Not critical as it is with a SDR, but still a very important

With the SDR-1000, the PC is part of the *radio* and not just a 
station convenience accessory, and one must take that into account 
when measuring the impact on computer resources (ports, CPU, memory, 
display real estate, ...).  I can operate with no computer in the 
shack with my traditional radio.  I can't operate my SDR-1000 without 
a PC, because most of the radio *is* the PC (which is different than 
saying that the radio consumes most of the PC)!

I think this is the fundamental discussion.

Is the PC the "radio" (and, implicitly, consumed by that function) or is 
it a PC controling a peripheral that happens, in this instance, to *be* 
a radio among the other tasks I'm asking of it.

I've always thought of it as the latter.  If you think of it that way, 
you're much, much less interested in a dedicated machine.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

ab7r wrote:

I just had a good idea I think.  May be the last one of the year 
Ready "E"?
For use with contesting and logging programs to ease up on the screen about making the panadapter (or whatever mode chosen) 
detachable from the rest of the console.  When in Search and pounce, I 
mainly used that for tuning and go back and forth between that and the 
logger.  So make your settings and detach the display and minimize the 
rest of the console.  Maybe the same for the meters too.  This would 
be great! IMHO.


That would be another good way to manage this stuff.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

ab7r wrote:

This is not true for all modes and systems.  For CW, it seems 512 across the
board works best for me.  That is why I recommended savable user profiles.
This was just before the TX profiles became available on the transmit tab.
But an even better solution would be to have selectable buttons along the
top menu bar.  These can be named according to user preference and should
save ALL parameters of the radio, not just tx.  So if I want to work CW, I
can click on the CW profile and make whatever changes I want and apply them.
There could also be an option button to apply them based upon mode button

Just a thought, but seems to make sense to me.



I've thought of this one, too.  I think it is a great idea.  That way, 
not only can you have your own "thing" you could have multiple 
personalities that you could load for your different operating modes.

I'd have one "profile" for CW DXing with the amplifer, without the 
amplifier, and for RTTY.

Larry   WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

ab7r wrote:

Personally I like, and am considering the idea of having a dedicated PC for
the SDR.  But then how do you get it to talk to the other computer for
telnet clusters...logging programs...etc.  Using the
network card?  Would need setup tab for that on the console?



Exactly.  There's a lot of minuses and negatives that take place every 
time you introduce a new computer into your configuration.

Try it if you like -- that's what the SDR is all about.

But, I've set up some pretty complex TCP networks in my time and the one 
thing I've learned is -- have a really good reason before introducing 
networking or added networking into a problem.

I am not eager at all for a separate, dedicated computer.  We had one 
standalone computer in Belize to do the multi-two networking.  That was 
a grand total of three and I wouldn't have wanted any more than that, 
even were there space, which there was not.

Larry   WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

Jiri Sanda wrote:

I will come with my 2c.

I am seriously interested in contest operation mostly.

I do not see how to operate the radio-SDR and contesting in same computer. 

Well, we did it in Belize and it worked just fine.  In fact, I would 
argue better since there was only one keyboard to worry about.

You want to tune the radio write calls, key etc. and believe me there is 
no time to take care about switching active windows !

Which is why the PowerSDR console needs to be in the tray.  If the CAT 
command set is up to snuff, why do we need the console showing at all? 
The panadapter is very handy for getting mults, but when running, it 
isn't all that important.  

If I was doing a RTTY contest (which I haven't) it would be interesting 
to see if (say) the MixW waterfall was sufficient.  If it was, would 
mean the SDR console sits in the tray pretty much the whole RTTY 
contest, at least, since the Panadapter function would be duplicated.

As I do believe the V31 operation of some gyus did show this nicely.

So as for today situation i.e. tunig is done by USB device (again I can 
hardly imagine to use mouse only it is for playing around - serious 
operation is not possible that way) emulating keyboard - so to tune you 
MUST have SDR win active, to operate you MUST have logger window active.

So forget one computer - you need to have TWO.

We did not have the USB tuning devices deployed.  Turns out, simply 
clicking on the panadapter was all the tuning we required.

(Clearly, my "minimize to the tray" mode is for running only).

Having lived without it in a shack with limited space, I don't think I'd 
want to contest with the USB stuff.  Less stuff is less complexity.  We 
had too many wires as it was.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

Lyle Johnson wrote:

Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
SDR console.  We already aren't.

Why not?

Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a 
traditional radio with a front panel, knobs and controls.  It has a PC 
interface, and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.

Life is good.

You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.

But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old 
radio's front panel and not use the PC display?  Make the radio 
display all the PC screen information?  It wouldn't fit!  Even if the 
radio is an FTdx9000 or IC-7800.

The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the 
SDR-1000 is *part* the radio.  Many people think of the SDR-1000 as 
being the radio; it's not.  It's only half of the radio.

To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.

Sorry, my shack does not have the room for that luxury.

Besides, some of us multi-task a bit.

I suspect the dominant style is *not* to have a dedicated PC for any 
number of reasons.  This is so even given the PowerSDR console is a 
dominant app when it runs.

I don't think of the SDR as being the radio -- I'm really committed to 
the visual paradigm, so I think of the console as the radio almost all 
the time.  I mean, the rig is just this black box, right?

But, I also think of the SDR as one of many *peripheral devices*, sort 
of like a fancy printer, perhaps, when I'm using it.  The rest of the 
computer stuff is available and, in fact, used.  Just like any other 
important computer application.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Larry Loen

Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:

This is essentially equivalent to just minimizing the current console.
The only difference would be that the program would be in the tray
rather than the program list. 

Of course, but that's a substantial difference.  The whole point of 
putting in the tray would be that to unminimize is a very overt act. 
When a program of our sort uses the tray, it is not to "never" maximize 
as some of them do.  Rather, it's to make maximizing an overt act as 
opposed to a simple mis-click.

When you've got helzapoppin' during a contest, this is more helpful than 
it may look.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Lyle Johnson

...Even with traditional radios these days, the PC is an integral part of
operating.  Not critical as it is with a SDR, but still a very important

With the SDR-1000, the PC is part of the *radio* and not just a station 
convenience accessory, and one must take that into account when 
measuring the impact on computer resources (ports, CPU, memory, display 
real estate, ...).  I can operate with no computer in the shack with my 
traditional radio.  I can't operate my SDR-1000 without a PC, because 
most of the radio *is* the PC (which is different than saying that the 
radio consumes most of the PC)!

...I have to disagree with your statement "Most folks don't, and leverage
an existing PC into being the radio as well as the PC. Or buy a new PC
for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into being their "shack" computer as

I contend most do.

You are saying that most do use a separate PC for their SDR-1000?  You 
may be correct.

My discussion was aimed at the use of *one* computer for the SDR-1000 
*and* the other station functions, having only *one* physical display 
while simultaneously running and *viewing* several applications along 
with the SDR-1000.  Not saying this shouldn't be done, or even that it 
is a bad idea, simply that using one display often times won't cut it if 
you want the console, digital operating software, logging, DX spotting, 
web browser and email programs all active *and displaying* at the same time!

In this scenario, you *need* more display real estate. You can get it 
with a dedicated PC for the radio, or you can get it with a dual video 
display system system on a single PC if the PC has enough computational 
power and effective I/O bandwidth, or you may be able to get it by using 
minimalist display windows for all the apps if they support such 
minimalist windows and they all fit simultaneously on your chosen display.

...And to be just as fair, why *should* I have to use a
dedicated machine.  I am only maxing out 15% CPU utilization with the
one I have now.  What a waste of a lot of good  and resources.

We are in violent agreement!  I didn't mean to imply you *should* have a 
dedicated PC, only that with the SDR-1000, the PC is not as available as 
it was with a traditional radio.  The SDR-1000 consumes some fraction of 
the CPU (15%, 50%, whatever) *and* about 1/2 million pixels of the 
display, whatever percentage that is.

If you have a single 1024x768 pixel display on your dual-core, 3+ GHz 
box, you still might feel cramped operating the SDR-1000 along with 
other apps simultaneously.

Or, if the logging/DX/whatever application talks to the SDR-1000 without 
the SDR-1000 console being displayed, then the SDR-1000 will occupy zero 
pixels and it is just like using a traditional radio under computer 
control.  You only consume CPU cycles for the radio, not screen real-estate.

There are several solutions to the problem :-)

...I certainly hope we don't start taking steps backwards.

Me too!


Lyle KK7P

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Tim Ellison
Playing Devil's advocate cuts both ways.  A counter-point is needed.

First off, I'd never think about running Windoze on my Yawoocom. :-)

Even with traditional radios these days, the PC is an integral part of
operating.  Not critical as it is with a SDR, but still a very important

I have to disagree with your statement "Most folks don't, and leverage
an existing PC into being the radio as well as the PC. Or buy a new PC
for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into being their "shack" computer as

I contend most do.  Those who can, will buy a new machine that should be
able do it all.  Those who can't, will make do with what they have and
not want to for go exciting things like digital modes, contest software
and Internet access at the expense of just having a radio.

As a new SDR user, I bought a new PC specifically with the SDR in mind,
but in this world of multitasking multicore multiprocessors it would
never occur to me to use a PC for a single function unless it was a
mission critical business app, such as e-mail or a database server.
With processor power going up and prices staying about the same or even
going down, you can get yourself a very powerful machine for about a
grand and a half.  And to be just as fair, why *should* I have to use a
dedicated machine.  I am only maxing out 15% CPU utilization with the
one I have now.  What a waste of a lot of good  and resources.

I specifically want to run multiple apps on the same machine as the
SDR1K.  We do that today for those who are using digital modes.  I
couldn't "live" without having a logger and an Internet based call
lookup running at the same time along with e-mail so I can get the very
latest scoop from the Flex-Radio reflector.  Call me selfish, but after
graduating from DOS 14 years ago, I really don't have any great desire
to go back to a single tasking way of life.

Yes, something does have to give as you say.  That would have to be the
single tasking, monolithic computing paradigm that you are wanting us to
revert back to by throwing dedicated hardware at the SDR challenge.
Sorry can't do that here.

The SDR desktop will be a point of contention for a long time to come.
And that is a good thing.  Obviously it will get better.  Much better.
There are a lot of different ways to optimize the GUI.  Using tabs and
layered screens is just one way to increase real estate without
resorting to increasing the footprint.  This is an area where
development should not be stymied just because it is easier to buy more
monitors.  At some point you are going to run out of desktop real estate
to put all those monitors.

I would hope that just because it is easy to "fix" a problem by throwing
more hardware at it, that doesn't become the way out. If so, innovation
dies.  And as far as I can tell, that is not what the developers here
have been doing.  If the DSP and FFT code runs slow, they find better
libraries, use advanced features of the processor and optimize routines,
not tell you to by more machine.

I certainly hope we don't start taking steps backwards.

I am looking forward to the new PowerSDR architecture and the
possibilities it brings.  That is the reason I and many others invested
in this technology


Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( )

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lyle Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

> Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to
> SDR console.  We already aren't.

Why not?

Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a traditional

radio with a front panel, knobs and controls.  It has a PC interface, 
and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.

Life is good.

You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.

But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old radio's

front panel and not use the PC display?  Make the radio display all the 
PC screen information?  It wouldn't fit!  Even if the radio is an 
FTdx9000 or IC-7800.

The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the 
SDR-1000 is *part* the radio.  Many people think of the SDR-1000 as 
being the radio; it's not.  It's only half of the radio.

To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.

Most folks don't, and leverage an existing PC into being the radio as 
well as the PC. Or buy a new PC for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into 
being their "shack" computer as well.

Something has to give.

Modifying the SDR-1000 occupied screen real estate is a possible 
solution, but I bet there are as many opinions as to what should be kept

and what shouldn't, as there are SDR-1000 owners.

However, many PCs have video cards with two display connectors, or can 
accept such a video card.  You can eas

Re: [Flexradio] SSB vs CW transmit paths

2005-12-06 Thread Bill Tracey
Another alternative may be to change the code to modulate to the IF of 
interest when there is a non zero DttSP TX osc set and strongly suggest to 
folks running in such configurations that they use a keyer to generate 
sidetone, or get Tony to incorporate sidetone generation  into the xmit 
board he's looking into for the SoftRock.  Would have no effect on SDR 1000 
folks since it runs with  TX osc  set to 0 for CW.

Actually thinking about this some more, I think the side tone generation is 
only useful when one has an audio card with 2 outputs like a Delta 44.   If 
you've only got one output on the card then it has to be modulated to the 
IF.  Telling folks to use a keyer that can generate sidetone  in this 
configuration is looking better and better to me.

I'll probably play around with this approach to start and then perhaps look 
into passing back to modulated and sidetone buffers.

Also have to think a bit about transmit IQ correction.  Think it is more 
likely to be needed in an SR style transmitter in that it's quadrature 
generation may not be as close to perfect as that provided by the 
quadrature DDS in the SDR 1000.



At 12:03 PM 12/6/2005, Robert McGwier wrote:
Yuk.  This is painful. The only ways I see to do this are to have 
CWToneGen modified to CWToneGen4Port and to give it two frequencies.  It 
generates a two IQ sample sample time ring buffer. One contains the side 
tone,a nd the other contains the sidetone modulated to the IF frequency of 
interest.  This tone exchange way of doing this which does not run through 
the dttsp calls at all was necessitated

by the lack ofa jack like thing under Windows.


[Flexradio] Dang - Xylo!

2005-12-06 Thread ecellison



The reflector truncated the first list and refused to send
the second list “too many recipients”.


I have:


Phil Harman

Phil Covington

Bob McGweir

Richard Stasiak

Brian Fredrickson

Steve Nance

Christopher Day

Don ? – AE5K

Cecil Bayona


On the current list.


Who else?




[Flexradio] Xylo News -

2005-12-06 Thread ecellison



Have lost track of the Xylo group who have purchased or are
planning to purchase a Xylo for development.


Lots going on in the ‘background’, proposed
chips, proposed project boards to extend from the Xylo, Verilog code and many
other FPGA4 Fun things.


If you ARE NOT on the CC-List above and want to hear the


Please E-mail me at:




To get on the list, this IS fun!


I did hear that the source of boards is ‘out of stock’
till February!!! 



Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread ecellison


Already been suggested – Coming –
Yep. Internet connectivity is definitely a part of SDR, as is a lot of ham
radio these days! January 1’st is a NEW BUDGET YEAR!





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of ab7r
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005
7:52 PM
& Nancy
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise
Blanker and Console Size


I just had a good idea I think.  May
be the last one of the year though...hihi.


Ready "E"?


For use with contesting and logging
programs to ease up on the screen about making the panadapter
(or whatever mode chosen) detachable from the rest of the console.  When
in Search and pounce, I mainly used that for tuning and go back and forth
between that and the logger.  So make your settings and detach the display
and minimize the rest of the console.  Maybe the same for the meters
too.  This would be great! IMHO.





-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005
11:23 AM
To: 'Dave & Nancy Ridge';
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise
Blanker and Console Size

I can speak to the second question. 
The PowerSDR console was designed so that the whole console could be seen when
running in an 800x600 resolution.  This was mainly to help those with
vision impairments, but this was also the standard until only a year or two
ago.  Today, 1024x768 is more of the standard, and even that is becoming
small for many users today.  


We have tried playing with the console to
make it resizable, but initial testing proved that the built in .NET features for resizing a control were somewhat
lacking.  The work involved in getting a single control to look correct at
various resolution/size/DPI was astounding.  For this reason, we have left
the PowerSDR at the locked original size.


Clearly going forward, a larger display
(among other form related features) will be considered in future designs.



Eric Wachsmann

FlexRadio Systems



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Dave & Nancy Ridge
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005
12:49 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] New Noise
Blanker and Console Size


The present Noise Blanker works great. I had read many weeks
ago that Alex had a "killer" noise blanker in the "Rocky"
software. My question is, will it be added to the PowerSDR
software sometime in the future? Also, this may have been asked and
answered sometime in the past but, why is the PowerSDR console size not able to
be made full screen size?


Again thanks for a great radio. It "just keeps getting


Dave, W9DR, Punta
  Gorda, Florida

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread ab7r

I just 
had a good idea I think.  May be the last one of the year 
use with contesting and logging programs to ease up on the screen about making the panadapter (or whatever mode chosen) detachable 
from the rest of the console.  When in Search and pounce, I mainly used 
that for tuning and go back and forth between that and the logger.  So make 
your settings and detach the display and minimize the rest of the console.  
Maybe the same for the meters too.  This would be great! 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann - 
  FlexRadioSent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:23 AMTo: 
  'Dave & Nancy Ridge'; FlexRadio@flex-radio.bizSubject: Re: 
  [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size
  I can speak to the 
  second question.  The PowerSDR console was designed so that the whole console 
  could be seen when running in an 800x600 resolution.  This was mainly to help those with 
  vision impairments, but this was also the standard until only a year or two 
  ago.  Today, 1024x768 is more of 
  the standard, and even that is becoming small for many users today.  
  We have tried playing 
  with the console to make it resizable, but initial testing proved that the 
  built in .NET features for 
  resizing a control were somewhat lacking.  The work involved in getting a single 
  control to look correct at various resolution/size/DPI was astounding.  For this reason, we have left the 
  PowerSDR at the locked original 
  Clearly going 
  forward, a larger display (among other form related features) will be 
  considered in future designs.
  On Behalf Of Dave & Nancy 
  RidgeSent: Tuesday, December 
  06, 2005 12:49 PMTo: 
  FlexRadio@flex-radio.bizSubject: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker 
  and Console Size
  The present Noise Blanker works 
  great. I had read many weeks ago that Alex had a "killer" noise blanker in the 
  "Rocky" software. My question is, will it be added to the PowerSDR 
  software sometime in the future? Also, this may have been asked and 
  answered sometime in the past but, why is the PowerSDR console size not able 
  to be made full screen size?
  Again thanks for a great radio. It 
  "just keeps getting better!"
  Dave, W9DR, Punta Gorda, 

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread ab7r
This is not true for all modes and systems.  For CW, it seems 512 across the
board works best for me.  That is why I recommended savable user profiles.
This was just before the TX profiles became available on the transmit tab.
But an even better solution would be to have selectable buttons along the
top menu bar.  These can be named according to user preference and should
save ALL parameters of the radio, not just tx.  So if I want to work CW, I
can click on the CW profile and make whatever changes I want and apply them.
There could also be an option button to apply them based upon mode button

Just a thought, but seems to make sense to me.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann -
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 2:35 PM
To: 'Jeff Anderson';
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

It depends on the system, but a good set of general defaults are:

Audio: 2048
DSP: 1024
Delta 44 DMA: 512

These can be adjusted downward depending on system speed and
latency/filter requirements.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Jeff Anderson
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> Just in case things should ever get screwed up in the computer here -
> should be the default/recommended settings of the various buffers?
> Thanks!
> - Jeff, WA6AHL
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann -
> FlexRadio
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 2:14 PM
> To: 'Tim Ellison';
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> I have witnessed this myself, and yet could not reproduce it or tie it
> to any other single application.  If you find out what did it, please
> let us know.  Another key setting to check is the DMA Buffer Size on
> that same tab.  This was set to 2048 at the same time the output got
> changed in my experience.
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:57 PM
> > Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> >
> > And I again lay prostrate to the Master. :-)
> >
> > This explains several things I have observed recently.  I had
> originally
> > used the quick start guide for the initial setup.  I had not changed
> > anything in the D44 control panel, but lo and behold the settings
> > changed.  I'm not sure what application I ran that did it, but I now
> > know what to look for.
> >
> > Thanks Eric.
> >
> > -Tim
> > ---
> > Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> > Integrated Technical Services ( )
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:12 PM
> > To: Tim Ellison;
> > Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> >
> > Yes.  The larger values indicate that something is seriously wrong.
> It
> > sounds like the soundcard is setup for +4 dBU output (instead of
> > -10dBv).  Look at the Delta 44 Control Panel on the Hardware
> > Tab.  This needs to look just like the pictures shown in the Delta
> > Quick Start guide seen here:
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > >] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> > > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:00 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> > >
> > > First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
> > > routine.  It works fine.
> > >
> > > The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a
> range
> > > between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB
> > >
> > > When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much
> different
> > > numbers
> > >
> > > The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being
> > dB
> > >
> > > Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy
> between
> > > Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want
> > make
> > > sure I am not damaging the PA.
> > >
> > > -Tim
> > > ---
> > > Tim Ellison 
> > > Integrated Technical Services 
> > > Apex, NC USA
> > > 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> > > 919.215.6375 - cell
> > > >>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > FlexRadio mailing list
> > >
> > >

Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

2005-12-06 Thread ab7r
If you run Ham Radio Delux I believe it calculates the SWR and displays it
on the screen in the upper left corner.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of William Bordy
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:16 PM
To: 'Christoph - HB9AJP'; 'Wallace Watson';
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

Hi Chris,

Where are you measuring the SWR? If it is external to the SDR1000, I don't
believe you will see a change. The SWR should change at the 100W amp output.
The only way to check this is to read the FWD and REV power readings on the
PowerSDR console and do a SWR calculation. When the ATU is installed,
PowerSDR does not provide an SWR reading. It seems that it could do the
calculation, but a SWR output meter reading is not provided.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christoph - HB9AJP
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:26 PM
To: Wallace Watson;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

Hello Wally,
when hiting TUN the carrier gets on (10W), then comes the red led and after
1s the red goes off. After a fraction of a second the red geos on again
the relays start clicking. After abt 1s the green led starts to flicker.
the relays stop clicking and at the same time the red gets off and the green

stays on permanently. Then the carrier gets off and after a fraction of a
the green led gets off. During the whole time the VSWR stays unchanged (e.g.

1:3) and the power meter moves a little bit. So I guess the behaviour of the

tuning cycle seems to be ok but still it does not tune. (I also located and
checked the jp1 jumper pads: the resistance reads infinity). Any
73 Chris, HB9AJP

Wallace Watson schrieb:
> Greetings Christoph,
> I also experienced the problem you have described when I obtained my
> SDR-ATU and installed it in the SDR-1000 in May 2005.  My version of the
> ATU did not contain the red and green LED's which indicate the status of
> the ATU.   After several exchanges with Gerald Youngblood, he advised
> that several of the early ATU Z-100's obtained from LDG were assembled
> without the addition of these LED's.  This I corrected by obtaining the
> LED's from Gerald at Flex-Radio and installing them on my ATU unit.
> In order for the ATU to function correctly, you must be using PowerSDR
> verion 1.4.5 Beta 6 or later due to a software bug discovered in the
> earlier versions of software.  What indication on the  RED and GREEN
> LED's are you observing when you tune the SDR?
> The problem that I eventually discovered was a solder bridge short on
> the bottom of the 100W Amp board at the point of the ATU jumper pads.  I
> read a .2 ohm short with the jumper cut and should have read infinity on
> my digital ohmmeter.  I discussed this discovery with Gerald from
> Flex-Radio and we concluded that a short must exist, Gerald advised the
> procedure for removing the 100W amp from the SDR case and removal of the
> printed circuit board from the Amps heat-sink.  Upon performing this
> disassembly I found a blob of solder bridging the jumper pads on the
> bottom of the 100W Amp circuit board.  I removed the solder bridge and
> reassembled the AMP circuit board with the heat-sink and remounted the
> Amp in the SDR radio cabinet.  The ATU then performed flawlessly when
> tested subsequent to this troubleshooting and correction.
> I am presently on Holiday at my future retirement home in Florida until
> after Christmas, after which my spouse and I return to the U.K. and
> resume work.
> Advise if I can be of additional assistance in troubleshooting your ATU
> unit?
> 73's, Wally - M0ZAZ.
> At 09:12 PM 12/4/2005 +0100, you wrote:
>> My ATU is not working properly: I hear the relays but when finished,
>> there was
>> no tuning. Is there a way to test the ATU manually or is there a
>> toubleshooting
>> procedure? I am using the sdr-100O with 100W and ATU installed,
>> purchased in
>> September 05, Delta44, v1.4.5 Beta7. Actually it never worked until
>> now, was not
>> sure from the readings if I still should wait for updates(?).
>> Chris, HB9AJP
>> ___
>> FlexRadio mailing list
> _
>Wallace A. Watson  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> _

FlexRadio mailing list

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread ab7r
Personally I like, and am considering the idea of having a dedicated PC for
the SDR.  But then how do you get it to talk to the other computer for
telnet clusters...logging programs...etc.  Using the
network card?  Would need setup tab for that on the console?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Philip Covington
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:01 PM
To: Lyle Johnson
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

On 12/6/05, Lyle Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
> > SDR console.  We already aren't.
> Why not?
> Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a traditional
> radio with a front panel, knobs and controls.  It has a PC interface,
> and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.
> Life is good.
> You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.
> But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old radio's
> front panel and not use the PC display?  Make the radio display all the
> PC screen information?  It wouldn't fit!  Even if the radio is an
> FTdx9000 or IC-7800.
> The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the
> SDR-1000 is *part* the radio.  Many people think of the SDR-1000 as
> being the radio; it's not.  It's only half of the radio.
> To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.
> Most folks don't, and leverage an existing PC into being the radio as
> well as the PC. Or buy a new PC for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into
> being their "shack" computer as well.
> Something has to give.
> Modifying the SDR-1000 occupied screen real estate is a possible
> solution, but I bet there are as many opinions as to what should be kept
> and what shouldn't, as there are SDR-1000 owners.
> However, many PCs have video cards with two display connectors, or can
> accept such a video card.  You can easily and inexpensively double your
> effective screen pixel count.
> I put two screens on my desktop PC because I needed the pixels.  I had
> to replace the existing video card with a new one for $39 so it would
> accommodate two screens.  I added a pair of 1600x1200 LCD displays, only
> because I could not find 1920x1200 displays for less than several
> hundred dollars each.
> If you use a desktop PC, you can add a second, usable LCD display for
> under $200 these days.  If a laptop, most in the last few years have
> allowed the use of an external display that extends the desktop over
> both displays, so you can have the extra pixels work for you.  It's no
> longer either/or.
> My next desktop PC (I keep telling myself) will have two physical video
> cards that can each drive two physical monitors, and I'll end up with
> four active displays.
> And wish I had more...
> Enjoy!
> Lyle KK7P

My thoughts exactly, when reading this!  With people shelling out the
bux for a SDR-1000 w/ antenna tuner, 100 watt amp, transverters, $150
D44 sound card, 12 Volt power supply, etc... there should not be any
squealing about purchasing an extra LCD monitor and video card for
under $300.  Imagine the Panadapter display when you can take
advantage of ALL of a 1280x1024 (or larger) display...

Phil N8VB

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread ecellison

"Who ate my Cheese?"


It don't get better! (smile)... Or does it! Where's the manual? Errr... If
you need a manual gess you're not really into ham radio: You have become a
slave to the appliance you purchased. (and will purchase again and again,
when they add a knob!)


It is a pleasure to have you and so many others who want to "steal the

Eric2 errr where is my 7800? It don't change!
Live Large!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philip Covington
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 7:01 PM
To: Lyle Johnson
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

On 12/6/05, Lyle Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
> > SDR console.  We already aren't.
> Why not?
> Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a traditional
> radio with a front panel, knobs and controls.  It has a PC interface,
> and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.
> Life is good.
> You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.
> But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old radio's
> front panel and not use the PC display?  Make the radio display all the
> PC screen information?  It wouldn't fit!  Even if the radio is an
> FTdx9000 or IC-7800.
> The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the
> SDR-1000 is *part* the radio.  Many people think of the SDR-1000 as
> being the radio; it's not.  It's only half of the radio.
> To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.
> Most folks don't, and leverage an existing PC into being the radio as
> well as the PC. Or buy a new PC for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into
> being their "shack" computer as well.
> Something has to give.
> Modifying the SDR-1000 occupied screen real estate is a possible
> solution, but I bet there are as many opinions as to what should be kept
> and what shouldn't, as there are SDR-1000 owners.
> However, many PCs have video cards with two display connectors, or can
> accept such a video card.  You can easily and inexpensively double your
> effective screen pixel count.
> I put two screens on my desktop PC because I needed the pixels.  I had
> to replace the existing video card with a new one for $39 so it would
> accommodate two screens.  I added a pair of 1600x1200 LCD displays, only
> because I could not find 1920x1200 displays for less than several
> hundred dollars each.
> If you use a desktop PC, you can add a second, usable LCD display for
> under $200 these days.  If a laptop, most in the last few years have
> allowed the use of an external display that extends the desktop over
> both displays, so you can have the extra pixels work for you.  It's no
> longer either/or.
> My next desktop PC (I keep telling myself) will have two physical video
> cards that can each drive two physical monitors, and I'll end up with
> four active displays.
> And wish I had more...
> Enjoy!
> Lyle KK7P

My thoughts exactly, when reading this!  With people shelling out the
bux for a SDR-1000 w/ antenna tuner, 100 watt amp, transverters, $150
D44 sound card, 12 Volt power supply, etc... there should not be any
squealing about purchasing an extra LCD monitor and video card for
under $300.  Imagine the Panadapter display when you can take
advantage of ALL of a 1280x1024 (or larger) display...

Phil N8VB

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Jiri Sanda

I will come with my 2c.

I am seriously interested in contest operation mostly.

I do not see how to operate the radio-SDR and contesting in same computer. 
You want to tune the radio write calls, key etc. and believe me there is 
no time to take care about switching active windows !

As I do believe the V31 operation of some gyus did show this nicely.

So as for today situation i.e. tunig is done by USB device (again I can 
hardly imagine to use mouse only it is for playing around - serious 
operation is not possible that way) emulating keyboard - so to tune you 
MUST have SDR win active, to operate you MUST have logger window active.

So forget one computer - you need to have TWO.

OK - I can imagine some of you "smart" guys here will write dedicated 
driver for some of the "USB gadgets" or desing special one i.e. connect 
some optocoupler directly to a port and we might tune without SDR WIN active but until.

Two monitors or even three with MATROX G750 are no solution. It is not 
money it simply does not work out to be usable for contesting or 
DX-pedition work - of course for casual operation or DX work it is fine - one computer+2monitors will do nicely.

73 !


On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:

This is essentially equivalent to just minimizing the current console.
The only difference would be that the program would be in the tray
rather than the program list.  I'm confident that when we release the
new console, many, perhaps even most users will be happy with it.  Those
that are not happy will at that point have much better leverage to
create your own flavor of the console.  So if you are not the coding
type, make friends with a programming ham or two and start buttering
them up.  ;)

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:59 PM
To: Terry Gerdes
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

An alternate solution might be to "park" the console display into the



Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Philip Covington
On 12/6/05, Lyle Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
> > SDR console.  We already aren't.
> Why not?
> Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a traditional
> radio with a front panel, knobs and controls.  It has a PC interface,
> and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.
> Life is good.
> You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.
> But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old radio's
> front panel and not use the PC display?  Make the radio display all the
> PC screen information?  It wouldn't fit!  Even if the radio is an
> FTdx9000 or IC-7800.
> The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the
> SDR-1000 is *part* the radio.  Many people think of the SDR-1000 as
> being the radio; it's not.  It's only half of the radio.
> To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.
> Most folks don't, and leverage an existing PC into being the radio as
> well as the PC. Or buy a new PC for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into
> being their "shack" computer as well.
> Something has to give.
> Modifying the SDR-1000 occupied screen real estate is a possible
> solution, but I bet there are as many opinions as to what should be kept
> and what shouldn't, as there are SDR-1000 owners.
> However, many PCs have video cards with two display connectors, or can
> accept such a video card.  You can easily and inexpensively double your
> effective screen pixel count.
> I put two screens on my desktop PC because I needed the pixels.  I had
> to replace the existing video card with a new one for $39 so it would
> accommodate two screens.  I added a pair of 1600x1200 LCD displays, only
> because I could not find 1920x1200 displays for less than several
> hundred dollars each.
> If you use a desktop PC, you can add a second, usable LCD display for
> under $200 these days.  If a laptop, most in the last few years have
> allowed the use of an external display that extends the desktop over
> both displays, so you can have the extra pixels work for you.  It's no
> longer either/or.
> My next desktop PC (I keep telling myself) will have two physical video
> cards that can each drive two physical monitors, and I'll end up with
> four active displays.
> And wish I had more...
> Enjoy!
> Lyle KK7P

My thoughts exactly, when reading this!  With people shelling out the
bux for a SDR-1000 w/ antenna tuner, 100 watt amp, transverters, $150
D44 sound card, 12 Volt power supply, etc... there should not be any
squealing about purchasing an extra LCD monitor and video card for
under $300.  Imagine the Panadapter display when you can take
advantage of ALL of a 1280x1024 (or larger) display...

Phil N8VB

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Lyle Johnson

Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
SDR console.  We already aren't.

Why not?

Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a traditional 
radio with a front panel, knobs and controls.  It has a PC interface, 
and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.

Life is good.

You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.

But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old radio's 
front panel and not use the PC display?  Make the radio display all the 
PC screen information?  It wouldn't fit!  Even if the radio is an 
FTdx9000 or IC-7800.

The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the 
SDR-1000 is *part* the radio.  Many people think of the SDR-1000 as 
being the radio; it's not.  It's only half of the radio.

To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.

Most folks don't, and leverage an existing PC into being the radio as 
well as the PC. Or buy a new PC for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into 
being their "shack" computer as well.

Something has to give.

Modifying the SDR-1000 occupied screen real estate is a possible 
solution, but I bet there are as many opinions as to what should be kept 
and what shouldn't, as there are SDR-1000 owners.

However, many PCs have video cards with two display connectors, or can 
accept such a video card.  You can easily and inexpensively double your 
effective screen pixel count.

I put two screens on my desktop PC because I needed the pixels.  I had 
to replace the existing video card with a new one for $39 so it would 
accommodate two screens.  I added a pair of 1600x1200 LCD displays, only 
because I could not find 1920x1200 displays for less than several 
hundred dollars each.

If you use a desktop PC, you can add a second, usable LCD display for 
under $200 these days.  If a laptop, most in the last few years have 
allowed the use of an external display that extends the desktop over 
both displays, so you can have the extra pixels work for you.  It's no 
longer either/or.

My next desktop PC (I keep telling myself) will have two physical video 
cards that can each drive two physical monitors, and I'll end up with 
four active displays.

And wish I had more...


Lyle KK7P

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
This is essentially equivalent to just minimizing the current console.
The only difference would be that the program would be in the tray
rather than the program list.  I'm confident that when we release the
new console, many, perhaps even most users will be happy with it.  Those
that are not happy will at that point have much better leverage to
create your own flavor of the console.  So if you are not the coding
type, make friends with a programming ham or two and start buttering
them up.  ;)

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:59 PM
> To: Terry Gerdes
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size
> An alternate solution might be to "park" the console display into the
> --snip--
> Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread William Bordy
I run 2 displays on my system. Each uses 1600 x 1200 resolution. This is
required since I also run the DXLabs suite concurrently. I have enough room
for all the windows I run. I realized that fitting everything on one display
would be nice, but if you want to see more data without switching windows,
then you need more space.

The two displays are also handy for a variety of other common computing
tasks. Once you go to two displays, you will be reluctant to go back to one.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

> I can speak to the second question.  The PowerSDR console was designed
> so that the whole console could be seen when running in an 800x600
> resolution.  This was mainly to help those with vision impairments, but
> this was also the standard until only a year or two ago.  Today,
> 1024x768 is more of the standard, and even that is becoming small for
> many users today.

Unless you can come up with a variant for parking the display into the
system tray that really works for contesting, MixW et. al., this is not
really going to be a good solution for many of us.

I already have three basic displays that I use for my 80m DX quest.

I have the Power SDR console.

I have the regular MixW display for logging, primarily.

I have the MixW DX cluster display up.

That's minimum.  I also often have a browser running so I can do immediate
QSL lookups of interesting calls.

I'm running 1280 x 1024 and I find today's setup marginal.  For ordinary
DXing, never mind contesting.

Moreover, I suspect that as our direction seems to be [i]toward[/i] third
party code for a variety of functions, that there is nothing atypical
about what I'm doing today that everyone won't be doing tomorrow.

Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
SDR console.  We already aren't.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

2005-12-06 Thread William Bordy
Hi Chris,

Where are you measuring the SWR? If it is external to the SDR1000, I don't
believe you will see a change. The SWR should change at the 100W amp output.
The only way to check this is to read the FWD and REV power readings on the
PowerSDR console and do a SWR calculation. When the ATU is installed,
PowerSDR does not provide an SWR reading. It seems that it could do the
calculation, but a SWR output meter reading is not provided.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christoph - HB9AJP
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:26 PM
To: Wallace Watson;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

Hello Wally,
when hiting TUN the carrier gets on (10W), then comes the red led and after
1s the red goes off. After a fraction of a second the red geos on again
the relays start clicking. After abt 1s the green led starts to flicker.
the relays stop clicking and at the same time the red gets off and the green

stays on permanently. Then the carrier gets off and after a fraction of a
the green led gets off. During the whole time the VSWR stays unchanged (e.g.

1:3) and the power meter moves a little bit. So I guess the behaviour of the

tuning cycle seems to be ok but still it does not tune. (I also located and 
checked the jp1 jumper pads: the resistance reads infinity). Any
73 Chris, HB9AJP

Wallace Watson schrieb:
> Greetings Christoph,
> I also experienced the problem you have described when I obtained my 
> SDR-ATU and installed it in the SDR-1000 in May 2005.  My version of the 
> ATU did not contain the red and green LED's which indicate the status of 
> the ATU.   After several exchanges with Gerald Youngblood, he advised 
> that several of the early ATU Z-100's obtained from LDG were assembled 
> without the addition of these LED's.  This I corrected by obtaining the 
> LED's from Gerald at Flex-Radio and installing them on my ATU unit.
> In order for the ATU to function correctly, you must be using PowerSDR 
> verion 1.4.5 Beta 6 or later due to a software bug discovered in the 
> earlier versions of software.  What indication on the  RED and GREEN 
> LED's are you observing when you tune the SDR?
> The problem that I eventually discovered was a solder bridge short on 
> the bottom of the 100W Amp board at the point of the ATU jumper pads.  I 
> read a .2 ohm short with the jumper cut and should have read infinity on 
> my digital ohmmeter.  I discussed this discovery with Gerald from 
> Flex-Radio and we concluded that a short must exist, Gerald advised the 
> procedure for removing the 100W amp from the SDR case and removal of the 
> printed circuit board from the Amps heat-sink.  Upon performing this 
> disassembly I found a blob of solder bridging the jumper pads on the 
> bottom of the 100W Amp circuit board.  I removed the solder bridge and 
> reassembled the AMP circuit board with the heat-sink and remounted the 
> Amp in the SDR radio cabinet.  The ATU then performed flawlessly when 
> tested subsequent to this troubleshooting and correction.
> I am presently on Holiday at my future retirement home in Florida until 
> after Christmas, after which my spouse and I return to the U.K. and 
> resume work.
> Advise if I can be of additional assistance in troubleshooting your ATU 
> unit?
> 73's, Wally - M0ZAZ.
> At 09:12 PM 12/4/2005 +0100, you wrote:
>> My ATU is not working properly: I hear the relays but when finished, 
>> there was
>> no tuning. Is there a way to test the ATU manually or is there a 
>> toubleshooting
>> procedure? I am using the sdr-100O with 100W and ATU installed, 
>> purchased in
>> September 05, Delta44, v1.4.5 Beta7. Actually it never worked until 
>> now, was not
>> sure from the readings if I still should wait for updates(?).
>> Chris, HB9AJP
>> ___
>> FlexRadio mailing list
> _
>Wallace A. Watson  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> _

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Hirsch
Sorry, I forgot as precaution: set output power to low value (eg. 10W)
before transmitting in high-swr antennas
Best regards

- Original Message - 
From: "Christoph - HB9AJP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Wallace Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

> Hello Wally,
> when hiting TUN the carrier gets on (10W), then comes the red led and
after abt
> 1s the red goes off. After a fraction of a second the red geos on again
> the relays start clicking. After abt 1s the green led starts to flicker.
> the relays stop clicking and at the same time the red gets off and the
> stays on permanently. Then the carrier gets off and after a fraction of a
> the green led gets off. During the whole time the VSWR stays unchanged
> 1:3) and the power meter moves a little bit. So I guess the behaviour of
> tuning cycle seems to be ok but still it does not tune. (I also located
> checked the jp1 jumper pads: the resistance reads infinity). Any
> 73 Chris, HB9AJP
> Wallace Watson schrieb:
> > Greetings Christoph,
> > I also experienced the problem you have described when I obtained my
> > SDR-ATU and installed it in the SDR-1000 in May 2005.  My version of the
> > ATU did not contain the red and green LED's which indicate the status of
> > the ATU.   After several exchanges with Gerald Youngblood, he advised
> > that several of the early ATU Z-100's obtained from LDG were assembled
> > without the addition of these LED's.  This I corrected by obtaining the
> > LED's from Gerald at Flex-Radio and installing them on my ATU unit.
> >
> > In order for the ATU to function correctly, you must be using PowerSDR
> > verion 1.4.5 Beta 6 or later due to a software bug discovered in the
> > earlier versions of software.  What indication on the  RED and GREEN
> > LED's are you observing when you tune the SDR?
> >
> > The problem that I eventually discovered was a solder bridge short on
> > the bottom of the 100W Amp board at the point of the ATU jumper pads.  I
> > read a .2 ohm short with the jumper cut and should have read infinity on
> > my digital ohmmeter.  I discussed this discovery with Gerald from
> > Flex-Radio and we concluded that a short must exist, Gerald advised the
> > procedure for removing the 100W amp from the SDR case and removal of the
> > printed circuit board from the Amps heat-sink.  Upon performing this
> > disassembly I found a blob of solder bridging the jumper pads on the
> > bottom of the 100W Amp circuit board.  I removed the solder bridge and
> > reassembled the AMP circuit board with the heat-sink and remounted the
> > Amp in the SDR radio cabinet.  The ATU then performed flawlessly when
> > tested subsequent to this troubleshooting and correction.
> >
> > I am presently on Holiday at my future retirement home in Florida until
> > after Christmas, after which my spouse and I return to the U.K. and
> > resume work.
> >
> > Advise if I can be of additional assistance in troubleshooting your ATU
> > unit?
> >
> > 73's, Wally - M0ZAZ.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 09:12 PM 12/4/2005 +0100, you wrote:
> >
> >> My ATU is not working properly: I hear the relays but when finished,
> >> there was
> >> no tuning. Is there a way to test the ATU manually or is there a
> >> toubleshooting
> >> procedure? I am using the sdr-100O with 100W and ATU installed,
> >> purchased in
> >> September 05, Delta44, v1.4.5 Beta7. Actually it never worked until
> >> now, was not
> >> sure from the readings if I still should wait for updates(?).
> >> Chris, HB9AJP
> >>
> >> ___
> >> FlexRadio mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > _
> >Wallace A. Watson  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > _
> >
> >
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

2005-12-06 Thread Martin Hirsch
Hello Christoph,
your observations of the leds seem to be ok I think. But where do you
connect your SWR-meter ? The only way to check the correct function of the
installed ATU is to observe the reflected power on the power-sdr multimeter.
Set the TRX to a frequency on which you know that your antenna has bad swr.
Switch transceiver to cw-mode and read reflected power while ATU is
off(before high-swr-warning appears). Then start full tuning and key
transceiver in cw again. The reflected power should be much lower than
before. Simple Built-in antenna Tuners only show 50Ohms on the PA-side but
mostly not on the coax-cable (antenna output).The only job of these ATU's is
to show the pa the correct output  impedance and allow the pa to give full
output. There is nearly no change in swr on an external swr-meter.

Martin DL5YEJ

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Tim Ellison
What about minimizing the main screen into the system tray, but leave a
"mini" display that contains frequency display, tuning controls and

Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( )

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 5:59 PM
To: Terry Gerdes
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

>> Clearly going forward, a larger display (among other form related
>> features) will be considered in future designs.
> The existing SDR display is already too large when running with a
> contesting
> or logging program.   A resizable screen would be the preferred
> 73 Terry - AB5K

An alternate solution might be to "park" the console display into the
(so it is more than merely "minimized").  I don't know what, if any,
functional enhancements would be needed to make that realistic, but if
CAT command set is complete enough, this might be enough and so would
allow the display size to not be constrained by contesting -- or even
RTTY ragchewing.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] VAC and MMSSTV

2005-12-06 Thread William Bordy
I had a similar problem with DXLab's WinWarbler that had nothing to do with
the VAC. The problem is that the D44 input and output channels are not
equal. Many programs that use sound cards expect the input and output
ItemIndex number to be the same. If they are not, the symptom you listed
will occur. Below is an example of the problem on my system. These are the
sound devices listed by a program called MixerInfo16.

Wave-in Devices' list:
Microsoft Sound Mapper 
SB Audigy Audio [FEE0]
M-Audio Delta 44 Multi
M-Audio Delta 44 1/2
M-Audio Delta 44 3/4
M-Audio Delta 44 Mon. Mixer
Santa Cruz(tm) (Note: ItemIndex 5)
Wave-out Devices' list:
Microsoft Sound 
SB Audigy Audio [FEE0]
M-Audio Delta 44 Multi
M-Audio Delta 44 1/2
M-Audio Delta 44 3/4
Santa Cruz(tm)  (Note ItemIndex 4)

Note the Santa Cruz ItemIndex numbers. They are not equal because the D44
has 4 in devices and 3 out devices. Any devices after the D44 will have
different ItemIndex numbers for their input and output devices.

Programs that use a separate setting for the In device and the Out device
will work correctly.

Unfortunately, if a program expects the ItemIndex to be equal there appears
to be no way around the problem (that I know of, Help anyone!) except to
define the device as the default device which will move it up the list so
that it occurs before the D-44 devices.

I haven't figured out what Windows XP uses to determine the order, but it
does not appear to be based on device installation order. You can force a
temporary order change while installing a driver, but on reboot the order
will be as determined by Windows XP.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of w2agn
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 5:17 PM
To: FlexRadio Reflector
Subject: [Flexradio] VAC and MMSSTV

OK, this is probably simply, but I can't figure it. I have Digipan and 
MixW working fine, but trying to configure MMSSTV (and MMRTTY), I can't 
get them to work. I tried the setup in the SDR_VAC pdf file. I have no 
audio. BUT, if I select Audio device 1 in the MMSSTV config, I can 
receive, but not transmit. If I select device 0, I can transmit, but not 
receive.. With device setr at -1, as the instructions say, I get 
neither. As I said, MixW and Digipan work fine (as does PSK31 in Ham 
Radio Deluxe.)

 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/ 

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread lloen
> I can speak to the second question.  The PowerSDR console was designed
> so that the whole console could be seen when running in an 800x600
> resolution.  This was mainly to help those with vision impairments, but
> this was also the standard until only a year or two ago.  Today,
> 1024x768 is more of the standard, and even that is becoming small for
> many users today.

Unless you can come up with a variant for parking the display into the
system tray that really works for contesting, MixW et. al., this is not
really going to be a good solution for many of us.

I already have three basic displays that I use for my 80m DX quest.

I have the Power SDR console.

I have the regular MixW display for logging, primarily.

I have the MixW DX cluster display up.

That's minimum.  I also often have a browser running so I can do immediate
QSL lookups of interesting calls.

I'm running 1280 x 1024 and I find today's setup marginal.  For ordinary
DXing, never mind contesting.

Moreover, I suspect that as our direction seems to be [i]toward[/i] third
party code for a variety of functions, that there is nothing atypical
about what I'm doing today that everyone won't be doing tomorrow.

Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
SDR console.  We already aren't.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread lloen
>> Clearly going forward, a larger display (among other form related
>> features) will be considered in future designs.
> The existing SDR display is already too large when running with a
> contesting
> or logging program.   A resizable screen would be the preferred solution.
> 73 Terry - AB5K

An alternate solution might be to "park" the console display into the tray
(so it is more than merely "minimized").  I don't know what, if any,
functional enhancements would be needed to make that realistic, but if the
CAT command set is complete enough, this might be enough and so would
allow the display size to not be constrained by contesting -- or even MixW
RTTY ragchewing.

Larry  WO0Z

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
It depends on the system, but a good set of general defaults are:

Audio: 2048
DSP: 1024
Delta 44 DMA: 512

These can be adjusted downward depending on system speed and
latency/filter requirements.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Jeff Anderson
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> Just in case things should ever get screwed up in the computer here -
> should be the default/recommended settings of the various buffers?
> Thanks!
> - Jeff, WA6AHL
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann -
> FlexRadio
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 2:14 PM
> To: 'Tim Ellison';
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> I have witnessed this myself, and yet could not reproduce it or tie it
> to any other single application.  If you find out what did it, please
> let us know.  Another key setting to check is the DMA Buffer Size on
> that same tab.  This was set to 2048 at the same time the output got
> changed in my experience.
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:57 PM
> > Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> >
> > And I again lay prostrate to the Master. :-)
> >
> > This explains several things I have observed recently.  I had
> originally
> > used the quick start guide for the initial setup.  I had not changed
> > anything in the D44 control panel, but lo and behold the settings
> > changed.  I'm not sure what application I ran that did it, but I now
> > know what to look for.
> >
> > Thanks Eric.
> >
> > -Tim
> > ---
> > Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> > Integrated Technical Services ( )
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:12 PM
> > To: Tim Ellison;
> > Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> >
> > Yes.  The larger values indicate that something is seriously wrong.
> It
> > sounds like the soundcard is setup for +4 dBU output (instead of
> > -10dBv).  Look at the Delta 44 Control Panel on the Hardware
> > Tab.  This needs to look just like the pictures shown in the Delta
> > Quick Start guide seen here:
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > >] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> > > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:00 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> > >
> > > First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
> > > routine.  It works fine.
> > >
> > > The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a
> range
> > > between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB
> > >
> > > When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much
> different
> > > numbers
> > >
> > > The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being
> > dB
> > >
> > > Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy
> between
> > > Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want
> > make
> > > sure I am not damaging the PA.
> > >
> > > -Tim
> > > ---
> > > Tim Ellison 
> > > Integrated Technical Services 
> > > Apex, NC USA
> > > 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> > > 919.215.6375 - cell
> > > >>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > FlexRadio mailing list
> > >
> > >
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Jeff Anderson
Just in case things should ever get screwed up in the computer here - what
should be the default/recommended settings of the various buffers?


- Jeff, WA6AHL

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann -
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 2:14 PM
To: 'Tim Ellison';
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

I have witnessed this myself, and yet could not reproduce it or tie it
to any other single application.  If you find out what did it, please
let us know.  Another key setting to check is the DMA Buffer Size on
that same tab.  This was set to 2048 at the same time the output got
changed in my experience.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:57 PM
> Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> And I again lay prostrate to the Master. :-)
> This explains several things I have observed recently.  I had
> used the quick start guide for the initial setup.  I had not changed
> anything in the D44 control panel, but lo and behold the settings had
> changed.  I'm not sure what application I ran that did it, but I now
> know what to look for.
> Thanks Eric.
> -Tim
> ---
> Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> Integrated Technical Services ( )
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:12 PM
> To: Tim Ellison;
> Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> Yes.  The larger values indicate that something is seriously wrong.
> sounds like the soundcard is setup for +4 dBU output (instead of
> -10dBv).  Look at the Delta 44 Control Panel on the Hardware Settings
> Tab.  This needs to look just like the pictures shown in the Delta 44
> Quick Start guide seen here:
> Eric
> > -Original Message-
> >] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:00 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> >
> > First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
> > routine.  It works fine.
> >
> > The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a
> > between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB
> >
> > When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much
> > numbers
> >
> > The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being 64.0
> dB
> >
> > Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy
> > Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want to
> make
> > sure I am not damaging the PA.
> >
> > -Tim
> > ---
> > Tim Ellison 
> > Integrated Technical Services 
> > Apex, NC USA
> > 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> > 919.215.6375 - cell
> > >>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >

FlexRadio mailing list

[Flexradio] VAC and MMSSTV

2005-12-06 Thread w2agn
OK, this is probably simply, but I can't figure it. I have Digipan and 
MixW working fine, but trying to configure MMSSTV (and MMRTTY), I can't 
get them to work. I tried the setup in the SDR_VAC pdf file. I have no 
audio. BUT, if I select Audio device 1 in the MMSSTV config, I can 
receive, but not transmit. If I select device 0, I can transmit, but not 
receive.. With device setr at -1, as the instructions say, I get 
neither. As I said, MixW and Digipan work fine (as does PSK31 in Ham 
Radio Deluxe.)

/ \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke

( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
\_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/ 

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
I have witnessed this myself, and yet could not reproduce it or tie it
to any other single application.  If you find out what did it, please
let us know.  Another key setting to check is the DMA Buffer Size on
that same tab.  This was set to 2048 at the same time the output got
changed in my experience.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:57 PM
> Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> And I again lay prostrate to the Master. :-)
> This explains several things I have observed recently.  I had
> used the quick start guide for the initial setup.  I had not changed
> anything in the D44 control panel, but lo and behold the settings had
> changed.  I'm not sure what application I ran that did it, but I now
> know what to look for.
> Thanks Eric.
> -Tim
> ---
> Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> Integrated Technical Services ( )
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:12 PM
> To: Tim Ellison;
> Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> Yes.  The larger values indicate that something is seriously wrong.
> sounds like the soundcard is setup for +4 dBU output (instead of
> -10dBv).  Look at the Delta 44 Control Panel on the Hardware Settings
> Tab.  This needs to look just like the pictures shown in the Delta 44
> Quick Start guide seen here:
> Eric
> > -Original Message-
> >] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:00 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> >
> > First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
> > routine.  It works fine.
> >
> > The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a
> > between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB
> >
> > When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much
> > numbers
> >
> > The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being 64.0
> dB
> >
> > Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy
> > Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want to
> make
> > sure I am not damaging the PA.
> >
> > -Tim
> > ---
> > Tim Ellison 
> > Integrated Technical Services 
> > Apex, NC USA
> > 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> > 919.215.6375 - cell
> > >>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >

[Flexradio] tvi

2005-12-06 Thread Bob W5RG
Hi all..I'm having a problem with TVI on my own tv set..anything between 160-30 meters on receive causes channel 5 local tv station to go nuts..I have tried beads and filters with no help at all..any ideas? Bob

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Tim Ellison
And I again lay prostrate to the Master. :-)

This explains several things I have observed recently.  I had originally
used the quick start guide for the initial setup.  I had not changed
anything in the D44 control panel, but lo and behold the settings had
changed.  I'm not sure what application I ran that did it, but I now
know what to look for.

Thanks Eric.

Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( )

-Original Message-
From: Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:12 PM
To: Tim Ellison;
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

Yes.  The larger values indicate that something is seriously wrong.  It
sounds like the soundcard is setup for +4 dBU output (instead of
-10dBv).  Look at the Delta 44 Control Panel on the Hardware Settings
Tab.  This needs to look just like the pictures shown in the Delta 44
Quick Start guide seen here:


> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
> routine.  It works fine.
> The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a range
> between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB
> When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much different
> numbers
> The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being 64.0
> Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy between
> Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want to
> sure I am not damaging the PA.
> -Tim
> ---
> Tim Ellison 
> Integrated Technical Services 
> Apex, NC USA
> 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> 919.215.6375 - cell
> >>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] ATU not tuning

2005-12-06 Thread Christoph - HB9AJP

Hello Wally,
when hiting TUN the carrier gets on (10W), then comes the red led and after abt 
1s the red goes off. After a fraction of a second the red geos on again while 
the relays start clicking. After abt 1s the green led starts to flicker. Then 
the relays stop clicking and at the same time the red gets off and the green 
stays on permanently. Then the carrier gets off and after a fraction of a second 
the green led gets off. During the whole time the VSWR stays unchanged (e.g. 
1:3) and the power meter moves a little bit. So I guess the behaviour of the 
tuning cycle seems to be ok but still it does not tune. (I also located and 
checked the jp1 jumper pads: the resistance reads infinity). Any suggestions?

73 Chris, HB9AJP

Wallace Watson schrieb:

Greetings Christoph,
I also experienced the problem you have described when I obtained my 
SDR-ATU and installed it in the SDR-1000 in May 2005.  My version of the 
ATU did not contain the red and green LED's which indicate the status of 
the ATU.   After several exchanges with Gerald Youngblood, he advised 
that several of the early ATU Z-100's obtained from LDG were assembled 
without the addition of these LED's.  This I corrected by obtaining the 
LED's from Gerald at Flex-Radio and installing them on my ATU unit.

In order for the ATU to function correctly, you must be using PowerSDR 
verion 1.4.5 Beta 6 or later due to a software bug discovered in the 
earlier versions of software.  What indication on the  RED and GREEN 
LED's are you observing when you tune the SDR?

The problem that I eventually discovered was a solder bridge short on 
the bottom of the 100W Amp board at the point of the ATU jumper pads.  I 
read a .2 ohm short with the jumper cut and should have read infinity on 
my digital ohmmeter.  I discussed this discovery with Gerald from 
Flex-Radio and we concluded that a short must exist, Gerald advised the 
procedure for removing the 100W amp from the SDR case and removal of the 
printed circuit board from the Amps heat-sink.  Upon performing this 
disassembly I found a blob of solder bridging the jumper pads on the 
bottom of the 100W Amp circuit board.  I removed the solder bridge and 
reassembled the AMP circuit board with the heat-sink and remounted the 
Amp in the SDR radio cabinet.  The ATU then performed flawlessly when 
tested subsequent to this troubleshooting and correction.

I am presently on Holiday at my future retirement home in Florida until 
after Christmas, after which my spouse and I return to the U.K. and 
resume work.

Advise if I can be of additional assistance in troubleshooting your ATU 

73's, Wally - M0ZAZ.

At 09:12 PM 12/4/2005 +0100, you wrote:

My ATU is not working properly: I hear the relays but when finished, 
there was
no tuning. Is there a way to test the ATU manually or is there a 
procedure? I am using the sdr-100O with 100W and ATU installed, 
purchased in
September 05, Delta44, v1.4.5 Beta7. Actually it never worked until 
now, was not

sure from the readings if I still should wait for updates(?).
Chris, HB9AJP

FlexRadio mailing list

   Wallace A. Watson  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
Yes.  The larger values indicate that something is seriously wrong.  It
sounds like the soundcard is setup for +4 dBU output (instead of
-10dBv).  Look at the Delta 44 Control Panel on the Hardware Settings
Tab.  This needs to look just like the pictures shown in the Delta 44
Quick Start guide seen here:


> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] A question about PA calibration
> First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
> routine.  It works fine.
> The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a range
> between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB
> When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much different
> numbers
> The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being 64.0
> Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy between
> Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want to
> sure I am not damaging the PA.
> -Tim
> ---
> Tim Ellison 
> Integrated Technical Services 
> Apex, NC USA
> 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> 919.215.6375 - cell
> >>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list

[Flexradio] A question about PA calibration

2005-12-06 Thread Tim Ellison
First off, I am not having any problems running the PA calibration
routine.  It works fine.

The PA gain test results I received with the radio all fall in a range
between 48.7 and 47.7 with a large majority being 48.0 dB

When I run the PA calibration into my dummy load, I get much different

The range is between  65.8 and 55.0 with a large majority being 64.0 dB

Should I be concerned about this relatively large discrepancy between
Flex-Radio determined gain test results and my own?  I just want to make
sure I am not damaging the PA.

Tim Ellison  
Integrated Technical Services   
Apex, NC USA
919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
919.215.6375 - cell
>>> PGP public key available at all public KeyServers <<<

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Terry Gerdes

Clearly going forward, a larger display (among other form related
features) will be considered in future designs.

The existing SDR display is already too large when running with a contesting 
or logging program.   A resizable screen would be the preferred solution.

73 Terry - AB5K

- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "'Dave & Nancy Ridge'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

I can speak to the second question.  The PowerSDR console was designed
so that the whole console could be seen when running in an 800x600
resolution.  This was mainly to help those with vision impairments, but
this was also the standard until only a year or two ago.  Today,
1024x768 is more of the standard, and even that is becoming small for
many users today.

We have tried playing with the console to make it resizable, but initial
testing proved that the built in .NET features for resizing a control
were somewhat lacking.  The work involved in getting a single control to
look correct at various resolution/size/DPI was astounding.  For this
reason, we have left the PowerSDR at the locked original size.

Clearly going forward, a larger display (among other form related
features) will be considered in future designs.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave & Nancy
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:49 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

The present Noise Blanker works great. I had read many weeks ago that
Alex had a "killer" noise blanker in the "Rocky" software. My question
is, will it be added to the PowerSDR software sometime in the future?
Also, this may have been asked and answered sometime in the past but,
why is the PowerSDR console size not able to be made full screen size?

Again thanks for a great radio. It "just keeps getting better!"

Dave, W9DR, Punta Gorda, Florida

FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio

I can speak to the second question.  The PowerSDR
console was designed so that the whole console could be seen when running in an
800x600 resolution.  This was mainly to
help those with vision impairments, but this was also the standard until only a
year or two ago.  Today, 1024x768 is more
of the standard, and even that is becoming small for many users today.  


We have tried playing with the console to
make it resizable, but initial testing proved that the built in .NET
features for resizing a control were somewhat lacking.  The work involved in getting a single control
to look correct at various resolution/size/DPI was astounding.  For this reason, we have left the PowerSDR at the locked original size.


Clearly going forward, a larger display
(among other form related features) will be considered in future designs.



Eric Wachsmann

FlexRadio Systems



-Original Message-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave & Nancy Ridge
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005
12:49 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] New Noise
Blanker and Console Size


The present Noise Blanker works great. I had read many weeks
ago that Alex had a "killer" noise blanker in the "Rocky"
software. My question is, will it be added to the PowerSDR
software sometime in the future? Also, this may have been asked and
answered sometime in the past but, why is the PowerSDR console size not able to
be made full screen size?


Again thanks for a great radio. It "just keeps getting


Dave, W9DR, Punta Gorda, Florida

[Flexradio] New Noise Blanker and Console Size

2005-12-06 Thread Dave & Nancy Ridge

The present Noise Blanker works great. I had read 
many weeks ago that Alex had a "killer" noise blanker in the "Rocky" software. 
My question is, will it be added to the PowerSDR software sometime in the 
future? Also, this may have been asked and answered sometime in the past but, 
why is the PowerSDR console size not able to be made full screen 
Again thanks for a great radio. It "just keeps 
getting better!"
Dave, W9DR, Punta Gorda, 

Re: [Flexradio] Delta-44 SC question

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio

The Delta 44 does not include a microphone preamp, and therefore the
input values when driving it with a typical microphone are fairly low.
We compensate for this in the PowerSDR software, but other software
packages will not likely apply the kind of gain that we allow.

The best way to make sure that you are getting input into the Delta 44
is to watch the Monitor Mixer tab on the Delta 44 Control Panel.  Even
with low input, you should be able to see the green indicators jump if
you thump the mic or yell into it (careful that no loved ones are
nearby).  ;)

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Hugh VA3TO
> Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] Delta-44 SC question
> Hi there.
> I just installed a Delta-44 in my computer to use with my SDR-1000.  I
> wanted to check the basic functionality of the SC so I connected it to
> set of PC speakers and a PC mic. I'm getting sound through the
> but the mic appears not to be working.  I've checked all of the normal
> settings and don't see anything odd. Does the Delta-44 supply the DC
> for the PC microphone as do regular PC sound cards ?
> 73 de Hugh VA3TO
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list

Re: [Flexradio] Interesting behavior when connected to a dummy load

2005-12-06 Thread Jiri Sanda

OK Bob,

it clears the topic - thanks.

We have to wait for an upgrade to some newer chip

73 !


On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Robert McGwier wrote:

There is a lot of confusion here.  Let me attempt to straighten it out.

1) The extra noise occurs (as the original note said) when SPUR REDUCTION IS 
<<>>.  This is because the hardware is tuned EVERY time the dial is 
changed. 2) Spur reduction ON, does NOT move the spur out of band.  It does 
something quite different and clever.   There are "good frequencies" where 
the spur generation which is caused by truncation of the phase word and by 
the number of bits that can be applied to the DAC are minimized.   If you are 
not on the good frequencies the phase accumulator has fractional parts that 
are not exact values to give the DAC in the synthesizer.  This  leads to 
"walking on and off" an exact DAC value in the DDS.  This "walking on and 
off" of the good points is a periodic process and  and because the amplitude 
and phase are just a little off when you are not exactly on a table phase 
(DAC bits are nonzero but the rest are zero), this little bit of amplitude 
and phase distortion generated spurs.  Spur reduction recognizes this process 
and limits the HARDWARE DDS oscillator settings  to these good frequencies. 
The remainder of the tuning is then done in the "perfect" software oscillator 
inside the code.  So when spur reduction is ON, and the frequency  request 
changes by 3051.7578125 Hz from one of these good frequencies, we move the 
hardware frequency only then.  This approach has pluses and minuses but it is 
felt the pusses outweigh the minuses.

You can still hear spurs from the DDS but these are due to DAC nonlinearities 
and clock leakage and mixing in the AD9854.  These are almost gone in the 
AD9954 and really gone in the AD9958.

Analog is learning along with the rest of us.


Jiri Sanda wrote:

OK - so if I understand it well one should run it without the reduction 
unless there is a problem - a spur audible - and than switching on might 
help ?

73 !


On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Ahti Aintila wrote:


My understanding is that the "spur. reduction" moves the spurious signal 
generated by the DDS away from your listening passband. There is a good 
probability that another spurious signal does not hit the same frequency.

73, Ahti OH2RZ

- Original Message - From: "Jiri Sanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Interesting behavior when connected to a dummy 

I do not understand ?
If the transmitted noise get so much worse when "spur. reduction" is on
why is it there at all ? What positive it does ?

73 !


On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:

Jeff nailed this one on the head.  The jumping around is because when
spur reduction is turned on, the radio hardware is only tuned every
~3.051kHz.  We do the fine tuning using a software oscillator.  Also
worthy of note is that we use an 11kHz IF.  So what you are seeing is
the junk around DC on the left side of the spectrum.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

FlexRadio mailing list

Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

Re: [Flexradio] Interesting behavior when connected to a dummy load

2005-12-06 Thread Robert McGwier

There is a lot of confusion here.  Let me attempt to straighten it out.

1) The extra noise occurs (as the original note said) when SPUR 
REDUCTION IS <<>>.  This is because the hardware is tuned EVERY 
time the dial is changed. 
2) Spur reduction ON, does NOT move the spur out of band.  It does 
something quite different and clever.   There are "good frequencies" 
where the spur generation which is caused by truncation of the phase 
word and by the number of bits that can be applied to the DAC are 
minimized.   If you are not on the good frequencies the phase 
accumulator has fractional parts that are not exact values to give the 
DAC in the synthesizer.  This  leads to "walking on and off" an exact 
DAC value in the DDS.  This "walking on and off" of the good points is a 
periodic process and  and because the amplitude and phase are just a 
little off when you are not exactly on a table phase (DAC bits are 
nonzero but the rest are zero), this little bit of amplitude and phase 
distortion generated spurs.  Spur reduction recognizes this process and 
limits the HARDWARE DDS oscillator settings  to these good frequencies.  
The remainder of the tuning is then done in the "perfect" software 
oscillator inside the code.  So when spur reduction is ON, and the 
frequency  request changes by 3051.7578125 Hz from one of these good 
frequencies, we move the hardware frequency only then.  This approach 
has pluses and minuses but it is felt the pusses outweigh the minuses.

You can still hear spurs from the DDS but these are due to DAC 
nonlinearities and clock leakage and mixing in the AD9854.  These are 
almost gone in the AD9954 and really gone in the AD9958.

Analog is learning along with the rest of us.


Jiri Sanda wrote:

OK - so if I understand it well one should run it without the reduction 
unless there is a problem - a spur audible - and than switching on might 
help ?

73 !


On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Ahti Aintila wrote:



My understanding is that the "spur. reduction" moves the spurious signal 
generated by the DDS away from your listening passband. There is a good 
probability that another spurious signal does not hit the same frequency.

73, Ahti OH2RZ

- Original Message - From: "Jiri Sanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Interesting behavior when connected to a dummy load


I do not understand ?
If the transmitted noise get so much worse when "spur. reduction" is on
why is it there at all ? What positive it does ?

73 !


On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:


Jeff nailed this one on the head.  The jumping around is because when
spur reduction is turned on, the radio hardware is only tuned every
~3.051kHz.  We do the fine tuning using a software oscillator.  Also
worthy of note is that we use an 11kHz IF.  So what you are seeing is
the junk around DC on the left side of the spectrum.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems


FlexRadio mailing list


Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

[Flexradio] Delta-44 SC question

2005-12-06 Thread Hugh VA3TO

Hi there.
I just installed a Delta-44 in my computer to use with my SDR-1000.  I wanted 
to check the basic functionality of the SC so I connected it to a set of PC 
speakers and a PC mic. I'm getting sound through the speakers but the mic 
appears not to be working.  I've checked all of the normal settings and don't 
see anything odd. Does the Delta-44 supply the DC bias for the PC microphone as 
do regular PC sound cards ?

73 de Hugh VA3TO

Re: [Flexradio] SSB vs CW transmit paths

2005-12-06 Thread Robert McGwier
Yuk.  This is painful. The only ways I see to do this are to have 
CWToneGen modified to CWToneGen4Port and to give it two frequencies.  It 
generates a two IQ sample sample time ring buffer. One contains the side 
tone,a nd the other contains the sidetone modulated to the IF frequency 
of interest.  This tone exchange way of doing this which does not run 
through the dttsp calls at all was necessitated

by the lack ofa jack like thing under Windows.


Bill Tracey wrote:

Warning: boring technical details of software internals follow - posted 
here as others playing in the code may find it of interest.

Been poking at PowerSDR and the DttSP code to see how to support transmit 
with  SoftRock style hardware.  SSB  is pretty straight forward, and I've 
gotten that working by setting the DttSP TXOsc appropriately when going 
into xmit mode.   Works like a charm.   The problem comes when trying to do 
CW (the perennial SDR problem child mode).

It appears that for modes other than CW the audio code in 
PowerSDR  (Callback1 in audio.cs) calls ExchangeSamples (dsp.cs) which in 
turn maps to audio_callback in DttSP/winmain.c to feed data to DttSP.  This 
copies and moves that data around and eventually results in process_samples 
in DttSP/sdr.c being called.  In here do_tx is called and DSP magic is 
performed and finally the DttSP transmit osc is applied in do_tx_post.

For CW the path is a bit different.  Callback1 in audio.cs calls 
CWtoneExchange that maps to CWtoneExchange in DttSP/keyd.c.  All 
CWtoneExchange does is pull data from the ringbuffer being filled by 
send_thread_keyd in keyd.c.  The data never gets passed through the tx 
signal processing hain in sdr.c's do_tx, so the transmit oscillator is 
never applied,. so with a SoftRock style transmitter one ends transmitting 
at the fundamental frequency.   Ooops, that's not what was supposed to happen!

Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this?  I could add the TX Osc 
mixer into the send_tone code in keyd.c - although I think  the buffers 
being sent back via this path are also used for sidetone generation.  I 
wonder if two sets of buffers need to be sent back - one to be sent to the 
transmit hardware and one to be used for sidetone.   Or perhaps  a better 
performer would be to change the freq of the CWToneGen osc, or run two of 
them if two buffers need to be returned to handle sidetone.   Also, it 
would appear IQ correction does not happen in the transmit path for CW - 
probably want to figure out how to put that in the CW chain as well.


Bill (kd5tfd)

FlexRadio mailing list


Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

Re: [Flexradio] Master's Thesis Defense

2005-12-06 Thread Robert McGwier


AWESOME.  If you are allowed to share you Matlab scripts that would be 
very cool as well.  We can make sure they actually run under octave to 
reach a wider audience.  Not everyone gets the student discount on Matlab!


Jon Beckwith wrote:

Hey folks, just wanted to let everyone know that my digital comm/SDR 
project is nearly complete!  Thanks for all the help along the way.

Master's Thesis Defense


Jonathan A. Beckwith

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Friday, 9 December 2005, 1:00PM-3:00PM
301 Morse Hall

Increasing complexity of communication protocols, especially modulations, 
requires expensive signal generation and demodulation equipment for 
meaningful lab experiences in communication engineering courses.  Pure 
software simulation can simulate most real-world modulations and 
impairments, but it still lacks the .feel. of real hardware and channel 

Software radio, which uses hardware for analog and software for baseband 
processing of the signal, is attracting lots of attention in commercial as 
well as military circles.  Using a software radio platform, one can 
achieve control of the simulation with real hardware, while maintaining 
flexibility for many environments.

To this end, a series of digital communication lab exercises is presented 
which is based on the principles in software radio and uses an open Matlab 
code suite and a commercial RF front end, the FlexRadio Systems SDR-1000 
transceiver.  The lab exercises include realistic implementations of 
synchronization sections as well as modulation and demodulation 
subsystems.  The flexibility of the SDR allows for not only labs for 
current EE 757 and EE 758 classes, but also future ones, which have 
different modulation requirements.

As the system has not yet been implemented, a complete evaluation of its 
effectiveness has yet to be completed.  Only the students using it can 
provide a complete assessment and evaluation of the SDR Teaching System. 
This will be done in the semester following its completion.

Dr. M. Carter, Thesis Advisor
Dr. Thomas Miller
Dr. Jianqiu Zhang


Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

Re: [Flexradio] Fw: HELP

2005-12-06 Thread Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio

I have already contacted Mike privately,
but for the sake of the archive, I’ll give a summary.  A good test for hardware failure in the
transmit chain of the nature described below is to unplug the audio cables,
startup the software and hit the MOX button.  If you get power output without any
audio connection, then there is a hardware problem with either the driver on
the RFE or the 100W PA.



Eric Wachsmann

FlexRadio Systems



-Original Message-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Freedman
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005
6:32 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Fw: HELP



 I am seeing something strange with my SDR. I notice
now when I hit the MOX button in USB or LSB modes I am seeing full output
WITHOUT talking. I have done a number of alignments on two diferent computers
both using the same Firebox.


what I have now are:


160  62.3

80    49.0

60.  55.6

40   49.0

30   46.4

20   49.1

17  50.9

15  49.4

12  45.9

10  44.6 


EVEN if I pull the lineoutput out of the back of the SDR I
am still getting the same full output when I push the MOX button. Receive works
perfectly. I can even see my transmit audio on the sdr's software screen. 


What is wrong Does this call for a service trip to