[Goanet] Bounces - Just FYI

2002-06-18 Thread Viviana

Netters - the GoaNet equivalent of the Dead Letter File is my
mailbox.  Most of you already know this, I'm sure.

I usually receive about 50 bounces each day - some are just
advisories letting me know that a post was not delivered into a
subscriber's mailbox because it is full, others advise me that a post
has been rejected for different reasons, such as Non-Member
Submission, or Exceeds Maximum Length, etc., and still others tell me
that a post has been rejected because it contains a virus.  I'm
reproduced below the top portion of one such message - these messages
usually have 100 lines of gobble-de-gook so I haven't reproduced the
whole thing.

The point is that when I receive this type of message I do not forward
it back to the person who sent it.  So, if you've tried to post to
GoaNet and haven't seen your message on the D-List NOR have you heard
from me, this means that your PC is probably infected.

GN Admin
San Francisco CA


Subject:  BOUNCE [EMAIL PROTECTED]: taboo header:
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Re: [Goanet] Matteo Colella

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar


Over the following week his health
improved, with blood chemistry tests showing steady
improvement. He regained full health eventually. 

I am not a paediatrician. I have not seen the medical
records. However, whatever I know seems to be free
from fraud or deceit. All of the facts above can be
objectively evaluated. If anyone has specific evidence
of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

I am assuming that the above is what Joel calls specific evidence or
medical facts that can be objectively evaluated by people of any

If this is what is deemed sufficient by Joel and others to conclude
that this boy's recovery could only be a miracle instantiated
specifically through the intercession of Padre Pio, then I would have
to definitely believe that all the amazing recoveries that happened
under the old Doutor Curchorcar were miracles. He could certainly tell
a much better anecdote than the one related by Joel above, on how a
man who was about to die recovered immediately after the doutor gave
him a theflaanchem ajuth.

No objective scientist or physician who is not blinded by one
particular faith would conclude that the subjective account of the
case of Matteo Colella presented by Joel above leads him/her to the
unequivocal conclusion that a miracle has taken place, let alone
specifically through the intercession of Padre Pio. 



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[Goanet] Re: Fwd: Parachutes

2002-06-18 Thread EdgarStmartins

 An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board gt;gt;but 
gt;gt; only 4 parachutes. The first passenger said,  I'm Kobe Bryant , gt;gt;the 
gt;gt; best NBA basketball player, the Lakers need me, I can't afford gt;gt;to gt;gt; 
dieSo he took the first pack and left the plane. The second gt;gt;passenger, 
gt;gt;Hillary Clinton, said, I am the wife of the former president of gt;gt;the 
gt;gt;United gt;gt;States, I gt;gt;am also the most ambitious woman in the world and I 
am a New York gt;gt;Senator gt;gt;and a potential future president. She just took the 
second gt;gt;parachute and gt;gt;jumped out of the plane. gt;gt; gt;gt;The third 
passenger, George W. Bush, said :  I'm President of gt;gt;the United States of 
America, I have a great responsibility being gt;gt;the gt;gt;leader of a superpower 
nation. And above all I'm the cleverest gt;gt;President in gt;gt;American history, so 
America's people won't let me die. So he put gt;gt;on the gt;gt;pack !
next to him and jumped out of the plane. gt;gt; gt;gt;The fourth passenger, the Pope, 
says to the fifth passenger, a 10 gt;gt;year-old school boy, I am old and frail and I 
don't have many gt;gt;years left, gt;gt;as a Catholic I will sacrifice my life and let 
you have the last gt;gt;parachute. gt;gt; gt;gt;The boy said, it's OK, there's a 
parachute left for you. America's gt;gt;cleverest President has taken my schoolbag. 

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[Goanet] Deceit and Fraud

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar


However, whatever I know seems to be free from fraud or deceit. All
of the facts above can be objectively evaluated. If anyone has
specific evidence of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

Deceit and fraud can be acts of commission as well as of omission. I
submit to you that, by omitting important information on the diagnosis
and treatment of Matteo Collela, those who were responsible for
providing the description (communicated to us by Joel) on his case
have tried to deceive us into believing that no conventional medical
treatment was given or could be given to this boy.

I find it hard to believe that the only treatment that this boy could
receive was an exceptionally large dose of adrenaline administered,
as a last measure, by pessimistic medical staff. From what I know
about medical staff, even the bad ones don't abandon their patients
out of pessimism. 

And yet this account mentions nothing about the diagnosis or the
treatment. Did the boy suffer from any bacterial infection? Were any
drugs that are known to cure and save the lives of people suffering
from severe bacterial infection, given? Why are those who provided the
supposedly non-deceptive and non-fraudulent case description
withholding this information?

I also find it curious that the entire description conveys an
atmosphere of hopelessness, carefully crafted with phrases like
exceptionally large dose, administered as a last measure,
pessimistic medical staff and His death was considered imminent by
the medical staff, to create the impression that this state of
fatalistic inevitability was medically certified. 

Nobody who is guided by the principles of honesty, transparency and
scientific objectivity would provide such a deceptive case description
for objective evaluation as has been provided to us in this forum.



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[Goanet] NEWS: Indian PMO says Time article is in bad taste

2002-06-18 Thread Frederick Noronha

Indian prime minister's office says Time magazine article in bad taste

From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, June 18 (IANS) Indian Prime Minister's Atal Bihari Vajpayee's
office has decried a report in Time magazine as being replete with material
and factual errors and in bad taste and said his competence to control the
country's nuclear capabilities had never been questioned.

The report has already been dismissed by India's ministry of external
affairs as completely without foundation and a completely biased and
ill-informed article.

In a rejoinder to the report Asleep at the Wheel? (June 17), Ashok Tandon,
press aide to the prime minister, said in a letter to the newsmagazine that
what it carried amounted to purely fictitious notions about the prime
minister's lifestyle and was not just mischievous but also malicious.

Following is the text of Tandon's letter:

(text begins)

Your report Asleep at the Wheels (June 17) is in bad taste. It carries
several factual errors and contains certain observations about the Prime
Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which are nothing but fiction.

Mr. Vajpayee is 77 and not 74. His bladder and liver are perfectly normal
and he has an average cholesterol level.

However, there are more material errors spread throughout the report.

Purely fictitious notions about the Prime Minister's lifestyle are absurd
and mischievous. He does not take alcoholic drinks. Comments such as He
takes a three hour snooze every afternoon on doctor's orders and is given to
interminable silences, indecipherable ramblings and, not infrequently,
falling asleep in meetings are baseless. A post-lunch siesta is nothing
unusual. However, the Prime Minister's punishing schedule keeps him busy
from morning to late at night with a short break after lunch. Those familiar
with the rigour of Indian politics and the marathon Parliament sessions
which the Prime Minister has to cope with can vouch for his fitness.
Recently Mr. Vajpayee attended a night-long Parliament session for nearly 12
hours without a break. It is ridiculous to say that the Prime Minister falls
asleep in meetings. The use of phrases like he appears confused and
inattentive, seems shaky and lost, I am afraid, are, malicious.

Mr. Vajpayee has been in command for more than four years and his ability to
control the country's nuclear capabilities has never been questioned. The
media in India is free and TV crews have filmed him without any
restrictions. We have taken strong exceptions to your one-sided report
designed to tarnish the Prime Minister's image. Mr Vajpayee undoubtedly is a
towering personality and the most popular political figure in the country.
(ends text)

--Indo-Asian News Service

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goanet-digest V1 #4095

2002-06-18 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Tuesday, June 18 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4095

In this issue:

[Goanet] Back on Goanet
[Goanet] Matteo Colella
[Goanet] Bounces - Just FYI
Re: [Goanet] Matteo Colella
[Goanet] Re: Fwd: Parachutes
[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella
[Goanet] Deceit and Fraud
[Goanet] NEWS: Indian PMO says Time article is in bad taste 
[Goanet] Another wild goa trip to tivim on sunday,23 june
[Goanet] INTERVIEW: Dr Willy predicts short life for Parrikar govt (fwd)

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 05:59:32 -
From: santoshhelekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Back on Goanet


Hello there Santosh! You are right in your analysis about Padre Pio.

Hi Edgar:

Nice to hear from you and to see that you are back on Goanet. I am 
looking forward to reading some incisive posts from you on all the 
messy things that are happening in Goa and around the world.




Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:08:42 -0700
From: rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Goa Heritage Action Group, a registered NGO has taken a decision to help
restore the 16th century Cross located at Betim, Bardez. Ketak Nachinolkar,
a graduate of the Goa College of Architecture with a post graduate degree in
conservation from the Delhi School of Planning and Architecture has been
appointed by the Group to carry out the restoration work of this exquisite
piece of heritage. Local residents and well-wishers of the Cross have
generously donated a seed fund to start the restoration. Additional funds
are urgently needed in order to complete the restoration work in time for
the World Goa Day Celebrations on August 18th 2002. The Group and local
community would be grateful for contributions, however small, for the
restoration of the Betim Cross. All contributions must be made by cheque in
favour of Goa Heritage Action Group and sent to 29/30 Green Valley, Porvorim
4035231, Bardez, Goa. Contributions in kind (sand, material, labour, lime,
etc.) would be welcome. Cash donations may also be made directly to Ms. Ana
Maria de Souza Goswami, Life Member of the Group for amounts not exceeding
Rs. 500. Contributors may feel free to inspect the work on site by prior
appointment and book accounts will be open to inspection. For further
information, call Ms. Goswami at 417847.

General Sec



Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 07:40:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: J. Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Matteo Colella

I have found some information relating to the case of
Matteo Colella, who was cited in the recent St. Pio
canonization. Full medical details of the case are
available in the medical records. I have not examined
these, as the certifying Medical Board did. I know
only what I have read.

I gather that on January 20, 2000, Matteo Pio Colella,
a young and previously healthy child, developed fever,
vomiting, and large violet marks on his skin which
rapidly in number and size. He was severely
disorientated. His illness progressed rapidly
overnight. By the next morning the medical staff
reported that his blood pressure was low to the point
of being virtually unmeasurable, there
was bleeding from the points where needles had
penetrated his skin, and the pink foam of pulmonary
oedema was spilling from his mouth. Blood chemistry
tests suggested malfunction of end organs. His
heartbeat was slow, erratic and interrupted, with only
occasional beats detected. An exceptionally large dose
of adrenaline was administered, as a last measure, by
pessimistic medical staff. For several days, his death
was considered imminent by the medical staff. On
day 12, he showed signs of regained consciousness for
the first time. Over the following week his health
improved, with blood chemistry tests showing steady
improvement. He regained full health eventually. 

I am not a paediatrician. I have not seen the medical
records. However, whatever I know seems to be free
from fraud or deceit. All of the facts above can be
objectively evaluated. If anyone has specific evidence
of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

Joel Almeida

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Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:51:14 +0200
Subject: [Goanet] Bounces - Just FYI

Netters - the GoaNet equivalent of the Dead Letter File is my
mailbox.  Most of you already know this, I'm sure.


2002-06-18 Thread Joel D'Souza


In an open letter dated 17th June, 2002, addressed to Chief Minister 
Manohar Parrikar, Christopher Fonseca, Secretary of Communist Party of 
India (Goa), has cautioned the government to ensure that the opening of the 
Siolim-Chopdem Bridge is not carried out in haste before ensuring that the 
bottlenecks likely to be created to the smooth flow of the increased 
traffic, in the villages on either side of the bridge, are cleared. The 
letter also says, While we join the people in Goa in rejoicing at the fact 
that the bridge will be completed and put to use for the benefit of the 
traveling public after a long wait and delay, may we point out that this 
happy development will throw up new problems.

One of the main problems foreseen by Fonseca, who was a CPI candidate for 
the Siolim constituency, is: The opening of the bridge will cause 
permanent loss of livelihood to the people of Siolim and Chopdem, specially 
those who have woven their livelihood on the banks of the river and near 
the ferry-points. The change is going to be an ordeal for them, causing 
negation of livelihood for the people at the Siolim bazaar, to the small 
shopkeepers and their workers, gaddas, tea stalls, fish, meat, vegetable 
and flower sellers, taximen, tempos, rickshaw and motorcycle pilots, toddy 
tappers, liquor vendors and others.

The letter says, We propose that the government should conduct a 'spot 
survey' and publish a 'white paper' with a concrete action plan to ensure 
that all those, who are affected, should be duly rehabilitated or 
compensated for the permanent loss of livelihood and opportunity.

  The consequence of the opening of the bridge will result into congestion 
on the very narrow out reaches of the connecting roads, which are 
insufficient to service this increased traffic. The letter also refers to 
the totally run down condition of the connecting roads at Cunchelim, 
Assagao, Badem, Caisua and Anjuna, which have not seen repairs for a very 
long time.

Fonseca points out that the Siolim-Chopdem ferry boats should not be 
decommissioned completely, but at least a skeleton service retained to 
enable people from nearby areas to cross the river and travel to and fro.

The letter also strikes a note of caution on the environmental front, 
stating, The Chapora/Caisua River is dying a slow death. The once deep and 
blue river is growing shallow due to the rapid siltation, a huge 'silt 
bank' has been allowed to thrive right in the middle of the river due to 
the crass neglect and apathy of the succeeding governments. The 
multiple-pier bridge has further accentuated this siltation process. Hence 
it requests the government to dredge the river for the benefit of 
navigation, growth of fish, shell-fish and aquatic life, for which the 
river was once known all over.

There have been repeated reports that one of the pillars/columns of the 
Siolim-Chopdem bridge is defective. In the interest of one and all we 
caution the government to maintain an eagle's vigil on the bridge to 
regulate its safety and use, and a double-check ought to be conducted on 
the 'faulty column', Fonseca states. In conclusion, he says, The 
government should seriously ponder over the issues raised here above and 
take steps to rectify the same on a war-footing.

* * *

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[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella

2002-06-18 Thread J. Almeida

Santosh Helekar writes:

tried to deceive us into believing that no
conventional medical
treatment was given or could be given to this boy.


Dear Santosh,

Please be objective. Unlike the Medical Board which
assessed the prognosis on the basis of the full
medical records and other relevant evidence, I write
only the little that I know. Those who feel strongly
enough about these things can seek access to the full
medical reports. 

Let's assume that the best known conventional
treatment was given. I have no reason or intent to
believe or suggest otherwise. The question still
remains: what was Matteo Colella's prognosis?

If anyone has reason to differ with the verdict of the
Medical Board regarding the prognosis in this case,
please do not remain silent. I am as yet unable to
find any grounds for differing with their verdict.


Joel Almeida

PS Good idea to discard terms such as hysteria and
skeptical, which launched this discussion. If the
medical staff described themselves as being
pessimistic about the prognosis, I am not in a
position to differ.

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[Goanet] July 2, GOA DAY dinner in New York

2002-06-18 Thread George Pinto

Dear all,

You are invited to celebrate GOA DAY in New York.  Please RSVP if you can make it and 
reconfirm if
you have previously said you will attend.  We need an accurate headcount.  Thanks to 
Rangel-Rebeiro (author) for arranging the dinner and to Eric Pinto for inviting 
various people. 

All are invited (all ages, Goans, non-Goans).  We had initially planned to meet just 
for the heck
of it, and this is a great opportunity to celebrate GOA DAY.  This is a very informal 
low-key, and an opportunity to meet for a few hours. I am personally looking forward 
to meeting
anyone who can make it even if you can stop by only for a few minutes. Please email me 
and let me
know, deadline to sign up is June 25, 2002 as we need to inform the restaurant in 

Maharaja Restaurant from 5.30 to 9.00 p.m. on July 2, 2002, Tuesday. 
Address: East 44th Street in Manhattan, very close to Second Avenue, and between 
Second and Third

Drinks (no-host) from 5:30-7pm (you can come for drinks only if you can't stay for 

Buffet dinner from 7-9pm
The buffet will consist of 3 vegetables, 2 meat dishes, a seafood dish, dal, pullao, 
parathas, papads, desserts, and soft drinks. Juices, lassis, liquor, would have to be 
paid for
separately. Total cost per head for dinner is $25 and is payable to the restaurant 
manager. This
includes taxes and tip. Children under 12 is $15.  Children under 3, no charge.

The Maharaja restaurant in located in mid-town Manhattan. 

Look forward to seeing you.

George Pinto

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[Goanet] Re: A Skeptical View on the Padre Pio Hysteria

2002-06-18 Thread Joe Vaz

santoshhelekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The recent spate of posts and worldwide hysteria about Padre Pio's 
canonization has once again drawn attention to supernatural phenomena, such 
as stigmata, bi-location and miraculous cures. To those who might be 
muscled into believing in these things by the sheer magnitude of this 
hysteria, I would like to present below a contrasting rational view 
regarding these phenomena.

Dear Readers:

This so-called “rational view” hereinabove can be ascribed to “personal 
opinion” (or viewpoint”), and we know the definition of “opinion” and more 
so, --how opinions can differ across the spectrum.

However, I hasten to add that I wouldn’t blame Santosh for his “skeptic” 
views on various matters concerning -- God, Religion and miracles -– after 
all (I guess) his profession calls for skepticism.  Nevertheless, I wonder 
if he would do good by viewing the glass as “half full” rather than “half 
empty” in the course of his discernments and discourses on vital issues.

In the canonization process there is a role known as (or previously called) 
the “Devil’s Advocate” this role freely allows for refutation of a miracle 
claim through (scientific) demonstration.

Any scientific theory, by definition, is as good as the conclusive proof it 
provides.  And any amount of unsubstantiated rhetoric cannot disapprove, 
invalidate or repudiate a miracle in its own right, virtue and definition.  
The canonization process is subjected to rigorous scrutiny and scientific 
study and analysis, and therefore amply allows for refutation of claims.  
And when --and only when-- no evidence is produced, to refute the occurrence 
of the miracle, or miraculous cure/s as in this case, it is declared as such 
(“miracle”) --as inexplicable phenomenon, to the human mind.

A passage from the book “Conversation with God” succinctly states:

“You don’t want to know the Truth, you want to know the Truth as you 
understand it.  This is the greatest barrier to your enlightenment.  You 
think you already know the Truth! You think you already understand how it 
is.  So you agree with everything you see or hear or read that falls into 
the paradigm of your understanding, and reject everything which does not.  
And this you call learning? This you call being open to the teachings?  
Alas, you can never be open to teachings so long as you are closed to 
everything, save your own Truth.”

God and miracles have remained unfathomable mysteries to humankind – and 
science cannot unravel this mystery.  And as mysterious as it may seem – it 
is an irrefutable fact that miracles do occur in human life.  Truth never 
changes its form; it will always remains as the “truth” –- no matter what 
the case, condition or circumstance.

Best wishes,

Joe Vaz

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.

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[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella

2002-06-18 Thread J. Almeida

Santosh Helekar writes:

You are drawing your conclusions
based on the little that you know. 

Dear Santosh,

That is false. My conclusions rely on the fully
informed expert opinion of the Medical Board.

If anyone knows of specific evidence to refute their
verdict, why remain silent? 


Joel Almeida

PS I think evidence is more powerful than rhetoric.
Why not try it?

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[Goanet] Seaman falls off boat; drowns

2002-06-18 Thread rene barreto

Fred ,

Is Joe not the brother of John D Silva ?

Joe was our school mate - at St.Pauls in Belgaum.


Seaman falls off boat; drowns

From Our Margao Bureau

MARGAO, June 18: Captain of vessel MV Gosalia Prospects, Joe D'Silva died
when he fell off the boat, this afternoon. The strong winds had also carried
away the vessel, which was later brought back to the Mormugao Port Trust's
(MPT) berth.
The incident occurred this afternoon, when D'Silva was climbing up the boat,
which is a mini-transhipper in nature. Though the reason of his slip into
the water was not known, sources said that captain got a sudden heart
While sources disclosed that ship was also carried away with the strong
wind, police did not confirm the incident.
We have got the information that the captain died due to drowning. We have
no knowledge about ship sinking or being carried away, stated
superintendent of police (South), Mr I D Shukla.
It is learnt that the ship which was carried away due to strong winds was
brought back to the berth number 10 of MPT with the help of Coast Guard and
The Coast Guard officials, when contacted, declined to furnish any
The deceased was 56-year-old and was hailing from Ratwado, Navelim.
His body was fished out by Coast Guard and later brought to Goa Shipyard in
a helicopter. Later, it was sent to Hospicio Hospital, Margao. Harbour
police have registered a case under Section 174 of CrPc.

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Re: [Goanet] re: Canonization

2002-06-18 Thread Rohit Shukla

Now, if you guys like to hoist yourself on the pedestal of 
rationalism, go ahead. Leave the Catholic Church alone! Your cheap 
potshots at the Catholic Church speak more about your intellectual 
and spiritual bankruptcy than a faith and tradition that is more 
than 2000 years old.
And the forces of evil shall not overcome it.

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 santoshhelekar wrote :
 Both Catholics and Materialists know that miracles are
 (by definition) highly improbable. Church authorities
 were themselves highly sceptical about St. Pio during
 his lifetime. That by itself is neither here nor
 there. Awaken, Materialists, seize your chance:
 demolish these claims with specific evidence.
 Otherwise I fear that most people might not take you
 too seriously.

Joel, Are you being even-handed in your treatment of the
Materialists, as opposed to the Catholics, here? Why would 
not take only the Materialists seriously? What have the 
done vis-a-vis these claims to deserve such special favor?

Don't you believe in fairness and equal justice to people on all 
of a proposition?

 You might have suggestions for further tightening
 the procedures in certifying miracles. I urge you to
 make your suggestions to the Vatican. I am as anxious
 as you are that nobody be deceived.

Could you tell the Vatican to submit a detailed report on the
scientific validation of their miracles to an international 
journal to be considered  for publication as a peer-reviewed 

It is an inappropriate (some would say unethical) scientific 
to publicize non-peer-reviewed findings through the popular 



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[Goanet] Re: A Skeptical View on the Padre Pio Hysteria

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar


In the canonization process there is a role known as (or previously
called) the ?Devil?s Advocate? this role freely allows for refutation
of a miracle claim through (scientific) demonstration.


Any scientific theory, by definition, is as good as the conclusive
proof it provides.  And any amount of unsubstantiated rhetoric cannot
disapprove, invalidate or repudiate a miracle in its own right,
virtue and definition.  The canonization process is subjected to
rigorous scrutiny and scientific study and analysis, and therefore
amply allows for refutation of claims. And when --and only when-- no
evidence is produced, to refute the occurrence of the miracle, or
miraculous cure/s as in this case, it is declared as such 
(?miracle?) --as inexplicable phenomenon, to the human mind.

I have debated with Joe Vaz on this matter in the past. As in his
previous posts on this issue, his argument continues to suffer from a
serious misunderstanding of Science and the scientific method. Here is
what my understanding of the scientific method is. This is the science
 I know and practice on a daily basis in my own modest way:

1. Science always tries to seek rational natural explanations for
observed phenomena - explanations that do not violate established
scientific principles based on objective evidence.

2. When confronted with an apparently unusual and extraordinary
observation the default scientific position is to still seek natural
explanations perhaps involving modification of the existing
principles. However, such modifications are viewed with tremendous
skepticism by the rest of the scientific community. To be taken
seriously the proponent of this new explanation has to carry the
entire burden of providing an extraordinary amount and type of
objective scientific evidence to support his claim. 

3. Science does not accept or even consider a claim as legitimate just
because it has not or cannot be refuted by others.

4. Science under no circumstances entertains supernatural explanations
of any kind. 

5. If a religious, paranormal or supernatural organization decides to
stretch their definition of Science to include supernatural
explanations, they would still have to require that the proponents of
such explanations carry the burden of supporting their claims with an
extraordinary amount and type of objective scientific evidence. Of
course they can stretch the definition of the scientific method to
suit their own convenience. But then their claim that they have
followed rigorous scrutiny and scientific study and analysis would
be false and deceptive. Such claims have been made by all kinds of
pseudoscientific disciplines and organizations, such as astrology,
believers in UFOs, believers in telepathy, etc.

6. All genuine scientific reports that are deemed to result from a
rigorous scrutiny and scientific study and analysis are 
published in a reputed scientific journal after an excruciating
peer-review process conducted by anonymous expert referees. I would
love to know the name of the scientific journal in which the miracle
claims that Joe Vaz is referring to are published. If they have not
been published in such a manner, then I have no choice but to discount
his claim that the canonization process is subjected to rigorous
scrutiny and scientific study and analysis. Such a statement is empty

Another clear example of empty rhetoric is the passage quoted by him

A passage from the book Conversation with God succinctly states:
You don?t want to know the Truth, you want to know the Truth as you 
understand it.  This is the greatest barrier to your enlightenment. 
You think you already know the Truth! You think you already
understand how it is.  So you agree with everything you see or hear
or read that falls into the paradigm of your understanding, and
reject everything which does not. And this you call learning? This
you call being open to the teachings? Alas, you can never be open to
teachings so long as you are closed to everything, save your own Truth.

The above passage is not just empty rhetoric. It is ironic, because it
applies more aptly to religion than to science.

God and miracles have remained unfathomable mysteries to humankind ?
and science cannot unravel this mystery.  And as mysterious as it may
seem ? it is an irrefutable fact that miracles do occur in human
life.  Truth never changes its form; it will always remains as the
truth ?- no matter what the case, condition or circumstance.

Upon reading the above additional rhetoric, the following rhetorical
questions come to mind:

How does Joe Vaz know all this? Could it be that he has a privileged
vantage point that enables him to see the truth? Does he know the
ultimate truth by any chance?



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goanet-digest V1 #4096

2002-06-18 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Tuesday, June 18 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4096

In this issue:

[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella
[Goanet] July 2, GOA DAY dinner in New York
[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella
[Goanet] Re: A Skeptical View on the Padre Pio Hysteria
[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella
[Goanet] Seaman falls off boat; drowns 
Re: [Goanet] re: Canonization
[Goanet] Re: A Skeptical View on the Padre Pio Hysteria

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 00:53:31 +0530
From: Joel D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In an open letter dated 17th June, 2002, addressed to Chief Minister 
Manohar Parrikar, Christopher Fonseca, Secretary of Communist Party of 
India (Goa), has cautioned the government to ensure that the opening of the 
Siolim-Chopdem Bridge is not carried out in haste before ensuring that the 
bottlenecks likely to be created to the smooth flow of the increased 
traffic, in the villages on either side of the bridge, are cleared. The 
letter also says, While we join the people in Goa in rejoicing at the fact 
that the bridge will be completed and put to use for the benefit of the 
traveling public after a long wait and delay, may we point out that this 
happy development will throw up new problems.

One of the main problems foreseen by Fonseca, who was a CPI candidate for 
the Siolim constituency, is: The opening of the bridge will cause 
permanent loss of livelihood to the people of Siolim and Chopdem, specially 
those who have woven their livelihood on the banks of the river and near 
the ferry-points. The change is going to be an ordeal for them, causing 
negation of livelihood for the people at the Siolim bazaar, to the small 
shopkeepers and their workers, gaddas, tea stalls, fish, meat, vegetable 
and flower sellers, taximen, tempos, rickshaw and motorcycle pilots, toddy 
tappers, liquor vendors and others.

The letter says, We propose that the government should conduct a 'spot 
survey' and publish a 'white paper' with a concrete action plan to ensure 
that all those, who are affected, should be duly rehabilitated or 
compensated for the permanent loss of livelihood and opportunity.

  The consequence of the opening of the bridge will result into congestion 
on the very narrow out reaches of the connecting roads, which are 
insufficient to service this increased traffic. The letter also refers to 
the totally run down condition of the connecting roads at Cunchelim, 
Assagao, Badem, Caisua and Anjuna, which have not seen repairs for a very 
long time.

Fonseca points out that the Siolim-Chopdem ferry boats should not be 
decommissioned completely, but at least a skeleton service retained to 
enable people from nearby areas to cross the river and travel to and fro.

The letter also strikes a note of caution on the environmental front, 
stating, The Chapora/Caisua River is dying a slow death. The once deep and 
blue river is growing shallow due to the rapid siltation, a huge 'silt 
bank' has been allowed to thrive right in the middle of the river due to 
the crass neglect and apathy of the succeeding governments. The 
multiple-pier bridge has further accentuated this siltation process. Hence 
it requests the government to dredge the river for the benefit of 
navigation, growth of fish, shell-fish and aquatic life, for which the 
river was once known all over.

There have been repeated reports that one of the pillars/columns of the 
Siolim-Chopdem bridge is defective. In the interest of one and all we 
caution the government to maintain an eagle's vigil on the bridge to 
regulate its safety and use, and a double-check ought to be conducted on 
the 'faulty column', Fonseca states. In conclusion, he says, The 
government should seriously ponder over the issues raised here above and 
take steps to rectify the same on a war-footing.

* * *


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 12:45:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: J. Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] re: Matteo Colella

Santosh Helekar writes:

tried to deceive us into believing that no
conventional medical
treatment was given or could be given to this boy.

- --

Dear Santosh,

Please be objective. Unlike the Medical Board which
assessed the prognosis on the basis of the full
medical records and other relevant evidence, I write
only the little that I know. Those who feel strongly
enough about these things can seek access to the full
medical reports. 

Let's assume that the best known conventional
treatment was given. I have no reason or intent to
believe or suggest otherwise. The question still
remains: what was 

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Indian PMO says Time article is in bad taste

2002-06-18 Thread Sonali Prabhudesai

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 Nagesh Bhatcar wrote :
Ford tripped and fell a number of times. But then again, the 
President of the United States is not equal to the Prime Minister 
of India!

Dont forget Mr. Bush Sr. who puked in Japan or Jr. who choked on a 
harmless pretzel. At least Vajpayee can devour his food without 
any problems.

- Sonali
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Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Indian PMO says Time article is in bad taste

2002-06-18 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Sonali wrote:

Dont forget Mr. Bush Sr. who puked in Japan or Jr. who choked on a
harmless pretzel. At least Vajpayee can devour his food without
any problems.

Here's something from today's The Globe and Mail, (Canada) that I found

Terrorism is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as use of force or
violence by a person or group against people or property with the intention
of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for idelogical
or political reasons.

Apparently, the United States has just adopted terrorism as its official
foreign policy regarding Iraq. George W. Bush has given the CIA a green
light to to topple or capture the Iraqi leader, using violence and deadly
force if necessary.

The Iraqi people are no doubt trilled that the Americans feel it is their
right to determine who should be running Iraq, and that they are willing to
resort to terrorism to achieve thier aims. The war on terrorism' continues,
with the CIA preparing to make al-Queda look like the amateur thugs they
Craig Squires, Toronto.

I don't see why there has to be concern in Washington about the illegality
of assassinating foreign leaders such as Saddam Hussein. All the US
government has to do is label him an enemy combatant and then they can do
whatever they like with him.
Mike McNulty, Kichner, Ontario

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2002-06-18 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network

North Goa District Legal Services Authority has opened a Counselling and
Conciliation Centre in the premises of Civil and Criminal Court at Mapusa.

Adv Amrut Kansar and Adv A V N Salatry will give free advice on legal matters
on first and third working Saturdays of every month between 3 pm to 5 pm.
The working of the Centre will be commenced from 15 June.

Members of the public who are interested in seeking legal advice
on any civil, criminal or revenue dispute are called upon to approach
the center and take advantage of the free consultation
provided by the North Goa District Legal Services Authority.

GOMANTAK TIMES 9/6/2002Page 4

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

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[Goanet] Capt Joe DeSilva

2002-06-18 Thread Frederick Noronha

Rene: He's ex-Belgaum. FN

From the obituary ad: Death Capt Joseph F X DeSilva (Joe), Navelim-Belgaum,
ex-Indian Navy. Son of late Capt Julius and late Jovina DeSilva, beloved
husband of Olya, loving father of Alexander (Shurick), Ravi Mark and Dr
Natasha. Expired on 18/6/2002 under tragic circumstances. Funeral details to
be intimated tomorrow

From: rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Seaman falls off boat; drowns

Fred ,
Is Joe not the brother of John D Silva ?
Joe was our school mate - at St.Pauls in Belgaum.

Seaman falls off boat; drowns
From Our Margao Bureau

MARGAO, June 18: Captain of vessel MV Gosalia Prospects, Joe D'Silva died
when he fell off the boat, this afternoon. The strong winds had also carried
away the vessel, which was later brought back to the Mormugao Port Trust's
(MPT) berth.

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[no subject]

2002-06-18 Thread Frederick Noronha

-- Forwarded message --
approved: Vivremember
Subject: LETTER FROM PAKISTAN / 'Milestone' for ecumenism in Pakistan

A milestone for ecumenism in Pakistan
KARACHI: Catholics are hailing the appointment of two Protestant teachers of Greek and 
Hebrew at their main theological center as a landmark move towards ecumenism. Arne 
Rudovin, a retired bishop of the Church of Pakistan who has taught Greek, and Hebrew 
language expert Gerald Mall are to lecture the students of the National Catholic 
Institute of Theology this summer.Mall is the vice-principal of St Thomas Theological 
College, located on the premises of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

This is the first time that NCIT has introduced Greek and Hebrew language courses for 
its pupils. 

The dean of NCIT, Fr Robert McCullough, made the announcement during the release of 
the institute's annual report.Fr McCullough was quoted by NCIT students last week as 
saying that the latest staff recruitment was an important step on the less travelled 
path to ecumenism in Pakistan. Ecumenism, which is a part of the current academic 
session at NCIT, has become a popular goal for the two denominations in recent years 
in the face of mounting persecution.

KARACHI: There are believed to be some 200 names for Jesus Christ in the Old and New 
Testaments of the Bible, a Christian scholar said here. Paul Herson, a leading 
theologist and pastor of the Central Baptist Church on Tariq Road, said that knowledge 
of those names would enrich the lives of all Christians. Some of the names reeled off 
by Herson are attributes of Christ.

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[Goanet] 10QUESTIONS: ... does Goan humour have a gloomy side too?

2002-06-18 Thread Frederick Noronha


Journalist, editor and poet Manohar Shetty edited 'Goa Today' between
1987-93. He has published three books of poems, the last 'Domestic
Creatures' from Oxford University Press (New Delhi), and has edited 'Ferry
Crossing -- Short Stories from Goa' (Penguin India).

Shetty read his poems at Lahti, Finland last year at a literary festival and
has been invited later this year to the Vilinica Arts Festival in Slovenia.
He also did a special India number for 'Poetry Wales' due out next month. He
has ideas to edit a big book on Goa but no arts foundation or grants
commissions seem interested, he complains. 

After all this serious work, Shetty took time to recently look at Goan
humour. FREDERICK NORONHA uses the peg offered by Shetty's recently-edited
'humour special' (published by the now government-run Institute Menezes
Braganza's journal 'Govapuri', available at its first floor office above
Panjim's Central Library at Rs 20.) to discuss the state of Goan writing.

This volume contains the first ever English translation of an almost
forgotten book -- Jacob e Dulce, set in the 1890s Margao colloquialisms and
thought untranslatable; news-reports like 100 sausages stolen from Chandor
shop; and Mario Miranda's early illustrations published over five decades
ago in a 'Loutulensis League' souvenir!


After having done the work, what's your view of Goan humour? Does it exist?

Yes, of course it exists and some of it more sophisticated than the
rumbustious 'tiatr'. But there's also a gloomy side, a morbid interest in
obituaries, funerals, ghosts and other people's misfortunes.

(Note also the sepulchral air in the office of Institute Menezes Braganza
and the torture chamber that is the Sub Registrar's office of Births and
Deaths. You'd wish you'd never been born. They make Kafka sound like P G

What prompted you in choosing this subject?
The previous issues have all been on the serious side -- the Liberation
Struggle, environment and heritage. I thought a humour special would balance
that and garner two or three more readers. Incidentally, 'Govapuri' has a
nonexistent readership. IMB's idea of distribution is storing all the copies
in a godown and posting sentries around it.

How does the Goan sense of humour (if it exists) compare with other states?
An awkward question. Can they be comparable? Isn't humour universal? 

But as in all small, provincial places there's a tendency to believe that
they're the only ones with a vast fund of insider jokes. The happy-go-lucky
image is media myth. Naivete can be charming, but also dangerous. (Note the
distressing election results).

Has this subject been studied sufficiently?
Why reduce humour to scholastic drudgery?

Was it difficult to locate resources? 
Yes. Even the request sent out (via the Internet for material related to
Goa-humour) received virtually no response, except for the jokes I picked up
from (one of the Goan online) newsletter. 

In the end I was compelled to use a story of my own, which had nothing to do
with Goa (except that I'm quasi-Goan by now), just to make up the numbers.

What struck you about cartoonist Mario Miranda's early work (which are
included in this volume)?
His eye for detail, his skills as a draughts-man, and the total absence of

Have any earlier attempts been made of this kind, for instance Peter
Nazareth's 'reader' which looks, inter alia, at some humour writing?
'Ferry Crossing' does contain a few stories on the funny side, but the
general tone is somber.

What are the next themes for Govapuri?
My contract with them has not been renewed. This is my sixth, and after my
above comments, probably my last issue. Nice way to sign off.