Re: Z/OS Maintanance

2011-07-05 Thread Brian Westerman
I also have been working with MVS since before (just) 1980, and I can
honestly tell you that the correct answer is It depends.  The important
part is to actually do the maintenance and not get (too) far behind.  There
are a lot of sites that tend to get several releases (years) behind and then
they end up calling me (or someone else) to get them back up to date.  The
important thing is that you do some sort of maintenance on some sort of
schedule.  The IBM REDBOOK pointed to previously in this thread is actually
very good about giving hints on how you should perform the maintenance
aspect of our Systems Programming jobs.  

Maintenance used to take a REALLY long time, and now it's actually fairly
simple.  There are a lot of factors to consider and the more complex your
site, the higher the difficulty level in keeping relatively current.  You
really have to plan your system for the method you choose.  There are those
that feel that they can apply maint on a fixed schedule, and if that works
for them then that is fine.  There are others that believe that you should
install a new release once a year (or two) and only put on maintenance that
you absolutely need in order to fix a problem that you are experiencing. 
That's fine as well.  What ever you decide, it will be great for you and
your site.

Personally, I like the method of installing a new release periodically and
applying the current maintenance (as needed), and then doing all (or most)
of the hyper fixes in between.  It's a little more work, but it tends to
work out good for me.  I don't have a fixed schedule, but I try to keep the
sites that I maintain at about the same level.  There are quite a few.  My
reasons are because if I run into a problem at one site, I can be proactive
and fix it for the others as well.  It's terrible to admit, but this way I
look really good because the ones that reported the problem are happy that I
fixed it for them, and the others are totally thrilled that I was looking
out for them.  It's sort of a win-win thing, but I have to admit that it is
a little more work on my end to keep everyone relatively equal.  

Also, by equal, I don't necessarily meant hat they are even at the same
release, I maintain sites from 1.4 (unfortunately, and until recently I
still had several OS/390 sites) ) to 1.12, but (where I can) they are all at
the same level of maintenance.  Most fixes are applied back to the older
releases (as long as they are supported) so it's not as hard or as complex
as it might seem.  I try to keep them all as current as possible, but not
all of them want (or need) to be on z/OS 1.12 so I try to be as flexible as
possible, while keeping them all current (as much as possible) with maintenance.

I urge you to find a way that works for you and try to be flexible.  If you
find that you need to change to meet the needs of your site, don't say no
just because it doesn't meet your schedule of maintenance.  Try to be a
service to your site and try to be as accessible as possible.  The old
days of the wall between systems and the rest of the site are long gone (or
should be).  I miss them sometimes, but not very much. :)

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2011-07-05 Thread mario@tiscali


not to escape your question about CFSIZER, but if you are migrating 
from one CF to the other, meaning there will be a timeframe when both of 
them are online, then moving the structures through rebuild (or better 
REALLOCATE) will manage this for you.

During rebuild structures are allocated by count which means that the 
CFLEVEL17 structure will be allocated large enough to contain the same 
number of objects currently contained by the CLEVEL15 one.

Checking the actual CFLEVEL17 size and updating the CFRM policy 
accordingly will complete the job.

Also, when moving to CFLEVEL17 don't forget that the size of the CF 
Control Code itself increases significantly. From some 100 MB to some 
500 MB if I remember correctly. The CFCC LPAR memory definition should 
be updated to accomodate this.

Hope this helps,


On 05-Jul-11 11:21 AM, Barbara Nitz wrote:

We're in the process of installing a z196 which will come with cflevel17.
We're currently running CFLEVEL15, and I have heard several horror stories
about problems with structure sizes on CFLEVEL17.

So I went to the CFsizer to get the latest and greatest in sizes. Or so I

The sizes given to me are all SMALLER than what we have currently defined
(signalling structures and ISGLOCK).

RRS, where we had failures last times because the structures were too small,
consistently gives me


Very informative. (The MQGET reason code means 'Message not available'.)

The health checker structure size comes back from a CFLEVEL13 CF ?!?

System automation isn't even available in the CFsizer. Neither is Websphere
for the WAS error log.

In essence, I cannot rely on what the sizer tells me. What are the
experiences of others who migrated from CFLEVEL15 to CFLEVEL17? Were the
structures getting bigger? Is the sizer giving out values for RRS structures
to anyone or is everybody receiving the above error? Is anyone able to get
HC sizes for CFLEVEL17?

I did notice that one of the error messages gets me a different web page on
the left (where I choose structures). My (saved) link is

Regards, Barbara

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2011-07-05 Thread Barbara Nitz
 not to escape your question about CFSIZER, but if you are migrating
from one CF to the other, meaning there will be a timeframe when both of
them are online, then moving the structures through rebuild (or better
REALLOCATE) will manage this for you.

Irrelevant here. The migration will be a 'big bang' thing - take everything
down on the old box and bring it up on the new one. We will NOT be able to
use any type of rebuild.


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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Lindy Mayfield
Lionel has a wonderful and free product that many people use called XMITIP.  He 
has his own yahoo group for people who are interested in the product, ask for 
new features, report bugs, and Lionel can also report any changes he made.  

It is


P.S. I saw an iPad in a computer store, played with it a bit, drooled on it 
some, then looked at the price.   :-(  I supposed they'll get cheaper soon 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Ed Gould
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

Could you please consider asking the author to create it's own list, please? 


Sent from my iPad

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Richard Pinion
While I haven't seen any posts from Lionel in a while, he did post about XMITIP 
on IBM-Main.  And the amount of traffic that this debate will create, far 
exceeds the traffic of the original MFNetDisk messages.

Let's be thankful Mr. Hess didn't name his product 

--- wrote:

From: Lindy Mayfield
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:22:01 +0200

Lionel has a wonderful and free product that many people use called XMITIP.  He 
has his own yahoo group for people who are interested in the product, ask for 
new features, report bugs, and Lionel can also report any changes he made.  

It is


P.S. I saw an iPad in a computer store, played with it a bit, drooled on it 
some, then looked at the price.   :-(  I supposed they'll get cheaper soon 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Ed Gould
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

Could you please consider asking the author to create it's own list, please? 


Sent from my iPad

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Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.

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Re: Enclave help

2011-07-05 Thread Scott Chapman
AFAIK, there's nothing available within z/OS itself to cancel an 
individual enclave, although I certainly have wanted that capability 
sometimes.  This makes sense when you think about what enclaves 
are: they're really sub-tasks from an address space more so than 
being their own address space.  So the correct answer is that to get 
rid of an enclave, you have to cancel the unit of work from the task 
that owns the enclave, in this case, apparently DB2.

You can change the service class of an active enclave, maybe to keep it 
from consuming resources.  But a couple of caveats: 

1) Beware dependent enclaves as changing the service class of those 
will effect the owning address space.  I've seen CICS create 
dependent enclaves and you don't want to touch those.  

2) For DDF work that's running on the zIIP, if you're thinking to change 
the service class to one with a Resource Group cap to keep it from 
consuming zIIP resources, that probably won't work well as work on 
specialty engines don't accumulate SUs towards RG caps.  At least that 
what I've been told, and that's what I've generally seen.  

Finally, since this is DB2, we recently ran into a problem where QMF 
DDF threads wouldn't go away: they couldn't be cancelled from DB2 
and seemed to be stuck looping.  Turns out there was a bug in one of 
our DB2 monitoring products (from IBM, no less) that was keeping 
them from going away.  This was somewhat problematic because of 
point #2 above: they thread was consuming zIIP resources that other 
threads could use.  To try to resolve this (at least partially) I put it in 
my SC with a RG cap of 1 SU, varied the zIIP off line to get it on the 
GCP, then put the zIIP back online.  This seemed to slow it down, 
although I'm still not sure why it worked as well as it did: I expected it 
to bounce back to the zIIP and run away again in short order.  While it 
did bounce back to the zIIP, it consumed at a much lower rate than 
before.  Again, I don't have an explanation, I only relate the 
experience in case you're stuck in a similar situation, maybe it might be 
something to try.

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How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Barbara Nitz
Background: Traditionally, we have been reporting cpu usage for our box
normalized to 100% using the TYPE70PR SMF records. Unfortunately, when the
model of the box changes via CoD (or whatever it is called), you cannot even
*see* that the capacity has become bigger.
Using the total cpu seconds consumed, what you can see is that more cpu
seconds were used in the same length interval, either because the number of
processors increased or because the processor speed increased. So I have
been thinking of doing the 'cpu usage per box' graphic using total cpu
consumed in each interval. Which raises the question what is the limit of
cpu seconds per interval? Because that is what I need to show management to
show how much more we would have needed.

We are running on a sub-capacity machine (and our new one will also be
sub-capacity, meaning slower processors). So obviously I cannot use
60s*10*no.of.cps to determine the limit, since we will not achieve 600s cpu
on one cp per 10minutes for general cps. I think.

In addition, I wanted to avoid conversion to MSUs or MIPS (since I am always
telling my management that those are meaningless). But for the new machine
zPCR was done for our workload by IBM. In the comparison the actual MIPS of
several z196 models were downgraded in their number of MIPS (to account for
lpar overhead and workload mix, IBM calls it zPCR MIPS). Which seems to
confirm my thinking above.

So my question is a) if my thinking above is correct or flawed (and please
set me straight if it is flawed). And b) how do I determine the maximum
number of cpu seconds I can have in any 10-minute-interval at 100% load on
the general cps?  (I did search the archives, but did not really find
anything that might be relevant.)

Thanks for reading, Barbara

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Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread David Cole
So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above 
the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

Above the line means 16M.
Above the bar  means 4G.

But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For 
the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
the mini bar.


Dave Cole  REPLY TO:
ColeSoft Marketing WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658 

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Bob Shannon
I've heard it referred to as the dead zone since it exists but can't be used 
by mortals.

Bob Shannon
Rocket Software

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Rob Scott
AFAIK the only fella that grabs storage from the 2G-4G area is Java via an 
IBM-internal API

I used to like the Deadzone term but not now as the zone is not so dead. 

 Mini-bar is pretty good as it conveys the fact that you really shouldn't be 
taking anything from it :-)  

Rob Scott
Lead Developer
Rocket Software
275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
Tel: +1.617.614.2305

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
David Cole
Sent: 05 July 2011 12:44
Subject: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above the bar, 
when I run into a nomenclature problem...

Above the line means 16M.
Above the bar  means 4G.

But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For the 2G to 4G 
range, you need AMODE(64).

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys can go 
ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above the mini bar.


Dave Cole  REPLY TO:
ColeSoft Marketing WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658 

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Shane Ginnane
Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
Seems a reasonable  acronym - shouldn't cause any controversy.

Shane ...

On Tue, Jul 5th, 2011 at 9:43 PM, David Cole wrote:

 So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
 can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
 the mini bar.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Gene Hudders
isn't the reason it is called a Bar is because it is 2 GB in size and not a 
 simple 1 byte from 16 MB to 16+1 MB?
In a message dated 7/5/2011 8:09:42 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
Seems a reasonable   acronym - shouldn't cause any controversy.

Shane ...

On Tue, Jul  5th, 2011 at 9:43 PM, David Cole wrote:

 So what is the name for  the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
 can go ahead and fight it  out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
 the mini  bar.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Rob Scott

Actual tears of laughter at that.

Rob Scott
Lead Developer
Rocket Software
275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
Tel: +1.617.614.2305

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Shane Ginnane
Sent: 05 July 2011 13:10
Subject: Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
Seems a reasonable  acronym - shouldn't cause any controversy.

Shane ...

On Tue, Jul 5th, 2011 at 9:43 PM, David Cole wrote:

 So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
 can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
 the mini bar.

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Patrick Loftus
60s*10*no.of.cps is correct no matter what the engine speed isn't it, for
CPU seconds?  How much work gets done in those seconds will differ depending
on the engine speed though, e.g. a z10-604 and a z10-704 same amount of CPU
seconds, but the 704 will be processing more instructions, and if you go
from a z10-604 to a z10-605, your CPU seconds will increase by 600 every 10
mins (at 100%).
Is that right?

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Re: Question about minumum level of z/OS to support CICS TS V4.1 V4.2

2011-07-05 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Manuel Tabares
   Hello LIst:
  Someone know what is the minimum level of z/OS in order to support cics t 
 v4.1  v.42 ?
   I have taken a look  into several links, but I am little confusing.

CICS TS 4.1-z/OS 1.9
CICS TS 4.2-z/OS 1.11


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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Vernooij, CP - SPLXM
Don't think so, you have storage above and below both the line and the
bar. So it really is a border between two areas.

Gene Hudders wrote in message
 isn't the reason it is called a Bar is because it is 2 GB in size and
not a 
  simple 1 byte from 16 MB to 16+1 MB?
 In a message dated 7/5/2011 8:09:42 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
 Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
 Seems a reasonable   acronym - shouldn't cause any controversy.
 Shane ...
 On Tue, Jul  5th, 2011 at 9:43 PM, David Cole wrote:
  So what is the name for  the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys

  can go ahead and fight it  out. Me? I'm just going to call it above

  the mini  bar.
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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Rob Schramm
I suppose another name with multiple meanings will work.

Dead zones are hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world's oceans, the
observed incidences of which have been increasing since oceanographers
began noting them in the 1970s. These occur near inhabited coastlines,
where aquatic life is most concentrated.

The Dead Zone, aka Stephen King's Dead Zone (in USA) is an
American-Canadian science fiction/suspense series starring Anthony
Michael Hall as Johnny Smith, who discovers he has developed psychic
abilities after a coma. ...

The Dead Zone is a novel by Stephen King published in 1979. It is
about Johnny Smith, who is injured in an accident and enters a coma
for nearly five years. ...

The Dead Zone is a 1983 science fiction-thriller film based on the
Stephen King novel of the same name. Directed by David Cronenberg, the
film stars Christopher Walken, Tom Skerritt, Martin Sheen, Herbert
Lom, Brooke Adams, Anthony Zerbe, Ken Pogue, and Colleen Dewhurst. ...

Dead Zone|??? ??? is a video game developed and published by Sunsoft.
It was released only in Japan for the Famicom Disk System on November
20, 1986.

A condition of the ocean where all or most marine life is unable to
survive because of extreme pollution.…

In ultrasonic testing, the interval following the initial pulse where
the transducer ring down prevents detection or interpretation of
reflected energy (echoes). ...

Area where wireless coverage drops off or is unavailable

Rob Schramm
Senior Systems Consultant
Imperium Group

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Vernooij, CP - SPLXM
Patrick Loftus wrote in message
 60s*10*no.of.cps is correct no matter what the engine speed isn't it,
 CPU seconds?  How much work gets done in those seconds will differ
 on the engine speed though, e.g. a z10-604 and a z10-704 same amount
of CPU

I am getting more and more convinced that Barbara must convert to SU's.
During CoD, the SU conversion factor is changed dynamically, so at each
moment, one should be able to determine the actual capacity of the
machine. The SU conversion factor is stored in many SMF records, so it
will probably be at hand where you need it.


 but the 704 will be processing more instructions, and if you go
 from a z10-604 to a z10-605, your CPU seconds will increase by 600
every 10
 mins (at 100%).
 Is that right?
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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Vernooij, CP - SPLXM
Right, Shane's Unselectable Storage Segment is much better to eliminate


Rob Schramm wrote in message
 I suppose another name with multiple meanings will work.
 Dead zones are hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world's oceans, the
 observed incidences of which have been increasing since oceanographers
 began noting them in the 1970s. These occur near inhabited coastlines,
 where aquatic life is most concentrated.
 The Dead Zone, aka Stephen King's Dead Zone (in USA) is an
 American-Canadian science fiction/suspense series starring Anthony
 Michael Hall as Johnny Smith, who discovers he has developed psychic
 abilities after a coma. ...
 The Dead Zone is a novel by Stephen King published in 1979. It is
 about Johnny Smith, who is injured in an accident and enters a coma
 for nearly five years. ...
 The Dead Zone is a 1983 science fiction-thriller film based on the
 Stephen King novel of the same name. Directed by David Cronenberg, the
 film stars Christopher Walken, Tom Skerritt, Martin Sheen, Herbert
 Lom, Brooke Adams, Anthony Zerbe, Ken Pogue, and Colleen Dewhurst. ...
 Dead Zone|??? ??? is a video game developed and published by Sunsoft.
 It was released only in Japan for the Famicom Disk System on November
 20, 1986.
 A condition of the ocean where all or most marine life is unable to
 survive because of extreme pollution.
 In ultrasonic testing, the interval following the initial pulse where
 the transducer ring down prevents detection or interpretation of
 reflected energy (echoes). ...
 Area where wireless coverage drops off or is unavailable
 Rob Schramm
 Senior Systems Consultant
 Imperium Group
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employees shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of 
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Airlines) is registered in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, with registered number 

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2011-07-05 Thread Donald Johnson
My guess is that a previous IEBGENER/COPY or FileAid attempt changed the
file attributes, or overwrote a control block at the beginning of the

The other posters are correct in that there are special Pan* programs to add
members (or even whole PDS files) to Panlibs. If you have the Panvalet
subsystem installed, you can treat Panlibs sort of like a PDS, and that
may be useful for some people.

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 7:55 AM, esmie moo wrote:


 I tried using the ISPF Panvalet utility and encountered the problem as
 well.  When I try to copy the member from my PDS to the Standard CA-Panvalet
 library I get the error message INVALID PANVALET LIBRARY
 The library has incorrect DSORG, RECFM, or is not a compatible version

 --- On Mon, 7/4/11, Lizette Koehler wrote:

 From: Lizette Koehler
 Received: Monday, July 4, 2011, 11:42 PM

  Good Morning Gentle Readers,
  I am trying to copy a jcl from my PDS to a Panvalet pds library using
  AID.  However I get the error message Unsupported Type for the to
 dataset which is
  the Panvalet pds.
  ER792-Panvalet/Librarian/GEM datasets not allowed as TO dataset.
  Is there a way of copying a member from a PDS to a Panvalet PDS?  Could
  suggest a work around?
  Thanks in advance.

 I have not used Panvalet in a long time.  But if it is still this way, only
 Pan Utilities can update Panvalet datasets.

 If you have the Panvalet manuals, there are ++ control cards in PANVALET
 that you use in batch with Pan Programs.

 Panvalet, IIRC, cannot use any utility to access it.  It can only be
 with PGM=PAN#  type program names.

 You cannot use FILEAID, IDCAMS, IEBCOPY when working with Panvalet
 Panvalet has utilities to access Pan datasets.
 Do you have the ISPF Interface available?  If so, you should be able to use
 those to do what you want.


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2011-07-05 Thread Staller, Allan
Panvalet does not use a PDS to store the data.

I have extensive experience w/Librarian. Librarian had a SUBSYS feature which 
allowed the Librarian file to be accessed as thought it were a PDS.
The general rule was to refer to the Librarian dataset with SUBSYS=xxx (usually 
LAM... Librarian Access Method)

ISTR that Panvalet had a similar feature, however, I have not used Panvalet 
since the late 70's, so I may be mistaken. I am uninformed as to the details.


I am trying to copy a jcl from my PDS to a Panvalet pds library using 
FILE-AID.  However I get the error message Unsupported Type for the to 
dataset which is the Panvalet pds.
ER792-Panvalet/Librarian/GEM datasets not allowed as TO dataset. 

Is there a way of copying a member from a PDS to a Panvalet PDS?  Could someone 
suggest a work around?

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2011-07-05 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 11:48:37 +0200, mario@tiscali wrote:

Also, when moving to CFLEVEL17 don't forget that the size of the CF
Control Code itself increases significantly. From some 100 MB to some
500 MB if I remember correctly. The CFCC LPAR memory definition should
be updated to accomodate this.

This is the one that bothered me - only because it was a surprise.  I couldn't
find anything written that told me it was normal nor was it mentioned in
any of the z196 pre-install meetings that my client had.  It took me a while
to get confirmation from a large systems specialist within IBM that it was
expected. He passed along this information from a colleague:

the growth of the image is do to many enhancements in function and recovery
in the CFCC 17 code. CFCC 17 on z196 has added some function and added
enhanced recovery of the CF code. The number of supported structures was
increased from 1023 to 2047 structures, the number of logical connection to
a structure was increased, and the recovery was enhanced to improve
nondisruptive MCL activation to maintain code levels and the ability to take
nondisruptive CF dumps. CFCC recovery code has been added to take
nondisruptive dumps of the CF and signal all connected images with a CRW
machine check to invoke sysplex wide SVC and nondisruptive CF dumps for some
CF recovery events to gather problem data.

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
Mark's MVS Utilities: 
Systems Programming expert at

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Alan Altmark
On Mon, 4 Jul 2011 18:46:39 -0700, Richard Pinion wrote:

 MFNetDisk is a wonderful product of which the developer does not charge
 one single penny!

Whether it's free or not isn't the issue.  There is a significant difference
(1) calling out a product (commercial or freeware) as a possible solution to
a posted problem
(2) the author occasionally posting a reminder of his product
(3) discussing the technical aspects of the product

The first is no crime. 

I don't object to the second since the product is free and has demonstrated
benefit to the readership.  I think that anyone who has contributed here is
entitled to occasionally post an ad.   Occasionally is the key.  The
toleration of the readership to such ads is entirely dependent on their view
of the person making the post.  Someone advertising freeware will naturally
be given more latitude than if IBM or CA did the same thing.

The third, however, is Technical Support and can be reasonably requested to
reside in another forum.  Sometimes, however, the Q  A *may* be appropriate
here if it being used as a springboard to a discussion of some larger issue
that affects the entire readership.

But life is too short to get all fired up over this.  I'm going back to my
napwake me when we get there

Alan Altmark
Senior Managing z/VM and Linux IT Consultant
IBM Lab Services

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Chase, John
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of David Cole
 So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
 the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...
 Above the line means 16M.
 Above the bar  means 4G.
 But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For
 the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).
 So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? . . .

Black hole.


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Re: Trapping the LPAR Deactivate signal on z/OS?

2011-07-05 Thread Staller, Allan
From the z/OS 1.11 annnouncement (209-242. Dated Aug 18, 2009).

The sysplex failure management (SFM) component of XCF used in a Parallel
Sysplex to manage failures and reconfiguration has been enhanced in z/OS
V1.11. It is now designed to use new Base Control Program internal
interface (BCPii) services to determine whether an unresponsive system
has failed, expedite sysplex recovery by bypassing delay intervals when
possible, and automatically reset failed systems without manual
intervention. This new function is expected to allow SFM to avoid
waiting for a period of time before assuming that systems have failed,
improve the responsiveness of failure management, avoid operator
intervention, and help limit or avoid sysplex-wide slowdowns that can
result from single-system failures.

Just to clarify, BCP/II is a mixture of HW/SW that allows communication
with the HMC.

I think the plumbing you need is already in place. Just needs to be


I've been discussing the idea of whether it would be possible/useful to
write something to trap the hardware LPAR deactivation signal and use
that to trigger an controlled emergency shutdown of z/OS. On VM and VSE,
there is a trap present in the base OS that grabs that signal and starts
a controlled shutdown of the OS (you can simulate it using the SIGNAL
SHUTDOWN command on VM). z/OS doesn't seem to have any knowledge of this
and proceeds to die horribly when the timer specified on the deactivate
fires and the hardware goes away.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400, David Cole wrote:

So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

Above the line means 16M.
Above the bar  means 4G.

But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For
the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys
can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above
the mini bar.


Since the bar is 2G thick (or it used to be before Java started to use it), 
maybe it can be called in the bar.

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
Mark's MVS Utilities: 
Systems Programming expert at

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Ted MacNEIL
I am getting more and more convinced that Barbara must convert to SU's.
During CoD, the SU conversion factor is changed dynamically, so at each 
moment, one should be able to determine the actual capacity of the machine.
The SU conversion factor is stored in many SMF records, so it will probably be 
at hand where you need it.

Unfortunately, Barbara is correct in stating that MSUs are meaningless, because 
SU conversion is also meaningless.

SUs are derived from the pseudo-science of LSPR, which in turn is the shaky 
foundation of zPCR.
This 'knowledge' is then packaged up with some marketing sleight of hand to 
produce the bad metric of MSUs.
We then base (hardware  software) decisions on these WAGs to further our 
Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Vernooij, CP - SPLXM
Ted MacNEIL wrote in message
 I am getting more and more convinced that Barbara must convert to
 During CoD, the SU conversion factor is changed dynamically, so at
each moment, one should be able to determine the actual capacity of the
 The SU conversion factor is stored in many SMF records, so it will
probably be at hand where you need it.
 Unfortunately, Barbara is correct in stating that MSUs are
meaningless, because SU conversion is also meaningless.
 SUs are derived from the pseudo-science of LSPR, which in turn is the
shaky foundation of zPCR.
 This 'knowledge' is then packaged up with some marketing sleight of
hand to produce the bad metric of MSUs.
 We then base (hardware  software) decisions on these WAGs to further
our business.
 Ted MacNEIL

Well, a change in SU factor will at least signal that your machine has
changed from configuration X to configuration Y. This will be available
at each SMF/RMF interval and in many SMF records. How you value the
absolute figure is a second issue.


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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Bob Shannon
AFAIK the only fella that grabs storage from the 2G-4G area is Java via an 
IBM-internal API

IIRC, the Private Area above the bar begins at 16Gb. Everything below that is 
reserved for Java. This change was implemented via PTF.

Bob Shannon
Rocket Software

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread John P Kalinich
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of David Cole

 So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
 the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

 Above the line means 16M.
 Above the bar  means 4G.

 But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For
 the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).

 So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? . . .

Twilight Zone?

John K

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Re: Enclave help

2011-07-05 Thread Ward, Mike S
Sometimes these enclaves get hung up doing a process that takes a long time. 
They seem to hold resources that start affecting the other users to the point 
that they can no longer work. Under Omegamon we could cancel the enclave that 
was tying up resources. We no longer have Omegamon.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Linda Mooney
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Enclave help

Hi Mike, 

An enclave will involve more than one address space.  I do not know enough 
about DB2 to advise you, except to recommend that you identify the parent and 
the children.  Why do you want to cancel? 



- Original Message -

From: Mike S Ward 
Sent: Friday, July 1, 2011 9:29:27 AM 
Subject: Enclave help 

    194002C094F     1.31 SSFE     DB2PDIST     134 0086     YES 

Hello all, I have a question. Is there any way to cancel the above 

Thanks in advance. 

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Re: Real return address for link and attach

2011-07-05 Thread Donald Likens
This has all been interesting but I don't think my question has been 
answered (sorry if I missed it). Some said I could get the real return 
address in the save area trace but I do not think that is correct since 
the calling program saves the registers and R14 points to LINK(x) or 
ATTACH(x) when the calling program is called. As for the PRB/SVRB 
discussion application programs run under a PRB.

It was my understanding that attach returned to the OS but in my case 
I am seeing some pretty wierd things going on if the attached task 
ends immediately. 

As to the reference to LINK/Attach manuals it simply states that the 
registers are changed (I had already looked there). It didn't say what it 
did with the real R14.

Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Mohammad Khan
Since bars unlike lines do have some thickness I like to think of the bar being 
the range from 2G - 4G but that's just me. 


On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400, David Cole 

So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

Above the line means 16M.
Above the bar  means 4G.

But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For
the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys
can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above
the mini bar.


Dave Cole  REPLY TO:
ColeSoft Marketing WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Alan Altmark wrote:
But life is too short to get all fired up over this.  I'm going back to my 
wake me when we get there

WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!  ;-D(Sorry, but can't resist... :-D)

No, seriously, Alan, you've made good points. Many thanks for your post.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread John McKown
DMZ - DeMemorized Zone.

John McKown
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

On Jul 5, 2011 7:23 AM, Vernooij, CP - SPLXM

Don't think so, you have storage above and below both the line and the
bar. So it really is a border between two areas.

Gene Hudders wrote in message


 isn't the reason it is called a Bar is because it is 2 GB in size and
not a
 simple 1...

 Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
 Seems a reasonable acronym - shouldn't cause any controve...

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Re: Diagnose S0E0 Abend

2011-07-05 Thread Donald Likens
Thank you for your help but I have opened an IBM problem for this one. 
The abend occurred randomly and when I replace BAKR/PR with 
standard linkage (+ LAM/STAM) it works perfectly.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Steve Conway
The one and only Shane suggests: 
Unselectable Storage Segment

Shane, you are an EVIL, evil man! 

Keep up the fine work.


Steven F. Conway, CISSP
LA Systems
z/OS Systems Support
Phone: 703.295.1926

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Steve Horein
This gets my vote.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Shane Ginnane wrote:

 Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
 Seems a reasonable  acronym - shouldn't cause any controversy.

 Shane ...

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Re: Real return address for link and attach

2011-07-05 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 08:30:19 -0500, Donald Likens wrote:

This has all been interesting but I don't think my question has been
answered (sorry if I missed it). Some said I could get the real return
address in the save area trace but I do not think that is correct since
the calling program saves the registers and R14 points to LINK(x) or
ATTACH(x) when the calling program is called.

The calling program does not save the registers.

When the processing of an RB is suspended, the PSW is stored in RBOPSW. 
LINK and ATTACH both cause an SVC interruption and the RB is suspended. 
Link creates a new RB.  When that RB terminates with SVC 3, the previous 
RB resumes.  ATTACH creates a new TCB and a new RB and returns control 
to the previous RB.  Both TCBs are equally eligible to be dispatched.  When 
the ATTACHed task terminates (SVC 3), task cleanup is performed.  It does 
not return to the attaching task.

As for the PRB/SVRB
discussion application programs run under a PRB.

Correct.  Thanks to those who pointed out my error and especially to 
Shmuel who (I think) provided the best explanation of what happens.

Tom Marchant

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Re: Real return address for link and attach

2011-07-05 Thread Wayne Driscoll
You seem to be asking about what happens to the real R14, is that 
correct?  How do you define real,  If you are asking where the contents 
of R14 at the point the LINK(X) or ATTACH(X) macro is issued in the 
calling program are stored, the answer is simple, they aren't.  Both of 
these macros (along with most other IBM defined macros) clearly document 
the contents of the registers when control returns to the caller.  For 
ATTACH(X), R14 is used a work register by the system.  For LINK(X), if the 
LINK(X) is successful, when the target program gets invoked, R14 will 
contain the return address, which will be the address of the SVC 3 
instruction in the CVT.  If the link fails, and an ERRET routine was 
coded, on entry to the ERRET, R14 was used as a work register by the 
system.  Since the system uses R14 (most system macros use without saving 
Registers 14, 15, 0 and 1) if you care about the contents, it is the 
coder's responsibility to save them before issuing the macro, and 
restoring them after the macro expansion (and at any error points that the 
macro could pass control to).

Wayne Driscoll
OMEGAMON DB2 L3 Support/Development

Donald Likens
07/05/2011 08:30 AM
Re: Real return address for link and attach
Sent by:
IBM Mainframe Discussion List

This has all been interesting but I don't think my question has been 
answered (sorry if I missed it). Some said I could get the real return 
address in the save area trace but I do not think that is correct since 
the calling program saves the registers and R14 points to LINK(x) or 
ATTACH(x) when the calling program is called. As for the PRB/SVRB 
discussion application programs run under a PRB.

It was my understanding that attach returned to the OS but in my case 
I am seeing some pretty wierd things going on if the attached task 
ends immediately. 

As to the reference to LINK/Attach manuals it simply states that the 
registers are changed (I had already looked there). It didn't say what it 
did with the real R14.

Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Walt Farrell
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:20:58 +, Bob Shannon

AFAIK the only fella that grabs storage from the 2G-4G area is Java via an
IBM-internal API

IIRC, the Private Area above the bar begins at 16Gb. Everything below that
is reserved for Java. This change was implemented via PTF.

I'm pretty sure it's higher than that as of z/OS V1.12, Bob, with the
implementation of the local system area (LOCALSYSAREA=YES on IARV64
GETSTOR). But I don't remember the details.

Walt Farrell
IBM STSM, z/OS Security Design

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400 David Cole wrote:

:So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above 
:the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

:Above the line means 16M.
:Above the bar  means 4G.

:But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For 
:the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).

:So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
:can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
:the mini bar.

There would be the need for special page tables to execute code in that area.

Is there now support for unlocked code above the bar? Though that Z spews if
the interrupted PSW is there.

Binyamin Dissen

Director, Dissen Software, Bar  Grill - Israel

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400, David Cole wrote:

So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

Above the line means 16M.
Above the bar  means 4G.

I think that above the bar means 2G.  It is true that the bar was once 
described as having a thickness of 2G as IARV64 would not create a memory 
object in that area.  I think that is now obsolete.

While it is also true that the area from 2G to 32G (IIRC) is reserved for Java, 
someone has pointed out here that there is an undocumented parameter on 
IARV64 to allow allocation of storage in that range.  Presumably, this is 
intended only for the use of Java.

Tom Marchant

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread shai hess
Alan Altmark:
discussing the technical aspects of the product

I think that technical issue is very proper to this forum.
All this forum is technical question and answer. I never wrote to this
forum how to specify MFNetDisk statements and if I wrote one time or
two that was a mistake.

Maybe mention my product name a lot,  is a little improper, but
because it is a free product and the number of new users and the
feedback I received, make me feel very welcome in this forum so I
mention the name without any limitation.

Beside this forum and sometime Hercules forum I did not try to publish
my product and the true is that I do not know how to do it.

Developing advance technical issue make me proud and happy and it
makes me feel that I like to share with this forum my pogress with the
product and the way I implement it.

I know that I am not aware to what is acceptable in forum and what is not.
I am spontaneous man.

Example is telling about living in Ashdod which this forum is not
the right place to write about.
The only problem I have is that no many people support what ED Gould
wrote against this product.
I receive privately many feed backs which support my posting and all
of them. They like what I post to this forum.

I wish I could know for sure what posts are acceptable and what are no.
I like the technical posts.
About advancing my product, it is already well known everywhere.
I think that most of the MF system programmers heard about my product.
Rest in sleep.
I love this statement and I am happy to share it with you.


On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 6:00 AM, Alan Altmark wrote:
 On Mon, 4 Jul 2011 18:46:39 -0700, Richard Pinion 

 MFNetDisk is a wonderful product of which the developer does not charge
 one single penny!

 Whether it's free or not isn't the issue.  There is a significant difference
 (1) calling out a product (commercial or freeware) as a possible solution to
 a posted problem
 (2) the author occasionally posting a reminder of his product
 (3) discussing the technical aspects of the product

 The first is no crime.

 I don't object to the second since the product is free and has demonstrated
 benefit to the readership.  I think that anyone who has contributed here is
 entitled to occasionally post an ad.   Occasionally is the key.  The
 toleration of the readership to such ads is entirely dependent on their view
 of the person making the post.  Someone advertising freeware will naturally
 be given more latitude than if IBM or CA did the same thing.

 The third, however, is Technical Support and can be reasonably requested to
 reside in another forum.  Sometimes, however, the Q  A *may* be appropriate
 here if it being used as a springboard to a discussion of some larger issue
 that affects the entire readership.

 But life is too short to get all fired up over this.  I'm going back to my
 napwake me when we get there

 Alan Altmark
 Senior Managing z/VM and Linux IT Consultant
 IBM Lab Services

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Meral Temel (Garanti Teknoloji)
Hi Barbara ,
For normalization method, the one that I learned from Gary King from IBM 
several years ago and the one that I am using since then,  is to use ITR/CP 
ratio difference between models.Which CPC models are you upgrading from/to and 
what is your workload type according to your  zPCR study?.
  SU/sec was used many  years ago for normalization process  and it had 
much accurate meaning in those days,but with machine architecture changes and 
especially with using IRD or Hiperdispatch funtions where number of LCPs online 
and available to system changes from one interval to another, it is been 
recommended to use ITR/CP ratio differences.( When you check SU/sec value 
differences between two different CPC models  and ITR/CP value ratio of CPC 
models  you will see a difference between two values ratio as well.) Using SU 
itself  is not correct approach also because of the fact that starting with 
IRD, SU/sec value  is not changed even in RMF records itself. 
   In order to use ITR/CP method:  From IBM LSPR table you can find out 
your CPCs ITR value based on your workload type and divide that value to the 
number of CPs in model. You may do the same process for your older model.These 
two values will be your ratio that you may use while normalizing your consumed 
cputimes related to different CPC models. According to what you have explained, 
I guess,your ITR/CP ratio for new model will be less than your older model.  
Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Barbara Nitz
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 2:23 PM
Subject: [IBM-MAIN] How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

Background: Traditionally, we have been reporting cpu usage for our box
normalized to 100% using the TYPE70PR SMF records. Unfortunately, when the
model of the box changes via CoD (or whatever it is called), you cannot even
*see* that the capacity has become bigger.
Using the total cpu seconds consumed, what you can see is that more cpu
seconds were used in the same length interval, either because the number of
processors increased or because the processor speed increased. So I have
been thinking of doing the 'cpu usage per box' graphic using total cpu
consumed in each interval. Which raises the question what is the limit of
cpu seconds per interval? Because that is what I need to show management to
show how much more we would have needed.

We are running on a sub-capacity machine (and our new one will also be
sub-capacity, meaning slower processors). So obviously I cannot use
60s*10*no.of.cps to determine the limit, since we will not achieve 600s cpu
on one cp per 10minutes for general cps. I think.

In addition, I wanted to avoid conversion to MSUs or MIPS (since I am always
telling my management that those are meaningless). But for the new machine
zPCR was done for our workload by IBM. In the comparison the actual MIPS of
several z196 models were downgraded in their number of MIPS (to account for
lpar overhead and workload mix, IBM calls it zPCR MIPS). Which seems to
confirm my thinking above.

So my question is a) if my thinking above is correct or flawed (and please
set me straight if it is flawed). And b) how do I determine the maximum
number of cpu seconds I can have in any 10-minute-interval at 100% load on
the general cps?  (I did search the archives, but did not really find
anything that might be relevant.)

Thanks for reading, Barbara

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Re: Z/OS Newbie question

2011-07-05 Thread Farley, Peter x23353

Check out CBT file 391, COBANALZ, which can process a whole load library and 
give you a summary report showing not only compile and link dates but also the 
language and compiler version used for the compile and other information.  It's 
not perfect (some old compilers didn't put wnough info into the load member), 
but it's good enough for many purposes.

The summary report is in library member order, but you can post-process the 
report to sort it as you will, or convert the columns to CSV fields and 
download it to a spreadsheet program, or just download the text of the report 
and import it into a spreadsheet program as a fixed width file.

I don't believe there is any base z/OS facility like the FAQS/ASO feature you 
described, but you might check with the FAQS company to see if they have a z/OS 



 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
 Behalf Of Hilary Hurwitz
 Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 7:43 AM
 Subject: Z/OS Newbie question
 I recently moved from being System programmer and ADABAS DBA in a VSE/ESA
 shop and converted myself to DBA in a Z/OS 1.9 shop.
 I am still a little overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work, and I managed
 to get used to saying ISPF and  JES instead of Vollie and Power :)
 I really miss one function - provided by FAQS/ASO.
 At the end of every batch job, it printed out a list of modules used and
 which libraries they were taken from.
 Since we are in the middle of some major conversions here and have pretty
 complicated jcl procs, it would really help me to have this feature.
 Has anyone written it ? Could it be done ? Maybe in REXX ?
 The other thing I would like is to be able to see the compile dates in a
 load library - all the library at once. We do have File Aid, but it is a
 pain to get all dates (and maybe even sort on date ?)
 Ah - the wish list gets longer.
 Thanks for your help
 Hilary Hurwitz
 Israel National Insurance (Social Security)

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Re: Annoyance with the IEZJSAB macro

2011-07-05 Thread Edward Jaffe

On 7/4/2011 3:33 PM, Edward Jaffe wrote:

BTW, the macro is IAZJSAB (IAZ not IEZ).

Oops. How embarrassing. I have to correct my correction... :-[

The macro under discussion is IAZXJSAB. (IAZJSAB is the mapping macro for the 
JSAB control block.)

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread John McKown
Java uses memory in the bar? An IBMer stated that is impossible . I
thought it required an MCL available only on the latest z machines.

John McKown
Sent from my Vibrant Android phone.

On Jul 5, 2011 8:08 AM, Mark Zelden wrote:

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400, David Cole wrote:

So I'm working on XDC a...

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys
can go ahead and fight it out

Since the bar is 2G thick (or it used to be before Java started to use it),
maybe it can be called in the bar.

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
Mark's MVS Utilities:
Systems Programming expert at

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Bob Shannon
Java uses memory in the bar?

Java uses the area for compressed pointers. It doesn't execute there.

Bob Shannon
Rocket Software

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Horst Sinram
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 06:22:38 -0500, Barbara Nitz wrote:

Background: Traditionally, we have been reporting cpu usage for our box
normalized to 100% using the TYPE70PR SMF records. Unfortunately, when the
model of the box changes via CoD (or whatever it is called), you cannot even
*see* that the capacity has become bigger.

Barbara, for z10 and above, SMF70 has all the information about permanent,
temporary (including ON/Off CoD), and total (including OOCoD and CBU)
capacity. For all three levels the model identifier and the MSU rating is
So my question is a) if my thinking above is correct or flawed (and please
set me straight if it is flawed). And b) how do I determine the maximum
number of cpu seconds I can have in any 10-minute-interval at 100% load on
the general cps?  (I did search the archives, but did not really find
anything that might be relevant.)

The current set provides the (physical) number of CPs as part of the model
identifier, as well as the MSU rating.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Horst Sinram  - z/OS Capacity Management

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread John McKown
z/VM and z/VSE have no problem. z/OS hurls if the PSW instruction
address is above the bar. The reason is that the PSW save area in the
RBs and TCB is still only a doubleword, not a quadword.

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 17:27 +0300, Binyamin Dissen wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400 David Cole wrote:
 :So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above 
 :the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...
 :Above the line means 16M.
 :Above the bar  means 4G.
 :But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For 
 :the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).
 :So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
 :can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
 :the mini bar.
 There would be the need for special page tables to execute code in that area.
 Is there now support for unlocked code above the bar? Though that Z spews if
 the interrupted PSW is there.
 Binyamin Dissen
 Director, Dissen Software, Bar  Grill - Israel
 Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
 you should preauthorize the domain.
 I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
 especially those from irresponsible companies.
 For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
 send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
 Search the archives at

John McKown

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Cheryl Walker
Above the bar  2G.

Elpida Tzortzatos from IBM (and Ms. VSM) gave an incredibly wonderful 
presentation at SHARE in Boston. This not only shows the lines and bars, but 
describes how the reserved area for Java works. It also contains the applicable 

A direct link is -

If that doesn't work for you, go to, go to previous conferences, 
select Boston, then session 7511.

Best regards,
Cheryl Watson
Watson  Walker, Inc.

On Jul 5, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Bob Shannon wrote:

 Java uses memory in the bar?

Java uses the area for compressed pointers. It doesn't execute there.

Bob Shannon
Rocket Software

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Re: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

2011-07-05 Thread Hal Merritt
 A couple of things: 

A CPU second is a constant. It has nothing to do with the hardware. It is the 
approximate number of seconds where a given  CPU was observed to be doing work 
as opposed to being in a wait state. How much work is done -is- a variable that 
does depend on the hardware. You increase your service delivery by faster 
CPU's, more of them, reduced workload, or some combination thereof. 

'Sub capacity' is a billing/pricing strategy and does not mean slower 
processors. Indeed, it is often a business justification for faster processors. 
With the 'sub capacity' strategy comes tools such that management can set some 
pretty firm limits on software costs. It is not and should not be confused with 
CoD.  You may choose whichever is a best fit for your specific business 
situation. You can even choose combinations if you run more than one box.   For 
example, 'sub capacity' allows for brief spikes in utilization without penalty. 

You are right in that the 'capacity' of modern boxes is no longer a constant. 
Indeed, depending on your strategies, it can and will vary moment to moment. 
With this variability, 'normalization' is difficult at best.  I might propose 
that a meaningful measurement might be to calculate an average of the ratio of 
capacity used vs capacity available for each measurement interval. Again, a CPU 
second may not a good measurement of CPU capacity.   

IMHO, the best measure of latency is when service level objectives are missed. 
Perhaps the second best is counting the number of intervals when the box is 
running full out. You just can't push the utilization to 100% without latency. 
Interestingly enough, CPU seconds just might be a useful metric for this 
specific case. That is, if a CPU did not enter a wait state for x clock 
seconds, then it is safe to assume that there was latency for each of those x 
clock seconds. Latency would increase exponentially as x increases.  Or so 
queuing theory would suggest. 

HTH and good luck

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Barbara Nitz
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: How many CPU seconds can I consume per 10minutes?

Background: Traditionally, we have been reporting cpu usage for our box 
normalized to 100% using the TYPE70PR SMF records. Unfortunately, when the 
model of the box changes via CoD (or whatever it is called), you cannot even
*see* that the capacity has become bigger.
Using the total cpu seconds consumed, what you can see is that more cpu seconds 
were used in the same length interval, either because the number of processors 
increased or because the processor speed increased. So I have been thinking of 
doing the 'cpu usage per box' graphic using total cpu consumed in each 
interval. Which raises the question what is the limit of cpu seconds per 
interval? Because that is what I need to show management to show how much more 
we would have needed.

We are running on a sub-capacity machine (and our new one will also be 
sub-capacity, meaning slower processors). So obviously I cannot use 
60s*10*no.of.cps to determine the limit, since we will not achieve 600s cpu on 
one cp per 10minutes for general cps. I think.

In addition, I wanted to avoid conversion to MSUs or MIPS (since I am always 
telling my management that those are meaningless). But for the new machine zPCR 
was done for our workload by IBM. In the comparison the actual MIPS of several 
z196 models were downgraded in their number of MIPS (to account for lpar 
overhead and workload mix, IBM calls it zPCR MIPS). Which seems to confirm my 
thinking above.

So my question is a) if my thinking above is correct or flawed (and please set 
me straight if it is flawed). And b) how do I determine the maximum number of 
cpu seconds I can have in any 10-minute-interval at 100% load on the general 
cps?  (I did search the archives, but did not really find anything that might 
be relevant.)

Thanks for reading, Barbara

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 17:27:32 +0300, Binyamin Dissen wrote:

:So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys
:can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above
:the mini bar.

I vote for within the bar.

There would be the need for special page tables to execute code in that area.

Not very special.  The 2 GiB thickness of the bar is a product of
the fertile imagination of z/OS.  Other OSes routinely permit use
of storage within that range, and routinely support execution above
2GiB and above 4 GiB.

Is there now support for unlocked code above the bar? Though that Z spews if
the interrupted PSW is there.

Again, not the hardware, but a construct of z/OS which scrunches the
PSW to 64 bits, discarding the upper 32 bits of the program address.
It was explained here lately that if that address was 4GiB or above,
the z/OS interrupt handler (not the hardware; not every OS) sets the
low order bit to 1, causing a specification exception on return from
the interrupt.

-- gil

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread John McKown
Found it here:

|An optional input parameter that specifies whether this is an |
explicit allocation request for 64-bit virtual storage in local system |
area. The localsysarea parameter can be used only by callers running |in
supervisor state or with a PSW key 0-7. The default is LOCALSYSAREA= |
NO. |

The request will not be satisfied from the local system area. |
The request is to be satisfied from the local system area. The |
storage obtained with this keyword will not be copied during Fork |
processing. The use of local system area storage does not preclude |
checkpoint from succeeding. 

However local system area is not defined in this book. But in
SG247853, the diagram on page 120 shows System Area from 32 Gb to 288
Gb and still shows the bar. I'm confused.

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 09:17 -0500, Walt Farrell wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:20:58 +, Bob Shannon
 AFAIK the only fella that grabs storage from the 2G-4G area is Java via an
 IBM-internal API
 IIRC, the Private Area above the bar begins at 16Gb. Everything below that
 is reserved for Java. This change was implemented via PTF.
 I'm pretty sure it's higher than that as of z/OS V1.12, Bob, with the
 implementation of the local system area (LOCALSYSAREA=YES on IARV64
 GETSTOR). But I don't remember the details.

John McKown

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Re: Real return address for LINK and ATTACH

2011-07-05 Thread Dale Miller
On July 4, Peter Relson corrected my misstatement that the application  
program invoked from EXEC PGM= is invoked by a LINK. Charlie Chan  
would have said foot in mouth come from rust in brain.  I should  
have realized that it is invoked by ATTACH, since it runs under its  
own TCB, rather than an Initiator TCB. Shmuel Metz also rose to the  
occasion. Thanks, guys.

Dale Miller

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Lindy Mayfield
i would love that.  i think it is way cool software, and I've always been 
interested in knowing more about it.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
shai hess
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

Alan Altmark:
discussing the technical aspects of the product

I think that technical issue is very proper to this forum.
All this forum is technical question and answer.  

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Jim Thomas

Umm... I think the bigger problem is that there's no RTM support ...
at least there was not for up to 1.11.  

Kind Regards

Jim Thomas
617-233-4130 (mobile)
636-294-1014(res) (Email)

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
John McKown
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

z/VM and z/VSE have no problem. z/OS hurls if the PSW instruction
address is above the bar. The reason is that the PSW save area in the
RBs and TCB is still only a doubleword, not a quadword.

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 17:27 +0300, Binyamin Dissen wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400 David Cole wrote:
 :So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above 
 :the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...
 :Above the line means 16M.
 :Above the bar  means 4G.
 :But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For 
 :the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).
 :So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys 
 :can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above 
 :the mini bar.
 There would be the need for special page tables to execute code in that area.
 Is there now support for unlocked code above the bar? Though that Z spews if
 the interrupted PSW is there.
 Binyamin Dissen
 Director, Dissen Software, Bar  Grill - Israel
 Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
 you should preauthorize the domain.
 I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
 especially those from irresponsible companies.
 For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
 send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
 Search the archives at

John McKown

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread David Cole

At 7/5/2011 12:02 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Again, not the hardware, but a construct of z/OS which scrunches the
PSW to 64 bits, discarding the upper 32 bits of the program address.

LPSW loads scrunched PSWs... LPSW is sorta in the hardware, isn't it?

Just saying...

Dave Cole  REPLY TO:
ColeSoft Marketing WEB PAGE:
736 Fox Hollow RoadVOICE:540-456-8536
Afton, VA 22920FAX:  540-456-6658 

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Re: Real return address for link and attach

2011-07-05 Thread Tony Harminc
On 5 July 2011 09:30, Donald Likens wrote:
 This has all been interesting but I don't think my question has been answered 
 (sorry if I missed it).

It's not so much that it hasn't been answered, but that the premises
of your question have been denied.

What you said originally was this: I have a situation where my
subtask terminates and it seems it returns to somewhere in my program
and starts executing my primary task (hard to believe isn't it). I
want to check out my theory by determining in a dump where the attachx
is going to return to after I execute the BR 14 (and return to

Really this makes no sense, as others have pointed out at some length.
Your subtask executes in parallel with your main task, except to the
extent that you provide means for ensuring that only one runs at a
time - something you have not mentioned doing. The subtask's register
contents, other than perhaps R1 at entry, are unrelated to those of
the main task.

You also said: I would also like to know where LINK(LINKX) is
returning to when I execute the BR 14 (and return to link).

It has been pointed out to you that the BR 14 does not return to link,
but to the operating system. LINK behaves on the surface very much as
ATTACH does, except that execution of the program issuing the LINK
stops, and does not resume until the LINKed to program returns to the
operating system.

 Some said I could get the real return
 address in the save area trace but I do not think that is correct since
 the calling program saves the registers and R14 points to LINK(x) or
 ATTACH(x) when the calling program is called.

I really don't know what you are trying to say, even if I try to parse
it assuming there are minor typos of the sort we can all make. At
entry to your subtask, R14 contains an OS-provided return address that
is quite unrelated to the value in R14 at the time your main task
issued the ATTACH. (We know that it normally points to an SVC 3
instruction in the CVT, but that is not a documented interface, though
it has been that way since 1964 or so, so let's just stick with the
idea that the OS provides the address of some code that will do all
the right stuff to end your subtask.) You talk of the real return
address, but it's not clear what you mean by this. It is utterly
implausible that the OS is providing a wrong address in R14 when
your subtask gets control. Either your subtask is returning to the
address in R14 or it isn't. If it is, then the subtask will end, and
various things will happen depending on some of the options on your
ATTACH. If it isn't, because it lost or mangled the address, then it
is going somewhere else, and executing some unknown code with unknown
results, which could include - if things are really messed up -
executing code that should be part of your main task.

 It was my understanding that attach returned to the OS but in my case
 I am seeing some pretty wierd things going on if the attached task
 ends immediately.

Perhaps you could be specific about these weird things that are going
on, and how your attached task ends immediately.

 As to the reference to LINK/Attach manuals it simply states that the
 registers are changed (I had already looked there). It didn't say what it
 did with the real R14.

We're back to your notion of a real R14, and I don't think anyone
here understands what you mean by that. I don't know if you are merely
having trouble putting your question, or if you have some fundamental
misconception about how the machine and the operating system work.

Tony H.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Jim Mulder
 Umm... I think the bigger problem is that there's no RTM support ...
 at least there was not for up to 1.11. 
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
 Behalf Of John McKown
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???
 z/VM and z/VSE have no problem. z/OS hurls if the PSW instruction
 address is above the bar. The reason is that the PSW save area in the
 RBs and TCB is still only a doubleword, not a quadword.
 On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 17:27 +0300, Binyamin Dissen wrote:
  On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 07:43:45 -0400 David Cole 

  Is there now support for unlocked code above the bar? Though that Z 
spews if
  the interrupted PSW is there.

  The z/OS 1.13 preview (Feb 15, 2011) says:

z/OS will be designed to support some programs running in 64-bit storage,
provided that they meet certain restrictions. This is intended to provide 
storage constraint relief to applications, particularly those that imbed 
in data areas for performance reasons. 

Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
shai hess wrote:

I think that technical issue is very proper to this forum. All this forum is 
technical question and answer. 


Maybe mention my product name a lot,  is a little improper, but because it is 
a free product and the number of new users and the feedback I received, 
make me feel very welcome in this forum so I mention the name without any 

I have refered your free products to my colleagues. It is up to them to decide.

I still don't understand ***why, oh why*** your product is free while you do 
so much with it. You could be a billionare if you wish... ;-D

(and buy up all the Dubai's islands too... ;-D )

Beside this forum and sometime Hercules forum I did not try to publish my 
product and the true is that I do not know how to do it.

It is indeed difficult to publish your products. Perhaps you could ask here 
a new thread? Try it, I'm sure some kind souls will help you there.

Developing advance technical issue make me proud and happy and it makes 
me feel that I like to share with this forum my pogress with the product and 
the way I implement it.

You are an achiever. It is not everyone who can do that...

I know that I am not aware to what is acceptable in forum and what is not.
I am spontaneous man.

Don't worry what is acceptable or not. You will learn quickly like me. I got 
many flames in the beginning years because of bad posts... 

The only problem I have is that no many people support what ED Gould
wrote against this product.

I will NOT discuss people here, but some IBM-MAIN members are on some 'kill-
files' - meaning any posts by them are ignored/deleted automatically.

There was an old thread which suggest placing a poor soul on a 'kill file' ...

They like what I post to this forum.

I like your honesty.

I wish I could know for sure what posts are acceptable and what are no.

If you succeed, tell us. :-D



Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread David Cole

Hi Bruno,

It seems useful to me to have a distinct 
shorthand way to refer to the 2G line vs. the 4G 
line. Since bar already refers to the 4G line, 
using mini-bar to refer to the 2G line appeals to me.

As regards to a name for the 2G-4G area, 
DEADZONE is something I came up with back in 
2004 for use by z/XDC. But now the dead zone isn't so dead anymore, is it...

Since 2G-32G is now reserved for use by JAVA, 
maybe the JAVAHUTT???  (Jabba_the_Hutt is probably a bit too long.)


At 7/5/2011 02:24 AM, Bruno Sugliani wrote:

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys
can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above
the mini bar.

Kiss principle :

Why don't you call it the bar like it should be ?

Or are you a toetotaller ?

Sincères salutations / Best regards


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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread shai hess
 I still don't understand ***why, oh why*** your product is free while you do
 so much with it. You could be a billionare if you wish... ;-D
I have 2 children, Lior and Shira. Shira graduate computer science.
Lior start this year computer science.
Both fight with me everyday they want me to open company and to sell
the product for money.
I show them the email I received from users and they become more angry
that I do not make a move to become more rich man.
People, my life is good. I have God beside me. My girlfriend she is
great woman. I eat 3 times a day, I sleep at night in bed everyday.
If I will have more money, I will eat more? I will sleep more?

I do not like the mass of manage my product. My Son offer me to manage
the product. He is good with business.
When I want to find good deal to buy phone or TV I ask him to do it.
To talk for me. Why, because I am so stupid that if I talk to the sell
man, I feel bad that I want to make the product more cheaper. I feel
sorry for the sell man, for the company sometime for the bank.

But I promise my children, that if big company like IBM, EMC HDS or
whatever ask me to buy the product from me, I may accept it if I will
not force to change my life. I want to keep my life the same as today.
About living in Ashdod, that is from God, God want me to understand
something, I am doing my best to try to be better person, to pray more
from all my heart, and things change for good all the time for me.
Even when I have bug, I pray to God and when the bug solved, I thank
God. Because without God nothing was possible.


On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:
 shai hess wrote:

I think that technical issue is very proper to this forum. All this forum is
 technical question and answer.


Maybe mention my product name a lot,  is a little improper, but because it is
 a free product and the number of new users and the feedback I received,
 make me feel very welcome in this forum so I mention the name without any

 I have refered your free products to my colleagues. It is up to them to 

 I still don't understand ***why, oh why*** your product is free while you do
 so much with it. You could be a billionare if you wish... ;-D

 (and buy up all the Dubai's islands too... ;-D )

Beside this forum and sometime Hercules forum I did not try to publish my
 product and the true is that I do not know how to do it.

 It is indeed difficult to publish your products. Perhaps you could ask here 
 a new thread? Try it, I'm sure some kind souls will help you there.

Developing advance technical issue make me proud and happy and it makes
 me feel that I like to share with this forum my pogress with the product and
 the way I implement it.

 You are an achiever. It is not everyone who can do that...

I know that I am not aware to what is acceptable in forum and what is not.
I am spontaneous man.

 Don't worry what is acceptable or not. You will learn quickly like me. I got
 many flames in the beginning years because of bad posts...

The only problem I have is that no many people support what ED Gould
 wrote against this product.

 I will NOT discuss people here, but some IBM-MAIN members are on some 'kill-
 files' - meaning any posts by them are ignored/deleted automatically.

 There was an old thread which suggest placing a poor soul on a 'kill file' ...

They like what I post to this forum.

 I like your honesty.

I wish I could know for sure what posts are acceptable and what are no.

 If you succeed, tell us. :-D



 Groete / Greetings
 Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Bill Fairchild
I believe you mean the USE2GTO32G=»NO|YES keyword, which defaults to NO and 
which allows the caller to acquire virtual storage above the 2G proto-bar but 
possibly below the 4G quasi-bar, or even up to the 32G neo-bar.  
SYS1.MACLIB(IARV64) shows this parameter as existing, but the Authorized 
Assembler Services book (SA22-7610-17; SEP 2009) contains zero instances of the 
character string USE2G.  Regardless of other restrictions that IBM may add to 
the use of storage above the bar, the bar is still the virtual address 2GB.

Bill Fairchild
Rocket Software

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
John McKown
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

Found it here:

|An optional input parameter that specifies whether this is an | explicit 
allocation request for 64-bit virtual storage in local system | area. The 
localsysarea parameter can be used only by callers running |in supervisor state 
or with a PSW key 0-7. The default is LOCALSYSAREA= | NO. |

The request will not be satisfied from the local system area. |

The request is to be satisfied from the local system area. The | 
storage obtained with this keyword will not be copied during Fork | processing. 
The use of local system area storage does not preclude | checkpoint from 

However local system area is not defined in this book. But in SG247853, the 
diagram on page 120 shows System Area from 32 Gb to 288 Gb and still shows 
the bar. I'm confused.

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 09:17 -0500, Walt Farrell wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:20:58 +, Bob Shannon
 AFAIK the only fella that grabs storage from the 2G-4G area is Java 
 via an
 IBM-internal API
 IIRC, the Private Area above the bar begins at 16Gb. Everything below 
 is reserved for Java. This change was implemented via PTF.
 I'm pretty sure it's higher than that as of z/OS V1.12, Bob, with the 
 implementation of the local system area (LOCALSYSAREA=YES on IARV64 
 GETSTOR). But I don't remember the details.

John McKown

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Walt Farrell
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 17:10:08 +, Bill Fairchild wrote:

I believe you mean the USE2GTO32G=»NO|YES keyword, which defaults to NO
and which allows the caller to acquire virtual storage above the 2G
proto-bar but possibly below the 4G quasi-bar, or even up to the 32G
neo-bar.  SYS1.MACLIB(IARV64) shows this parameter as existing, but the
Authorized Assembler Services book (SA22-7610-17; SEP 2009) contains zero
instances of the character string USE2G. 

And there are no other references because that keyword is not an intended
programming interface. As I recall there are a lot of MVS macro parameters
that are not documented in the books, for just that reason.


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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Jim Thomas
Ozone ?? .. Nozone ??. Javazone ? ... (and I'm trying to be nice :-))
although ... I really do like 'mini-bar' .. 

Kind Regards

Jim Thomas
617-233-4130 (mobile)
636-294-1014(res) (Email)

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of David Cole
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

Hi Bruno,

It seems useful to me to have a distinct 
shorthand way to refer to the 2G line vs. the 4G 
line. Since bar already refers to the 4G line, 
using mini-bar to refer to the 2G line appeals to me.

As regards to a name for the 2G-4G area, 
DEADZONE is something I came up with back in 
2004 for use by z/XDC. But now the dead zone isn't so dead anymore, is it...

Since 2G-32G is now reserved for use by JAVA, 
maybe the JAVAHUTT???  (Jabba_the_Hutt is probably a bit too long.)


At 7/5/2011 02:24 AM, Bruno Sugliani wrote:
So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? Ok, you guys
can go ahead and fight it out. Me? I'm just going to call it above
the mini bar.

Kiss principle :

Why don't you call it the bar like it should be ?

Or are you a toetotaller ?

Sincères salutations / Best regards


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z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:38:25 -0400, Jim Mulder wrote:

  The z/OS 1.13 preview (Feb 15, 2011) says:

I must have been napping about then.  But I checked the IBM-MAIN
archives around mid-February, and I can't readily find a URL for
this.  Help!

z/OS will be designed to support some programs running in 64-bit storage,
provided that they meet certain restrictions. This is intended to provide 

certain restrictions.  Does this restrict ATB execution to contexts
such that the PSW needn't appear in a TCB or an RB, or will there
be support for unscrunched PSWs in those control blocks?  (Or must
I wait for the full announcement?)

storage constraint relief to applications, particularly those that imbed code
in data areas for performance reasons.

Why would there be an advantage to imbedding code in data areas?
Sometimes this disrupts pipelining; the conventional wisdom is
to keep code and data in separate pages, isn't it?  Does it
facilitate baseless coding?


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Re: Enclave help

2011-07-05 Thread Ward, Mike S
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Scott Chapman
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: Enclave help

AFAIK, there's nothing available within z/OS itself to cancel an 
individual enclave, although I certainly have wanted that capability 
sometimes.  This makes sense when you think about what enclaves 

Thanks for the reply. Will try it out.

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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Staller, Allan
Try here:

search for 211-007


  The z/OS 1.13 preview (Feb 15, 2011) says:

I must have been napping about then.  But I checked the IBM-MAIN
archives around mid-February, and I can't readily find a URL for
this.  Help!

z/OS will be designed to support some programs running in 64-bit
provided that they meet certain restrictions. This is intended to
provide virtual


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Re: PDSE cache

2011-07-05 Thread Elmer Latorre
Hi Miklos,
Adding to Peter Relson's mail.
Member data for Non-SMS PDSEs are not cached. 
If The PDSE is not a pogram object then it must be an SMS managed for 
member caching to occur and the sequential response in the storage clase 
must be set to a very low value.

Elmer Latorre
PDSE Devepment Team 

On 7/2/2011 4:40 PM, Peter Relson wrote:
 Simple rule: if you want modules cached, the library needs to be managed
 by LLA.

 If LLA deems the module cache-worthy then it will either do the caching
 using VLF or may notify PDSE processing to do it.

 If I remember correctly, long ago, long before z/OS 1.11, PDSE processing
 used to try to cache almost everything. Then all of that caching was
 removed. And then it was put back for cases where LLA felt it worthwhile.

 Peter Relson
 z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: Enclave help

2011-07-05 Thread Gerhard Adam
Why not simply quiesce it?  This is readily available from SDSF.

To try to resolve this (at least partially) I put it in 
my SC with a RG cap of 1 SU, varied the zIIP off line to get it on the 
GCP, then put the zIIP back online.  This seemed to slow it down, 
although I'm still not sure why it worked as well as it did: I expected it 
to bounce back to the zIIP and run away again in short order.  

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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Tony Harminc
On 5 July 2011 13:28, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:38:25 -0400, Jim Mulder wrote:

storage constraint relief to applications, particularly those that imbed code
in data areas for performance reasons.

 Why would there be an advantage to imbedding code in data areas?
 Sometimes this disrupts pipelining; the conventional wisdom is
 to keep code and data in separate pages, isn't it?  Does it
 facilitate baseless coding?

I suspect it's a larger scale than that. The OO paradigm has
objects, with both code and data (uh, methods and fields) in one
logical place, but not necessarily so close together as to cause cache
line discards.

Tony H.

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SHARE Future Conferences 2012

2011-07-05 Thread Knutson, Sam


For anyone not keeping close tabs on the SHARE web site the conference
venues for 2012 were announced. 


SHARE in Atlanta

March 11-16, 2012

Atlanta, Georgia

Omni CNN Center


SHARE in Anaheim

Anaheim Marriott Hotel

August 5 -10, 2012

Anaheim, California 


Looking forward to SHARE in Orlando in August 2011! 


August 7-12, 2011 | Walt Disney World Dolphin | Orlando, Florida


Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
System z Team Leader  
(office)  301.986.3574 
(cell) 301.996.1318  

Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast... 


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Re: Z/OS Maintenance

2011-07-05 Thread Skip Robinson
I left Brian's text intact because it contains advice worth seeing again. 
Some additional points.

Besides RSU there are other good mechanisms as well:

--- ASAP and AST tracking with email notification in IBM ServiceLink. I 
feed my current FMID inventory into ASAP--I wish that were easier to 
accomplish--and then track those APARs that look pertinent. I don't 
generally bother tracking PE or HIPER fixes because those will show up in 
a 'critical fix' order. The ATTENTION fixes may not show up, however, so I 
track them in AST.

--- Periodic ERROR SYSMOD reports (already mentioned). 

--- FIXCAT reports. Fix Category is a relatively new mechanism similar to 
PSP buckets but way easier to use. A FIXCAT report will show a wide 
variety of available fixes that various component groups have identified 
as very important to install. Caution: in order to get FIXCAT HOLD 
records, you must request the entire inventory of enhanced hold data each 
time you pull it. In other words, FTP 'get full.txt' from .

There's that old saw about not fixing something that ain't broke. My 
response is that it's *always* broke. You may or may not personally 
encounter the problem, but every corrective APAR tells a tale of woe for 
some poor soul somewhere. 

Software installation these days comes pretty close to a science, but 
software maintenance is still an art. You have to balance conflicting 
interests and goals and adopt a practice that works for you in your shop. 

At the end of the day, if a big problem befalls you, and you have to tell 
the story to your boss, would you rather have to explain why you... 

1. installed a HIPER PTF that went south, or
2. refrained from installing a HIPER PTF because (insert tailored excuse 

I like #1 because it shifts blame to the fix provider. It's also less 
taxing on the imagination than #2. 

JO.Skip Robinson
SCE Infrastructure Technology Services
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

From:   Brian Westerman
Date:   07/05/2011 02:38 AM
Subject:Re: Z/OS Maintanance
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List

I also have been working with MVS since before (just) 1980, and I can
honestly tell you that the correct answer is It depends.  The important
part is to actually do the maintenance and not get (too) far behind. There
are a lot of sites that tend to get several releases (years) behind and 
they end up calling me (or someone else) to get them back up to date. 
important thing is that you do some sort of maintenance on some sort of
schedule.  The IBM REDBOOK pointed to previously in this thread is 
very good about giving hints on how you should perform the maintenance
aspect of our Systems Programming jobs. 

Maintenance used to take a REALLY long time, and now it's actually fairly
simple.  There are a lot of factors to consider and the more complex your
site, the higher the difficulty level in keeping relatively current. You
really have to plan your system for the method you choose.  There are 
that feel that they can apply maint on a fixed schedule, and if that works
for them then that is fine.  There are others that believe that you should
install a new release once a year (or two) and only put on maintenance 
you absolutely need in order to fix a problem that you are experiencing. 
That's fine as well.  What ever you decide, it will be great for you and
your site.

Personally, I like the method of installing a new release periodically and
applying the current maintenance (as needed), and then doing all (or most)
of the hyper fixes in between.  It's a little more work, but it tends to
work out good for me.  I don't have a fixed schedule, but I try to keep 
sites that I maintain at about the same level.  There are quite a few. 
reasons are because if I run into a problem at one site, I can be 
and fix it for the others as well.  It's terrible to admit, but this way I
look really good because the ones that reported the problem are happy that 
fixed it for them, and the others are totally thrilled that I was 
out for them.  It's sort of a win-win thing, but I have to admit that it 
a little more work on my end to keep everyone relatively equal. 

Also, by equal, I don't necessarily meant hat they are even at the same
release, I maintain sites from 1.4 (unfortunately, and until recently I
still had several OS/390 sites) ) to 1.12, but (where I can) they are all 
the same level of maintenance.  Most fixes are applied back to the older
releases (as long as they are supported) so it's not as hard or as complex
as it might seem.  I try to keep them all as current as possible, but not
all of them want (or need) to be on z/OS 1.12 so I try to be as flexible 
possible, while keeping them all current (as much 

Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Ward, Mike S
I agree, I enjoy reading Shai's technical aspects. You can tell he is
very excited about his product and how he's making great progress in its

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Lindy Mayfield
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

i would love that.  i think it is way cool software, and I've always
been interested in knowing more about it.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of shai hess
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

Alan Altmark:
discussing the technical aspects of the product

I think that technical issue is very proper to this forum.
All this forum is technical question and answer.  

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Re: Z/OS Maintenance

2011-07-05 Thread Patrick Lyon
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:36:17 -0700, Skip Robinson wrote:

At the end of the day, if a big problem befalls you, and you have to tell
the story to your boss, would you rather have to explain why you...

1. installed a HIPER PTF that went south, or
2. refrained from installing a HIPER PTF because (insert tailored excuse

I like #1 because it shifts blame to the fix provider. 

Or back on you because you didn't properly test the said fix.  But everyone's 
miles may vary.

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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Edward Jaffe

On 7/5/2011 10:28 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

z/OS will be designed to support some programs running in 64-bit storage,
provided that they meet certain restrictions. This is intended to provide 

certain restrictions.  Does this restrict ATB execution to contexts
such that the PSW needn't appear in a TCB or an RB, or will there
be support for unscrunched PSWs in those control blocks?  (Or must
I wait for the full announcement?)

The operating system control blocks now handle 64-bit PSWs such that an 
interrupt while executing above the bar is supported. No abend occurs.

storage constraint relief to applications, particularly those that imbed code

in data areas for performance reasons.

Why would there be an advantage to imbedding code in data areas?
Sometimes this disrupts pipelining; the conventional wisdom is
to keep code and data in separate pages, isn't it?  Does it
facilitate baseless coding?

It is often convenient to embed custom-generated code to handle custom-generated 
data within the data itself. Without support for above-the-bar execution, such 
programs would need to manage two areas for each data structure: one above the 
bar and one below the bar. Of course, code and data must be in separate cache lines.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview

2011-07-05 Thread Steve Comstock

On 7/5/2011 2:17 PM, Edward Jaffe wrote:

On 7/5/2011 10:28 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

z/OS will be designed to support some programs running in 64-bit storage,
provided that they meet certain restrictions. This is intended to provide

certain restrictions. Does this restrict ATB execution to contexts
such that the PSW needn't appear in a TCB or an RB, or will there
be support for unscrunched PSWs in those control blocks? (Or must
I wait for the full announcement?)

The operating system control blocks now handle 64-bit PSWs such that an
interrupt while executing above the bar is supported. No abend occurs.

WOW! That's a big deal.

Is this documented somewhere public? Or is this NDA?

Do you what the certain restrictions are? Can you tell us? Can
you tell us how it's done?

storage constraint relief to applications, particularly those that imbed code

in data areas for performance reasons.

Why would there be an advantage to imbedding code in data areas?
Sometimes this disrupts pipelining; the conventional wisdom is
to keep code and data in separate pages, isn't it? Does it
facilitate baseless coding?

It is often convenient to embed custom-generated code to handle custom-generated
data within the data itself. Without support for above-the-bar execution, such
programs would need to manage two areas for each data structure: one above the
bar and one below the bar. Of course, code and data must be in separate cache


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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Re: Z/OS Maintenance

2011-07-05 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 14:52:03 -0500, Patrick Lyon wrote:

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 12:36:17 -0700, Skip Robinson wrote:

1. installed a HIPER PTF that went south, or
2. refrained from installing a HIPER PTF because (insert tailored excuse

I like #1 because it shifts blame to the fix provider.

Or back on you because you didn't properly test the said fix.

How would you properly test a vendor's HIPER PTF?  Do you attempt to 
test every PTF that you apply to ensure that it won't break something else?

Tom Marchant

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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:17:26 -0700, Edward Jaffe wrote:

The operating system control blocks now handle 64-bit PSWs such that an
interrupt while executing above the bar is supported. No abend occurs.

They put a 64-bit address in a 64-bit PSW?  This leaves precious
little room for flags.

-- gil

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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread John McKown
PSW on a z machine is 128 bits or 16 bytes or 4 fullwords aka a
quadword. z/OS compresses this to a doubleword by assuming that the
instruction address is below 2 GiB and eliminates a lot of the bits
which are always set to 0 because they are currently unused by the
hardware (must be zero?). See page 4-5 of the current POPS. 

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 16:53 -0500, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:17:26 -0700, Edward Jaffe wrote:
 The operating system control blocks now handle 64-bit PSWs such that an
 interrupt while executing above the bar is supported. No abend occurs.
 They put a 64-bit address in a 64-bit PSW?  This leaves precious
 little room for flags.
 -- gil
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John McKown

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Rick Fochtman


Unselectable Storage Segment ... ???
Seems a reasonable  acronym - shouldn't cause any controversy.

Shane ...

Knee-slapper of the finest order.  :-)


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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Edward Jaffe

On 7/5/2011 2:53 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:17:26 -0700, Edward Jaffe wrote:

The operating system control blocks now handle 64-bit PSWs such that an
interrupt while executing above the bar is supported. No abend occurs.

They put a 64-bit address in a 64-bit PSW?  This leaves precious
little room for flags.

LOL! Sorry, I often loosely use the adjective '64-bit' to describe any structure 
that supports AMODE(64) programs. I should have said the 128-bit or 
z/Architecture PSW.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-338-0400 x318

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AUTO: out of the office: Syed HAMDANI/HBEU/HSBC is out of the office. (returning 07/07/2011)

2011-07-05 Thread Syed Hamdani
I am out of the office until 07/07/2011.

If it is urgent please contact Mark Hendley on 76863307 otherwise I will
respond to your message when I return.

Note: This is an automated response to your message  Re: Lines, Bars
and ... mini-bars??? sent on 6/7/11 0:33:21.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.


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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Rick Fochtman


So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...

Above the line means 16M.
Above the bar  means 4G.

But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For
the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).

So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? . . .

Black hole.

Let's call it a zero-gravity black hole, since it doesn't seem to 
attract anything except questions.  :-)


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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Gibney, Dave
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
 Behalf Of Rick Fochtman
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 4:38 PM
 Subject: Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???
 So I'm working on XDC adding support for debugging execution above
 the bar, when I run into a nomenclature problem...
 Above the line means 16M.
 Above the bar  means 4G.
 But AMODE(31) supports execution in only the zero to 2G range. For
 the 2G to 4G range, you need AMODE(64).
 So what is the name for the 2G to 4G range of storage? . . .

I've never had a problem considering it within the bar. I always thought of 
the bar as being 2G thick as opposed to the 2 dimensional line. High School 
geometry concept :)

Dave Gibney
Information Technology Services
Washington State University

 Black hole.
 Let's call it a zero-gravity black hole, since it doesn't seem to
 attract anything except questions.  :-)
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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Rick Fochtman

Since bars unlike lines do have some thickness I like to think of the 
bar being the range from 2G - 4G but that's just me.

Since there's no defined mechanism to obtain storage in this area, I 
prefer to think of it like an electric fence. Touch it and die!


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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Ed Gould
While I am sure its a nice product, a list dedicated to it is appropriate.


Sent from my iPad

On Jul 4, 2011, at 8:46 PM, Richard Pinion wrote:

 MFNetDisk is a wonderful product of which the developer does not charge one 
 single penny!
 My company has saved 10's of thousands of US dollars by using this free 
 product. You might 
 say that it is not a good idea to put production data in the hands of such a 
 product. I 
 say, we simply would not be able to accomplish what we have without it. In 
 other words, 
 our company would not be in business without MFNetDisk. We would not be able 
 to purchase 
 the TB's of mainframe disk storage that MFNetDisk gives us.
 The postings from the developer are very useful to me and the company I work 
 for. I
 don't consider them to be ads. If you find them bothersome, then you are 
 free not
 to read them. 
 --- wrote:
 From: Ed Gould
 Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN
 Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 19:55:59 -0500
 I was going to write you off list but since you brought it up. There is a on 
 going advertisement on the list here that started as a minor annoyance and 
 become a major pita.
 That is the bandwidth pig on IBM-MAIN of mfnet or what ever it's called. IMO 
 it should be moved off to a separate list. The constant announcements of 
 features and bugs and trial offers is getting past noise and is worth setting 
 up a spam filter for. 
 Could you please consider asking the author to create it's own list, please? 
 Sent from my iPad
 On Jul 4, 2011, at 2:45 PM, Darren Evans-Young wrote:
 Ads are supposed to be approved by me prior to posting.
 If someone is abusing advertising on the list, please
 let me know off-list. I can set them to NOPOST, meaning
 I will have to approve every post they send to the list.
 Darren (still the list owner)
 On Mon, 4 Jul 2011, Linda Mooney wrote:
 I agree completely with Shmuel. 
 - Original Message -
 From: Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
 Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2011 5:34:09 PM
 Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN
 on 07/01/2011
 at 08:10 PM, Lindy Mayfield said:
 Not sure if this is my business to say so, but normally on this list
 we try to keep ads to a minimum.
 It's the business of every subscriber to complain about advertisements
 that are out of bounds, although the moderator has the final say.
 Though I'd say that a few people contribute to the list 95% of the
 time, and only advertise in a very subtle way. Email footers, for
 IMHO boilerplate affiliation notices in the signature are both
 appropriate and desirable.
 Just saying. Me personally, I can simply not click on things.
 If you're referring to spam sent to addresses harvested from the list,
 that's abuse and should be reported if you understand how to correctly
 identify the origin. If you're referring to job notices approved by
 the moderator, I consider them desirable.
 Remember someone once, and only once, posted a job query with his
 resume, etc?
 As I recall he didn't have the moderator's prior approval.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see
 We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
 (S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)
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 Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.
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Re: z/OS 1.13 preview (was: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???)

2011-07-05 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 17:52:39 -0500, John McKown wrote:

PSW on a z machine is 128 bits or 16 bytes or 4 fullwords aka a
quadword. z/OS compresses this to a doubleword by assuming that the
instruction address is below 2 GiB and eliminates a lot of the bits
which are always set to 0 because they are currently unused by the
hardware (must be zero?). See page 4-5 of the current POPS.

OK.  (I now must log in to get the PoOps!?)  I looked at that,
and p. 4-6, and Chapter 6 (briefly) and LPSW and LPSWE.  Is
scrunch official terminology or something an IBM employee
used casually in these pages?

I'm delighted that unassigned bits are required to be zero, else
a specification exception is recognized, and it won't dispatch
to an instruction address inconsistent with the AMODE.

Apparently an interruption always saves a 16-byte PSW.  It must
be a responsibility of software in the FLIH to form an 8-byte
PSW if needed for LPSW.

What's the rationale for bit 12?  It must be 0 for LPSWE and 1
for LPSW, but in either case a 0 is loaded into the PSW.

But none of this would seem to support forming a 64-bit PSW
when an interrupt [occurs] while executing above the bar.

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 16:53 -0500, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:17:26 -0700, Edward Jaffe wrote:
 The operating system control blocks now handle 64-bit PSWs such that an
 interrupt while executing above the bar is supported. No abend occurs.
 They put a 64-bit address in a 64-bit PSW?  This leaves precious
 little room for flags.

Other comments on the Preview wherein I also read:

# Enhancements are planned for the IEBCOPY utility that are intended
  to improve performance when copying a partitioned data set (PDS)
  to another PDS. In addition, IEBCOPY is planned to exploit 31-bit
  storage for track buffers, and the current requirement for APF
  authorization is planned to be removed in z/OS V1.13.

Wow!  Then I could run SMP/E also without APF authorization,
provided I avoid using the WAIT option on DDDEFS.  Could this
result in a relaxation of the constraints introduced by the
notorious APAR IO11698?  I insist on my view that if a program
operating without APF authorization can leverage an integrity
exposure, the OS itself needs repair; it is insufficient to
repair that program or restrict access to it.

And: (Steve C. mentioned this in February):

# Support is planned for in-stream data sets to be used within
  JCL procedures and for include statements. ...


# JCL enhancements are designed to make programming JCL easier,
  and give you more control of your batch applications. Functions
  such as in-stream data in catalogue procedures, ...

Is catalogue[d] a requirement, or does the enhancement also
pertain to in-stream procedures?  The adjective is present in
the later paragraph; absent from the earlier.  (Yah, I know,
it's only a preview.)  What is it trying to say about include
statements?  Now we need symbol substitution in in-stream
data sets.

# Access Method Services (IDCAMS) is planned to support a new
  option for the LISTCAT LEVEL command. This new option is
  designed to allow you to specify whether related component
  names be listed when a data set entry is listed based on the
  pattern specified by LEVEL. For example, if a cluster name is
  listed, the new option is designed to allow you to specify
  whether the DATA and INDEX entries are also listed. This is
  intended to make it easier to customize LISTCAT output and
  reduce unwanted or unneeded LISTCAT data.

Will this facility be extended to ISPF DSLIST?  The clutter has
long been a (minor) annoyance.

# A new utility, IEBPDSE, will be designed to verify that the
  structure of a PDSE is valid, ...

fsck for PDSE!?

# z/OS V1.13 is planned to be the last release to support
  BPX.DEFAULT.USER. IBM recommends that you either use the
  BPX.UNIQUE.USER support that was introduced in z/OS V1.11,
  or assign unique UIDs to users who need them and assign
  GIDs for their groups.

Good riddance?  But will some admins complain?

-- gil

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Startio (Was: Ads on IBM-MAIN)

2011-07-05 Thread Lindy Mayfield

Why do you use STARTIO instead of the supported interfaces?  What does STARTIO 
do for  you that the other, like EXCEP doesn't do?


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Ed Gould
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

While I am sure its a nice product, a list dedicated to it is appropriate.


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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread John McKown
Is there a free list host available? Shai likely can't afford a
commercial service.

On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 12:15 -0500, Ed Gould wrote:
 While I am sure its a nice product, a list dedicated to it is appropriate.

John McKown

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Mike Schwab
How about yahoo groups?
Even allows file storage.
Or sourceforge.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 7:58 PM, John McKown wrote:
 Is there a free list host available? Shai likely can't afford a
 commercial service.

 On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 12:15 -0500, Ed Gould wrote:
 While I am sure its a nice product, a list dedicated to it is appropriate.


Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread Ed Gould

Yes it's called Google or Yahoo.


Sent from my iPad

On Jul 5, 2011, at 7:58 PM, John McKown wrote:

 Is there a free list host available? Shai likely can't afford a
 commercial service.
 On Tue, 2011-07-05 at 12:15 -0500, Ed Gould wrote:
 While I am sure its a nice product, a list dedicated to it is appropriate.
 John McKown
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Re: Ads on IBM-MAIN

2011-07-05 Thread shai hess
IBM-MAIN to my opinion is not suppose to be democratic forum.
I was wrong when I came to conclusion that I contribute to this forum
by talking technically about my product to everyone.
I came to conclusion that good feed backs mean that  all the people of
this forum like my posts. I was wrong.
I was wrong, even if minority group think that my posts are not OK to
publish in this forum, I must accept it.
So, I will slow down my posts. I will try to force myself to publish 1
post in one month or so if I have something important to say.
No, exciting, but balance and control that what I expect from myself
from now on if I can control myself.
Sorry if I cause some bad feeling to people in this forum.
God bless you all.

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Re: Lines, Bars and ... mini-bars???

2011-07-05 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 11:02 -0500 on 07/05/2011, Paul Gilmartin wrote about Re: Lines, 
Bars and ... mini-bars???:

Not very special.  The 2 GiB thickness of the bar is a product of
the fertile imagination of z/OS.  Other OSes routinely permit use
of storage within that range, and routinely support execution above
2GiB and above 4 GiB.

The need for the bar has a number of reasons. One of the major ones 
is that in 32Bit Addressing the high bit of the 32bit addresses was 
used as a flag to signal end-of-parm-list. Thus the maximum address 
that could be passed was 2GiB-1. While a non-zero high word in the 
64Bit addresses says that an address was over 4GiB, a zero high word 
with the high bit on in the low word could be mean with an address 
between 2GiB and 4 GiB-1 OR a flagged address under 2GiB so that 2GiB 
range is banned for addresses so that only the flag meaning is valid.

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Re: Trapping the LPAR Deactivate signal on z/OS?

2011-07-05 Thread Shane
Not having played with the BCPii, my understanding is that it can't be
invoked by a (z/VM) guest, and needs a SE to talk to.

Dave, does the zPDT base code emulate a SE at all, let alone this
functionality ? (I don't have one to play on). A question probably
better directed at Bill over on the yahoo group I guess.

Shane ...

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 08:07:38 -0500 Staller, Allan wrote:
 Just to clarify, BCP/II is a mixture of HW/SW that allows
 communication with the HMC.
 I think the plumbing you need is already in place. Just needs to be

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Web version of mainframes

2011-07-05 Thread jagadishan perumal
Hi Group,

Just wanted to know whether a web version of mainframe can be implemented.
One of our user is trying to access from a remote location using a wireless
internet in which the IP changes everytime.


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