Re: [Flexradio] RoHS & Tin Whiskers

2006-05-02 Thread k6kdk
Well,.. we found out one thing: That is: all the brightest computer sutdents
at college that that now write programs for Flex radio, played hookie from
Chemistry Class!!

Most heavey metals at that end of the Periodic table are in fact VERY
posionious, with the exception of Gold. But you come in contact with them
every day in your life and handle these compounds all the time. For example
Chromium is a deadly poision, but it is 16% of the knife and "stainless
steel fork" that you ate breakfast with this morning.  But it did not seem
to hurt you. The reason is that the the metal was not in a *chemical form"
that was water soluable, therfore entry into your body was not possible.
However, if the chemical is "compounded" in the correct salt or other form,
it will most certainly  do you great harm. It's sort of a chemistry "magic
trick", but you have to be careful how far you push it.

As to regulation of chemistry by governments, well, don't get me started
there. It's 99 % politics, and 1% chemistry. Just enough chenistry thrown in
there to mank it sound to the general public like it is all "justified" and
in their best interests. One of their big games is to lower the threshhold
of "permissible levels" so low that it allows them to play any sort of
"hokus-pokus" they want with the numbers and therefore their dept budgets to
pursue "the great evils".  For example, In Souther California, there is an
agency that is sending teams of testers from their dept all over to "test"
water wells for "perchlorates". They do not even specify what perchlorate
they are after (Potassium, Sodium, etc..).. they just got the idea that
"percholorate in any form are "evil" and must be stamped out. They have the
regulatory power to shut down city water wells, and have already closed many
of them.  They  list as the threshold is 1/2 part per billion. That is the
equivilant of tossing 1/4 tsp of perchlorate into the average family
swimming pool (abt 20,000 gallons).. FYI perchlorates are naturally occuring
and very similiar to ordinary table salt. You can mix a tablespoon or two in
a glass of water and drink it down, it is harmless. Of course, if you did
that,  you  might have the runs for a day, but you would otherwise be OK.
The whole thing is a sham, but heh, it's YOUR GOVERNMENT AT WORK !!!

-Dan K6KDK

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[Flexradio] SDR-1000 v1.6.0l pg100/ docs ALC dialog panel ??

2006-04-11 Thread k6kdk
Well, having nothing to do until the UPS driver arrives with my new
SDR-1000, I am spending my time reading the docs for ver1.6.0 and playing
with the Demo Mode software.

I am up to page 99 and looking for the expalination on "leveler"..  My copy
of the manual has page 100 which describes the AGC then nothing further ??
Just jumps to  "Transmit Tab" on my page 101... Am I missing something?

-Dan K6KDK

[Flexradio] DXLab and v1.6.0

2006-04-14 Thread k6kdk
In the "Commander" software of the DXLab suite, it has a tab for suppport o=
f "SDR-1000"

Does anyone know if this is directly to the console software or is third pa=
rty Virtual Comm Port support required ?

-- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] The New Look for the Console

2006-04-15 Thread k6kdk
I am new to this reflector, and honestly only have a SDR on order to be
delivered in the coming weeks. So it is not right for me to make strong
statements here. However I have a background in software and was involved in
many user interface designs. Now retired and growing Almonds and playing
with Ham Radios, I however, do recall many of the pitfalls that are there in
such designs as Mr Bebes, from my "old days"..  I worked with industrial
automation and professional entertainment support software user interfaces
for some years.

Any way, there is a whole engineering process that you can apply to user
interfaces and their development if you want to go to that much trouble. We
even used to put proposed screen designs in front of a "typical operator of
that type of machinery" (not one of the programming team, not an engineer,
but a USER!) and video tape him, count the key strokes, tabulate the "false
moves", the whole bit.

As I said I am new to the reflector, so I do not want to get a reputation
for a guy with nothing good to say. If you want my comments on the Bebe
screen shots, you can private email me and I will send along more detailed
comments, off of this reflector. I will go this far here though, I think the
pretty screen shot is definately "art/marketing" but I am not sure it is

Best Regards,  -Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Ellison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Mark Gang'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] The New Look for the Console

> Mark
> I think I noticed you on Teamspeak last night. Join in any time.
> It is a shame that the Flex-Radio Forum is not used as much any more. The
> inclusion of pictures, and also comments was better than the Reflector,
> somewhat more compelling visually.
> Sometimes it is good to go back and view these 'threads' to see some of
> history and the comments.
> Beppe posted the first of his "Dream" messages on April 1, 2005. There
> MANY good messages posted at that time discussing the form of this
> console. The following links discussed many options considered with some
> pretty good discussions.
> (in the above link pay particular attention to Beppe's modular (docking?)
> approach to the console.
> bc3c979297#8285
> For you and anyone else interested In the beginnings and discussion from
> marvelous Beppe, It would be good to read all the way through these forum
> topics. They apparently will be re-visited in the near future.
> Thanks
> Eric2
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Gang
> Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 6:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] The New Look for the Console
> Hi,
> I am new to this so I am not sure this is the right place to post this
> message.  If not let me know.  I apologize if this has been discussed
> previously but I did not see it in the archives.
> While waiting for my SDR-1000 to ship (ordered last week) I have been
> reviewing the documents on FlexRadio Web site.  In looking at the future
> enhancements list I see many exciting plans.  The new "Beppe Console" is
> a great look.  However, I am concerned about its form factor.  Most
> monitors are basically square while the proposed look is a long
> rectangle which will have to be squeezed to fit the screen.  Or, as in
> my case,  when running two monitors this shape will often overflow to
> the second screen.   Since my monitors are different sizes this results
> in non-aligned hard to read display.
> As an example. I tried the WA6AHL console and it does overlap to the
> second screen.  It was unclear how to fix this since reducing the size
> of the window just cut off control buttons instead of scaling the entire
> console.
> My suggestion is not to change the proposed new look but to break the
> various logically grouped sections into separate dockable windows that
> can be individually moved or minimized.  This will allow users to
> customize the arrangement to best fit their display.  This would also
> allow new or third party modules to be added as separate windows and
> displayed only when needed.
> It would also be great if the individual windows would scale smoothly.
> Are these things doable?
> Looking forward to the new radio.
> Mark
> N6SF
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
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> FlexRadio Homepage:
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Re: [Flexradio] The New Look for the Console

2006-04-15 Thread k6kdk

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Lux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] The New Look for the Console

> Personally, I think that "computerized front panel" oriented interfaces
> (forms that look like front panels that you manipulate with a mouse and
> keyboard) are horrible.  I'd rather see someone take some of the nifty
> control surfaces that are out there and adapt them.   But that's just my
> opinion, and fortunately, if you don't agree, you don't have to use my
> particular interface with the SDR1000.
> Jim, W6RMK

I agree,.. with your above comments. Flex needs to be careful to
"keep focus" and not fall into gliztey screen shots that look "cool" ..
first they need to carefully observe a human operator actually using that
"cool looking screen" and see if it is anywhere close to a fatigue free,
fast, and comfortable experience for the operator.   You are right, the
control room of a modern video editing or sound studio is a good place for
Flex to start looking around for examples of how this sort of thing is done.
I  doubt that you will find too much modern video editing software that is
made to look like the CRT from a DuMont 1950s vintage TV !!!

Best Regards,  -Dan

Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-16 Thread k6kdk
I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.

Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta

I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
have to deal with SVN.

So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?

-Dan  K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: "Dale Richardson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

> I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
> beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
> There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
> also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
> present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
> That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta versions.
> 73,
> Dale AA5XE
> Don AE5K wrote:
> >At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
> >of "Thou Shall Nots..." which are hard to keep up with)...
> >
> >In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
> >>the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile any
> >>code to get and run the latest.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Sounds good!
> >
> >So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest "alpha".  I
> >am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
> >on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
> >PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
> >
> >1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
> >I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
> >day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
> >Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
> >(with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
> >files and 714 folders!
> >
> >2. Made my way to the "release" folder under trunk->bin and found a
> >"powersdr.exe".  Clicking on it started up the "wisdom" program for a
> >few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
> >me of a fatal error: "File or assembly name
> >Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found"
> >
> >3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
> >consistently get a fatal error which starts out: "The system cannot find
> >the file specified ... at
> >System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
> >startInfo)" and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
> >
> >Even though I might be considered a "software type", my expertise is not
> >in the area of svn or MS Windows.
> >
> >It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
> >megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
> >
> >What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
> >how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
> >those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
> >
> >I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
> >
> >73,
> >Don AE5K
> >
> >
> >___
> >FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> >Archive Link:
> >FlexRadio Homepage:
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a
moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
> - George Washington
> -- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

2006-04-17 Thread k6kdk

Not to worry, I have been in a private communication with Gerald (much to
his credit he has taken the time to directly and personally resolve several
issues with his customers).

I am sure you are right about the Flex Project, I will "hang in there".

But, Willi, please read the entire thread of messages on this topic. Later,
(see Dons last post) it aired out some "rough edges" on the internal Flex
"public policy communications standard (hi..hi..)" ..  I think, in the end,
there was a positive impact, and we can now just all go on from here.

Best Regards,  -Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Willi Reppel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

> - Original Message -
> From: "Willi Reppel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 12:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > To: 
> > Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:49 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?
> >> I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order
> >> I
> >> have to deal with SVN.
> >
> >
> Dan  K6KDK
>  Dan,
> The SDR1000 is adictive. You can check out any time you like but you can
> never  leave.
> Willi
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Potential purchaser questions

2006-04-26 Thread k6kdk

This truely a great "gadget".  For $15 bucks you can't beat it. I have built
many controlers of this sort for myself and other ham friends, but it costs
me about $25 bucks when I build it myself from "parts" and it is dead bug
style. For 15 bucks you get a nice PC board and all the parts from
0XAS??  -->How does he do dat ???

Here is the link to his web store if anyone is interested...

-Dan K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: "Larry Taft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Potential purchaser questions

>.  I would use an interface module such as
> the N0XAS universal amp controller for the older rigs that had the relay
> coils directly operated by the VOX/key /changeover connection of the
> amp.

Re: [Flexradio] Searchable archieves

2006-04-29 Thread k6kdk
Yes, I agree w/ Lee here.

I have had may Flex on the bench for abt 36 hrs now.  It was just delivered
to me on Thurs, and I have many questions that I know have been asked and
answered a million times. I would LOVE to be able to search the archive as
use them as a knowledge-base.

I am sure the "searchable" feature is just a simple switch in the pipermail

Someone needs to "FLIP IT ON !!!"

Best Regards,  -Dan K6KDK

PS: So far the report the report on my new Flex is that "The Flex Sure Makes
Me Happy!"  (This is a not-so-very inside joke from those of you that follow
the TT reflector, I am sure Lee will get a chuckle out of it anyway...)

- Original Message -
From: "Lee A Crocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Searchable archieves

> How come the flex-radio archieves are not set up like
> this sites archieves?
> Note these archieves are searchable.  These people are
> certainly flex radio friendly, it would seem they
> might be willing to share a little advice on how to do
> this.
> 73  W9OY
> __
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Re: [Flexradio] New SDR-1000

2006-04-29 Thread k6kdk

Same story here.  Mine was delivered last Thurs.  couldn't be happier. I
have mine TX and into an AL-1500 with legal limit ++, no problems.

Of course, I have quite a few newbie type questions, so I have been pushing
for a "knowledge base" (searchaable pipermail archive), or ortherwise I
guess I will spend some time on the phone with John at Flex  next week if I
can not scratch out all the answers on my own.

> functionality is really something.  The Flex guys did a great job in
> everything on how to get things set up.

One thing though, before you put it in TX, and even more so if you run
power.  FIRST run a common ground bus around your shack, and bond everything
to it. I have had for years in this shack,  a 3/8" copper pipe (you can use
refigeration plumbers tubing if you want.  very inexpensive at your local
Home Depot for a 50' roll) running around the perimiter of the room then
outside to one 10' copper grounding rod sunk into the earth. I take jumpers
of 12 guage copper off it whereever I need for any new piece of equipment
that I move into the shack. The Flex was no exception. The computers that
run your Flex setup, the amp, tuners, mic preamp and mixing board, just
EVERYTHING should be bonded to a common one point ground.

I noted in Flex's Fast HookUp Cheat Sheet that came in the box from the
factory with the radio, that they never mentioned what the purpose of that
little binding post on the back panel was for (the one labeled GROUND), or
instructed that the new user hook it up as part of his/her 1-2-3-GO/Turn On
The Power.

73s  -Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Brian Sherrod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:48 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] New SDR-1000

> I got my SDR-1000/100 watt unit & D-44 Friday, and have had a blast with
> since.  I have not even transmitted on it as yet, however the rx
> functionality is really something.  The Flex guys did a great job in
> everything on how to get things set up.  I didn't have a single problem in
> the process.  I was up at 3:00 AM this morning playing with it, and still
> going.  Storms coming in now, so maybe I can get some sleep...
> 73,
> Brian - w5ami
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] 1.6.2

2006-06-23 Thread k6kdk
Check your setting on General> Options [ Enable X2 TR Sequencing].. Click
this option to OFF  and see if it helps. Also assure that the numeric X2
Delay dialog box is set to something reasomably low (150ms for example...)
if the Option is ON..

- Original Message -
From: "k5nu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 5:51 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] 1.6.2

> When operating 1.6.2, the ptt hangs.  Still goes back to receive, but the
ON button stays red, and the scanner and vfo box is dim.   I have imported
database from 1.6.1.  The 1.6.1 works fine with the same settings.
> What am i overlooking?  73, Mike K5NU
> -- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] 1.6.2

2006-06-24 Thread k6kdk
Upon further testing I think there may be some issues in v.1.6.2 on TX to RX
turn around in SSB. I now have a rather vicious very loud audio CLICK in the
speakers after releasing the PTT in SSB. This is not present in vx.x.1.

Any others with this click ??


- Original Message -
From: "k5nu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] 1.6.2

> Dan,  Thanks for the message.  Turning X2 sequencing off had no effect.
> Actually, as the foot switch is pushed on and off, I hear multiple relay
> clicks in the sdr as apposed to the single click heard with 1.6.1 using
> same set up.  The ON button hangs red, the USB and 20 buttons are dark and
> don't respond to the mouse.  Also the VFO options A>B etc. are all dimmed
> inactive.  A click of the MOX restores.  Then a push of the footswitch
> it again.  1.6.1 has no such problems.  I imported the same database into
> 1.6.2 to no avail.
> 73, Mike K5NU
> - Original Message -
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 10:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] 1.6.2
> > Check your setting on General> Options [ Enable X2 TR Sequencing]..
> > this option to OFF  and see if it helps. Also assure that the numeric X2
> > Delay dialog box is set to something reasomably low (150ms for
> > if the Option is ON..
> >
> > -Dan
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "k5nu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 5:51 PM
> > Subject: [Flexradio] 1.6.2
> >
> >
> >> When operating 1.6.2, the ptt hangs.  Still goes back to receive, but
> > ON button stays red, and the scanner and vfo box is dim.   I have
> > database from 1.6.1.  The 1.6.1 works fine with the same settings.
> >>
> >> What am i overlooking?  73, Mike K5NU
> >> -- next part --
> >> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> >> URL:
> >
> > .html
> >> ___
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> >>
> >>
> >> Archive Link:
> >> FlexRadio Homepage:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
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> >
> >
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> >

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Re: [Flexradio] 1.6.2

2006-06-24 Thread k6kdk
Yes, just to confirm my setup here, I am also using pin 7 for keying via
foot switch to grnd, but also the click is present using just VOX keying..


- Original Message -
Cc: "k5nu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] 1.6.2

> >I too have the loud CLICK in the receive audio. I also use the x2 pin 7
> for linear control, I have it protected with a 250ma fuse. This fuse blew
> when I powered the rig up. I noticed if I powered the sdr1000 up and then
> opened v.1.6.2, before the program came up the sdr1000 had a relay keying
> on and off. I then brought the software up 1st with it in standby and
> then powered the sdr1000 up, I did not hear the relay toggling.
> 73's
> WD5Y
> Joe
>  Upon further testing I think there may be some issues in v.1.6.2 on TX to
> > RX
> > turn around in SSB. I now have a rather vicious very loud audio CLICK in
> > the
> > speakers after releasing the PTT in SSB. This is not present in vx.x.1.
> >
> > Any others with this click ??
> >
> > -Dan
> >

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Re: [Flexradio] SDR and Field Day

2006-06-25 Thread k6kdk
just go into the kybrd mapping screen in the SetUp menu  and set all to

- Original Message -
From: "Lee A Crocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flexradio" 
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] SDR and Field Day

> I ran my SDR during the field day test paired with
> N1MM's contest software and K1EL's winkey and the
> latest PowerSDR software.  I ran only CW.
> The only thing I would change is the ability to toggle
> on/off the keyboard input to PowerSDR's VFO.  Several
> times when I tried to enter a call into N1MM, and
> PowerSDR was in focus, I found my frequency had
> changed to what ever MHZ matched the number in the
> callsign.  For example if I was trying to type K6XX
> into N1MM, the freq changed to 6mhz if PowerSDR had
> the focus.  I used N1MM set to the "Kenwood" protocol
> and had the PowerSDR CAT commands set to TS-2000
> emulation.
> I tried the PowerSDR's internal keyer but it had some
> hesitation when paired with N1MM.  When N1MM was
> buffered through Winkey the CW was perfect to 99 wpm.
> The hesitation issue is a known N1MM issue and the
> recommended solution is Winkey, so that is not a fault
> of PowerSDR.
> I ran mostly point and shoot S&P with 50hz bandwidth.
> Every signal was virtually single signal, and I could
> easily search out the weak ones hidden between the
> strong ones.  The overall contesting experience was
> excellent.
> 73  W9OY
> __
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> ___
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Re: [Flexradio] audio pop

2006-06-27 Thread k6kdk
Yes, I have this too, as well as several others. I have reported it on bug
tracker, see my report there. It is true that if you increase the DMA buffer
(as set in the M Audio panel, this buffer is not accessable from within the
Flex Consol), it will help with the problem, but not eliminate it
altogether.  It is a bad issue when doing weak signal DX with headphone and
high setting on auidio gain, There is actually the possiblility of ear
damage, so be careful !

Here is an excellent  note from  Jeff K6JCA regards all this


I'd had a similar problem, too:  everything sounded fine if the SDR1K Audio
and DSP buffers were both 2048, but, if I decreased the DSP buffer to 1024
(or smaller), I found I'd have either choppy or no audio if I made the Audio
buffer anything other than 2048.  I exerienced the problem both with 1.6.1
and 1.6.2.

But there is a fix for the problem I'd experienced.  In addition to the
SDR1K Audio and DSP buffers, there is a third buffer, which is the Delta 44
DMA Buffer.  When I changed the size of this buffer to 512 samples (I
believe it had been 2048), my audio returned to normal.

This third buffer is not accessible via the SDR1K console.  Instead, to
access it I had to do the following:

1.  Launch the M Audio Control Panel by clicking on the M-Audio Icon that's
on the Windows control bar that runs along the bottom of my CRT.  The M
Audio Icon is in a group of icons on the right-side of this bar, next to the
Time display.  (Its position may be different on your machine).

2.  Go to the Hardware Settings tab of this control panel.  There you will
see a section called "DMA Buffer Size," with a field labeled "Latency
Samples."  Try changing the value of this field to 512 (or a size smaller
than it's currently set to).

Let us know if this helps!

- Jeff, K6JCA

---end snip

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:55 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] audio pop

> On the  new release of 1.6.2, I observe a loud pop when returning to
> receive from transmit.  If you click the mox button on and off, you can
> hear (and actually see on the panadapter) this loud pop.  This does not
> happen on 1.6.2 svn 537.  Does anyone else observe this?
> 73   Tom   W0IVJ
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
- Original Message -
From: "Tom Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:55 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] audio pop

> On the  new release of 1.6.2, I observe a loud pop when returning to
> receive from transmit.  If you click the mox button on and off, you can
> hear (and actually see on the panadapter) this loud pop.  This does not
> happen on 1.6.2 svn 537.  Does anyone else observe this?
> 73   Tom   W0IVJ
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:

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Re: [Flexradio] audio pop

2006-06-27 Thread k6kdk

I think you are on the right track here.  A working example of the problems
can be seen by setting X2 Delay to (say for example ) 200ms and then
pressing the TUNE button. You will notice that when you toggle OFF the tune
button you hear the CW side tone for whatever that delay amount is set to.
Also, when in SSB,  you can notice the last "sylable" of spoken words into
the mic, if you keep talking past exact point when you toggle off the PTT..
So something isn't quite right there..


- Original Message -
From: "Frank Brickle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] audio pop

> Where is the value of top.swch.fade -- that's essentially the TRX
> crossfade time, in samples -- being set? In the PowerSDR code I
> can trace it back through setup_switching() to setup() but haven't
> been able to find the call to setup() :-)
> 73
> Frank
> Tom Thompson wrote:
> > Bob and Eric,
> >
> > Under careful scrutiny, the pop is there with the new release with
> > settings of 48000 and 2048, but it is reduced.  I think that it is so
> > fast that the 48000 sampling rate does not catch it all the time or at
> > least at as great an amplitude.
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > Tom Thompson wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Bob and Eric,
> >>
> >>I reduced the dma buffer size on the Delta 44 to 512 as suggested.  This
> >>fixed the flutter, but the pop is still there on all audio tab settings
> >>except 2048 and 48000.  None of this occurs on svn 537 even with the dma
> >>buffer set to 2048.
> >>
> >>Tom   W0IVJ
> >>
> >>Robert McGwier wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>In the task bar,  on the bottom right,  there is a little black
> >>>trapezoidal looking M for your M-Audio control panel.  It should on
> >>>the task bar over by the clock.  Double click on it.  There is a DMA
> >>>buffer size setting there.   If it is larger than 512,  please
> >>>decrease it to 512 and try this again.
> >>>
> >>>This all probably needs better documentation than we currently have.
> >>>We really did do major league surgery on the way things worked by
> >>>removing a few unnecessary lines of protection.  This in turn revealed
> >>>other levels of poor coding on our part.   There may still be a
> >>>"easter egg" or two we need to remove!
> >>>
> >>>Bob
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Tom Thompson wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> Bob,
> I am using the Delta 44 card with the buffer size on the audio tab
> set to 2048.  The sampling rate is 96000 and the manual latency is
> unchecked.  My dsp buffer is 2048.  I found that on the new release
> that if I decrease the buffer size on the audio tab below 2048 the
> audio flutters.  If I decrease the sampling rate to 48000 the flutter
> frequency halves.  The only combination of sampling rate and buffer
> size that I get no pop and no flutter is 48000 and 2048.  I get audio
> flutter on any buffer size below 2048 at either 96000 or 48000.
> On 1.6.2 svn 537, the audio never flutters, and I have to decrease
> the buffer to 256 at 48000 for the pop to occure.  It will not pop at
> 256 with the sample rate at 96000.
> I hope this helps.
> 73,   Tom   W0IVJ
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>___
> >>FlexRadio mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>Archive Link:
> >>FlexRadio Homepage:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > -- next part --
> > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> > URL:
> > ___
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> > Archive Link:
> > FlexRadio Homepage:
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Flexradio] Scanning function removed

2006-07-03 Thread k6kdk

Can't be the FCC.   I am looking right at an Icom IC-746 Pro on my bench,
one of my back up rigs. It scans, jumps hoops, does back flips, and then
gets you a cool beer and a bag of pretzels.

No one is under the FCC eye more than the big three from Japan.


- Original Message -
From: "Jerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FlexRadio" 
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Scanning function removed

> I am also curious as to the FCC ruling. This was a nice feature.
> Jerry, WB0UZW
> At 10:49 AM 7/3/2006, Mel Whitten wrote:
> >Re: Scanning Function removed v1.6.3 svn 566
> >
> >What "is" the FCC ruling regarding SDR scanning?  I did not think I
> >would miss it, but I found I used it often to scan HF DRM freqs that
> >have have a history of propagation at my QTH prior to zSDR set up
> >and loading for DREAM.
> >
> >Mel, K0PFX
> >
> >
> >
> >-- next part --
> >An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> >URL:
> >
> >___
> >FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> >Archive Link:
> >FlexRadio Homepage:
> -- next part --
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> ___
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Re: [Flexradio] Flex announces collaboration with K6JCA

2006-07-09 Thread k6kdk

> Jeff did  a marvelous R&D job. Jeff used to tell us that he is
> "really a hardware engineer" and he was just "hacking" on the
> console. Well Jeff, your "just hacking" has become the
> state-of-the-art!  Jeff, thank you for listening to Alan K2WS and

"State of the art" ?  Hummm... I think Jeff is being very straightforward
about all this. He designed the interface for his own personal use. It is
not a fully windows compliant interface. Flex needs to be very carful about
this when they approach implementing parts of it in the existing (commercial
product). Issues such as aspect ratio, screen resolution, and dot pixel size
are not implemented to operate on any desktop but the one on Jeffs desk.
(for example try chaning your Display Properties/Advanced/DPI setting/ to
120DPI and see what happens..)

Don't get me wrong here, I think all the bells and whistles are great, and
I am a firm Flex fan and support the project 100 per cent, so no flames
please. I am just pointing out some things that need to be considered so the
release version of the Flex Consol works across all platforms.

73s -Dan

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Re: [Flexradio] Question about VOX

2006-07-10 Thread k6kdk

> Can the VOX On/Off control be moved to a keyboard key
> instead of a checkbox under several menus?  This would
> make it easier to shut off VOX when someone walks into
> the shack.  Also is there a way to play wav files
> into the TX for contesting?  Love the SDR-1000 -  Best
> money I ever spent! 73 de AC5N
I agree with you on this.. I placed a Feature Request for this on the Bug
Tracker/Feature Request Syetem several weeks ago. Please look it up and then
add your comments from above. This way Flex knows that the Feature is being
requested by more than one Lone Wolf.

The Bug Track and Feature Request Board is a great system!  I always scan it
when I have a problem or have thought of a feature for the user interface.
Many times I find someone already has posted about the issue or feature.  If
you want to "cast your vote" they have a Blog system where you can enter
your thoughts on any particluar feature.

-Dan  K6KDK

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Re: [Flexradio] More on Audio Problem

2006-07-12 Thread k6kdk
> can kill a bunch of birds with one stone by using Julius' EQplus (W2IHY)
> as a preamp, EQ, compressor/limiter, downward expander and an effects
> processor that you can use to feed three separate rigs with the same mic
> and key all the rigs with a single PTT switch.  It is a little pricey,


A little pricey? Yep... I would suggest that John runs the Gold line into
the Delta 44 direct (INS 2) via a Berhinger UB 502. The Berhinger Box will
provide the necessary low loise peramp, as well as some basic EQ tailoring
to flatten out the extreme base heavy nature of that particular mic. You can
get a UB 502 at your favorite Internet Vendor for about $35.  The Berhinger
box has excellent isolation and is virtually hummm proof. Also it will give
you another 2 input source channels if you need them, and a headphone
output, etc etc.. The Berhinger box also has takeoffs and return for
external effect processor, but do hams need that? I thought reverb went out
with the 50s'

IMHO the danger of the EQPlus (besides taking tomorrows breakfast from the
kids hi..hi...) is that if mis adjusted, as so may of them are, you will
introduce excessive sub-audio base rumble into your transmitted signal. This
looks like a DC signal on your transmitted SSB signal, if you look at it,
and it is very poor operating practice.   W5GI, John, may wish to jump in
here, if he is reading this thread, and comment further. He is somewhat of
an expert on the Julius boxes and can confirm the issues related to their
constant mis-adjustment by most Hams that have them in the shack.
Personally, I think the are a little dangerous for most Hams that have
limited experience with pro-audio.

Just my 2 cents,

-Dan  K6KDK


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Re: [Flexradio] More on Audio Problem

2006-07-13 Thread k6kdk
 >In addition to my normal voice I here a second voice that is
> very low pitched and sounds like it is on the wrong sideband.  Also,
> strangely enough, it is delayed by a few milliseconds from my normal
> voice.


Try lowering the MIC  Gain Setting on the front panel GUI in steps (say 5 or
7 at a time) and test after each increment. See if the echo goes away at
some point . If it does vanish at some point see if that setting has enough
punch to drive the MIC meter to 0 db.

If not, again, I suggest a $35 UB502 or a $50 UB802 to provide a noise free,
well isolated,  pre amp for that mic w/ EQ with your new lowered SDR- Gain

-Dan  K6KDK

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Re: [Flexradio] New Hot topics page and Console update

2006-07-13 Thread k6kdk

> Console Collaboration
> As many of you know, Jeff Anderson, K6JCA (formerly WA6AHL), has made some
> really nice improvements to the FlexRadio PowerSDR. We liked the
> improvements so much, that we recently requested that Jeff work more
> with us on the main console.


I have some thoughts about this.  But before I post them, I would like to
know from you and from Flex if you want me to use this reflector forum to
communicate these thoughts to you guys, or would your prefer private emails
and the Feature Tracker Board as the prefered method of communication? . I
would also like to know if the general user base here on the forum wants to
air this out here or not. I ask this becasue I am not sure that the
discussion will remain flame-proof and positive.

I brief, I have been in some recent on-air QSOs with several Flexers that
express reservations about some of Jeffs concepts. Additionally, I too have
some concerns. My concerns result from my perspective as a (now retired)
software design professional in the automation control industry where we
dealt extensively with user control interfaces.

-Dan K6KDK

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] More on Audio Problem - Sample Audio

2006-07-13 Thread k6kdk

I listened to your files.

turn your mic gain gain control in the front panel to 25
and see if you still get this feed back.

Let me know what happens. PS please respond to me off the reflector, just to
my email only. I want to step through this with you, and no need to clutter
up the relector in general. Thanks

-Dan K6KDK

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

[Flexradio] Delta 44 Driver Version ???

2006-07-16 Thread k6kdk
Maybe someone can save me the trouble of a phone call to M-Audio Tech
Support.  On June 22, 2006 M-Audio issued a Driver update for XP . According
to the download site it is revision :, but when I loaded it the
revision number in the About Panel came up as:

Anyone know what's up with this ??

-Dan K6KDK

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

Re: [Flexradio] Delta 44 Driver Version ???

2006-07-18 Thread k6kdk
I have finally heard back from M-Audio tech support via email

They state that, indeed, the revision number issue is a typo on their end.

Additionally I asked about any available workaround to the fact that the
M-Audio driver installer overwrites previous configuration files. If you
install a new driver then YOU MUST go back into the control panel and
re-configure all your previous settings from the factory defaults as
installed by the M-Audio driver installation routine.  They state there is
no workaround.

-Dan K6KDK

- Original Message -
From: "Dudley Hurry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Delta 44 Driver Version ???

> Dan,
> I have not updated mine yet and it shows   So the first
> number must have been a typo..
> 73,
> Dudley
> At 06:23 PM 7/16/2006 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Maybe someone can save me the trouble of a phone call to M-Audio Tech
> >Support.  On June 22, 2006 M-Audio issued a Driver update for XP .
> >to the download site it is revision :, but when I loaded it
> >revision number in the About Panel came up as:
> >
> >Anyone know what's up with this ??
> >
> >-Dan K6KDK
> >
> >
> >___
> >FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> >Archive Link:
> >FlexRadio Homepage:

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Re: [Flexradio] Dual Core Optimization

2006-07-19 Thread k6kdk
>Any of my betters want to tell me that this won't match my glitch-free P
>IV 2.4 gig Intel?


Here's the deal of the day. Hurry before they are all gone.  Gateway is
blowin out last weeks Pent 4 machines, and converted there current product
line to all dual core.  So you can buy a Tower case BTX tehnology Pent 4 /
3.2 g w/ 1 gig RAM / 80 gig HD / OEM XP Professional/ Microsoft Works/ etc.
ready to plug and play for $500 bucks. You can't beat that anywhere.  Here's
the link:

73s -Dan K6KDK

  Operating System:   Genuine Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional

  Processor:   Intel® 3.2 GHz Pentium® 4 Processor

  Keyboard:   Keyboard

  Display:   Monitor Not Included

  Pointing Device:   Mouse

  Memory:   1024MB RAM

  Drive:   80GB Hard Drive

  Optical Drive:   DVD/CDRW Combo Drive

  Application Software:   Microsoft® Works 8.0

  Video Card:   Integrated Video

  System Case:   Gateway 6-Bay Micro BTX Computer Case

  Sound Card:   Integrated Sound

  Speakers:   Speakers Not Included

  Floppy:   Floppy Drive Not Included

  Modem:   56k Integrated Modem²

  Network Card:   Integrated 10/100 Ethernet

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Re: [Flexradio] Installing Ubuntu on an existing Windows PC

2006-07-25 Thread k6kdk

> Maybe I should have been more specific, the install disk don't support 
> phoney
> raid controllers very well, yes you can add drivers after the fact but if
> that is the only drive you have you are in trouble and are going to wreck 
> the
> array. The process of installing the software destroys the RAID array you
> already have in place and all the data is gone. That is not a sign of good
> support.

Yes, well, it is not just RAID. I was surprised to find that when toying 
around with Ubuntu, it did not support LGE Flatron Monitors out of the box. 
I did see that I can download ATI driver support and maybe get my LGE 
working, but I have to drag out the old text editor and modify code, so 
Ubuntu is still a good ways from 'plug-and-play'...

But, the Ubuntu package is still very interesting, an easy install, and very 
much worth having a look at .  I am not knocking it in any way. in fact I am 
one of the BIG proponents of a Flex SDR running under Linux.   Slowly, but 
surely I am leaving Microsoft behind, but it will take a while 

-73s  -Dan 

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Re: [Flexradio] Changing bands

2006-07-25 Thread k6kdk

That's an easy one (they let me answer the easy ones here on the 
reflector).. You have probably just accidentally double clicked on the 
button when returning to 3875 and indexed the band stacking register. Just 
for fun, sit on the 80 meter button and repeatedly click thru it and write 
down all three stored freqs. Then try your 40/80 sequence again. I bet you 
will find that when it is" wrong on return" that the "wrong" freq is one of 
the three !

-73s  Dan K6KDK

- Original Message - 
From: "Radio Station W5AMI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flex Radio" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:56 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Changing bands

> This is not a real big deal for me, however it is aggravating at times
> when I'm trying to listen to specific frequencies on two different
> bands by switching back and forth.
> Maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong?
> Let's say I'm listening to 3875 on 80 then decide to see if there is
> any PSK on 40 meters 7070; I click on 40 and 7070 appears, then click
> on 80 and some arbitrary freq. comes up, not 3875 where I was.  Odd
> thing is this WILL work sometimes.
> Why does it just not work every time?  IMHO, it should always go back
> to the last FREQ you tuned to on each particular band.
> Thanks,
> Brian w5ami
> -- 
> "There is nothing more uncommon than common sense." -- Frank Lloyd Wright
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] flex use with a ribbon mic

2006-07-31 Thread k6kdk

Yes, in my estimation (not agreed with by Flex, both Eric and John have both 
thumbs down my take on this),  a good low noise mic pre-amp is a fine 
addition to the Flex set up.  I use an inexpensive Beringher.

In a thread a few weeks ago, I suggested this fix to a fellow Flexer that 
was having "echo" efffects with mic gain setting on front GUI of 50+.  He 
was using a Heil Studio One mic. I suggested he get the GUI setting well 
below 35 and use a preamp. I never heard back from him, but maybe it worked. 
I certainly can say that this is an issue in my shack, and the pre-amp along 
with low settings on the console takes care of these issues.

73s -Dan  K6KDK

- Original Message - 
From: "philip gentile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 6:20 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] flex use with a ribbon mic

> hi -
> i'm a ribbon mic junky and figured i'd hook one up to the flex. the mic is 
> a
> shinybox #23.
> the mic has a very low output signal so i bumped the flex mic gain up to
> fairly high levels. with that, i received audio reports mainly stating i 
> had
> had terrible rf in the audio.out came the ferrites and copper shielding
> tape, none of that helped. the vox and the noise gate also did not seem to
> be stable.
> in the end, i installed an ART TubePac mic preamplifier (set to about 40 
> dB
> of gain) between the ribbbon mic and firebox,  and set the flex mic gain 
> to
> about 10+-.
> the audio reports are excellent now, the vox is a bit tamer and the noise
> gate performs perfectly. i also monitor my audio on a 2nd receiver
> occasionally to make sure things are working fine.
> anyone else see this type of behavior with high mic gains?
> as a note, i also tried the creative labs CB2530 bluetooth wireless
> headphones instead of my trusty beyer 770's, much better, great audio, no
> cables to strangle you and you can walk around, sit anywhere, and still
> listen to the radio. the headphones exhibited no problems during 1500w PEP
> transmit on 160 - 10 meters CW & SSB.
> thanks,
> phil AB2JL
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] [OT] XP optimization...

2006-08-08 Thread k6kdk

try this : a great collection of 
very useful utilites, freeware..

-Dan K6KDK

- Original Message - 
To: "FlexRadio Reflector" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 9:31 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] [OT] XP optimization...

> The issue of how to optimize XP for smooth SDR-1000 operation is a
> special pet project of mine. Here is a webpage that I discovered
> that has over 400 optimization techniques:
> and I have tried to capture that and many others on my webpage:
> de ken n9vv
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
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> FlexRadio Homepage:

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Re: [Flexradio] Test Drive report

2006-08-09 Thread k6kdk

> My first impression upon looking at the screen was that of standing in 
> front of a giant slot machine at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. There was so 
> much activity, colors flashing and jumping around of numbers that I had to 
> have a gin and tonic and lie down before continuing.
its cousin is dancing around in the upper right hand corner! I can certainly 
understand an S meter, but is all this needed?


One of the great strengths of the Flex project is that both ends of the 
software (the back-end, or business end that is related to the RF,and the 
front-end which is the GUI. or user system control interface,  that you see 
on your computer screen), is being developed under a cohesive development 
tracking and reporting system. Not to mention the open source, which 
additionally is a tremendous project strength.

Log into the Bug Tracker and Feature Tracker part of the web site. You will 
see a Feature request ( ) that directly 
addresses some of your concerns. Feel free to add your own comments. The 
development team at Flex is looking at these comments.

To prevent un-necessary "reflector chatter" and useless non productive 
message threads these Feature and Bug reports are held to that part of the 
web site, where they can be dealt with in a professional development 
environment.  Chris, to be honest, it has taken all my powers of personal 
reserve to adhere to the protocol of using only the above mentioned Feature 
and Bug Trackers and not allow myself to "bubble over" into the reflector 
about the subject matter of your first paragraph that I quoted above.

Enough said that I was concerned enough to have had previously penned a 
private note to John and Eric  expressing my concerns. about just the 
subject matter that you mention.. the issue of what I used to refer to (in 
25+ years of software development) as the "gee-whiz factor".

Anyway, not to worry,.. no Gin and Tonic necessary. You sound like your 
first look already has you hooked!  You are in the right place at the right 

73s  -Dan K6KDK 

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Re: [Flexradio] Repeated bug reports

2006-08-20 Thread k6kdk

> The only difference is that there is no cat." - Einstein

Well,  that remains to be seen... (or proven that is ...) 

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Re: [Flexradio] Console Graphics

2006-08-21 Thread k6kdk

> Slow down!  Not so fast!
> The skins do look great, but if I want to operate a radio that looks like 
> my
> FT 1000, I'll turn off my SDR-1000 and turn on the black box.
> I'm tired of the old paradigm.  The SDR is new, fresh and  unconventional.
> Don't make it like all the others.
> For those that want the skins, OK..  But I don't want to go back to  the
> conventional.


You are 100 percent correct here !

A lot of people may not realize that the SDR Console GUI is related most 
closely to a well established professional programming field, software you 
see on a myriad of systems, everything from factory floor automation 
controllers, to controllers for SMPTE driven professional entertainment 
stage lighting systems, and everything in between, and many many other jobs 
and tasks out there in the real industrial world.  Yes, the SDR is a Ham 
radio, but the purpose of the GUI is user control of a remoted system (the 
SDR black box).  Writing user control interfaces whose intent is to meld the 
human operator with the "remote -machine" is an art, but it is also a well 
understood technical endeavor with many previous example of how it is best 
done. Skins aren't one of them.

This field (system control user interface design) is so well researched, so 
well understood, there are dozens of tools available to the programmer that 
is doing this kind of job, and many examples if how it is done in industry 
already, that Flex would do well to look long and hard at these existing 
examples, and THINK long and hard about how these interfaces are generally 

I can assure you that if you go into the control room of  a (you pick it 
here..) maybe Cummins Diesel engine assembly test area, and look at the 
dozens of screens in use, you will not see one that looks like a "retro 
skin" of the cab of a  1940s Kenworth.

Flex has a Golden Opportunity here to forge new ground for Ham Radio user 
interfaces. My advice is DON'T BLOW IT!Don't fall for the nonsense, no 
matter how "cutesy" it looks !

I wrote Flex a three page "white paper" on just this issue. At Flexs request 
it is not available for public posting,  but anyone specifically interested 
in this subject can private email and I will send you a copy.

I detect that there has been a very vocal element that has spoken up early 
on and raved  to Flex about various example screen design proto typing that 
has been done by some. I think it might be time for some of us "silent 
onlookers" to have our say heard as well, and balance out this issue.

73  -Dan K6KDK

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Re: [Flexradio] Console Graphics

2006-08-22 Thread k6kdk

>>Here is a link to a friend of mine who has a calculator program with a
>>appearance.  You can go to the VIEW and then SKINS and make changes in
>>the appearance of the calculator.  It would be very nice to have
>>skins (for the SDR...) to allow

I just could not resist:

I LOVE your calculator skin! I just LOVE anything that is nostalgic. I
really don't care if it is functional or not.   I just am interested in the
wonderful  "LOOK OF IT ALL !!!"

Please, please, please have you friend make me a SKIN of my old slide rule
that my Father gave me for my 8th birthday when I was just a tadpole.
Nothing would make me happier that to work my current engineering problems
on a Slide Rule Skin on my PC, you know I could move the slide around with
my mouse, shouldn't  take too much extra time, my boss won't mind.   If my
boss comes over to my work station and says " Dan, what's taking so long
today?"  I would just show him the SKIN and he would LOVE it too !!!

73s - Dan

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Re: [Flexradio] SVN 653

2006-08-24 Thread k6kdk

> [Eric] No.  The RF control sets the Max AGC gain.  This is not the same as
> setting the RX gain for VAC which sets a constant gain in order to 
> normalize
> the audio comfortably while still providing appropriate gain to the third
> party software.  If the RF control works for you, that's great.  I'm just
> explaining each control's intended purpose.


I thought I would pop in here and note your comment above. This is exactly 
what I was talking about when I sent you the off reflector note about the 
GUI. If you recall I voiced concern that controls called things like "GF 
Gain" would creep into the GUI. If you recall I suggested a "metric" that 
all controls exactly match in title and function in the set up to prevent 
user confusion and masking of what is being controlled at the business end 
of the system.. I will just go ahead a take the liberty of quoting myself:

"To return to my RF Gain Example above, if you wanted to derive an RF Gain 
number from the settings in the AGC panel then that number could appear in 
that panel in a way that it is obvious that it is derived from the 5 numbers 
above it. A  vertical array of spreadsheet like boxes would do the trick 
there that contain the 5 variables, and a double outlined box below them 
that indicates that it is a  result.  But the Setup panel would first 
contain that RF Gain Number to indicate to the user from where this derived 
number might have meaning and to meet the metric test for inclusion."

The poor fellow that you were responding to above did not know what the 
control RF Gain sets. That is not his fault. Again, I suggest, let's clean 
up the set-up screen so they are squeaky clean (no subject matter 
correlation errors on any given menu) and draw all the related mode specific 
setting into the appropriate set up menu. then just go and buy a docking 
panels library from your favorite vendor, and let the user dock what he 
needs at the moment to his front GUI.  By creating front panel controls like 
RF Gain you are laying a traps for the unwary. People will be falling into 
them right and left.

Anyway just my 2 cents.  And, by the way, you guys are doing a great job. I 
just nit pick because that is my nature.

73s -Dan  K6KDK 

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Re: [Flexradio] SVN 653

2006-08-24 Thread k6kdk

> Jeff, not to worry. We received enough mail that it will stay on the front
> panel.

> keep the RF Gain control (call it what you like: "Max AGC Gain" or 
> whatever
> might be more intuitively appropriate) on the front panel.  I use it all 
> the
> time

I never said to take it off the panel. I said to call it the *exact* same 
thing it is called on the set up menu.

One of the reasons this is important is that there is really no such thing 
as RF Gain any way in a DSP radio. Your DSP math allows you to manipulate 
the 5 variables that you list in the set up menu under DSP AGC.  The 
combination of how these variables are set results in the *apparent* RF Gain 
that most analog radio operators are familiar with.  There is an excellent 
discussion of this in the Orion users manual. It is important that new users 
of DSP radios get up to speed (learn about) this topic, to help them break 
away from old concepts and simplistic controls that used to get labeled RF 

Once you get the idea of how to set DSP AGC controls you can do very magic 
things with weak signal DX work (for example).  It is in the best interest 
of the Flex user community to explain to them how to do this in detail, 
*AND* to give them the necessary controls where they can readily use them 
(docked onto the front GUI), so that they can extract the most possible 
benefit of a real radio like the SDR !

Admittedly, to do this (adjust AGC) on my Orion, I have to press a menu key 
to get to the variables I mention. But now I have a Flex and I have to mouse 
the setup menu to get to them. I am just trying to get them on the front GUI 
to save myself a little trouble (being naturally lazy) and to have them 
called the same thing as they are on the set up menu so I don't get confused 
(being naturally stupid).


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Re: [Flexradio] SVN 653

2006-08-25 Thread k6kdk

>>From my perspective, the SDR1K has, essentially, two gain controls.
> Conceptually, from the point of view of signal flow, I picture these two
> gains as "pre-agc gain" and "post-agc gain."  That is, the gain applied to 
> a
> signal *before* it's attenuated by AGC, and the gain applied to a signal
> *after* it's been attenuated by AGC.

Well, sort of true. But it is more subtle than that. In a DSP engine it is 
possible to adjust many aspects of the AGC in a way that was not possible 
before. You simply have to re-think the concepts of RF Gain when working 
with DSP. It is just way to involved to try and discuss here on the 
reflector. I suggest two things. First read the TT description of DSP AGC on 
page 44 to page 48 of this document. They have titled it Weak Signal and 
Contest Operation, but it is really a discussion of how DSP engine AGC 
parameters interact:  Then I 
would like to hear from Frank and Bob on this topic and get their take on 
all this. I suspect that they have implemented the AGC functions in much the 
same way as Doug Smith did, and that the reference I quoted applies most 
directly to the Flex as well as to the Orion.

>"RF Gain" is more intuitive.
> Or, perhaps more importantly, if there was a control on the front panel
> labeled "Max AGC Gain," would this turn-off, rather than attract, 
> potential
> buyers of the radio?

Well, by this time, everyone knows where I stand on this sort of discussion. 
To me, this is not a marketing issue. We are talking about how to allow 
users of the rig (that have already bought and paid for it) to extract the 
maximum performance from the system. You are only going to get maximum AGC 
performance in critical listening situations by having ready access to and 
understanding, technically, how to adjust all the DSP engines AGC 
parameters. It is that simple. I wish that you could, in fact, put a simple 
control on the front panel, call it RF Gain, and have it perform some sort 
of magic in all situations. But that isn't going to happen.

As far as the "more intuitive", my response is that we all must keep 
learning new things until the day we die. When I learned to drive it was 
with a stick shift. When I bought my first car with an automatic 
transmission it was not intuitive to operate a car with out a clutch, but I 
learned.   Hams new to DSP radios are going to have to learn a few new 
things. The intuitive part comes with practice.


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Re: [Flexradio] SVN 653

2006-08-25 Thread k6kdk

>>You are only going to get maximum AGC
>>performance in critical listening situations by having ready access to and
>>understanding, technically, how to adjust all the DSP engines AGC
>>parameters. It is that simple. I wish that you could, in fact, put a 
>>control on the front panel, call it RF Gain, and have it perform some sort
>>of magic in all situations. But that isn't going to happen.
> Hmm.. but I propose a slightly different model.  In my model, you have an 
> interface that lets you turn every little inside knob, but, you also have 
> an interface that lets someone else abstract those to a higher level.

Yes, well, funny you should say that, because as I wrote the paragraph I was 
exactly thinking the same thing. I was thinking, it would be possible to 
code a learning response into the software. What I had in mind was that the 
way it might work is when the user does, in fact, go to the set up menu and 
twiddle with the 5 available DSP/AGC parameters the software looks at other 
related settings and attempts to remember or add it to a Bayesian system, so 
next time you get 'near' these types of settings the software attempts to 
preconfigure your 5 parameters for you.

Well anyway, looks like am getting a little beat up and battle weary on this 
thread so I guess I'll go back to camp now.   Get me the well documented 
calls and the API and I'll dust off the old text editor and see what we can 
do. I think you know the feeling eh Jim? You got beat up pretty bad on the 
last go round with Frank. Problem is, relating that to this current topic, 
is that there seems to be some uncertainly about this issue of documentation 
, API and so forth.   Eric just said:

>Again this serves to point out the fact that there are numerous opinions
>about what a console should and should not be/look like/act/etc.  All the
>more reason to continue down the path to simplify custom customer created
>consoles (4 C's --- hmmm).  :)

So this is encouraging. I am looking forward to the API and docs  "any time 
soon now" .


PS: to Eric, so I don't have to open a new thread. Thanks for working on the 
CPU load issue on recent versions.

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Re: [Flexradio] Tortoise Problems

2006-09-09 Thread k6kdk
Go here,

I posted it for you.  Some others have also done this on their web sites.

NOTE:  make a NEW dir and copy ALL you exioisting ADR program dir files to 
it. Assure that your old copu RUNS from your new dir. then unzip the files 
into it, and have a go. Hope it works OK for you. I have not tested any of 
this, just did it on the fly between beers !

-73s  -Dan

- Original Message - 
From: "David Ackrill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 4:29 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Tortoise Problems

> I'm trying to reinstall Tortoise SVN and, when I right click the desk
> top icon and go to SVN Checkout I get the following option.
> svn://
> When I 'OK' that, I get "Error: URL
> 'svn://' doesn't exist  "
> Can anyone help please?  I used to have Tortoise SVN running but, to be
> honest, I'd prefer to be able to just download a raw version 1.6.3 plus
> updates as zip files.
> I'm never going to be a programmer, and these programmer based systems
> will, to my mind, put off the people who have a little knowledge, let
> alone the people who just want to buy a rig and use it...
> Thanks - Dave (G0DJA)
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Re: [Flexradio] FW: 1.6.3 SVN 668 - Includes some great enhancements

2006-09-09 Thread k6kdk
why not round it to whatever the user has set as  nearest frq in the 
TUNE/STEP dialog box ??


- Original Message - 
From: "Jeff Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gary W Strong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] FW: 1.6.3 SVN 668 - Includes some great 

> Hi Gary,
> This feature was one of the first things I implemented when I decided to 
> do
> my variant of the Flex console.  In voice modes I round the "point & 
> click"
> frequency (i.e. the cursor frequency) to the nearest KHz, which seems to 
> be
> fine for the majority of SSB QSO's that I've had.  I personally find this
> modification very convenient, and (even more importantly for me at the 
> time)
> it was very simple to implement in software.
> But others may have differing opinions regarding the usefulness of this 
> sort
> of feature.
> - Jeff, K6JCA
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gary W Strong
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 5:51 AM
> To: 'Duane - N9DG'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] FW: 1.6.3 SVN 668 - Includes some great
> enhancements
> It's that "short of" that I'd like.  It's especially handy when contesting
> and you see several signals and want to jump from one to another quickly
> rather than click the mouse wheel enough and with the right step size.  Am 
> I
> the only one who thinks point and click tuning is a good thing?
> Gary
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Re: [Flexradio] Panadapter delay after TX

2006-09-13 Thread k6kdk
Martin,  - Please post this to the feature tracker off of the support tab on 
the web site. I was thinking along the same lines, so if you post the first 
round of it on the tracker I will blog in right behind you on it. 
Thanks. -Dan

- Original Message - 
From: "Martin Hirsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 7:10 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] Panadapter delay after TX

> I'm a SSB-operator and I mostly use the panadapter-display with AVG on and 
> AVG-time set to 250ms in the setup. When I set the SDR to transmit mode I 
> would like to see the panadapter with AVG OFF to see my real 
> modulation-peeks. When I switch back to receive the AVG should be switched 
> ON again with a delay-time of about 0.1-0.2 seconds. The delay would 
> guarantee that the panadapter-dataline is in the right position 
> immediately after coming back from TX and not slowly climbing up 
> (depending on AVG-time), like it is now. When I operate the AVG-button 
> manually in this way it works excellent. I would like to have it 
> automatically done. Any comments ?
> Martin DL5YEJ
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Re: [Flexradio] Iambic Keyer

2006-09-23 Thread k6kdk
From: "Jim Lux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" There IS a lot of cool stuff, and to a
certain extent, software radios, in general, are so new that NOBODY
knows how to best control, interface, and use them (some
commercial/govt implementations of SDR are so wonderfully abstract
and generalized that they are totally impractical to use).  Interface
design and conceptual architectures are a matter of


Basically  I agree with most of your comments.

I will take exception, however, to "nobody knows how to .. interface them.. 
 Interface  design and conceptual architectures are a matter of 

My take on it is just about opposite of what you state:  To me user 
interfaces in real time system control (especially embedded systems where 
the users control hardware are fixed vs. the "Windoze" platforms ) are a 
well researched and very well understood subject.   Based on my background I 
have submitted many comments to Flex re all that.  I don't know, I spent 
years in that field, and a lot of people paid me for what I did.   Maybe I 
was just "experimenting" who knows??   If that was the case, please don't 
tell my old boss.. hi hi

-73s  K6KDK

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[Flexradio] Add 'a Blog Busted ????

2006-09-29 Thread k6kdk
ATTN: Webmaster for Support/ Tracker Boards

Help.. my Add a Blog button is greyed-out...


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Re: [Flexradio] Add 'a Blog Busted ????

2006-09-29 Thread k6kdk
Well OK it's 1/2 busted..  OK w/ IE but  w/ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows 
NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ it's busted..


- Original Message - 
To: "FlexRadio" 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 7:20 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Add 'a Blog Busted 

> ATTN: Webmaster for Support/ Tracker Boards
> Help.. my Add a Blog button is greyed-out...
> -K6KDK
> ___
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Re: [Flexradio] Scanning?

2006-09-30 Thread k6kdk

That answer is a little vague for me. Can you be more specific?  I would 
like to look up the (legal) reference.

I am not aware of anything in Federal Regulation or Law that prevents
scanning receivers or transceivers. It is one of the most common
implementations in commercial and amateur gear. There is barely a piece of
commercial two way radio gear out there would even function if it did
not have a scanning receiver tracking control and trunking channels.

The decision to take scanning out of the SDR was done by Flex, and the 
reasons have always been very vague.

If you would like to see examples of scanning receivers and amateur 
trancievers with scanning, you can drop by my
shack anytime. IC 746, FT-60R, various AORs (capable of truck tracking),
numerous programmable HT Mots,  etc, etc. All these radios have FCC 


- Original Message - 
From: "Gerald Youngblood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tim Ellison'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Stig Rasmussen'" 
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Scanning?

> Hello all,
> Tim is correct.  Simply put, scanning is a regulatory issue that 
> determines
> which rules the radio falls under.
> Gerald
> Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
> FlexRadio Systems
> Ph: 512-535-5266
> Fax: 512-233-5143
> Web:
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
>> Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:52 PM
>> To: Stig Rasmussen;
>> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Scanning?
>> Stig,
>> It was removed in SVN 566.  Flex has never given an official
>> reason (at least not one I can I can find in the reflector
>> archives), but I assume it was regulatory in nature and they
>> were "motivated" to remove the feature for whatever the reasons.
>> Obviously any one with the IDE and using SVN 565/566 as a
>> reference can put it back in, at their own risk, of course.
>> -Tim
>> ---
>> Tim Ellison
>> Integrated Technical Services
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stig Rasmussen
>> Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:33 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Flexradio] Scanning?
>> Can someone tell me how to start scanning.
>> In the 1.6.2 there is a Scanner-button on the front.(Greyed out, no
>> function)
>> In 1.6.3 SVN there is no such button as I can find.
>> Maybe I'm blind...
>> 73's
>> LA4WAA - Stig - Oslo
>> ___
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Re: [Flexradio] Scanning?

2006-09-30 Thread k6kdk
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Lux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With Software Defined Radios, it's going to be a whole wild can of
worms, because the usual ways of limiting a piece of hardware to
doing only emissions (frequency, bandwidth, etc.) it's supposed to
don't work.  Load new software, and whoops, you're radiating a
different kind of signal in a different band, etc
==end snip=

well, at the risk of biting into a troll (most of them have a distinct 
bitter taste, but every once in a while you get a "good one), I'll respond 
to 'ya Jim.

so here it is in a nut-shell:

1.) We're not "radiating" anything here.  we are wondering what happened to 
the "receive scan function" .
2.) There is a question the table to Flex, "Why"
3.) far no response.


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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

2006-10-05 Thread k6kdk
"easy. ..just... work-around.."

work arounds ???

this issue goes all the way back to feature tracker # 273.. then it was 
re-stated with excellent suggestions for a real fix on  feature tracker # 

-Dan K6KDK ( wearing flame proof hardware ...)

- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Wachsmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Wayne Roth'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

> Easy.  Just set the color of the text to the same as the background.
> SetupForm -> Appearance -> Meter -> Digital Text.
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems
>> -Original Message-
>>] On Behalf Of Wayne Roth
>> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 1:16 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?
>> Now that we have great analog signal meter, I'd like the option to remove
>> the dB signal level display above it as it's somewhat distracting.  Is
>> anyone else interested in having this option?
>> Thanks,
>> Wayne Roth
>> wa2n/5
>> Austin
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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

2006-10-06 Thread k6kdk

Let me understand this correctly.. a flashing number on the consol display 
( flashing faster than the SMPTE frame rate, ) is useful ?   Please respond 
*specifically* to this question.   Do your homework first, understand the 
question,  THEN respond..

There seems to be some sort of nonsense going around here that is suggesting 
that if your brain and optics can gather information faster than 30FPS you 
are more "techie" than those of us regular mortals.  (I am not making this 
up,.. see the Feature tracker for details on statements made by others on 
this subject. They "claim" the display is useful ! Unbelievable !!)


- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Ellison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

> As noted before by several people, there IS an option.  Make the meter
> text color the same as the background and TA DA! - it is not there any
> more distracting those who are distracted by it.
> -Tim
> ---
> Tim Ellison
> Integrated Technical Services

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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

2006-10-06 Thread k6kdk

that we have great analog signal meter, I'd like the option to remove the dB 
signal level display
> Why to hide the absolutely best and most useful display feature of the
> whole SDR-1000?!  I need dBm for my measurements.
> 73, Ahti OH2RZ


Is this box (SDR-1000) a piece of bench test gear or a radio?

If it will help you would you like me to send you a copy of the latest HP 
catalog? They have a bunch of  neat stuff in there that works even better 
for your measurements... only problem is if you get one of their boxes, you 
can't work the CQP Contest on it next weekend. My problem is I can't work 
the CQP Contest (and score worth a darn) while watching the flickering 
display.  It's called concentration for the intended task at hand, the task 
for which the equipment was intended.


PS: well.. don't  whine, you asked for it... 

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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

2006-10-07 Thread k6kdk
>>> Ahi,
>>> Is this box (SDR-1000) a piece of bench test gear or a radio?
> Yes it is and I am very happy it is.
> 73's
> Bob
> N4HY

Well, OK, if it makes Bob happy I will "go along".. anyway I am making no 
progress on this topic at all, so I have to move along to other issues.

I just will clarify, again, my position on this. I fail to see the 
usefulness of the "feature", to me all it is is a distracting flickering 
jumble with very little useful information transferred to the user.

Specifically why I feel this way is that, to me anyway, when I look at this 
element of the display, and try to discerned any useful information from it, 
I am lucky to catch an occasional number here and there, and *only*  if that 
number is on the display long enough for persistence of vision to allow it 
to travel to my brain. The rest of the fast moving numbers (too fast for 
vision and brain) just sit there and flicker around.  It is not unusual for 
anywhere from a 1/2 a second to 3 or four seconds to pass before I can 
"catch" another complete number. How can that possibly be "useful" by any 
reasonable definition of the word?

A suggestion was made in the Feature tracker, to allow a  variable user 
defined "peak hold time" to be applied to this display. I fail to see why 
that suggestion has caused so much rancor on this reflector.  I thought it 
was an excellent solution.  It is a one size fits all, win win.  For those 
of you that have eyes from the head of Mr. Clark Kent you can set the hold 
time to Zero, and for old men, like me, I can set the hold time to something 
like 500 mils.

-Dan K6KDK 

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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

2006-10-07 Thread k6kdk

> 5) Yes, I can watch the "flickering" meter and optically resolve an
> average, or be cognizant of a peak value. I am 73 years old and have the
> eyesight that goes with that so I am not a techie possessing superior
> acutity.
> > Grinning all the time.
> Jim, W4ATK
Jim,I don't know what pills you doctor has prescribed but I want some! 
I have a question for you:  When you watch a movie, (30FPPS SMPTE standard 
frame rate) can you "resolve" each frame?  I think not, ..  Imagine a 
"movie" made of digits, each one different from the last. If I play that 
movie to you and asked you to give me an accurate numerical average of the 
numbers, could you do that?  That is the job of the computer, to average, 
compute and then display to the human operator the result.

I think what has irked me about this discussion, and why I am hanging in 
here on it is that it speaks of an interesting feature of the average Joe 
Ham.  He is a person that hangs onto the past (even the very brief past of 1 
year of software revisions to a GUI), even in the face of an, obviously, 
better solution.  Nostalgia is the guiding light for the Ham.  With the SDR 
and it's software I have noticed what I will call "selective nostalgia".

I mean, think about it: Here you have a piece of modern computing hardware, 
and you are straining your eyes to "average" a fast moving flicker of 
numbers on a display. You are going to "die-hard" before you let Dan talk 
you into using the computer for the job intended. By golly you are going to 
stare your eyes until they fall out of your head before you will have the 
programmer change that display!   Why? Well, simple, because that's the way 
the display was YESTERDAY, and damned if it going to change TOMORROW! This 
seems so odd, in light of the concept of an SDR, but there you have it 
anyway.   Some of us are just going to latch onto a "feature" here and there 
and stick to it.  Just Hams at work, I guess...


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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display? - Enough Already

2006-10-07 Thread k6kdk

>Enough Already - If your talking about the dBm meter in the upper right, 
>just set the background to white and the text to light gray and you >will 
>see it only when you specifically look at it otherwise it's invisible. 
>There just has to be something else to talk about


Well that's just a darn interesting comment. Let me see if I understand all 
this so far. If the display element under discussion bothers me then the 
consensus is I should "just not look at it"?  Right?  have I got all this 
correct so far?   Then if I post on this subject rather than you "just not 
looking at my posts"  rather I should go away.. right?   Have I got all this 
correct so far ??

-Dan K6KDK

PS: There is a moderator on all reflectors, users are not moderators.   You 
might want to be careful dropping into discussion groups and making 
statments about who should post on what subject. You can be kicked off many 
of them that are tightly moderated for making such statements.. 

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Re: [Flexradio] Option to remove dB display?

2006-10-07 Thread k6kdk

>are very popular with some people.  It's
> just a personal choice, I wouldn't try to tell another engineer which
> type of meter he should use, just because it didn't suit me.
> Dave (G0DJA)

Dave,   Please re-read the subject title. see the word "option"... Also 
please see Feature Tracker for cogent comments on how to implement a fix. 
You will see from the feature tracker comments that many valid engineering 
reasons were stated  why the display space should be better utilized, and 
better implementations for the feature.

An important part of engineering GUIs is using display space in an efficient 
manner.  This dB meter data is duplicated two places on the display 
simultaneously already. The first feature tracker comment suggested to the 
programmers that the second simultaneous display was a waste of valuable 
screen display space, and that a better use for that 90X100 pixels would be 
a Transmit meter.

I feel these are valuable and important suggestions for improvements.

-Dan  K6KDK 

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Re: [Flexradio] Windows highway robbery

2006-10-20 Thread k6kdk

Jim sez:
> In many ways, as far as PCs go, most people still treat them like the
> early days of the industrial revolution, with one prime mover and
> shafts and belts to power all the machines.  At least for
> microcomputers, they're embedded and invisible.  To take the analogy
> further, dual boot solutions are like the farmer with the PTO on the
> tractor. You can either thresh corn or bale hay, but not both at the same 
> time.

Bear with me, I'll make my point here eventually, but first a farmer joke. 
The equipment salesman is showing the farmer the new GPS guided tractor, the 
farmer asks if his farm hand will be able to run the tractor, to which the 
salesman replies, "Fella'  takes a man and a dog in the cab at the same time 
to run this rig.   The man is there to feed the dog and the dog is there to 
bite the man if he touches any of the controls"

This joke is not so crazy as it sounds. My Almonds Orchards were planted 
with just such a system made by Raven Technologies. It was sort of Halloween 
weird to watch the tractor navigate the planting machinery thru the morning 
fog down rows 1/4 mile long to an accuracy of better than a 1/2 inch. Micro 
controllers, and full blown computing systems are everywhere now in 
Agriculture. They control irrigation systems with remote water monitors, 
compute evpotranspriation rates with data collected from the internet 
weather and turn on an off sprinkler systems over entire sections of land. 
Then report back  status to the farmer (manager as we now call them) on cell 

But here's the bottom line. You can make all the quaint old farmer in his 
blue bib overall jokes you want, but no farmer I know is so stupid as to 
send Raven Controls Inc.  money two or three or four times tomorrow for the 
controller software that they already bought ONCE yesterday!

If you want this nonsense from MS to stop, you just have to say NO ! No 
Vista, no pay XP again and again as a result of the phone home spy spyware.. 
Like the bumper stickers you used to see "JUST SAY NO!"

-Dan K6KDK 

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[Flexradio] 80 mtr images

2006-11-09 Thread k6kdk
There has recently been good openings in the 80 mtr DX window around 3.792 and 
there abouts in the SSB area of the band. I have noticed very loud images of 
the strong stateside sigs working this DX up abt 20 KC. These images are 
distorted but very loud.  Has anyone else noticed this behavior, or should I 
start looking at something here in the local SDR set up??

-- next part --
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[Flexradio] birdie 14.2970

2006-11-11 Thread k6kdk
I have noticed also a birdie at 14.2970 (see snip below). That and the 
images noted in my previous post on 80 mtrs from 3.792 up 20 KC . Is there a 
possibility of a software fix for any of these issues 
?-K6KDK==snip28435 is a pet frequency of 
a group centered around Philadelphia
(everyday at 1pm til 2pm).  I have a birdie that is 2500 above 28435
only if i have the preamp on med or high.  If i adjust the frequency to
28434.9 or 28435.1 the birdie goes away.  Spur reduction has a small
effect on the birdie.
I know this is a minor problem and probably I'm the only one it is going
to bother.  Most of the time I stay with preamp in low, but when our DE
stations come in I have to turn it up or I am unable to copy.  Please
put this in the to be looked at bin.wa2tti  Jerry

===end snip 

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Re: [Flexradio] AGC and Other Optomized Receiver Settings

2006-12-17 Thread k6kdk
AGC Optimized (optomized,sic) for what  ?

Pretty soon I am going to be forced to re-quote here the excellent article
that was written for the TT Orion owners manual (you can download it from
the TT site) regarding optimizing SDR AGCs for  and  band conditons.   It should be re-quoted, paraphrased.
plagiarized, what-have-you and included in the Flex knowledge base.  Should
be a highly recommended read (required) for all Flexers.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gerald Capodieci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 3:34 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] AGC and Other Optomized Receiver Settings

> I. M-Audio Software Changes
>   1. DMA buffer to 1024
>   2. Codec Sample Rate: Uncheck the "Rate Locked" box and the
>  "--etc.etc.etc.." 

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[Flexradio] sdr-1000 for sale

2007-02-10 Thread k6kdk
Flex Radio SDR-1000, 1 year Old, Excellent w/ Delta 44 K6KDK 559-240-1579
also available:

US Tower HDX-572 MDPL w/ Motor Drive w/ Coax Arm w/ TRX 80 Raising Fixture
In Selma California. Pick Up Only, All factory refurb by US Towers 2 yrs ago
K6KDK 559-240-1579

US Towers MA- 40 Tubular Tower, Excellent, In Selma CA Pick UP
K6KDK 559-240-1579

MA 550 US Towers Tubular Tower

M2 6 Element 17 mt Yagi   K6KDK 559-240-1579

M2 5 Element 20 Meter Yagi K6KDK 559-240-1579

Ameritron AL-1500 Excellent , Low Hrs, QUIET! With Sound Baffles, temp 
controlled fans
K6KDK 559-240-1579

Ten Tec Model 238-B Hi Power Antenna Tuner, Excellent
K6KDK 559-240-1579 

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[Flexradio] repost on SD-100 for sale

2007-02-12 Thread k6kdk
Sorry for taking up more bandwidth on this but there was impossible 
confusion on the part of those responding to my original post on this SDR 
for sale.  So I will make the following MUCH more detailed to try to 
eliminate the confusion and to (hopefully) eliminate the trash bargain 
hunter idiots that were just looking for something they could steal and then 
re-sell on eBay.

SDR-1000 (100Watt) purchased NEW by me on 4/19/2006 ( can jpg image of sales 
Invoice from Flex) This radio came from Flex with all current mods, it is 
less than 1 year old.

Includes Delta 44 Card and Cable Set,  plus I will throw in the home brew 
audio cabling for foot PTT, Parallel Port Cable, and other cabling items 

Original Flex Boxes, will be double over packed for shipment

Shipped via USPS 2Day Priority Air with Insurance Included

I am selling for personal reasons (radio is perfect, I am not dumping lemon 
here, I have been a ham for 25 years and I disclose everything about the 
gear I sell)   Due to personal issues I am selling ALL Ham gear at this QTH, 
if you want other stuff (everything from VHF repeaters to boxes full of 
parts, rolls of hard line, large amps, towers,  you name it, most of this 
PICK UP only at my QTH in Selma CA , then send private email and I will 
reply with list).

***Now here is the part that caused the first for-sale post to go south on 
me: I want $1275 for the package, that includes ALL shipping packing 
handling and Insurance and the gear. That is the total price.  Terms are 
ONLY: US Postal money order -or-  I will take Pay Pal from Confirmed PP 
address PLUS 3.5% to cover PP fees.  This price and terms are NON 
NEGOTIABLE. Don't waste your time and mine trying to play games.

73s - Dan  559-240-12579

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