Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo-newbie - Install fails

2003-11-01 Thread Kingsley
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:

Doloaded latest isos, booted, followed instructions.

It unpacks portage-2.0.49.r15.tar.bz2, starts to compile
it but fails with an error - undefined symbol xxmalloc_set_program_name.
I'm having a similar problem with emerging the latest portage. Perhaps 
that's why fails? If so I need to run
emerge portage  /portage.out 21
on it, too.
I 'emerge portage'-ed but it failed to patch.

It seemed to be unpacking and configuring sys-devel/patch2.5.9
But this failes with a message ... see config.log
So I look in here - the configure has broken with a compile,
and once again the error is - undefined symbol xxmalloc_set_program_name.


Kingsley Turner,
(mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Travel Tales: The good, bad, and down-right ugly
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Gentoo up and running

2003-11-01 Thread Joseph Eaton
After TWO WEEKS!!! of emerging and such, I can finally log into a
graphical user interface (Genome) on my Gentoo laptop.

I am typing this on my Main desktop running RH9.  I am a sort of Newbie
that converted a while back.  RH is so easy to install (took 45 minutes)
and use. 

Gentoo, on the other hand, has been compiling code for 14 days straight
on a K6-2 500 laptop.  

I couldn't get KDE to emerge properly.  Gnome took about 20 or so
tries.  It would fail on certain packages.  I just retyped the command
and prayed. Most of the time that worked.  The error messages were
always cryptic and google is an old friend.  

I couldn't get xscreensave to emerge.  I said screw it and moved on.  I
just wanted to to see a login screen.

Well, eventhough I set it up to run GDM as the login manager, xdm still
runs.  I just log in twice. 

I think I will wipe the system and start over again.  I started from
stage 1.  Next time will be stage 3.  

I don't see putting Gentoo on my main system just yet.  RH9 is so
convenient with RPMs and now APT-GET.  Maybe when I lose the n00b
status, I will upgrade to Gentoo.


There is no place like

Digitally signed
  Version: 3.12
  GCS/ED/CC d s: a- C++ UL P+ L++ E W+++
  N+++ o K- w O-- M- V PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP
  t- 5- X+ R- tv+ b+ DI+++ D++ G e+ h* r* z?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo up and running

2003-11-01 Thread William Kenworthy
Gentoo is learning experiance.  I would actually attempt to repair the
system you have, rather than restart as otherwise, you are likely to
repeat the very same mistakes.  I have found that applying redhat-ism's
to gentoo can cause some severe problems as there some fundamental

Excessive build time: check out ccache and distcc (both of which will
run on redhat, and chroot builds on the redhat system.

xdm/gdm: sounds like rc.conf is misconfigured, or you are trying to
start xdm/gdm manually, and not via the proper scripts?


On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 15:55, Joseph Eaton wrote:
 After TWO WEEKS!!! of emerging and such, I can finally log into a
 graphical user interface (Genome) on my Gentoo laptop.
 I am typing this on my Main desktop running RH9.  I am a sort of Newbie
 that converted a while back.  RH is so easy to install (took 45 minutes)
 and use. 
 Gentoo, on the other hand, has been compiling code for 14 days straight
 on a K6-2 500 laptop.  
 I couldn't get KDE to emerge properly.  Gnome took about 20 or so
 tries.  It would fail on certain packages.  I just retyped the command
 and prayed. Most of the time that worked.  The error messages were
 always cryptic and google is an old friend.  
 I couldn't get xscreensave to emerge.  I said screw it and moved on.  I
 just wanted to to see a login screen.
 Well, eventhough I set it up to run GDM as the login manager, xdm still
 runs.  I just log in twice. 
 I think I will wipe the system and start over again.  I started from
 stage 1.  Next time will be stage 3.  
 I don't see putting Gentoo on my main system just yet.  RH9 is so
 convenient with RPMs and now APT-GET.  Maybe when I lose the n00b
 status, I will upgrade to Gentoo.
William Kenworthy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: Israeli Processor Computes at Speed of Light

2003-11-01 Thread Rick [Kitty5]
Lotas T Smartman wrote:
 We can only dream!

Is that before of after you choke on price :)


Kitty5 NewMedia
POV-Ray News  Resources
TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - ICQ : 15776037

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo up and running

2003-11-01 Thread Joseph Eaton
I figured out the xdm/gdm problems.  Forgot to un-comment the lines.

Yeah, the old Compaq lappy is my test mule.  I have a new Sony
ultra-portable that serves as my main travel companion.  WinXP is
staying on that until the Centrino drivers are more mature.  

I will check those other things in regards to my slow build time.  I
just thought it was a 500MHz proc and 96MB RAM.  

On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 20:06, William Kenworthy wrote:
 Gentoo is learning experiance.  I would actually attempt to repair the
 system you have, rather than restart as otherwise, you are likely to
 repeat the very same mistakes.  I have found that applying redhat-ism's
 to gentoo can cause some severe problems as there some fundamental
 Excessive build time: check out ccache and distcc (both of which will
 run on redhat, and chroot builds on the redhat system.
 xdm/gdm: sounds like rc.conf is misconfigured, or you are trying to
 start xdm/gdm manually, and not via the proper scripts?
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 15:55, Joseph Eaton wrote:
  After TWO WEEKS!!! of emerging and such, I can finally log into a
  graphical user interface (Genome) on my Gentoo laptop.
  I am typing this on my Main desktop running RH9.  I am a sort of Newbie
  that converted a while back.  RH is so easy to install (took 45 minutes)
  and use. 
  Gentoo, on the other hand, has been compiling code for 14 days straight
  on a K6-2 500 laptop.  
  I couldn't get KDE to emerge properly.  Gnome took about 20 or so
  tries.  It would fail on certain packages.  I just retyped the command
  and prayed. Most of the time that worked.  The error messages were
  always cryptic and google is an old friend.  
  I couldn't get xscreensave to emerge.  I said screw it and moved on.  I
  just wanted to to see a login screen.
  Well, eventhough I set it up to run GDM as the login manager, xdm still
  runs.  I just log in twice. 
  I think I will wipe the system and start over again.  I started from
  stage 1.  Next time will be stage 3.  
  I don't see putting Gentoo on my main system just yet.  RH9 is so
  convenient with RPMs and now APT-GET.  Maybe when I lose the n00b
  status, I will upgrade to Gentoo.
There is no place like

Digitally signed
  Version: 3.12
  GCS/ED/CC d s: a- C++ UL P+ L++ E W+++
  N+++ o K- w O-- M- V PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP
  t- 5- X+ R- tv+ b+ DI+++ D++ G e+ h* r* z?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Simon Kühling
hi everyone,

i'm trying to get my gentoo box running as a firewall and nat-router for
my home-network. therefore i took the iptables-example script as seen in
the gentoo security guide
( and
modified it a little.

the server is able to establish an adsl-connection and lynx has no prob
to surf the net. the firewall script is started and from inside the
network i can easily access the server ( via ssh, but theres
no response to pings from e.g. . the server itself is not
able to make pings and get a strange error message:

tux root # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms

my firewallscript is attached to this mail.
i do not see a mistake or something in that script.
btw another strange behavior: yesterday the nat routing suddenly ran for
about 10 minutes without changing the script (as i can remember).

i am thankful for every little hint :)


opts=${opts} showstatus panic save restore showoptions rules

depend() {
  need net procparam

rules() {
  ebegin Setting internal rules

  einfo Setting default rule to drop

  #default rule
  einfo Creating states chain
  $IPTABLES -N allowed-connection
  $IPTABLES -F allowed-connection
  $IPTABLES -A allowed-connection -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A allowed-connection -i $IINTERFACE -m limit -j LOG --log-prefix Bad 
packet from ${IINTERFACE}:
  $IPTABLES -A allowed-connection -j DROP

  #ICMP traffic
  einfo Creating icmp chain
  $IPTABLES -N icmp_allowed
  $IPTABLES -F icmp_allowed
  $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -m state --state NEW -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j 
  $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -m state --state NEW -p icmp --icmp-type 
destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -p icmp -j LOG --log-prefix Bad ICMP traffic:
  $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -p icmp -j DROP

  #Incoming traffic
  einfo Creating incoming ssh traffic chain
  $IPTABLES -N allow-ssh-traffic-in
  $IPTABLES -F allow-ssh-traffic-in
  #Flood protection
  $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m limit --limit 1/second -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL 
RST --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m limit --limit 1/second -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL 
FIN --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m limit --limit 1/second -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL 
SYN --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -p tcp 
--dport ssh -j ACCEPT

  #outgoing traffic
  einfo Creating outgoing ssh traffic chain
  $IPTABLES -N allow-ssh-traffic-out
  $IPTABLES -F allow-ssh-traffic-out
  $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-out -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT

  einfo Creating outgoing dns traffic chain
  $IPTABLES -N allow-dns-traffic-out
  $IPTABLES -F allow-dns-traffic-out
  $IPTABLES -A allow-dns-traffic-out -p udp -d $DNS1 --dport domain -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A allow-dns-traffic-out -p udp -d $DNS2 --dport domain -j ACCEPT

  einfo Creating outgoing http/https traffic chain
  $IPTABLES -N allow-www-traffic-out
  $IPTABLES -F allow-www-traffic-out
  $IPTABLES -A allow-www-traffic-out -p tcp --dport www -j ACCEPT
  $IPTABLES -A allow-www-traffic-out -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT

  #Catch portscanners
  einfo Creating portscan detection chain
  $IPTABLES -N check-flags
  $IPTABLES -F check-flags
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -m limit --limit 
5/minute -j LOG --log-level alert --log-prefix NMAP-XMAS:
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j DROP
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -m limit --limit 5/minute -j LOG 
--log-level 1 --log-prefix XMAS:
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -j DROP
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,RST,ACK,FIN,URG -m limit --limit 
5/minute -j LOG --log-level 1 --log-prefix XMAS-PSH:
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,RST,ACK,FIN,URG -j DROP
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -m limit --limit 5/minute -j 
LOG --log-level 1 --log-prefix NULL_SCAN:
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -m limit --limit 
5/minute -j LOG --log-level 5 --log-prefix SYN/RST:
  $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST 

[gentoo-user] portage wants 2.6.0-test8??

2003-11-01 Thread Tom Wesley
Hi all,

Recently I've had a problem with portage wanting to install

emerge -uDp world
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N] sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.0_beta8
[ebuild  N] x11-misc/karamba-0.17-r1
[ebuild  N] x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r2
[ebuild U ] net-www/apache-2.0.48 [2.0.47-r1]
[ebuild  N] dev-lang/ruby-1.8.1_pre2
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.2.3-r3 [1.2.3-r2]
[ebuild  N] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2
[ebuild U ] net-ftp/pure-ftpd-1.0.16c [1.0.16b]

But `etcat -d development-sources` returns nothing.  My guess is that
it's connected to the alsa vitual.  Does anyone know how I can check

Tom Wesley

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo up and running

2003-11-01 Thread Joshua Banks

--- Joseph Eaton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I figured out the xdm/gdm problems.  Forgot to un-comment the lines.
 Yeah, the old Compaq lappy is my test mule.  I have a new Sony
 ultra-portable that serves as my main travel companion.  WinXP is
 staying on that until the Centrino drivers are more mature.  
 I will check those other things in regards to my slow build time.  I
 just thought it was a 500MHz proc and 96MB RAM.  

Stage 3 is a good place to begin Joseph. If you run into sparodic
issues durning a stage 1 install it can slowly but surely beatdown your
Gentoo Moral. Having a fast internet connection is a plus of course.
A slow connection only addes to frustration for me. I did a stage 3 via
dial-up and it took me just about 3 days to get everything updated and
tweeked. I've never been happier. 

I was used Mandrake as my first dist and just couldn't stand the rpm
madness. Anytime I wanted to upgrade something it was a nightmare
trying to figure out dependency problems. 
The nice thing with Gentoo is its compiling everything you download to
your specific spec's. I know you know this but anyways just in case.
Say you want to install Gaim for instance. Gentoo tells you
everything you need or whats dependent to get that build and downloads,
installs and compiles everthing in the proper order. Plus your able to
keep up with the software you work with and at the stable pace that
packages are made stable and available. This feature alone rules. I'm
running KDE 3.1.4 while most of my engineering buddies are at something
pre 3. Can't even remeber now. 
Ofcourse you can live on the edge and download dev stuff thats unstable
if you half to have the bleeding edge releases. I've chosen to stick
with stable by default. Linux is a never ending learning experience for
me and gobbles up a ton of my time when I have to trouble shoot
something. So stable is good for me. Ofcourse I had to learn that the
hard way. Heh..

I hope that your next install goes smoother. You have this list and the
Gentoo web forum if google ain't helpin.

Oh ya, the email list archvies can be found at:

HTH's a little,
Joshua Banks

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Ebuild x11-libs/openmotif broken?

2003-11-01 Thread Thomas . Schweikle

trying to build x11-libs/openmotif I receive the following error:

/usr/X11R6/include/Xm/Xm.h:1655: parse error before 
send.c: In function `WSMSendMessage':
send.c:92: warning: implicit declaration of function `GetTimestamp'
make[3]: *** [send.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

!!! ERROR: x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r1 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 38, Exitcode 2
!!! make failed

Is this ebuild broken at the moment?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Joshua Banks
Save your self allot of time and headakeee and download emerge -p
shorewall Shorewall firewall. IPtables made easy. This site is well
maintained has a great mailing list and awesome easy to follow FAQ's
for Standalone workstation, 2 nic's and 3 nic setup with DMZ. 

Shorewall is very light wheight and is a full featured statefull packet
filtering firewall that uses a series of simple shell scripts to take
all the (masacostic fun) our of configuring iptables line by line, word
by word.

Unless you trying to learn iptables ofcourse.. Heh. :P

--- Simon_Kühling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi everyone,
 i'm trying to get my gentoo box running as a firewall and nat-router
 my home-network. therefore i took the iptables-example script as seen
 the gentoo security guide
 ( and
 modified it a little.
 the server is able to establish an adsl-connection and lynx has no
 to surf the net. the firewall script is started and from inside the
 network i can easily access the server ( via ssh, but
 no response to pings from e.g. . the server itself is
 able to make pings and get a strange error message:
   tux root # ping
   PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
   --- ping statistics ---
   3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms
 my firewallscript is attached to this mail.
 i do not see a mistake or something in that script.
 btw another strange behavior: yesterday the nat routing suddenly ran
 about 10 minutes without changing the script (as i can remember).
 i am thankful for every little hint :)
 opts=${opts} showstatus panic save restore showoptions rules
 depend() {
   need net procparam
 rules() {
   ebegin Setting internal rules
   einfo Setting default rule to drop
   #default rule
   einfo Creating states chain
   $IPTABLES -N allowed-connection
   $IPTABLES -F allowed-connection
   $IPTABLES -A allowed-connection -m state --state
   $IPTABLES -A allowed-connection -i $IINTERFACE -m limit -j LOG
 --log-prefix Bad packet from ${IINTERFACE}:
   $IPTABLES -A allowed-connection -j DROP
   #ICMP traffic
   einfo Creating icmp chain
   $IPTABLES -N icmp_allowed
   $IPTABLES -F icmp_allowed
   $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -m state --state NEW -p icmp --icmp-type
 time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -m state --state NEW -p icmp --icmp-type
 destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -p icmp -j LOG --log-prefix Bad ICMP
   $IPTABLES -A icmp_allowed -p icmp -j DROP
   #Incoming traffic
   einfo Creating incoming ssh traffic chain
   $IPTABLES -N allow-ssh-traffic-in
   $IPTABLES -F allow-ssh-traffic-in
   #Flood protection
   $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m limit --limit 1/second -p tcp
 --tcp-flags ALL RST --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m limit --limit 1/second -p tcp
 --tcp-flags ALL FIN --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m limit --limit 1/second -p tcp
 --tcp-flags ALL SYN --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-in -m state --state
 RELATED,ESTABLISHED -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
   #outgoing traffic
   einfo Creating outgoing ssh traffic chain
   $IPTABLES -N allow-ssh-traffic-out
   $IPTABLES -F allow-ssh-traffic-out
   $IPTABLES -A allow-ssh-traffic-out -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
   einfo Creating outgoing dns traffic chain
   $IPTABLES -N allow-dns-traffic-out
   $IPTABLES -F allow-dns-traffic-out
   $IPTABLES -A allow-dns-traffic-out -p udp -d $DNS1 --dport domain
   $IPTABLES -A allow-dns-traffic-out -p udp -d $DNS2 --dport domain
   einfo Creating outgoing http/https traffic chain
   $IPTABLES -N allow-www-traffic-out
   $IPTABLES -F allow-www-traffic-out
   $IPTABLES -A allow-www-traffic-out -p tcp --dport www -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A allow-www-traffic-out -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT
   #Catch portscanners
   einfo Creating portscan detection chain
   $IPTABLES -N check-flags
   $IPTABLES -F check-flags
   $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -m
 limit --limit 5/minute -j LOG --log-level alert --log-prefix
   $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j DROP
   $IPTABLES -A check-flags -p tcp --tcp-flags 

Re: [gentoo-user] portage wants 2.6.0-test8??

2003-11-01 Thread Jason Stubbs
On Saturday 01 November 2003 21:21, Tom Wesley wrote:
(B Recently I've had a problem with portage wanting to install
(B development-sources-2.6.0_beta8:
(B emerge -uDp world
(B These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
(B Calculating world dependencies ...done!
(B [ebuild  N] sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.0_beta8
(B [ebuild  N] x11-misc/karamba-0.17-r1
(B [ebuild  N] x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r2
(B [ebuild U ] net-www/apache-2.0.48 [2.0.47-r1]
(B [ebuild  N] dev-lang/ruby-1.8.1_pre2
(B [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.2.3-r3 [1.2.3-r2]
(B [ebuild  N] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2
(B [ebuild U ] net-ftp/pure-ftpd-1.0.16c [1.0.16b]
(B But `etcat -d development-sources` returns nothing.  My guess is that
(B it's connected to the alsa vitual.  Does anyone know how I can check
(B this?
(BHave a look in /var/cache/edb. However, nothing there should reference 
(Bdevelopment-sources unless you've had it installed before.
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] portage wants 2.6.0-test8??

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Tom Wesley wrote:
Hi all,

Recently I've had a problem with portage wanting to install
emerge -uDp world
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N] sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.0_beta8
[ebuild  N] x11-misc/karamba-0.17-r1
[ebuild  N] x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r2
[ebuild U ] net-www/apache-2.0.48 [2.0.47-r1]
[ebuild  N] dev-lang/ruby-1.8.1_pre2
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.2.3-r3 [1.2.3-r2]
[ebuild  N] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2
[ebuild U ] net-ftp/pure-ftpd-1.0.16c [1.0.16b]

But `etcat -d development-sources` returns nothing.  My guess is that
it's connected to the alsa vitual.  Does anyone know how I can check
One practice I've taken to is to always use the '-v' flag whenever I use '-p'.

Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] portage wants 2.6.0-test8??

2003-11-01 Thread Tom Wesley
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 13:00, Jason Stubbs wrote:
 On Saturday 01 November 2003 21:21, Tom Wesley wrote:
  Recently I've had a problem with portage wanting to install
  emerge -uDp world
  These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
  Calculating world dependencies ...done!
  [ebuild  N] sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.0_beta8
  [ebuild  N] x11-misc/karamba-0.17-r1
  [ebuild  N] x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r2
  [ebuild U ] net-www/apache-2.0.48 [2.0.47-r1]
  [ebuild  N] dev-lang/ruby-1.8.1_pre2
  [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.2.3-r3 [1.2.3-r2]
  [ebuild  N] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2
  [ebuild U ] net-ftp/pure-ftpd-1.0.16c [1.0.16b]
  But `etcat -d development-sources` returns nothing.  My guess is that
  it's connected to the alsa vitual.  Does anyone know how I can check
 Have a look in /var/cache/edb. However, nothing there should reference 
 development-sources unless you've had it installed before.

Thanks for the suggestion, however I do have test9 installed.  Just
can't work out what relies on test8!
Tom Wesley

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-user] portage wants 2.6.0-test8??

2003-11-01 Thread Tom Wesley
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 13:00, Jason Stubbs wrote:
 On Saturday 01 November 2003 21:21, Tom Wesley wrote:
  Recently I've had a problem with portage wanting to install
  emerge -uDp world
  These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
  Calculating world dependencies ...done!
  [ebuild  N] sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.0_beta8
  [ebuild  N] x11-misc/karamba-0.17-r1
  [ebuild  N] x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r2
  [ebuild U ] net-www/apache-2.0.48 [2.0.47-r1]
  [ebuild  N] dev-lang/ruby-1.8.1_pre2
  [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.2.3-r3 [1.2.3-r2]
  [ebuild  N] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2
  [ebuild U ] net-ftp/pure-ftpd-1.0.16c [1.0.16b]
  But `etcat -d development-sources` returns nothing.  My guess is that
  it's connected to the alsa vitual.  Does anyone know how I can check
 Have a look in /var/cache/edb. However, nothing there should reference 
 development-sources unless you've had it installed before.

OK sorry people, seeems test9 was masked, hence the need for test8.

Tom Wesley

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[gentoo-user] Serial ATA RAID 0

2003-11-01 Thread Arturo di Gioia
Some days ago I posted a message asking for informations on Linux serial
ATA support (I'm buying a PC).
Reading the answers I got interested in RAID 0.
I'd like to buy a Dell Dimension 8300 with two 120MB Serial ATA drives
in RAID 0 configuration.
Dell PCs have an Intel 875 motherboard, but I heard that DELL doesn't
use the internal SATA controller but comes with a PCI external
controller. I haven't been able to obtain any technical specification
from Dell website.
Provided that I'll stress Dell by phone Monday morning, I'd like to know
if anyone of you does already have that configuration and has been able
to install Gentoo (or any other Linux distro) on that PC.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo up and running

2003-11-01 Thread Hall Stevenson
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 07:55, Joseph Eaton wrote:
 I think I will wipe the system and start over again.  I started from
 stage 1.  Next time will be stage 3.  

On old hardware such as yours, taking 14 days, give or take a couple
because of first-time mistakes, that's just unreasonable. I agree about
not doing a stage 1 install again. You could even do a GRP install and
not have to compile *anything*. Download a pre-compiled ISO disc that's
optimized for your hardware and all you lose is the infinite ability to
tweak, all of which may NOT amount to a noticable improvement.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: damned usb mouse again

2003-11-01 Thread Roberto Padovani
hi all!

you don't have the usbmouse module installed.
use *either* USBMOUSE or HID
right guys, i picked hid because knoppix recognizes and can use my mouse 
without any problem and lsmod gives:

i tried them, even copied them from knoppix pre-built, but nothing.
dmesg shows that the usb subsystem understands i have a MS Optical Wheel 
Mouse as soon as i plug it in.

Post information from /etc/X11/XF86config regarding you mouse.
This is an example of mine.  It works for both my laptop and home

Identifier  Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolIMPS/2
Option Device  /dev/input/mice
Option ZAxisMapping  4 5
Option Buttons5

-- Bobby R. Cox
mine is exactly the same, though i think that the problem is somewhat 
above X, since

# cat /dev/input/mice

doesn't show any understanig of my mouse movements.
i'll try to recompile the kernel with a different usb config...but it's 
kinda desperate action, since i have no idea what i shall change :-/

nice weekends to everyone! you're very supportive, guys 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: damned usb mouse again

2003-11-01 Thread Hall Stevenson
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 13:57, Roberto Padovani wrote:
 hi all!
  you don't have the usbmouse module installed.
  use *either* USBMOUSE or HID
 right guys, i picked hid because knoppix recognizes and can use my mouse 
 without any problem and lsmod gives:

I tried *again* last night, with both enabled, and it still didn't work.
I did check Gentoo's default .config and they do NOT enable USBMOUSE or
USBKEYB (not sure of the exact name for the keyboard item).

Things are currently connected to the old PS2 ports... and work...

 mine is exactly the same, though i think that the problem is somewhat 
 above X, since
 # cat /dev/input/mice
 doesn't show any understanig of my mouse movements.

You're correct. If the kernel doesn't know the mouse exists, don't
bother with X (yet).


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Thank you very much.  I've been on the Ardour list but haven't taken this 
question there as I figured there weren't any Gentooers there - glad to hear 
I'm wrong.  

I'll try copying creating the ~.ardourrc file although I thought it would 
default to using the /etc/ardour one if mine didn't exist.

I'll definitely visit Jan's site.  Cableone was my old provider till I moved!

On Saturday 01 November 2003 00:13, you wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 20:58, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:

  The docs on Jack also mention using a /etc/asound.rc  or ~/.asound.rc
  file to set up devices, etc.  Have you found that necessary?

I just snipped the rest out because if the .ardourrc file isn't set
 up right then nothing is going to work for you.

It's been so long since I've set up Ardour from scratch that I'm
 going to be doing some guessing here. I think you'll get far better
 answers subscribing to the ardour-user list. (FYI - I know that one of
 the developers - Jesse Chappel, and at least one other guy who runs a
 pro studio, are using Ardour under Gentoo, so don't give up. It will

First, copy the ardour.rc file that's in the download directory to
 your home directory with a name change

 cp path/ardour/ardour.rc ~/.ardourrc

Second, check Jan Depner's Alsa/Jack/Ardour configuration site for
 config ideas. The address is:

 I think (hope, pray) you'll find what you need there. Jan's a great guy
 and very organized. He's built this up over the last year. I think it's
 probably quite good at this point.

I'll keep my eyes open for more info on this. Maybe I'll just build
 it myself from CVS. I haven't done that in a long time.

 Good luck,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Okay, it works then!  I'll visit Jan and the other sites and follow your 
advice about ardourrc and see if I can get mine running.  What is qjackctl?

I'll definitely let you know - it may take awhile as I have a long list of 
things that must get done today!

On Saturday 01 November 2003 00:59, you wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 20:58, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
  I did some more work on it.


I built it and it's up and running.

 make install (as root)

 as user

This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your mailing
 cp path/ardour/ardourrc .ardourrc  (necessary?)

 Started Jack using qjackctl

 Started Ardour

 Looked in qjackctl - no evidence of ardour

 Created a new session

 Looked in qjackctl - ardour is there

 My only problem right now is that after I hook some stuff up, I want to
 record but hitting start isn't working.

 Anyway, maybe this info will help you. Write back and let me know how it
 comes out.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Gnome has taken over my KDE desktop

2003-11-01 Thread Bruce E. Harris
I dont know how it happen, but when I use KDM or GDM and launch KDE, the 
correct desktop starts then switchs over the Gnome, losing all the configs I 
had under KDE.

I have rebooted several times, and no luck. How can fi fixt this?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht

 Okay, it works then!  I'll visit Jan and the other sites and follow your
 advice about ardourrc and see if I can get mine running.  What is

 I'll definitely let you know - it may take awhile as I have a
 long list of
 things that must get done today!

Glad you're making headway.

qjackctl is an application that allows you to set up Jack, run it, make
connections between Jack clients, all in one place. It's very handy.

Once you start using it there's no need for anything else to get all this
stuff set up.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [gentoo-user] Serial ATA RAID 0

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht

 Some days ago I posted a message asking for informations on Linux serial
 ATA support (I'm buying a PC).
 Reading the answers I got interested in RAID 0.
 I'd like to buy a Dell Dimension 8300 with two 120MB Serial ATA drives
 in RAID 0 configuration.
 Dell PCs have an Intel 875 motherboard, but I heard that DELL doesn't
 use the internal SATA controller but comes with a PCI external
 controller. I haven't been able to obtain any technical specification
 from Dell website.
 Provided that I'll stress Dell by phone Monday morning, I'd like to know
 if anyone of you does already have that configuration and has been able
 to install Gentoo (or any other Linux distro) on that PC.

These guys at Altamicro advertised on the Redhat Install list that they have
a version of Redhat all set up to install RH on SATA drives for the Intel
875 chipsets, so I think it can be done.

3423 Investment Boulevard
Suite 202
Hayward, CA 94545
1-866-868-ALTA (Toll Free)
1-510-732-3728 (Main)

I think they sell a CD for $5 or something pretty cheap. I don't know what
you can download, or how in depth their web site it. Check them out if it's
of interest to you.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Building KDE

2003-11-01 Thread Simon Windsor


I am trying to build KDE on Gentoo 1.4, and the 
process is hanging

The screen shows ...

celt root # emerge kdeCalculating 
dependencies ...done! emerge (1 of 62) dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.11 
to / Downloading 
= `/usr/portage/distfiles/libxml2-2.5.11.tar.bz2'Resolving done.Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...Is 
there a problem with ?

Many thanx


Simon WindsorEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: 
01454 617689Mob: 07720 447385-- 
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by
MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
Mailscanner thanks transtec Computers for their support.

RE: [gentoo-user] Building KDE

2003-11-01 Thread Jeffrey Smelser

just give it time, it will eventually time out..

  -Original Message-From: Simon Windsor 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, November 01, 
  2003 9:55 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [gentoo-user] Building KDE
  I am trying to build KDE on Gentoo 1.4, and the 
  process is hanging
  The screen shows ...
  celt root # emerge kdeCalculating 
  dependencies ...done! emerge (1 of 62) dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.11 
  to / Downloading 
  = `/usr/portage/distfiles/libxml2-2.5.11.tar.bz2'Resolving done.Connecting to[]:80...
  HTTP request sent, awaiting response...Is 
  there a problem with 

Re: [gentoo-user] ATX power off

2003-11-01 Thread Guy Van Sanden
I have ACPI disabled in my BIOS, I use APM only because if I enable ACPI
my onboard NIC doesn't work any more.
I have an ECS K7S5AL board.

On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 00:14, BlueRibbon wrote:
 ACPI seems to work on my box (vanilla sources - 2.4.22).
 My settings (regarding power management and acpi):
 Power Management Support - YES
 ACPI Support - YES
 all the options in ACPI off, except for:
 Thermal Zone
 Debug Statements
 which are all set to YES.
 Hope this helps someone.
 Redeeman wrote:
  same problem here, acpi doesent work in 2.4.22, i didnt switch power
  supply, it works with knoppix, slackware and mandrake, but not with
  gentoo, and i have tried to run apmd, doesent work, no idea how to
  solve, i would like to know though :)
  On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 23:47, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
 Hello everyone
 My system is not powering off on shutdown any more.
 It used to work on Mandrake, but I switched to Gentoo together with
 changing my case (and powersupply).  In Knoppix it still works.
 I do have APM power off enabled in the kernel config
 The system is gentoo-2.4.20-r8
 The case is Aopen H600B
 The main difference as I can see is that both Mandrake and Knoppix use a
 2.4.21 kernel.
 Thanks for any suggestions
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Guy Van Sanden  

Registered Linux user #249404 - September 1997

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ATX power off

2003-11-01 Thread Guy Van Sanden
It has been in since 3.0 at least, but you only see it if you use KDM.

On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 19:06, Matt Chorman wrote:
 Huh? KDE doesn't have that option. I know they are planning on adding this in 
 a later version, but I don't think it will even be in 3.2 - IIRC it is on the 
 roadmap for 3.3
 On Friday 31 October 2003 04:52 am, flacycads wrote:
  On Friday 31 October 2003 3:52 am, FX wrote:
   The difference i have seen with mandrake and gentoo.  Is you dont have
   the shutdown icon screen like you did in mandrake.  how are you
   shutting down your system ?
   do you use the halt or shutdown commands?
  I just go to the K menu, Logout, and turn off computer.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Guy Van Sanden  

Registered Linux user #249404 - September 1997

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Stephen Boulet
I wonder if your firewall is blocking ping scans. Disable the firewall and see 
if you can ping google.

In my firewall, I do:

# Block ping scans
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
# ... but not coming from our LAN
iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP

On Saturday 01 November 2003 06:15 am, Simon Kühling wrote:
 hi everyone,

 i'm trying to get my gentoo box running as a firewall and nat-router for
 my home-network.

  From here to there
 and there to here,
   funny things are everywhere.  -- Dr Seuss

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Building KDE

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Simon Windsor wrote:
I am trying to build KDE on Gentoo 1.4, and the process is hanging
The screen shows ...
celt root # emerge  kde
Calculating dependencies ...done!
  emerge (1 of 62) dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.11 to /
   = `/usr/portage/distfiles/libxml2-2.5.11.tar.bz2'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...

Is there a problem with ?
I couldn't connect to it a few minutes ago.

Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] # chown root.root *

2003-11-01 Thread Stephen Boulet
What could possibly be wrong here?

# chown root.root *
chown: `root.root': invalid user

  From here to there
 and there to here,
   funny things are everywhere.  -- Dr Seuss

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] # chown root.root *

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Gaffney
Stephen Boulet wrote:
What could possibly be wrong here?

# chown root.root *
chown: `root.root': invalid user
I seem to remember something about the latest version not excepting that form anymore. Try 

chown root:root *

Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [gentoo-user] # chown root.root *

2003-11-01 Thread Jeffrey Smelser
Your using the masked version I see...

Try root:root.. Thats be deprecated to be compliant I guess..

 What could possibly be wrong here?
 # chown root.root *
 chown: `root.root': invalid user

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] # chown root.root *

2003-11-01 Thread Leendert van den Berg
From man chown:

   The GNU version allows a dot instead of a colon (following BSD).  [This
   was  not  allowed  by  POSIX since a dot is a valid character in a user
   name.]  If a colon or dot but no group name follows the user name, that
   user  is  made  the  owner  of  the files and the group of the files is
   changed to that user's login group.  If the colon or dot and group  are
   given,  but  the  user  name is omitted, only the group of the files is
   changed; in this case, chown performs the same function as chgrp.

So try using a colon?


On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 10:24:04 -0600
Stephen Boulet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What could possibly be wrong here?
 # chown root.root *
 chown: `root.root': invalid user
   From here to there
  and there to here,
funny things are everywhere.  -- Dr Seuss
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Simon Kühling
 I wonder if your firewall is blocking ping scans. Disable the 
 firewall and see 
 if you can ping google.

well, you are right - disabling the firewall makes ping work again.
maybe it is easier to build my own script from scratch instead of using
the one from gentoo-security-guide.
 In my firewall, I do:
 # Block ping scans
 iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
 # ... but not coming from our LAN
 iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP 
 iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP

ok, thanks for the hint!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Archiving Messages

2003-11-01 Thread Stroller
On Oct 30, 2003, at 6:02 pm, Dennis Freise wrote:
This may be a bit offtopic. I'm currently using courier-imapd and exim 
receive and sort a number of mailing lists, and I want to keep at 
least a
few months of each list.. The problem is, that courier-imapd gets 
slow, when a folder reaches about 10.000 messages, but I must admit, 
the machine on which the imapd runs is not the newest (p1-233mhz, 256mb

Now my question: Does anybody know of a faster way to archive mailing 
? I thought about inn, but I don't know if that gets me any speed 
I've experienced this, too, but not really tried to fix it properly. 
But if I were to install a courier-IMAP commercially it could be quite 
an issue, so I have considered this solution: Why not run an cron job 
to archive your files to another sub-folder..?

I think something like this would be suitable, if run monthly by cron:
 $ find .Maildir/.Some\ Mailing\ List/cur/ -mtime +28 -exec mv \{\} 
.Maildir/.Some\ Mailing\ List.Archive/cur/ \;

My courier-IMAP server runs on hardware not *that* much newer or faster 
than yours - a PII 400. If I look at `top` when it is  on a go-slow I 
don't see courier-imap taking up THAT much resources (it's near the top 
of the list, but that's not saying much, because this machine isn't 
heavily-loaded); I think the problem is with disk-accesses.

The go slow only _seems_ to happen when I open the particular folder 
that is especially full - if I restrict myself to folders containing 
only a few hundred messages everything seems fine. Does this concur 
with your findings..? What filing system do you use, please..? What do 
you define as terribly slow..? A few seconds wait, or 
time-to-make-a-cup-of-tea slow..?

I hope you find this helpful, and would be indebted for any comments on 
my questions,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] bochs and livecd

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Gaffney
I'm trying to get the Gentoo LiveCD (1.4_rc2) to boot under bochs. Has anyone done this 
before? It paints the isolinux boot screen (very slowly). I type 'gentoo' and hit enter. 
It says 'Uncompressing linux...' and just sits there.

Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

RE: [gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Jeffrey Smelser
gshield and shorewall can build you a firewall..

I prefer gshield myself.

  I wonder if your firewall is blocking ping scans. Disable the 
  firewall and see 
  if you can ping google.
 well, you are right - disabling the firewall makes ping work again.
 maybe it is easier to build my own script from scratch 
 instead of using
 the one from gentoo-security-guide.
  In my firewall, I do:
  # Block ping scans
  iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP
  # ... but not coming from our LAN
  iptables -A FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP 
  iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] # chown root.root *

2003-11-01 Thread Stephen Boulet
Thanks all. The colon did the trick.

On Saturday 01 November 2003 10:28 am, Jeffrey Smelser wrote:
 Your using the masked version I see...

 Try root:root.. Thats be deprecated to be compliant I guess..

  From here to there
 and there to here,
   funny things are everywhere.  -- Dr Seuss

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
I got jackd started and running as my user.  I didn't make any changes except 
to set ARDORRC to /etc/ardour/ardour.rc.  However, Ardour still refuses to 
start saying it can't find jack.  I'll have to work on it later.

On Saturday 01 November 2003 10:35, you wrote:
  Okay, it works then!  I'll visit Jan and the other sites and follow your
  advice about ardourrc and see if I can get mine running.  What is
  I'll definitely let you know - it may take awhile as I have a
  long list of
  things that must get done today!

 Glad you're making headway.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo-newbie - Install fails

2003-11-01 Thread Joseph A. Nagy, Jr.
On Sat, 01 Nov 2003 18:28:58 +1100, Kingsley 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] responded thusly:
I 'emerge portage'-ed but it failed to patch.

It seemed to be unpacking and configuring sys-devel/patch2.5.9
But this failes with a message ... see config.log
So I look in here - the configure has broken with a compile,
and once again the error is - undefined symbol 


Sigh indeed. :(
The only fallacy is the inaction on our part to stave off the worst of 
horrors, the stripping of personal freedom.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] SiS 630 DRM

2003-11-01 Thread Philip Ward
Well that was a bit of a palaver. After following the instructions at and compiling XFree there is still no 
file. I unpacked the X430src-x.tgz files, copied Thomas's driver code 
into the correct place and rebuilt. Nothing.

Anyone out there have a pre-compiled copy of I can leech?


Donnie Berkholz wrote:
On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 14:57, Philip Ward wrote:

Donnie Berkholz wrote:

Be sure you also have this:
 Ah, that's what's missing. Is part of a particular package 
or should I add sis_dri or dri to my USE flags and rebuild xfree?

For whatever reason xfree-4.3 doesn't build it. That's why has them available for download.
However, you'll find that 4.3.99.x will build it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] cat /proc/version: propolice?

2003-11-01 Thread Stephen Boulet
What is propolice? Does it mean I'm all for the police, or is it Italian for 
fast linux distro?

Hmm, I wonder if it's the test name of the prepatch ...

# cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.4.23-pre3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.3.2 20031022 (Gentoo 
Linux 3.3.2-r2, propolice)) #1 Sat Nov 1 07:55:10 CST 2003

  From here to there
 and there to here,
   funny things are everywhere.  -- Dr Seuss

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Archiving Messages

2003-11-01 Thread Stroller
On Nov 1, 2003, at 5:34 pm, Dennis Freise wrote:

I think something like this would be suitable, if run monthly by cron:
  $ find .Maildir/.Some\ Mailing\ List/cur/ -mtime +28 -exec mv \{\}
.Maildir/.Some\ Mailing\ List.Archive/cur/ \;
Not a bad idea, I'll keep that idea as a backup plan :)
I'm interested to hear why you think of it as a reserve-only solution.

My courier-IMAP server runs on hardware not *that* much newer or 
than yours - a PII 400...
The go slow only _seems_ to happen when I open the particular folder
that is especially full - if I restrict myself to folders containing
only a few hundred messages everything seems fine
Yes, that's exactly what I found. For me, it's especially the linux 
mailinglist folder (about 10.000 messages now). terribly slow means, 
I have to wait for approx. 2-3 minutes for the folder to open, and at 
20 seconds for each message. I'm currently using ReiserFS, which seems 
to me
like the best choice for many small files.
That's interesting. I'd find that degree of slowness quite unacceptable 
- mine takes a few seconds to synchronise. The way that Apple's (the client I use most all the time) seems to work is that if 
I wake the computer from sleep after, say, 24 hours, then it will 
syncronise the mail headers in all folders before getting any message 
bodies. If I go straight to a folder with 100 new messages, then, I 
guess it takes 20 seconds or so to read the first new messages. But 
that's the longest it ever seems to take, because caches 
messages stored on an IMAP server.

I hope you find this helpful, and would be indebted for any comments 
my questions,
Thank you very much for your idea. I started this thread because I 
how other people manage large amounts of emails over imap - there are 
a few
points that are really important for me: the archived messages should 
accessible from anywhere on my lan and the messages should be 
(prefered to be more comfortable than 'grep' ;)).
Well, I hope you find it useful. Since my mail client allows me to do 
searches, that suggestion would work for me. Well, actually, I'd change 
it to a bash script that did it for each of my mail-list mailboxes, but 
you know what I mean. If you want something else, why not put them in 
/home/http/htdocs  run htdig on them..?

*  net-www/htdig
  Latest version available: 3.1.6-r4
  Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
  Size of downloaded files: 2,020 kB
  Description: HTTP/HTML indexing and searching system

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Archiving Messages

2003-11-01 Thread Stroller
On Nov 1, 2003, at 6:36 pm, Stroller wrote:
That's interesting. I'd find that degree of slowness quite 
unacceptable - mine takes a few seconds to synchronise. The way that 
Apple's (the client I use most all the time) seems to work is 
that if I wake the computer from sleep after, say, 24 hours, then it 
will syncronise the mail headers in all folders before getting any 
message bodies. If I go straight to a folder with 100 new messages, 
then, I guess it takes 20 seconds or so to read the first new 
Sorry, that should be read as:
 If I go straight to a folder with 100 new messages, then, I guess it 
takes 20 seconds or so to display the body of the first new message I 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] OT - SATA vs IDE

2003-11-01 Thread Alan
Hey folks.  Based on some of the recent discussion about RAID and SATA
and whatnot, I was wondering if anyone had any benchmarks for SATA vs
IDE performance.   I found some stuff over at storage review, but that
was more focused on SATA vs SATA performance.  I remember a review on /.
sometime ago when SATA was just coming out that basically concluded that
it was find and dandy, but not much faster than the equivelant IDE
storage.  I have SATA on my A7N8X-DX, and was thinking of using it up,
but wanted to find out a bit more first.  It looks like the drives are
only a couple of bucks more than the same size/cache IDE drive, but is
there any performance gain (other than the fact that the MB has built in
SATA RAID0 of course :)



There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games.-- Hemingway

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] downloading Yahoo! mail

2003-11-01 Thread HvR

On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 15:20, Steven Elling wrote:

On Wednesday 29 October 2003 23:09, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
 I want to be able to download my Yahoo! mail into Mozilla. I see that in
 portage there are 2 programs for this: yosucker and fetchyahoo. Which one
 of them is better, or does it really matter? Also, I want to setup a POP3
 server so that I can download the mail into Mozilla once it is fetched
 into the mail spool. Does anyone have a setup like this? Is there an
 easier way?

I use fetchyahoo through KMail.  KMail is set up to run as a 
pre-command for a Local Account located at 
/var/mail/{USERNAME}-yahoo-inbox. downloads e-mails to /var/mail/{USERNAME}-yahoo-inbox and, 
once done, KMail picks them up from the mail spool file.  I just wouldn't 
set up KMail to do interval checking for this Local Account because returns error codes when no mail is available for download 
and KMail displays notices for the error codes then waits for you to hit OK 
before it continues with the next operation.

then why not wrap a script around that always returns OK?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gnome has taken over my KDE desktop

2003-11-01 Thread Alan
On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 10:16:43AM -0500, Bruce E. Harris wrote:
 I dont know how it happen, but when I use KDM or GDM and launch KDE, the 
 correct desktop starts then switchs over the Gnome, losing all the configs I 
 had under KDE.
 I have rebooted several times, and no luck. How can fi fixt this?

Muhahahahah!  Prepare to welcome your new gnome masters!  Gnome is
taking over the world Muauhahahahahahahahahhahahaha *deep breath*

Actually, there are a couple of things to try.  Try exiting and stopping
xdm or kdm and run 'startkde' from the comand line.  If that works, it's
a kdm/gdm issue.  If the same thing happens check your .xinitrc and
.xsession files to see if you have something like 'exec gnome-panel' or
something like that in there, which is executing when your X starts up.
The other thing would be to check your session files in KDE... maybe you
have somehow gotten something in gnome to exec as part of a saved

Last but not least, try moving your .kde directory to somewhere else and
start KDE with no user settings and see if it still happens.  It
shouldn't, and you should get the KDE first time menu and be able to
reset things from there.  Unfortunately I'm not all that well versed in
KDE startup and session stuff :(



There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games.-- Hemingway

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT - SATA vs IDE

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 10:58, Alan wrote:
 Hey folks.  Based on some of the recent discussion about RAID and SATA
 and whatnot, I was wondering if anyone had any benchmarks for SATA vs
 IDE performance.   I found some stuff over at storage review, but that
 was more focused on SATA vs SATA performance.  I remember a review on /.
 sometime ago when SATA was just coming out that basically concluded that
 it was find and dandy, but not much faster than the equivelant IDE
 storage.  I have SATA on my A7N8X-DX, and was thinking of using it up,
 but wanted to find out a bit more first.  It looks like the drives are
 only a couple of bucks more than the same size/cache IDE drive, but is
 there any performance gain (other than the fact that the MB has built in
 SATA RAID0 of course :)

   SATA as a bus interface runs up to about 150MB/S, so that's a bit
better than 3x what you'll likely get out of an IDE interface.

   However, just because the cable is capable of running faster doesn't
mean the benchmark will be higher. It will depend on how much of that
150MB/S your drive is capable of producing, and then how good the Linux
drivers are for your controller. I understand the Silicon Image
controller is well supported, so I'm building a machine based on the
A7N8X Deluxe also, but I won't start installing Gentoo until sometime
next week.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Live CD for 2.6 beta 9

2003-11-01 Thread usingflux
Wondering if it is better to start from scratch with a 2.6 kernel
live CD, or if it is possible to install gentoo, and a 2.6 kernel
starting from one of the older CDs that I already have downloaded.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 09:45, Brett I. Holcomb wrote: 
 I got jackd started and running as my user.  I didn't make any changes except 
 to set ARDORRC to /etc/ardour/ardour.rc.  However, Ardour still refuses to 
 start saying it can't find jack.  I'll have to work on it later.

Yes, I do understand the frustrations, and I'm sorry your having them. I
am also today!

Did you start jack in a terminal? Since I'm using qjackctl, maybe it's
running a bit different. qjackctl's terminal says:

1:07:40 Statistics reset.
11:07:43 JACK is being forced...
11:07:43 [killall -9 jackd]
11:07:43 JACK has been forced with exit status=256.
11:07:44 JACK is starting...
11:07:44 [jackd -t 500 -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 44100 -p 64 -n 2]
11:07:44 Statistics reset.
11:07:44 JACK is started with PID=4048 (0xfd0).
JACK compiled with System V SHM support
loading driver ..
starting engine
 alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 3.284 msecs 

Everything to this point is pretty normal. Last evening when I built
Ardour it ran, or at least didn't crash. Today when I start it the main
screen pops up for a second, and then goes away. I'm left with the
following in my terminal:

bash-2.05b$ ardour 
Ardour/GTK 0.412.0 running with libardour 0.698.0
Loading UI configuration file /usr/local/etc/ardour/ardour_ui.rc
Loading system configuration file /usr/local/etc/ardour/ardour_system.rc
Loading user configuration file /home/mark/.ardour/ardour.rc
MIDI: MTC on port hw:0 MMC on port hw:0
Shift = Shift_L
Shift = Shift_R
Control = Control_L
Control = Control_R
Mod1 = Alt_L
Mod1 = Alt_R
ardour: [WARNING]: You have 2 keys bound to mod1
Mod2 = Num_Lock
Mod4 = Super_L
Mod4 = Super_R
ardour: [WARNING]: You have 2 keys bound to mod4
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0
0 571 0 285 570 0
0 571 0 285 570 0
Segmentation fault

It also looks to me like they've changed what Ardour is expecting for
configuration info. I have not exported anything in my .bashrc file, so
it seems to be finding /home/mark/.ardour/ardour.rc by default.

I don't know what's going on with this, but since I don't intend to run
it I think I'd better drop out. Actually, if your interest is really
having to do with CD's and such, I always thought Audacity or ReZound
would be better choices. Neither require or even use Jack, I think, so
they should be more friendly in this sense.

BTW - I don't think this is a Jack issue under Gentoo. I run Jack with
alsaplayer, freqtweak, tapiir, ZynAddSubFx and abSynth all the time and
have no problems. This is pretty clearly an Ardour issue in my mind.

Good luck, and feel free to write on or off list about this stuff.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Live CD for 2.6 beta 9

2003-11-01 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 06:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wondering if it is better to start from scratch with a 2.6 kernel
 live CD, or if it is possible to install gentoo, and a 2.6 kernel
 starting from one of the older CDs that I already have downloaded.

If you want to install from 2.6, more power to you, but I don't really
see the point. Especially if you're just reinstalling because you want
to use a 2.6 kernel on the LiveCD.

Same location on any mirror:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[gentoo-user] Booting Cdrom from floppy?

2003-11-01 Thread Jeffrey Smelser
I remember on this list someone said there was a way to boot from cdrom, even when the 
bios doesn't support it. Like using a floppy I think. I have been googling for awhile 
now and can't find it.. Can someone put me in the right direction?? or did I just 
dream this?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Fonts files

2003-11-01 Thread Paulo da Silva
From times to times I have problems with the fonts!
Now it's happening again after rebuilding gentoo to my
laptop. Generally I resolve the problems on a error
and try basis. I copy from previous installations, for ex.
Is there anything I could read or is there anybody who
could explain how fonts configuration works?
I have at least 3 files. /etc/fonts/local.conf, /etc/X11/XF86Config
and /etc/X11/fs/config. What are the roles of each of these files?
What fonts should I put in there?
TIA for any help.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Live CD for 2.6 beta 9

2003-11-01 Thread usingflux
The laptop I am using needs to be repartitioned, so I dumped all the contents into
an external.  I thought I would use the opportunity to try out 2.6b9 as most feel
it is stable enough (and fast as hell it appears).  Another side effect is that
I can also compile with better cflags than I did before I gathered new information.
I know I don't have to reinstall just to do these two things, but since I am
repartitioning and essantially starting from a clean disk I thought it good 

I guess the question becomes, does a installing from a 2.4 livecd, stage1 install
have any disadvantages over using a 2.6 disc, when set on using a 2.6 kernel.  As
I alredy have a 2.4 disc burned, if it makes no difference, I would save my time
and skip downloading a new disc.

* Donnie Berkholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [11-01-03 14:19]:
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 06:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Wondering if it is better to start from scratch with a 2.6 kernel
  live CD, or if it is possible to install gentoo, and a 2.6 kernel
  starting from one of the older CDs that I already have downloaded.
 If you want to install from 2.6, more power to you, but I don't really
 see the point. Especially if you're just reinstalling because you want
 to use a 2.6 kernel on the LiveCD.
 Same location on any mirror:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Document managment

2003-11-01 Thread Patrick Marquetecken

Is Zope with CMF a good choice for document managment?

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. 
Captain Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

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Re: [gentoo-user] Live CD for 2.6 beta 9

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Gaffney
The laptop I am using needs to be repartitioned, so I dumped all the contents into
an external.  I thought I would use the opportunity to try out 2.6b9 as most feel
it is stable enough (and fast as hell it appears).  Another side effect is that
I can also compile with better cflags than I did before I gathered new information.
I know I don't have to reinstall just to do these two things, but since I am
repartitioning and essantially starting from a clean disk I thought it good 
I guess the question becomes, does a installing from a 2.4 livecd, stage1 install
have any disadvantages over using a 2.6 disc, when set on using a 2.6 kernel.  As
I alredy have a 2.4 disc burned, if it makes no difference, I would save my time
and skip downloading a new disc.
The only reason you would want to use a LiveCD with a 2.6 kernel is if you have hardware 
that isn't supported under 2.4.20 or whatever the LiveCD uses. You can still compile a 2.6 
kernel within the chroot.

Andrew Gaffney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Fonts files

2003-11-01 Thread Donnie Berkholz
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 14:17, Paulo da Silva wrote:
  From times to times I have problems with the fonts!
 Now it's happening again after rebuilding gentoo to my
 laptop. Generally I resolve the problems on a error
 and try basis. I copy from previous installations, for ex.
 Is there anything I could read or is there anybody who
 could explain how fonts configuration works?
 I have at least 3 files. /etc/fonts/local.conf, /etc/X11/XF86Config
 and /etc/X11/fs/config. What are the roles of each of these files?
 What fonts should I put in there?

local.conf is for fontconfig stuff, and it adds to fonts.conf.
/etc/X11/XF86Config is for old-style font setup
(you need both set up for your fonts for every app to have all the fonts
/etc/X11/fs/config is telling the X font server what fonts to serve.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[gentoo-user] Glis v0.1 final has been released. See THE BEST Linux INSTALLER

2003-11-01 Thread Kevin Patrick Crowley

See : http:// for more details.

Link to tarball here.

Time for a blatant appeal.

We always need more developers and testers.
If you would like to sign up to help contact us through the link on our
home page or contact me directly here 

End of blatant appeal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Building KDE

2003-11-01 Thread Jernej Zidar
Yes, there is a problem with It is inaccessible in
through www.

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Gaffney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Building KDE

 Simon Windsor wrote:
  I am trying to build KDE on Gentoo 1.4, and the process is hanging
  The screen shows ...
  celt root # emerge  kde
  Calculating dependencies ...done!
emerge (1 of 62) dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.11 to /
 = `/usr/portage/distfiles/libxml2-2.5.11.tar.bz2'
  Resolving done.
  Connecting to[]:80...
  HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
  Is there a problem with ?

 I couldn't connect to it a few minutes ago.

 Andrew Gaffney

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Israeli Processor Computes at Speed of Light

2003-11-01 Thread Jernej Zidar
. . . after you wake up and smell the coffee ...


- Original Message - 
From: Rick [Kitty5] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: [gentoo-user] Re: Israeli Processor Computes at Speed of Light

 Lotas T Smartman wrote:
  We can only dream!
 Is that before of after you choke on price :)
 Kitty5 NewMedia
 POV-Ray News  Resources
 TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - ICQ : 15776037
 PGP Public Key
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] optimum disk performance

2003-11-01 Thread Dennis Freise
On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:13:22 +0100
Hemmann, Volker Armin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Volker,
 hdparm -d1 -c1 -u1 should be save.

Are you sure that -u1 is safe? I've read the hdparm man page,
but I (obviously) didn't understand it in full - is -u1 safe for
_all_ chipsets now (got some sort of CMD640 chipset...) ?
If it is, what can I expect from it concerning speedup ?

Greetings, Dennis

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Ebuild x11-libs/openmotif broken?

2003-11-01 Thread Thomas . Schweikle

trying to build x11-libs/openmotif I receive the following error:

/usr/X11R6/include/Xm/Xm.h:1655: parse error before 
send.c: In function `WSMSendMessage':
send.c:92: warning: implicit declaration of function `GetTimestamp'
make[3]: *** [send.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

!!! ERROR: x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r1 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 38, Exitcode 2
!!! make failed

Is this ebuild broken at the moment?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Missing /etc/bluetoth/uart

2003-11-01 Thread tobias . edler
Hi !
I just bought a bluetooth-dongle, so i emerged bluez-utils, and
everything works fine:

laptop root # hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:60:57:95:18:56   Tobias 6310i
Ok. This is my Cell phone. But /etc/init.d/bluetooth won't start,
because there is no /etc/bluetoth/uart , and i have no clue what to put
there :-(

Regards, Tobias
 This message is made of 100 % recycled electrons
\..| PGP Key: (o_
.\.|--   Jabber:  te_linuxguru at  (o  //\
..\| ICQ: 124557012  (/)_(/)_V_/

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Thanks for all the help.  I'll just have to do some more checking and then 
post some on the ardour user's list.

I don't think it's a jack issue either.  It works for you and when it works 
for me ardour won't run.Jack started, then gave me a serious of load % 
and some information every so many seconds until I killed it.

My Gentoo ebuild for cvs put every in /usr/share/ardour! 

I'll play with it some more.  Ardour is way overkill for what I want to do 
but I'd like to see it work.

Thanks again for all the help.

On Saturday 01 November 2003 14:18, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 09:45, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
  I got jackd started and running as my user.  I didn't make any changes
  except to set ARDORRC to /etc/ardour/ardour.rc.  However, Ardour still
  refuses to start saying it can't find jack.  I'll have to work on it

 Yes, I do understand the frustrations, and I'm sorry your having them. I
 am also today!

 Did you start jack in a terminal? Since I'm using qjackctl, maybe it's
 running a bit different. qjackctl's terminal says:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Archiving Messages

2003-11-01 Thread Dennis Freise
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 18:36:49 +
Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Not a bad idea, I'll keep that idea as a backup plan :)
 I'm interested to hear why you think of it as a reserve-only solution.

Really, I don't think that it's a bad idea. I just want to wait for more
ideas, to see if there is some surprisingly better way :)

 That's interesting. I'd find that degree of slowness quite unacceptable 
 - mine takes a few seconds to synchronise. The way that Apple's (the client I use most all the time) seems to work is that if 
 I wake the computer from sleep after, say, 24 hours, then it will 
 syncronise the mail headers in all folders before getting any message 
 bodies. If I go straight to a folder with 100 new messages, then, I 
 guess it takes 20 seconds or so to read the first new messages. But 
 that's the longest it ever seems to take, because caches 
 messages stored on an IMAP server.

I just installed sylpheed-claws and found out, that it's _way_ faster
when entering folders. But it blocks while checking for new mails. :|
So, back to the old question... which mailclient fits best for me...
I would really like sylpheed-claws win32, if it would not be so
_extremely_ slow :)

 Well, I hope you find it useful. Since my mail client allows me to do 
 searches, that suggestion would work for me. Well, actually, I'd change 
 it to a bash script that did it for each of my mail-list mailboxes, but 
 you know what I mean. If you want something else, why not put them in 
 /home/http/htdocs  run htdig on them..?

The ultimate solution, I think, would be an html-archive, something
like mailman creates, and then running htdig over that data :)

Thanks for the ideas
Greetings, Dennis

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 12:40, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 Thanks for all the help.  I'll just have to do some more checking and then 
 post some on the ardour user's list.
 I don't think it's a jack issue either.  It works for you and when it works 
 for me ardour won't run.Jack started, then gave me a serious of load % 
 and some information every so many seconds until I killed it.
 My Gentoo ebuild for cvs put every in /usr/share/ardour! 
 I'll play with it some more.  Ardour is way overkill for what I want to do 
 but I'd like to see it work.
 Thanks again for all the help.

Hey, I'm really happy to help. I managed to get my Linux testing duties
for a new app out of the way pretty quickly today, so I'm back working
in Windows with an equivalent of Ardour, but far more features. (The
main one being real MIDI support...)

Anyway, I wonder if I've run into some of your problems? I was using
qjackctl version 0.0.8, so I decided to upgrade to 0.1.1a which is the
latest tarball. It built, and starts, but then gives me two strange
messages about not being able to connect to Jack. Sounds similar to your

My version of Jack installed right now is 0.80. I have a feeling that
part of the problem may be that there are updates to Jack that I'm not
running, and which may be required. Jack has been updated to have the
transport of one program (transport == start, stop, pause, rewind, time
display) control many programs, so that you can tell Ardour to record
and it will start some other app, like alsaplayer rolling so you have
audio. I know this new version of qjackctl supports it, and I think
Ardour does, but I'm pretty sure the 0.80 version f Jack doesn't, or not

Anyway, I can no longer run qjackctl, so I want to fix this. If I find
and answer I'll post it back.

BTW - lots of people do very good quality recording with both Audacity
and ReZound, so don't think you're stepping down by using them. I use
them for simple recording jobs all the time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] optimum disk performance

2003-11-01 Thread Hemmann, Volker Armin
On Saturday 01 November 2003 21:17, Dennis Freise wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:13:22 +0100
 Hemmann, Volker Armin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Volker,

  hdparm -d1 -c1 -u1 should be save.

 Are you sure that -u1 is safe? I've read the hdparm man page,
 but I (obviously) didn't understand it in full - is -u1 safe for
 _all_ chipsets now (got some sort of CMD640 chipset...) ?
 If it is, what can I expect from it concerning speedup ?

as man hdparm says:
 -u Get/set interrupt-unmask flag for the drive.   A  setting  of  1
  permits  the driver to unmask other interrupts during processing
  of a disk interrupt, which greatly improves Linux's  responsive-
  ness and eliminates serial port overrun errors.

the chipsets mentioned there are from the stone age of ide-controllers. If you 
have one of them, you do not need to worry about dma etc ;o) And man hdparm 
further says, that the kernels 2.0.13 and later incorporate an apropriate bug 
fix. If you do not believe man, don't use it.

I am using this options since ages without probs but with other chipsets. (SiS 
735, 746, hpt366 ,  via kt133 (I do not know the southbridge anymore, AFAIR 
an udma 66 type.))

Glück Auf

 In a straight-up fight, the Empire squashes the Federation like a bug. Even 
with its numerical advantage removed, the Empire would still squash the 
Federation like a bug. Accept it. -Michael Wong

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] can not emerge razor

2003-11-01 Thread glennpj
I am getting the following error when trying to emerge razor:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
 emerge (1 of 1) net-mail/razor-2.12 to /
 md5 src_uri ;-) razor-agents-2.12.tar.gz
 Unpacking source...
 Unpacking razor-agents-2.12.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/razor-2.12/work
 Source unpacked.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for razor-agents
Makefile:476: *** missing separator.  Stop.
!!! ERROR: net-mail/razor-2.12 failed.
!!! Function perl-module_src_compile, Line 49, Exitcode 2
!!! compilation failed

Glenn Johnson

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb

I have jack 0.89.2 which was installed from cvs.

I'll play with Audacity and ReZound some more.  I just got stuck on Ardour!

I'll be interested to see what you find.

On Saturday 01 November 2003 16:01, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 12:40, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
  Thanks for all the help.  I'll just have to do some more checking and
  then post some on the ardour user's list.

 My version of Jack installed right now is 0.80. I have a feeling that
 part of the problem may be that there are updates to Jack that I'm not
 running, and which may be required. Jack has been updated to have the
 transport of one program (transport == start, stop, pause, rewind, time
 display) control many programs, so that you can tell Ardour to record
 and it will start some other app, like alsaplayer rolling so you have
 audio. I know this new version of qjackctl supports it, and I think
 Ardour does, but I'm pretty sure the 0.80 version f Jack doesn't, or not

 Anyway, I can no longer run qjackctl, so I want to fix this. If I find
 and answer I'll post it back.

 BTW - lots of people do very good quality recording with both Audacity
 and ReZound, so don't think you're stepping down by using them. I use
 them for simple recording jobs all the time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 15:12, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 I have jack 0.89.2 which was installed from cvs.
 I'll play with Audacity and ReZound some more.  I just got stuck on Ardour!
 I'll be interested to see what you find.

BTW - Did you ever try changing the fstab entry that Jack is using?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
No.  It agreed with the docs from Jan's site so I left it.

On Saturday 01 November 2003 18:32, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 15:12, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
  I have jack 0.89.2 which was installed from cvs.
  I'll play with Audacity and ReZound some more.  I just got stuck on
  I'll be interested to see what you find.

 BTW - Did you ever try changing the fstab entry that Jack is using?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Joshua Banks

--- Simon_Kühling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wonder if your firewall is blocking ping scans. Disable the 
  firewall and see 
  if you can ping google.
 well, you are right - disabling the firewall makes ping work again.
 maybe it is easier to build my own script from scratch instead of
 the one from gentoo-security-guide.

If you insist. Your making allot of extra work for yourself. Shorewall
already has all of the scripts that you need. All you need to do is
simply modify them. Trust me. Try it, and you will understand. If you
don't like it go back to writing everything from scratch.


Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

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[gentoo-user] /var/tmp/portage

2003-11-01 Thread Richard Revis
Mine has grown to 2gb - is it safe to delete it?

Not as bad as my distfiles though, which have gone to over 5gb :\

This line intentionally left blank.
00:32:25 up 10 days,  4:44,  3 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.11, 0.24
RX bytes:3264069535 (3112.8 Mb)  TX bytes:1625611716 (1550.3 Mb)
E-mail address munged to prevent spam.

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[gentoo-user] Scared of New Kernel ebuild

2003-11-01 Thread Matt Neimeyer
Hey All,

I see that there is a newer ebuild for the Gentoo Sources ebuild. (I
last compiled from 2.4.20-r7 and it's offering r8).

Should I emerge it? Should I skip it? Should I emerge and recompile the
kernel? Will it overwrite my old configuration? Etc...

Sorry if this has been asked but all I can seem to find in the forums is
about going from 2.4.x to 2.6.x.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 15:58, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 No.  It agreed with the docs from Jan's site so I left it.
  BTW - Did you ever try changing the fstab entry that Jack is using?

Cool. I'll go back and look at that again carefully. The values I gave
you before were the ones on my PlanetCCRMA Redhat box. Those values are
probably specific to the way Fernando built those RPMs.

There is something strange going on with my system and Jack. qjackctl
(nd Jack in a terminal) ran, and then it wouldn't run. I finally did a
complete power down, rebooted, and it ran, once, and then it wouldn't
run again. It seems to be complaining about shm stuff which is why I
asked what you did.

I've just rebooted and Jack is running with qjackctl. I can stop and
restart it fine right now. Very strange. I haven't had problems like
this in a long time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Ebuild x11-libs/openmotif broken?

2003-11-01 Thread Thomas . Schweikle

trying to build x11-libs/openmotif I receive the following error:

/usr/X11R6/include/Xm/Xm.h:1655: parse error before 
send.c: In function `WSMSendMessage':
send.c:92: warning: implicit declaration of function `GetTimestamp'
make[3]: *** [send.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

!!! ERROR: x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r1 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 38, Exitcode 2
!!! make failed

Is this ebuild broken at the moment?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] emerge dependency problem ??

2003-11-01 Thread Kamil Wokitajtis

Hello !!
I am new to gentoo and i don't know if what i think 
is a problem it really is.
Butfor example when i want to download 
midnight commander i am typing something like this
emerge app-misc/mc 
and before gentoo downloads mc it downloads whole x 
when i want to download samba using emerge it 
downloads something like jpeg and tiff libraries
what wrong am i doin' ?? or what's wrong with my 
dependencies ??
thanks for help


Re: [gentoo-user] Booting Cdrom from floppy?

2003-11-01 Thread Tux the turtle
see man grub / info grub

Am Samstag, 1. November 2003 20:22 schrieb Jeffrey Smelser:
 I remember on this list someone said there was a way to boot from cdrom,
 even when the bios doesn't support it. Like using a floppy I think. I have
 been googling for awhile now and can't find it.. Can someone put me in the
 right direction?? or did I just dream this?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


visit tux online: http//

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[gentoo-user] Ebuild x11-libs/openmotif broken?

2003-11-01 Thread Thomas . Schweikle

trying to build x11-libs/openmotif I receive the following error:

/usr/X11R6/include/Xm/Xm.h:1655: parse error before 
send.c: In function `WSMSendMessage':
send.c:92: warning: implicit declaration of function `GetTimestamp'
make[3]: *** [send.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

!!! ERROR: x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.2-r1 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 38, Exitcode 2
!!! make failed

Is this ebuild broken at the moment?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] /var/tmp/portage

2003-11-01 Thread Dennis Freise
 Mine has grown to 2gb - is it safe to delete it?


 Not as bad as my distfiles though, which have gone to over 5gb :\

That's amazing. I have a central distfiles folder for 5 machines - and it
never exceeds 1,1GB :) Maybe you should take a look at the files inside and
delete old version of software tarballs. Especially look for gnome-packages,
mysql, apache, gcc and xfree - as these tarballs tend to be very big. Remove
any old versions you encounter, that will definitly save gigabytes on your
harddrive :)

Greetings, Dennis

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Ebuild x11-libs/openmotif broken?

2003-11-01 Thread Dennis Freise
Please stop reposting this again and again! It will not help getting faster

Greetings, Dennis

P.S.: Sorry, but I don't know anything about openmotif - nor seems to be a
bugreport about that @ Have you tried to emerge it a second
time ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Jan answered my email on ardour-users mail list and had me run it in root.  
Ardour runs fine as root. I figure he was just trying to find out if it even 
runs.  I'd like to run it as user although I understand the realtime jack 
doesn't run except as root.  At this point I don't think I need that.

These problems keep us from getting too complacent G. 

On Saturday 01 November 2003 19:34, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 15:58, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
  No.  It agreed with the docs from Jan's site so I left it.
   BTW - Did you ever try changing the fstab entry that Jack is using?

 Cool. I'll go back and look at that again carefully. The values I gave
 you before were the ones on my PlanetCCRMA Redhat box. Those values are
 probably specific to the way Fernando built those RPMs.

 There is something strange going on with my system and Jack. qjackctl
 (nd Jack in a terminal) ran, and then it wouldn't run. I finally did a
 complete power down, rebooted, and it ran, once, and then it wouldn't
 run again. It seems to be complaining about shm stuff which is why I
 asked what you did.

 I've just rebooted and Jack is running with qjackctl. I can stop and
 restart it fine right now. Very strange. I haven't had problems like
 this in a long time.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] cat /proc/version: propolice?

2003-11-01 Thread Spider
begin  quote
On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 11:54:45 -0600
Stephen Boulet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is propolice? Does it mean I'm all for the police, or is it
 Italian for fast linux distro?
 Hmm, I wonder if it's the test name of the prepatch ...
 # cat /proc/version
 Linux version 2.4.23-pre3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.3.2 20031022
 Linux 3.3.2-r2, propolice)) #1 Sat Nov 1 07:55:10 CST 2003

google:  gentoo propolice : im feeling lucky

 1.What is ProPolice?

ProPolice is a GCC extension for protecting from stack-smashing
applications. It is a implemented as a patch to GCC which will
automatically insert protection code into your programs at compile time.
It is developed by Hiroaki Etoh at IBM. For more information visit the
official ProPolice website.

begin  .signature
This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature!
See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information.

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] kernel bug on shutdown (umount segfault)

2003-11-01 Thread Eamon Caddigan
I'm getting the following error whenever I shutdown or restart:

kernel BUG at inode.c:1105!
invalid operand: 
EIP:0010:[c01e2388]   Not tainted
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: cd03ca20   ebx: cd03ca20   ecx: cd03cb34   edx: cd03cb34
esi: cd160600   edi:    ebp: d08fc3c0   esp: ce3e3f48
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process umount (pid: 7079, stackpage=ce3e3000)
Stack: cd160600 cd1606c4 cde95190 d08f69c3 cd03ca20 cd160640 cd160600 c01d3ebc
   cd160600 d08fc428  ce3e3f88 ce3e2000 bfff8858 c01e3e2d cd160600
   cde95190 c1abe510 ce2c44bc ce2c44b0 ce4d4210 0009 0001 bfff8798
Call Trace:[d08f69c3] [c01d3ebc] [d08fc428] [c01e3e2d] [c01e3e97]

Code: 0f 0b 51 04 95 dd 30 c0 e9 17 fe ff ff 8d 76 00 8b 54 24 04
 /sbin/rc: line 141:  7079 Segmentation fault  umount -a -r -n -t 
nodevfs,noproc,nosysfs,notmpfs /dev/null

I suppose that means that umount is segfaulting. I've STFW'ed, and only
found a similar error on the kernel mailing list, and one reply claimed
that it was fixed in 2.4.20-pre11. Apparently not -- I'm using


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Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 17:26, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 Jan answered my email on ardour-users mail list and had me run it in root.  
 Ardour runs fine as root. I figure he was just trying to find out if it even 
 runs.  I'd like to run it as user although I understand the realtime jack 
 doesn't run except as root.  At this point I don't think I need that.
 These problems keep us from getting too complacent G. 

Yep, you're right. Run Jack and Ardour as root and it's fine. I did a
quick 8 channel recording. No problems.

Thanks for the info.

Now, are you going to use it? ;-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] optimum disk performance

2003-11-01 Thread Sean Johnson
For what it's worth, I use the -u1 flag on both my DVD-ROM and my
DVD-RW. Why? Well, it was driving me nuts that anytime I would copy
large amounts of data from the DVD-ROM or burn a DVD-R that the data
rate on my modem went to almost zero. Turns out that since the COM port
interrupts aren't considered as important as the IDE interrupts, that
the modem was simply getting no interrupt time. Or at least this is
how I understood what I could find via google. Unmasking the irq on both
devices completely fixed the problem. Occassionally when I switch
kernels, I think about checking to see if the setting is still required,
but I haven't tried it recently.

Just my 2c.


On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 16:57, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
 On Saturday 01 November 2003 21:17, Dennis Freise wrote:
  On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 19:13:22 +0100
  Hemmann, Volker Armin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Volker,
   hdparm -d1 -c1 -u1 should be save.
  Are you sure that -u1 is safe? I've read the hdparm man page,
  but I (obviously) didn't understand it in full - is -u1 safe for
  _all_ chipsets now (got some sort of CMD640 chipset...) ?
  If it is, what can I expect from it concerning speedup ?
 as man hdparm says:
  -u Get/set interrupt-unmask flag for the drive.   A  setting  of  1
   permits  the driver to unmask other interrupts during processing
   of a disk interrupt, which greatly improves Linux's  responsive-
   ness and eliminates serial port overrun errors.
 the chipsets mentioned there are from the stone age of ide-controllers. If you 
 have one of them, you do not need to worry about dma etc ;o) And man hdparm 
 further says, that the kernels 2.0.13 and later incorporate an apropriate bug 
 fix. If you do not believe man, don't use it.
 I am using this options since ages without probs but with other chipsets. (SiS 
 735, 746, hpt366 ,  via kt133 (I do not know the southbridge anymore, AFAIR 
 an udma 66 type.))
 Glück Auf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb
Well, I think so - after all this trouble I need to do something with it.G. 
 However, I still would like to know why I have to do it as root but until 
that gets answered I'll just su - and run jack, then go to another xterm and 
run ardour.  It would be nice if jack would go to the background  The root 
requirement bothers me.

Before I do anything with it I'm going back to read the Ardour help and 
ProTools reference manual I downloaded so I can figure out how to record!  I 
tried to record but couldn't get  the connections correct so I got nothing.

Of the others I'll probably also try Audacity as it seemed to work for me 
better and I could make sense of it.  Rezound just doesn't click with me and 
sweep seems to be more an editor than letting you record.  I have to record 
into a selction but I don't have one when I'm starting new!

On Saturday 01 November 2003 21:21, you wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 17:26, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
  Jan answered my email on ardour-users mail list and had me run it in
  root. Ardour runs fine as root. I figure he was just trying to find out
  if it even runs.  I'd like to run it as user although I understand the
  realtime jack doesn't run except as root.  At this point I don't think I
  need that.
  These problems keep us from getting too complacent G.

 Yep, you're right. Run Jack and Ardour as root and it's fine. I did a
 quick 8 channel recording. No problems.

 Thanks for the info.

 Now, are you going to use it? ;-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] multiple nics

2003-11-01 Thread James


I've got two 3 Com 3C589 pcmcia cards that won't play
nice. Each work separately but plugging a second one
in when the system is running, which is what i need to
do, causes my /var/run/stab to look like this:

Socket 0: 3Com 589 Ethernet
0   network 3c589_cs0   eth0
Socket 1: 3Com 589 Ethernet

So it looks like cardmgr recognizes the card properly
but there is failure somewhere along the line because
it is not brought up as eth1 as it should. Perhaps
this is a feature or design issue rather than a bug? I
really don't know. Reading man pages and google didn't
help me solve this. Where should I begin? I want it to
brought up as eth1 with a manual configuration of the
IP address, netmask, etc.



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Re: [gentoo-user] mapping script to Fn key?

2003-11-01 Thread Jesper Fruergaard Andersen
On Friday 31 October 2003 18:16, Chris Graves wrote:
 Is there a way for me to cause a script to run when, say, F11 is pressed?

You can use xbindkeys under X.

 00:27:23 up  4:31,  1 user,  load average: 0.93, 1.25, 0.59

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Jack-audio-connection

2003-11-01 Thread Mark Knecht
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 18:36, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
 Well, I think so - after all this trouble I need to do something with it.G. 
  However, I still would like to know why I have to do it as root but until 
 that gets answered I'll just su - and run jack, then go to another xterm and 
 run ardour.  It would be nice if jack would go to the background  The root 
 requirement bothers me.

Yes, it bothered me too. Paul Davis has some comments about that in the
README, and possibly on his web site.

The PlanetCCRMA kernel uses a patch called the capabilities patch which
grants certain root capabilities to a user. The Planet flow is set up to
use a program called jackstart (which we don't have on Gentoo, but I
have requested in the past) which then allows you to run as a user but
still get realtime capabilities. I'm pretty sure that on my Planet box I
can run Ardour as a user this way, but I don't really remember.

Paul's pretty lax about this sort of thing. Of course, he'll tell you
the program is beta so you shouldn't be surprised if it blows your
machine away! (Fortunately that has not happened to the best of my
 Before I do anything with it I'm going back to read the Ardour help and 
 ProTools reference manual I downloaded so I can figure out how to record!  I 
 tried to record but couldn't get  the connections correct so I got nothing.
 Of the others I'll probably also try Audacity as it seemed to work for me 
 better and I could make sense of it.  Rezound just doesn't click with me and 
 sweep seems to be more an editor than letting you record.  I have to record 
 into a selction but I don't have one when I'm starting new!

Yep, they're all different, and thanks to the architecture of Alsa,
pretty much every sound card works a little differently. None the less,
at least for live audio Audacity is very easy to use. For recording a CD
I don't know how to use it, or if it can be used.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] kernel bug on shutdown (umount segfault)

2003-11-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On Sat, 01 Nov 2003 18:10:37 -0800, Eamon Caddigan muttered:
 kernel BUG at inode.c:1105!
 invalid operand: 
  /sbin/rc: line 141:  7079 Segmentation fault  umount -a -r -n -t 
 nodevfs,noproc,nosysfs,notmpfs /dev/null
 I suppose that means that umount is segfaulting. I've STFW'ed, and only
 found a similar error on the kernel mailing list, and one reply claimed
 that it was fixed in 2.4.20-pre11. Apparently not -- I'm using

Actually, it means that the *kernel* is segfaulting at unmount. Yikes. Try
a 2.4.22+ kernel and see if it persists?

(OT: How the heck does the shell manage to spit out a segmentation-fault
message after a kernel panic?)

Andrew Farmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables firewall+nat problem

2003-11-01 Thread Lincoln A. Baxter
I have been running my own personally developed IPTABLES ruleset since I
converted from ipchains to iptables.  

My topology is is pretty simple:

WAN (cable modem) --- eth1 [FW] eth0 --- [HUB] -- [LAN boxes]

Note that I am forwarding port 25 from the FW to an internet mail

This thread caused me to take a closer look at both shorewall, and
gsheild (I think it was).  I actually emerged shorewall, and attempted
to configure it.  In the end I found it more confusing than my own
custom built script.  Which I have pretty extensively tested. (and which
I will be happy to share if any one is interested).  Frankly, I like
understanding what is going on under the covers... so I unmerged
shorewall, and went back to using my script.  

On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 19:17, Joshua Banks wrote:
 --- Simon_Khling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I wonder if your firewall is blocking ping scans. Disable the 
   firewall and see 
   if you can ping google.
  well, you are right - disabling the firewall makes ping work again.
  maybe it is easier to build my own script from scratch instead of
  the one from gentoo-security-guide.
 If you insist. Your making allot of extra work for yourself. Shorewall
 already has all of the scripts that you need. All you need to do is
 simply modify them. Trust me. Try it, and you will understand. If you
 don't like it go back to writing everything from scratch.
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears
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Lincoln A. Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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