Re: [hlds] TF2 Stats Service

2008-07-23 Thread Frazer Smith
There is no doubt that PS and hlstatsX are good stats applications - but I 
would make this observation:  if software developers backed away from 
developing new applications simply because there were already competing 
products, we would all be using Wang 1200 Word Processors.  This is an 
admin-oriented listserv and for the most part, admins generally don't care much 
about fixin' stuff that ain't broke. This does not mean that the availability 
of a new application with new and innovative features will not gain a 
following.  I put together a very modest application which provided crash 
protection.  There were certainly other workable alternatives already out 
there.  I recall more than one posting on this forum that went along the lines 
of Well, I use bat files and srvany and that works perfectly, but good luck 
anyway.  But, I threw in a few features that the other solutions didn't offer 
(dynamic declarative game configuration, multiple game support, email 
notification, etc.) and found that I soon had a respectable user base.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ricky Smith
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 10:15 PM
Subject: [hlds] TF2 Stats Service

Hey everybody,
I apologize if this isn't an appropriate place to ask this, but I've been
toying with creating a unified stats service for TF2 (and possible more
Source games, depending on my response).

I already have an application written that is collecting log file
information (everything I think I need to generate stats data) and it's been
running on my clan's server.

I would like to know if there is any real interest in *another* stats
service? Even if it's made to be free? Does anyone have any input as to
things that people are looking for above the hum-drum stats? Would any of
you be interested in allowing me to collect data from your servers (I
wouldn't need access, just a simple config change)?

If this isn't the best place to ask these questions, please help me out and
tell me where might be.

Ricky (aka [FLASH]DigitallyBorn)
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[hlds] srcds on Vista

2008-07-13 Thread Frazer Smith
So, after a long hiatus, I am starting to work again on some game management 
and admin software.  In the process of dusting off my ogsWatcher code, I 
discovered it didn't work all that well (that is to say: at all).  Onte thing 
that had changed since I last messed around with game servers was my 
installation of  Vista.  After a day of poking around, I discovered that the 
issue pertained to the fact that Vista (and in fact, Windows Server 2008) 
enables the IPV6 network stack by default.  This seems to interfere with 
sending and receiving udp query protocol requests to the srcds engine.  By 
disabling IPV6, via a registry setting, the problem went away.

I am curious if anyone has run into something like this already. I would think 
that game admin tools like HLSW would also use the so-called query protocol 
and would run into similar problems, attempting to connect to and manage games 
running on Vista.

For me, disabling IPV6 is a safe bet, since my local network is IPV4 and as far 
as I know, so is most of the public internet.


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RE: RE: RE: Re: [hlds] Post-outage thoughts

2006-12-19 Thread Frazer
Whether or not a service provider chooses to deploy redundant services is a
decision that is generally made as part of an overall risk-management
analysis.  Factors such as probability of component failure, business impact
and cost are weighed in reaching a decision as to how much money a provider
should (and can afford) to invest in redundant service elements.  While a
systemic power outage is a possibility, it may not be very probable. In
fact, there is every likelihood that service elements which would be
affected by such a wide outage are not all within Valve's control.  We have
no information regarding Valve's service infrastructure, but we might assume
that it includes fault-tolerant elements (e.g. clustered servers, redundant
network paths, etc.) which have been chosen to provide protection from more
probable outages (for example, individual hardware failures, network outage
of a given carrier).

Given the funding resources to do so, most service providers would eagerly
embrace geographic redundancy.  However, no business has unlimited
financial resources and in the end, Valve has to strike a balance between
cost and risk, in delivering its services. Valve has an obligation to its
investors to make balanced spending decisions and deliver sustainable
profitability as much as it needs to deliver reasonable service levels to
its customers.  As well, the cost of complete redundancy would almost
certainly have to be borne in the price of the product.  While the end-user
impact was certainly real, it is not, after all, an air traffic control
system.  last night, our servers were full again.

I think Valve did a respectable job in restoring services in a timely
fashion.  No doubt they were extremely motivated to do so.  It appeared to
me that they followed a prioritized approach, first restoring services
critical to supporting game-play. While this simply may have been a sequence
imposed by the situation, versus any kind of altruistic service policy, the
net effect was the same.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Tuttle
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Re: [hlds] Post-outage thoughts

Such redundancy is Networking 101 and Programming 101... You can choose to
ignore it if you like... But in the real word it is fact .

Valve is probably making enough money to make it reasonable for them to
invest in a redundant system for that money making aparatus.  That is
Economics 101.  You think it looks good to investors that the backbone of
the system went down for the entire world because of one geological
disaster?  You think that's a good selling point for software developers
that want to bring their product to market?  273,468 game players couldn't
play because Valve had all their eggs in that one geographical basket.
Wise business decision?  You decide...

Ok maybe they are 500 level courses but you still get the point :D

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:57 PM
 Subject: RE: RE: RE: Re: [hlds] Post-outage thoughts

 All I'm seeing is whining, pettiness, and monday morning

 Lets try this.  If anyone out there has a diagram of the
 Valve infrastructure, and a complete understanding of who
 they contract with for what services and facilities, then lets see it.

 I only am reading people bitching about what Valve should
 have done over the last 10 years, and I could do it better,
 without any reguard or perspective on what the real world
 impact things may be having in the Seattle area.

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RE: [hlds] Valve...can we get the connect command for redirect in SCRDS?

2006-12-17 Thread Frazer
I think this issue of client control over redirect is just another in a
growing list that includes preventing that dreadful scourge: admin abuse.
What we are seeing here is the emergence of the Player Controlled Gaming -
and I for one support it.  Here are a few client side options I would like
to see:

When I play, I find it easier to shoot opponents in the butt - so I would
like the ability to dynamically change hitbox damage so that my butt-shots
inflict more damage say, then those difficult and pesky headshots.

I think I should have the option to selectively handicap better players by
making them bigger. Not only would this make them harder to hit, but would
prevent them from taking those sneaky, narrow routes through some maps.

There should be a cl_resolve_combat_on_my_machine cvar.  And I should be
able to bind a key to undo.

If another player is ticking me off, I think I should have the ability to
unilaterally redirect them to another server.  Maybe even a WoW server and
make it so that they have to pay double that month or something.

When I am crouched in a corridor or alley, I want to be able to press a key
and have bullets fly out of my ass so that opponents can't sneak up behind
me.  They should be tracer rounds, so that everyone can see my awesome
assfire.  I get to choose the color.

I'm sure most admins on this list can get behind this idea, if they just
give it a bit of thought.  When anarchy prevails and every gamer can tune
the experience to their own liking, every slot on the planet will be full
and people will be lining up to buy Steam games like Wii's.


p.s. don't turn VAC back on!!! It's been great these past two days!!!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Valve...can we get the connect command for redirect in

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Play on your own servers then

Oh, you don't have anybody playing on your servers, I wonder why?

I am assuming you are a server admin, if not, what are you doing here?

On 12/17/06, milchworld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please no!

 most admins abuse this to fill their server.
 when i join a dust2 server i DO NOT WANT to play italy!
 when i join a server where my friend is - i do not want to play on ANY
 other server...

 THANKS valve for giving us cl_restrict_server_cmds.

 Roman Hatsiev schrieb:
  Seems like you never had an experience of migrating your servers to
  another ISP. Not to mention other cases when redirection can be very
  useful - load balancing and promoting new server just to name a few.
  Fortunately, as far as I know, Mani promised to restore this
  functionality in next version of his mod.
  On 17/12/06, Wim Barelds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  Lets hope the anwser is no, when players connect to a server, they
  to that server. If I wanted to be on any other server, I would
  connect to
  another server.
  On 12/17/06, Hell Phoenix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Since we no longer can run commands on the client its not possible
  to do
   server redirection.  Im sure I am not alone missing this key
  feature on
   the DS.  Would it be possible for you to add in the abilty for
   to execute the connect command on the client or something similar?
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  Wim 'TheUnknownFactor' Barelds
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[hlds] more on the fiasco...

2006-11-18 Thread Frazer
I mis-posted to hlcoders by mistake - and got some responses - however, I
felt I should post my reply here as well:


First, my apologies for mis-posting my original message - I watch both
[hlds] (the admin listserv) and this one - and I inadvertently posted to the
wrong list.

If you have not been following the other list, then you might not be fully
aware of the dismay this update has caused, almost universally, in the admin
community.   Your point regarding the desirability of the vendor to correct
exploitable cvars (and more) rather than rely on the mod developers is well
taken.  In fact, this point of view has been long expressed by the admin
community.  On the whole, the admin community has been consistent and
persistent in its call to Valve to address many issues.  Here is a snip from
a typical posting:

Players who cannot by hit because they have manipulated their rates to make
them unhittable or refuse to use decent rates despite having 5ms pings and
broadband connections Players who refuse to get flashed Players who can see
through smoke Players who can see through transparent walls that the source
engine allows Players who hit you more than a second after you have
disappeared around the corner
33 tickrate servers being considered by Valve as the acceptable default
server setup Most default CS SRCDS setting being completely crap A Valve
approved API nobody uses because its completely useless Plugins that have to
be used because Valve considers these issues should be dealt by plugin
creators and on a per server operator basis, rather than doing anything
about it themselves Could this list of issues that are significantly more
important than server operators trying to bring some semblance of fairness
to Counter-Strike:Source go on and on forever?

You stated:  If there are exploitable client cvars that need to be
monitored by a server plugin, those exploits need to be fixed. Officially
supported fixes (not Mani-mod client cvar enforcement) carry the benefit of
games that are harder to exploit out of the box, and we don't have to worry
about malicious server admins having unwanted access to client settings.

Nothing would make the admin community happier than not to have to mess with
3rd party administrative tools, if Valve would only address the problems,
which have been clearly identified for a very long time, as you say: out of
the box.  Admins do not relish having unannounced server updates dropped on
them, then having to scramble to bring back their downed servers and watch
their traffic go down, as the cheater and hackers run rampant.

With respect to this update, it has been said, and I fully agree, that the
Player should have the right to protect the settings on their computer when
they join a server.  Someone used a java analogy, on this list, which was
quite apt.  Equally though, the GSPs and hobbyists, who run the many servers
which are foundational to the players' game experience, must be afforded the
means to ensure fair and balanced play.  If the underlying flaws in the game
engine cannot be directly addressed, then admins can only apply the tools
with which they are equipped.  If all you are given is a hammer (pardon the
pun), then all screws are nails.  If the client's ability to adjust cvars to
rate hack, see through walls, etc is fully within their control, then,
equally, a means must be provided to the server operators to deny access to
players who chose to do so.  Valve sent out an update that gave choice to
the player community - but negated efforts of the admin community to operate
fair and balanced game servers and, in fact, actually broke many servers
which were running mods.  Mods, by the way, which are developed by THIS

My criticism of Valve still stands.  They have not responded to this issue
nor publicly expressed any interest in addressing the situation or even
having the courtesy to explain their rationale.  I may be wrong in my
assessment with respect to courage, on their part.  But the lack of common
courtesy and respect for one community, which keeps their products alive, is
apparent and long-standing.


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RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

2006-11-17 Thread Frazer
Should be very simple...

Attempt to change the player name from say:  LeetPwner to
LeetPwner*randomdigit* - check to see if the name gets changed, if so -
change it back with a Welcome message - or a Sorry and kick for players
where the name cannot be changed.  Might be possible to accomplish before
the client was even in a game-ready state.

The bigger question is why would we even need to ponder such ponderings in
the first place.   I am curious how Valve determines functional requirements
for its updates.  As some posters have already noted, the businesses, groups
and individual hobbyists represented on this list comprise a pretty
significant part of Valve's eco-system.  How hard would it be and how much
more considerate would it be to simply solicit some feedback on ideas before
they turn to code?  They would not be compelled to pay attention to the
feedback, but maybe, just maybe they would gain some additional insight that
the apparent cloud of arrogance or indifference seems to obscure today.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roman Hatsiev
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 5:12 AM
Subject: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

1. I'm looking for plugin which will disconnect players trying to join the
server with cl_restrict_server_commands set to anything other than 0 with
message like Please set cl_restrict_server_commands to 0 to play on this

2. cl_restrict_server_commands should be added to the list of blocked cvars
in cvar-x config files.

Any ideas how first item in my list can be done using existing plugins?
EventScript maybe? Anything else?



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RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

2006-11-17 Thread Frazer
This is a multipart message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Not sure what you wrote Roman, the latest unnecessary and unsolicited update
to my email program must have set cl_accept_message_body to 0 by default.

In any event, after my morning coffee, I have thought about my name-flipping
approach and have realized that it will not work because it is too easily
defeated by a client who knows where the console key is.  I guess the test
could be periodically repeated - but this would be annoying to players and
unlike others who I will refrain from naming, most admins care about their

I have also thought about rebinding a key to send its original command plus
an authenticating say - but I can't see a way to determine individual
client-side key bindings on the server - so no way to predict which key to

So - unless someone has any other ideas, it would appear that a quick  and
dirty solution would not be terribly effective without negatively impacting
player experience.  Something deeper might work - but beyond my meager


Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?


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RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

2006-11-17 Thread Frazer
It looks like Beetlemod is flipping the say binding to do this - question
is:  how does the mod know which key the client has bound to say in the
first place?  I suppose it could be draconian and simply reject any client
which doesn't bind T to say ...

Is there a way for the server to determine client key bindings?

My god, Valve has put us on a slippery slope with this.  See also thread
about enforcing client-side DLLs.  It is possible, by the way.

Scary shit.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hackmett
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?


Beetle just did such a check ;):

 1. I'm looking for plugin which will disconnect players trying to join
 the server with cl_restrict_server_commands set to anything other than
 0 with message like Please set cl_restrict_server_commands to 0 to
 play on this server.

 2. cl_restrict_server_commands should be added to the list of blocked
 cvars in cvar-x config files.

 Any ideas how first item in my list can be done using existing
 plugins? EventScript maybe? Anything else?





[Team America] Hackmett

Freedom is not free

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RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

2006-11-17 Thread Frazer

What about a LOW ping kicker?

Hehehe - just kidding...



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RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

2006-11-17 Thread Frazer
You must have a ping of 50 or higher to play on this server - slow your ass

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 9:49 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?


What about a LOW ping kicker?

Hehehe - just kidding...



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RE: [hlds] Workaround for cl_restrict_server_commands ?

2006-11-17 Thread Frazer
Beetlemod seems to have nailed a decent solution - and I expect that Mani
will follow suit shortly.  Pity that Valve continues to rely on mod
developers for implementing things it is too complacent to undertake itself.

Having slagged Valve one more time, I will now make a suggestion to them:

It is reasonable to allow clients to control how client-side settings are
manipulated.  It is also entirely reasonable that game server hosts be able
to establish and enforce rules of admittance.  Valve has addressed the
needs of the client-side part of the community - but has neglected the
server side.  This is really very simple - implement a change - quickly -
that allow game admins to establish configurations that insist on the
ability to modify certain client settings.  Give them the tools to deny or
accept players based on the client's choice to allow the changes.  The
default setting can still be restrictive - as long as the server side
solution provides a means to clearly notify the player why his or her
connection has been closed.  This way, the player is protected and given
choice - and the game hoster is able to deliver an enhanced and balanced
play experience to those who CHOOSE to join.

If the mod developers can nail this solution with hours of this fiasco
unfolding then it can't be that difficult.


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[hlds] Streaming Music In-game

2006-11-10 Thread Frazer
I have seen a few Source game servers (DOD:S) where there seems to be a mod
running which brings a list of tunes up in an MOTD-type window when a
command is entered, in game, via say.  Selecting a tune then plays the
music in game - I assume by streaming to the source client, similar to the
way the victory music is played.

Does anyone know of an available mod which does this sort of thing?


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RE: [hlds] Name hacking?

2006-11-10 Thread Frazer
Client execs are cute - but easily blocked by players once they figure out
what is going on.

Kick.  Ban.  Period.

---Original Message---

From: Kyle Caulfield
Date: 11/10/06 06:10:54
Subject: Re: [hlds] Name hacking?

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] An add on to this, how do
you ban the right person when the hacker / jerk changes his name to someone
elses in game?  It's been a while for this to happen to me but when it does
I always get confused =)


On 11/10/06, David Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 man that's a good one mwahahahahahahahaaa

 kyle wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] That's why I run a
  name changer plugin that will slap a player 10 times
  5% hp if they change there name too many times too quickly. And it
  be setup to ban them too.
  Then theres slowhack.
  Execclient(TargetName, FPS_max 1); Execclient(TargetName, fakelag
  800); Execclient(TargetName, fakeloss 15); Execclient(TargetName,
  bind MOUSE1 kill); Execclient(TargetName, bind w kill);
  Execclient(TargetName, bind a kill); Execclient(TargetName, bind
  s kill); Execclient(TargetName, bind d kill);
  Execclient(TargetName, cl_updaterate 1); Execclient(TargetName,
  cl_cmdrate 1); Execclient(TargetName, cl_lb 1);
  Execclient(TargetName, cl_lc 1); Execclient(TargetName, cl_lw
  0); Execclient(TargetName, rate 10); Execclient(TargetName,
  cl_forwardspeed 1);
  ---Original Message---
  From: Jason O. Washburn
  Date: 11/10/2006 12:05:32 AM
  Subject: RE: [hlds] Name hacking?
  The players that do that are total SCUM!
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham
  Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 1:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Name hacking?
  Swapping your name slightly every few seconds so admins cannot find
  the person that needs banning. It normally chooses a name that is
  incredibly close to a currently playing player.
  On 10/11/06, Ghost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I heard from one of my CS:S server admins that VAC banned a guy for
  name hacking and I was wondering what it is...
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RE: [hlds] Name hacking?

2006-11-10 Thread Frazer
For Source engine games, Mani supports cl_exec.  Don't get me wrong, Kyle -
I have had my fun with this at the expense of the asshats.

Credits to Adam who showed me how to use it to bind the player's mouse1 to
drop their weapon and say I am a complete f##wit

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kyle
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Name hacking?

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
well the way its done in amxmod/amxmodX   is you first get the users target
name (whatever there name is)   then an admin would type in console
exec_client  (there name here) then the cvar.

I don't think there is a counter part to amxmod or amxmodx for source games
except for mani.
Can you perform client_exec commands using mani or some other source admin
keep your eye on sourcemod   if they get this
running it will be better and much simpler to use then mani.

I don't play any source games any more.
After the DOD dev team lied to the dod community about making dod a direct
port i vowed to never buy another one of there products again. the dod
dev team didn't let the gaming community know that dod was NOT going to be a
direct port from 1.6 for months after hundreds of thousands of people bought
the source packages thinking they would get a direct port of dod 1.6.
then all of a sudden ,,,  oh yea we decided to make a whole new game for
i no longer buy valve games and i know thousands who dont because of that
anyway I digress.

there has to be a way to implement client_exec commands in source games, i
just dont care to deal with anything source.   good luck.

---Original Message---

From: Tom French
Date: 11/10/2006 7:57:31 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Name hacking?


How would one apply this to say a source server running Mani.
I remember this in the old days of 1.6
How can we get the TargetName inserted nto the commands if they are in a
.cfg file thanks
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 3:11 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Name hacking?

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] That's why I run a
 name changer plugin that will slap a player 10 times with
 5% hp if they change there name too many times too quickly. And it can
 be setup to ban them too.
 Then theres slowhack.
 Execclient(TargetName, FPS_max 1);
 Execclient(TargetName, fakelag 800); Execclient(TargetName,
 fakeloss 15); Execclient(TargetName, bind MOUSE1 kill);
 Execclient(TargetName, bind w kill); Execclient(TargetName, bind a
 kill); Execclient(TargetName, bind s kill); Execclient(TargetName,
 bind d kill); Execclient(TargetName, cl_updaterate 1);
 Execclient(TargetName, cl_cmdrate 1); Execclient(TargetName, cl_lb
 1); Execclient(TargetName, cl_lc 1); Execclient(TargetName, cl_lw
 0); Execclient(TargetName, rate 10); Execclient(TargetName,
 cl_forwardspeed 1);

 ---Original Message---

 From: Jason O. Washburn
 Date: 11/10/2006 12:05:32 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] Name hacking?

 The players that do that are total SCUM!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham
 Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 1:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Name hacking?

 Swapping your name slightly every few seconds so admins cannot find
 the person that needs banning. It normally chooses a name that is
 incredibly close to a currently playing player.

 On 10/11/06, Ghost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I heard from one of my CS:S server admins that VAC banned a guy for
 name hacking and I was wondering what it is...

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[hlds] Dark Messiah and SteamIDs

2006-11-04 Thread Frazer
I notice from the log files that the SteamID does not seem to be captured.

Valve:  is this expected to change?

Curious how VAC will work.  Also - can't ban, collect stats etc.

Up side is that you can play the game on any number of PC's simultaneously
with one Steam logon.



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RE: [hlds] Dark Messiah Dedicated Server

2006-10-26 Thread Frazer
NM - read the previous post that I missed with the C/L - have it working


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 11:15 AM
Subject: [hlds] Dark Messiah Dedicated Server

Could someone who has a DM dedicated server running please post:

1.  Their directory structure?

2.  The command line they use to start the mod?

Many thanks,

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RE: [hlds] Dark Messiah Dedicated Server released

2006-10-25 Thread Frazer
There seems to be 3 game types for a dedicated server:  Crusade, Deathmatch
and Team Deathmatch.

Can someone explain how the game type is selected, presumably on the command
line.  Syntax etc.?

Is there any information available yet about MM specific cvars and settings
which might be applied via .cf files?


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[hlds] ogsWatcher Update

2006-10-25 Thread Frazer
I have released an updated version of ogsWatcher.  Version 1.0.8 introduces
two new features:

Dynamic configuration - changes to the game config file are immediately
applied to affected game instances
Hung game detection - non-responsive (but not crashed) games are restarted

As always, free and non-commercial.


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RE: [hlds] Re: Scum-sucking Bottom Feeders

2006-09-10 Thread Frazer
First, as the OP on this thread, I would like to explain my intent in
drawing attention to this:  simply to raise awareness and to have some idea
what to encourage our game admins to watch for during play.  I am sure that
those who want such hacks as these have no difficulty finding them.  Oh and was suggested in an earlier response - I don't think (last time I
checked) that I am some kind of list troll.  :o)

Second, I wonder to what extent Valve - or for that matter any online game
developer - can truly provide a defense against this crap.  The problem is
that game state is continuously transmitted to the client and all rendering
is under the control of the client.  While VAC can, to some extent, ensure
that the client executable is not tampered with, unfortunately, short of
some very intrusive and, frankly, unwelcome measures, its unlikely that a
complete defense is possible.  Perhaps something of a Bayesian or
statistical application which is not examining executables - but is watching
and measuring the behaviour of players to determine what is suspect and what
is not.  (e.g.  20 headshots within 5 minutes and never killed)  Then,
perhaps, some kind of selectable level of tolerance, to be applied by server
admins - much as spam tolerance levels are set today.

In any event, I just wanted to shine a light on it - because, in the absence
of a technical solution, knowledge and vigilance, on the part of the admin
community is the first and most effective line of defense. I certainly had
no intention of promoting this stuff, nor do I agree that discussing it is
useless.  The more people understand how they work - the more likely it will
be detected and dealt with.


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[hlds] Scum-sucking Bottom Feeders

2006-09-07 Thread Frazer
An interesting form of low-life:

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RE: [hlds] need help with setting up a server...

2006-09-05 Thread Frazer
There's nothing I like better than to sit down with my morning coffee, hit
my hlds listserv mail and watch as the flamethrowers come out and the fun
begins! Who needs TF2 with all this going on!?!?!

I just love the smell of napalm in the morning


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[hlds] Controlling Spawn in DOD:S

2006-09-01 Thread Frazer
I can't see an obvious way - but can anyone think of a means to prevent a
player, who has been killed, from respawning in DOD:S for a period of time?
I am trying to see it if is feasible to create game conditions whereby if
you are dead, you stay dead until the round is won or the last man is
standing.  I am intrigued with how it might transform the game from its
usual frag-fest into more of an exercise in tactics.

If there are cvar or rcon commands that can accomplish this, then it might
be possible to develop some kind of game manager that enforces this mode of

Any ideas?


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RE: [hlds] Controlling Spawn in DOD:S

2006-09-01 Thread Frazer
Except with different weapons, hitbox behavior, maps, skins, objectives,
lack of gaydar, player communities - but yeah - other than all that stuff -
it would be exactly like CS  ;)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Controlling Spawn in DOD:S

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Then you would have CS

Thank You and Good Night


On 9/1/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can't see an obvious way - but can anyone think of a means to
 prevent a player, who has been killed, from respawning in DOD:S for a
 period of time?
 I am trying to see it if is feasible to create game conditions whereby
 if you are dead, you stay dead until the round is won or the last
 man is standing.  I am intrigued with how it might transform the game
 from its usual frag-fest into more of an exercise in tactics.

 If there are cvar or rcon commands that can accomplish this, then it
 might be possible to develop some kind of game manager that enforces
 this mode of play.

 Any ideas?


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RE: [hlds] Stats for HL1DM Source

2006-08-30 Thread Frazer
You might look at pyschostats (

Neither pyschostats or hlstatx are particularly easy to set up - complicated
by the need to setup and configure: PHP, GD2 (for graphics), Perl, MySQL and
your web server of choice.  Not for the faint of heart.  HlstatsX requires
an older version of MySql and more recent versions break some of its
queries.  Installation documentation is not entirely crystal clear for
either - but IMO marginally better for ps - perhaps because it is a bit less
complicated to install.

Of the two developers, it seems to me that psychostats is the more active -
with work now underway for ps3.

I run HlstatsX to be fair - I like the real-time updating, which is lacking
in ps.  It took me a LOT of hours to get it working and figure out the
things that the documentation didn't quite explain.  I would dread having to
do it again.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ook
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:42 PM
Subject: [hlds] Stats for HL1DM Source

I've been trying hlstatsx, but have run into some techincal issues. The only
answer I've gotten so far is to use the paid premium service. So, I'm
thinking I'm going to scrap hlstatsx. Any recommendations for any other
stats package for HL1DM Source?

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RE: [hlds] ServerChecker

2006-08-30 Thread Frazer
I would be curious to know the specifics around your statement:  I also
tried OGS Watcher however it seemed to lock up on srcds errors and would not
restart the service, nor would it give me a console window.  I am not aware
of any issue that would prevent ogsWatcher, when properly configured, from
re-starting a failed srcds process.

There are a couple of reasons why you may not have seen the console - either
a configuration error in the ogsWatcher service properties - or because you
used mstsc without the /console switch.

I encourage folks to report problems to the support forum at   - unless they are perhaps just spamming
listservs on behalf of a clan buddy, as their rather blinky web page


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hell Phoenix
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] ServerChecker

Been using serverchecker for a long time now.  It works swell.

Peter N wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Anyone using
 ServerChecker.msi?  I found it on a UK website and it's really saving me
these days.

 I'm runing CS:Source Dedicated w2k3sp1

 Source Metamod w/ Mani RC22, GoreMod, FPS boost plugins Eventscripts
 latest beta GunGame w/ custom GG_maps/sounds

 My server will crash 1 or 2 times in 24hrs generating minidumps (which i
do not know how to read .mdmp files) and ServerChecker cancels any
srcds/memory error popup windows and restarts srcds unatended.  I was
previously running a .bat file from however on srcds errors you
have to clear the error window manually before the server restarts.  I also
tried OGS Watcher however it seemed to lock up on srcds errors and would not
restart the service, nor would it give me a console window.  I know that
Mani is the problem, however i can't stop using it since GunGame requires it
for map voting and GunGame sounds.  Until Mani is fully updated or on a new
version i'm stuck and am very happy that ServerChecker's got my back!


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RE: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

2006-08-28 Thread Frazer
My game servers run Mani and start with ogsWatcher just fine.   I would try
to start your game from a .bat file first to see if it starts with the
version of Mani that you just installed.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:42 PM
Subject: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

Frazer... Installed Mani Mod on my DoD server (remote install via FTP) and
attempted to restart the server using Rcon quit instead of restart.
I figured ogsWatcher would just restart the server. lol.  I think I broke my
own server.  Any reason ogsWatcher won't restart a server running Mani... or
is it more likely I installed the wrong Mani?

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

Ahhh - let me clarify my earlier post:

Actually, it *is* a DDoS attack - it's just that the perpetrator and the
victims have reversed roles :) /irony

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [DumB]TeXas
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

No, it *is not* a DDoS attack however it does have the same effect in the
end. A natural flow of people wanting to visit a forum or whatever is called
an unintentional attack - even though it's not really any attack at all.
It is certainly not a distributed attack where multiple compromised
systems flood the bandwidth or resources of the targeted system. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: 27. august 2006 14:44
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

Actually, it *is* a DDoS attack - it's just that the perpetrator and the
victims have reversed roles :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Mani Site


[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Actually its better, cause
theres nothing illegal going on, its all legitamate.

On 8/27/06, Whisper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Well 100,000 people htting your forum at the same time when you are
 only setup to cater for 1000 users at a time is as good as any DDoS
 any day. :)


 On 8/27/06, [DumB]TeXas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It was impossible to reach yesterday due to what seemed like too
  much traffic - so my guess is that the site was taken down because
  it couldn't handle the load of; a) a natural large flow of people
  visiting the site due to the mani problems - or b) a DDOS attack to
  bring it down. I don't think they would take the site down and not
  have at least a simple index telling people why it's down...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Meph
  Sent: 27. august 2006 03:47
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Mani Site
  there was a complete revamp recently. could be related to that.
  altho i just tried it and got a directory listing for the site. so i
  guess it's maintainance of some kind
  Link Pankratz wrote:
   Only slightly off topic but does anyone know what is going on with
   the Mani-Admin site? It appears to me that the whole site is down.
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   archives, please visit:
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RE: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

2006-08-28 Thread Frazer
We really should take discussions about ogsWatcher off this list, since the
topic is not necessarily of interest to all.  Please post your questions
about ogsWatcher on the support forum at and I will be happy
to answer there.

If RCON QUIT stops an srcds.exe process which ogsWatcher has started - then
ogsWatcher will restart it - unless you have surpassed limits you have set
for server failures within a specified time.  ogsWatcher will only monitor
srcds process instances which it has started.  Other srcds processes which
may be running are considered orphans by ogsWatcher - and the service will
find and terminate them, if you so request, when it starts up.

Adam is quite correct about the behavior of the timeout setting.

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Sando
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 8:48 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

Since v1.06 of ogsWatcher, I have not had any problems with server restarts
at all, whilst running Mani-Admin. Since the latest CSS update, my server
has been crashing a hell of a lot (due to custom maps, etc), however
ogsWatcher comes through every time and restarts it.

If I issue an RCON QUIT, or even QUIT on the console itself, ogsWatcher
springs into life, and restarts that sucker quicker than you can say please
restart my srcds instance ogsWatcher coz you are really cool and you seem to
be able to do it within the predetermined time located in the config file as
I configured earlier, so thanks ogsWatcher, you're the best.

I suggest you tweak and play with the timeout and restart count figures in
your config file. I found a problem where I was setting my timeouts too low,
and ogsWatcher was killing my srcds instance before it had finished loading.
Also, in relation to this - I think there are also settings for terminating
orphan srcds processes in the config somewhere, so playing with this might
help too.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Tuesday, 29 August 2006 8:57 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

Yup... game starts fine from .bat file.

Here's what I found when I got to the physical location of the server.
The ogsWatcher service was running, but no instance of srcds in the task
manager and no error messages.  I stopped the ogsWatcher service and then
restarted it.  Upon restart of the service it started one instance of srcds.
Task manager verified that srcds was running.  With that, the DoD server was
up and running again.

So my assumption that ogsWatcher would automatically restart an instance of
srcds that was stopped using RCON quit appears to be wrong.  However, that
appears to be at odds with the way ogsWatcher should work.  I thought that
it would monitor for an instance of srcds and restart if it found none.  I
guess that's not so.

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

My game servers run Mani and start with ogsWatcher just fine.   I would
to start your game from a .bat file first to see if it starts with the
version of Mani that you just installed.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 3:42 PM
Subject: [hlds] Mani and ogsWatcher

Frazer... Installed Mani Mod on my DoD server (remote install via FTP) and
attempted to restart the server using Rcon quit instead of restart.
I figured ogsWatcher would just restart the server. lol.  I think I broke my
own server.  Any reason ogsWatcher won't restart a server running Mani... or
is it more likely I installed the wrong Mani?

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

Ahhh - let me clarify my earlier post:

Actually, it *is* a DDoS attack - it's just that the perpetrator and the
victims have reversed roles :) /irony

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [DumB]TeXas
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

No, it *is not* a DDoS attack however it does have the same effect in the
end. A natural flow of people wanting to visit a forum or whatever is called
an unintentional attack - even though it's not really any attack at all.
It is certainly not a distributed attack where multiple compromised
systems flood the bandwidth or resources of the targeted system. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: 27. august 2006 14:44

RE: [hlds] Mani Site

2006-08-27 Thread Frazer
Actually, it *is* a DDoS attack - it's just that the perpetrator and the
victims have reversed roles :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Mani Site

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Actually its better, cause
theres nothing illegal going on, its all legitamate.

On 8/27/06, Whisper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Well 100,000 people htting your forum at the same time when you are
 only setup to cater for 1000 users at a time is as good as any DDoS
 any day. :)


 On 8/27/06, [DumB]TeXas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It was impossible to reach yesterday due to what seemed like too
  much traffic - so my guess is that the site was taken down because
  it couldn't handle the load of; a) a natural large flow of people
  visiting the site due to the mani problems - or b) a DDOS attack to
  bring it down. I don't think they would take the site down and not
  have at least a simple index telling people why it's down...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Meph
  Sent: 27. august 2006 03:47
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Mani Site
  there was a complete revamp recently. could be related to that.
  altho i just tried it and got a directory listing for the site. so i
  guess it's maintainance of some kind
  Link Pankratz wrote:
   Only slightly off topic but does anyone know what is going on with
   the Mani-Admin site? It appears to me that the whole site is down.
   To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
   archives, please visit:
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RE: [hlds] Mani Site

2006-08-27 Thread Frazer
Ahhh - let me clarify my earlier post:

Actually, it *is* a DDoS attack - it's just that the perpetrator and the
victims have reversed roles :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [DumB]TeXas
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

No, it *is not* a DDoS attack however it does have the same effect in the
end. A natural flow of people wanting to visit a forum or whatever is called
an unintentional attack - even though it's not really any attack at all.
It is certainly not a distributed attack where multiple compromised
systems flood the bandwidth or resources of the targeted system. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: 27. august 2006 14:44
Subject: RE: [hlds] Mani Site

Actually, it *is* a DDoS attack - it's just that the perpetrator and the
victims have reversed roles :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Mani Site

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Actually its better, cause
theres nothing illegal going on, its all legitamate.

On 8/27/06, Whisper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Well 100,000 people htting your forum at the same time when you are
 only setup to cater for 1000 users at a time is as good as any DDoS
 any day. :)


 On 8/27/06, [DumB]TeXas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It was impossible to reach yesterday due to what seemed like too
  much traffic - so my guess is that the site was taken down because
  it couldn't handle the load of; a) a natural large flow of people
  visiting the site due to the mani problems - or b) a DDOS attack to
  bring it down. I don't think they would take the site down and not
  have at least a simple index telling people why it's down...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Meph
  Sent: 27. august 2006 03:47
  Subject: Re: [hlds] Mani Site
  there was a complete revamp recently. could be related to that.
  altho i just tried it and got a directory listing for the site. so i
  guess it's maintainance of some kind
  Link Pankratz wrote:
   Only slightly off topic but does anyone know what is going on with
   the Mani-Admin site? It appears to me that the whole site is down.
   To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
   archives, please visit:
  To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list
  archives, please visit:
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RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

2006-08-27 Thread Frazer
Oooh  - I smell fresh flame bait LOL


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Now that I think about, it
is actually a good thing that Valve updates break all these plugins.

Its amazing how much coding gets done when this happens. :)

Nothing beats poking a stick into the mod communities ant nest. :D

It does seem to be a way to breathe fresh air into what appear to be
stagnant projects.

On 8/28/06, [DumB]TeXas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Amen to your example, I do disagree on one thing though;

 just let the third parties know that the change will break their code

 - This would take a lot of resources because valve won't automatically
 know that if they change this particular thing, this and that plugin
 will break.
 It would require a lot of debugging with 3rd party plugins to figure
 out and this is *not* valves responsibility - however if they just
 provided the information and tools necessary for the 3rd party
 developers to do this job them self I think we'd all be happy.

 All that would take is a pre-release of the new updates and possibly a
 change-log which I am sure they use in their development anyway. With
 a pre-release, fixes/new versions could be ready the second valve
 officially release their update(s) - server admins would only have to
 go to the various plugin websites and grab the new version after doing
 the update and be up and running again quickly.

 I'm sure this would cut back on time needed for support and
 discussions like this as well - in the end possibly saving you both
 hassle and money + having happy customers which doesn't hurt. ;)

 I think there have been similar discussions like this going on for
 ages. I noticed the same thing has just started at the linux mail-list
 as well with basically the same concept of pre-releasing updates a few
 days in advance being suggested. Maybe its time for valve to take this
 seriously and look into the possibility if this have not been done

 I'd be very grateful if Alfred or someone could give us some comments
 on this. NOTE: not on the concept of checking that it works etc -
 but on the possibility of having a pre-release system.

 - TeX.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
 Sent: 27. august 2006 17:17
 Subject: RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released
 Importance: Low

 Yes, it is true that Valve is under no obligation to notify third
 party plug-in providers about anything they are doing... it may make
 reasonable sense to reasonable people, but nothing is forcing Valve to
 do so.  On the other hand... no company can survive if their customers
 are repeatedly subject to loss of whatever service that company
 provides... be it disruption in product performance or in the supply
 chain.  Valve appears to have the supply chain issued locked-up in
 that you automatically get the updates or (in the case of servers) are
 forced to download the updates or face loosing your listing however;
 the service side of the equation is perceived to be a failure by a
 fair percentage of server admins.  Perhaps this is unfair to Valve,
 but it is the general perception and perception trumps reality every time.
 It is an established fact that without servers there is no game and
 most servers are running mods and plug-ins and these products wouldn't
 exist unless there was a valid measurable need for them.  For Valve to
 imply that the problems caused by their updates (which are not
 optional, are strictly the responsibility of the third party
 providers, is for Valve to turn it's back on it's own installed
 customer base.  This is never a good thing.
 I sometimes wonder why we play this game... what's the point really?
 But then again, why do people bowl or play golf or tennis... these are
 all games that people play for enjoyment... just like we do.  The only
 difference is that we use a computer and they use a ball, or a club,
 or a racket.  So what if every time AMF made an improvement to their
 bowling machines all bowling centers no longer worked... of if they
 improved their tennis rackets all the tennis courts in the world
 stopped working or made a change to their golf clubs all the golf
 courses closed for a week? This would never be tolerated and I doubt
 that AMF would try to blame these problems on the way people were
 attempting to use their products... even if it were true.
 It is absolutely true that the plug-in makers are responsible for
 altering their code to accommodate changes Valve makes... that fact is
 not in question.  Several on this list have made reasonable
 suggestions as to how Valve could easily avoid all the problems for
 their customers by either making 

RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
No problem.  ogsWatcher allows you to configure and run as many games as
your machine can handle.  You can mix both mods and engines.  The sample
config in the install shows exactly that scenario - the first GameConfig is
for DOD Source, and the second one is for CS 1.6, on the hlds engine.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I just
realized something I should have thought of before I started... My server
runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1 Valve.  Will
this present a problem?

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is available
for download.

You can read more about it here:


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please visit:

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[hlds] Rcon Stats

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
I am trying to nail down the exact meaning of the rcon stats response.

If someone knows where this might be documented, a link would be

Here's what I have gathered so far - please correct my assumptions, if

CPU:  snap shot of current total CPU utilization on system.  There was a
thread on this a long time ago where Whisper was questioning what this datum
really means.  Was that ever resolved?

In:  total number of inbound packets (?) since start up

Out:  total number of outbound packets(?) since start up

Uptime:  running time, in minutes(?) since start up

Users:  I have no idea

FPS:  snapshot of server FPS

Players: snapshot of number of players, including specs and bots, on the

Any guidance would be appreciated.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I just
realized something I should have thought of before I started... My server
runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1 Valve.  Will
this present a problem?

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is available
for download.

You can read more about it here:


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RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
This is a tough issue, on both sides.  Both Adam and Alfred make good
points, in defense of Valve - however, it would be interesting to hear from
the developers of such mods as Mani as to why they chose not to use the
documented SDK in the development of some features within their
applications.  It's clear to me, for example, that the author of the Mani
mod has his wits about him - so simply attributing his design decisions to
laziness or bad practice might be a bit facile.  Is there something he
needed to do that forced him to use hard-coded offsets?  Do the features he
developed pre-date the implementation of better support in a subsequent SDK

One thing I completely agree with is that there is a very important, if
unconscious, symbiotic relationship between Valve and the developers of
tools such as Mani.  The wide acceptance and use of these tools speaks to a
need in the gaming community that is not fulfilled by Valve directly.  This
is not a criticism, Valve does what they do quite well.   But for thousands
of players, Mani Mod makes the game more enjoyable and helps control
unwelcome behaviour.

Nevertheless, a bit of coordination with major admin-mod developers (of
which there are probably very few) leading up to the release of an update
might go a ways to making the upgrade transition smoother.  To the credit of
admin-mod developers like Mani, they are very quick to test and adjust to

I am curious - to what extent and how do most admins go about testing Valve
updates before turning them up on their production server(s)?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released


-Original Message-
From: [DumB]TeXas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 12:27 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

I don't think you have read what I said though Adam, I haven't said they
have any legal obligations and I haven't said that _they_ should make sure
things works with their updates.

What I suggested was that they do more of an effort to help the developers
to debug their own plugins before updates go official - by for an example
providing a test environment such as an update they can apply a few days
before the release. This way the _developers of the 3rd party plugins_ can
do their job and get it working with the new updates. This should only mean
extending the time before a new update by a few days which doesn't matter
when it comes to cosmetic updates such as this one.

If anything, this goes under a moral obligation, to help all the people out
there putting time, money and effort into running their games on servers and
developing 3rd party plugins that makes their games playable - such as
proper admin tools.

TeX. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Sando
Sent: 25. august 2006 05:38
Subject: RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

Just remember Tex, Valve have no legal or moral obligations to provide
support or compatibility with any 3rd party plugins not written by Valve.
Valve try to make their updates as flawless as possible, however they are
not able to make sure that every infinite combination of plugins work
together. Not unless you want 1 update per year perhaps? ;)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [DumB]TeXas
Sent: Friday, 25 August 2006 1:03 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

Some of the metamod plugis appears not to be working - and my little rant
there still stands regardless. Not that anyone cares about it. I just don't
think I am the only one that is a 'tad' sick of updates breaking everything
from a to z - and tbh there could be more effort to prevent it than there is
today. Oh well...

Server with v1.2 beta and the new gametypes.txt, on a windows 2003 server
machine seems to work like a charm though. Cheers! :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Albiniak
Sent: 25. august 2006 04:50
Subject: Re: [hlds] Counter-Strike: Source update released

please let me know if your server stays up without a crash for more than
2 rounds or 60 minutes. ours isn't, even without mani. :(

On 8/24/06, Link Pankratz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just as an addendum to my last post, the slay command *does* work with

 the new gametypes.txt but I have *not* tested everything else. I have
 also not experienced the server dying with the player.


 [DumB]TeXas wrote:
  Well 1.1.0zi does 'work', as in; it will start and everything will
appear to
  be working - admin menu works and most

RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
No problem.  As well - there is a support forum at

For direct mail questions:  gearbox(at)oathill(dot)com is better than the
hotmail account that I use for this list.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

Thanks... I guess it's wise to take any further questions I may have
directly to you rather than this list.  I've sent you an email.  Thanks
again for all your efforts.

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

No problem.  ogsWatcher allows you to configure and run as many games as
your machine can handle.  You can mix both mods and engines.  The sample
config in the install shows exactly that scenario - the first GameConfig is
for DOD Source, and the second one is for CS 1.6, on the hlds engine.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I just
realized something I should have thought of before I started... My server
runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1 Valve.
this present a problem?

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is available
for download.

You can read more about it here:


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RE: [hlds] Rcon Stats

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
Thanks Whisper -

Not quite sure how to search for old threads - pointers appreciated.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Rcon Stats

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Frazer we had a thread
about this a while ago.

One of the numbers is not what you think it is.

I started it iirc, so have a look, I think I asked the same question you did
and we did get and answer from Alfred

On 8/25/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to nail down the exact meaning of the rcon stats response.

 If someone knows where this might be documented, a link would be

 Here's what I have gathered so far - please correct my assumptions, if

 CPU:  snap shot of current total CPU utilization on system.  There was
 a thread on this a long time ago where Whisper was questioning what
 this datum really means.  Was that ever resolved?

 In:  total number of inbound packets (?) since start up

 Out:  total number of outbound packets(?) since start up

 Uptime:  running time, in minutes(?) since start up

 Users:  I have no idea

 FPS:  snapshot of server FPS

 Players: snapshot of number of players, including specs and bots, on
 the server

 Any guidance would be appreciated.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

 I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I
 just realized something I should have thought of before I started...
 My server runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1
 Valve.  Will this present a problem?

 -Original Message-
 From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
 Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

 ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is
 available for download.

 You can read more about it here:


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 please visit:

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RE: [hlds] Rcon Stats

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
I found this thread and Alfred's response - so I understand CPU now:

RE: [hlds] Re: What does RCON STATS CPU Really mean?

Still uncertain of the others.  Was there a thread that explained these?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Rcon Stats

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Frazer we had a thread
about this a while ago.

One of the numbers is not what you think it is.

I started it iirc, so have a look, I think I asked the same question you did
and we did get and answer from Alfred

On 8/25/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to nail down the exact meaning of the rcon stats response.

 If someone knows where this might be documented, a link would be

 Here's what I have gathered so far - please correct my assumptions, if

 CPU:  snap shot of current total CPU utilization on system.  There was
 a thread on this a long time ago where Whisper was questioning what
 this datum really means.  Was that ever resolved?

 In:  total number of inbound packets (?) since start up

 Out:  total number of outbound packets(?) since start up

 Uptime:  running time, in minutes(?) since start up

 Users:  I have no idea

 FPS:  snapshot of server FPS

 Players: snapshot of number of players, including specs and bots, on
 the server

 Any guidance would be appreciated.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

 I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I
 just realized something I should have thought of before I started...
 My server runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1
 Valve.  Will this present a problem?

 -Original Message-
 From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
 Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

 ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is
 available for download.

 You can read more about it here:


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 please visit:

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RE: [hlds] Rcon Stats

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
Yup and thanks to all - and thanks for the fishing lesson, versus the fish


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Rcon Stats

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Yeah thats the one

On 8/26/06, Hell Phoenix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Converted text/html to text/plain ][1]
 and I think this is the thread you were looking for?
 Frazer wrote:

 Thanks Whisper -

 Not quite sure how to search for old threads - pointers appreciated.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Rcon Stats

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Frazer we had a
 thread about this a while ago.

 One of the numbers is not what you think it is.

 I started it iirc, so have a look, I think I asked the same question
 you did and we did get and answer from Alfred

 On 8/25/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED][6] wrote:

 I am trying to nail down the exact meaning of the rcon stats response.

 If someone knows where this might be documented, a link would be

 Here's what I have gathered so far - please correct my assumptions, if

 CPU:  snap shot of current total CPU utilization on system.  There was
 a thread on this a long time ago where Whisper was questioning what
 this datum really means.  Was that ever resolved?

 In:  total number of inbound packets (?) since start up

 Out:  total number of outbound packets(?) since start up

 Uptime:  running time, in minutes(?) since start up

 Users:  I have no idea

 FPS:  snapshot of server FPS

 Players: snapshot of number of players, including specs and bots, on
 the server

 Any guidance would be appreciated.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

 I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I
 just realized something I should have thought of before I started...
 My server runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1
 Valve.  Will this present a problem?

 -Original Message-
 From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
 Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

 ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is
 available for download.[12]

 You can read more about it here:


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 please visit:[14]

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 please visit:[15]

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   3. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 please visit

RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

2006-08-25 Thread Frazer
Enclose it in xml comment tags, thus:

!--  CVar Name=sv_password Value=secret /  --


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

I do... I do...

But, please look into restoring the BestowAmazingPowers tag... I would
save me money on my next hardware upgrade. :)

One more question... how do I differentiate between commands and comments in
the config file.  I thought I understood how but for some reason I can't
eliminate the password cvar.  I could just delete the line but I want to
comment it out instead.

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 11:59 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

Sadly no - had too much trouble figuring out the Windows Miraculous Behavior
API  and had to remove the BestowAmazingPowers tag from the configs.
you like it though.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 12:51 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

Am I crazy or does ogsWatcher actually make your server run better?  How can
that be?  I installed ogsWatcher this morning... followed the setup
instructions... started the service... and everything worked perfectly.
The server runs better than ever.  I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

No problem.  ogsWatcher allows you to configure and run as many games as
your machine can handle.  You can mix both mods and engines.  The sample
config in the install shows exactly that scenario - the first GameConfig is
for DOD Source, and the second one is for CS 1.6, on the hlds engine.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

I've dnloaded ogsWatcher and I've installing it on my server but I just
realized something I should have thought of before I started... My server
runs two instances of hl... one DoD Src and one standard hl1 Valve.
this present a problem?

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is available
for download.

You can read more about it here:


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RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

2006-08-24 Thread Frazer
Yes, that is precisely what ogsWatcher is designed to do.  You can still
configure your games with your existing .cfg files.  ogsWatcher will just
run your games as background processes, watch them and make sure they are
restarted instantly, if they fail.  ogsWatcher can, itself, be configured
for automatic recovery, as any other Windows service can.  Stopping
ogsWatcher will also stop all of your game servers gracefully (closing logs)
- which is a useful convenience for periodic maintenance (stats, checking
for updates, etc.)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roman Hatsiev
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

Sounds interesting. Maybe I'll give it a shot, just one small question
before that. I'm pretty happy with the way my servers are configured now and
I'm only interested in something that would run my servers in background
(without remote desktop session) and monitor them restarting as necessary,
i.e. no alternative ways of configuring. I wonder if this can be done with
your tool?



On 24/08/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is
 available for download.

 You can read more about it here:


 To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives,
please visit:

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please visit:

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RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

2006-08-24 Thread Frazer
Yes it does - it was initially designed for the Source engine - so supports
DOD Source, CounterStrike Source and HL2 Deathmatch.  Support for hlds (gold
engine) support was only recently added - which now provides support for CS
1.6, etc etc.  I would suggest downloading the documentation file for a more
complete description.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Luna
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

Sorry if this question has been asked before but... Does ogsWatcher support
DoD src (hl2)?  I read the links and they only mentioned the original DoD

-Original Message-
From: Frazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is available
for download.

You can read more about it here:


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[hlds] ogsWatcher now Supports HLDS

2006-08-23 Thread Frazer
ogsWatcher 1.0.7, now with support for the hlds game engine, is available
for download.

You can read more about it here:


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RE: [hlds] Bz2 compression

2006-08-23 Thread Frazer
There are a number of clever ways that this has been automated and I am sure
others can point you in the right direction.  The simplest method is to
download the free bzip2 from wherever it lurks and bzip your map files
manually.  Your bzipped maps go in your sv_download directory.  The file
names are the same, except with the .bz2 suffix ADDED to the end.

e.g.  dod_churchyard_b5.bsp.bz2

That's all you need.

I have run hlstatsx and hl2mp - works okay.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:49 PM
Subject: [hlds] Bz2 compression


I remeber Frazer recommending compressing the maps in Bz2 format for faster
downloading but I can't find any information on how to do that.


Also is anyone running HLStatsX and HL2MP?

Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
00 (+354) 693 2062_
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]; _www.eleanetwork.com_

This communication is solely intended for the addressee, it may be
confidential and it is not for third party distribution.

Chris Bass wrote:
 Problem with satellite connections is latency of them. Most satellite
 providers when you request a webpage (for example) download the entire
 page to their servers and then send it to you in one big chunk. It
 would be like USPS giving you a bigger mail box but only sending your
 mail every 2 days. For most people, that works great but when your
 waiting for something right now (like game packet since all the data
 in there is time specific) it really stinks. I doubt your gong to be
 able to pull it off even with messing with rates but it doesn't hurt to

 kyle wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] What type of
 Internet do you have now and who's your provider.

 I have heard the same thing about satellite Internet,  it just cant
 push a constant steam of packets enough in order to hold the
 connection for online gaming.

 But ill do some research and see if I can't find out if theres a way
 to get it done.

 I have a 26 slot DOD server in LA ca.  You can try to connect to it
 and maybe theres other things we can do to get your pings down to
 were you can at least play a little.

 Try setting your rates in your config.cfg  to the following.

 Rate  3000 to 5000  you may want to try lower like around 2500. I'm
 not sure how low you can go.
 Cl_updaterate 10 or 20  don't go any lower then 10.
 Cl_cmdrate 10 to 20  don't go any lower then 10.

 Also you might want to disable all of the other things that lower FPS
 too just incase you are able to connect and play some.
 Heres my servers IP address

 Good luck I know it sucks not to be able to play such an awesome game.
 I been addicted for 6 years.

 ---Original Message---

 From: Pit Gee
 Date: 08/22/06 22:45:56
 Subject: [hlds] Is it possible to play day of defeat on a satellite

 I've heard first person shooters weren't doable on satellite
 internet due to latency but I've also seen some claim that it can be
 done.  I've moved out in the boondocks and was pretty much resigned
 to no dod or any other games, however every once and a while I really
 get the urge to play.
 What a
 great game!  The server screen indicates pings of 500 plus and I
 usually can't even log on to a server.  Presumably they have the
 pings requirements set lower.  I'm wondering if there is anything I
 can do about this or if there is anyone who has a list of servers
 with less stringent ping requirements.  Every once and a while I just
 really get the urge to play.

 Are there tweaks I could use to reduce my ping time or am I pretty
 much stuck at about 6 seconds of delay for the uplink?  I'd even
 settle for spectating a game every once and a while if I can't play
 but I can't seem to even get on to a server at all.  The nuclear servers seem to all kick me or rather not let me on.
 I'm not sure of this server host now dominates most servers or if it
 is just that silly kind of lagging message bug that seems to occur in
 the server host window.

 I wonder what ever happened to that internet over the power lines
 technology they used to talk about so much?

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[hlds] Enlisting Testers...

2006-08-22 Thread Frazer
I have almost completed HLDS (e.g. CS 1.6) support for ogsWatcher - and I am
looking for admins who may be interested in helping me test and refine some
things, for example command line parameters for startup etc..  I am mostly
familiar with running srcds and hence would appreciate some help beyond the
basic testing I have been able to complete so far.

If you are interested, please contact me off-list at
gearbox(at)oathill(dot)com  Information about ogsWatcher can be found here:

Also - I am familiar with how to run a higher FPS Source server - but I am
not entirely sure the extent to which this is supported and how to go about
it with hlds - can someone point me in the direction of some docs on this?
Googled my eyes out to no avail.

Muchos nachos.


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RE: [hlds] Enlisting Testers...

2006-08-22 Thread Frazer

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ryan Brady
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Enlisting Testers...

fps_max / sys_ticrate

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:18 AM
Subject: [hlds] Enlisting Testers...

 I have almost completed HLDS (e.g. CS 1.6) support for ogsWatcher -
 and I
 looking for admins who may be interested in helping me test and refine
 things, for example command line parameters for startup etc..  I am
 mostly familiar with running srcds and hence would appreciate some
 help beyond
 basic testing I have been able to complete so far.

 If you are interested, please contact me off-list at
 gearbox(at)oathill(dot)com  Information about ogsWatcher can be found

 Also - I am familiar with how to run a higher FPS Source server - but
 I am not entirely sure the extent to which this is supported and how
 to go
 it with hlds - can someone point me in the direction of some docs on this?
 Googled my eyes out to no avail.

 Muchos nachos.


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RE: [hlds] Enlisting Testers...

2006-08-22 Thread Frazer
Thanks for the info...

Is there a link somewhere that has the definitive list of hlds command line


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Ottalini
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Enlisting Testers...

HLDS needs two parameters to support higher server FPS:

commandline (highest settings):
+fps_max 1000.0 +sys_ticrate 1000.0

Higher fps on HLDS can help smooth out network usage as well as give
smoother game play (but does use a lot more CPU).
A setting of 1000 will typically give a actual max FPS of ~512.

Also, single instance HLDS runs best at priority High whereas SRCDS runs
best at priority AboveNormal

HLDS also works well with the commandline VAC port setting:
-sport 2690x

I also typically add these two launch parameters:
+condebug -noipx


- Original Message -
From: Frazer
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:18 AM
Subject: [hlds] Enlisting Testers...

I have almost completed HLDS (e.g. CS 1.6) support for ogsWatcher - and
I am  looking for admins who may be interested in helping me test and
refine  some  things, for example command line parameters for startup
etc..  I am mostly  familiar with running srcds and hence would
appreciate some help beyond  the  basic testing I have been able to
complete so far.

 If you are interested, please contact me off-list at
 gearbox(at)oathill(dot)com  Information about ogsWatcher can be found

 Also - I am familiar with how to run a higher FPS Source server - but
 I am not entirely sure the extent to which this is supported and how
 to go about it with hlds - can someone point me in the direction of
 some docs on this?
 Googled my eyes out to no avail.

 Muchos nachos.


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RE: [hlds] HLSW stopped picking up my server

2006-08-21 Thread Frazer
It has always seemed to me that this ceaseless and pointless religious war
seems to be mostly sustained by one side and endured by the other.

The extent to which a vocal subset of the linux community seems to be feel
so threatened by Windows that they feel it necessary to lash out at whenever
an opportunity affords itself  (and often when it doesn't) never ceases to
amaze and amuse me.  It's just an O/S - it's NOT your sister and no one is
trying to pork her.

If *ix is working for you - then good on ya, mate.  Live long and prosper.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kyle
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:28 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] HLSW stopped picking up my server

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Theres a good reason people diss winblows.It sucks badly.

You can ask any linux server provider why they use linux distros.
Because linux works at a higher level of performance while the CPU stays at
a lower level of usage, not bottleknecked like windows does.

But of course, if you take a win2003 server with a higher CPU and more ram
it can run just as well as a linux box can on a lower quality CPU and lower

I have never seen a windows box out perform any fedora box with the same
specs unless you tweak the quantums in the windows server.

---Original Message---

From: Ook
Date: 08/20/06 21:00:32
Subject: Re: [hlds] HLSW stopped picking up my server

I had to restart Winbloze. Linux is looking better and better every day.
Turn on my primary workstation, and I says something about
c:\windows\system32\config is missing or corrupt and windows won't start,
thank you for using Microsoft products. I had to boot to linux ( I have 3
OSs on the box) and restore my winbloze installation, fortunately I had a

I find this somewhat disturbing. No messages in the event log. Restarted
srcds, restarted hlsw. Won't connect. Restart winbloze and now it works.

- Original Message -
From: Chorizo Omelet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:44 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] HLSW stopped picking up my server

 Not this exact issue, but I did finally figure out a problem I was
 having during map changes - where everyone else was connected to my
 server but me!

 The problem turned out to be an older hardware firewall, which only
 had half-duplex on the wan port!  I had a dual firewall setup to
 create a wireless dmz and the inner firewall was the older pos.

 Anyway, not to sure this helps you really, but you may have a similar
 problem with some older network equipment?

 Good luck.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ook
 Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:40 PM
 Subject: [hlds] HLSW stopped picking up my server

 I'm currently running a srcds HL1 dedicated server, works fine, people
 pile in all the time (not that I have much competition, LOL). Problem
 - out of the blue, hlsw no longer sees the server.  Connection fails.
 It worked this morning, it stopped sometime during the day. Restarted
 server, restarted hlsw. No config changes. Nothing in event log.
 Anyone ever see this before?

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RE: [hlds] Maps not downloading

2006-08-18 Thread Frazer
(My previous posting was missing some text at the beginning, here is the
full version)

You may have already covered most of this ground, but for completeness, I
have tried to capture all the steps.  Here is how I set up sv_download on a
Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.

First, create a directory somewhere for your downloads.  For example:

Select the directory in explorer, right-click and select Web Sharing.
Select the web site you want share the directory on.  Usually, the Default
Web Site is fine.

Press the Add button to create an IIS virtual directory and alias name.

Enter svdl for the Alias name.  Ensure Read access is selected and that
Scripts is selected for Application Permissions.  Press OK twice.

Open up the IIS Management console.

Select the new svdl virtual directory in the tree view under Default Web
Site (or wherever you put it).  View the properties for the virtual

Go to the Directory Security tab.  Press the Edit... button in the
Authentication and access control section - and select Enable anonymous
access.  Leave Integrated Windows Authentication checked - no other options
should be checked.  Press OK

Go to the HTTP Headers tab.  Press the MIME Types... button.  Add the
following MIME types:

Extension:  .ain  MIME Type: application
Extension:   .bsp MIME Type: application
Extension:  .bz2 MIME Type: application   (this last one for compressed

Not sure if it is necessary - but an IISRESET at this stage eases the nerves
of us paranoids.

Create the following sub-directory structure within your svdl directory.
(assuming D:\svdl):


Assuming you use the above structure, place your game maps in the
appropriate game map directory.  From this point forward, I will assume you
are working with hl2dm.  Your maps should all have the extension .bsp (or
.bsp.bz2, if they are compressed with bzip2.  - recommended - and yes, you
must specify the entire bsp.bz2).

Make sure you have files, with matching names, for all the maps in your

In the server.cfg file for your game, specify the following two CVars:

sv_allowdownload 1
sv_downloadurl http://yourwebserver.woot/svdl/dod/;


If you are using ogsWatcher, specify the following CVar tags, in the
CVars section of your game config:

  CVar Name=sv_allowdownload Value=1  /
  CVar Name=sv_downloadurl
Value=http://yourwebserver.woot/svdl/dod/; /


Start your game server in your preferred fashion.  Map downloading should be

To test: changelevel your server to some custom map that your game client PC
does not have.  Connect and see if it downloads.

Hope this helps.


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RE: [hlds] Maps not downloading

2006-08-18 Thread Frazer

Should have read:

...From this point forward, I will assume you are working with dod

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 8:59 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Maps not downloading

(My previous posting was missing some text at the beginning, here is the
full version)

You may have already covered most of this ground, but for completeness, I
have tried to capture all the steps.  Here is how I set up sv_download on a
Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.

First, create a directory somewhere for your downloads.  For example:

--- snip ---

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RE: [hlds] Server invisible

2006-08-17 Thread Frazer
Ah - good catch Roman - forgot all about the MIME stuff!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roman Hatsiev
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server invisible

Well, actually 404 means object not found and is does not have to do
anything with DNS. Speaking of sv_downloadurl, the most common problem of
404 on IIS6 is that all file extensions must be listed in MIME map.
IIS6 will not serve files with unknown extensions otherwise. See the
following article for more details:


On 17/08/06, Edward Luna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get an HTTP 404 error (usually DNS) when I attempt to connect to
 that site.

 -Original Message-
 From: LDuke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server invisible


 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I don't see any files

 On 8/16/06, Valdimar Kristjansson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Finally the server is up and running and I've had my first visitors.
  It seems that it was enough to open port 27015.
  Now I wanted to get some new maps for the players on my server and
  downloaded a mappack from fileplanet.
  I extracted all the multiplayer maps into my maps folder and edited
  my mapcycle file.
  Now everytime people try to connect they get the error: missing map
  mapname. Disconnecting.
  I put sv_download to 1 and my downloadurl to which is a folder I created under
  website root and thus should be open for downloads.
  What else do I need to do?
  Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
  00 (+354) 693 2062_
  This communication is solely intended for the addressee, it may be
  confidential and it is not for third party distribution.
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RE: [hlds] Maps not downloading

2006-08-17 Thread Frazer
Select the web site you want share the directory on.  Usually, the Default
Web Site is fine.

Press the Add button to create an IIS virtual directory and alias name.

Enter svdl for the Alias name.  Ensure Read access is selected and that
Scripts is selected for Application Permissions.  Press OK twice.

Open up the IIS Management console.

Select the new svdl virtual directory in the tree view under Default Web
Site (or wherever you put it).  View the properties for the virtual

Go to the Directory Security tab.  Press the Edit... button in the
Authentication and access control section - and select Enable anonymous
access.  Leave Integrated Windows Authentication checked - no other options
should be checked.  Press OK

Go to the HTTP Headers tab.  Press the MIME Types... button.  Add the
following MIME types:

Extension:  .ain  MIME Type: application
Extension:   .bsp MIME Type: application
Extension:  .bz2 MIME Type: application   (this last one for compressed

Not sure if it is necessary - but an IISRESET at this stage eases the nerves
of us paranoids.

Create the following sub-directory structure within your svdl directory.
(assuming D:\svdl):


This is largely a matter of preference - but whatever structure and
convention you use, you need to be consistent with your sv_download cvar

Assuming you use the above structure, place your game maps in the
appropriate game map directory.  From this point forward, I will assume you
are working with hl2dm.  Your maps should all have the extension .bsp (or
bsp.bz2, if they are compressed with bzip2.  - recommended - and yes, you
must specify the entire bsp.bz2).

Make sure you have files, with matching names, for all the maps in your

In the server.cfg file for your game, specify the following two CVars:

sv_allowdownload 1
sv_downloadurl http://yourwebserver.woot/svdl/dod/;


If you are using ogsWatcher, specify the following CVar tags, in the
CVars section of your game config:

  CVar Name=sv_allowdownload Value=1  /
  CVar Name=sv_downloadurl
Value=http://yourwebserver.woot/svdl/dod/; /


Start your game server in your preferred fashion.  Map downloading should be

To test: changelevel your server to some custom map that your game client PC
does not have.  Connect and see if it downloads.

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Maps not downloading

I even tried adding .* to the MIME but no luck

Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
00 (+354) 693 2062_
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]; _www.eleanetwork.com_

This communication is solely intended for the addressee, it may be
confidential and it is not for third party distribution.

Valdimar Kristjansson wrote:
 Thanks for the link Ian, but nothing in there is new to me and it's
 still not working.

 I added .bsp , .ain and .bz2 to the MIME types in IIS and now the
 address works in IE/FF e.g. but the game still
 refuses to connect.

 This is the error I get:
 Missing map Maps/dm_agora.bsp disconnected (why is it referring to the
 maps folder instead of HLmaps?)

 It's strange though that when I try to connect the progressbar moves
 beyond the bsp file and stops on the .ain file.
 Also all the ain files are 1 kb and all of them seem to contain only
 #, is that ok?

 From what I've been reading from the forums it seems that this
 sv_downloadurl isn't neccessary except for if you want to download the
 maps from somewhere else than your server. I have all of the maps on
 my server and this new address is on the same server as the game
 server. It doesn't even work to download them without the
 sv_downloadurl so I'm wondering if this is still a port problem. Could
 it be that maps and such are sent through another port than 27015?

 I just tried disabling sv_allowdownload, sv_allowUpload and
 sv_downloadurl and the progressbar still seems to start the download
 as before, although with the same consequences (the progressbar label
 also says it's downloading a bz2 file but I don't have any of those).

 Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
 00 (+354) 693 2062_

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RE: [hlds] Server invisible

2006-08-16 Thread Frazer  yields a 404 status.  Your virtual
directory is not configured properly or there are no files in it with names
that correspond to the names of your game maps.

A good way to test that all is well is to set up your IIS vdir - and
temporarily enable the Directory browsing checkbox on the vdir properties
- then attempt to browse to it with the browser of your choice.  If you get
a directory listing of your map files, you are good to go.  Remember to turn
off directory browsing.

One very player-friendly thing to do is to bzip all of the maps within your
map vdir.  (your map vdir should NOT be your game map directory).  This
substantially reduces the length of time it takes for players to download
new maps.  You can find a free download of bzip2 somewhere in Googlespace.
There are all sorts of clever ways out there for automating the bzip process
for new maps - but I just drag and drop a copy of the map to be bzipped on
the bzip2 executable - and it automatically does the job and deletes the
original file.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:01 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server invisible

Finally the server is up and running and I've had my first visitors.
It seems that it was enough to open port 27015.

Now I wanted to get some new maps for the players on my server and so I
downloaded a mappack from fileplanet.
I extracted all the multiplayer maps into my maps folder and edited my
mapcycle file.

Now everytime people try to connect they get the error: missing map
mapname. Disconnecting.

I put sv_download to 1 and my downloadurl to which is a folder I created under my
website root and thus should be open for downloads.

What else do I need to do?

Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
00 (+354) 693 2062_
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]; _www.eleanetwork.com_

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confidential and it is not for third party distribution.

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RE: [hlds] Server invisible

2006-08-16 Thread Frazer
Directory browsing (on IIS servers, in any event) is not required for
sv_download vdirs.  At least, its turned off on my map vdir and it works OK
for me.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Williams
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server invisible

you don't see them as i suspect that he has directory listing turned off.

What need to be done is some reading up on sv_downloadurl on the net and in
the list archives. this is an old topic and if it's just basic setup you
need help with you will find all you need with out having to ask for it. I
remember that when i set my http d/l server up for my game server it was a
pain. took me a week to get it right.

there will be all the info i gathere from that experience in the list
archives. they will be dated about march time.

hope you find what you need if you get really stuck start a new thread about

LDuke wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I don't see any files

 On 8/16/06, Valdimar Kristjansson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Finally the server is up and running and I've had my first visitors.
 It seems that it was enough to open port 27015.

 Now I wanted to get some new maps for the players on my server and so
 I downloaded a mappack from fileplanet.
 I extracted all the multiplayer maps into my maps folder and edited
 my mapcycle file.

 Now everytime people try to connect they get the error: missing map
 mapname. Disconnecting.

 I put sv_download to 1 and my downloadurl to which is a folder I created under
 my website root and thus should be open for downloads.

 What else do I need to do?

 Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
 00 (+354) 693 2062_

 This communication is solely intended for the addressee, it may be
 confidential and it is not for third party distribution.

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RE: [hlds] Server invisible

2006-08-16 Thread Frazer
IIS will send a page as follows when Directory browsing is disabled:

Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

Not a 404


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Williams
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server invisible

i know this but why give us a link to check it when it's gonna turn round
and say you can't do that? that's why i suggested he turned it on.
i did with mine while i was setting it up just so i could make doubley sure
the files where there. helps if you try the settings on a testing server too
i always do that.

Frazer wrote:
 Directory browsing (on IIS servers, in any event) is not required for
 sv_download vdirs.  At least, its turned off on my map vdir and it
 works OK for me.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Williams
 Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Server invisible

 you don't see them as i suspect that he has directory listing turned off.

 What need to be done is some reading up on sv_downloadurl on the net
 and in the list archives. this is an old topic and if it's just basic
 setup you need help with you will find all you need with out having to
 ask for it. I remember that when i set my http d/l server up for my
 game server it was a pain. took me a week to get it right.

 there will be all the info i gathere from that experience in the list
 archives. they will be dated about march time.

 hope you find what you need if you get really stuck start a new thread
 about it.

 LDuke wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I don't see any
 files at

 On 8/16/06, Valdimar Kristjansson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Finally the server is up and running and I've had my first visitors.
 It seems that it was enough to open port 27015.

 Now I wanted to get some new maps for the players on my server and
 so I downloaded a mappack from fileplanet.
 I extracted all the multiplayer maps into my maps folder and edited
 my mapcycle file.

 Now everytime people try to connect they get the error: missing map
 mapname. Disconnecting.

 I put sv_download to 1 and my downloadurl to which is a folder I created under
 my website root and thus should be open for downloads.

 What else do I need to do?

 Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
 00 (+354) 693 2062_

 This communication is solely intended for the addressee, it may be
 confidential and it is not for third party distribution.

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 archives, please visit:


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RE: [hlds] Server invisible

2006-08-14 Thread Frazer
If you have local access to the server, you can check by running the game
server instance with a visible console window, as follows.  This will NOT
work over Terminal Services, since the console will not show up on remote
connections. (If someone can explain why this is the case, I would
appreciate it).

1.  Set the ShowSrcdsConsoleWindow attribute to True in the GameConfig
element for your server instance.

2.  Ensure that the ogsWatcher Service properties allow it to interact with
the desktop.  Open the service properties for ogs Watcher Service and select
the Log On tab.  Ensure you have Local System account selected and that
the Allow service to interact with the desktop checkbox is checked.

When you start ogsWatcher and it spins up your game server instance, you
should see its console window on your desktop.

If you have to use remote access, then you can install a tool like HLSW,
enter the IP and port of your server and see if HLSW finds and hooks up with
your game instance on the expected endpoint.

If you use specify the IPAddress and Port in your GameConfig and the game
instance runs, then you are pretty well assured it is running on that


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 10:57 AM
Subject: [hlds] Server invisible

Well I downloaded Steam at another location and looked for my server.
It's not coming up in the server list and if I add it to the favorites list
I get a server is not responding message.

I asked my hosting company to open up port 27015 (TCP/UDP) and they said it
was done.

Is there anything else that I can tell them to do so that my server will
come up in the list?

I'm now using ogsWatcher to start my server and I think it's assigned to
27015 (how can I check it?)

  00 is not a country code. It is used for as a prefix for making foreign
phone calls in Iceland +354 is the country code for Iceland.

   Valdimar Kristjánsson
  mobile : +354-6932062

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[hlds] Questions about ogsWatcher

2006-08-14 Thread Frazer
I am delighted to answer any and all questions about ogsWatcher - however I
am concerned that these may not be of interest to all participants on this
list.  I have set up a support forum at and
watch that on a regular basis for questions and such.

In respect to the other participants of this list, perhaps we should move
questions specifically related to ogsWatcher to that venue?

Once again, I appreciate all who are trying it out and will support you as
best I can.


p.s.  - To those who have asked:  I am working on support for CS 1.6 (HLDS)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 12:22 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server invisible

If you have local access to the server, you can check by running the game
server instance with a visible console window, as follows.  This will NOT
work over Terminal Services, since the console will not show up on remote
connections. (If someone can explain why this is the case, I would
appreciate it).

1.  Set the ShowSrcdsConsoleWindow attribute to True in the GameConfig
element for your server instance.

2.  Ensure that the ogsWatcher Service properties allow it to interact with
the desktop.  Open the service properties for ogs Watcher Service and select
the Log On tab.  Ensure you have Local System account selected and that
the Allow service to interact with the desktop checkbox is checked.

When you start ogsWatcher and it spins up your game server instance, you
should see its console window on your desktop.

If you have to use remote access, then you can install a tool like HLSW,
enter the IP and port of your server and see if HLSW finds and hooks up with
your game instance on the expected endpoint.

If you use specify the IPAddress and Port in your GameConfig and the game
instance runs, then you are pretty well assured it is running on that


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 10:57 AM
Subject: [hlds] Server invisible

Well I downloaded Steam at another location and looked for my server.
It's not coming up in the server list and if I add it to the favorites list
I get a server is not responding message.

I asked my hosting company to open up port 27015 (TCP/UDP) and they said it
was done.

Is there anything else that I can tell them to do so that my server will
come up in the list?

I'm now using ogsWatcher to start my server and I think it's assigned to
27015 (how can I check it?)

  00 is not a country code. It is used for as a prefix for making foreign
phone calls in Iceland +354 is the country code for Iceland.

   Valdimar Kristjánsson
  mobile : +354-6932062

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RE: [hlds] Server invisible

2006-08-14 Thread Frazer
Good tip, Adam - thanks!

From the run command box:  mstsc /console

Log in as local admin (or whatever) and voila - there is the srcds console



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Sando
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server invisible

Also, worth noting that I believe you can terminal into the servers console
directly, by starting the MSTSC client using the following syntax:

Mstsc.exe /console

You can then enter your IP, and you should be able to get straight to the
console. I believe you can also use the shadow command to swap to different
sessions, however I don't have too much experience with this.

Not sure if my post is related to the topic at all...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dustin Tuft
Sent: Tuesday, 15 August 2006 7:33 AM
To: Frazer
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server invisible

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] It's pretty simple,
terminal server is emulation, not the local console. That being said, a HL
console started on the Windows local console will not show up on a terminal
service session.  Now if you were to start the HL server in your terminal
server session then that terminal session has the access HL console window,
and if you click on the X and leave the Session running, your HL console
stays running as well.

Dustin Tuft

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: RE:
[hlds] Server invisible Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 12:21:54 -0300  If you
have local access to the server, you can check by running the game server
instance with a visible console window, as follows.  This will NOT work
over Terminal Services, since the console will not show up on remote
connections. (If someone can explain why this is the case, I would
appreciate it).  1.  Set the ShowSrcdsConsoleWindow attribute to True in
the GameConfig element for your server instance.  2.  Ensure that the
ogsWatcher Service properties allow it to interact with the desktop.  Open
the service properties for ogs Watcher Service and select the Log On tab.
Ensure you have Local System account selected and that the Allow service
to interact with the desktop checkbox is checked.  When you start
ogsWatcher and it spins up your game server instance, you should see its
console window on your desktop.  If you have to use remote access, then
you can install a tool like HLSW, enter the IP and port of your server and
see if HLSW finds and hooks up with your game instance on the expected
endpoint.  If you use specify the IPAddress and Port in your GameConfig
and the game instance runs, then you are pretty well assured it is running
on that endpoint.   Frazer -Original Message- From:
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Kristjánsson Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 10:57 AM To: Subject: [hlds] Server invisible  Well I
downloaded Steam at another location and looked for my server. It's not
coming up in the server list and if I add it to the favorites list I get a
server is not responding message.  I asked my hosting company to open up
port 27015 (TCP/UDP) and they said it was done.  Is there anything else
that I can tell them to do so that my server will come up in the list? 
I'm now using ogsWatcher to start my server and I think it's assigned to
27015 (how can I check it?)  BTW:   00 is not a country code. It is used
for as a prefix for making foreign phone calls in Iceland +354 is the
country code for Iceland.  Thanks,Valdimar Kristjánsson
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   mobile : +354-6932062 
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RE: [hlds] .NET, IIS, MS-SQL and dedicated servers

2006-08-13 Thread Frazer
I run all three just fine and as far as I know, there are no conflicts.

Do you mean ASP tab or ASP.NET tab?  There is an known (and poorly
publicized) issue when upgrading from earlier beta versions of the .Net
Framework 2.0, if the previous version is not uninstalled first.  This can
cause the ASP.NET tab to disappear in the IIS MMC.  I am not sure if this is
your problem. However, you might try this - no guarantees, of course (back
up your registry first!):

Check the following 3 keys:


For each:

Expand InProcServer32, look for the presence of any 2.0.x.x (example key and remove it.
DO NOT REMOVE the keys

Restart IIS and close and reopen your MMC console.

Hope this helps,


p.s.  thanks for trying ogsWatcher!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Valdimar
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: [hlds] .NET, IIS, MS-SQL and dedicated servers


I just set up a HL2DM server on my existing win2003 server which is running
MS-SQL server and, web page and a couple of .NET web services.
After setting up the server my web page refused to start and complained that
it was being used by another process (restarting 2x seems to fix this).
I then wanted to use ogsWatcher to start my server automatically and needed
to install .NET 2.0 but I was running .NET 2.0 beta before that.
After installing 2.0 the ASP tab disappeared from the IIS manager and the
shortcut to the IIS manager also disappeared from the administrative tools
folder (I can still start it through the Start-Run-inetmgr) Anyone else
having problems with the 2.0 version of .NET with IIS 6.0 ?
Is anyone running a source server alongside MS-SQL and IIS successfully?

Thank you,
Valdimar Kristjánsson, CTO
00 (+354) 693 2062_
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]; _www.eleanetwork.com_

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RE: [hlds] noob help

2006-08-12 Thread Frazer
Which particular game is it for which you are setting up a server?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of mrwrinkle
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 3:21 AM
Subject: [hlds] noob help

Ok, I'm an Idiot, but I'm trying to set up my first server.. I've got the
meta mod working, and the server running, but.. (1) I can't get any of my
admin rights to work.. maybe my user file is not set up right.. (2) can't
get bot's to work.. No plugins work.. basically I'm a mess.. all jacked up.
I've read everything that I could find and have tried everything, pushing
about 18 hours of my life I could have gotten back just to get my server to
recognize the metamod file.  running off of steam client, dedicated
internet.   If there is anyone out there that want's to help a noob out, I
would appreciate it, if not, that's cool..  I thought I was smarter than
this, but now I'm feeling like an idiot.  any help would be cool.  Thanks

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket

Look it's a simple fix ,just log out of steam by changing user and re log on
and you wont get the error, it seems to be a periodict erro message. But
this should fix it
- Original Message -
From: Hell Phoenix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket

You guys can think whatever you want Im just trying to help out.  Take off
the steambans client if you are getting the errors and see if they go away.
(They did for us and many other people)

Still dont believe that steambans causes the errors?  Go look in their
forums.  Its right there in black and white.

Sheesh.  You would think I insulted your mothers.  Relax and open your minds


WhiskyHornan wrote:
 We have experienced that problem with Error verifying STEAM UserID
 Ticket(server was unable to contact the authentication server) on our
 servers since October update 2005 and we didn't use steambans at the
 time so the problem is not that excellent plugin.

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] För Hell Phoenix
 Skickat: den 11 augusti 2006 22:42
 Ämne: Re: [hlds] Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket

 [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
 Take off steambans and you wont have another problem with it.  It
 sucks because its been a known bug for at least a month (known that
 steambans causes
 it) and the steambans team claims they fixed it but its obvious they
 Ever since I removed it last month I havent had a single problem with
 the steamid verification error.  Its too bad because they block a lot
 of players coming into the servers.
 The only other option (and I didnt test this) would be to reboot the
 machine everyday.  Since that clears up the problem when it starts, I
 would assume that would allow you to keep running hte plugin and not
 get the errors.
 who wants to reboot their machine every day?
 Brian M Frain (eternal) wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I am getting this as
 well, also running steambans.

 On 8/11/06, Scott Tuttle [EMAIL PROTECTED][1] wrote:

 Nope.  I was wrong.  It wasn't completely fixed.  I did have to reboot
 the server to completely fix the problem.  I did not have to sign in
 and out of my client.  Rebooting the entire server box fixed the
 problem completely.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chorizo
 Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 11:32 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket

 Scott, I have noticed this problem on my server also.  In fact, I have
 noticed this problem from my client when I attempt to connect to other
 servers!  The problem is related to the client, not the server.  The
 client needs to logout of steam and then back in, then all is well.

 I have several accounts (my whole family plays) and I think the steam
 servers get nervous every once in a while and just flake
 the auth for
 the user, forcing them to sign back in.

 Hope this helps.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott
 Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 5:11 AM
 Subject: [hlds] Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket

 The exact message is:

 You have been disconnected from the server.
 Reason: Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket(server was unable to
 contact the suthentication server).

 Why do my servers get this error every once in a while.  The only
 solution it seems is to reboot the whole server box. Does anyone else
 get this?

 EDIT: I went into the machine with vnc to reboot it.  And one of the
 source servers had 

[hlds] More on Server FPS

2006-08-12 Thread Frazer
When srcds runs in console mode, it displays and updates the server fps
value on the top line of the console.  This tells me that srcds is
calculating and outputting this value, at least to the console.  My question
is:  does anyone know of any possible way for an external application to
query and obtain this value directly from srcds?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Re: hlds digest, RE: 1000fps

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Was this on a single CPU or
Dual CPU or greater server?

Can you install a non-acpi edition on multi CPU systems?

On 8/12/06, Tim Renshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just ran a test box with non acpi install of 2003 web edtion, and can
 confirm that  it gives better fps and getting between 850  950 fps...
 bit different from 512! with fps_max 1000 :)

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RE: [hlds] More on Server FPS

2006-08-12 Thread Frazer

Thanks :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kingsley Foreman
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] More on Server FPS

rcon stats command.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:06 PM
Subject: [hlds] More on Server FPS

 When srcds runs in console mode, it displays and updates the server
 fps value on the top line of the console.  This tells me that srcds is
 calculating and outputting this value, at least to the console.  My
 is:  does anyone know of any possible way for an external application
 to query and obtain this value directly from srcds?



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
 Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Re: hlds digest, RE: 1000fps

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Was this on a single
 CPU or Dual CPU or greater server?

 Can you install a non-acpi edition on multi CPU systems?

 On 8/12/06, Tim Renshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just ran a test box with non acpi install of 2003 web edtion, and can
 confirm that  it gives better fps and getting between 850  950 fps...
 bit different from 512! with fps_max 1000 :)

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RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

2006-08-11 Thread Frazer

I need a FFS tag in my config now:


Mandatory setting.  If there is an error in the configuration, send a ffs,
read the guide email to the specified address.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I have been asking for
quite sometime for somebody to provide the definitive answer as to why
certain fps results occur for a given fps_max value.

I am quite embarrassed to only be able to realy respond with, It just does
ok, go away ffs and just follow the friggin guide, which you probably did
not bother to read properly in the first place ;)

On 8/11/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It sounds like your knowledge of hardware is beyond mine.  When I said
 1ms, that was based on the Microsoft documentation for the api:

 The timeBeginPeriod function sets the minimum timer resolution for an
 application or device driver.

 MMRESULT timeBeginPeriod(
   UINT uPeriod


 Minimum timer resolution, in milliseconds, for the application or
 device driver.

 No matter what, it seems pretty clear that the practical ceiling for
 srds is 512fps.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary
 Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 6:48 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

 It's not 1ms, it's more like 1.95 (1000 / 1.95 = 512) .. only way to
 increase it's granularity is to switch to a HAL that doesn't do ACPI
 (which is only on single processor computers)

 At 12:41 AM 8/11/2006, Frazer wrote:
 I use the Multimedia SDK timeBeginPeriod and timeEndPeriod APIs.
 These are frequently used for multimedia or game applications,
 because they change the resolution of the internal scheduler and can
 speed up timing loops, for example.  Srcds and I believe hlds both
 get some advantage from this - at a cost to other system resources.
 Unfortunately, the lowest one can set the resolution with the
timeBeginPeriod call is 1 ms.
 which is what I do.
 This seems to limit srcds to about 512fps, plus or minus.
 I have read other threads about REALLY high precision timers, but I
 have not seen any concrete postings that describe a way of getting
 Perhaps others have?  I am not the best person to voice an opinion on
 but:  I wonder if one would really see much advantage, on the game
 client, if the server framerate was that high?
 On the topic of hlds - ogsWatcher is currently only designed to
 support srcds.  Is there a community interest in extending it to work
with hlds?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Spectre
 Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available
 I got only 512FPS on my HLDS, is it possible to make timer even
 faster and get 1000fps with this tool?
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 4:12 AM
 Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available
   ogsWatcher 1.0.6 is now available for download at
   This version marks the end of beta-testing, although version
   numbering has been preserved.
   This release includes the following changes or additions:
   1.  The embedding high-precision timer, to support server FPS
   rates over 300, has been fixed and now works correctly.
   2.  An Enabled attribute has been added to individual game
   configuration sections, in the config file, so that games can be
   turned off without deleting or replacing the config file.
   3.  A LocalIPAddress and LocalPort attribute have been added to
   allow for explicit binding of the local IP endpoint to ogsWatcher
   - useful in multi-interface hosts.
   4.  The AutoUpdate option has been removed.  (stinkin' bad idea -
   better to use hldsupdate tool)
   Once again, I would like to thank Adam Sando for his patient
   testing, for noticing the high-precision timer bug, for reporting
   his problem with a dual interface server and for the Enabled
   ogsWatcher is a free Windows service which provides the means to
   declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S,
   etc) and to automatically run those games servers as either
   background or foreground tasks.  Key features include:
   - easy configuration via an XML config file
   - many configurable settings including CVars, process priority,
   srcds command line parameters and more
   - runs as a true Windows service

RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

2006-08-11 Thread Frazer
No - it currently does not support hlds games.  If there is enough expressed
interest, I will do this.  It's a bit involved, since I will have to first
modify my Query and Rcon class libraries to support hlds.  I will start
looking at what is different/involved in doing this.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Knarzling
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

Does this also work for cs1.6-hlds ?

Frazer schrieb:
 ogsWatcher 1.0.6 is now available for download at

 This version marks the end of beta-testing, although version numbering
 has been preserved.

 This release includes the following changes or additions:

 1.  The embedding high-precision timer, to support server FPS rates
 over 300, has been fixed and now works correctly.

 2.  An Enabled attribute has been added to individual game
 configuration sections, in the config file, so that games can be
 turned off without deleting or replacing the config file.

 3.  A LocalIPAddress and LocalPort attribute have been added to allow
 for explicit binding of the local IP endpoint to ogsWatcher - useful
 in multi-interface hosts.

 4.  The AutoUpdate option has been removed.  (stinkin' bad idea -
 better to use hldsupdate tool)

 Once again, I would like to thank Adam Sando for his patient testing,
 for noticing the high-precision timer bug, for reporting his problem
 with a
 interface server and for the Enabled switch suggestion.

 ogsWatcher is a free Windows service which provides the means to
 declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS,
etc) and
 to automatically run those games servers as either background or
 foreground tasks.  Key features include:

 - easy configuration via an XML config file
 - many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
 command line parameters and more
 - runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
 - embedded high precision timer to enable higher server FPS
 - srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
 - monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed
 - graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
 - detailed documentation


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[hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

2006-08-10 Thread Frazer
ogsWatcher 1.0.6 is now available for download at

This version marks the end of beta-testing, although version numbering has
been preserved.

This release includes the following changes or additions:

1.  The embedding high-precision timer, to support server FPS rates over
300, has been fixed and now works correctly.

2.  An Enabled attribute has been added to individual game configuration
sections, in the config file, so that games can be turned off without
deleting or replacing the config file.

3.  A LocalIPAddress and LocalPort attribute have been added to allow for
explicit binding of the local IP endpoint to ogsWatcher - useful in
multi-interface hosts.

4.  The AutoUpdate option has been removed.  (stinkin' bad idea - better to
use hldsupdate tool)

Once again, I would like to thank Adam Sando for his patient testing, for
noticing the high-precision timer bug, for reporting his problem with a dual
interface server and for the Enabled switch suggestion.

ogsWatcher is a free Windows service which provides the means to
declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS, etc) and
to automatically run those games servers as either background or foreground
tasks.  Key features include:

- easy configuration via an XML config file
- many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
command line parameters and more
- runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
- embedded high precision timer to enable higher server FPS
- srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
- monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed servers
- graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
- detailed documentation


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RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

2006-08-10 Thread Frazer
I use the Multimedia SDK timeBeginPeriod and timeEndPeriod APIs.  These are
frequently used for multimedia or game applications, because they change the
resolution of the internal scheduler and can speed up timing loops, for
example.  Srcds and I believe hlds both get some advantage from this - at a
cost to other system resources.  Unfortunately, the lowest one can set the
resolution with the timeBeginPeriod call is 1 ms. - which is what I do.
This seems to limit srcds to about 512fps, plus or minus.

I have read other threads about REALLY high precision timers, but I have not
seen any concrete postings that describe a way of getting beyond 512fps.
Perhaps others have?  I am not the best person to voice an opinion on this
but:  I wonder if one would really see much advantage, on the game client,
if the server framerate was that high?

On the topic of hlds - ogsWatcher is currently only designed to support
srcds.  Is there a community interest in extending it to work with hlds?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Spectre
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

I got only 512FPS on my HLDS, is it possible to make timer even faster and
get 1000fps with this tool?

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 4:12 AM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

 ogsWatcher 1.0.6 is now available for download at

 This version marks the end of beta-testing, although version numbering
 has been preserved.

 This release includes the following changes or additions:

 1.  The embedding high-precision timer, to support server FPS rates
 over 300, has been fixed and now works correctly.

 2.  An Enabled attribute has been added to individual game
 configuration sections, in the config file, so that games can be
 turned off without deleting or replacing the config file.

 3.  A LocalIPAddress and LocalPort attribute have been added to allow
 for explicit binding of the local IP endpoint to ogsWatcher - useful
 in multi-interface hosts.

 4.  The AutoUpdate option has been removed.  (stinkin' bad idea -
 better to use hldsupdate tool)

 Once again, I would like to thank Adam Sando for his patient testing,
 for noticing the high-precision timer bug, for reporting his problem
 with a dual interface server and for the Enabled switch suggestion.

 ogsWatcher is a free Windows service which provides the means to
 declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS,
 etc) and to automatically run those games servers as either background
 or foreground tasks.  Key features include:

 - easy configuration via an XML config file
 - many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
 command line parameters and more
 - runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
 - embedded high precision timer to enable higher server FPS
 - srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
 - monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed
 - graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
 - detailed documentation


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RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

2006-08-10 Thread Frazer
That's a good suggestion.  Thanks.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Bass
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.6 Now Available

While I could take the time to learn the XML config, ever thought about
intergrating a GUI into this application for configuration.

Frazer wrote:
 ogsWatcher 1.0.6 is now available for download at

 This version marks the end of beta-testing, although version numbering
 has been preserved.

 This release includes the following changes or additions:

 1.  The embedding high-precision timer, to support server FPS rates
 over 300, has been fixed and now works correctly.

 2.  An Enabled attribute has been added to individual game
 configuration sections, in the config file, so that games can be
 turned off without deleting or replacing the config file.

 3.  A LocalIPAddress and LocalPort attribute have been added to allow
 for explicit binding of the local IP endpoint to ogsWatcher - useful
 in multi-interface hosts.

 4.  The AutoUpdate option has been removed.  (stinkin' bad idea -
 better to use hldsupdate tool)

 Once again, I would like to thank Adam Sando for his patient testing,
 for noticing the high-precision timer bug, for reporting his problem
 with a dual interface server and for the Enabled switch suggestion.

 ogsWatcher is a free Windows service which provides the means to
 declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS,
 etc) and to automatically run those games servers as either background
 or foreground tasks.  Key features include:

 - easy configuration via an XML config file
 - many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
 command line parameters and more
 - runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
 - embedded high precision timer to enable higher server FPS
 - srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
 - monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed
 - graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
 - detailed documentation


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RE: [hlds] HL Source DM server out yet

2006-08-07 Thread Frazer
Try this in a cmd file:

cd c:\somedir\hlserver
HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game hl2mp -dir .

That will get you the dedicated HL2 DM server files, if you do not already
have them.

Run the server as you would any other dedicated Source (srcds) server. There
are several methods, ranging from running it from a console to wrapping it
as a service with either FireDaemon or srvany.

If you running on a Windows host and want to try my modest ogsWatcher app to
wrap your dedicated server and keep it running, you can download the latest
version here:

Very simple to set up and detailed documentation included to explain how to
configure individual game server instances.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ooks Server
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 9:36 PM
Subject: [hlds] HL Source DM server out yet

Once upon a time there was word that HL Source DM dedicated server was
coming. Is there any update on this? I notice that there are still just a
handfull of servers out there, all appear to be listenservers, all mostly

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RE: [hlds] HL Source DM server out yet

2006-08-07 Thread Frazer
Oops, my bad.

Thanks for the clarification.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Ottalini
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] HL Source DM server out yet

   Ooks is talking about HL1MP (IE: the Source port of HLDM) not HL2MP.

HLDSupdatetool doesn't have support for HL1MP at this time, there is only a
beta client.


- Original Message -
From: Frazer
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] HL Source DM server out yet

 Try this in a cmd file:

 cd c:\somedir\hlserver
 HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game hl2mp -dir .

 That will get you the dedicated HL2 DM server files, if you do not
 already have them.

 Run the server as you would any other dedicated Source (srcds) server.
 are several methods, ranging from running it from a console to
 wrapping it as a service with either FireDaemon or srvany.

 If you running on a Windows host and want to try my modest ogsWatcher
 app to wrap your dedicated server and keep it running, you can
 download the latest version here:

 Very simple to set up and detailed documentation included to explain
 how to configure individual game server instances.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ooks Server
 Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 9:36 PM
 Subject: [hlds] HL Source DM server out yet

 Once upon a time there was word that HL Source DM dedicated server was
 coming. Is there any update on this? I notice that there are still
 just a handfull of servers out there, all appear to be listenservers,
 all mostly empty.

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[hlds] ogsWatcher 1.0.5b Available

2006-07-27 Thread Frazer
Version 1.0.5b of ogsWatcher is now available for download at:

Thanks Adam :)

This version includes an optional embedded high-precision timer for enabling
fps_max settings higher than 300.

ogsWatcher is a free Windows service application which provides the means to
declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS, etc) and
to automatically run those games servers as either background or foreground
tasks.  Key features include:

- easy configuration via an XML config file
- many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
command line parameters and more
- runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
- srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
- embedded high-precision timer
- monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed servers
- graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
- detailed documentation



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RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher Update

2006-07-25 Thread Frazer
An unforgivable omission - many thanks, Adam - your help was invaluable.

p.s.  read the readme in the install package :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Sando
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:10 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] ogsWatcher Update

Awww, as if you didn't give me any kudos for testing this with you ;)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: Tuesday, 25 July 2006 6:33 AM
Subject: [hlds] ogsWatcher Update

Version 1.0.4b of ogsWatcher is now available for download at:

ogsWatcher is a free Windows service application which provides the means to
declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS, etc) and
to automatically run those games servers as either background or foreground
tasks.  Key features include:

- easy configuration via an XML config file
- many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
command line parameters and more
- runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
- srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
- monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed servers
- graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
- detailed documentation



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[hlds] ogsWatcher Update

2006-07-24 Thread Frazer
Version 1.0.4b of ogsWatcher is now available for download at:

ogsWatcher is a free Windows service application which provides the means to
declaratively configure multiple Source game instances (DOD:S, CSS, etc) and
to automatically run those games servers as either background or foreground
tasks.  Key features include:

- easy configuration via an XML config file
- many configurable settings including CVars, process priority, srcds
command line parameters and more
- runs as a true Windows service with automatic start and recovery
- srcds tasks can be run in foreground or background
- monitors game server instances and automatically restarts failed servers
- graceful shutdown closes log files correctly
- detailed documentation



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[hlds] Srcds Console Log

2006-07-19 Thread Frazer
This is a multipart message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Two questions.

1. Am I correct in that the -debug command line argument causes a
console.log file to be created with srcds launches?

2. If so, is there a way to specify the directory into which the log
file is saved?



Visit and check out ogsWatcher - free game
server controller and guard service application for srcds.


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[hlds] ogsWatcher Docs

2006-07-18 Thread Frazer
 I have placed an html version of the documentation for my srcds monitoring
service application at:

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[hlds] ogsWatcher beta Available

2006-07-17 Thread Frazer
I have written a modest Windows Service application that starts up,
configures and monitors (guards) multiple srcds game instances.  The app
is called ogsWatcher - and is now available for download.  It may be useful
for admins who run game hosting services and want a simple means to quickly
configure game instances and ensure they stay running.

To read more about this free application, please read my blog posting at:

The app is still beta, but has been moderately tested and is currently
active on a couple of game host machines that I run, without complications.
Right now, only the binary installer and documentation is included in the
download, however, I will be posting the source code within a couple of

As always, feedback is most welcome.


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[hlds] srcds Interface Binding

2006-07-14 Thread Frazer
On a host with 2 or more network interfaces, is there a way to bind an srcds
instance to a specific interface (IP Address)?



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RE: [hlds] srcds Interface Binding

2006-07-14 Thread Frazer
Thanks to all that replied!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kingsley Foreman
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] srcds Interface Binding

In the command line add


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 9:20 PM
Subject: [hlds] srcds Interface Binding

 On a host with 2 or more network interfaces, is there a way to bind an
 srcds instance to a specific interface (IP Address)?



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RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-10 Thread Frazer
You disabled hitbox detection in Mani?  I will try that.  I still suspect
the whacky TK protection options - especially the bombs - freeze, burn,
etc.  I turned all of these off and things were quite stable.  Last night, I
did a restore and put my old mani.cfg file in by mistake and they got turned
back on.  I was in a game when someone freeze-bombed another player and
almost immediately after that, the server tanked.  Maybe superstition - but
I am going to leave them off for now.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Sando
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 8:23 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

I haven't read every single reply in this thread, however thought of
suggesting something anyway :)

The latest beta version of Mani (1.2 Beta N from memory) comes with hitbox
location information that is meant to replace StatsmeMin. It might be worth
taking this off, just for housekeeping sake, if not to solve the problems
you have ;)

I've removed it from my server and Psychostats still works fine.

More of an FYI than an actual fix for you. Sorry Frazer :(


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RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-02 Thread Frazer
Thanks for the tip on the crashdump - trying that now to see if it isolates
things a bit better.  As to predicting where the bugs are gonna happen -
the whole point of wrapping ALL non-trivial blocks of code in
error-reporting exception handling is exactly that we don't know where the
bugs are :)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erling K. Sæterdal
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:32 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

If your running a windows server, then your srcds generates crash dumps.
That can be debugged in ( Off course your gonnna be limited in the
information that's shown without the pdb files) or sends to the plugin
I'm sure we could start adding a bite more error handlig code, the problem
is predicting where the bugs are gonna happen :)

Want a Basic Admin Tool for your Source server?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: 2. juli 2006 02:48
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

Thanks - already running on Windows Server 2003.  I suspect the issue is
addons and suspect statsme, versus mani.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Ottalini
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 As a baseline for you, I just moved both of my game servers over to a
datacenter to a Server2003 box and they have been totally crash free since
the update ... and as you might guess ...for the HL2DM server I don't use
any server addons at all.

- Original Message -
From: Frazer
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:31 PM
Subject: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 Since the new update, I have been experiencing more than the usual
 number of srcds crashes.  I suspect an addon - possibly mani or
 statsme minimum (these are the only two I run).

 I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing a recent increase
 in server crashes?

 Looking at my logs, this seems to happen on a map change.  The game
 play log for the ending map closes correctly.  The loading map log
 is created and closed correctly.  The game play log for the next level
 is opened - but the server crashes before things get started.

 Also, I am interested in which version combinations of Mani and
 StatsMe minimum that folks are using who have reasonably stable
 servers, since the new upgrade.

 I am not a server guy, my thing is writing code.  While I am grateful
 for the great addons and mods that are available, I am always puzzled
 that their developers don't wrap their code in decent exception
 handling and dump a simple message to the application or system log
 when their dll's are about to puke.  It would be SO nice to look in
 the event log and see something
 like: LameMod v2.3 unhandled My_Oopsie exception.  Then, instead of
 the whole guessing and trial and error thing, we might be able to
 isolate the source of problems a hell of a lot quicker.  Hell, if the
 developer is creative in their exception logging, it can even *gasp*
 help them find bugs!

 Just sayin'...


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RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-02 Thread Frazer

dpg - should have been .pdb   - not sure where THAT came from :-p

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RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-02 Thread Frazer
Well, your point about access to the Event Log on rented servers is very
well taken and would prevents that approach, without the cooperation of the

Now, my debugging is rusty - so I stand to be corrected but:  do you
not have to have the symbols file (.dpg or .dbg) accessible to in
order to obtain the call stack frames, etc?  Some mods ship with these files
- but not all.  (Which is to be expected, since apps compiled with debug
are not quite as performant).  I have not been able to locate a symbols file
for srcds.exe - I don't think one is shipped.

The vast majority of exceptions are trappable in exception handling blocks.
Exception wrapping is a bit of a coding pain, to be sure, but eventually, as
with all good coding practices, it become habit.  Even if the server Event
Log is not the best choice - dropping a simple It was me that bombed your
server message in text file would go a long way to helping mod users
isolate issues.  It's not a criticism - it’s just a suggestion.

I don't think downloading, installing and figuring out VS.NET Express is
something that a lot of server admins have the time or patience to work
through.  I don't think they should have to.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erling K. Sæterdal
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes


Well I'm sure we can get better at adding try/catch I certainly can. But
adding any errors we find to event log would not be that helpful. As those
admins who rent servers are likely not to have access to the event log (
Also I don't think admins are gonna check the event log for errors regarding
their servers, their gonna check the server logs + admin tool logs ). So the
challage is to get a meaning full error into there.

And the reason i replyed, to make my previus email more clear. anyone
should be able to find out what crashed their server ( as long as they can
download the crash files from the srcds root folder).
Simple download ( 2005 Express Edition is free, i assume it comes
with a debuger ). Open the dump file. Find the callstack window, and there
you should see what plugin last did something (You may have to scroll a bit
Then simply contact the author of that tool, and give him the crash dump.
Offcourse a certain way of reproducing the crash is allways better in my
book ;)

Want a Basic Admin Tool for your Source server?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: 2. juli 2006 13:27
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

Thanks for the tip on the crashdump - trying that now to see if it isolates
things a bit better.  As to predicting where the bugs are gonna happen -
the whole point of wrapping ALL non-trivial blocks of code in
error-reporting exception handling is exactly that we don't know where the
bugs are :)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erling K. Sæterdal
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:32 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

If your running a windows server, then your srcds generates crash dumps.
That can be debugged in ( Off course your gonnna be limited in the
information that's shown without the pdb files) or sends to the plugin
I'm sure we could start adding a bite more error handlig code, the problem
is predicting where the bugs are gonna happen :)

Want a Basic Admin Tool for your Source server?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
Sent: 2. juli 2006 02:48
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

Thanks - already running on Windows Server 2003.  I suspect the issue is
addons and suspect statsme, versus mani.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Ottalini
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 As a baseline for you, I just moved both of my game servers over to a
datacenter to a Server2003 box and they have been totally crash free since
the update ... and as you might guess ...for the HL2DM server I don't use
any server addons at all.

- Original Message -
From: Frazer
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:31 PM
Subject: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 Since the new update, I have been experiencing more than the usual
 number of srcds crashes.  I suspect an addon - possibly mani or
 statsme minimum (these are the only two I run).

 I was wondering if anyone else has

RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-02 Thread Frazer
I agree - looks like mani - and definitely happens on a map change - I have
had a full server tank on me at least 3 times now.  Frustrating.

I am now cutting back the tk protection options - because I think it may
have to do with those silly freeze/burn bombs

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kingsley Foreman
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

it is mani doing it,

if you remove that the servers are nice and stable.


- Original Message -
From: Paladin82 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 7:41 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 Here is my set up.

 VAC, CVAR-X v1.0, SBS v1.1
 Mani Admin Plugin v1.2BetaN, MetaMod:Source v1.2.3

 The only time I notice a crash since the update is when one of the new
 maps loads right after the other. So for example if I load Colmar then
 Jagd I crash on Jagd, if I load Jagd then Colmar I crash on Colmar,
 now if I load Colmar then Anzio then Jagd or the opposite no problem.

 Also no errors in the logs and no I don't have access to the event logs.

 Very strange...

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Erling K. Sæterdal
 Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:13 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 You should see the callstack without the symbol files, but they will
 not show the source where it crashes ( but some asm ).
 And srcds does not ship with symbol files, offcourse that could come
 in handy at times:) But most of the time when srcds crashes its the
 plugin that does something wrong ( Im my xp at least ).

 Want a Basic Admin Tool for your Source server?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
 Sent: 2. juli 2006 17:38
 Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 Well, your point about access to the Event Log on rented servers is
 very well taken and would prevents that approach, without the
 cooperation of the hoster.

 Now, my debugging is rusty - so I stand to be corrected but:
 do you not have to have the symbols file (.dpg or .dbg) accessible to in order to obtain the call stack frames, etc?  Some mods ship
 with these files
 - but not all.  (Which is to be expected, since apps compiled with debug
 are not quite as performant).  I have not been able to locate a
 symbols file for srcds.exe - I don't think one is shipped.

 The vast majority of exceptions are trappable in exception handling
 Exception wrapping is a bit of a coding pain, to be sure, but
 eventually, as with all good coding practices, it become habit.  Even
 if the server Event Log is not the best choice - dropping a simple It
 was me that bombed your server message in text file would go a long
 way to helping mod users isolate issues.  It's not a criticism - it's
 just a suggestion.

 I don't think downloading, installing and figuring out VS.NET Express
 is something that a lot of server admins have the time or patience to
 work through.  I don't think they should have to.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erling K.
 Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:12 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes


 Well I'm sure we can get better at adding try/catch I certainly can.
 But adding any errors we find to event log would not be that helpful.
 As those admins who rent servers are likely not to have access to the
 event log ( Also I don't think admins are gonna check the event log
 for errors regarding their servers, their gonna check the server logs
 + admin tool logs ). So the challage is to get a meaning full error
 into there.

 And the reason i replyed, to make my previus email more clear. anyone
 should be able to find out what crashed their server ( as long as they
 can download the crash files from the srcds root folder).
 Simple download ( 2005 Express Edition is free, i assume it
 comes with a debuger ). Open the dump file. Find the callstack window,
 and there you should see what plugin last did something (You may have
 to scroll a bit down).
 Then simply contact the author of that tool, and give him the crash dump.
 Offcourse a certain way of reproducing the crash is allways better in
 my book ;)

 Want a Basic Admin Tool for your Source server?

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
 Sent: 2. juli 2006 13:27
 Subject: RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 Thanks for the tip on the crashdump - trying that now to see if it
 isolates things

[hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-01 Thread Frazer
Since the new update, I have been experiencing more than the usual number of
srcds crashes.  I suspect an addon - possibly mani or statsme minimum (these
are the only two I run).

I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing a recent increase in
server crashes?

Looking at my logs, this seems to happen on a map change.  The game play log
for the ending map closes correctly.  The loading map log is created and
closed correctly.  The game play log for the next level is opened - but the
server crashes before things get started.

Also, I am interested in which version combinations of Mani and StatsMe
minimum that folks are using who have reasonably stable servers, since the
new upgrade.

I am not a server guy, my thing is writing code.  While I am grateful for
the great addons and mods that are available, I am always puzzled that their
developers don't wrap their code in decent exception handling and dump a
simple message to the application or system log when their dll's are about
to puke.  It would be SO nice to look in the event log and see something
like: LameMod v2.3 unhandled My_Oopsie exception.  Then, instead of the
whole guessing and trial and error thing, we might be able to isolate the
source of problems a hell of a lot quicker.  Hell, if the developer is
creative in their exception logging, it can even *gasp* help them find

Just sayin'...


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RE: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

2006-07-01 Thread Frazer
Thanks - already running on Windows Server 2003.  I suspect the issue is
addons and suspect statsme, versus mani.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Ottalini
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 As a baseline for you, I just moved both of my game servers over to a
datacenter to a Server2003 box and they have been totally crash free since
the update ... and as you might guess ...for the HL2DM server I don't use
any server addons at all.

- Original Message -
From: Frazer
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:31 PM
Subject: [hlds] srcds Crashing Woes

 Since the new update, I have been experiencing more than the usual
 number of srcds crashes.  I suspect an addon - possibly mani or
 statsme minimum (these are the only two I run).

 I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing a recent increase
 in server crashes?

 Looking at my logs, this seems to happen on a map change.  The game
 play log for the ending map closes correctly.  The loading map log
 is created and closed correctly.  The game play log for the next level
 is opened - but the server crashes before things get started.

 Also, I am interested in which version combinations of Mani and
 StatsMe minimum that folks are using who have reasonably stable
 servers, since the new upgrade.

 I am not a server guy, my thing is writing code.  While I am grateful
 for the great addons and mods that are available, I am always puzzled
 that their developers don't wrap their code in decent exception
 handling and dump a simple message to the application or system log
 when their dll's are about to puke.  It would be SO nice to look in
 the event log and see something
 like: LameMod v2.3 unhandled My_Oopsie exception.  Then, instead of
 the whole guessing and trial and error thing, we might be able to
 isolate the source of problems a hell of a lot quicker.  Hell, if the
 developer is creative in their exception logging, it can even *gasp*
 help them find bugs!

 Just sayin'...


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please visit:

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[hlds] DOD:S Server Update Today?

2006-06-28 Thread Frazer
Should we be expecting a DOD:S server update today?  Something about 2 new
maps, new game play mechanics, balanced weapons, better hit box detection,
28 June...


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RE: [hlds] DOD:S Server Update Today?

2006-06-28 Thread Frazer
:)  Thank you very big.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hell Phoenix
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] DOD:S Server Update Today?

8pm EST

Frazer wrote:
 Should we be expecting a DOD:S server update today?  Something about 2
 new maps, new game play mechanics, balanced weapons, better hit box
 28 June...


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[hlds] Will the XBox Client Connect to SRCDS Servers?

2006-05-30 Thread Frazer
Just wondering if the coming Xbox version will connect with SRCDS servers -
either present or upgraded version.  I guess, more specifically, will Xbox
and PC gamers be able to join the same games?  I realize we probably only
have rumours in this regard, but I would be interested in hearing what
others may have heard.

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RE: [hlds] Will the XBox Client Connect to SRCDS Servers?

2006-05-30 Thread Frazer
Thanks - don't know if I am disappointed or relieved.

Relieved, I think  :-)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Williams
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Will the XBox Client Connect to SRCDS Servers?

Frazer wrote:
 Just wondering if the coming Xbox version will connect with SRCDS
 servers - either present or upgraded version.  I guess, more
 specifically, will Xbox and PC gamers be able to join the same games?
 I realize we probably only have rumours in this regard, but I would be
 interested in hearing what others may have heard.

dude the xbox works on some dodge M$ network called xbox live it is secure from 
the outside world and altho i don't understand the in's and out's uses some 
kind of different netcode. so therefore it is impossible for xbox gamers to 
play with gamers using anyother system. But then if they could play with 
pc/ps2/gc users m$ couldn't charge 4 a month to use it. there is a way around 
it and it's called Kaid but that's a topic for a xbox list

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RE: [hlds] SRCDS Mini Dump Files

2006-04-26 Thread Frazer
Srcds.exe is widely used in what I would deem serious game hosting
operations and yet this application really hasn't evolved much beyond the
level of a consumer product.  I expect many administrators who are
supporting srcds in such environments would agree that it presents some
operational management challenges.

What I think might be useful, perhaps in future srcds versions, would be the
inclusion of more a few management features that would make it a more robust
application in a hosting environment:

1.  Some Application Event logging - with informative events backed up by
some kind of knowledge base that would help operators determine root causes
that are within their scope of control.

2.  Some application instrumentation (E.g. PerfMon counters, WMI hooks) that
could be used to better monitor application performance and state and employ
mainstream third party management tools.

3.  A version that runs as a true Windows service, that responds correctly
and gracefully to Service Manager actions (Start, Stop, Pause).

My $.02


P.S.   And a headshot tag in the kill event in the DOD:S game log  :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roman Hatsiev
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS Mini Dump Files

This is true unless you have source code and debugging symbols which may
give you a clue where it crashed. Even those won't help you much if you are
ot familiar with software internals

On 26/04/06, Stuart Stegall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For the most part debuggers don't really provide anything helpful and
 are generally a crutch.

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RE: [hlds] SRCDS Mini Dump Files

2006-04-26 Thread Frazer
Would that be -condebug, per Alfred's recent posting?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS Mini Dump Files

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] While we are at it, what is
the option or command to send all console output to a log file?

I swore I saw it here at some stage, and I know what you see in console is
not what is always shown in the logs.


On 4/26/06, Adam Sando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can we start a petition? I'm liking your ideas Frazer :)

 While we are investigating features, what about W3C standard log
 files, with meaningful log names?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
 Sent: Wednesday, 26 April 2006 20:24 PM
 Subject: RE: [hlds] SRCDS Mini Dump Files

 Srcds.exe is widely used in what I would deem serious game hosting
 operations and yet this application really hasn't evolved much beyond
 the level of a consumer product.  I expect many administrators who are
 supporting srcds in such environments would agree that it presents
 some operational management challenges.

 What I think might be useful, perhaps in future srcds versions, would
 be the inclusion of more a few management features that would make it
 a more robust application in a hosting environment:

 1.  Some Application Event logging - with informative events backed up
 by some kind of knowledge base that would help operators determine
 root causes that are within their scope of control.

 2.  Some application instrumentation (E.g. PerfMon counters, WMI
 hooks) that could be used to better monitor application performance
 and state and employ mainstream third party management tools.

 3.  A version that runs as a true Windows service, that responds
 correctly and gracefully to Service Manager actions (Start, Stop,

 My $.02


 P.S.   And a headshot tag in the kill event in the DOD:S game log  :)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roman Hatsiev
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS Mini Dump Files

 This is true unless you have source code and debugging symbols which
 may give you a clue where it crashed. Even those won't help you much
 if you are ot familiar with software internals

 On 26/04/06, Stuart Stegall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For the most part debuggers don't really provide anything helpful
  and are generally a crutch.

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[hlds] The Thread That Never Dies (was: SRCDS will not run)

2006-04-25 Thread Frazer
I'm a bit put out by some of the Aussie admin's bashing Kyle for his
language.  I mean, isn't that a bit hypocritical?  Just take a look at this
(Other Ideas for Aussie Tourism Campaign) to see what I mean...

Where the bloody hell are you, indeed!


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RE: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

2006-04-24 Thread Frazer
Oakland's loss - our gain.


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RE: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

2006-04-22 Thread Frazer
Omfg.  dod NOT dods.

Patched registry manually - but did not update .reg file when reinstalling
srvany service.

Thanks for your help, Whisper - a great wiki doc no matter how stupid the
instigator :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Nope, its SRCDS, completely

On 4/22/06, kyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] That's -ticrate if
 I'm correct. No k. :)

 ---Original Message---

 From: Frazer
 Date: 04/22/06 03:07:46
 Subject: RE: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

 Nice work, Whisper.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
 Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 12:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Look what you made me
 go and do Frazer

 It is not complete yet, but you were the straw that broke the camels
 back :p

 On 4/22/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks, Whisper... Trying a complete reload with -verify_all on.  I
  will test again in the morning.
  My command line arguments are in the app parameters in the registry
  for my srvany wrapper, but the equivalent command line, which I also
  tried directly from the command prompt is:
  srcds.exe -console -game dod -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 +maxplayers
  32 -port 27025 +map dod_anvil +rcon_password secret
  This has not changed since before the problem surfaced tonight.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
  Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Start your
  HLDSUpdatetool from scratch into an empty folder with the
  If its still broken you have a Windows or Hardware problem that is
  affecting SRCDS
  What is your commandline startup btw?
  Try something simple like this:
  srcds.exe -console -game cstrike
  On 4/22/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Up until this evening, I have had no problem running my dedicated
   servers, wrapped as windows services, using srvany.  This evening,
   I rebooted my machine and restarted my services.  The srcds.exe
   process starts, then promptly stops.  I have re-run hldsupdate to
   update and verify content. I have removed all mods. I have tried
   to start srcds.exe in -console -debug mode from a command prompt -
   all to no avail.  The process starts, then dies.
   At wits end - any suggestions on where to turn with this?
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RE: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

2006-04-22 Thread Frazer
There you go again, Whisper... trolling for flames ;)

At the risk of incurring further wrath, I think Whisper was referring to the
command line switch for srcds.exe, which does appear to be -tickrate and, if
I understand correctly, the only place and only time you can specify this
setting for an srcds server is as a switch on the command line when you
start it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kyle
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] The following is from the
steam support web site.
If they wrote it wrong go tell them moron.

HLDS Servers render frames independently from the Client.

HLDS Servers use the CVAR sys_ticrate to control how many frames per second
are rendered.

SRCDS Servers use the CVAR FPS_max to control how many frames per second are

Why do you need to control this?

There are two good reasons for you to manage the server FPS. The number one
reason is loading on your Server CPU. The higher the FPS the higher the load
If you are getting more then 50% CPU utilization with your current FPS
settings, you are either running too many players or you have the FPS set
too high.

HLDS Servers start with a default of 60FPS and can easily run up to 1000FPS
(sys_ticrate 1000)

SRCDS Servers start with a default of 300FPS can can also run up to 1000FPS
but will require a substantially higher performance CPU to support this.

Win32 Servers should be run on WIN2K / XP Pro platforms with HLDS on a 1
8GHz CPU and a minimum of 512MB of RAM and SRCDS Servers should be run on 2
2GHz CPUs minimum with 512MB of RAM.

You see any sys_tickrates in there dumbass.  Fucking know it all,  get a
life beyond an Internet forum.

---Original Message---

From: Whisper
Date: 04/22/06 05:47:15
Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] lol

srcds.exe -console -game dod -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 +maxplayers 32
 -port 27025 +map dod_anvil +rcon_password secret

That whole command line is all for SOURCE, even the tickrate part is correct

On 4/22/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Omfg.  dod NOT dods.

 Patched registry manually - but did not update .reg file when
 reinstalling srvany service.

 Thanks for your help, Whisper - a great wiki doc no matter how stupid
 the instigator :)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
 Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 8:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Nope, its SRCDS,
 completely incorrect

 On 4/22/06, kyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] That's -ticrate if
  I'm correct. No k. :)
  ---Original Message---
  From: Frazer
  Date: 04/22/06 03:07:46
  Subject: RE: [hlds] SRCDS will not run
  Nice work, Whisper.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
  Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 12:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run
  [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Look what you made
  me go and do Frazer
  It is not complete yet, but you were the straw that broke the camels
  back :p
  On 4/22/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks, Whisper... Trying a complete reload with -verify_all on.
   I will test again in the morning.
   My command line arguments are in the app parameters in the
   registry for my srvany wrapper, but the equivalent command line,
   which I also tried directly from the command prompt is:
   srcds.exe -console -game dod -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600
   32 -port 27025 +map dod_anvil +rcon_password secret
   This has not changed since before the problem surfaced tonight.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
   Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:30 PM
   Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run
   [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Start your
   HLDSUpdatetool from scratch into an empty folder with the
   If its still broken you have a Windows or Hardware problem that is
   affecting SRCDS
   What is your commandline startup btw?
   Try something simple like this:
   srcds.exe -console -game cstrike
   On 4/22/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Up until this evening, I have had no problem running my
dedicated servers, wrapped as windows services, using srvany

[hlds] SRCDS will not run

2006-04-21 Thread Frazer
 Up until this evening, I have had no problem running my dedicated servers,
wrapped as windows services, using srvany.  This evening, I rebooted my
machine and restarted my services.  The srcds.exe process starts, then
promptly stops.  I have re-run hldsupdate to update and verify content. I
have removed all mods. I have tried to start srcds.exe in -console -debug
mode from a command prompt - all to no avail.  The process starts, then

At wits end - any suggestions on where to turn with this?


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[hlds] Headshot Tag on DOD:S Player Kill Log Events

2006-04-19 Thread Frazer

Any chance the dev folks might fit this in soon or is it too big a deal?

Sure would round out the statistical capabilities of the game a great deal
and put it on par with CSS in that respect.


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RE: [hlds] Working with 3rd party developers

2006-04-19 Thread Frazer
Only if your mod isn't broken  :-)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darrel
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Working with 3rd party developers

Just a crowbar?  Can I set him on fire first?  :-p

- Original Message -
From: Doug Crabtree [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 That's just mean Alfred.  If you were on my server I'd take a crowbar
 to ya :D

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RE: [hlds] can hlstatsx ban ppl???? coz i think it told vac to do so (logs contained)

2006-04-18 Thread Frazer
Hell Phoenix nailed this one, I think.  HLStatX will most certainly ban
EVERY player that disconnects from your server, for 5 minutes, if
AutoBanRetry is set to 1.  This one drove me crazy, not because I couldn't
find the setting, but because I had set up as a Windows server -
which is actually perl.exe running the runtime script as a
service.  So - I found my config problem - fixed the setting - and restarted
my windows service wrapper.  And voila - users STILL were getting banned.
Stopped the service and tested again - and no luck - still happening.
Finally, had the presence of mind to check my running processes - and there
was perl.exe just chunking along - regardless of what my service manager was
reporting re: my service wrapper.

So - a lesson learned - be careful with using tools like srvany and
firedaemon to wrap things as services.  Just because you think they are
stopped - ain't necessarily so.

Cheers all,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stuart Stegall
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:00 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] can hlstatsx ban ppl coz i think it told vac to do
so (logs contained)

hlstatsx would have to issue the ban through rcon as that is it's only
access to the running game.  hlstatsx doesn't use a plugin (though it can
work with Beetles, Mani, and the small statsme plugin)

Now I believe you can use GlobalBanning 1 to enforce global bans on your
server, but it's just a setting and I believe it is 0 by default.  You could
probably go to and find out all this info.

Joshua Handelsman-Woolf (DogGunn) wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Oops. What I meant
 was ban people locally. I know how VAC works.

 On 3/21/06, Scott Tuttle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It wasn't that hlstatsx can ban people it was you asking if it told
 VAC to ban people.  Hlstatsx cannot VAC ban.  Only VAC can do VAC bans.


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RE: [hlds] source compatible rcon tools

2006-04-15 Thread Frazer

No - it's a command line tool that was primarily designed to be used in .bat
and script files, to help automate rcon functions as part of scheduled
maintenance etc.  Adam was looking for a way to ensure the log files were
closed before bringing game services down - and this allows you do that,
amongst other things.  It's not really intended as a console tool, hence no
nifty UI, like HLSW, for watching chat, etc..  Just a small bit of kaboodle
for the kit...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darrel
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] source compatible rcon tools

Does this work with HL2DM and allow you to see the chat from Windows?  I'm
trying to find an alternative to HLSW, it's log pulling capability was
broken in the last update and I feel blind without it...

 Ah... I just kinda snuck it in there a while back.  Been keeping my
 head down lately, because I promised Adam some stuff and haven't had
 two back-to-back minutes. Work. Sheesh. HeadHungInShameSorry

 Thanks to DJEkL (how the hell do you pronounce that??) for continuing
 to host the download.


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RE: [hlds] Verbose Logging

2006-03-15 Thread Frazer
Thanks Adam and to all who answered...

I am using StatsMeMinimum - but I was looking for a way to gather
shot/hit/hitbox stats without having to rely on a plugin.  After some
thought, I am going to stick with StatsMeMinimum, because its periodic
summarization approach to things reduces log size and it not only provides
hit count - but it also appears to provide shot count (hits OR misses) - so
there is a means to calculate accuracy.

Sure wish there was a headshot tag for DOD:S kills though...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Sando
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:50 PM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Verbose Logging

Hi Frazer,

I'm running StatsMeMinimum on our server and we log all that information. If
you trawl through those logs I sent you, you will probably see entries like
that ;)

I haven't played around with the mani-admin in-built logging yet, however if
this does the same as the StatsMeMinimum and allows Psychostats to still
work, then I think I'll start using that from now on :D


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dominick Orefice
Sent: Tuesday, 14 March 2006 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Verbose Logging

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] You need to use the
StatsMeMinimum plugin to get the server to log the weapon hit information.
The newest beta version of Mani Admin Plugin also provides similar logging;
however, I haven't used it.
StatsMeMinimum -
Mani -

On 3/12/06, Frazer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, but no, I was actually looking for something like this:

  L 03/11/2006 - 20:50:53: The Juggla88STEAM_0:1:xxxteamA
 attacked ^ Pan the Goat God ^81STEAM_0:1:xxxteamB with
 damage 25 damage_armor 15 health 10 armor 15 hitgroup chest

 I know I have seen these before - can't remember if in CSS or DODs


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dominick
 Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 12:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlds] Verbose Logging

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Is this the type of
 output you are looking for?

  L 03/11/2006 - 20:50:53: The Juggla88STEAM_0:1:xxxCT
 killed ^ Pan the Goat God ^81STEAM_0:1:xxxTERRORIST with

 These are my log settings
 log 1
 sv_logfile 1

 The log folder was created automatically by the server. (Windows

 On 3/11/06, Jason O. Washburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you create a logs folder?  My loglevel didn't work till I
  created the folder.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
  Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:34 AM
  Subject: [hlds] Verbose Logging
  I have been googling for a while now and can't seem to find the
  could someone tell me (or point me to a link that tells me) how to
  enable verbose event logging?  I am sure I had this turned on once,
  and got events like Player x attacked Player y with wep1 etc, etc
  yet I cannot for the life of me remember how.  I have messed with
  log_level, log_events - to no avail.  Is this only available in
  certain mods?  (e.g. CSS or DoDS)?
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RE: [hlds] Verbose Logging

2006-03-12 Thread Frazer
Thanks, but no, I was actually looking for something like this:

 L 03/11/2006 - 20:50:53: The Juggla88STEAM_0:1:xxxteamA
attacked ^ Pan the Goat God ^81STEAM_0:1:xxxteamB with bfg
damage 25 damage_armor 15 health 10 armor 15 hitgroup chest

I know I have seen these before - can't remember if in CSS or DODs


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dominick Orefice
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Verbose Logging

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Is this the type of output
you are looking for?

 L 03/11/2006 - 20:50:53: The Juggla88STEAM_0:1:xxxCT killed ^
Pan the Goat God ^81STEAM_0:1:xxxTERRORIST with m4a1 

These are my log settings
log 1
sv_logfile 1

The log folder was created automatically by the server. (Windows Dedicated).

On 3/11/06, Jason O. Washburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you create a logs folder?  My loglevel didn't work till I created
 the folder.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frazer
 Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:34 AM
 Subject: [hlds] Verbose Logging

 I have been googling for a while now and can't seem to find the answer:
 could someone tell me (or point me to a link that tells me) how to
 enable verbose event logging?  I am sure I had this turned on once,
 and got events like Player x attacked Player y with wep1 etc, etc
 yet I cannot for the life of me remember how.  I have messed with
 log_level, log_events - to no avail.  Is this only available in
 certain mods?  (e.g. CSS or DoDS)?


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RE: [hlds] Server monitoring on the cheap

2006-02-26 Thread Frazer
*sigh* wish I had an honest IT job.

Listen to others thoughtfully and reflect on what is said.  Concede
mistakes gracefully and correct others with humility, not ridicule.  -
Japanese Proverb

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server monitoring on the cheap

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Honesty only for IT Jobs

Great idea

How about honesty in as many circumstances in life as possible?

In fact, I am not being entirely honest right now, but that is out of
politeness, which I tend to run out of very quickly.

On 2/26/06, Graham M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  sigh!  There are people who've never seen a non-windowed
  interface in the business world.  I find that unsettling somehow...
  Now I *really* feel old! Geez, it hasn't been that long since I was
  Sperry Univac V76 machines where our console was a TI Silent 700 thermal
  printer (no, we did not even have monitors).
  But then, where I work, I think they have the same problem - most of the
  people here can't even use a DOS prompt. It is a bit disturbing to me
  so many IT professionals can't use a command line.
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 I think it should be a requirement for IT jobs to be honest. Im 20 years
 old and even im good at working with Shells/Consoles, etc

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