Error executing RPC call after updating to GWT 1.5.3

2008-12-04 Thread a_martinez

I developed an application with several services. After updating from
GWT 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 the RPC calls to the server doesn't work anymore. I
got an error message on server side:

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke
at org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.jca.CachedConnectionValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol

This is how I call the service:

diversePanel.add(new Button(Pseudo Login, new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
RemoteTypeDefServiceAsync typeDefService =
(RemoteTypeDefServiceAsync) GWT.create(RemoteTypeDefService.class);
ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget)
String serviceEntryPoint = GWT.getModuleBaseURL()
AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught){
Window.alert(Login failed.);

public void onSuccess(Object result){
Window.alert(Login ok.);

Can someone tell me what is wrong now?
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Re: How to configure GWT in existing application

2008-12-04 Thread GWT Newbie

The method with JSNI seems to be recommanded.

I was wondering if this one is also acceptable:

1) Take the html file of the module
2) Insert a DIV element with the wanted value to pass to gwt: DIV
id=div_id value=div_value/
3) Get the value of the DIV element in the onModuleLoad: doc = 
Element el = doc.getElementById(div_id);
Object obj = el.getAttribute(value);

On 3 déc, 16:04, GWT Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes. Looks like that.

 I will read it more carefully this night.


 On 3 déc, 14:10, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You mean this sort of thing?
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Re: Discussion on security-for-gwt-applications

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the feedback Shawn and Reinier. I'm not relying on Cookies
at all, the Session ID will be created by the server, it will be a
large pseudo random number. The session IDs will of course expire.

Interesting point about problems that could be created by restricting
access to a single IP, I will drop that approach.

I'd like to use SSL - but I don't think it's practical, I do have root
access to the server, but it's not my server.

I'll post again when it's done and let you all know how it all worked

On Dec 4, 7:24 am, Shawn Pearce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also restricting a session to a single IP address can be problematic with
 some providers that use web proxies for their clients.  I don't know if this
 has changed, but years ago AOL made this rather difficult as requests from
 clients can be routed out through multiple proxy servers.  Individual users
 bounced around on IP addresses between requests, based on the proxy server
 load balancing algorithm used.  My last employer did this with their
 corporate desktops too, and there it was a matter of load-balancing the
 outgoing traffic through different T3 connections.  Its more common than you
 might think.

 If you really need to protect the session, use SSL.  Otherwise, probably the
 best you can do is a time-based session token.  Trying to tie it to an IP
 address is just asking for some difficulty with proxies.

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 18:46, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  krona: If you are getting the session ID from the cookie, your web
  service is still vulnerable to XSRF (wikipedia it). Make GWT send the
  session ID in the body of requests (such as a parameter to GWT-RPC or
  stuff it in the JSON you're sending to your PHP).

  On Dec 4, 1:24 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The approach I'm taking, and I'm hoping it is a good one, is to divide
   the operations on the server cleanly in to read and write. I'm using
   php on the server and GWT on the client. The client cannot execute any
   write operation on the server without a unique Session ID, the only
   way that the client can get a Session ID is by providing correct log
   in credentials to the server. Once the client has provided correct
   login credentials the server creates a Session ID and binds it to an
   IP address. Any write requests coming in to the server will not be
   honoured if they do not come from the IP address/Session ID
   combination that the server understands as being 'safe'. Obviously
   once write access is granted on the server all string data is stripped/
   escaped as appropriate. The philosophy is that the server will never
   send anything to the client that could be intepreted as anything but
   plain text.

   I cannot protect against fishing, but then this is only for a cat club
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Re: viewport resize listener

2008-12-04 Thread gregor

I'm not sure I understand your situation right, but:

if your panel knows at run time that it's size has changed (e.g.
from a method that adds the new widget to it) then it could fire a
change event via DeferrerdCommand. The glass panel could be registered
as a listener with it and obtain new width/height offsets.

On Dec 4, 4:25 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At run time I add widgets to the page which causes the size of the panel
 (scrollable size) to change.

 Litty Preeth

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:22 PM, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh, I see. How is the size of your RootPanel changed then if not by
  changing the size of the browser window?

  On Dec 3, 1:15 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   WindowResizeListener will listen for window resize events only. It wont
   invoked if ur scrollable page size is changed. It ll be notified only if
   WINDOW itself is mazximized, resized etc.

   Litty Preeth

   On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:31 PM, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Litty,

I use something like this:

public class MdDem implements EntryPoint {

   private MainPage main = new MainPage();
   private ResizeListener windowListener = new ResizeListener();

   public void onModuleLoad() {
       // initial sizing call if you need it

   // window resize listener
   private class ResizeListener implements WindowResizeListener {

       private int width, height;
       private boolean pending;
       private Command command;

       ResizeListener() {
           command = new Command() {
               public void execute() {
                   pending = false;
                   main.adjustSize(width, height);

       public void onWindowResized(int width, int height) {
           this.width = width;
           this.height = height;
           if (pending == false) {
               pending = true;



On Dec 3, 7:33 am, alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically you have to listen to browser change size events (not
 how reliable this is in all supported browsers) and forward new size
 to your widgets. Ext GWT (and probably GWT Ext) for example, already
 has ViewPort implementation.

 On 3 Dez., 05:11, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi friends,

  Anybody has any ideas on this?

  Thanks and Regards,
  Litty Preeth

  On Dec 2, 4:42 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All,

   Anybody know how to implement a viewport resize listener?
  Basically I
have a
   glass panel (light box effect). I want to notify this glass panel
   my RootPanel size gets changed so that I can resize my glass
  panel to
   the area.

   Litty Preeth
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Using body element class attribute gets overridden when RootPanel adds a widget to the page

2008-12-04 Thread Mr. Taylor

I am experience a problem when I set the border to different colors
based on whatever the class argument is in the body tag of a given

my css is

body.class1 #main-nav {border-bottom:6px; solid #db6d16;}
body.class2 #main-nav {border-bottom:6px; solid #db6d16;}

Problem:  The page loads with the border and as soon as the widgets
are attach to the screen the border underneath the navigation bar
dissapears.  Is this a bug?  Has anyone else experience this?  I am
using GWT 1.5.3 with GWT-EXT framework.

My workaround was to use a span tag (instead of the body tag) around
my navigation bar and change the class attribute there.

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FileUpload pbm

2008-12-04 Thread Mogoye


I need to upload a file to my server. Looking to GWT API the only way
to do that seems to use
FileUpload class associated with a FormPanel.

My problem is that I already know the name of the file to upload and
don't want to ask to my user
to select it on the file system.
My 1th idea was to call myFileUpload.setFileName();  but this
method does not exist.

Is there any other solution to upload a file ?

Thx for reading.
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Re: FileUpload pbm

2008-12-04 Thread Jason Morris

A web browser won't allow you to do this, since it would basically allow anyone 
to pull copies of 
important files off your hard disk without your permission, this a FileUpload 
(like input 
type=file) is a readonly structure from a JavaScript point of view.

You can however use flash, or a signed Java Applet to access the file-system 
and upload the file.

Mogoye wrote:
 I need to upload a file to my server. Looking to GWT API the only way
 to do that seems to use
 FileUpload class associated with a FormPanel.
 My problem is that I already know the name of the file to upload and
 don't want to ask to my user
 to select it on the file system.
 My 1th idea was to call myFileUpload.setFileName();  but this
 method does not exist.
 Is there any other solution to upload a file ?
 Thx for reading.

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Re: OOPHM r4218: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

2008-12-04 Thread Kevin Tarn
Thanks for the reply. First, this problem did not happen in GWT 1.53. It
only happens on OOPHM branch. I believe the WAR includes jar correctly.
Attached is my web.xml. The lib folder I means is the subfolder of installed
Tomcat directory.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 This is an issue of your web.xml or war not including the jar
 correctly (or at all).  By dumping it into the lib folder (which one?)
 it will automatically be on the class path already.

 Posting your web.xml could allow people to help discern why it's not
 including the jar.

 On Dec 3, 4:42 am, Kevin Tarn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I used NetBeans for my GWT project. Recently I tried to build OOPHM
  for using Firefox as my hosted browser. If I put gwt-user.jar into my
  WAR package, this ClassNotFoundException occurred. I tried to remove
  gwt-user.jar from WAR package, and put it into tomcat's lib folder.
  This exception doesn't happen.

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?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
web-app version=2.4 xmlns=; xmlns:xsi=; xsi:schemaLocation=;
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
inherits name=''/

entry-point class=com.xcome.client.xim/
set-property name=user.agent value=gecko/
set-property name=locale value=default /

	!-- Do not define servlets here, use web.xml --
script src=/EeeIM/javascripts/prototype.js/
script src=/EeeIM/javascripts/scriptaculous.js/

Re: Discussion on security-for-gwt-applications

2008-12-04 Thread Thomas Broyer


On 4 déc, 10:58, Thomas Broyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Walden, you need a refresh on URIs and HTTP

As Walden pointed out to me in private, I should have directed this
answer towards Jason; as it's quite clear that Walden is aware of all
I said ;-)
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Re: Easiest way to open a new window with some text in it?

2008-12-04 Thread Thomas Wrobel

thanks for your help, thats better, but still no luck.

This time it gives me a ;

is null

error when run ver gwt.
(my gwt line is now;

When typed directly at the console using firebug I get;

[Exception... Cannot modify properties of a WrappedNative nsresult:
0x80570034 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_MODIFY_PROP_ON_WN) location: JS frame
:: ::
anonymous :: line 91 data: no]

Any ideas?

Bit out of my depth here, I foolishly thought this would be simple ;)

2008/12/4 alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sorry - it was a long day yesterday ;-)
 popup is actually your new Window and getElementById() is the Function
 that belongs to the Document object - not the Window object. So it
 should be popup.document.getElementById()... And from your popup-
 Window you can call window.opener.document.getElementById() to access
 the parent window.

 On 3 Dez., 17:45, Thomas Wrobel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If  I type;

 var popup ='scripts/display.php', '_blank', null);
 into the console of my gwt the new window pops up.

 Then typeing;


 Results in;

 TypeError: popup.getElementById is not a function

 (I also tried with .innerHTML(teststrng) at the end, but that gave
 the same result)

 Its worth noteing that ;

 both return undefined. (despite that a title is set).

 It seems popup just isnt refering to the newly created window.

 Reviews of anything, by anyone;
 Please try out my new site and give feedback :)

 2008/12/3 alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Not quite sure why this doesn't work - try to play with it in FireBug
  (you can open your window from the console and use popup-variable to
  get it's elements). Does popup.getElementById('idShowText') give en
  element back?

  On 3 Dez., 16:12, Thomas Wrobel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Must admit, I wasnt aware you could set text in another window from a
  script running in the current one.

  Still, dosnt seem to work for me
  display.php has the following html;

  div id=idShowTexttest/div

  And my native javascript being triggered is;

  var popup = $'scripts/printthis.php', '_blank', null);


  The window pops up ok, but the text remains just test, and dosnt
  change to someText.

  2008/12/3 alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   In good old javascript time i've done this like:
   var popup = $'scripts/display.php', '_blank', null);
   popup.getElementById('idShowText')... // Hier get a div or smth. and
   show/insert your text

   On 2 Dez., 19:48, darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   nope..apperently I cant use a form panel to post data to a new
   window :-/

   I'm happy to use any combination of php and gwt, but I cant seem to
   find a neat way to get a string (of decent length) into a new window.

   I could save to cookie or something, but that seems a very messy
   method to use :-/

   On Nov 21, 8:10 pm, darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just thinking outloud could be done with a form right? Just
hidden somewhere.
dosnt seem very neat though.

On Nov 21, 1:50 pm, darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thats still using the string by the URL though/get method, which
 limits the charecfters to about  100  :-/

 Is it possible to do the same thing but not have the data in the 
 so it could be picked up by the php'spostvariable instead?
 (which you can do with RequestBuilder by using  new RequestBuilder
 (RequestBuilder.POST) but that dosnt open a newwindow.)

 On Nov 21, 8:13 am, Danny Schimke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You could try to use JSNI to open a newwindowas you've already 

  It should look something like this:

  native JavaScriptObject openWindow(String param) /*-{
  $'scripts/display.php' + '?text=' + 
  '_blank', null);
  return true;}-*/;

  I hpe it's what you searched for...


  2008/11/20 darkflame [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Any ideas?
   The text is dynamic, so I thought at first I'd just use;,
   _blank, null);

   Where display.php simply gets the text variable in the url and 
   it back.

   However, this has a very short limit on the text that can be
   Is it possible to do a simerla function with RequestBuilder? 
   can be used correctly?
   I have no idea if its 

Re: Problem updating image URL

2008-12-04 Thread jchimene


Does this fail in a browser agnostic way?

On Dec 3, 5:57 am, David Hoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why do you think final may be a problem?  I don't change the image
 instance only set the URL on the already existing image.

 Does GWT not like final?


 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:23 PM, mon3y [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Might it have something to do with the word final when declaring

  On Dec 2, 9:23 pm, dhoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a custom button that has a couple of images as well as text.
  My code is like this:

  public class SplitButton extends Button
      private IGWTImageBundle gwtImageBundle;
      private final DockPanel dockPanel = new DockPanel();
      private MenuBar menuBar;
      private final Image image = new Image();
      private final Label textLabel = new Label();
      private PopupPanel popupPanel;

      public SplitButton(IGWTImageBundle gwtImageBundle)
          this(null, null, gwtImageBundle);

      public SplitButton(String imageURL, String text, IGWTImageBundle

          this.gwtImageBundle = gwtImageBundle;

          if (imageURL != null)
          if (text != null)


      private void initDockPanel()
          dockPanel.add(image, DockPanel.WEST);
          dockPanel.add(textLabel, DockPanel.CENTER);
  (), DockPanel.EAST);


      public void setText(String text)


      public void setImage(String imageURL)


      private void setHTML()
          SimplePanel sp = new SimplePanel();
          String test = DOM.getInnerHTML(sp.getElement());


  The problem is calls to setImage(String imageURL) do not get updated
  in the UI.  That is, although the URL set is valid the image is not
  shown in the button.  The static image is shown in the UI however.

  What am I doing wrong to set the image?

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Reading information from a webpage to the body of a homepage

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well.

My name is Jorge and I am a real estate agent.

I need help creating an application to read information from another
website as follows, and I am wondering if someone can help me out.

I use a website called Postlets to manage my listings for sale and for

The website requites an user name and password.

Once I create a listing there it get added to a gallery along all my
other listings.

I use this gallery to display the listings on the body of my webpage.

Here is the link:

The gallery webpage can be access on the following link with out a

How would I be able to display this gallery on the body of my home

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you vey much;

Muralles_r12 on yahoo messenger



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Standard/Simple GWT CSS?

2008-12-04 Thread dhoffer

I'm coming from a Java background and new to GWT and I don't know
CSS.  Is there some sample/basic CSS available I can use until I am
able to get up-to-speed on CSS?

I am using inherits
name=''/ in my xml file
but that only seems to provide very basic style information.

Does someone have some standard/simple CSS available for standard GWT

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Re: Problem updating image URL

2008-12-04 Thread David Hoffer

So far, I am running this in hosted mode only.  We are new to GWT and
are trying to learn how to get something working and are having some
trouble such as this issue.

Setting the image via URL seems to be problematic.  In summary this is
what I observe:

1. If I get a static image from ImageBundle it always works.
2. If I have a stand-alone Image control and call setURL with a valid
URL it will sometimes work.  Updates do not always get seen in the UI.
3. If the Image control is part of a larger panel and I need to render
the overall panel's HTML on a widget, using a valid URL never works.
That is, if I set an Image's URL then do something like the following,
the image is not displayed in the UI.

private HorizontalPanel theTreeItem = new HorizontalPanel();
private Image rightImage;


// Note I have also tried to just set the URL of the existing Image
instead of replacing it, neither is rendered in the UI.
public void setRightImageURL(Image rightImage)
this.rightImage = rightImage;

private void setHTML()
SimplePanel simplePanel = new SimplePanel();
String test = DOM.getInnerHTML(simplePanel.getElement());

Why doesn't this work?  In my case I have dynamic images so I cannot
always use ImageBundles as that only works for static images.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:32 AM, jchimene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Does this fail in a browser agnostic way?

 On Dec 3, 5:57 am, David Hoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why do you think final may be a problem?  I don't change the image
 instance only set the URL on the already existing image.

 Does GWT not like final?


 On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:23 PM, mon3y [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Might it have something to do with the word final when declaring

  On Dec 2, 9:23 pm, dhoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a custom button that has a couple of images as well as text.
  My code is like this:

  public class SplitButton extends Button
  private IGWTImageBundle gwtImageBundle;
  private final DockPanel dockPanel = new DockPanel();
  private MenuBar menuBar;
  private final Image image = new Image();
  private final Label textLabel = new Label();
  private PopupPanel popupPanel;

  public SplitButton(IGWTImageBundle gwtImageBundle)
  this(null, null, gwtImageBundle);

  public SplitButton(String imageURL, String text, IGWTImageBundle

  this.gwtImageBundle = gwtImageBundle;

  if (imageURL != null)
  if (text != null)


  private void initDockPanel()
  dockPanel.add(image, DockPanel.WEST);
  dockPanel.add(textLabel, DockPanel.CENTER);
  (), DockPanel.EAST);


  public void setText(String text)


  public void setImage(String imageURL)


  private void setHTML()
  SimplePanel sp = new SimplePanel();
  String test = DOM.getInnerHTML(sp.getElement());


  The problem is calls to setImage(String imageURL) do not get updated
  in the UI.  That is, although the URL set is valid the image is not
  shown in the button.  The static image is shown in the UI however.

  What am I doing wrong to set the image?


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Re: How to share work between Java developers and HTML/CSS designers?

2008-12-04 Thread gregor

I would think Dreamweaver is more or less redundant in a GWT project,
save perhaps for doing mock ups of widget layouts for demo,
discussion. The traditional distinction between page designers and
Java server programmers no longer exists really with GWT. You write
GWT client code in Java, but you also need to know CSS, how GWT deals
with CSS, and how the HTML box model and the DOM works. I would think
this issue is less one of best practice, more one of retraining and
retooling your team.

On Dec 3, 5:36 am, Nizam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are there any best practices in bringing together a multi-disciplinary
 team of Java developers and HTML/CSS designers in developing a
 commercial GWT application? Our Java guys cannot do CSS and our HTML/
 CSS guys prefer working in DreamWeaver. I haven't seen any material
 that talks about the team collaboration aspect. Any thoughts?
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Re: Two separate GWT apps communicating with each other possible?

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you both, this is a great head start.

On Dec 4, 7:31 am, Netsurfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that my latest post could be useful for your problem:

 Shared model objects stored as GWT-modules could be used as described
 by Pearce but with encoded String communication rather than


  Just a small background on what I'm doing.

  I'm writing JSR-286 portlets, mostly using GWT. I'm taking advantage
  of the newer portlet eventing features and having them distributed to
  the GWT portlets in real time, using a Comet implementation similar to
  what is shown in the book Google Web Toolkit Applications by Ryan
  Dewsbury. In my current implementation, I have a comet servlet set up
  for each GWT portlet.

  It's easy to see what the problem is. Right now I only have two GWT
  portlets developed, so there are two comet servlets being connected to
  at the same time. The load is not so bad with just two applications,
  but the portal will expand with new applications in the coming days.
  Six comet connections at a time per user is a very bad idea, so I want
  to cut it down to just one connection per user.

  Implementing a comet servlet with a multiple channel support for
  each kind of GWT app in the portal will be the easy part. What I want
  to do, however, is set up a single GWT application on the portal page
  that will handle the comet connection and let other, separate GWT
  applications communicate with it, receiving any new events the apps
  subscribed for.

  What I want to know is if it is possible to have two complete seperate
  GWT applications, served on the same HTML page, communicate with each
  other within the browser?

  I know I could aggregate all GWT applications into one but that is not
  the goal of the project. They absolutely require to be portlets.

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Re: Lazy Loading (Tier 2 GWT Roadmap) - Status update

2008-12-04 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi Dave,

We also have the LazyPanel widget which is being promoted from the GWT
Incubator to GWT core. The LazyPanel lets you add widgets that you want to
lazily load to the panel and call setVisible(true) when you want them to
load up and display.

You can check out the LazyPanel on the GWT Incubator project to give it a
try, and read up on planning a lazy load design strategy using the LazyPanel
on the recent blog post about lazy loading on the GWT blog.

GWT incubator:

Improving performance with on-demand widget creation:

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Adam T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ...and runAsync() is already in the trunk if you are comfortable
 building from there (

 I use it in a similar situation to what you describe and see good
 results. My usage so far is along the following lines:

 GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {}

public void onSuccess() {

 where the code associated with cssEffectTester.init() becomes a new

 I'm sure better/other patterns will come out as time progresses.
 There's another approach here:


 On 1 Dec, 20:55, DaBlick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm sorta directing this to the GWT developers but... all input is
  The GWT Roadmap identifies lazy loading as a Tier 2 priority (more
  complex but important).   As of today, it is the only tier to item
  that is not already done or at least in progress.
  This is something my project could really use.   Is there any kinda
  estimate that can be made as to when and if this might be started and/
  or available?
  Lazy loading has been mentioned here and there in other topics, but
  I'm asking in the context of the roadmap item.
  Our project demonstrates a fairly common scenario where lazy-loading
  might be used. We have an application composed of many small-to-middle-
  sized modules.At the moment, we have little choice but to load all
  modules which is (now) somewhat large.
   Dave Blickstein
   Spiral Universe

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How to use user defined classes (in a JAR file) in GWT client code

2008-12-04 Thread Prabu

Can anyone help me to resolve my issue?

How to use the DataModel classes (User defined data model like
‘Customer’)  across different projects. The Customer.class is shared
by a GWT application and RMI server application. The Customer.class is
in a JAR file which will be used by more than one project. Following
is the scenario,

To show the customer details, the GWT Client request the GWT Service
and GWT service request the RMI server App. When GWT client receives
the customer object, it will be given to appropriate View class to
show in the UI.

After I add the reference to DataModel.jar  in GWT application , when
I try to define a variable for “Customer”  type, its giving “ can not be found in source packages. Check
the inheritance chain from your module;  it may not be inheriting a
required module or a module may not be adding its source path entries

What needs to be done to use the classes which are not defined in
“” package of GWT project?

It will be really helpful if someone can give an Idea!  I am using GWT
1.5 and GWT Designer plug-in.



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problem in installing gwt ext

2008-12-04 Thread zahran

hi im a very new to the gwt .. i have install the eclips in my windows
system and config gwt alone with gwt ext. im getting a warnning like
Classpath entry GWT_HOME/gwt-user.jar will not be exported or
in the first try befor doing any thing.. i hav strictly followed the

im using
windows xp and vista

Thanking in advance

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Jira/Confluence Gwt Portlet

2008-12-04 Thread Julio Pereira

Some time ago, i created some portlets for JBOSS Portal using gwt.
Now i need to create similar portlets for jira/confluence. I create a
plugin, but it does not understand the gwt code - i think bec it does not
make deploy of the application.
i haven't seen many references about that.
Does anyone has some ideas or references (like default structure that i have
to follow)?



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How to add checkbox as header in table

2008-12-04 Thread Cris

I am using GWT-ext to create grid. I need to create an table with
multiple columns. One of the column should have checkbox as header.

For ex: Defined 'FieldDefs' and 'ColumnDefs' as below

FieldDef[] fieldDefs = new FieldDef[]{
  new StringFieldDef(company),
  new FloatFieldDef(price)};

ColumnConfig[] columns = new ColumnConfig[]{
  new ColumnConfig(Company, company, 160, true, null,
  new ColumnConfig(Price, price, 35)};

So I need to add one more checkbox column. How to do that.

Please give your suggestions


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problem while inheriting module com.gwtext.Pagebus

2008-12-04 Thread shanthi

  I was trying to run remote paginng grid from gwtext showcase2. my
xml is:
inherits name='com.gwtext.GwtExt'/
   inherits name='com.gwtext.Pagebus'/
inherits name=''/
inherits name=com.risklabs.gwtutils.Gwtutils/

script src=js-ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js/
script src=js-ext/ext-all.js/

set-property name=user.agent value=ie6/


source path=client/

i get error as   [ERROR] Injected scripts require an
associated JavaScript block that indicates when the corresponding
script is fully loaded and ready for use while loading inherited
module 'com.gwtext.Pagebus' .


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Re: How to use user defined classes (in a JAR file) in GWT client code

2008-12-04 Thread Isaac Truett

 What needs to be done to use the classes which are not defined in package of GWT project?

Every class used on the client side has to be included in a module
that has to either be or be included by your main module. Now, it
doesn't strictly have to be in a client package since you can define
any arbitrary package to contain translatable source.

For details, see the project documentation:

Or try any of the many previous discussions on this topic, such as this one:

- Isaac
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Prabu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone help me to resolve my issue?

 How to use the DataModel classes (User defined data model like
 'Customer')  across different projects. The Customer.class is shared
 by a GWT application and RMI server application. The Customer.class is
 in a JAR file which will be used by more than one project. Following
 is the scenario,

 To show the customer details, the GWT Client request the GWT Service
 and GWT service request the RMI server App. When GWT client receives
 the customer object, it will be given to appropriate View class to
 show in the UI.

 After I add the reference to DataModel.jar  in GWT application , when
 I try to define a variable for Customer  type, its giving can not be found in source packages. Check
 the inheritance chain from your module;  it may not be inheriting a
 required module or a module may not be adding its source path entries

 What needs to be done to use the classes which are not defined in package of GWT project?

 It will be really helpful if someone can give an Idea!  I am using GWT
 1.5 and GWT Designer plug-in.




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Re: How to overcome this warning (upgrading issue)?

2008-12-04 Thread Sumit Chandel
Hi LoneWolf,
The reason why you're getting these warning messages is because the
@gwt.typeArgs doesn't apply to the method public UsersList loadUsers(int
start) since the UsersList type itself is a serializable type.

Simply remove the @gwt.typeArgs annotation and you should no longer get any
warning messages regarding non-generic types being parametrized.

Also note that in GWT 1.5, we're now supporting Java 5 annotations as well
as generics, therefore you no longer need to use the special Javadoc style
@gwt.typeArgs annotation and can instead use the real @gwt.typeArgs
annotation in code when appropriate.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 5:01 AM, LoneWolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to upgrade my GWT application from GWT 1.4.6 to GWT 1.5.3
 What I'm facing is this warning:
 [WARN] 'mydomain.UsersList' is not a generic type; only generic types
 can be parameterized
 'mydomain.UsersList' is not a generic type; only generic types can be
 Here is my code:

 //In the RPC interface
 * * @gwt.typeArgs mydomain.Users
public UsersList loadUsers(int start);

 public class UsersList implements IsSerializable {
  private ListUsers users;

 Would you please tell me how to overcome this?
 Thanks for your time.


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Re: Popup Panel

2008-12-04 Thread Pavel Byles
You can pass a reference to the calling class to Alert class and call a
method in the calling class.. here's an example:

public class CallingClass {
  public CallingClass() {
panel.Add(new AlertClass(this));

  public void yesButtonAction() {
// Do yes button action here

public class AlertClass {
  private CallingClass callingClass;

  public AlertClass(CallingClass reference) {
this.callingClass = reference;
Yes = new Button(Yes,new ClickListener(){
 public void onClick(Widget sender) {

This might work.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:05 AM, jagadesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Hi Guys

 iam developing an pageheader type of widget.the real thing i donot
 want to user Window.confirm(); to showing the user a window with yes
 and no buttons . i want my own widget to show a popuppanel with a
 horizontal panel with 2 buttons like yes and no. so when a user click
 on yes a action is performed and when on no another action is done.
 iam successfull in creating a widget called AlertBox .
 here is a sample code ..

 public AlertClass() {

popupPanel=new PopupPanel();
popupPanel.setTitle(Popup Panel);

panel = new HorizontalPanel();

messageLabel = new HTML();

Yes=new Button(Yes,new ClickListener(){
public void onClick(Widget sender) {

No=new Button(No,new ClickListener(){
public void onClick(Widget sender) {


Image closeIcon = new Image(images/cross.white.png);

closeIcon.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {



 now my requirement is iam creating an object of the AlertClass in
 another class and showing the pageheader. but when a user click on the
 yes button an action should be done. iam unable to catch which button
 is clicked.
 how can i catch which button is clicked now.can u tell me what is the
 use of hasWidgets interface.

 thank in advance for every help.

 thank u,.



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Re: quick (I think) ListBox question

2008-12-04 Thread Tobi

After searching around, I think this is a CSS thing.  Sorry!!

On Dec 4, 2:02 pm, Tobi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way I can add whitespace to the front of a listbox item?
 I've tried various methods, nothing seems to work.  I'm not sure if
 this is browser specific behavior.

 listBox.addItem(Item String, String.valueOf(object.getId()));

 So the whitespace would appear in front of Item String as:   Item
 String in the drop down.

 I've tried appending it with a whitespace String   , as well as


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Populating the the GWT form in Java object

2008-12-04 Thread Yakub Baig


I have User registration form in GWT. Now in the controller how do i
get the values which i have entered in the form.
Is there any mechanism like Action Forms of struts in GWT ?
meaning, i want to know that how to get the Action Forms concept (in
Struts) using GWT.

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BeanMapping class

2008-12-04 Thread Smith


I wanted to use BeanMapping class to do my conversion between the
local model and the remote DTO model and  I have three questions:

1) Is that open source?

2)Where can I download it?

3) What other option do we have other than using this class? I don't
want to write code for creating all the client beans from the beans
the service implementation knows


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Re: GWT File Upload and PHP

2008-12-04 Thread Thomas Broyer

On 4 déc, 20:08, JohnofLong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am having issues with my GWT application being able to upload
 images. My html form and PHP file work fine but when I try and upload
 an image with my GWT app and my PHP file it does not work and I get a
 null response.
 form.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() {
 public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) {
 public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) {


If your GWT app isn't itself running from, then
you'll face the Same-Origin Policy which will prevent you from reading
the server response's content, and event.getResults() will be null.

That's explained in the JavaDoc (in the Tip subsection):

     // Add image and button to the RootPanel
   private boolean isValidFileName() {
           String fn = fileName.getText();
           if(fn.contains(.)) {
                   Window.alert(Not a valid file name no extensions 
                   return false;
           else {
                   return true;


 PHP Code

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;
 html xmlns=;
 titleUntitled Document/title
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 charset=iso-8859-1 /


 // Where the file is going to be placed
 $target_path = files/;

 /* Add the original filename to our target path.
 Result is uploads/filename.extension */
 $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']

 $target_path = files/;

 $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']

 $target_path)) {
     echo The file .  basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']).
      has been uploaded;} else{

     echo There was an error uploading the file, please try again!;}



 HTML Form:

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;
 html xmlns=;
 titleUntitled Document/title
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 charset=iso-8859-1 /


 form enctype=multipart/form-data action=uploader.php
 input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=1000 /
 Choose a file to upload: input name=uploadedfile type=file /br /

 input type=submit value=Upload File /

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JUnit Tests RootPanel.get(id) returns Null

2008-12-04 Thread mountaineer

JUnit assertions (using GWTTestCase) keeps failing when calling

Calling RootPanel.get(id) returns null, when it should not. The host
page has a div block defined with an id set.

Following is the sample code which produced these results.

Host Page:

meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;
script type=text/javascript
iframe src=javascript:''
div id=container/div

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JUnit Tests RootPanel.get(id) returns Null

2008-12-04 Thread mountaineer

JUnit assertions (using GWTTestCase) keeps failing when calling

Calling RootPanel.get(id) returns null, when it should not. The host
page has a div block defined with an id set.

Following is the sample code which produced these results. The tests
were ran in web mode.


@java -Dgwt.args=-web -out www-test -Xmx256M -cp %~dp0\src;
%~dp0\test;%~dp0\bin;F:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse-3.3.2\plugins
\org.junit4_4.3.1\junit.jar;F:/Program Files/Google Web Toolkit/gwt-
windows-1.5.2/gwt-user.jar;F:/Program Files/Google Web Toolkit/gwt-
windows-1.5.2/gwt-dev-windows.jar junit.textui.TestRunner
com.mycompany.client.FirstGWT15EclipseAppTest %*

Host Page: [FirstGWT15EclipseApp.html]

meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;
script type=text/javascript
iframe src=javascript:''
div id=container/div

Junit Test Class:

public class FirstGWT15EclipseAppTest extends GWTTestCase {

  public String getModuleName() {
return com.mycompany.FirstGWT15EclipseApp;

  public void testSimple() {

  public void testGetRootContainer() {

  final Timer timer = new Timer() {
  public void run() {


Java Class:

public class FirstGWT15EclipseApp implements EntryPoint {

   * This is the entry point method.
  public void onModuleLoad() {
Image img = new Image(
Button button = new Button(Click me);

VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel();
// We can add style names.

// Add image and button to the RootPanel
(vPanel); //  Adds panel to container

// Create the dialog box
final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox();
dialogBox.setText(Welcome to GWT!);
Button closeButton = new Button(close);
VerticalPanel dialogVPanel = new VerticalPanel();

closeButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
  public void onClick(Widget sender) {

// Set the contents of the Widget

button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
  public void onClick(Widget sender) {;;


F:\Work Space\Workspace Experimental
.Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/F:/Program%20Files/
   Computing all possible rebind results for
 Invoking generate-with

Generating client proxy for remote service interface
   Analyzing ''
for serializable types
  Analyzing methods:
 public abstract
( testInfo, result) throws
Parameter: result
  Verifying instantiability
Analyzing the fields of type
'' that qualify
for serialization

Re: Interesting question:how can I get the rownumber of a cell that contain a button when I click this ?

2008-12-04 Thread Alex Luya

Thank you for you guys,From every begining,I think this can be done by
Dom or JSNI,but right now I think alex.d's solution is good.

On Dec 2, 11:15 pm, rakesh wagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you quizzing us or asking for help? I would go with alex.d 's

 Other method(which I personally hate) is to write a for loop in the
 onClick event of the button that will read the widget in each r,c and
 match it with the sender or button instance itself.

 Rakesh Wagh

 On Dec 1, 7:24 pm, Alex Luya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

           Remember: no pre-condition,no external variable that defined
  the location of this button.
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1.6 Users

2008-12-04 Thread Joe Cole

We are itching to use 1.6, especially the new async loading features
and oophm.
Is anyone using it in production? Are there any good tags to check out
that are relatively stable?
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PagingScrollTable + how to sort locally

2008-12-04 Thread Suri

Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out how you can sort locally using the
PagingScroll table. Not sure what the syntax is so any help is
appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Firefox rendering wrong

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I run into the same issues. In my case, it is a mini ui builder. So
the user has the choice to keep the widgets close etc. Are there some
standard rules to follow as part of the design ? I also noticed that a
resetting of the height/width sets it back correctly in firefox also.
ie, I have a grid in which users can drop some widgets. The user can
set the individual height/width of each grid cell. Usually set at like
5%. When they design it, it looks ok. Then when they open again for
designing, the grid cells are all squished together. Then if I do a
setCellHeight/width it becomes ok again. Obviously no problem in IE...

How does the gwt team get around these issues ? Any general things to
do/not to do ?


-- pady
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Re: PagingScrollTable + how to sort locally

2008-12-04 Thread pohl

On Dec 4, 8:13 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to figure out how you can sort locally using the
 PagingScroll table. Not sure what the syntax is so any help is
 appreciated. Thanks


I've just started using the PagingScrollTable myself, but I think I
can point you in the right direction.

There is a TableModel that you need to define in order to get the
PagingScrollTable to work at all. This class defines one method that
you need to implement:

public void requestRows(Request request, CallbackT
callback) ;

You probably already know that you can interrogate the Request object
here to determine the start row and number of rows that you need to
obtain data for.

int start = request.getStartRow();
int max = request.getNumRows();

You can also interrogate it for some other things, one of them being a
ColumnSortList object:

ColumnSortList csList = request.getColumnSortList();

From this object you can get some other things:

int column = csList.getPrimaryColumn();
ColumnSortInfo info = csList.getPrimaryColumnSortInfo()
boolean isAscending = csList.isPrimaryAscending();

Now you said you wanted to sort on the client side, so I assume you've
got a Collection of objects and some Comparators.  I would guess that
You could use the above to determine which Comparator to use.Then
you would sort the collection and and return the range of items from
start to start+max.

I haven't done this myself yet, so read my advice with a skeptical

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How to add expandable table row using gwt-ext

2008-12-04 Thread Cris

I am using Gwt-ext to build my table. But I need to implement the
table in such a way that the row can be expandable when I click on +

Please provide me example to this

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Problems adding a Digg This link

2008-12-04 Thread Ghostcoder

I have a similar problem ,I am trying to add twitter js to my GWT site
using HTMLPanel widget ,I am trying to add the divs and javascript to
the HTMLPanel.
It works on Firefox but not on IE or chrome.I think IE and chrome does
not take the script tag or it does not call the javascript (may be for
security reasons I don't know why ).Please suggest  a better way to do
this .I have pasted below the html content i am trying to add to

div id=twitter_div
h2 class=sidebar-titleTwitter Updates/h2
ul id=twitter_update_list/ul
script type=text/javascript src=
script type=text/javascript src=

On Nov 30, 5:05 am, mayop100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the prompt feedback guys. I played around with the HTML
 widget, but I wasn't able to get it to actually execute the script. I
 didn't want to just include it in my index.html file... I plan to have
 multiple diggthis links on the site, and each one will need to jump
 to the appropriate place using history tokens.

 I managed to get it working without running any javascript though. 
 Thediggscript just creates an iframe with some URL-encoded arguments, so
 I simply created my own iframe and encoded the URL myself. The only
 downside is that I'll have to watch out ifdiggever changes their

 If anyone does find a way to use the HTML widget to actually create
 and _execute_ javascript code I'd love to hear about it though.


 On Nov 29, 9:48 am, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Reinier is correct there, it's more complicated than I was making it.
  ThatDiggscript works quite a bit differently than I was guessing
  before I actually looked at it. What I meant is still possible, but
  probably not what you want depending on the situation. If your host
  page has a separate div for your GWT content, and a separate div for
  the littleDiggscript, what I originally said should work - but it
  would always justlink(digg) to your host page (which would be your
  entire GWT app in the canonical case).

  To do this right, it looks like you would need to make sure your GWT
  app uses History and then you need to Digg the correct state with
  the tokens and so on. You could use HTML as Reinier suggests, and make
  sure to change the URL for theDiggbutton each time you have
  different state:

  script type=text/javascript
  digg_url = 'WEBSITE_URL';
  script src=; type=text/

  Looks like they also have a submit your own thing that you could
  just make a GET request to to 

  (With that you could make your own buttons or links or whatever, and
  then just make thediggrequest with proper params. You could use that
  and make aDiggGWT Widget? Sorry I piped up though, I don't really
  know much aboutDiggin particular, I was just trying to make
  suggestions in the general GWT sense.)

  On Nov 29, 10:39 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I doubtdigg'sjs thingie is written by an intelligent developer (digg
   has a track record of sorts). There IS a way to write such widget
   scripts so they work in all situations, including the peculiar way GWT
   builds webpages, but not many web widgets work this way. So, assuming
   for a moment that won't fly, here's the easiest alternative:


   On Nov 29, 1:48 pm, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can't you just add the script element to your host page, the same way
you would in HTML?  That is to say, don't try to recreate the script
element in Java and have GWT insert it, just put it on the host page
(the same place you put the gwt script tag, etc).

On Nov 27, 11:33 pm, mayop100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to add a DiggThislinkto my gwt website. If my website
 were just an html page, all I would need to do is include this line in
 my HTML:
 script src=; type=text/

 I've tried adding a new element to the page with DOM.createElement
 (script), but it ends up replacing the entire contents of the page
 with mydigglink. I've also tried a JSNI solution, but with no

 It seems to me there should be an easy solution for this... anyone?

 Thanks -

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Re: How to share work between Java developers and HTML/CSS designers?

2008-12-04 Thread rakesh wagh

Here are few things to consider:
- Check the Instantiation Designer tool. Personally never used it
beyond evaluation... but you and your team might have some luck with
- Let the HTML team design the layout. Let the GWT team design the
application and place the components as per the layout. Gwt team uses
the default widget css. Then let the HTML team work only with the css
provided by the gwt team and modify it to meet the new look and feel.
- GWT team takes both the layout and the CSS from html team, and
include the CSS element as the project progresses.

Finally this is what we did:
- We created our own widget library with common components for tables,
hyperlinks, menus etc. We(developers) spared some time designing the
common components as per the graphics design. Finally for most of the
part it was only the matter of following the layout.

good luck!
Rakesh Wagh

On Dec 2, 11:36 pm, Nizam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are there any best practices in bringing together a multi-disciplinary
 team of Java developers and HTML/CSS designers in developing a
 commercial GWT application? Our Java guys cannot do CSS and our HTML/
 CSS guys prefer working in DreamWeaver. I haven't seen any material
 that talks about the team collaboration aspect. Any thoughts?
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Re: viewport resize listener

2008-12-04 Thread Litty Preeth
Hi gregor,

Thanks soo much for your response But it will require code change to all
the popups that use a glass panel. And also in future some developer may
forget to fire a Deffered command when the size changes So i dont think
its such a good method

I am working with pure GWT. Basically I am using the glass panels for modal
popups. I set the size of the glass panel as the current view port size just
before dispalying it. Then the popup is dispalyed. Now on the popup, the
user actions causes the size of the popup to change. If the size becomes
larger than the previous view port size then the view port size will
automatically increase, but the glass panel size remains the same which
causes the bottom region of the viewport to be not covered by glass panel.
Please not that this change of size will not cause a window resize event as
the window size is not changed, only the document size got changed. (BTW i
have a windowresize listener on the glass panel so that part is take care

Hope this explains my problem.

Litty Preeth

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:57 PM, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure I understand your situation right, but:

 if your panel knows at run time that it's size has changed (e.g.
 from a method that adds the new widget to it) then it could fire a
 change event via DeferrerdCommand. The glass panel could be registered
 as a listener with it and obtain new width/height offsets.

 On Dec 4, 4:25 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At run time I add widgets to the page which causes the size of the panel
  (scrollable size) to change.
  Litty Preeth
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:22 PM, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Oh, I see. How is the size of your RootPanel changed then if not by
   changing the size of the browser window?
   On Dec 3, 1:15 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
WindowResizeListener will listen for window resize events only. It
invoked if ur scrollable page size is changed. It ll be notified only
WINDOW itself is mazximized, resized etc.
Litty Preeth
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:31 PM, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Litty,
 I use something like this:
 public class MdDem implements EntryPoint {
private MainPage main = new MainPage();
private ResizeListener windowListener = new ResizeListener();
public void onModuleLoad() {
// initial sizing call if you need it
// window resize listener
private class ResizeListener implements WindowResizeListener {
private int width, height;
private boolean pending;
private Command command;
ResizeListener() {
command = new Command() {
public void execute() {
pending = false;
main.adjustSize(width, height);
public void onWindowResized(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
if (pending == false) {
pending = true;
 On Dec 3, 7:33 am, alex.d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Basically you have to listen to browser change size events (not
  how reliable this is in all supported browsers) and forward new
  to your widgets. Ext GWT (and probably GWT Ext) for example,
  has ViewPort implementation.
  On 3 Dez., 05:11, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi friends,
   Anybody has any ideas on this?
   Thanks and Regards,
   Litty Preeth
   On Dec 2, 4:42 pm, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi All,
Anybody know how to implement a viewport resize listener?
   Basically I
 have a
glass panel (light box effect). I want to notify this glass
my RootPanel size gets changed so that I can resize my glass
   panel to
the area.
Litty Preeth

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Re: how to refresh panel

2008-12-04 Thread Litty Preeth
Suppose your Left-side panel is in class LeftContainer and center panel is

*class* LeftContainer *extends* AbsolutePanel {

  Hyperlink link = *new* Hyperlink(a,a);

  DockPanel parent = *null*;

  LeftContainer(DockPanel parent) {

*this*.parent = parent;

link.addClickListener(*new* ClickListener() {

  *public* *void* onClick(Widget sender) {

Hyperlink lk = (Hyperlink)sender;





  *private* *void* refreshCenter(String linkTxt) {

CenterContainer center = *new* CenterContainer(linkTxt);




*class* CenterContainer *extends* AbsolutePanel {

  *public* CenterContainer(String text) {

// Create new center



Hope this helps.

Litty Preeth

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:13 PM, rajasekhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Preeth,

   Thank you for reply.But can you explain little more
 about this .

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[gwt-contrib] Re: Proposed Modification to PopupPanel

2008-12-04 Thread David
I also reported a feature request a long time ago that might be addressed
with the proposed change.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Mat Gessel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excellent write up John.

 +1 for the more accessible solution. Some other uses of EventPreview
 beyond popups:

  * 3rd party dialogs (not extending PopupPanel)
  * Drag N Drop: mouse capture freezes the cursor in IE. If you want to
 change the cursor during a drag to indicate Can't Drop you have to
 go with Event Preview.
  * event tracing. Add an event preview at application startup, listen
 for a certain combination of keystrokes and start dumping events to
 the console. Currently breaks when  popups / dialogs are show due to
 non-propagation of events up the chain.

 Another request for bubbling event preview:


 -= Mat

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What about deprecating the old DOM.addEventPreview and creating an
  DOM.addPreviewHandler instead, where the PreviewEvent extends DomEvent
  has some specialized methods to stop the event from going down the GWT
  preview event chain.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just PopupPanels.
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem really
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
  What about GlassPanel in the Incubator? Sounds like throwing a
  GlassPanel into the mix would break things since it isn't a subclass
  of PopupPanel and does it's own event previewing.



[gwt-contrib] Re: 1.6 date picker question

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
It is definitely something that we would consider. Of course, the first step
would be to get some good alternative month selectors into the

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Hi John,

 Thank you for the reply. Are there any plans in the future to include
 various variations of the date picker for developers to choose from
 (which would be inline with the requests for a richer widget set)?

 Arthur Kalmenson

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [+ecc, +google-web-toolkit-contributors]
  The default DatePicker will only include next and previous buttons, but
  can replace the MonthSelector with your own that does any of the things
  suggest.  We thought about using a fancy MonthSelector by default, but we
  figured everyone would have a different opinion on the ideal version, so
  instead designed it so you can replace it.
  John LaBanca
  On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hello John,
  Will the 1.6 date picker include a year spinner? I know the current
  incubator version does not have a year spinner, so this makes it
  pretty difficult to use the date picker if you have a date that's more
  then a year off. Another nice feature would be to be able to select
  the date. For example you could click on the year the date picker
  shows, and that would turn it into a text box where you can enter the
  year you'd like.
  Best regards,
  Arthur Kalmenson

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: Date picker branch code review requested: style methods renamed, varargs fixed

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
setTransientEnabledOnVisibleDates seems a bit awkward.  What if we removed
the VisibleDates from the name instead? So we'd have:

Why do we want people to be able to remove date styles that do not exist
without getting an assertion error?  Do you have a use case in mind?



On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Ray Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Renames some methods to reduce the confusion between global and not
 global styles.  Also fixes various varargs methods, which weren't
 really working.

 We now have styles (formerly global styles) and transient styles, the
 latter of which can only be applied to visible dates. The transient word
 appears in the former setEnabled method as well, for consistency.

 Removes separate methods for removing global and transient styles, as
 the former method would always remove the transient styles anyway, and
 it seems very unlikely that a client will use the same style name for
 both a transient and permanent date style.

 Adds unit tests for styles and enabling.

 TBR: ecc
 submitter: rjrjr

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: Proposed Modification to PopupPanel

2008-12-04 Thread John LaBanca
Based on the all positive responses and use cases, adding a
PreviewEventHandler sounds like a great addition.  Since the new
PreviewEventHandler would not be stack based, you'll be able to have
multiple PreviewEventHandlers at the same time.  I'll start working on a
patch immediately.

John LaBanca

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They are related, so it may be possible to unify them, but I have not given
 it enough thought to be sure. I'd love to see a proposal if you have one in



 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:44 AM, Ray Cromwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Would  my various proposals for a pluggable event propagation
 mechanism help allow us to address this in a more generalized matter?


 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What about deprecating the old DOM.addEventPreview and creating an
  DOM.addPreviewHandler instead, where the PreviewEvent extends DomEvent
  has some specialized methods to stop the event from going down the GWT
  preview event chain.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just PopupPanels.
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
  What about GlassPanel in the Incubator? Sounds like throwing a
  GlassPanel into the mix would break things since it isn't a subclass
  of PopupPanel and does it's own event previewing.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 1:56 PM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Contributors -
   In the current implementation of PopupPanel, a PopupPanel with
   enabled will not autoHide if another Widget (such as another
   steals the event preview.  In practice, this means that if a
   opened on top of an autoHide PopupPanel, the autoHide PopupPanel will
   longer autoHide.
   Consider an example where you have a SuggestBox inside of a
   is autoHide.  If you start typing in the SuggestBox, it opens a
   of suggestions.  You then click outside the original popup and expect
   disappear.  Instead, only the SuggestBox popup disappears.  In this
   the PopupPanels are related, but in some cases they are not.  If you
   sticky PopupPanel (stays open for a while, ex. a debug menu or log)
   app, it may steal preview from an autoHide PopupPanel, and you have
   one to close the other.
   Proposed Solution:
   I propose that we add a static stack of PopupPanels to the PopupPanel
   class.  As popups are shown and hidden, they are added and removed
   stack.  When a popup recieves an event preview, it passes the event
   stack and lets each PopupPanel preview it UNTIL it reaches a
   is modal.  The first modal PopupPanel (which blocks events by
   will end the event preview chain.
   Consider the following stack of PopupPanels, where the top panel is
   one that is opened:
   popup6 (autoHide)
   popup4 (autoHide)
   popup3 (autoHide)
   popup2 (modal)
   popup1 (autoHide)
   popup0 (modal)
   Now lets say you click on popup4:
   1. Popup6 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will hide.
   usually, only popup6 gets to preview the event)
   2. Popup5 previews the event.  Neither autoHide nor modal is enabled,
   ignore it.
   3. Popup4 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, but the event
   over Popup4, so it is ignored.
   4. Popup3 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will hide.
   5. Popup2 previews the event.  Modal is enabled, so it ends the
   Popup1 and Popup0 never preview the event, so they both remain open.
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just PopupPanels.
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
   John LaBanca
  There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
  binary, and those who don't

 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't



[gwt-contrib] Re: Date picker branch code review requested: style methods renamed, varargs fixed

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
Also, you might want to turn your javadoc warnings on in your IDE, as I
notice that there are a lot of missing javadoc tags.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 setTransientEnabledOnVisibleDates seems a bit awkward.  What if we
 removed the VisibleDates from the name instead? So we'd have:

 Why do we want people to be able to remove date styles that do not exist
 without getting an assertion error?  Do you have a use case in mind?



 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Ray Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Renames some methods to reduce the confusion between global and not
 global styles.  Also fixes various varargs methods, which weren't
 really working.

 We now have styles (formerly global styles) and transient styles, the
 latter of which can only be applied to visible dates. The transient word
 appears in the former setEnabled method as well, for consistency.

 Removes separate methods for removing global and transient styles, as
 the former method would always remove the transient styles anyway, and
 it seems very unlikely that a client will use the same style name for
 both a transient and permanent date style.

 Adds unit tests for styles and enabling.

 TBR: ecc
 submitter: rjrjr

 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: 1.6 date picker question

2008-12-04 Thread Isaac Truett

I wrote a MonthSelector a while back that uses DropDownListBoxes for
month and year. I can fix it up to be compatible with recent changes
and add it to the incubator. I'll see if I can fit that in tonight.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is definitely something that we would consider. Of course, the first step
 would be to get some good alternative month selectors into the

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi John,

 Thank you for the reply. Are there any plans in the future to include
 various variations of the date picker for developers to choose from
 (which would be inline with the requests for a richer widget set)?

 Arthur Kalmenson

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [+ecc, +google-web-toolkit-contributors]
  The default DatePicker will only include next and previous buttons, but
  can replace the MonthSelector with your own that does any of the things
  suggest.  We thought about using a fancy MonthSelector by default, but
  figured everyone would have a different opinion on the ideal version, so
  instead designed it so you can replace it.
  John LaBanca
  On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hello John,
  Will the 1.6 date picker include a year spinner? I know the current
  incubator version does not have a year spinner, so this makes it
  pretty difficult to use the date picker if you have a date that's more
  then a year off. Another nice feature would be to be able to select
  the date. For example you could click on the year the date picker
  shows, and that would turn it into a text box where you can enter the
  year you'd like.
  Best regards,
  Arthur Kalmenson

 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't



[gwt-contrib] Re: 1.6 date picker question

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
That sounds great, thanks.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wrote a MonthSelector a while back that uses DropDownListBoxes for
 month and year. I can fix it up to be compatible with recent changes
 and add it to the incubator. I'll see if I can fit that in tonight.

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It is definitely something that we would consider. Of course, the first
  would be to get some good alternative month selectors into the
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi John,
  Thank you for the reply. Are there any plans in the future to include
  various variations of the date picker for developers to choose from
  (which would be inline with the requests for a richer widget set)?
  Arthur Kalmenson
  On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   [+ecc, +google-web-toolkit-contributors]
   The default DatePicker will only include next and previous buttons,
   can replace the MonthSelector with your own that does any of the
   suggest.  We thought about using a fancy MonthSelector by default, but
   figured everyone would have a different opinion on the ideal version,
   instead designed it so you can replace it.
   John LaBanca
   On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Arthur Kalmenson 
   Hello John,
   Will the 1.6 date picker include a year spinner? I know the current
   incubator version does not have a year spinner, so this makes it
   pretty difficult to use the date picker if you have a date that's
   then a year off. Another nice feature would be to be able to select
   the date. For example you could click on the year the date picker
   shows, and that would turn it into a text box where you can enter the
   year you'd like.
   Best regards,
   Arthur Kalmenson
  There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
  binary, and those who don't


There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] RR : Fix issue 2280 : Preserve mtime on output files

2008-12-04 Thread BobV
The attached patch against the 1.6 branch adds
EmittedArtifact.getLastModified() which is used to set the mtime on
files written to disk by the compiler.  This resolves issue 2280.

The default implementation in the EmittedArtifact base class is
concrete to avoid breaking changes and always returns the current
time, which is consistent with the previous behavior.

diffstat:|   24 19 +5 - 0 !  |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
 impl/ |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
 impl/ |1 1 + 0 - 0 !
 impl/|   18 16 +2 - 0 !
 5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


Description: Binary data

[gwt-contrib] Re: 1.6 date picker question

2008-12-04 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

That would be awesome. We've been meaning to implement it ourselves
for some time but haven't had the chance. I'll be very interested in
using it. Thanks!

Arthur Kalmenson

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wrote a MonthSelector a while back that uses DropDownListBoxes for
 month and year. I can fix it up to be compatible with recent changes
 and add it to the incubator. I'll see if I can fit that in tonight.

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is definitely something that we would consider. Of course, the first step
 would be to get some good alternative month selectors into the

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi John,

 Thank you for the reply. Are there any plans in the future to include
 various variations of the date picker for developers to choose from
 (which would be inline with the requests for a richer widget set)?

 Arthur Kalmenson

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [+ecc, +google-web-toolkit-contributors]
  The default DatePicker will only include next and previous buttons, but
  can replace the MonthSelector with your own that does any of the things
  suggest.  We thought about using a fancy MonthSelector by default, but
  figured everyone would have a different opinion on the ideal version, so
  instead designed it so you can replace it.
  John LaBanca
  On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Arthur Kalmenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hello John,
  Will the 1.6 date picker include a year spinner? I know the current
  incubator version does not have a year spinner, so this makes it
  pretty difficult to use the date picker if you have a date that's more
  then a year off. Another nice feature would be to be able to select
  the date. For example you could click on the year the date picker
  shows, and that would turn it into a text box where you can enter the
  year you'd like.
  Best regards,
  Arthur Kalmenson

 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't




[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4248.

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

[google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4248.
Details are at

Score: Negative

General Comment:
I like the display improvements, but the tests need work. See below.

Line-by-line comments:


Line 62: event.getHighlighted().setYear(1);
If this does fail, it will be subtle and confusing, and you could even  
imagine it not showing up at all right away. How about:

Date d = event.getHighlighted();
if (d.equals event.getHighlighted()) {
   Window.alert(quot;oh shit!quot;);

Line 63: picker.getHighlightedDate().setYear(1);
This check belongs in DateBoxTest, not  here:

Date d = picker.getHighlightedDate();
assertFalse(quot;picker highlighted date should not changequot;,  

Respond to these comments at
You received this message because you starred this review, or because
your project has directed all notifications to a mailing list that you
subscribe to.
You may adjust your review notification preferences at:


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR : Fix issue 2280 : Preserve mtime on output files

2008-12-04 Thread Scott Blum
I can take this review.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:56 AM, BobV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The attached patch against the 1.6 branch adds
 EmittedArtifact.getLastModified() which is used to set the mtime on
 files written to disk by the compiler.  This resolves issue 2280.

 The default implementation in the EmittedArtifact base class is
 concrete to avoid breaking changes and always returns the current
 time, which is consistent with the previous behavior.

 diffstat:|   24 19 +5 - 0 !  |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/ |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/ |1 1 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/|   18 16 +2 - 0 !
  5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

 Bob Vawter
 Google Web Toolkit Team



[gwt-contrib] Re: Proposed Modification to PopupPanel

2008-12-04 Thread Joel Webber
There is already a static Event.addEventPreview() that delegates through to
DOM.addEventPreview() (the idea being that the static DOM methods could be
removed eventually). The static event triggering methods are also going on
Event and following this pattern.
+1, btw, to this whole idea. The EventPreview stuff was really built to
support modal dialogs, and it would be very useful to generalize it in the
way you propose.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Good point!  Joel, where are your trigger event methods going?

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:24 PM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I think DOM is on its way out.  Maybe we can add the method to Window,
 Document, or even Event?

 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds good. I don't do a lot with event preview, but it seems
 reasonable that it should follow the new event model.

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What about deprecating the old DOM.addEventPreview and creating an
  DOM.addPreviewHandler instead, where the PreviewEvent extends DomEvent
  has some specialized methods to stop the event from going down the GWT
  preview event chain.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
  What about GlassPanel in the Incubator? Sounds like throwing a
  GlassPanel into the mix would break things since it isn't a subclass
  of PopupPanel and does it's own event previewing.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 1:56 PM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Contributors -
   In the current implementation of PopupPanel, a PopupPanel with
   enabled will not autoHide if another Widget (such as another
   steals the event preview.  In practice, this means that if a
   opened on top of an autoHide PopupPanel, the autoHide PopupPanel
 will no
   longer autoHide.
   Consider an example where you have a SuggestBox inside of a
   is autoHide.  If you start typing in the SuggestBox, it opens a
   of suggestions.  You then click outside the original popup and
 expect it
   disappear.  Instead, only the SuggestBox popup disappears.  In this
   the PopupPanels are related, but in some cases they are not.  If you
   sticky PopupPanel (stays open for a while, ex. a debug menu or log)
   app, it may steal preview from an autoHide PopupPanel, and you have
   one to close the other.
   Proposed Solution:
   I propose that we add a static stack of PopupPanels to the
   class.  As popups are shown and hidden, they are added and removed
   stack.  When a popup recieves an event preview, it passes the event
   stack and lets each PopupPanel preview it UNTIL it reaches a
   is modal.  The first modal PopupPanel (which blocks events by
   will end the event preview chain.
   Consider the following stack of PopupPanels, where the top panel is
   one that is opened:
   popup6 (autoHide)
   popup4 (autoHide)
   popup3 (autoHide)
   popup2 (modal)
   popup1 (autoHide)
   popup0 (modal)
   Now lets say you click on popup4:
   1. Popup6 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will hide.
   usually, only popup6 gets to preview the event)
   2. Popup5 previews the event.  Neither autoHide nor modal is
 enabled, so
   ignore it.
   3. Popup4 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, but the event
   over Popup4, so it is ignored.
   4. Popup3 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will hide.
   5. Popup2 previews the event.  Modal is enabled, so it ends the
   Popup1 and Popup0 never preview the event, so they both remain open.
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
   John LaBanca
  There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
  binary, and those who don't


 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: GWTCanvas's strange behavior : timer driven animation frozen when move the mouse. (in IE, also happen when directly write vml markups)

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
Could you create a in issue for this problem here:



On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Revv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In IE, even simple shape(meaning very short path
 string) drawn with large pixel coordinate(meaning large shape), the
 animation  get frozen when I keep moving the mouse over the shape.

 SOFTWARE: IE or host mode GWT Browser

 HARDWARE: AMD Dual-core 2GHz

 ATTACK THE PROBLEM: There are two possibilities why this kind of
 things happen: 1) google do a not so good wrapper upon VML and/or  2)
 $ make a not so good markup language.
 Here is the experiment and result (both GWTCanvas code and directly
 written VML code behave
 the same way ):
 1. make small(the size of the shape) and simple(the path string is
 short) shape: animation is fast without any doubt, even when keeping
 mouse moving.
 2. make small and complex shape:animation is fast, even when keeping
 mouse moving.
 3. make large and simple shape: animation is fast, but when keeping
 mouse moving over the shape, the animation stop.

 At last, it turn out to be the problem of M$. What puzzle me: what do
 the mouse-move event have to do with the timer event for the
 animation. There are two guesses:
 1) mousemove event is of more priority than timer event in IE.
 2) When mousemove event trigged, IE will do some time-consuming things
 (specially when the shape is large) even you didn't write any code in
 javascript(or GWT's event handling function) to handle the event.

 Does anyone have any idea about this strange behavior of IE.


There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR : Fix issue 2280 : Preserve mtime on output files

2008-12-04 Thread Scott Blum
Looks great, I went ahead and committed at r4250.  I actually tweaked
StandardGeneratedResource such that the constructor takes a File instead of
a URL, which simplifies the calling code and allows a simple
file.lastModified() implementation.  Please make sure my tweak is sane.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Scott Blum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can take this review.

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:56 AM, BobV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The attached patch against the 1.6 branch adds
 EmittedArtifact.getLastModified() which is used to set the mtime on
 files written to disk by the compiler.  This resolves issue 2280.

 The default implementation in the EmittedArtifact base class is
 concrete to avoid breaking changes and always returns the current
 time, which is consistent with the previous behavior.

 diffstat:|   24 19 +5 - 0 !  |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/ |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/ |1 1 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/|   18 16 +2 - 0 !
  5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

 Bob Vawter
 Google Web Toolkit Team



[gwt-contrib] Re: RR : Fix issue 2280 : Preserve mtime on output files

2008-12-04 Thread Scott Blum
Make that r4250 + r4251; I forgot to commit the calling code in

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Scott Blum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Looks great, I went ahead and committed at r4250.  I actually tweaked
 StandardGeneratedResource such that the constructor takes a File instead of
 a URL, which simplifies the calling code and allows a simple
 file.lastModified() implementation.  Please make sure my tweak is sane.

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Scott Blum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can take this review.

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:56 AM, BobV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The attached patch against the 1.6 branch adds
 EmittedArtifact.getLastModified() which is used to set the mtime on
 files written to disk by the compiler.  This resolves issue 2280.

 The default implementation in the EmittedArtifact base class is
 concrete to avoid breaking changes and always returns the current
 time, which is consistent with the previous behavior.

 diffstat:|   24 19 +5 - 0 !  |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/ |6 6 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/ |1 1 + 0 - 0 !
  impl/|   18 16 +2 - 0 !
  5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

 Bob Vawter
 Google Web Toolkit Team



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4251 - releases/1.6/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/shell

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Dec  4 10:46:41 2008
New Revision: 4251


Should have been part of r4250.

Thu Dec  4 10:46:41 2008
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.HashSet;
  import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
@@ -253,26 +252,20 @@

// Add the GeneratedResource to the ArtifactSet
-  GeneratedResource toReturn;
-  try {
-toReturn = new StandardGeneratedResource(currentGenerator,
-commitArtifact(logger, toReturn);
- * The resource is now no longer pending, so remove it from the  
map. If
- * the commit above throws an exception, it's okay to leave the  
entry in
- * the map because it will be reported later as not having been
- * committed, which is accurate.
- */
-return toReturn;
-  } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
-// This is very unlikely, since the file already exists
-logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, Unable to commit artifact, e);
-throw new UnableToCompleteException();
-  }
+  GeneratedResource toReturn = new StandardGeneratedResource(
+  currentGenerator, pendingResource.getPartialPath(),
+  pendingResource.getFile());
+  commitArtifact(logger, toReturn);
+  /*
+   * The resource is now no longer pending, so remove it from the map.  
+   * the commit above throws an exception, it's okay to leave the  
entry in
+   * the map because it will be reported later as not having been  
+   * which is accurate.
+   */
+  pendingResourcesByOutputStream.remove(os);
+  return toReturn;
  } else {
Generator attempted to commit an unknown OutputStream, null);


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR : Fix issue 2280 : Preserve mtime on output files

2008-12-04 Thread BobV

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Scott Blum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Make that r4250 + r4251; I forgot to commit the calling code in


Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4252 - releases/1.6/user/super/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Dec  4 10:56:16 2008
New Revision: 4252


Fixed wrong URL.

Issue: #1552

--- releases/1.6/user/super/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/   
+++ releases/1.6/user/super/com/google/gwt/emul/java/lang/   
Thu Dec  4 10:56:16 2008
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@

   * Indicates that a method definition is intended to override a declaration
- * from a superclass. a  
+ * from a superclass. a  


[gwt-contrib] Looking for a owner of ProgressBar

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
Does anyone volunteer to support the ProgressBar widget in gwt-incubator?



There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] ray.ryan commented on revision r4249.

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

[google-web-toolkit] ray.ryan commented on revision r4249.
Details are at

Score: Positive

General Comment:
Looks good. Can you write a junit test that implements and exercises one of  
the HasFooHandler interfaces to confirm that it's possible?

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[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4249.

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

[google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4249.
Details are at

General Comment:
Sorry, I don't quite understand,  what is the use case to extend a  
Has*Handlers interface?

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your project has directed all notifications to a mailing list that you
subscribe to.
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[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4249.

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

[google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4249.
Details are at

General Comment:
(Oops, back to my Google self.)

Imagine you have a controller that owns a few HasValuelt;Stringgt;  
instances. It should be possible to write a JUnit test that hands that  
controller a MockHasValuelt;Stringgt; implements HasValuelt;Stringgt;,  
e.g. to confirm that setValue() is called with an expected value at an  
expected time.

I can't really imagine any problems here unless some kind of GWT.create()  
carelessness leaks into a static initializer in HandlerManager. We should  
have a test in place to prevent that.

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your project has directed all notifications to a mailing list that you
subscribe to.
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[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4249.

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

[google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4249.
Details are at

General Comment:
Yep, can add a specific check for HasValue to our LogicalEventsTest which  
currently does the checking to ensure all our logical events can be fired.

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[gwt-contrib] Small code review: nuke visible from DatePicker methods

2008-12-04 Thread Ray Ryan
Sorry this took so long. Hard to let go of the get rid of those asserts
urge, but no time to do it right.


Get VisibleDate verbiage out of method names.

TBR: ecc
submitter: rjrjr


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4250 - in releases/1.6/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/linker: . impl

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Dec  4 10:44:43 2008
New Revision: 4250


Fix for issue #2280; adds EmittedArtifact.getLastModified() which is used  
to set the mtime on files written to disk by the compiler.

The default implementation in the EmittedArtifact base class is concrete to  
avoid breaking changes and always returns the current time, which is  
consistent with the previous behavior.

Patch by: bobv
Review by: me

Thu Dec  4 10:44:43 2008
@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@
throws UnableToCompleteException;

+   * Returns the time, measured in milliseconds from the epoch, at which  
+   * Artifact was last modified. This will be used to set the last-modified
+   * timestamp on the files written to disk.
+   * p
+   * The default implementation always returns the current time. Subclasses
+   * should override this method to provide a type-appropriate value.
+   *
+   * @return the time at which the Artifact was last modified
+   */
+  public long getLastModified() {
+return System.currentTimeMillis();
+  }
+  /**
 * Returns the partial path within the output directory of the
 * EmittedArtifact.

Thu Dec  4 10:44:43 2008
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
  public class SyntheticArtifact extends EmittedArtifact {
private final byte[] data;
+  private final long lastModified = System.currentTimeMillis();

SyntheticArtifact(Class? extends Linker linkerType, String partialPath,
byte[] data) {
@@ -40,4 +41,9 @@
throws UnableToCompleteException {
  return new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
\ No newline at end of file
+  @Override
+  public long getLastModified() {
+return lastModified;
+  }

Thu Dec  4 10:44:43 2008
@@ -20,30 +20,36 @@


   * The standard implementation of [EMAIL PROTECTED] GeneratedResource}.
  public class StandardGeneratedResource extends GeneratedResource {
-  private final URL url;
+  private final File file;

public StandardGeneratedResource(Class? extends Generator  
-  String partialPath, URL url) {
+  String partialPath, File file) {
  super(StandardLinkerContext.class, generatorType, partialPath);
-this.url = url;
+this.file = file;

public InputStream getContents(TreeLogger logger)
throws UnableToCompleteException {
  try {
-  return url.openStream();
+  return new FileInputStream(file);
  } catch (IOException e) {
logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, Unable to open file, e);
throw new UnableToCompleteException();
+  }
+  @Override
+  public long getLastModified() {
+return file.lastModified();

Thu Dec  4 10:44:43 2008
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@
// assert 

[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread Bruce Johnson
Would it make sense to group fragment files under a subdir whose name is the
strong name of the startup script?

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:26 PM, John Tamplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Lex Spoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bob, can you look at this patch?

 The problem is that if a program uses runAsync, a separate JavaScript
 file is created for each call to runAsync in each permutation.  These
 files can really add up, thus resulting in a directory that is
 shockingly full of cache.js files.

 The attached patch modifies the iframe linker to instead put the files
 in a subdirectory named deferredjs.  Does it look good?

 I would suggest adding another level of directories under there, using the
 first character of the hash.  Otherwise, that directory will be nearly as
 full as the top-level one was before the patch.

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google



[gwt-contrib] Re: Proposed Modification to PopupPanel

2008-12-04 Thread John LaBanca
Feel free to see the attached patch in progress.  I need to add unit tests
and do some testing, but this is a good chance for people to offer their

John LaBanca

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Joel Webber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is already a static Event.addEventPreview() that delegates through to
 DOM.addEventPreview() (the idea being that the static DOM methods could be
 removed eventually). The static event triggering methods are also going on
 Event and following this pattern.
 +1, btw, to this whole idea. The EventPreview stuff was really built to
 support modal dialogs, and it would be very useful to generalize it in the
 way you propose.

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Good point!  Joel, where are your trigger event methods going?

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:24 PM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I think DOM is on its way out.  Maybe we can add the method to Window,
 Document, or even Event?

 John LaBanca

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds good. I don't do a lot with event preview, but it seems
 reasonable that it should follow the new event model.

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What about deprecating the old DOM.addEventPreview and creating an
  DOM.addPreviewHandler instead, where the PreviewEvent extends DomEvent
  has some specialized methods to stop the event from going down the GWT
  preview event chain.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
  What about GlassPanel in the Incubator? Sounds like throwing a
  GlassPanel into the mix would break things since it isn't a subclass
  of PopupPanel and does it's own event previewing.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 1:56 PM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Contributors -
   In the current implementation of PopupPanel, a PopupPanel with
   enabled will not autoHide if another Widget (such as another
   steals the event preview.  In practice, this means that if a
   opened on top of an autoHide PopupPanel, the autoHide PopupPanel
 will no
   longer autoHide.
   Consider an example where you have a SuggestBox inside of a
   is autoHide.  If you start typing in the SuggestBox, it opens a
   of suggestions.  You then click outside the original popup and
 expect it
   disappear.  Instead, only the SuggestBox popup disappears.  In this
   the PopupPanels are related, but in some cases they are not.  If
 you use
   sticky PopupPanel (stays open for a while, ex. a debug menu or log)
   app, it may steal preview from an autoHide PopupPanel, and you have
   one to close the other.
   Proposed Solution:
   I propose that we add a static stack of PopupPanels to the
   class.  As popups are shown and hidden, they are added and removed
   stack.  When a popup recieves an event preview, it passes the event
   stack and lets each PopupPanel preview it UNTIL it reaches a
   is modal.  The first modal PopupPanel (which blocks events by
   will end the event preview chain.
   Consider the following stack of PopupPanels, where the top panel is
   one that is opened:
   popup6 (autoHide)
   popup4 (autoHide)
   popup3 (autoHide)
   popup2 (modal)
   popup1 (autoHide)
   popup0 (modal)
   Now lets say you click on popup4:
   1. Popup6 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will
   usually, only popup6 gets to preview the event)
   2. Popup5 previews the event.  Neither autoHide nor modal is
 enabled, so
   ignore it.
   3. Popup4 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, but the event
   over Popup4, so it is ignored.
   4. Popup3 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will
   5. Popup2 previews the event.  Modal is enabled, so it ends the
   Popup1 and Popup0 never preview the event, so they both remain
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
   John LaBanca
  There are only 10 types of people in the world: 

[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread Lex Spoon

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would it make sense to group fragment files under a subdir whose name is the
 strong name of the startup script?

Okay, that's two votes for another directory hierarchy.  I'll update
it to use the MD5 as an intermediate directory level.  -Lex


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit commit] r4254 - releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

Date: Thu Dec  4 14:14:39 2008
New Revision: 4254


For issue 3048, make toggle buttons (and other custom buttons) have the
aria-pressed WAI-ARIA state when they get toggled.

patch by: ajr
review by: rdayal (desk review)

--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/  
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/  
Thu Dec  4 14:14:39 2008
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
public static final String STATE_EXPANDED = aria-expanded;
public static final String STATE_LEVEL = aria-level;
public static final String STATE_HASPOPUP = aria-haspopup;
+  public static final String STATE_PRESSED = aria-pressed;

private static final String ATTR_NAME_ROLE = role;

--- releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/   
+++ releases/1.6/user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/   
Thu Dec  4 14:14:39 2008
@@ -681,6 +681,9 @@
if (!enabled) {
+  } else {
@@ -837,6 +840,10 @@
curFace = newFace;
+  if (isEnabled()) {
+  }

@@ -904,6 +911,12 @@
  throw new IllegalStateException(id +  is not a known face id.);
+  }
+  private void setAriaPressed(Face newFace) {
+boolean pressed = (newFace.getFaceID()  DOWN_ATTRIBUTE) == 1;
+Accessibility.setState(getElement(), Accessibility.STATE_PRESSED,
+pressed ? true : false);



[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] commented on revision r4255.

2008-12-04 Thread codesite-noreply

[google-web-toolkit] [EMAIL PROTECTED] commented on revision r4255.
Details are at

General Comment:
Nice additions to the test. One nit on CalendarUtil

Line-by-line comments:


Line 29:   static DateTimeConstants intlConstants;
This can still be final if you put an else block setting it to null on the  

Respond to these comments at
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your project has directed all notifications to a mailing list that you
subscribe to.
You may adjust your review notification preferences at:


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread John Tamplin
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would it make sense to group fragment files under a subdir whose name is
 the strong name of the startup script?

These strings will appear in URLs and are somewhat long already -- is
duplicating  better than a smaller directory name?

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread Ian Petersen

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:03 PM, John Tamplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would it make sense to group fragment files under a subdir whose name is
 the strong name of the startup script?

 These strings will appear in URLs and are somewhat long already -- is
 duplicating  better than a smaller directory name?

Instead of duplicating, why not just avoid repeating the strong name
in the fragments.  In other words, this:

A40BE3F0.cache.js // main fragment
A40BE3F0/001.cache.js // first auxillary fragment
A40BE3F0/002.cache.js // second auxillary fragment



[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread Bruce Johnson
What about:


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:03 PM, John Tamplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would it make sense to group fragment files under a subdir whose name is
 the strong name of the startup script?

 These strings will appear in URLs and are somewhat long already -- is
 duplicating  better than a smaller directory name?

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google



[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread Lex Spoon

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What about:

That's what I was thinking you really meant.  -Lex


[gwt-contrib] Re: RR: put runAsync deferred JS files into a subdirectory

2008-12-04 Thread Ray Cromwell

Last one looks good to me, although the directory names personally
don't bother me too much as I view them as hidden non-user visible
URLs. If shortness is actually a major requirement, might I suggest
moving to modified base64 encoded strongnames, as that would collapse
the length of the prefixes from 128/4=32 chars to 128/6= 21 chars. :)


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What about:

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:03 PM, John Tamplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Bruce Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would it make sense to group fragment files under a subdir whose name is
 the strong name of the startup script?

 These strings will appear in URLs and are somewhat long already -- is
 duplicating  better than a smaller directory name?

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google



[gwt-contrib] Re: GWTCanvas's strange behavior : timer driven animation frozen when move the mouse. (in IE, also happen when directly write vml markups)

2008-12-04 Thread Revv

OK, done! Check it here:

On Dec 5, 2:27 am, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could you create a in issue for this problem here:



 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Revv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In IE, even simple shape(meaning very short path
  string) drawn with large pixel coordinate(meaning large shape), the
  animation  get frozen when I keep moving the mouse over the shape.

  SOFTWARE: IE or host mode GWT Browser

  HARDWARE: AMD Dual-core 2GHz

  ATTACK THE PROBLEM: There are two possibilities why this kind of
  things happen: 1) google do a not so good wrapper upon VML and/or  2)
  $ make a not so good markup language.
  Here is the experiment and result (both GWTCanvas code and directly
  written VML code behave
  the same way ):
  1. make small(the size of the shape) and simple(the path string is
  short) shape: animation is fast without any doubt, even when keeping
  mouse moving.
  2. make small and complex shape:animation is fast, even when keeping
  mouse moving.
  3. make large and simple shape: animation is fast, but when keeping
  mouse moving over the shape, the animation stop.

  At last, it turn out to be the problem of M$. What puzzle me: what do
  the mouse-move event have to do with the timer event for the
  animation. There are two guesses:
  1) mousemove event is of more priority than timer event in IE.
  2) When mousemove event trigged, IE will do some time-consuming things
  (specially when the shape is large) even you didn't write any code in
  javascript(or GWT's event handling function) to handle the event.

  Does anyone have any idea about this strange behavior of IE.

 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[gwt-contrib] Re: 1.6 date picker question

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
Yep, sounds right, thanks!

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On second thought, gwt-incubator is supposed to compile against trunk,
 isn't it? Well, since this is written to compile against the
 1_6_datepicker branch, I'll hold off committing until that branch is
 merged to trunk (soon, right...?).

 I've attached the DropDownDatePicker proof-of-concept patch. It's
 very, very ugly, but it works. I'll see about tending to the style a
 little bit when I have more time.

 Comments welcome, of course.

 - Isaac

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That sounds great, thanks.
  On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wrote a MonthSelector a while back that uses DropDownListBoxes for
  month and year. I can fix it up to be compatible with recent changes
  and add it to the incubator. I'll see if I can fit that in tonight.
  On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It is definitely something that we would consider. Of course, the
   would be to get some good alternative month selectors into the
   On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Arthur Kalmenson 
   Hi John,
   Thank you for the reply. Are there any plans in the future to include
   various variations of the date picker for developers to choose from
   (which would be inline with the requests for a richer widget set)?
   Arthur Kalmenson
   On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[+ecc, +google-web-toolkit-contributors]
The default DatePicker will only include next and previous buttons,
can replace the MonthSelector with your own that does any of the
suggest.  We thought about using a fancy MonthSelector by default,
figured everyone would have a different opinion on the ideal
instead designed it so you can replace it.
John LaBanca
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Arthur Kalmenson
Hello John,
Will the 1.6 date picker include a year spinner? I know the
incubator version does not have a year spinner, so this makes it
pretty difficult to use the date picker if you have a date that's
then a year off. Another nice feature would be to be able to
the date. For example you could click on the year the date picker
shows, and that would turn it into a text box where you can enter
year you'd like.
Best regards,
Arthur Kalmenson
   There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
   binary, and those who don't
  There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
  binary, and those who don't


There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: 1.6 date picker question

2008-12-04 Thread Emily Crutcher
Also, the code should be reviewed before committing. I'll be happy to be
your reviewer once we land the 1.6 datepicker + release the 1.5 final
gwt-incubator drop. As until then, we cannot add 1.6 specific code to

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:05 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yep, sounds right, thanks!

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On second thought, gwt-incubator is supposed to compile against trunk,
 isn't it? Well, since this is written to compile against the
 1_6_datepicker branch, I'll hold off committing until that branch is
 merged to trunk (soon, right...?).

 I've attached the DropDownDatePicker proof-of-concept patch. It's
 very, very ugly, but it works. I'll see about tending to the style a
 little bit when I have more time.

 Comments welcome, of course.

 - Isaac

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That sounds great, thanks.
  On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I wrote a MonthSelector a while back that uses DropDownListBoxes for
  month and year. I can fix it up to be compatible with recent changes
  and add it to the incubator. I'll see if I can fit that in tonight.
  On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It is definitely something that we would consider. Of course, the
   would be to get some good alternative month selectors into the
   On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Arthur Kalmenson 
   Hi John,
   Thank you for the reply. Are there any plans in the future to
   various variations of the date picker for developers to choose from
   (which would be inline with the requests for a richer widget set)?
   Arthur Kalmenson
   On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:37 AM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[+ecc, +google-web-toolkit-contributors]
The default DatePicker will only include next and previous
can replace the MonthSelector with your own that does any of the
suggest.  We thought about using a fancy MonthSelector by default,
figured everyone would have a different opinion on the ideal
instead designed it so you can replace it.
John LaBanca
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Arthur Kalmenson
Hello John,
Will the 1.6 date picker include a year spinner? I know the
incubator version does not have a year spinner, so this makes it
pretty difficult to use the date picker if you have a date that's
then a year off. Another nice feature would be to be able to
the date. For example you could click on the year the date picker
shows, and that would turn it into a text box where you can enter
year you'd like.
Best regards,
Arthur Kalmenson
   There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
   binary, and those who don't
  There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
  binary, and those who don't


 There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
 binary, and those who don't

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't


[gwt-contrib] Re: Proposed Modification to PopupPanel

2008-12-04 Thread David

My requirements are much simpeler, I just need a way to get notified of all
events that happens in GWT.

When I notice no more mouse or keyboard events, I have to popup a modal
dialog that blocks the UI.
Since GWT already effectively has one method that gets called to dispatch
the actual event, it would be nice if I could
just register somewhere a listener that could listen along.

The Preview mechanism uses a stack so that is not an option for me, unless I
make sure that all popup panels use a preview listener that also trigger my
inactivity listener. That can work, but as usual with bigger projects: I am
not the only developer and the others do not always look around much when
adding UI components.

As a consequence when I implement something I need to enforce it in one
place and be done with it.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They are related, so it may be possible to unify them, but I have not given
 it enough thought to be sure. I'd love to see a proposal if you have one in



 On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:44 AM, Ray Cromwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Would  my various proposals for a pluggable event propagation
 mechanism help allow us to address this in a more generalized matter?


 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Emily Crutcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What about deprecating the old DOM.addEventPreview and creating an
  DOM.addPreviewHandler instead, where the PreviewEvent extends DomEvent
  has some specialized methods to stop the event from going down the GWT
  preview event chain.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just PopupPanels.
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
  What about GlassPanel in the Incubator? Sounds like throwing a
  GlassPanel into the mix would break things since it isn't a subclass
  of PopupPanel and does it's own event previewing.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 1:56 PM, John LaBanca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Contributors -
   In the current implementation of PopupPanel, a PopupPanel with
   enabled will not autoHide if another Widget (such as another
   steals the event preview.  In practice, this means that if a
   opened on top of an autoHide PopupPanel, the autoHide PopupPanel will
   longer autoHide.
   Consider an example where you have a SuggestBox inside of a
   is autoHide.  If you start typing in the SuggestBox, it opens a
   of suggestions.  You then click outside the original popup and expect
   disappear.  Instead, only the SuggestBox popup disappears.  In this
   the PopupPanels are related, but in some cases they are not.  If you
   sticky PopupPanel (stays open for a while, ex. a debug menu or log)
   app, it may steal preview from an autoHide PopupPanel, and you have
   one to close the other.
   Proposed Solution:
   I propose that we add a static stack of PopupPanels to the PopupPanel
   class.  As popups are shown and hidden, they are added and removed
   stack.  When a popup recieves an event preview, it passes the event
   stack and lets each PopupPanel preview it UNTIL it reaches a
   is modal.  The first modal PopupPanel (which blocks events by
   will end the event preview chain.
   Consider the following stack of PopupPanels, where the top panel is
   one that is opened:
   popup6 (autoHide)
   popup4 (autoHide)
   popup3 (autoHide)
   popup2 (modal)
   popup1 (autoHide)
   popup0 (modal)
   Now lets say you click on popup4:
   1. Popup6 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will hide.
   usually, only popup6 gets to preview the event)
   2. Popup5 previews the event.  Neither autoHide nor modal is enabled,
   ignore it.
   3. Popup4 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, but the event
   over Popup4, so it is ignored.
   4. Popup3 previews the event.  AutoHide is enabled, so it will hide.
   5. Popup2 previews the event.  Modal is enabled, so it ends the
   Popup1 and Popup0 never preview the event, so they both remain open.
   Other Solutions:
   We considered passing the event preview down the existing stack of
   EventPreview, which fixes the problem for more than just PopupPanels.
   However, we think this approach is overkill because the problem
   doesn't manifest itself in other widgets.
   John LaBanca